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'¦-¦/. ,» m/m. ;*s~...... The Rio News. PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY

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Vol. XXIII. RIO DE JANEIRO, OCTOBER, 19th 1897. Number 42

\X7ILSON. SONS & CO- * (LIMITED) ,• AMERICAN DAVIDSON Co. Bank Note 2, RUA DE S. PEDRO QUAYLE, & Company, 78 to 86 TRINITY PLACE, RIO DE JANEIRO. 119 Rua da Quitanda Caixa no Correio 16 NEW YORK. Business Founded 1795. AGENTS OF THK Iaeorporatrd iimlt-r l.it«< nrilm Stiil« of fíetr Yiirk, lSíh. K0org1111i7.ee] 1879. Pacific Steam Àravigation Company C0MMI38I0K JWERGHANTS X IMPORTERS Encravers and Printers of Shaw, Savill <5r> Alòioti Co., Ld. BONDS, POSTACE St REVENUE STAMPS, LEGAL TENDER AND NATIONAL BANK NOTES The New Zealand Shipping Receive orders for all ofthe UNITED STATES; and for Co., Ld. description of Merchandise from Foreign Covernments. The Howden Line of Steamers ENGRAV1NG AND PRINTING, Europe and the United States of America. BANK NOTES, «IIAKE CEUTIFICATE8, UONDB FOK «OVER.NMK.Vrs AND COK1'OKATIO.\8, IIUAFTI», ÜIIK0K8, 1ULLS OF EXCIIANtíK, Repairs STAMPS, Ac, lu the flaeat nnd inoat artlatic ntjle to Ships and Machinery SPECIAL TERMS FOR : FKOM STEEL PLATES, Having large workshops and efficient WIU SPECIAL BAKKIJI AllltS t» PKKVKIIT «011TKRKEITISU. plantin Special papers manufactured exclusively íor a position to uudertake repairs of all descriptions to sh and use Machinery. of the Company. LOCOMOTIVES, SAFETY C0L0R8. SAFETY PAPERS. BROOKS Work Exeeuted In Plrrproof Itulldlnc*. UTHOQfíAPHIC AND TYPE PRINTINQ. Coal.—Wilson, Sons & Co. (Limited) have depdts at St. HAILWAY TICKETS OF IMI>KOVED 8TVLES. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Montevidéo, La Plata and at the BRIDGE Bhow tarda, Label», Calendara. chiei Brasil Poris; and, among others, supply coal under WORK OF THE UNION BRIDGE CO., còntract, at Rio, to: JAMES MACDONOUGH, President. AUG. D. SHEPARD, > ,A Vi«-Pre«"lenU.u, B â The Brazilian Government; and all Railway supplies, both European TOURO ROBERTSON, Her Britannic and American. ) Majesty's Government: THEO. The Transatlantic .Steamship Companies: H. FREELAND, Sec'y and Treai. The New Zealand Shipping Companies , JNO. E. CURRIER, Ass't Sec'y. Ac, Ste, J.K. MYERS.Ass't Treas.

Cosi.—Large stocks of the best Cardift steam Coal always BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, A. WKNCKSLAU kept in Rio depôt on Conceição Island. Tug BoMts always ready for service. lJIIILA.nBLFHn\, FBNN. V GUIMARÃES & Co. Cargo LlKhters.-ditto. (EstHbliBhed, 1831.) WINE MERCHANTS. Ballast Supplied to ships. Importers of BURNHAM, WILLIAMS & Co., Proprietors. Porto, Douro and Lisbon wines of the best quaiitle»in Bttablishmenu: Wilson, b .ttles.or m -asks, Sons & Co. iLtmite.i), and wtxier the private marks ofthe hous ,', Uindon, Cardiff, St. Vincent, (Cape Verde), Rio. Bahia, Tliese locomotive engines are adapted to every variety of service, and are built Pernambuco, Santos, S. Paulo, Montevidéo, Buenos Sole Agents for Ayres and La Plata. accurately to standard gauges and templates. Like parts ol diflferent engines of same class interchangeable.i,. Blandv Khothkks J4 Co., perfectly ¦¦¦'i&-¦'-¦•^5ts0**¦, m^ ING. FERREIRA & Co. Passenger and Fréiglit Locomotives, Mine Locomotives, Narroio Gauge Locomo- «Sxporter of Madeira Wines K Sucessor, to IV. K. CASSELS &> Co. tines, Steam Street Cars, etc., etc. G.PrkllrK&Co.,Bordeaux, u, Rua i° de Exporter ot Bordeaux Março, RIO DE JAN Kl KO, Electric Locomotivas and Plant for Electric Railways by lhe Baldwin Wines; ;.':?i-'.;':"l Westing house Com bina tion. K. Rkmv Martin & Co., ti. Rua da Quitanda. SÃO PAULO, -A.11 •worlc tifa.oro-u.glxly Exporter of Cojrnac Importers and guaranteed. Agents for Nauufacturers. Illustrated catalogue furnished on application of customers. Dealers in Further K«ir«undy, Agencies, suitable to theirlines oí business—Hard Khine and Mosel wines, Sherries, Champagn. í, Domestic good, Specialties, etc, etc—are respectlully Sole Agents in Brazil:Jl/crtCZl, Coitnacsand Liqueurs ofthe best brands. solicited. JíIeCãlV á Co. Lfd. 'kua da Alfândega, 8). No. 58. RUA PRIMEIRO DE MARÇO, Rio de Janeiro. UANABARA & Co. PREVENT YELLOW FEVER G HE HARI.AN AND HEALL1S0N MANUFACTURING by us«ng Importers and Commission Merchants. HOLLINGSWORTH COMPANY. T T COMPANY. MURRAVS FLUIU MAGNESIA ¦¦ Wilmington, ¦ 28, Travessa Del. .¦:¦ de Santa Rita, 28 The standard preventive against the perils of a Philadelphia. Perin. tropical RIO DE climate, counteracttng the effects of excessive JANEIRO. heat and MANUFACTURERS OF normaUsing the funcÜona of the stomach '¦

¦¦¦.-,."' intestit.es. . Every description of Passenger liver, and kulneys. Cures head-aches Sole agents MANUFACTURERS OF acul.ty ofthe stomach. hiliou.sness, for the Portland Cernem manufactuicd by J. gout and rheuma- Cars for broad and narrow guage tistn ui its less B. White it Brothers. London, England. Every description of FreightCars acute forms. Mixed with their milk - it bowçlHroubles . Dealers in all classes oí merchandise Railways. prevents with children. It is also a from Europe and the broad and narrow valuable United attention to the Sec- for gauge Rail- relief for women encetnte. Pleasant ¦ States, as Importers, Special and . Commission Merchants and given refreshing, it cau be taken Consignecs. tional Construetion of Carriages for ways. freely as a beverage and s he only alkaline àraught shipment to Foreign Railways. that forms no dangerous Cable Address :—Acca-Rio. deposits m the stomach. intestines and bladder For this importam coatributión to medicai science and Sole Agents in Brazil: practice, Her Britannic Majestv conferred the Sole Agents in Brazil: honor ot kntghthood ujxjn its inventor, Sir Jame» Murray, M. D. His sign^ture, written with green ink. REPRESENTATIVE is found upon POR Norton, Megaw A Co., L'd. Norton, Megaw *tmi seis of \ii Bt^kes íor Freight d. 6. V. MENDES" Cars, *i «ne hutn's noiice 115. Rua da Quitanda. For further particular* app«y to their The best desinfectaot for vessels CONTRACTOR TO H. B. M.'' SHIPS ETC, ETC, So

