The Hillside N.J. Times,Thursday,February 21,1963 PRICE 10 CENTS WA1 • t20M Stone, Valenti Elected Road-Sewer Post To School Board Officers the oath of office to- the three members reelected FebA'IS, Va­ Howell, Chairman; M rs. Hess, lenti, . Peter G ♦•Hurfjanikand Mrs. Building Inspector Vic?' Chairman; Emil E . C risa- Mildred Mrs. Helen P. M i . ----- BUILDINGS .AND‘GROUNDS - Jewish Congress .. Buflding Inspector • C lnnin Kirkpatrick, board secretary# ■ Sr. Tuesday night was- Ther_NatiohaT State Bank Hill~ ‘ Conrad--Gammarotaf'Chartrs. man; Howell, Vice Chairman; Master Plan Under appointed femporary- pfirt-tiihe side - off ice was declared official To Discuss Book Superintendent of Roads and and Humanik. depository for board. funds for * The Union. Count Chapter of Sewers to fill, the vacancycaused the - ensuing year and the Hill­ ; PU aU G RELATIONS -R oy,. the Americah Jewish Congress by the death of Apthony Moriello*' side Times was named,official C h a n; Crisaffcrlli^.v i c e will hold its next meeting fea» Consideration Here According to Public Affairs Com­ 'pubMdatiQn -for . board notices. .Chairman; and Mrs. Hess, j ' turing a discussion On a recent missioner Robert Diamond, who , . President Stone, announced.the POLICY - Feltman,Chairman: ■ . T , A Comprehensive Master Play, pleriners who knew our "Town* moved tfee appointment, Monaco following committees j, Vice -ChairmatL) bJf m M B B K P ^ z, for Hillside is under consider** ship, and* then, have ompre- *"*itlea The, Dilemma of the will receive a. salary at the rate FINANCE; - Mildred HI Hess, Cammar ation .by the Township Coaimlt» hensive guide and pl« Modem Je of $ annually pro-rated for Chairman} Thomas A, Roy, Vice INSURANCE - Crisafulli, .tee,: it was dloalossd in t re-, ^urnra. 'This’ would ell 1,000 The meeting will he held on S the time he serves. Chairman; Walter Howell* Chairman; .Cammarota - Vice lease yesterday through Town- completely aay industri. I Monday Feb. 25,18,{30 p.m.- at- Diatnond said the,; former su-, Chairman; and Feltman, ship Committeeman Robert D i_ . panslon into ’residential EDUCATION - Peter 0 . Hu­ the home of Mr, and Mrs, Mil- perintendent received $7,500 a J&GK VALENTI manik, Chairman; Franklin A, M rs. Hess was named dele­ amend. The release stated: 'mushroom development." ./ M M I P gate to 'the Union Cdunty Sihdol • i Schwartz, .. , 1480 Stanley , . - Ter, ,. The comprehensive plan would year, indicating there would be the i n u 61 reorganization Feltman, Vice Chairman; and 'The future prosperity of a saving by combihing the two ' ‘ Harvey Stohfc Ms elected pres­ Roy* Boards Association and the Stats' dissuasion, leader be Hillside will depend, to. a great involve_ a complete a n a ly sis Ing-Monday night.- The elec- • Mrs. H er min Rapport of Linden. postSj He said Monaco will spertd ident and JaeitValenti vise pres­ COORDINATE ACTIVITIES - Federation of-School-Boards. extent, upon how it ia able to among other things, of# the ihjj i 'followed administration of ' The public is invited th attend. the early morning houps getting ident of .the' Board ..of. Education meet radt'-stoationai first, the lowing; population trends, hous- .> ing, land, use, physical charac- . the Road and * Sewer Department problem of future racables to off­ under -way before taking up his set the antlclpated.cost of living teristics, circulation arid trans­ portation, community facilities regular duties as Jjuilding in- • ■ Increase, when the township is spector. Commissioner Max Thank Public On Budget now substantially fully develop­ r«id sewers, ecbribiriic base rahd ~ financial analysis, neighborhood Schleifer noted it is hoped to ed with little available space for effect economy by giving Mqriaco. Will Re-submit Capital expansion;- second, the-fact-that developm ent and commun­ T:he extra dhtiesr Ask Support of $6,300 ity characteristics — a summary the average home In Hillside Is Calvin Coolidge School PTA . approximately 30-35 years of age of ill of the afore-said findings In a Jojij^ jfateinent, President' ffihds under tff;poWioni^~m the and' conclusions, anda futureplah urged the- .committee in a letter /and unless properly maintained, hot to. permit an undesirable in- ,, Harvey Stone and immediate past National Defense Bdlleatlsn Act / could result In a deterorlatlor, fop the Townfhip together with a Outlay; Detail Items President Thomas A', Roy. tfci, -‘ISrittiose ltemlWiPteffll be used dustry to occupy quarters of the -/elum condition developing! suggested program of anyneces- ' including; electronics and photon week expressed the gratitude of in..the peaching of lhnguages ana sary rebuilding-or cgntra l busir-' .Mundet Cork Corp, after Mundet Ttte capitHrtotfay seetiorrof j Edueaf-ion Act: tof^arioui-items- tfffe fact that ;ihodef€ uT- leaves-Hillside as has been an­ graphie^devlcesi; $781-; Interfere-- the- Board of Educatisfr-io-TBS- -the- sciences, — ness district re-organization* It -ftro~Board of Education budget - cansidered-essentfalTo the school "dustrial ‘plant development re­ nounced. The PTA‘referred to a program*^ . mater and Carnot Cycle model many-groops and individuals Who . Any. interested citizens or should also include a program for 1963—64 fh the ‘’amount of quires" more space, horizontally! report that a Newark concern • Board members?-said.^that^ for .physios, department, $227* assisted the Board "in obtaining a groups desiring further informal for the inclusion of the projected $6,300 will bd re-submitted for plant expansion, parking and whiqh.requires,fuel tanks maybe the new equipment is not_j,n- .The foreign language depart­ favorable voce on the $1,834,624 tlon regarding the Capital Outlay public facilities in the municipal the voters at-a special ©lection loading facilities, than was for*- interested in the property. eluded* This year, -it wOuld- be ment will receive $200* worth of ' Current ExReijse ' SB H fflJB thi Item before Feb, .26 are Invited tax * Budgeting system, on a reg­ TueSdayFebY£6' between 2 and 9 jmerly required; fourth, the fact The’ officials tnoved to notify 18 months'-before the; equipment ■ flags* currency,, pictures-, maps 1963-64 school,budget. to contact the Eoard of Education ulated fixed basis over "a long p.m, It defeated -on iFeb, that many families, particularly the PTA there is no application and cHarts; $1,222 Worth of ..mic*- They asked fo r * the continued office,' 195 Virginia St, • period of time* It would then be 13, This decision was reached . fee purchased providing the tfee younger people, are current­ ff|e for the property at pre- after lengthy deliberation by the capital outlay account is approved rophones, earphones, ta p e s, efforts of these groups and indi* ly moving away from the .center probable that within 15 years we . next year* • « cartridges9 and. new cords for - vidaf l t -vglp s obtaining- pubiie Commissionej^Diamond board at a* special meeting last Hpme Owners of the metropolitan area and tend could have, a eentral i ess/' said the "foreign language laboratory; approval’ of 'the Capital Outlay district and a true ce obnoxiOUr useS would w be Thursday night, | The educational , equipment to \ to by-pass Hillside for 'commun­ permU I •bepurci-rasetl under the matcfilngT $60G-wopth-of7Stof,age-^ ablnetg, ‘ item • of $6,300, which is being . towm^^~The -^cbBwrSfeSisive Flan | IF“was pointedrbut that IHe Invite Public ities further out .which are less ~ Mayor "joh'n A. Desch an* . typewriter with mathematics resubmitted to thh voters Feb, developed. would serve as a'&qmplete guide $6,300 appropriation- is neces- fund program - .includes; Home noiiaced tliat the Township Cbm- gponomics -equipment, $130; band symbols, demonstratio’ti slide 26, The poRg. will be ooe*n fmm Residents who are interested in for, all zoning and manningttea sary in order |o- qbtain $4.5QQ 1 These problem^ m ust bp in the neap future etqjects, Ttteum ents for Use in all grades* rule and calipers ahd micro- . helping to maintain tHs provisions cisicms for''thq futUrS^There andSL, the National. JDefenSe 2 to .9' PiM,, and the polling solved# How?TheTownship Com­ idopt the N J , State-Housing' . the j^ithematics de­ ■ - places will be the seme 'a.S.^hosp of thd existing Zoniqe Ordinance mittee is now working tcu sbive could be-ao industrial encr^gch"' partment; ' $l25p worth of* stQtp Were ifiviteii1 this Week ty Ja m e ^ ■ment or allowance of*. Q6de to govern the. repair, re­ th'esS and many Other problems" modeling and- demolition - of microscope, film S*trips, refri­ Roy and Stone explained that Pi Whitlock, chairrlfan.- of the . — both present and future# "Alt* ferOYidad fb'r In' the plan* In uctures in the township, aimed gerator and models for. biology i executive eommittse oMhe Hill­ sence-therl, it Is a complete' study though the amount to ."be vot#3 er 'MerViewin^ numerous expert preverfting deterioration of fo r the science department. side Home Owners Action Coin- of where"" HElslde IsNnow, what ’’for. Capital Outlay is $6,300, the municipal piann'ing conSuit&ntsK buildings in the eomntttnlty. • V(Uit ‘TfiMti _ Other ■educational equipment Beard -VictuaHy plans tc spend mictee, toobtain^urtheriilfofms^ we plan to adopt a Comprehen­ direction it shouldtakeandwhere The Mayor Oiso announced that for the. high: school includes a $10,800 as the Federal Govern* tion addressing the organizations sive Master Plan# This would .it should go for the long range > RELUCTANT ELECTION film .projector, $425; a Westphal through P.,0» BOX F, Hillside 5t future* while he considers the formation ment will-reimburse .the Board invOlvd a complete* study of «v-. of citizen’s groups a good thing, PlRE ALARM REFERENDUM | • balance,‘$100; meters, balances, - approximately $4,500 in matching M r ery facet of Hillside by • expert (Gont* on Page 8} I .tuning • forks, timer and other they should not feel obligated tg Wa t c h d o g association " 1 ^ "tfttstrtwnents, $400; and a Plane-* engage counsel. He said he con-: THE TURNOUT of voters ‘at IMt Waali'S achcol elestisr. was tarium triphanBec, .$100# sidered~it an unfair criticism of discouraging enough to those scr.oeraso with thedsx.ocratlc process*- .Equipment.for the elementary the munleipal goyernment Mjd expressed . "the utmost- con­ I'ess t^.tfOuMS;;to leave tjlfe.oijffjfcttflfiii hofflSS . schools include! $500 for each 3 Ate Re-elected To School outipf e registration in excess of 11,000. ( of live kindergartens; $200 each fidence ’ in the naunlcipe! boards and their counsel* BuUmore:_diBO0Uraglng Still was' the fact' that Hinrlradn nf for science equipment for George wh0 uid coma out .failed to vote on afijrof the budget items# Had Washington and Calvin Coolidge 3 s0» it is m ore^han a possibility that thd^&peclal election Schools and $250 for Hillside called fof Feb* 26 to re-subm it the Capital. Outlay itefn df $6,800 Aves., -SCjwbli: ; , a m i a M B Board; Divided On Budget Phil Rizzuto been unnecessary. There also is $200fo r.teach­ ^ sdhd&h board is )not, w6 understand, particularly anxious ing machines for the Hillside o hold ffiis Special election Which will-cost .about 10 percent of the Ava,* - School and money for 'two total involved ju$t fc& hold the election. But consultation withjfee .u s e d * typewriters,' cafeteria Is Injured County Superintendent ofc. Schools, Dr. William H* West, wfeo ha's tables, storage cabmeeLjind art School Vote conferred With, officials of‘Ihe-Sfate Department of Education, room tables and a portable Phil. Rizzuto, peppery former . s forced the board to the reluctant condlusion that it hafe .no screen for $650* ■ - shortstop of '/the ’New York .alternative, j;;* ‘ . • • ? *• *' TJie Items needed by the builds Yankees, whoCresideg here Ttt * . hat conclusion was reached’because the- law oh.the subject ing arid grounds committee Which i '912 Westminster AVe», in­ contains , some - contradictory double talk. The laWsays, In effect, are 'not covered by the matching jured Tuesday when his right ~al 6 board-does ‘ftotrrhave~To re-submlt ckpital~Outlay^ -fund program- lnclude-$-700ifor a L hand was caught In’a snow re­ one, but .if it . doesn *t, it lays itself open to a possible taxpayer hydro-electric tail gate' loader Total Includes absentee ballots pot TltSMlated by districts# moval machine# Rizzuto was Tk .re^ardiess tha «use to whibh ,Capital outlay, may be put* to be put at the end of a truck}. ■ TRICT H.A, G.W* OVC, H*L A^B. APM H#S*.Total* cleaning the walk iii front of $600 for an upright scaffold to his home. '. - ms portion of the ljw . I&pujd fee made more specific, so that Humanik ’ L 199 129 128 .138- 188 168 >;lJ? IttW- replace 25 - foiO;.ladders pre­ m such as this one does not arise again either In Valenti >190 156 OT 249 TW 149 128: 1034 HUlsids oh elsewhere. sently used; and a line marker Fllchta >76 A1 Removed to Elizabeth General - for use ’- oh/rathletic flelda for. ^-Hess- _ — 4.88--_93- -94-- -4te- 162 7*993- Hospital about. 9 p.m., Rizzuto-^- r=£M^sf^h&=big isfiTues In ths-Board-Qf-Eduoatloh-'csmpalgiT-waa ^400i=:^hl8-^worl^-presemly^ 119 Gerard ' 84- 94 [ is. . r eported -4e-^Sa»e -eestained the question7W a“ direct fire alarm, system in the public schools, t done by two men and; takes a —676" M -Schoen _ 14471. 39 63 SSl:- 46- 493 compound fractures of fb u r" It ha^i5een:ferohghi: to;’'OUp attentloti that the issue has been -suggested long period of time. The marker V lW v . 1 BUDGET .fingers of his right’hand. Two tne .school bpard since 192?. a%t irregular.„intfervals but.with 0 Will decrease the operation to !, HUMANIK Current Expense. fingers were'reported severely greater regularity sinceathe Chicago schdqj'tragedy a few years aeo, i MRS. MILDkSDHESS -gne man-ancLapead up-Ehe-^mc* . Yes ' ' ; 102 , 94 69 .186 117 76 —crushed but amputation Was not It has also' been proposed that the least the Board of Education ~ The board decided riot to re-v 202 “ BiT -fifth v*4th 495 and George. Plichra .... ‘ No- ^ .... . 122 «94 f4- —W4~ reoiiired. A hospital spokesman Ba to fell Cb the proposition before the voter O t a t submit the additional $5,000 for the Board of Education were re- Capital Outlay - „w said Rizzuto •' was x in the ' eferendum* That might be a gpod Idea* An expression from'the the^Weqdfield Stadiuip. fieldbouse Sixth :wfth 354,* turried By comfortable marglns-ln _ X m ' 133' 63 operating reom for, more than .VPtfrs, the, majority of wh om are parents as ■welh-wocrld'-gettle -one-*- '•whtefe was alab 'tigfgated; it was ; v ,flU33Baat expen se wa s app ro ved • sk- 6S. ™JSsl . the Feb. 13 election and the Cur- hr- five—of~xhe seven""5i5lT55t§7' ..-Nq-r— - — 4*6--te sh “-Tfrt p r - :-M5~ rii l ~t®5~~ istr „two4ioursw~ ‘- -~ j tn^ a»yw&y, fp wit, whether they feel the scnooTsystem Is sb”" announced the plans would be 4 rent Expense section of the 1963- Field House ~ ^adequately .protected that. they are willing tp spend whatever is revised to keep within the $25,- *losIng only at HUrdiln-Looker 64 budget toca’ 1/ig $1,834,624 was and the Hijii School. . Yes ' , ' 142 ’ -69, ; 49 v:' - $.3 119 70 . 48 551 ^ Provide the additional fire protectfom ______000 authorized bv the voters PAL CARD PARTY ap^wovad* Oapital Qut'lay- in-the—---- HUTTar^Or VV'ft'rs "failed 'to" The Hillside PAL Board of XIHiing of sucli a referendum would be up to thTscho'ol board last; year. amount of $6,800 was defeated, TOTAL VOTE «83t 270 204 299 ? 262 225 1192 o decide, Shlfeid it be held at the next regularschool districts cast ballots for any of the feudget 88 Trustees will hold a card party 786-753-33 votes - and thVadded ♦Jotal includes absentee ballots nof tabulated by districts. time|:j id February 1964 or If* ' Special fdfereniim some other items. -With 1^.992 votes cast, at • 8 p.m* March • 1, at the Hill­ n8 6 $5,000 for the Woodfieid Stad’um Current Expense drew 1,591, _ COM*USSKX9ER III , Madeline Borkowski. Part of the side PAL Building, 274 Hillside fieldhouse also lost, 712-551. aodut 400 off {Capital Outlay dnew Shi was assisted by Linda Tow nship Committeeman program consisted of an original Ave. The.cost is $1.50.a ticket. Monroe Aekermah is a patient Humanik veteran metfiber of 1,539 the field house 1,263, - JUrchison, Diane Brooks and Proceeds will be applied toward IN A X/ETTER last Week to the Zonin'l: Board, the new Hillside the Board, was top man In the skit written by Susan Spielholz. Susan Sieg. Jeffrey Stier seryed ome Owners ‘Aotion Association, through its executive com*sc in St, Elizabeth Hospital, Eliza- It was presented by Susan operational expenses. bethf it was learned^ this week. voting with. 1,079 followed closely .as master of ceremonies* 19® chairman^ Jamies P, AVhklock, notes that more thaji^g by Valenti with 1,054. Mrs. Hess- ^Valentine Day Spielholz, lna ^Friedman. and- i.