Transcript of Rachel Anne Ketton’s Diary

MS/109 1863

January - June 1869 January Friday 1st January A sharp frost. Went down to the farm. Went to the farm and found John had given Pastons warning as one of the sheep had died of starvation. The others went to to call on the M Pryor’s and met them coming here – pouring rain all night.

Saturday 2nd January Refusal from Mrs Upcher on the ground of fatigue at the Roger’s party. Looked over the plate with Duncan in the morning. Walked in the woods with John in the afternoon. The Directors of ‘O G’ at the Mansion House on a charge of conspiracy yesterday

Sunday 3rd January Refusal from Mrs Pigott; invitation for the girls to stay at with Anna Mary – Bobbie and Gertie went to and got wet through. Did not go out all day.

Monday 4th January Mr Mills called at 11 in a great state about the living as it appears Mr Hutton has again been deceiving. Pricilla and 2 of the girls called upon the Bosworth’s who were out. Spent great part of the day looking over the china and glass.

Tuesday 5th January Mr Mills lunched with us and went to Norwich with us afterwards. John, Ellen and I compared the party. A very warm rainy day.

Wednesday 6th January Shopping with Ellen till 2.30 home to lunch; shopping again till dark. Spent the evening at Bracondale. John at the quarter sessions hearing the Everett case all day. Duncan left Felbrigge in the morning after 2 ½ years service. Betts came in the evening.

Thursday 7th January Went with Ellen to Bridgeman who did not do anything to her teeth. Got to Bracondale at 12 went with Ellen over Bell’s houses and ordered a number of plants. Lunched at Bracondale – got home to Felbrigge at 8. Anna and Margaret went to stay at Northrepps.

Friday 8th January Spent the morning over bills and the afternoon in the orange house – very dull day.

Saturday 9th January Note from Margaret from Northrepps telling us of H Upcher’s engagement to Miss Sparke of Feltwell – one from Mrs Rogers on the subject of dancing men. Went to Mr Fish’s in the afternoon with Ellen and Robert and asked them to lunch on Friday. George went to Norwich for the day and Betts had all the work for himself.

Sunday 10th January Ellen played at both churches. Mr Mills told John he had ascertained that Mr Hutton had another year’s leave of absence.

Monday 11th January John went justicing and was not home till 5. P T took his seat on the bench – both the Upcher’s were at Feltwell. Anna and Margaret came from Northrepps in a rabid state and looking much thinner than when they went. Mr Fry who was coming to our dance called today he could not come and brought a note of 12 pages from Lady Buxton to the effect that the severe family trials they were passing through prevented their coming as they had agreed.

Tuesday 12th January Very busy about the preparations all day. Went with three of the girls and Bobbie to Mrs Rogers dance – about 70 people there and a very successful ball – got home at 4.15.

Wednesday 13th January Up at 8.30 dreadful headache. Telegraphed to Howlett the first thing for ball programmes and 2 musicians. Very hard work all day of course. A M Buxton came to tea in the schoolroom and brought her maid. About 50 people came, it was very well managed and went off very well.

Thursday 14th January Breakfasted at 10 in the schoolroom and going till lunch after which they took A M Buxton to Northrepps. P T came to call and stayed an hour. Anna did not come down.

Friday 15th January Mr Fish and Miss Shepheard came to lunch and see the greenhouse. Mr and Mrs M Pryor called to take leave as they leave Cromer on Monday.

Saturday 16th January Letter from Mrs J Hoare to Anna about one of Sam’s cats. A very nasty foggy day. John ready to go to but did not go.

Sunday 17th January A very wet morning. Priscilla and Ellen drove to Aylmerton – Ellen played at both churches. Anna not being well enough to go out all day.

Monday 18th January Went to the farm in the morning 3 of the girls walked to the Beacon. John went to Kelling on the pony and lost his way coming home. Priscilla and Anna drove to Cromer and saw Emma Pigott in Bull’s shop who told them she was going out for a long time. Read to John all the evening; the election petition for bribery against Sir H Stracey.

Tuesday 19th January Stracey unseated. Minnie and Bobbie rode towards Holt intending to lunch with the Rogers but met May and Miss Murray and Burcham coming to lunch with us and came back with them but just as Minnie reached home, Alfred Jodrell and Mr Gyll came; there was a bad lunch and five extra was very annoying. Priscilla walked about with them till four when they had tea in the schoolroom. Mr Spilling and Mr Bernard called but only stayed a few minutes.

Wednesday 20th January A very sharp frost. Mr and Mrs Mills called in the afternoon. Mr Mills had received a letter from Mr Hutton in answer to one he had written asking for his stipend mentioning that he should deduct income tax and speaking of Aylmerton as ‘the land so dear to us’.

Thursday 21st January John’s eye not so well. Spent the whole day in the library with him. Minnie and Bobbie rode to the yard to ask them to lunch and fishing on Saturday. Priscilla and Anna drove to Mrs Fishers to enquire for her and found her ill in bed.

Friday 22nd January John rather better. Walked with him at 12 to Meerings and had just reached home when E Jodrell And Captain Sharpe came down upon us to lunch. John received them and took luncheon with them and after they left at 3 he fancied he had caught cold at luncheon and did not give me any rest all night in consequence.

