inrhrBtrr) Manchester — A City n! Viliaqe Charm Hrralft teturday, May 0 .1M 7 30 Cants WnXHART OUT. RACE WIDE OPEN

WASmNOTON (AP) -W iUl Ow front-nuiMr dropjring out of the Democratic preeiMoUal race, poll- Ralatvd BtoriM on pagw 3 tlciana and polittera predicted Friday a ruah to the undecided column while voters look over the The former Colorado senator was rest of the field. running far ahead of the Demo­ The race for the ISM Democratic cratic field In polls until a story last residential nomination “ couldn’t Sunday a lle g e that he spent the £e more open,” said party chair­ weekend with a M-yeaiM>ld model man Paul O. Kirk Jr.. In a from Miami. statement Issued moments after In the wake of Hart’s departure Qary Hart abandoned his quest tor from the race, the nearly unanim­ the presidency. ous assessment was that none of his “ I don't see all of the Hart support rivals could take over the front­ to ln f to any one candidate,” said runner's spot until after the first Alvis Howard, a Huntsville, Ala., caucuses and primaries in 198S. businessman who was Hart’s cam- The best known of the Demo­ palin coordinator In the state. cratic contenders was the Rev. suspect most Hart supporters Jesse Jackson, whose support from are like me,” he added. ” 1 have black voters surprised the party been so sure Hart was going to be establishment In ISM when he the nominee, I Just sort of looked finished behind Walter P. Mondale around at all these other people and Hart In the race tor the figuring they were running tor vice presidential nomination. president." But few people expect the party to The coming weeks will see the nominate a black for president in first tangible Impact of Hart's ISBl, particularly a candidate decision as his campaign workers whose views are well to the left of shift to other candidates. where Democratic leaders believe " I f other presidential cantpaigns the party ought to be. were smart, they’d be calling,” Also bottling to break from the said Teresa Vllmain, who ran pack are former Qov. Bruce Hart’s campaign In Iowa, where the Babbitt of Ariiona, Sen. Joseph first Democratic caucuses will be Blden of Delaware, Oov. Michael AP photo held next year. Dukakis of Massachusetts, Rep. At a news conference In Denver, Richard Qephardt of Missouri, Sen. HART QUITS — “I ballava t would have bean a aucoeaaful Hart cited "further rumors and Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee and candidate. And I know I could have bean'a vary good praaldant, gossip" and said, "Clearly under Sen. Paul Simon of liUnolB. Qov. present circumstances, this cam­ Bill Clinton of Arkansas la consider­ particularly for thaaa times. But apparently now. well never know.” paign cannot go on.” ing a run for the nomination. ComFed Joins MCC Relays

‘ MAOAHNB PULUMJT ncnO N Sponsors boost mils race ... page 56 Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursdayl iHauflTrBtrr HrralJi ) winchester A City ot Vill^qe Chin iMNttfiiiy, M iy 9, fM T SOCente WITH HART OUT, RACE WIDE OPEN

WA8H1NOTON (AP) - WHS the freat-rifflMr tlr t^ o g out oT tb« PtmoenHIe pivtuinMlal r«c«, poU- Reieted etortee on peg# 2 Uetanf and pollttara predkdad Prlday a ruth to the undecided cohimn wMIe eotere took over the The former Colorado senator was r e ^ ^ the deld. running far ahead of the Demo­ The raee for the IMW Democratic cratic field in polls until a story last reeidentlal nomination "couldn't Sunday alleged that he spent the e more one%" eaid party chair­ weekend with a tP-year-old model gman Paul 0. Kirk Jr., In a from Miami. atatement iaeued moments after In the wake of Hart's departure Oary Hart abandoned Ms quest for from the raee, the nearly unanim­ the presidency. ous assessment was that none of his “I don't see ail of the Hart support rivals could take over the front­ aoinf to any one candidate,''^ said runner’s spot until after the first Alvis Howard, a Huntsville, Ala., caucuses and primaries In IMS. businessman who was Hart’s cam- The best known of the Demo­ pa^iin coordinator in the state. cratic contenders was the Rev. "1 suspect most Hart supporters Jesse Jackson, whose support from are« like me," he added. ''I have black voters surprised the party been so sure Hart was going to be establishment In 1SS4 when he the nominee. I Just sortrt of looked finished behind Walter P. Mondale around at all these other people and Hart In the race for the figuring they were running for vice presidential nomination. president." But few people expect the party to The coming weeks will see the nominate a black for president in first tangible Impact of Hart's 1981, particularly a candidate decision as his campaign workers whose views are well to the left of shift to other candidates. where Democratic leaders believe "If other presidential campaigns the party ought to be. were smart, they’d be caailing,’’ II Also battling to break from the said Teresa Vilmain, who ran pack are former Oov. Bruce Hart’s campaign In Iowa, where the Babbitt of Arltona, Sen. Joseph first Democratic caucuses will be Blden of Delaware, Qov. Michael photo held next year. Dukakis of Massachusetts, Rep. At a news conference In Denver, Richard Gephardt of Missouri, Sen. HART QUITS — “I believe I would have been a auooeaaful Hart cited "further rumors and Albert Gore Jr. of Tennessee and candidate. And I know I could have been a very good prealdent, gossip" and said, "Clearly under Sen. Paul Simon of Illinois. Gov. present circumstances, this cam­ Bill Clinton of Arkansas Is consider­ particularly for those times. But apparently now, we'll never know." paign cannot go on." ing a run for the nomination. ComFed joins MCC Relays

-MAOASINK PULLOUT SSCTION Sponsors boost mile race ... page 56 Need money? Herald columnist gives It away on Thursdayl Gary Haifa Union tu pteket Heartland opening May 16

Syj^F.RIrM CoMiMg a n t he fWMfS MS ntSflW M dlfUMR IS Mr « , i w aqniwwliaaiawd to M'meheator'a 09dittd^ _ Friday . for taaeUaa to toe SSwS^n ^v^KBSm RS pal^SSC^D^SI tovgeat ogpernmvhat. new Ideas uMon'a piano.' for weritom. R'a m frtr competiti on to The Heertlend store w » have a A fieM H a tid O ireit exilemersat BSiMmMMM A. ^ ----- . The new Maacheater atom ia lecatod etoree that efready bava anion pharmacy, a Bah mid diB naarhei, md vwjww iwmMiioRi^nevaweMOfw on 1 floHM TsiipH6e, a law iwCeW nW# contraele." wfll seg.averytofog from appRancee to S^MWMefWMMiAM Aa - -- - . ^ . Mk M —• A — - - .*■ AA t e a is ^nipS^KOQ *0 uls w.\0. I euuey vsttnsp msirwnieB Lderi 171 repiwsRto wdrtBsrs at Slap ▼^OSOS Bw STSSS^ISSf S^Bw* left uniead tmaaaaMayU, enter. Company offlettM have refuecd The Heirdand atore to part of a toeger eilMkiMdmilOOSn Jlw A fnSmWRNIy IPS VaVROSIII SI to aay when the atom wfll open for dto VnMed Food aai CowmerlcM ImaMSeii^nM ^ Jdtl »g aB a ahoprtag «Mtor at iM f T e to d Thro- mn ■Hfsfi omems sbo eiBSa pike. Atoo goiM in to e Riefdee Heme gj^ tfvdfid HVMf Woritora, LoeM ITL m M FriMy altor- aoarcea have aald the atore wOl open on dsMffnsriMM^ OdMnxi. Aa--- _ _ AAe-A. A AA ------^ vSBISrS fIS ft SB0 SSwSrSf SIINUISI Pfdto aam the yleket ftoe wdl cowetrt of Mm Id. ■SroWHOSf JRKRRSI #. MSOURS71 m rtriheri from Coft FImarma, ataff ootieta, dKougb no dates have been nwfdefcet Hoe wM he MnftartoOM at Heartland epote eman, said Thursday Idven. Hf/m M Ofm - Qatg Man, Oto coal tatoOdittiMii ^w^MFSIlUIII liSeaiM rl «N i mSllwSTSOI uiv nemfimi swsbuqss sisiv si that tte Maneharter ooUet wfU ha the art# dear IMW fd e if a§ o a koy to tlw WMta Ikwao. Vernon, where to to » aolpn offldela SIIHWiyBtouM^WtoM Sw^W 6dhnS J%uriM^ma^itownBvvD^^^wICmB* SSms^v p General owns to flear- yponiMdd Md iffB OMsgoMM aaoidd Oo dlNdroM. fhii todoa ia Mdog eiHtomem to e l ^ dedy, FetrooMa ^ Ftohetieg aald it wdfhaapdtoatmeanttara ef othar I New Eof- Q^Kaewi^w iv boycott Heartlmd atoraa and, tortead, ■aeamnas Su^Menpeen son^ oti JoMaict sere^si fiNiitiis. Heartland warehaouae in New flngland, leod, induAhg two f oDOT* aminraii^ nw epwMW w * w^e iMe imv two anletoaed food markele. The union “ We’ve been atntttMog for yeara to but wid he a much bigger store. "What fiMkee ue dMerent from Stop Hdfl eampalge for dw yfeetodney le d Wde to do U til cowtoaM that mmiagement haa prea- Improve working conaUtone (at grocery The Heartland store to 11,«W aquare end Shop," Mahoney eaid "to, we'd mve titoiddddd. fured flearllaad empioyeea to vote fltorea)," Fetronelto said. "Then these feet. For compartoon, the Super Stop you to to M percent on your grocery Ad dte yodidoaid tito Oemecratie ftoM nuMidr fe«d asainSi aRMni fsprwwiiiauoii- people come In from the Boston area and (Hiop at the Mancheator Parkade to MU." cafemiy craneo ^ iv nwwm ine isot ^neKion ei " W i^ d dto towf f ~ iM to M aiiradd «d I focoddd on flirt'd dbdfMtor. yrtodto Md add r Cm uM Ctfcat W M tter Md a n oil Indlarrcflona Coventry pians UKtoMMy, fl arid flirt'd totodoMMfMrtdi i M in d MrJdl RflOTIF aromin — itiwddd to I eiWdiMwr dliey — dMrt g if i dtiMtoaM to Mi tin pidtiand flwt MM tw«i id iid L m Hdrt Mid Mity Shord« • oM iid i^ Cmtnl, EMtcn fMrtw, flMdNMM Mittar: itodto fl« L iOMitond for ntkdi He dkf not tuvi M d f. IMIdn flf O M y H M f MiflOunoBi nto u tw in , tamur nmof, tMeontef tmesy «rtl wafm, for parade hit oonatodind lataafata^ ttdttidriwdi from tfi« 1M0 iwMfdwiaid Mgli in dMf UMtiaMA. Piodd aHdi fiiindidd Mtoto wedtidOtof’-ilwiH Inttmito fflittarf, f lir t aaMMtoar Ira n dto race on rMto in Om iv m ’ flrfdty. Prtddy. crumbiing waii "N iar o id iily ttodir aim dM itoMiiidttHMdd. tMa fleedmhig tm w^ m ii warm, W|^ armai n, fM ciM M dtoiim dtiM d. toiftod. "I rafnaitodntoBil beeonliig MMONMMt If to » mpk. f c t o r ^ bI|M. Top Democrirtfl By Jaequeltne BefNietf my fiM to ifld ny Irtiedi and toweint inwgii and Heroid Coffeapendenl , paiHf i^oadv, doeiM niMa leitotoy ^ iM im "iM'Tity dtnaM 1 Tht priet ' ,Aaa atttvmA M. iiMdfy. MBoy. br«My iwd wife doae to tiara lM el«ddilil«artovn i l l IfllMr awn By iudd svarttort Memorial Day ceremonlea from Iho Nathan Hale ^ wn«n,M|liafMttdff. . ' liendi rt i m wMwtodNtol iMMMod." riM Aaaartartad PraM Cemetery, their tratttional site, to eitber the town green or Patriot’s Park. of famo * ' ______f/ ______flM tomer Odtoiwto itowtor aaa oartlir dw f roto-nimief In a flaid er io d id aHtti ualmowBa when tie H ARTTO RD - Two top CoMMaileut ttomaarata, CouHcUmen offered the change because of a %otor J ie k K lu g m in bdgM dM eiattMitoi M ill a Mtort vNNMli to froM to dM dev. Wliliam A. o'NeiU and atato Chairm M drtm P. brokan-dbwn wall at tbe cemotory that many say poses Droney dr., aato Friday that Gary flirt made dw rtght a danger if sMctalore atond on It. xpsrisneMthBdis* Lutltffy WIbm m inddUfld of dM tUNfly MoiMatoa on AyrU If. omfort of a now "1 Itoandu 1 rtatoyi iMoo to rtoi a eam yilin of deeiaion In d r o p ^ hia prealdagdal bid. Thecoundialiosaiddiathavlngtho ceremony at the on the town green would acknowledge It as a potential alte for Idau." flirt aiM. "ItoM am ata tnnltouf for die But both cautioned sard at Ira Ssnos’s M gli^ and moat ftoyertint effiei to tin land, Ml of ui "character laaue " a memorial to Vietnam and Korean war vetorana. f ak s u p H o u s s In ComMctlMt diUy friday: M l Play nmr: Mff. "WhM you nm for pubUcofdee,jettrMeiaapM to <3ouncll membera also want to uae the day to highlight 'Conocetlctit "Lotto" fViday: t, il« Ifi f i H moat try to hold onraolvoa tottoi very Mgtieet fiodaiMo acrutloy,''the governor raid. "Butfaiaethhdtwaiiava the opening of Coventry’s band shell currently under Jew York. Hs was atandardd of tolMpfly M d atMea." to be careful that we're net gotog into the OaaMa construction. thing fitted Monday Later, ho wotOdwoifld aadd: "Wo Mootoaly hope thla OrweU theory, hut Inatead of govanMnentlMl|ithaBlg campaign ariU ho difloroni want It to bo a However, tbe proposal has drawn the ire of the or hairpisees for his Wo Brother, the preaa heaomea the Big flrathar, nara haa American lAglon, which has token out a parade permit campaign haaed M what id boat for tMa eoMtry and to jp e o m in g ro le In teat our idoaa and potidod agatoat the atandard of the to ha a batonciiig." for the event for the past 17 years. Oroney aald tha character laaua la f‘very fair" tor the "The purpose of the parade la to recognlae those who 3roadway*s “rm Not Index national Intereat." flirt laid out Md foreign poilcy rtowa to a dorioa of media to puraue, eapedaUy for eandidatea. Ilka flirt, have fought for our country," said Mary Smith, service 3appaport,” and ha whoae p e r w ^ Ufa waa an laaue before he evM apooMea calling for what hodeaeribodaa “oniightonod officer of Coventry’s American Legion Post SI and the grew the beard for Advioo. .M announced tor prealdent thla year, .4(MI ObHuariM. engagemont." And ho had a tito of.locturea on wife of post commander Lawrence Smith. "To take the Ww A "gome queationa are appropriate about a piraM'a parade and turn It Into a celebration of the band shell the part. .10-11 OylAtofl. economic pMcy achodulod for totonnilay. Ohure^oa. .10-17 Santor Ottltona. Mart planned carafuUy for Me aocond bid for the private Ufe, but only In the eontaxt of a paraM tVheae takes It comnletely away from the veterans. diarateer haa a o m i^ been caUad Into quaatlM," he ‘ ‘To have them do this la really aUmethlng, ’’ aha said. iliiiWTfr%*T APphele ClaMMM. S p o ^ ...... White Houae, hulMtog m Ua romarkahte IN4 Oomtea .....— U.i./Wor«d. J-a campaign that almoat anatehed the Democratic aald. "They could very easily have their thing aa a different A preaidential candidate'! character. Judgment and celebration. It Just seems to me they should be able to Cofin«cacirt_ jr-f waakand nua MlMagi proaldenttol ilMitoation from Walter llondale. I iMortaliHnofrt. JW.S7 Puttiloutn-M Throe yoara ago, ho buret onto the national iMne in a ablUty to make dedalona “ are key and unliaa that barricade that little section of the wall." candidate la perceived aa a peraon of the higheat Lawrence Smith said Friday that the American matter of daya, uiliig a aecond-ptoce finidh In the Iowa character, he*a never going to get the opportunity" to Laidon will not hold the parade If the town does not do Hostage efforts await eiections caucuaea aa the boeater rocket that ahot Mmeutef the pack and paat Mondale for a couple of atunnlng be prealdent, Droney aald. something to the wall or it town officials feel the band “ I think their peraonal Uvea ahould baMopMbook to shell “ la the overriding concern." BRIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Le­ dally. west Beirut otf-UmIts tor militias elctorlea. ^ ^ ' banon's top Shiite Moslem spiritual But the ifMcampalgnwaaalao marked byaaerieaot the American people," Droney uld. Smith, who sent a letter to Town Council The groupa holding the hostages that ruled the capital’s Moslem . IHatut|PBtrr Hrrald Hart, the frontrunner In a crowded race ter the Chairwoman Joan Lewis outlining the Legion’s leader said In an Interview pub­ atumhlea mderrora. There ware gueationa about why have been allent for M days. In a sector for tliree years during which, Democratic nomination, dropped out of the race concerns, said that it the problem is resolved, the lished Friday that negotiations for be chaaged hla name to Hart from Hartpence, why he sharp departure from their earlier kldnapplngu, bank robberies and 'Osra 327-600 VOL OVI. No. 1M Friday, five daya after It waa reported he had apent Legion will follow the traditional parade route. That the release of torelgnhostaieshad practice of issuing frequent com­ murders were daily occurrances. I Nnny M. OMIaft. fuMlaliar had mlaatated hla age In varioua doepmenta and why he some time with a Florida model at hla Waahlngton route usually goei from Robertson School on Lake been "troMn" until after the 19M obtained a D.i. Naval Reaerve commlaatoa while he muniques and video meaaages townhouaa toat weekend. ^ ^ Street to the cemetery and then down to the town U.S. and French elections. showing the hostages. Twenty-four toreqpiers are miss­ • OeuataaA. OairtM toaMBnOoton waa a aenator. Theao came to be known aa the • iM e u d va ta H w C awpaai “ Under the clrcumatoncea, he certainly did the right garage on Bradbun Lane. Sheik Mohammed Hussein Fad- ing and presumed kidnapped In character laaue, while the undercurrent of rumora thing," O'Neill aald. "I'm not going to comment on the On Friday town oftldala aald they will look Into ways lallah, spiritual guide of the pro- In the last communique, iiaued - Dawlaa A. HeOarti f auggeatad hla Involvament with woman on the Lebanon since IIM. They include p MVfVfuOTiy VnvdQv drcunaotonceothemaelvaa, hut aauwy‘ra perceived to to resolve the problem. Iranlan HetboUah, waa quoted as April 1, a group calling Itself eight Americans, tlx Frenchmen, . Madiy.AIMaMt Mannaa.nMMnn campaign trail. saying; "The kidnappers have an Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of ■uakiaaa Manitaf ODauWlan Mmajaf be. he had no other alternative but to withdraw." "Commander Smith has some very strong feellnga two Britons, two West Germans, an But ttort aald ha had learned. U.B. Ben. Chriatopher J. Dodd, D^^onn., who about thla,” Lewis said. She aald he has asked Town Interest In this treealng until the Palestine claimed that one of its Italian, an Irishman, a South “ 1 would hope that four yeara later with a lot more nominated Hart at the 1N4 Democratic convention, Manager Harold Hodge to look Into barricading the American and French elections in tour hostages, American teacher *IPW*VaWViwa ^fWlilfl^ W.i iV ^nvIfiVw ^MOVt IWwaMva^t aeaaoning that I am prepared," Hart aald In hla flrat Korean, an Indian and two unidenti­ M JltoiUdft MAlto Mf #%aaaaaa.P aald "Gary Hart contributed Ideaa and vigor to the area. INI.’’ Alann Steen, was dying. fied foreigners who were seen being ^ IpvfVfM IN I campaign newa conference. f^ondMltft ftddvM0 oHm ^m to tho MoMHooin MonM* preaidential race In ItM, and hla friendi and “ That can be done," Hodge aald Friday. He said a He did not elaborate. kidnapped. And even hla announcement apeech, he aald he The kidnappers began their si­ P.O. io lt 111. M jy t n it n . Oww^ QUMO. ___ In aupportera ... expected aa much In the current town work crew will clean some of the looae atones HetboUah, or Party of God, Is a If yo4^iloo*t foonvointN^ Hnoht 9o JR. WMlitfadavaaaTJOajn. would make mlatakaa, that he waa only human. lence as the Syrian army tightened campaign. But It haa been obvioua all week that laauea within the next few daya and caution aigna will be Lebanese group made up of ShUtea Its grip on the predominantly ShUte Anglican Church hostage nego­ WniiW^Bt piV^Bto yMH Vi . H yauTa unaMa la "Aa a candldata, I can almoat guarantee that I'm unretoMtothenationalagendamadeltlmpoMbletor loyal to Iran’s revolutionary patri­ Moeh vauf MfflBf. oiM iutefiilRor m i erected near the barricaded area. alums of south Beirut where most of tiator Terry Waite alio disap­ •atMTAMStolpin. going to make aome miatakea," Hart aald at Red Rocka arch, Ayatollah Ruhollah Kho- waaadaia laa daaaa^ In Manaltaalaa> Gary to get hla meaaage acrooa. Today^a dedalon However, Hodge acknowli^ed some problems. the foreign captives are beUeved peared after leaving a weat Beirut jl? ■uMatitaeatflarralasaia|1.naMahr,|r.T0lBranaa«anlh, Park. waan't a aurpriae, but It waa no leaa dlaappointing.” "Some of the large granite atonea weigh as much as a malnl. It Is believed to Include hotel on Jan. 20 to meet with And make miatakea he did, errora of Judgment that held. The area Is a HetboUah WietorthraamOhllia. Mi.l0«artlainanlhaand|H.40«arana Hart’a atate campaign chairman, State Rep. ton,” he aald. "'Tiiat'a part of the problem In trying to several of the groupa that claim to stronghold. kidnappers of two Americans. yaaa. Om laf aMaanaalaaananiallfalaaaffa wallaWaanlaaaaal• wiped out hla IMI campaign almoat aa quickly aa Jonathan Pelto, D-Manafleld, aald he waa deeply get the area cleaned up." hold the hostages. HetboUah Itself . TapM aaa alaNHIaa aa dlaplay advadlaaatanl. aa ta vapait a unexpected victorlea had made Hart a bouaebold name aaddened by Hart’a withdrawal. He said the wall came down In December because of has denied Involvement in the Syria deployed 7,9N troops In Druse leader Walld Jumblatt’i nawadam. Maay aa Bleluaa Mta, call M d -t? l 1. Ofllea twura ara In the 1M4 campaign. abductions. Moslem west Beirut Feb. It to end a •MamlalpmMan^ _ "The Democratic Party today loaea an outBUnMng pressure from water that did not drain properly. mlUUa waa In charge of Waite’s Only a day aftar hla announcamant, Hart’a careful Fndlallah’a remarka appeared on i Tfia ManaOaataa MaaaW la a tnaaaOaa af dia Aaaaalalad Paaaa. apokeapen^ and the country loaea a great leader, Anmher problem in the area is the condition of a week of militia fighting that kiUed •ecurity. He haa accused HetboUah I >ha .Audit Ba a ^ al Claeulallana and Ota Naw Ineland laaua apaadiea were awept aalde by hla eommanta that aald Pelto, who waa a Hartdelegate at the IIM national Nathan Hale monument, which haa needed repair tor an inside page of t^e first issue of IN people and wounded 1,3M. of holding Waite, but HetboUah othar campalgna were apreading rumora about hla Mauaeapaa AaaaoiaMan* eonvMtion. ^ about two years, Hodge said. Aah-Shama, a conservative tabloid The Syrians have also declared denied the charge. paraoMl Ufa. Heavy trucks Still rumbling over towri’s unsafe bridges ^^wWK^^W B^F l^^F itrnMcteottor TMte t4 flw wM«r fyM«m wM he nude fl« r 14 «t te be Ik a dMMiis esite bis flrte otI^^B ^^NHsV w^rU^V idtruetls , bat botednot iwwonactfy MmdMfMr Water IMbMImi. Water FteMW« «r water Tnia^wW ______,---^,_,- -itoptese maSOtf met decream hi the area <4 the teaU. Ott em ftet gar sd innsg sbs yaern- gtesterv etdd S^aaew Straat the area wH1 axtend from Itarherd u kw bpgsls tba ruwelrs wHI taedf tkw Heed te ew Kail ftortterd wwia na». On fterft >lirt» brfdj^rNMote of Cs— siw, aotd ttot for bwf- fltrwet Ow area wM extead trem Vtdm §tr«et went te vVIRv rWW^WtKe M tfeette^ nsswa In tbo Hortb Cad of Han- Taltead Toratefe* and Bed diMid fltraet. ITba 4aifi^dj|KiMBdtPtvlMi dN'iM^sy He Mdd bite to rwssdr the CVBIU^By RP^Bi MPV dW^M^ SBAm ^RV UPgauA iVaP ^^eagkl^WP^^W^^V ^^aMgmha wWV ^v^^MP WMPPB PBHVy N P PBS^PBMPP ^PB^RP* dddl/^mehM^M a^mm MdS^Ms ^mm^aea OOP fitafif eHmnpagm A Mieffon jBpB PaiP^v^P wP^P ^Si^Pa ^P^^BPy PP h m e fi fpg. VfNIPB ppMtfMMIQajIfr' te g o ^ gj d esupie te weebv H e said. 7 n^w AuvUwD Cv I^VI^Phw wII^P SBff^Vi fS M v wf IV vMViBVOTVv Wm9 ^ p W MkiiNMMiiiiipb strweftiiw^J|MW e MHgg cMwent 'awa CaamiMtee win to Md late 11 at tee •W BV Tw^Hi^BHVWNPw VIP V^mBW^^SP wPBIIP OTR^Pay T im m (FMarw, a Maaetoeter Cairntry Chte, wlte a arerfewaf fd-ffi- a«d BBivr ^ IP ^p fsvtesngbtbUtJHtlssl tee auettaa at Sa m. TkAete, at H a aeraaa, atotedto y vWB^^^wB^P ^bV ^^BBWB^^BB^^Vm^^I Maaebeater Meaiarlal HaadHal aerrea mare teaa Me sold tbo state wM start by Ad appearing f,MI exdectaat dareata a year la daaaea. Cmtmen meed by tee U M Water Cb. fa hiring an outelds considtant, who MaacBMier, eadtee Etoi WeierCe. faCeveadfy udflto win mabo a rocommobdaHen. Wed., May 6, Boaters mired in dry docic able to velee teefr epfafens about a sale of hete ftoae at Ntebard Van Affon, a sanler should have read Six from IHIng at Mttory fair BIPIB IIBPni^ BCHBnilW dleliy B 10 mmmaCOa&Ww. entdesoM'for tbs DOT, saM be ted The flm e are beloag to the George Koppleaiaa nai Bpow wnaa tiiat re pan win oa - “30% OFF any six atodeata fram llUag Junior High Scbaol have estate el West Hartford, la fehtW y, tee West fittlsbad. Onca tbo ropert Is re- auhmKted blatary firojecta tor Judging tad» at the Hartford Probate Court eppreee& e giMi to sell both oelved, tee eoMUltlogHalting englnaengineer will one item you Connecticut Hlatary Day compdltlon on “LIherty: after iaunch fees are raised fIraM to Juba WlttemHIaer of gtemrd, who Was PP iiibpp^ rpwQfroMnoldeai p isMilppo vame^MMae loaa wopdMpiMi RighU and ReaponalhiUtlea In Hlatary/' aapofated hg the state Osaartaient of Pubfie Utilities repair worb W('oufd begin. choose with our The conteat la aponaored hy the Cannectleut By Oaerga Loyng increased from $M to ISM. Dally The other reason was that there VvUCBvl dmfv vtBTBOT dliAiIBB aedtudt^mUIliniBB. Ttoir spun hei 0 doteiiorntingooipnoTPiiiip eteotI Hiatorlcal Society. Ilie tiling atudenta are Amanda Herald Reperfar passes were Increased from H to will be construction underway at The DPUC has to approve the sale before it becomes stfuctuw on teate teteteiSlf^Sdlg^oMttoteM shfo.d once reduced Bottlcelto< Nancy Mace, Stacey Luoma, Marla Cuneo, IM. four sites near the launch, making flaaf. Pormer stategea. Carl A. Zlasser, R-tfaacbester Hio probtemo were hnown when tbo Krltln M. Harnett, and Kriata L. Olocopaaal. ; ^ r Mancheater pleasure boaters and Last year, non-residerts at the heavy use more of a safety risk. He aad a eustomer of LSM, aad Coventry eustoteers bad steto laet Inspected tbo structure price.*' teacher la Seanna Francoeur. Botticello and Mace fishermen are upset that three Rocky Hill launch oald M (or day said East Hartford Is willing to asked teat the bearing not be bold at tee DPUC's offices two years ago, but at that time, tee auhmitted individual projecta. The othera auhmitted towns along the Connecticut River passes, and IlM for the season. lower Its fees once these are la New Britain to mateafo IH easier for the public to testify. group projecta. have dramatically increased fees That has been raised to MO a day. <«mpleted and Rocky Hill also The hearing will to held at Lincoln Center at ff a.m. FIrat- and aecond-place winnera today will heellglhle to use municipal boat launches. and IS50 for a season pass. lowers Its prices. to compete In a national conteat. "ft's not our fault the river fn Wethersfield, both residents William J. Pitkin, Wethersfield's • M iMMlNS ClMtrMllMl doesn't run through Manchester," and non-residents pay the same recreation director, said that he complained Joesph McCavanagh, fees. However, over the winter expects his town to get swamped by Houswhokf WMIB plekup s«t • MnW P Owfe ThlteMisI non-residents who do not want to McKays attend UConni’ who likes to take his family and seasonal passes were Increased COVBNTRY On May 16 residents can dispose of Need New e I iMiitlkil GMiri AvsNifeM friends on his tl-foot motorboat. from MB to 180. while dally passes use the East Hartford and Rocky basardotts household waste such as pestlcldea, hoMw • Mwayg Pglly InirMlMi An Andover family, the Bruce McKaya, have (our With the higher fees Imposed this were hiked from M to 17. Hill facilities. supplies, solventa, degreasers, automobile priDducte, children enrolled at the Univeraity of Connecticut at week by East Hartford, and earlier In East Hartford and Rocky Hill, Zanlungo contended that the alcohol, turpeatlne aad weed killer, the Conservation Storra, but the McKaya are not the only alhlinga In the this year by Rocky Hill and residents can use the launches at no roblems of overcrowding were Coniffllssloa has announewd. univeraity. A recent check ahowa the undergraduate Wethersfield, he will probably use cost. The material can be brought to the Eaglevllle student body Includea Ml paira othrothera and alatera, There are other launches In the grought on by the state and townsin his boat leas, he said. the Hartford area that promoted firehouse on Route M In Mansfield between la.ffl. and 8 2S cofflblnatlona of three alhlinga. Mancheater Is "It really upsets us," he said. area that are owned by private boat the used of the Connecticut River. p,ffl„ said commission member Mary Anne Oermaln. among towns having from 18 to 10 sibling groups in the Louis Damato of Parker Street clubs and the state. However, many People found out that It was easier ^ plekup Is being held with the town of Mansfield, she enrollment. . said he and his wife plan to send a of the state launches are located in ■aid Andover's McKay family Includes the oldest child, to launch Into the river than the letter to Dov. William A. O'Neill to areas that have not been dredged, Long Island Sound. The goal Is to prevent hatordous chemicals from Bruce, a graduate student, the youngest children, complain about the higher fees. making their use risky, said belHg dumped at the Coventry town landfill and Kevin and Scott, twins who live at home, and Michelle, Damato, who has been boating for Zanlungo. The solution, both sides agree, is poaMMy eentamlnatliig drlnWag-water auppUes, Oer- GUHERS? a Junior who lives on campus. the past eight years on the river, Some of the private launches are to have more launches. NcNulty tealn said. The pickup will coatig,W6, halfof which la Then Cell Uall said the price Increases will mean high priced, or do not allow the said East Hartford already has hdng paid for hg the atatc, sto explained. he will use his l9-(oot boat less general public to lauch boats. dans to develop a few more For more Information, call 4fP4SW, RHAM students compete often. Officials from the three towns faunches. ^kS55S8E1 "The only thing they’re after Is complained that non-residents take Whitman. Pitkin and Zanlungo six studenU from RHAM High School have been up parking space and time at the ■elected delegates to Uurel OIrls' SUte, sponsored by the money,'* he said. said they would like to see the state Strater fllto Coventry s m I American Legion auxiliaries. They are Christine Charles Zanlungo, secretary of launches, thereby depriving resi­ to provide these. the Mancheater Bassmasters fish­ dents of use. . BocyneakI, Paige Bppinger, Karen Higgins, AnnMte William Delaney, spokesman for COVENTRY — The Town Council Monday night Johnson, Kelly Ann Johnson, and Karen LaFontalne. ing club, said members will have to "We had people coming dou!n the state Department of Environ­ unanimously voted to impoint Republican Blanche V They will take part June II to 17 in the OIrls’ State travel farther down the river to find from Springfield — you Just can't mental Protection.' said Friday Strater of Qoose Lane, to till the council seat left vacant annual convenUon at Qulnnlplac CoUege In Hamden. other launches. handle that on the local level," said there are six state-owned launches by the rMignatlon of Thomas Sparkman last month. ★ 643-2659 ★ They were picked on the basis of their Interest In He complained the higher fees Rocky Hill Town Manager Dana along the Connecticut River. They Strater, 87, served on a previous council In INS and la government, sportsmanship and friendliness. are unreasonable, especially since Whitman. are located tn Suffleld, Enfield, currently a member of the Economic Development thejtfise:the jttfipey paid by fisherman for "I don't want to exclude anyb­ Windsor, Haddam, Bast Haddam Committee. She works In real estate for BKM Realtors Jlcfiiaea and i boat' registration Is ody," said Bast Hartford Mayor and Old Saybrook. In East Hartford. Her husband Is vice chairman of the k 'd i Town offices dost on holldiy to be used to make It Robert F. NcNulty. He explained Planning and Zoning Commission. The Munttaf^Buildlng and UncolnCeteetJ^t1>e easier to use the river. that part of the reason his town It usually costs M to use these Strater was unable to attend this week's meeting. it F f etf/mafti — % Financing — Fully Inaurad it doaed May IS In obaervance of MemSFurDay. There "We pay so much to the state, and Increased the tees was that Rocky facilities, he said According to fellow Republican Phillip Bouchard, she 100 s will be no refuae collecUon on that day. Emergency all we really ask (tor) Is a decent Hill had done so earlier, and Bast Delaney acknowledged, though,, will take her seat among the Democratic majority telaphoBa numbers (or use that day are tor the launch," he said. Hartford was afraid It would get that at some launches, miat owners council at Its next meeting on May 18. highway problema, M7-MM tor refuae coHeeUon, and tn Bast Hartford the seasonal swamped with those who did not use them at their own risk, M M lll for sanitary aewer and water proMems. fees for non-residents -have been want to pay tee Rocky Hill tee. depending on the water level. Black family Issues go beyond parenting

BvSuMmOkulG He likened bia pi ttowH effort to toe I I of Edueatloa, board (dficea, 7:M p.m. thetUMlIico U .S.-< _ _ neat Mamorlal Day Gommittoe. Ltaoola NSW RAVEN - taaom lor Mack pemi recovery prearmh enacted Cofrtor gold room, 7;M p.m. tamffim awnt Itmltad to alnifb- after WeiW W arn. Tam in pareot OMMntM gRd m ciwy, Imr *- "the tone to gctthit Into, hat It onr nation to to awvive, R (the Board of Dirtcton, Uneota Center hearing room, • eicee^w breeder hww swii w — ------n -nm ----- , farm tmnblm and air poiloUon, w W V C B X im iB I w flw TX f 1 aaya a IMorian who atndicB Gamer aaid. Cemeter y Committee, Lincoln Center gidd room, S ■UBUI1INB. Conference pwtMpaato p.m. ” Wa mad to expmid onr neUen of ined the atreagtha and weak Cheney Hall Fenndation, Probate Court, S p.m. WMR CeWRIPNN. a MBCR iM Iiliy ef Mach tomWm la Amcricn tram Ih n n ia y iaaee,” aaya Jamea O. Horten, an the toqra ef Mavciy. While H waa Judge’! boun. Probate Court, «;M p.m. noted that the munbers e l Mack Emergency Medical SenriceB Council, Unceln Amwrteen^d^to^ ^i?toeege Center bearing room, 7 p.m. WmMngtoa UMvcnRy. Conaervatton Oommlarton, Lincoln Centers gold Horten waa apeaktng Friday at a since IfW , Mack poverty bm alao ronn. 7:M p.m . conference called "Black Famlltea nna i^BQcy» shSvM^c^h brnclMta to tbe paat two deendm, !Uvca” hcM partictoeato mM. AIIQvYW About im BBgRBQBaBl MM MMT RBWlIC _—- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .hi ef^^r^bsm policy eltovto wenM bclp g tt aiumy Annual Town Meeting, Andover Elementary Scbotd, I frowi Iba Mack acapto oatn the aamc track • p.m. * O— ** — A gwun^^Bwi* —.— -A— -A that Ibarepean hnmtgr^nta were Plamdng and Zoning Commiseion public bearing. PrablaaiB bctaUlBg tm all able to conaect with when they first Town Office Building, 7;M p.m. fnrviim are nito tbrantcfiiimfhmig came tethtocBuaU y In the lath and wrMrt by Madta ta Uie SnaHi, early ttth centoriea, Gamer anM. BuTopeaM tamntgrMta and their Bolton A ir pnlbMlMi, wM di fa b cary In dcBcandaiita were able to gain Manday tvw r cfttea, ceaWI be cmmected to , aortal MidccenamicpewerwRhIn a PuUic Building Commbaion, Community Hall dm Mdbar nMe ef lead ddaeane generation In the IM to d Stotoa, in fireplaee room, 7: 1b p.m. WiwW 1^^016 By wagw^by blacte, be «M . part becanm they toon began to Ibcadny wemea^s r^nbAs, uaean* earn money and vote here, be aaM. Board of Pire Conuniaaimiero. firebouae, 7 p.m. Honoring volunfoon p leyiiw iil aad cewceriMi ever peri* The cb l W ^ of RtMG iinmlgrant State Central Committee Convention, Community smn aie att Rwm h im ceaceni Ibmiliea wete aMe to get the H all. 7;M p.m . Thomdt StringfOMow, Htnkdd by EIIm o Visiting Nuraa and Homa Cara voKm- Mack fanriMm and need addreaa- education needed to make a good Board of Health, Bentley Memorial Library, 7:M W. Wilton, Idft. and Hilda Bakar, looka taar. Stiingfallow voluntaart at tba iag, Horten mM. living, he aaM. The hcynele apeaker ef the African expcriencea dUtered p.m. o v w m mBncimSTm vCHumunixy oBrvtCBB tcmm*a social aarvicaa d ^ rtm a n t. Wedneaday Dr. Jamea P. Comer, vastly from the immigranta’. Co­ P la n n i^ Commiaaion, Community Hall, • p.m. Council program Wadnaaday during a Bakar voiuntaart at tba Amarican Bad that prewrem toward mer m M . Many ef the ancestor a of I bnraday voluntaar racognttion lunchaon.^igM Croat. VfHuntaart racaivad tala. teamidm poverty In Mack houae today’s Macba came to tote country Board of Education. Bolton Center School, 7: m p.m. voluntaart wars honorad. VIHtacm w a hotda co m be mode by a maaaive as slaves and dM not gain political PvM ny effort in educeting the young and (Mr economic power alter aboHlien Democratic Town Committee. Community Hall, 7: M for e variety of reaaona, Inrtudiag p.m. Comer ia a Yale Univenity child racism, he saM. ' aad a consul- The edocathm of Macks, particu- After a week of murder trial, I ^t^rreloit^ad aaacceaa^hal larly in tbe raral South, fell Covontry educational improvement pro- dramatlcany behind that of the nwt Monday grama forjow-income and minority of the Americen populace in the school chtldren In New Raven and period between If t t and IWHL be Planning and Zoning Commiaaion, Town Office Ross cries as Jury goes home aaM. Building, 7: M p.m. ofiier citica. Finance Committee, Town Office Building, 7: Mp.m. _ A rta Commiaaion, Town Office Building. 7;M p.m. BRIDGEPORT (AP) - At ttie aobhing through moat of her teatim- ia net acoaaed of raping before dote of the flrat week of hia trial, ony. "They were going to go to atrangliag. Board of Education, Coventry I^ S ch o o l,7:M p.m . Michael Rota, convicted of two Jewett City .... They rtwoM have Rom ia alao charged in Uwdeafiia Potlttpotg killinga and being tried for four been home by t p.m. They never of Wendy Baribemit 17, of IMbon more, Miowed emotion F rid a y and camebonte.*’ and Robin Stravinahy, It , otOelum- Mallaaa Smith anlffi a booquat of ftoWGIB Oh watp to school cried. On file day he confOeaed. Roaa bia. Bartier thia weak, Slate’a Tltufaday moming. Tfta Gtghtfhgtadar waa QO East Oantar Obitiiaries Roaa, tt, a former inaurance told police he felt eapecially aorry wPBehl SIrask. aaleaman from the Jewett City about killing Shelley, who waa the evidence about the death of Bari- aectton of Griawold, ahed ailent amalleat of hia vicUma at 4 feet I t beanh and Stravinaky. teara after the Ju ry had been inchea, police Detective Michael Rom ia charged with aixcoamacf Marguerite B. Haggerty dtamleeed lo r the te y . MakMk. the officer who toOk the capita) Mony mairder in the four Baby’s death was murder Marguerite E. (McKinnon) Haggerty, tt, of 171 The laat wimeaa at the trial in cobteeaion, aaid. deatha and will face tlte death Onter St., died Friday mominc at Mancheater B ridgeport Superior Court waa "He aaid he liked her.” Maicbik penalty Ifcenvksed. Be teprenmtty WATgWWyY lAP) HBWICWI bra OM Qlv Memorial HoapHal. She wao the widow of Auguatus atate police d ct^ vc Jamea Cava­ aaid. "ReaaMhefeRhaiiRytorhte eervint a Itt-year aemence for the MM IHcE eebIhr B flbMi wIn paRtE Haggerty. naugh, who toM of finding the hecavae ahe waa ao am all.” deatha of two other yomtg women. ve wHm Ri^iY^i^giQ m CE^gnPBgRiFB^B 2 HOUR COLOR PRINT (Se was bora in Bridgewater, Maine, Feb. t 7, tt tt, d e c ^ poeed hodiea oftw o It- ye a r Shelley wM the only victim Rom The trial confinnee Monday. WNh n heit aeid n largo mekal apeeii Gaye and Bbe bad been a reeident of Mancheater (orUiepaat oM girla from GriawoM tying In a bedoee too taddtor’a deato. n pvoeecikor anM. PROCESSING t l yeara. She wao a pariahloner of St. Jamea Church. culvert in rural Preatonon Jnnett, Aaatotant Stateh Attoency Jobn CornwRy •S! alaf toematornedicalowamhiet’a Bigger <& Belter 4x6 Gkway Printa She is eurvived by four daudhtera, Mra. Robert lM 4x SPRING INTO A UPB CARBBRt aaM thechai f e waa lodged agatont Atoxandw office to Fatmtogton aaM Thnmday that (Dolorea) Jordan, Mra. FrederM (Marie) Corey and Rom had led pOHce to the aite that D. Netoon. 11. M Namgatoto. in toe dento wVlWIl nraWfH wD^e Mra. John (Agnea) Luby, all of Mancheater, and Mra. day after confeaaing to aix Tacnday of Sarah C flM ia of Naugatwk. Vwraio, VE^Si Clinton (Ann) O’Brien of Creatview, Fla.; two am , murdera. PRACTICAL NURSE Nclacei and the haky’a motoer. Donna L. •w»» ER OTXOPI MMM, ERimMw wBM. n®»WFr(k'pRicEli Ibomaa Haggerty of Paweatuck and ChaiteoHaaierty CSM ha, t t . of NamuMnek, wera arraated A spokeswoman for toe Dcpaitonent of of Anchorage, Alaaka; two aiatera, AgnetShicMaand The girla, April Branaia and a n d LeaHe Shelley, were laat aeen two Wednoaday and charged wMi rtik of to)nry to VOHwI^RI VEHI mE^Hul vM^wriMm moTCI EMMMI «S!5? o s 5iL*?SS!SE Mary Boutiller. both of Mancheater;» grandchildren; awdnar. The maadcrchaige waa filed agatoat OEmMca^b twe «Gii t yMfn M great-grandchildren; and aeveral niecea and moatha e a rlie r on April t t .'snEsom.v | iM-ia».i»oatnaoNLV The mothera « f Uie two giria DENTAL ASSIST1NQ Netoon after Oonmfly r tvi ewed aolopay bwNi bs b M iM RwMttWMy S a v iM m M Gm twb

