FALL 2008 IN THIS ISSUE A Message from Our President & CEO (2)… TS Awarded Grant (2)... PHMC New Manager for City Contract (4)... Book Examines Public Health Approach to Youth Violence Prevention (4)... LCH Welcomes New E.D. (5)... Volunteers Help Fugitives Surrender (7)... NNCC Continues Advocacy Work (7)... PHMC Welcomes (8)... Fall Training (10)... CHDB: Voice of the Community (11) DIRECTIONS Making the Rising Sun Shine Brighter

hen Elaine Fox was approached Rising Sun Health Center provides quali- council board, Hayward helped initiate the by local volunteers inquiring ty, comprehensive health services to people project and is very pleased with the results. Wabout community projects, she underserved by traditional health care pro- “It’s beautiful! Everything turned out really had one thought in mind: freshening up the viders. It serves a broad immigrant com- good.” exterior of Rising Sun Health Center. “We munity. Due to standard wear and tear, the Within a few hours, the volunteers were thrilled at the chance to have some health center was in need of some helping planted new flowers and bushes around the help in cleaning up the health center’s land- hands–preferably with green thumbs. facility, helping Rising Sun to truly shine. scape. We needed new plants–new every- HLNDV often provides volunteers for “This was a long-awaited thing,” says Fox, vice president of special- community projects, and as member and dream come true,” ized health services at PHMC. volunteer organizer David Balinksi ex- says Fox. On Saturday, July 12, 2008, a large group plains, “Typical projects include non-skilled of volunteers from Health Leadership Net- manual labor such as painting, moving, work of the Delaware Valley (HLNDV) planting, and any other creative projects to came together with PHMC staff to beau- benefit the community.” tify Rising Sun Health Center in Northeast For Dorphine Hayward, a resident of Philadelphia. From 8:30 a.m. until noon, Hill Creek, a housing project adjacent to Brad Baker, Certified Pennsylvania -Hor the center, helping to beautify Rising Sun ticulturist, guided the eager volunteers in was a dream come true. “We had nothing redesigning the health center’s landscape. out there in front of the building,” she re- He also brought in the materials at whole- calls. “A health center should look nice.” sale cost. As the president of Hill Creek’s resident

“The health center was in need of some helping hands–preferably with green thumbs.“

a publication of PUBLIC HEALTH management corporation A MESSAGE from Our President & CEO

s friends and supporters of PHMC, opment of a strategy for succession plan- readers of Directions often have ning and infrastructure expansion, resource Aheard us speak about our “affiliate sharing and cost savings achieved through organizations.” These nonprofits are inte- economies of scale, strengthening financial gral to PHMC’s mission, helping us to grow, management or providing other infrastruc- better serve our communities and constant- ture support. PHMC’s criteria for affiliation ly expand our impact on public health. So reflect our win-win philosophy. We ask: in many ways, when we took on the new  Do the missions extend, enhance or name Public Health Management Corporation complement each other? in July, we were better reflecting not only  Will the organizations likely be able to PHMC as a whole but also the role of our expand their offerings to vulnerable affiliates in our evolution. populations? cover the start-up costs of affiliation, which Our approach to affiliation has, in fact,  If affiliation did not occur, would the af- vary based on specific needs and priorities become a national model; we are asked to filiate’s service community lose a vital and can range from moving costs to revised talk about it to nonprofit groups across the health and human service resource? HR manuals, technology improvements to country. I thought it might be valuable to  Will the affiliation help to enhance each program development, to name a few. share with you what we tell them. organization’s reputation and potential Of course, there are challenges involved The concept of affiliation started with the to serve? in simultaneously merging and sustaining realization that PHMC had developed such  Is there potential for future financialsta - separate organizational cultures, in manag- effective internal capacities that we had bility and growth through the affiliation? ing bureaucratic changes, and in adapting something of value to help other nonprofits  Can the organizations’ boards positively to new systems. But our nearly 20 years ensure their ongoing strength. The basis of impact each other? of experience with affiliations has taught our affiliation process is that it should pro-  Does the affiliation fit into both organi- us that the opportunities make the journey vide a win-win opportunity, benefiting all zations’ strategic plans? worthwhile. We have been able to expand parties involved. We generally are brought If we can answer "yes" to these ques- the range of services available to PHMC together with potential affiliates when they tions, what follows is a period of mutual and affiliate clients as well as the profes- approach us through their management, due diligence that—after both parties agree sional development and career advance- board member, staff person or funder. Orga- to proceed—leads to board approvals, reso- ment opportunities for PHMC and affiliate nizations pursue affiliation with PHMC for lutions, the signing of legal documents and staff. Affiliate directors benefit from a built- a variety of reasons, often including devel- the pursuit of critical juncture funding to in peer group. We engage in joint program