Saturday 23rd January At 11.30 Mr Cremer came to fish and brought his sister and A M Buxton, who lunched and went in the orange house. Mrs Mott and the two Miss Aldertons called. Mr Cremer caught 7 pike and they all had tea in the schoolroom and left at 5.30. John better but did not appear to any one but walked in the woods with his head tied up. Betts gave warning tonight. A very sharp black frost all day.

Sunday 24th January A very bright day intensely cold. Went to Felbrigge church in the morning. Stayed with John in the afternoon.

Monday 25th January The same bright intensely cold day. John went justicing and took Betts with him as one of his complaints was that he could not get out; they did not get home till four. Went with Anna and Margaret to lunch at Bayfield; Mrs Jodrell did not appear as this was the very week her husband was shot last year; rather dull and a pity they asked us to come till they were in better spirits but we had a very good view of the place.

Tuesday 26th January Anna so ill as not to get off the sofa all day so resolved to send her up to see Cadge the next day. Just as we were all ready for dinner at 10 minutes past six Miss Cremer, Miss Norgate and A M Buxton called to ask them all to lunch at the Yard and meet the Colne House Buxtons; accepted it for as many as could get into the pony carriage.

Wednesday 27th January Priscilla, Anna and Bobbie went to Norwich, the latter to return to school next morning. The 4 girls walked to Cromer and brought bought a bag of live shrimps with them. Went to the farm and while there Sir H, Lady and Miss Robinson called.

Thursday 28th January Margaret, Ellen, Minnie went to lunch at Beeston; 20 there and they walked in the Cremer woods afterwards. Priscilla and Anna came back from Norwich having seen Cadge twice who ordered Anna amongst many other things to be in bed at 9 and get up at 10. The six directors of O G committed for trial.

Friday 29th January Ellen went to practice at Aylmerton – pouring rain great part of the day – no one got further than the orange house – expecting A M Buxton all the afternoon to take leave, but no one came.

Saturday 30th January A windy day, but mild. Priscilla and Anna drove to Cromer for the wages. Mr Fisher called and said his wife was ordered to the south coast as her lungs were affected. Anna very tired and in bad spirits.

Sunday 31st January A very wet windy day – did not go to church. Ellen played twice; the stop of the Felbrigge harmonium broke.

January Monday 1st February A very windy mild morning which turned to heavy rain in the afternoon and prevented John meeting Mr Mott at Kelling as had been agreed.

Tuesday 2nd February Very rainy – Priscilla and three of the girls drove to Cromer and could not get anything they wanted. After they came home P T called and stayed an hour.

Wednesday 3rd February A very wet day – Meering came to say Mr and Mrs F Astley called to cross question him about the shooting yesterday. Some of them called on Miss Custance.

Thursday 4th February George gave a months warning as he could not do the work etc, etc. Went with Anna to pay for the Xmas flour at Cretophs? Met Mr Upcher who asked if we were going far. John went to Kelling and told Betts after dinner he might leave on Wednesday.

Friday 5th February A very fine mild day; Priscilla and three of the girls rode (drove) to Northrepps and heard the Dowager was gone to for 3 months. They saw the Colne House girls who got out of the way. Mr and Mrs Spurgin called and saw the orange house.

Saturday 6th February George asked for Farrar to clean the knives as Mr Betts was gone out to take his daily walk and the brewer was just come and also said he did not wish to go if Mr Betts left but he had been so ‘racketed’ about and had to do all the work which was rather trying as we had engaged W Meering to come on trial for the place. Anna was driven to the Beacon and the others walked – Anna rather better for Cadge’s treatment.

Sunday 7th February Sacrament – went with Margaret and Ellen – very lame with pain in calf of the leg all last week and particularly bad today – John in despairing mind all day. Dreadful gale all night which prevented most of them sleeping.

Monday 8th February Gale as before all day. John went justicing and there was nothing at all to do. Mr Upcher told him Marlborough Pryor died last Friday and that Winifred Hardcastle was engaged to Mr O’Malley.

Tuesday 9th February Looked over plate with Betts who leaves tomorrow. After dinner John paid his wages when he said he much wished to stay. John agreed to it when all the servants rose in a body and said they would leave if Betts stopped so we gave him Col. Blomefields character and let him go as he gave warning himself and was not useful.

Wednesday 10th February Went to Norwich with John and Minnie shopping all the afternoon. Bracondale in the evening. John came up in the evening. Business very bad and Junior in a bad temper. Mild weather bad for trade. Betts went before breakfast and W Meering came.

Thursday 11th February Went with Minnie to Bridgman, paid Boulger and all the little bills. Called on Mrs Heaviside in the afternoon and spent the evening at Bracondale. The Beauchamps and Mr Bird at Felbrigge.

Friday 12th February Pouring rain all day which turned to snow all the evening could not go out all day. Junior and Mr Rae went to London to consult a Master in Chancery about a disputed debt. John consulted Mr Walcon about the Aylmerton living.

Saturday 13th February Went to lunch with Minnie at Canon Heavisides, saw Georgie and Mrs Douglas and Amy and Lady Hooker. Went into the town with Mrs Douglas who talked about Amy’s affairs all the way. Mrs H insisted on giving me a Valentine.

Sunday 14th February Post at 9.30 - two paper Valentines for Anna, one box ‘registered’ which gave Margaret much uneasiness. Gale blowing all day; did not go out.

