; �.-- •·. < THE UNION COuNTY STANDARD. XL NO. 82. WE8TI'IELD, UNION OOUNTY, X. J� . SATtJRDAY, OCTOBER 1�. 1M91S. '' Ptr !tar. llqltCtpln ,..

8TDIBI troret�tonal caret. •••••• 1111AIIB F&BT OF IBOPPIJIG aoo• Til tiiiN tlllrff o la t1·err rn l!aiurdar K l br - Ttl. - qr,- P££1', Publhh�4 11, P. lORN lfi11AaE KEf.JLEY. P. BlOWN. ard Publilhia1 Ooaoeq, FINE AND BUSIN The Bt•ndt:. pl!.t&IA.LL ESS ATTOBNEY LAW AND l're•l••••• OABIIAG&8 .\. fl.,.•l're•llle•t• WAGONS. AT TH ...... ll&orela KewJ•I'IIJ• J, (lOLLlXI. . 1,t•t: !aii.\J.L. Special attention given to p�tlntlng, trim· JN CHANCERY. f,l. ...,.,.,,.T,. ...,., mlnr and repalre. 80LICITOB N. BroadStroot, Weatfleld, N. 8ro1tdStroot, Ell111betb, • • 11••• YHr I. 08 J. fT•IO!LY Ill IIVIIItl. •'ItENOU, W. 8)1J'1'H, Ollee-11'1'.\llfP.t&P ·It. )[, OLAUENOE l• FURNITURE, CARPETS, OIL· H"lllll•Application, ABCHITEC'I', ]riRylnll tll Jl,lltes FltriiUbed on uow Advcrt!�h Hlil't�Stuu,lrlttl"Tile Cupitol'' 11oouJ.tinue11 )f. CLOT S, HATT NGS t H I . tlllatt St., B way to the JlrettvThe11tre,N. eutre at Y. evea·y per· 1�b bet. road .t Flftb fot'lllKnc�.HJI Thpluy l1n b11loned 11 Carpets refittedand laid. Avenue, N. hy turmy trromlmmt'fhi.11 clergyu1enlam nd l1 ciMn&d, Y, trnly a I y the lnteJ'flMt a Elm Sboot, Westfleld. F , N I llg!on andJ a tb�In rill'bl of honeator lHbor.pure fll· James Moffett, Near Depot, anwooJ , . J. or be11nly llntl n1 t of Prootor'H Doot«-The thl111 The li8tbeo Stf reet Plell'!ll'll P11lltco, and bllltiwater youClUI .... t e hmuer1sity the vaudevll111East, oft'llr· W. W. ltlENDELL, L. E. IIAR'r, IIa tumblerand anotherof bot before bnlllo couNsELLOR AT h 11ttract veryof large fashlonRbl8 ATTORNEY & · · · · fut fiUit beforeaoiDitl Carpenter CARPENTER & BUILDER, Park 11111��tudlllnceR. coi011antiBRI new rt'llort Broid, Halier,;Newand We&l Streets, Newark. lied itt a·lvals in everyTho way the greHt mnslll Xr. pat BDJthlorlD Lomlon. I� Dootor-No.TopM-7, 7 8 2, HIo Ill)O a, A \Vrmrlerlul r, r a antl cordlilh N 1 ,, · · f.• --·-··--···- -u·- · ----, tXlliU�ivo shupeatl ntau " a cb ·rth t:ltll••orl'lalurtehlft;JI,6&7,8m,P:•t, ,ttl,H 7, :13 8 111, .. lu,t,a.m,at m. Cotultt�r.. endmg Ame ri �1111 11 of you ·• - 4 1llse11il8 common nwong I · til Drll IS No iR more boys' tlrls grt�nt oiJ1llling. The u��.n��·ts���ia t!l:J.I,�:�t�f!.,rM, t � :l:!,u a a::,:!1, 4 :!tl,H.t, r. �.1!2, A 611!, puople tlum scrofnla. Hnntlh!ll down ri� :r���� r��t"·1 it attlrll, tor 1 N.!"oclul e thefa-om gemJmt.ion to finest bovR'' clotlalug In thll pa��.\��T�������.•. �lootlnl!s-W dnetMIBJ �.Ill� night. Hun· 'riiYUf Mt'Clhl" YuUIIII PliO' llliVS m. 11�,2'�,1:!108�7��·�:�1�'l};, fnnml in twnrly m•ery !CPIUJI'Iltlou,fuually, In some1� 1lepartmentt A.l M. <::JO to !fi,J'· 1:::!T, 1 or., 1 �T eouutl'y-tlle best l n for. I I 11lu'• Mt>i!llla� l!c!Jool 4 II. m. m. o MKI p.m.; Huruhl�r li a::, 817. Q 4t 1018Ill, II 1� r.a It mar lllnke ltJIJlt!llfiiiiCB In c hi g •. l\1, u 1:: est 11r lbl t 10 OW· i 1', s miiiY •· 1 �. :1 :�:�, �5 ullil, o �. so:!, 10 ttl I• drfnllfnlform, n ln its swellillgsln ce B. millHlmmie 1ft't'l �'Jnk,llt home. i'IUi lut•lnhndent: l!!trllUIItlh 1 or•nh:ht.For PhJ!allull>hla, 8 M, a. · m ijOres, I, pliSS ___ tuf4, m.t or u g tinuy to llill, A:ll, rnPOO, nl the neck or InIn erup of IIOYil' lli�IJO 4 _...;... __..;._;;_;;;._�..;.:...;�.;;.;;.;.;;;o. s a, m, UI•,U:l:l,p.m. HUlTS, r��r8, otrlctl)· all PAUI."I'l PROTEI'IT,\NT ��dR)'8,r.:u, u.::J 1::, Ul, p. lllli �b , form".goitre, Attncklng the umcon� duMII'ablo 1•atturnK wo1·th T' ThiM lie· wool, lar�e to .fi � 11,:1:!, g4.,1UI�, Ubul vnr!Hllmerubmue it mny · !WISCOJ'ALI t'ur AllenloWII, cllnhtiCFin rllorrl� (like cntanh, fUll¥ Uuijuf • �er1·1�usll!unil�<)' tiverr Slllio!IU II• E•cehtll!llturday�, A :.l, �at'llayH , u . · lllrvleea: J ��. & 15, or n f T is ue, w t a.t" . "":is • m. 8unda_y_8choolJ2 o'clocll . , , m se.te. veter te foeaud h Utetll· '" """'" "" "" 0' tor, S IOr:OO a , A.tll• IIIII.IIIli lllUO,IOlAn��l't ll lll p,1/i, Strlhd 'r ll 1iic. l'rellc htl'ooJllc'a PraJ·er m nl ht. I' h t doe hRBa sucl1 powerfnlconqneror. 11lterntlw 1111d papa willinl Do,. , I T 11 tb Youn�b i Meetlnll . UJ1 ";I oo,, ,JI8 00,8i!lunda)·a31, l n like , . � elll, t r • luut• "--··�lnn.ll �p.m. Mltlwook "lllfe.r m7 I'•ootla1o 1= 1�, 00 I IMl 41111 T ThiMII-ft. Antique Exloll• tlrjue An·11 tl vlt111izing eft'ecta npou the blood ba.t witb"So your he�"h to tnln • OO!Illlaket,,s WA � 8 �zes �tova t )l!lil'll, 11l e w':dnel!lla�8JI,m , \' 111l'll nllallr Invited mUlhhtbt 16, IIIII, e I o "In ••oo 100 ... "00 I tW I 611! • olon 'l'ublo, Oak 11111ltog. IIIIIHha llVery tr ce of hupn lty expelled, a11d 11 eL v uood ...... l!lc. ttend all these�ervlcll. N�warll, lA, 1 Yyou, BeIs Y SUITS, elzllll to wiiiRIIIO a oo 7�:oo�ooop.m.Leave 7 8, 8 worth JJ, ur r ln. bl�rh, ' OUTH ' • · R 1 the blooda made rlcb,purer it health)'. nreyou d I t st llll·al�ted U JU�IIn.cuea meu• to llll,t iiii, U.J,UI,4113,t«J,5DI,IIIU,00, tOM, 1111, lll,IOJI1fu1� r U book eoomecl fetall � na�n lo " ' A a.m. 7 is antl I eall'llUJIb)e fabrl118 1111111 IIIII· Fl'"LD PUBLIO l lncor. exc me tobiw. ''-Life. d ' E""'.,. RYSaiutda� I m. � • tullf tu at .• poralt!d l• liever)' . �lltUrlla ·s,) Ul, nn, 311, e tuM .39ftI ••• Ure,or VlriOIII • w- R lm �nrtn � "1111 •: "' •• II... ter11a, f,p8, new rooma11!11, on O!lllD n�ar E 0 !11, 1 ' P• " &>:L• l � 1I(,,, 11••1'"0011. II CJIAlfllEll wurlh IW 11r:, In tbu Bl'lllllhlrwt r a ahl a. 111, WHITE tromHo 6:111 Term• Pllr¥llll ,p y e m. 110.Ellr.alJetb � 1111, '06, �to. 711, �.::510149� In or s Letlve 1'd, MAPLE SlllT!l. SHERIFF KVTE HAS A CAL.L. �eml-annuallyp.m. lldvanee, P en 11 I U. 6 to llli. Wblle En· fur 5 c t • 217 ua. tull U,la 6 f !&, Ull, )lfoll, ' wook 111w a. m. 1 \. :ur.; �·· 1;:;:1::;:;:1nmul lrun "Ill I1Ve•tllelll li:JtiiiiiDJ,.t llllllh booli. UXUCJilr,lll!, � 1111, n 41, r;lcept Sa 0 Uti, (6 � ' like MAIL ORDERS FILLED, rcIll, lie leltll! The BRANCH STORES, --::======IIIII�l'!"tllnliiY!!,) 6 tl!, 0011 Ktll1lll,l44lllll!bl, 8 44� 1110; trluuulnwK, Clum•lt Tronble l'roperl)'• m.7 to1 cut, hm"" NO -:: 1111!1,!!nnda • I r;;,15,K J!, I� = m. 12 wurtb�H by NO AOBNTS. t 1U u. tlu, 8&111111 Th& 40 6 Ill, II Ill,10 Ill, ill,1248 1 Wt, Cbllfonlrr ' Mlr.e•1tor the Grnca Eplllll 'IJlll ua, ooo, Hn, 017, •o•�•'·'"· Folding Hedo (llko toll· As Me111ne1 Westfteltl, to the Sherllf KyteO The ��·;hThrntiJrllt�oo. to points�� low rnte� clmrch fe111l Coleman luslness College. to t111no or muhouunycut,) hns ntlvertl.setl tho r rty for sale. mu)'l"' h1wlt.lckeb oil oat. l oiiKI'"IImllun In udvaLc• lhu ,l!!nniugs,J oJleTlltrvtown, N. .n &lf, y,B, B,lJuildiugl,) nt ( ..ewr.rk UIII!IIT· ttukot a�onl t 10 atallun. Unlsb, worlb 912.110, Rev. J, D. the rector ofof churuh Best . aml luaprovool fncllltleM. Jl, Entr�rguol bec1Uilll tet• n time �ev· JIIIIIBI'l\ R.di'RIIfllfiU8 llrU br this J, OLHAUI!F!N1tluu'l H. P.11un'l IIAWWIN1l'ti�M. t . llqiW Onk 1'0\duhmntl fur Y., 111111 llf the !HlW 'l'hl� F.lol(llllt An· t stl n. He•t fihort·lllluol tJlfUI'I'll'l')'lle·lrr tt· �1111 t. All rtlkL' cut,l wllh rl'llltl n to his ye11r� ngo, Wll8 llliUlift>��tetl, OJlJlOI!l· u o in tho St11to. llu�t 8l'houl11!111 1 h"'·r•lo•d AI,[. htK iutl ow. c• ���'II nttemo 1t WlworklS maulu omt ltlm. ltntiFori\R Oatmeal I I I' the lltltl'�l nf 1 � !'l�. i!INJclnl 18,83 11 �ohoolIn cmmll'l'• hu· minor, •···�II· HUAS:'l m:ns, l:lll'.K�,IIIJIO.IIH, t me fms fm·ni�to e1l Co gfi!Jllt)•C�t11log ue m·eolluwu Juurnr1l Arhl1el!!'•. t•oMr l h to Preoltlunt, H. t:ULE• !IJIII.( tOliHii\t!J'IIbtho JB the pnLIIc Broad ,for wtsnn:r.u u�o·t•tCJt:, $8.99 in this country­ With RfiiSUtimrrt\ g'UR8Ip. 707 731 St" Newark. !(,\N, JIIJ.V JJIKlmp Scnrhotnltgh f1LVo1'r1l tho L S PLAUT' am18IO UROAD ST,, Po.lhnI, l�ltJ,nHtcr. be�t · l ttl tleJrn�t!tl tlu• l'Pctot·. jll\1'­ AOENT&, NO BRANCH 811:1,Bal, 8llll, 8a8 �!. ::11. lolcvnut:u, 1', 11ntl i\Joney Ortler I which means iKhinnui'H,1L•unlngR, to the 1\lr.flu NO A, c. l'1•rvu, A��L. "1. nppeult•rl · STORES. NEWARK• 11,1, CleJ'k, howe\'1>1', world- is �---�� weme nml the nctlnn nf the Bls­ -----�� -�- •w--�- A.ll. C1•. 111K, Gcnernl Doll1·orr Clm•k. in the l wnsComt, tlecluretl llh•g1tl mul Mr. .Ten· nill!(HUJ)l stn e l. the ! 1\lAIJ,H J!ill'ish, WIIHhol\'e\'l'r, rei u t Jlh•tuherM 1111d ol Ut,OI'!E. For 'inrk, Phllllllol11hln, Tl\•nton, tho l{lllll1.�rlauuJtlWr pnriMh,left the lun\'lng chnl'ch the Ol'· Nortl1cn�l,N'clf �uuth, 111111 "'fl)' lntl n to ll't.'ll�h to empt.y He strn!(·rec· • 7:1f• n l • u • l Oatmeal l'outhwc�tn o l•:!.llao, luuul cnrrt'tl tor tll'W�. Fot' u, m., m. s m, gi(ltlnfougll�III'IY 11 yt•nr·, lmt. tll'o Hornby' l'hLinl\uld, ttnd s Eu,lnt �:Ia I•• '1'111� ellt, 1uuti1J 111111 l'lldllll Will' tMioll 11t nu:n clmrdt were lllnst'rl.we�ks 'l'he ' (lollio \nbiL•,!11 llku onk nnhlil, 'l'J•untou, York, Anlit llll :Jplt•ttm, 24 h ;!ii, 'l'nlolr , t•lll, }'rom No"' the Onk �nil, • lll'il"M -no specks or n 7:11&, l'lll,IW llhll·ll,�ol'4·11LrHI, l'u�UhXL!allcutof thll IIJl)lotlzer 111111 011\ lillO)JIIl thullt nideex rll!f�Htlon,nctlr wlmt tlll'y ueetl, Prl11e jtut J!!!r bottle at th11 Bl\y11rd 01'111 Stom,lloc, F. Oon•nll, proJ•· J, Hllll • �0. IBIIPk, I. t THE UNION COUNTY STANDARD, SATURDAY. 0(;l'f0BER 1�. 18U5. l!lnst be a ehlllllle, the people wenl • II(} J 1! ove to the Dt•auoorahl. lt "bitter �.1 J ) � ("! �, Jl1 A COJ.ORA.DO STORY. �HE ROIJI)F�-) l .:!f"1;E �I . dose,r tlwy must go �onulWhere.'1\':111 TME BEARS ·J. S. I druwuingbut will cntcl1 �ttrll\\'"''A RIVER llJUll a IR"IN6, IUII.TTHE UP BVNAME CRIMES COMMITTED IN ruud tb� uld prowrb, mlfl it )ll'll\at 't' tl " the WHV ATNAM TRINIDADES......