Targeted Solutions Awarded TA Matching Fund Grant

argeted Solutions, the consulting arm vices from web site development and stra- like typical dollar-for-dollar matching fund of Public Health Management Cor- tegic communications plans to outcomes programs, Targeted Solutions’ TA Match- Tporation, was recently awarded the measurement and service delivery assess- ing Fund clients will pay a percentage of Technical Assistance (TA) Matching Fund ments. the overall costs based on agency finances grant through the William Penn Founda- Nonprofit organizations in Philadelphia and the scope of the project. tion. The TA Matching Fund grant supports and the surrounding region providing ser- consulting and capacity-building projects vices to children and youth are eligible and To apply for the TA Matching Fund, please for eligible nonprofit organizations. encouraged to apply for the Targeted So- visit www.phmc.org/ts or contact Liza M. Through Targeted Solutions’ TA Match- lutions’ TA Matching Fund. The selection Rodríguez at [email protected] or ing Fund, nonprofit agencies can access a process is on a first-come, first-served ba- 215.731.2407 for more information. variety of low-cost capacity building ser- sis, based on the availability of funds. Un- development that enriches all our services. Affiliation is just one example of our in- PHMC briefs We bring to the affiliates expanded capabil- novative efforts to expand the work and ities in research and evaluation, marketing reach of PHMC. Our mission is public and communications, human resources and health, and our vow is to be a trusted part- Announcements training, fiscal control and administration. ner in achieving that mission because we Lisa Kleiner, MSS, MLSP, senior research We inaugurated the affiliate model in know that we work better when we work associate, has been elected President of the 1989 with Interim House, the first special- together. So our success is not just about Board of Directors of the Summit Children’s ized treatment program for women in Penn- the approximately 250 programs we run, or Program (SCP). Approximately 100 children, sylvania and a national model for its holis- the management practices we bring to bear ages 18 months to 12 years, are served by tic approach to treating addiction. Our most on those programs, or the extensive data SCP, which provides child care, after-school recent affiliation is with Linda Creed Breast from our research and evaluation team on care and summer camp. Cancer Foundation, which joined PHMC in which those programs are built. Our ability January and is highlighted on page 8 of this to impact public health reflects the unpar- PHMC Chief Financial OfficerMarino Puliti issue. For more than 20 years, Linda Creed alleled work of our affiliates and the great- won top honors when he was named 2008 has promoted breast health through advo- er strength we bring by functioning as an CFO of the Year in the Large Nonprofit cat- cacy, education and support, particularly to integrated team across all our affiliates and egory. The Philadelphia Business Journal uninsured and underinsured women, and it the whole of PHMC. We also thrive on the and Drexel University’s LeBow College of vows to be there until breast cancer is not. collaborations and relationships we build Business sponsored the awards. In September, our affiliate La Comunidad with our many other supporters and part- Hispana (LCH), which serves the Hispanic ners, such as you. With your help, PHMC farm labor population and other under- and our affiliates will continue to expand served individuals and families in Chester to meet the growing public health needs of County, welcomed Margarita Queralt Mirkil the individuals, families and communities as its new executive director. Ms. Mirkil will we serve. lead the organization’s operations including its exciting plans to build a new home for The 2008 United Way Campaign kicked off LCH’s services. Please read more about Ms. on October 10. This year’s campaign, Pub- Mirkil and her vision for LCH in the Q&A lic Health–It's in Our Nature, seeks to raise on page 5. Throughout this and every is- $119,000. The more PHMC’s efforts bring sue of Directions, in fact, you will find Richard J. Cohen, Ph.D., FACHE in for the United Way, the more PHMC can snapshots of the great work our affiliates do President and CEO of PHMC do for our programs … and for our fellow every day. employees who work tirelessly at all our locations. Last year alone PHMC employ- ees, board members and other supporters pledged $124,000 to PHMC, its affiliates and other United Way agencies. Directions Offered Paperless The Donor Choice codes are: We are beginning to provide DIRECTIONS as an electronic newsletter for PHMC: 2050, The Bridge: 1547, HPC: 589, Interim House, Inc.: 2673, those who choose to receive it by email. Don't miss out! Please send a JJPI: 1828, LCH: 2302, Linda Creed: 9544, NNCC: 15887, RCH: 9218 note to [email protected], with the subject line DIRECTIONS, PHMC thanks you for your continued sup- to ensure that we have your email address in our records. Thank you for port of the United Way, PHMC and our affiliates during this year’s fundrais- helping us improve our environment by reducing the use of paper. ing campaign.