Froni The Speaker. he stepped forward and held it as high THE Grande Hotel Internacional COMING OF ARTURO. as he could reach toward the São Paulo: perplexed S1TUATKU ON THK 1'ICTURKS.JUK Pippo, clad only in his shirt as he had stranger. The blue ej*es had a troubled Through express trains leave the Central station daily at 6 a. tn. nnd 8:30 p. 111.; returning leaves S. Paulo jumped from bed, was trotting conten- look as they wandered from the little nt m. aud m. SANTA THERESA HILL, II 50. 5 p. tedly behind the white shirted figure to the expectant Numerous steamers weekly reapers of Roeca di for Santos, connecting m itl-. Rua do Aque.iucto the Sâo Paulo Kailway, No. 108, I-apa. It was nearly four o'clock of the faces around. The humour of the situa- Caohambú and Lambary: Telephone 801 íi summer morning, and they were mak- tion prevailed and, with a burst of Central Kailway (São Paul,, expie**) to Crureiro, thence Is served every 15 minute* by the electric tram-cars line ing an early start before the heat of the laughter, the stranger took the cap from by Minas and Kio Railway to ilcstiiiiit.on. irom th. town tl--..vi.ip, lhe Largo dc Carioca) close to the doois oí this hotel, .uni Silvestre. day should come when no man can work. the child's hand and clapped it on his Juiz de Fora. Barbacena, Puro Preto, etc. rins establishment, the first in Brazil, lor its elegance, The way was in full sight head. coinlori and of the lakeof Through express trains leave Central station dailv situation aniidst forests and enjoying the most iiiaciiificent scenery view; Albano, which ¦> nt 5 a. m. and 8 p. tn. Coniiects with ali branches ot the mountain*, town, the harbor lies below as in a bowl « Biavo ! cried the delighted andhlitli seas, peasants along the mani line (I.inha do Cküitro) of that rail- is most suitable for familiès and gentlemen of the erater wny. Intermediate oí distinetion. of a volcano burnt out ages togèther. The charm was broken. The trains leave nt 7 a.m. and 4 p.ni.- the first running before Rome through to Barbacena, and the see- Excellent restaurant, always ready. was built. grandmother gathered from the ond to ground Entre Rios. "¦'inest wines Pippo gave a loud cry, and the men a set of flanuels, oue of the reapers held Bello Horisonte: * and liquetirs. Numerous shower and warm ItHths. Purest air, temperature bracing and invigorating. turned to find him at their heels. He up a of breeches iu stout tweeds, No health resort in the pair Trains leave station of General Carneiro, ou maiu world is better. was and another lmeof Central raihvnv, pointing excitedly to the surface of examined curiously the at 2:21 p. tn. and 11:40 a. mv— For further information apply to Fehdinano Mkntgijs, the latter a mixed train. the lake. They stopped short and long stocking which terminates athletic Petropolis: Asskmi)I.iía 72.Telephone 200. looked intently in their turn. Pippo's costume in regious of more advanced Baica leaves the Prainha it ¦ dailv. except Stindavi who civilisation. The look of trouble HÜ p.m. grandmother, was hurrying ou in came and holidays. to connect with railwav at Maná. Hasscngei HOTEL RIO DE JANEIRO hot chase of the child, also back to the stranger's eyes. train leaves S, Fránciscu Xnviei itittiòh (< entrai Railway! stopped aud st -'15 7 a.m. and p.m , 011 all land route (pn*sengcis sh. ult) Shaded her eyes with her hand to see « Drop that !» he called out take lhe sübtubán nains at the Cential kailway station i,l GEORGE'S with a 6:35 a.m., -t*4o better the nnd p.m. to connect with PetrnpVlis traiu.) Lunch strange sight. vague gesture of his bare muscular arm. "bares*" Room and Restaurant. Returning fr..ni Pcn, polis, the t.ain .le:.»<-< „• The uucanny waters, which no native The stood open-niouthed at tlie 7:303.10., except Sitndny.* and holidays, and tlie "all 1-ml's peasants trams leave at 6 it.m. snd 3:3a p.m. Recently leuoyated aiid irppròved thtottghõtit The most ever euters, reflected in their dull green sharp, quick English sounds. On Sun.lay* and ht.ltdi.ys ihe barca leve* tlte Prah.ha at convenicnlly locaicdiestaiiit.nl iu tlie city. being sitíiated in depths the day breaking 7.a.m., and retnrning-the traiu brigluly in the « I'm in a uasty fix if these brigands le;.vcs Petropolis at 4 p.m the heait ofthe banking ilistiict and within .. miiiutc's »í.lk giving excutsiouist* aboul six hours in Petropolis. skies. At the surface, out in the middle „( the Praça aud Postülfice. Special taken to run ofl with my clothes,» muttered the Nova pains provide of .the lake, an unknown Friburgo : .. first-class table and pn mpi soviet}. creature was stranger to himself. Stooping over, he Baica leaves lhe P.aça through a das Marinhas at t* ,i.m. dailv aitrj going ceremouy of its own. patted Pippo on the head and pointed to at 3 p.m. 011 Satuidays. t,, c i.nect wilh the Leoptíldiii-i Fttiil' Its body was with blue way at Sant Anna de Mi.it.hy. Ketiirning, train* leave Nov» Rua da Alfândega, No. 8. pink, parallel his shirt. The child ran to fetch it and Fnbtltgo at 7:2$ p. m. d.iily. and at (3 a. m. 011 Moúdays. and white stripes around waist and ist floor. was followed by his grandmother and Corcovado: loins. Its movernents were not quick the reapers, each crowdiug forward wútli Regular trains. week days. leave 51 Kua Guíme Velli. and irregular, like those of the Romans some article of clothing. The stranger (Larangeira*) nt 8 and .. a m. ant) a and $,i.m H..u*c ) WII.I.I \ .1 When they reached the carriage road ' iC-ittofei lake. She clutched at the laurel bushes G. WAGSTAFF, Cônsul General. their number was increased by new Tolephone No. S.008 where the hillside was steepest, and she groups, whose work was also duly This hotel, which ha* been o mpletely icsO-ied, lifted the boy carefully overstony put CTItttrrl} Piiiriiui i* sitíiated places off for the sake of the strange sight. 1 >. llie best part ol tlie city, receiviiig ,iir and light from all that might hurt hisbare feet. The men Those first on the field explained to the CHRIST CHURCH.-Rua Evar.st.. d» Veigu Mòtiiinj: f'.iu side*, clow to thecle.iuest lienclt oí the city, siurnundedby dropped their reaping-hooksand hurried