Piece of paper found loose between pages with a poem on:

‘The rights of women’ what are they? The right to labour and to pray; The right to comfort in distress; The right whom others cause to bless; The right to love whom others scorn; The right to comfort all who mourn; Such ‘woman’s rights’! such God will bless; And grant support and give success.

Monday 15th February Priscilla and Anna drove to Cromer for Gertie to take a lesson of Miss Colson – who was in a ‘low way’ and Mr Cooper attending her. Mr and Mrs Mills called in the afternoon and had tea and consulted about the new Hymn book for Aylmerton – they told us Miss Cremer was going to have a testimonial in the shape of a clock which was to be put in her drawing room by Mr Johnson’s servant.

Tuesday 16th February A very fine cold day, went to the farm and found John had been giving the Pastons warning again. Mr Upcher, Gerald, Laura and M Pigott rode through the park and met with the girls as they came from Aylmerton.

Wednesday 17th February Priscilla and Anna drove to Cromer, rain all the afternoon; worked in the orange house.

Thursday 18th February Raining hard all the morning and part of the afternoon; Mr Nelson walked over and sat for one hour and ¾ in the orange house and told us his doctor had ordered him to take more exercise and not each so much.

Friday 19th February Called on the Bosworth’s who were out. John went to Kelling. Mr Rogers and May came and left a cheque for £5 for the year’s shooting. The sales alone costing John £4 – Mr Upcher and Mr Spark drove through and stopped and Priscilla went to speak to him when he was very anxious to know who the Rogers were as they were in the orange house. Mr and Mrs and Miss Spark have been staying three days at with the Abbot and Arthur Upchers.

Saturday 20th February Letter to Margaret from Anna Mary requesting her to go to Beeston for some pictures for her scrap book. 4 of the girls drove out and Minnie rode. Mrs Dolphin and Miss Western called. A sharp frost and brilliant sky. John wrote to Mr Rogers resuming the shooting.

Sunday 21st February Most bitterly cold; went to Felbrigge in the morning. John went to Aylmerton in the afternoon. There were some panes of glass out and he thought he had caught cold and was gloomy all the evening. Anna played at Aylmerton the first time since her illness.

Monday 22nd February Had a clear understanding with George that he must go as soon as I could get a Butler. A very cold day; went with Anna and Minnie to the Beckham workhouse to give tea, sugar and tobacco to the aged inmates.

Tuesday 23rd February Went to the farm and found Parsons ill again. Note of refusal from Nelson who was asked to fish with Mr Rogers. Priscilla, Margaret and Ellen went to the ‘yard’ and asked P T and his sister to lunch and fish. The former accepted it but Miss C was gone out.

Wednesday 24th February A very thick fog, wind north east. Letter from Mr Rogers to say they could not come without the wind changed and that the Kelling shooting was of great importance to him and offering to keep the shooting and let Bobbie shoot there when he liked. Mr and Miss Cremer came; the former caught two pike and they did not leave till 6.15.

Thursday 25th February A cold windy day; waited all the morning for the Rogers who did not come. Leonie’s sister wrote to ask me to take her as young ladies maid, but I found Caroline had no intention of leaving.

Friday 26th February Priscilla, Anna and Margaret went to Norwich. Went with the others to Aylmerton church to the practising. Spent the afternoon in the kitchen garden.

Saturday 27th February A very bright cold day. John went to Kelling. Letter from Bobbie to say the influenza had broken out in the school and it had turned to congestion of the lungs with two of the boys. Priscilla and the girls came home having lost all there time looking for a Butler but without finding one. Robert ill.

Sunday 28th February Snow in the night which soon melted; storms all day. Went to Felbrigge in the afternoon. Wrote to ask Robert to come and stay with us.

March Monday 1st March A very fine cold day. Went to the farm. Priscilla, Anna and Margaret took coffee at Beeston and saw the church and the Bosworth’s new house.

Tuesday 2nd March Robert’s better and declined coming till Easter; letter from Mr Beauchamp who was coming to fish tomorrow. Martins told John Mr Upcher asked him at the board yesterday how much the shooting was let for and he told him he knew but would not tell – Mr Upcher then wanted to know if it was more than £200 and said that whoever hired it must have thought he was hiring the whole Windham estate. A very rainy day spent most of the afternoon in the orange house.

Wednesday 3rd March Constant snow storms all day. Mrs and Mr Beauchamp came at 12.30. Spent the afternoon in the orange house. They left at 5.30.

Thursday 4th March Snow and fog all the morning and a fine afternoon. Mr and Mrs Feilden came to ask if they might hold the autumn show here and what prize we would give; promised to write and let them know. They were very particular in their enquiries about our not inviting Mr Laurence so we told them the reason.

Friday 5th March Very wet dull day; no one got out except to the practising. John sprained his ankle or rather a vein sore on the instep; he was drived out, but was in bad spirits. Ellen particularly dismal. Watson Meering in livery for the first time.

Saturday 6th March Went to Cromer and round by with Anna and Minnie. While out Mr Upcher and Laura called and George let them in and went to find Miss Blake who had not said she was going out and was obliged to tell them he could not find her; so they went away without seeing any one. Wrote to Mr Feilden that John consented to having the autumn show here. Mrs Gooch and Miss Smith drove though the park in the Buxton carriage.