«T?0tS were rePre8ented at the. recent public hearing on a,.128-’ It is reported he is receiving Madeline Borkowski, treatment for stomach -ulcers. was reelected with 973 votes. “"ttSShtaepanment, * Humanik and Valenti each carrida Dance Is Held -^^ValOEleJCe^dy waschalrman . "e EE2jP-h*® also staged tha.t it Is opposed to apartments or. three of the seven school elec­ of the ref re sn ment committee. PUBLIC AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT str«ew in Hijlslde. It is net likely that future applications . The eighth grade of Calvin tions districts and Mrs. Hess CooH^ge^-S&hool > held a dance % Township Clerk •oithej' t|ie. Board ....BCX)K ftBPORT DISPLAY carried* one. — Be»k— reports-—written--—by- -che- s chool-auditQfUum-Qn-y.alen*»- ' The tumou-: of voters was un- tine’s Day, Aq invitation was ex­ SALEM PHARMACY Municipal Building chUdr^n Calvir. Cooidige e^fpectedly low, 1,992, con- School aho-.-bn display in the tended to the^seventh grade also.: Philip Walnlok, pharmaolat ‘ s ide r ing the Interestinthecam- Mrs; IBvelyn Schueler, Jthgrede ' lSOia.Un An, oor. Co, RTHsiTlerNe w Jen ey— exhiBit ca sAt theHlllslde OSice,' paign.»Total registration here National State Bank with the book. ., teacher* served as advisor. RUSSELL STOVER exceeds 11,000* ./• . Students responsible forthe CANDIES - HALLMARK THE STREET PAVEMENT NEEDS REPAIR AT ___ Tobtal Appliances the children uged for their QREETINO CARDS Joseph Gerard was-timner!t eriteftaijament were Marlene reixirts, - j up with 675 votes, Albert Schoen W* Cell for end Deliver TV SERVICE 1321 UBIETY AVENUE Fredo, aAairmah, Alan Jacob- Preeorlptloe* EL 2-42S0 INTERSECTION OR NEAREST ADDRESS - Hxiri ^Av,rly 3*77#*•# • Apartment owitz, , Carolyn Dassing and 9 H H , ' HILLSIDE,N J. • For Rent LIBERTY PHARMACY SZARKO’S LIQUOR STORE Bring—-new .2 family hone. 6 1817 Liberty Ave. .li l t Libariy Avi. GROWNEY □ MY ADD RESS IS . i/t Million Prasonptlona rillod CAU US FOR RELIABLE SERVICE ''large xtpojtna,A bithrootnerefr- FUNERAL HOME wa s-oest - wA's-uts coridltloned. Garage, $175 p ,r COSMETICS A PERFUMES Wleee - Llquore - P o « te t h li on 0 p o itc o rd ’ miVIflON S • WASNIIS month. Open for Inspection f to t r u s s e s 1070 N. Broad St FREE PROMPT DEUVERY -ELASTIC .TUCKINOS- and moil to: Public Affairs Deportment FOR U m tllA T O M . Al* CONDITIONHS 4 p.m, on Sunday, S42McMlcbaol E 111a id e 1/8 - 1/a • 1/4 - Ke«e , Call lor Pm , Dot. WA t iiOO PI. Phone MU 6-25U, E L 2 -1 6 6 3 _____ . C o o le r* For HI10 /T- at ahovo oddteaa Page 2 ; The H illsid e N .J. Times, W tIrtd by.F e bruo ry 21,1963 ( 9 Bank Accounts From One Family Temple Observes Congratulates Ttii Hlllsidi Timas Scout Sabbath Published weekly by the Hill, School Victors side lim es Publishing Gp,r tot Tr0j6p adcL P’adk 98 of the Con­ at 1448 North Broad St., HUIsltf servative1 Congregation of Hill­ Joseph p„. Gerard, defeated 5, NJ* side observed Boy Scout Sabbath ceiididate In the recent iSchool’ Fridky evening Feb^ 15. It marked Board election, this week Issued Thursday, February 21,19^ the first anniversary of the Scout- . the following statement! "My sin- Subscriptions per year $8,50 any/ ing program in tne temple; cere best wishes to Mrs, Hess, where In the United States, singu Highlights of the evening in­ Mr. Vaienti and Mr. Humanlk .copy 10 cents. cluded the presentation of an -for their victory In the Board of Eagle Scout Award . to Steven B&lcatlon election. I graciously Second class-Postage Paid* Kfevsky, 16, son of Dr* and Mrs.. accept defeat as a mandate of Elizabeth, N J. Krevsky of Westminster Ave* the community. VOLtXXXIX - No. 17. - He received the-jward from Dry ■ "To., the many friends wh« Bertram Bergman, former Eagle Joined my camp rtd to all of . Scout who if a mAiber of the the people wh5~ expressed their, Troop Committee, 3j , confidence Oh behalf of my candi­ For The B eet Sol Nadler, Institutional Rep- dacy, I owe fT debt of gratitude resentative|-conferred-LifeScout jvplch li impossible to com­ rank upon»Richard Kobrin, son of MAYOR JO IN A. DESCH, center, liTaTTOwn making pute," Milton Schwartz Mr. and Mrs, Howard Kobrin of to the Boy Scout sustaining membership'enrolImeni To Jerome * 111 West King St. Danz iger, of Elizabeth, district sustaining membership en­ Insurance Twenty-two Scouts received rollment chairman. Henry Gruss, of Elizabeth, Eastern District 1490 Stan lay Terrace their second class hedges from Chairman,' looks of?. Campaigned opened Feb. 1$. c ’ •* MARK BORKAN Leon .Goldsman, Scoutmaster, and his otohestra HILLSIDE, N.J. and, George Kradin, committee-' MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS mam Six“ $couts received their Holy Name Cites 1529 LESLIE ST HILLSIDE tenderfoot pins from assistant WA3-7766 - RRS. WA a *8785 fA.F.M.’l Scoutmaster Louis Lehman?----- It was announced that inst-rue- - ___l U i o A n s w e r C a lh Youth Problems WA. 8-9808. Rabbi HJ3, Lasker presented tors from the Arthur Murray - WAverly 3-2466' Open House Day'last week at the new Hillside State Bank, 1221 Liberty Ave., was the. occasion foir Aleph certificates to eight can­ ■At a iheet&S of the Holy Name Dancing School wilL^dertfon- nine new accounts by tfie Rippo-family of 11-28 Woodruff Ave, Makihg the first deposit for her family didates for the NerTafnid Award. Society of Christ the King Church strate the "Bosaitrf the group will Karlin, Martin Berlin andJRobert Holy Name Federation- Retreat • at 7i3Q p.n& According to the berjack,. Inc. Mr .Gallant, who is visit every • home -M :thfi . ^ i n - JUng*...... * Cun Can Room (Cocktail Loungp) working with the French-speak- . /-OhrMarch 22 and 23, outlined youth leader, Mr. Eugene Steitz, mtinity. They will present the The congregation was greeted ing lumbermen of Northern Maine plans for the event, Invitations have gone out to sev­ homeowner with a first-aid chart by president Norman Glikin* as a miSllOnary of the Gospel, SIDNEY T. DOIT eral oclfcr chuiches and youth showing approved procedures for ■ Oneg -Shabbat and social hour / Diamond Aj»pral**r - will show eotered sLides~of^Ms= Mr. Mikulewicz urged the Holy Fun Fair. Bowl accidents, and will offer to assist followed " at which refreshmehts/ Work-* He an^ his wife will blend, Name Society to form st Citi­ Rm. 401 716 Br*o4 St. Ruth Meier, one of the assistant the homeowner in checking his jivere served'. only ontrone# eor. Morkat St. their; voices together in song zens Committee to educate the NO. BROAD STREET, HILLSIDE leaders, ’wRlTse in""charge of first-aid ' supplies to . determine On Tuesday evening, Feb, 1/9 • accompanied by. the electric steel adult population concerning the im.MawWk j/H.i*,. • refreshments and the young peo­ '‘ whether his -house is adequately the first Blue and Gsld; banquet guitar* « problems of youth in the com­ ple will help witH decorations. stocked "for * accident emerv • Was- held "lii- the socia-l hair of the Temple at 910 Salem Ave, munity, Mayor John :A, Besch ' gencies, outlined work being-.done and said ..Cub, Scouts and, Boy Scouts, of* Where inadequacies are re** the problem often Is adult delin­ Niimber 613 Of A Series Of Articles \ Vealed, the member of the group Pack and Troop 93 and- /their parents and friends were present. quency and in order to make any Featuring American lieas amlldeals ■ , SUPERIOR COAL & KOPPERS COKE* will be able to present a s.elec- ~ findertaking successful, adults -Mon of first-aid kits so that Entertainment featured, a magi*!1 the homeowner may choose tide kit that may best suit his needs* See. l Ts F or Building; Supplies Kits designed. for use inside • and | outside the home twill be made TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE NQW YOU CAN available. ~ V • [ The first-aid kits- are sup­ WM. HALE COAL & SUPPLY CO- plied by Johnson & Johnson, the world's largest, manufacturers of ■/pTICE TO PERSONS surgical dressings* Marvin Keleky, advisor to the, COAL-KOPPEIS COKl youth group, said ‘ *We hope otu? DESIRMGABSENTEEBALLOTS TAKE YOUR .campaign will a lto the entire 1374 Liberty Ave., Hillside MU 6*2244 ^cdmjnunity-tb' the importance of being prepared to give accident -Injuries prompt"first”aid. ^ --lf-you arc qualiftecl 'and registered voter of the State who expects to be absent .outside .the"State on April 16^1963, or a qualified and registered voter Who will be within the State, cn April 16,1963, INCOME TAX but because of illness or physic's) disability, or because of the ob­ servance of a religious holiday pursuant to the tenets of your re­ ligion, or-because of resident attendance at* 4 school, college or university, will' be unable to cast your ballot at the polling place In your district on said date, and you desire to vote in the primary COME TO BERKELEY SAVINGS election to be held on April 16, 1963, kindly write or apply in person REFUND IN U.S. to Henry wt-Nulton, -Qouhty Clerk, Court House, Elizabeth, N J„ or to the Undersigned at once requesting that a civilian absentee forwarded to.youl Such request must, state your home ad- drees, and the address to which said ballot should be sent, and must be signed with your signature, and state the reason why you Will—not- be able to vote at you* usual polling place, No-civilian absentee ballot Will be furnished or forwarded to any applicant SAVINGS BONDS unless request therefor 'is received not less than eight days prior For the first time, you can take ' build, their . financial strength io the election, and contains the foregoing Information, your income tax refund in Series E through U.S. Savings Bonds. And . Bated: Feb. 21,1968 : . United State. Savings Bonds. All their strength is .the strength, of you have to do ie check a box on the nation—so important in these * your 1962 tax return. LOUIS A. DISCHLER crucial times. to us and to free This is an easy convenient way to people everywhere. , Township-.Clerk hold on to money you have already . Municipal *Bulldlng laved. You won’t_get any caah If you have a refund coming on ■ Liberty & Hillside Aves. which you’d be tempted to spend. . your. ’62 tax, think it over before HlUslde,- N J. Your refund comes as Bonds Which deciding how-to take it, And when will return jmu 4 dollars for every ' you decide to take it in Savings 3 at maturity. Bonds, see if you don’t feel pretty Tens of millions -of Americana good about it, FOR LOW-COST HOME FINANCING TOWNSHIP OF HILLSIDE Quick facli about ~U. S. Savings Bondi AMPLE FUNDS ^AVAILABLE. With In exceii of .$50;., NOTICE e You gel lT iV jh- tereit to maturity • milliatfTlerkflj&y i» cm important, tource of mortgage financ­ To persons in military seryice or patieitts You get your money anytime e Your Bond, ing. Whether ycujVe planning fo^ljuy^ or re-finance, are- replaced free if Berkeley can~ yitdtlo r"~ the m ortgage to y o u r needs and in Veterans’ Hospitals and to-their lost, destroyed, or itolen e You can lave income. t. • • automatically on Pay­ relatives and friends roll Savings PROMPT SERVICE. Berkeley's staff of com patant apprqi»6rs The 1962 Tax Return givesVou a choice of taking —y®ir felhndJn cash orJES. SavtiSga Bbnda. Full and mortgage loan oTficen can provide the answer to your • details are inrthe instruction form. financing inqu iry in a s iittlfc as 24 hours. ' ’•* If yoli In the military service 0 .hospital and ■desire... .1 • COME IN TO EITHER OFFICE FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION. a person'who is In the military service ar ts a patient In a veterans’ ’ Ifeep freedom in your future with No obligation, of courte, But do get the facts — BEFORE hospital who, you believe, will desire to vote In the Primary Elec- tiqnj:o- bis held pa April 16, 1963, kindly write to Henry G, Nulton, you maka any commitment. Barkelty't staff of specialists County Clerk, Court House, Elizabeth, N J„ or to the undersigned U S. SAVINGS BONDS wlll cheerfully answe/ all your questions regarding, down­ at once making application for a military service ballot to be voted In said election to be forwarded to you, if -you are In the military payments,' repaym ent schedules, taxes, Insurance, etc, Xbl V J r V m n m in t doit noi may jar thtfatHirtUtny. Thi Tnatury DtpartmurU service or arekpatient in a veterans’ hospital, atatlng your name, th*nki Tht Advertising Council and thin ntwipaptr for ,Ut|ir patriotic tapperl. HOME REPAIR A N D IMPROVEMENT LOANS TOO I Repair, age, serial number, home address, and the address at which you are stationed or can be found, dr If you desire the military service . . remodel, redecorate. Borrow up jo $3500, take up to 60 ballot fqr a relative or friend then make an application under oath months to repay. N o mortgage necessary. for a military service billot to be forwarded to him, stating In TUt Mteeaf* M ltaM At A Pnbiie Service Through your application that he la over the age of twenty-one years and stating 'his name, serial humbler, home address and the eddresa The C*eg«r*tlee •( th* (ollowiag Hillside Companies ■at whlch he Is stationed or can be'found:.-.. 1 Forma- of application can be obtained from the undersigned. IWNattoul Slau Bak, EliMlwik.N.J. Dated: February 21,1963 BHatol-IKyeri Ctmpmy Hillside Offiee Berkeley Sailings C—ptr Allay C«pMatlM Tridlx Tool AMaoki*. Co. » AND LOAN ASSOCIATION * -.* ■ .J, . r , -O , Y- k : ■' '<:n- ■■ ■ > M mBM IlniiCtUt 2 Convenient Offtees * LOUIS A. DISCHLER Tuoohyi Rooflag Coagay 'Township Clerk' DtvUtoa of Ooa*M *Ul OoM«t M tyhni Avenue I 434 Chanc.ll.r Avenue * •*— ! bdretrle. tat. hduetrlU Reoflne A Repairs et lerem I m m * w .-M h i Nm Municipal Building WAwdy em ee I WAndy 14141 Liberty ic HlUslde Aves. , NIWASK IS, N. J, j, HUlslde, N J. Both oj/loee open daily t to 4 iMtmiayiuntil 7 p;m. • M p iri On I AAIm Ii m Cup. Jiffy Mtaalaotwiag Co. The Hillalds N.J. Timei.Thuradoy,February 21,1963 Page 3 Patricia Dzmil,. Donald - kalfus, Paper Industry For Hillside High School Eva Llstman, a^rpn O'Connell, -1 wish to extend rny.sincere shall continue to strive for an Sandra Strassberg. , Mrs. Hess Thanks th anks to the citizens of Hillside educational w stem that*vdli-pro-* 8 A's and i B-Leonard Ber- for their expression of confidence lanetejn, Sharpn Browii, Mar­ in me.nrt is heart-warming and vide every child with the oppor­ Honor Roll jorie Gorodko, Mark Paseal, Her Supporters gratifying to Iujow that one's tunity to develop to his • fullest Carole Rdmanyskyn, Mary Lou efforts; are recognized. capacity, and at all times wiU SENIOR? Rubso, Morris Wijkenfeld.' Mrs. Mildred H; Hess of 167 fulfill the duties and obligations 1 -A's and 1 B-Jeffrey Ram, 2 A's and 8 B's Kathleen Wilder St., who was re-elected '*1 in) appreciative of the time of the office which hatf been en» 8 A,'s and 2 B's-Harold New- Alberts, Ellen Grober, William to the Board of Education, last and effort expended by so many trusted to me with diligence and Befnstein, Wendy Fisch, MldMel weckp issued-the following friends during the campaign. 1 integrity*" ; 3 -A'S and l B-WiMa Gotxlleb, Gurwltz, Barbnw Haase, . Lois Kantor,' 3 A's and 2 B’s - Sue Becker, - 2 A's and 2 B'-s Aharon Al- •Nell Bohr, Henry Hubschman, . BOUfn, Richard Ellen, Janet Susan Keisoh, Henry Kurland, Kietrucha, Edward •Lcis WelnlcR,' Allen 1 A ar.d. 4 B’s -Cecilia Fastau, .Dorothy. Holt, Bvelyr, — -kJsia and-3-B-'s--Alan K18t* ■"Spltal, John Zemar.ovic.— ------1 A and 8 B's -Fred Jacobus,- . T A and 8 B's HSrme- S B 's Van Hares, ■ ' lirii| 4 B's-SUlol-COH-ina,', RelM •JUNloftS GeUarmah, Henry Groh, Jeff 5-A's-Frank Brice. Steinberg, Arthur Stler, James 4 A's aqd 1 B-Roslyn Needle, -Testa!. ' A 'a -lh a ^ - F » - Nancy. • FRESHMEN ClOUbager "4 A‘s ar.d 1’B -Diane-Boxer, ;S . 8 a 's- ar.d 1 B-Lir.da Borkar., Judy Simmone, Sueann .Doyle, Lvnn Zipper. __ ■ ' 4 A’s -Alan Elser. Sanfnrrf ,, 2 ; A's and” 2 B's - Dianne Greenberg, Diane Hershkowitz, Aiello, Nina Greenberg, Sam Qollean .Huppeft,’ Huff, Jo-Ann Peace,. Edwin - (Ban. Savl^’'PhotcT ■story industrial structure having. 3 A's and 1 E's. -'.Barbara 1,000,.000 sqioare feet of or.e story . Williams, y Barr, Sherty Goldman,: Sue .. JL8ui» an drea. of 54.600 square feet, ■ Realtors of ’Newark, report* the >^dultria^Sltles Ir. the Hiil- , 1 A and 4 B's -Trina Bdrr,e, • Hlrschmann, William -Kaozor, Including a large alp conditioned slde and adjoining area, .Norman Ginsberg,- Irwin Kqntor, long 'leasing of the modern in­ office area'. KSrln. NihesjUng, ■ Robert Stsente, dustrial isuildihg located at 1286 Mr, Evans will make extensive' jhyceKamusz. , . 3 A’s-an