¦ service every Sunday at 11 n tn. IL ly contmunion afie: .. laige garden: ha* large, coit.f-nalilc looms newly and well new-comers that they had lost the thrill morning service ¦ n ist Sundaj .f lhe month and nt ,. after. The crops of the Orsiui aud ¦.¦ : . iiioished, vium . good shower and baths, dismfeciants in of the scene in the water. With flushed a, m. nu and and 41)1 Sundays. Evening service durtiit Colonna fields might wait for au hour cuoi season nccotding 10 nolice, llaptism* after mutuim. the water-closcis, diinkmg wate. filtcred by the Pasteur sys. face and resolute stride, the stranger service or al olhe. time* by nrraugciiieut •em, table-sèrvice, and is, therefore, t> be considered in the of such a marvel. (sòõtl presente In went forward in his scant costume, IRVINECRAWSHAW, M.A. British Chaplain. lhe first hotel ofthiscapit.il front of the convent gate of Pallazuolo, 181, Rua dks Larangei.ns, looking neither to the left nor to the Possesses also a siimptüotts saloon and splendid table-sei- where the preeipice was abrupt, oue of IGREJA EVANGÉLICA KLUMINENSK..-R..a Larg» vice lor banqueis. right. As they passed the convent de S. Joaquim, No. 179 - Divine service 111 Portugue** the few friars whom the new govern- Its lesiamant aud service cannot to be excclled. chapei of the Trinity, the bells rangout on Sundays: Piayer meeting at .o a. m : Worshíp ai 11 ment had left, interrupted his morning a. m. Itiblicid class tu study the H ty Scnpturcs, ai j merrily. afternoon. Gospel preaching, at6',p. 111. on WeOncsdayj yawu to watch what was going on. At Biblical study, and at »-,. Before coming to the narrow lanes of pieaching, 7 p. the head of the lake the archdeacon, M. G UOS SAN Grande Hotel JOÃO IOS, P;.slot. Metrópole Rocca di Papa, that climb up, with one who had written a history of Alba METHOD1ST EPISCOPAL CHURCHLargo u. house on top of the other, to the ruined Cattete. hngiith ittvtces ..t 1 nt Sundays Piayer 181, RUA DAS LARANGEIRAS, and ¦ 181 Longa, was now on his leisurely meeting setv.ee Thtusdny 7. p, m citadel, the stranger halted at a large Ptitugutsf itfvtcti : at 10 •> li 1.1 l*hts Hotel has heen compl- tely ami thoroughly way through the to say early u.iü 7 \> Sundays popular mass modem aud raug the bell 7 p. m. Wedne*da>*—E. A. TILLY I MANOEL testnred am1 ha» I eeti ptovided witli sanitary impi-ovemeut, gate violently. •f at the Madouna-s chapei, stopped to DE CAMARGO, Paslors Siiu.im) School 11. a. m.. * ev.iy .escripti.n. including J í.ygieidc .system ol scwerage All the inhabitants knew the villa, ..ud which Fab.ica Carioca, Sundavs, 11 a, 1... nnd 4. p m. Re> rl.ishing tanks ve.ittltatiug pipes. ga/.e. Even the nuns, whose hour of had been building for FRANK WIF.DKEHEKER. I lie npartmet.tS have been lepainted and repapered through- many months. -ne rising had just rung, looked furtively PRESBYTERIANCHURCH-N 15 Travessa da Ha.ren..- uut aod liuttnii u*l> fuio.slie.l. The du.iiig-ro.in h.>s They had often discussed the coming of 11. soiulay »L*0 been .ello. red, atui nn expense has been spared from Services Po.tuguez cver\ 'Iíuh».1.»at 11....11., and lo their windows in the Pope's palace Sunday.*; and at - , make thi. the rich Englishman who owned it, and p.m., p m of Castel Gandolfo on the other side. ÁLVARO E. DOS REIS, Pastot The nost comfortable Hotel what he should bring to their mountain Nesidcnce: Rua Petiopolis 3a '1 i-> the city. he onihl h*va likewt*e beco improved. The creature lay on its back, floating BAPIISI CHURCH.- Kua de Sant'Ami» No, -5 towu. A man ran down the drive from A* beíoie, Will be taken to the Services in Portuguese every Sunday at 11 a.m. an. parücular pains provide upon the still waters. The shrill cries .íoesls ot lhi* II..tel With a fiist-cla-* lahle, and wilh lhe be^t the inside and opened the The 7, p.m: and every Wednesday at 7. m gate- p *. .vitc and attention lhe electric tram of the reapers as they reached the W II. ItAGHV, Pasu.. passei the door bank stranger cut short his amazement by every ew minutes making it the most c nventenl a* well as a Caixa 35.. startled it, aud it turned to look at t -c ple..sa.ite*t Hotel in Kio dc Janei.o. them. few hasty words- The valet turned im- IGREJA PKESHYTERIANA DO KT \* HUKLO.-»,» Then, with a long, even sweep, it Rua D. Anna Ner>, K*t.«ç.V. do Kiacluul Services patiently to the crowd : Sundays .1 a. m. and 7 p.m, ; Wednesdays 7. c*a p. m, struck out steadily for that point of the FRANKLIN H. NANCIMENTO, l'..stu.. Pnma.y «Is this your welcome to the Gafe and Hotel Amazonas, shore where a leads through the Signor School tu lhe chu.cii building. path Arturo, who comes to live with "BRAGANÇA, hollow of the hills to the road you ? FORMERLY )) from Never, then, did hear that Marino to Rocca di Papa. The you English- Vvofrooiimai Piircloni men, men swim in the water even as 20-22, PRAÇA TIRADENTES, 20-22 with Pippo safely carried in his you walk grand- on the land? Davvero! have not Dr. William Fredcrick Eiaenlohr, German Phy».. mother's arms, made as best you *. CÜHNER OF they could ci.ui. Oflice: 78, Rua General Câmara. ontulting hour* shame of yourselves ?» Ul in the same direction. It was no easy flMl.l I 1 IO 1 p. Rua Sete de Setembro. The looked at each Bnglit-hmen and Americana wUhing to learn Port. task, unless they too should enter into peasants other utticsc should apply to PkoF. L. Makchamt, Ru- ! hi* estabtishtnent disposes ofa fi.st class service, well tlie water. again uncertainly. The Englishman, do Ouvidor, N. 05. Pulling themselves up by ventilated rooms, and all possible accomm. dations, through the bars of the saw Dr, Have'burg, Physician nnd accoucheur. Iced dru.k* and chopps. the bushes on the hillside where the gate, Residence : S9, Rua i" dc Março. Consultiug hours Pippo's drop Open untili i a. m. bank sloped sharply down to the grandmother her jaw in from 12 to 3 \k tn. lake, they arrived, breatbless and muttering dismay where she was standing to hold David Duran, up the ejaculations; at the spot where the child for a last look at him. í-aUccUaneou*. PROPRIETOR. With a swimraer was issuing forth on the land. guffaw he snatched his cap from his head, bowed, and hurried towards AMERICAN UIBLE SOCIETVS AGENCY. No. . He was a stalwart figure of a man, Ruad*Ajuta.-H. C. TUcKKR. Agem. the house. As his stripped tali, clean made, and with sturdy limbs body and BRITISH AND FOREIGN MHLE SOCIETVS AG New York red limbs disappeared iu the shrubbery, Sete —On and de Setembro London ENCY.—Rua No. 71 vtie. tht that glistened red from the water. His Sciipturcsin Portuguese, his new townspeople Holy English, French. German, clear blue shot recovered their Italian, Spanish and other languages. Bar and Restaurant eyes a glance of steel at spirits. JOÃO M. G. DOj* SANTOS, Agem the intruders. It was met bv admirfng « Evviva il signor Inglese! ewiva BRITISH SUBSCRIPTION LIltRARY AND READING 119, RÜA OO OUVIDOR stares from the black eyes of the na- il ROOM. — 11 Rua Gonçalves Dias— Open from n«on te signote Arturo.'» they"cried with one 6. ¦**. For term*. apply to i.ibranan. Formerly known as the tives. and their teeth shone white from p. Londres. accord. Then. chattering and RlOSEAMEN"S MISSION -ATufaiu Ktoaing AW«.._ niouths agàpe with interest. with re- 10, rua da Impcratrit. ;rd lloor: W |. Lcmby. Missione: newed interest in life, they went on to Gltu of book.. magaiine», etc. aiso papers, oí .eh-oí This estahlishntent disposes of a first class service I Pippo. who was^on his feet again, their work clvthing. ». I be gratefully received at tne Míssmm or a: in the cornfields No. 17. Candelária and cuisme. All drink* are guaranteed to be oí the broke the suspense. From beneath j a Pippo, at the washing which his best quality. All kinds of Knglish and American iced YOUNCSMENt HKISIIAN ASSO» 1ATIO\—No. yi laurel bush lie up a woollen cap. da Assembléa. ist Aout. dnnks. as also beer on draft: -pcciality. picked grandmother felt it her duty to Rua Ruwas tpe>. fiorn 6.H Cockt.uis a such as Knglishmen wear give loto o'ck>ck p m Secretary** oAce hour» . (mm n ont when they him that morning, asked soberly— 1 o'clock p iu.N.coUuA.Rodrigues,P.esidenuTh. mai Ls Ti RNF.R Co. walk over the Roman hills. With the «Norma, da Costa. Gcnctai Seacury: K. A.W.Moau. Hoo Ire. are then the English Chris- l*roprietors. graceful gestures of his age and race, tians ? »* í