^ WMKimWH (/m ^ dUmf iVaObaal w^wwwmtt^tK w j aani^ vaxMniPiiipp oobb* II^R Prpn^F WP yaOOTn awa \mfWr IWBffn flp» w H f to Say ariMd toy dte Caairaa. CMItont In spy teandil? M a, a • lUlinu fv raovniTCUWI wfnwf Wm JIHIIMftr ITOTmi pOTf BBp BPW IBVBIIOB0V Ir^ WASHINGTON — The FB! is Investigating a miinbw ▼ . U^UIU CTRMVI four Cf mFwBIIIIB «iQPimyans jmK mm^vp^roBBi bbpfi^^p, ------MiNP tfaMaa aa of State Department employees and other civilians m VepifCf lira MwE lEla IIIWnBFrVCi WUPrv AfPE.UIUr V rPwfW mr r vfCP fm^rr WS^^^RT Tv 0 , ^THHRP Bl^^wy the Marine espionage scandal Invidvlng tlw U.S. tea e m m rn m t dtvidid over gaaaraf, wf t f t t i ny hte f&am and final PBv f WBP HBIIPfPV. Embassy In Moscow, FBI director William^ Webster wireumi ovcwTu iw a iwifiui or p^roiiwC'i . d V OT fPfUIHUB^. BPCOni IBIW I^P fP WPP b PPPPPIPPCP ( P iteviu^ B Manila iHnncBVM cofciMfi, wore bvw revealed Friday. ^ ^ .... . liuiiBB Fricip^ p fPiOiiiQnp m wmh IBP IBBgffiNly PBB IBfVP PfgPfPPTP WPrP Webster's dlscldsnre came in a letter to S«t. Ernest Mf iMHfonn sa m gtmt m V.§. PIPl a i ^ HimwCynipIPX ACBPP A A A .—WPP.A-.A. wrVTPPTPV a i w aMaii^ wa B liPlIj j •. • •'?- rii^’ fliig F. HolHngs, D-S.C., who for the past two days ^ C&m M&tm for it sariM &f seorsf Saw. MMtam S. t m » . B-Mafna, vtea blocked lobster’s nomination to become head m the Mttrimasai wimiiitispaitdaaf dOBitesitaw- eBairmaw of ma SawaM WiniUlTePP fflPriflRTP PigPFnBvPIf OP" CIA because the FBI did not appear to be Investigating raoea E. W tM . fllQICPnPiI BM f m rfiCBrgWBBB IWPPIf vaaaaviwRp m B PjrilipBIBmpp Wluf any civilians In the scandal. . wmswn IP pfvpmip m ci JiiliBai niTOTUaia^ raSaf teadar waa satad to cuwtribuw ^^WPWvy Wi^P Bl ^r ^BP ^PPMb AAAAAmkt Aa A AS WT ..a a A .jrfAA mmmiaatersaaratMfaafD.i. armaiafraii n i t f f Holllfigs, who on Wednesday accused the FBI m net IIIPOTj|i IP rPBPOfn U.B. BOPHIB0P Ilf IBP ^WfirPIv P* UR CPlWPr OT WITPT Bp bothering to delve Into possIMe negllgeiteeStM e and m dsn/tHUm of Ui ma idPiBram< rP^PPRWP ePHRT UiP PBfPa^PMPte BPP tt^ Ate. A a a A W AA A ... .^mm r , gfg , ,.A fc AW liW Department civilians, immediately withdrew his meaiwissM CaiiM raSaif. a wRf^Pa s^RPPwW^BBv Iv lif iHQICgBvQKBT... sate of US. anwitoteawaf Milatedprttea obj^lons to Webster’s nomination when he received • rfcup or«tiip anersv/p infcivwi wotM (CMtra iMfdlar Catera waa ra- PBw OfTPTPRm OT pomp pPOTlUr U r IB P the letter. A comnwflfi on tup acuonv imri Dmair a aaaeted to arodwa aarti and tiwatetw ctqvpw nwaTiRp fi9twtw (^naf UWIpC cnMVP w Bp UPPCI lOT uM pVrQCBmr WOteia BP mmAAm ^PPl m iHlMPpy iPniPpPn aa I^RMBSw - am. — .a •nnifp OTBTWy m* WMtmm It. wna m v porMN,’^’CoM w m M. a^A^A^A AtAM^^A AAAtt^^A^AtA^ ^AAA vPCPmpopcBfiiy rtSP^RrASPMPr nPIMnPBPff n OP^rj BflMOPa wlw 9v WP ilBwf IB PlwPCTy m rP vP a P P (/OBalrB P«ic« laHct up to Itrioflt . wnpTP Dour ffcipa rrwo w&wmfM p9p§T§. bchm gghfvfcd cue t& ptif ttith a^^a CPTBn^^BPPP O^HNIBB^B BPCvTOy OOTRiBiB^p IBP fPOTnfBBBpy w m B f AMMAN, Jordan — King Hussein’s three-year-old U iu t, ftertt'a n tu ifm ft waited aatefda POlIfyAAmtM f* VV^Bw maMM campaign for a Middle East peace conference Is riding the roam whara a s p a ^ fadarai fte id O PvvTw a m m IPPUTIPCs Inara IITOBPy irO llt tn W ’TaadarataiM OaaaadofflteoaMiwieteate on the outcome of a political showdown across the Jury PlflpPSPlPCr Dy WMtta warn 1tm(nm§. fran-Centra aparaHM waa b i ^ taa d ^ M itiAiAtiAim tm nAiiktttAA Jordan River In Israel. Tbs fraud fa tf M prabfiM tiw entire pay tSaaxpaiMMaf U.S. dngtgmkitffmt raote.... liwawiiwateMartbaawaaayfaii SA gi t ate il M W a * * W aSaa f volnattrtfy ^ m w biva. f dMart He gradually won acceptance of a peace conference fratt-COMra m m . w IOC PIP AmPTICPlf liOPCP^P fir ijRrBBBB, w^a a ^a ^au. gg gi .a ^a ^ a a ^ t e be a row serdae, aa Fiw eat from European powers and a reluctant United States. Tourittd take In the view of the deek at the hate of (he fall# Friday. ^ North had baaa natnad fit caart at a DBdRW ulP l/.9« BCTdlllllPflT WOBNI BOf. -> With subtle but Important compromises, he won the fMfaw eoMtefrater by ftmd-rafisr Cart 0BiPSaaS Bpconi vner dti^tAA i tp a upper^^^Aa DPBra ate:n HorsMihoe Falla from an ohaervatlon Chamiafi and pnbHc ralaOmta executive conditional Support of Israeli Forrign Minister Shimon OLfViPlNCmtN bMara” wBaa aisad about tba appaaf to . to ba aoaaMte aad Peres, who threatened to bring down Israel’s deeply Rtelterd MfBar wbaa ^ p fM M eatero. irtittdjrt to tea baat of my totewfasa,” divided goverment if it will not endorse a peace . aaoret akirmtatifM tMa m&mk to coM ^aey to defratid the BPCvTOy liW P a W llllP y CBPCIOBPO tIM I Bp vPCOTCi NUu. conference. Israeli Cabinet members are to open debate on the Mist at Niagara could be toxic issue Monday, with Peres pitted against Prime NIAGARA PALLS, N.Y. (AP) - residents may be at risk. ” I would think that, obviously, if Minister Yitriiak Shamir, who opposes an interna­ The area upstream from the falls It Is a negative report, it will affect RTL execs’ offices bugged; tional conference and insists on direct talks with Workers and city officials who depend on the tourists who flock to has numerous chemical plants and businesa,” said Dave Parker, man­ Jordan. Niagara Falls were angry and chemical waste dumps. ager of four gift shops, and a restaurant on Goat Island, which ministry $65 million In debt worried Friday about a Canadian A U.S. Environmental Protection NEW LOCATION! report (hat the fails’ mist carries Agency spokesman confirmed that, sits between the American and TrMty would roducB artonalt dangerous chemicals. given the Niagara River's polluted Horseshoe Falls. FORT MILL, S.C, (AP) — The executive a telabligM manbar from anyaRtm m M condition, it is likely chemicals are “ Everyone knows it’s polluted. If GENEVA — A U.S. delegate issued a draft treaty A report that the SOU-foot high veil offleaa of tea maadal-roeiwd PTL mMatry world, thhftrm fi eafd at a aawt iteMtePmmteSiPiiteiiBfaiMsiibaBaiis of mist thrown off by water given off. But he said the amounts the river is polluted, of course the ware bagiod, tlw tiMteatry laid Friday, aiMl M eottfaraneo. ■ vpBPPPgiiisiiisiBaiiiiKaiiiBna Friday that would reduce by half the iMig-range are minor in air pollution terms. mist is polluted,” said a veteran iBPBPMimglvayjpigiipaismiipaiis nuclear arsenals of the Soviet Union and the United thundering over the falls may be also has haguA laying off Mb amMayeaa, “ You eoidd ttiten to anything you wanted .■■PPBPPPPBBPPPPPPtoP dangerous because of pollution will “ The majority of that is theory, worker near the falls who declined ineladiog miaMteM, to daaf wHb a d«M now to,” ha Mid. States. based on a computer model,” said to give his name. ” ft ruins every­ Ronald Lehman, the U.S. delegate, said the outlines be presented to a scientific meeting calMlated at Mb ffliilfon, Afhad whathar EaUiar of hia wHa, Tammy Monday in Ann Arbor, Mich. The Thomas Darrow, a spokesman for thing. It corrodes aluminum. It Tha fflihiatry alao diaefoiad that documatita Faya, waraawaraof thahug, Nimarabited, ’^1 of a pact "are obvious to both sides" and an agreement the Niagara Falls Visitors and corrodes stainless steel.” on the long-range, or strategic, weapons could be paper is the masters’ thesis of a are mlaalng tram Ha tllaa. hava only hoard aurprim from all eamna.” University of Toronto chemical Convention Bureau. “ We’re having the paper, published in the ”Whobttiibdthabttlldtei?Wadae’tlHiow,” reached by year's end. a very, very difficult time accept­ Toronto Globe and Mall, was Mark UthliiU/ a anokaamah for Falwafl, Lehman said he put forth the nearly 40-page draft engineering graduate student. said Harry Hargrave, aMOtetad Its chiat The report says tourists visiting ing as substantial anything In, or written by Michael McLachlan financial atfloar a month attar P T t fowidar aafd ho douMa P t t offielala will yoraue who text during a l

Ckwbsw scow f^lAF^Kf r f^F P O F 1 r ^BPfWyOfw PM^MtMrWMWipCIBfW DpcMofif AW- HFewS Spoillglll m key to HaJMMuaai t f w i J 1 o n ttw in d iftliy managing AW tmetmUSm, * 0 t m i 0 » _ Wt09if IRMiMifP M r ra ^W nINr vl^PK vvl^^r >ef M lefBtoAtoi

