arXiv:1308.2987v1 [math.NT] 13 Aug 2013 ocle ecmulrlfs e rpsto ..O h o un the of On roots over 3.9. the Proposition discuss and see Teichm¨uller (3.7), lifts, so-called and (3.4) see polynomials, omlsfrteroso n oyoilin polynomial any of roots the for Lagrange. formulas of formula inversion the on rely and polynomials h rsneo a of presence the eto .Frterae’ ovnec,asotapni wi appendix short a convenience, reader’s the For 2. Section illustrativ An series. 4. power Section for of verbatim holds actually it h form the integers oncinbtenrdcblt in reducibility between connection a rbe xasiey npriua,fracaso polynom of class a for particular, In exhaustively. problem of n h igo polynomials of ring the and over anga fti ae st rvd omlsfrteHne l Hensel the for formulas provide to is paper this of goal main ogv atrzto in factorization a give to em,terl ftero ntefcoiainpoesi no is process factorization the in root the c of be role can the connection this terms, Whereas established. was valuation Z zto fterdcbeeeet ntern.Poietexa Prominent ring. the in elements irr reducible determining the of aspects: ization main two entails that mathematics polynomials. [ NHNE’ OT N ATRZTO OML IN FORMULA FACTORIZATION A AND ROOTS HENSEL’S ON x nteoehn,i eto ,w rv w esoso Hensel’ of versions two prove we 3, Section in hand, one the On smnindbfr,scin n r eae n eyo t on rely and related are 4 and 3 sections before, mentioned As oiae yti atrzto rbe n h edt n e find to need the and problem factorization this by Motivated h iiiiiyter fcmuaiernsi fundament a is rings commutative of theory divisibility The e od n phrases. and words Key Z a ese spwrsre vrteitgr,tefactoriza the integers, the over series power as seen be can ] [[ Z Z x [[ [[ ] h igo omlpwrsre ihitgrcoefficients. integer with series power formal of ring the ]], ot modulo roots nee offiinsfrcranrdcbeplnmaswhos polynomials reducible p certain for coefficients integer nteivrinfruao Lagrange. of formula inversion the on Abstract. x x Z w ]frpolynomials for ]] ]aei eea neae;c.[] n[] h uhr stud authors the [5], In [4]. cf. unrelated; general in are ]] p p with w o lutainproe,w xmn h pca ae of cases special the examine we purposes, illustration For . with > w AILBRAE,JA .GL N IHE .WEINER D. MICHAEL AND GIL, B. JUAN BIRMAJER, DANIEL p p ie nodprime odd an Given .Alo u omlsaegvni em fprilBl polyn Bell partial of terms in given are formulas our of All 1. ai otin root -adic p rm and prime n iea xlctfcoiainoe h igo omlp formal of ring the over factorization explicit an give and , p ai ot,Hne’ em,fcoiaino omlpower formal of factorization lemma, Hensel’s roots, -adic Z f [[ Z x o erehge hn1 with 1) than higher degree (of [ ]o eti euil oyoil hs osattr so is term constant whose polynomials reducible certain of ]] x > w .I ste aua oivsiaeteaihei properti arithmetic the investigate to natural then is It ]. p Z p .Alo u omlsaegvni em fprilBell partial of terms in given are formulas our of All 1. lhuhTerm42i omltdfrpolynomials, for formulated is 4.2 Theorem Although . p 1. epoiefrua o h esllfso polynomial of lifts Hensel the for formulas provide we , Z [[ Introduction x ]adteeitneo a of existence the and ]] Z 1 p [ x ,tern fplnmasoe the over polynomials of ring the ], hrhn,w ieafactorization a give we hand, ther osattr so h form the of is term constant e xml sdsusda h end the at discussed is example e asprmtie yaprime a by parametrized ials dcblt n nigafactor- a finding and educibility obvious. t pe r h igo integers of ring the are mples f t edn oafruafrthe for formula a to leading ity ranyepandi structural in explained ertainly hsm ftebscproperties basic the of some th 0 = (0) inpoete over properties tion fso ot modulo roots of ifts ladpritn oi in topic persisting and al em htgv explicit give that lemma s p emtra icse in discussed material he xplicit p ai otwt positive with root -adic w hl oyoil in polynomials While e hsfactorization this ied wrsre with series ower masadrely and omials htaerdcbein reducible are that udai n cubic and quadratic p ai ot,the roots, -adic eis ata Bell partial series, Z Z [ p x p [[ and , and ] -adic x ]] es p Z f , 2 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER and identities for the partial Bell polynomials is included. We finish by observing that most of the results presented here may be applied to polynomials and power series over other commutative rings.