Sunday 7th March A very cold bright day went to Felbrigge in the morning. John did not go out all day and his ankle was bad; he was in bad spirits all day.

Monday 8th March A very snowy morning – John not inclined to go justicing – although I wanted to go to the committee of the Cromer hospital – so we both stayed at home. Spent the afternoon, which turned to rain, in the orange house. The 4 children called on Miss Custance – Miss Lynes confided to Anna when she came

to the clothing club that Earl had written to tell her she was engaged to George and therefore she (Miss Lynes) had given him up.

Tuesday 9th March A touching letter from Cranmer to Vincent that he was starving and asking for help. She went to Cromer and sent him a P Order. Minnie rode to Holt for the Horticultural tickets; she met Mr Upcher who asked her to ride with them which she declined. Anna and Priscilla drove to Cromer.

Wednesday 10th March Constant snow storms all day. John and I, Margaret and Ellen went to lunch with the Beauchamps; no one there, went to see the school and heard the children sing; very dull and desperately cold.

Thursday 11th March Snow storms as before. Dined at six that all might go to hear Mr Wiseman who liked at the Aylmerton Bible meeting; a most dreadful night but a very good attendance. John, Anna and I stayed at home.

Friday 12th March Priscilla, Anna and Margaret called on Mrs Mills to talk about a mother’s meeting in Aylmerton. Mr Mills delighted at the success of the Bible Meeting, the collection amounted to £1 18. 6 (one pound eighteen shillings and sixpence) more than the Sheringham collection and more than ever was collected in Aylmerton. A very snowy day.

Saturday 13th March Constant snow storms; no one could go out except in to the orange house. Came in at 5 and found Mr Laurence who had called to enquire for John and Anna and to tell us E Anderson was rejected from the Post Office on the ground of his having had heart disease 10 years ago.

Sunday 14th March Bitterly cold north east wind – went to Felbrigge in the afternoon.

Monday 15th March John justicing at Cromer all the morning. A bye day with P T, a case they sent to the sessions at 3.45; went with John and Margaret to Norwich. Dined and John walked up to insect lodge after dinner about special business.

Tuesday 16th March Went with Margaret to Thirlles? and then spent three hours at Boulgers; afterwards went with Margaret to Bracondale met Mrs Douglas and Amy and Mr Hansell who walked some way with us. Robert much better. John at the Quarter sessions all day; got home at 9.30 – too late to dine at the Maids Head. I K told junior the St Ann’s firm were going to separate.

Wednesday 17th March Out shopping with Margaret all the morning; came home at 6.30. Mrs Upcher, Mrs Pigott and Mr Upcher and Edith called; Mr Upcher asked them to go to lunch with him tomorrow – sent grapes to the Canon.

Thursday 18th March Sent a refusal to Sheringham. Went to the farm, came home found P T in the orange house who stayed one hour and ¾. Priscilla and two of the girls did Metton.

Friday 19th March No water for use anywhere – dreadfully cold. After lunch it rained heavily and continued all night; no one able to go out – although they intended to have seen Mr Fish’s camellias.

Saturday 20th March Pouring rain all day and night – wind north east; no one went out. Denny of Roughton dropped down dead in Norwich – Martin was with him and telegraphed to Mrs Martins to go to Mrs Denny and tell her of her loss. An inquest was held in Norwich at four o’clock. Letter from young John saying he had been to see GK who was very ‘uppish’ but confirmed most of his sisters intelligence.

Sunday 21st March Weather as yesterday; did not go out, feeling rheumatic. White heifer calved last night.

Monday 22nd March Wind as before; John went justicing – only one case and 4 magistrates. P T gone to Norwich with his sister who was going to Scotland. Priscilla and three of the girls went to call on Mr Fish and stayed 2 hours. Hail storm coming home.

Tuesday 23rd March Weather as before. Went to the farm. Priscilla and two of the girls called at the Pigotts. The porch full of hens and the dove loose – no one answering the bell; they left the cards on the dove’s cage. Larry Banville died today.

Wednesday 24th March Weather as before, if possible colder. Denney of Roughton buried at Felbrigge today. Bobbie came home in Margaret’s pony carriage tonight.

Thursday 25th March Tombland Fair. John not there as the sprain in his foot was troublesome. Servants all wanting a whole holiday tomorrow – told them to do their work as usual and go to church in the afternoon as there was no church in the morning

Friday 26th March Good Friday. Six year’s today we have lived here and as Minnie remarked ‘Every year has added proof’ etc; read the death of Lady Harvey in today’s paper aged 72. The house I so much wished to live in but no use now. Wrote to Ellen – went with John to Felbrigge church in the afternoon; the rest went to Aylmerton. Snow and hail at night.

Saturday 27th March Ground covered with snow – snow storms all day – they made a snow Lady in the afternoon six feet high – it snowed all night. We could not even send to Cromer for the wages.

Sunday 28th March Easter Sunday. Snow deep – obliged to send a note of excuse to Mr Mills. They were all driven to Felbrigge church in the afternoon. Ellen in crying fits all day. John with a bad head cold.

Monday 29th March John ill with influenza and much frightened. Priscilla, Margaret and Ellen went to Norwich to consult Cadge about the latter. Wind north east, snow nearly melted – did not go out all day as John required so much attention; he spent the day in the library.

