The International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia
Volume 15 Issue 1 Spring 2016 The International Student Journal of Nurse Anesthesia TOPICS IN THIS ISSUE Ondansetron to prevent SAB-induced Hypotension Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase Deficiency Adductor Canal vs. Femoral Nerve Block Ketamine Induction for Awake Intubation Airway Management for Tracheostomy TIVA for Gastroenterology Procedures Hematoma Following Thyroidectomy Tranexamic Acid in Trauma Tracheoesophageal Fistula Reintubation in the PACU Venous Air Embolism Emergence Delirium Preventing OR Fires INTERNATIONAL STUDENT JOURNAL OF NURSE ANESTHESIA Vol. 15 No. 1 Spring 2016 Editor Vicki C. Coopmans, CRNA, PhD Associate Editor Julie A. Pearson, CRNA, PhD Editorial Board Laura Ardizzone, CRNA, DNP Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center; NY, NY MAJ Sarah Bellenger, CRNA, MSN, AN Darnall Army Medical Center; Fort Hood, TX Laura S. Bonanno, CRNA, DNP Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center Carrie C. Bowman Dalley, CRNA, MS Georgetown University Marianne Cosgrove, CRNA, DNAP Yale-New Haven Hospital School of Nurse Anesthesia LTC Denise Cotton, CRNA, DNAP, AN Winn Army Community Hospital; Fort Stewart, GA Janet A. Dewan, CRNA, PhD Northeastern University Kären K. Embrey CRNA, EdD University of Southern California Millikin University and Rhonda Gee, CRNA, DNSc Decatur Memorial Hospital Marjorie A. Geisz-Everson CRNA, PhD University of Southern Mississippi Johnnie Holmes, CRNA, PhD Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune Anne Marie Hranchook, CRNA, DNP Oakland University-Beaumont Donna Jasinski,
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