2. Series solutions of algebraic equations The main results of this paper rely on the following consequence of the inversion formula of Lagrange for . For a detailed proof and other applications, we refer the reader to [8, Section 3.8] or [7, Section 11.6]. In the sequel, Bn,j(x1,x2,... ) denotes the (n, j)-th partial Bell polynomial, see the appendix.

Lemma 2.1 (cf. [7, Corollary 11.3]). If φ(t) is a power series of the form

∞ tr φ(t)= t 1+ α ,  r r! Xr=1 then its formal inverse is given by

∞ un φ−1(u)= u 1+ β ,  n n!  nX=1 where n (n + j)! β = (−1)j B (α , α ,... ). n (n + 1)! n,j 1 2 Xj=1 Inversion formulas of this type have been studied by many authors in the search for solutions of algebraic equations. For instance, a series solution for the equation xm +px = q was already given by Lambert in 1758, cf. [12]. The most general formulas we found in the literature were obtained by Birkeland around 1927. In [3], the author studied arbitrary polynomial equations and obtained explicit solutions in terms of hypergeometric functions, see also [13]. It turns out that, if f(x) is a power series over a commutative ring R with an invertible linear coefficient, then formal series solutions for the equation f(x) = 0 can be obtained from Lemma 2.1 as follows.

2 Proposition 2.2. Given a power series f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x + · · · ∈ R[[x]] with a1 invertible in R, the equation f(x) = 0 has the formal root

∞ n n−k+1 (−1) 2n + 1 a0 n+1 x = k Bn+k,k(1!a1, 2!a2,... ) . (2.3) a (n + 1)!  n − k  a1 nX=0 Xk=0 1   Proof. Let ∞ xℓ φ(x)= x 1+ α with α = ℓ! a /a .  ℓ ℓ!  ℓ ℓ+1 1 Xℓ=1 ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 3

Thus f(x)= a1 a0/a1 +φ(x) and f(x)=0if φ(x)= −a0/a1. By Lemma 2.1, this equation has the formal root  ∞ a (−1)nβ a n x = φ−1(−a /a )= − 0 1+ n 0 0 1 a  n! a  1 nX=1  1  ∞ n a (−1)n (n + j)! a n = − 0 1+ (−1)j B (α , α ,... ) 0 a  n!  (n + 1)! n,j 1 2  a  1 nX=1 Xj=1  1  ∞ n (−1)n+j+1 (n + j)! a n+1 = B (1!a , 2!a ,... ) 0 . (2.4)  j (n + 1)! n,j 2 3  a Xn=0 Xj=0 a1 n!  1 

Now, if we set xj = j!aj , then n! B (1!a , 2!a ,... )= B ( x2 x3 ,... )= B (0,x ,x ,... ) n,j 2 3 n,j 2 3 (n + j)! n+j,j 2 3 by (A.1). Moreover, by means of (A.2) and (A.3), we have n + j B (0,x ,x ,... )= B (x ,x ,... )B − − (−x , 0,... ) n+j,j 2 3  ν  ν,k 1 2 n+j ν,j k 1 Xk≤j ν≤n+j n + j = (−x )j−kB (x ,x ,... ). n + k 1 n+k,k 1 2 Xk≤j Therefore, n (−1)n+j+1 (n + j)! B (1!a , 2!a ,... ) j (n + 1)! n,j 2 3 Xj=0 a1 n! n (−1)n+j+1 = j Bn+j,j(0, 2!a2, 3!a3,... ) Xj=0 a1 (n + 1)! n (−1)n−k+1 n + j = Bn+k,k(1!a1, 2!a2,... ) ak (n + 1)! n + k Xj=0 Xk≤j 1

n n (−1)n−k+1 n + j = Bn+k,k(1!a1, 2!a2,... ) ak (n + 1)!  n + k Xk=0 1 Xj=k n (−1)n−k+1 2n + 1 = Bn+k,k(1!a1, 2!a2,... ). ak (n + 1)!  n − k  Xk=0 1 Inserting this expression into (2.4), we arrive at (2.3). 

The simplicity (or complexity) of formula (2.3) clearly depends on the structure of the partial Bell polynomials. 4 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER

For example, for xm + px − q = 0 with p,q ∈ R, p 6= 0, m > 1, the root (2.3) takes the form ∞ n (−1)n−k+1 2n + 1 −q n+1 x = B (p, 0,..., 0,m!, 0,... ) , pk (n + 1)!  n − k  n+k,k p Xn=0 Xk=0   which by means of (A.2) and (A.3) reduces to ∞ (−1)k mk 1 q (m−1)k+1 x = . (2.5) pk  k (m − 1)k + 1 p Xk=0   This formula includes Eisenstein’s series solution for x5 + x = q, cf. [15], ∞ 5k 1 x = (−1)k q4k+1.  k 4k + 1 Xk=0 Of course, this series does not converge for all values of q, so further analysis is required to understand and possibly make sense of (2.3). While convergence in general is not the focus of this paper, we want to briefly discuss f(x) = x3 + x − q in order to illustrate a possible analytic approach. For this polynomial, the sum (2.5) becomes ∞ ∞ 3k 1 3k 1 x = (−1)k q2k+1 = q (−q2)k,  k 2k + 1  k 2k + 1 Xk=0 Xk=0 which converges only when q2 ≤ 4/27. However, ∞ 3k 1 (−q2)k = F 1 , 2 ; 3 ; − 27 q2 ,  k 2k + 1 2 1 3 3 2 4 Xk=0  1 2 3 and since the hypergeometric function 2 F1 3 , 3 ; 2 ; z extends analytically to C \ (1, ∞), we can actually evaluate the formal root for larger values of q. For example, if q = 2, then the 3 1 2 3 root of x + x − 2 = 0 provided by (2.3) is precisely x = 2 · 2 F1 3 , 3 ; 2 ; −27 = 1.  In the next section we will fully discuss the use of (2.3) to find roots of polynomials over the p-adic integers.

3. Hensel’s roots In this section, we use Proposition 2.2 to give a version of Hensel’s lemma that provides an explicit formula for the p-adic root of a polynomial in Zp[x]. We start by recalling some basic facts about the p-adic numbers. For a comprehensive treatment of this subject, the reader is referred to [10, 11, 14]. Let p be a prime integer. For any nonzero integer a, let vp(a) (the p-adic valuation of a) be the highest power of p which divides a, i.e., the greatest m such that a ≡ 0 (mod pm); we agree to write vp(0) = ∞. Note that vp (a1 a2) = vp(a1)+ vp(a2) for all a1, a2 ∈ Z. For any rational number x = a/b, define vp(x) = vp(a) − vp(b). Note that this expression depends only on x and not on its representation as a ratio of integers. ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 5

−vp(x) The p-adic norm in Q is defined as kxkp = p if x 6= 0, and k0kp = 0. This norm is non-Archimedean, that is kx + ykp ≤ max(kxkp, kykp). The p-adic completion of Q with respect to k·kp is denoted by Qp. Every a ∈ Qp admits a unique p-adic expansion, a a a − a = 0 + 1 + · · · + m 1 + a + a p + a p2 + · · · , pm pm−1 p m m+1 m+2 with 0 ≤ ai

2 be prime and let f(x)= a0 + a1x + · · · + amx be a polynomial of degree m in Zp[x]. If r0 ∈ Z is such that ′ f(r0) ≡ 0 (mod p) and vp(f (r0)) = 0, then r0 lifts to a p-adic root r of f given by ∞ n n−k+1 (−1) 2n + 1 c0 n+1 r = r0 + k Bn+k,k(1!c1, 2!c2,... ) , (3.2)  c (n + 1)!  n − k   c1 nX=0 Xk=0 1   (j) f (r0) where cj = j! for j = 0, 1,...,m. Note that vp(c1) = 0 implies 1/c1 ∈ Zp.

Proof. Given f(x) and r0 ∈ Z as above, consider the function g(x)= f(r0 + x). The Taylor expansion of g(x) at x = 0 gives

′′ (m) ′ f (r0) 2 f (r0) m 2 m g(x)= f(r0)+ f (r0)x + 2! x + · · · + m! x = c0 + c1x + c2x + · · · + cmx , ′ with the property that vp(c0) = vp(f(r0)) ≥ 1 and vp(c1) = vp(f (r0)) = 0. Thus c1 6= 0, and by Proposition 2.2, g(x) has a formal root ∞ cn+1 ̺ = γ 0 , n (n + 1)! nX=0 where n (−1)n−k+1 2n + 1 γ = B (1!c , 2!c ,... ). n k+n+1  n − k  n+k,k 1 2 Xk=0 c1 Since vp(c1) = 0 and each j!cj is a p-adic integer, we have γn ∈ Zp for every n. Moreover, 2 if n + 1 has the p-adic expansion n +1= n0 + n1p + n2p + · · · , we have n + 1 − s (n + 1) n + 1 v ((n + 1)!) = p < , p p − 1 p − 1 where sp(n +1) = n0 + n1 + n2 + · · · . Therefore, since vp(c0) ≥ 1, we get

cn+1 n + 1 v 0 = v (cn+1) − v ((n + 1)!) >n + 1 − = p−2 (n + 1) →∞ as n →∞, p (n+1)! p 0 p p − 1 p−1   6 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER

cn+1 0 Z which implies that γn (n+1)! converges in p p. In conclusion, the formal root ̺ is indeed a p-adic root of g(xP) and r0 + ̺ ∈ Zp is a root of f(x).  More generally, we have:

m Theorem 3.3. Let p> 0 be prime and let f(x)= a0 + a1x + · · · + amx be a polynomial in Zp[x]. Let ν, κ ∈ Z such that 0 ≤ 2κ<ν. If r0 ∈ Z is such that ν ′ f(r0) ≡ 0 (mod p ) and vp(f (r0)) = κ, then r0 lifts to a p-adic root r of f given by ∞ n n−k+1 n+1 κ (−1) 2n + 1 c0 r = r0 + p k Bn+k,k(1!c1, 2!c2,... ) ,  c (n + 1)!  n − k   c1 nX=0 Xk=0 1  

(j) (j−2)κ f (r0) where cj = p j! for j = 0, 1,...,m.