Tuesday 30th March A French telegram sent in Miss Wilson and Rose’s letter ‘Monsieur Kitton est Mort’. Could not understand what it meant. Mrs J R Staff’s death in The Times aged 72 - letter from Mr Beauchamp. John in the library all day and very cross; a most uncomfortable day. The children walked to the Beacon. Colder than ever.

Wednesday 31st March From Priscilla’s letter found it was Mr J Kitton of Bracondale who was dead at Marseilles – having been on the Nile expedition – also that John had the ‘rheumatism’ and could not walk. Mr Mills called and told us of the Aylmerton vestry meeting – also that Lady Buxton called on him to bring Mr Bernard and was so disagreeable that ‘my wife’ trembled for 20 minutes after she was gone and that Baby Bosworth died last Sunday being choked while its parents were at church – ‘happy child’.

April Thursday 1st April Minnie and Bobbie rode and met the ‘squire’ with Mr Upcher and Laura – the latter asked them to go to the workhouse with him but she declined. P T called and came into the orange house; after he left went with Anna and Gertie to the village. Priscilla and the girls came home.

Friday 2nd April The Steeple Chase – none of our party went. Mr Upcher and Hammy called to ask Bobbie to go to Hempstead with them and bring a postage stamp which should have been a Maltese but turned out to be a 6 English. Anna drove two of her sisters to Cromer in the new pony carriage. Mr Fitch, Miss Colson and Gertrude Fitch called with a sister in law and niece from the north.

Saturday 3rd April Gave the laundress warning; had an interview with Rudd about the way the eggs were stolen. Went to call with Anna on Mrs Mills who was out. Bobbie went to Hempstead with the Upchers and lunched on the grass.

Sunday 4th April Sacrament – all went to Felbrigge – a dry but very cold day.

Monday 5th April Went to the farm – a cow ill. Parsons not so well. Called at Barningham with Anna, no one at home – very cold.

Tuesday 6th April Before 10 o’clock Mr Fish called and was shown to our great consternation into the school room. He came to look for some peat and to ask us to lunch on Thursday, which I accepted, though rather reluctantly. It rained all the afternoon and we could not get out. Which was quite as well as the Colne House gardener came to see the orange house and was treated by Cable to porter in the orange house.

Wednesday 7th April Went to the farm in the rain – cow better but Parsons not so well and gone to North Walsham. Rain all the afternoon; paid wages to all the servants.

Thursday 8th April Went with Bobbie and 3 of the girls to lunch with Mr Fish. We all enjoyed it very much although the day was like November; thick fog and very cold. Letter from Asker the lawyer about the effects of CK who died in New Zealand. Nose bled three times.

Friday 9th April John’s letter enclosed a very distressing one from I K, which John could not act upon until he was personally appealed to. John went to Holt to see Mr Wilkinson about the registration of the parish. Went with Priscilla and Margaret to Metton where they gave the school children some books. Heard the Andersons were coming home next week.

Saturday 10th April The first fine day, wind south. Margaret drove to Cromer. We all sat under the cedar tree in the afternoon. John very busy looking over the water pipes and tanks with a view to doing without Wadeham and the horses.

Sunday 11th April Nose bleed for ½ an hour – could not go down to prayers. Very warm day. Deed of gift came to be signed – John in bad spirits all day. Margaret turned faint at Aylmerton and had to come out, as did Mrs Mills.

Monday 12th April A very hot day. Called on the Upchers and saw Mrs Upcher also on Mrs Moore who was at home and Mrs Pigott. While out Mr Upcher and Jimy? called and saw Priscilla and Anna and he again asked us to lunch.

Tuesday 13th April A very hot day. Mrs Buxton, Emmie and E Pigott came and while they were here P T came to ask if he might bring ‘Sid Herring to fish on Thursday. We had tea under the cedar. John went to Kelling.

Wednesday 14th April Went with Ellen and Margaret to lunch at Sheringham; only Mrs Buxton and Emmie there. Mr Upcher and the girls went on to the beach at lower Sheringham while I had to sit in the drawing room till nearly 4; very glad to get home. Minnie rode to Holt to lunch and May and Bureham Rogers rode back with her. George went to Norwich for his livery.

Thursday 15th April The first asparagus. Mr Cremer, his brother and Mr Herring came to fish. They caught 5 pike. P T came up early and sat in the orange house – G wrote to say he could not get home till Friday.

Friday 16th April Paid the deaf laundress her wages as she leaves tomorrow. Sent a pike to Mrs Mills. Old Bartrum very ill. Massingham the groom ill and not at work. Raining all the afternoon; no one could get out. G came back at night.

Saturday 17th April E Fitzgerald left this morning. Fog and rain all day; wind north east; no one able to go out. John wet through coming from Meerings. We all worked hard and read aloud.

Sunday 18th April North east wind. Went to Felbrigge. Edward Anderson at church with Mr Laurence. All went to Aylmerton.

Monday 19th April A very cold day; Priscilla, Anna and Minnie went to 5 o’clock tea at the Pigotts and walked in the woods after with Mr and Mrs Upcher and saw ‘Marindale’. Mrs Crotch came.

Tuesday 20th April Went to Norwich with John, Margaret and Ellen. Paid Caley and went to Bracondale. Sheward hanged and Miss Grimmer married.

Wednesday 21st April Nearly muddled to death – twice to Bridgeman’s and once to Cadge’s – saw a great many people I knew; came home at 7.30.