-The editorial staff of DIRECTIONS continued on page 5

DIRECTIONS FALL 2008 page 3 PHMC Named New New Book Examines Public Health Approach to Youth Manager for City Contract Violence Prevention

n July 1, 2008, the City of Philadel- Based on findings made possible by grants to PHMC R&E phia designated PHMC as the new Ofiscal and management intermediary outh violence has become one of the Medicine. PHMC managed and oversaw the for Out-of-School Time (OST), a city initia- most serious public health problems multi-organizational, cross-sector collab- tive that provides after-school and summer Yin the United States. Research is orative initiative that serves as the founda- services to more than 20,000 Philadelphia essential to the public health approach to tion of the book’s findings. schoolchildren and their families. PHMC ending youth violence. A new book pub- For more than a decade, PHMC has con- assumed full responsibility for operations lished by the American Public Health As- ducted research and program evaluations on July 1 as part of the $38 million con- sociation (APHA) examines the public on youth violence, helping to provide a tract with the city, $36 million of which is health approach to address- framework for youth violence intervention designated to pass through to the agencies ing youth violence through and prevention programs providing direct services. hospital-initiated preven- across the region. Addi- Out-of-School Time is a citywide initiative tion and intervention pro- tionally, our diverse dis- that strives to provide children and their grams. Youth Violence: ciplines and collaborative families with a safe, enriching environment Interventions for Health partnerships allow PHMC to pursue various extracurricular activities. Care Providers, released to play an increasingly im- OST offers two types of programs to Phila- in June 2008, includes portant role in the effort to delphia schoolchildren: the After-School Ini- a comprehensive re- prevent youth violence. tiative (ASI) and Beacon. ASI brings a vari- view of the causes For more information ety of activities to children in grades K-12 and consequences about PHMC’s violence- including sports, homework assistance and of intentional youth related research and program other traditional after-school activities. The violence and identi- evaluation work, please contact Beacon program engages both children and fies evidence-based Kristin Minot at 215.985.2519 adults in activities centered around schools programs and strategies for health or [email protected], or Lynne in their communities. care providers responding to intentional Kotranski, Ph.D., at 215.985.2552 or As the intermediary for OST, PHMC sup- youth violence. The book is based on re- [email protected]. ports providers in numerous ways, such search coordinated by PHMC’s Research as program planning and quality improve- and Evaluation (R&E) component, made For more information on Youth Vio- ment, compliance with fiscal and contrac- possible through grants to PHMC from the lence: Interventions for Health Care tual requirements and budget development. William Penn Foundation and the National Providers, please visit the APHA website: PHMC is also responsible for the manage- Institutes of Health/National Library of www.apha.org/publications/bookstore. ment information system that supports OST. “PHMC is pleased to partner with the City of Philadelphia in assuring that chil- dren, families and communities have access to quality out-of-school time services,” says Amy Friedlander, vice president of PHMC’s Management Services. Over the years, PHMC has provided inter- mediary services to a number of organiza- tions and government agencies. In addition to OST, PHMC currently partners with the City of Philadelphia in the DHS Parenting Collaborative, serving as the fiscal and pro- gram monitor for the provider agencies.

