Technical Expertise

Web Programming Languages Online Marketing ƒ ASP ƒ Web site statistical analysis ƒ ASP.NET (C#, VBScript) ƒ Email marketing (Certified Business ƒ PHP Partner of Constant Contact) ƒ ColdFusion (CFML) ƒ Search engine optimization (SEO) ƒ HTML, XHTML, DHMTL, CSS (Certified by Microsoft as a Bing ƒ JavaScript, AJAX, JSON AdExcellence Partner) ƒ SQL ƒ "Pay Per Click" campaign management ƒ XML, XSL ƒ Social network integration and ƒ Python management ƒ ƒ E-Commerce Configurations ƒ Groovy ƒ Fully-customized shopping carts ƒ Ruby ƒ AspDotNetStorefront ƒ Magento ECommerce Frameworks ƒ Miva Merchant ƒ ƒ VPASP Shopping Cart ƒ ƒ OSCommerce ƒ Struts ƒ Spree Commerce ƒ Java EE ƒ API (Certified Business ƒ Spring Web MVC Partner) ƒ jQuery ƒ LinkPoint API ƒ (GWT) ƒ Verisign Payflow Pro ƒ Google Guice ƒ Paymentech API ƒ Fusebox ƒ Multi-level Google Checkout integration ƒ Paypal integration Platforms ƒ Realtime shipping (FedEx, UPS, USPS) ƒ Windows/IIS ƒ Trustwave PCI Compliance (Business ƒ Linux/Apache (LAMP) Partner of Trustwave) ƒ Mac OS X Web-Integrated Databases Methodologies and Systems ƒ Microsoft SQL Server ƒ Blogs and content management ƒ MySQL, MSQL systems (CMS) (WordPress, , ƒ Microsoft Access (& other legacy ) database systems) ƒ Secure client areas ƒ Customized secure web applications Mobile Web Technologies ƒ Cross-browser compatibility (including ƒ HTML5 mobile) ƒ CSS3 ƒ Search engine friendly URLs ƒ JQuery Mobile ƒ RSS feeds ƒ AJAX ƒ Automated email notification systems ƒ Online data monitoring systems Native Mobile Technologies ƒ Online contact management systems ƒ Android ƒ Online auctions ƒ IOS ƒ Online surveys ƒ Symbian ƒ Comprehensive file transfer applications Revised 4/1/2012

CrystalVision – Innovative Web Solutions & YellowFrog Mobile Productivity 222 International Drive, Suite 145 ■ Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 603.433.9559 ■ [email protected] ■