Proof. The proof is similar to the one for the previous theorem. Let r0 be a root of f ν ′ −2κ κ modulo p and let κ be the p-adic valuation of f (r0). Consider g(x)= p f(r0 + p x). A Taylor expansion of g(x) at 0 gives

′′ (m) −2κ −κ ′ f (r0) 2 (m−2)κ f (r0) m g(x)= p f(r0)+ p f (r0)x + 2! x + · · · + p m! x 2 m = c0 + c1x + c2x + · · · + cmx . ′ If 0 ≤ 2κ<ν, then vp(c0) ≥ 1 and vp(c1) = 0 since vp(f(r0)) ≥ ν > 2κ and vp(f (r0)) = κ. At this point, we can proceed as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 and conclude that the formal root of g(x) provided by (2.3) is indeed a p-adic root of g(x). If we denote that root by ̺, κ then r = r0 + p ̺ is a p-adic root of the polynomial f(x).  In the case of quadratic and cubic polynomials, one can use known properties of Bell polynomials to give a simpler representation of the corresponding Hensel’s roots.

2 Quadratic Polynomials. Let p> 2 and f(x)= a0 + a1x + a2x ∈ Zp[x], a2 6= 0. If there ′ is an r0 ∈ Z such that f(r0) ≡ 0 (mod p) and vp(f (r0)) = 0, then by Theorem 3.1 and elementary Bell polynomial identities, the p-adic lift of r0 may be written as ∞ c 2n 1 c c n r = r − 0 0 2 ∈ Z , (3.4) 0 c  n n + 1 c2 p 1 nX=0  1  ′ 2n 1 where c0 = f(r0), c1 = f (r0), and c2 = a2. Note that n n+1 ∈ Z are the well-known Catalan numbers.  2 Example 3.5. Let us consider f(x) = 1 + 11x − 5x over Z7. This polynomial has two ′ simple roots mod 7, r0 = 1, 4. Since c0 = f(1) = 7, c1 = f (1) = 1, and c2 = −5, the lift of r0 =1 in Z7 is given by ∞ 2n (−5)n r = 1 − 7n+1.  n  n + 1 nX=0 ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 7

′ On the other hand, since f(4) = −35 and f (4) = −29, the lift of r0 =4 in Z7 is given by ∞ 2n 1 5 2n+1 r = 4 − 7n+1.  n n + 1 29 nX=0   2 3 4 5 6 Note that 1/29 = 1 + 3 · 7 + 7 + 7 + 2 · 7 + 5 · 7 + O(7 ) is an element of Z7. 2 Example 3.6. We now consider f(x) = 17 + 6x + 2x over Z5. Modulo 5 this polynomial 2 ′ has a double root, r0 = 1. Since f(1) = 5 and f (1) = 2 · 5, we cannot apply any of the above theorems directly. However, the polynomial 1 2 g(x)= 25 f(1 + 5x)=1+2x + 2x has 1 and 3 as simple roots modulo 5, so using (3.4), we get the lifts ∞ ∞ 5 2n 1 5 n 25 2n 1 25 n 1 − and 3 − in Z . 6  n n + 1 18 14  n n + 1 98 5 Xn=0   nX=0   Therefore, the 5-adic roots of f(x) are given by ∞ ∞ 25 2n 1 5 n 125 2n 1 25 n 1 + 5 − and 1 + 3 · 5 − . 6  n n + 1 18 14  n n + 1 98 nX=0   Xn=0   2 3 Cubic Polynomials. Let p > 2 and f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x + a3x ∈ Zp[x], a3 6= 0. ′ Once again, if there is an r0 ∈ Z such that f(r0) ≡ 0 (mod p) and vp(f (r0)) = 0, then Theorem 3.1 gives a formula for the p-adic lift of r0. However, for cubic polynomials, it is more convenient to use the equation (2.4) and write the root as ∞ n n+k+1 (−1) (n + k)! c0 n+1 r = r0 + k Bn,k(c2, 2c3, 0,... ) ,  c n! (n + 1)!  c1 nX=0 Xk=0 1   (j) where cj = f (r0)/j! for j = 0, 1, 2, 3. Note that Bn,k(c2, 2c3, 0,... )=0 for k

n κ = c B − − (0, 2c , 0,... ) κ 2 n κ,k κ 3 κX≤k n [2(n − k)]! = c2k−n cn−k 2k − n 2 (n − k)! 3 n! = c2k−ncn−k. (2k − n)!(n − k)! 2 3 Therefore, ∞ n n+k+1 n+1 (−1) (n + k)! n! 2k−n n−k c0 r = r0 + k c2 c3 ,  c n! (n + 1)! (2k − n)!(n − k)!  c1 nX=0 kX≥n/2 1   8 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER and with the change n = 2k − j,

