PRESENT: Bev Abbott (Chairperson) Helen Algar Te Akapikirangi (Aka) Arthur Geoff Doring Rob McColl Ray Ahipene Mercer Margaret (Maggy) Wassilieff Dennis Roberts Andy Foster Haami Te Whaiti

IN ATTENDANCE: Alan McKenzie Conservator, Department of Conservation (DOC) Barbara Browne General Manager Operations North (DOC) Jeff Flavell Community Relations Manager, DOC Pamela Taylor CRO - Board Support, DOC Mari Housiaux Friends of the Te Hapua and Wetlands (part) Lesley Sanfit Friends of the Te Hapua Dunes and Wetlands (part) Janine Sudbury Friends of the Te Hapua Dunes and Wetlands (part) James Griffiths Forest and Bird (part) Clint Cameron of Plenty, DOC (part) Laurence Tamati Bay of Plenty Conservation Board (part) Ian Cooksley Kapiti Area Manager, DOC (part) Ian Buchanan Chair, Greater Wellington Regional Council (part) Tanya Wrightson CRO - Statutory Land Management, DOC (part) Koro Tamarapa Anaru Luke Acting Wairarapa Manager, DOC

APOLOGIES: Nicola (Nicky) Nelson Andy Foster (lateness)


The meeting started at 9.00am in the DOC offices, Thorndon Quay, Wellington. Aka Arthur opened the meeting with a Karakia. Bev Abbott welcomed everyone to the meeting, particularly Dennis Roberts and Pamela Taylor and explained the format for the day

It was resolved: That the apologies be accepted. Chairperson CARRIED

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Agenda It was resolved: That the agenda be approved with the following addition. Item 11 Weed species in the Tauherenikau

Chairperson CARRIED

Conflicts of Interest It was resolved that the following conflicts of interest be noted:

Ray Ahipene- Wellington City Councillor (WCC) – for any WCC items Mercer Andy Foster Wellington City Councillor (WCC) – for any WCC items Aka Arthur Greater Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) Resource Consent Commissioner Bev Abbott Wellington Botanical Society President.

Chairperson CARRIED


It was resolved that the Minutes of the meeting of 16 February 2007 be confirmed with the following changes:

6.4 ‘Rob McColl asked that the word “refund” be inserted so that it was clear that the issue was that refund conditions might need to be more clearly stated on permits’. 6.6 Rob McColl proposed that the words “in part” be inserted so it was clear that the increase in information available was only part of the explanation for the increase in the level of threatened species’. Bev Abbott Ray Ahipene- Mercer CARRIED


Pukaha/Mt Bruce Trust & Board (pg 3 Feb minutes) The Board’s continuing role in overseeing activities at Mt Bruce through the CMS, despite changes to the Puhaka/Mt Bruce Trust governance structure was confirmed by Alan McKenzie.

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Update on Process for CMS Review (pg 5/6 Feb minutes) It was decided that more benefit could be gained by inviting the BOP CMS team to do a presentation at this April meeting, rather than only some Board members travelling to the BOP.

DOC Directions and Expectations (pg 8 Feb minutes) The Strategic Plans of three other Conservancy Boards had been obtained and distributed to all Board members for review.

NZCA Annual Report - Maori Conservation Leadership Hui (pg 8 Feb minutes) The NZCA response to the points raised at this hui has been received.

Submission – Otari-Wilton’s Bush Draft Mgmt. Plan (pg 9 Feb minutes) The Draft Management Plan for Otari has been approved by Council and would now be sent to the Minister of Conservation for sign-off. (Board advised by Ray Ahipene -Mercer).

Ian Cooksley arrived 9.20am

Kapiti Marine Reserve Committee update (pg 9 minutes) Board was advised that the KMRC has not yet been selected.

Mt Bruce National Wildlife Centre Trust (pg 10 Feb minutes) Special Meeting on 30 April is to be attended by both Geoff Doring and Alan McKenzie.

Wellington Fish and Game Council (pg 10 Feb minutes) An agreement was signed between F&G, DOC and Ngati Hinewaka to allow spraying of raupo on Lake Wairarapa. This work was scheduled for February. (Board advised by Haami Te Whaiti.)

Review of NZ Biodiversity Strategy (pg 11 Feb minutes) QEII Trust is to be invited to a future Board meeting to talk about its work with private landowners. Bev Abbott is to arrange this.


