Trainguard MT Optimal performance with the world’s leading automatic train control system for mass transit Trainguard MT

Intelligent and future-oriented mass transit solutions for smiling cities

Cities are becoming increasingly larger The overall performance of mass transit As a modern modular ATC system, and more complex. This also imposes systems depends largely on the perform- Trainguard MT offers all these features, increased requirements on mass transit ance of the automatic train control (ATC) providing the basis for attractive, safe systems. Their operators have to cope system employed. With increasing auto- and efficient mass transit systems which with rapidly growing traffic flows and mation, the responsibility for operations satisfy the needs of both passengers and passengers' rising expectations. Their management gradually shifts from railway operators throughout the world. success is measured against factors drivers and operators to the system. such as safety, punctuality, conve- Benefits nience and energy efficiency. An ATC system comprises functions for

the monitoring, execution and control Short headways by implementing real Siemens' intelligent and future- of the entire operational process. It can moving-block operation oriented mass transit solutions feature different levels of automation Cost-effectiveness support operators in successfully such as driver-controlled train operation, meeting these challenges. semi-automated train operation, driver- Scalability less and unattended train operation. Upgradability up to driverless systems We regard our customers as partners who we support through our work in The ATC system continuously indicates Maximum reliability, availability and safety sustainably developing their urban the current movement authority on Economical maintenance environment and making their public the cab display and super­vises the per- mass transit both efficient and effec- missible train speed. Color light signals Support of mixed-traffic environments tive. You thus boost your passengers' are therefore no longer ­required. Flexible refurbishment and migration quality of life and the attractiveness solutions of your city as a business location. The modular and future-proven Train- guard MT automatic train control system Support of holistic rail automation solutions is Siemens’ answer to the comprehensive requirements of urban Energy-efficient driving (saving of traction today and offers the latest standard in power) automation at different levels.

2 Performance Scalability Upgradability Mixed traffic / mode Life-cycle costs

The advantages of Trainguard MT

Key factors for efficient transportation in mass transit

Higher performance Easy upgradability This also increases system availability Trainguard MT is a high-performance When the demand for higher transport during the upgrade or migration phases CBTC (communications-based train capacity arises, existing Trainguard MT of an existing train fleet or signaling control) system which enables operators installations can easily be upgraded to system. Trainguard MT can be used in to maximize their network capacity and reduce headways and to increase the addition to existing train control systems throughput. Headways of 90 seconds level of automation. The level of auto- and offers flexible modernization strate- or less are achieved by using the real mation goes from operation gies to the customers. moving-block principle for train separa- to semi-automated train operation (STO) tion in combination with continuous, bi- or unattended train operation (UTO) Reduced life-cycle costs directional communication free-propaga- step-by-step, in accordance with the Trainguard MT optimizes life-cycle costs tion radio. This means the number of required functionality and performance. by reducing the number of outdoor ele- trains in operation is increased and more Upgrades can be implemented without ments to a minimum and operating the passengers are transported at the same interrupting operations and it is not trains with an energy-efficient driving time, resulting in a more punctual service necessary to uninstall any of the already algorithm. and higher passenger satisfaction. installed system components. By using these key concepts, Trainguard MT allows Trainguard MT uses fully electronic Better scalability stepwise commissioning. computer boards that are maintenance- Trainguard MT can operate at different free. Trackside transponders (Eurobalise) train control levels. In suburban and Mixed traffic / mixed mode do not need external power supply or commuter areas, where the required Trainguard MT can handle trains with battery power and are maintenance-free. head­ways and train intervals are different train control equipment at the medium, intermittent train control is same time in the same network. This Long-term quality used. In metropolitan areas, where mini- allows for mixed fleets to be used on Siemens produces the safety-related mal headways and short train intervals the same line, i.e. both Trainguard MT- hardware for Trainguard MT using state- are essential, continuous train control and ETCS-equipped trains can be oper- of-the-art SMD components at its own provides the required performance. By ated together. Trainguard MT is therefore plant and uses specially selected sub- offering different train control levels, the optimum choice for mixed-traffic suppliers, where necessary. In this way, Trainguard MT is a highly scalable solu- environments. The range that each train we continuously ensure a constantly high tion in terms of performance and costs. can travel is expanded, whether normal level of quality. What is more, so that the Thanks to its modular system design, trains, express trains, suburban trains, system can function perfectly even many Trainguard MT can be configured to mainline trains or freight trains. Further- years later, we ensure that high-quality exactly match customer requirements. more, it is possible to operate both semi- spare parts will be always available automatic trains with driver and fully throughout the entire life cycle by means automatic trains without driver on the of alternative supply sources, re-design same route simultaneously. and long-term storage.