page 4 PHMC.ORG LCH Welcomes New Executive Director PHMC briefs

In August 2008, Margarita Queralt Mirkil was continued from page 3 appointed as the new executive director of La Health Promotion Council’s WISE SNAC Comunidad Hispana (LCH), an affiliate of PHMC (Wellness Initiative for the School Environ- serving the southern Chester County area. Mirkil ment Smart Nutrition and Activity Collabor- brings more than 20 years of experience in mar- ative) program received the 2008 Nemours keting, communications, program management Vision Award, which was presented at the and strategic planning from the for-profit and Third Annual Nemours Conference on Child corporate sectors. In our Q&A, Mirkil, whose ré- Health Promotion in October. The Vision sumé includes Vanguard and MCI Communica- Award recognizes exemplary programs in tions, talks about her new position. child health promotion and disease preven- tion and includes a $5,000 grant.

How do you define the role In sales, like in fundraising, much of my Barry Zakireh, Ph.D., JJPI director of adult Q of executive director? success was attributed to my communi- outpatient and forensic evaluations, pub- The executive director needs to provide cation skills and my ability to educate key lished an article in the September 2008 is- A leadership so that the agency can realize decision makers on the value of a given sue of Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research its mission, which is to improve the qual- product or service, and then relentlessly and Treatment. He is the lead author of “In- ity of life, health and well-being of low- follow up until the deal was signed. Final- dividual Belief, Attitudes, and Victimization income Hispanics and other underserved ly, my experience in communications is Histories of Male Juvenile Offenders.” people through advocacy and bilingual invaluable in everything I will do to help programs in health care, education, and promote LCH to the broader community. Amy Augustine, director of operations for social services. For 35 years LCH has pro- PHMC’s Forensic Services, was elected in vided successful, meaningful, quality What attracted September to a two-year term as Treasurer programs in the southern Chester County Q you to LCH? of the Pennsylvania Association for Drug area and this spring (2009), we are mov- I love that LCH is a bilingual, community- Court Professionals. ing to a new, state-of-the-art facility that A based organization addressing critical will allow us to integrate our health care, human needs on a daily basis. Also the On Saturday, May 10, Donna Brian and education and social services under one fact that it’s an affiliate of PHMC is a ben- Andrea Vettori, nurse practitioners from roof. I see my role as helping the agency efit giving us, a small agency, the ability PHMC Health Connection, participated in to define its vision for the next five to to rely on the support of a large organi- the Fifth Annual Black Male Development 10 years and organize to best meet the zation. Working at LCH is a wonderful op- Symposium held at Arcadia University and needs of the community in the future. portunity for me to combine my Hispanic hosted by Arcadia University and Village roots, my language skills and my interest Builders Concepts, Inc. The practitioners You previously have worked primarily in the community with my career goal of provided over 300 men with information Q in the corporate world. How did that leading a small organization. I am really on diabetes, cardiovascular health, and prepare you for the nonprofit world? excited to be here! prostate and testicular cancer, as well as After going to business school, I did general health information. They also of- A pursue a career in the private sector. My What do you want to establish fered blood pressure, stroke and body mass background and experience are mostly Q as your legacy at LCH? screenings. in product marketing, sales and com- It is awfully hard to think about a legacy munications where I honed skills that A just now. My long-term vision for the translate into the not-for-profit world. For agency is that it will continue to be able example, as a product marketing man- to provide services to the Hispanic and ager, I managed large cross-functional underserved communities in Chester teams over a three to six month period of County, growing with the needs of the time and achieved goals within very tight community and expanding into other deadlines without going over budget. areas as the demand for services grow.

DIRECTIONS FALL 2008 page 5 Targeted Solutions Helping Organizations Plan for the Future