Thursday 22nd April Gertie went to Miss Colson’s; as soon as lunch was over Mr Upcher called to bid us goodbye as he was going to Scotland next week. Mr and Mrs Anderson called and directly after they came ‘PT’ called and stayed till 5.30.

Friday 23rd April The new laundress spoke to Priscilla about prayers; she did not think reading the scriptures right for the servants. Lady Buxton, Eva and G Buxton’s children came and afterwards Louis, Anna and M Pigott. A very rainy evening and all night.

Saturday 24th April Found the linen not half done; spoke to Mrs C about it. She did not do it all day, but continued lecturing the servants and reducing Mrs Laurence to tears. Called with Anna on Mr Bosworth who was out. John went to Metton and had it out with ‘James’.

Sunday 25th April Went to Aylmerton in the morning. Mrs Crotch very troublesome. John did not go to church all day – 2 guinea pigs born.

Monday 26th April Constant disturbances between Mrs Crotch and all the servants. Anna and Ellen went to Cromer and saw Mr Upcher who goes to Scotland tomorrow.

Tuesday 27th April A very bright cold day. John rode to Kelling. Went to the farm, heard a great many complaints from Mrs Parsons about her health. Mrs Crotch again troublesome and I was obliged to exert myself very much.

Wednesday 28th April Mr and Mrs Mills came to lunch. Mrs Bosworth, Miss Cox called at 5.30. PT came and stayed till 6.15. The Canon wrote a confidential letter about the living of Northrepps.

Thursday 29th April Went with Anna to call on the Andersons; met Mrs A at the Lodge who told us it was Tithe Audit. Went to Colne House, saw Lady Buxton who gave us a pot of aloes. Two of the girls went to see Miss Custance.

Friday 30th April Further disturbances with Mrs Crotch who told me she was my right hand. A most bitterly cold day. Went to the farm, the others drove to Cromer.

May Saturday 1st May The same weather. Expecting Mr Beauchamp to lunch, who did not come; no one went out except to the orange house. Told Mrs Crotch she must go on Wednesday when she said I should be sorry for it after.

Sunday 2nd May Great commotion about an invitation from Mrs Buxton for Margaret to stay with them while her sisters were at Paris – which we accepted. Went to Felbrigge in the morning; text ‘oh that I had wings like a dove’.

Monday 3rd May Rain all day. John went justicing and did not return till three. PT on the bench, who went home and came in the pouring rain and stayed till six.

Tuesday 4th May Everybody driven about preparing and packing up and at last sent the luggage off to Gray. Paid Mrs Crotch her wages who was most unwilling to go. Owing to George’s carelessness John had to leave the dinner table and go to Cromer to commit a man.

Wednesday 5th May Mrs Crotch was got out of the house with much difficulty. John went to Norwich with Priscilla and the eldest girls – spent the day in seeing the servants clean the house – very tired.

Thursday 6th May Billiard room cleaning; pouring rain all the, Ascension day but did not go to Felbrigge. The party went from Norwich to Boulogne and Margaret and her maid to Daresbury.. John came home at six.

Friday 7th May Letter from Mr Soanes to say he met them at the station and Mrs Soanes took Margaret to the Royal Academy for an hour. Went with the girls to the practising; very tired all day with having so many people to look after.

Saturday 8th May Letter from Margaret telling us she missed the train and stayed with the Soanes – torrents of rain all day. Cleaning going on; helped to clear the drawing room for the sweeps on Monday. Very dull.

Sunday 9th May Went to Aylmerton in the morning. Minnie played the first attempt and was highly complimented by Mr Mills – felt very ill all the morning – did not go in the afternoon. John’s ankle bad again.

Monday 10th May Letters from Paris and Daresbury – which we answered. Very heavy storms all day and a thunderstorm at three. No one able to get out except in the orange house. Felt very ill all day. Drawing room cleaning and sweeps both there and in Anna’s room.

Tuesday 11th May Note from Mrs Soanes inviting Margaret to stay with her – long letter from Mr Auger which we copied, which we copied and sent to Paris. Chancery proceedings threatened by J C Taylor. John did not sleep. Spencer and Symonds shot the rooks.

Wednesday 12th May My room cleaning and the schoolroom. Letter writing all the morning. Cable complained that George and Walton threw stones out of slings at the rooks and had injured the garden engine – Robins also complained that Miss Blake had killed all the melons ‘messing’ after them.

Thursday 13th May Letter from Margaret asking for orange blossoms to be sent to Daresbury – which we did – went with Minnie and Gertie to Mr Fish’s to return a book. Some visitors there they did not let us see which of course shortened our visit. Lost the key of the post bag going. North East wind there.

Friday 14th May Very tired and busy. Went to preaching at Aylmerton; so cold that I spent the afternoon in the orange house. Finished all the cleaning of the bedrooms in use – no letters. Girls getting very tired of the dullness.

Saturday 15th May Lambert and Martha went for their holiday – cold more intense than ever – very busy. Wrote to C? and Margaret – did all Caroline’s usual work etc. Spent the afternoon in the orange house, Minnie rode.

Sunday 16th May Whitsunday Sacrament which I had to take alone. Capper was next me – John angry as I did not get home till 1.30. Mrs Anderson and Edward kept us waiting a quarter of an hour. Minnie and Gertie went to Aylmerton alone as John had the toothache and I was too tired. Mills told them Hutton is not coming.