3 Matching operator requirements for upgradable train control and automation levels

Trainguard MT is a versatile and modular system which can be individually tailored to the railway operator’s needs. Different train control and automation levels can be implemented, depending on the requirements for performance and functionality.

Intermittent train control Continuous train control

The following train control levels can Continuous train control (CTC) Depending on the chosen train control be used jointly or separately. Trainguard MT with continuous train method, the following levels of automa- control features a bi-directional radio tion can be implemented: Intermittent train control (ITC) transmission channel (CBTC) as well • Semi-automated train operation Intermittent track-to-train communica- as real moving-block functionality in (STO) tion allows fixed-block operation with combination with comprehensive ATO The train is driven automatically from continuous supervision and already capabilities. Train separation according station to station and the driver merely offers automatic train operation (ATO) to the moving-block principle results in initiates train departure. functionality. The intermittent train minimum headways, thereby enhancing control level can be used for parts of system performance significantly. Color • Driverless train operation (DTO) the line with lower headway require- light signals can be reduced to a mini- Train movements are fully automated ments or as a temporary system during mum or even completely omitted. and a driver is no longer required. refurbishment and switchover periods. Passenger transfer, automatic depar- In CTC operation, the energy consump- ture and reversals are handled by tion of trains is optimized by intelligent Trainguard MT. An attendant is present ATO algorithms. onboard the train to manage at least emergency situations. • Unattended train operation (UTO) At this level of automation, additional safety-related measures are needed because there is no staff onboard a train. Safe departure and arrival of the train, including door closing and opening, is controlled automatically.

4 Train control levels Unequipped STO DTO UTO

Trains Unequipped STO DTO UTO

Moving-block Continuous train control n. a. operation Fixed-block Upgrading Intermittent train control n. a. n. a. n. a. Improving equipment operation headway Interlocking train control n. a. n. a. n. a. Fixed-block operation

Mode of operation / functionality

STO: Semi-automated train operation | DTO: Driverless train operation | UTO: Unattended train operation | n. a.: not applicable

Comprehensive greenfield solutions Efficient refurbishment and flexible migration strategies

Installation Refurbishment Commissioning

Greenfield installation Refurbishment and migration Stepwise commissioning The ideal solution for a greenfield When lines are refurbished, Trainguard Headways and the safety of existing in­stallation of a modern mass transit MT can be used as an overlay system for systems can be improved by connecting signaling system is the combination of existing systems. This solution offers to existing trackside signals to Trainguard MT and the following well- enhanced performance while preserving implement Trainguard MT with intermit- proven Siemens components and systems existing investment and minimizing dis- tent communication. As performance that have already been successfully used ruptions to revenue service. Due to its requirements rise, Trainguard MT allows in various railway applications world- open system architecture and standard- cost-effective upgrading to higher system ­wide: ized interfaces, Trainguard MT is de­­ performance by adding components and signed to work with other installed subsystems such as radio communication • Controlguide for automatic train super- signaling systems and rolling stock. for moving-block functionality. Thus, the vision (ATS) Step-by-step refurbishment starting headway and throughput are increased. • Trainguard MT for automatic train pro- with intermittent train control which is tection (ATP) and automatic train oper- later upgraded to the continuous train ation (ATO) control level (CBTC) is also possible. • Trackguard as interlocking (IXL) • Clearguard ACM axle counting systems (TVD) • Trainguard Eurobalise • Airlink radio communication system (COM)

5 Technical solution: ITC with STO (suburbs / commuter area)





OPG Radar OPG Radar OPG Radar OPG Radar

Balise antenna antenna Point machine Point machine Axle counter Balise antenna Balise antenna Point machine Axle counter Point machine Axle counter LEU LEU Eurobalise Eurobalise Eurobalise Eurobalise

Intermittent train control with fixed-block operation

Modular system setup Innovative and proven components

Trainguard MT integrates well-proven systems and components and is based on the fail-safe Simis computers. The system employs communications-based train control (CBTC) and European Train Con- trol System (ETCS) technology. Standardized interfaces offer an optimum of interoperability.