_ OF L.OVAL.TV. 1 THREE �u llw <�1wcl'��ack.." --j' lt�!t\\ ;;tmwhut 1h1l !JrmktiiU doi Market Newark _ Jroll!eu.ea.t�ra 162·164A. KUH.• NE,, Dt'lllllCHtiHtim Why St N. J. Weal til Lelhlated l'rnm tim l'rodu�rr� , thl'Y campL'II ou ' 0-r llllllh Ill Blpllla... ldl•u. l(iml'tly CLilllping a Huu11tala t:dltar-The II .. Parties wishing to start housekeeping lulo lhelo ta.. Hs aod �.. r .. Ill tl•o !(l'tlllltd Llf t ln •r llnekr WIM a n tlwy IIHI\'PII lout, RtTht•tmhl•y nut.il•llll� tmly all Ut!l'ti �lJl!ll 1111 Our !li t h llanbupt-Tllere h Ope -Ill! oftile Loot Jfesl�all loldleb tu11ls fon·g(•1j IJy t� llt•pnhlic:UJ tilt! • l'Oll- should firs t inspect our Hope· Left 111111 Uulr na�. I �llllHl ...,,., Uouol •·ur fit .la•utllle, CoAh, LUJBEQ, llll'y t•Ul:ll'gl'll im- ( WI"h your u f nr '"'')""• 1'\'t'll · i to t':l . .. qtll'er k u s IIOIIWll<')lltllrO •a ]lUI Ullii IIII�II t r- 11 -:lcllll� JI, jj .t .1!•11 t Jon· JllO\'l'ilUJKI!l them oppul'ltmJty " • " ,- ill ltllfiiJ 1a11nara 1111111) •hart · to AnH•ri · di�eowruble ink tlJis country Ill : IIIli' . Llil. Tht•y ll� �t•lf •y�tmuIf a. fP\I' fadri Ill afu �aid l:ltapll'toof sytllsh•mlll' Jll llw L•f indurH'tl tlto �lllU" nur�, " ('olmwl William n Fertilizer• for Field, cuu !dn,.; iu�titut!•tl Lawn, Gardi!B and ,f Jumur.·� Jlill fouJHI _ 'l' rhlitl:HI. Colo. Running right metropolit �ll Wl1il:lt will i.H• �ntl t• anklaw�rl llwm III•' UPtmlllit·am ,.f '' ldtt>:, iiJt'OUgb tlw towu ill whklJ pH'IiH to A!llcnfr iu· uut tu tlw \'NY n�o ieaa . Bnth oltl p:u tit·� :1likt• pliunt toulg of Trlllldad, ten•Mt uud ,f )'ott as :u·o to lin•, liltlnl'i l'er, whidl frllniliurly Dfflat and Yaf4... Ctntral ln., ••r R. R. Crasslq, IMftiM wmltll Jn'lllllll'l't'�, l'itit.m�, lllti!IHY )JOII'I'r. Hln•t•t IUHl Lom· 1 is 11 )(ail :t• AlliL'ril'llll : tho W11ll nn•1 Order• Will Receive Prompt Am�>rit·:nt �,,tt•t·�. llaliU'.i lnH l)('htwl _ olmtmpulutel l llllllll'� a ago, �lllirtlJ ll1u lllll1Pt't�, d:ul.l'lllg u t lll p uy· is ufh·r tlw !lllil nbnnt ineh• >e uf war,r�· : bo:ml tlw111 llm llCllll ll', "Snnta 1<\1 cl:lim� to hn tho . tho ugo IIH Ht. AI1!(11Kt inr, 11 1:1, Secretary ButJIW!'ll, hisJll'lll'tiL ullidal·ally : for up t•!lth11llk; tlln•huwll uf fuotlllj.( was Hamc port. •••\ll llw nation ont . whu kt•t�p ill!lt'llU?"tlly t u thoto !leiJI. dnrinw thesu !JilL�. man huM l ou lt Both towus u1·o collNidrmLiyI ft1r�et tl1oOl'cr IHJO of Now, :�o ye: 11·.� of · No • g ol.l, Wnll 8ITt'et Yt'>ltri althou�h es� ct u 1[uttl 11f thdr �f'ttll'lllt'nt. 1 witprnfouudh Jll'l•�j Jli'IIL'illrril;r with :ill li!Hll!w l1u:11Jtli1lllrul·1u�. J pid•Wa out.ll Dcmormt.RPtmblwaJJ mul!l frumuot azt CAHAL STREET, ". ill tlw mitltllo of tho Hi:dei'Hth nubrolwn thewHt•Hht�etll•t•s '1'1�11Yuot "B:tek 111 I. J, uut 1n•ro 1•ettlury tlw i'ip:mi!lfllH ilnnla l�o made Axminster Velvets !�Jletl,fo ltwithl, w ithn·:;um<·•·� di;·;;:·ft>ir,mlh•tl urJrl p1ck• h \ l nH fur tho · laiR ll 'll worn o g. 11 military tLl jlO ovflrl!llld lllntli protlno·df Tlw lllt'- Letwt•en lM ts ll rlo didn't clullliCIIl,m\C lWll mill\t'fll'.'• 1lll n1al !JUWl\1', othrr out mul Wtlllt� to �>:Ptl to �t. N WI'. th� llll)'lhi!Jlj t•olrlouu!r f tlw ritht•st, tlliiHIwrdon• onr, •o•oullhe�?of . iu. llDth nlik i� nllo\1'1'11 tu allll lmowluy U.•hl'l't'l l, (Jf tlw \\'Cl't' }JLlKtwhit'br1l nf t• �bnuld bo (IIJ tlOuolll ljra!!tlPst, uatiOJLi tlwil' lUll! tho All lllt'y \\'(Ill!' n wnM tliHitlll�<� lll'll<'rnl diroo· t ewr "f Thi� tl!i� m•lll';llrld \\'llt'll l111H , pl'nploJJll'dal 1houltlfor rtapl'r�n yi•lt •m•tt,allm\' 1'11 tuul tlJe e r tinn, loqu ts, B ussels, � ��! � Cl' hey tlw la1itude nnd New oeslg! �!· '� pt·o!lnced. ��.nuuls nn tile h i tlwn·l 1�11 forh<'m· liM lptl'nd paper e !11 tt ot m· lou�itndo tof bothknPW plaer�. t er lntc in Paper., out 011 a111l giws u wear u Ollll for dM Cartr dae t uch of looal prhlo to uuce. Ru h P l e n tlw full them �t�:d clml a r nt ires and r nt o Atneric�. l1u bom citill'll : wonl•l iul HI'Olll lndit•rouH . l IOVILs, Scl TIillaII AID IPIOIALTIII,l !t•cil �llltliPt·s, smallcamp iOO ol , P pe I It \\'l'rll bUI!I!IIIrtl trniu 1 -G o d of 11� i [juirr littlo furtllt\r it nut fua• thn lntl itoly Jm!ht•til' ll 1 tllld WOllll'll, Jll!Hhwltollow�r�. tlJrongb tJw lr !!""' l Ll Milll' to on.But let JU't'l iii tlte Miluntiou to hnL1rn }lt plt al t In ° mn Rutou over tho trail now llowed . 1= '!'JII'.IIII � : unw f s � ����� � � � !.I!!!!!! : •u • 11'111 a � �� What wo afM· fud•- 11Y· :r 11 • tmtnJIIIrtl - C - � !' 11�tl 1 t 1liwr•inJJ, l;urh•f'Jlie, pa�K othe i' p . b.V a 1111d be· ngr n r e not D··mul'l'acy of I tory, lil>t nutl k . not owp the . til(� llilonou� J lahJ , the l'l'1�ICI l � 11 uthouin 1-j�tJtaof willh J:<'o lrrui mndolrond,ll t'lllll}lnt what <'Wt')'tlay ful't.�. of i llt AUO LAMXccptuJul t'OS! fon,crleH�ious lui. h t h l ? 1'\'Pl OJ' l are hlaulwted -whnt. n1u' it for l tJ \lt'O}l o thPyn ot tiAorou�b('fore spriwiuce. WilltcrBlltarly WIIy, dono �1'0 t1 wealth , \l'ot'khtll in thll liciuily ofun1l Trl uill111l.1t comes WE SELL 11'llh tleht mul JJiill'lgll!{l'�. fo1• mnro tlw AmericLi 1'atlw u furt•t•d ·. 11 ceutmit. ·ylms, lilw lli'Oil nil thon "With first romhlg of the l'llrly enloprodtweJ·�nrua bnnki'll} uf lt untion.1orlt •Y �n uumy !Jpawrs, Hay, 1'ht•ir aHS�H�od ! timo at tho lowering ti1o nllltlw'l'Ut. un•r H b11ui�hed tlmh• nr· FIRST-CLASS v luat u th a ion at fm·ct•il pay i h l\' t rift', it nut!t itlariff.now gr11ssfitted nt•thelr n i tJ ou mor, lntlebtriln�HH. 'l'�uluhe would !lot Theylth:hor kep thuut itioWlll'iliJ� mure lmuMea nlul got a lurges• !L9sorbnent of Pns·lot' Sult1 than tu Tho camp followu�. tho WOill·reudy GOODS ONLY. tbeltthe A r n WPnlth jlWilur�r�,i!JdtdJtm1ueHH who of . thanit is l111lf 11 lur WIL� Ill How1�·1�, lou�, move. Wo have mal 1111y mc lcn cun y tlte extrn they E911t back rarrar ruraltun.•lenlers lu are ollerlug at aston· mn i ut OIJO. ll en st Jlay ul l as Willi prs, a d St. crt e�timuto,to offidal rorort!R, at low·i l· ' udmiui�ttutiou!tr�et JUilHny to get tho JU turllf fixed �e eral huuilrods, Wei'C lfous, tJG,OOO,(If OllOdol!ur,OOO-R. uNoot lll!UI wuut it? timv \'1\lllly the littleutnrc liverhhlM by "'hiciJ duwn PRATT'S HORSE FOOD. cobutnlPII�M I.Jlllio orua e�tllllnlu t.biH i justA111l WIWI'O tlwy l l u u p y Loun1e1 and Oouchel from 18 up. can glurlo11� o t R�p !JIIca n t luul eumped.uf vu�t I tho k nmoont. At nll alllllllll it' IIJIO fighting Dh•ille &bore,yearly intertJHt by 1111d 1 from nealmKrly ooeuevery clmrch. pulp t �tory h All onr : l!aJ• bllllner nrul Cbo latellt C1rpet1 M1d1, uld 1nd Lined Free.of Chlrge.n-.- IIUI'IltbJ� us m nt y J p12, 1y ami i r i e . t o tlw �!!!!'� l stipend to to : lol cal r o�t um n Am l'ICu I u l 11uuf t IAHttho ateel tbl.')' we 11 o h J it M and orl�tocrat� · kevt Unlou nutil l ou umrmust lo· dfsuppearet\ from the enrtl1. To tbb TO UUY A IIOME ? foreignDivide h ome by lllldt:!OO, ooo, lutve I dhasay tho 0trump,11 s:ll'lng tr utl1emp trump, f tbo rl u uo oue II nblc to make n eugger�tlou 000. llll, we 1 of , o y Sli·lards 11d G�lffln�rs la Llr11 Varlatlas. W AN'f the euonnous nUl!lntllinappalliJt!( Htllll of ,II,· uneniJlloyetl, out of wnrk, out ey us became of BUY BUILDING LOTS . en to them, except g- · interest to to H men f what CltEDIT OJVEN IF DESIRED. Jler duy pay, UY j out of l po homo, ois it IM tbe.r •were WANl' TO 1 10 'f O r Dot686,000 bill!! about c er p!lyina tbu principal. bl'wouoy,unl e'·ery tlllldow ofanti lu1mlet btbot supp08tld butchered BUY FAIUI 1 1 y the Jmliam. Snuduy" wo1·k· duyM the ter · 1 oYer theIn brou,l lnud.city, u kc]lt un WANT A StiV- old \VANl ' keep11awd UcL.in11 t 11liko Iu lug 0 of It busfro au t82·t84 IARKET STREET, rf adoufl. , blacks m wn"Flftyncboehyenr11Ullruedaga lbltre Iron wa• Shirt, becaCo­uao '1' 0 UENl' A JIOUSE f MLuoo r hu! produce11hd -1,00 000 thel 1nnn� 1111 wealth, I acleH clmttol Hluvery 1as en- n1sty oMld s irt of cbBin nudl which lEW ARK, J, ull e tho of tllltll 1 on luto tim anlt uurl the chained more tlnm 0, 0 itof both of 1\\'ot·�,1 h e N. WANT ANY FlUE.INSURANCE � M ho bnt Jl(litber uor b A KuHN E 1. .WAN'l' TO lllandB o bos g How v 6 0 0,000 o bo d fe f ldlel'f!. it �t ther·o: blucb Wilites in t u other COllllllllJbel libewhe yl lillYi or of tbet Eu tlll.l did "''tl a sy�telll BOllllO. .\V llONEYBUIL TO Dt ' y enongb. It woK leglsh1tlld frotu tho Hlavery ten tbou�nud roltl mol'tl duu11er- origin of tho uurmeo norIID whereh DI came t WILD FI.OWLn.i. Do You WANT Jaomes the toilers o Vllulta aml u !loudly. It hn� kept rlMht on from. b11rl been n tho trl fuit rther JNFOR)I.ATION the l &aullful bloolffiml, Rlrto<•t, of of Idler IntoIt th help ou•pro tootndilll the deur pooplo u il It h bo regarding & ut ill tbnnIt abort ICOIIIIIbcbe Oh, purtl mul aotugllllltll!l lilltb� oouldu a f tbel'\l Y thl\U tho Willer't protected them i to o at leut co'backold rtJIICbtbc. bll\'1! mp[IOMldUltl1110f1 Arle•m with duw tl'llmth" wuntrrwq., E1tate aud Jn1urwe 11101'(! Cllb " Jaelp going over pt·coiplcc n curll£'debt d, prin i Man)' To mil& al work ln city •trt·�t, c pal Spwdsh espedftioathat wb�n l11. 1 1Ul�l forcestlw r thatnt NJ1111· ·�0, 000,Interest,000,001> o hed oll r it was 11 Yoltbritlf f�lr VlHiollilor b,)'IIUUe lb.r­ All we e lu direc· und evert y a by their o three reliccentnrleaof tbfr which h11d ap· I ara. , r GIIIIlda)'R, hid L11aoof wdolll, Kl'l!cU mallnr lt lively by cthoould11't heltl lfOiug, aud a d Into 11110, t the rlchcH I t:lt•an llecltledly 10 lI off ar that far· To watQh ��Jrlllll'• dloiiC(IIe We are"everlnsUns lY at." tion.went. It n toll, u bo pouredd •lh·.,r The waH too gre11t tt vaultMHWeot and 1nfeHo ofd i le aotocrnCbutio parent•way lyfiprinll' marchlld day the e h the And 1111 raKd to keepllll ()veroome. mowcntumEnglund's nf cl:u1tu , aristocracy. How l n1111, think wfll R tou in the mouth Wtin dalo7 ""d buttercup 1ol huln to � DPIIIel\'"" a;rac.., work. iwd !Delusive sburkR of Htrcet, t b tluJ Union ture1 tuhese SpauiHh This uperlence nllows to 180J l9 And bl't'othuto fln&l In Ql)' hollwll•o Uowo!'ll, "W k. 1874 Will'rl irl itJteudtl tloadlyeI Ihtraating to rob, Espre•�. the oxt�editioll 'll nlll1tlm1'fi1Wilt it I �but my to lbe city's nut! ru!JN nnrl •�nn- Anna D. Weun•r Glucngo am )our " 25c theretiuue to long as to Ut!clf in t11o dnrl.:rl\'cr fjtielutJgn age, Ami nut In· tlw u(Jlon with �ylng ft'tli­ with rob HO tim luw� renmiu . Oif, oft to •mural!l lnumlilUflt'tl monl gus and tbm-c is auytltiug tluutur E•de;�;;;. Al�sienns not to which on 50c And now for Junio . In oddftlon lint low,tl1o hunbwh• ..,l• 11rotu tho olones \>& BettEr wnr mul bhJDIleft IHiw!l,to pluu better