THE RIO NEWS. [October 19 th, 1897,

With the decision of a prudent ins- WEST COAST ITEMS. French, and, as the representatives tructor of children, the valiant woman THE MANCHESTER of those 'non —Tlie for cereal and fruit crops in nations have no interest in keeping back the made answer : « Petfettamente — prpspects ships' until vessels are ! Chili are said to be very promising. *havepapers cleared, the Hast thou not seen ? they enter into the FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. agents been enabled to present the water.» —The question of electric traction and light- registers and articles to be manipulated by Estnblish.d 1824 ing in Santiago may be considered as settled. Brazilian stamps, tape and olher consular rub- Stoddard Dewby. The Valparaiso Corporation has been em- bish. It may be remarked that the Argentine powered to grant the use of the streets for authorities do not require the ship's articles to CAPITAL .... £2.000.000 electric traction for a term of thirty years.— clear vessels, a consular certificate being suf- According to the report of the Bureau of Chilian Times. ficient at the Brazilian consulate and although Vital Statisties, issued on Saturday last, the —The vessels may be properly despatched in Argen- Chilian Times of the 15U1 ult. says tina population of has passed the that Chili «is entering upon an era of deter- by Argentuy; authorities, the official two-million This Company is prepared to write large clearance is not sufficient to mark. The figures given in the mined protection for native industries,» and meet Brazilian official report are 2,000,916. — N. Y. lines in the city of Rio de Janeiro on most «rolling consular requirements, if the vessel Journal liberal terms. that stock to the value of 1,500,000 to proceeds of Commerce, Sept. 7th. doilars, to include locomotives and cars, is to Brazil, although she may sail in ballast. On Friday last, Apply to H. David de San son, be built in the country.» Itis a bad outlook an American vessel had to for tlie taxpayer as well as for commerce. clear for Pernambuco in ballast. Her captain A poor colored woman in a log cabin in General agent. applied to the Brazilian„consul for consular southern United States had three boys, but bill of health, but the cônsul, who has to could afford only one pair of trousers for the RÜA OUVIDOR, 45 PROTECTION IN CHILI. upliold ali the dignity of the Brazilian repub- three. She was so anxious to give them an lie in this country, would only do things in education that she sent them to school by As was to be expected from the well known order and in accordance with Brazilian law. turns. The teacher, a Northern noticed activity and energy, girl, "A coupled with .a large He would despatch the vessel quite in order. that each boy carne to school only one day out CARBÔNICA." amount of technical knowledge, of the actual The captain had no objection, the cônsul ¦¦ of three, and that aU wore the same incuinbent of the of the could fe7- ¦ panta- portfolio ministry of despatch away, but, to despatch away, loons. The poor mother educated her boys as industry and public works, this department the articles and register of the A L. E. Chatenay, Proprietors. ship were best she could. One became a professor in a of state lias been unusuallv active since he required. That, it appears, was a horse a mánufacturers of of Southern college, another physician, and entered upon the duties of líis office just three another color. Those official documents were the third a clergyman. weeks ago to-day. MINERA t WA TE RS. A few days after his ap- American property and American property is ' "' pointinent he made known the resolution of not to be trifled with. ATA" Soda Water, the A consular certificate of government to give protection to native indus- the United States was tendered instead, but "Thistle" Quinine Tonic, tries in a decree, the first clause of which não, nào, that would not do. Brazilian dignity that ali articles required <¦¦>- prescribes for the rail- was at stake. The ship's t.';"¦' Ginger and ': Ale, papers nothing A 777 ¦ .. ways in operation, for those 111 course of con- but the süip'8 would do, or else Whisky Lemonade. struction, papers the for those under survey, for public vessel would wait till doomsday or sail and be -X- # * ChamPaSne - works, establishments and sections subòrdi- fined on arrival at Pcmumbucó. Seltzer Water^ nated to the department The Oldest Brand Shipped from Scotland of industry and United States dignity being thus interposed Gas Waters, public works, shall be acquircd by against Brazilian dignity, IN CASE tender, subject to public the matter catne to etc, etc. certain conditions calculated a dead-lock and the vessel was not despatched. to protect and promote native industries. It Her PURÊ, OLD, RELIABLE. The water used is Doubly Filtered, and isstipulated captain talked big, preciselvas American in these conditions that Ay TA-y-: ¦: .'. everything is strictly guaranteed. (i) home captáins can do, but the Brazilian'cônsul talked made articles shall be considered A'.:. A'-- AWARDED FIVE DIPLOMAS. equal in bigger, as Brazilians "¦ The establishment is under the charge oi* to foreign price can do. Diplomatic quês- 77- made although as much as ten '¦A- per tions were threatened, the United States minis- ¦.'¦: ¦..;,¦;.-.. Mr. W. H. MeGrath, . Chemist and man- cent. more be demanded for tlie former; (2) ter being requested SLATER, ROGER & Co., Limited. ufacturer, who will that theso that the difference to take up the question on 7*77 A guarantee conceded in the previous behalf of the American flag dotained in -GLASGOW. mineral waters shall be equal to those condition shall be fifteen cent. in tlie case by unwarranted port ¦ Proprietors ¦-¦'¦ per exactionsof Brazilian officials. ¦ . imported from Europe. of home made articles manufactured from It became Sole Agent — C. N. Lefebvre, native evident that Uncle Sam would not Every description of mineral waters can raw material; and .(3) that an excess of bow to thc only claim that tune shall be Brazilian consulate 43, Rua da Candelária, be supplied. granted to home mánufacturers. can put foward, i.e. commiseration for abject By clause 3 it is providéd that tenders stipulat- imbecility. Rio de Janeiro. Orders received at the office, 104 Rua do ing for Uncle Sam might have deferred Riachuelo,orby the mánufacturers' payment in foreign money and deliverv without losing any dignity/ The final agents 111 bond will not be taken result :-$AA'"' ' into consideration"; >i that the vessel is still delayed and no |'v. and 111 clause it is solu- AAAAAê 4 providéd that whenever, tion will bc '¦•''¦': 'V77.¦:_..¦' arrived at until to-dav.» \.' :¦ ¦"•' owing.to '¦ exceptional ¦ circumstances, it may be : -¦'¦__ ENGLISH SCHOOL necessary to order articles from abroad, autho- SEA SICKNESS rity to do so must be 58, RUA JOSÉ' BONIFÁCIO, 58 obtained from the depart- ARGENTINE TRADE. 26 cases were treated on board s s "Olin- ment. In another decree, in reply to a note (São Domingos) da" by Dr. Ernani Pinto with Tinture of Ne- of the director of works réquestiüg The exporta from the United ctandra and of these. 22 cases were com- public per- States to Vacancy for two English boys as boarders—general cured, and mission to order from abroad certain duplicate Argentina exceeded #8,000,000 in the last fiscal pletely the remaining four be- for .;: education for professions or business — portuguese, carne much better. pieces locomotives, the minister gives the year preceding the collapse of Baring Brothers, rendi, mathmatics, science, etc. The illustrious naval surgeon Dr. Henri- director instruetions to procure certain and immediately thereafter fell to less than Mangeon says "during from pieces Good play ground, special attention given to the que that voyages on abroad, and to order the remainder, in 3,000,000. Year by year, however, there has men of war I have had oceasion to use been happiness of the pupils and to their moral and physical Tinture of Nectandra Amara of Mr. Antero from three Valparaiso some improvement, and the total value development. Leivas against sea sickness and always Eroportionatequantities,ruis. This decree furnished the minister of our exports to that country in 1S96 was very C. H. I with excellent results. with another opportunity .OTT,'B. A. Cambridge. to affirm tlie deter- close to $6,0,0,000, and in 1897 it was $6,384,- Numberless testimonials of travei lersjus- mination of the government to afford the 9S4. In spite of this small increase the value tify the results obtained by these distin- native industries ali the of agriçultural guished physicians, with the Tinture and protection in its implements sent to Argentina PETROPOLIS pills of the Nectandra Amara against sea- power. The three Valparaiso firms just alluded was only #4 15,312. or a little less than half the furnished sickness. to, pointed out to the minister that the cost of value of the same item in 1S96, and the figures To let and well situated house with making garden, baths etc. In order to facilitate the uso of this medi- patterns for the pieces it was proposed of 1896 have been very much exceeded. A bad cine a propectus accompanies each bottle toorder from them, wheat Apply to L. M. this paper. written in the Portuguese, English and would absorb ali profit harvest ii: Argentina has evidently im- French Ianguages. 011 the first transaction, and, therefore, they paired the buying ability of the farmers', but wished to N. B. The Nectandra Amam pills are for- know if they could rely on the a fair crop is expected this "asvear, and they feel mulated with the same doses of the No- orders being repeated. The minister; in better there as WILLIAM SMITH. in reply, prices well here. Tlie car- ctandra, order that they may be sent by said that his decree involved a óf nages and cars and thereof boot post ali over the world with the least pos- programme parts sent to English and shoemaker, while thanlriug his sible delay to supply the want ofthe Wine, direct and Systeni àtic protection to the nascent Argentina last year were worth close to numerous customers for their past patronnge, solicits Elixir and Tinture industries of the #150,- a continuance of the same and begs to inform them of Nectandra Amara, country,— Chilian Times, 000, more than three. times as much as the that he has moved to a more central which are liquid and cannot, therelore, be Sept. 15.I1. before. The position at transported by the same rapid and sure year value of cotton clothsse.it N. 29 A, RUA DF. S. PEDRO, means. to Argentina exceeded a quarter of a million Rio de Janeiro. For sea sickness, náusea in pregnancy, doilars iu each ofthe last two years. Bicycles impoverishment of blood, weakness of the RIVER PLA TE ITEMS. to the value of were exported legs and convalescency after #42,000 last year Englishman, recently arrived, long and si- —Almost We sent to Argentina last having a tho- rious illness, the pills should be ground a year has elapsed since the de- year hardware' ANrough knowledge ofthe import and export business and disolved in a small of Port ceasse of the saws, tools, sewing machines and Seek.. an engagement; is a competent accountant glass wine Revd. CecilT. Uiekman, consular general ma- and iu order thatthey may be taken as a liquid to chaplain at Bahia and formerly chinery to the value of #841,934 naval stores book-keeper aud has had a large practical experience, insure a prompt action; it is also to facilitate assistant curate and ; speaks spanish; first class testimonials. for adults and children who 'take at John's, Buenos Aires, curate in spirits of worth #126115- cannot charge of relmed mineral oil Address : dry pills, and in this case they can bê di- St Uawrence chapei of ease at Belgrano, and worth #1,060,214 ; manufac- J. J. Wilson solved in purê water if 110 wine is to be chaplain at Cordoba, and tures of tobacco, #50,467, and timber, lumber had. viçar ofthe Angl:can and Rua 2 de Dezembro 22 C. church at It will manufactures of wood worth #1,463,137 Persons who have no cònneclions here Quilmes. be remembered If and who may desiré that shortly after his death, meetin we are as anxious, as we pretend to lie to to have these most s were develop our trade useful pills can obtain then. by applyina held for the purpose of erecting some memorial with South America, Argen- Missing Friends. direct to the proprietsr who undertakes to tina is peculiarly worthv of our best efforts remit orders by registered to any —Many 'to of post part will learn with genuine pleasure of What we have done is impose duties Brazil, or abroad for the small sum of the appointment here as oii Information wanted at the British Consulate Gene 2$aOO per box, 12$600 for 0 and 20$800 íor American cônsul of wool and hides, the chief exports of the ral, No. 2, Rua General Câmara, as to the following: 12 boxes. that worthy chio of the old block, Mr. Lewis country, nnd iu his message to congress Baker. It last Brook, William Keith—Is anxiously enqnired after will be remembered that this clever April President Uriburu intimated that by his family. It has been ADDRESS: Bueno dc man was for if reported that he diedin Joaquim Miranda. young years secretary to his inüch diplomatic negotiation did not secure for the Rio about July i_}th. respected father, the late cônsul of happy republic some concessions memory. it would be neces- Harwood, Samuel,—of Gilford, Surrey, brickmaker RÜA DE S. PEDRO N. 72 Few men of his age and position sary to retaliate. in the employment of Mr. Brass, contractor. in liada wider circle of friends and acquaint- 1878. the lat That it is now announced, year floor ances, attracted quite as much to his side policy, the his bv /epublicis about to adopt. lt can easily be Rio de Janeiro, October 2nd. own unquestionable merits as by the fine done without Rio de Janeiro. BRAZIL. musical training violating any'will « most favored and charming voice of his nation » clause. Argentina accomplished wife.—Buenos Aires adopt a hijrh Herald. tariff with concessions to be made in countries favor of to him and it was decided that it should take that admit wool and hides free or the form of a st ai ned window at low rates of duty. This will leave glass iu the Highest the SONS church of «Ali Saints,.» yuilmes, to the estab- rates 111 force against the United States and lishinent of which he contributed so much bv give lower rates to the Kuropean countries The Seedsmen, his work. A few days ago the council of that with which we are beginning to competem Queen's Reading, England. church resolved to take immediate steps aouth America. towa.ds the erection of this memorial, and we After our export trade with Argentina has have been asked to state that the fund will be been severely injured by Vegetable Flower, Grass, kept open this retaliàtion we and until the end of this month, i„ order shall have in political and to his friends and section platforms iu a Iara give those among whom he of the press renewed aud more empha- labored an opportunity of subscribing. tic demands that the CLOVBR S__/___ S. Luckman Mr government promote our took a great interest in musicai commerce by subsidiiing vessels matters. and was founder running to Complete and first president Buenos Ayres. Lumber the Argentina republic Collections of Vegetable and Flower Seeds, specially arranged of the Chorai Union Society.- Times, Buenos will have to from for Aires. get this country. though if Brazil m tin boxes hermetically sealed. the duty be high enough to make ite.vpeii.ive the consumption might be restricted. But a Catalogues and ali sufficient duty on jietroleum would information will be readily supplied by the CONSULAR the Russian substitute Agents, EXACTIOXS. for the American article, and in The Times of Argentina, Buenos-Aires. agriçultural implements, cars. carriaijes of we are etc HOPKINS, the 4U1 inst., has the follow ing ; now 111 sharp competition with Kuropean CAUSER & HOPKINS, «There mánufacturers If is no doubt that the Brazilian cônsul the íutieson our goodiTre general in this city much higher than those on Kuropean has determined to we ea„ easily go