Scalable automatic train supervision High-availability Radio communication (COM) (ATS) systems Trainguard MT employs the Trackguard Trainguard MT uses Airlink, a WLAN- The Controlguide operations control electronic interlocking system currently based radio communication system, for system provides a wide range of in service for mass transit systems and continuous bi-directional ­communication. proven train tracking, route setting regional railways worldwide. Optionally, and dispatcher-level functions from this system offers integrated interlocking Since any train control application the local operator console to the highly functions. requires very high system availability, automated centralized supervision and all Airlink components are fully redun- control centers. dant. The Airlink access points distributed along the track are connected alternately to two independent central system routers (CSR) and overlap each other with their radio coverage. In this way, full radio coverage is maintained even if access points fail.

The central system routers are designed redundantly and serve, for example, a complete line of a metro system, includ- ing depot areas.

6 Technical solution: CTC with STO, DTO or UTO (city center / metropolitan area)





OPG Radar OPG Radar

Balise antenna Point machine Axle counter Balise antenna Point machine Axle counter LEU Eurobalise Eurobalise

Continuous train control with moving-block principle

Balises and lineside electronic unit Precise train locating using radar Reliable track vacancy detection (TVD) The ETCS-compliant Trainguard Euro- and odometer pulse generator The Clearguard ACM axle counting balise is used for intermittent track-to- The radar sensor measures the train system serves as a reliable track vacancy train communications. The balise system speed over ground by applying the detection system. Trainguard MT also uses a transmission technique that is Doppler effect. The odometer pulse allows the use of other kinds of track based on inductive coupling and data generator measures the distance by vacancy detection systems (e.g. track cir- transmission with frequency shift keying. counting the pulses derived from wheel cuits). There are two different types of balises: rotation. Trainguard MT works without any track • Fixed data balises are passive elements By using intelligent sensor fusion algo- vacancy detection system. During normal for the purpose of train locating with- rithms, precise detection of the train operation, all trains report their position out any connection cable. They trans- speed and distance is ensured. Therefore, cyclically to the Trainguard MT wayside mit only fixed telegrams which tell the Trainguard MT can fulfill the ambitious units. In case of disturbances, the TVD passing trains their current position in stopping accuracy requirements of can be used to detect non-reporting the network. +/- 30 cm and less. trains so that operation can be restored • Transparent data balises are connected to normal within a short time and with to a signal via a lineside electronic unit minimal interference. Furthermore, TVD (LEU). The LEU will reprogram the can be used for mixed-traffic and non- balise telegram every time the signal equipped train operation. aspect of the connected signal changes. In this way, the transparent Ergonomic human-machine interface data balise will always transmit the (HMI) respective movement authority accord- The ergonomic human-machine interface ing to the current signal aspect. Trans- is the driver’s multifunctional operator parent data balises and LEU are used console. It combines a high-resolution for ITC only. color TFT display, touchscreen operation and audible feedback.

7 Airlink

Secure IP-based radio propagation for track-to-train data communications

Trainguard MT Wayside equipment


ATP Wayside network


Central subsystem CSR CSR

Wayside subsystem Access point Access point Access point Airlink Access point Access point Access point

Air gap Trainguard MT

Antennas On-board equipment On-board equipment Antennas

On-board subsystem

System overview The Airlink radio communication system guarantees a highly reliable seamless and redundant flow of information between the track and a train.

8 Secure, reliable connectivity between trains and the wayside infrastructure is a fundamental requirement in a CBTC system. Therefore, Siemens has developed the Airlink radio communication system to ensure continuous and smooth operation of its Trainguard MT automatic train control system. Airlink supports all levels of automation from semi-automated to fully automated train operation ­and ensures highly efficient train operation.