fNI IPIION ANO THI CU,, ABOUT CRAZY . SHOULD IE lSI . CHIN�.' . liE TIEIE IIY 0111} YIU lEO IURIII DUI C&Jf FOR THE SUFFIIGE7 WHAt II II ANDIIADI. MOW IT II 6rand Op&nlng Fall Sal& PEOPLI! WHO If 118.SCII UYL£1 VAl ftDIEWL ...... LOVE· BOOK$ ...... , II. """ ...... ­ ,, .. • 111!111111117 ...... �.,...... -JII •Iil •• 1111' •IIIII W.r dllWOII• ft­ ...... ,...... t.o...... die u w.-:1"llf ...... o . .... B t tllllfe lla....., $11Mt .,... 11 futep -*kllclll If tbtf1ur,...llo,.. &blak Jlr. Bdilor: 'Dill fff IIIII � &lieIRI&w out aow, ...... 11101t will ftllllala Ia IWe l w11111d aathe .:�pi=��:= Pld' wOIMI • ellcleat, allll ullllll'ta lntr, ...._..uC �= h� '' :! ,que Ia..,.... •r . rbaiJIIthe bt tW tile ..,u • .,..,,�·••ter ,..._.lall .. •... We have pat 01 tale all t•e Latest De•hllll ad4 Pattern• at a •lloulbl lllould :.::=.to lll!lllpoiil;-:.t;:c .C:. \:l�.:·r,: art ,o .. &heir "rl1hll,'' aid thebotue to 1UIIuaaetbll ....., tbue Pawl herll.eull1 Tile ._.llotli per. cl : ehllp ollllinble-oalJ bit price•• a remht4cr. l: IJIIIIIIlkllddl looa for tentllll tile that, !lll!41alnf theect the Ol•tdnll ctlDtttlta of pUtJ-.IUilid tl$IMol li-IIDd cut ehaiiOO bJ 100. ttrbt.' poarenddo wn b • , all dOIMl t>ac openiatrof dnda to Wtllllfdralu " ID1 11110111& Solitl Ook Sldeboord1 b�:�vel }Jbte glt'st , , , . , , , , 'I lot 11t , ••.. ••, Jla�ohl4 WI!been lmprovl!d to, WI.IDIDour WOIIJt •lUirt ol llqnfd lye c�· " cblua,broken .,.,. A , , , , 11 •• . ,. . , .• , )lt!rleaetlll two• Cllnl of l)'tt 11 ; , . would havll boon11114 benefited. oouatq • and or oolored Oining-roorn wbola MJlfMlntti to ...bite, to .,. 'fable, claw foot .;, , , . dllllllll•ed in ll'ethree 111111IL Ull'tl 011• of 11 8·jlicco Hod . . . . have t..koll •ldo," 111111 IIIIIIDdIJ!f! In kaleld- •1 , ...... , . . . water, kept for Will prercmt Suit...... , . "1 the IUtlftiO 1 , .•....•. 011 friend• rcnmtlr o4 rb iOQ •• ...... •.• , 1 ftllplllllllllllt l'lllld)'or• remore ftlll 11100 ' u . , , 111 wid 1110, "POt be­ nlnbowlc of lligh-baolc JJiuillit Ohair liul or , UIOtOIIJ!hly L ..•.• .. , .. , , , , .•••, the di•lnfi!CtllllCUIDu... P1" .. 111!1 11 1 , , MUIIJI alll llOilVIbu oood dJAtWotuaDtblnlc IUirtltfO the llrelll8 OQ 1 , , .. t1 4c•lrable, li I• dr11i1t. LetMlllltbe 1nlat rew1dn lu the Chitlonier, with mirl'or , t tx.UIIIl I that re It l01v bouml 111me daJ, aact thercf- t�l(ll! 111 10111 111�I bit!, u ..th ..."uarface ptpe (fof oth· l1itrlor Goods, to oome RI!�JII!Ctfally ls 11hnoet a 1luune to ut mch loiV a dgnrc ou 01bt •l•lnlt lt. " B dedlcaltld artlole to A p but Uroc:�telle •• 1,, 11 h belt no& to ut no of He11ltla. to tho Board er be ,., ev111t1 depelldcnt upoa huma1 · tleeora*«dr flue ll}•holatererl 6 p!ocu S1tlt, ,,,,, , , , , , .. t:Jl.OO e��rthqu.kllllfltloa or are Af.BERT A DUkE. a 11 " •.•... , • . und � like l'OII· 111ple ....A ea· , , bo to frame li piece D1·ocntello Suit. , . . 28.00 tbo ohalljplllof thu lklll*lnl. lidlu • , • • , , , • --.....•• •• ooe " 11 u 1 1 , . , et1, ur al&tlh Wo 11.., IAtt•r .., thllt 110818 otent• are M ... 1118IJII IIINI br huir top Jliece , . . 55,00 boullllto ••· Drall• C ltiM1o u 11 . .. tlllllle, If .. the Whb 'l' urkhh eliRlllfC!OIIdl&klllt ,lOt Couch ... , ...... , .,.,...... (),liO Bu' wbocall prudlct. (ll*IUvotr thMollul'!. Jlr.El Ed�itor:ellele me h•the beeae qJerl l!lletl ...... , 1nm1•n IIO&IIItlllll• wlll aot chlnaet ••1 CMrtfulte11cllet n Clll· that 1111r 1011e we that thll111 111'1! allA114 but Jlnotl't!llllll!l 1111 too at loalluld l)j( •boat and IDOIItM' 11111• t:JUIIA. piJ· ... .. , certain Clllll1 lo-llke1ome In brt!edin�etollllll th t• dfletmoQpropllrly COLUIUI Of CQ.UY I ...... rand '-libMid Wll'kItafUIIIIdata Wll tof� eumpl11. lflll'tel'Jlut ovoa frwdom th11u, If iliMelulefor- 'an onnM ofrefa• p ttnlloll Carpets, ' � it btttAlr bariDIcbrl•telll!d for hJ the arlil-' Oil Cloth, K•ttiag, BeddiDK, weRuula, di•PPfOYI ot them, better ll1ht tlutn )Xtllnd of two co1qmn1'011114t ne andei'UJ cbln" materlalla aaalllll& them. wu U I• &o tlliiiJIIl• that lltottldem. Thereto •n by per- er lt Tile (Stoves and otf, we •l.all I!NltIf doworld 110t ltlveh7 holplthe1n nl 111111111 Mti)JetwJMIOII, thflheAttended IIt � 0-..1. b d Ranaes. l!WI 111 urvallb I C1'00 '' IQ thu pwth abo pul!llc dl•llOial nf )JI'O�Uildby burlllnJr much 110ldor palat, and, ke f Stancil: either promptIt qlrll and theof l'llllll �rage,hlng ooQiilaiiOJ,power. In ranMotrn wllenblltce,thtt lln I• the �bin.,not 1 d r in pipe,putt,., anythln1 tJIIIl yoa likeI F"r trom bcllovlnK th!lt woruaatutrl'llflo (thPraU111 I• no betterw y, or have Itbo marl·tte. a ltetldot1 tblllleJOU Adjustable .- t will JI lo ootuo of the pl'lliNlnt el away with ) toCll'llm lltuent� m need boll re11nharlty ; thnt all the ll t or •mall hana er to break h U luttlruMtbooKniJ(l In IDI\IIJ of hupe uaw.nlura l atllng rrom��ee ti a 111 e ll!dr11tn tbe alleadfa e brokena plooea, tber p ovo tl111tJncl'l'IIIO IlltlilH lncrea�u willIt, glvo lt• deat·h· P' ll!l lll'tl tu 'l'I1IM l •••d may lllg, and 1 proper putty,U or e ern 1 blu\1',juw Ot llllllllitloll l1ltbertoIt iHleD •D(I�>rlhamtsa.ot t elngl§oo. If followedl!etlln the toole tte Jmlfe , preu4 v JIIISRll't•1 81111 groottu It dug h11�too tnel'tll)' lll· pa 1 putt,. 11nd re�nlt wiJI J,ron•lvvelce, lts L 1u11erit. to the •tinotlvo. Notu tJllon l1a>� •trongly tho I prepare It for the m01111io chluQ. It I• huve kuow11 people live hur It,Mt There· fortunate1 for tbill pniJ!OIIlof that oar nL'IIIl to �rlvo l'l.liPun• IIIJIIIhlt Cll)'ll!l Vllllf!labJes ld lto(IJJedto with dr 1le-iiiH ll r I!!IJernlly 1 furo no MtHI uncortnlll upon the tub· cuu�h•JC th11Jr ct•IIMnlll OOcolllll }lt!at lll ant• are t�reat dellff11ert juct hiiMuJUJluld ohnnce to lluar bothtld 011 tho hole1, hot bOO• of tllllllll.llllto to blame of vh material cblelly 11ooded, Md er antl lntclllgonllr nu1ko up h Jllllld, and the loc ..tiou of the bo1111t1, to11111}• the hoaHehoblt e can futulllb only too mucbIWJ' few hai'Ooven boon JII'IIIIIJited think itB illlllBWH. stii(Jid· from ltl oWn n ut nil. Uut tho uogath·oru •ldo BAYARD DRUG STORE, ltyIf ot tile ci!AA JOOIM 1n11st nPI!IOOtetl lllld Another pb111BbwakllllPB, of ./ bonow Itf11ltb ut fully If tim current I tho craq r�rnp allowl'd to uvea hebe content� n a inc lle lllBteriulM WI•l rltllllIH lllllt, proMOnttJd,likely In tho omlux­ h lu l poou · tll�tnrectfl!l ttlliteflow, t f e , Jllll'tic•liKMbutJhlrly and vn var d F. 'DO�V�LL, Suc;ccasor S. W. Reese *cCo� do moro towo hurt fL'III, UlJIII IN lhu"unuse.w" bo li lar ryhlll f oua brokt>UloniUu bottle• to J. , In wurm Wflllber, t n bol'tJfon�It I� Wt•ll tuto help Tllll ' old key11 11Ud fromr hal walnut •hell II ...ll•lf e\'ery l oul 8r ICCOIIt\T •JIIoMtlon: Upon whllII Riot 11routnl1oiii'Wh'UI .c � l d to old th mble f • novolt o•ct atroet, weetfleld. ISO Fulton St., New Yorke� or �IDllf!e . be l N y Stencil ath•ot•ottJR tholr domnnd lor wom­tlo jug , buckles,t l tltc.pba�e A St::'tfanufacnmtl�, tr:rem Plate�. St.. ���!�ds:.::.r'r�::t o l n 1 llludruh!ll h • crar:7 DRUG&, MED BmndR, auIta eullr11gur hlllo lllell ut ICINE&, TOILET ARTICLES, FANCY .CUT DnruilJg open ed nn Mr tlays fori �frte�;� �circula·::; work lllld exhibited In lb decorotlou Nmnh>rDoor PlAte MnnJ t o1u Ito not o.1plaln how they � �11 �l Notaullary Nmn1J€r�. Pew PlQUf ot fresh, dry 11ir. traDIIDIUI over the round top ptn•, bit chain, 1u1d Stonlll, tblilk th11tol ltMh II)' thu wholu of tlou briii!M GLASS BOTTLES PERF Check Prol<'etorR,Lodge A11tmnatl11 PNforlltifl 1loors Nl1ottld lo open 11d t�•t· tlllmble11 half a 1looveol link bait UIERY1 SPONGES, ETC. our wuul1l plll!ltfootiieNilun tho wulfa&ru of the M1whinflll, fjtc. Wl'ite X11 ml�t> llllX the RIIUie oo_W aJ, milliebf•l 1window u all 1Julr , bnckloold OF OOIIIIIUilllty. Thoy IIIIIJII)' dool11to that s (dl'ell),half m ln1,1 Illustrated fur our f· lliJelle!led Rll!l clot room th 11 �ehllll'l, Catlllogue. htiVu "a rlwht" on1l •ll�to or ImplyWO hllll alretl In e knife blade, 11!18 11tovofe pen, (IIIK8 IIIOrllillllt�UII IIBbed often 118 PIIIOitlniONI OARI,ULLY COM, thllt tho 100urh•11to and It, ��eth·o ellll'eillllof Jl0811ible. bit lloolc, OUNDID, To a open any right· muwt ruult tor nlr wlndoll'll belldt, 10reW1, o! eorbcrew, hair· nt totJproptldy bottum room l!:vou tlw lt1twr llfiiJIOitltl<�nICfllll), however, 1111d durlna the BUUII)" hour�. for frotu Jnglc111. It not 11,proJ llllltlou BVIIrBRBTI I• a ALBERT Nalbiar ever hal been producedt whleboob!Klluntloul lllli•Jllll aut upon In A. DRAKE, BUYS private life. \\'hen wom11u man �a.a l or compare 11 .... THE WAYJHE lull with� lliii'IICtllnll7 lll8l•tH UIMIII lllll'lloRnlor rlghta, 1 What t11Ml is there in eath1g Wl1en food _,"- ·· May be l Al rPIA an,J I0IIMieuM...,...0.....,..,.; Witek wltllllu� ootultlerlbjJ tho CIJlll!lloiKlJ of 1l0tH good-ln fact whe11 It t ea • to his prej111llce(l OJlilllou Olll' ODuacuaA'fl'l'llll 110 , sa)' is the8ft'� lJt.stll In the 11111�· he hr 81 lrtlou1 or bo ytiUyon IIIOI'e liHfiU th1111 good, for BIICIJ 8 h!!r musicon t<>nclm HIALING yearsAI'PLICATIand alwaysO!�tetl A t;oVICLtr.JUG, F c:.. T "'Y • • INFUMt:Oi1 or Invaluable. CAKID Baw1 nln.>ady iiJI(I II K ewelry, hatton• l • �� � LOR Nipples. l'lllll ar park. ol j Il . ' ELIZABETH, N; n a tho 1l111estu of actlo11 pi l, J. 1 Itd Sore lhiiUII,It Tetten, Scwl welL l1! klandt.pellll'1 black boon 011dt!f8l, bltlof ti penoaaltbi'IIWII.down UbcrtJ, lwbeas In troublolll ('(JtpUI tlmeL tot, pro1u pt Hod foodIts eft' 111llcll permaneIt. nt. CuresChaPI!ed SUT join to mako ot n AllllIIIIIdell bu rl1ht llftt�uarcl une'• llf• dllliiDo bita Eruption&, N.istrlls,Handa, Com• Fever BIJater, eo 11111111 • or ditswith Into tlln 111of lion key. m terial of Soreand Up� ofand BUlb� prNCrlbe Laaol 'becan�e lt a h dollll&lionaw., rlllh tollollllJ uponWill'. 1011101'11,I euwatch theawa re, 'rbeI f tbe topof tbeIt Sore Chaled Feet, Sting• hledl. 1111Docw nvlr tu of caator l· jq lftl lt.telf. aallodthe powerto votet1100 l!ll oil aud pabu 11111I 11 onllbd of OOftaba deUb RtKble.th., additi DK!IIll efOHN could lndltpu&ableIf rlrbtto of b be "' 10 INGHA�I, IVIrl&lll'... ,l.. ll.lll ... rl er •err atitr mlllboudt1 mude 111 lold:=.:Jc;:.t:.:: be neyerlholotl no •• ._,., "err prortlll ibe woniAD of artklln al'tl Imbeddedor in tla. Wotlllll, • ' • J)ltty abould delllllld l& wlthou' a belief, ,... tbe Cla•trlbtlllu•• to Cllllldr.a'• '1'IMI n the whole •• lllded 0\er. The Hot Wall, upoD 4ofllllte thatftrm ltl eJor· llept. Hu•• , IDd Pr11U1 IIlii bated dccldodlfodd, IUld unlefR I P111a1r, St11, Hat Air H1111111, IIZEL Ill clltl b)' aftllliiiJII] whole would bcnuUt II '- Ot!t. I...... The manager8 tbe Children'• Cottn· efld 11 elll'tl· RnM he4a her hie 101 wbolu. of ful17 e1amilltld no ne would llaalq, .,, ete., . , rUaW.Iq , 111 a try Hotne wish acklaowledge he fol· .. ButCIOUDWJ the dll'lllltaatl'o part t what It I• made ofo tho mnnnerh1111 intue ... all ltla el ...... lowing contrlbutiOII�.to Mr•. BtcbnrdllOnl or todt, llhnl aal ...... In polltlcalpowerllfu totAku a rlllht In tho wh ch .. • clothing ; Mr�. G. Whytll mith tullk i made. ...OAC» aT &&T, of word.11 out I• nol ou pur withtrnu S ar,lole� dllllcribed will WK.TII'IKLO, N ..J, a Frle11d, vegetnbles Arehboltl , i thellllllll rl11ht tho lifo, h and plll'lluls ; aml Scud· lll!riJtllt der, •pplc•; Ml'fl. n ple�tlinrThe (JOI!Kibilltiea t e readeril of of !U'iJIIIRtUIIo''." OurUllerty pi'CIOht Iatim do hot Ru yon cloth· WI l11g; meat, .Mra. , Inventive mlmli andto h aatos. II tilt I rtlt'Ognbo u h moa. Mr. meat; Cox, t Bed"' Wtrl' � D. or artbtloMymmetrlcll FRAZER AXLI \VOOJrulf, With a VIlle o It 11lntciiii!IJnoo c with of ropnl tho ootlhti'J to 1Jl'11JIIl8, toru 8 and 011t u al dish 811 1111111 1 f ; fonu n t 1 dot'ITho oorporawIJOt tnterpM It thua. Tho ln•taot "('Pl�A.) r. Manh, me11t ; aOOe klnei e ti y bits of delicately colored Albert Bl.Decker Friend, of IIIl Ml'fl. ; n Stld child, 11111le or female, bora,tho law ua•a is; Frten1Jur. •·nm, a11d IIWH 1111daad e ln doohlcdly uttractive EtefJiherel llfr.l bag 311'1!. G. , h o:- proWct It InIM ltl llf11, ltl llborty potutoes ; WbyteIORp l!nilth1 11ameuts produced at 8\nlltRllJll�s llu. muybo cowpara· dertllkcspu tol'llult h111'1llncu. It pro­ nud Hamilton, tl e)J IIIUall cost. a &REAli an1l lt1 IM " lJlles: DelaliUatllr,toluRhlt!lli clotllhllf ; )(r. o�en IIIJIIlnof• tll•nwn "hould n v ------needtoctoo rl 1111, und tho UIUl'llllfof IJIII'Illltl, a old l ger, l\(l'!l.111�t : !Irs. Burtis, velllltabll!ll ; o 1! nutl sweet potatoes ; R•PAI•I•• r•nt&•rt• !ant Ia oounted crlm muuhdl1 •• Ill· 1\lrM, brokeJi fumituro 11 E idic repairing tho mil· rnurdcrof Llnooln• or G11rllold. thuOf Frn end,t peacht>st, cblcke11 : )lie; !Irs. takeIn lliUillly mtulo il usl11 much whata the lawthut a profllllel and Bridge�.o Friend,F rib!lllutd,te r Rllll fish; Jlelll! ; lllne. l'low, contrary to thopopular1 too oplu­ oour1elttumptl notJI!Irfl'llti)' JJOOOm· Mrs, Earle, waterlr.lf pot, scr•1bblug e 2 the lea� 11lnenmd the ltrongeJ' Ill pllsh tono•orUO lt dntlllptJrfe11 of JUIIII�>UIIno wltb thoIf burn tll�euse, Jmle andsumo lual(gllr womanrl, h�11vy of boiled In, wcroto 11 c�ACh rll!ht of would t\lse. yolks of l1urd boiled to tbey 11ld,Nuftmgc. lloyB wouhl 'l' hey llil not hmu't, l'll�timr shntl· n 1100nt flvo potntooH 2 11111'0 st�hlmn, q rt nd!l �weet milk mul yolk you )1\lt le!IIIIJOOIIfllleggs :or Wiled W lt until tlau7 it. nf ����nkhi!