Item 2 Deferred for another meeting when Board has a better sense of what is possible Item 4 DOC will provide information as required Item 5 DVD is circulating

Barbara Browne arrived at 9.30am

Item 6 Board will have morning tea with Poneke staff sometime Item 8 These are not yet available for circulation. Item 9 DOC to inform Board

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Presentation by Friends of the Te Hapua Dunes and Wetlands (FTHDW) informing the Board of the ‘Friends’ involvement and perspective on the Te Hapua and wetland area.

Key points included: • Description of the area concerned • Ecological significance and interconnectedness of the wetland hydrology and ecosystems • History of the area involving land ownership, development and the proposed designation of areas within the wetland as ‘ecological sites’ • One landowner has requested that parts of his property be excluded from the ‘ecological site’ designation and this is currently subject to Environmental Court mediation • FTHDW believe that the currently planned designated areas should stand and that the loss of any area from the ‘ecological site’ designation, will adversely affect the ecological value of the wetland • FTHDW want support from WCB, DOC, QEII, GWRC for the currently planned ‘ecological site’ designations to be applied • They want more research to be done involving seasonal fluctuations in hydrology and ecology than has been done to date.

Notes and CD of power point presentation left for Board information and records. It was noted that Helen Algar requested electronic copies.

Presentation by James Griffiths of Forest and Bird to inform the Board of a threat to the dunes on the southern side of the Waikanae

Key points included: • The history of the proposed subdivision; - from 2000 when the Environment Court deemed the first notified application to subdivide be turned down because of the biological value of the Waikanae Estuary. DOC was not involved - to 2005 when a revised application to subdivide was approved without notification despite the Kapiti District Council (KCDC) having sought no information on biodiversity and no proper Assessment of Environmental Effect (AEE) study • A description of the effect the Kotuku Park subdivision may have on this environmentally sensitive area, including; - risk from increased population and pets (despite pet ban) - impeded natural dispersal of species - less potential for restoration

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• A strong case exists for a Judicial Review against KCDC for not following proper process • The perceived need for DOC to encourage KCDC to notify applications for subdivisions when significant environmental values are at risk.

It was noted that the Board would seek more information from Ian Cooksley and Alan McKenzie later in the meeting and that the Board would then work out ways to become involved. It was noted, however, that this can be difficult for organisations not involved at the earlier stages of the process.

Break for Morning tea

Bev Abbott welcomed Clint Cameron and Laurence Tamati from the Bay of Plenty Aka Arthur reopened the meeting with a greeting. Andy Foster arrived and gave an apology for lateness.


Presentation and discussion with Bay of Plenty (BOP) Conservancy and Board representatives on development of the BOP CMS

Presentation - main points were on: • The project team structure and goals • Business case • Communications plan • Consultation plan • Provisional BOP places • Draft results Kamai Mamaki Forest Park.

The presentation is held on file DOCDM 142074.

Discussion - points highlighted were: • CMS process allowed the Board to plan for the future • Clear link between the BOP Board’s Strategic Plan and CMS review • From the beginning; - the BOP Board was involved in all workshops (minimum of 3-4 members at each) - community input was invited - an open and flexible approach was taken • Co-managed sites and even private land could be included in CMS‘Places’ • The starting point will come from the DOC Statement of Intent, CMS templates, possibly the Board’s own Strategic Plan • Outcomes are 10 year visions • Objectives are clear and measurable, for example ‘a particular skink in certain habitats’ • Some outcomes can also be a management-initiated objective, for example ‘ pest free’

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• Much is still unknown about the CMS templates, for example, how specific it will allow information to be, for each ‘place’ or site • Template production has been fast tracked within DOC and is now due by 30 June 2007 • BOP Board used its connections to invite advocacy groups to present at regular and special meetings by geographic area. Responsibility to organise these was divided between Board members • BOP is still considering how to run future community consultation meetings. These considerations were raised by the WCB: - Not using ‘DOC speak’ when talking to public eg. ‘place’ - That no ‘false’ consultation happens ie. available information is presented honestly • The BOP Board’s key learning point from the process has been recognising strengths and using them to advantage. For example, close relationships with conservation groups and DOC Technical Service staff were critical • The BOP DOC staff’s key learning point has been the importance of involving teams of experts, by ‘place’, from the start - through workshops.

Laurence Tamati and Clint Cameron were thanked for coming and best wishes were extended to Mark Davies for a speedy recovery after his car accident.

Break for Lunch Joined by Anaru Luke


Alan McKenzie presented a report on activity in the Wellington Conservancy.

The paper tabled is held on file DOCDM 138359.