Monday 17th May Moved in to the dining room and began to clean the breakfast room. John went justicing and had the toothache all night. Spent the afternoon in the orange house. Mrs Fisher called but did not see any one. Raining all day.

Tuesday 18th May Library and breakfast room chimneys and pantry chimney swept, the last of the series. Worked hard all day at Anna’s valance. Heavy storms in the morning and thunder storms all the afternoon. John nearly mad with toothache all day and night.

Wednesday 19th May Minnie and Gertie went to meetings to arrange about the dogs board and came home wet through. Pouring rain all day.

Mr Beauchamps two servants came and brought 2 hens and some cuttings. Could not get out. John mad with toothache.

Thursday 20th May Minnie and Gertie drove to Cromer – spent the afternoon in the gardens. Breakfast room finished today gave John a blue pill and he got better. Very cold all day. Cable gone to a wedding.

Friday 21st May Cable did not come to work and no one told us till 11. Went to the practising with Minnie. Wrote to Paris for the last time as Anna did not wish to stay any longer. Wrote to ask Mr Soanes to engage rooms at the Charing Cross Hotel for three or 4 nights.

Saturday 22nd May Vincent went out for a week leaving us to Mrs Stony and the kitchen maid. Minnie and Gertie went to Cromer for the wages. Mrs Cable asked to be allowed to buy ½ a pint of milk as Mrs Hall had sold her cow. Had a pound of tobacco burnt in the orange house and spent the afternoon looking to the weeding. Appeal to the benevolent abused. J S in the paper – put in by the Gayfords.

Sunday 23rd May Sacrament at Aylmerton – could not go – Mills came out to tell Minnie that Mr ‘Peek’ and his family were there and asked if Miss Hall might sit in our seat. Minnie and Gertie went to Felbrigge in the [blank] John’s tooth still continued aching.

Monday 24th May John went to Norwich at 8.30 to have his tooth out and returned at 7. Very cold; 3 hours rain which prevented any driving. Had the orange house syringed and another pound of tobacco burnt in it. The Almond tumbler drowned itself in the cistern. The Queen’s birthday, but John managed to get his tooth taken out and Sam got the grocery although the shops were all shut.

Tuesday 25th May Letter from Margaret who leaves Daresbury today. Minnie rode to Sheringham to ask Mr Upcher if he would be on the bench on Monday as there were several poaching cases – Mr Upcher not expected home till Saturday – she also saw Lady Buxton with Mrs Mills and her sisters who asked if Minnie had seen her carriage – spent 3 hours and a half looking after the gardeners.

Wednesday 26th May Two letters from Charing Cross. Rain so very heavy that we could not go out. Minnie and Gertie went to tea at the Andersons. The large corridor being whitened today. Dreadfully cold.

Thursday 27th May Weather as before – walked in the kitchen garden two hours got wet through. Orange house cleaning. Bundled cow calved.

Friday 28th May Minnie and Gertie went to enquire for Mrs Mills who was confined yesterday and the baby dead. Met them at the practising- found a note in the orange house that Cable was too ill to work. Mr Arthur Upcher and Mary called and told us Mr Gurney Hoare had lent his house to them for a fortnight. Vincent came home.

Saturday 29th May The large corridor finished. Went with Gertie to call at Northrepps – all out and then to Mrs Arthur Upcher who was at home lying on a sofer covered with an eiderdown quilt. On my return George sent to know if he might go to Cromer – gave him leave stipulating that he should be home at 9 – he did not return till 10.30 and when he came into the library he said if he did not suit he would leave on Monday.

Sunday 30th May Went to Felbrigge church in the morning. Mr Bosworth at Aylmerton in the afternoon. Mrs Mills going on very well.

Monday 31st May Looked over the plate with George. John went justicing and did not get home till 5.15 there being so many egg stealing cases. Mary Upcher came to lunch and they drove her back after 5 o’clock. The Dowager Lady Buxton and Pris Johnston called. Went to the farm with John. Paid George his wages – Cable on his club. E Cubitt came.

June Tuesday 1st June John went to Norwich at 8. George went to the coach just before, having taken Lion and Hall to drive him with out leave. Miss Lynes came very early to bid him adieu. The Paris party returned bringing a young grey parrot with them and looking thinner than when they went.

Wednesday (RAK wrote Thursday for today) 2nd June All very busy unpacking. Began to have the best gallery which was falling down repaired. Glazier finished. Sent to ask for Mrs Mills who was going on very well.

Thursday 3rd June Still busy getting things into their places and general rampage amongst the gardeners. Went to the farm. Minnie rode through Gunton – Anna and Gertie called on Mrs Fisher who was out.

Friday 4th June Gertie’s birthday. They all went to pracising and saw Mr Mills. Minnie rode. Mary and E Anderson called and had tea under the tree. Mr Day left a card.

Saturday 5th June Rather mild. The first goose of the season - very nasty – for dinner. Anna and Ellen went to call on Mrs A Upcher who was then going out. Mr Mills and the Misses Hall came to 5 o’clock tea. Caroline came back.

Sunday 6th June (RAK put 5th June) Aylmerton in the morning. Went to Felbrigge in the afternoon – trying sermon about J? ‘daughter’ from Piggy. Servants went out in the evening for the first time.