∞ k k−j+1 2k−j c0 (−1) k 3k − j j k−j c0 = r0 + k c2c3 . c1  c (2k − j + 1)j k   c1 Xk=0 Xj=0 1   2 3 In summary, if r0 is a simple root mod p of f(x) = a0 + a1x + a2x + a3x ∈ Zp[x], then the p-adic lift of r0 is given by ∞ k k−j j k−j k c0 (−1) c2 k 3k − j c0c3 c0 r = r0 − 2 , (3.7) c1  2k − j + 1j k  c1  c Xk=0 Xj=0    1  ′ ′′ where c0 = f(r0), c1 = f (r0), c2 = f (r0)/2, and c3 = a3.

Following the same steps as for cubic polynomials, we can obtain the following result.

ℓ m Proposition 3.8. Let p> 2 and 1 <ℓ 2 and f(x)= x − 1. Assume that r0 is a single root mod p of m m m−j f. Then r0 lifts to a p-adic root of the form (3.2) with c0 = r0 − 1 and cj = j r0 for j = 1,...,m. Now, since  m! j!c = rm−j(m) with (m) = , j 0 j j (m − j)! homogeneity properties of the Bell polynomials together with identity (A.4) give m−1 m−2 Bn+k,k(1!c2, 2!c3,... )= Bn+k,k(r0 (m)1, r0 (m)2,... ) mk−(n+k) = r0 Bn+k,k((m)1, (m)2,... ) k − 1 k = rmk (n+k) (−1)k−j (jm) . 0 k! j n+k Xj=0 Therefore, n (−1)n−k+1 2n + 1 Bn+k,k(1!c1, 2!c2,... ) ck (n + 1)!  n − k  Xk=0 1 n n−k+1 k (−1) 2n + 1 mk−(n+k) 1 k−j k = r (−1) (jm)n+k (rm−1m)k (n + 1)! n − k  0 k! j Xk=0 0 Xj=0 n k (−1)n−j+1 2n + 1 1 k = (jm) . rn mk (n + 1)! n − k k!j n+k Xk=0 Xj=0 0 ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 9

Finally, the p-adic lift of r0 is given by ∞ n k n−j c0 (−1) 2n + 1 1 k c0 n r = r0 − k (jm)n+k , c1  m (n + 1)! n − k k!j  r0c1 nX=0 Xk=0 Xj=0   ′ where c0 = f(r0) and c1 = f (r0).

For m = p − 1, the above expression gives an explicit formula for the Teichm¨uller lifts. Proposition 3.9. Let p> 2. Every integer q ∈ {1,...,p − 1} is a (p − 1)-st root of unity mod p and lifts to a p-adic root of unity ξq given by

∞ n k n−j c0 (−1) 2n + 1 1 k c0 n ξq = q − k (j(p − 1))n+k , c1  (p − 1) (n + 1)! n − k k!j  qc1 nX=0 Xk=0 Xj=0   p−1 p−2 where c0 = q − 1 and c1 = (p − 1)q .