C sntraipII omc'I riist


OfFICI NMTH l DOWD AVIS. Mambtr and Federal Rstervt

N W J £ t t 8 EY ^h^sfhegreatest con - Writ ration of research * facilities in America ! ■<*$m**‘>*-


■ptev?" JaTsev-is^Swi ^ W i t h i n lhe-staj,6t-ai e y iflLLj.h.i IgSfi YOUR GADILLiCDEALER cordially invites you to his traditional search. laboratories plus, others connected'. p S i universities. They idcotgiFfey_pver ’l9.. par eent of the nation’s research dollar eagh •WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAWbPEN ROUSE,and suggestoTthJ': -yeaVf the highest annual.,expend tore of any 1 state. 'Locafed 'in"W8 commu.nitles, they are investigating and developing ma±ei*ialsh|HL ngariv-TDD ..nmflunt classiftcatinha. Th IflRI ~ 1 when yan. ^ffpect and drive this ■ superb' motor car you will see... conti’act^.,.for reseahcJi and development,'of- is' 15 BU tiTSHl!;1" ” ||B Nyv Jerf§’ ba8 aa -est.ima.ted 28.WQ Sftt* • entlsts' and-’.ieei,3.— higher peit- oapita | \ ‘ v isit your lo

PU BLI^SERyiciEtECTRIC AND GAS C’OM PANY Pag. 4 ? The Hlllald. N. J. limes,Thursday,Ftbtuary 21,1963

beth, the brids had as her matron the organ* tion (W« think), Miss Barhere eulUng engineers in Mill*-? , Exchange Stndent'W r ds Re si dent[ of honor her aunt* Mrs. Richard The bride attended schools in ; Koneohy, while she posed for Savage of Elizabeth. Mary Aim. Italy and was an exchange student pastel drawings by erf let. Mies MR’.AND MRS. Philip scherer Imbriaco, .sister of the bride- at fiattin High School, Elizabeth, Afrnmd The Town Toni Rosenberg, • of 1458 Orchard T er. have re. groom, was flower girl. Mr. John - Mr. Imbriaco attended Thomas Our local “model”, niece- of turned from e thirteen day Car. MRS. S Y L V IA ROSS Imbriaco of yillstde served as Jefferson High School in Eliza­ Miss Rosenberg, is the dsugh- . lbbean cruise aboard the Si his. brother1® best mail and ushers beth; and Was graduated from WA 3-5874 tet-'df Mr, and Mrs, Alois Ko- Victorja, were Mr. James Maddaluna of Hillside High School* He also neeny of 221 Wilder St. They managed to get & soitaj Linden, cousin of the bridegroom, attended N^zip's School of Music IT'S Getting to be a habit, Goeb was Junior brldes.maid. Best swimming, shoppmg ar4 sirf and Mr. Samuel Rinaldi ofunlon# in Nutiey^wbece he now teaches but Mr, and Mrs. Abraham Har­ man was Mr. Edwin ZiobrB and THE ENGAGEMENT of Miss seeing when they disembarked«. Ring bearer was Stanley Niem- the accordian. Mr. Imbriaco also • ris of 1549 Bond St. are grand­ ushers Included Mr, Tljomas Darlene C. Szela, daughter of Mr. their ports of call/- among Mg] czyk of,-Linden, another cousin teaches in the Universal Accor- parents again. This time the stork Wlnchurch, Mr. Ronald Huterand ’and Mrs. Frank Z, Szela of 1066 Puerto Rico, St, Thomas, Hay I of the ‘bridegroom. Yd^alist was diMrS^hbol of Music in FJorham delivered a hew Addition to their, Mr, Kandra. William Zydycryn, Thomas St„ to Mr,! Robert R» Jamaica and Port Au Prir.c;l; Miss Janet Bower of El-izabeth, Park and is a member of the son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and cousin of the bride, was‘Junior Fischer, has been announced. The Mr. Scherer is 'proprietor § who also accompanied herself at New Jersey National Guard. Mrs, Myron Klein of 201T>i#t>ck- usher, ,r prospective bridegroom Is the Hank's MenV Shop in Newetk, motton Lane, Sayre Woods South. .- Mrs, Buczkowski atten d e d son of Mr, and Mrs, Rudolph Baby Robert James arrived on Fairleigh Dickinson University Fischer of 94 Sherman Blvd., Lowenstein-Pinnas Betrothal lh,e scene Jan. 31 In Middlesex IRA MERRILL BAUM, sen cfj and was. an executive secretary Edison, ■Mr, ini: Mrs. Aaron Bauir. d Hospital, New Brunswick. He has at Scherlng Corp. in Union, Her Miss Szela,’ a graduate of Hill­ gL sister, Jane Lynn, 7 years 252 Clark St., was Bar Aditzvah , husband attended Fairleigh Dic­ side High School, Is attending Feb. 16 at Sinai Congregation r old, and a brother, John David, kinson University' end Stevens Newark Colleges of Rutgers Uni­ 2- 1/ 2. Maple Ave. Institute of Technology, He is versity, She'is employed In the In honor of the occasions dim The haopy mother is the for- ' stationed at FortPolk, La., where Millbum office of the Good Deal % trier Miss Geraldine Harris, '-Mr'reception'-was held "me h3 the couple will reside, Supermarkets. Her fiance was lowing afternoon at Steiner's in. graduated from Middlesex County MISS Gail Silverstein, daugh­ Newark, Joining the festivltiii THERE WAS much ado at the Vocational and'Technical High Were twelve of Ira'.a friends anfl ter ofM r, .add Mrs. Ralph Sii- . Art Show held at- Gimbel's De­ School, Perth Amboy, and is at­ verstein of 254 Schley St., New­ classmates, and his seven yean partment-Store in New York last tending Newark College of En­ old sister, Ruth Linda. ark, became the bride Feb, 10 week. The mUllng crowd focused gineering. He Is employed by of Mr. Michael Frucht, son of its attention on the main attrac­ Elson T, KUlam Associates, con- (fcont. on Page $) Mr. and Mrs. Samuel FrUcht of 250 Belleview Ter, Rabbi Her- -man-Kahan-performedthe cere­ mony in Toratf. Chaim Jewish .Genter and a reception was held L A g E L L E at Zijps Restaurant, Newark. . ' The bride, a graduate of Weeq- . liable High Sobook, Newark, is ' WHployid in the office of Woln-’ COIFFURES iger & Schlelfer, Inc,, Newark,. MRS; PATRICK J, ,IMBRIACO JR. Insurance, Mr, Frucht was grad­ INVITES YOU TO (Nagrod StydidJ. ■ ter of -$tr* and 'Mrs". Mario .; uated from Hillside High School • ,.3t, Anthony's Church in Eliza­ Ferraro-,of Cosenza, Italy, RevI •and is presently attending Wil­ beth was the setting for; the mar- 0* Dominic Battistello,. SX>.B, g fred Academy of Beauty Culture HAVE ONE ON US riage Feb. SLof. Miss Nadio .. pastor, officiated at a doublet- .in Newark. ... Ferraro of lO^^Augusia St.f ring ceremony and’ a reception Following a honeymoon in New „ Elizabeth,, and Mr. Pat rid k J amps • was held at the Elizabeth Carteret’ •York, the* couple will reside at SWITCH TO LA BELLE foryour regular shampoo and set Imbriaco Jr„ son of Mr. and Mrs. Hotel, Elizabeth, 14Q: Waittwrlght St* Newark. Patrick J. Imbriaco of 190Wind-, Escorted'’to the altar by’her COME IN AND GEl YOUR' "HAVE ONE ON US" appointment,card sor Way. The bride is the daugh- •uncle, Mr. Frank Alfano of Eliza-. MRS, H3, Yumpolsky of 1460 Stanley Ter. was hostess at a ON YOUR 12th APPOINTMENT THE SHAMPOO AND SET HILL BEJ)N US. gathering at her home Tuesday : of Sigma Delta Tau Sorority AJ- PERMANENT'COMPLETE THE PINGRY SCHOOL umnae League of New jersey, Highlighting the event was a “ A.College Separatory School for BoVs" * OLIVE OIL PERMANENT - Jewelry fashion Jhew, 21$ North Avenue, Hillside FIVE WEEK CLAMOUR RINSE Announces that -MARRIAGE VOWS were ex­ T0.UGH UP (one application . MWS'WffilAM L O ^ jltrE iN vV In June. Ijer fiance, a member changed .Feb. 16 between Mlis. shampoo & set) 7.50 '. f t > (Eric Wagman PhotojT . of Alpha (Epsilon Pi fraternity, • Joan Dolores Zydycryn, daugh- - ENTRANCE EXAMINATIONS Mr. and Mrs, Leo Lower,stein will graduate lh June.-from-Co­ ter of Mr. and-Mrar Michael SHAMPOO AND STYLE SET 3.00 to 5.00 • For th» fall of 1 963 of Highland' Ave., announce the lumbia . College of Columbia < Zydyofyh of '428 Yale Ave,, and. *Body wav«s slightly Abova prlcaa apply Monday engagement of ttigfr daughter, Sgt. .Joseph Buczkowski, U.S.A.,, For Admission,to Qr&des 8 through 1J Unlvprfitfi ;He Will enter. Seton Miriam,'to Robert Lloyd1 Pinnae, - HaU, fioilsgisof Medicine ir. the Son of Mr. and Mrs, Julius W ill b. given on eon of Mr. and Mrs-, Arthur. Pin*, fa jl.' 1 - .. .' . - ' ’ BuczkcwSki of Charles St., Moun­ / HAVE ONE ON US (LA BELLE COUPON) ONE DOLLAR VALUE / nas of Belleview Ter. tainside., The ceremony*, per­ SATURDAY, MARCH 16,1963 , FQRl’MSPEAKER' / With this coupon the shove prices will be reduced ^ _ y Miss ' Lower stein and M r., Mrs. N(5,' Phillips' of the Adult formed by Rev. Christian J. Cas­ . For further Information Pinnas are graduates of, Hillside Forum of the Elizabeth Aye'. per, 03.B., preceded a Nuptial / GOOD UNTIL MARCH MIOIONE TO A PERSON j l / Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes Write or oall the School High School. Miss Lowenstefn. ..Presbytarian..ChurchEwill Speak' /ES?- - - T1 y attended Syracuse University and at 9i4fi ami, Sunday at the ohurah Church"-in Mountainside, A re­ ception was held at the Pajlsh- will be graduated from New York On ' Troubled Youth In a Troubled. - HAIR CUTS Children to 14yrt. 1.25 Adult* 1,50 Telephone El.$-6990 .University School of Education World.”. ■ American Club, Miss Marlon Zydyorynv -Sister s -maid- of-hsnoF and Miss No Appointmeot Necassary Open Daily Thurs. Ifr i. ■, Janet Nalisnlk, Miss Carole Rat- • kiewicz and Mr$. Paul Kandra HILLSIDE . l i t * UBIRTY AVI. *PP Sefewsy WA 9-8724 served as bridesmaids; 'JoAnn UNION -14U WOIIIS AVI. au 7-0185 sWmiW m { m- m