(gloom 11 �A bnthll' us II tu tlll'Oll!(hout hott e by thoy ; all'orrlt' ll, Mt•niug hnlf nmcll wouhnl by duwuro1mty 01 untilto11ot thoy 'l'boy bud o1v ' muMtnrd, B11lt1 ra\� het• the l n·e of call bo UUII smt�ou,ThiR u B� 2 \'utoyc11N dlfCretlon,ju llt now, ch with cruclwrM ny�tcr cn eggs, a wiueglasdnl of strung liM pt·e�eucu, 11r.(lAlliR, you shohnve sntrorH 11 p fr01u uf thuy ownIf mudll ill JmrrynH �OilJI. r('liiO'I'illg oil. vbwgarthe l'l'nchcd burn 1111 Plll'luli�eill� Lo�t. thonstlluiH of womeu know, 11Ud tablo&tloollfnl olive Put theytheir nl'llJlruport)' tofrom birthlnlwrltllnuo, oontrol lt boenou11h 11 to IfIIIIIH deHirC'd, 1 f secou d colory�� cf it t 'l'Uu.>ell thAt Pi!ll't!e'H Pl·a. o lu snlml bowl, loy h duputy ootnu ami h)' pol ntol's 1 ol'd thno falls ou until tboy ol nf!U. Hcrit1tJonhllrthut IHJI Dl'.certniu Fuvoritefemluilm courHo, If iu r minced chlckm1,11 1111d over th11t pour theo El]ll!diollCt, rlt�bt, the of for wt•llkiii!!'R mal t)111·1m�o�enu•nt,Clll'e for It wlll re· nt tbe lnat ;amoment.snap rmmo Vrtr lut,lous tuar dr�Hsing, Lettuce c11t flue hillY be used tho ltuot ta llmx mtlI&len�, 01bosiA1r lui!IH• n be l Rtm·u ltenltlt 11111l good Ht•lritM Htul mnke dev etl b)' ddiug VOM�tt1blos In plu1�c l� olery. The whites of the wulfrngc.think, that all m n 1houlllvote m·er Iter ;onc11 lliDfe bJesHiug to f11U1lly Widlfi\\' bon ot IJJQSb\ngl�ft t rou hurd boiledof tho should out in forulatAJrt 8hoy Slll'lllyu tho well hlillloo,bo· h g II rlnga "HELLO" 147 F. aro Ill, 111111 tho worhl. II her h h ooJau• eggH be lutolllgont .Nuw furk usctl as a111trllhll. Donuolm, Co., N. 0. IW!l ('IJUclltoo,ovun tbou11h tlll!fboy• nut of 111o1'11 Fot·�yth der. � Dt·. R. FleJ•ce: Sir-Fur cltr,fUIIrt old, would makebo bottor vulursth11n Dear 'l'hln,. Worlh Rememblorlal• Clatf. lU some MIX orV. l!llVell ye11rs my wife hntl Bro le11 tomntoes Kpriukled wHh "lit­ 'l'h• Fad For ThorouJhbflll thau \'lcloua trampN or ltU IId furelguurs Tho fud Ia the broodltlf bet!ll un luvulll!. Bcco111lng l choo"oi while cookiiJK riilhllll'd by 10 all but wholly lgnorunt .English couvbwe(l e uro callctl tbot•oughbredlatest cat&. oppc11rlof - lanu o the hlll'lll thut It ouly we llOll!{ht m1111t y. t - llllgo. But I• ful� I Wll� o fnshim111blo sooill y hiUIt tokeu the It more bottles ofher Dr. Plerce'Nhope, F nv rlte that tbaa good would tbatthe IUIYtago Mokiug jelly ls lfl'eatly simplified l1y n pet. •um• Atsix•ritJtiou ''Goltleu Alm1imal iscPre·o · !lre paid unlver111ill)' l'll!lgr11ntudlllt II or v ce o , atltllng, Wol'll ery. " Ton1ut tho snrprlse of the COIDIIIIIIlll· bollh111 tho jlll J hmt ool 1111tpcohneus new l b Llllongi'Jro while h i and )'OIIth-, llntl therufero tbo tolntclll boyM(!ll nt :.JO w t a f tuily, cupfu l for pful suguru s iu the for ey�s If toolhh w m r cuntuuWt 1111ldu 011n 111tl thor oomo the joy of myself nrul ll In cu , pl11k some n ltr u ti t her1ted I o ebUlU unoit)' 111111 wuek lilY wlfo couuueucml to hn· oven uookl1111 olg ndnutcs fera such momtroslty to a bllby,n itpre· 1111tl b luugor.· 11 of 11110. tli\11 11houlclwo oontentediJ lltlmd provll, Ulltl lolllr she h11tl tnken 8oull11ry pnper Is now for cover business of oun. The l'lob buvo de·Is \[olunteer s are wanted IJO!ilu before to tlo her UlldcAutl our UllllliMtho llllllt careful tho ltaAt able buthrooma 111Hl ldtclwu.used It uon· ntullllelluo broilers, hotbot181l llowen ond uwn work (Rile�ho 1 1 WnMnot nblo to do Is examlmtlou1111 Uofv .-,n1�t 00111pt11111Wdp rob­ 11 11 1blorbe11tlull' a nd cau bo of other 11 oot It IIIJfore for s en yenrR),!Jeen 11 1 when sh t! whloh bi•W17 tho e 11 1 Wllllbed. 11pot cles,\'l!NCtablca uu1l fnrmcu uml tluze1111 huve found proildcUca·t Works r this township to h111 v metllclne take oa& Iron nut, cover O •ll�hlolll, tOIIttn gui de,Pllllt all'ordl tha� l tnkell Ute IK8t tile she To a11lt null it tlmlemon anpplylllg dmn1111d. thc1 wantut Jlllllhgrmtlll011t 111to Mlltc1011 oUh 111o It \\'tillaonmlly cnrftl. of with line antnrote w h h White CIIIM1 thnby llll tuellllll lot'BIt I!!wIto uldnumber bu fofor tb e m n• that all lfllR'­ t,r11ly, �alee aud lo,. t e gruu. Bepent If E,at New England bread A ri T H. 011 crmtaroK for Mnya The Ruralbreed Newlltob at lboultl Eapondlo1101M mult WCJDIIIDftlllln Yu11rs . t�� con•ult«l-uvutu, IJOrcund., REv. 8TIMrso:;, bOOOIIIIIf)', Yc1ke1'. them, poll dltrorcnt rru --�····..·- -- Table linen •hould, when the tlmo be �he pound Ill of Nights= humaturlt)' . hemllloll by hnnd, Home• 4 bomea of COUI'Itl, J Dut In ooe ...... be f11tnlnallt)' u the11 other. oao nllorded,en be lrone�l the ClfiiDIDI OIIIIWINo thelrfrl��� tblu in should to 11118, no fuadllmtnt.\1the Jfoankeeper-Ycar Table l tablepooufulof ammo11l11 quan CillO, In tho othor, 11 be 011 huoneman 11 I• o1oopt the Wltel' tod17, mUll 11 rilfbt Awuwr 11 tbo cJennla111 "rltht" ln\'oi•IMI our at . M •Ide. a d of bo"t mediumlor •.. of tho JIUhllMlr mnlllu n linen window•, Jnwp obiwnq1 l.,et. all clt�aena .�j�li ,;,.: milD, 011118 rtahtthQ lfllftteltll!'llllpoulbh1 kwt 11eu11reor Amorlou• life. lib­ .lll1tlll11111U-Wetaomlnrl� It Wll 'flr1 jn Pillowwldlb• 011181ait 11.1dHI plllow1. lllliiWIII'II. o' 11111ldud " lit,,to lbll iiAPPibGN, of �1 wJJea we mtlkld.- to of S.,ad to Ji� �•w Y..-II '..W•...... poatal Voebl'• .' ...... � Never Stops . :.·; '• .k:if� ·

"'" ' ··• 'o_ t. ..1 .. . ' ' '" .' . �rt:P¥ ' • ., 1 I 11 1\IT.�r�·. T!TT. . . . . �-� : . ,.: . • . , . THE UNION COUNTY 8TANUDD. SATURDAY, OOTOBER l,, lMDll t:llr. Willi:uuson:- .. w h the The .,.,., ur Tb• .... ur.� -'• t:•-.•e•• Olft •• ••••11• \\ 'bat t e mutter t l y l h C �, TIE IJNION tOIJNTY 8TlND.l10 mewasn " h l it OJJII!St There �i•ioll!lry ul)[)u t w Th� were tn g ty llOOJile, s tt"ung Dr. Jon11than Ackerm11n ole of "�iugle ut t e bowlil g C a late Abt•ahiiiD 1100 • pl1111, iM ing 14bout llllil Jll'olld. the Col�:K, m�1111noth to brml( 11 !null WESTFIEl-D, NEW JERSEY. o r h t tho t•>ttwld we utuong heallhy h1ul ltft 111�11 �eut�d Dr. gr•m&• hiiH pre· lll! utght n , • n this town lhP \W ill· n where R ill bmn�e to tho t \\ �1•11tinJt·ut i the dt goTh1·tl't>�·t1rd rl Wife Nelifwe-Bizarlc.e The grout• of tlae • • towanl� umking y UJlll•us:mt by n Ull!l nnjn�t Kin!!', City of • · · J a o>u' nulwowua 1:r 1lent. 0 Bll" t'1ub ? X sthiuglcste1 wotmUI wus Jh·e l l l ��··king in YlildH for that free- nJJre�;rJ t hiBt()rlcal inci H�uresNov· W ELD N Cl . 1�· nt otcheer i!•· l!IIV� ll l t' 1111 •T II prese we t d whicb is bt>ritage em\Jt>r, "m·k of dis· 1 ;J, c ot' tos t.>m fot·lorn' . biLewh- ��ntmwut,plat·� to w11l enhstOt1c1� tb11 uultvldnlll om, all lllllll· · of th� 4LI'al!lD l S an t ly the r llel l'i!S a l 1\'H 'us· tim of tlugui!!laed176-t, tm 1� tlll! l!C'UIJ I lr, d i ��·utjmlhws of wouwu kin•l. A1ueraca11d • I 1 a� H� C. lJ, E. I'J;.taULL,l'rlultlll Editor, they couldn't for I". urge npt:nmtmy 1lo f in by 1tt>p, their wny, thPy Tl e ftt(llfi'B l'eMt upon pldestHI SOli tlwn a ' figlltiug .I ll't'�. a I• lo IOtLIXII, 8ullUI!tilleputu•eut,iiiUIIIII!I• bowl t1w llll l'rtetlupplPs . Miul�.h thH�aeh to 1 r ll.OOellee t, rb:w l� k� ctl'ie Co. --- - or n ;JIIc. tho.IC �nrhu' " ·I lUll 00<'Ul.U43 ani�hty t of tn t ld1lck, reiular U:t14tlo Mrade. \lc.c t 11 � : Il il below cl y, Will! a lltemodf!ll, llllillfnlly CUIIWU11illg w uh !::===="'--,-:=-==-=""·-=·-""·=-=--=== t} li· l 0 1 'OilY�ctl ion of !-lee ltcre Hminee�·IUitll ' Are l fl Vll t')' , d , tn 8CI'Cl llls who I pl n tlle thattbe folltll! ore llttncluneutll, i i 1111 l �h 1 11i �pring 1 1 recent w e tlu•ir an• Olll� t ltl e ro 1 ' g• rne bron!l ; lh 1 • c1011111111111,...11uuo 'lllt eml•d damagthe l' , 't Cl � on the muunt&lnloHt ;tt.,)f there l ul !IH ou, c hr lel • 1 1 t •.reafler tlllt 'l'his Is 1md should yon WI 0 11 l lan lor l! ll c "5c. vd "ICW 1 IV 1 " timelv •11.mg hb l.1 d ror the !IT.l!'iD.tBII Muot ' h• w1wre c rdsh are �mucll1 g gra111et1, moved th�y.look� yet1t lllltd�ulul( y less . . . FANCY JACQUA RD l>lllTIMna the citizclll! u r on tbe l'llllk " tlat>JII· cllllllllelll!lo�lfanects, tull snp oJ•t tho atnckctl ngaml st JU11rsb cotrl'ted with ata(nantformi ng stiVfll wtlith11111 I!IIV NI{� , htll ing �ll.l� AXD "oOJ, �UITI!W �. b d6011l6 lnche. Ollrebr t'rt tlar Xouu, l'reu,JI••• l'ul>- • p JOII np 'WIItel'l! wtoicit�lll lllll ll!l ..:_-:, llt!athm. receirc · lieartI y ofoil · ,, will m strllneltllll hmn·lty•�•·•llflls, woo rood• 411 wide mteJeste. l 01' oug h MUlJIIDOIIM o l th r e m e�. mj�e chah��Ublel de•t1, n•, tlllt' , J 111 t I u , f eyou ; \'OUl'�elfwuke fro111 t bot f u In the mltld e ne i l rtur· a otic. artie!� for .Jrrldi, e:::======-:-=�� \1 ! uw1 au llllrly f• fa u ��.�� ��OJllt.JIIIrftJ118 amlj11u t • r�bode Hllil'lhf. 11 o � . u e p n ot evll l r ' to tile IU_tta tllat 111t1J lo o rk wl1011e 1 � ,/o1 . as1111111e P'!bl,tcllt/ u,:L ew r ma a of Sum er, which 101WHrr lmsbtlfol'8lillruls, kludlll'l�nt t e t111111ime Wllllllll!ra·�tt:m IH . to be JllllJ. m icitnde 8� well uK h fltll f 1!'m·�lly u�from (hilt 11 done :-f Wiwll the wiadbrentll of lll' lli'O\'OO .j9 L BAMBERQER & CO•t rs 1101 •How It lllllll'oll nRll(!ht but the the •nrrea11l11r l l thelll the l lisl•ell tli!J_to l!����d to Kbonld \l• to 1�7 MARKET STREET, NEW Makiq�ld n ltl(l �ow�l'll,came to tbe JMlO- •lnoorlty of tl1�lr ntfectlo11. - c O rccei\·ecl a mOI'(I thnn col· t.bulngltHltandurd pl11001 mi �& o f hu h d pi theod Bellntitulr o City, It carried the In the urtiHt's gronp, t mother dl•· fool aome H • the re �mptioll � �����������!!��!!!!!'���� W 1 t ) upon that -·- ·· �� of mnn· ong 1 II· full �pirttf of aud the 11!01111! co\·n� the w fD of the ltllllan to ltfr ��� Voutime .:an aall theof peoplo rom ',rot wr . 1 ul '1\'0igb& of ? 1 Yi'ere l � the a ettet' f I 1 .1·gr m dt>i hu tlt, h t died, whn be and ome thefool peop. e ll bourn, too htte, sort to j t 110 a lllllllY Willi In eml)' time, ro H llll,d �DI I �tlllllirickenl fijver t dauRhh'l', ..., all mul we me • �Cl 1 w �!!1111'1 ehildbood. c1Lrli"'' off to dN but you �an't the for 1 pr�11 11y C(JII1 1 1. 11 tlJeou WiJitf' Jra the �)llt'pilll!' b �ny it , week ' tho clrculahousca 11 11 other vurtetleH of ' y tbe hillside looked like l!l'ellt �oJuJSfre,e 11il!n JwweV�l ·.fuitB ti o tiJillIt all tlmeJ )111 IJJicUtiOll• tJtiij l lt from bel' h1 r�l.' n on. the ·--- l people __ 0', _ U r om ' a 11 . f Cllrre8· are redc�mulllo goltl. lhet>p, tiiiLIIY re we tbh ttCCILMion that og ob· ======-ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ·. , sp.1�e 01 lu �o the e. --· I n..,c.e ottmg Th N A then• WIIB 011 IJonoJnet,Sill( poJHlcnce nlrearly lllll'lllg gone currencyi ma tlt�r.iM nut tliffi�ult of Jtutkllt lnMtof Clllllfl 1\IIOtller llt!O)I\e of a enln� iK KU!Il to h"Vtl · to I.'UillJllO• rN�e oUHtr R�. ue r t will t, !Ill· heuMiou. Any CUJIUblo rca�ouiug �ll!lltl the�· who !l ll'elt Ill tlw ge8ted lillhi•J'lt sho �hlllihle ill o of tbll c lal p B b k 8 lldl PLAINFIELD 1 ' . .n.