As the workload for many hy a strategic plan? Because a A strategic plan is not a wish list or strategic plan communicates magic cure for everything challenging nonprofits has increased, Wthat the organization has set its an organization. It is a valuable tool to priorities, established realistic goals and help an organization assess where it many resources have grown objectives consistent with its mission, and is, determine where it wants to go and seeks to implement and achieve them in a map out a route to get there. scarcer and many funders— defined timeframe within the organization’s capacity. If your operating costs are rising, a significant funding source or the opportu- and even volunteers—want your board is overtaxed with responsibili- nity to gain a new one, or by the recognition ties, or five years have passed since you that their clients are changing, nonprofits to see evidence that their last revised your strategic plan, it may be can find the expertise and resources to help time to engage in a strategic planning pro- develop and design effective strategic plans gifts will be put to good use. cess. But who has the time to develop such at Targeted Solutions. a plan and ensure that it is successful and Our interdisciplinary teams work closely And they do not just want yields meaningful results? In today’s chang- with each client to review the organiza- ing nonprofit environment, with strains on tion's mission and management operating to see 990s and annual resources and staff, many organizations do structure, assess underlying strengths and not have the time or available expertise to weaknesses, evaluate current systems and reports. The item they are devote to strategic planning. processes, conduct environmental assess- For more than 15 years, PHMC has en- ments, and identify opportunities and chal- beginning to request is a abled nonprofit organizations to think and lenges central to future success—all in an act more strategically in a competitive effort to determine strategic options and strategic plan. market. Whether prompted by the loss of develop a sound strategic plan.

Targeted Solutions, the consulting arm of Public Health Management Corporation, helps non- profit organizations in the region address many of the challenges of today's changing health about and human services environment. From improving communications with funders and donors to solving mission-critical initiatives and increasing operating efficiencies, PHMC’s Targeted Solutions offerings bring practical, strategic, proactive consulting services and products tailored to meet the needs of client organizations. For a full list of Targeted Solutions products and services, please contact Liza M. Rodríguez, at [email protected] or 215.731.2407. PHMC Employees Volunteer to Help Fugitives Surrender

mployees working in numerous care and support to fugitives as they District of Pennsylvania, the Philadelphia PHMC programs volunteered with entered the church. “There was just an District Attorney’s Office, the Defender As- Ethe Fugitive Safe Surrender (FSS) outpouring of humanity from the people sociation of Philadelphia, the Philadelphia program held in Philadelphia this past coming from PHMC,” says Greg Thomp- Adult Probation and Parole Department, September. The FSS program, which is son, project manager for FSS and the the Philadelphia Sheriff’s Office, Philadel- managed by the U.S. Marshals Service, program manager for True Gospel Taber- phia Police Department, and several local encourages persons wanted for a non- nacle’s Kingdom Care Re-Entry Network, social service organizations. violent felony or misdemeanor to surren- which helps ex-inmates transition back to Thanks to PHMC, legal help was not der to the law in a designated faith-based their communities. “Wherever there was the only thing offered at the church. or neutral setting. “Philadelphia is the a need, PHMC employees filled it,” says “PHMC provided social workers and largest city in which FSS has been imple- Thompson. “It just made the day smoother nurses who volunteered on a daily basis mented and the eleventh city so far,” says and less worrisome.” to interact with those who were turning Yvette Rouse, who coordinated volunteer An extraordinary number of people themselves in,” says Deborah McMillan, services for FSS and serves as clinical turned themselves in—1,249 to be exact. assistant vice president of PHMC’s Spe- director for PHMC’s Forensic Services “It was overwhelming,” says Thompson. cialized Health Services. Along with her component. “We had no idea what to expect.” Many staff, McMillan provided information on Rouse directed 150 volunteers, about 30 of the offenders who surrendered through housing, employment and other services from PHMC, from September 17 to 20 as the program received favorable consider- to fugitives. they helped fugitives surrender at Phila- ation for taking personal responsibility for McMillan felt the program was suc- delphia’s True Gospel Tabernacle Church their legal matters and many charges were cessful. “One man drove four hours from in South Philadelphia. The church’s pas- dropped or scaled down. Virginia to clear charges from 1996,” she tor, Reverend Doctor Earnest McNear, In most cases, participants were able to recalls. “It was just a monkey on his back. brought the FSS program to Philadelphia see a judge and have their cases adjudicat- The relief he felt afterward was just amaz- after reading about it on the Internet. ed on-site. In addition to PHMC, key par- ing. All of our staff felt they were better off Volunteers provided information, child- ticipants in FSS included the First Judicial from participating in this.”