~-.... ^m |aM||^|M^ ^a >|yB ■Ks^ai^^ia w ^ MgwW g^Btgky AgWem MMMp^ yMMMMMw 4tiyiMyMy ttw jMMBii(li 4MNV MMMmv loirm iofn grand oytonAv MiWl^MIfli #(0W -*** id' My ^iitf ImM ^ HMMifiMM OTHB^V Iv fV^MW AW a a « ■MaVOTfVy IvAa. aOioa a^M WMIlFBlIfW PM ttfanO OpVfffBfy 0 f ' f’lymoudi; dofm d, dHuNf, ggfgg iiwn> ^Mmmm MfinHi MW MW Btt iM* 0tlff§f M 1|0MIW« S^ihf w aa^H^^y a l i M Iw iiih^bHp c^n^y oBfemon wiNyvwi '^'lyiimuui ci so yMHMM^ MWW i0 f fiUMw w i i IAnW M MmMy* sflgr fof thg dggfgfUlilp; gild LdWfWio# M. §0$tBjBlt§ fw pNM$0lt§0NtfNBMIB§^ ^WMyWlVMMMl M l ^ o f lk ^ C M a p . y r rlf^ O O F m W ao V^eifOvlg mfe^ ifO ifr wWwwf aae OOfOniOniddyugAAidAMg PfOBlOMil ^^M^utdgdAdto^ BnOCf^HflflttPOfA ^A g AdAAdoMnmAg^ Ai^d^AA OIO ^HAB^^yyy^H d|||yigU|^gAg|uy A ^ A k A k y^y|^^g^dymgA AgUMAi ww tn flM ifvMifCfy My y inOffNM OOfBfflOfld wIO b pvBBlOSffl b v IO r v ^wjw99wuwuwk ^gd dgAUM^I^d.^Mm dB* jbogrd«of Serintofi Motorte iofiinton •I ffe«M1 firfi/'ifii^f « r ^ iiff BrvlMgW OliffBI^ OMfOtBi imVmiOM Of OOrOniOn Pb OTO v b # We iwolofg^^ygAjgyyg dWAMUpgi pggn Bin/vgfdnofia M .^MM^MUI^BAAAk .mgifiogBaBAIAI tHiWnig AA •Vv HrWRflMNK^IfnW 0v KNWtIr jyM M M y v Cv« TWT? wn I T w T f AlRgjA^Aym^gjMyi BHgyy^|^g|g||k ^ jg^^^yABg^A^B gUAid MMMMV M MMlMf MM7 a W e ivofkBtiogB 'W flfiSIO^IOr' ^VfVliOTff pfOMOOni Ony ifSOi. Tfig grind opgnMg of ffw IMMi«^#!M MfycyMMM £ s S i|MMh||N2^ M il tfMaA||||M^^4l^f|lf ggergdry of iergntoii Cfirytlgr* Cffhfilor'Wymoolh buslngii sw» lloy 1. AB far M r M l ta y^ lM ifV ▼Vry«M p m p w . Hp^S^S^ilSSSSimf A«i ton latontato haakiog* will alio he MgMaiini (Mm the aald M W yodd - la a fwriai of BMfBMv n MBy BOOBBOO II H M y 01^0 WOfOOBB^BBOw wMI# Bi jsy nogiongf atmtoad. r ith n uplwM dw lawa two yuan age. ’tJnu. l.thatwHlanei^ M rfdM M W a d ld w a i, toaiwaaad dw dwaaaa dwt dw Priday. TM high eeurt domtoa wniaaod nergar hatwoM flaet'- aaaai to * BBBBI “m m aaw wa Im m dw boat af a flurry of morgor activity among il Croup af Pnrideain and ImMm I AWtMM AU|MM JI MAAldfcAMaaiMiMM m i y I Bara Baad aiaiwaiai la dto atoafe totof ditoM oM ih. H wBO IflBI B BMBBgBMBie*!ttSlS!^ « . Con iO A iii to nglator. (wdi worida," aald gtovM Caaay, a MBggBo^BB^v^gf WBBg^vi^w bbq Noraiar Raneorp of Albany to taho . iA itin tm I ApjAi^JI■ OM dtdWMIimOr IMWOTOfy VfBBOfV yf ttMyy iMiytivfy ttiyf Dtmaeratto atoto aaaator from Rhodo latood haaho. And oao oftoet. ddljua dO^l djMliA A^ A^ Aai^M^a^ "MriM ^ to l¥aea« IMw''wM M M i t o M K i t i o o i M t t m m M o I o M uM i teiwi io Brtotol. COM. -tha oulAlAtoto aiwapoetod m m H of the lawa hao WWW BOT MOBB^dMOorOOr laBBOIO wrfto jaB doaeriadaua. latontowliii aud avaluaM Maaaachoaetta lawmaker haih T M f M V K f t M|4 iM M lM y iMy# #|WMMA fSMi imdw af It. far aaa ddag, M Mit ttMlittMMi yttwi a a d w eaaddatoa, aad lnmMi mw amptoyaaa. thto hMha an toraadag In Ooaafedcut (wM dw fonaatlM of doaono of NatiMUl M l W m (m ______of tti •■ • '■ Citicorp, the aiiU#n‘a' torgeot ^*.**M*V •»* »i OPINION Opmm tiria law la fwaaed. The Natfooal pay raise lu t year and whether Qay righta bill Organisation for Wmnen and ttie you could use aa extra 81M in your vary disturbing Comacticttt State Fadaratlwi of podtet, and then aak Sen. Meotti Dow ntow n Teacbera have alao voiced atrong what possible Juatificatioathereia Ts the Bitter: aupport. in his voting the way he did. 1 aincerriy believe that if the Remember, our democracy lamdee^distressedabouttbe majority of the citisene voiced only wwka when those we elect parking effect tout die gay rigMs Mil, tbelrlnlontoouretaterepreaen- are held accountable. It’s tinne to presently in our Mate iegslature, tativea, thia bill would m t be let Sen. Meotti know you’re will have on our state and paned. But unfortunately tbereis watching. community. This bill will allow a "ailent majority" out there who the homosexual to have extra are either uninformed or apa­ ReglaaIdJ. Smith benefito all freeikims that we do not even thetic about this whole issue. I Senate Repabileaa Leader have, based on their sexual hope that we wake up before it’s 8th Senmorlal District ysU M H E D , preference! The homosexual has too late. New Hartford The RopitoHean Party haaMtenafeiod Just as many rights as anyone else I urge y)ect have a point with some religious groups that of your family, for no legitimate installation has already arisen on when they say Homart Is a financial ^ant have been vocal about supporting reason, and all it’s doing is varied grounds: religious or which idiould not need any Incentives to the gay righta bill. The Bible very collecting interest? That’s what moral objections to the nature of A tifighbor h$)p» rni Mm plainly states that homosexuality the currentstatebudget surplus of the games, concern for thequality develop a retail center that will Inevitably When revolution Is necessary Mam., ftrmt maUtulay jm f X SWSM at compete with other Manchester retailers, snow is an “ abomination to the Lord.’ $324 million means, and that’s of life and property values in the rocont Sul sSw Ood did not create Adam and why Republicans in the General surrounding residential neighbor­ Including those on Main Street whose By Chuck stone One conservative columnist, trying to distinguish many bqmk Two ______AT., Adam. He created Adam and Eve. Assembly have been trying to hoods, worries about the impact resources are limited, and who pay a tax to between South Africa's race preMmi and ours, foaamlnowanwn MmwawtlmoU For those who claim that God return some of that hard-earned on Manchester of large numbers create and maintain parking. if we're so proud of our MO years of democracy, wrote that the "blacks in this country had the same created them this way, I question money to you and other of out-of-town players and vehi­ why don't we believe In exporting it to South Afrlcaf cultural background, a common language and a what god they are talking about. taxpayers. cles drawn to the first ce iter of its But apart from Its narrow political appeal, It reminds me of the old joke in which the Lone more or less common religion." (Do you know I Why th«y lovt Florida The God that I serve would not But Republican lawmakers kind in New England, ind other the Bepubllcan proposal has Intrinsic merit Ranger points out toTonto that they are surrounded never knew thatl) create someone as a homosexual alone don’t have the ability to urgent civic concerns. We are and It should be considered by the Board of by Indians. Says Tonto, "What do you mean we, But In South Africa, all of those black nations — To the Editor: and then condemnthem forlt. God grant more tax relief, because organising and focusing this Directors on the basis of that merit. white manf" Xhosa. Zulu, Swasl, Basutho, Tswana, Bapedi, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah their votes are outnumbered by opposition, and have retained Mostblack Americans beileveSouthAfricashould Shangaan-Tsonga, Ndebele, and Venda - are It’s 68 degrees this morning as I sit and have because of their homosexuality those of state legislators like Sen. legal counsel. Everyone In Manchester benefits from the adopt the U.S. Constitution. divided by language, religion, tribal customs and breakfast and look at the headlines in the and sexual perversions. That is Michael Meotti and other The name LOOM recalls the availability of parking space In what Is still But many white Americans apologists for tradition. Daytona News Journal and the picture of how we got the word sodomy. For members of the Democratic proud history of Manchester as a the financial and commercial center of town apartheid don't think so. How did they ever manage to live together before weather yesterday In the North. those in the religious community majority in the state Senate. silk-weaving center. The loom is — even though It Is no longer the sole retail They're too busy tortuously Justifying "taxation the white Afrlkaanerscamealongandciviiisedthem They still ask me why I love Florida. that question what I am quoting I Meotti knows you’ve been over­ an instrument of peace, weaving center. J without representation" and "one person, one vote" into slavery. would recommend that they read taxed, too, but refuses to do together separate strands—here, for South Africa blacks, Those black nations (pateraalistically called David McConkey it for themselves; 2 Timothy 3:16, anything about it. That’s clear by strands of protest — into an When the Special Taxing District was It's called the convenience of historical amnesia. "tribes" by whites) may be divided, but on one 131 Young St. 2 Peter 2, Genesis 19:6 A 24. his recent votes against four effective and harmonious whole. In IMV, we do more than celebrate some scroll question they are passionately united! riowsoonwill Port Orange, Fla. Romans 1:24, Jude 7, would responsible tax cuts considered The word alludes also to the fabric formed In 19M, the Impetus tor It came from signed by 88 men MO years ago in . the Main Street community itself, which was black South Africans rule their country? (formerly of Manchester) recommend that clergy read by the Senate. of town and neighborhood, which We commemorate a legacy bom in revdiutioh, AsWashingtonPostreporterMichaelOetlerwrote Esaklel 33:1-20, and Genesis With Meottl’s support, the state would be ripped asunder by the then facing a parking crisis. Most of what watered with blood and nurtured by suffering. in Febnumy, "the overriding sense one geto here 18; 20-21.1 pray that God will open sales tax could have been lowered proposed project. And it indicates could bf done to resolve that crisis has This nation's forefathers violently overthrew their after a tn ^ w e e k reporting trip is that of the your eyes to the truth. by a half-percent, saving us $130 the site of the protest. If the town already been done. tyranny. They didn't sit down and non-vioiently Inevitability, ultimately, of black rule." With the terrible threat of AIDS million a year. And Sen. Meotti rises to its full stature on this The Main Street community still needs an luttotiate. Is that diftieult to accept? to our society, why would weallow could have made essential paper issue, it can surely LOOMover the' at organisation to focus on revitalisation of the Freedom is never negotiable. Not if you believe in the glorious lesson of the a law that would condone homo­ products and household cleaning proposal and defeat it. downtown area, but it does not have to be one But even after the colonialists won the right to Founding Fathers. sexuality, thereby encouraging supplies tax-free, as well as cut Citizens are being requested to self-govemment, they still had to fij^t one of an exodus of homosexuals and i that puts a tax obligation on Main Street Before peacefully drafting the Constitution, the the tax on reaidential gas and attend the next meeting of the history's bloodiest civil wars to preserve their unity. signers fought a bloody Revirfutionary War. lesbians to Connecticut to live. electric bills by 50 percent. town Board of Directors. Tuesday business property owners. Then, they amended the Constitution to humanise we wish war was an anachronism, but a I would like to admonish the Yes. the state could easily at 8 p.m. at Lincoln Center, to The chief value of the taxing district has teir womewend endured a civil rights convulsion to revolutionary war in South Africa is the only nneanB news media to be more vocal and afford these tax cuts, but Meotti make their wishes known; to been that the funds collected from It were natioumiaeuieir blacks. for creating a democracy that does not exclude, as informative about this issue. The decided tax relief is no big deal. phone or write town officials; and clearly dedicated to the provision of parking. That's why Americans should exalt the bicenten­ our original Constitution did, "Indians ... and only people that seem tobeaware Instead, he’s decided that the to circulate petitions in their As one downtown merchant observed, there is nial of a wondrous ConsUtution. three-fifths of ail other persons." of what’s going on are those that people of Connecticut want to pay neighborhoods. Petitions are the danger that If the parking provisions were It has survived revolution, war, communal are promoting this bill. There are for a 18 percent increase in state available from the office of the violence, dimwitted legisiatom and reactionary Chuck Stone la a syndieated eelumnisi. apparently busloads of homosex­ spending, and a record 36 percent Manchester Area Conference of to be supported by general funds, the funds courts. uals and their supporters from as boost in bonded indebtedness — Churchee, or from us. might be withdrawn In tight budget years. But But the passage of time dims memories. far away as California and New money that must be paid off over that Is the same kind of problem the directors White Americans who defend P.W. Botha's York converging daily on our the next several decades by future Nancy Carr, Win Clevenger, face regularly, and the need for parking "separate but equal" tribal homelands (a non­ state Capitol while our local taxpayers. Judy CIOHgh, Rev. NeweU Cnrtia, should be able to hold its own among other threatening euphemism tor South African colonies) Ulanrl;p0trr Hrrald citiiens are sitting quietly by and Is this howa government should Herman Dvorak, Rnaaell EUlott, f o ^ American history. Patmded In llti allowing this bill to become a law. act during "good times?’’ Jan Gembala, Rev. Jamea Meek, spending priorities. • m f By NBA, The majority Democrats on the Board of 'nieir sophisticated arguments for perpetuaUng SMNVM. awrrsNT The Connecticut Coalition tor Every Connecticut taxpayer Emille hflller. Rev. Jaaepk South African white supremacy once Justified oouoiAaA.aBnNa Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights is a represented by Sen. Meotti should Milton, Riehari Peteraon, Rev. Directors should not dismiss the idea slavery. The familiar ring of their litany is "So ~ dlwrvpttng c/aases again wfith yat very organised group which has be concerned about his priorities. MarUnJ.Seholaky. summarily. depressing. anothar WEIRD HAIRSTYLE, ah?" gone to great tenths to see that Ask yourself if you got a 15 percent Mancheater C i l w r c l i BmHlmtim B o a r d Opeh house wlli i^^ Chnck B «llM l»«ou d J U a O n m S o t v I c m EdMur’s note; This column to Eptoeopal, Snivntloa Army, Second PadtNI obPtnfM annlvorMry wtpnred by the ateff of the Congrogntionar,. South United ^------jh i A j h j i Trinity Covenant Ctiuftli'" - AlM nlD aN Of VWG ■Ibite* lii^nmWijb^itm gymiierae use a end veunser. Mancheetnr Area Conference of MACCN c w a Mathodist and Trinity Covenant Fath er E m ilio Pn delli, co>pdBtor of P . BrMOdt Churches. have choeen to work tegelheree the The toUawtac cvm U a n actediiM a t.T ria lty* o S u M a^fillsuK Church, will obaerve tte M fi anniveranry of hia _____ ^ It open Mandieeter Arce Conference of Covenant Churai tide waak: » s s s t i f r ordlnaUoB on M ay 17 with a concelebrated m an of Churches witnessing to their unity Saadadr — • and 11 a.m.. in e n liv wairridp. r w* •v Money Carr ■ummer, thanks to ■ dedicated 'WwnMpp cM m m s v e c w thanl^vtng at 1 p.m. Kxdcwtiv* DIrtetor in Jesus Chrtot. Moodav — T p.n.. Bo KW» mVfml P a d e lll was bom In crew tS ndttlte and more than 80 K S R S r ' teen-agen from local ehurebeo; It’s emestni what good iMiwa INadplealdp. fwWl^Mw v^n KandngtMi. attended lo­ happen when good folke work Tuaaday - • a.m.. men’a prajrar laaal^ . U RSf»“ Deartriente: We’ra holding open • we toring fresh friilto and cal grammar «ad high houac tor you thia Friday betwoen together. Stnda fteauaraat; T p.m.. M d d Blnwar iM T ^ r^ a Bchoola, went to P . Tbo- vegetablaa within reach of low- 0 ‘Brien; T:3I C.W. foard aneetiag. tnntoH. CauMasBiiv noBina caw m . ms i m u Seminary Junior 10 a.m. and 4;ld p.m. You are income and elderly livln f In down­ warmly invited to come and aec NOTICES: The fourth annual (Uacaaate. ^ ^ Collegu In Bloom fteld ^nd town Mnnebtster through the iTHfnVff^w______• fw»mU OJW..w«ff what It is we are accoinpllshing Farmer’s Market; Hartford H u i«er Walk will be held Wednaadap - t:ia a.m., aromaa'a prapar InaaltfaBt, aarvleat f:tS, eburob Chriat the King Scmtnaiy I ojn. ovary swr» KNOTTY •• spWffre wPR^Wf ▼•OP together. Just a caution — our • we dtotrihute aurpiua foods Sunday, May 17. The Hertford U SlTMla Raataaraat; I to a p.m., Covaatrp Rome tan- of 8t. Bonaventure Unl- Hunger Walk to a tuad-ratolBg workabop; CrMp.m.. Ptooaaraub; aeidoraadjuatw ewt^ aacfsmant maanns; ib;is quarters may not aeem very (chceee, butter, dry milk, rice, verrity in New York. impreaaive but they are functional. event tor the Food Share Commia- bifb poutb fmaps; 7 p.ra., cbolr im ctlce; ana a S ^ % 7 ^ ^ . ' i 8 S S ii He was ordained In honey) to almoet dOd Mancheeter Since we operate as a chaimei tow-income houacholda through the ■toa of Greetttr Hertford. Maaehce- amflaar aad woman’a BUda atadP- May ISdl at P. JoacMi ter to a direct beaelteiery of thto Tlraradap — 4 p.m., coalinaation daaa; l:a i p.m., Kyrs*# wws wisp wmeva w vwmfiB Cathedral, Hartford, by between your open-hearted giving MACC Feed a Friend program oavlm. t44M lt « and those in need, we don’t really money. We receive food tbrou ^ waddiaf nbaarsal. . . Pksi eeeiw aisT€» md mnoiown sg iaal, Nam sebaai Mraal, Mancbaa- N M O IIfi Sesniiuiiu Archbltbop Henry coordinated by M votuateera? aWSrIa m B ffVifCfIVwyvr* MlTtAw»JU a ^ WIWwV^ tar, jtav..Pem W. lawllen. ewar. . ^ e a w wiea^ need a lot of apace and what we do thto central dearing house tor the * Fridap — • p.m.. wadtHnr Jaidor aad aeidor Mgb O’Brien. Hio nooign- iTOArgiBcy i*Ainry» m pDAni ■ n tn a t. ■cbsal > i 1owi.,aN>nMaosrvlcai 7ajn..* csMsiu owafM^'jteiuw iten^ noed todonated by churches and the N D Y IN ) KNOW that together, evanins larvtea;; 7 mm., mis weak mente have inchided P . Reusing Authori^. Piece end Samaritan Stodter. You Saturdap — 11 a.m.. wadding. asQ ^ . Nuraary at oueanrtaaa. (4«a ■BHMnMPHP CBOMmHM jjHMMMRfttab. BAOTPw XnOTf^u* OTWIAVw Ml* IfcwW^^WIWN A an an Tbcrcn Church in Bran­ wwfclag h u d In hand: K* NIIvAIA TlMrVBnHAp OWrt(M IIh* mn^^pw yimw PwiPEwpr^s w m»wv» So please come and vteit. The can either fattier sponeora and ford, P . Peter and Paul • we tranaport elderiy and lotr- mrst aamtn cbaaai at tba Beal, sia .W * jn .;t____ Department of Human Needs main Income mothers who are unable or walk yourself or aponeor Jane dap P S a si Church in Waterhury, P . Sherman, our pantry coordinator, Emanutl Lutlwran Church CABAARAVAAs - __^ M t i O S U X S office, the Emergency Pantry and incligihle to use Phone-a-Ride to Nwnwnlb. Louis Church in West Shepberd’s Place soup kitchen are who will be walking ns foe MACC Evanta adwdulad at Emaand Lutbaran Cburcb Uda ______I THM vEpMff______vHVaVhr wmj f I . Haven and Hofy Roeary tiocton, denttoto, laba, well-cldid isr SI., mancbaalar. Rtv. M ai* O. all housed at Center, Congrega­ cUnica, thuka to the vohmteers of repreaentettve. Pteaaecall SSS-eiM weak Indnda: »,oaster.wu.m..Sundavacbaal|n tesNb^IXSMnt Church in Aneonlu. He for more Intormation. It’s a good 0.10., marnlns aarvlca: 4 tional Church, 11 Center St. Samari­ FISH of Manchester; Sundap — 4;M a.m., woraidp; t:4S a.m., teaday ______came to P. Bridget tan Shelter operates at 4N Main St., Investment. drarch adMd; Bible atudy; 11 a.m .,bdy communion; aarvica, WanwMdai buiiii BlMi i tudr.7- ____ ■ el • we shelter and feed Manchee nwi. tsiM nn sebaatt emiih>P»Mii gsp i;is,3sr.S : courtesy of the town of Mancheater lAr IMNIIAtAAA inAn AnA wAIDAII AwAry Church Wwnen United of Man­ chiMwa’a e b a ^ ; nuraary. . S-Cbuieb and state of Connecticut. The cheeter, which dtohnaded In June Moadap — g;4S p.m., Scouta; 7;N p.m.. memorial trator. aa well as priest Prcctor w P . Bridget School. nlM>t at the Sam aritu Shelter with MwWiMII W MICV .Mbaura. Clothing Bank to boused in the the uaiatence of about SSd detS- less, will hdd aa uuhm I reunion gtita. Frilow ii^ ttie msss, a diiuier to ptanned banning St S s t ’i r i g g » W « B » haacment of Cronia Hall, Mayfair cated volunteers from local luncheon on Friday from noon to t Ttteedap — Ma.m., IBdCKsMd; aooe, FkdtaLadies; P M CMwm s i OuMh SehsMt. 4W StSI p.m. S t The Colony In Vernon. Thooe Intereeted p.m. in the reccpttoa ban of South •VBy ^n»# • fVaWir wdravaf S adsvaebaatt 7 mm.. may call Marjorie Holme*, S »-l M o r Judy Lampoon. Gardena, IS N. School St., thanks to churches; 7: W p.m., ItaBi carde. 4 7 the Housing Authority. Project United Methowat Church. All Wedaeodap - S;N pm., Btaf^ « pAAlAtAAlAl OwraN JW P . Bridget School cafeteria from 7 to s p.m All are invited to bring a aalad for the table Hre fAAAdllMtr. invited. Lutheran Church’s outreach build­ more than Wd at Chrittmaa through Tbundap-ltajn..prayergroi9; ll:lla.m .,can KfA.* I ing. S4 Church St., while St and to share In this Chriatlan andviaita^ l;Mp.m.,MaitbaOrde; 4p.m.,BeUe the MACC Seasonal Miariiw Ap­ Bartholomew Church has hosted Mlowahlp. Anyone not cm tected Cbdr, •tetp.m..OoaflmatiOBReaourceOeuter 7:M C li^ Ol ChrtM* peal. provMinf hot m ute tor the conference administrative of­ shut-ins, a week’s supply of food tor can call Elaine Holcomb at StS IS7I p.m., S p ^ Chrtatlaa Bdaeattoa aaeeltag. _)^ffv» LI Unttprian UnhrtrMHtt 8od«ty fice at 734 E. Middle Tttrnpike tor or Janet Mcbimnd at S4B41S6. Fridap- • ; » p.m.. postt gnap trk». JjjcJJj* *8 h % 5 b famlltos, new ctothlng, Mankete, aarvlca m id eyl. The Rev. Diana Heath, minister of the Unitarian more than IS yean. tom aad n variety of other needed SabHdap — • p ja ., A.A. Al«A^»e G& Univenaliat Society; East, will preuch on motherhood Staff and/or volunteen will be gths to ttie poor, the iwdated and the The orifinBi MetropoUten Opera ( at the ld:M a.m. service Sunday. Church school happy to answer your queationa or suffering among us; KotMW in New Yorto CIty held Its C^fioordla Uithtran Church children and their teachers will he hm red, and babiea make note of your suggeationa as to • we provided more than 840,040 grand opening in IBSS. The first, how we might improve our work in cash assistance In IddS to neetfe ’ AcUvHiea acbeduled tbia weak at Concordia will be named. Nursery car* to available, and a coffOe opera performed at the Met was ij i. M ldria I n . M v .A ie d ( hour will follow the service. together. They’ll even have a cup of families in Mancheeter and in-kind Gounod’s "Faust.” Lutheraa Chardi iachide: TwmnnSt coffee or Juice waiting for you. assistance (feod. clothing, tornl- Sunday — • and lk :|l a.m., b6lp ooaunnirion; •: IS ^ Si|«snaaK E w a ri -eCbeel.tii *M ^bT^roS! s r a d ■w ania ft W w i., I ture) valued at mwe than SIdd.OOd? a.m., aebureb acbod; ChristiaB growth hoar. I'.riln . St Mary*t EpItcofMl Church MAY IS MACC Awareneaa Monday — 7 p.m.. Finance Committee; T:M p.m., iSr, Id e.ea., warabln aa^dca, nuraarf* Month. Did you know, that to­ DID YOU KNOW that together; Cbutcb Oonadl; agoraphobia anpport group. eburth acbaat; It ojn .. aadawabla; w T S n S : t l : l t uju., fanm nr oar am. tM IIW I lejw., warabln The lOllowiBg events are acheduled this week at P . gether, working aide by aide; • we sponsor monthly prayer ttteedap — • p.m., Catechdlcs Resource Center; ainea ar 4 0 4 n i no AAf^rlAAaSJSSii r Mary’s Episcopal Church; • we feed nnote than l,dM men, vigtto. an ranual Shotom Fair, and S:Np.m .,Childrea’s Choir; tp.m ., adult Bible study. Sunday — 7;3d and d;3d a.m., holy euchariat. women and children (almost d.OM ( S S tik ) work for racial and economic Wednesday — U :M a.m., agoraphobia auppori rlr .’. It PMIar SI. Monday — d;3d p.m.. ECW pot hick supper and meals each year), through the Justice through the MACC Peace group; 7:46 p.m., Concordia Ckoir. ____ we. WavanCbe- election of officers; 7; Id p.m.. evening prayer; 7;30 Emergency Pantry, and up to 84 and Justice Committee; thuradap — 6 a.m., ntaporis prayer breakfast; 7 C M M r d a i ------!:U M .a o cb MNhaatC .1,, ______p.m., preveetry. men and women a hot nourishing • we provide a weekly Romu a.m., Bible class; 11 ajn., adndaistntive staff; 7;M IS sea., waiabln aerate^ asnebaarv, ts aaw!ii>ndmayaecbwN5A^^ wltiS) Tttesday — S p.m.. Children’a and Cappella choirs; dinner and a bag supper every Catholic ci)ulaincy at the Mea­ Amenoa oarty on became a p.m.. Social Ministry Committee. ^B.Oa. c^tvreb acthaat. ta^^^sntoi S;3d p.m., church achooi teachers’ meeting. weekday at The S^pherd’a Place; muKI-euKural sootaty. In any '‘ iSlAM JAAAAll dows ConvMcscut Home with the Fridap — 7 p.m., A.A. P^bMUOMM Wedneoday — Id a.m., holy communion; ld;4Sa.m.. * we aupply free clothing to more cooperattoa of the four Roman such eommuntty tenaione will P b le study; 4;3d p.m.. confirmation rehearaal; 7; 30 mm.. ^Cbarcb a c ^ . than Id familieB a month, and more Catiwlic chdrehM; divelop balwaan majority and Suadny smoat, on osaa; it osa., n w T u p.m.. Senior Choir. than 450 pieces of good used Se*dpw_wqgh!n. nuraary enra nra- lar.7banav.Dr. rat E. • we offer a recutly completed minority groupe Inevitably an Center CongrtgathNMrf Church ay||Uu||0 t^vr^aai^i^^. asanebaasar, nav. Tbursday — 11 a.m., Ladtee Guild; 4 p.m.. Cherub furniture each year to other survey of rellgiouB serviem and overwhetmlngly majority ao( Choir; 7 p.m.. Boy Scouts. . The folfbwing activftice a n scheduled tbia week at _____ ^ ___ barcbelOav- duta;Seaa..batvcawuna > ^Wu^PfPIlWv ^WPTVs* POra^raOWw families; programming in Manchester con- mont tends to purauo Ite com­ __ P* fIpW IVlOTfS PV«a VVWWtfrw* WPw< care; f:ts ean., cWurtW i n,ni.; Svndaty niasaaa at S;1S. Friday— 7; 30 p.m., GIria Friendly Sponsors; 0p.m., • we welcome and counael Odd valeecmt bonwe and explore ways mon egonde with Httto thought Center Congregational Chnrdi: Brwea Jabnaan. neater. It e.n i» vrai^ I arwvdbr . JttiMean. Today — Cmter Church Women’ s book fair and ebtni * : * e jn., Obureb eebael In ChurCb St. nridbal Cbnrth. Id MeM tt., A.A. households each year who come to in which the churdwe and commun­ aa to how It may attact leea I. M ty «a ^^VftOWPfPr> ^wW> WPI^PTv I • Saturday — 7:30 p.m.. A.A. the MACC Department of ttoman Center Church Men’s tag sale, • a.m. to 1 p.m.. ‘j S i i nav. im nia P. PeOrin. ity might offer support to AIDS numerous groupe Sunday — 6 aad is a.m., worahto with the Rev. Needs seeking support and assist­ victims and their famlltoe through Our founding fathers conaW- Newell Curtis. itmacMag; 6 a.m., breakfast; 1S;1S ance with a variety of proMema; the MACC Departmmt of Pastoral ered thto tendwtey and ao wrote SebadWa; S:M ean.. m Main » . . South Mclhodltt eoNt • pastor a.m., couRrmation; 11: IS a.m., sodal hour 7 to S:SS m.. cbvrth acbaat: tt * we keep more than Idd of our Care; Into our ConaWtuWon provi- p.m., Youtti Group. ■rvtca. nuraary. taai. South United Methodist Church has called Cynthia A. neighbors warm with fuel- • we further human and com­ alona to protect mlnorittee Yol Good to be aaaociate pastor. She was raiaH in the aaslatance grants amounting to munity relatioM through u Inters they never anticipated all the Ttteadap — F.SS a.m., mothen’ group; S:SS p.m.. B S r d a r Pilgrim Choir 7 pan., Cdb Sooutt. It Dw d in St.. Mnncbaatai. Lexington, Maas., United Methodist Church, and vraa nrare than Sld,8dd; faith Thanksgiving Service, appIleaHone being themoolvoo >TUrnMb*C*yt^ ____ _ ’ graduated from the University of Colorado with a Wednesday— S: * aan.. hehBng prayers; S: * p.m.. T.W .^wT^ta, ^ntnmar. Na^ar* * we offer criaia intervention to Jewiab-Chriatian Dialogue, the In violation of the ^ lit of aomo e l Peeeb M M ena Cbarcb. n y .e n ^ n j^ r a m a g a ^ degree in sociology and classIcB. She will graduate some ISO famlliee with grants and Bop Senate; 7:M p.m., Chaned Choir CCW fair ; td ojo., werridn; t mm., I toyvf^ HWWIr WPAAf Om aNIvv VAMWI Mancheeter Interracial Council Of mAAA ArllOi^Av - w - »■-- ta eburm; t:4B e.wi., . UpSuaaa ^laulWuuaia, eadar. . hram Yale Divinity School In June. For the past five amall loaiw enaMtng than to pay and the Mayor’s Prayer Brukfaat; ___ _ TTTm^Wsw VV wa^^Mg yean, she has been an nutreach worker, food rsourc* security depoeits, pay rente and Now w* havo becomo eon- Thursday — «:M p.m., Bcfl Choir. e ten dtjcaartan; tt ewt., eaftea end fSendtt^ii. • we strengthu the unity of oeiou*, parhapo to a touh, of mt- Friday 7 p.m., wedding nheanala. eauawabin: tt:tS e.m.. luatar Cbair; a coordtaiator, ehelter worker and advoente dor the buy needed incdicatloM? ChristisM by sponsoring clergy nan., Jr. nW a ^ eaUawabln; s nan.. aa Cbatvh norily prafaroneee virtually to Saturday -> 11 a.m. and l:SSp.m .,' JNtdltt|b dtoadvantai^ in innerolty Hartford. panels. TTINFEST. the Lmten Events acheduled at South Methodist Include: DID YOU KNOW that together; the point of Ignoring iho righto .'SMwWeywwelSnan.i Bcumuical Service, the Good of tho majority. Vaiuoo ehor- •eahmVcMieMttnjn Sunday — d a.m., church achooi; d and ld;4S a.m., * we offer a helping hand Friday Service, the Ecumenical mmUm sweat _ ...... worship service with Dr. Shephard S. Johnson through Project Re-entry to about lehed by the majority havo pro­ Pentecost Service and daily duced much that made America PoNeh NaHonel Catiollc Church W^Mu Vg^P MPW* e^^^^PvtegS h^^MOakwOi^^^WBvTvv* RMTP preaching "R ail Mary,” sacrament of baptism; S;3d 70 men and women returning to “ Thoughte” in the Mancheeter araraWi a p.m., Christian Youth Fellowship, program by Uncle Manchester from Jail or prison vthal N le W* surrender thee* Activities scheduled this week at St. John the Bioptiat HeraM* out of dofarene* to thto or that i.tM M itn y aat MUM St., Men- Igor. each year, PoMah Natienal Catholic Church taKteda: AAfA.OAl^ mlnorfly to tho hurt of i Sunday— t : Sa.m., genenl confession lor adults; S »SitaEtMlMdMalbadniChui.».ten Monday — Id a.m.. A.A. • we encourage and support the 4 A|pAIV ACMAAif vAaAt Tuesday — Id a.m., T^neyarda Study Group; 7p.m., noen and women attending Honor DID YOU KNOW that IS Chris­ groupal Tllghteoueneee oxalte a.m.. mass dedicated to all mothen, living aad dead, TVaW^^Pr ^WfvOTv. WWW/Wfm m usb ^^POMBM ■OPOMsSte* te a nation, but aintoaraproaehto ^ObergOul HOC*' Lsnitr.I ^ aaaiar. b w v ^ ean.. cburCb sT^mi WMiMamMi ee^^^pwv^w. u^^uw^rlamiNn v^m i • Boy Scouts Troop 47. court at Mancheater Circuit Court tian churches. Church of the and celebrated with special intention for Bishop .. Mermen PWitetelt IT ^m »r wVvwiTB PPeVfCAr any poopto," Ptoverho 14:94. Padewaki on the anniversary of his martyrdom; S;SI Wednesday - l;3d p.m., AARP II7S; 7;Sd p.m.. IS (Si church orgMiiaatiom provide Assumption, Center Congrega­ P. KnioM, **1navS'JSS aS^Si Chancel Choir; Cocoaine Anonymous; adult Bible sandwichea and deeserte); tional. Concordia Lutheran. Cont- a.m..dcvetiona to the B lessed Virgin Mary. W:lSa.m., : S and tt ^AtA Al Al,r CHURCH OF CHRIST annual Mother’s Day bredefastsponaoied by the men ean., stwiy, 777 Spring St.; I p.m., men’a Bible study, d4 • we enable SO Manchester child­ munity Baptiat, Emanuel Luthe­ ren. referred by local social ran, Firet Baptiat, North United LyWMI A Vantmt ttonnla of the nailoh. Alton St. Msudav — 7 p.m., Parish Conamittee. Friday — Id a.m., Al-Anon; 7;3d p.m.. Our Gang workers, to enjoy the free two-week Methodist, St. Bartholomew. I— • a.m., mass wNb the Rev. Stanley M. A.HI.a adult feilowahip. Intertalth Day ' Camp each Bridget, St. Jamee, St. Mary’s . tt» E a g a e w w a t e Plant sale will run until everything’s sold n, still exIlMl Editor's note: 'lliis column Is pre- May 81 — itenhury Mall signup at pared by the staff of the Manriiester m ____ a ____ j m m jLm ------8:88 a.m. 84 per person.'The triple Mated Senior atiiena Center. r W l O ' r for June 84. Z1ZER8, SwKaertand (A P) - Aus­ May 88 - Plainfield Dog 'Tradi - vMstabte, roll tria's last empress, who played a key By Joe Olmlnlee at 8:84 a.m. 818.84 per person, Tuesday — Boaat beef aaudwteh, role In an aborted effort to negotiate Activities Directer Services Director Hanna MarcM, Se­ wincn incnMBi trBBBporuitMMif Bcm tt* peace during World War I, turns N ^ Wsdnsiday -- Beef stew, MacuH, nior Center Dirseter Jeanette Cave, ^slon and meMs. The trip Is slated for Saturday in this village M miles frmn Gardeners take heed, the Manchester state CemmteMoner on Agfftg Mary June 18. the country that turned against her. Tbura^t^lurlwy, staffing, Mwvy, Senior CHiaens' Center Plant Sale Ellen KllnMi. 1:11 p.m., Mtecsllaneous May 81 to June 4 - Wildwood - fllled. Zita, empress of Austria and qusM of artedpotate,vytid>te,rbH,crariberty begins today and runs from t a.m. to 4 F m Awards fellewed Iw Slng-aHmg. Leaves ttw center at 8 a.m. Hungary, who once held court In p.m. dally until sold out. 'The senior S:M p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Senior Cttlsen June 7 to 11 - Wildwood -1881 per Vienna's Schoenbrunn Palace, now • • OBBIvOQ w^^^BBae* center has an excellent selection of Awird. person (double oceuiMney) — stop by Uvea In two plainly fuinished rooms at a hanging baskeU wMdi made Meal gifts Friday. May 18 — S a.m. to noon, the center for reservations. Leaves the residence for the elderly run by for Mother's Day as'well m a large eiMite annual FlshliM Derfev at Salter's sentor center at 8 a.m. Franciscan nuns assortment of perenidal and annual Pmd. Prises awarded. Funds donated Congratulatioas to Mary and Ed About 100 family memben are flowers. Vegetable lovers will have by Hia Savings Bank of Man«beeter. S to McKeever who are celebrating their expectedI for the birthday celebration. isrgv Bi^BORfsiBfiis Of Dyono pBOpors* IS p.ffl., Dinner Danes. Chidien Cordon 48th wcdiHng anniversary today. Friday, May 1, aatkwMi: BOl Stone Born in Italy as a Princess of tomatoes, egg^anta and herbs to select n eu Dbmer, musle by Lou .Jouhert Condolences to the famillM of DavM 188; Ada Rotas MB; Art Bauffard 118; Bourbon-Parma, Zita is the widow of from. All vegetables and flowers are Orchestra, daM s contest, yo-yoeontest, E. Hastings and Joe Herbert. Anna Welshopp 118; AmMla AnaataMo Karl 1, the last crowned head of the reasonably ^ c e d with the proceeds guest performance. Tldiets, 17 per 117. Hapsburg dynasty that nded Auetrla for goingoing to benefit our meals program.| Dsbra A. Bilks person, now avalteMi in the oHIce. Get M o n ^ , May 4, pteocble: Bob Ahem 040 yean. MoiMay, May 11 — IS a.m.. & lebrlty and Patrick J. Nails Jr. your tickets while they last. vnpoifiB ■viiviim 888; Dorn AnastastMiMritetty Tmaar The Ubeni and roferm-mindod king lingo and Super SS Staio with special initiated movea in 1010 to nefoHato a We encourage, all seniors to bring a Monday — Mngo, 14 a.m.; pinodile, 884; Art Bouffard 788; Rene Malm H i; prises. 7 p.m.. Military * Setback friend akmg and fNsrtietpate in the n p id peace that he hoped would oave 18:84 p.m. Marie Hehenstrelt 744; Frits wnUnaen BlakB-NtllB Card Party conducted by Mary and Ed special Ittnrfliled week. Austria's dual monarelw ol that time 'T t t i^ y — bowling, 1 p.m., Parkade 7M. MeKaever, with pnan, «»»■ ■ssm ______Lily Y M Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blake of It allied with Kalaor Wilnelm'a German Lanes; exercise with Cleo, 1:84 p.m.; Johanna Marla Bruder raffle, refreshments, lickets. at II. Ing activities are canceled due to Mg Monday, May 4, golf: Lew-Gross: Avondale Road announce the engage­ Reich. square dandng, 14 a.m.; grocery snd Bradloy H. Smith. availaMe at the door. werii activitlee. Peter Foster 88; Durwood 1____ ment of their dauditer, Debra Anne shopping, call 84 hours in advance for 'The queen helped arrange secret 'Tuesday,. May IIit ~ Las vegasVegas runFun 'TucMlay — square dandng and deo 's Ed Corcoran 48; RayEvMhedi48; 1 B n i d t r - R o y Blake, to PatrM t James NeUs Jr., son of ride; non-grocery shopping (K-Mart), contacts with the Allies. The goJietween Day, IS a.m.n. toI S p.m. Fun “ money will be exercise class. Tansey 48; Wen Jmnsen 44; Patrick J. Nelis Br. ofOilcaM), III., and call before neon MoiMay for ride. was her brother, Prince Sixtus of distributedI toI Intfviduals to participate Werkhover 44; Bill Traygla 48; Peter Mr. and M n. Clwrtei L. Bnider of M Mrs. Susanna Nelis of New Haven. Wednesday — arts and crafts, 18:84 Bourbon-Parma, a French officer serv­ In blackjack,ek, roulette and uw number Waiyluk 48. Lew-Net: Herman Mantle Park at. announce the engaaement of Mr. and Mre. Henry Yee Sr. of New The bride^lect is a graduate of wmwpW iMim wipv m.; bridge, 18:84 p.m.; Friendship ing with the Belgian army who was In wheel. Prises to be awarded at the end of 84; Brennan 84; Iterry RehdMim Uielr dau^tcr, Johanna Marie Bruder, Hampshire announce the engagement Manchester High SdwoT and will rcle. 14 a.m.; jrin ^ le , 4:84 a.m. touch with President Raymond Poln- the day. May is — CoachllMit Dinner 'Theater & 84; SamMlelISS; RolmM BreutUetteJS; to Michael Ihran Roy, ion of Mr. and of their daughter, Lily Yee, to Bradley graduate this month from the Univer­ c a n of France. Wednesday, May IS — Noon, trip to — "M M Street" — filled. Leaves senior 'Thursday— orchestra rehearsal, 4:44 John Usdllla 88; Chet ByehMsM 88; Vic Mri. Albert O. Roy of MS Proapect St. H. Smith, son M Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. sity of Connecticut. She la employed as In turn, Polncan notified Britain's State Capitol and Ubrary. Ctell the center at 14: M a.m. a.m. 'Thursday program— Mr. and Mrs. Squadrito 34. Hie brlde^lect M a grsduate of Smith of Bolton. student coordinator of haniUcap servi­ King George V. center for reservatiOM (free). IS:SO May 14 — Caribbean cruise. Senior ClHaen Mancheater High School and Is attend­ The bridendect Is a INO graduate of ces tor the University of Connecticut Wednesday, May 8, pinochle: Peter The Austrian effort was made public a.m., trip to Coachllght Dinner ne a te r, May 14 — Coachllght Dinner Theater Friday — Mngo, 14 a.m.; cribbage, 4 ing Mancheater Community College In Manchester Central High School and a Transportatloa D irim en t. Casella BBS; Helen ffilver 884. In 1010 by France, causing a worldwide ’'4fnd Street." — "4tnd Street" — filled, but we are a.m.; exercise with Cleo, 11; the IH * ! aaslatant program. She Is IIM graduate of Plymouth State Col­ 'The prospective bridegroom Is a Last week's pinodile scores (April 88) stir and rocking the Oerman-Austrian Thursday. May 14 — 11;S0 a.m.. taking a wilting Hit. Leaves the senior setbadi, 18:84 p.m. employed as an assistant derk Ih the lege, where she earned a bachelor of graduate id Greenwich Hl|^ School and — Peter Casella 8S4. Manchester Probate Court. sdienoe degree In health education. She alliance. complete turkey dinner, by reservation center at 14: S4 a.m. a 1N8 graduate of the University of Blood pressure eUMe -■ Wednesday, Wednesday, M ay's, bridge: Helen The iNtMpectIve bridegroom Is a is employM as a program associate at Public Ire was drummed up by only. Call the center for reservation. I May 14 — Lake George signup at 4:84 Connecticut. He is emirfoyed as plan­ May 18,4-11 a.m. (L-Z) Bensche 8,418; Mae Haltewdl 4,88fo graudate of East Catholic High School. the American Lung Association of New German and Austrian hawks, and the p.m.. Mr. and Mrs. fomlor CItisen a.m. Deposit of |S8 at time of signup. ning manager by CBT East Hartford 'minsportation: to and from senior Ulllan Evans 4,484; OeUa GeralMck Manchester Community C o T l^ and HamiMhIre. once popular Zita became known as the Program. Proclamation by Mayor 'Total trip 8174.84, with balance due no Systems Technical Support. center, call for ride at least 84 hours in 4,884; Bay Taylor 4,184; Mary Celpftts Central Connecticut State University. The prospective bridegroom Is a "spy of the Bourbons." BarMra Weinberg.and welcomes by later than Aug. 84. 'The trip Is slated for An Oct. 3 wedding Is planned at 'Town Manager Robert B, Weiss. Human Sept. 84 to M. advance 8,784; Tom Giordano 8,784. He Is employed by Pratt A Whitney graduate of Bolton High School and a Community Baptist Church. Karl died In 1031 at age 14 In exile on Aircraft. East Hartford. IMS graduate of Plymouth State Col­ the Portuguese Island of Madeira. Zita A July 18 wedding Is planned at St. lege, with a bachelor of science degree Ebrlght-Porttrom turned down invitations from royal James Church. In physical education. He Is employed as relatives and chose to raise her eight general manager at Nassiff's for Sports Mr. and Mrs. John R. Ebright of children in modest surroundings — first About Tow n In Wllllmantic. Bradford Woods. Pa., announce the in a Spanish fishing village and then in A September wedding Is planned. engagement of their dautfiter. Rebecca the Belgian countryside, where she Ann Ebright, to Donald A. Forstrom Jr.. raised chicken and sheep. 148 and North Bagleville Road, Storrs. Interested In becomings foster parent on a temporary son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Forstrom She eventually moved to this wine­ Philosophy soolsty msots Speakers will Include Rep. Edith Prague, Rep. or permanent basis. The meeting wiU be Monday at 7 of l U TImrod Road. growing vlllagp on the Upper Rhine, a Jonathan Pelto and Rep. Nancy Wyman. Admission Is Weddings The bride-elect is a graduate of The American Philosopher Society will feature p.m. at the DCYS office on Cfourt Street, Rockville. For few hours’ drive from Munich. free and open to the public. The event In sponsored by Oklahoma. City University with a Charlotte Conner, who will speak about guided imagry more information, caU 844-8884. the Wlndnam-'Tolland chapter of the Connecticut b a c h e lo r ^ arts degree in mass She has been in mourning since Karl’s and meditative techniques, Wednesday at 7:84 p.m. at Coalition tor Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights. Smlth-McQarry lUQ. communications. She is a member of death and rejects suggestions by her the Masonic Temple on Main Street, Wethersfield. AARP will meet Monday International Association of Business children to rent a bigger apartment or Admission is 84. For more information, call 848-8744. Rhonda Shirley McGarry, dau ^terof Communicators and Is employed as a live with one of them. Art association meats VERNON — Chanter 8184 of the American Mrs. Dorothy S. McGarry of M Fergu­ communications specialist tor McCrory 87th Infantry plans raunlon Association of Retired Persona wiU meet Monday at son Road and the late Ronald E. Stores of York. Pa. VERNON — 'The 'Tolland Art Association wiU meet 1:34 p.m. at the Methodist Chruch on Grove Street. McGarry. and Blair Alexander Smith, The prospective bridegroom Is a The 87th Infantry Division of World War I and World on 'Tuesday at Rockville High School. Awards wiU be 'The chapter’s upcoming trips Include: July 4, “ 48nd son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith of graduate of Sufffield Academy and T h o n g h t B War Il>vlll have a reunion from Sept. 83 to 87 at the 'Dirf given to all winners of the art exMbIt held in March. Street" on Broadway; Aug. 1, Boston; Aug. 14, Block South Windsor, were married March 14 received his bachelor’s and master’s inn Hotel in Albany, N.Y. For information, contact New members are welcome. Refreshments will be Island; Aug. 14, cruise the Mississippi River to at Center Congregational Church. degrees from Ithaca College. He Is Gladwin Pascuxio, 8374 N. Dundee Court, Highland, served. Nashville; Sept. 14, Quebec; and Sept. 83 to 88, Lake The Rev. Newell H. Curtis Jr. employed as an organisation planning Some views from canoeing the Hocka- Mich. 48431, or call SlS-187-4045 George. officiated at the wedding. Sharon analyst for McCrory Stores. York. Pa. num: On many Saturdays, friends of Braast-faading programs sat For more Information, call 444-3844. \\ McGarry was maid of honor. Brides­ A June IS wedding is planned at this river, the Linear Park people, the Mothars of Multlplss mast maids were Valerie Scribano. Jill Northmont United Presbyterian race people and others, have Invested VERNON — Breast-feeding preparation tor the Spring fair ael Castanho, Penny Rusch and Danielle Church. Pittsburgh. Pa. interest and energy to take away EAST HARTFORD - IitoIBerot^Multlples wUI meet pregnant couple will be held on Tueeday from 7 to 4 Carr. thou^tlessly discarded Junk, to build for the annual Grandmother’sother’s T' e a ^ May M at 7:14 p.m. at Rockville General Hoapital on Union Street, SOUTH WINDSOR - 'The EU Terry School PTO wUI John Clay was best man. Ushers were K«n«nck-NMh paths and bridges and erect trail p.m. at the East Hartfordrtford YYMCA^^fWCA. M C / t ^ ^ A . Alphee Rockville. host a family fair May 18 from 14 a.m. to noon at the Robert Clay. Stephen Antoinetti. Tony markers so you and I can walk Its banks Lavoie of the Astrological Institute of Research will A breast-feeding class tor the employed mother will school on Griffin Road. Refreshments will be served. Mr. and M n. Walter J. Kenefickof 18 Pelletier and Gregory Roto. as well as paddle Its course. Without this speak. For more information, call 441-1844. be held at the hospital on May 88 from 7 to 4 p.m. The fair will feature a magic show, a tag sale and Hamilton Drive announce the engage­ ^ After a reception at The Gallery concern, unciviliied disregard and wild Breast-feeding the newborn class wtU be held May 14 at games. Some of the proceeds will benefit the Ronald ment of their daughter, Cynthia Mary 1 Restaurant in Glastonbury the couple growth and decay would take away this 7 p.m.. McDonald Houae. The Ronald McDonald Show will be Kenefick. to Robert Audrow Nash, son left on a honeyntoon to Fort Myers '.at retreat. It would be our loss, unnoticed, Track and field day sal Registration Is requited. 'The h e Is 814. Call 87X-S484 presented at 14:34 a.m. of M n . Marye Nash of West Hartford Beach, Fla. They are making their unvalued except, from time to time, HEBRON — The annual Hershey 'Track and Field or 884-8847. and the late Audrow Nash. honne in South Wlndaor. when a glimpse would occasion regret Day wiU be held May 34 at RHAM High School. The bride-elect is a graduate of the The bride is a IVIt graduate of and disgust instead of appreciation and Check-in wiU be at 4:34 a.m. and opening ceremonies Computer eamp slgnupa open Univenity of Connecticut with a bache­ Manchester High School, a graduate of Joy. Matthew Fox. a Benedictine priest. . will begin at 4:34 a.m. Children ages 4 to 14 are eUgJMe Woman's businass dub meats HEBRON — Registration Is open for the fifth annual lor of science degree hi nuning and a the UnWersity of Connecticut and the reminds us that if we always begin our to Join. Registration forms are available In schools in Computer Camp tor Kids with Disabilities to be held bachelor of arts degree in psyiAology. HARTFORD f - The Capitol Region Business and Manchester Community College Legal theology with sin so much of our risk Rerional District 4. Age restrictions will be based on Aug. 11 to 81 at the Hemlocks Outdoor Education She is a certified critical care registered Professional Women’s du b will meet ’Tuesday at the Assistanoe program. She is a legal heritage will be ignored. God created children’s ages as of Dm . 31,1447. Volunteers will meet Center. nurse and is employed as an instructor Holiday Inn on Morgan Street. Cocktails will begin at asaistant srith the Travelers Insurance the world — looln^ at it — saw that it May 87. For more information, call 884-4184. Youths between the ages of 14 and 17 who are at Manchester Mennorial Hospital. 4; 34 and dinner is at 4:34 p.m. Make reservations by Co. of Hartford. was good. These are beginnings which calling 788-4440, days, or 444-4111, evenings. physically disabled or visually impaired may attend H ie prospective bridegroom is a The bridegroom Is a IMS graduate of are M cdfol of living memorials so that the two-week residential camp. Computers and graduate of the Univenity of Hartford South WIndoor High School and a you and I may receive the renewal Gay rights on the agenda software are provided. ’The camp is co-sponsored by College of Engineering. He is employed graduate o f the Unhrenity of Connecti­ which is God’s gift. DCY8 sacks foster parents Newington Children’s Hosptial and the Easter Seal as ah electneal design engineer at A discussion gay civil rights will take place cut with a bachelor of sclenoe degree ’Tuesday from||; 30 to 4 p.m. in the council chambers of VERNON — The Department of Children and Youth Society of Connecticut. For Information on tees and Eaton Oorp. of Danbury. Rev. Ernest Harris, Chaplsln and a master of science degree. He is the Mansfieldmunicipal building at the comer of Route Services will hold an orientation meeting for anyone registration, call 884-4448. cofoloyed as a chemical engineer srith Mr*. Blair A. Smith An Aug. I wedding is planned at St. Maacbesler Meassrtal Hs^ tal Hamilton Standard, Windsor Locks. Bridget Church. ------.MpaaiBMii-f- “"WRK'J " S'*»""T|" tfiftii !itf

1 vB^vnEfli^pi^p I Our faithful dogs deserve

I rfV lOfrOwm^ wv BfffDOCfCrs fKn rBOOTO FmE W iney # p M T In iMKt w M » c t m a $ 6f ffflbetfd m i^iM . loving care and gentle end Cepyrtf^ f Itr, tmiM«r -s?. 2. "WIndmIlla of (ha Qoda," SIdnay Shalden yeart ago. cauted arthrltlt, heart pregnancy? by Roy D. Ksls, R.PH. S. '"Tha Eyaa of tha Dragon," Staphan King inflammation and irregular body 4. "TaKaavlIla." Larry MoMurtry movementt (chorea). With the uae LIVER DAMAGE 8. "Rad Storm RIaIng," Tom Clancy ot antlblotica to cure ttrep idlec- r : “ 8. "No Daala, Mr. Bond," John Qardnar tlont, rheumatic fever it now a DEAR READER: The moat Acetaminophen CTYLISNOL, BX- 7. "Quardlana of tha Waat," David Eddlnga rarity. Important information In your CBDRIN, etc.) it Mceptionally However, adultt who had rheu­ daogerout when taken with alco­ 8. "ThaLadiaa of Mlaaalonghi," Collaan McCullough hittory It that you became preg­ hol, m h aremetaboUted (broken ' 1 ' 8 . matic lever at children may have nant and had a Caetarlan eectlon "Daatlny," Bally Baailman tuffered damage to their hearta' down cMemleelly) by the tome 10. "Bolt," Dick Prancia becaute of premature labor. Thli Uver cetlti Taken together, they mitral vaivea, producing heart ahowt that you are fertile, but that overload the Uver. and etcett al­ murmura. H iit condition could be you may have trouble carrying cohol attacki and deetroyi liver MonSellon tarioua and thould be medically another child to term. ObttetrT- celli. Seriout kidney damage can evaluated. clant uaed to tay; "Once a alto retult from unmetabollied 1. "A Saaaon on tha Brink," John Palnatain Your hutband't nocturnal activl- C-aectlou, alwaya a C-aectlon" — alcohol. There it evidence of a ten­ 2. "Communion," Whitlay Striabar tiet probably are not due to the meaning that a woman had to have fold Increate In Uver damage 8. "Man Who Hata Woman and tha Woman Who Lova rheumatic fever he had yeart ago. from alcohol taken with aceta­ Caetarlan birtha after having one. minophen. ■ - Lift Tham," Suaan Forward and Joan Terraa Chorea, although a late manlfeata- Thit It no longer the cate. 4. "Thia 'n That," Batta Davla with Mlchaal tlon of rheumatic fever, utually Harakowlta appeara during the acute phate — All thinga conaidered. you could iSanrtf^aDr 8. "Boona." T. Boona PIckana Jr. which your hutband natted have a normal pregnancy and 8. "Tha Frugal Qourmat Cooka WItlOWIna," Jatf through at a child. Nonetheleat, he delivery without turgery. How­ Smith tbould be eaemlned by a doctor to ever, your future pregnandet would put you In a hlgh-ritk group; 7. "Hold On, Mr. PraaldantI" Sam Donaldaon Identify the eaute of hit trembling ItM iyi Muf 1 ^ I M T 8. "Ba Trua to Your School," Bob Qraana and to ataeaa the degree ot damage therefore, 1 believe that If you want to hit cardiac velvet. to have more children, you thould 8. "Patharhood," Bill Coaby place youraelf under the care ot a S48 Main Btraot :■ 'V 10. "A Day lnthaLltaetAmarica,"Rlck8molanand qualified obatetrlcian who It Minehaatir Dadd Cohan DEAR DR. OOVTi I had an abortion aeveral yeart ago. Atte^ trained In the i ^ a l t y ot hlgl^tk S 4 S - 1 0 t S (Oourtaay ot Tima, tha waakty nawamagatlna) ward I had aevere pain, which my pregnancy. Cover Story

Between the Unee Lisa Hartman: Thestny behfaiiMhe stny By Joele As a child, she wanted Q. My farorUe actor is Hoberl Hays. CouU you uU ma about Mm? AprU Marralki Mishawaka, lad. to be a star A. He's 39. the son of a Mwine cofonci fighfer pikn and fqs wife. Because of his father's career, he grew up all over Ine O.S. and in Turkey, where they moved when he was 10. The last move was to San Diego, where he finished high school and went By Jane Ardmore — she had to adjust to new died down there in that mine and on to Grossmont College and discovered acting. He then switched schools, new people, new ways. my young husband dies in an to San Diego State but dropped out shortly afterward to join the hen she was a But one constant was that explosion. Autumn is only 16 famed Old Globe Theater in that city; for six years he performed 15-year-old wherever, she'd round Up her when the story begins..." iri the classic for the grand sum of S45 a week. high-school kid in girl friends, dress them up like Lisa Hartman, without Aware that he had to make some real money, he ventuted north Houston. Texas, she the Supremes. "and, of course. makeup, looks 16. Her skin is to Los Angeles in 1974. did some bits on TV shows such as received a phone call. I'd be Diana. We'd make up our so clean and fresh, her mouth is “Marry O" and by 1979. had his own TV series, "Angie." The "You're a singer, own musicals, rock musicals. soft as a child's. "This character movie "Airplane!" the following year really boosted his career, why don't you come on down We must have been funny, but comes from a poor background, W.ind sit in with my band Friday We thought we were gorgeous. though, and its sequel was another high point; other films such as but she has a brain in her head "Take This job and Shove I f and Stephen King's “Cat's Eye" and Saturday nights at this little 'What do you have in your and she gets,qway from there... didn't do quite as well. cluh.'" Lisa Hartman said OK closet?' I'd ask when I phoned. goes to San mncisco... gets a TV. on the other hand, has been good to him. Among the more and started right in. singing 'Any gold lame?' And our hair. job in a department store... wins notable productions: "The Oldest Living Graduate" with Henry standards like "Help Me Make That was the most important promotions... makes lots of Fonda, "Mr. Roberts." in which he recreated Fonda's role. “All It Through the Night." Before thing, the look. money arid for the rest of the the Way Home" and "A Member of the Wedding." Currently, she was 16. she'd decided she "When I'd started singing film, she is trying to wreak he's in the series "Starman," as you undoubtedly know, and wanted to riKk on her own and professionally, my dad ^ u g h t revenge. She and her family should be hearing wiKiher it's b(«n picked up for next season any (lut together her own band: bass, me a sewing machine. I think he have been destroyed by the guitar, drums and keyboard. hoped to distract me. Maybe he day now. character Dem plays, and she is Robert Hay* Not surprising, really. Her hoped I'd want to ctesign clothes out to sabotage his company. mom. Jonni. a public-relations instead. 'Great,' I said. T il “Bruce makes a great villain, person in HollywiKid now. then make my costumes.' I'd see the and he is wonderful to work one of the first woman talk-show most outrageous thing in some Bruof O0rn and Llaa Hartman with. The plot is full of twists LouRawla JotifiRIttar prixJucers in television, .says that magazine and think, ah. there is and surprises. And I have so Q. / w0 uU Uks io kadw oil in music — she began to write' even as a baby, this blond child my look. I made ail the clothes I many men!" An impish smile. about Grate Stick frotii\ music to ^company his .student with the incredible azure eyes wore singing with my own band. Q, were glad to be in our picture — for the character of Autumn “There's my first husband, StdrsMp, ti,M„ Vinetand, N.J. films. Soon, the couple was I'tte beett ibieuiug Io Lou Q. Can you tell me about John used to lie in her crib and hum "The intere.sting thing, / they had been unemployed for a McAvan as she grows up in the played by Jim Youngs, then I A. Grace Bamett Wing Slick is caught up in the escalating Howls and remembered seetug HItterf i t he married? Does he songs right on key. right in tune. looking back, is that I was ki him perform with his young son hare any ehUdren? Will he be year. shadows of the manor bn the get involved with Joe Penny and 47. the daughter of an music/art/drug scene in San She'd heard music on radio or serious about it all. I wouldn't "They go to work in the dark, hill, occupied by the Osbornes end up by marrying — arc you investment banker and an Francisco, capped by a years ago. Does his ton ttUi In any new films? Uta on TV and was singing let the hoys smoke on stage. I perform with him and what it MaeDonaU, Campbell's Creek, go down, down three or four who own the mine that is the ready for this — Bruce Dern! actress-singer, She was bom in performance by a new group Lou doing now? Carol Harris, sentences before she ever spoke had rules. Rehearsals Were on miles, work eight hours in the lifeblood of the Appalachian There is a twist at the end. we Chicago but raised in the San called Jefferson Airplane. Grace Nfld. them. At 5. she was doing the lime. I was on lime. It was dark lying on their sides in community. He is married to actress were filming that today, almost Francisco area, where her father thought they were just OK but Edgesealer, N j . A. entire score of "West Side important. I never did think of narrow tunnels and in such Nancy Morgan and they have like in a mystery story." was transferred when she was 4. they looked like they were Story." She'd take all the parts show business as being just fun density, come home In the dark “The town is run by a coal three children. Tyler. Jason and They were to wrap the next Also at the age of 4, she started having a good time, so the A. No, (hat was a one-shot. His and sell tickets. and games. I went methodically and yet take pride in their work. baron played by Bruce Dem,” Gariy. He also docs have a day and Hartman, involved as singing for anyone who would , Slicks (ppned their own band, father performs on his own and When her dad. Howard, a about my homework, kept up It was mind-blowing because In Htirtman explains. "He is couple of new projects: the she has been, will leave the listen, and by the age of 8 utiu,' the Oreaj Society. that's what he's been doing professional singer, was my grades like a good kid. just the script I tell my young greedy and worse than greedy... lately, in concert around the movie "Real Man" co-starring world of Autumn and frequenting museums studying A year later, she was asked to appearing in the Catskills one instead of being a cheerleader or husband. 'Let's move out of negligent. A lot of men have immediately resume work on the fine art. Regular school bored join the Airplane and they spent country. He's also about to start Jim Belushi and due out in year. she. her Mom and her a pom-pom girl. I took my voice here. I'll teach you to read and August; and a series on ABC, died because of that. My father album she is cutting. ■ her and she began to develop a the remainder of the '6Us at the recording a new ajbum. sister. Terri, would lug alone. lessons, planned my numbers, write, we can find another titM "Hooperman" as we go to reputation as a smart aleck top of the pop/rock scene. "Wherever he was playing. I wrote music. I wanted world.' And he says. 'It was press. The series, in which he which worried her mother so In 1970, though, the Airplane would watch and wall, and the eventually to record. I was a meant for me to be here. plays a San Francisco cop, is much that she transferred her to began shuffling personnel — minute he’d start his last song, professional." Autumn. My dad did this and being called a “dramatic which it would do through that Q, Please UU me what John I'd rush backstage, run out as She still is. The grown-up his dud did it.' Would you a finishing school so that she comedy" by its production team SPRINGTIME BUYh decade, in the prtKess changing the applause started, pull at his Hartman, starring in "Roses Are believe, almost verbatim, these could acquire social graces. Dearer hat been up to. Dan B. partly because they don't know its name to Jefferson Starship. punt leg. and. of course, sing a . for the Rich," a four-hour men, real-life miners told SPEC IA LS A T G ET 1 FREE Her next stop was a college AUen, NIpomo, Calif. what else to call it and partly By the end of the '70s. Grace A. He's been writing songs for a song. I'd sing ‘Hello Dolly' or miniserics which will air the me the same thing: 'My dud did version of finishing school — because It's being developed by Buy a Royal Touch new album, performing in 'The Surrey With the Fringe on middle of this month on CBS. it. his dud did it, my son will do New York's Finch College. was becoming disillusioned with Steven Bixhco, whose other Car Wash and Receive Tricia Nixon's alma mater (she the group's music and quit the concert around the country, Top,' and the audience would go doesn't look much older than the it. This was just meant to be.' " a coupon fo r a Free and radical Abbie Hoffman band to record her own albums. planning a European tour and crazy, the way they do for a teen-aged Lisa as she climbs into Three months and she has One Touch Car Wash h i tried, in fact, (o attend Tricia By 1981 she was back and has watching over the evolution of a little kid. her dressing-riKim trailer parked been up every morning at 5 Nixon's Finch College reunion been there ever since. B r^w ay musical, “Will,'' in “Once on a Jewish holiday above the sea at Malibu. She has a.m.. has not gone out at night w party held in the White House After her divorce from Slick, which he'd portray Will Rogers.* they kept applauding and been filming for three months. on a single date, has totally AJ IToueh includes: \ Stmorn/^ Poly Crome Condltlonor but were turned away — they she lived with Airplane guitarist He's hoping It will go into applauding. I didn't have any Shooting started in Alabama. changed her look (not a truce of more songs left. My mom said, Slmonlz^ Ptosuro Poty Glaze V N had announced that they planned Paul Kantner. the father of her rehearsal by September. There's "I was so glad," she says. punk), her hair is worn long and fwfib 30 day Bead Up Warranty) to spike the tea with LSD). She 16-year-old daughter, Chii:nin)L._~^ also a plan for him for portray a 'Honey, you can’t go out there. “ starting this way. simply, and since she has had 98 CARWASH Slmonlz'^ Wheel Bhghfener lasted a year, studied art briefly (originally named god),. and then \c irc u lt court judge, of all things, You don’t know any more down South, it was so easy to costume changes in the script, NEWENOIAND'S 1ST Under Carriage Wash and Rust InNbItor at the University of Miami and matried Starship lightln[g in Alaska in a series called “The songs.' But I said, ‘Mother, I slip back into the accent, and we she's worn mostly jeans (there's rOUCHUSS CAB WASH then returned to Sun Francisco designer Skip Johnson. Alaska Project." have to, they want me. I'll sing worked in sequence so the girl. a hole in one knee) and big FFATURING SIMONI2® where she worked as a model. Currentiy, the Starship are “Jesus Loves Me." ’ I adored Autumn, matures naturally. Also comfortable sweaters off camera. "ONLINE’ WAXeS A $ 14.95 value for $9.95 Her marriage to neighbor recording their next album and being out there. What a little we were right there in the coal “I just love this picture," she NOT VALID WITH OTHER COUPONS Jerry Slick in 1961 pointed her Grace on her own will be on ham! I knew what I wanted. I mines and used the real miners. confesses, "and can think of Offer Expires Mey 16,1087 in various new directions, . view in HBO's “Legendary wanted to be a star." We got to be friends. They told noithing else. Cun you imagine including a return to her interest Ladies of Rock" airing in July. Back in Texas, or wherever, me stories about cave-ins. how playing 10 years of somebody? W v’i because of her dad, the family they suffer from black lung, and Really having a chance to moved virtually every year, and I understood their attitude explore my own teen-age years Hartman feels that was an toward the mines and went down again along with her'" 344 Broad St. Manchester 646-6846 i important part of her growing up with them into the dark. They Roses epitomize the good life Qraoa SIlok -.y. : in M l u - MANCHMTER HKRAIJ). SatunlMf. Mwr t. im ,3 <1 It . I ■■ 1 . ! ' / 1,1 I I 'I ' ''H 1/ I It ^ E ’RE SERVING YOU BREAKFAST WEEKEND TELEVISION

