Traditional Restaurants Inaugurated in Semnan A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin A

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Traditional Restaurants Inaugurated in Semnan A, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin A No.2279,Saturday,20 February,2021 New boundaries have been defined for two ancient hills, and a historical garden in the www TOURISMpaper com western province of Lorestan, the provincial tourism chief said.Brahmai hill in Delfan- . county, Kenijuni hill in Kuhdasht, and Falahat garden in the provincial capital of Khor- The World`s Only Print Tourism Newspaper ramabad were demarcated to prevent further destruction and damage, Seyyed Amin Qasemi stated.The demarcation projects are aimed to pave the way for better conser- vation, and protecting them from illegal excavations within their properties. Lorestan, which is a region of raw beauty, was inhabited by Iranian Indo-European peoples, Historical Properties in including the Medes, c. 1000 BC. Cimmerians and Scythians intermittently ruled the region from about 700 to 625 BC. The Luristan Bronzes noted for their eclectic array of Lorestan Demarcated Assyrian, Babylonian, and Iranian artistic motifs, date from this turbulent period. to receive Better Care 4 cooking Spinach Soup Spinach Soup is a healthy and nutritious soup. It contains high amounts of vitamin Traditional Restaurants Inaugurated in Semnan A, vitamin B6 and vitamin A. It’s also high in manganese. wo traditional restau- lion rials ($476,000) has been highly popular in the east and people enjoy trying traditional linking Rey (Tehran) with Kho- rants, and a recreational allocated to the tourist com- the west for its freshness and dishes, or local foods when rasan (Mashhad). While few Ingredients: ■ 3 oz (85g) Spinach T tourist complex were in- plex, which has been granted deliciousness. The Persian traveling to a new destination. visitors spend much time in the ■ 1/2 Cup Oatmeal augurated within the historical the first-ever agritourism permit kitchen can retain its unique- So, if you are among this group, area, driving through you can ■ 1 1/4 Cup Chicken Broth (10 floz) core of the north-central city of issued in the province, he ex- ness by preparing meals within Iran will be an amazing choice easily seek out several well- ■ 1/4 Cup Half & Half Milk Semnan. preserved caravanserais (no- ■ 1 Onion Developing tourism infrastruc- tably Dehnamak and Ahowan), ■ 1 Garlic Clove ture in the historical core of cisterns (the Cafe Abenbar in ■ 2 Tbsp Vegetable Oil the city could lay the ground to Garmsar is a special treat), and ■ Turmeric, Salt, Ground Chili Pepper attract more tourists and holi- ruined mud citadels (Padeh daymakers, which could lead is lumpy but fascinating). The to economic prosperity in the large, bustling cities of Sem- region, the provincial tourism nan, Damghan, and Shahrud chief has said. (Bastam) all have a small se- With an area of 357 hectares, lection of historic buildings and the historical structure of Sem- Semnan has a fine old covered nan is one of the oldest and bazaar. most important ones of its kind The history of Semnan dates in the country, which includes back to ancient Iran when the monuments from the Ilkhanid city was part of the Median Em- period (1256–1353) to the Qa- pire. At the time of the Achae- jar era (1789–1925). menid Empire of Persia, Sem- Although the country is fac- nan was a magnificent city. Directions: 1- Fry the diced onions until golden (veg- ing several problems and is- After the attack of Alexander, etable oil). sues due to the outbreak of Semnan became famous as 2- Mash in a garlic clove. Stir and con- the coronavirus, the tourism Koomesh. The great era of the tinue frying for 2 more minutes. sector of Semnan province prosperity of this city began af- 3- Stir in the spinach. has not stopped its develop- ter the advent of the Parthian 4- Add turmeric, salt, ground chili pepper. ment plans so far, Mehdi Ja- Empire. 5- Stir in oatmeal, stir and continue frying mal announced.A total budget Due to its location, which was for couple of more minutes. of 120 billion rials ($2.8 million on the traffic center of the north, 6- Pour in chicken broth, and stir thor- at the official exchange rate south, east, and west, Semnan oughly. of 42,000 rials per dollar) has had always been the subject of 7- Cover the pot with a lid and simmer for been allocated to the traditional plained. a range of subtle and yet con- for your next vacation. a struggle for power in the Sas- 5 to 7 minutes. restaurants, which generate job Enriched with a colorful and yet trasting flavors, such as a com- The main population centers of sanid period. In the Sassanid 8- Stir in half & half milk. opportunities for 63 people, the healthy diversity of dishes that bination of sweet and sour or Semnan province lie along the and post-Islamic periods, the official added. are peculiar to