\í 19ith, 1897. [October.' THE RIO NEWS. S>

NAVAL —In COURT. order to escape the clutohes of the -y-The reeeipts ofthe Natal a Nova Ônus, -Une The Rio News A naval court, summoned many by Consul-Gèneral press-gang persons are said to be emi- (Rio Grande do Norte)during the past year, PUBLISHED WEEKL V. Wagstaff,assetnbled under his presidency at grating from the state of Rio Grande do Sul. says an exchange.* were 130,7911870,- and.the tlie British Consulate, on the J3U1 and rsth —On the Capt. Andrade Leite assumed expenditures 318.5911190. The line* isaakiW|* instant to invesligate 5th V A. J. LAMOUREUX, Editor and Proprietor. a charle brought by the command of the flotilla in Rio Grande. This ometres long and receives an interestguarantee master of the barque Comliebank, of Glasgow, gentleman is vice-president of the Naval Club of 7 per cent on a capital of 5,59Ó,<»52$54o.... A against members of the Contains a summary of news nnd a review of nrazilinn 7 crew for refusing to iu Rio dé Janeiro. moderate dividend can therefore bc paid Imm J affnirs, a list of the arrivals and departures of foreign perform their duty on board during the voyage this subsidy. vessels, the commerciaí report and recently São Paulo is already making I price current uf tlie terminated from S. Francisco to this for the preparation? —Instead of market, tables of stock quotations and sales, a sum- reception of the'ist battalion of police largely increasing the freight mary of the daily coffee reports and ali other infor- port. ou its return from and passenger rateson.the Central railway, mation necessary to The evidence convincingly established Bahia. A committee will a correct judgment 011 Brazilian the be sent to Santos to welcome them. would it not be much better to reduce the *x> trade. fact that. as in so many cases of this kind, thé invariably —At penditure of the road ? It is admitted (Cash iu advance) insubordination was the outeome of the PirahyandS. Fidelis, in the state of generally Subscription : in- that the. \& muchdarger than. ia nac/ea-, 30*000 per annum for Brazil; fluence of that bane to the mercantile marine— Rio de Janeiro, there have been disturbanees personnel $10.00 or/"j abroad or the equivalent in currency. at the municipal saryand that in ali bratíclies,of• the «erviçe the « sea lawyer *— who is aiways so ready to elections. At the latter place considerable Ali subscriptions should run with the calendar venr misinterpret two men were killed and many sums are squaudered through bad or terminate 011 the law in justification of his im- wounded. management. June 30U1 and December jist. conduct. —It Subscriptions and ndvertisements proper is now said that Gen. Arthur Oscar does —In will be received by Sosuceessfully ríot wish consequence of: the shortagetdwWOTWed Ktigene Frayer, had he plotted in the present toleavé Bahia until the jagunços are Esq. instance that completely in the accounts of the station of S. PauJo^on Wallnce Jluilding, some of his dupes appeared dispersed. He has detached a bat- 56 Pine St., New York hardly to have settled in their mind upon talioti to the Central railway the station-master and.iiw Messrs. Street & Co., what proceed against Cavpam, where a assistant ground they had refused to obey the lawful body of is said to be éntrenched. have been suspended for 3a dava,.*he 30 Cornhill, I,ondo.n jagunços employés Arco f ¦ ¦¦¦ comniands of their officérs. —Probably e Flexa ,and- Alfredo Tavwnea 1 » Frost & Co., with the of inventing a have 1 While. recognizing lhat the offenders erred purpose been dismissed and'two other empU»*féa 1S1. Queen Victoria Street pretext for viólating the constitutional provi- have l)een expelled from chiefly in consequence of their ignorance and sion that the service... Âsàcp£ --'Y-!r.oY and at thc Victoria Store, the use of the .XXX'- weakinindedness, a certain sympathy prohibits press-gang, Flexa has been ordered to the sum. of SAo cannot the castilhistas are circulating reports of an im- pay Paulo, at the same time be withheld from their 53,379|o4o and Tavares that of 6,8191980 SINGLE captam pending federalist revolution in Rio Grande COPIES: Coo rél»; for sale at thc oflice who had thus the responsibility of navigating within 15 days. of publication. at the KtiL'1'sli Hook Store, No. 67 Kua do Sul. —The do Ouvidor, and nt the Victoria Store in Sao Paulo. his vessel during a difficult voyage of two and — two Belgian proposab for the lease of a half months' duration For some days there has been a strike the Porto Alegre and with a reduced crew among üruguayanailinetiWfrse EDITORIAL and seven mutinous spirits on board. the Santos dock laborers. It is said opened at the department AND PUBLICATION OFFICES:- During that disturbanees of industry on.the of the time, as many as have. oceurred dáily, and I5th. They are signed by 79, Rua Bete de Setembro. part eleven men the strikers M. Alfouse Spee refused to work. Afterwards, four of them have caused considerable damage. manager ofthe Compagnie de The cofTee Chemin« dé Mfit POSTOFFICE ADDRESS:-Caixa 360. turned to and deserted on arrival at porters have now joined in the Sud Ouest Bresilieus, and both Rio to strike. offer an initial avoid payment of^ 160,000. One offers prosecution. —Some therêafter Rio dk Jankiro, Qctohkr 19U1, 1S97. The Court signified its appreciation of tlie time ago there arrived at Rio £ 3,000 every three years, with an increase Tóf situation by sending the offenders to gaol—the Grande do Sul nearly 400 cases of arms for £ 150 a year, and I5,ooo| for fiscalizâtioni two leading spirits for 6 weeks and the other Julio de Castilhos. On requisition of the sub- Tlu* otlier offers 25 per cent of the net The to inaugurate au Ame- intendant, profits. : proposal five for 4 weeks,—the captain being com- who feared that these arms would —The of the Paulo rican exposition in be captured, president S. Railway Co. this capital next mended for his success in bringing his ship 20 soldiers were detailed to guard is reported to have said at a them on their general meeting year,. is one which merits more than a into port under such adverse and unpleasant way to Porto Alegre. of shareholders th.it he would vigorously op- circumstances. —A passing consideration. There was a time Desterro telegram of the 1 sth says that pose the extension of the Mogyana road to "' ' '-.Ê* when an exposition of this character a band of outlaws under one Manoel Rodri- Santos, since he considers itan iufraction of . ¦ V "¦ AMERICAN SUGAR TARIFF. had the 6th ¦¦ could not fail to afford gues, attacked various officials in the mu- article of the contract of July; 17, 1895. great benefit, Tlie United States treasury department has mcipality of Aranguá, on the borders of Rio The minister of industry, however, in a :dis- but we are not at ali Grande. sure of such a ben- issued the following ruling to govern the A detachment of Sinta Catharina patch of thè i3th inst. addressed to thé Bra- efitnow. The times nre changing, and a^sessmcnt of duties on imported sugars : poliee has been sent after the criminais. ztlmn legation at I^ondon, asserts that this —AU view the frequency of these exhibitions Tlie following schedule of tests and cor- accounts agree in stating that the fa- of the matter is unfounded and that the has article expressly . sapped them of both novelty and influ- responding rates of duty shall be used as a naties at Canudos fpught with courage.tenacity exempts Santos from.the com-, basis for assessiug the estimated duties 011 and desperation. It is said that pany's exclusive privilege. ";¦¦'¦¦;¦¦¦'¦ after having J"' ence. However, some can —The good be se- the entry of sugars, in cases where the test iá completely exhausted their ammunition they new law of Venezuela,granting subsi-, cured if the right means are employed not stated iu the invoice and declared on the continued the struggle for several days with dies for railway construetion, aúthonsesdthè to that end. Sending out goods to the entry, viz : orecarious supplies obtained from the cartridge- President to grant railway concessions for>one' I care of irresponsible adveuturérs is cer- cents per boxes of dead govêrnment soldiers. hundred years, and exclusive concessions for decrees poiind —Campos must be a very enjoyable forty years On permanent roads subátdies tainly not such a means. If the exposi- Centrifugai ; place to may (except Cuba). . ,06 1.685 live in. A telegram of the 15U1 savs that be given of 20,000 bolivars per 20 kilo- tion is to be made Centrifugai the tuetres an object lesson, it (Cuba) 95 1.65 election board had refused to count the votes of levei road, 40,000 bolivars,oft.bro- Museovado (except Hrazil) 1.405 of a ken or swr.mpy road, and must be under tUe^control of capable recent munirttrl election because lhe 'own 60,000 bolivars on ¦ v ¦ S*v ¦ Muscovado 'e tuòüiit aud experienced business men, (Brazil)83 1-23 hall had been sürrótm ! wi.h :>. force i.trouls. 0:i surveys the subsidies run and it MolassesªSo '•335 police from io.ooo provided with loaded : iil -s. A municipal bolivars to 30,000 bolivars per 20 should be run on strict business Concrete81 1.16 kilometres. princi- election is evidently a serious matter in Railway contractors must pay