TOGETHER Satnrdasi, M ay 9

MC and the Manchester Herald 5:00AM tX> c w i iswtM ® AvaMurat dM Pataaffo Ptfftcipa (H) U.8. r*m> Rmww fD K M to T V [CNN) CraMfM N ^ N ) Daybrabk [INBIWMI DMWr PM* TMm j ^ [ U 8) Moueeitiea at • Mo o m H tgM ^s «f ew lYMtiy 0Mn*v [ESPN ) AuMtaRan Ktdaa PootboR (80 t»c«8 who h*v« becoiYie «*rs. (SO fnin.) min.) Iff) [ESPN] Kfcfc ftoMnt (to tMn) [1 M C ) SbMT PSffi Sbowcbaa 6:30AM (S CNN N*«n [U S A ) Jimmy Swa tttu dSlN N N M W 7 ;3 (M M ® Voont Unhiarea T il AfrltruRwo! Mow« (1 ) Mmadatema [C N N ] ShowMt Today ® ASC Waaband SpacM: Nia Oog (TM C) MOVIE: -AWomanotPartk- A Ba»*dNbtb»©e»ia(CO.Pert2 Hit is nocodhom tFranch vlRas* ® Nawa S: bt Dapffi to P»ns, whoio 03* bocoffio* dw to*»i of th« town and ol * wsaWiy ptty- ® n io M h boy Edna Purvianca. Adolphe MeniOo. 18) (SCXhMVMae Cart Wilier tS2S. IH)MaefOn 1 [USA) Msltt msAt B ) P'a Your Soaffiaaa 6:00AM (3 ) Vow>* UWvetee W) SClaamyoMaad CD I lovo luey ® Ptffieaaa UAtRafO GD OarvM ToWiO SINNV (C N N ) Sports Ctoaaup ® Chrlatlen Bclenee Moollor Aepoita [tM)Tbua(idma.KM 9!) lOCA at Mo Now [1M C)M 0VIE: 'HUr' Tho Bcrffon vorston f t ) SupoiMonda of Tho tmMh Broodw«v hH capfureo [C N N ) Daybraak tfM mood of 'dio Ao* AdiMdut ff» music aod danco savaM. Bavariy O'Aa- [018) DontM Dock IhOMWia Traat WiKarna. l$7d Hatad PC On [ESPN) AotoftocWs: IMBAOTO Sadat Srarad) From Riwaide, CA (SO min ) (W) 6 : 0 0 A M ® Safam «ain Sears (CO. [H M » MOVK: -OiaiMfnt’ (CO A fath­ er s present to his son evohras from a ® lady Uwefyteele and tbe Pbdwtaffs harmless gih into chaos and destroction ® B Nia WuMaa (CO Phoebe Cates, Zach GaWgan, Hoyt Aston ® sm u tM Tati ' 984 Rated PG (In Stenra) ® SiPMcSis [U S A ) M (A t PHsM B To m S Jarry 6:15AM (E O e v a y S OoNath 8) BXNlvNlr 6:30AM C£ Captaai Sob 8 Saaama Snaei (CO. CE The World Tawtoreow 8PbRHIvara (E S u ts Sunny end Tweety Show ICO 8 W at M u m Journal ffapprt CE Face Off ® Nawy At) Josie end the Pueaycaa B ffo d S ffa M (9) CNaiHlad CliAtaan Offers informa­ (CNN)Oaybeaak tion on the latest employment opportuni- [U S ) Owfmo't Cbcua tt«s in ttie Connocttcvi trM. [ESPN ) SportaCamar TV HOMKX>MtNG — M m iVkvbA* tttWwwt N> WltvMoyt, wNemt Nh «Mtm RrM (8) inaNbi / Out (HS6) The WRdar Summai A boy fads look tM w M M l^ MyMffstBO. HsslnytetNtwp "IWsOwpfc ««ws4ws (8) Laxor Tat Acadawty (in Stereo) for a ^ ha s mat at summer cainp and ® El Chib 700 competes With a waaithy rival for her love H srM TBMct ytlsy OtM «tn lyMsAkyy m y 14> «wt ABtv BoBwl XBwnsi, tpiWs etisi l * ® Photon (80 min i «d protect, fe twMNey TV velewm. [C N N ) CNN Special ffaport [U S A ) Tar Your Oieama [U S ) Wish upon a Star 6:30A M ®WRdffte [U S A ] Can You took Youngar 8 WMi StratA JoumW Paport aba, George Wendt 1996 Rated PG-13 (MAX) MOVIE: -ITieJawwMthaNfN- ® 8 Cora bears FamRy (CC). (m Stereo) 8 8 AkyinAPiaCMpfnufkt (CC) Novelist Joen Wilder end edventurer ® MOVIE: ‘ITia WoMR «8 Pear' Based 9:10AM fC N N )WatiWbwaah 8PtAman (U S A ) JMwny HdUMWi OfAdbOfa JecS Cohon rece egelnst an evil NHddla on The Fiva Pips ' by Arthur Conan 9:30AM ® lT ia O a t Along sang Eastern leader in pursuit of s fabulous Doyla The British suparsleuth invssttgates 8 C o n a n 1 1 :3 b A M ® PtAWh' cm 19* TPn jevyel Ksthlaen Turner, Michael Douglas, 8lo0k«MaNow the murders ol members of a gentlemen 's ® A dam Smith's Money Wortd ® M upptAa Danny OsVito 1985. RstadPG nnStateo) chib Bssil Rsthbona. ) - ,3 ' V » , ^ i. j i i

M M l MOM%««M inaM 'Bk W M M W M waa CM*'* MM a aa^ a a i w m ^ a i w t a a MMIMB m FRBm Saturday, ro a tt— ad B M l I t t B I tMAM®MNNb«M Sr tf dpiF, Cttnil— d i i i a i ^ # 4 k ! s m ______(BfnarbaNApM M | WBBBNB A dOVAfWnBflt PB^y iPBPifm IFI^^Arw ff Ik^khk^^^bynnninnis yA ov ^* i^. tttPpqipipiiiBM tt 10:00PM®NMb I 1979 iwBlBriiBBlH 900. l#«#i«M taibNh SanS^Stfc^* t r O O B M ® O uMm i tki» RAiHBm BtB |UtA]MSMFSSM ® aifcMwi aw w a wad. K N M t o ®gyyyg^^y • Riawiky ^kB Fbb Hue leei S|*wa t I S A M flfPUi ^^^P bPOb bbblB R^^P^Bl Ilk kPyab^yykkyyk^P 2 : 3 0 A M ® a s c N t«M i c q ' Mw»J liiMifc' vl^Vnin^a^w V ^B^M^miyu|V W 41^ sa* '''-” ”” hygy l^^ky ya^^^Jyab ikay — a. • HI BHIIMKIfnQ ^WWrttiWl ^6tVk ^OdlBlMk kHflk % W^NI^ g p y 5 ^ 1 m if w a . In ® M T V VMao CaunMeNWi CMtfflMM% ^tK kriMNft tbHMH^H fit v ® atOVHI; •AbrtwM of a SMWa P A SS^.IR JSUSt M lffW M I I T n ^ B” S n Sm m w ^ ^ MUfl9 BKlfBBfl MBS tO fTMlhtlBI B OOCBfIt b^y Ayy k^yy^jA ^kk y y yy aykUAA y^^A^y^y • ® H M b * P C I HiinMb'i bH«Mb«i tw Paee.“^ r e - PIP nif MPIMII PnO IIBf POn PnlPP pvnObTTI^ sas&ssississs M aktkalM kP Bbk b~ - ^ *yy yy u ^ y y - - y.a. - ■ ■ broedceeta the ^GNN|MMMti» paB laaafe 'Wwaiwi a t w «' i»«h MM. JMih e a « i A Mb L«anb. 1 M I b^PP^^R Sa b^BCP, bftB pP^WbB PBPBBkb iMwbdMcarAtn«ghi« B A Y P. Tcan Wcpat □ ® NbWb ® tW IN W M a «M G O k t e f t M a IISFWfl RvnilbCentef 1B;>0 W iliER»>>>iaM aiiiiW. hW M im t ; B a*» •iwwa''ewH. t C M M I t B l a a ® weWWi ItibW epiwiallbr AKMtb I AtU IB IA: *tl P yi N wa M aRa county agent. 2:48AM mpo] MtWP: ik i m A W W\ l ^ rMPPikltabaa- l Ai*. .- S MB iMiMBb BB MMtB fiMBItB tB BBUBNBAB ^O BWB ^HRBB WB BB~1^U_ R^RR^^B TTBBB^PkrB ^PR* yga gk a^^ ^^k Aw brtb a i C C I A k k bibnba fOunBcou- __BRBNI^I^WPBVBHBBBBHQBn Wn~ MMtMl kMMkkk9B kftMtMWi BMit B 9k^ R** m ^B P n BMBPQPIRPB BBVfPV^ |M tiw «ibt to b i l k b « b Mt MCb bMi tb- ^10^ ^kk^Nw^ \jBI^BBIBB^ ^BBNBHI VBrfy- k^^ypek CMtOUlSTINOS «BMa. tWi.t B Ip a %tb j)W k jj. M « ) RR^^^^BR ^B^B ^B M a jM I R » . DbbM RbvMtbA MM* « k c o M t AntOfiti. Afebft A io k t. J i k tewdeiwawwiawifc ^Mvwk ^ M k M lililB '!llB lilliM BB^^RB■MHPHkU Mb B** m^mb ^^^PR^klk RRP. ^kk \P^^^P W^B^ncRPIw^^ FQbtXAcrrwit fPIB^HBta^k^MAy vl8b?B -«■ - A^My^^aOPBbBnBP. APikk i^BR. k_.. RiPBfl y k*. i r ^ (jBWH tBwat : wa aiwiia^wa a ’- ta y - fciw y tow ji^^ K «l»u it«k. tpp*. BBMBBBBB B 4MMMMKB' % IFMMdN ^HHNkk bB^ TODrBTRvaau q I m m i m ^ iM iiib‘ a wmm- *M PB IM lA BiP NgTi^ 3 K )0 A M (CkPQ NiAuiiiFii a « « kkk^kkkpfk^fc kk^yk^Mk^k kk kkkkkrtfl^>ak«eb RM-^kkk ■ »- - ■ rAB|4^ ^9BBkRBMBk 9kkM9k 99kkBBB% B^ BBFk(k9^(P O bBBI^ ^BMd AHHNBtl U N A ] M O P S : ‘O M atAHAr A e m k m t R^^^b *dbkj^k kWIMbJ iN h iM M K bk ^y_^k^ ^WRRV PI VRRRB ^MP rR® BBBIBtBBB wrBP® > » M M i M n a u Wn SMtbta MM aMn laibMM te an eMbwa O¥wi».IM«il0ailMh». S'lkA. J p * o M t to a danM and h k w kMb w k a ^.laaiw a.lal^ P ¥ m M l. Mm MlMv m m 4 u m m . ' MMIQCfMNbMN BM BBBB BOlIBBnBB BBB BB BBWBW bB fikfPMkwwl AtaMiki AAJRm «-- - - O■B.k WFVPnWflpni. aVMIBfll kr. kbyAbayBMHBb iwwiiaaeiwwfc awkewawa* \ % n M WaWbA* An 5S A& ° ^ IPfCtfH bbtwMbb.vaniBbwi Kaaen, Scorn WMbn. t S M MaWA w w iT w i^ k t ^ M w a * m m j m aaP^lka oaml. ^1 ya^i^^a ^ua ^^^yyu£ I M b M M 1 ! S » b & ! » ^ Mw tSbiw bl tiM M (iia a asb Aa ii San An- Stn i9^^n VBBipBB tIV i^^BB BTBB BB tvjll|iBliy i ) Raak Rteia a k Ubaai t. 6-^'*mmiiitmiiA>iiimm- a « )i| u « a MNlJ pN R»R«B. RaIRPIP fWflBa iBVBs . u^u uM^^k MAWNabwtCG) oBi. THI^BiBIICB ’ffNjNMJB BBVWl TIUrfW kiiO O Bkk (fpt RpaMia Wbabapaa S b ^ M ^ WiOVitS Wlo VI6 VlWtBWdlWNUfla WWHf WC~ ® R a P p | a t a a P iatBI t j l ibWBbaaf aaanGwwiwai O Y f V ^ k tng* Ab bbbbk\iiSSupa.BttPi>bb‘ a B ^^^PBP a|.^k a^H^P *rdrt ^ V N k t}) bwMibynjaj^^ p iMkiibMA a (eipqtswMiM 2 t.«?s:jp ~ - * " "- VB‘PI^Ekk Rdy^^a^ ^VPRBK W^k BvWWW^PPy^k^aei^^ R^B B3PBM R^BFRfa y« m y v9^ kftkkMJkk^B BtlkMk toi2S2U».55R ,tS£ 1 v^W W FW I ® Wb l l twwwwwi*. OOOOOOOOO R* BRRBBBBI^P RIP RBIR BRBy pbbWMiMbia b>b|bb b jtiM ^lhiiir>« b k k0BHk kiMtAMkkk kkkNMkk kk)|k BBPBB ^ WMMB: 'WeWieaiiRtwpawwai' R^^R^^^^PB bb9 rIb MWMbNBB. T bHIIA^ IBB tJBIIBtIb E ^ ^Jt. ifw ig,.^..k^i.i.i^.1^ Ba ^ ^kkkWiMftkAky ^^kMNkk^ ^kk kkp|F k^kkkiok. kttb^B k^MRPUbab RiBI^P h m m i i^w von ’^B a^r. bb^wwr^bb bv ^ tiM % ^Irillft HMM ^MIII|M Vh QkM b . HM9. I S t a l l M M ^ (|lld kMA.) OOOOOOO M M A WMMtfWr % WWfMk ^MHK. V A kHk ^P , ®1aPbAiiMWiaiW. tCNNIiRMitaMpM CBBOa ulBtlfWBOT BUB WRB^BROTw ttwfeww*. ^I%K. • i M i a l M ) tlAA| AMl9i IM i I i m 9 (NtMMiB %<«.»i i^-.*^.i. .a>-.j.w a i >*»■ 1^ iiEBliiMM k 1 wOT ^^BOrVC yfefti IBP®B BR^u ^^yk ^P^Pbr ^R^^B ^BRQ k9B 9BB^ B MNMIiIrA iMMtItkA 10:aOPM®BbHbiM. a&iuao><. tiMt. ^Bk^k^klkkkik ^wkk kkkkkk kkikk k^^ki^Fc^ USMMft ^M ih VMk WMNHdN kMBk fkl9 kB ^MkHNfe k9 bM|H% kMB9 kiMMk I Bifc BB BWHB99M| 9b A k kkMi9Hkkk kkk9k y BlaP^^yk d U N N N W M ^yy U| MPkA Pm Vb 3D twawwaiia m b t * m t a * m iNMk M m 1 bbtbb tbRMMP "** 9 kkl9Hli9i9Ri kkk IS^^kkM V R^PRR RR^R RB B^BB. 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III M^uy^^^Mi ua iMjiiati^^ Wj R wi B bbbcM^bNfe beb^ bbb VWoRbWabMeWNbWbbbb bfe M wPNlM k R a WR « s k W Wbbk b Wkb wM w yg^^^ybbyy P^^yb ki lA ik W4ik ^Nf baiteatiwaiw ®RtkOMMbNM(tO. « W 6 x * r t M k A i i B ^ iMeWfcVrtiWb.- • M M a a ib a i ^^a RR ^^PB. g 5 ! y K . . g r ! g B - - J * H L 9 * R > **•«• kk INm ^ n ivk9 ORWMkWMtuPR W w a M a a P M i ® lA P M li R h a i P a N B k Ran* A ®aw*at*eir > ; > 6 w B i(B aaa auiaaiiii waim a. ' S i M R P i M I BJOfRIBbBVROB 'OOTVBV^Bi. RaFik t l^kWb .. RMb TfRm/) k WWaaUeaatevbVNWiaiieipeweVbkSwi- issasaasa^SR irv' »w T V putB iB toH iH on OTR PBQB M bbi kb b i ibb m b a n b i WCMMIMnewaitr Wiwa O b ktllLb M ) S M ^ ^ S S I S S SS MMdifc> 4 k k lA ^ yk k WMI ^B IBBBBB BBWB IB BBII9|WB Mb BBWtBB ak^^^k l^k k k idP^ kk^^tebk (iFBaki^^ a B ^BRIPRRBW ^a^P^n^B^W. 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RBI9 BlipMi, BMB M> l|yy ttMAlMaMnpM SRaV ^ IhiM Nt''M M k M k Iflh ISMMldl IFCMMlWweMMNMdb kk9ki9itty^y ^k9Pky9N9R bkcbate Lbb. kabby WbbwM bbIKb atMb REBPi. ^P B RMB Bl ® M k V k 16#**«| MtWr tIDWN Pm * b* O b ia w * tB w a* ® a B a U «M | .iNtb «Mb ladNib I Wbba bdr <5 )|BftlRBkMl[|k®4B ^MBbkk s l^i y iM M FanPibaOiaataPtiia ®MIWkMlNie|k 1 ^ 3 W ^ W W wpwb w a w a a W A ^ : awwwPba" l|ic«l| a B atfHftftHc *tfth klkRFf^ Al!?Mj**l!*R.*F* a ******** ****** R^a^P^P RB^P^^P^^ aa bb ^ bbblbbb bb btib bbb HbMbMIfc aibb b tttttNl Wbwwda n w a w w a w r j M 9 tr^pft kBiNAifriip kjPABbAka bbberbbHt RFb ibbb vbNeb erbb RbbttrbtMbb HKlSr***'**^' BB IBB MMMA BMI^^B^flBBMI B9|MMBiB^ ® < O lM a tRIWab T^BfVi^M BiMPRBB^BfRBB^BB ItMBI My aWMb Mnba VkRFB 9BCMI^F9B kFA kftCi ■ ® MRM% R m m WbFMhMtlMR BM Bl IBB OMMBMBMA BIBB. a^B^^a Bj^^^RRPwO * ^^bRCT^PR ^AikkiSk 3^B0iWA ^k(9k ikkWft "RR^P^aB^B RRP PBB^PR ^Pb RRP RBB • 4 ^ Rdl^ IhaUy^lElftTBj. RIn l*k'dUbUiiAk Ik^99iv9ki( k^ykkkk kkwp9^k^9 I W W ^^'P iw Rwbbalair A Wbk eimMMBeBwMBwi ^^VtbWM^NV^ %HIM^M^ M t WWHttWMttt* k^tfFFkk. VlkWi** JiM M TiBfr AE^tlaQft^MNBMI^ BM8^999NM^ kkbkkbbbbMiRbblMiw lk k% M iH il^aPB ftPBiP ^RPA llR W I^ WWWWt: > < RRa RWpW- a S w «- d^ky® b*Rw RaibMk^- .. .MMMWE: ' ■ ' S t i ^ ' * 2 ^ I * ' ^ B ^P^^^^aB k M ^ IkMwkkG ^^^B R ^RPVBR BB^ Bk Itta AbaMbb Ctaar Mhabi BIB^ AVNIk A m MNMPw ^99%. BiW aP^^^WR a ^^ B Bi^BBPBpi WBPBRBI W xMMtACA *MIWMr ¥MMAt^. kN90MW^^0(^CMk t^Nk^lk ^tik m m, kkcN^ikkk >ltekik ^^WiAik k^wk kik^^c^^ktfik^ JJJJJl^^jJEjyJ^YlJJSM l^^y Pau^^jA^ga ^AA. S S, iQb^ ^ ^^bbk ^kik^^Prfl y v0 0 B I 4 ® R»baMbla)>a»b R a a 1 ib »a ^Pk^ btfWl VlM^l*MI(MtC^ MlMb kkk^ fckk Likkk kk ta (l9^9k9999 9^9V^I s a o t t s : ' - ^wBBlBfi 'OBfROw. uBRD 'BB^^CTBQ TO TTRB v.O B * M y FawbW W 6 ww< t ® ®RMaPi pAfc BBMI wflli^B BMB MB BBBBBBNI 9m9B MH^ iki^^k Ib^yi^ y^k IftRRtteTtlbRRFR .IR k^ Am t l t P U M R iWiP Uk IMa Mk h^k Akjbkibb klikkk AMbkl. vRO^ R^Bba TWRBB tRBTRBBR v BOK w> TIRB ® t t 'l « UMN|-iWb «Mb AdMb It IrbNnt iMr ^^^P R^^BR ^^PPB^^P. RNPRB BB^Pkt Wk - . .kk L k kkkkkkk. klk».kt-,.k*. ki,...^tk SiSOFW I®eieawia g p WPiaa'i t i abla bbutaa aifcit Ob kntMtti\ wbewt yb mb RP.^a* ^P^^^P ^R^l ^B^^^^^BPPP ^P^Pi^l^BIP iiM iM a «R b TRMwBn 'Cnl^Bn u^O vBORBT^M TR® '0*RIt ,Si^6abiFaabb^£bbbba*^yabb'ebbtbba(ab' m p m ItabA bwW Heelw M P IP> W kl ,k...... nO0B kkkTOT xk-k.vBCBPB .Akkkk ^ ^BBCTWB WyBTWRBPtW, ktayk TJTO- kWkk ^ ^ 'kMk^Mk^ «id(fibMclMlbybb tbf6ltbW#tkbW>torMlk p t N ■ “ ......^ kk,.... ikkkJ.kU,... MMiK *{k VNk ifkk^Kk kiftA VMMk kft vkiiKMk^ t m ysMi * ybckb mwc lOhaiibt ibMe yvNb fa«N bt Ibk MbWb Rw k Ribbibab bb batli O bM b.D w S im w k bMA. tUAA)NpMF«PM ^\bk h M^k ®kt^^yk ail^ki^ kjkky f»k»kk.k tU I VROIPVR ^Ul ^WWIBBkpMB ^^P tkBkTPRV kkiMiMkTm^nva Ht/BwMiit^IRIOU' «b tMrkbbk # b ^uv B>Ubia. ^lonobO ^ot^n, ksonn bfopopi ,7^^l , ' ya^^yiy^^ uJi • * L W-Mbb Igtgjhjgjjtiaw ttbaabika bbR M^i8{VaM%: #¥9lN#0IAn&LW^S£M^ I" wiwdipfi 'iS WiawriK* BPVO ^RrWTVa . \9^^W^a BPI Oa^aRB B^BVTRVa ./R®i^. 1 A ttRr*.'| ® > m a i tbbk)a tk k9kM^9 IkHMkkkk' kklNN^wkkh yk y. . t R^BRB^L TPPBBP ^^^PiPR* ■ A tiw^bk ^mt\ipm/mt itf ittmt m^- vSMMbibbeMMbbb JObfbb v n b iM y b N x ^ R^^BBB R^K P 1 :1 0 A M ICMNI Tktbi pikbb ^k9kkvpky9BB kkkk9 ntS0PM®Mbkbik w. ytm ittim iiim . iimm'»■... RbiiIPa *fpnBif|isaRi^aR tnkClMMIA'CkUBaa' T bbOb ifMk ^SiRbao a Mwiaa a MFwMaaRwbibiriiiHi kk^CMk ^kPB kkBC^ECkkfc 9^PB^ kipk^ iBBP' IkikMl^kaPMe B 1 0 N P (OMNI RwMMilMk ^Bflkk» Wikitll n “ ^HBOfC ■ »■ *■' >kikk.kJ«k airnOfCi a«J|^yk,Aykkkkkk4kk^ "waj vvsPWVu^Rf toby bMK yb « iNMby «Mbdk. * i M i «Nb ubi ® k k a R*| Rbwilla tswi <«* Jwb aiwiv b ywikbifib wwawb b«r yi*b ywwk* ® JAMRbb la»^ ^ bwataaik ^y k Ji iMk^kJMAbbk l^y#’ ay^iii (pMNPiBB B BWAMPB Ba PBMBlA^' BBA BMiBPt i6i1Kk.iNbt«t .VvlbiChbrHl>»bMb VM b ®^lMlb'<**NMMa BnpOi vOrr^^BRO TOf T^a 1am ibtkk iibbvMb ym Vibt okkb tWt * a y k . M N M a b i • iM P M • M pW w i W k e A «*► yn t ]Mb>wk M >ib|«b*iia bib»b A m A b k iBh MMAfe- 'kk^ kkkkk|kky^W l^kk^y^^, ® R «* tKMWM RiNmb *. yuktlMiik «tfe>- nab ® ®lNbMakMk ®RWa*»tollai*bbh'lb bb- (d iiM p i TOkk lilkjbli^'OB9QB uato ^i^JkwRVP i^kyiRFW duaTTW I^Uilik^wim. llBlk^kvauna TWO ®eaw*bWww*a t C N N I RMb R m A k iR B b yxabyxabMMb a 1^ 1 0 ^ ^u!TrT!!^ ^l1!^ ^ A • m tm -. < b w w w i% v M T ^ h %K- aknob^MbM ¥PM ® ® W P C « a w k s N M li :'M M|y A r% MMr aa^Jy A BkBP WMIPS %Rrtn^ <«h % ^9<)0^ ®PbbR-iwby'iybMtMty6yabai#6«imia- PBBMBFtL R P RRblab'-lllOA ^^^^aa^R RB R ^BRBBB BPP aPBI m.Mbta9ttobi ^bk^k, l^^^kii^^k^Mk ^kbJpk ikkkfa t^aMblkk BUi^ta IIIMtWFMiRE: -RbaMMt' v| IFCMMiBMwWIMb y ...... ^fftm im a a k O M b . jMbM in m m m i m m T W y 'Wl A O S t l t l A P t 'iXibyib' tb)* Wbivb) tVbtbMy tbrnaor iMbAbklmbNinb 'FubA'kibWKb.iSlf^raA. «bn.lei!MwbrblBbbWi'|iMiiNbi >fb9S ®MbM%Ra(MlaR)Wbbk.'MlbMi bMtWib (tMIM WMFMW: 'RRa tibta Raa' ROOi ! m .% i a s «m . ilPBR saw asere ssriaarM sr^ V O A . AkkFtX > MC ■ -mneiwiw* TM$ T h ie CUSTOM W e e k ’e AIUGEUC lUfJRBflW; A HOME CARE W 0 » k ’» MANCHESTER HAS IT MANCHESTER HAS IT BERVICEB. RECI9TRY INC. F 0 B tu n : F ea tu re; Jack J. Lappen R ea lty THIS IS A ooMPuren pwntouti pon PAOT-cppioieNT denviOE... CALL JACK LAPPtN AEALtV NOW... Pr&vides i TH£ NUMMm Ml 049-4969 We N6EO emnpaniona, . 769 and If1 Mam it., Manehaatar VOUN LfOTINO _ aitana; 649-<16f ar 649-1606 home-mak«re, T H A N K Y O U ! light « eaatbrokHt MmaTiaM /era/. tepfMn m Nm oam m o tra a i armw; 466-1141 FirtetfFMWk Manehaatar. CT 00040 hortiaekeeping ta a rta tv eomaortwn uumna mu umnoi eea-eaea al reasonable rates. **Sert>ing Manehe$tet For Over SO Yean" ' 1 1 1 give you the best r^M ur 8(0^ by tnd M« Ma^pTMi Louelw «rl«t« (MVM on MMwn and MMh AMdb. TNy ean MbyouwNhymirrafttMiHfHlbMMfromtMrttoflnMM ^^iland the Fio/y^^ ftotn Wf »w guaranteeinCONNECTICUr MWww inalii witaw, O titm mUm Otabif na«|M>i^ VliH Oar Skowroowi Ab MEMORIAL CO. RIPRHRNCR |. free Maarta. Teat .• 28 Oloatl SIroal M.- 7 m 0pp. Eeat Cemetery I 9 - S i0 7 l > H € h R ^ « H | IN OUN 4Wh fKAN Mon.-86t. 0-8:30 / Thurt. Till 0 PM STREET FREE H BIOilLL ST. MANOHiarm QUALITY MEMORIALS MANCHESTER HEAIUNQ 181 Tileoitvilte Road. Rouli S3. Vmon 6 4 9 - 7 5 4 4 T i m 878-1118 At Kelly, we offer you 8NBOIALIIIMQ IN OUNTOm BXMAUNT WONK Angtlle Nurelng 8 H o iiim Care AUTOWASHETTE what you want In Sarvleaa. Raglatry Ine. Paaturm# All New OleOi WaahhHl ayatam temporary employment: DON WILLIS GARAGE, INC. SaH-aafvloa HMh Praaaura Bay and Vaeuuma astoiAuars as iM t 0«nt«r etTMt ManohMtar OT Oowiplata HaoondHIonlna Sarvloa Avatlabla • 1bp-peyln| Jebi • Flexible work ichedule wHtBL AuoMMgNT - BNAKg senviog • wagoKgn atiivicg (80S) 047- 106e • I mmedlaie lentporwy uilanmenti • Work on Inierettlna aiilinnienia at aaNiNAL nesAiniNa 24 Hour SNit 8orvlo§ matched lo your ikllu leading companleiln your community Local Raglatry offara quality oara... • Short-term and long-term aulgnmenti Propane Cylinders Filled 209 Spruoa Straal Catl Ketly Ibdaji ■.#■■%■ t)« Lower coat totpatlanta... Manehaatar. OT 0 6 0 4 0 qiri" TELEPHONE 18 MAIN STREET Men.-8tl. liaa-Oiao 6^ 7 * 2 K L L 3 W 849-4691 MANCHESTER, CT. 06040 RN*a. LPN*a. Oompanlona, Homamakara. aun. aiW -iiM (209)646-6604 laS. Canter Bt„ Manchaitaf______a t ^ v ic ^ _____