Monday 7th June (RAK put 6th June) A most astonishingly hot day, ill with hay asthma. Minnie rode and came home with a bad headache and took to her bed. Sat under the cedar in the afternoon.

Tuesday 8th June Sunshine and north wind, very cold. Anna and Gertie drove to Sheringham to take some parcels to Mrs Pigott. Minnie ill in bed all day but took a lemon and came down to tea.

Wednesday 9th June Letter from Margaret requesting a few weeks longer at Upminster. Cold as ever. Anna rode. Mr and Mrs Moore, Lucy Moore and Allan came. Everybody ill with head colds. John in a desponding state about himself.

Thursday 10th June H Upcher’s wedding day. Very cold, did not go out all day. Anna and Ellen went to tea at Northrepps; no one there and heard all about the preparations for I Johnston’s wedding.

Friday 11th June Most bitterly cold with dust and sun. Went in the brougham to call on the Beauchamps and had 5 o’clock tea with them. Mr Mills and the younger Miss Hall called to take leave when I was out.

Saturday 12th June Rather warmer. Gertie and I went to the farm and were overtaken on our return by Mr Upcher, Russell, Laura and E? Pigott who came to recount the glories of Henri’s wedding day. They stayed some time in the orange house. Anna and Ellen drove to Cromer but came home in time to see them.

Sunday 13th June Went to Felbrigge church in the morning; rain before we came out. Caught cold on my lungs. Anna went with two of her sisters to Aylmerton and remained very gloomy all the evening.

Monday 14th June John went justicing in the pouring rain and did not get home till 5, having been with Mr Upcher to investigate the Misses Soame’s servants case at Forder’s house. Most bitterly cold today

Tuesday 15th June A very cold rainy day. Anna and Ellen drove to and while they were gone the squire called in his carriage and pair and brought Vernon to see his aunt who did not seem to appreciate the attention.

Wednesday 16th June Went with Minnie to Norwich and John; it rained all the afternoon. Minnie of course with a headache spent the evening at Bracondale. Robert ill.

Thursday 17th June Went to Bridgeman’s and afterwards to Bingham’s with Minnie to fit a habit. It rained so hard all day that our dresses were wet through and all the way, found the Beauchamps when we got home.

Friday 18th June Priscilla and Anna called on the Anderson’s. Etheridge’s man came and took the hall clock to clean. Three gentlemen called and asked to see the library and John allowed it and received them there but they only stayed 5 minutes.

Saturday 19th June Cold but dry. Anna rode and met Mr and Mrs Upcher going to call on the Andersons and agreed reluctantly to ride with Mr Upcher on Monday; the others drove through Gunton. Mr and Mrs Gay, Dora and her French governess called and had 5 o’clock tea in the orange house.

Sunday 20th June Very cold, fine all the afternoon and evening; large camp meeting at Felbrigge – did not go to church as I felt rheumatic – only 5 people at Felbrigge church in the afternoon.

Monday 21st June Aldborough Fair – Anna rode with Mr Upcher round by Beckham; very heavy rain all the morning.

Tuesday 22nd June Went with Anna to call at the yard – met the Pigotts and Mrs Upcher going to Mrs MacArthur’s working party. Saw Bella and the newly furnished drawing room. Called on Mrs Mills and saw her. Saw Mr Upcher as we went home. Mr Wheeler wrote to say he had taken Bobbie to Eton.

Wednesday 23rd June Anna rode to Holt and found them all out. Mr Rogers and May still in London. Mrs Mortimer brought her nephew Sidney Bevan and a Mrs Jenner to call. The nephew appeared mad on the subject of music and sang 2 songs and played a duet with Ellen; they had 5 o’clock and saw the orange house.

Thursday24th June Went for a drive in the pony carriage round by Overstrand. Edward, Helen and Mary Anderson came to high tea and billiards and cards in the evening.

Friday 25th June Circular on the breakfast table from Mrs Mills with thanks for kind enquiries. A very fine day; Anna and Aunt drove to Cromer. James Bunting a new Butler came at night.

Saturday 26th June Bunting very troublesome in the matter of plate, brushes, leathers, sponges etc, which have most of them disappeared; sent to Cromer for some more. No one called. Toothache all day.

Sunday 27th June Dreadful toothache all day and night. Capper at Felbrigge in the morning. Mrs Mills ‘churched’ in the afternoon

Monday 28th June Looked over the plate with Bunting – toothache distracting. John looking over the men himself, having had a quarrel with Smith. Went to bed all the afternoon. Did not sleep for the 4th night. Puffy died.

Tuesday 29th June Rent Audit; spent the whole day upstairs. Mr Upcher called to ask Anna to ride with him which she declined as Minnie was going to ride at 4. A circular from Colne House that there would be no working party that day, which did not concern us in the least as no one intended to go. May and Rose Rogers rode down to 5 o’clock tea.

Wednesday 30th June Priscilla and Anna drove to Baconsthorpe after breakfast to see Mr Feilden that John would not be able to give away the prizes tomorrow and asked Mr Feilden to do it for him, which he said was impossible as it would make the ‘brethren’ so jealous and said that Anna aught to do it for her father – which she said nothing should induce her to do, but when she came home we all saw there was nothing else to be done and she wrote an acceptance of the plan.