We are not •95 20 bolivars ¦¦,"¦¦ ¦ ¦'¦' pies. in favor of the elabo- J«^ery75 Gain pos. per kilometre, and mustdepesrt rate scheme of exemptions Java Seroop77 1.02 up to 10,000 bolivars as a which has ~A staté force was to leave Desterro, guarantee for been laid before the Egyptian Sirup80 t 12S• •* pplice completing the road. Concessions cannot be federal and muni- Cerni í)86 1-335 Santa Catharina, on the l6th inst. on the ste- transferred (No. amer Laguna, to foreign governments. cipal legislatures, for it smacks too much Cebu(No. 2)83 1-23 destined for the scene of dis- turbanceou the D. Thereza Christina railway. of.sharp practice. It is fair enough to Cebu (ass'd)«4 1.M.C steamer RAIL WA } Iloilo 1)S7 i-37 could nut ptoceed un thb voyage"The INDEMNITIES. ask that legitimate exhibits be admitted (No. tit once and a delay Iloilo 2).84 1.265 has therefore ensued The minister of industry has informed con- (No. Lstnkers have free of duty, but the exemption should Uoilo(No. 1.125 committed no outrages, but have gress that the recisiori of railway contract», 3)80 suspended ali traffic. be subjected to exactly the same limit- Iloilo 1.23 which had been made for purposes of economy, (ass'd)83 —There affect ations, restrictions and which Manila (extra)86 ..,,.,t-335 was another revolt of colonists in the following roads, tlie indemnities penalties lhe being : the United States imposed upon the ex- Manila (superior)82 1/195 nui"'cipality of Rio dás Pedras, São Paulo on the7th inst., Central, Sete :W% ..._.===== the third within a period of prolongation La- Af hibits sent to the Chicago exhibition. Ulrt? u\°-nl}ls: T!lis timè th« trouble ocevirred goas to Curvei lo, indemnity. 2,830,00^*000 1 QI \ Tl VV I.* \1-\J íYrEQl^ Beyond that no American can honestly tAjlàL.rX l l I. U I on the p-.nheiros plantation. and it resulted iri Central, prolongation Ouro-Pre- LE*C to He should be ready and __—__the killing of one colonist and injuries to ^ to Marianna, indemnity.. 962,03^1451 :i go. willing at S. Francisco, ali tiraes to submit to the same OcT. 14.— .S>«(i/V.~The senate by a vote o several others. The planters claim that the indemnity i,7ií,78tfo79 penalties arises from the advice Central de Pernambuco.indem- imposes 26 to [6 refused to sustairt the veto õf the pre |r°uWç given to colonists which he upon foreigners. If feet ofthe Federal District to the resolutioi "T mischief-makers living in neighboring riity 2,»29'787,'otíô2oo 37ijff6t he does not wish to do this, then he adopted by the municipal council for alterin*. tow'is. Central da Parahvba, indemnity Baturité, indemnity must submit to the charge of insincerity thc terms ofthe contract with Manoel Gome —On the ist inst. a uuanitnously 4,6oo,oõüiooo jury ac- The value of the material aud unfairuess. His object in dc Oliveira for supplying the city of Rio d quitted Arthur Lobò.àt Uberaba, Minas Geraes on hand al the coming of time of recision was : Janeiro With fresh beef. Senator Pires Ferreit { the charge of murdering thedirector of thè here is simply one of ordinary business, introduced a bill sigtied by himself and othe Uberaba normal Central, prolongation 700,octoftooo ; school some months atro S brancisco one of gain. He can therefore for certain favors to the families < It is not denied that ^\Mlfl€t • private granting j the direetor was killed Central no valid claim for officérs killed ih the war in Bahia.—Cftamb nor that the aceused did da Parahvba 584'oobfooo j present exceptional j the killim;, but as he Baturité oj' Deputies.—In conformity with a resolutit writes the could 764,'odbfooo favors, such as exemption from federal j poetry jurv not consider him Up to date voted bv the chamber, the chair appointed gui Ity of a* crime. The it has been impossible to obtain and municipal taxation. As a business | poet was therefore the valuation of the committee of three for revising the schedu acmutted and deliriouslv embraced material on the Central ] by every- Pernambuco line. undertaking, the exposition should pay of freight and passenger rates on the Centi body present. railway —An We are inclined to think that the foregoing taxes and expenses just the same as any accident oceurred in front of No. 4 '¦I list is incomplete, for we happen to know other private business veuture. Assum- Oct16.- Chamber of Deputies. Tí dock at Santos on the 13U1, which resulted iri that an agreement secret session for the serious was also made with the ing that this will be done, iu spite of the chamber met in purpe j injuries to thirteen laborers; The Ger- ¦ contractor of the Porto of the treaty for settiing by arbit- man steamer Alegre and Ucug«ay- discusung J Babi longa was being discharged; j a na Une, who was watt ing petition sent to congress, we should like tion the boundary between Bril when several bales here in Ria for question of bagging' broke from I several months to receive the indemnity to add that the direction and arrange- and French The debates were story their fastening and agreed Guiana. feli into the hatchway of í upon. As it stands, however, it ment of the exposition should be and the sitting was twice suspended. A r- the steamer Salinas. representa an placed Considerable damage : immediate outlay of over fifteeen. thouaand in the hands of experienced business tion to ask the minister of foreign affairso was done, and the thirteen men. working in contos. men. And if the interestèd wish appear before the chamber for the purpostf the hold, were caught by the failing bales and parties making explauations, was rejected by a ve fragmenta; Some of them were jfravelv in- to derive the fullest benefit from such of 76 to 74. jured. an exposition, they will send out com- Local Notes —The petent men and open shops for the sale Provincial JSJotes chamber of deputies has resolved to of their during its existence. As a Railroad discuss the French treaty of arbitration in goods N°tes secret session. —The of voters in the state of o rule, every established merchant, no number —From -It is January to Séptember, inclusive, is stated that Dr. Affonso Cel» haspnb- matter what his nationality is, stands de Janeiro 70,743. there were shipped —The new cruiser Almiranle Bato from Santos 011 trains of lished a pamphlet 011 the murder of Col. ready to keep any article of merchan- on the night of the 12U1 ins* I the S. Paulo Railway Co. 45'.33s.407 kilos of Gentil de Castro. reached Bahia 1 merchandise. dise which his customers demand. He —lt is asserted that iu three days the —The til jf"- —Tht; transport Ca, los Comes lias been sent 1 .. may have his prejudices and preferences ernment troops at Canudos consumed 251*) Jornal Jo Brazil of yesterday gives a : to Bahia, to convey some report that the President of the Rio Grande : like ourselves, but business is business, cartridges. had received a tele- 1 troops back to that state. . —In Santa Catharina violént storms le gram from the Rbthschilds on Sunday relative and sentiment is not business. He will -On the 15U1 caused some loss of life and considere to the lease of the Central railway. the French minister had a not his feelings to stand —Public talk with the minister of foreign affairs about permit personal damage to property. meetirtgs will 1k» held at the Club the Amapá of a business, —The appointment is announced of \ | dispute and French butter. in lhe way profitable uo de Engenharia for the purpose of discussing -On Benjamin F. Clirk, of New Hampshirts the increase iu tlie frv-ig!it Sunday there was a fight between matter what may be the nationality of proposed and pas- soldiers and United States cônsul at Pernambuco. seuger rates of the Central railway, j policeinen at Penha. Four police- the merchandise sold. But wheu it comes —Atriòng the recent arrivals at São Po , men and several soldiers were —The has informed wounded. to work the case is diífe- Prado and her oldest t, govêrnment congress pioneer quite were D. Yeridi.uu that it is not true that a j TIt was reported last week that Senator Prado, and his family. provisional contract rent. In this the foreign manufacturer Dr. Antônio was made between the Brazilian Quintino Bocayuva intended resigninghiaaaat —By losses sustained during the warag-it represeutative or merchant must undertakc the risk in I.ondon ami Messrs. Rothsehilds m the senate and bis position on the executiva the fanaties the b Utaliou of Bahia & Sons committee and incur the expense. If a great ba- 5U1 jxe et ais for the leaãjfbf the Central railway. of the glycerista party. has been reduced from 4S3 to 160 men. —A —Great care should be xaar could be opened here. contempo- —Small-pox telegram of the 15U1 from Desterro re- taken by the ff wera- is s»id to be raging througit ment 111 the recai 1 of its of ports a strike on the D. Thereza Christina troop» from I raueous with the exposition. for the the interior Bihi t. where it seems to Je where small-pox is now raging by troo-j railway, the strikers seizing a train to carrv in an eflii sale of American and novelties, it been introduced the govêrnment form. Unless such care Ls exercised go.xls —A telegram to the I\iiz statesthn them into town to see the superintendent Thev the di Bahia will be spread ali over the country. would dt) more toward securing a foot- at between the ist i * demand more pay and threaten to aíl Under no the fighting Canudos prevent circumstance should one of these' hold in the inarket than ali the exposi- inst the troops lost 25 offs traflic on the une until their dem mds are batuboos be 5th govêrnment returned to this city until ali danger be devised. and i.bcx) culisted men. satisfied. of tufec- tions that COUld tion has passed.