Two mlnutao later... iiaitrI)rB trr ilm ll) 6 * 4 »3 - 2 «7 « l» l. p U r t t e Hallo AAonchastar Herald. I Sea haw easy It Is. Just a two i i i i H ^ Sarvlng the Manohtiter would Ilka to ba port of the Hoi minute call gats you on this It Pooa that runt on Soturdoyi. HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER area for 100 year# VI6aa • Talavlalon • 6taraa page. So call today! Yat# I know It's the bast way to WEEKEND SPECIAL 16 Brtlnird PIsoe reach new custontars. Thank UortVOIAlMawlaalllJI inweaTMiOM.etm(i. C3ALL won DtTAILS 6 * 4 * 3 - 2 4 7 «M Minohaster 203-643-2711 you yary much. M ANoHtattn A MM4M OD 9 IMr, PMtodWN Th* prawdant FiMwy. OMn* KaiMn, Kavto ABan. 1BB2. 1;10AM(CNN] RHMR. frMC|MOVW:'PW1llO«ThlBN0'Afl(9»- C o a t f s M d iharatra atariaTa Rjwda C. kddari andcf- ((M A ] Oo Nv Voor Om a n * 4^ patad paaaaa. Rh 9taraaf 9 i H i i e i i i K 1 1 : 0 9 P M (1X9) ^ r* MB* Ctm k An M m y 19 flWSIliiBTiTifWiiri D 9 MOVM;'dudwda'fCCi Mkmaai kteh *** toptebi appaw* to bo awoaping tutaa of baSiaa and oW laclaa ia ftiora Korda-a naval m n m a* m* batte tor iM* Mtggto oR Mr tew, and Samra new bora* t ^^am^iaaa M w riy‘_(q O A Mm' fOa Tha iMw mkaiaar k> a anuk Mory of an akoflc youm tenw* whoa* racM Metra prta* etaod. Oerniim, PapuaM. 10B2 Rttod Ml. m etunOe 0 lff tafio f f l L ' ift/aa iWp oMfovw or madrady 9 MOVN:'Short WtMi to (MyBMiT A t aarilKMka laval* Ntw York 6fy and ffpp* town aygapMaa a group of dofpy woman m unhappy potr corn** Mna to fMuM her a* 9:00AM C^«MiM e esfio^e oo^NeoM^y at Miownfo' Na cPNgyagaiton 10 slog dia flow of church ah* r*Mm* to twr kidten homatond to 1 1 : 3 0 P M CD MtegwAw, P.f. 1:1 S A M CD A9C Namt (CCf. MOdid O w n Ndf aiafia a at&vta baaaa aa &ta h&ok fm fm aigM aubway paaaawgara undarground. fC N N ] S^wM N««M<* (l9H 90Ma0|MNaaii1CC|l. RndMaany Jariw* Breip, Jama* Mctaefwi, AbMry rUVwV tv cnfiwiiviv. A f^anay 9u*^3Vy a * * '.NiJi **• S?*^*** Oo«#te*, Sarah (DNaew/Bporto 1 : 3 0 A M CD Sakw* Now 4 m N pdMl 90 0N0 Mflurtv* afaaati/taaoa. EAwfd Hafftfiafia, Mkaa. 1SB7. Pan 1 of 2. (IM A ie M M iw 0OMM ioddiMiS in* p P S Lmcoto 1072 CDHteWritton ® HUNNamra Buaan Cmk, Oom Laadarm. 1fT$. CDPaw O ff tMaan ^ ------*-■ 8 ;3 0 M 1 1 CD C D Sunday illiaa • tcyflMtfOMN (NlSd! 410 (rM O M O V M : 'Tasehar, Taachar' Tfw f a Saa Hunt 90M!^^*a A ® ftoNaywwanara (OCi Pan 2 of 2. |wfwtwj i^^wamaHar ^vna^r (3 hrs) (R> M*iVnHnVf9V99 IVW ® Rufwway WWh «w Rteh iwd Pameue (D m a WoridTomonew M fidOdldi sCdtf ify Emmy-wfnntnp nory of an MbofMac 9 0 M C o « p f a aacniaa d ataat^atatiatit dttthff IEE7. NO 9W4n0r«NdM* (E S P N ) TM* Wath to Bporto (SO mto.i fIM A ] MigM niaM at fdacbar and a dtadtoM^ d handyman (C N N ] Evan* andNowah rran.f— g pn4^y afafoot 9 C «(W N '* Aredwewanr •paetef (2 hra.i VOI^BCvvPCy WInvIff . brpughttogalhtrbvifMirafllarHiforMijpa ( U M ) Cw) Vou Look Voungta O-.ISAMfTMQMOVIC: 'M»Mf MM- (H S O ) McnY* ON SMha Stood on m* L ^j^pXdVvW^^^P I9e 9^VlB0^pv R^^r^W^WV^^^ve^PV P^^N 9 j 9 R0OVM; '(teNda ad a Bhirngur' t M M M N D A f ^ rawadad boy makahtahmaiapamwarad 1 : S 0 A M (iM O l MOVM; 'fUaw Party' 0^ t ffi&( rJURP^ tteiilftflf '■^ii'ldd^M'i rtiik n I Mh^jiAd aa.m. .J ... trua afory of a harriM wortkig iNOdiar I #iws aaai a t§auS avat ChirtM' tiaaa aath fCCi Racandy pronwtod eokee efiker Jo* (Tw CnAf Wm . a Youftg fimt foUfm § futh 9 MdaMa and AaaMa HiiriO.MllMfW M' NHWOWiOWrCw. IWWO i9ic«A9Vinv« (Maia tec** to ttfdeal ( N i i ^ whan fit 9 CouMM StoWd OuM* Party-gaor* w «*$ Makowaon toAAoem* Dhrtl. 1000 MMatflW. Mary Kay Pteeat who goat on afriko ' an attfaaava t0it. fact to fac* wkh a twerriy yttr otd phan­ kWrtg^Coh^oAvoWlfOoyWMf 99dawy9 MMaidllaMCanfiaaiMn PMaon*. 1074 (C N N ) Bporto Tordghf fCNMIMMMyMM I (2 hra. 0Omin.| 9 Advanturo The fkai axpadmon to ck- odiar Whan may (kM maai, (BO mki.l D O k tottan CfdMwn'a Fund («MO)iaalwt 9lMOVIt;'PMIyamMr A 10>yMr-ofdor- CD Buell Rogara cumn*y)0t(* dw ckob* by erottkig (ha 9 M tn ia '* Pamdy NtcrM atka Or. Joyce 1 1 : 4 0 P M (M A X ) A Soul BiaAon. D MOVM: 'Rktor MoCoV A young ((WfMQ w ayife / daw tagMr (Cq A pfan works a apatiM kmd of rmaie and Norm and SouttiPoteaM profited, (flomki.i Bromar* ter advlc* on $»». wW^M4a— OTVfVfl 9 |n14^w SnOTvOf A r O M IM iM A M M (B ) 9 Pama An Mgumam over a uma actor-boxer acAdertiAly kkb t batoer and ooBn0 offoo^pco 0 dhirtoo ^ooooo of Mo tpraada toy to tha mMcomanit « f t Haw. capauM anipf* at iba teboal; Mkw tee** hromon, j » katend. 1070. 9Wrotf8N0 9 N totpra an OeMilngo En vte aafakt* 1 1 : 4 9 P M D Bporto Pro* and Cana teide htonseritoiM racket. Miekay Rooney, ipOOAM • UHM «« m M m fvla^^ r^^va^MV Vy ^nr (pMlMOVM;'AoMasdWflMMOteMd' Ctmtnd town A ' MfondtrlM Worid of Iha poaaiMly of flunking out. 0 0 mki.l dead* Maxioo. (2 Mt.i Ann Myth, Brito Oorilavy. 1947. ■^*WyASdMMlW** MVWIflwiPvar.dW^mt^MdAdSaMd r^^Tl^f AdV^n MWV, ^WiO /X^R SDPCUCULA: 'taftefat'Enganadaunsy AfM> 0pirarrwwM. Jaaon Oaddcw, loiaa I wo OT^iWIV OWW WPW Ifl) OWTf W f L*w MTfWwWWT nr^WOTWW 11:90P M (H 9^ MOVfE: 'Th* Ba- MOOT90 9VMH^9 ^^HkwS • tNyivwi. Ta^O. - Oka y*y, una mi4*r no aeayM tandka* arm (^fN]WaafilnR*yto«k ® WaB SNoat JoumA Raport Ooaaiw, Tan TMomaraon. 1000. Matad ^a^VhP^Vry VNV^ra te adyarskted, y yjy* rahaefando con- wA|ABdB9 A4auairPVMn MA pnywcMvy oworniMi mifi «(9 — ODWMMAtoiaipM MS-10. dn Sfaraof HMl. ftedan Lasan. 1070. Matad 0. 9 M Munda dtf StHMD mm.( 9 PfonWrw (CCl An exemkialkin of Why (D i9 ) R40VM: 'On tfw RigM Trath' A ratouad bom kte to a dkapMatad baak 9 ABC Nawa |CC|. wo WMH^V V W^OIV^ WWW Or poke* bombed a nargbberbeod ki Watt afyarim m auykte. LueuMaridar, Pedro (an-yaar-etd orphan dtepfaya arnatkig PUA- (H) CTwMMaMM CMailM 0 :4 0 A M 99aa»adMaari < g J »M um ICC] Tha fiiiMy tektohdrad Mtfnanaam. show by a 10ih-caMury pfiyalelto. John (C N N ) Manay Wath ■MM^nwjn Pbifadehkiia 10 fkisfi MOVE mambtra oui (lat to pick wkmart ai 01* rtc* track. Gary ftogj^ Antoo^Hopkto*, Ann* Bancroh. (9 ^ M M k 9 «iM ISvr^M^A 9 CowvoMtoiit fVOIOMMiWM WMMa of ont of CoriMArfWriM’t rati of hidkig on ktey 13. 1006 0 0 rr*n.| 9 AutUn CMy UmNt 0n Suraol (DfS) kkOVM; Th * IjM Hunafi' An ag­ 0 : 0 0 A M CDC90 Wawa Sawddy Maw- ram toriMa la axpterad. (00 fran.) 09 |n « ! Cotemto, Mturaan Slapteton, Mie tiol ing Ntw England mayor te datealad to a 9 fla k N M0 Vn; 'Rfr. ■ afagdart Co*« to Ltmbaek. 1001. ftetad ^ M0 > >W ^Nrl^WIWw Va^WIVaVy fWVWao SwaWTiOTTV gptW o WoHi Iff Swliguyeghto of Staraoi • ■ « 1 2 : 0 0 A M D i a B d Oafd #n Siaraoi hard-fought and quaanonabta eampAgn. 1BD 9®m oofion ata tfiMvn. @6 MedteN fNwveN f 0t(v*d*r* goat to cotag* and (TRdC] RIOVfE;'Mtito'(CC) Baaad on a i l l MaCbaary Mdpart ®rKf fl^hof aa^t^f^tiaa lofoifi^ooo ifio^ piowio. |l#fWV|M5V9MI eMlM9 094a VWWOw QD JkNNiy Bwaggart Spanear Tracy, Janray Hunter, Oian* Foe- (D M ] OevMM Om M Mt m m m a^^VraO- 99Vw^0^w^p« Star fleareh Second round aamdintte m* fun bacan* whan h* matf* a young cbf- trua Mory. A dtMrmkiad woman batriat tar 196S CDCanVaaSa'ndwMyr ( C ^ l MOVfC; 'Ctdidfan of Me Ow n ' 9 lor aduht and for Kaeor and taan compaiP a . ' " * * ” Ikfakh, Shirtaqi Tampfa, m* atubtahmam ahar bakig firad bom ® Star Trail (U S A ) lev* Vour thin (HM l MOVM) *M(00 )jnv vat* ay* bunta for an ta-oonviet't tow tog lob that gala them toto hot watar wWi a Hurt 1MW. niNM M . (M SmtoM thraa tionat rarohw around tha dMaram (C N N ) Nawa watch (U 9 A ) ftebarl Ktein Tlni* 9 IB) taianw ittaat |CC|. Apaa* Hjtnan endteapen ttagaa tta y aa- gktfriand, uneovartog mor* dito M n - locA crlrna ktogpto. Eric Rotwrte, Miekay tati batda for aurvivM apatrm ip fm o v * l2:30M M cD Hi|h Ssftoof ooeupanft of Suns 710 ai fha Piau WM- (U9A]ChacRHOutf Mf Manhau, Mturaan hitplaton, iarbara 1080 Rtiad R. 9 : 3 0 P M QQ CD Ctoal Laura RMary Pag* pacMd. Roban Mhehum, Sytvte Mat*. Routk*. Kenneth McMMan 1984 RetadR. IBF 9•OT^IIwlV MWvOTI OfTIBI Pnd ndlKf IW rfWtftla- IJ9 oy^Wv^^WI v^OTpm wOTWW Kakarf it oftenmd whan Bto (Malihaw John bttend 1976 0 : 1 0 A M |09N| tMoMMi W m a Hama. 1071. 6 : 0 S P M (T M C ) RtOVIi; 'Manhattwi' (U S A ) Virginian 2 : 3 0 A M ® IMOVIE: ‘Bueh Ooed 99ln0laaMrdo tua, Kim HtjniprA Cfiin»e>n Mtofon. f^ O - 99Maaf0w0raaa A comedy wrrtar and Ma friandt try 10 aori Lauraneai doatn't Ml bar read hit newly ■« ■* ^ ------9 Maaiaehuattta CouneB of Rakhle Frtondo' A beauAul, but buttrated, flOl d^-^1 ^ Ad-, A. 3 : 0 0 P M CD Tamda Shaarton Labman Ikkafitd novA. (ki Bitraol 0 :1 S A M (B ) iM ««y If ae«M i allV WOTW lOTflOlI^Mv CD TMs Wath in Cannaetteuf Hi9 w vw w ^iw f w ^wi 01 IfWVOW out Ufa ki (he etty Woody Akan, Manal 7 : 1 0 f W (C N N ) On* on Om houaewK* teams more than eh* carat to hroditra TeumamaM of Champtont, 0nM Hemingway. Own* Kaaton. 1970.RatodR. D Nawa S: In Oapdi 9lMufBltvm 0:30AM (S¥MM (CNN]OnywaMM CDNtwCMMdf 9 HVhit'4 Happening Newlf Oat's ee- .mateb. bom Koratl H it, MV 13 hrt I Rival 7 : 3 0 P M 9 Cfilto and tho Man (CNN]N*wtnltb know about har husband'* (irivats affaks /fl|V dd^JddA d^4u4am 99mt*m — — ^a< . —i*, . (B ) Jafteraant whan ab* dacode* hi* a(»patotmam book. (O M ) Wetoama «e deefi Oamei Vj9 MWliwI T u t u Jr p^^POpV V ra^^r ^0^1 V pV ^V C rtP lB rO n 9 : 3 0 P M ® Untelainn an A Oapwta %VM(V tiaa Mofi EdMMMlV m a ooo^pwiwofi. 9HTahapaThlaf (60 mki I 9 On* Ito PamNy Brian te cautpn tkip- (019] kkOVM; 'Btehad and th* By* of Oyan Cannon, James Coco 1971 m WWIMAi VOIVW^w IfKIPmOr nv^OrlO ( t S f ^ frwMa dw AOA Tour OiSaMlaHsaf 9 Mdatwptita ThiPtro; Oppfh of 0ia (CNNlSgerttBundw pttiQ achooT Bw 'ngtr' Stobad tAte toio a worid of (C N N ) Bporto LaMnIght *■■■■«------.*- 9 9 ------a fl|fMtoMWorm*Up 9 Craatfva tMng awordt and toraary and eonboma a man- UW> PfIVrOTMV rOTUI tlWOTOn (AM O] M ^ i 'Tlia BapMarri MAh' A HtMft A 10-yaor-old orphan (pit movat ki (E S P N ) kRfL Hathay: ttontoy Cup A|M pfMiloiOy dofowiod niofi M MOOMrf ffow Haad f ( ^ A band af mapf rehtwra art 90tatlf0tt off ttWMMWMOOf wfto bar itop^brothtrin tendon aralmaata (C N N ) Wawamahw Sunday 1 0 : 0 0 P M D (C N N ) New* tctog aabanoothad ugtr. Patrick Wayne, (E9P IB tportoCantor K^WJ PflV^ MiwWIM wIV Mm laa m id ^ ■ id a •- -a -.. -. a_.. ^ a dbd> PtefidN W M t Conftrpnco Gama Pour. ^9^ 44^^*——^_ — MV in a oaapioaiao traan onow py v iVnr diwartad tty aoma mtachavloua tPiMipit ® Aoflo twoyi wtw Ottdo Catma. Idda, bar nrti leva. (00 mm.i (019] Wind m Iht Wktowt Storting tkn* (aniattv*. (3 hrt.l RMA fn^psnio iviRUUfM Jan* Saymour, Margartt WMimg. 19/7. (U S A ) Now Oanaralton HAr Car* vOTvsnivf insB^wii motmoti O^nfWy P^yOICiVIl--. a. . ,. t _ ,. JCaWl a . A. ■■ a a. ...I A .. *a ^ ■ and a aariaa af MMatpa. (00 nan.) RaltdO SOftm.) (B)M O Vfii 'Hafdr Tha orphan HMdl goat (tS P N ) Htnp 'Allding 00 9 INN Nawa 3 : 0 0 A M (C N N ) Nowtnight (CMM] «»«• «MM « M KMm a M Moyddna, Anna daneroM. 1000. NaMd n . S : 0 0 P M D kdurdar, ah* W m m |CC| (ES PN ) Woman'* VaBaybaB; Taamt to 9 N ’t V M r Sulhwsa (B ) W i o Ceo«#i| New to kva with bar grandfatbar tn tha Sw im VliM AAaftoMdNaaoa Mdid^^ Rm^as fiiMd^wAAdA (M IK)] Praggie Rook (CC| |ki Staraoi WNIt Jtttlea It raeordkig on* ol bar nov­ 9 InAghl / Out B* Armounoad (BO mto.l (Ttpitdl (ESPN ) ■onler FOA Oelf; Th* Ooml- (DM ] C«Mf«attMi (T M C ] 0Mart M m dboweata 9 Camnddauf StM latata t hewiati ate for ifi* Mytury Book* lor ih* Bknd ttr- nton FtoA round coverage bom Son Amo- fGNN| PaMt0t fSeiNMifNeMNMei n^i^^TWf2S IL M ^nVO^rarlrV. K 2IS d .® IS^Pa. S S i ***” siffimeoi. (U S A ) Ooubla Trouhte 9ButMffHa* (USA) Ray* to Buaeaii (MAXJIMOVfti 'T m i m m Ii M>i# A m«p 9 :3 0 A M CD Haw to MMa a MMan In M*. a murdar oeeurt. (80 min.l nio. TX. (2 hra I |R| (o m Hiewie ^Mlew Cyrl end Ooofy 9 Worid VMton: BBant Ttatady (60 of « burM MMUM{(lr«w« a gouna boy hIV W^VN 9MaMB A 9 (C N N ) tarry Ring W tahtiiil 6:00PM ID D 9 9 9 Natvt D 9 IMtrriad... WHh OiBdran KX:i Al 1 2 : 1 9 A M D lov* Vour BtUn [T M C ] MOVM: 'Mari*' (CCl Bated on a into a fMMng adyaobaa. Oraon WMat, wfWt how Jo j f ^ w t a ^ a§ aha laaka min.l CD Tha Worid Tomeffow /2t1 A d^^M Add— (O M t Arm# of Oraon OaMar (OCtOat- DPoheattary ^ O^ladlt dteoovtrt bte lankly ha* mad* true atory. A datarmtoad woman bald** Km CkafIM. Wabiar Sl^tA. 1074. Ralad WU WOw t^WWy WWpW at hataaa end HofMvnonoNd' 9 3 8 on Sport* 1 2 : 3 0 A M D sasd Oom 9 Jam plM Anna's aftorit af die Chnrimsa (tea to 9 MOVIE: 'Conan Iha Osairoyw' over chargee on Ms cradH cards whan ha th* aatatakshmant abar batog fkad bom Q. ( B KfNMVfM |MFW]^ Oahta Team Cftampfontfijpi win Okbtrt’i ahaelion, tba two baeoma Marl* shopping for Peggy * PM*y SagafI 9 draot Partormaneot; Oano* In O O anaB oott har |ob with Tarmeaasa's pardon and par­ 0 9 Sacman Tricked by a wiekad outan, Conan muai 7 : 0 0 A M ^ ^ Aam lWfHafil TMa btliar rivate. (00 mki.| Pari 0 W 4. laea countlata ohalaclat ki order to atop tnrkvartary gdt. |ki Sfoiaol Amarioa; Agnm, ih* IndomlMMi do (C N N ) Biyte WHh ttea Ktenaeh ol* board for uncovering akagad corrup­ kkdto (cq (In Staraoi Waak A of OOfOrtOlfWIOfll aaayalOlteevarv fOUflN IfSfNKtfflOff M $ faitlltf of fNiflMH bar 0vP magle Arnold Schwartanassor. D 0 on Now Joraay (U S A )I IHow to IMtk* a MkRan ki th* tion to dw parol* proeaas. Slaay Spseak. duHog 1M7. (M mlff.f fh S f o ^ ffivn oofflM on tfw oodwon oNhouflh H'§ ’a !S ? .tr.a riW » isia't'issr”'"” ^ * Grace Jona*. W « Cbambatitki. 1004. 9 Now Oldgot At liiponora lor tha JabOanlAs 1B81 Ratad PO-13. 9 9 M4PtPtit0 A d^ym^A 4 rllA4»-. .. (fl) Uteohriao of too Wah and Pamout Stoek M 009^^9 0^9 ^«f^^9v fVm^v« 9 won* min.l Rival acbool nawspapar, Oann, and Gad uncover (U S A ) Evorybody's Manay Mattort CC OdimmyCMaifart 9 T tnnaaaaa Tuaado J^m AaA dAd^M^M dte^AA^AAlf M a W A A d ^ t A ll — (T M C ) MOVIC:'Sheet tha M awi'A up- 9 Oraaiaat Amarlean Haro ovnwi wono Or U9 no7 prvwniSwon. U9 I g p MOVII i 'Hava SoaMjt W M Tigkaf* 9 ■**« of Saturday kflgtit a acandA. 1 2 : 4 0 A M (M A X ] kkOVii: ‘Th* Ufa C C t ih O iy 9 9aa. David Raul AmIIim 4a AdMd UdMd^n par middit cteM ItnMy 0OM ihi 01^ Uykig 9 Star Trah of Brian' During bMleA (Mitt, an Inapt 3:25AM (HSO) MOVM: 'Vtelan v^wwy «K7 Mfwi nvrnvy iwcnv9 iwcurwwVr Tha Thraa Btodgaa, handyman m a apaM ptriodt of taparaiton and ehanga. Albm 9 IMOVII: 'tunatilna Boys' Abar a long kkOVII: ‘Swaat liBarty' (C O A (C k a a fO M ffl)U9atriaMlta 1077, Nbefwefy# •odgwilNly wmefi • opvM 9 i n Wendarworiu: Ouaat Cayand laparMlon. iwo (ormar viudavika partnara young man te mlttakan (or Jotu* Chriit Quaat' (CCl An awkward taanagar'a nm ^^Dwna Kaaton, Raran Akan. 1002. n goaa kilo a atau of madnasa and proclaimed a mtaateh. Graham Chap­ irAntog for in lm()orianl wrestling match I* dSMAMyfaMMK O Soper Sunday ( I t l ' N l TMs Wash In Sparta (00 mtn.| rockat. Jtrema £ewan, Bob Cotearf, tha tirnslCCI A young boy who tn|oyt bang raurkt* lo ranaw thak btendsMp and thak Kwhan a movte company comss to (own to inrvv 41SIIOO90I.a—.--.-- 994* Tvoe. gkdkig la tran*()ori*d Ibiough Urn* kilo t faud. Gaorg* Bum*, WaHar Matthau, Ri­ man, John Cteata, Tarty Gdkam. 1979. disrupted whan ha (aka in lova with an O BM tna M an (CMM] Vaur M a ^ (H S O IS M n sle s Death af the Oeeert F « make a movie based on th* book h* Iim Rated R. (In Stwaol okter womao-iatnporsrlly boarding A his V i rw^MM A _ 3:30P M CP NBA I poal-botocaual world (00 mki | chard Banfsmki. 1B7S. CDHaahhM ww ^ast^mAMACAAM — — I#* ... A writttn. Alan AMa. MichsA CAna, Micfiaka m MOVII: ‘OMaat Ofowa Up- Atitt BV9nv ivpaviB taic die Oetohar 1044 dsath RkwWrVTwOCw CRv^mvIiO^BaOama 4. (2 tea., 30 house. Matthew Modtoa, Linda Fioranttoo. (0 (9 ) Oewald Oueh draignti Of rWnM mVrWWI I I'M 1 AomtaAmmC JkAaAmaAmmM RA^^m 9 PoUoa Woman 9 Nature (CCl A family of rad ton** era PfARsr 1980 RAad PG. 1 2 : 4 9 A M D Muale CNy. U.a.A. movln0 to Maw Von , Od0at takaa a kib aa ------tfwtn Romntaf amr------Lw7 ssfwiwi wnvnoMn fwiw mki.) ILlvt) Ronny Cox 1986. Rated R. |ki Staraoi (I9 I»M ] SsaadWaah throuph nawaraM fpptaiw. aw photo- 9 MOVIE: 'CharioMs't W th' A baauii- fokowad iMoinh alyaW'a < ' ' aelhrltla*. (60 (M A X ) MOVII: 'Jo Jo Oonear, Your Lite a U.N. ouaM and baaomaa Mvolvad M an CfflThteWoaktlriBaeahtBHlghktfitoof 0 Hesan't HaroM mki.l (ki Staraoi 1 : 0 0 A M D VAuatatoutehm 3 :3 0 A M (CNN] Creasfk* abab wHb an cddai man. K«an Vatanbna, (T M O l MOVII: 'ManhaHan' A oemady grapha and iMraonal teawnony hy Sbm- MRor Laigua action art shown. Host: Mat lul apidar. with tha help of a giMdy rat and It CakUM' |C0| At doctor* tttampt to D Jo* Frankkn Roban - Cumnanga, Adward Mulhara. wtMar and Nt Mwidt by to ton oM Ma m mara adn kkanftad and btograpfiar Oavtd Akan. 9 BeahM Prank Tala (17-0, 10 ROt| va a atullarkig gooea. kaae* a pM bom being MOVIE; '30 Baaorid* Ovar Tahyo' A tavs Mt A* abar a drug-rateisd aceldant. a 4 : 0 0 A M D Ratum of tha Bakit trvkip. Mark kkePhtrton (20-2-0,8 KOtl In a tnld- 9 Tate* bom tha Daritekto Abar a ptey- 1900. dit cHy. Woody Alan, MtritI Handriaway. alaughtarad. VMca* of OabbM Raynolda. f ma of Ih* fkai B-20't ki trtkikig lor a nightclub comsdian'a Alar ago irtvAt (U S A ) Frogram VouraAf tor Suceoat 9 CteaatflilR l lghtoan often kitorma- dtewtlgM bout schtdulad (or 10 roundt, Paul Lynda, Henry GIbeon 1972. bombing mtealon ovar Japan undar back through the ysart 10 ditcover what boy dies of a bean attack, a davH and an 9 H'a Vwir tuiMMaa Diana kaaton. 1070. haiad N. (M A X ) MOVII; ‘Aet af Vhdanea' Tha 9nj|«l compete for hie eoul. tlon on tha lataftamptoymant opporiun- bom Altemio City, NJ. Rbia) (Jfl wnndorful World ol Otenay: A Tri- Ganartl Jimmy OooWtla't command led him to iMt pokit. RIchAd Pryor, Dtbfal* 9 KannadvCoaaMnd 1 0 :0 0 A M CD WandarM M(orid of afhwH of a bnriM mugging on tha Ufa of a tut ki tba Connaetleui m m . Allen, Art Event. 1906 Rated R. (In [U S A ] Diet of the Start 4 : 1 0 A M (C N N ) Showbta Woak HbaraPinlndad nawtwiltar and bar young 9 Putbol da Maalee: No m m eeirtm At- butt It' Mom Carlobna teilurkig Donald Spanear Tracy. Van Jdhnson. Robert Mb- 99 SMifMf lyantallal Oraaa l*n)0mm Manay: A Trtbuta to Mom Carldent laa- ® 99MNwleagoeSaaehaB: CaB- tenta ISO mm.) chum 1044 Staraoi turlns Donald Duck, Ooofy and Mulo at ton It drtmtiltad. Ektabatb Montgomary, Duck. Uooly and Pkito a* wak a* ecana* MH 94 090, f bom "Bembi" and "One Hundred and One 9 On* Day *1 a Tkn* [U 9 A ] Cover story tCMN] Oaybfaah wad at toanaa bom "Bambi" and "Ont Jamar Sloytn. 1079. 30 mki.i (U IM II M ist SoMor; Taanu to Bo An- (U9A]Cwtaent naunood (2 hrt.l Oelmallona " era all part of IM* Olenay Ml- IB) Advantur* The fkst aapadlilon lo ck- (0191 Mauaawlaa Hundrtd and Ona Dtknailona" art ad pari 9 U f t Iram tha Mat: OtetofUM of 0w ule lo Mom (60 min | 10:30P M DSporta Eatra of thii DIanav talult to Mom. (60 mm.) IM SO] BomatIniM I Don't tovo My cumnavlgats tha globs by crossing the (T M C ] MOVIt: 'Maria' (CCt Baaad on a 1 1 : 1 0 A M (C N N ] Travel Oulda CarmaBtPa 0n Staraoi (CNN] Nawiwatoh North and South Pows Is profited (60 mki.l d } kkaat th* Mayor* >CD SyharvMon (■ V l WWM4-- Molhw AhM tha dattb of bor tethor,' a trua atory. A daiabrUnad woman battlaa IS^M- ® Q ) At Ifw Moytes Raa Read and BM tha aaUbMalmwm aflar b«ng firad from 1 1 : 3 0 A M CD laaa tha Nallan latn-agtr It Itcad with a changing, amo- (019) Hangar Bay (CCl Jonib goaa snor­ [C N N ] PrimaNowa Thanks Mom, CD Habart •ohuNat |CC|. 9 ta rt t e Sewitng Htrrit preview (hit tummar't movitt. bar |ob wHb Tannaaaaa'a pardon and par- ^ 9 Thia Waah WHh OavM ■rinktey Ikmal raltlionthip wHb bar moHtet. Ridh kling In wslar that la pollulea by to«lc (H901 MOVIE: Privato BanJanUn' A (B) Monte Sbi Warrick sim *. (SO mki.) ola board for uncdvarind aHagad corrup­ I B i n r i n B ^ wasle. rendering him blind apoltea rich girt looking lor a batlar way of 9 Jknmy Bwaggort 9 Owl0lit Thompaon tion In tfia parota prooaaa. Slaay Spacali, QD MOVII: ‘A Chump it Oaford' Young 99 MOVIat 'Btont Boy* A mtdwtaWrn 4 : 0 0 P M (9 ) NWA Pm WrattBng (ESPN ) IndUrupolla BOO Tkna Trials Ilfs, Is conned into |okilng the Army. Goidki 9 To th* Manor Bom JaffDanlala. igRlflatadPO-IS. 9 Laatra H la Saavar lova balwaan an Orhird lad and a pratty term taniky mutt fact amoilonal adjiMt- 100 min I (Liyai Hawn. EUaan Brtnnatl. Armsnd Assanie 9 Ath (iw kkanogor 9 9 BpertoWorid Scheduled: MtehtM 1080 M a d R (U tA lC M a p a CkMldieMnWOT ptSOf MWVMOn - miM la abattad by two Amarlean MtnWa. manl ahar a mambar accldanullv kikt Mt oteyde 122-0, Ifl Koci va. Troy Oarrak (H 9 0 ] MOVIE: Jaka Baaad' |CC| A (ESPN ] Auto Raebig Film Htghllohit ol Sun Laural, Okvar Hardy. 1100. oM r brattWr. Rohan Duvtk, QIcnn CteM, young woman seaks lb* help ol a pulp 9« IB) Mtetar Nesatt 122-0, 18 KO*) In a middituvalghl bout (M AX]HkOVIE: 'Iran Eagto' (CC) A Ih* 1977 Indlinapollt BOO. |R| 7 : 3 0 A M CD CalaMaWon of dw lu- JtaenPtaaMn. 1W4. hero to rsscua bar alaler, who has bean boy attsmpla a daring rascu* Ms 9 9 MOVII: 'Cornin' ‘Round tho Moun­ 01 (U S A ] HoMywood liwMdr aliariai j tain' HtkbMlM baeoma ktvolvad kt teudt (CNN]Nowaitey CttT^k^C^im pk^^ kidnapped by an African whils slave ring. who has bean iskan hostag* by an Wayna Crawford, Karan Kopins. John W Arab govarnmani Jason Qsdriek, Loula CD Meeilhe Meveie and teva potlonk. Bud Abbott, Leu Coa- ' (019) MOVIIt ‘Tha Latt Hurrah* An ag­ pttniaii (Ttpad) bom MadUon Bquart Om - 10:40PM (DIS]torra 9 W . V . Oram tako, Oorotby shw. 1BB1. dan kt Ntw York. (3 hrt.l Rhrt| Hurt 1986 Rated PG. |ln Staraoi Ooisslt, Tkn Thomarson. 1SB6 Ralad 9 Day efOMewiefy ing. Haw Ingitnd mayor la dafatted In a PQ-13 (tn Slarsol 1 1 : 0 0 P M D CD 9 9 9 Now* 9 C a M b m (a 9 9 Ayar, Hay y Manana 9 Argumani htrd-fougM and OMtllonablt campaign. 9 Nova |CC| How U S. eWat date wlib [M A X ] MOVIE: 'An Amarlean In Paria' Bptnear Tiaey, Jaffrty Humar, Diana Poa- hartwr pokuUon 1* arimlnad. (60 mki.l PQ An Americsn e«-QI finds romance and suc­ D Mitahai ImiwtAbte O J a m 9 WaB Shaol Journal Haporl B :3 0 P M D (0 ) Tracay UNmtn Show 9 UMta Hatiaa an iha 0taMa 11 cess In Pans Musical acors by Qsorg* and Skatchaa Includ* "Kay on Vacation'' about D Tha Worid Tomorrow 9 Tha Worid Tomonow Ira Gershwin Oans Kelly. Lesll* Caron, Os­ 9 Kantaada Worid ol Hanna-larttara (DMJWMIndwWIItewa (MAX) MOVII; ‘The Turning Mnt* a shy sscralsry (UllmanI finding romance QD AHo ANo DItgultad at Mt twin brother, IB) Huaua VoMi Ahom 9 Maatorpalaa Thtahs: Oaalh of iht car Levant 1951 (In Stsreol (In Staraoi (C N N ] 9)0 Mary (IS S N ) 1079 Indy MM Ml Two wo Haarl A le-yaM-oki orphan giri movaa ki Ren* makes arrsngamenit tor Mt own lu- (019] Vau and ma. Rid lB)WBdAinariaa|Ca yaan taritor m a fomwl btkti acbool n - with bar aup-brothar ki London and maaU (U S A ) AllwoH leo min.I D David Toma Show narsl attar Mt aHagad saacutlon. f 0 : 1 0 A M (C N N ) On dw Menu view tba direction* thak Hv m have ukan (C N N ) Bpottaw aih Eddit, hw Iktl lova. (80 mki.l 6 : 3 0 P M D c b b n *w* (9) s e n t ( 9 Claetlhod Eighteen Obart inlorma- O jO O A M CD Maw bifland itniday 1 0 : 3 0 A M CD Asnawhyandeampany and quetbon thak chosen patht. Anna lion on the lataat amploymant opponunl- (H N O ) kioVII; 'Mamotlaa Navw Ola' Btncreh, Shiilay MtcLalna, Mikhtk Bm - - (0191 kkOVII: 'Sword In tha Stona' D 9 ABC New* (CC) 9 ll'a a Living Jan and RIcMe's plans lor CD thawaasa af Hamas (CC| Tha fanedul tioiy ot young Kkn Ar­ Hat In tha Connecticut area CDllavaUioy A woman ratumi homa aftar tight yattt In yahnAov. 1977. Ralad PQ. 9 9 NBC Now* a tomanllG evening run awry. 99 Thras Sisatsa Heur a mtmtl kiMItutlon to a homa of tuipliton thur's apprcnticatblp to MaUn iha WltMd. 9 Waakand wHh Craok and Choe* CDMahaHMaal (U S A ) Coda Rad 9S NoUcUra UnMskm [DIB] Tha Lorae by Dr. Bauai Dr Ssuat 9 M O V I I ! 'Tanan'aNaw VaritAdvan- and hottllKv. Lmdtay Wagner, Oartid Animalad. 1063. Rated Q. lal* of Ih* Loraa, a creature who attsmpii 9 Nawtmakert McManay, Barbara Babcock. 1982. C D N b M o f Vlaw ^ lurs' hoy Id kidnappad and taken to tho 1 : 3 0 P M CD MW (M A X ) MOVII: 'Brigade on' Two Amttl- (C N N ) InsWo Buskwss 10 aav* hla balovad "Trutfuls " lorsst from 9 PEUCULA: ‘AngAHoa Negro*' ( D 9 Rtadariok K. IMaa U S. H a oirout attraeden. Johnny Wtla- (TM C1 kkOVtl; ‘M vata Bm^amlrt' A 9 9M N or can* com* acroaa a kttki vHItgt m tba AMmAs In Action a study of anl- Iha OtKS-tei I ir*al-d*alraykig craatura ManuA Lopat Ochoa, Martha RangA, Tl ntudtr, Maiaaan O'SudIvan. Johnny Sha- apolted rich gill, loakingfortbcttcrwayof Tw lM at Haw Yorti Yanhata (3 hn.| BoolUah Ngblandt that eomai akv* ont sl rAy on bah lor food and a look at who is attsnipiiny lo craais an ecological tmi Romay IMd. 1041. kfc, la oenntd tnloiotnlng tba Amiy. Ooidla day evary 100 yatra. Oan* Kaky, Van n You’re one in a million! lUva) thak bablng methods chsis (R) State Wo'ro In 9 Rnawtana M C I. Hawn, Eltean Brtnnan, Amiand Aitantt. Johnaon, Cyd Cbarlaa*.' 1BB4. Ralad G. (In [U B A ] Wanted: need or AHv* 1B80. RaUdR.' . 9 MOVII: 'Tha Bwwd of Mtenta ^SawT^a^aJ 7 :0 0 P IM D BO Mlmrt** (60 mm.l I D Connoctleut: Now HCCI. C itio ' A dtiing twordtman and hla lady exposure (U S A ] AHrad IHtcheuck Hour D 9 01 Jump fltiaot Judy IHatly Rob- 9 : 0 0 P M gci MOVIE: A Oatharing of [C N N ] Intkie Buekw** 1 2 | 0 0 P M CD Wathinal Oaegraphia by to toll a vilalnoui mkiltUb Otorga maonl goes undarcovar 10 And tha pyro OM Man' |CC| Eldarly black man uMt* to • r U I I p m I m m Mentgomaty, Paula Contey. 1B9f. 4 ; 3 0 P M CD Oraata ol lb* Gam* luppori a friend who Is unafraid to lake tha (ESPN ) Bporteconter Sunday (60 mm | 9 9 Tanwi y Dabaiat 0%AMA^— — 0%4^a ^ . a— y MA _ A - A. maniac who's isnoriting an andusiv* girls' New Hours: qoaad Map.i Tut*., Wed. 9 9 M e tu b ? o o » vSinBMniVr IMWQMin iWIWDnl 9 Mpter taagua Raa (B) Baniwd and ton school (60 min I (In Staraoi bteiii* (or tha shotgun death ol an avowed (T M C ) MOVIE: 'Shoot tha Moon' A up 111 Csntar Strsal P thuari Ona TV TMna at Ntw >aih Vi I (3 bn.) (wt middle cleat family goat through trying Fri. 9-5;,')rt; Thurt. 9-1; Sal. 9-5 (CNNJOdAMak 9 MOVII; *Tha lomlly' Tba lyndkulb 9 MOVIE; -North Avanu* Inagu local racial Louis Gossttl. J r . Richard Manchtsitr 649-9939 P Jatiuiii mtktt tn nhtr to t Iona asteullontr wNeh Wkbnark 1907 pariodi'olMpAntion and change. Albert (OMlPdidMAOMHN, ■ (C N N ) NatddhiMar'Mdtddy ‘ ha dtrat net lahwa. Ttky Savtiat, ChariM ffllAtlMalBatebol CoftHnuctI. MANCIigOnHi inatA tP . SatorilaT. Mar 9. m r - » « . i d > ; i i ^ ^ I

CD BiM-Rk: Ntoedaa of Which comes first? m w irsHti Psaanar W M « | 0 ra«rann id) Sotvigar Boom iJB ttolhNVaed Bguaraa proQifce an ejacuiaiivn witnoiif of the dream content. need guidance and information Research has shown (bat Information about contraception (JCCMNMm m (B)SooeBy Doe 0fVambp bavhtg an orgasm, or can Rave The appearance of the about sexual functioning. stadents who have had a doesn’t appear to eneouraie (be ® Pertty Pifl bAeMAMu V Uitoto TH to nt4 k WtUN f« —«- .A 06om ey an orgasm yritbontetacDfatlng. . ejaculate can vary. It may be WA'cuuCallvn C0UT30 SypCarCO hlRI Aion of sex bebavtor, so you S I NBC N««m BJBNM RN-t ® Buga Bonny 0 Jataana alfhough (fiese two evenfs yellowisb and look Hke urine, but to experience little or no change /Cit ^vCnSvO Sluter •d*N*« might make sure thA Am knows ® ZeebBaa Zoo (DIB] Miefcay Mouaa Ckto usually occur simultaneously. it is not urfne Some ot it can be in the values that governed tfiAr S 20 Mlnuw Wartiawi BN MBBBBJ BNi 't |fff|OOOQP| % aboA Aher coAraceptive ® ChaBanga of tha OeSeta (EBPN]WraaiRng clear, and IMS may be from the vmgnier wafni pill ® El C M 700 Orgasm conslMs of the sutMen, own behavior. A recent Audy mAbods — especially condoms ® Baaama Btraat ICC) (USA]jaakpoi Cowper’s glands, which are ® Maefon 1 |m Sierco) rhythmic muscular contractions evahiAed the effect of making and spermicidal foam, which ® Jataena located near the tip ef the penis. DEAR DR. REINfSCH; My (CNNlCtavtrMk Hamnwt 4:30PM 3 0 Thundarcala that releaM the tension daughter is is and has asked to contraceptive* readily availaUe also offer some protection (DIB] Dumbo'a CIreua ^ 3 Paopto'a Court accumulated during arousal and Despite what you've heard, it to adolescents (along with a againA sexually transmitted [DIB] MM»y Msum c m Is possible to urinate with an be put on the Pill. She mostly (ESPN]0««an«|EK 9:00AM 3 ) Leva Boat 0OoodTimaa Aimulation. Orgasm also (km group things With girls and program of sex education). It diseases. (1) Brady Bunch 0BradyBuneh includes a mental release or erection. Only when an erection reported thA (Ms kind of 0:30AM (S S n««m 0 Bewitched 1 :30PM 3 BoM and tha SaautlM does not have a steady boyfriend. The coAe A of your 3 ) 0 Denahua 0 0.1. Joe Is at Its fullest does the Internal 3)700 C M 0 0 Bcrabbto 0 Vattod Pregrama leelinp of sAisfaction. I've talked extensively with her program may even delay lirA discussions, including your ®Munatara /C8t ^ 0HegarTt Haroaa sphincter (like a valve) prevent (B) M.A.B.K. (CC). 0 Three Btoegaa (40 wWwWfTf milPVlfWS Ejaculation refers solely to the about this, but end up feeling lAercourse until a young woman Aated and imAied attitudes and ® 20 MNwM WMotrt ® Calabration oftha Euchariat 0 M y Three Bona 0flraan Acraa 0B1OO.ODOPyramM release of semen, which is often urination. Once a man has Is older. values about becoming sexually ® Not AvaBabfa in Steraa 0 Ohealbualara "damned if 1 do and damned if I S H«-Man ii Mattan of tha Univaraa [DIB] Waft DIanay Praaanta 3 Aa the World Tuma accompanied by feeling the awakened and walked to the You are personally dealing active, probably has a greater ® Baaama Btraat ICC). 2:00PM 0 Mlatar Rogara don't." Maybe you can answer S VoHran, DatenOar a( tha Univaraa 11:40AM (WB] Varlad Programa 3 Dannfa the Menace semen travel through the bathroom, bis arousal (and with a proMem that's of great impact on your daughter's 0 BfgVaNay 0 M.A.B.K. hence his erection) has often some of my qucAions. ® El Mlnlalatle

— — ——— ^ (mAavI . .. By Karan ludion one claimed to have prior mood writes, “We simply don’t and behavioral problems in know... In a b o ^ erititted ’Bom o you feel groggy which food played a role. The to Raise Hell,’ Dr. Marvin Tips can help after a breidiftut of 12 iMtients in group two did not Ziporyn states that Richard oomfiates but raring believe they had food-related Speck, who was convicted of to go when you start problems. killing eight student nurses, was die day with orai^e In a double-blind study a compulsive sugar and juice and mast? Are (neither patients nor researchers candy-bar eater. Dr. ZipOTyn you to savor youD spoiling for a fight after knew which foods were given to won^red if hypr^lycemia was a which subjects), when given dining on souffle? Do pasta factor related to his emotioftal capsules containing commonly casseroles leave you feeling and uncontridlable behavior. implicated foods (for example, fuzzy and unable to concentrate? Could com, sugar Or chocdhhe Do you crave chocolate, then com, wheat, milk, eggs, soy be utnuspected fticters?’’ that vacation feel out of sorts after eating two products or chocolate), 16 of the According tO Dr. K ii^, or three candy bars? 23 individuals tested showed “Some physicians don't believe marked naood and behavioral If any of ttese scenarios in the food-mood theory at all, By Anne %VMcatt OadB pocket. .sounds familiar, you may be changes, such as dejtression, Blank saH-stkk labals. As you while others believe food ts more sensitive to certain foods mood swings, difficulty finish each roll of film, write responsible for most behavior. lanning a trip? Here are than you realize. concentrating, anxiety or some suggestions that down the dates and places The truth is undoubtedly When we think of food irritability. cpuld help make it covered on a label, and stick it somewhere in betsreen.” allergies we usually associate Test subjects given a placebo terrific. on the film container. Before them with sneezing, wheezing, had no reactions. Not all of thfe you take the film in to be subjects with a history of food ■ developed, peel the labels off hives or eczema. But according complaints showed significant For more information about Once your plans are and stick them on another sheet to John Crayton, M,D., a P mood changes, and one food sensitivities, and allergies made, put a small box of paper for help later in psychiatrist at (he University of for trip necessities and organizing your developed prints C hica^ Medical Center, less “normal” subject did, indicating in general: incidentals in a convenient or slides. While you’re Make the beet of your vacation by planning ahead. commonly recognized that some who think they are AHwgy iNforiMiUon Asiodaiion location. Begin your collection traveling, you can easily see symptoms, such as mood swings food sensitive might not be, Room 7, 25 BoymerDr. with passports and travel which film has already been and behavioral changes, may while others may have the Weston, Ontario M9R iKS. Canada documents? As you think of used. also be indicative of food pnMem but be unaware of it. J other Items, add them. When fraa souvanlrs. Get in the you exchange.) well as .suggestion from friends Bags, rtot Jars. Bring instant sensitivities. The same subjects who I you get ready to do your habit of pickig up a small rock Only the first three columns about restaurants, etc. Note coffee and laundry detergent in “We’re not talking riXMit reprmed increases in irritability, PO Box 7253 packing, everything will be or shell from every place you need to be filled in while you’re these in the front of your Journal plastic bags. They'll weigh less what might be called traditional anxiety, depression, short Menlo Park, Calif. P4025 handy In one plKie. visit. A piece of Jerusalem on the trip. You can figure the by cities. Then don’t forget to and take less packing space. food alleigies, such as breaking attention span and mood swings AMiMtiaB AfWfgyFMiMiiMendr Postcard labols. Save time and stone, for example, is a unique rest out when you get home. review the list as you travel. Coffaa on tha go. You can out in hives or a rash after showed marked changes in two Amartca :nergy on your trip by reminder of the hotiey-colored (You may find those index cards Small map. Find a small map usually find hot water, even eating a certain food,” explains imimine-system components P604 Wisconsin, Ave..Suite iddressing self-stick labels city. Don’t forget to label what handy for recording transactions (or photocopy one) to tuck in when there is no coffee. If you Dr. Crayton, “rather, marked when compared with controls. lOO 3efore you go. Use them on you get. There are many ways to during the day; you can transfer your travel jmrnal for easy crave a cup after every meal, put changes in mood or behavior. Their blood showed significantly You fm y bft lYiorft Bethesda, Md. 20gl4 them to your journal at night.) A some instant in an empty 3Smm postcards for the folks back display your-collection at home. reference. Every now and then, Such a link has been theorized, lower levels of serum Mnartean AeaBatwytfHUtetgy sturdy envelope In your purse or film container, cany it with you, trwinyou rMiliTO. home. Travel |aumal. Get a notebook you may want to see where you but it has seldom been studied complement (a group of proteins ■wnmnHumpiogy camera bag is a convenient place and ask for a cup of hot water Postcards for your pats. small enough to cany are in relation to where you’ve and almost never shown." involved in niediating 611 E. Wells St. conveniently in a handbag or to collect any receipts you need when coffee isn’t served (or Include one label for your dog been or where you’re going. The Although the relationship immune-system reactions) and ’’Allergies and the Hyperactive Dr. Rapp presents evidence to Milwaukee, Wis. 53202 and cat to let them know you’te camera case so that you’ll .have to keep. doesn’t taste like the stuff you map is also useful for a quick between food and moods is still higher levels of imrnune Child,” states that some suggest that rttany common For names o f physicians in thinking of them while you'te It with you all the time. Use Purcbasa list Since your check of the correct spelling of get back home). allergists recogiwte only a social-psychological problems, any area of the country who spare moments during the day to relatively hazy, early studies did complexes (blood prrkeins away. When you return, you’ll record will include ftx^ and' ' unfamiliaf place names. Emargancy snacks. Cany a igstricted immunologic definition such as alcoholism, criminal specialize in the diagnosis and have a souvenir, complete with write instead of trying to other expenses as well as gifts, couple of plastic food storage establish a tentative connection. formed in the course of an Extra IMwtaction for of food allergy and believe that behavior, battering, armrexia treatment of health problems foreign stamps and postmark for recapture the whole day late at you may want to consider bags in your camera bag or The book “Food Allergy,” antigen-antibody reaction). much-handlad papar. If you’ll be apparently related to foods yourself. No pels? Ask friends night when all you want to do is keeping a separate list of items purse, leftover rolls can be written by Albert Rowe, M.D., The exact mechanisms only a small percentage (5 to 10 nervosa, severe depression and using an itinerary sheet or map a in 1930, documents a number Of percent) of the population is some teaming diso^rs may be (and/or various types of and relatives to save their cards go to bed. If you buy a blank purchased. You can easily see great deal, cover it with invisible buttered and jellied at meals and responsible for food-mood for you. notebook instead of the travel what gifts you’ve purchased or carried for snacks later when patients who complained of relationships ate still unknown, affected. Other physicians, with related to food sensitivities. environmental contamination or Contact paper before you go. a less restricted working In attswer to whether children pollution), contact: The Salf-stick address labols. Also diaries sold in gift shops, you’ll still need to find and whether (This covering is also a good food is unavailable. The bags drowsiness, irritaMlity, fatigue, but one theory is that immune take sOme labels already printed not only save money, but you you’re close to exceeding the idea for a papmhack travel can also be used for unplanned weakness, slowness and complexes formed during definition of food allergy, with behavior problems due to American Academy of with your name and address to can also set up the journal to duty-ftee limit. guidebook and your travel beachcombing stops or as behavior problems after eating antigen-amibo^ reactiOhs might believe that as much as 70 food sensitivities grow into Environmental Medicine, PO save writing that Information on accommodate your own needs. ForaiBn price conversion Journal.) rainhats in a sudden shower. certain foods. produce local inflamnnation in percent Of the population may adults who cannot cope widi the Box 16106, Denver, Coio. Travel calendar. Use some many forms or to add simplified. Make up a reference Travel washcloth. Many Food from homo. A few In 1947, Theron Randolph, the brain. The result could be have this problem. rules of our society. Dr. Rapp S02I6. ft Identification Info to items you pages in the front of your card for converting prices into foreign hotels don’t ftimish packages of instant soup, M.D., described a condition he Journal to make a calendar with changes in normal brain purchase. If you give these U.S. money. Using a calculator wa.shcloths. If you can’t get powdered juice or hot chocolate termed “allergic fatigue,” enough two -inch squares to cover function, leading to behavioral labels instead of business cards and current exchange rates, list along without one, bring a may be just the thing you’ll'need wherein patients (children and to the people you meet, they can your whole trip. Write in flight or mood changn. some basic amounts (SI, $2, S5, package of disposable cloths. late at night or early in the adults) experienced behavior be stuck right In an address times and as much of the SIO, SIS) and beside each the They’ll do the job, dry quickly Psychiatrist David King, an morning. Pack some just in case; changes apparently related to assistant professor at the book. itinerary as you know before you corresponding amount in the and can be thrown away at your they won’t take up too much Small plastic bottlo. Carry one currency of the country or their diet. University of California in San go. While you’re on the urip, last Stop. 't space. filled with water in your purse note the highlights of each day’s countries you’re going to visit. Books to raad. If you need Frederic Speer, M.D., coined Francisco who is also studying or camera bag so you’re never activities. The calendar not only Cover the card with invisible books to read for the long As things begin, so they end. the term the relationship between foods caught short when you need an provides a ready overview of Contact paper and carry it with flights, bring paperbacks that When you return from your trip "allergic-tension-fatigue and moods, emphasizes that aspirin or a thirst-quenching yoru whole trip, but also serves you as you travel — a glance at you don’t want to keep. After with happy memories and a syndrome,” in 1954 to describe results are not yet conclusive. WONG'S RESTAURANT drink. as an index for the detailed the card will make it easy for you read them, use them as gifts hundred souvenir postcards, nervous-system symptoms — <- “Points we must continue to TAKE OUT SERVICE AND COGRTAIU SaH-stIck manding tapa. A roll entries in your Journal. you to guesstimate the price in for guides or give them to other booklets and other paper including inattention, irritability, investigate,” says Dr. King, of 2-lnch tape won’t take much Expansa raconl. If you want to U.S. money of any item. travelers you meet. treasures, find the same small anxiety, nmodiness, fatigue, - “include whether mood or ★ ★ ★ •CHEF WONO^^ ★ ★ space and can be used to patch keep a record of your costs, Important mfo ppga. Look up Clothas, to discard. Instead of box you used as you collected depression and nervousness — behavioral effects do occur tears in soft-side luggage, fix establish one section in your important information you may your very best clothing, bring items for your trip. Gather all suffered by some patients after solely in response to certain Dinner Speckits Weekty broken handles and m ^e other Journal for expenses. Set up n e ^ , such as passport number underwear, socks, etc. that have the memorabilia from the trip, eating certain foods. foods, the mechanism that and expiration dates, addresses repairs. several pages in columns: date, seen better days. Instead of pack it in the box and label it In a recent study of the causes the reaction, and effective ^OST ROAD PLAZA and phone numbers of U.S. Indax cards. If you carry a few what the expense was for, doing laundry every night, with the year and place you food-mood link. Dr. Crayton treatments for food-related SS3 Hftrtford TpR*. (RN. Sto, vgrnen in purse, pocket or camera bag, embassies, your eyeglass ftears; Man.-Ta«rt. ii:Mam-ftraiiim / Wri.-aw. tt;ftan»-iiem /aunauy n-Nam amount in foreign currency, discard them along the way. traveled. You can plan your next and his team of University of psychological or behavior you can Jot notes for photos as prescription, etc. and record it in amount convert^ to American Fast-dry laundry. Before you trip or take this one again some Chicago researchers tested 35 problems.” ^ you take them and avoid your Journal. stormy winter day just by dollars and running total. (You can hang up laundered items, patients, divided Jnto two identification hassles when you What to sM and do. List the looking through the mementos in Doris Rapp, M^^^, a pediatric A CHEF WONG MSSTAUflMl? may also want to set up aimther roll them in a towel to eliminate groups. The 23 patients in group >get back home. Cards are more page to keep track of the money places you don’t want to miss as excess water for faster drying. this box. Bi allergist and author ^ durable than paper, and the 3x5 kite fits easily into a shirt r w I » « ^ » 1 1 «.«u * r t ( . » 4 ,1 •! f 4 I * 4 I ’ < .. • ♦