�t. 1 II t I no IJJ I[I Cit)II�· 'ill' � uuto tl1e ll lou 1\S If i/011· O\l ll�l II I() press. We of 1'0111'8(', of tb� � ti Y Khll to �ing to ghe r when 11 om me c a Iace, a coc u ng, road. tid publication nil cull 0111Jcrstuntl ��>nntLfnl . !� ""Ill sonl(s nse\1 , (, ue tho othrr Mlow com- it. 11M til 8he tiHi sll, with Htl!ldPn Pret Dellverlel, u ate the of the 11t It is (tuly Mafe l'ircnlate much " lse I•Itll alul�t nleu, GlvP unto thiR c . tlwn,, Orderl Promptlw Pill.. IIIHnkntioup a• that its• , � • 11 · � \' to , �o mur�hlnml tlmt we IIlii)' bulhl city Mln !l, follol1'etl n I'IIH�tonnte llootl of Mall chnucc. ' 1 cxcc•)Jt to he . (J\I"� r an . r ' 1 what 0111' d ba 1 , t t It tholll ttt!IIU,t th" llllll!·loKthy lau t r tlJteiV . . O\U tIL oLIIIOUJl ' l> Rill\ the rnlerl otCJnr ! e o s tenus IIJOIJC� .ro· lbrrt', '' 1111111 I o gh bet'· man n w w ht�t auth r paeceptop(J�ition'' tho Ill that cong'll\'8ltl live tlm11 In self nt mother K Hl'lll� It hu mbles r I')' thll r�doWJlliou ��o�cy. Hen.eo tlJO �nyiuge1' il 110 Wflntlng hPr ' NBW • GOODS • ARRIVING : n lo k o a "htst 011 Oil tleelli�U� moui'Y tho cll'('Ulatton llln•l IIIHl tbetn. Yet In orll!!r thnt thiM work •night (] O when t.o . ••without hunt� the . womnn it coJm�s · l'([llivocntiot;, bitUlrl ly. tltl' l lll'fected . enough to or pose tilll(l Inour on·es- portion of tiH� · t 60 a . . SOc. t . How wo beg. to assure c. money, l tl Bt.L:Il'eiiUI,'t•ut \\ 'IIIIH t n Into ·e�ervmr. hi� I h� e Jars, new �hupe� . . 411c. , gla(1ly woulll lm\·e re!leeellt eulll illgt ro tl geu· of � o 111 this UIIIHtl'rt•l�ce. nml tl�comtions. , .. . - we uow bl 110 0t 111tl t t con 1� w �tngn l �t n1 . . aile., lllUIICL!Iut. e steps Will The a tliSII(l)JeiUe 'ed, n �otr�llt N11w Cnlcker p · · · ·······.Die., 4Uc. , 480· • it if wo ' t nt JloolM e l tlw JerHey Legl>llllllre Cl toco1 nto ot8' •• lnrge \'llrluty . · r.1c ...... could get it! pmulen , be err.omclr culot.ion. w t In HI:J:! to puy JrullaJ1s tttken to confer with i to ! tht•y u lt fountnh1M of hi "l'llroJ•I'Iute HHhiug rig hiM. n Fine Souvenler Cups 111111 Stllt I'rB . the for p dehnto ·t o tuln h t u . \·olnme UlOSt liUJIOI • l11r goldIt and uly corn�rout �hllch'eu O .. tOe. , tnc. , tile., 211c th a go qnaotity o it Awl �oon th!! t•�oJ•Ie of the Beallttiful thf� OCI'HBiou l m u wertl Cttt GlllH8 Crnets, @pecilll tJrlce ...... anll "" hool'er coutJ·ols of \'1·I lll t Js,. l!el·l IIIJ'IJ, 10 !!o e monel' Ill nny country . ute u (jiJestwu be o the country to· unft l the i tuken ti on is Cit•· into uud �nw S m 8khektim r tm". Jll'tllGras�),tlllt· Vinegar .. . , ...... SIIe. . t re circnluti l1 i'C l looked tbe vnltey a hy l wrl " (Wiltl'll ppe Btlll 8itlt at 2-lc and IS ubtlo l . of o , u ed Cnt Gln!!S e r Shakers, \Vhlte met11l . l n f Will 1 to l'itr' i r than tbtJir llftll of P 1uny b 'nn8e coutract. c f11 re they an huliRn pm·e Jllltlve blooil. ., topi 21lc . imhH!tl'\'. nnt est forced a \" Itt � 1 HI d !lllll!11 1 llliltc · · · t • · · . . . . • lo s 1 own, H wua tl d Ull pr I e L " I t0 lilt · · · · · ·'ooa.""' of "11 com· thl\'. Am 1 l the C fuct he g<�ld I v u IIIII nrmure ".1 Ill e gra f nee t 011 T bl 11111,.8 lOW 1 · · · master - Jli'OilliSel to t couJbtn. edoes the con· 1!\, e I 1e e o merce nr u ,, . thl'm�elvet�"•r .. : llI uoI" a,. lta boonPlltl�lltml at ex· · · , J A U li We rmmeightbou l'll l'sthel1lOur tr lut ltselt l!llthera thia rfl· . Cotleg�. vhl tit� ...,."'...... ,..,.. muc� . �•l t to meet )fr ac in IH th Scotchg �(isstollnry SociPt _... . "Lo, e y, ' • • • • • g ' Ill! it up h�re lll)fl ll people grt>�t· peuse Iut·mOIIIII HitiDn I .' d t rns 't t th e bu . I �h·. 1 m o er ur owna : �•tythey il d llJI· which ofn uetl i11111 Clllvin. At the ' , d bl and rlemandsu guold. 1 o l' u 1 udnrb�ern nt willinISg E. J. "lutehe11tl. eemu e money a tlum TiaiVe�lch d po of m Co tineutrd age CARPJIT D ..P'T � � do correspon· treaHury on our w- be entered the lit Tho �TAX IJAitat n's e1ery d nXo t to onr ' u• I!Oltl aucl tho �Ifill, thlfu11lPr awlln�t>; becoflle the 1111d n 23 lml�pnnd�:�nce. a d atAI'IIJY the new liue ju�t to 111\ml, all the newest cre11tlons. form o nt nn i tice whute\'CI wo n · At e o fightfor n m r featnJ'I! e t y njus p L Noou timi u goesu out must bu of f11r olf laudslty, to pr 111!11t6tl t o 01uJlricel! tlll luw N wu k It nu I p . of is comes the c renc to t�Lt> BI'.nutlful � 'llll\ time h11 e to the L('!{�Mlttt ne mr e r Yllrk. will 11111111011�. Issue of tho pu of c1 ur1 re�•cy r y t an•\ · e the oulv )llll' t ltis lmwthy let· t . 1 d dlllllfeJ'ons t ftic nr �o tt t pet ion Indum ti-ltingh comu hl llll!l look themN11w o\'er. p11 p r Mnch time . 1e r, 1 \\CIIl 00 to l11•u�<<:rcotfuonre 1111 1Uta t l'U m it puy for the �bow y in muking them uttructive !ish I · e l . 1 1r1r PIIY �� It e,o 1lu1 h s befur pwul'lh clulli€rIt s to you, lutrw ilone. We . . tet s to t Je e, , · I t \n th tile redeemlus b11siH l!t•pleted. d tlay )' , tla�h· ri t waK u y�ar� we cou't auit tX}Jended 1 t 1 "t 1 t1 c . 1w w11s poul't'J' hy 1 tlwr g so tlo CXI ressml 1 uullcu 1 J.\t there n question)lt opo�et:- ooTht efore plociug retlellllltiou o e ln·nlth increas�s. " Allll whenus oge. ' of of ft!ld � 10 mcc mouey er , on n from t bate· on·n t 11!{11111 nllbles ho compl lne l nto the anti o bldory of • Pe� 1i to 8tiy tl111t nc· kiud of ne e t u � meu "It pr tul lu the me I y 11101wy IIUIU· theu D<.•antif1llwl�e the I� " 8ttf11ctld 8RIIIllel Vlew·pomt. ceJlt yom· proJIOsitlon' on mou· mo a ll New �!!!1 bl�u to morll e s circula· rulers of · Citr, n .r�rsey '' S.•ruttor Oi (9 , 8 OCCilSIOit IJCilumg tor lllld e 'llut 1111 exc�elllnlo(thely �ll · control tho Ill� II COUIIIllletl t•1getlws . lllld thl'y lllfl<1\'l�ele So tharil , befor, e the Lt!gisl!lture, L.l . no , for , out of , I. S II t (' . y ltis r ti lll litlgor :o utrnctlug it atw ill Pell(llll town )f llk eg 111111 e Ill l ro\ern· without 1 . luw. tuinll' the uf the Yulle)· thiH SIIIlle occuMion. "thnt \' ry foot UEU.MouE•1t Artll'llt Ureumcr 8 It · �� louRljlle�tion. Jlro)"'�lt lon bnt h EXP 1 tl of y i� s lJl md d n r t u . t o b e tbetr: I! w I.Jt>eu . e l J • mo11 t ownership lr ds of eqali\'omtion, h slt tI nccPptu ,1nulit Itlctltion or e& fo · tl lr l11nds, lllltl h R her soil h11s obtah1e1l frome the In· nbl t n0 It• R 11 e u of the o e u l barve8tsT' fron11110110Y Ute gnmbl rM l(llltlhe l!t' Cl'CIIIn . f o l'lll snren '' o . ? ) peo· bn1lltlrnl lu.reotJ, tt h�t ht>yoll theyt hhfl•lem ' ntRJ trliiiM· null us i'Csh nml wee ats poss. bl procure, Unit d he \' aclllatiou. . t · u dt11u� \ ol purchullll an1t JB the ple Heuce clllunuueslalVIng oof o the w t athntt lluwedtaxer! the by u t 'Y of Union, s t 1s 1 to It 11 e States \roulrl t · they, power _t for a from no o h r 8tnte the mm rnising, nd .our mputation for ftucat peo-nle il o d l s ycnr ' while 1'hc ''exccm1 iug1v• curious J1l'OJI· . v e tb te of • n r . the ol m Bpl'ifl!_.! tbe �llntirul fer, II ftlct ethat be1U having the n b li ol a II k UJIIIIipnlate u of curreucy, Will oD the of t e not enn the lnntl s tl1e nam11 . a ltllck Bnd 1 rmlroud. ers more , �efurred to not �eem oo ue colltiuue they tnrmnt11!nfor tltelr t l 00118t " IS known fnr hnvo nll improvements the , to u m cam of. hetn•y, wide. We JIVlng wor ostt.tollnn s m11y us of <:rent. lilld hard nCity,d s e tUI'Ilgr t!Jem11zl'll 011 t11e of FurPenn. h eee t nml for pay nnd lcsll houri. so o to other JlllO)lle om n lae p that r!cb 111eml· t well "" for o h r will in • u Ill! e rensou�, and put steam when all be c tfiiiM. ti roof of tlie \' Rllt'y ; lllltlt be People ot the It lut• l!l!tllll�d, to to so n ' jarl will ill corres ondent to At ttl! Tbe preeent bard me• ure only p ow� Dr. Cole� pra.�llll· o 00 I rte z ed p fiutls it weuker \Je 8llonld o p ensure. • it - be. Thocluhu pr Vulley bt-lntr in numbel'll inently proper New JerKey y \lr Ftrs t-G e g1s t1011' . events here of this proposition. · tile that &t I . . ' iij: tbot oB were comtll!lletl llllf. tide mapiftcent lllolmmeut ca · t t D' ectJr Le I 11 lved d l it i oom1 ug 81 n es 11Y 11 ruse 1 �vel')' to n t ptJIIIJI!!\8 of Will pruent-duy ian bel Reso , Tllllt to confine the o lAr oo Blll , 18 As year gotiJetfll l to he In honor the Alll�;rlcau Indian. In e li tic p of ultimate retlempt ou to tpethe '1 1 w uld e ro their Etermtr,\1'118 t of tr11DHI11itth1g th(l you toh get Legtslat� ion ? Not l gralra• o y �torebouse of he &JeOple thh1 llllnouJJcement of IDUIJIll liT o ol 2ri 8·10 r goodd n y tillthe f e ( h Jlt('�nt lold IIIUilblermlttia l e to C · Dr. Col011 n Direct lt !ID t e goltl stnn1l· by pe o� t .m a Benlltlful it some new gift to Mayor Lebkuecber, o your mos g auo.to to prudncth·e lrl· bDJiueu will 11o lmJMJtedof th V11llt'y-even I e llithful aw is inJustice the ·be aood tuues l8 upon tit� Pt'll le e aald : of I'� , t t )�r.cats 1 ard)u rle& u co11ntry. come. 'l'bere of to the p�wer, dcnr {; d st of o r lOili tho aold power t ol tho the shadow mountain tltat cl'tlpt "With auction, will have it JR•I , UIIERT 1 p' fl•• money d· III cau con tbe the accord C party-voter. ot Mr. J, \Vhi ad se t \'olume lllll'kthltpredic- r over the l"nlle)' and teWJH!red beat brought yourNe wark. reqn!r1 lns, · te e propo s o e to }I on your hfo! E. h n tfobll,bdlofee cunene,.. -:.. -··· o the Sn!llruer enn. very Sypher of New take aftirmRtirc a d Mr. lf lt tnot \'erllled. · buildingf t So neeww lng to )fesM . & Co. the , A. bat erecte•l. enry n Yorlr:, of whomn boutrht, the Amencan grr • ,s to . tlbourn ttegRhYe f ou Rio that WRIits coo in In of it WMh The . . l' ere , the � f u l moslc llllVer•l e t �werful ltonea11id 1I H \tr 1'l ul' I.JJg l h st 1111111 tho g da me11, ll! DO YOU WAIT her; God she must t e qnest10n.. 1md d11to \nll . t e t duriltK long hot yB, and two larMiltrack&, and have ltpl11Ced bless her! If h l1laco ougtrhtee � alllt e s th P ple r n t marry 80 the worse, llS 80011 n •�w a o I . r �·ttll a n w o e eo on a suitably pl'tl� ed fon da io , ll t nrrnngc· IIs ma �r �oll :Af • b t e u and ll ll ll f 11 ns n n llhri. O h 'hiler pt oorerx, , wllell mv own Barrel o Flour llnke ; much be llllllOttlleccl e . or :�tsr '�, :,1 lll(!nl��. ludlvldual lu tbe lo· rbnpa for her· the ments cun be for debato P " of Kt'tl"' �spen&e, so nc the ' Yet• 11rc d o.mg busmeo ssS w1th on· tl1lllr treasury ty tl1ey turned calltv wuball decide upon " ' · ' but m( h e · made !beir emp is city At t l: �r, cer t tnn or tlIC u � est peowe h Cures awaywu fron! th nnd tln on �lon11Ry f thtl t 1 , f 1 k ·e, le. Now, see lterc? 'l' hcre Jonrne\'ed Sollthll\ntl. ao nte when hey l(l,e. 8 hct· . . toward8 the Co m n Connellg committee }118tof o ap· her Cor 1 b o tlr .Jnospel:tl ). the Umt pti!IMecl m • • pt!Clnlly of millions. er�1 t� p�·] tlm dflll'fletl JMJinted to act w h the donor ftv�.>, Ill!