February H

0ear Residents of ^ s ta te '

Because of tW jHfePfeBgg!; SCENE -. .. NUMBER 2 ■ Your local, truthful Pontiac dealer’s: (It's his hig D p n , Pontiac’s etitfn%(fromtl5"Y6 570* bhp) aren't'the ' House to celebrale George Washington's birthday.) strongest around. Cape Canaveral has that claim ■ all sewn up. m --- HI CASE OF CHAR AG TEES TRUTH NUMBER 3. - = Your loealTvtruthful^ Pontiac dwrter atid/bis -band .of truthful salesmen. Plus'- a caat wfrtkmtwiwta ate. , Wide T.rack-T.cinpett’,8 got..Et-toor-thiyycii. 1 '...... —- even!wrings nqs are ^ f open j a V aany l Y f rom B-A .Ht...------. arrival , ---- r-—j------u " interested bystanders-(all seeing' the truth) , Folfowlng this startling expose, your Pontiac• dealer will gioe a stirring lecture, entitled! “ Why SYNOPSIS OF PLO T George Washington's Birthday Makes Me Go . A,li Soft-Heamd About E9tra-Big Deals and ♦Putting theroseh es in the shoes of Master Whopping-Grregt Allowan ces." G. Washington, yq® Pontiac dealer and • salesmen will “tell all” abdut’Pontiacs and Tempests, A few snippy samples; BE TRUTH NUMBER I jC o r d l A ll Y Tempest isn’t the best-looking car of the year. The nod goes to Pontiac. Barely, Louis Buffelnd; President tib w f m t t ARE TWO WIDE-TRACK CAJiS. tONTIAdjVNDTEMPEST. SEE THEM AT YOUR PONTIAC DEALER’S W1DE-TRACK TOWN.- MAXON PONTIAC, INC. 1477 NORTH BROAD STREET, HILLSIDE, N, J. WA3-690O DR. AND MRS. Abraham Ox- Nottingham Way, Engaged To Pre-M ed Student A round The Town man of 84S Westminster Ave. Business Women Brownie Troop jAarilyn.Bhrenfeld, Elyse Gel- (Conti from Page 4) Have announced the betrothal of ieftnan, Trudy Grossman, Donna their daughter. Miss Joan ■ ;LT. Dennis Joseph Hyland IE. To Hear ^Doctor Jacob, Lori Langowskl, 'Mary FETED at a surprise dinner Oxman, to M r, Robert Raymond son of Mr. and Mrs, Hyland Jr. Liguori, Jeanette Peason, Debra party Saturday evening, Feb. 2, Roghberg, son of Mr, and M rs. Of 1485 Compton Tar,, has Just I Mjm Esther Oohsi, civic par- Is Organised Rhodes, Alice Sooka. Marilyn In honor of their golden wedding Charles Rothberg, Melfort, Sas­ returned to his assignment at ticlpatlon chairman of the Hill­ - Sabba, Rosanne Weinberg, Su­ anniversary, were.Mr, end Mrs,. Crlfflss Alp Force BaselnRomeK katchewan, , side Business and Professional A new Browtlle "troop was. re­ zanne Wellman , and . Marge Zie­ Peter Balza of 195 Milton Ave„ N.Y„ after Spending.a week’s The bdde-elect, an alumna Womon’s Club, today announced cently ■. organized at . Hitrden- nowicz. 1 Union, formerly of Baker St. leave at home. of Union-High School, waa gra­ - that Dr, Lawrence Gilbert 'of Looker 'School, The program | While the Brownies played here, The extra bar decorating his duated In 1961 from Vaaaar Col­ Newark wlU speak at 6t30 p,|]i, began with the flag ceremony .games, both committee mothers, The festtviUea, held at Pos- uniform attests' to hi* recent lege In Poughkeepsie, N.Y., with Monday at the club meeting in which was conducted by .Mrs, Mrs, Komona Peason and Mrs, kay’s Pine Room In Linden,were a bachelor of arts degree in promotion to F irst Lieutenant. the Kingston Restaurant, 1181! Langowskl, with Mrs, Esther ’ hosted by 'their sons and daugh­ Marlon Langowskl, a committee economics. Last year she waa A graduate , of Hillside High Morris Am ., Union. ' mother, Gellerman served refreshments, ters-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Steve graduated with distinction from -School* Lt, Hyland attended Tren­ Dr. Gilbert *» topis will be" A highlight of the Brownie Balza of Kenilworth and Mr, and ton State College,-where he In­ As part of a ceremony in which the Harvard-Radcllffe program 'The Use of. the UfeHSaylng the girls recited their Brownie activities thus, far was. a visit Mrs,. John Balza of 634 Buchanan stalled the radio communications In business administration. Miss Pecemaker,” Dr. Gilbert is a promise, 'Mrs. Jeanne Jacob, with Mrs, Anderson's and Mrs* St,, and_ their’ ’ daughter, ■ Miss system, ‘ Oxman will receive a master’s diplomats to; surgery, a fellow Ssettt leader,-and Mrs, Marge MiUer'a dance class where-they— Bernadlne Balza, who reside) Before his enlistment In the degree In June from Harvard of the. American College of Zienowicz, assistant leader, in-- learned the Virginia reel. Miss service, he -was employed In the with hen parents In Union,, 135 School of Business Administra­ Cardiology, a feUow of the “vested the following girls with.a Caroline Holllngshead Instructed . Newark plant .9! the New Jersey- guests attended* lncltidlng the tion, She is a member of the American College of Aisgiology'. gold Brownie pin. rfie children or. simple tapestry honor guests’ six grandchildren, Vaajar Club of New York, .. Bell Telephone' Company, where fellow of the American College lnflffi art room. Mr, Balza and his "bride"* Mr, Rothberg received an ho­ he will resume his duties upon of Chest Physician*, -fellow 0! the former Miss Anna Home! of nors degree. In commerce from completion of this tour of duty the New Yt^k Soidaty of Jiidf ifl' 5 Newark, were married Feb. 2, the : University, of-Manitoba in" With the ujs, A ir Force, Surgeons and a member of the 1913 lr.. St, Stephen’s Roman Winnipeg, Canada, and a master's Academy of Medicine of New A t Your SERVtCE Ear... Catholic Chureji,in Newark. They degree in business administra­ MR, AND MRS. Charles -R. Jersey* renewed their marriage vows Simpson Of 36 Beechwood ' PI, He h is had 16 papers THE BEST POSSIBLE DEAL tion' from the University of ON A B R A N D NEW . . . * Sunday at a fjigh Nuptial Mass Pennsylvania Wharton School of 'ere celebrating their fiftleth'an- ■ published and has been appointed ’ in the same ’ church. An,‘‘open ...Finance, He is executive assist­ niysrearyi They were feted, at -J lS. . gfSifllatS vlaitfllg Sl.lrgpnn of. -ftotiSE"'J”f5cSpHon followed at ant to the director of the Mani­ • an open house reception Saturday the Metropolitan Hospital and ’63 OLDS their home, toba' Development Authority In at (he ’ hhina p£_iheir aotiand- Flower Fifth---Avemre ‘Rdgpltil, th e celebrating couple lived Winnipeg. daughter-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, ’. He also Jfe£- ; 'YdUr.Neighbor in Hillside 35 years before mov­ A summer wedding Is planned. James ‘R. Simpson of 35 Aber­ professor qf. Flower pEth ing to Union, Before his retire­ deen Ri, Elizabeth, ! -Avenue Hospital. - OTTO ZEILBERGER ment five years ago, Mr, Balza -V1UCH MERRIMENT prevailed Cc-hoetlng the feadvltteswere He has avres-|arch fellowship .Col! Me At ■ was employed for 42 years by at ffiElizabeth Cowhand Country the couplers other chill&fc and fbdm the. Upicn County .Heart B l 3-4121 J. Weiss and Sons, Newark. He Club when the Benedicks Club of their respective spouces, Mr. Association* M rs, .. Henrietta is :p" member of Newark Chapter Elizabeth held Its formal Bgjl. and Mrs, William B. Simpson Frdellch, executive secretary of OLDSMOBILE' 76, Slovak Catholic Sokol, Mrs, Amontj those who- hosted din­ - of Millington,- Mr, and Mrs. the Union County Heart Associa- BURACK MS8 MARION J..HQMA Balza belongs to HiHsldeChapter 'Charles 1,. Tracy of 259 Ogden " tion, also will attend, eo. ner parties at.home,- preceding . Hiw ieriey'i largest olds Daaltr 188, Zivena, a benefit society. the gaiety, were Mr, and Mrs. Way, Hillside and Mr, and Mrs, Final plans will be mtde for The betrothal of. Miss Marlon Thomas S, Hunt of Lcs Angeles* JoSn..HomrTo M r. Frank S. H a das sab Group Franklin A. Me Carthy of 212 the cake sale, card party arid hat ANNOUNCEMENT has been Calif, sale to bo given at g p,m« Mlreh Satko^of 1837 C enter St*, has made of the bethrothal of Miss _ 1»5 Clifea Ave. (Meet Hlqli St.) Niwirk been announced by her parents* 12, at the Hillside Ave', School, Book Discussion Angela Ann De NIcq1q to Donald Stephan' ftiffijp a- Rj regular meatJag of the Eve*' F. Williams, boh of Mrs, Thomas .of 221 Palisade R d„ JUndern” nlng Education Group of the Hill' Williams of 510 Puree Sf, i S j a jj f f l E jf —Unclan HST-II.M Chapter of Hadam h will The bride-elect, daughter of . Sebeel, sha-brtde-elect attended take place on Tuesday, Feb, Mr, and Mrs, Anthony De Nloolo itlBUgk Callegi lrr~ReMJngf at 8:30 p,ir., 'at"tlhe-hen-a--a<-- of 1320 Uncrest Tor., Union, was FREE! 100 SiH /S ts ^ eW K ly 'l M K ' - graduated" from Union High with purchase of $5.00 or more at M organ' College InJsth? Ave,, Newark, School, She IS a bookkeeper with GREEN Tdhem. Sho la'maJariHgTneie- M rs. Robert _nnythertt—wlll- the Maplewood Bank and Trust Nam® . montary education, and is co- speak on the Roman period In STAMPS Compnay, Maplewood, Mr. Wil-' AdcJreii ...... elialERB °f women’s Sdcial act:- Jewish history, reviewing the Hams attended Hillside High vlted at the college. Mr, Satko ohafter of the R Sii Learsibook, School and Is employed by Skil Umil 1 oouporLpar ihopplng family was graduated from Hillside High ’Israeli" A'jfiftp'ty df the Jewiah Corp„ Hillside, wif h purchase of $ 5 .0 0 07 more & coupon ----- Expirei Sot., Feb. 23, 1963 Schbal. .A . senior pre-medtcal People.'f* whlch deals with this The couple will exchange mar­ student at Albright College, he la era, A general discussion wijf riage vows June 8 In St,Joseph’s a member of Skull and BonSa, follow under the direction of Church In Maplewood. FRESH, PAN READY a pre-medleal organizatlSHt - v '‘.Mm * . .An engagement party for Mr,. ,Mr. Satko and Jiis.flancfle are la&nt for EdUSatJsC'end "hirer' Williams and hla fiancee waa held p la h is lt^ w a d d in g . Rae ChenlU, Co-ehairmau, at Club Navajo in Irvington. I ► FRYERS All Acme Markets Will Be WHOLE OPEN ALL DAY Fraih killed and ruihiid from REOULAR STORE HOURS \ n*arby farm * to our stores to ra- fain that mouth watering good- WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY n*n for your eating pleasure. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23nd ■ ■ . 29Cut-Up ib 33° “YOU NEVER HAD IT SO FRESH” FANCY WESTERN Lancaster Brand Top or Bottom BROCCOLI Round Roust 89<