various regions mild and rarely, spicy. ancient Silk Road (and modern- city was the basis of central Furthermore, a budget of 20 bil- of this country, Iranian food is Travel insiders say that many day Imam Reza Expressway), governments in the area. Meet Elderly Tinsmith who’s a Living Human Treasure UNESCO World Heritage: Restoration Work eyyed Mohammad BaqerZarra- ing after cleaning the bath, the person bian, whose name has been in charge of the bath announced the S inscribed on the national list of preparation of the bath with this device.” Continues at Tabriz living human treasure, is an old hand “Scoopula was another tool that we Iranian tinsmith. made in those years. It is widely used in The 86-year-old artisan, who lives in the nut shops…. We also made oil lamps, Bazaar Complex ancient city of Hamedan, started work which were very practical in the past.”In as a tinsmith at the age of seven at his response to a question about the secret father’s workshop. behind his achievements, he noted: “I learned the art of tin making from my “The key to success in this work was to father during the Second World War, revive my father’s job ....this way, I will and for 32 years I was interested in try to keep this art alive…. I have pub- learning this art under the banner of my lished a book on the art of tin making in father. [After his demise] I continued this ancient Hamedan.” way and art up to present,” Zarrabian Unlike blacksmiths (who work mostly said in a recent interview with CHTN. with hot metals), tinsmiths do the major- “I have received many commendations ity of their work on cold metal (although from the authorities and I have actively they might use a hearth to heat and participated in several handicraft fairs.” help shape their raw materials). Tin- Answering a question about the tools he made at one of the tools made from Aleppo, it was originally smiths fabricate items such as water pitchers, forks, the times, the artisan explained: “The bath horn was a news medium that at three o’clock in the morn- spoons, and candle holders. total of 200 shops have been restored in the UNESCO- Ancient Petroglyphs designated bazaar of Tabriz during the current Iranian A year (started March 2020), months after a blaze swept through the ancient site. Discovered in Western Iran “The directorate of the UNESCO-registered complex issues 20 nother cluster of ancient petroglyphs has recently restoration permits on average for the shops located within the been discovered in a barren plain in Lorestan province, site… and 200 shops have undergone rehabilitation work since A western Iran.“The petroglyphs, which bear carved the beginning of the year,” the provincial tourism chief, Ahmad symbols and figures in the two colors of black and ocher, Hamzezadeh announced. were discovered during an architectural survey conducted In May 2019, a blaze inflicted damage to sections of the mar- in Chegeni county ketplace, which embraces countless shops, over 20 caravanse- SSkillskills ooff Bread-makingBread-making WWinin CulturalCultural of Lorestan prov- rais and inns, and several vast domed halls, bathhouses, and ince,” the provin- mosques. HHeritageeritage SStatustatus cial tourism chief, A labyrinth of interconnected covered passages that stretches Seyyed Amin Qa- for about 5 km, the historic bazaar of Tabriz has been a UN- wo separate traditional skills of by cooking fermented dough, basically semi, announced ESCO World Heritage Site since 2010 and was mentioned by bread-making, which have long made from wheat flour, yeast, and wa- on Monday.“The Marco Polo when he traveled the Silk Road in the Middle Ages. T been practiced in the western ter. Several additives may be added drawings include Soaked in history and culture for millennia, Tabriz, which is the province of Ilam, have won national to the wheat flour-yeast-water dough animal, human, capital of East Azarbaijan, embraces several historical and re- cultural heritage status.the bread- to increase the shelf life of bread and and plant motifs ligious sites, including the Jameh Mosque of Tabriz and Arg of making skills along with six other cul- improve its sweetness, quality, or even as well as scenes Tabriz, and UNESCO-registered Tabriz Historic Bazaar Complex tural elements were announced to be nutritional value.The most commonly of hunting and to name a few. registered on the National Intangible used additives are vegetables (such horseback rid- The city became the capital of the Mongol Il-Khan Mahmud Cultural Heritage list according to the as potato, onion, and spinach), fruits ing,” the official said.The Islamic Republic is seeking an in- Gazan (1295–1304) and his successor. Timur (Tamerlane), a Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tour- and nuts (such as raisins, walnuts, and tegrated UNESCO recognition for millennia-old petroglyphs Turkic conqueror, took it in 1392.
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