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126153388.23.Pdf s-»r*oc ^ 19 75 S '*r-A' a*4”* AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Queen PROGRAMME OF THE SEVENTY-SECOND ANNUAL MOD CONTENTS page Programme 3 Facal o’n Cheann-suidhe 5 President’s Remarks 7 Notes for guidance of Competitors 9 Competition Time-Table 11 Halls’ Plan 16 Junior Section Written Competitions 15 Thursday—-Oral Delivery 17 Vocal Music 24 Friday —Oral Delivery 38 Vocal Music 47 Instrumental 55 Saturday —Juvenile Piping 65 Solo Violin and Fiddle Groups 67 Adult Piping 69 Senior Section Written Competitions 71 Tuesday —Vocal Music 73 Wednesday—-Vocal Music 81 Thursday —Oral Delivery 92 Vocal Music 96 Clarsach 103 Friday —•Vocal Music 105 Piano 110 Trophies and Donors 113 Medals, etc. and Donors 115 Sponsored Competitions 115 Winners of Premier Competitions 116 Cover designed by John Player & Sons Design Studios 1 SPECIAL ROVERS - FOR A SPECIAL DAY The Local Florist 19 MONTGOMERY STREET THE OLD VILLAGE EAST KILBRIDE 23461 Church Flowers a speciality 2 AN COMUNN GAIDHEALACH Patron: Her Majesty The Qneen Programme of the Seventy-second Mod MOD LOCAL COMMITTEE OFFICE-BEARERS Convener: Mr. Angus M. MacKay, 52 Culross Hill, East Kilbride Secretary: Mr. Donald MacKay, 22 Brouster Hill, East Kilbride Treasurer: Mr. Allan McCuish, 10 Columbia Way, East Kilbride THURSDAY, 2nd OCTOBER Children’s Prizewinners’ Concert in the Olympia at 7.30 p.m. Presiding: Mr. W. Gordon, McNay, D.St.J., J.P., B.L., M.B.I.M., Chief Executive, East Kilbride District Council Admission, 35p FRIDAY, 3rd OCTOBER Children’s Prizewinners’ Concert in the Cinema at 7.30 p.m. Presiding: Mr. George Paton, M.A., M.Ed., Principal, Hamilton College of Education Admission, 35p SATURDAY, 4th OCTOBER Shinty Match in Rolls Royce Playing Field at 2.30 p.m. Mid Argyll v. Kyles Athletic Silver Collection Fiddler’s Rally in the Cinema at 7 p.m. Programme organised by Mr. James Moir, Conductor, Glasgow Caledonian Strathspey and Reel Society Chairman: Ex-Provost James Smith, O.St.J., J.P., B.Sc. Soloist: Kirsteen M. Grant, Gold Medallist Admission, £1 Recital of Ceol Mor in the Stuart Hotel Ballroom, at 9.30 p.m. Chairman: Mr. John MacFadyen Admission, 30p SUNDAY, 5th OCTOBER Church Services in Gaelic: Mass in St. Bride’s Chapel at 2 p.m. Church of Scotland Service in Old Parish Church at 4 p.m. Evensong in St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Murray Roundabout at 6.30 p.m. 3 MONDAY, 6th OCTOBER Official Opening of the National Mod in the Ballerup Hotel at 6.30 p.m. Members and friends are cordially invited to attend Ceilidh in Stuart Hotel at 8 p.m. Admission free Ceilidh Dance in the Ballerup Hall from 9.30 p.m. Ticket, £2 TUESDAY, 7th OCTOBER Broadcast Ceilidh in the Olympia at 8 p.m. Fear-an-tighe, Mr. Donald Thomson, O.B.E., M.A., F.E.I.S. Admission, 40p WEDNESDAY, 8th OCTOBER Gaelic Drama Final Competition in Claremont School Hall at 7 p.m. Adjudicator: Mr. Gerard Slevin Gaelic Assessor: Mr. D. A. MacDonald, M.A. Admission, 30p THURSDAY, 9th OCTOBER Rural Choirs* Concert in the Olympia at 7.30 p.m. Presiding: Mr. William Gill, M.A., Rector, Claremont High School Admission, 60p FRIDAY, 10th OCTOBER Grand Concerts in the Cinema First house, 6.30 p.m. Presiding: Mrs. Sheila Finlayson, M.A., Chairman, East Kilbride District Council Second house, 9 p.m. Presiding: Lord Wallace of Campsie, Chairman, East Kilbride and Stonehouse Development Corporation Admission, 70p Ceilidh Dance in the Olympia, 12 midnight - 2.30 a.m. COMPETTOON SESSIONS Junior Section: Day ticket, 30p Saturday, 4th October—Solo Violin and Fiddle Groups, 25p; Juvenile Piping, 25p; Senior Piping 35p Senior Section: Tuesday, Day Ticket, 35p; Wednesday forenoon, 25p; Wednesday afternoon, 30p; Thursday forenoon, 20p and 50p; Thursday afternoon, Choral, 35p; Friday forenoon, Choral, 35p; Friday afternoon, Choral 30p and 50p Admission free to all Oral, Cl&rsach and Senior Piano Competitions All admission prices include V.A.T. 4 Facal o'n Cheann-suidhe Bha latha ann nuair a bha An Comunn Gaidhealach leis fhein a’ cogadh air sgath na G&idhlig an aghaidh aineolas is gamhlas nan Gall. Ged a bha comunnan Gaidhlig eile ann an sud’s an seo cha b’ann airson leasachadh na Gaidhlig a bha iad ach airson a bhith gleidheadh’s a bhith cur an cld eachdraidh is edlas nan Gaidheal is seanachas is beul-aithris na diithcha. Sin mar a bha a’ chixis fad iomadach bliadhna gus mu dheireadh thainig am B.B.C. agus guth Gaidhlig aige. Ach’s ann as deidh a’ chogaidh mu dheireadh a bha an t-atharrachadh bu mhotha air fad agus taing