Discussion covered the following points: Business Planning The Board’s possible involvement in the Conservancy’s Business Planning (BP) process was raised. While welcomed by Alan McKenzie; he advised that since there will be no change to the BP process this year, the Board would be more productively employed preparing a Board Strategic Plan in preparation for getting started on the CMS; with the opportunity to be involved in the revised Business Planning process next year. Barbara Browne assured the Board that despite a small reduction in Conservancy funds, funding will be available to get the CMS review underway 1 July 2007.

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Conservancy Strategic Plan The Board repeated its earlier request for a copy of the ‘Direction and Expectation’ letter sent to Alan McKenzie from Barbara Browne outlining her expectations of the Conservancy and the Conservator. The request was agreed to by Barbara Browne and Alan McKenzie.

Bev Abbott noted it was important the Board understand the background to the developing ‘Strategic Plan for the Conservancy’. It was noted that a copy of the letter would be circulated to the Board.

Alan McKenzie advised that the development of the ‘Strategic Plan for the Conservancy’ shouldn’t hold up the CMS process.

CMS Process Alan McKenzie advised that: • DOC Technical staff would concentrate on what is important at each ‘site’ • The Board should concentrate on what values are important at each ‘place’.

Concern over the possibility of some non-DOC estate ‘sites’ being missed by DOC Technical staff was raised. Therefore the Board would want to review the DOC-produced ‘site’ list using their community connections.

4. PUBLIC FORUM – MATTERS ARISING…contd. Ian Cooksley was asked to comment on matters arising from the presentations in the Public Forum. Ian explained: • The ‘perched’ Te Hapua wetlands only exist because the owner currently in Environment Court mediation (Mr Jensen) has kept ponds - because he is a duck shooter Other landowners’ sites are modified The two issues involving Mr Jensen’s land are wetland protection and subdivision Wetland protection - Mr Jensen will possibly get a slightly modified scheme approved at Environmental Court mediation Subdivision – is an allowed activity under the District Plan.

• DOC has interests outside the DOC estate Catchment issues are always an interest and the impacts of erosion and sedimentation will become issues for Kapiti District once extensive logging begins The best time to be involved is when District Plan changes are being made.

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7.1 Future Directions for Mana

An overview of the notes from the Board trip to Mana Island on the 21st April was given by Bev Abbott. Bev Abbott highlighted that the Board, in considering the ’ ‘theme’, would need to look at the existing situation [eg: the coast, its small wetlands , refuge for threatened species, infrastructure, views (scenery) and the associated disappearing open grasslands] and make sure funding would be possible for changes wanted.

Board members and staff shared their visions, values and impressions as a starting point for planning for Mana Island’s future. Points made at meeting or during discussions on field trip included:

• Mana Island to remain free of mammalian predators • Mana’s future use for species recovery programmes, including the potential for increased focus on threatened invertebrates and plants as well as the existing bird species, (takahe and sea bird colonies) • Further work so restored forest ecosystems and vegetation becomes more like that which was likely to be present before people arrived • Very different from Kapiti - better than expected • Whether Mana should be included in a CMS islands ‘place’ alongside Kapiti, Matui/Somes and Karori Wildlife Sanctuary, or whether its unique combination of values mean it should be treated as a separate place • The on-going budget impact of the depreciation on the buildings • The costs incurred by the Area office supporting species recovery programmes • The potential for more sustainable forms of energy to run the island • Potential conflict between maintaining open landscapes with views to Kapiti, the and the mainland with the restoration forests • The potential to strengthen connections to islands in the Marlbourgh Sounds • Local stakeholders knowing more about the diversity and richness of Mana’s marine ecosystems • The wahi tapu status of the island permeates all DoC activities and experiences on the island • To develop conservation values in people, through visiting this ‘special place’ • Historical value to all people - highlighted using signage • Its status as a scientific reserve - what does this mean for the way that programmes are developed and managed • Effects of seabirds on the ecology - nitrogen, plants, invertebrates • The amount of mowing needed to maintain grasslands and paths • Remnants of farming operations - lighthouse base, garden ditches • Can we get the lighthouse back? • Strong involvement of volunteers in restoration programmes

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• Opportunities for co-management • Concession earner • Potential for sponsorship.

Bev Abbott acknowledged Alan McKenzie’s wisdom in selecting Mana Island as the Board’s first CMS project.

Alan McKenzie suggested the template for capturing the CMS values at places being used by Waikato Conservancy could be a useful tool to help the Board with CMS places. It was noted this template would be sent to the Board.