iintiiiiiiiiiiM iiM iiiitttiiittiiiiii Insights into Childhood Jamie Lee Curtis likes to talk about marriage, movies & more HODVfTBewK^eS U tm E u S O Person Who^s in charm? ■y ngb tlManMn tatwrMar (Alex Bnflltb «rf tea tug AtMeHHtd Pf Mt Denver Nuggeti) who quite the b-.g ■ - fc —. — nux bwcuw* a pHovtdies eWRi SRRCM vWSiH^e game to join a nuclear proteet —.k^k. fc->kkA«.«t k-- — Eb' k-k^fc... immk s m i s i E0 tkOSANOlSUSd-SiielalAtetoe iterted by a Montana yitie Lea­ OTMMnsncs^ If s Tew es c oMsg cmMBSM m s m f m s o m i j AAAAA A^E g^MUEATg ddbk ktm. k^.-bb-k —Ekk^jW |MESB» E E Q ESSB 1. H E § o E l ^ S D E E t wWiefN seicwtty line mgiS ttm tMicyi wIm> icss ms(M ^ toter guer. tt baeoniA a waridtrtda In movit thtsttrt iNMrtftU, the i m ‘l eraAde teat tlAlte brtBta aaltoa To Person (ftt ItHfwi polscki lvft|!(pipn HVsftAe dve tewelcyMwe. m I is m H i s pusm i In isiliiM ily WU.I Dtopate ditterint philoaraphtei by tee l),9. yraaMent (Qrtgory M liisks l)9iakE«tl ia « Amyl's ^oflRcts smiicmiSs T^so (R In 'tfi* Wbnmm" Mid *m iEA E^E kk .k-k-^b — AAftfl kkk. — ., k. gAwA to WEEgE EkJg JktoWhdMI^Mdk MRi mverssia snu CTSiy wmE Peck) and the Soviet premier. SEMW Vet Ml MfC |)Mtj' UMs ilieMtic *1^ to u lun r o m m giinsss pisj^mg it ils t H S f ggu|^EjbE[^|I^^Eg Ekb Itog^E hdE wsfeedutee, J«ml« Uee Cnitte u y t mRwm^m Rimsims m m s SwSoifHMSfm ranimib m Cartte became part of “AmaMag fWSI jgWeSt SOr MCT '$iikMt. A tny's nw toet 't m IsUnj' ifer s SiAMMiiy sllstiidtmto 1bene^ her two-ye«Mi)d marHage to OrtA and CbAr' wtwa ttfadat!a^ ^RW^WwOT B V fiB fu BBBRB m otSMT^RuBS BB lff vWMglMICT a f'OSnw j^wetu^ ^ctoMh^ek Eft ave (Jwoi eavJ fto sMiiyieifttoto t»r'*WKit c « i ^AgghEk etMiedy a d w tS ita to id w Okieet la writer David field auUtead tea SS SI B ^^nSS ^fS^B^psr ^P^^^SIb S^PBmW^^r dwftftw(^ Et^to ftlveR* ipwcuftR. toe totT' After lie«riiit e te w aaa«tbiiit I I A toMdt y«tt. tcript over dinMr two yeart ago. “I E ^EBiE mfiE^^ni ^^bbs ^^ss irs^^s^b 0 m t y . WMt to toie hvtog raomk ums ¥ile«s ftom E pEieMs ^ (efeuw ^Ebbb by|Ag^b|^k a. da ftnuab w ttwt laat beeember tb o i^ It waa wAdarfal. and I 4ke ioa<» ItiMd lto> (prowuptoii t o e ir L gg^i^^^E AB^gAg toAA ■AAftUigA^AE A A A AA^A ^^E^M^dA MnTCffR ■ M^^MBEimBI E l MfimEb M E E f BIo t m sniSsS( ESrEEwmEVIE . Mar tMlaw aetora ladada a EfinfetoMi^. TTvem Eonwxiwtt ^^pwrl We^tow Eis nwKfe «s ft Et«s e EEmEE tit HtE EtlHHlE Et HtE lEEdHlE tE EEEEtltEl ttlErtE and albar m attetg A a ttaaa la a •aimaaed prateaakNiate, Padt, of W n t M a Y N S H ^ PwHMiiy puwM v '4ic weirtJ h t >wnpety w«f »wwsiib»e Eft rwoe *eve«yrtoe « er toto ^44ciDc>,iMMgMftbiukW ▼wv^m ^K TiBCRidi m sy ^ItE IttEIttEEEE ^EEk E^ ^HEEtltE E IttEElEEIt EEiEEIt EtltHES lat M uaaattbla AM ft baa bata aawaaiMwt — Atet KaSlab and nKCUKHcssN TOT W ow w fK %j(SjmffKfn w e s t , ^^■g. Abj^^b Bg RR^te Eggdbft A «ny\ tovotoe ptoyftHtogs. vstoM (to EEyftftEgk ftftey (ctoiME't wBMn w f^BIE MEMB flBEII MIE'* MB IMEIb I IBS IVfwB SRCIEmE S BMSBUE nIEEmnEHCb iaateia tetabllte, wba yteya tba bey " tto ft's witoe'! (®we H to toe'!'* EEEEEEto mA“JT ^WiyWllE^P^^tovtohkfiteuk tob^O wKt. k^^^bA|^^jEAE|jj|^^^k gg^E^^ ^g ^yg Btonalbgdh^ taaaata at tba baUdlag lad n da m ssooH .eoix y^L*'OTxlifW3^i lla M w m iMdk ^mUTCU^^W\“yilhWirairWritY ^mmmEsnEn ismBS sns ^^^miEiE^Eiimimy Cbaab. “I Ibtto to ^ batetaniad la Atoy ertoJ rwfts toqggtod Eft l«er natte Da(ria, tWaiibaB OottiM and woadertul yertarmaiKA la n t f iptWIpS-. ifcVfiM 'S^VCM MtJllPttEI tEESMtlt ISlftlMtttElt E(E tt IPt^E^^Jttb Ittlft ^^tlEE^EI JUST a m UP toys. W e're Efem HeEirl (af e Sumtoy * atbar aateag aa (aatl m aaaaaort- dUtteMi ratoa," aba tald. ww^sfridrs "swiJiW «i#hS ^fcVCM- “•AM i^ftok everytorJy,'* ^kfennl d Ess ((ft MWEly inaaft at w titetg A ia ete rg da* Jamia twa Qtftte wa bam M WOH MT SIM.PMEND >^iK« #ie Ikt^ MEte MiPgiAygEd^E waaeA Awy's wofttor tortnitoJ «wer toe l2-yc«r|((ftto «feo ran tfenw^ e PHto Mp VM» ffB| VflEEEEiy lEBMiy ETBQ bIttMiSE IHHI EttMEfE Hi ttMl HlAfE^fyb yaara aga wbA baryarante wwa I t \ mck m “ Caitla etoctos Etol ew'A >ftEiift toe toieft to (mtftce ftfeEft SwMtey to w RIE^^ ^t^tllt^fe IS EtEE^^SsStOft^^SplStt^S^^ ^ ^^^I^^B^B magatlaA. Tbay warn ftvamad aw asOKfnONM . l^twr WPIplAscs. ^iCWi I^^MtlfEtlt tE^ttS^SI^tE ttlll tiSEttS yEEfEEftE EEtEEf Awaa i. “ natte ttartaeoaM May tba yaare later, aid Cartte aad bar tejb-bll .-■■■■■k-.Et^-.^^k.fc.k. 1^, ■ t a I 1 ^b- *’*■»■ • teft ISwMlEy JkhtoVI Es E eoistfeM |, hs S flllMb to||||uj|AMibbAiA d^g^yMAgggg WbBk^h A^jAftkfegA^Mi^ug^MgkBr%gAggA bA ^ tWM- baarftat ecbeft aad atwadad ala rvox'iAw^; ■* Wiw«e«w«4( M^^^P^Emyr VEE^M^RIt^^BBIB^EMaE^^E^pw^Pny Ef wiM^^Blu II fe«to»i. Atoy''s WMftfeer iltoi'T fenve tWit wmhMtsIMSs ^MuchMS te M t iE H MMMMNIIIiMIe iMCltMiUlH K W A yart a lA a Jab. maalbe at bar metoar*a aeboft, i4oe«»i> iwA* •'Rny idhiftAre¥i\ Eh^A I toiift ftn««to '— .-..k-kkE ^ijghb E^tEME tiEEf CMEfl^ EEEEEE to towtoevi v t |WMto. tfeey eW WTWC44 IVfC vTOfOTvW fSM CfOll w lQ I EBPE EEBEMMb EE BEIb “ Maw I’m martted to aamaoaa Dalvarelty at dm Paellle. Bft eba wAividftifHUy. In wk^s '«#iUK*we toewitofeetowfte stcemeJ irtoeiM to« toere EftNiUt to (wAh iftctoMie emI ttoiftftwito. • wbo daaA't da H at att. Aad tlX ebaftwd aigber adarnttea for act* dObto^tei^P to 44 gihug ^^gftdl (todcaH baaaaA ttX b tA yart at tag. mabdi ber debat with two X M F I C U N ^ baPwAA1 vS E A Aft^^Basa^^g^^gAapCEIEnMIM AbdtogWIIE4 Ea ^pfEME*a ^a a k a my ttta Maea t w a a A t lt g iri. To Uma la a^'O atet^' tylaeda a Elft^Efk tt^t ttfEEf f^tMtSElt EElt ESEt EEtE EEEltlt Eff hlE EMtf^tk EHNmH mEltt4 E IMrtliEEEtEIMH EEPlkb Y E my baabaad aad a iM atyaapg aaly uuuliR feijE juri 5 HIEeIE EltEE E pIlEElEEi EEME hENI thEMt tEEEtttEfu ftEEf lltE^ EStlMf E Ef^liEEEaEflEt lltEEElE tba warb matterat *Tft yaar Jab a ^*for*!i*tlme It Attnad aba wa Ths Other Side of d etoAEA^k tm AbLA bkAO^^AA ^aaePa ^AAgbe igto M u n u i N ^ T O OfEEft EttllEEE |MMIE lEEltEEIEE EltEltymEEE EElt. Est^^P SEHIEEtlDRl^t t E EEHtE^^Hl^p A aatert yaar jab la iM la ba a BtECm In lo E BOTrOr IIMMIE w lIB BECH fg^^^gg^ g^w^iA^^ EAa ^a a BEgAAAA Abt4^ a ---- biA. ,b H sHtSE^ EH Ee e e u MvEEH^E e e H E e H^P elEp^^^B f^^^BEI^BMBM yaraoaality( bM la da IMarulawt.' terttamaiii A “ItallowaA." “Prom wtUlad ta eaertttA terte “ To a t u ia dagNa t agraa wttb TOR REAL b^WPuWmm AgMMAidMi^te^'fth I ajmBBWA iMtehAhAAftPffllOTB V y mSIB AhAgg I^■EmBEwHaa^^^A A^BIBEa IMMBIE Ntibt“ aad “Tartar Trala.“ Pat jhABaia dg ^MgA^ AAgAa^gbA E^uki^kAg ^ybg “My mMbar (aatraM iaaei Ibte, ta a latga diA iaa t (teaV ‘ aba aba broke oat wMb tba TV movie I N T W A C Y s b m i o t e e ^OTRmEmy m m iy psiWEMs iim iVE b b e e i i e S b . e Utgb) la uart. uary aralaaateaal. aaM. “ rm doted teablteUy) ba­ “Daatb ft a CaatertoM; Tba Retired people help out IBig bdkMB IA^M^w EMAEgyi^^^A ^^R^^RBMBwI^^BEMg g^^^^ w^EBMBB^^^nMB^B^ BW^AA^g A la m y taAar (aeter'iaay CaHIa). aaaA t raally bMteua In tba Daralby dtmttea 8tery.“ Sba tol* n — I T tdaa'nm aw ltlllaaaitalte: hXiba maula.“ kmad wltb tba lAtaiA “Parla«t.“ ft^UnMNyfetoMn '<(e(aaaic *(ft (mtsston wftfe toe (wvw (JftacacU^ fey tXw w tos-sftw acr . im^A A^Mg AA^^^g^^^^AA e^^^^ b^g ^^e^^a ^^g^A^AA (aay t bava ebaaaa A H a m y llt e . tlX ealted “ tonaMag Qraaa and “Tmftaa PtaeA“ aad “Omad* e<((!C(ite(a(i(ieaa(ft wae teel Eft iwfttiaaip ■3^ 'R^^BRC4TC4 f^RvCw B^E R^^^BBI^E^P I'm vary bad wbaa t baua la ba a Cbaabt“ aad d biia dNwa wtdaly vtew. USA.“ bblf ^*^.kkk...... r.. BBBVgg^g Ab^A^B iB iilS RM M M M M ^ ^MIMIMI ^b^^gE^^^^E^IM IEim iiEIBm k ijme to fee y(tor ( >Me sytoeato.'* f*Mc*i|*wcsf —“ iKRfwws m s ^^g kn^^Aguh^^AA tfhgMkAfeg A^^g^g A^aaaex A m a . “ y a “ immk CbitetAbar Oaeft at a 9imwiB|b BE im w m b e i i e e b e i M u ^ ^ EE» Sba data yabbefty. tba taM. A y ttX A admlrabte tabla. Cartte —(e»tod(toftTy — to f Me VKSP S.IVCM TR 'HSmSIMIftn. SXptftVNfc fl(r I S H ls H iMfidiMSISMINSM teA teuMlbAfeA E^^^MRg gAAd^^^^Mg a^^A time wbA bte own tum Mtaar WA f " ^OTw^^Bg BM^^M^B wMI^^^EE ^^^^HIS^EIg EMM b a tt o m t b a r m a t b a f t a a g b t b a r t h a t yteya tba agato tar a b(Mbatball tabtagott. TV( EaaJ (oaaae (Mtouppy IIEeW' S M wxMWCM w 9Kn W ivS f!|pStWSM aE^AI^a AbMAA ^Ag^^^AAA S^aA guEA^gA^g^h ^yJA^ bhug w M im B E ^h m e R m im iE iM ^ y ib^r ^^s i e m b e m e e r e e i “TtwraX a ibeary tbat tt ym are • V * battikaaator wfth E'yIeiaaptoEfte'* ^R^RI w^RB fRV W^RNfSi b aAjIa AA A^a iaauAaSa k.^ ^AAflAA Aa A^AhAbA kAgbb^MAbAW k k.k-k. to Htek^^y, •kkkk k fti^^tok BJWWS '^WMmBBIERBEE **^mvmmmEBpmMB nERIw EES marrtad actort. yoa bam to •tya^ VtMJW ffC^/ *WRKI SWt C ^RSWwCfftWK SfM fAitm M R tMS(|!MI(p ItiOMI AAMAtoh Eup AftAAig EA^g EAba AMkiAA ^a aaEa iEjg ♦ IpfSrI f!m fWSKWK S ^OTtOSPrl B B^S oE^^B SM^I ata.“ ebaiftd. “wabava tried aft to IkaaKrwte^pe aft feto Wdh6Eft(aMl ISSA th) IS(plkMN|l Ssssi^. TfeM* MW ( g^^EpA kM^^^gI fewAneM g^g a ^^^^ nt aOteonX (mmiM ~ < c m it tone. A(m Eft toe ^^B B^IB^^MB ^PB ^1 Cinema do tbat A coayte ft waaba. bat aft T ifteMs SCO T^ (toaMEiKfeeal e toaaan; A^^Al^^AgBSA h^U^g ^mMS m^^^aX ^Akfl^to h^hMagAaSk ^h^to Atohl^S daS »50MlS UKE (toiftpetot ((ft fetes 5(ft, ft's moalbe at a Uma. m m Ic tk i/c t t o s S O M . alEltE^E E^tflE^EEl^tE^ Efl^MtEtl ^^1 ^^EE^ ^^^fEEft^lE ^EOO0 te(WTO CMEMriEfti^HrLA^EgEpI^ElkU^^nOl^^C toJtoEtej^wOto ft^S0 W R E CH (todanutpeaftaataaft ’a^peaesaftfeaft. A inA M rs SM lMI|plS93ilVS pVE^AMaMteAgalSig M EM ^ Ry RtoR B ^R^BPv ItoM ^Ra^ BMtoll ^S B^^Ryftmaii A^tetoObW 'CX^nSvP^Vr(MbEMetoJlto^ iJfeEgTrtoJ . feaatofts iBtmEiniaitos wtenae m m S N O ^ A S B T H E M A R E T O IT ye(E (Mto w tsw l e (ceMciJ to ttoaie.'* uwR t0SV EltE^EEEEMlEE> t^HlftEE^ItN^f VklE ftMH t^EMliEIEM EIEE Et wunnwAwi^ NUwn feeteare yean ■to*.- ikkbir ‘».*-*■ ft ***- ■ ‘ **—■■ ».>s. Vi « . C • • S \( « • s tW S WSI X7I w o t w M|^ ISSMtOCS itoaca(EEftto(p I ft r n i Eaiiab tentoton IEEEk phpEEfEl^^ EMfEEMME.^ E fUE^ EfefEE^^hEthEEIffMtH c - • • ’ • 1 <: V ' * s » . • *» * S ' •httoes B^^^kWEgtof I^MIf^Kfftfl^lflfl^E Ip^E ^I^J^I^ItEE fJ^l^fEEft^^L E^EW^If^l • • St*.' Mr* itoitEAMJi wfeo todkle raaidh $dfes lEaaal Iwwe . . i . • c* . . Ti ycwi *1^ 'Ooi'Cn w^wn pixataai (aanaaaEftA wacfttetoeeas tMtlEiEMlEE El(Eh OfEEh^ plEp% ElEftY pEl ElE^ HElp hEI%. KetaWaanttos tooaeM y w iwwKfe e ^ imsEK A A to . gfttojM SRM «RPE iSfCOTIEs E (HtoHpwM Eipes iM ftss‘aie'k. fetoaadkel! towaaaeWs E Niew EUMI t a p '•nTpOCHirKWI(^■‘EltoNiyailitoto tCrltJliP ’IrtswKwh ^ fvvrnOfl - ft 'C y^ rU m tC S f llS l JWtuI 4-3 ^WIOOSI XR teatney—fefltWs feaew VaeaiA ^^A^AAto ggto g^A fSJyiPICSS IfRSrPCSVronSISV SPI ■*SPfVnCNI to k k . kk. E» « N N r U > Y « l MiHto I rltot^A^kti *-fc ...... k lb k... t- ^tokk TF^t R^mP^RTOS TlftMxaeairafty—aeatoacaftataJ (aaitoaaMaaiNt mMke t m a o VFIS^SoTS Tr»rC4i^yfflOIR WrIC ^|toto|to|Mto w A w n 'i'964 Eaai^ swaaaatortaA fey (toe — E M fee'y toeAto^ ter m e t f t . wtof) waaftl^ iNas WEy ftp to !sh^'yi^uto m i 4rs Itoasi^-s IBMftoaaaas iBaaitaaaatos'i^toty yatm vawaaataitoto aft'feto ((tow toslWo^ ttHt feE^lfeElHt EE EEE V^^MEEIE^^ EEEEtEf EEH ElEEEiEf EMEMI ^ht *iW)S tofeeilf). feeatanteft m m m Ep HEMS CUUaUifW teaaeftwaaft (aft feEjatoeas's.'* '“W e've eM feeatw toiwft|.fe toe lE^^ltlEttk ^lEI^^EE EE^I ^I^E^E^HEIE iMttif m m E m E E L Maaaatotoftaato)., toe pi ■SCOTt Tl J«0)®-?iWi-5«5S)) feEs •aaMiy^pttoK (ifttEaaaaiilag E Sr WNOTES •AMWA tfaffasaitos teee. enpeaifts vttfksea EKawaaas toe raaaaaaanys toft feEatoeisv* erdpIlEtos Manacfeell. IBiE ^EEI PER E b EEE rfEREIE rvanWatoaaaiWl ifiiaaaan ydE laafti^ Etoaai rtoedk ((tptXJ D o I HOLLER I DONYOPesl Mr/WOUTH s E m (inMUti nil nun WHeW't2%lR DAD PfcStHTSAOfe:. BUT (NS1C3B, t ;) M lS W HOLL6P9AT'it3U‘? H O L L eR lN O ' 41----- aiKMlMIlLl MiWm 0 (II? IWWfAtWt AIIMMA. W. lOtMMt } OOOiMih «(tM leNtOW i g r j IIOMmm mm PMKMfRMh 10 IfiMft Mtmuwi N.IMi MOhmh M0«r«nMW AUjy OOP Ofey (MM OrMM ■LOMU feyOMiVfeMliMMBMlw r i ■ 7r“ ■ r: r ■ w li 1 1 II 1 ■ 1 p 1 u " it L IT" ■ u t j m i * $ ! II P ■ TNfe feORN L04IN <9fey Art twiMm L O N T M P A tn u e N feyKNMoiferoot p 1 'Ol/pCMAiaU6H005ei:ALL$MDW^ /Hgf«yfeC!,.I'VAL'WkV^ ib(/(ZglO^ H0WXl\6RAft«? ■ „ 6rAVg9lTE?^r==s==-lJ^ FOP A CSIAPTE^ LK5WT, ooNtxi W PW te^- It 1 ■ 11=1 b r^-s V.«MecHAN6^ r-i-> '< s S II 1 ff. u ciAP r j 7 “ 7 J L ' _ 1 " « v THAT •OMMM.tO OfCMD OAIN by H«mH AftwM Mtd Bob Lm ft Ote&ftA A A iiAi^ftiia E UntUpmiM tniW rOUr JUmOm, J o CeLtBflITY CIPHBR tMMn«H>Mt1itquw«,(ofonn CMiety ClbMr orypiagroM M onaMd frfttn qiMmioht hy lunout (Mil erainwy WMtIft. 7 ID PMpw. pM KW prtMnt. Mh IMt« In lh« Upbw etndi ht •notIMr rwM/’teftM MwyJivtr D 0 ( U E ' t a g D NfeMtl BM AiP L_ UJ.A0RjM feyJfenOMil □ I B r i d g e a g r t V BPbFAV VBQ *A|Mitg*^*** ** MSV.CARROTW VPgA ABOBFUfe 1 L U B L Y NORTH i-i-n Starting off played king of spades. South won the ■ BMAdOV bZL - > /.------410 4 aM, cashed another high heart and re­ fII4SS on the w rong foot turned a spade. East won and now the OPAbSgRL fePb ♦ QIOI defenders tried to take two clubs. De­ 4TSS By JbfflM Jacoby clarer rutted the second club high, bP6FAbA80g.' — IT TAKIt •009 rutted a shade In dummy and ruffeduffw » BAST t n x r n MAMNIM *TO PUT WEST When you have the advantage at ta- dummy'snmy's last club. Now a heart was yfeHH bbUPbM. UP y/lTH THI«. ♦ J«S 4KQS4 played to dummy and the jast heart • J 4A4 vorahle vulnerability and discover cease soioklog is the easiest 4 JS4 ♦ R8TS that your side has a big tit, the right biaced poor East In a vise, tt he threw jhinp I eytn did; I ouoht lo know because I've done It a □ — 1— MoytbNbbBblhbelitlbilltlltitlo •4;______• AQJBIt 4K10S strategy Is to bid as much as (losslble. his spade, declarer would shed a dia­ thousand limes." — Mark Twain. I i j 5 j w i s a s * “ * $ 3 8 5 1 ^ 1 It you can't make your contract, may­ mond and win the last trick with his SOUTH be the penalty will be less than what small spade, tt he blanked his king ot A OAPTAW lAfeV «fey etMrtn 4 e tM lt 4ATS1 the opponents could have otherwise diamonds, declarer would ditch his 4RQ10TS achieved. Apart from that advice, we losing spade and take the last two MfePHIM OOOPPf 4 ASA voor TV hidurt AWAV OROM , 44 ' can look at today's deal and exclaim, tricks in diamonds, the king ot dia­ ^ rp with trttiuenrelthn- ^ I JumbiM: UAMA IHilHMl MMONO MMALt "What a ditterence a lead makes!" monds tailing under the ace. But none iHM ot tht lereBn. Um d WANT Vulnerable: Bast-West ot these nice things could have hap­ toop wifti wdttr dr d "I SLV«i»aw Dealer: East Actually North did bid tour hearts pened without the opening lead ot a bit ot dmmonid In wdttr. lust to get In the way ot East-West. Jow diamond. Bb lure to dry ttioroufehly. AOS West Nerth Bast SMtb East doubled because he doubM, and It you hoy# on oirtrd Ammt Ml MkM » mum tw 14 14 ttltylilon Mt no on* MMMhw liMtMiikw MlnM wi M mwmm lb tMt iM mJSmJlSk ^ iSi58»WMi|iMi>«»»* rightly so. that his side could4nake a 4 1 S ^ 14 4 4 bbl Pass game. Unfortunately thp jaad was the A new took by Jaittes Jacoby and his wdtchBt, why not b x - SET Pass Pass tour ot diamonds, the opening bidder's ralhot, tho late Oswald Jacoby, Is now ^ M B tor cdth with d Idw-coBt dd In cidttltlBdr I Opening lead: 4 4 suit. Declarer played low from dum­ available at bookstotes. It Is "Jacoby RESULTS ttjsarfsxr.!: si3 T ! « a g my and won the nine. Now came the on Card Oames," pnbllshed by Phatos king ot hearts. East won the ace and Books. s i A S i S ' X A rrfr.T iT '.'n <3Mma ^/mr§ s Mmmtuf $M¥»et auot^ otMum p/mt» Aumomuo ttfwm outHL.

^ A a lt m t M A t m o w H j at» t t - «-^ --• - A-i..- liy RMM ^ jOMt aiMT ItkiR lortatiifartif^aia^iy^. ^SMMdikw rid sk (flkd ^ K SVfilOi VJOB Df'^olvwlll lOf jBM» » fiiR rtttlil MM ^ »)^r fm araw Of wnne. (tfmpfMkdtHtibuk^ R|gf uKm^nm dj^ W^n Wtmdlte iAA.t X Jtm ■cLAiM tt f^^WOa V W^OWWQp _ «rt6fd Hmk, H # w ( t p i k # w g m t p t m tim td d d t» 6 1^0 0 0 . Mnii Warn A w m M m ir 4U H lM aa^a Illfl vKI^AJI CTTOOVn 0 ^a O ftnlr mQ oifcelnTgdtjxxx^x. x lIHna^'grf nOM wnn a ^ ddjMItflr rOfCvdt^i. x jjdOr tICDH^ a* rtRi*MM *aaSn At^aeh A«>a « ,aT4sm.kai /fiS i m 5 WM inwr«iM(i«e( oip ra iRe iiiuiiei u^ coiTiginer* iifieR Attufueyeieteti0 CCfnN teAeee. MMftMWOWftMM- tllMWMiM” ■' ...... Ate: fuihu MW. MM. r tftM i M MIMWi M ^ ( jx^^Ajkk^^ __ _ - ,__ 'M tn j ah4 I t f M IS S A aCCTOEIR f0 n legtl W fWnn \MAPtnmiMiiudtptdtL x^d L^d^ AAtX. AaaaxAx AAdkd4 A ^A. LXt AAA. A Ad lyeAt.hket 0 R 1 0 1 / 1110 DUfC OT IM MMFyfTf______itklMAHiA' CHORCHES Bwnrmranc>A A 1.4fwno t$AObtO(AhHdik^mdiiti AOJPIA ^iNm ? . tMM JlftM «< Om tA m M net ApeetAlhA tu tmetAuee im ^ W M M M M .iM- wutk. Ihe tew uutAUe AtUuueye athtf O F rVTANCHFSl’FH f M t t d w meet MiMti 6e ApMAiHe in Imm l imcm w«l(i letul Mcef GaieFuM/ dc^uTw leUAUtieuHtyihetAtAtltaphkotMu- ^ 1 -* -A J M -f A -A ^.A A J ^ ^A. am M Pidii. (A tm t ttm ktm tyi, MANCUt^itft. c i b4^H4i 80 OAKLAND ST 6 opefraon ifio smooin . n s m m M lm s gAUkted «m5 m m m m THE MAZDA pd h t m t t . o p LMMMftiM hi petuumi tike liuue (lAte heeti ee*»Ai AileiuptA 'hum pthdudtitM ut CnRYSI.FH DODOr: lirlmryrfA^Ji /i tnkh p AeehkHt ekthu cau ueeet Mi L«f1 5 - I M I t l AI«NthMl« KiHi:lH|: (1)(I) CtocklniCtoeklni - uiuallutualli driven lotolly M to 45 mlnuici ai tun of I iMNMHi SERVICE 646-3520 TOYOTA heii.a||lH|aitotiplwHn|i(2)...... D any coohng lyitem check, Goodyear lald. 6 4 3 - 6 1 3 5 iMiiiTs iii(IM (iiv« to ^ am lOtfOlyear old ear ax a (ri^M. Wijmmsd AmjAAsgS^ ciamiflo...... n « to liarve tor ga, al high P«i0 t tkiht speeds at iindei iOTVI MwwWVw fioiimo...... iA 'xrrixxri/trfffxr, . meetitm m as it ttmtmMttt m y am And wbat l( yoa eaa't eoea xeraye koot. the tesiih: pawet toss. leMreyefH/Mso leemseiitittttmaMtMemytotfMmei So (Mictf fott kMW t pull and part tlma. cal noonsaaAaaaaaA ono aaaaal 4i woninji* 4KA4AaalMM SMds^ ssssA 4toMi^ jxx^to ^mdi igk^Mx^^M the best Vlilt out Naw P m Intorvlaw tali M- erefarrad. Apply in 141-0444. Alb Tar ^UBiwT ^R*WB - wrmBn on wmmvhN k m^o*. Sail Sarvica IIaney. earadndf; ^ ‘X d k s v W ^ . Parla Slera... 110 Tunnel Rood PArla llourA SarWee DapL Vernon, CT OMSS repair guarantee ^loh Otlly l-S P.M DaUyl-S P.M R o u ts 63 tfapulNaai lit V e rn o n 4llM4liMllM S4I Souih Main S(. 8Al.9-i P.M. M9-2038 WARIHOUtB (Heuta S) ISUi ANNUAL tail Windier • tMM4l9 SFRINO’nMB ABBIiTANT tUPIRVISOII in CONMCTICUr C R A r r P A IR BE A REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL y*a sty fra# LUatliae Bertlea litaylBjIial N A M O O , ana of AmeHea'a laroaat retallara af OttAM iitNt and you won't Hno abowi ground poela. apaa. and pahe fumitura Ouf company is expanding, We need motivated I A bem tjw pdiy tttarantie any- dHHxaVniSSgM la axpandlnp and haa an Immadlate opanina ot, w htf a. Hara'a ho« M w o rn , u salespeople for our new Olastonbury location. We •m Im I for an aaalatani auperviBer of wareheuaing and diatributlen. Parmanant peattlen. full banaftt offer fast start training, generous bonus programs, I, papklgd, houra: M . OandMate abeuld have a management opportunities and full support from a minimum of I ytMit enpeHenee In wanHtouae ittiir raitav ittm n ta a any- MPloymint auparvialon with volume reapenalblllty of non-competing manager. iia to aaa a eony ol tha ISmIll minimum. Knowledge of ahipping. re- iMaBanlaaQitaHMaa- 6 Eduoatlon eel ving, reeord keeping and good peopla akilla Call; HOPS PtREBTONE, Manager 3B»-8«0B ‘V ? r r ^ t i n i i u L . are muata. Only highly encrgetle, o^anltad aalf-atartara naed apply, call or tend reaumt Emlttge: M1-4M1 or M1-4MI GENUINE TOYOTA PARTS DEPARTMENT HOUR 8 II In oonfidanea to: /fiSlMlH Open Monday thru Friday Jjwea ManeHl , WE FIX CABS FOR KEEPS. e am le 5 pm thru luneh RECEPTIONIST Dlrtpmr of Nraonnel OIL FILTER NAMCO CorporilR OfNet DAVID CARROLL (be iMiy Hiir Sxl«n. wnn mil aoutu>n.-tiiiitrM B-tA-bt. E*|MVi«He» kKgl\ll, bul Mil too Banrioo Drive, Meneheeter, CT 08040 A 8 S 6 “ b I A f...r 8 . X V I k C. /W OW IAR^^W OTMKW / S M W . Canlax t l. iNin. tliM4iy.8xiui4iy 640-8666 Manattaitor BR8 -BS6 6 B358 MAIN STREET • GLASTONBURY TOYOTA Tat. * 4l4 »tt 801 Canttr St., Minchesttr 643^135 mmtiAiaistnvict lANCHtSI iaa M M ■ MM M M wija n ax an NX M I i.toP.' nm m f!g i kX p m i m ^ fjm}X 'JR tm niliitiiifiWf *S5Vf' ts&j* fSH0 . ixiri otrv PiMt§ ' AAW Ikum At m tm f i___ | g 7 » ^vlfffffpVflT* m%/Md fHn ffOTOTMnf OT WVWrfi 9 m ^ **W^^^w* r Wl^Pv WBfF WAMHOUM HILP MAMMd/«M af 4wn«rfMr^f ( Pfif1‘HHiti Hdtii \MWw9 v> ^WfrV ^vMfV/ OtlOf ^UfVw fv» rfffVFw ' I^^VfAA^usp^^m IfwF^V IF^^^wV# Pn^^w ^m^B^ff3SSB^BSSS5^tS?VBBSA ^vw aa^v ifMir iwT ffa*a A m m d^ dsdMt s l f i t o o i R IV W^MrrorTflw QflV flOV iFTiflrVOfCIFw vtovU rlW T O r W rvif^orv Wffff OWff ron oww* TVwf TFTTfw w o t VfW w W P^Vr VvTTV Of OVT ' ffVW PiUM^ilOfTOflOff TO TffO lao* W^Pm^^Wa PiiMyWtolArftt MAj^^akaJ^ukj^A ,»>»«trt»Mt W O rO FfW W fOwOrrOff ffi IVIOTWffWTwr4 r WllfvirV Wfr?fmtf(i0€ «f« ttffmMfAf. NvMfTf iwd FtfOt 0 ai far $pn»04 §01 MniftnNtMitn %fWwTWFIV OWfV^^Mv* fOi ewftM i diaflfs. M wfwWw mmfwmfwffWw WSifwI^vl^v flvOTI^ OWfWwT OTWy Vv EMtoR fWiM AIM M M iM fl.« itf i ^ i i . M i A mW fMf(«. WtfTK STm fd9 fMrfre« MA/bieo0^^/ fMieUHtit^tf mm ttamrasstiirwe IJ flMonUjm m i f r ^ % 9 0 mX^l^h HfOQtm§aoodl n S in S S ^ i OOT#.AaAOAM AmPdMAOIVVf duMrOr fJwAUiifflTOfn lahdfrtdi AadA^MaU•jr^aff^ J^LOMM^Mffia^ aFfoJAAim AmUamMM4 mm^mm 8m ma^m •.«. _ MiAi am mmuMa m u TovoTvr /Wffff in wyjj 1 Mor^ wntfmpmi^P CtolP 0CtoPfM0VlMn0 MVimwiIWiCMf F^fdif« . -iTOCKROOM MikNAtfM ' - anwjnvaijr wa iNivaPAjmd^ roao^^PRga.P2flssBil^Er|SsSH2 rowTrcaw dMMdwf foryau V m Olfr X i amA^A JM^mJUM^^kdAA ffmtWnfnwni mW wTmfwOfP TO aiO rU K m P W :.iaiiii«ii.- - ^^AimAai^AAAmI^^M BiF^^toa^aTFa^aFS* twin m.pPJa. .mPPDt iWarg 101 fftflfi ttatkfAPm tmtHUm. im tm m m ar S i l J ^ g ^ t t O iH M m . Wafara ?5| Ai§mhm§ ifwy pv jiwi nuunu IMf(M0frftiMfiP6fiSi I^API^V^SaF^M i m i s t S i d jAAmtAA dd^Ald ar lAWfy g ffA t Maidte- fhs oofflSfi V OrrHMV TO CItofI TOu i Agg MMmjMA 'W ISIV'' t& S !B m L>VI»HVI rW fflj NfMfvfft# ffifam Rflft« C hfeH «ii iM arntfiff # MiN'fcfRi MtrtmfFMHM • AffRMffRi IMM antf ifRffff# iftfClt* was SAltmirtiwr^ fiSSfafiTiwittr" * '« AiMfrttiIfnf m if^t^M M g ™ J j " .« >. eSii AfPNt* (< rfrVfffVlFT Aitrmm IMfr i mmm B^WTAMmAM mmww9 I o m Road...... jti Ifari BVT_|y|^ lyfUijdjyg^MwdW? . aaHh Raad...... Ifg -IM on fl#T P fffff O Cl0fnP§Tltl¥§ M lfnr# flnv O M nOfolli DMWTfra pfCN LudiewRaad...... fS -K U fo^amasT* tffcim ffleiudlftns Mtfcft«fffinff tffieiNfnfi/ rrtttffMf/diftfail (in TMSMiRgTIRC it/Fttfiefi Mid MMfimii/fiairdtfyi^ lieit MV/ tM inai a n a df«* AliOeiATR Maiwfer. ParguaeM Raid...... if 1-idd to lfl6f W W j t o / R ^ m call ciMilltsd »§maf**o4tfmum fH iM r lfli 0iMi< AMty af i O K IV B IIi mtfrnutAdfmM . to m t » an aa, a friaiidiy lin%i/N rirn m OSMltlNIfllf^ irt'fiM SaSlMMM%1S% Tbc i« Cl j^timcy Cofaidi Dtofributicn Ccnlcr » irdi Sim 91, ... rwwtnWnwnwtPMspmjmmmmM OPOTifiMCMMA^tMg^A ^^PwOifvaaMMadtod^ididM to491* < AAsasamWi am eaain* I sew «wR- 130 Taltand ^ra^M ^M aaeiM ifaf^ far driffNi iuu VOTO IV vUrmam V>VWIVmammAmm M^PAm4m^ InclUM''”^*** ' ¥»itt .fa J m m i Janaentl...... all gartieiilsei^^ lof stars, m m iff Mam Ina- Jerdt 91...... all iNiNfAtiaNtdaia Nf laflaaFia. i Parkar9t.. .M 9 -M 1 iiOIssaa IsAP MUJiitflAdvvwntvo auuidi.ippil* esi and^iXr'lMh 11.1 ^MioLAAMAM kkaAiliUTQiin MMMA wOTHV “ -• —— rimhli! aOVfIVn S S MlWiffVa & ^ ^ falOVV laat MIddIa Tpka...... I M - f f f maWoM saloi osim H- riiMHaa arafarraa. Prtnklln 91...... i,.,jbi...... iyj|.u*il mfmiaggA^A pOTIVW VIPIUWisiAAIAas^a This. AaaiyiMaafaaMi Parkar91...... l .iU ...... 1 o |t|4 f » carser aiMr- DARI-FARM 8 ICE CRlAM 1^0 tuimfi Nddd aaoO eommunieiilon tar indivimMi OraanRaad...... 104-810 iNlRl WklRlliJM fHklVRl i!dO am, wifti flnancF or kank- Vif'Hdfl, etOMM Hanry 91...... orhMam-lKMamililfts ina tratnirtp cunvs- .Prinaalan 91. ER Tffi*iffl{ll1}l ifgf illl'l^.lfl^ftftirilttfi WifM •vsllskli. Islsry alus niint MancMtsrloeq- I 1t<[ILi(Bwmiw»4ai|^ Has Immediate Openings for TiHHarOI...... 1I4 -1M T^^rHP*iJ??-gaiL'ff.nHtrcf ^fny rwW^fws ^m^p^TsW f0 ffiriH^yw m hwis^yM gJjmlWj.wWl'J isifw^^^^^a ^ya 111? g^ae* sommlsslon. dusilflso Han.TrlanoAar^Mi, r fM(iftpdrtUhi)fltiiiMHihintMlili|fiNdiHbi WallMay 91...... all •aallesnts ihouM eill MdMNMInM. lEORETARy lntton< _ the following positions: taMaato Mato *»***^^* ilRf^emAiaHik lAMAN POCr 'TW t IM Illlw pVtoto ^vORtol CALL NOW 943-aril / 94r-9948 Otttsu St AmuimtM, cshh. (hii dh a«y sf Muvi tm. str-w 4 8 M m ______ibtyoUM. ^fw^pnSJlato aatoMal^^0|s^^ww atoatoaiaiM^apa^i^oa SUM. N m bf «kil d hMd but )fbui« hM • Class 11 Truck Drivers MRUlHMi. a i t m H ‘ I****-■> MM aAMaMMuii aardina workina I panvnM ai MOfMary hours. BKMlsntNnsf- • Accounts Receivable et rafatad aMMIon. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR / RECEPTIONIST n . PlsasasindrMums typlHi ami amiUMiHl (iah 9harhi| OuuartUMlty) M l kaerts m m c i m a • Phone Order Clerks ragultad. WorkiHa ( ^ M M lcs at Man- **» bu» ■ t J. . AJU j m inNiiPiT