NNCC Continues Advocacy Work

ince PHMC affiliate National Nursing legislation in Pennsylvania that recognizes bill would help them access those funds.” Centers Consortium (NNCC) first be- nurse-managed clinics as primary health NNCC is working on a similar bill intro- Sgan in 1998, policy and advocacy on care centers and gives nurse practitioners duced in the U.S. Senate that would help behalf of nurse-managed health care cen- the authority to prescribe drugs to their pa- nurse-managed health centers to access ters have been essential parts of its agenda. tients, among other achievements. funds. “Lack of funding causes access The organization has positively influenced NNCC engages in this work both regional- points in communities all over the nation to several policies and legislation affecting ly and nationally. Currently, NNCC is work- shut down–we’re trying to make sure that such centers, as well as accessiblility to af- ing on legislation that would provide new doesn’t happen,” says Ritter. fordable, quality primary healthcare. “Most sources of funding to nurse-managed health Affiliation with PHMC is an integral as- policy change is small and incremental,” care centers. “We work with Democratic pect of NNCC’s policy and advocacy work. says Tine Hansen-Turton, NNCC’s execu- and Republican lawmakers in Pennsylvania “You need partners to make it happen,” tive director and vice president of Health to make sure nurse-managed health centers says Hansen-Turton. “It’s great to build on Care Access and Policy at PHMC, “but we are recognized and included in new legisla- the knowledge and experience base of the really made a significant impact on the tion,” says Ann Ritter, NNCC’s policy and PHMC nurse-managed health care centers’ nurse practitioner profession.” NNCC was program strategist. “Many nurse-managed directors to inform NNCC’s policy and advo- most recently successful in helping pass health care centers can’t get funding–this cacy strategies,” adds Ritter.

DIRECTIONS FALL 2008 page 7 PHMC Welcomes Affiliate Linda Creed

hen Linda Creed Breast Cancer direct women toward local resources via a of the National Breast Cancer Coalition. Foundation began operating 21 toll-free hotline. They answer more than “We’ve really expanded our organization Wyears ago, it was the first breast a 1,000 calls every year. “Women call us to the national level due to our advocacy cancer nonprofit organization in Pennsyl- from all over the country,” says Duncan. efforts,” says Fran Orodeckis, d i r e c t o r o f vania and the only one to offer free mam- “We know what resources are out there. development at Linda Creed. “We’ve got- mograms to women. Over the years, Linda We navigate women through a complex, ten much more involved in breast cancer Creed has partnered with local hospitals to difficult system and show them the quick- research and guiding that research,” says provide screenings and diagnostic testing est way to get services.” Duncan. “Many of our advocates sit on re- to more than 8,000 women in the region. Educating local women about breast search review boards.” Today, Linda Creed is a PHMC affiliate and cancer is a major aspect of Linda Creed’s In 2004 Linda Creed’s reputation as a poised to reach more women than ever. work. Linda Creed reaches women at local resource provider for women and a Linda Creed was established with the health fairs and workshops, and through national advocate for breast cancer re- premise of helping women who otherwise two peer groups it established—Safe Cir- search attracted the attention of Deborah would not be able to afford breast cancer cle, an outreach and education program Schlater, vice president of Forensic Pro- screenings. “Most of the women Linda targeting African American women, and grams at PHMC, a breast cancer survivor, Creed serves are working women who Rainbow Circle, a similar program for the and now a former Linda Creed board mem- don’t have health insurance,” says Donna lesbian community. ber. “It was one of the only breast cancer Duncan, executive director of Linda Creed. Linda Creed also advocates for breast organizations in our community providing At Linda Creed, volunteers and employees cancer research and is a founding member hands-on clinical and financial services to

Linda Creed The Woman Behind the Name

Born in the Mount Airy section of Phila- as Teddy Pendergrass and George Benson. delphia in December 1949, Linda Creed She was co-writer of “The Greatest Love of was active in music at Germantown High All,” which was originally recorded in 1977 School. After graduation, Linda decided by George Benson for the Muhammed Ali against college and devoted her energies biopic, The Greatest. to writing and producing music. She found While her public life was one of fame her first writing success in 1971 at the age and success, her private life was filled with of 22, when Dusty Springfield recorded her family and friends, the joy of motherhood, song “Free Girl.” and the shadow of breast cancer. At the After living a few years in Los Angeles, age of 26, Linda was diagnosed with breast where she met her future husband Stephen cancer. Her indomitable spirit helped her Epstein, she returned home to Philadelphia survive ten more years. The private Linda where she connected with Kenny Gamble was known for her generous and nurturing and teamed up with . Her work heart. Despite her illness, she continued with Bell, initially with The Stylistics and to work and made herself available to her then with The Spinners, brought her huge family and friends, helping them in any way commercial success and was an integral she could. part of what became known as the “Philly Linda died of breast cancer on April 10, Sound.” She wrote for other notables such 1986, at the age of 37, survived by her hus-