dha sin tha againn an diugh seach An Comunn agus am B.B.C., Sgoil Edlais na h-Alba, Gairm agus clo-bhualadh leabhraichean aige, Gaelfonn, Comunn Leabhraichean Gaidhlig, Club Leabhar, Comunn na Canain Albannach, buidtmean ciuil agus buidhnean drama. Tha mar an ceudna Sabhal Mor Ostaig agus C.O.G.A., da rud gu math cudthromach, gealltanach a reir coltais. Tha teagasg nas fhearr anns na sgoiltean, gu h-araidh anns an h-Eileanan an far, agus tha clasaichean airson luchd- ionnsachaidh a’ sior fhas nas pailte. Ach, ma tha gluasad air Tlr Mor tha mosgladh da-rireadh anns na h-Eileanan a reir coltais, oir’s gann gun robh iad fo uidheam cheart nuair a thug iad seachad tri mile not do’n Chomunn mar thiodhlac, tiodhlac gu buileach fial, suairce, tabhartas gun diiil ris a thug misneachd dhuinn. Ach a bharrachd air seo tha sgeim mdr aca airson na Gaidhlig, rud gu math gealltanach is coltach agus ma thig e gu ire bidh cothrom ann do’n Ghaidhlig nach robh ann o linn an t-Seathamh Righ Sheumais. Ach their corra fhear nis gun do chaill an Comunn &ite’s na h-Eileanan co dhiubh agus nach bi feum ann air a shon tuilleadh. O nan robh na daoine sin ceart agus gu robh a’ Ghaidhlig fallain a rithist, ach cha tainig an latha sin fhathast. Ach eadhan nan robh a’ Ghaidhlig gu buileach slan’s na h-Eileanan bhitheadh gu ledr ri dheanamh aig a’ Chomunn fhathast air Tlr Mdr na Gaidheal- tachd, air a’ Bhreac-Ghaidhealtechd anns na f&saichean far am b’abhaist a’ Ghaidhlig a bhith ach far nach cluinnear smid an diugh agus air a’ Ghalldach mar an ceudna. ’S e ar dleasdanas nis a bhith ’nar cul-taic do luchd-leasachaidh na Gaidhlig ann an Roinn nan Eilean agus a bhith brosnachadh is a’ brodadh comhairlichean nan Roinnean eile, gus an dean iad torr a bharrachd air sgath na Gaidhlig na rinn muinntir nan seann siorramachdan. Feumaidh sinn a bhith breithneachadh gu trie air na tha sinn feuchainn ri dheanamh agus a bhith ’gar sgriidadh fhein agus ar gniomhnan los gum faigh sinn cuidhteas rud sam bith a tha nis gun fheum agus airson’s gum bi an Comunn an ire mhath eifeachdach air sgath na G&dhlig. Is aithne dhuinn gu math, taing gle thric do’n luchd-tarcuis, coireannan is tubaisdean a’ Chomuinn, ach tubais- dean ann no as chan eil Comunn eile ann fhathast a ghabhadh aite a’ Chomuinn Ghaidhealaich agus faodaidh sinn a bhith moiteal as cho fad *s is cuimhne leinn gur e inneal a tha ann airson leasachadh na Gaidhlig agus mar an ceudna gur e Gaidheil nan gleann agus nan eilean a chum a’ Ghaidhlig bed agus gur iadsan tha ’ga gleidheadh fhathast. Ach, chan fhuilear do’n Ghaidhlig fada a bharrachd de chobhair ma tha i gu bhith buan, sl&n: cobhair nach urrainn do’n Chomunn a thoirt seachad dhi is dbcha. Bu chdir do’n Rloghachd tdrr a bharrachd a dheanamh air a son na tha i a’ deanamh, a chionn’s gur i an sloightear as motha a mhill a’ Ghaidhlig anns na linntean a chaidh seachadh, agus gur i as coireach ann an ddigh gu bheil i cho lapach. A seo a mach, cha b’fhuilear dhuinn uile, cairdean na Gaidhlig, a bhith cruinn cdmhla air an aon ramh. 5 BOWMORE ISLAY SINGLE MALT WHISKY DETAILS OF YOUR NEAREST STOCKIST CAN BE HAD FROM: STANLEY P. MORRISON (Agencies) Ltd. 5 ROYAL CRESCENT GLASGOW G3 7SL Telephone 041-332 9011/5 6 President's remarks Thanks to oil, Scotland may yet be economically strong. It would be tragic, although ironic, if by then its people were to be no longer distinguishably Scottish. This could easily happen for as it is, a dull uniform “Britishness” passes more and more for being Scottish. The survival and emancipation of Gaelic would be a real antidote to such a loss of character but new pressures along with the old ones threaten the language and cause concern. Yet Gaelic could be saved for posterity were the State to give the people of Scotland the lead that is needed. It is true that of late it has shown some goodwill but it has yet to declare its belief in Gaelic’s value and place in Scotland. It must also stop finding excuses and scapegoats and putting the onus of Gaelic’s survival on the parents and doling out aid for it in proportion to their attitudes and demands. This is cynical impudence for it ignores the sociological reasons for the decline caused mainly by the policy of the State during three centuries designed to destroy Gaelic and assimulate the Gael. Given that lead and sufficient material aid, the Regional Authorities and the other agencies, including An Comunn, would be greatly strengthened and encouraged in their struggle against ignor- ance and apathy: Time is short; action is needed now.
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