Council Elections 2nd May 2019 Bruce Broughton- Tompkins Your Local Choice for Uckfield East Ward

Ensuring your voice is heard at Wealden District Council

YOUR LOCAL CHOICE I am proud to be standing for election in the newly-formed ward of Uckfield East, where I live. Fifteen years ago I was elected as a Wealden councillor for St John’s Ward in , where I lived; a post I held for almost four years until we moved away. I found being a councillor rewarding (assisting residents with their various issues), and I was a member of the Planning Committee. This was of particular interest to me having owned a construction company for over forty years. I could see the planning issues from both sides of the fence. During my time as a councillor I was heavily involved in the retention of free parking in Wealden, something which I am still proud of. I also represented the council on their leisure provider (Freedom Leisure’s) Board as well as working on many planning issues. I find practical issues most interesting, including environmental health and recycling. I am retired now and, together with Catherine my wife, we have three children and four grandchildren, and live just off the High Street. I am Secretary to the Uckfield Rotary Club and Regional Organiser for the Royal Photographic Society covering , Surrey and Kent. A lifelong Conservative, at local level I believe strongly that politics should not enter into the day-to-day issues of the town and district authorities.

Your local Conservative candidate for Uckfield East Ward

Bruce Broughton-Tompkins email bruce.broughton telephone 07482 275 811 Bruce Broughton- Tompkins

Local Issues, Local Action, Local Conservatives Find out more at Caring and Campaigning for our Community

PUTTING UCKFIELD FIRST Living in Uckfield, I look recreational areas. forward to representing the town Parking around the college is a and the wider district. To this end particular issue, and one which I will work with residents and is difficult to resolve. However, residents’ associations (such as working together, we need to Manor Park and Hempstead find a solution. Fields Residents’ Association), to help with their good work such The re-development of the High as finding a solution to the poor Street has been a great success, state of the twittens and parking creating a better balance be- issues. tween pedestrians and road- users. I am particularly interested in the proposals for the riverside walk, The next two phases will bring and am determined to work to greater improvement to the retain our green spaces and town.


SUSTAINABILITY SURGERIES PARKING A new waste contractor has been I intend having a regular surgery for I am aware of the problems with parking appointed to start on 1st July. If elected, I anyone wanting to discuss issues, and in the ward and general congestion will ensure that it brings benefits to all will be available by telephone and email. particularly at school-leaving time. residents. In Wealden we have the best recycling rate in and are I look forward to hearing from you As the college is re-developed, I will one of the best performers nationally. during my campaign. Contact details are ensure that these issues are taken into We send only 1% of waste to landfill and overleaf. consideration. must continue to be leaders in recycling.

5 Good reasons to Vote Conservative on May 2nd 1 LOW COUNCIL TAX 3 FREE PARKING 5 STRONG LOCAL Conservatives have kept 45 years ... and continuing. CONTROL Wealden’s council tax as low as Conservatives will continue to Conservative-controlled possible and we will continue to campaign to keep car parking in Wealden is an experienced and campaign to do so. Wealden council car parks FREE. reliable council protecting local interests. This is not the time to UCKFIELD HIGH 4 GOOD FINANCIAL risk our future. 2 STREET MANAGEMENT Conservatives work to keep our Wealden is a well-managed town and village high streets council. Conservatives are vibrant and diverse. delivering good services and offering value for money. Polling Stations on May 2nd are open from 7am to 10pm. Uckfield

Promoted by Terri Lock on behalf of Bruce Broughton-Tompkins, both of Unit 6 Villandry, Newhaven, East Sussex BN9 9GB Dowling Creative Ltd, 75 High Street, Uckfield, East Sussex, TN22 1AA