'¦' 1 fs^ «'' ^V ^f>' ** í"æ' -"¦ * ';

THE RIO NEWS. [October 19th,1897. i>—Among, the arrivals by the Nile --The short —I yesterday speech which President Prudente announced in the last issue of was Sr. Fernando Mendes de Almeida, editor de Moraes is reported to have Tran- —We hear that Mr. Wileman is now seeking of: the made at Friburgo sport that the Bazin roller boat, in her Jornal do Brazil, who attended the Palace on Thursday will not, it seems to us, state of present to organize a company, opening òf the Philadelphia commercial existence, was not destined to rev- with a capital of mu- contribute much towards inspiring confidence o.lutionise the art of setim in June last. in his navigation. For some 4o,ooo|, to publish his projected Brazilian courage, firmness or judgment. Besides time engineers in tlie review. 'T?*íeRepública says that, unless containing assertions past, service of the From the telegram sent down from the ma- that are obviously il- French government have been experimenting bão Paulo jonty in the chamber of deputies changes its logical, contradictory and contrary to with the we were led to believe that the attitude, gener- vessel in the Seine and in the open capital had been arranged. the opposition members will nót at- ally accepted facts, it conveys the impression sea off Havre. The conclusion As Mr. Wileman'» tettd the sittings held fòr of being a at which they scueme is to defend the country against misre- discussing the treaty painful confession of weakness and have arrived is that M. Bazin is right in with France on the boundary between Brazil exposes the President to charges which his ciple, and prin- presentation, he surely ought to be able to V that the use of rollers or wheels secure all needed assistance and French Guiana. enemies will not be slow to bring against him economise cent. in official circles. ; —The and which his 70 per of power as compàred — íôthWasthe seventh anniversary of friends, Under the circumstances with an ordinary keel. The boat behaves The resolution of a commission thus created, will find it difiicult well in the the entrance of Dr. José Carlos Rodrigues into to refute. 111 rough weather, is easily manceuvred, and Argentine congress not the management Itwill perhaps undo the of the throws up to impose a discrim- editorial of the Jótnal do greater part very little swell—a point of some inating tax on Commercio. The largely increased circulation work which he has been laboriously construct- importance in river traffic. Western and Brazilian tele- ing for months and Their opinion is, of the paper is eloquent testimony of the replace him in state of however, that M. Bazin's invention can grams, on the ground that it is unconstitu- appreciation public moral bondage from which he liberated only tional, of his services. was last be regarded as a satisfactory experiment and has stirred up a iively discussion over '.'•r-Thère May. If, as he said in a memorable speech not as solution of the the matter 111 Buenos was a fire yesterday morning in an over problem. Among its Aires. The Prensa armarinho shop, two years ago, the welfare of Brazil various defects are want of insists on the tax, and the in Rua S. Luiz Gonzaga, depends on the regeneration bulk and of »ro- Nación opposes it. which resulted in a total loss, together of national char- pelling power.— Transport, Sept. 25. °ecur to the Ptensa apparently with an acter, he has, we regret to say, involuntarily ÍL?068."0.4that àdioininggreen grocer'sshop.^Two other estab- a stnct enforcement of such a taxou tele- lishments dealt a formidable blowat the welfare of his grams coming over lines were slightly damaged by water. country. enjoying a monopoly. AH the shops were irisured would cut much dceper than is in national com- apparent. at first sight —The ¦ ¦.. Ifwe .'...-.¦ mistake not, all .. pames. question of the letter stated by a Business Notes this the lines in —We trust that our readers journal of this city to have been addre.ssed to part of the world are so favored—the will not forget trans-fluvial line between « Jellaby's Smart Accountant» when they are João Brandão becomes more and more compli- Buenos-Aires and cated. Several inferior ²A new contract with Montevidéo, the Western and Brazilian, looking for something entertaining to read post-office employes the São Paulo Gas 1'rench the Itwill enable the reader testify that on the 24th oí May a letter was Co. was signed at São Paulo on the 13H1 inst. line from the United States to Pará. to fili in many a thef Galveston pleasánt half hour, and that is something seized by a clerk and a postman and delivered ²In conseqúence line. And the worst to to the chief of noupayment of dues í*1monopoliesof all are the take advantage of after so much dreary readine of the 4th section. The latter, the telephones have been government lines. however, disclaims having recollection withdrawn from the —Mail about Canudos. |any of barracks and other military establishments advices from Brazil to inter- the fact and moreover asserts that there have at parties /—A meeting was held on Sunday for the Porto Alegre. ested in the trade say tliat the high of taking been no instructions at the post-office for the rate of purpose action on the present high seizure of letters. ²At the exchange is having some of articlès of necessity. It must be added that the warehouses of the Santos Dock effect with large prime It was déscription of the letter said to have been thus Co., from January to September, importers at Rio de Sricesecided to address a petition to the of inclusive Janeiro, and these are the Federal prefect seized does not correspond to that of the letter there were received 3,774,6^ of only ordéring District. It is to be hoped that hattded merchandise. packages for current needs, which is theprefect may be inducedby to the police by the journal in question. During the same period 3,562,749 this petition to It is now our turn — were naturally in much smaller lise his influence to relieve the to ask : Why is it that packages withdrawn. quantity than if people of the the competent authorities have taken ordéring for stcck. A reaction, burdens that increase the cost of living. no steps —According to an it ís feared, for the punishment of employes who confess official announcement will not be felt for —Is it necessary to make the assertion the treaty of friendship, commerce some little time. Thé that that they have tampered with the mails ? and navi- writer continues, the lottery-ticket sellers have become once What has become of the letter gation celebrated between Brazil and Para- saying: «The wliolcsíile more an íntollerable which was thus shops huisance, particularly on seized without authorization aud in flagrant •W' promulgated by decree 9,234 of June 28, in certain branches of trade are verv thetramlines ? It is bad enough 1884, will terminate 011 September dull, in to have such violation pf the constitution of the republic ? , 15, 1898. particularly the manufactured line • a yice légalized, but that will not warrant the Where did the in —At ex,ste,lce of "lerchandise, and of dirty boys journal question get the the warehouses and wharves of the SmSÍÍ«í.ffehng \ v the plague who swarm about the letter which it to the Santos Dock Co. seems to be that a revival of Carioca and S. Francisco gave police. 39,835 cars were loaded with fZtrade will not squares and thrust 281,889,170 kilos of merchandise, be felt much before November tickets into your face at every step. including next By Uns time Brazilian 134,320,000 kilos of coal and 10,828,500 kilos of business will be —It would appear that Senator CRICKET. much impròved, and there are merchants Quintino salt, 111 the nine months ended on the 30th of who Bocayuva is so deeply hurt that he can not The Santos Tour XI vs. Mr. Gko. E. last September. çontemplate better trade after November than work any longer on the executive commission Cox's XI. «1 some years past... The writer adds that —We understand the of Glyceno's party, and he has therefore re- This match which that the weather-beaten government will soou complete further ar- signed. The Mephistopheles practically conclucles the exposition building in the Largo da rangements with foreign of the republic cricket season, was on the roth inst Lapa isto companies for the whois now in opposition, has been played be utihzed by a local a.ssociation for a rentnl of railroads and other enterprises arguing the perma similar of matter with the senator, seeking to convince nature. At the office ofa direct steam- him that his betrayal ana,^e ship line to Brazil the was in reality intended even game would result — but his men f«il.wi f,,iif^iA M.„.!AA trust ™.at >.he freight manager said W'**v as a testimonial. men fáilec fruit-raisers and gardeners of the municipalitv Ulre tw,° steamprs entirely to realize expectation and had to will about£ f/íy v,*1 w'»ch are —We should doubtless suffer make good use of it. to sail 111 a few days are well filled be considered unrea- defeat by an innings and 12 runs. treight and with sonableif we expected R. Robinson for the —A municipal decree that so far no great change in the people torefrain from losers bowled exceed- was putyished on the outward freight movement expressing opinions on subjects with ingly well, taking wickets 14U1 the resolution has been noticeable. which 7 at a cost of 19 promulgating of the muni- —N. Y. Joutnal of Commerce, they are unacquainted ; but we may, perhaps runs, while for the winners Brooking had io cipal council, which was first veoted by the Sept. 16 be pe/mitted to hope that Mr. ClevelanK for 30 and Wheatley 7 for 20. The score was • prefect and then approved by the senate letter to Dr. Ennes de authorizing Souza, published in the Mr. Geo E. Cox's XI. the prefect to modify clauses 4, 5 daily papers on Thursday, will be a warning to ist innings and 13 of the contract celebrated with Manoel Financial persons addicted to indulgence in that reD- Gomes de Oliveira for the supply of Notes rehensible habit.‡F W. Morrissy, b. Brooking 2*rfresb houf.public**J —An E.Morrissy, run outj _ \ interesting service was held at Christ C. Conolly, ct. 1 — IheParutNew) -The customs receipts Skey, b. Brooking...... 1 Gas Company, Limited at «Santos from Jan- Church on Sunday last, the oceasion being the R. Morrissv, ct. Tatam, b. Brooking.... Was registered iu London on uary to unveiling and 1 September ie,th' «September, inclusive, amounted to dedication of the new chancel F.S. Youle, ct. Tatam, b. Wucherer.... t has a capital of in shares windows by 1 £$0,000, of Ao 29>432.072$6o.|. presented Reginald Éden John- A. «Smythe, b. Brooking]0 ach, and is organized to acquire the assets ston in memory of Edward ie of -The aggregate Johnston and Har- R. Robinson, b. Brooking 2 present company (Pará Gas Company, Li- annual expenditure of net Mary Johnston, who were married in this C. b. Wheatley1 uted), to satisfy liabilities 45 I church Jackson, of the same, to municipal districts of the state of Rio seventy years ago. The F. L. Youle, b. Wheatley•, aKreement de Jan- made by presentation •?? .SníUe,xec.uíe ?n to be made eir° 1* 5,504,554*^7. was Mr. John Gordon in behalf of the R. Sherrard. ht. wkt. b. Wheatleyò ith the Colonial Lighting Svndicate, The revenue is esti- donor. The church was well and to mated at the filled. J. Millions, not out 4 oerate and extend the plant iiow in use iu the same sum. The municiml having . . Wheatley!;!2 tlifinancial and commercial crisis from per gramme. The silver for advising Italian emigrants togo rather tncountry which md cos thegovernment 63.86 reis to R. Sherrard, not out0 is suffering. having per gnun ne'er the River Plate than come to Brazil ; but even Millions, b. Brookingo been bought i„ ,89o beforí the the Paiz, in discussing J. AVe are informed that *° 'is' the question, ack- l^XlxílS ••••••,•*'•'•_\ the work of putting ""^ ÚW^« as it at nowledges that many Italians in Brazil, starv- upfditional buildings for the Diamond Match presentoresenP' ^lhe government thinks Lo machinery, transaction that thi» ing and ragged, have asked for repatriation Total in connection with the Cru- is authorized bv one òf the nrov that 31 zei factory, sions of 4,000 Italians, Spaniards and Portuguese' in Engenho Novo, is progressing art. 1 of the last rèVènue law. engaged to work on the Espirito Santos Tour XI. rarily. lhe new manager, Mr. Santo ê Prestou, is -In 1889 the debt of Minas railway, have received no for 13 ist innings nomi the ground, and it is expected to hâve lhe state ( then months, pay theew works province) of Rio Grande and that the courts are notoriouslv H. J. Reeves, ct. R. Morrissy, b. Smythe13 ready early in the coming year. do Sul was4 i7S - tardy in granting justice to litigants. C. Wucherer, b. Conollv"2 leiomplete machines are to be erected now 92i*Si8. During the amen more period which elapsed —Now that the war in Bahia is V. Tatam, ct. W. Morrissy, b. Robinson!!19 later ou, which will give Rio dê between that date ended and one of the and Dec. 3r, i.S93,-a the jacobins seem disposed to force the countrv R. A. Brooking, b. Robinson6 Jan-o largest match façtories in per- theprld. Which' with lhc exception ofa into a war with France, why not send the A. C. Skey, b. W. Morrissy, months.I^.m1""?, the few army to -tecordiug state was under the control of the border ofthe disputed territory? H. L. Wheatley, b. Robinson16 to the report of the Jnhode Castilhos and A waf with France would, T. G. Nicolson, Bahia and h«spartisa„s-the uleln of course, be dis.4- b. do 0 baifrancisco Railway Company the traffic edness increased to trous; but, if the are determined C. H. Allen, b. do ..;0 recès for the 7,H72,2^.S. Since hen jacobins to half-year ended 3otíi June on the Castilhos notwithstanding the decadence make it mevitable, it would certainly be O. Wilmot, b. do 8 gen 1 undertaking amount the of well to to / 62,716, and principal industry in the state-the cattle prepare for it. And, if the army is to C. L. Robinson, b. do 2 excl those of the correspondtng industry-has drawn be sent to that region, the E. Manners, not out0 periotl of from increased taxatiem sooner the work lbr>'.£ M.2I5- This increase is chtefly the and from the assistance beginsthe better, for, if we may Extras14 resiof the pecíiniary whiíl è judge by the higher scale of tariff rates provi- fr°m thC time consumed in sending troops to Bahia, we siony authonsed by the thetlf^f state Wfi government and cannot expect the army government. There government of S. Paulo, sufficient to reach the disputed Total 83 has u an increase of expenditure of resources to enable temtory m less than five or about him to redüce the debt to six months. l 3 5. lt IS proposed to pay a dividend at 4.5°o, oooj. —On the evening of Sunday last, the e of 5 per cent. per annum, and to carrv the Ame- forvl 2,796.— ncan consul-general, Mr. William T. Townes Shifping~^)teT / Transport, Sept. 24. was attacked at his residence in Rua Alice' - Larangeiras, byhis ail advices from London to servant who fired two shots —The French cruiser Dubourdieu exp*-rs interested prominent Cofféè [Sforiis at him. Fortunately the left port in Brazilian trade say shots were hannless 011 the 15U1 inst. thatur Certain improvements The cause of the assault was a trivial one, the which are -A telegram of the i7tl, servant losing his temper —The British cruiser Retribution, conl plated 111 Rio Janeiro, for which both inst from Ceará because of a delay"was in flagship Atmati and British says that the BatuHte* serving dinner. He became insolent of the squadron on this coast, entered this finns have submitted coffee crop is expected and port thei tomates, it is strortgly to be large. ¦harply repnmanded. He withdrew. and on the 17U1. believed that twenty minutes later returned Ceri competitors will capture the con- -Dr. with a revolver —According to the do Commereio trac lhe advices André Werneck says wmch he fired twice at short range. Jornal of add thal both of the tliat at the pres- The the 16H1 inst. 38 vessels have thus far been con ts are said to be valued ent cost of growing coffee prompt action of Mr. Townes in rushing upon nationalized at upward the price of ,2$an he under the provisions of decree , oi jjoo. They are fora large ice arroba does not expenses. mÍ^u assisla"ce rendered bv Mr No. 2,304 of 2nd, 1,896. a r|Md plant and pay He accordidgíy "• G- Thompson in helping July of which 22 were I reptir shop Time in which to suggestethatwhenever to seize' him' sailing vessels and 16 were steamers. mal ayments seem the price falls below °US c?,,!*'l«ences. The sen-ant! Of the \ to be as much of an hat ESSITa86»William 1 total, 13 had been construeted in the countrv > objt ís" price, and it is this rate coffee .shall b, exempt from A. Parns. is an American negro, and and 25 abroad, point which export «ajsmanofuolent temper. ; 10 were under 50 tons each, 8 it 1 heved will meet with l»elter suecess i duty, which should moreover, he He was promptlv I from 100 to 200 tons and 8 "J ! thinks 'are!e ¦ecnred and was then turned over from 200 to 300 ! íWjh*d in «ther London or New regulated bv a sliding scale to the police tons. One only exceeded 1,000 tons. Yor A. ). | when priees | Journal of Commeree,Scpt. 7H1 higher.