System overview On-board radio units establish multiple Wayside equipment wireless connections to the access points along the track. Handover from one radio ATO HMI cell to the next (roaming) is seamless. ATP Wayside network

To avoid signal data packet loss,Interlocking the radio system uses a controlled roaming algo- Central subsystem CSR CSR rithm, with at most one roaming radio module at a time while the other active radio module stays tuned to the currently linked access points. The central system router managing communications is linked to the radio backbone network. Wayside subsystem The network is connected to the access Access point Access point Access point points via parallel fiber-optic cables.

Access point Access point Access point Highest security High-level firewalls and security functions in line with well-known and proven standards based on EN 50159 are pro- Air gap vided. Encryption and authentication via IPsec (Internet Protocol Security) using HMAC-SHA-256 in combination Antennas Antennas On-board equipment On-board equipment with configurable key exchange intervals prevent unauthorized access or manipu- On-board subsystem lation of data to secure communication.

CSR = central system router

Platform concept Radio technology Airlink is a powerful and flexible hard- Airlink operates in line with WLAN stan- ware and software platform. The system dards using either worldwide available provides completely transparent IP-based free (ISM bands) or licensed frequency communication and comes fully integra­ bands. ted, with outstanding communication performance in terms of both reliability Lowest risk of interference is achieved and security. by means of diversity measures such as front /rear on-board equipment with four Airlink is designed for use in demanding antennas, intelligent use of the frequency railway environments such as rail trans- spectrum and a repetition of telegrams port on open lines or highly automated when indicated. 9 metro systems in tunnels. Beijing Line 10 – the world 's longest CBTC metro line Selected project Beijing Metro Line 10 was built to serve the high level of passenger demand during the Olympic Games in 2008. For this reason, the high-performance Trainguard MT system references was chosen to ensure reliable and convenient passenger ser- vice. The world’s megacities choose Trainguard MT After only a two-year project duration, Line 10 together with the Olympic Branch was opened to the public in July 2008 with a total length of 31 km. Today, these metro lines trans- port more than one million commuters per day and Line 10 has been extended to a ring line with a length of 56 km.

Denmark Copenhagen

United Kingdom London USA New York France Paris

Spain Algeria Algiers Barcelona

Brazil Salvador da Bahia São Paulo

Argentina Buenos Aires

1110 Refurbishment of Metro Line 2 in Istanbul S-Bane, Copenhagen Istanbul is one of the biggest cities in Europe with 13 million Siemens is modernizing the complete mass transit network inhabitants and an increasing demand for mass transit. In in Copenhagen consisting of, in total, 170 km of double track 2008, Siemens was selected to extend and refurbish Metro and 135 passenger trains. The legacy system will be refurbished Line 2 with state-of-the-art CBTC technology. with the state-of-the-art Trainguard MT system including Sicas ECC electronic interlockings and a new operations control The middle part of the line is an existing line section of 8 km system from the Controlguide family. which had to be modernized and extended to the north and south by 7 km and 5 km respectively. The middle and northern The project will be executed in six phases until 2018. With sections (from Sishane to Haci Osman) were opened in 2010 this modernization program, the customer, S-bane, aims to and the southern section to Yenikapi followed in 2014. increase availability, improve safety and reduce headways for its commuter rail operations. The new system requires very All works including refurbishment of the existing section of little maintenance due to fully electronic control systems, the the line were carried out without interrupting passenger use of maintenance-free and low-maintenance equipment operations. and the omission of wayside signals.

Hungary Budapest South Korea Seoul

China Beijing Chongqing Dongguan Turkey Fuzhou Istanbul Guangzhou-Foshan Hong Kong Guangzhou Nanjing Qingdao Suzhou Xi’an Saudi Arabia Riyadh

1211 Trainguard®, Controlguide®, Clearguard® and Trackguard® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG.

Siemens AG © Siemens AG 2015 The information in this document contains general Mobility Division descriptions of the technical options available. The Printed in Germany required features should therefore be specified in each Otto-Hahn-Ring 6 PPG290 PA08150.5 individual case at the time of closing the contract. For 81739 Munich the secure operation of Siemens products and solutions, Dispo 01000 Germany it is necessary to take suitable preventive action and Order No.: A19100-V100-B976-V1-7600 integrate each component into a holistic, state-of-the-art security concept. Third-party products that may be in use should also be considered.