ORANGES 1 0 - 59c Campbell's ‘ X '6'0Z ( 1 PORK & BEANS w cans FROZEN FOODS ' MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing quart jar J p g , GREEN BEANS ESTATE PLANS UP IN THE AIR ? SWIFT'NING SHORTENING 3 Get yayir -feet on the ground. Consult your birds:. EYE 59‘ ...attorne y tuday"aPoxit your will ana"a,5R fllfirtg" ------O f f ------BROADCAST ^ | ■^57 explain the advantage of naming a corporate JT executor, - MORTON'S APPLE PIES 25* We advise that''you'discuss your financial' HECKERS 5 ^ 4 9 = affairs in complete confidence by visiting our AUNT JEMIMA WAFFLES 2 ^ 5 9 * IdeaT Trust Department, We will be happy to coop­ FISH mChunk’ Ugh;..- 4 ^ 8 9 ’ erate with you and y'our attorney. • There is DAIRY no charge or- obligation for- our assistance in HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE 10 89c such a meeting, 4 . p b , 3 5 c P.HILADELP-HIA- MY-T-FIHE PUDDINGS ien County Trust Company” BRAND 8 oz. pkg. 2 5 Typhone PINEAPPLE -.-Slreed ..- 5'™ si SERVING YOU IN ELIZABETH SLICED CHEESE S 49« Go Id S ea I 142 Broad Siritt 71$ llisaboth Avonuo SPAGHETTI 4 ■sc Spaghe ini 2 j t 3 3 ’ 150 Wostminstor Avonuo $09 Wostfiold Avonuo CHEF'S DELIGHT * ’ Ideal LINDEN FRUIT COCKTAIL r 4 % 6 9 ’ N»r»*' 115111 SI St. Ofarga'iO.Tg.'.,Av.„l«o.t Av»„l«it " 214 St. O eerfA vf,, West BAKERY J0ST JtRRIVEDI VIRGINIA,J.EL. , Carnalion c l CRANFORD . - SUMMIT BERKELEY HEIGHTS EVAPORATED MILK » can* f | ■ J*6 teeth'Ave., U ,t 30 Mapla Strilt _ ISO fprfnflleM Ava, Hot Cross Buns !n 4 5 ‘ PLEDGE 14-02 can 99c f e D ( RAT. 0 E> OS 11 INSURANCE C 0 R R 0 R A^T 10 N A rad v.'ll’.dprlt" tflaetlva W .jn.idoy Ihraugh-Seturdey,«ar»JOth to 23 rd VICTOR WHITE 2 25* w * ” ,*t,* th«. to limit quonlltit. Nil r«lp6n,lbl. toi t,pOe,o0hi(,i . P ag . 6 ' the HlflttiU NJ/Tlm .vTltvfsilflyjl^bfiwry 21,1963 Hillside Highlights 50th ANNIVERSARY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS CALL WA 3*9207 as Mrs, Van Osborne and Sylvia TO RESERVE . BY JUDITH TUMlN respectively , Another mother and March' 6, Presidents' Council of PTA's Founders’ Day Program T4I&yMAjO daughter combination is Tarry with tribute to Founders of the Township pfcffillslde, 8 p.m. Hllleldg Mr. Ranald Albert, instructor . Schi'ijnel ‘as Mrs* Van Austin and High Schpoji ; ^ ADVERTISING SPACE of Hillside High School Marching Joyce Curtov as Margaret, •April 3, 50th Anniversary observance ||SHlUslde. Ave,:Scho’il|v atachncl ap9itnrlum, R p.m, -Bundr recently—announced—that- 7'Mfiry. GUncher portrays~"Mrs*' IN THE - Patpieie—Fnmlcok-wtH- SpofFard, Edward *J^®Vitz April 22, .Dinner, HlUsfda Buslness-and Protesaiorral-Woftien's serve as • matching band head as a partner. TWb steward lub, at 6|30, plm. Kingston- Restaurant, lTSl Niorris Aveo.Unlw 50th ANNIVERSARY majorette for the school year Jeffrey R'arn. and Howard Tarler. $3,SAY” ’1963-64. Carol Stone, Vivian Josldff and April 37, Tribute to SO .year residents ■ofcths, toyroshlp, at 2 'p.ifir Pat’s duties will include lead­ Maureen McCulloch play the Municipalbuilding. OF THE ing the marching band during fall three girls* ^ • Polish American, fodt-ball-seaspn; She -will be in . Firbt young man • is Steven ,5£bteAnnlversary Bence, a r 9 p,m, Poijiih charge of all activities on the '■Sr.. Free. __ . g HILLSIDE TIMES Phone Shiller and seeond -young-many lieldT Pat will be. responsible for . K e n n eth , Rothschild, Harvey. May 5j;.Hfflflde Serr.ccratte CTit'a Dirnar nanr- i- o choosing selectlohs Fonjhe band Berlanstein-aets^the-role-of-Cap^ olSDth -Anniversary. Twin City Restaurant, 7*9 gagnrRij„ "'.‘.tsfcsth. to be published A pril, 1963 and coordinating formations and $7,50. tain, Bettr a tennis player,, is A HISTORICAL TABLOID SECTJ0N WA 3-9207 routines.' In addition, *Pat is in portrayed by Elliott Friedman, , 'May .19,. Hillside Lodge 1514, B'nal B'rltb, iowltog at 'Fur,.Fair -charge—of—the—honer-guard-and- Mona ■ Abramowitz will act as Bowl, 1-319-N, Broad 8t. — "that w ill portray th« amazing growth of our • -RATE- twirling *squad. - . Miss Chapman* ■May 30, AnhuaFiM^^iiai Day Parade”, 9 a.m, Hillside High . community from a rural hamlet to a mojtrn- Three years jparticipation in Gary Goldberg Is thh hotel Schoql. Ceremonies a’t Evergreen Cemetery, 11 a.m. * residential-industrial complex. FIVE GENTS PER WORD the marching band - made Pat manager. The chambermaid will Intra-Faith Rel^lpus -Service at -^rtpiYinv, 'Wbocttltald eligible 1 for this position* She, be... played . by Andrea Whitken* June, 1, Art Show fromV2uto 5 p.m. at Hillsidemgh"Slhool field. Minimum Charge, $1.25 alsQ takes part i'h~tSe~HIirside' Linda R osi assists Miss Asco­ ' ' JtilY’4, Rebrealdr.'Prcgrar. and Fire- Works; AU day. WILL BE DISTRIBUTED FREE High School Orchestra anti; Sym- lese as. student director, .The MORE THAN ONE INSERTION CHARGED - phonic Band, Pat plays the senior cabinet m em bers, tnbuted In dividends to savers-” TO 7 ,0 0 0 HILLSIDE HOMES AT THE RATE OF FOUR CENTS A WORD. accord!an* flute and piccolo. --directed by~senior class officers1 Berkeley Assets a new high for the Associ-atloia-; MINIMUM CHARG EShflO ------Pac belongs 7to the Hillside" ___£49-B©w~ft io r tg age^ldatis'were ^jwill select Chairmen and set .up PICTURES: MATURES: SPECIAL ARTICLES . ~FuTtn-e 1’each'e'rs of Arrierica committees to deal with .makeup,* Rise 14 Percent placed during 1962, bringing the Glufef-She alrso. serves* as a col­ .total number of such loan^ ln tb“4: .-..,-./.£|j|:STOM MADE props -and scenery, ", lector ^fo/r Student General* As­ -ftctr’ifScens Tls-serte aNsw A ;14%;-tosaea-to--assets - •institution’s por-tfollo.^ to 4,14 « sociation dues,- The ’new head representing $42,5(50,211 WHY PAY CASH? .Slip savers. • York City Hqt*]l Rocm. Sser.a 2 M |5#,789,892 A was recorded ' majorette participates , in the takes place a t o a rd* the -by B erkeley -Skyings fer-ifae mortgage financing. i^ .Drapes & Spreads'----- "Hil~laai~d e Junior- .Achievement Reserves, were increased MR7HIR A HillsiJe .Shades & Blinds S Company. '■ *------“ MaJest|ciL70Cean--anroKlMn1^^® \S?§^ilfftt^fe-Sl- $3,lF477Q/0 - a l i ’gure fesirik \ TIME PAYMENT PLAN .UpKoTstering . Table Radi is bound -Tot feurope. Anotiisr • 1902, ’ . 7 Thursday thru Saturday February 21 --£3 Bowling, horseback riding, ice • scene is a small sitting ssq'ni According to Moe Rubtaileld, as being “welLin excess of the Custom. Made Slip Cavers. TRY JANET .DECORATORS skating and. swimming are favo­ in a Paris hotel. Mr, Nichols, board • chairman, "mere than’ requirements Sfjbpth Federal and Drapes 1301 L ib e rty A vo . rites of >Pat, On occasion, she State Banking authorities, ’1 ■industrial ar.ts instructor, will 3,900 new savings accounts were J a c k ie G leason in fijj&t** Ready-Made Slip Covers W A 3-6932 also models. Upon, her comple­ create the sets* opened.durlng-1-96.2, bringing the With two offices - at^i-Lyoiit- and Drapis tion, "of High school, Pat will READJNG. - STUDY PROGRAM total ot members' sayings to. Ave„ and 434 Chancellor Ave.,-* David’Niven in "Best of Enemie CURTAINS - SPREADS . efc; ^continue'-her education with7the. ■' Meeting on.Jan. 11 were Pro- ';$49,950,315.’'"" B^keley'Savings offers a"wide- goal .of becoming an-elementary- OtherMens-;publicis8edg1||: range of financial ’services, In C A LL WA &.QSQ.1 school teacher op a secondary addition'to savings* ■ accounts ln- PHOTO SERVICE an: .to the reading-study program_RlSlSfiMM MfV.a t o , :thft' F o r R ep re sentafive ^ school mathematics instructor* being conducted at Hillside High Association's operations during sured tcr^SjOiB-by the Federal MATINEE FRIDAY,WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY Upon being told of her new School and- tehchtos partid- 1962! Saytogs and Lpah Insurance PHOTOGRAPH A position, Pat stated, “ 1 amrdeeply patipg project. _The A total, of $l,836',8f sdls» Co'rpii:' Berkeley- Savins- fea- Pceiifiiv Sat. Night at 8:50 p.m. HELP WANTED FEMALE CAMERA SUPPLIES honored to accept the' position teaehers discussed problems and tures: 'dividena^^ payipgChrist-. Anthony Quinn in ^Barrabas" as head majorette of Hillside CANDID P m p o n t. explored plans fop expanding the tifts and Vacation Clubs, money dffi^ShoQ^vmarching bank, I /^HOUSEHOLD BLUES? Fketoiw ti, Zlm m trm tn Photo program furtller, It is now being orders,' foreign remittances. will attempt to make next year's - "IE ?:® " : s e rv lc , 1113 Llborty Avo. EL 4- implemented 'Second* yea;p- i m i.i ~ 1— earngood money call Mrs. Hunter, ■ - M S I , * ‘ ■band the best Hillside' has ever at the high sr|rnn11.....■.. tAypjsj C Q ^yfE TfC S T'2-5M fc~ -:had^-~= LIBKRTYI Professor- Wolfe is-'employed AVON representatives can. now ' SENIOR CAST CHOSEN S £ : lUZAIETH* EL 4-3234 I double their earnir^s CARPENTER * Seniors.of Hillside High School* as a dii?ectoi?"Of'research pro- jeots in-language arts in Penn-, Meld CVer 2nd Wedk Sunday "thru Tuesday .February 24 -‘28 and exciting.-pcnduct^ We can~ will endeavor td prove that eyen a small family^ Y*B“'WSnt i c.rpontor? c ill F, sylvanla^ She-is author of'ahum»-| ” , NoThru Stn^or Tuei Spectacle: ''Barrabos” plus “ twe Tick.ts to Paris’' ptaW V ouhea-r' home. HlmenBergor tor bulldlni, ro - gentlemen really prefer blondes" -^as they; set the stage for the *ber of school English textbooks '■**** c a n -h a v e pairing, g e n e r ti contracting, entitledf English, 3^our Language, To Equal Ith senior play of that title in the roofing, cabinet work, Eatlmataj published by Alleyn and Baker* , insured savings high-school auditorium under the given ■' fro*. No lob loo larg* The ’ books are designed f - - EASTER^jU#JGS'-$. "direction j of Miss .Bernice up to ^O.OO©’,.. S O D O M & ^.oe-jflo:.shiiai|--.Gall- EL 6-6227 grades one through six ,. . If you are In need of money Ascolese, English and dramatics alter 3 u.'ffl, *. This year, in addition to Eng- and can wprk only a few hours a instructor, Oh March -29 and 30-. tlrsh classes, the reading-study GOMORRAH .day, servicing AVON‘customer's Seniors tried out for t>he .part APARTMENT FOR RENT -program will-eneompaSg-hlstory during the week of January 7 - Starring Stewart. Granger FlASHt«*«*s and biology.’Mr* Philip CarnUll, products are doubling average Brand new- 2‘ 'family 6 I J* ^Out of the seventy candid- AND SHIRT' LA^NDERERS . earnings.. Call-Mrs. Lewis MI Large rooms, 2 bathrooins; f ir - ' dates, Miss, Ascolese selected English instructor; Mr.Raymond and Rosanne Podesta . Rancqurt, biology teacher;“and- 2-5146. conditioned, Garage, 5175 per twenty six to fm the roles, Mr, Robert Stabler,* history in- Liberty & Hillside Avenues M U 8*9646 month, Open for Inspection 1 io - Robert ^Blooff} plays the male and.a Cast of'Thousands sttUctor reported their progress 4 p,iTu.ic-Suiidiy,-M!McMlcha»! lead as Henry? and the two female- Mom k o .p t * c lo u shock on tho at the .meeting with • Professor Place. Pnone MU 6-251: j stars are Jane- Seldman as ' fomlly wordrobt, and soot to If -Wolfe, Mrs. Jacqueline. Eaimers, Woman who can drive to call ’ _|*orelei. Lee and ‘Miriam Chalet who heads the program at'the', that ovory gormont It bond-box regularly each month ‘pii estab- IS Dorothy, The-play is set in FURNISHED ROOMS, stated, ‘iTheresults. eioon-cndf frosh-roody to,bo won Halted Studio Girl .Coampt-jos * -the era of tlie “rdaripg’ with prldo and ploaiuro. HER Clients to and a round Hillside • achieved ■ by this" program have* _ B a n k of Furnished room to-let; please 4 ies. ’ Mr, Lee is portrayed ,-by- SECRET) OUR SUPERIOR 'making' necessary deliveries)' been Very gratifying.'* • % call after 12 noon. MU 6-9679, Rdbert Buttwell. Mark Rosenberg C o m m e r c e DRY-CLEANING SERVICE etc, 3 of Mbobrfrper day. Route ■is c.ast as Sam arid B&ossartf BAR MITZVAH • Springfield Ave. t High St. will pay up to $3.00 per.hour.. Sr, is played by Michael Wei sser, ___Leslie Grfenhnusfey son of Mry- - Hawthorna Avn.4-CffnteflJ^?3l ..-Write STUDIO GIRL. .C0SME7 Jhy Herman will act £K£"part ahd Mrs. Jerome Greenhouse, m < -■ 1GS, Q .pf. 77932,. Glendale, of Byossard Jfq|n Gorlin 345. Sanford Ave*, will be Bar "So. Qrangi flSmBergeiSi. CaUG Teb. 7-14—21 Famished roam in private home, plays, the. role of Aunt* Dolly, Mitzvah at Temple Beth El, 1374 Market St. (ap|)6WJ?,(j^ itatlplt) convenient to buses; WA 3-2268. Eileen Seifer and Carpi Petjras North- Ave., Elizabeth,, on Satur­ •p k iv B -jN banking service . • LON6ER...LOWER... paly - a mother and daughter role day Feb* 16 at U;15 a.'im* ' fret parking at alL o Hitts Member Federal Deposit Insurince Corp.k TYPEWRITER RENTALS WIDER! All makes and models — Special student rates SLIFER - Typewriter Co. (6pp. Court House) MA 3-2616 29 MARKET ST.. NEWARK SERVICES T O L ^ E ^ D M l COMPRESSORS AUTO FINANCING Air compressor rental service for Concrete breaking A: .First. .State -ycrill-f-l-nd-finaicing- dsslgr.Bi tg'.ma;ea and emergency service the neW’gfira, for industrial plants LONGER T ERRS, , . .PETER A. ' - LOWER RATES. WIDER RANGE. jt\ at plans twiloreS toYourindlvtdual DROBACH CO. needs, C.S. Highway No. 22, ^ yvUVe buying a new car; compare thaoost of IlnanclRg MU 6-0018 at First State. . , only ?d;00 p .r year per $100 borrowed. sslfft* FlagshlB.,Union, » ^punds unbelievable for,a.C^ysl^'.But.idg-^«e, ...... 12 MONTIILyIsa jdr^.M.Lvl^.MciFFRHbV And we’re ready to prove it to you. DRIVEWAYS $ u o o ^ ^ $ $ 4SS0I""- f""'sting" i 5 g ’ r ' 67.52 , 46,62 v 173.62------90.02 ...AJ.'TS"' ■ Oonsidenng. the. full-size value you get in a Newport Asphalt' Driveways 80 why not compare the facts, the figures, the features, 217.d8 ' 112.53 •77.70 AND PARKING LO TS BUILT ' 260.® ' . 1SS.D3 4-door sedan, we can appreciate why,"so many ask us tg* with any car anywhere. We think yo^ll find the $2964 .93.24 prove that a Chjysler can be priced so low. Chrysler sizing up as the finest value intow sj • All work done with power roller ^ WVre always happy to. 1 . a All kinds of m ason work done Your Ghrysler.