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October 19th, 1897.] THE RIO NEWS. -'X'-sv

OCTOllKR 14, Eu rope; Codfish.—Thç 11 Apólices, receipts have been 2,048 packages Commcrcial. 58 93oíoo» Oct. 12 Genoa aíld Náplés per Robin Irom Paspebiac, 2,012 600$ do Uni str Montevideo 926 packages from New 90 Snlónicado York per Strabo and Coleridge, 250 cases 4 do 377 from Bremen 1,227 Smyr.nodo and 4,540 cases from Hamburg. Stocks are estimated Rio dc Janeiro, October iSth, 1897 5 do 1,230 375 Constantinople do 250 at nbout 20,000 packages, aud there is not much doing, 70 do I,2/s2 but 10 Odessado 250 quotations are about unchanged viz.: Canadian (Par value df the Hrazilian milreis do 1895. t3 Havre tubs (ifooo), 16 909 Pr str Ville de Rosario 48|ooo~52jooò nnd Norwegian cases 445000—485000. do 14 Bordeaux 5,500 gold 27 d. tio 910 Pr str Im Phttii Lnrtl,—Receipts are 10,000 kegs 36 regist 930 Pmllppevilledo 5,07- per Coleridgeand ¦do of tlie Hrazilian milreis 12 do State of Minas,,.., 131 Josephtne and 10 cases per Strabo. Brokers' (i$ooo) 870 Lisbondo quote 48 Empréstimo Municipal í.58 4 American lard at 720—760 rs. per lb. according to in U. S. coin nt $.1.86,65 per £ 13 marks, and dealers 200 deb. Leopoldina R, R., joo| H 250 Genoa Ttal str SxG/il/ardo 1.537 continues last prices of 760—780 rs. 1 stg Antwerp for American, 54 75 10 » Jornal do Com mercio 160 Hr str Ebro 1,076 and 15260—15300 per kilogrannne for •do native. $t.oo(U. S. coin) Hrazilian gold. 1J-S27 cts 3 h. n. Predial 25 Lisbondo 250 Havredo '6ér.'Sierra 250 Rsce.-t he receipts have been bags do of £ 1 stg. in Hrazilian gold 8 S90 Hanks, Antwerp 41.379 Ger str (Vaiiburg...... 5,oso Lucena Irom Rancoon, 10,179 bngs from Hremen 25 Commercial 16 Hamburg nnd 207 Ger str Babiioitga 12,827 22,885 bags Irom Hamburg. Thé Bay ofBengal from 50 Hypothecario Rotterdnmdo Rangoon has also 160 Nacional'.'.'///. 33 750 arrived. Brokers quote Indian rice 105 Elsewhere at 235000— 23I500 Bank rateof exchange, offieial, on London Republica : per bag, and dealers at 24*000—251000, 547 145 with native retailing at 255000—325000. 262 do Oct. 11 River Pinte Pr str Conlillère to-day 7*