page 8 PHMC.ORG women—a small agency doing big things from home while I was undergoing chemo- on their core mission. “In order for the or- locally,” recalls Schlater. Linda Creed’s Pa- therapy, but not many employers would do ganization to grow and expand services we tient Assistance program, which provides so.” In 2004 Schlater co-founded “Chip In,” needed the infrastructure support as well financial support to women undergoing a golf tournament designed to raise funds as access to resources,” says Kathleen breast cancer treatment for daily living for Linda Creed, which has a budget sup- Lentini, president of Linda Creed’s Board expenses such as rent, child care and utili- ported solely by fundraising. As of 2008, of Directors. Orodeckis agrees: “The af- filiation with PHMC is good for us because that’s what PHMC does best–provide sup- We would really like to . . . put ourselves out port services so a small organization can “ do what it does best.” of business. That would be a great goal.“ Linda Creed’s future goals are clear. “We would really like to eradicate breast cancer–put ourselves out of business. That ties, is one of the programs Schlater has Chip In Golf (chipingolf.com) has raised would be a great goal,” says Duncan. actively supported. During her own treat- more than $120,000 for Linda Creed. ment for breast cancer, Schlater was able To Schlater and everyone associated To learn more abo ut Linda Creed, visit to continue working at PHMC. “PHMC sup- with Linda Creed, the affiliation with www.lindacreed.org or call toll-free ported me by allowing me to have a flex- PHMC is an important step as it will al- 1.877.99.CREED. ible schedule and conduct some of my work low Linda Creed employees time to focus

Upcoming band, Stephen, their two daughters, her ute. Linda was posthumously inducted into Linda Creed Events parents and siblings. A little more than a the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1992. month after her death, her most well-known In 1987, Linda’s friends and family song, “The Greatest Love of All,” became a founded Linda Creed Breast Cancer Foun- 11.15.08 #1 hit for pop icon Whitney Houston. dation to honor the private Linda–the care- First Person Arts Festival Before her death, Linda Creed along giver and nurturer. While her songwriting Luncheon and Screening of with Thom Bell served as the lyricists for fame has faded somewhat 22 years after “Crazy Sexy Cancer“ ’s hit song “Old Friend” on her death, her inner spirit lives on, provid- Painted Bride, 230 Vine Street, Philadelphia her 1987 Living All Alone. In 1990, ing women access to mammograms, diag- while performing in Japan, Hyman dedicat- nostic tests, and other vital resources. ed a rendition of the song to Linda as a trib- 12.6.08 Enchanted Holidays I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone's shadows // If I fail, if I succeed // 17th Annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon & Fashion Show At least I'll live as I believe // No matter what they take from me // They can't Crystal Tea Room, Wanamaker Building 100 Penn Square East, Philadelphia take away my dignity // Because the greatest love of all // Is happening to me //

I found the greatest love of all // Inside of me // The greatest love of all // Is easy to achieve // Learning to love yourself // It is the greatest love of all

Lyrics from Linda Creed's hit song “The Greatest Love of All,” 1977

DIRECTIONS FALL 2008 page 9 Fall Calendar

The fall training calendar is now beginning. Here are just a few of the offerings:

An In-Depth Look at HIV/AIDS Clinical Documentation: Fundamentals of Breast Health Ethics and Substance Abuse Treatment Formulas for Success Boundary Issues in Public Health 101 Word Management: Professional Relationships TB/STD Current Trends Professional Writing for Managers The History of PHMC

Visit phmc.org/training for a full calendar or contact [email protected] for more info.