A LST of Llvobimv. Loc- MANCHESTER. 3 btd- BUSINESS & SERVICE DIRECTORY ovo bulb. Tbit wmi roem ovollcAlo Mov molntalntd Ranch it lit. S48S per month plui ★ ★ ★ TAG SALE!!! ★ ★ ★ tecurlty dopoilt. Con located In totl Hart­ btttttn Soturdov Mov ford noor Olotlonbury ONIDCAIX B E R p R S n ISi UIEIIVIC m town lino. Footuret 3 ttd. ziM ros. bodroomt, 11% bobii, X A ireB tlH l. ‘lAopIt TTSSinSnSmlno. Floors oScTToSt^rruckinp! bordwood boort, flrtl wood oportmontt. hffVITlVl o m o . W TVWVfkWIVTw* o tk d o y t. like now. Spoelolltlno Home repairs. You 4 Days for the Price of 3! boor family room wbb Now luxury, two bod­ Moolt ond nulrlelout In older boort, noturol nomt b, wt ito b. Froe M.T.S. ttroploct, cloteft, room lewnheutoi. 370 tnoektineludod. Roron and ttolnod. No woxlno otnmottt. lnturtd.64S- cleteft, elottlt. Bn- RIdwotl Stroot. 640- 647-8117. anymore. Jobn Vtr- BUILDERS clottd porcb wbb hot . SMO. tm ilo. 646-8788. tub, full Itnotb mutt K6T5tiLLiM4. C u b M A N b H E S T C R ST O 6 r6 T > ^ :P o iiW r - Codel lawn troetor windewt wbb tcrotn. nitbod. Working tinpit PLACE YOUR AD ON TUESDAY, BEFORE NOON, AND YOU’RE ALL SET Bolne ottorod at wbb reor blltr. Sobt- G46-86M mole protorred. No toctlon ouurontoodl 8188,608. Coll ut tor on Pott. Ltoto. 643-Mie. appointment. Realty 647-(»38.______• O AMNImi FOR THE WEEK. JUST ASK FOR TRACEY OR IRENE IN CLASSIFIED. World, Froebobt, Rt- iiSHRSKTSSfureperten tST^LAST^SSSnSbno LAWF Coro- Abti’t Lo^ • Mnisi nob AttocHrttt. 646- tor vorv nice 4 roomt cloonlno. Homot, otb- DUMAS Eltdrlc. Hovlno Curt. Weekly cutbno, 7780.0 with loTM llvino room ett, outomoMltt. tur- moctricol problemtT terblltlno. fruit tree • Csm m i-NHiiM lM n mgmmmmmmmmmmmmamrn ond kltoion glut iloto nburo. FrompI Froftt- Need o lorpo or 0 tm o ll pruntno and tproyino. ll^* WiNtt KIT •N’ CARLYLB uvw R^^wxa H* Aepleoe Ibtt oM lute penel, Froo EtNmofot Oorrlton Colontol tim- IR^^OiO upBtodt to t now (^reuH 64844BS or 6466813. No bo OMondablo ond w oikdoyi Iroo. itlntor- l i e i l T A I V : Puti Ttmo front porcb and o bom urlnp brund now cui- siXR sasTiir-rss: lob too Mo or too tm oll. novo fronoorotatlon. ootod, ptiOM coll DNS potmwi at on adolot- ttvlo peropt. Frlcod tom klicnon. Frtco r»- room oporlmonl. braektr pentl. Dryer outNte. 15 yoort txptrltnct.I immodloto ooonlnot. at Crootflold Convoloo- tor Immodloto tolol Available Immt- twlmmlnp pools wkod, roc cont trootmont toctllty. duced le 8134,008. R g f MFfinw i Q gr Tiome TCA LiiiicBplN g 047-0VW cont Homo/PonwoM Mutt bo toll ttortor. VlwlCflwfw V a OMDTTD* dtottlv. No pelt. Reter- roomt. Flxturet Inttelled, l-S181,M-l^ Century 31 Bpttoln. 647- o o rd e n i, froo t t ll- Seolta tartllltinp. Spring LAweRAfiHd 4 646-3M3.D“ W t Ouoron- im .a oncot ond tocurbv re- elto eommerciel wiring alsan up. summer lawn eut- «om-3pm. too Our Houtot” OUlrod. 643-S363. motos. Coll Clyde B Nurtory holpor done. 30 yoert experience^ Sent. 647.Btt7.______'inp. Com pM a landaeepinp wontod. IS otartlnp ^ g flW T iV . I V to .W . itow 3 liceneed fully Inmirad. und daaipn. pov. Mutt bo rollablo. motol mold. Hourt aro rioneo. Sond rotumo Booubtul, totolly rom- bedroom duplex. He Free eeWmttee. PATW DOOR 6USS 044-19M. opproKlmoltly Oom to to; Now Hopo Manor, UUVIVU IIWIIV WITfl J EIEBITuIe**” pelt. 8735 plus utlllNot. noUsaad. WandanI M xtt - 41 Hartford Rd.. Mon- uvui uuiiiia rarvv w* in 380-3S78. EtW inot. 6 4 M 2 U - T M I work oltomato woo- cbootor, Ct. ( im . kbebon, formal dmina TEloRTFTriBoehoror PAINTING 646-8366 IR S asm. kondi. Oood ttortlnp room wbb tron^ dbort Fod! Rrond new 3 bod­ H^BT Wd (BKlaifOT. WBHpifin^ t Tsar Oyammaa Woodland p a y . C o ll 043-t5S5 to bodroom or voultod room condo ol East- Counaollitp Contor 8ANDBLA8T1R*------>-»» and 18 hour potbton ovollo­ ■nd Mty MMieO. M yews ex- 4GCENT GLASS CO. FOinTfr* fW MIOl IVIln* Mondoy-nrldoy. Oom collint tkrtt boor tem- wood In E . Horb ord. NSCRlAIIHWt blo ot on odMotcont 6 4 7 -0 1 4 6 CYNTMA JANE WGTGOTT Inium ot 3 yoort okpo- to It noon. ity room, Hvkno room »-t 3nd boor, fully od- trootmont toclllty. t:W. lE R V I C n M.ACd. rlonco. Salary com- SAVCAii won^ario:, Mub bo bondy wibi wibi Iptt. 8 tkv llpbtt. piiunctd kltcbon, plusb NEAR Tolland Orton, monturoto with WMHp m I bolb. booub- corpm, control oir, to- mlnulot from route 84. 64t>4431 m ka'm k'ia^ Indhddual • MartW fopo and oftor tcbool at tomo oRporionco wbb Rkbl ^MWWOR e mMO AAMaiMiuA ORporlonco.OR^K M/P. 643- your homo (In Martin eld bomot. Sond inoui- TUI TvTUr I ODf VQfUVV. • i«87»vHtA,«it curltv mtem. Quoittv 4 bedroom Raised Bucket, truck & cNppar. ranUHaa and Oroupa D. W.f^ROO^.643- buim 8RI,«0O. jockson Roneb, I cor oarooe, DELIVERING Stump remoyal. Free 8M». tcbool dittrdt) or ot TOr MVIp rfOpD P A I N T t N Q Rich form loom, 5 yards, sPEciALiam m chiumwn 1801 or 171-1468.0 A Jackson Rtoi Estate. 1'/» botbt, 3 months eatimataa. SpadN I A » g '’T O io r:"'y o ^ '"Kmo nty homo. Piooto coll Monor, 41 Hertford Intorior R IktoHor ttSmus tax. Sottd.provol, conaMaratlon tor oMorly 04MM7 and loovo o Rd., Mancbottor, Ct. 6474400.0 securllv deposit re­ 9y Appembnenr pocitlon ovolloblo tor /A'A'neHHimwHm RpooMItlo and docorotlvo stone. and handlcappod. 8. Wlndtor Bonk 8 08048 flOinV OTIVTw PUTwTITiQI M A N ^ liis tk R . I bed- quired. WSD.nolInclud- Trutt ot our tlllnpton D A R T fFlm rir r“ ftonorol DATA RnW ciorknoodt3 TO ruc^prurv ttiu cnor* room condo In mint Ino u lllllle s. N o pels. PrMk wkwi In wery |eb «• dot 4 4 3 - 9 5 0 4 0 4 7 - 7 U 3 390 Woodland Straat otbco. Provlout tollor cloonlno potitlont ter CIF Dop«trtmont. q c tvt qtio u iu iiii dt condition. i'/» botbs, Coll toroppolnlmenlal OuMRy Ik our mwn eoncam. Sao-6478.______' Manchaatar, C T 00040 or cotblor ORPorlonco ovalloblo In o lorpo Uto ot CRT bolptul. yottoryoor. Lorpo llv- A DOURLR Hoodorl Su­ SPACIOUS oHIir duplox flreuloced llvine room, nolptul. BRcollont inp room, dininp room Tull bnlsbed basement RBARONARU RATER ECONOMY LAWN MOWER 643-9737 Mancbottor facility. Apply Sovinpt Bonk ot per 6 ♦ 6 room duplOR m wiKvVfmnT uoTwirroni ONE OF THE nicest WELDING ttortlnp tolorv and In- Hourt oro 8-Opm. Mancbottor. 033 Moln oroo. Itt boor otbco m ^n^mcn^WTVv • Locotod In control witb washer, dryer Power Wotblnp Lawn Mowsra lapSkad. ctnNvot. 7:48 until Son and loundry. 3 tub beokopt, nice rec minus about want ods is Hard to weM materel. Mag­ Mendov-Fridoy. Coll St., Moncbottor. Atton- vinyl tMlnp. Many In­ Moncbottor noor meir low cost. Another is Brush or Spray. lOkl SontarCMnna Monday, 7:48 until ll betbt, opon front room, pull-down stolr- nesium, Aluminum, Copper Buvar maets sellar in 6404111.______ben: Torrv Simon, 646- ■cnwie exio wim^viTiu* meir quick action. Try a FREE ESTIMATES w w w n i on Tuttdoy ond Wod- uui triive# s cqt uUfw^Wt cote. Won’t lottl BraHno. WMM Mataf, lawn Cloisiriad ... and It's DRIVRr noorJod tor ip t- l788,ORt.,»6.ROR. Loroo roomomid coun­ wont od today! rrea pick up and damary. FSM notdov, 7:48 until 8 on ionod RR, i. tomiiv Strone Root Estote. FuNy Iniurad mower bodies, caatlnga. boppy meatino tor both clol oducobon von for W A titib por^ bmo bojy to Mmn Stroot. RrcoI- try ttyto kbebont In 647-76S3.0 Murtaouk tardea. CaM anyUma Tburtdoy, 7:48 until 7 potonbol. 0 . W. Fitb fwfIT YfY^VmV PtWIWTi bob! unbo. Scoraoropo 643-3711. on Friday. Rototlno Bolton tcbool tyttom. men nipbtt. Mutt bo Rooitv. 643-1801 o r 871- 640-3S64-KEN OtT-OtOO immodloto oponliw tor ORporloncod In o il itftol Invw h g tfit y ond toncod yard. Ono STORE A i n 643-6774 Soturdov tcbtdulo. 1408.O moturo, rotpontlblo pbooot ot minor colb- unb ovalloblo tor tm- O m C E t N C E Apply botwoon Pond 13, odub to drivo tpodoi tlon ond rutt ropolr. orty. 8HRJ88. Jockoon modloto occuponevt M-F, ot 186 Wlndtor- oducotlon ttudontk. 640-3888, loovo 3 fam ily m nico rool- A- Roli^ ottorod at I vlllo Rd., 8 Comort ApproRlmololy 8 bourt n^oooopo. W ttttwY nvyvnvuv iiuw* 64y-B(88.e______8183,888. DIvo Ut O cMI INSTAM'r5m«!TnBtam Plato, Rllinpton, Ct. por doy. intorottod unit wWt Hvifto and lot ut tbow b to MANCHESTER doctor's stab, full support, com ­ * F liL L Vtmo potiikont ^iiliiON Accomp- plete butinott tervictt IBIR04/C0AI/ TAB 0(010. VvvTiOT CwtvfwCvr fOOUhr QMMlUfyCD'd ypul Rooby WorM. otbco, Hilliard protes- ovobobio at outomo- nWiMII Lookinp tor slonol bulldine. 3.1S3 with tumllure, phone, RW /Lfff.' l ovior pott- Buporintondont ot CnVTl OnU X v Vw tvvTT1w> tbo portoct m-low tu- • I ewwYYU* ovnuTT a ** ITRONNUnr IHNEWllllil RR8AIE BALE! bvo Kibo contor. C rpo- Loroo nicely londt- tOCtOtOt.646-778».a tovoro tern plus lorue onswerlno and moll bon, Tpm-Tom. Cvtrv Scboolt Otbco. 643- rionco bolptul but will itoO won tbit ono It otbor wotkond ovollo­ 1860. copod lot. Scroonod storooe oreo, Itt beer. drop. At low ot 83t0. MANCHESTER. For FiCbIC Tablet cutlom MOVING I Lawn troc- train. Coll 647-8007. fontotbe. Houto bat o SBWmSeTISriRo Move In conmbon. In- 647-4888. blo. Wt oftor 0 cbol- poixb, pobo,3corpor- total ot 18 roomt, S dltcrtmmabnpbuyorol leate. 1840 touoro teof. WIMMWOOD bulb, mode le order. lors, comprottort, ro- RfITXWAWT. Rood oulre todov m 64641S3. Indutirim tpoce wbb tn e cord, t tael lantWia, Length tin .color, tobller, towtoll. chain lonplno onvlronmont torvort^, banguot opo.D.W.FItbRoobv. bodroomt, 3 tun bobit, Boo tbit 3 y m oM, 0 W tSfiSTTofnirTR witb prowtb orlontod 643-1801 o r 871-1488.0 touore toot ot prtmo obice. Eoty occett 1o vYvVffpmnwWTWVy • WlOYTYTyfl- motorlQl, optional. sow, swivel vice, ble 0 torvort, bonauot bor- 3 cor poropt, 3 broplo- room U R R bulb mum. MAtfPR/VltA CARB toclllty. Altooccoptinp To lAo^o^. JiKony cot. Rooutttul 3.S ocro Contompororv tbot tpoce wbb privoto both 1-84. Colt 648-7491. Slorbno prices 6b ter cutter, clolblnu. 48 Erie tondort, dttbwoobort, 8100, Bb 8130. More SI.. PrMOv, smurdov, oppllcatlont tor ont liS reS te Improvomontt bovo lot wbb totm privacy, obort ovor 3188 OOUOt* ter leoto. Full tervico, m^MaAaam pontry-llno, ond bon­ Rentils TP dPOfl COTTEE BrORTfl Intormobon, coll Mike. 6 4 , Sundov 8-1. port bmo llpm to Tom, auot cpoko. Full ond boonmodototblt8 o 8 vom on. 8IS4,0fe. Jock- tom ot iivinp 0*00. umple peektno. Now ono full tlmo 3pm to ■■•■■■■■■■Mi AiplOR, Indudlnp; now Sunken livinp room, b ulM Int. 647-4M8. TTPITi CWWIEI vT PIQEITC* TsW 64743M eveninot and k f iMNW NuoSnAw- % port ttmo potibont ton R Jockoon Rom llERfI wnn EENCinWvOOG. 10 t n s M lR Horn, Mondoy tbroupb ovolloblo. Appy In por- oil bumor, newer oM- Rttoto. 6474MI.CI T^^^^v T^wTfTfy 474 lA A V in iim r ^ c o wWWRCMUS. Chester. Saturday, 5/9, FrMoy, no wtokondt. ton; Tbo Oollory, 141 inp ond root. Located ^rp&fhr 4 ft or commorctrn uto. NllR D CPRti RW PT tCT ttVOl 9-8. H o uteb oM , toys, For m ort Information VretCSim iyieewSB CnWVW vTGEiT VEV TTD lO n ^ r FtMLIi^iiobravToPl Now London tpko, ISJSVBu inomrt Sido ot Mon- In convonlont otoo. 3 Controlly locotod, Now ovolloblo me ro- books cblldron't i pltott coll D.N.8., cbottor. 3 cor poropo, w. — ft ft —ft - -Rk^ ^^1^— porklno. Inctudtobom. ueo. okwo e lew ceeted In RECIItATPRA l^ d e lb ln u . OlOttonburv, CL 8(833. U^^nwvTTver 1TS Ctaitbled. 643-W11. volullenory now 31' Crottflold Convoiot- An TWf ^VYVTV ^VWrTYOTw YT1 tun booomtnt and tntu- 646-3436. W et k d o y t. EQUMERT TAG Soit. Mitcobono- cont Momo/Fonwood 6tWWAi«l R.^Uyo- WVTowmV vTral vTvlTt family sice swimming ifw nwncTwewo le lotodl Conttebteweyl ttuurs# Ulr# r.o peel wbb buoo tun out. sm u rd o v 9-1. 137 nonco port or tub ttmo luMecI to WW Foir Ho«wino ovoninpt ond woo- 8164,088. StronOrjRMb worn OUT oowffiOTvT* Ri5vcLE"'^!oouir^ * S : fbnclno, bitor, Groms Manor Rd., Act ot ttti, wMcti mohM b ettoto. 647-7883.0 MANCMRSTCR. Ry op- DA*frTymo. Wi^ - Appppy in w^wfvp **HOOI to odi/«ftb»owv owA MUttO 1 Wnonoi viFifofffWTyT. w wirniyw * m s r gjm T ~ Mtrdif di.a tpeed, ibo welobt, top loddert, ond worronloo (Aoncbotlor. arapbv ttudio looklno condiben. FoM 8340, ter only 8978. Flnortc- Tbo (Ooliorv, 141 Now trtnco, itrMtottonordttcrtOi- ANDOVCR. S pertolt, 1 64M plox, 4 roomt, 3 B 6 l t o n . iF o v 8Ht, 9- tor moturo adult to London Tpko, bo^roomo oocti. Rxem- m a h S h e s t e T'TTS neuetloble. 643-6464, Itra AvolimMel Don't wbb. booubtul 3 bed­ ibLTON Ponmi lookina room townboute, 1i% MARTBST^mow 3pm. Crib, piQvpon, procott ordtrt. FIori- Dlottonbury.______rolloion, MR Or noboOM room Capo. Aluminum lont locobon. lOMRes. 3954775. be leb euti Act nowl bio bourt. Coll Jooir ^VYVYYYr vT TYYYVTTTTVT1 i« tor tbo booubbii bomo bobn, full boiemenl, AvoWOMt weekly June- Coll Peter m 1-808453- books, toys, tkolos, c M^e f io n o u o t. cbo^ tMlnp, 3 cor ottoebod Owner. 64M614. sled, ditbot and boute- 643-7300,0:30-3:00. ^WYi ^WwYwr^nlWf In tbo country to robro full oumioncoa, pool, Sepitmber. Hew 3 bed­ 7665.803-563-1161. YIWQVfl ftlMPivt nfVnloldoeh -VWIffTTW »-- - -- fllflllUIIVffl VTft.— UIV^I llllffWTTVH« poropo. Hoot witb to or tbm lum rtoibt room Conlofnporoiry boMllomt.96VoimRd. I wood, com, or OH. t688piut ubiibea. icmbi MACHINB oporotor tibio rottouront. Sotoryond Ttw Wtroto win net know- bomo to mart your R W lElfflIO . 646-4136. Dane, fully eoulppod, HBATSTWARIRE to oporoto vorlout con- , I ^ ^ a m aai^aBw IvfviT wIv^wnT w»T 8338,888. Rulldort and T a g sm e. m u v 9, i0 4 . iivuie nvpwofviwTV* ^orr ^ Oa ft WmWWmWr tomlly. T ^ bdt 3 WPQw CGBGTTCFWTI vflEI IIQIRIMIBIT vontlonol mocbinot. or tub ttmo. Appy In fTTWYiT wTITwl Iw TTi VIVIVIIVII wf Dovoloport oncour- boO^oom ptoporty con 3 ROOM opwbwtnf. fio Soubi Rooeb. 6434557. YORtaNiwooBBlUooL Ruin dolo. M ay 33. 188 Knowtodpo ot biuo- poroon; Tbo Oollorv, a p o d .7 4 B ^ . UV TffV PUTTUCT vTTDICU. Mountmn Lourm our- oppHoncot. Confrmly Evoninot.______T^W. Forte r Street locolcd. 8470 pbn te- SEA Roy 75 -83' Cuddy tAonebealer. VrvffTwo wTYTvT^nwYwYwT wfrO 141 Now London Tpko, m i mnwiin M^HV.IpKitroom A lu m in u m tldlnp, CAFE Cod,'Wotf boimit. GpTAN^lA. R^^OIA^N 6INj4 VRRlAC^A. lUllv eoulpued. Mony etomdord intpoction womoo from 81 (U ro- cu rb y. bopeft.646-8436 Diootonbutv. K^nlCTVr Tl^^a WPv^WWenrr TfV yfU^^W Tv^Pfl -9 UVUV UURM vDTTOWv# exiras. 166 mere. Ex- J 'A G Sole. 177 W e s t oautpmont it rooulrod. polr). Oollnouont tOR coMnott, % botbo. 11% moot, on pypronod tlomontory tcbool. cellonl condlllon. prbportv. Roppttoo- 11 VyVQT tlWVCVI. 1 VlfllllWM Sbroet, route 05 Rmton. > Apply at Oorlyto Jobn- Dot tbo Ptnnt M bobR ... ocrot witb brook, poro(0- 8138,888. Rton- O u lo t rotidontlol P M cin o on od tn CM M lb o d piofen od. 8488 weekl y. Ttmier. 818,980, beet Unutum btmt. Sotur- oob Mocbbio Co., S3 PRR|^^ tlont. Con 1- 888^- N ? » 4 cotbodral conmpt, cul- noiobborbood. It uotv. Ju M COM 6463711. 646B1P8. obur.3»4tn. dovMovO, 184. ryYWwYvtfWe* 6018. Cut. DN4N8tar do-tac. Ry owner. fel83.o''Yvo Duoronloo 8133,088. P rtn clp p lo ^pfTvm WPO fovT* 8148,008. 743R388. OorWeueet'’. omy.64F1S81. a « ««ga««««*««aBdagaaagaga«t9gg«ga^g«"gBtttfttsaa#«

Autoimitlva MU

kapt. axeallant running ‘"EspeciaUif ‘■i'orrMoi 11 condition Must Boin IM i SCRANTON tSSO/bast offar. 647- I^ISrXSSSSnTffJTe?- CRRYSliR* PLYMOUTH 6659 Noah reaches ttrle r 0 oed lahpt. OHnYBLBB KXEOUTIV6 VAMAMA.""W "B 'Tran nttPt tnoint work. VBHICLBB AND 8BL60T bika with now tiros and N B A draft Bt«t oWtr. «»-3»7l. tuna up. 6400. coll 295- UMD OAP8... 0775 attar 3. ao«M aw* HtMNcmo on LMai MOM, T o fC sem is NEW YORK (APJ - AMbrnna HBTIBA' ATC. W m star Derrick McKey btem a ttw TAKE A LOOK BB Adoono LX I dr. *9,405 1st ownar, axeallant To Mom & Happy condition. Runs strong. third coiiegB MBYkr to apply for dw 88 NISSAN MAXIMA *11,996 O randm a Mother's Day ■v fob Orosne Nathmal Saikefball Aaioefatlon FACTORY EXECUnVt CAR! 88NBLIANT4dr. *6,405 Wall tokan cora of. All Ttio Assoctofod Fran DIroct from Pord StTBOWAOON *S,6M sasoon fun. 9950 or bast Thanks for to the bast mom In draft after fw was barred from Motor Co. Dotrolt. 87 0ANAVANr»Mim *15,695 offar.______always being tha world! Thanks playtttg In Ms senior for allegedly (or everything! NEW YORK - Yannlek Nosh at France, showing the alMiig wMb an agent. MIchlBon. SBLaSAitON**. *12,495 LBOAI. NertcB there. form that carried him to victeiy last yoar, oaslly All cart aro loadad with 88 OonOLLA SAS *5,295 LOVE PROM - The Junior center JMned sopbo- The Town of Cav moved into the aemlSnals at the 1115,666 Tottmament fflore Nerrts Cefenum of Kansas aqulpmant. Hava low mllaa 8BLABBn *12,495 naetleut It cur / ioS^ Your the best! THE SCHOOL of (Siampions at the West Mde Temis Club Friday. and carry balanea of 88 ririH AVB. (I) *13,595 BHlnatM Love, Anna Marie, Su p p e r c h a ir m a n state and kndor Vlnceet Askew of factory warranlyl 88 06NTUnv«». *7,595 MOta- Fourth-seeded Andres OomeB at Ecuador and MofflpMs State. To be etIMMe for Bvarnment J.J., Richie li David hard-serving Slobodan Sivoiinovichof Yugoalavia, the 08 DOOQB 800 Cam. *12,795 IducMIon), tbe Juno II draft, underdsaamen BO Town Oar, Whita 88NBLIANT4W. *6,496 head nahe- No. II aeed, also won ttiolr quarterfinal matches. had to notify the NBA In a letter N Town Car, Brown BOaTSTnWaWMi. *10,695 Will- en - ana Srnoil citiN Ttm-seeded Boris Bedier of West Oermany played poetmarked by midnight Friday. M Town Car, Blue 83 ALLIANOBI dr. *2,995 Orent oBt t thiB______muniripairty. . ot No. 7 Oulllermo Vilas of Argentina, last year's losing of end for the PPiter l i ^ ' Year Another college star, Kansas 8t RiLIANT 4 dr. *3,495 andins June N> 19w. The te- finally. In the last quarterfmal Friday night. Junior Danny Manning, announeod 84nBLIANT4dr. *4,705 tol menlH hudoeied were Noah will face Zlvoftnovlch and Oomea will take on iwurs before the deaiHne, that he Moriarty .Bros. 88 LtOAN *2,495 lf,l71.Mt Wle gehts Muttl the Beeker-VIlaa winner In gaturday'a aemifinala of nwuM bypass the draft and remain Used Car Specials 78 rORt) OOUrntR XAI *2,895 Blditheuldbeiwbiuldbetubmlttedend Dear Mom^ thia 66-player tournament on the day ecrurta at Forest in acbool. received Sorry I can't be there, •4 M atda N O 4 dr. *6195 80 TOYOTA OBLK3A *3,9U Hills, site of the U.g. O^n until 1977. "It’s what's bast for me and what M DODOl 4001 dr. *4,905 98. and but I’ll be thinking at The (Inal two Amerieans were ousted from the. BB Lynx 2 dr. *3,705 Wdt will be ned In the you. Think ot me my family wanto mo to do," B4 Turlamo AT, AC *5095 Beerdeerd ReiReem of the Cevantrv tournament when Noah onished leth-soedad Aaron Manning said. "My family wants Town HellIf, 1711 Main Street, during this week tor Krickateln 6-1,6-t in juat over an hour and Slvotlnovteh B4 Cougar, Sad *5200 8 7 5 - 3 3 1 1 Coventry, Cennecficut,Etie ^^Grand”ma-ma my finais. me to stay and get my degree, and M Grand Prix, Lo Ml. *7B96 08198. outlaated Paul Annacono 6-7,7-8,6-4. Ctomea advanced that's Important." BB Voyagor 2.3, A C *9896 The Town of Coventry ret- Happy with a 6-4, 3-6, 6-4 vietory ever No. 6 MartlB Jaite of 91 Dataun B210 A/C *2995 IMI ioelo. Mint ervat fhe rlan t^ relsct any Thank you Argentina. MeKey, last season's fda^or of BB Cutlaaa 2 dr. *7B96 condition. 4 whtol er ell bldi end to wolva any Mother's Day ‘"That was by far the bat match I've played this the year In the Southeastern B4 Marquia (Brogh.) *5296 drivt, outomotlc, IntermantlM, Conference, had planned to stay (er loadad, air. 83*00, no- exceet varblai'*"• •s'g& ai for being you and remember; week," Noah said. "I've been working hard, playing B3 Dataun 200SX *5295 dafecte hi bio both ilnglea and doublea. And I'm physically OK.” his senior season. But ho changed BB Honda C R X *7695 eotlobla. B4^3M6. ewnlen et the ;ev- Ich Uebe Oieh Winner of the French Open In INI, Noah has been his mind after being declared M Lino. Town Oar *11,900 emry If weulo •t Now a Forever InellfIMe by the acbool (or al­ O Lb id m aeo t«63,4door, etf...the Town and all that hampered by injuries every year. And that, he says, B6 EaooH 2 dr. *3205 da to and hot necet- Deine, Andrea baa hampcTM his play. legedly signing a contract With an 94 Qran. Marquia LB *B69B olr. om/tm coiaatta, powar at oaring 0 oceopt tna I you do — “I'm tall and phydeally strong," said tha FrencH- agent. B4 M atda BOB, 4 dr. *6195 bid. man, who new llv« In Now York. "That's my atyle of .brakaa, automatic. 81448 HsrsMahotoavTuetiar Steve Sloan, athletic director at BB lautu DLX PAJ *5906 64^«904. playing. 64 Ntaaan 200BX *7M6 “You have to use your head Mid play with your Alabama, would not dlaeloae the 64 Qran. Marquia *6900 GOOD USED tumitura li Top awan/ w fnnan agent's name. But ralUo station NblB AInto m : Auto- In damond. Why not od- abllltiea. 1 use my strMgtti—a geodaorve, mv vdley, WKRO in Mobile, Ala., raperted matle. low mllaoea. vortlsa ttw tumitura you phytlcBl powers — regardless of the surfaee.^' MORIARTY 6700. 647-9567 attar MBnehBttBf Community OoIIbq# htld Iti annual sporta that McKey had sig i^ witli New no lonotr uat In closil- MOM Noah had no prwiemt handling Kridtstein, a York sports agent Nertiy Walters. BROTHERS attar Spm. tlodt Coll 643-1711. WE LOVE 19-yearoM right-haiider who rarely ventured to the awarda banqual Thuraday night at tha oollaga and Qarl mei tU iy Capri III 1 LOVE YOU net. The Frenchman never lost mere than two points on Qiimaldl (right) and Tony Maaolll wora raolplanta of tha Alabama baaketball coach Wimp SOI Center S t om 1976. One good condi­ Happy Mothtr’a Day his serve In any game and dropped Just eight points Ohrlitia MoOormlok and Matt Moriarty awarda, Sanderaon said be was “Iwart- Menehesler, CT tion. One witli itoor YOU!! Love, Alsting on his serve In the match. breken" by what happened to body. Both tor 9900 or 8AU Noah broke Krtekateln't serve in the third and raapaotivaly, for thair oontrlbutlona to> tha oollaga. McKey • 4 3 - 8 1 3 8 boat ottar. 643-9546. seventh garnet of Uw first aet and the first and fifth Dad, Pauline, Leo, Giget, games of the second. Krissy, Linda After ElveJInevIch and Annacone traded the first two sets, fhe Yugealav took a M lead In the decisive third Crenshaw In four-way tie and grandchildren • set by breaung the American In the very (irat game. But Annacone pulled even at l-l when he broke leadars. iRobbie, Steffie, Jennie, Paula. Eivojinovlch'a serve In the feUHh game. '" ’ .Hammond, who finiahed Juat Jody Rosenthal, the top rookie on The two held their nett aerve euily, moving to 6-8, Golf Romkdnp before lunaet aald "I felt like I was the tour last yoar, led a group of before Annacone had to overome a break point before 17 a||Bto trying to get home before it seven golfers at 71.TheoUwrtwere holding In the seventh game. Kelly Leadbetter, Alice Miller, Sherri Turner, Lauri Peteraon, Wishing you •v Dtnno H. Pretmon The 111 hreakt the Nelson Claaaic Hollis Stacy and Lisa Young. the happiest of The Atioelated Pratt BB-hole record which it hold by Mac Staknis, Konopka O'Orady, Bob Ollder, and Kermit Nine other playert shot even-par days, tit. IRVINQ, Tekei — Ben Cren­ garieyTit Ues (Or Uw low total on Uw Amy Alcott, the only twe-Ume shaw*! late eagle eeuaed a lou^way POA Tour tblB year wbleb wai shot Lots of Love, take net crowna^^ In two toumamantB. wtnner ot the UVB Claaaic, opened A1 a Pen Ue Friday, Indudlng unheralded with a 71. Defending champion Boh Lohr, who Ued the couree Oreg Norman, who shot a B6, and Muffin Bpence^Devlin ahot a 74. 1 ^ lAU Judy Btaknts end Ron Konopka emerged •• women’a alngte-round record, after 16 holea Frad Couptea who had a 67 gpencer-D gviln opantd with a 76 and men's Btnjriea champlona at recent netkm at the of Uw atorm-delBycd Byroo Nelson Including • damaging douMc-hogey on Uw last hole, were at 6-under par last year bofore carding M b on the Menebeater Rgeguet Club. Stgknla auccatafuHy OolfClMMie. (Inal two days. defended her Utle beating Cindy Rapelye (or the Utle Crenahaw, who had a 18, was Ued m . In atralght seta 6-1,64. Konopka turned back former with Donnie Hammond, who had a Q ootit takMt ItMl Beat Catholic High standout Murk Brigga e i, 6-l for 63, Tom Bvrum, who shot 66, and Hill opMW Itad To Mom a Meme the men't crown, Lehr, who had a 62, at t^inder par BAN ANTONIO. Texaa (AP) - Donna Oottano won the women'a conaolitlon tiUe 111. SUFFOLK. Vb. (AP) - Cindy J.C. OooaW fired a courae record • UIXURVVANS : Happy Mother's with a 7-6, g-3 win over Sue CHann while John Wykoff Lohr*! 61 Ued the cempeUUve Hill, bidding tor a second straljpit l^lnde^par 64 Friday to take Uw Day took the men't eonaolatton crown with a 6-1, 6-2 course record at the Tournament LPOA Tour victory, shot a T-umwr- flrtt-round lead at the MM,666 X ao VAH CAMKRS X Love, triumph over Boh Price. Playert Course at Laa Oellnaa aet pnr BB to take a flve-Bhot lead after Vantage Dominion POA SenierB 56 FATSO a HUS by Rohert Hoyt In the IN6 North Friday's opening round ot the golt toumanwnt. g IN STOCK Tekat POA Tournament. UnItM Virj^ie Bank Oolt Clantc. Qoosle, of Plant City, Fla.,plB»ed A IMMKDIATK rrjf! “I was hItUng mv drtvea longer “I'm enjoying it." aald Hill, who a bogey-free round with tour niralea T DELIVEttYI than t know how to hit them,” aald won lest week In Bt. Peteraburg, on on both the front nine and back Lohr, who la IBYth on the money Hat. Fta., after a Bix-week layoftdue to a nine. The aeven-year veteran otthe HURRY IN "I'm ethautled. I had a 46-minute pancreatic ailnwnt. aenior circuit has never won a POA FOR BKBT Otonn Usf. wait under 0 bridge when the Btorm Hill, II. of Fort Lauderdele, Flo.,- or • aeniora tournament. BKLEOTIONI HAPPY hit." birdled five of the laat eeven holee Boh Chariee and Chi Chi Rodri­ The storm delayed play tbr Its on the 6,181-yerd Portamouth gues, the top two money-winners on R0LIU83 MOTHER'S DAY* houre and the aoB grecna hecenw a Sleepy Role Oolt Couree. Her ecore the senlort tour, are tied tor second, Your the Best!! target aheel tor lieUw pla)j^yere wiUi was one ahot oft the tournament three shola biMoh at 67. Bobby Love Always, afternoon tee Umee. Ptay was to 16-hole record aet by Dot Oermain Daughter 6 NWholB heads a groupef tour Ued at 8 MOTORS. INC, Qranddnuihter reeume at 7; 3B n.m. Beturjo!layBoUw In 1166. M. Chartea set lie prevtoua course c*rHii»r • mP'NOBiii • roniur • ohc Tutints Trade 6 UndBay cottM (tnlBh. muw of Nancy Lopes and PatU Bltn record ot 66 laat year In Uw aamc chance to catch the were tM tor second after shooting tournament. f L V d ■• :, . 1 s i dCOfViMMUd dCflWidMNHd