Short break taken


8.1 GWRC Presentation and Discussion on Lake Wairarapa

Ian Buchanan, Chair of Greater Wellington, was welcomed and introductions made.

Ian gave a background summary of his long history of involvement with Lake Wairarapa since the 1970’s and his passion for its future.

In the long term he sees it; • being co-managed by GWRC, DOC and Iwi as a regional ‘Ecological’ Park • meeting both environmental conservation and recreational priorities. The Governance structure is being planned. • maybe having an interpretive centre, boardwalks… • still surrounded by farmland.

Ian described; • the impact the flood protection scheme has had on the Lake and Palliser Bay; - weed plant species have established (alders, grasses) due to changed moisture levels and patterns - fish levels are reduced and different species are now establishing - has built up in the Lake and developed - marine water depth has lowered and dunes/dust has developed at the coast • work undertaken and future plans to manage these impacts (weed control, water level management) • compromises being made (including accepting the Lake is different from its state pre-flood protection works).

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He also spoke of; • GWRC’s commitment of $350K per annum for the park being reduced to $55K this year; flexible depending on plans yet to be established • the concept of ‘Total Catchment Management’ just gaining favour and how it will be important for Lake Wairarapa since 10% of the catchment is erodable hill country. Carbon farming is a possibility for the future to help address catchment problems. • how fully automated barrage gates are to be installed, operating on a tidal basis • the possibility of landscape values for the area being re-looked at

Aka Arthur left at 3.25pm

• Lake Wairarapa being a good example of how all interested parties can work together (DOC, GWRC, Lake Wairarapa Co-ordinating Group, Iwi…) and re-interpret legislation to meet current needs. There being a high level of community awareness of each other’s interests.

Alan McKenzie advised it was anticipated that the new Lake Wairarapa Governance Structure would be ready for testing from the 1 July 2007.

Ian advised the Board’s Regional Policy Statement submission, proposing a separate chapter for Lake Wairarapa, was unlikely to be accepted because the Policy is not organised by sites.

Ian Buchanan was thanked for his attendance.

Afternoon Tea Break


9.2 Concessions Report

Tanya Wrightson explained issues concerning the fence encroachment issue with Raumati Holdings at QEII Park.

9.1 Conservation Awards

The Board; • gave Jeff Flavell permission to advertise the process using the same categories as previously used • was asked to actively encourage nominations to be put forward by parties where they know of people doing good work • requested copies of the mailing lists used to inform themselves of what parties receive Board information including minutes and agendas.

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8.2 Review of NZ Coastal Policy Statement

Rob McColl was thanked for his effort in preparing the summary of the Summary of Submissions. The Board’s next step is to look at what others said in their submissions so that the Board can respond to those viewpoints in the next stage of the review process.

It was resolved that no action is required at present but will be worked into the work programme later in the year.


10.3 Future Board Meeting Venues/Dates

It was agreed that the next meeting should be held on the Kapiti Coast. The focus will be Coastal Dunes/Wetlands. Need to research which groups to engage with.

10.1 Election of Deputy Chairperson

Helen Algar was nominated to be the Deputy Chairperson. Ray Ahipene-Mercer/Geoff Doring CARRIED

10.6 Strategic Plan for Board

Board was surveyed on their opinion of preparing a Wellington Conservation Board Strategic Plan. The replies were mixed. It was agreed to revisit the issue of a WCB Strategic Plan at the next meeting.

10.2 Expenditure

The incorrect date on the financial report was noted. It was agreed to advise the Board of Conservation Award expenditure.

10.4 Correspondence

It was resolved the correspondence list be accepted. Bev Abbott/Maggy Wassilieff CARRIED It was noted to circulate the received correspondence ‘Survey on Vehicle Crime’.

Barbara Browne left at 4.20pm

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Weed Establishment Maggy Wassilieff had received information about Gorse and Spanish Heath establishing on the Tauherenikau track. It was noted that DOC would respond through Maggy.

Conservation General Policy 2005 It was noted the Board members re-requested printed copies of the Conservation General Policy 2005.

NZBRN Rob McColl advised the Board of the significance of the new internet site for registration of sightings of birds and other species. It was noted that the web address would be circulated to Board members.

National Priority Statement for Biodiversity on Private Land It was noted that copies would be distributed to the Board.


9.3 Kiwi Draft Recovery Plan Some discussion on DOC’s approach to the Plan. Possibility of kiwi on Mana Island was discussed; especially Rowi as its original range included the Lower North Island and it is now only found at Okarito.

It was noted that Rob McColl and Geoff Doring would work on producing a submission.


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