' SEg-EMPIRE,-- CHRVSLiBR' CORPORATION-* WEEKLY HOUR.LONQ TV aW nTURE SHOW | A3S BIN* St. WA 8-2471 f o o p - u q u o r s - restauramts Educator* near gram, being carried on here and 9 i.m. Young Adult Breakfast foids these thoughts, ,.w ^ Group. ‘‘They Saw God" will-be the topic HUS* gte Mitzvah of was enthusiastic • about the way opens the petals of aholypurpose Glerr-Berger, sor. of Mr, and - In which the teachers were Im­ 9*30 a. m. Graded c'hurch of-a lectare-discusslon oh what Math Professor Houses Of Worship in tJrder that the purpose may, Jews believe, about God, led by Mrs, Cy Berger, Union. parting new ways of thinking to School and Adult Blbld Claas. appear.", ' Dr. Ernest R. Ranucci, head, Rabbi Laaker, An Qneg Shabbat " ’Stjtesy, 10:00 a.m. - Templd Ch r is t T H l k in g , 10:45a.m. Worahlpwlth atrmon e l th e Mathematics’ Department thdlr pupils, and the leadership guest musicians. The g u e s t - The Gglden Text is from Pro- will follow the services. Men's Club ’Brealdast and Mae;. rf-the-Mwayk- State College at provided ; by the administration, - CATHOLIC CHURCH speaker will be'Rev, BUI Gal­ ver^SrlStiJt-jTrupt ir. the Lord" PRANKLIN MEMORIAL Saturday morning Services on Ifif. Featured speaker: Edward ynioa, was guest w eak er at a lant, president, of the Lumber- wlffi flTpiEe Heart; and lean not February 28 will, begin at 9:30 P. Qottlieb, chairman of the War ’ Comer Bloy St, end Rutgers Jack For Christ mission in North- METHODIST CHURCH 'into thine own understanding.1* meeting of Hillside teachers and Those, who attenaeq were Mr. Av*. a.m, Hebrew -school puplls~wlll ReelBCeraLeague.TeTTiple-ScteOl.- principals KSlfl- here recently^ William KoellnerTTvir. David ern Maine. He will show slides , Maple and Keer 5kvenue, New­ Join the services at 10:30 AM. Monday, 8 too pan. - AduitEd- •Rsv. Daniel Curtin, Ptator. ark, Dr. Edaon R. Lezch, peitor Introduced by Df- Wayne T. Harris, Dr, John Lopresti, Dr. on ..the work in Maine and sing uoation eourdee on Reform jtge* Rsv. John F.Tykt and Rev. Wll- , with,his wife several vocal duets. SINAI CONGREGATION •Branom, Superlntendentllf; .Walter Krumbiegel,, Miss Edna llam R. Smalley, Assistant Paa- wVsMOO 78 Marta Av*„ phone ism and Hebrew. - ■Schools, ?r. Rar.ujci.praised the Ooli, Mrs, Evelyn Schueler, Mr* tors. All young people are invited. 1SS1 Maple Ava., Rabbi EUasar . Pot further information about manner in tyhlch- 7th and j$j£ Sunday, February 24: Cohan. TEMPLE BETH EL Maassat Sunday . 7, S, 9, 12 CHURCH OF ST. MARY 1374 North Av., Elizabeth Temple Beth El and Reform Ju­ grade teachers were trained in A r th u r Wojclechowskl, Mrs. 9:40 A A4. - Sunday Bible School For the week beglfmlng Sunday, daism, call Elizabeth S-97S9. Church: 9, 10, 11, 12 , School. with classes for all ages. MAGDALENE(Eplscopal) the Workshop conducted by Mr* . M argaret Brooks, Mr, George Wookday , 7, 8 and 8:30 AM. F*b» 24A_the_ache(iul#-«£ services- Wiiliatr.. Kpeltoer* department 1. PriSa’y, 8tflO-panr --Rabbl-Mfl= Rosen, Mlhs Jean -Levine, Mr, Ftrit Friday - 6, 8 In church " He aa fuUawBt ----- c ha lr manCrihSt-hematd-eeefH-iU"- Thom** WdanriWii'.'MMy De uren, Gur :‘iCrown Him” King'! '"PoiBbn* PzrkvlewTsr., tbn Gerald Miller w ill‘speak oh AZA DANCE SLATED and 11:30 In auditorium, Com- Newark, Morning Serviced: Sunday 8 side High §disol« He stated that Dominick, Mr, John Manning anc Sunday School contest begins this AM»; ■ Monday through Friday, "The New Torah Translation;"-----'On SHtroasy- Mght;_'B(Sfcl T, " 7, Th* Rev. Alva G*Duckor, Rec­ 'he wab in accord with the pro** Miss Brenda Brown. Sunday, join the-contest,’ win a 6145 AM.! Saturday, .8:45 AM. . Saturday; 10:00 a,m. - The Hillside A2A will present tbelo. Holy U y u ^-6, 7, 8, 9:30 - prize. tor. Phont WA 3-2518 . Confirmation Claas will conduct second annual ")FlayBoy'a Pgnt- 3:30 and 6:30 PM, ’ Sunday Servicesi Discussion group service and I p A-M. - Morning Worship breakfast, Sunday, 9 AM. a chapel'servide, • hoass Dance” a: tt.e Sinai build- Confaialoni - E v e ry Saturday Hour: , The pastor Is continuing 8 a m . Holy Communion ing from 8 -1 2 p.m. end evenings of First Friday 4, 'Afternoon 'aendceat.’Sunda'y the series on Victorious Chris­ 10 KiA, Pariah.Family Ser-* through Thursday, 6iD0 PM.; 5:30 - 7:30, 9, Vice and Church School. COLLEGE INN tian Living, this weekpart 4 - Friday, Welcoming the Sabbath Novena - Miraculous Medal) “Dying To Self". Special musi- : Holy. Days — As Announced. oSISlRKK?' 334 YALE AVENUE (cor. New York Plots) HILLSIDE Every. Monday night g pjyf, and Evening Services immedi­ cal guests, The public Is Invited FIRST CHURCH OP1* ately fcUowlng the afternoon to attend,' CHRIST SCIENCE vicat Saturday,'6:25 PM , ' GASLIGHT Fully, Air Conditioned UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC' 8:4S P.M .- Baptist Youth Fel­ CUMRCH OF THE Sinai Hebrew' School classes lowship - Rev, and Mrs. BUI 1231 Falrmoum Av*„ Elizabeth, are He)d on Sunday from 9 AM. ( RESTAURANT 1 Catering To Weddings, Parties^ IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Gallant $111 play, and sing and Sunday. Service and Sunday • * to-T PM, and, on Monday through' K 66 CHERRY STREET give their testimonies at this School, UiOO a,m, Thursday from 3l30 p m . to 7:00 ELIZABETH S Liberty Av*.; and Bloy St. meeting, Banquets and M eetings Wadnaaday Tertlmony meet- PM. V FINE CHINESE CUISINE... ■ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY J Rsv. Myron Sozanakl, pastor, -...Z*0Q .pun. -> Evening Gospel Sunday masaai, 8i30 and 10 a.m. ins, IllS pan. The Hebrew, ^School children Hour: Our guest speaker will be services, under jhe direction of Holy Communion d ie ses Sat. Rev,,FIR Gallant, - Both he and Reading Room - Monday, Wod- Herman Lansey,'principal of the s ENTERTAINMENT EVERY NIGHT Moke Your urday momln*. , . his wife will give testimony and welay k Friday 10 AM. to 4 school, are ' held on Saturday HILLSIDE UNITED sing -together, Mr, Gallant plays -pmaatot- In -the. Kasoff Yomrh Featuring BEN HEY and THE PLAYBOYS Reservation Now the eleetric. steel guitar and they PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH r p