■w OTOTOTMf POflMm fff 8DW0II Aftontoe ^ NroMffia fligfw ftaiw fCaiiM a past PygNte yxU P P W Mv iUMTfOKO — fki f«K ^itltofte tttgh tMMfMrff BtoiiMiMNiA MNWf MNWf t«am jM f irffljta M iwtfOB Mhqr h) ttf M tt MfMMflf l4lWia»feE. Han. - Larry 9m m . wto Baa fad «nni 1 ■UOTJV JOTmonvl oCBOMfinp MmP PI ] p.m., E to iM to 9CAA teomaiwanf appaaranMa la a to B a f hte tonr yean as Jaylwwfc htofcathan oeeA, aW Af a ftav« ««n A t m Ml i fMT. IfMRwMto, ttrliM l CMwH« tonr-yasr contiwet airtantoig thtoagh (ha fflB if B fsil 1 ^ m M«I1 Mn i iHH to In « e ^ tM« flMnfttf M M .... cgtM IIIMbMB «t totortM f'ltrfe. By LEWIS wrrHAM Bfown, often mmoradtohaieavfiMtBaiAyBFgto fg f I t o ll«idMf(«r «Ml C«f( CaflMife f f ^ toM * ratorn to (to Nattonad Btotottoffl Aaaoeatow, wBf ByLEVWBWITHAlM «iNl if r v tfieli «tMM wflf to partfctorthig at m taka tto aaaroeard ptowan cowtlnasHy iwaa a toar-yaar eantraat to said Ira flg M l” Take (he year (’to, '70 or ’72) ffaftnH fMII« tBfHMkml. at tteS of Pamor Luts Apatoio(4, Athfatle Bwaetor Monte M m m . kw sm ew ers, d Of Sfc mumpiy by tto mim* of the NCAA hoop baxto m me TOrnM Of 0W COmiNCl wOrO IK f mBOVIIOOw. f»l” WII m Astrodome betwesn Houston bar Of teams in tto Amarioan GVlnNHBf wtnwnf N yoNn• M IW V I f W W f f O H m W l O O S y and UCLA; subtract me pomts Laapua(fl, 14 or ity,»n(i “f am apatocfatoa of tto p a ^ wto tore keen so (34,3 8 or 44) EhAn Heyes WCHiCCtnill, Miva. — fto tfandiaatar Cmmihhi- sobfraot tto untform number of ktodtoma.'^Br^mM. "ffspamny.f'ntoaMatopay scored m met game, and add me laaaatMMtlihitto aS-star M f^ia r Lanoa Ptansb (ko0i potnto Houston scorsd (71, ruiii iiwjivin m a (d. dor 1S>. Stoeaiatoeidag head ooaah to 1888 wton Tad Owana 81 or81)towln,n. CMmntMMy Catofa wmflrad,ltoawwtosgiddadSteJaytiawtatoal8Sjj» PAVOPPt t t o answar acpites . ramrd. Tto Jayftawto want to tea Ftoad Fear to PAYtTPPi the answer equate tto M to by Amarioan Laapua til tfiittr totonw mto, totaantotem 8m* m1(8 v tW/m, l a . PaaigaiA rtto oMtofi I r, «i ti.* ^ ^^ whan Brown was mmad Ito E lilN dwcB oif toa Year. the NCAA Division I record for IdEfiwy. Deiiing onCfnpfOfi WaClo pOlm# to? Ofl0 yefiW, rPBKz Dy Bopga m tto ldS6 saason. yurmen’c Prenk Selvy. m'llm inK OrMt ( WMCiftfi nn wiiffv p n vn in y n m R o m I R « m telMdiilMl tor July 14 (z - ei - « XI 001 - »z + sc • sa ■mm$m EAtT tfAETTOED — Tto iltr Kaiaar FenMiHta (t) mt. tmmAnn etmM>me assn ... . . t/vminn (h m t. tUMSSAAtA ENTSSAAISe AMN, Aimitaram aaaafe, Ifl cenittnettofi iHtti tiw tout Harttard toflta and Raa Da^ai^Mrt and tto M r 4 MerOBaM^,said eto Bled tto laweeHlaetnionttla tUrrr raatHral, will to told an M y 4 (a totnafit n a Waahtanaw C o i^ Oreult Court, tto Detroit Haws VCann Chlldran'a Canaaf Prafram. fTa& Tto SKraaa will . pssfsi.gxsrasa ron SfW Jim 's a t m / T^ inrt raeards In conneetlon wKh tto ease have haan 11-4, sTmke A M . j<^M m sto esv anFaritoatiiraat. RaglatratlantoMtiataradnnailand Hockov aupprasaad by Judge Boss Camptotf. A haailtoi M mm. i# eMSweev 18 attar that data. Ear mara Intarmatlan and SF. ectodidedler Junee. __ xsSiSr appUcatlana, call 8W-88M, eatanalan ISM. Base said aha la aMdag IDM na to pay 878,888 a year to support bar 8-mantb-oM daiMhter, Aahtey Marfa. BIfli Wllklna, 17, says to la not tea efiBd'a tattor. Dunn comptoti tophomof ytar ■OrnWr VTPrj I atWALS •ciASPi.ViCNSteiSSs^^ kUSsCw NORTMEIELD, Vt. - BHan D^nn, at tfanetoatar," 18:18 am fWmUnWm vO TIlifinw haa camplatad hla aaphamara aaaaan an tto Narwiah ROM E - Top-seeded M artina Navratitova of tto Univaralt* wraatling taatn. Wraatllng In tto iM-paund Unitad StatM heat West Oarmany'a aaudia Kohde- claaa,, to had a 1-8 mark wHh ana tall. Ha la a itm Eaat AllUiMUfSSSL^ 08 UtdeLeagM Bowitof <. Rnseh >t. 8-8 Friday to ranch (to aamHInafs of tto Cathahc High graduata and la majarlng In gavem- 8188,m Italian Opan woman's tennia toumamant. mmt. He la tto aon at Thamaa and Sandra Dunn at The victory sat up a aamifinal match for Navratilova Stephen Street. m , 3;M a.ffl. - - t ‘ 11-1 with Argentine toan-aa^ Oahrlela Sdhattol, who N fW sm s t— p outclasaad 18-year-old Arantxa Sanches of Spain dO, mKr. i isSisr^^ tt annadMeMs 84). TM Are AfM srs OtMoteO Amsrlcon Jtqij^Mwojl t T j m Qlrit fast pHoh rtgittratlon M t ’-tjsyiHft In another quarterfinal, (hlrd-aaedad Helena Sokova tgw/i&’W iXiKS fa , JlvOv ntos of Csachoalovakla d e fe a t Joditb PoftI of Austria 8-4, vOt TTIVWfffllVTWWnVOrOWfrfW vWf* CGVWV te AimAav, Arem n e Manchejrtar Hec Department will to balding PMim UN, Niwlil N girla' taat piteh aattball reglatratlan at tto Mabaney ,fi*la.m. Bukova w ill meat aacolnd-aaeded Steffi Oraf of West «*« Center nw until Mto « tram 8-8 p,m. All jirte A1 Germany, who overcama a stiff challenge from ClOtfM CllM IIT '**y“ *r araallglbla. TIm m win are a.m. A r le n e Battina Fulcq to win 8-4,8-4. p r^ t^ playing lead b r opening the aecond Imring Ward for the aecond out. 44g4aot abet. DIx m , m , gat the 32?Srt jLcrirrt!^ with na aeventh homer, a drive off Pagliarulo, who, Hke Word, came victory. S S & .»a lw M J55V M l. iSaiweStod the H |^ tower In left agaliHt John Into toe game with only one home ftoyxls t, IflStafis • Candffarla. run tMa aeaaM, lined the next pKck “ ^ hSSaaawaTMto’aiiw totoalliw i^ PHMidsIphls's K|sH Ssmusison Is Brian Downing nut California over the rii^-fletd tence for hto At Cleveland, Bo JaekaM hft a M .rj IfA J aecond career grmd Ram. two-run homer M d Thad Boaley, ‘MwlayilMaMktflwtoMafffaaiaiw'ralwtfffl pInnoKt sgsinst th« bosrds by MontrssTs ahead f-1 In the flftb with Ma nth Obris Nllsn in thsir NHL pfi^off gsme homer, a two-run ahot after a alngte Cedlte Ouanto, f-1, the third New JuM BMiquex M d BHI Peoola Mt iiM M ." fkNHtoa Caacfi» » fH d i m M. ^ irA i by Mark McLemore. Wade Boggi York pftcher, worked out of a aolo heme runa Friday M M aa toe TIM Kaelwto arc M M t Malory.Mftory. OitoO ii^ lotear a f t------o m Prldsy nlfpit st tbs Porym. Tbs Plysrs aocriflce fly putted Beaton even In baaMtooded, no-out J «n In the Kanaaa City Royali beat the ______»to(— * ffan M «Mefta to tka I at One- ? Ij won. 4-a, to tsks • 2-1 Issd In fb« the bottom of the fifth. eighth and earned the victory with CtovMand Indiana M tor their fifth ptoyXto. Aad cab'MM, • M l Laa Am b Im Lakan, It 4 ( b«st*of>saw«n Ws Im Conforsnos finsi CandMaria left after the fifth two Mtteaa MMnp, atriking out corn ecu tive victory. were aMc to eoBM bw wto a pfaqwn aarica allar «m!nSSo7fPrcNrt-llataaiMi Angel flatour drove In three runa M TlO S . becauoe of tlghtaem .In Me lower Ic M titoir flnl two I I OB too read agMaat im ( > laioici Ml of M bock and Baylor greMed reliever Yankeea are the only team In Md Mark GuMcta, >4, allowed two DeWayne Bulce with a home run on baaeball tbat haa not teat to Ha own runa over aevM Innlnga In oMtong darprlaa 1-1 wiaaera over Dallaa to ttalr o fw iM “ ------M l at atadlum thla year. The record tor ClevelMd to Ha fifth otralgM loaa. 4 111 the flrat pitdi In the aixth. roaaiplayoff oarlea, tkaSaftawoB lll'lWtoevarttoM . ___ 141 alNaw Veto The Angela made It 5-5 in the coneecutlve victotiea at home to The Royala’ winning atrMk la their •od IM 7 to Howton. __ Propp^s late goal atari the aeaaon la 15 by the 1911 longeat aince they w m eight fiafOatralMKiaaMl, wi;: aeventh on Devon White'a RBI Tka lloekot^Metory to OaBMlaMOMtlMn w^^ aln^e following an error by ahori- Detroit TIgera. OtralgM In September I9 «, a month fifto fMiM to TiModay a l g ^ a ^ f m fWtoMlelTeaaMCemMMl, atop Ed Romero. AthtoHes 7, TIgtrs t before they w m the World Serlea. aim M irr to act for aaxt Tboraday wMk tka (nl s s Sts gives Flyers lead JockoM hft hla aixth homer of the aavaatt gwna. If iioaeaaary, adwdalad to Taxaa At Detroit, rookie Mark McGwire x m o m M d PecOta followed with hla YinliiM 11, twins 7 homered twice and drove In four flrat mMor-league home run In the ^ '^ W a S o a M ^ a Httio moroeaiifldeBceiMW," aaM lBBwiao3?T3wwm: By Kan flappepert At New York. Mike Pagliarulo Mt runa and Mike Davla alao homered ninth iMlng off Rich Yett, giving ntek. “NowwakBowflaattlaiokiiniaa" 040. IP N B M M ae The Aaaoclotad Praaa a grand atom, Ma aecond home run during a five-run fourth Inning Kanaaa City a 9-5 lead. The Royala 'Wa o iil kava to ^ kard," SaanaeB aaM. ‘Ttto of the game, capping a alx-run rally Friday night, giving the Oakland began the game with M iy 17 fotaf to ka a vary kmgk 1 ! td wlB aa latarday.' M O N T R E A L - Brian Propp'a goal with S; M to play In the ninth Inning aa the New York Athletica a 7-2 victory over the homera thla year, loweat In the lifted Philadelphia to a 4-5 victory over the Montreal Yankeea beat the MInneaota Twina Detroit TIgera. American League. m i l Canadiena Friday night, giving the Flyera a M lead In 11-7 Friday night and became the McGwire connected for a three- BIu b Jays 7„ Hangars 4 their Stanley Cup aemifinal aeriea. eighth team In major-league hla- run homer In the fourth and hit a I I! I ? The Canadiena. who outahot the Flyera 59-15 but were tory to win Ita flrat 10 home gamea aolo ahot, hla aeventh of the aeaaon. A T Arlington, Texaa, Jeaae Bar- Warrior fans to V T act. •• In a aeaaon. in the eighth qff Detroit atarter field hit two homera and drove in •.Lama 15 11 417 — denied time and again by Flyera goeltender Ron 15 12 JM M Hextall. will try to even the beat-of-aeven Walea Rickey Henderaon hit a two-run Frank Tanana, 2-2. Davla went five runa Friday night, giving the Conference finala at Home Sunday night. homer off MInneaota relief ace Jeff 3-for4. Including a aolo home run Toronto Blue Jaya a 74 victory over test the Lakers After Hextoll robbed Shayne Coraon alone In front. Reardon, 1-2, before Pagliarulo and double. Texaa. ending the Rangera’ eight- r^ lfS u m tu Rick Tocchefa 35-foot alapahot waa blocked by the connected. Curt Young, 4-1, gave up alx hita. game winning atreak at home. Montreal defenae. But Tocchet chaaed down hla own The Twina led 7-5 on home runa by atruck out five and walked one In Barfleld'a three-run ahot capped ■v Tka Aaaacfotod XrcM w T act, •• rebound In the comer and fed Propp. who beat Tom Brunanaky and Mark David- eight innlnga. Detroit la now 0-5 a five-run flrat Inning againat Joae pntlptail^ aon. both of which atruck the againat left-handera thla year. Guzman, 1-2. Barfield hit a two-run m r rtbrcmoo irUM Montreal goaltender BriaiwJiayward from the left OAKLAND, CaUf. — The Loa Aafelaa Lakara kava HoMten 10 11 J B IV to 4( clrcl6 —— left-field foul pole. OrtolM 7, White Sox S homer In the third oft Guzman tor a yet to kwa a playoff fama or ba aarkwato taatad to tka 14 n j S 3V Pelle Eklund, who had Si^ired two aecond-period The Yankeea began their come­ 7-1 lead. MvMnip At Chicago. Eddie Murray, NBA'a poataaaaon touraamaBt, outaoortof oppoaanta ten Dwoa goala to tie the game, aet up Tocchefa go-ahead tally at back In the aeventh when Gary Jim Clancy. 4-2. won hla third by an avarago of 11 potota to flva ganao. 3mL«” 5:29 of the third period, giving the Flyera a 5-2 lead. Ward’a aecond home run of the locked in the longeat alump ot hla straight decision. ecMyol Eklund carried the puck behind the Montreal net and game and Pagliarulo’a flrat chaaed career, hit two home tuna. Includ­ Bnt tknr kava yat to play to froBt of tka OoMan State MInneaota atarter Mark Portugal ing a two-run shot with two outa In Warrtora'^ faaa. Tkay will kava tbat axpariance ,..S b laid a perfect paaa on the atick of Tocchet. who fired a five-footer through Mayward'a lega for hla aeventh and made it 7-5. the ninth Inning Friday night that Saturday aadSunday toOamaaaandlof tbataama’ Reardon. 1-2. took over for Keith powered the Baltimore Oriolea to a DAILY baot*of>aavaB Waatam Confaranca aamiflBal aaiiaa. playoff goal. , . ^ , tel However, with Tocchet In the box for high-aticking. “ I tktok H’a going to ba mtod4>oggltog,'‘ Lakara Mata Naalund rebounded Chria Chelloa* ahot paat RENTALS Coach Pat lUlay aaM after hto team want op M wHb Hextall to tie the acore at 12:55. Naalund waited for from Thuraday nlght'a iM -iai victory to Loa Angalaa. lOraaa 041 at CtecMiwn Hextall to go down, then flipped the puck over him for “ Th w 'rc (tbafana) going to bo aacitad, and tlwy kava hla aixth plaoff goal. ’(Oteda >41 at ANoMb a ^ t o b a . ” o The Canadiena atormed the Flyera’ net from the I TkaWarrloro, eompatingtotbaplayoffaforthaflrat tPaltorian 141 at Ion Mon. opening faceoff and acored twice In a 50-aecond apan to •( r l41 N r l i y tiBM to I I yaara, wara down M In thair opoBlng round >41 ot Loa Anooloa lead 2-0 after 5: IS had elapaed. aartea with Utah. But tkay cama back to win twica M t O Chria Nllan made It 1 -0 at 4:23 when he converted the s baforo bolataroua, aallout bona crolvda and than boat l|uuiil£M M l at aan Olaoa ; j j j I } rebound of a ahot by Coraon. Hextall atopped ahota tka J a n to Salt Laka City to advanca to tka aacond from Sergio Momeaao and Coraon. but Nllan ahot Coraon’a rebound paat HexUll for hla third goal of the sufim roimd. DJn. "But Ikia la a great team," Warriora Coacb Oaorga REDSOXvs ANGELS 1PM Also w H M * : . , ^ ‘o4n. playoffa. Kart aaM of the Lakara, who had tka NBA'a boat 4M5 a.m. Chelloa made It 2-0 with a power-play goaf at 5:13. Affordublu regular aaaaon record, M-17, "Wa’ra going to have to ‘Ojh . With Phlladelphla'a Oreg Smyth In the penalty box for 4:05 am. WMk and Monthly play great baakatball and we're going to have to have Jon holding. Chelloa grabbed the rebound of Ryan Walter’a Rental Rataa tM fana kolp oa." ahot and beat Hextall from about 10 feet. H m Warriora boat a Utah team that waa witkout TiwPJtliLar' uPHlA . M 0 > -t> ~ The "Flying Frenchmen” dominated the Flyera for regular point guard Blckay Orean, Injured early In the the reat of the period, outahooting Philadelphia 21-5, 646-0128 aartea. Tka LAara have baakatbairapramlar guard In Ym I n i II.T w Im ? NlHlIlll LN|M nSSHS p irrait t ib kMBOH u w fTPMRO-lianad Mt- but were denied time and again by Hextall. Karvto "Magic" Johnaon, and Rlley’a team la healthy The Flyera turned thlnga around In the aecond and rolllag. period, carrying much of the ploy and rallying to tie the On Tboraday night, Karaem Abdul-Jabbar had a ^oLrbM rk M Alim 8. Eipii 0 score on two goals VWIaaooJEklund. Lynch Leasing U>pdBt fourth quarter aa the Lakara turned back the 00 Eklund made It f-1 on a riaing slapshot from the lert Warriora, who trailed by M-M early to the cloaing SSSTto NOUtTON _ ^ . MOWT1MAL circle at 4; 29, converting Tocchet’e passout from the rS 5il| •brh.te - . . . torii^ eOLLAM 436 W. C IN TX R S T M I T parted. The veteran cantor finlahed with n pointa. m Canton end boards, Uwn tied the game on a power play at 15; 21. MANGHCSTtft "Karepm cama In and took the game over. We mi ill beating Hayward from the right circle after being set naadad amnalhing to happen and he gave It to ua, Juat rc 4000 Mn«le» 4 if Crh Conor, up ^ Tim Tookey. Uka ha'a beoB doing all Ua I I yaara to the league.” ito iifoanmw'c lia lloam ■54H ■-m Mets edged out Cheneyiilows out Bolton in dtamohd action in extra innings \f.-i H .8 . R oondiip 0 m

k"*** N L R r a a d n p Y our baste blowont , _ ' n u t to what happened Friday afternoon at j^ v o - Firid.nsCbeneyTedil>aari>all team trounced Bolton m i- ^ By Tha Asseclotad Press Hiifo, 884, in a ganM called after rix iiu d i^. Cheney, snai^ng a two-game losing streak, is now A T L A N T A — G rnlg Nettles Okeve In the winiring run 74 for the aeasMi nddte Briton is iM in varrity games and8-7overriI. '• ’ I P ' ' ’- with a saeriflee fly with ena out in the N th inning as the AUnta Braves e d ^ the New Yerk Mets 4-S Friday Junior Jhn Krone pitched a fine game for the night. Beavers befrie giving sray to Mark IwOetier in the sixth inniag. O w ney aoored runs in tbe top of tbe first [ * t ' Date Murphy walked with one out, stole second and 18 M: advanced to third when catcher Gary Cnrter"s throw keyed by five wriks, four Mte, Mid two errors. Brian bounced Into center field for an error. Nettles then filed Martin had a two4tm sinide mmI Maguire alao OV ' delivered an RBI teae Mt. Briton was able to get oriy =#( out to medium right field, with Murphy scoring after Darryl Strawberry made a weak throw. one M t in the game. The victory went to Gene Garber, 4-1, who wm-ked "It was ovw esriy,” CbeMy Terii' Coach WU one inning in reHef. Jesse Orosco, 1-8, took the loss. Baccara said. "Krone pitched h i outetending gam e." Jack Sikma (laft), Dannis Johnson gambling In tastimony bafora a Marcl- Ossie Virgil had tied the score 8-Swhen he opened the Krone dMn’t aUow a Briton idayri' to rM d i baae until the fourth Inning. Krmie struck out nine. (oontsr) and Paul MokaskI, all of whom opa, Ariz., county grand Jury, according seventh inning with his Nxth homer of the season, a Glenn Parent and Maguire led Cheney srith three Mte shot into the left-field seats off Ron Darling. '•H ara In tha NBA playoffs, ara among to transcrips obtained by a nawspapar. each whBe Milte Main. Krone, and Don Sauer add^ savaril athlatas linkad to oooalna or The Braves hit two other homers off DarUng. who had entered the game with a 6-0 Htetlme record agalMt two hits apiece for Cheney, ffoeney’s next game is Momtey at Cromwril wMte Briton is at Roriqr Hill . Albert Hall hit hit first homer of the year leading off the Atlanta first, and Murpiqr got Ms sixth of ngh. - t • • TBWfVM ppMBV Wf rwwm ChsaevTScb tW IteiW a W f ! the season to open the fourth. OTP PPP"**^i*o Celts’ DJ linked to drug use KrsM. PMeHar I « . and Main, wisdte. Coriys O ). Wnto Chnnny Inch’s Jim Krone rolls across Krons was tha winning pittHwir in b tob A I 3, Bxpot 0 ^PM Srone. iP-unsSle. home plats during Friday's game Chena/s 22-0 romp. Cm Um m S fTMB page M JtriinsMi, a Celtics guard, said be the February gl game wHh the Suns At Montreal, Mike Scott pitched a two-Mtter and against Bolton at the Beaveri' field. had been asked about drug use by and ‘‘saw nothing that would raise struck out II, tying his season high and tending the cocaine. I dM not taka cocaine and smne reporters. suspicion one iota." Houston Astroe to a 8-0 victory .over the Montreal MHC Mmiipht WlHdng pitcher Diane Pepin spun a three-bitter at to the third. Paten tripled and Walsh doubled Mm did not give him any informatioli "One said I heard you were a “There wasn’t anything, whether Expos Friday n i^ . M HS and she helped her own csittse with two Mte. tta rii^ ttras of its four Mte in one liming, and home. Gibbs followed with an RBI douMe and Jack about the game other than what I casual user of cocaine," Johnson it was less or more, that was any Scott, 4-8, who one-hH the Los Angeles Dodgers on isttiite aome hrip foora the opposing piteher’s ringled home Gibbs for a 8-1 tead. Walsh was “Believe it or not. I wasn't impressed witii them wouid give to an average fan who said. “ I don’t know what casual different from any other games," April IS, walked two and snapped a twu-game losing srfldness. M sirhiistar High toppled WiwBiam H i ^ , lwlth8RBIssriilleOibbs and Ayer added two hits (Windham) as m u ^ as the first thne," IndiaB Coach wouid come up and m ya ‘how’i the users are. Either your a user or Nelson said. , streak. The Houston right-hander had a no4iitter MaryFaigBaatBrid."Iwaspleaaedwithaiewaymy team piayingt ” you’re not, and I’m not a user of until Casey Candaete tripled off rigM tteider Kevin at Mririarty F M d . ^ team riayed enoept the lin t and sixth ianiiws when we John Steinmiller, Bucks vice ew sae s-i-84 CommiMioner David Stem, in a cocaine. That’s the best 1 can tell Bass’ glove with two outs in the sixth. Tbe Indiaas are now 84 in OOC Bast play and ^ at got a 1 ^ stonny. I O iB k we’re efering.” president for b u sin m operaUons. nroio K 4180 statement issued by the ieague, yw i." John Stefero singled In the eighth for M ratreal’s tbe .888 level aft 84. W lnttam Is new 84o*erafl/' ; t4>. and Benson. (Mbbs one Aver. SopboraNeUte Msriooni pitched wril in dririft for said the the team was cooperating said that whiie the nw nd ju ry "H e ’s conducted himself as a other hit. Scott also struck out IS against Cincinnati on The visitiiig WMppste had a 84 lead before the Manchester and center firider Chiatal Lueoe played in full with an N B A Investigation investigation continued, "it is un­ perfect ciUsen and human being April 84. iBdians atagsd a ilvevun upriring in the fHth Inning, into the incident. well defonriveiy. fair for NBA players to be subjected since coming to the Celtics," The Astros took the lead in the first inning when Phil abetted b y MidHW Otano’s wfldness. T e n n i s Manchester Is at Hartford Public on Monday. to press reports of alleged ‘links' Boston General Manager Jan Volk Steinmiller said he did not think G am er homered into the left-field bleachers off Neal Kari Noons started tbs Indians’ comeback with a and other vague references that are said. "And if there was anything to either player would be Indicted by Heaton, 8-8. It was his third home run of the season. walk. Osmr HoBis sacrifioed Mm to second, from BbbI girls twin EwBt triumphB simply inadequate to support any the contrary, I assure you his status the grand jury, although it was Houston, which has won three straight games, added which be scored on Jon Roe’s R B I single. Wtandag H A M D E N — Bast Catholic m gh girts’ tennia team accusation of wrongdoing. with the team would have changed two runs in the eighth. Alan Ashby reached first on NEW BRITAIN - Taking a 54 lead. East CathoUc possible that they could be pitcher Joe Cappy t ^ hriped Ms own cause with a evened its record at 44 with a 4-1 victory over Sacred held on for a 74 victory over host 8 t Thomas Aquinas "Th e N B A holds Its players to the Immediately." ' catcher Stefero’s interference. Ashby went to second misplayed RBI tripte. That was misplayed by the subpoened. Heart Academy Friday. Sacred Heart is now 84 for the in AU Connecticut Conference gtria’ softball action strictest standards with regard to The transcript also said that on a single by Scott and scored on a baae hit by Bill WMppet outfield but scored aM L MikeCbarter walked seeeoii. drug use and gambling. !f we learn Jordan was recelviM information The Tribune said testimony at the Doran, chasing Heaton. Billy Hatcher’s single to left in front of an R B I single by John Zak that scored Casey. Friday. Andrea Bearse, Judy Bruns, Nancy Sulick and East, 84, was to host Windham High today at 10 a.m. of any such activities, we will act about the Suns from raoenix center grand ju ry sessions from March off reliever Andy McGafflaan scored Scott. Olmo then uncorked two srlld pitches to score Melissa Carroll woo in pro sets for East. swiftly and decisively. Until there and April detailed a pattern of at Robertson Park in a makeup contasL James Edwards. R«dB 4, PhHIlM 3 Manchester’s final tsro markers of the inniag. _____ i: Bewte (SC) dot. KytykS4; Burnt (SC)det. Klelv Katie Fisher was 84or4 to lead East. wMch collected is proof to the contrary, the players Sikma said he saw Edwards at recreational drug use among cur­ Casey allowed just five Windham Mte. He issued six 8 4 Sulim (ic id e f.______Serbs M iC siJITOII ISC) dot. Burke S4> five Mte in aU. Maura MePadden scored three times are entitled to be presumed the nightclub on the night the rent and former Phoenix Suns At Cincinnati. Eric Davis’ two-run double Mghllgh- walks wMle striking but 14, a season Mgh tor Lse-Lee (SH) def. KoNe Onissole enrol Trocdolo 8-1. wMle Fisher scored twice. Sue Concannon relieved Innocent." incident allegedly occurred but players over the past 10 years. ted a four-run third-inning that carried the Cincinnati Manchester pitching. “He was very wild but he had a Chwnty twbiB Stem also said the league had "no Reds to a 4-8 victory over the struggling Philadelphia sharp breaMng curve and when he got it overfthe plate, starter TyrreU WMte in the fourth inning, after said he had no contact with Edwards, rookie guard Grant reasonable basis to believe that PMIlies Friday nigM. ‘ ' Cheney Tech nipped R H AM m gh, 8-8, in COC tennis Aquinas had scored four times to narrow the gap, and Edwards that night "other than Gondresick and third year guard he was striMng them out,” Manchester Csoch Don there Is current drug use or Left-hander Tom Browning, 8-4, gave up seven hits— action Friday. Chtmey is now 8-8 for the season. Mark pitched a string 81/8 inrings to p ^ k up the win. saying hello." Sikma also said he Jay Humphries plus ex-Suns Gar­ Race said. “ He was In a jam plmoet every ianing but gambling activity by any player three of them solo homers — in e 1-8 innings. Tw oof the Ference, SOott Megquire and M ark Cusson won tbe haid only "on the court contacts" field Heard and Mike Brats were he’d then strike them out.” named In recent newspaper home runs were by Luis Aguayo, who now has five for Manchester begins a busy werii of four games In five singles matriies for Cheney. Botton vIctorlouB with Edwards. among 10 persons indicted last articles." the season. ft. Keenon 4;1..48. Msequlre (C T) Authorities have said that a month as a result of the probe. days Monday at Hartford PuMte High at 8:88 p.m . The B O LTO N — Victories have been a rare commodity Stem said the N B A does not plan current N B A player is alleged to John Franco pitched the ninth for his sixth save, Indians are at Hall High in a makeup on Tuesday, host for tbe Bolton m gh girls’ softiiall team. One. though, to make any further comment have told several people at the Johnson told reporters at the retiring ail three batters. Franco has gotten out 81 of Rockville on Wednesday and then host Glsstonbury came Friday as the Bulldogs snapped an eight-game concerning the grand Jury’s pro­ nightclub that thepoint total would press conference that it was "em­ the last 38 batters he’s faced. mgh next Friday night at Moriarty Field. lining streak with a 184 victory over visiting Portland Davis again was the biggest nemesis for the 8-18 ceedings until the panel had com­ not exceeed tt6. Tlie Suns commit­ barrassing to me and the Boston EbbI nippad High in COC action. . _ Phillies, who have lost their last four games. Davis is pleted Its investigation and Issues ted M turnovers in the loss. Celtics organisation that that this TRUMBULL — Host St. Joseph nipped East Briton hadn't won since a season opening victory 10-foi^l7 — a .888 average — with five homers and 13 formal charges or "until any Bucks coach Don Nelson said he matter is brought up. It’s an -1-00. Hollis i t l-e^O. TO* Catholic. 4-8, in AU. Connecticut Conference boys’ over East Orsahy on April 11. credible evidence emerges." looked twice through the films of inooportune tim e." RBI in four games against the Phillies this season. lt*»««4Moralssc^1-0«(yalll•ra Gail SchlavetU bad three Mte, including two doubles, .. __ __ Lowreocs lb 44-1-1. Holl dh »4 4 0 . tennis action Friday. East is now ^8 for the seaao.^ 1b844 ^ M i ^ rt 8-1-1-S, Blelv te»4-14. RoMmen cf while the Kadete are 41. and Debbie Merriam and Denise Wrich added two Mte i tean Powers and Matt DembIcM and Scott Jensen apiece for tbe BidIdogB. who unleashed a I W i t t a t t ^ . Key': At bate-RiHit-HIts-nni* Whitney Cavanagb twirled a twoJiitter for Bolton. She Wtedbom 018 008 0 -»4 -t won singies matriies for East. Bucks close gap on Celts In series with overtime win ______008 001 X-444 w aU »d one and struck out two. _ Okno and Morales: Cosev and Clwrter. g \ { Briton's next game is Monday at Rocky HiU High. WPr Cosev: CP- Olino M IL W A U K E E — The Milwaukee Bucks outscored Tbe Celtics’ bench was pelted by B u rin ' fans before outscored the Hawks 38-83 for a 78-84 advantage with the Boston CelUcs, 1^7, in overtime to narrow the gap order was restored. McHate left the Celtic bench srith a 3; 13 remaining in the tMrd quarter. EMIvilfvCtf r-svswswm V-WV < Q o l f in their N B A Eastern Conference playoff battle srith a security escort before the end of the game. Atlanta closed the deficit to 88-78 at the end of the Covwntry twins dar.oSMlt Kln4Andv BeUvk 40.41. 188-181 victory Friday night at the Mecca. tMrd quarter, but then Dennis Rodman took over, EbbI wint two Boston sUII leads the series. M , with Game Four PiBtonB 103, Hawks 33 scoring nine fourth-quarter pointe for the Pistons. COVENTRY — Behind the splendid three-hit S o f t b a l l Rodman finlsbed sritn 18 pointe for Detroit wMIe SOMERS — East CatboUc’s golf team came home scheduled Sunday afternoon in Milwaukee. At PoJiUac, Mich., Isiah Thomas scored an NBA pitching of Rbstt Gibbs, Coventry m gh defeated East Adrian DanUey scored 18, John Salley 18 and Bill with two wins Friday, besting Coventry High by a 84 The Celtics tied the game at 114-all at Uie end of playoff-record 88 pointe in the tMrd quarter Friday Hampton, 8-1, Friday afternoon in Charter OSk MHS succumbB Laimbeer 14. count and ElUngton, 8-1 at Cedar Knob Country Club. regulation on a basket by Robert Parish with seven night, lifting the Detroit Pistona to a 108-88victory over Conference action. Tbe Patriot’s record is now 74 seconds left. That came after the Bucks’ Jack Sikma Kevin Willis ted AUanta srith 88 pointe and srhite East Hampton drops to B7. Coventry is hack in W IN D H A M — Manchester m gh girls’ softball team East is now 84 for tbe season, Coventry 8-7 and Atlanta and a 8-1 lead in their best-of-aeven playoH wasn’t over the .808 m ark very long. The Indians fell ElUngton 44. threw the ball away with nine seconds remaining, aeries. Dominique Wilkins finished with 88. Randy Wittman, action Monday at home Sgainst Portland High. srho scored 34 pointe in Game 8, eras held to 18. back to that plateau Friday as they were upended by East’s Scott Senaency took medaUst honors with a 88. glviag the Celtics posaeeslon under their basket. Larry Game 4 is acheduled for Sunday at the Sihrerdome. Gibbs, 8-8, walked two, and sUuck out four. "It was The game was Jree of the body-slamming, unbeaten Windham m gh, 184. in C C C East Division nsasNs: Boat v*. Bllleefe* — KavHi taSlswc Sat. Tordlt B ird’s altey-oop pass to Parish tied it. Thomaa, srho finished srith 38 pointe, broke the N B A his (Gibbs) best outing of tbe y ^ , " Coventry Coach 4fe_4fe dWh RBSfem Mllwaukse, led by Sidney Moncrief, took the lead playrif record of 83 pointe in a single period shared by elbo#-throsring tactics that marred Game 8 until Bob Plaster said. "We had a good gome, finally. Tbe ploy. (SC)------Sat. Parraw ------SS^'U.—------— ^ . Bate Osrmsn 4444: Wilkins got'^aclssored betsreen Thomas and Rick Manchester Is 8-8 while tbe Whippets are 104 for the from the Celtics midway through the overtime period Bernard King of New York and Gus Williams of team played writ bsMnd Gibbs." Plater cited center Dm weal (B O Satrialaka and Beaton couldn’t come ciooe. Seattle. Mahora and fell to the floor while soaring in for a layup fielder Matt Paten for Ms defensive effort. ssaaoii. srith 1:88 remaining in the second quarter. Windham scored four unearned runs in the first Boston’s Kevin McHate, who finished with 88 pointo, Thomas also ted Detroit’s pick-pocket defense as tbe Coventry' scored twice In the first after Robb Berkowite singled and Matt Paten reached on an error. Inainy and. after Manchester scored single runs in was involved in an alteraction with a fan near the end of Pistons broke away from a 41-41 halftime deadlock. Atlanta amf Detroit split six games during the throe frames to trim the lead, the WMppete scored four overtime. Security people had to usher the spectator, regular season,, but the Pistons have sron seven After a double steal, L a rry Walsh singled both lunnsrs The biggest lead in the first half was o n ^ four pointe, more In the sixth to put It away. 4 srho was confronted by McHate,, aaway from the area. but srith Thomas leading the charge, Uie Pistons straight at home, including three playoff srins. home. 7 M o n d iy ,

iflaurhriitrr i-lrrcili'i Evans, Baylor homer as Sox top Angels B SPORTS story on page 53 St

Bv Jim G Tha Atso

WASHII tional Se« McFariat thatPresI COMFED to help N "hold bod though til baniiMi el " T h e pi d ea r in pt did notint contras,” JOINS sworn b House-Se their sect "H e d continued movemei Congress and that RELAYS continuln By Jim TItrrav — to help H «raM Sport* W ritor together

quest of the breakliig the 4-mlmite mile barrier. That will be the prevailing theme for the Christie McCormick Mile, the highlighted event at this year’s Itth editioii of the Manchester Community Coitege New England Relays to be staged at Manchester High 1 School on June M. Saturday will be the track and IteM events at the high school and Sunday will be the four-mile road race. The McCormick Mile has received sponsorship from ComEed Savings Bank while Pratt and Whitney is ' • , --- sponsoring the road race Sunday. It is the Intention of the meet director to draw an elite field of runners for . ^ .0 , N. * ' * the mile and a sub four^minute mile would be the fifst > i ever in Connecticut and only the third ever in New ■ ■ • - ./ England. Due to concerted efforts on the part of Jim Balcome. r*w»ww pnwo wf Tha* first-year Relays director aitd director of the VBWRI Manchester Road Race. Manchester High track Coach Run on homo b m r b * George Suitor, and Ray Crothers, former winner of the Thanksgiving Day Road Race (1*65), the Relays have Chnnny Tnch't Rich A m IG slides across High Friday at the Beavers* field. Bolton received a welcome organiutional shot in the arm home plate with the first of his team's 22 pitcher John Wiedle covers the plate, which should extend the history of the two-day annual runs in the Beavers’ game with Bolton Cheney won, 22^). See story, page 55 •Iwtup event. Bit. I One man who is conunitted to the McCormick Mile and who has broken four minutes in the mile is Ross Donoghue, a 1*K Villanova University graduate. BMm Doiraghue, ft, has a personal best of 3:55 in the mile DJ linked to drug use at the < (run at a meet at UCLA in ISM). • iM vIni No one has ever broken four minutes in the mile in By John Solomon point is getting across. I havenot, I Milwaukee Journal. the 'm Connecticut and only two people have ever broken it on Th * Assoclotod Pros* will not. I don’t intend to.” "Most of thetinte, I was talking to lAVris an outdoor track in New In la n d . During a short-lived The Tribune reported the tram- the people I came with. Just runners’ pro circuit in the mid-TO’s, two Olympians MILWAUKEE — Denni^ohnson cripts also showed that testimony shooting the brecse,” said Sikma. V broke the enviable barrier at a meet at Boston of the Boston Celtics and Milwau­ on April * alleged that Sikma and "People come up and ask how University. American Dave Wottle, the 1*73 gold kee Bucks’ centers Jack Sikma and Mokeski, his backup, gave a yon’re doing and so forth, I left HwtoH medalist in the *00 meters at Munich and Kenya’s Ben Paul MokesM were linked to an Phoenix nightclub manager win­ there with there with no knowledge JIpcho, a silver medalist in the steeplechase at the 1*6* Aritona grand Jury’s investigation ning betting advice the night before ' of anything unusual.” n i Olympics in Mexico City, ran 3:57.* and 3;SI.S, into alleged drug use and illegal the Bucks beat the .Sura 115-167 on Sikma said he did not know Btapntt respectively. ^ gambling, a newspaper reported Feb. 8). James Jordan, the nightclub man­ Ireland’s Frank O’ Mara ran a 3:53 indoors this past Friday. “ Ih ere’s absolutely no truth to ager whom the newspaper said efonsa January in Rhode Island at the Brown Invitational. All three players, who were in it,” Sikma said Friday. ” 1 have no allctedly received the information. Donoghue’s most recent performance was a victory Mllwimkee for Friday night’s NBA kiMwIedge of any Investigation However, MokesM said be and Dam in a two-mile road race in Central Park In New York as playoff game between the C eM a going on at this point concerning ine J «;| d w were friends and had gone Umtht part of the Trevira Twosome. Donoghue edged out and the Bucks,' denied the allega­ a i^ h e r e .” on a recent golf trip to Hawaii. said. I Ireland’s Eamonn Coghlan, Hie world-record holder in tions contained in a copyright s t ^ The! Maricopa County investiga­ th e transcripts indicated that a ea a rii the indoor mite and three-time winner of the in Aritona’s Mesa Tribune. tion reportedly is looking into bartender at the nightclub said m in e ' Manchester Road Race. Donoghue’s time was *;51. The newspaper reported that a ll^ a t im that a non-player won Jordan may have rewarded Mo- "tt was a good race,” Donoghue said of his win over transcripts it had obtained said that more than f )**,60e by placing an kesM with gilts of cocaine tor the iva I Coghlan. ” R was really equivalent to about an*; 35 on a former Phoenix Suns guard Johnny "underover” bet on that Feb. 31 tip, according to the newspaper. track. R’a right where I want to be.' High toM the county grand Jury he game. "Vfhatever the bartender thinks Any r n b* ready,” the high school accounting teacher in used cocaine with Johnson on three Sikma saM he was at the Phoenix Jordan said to him, I can’t control QuocmI,, N.Y. aaid. Iraand’s Charlie Breagy, a 4: *7 occasions durittgthe ISSTSSaeason. nightclub, Malarkey’s. two ntfits thM,” said MokesM. ca» • ■niter______two4iiiw winner of the race, will Join " I do not use cocaiiw,” said before the gaiite to ’’have a couple "R e (Jordan) did not offer me 0*6h Dsnaghnsatthaatartingllne. "H e (DonoidHie) ikworM Johnaon, who was with the Suns o f beers” with MoheeM, a B u m ’ dasB, Breagy said. " I think he’s the peifoct man. that season. " I did not. I hope my trainer and a reporter from the ’ Dsns to page 14 theta U w la

Tram Bihte earned at th e * huildini investH area t rontrat