Use of Energy Community statistics From energy statistics to energy policies INOGATE Regional Seminar on Energy Planning

Energy Community Secretariat Energy Community Secretariat The Energy Community statistics

The Energy Community Treaty

Energy Community mission

Energy community objectives

The use of energy statistics for the formulation of policies and measures in the Energy Community

Energy Community Secretariat NameINOGATEEnergy of theCommunity Regional Event Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 2 Energy Community Treaty

Treaty signed 2005, ratified 2006

EU laws on internal market in electricity and gas

EU laws on security of electricity and gas supply

 EU laws on environment protection

 EU laws on renewable energies

EU laws on energy efficiency

EU laws on oil stocks

EU laws on energy statistics...

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 3 Energy Community Map

European Union

Contracting Parties



Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 4 The Energy Community area of work

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 5 Energy Community Mission

• Extends the EU internal energy market to South East Europe and beyond

• Provides a stable investment environment based on the rule of law

• Ties the Contracting Parties together with the

• Contributes to security of supply in wider Europe

• Contributes to safer and cleaner energy

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 6 Objectives of the Energy Community Treaty

For the Contracting Parties:

• Integrate national markets of network energy with the regional and European market  attract investments  enhance security of supply  increase competition at regional level

. improve environmental situation


Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 7 Key inter-related dimensions

Energy security

A fully integrated European energy market

Energy efficiency

Decorbonization of the economy

Competitiveness / Innovation, research and development

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 8 Indicators

Integrated Decorbonization Energy security European Energy efficiency Competitiveness of the economy energy market

Concentration / import Energy intensity Carbon intensity Pressure for liquidity / dependency of economy of the economy competitiveness switching

Key drivers / Cost drivers on Public service / residential, energy prices diversification GHG Emissions regulation transport, (levels and services components)

Flexibility / suppplier Primary and final RES penetration Wholesale / balancing / concentration consumption / ETS, CCS, Retail coupling

Energy (fuel) Sites poverty / preservation, interconnectivity Energy savings Innovation, R&D vulnerable reclamation, customers wastes treatment

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 9 Energy statistics: effective use of timely data

Data of the base case (business as now)  Indicates interdependencies  Allows modelling and development of scenarios Statistics: produces information to:  Calculate indicators  Evaluate effectiveness of policies and measures  Indicate space for improvement Policy: establish objectives Definition of measures Definitions of indicators Monitoring procedure

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 10 Supply and consumption

Gross inland consumption EnC Primary production EnC in ktoe 120000 180 000,0

160 000,0 100000 140 000,0

80000 120 000,0

100 000,0 60000 80 000,0

40000 60 000,0

40 000,0 20000 20 000,0

0 0,0 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Waste (non-renewable) Waste (non-renewable) Electrical energy Electrical energy and heat Renewable energy Renewable energy Derived heat Nuclear heat Nuclear heat Gas Gas Total oil and petroleum products Total oil and petroleum products Solid fossil fuels Solid fossil fuels Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 11 Production and consumption Energy Community 2013

Primary production and receipts in ktoe Gross inland energy consumption in ktoe

1 161 293 21 849 21 848 solid fossil fuels solid fossil fuels oil and petroleum oil and petroleum 8 627 products 57 249 products gas 8 764 55 608 gas total RES total RES nuclear 16 460 42 458 nuclear electricity and heat 5 772 receipts (heat and el) 18 918

Source: EUROSTAT, NSIs, compiled by ECS

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 12 Energy dependency on import (total, NG and oil)

120,0% Import dependancy (net import in gross inland consumption) 100,0%






all products natural gas oil and petroleum products Source: EUROSTAT, NSIs, compiled by ECS

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 13 Energy intensity of the economy

1 600 Gross inland energy consumption /Gross domestic 1 400 product in constant EUR 2005 [kgoe/1000 EUR])

1 200

1 000





0 Bosnia and * FYRf Republic of Energy EU-28 Herzegovina Macedonia Community

Source: EUROSTAT, NSIs, UN-SD, compiled by ECS

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 14 Energy efficiency

1 600 Energy intensity of the economy 2 500 Final consumption of energy per capita 1 400 [kgoe/1000 EUR ] [kgoe]

1 200 2 000

1 000

800 1 500

600 1 000 400

200 500 0


Source: EUROSTAT, NSIs, UN SD, compiled by ECS

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 15 More data ... Final consumption of energy 2013 Other 100% (agriculture, 90% forestry, fishing) 80% Residential 70% 60% Services 50% 40% 30% Transport 20% 10% Industry 0%

Source: EUROSTAT, NSIs, compiled by ECS

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 16 What is in the industry breakdown?

100% Paper, Pulp and Print 90%

80% Food and Tabasco


60% Non-metallic Minerals


40% Non-ferrous metal industry


20% Chemical and Petrochemical industry

10% Iron & steel industry 0% EnC ALB BiH KOS* MKD MDA MNE SRB UKR EU-28

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 17 More information, better understanding

0,25 Electricity prices for industrial consumer band Electricity prices for domestic consumers in II IC for 2nd Semester 2014 in EUR/kWh semester 2014 0,14 0,20

0,12 0,15 0,10 in EUR/kWh

0,08 0,10


0,04 0,05

0,02 0,00 0,00

Source: EUROSTAT (for Ukraine Excluding taxes and levies Source: EUROSTAT, ERRA for Albania, Moldova, Ukraine and Moldova: ERRA tariff All taxes and levies included Note: Albania, Moldova and Ukraine: total average

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 18 Energy statistics - commitment

 Internationally agreed methodology for energy reporting (UN, IEA, EUROSTAT, IEF) to provide data input for global policies. Politics Analysis defines  EU statistics - for EU policies. looks for objectives, reasons and measures,  National statistics – for national policies. explanations actions, implementers New challenges

New objectives, new policy, Statistics provides New data requirements.... information

19 Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning Thank you!

Energy Community Secretariat INOGATEEnergy Community Regional Seminar Secretariat on Energy Planning 20