September 12, 2019 Contact: Samuel M Chu [email protected] 202-878-2955

HKDC Launching as the Voice for Hong Kong in DC

The new group on Capitol Hill is the first-ever dedicated to US support for Hong Kong’s democracy.

WASHINGTON, DC– On Tuesday, September 17, 2019, Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) will hold a press conference announcing its public launch as the new, unified, and hopeful voice for Hong Kong democracy and human rights in DC.

Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) is the new Washington, DC-based, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving Hong Kong’s basic freedoms, the rule of law, and autonomy as promised under the "one country two systems" model and enshrined in the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration.

HKDC leadership will be joined by Mr. Joshua , a prominent pro-democracy activist from Hong Kong and the Secretary-General of Demosistō. Wong, the subject of the 2017 Netflix documentary “Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower”, was jailed for six months in 2017 for his role in the in 2014. He was arrested again in late August 2019 as part of a wave of mass arrests of pro-democracy leaders amid ongoing protests in Hong Kong. Ms. Wan-sze (aka HOCC), an award-winning Hong Kong-based singer, actress, and pro-democracy and LGBTQ rights activist, who recently testified as to the current threats to Hong Kong’s basic freedoms and autonomy at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in July, will also be joining us.

WHAT: HKDC Launch Press Conference WHEN: Tuesday, September 17, 2019, 12:15pm-1:00pm EST. This event will start following the conclusion of the Congressional-Executive China Commission hearing. Please proceed immediately from the hearing room to the event location. All speakers will be available for interviews after the formal press conference. WHERE: The United Methodist Building, Capitol Hill, 100 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, DC 20002 WHO: ● Prof. Anna Cheung, HKDC Board President; Founder, New Yorkers Supporting Hong Kong ● Prof. Victoria Tin-Bor Hui, HKDC Board Member; Associate Professor, University of Notre Dame ● Mr. , HKDC Advisory Board Co-Convener; Founding Chair, Demosistō, Hong Kong ● Prof. Sharon Hom, HKDC Advisory Board Member; Executive Director, Human Rights in China ● Mr. , Secretary-General, Demosistō, Hong Kong ● Ms. Denise Ho, aka HOCC, Hong Kong-based singer; pro-democracy and LGBTQ rights activist

The event will be live here.


Hong Kong Democracy Council (HKDC) 1441 L Street NW, 12th Floor, Washington, DC 20005 202.878.2955