· her ue�\ et e In i theYPilfll r l o of t the eelf An Exclumge calls robbl.'ry the s1x �lty t1 valley gm1luully c umb etl lectl n �It!!,i •1•pe11red toha the MostAT every economical t barrel of instead of �v111t th a cllpptng J1;rcl'ltt 11 it be wun l th t n it bank pc()ple's cJrculn· Into rn u fou ntniua ce111led tbelr the of • a e peo11 c ; a nd th t what it off th i �. tlle sen�e of committee an1l th e wish but houaekeepcr floor . . i jn�t ntlmnce o t•lay, fouml lts C lea gift In ttmo of yonr, one barrel you To-dn) three s ting the .. w11y between , that the .. why when is. Here is e wuy frieud lmts medium tbe str am It Dr. 00 reetetl not bny mtm than c&ll 2a,ooowe l people owttntlonn · ·- h our (llbsorbiug wlaole the ueglectell walls that hn1l confined Llnl'Oino Park The lllayor preai· fifths of t1te n th of n . t nmo ewry even wnrs 'tl IIDd ,t e Ulll lou the l"tlll became R of tbe . onnc uul wem· of · YO ) 1 80 g dent ml I I co!lspiracies 10 lllRI'IIlJ II�abJ. IOOrt tile c c 1 are , peop1e. of legalized pimcy and in Where foontt�lns llllll of t co�u�t:!e. k � absorp�0,000,000tion elnseAt this u mte by doea Co o1·u· lay were dark pools stlli(IUUlt ben lle 1 Croc er s B est ID"Y Patent at through 1 ws \\' the I!Ofernment keep the u of tmnspo1·tation 1· p ed of p nnd trenanry ? Ft100o ,· p now replaced whnt arc In gold In tho the ti w 1\'llty ring dictllting WRt�rs, runk veptatlun the • money 000,000 r on o stock and {lllfk� HUI) ICIIrden•. lind Smumer power fuvoritism for \'OUr of the Il l! s p er B arre 1 the }lrOS"eCtB o J. . passen r COIIl ==::=:======l ' J purp!Jfe rede&minr11 greeuiJooks, . ... J ge \\"llllltlltlk'--··lii' .Yt..\ltll.t�lltll.t · peetllebce of � or �fteon bceu of :���co ntinue ;htpoint ngtlill.Y CUllltiOIL .AItho the t ttlrnt'll t_h l'll' PeoJ!Ieto lbo \ cannot be ruunot be greater. Wh�t wee still to lenrn flletl! No1•tb redeemed. �llll Blltllleuly llJIOII the BeaUt!· u me • must retiredth�y u how to htLIthat'O the i� 1Jllshels oxcnsc th t In ....,ld •ll�trilmtt>so snppl)' will lnl Ci�111111�1llty an!l b�t· A f r t mise 100 011 The "v the ft'll upon in 11 great of to interest i.'ll. · in thtie OO,OOO,OOO we th11t enn owit k wttb Question and wlll'llt pny the fllll@tbo to redeem ho,··re11ch t a�11111 11t Wheu111 kunw n men HJletl tho grentJhlll'k8kept 18 tho produtreuRncyetof g tlo Ill 1 n t ft 1\e, COIIIIIIPI'ed , l e e h wherens the bl o, tl !JO C! 8\1'(' lllli Jl}Uc ll ouof f t tl i ti t t 1 ''s��'! 11 tt 1.Ja h1 e o 000, twl'nty yeurs 11go :!5 They gofcrumento c l:itra'uge Peop �It r r11l�r. t work. But he I • le Then imsl1els won ld guu11llers. t 11: � !•s w r' l t Oil · It llH S. & do 1w force tJJO 1 u 001• !l'•Jing oJown mto the they re\Jnllt A swer Ser I n • money 11 Jn ��: v ce, the I' treasury,&o keep cert11illkno llmountwing that of itgold ��go. f;,�,������::��� th�lr dty 1 111king lt uao1·evalley beuntiftll thtm the g!Jarp who getB G tlt.'lll)W well cnnoot 00 , om· memor)" �s-;_ rrcs us, wns 1 Come and Bring Your Writ Sc239·24heue1 West Front Street,r. PLAIIF IELD. cent intcwst goo11 t ff , 1t IJ�f��t·e. ten l bny wi hout issue of bouda. the \\'lUt. er IS,S·H, will cloiWtl unti more t c1m n Ill of corn lhe rn whom b "ith he ltl dono Uae They 11 w1uluin 8 n e man lutd Our Stot-e be Satnrd1Lj'1 Soptem er 28, 6 P• thn11 he con grronhucks i!l'lliug bush�:'! . muoltJ 1 l!' 1111111 tweut�· �GO tloes the be 1\'US ut 45c . Xuw rnl�r Wlls a newthey lde a1B. �·ears Where demandI II I!O thnt b mp 1cut on redei'UJto· '-" k 1 Hnncrs were burnmg It Au< of Queatlon. buy . ugo. o11ler a. l htJ re\'ened t he old lnw8 of the the oble ld y I I. 1 in or , t tc f in t l t prouucer como ? i e t N�:t�:���� 'h�i��:f��; �·:� ��. �. ·!J :.':3 �!���� �n8: g� ��;� . d it ont �!�,��:·:t����3'�:�l npou e l Revolution in House Time Has Dille them to raw 11 er than impro 'etl. th11t + :!Wh:�� 8�v:���e�:��rk��1 11u:�1 �� l\'orth in it wus wo t � !)f ; �� � i 110 peo· r1ech1eLl well bv e a of to procure foree m h )Jill weff! l' IICOIIthrllgetl to buihJ. 1Jecn th 1 nrkettl what r ml�r HEN KETCHAM, PASTOR. --- It hns Tbo11111\l bonds o ) 11 b U diw:tors the gohl is n th morebutj!o cL na f 1 11, I11r¥es thll ue w of the Strange )[ . C. Ill! ' P 118 10 c mm e Y PeoJJle Clh' hmrett e1J ltV bonrd of the of Y rei'lerve ing th rmlroatls. to pnt tho he Be11utlftdI11W � s ln rAINTING Arri ed close rooms afternoons. of robbery tho people for e 1t IU I A. 8Jieelcs of tho of h market. l e �:rand t r own V to l secretory ltof thlr lllol1cy gnlnhlPrs. ex is t h New s z mul 11 until u llCJ'Il nnent cnn beu�t n t or em nto th(� Itt j, untilined ourenchlutheg r1C t ��i7.1.llt���:T.'::=r.:;:;=;::tt�:=::-�c:=:;:;-=;:-;:; U(' coogres•shoultl ubolish this goltlTimn·�l'r l'e Whnt ftll'IIICtrueI', mg mle Ning poltlto�s,t i vallt-y o to i rooms will be ! the . ci. ties y �•********** e . 'l'hc opon the York he is �:,!��-�i�lf,-�1111 tM became -=::::::=� =:::::::::::::�� OVeryngugrr1 enn ing, IIOWC\'el', with SOIIIC this rnmm.'!. of� secttpn t d b lnw.be Letrooted out. rubbinll t,rue of ewry of , unile BAKIII'I t peoploy Stutes ll'hl'l'C! s clul farming ts 11ret1t tuul beautllttl tlltl it bEcome mcmhur of bonn1 to l' ilOlte. � • . preocll pt·e· 1\"CIIlth pin the iru'll thrlt tlte NlltlObB the Ellrtli .•the mnku l nud >isitors wei· n tonn of t 1111 hairedof PJ'illeUH or()IIJDI! thB ARlfiVllBBABY or It is IICW t li g for lmlics lleCtWhen•ssities is producer) nhundiitlCe fulr I come.serve order Northlr111r, witb the tnmaportntiou l'o law tl11er.ot tbe !�w 1 ' ' u., ••• ColoH y · of ThurfXGfl810Rua,., Hill October IOOJGH PlAIN8 ••� . ohl stove its tlumklco]tunns'l1 W for thrJ m·oto u1luptcd. O( llrell&r\'llll\'e nncl llalnt l gtlPraDtee d ghtol krl the lmd O l • 17th, 18911· Ono coat ll8 wil iscnssii>H 11!'{1 note that EIJ)It'�lm Dri�·nn· • Kood Nntio nl to II AysttJm ofh �WeI IIY Ot'18 i - A by 1f wo t1·1111s IIor l,lO\tntio'Cl'llllJCiltn W lCl' e c . ••tmh LAtlulllt Clent, .All work which we ro n bunking o1wA w ul Wc�tfleltl p Tlek•t•, ns two mn!A of tH•l l eaer 11unr avo n , for 110 Cenh. n volll•e anteed.con· (not n 19veral I anl1 fe 1 0 ahip of menus us W!l -·- •PAOORAMMl!... io , We h jlCO}I (' will nl'l'ivc ltll umlor- 1' ltllll llo Mny: II OW haYO lo.(OI'Ol'UillCllt 0\VIlor�hip of �• will rnnglng and up. at Wrstfll'itl lws 110 �11 )' t 110m� ��1 h:t r the&tan ding of Jt will l'eanlt i11 wif·�!-tho women of Xew I'Ollllltnnieutiou rncnn 118 e:��!�::��.�� 11 0r from •5 • s f11r Jhaek en•• o:tu!ILLY'I! oncJJF.H'l'IIA. .. , , which o1 's fol'lncl)'�����ctues �e1;il }llfee, �k1� � pay req11lred. 1: • h t t Em�llne �c11AIIA�Illl8, the ns'u aovormnh h unt the JlCO· \'lueitly s }llto'umis co1·m·rs, llltsightly sowhtg of for the cormtl' oinul d"uri ous I IJilllrnntiletl give perfect sl\tiMfac· r.rl�s erton or oat . ��t�Ps, people to nud tl of h re u .. �PIIIrto ��. 1111 o lncoa pm•ls w find n or money tof n e l tAn...Olo1 llaltll � 1 � 1 a wnys tH e tl p1 tll'rs. 10 r w uy notn nnf to lio qJu a �llote. ,fohu u;toeuk '" IW o ower "' . . jtr, mutes H. BAK b 1 1 cost the Jlll F r t dthde, DPrl)'arcud dr nr m l il A, Wolrt E A ns nt m 1 1118 con lntt o wr goat Oil t 11 r o R r, 'l!lllweri Mr.M. pMAID LAW I p 11 ltlt 1 t t t 1 1 box, '"")JrLANchootil� r Ie I 1• f'd } 1 b C{ ltole Mnyor's nt 1 u J l t�ho nti . �t '1'o Mrs. lnotttba t e, ll nen AlllfiDSpt utwrt P i Cumlltrlandw. " P ,, 6to , " , prop. Iter ( !lcoteb Wol ltrttt1 my•tery to me. the wife, hunda tllld o! ncody ooon}e, • u r Jo I m .,orfl st.... run t-o 11ln &: , • l'lalnllel WtelfltW, lllllftfllldt - 11. 1. ftl l!N.MJm OCTft'J · iJJB terr Glw.r.r.Yt ...'"" ... IDe W18TFIILD, •. I. II, 1M. ladiet· Wiater.acuu. rtturae4 -bKi•oan stellal Prooldy P. ctar• bu to o a. ·---•rrtd, her n -HoolE Co. No. I b ld &4 Ladder e lt.. · r wo11tbl)' 885-687 BroadSt. , lbntt AnD IICCI. l'l!lnla meetl!W on llowb)' Corner 111�� NIWAII, 11umber 'c • to ot Weetftlld whee wen rt. "· �:tluPI ·-�;�=��:��r��lllllD��t��a.u, •Ill )[orristowu t chord&t c:llolr, eepoolllll¥ *· J!:, ride there. W·awrrow • Uattlord. llllve dtn!lfr ·. �K t�ALE-1 tl'l!llll llou11t Babt I• palbt one Hlllt0,.... Metdlandl•,a.rpva rllt, aM alw•y• thelewett ,._.••. · -W. H. Mllll'Mill top Ill, A •r• liof'lll! tnCu�abl!rlafl4 ot Ml'll8t )lOwer. tolib home . .. . ' trl•-' wltll ... � r t o�. lra , Wllcoah 011 PfelefYI· 180 &.lllitl'Dtuldt ' '"' cape lilt Rlpllf «J IAa..,rt. -1. I. h 11 e oalllfMI With etbou&l br teclplha , . . !J.tl " " ".�eliv'y '.:.iii,j'Jiiiini: ·;.jii j;,�ii,'ei'tra 'wiiie i'wj,i{ ' ;ti - ...... _. • il e a t �- -'j"�.. . R RKNT-:-Tiil , .Ap. witl• lcbM. ID4 . �fl'lllll, rlpJII• I.Micli, clolb or vel vel t'QIIIIn. BJtra=..:.B:r��... ·· ' •• tiYII. ·� Mr.! .... · . ·· . .... · · . · ...... · ...... w . · ...... ' Ne ark Yl•itl -Tbe ·foot H . . . rplrWm.8. Welcli•-. .. laolln -Mh ...... Clark of . ' ll tllra '�:r...,, ,....w ¥-.. ,,.., . .fo. r. .Mht. . illl..ulld vblldrea,. .tW. larll1*. . .t wortlWIDt. lll.Yai.tl!i �-iii! - u •...... Wetdtld KOl'ftlll wll lultlated $be . · .. . 'M I ;r.. Mn · .,.. Ill _ • . · ,.. , ,,.. 11 '1'-...... 111111111· rt 1111k1 retlltll1a1tu J�._.... ,., . , '-th ... �...... -Q ' IIA _..y -t. Into Dollaldloa,_...,..l onu r ...... 111 I .. A. llrowa •' pl•. tbe .,.... ·-·-- •• ...... f e Ul!I T-A 1PI rof -dayr llut I 0. o ,· w...a-�.t 1... resident -rriilir ,._ '" � ��t" tuder��wlll� H IIti � _11 �- -W. lupetllllnl• teta lla tiJ f the �..,. b. _1 at o&:UI, ri1ht a ter tbe - --' 011 1 -�I- · nratlo_ n ln Ma New ler· b tbe '")- J.IJ1Li!ltln!! l l!landard· " _ ryla11d. .. -TbeReformed81ate iUIIIIlq of oiWtlllthW, w ilefelllclll fromdull aPP lt•trllt!•t hil a ._llle�. ll!·h �rd Ciartla.. lofll n �•...,., ....rlcb .,...... 011 rb 1 b IAIIM. beld Cranford, ' a d t ne a.,..:e tba»lret t• l!loek, W Da ! MJ eb!Jfeb Will 11t Llll·. b011111 lu of Oil �""lllll '.l" Cllll.1 e lllt a.4 rTNII �.,,, llonl • ••-�11u". l •mil Nlll' 14 tnk . t 't .�� Dl bu l'eiJ...,,.ce neat lllllftin�r e den, llf 8i foo th• *J...... J lal '" all l�atu llll. wlon. •l•n�,v11.lue, betav¥ i �!!d blliiYf •11Witl' • Jlroad •"aI'Nr• l'frel{- ...... lloo•'"' epo fur hasd -Tw ll tttke club 11!AII0 Ve,1 "'Leslie hR8 biN lnjtlries, that the ... c...... ouue. loMr d l 11 i ron to r to 1 b umtual 'Mr •t , Co. nect Fr y ftrlM, en n o11 l� H•sent 11 111 awinlnJr fonntl Nil u....._cii iiiN14 • •ocml at AN1'1tlJln D. & E. 111111 nr l Tl b hOUIM! 1 oll l1l• left �idH hNtl Lt>eu awl qu.Utr mluL�e•• CMNI11•l 1111e... pat a· 'l'wllW CNt.ahl. •P�'�j'j•JIII!tt;• •· 00dru"m8;t Ritchie famllv are IJientl- Oct be euluf c wlll contlu the u ery . ' -J. Dl1 1l y u e � brokt!ll, to- J ir lilt. , Htur QIHilll)'twllltll >JI