4. Factorization of polynomials over Z[[x]] 2 Let f(x) = f0 + f1x + f2x + . . . be a formal power series in Z[[x]]. It is easy to prove that f(x) is invertible in Z[[x]] if and only if |f0| = 1. A natural question, initially discussed in [4], is whether or not a non-invertible element of Z[[x]] can be factored over Z[[x]]. In recent years, this question has been investigated by several authors, leading to sufficient and in some cases necessary reducibility criteria, see e.g. [2, 5, 9]. In particular, [9] deals with the factorization of formal power series over principal ideal domains. For the case at hand, the following elementary results are known. The formal power 2 w series f(x) = f0 + f1x + f2x + . . . is irreducible in Z[[x]] if |f0| is prime, or if |f0| = p with p prime, w ∈ N, and gcd(p,f1) = 1. On the other hand, if f0 is neither a unit nor a prime power, then f(x) is reducible. In this case, the factorization algorithm is simple and relies on a recursion and a single diophantine equation, see [4, Prop. 3.4]. Finally, in the remaining case when f0 is a prime power and f1 is divisible by p, the reducibility of f(x) in Z[[x]] is linked to the existence of a p-adic root of positive valua- tion. The goal of this section is to give an explicit factorization over Z[[x]] for reducible polynomials of the form w m 2 d f(x)= p + p γ1x + γ2x + · · · + γdx , m ≥ 1, w ≥ 2, d ≥ 2, (4.1) where γ1, . . . , γd ∈ Z and gcd(p, γ1) = 1. This is the only type of polynomial for which the reducibility and factorization over Z[[x]] is not straightforward. Theorem 4.2. Let p be an odd prime and let f(x) be a polynomial of the form (4.1). ℓ ∞ ℓj Assume that f has a simple root r ∈ pZp with vp(r) = ℓ ≤ m and r = p (1 + j=1 ejp ) with ej ∈ Z. Then f(x) admits the factorization P ∞ ∞ f(x)= pℓ − x − x a xn pw−ℓ + (pw−2ℓ + pm−ℓγ )x + x b xn ,  n  1 n  nX=1 nX=1 ℓn where the coefficients an are given by (4.4), and bn = ˆbn/p with ˆbn as in (4.11). 10 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER

ℓn Remark. (a) As shown in Lemma 4.12, ˆbn is divisible by p , so bn ∈ Z for every n. (b) If r ∈ pZp is a root of f with vp(r)= ℓ ≤ m, then 2ℓ ≤ w. (c) If w ≤ 2m and f has a root r ∈ pZp, then vp(r) = ℓ ≤ m holds. If w > 2m, then 0 lifts to a p-adic root of f, but it is not necessarily true that f has a root of valuation less than or equal to m. This property depends on the coefficients γ2, γ3,... . However, even if that condition fails, f(x) is still reducible and a factorization can be obtained through the algorithm given in [5, Prop. 2.4]. ℓ ∞ ℓj (d) A p-adic integer r with vp(r)= ℓ can always be written as r = p (e0 + j=1 ejp ) with ∗ e0 ∈ Zp. For factorization purposes, we can assume without loss of gPenerality e0 = 1. ∗ ∗ ∗ ℓ Otherwise, consider g(x)= f(x/e0), where e0 is such that e0e0 = 1 (mod p ). (e) As discussed in [5], the existence of a root in pZp is in many cases (e.g. when d ≤ 3) a necessary condition for the polynomial (4.1) to factor over Z[[x]].

Remark. If f has a multiple root in pZp, then f(x) admits the simpler factorization

f(x)= G(x)fred(x), ′ where G(x) = gcd(f(x),f (x)) ∈ Z[x] and fred(x)= f(x)/G(x). ℓ ∞ ℓj Proof of Theorem 4.2. Let r = p 1+ j=1 ejp be the p-adic root of f and define P  ∞ j φ(x)= xE(x) with E(x)=1+ ejx . (4.3) Xj=1 ℓ ℓ −1 ℓ −1 Thus r = φ(p ) in Zp and therefore p = φ (r). Define A(x) = p − φ (x). So A(r) = 0 in Zp, and by Lemma 2.1, we have ∞ ℓ −1 ℓ n A(x)= p − φ (x)= p − x 1+ anx ,  nX=1  where n 1 (n + k)! a = (−1)k B (1!e , 2!e ,... ) ∈ Z. (4.4) n n! (n + 1)! n,k 1 2 Xk=1 Our goal is to find B(x) ∈ Z[[x]] such that f(x)= A(x)B(x). For convenience, consider fˆ(x)= p−2ℓf(pℓx) and Aˆ(x)= p−ℓA(pℓx). Thus ∞ ℓn n Aˆ(x) = 1 − x − x p anx . nX=1 Proposition 4.5. The reciprocal of Aˆ(x) is a power series in Z[[x]] of the form ∞ 1 Aˆ(x)−1 = =1+ x + x t xn ˆ n A(x) nX=1 with n k n + 1 − k (n + j)! t =1+ pℓk (−1)j B (1!e , 2!e ,... ) ∈ Z. (4.6) n k! (n + 1)! k,j 1 2 Xk=1 Xj=1 ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 11