Straw ana '• hundred t—t northerly thafodrom parallel to and One hundred feet (!O0,,O', ...... JLIfiMXJL QII^WCT 1 southerly from the eoutherly llneof-Ootient.... lions W ill Htv MWft* Avenue and'CLrlT Straac to tha can- BEGINNING at the point of intareoction Street to tho center line of the Lehigh Valley tar Una ot Clark Straat, thtnot Ml north- of the cantor line -of-the Irvington Branch Railroad, theta* (SO) northeasterly (long the c •ootorly ilcn| tha cantar Una of Clark of the Lehigh Valley Railroad with tha center cantar line of the Lahigh^Vallay’Raiiroad to omets Topple Berkeley Team ®lr«a( to tha cantar Una of Miplt Av.nii, line of Liberty Avenuei thence (1) eouth- he point or place of beginning. . Woman Minister Utonca (SI Muthwaitorly lions tha cantar more cdnseciftlve,-points, which, eeiterly along the copter line of the Irving­ t w e l ft h dvfrict Itaa n<. Mapla Avonuo to i (wlm mldwty BY MARC LEE'PSON , were Interrupted by Bob Haver's ton Branch .of the U hiih Valley Railroad BEGINNING at the point of lntorooction b ^ taan CUrk Straat and Bollovtow T ar- followi.'g the vi nous cuuraei tharof lo a point rmc*» th«K* (6) i Ofthw««t*rly mictwsy bs- of the center line of the Lehigh Velloy Rail* . -ti,.- Htnside HlglPSchoot var- fouF'to bring the 27-lft. in the eantar 4ine of Gentrel Avenue ixs twMn CUrk Street and Ball tv law T .rr.c e road with the Eaeex County line thmca (I) basketM TM*tnf coached by iln . favor of Hillside. Frleder ’ tendedi thanca (2) aouthwaatarly along tha louthwsatfrly along the center line of tho Le­ %6 tha cantar Una cf Liberty Avanua, thanca ■ center line of Central Avanua to the center B E Rolafld. Masslmino, picked finished the quarter with a layup, (7) aouthwaatarly along tha oaraar Una of high Valley Railroad to the center Una. of tha line of Clifford Street, thence (3) waeterly Irvington Branch of said Railroad , thenco two more victories thJs,«ast »nd a Jumper to give Hillside a' Libarty Avanua to tha point or plica of Baf inning. along the center line, of Clifford Street (2) westerly along the center line of thf Ir­ ijeek at the expense of Rahway 31-18 lead which they never re­ to the cantor line of Elmwood Street,thonce vington Branch of the Lehl ;h Valley Railroad , linquished, FOURTH DISTRICT (4) northerly along tho cantor line of Elm­ to a point in the center lir e of Central Ave­ land Berkeley Heights. BEGINNING at tha point of Intornactlon wood Street to ita intersection with the nue extended theacy (3) aouthwetterly alo | The Comet five crushed Rah* . Schutsky was Hillside’s lead­ of tha cantar Una of Wlnana Avanua with tha canter line of St. Lou la Avanua, thanca the cantar Una of Central' Avanua to a point ing Scorer with 14 points, Fried- 1 cantar hna of Llbarty Avanua, thanca (1‘ (3) Still northarly alohg tho conttr lino of which, la ona hundred root (100.0') north­ [jay, 60*3$, at homA for their aouthwaatarly alohi tha cantar-Una of U ‘ | H M | Conference win, er had 13 and - Maddalena added St. Louie Avgnue to the cantor lino of Broad- easterly from the north* .terly lino of Long bony Avanua to i. point midway botwaan Wiy, thenco (6) south westerly along the can- Avenuo', thence (4) Southeasterly indpanllol and sscOnd over the Indian cagars '}? tb the well-balanced Hillside ’ Clark Straat ind Ballavtaw Tbrnca, thanca ler line of Broadway to tho contor line of to the northeeeterly line of Long Avenue end (J) aouthaan.rly and rnldwiy botwaan Clark St. Louie Avenue, thence (7) northerly along laid line' produced tw the center Upe of this season. Junior Bill Schutsky attack. The loss left Berkeley Straat and Bollovlaw Tarraca to the cantar , with a 16-2 slate, with their the center line of St. Louie Avanua to the Hollywood Avtnue, that sa (S) aouthwaatarly lad his team with 18 Ulle of Mapla Avanua.' thanca (S) norrh- center line ef Myrtle Straat, thence (I) along tha earner Una of HdUywd^dAVliiflo while Raul Frleder had ..other loss coming ( t the hands * •aatarly.aloni tha cantar Une'nf Mapla Ava- northweeterly to a point in tha center 11m - the center lino of Woodruff Avenue, thonce points- rfiut to the ctnttr lino of CUrk Street, of St. Mary’s, §f Liberty Avenue which U dieum eouth- (0) iouthdrly . along the cent**- nn« 0f wood- , j, Craig FlsherofRahway paced thence (4) aouthetatcrly along the center .Hillside. , - p ’J weittrly one' hundred feet (100,0’) front ills s^iad with 16 points before Hue of Clark Straat to a point which ii the (duthweiterly line of Herbert Avenue thencf (7) eaiterly along th* %»itar line of he fouled out’ iirthe lasr quarter. -Levy- 2 - 1 dtatam ona hundred fact ‘northerly from tha produced, thence (?) northeeeterly along tho Coe Avenue to the Renter line of Salem Ave- F rlijef - northarly Una of Bood Straat, thanca (5) Liberty Avenue to the point nu«( thence (I) northerly Along the center Hillside got off to an early' 2 1 6 g l S l l i nonhaaatarly and parallol to the northarly Schutsky __ 6^ of Beglnnl line of Silem Avenue to a point one hundred 1216 lead in the first quarter 6 , , ' 18 _Un*_c< Band Straat to: tha cantar llna of feet ^00:0*) northerly frorrF the northerly on the strength of 5 points each Szalay - 2 ‘ a 6 ’ Summer Avanua, thanca (0) northwaatarly - line of Coe Avenue, thence (9) eaatorly and Maddalena REV. NANCY E . fORSBERtV along thn canttr Una of Summer Avanua parallel to tha northerly line of Coo Avonuo by John Maddalena and Schutsky, 2 . i •8 to. the center lino of Maple Avenue,, thence with th Hermann • P „ Rev. Nancy E . Forsberg oh to tho center^ line of North Broad Street, Rahway, however, fought back to 2 ' '4r ■ t t ...... W lN (7) ■outhwMtarly along the center line of i Mam lint of tho Lohlgh Valley RaU- thence (10) eoutherly along tho centerline of Coveleskl 0 | o Maple wood will discuss “ Maple Avenue to tbe center line of Winnaa thence (1) aouthwaatarly along *aid hold the Comets to a 4-polnt 0;i r lint to the center, lino of tho Elixa- Noith Broad Street to tho Ellubeth City -----4 from A ChrletlanJPolm of View” ’enuoj thanca (i) northwesterly along the Line , thence (11) in an easterly direction IsadTit* halftime, 2M-7ir---- - Upson 0 -2 nter line^of Wlnana Avenue to the point Rlvar, thence (2) m a nogtharly di- Kramer ; Q- ,-P- at a Brotherhood program of the piece of BexinnJ"* m .along the center line cf tha Eliu- The Comets, feral:. the game Hillside Liens Club Thursday along tho Elizeneth City Line, following th -vldtfeper. In the third period as Ubrn^i 0 o 0. courieith1 ' ' ' g | Harzold trrfcro i zTzr^zz -evening j? efe, 21 at Tbwnlsy's, BEGINNING *ly along th TReTOUtscored-the Indians -22-5, “tJnlbn. The program witnsTii iftflde opened the quarter with Abramowitz 0 g "O,' ■5- Qi charge j f Abe.. Mankowitz, ap­ 14 . . 23 ' 60 ; a .ruiv»pf?-:7 * straight points and. pointed by the program chaSrmen, eland point run, RahWey FG . f Unahester 0 • 5 Dr. Walter O. Krumblegel and a i f t 'MiroOn and Grey cagers . . 2 , 10a- -Henry G, Groh. • »■ Starkowsky .4’ ipped ’their season's slage S , The Rev. Forsberg 1 1 0 0 1 .easterly along 18*1 with an impressive 53-51 Reagan ' 1 X - • ; 4jdned Congregational Christian ^ViCtofy^BVer" Berkeley Heights -Fleher...... —6 -‘ ...5 -minister, She is' the executive •fiy in an away encoupter.Highlander Gates 1 , | --CT- l thence (4) northeeetarly Jordan 0.'. 0. secretary of the N J, Christian the northerly UHe of Bo____ Lynn Nesbitt was- the game’s 8 Wm Palestine* Association and lec­ -line pro&icsd to the Eaaex jj Crulkshonk 0 2 4 ;- high ’ point • getter with 20 tures extensively throughout the thence, (S) northweeterly along , Nolan 0 0 0 County lino following 'the vario ir.arkerS," 10 In the last quarter. United States and Canada, Berkeley, rated one of the. top 8 15 38 thereof to the & She Is an honor graduate of tsim In Union '(loiinjyw before Rahway ■ ' 5 12 5 16-38 Denison University, Granville, 't ter line of Summit______, Hillside 12 9 22- 17-60 1 >lace of Beginning. the g-amej gave the 'stsndtog- Bill Schutsky (32) Hillside ce-captain, battles-for rebound with Ohio, where she was elected to. Hillside P Q T SIXTH DISTRICT room-or-ly hptpe crowd some­ Rahway s Craig Fisher (53) and-Bob Starkowsky (38). Comet Bob Phi Beta Kappa honor society BEGINNING at the intersection of Levy.' : i 2 thing* to cheer about as- they S'* Szalay (24) moves In to assist. p ill Bernstein Photo) and subsequently received her B »r tine of Liberty Avenue With t h i ____ Frleder f .... 3-.-: 6 L Ine cf the Irylngtor Branch of the L-ehlgh stilted; with 7^con- 13 . theological degree from the Yale Schutsky 4 5 ~ 14" Valley Railroad, thence (1) northeasterly sscutlve • points,* 3 by Nosbitc. . urges all * members . aiid their Divinity School, New Haven, aHoni the comer line of Liberty, Avenue to Me? Comet:ps-ieder"JaffieTiack Szalay ■ | 2 5 friends to register. The proceeds', Conn, v/fth a* Jumper and a foul shot, Maddalena 2 5 12 Urges Support Of (2 ) northwaatarly al Coveleskl , .0...... 3-, of the day. go to the New Jersey John Clarkson of Berkeley con­ Club Woman’s Magazine. mnua thanca (3) northeasterly along Hermann = dlfe t o; -0 nected on a free throwr Schutsky Tickets- are available I K I " P lino of . Summit" Avatnua to tha Essex and Bob Szalay of Hillside fol­ 11 22 55 Hinty lino, thanca (4) northwaatarly along Mr®. Karl Ross, Music Chair­ C ap ital Outlay I Esaax County1* lowed with baskets to cut the Berkeley Heights ...B -- -—Q- **■ = -.-Ff— man, for "Calendar In Music” aid fast waatarly from tha deficit to a stogie point, but to be presented by the 7th Dis­ na during ‘m. Hoffman Fiaca, ' Nesbitt .2. 9 20 Joseph F s Gerard, unsucessful I intaraactlon of the Highlanders finished strongly trict Music Department of -the candidate fo r a seat 6h the Board la Avanua with tl to cirry a“I7~I0 lead Into the Clarkson 1 *2 IN PURSUANCE OF THE PROVBION OF State Federation on March 29 at- of Education, urges all of his AN ACT ENTITLED "An Act to Ragulata tgton Branch of tha Lahig second period, .‘.:V Jubanowskl 4 ' 5 14 Elactlona," Title 19, Reviand Sututaa, and ad thanca (6) along the Maplewood Woman's Club at supporters to vote 'Yes" forthe Maddalena came alive at she Heuej . , 2 3 8 tha tmandmanta and aupplemanta tharato, i Irvington Branch of the Lahigh IQ A-VI. for the. benefit of capital Outlay question in the not lea la haraby given that the DISTRICT Uroad Twiowing tha varloua couraes start cf this quarter as he hit Adamiak ' 0 . 2 4 Meta Thorne Waters Scholarship special election Tuesday F eb, BOARDS OF REGISTRY AND ELECTION in to . tha point or plica of Beginning. on 3 straight jump shots to put ■ Rice 0 tha Townahlp of HUleide wUl ait in tha 0 ■ Fiiftd, . .26* polling plScoa. hereinafter daaignated h SEVENTH DISTRICT the rr.argir, to 16-17, Then she- Hill , o • - 0 u’ O’ J EG INNING at tha point of intarS action ?’ tha cantar line of. tha Irvington Branch -bottom fell out far- Berkeley .21 h 51 tha Lehigh rVaUey Railroad with tha , Hillside ' 10 21 -Heights as the Comets scored 12 7 :10- 14-55 :-i#. Gerard said; "it is most of Llbarty Avenue; thanca (1) . B. H tgs., If:' :’**i 15 18-51 Hillside PTA rthwaaierly along the cantar line of th# regretabie the Capital Outlay, vington Branch of tha Lahigh Valley RaIl­ question was. defeated, If it is iad following Nominations defeated" again, our school ch ll- S B would like to thank the B'NAI B'RITH BOWLING A meeting of the Hillside Ave- rhay b e deprived of Valuable people who voted for iine Feb. :w - t r - PtS'e 1 Total' ^ W ! equipment vitBlly needed keep Indlanp 43 29‘ ' 13 In the school auditorium. pace with educational progress* tha wcai ri ^ ^ 58. 63889 2?eelection, It has been my, aim (3) Rorthwaitariy along •Mrsi Sidney,.J:« Fxiednian read 1 urge all of tKe people who voted W.Sox 42: . 30 571/2 63469 to encourage the advancement of •ax County Jine to a'point «" the nomination for officers for * af tha BUsabbth River, t R , _ _ Graves 401/2 811/2 55 62613 for me to extend a sincere effort - Ona Mala and Ona Female Member of 62613 education while at the same time 1963-1964 as follows: Presideht, Khady direction along tha center' Unatoi Pirates 38 34 , 52 68.155 come oiit and vote. 'Tes** fo r tha County Committee for tha Republican and ^eePing itii' “ftilnd the position of- Democratic partita for aach abe.ion di«- EUsabath River following the various YankB. 881/2* 381/2’511/2 62831 M rs.. Erwin Sohuman! 1st vice- *jhe capital Outlay question to the rsas thereof to tbs'' center line of Route the taxpayers who pay the bills* president, ’Mrs. Seymour Poliak; trlct are to be elected at- tha Primary Reds ' 87 V 85 ' 50 62881 My future efforts will be directed. special election Tuesday, Feb* Elation. . % (Now Jersey Start! H ighway) Meta 39 - 88-, 50'-- 61606 2nd vice - president, Dr* \Walter 2*6. nco (5) aaotort^ along tha corner line of 18 the same objectives,11 p. Krumblegel; treasurer,. Mrs. THI i PLAOft OF MEETING cf the Mid iM #22 to the cantor line of Llbarty Avg- Athls,* -36- 49 68373 Boarda of Rsglatry and Electloni i, thanca (6) northeasterly along tha RiRflx.'s l ’_ 35- • 49 -' ■ 62887 Arthur- - bl-ovyf—cor responding lit DURfict - Parlglan Carpet (V Shew- a of Liberty Avenue to thi point < ~ secretary, Mrs. Barry Klarfeld.. 1 Orioles 87' '3 5 ' 49 62836 : 2nd Dfotrlct - HUIalda Avan# khoal Twbis gyitinaalum, W. Mam Ava, antrw , 83 i* 87 [ 87 a .62729 M rs. Erwin Schuman, program Srd DUtriot - HUlaid# Avant# khool Cards, TOWNSHIP 0F*H ILLS IDE 34 88 ' 47 6257? To Nominate chairman, read a message com- j On F.hruiry U, IMS, by c.nUlctlao by gyitinnaium, W, Stem Avn. nntranoi. Cuba 86 86 45 62563 memorating Brotherhood Week, I th. SwtrMhry at th. Plunln, Botrd at th# Sena,... 32 . 40 Townahlp at Hllljld. and th.Town.htpClark, 44 .62636 The board meeting of the Wo­ She Introduced Police Sgt, John! . ■ubdivl.lon NbmttMd by j0M|t) T. #nd Dodgg, ■'34 88 Dotothy Kew#l##yk, US. North BradStra#., :t - Oworge WeehlamaSchooL p . '44 : 62672 man's Club of HUlside will be Senator® Who spoke on ’^Safety” . Leeiie Street, Tiger? 31 -. 41 HlUllda, N J . Involvini Lot. 2M to 240, 43 62Q31 held at the home of the presi­ and tjje importance of the-School btchtaiv#. Block 155/9, trontlm ooLoti Av#- tab Dieirlct - Ooorgo Weehinpon School PUlls. 31- 41 39 61829 dent, M rs. Ralph Schwartz, .101 Safety Patrol, He commended nu.p at th# Tut Atlaa, wi. theidsd and Uelio Street. Giants 26 g c.rtltlnd to b# aaampt from th. roqulr#- 7th Dtotfict • Gftlvli n Cool idge School .46 34 61597 Conant St. at 12:30 on Feb. 26. the Patrol for its work. Hi. Team Series * White Sox mMit at Planning Board .[prowl, A copy* at TUlmxn Street. Hostesses will be Mrs. Karl th# .ubdivl#loo plat duly cartltlad la oti fit# Ith DUtrlot - Htird#n-Loak dr lohool (3001) . In tha office at tha Pinning Bonrd nnd It - Hi Teem Game * Ath- Ross, Mrs. Valentine Ketterer, Ourd Avanua u n ite * . i8tlcs-(1046),. Renton patrol Captain .Tool avaUabl# for public Inapactlon, 2th DUtrlct - High School.Llhany An. and Mr*. Clifton Luster. Plans; W Ullam 0. Mirtuccq Sacrattry Ilkh DUtrlot - Hurdm-Unknr khool Series -Hllndv.Ceme Kaufman introduced the senior HlUnldn Planning Baud Will be completed for the reg- Patrol and Junior Patrol Cap­ Pabnury 21, IMS Romano - Bob -Rubovltz ular meeting eg March*'*5. Mrs.j Paaii 11th District - Ambulance llquad Roam |^Ma)cResnlg|(lSH) ^ “ tain Michael Pomp Introduced Lrft Rear Hollywood Ay^, FlrwIiouN 1 Addison Sanborn wUl give the re/kl the Jitoior Patrol. Mrs.. Mildred 12th District - Abram P. Mc rrU School port of the nominating commit-l TOWNSHIP OF MUSICS Stephan is advisor to both patrols. PUBLIC NOTMB • h District - Abram P. Morris School tee which included Mrs, Albert •SEALED PROPOSALS will be rectlvwt] by Valenti Grateful Scaccia, Mr*. Harold Stewart, he Townahlp CommUtee df the Townahlp of N, Hillaide, County of Union,SUM of New Jersey, Mrs. Howard Bloy and Mrs. Ray­ at the Municipal Building, Lltaty eodHiUsido', mond Wolf. uirl Scout Troop #365 pre­ Avenuee, Hillside, at lilS p.m. cn Tuesday For Re-election' sented an Investiture program evening, March 19, IMS, Ur th* collection, lSth District - Board « Education Ad- The New Jersey Federation of removeL and dlepoeU of prbage, itibblsh, mlniatretlon Bldg. (Board Rooci) Virginia J«ck Valenti-, reelected to the Woman’s Clubs will hold Its 29th consisting of the rules and motto end tehee in the Township of Hillaide for Straat, Board bf Education last week and Annual Observance of ' ‘Club Wo­ .of the G irl. Scouts and their » three, endflveyeera, beginning DESCRIPTION OP BOUNQftRUS OP chopen vice president ot the board prom otion to 2nd class rank. July 1. ELECTION DiSTRJC1*S man’s Cky" at Hahne & Com-1 Didder shell diapoit of « the reorganization Monday ■Mrs. Clerk between tha houre of 9KX) V SECOND UBTRICT . Property Acquired by Tex Title Lien Liquidation ami. And 4:00 p.m# (exetpt Saturday!) at Beginning it • point in the < enter line Other Receivable! 10,567,74- the Municipal Building. Thii queetionnaire o< the Main liae ef the Lehigh Vitii^TUU- Orterred Charges Required to be In 1963 Budget 9.000.00 jmpleted and muntadlotheTown- roed where the.aafn# ie intereec ted by the ’ Total Assets : ship G center lint cf M«Nn Avenue produced, thonce ' '1 Fgd^, March 1, 19U, THESE REQUIRE - (1) northweeterly eisn^ the centitr line of ■ FULLY COMPUED WITH ' ^ r t d Avenue .^oie4iwofH6...... - "Regletrettmio—twy-be-mate-at-the ■ en rfmr TMRiPvndf , — 41 - of the i^owtUhlp aerk, Municipal Building. ' norths*atarly along the Main line of the S. M k M lijl' Ubarty and Hftllfclda Avenuei, Hillside, New Lehigh Valley Railroad to the point < «• place ^PENDrrURES ANDWAX REQUIREMENTS: Jeraey, pn any day up to and including ^ Beginning. Municipal Appropriations - $2,l20“991ti£6. $2,023,760.23 March 7. 1963, botwaan the daily hours of 9XX) a.m. to 4s00 ^jn. excapt Saturday. 4 * THIRD DISTRICT, 1,702,887.97 BEGINNING at the point of interaction bcooaj Taxes (Including Local and" Regional) ^■^fMerch 4, S,. 6 md 7 the Townahlp Cwuity Tiutee (Including Added Tax Amounts) , VJ 601.203.65 564.758.70 nf tha cantar lino of Liborty Avan m with U.U55.Slifi.!l5 U.Wl.Al!.!/h tha cantar line ef the Irvington Branch TOBIA S APPLIANCES Total Expenditurea and Tax Requirements Pain, for the purpoee of teething regie- ef tha Lehigh VeUiay Railroad, thfnce(l) surplus BaUnce December 31et tration* end the tramfer of roglstretljmp^ '.Mufbouinrly ilonf th , cmur lln. at th, hetureused person: mux bring their ne- * Irvtnpon Branch at th . Lihl|h Vlll«i i BUI 1S21 LIBERTY AVE. HILLSIDE «A 3-7741-t77RR-9 ! 'r ^ * tu rail nation certtflcatai. rand to hi Intarract ton wtth thtnanhwi atari: * bta# Proposed Uae of Current Fund Surplus in 1963 Budget Reg let rations muat be nitde in person. haundary at Dtatrlct No 2 thanca (I I nor- TV SERVICE ®»Plus d|)iice December 31.'1962 ’ Trmafara of reglstratlooi may ba mode In hnrly panllal with th . WMtariy lint at . 9 A.Bit* 9 P.M. person at the office of the Township Clerk Qoramua Plica ind Dorianul Pliainra Stead Current Surplus Anticipated in 1963 Budget #_22Z*S2SSlSB or by comgtfeKing the reverie aide of the ind ant hundrad (—< WMtariy thmfr wn to' tDPPOSITE SAFEWAY MARKET Surplne BaUnce Remaining permanent recletratloo cart w* maUlng it tha northarly Hna at HUIalda Avanua, tltanca to tbe Union County iBoird of Elections, (>) Parallol [o', tha northarly Hna of ;Jand L ft* )X 7 » J6 Pag* 10 Th» Hillside N.J. Tritits,Thursday, February 21,1943 I) A addition to the statement, Thrift Essay Contest he s«ld, the account holder also: D o n*t M e ntion ;H . Berkeley Post To Henry Sharbek lf, Bank Mails wil 1 ffecetve deposit-tiekets wlth (Cdht, from Page 11 •> N ’ Berkeley Savings and Loan As­ A gradu.te of S#ton IjSll preD. - the i cancelled check* *0 that th*^ Winners Get Awards crowd that came out Feb.* 7, Btn If the association 1* to follow sociation-of Newark recently ap- Skarbek attended PurduaUulv,§ (WStomer msiy preve the balanff. through, It should definitely have-ebservere-at-eli meetlngs“of - -pointed -vHenry 3karb«k, Jr,, - sfty- -aud- the A-tnamcarSivis; Statements of the account. looth these boards for a closer check on-the-proceedtags which come Assistant Manager of Its branch and Loan- Institute, sffljpsj Jbhrr-;1?. Cavicchia, Assistant The charge will be vSO cent* before them, ■ ■ * • office at ' 434 Chancellbr Ave*, a - month in*t&d of a dollar' ..■diploma khdlbhiayemaitcsril cashier of the National StaCf j Mid this been done before, it is likely that the towushiP-would .corner Fa by an Pl*( it was an­ cata .Jo b , Ms'.work in^pj® quarterly, he said. Bank, Hillside Office, toda not now have structures which- appear to lie outlawed i-y local nounced . by Moe Rubinfield, courses devoted-t®’ saving!,( ftnnounfgd -that all holders ot- ordinance. And whenever necessary, ihe. home owners can t*k» th«^ executive vice—pcesidentTof-the loan assaeutien managerrie:-.:, cbhven/ence checking accounts !HumanikThanks same klndof action they did Feb. 7, - thrift and -home 'finlnclhg. insti­ Born In'Paferaon, will . receive special Interim tution/end chairman of its: board moved to Union at an early ae* statements this week* Public, Friends TOWNSHIP AUDITOR Bill Burke is right, up ioc_gjiuff when it of directors# and has resided th ere ever since Saturday all balances will be Peter 0 , Humanlk, reelected to comes to figures, hit he hasn’t'caught up with the fast pace set by transferred to the computer i he Board of Education Feb, 13 soma of his boases, , center and all future deposits 1 tor a third term, this week Issued At the introduction’’of the Municipal budget Feby 5, Burke p er- v .and withdrawals will be posted l !he following statement! ■ . formed his usual task of the monotonous reading of .page after page "May I. take thls djiportunlty of budget Items. Whe* he finished, one of the commissioner*' Effective by computers, he said* He urged ail .account holders to express my sincere apprecia­ askad Burke to stand and take a bow fora job well done. Burke,' to use the new checkbooks which tion to the many friends who as­ unaccustomed to oommendatlon for his declamation of the budget, have been issued to them which sisted me in my campaign for wasn t quite sure he heard what he heard. * ,« Teaching contain both the account holder's re-election to the Board of Edu­ ‘Btand up, Bill," said the commissioner a little louder, Burke m ■ Needs _ ® name an’d identification number* cation, * Inquired "Who’s talking?" The commissioner identified himself He added that all'convenience "In addition, please allow me and Burke stood up, Ms face a little crimson from the unexpected SPOtlightl ------..------...... account holders will receive ‘to convey my heartfelt gratitude Adequate monthly statements instead of :M the residents of Hillside for’ said.In the beginning, Bill Burke has lagged behind the quarterly-statements.'— their expression of jnnfjdgncs. .trend of the times when it cornea tp publlc relatlons. He must be In ley behalf." still wondering why he took that bow.. Harvey W, Peace Jr., (fight) Equipment f National StatelajS^Jiside Gffiee^ rewarding TluJjft K s s iy Cc test winners* F^om left are Lanie "Frucfiterman, Richard Lange* N irtin Bierbaum, and Edward Geltman, Harvey W. Peade Jr*, vie -— (Phillips Photo)"" VOTE YES president of the Hillside Offici J»- Schalkoff, chairman of the National Stat'e Bank of Flizabetl English Department at the high n Pontiarlnc. Friday presented awards to tF • B B S S FOR THE CAPITAL OUTLAY Winners of the IjDtn annual thri Th* judges weret .Mrs,' Ralph 14 77 NOE^TH BROAD ST., HILLSIDE, N. J. WAverly 3-6900 | A. Sthwani, -president o f the f ITEM _ School*__ ___WffitJian’s Oub of.,Hillside; Mrs. ‘ The~w inner severe as follow: . Donald E, Gillmore, community • BOARD OF EDUCATiON, senior, Martin Bier ■ ■ advisor* President's Cotm-”” SALES - - SERVICE - - PARTS haunt; Second place, senior, Gei ell of the PTA's, andMrs, Eliza - SPECIAL ELECTION •Rolhstein; third place, semoi liatf. McCrauh, representing the. O UR BODY SHOP IS COMPLETELY EQUIPPED for all COCLI-1 Patti Rosenfeid; first placi -.Hillside1 Business and Profes­ 1 T U E S D A Y ,F E B R U A R Y 26, 1963 -junior, EdwarcHQerltman; secor sional‘Women‘s-CluSi Roils* Open 2 to 9 p.rrt. place, junior,* Evalynn Hyra. ar | Mr, Peace said "the essays SI [QN WORK. We repair FENDERS, DOORS, HOODS, arid make ] third place Junior, Donald Bom ‘ showed evidence of research, - Paid fc>r by H concern foftheprohlems ofCom=... them like new. Come in for an estimate. Gerog# Sick*I «„ 1769 Colgale Place Sophomore class winner nainism versus the free World ------WftlbfirMrJ— werei First, Lanie FnacRj^rmai ana ns economy and tn aware- second, Patricia Dkmil} ari . "ess of the space age and its third, Meryl Sue Monheit, Fresh potential,' men winners .w ere; Firs - The- first place essays will be Richtfrd (jange; Second. Stanle puMislied March 1 by the bank N, Katz; and third, David.Man Lp.a leaflet. kowitz* The prizes to each class weri -F irs t, W-Vnited-States Sartng Rotary Club “THIS BANK MAKES Bond; second $2$ Sa vings -Bom ' and third, $10 savings acebut Hears Warden n the 1 Warden Thomas- J, Savage, told n Biert members of the- Hillside Rotary Club Tuesday that WCrk i& con­ NO CHARGE ' Hajitmaf Thrift Es stantly. going -on to. rehabilitate - The—bank has- ent prisoners at the Union County these1, National ev< Jail, Elizabeth. The,capacity of the jail is 250 prisoners and at . the present time'there are 231 FOR FINANCIAL occupants between the ages of 14 • and.65, He described the MorroW'As- t jun.ihr c soeiation - - which;:, provides -The ADVICE”' • materials for recreation, - and \ -under t whOse: long range purpose is to prevent crime and delinquency!' *Comi?letely confidential, df course. Vice president J’i Franklin NOW OPEN! Re inha rd presided in the absence of President George Wagner Jr* I A New. Theatre for You ai fid your family are invited to Latest Phone the discriminating Directory Due consul t withoiae of out experienced movie-goer showing officers I when fi nancial problems arise Tfie'TvIarcTr 1$68 issue”oi^ the Elizabeth and Vicinity Telephone whelh er or ndt you are a customer. the Directory will be distributed next ....FINEST IN . ~ week* by fHe^New Jersey—BeH— Telephone-Co*. FOREIGN FILMS Approximately 183j200 copies I Will be delivered compared to ' 142,200 a year ago/ It contains’*il5,0OO alphabetical1 listings compared to 118)000 last