EPWORTH LEAGUE. IIIMATURI P41NTING8. THE BICYCLE Of IIH. I ,.., o.t. 7t.. C...... _... Willi ••• • ...,,_.., ... IN,_. Ca.& fll a.w ..... Will .... � tu .. ..w. llell••l '· ,....,.. "- 11. " t'IQI " farleatlr • ...... ,, ...... , ...._ , .,__.,llr ...... Mlnlotum oek>bratedbeuut iu and WlthiD a year prioo •teel of of bi•t�riool persouajflll ore po)lular va d per the of hat precitlllt, ither for articiel of pelMOUalut Dentlld ucc 20 t tlllut..e Labor nth lli per lkiiiPTIJIII RUDllm.-A�h il, HI. hllfber. a h r ce • mON day11... the ..., ...Pa�,aver tea•* adorn111ente eurich the cabiue,, toi· banLe 001U! �0 ...... per pou11d did ED FU.y after 1 HIVE YOU EVER TRI ... that cf Penti'COiit, railed from lilt table orwriting ro desk. Tbe��e miu a I It year ltiO·i Ball·t I II , 110 hu e o The Btl$ L11hted Stott ia ewuk, vf daya or l .-uumber interveuin�J. tlll'OII IU'Il paintlld on I or , ore cople�� of· ber uhionoti oIIOU8n tbac up, tileand priC'tl 10, v de 181M!Jr, illlo lllllled tbe Feast of "'ooki booItau Willlill t v he ook1brated yarti t1 a e bijJb1uu the bicyclH Will 101111!tef hi111 v u t 1 t I 11t1ptlltl e er eitherwork of on rmall ealllll andto take r iTIIdethe price. 118 but weekiday. af It marktdthe ot.her. the It hMl•eat mounted w le1111tb11u ooune ltiDiithe wll lulrveattiaud !Ill anda 10 bably commemorat­ l pro mlldeOf and marketed HI nuderB6 wwlleell J be THE ed at the of la of )(oau 81· fOUtUMtl loorelltlll •d· !IOI!tl!iViQI tim w the Holy Spi i 111l. opproprlntcly rl ba\'e b&1nMl thohllJlrovt>d liiiUiuflll aud•tUJW. cheapened ProceMei at iu the New Testament tune power to ime. eiperi­ t jla\·e church on his day 1111d It deeper the Jamei l t Fewfr c011t17 de WOMEN'S l n€ceuary. i · t .nd new meaniiJM, j s e Dienhw bemavbluery Newlr • au rl!pla�.ed Eo�t.er.n Ql h t Plllllluvor by IWded ctlltowntlc cupaclty. wlll .avere1u laborlt IIThe pluce waJJ Jt>rJWlem. The eity b1cn••ue wlllJ\1 a hundhldof tilled o t ews CORNER de • u and prose· oo IIIII \ J IUp11do e esperiecuuomll'nllyeuoo rlock with ll111s waate •1\11 witbpurtM th world. .Many II drr IOOdl IIOUII e thanr ever bt1!ore. nud:But gain hadlftm lfrom g all tllllof Tb of our11 II'IINoom• iu r Pa�IIO\'er. e athe coverfrom P. ed @iuco adnut1111eij b r ly the tollowon! Jesus, after Ml1ort eDit cull d tbi1 and a l estratheMe of 011d at •nt In uofli loo, hallu thiH oooasiou.liJl!Jeared torwmu!Prtu the tlutl The •lovenly rider, like the grlm1 Carpets, ft .. IVft,'10 It iK of Bome of the J!Oiltl�nlllll mough btliug lneurubered Lil.:mw�sus �birt he 'nurr, ibriJJkJ trow of tho court are portrnyed ith ftamwl AbDREu abaurditicswitl 1outuuwu rrauted tho ll"ithrl • washiug. Clothes. A. A. Drake, .• 8c 61ndities 1111 in evideucc, w th�irhlllll! �tb· as 1JoJs' · II tbymt 1 · tailoring little wen ia we l fuHil'tled to bo Atnmoni11 11 th lotion the It to note tho H ly lockotH, oa brooches or pluced aro 74 Broatlway, or tue.Spirit upon 1ll the o lu�cctN e 1Je11t for thelonuWe 111 one forelM! the dill of N, Y. 1 in cu\Jiuets. stilii!S of oHllct the tour· abou t <'liUlllTJII'se oGalilmf dimM.Molplc� .All. •• uo enllutloM umt l!allantsare bqan to prui�e God in lun· Tho ]<' reuPh PCanaii A u DJO�t con�}Jil•nouH of minia· The bloom lug bride out f!11biou workro01n1 tone. theif nativ didilll�ct,llereut e �OlllO tm·es. l\Iudo Louisein tiJIH nudvorlru!Jle. we sea. In r t H feast Men special thf.l1 �ve1·y l!'llflll�tent tllll we8b pricesa clty nt e wns f('JlteMeuted by F iJO�oduml's THE N. J. B. h or t wh nrc not attracted by may com\l'(lllfo •ta bly rideclot �e• that owen 11111ke and fire .pome perBon. 1 always )"K were ruet nnd r but rtJftectB or were tention to the for golug, abo Ulustrntes ·who ride• lt. Illume It forof 'l' he "}Iiddyblne. u r to l ell to s !' Snit," we ­ u n l hear lu thechorn of sound tllllth11 lillOrtcomrunu ngs of Toowner Is ori(!illl&l designM in brooch l ita li e h�rll, wiJiciJ l t o Jehovuhb 's spoken In the r k dneetl Jmtl us u�nol. 0e tuuJUoortiuga for of m iniat re JlUiutiugs. COildE!llUiDII II mirror blic!!Uile you dD may !Je REESE. lulguage praiseGalileans who weroi own SEPARATE yon Wllllt MOQS�K��YI"Q, il, \\', 1 u uol ad10ire he tllero when qua te witbfrom ouly their own dialec oo· 100 PAN'l'S If ln t, ud (:oralee Moldlo.., beforet faceit. you them. d staudin& Ec�tatlo utteraJJces of praJ8e de· Pletqre Splewlid lbw and Tbo extcnsh·e use of picture and cor· of bleycle the ull c of and The riding quicken• FOR CRSH OR ERSV PKVMENTS. votiou lly mpnny dh1ciploa Dice molding• i of BOYS' h tho in moderu nt riors lms clrculutlon, 1t l e heort �at11 you conld ls for 11001n haTe otl1e character of e 1 HA'l'S-everytbing w de\·oloped Immense boHiues• In tron er audruo e rllphl thuu lo any111'8 this line. "gift ofto tougue!!,been" Thai Peter's addrthecn artistic aud011 pepu lnr ml juucts to mtheseural In h r os ther11 eserciselllld �cau�er of the exercise ef Brln lu the Loys. ea in anyotlle r tbiW blf dl'l�oru i . Moldings It t�e Cheapett Place the WRI t on cau hod dcco· the lower musdea, wblc ue th g It In Wli1Jiij!Oddoos not appeur. owu bo rat!JQ in ith powerful oud b thee IDOIIt The splrltnlll condition of the dircl· "W lUIY l!iTeu 11tyle,relief b th to in burruouize orw llUd color, llhd carbouic &111. -WbeeLwhich livellUt m01t upJl61lr• brl\"e ne of entl t! o with or withouto decotration in gold and pleaharmon1 i to lief, unitybeen de1!re rand u ailver efteot1• uentl ALL uWORLP." be completelu OOII !ecrati o a are colored to order,Freq eithyr the in moldtnthe colorga SORTS OF C:YCI.ISTS. uddetermlnati devotionOII, the cau�e of Jesu1. J of the of an e u)lllftment in The billJ'ole wont wlth le�• frlctloa i1 to lu the the illlporllwt thing eolorwoodwork with oitber aorrpe t otber vehicle earth. ElM attwtt. ••• ,_ to d i j 1 hlll'monizina cueThill l el t1 to Wid fellowship w a. 1111 all to Decoratorc aud UuwTl1e p hliD)'e no eu l feat of rldiull with. hi•F people tGodho e o f e or l u D o P ute· tAccordlnrhe pioture m l l· 1129 ia D usua within mtbe a w.u � PandlhetlJ placed below i o diIfIJ h a• aoeom· cut. tb� fr e there be pll1bedmllet at i oil hOIJI't 101, 103, 106 MIRTH RKENU8 HOTEL, lmPMI'Illl 1111) oae, cornice ruoldiuR�. IM 8 BROAD ST,, Protertr whi e the French rlVIl•P1u 1 Sept. breach Bare other,t. Ulllmt�rovl'll IJle· •hT . . . Fur•�e, llun& llfE1chup, All .c lt. 41• .,. a& u, ctollr adaptedl for this rooma 1111d a ..•, .. . .. w. H. QlltOQAN, Prot:trletor. Vacotlo�s ar over ; tbe follu at frequentl7 ftahtllo them•lYeaol to the builder forgottenIn plnoowhere be . homo aglllll Thee Len�ue sho l Ireat 11 beot u 111 the trial heotiw avoid meet· plll!lte COTIIioo.has suchto a serious + work. . member shouldu dfind be r Where iug Ine the flual. to ... Board by or Month. cons11mmated the ordi· ...... =�= Week plaoo iD EveryOtle or mo e d�part�ue�ts. Ev· Po pier wache 11 1 oew materi l uted r 1 ndefectary p rncti<'obill!beeu Is to pluce uugle of IIOILLIIT ITA,ILI AID IHID lOOM, ery dcpllrlmeut houltl bn\o ttl work in constructill!l bicyclea, and It a � the wu lb and cellinK n corufce\n thecom poRed well planned for tim whole Melll'nn uhel\d. they fit!Wd h weur uud te11rof heav7eooma of thtl'fl dilferent n1embers, the two out DO lOT IIOW to lny h ro!td work tverye Wllll, cr members of whl�h alike In form rou Itat iiflca enslerly for three outr sixt em workout ssy _stem·ad· WHit:H IITHB lll'e Cyclists ore cn11tion�d to Beo that l nml mnko h Inr · aud color. Tbc iutermediote uwmber is ..... Tance o g pull, a st ong ll n u wbich tho their laces are firmly fuatcucd pull and pnl� 1111 tol her thou let f hoo ,.. II pluiu ffi:l.lllliedo tlm surface, In for& mos unt ng in 1kntillllo loobe·111 lllvt lr.., lllt BEST affairs drlflII s11dr p w d co r o t lm huz!U' : dilrkest lourslu npartment a caui lill. AR 11 bud foil. a m II ot Of c o much el�isrepeat·bornte w y All Hhoulc\ ork In tlio spir· ed. wore lace DliUllllr. w moldings can cn1ployed in the fleco· Fl-euob rac ng wen duriDIJ leetioD itas011� ihllll departn1ent. . t1o of ormceP.,be there Is· no 1.IUl It euru i m ney e . blllt for lnl workSnell �lloulll IIH iuwo inndnpla· nrldi· r . u � t-Ime conaide a le o 8 n the of shnpesmn1 tbo.t pro· tu �oteu tbe Vlll'iousr b printed pclllTp611yiug of -Wlll Jll11 ba� I ser,•rco 1 t � • • pleM helckeab aniuoo pie, Willie? o omp , �o can lin. Tw ( eraucc, fbli�t� tdo vuuety \Je c udidates for u !li of � ••OD 11 n u election. cinl.., 1111d lite�cnr y lines. It i8 uot enough ace Williet SUm1011-Ye•'m r d. the up s��FIEIJJ, (lookinlf at llld to be busy ; we need uF.e all to ltltl••· The Ge1"111au ar111y ll lo•pelld piece), wl�-Brookb'll � - The Hatter .. time to the be1t atodv antage forpow er Row Make ()otoanllt warke for thl1 ye�r. 100,000 � to Jtut Nell• anrl LIII'IIneS•:UpJJ]j• af;d.� Gr tu up thu meat coeoa· c: n p:� Xuter.ud the wlwels mc a!Ni!(ncdbicycle& battaTwolion nuts, put inIbm n kettlo wiofth twop u ls lor wor formerly doneto e11cb by mounted ...... Men's Furnisher. pnh·eri7.ed &ugur, beaten4 o u1 of whlt�s orderliei.k ...... Mu�l Tale•&. · of e11gsuml milktho coutuiued I I t 1 Ica bll'tyo f ou I 10 10 2 tho The world's hour now held HIAD•WIAR, · Too lll'!JOle Y mue uuemplI n 1 o,l'd byr botl nut& O\'er the fire peop been · by i ha recordmid illle*, who, th unttl.1 you lli!CStire u 1111 tol!clher uppenrnnce of h c el, the Welsh Paper. JODUI!e h nrc Thislias is gift w ic ,honld e c < . t Paris,:M rec�ntly ode mlletJ, at Wall NICK•WIAR, . r Nugur. olf berecognltOIll· ! and n th 10h 'lll(\le. r 28 BeI, ()Btbu by Lc cnudyimmedintely. turmug bad• tn Into round,Take M.icbacl la yearsold. glee clnb 11 1!00<1nt.illm thiu11l 1 flllda. 10 U' NDII•WI II, m 11 1\lake tint i den wheol four yeun. A 1� colle.:o . put. butt{•red to fll!fjlllha allalriDI !llt!COAMI1' Work. llpwl\l"tl, St. � 1 0 we ° withh��. JJHI,'l11 lllilllileto rlmfu It l'epafrer wus LOY F;very clwptcr -1 1 Jertnre COil· nu(Jtieou CVl111illJ.IH Ills NOT W �mull Telephone Rates '9otiamousoll. thuEuw the GREEN ALL P tine I LOVI. 1111\II!Jer, ShHiy o;loud W•t '" l'ruut l'aactures. our UliR 1'1tl· A IIO\'el nwthoil of prc\'�llt!ug II WESTFIELD. d. own dmrch. T11ke 11 il'ip to and accordlnl to e&tino n1ul tires )lDUC·pi e sao. . tao, }o; gypt. 8co of uour tnrcs lu us .. own �Ullll'thiu� u

t.....iiM , II ill IIWI, 114 .,4tlll Ql t • .... he- .. iliaII '-k I BRIAR .....llowttlr, IJIIdOlt tb& ...... J, J, SCHMITT, lAIII...... wu witll IIIlEY ,..,'l'lam llla, ooaDir,Ala., 111 �Wll ...... Mil ptll'lll.t:!. forlloela •plaluealt...... _...... im ca AR lila Y' erooroldtile alld w�ICII II II •1 11 1 fewI w..U, bdthe ba ':!!- PID IIIW 1 llll&ter to Ill• ulcep with bl• '*'k lltiiiMd tbat bold ap Ill IRGLAID CAliS. lo • tree, I ... down 1Dd 111111 · aucleut looklllltine eolcnd four 117 JJitldl wllilelie WellS tha& ihl'OIIIIa - . .. oull&d the • ll'llll... llllehldor Bewu hill • , ...... ,...... llllll.... . lllcated J ...... BREAD. . a Pli'I'BI. &o , .. ,.;NIRD.,,. IMlfiB me ap- took ..... , OH"IOIOIIIHIU 1 1118111 I. gotlllllii'O upaw u oa$I 111111 •14cftll: MIATI OP ALL KIID md1114 • alat and•ld ca11111 : to "Be � ...... rro.mr ... bait WIJ' Mt J011 0" ro' wautered 11 IIMIq•hl IIIId !lllll, Jllll I doobefore.'t beJine' IOE· ...... • Iaiii I .,,.. OBEAM ...... :;.: .:.' D08I 1111 bal4"Tbat IP fMJt, . . I CAII:::at-:.a� .. =L�:r.-=�:LTY. to know how far pli d '• • finallydead Ill•ltruaer, flnl!lll'l" on be TRY OlJR PRBPARBP MIN'B I'IBAT. Wlt8TII'II:L.O, N. tJ, STREET, WESTFIELD, N. "leGrnYM'llle.i. I \PIRU$ " lt Ia trehe e u betn lot chlllle •1 vel&Jllllket aDdbao•od 08041) J, tQb, t�an't tell ' , •l)eod,dun bln yerew• a1 great while.Jo" , I ol."Y oa'llDfl\'er 1 11a00e11 aUt I• tbatf" uked, polutlul to utll roa work upIDab �aoro I bawo h nen•o. Y 1111 D whlta man t o look of bard bot 71111 . e tremhlln1 like1 CIIIIJ, . "Him'• Kumel Whit , ub. 11 a ut to 1ft lf8bl d had11 tbo1ol boyou WOGI4llo Aud you are w p(lll If p MIXTU.I B�LL & LESLIE,� hit IMlfYIIIU" 11 , DB•I.Illi iN "z11ctly, aab-IIIIOtiJ. 11 ltiUid . Iotlll. h reful, hay u 110 Boc 11 C. ·A. Smith & Co, �how I" "Well, let'• wake theooloael up bold tho revolver In hi• for .55c•nta e llld leftJle h11Ud, ooocalledked out he lltrlpped 't t ll lllll.11 estfield: Nurseries. Lumber of all klndl, )le cau balck 111d lllldi 11It y pulled 'DIf id yo' jeuwaealer howfar li d all the trl11· • ICC eu �very stamped �Lh, Blinds, to GruyHvlllef" be a•ktd.uk rer. The ballet eutered tho tJp of bi• prpe Doors Moulc:Unp. aud with rell painlllld & • or .• • "DlJ�n••Tblii1N' wunter all. " talk pol17tlcid11 terrorlett ·�. be dowu aud bowlllll for ftve DUK!S MIXTUREor + GROWIU OJ' , , aank "No. " alnute• without u break, cut bl• Coal, Wood aad Kasons Materials • boot aboutdo wllhf" lmud up ltla burt I could 2 oz. PAC KA••• 5. Prill, la•f• ••' ":Nnr orr, 1111 Lime, Pla1ter, Canada "No." wit hundkercblef andbe41t Iblm WESTFIELD, A1he1, eto. ---·.·,•.,• ..-,. ·. ·.,· -.. - NEW ''Donn' wnuter buy de klll'llll'a la d bl• h 1117 He waa oryl1111 all1101 tbe time011 -- JERSEY. a , he tbr you, ,..dld b IPIIIIIIII. 