Proof. By Theorem B in [8, Section 3.5], and using basic properties of partial Bell polyno- mials, we have ∞ n k! Aˆ(x)−1 =1+ x + B (1, 2!a pℓ, 3!a p2ℓ,... ) xn n! n,k 1 2 nX=2 Xk=1 ∞ n k n n! ℓ 2ℓ x =1+ x + k! B − − (1!p a , 2!p a ,... )  (n − k)!j! n k,k j 1 2  n! nX=2 Xk=1 Xj=0 ∞ n n+1−k (n + 1 − k)! ℓk n+1 =1+ x + 1+ p Bk,j(1!a1, 2!a2,... )  x  k!(n + 1 − k − j)!  nX=1 Xk=1 Xj=1   ∞ n ℓk k p (n + 1 − k)! n =1+ x + x 1+ B (1!a1, 2!a2,... )  x . k!  (n + 1 − k − j)! k,j  nX=1 Xk=1 Xj=1   In the last step, we declare the interior sum to be zero if j > min(k,n + 1 − k). Thus

n k pℓk (n + 1 − k)! t =1+ B (1!a , 2!a ,... ) n k! (n + 1 − k − j)! k,j 1 2 Xk=1 Xj=1 n k n + 1 − k n − k =1+ pℓk (j − 1)!B (1!a , 2!a ,... ) k! j − 1 k,j 1 2 Xk=1 Xj=1

Now, if we write k!ak as k k + j k!a = (j − 1)!B (−1!e , −2!e ,... ), k j − 1 k,j 1 2 Xj=1 then by means of Theorem 15 in [6] we get

k n − k (j − 1)!B (1!a , 2!a ,... ) j − 1 k,j 1 2 Xj=1 k n + j = (j − 1)!B (−1!e , −2!e ,... ) j − 1 k,j 1 2 Xj=1 k (n + j)! = (−1)j B (1!e , 2!e ,... ). (n + 1)! k,j 1 2 Xj=1

In other words, tn has the form claimed in (4.6).  Now, motivated by (4.6), for n ≥ 1 we consider

∞ k n + 1 − k (n + j)! T (x)=1+ (−1)j B (1!e , 2!e ,... ) xk. n k!  (n + 1)! k,j 1 2  Xk=1 Xj=1 12 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER

Lemma 4.7. With E(x) as in (4.3), we have −n−2 ′ Tn(x)= E(x) E(x)+ xE (x) .  Proof. Fix n ≥ 1 and denote k 1 (n + j)! τ = (−1)j B (1!e , 2!e ,... ). k k! n! k,j 1 2 Xj=1 Then ∞ ∞ ∞ k 1 T (x)=1+ 1 − τ xk =1+ τ xk − kτ xk. n n + 1 k k n + 1 k Xk=1   Xk=1 Xk=1 ∞ k −n−1 It is easy to check that 1 + k=1 τkx = E(x) . Therefore, P −n−1 1 d −n−1 Tn(x)= E(x) − x E(x) n + 1 dx  = E(x)−n−1 + xE(x)−n−2E′(x)= E(x)−n−2 E(x)+ xE′(x) .  

As a direct consequence of this lemma we get the

Tn−1(x)= E(x)Tn(x), which can be used to define T0(x) and T−n(x) for n ≥ 1. More precisely, we let n+1 T0(x)= E(x)T1(x) and T−n(x)= E(x) T1(x) for n ≥ 1. Given that d −2ℓ ℓ w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(n−2) n fˆ(x)= p f(p x)= p + p γ1x + p γnx , (4.8) Xn=2 j the relation Tn−j(x)= E(x) Tn(x) gives d w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(j−2) p Tn(x)+ p γ1Tn−1(x)+ p γjTn−j(x)= fˆ(E(x))Tn(x). (4.9) Xj=2

Moreover, since E(x) is a unit in Z[[x]], for every ν ∈ Z the function Tν(x) is in Z[[x]] and ℓ so Tν(p ) ∈ Zp. ℓ Lemma 4.10. For ν ≥−1, the p-adic numbers Tν(p ) satisfy ℓ ℓ(ν+2) Tν (p ) − tν ≡ 0 (mod p ) with tν as in (4.6) for ν > 0 and t0 = t−1 = 1.

Proof. For ν = n ≥ 1 the statement is a consequence of the fact that tn is the n-th partial ℓ n+1 sum of Tn(p ) and the coefficient of x in Tn(x) is zero. Further, given that ℓ ℓ 2ℓ ℓ ℓ 2ℓ E(p )=1+ p e1 + O(p ) and T1(p ) = 1 − p e1 + O(p ), we have ℓ ℓ 2ℓ ℓ 2ℓ 2ℓ T0(p )= 1+ p e1 + O(p ) 1 − p e1 + O(p ) ≡ 1 (mod p ).   ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 13

ℓ 2ℓ This implies T0(p ) − t0 ≡ 0 (mod p ). ℓ ℓ 2 ℓ ℓ 2 ℓ Finally, since T−1(p ) = E(p ) T1(p ), and because E(p ) and T1(p ) are both of the ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ ℓ form 1+ O(p ), we get T−1(p ) ≡ 1 (mod p ), hence T−1(p ) − t−1 ≡ 0 (mod p ). 