- -Thereover' design is a multi- .colored pictorial map of New Jersey inustratfig ‘ the stated 'varied points/pf inte.rett*. .;.i..The._.newly designed informs-_ m r sictibh provides rtiore de­ tailed facts -qii. lopal, md long distance dialing* PHONE EL5-9840 - A -table of New jersey central showing both All-Number Calling (ANC) and name and nu­ meral designations is also in­ cluded# ANC^des,*’ using seven numerals instead of two NEWCOMER? letters and five numerals, are being Introduced throughout the Bell System to provide addition­ Have you, al exchange numbers* ■ A greatly expanded list of or Ims someone area codes for Direct Distance Blsitog across the nation is also - yon know, --pmvidecL;—™

SURROGATE'S NOTICE 4 inst moved to a NOTICE TO CREDITORS , ESTATE OP WALTER HORN, *Dec« now homo? the order 0f bUOBNBJ.K the sixth day of February, A A, 1963, the application of the undersigned, as

HILLSIDE SURROGATE’S NOTICE t h i N a t io n a l S t a t e B a n k NOTICE TO CWDfrOW * JOSEPH KATZ, DKMMd » • ortkr u monte from tho * *rd#r* J>r wfln» (trmr bnrrod from pronocuting or roeovorte tho namo agalant tho aubncrlbor. SnlimKatx, a / ^ /S a n / L Exacutrlx Prncknr k Pr«k«r..Aitoraoyi 4 24 Branford Placo ! Nnwark. N’J. a Pnnni EL44