It's not too late to join the The Butterfly Bush A Thicket of Ticket Options

$550 Monarch’s Court Group discount on standard ticket pricing - 4 tickets to event

$150 Butterfly Everything we do is public health. So we’ve changed our name Standard ticket

to Public Health Management Corporation. $135 Chrysalis Please join us in celebration on 11 18 08 from 6-9 PM at Special pricing for public health professionals age Philadelphia's Academy of Natural Sciences, located at 35 and under 1900 Benjamin Franklin Parkway. $100 Caterpillar Special student pricing To become a sponsor, register, or get more information, visit

phmc.org/evolution or call 267.773.4346.

page 10 PHMC.ORG CHDB’s 2008 Household Health Survey: Voice of the Community A Closer Look at the Numbers “Research shows that one in five adults in Philadelphia smokes cigarettes every day.“ You hear these kinds of statistics all the time–ever wonder where they come from? How this research is obtained? What this research represents? 13,000 Households included in the information collected by the 2008 Where does this research come from? How is this information used locally? Household Health Survey Research and data about the Southeast- There are many ways in which this infor- ern Pennsylvania (SEPA) region, which mation is applied, from planning more ef- includes Philadelphia, Montgomery, Dela- fective programs to informing policy deci- 350 Local agencies from the health, ware, Chester, and Bucks Counties, often sions. For example, data from the 2004 government, nonprofit, and academic sec- comes from right here at PHMC through Household Health Survey revealed that one tors that support CHDB our Community Health Data Base (CHDB). in five adults in Philadelphia smokes every day or on most days. Philadelphia City How is this research obtained? Council used this information to document 300 Users contacted via cell phone Research information on SEPA is obtained the associated health effects of smoking in in the SEPA region by the 2008 Household through the Household Health Survey, its smoking ban hearings. Health Survey which has been conducted since 1983. The CHDB just wrapped up its 2008 House- Why is the survey important? hold Health Survey and PHMC will report The survey represents an opportunity for 8 Counties contacted by CHDB about results in early 2009. In addition, for the area residents to inform local health care health and health care experiences first time the CHDB survey will include providers about their collective health and, data collected from Berks, Lancaster and in turn, improve health care and social ser- Schuylkill County residents, providing cru- vices in the region. Participation is free and 7 New topics added to the 2008 House- cial data on health status and health needs all responses are completely confidential. hold Health Survey in these counties and across the region. The CHDB Household Health Survey is a unique initiative and rare regional resource. How does the survey work? The Household Health Survey is a large- What are some new features of the 2008 The Community Health Data Base (CHDB) South- scale telephone survey, a tested method Household Health Survey? eastern Pennsylvania Household Health Survey is to obtain crucial information from diverse For the first time, 300 interviews were the largest regional health survey in the nation, populations that is used to examine the conducted by cell phone in addition to lan- covering Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Montgomery health and health care experiences of area dline-based interviews. By including a cell and Philadelphia counties, and now Schuylkill, residents. This year, approximately 13,000 phone sample, CHDB expects to increase Lancaster and Berks Counties. It has been conduct- households were contacted. Residents are its response rate for traditionally hard-to- ed every two years since 1994. The Pew Charitable chosen at random and asked questions reach population subgroups—young adults Trusts, The William Penn Foundation, United Way about health screenings, use of health ser- (18-30 years), racial and ethnic minorities of Southeastern Pennsylvania and over 250 local vices, health insurance and personal health and adults living in poverty—potentially agencies from the health, government, nonprofit behaviors, among other topics. yielding richer data about these subgroups. and academic sectors help to support CHDB. For In addition, CHDB will be able to assess more information on CHDB, visit phmc.org/chdb. Who uses this information? whether differences exist between popula- Data are used by the media, local public tions with only cell phones and populations health departments, hospitals, health in- with landlines. Most important, findings surers, universities and community-based from the cell phone sample will enhance nonprofits to target health programs for at- the ability of local organizations to identify risk populations in the region. Additionally, and meet the needs of hard-to-reach popu- PHMC uses the findings to inform its pro- lation subgroups and will contribute to a gram development and strategic planning. small but growing body of knowledge. DIRECTIONS FALL 2008 page 11





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© 2008 Public Health Management Corporation Management Health Public 2008 © c.org phm For more information on PHMC, visit PHMC, on information more For

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