Using fˆ(x) as in (4.8), we now define

d ∞ −1 w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(n−2) n n Bˆ(x)= fˆ(x)Aˆ(x) = p + p γ1x + p γnx 1+ x + x tnx ,  nX=2  nX=1  and write it as ∞ w−2ℓ w−2ℓ m−ℓ n Bˆ(x)= p + (p + p γ1)x + x ˆbnx nX=1 with d w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(j−2) ˆbn = p tn + p γ1tn−1 + p γjtn−j ∈ Z, (4.11) Xj=2 where tn is given by (4.6), t0 = t−1 = 1, and t−n = 0 for n> 1.

ℓn Lemma 4.12. The coefficients ˆbn are divisible by p . Proof. First of all, since p−ℓr = E(pℓ) is a p-adic root of fˆ, identity (4.9) implies

d w−2ℓ ℓ m−ℓ ℓ ℓ(j−2) ℓ p Tn(p )+ p γ1Tn−1(p )+ p γjTn−j(p )=0 in Zp. Xj=2 Therefore, for n ≥ d − 1,

d w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(j−2) ˆbn = p tn + p γ1tn−1 + p γjtn−j Xj=2 d w−2ℓ ℓ m−ℓ ℓ ℓ(j−2) ℓ = p tn − Tn(p ) + p γ1 tn−1 − Tn−1(p ) + p γj tn−j − Tn−j(p ) ,   Xj=2  which by Lemma 4.10 is congruent to 0 mod pℓn. Similarly, for 1 ≤ n < d − 1,

n+1 w−2ℓ m−ℓ ℓ(j−2) ˆbn = p tn + p γ1tn−1 + p γjtn−j Xj=2 d ℓ(j−2) ℓ ℓn ≡− p γjTn−j(p ) ≡ 0 (mod p ). j=Xn+2 

Finally, defining B(x)= pℓBˆ(x/pℓ), we arrive at the factorization f(x)= A(x)B(x). 14 DANIELBIRMAJER,JUANB.GIL,ANDMICHAELD.WEINER

Remark. It is worth mentioning that our method for factorization in Z[[x]] is not restricted to polynomials and can be applied to power series. As an example, consider ∞ 8x3 f(x) = 9 + 12x + 7x2 + 8x3 xk = 9 + 12x + 7x2 + , 1 − x Xk=0 discussed by B´ezivin in [2]. This series is reducible in Z[[x]] and factors as (3 − x)2(1 + x) f(x)= . 1 − x The reader is invited to confirm that the power series version of Theorem 4.2 gives the (3−x)(1+x) factorization f(x)= A(x)B(x) with A(x) = 3 − x and B(x)= 1−x . 2 An interesting feature of this example is that the partial sums fd(x) = 9+12x+7x +· · · of f(x) of degree d ≥ 2 are all irreducible in Z[[x]]. This fact was proved in [2, Prop. 8.1], but it can also be derived from Proposition 3.4 of [6] together with the observation that for d ≥ 2, the polynomial fd(x) has no roots in pZp.

Appendix: Some properties of Bell polynomials Throughout this paper, we make extensive use of the well-known partial Bell polynomials. For any sequence x1,x2,... , the (n, k)-th partial Bell polynomial is defined by

n! x1 i1 x2 i2 Bn,k(x)= · · · , i1!i2! · · · 1! 2! i∈Xπ(n,k)     where π(n, k) is the set of all sequences i = (i1, i2,... ) of nonnegative integers such that

i1 + i2 + · · · = k and i1 + 2i2 + 3i3 + · · · = n. Clearly, these polynomials satisfy the homogeneity relation 2 3 k n Bn,k(abx1, ab x2, ab x3,... )= a b Bn,k(x1,x2,x3,... ). Here are other elementary identities (cf. [8, Section 3.3]) needed in this paper: n! B ( x2 , x3 ,... )= B (0,x ,x ,... ), (A.1) n,k 2 3 (n + k)! n+k,k 2 3

′ ′ n ′ ′ B (x + x ,x + x ,... )= B (x ,x ,... )B − − (x ,x ,... ), (A.2) n,k 1 1 2 2 ν ν,κ 1 2 n ν,k κ 1 2 κX≤k ν≤n (jk)! B (0,..., 0,x , 0,... ) = 0, except B = xk. (A.3) n,k j jk,k k!(j!)k j Also of special interest is the identity k 1 k B ((a) , (a) ,... )= (−1)k−j (ja) , (A.4) n,k 1 2 k! j n Xj=0 where (a)n = a(a − 1) · · · (a − n + 1). This is a special case of [16, Example 3.2]. For more on Bell polynomials and their applications, see e.g. [1, 7, 8, 16]. ON HENSEL’S ROOTS AND A FACTORIZATION FORMULA IN Z[[x]] 15

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Department of Mathematics, Nazareth College, 4245 East Ave., Rochester, NY 14618

Penn State Altoona, 3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601