11umur" bu& hor110.hen I headed him to 11 8 11 �• for Sojn•t loo oflbed the man w1 th ?'' likedeye toll roa not to dl1lurb wtbc iHltvloo• a Murf!eouCJUM he OIIeaaed thooloaed &lid al u p tbo top 0111h d. Dlod he p&ap lolltr euoqb of101: "Kill Thmhed10 011 m e l esclallnedof hi• 4!11 tbe did, mh, an kuroel'• trnnacr, you$0'11 ftnd mllltey on wcrrJ prlaoner •e otnfally. W" ll I mutt. Does 70'de Wollttr wakon im tllll"8 p111, and want youyour lllC ept tbl• TK��� " e , AUl!lll bOt. h m don 't know thai I'm 1 a11ht· to take a drluk 70' ?" u a I from o "to e, .,.,l- pu PltlleUt orM. bbe Ma as 1'1! hlon !lim wid ''But ve dono uothlq. to H. lluk · Fe 't rris. 'l tumn alooa. " � ve a bo " doJJ't look llka r · 'Den, Mnh, let wo Inform 7o' dat w arde!lfor,I � 8 fllllllll!ll f 1 You" l e t th jua tt de But to oko 0 J • 00• I dun woke blm up he'd yell tbe w. Dllt t remem· 0 "W 1111ell, ' llfJll 00 11 I won It to oorkor. Th�t'• what yell yo' eberheard or. Ilea he'd eep' ith yo11 by d117and I'm • J ; beraoeby. K U w am," replied th prlll!luer, wltb holler to &boot wid nlibt. at everyfew nliuil&, e 1101118 AKT pride. "He ouldn' llok LQMDINQ il t 011 ofo'uta begba!mowed lt we'd everyt�me Look yo11 look to your t that c and MIIOWnot evof eo lf be bud a ru1111t to Eort1110, jA 11111 ��el HOT·AIR!FNIT \Ve oneo belonged to 1 lop eared, knock· URIICES, STOVESY AID doud o bou A d of ,...8h JJftWe aloug. " 11 of H ilES� bo nu Itk eed yoto who and Sorry, 11111, but I1bot kno w MI.a jeta n k started out to .....,11 n ,.00 m n. the u ,11 o •l curePI11eetho best )'OUI' Jlllluls, orders earl)· Ill• nets. Some kuwelR wnke up like hll!hW111robber and overoomo beb7 ..-.. 1 0 uclt " � �·· t any fight,I a l th l th- lf )·ou \l·uuletroit "Put 1111ol send rour nddns• 11 uu cn1111ou111 li]. D OU· 11 111tnill 'e toW8s.a wlll)'OU !elld. olll' reJlfC!ICI'' That'll 'What be did, but �!!!!!!!!!!!!��!m'!!!Jll!!!!!!!!!l!!!!f!!!!i!!!!JI���Ii!lll!!l!!l!!l!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!� 'hklll 81p Wl&ll Froo Preu, J . ��fide. . m1.1. know what ot u • IIIIDt hekinddldu't oii -·-----� It the honr or ruldltl h "'' e ...... l!lllllll 1 it� lick I I no 11'1111 l! , Brldo (In rallW!\1 trnlo)-Now, ft11hter l am, rua11 his bal d 'j, .. WI Oil Jeft'ei'MllD t and • 1111 ot LLI'.AM F. SMITH, Wi l remember t 10 1111 oo ld away with me, " alo with biR lUVlliiU8ub l depr, you most no to t u , 11 swinging a beFl o . •nt..ril�• ulf IUIIrried. It woold "T JIwh at did be d f" luqulred the Plans and SpeciRcatiOftl Furnished fo r Parks Landscape PAINTING biH wrht when a ruauc st p ottt lho werejulltto Ill beper· Itlce ln . d e ped fectlJhorrlblo ha\'11 tbeHO IV booom llll and Ornllmenlal JN ALL JTS .BRA "doorway an .. Gardening. . ' N CHES. people It, Bit up little ClllriUiguOIIer, l "Be hy otl d me.trlfte hapatlellt. "I ba\'e waithiMoocosl llllfor l1iruou tor wltb the : lmowyour uooktle,a "Bypuutlaedpn ae yoa l DoJOillliiOW Whll bl!euau hour. y ewr to lt'ullcroo�· 061 81 II waut e 110m11 la?" !..��'!....�-���!!!l!!!!!!!!!!��l!lllll-1!11111_1!11111�111!_1!11111_1!___1!11111_1!11111_'!....'!...._1!11111_1!11111_�lall _,r1Dlpe' 11 r.,v of lkJ )'OD ID· ed. Tb ro'1Ill du•t ou yuur ooat. bJpuotl•m DJur B•ndiDd l·'somfDIDd01 Ete. I$ How white &he 1tul! il I'I'll tblu1. I read about It I tbe A.venuu, bru1b otr, t \i- C-'nt•nl • I e•er drb1kf" l "Saraon I f l r doll D 0 h HC 00 S 'JI ;i ruepnto uk U from that rice. Ouo coruer of . d' S 3fS3p3fJ a, Roya 1 Diu& be the papen, OtlC8 I leo e le tbe . ulllcer.you alp mnltllllbo JQIUt.t down and ever trick. "ell n .f".: otherJOIIr look• too f1111ny for "W , er mlud him. Tell me a n . Doto •peak?" of lhe tb evalr B k't g Powder. Pears.' Soap or 110 ap. It l'lll lloll)'•to ut l! ll bt How s ,,-· ' t ii)J. Walt ; ll tt. abo Ulll . ' ,,. &lau of beer ouee iu b e. dear. I upIll cloi!Ol, tired1u l'fllt d e ' lut w•• u ·. Pills 1 Sit' 011 ?' B ech�m'. people ever � mdeatb,r he ad on- No, thut w10on'tI c him a liar an bit him, s I baY& bel'll with me a bottle, malt d 1 novel do. I 40W'be y,jell l tcal mlodeed a few qulek motion• op See from It will uot harm 7oa in t advertisin tO ·';JI.y•"' " preknow.ten to reid and- I wiAllt h bll haodl, lll Wal ln . trBDOO g ' fl¥lt"- dOII't Perba)ll JOil'd " e All bl!tlermar 10· 'bout half I 101 u •"�l'lullak•.In bat om ou dnt7. " th •moklu1 old r it pays ? cnr. the 111l hour.• and 11 all whethe. I ue, rledloto men do. d � you pledge "Teu o COlli. Groom-Well, l tlarllua, If lar C thfl lltlt a uenr to lltlml7but I7ou h7 look,7011 Not bit of it. ' th nk I'l JIO, ID1 lllllllo"All " rl1bt, returned tboprla· allp w t i " word. T1ku i h fOil belt. mer don'tJeclp," oothlu abou' ' • pat IDe,do llr. Help can tbe ' � ��teem Brtde-Yu,tbl• 11Jov JOUe, muat 110> me . bul"Il waot tho t lD rl11ht � U dowa llwot.l I 11� with b � �------� awlg h a bat ._ ,... a plot, andorr 1ia7 relll lon�r-dear.10 or y oa mwt 110 lbie, thatJI to it bl! Ill "' to l\ � ··' •how tbat ruaf Nclprotlllte IIi mla tel.- theor boou.h yJelltn t r.edJOIIan aot IIHI f11' belnftadl llak·tlO Kll" NQ to New York WeekiJ. a f o l � p " ed,nn billa I won't mako a wblw r looa IYIRLAITINQLY lu pio•Ube . h pe . flo ralel,, •ul&hoof. & • IT poiUkllu :!:h�: r�: ��:U:ta�r!!�.t!�! �., � ·-- alabUI 11 ...,. """'"- htuaet..,., "le '• draft ; t •• that II has brou t their auc.. u thetblnt r Wll'll au4 JOI eo 11Now,"=�b�·.:: I ' h perqal Pllltform 117 oam IOI'i ol 1!11, j8dp. HI! me lb dowu. Clll. It will brina llld 'oa��till kke a dp -cJh youtl. lint pl1108, we'refor In favor.. ip. of Ill kllao PIA to ----- · ··• Now Is tho time, npe,., ihe Oot thut wrlttea''' the J� � wet.Jaat my •im pl dulpeuJOIIr blooau ...... "Yet,er. air. " ld ..,...._,dri1'I JII MAKE J be ,,r., · boliBt'e ia the Othe !KMmParmer Reedo ver Iwu be lleautlfal i101D11 YO 0, •·llt .....,.,.lleUIIIol -• •" ... •• n•n'l'•amouol ••wn uaof lnfoi'IQtlon •• ,... of •• ::a mrepole ll01f •c11111 auc1 of New ��!!!I�!!!!!I!!!I!!!!I!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!!!I!I!!!!!! �UR IIORTUNtn:, D UHJ YII•hllr'IIIU booiiiW IITilnbablttrrett the U depead apon a De•erIn to "Wbtqce mplbire bUJ., where wtadla1 1 � I!IIIII���IIII�I!IIIIII!IIIII!!!!!! 00DIIdelll!8to baud roa lit. U. 1e.11 tho llljlOIIUH10 lttlf bodf,COIIGII tMif4allr of lallnf,Jnlllki JII,lq, Drtll ete., tbll llottle. " .tr. Au hlq tho our· :U, eltbenphlll d0\\11bill ud 1 = ollloorme 1*,JDa withdrew the reao or � A ..., Witii •MONL ftat ...... Patullel , Ill'.. · "Ya,r Ji abou• ard'idure level �pane • .... • I foaud In War, AfteP.Dinnert llftod look 1lppedccrk !' bllllJ'mtlu. I. to Ill. lallltllftIll Plllltl. of tbe8ltln, eareor Tee h lt bl• moutlt. Don't 111011tiDD tho eumucy A• ur11ed notdle ltf'OOII, wlrr horllll OeetnoatloD forlaYilldl. latbLUJIIIlq-BntalldLunr Dlle uee,ltrect• of Tobacco, to "il·lb w-It, Th em, Na��t, tutedaud lowered Be We1 want to cover all the gro011d up ooehe of thealoop IICeUII, he Iii DO, Allloliol u a Fooll llld I Cure Jl , Bllt, Clotbtnr,Bow to What.bold lor Jnlempen-. lhll aill'twbiU:y tbobottlel" to iiiJ· : J'lll. A.ald. we can but we oau't leur oat the followiu11 U11eof argumeat:worked o lllllleto Dow Xucb Wear,to Wear,Headache, Rid CIIUIH! Lloe, & C..,., c l' ftMtol'lll tbll CODtlli()UI •lr-no, elr. wbldJ," thl'OQi of woonl'll!h lo c clopedgoa, 7oa "Noow, I •'JKllll! rou lt7 folk• tblak tolna�lle1 Ia=.:.Rt iii0\'11118a DIII , toDl1111111 1, Malarialfo Get Alrectloot lll, en y i c Oteftlutlarllalnnof 1DOIIIelo 1111111, Pftw••Wil KIINIJcllledDrii'W11111,· w Mold croup-to ulteIt Ianot bla ba he • "-WuhillRIb t � OII Star. it kln r t01111h to mako thecritlorl pull Bo to Tllelll, Pl'eYut. lUlU ll e rubbed dl !wow. up th011e!l hiiiH, but taint me1111 7ou Vtatllltlollo 11e11, lurel111, Buu, Chlllblalnt, ' 110 11 to like water!" tbluk It a bill Bil!bt t ran Coqb11ft Cholera.'l'.lolol Dlarrbooa, Dlpbtberla,BeW ftCllla• Dpentery,IIIMII: �Jet, Dandru!r, Bo!!1, DfiJJep!lia, Earallbe,Cold Fe lou, r.M ' moo11er Peet, cor., whatm e la, •lr-wateniRh' A 1,..-.a ,.,. . • hill, au ll tell yer owbr. Headache, �lcooulb, lvy Poltollllr, down Jeet, INrllet, Rboumatltm, BIYee,Boanenm, ltchiDr, 8tamlll lnftamederlnl, Breasts, Sore .... the Detroitit riv e -th purolt .Now,'em l I bill, r w 1eu h011R ruu11 up hi• •l· lfolee, Plmple1, PUn,TbMat. Rla1wnrm,8tlan aad tloorlor, SW'eattnrFeet, Sore Toothache, Ere•, su pli to any lar11eo clt'I 111dIU a ' w11ter p tala mnrds, but when you lonNlpplea, BoreCouab, WOI'IIIIIa8UD1trolte, rlnll. Obll latect Bllet, U10111, preu llll Uuited Btatel!.ed I filled tbe bottle run ldm dowIIIRn hhill, hill iuourd11 pres• WUII,WbooploJ II' Wllolt v•l.l Mel'1'081t BILiolo and cwt coutentl. · IJilurllbtee lta ou bls vit ls Au tilg tt wuss, l'rlu• U �tmla, 1lp, tir. It do a , tbat'a n l ' now ain't 1&?11-Youtb's CompouloJJ, y011 wet your toaaaowon oleart backUDJ' DR:. FOOTE'! SANITARY BUREAU, Room lo 129 Eht l8th St., N, Y.

nook. " "• ·-·· .. ofllcer replaced the til· 11K1117 mean man baa diiCOV· the le Theil t11ppl111oork t llDile puta lu Buoas nshoatebeeu bl1 qalo\ EBUBLIBBED 1880, b bott . •aid : IIIID ertd,"liUlllb, "b n* \Ve bavo one hem Out ID he trlcb that'• of t cou1idera· &o I'llrou mu eerr 111 I' 1ho& for 701011 Dill, cld 8tooldootloo, " euUtled •lr-uot blckl" replI"ied " What'• hil record'" luqulred· !oa• �Nat 1 "The ralelthe u lated bad time for roanrueltiH!IL drink Hqaor while anotherbe piece l!lllca of tbaapie. he to JDII IID7· "He muea hi• wife oJI aot olered work ' Uke it, a fl'lllh and•Pirldlllfl I Bhe will uoi wear oat herUvu fabe 1011p 10 11Whrdon't · JOil Donlt whbtbe uoblo rf•er wbloh replied Bnoaw.-Pbiladtllpbi• Call.teet b," .,Tbe prl1011er, 1117lord, uo orpha11. h uptlllllll."Lito it? " Wh7, 'bou, workw it me Sip aome more It JOU QUliN •Aore1, early a11ebo lo.i hh bmo*llor, bll p&��lou, a Thnt jmht tbe THI nfrlllh111.but doeJUottJJ ebrlate. At ...... :::��:a. oal7111mother, m7 1ord."-Piok Me II• ble momcat'rirenlug 11igbt ll4JIIMIIutl Jlllf �· hu rr for l(t•utlrm�n anul n Jnrg��ta" vi-Ito• nmul•er of till' Wm D11rby \Jl ll elected 011 M•tltJ'"" Ulllt. 'l' Cnuuutt!l'e 111 membtr'� pmfitnblo C. 1!: pl'ftltlfut UJ€t R 'l' he 'f own�htt• fMnrtl!iy the Jt)I'Jil!!lhtuJJt ul� �Jll'llt llowlil�g, 111111 ofThe tile lllllirtyF�>r�tni!Oil Rllt1ri!Uill1 lhl' town rooms l11•t mght, tlw Lllhtu .. v full bonr•1 h in f�l'nt, H'nut1IY jlH'JIJUII' plt•ttsme� tl}1(10)l · Snlltlayn llr Hnlllllly fttoniOon - P tb m u a last Th11 tlmn�hi11.: 111 wa� anthnt i1. t•tl m. \\' L' UJ I!Ju g Hchool, ANO- trenHliTHI The Union Gnu ClniJ ehoot tn J•JOt tll llf , to11 , 'l'lw mmw•l lllt!t'liug 111111 Wt•lblt�&day hdd a erlnotp fm P llll' d1�1 •Hill t lllOllth• n�lnp'J'iu niX of •t·r of tim t;Ju\1 !•h•PIhInll llfll'rllotlll THE lll OF M Pid ·IT4LK �1 i I IIlli for il plnct�, die1l l"11t l:l form�>l'ly11t l etl pnil1 , last t'l' ntuluy P alus.this Jllllt 11 11� �tllt•u by 1'11'�1t,\ lt11t llmluu Is EXPLJ(NJlTION W )lnr-,;tlt'll to .ll1101111t lll lllilll!hh ll Kill1 IH E• !lor! D Mill ( f �llltilll-(tf lll )llll�lf'IH the Llnh 'J'hH , lt\Jhtnl\liiHitl tJI)..fh .llll, il hll!oi tll!fl•p LhHtJ,!PUflllidthfl hulllLit•tlIS BUT tf 8�I noclh11111l tnw.hng er IIt. E'SIIIltl,Tolml( (> 1 td nl 1'1\NII\IU> of tim of the ()JI 'I II I']' ,b I th" Hthtitl!'i''IHt iLls uwm1Jt'l•hll' flllllk II• jll1tlll 1'Hl11:.:1 ·� ... L !pt lou .. Fot't+ign Mi��lou nt Plnlu- 111'<'1 mul\\ Ill "ulu11 11lil�uh l nntl l�!li, wlll'n thofl' l'lnhthe l'lnh 11111 nJl•t 'l•ll\'tl HI :���me, 11m� � t't•rtlht 11L•. ::;I� ���l lllllil't>h t • -tun 1ft• tnu1nrtl tJU�t , 1, 11� w 1nlldny to amonllt l l · '' tlu 111111 tho untulwl of IIII0 'gIUhul nn\\11 11� t' l11 lolloWillfl SCOTCH PLAINS, 011 �1'\11'1 1 '1\0lk )LIIIH.(Jit[' IIt:lll':'2 � 'jr) 1111 ,\ \IIlli\ • II \\'Pill t t t • 4ttllt·4·t � to '''l' nt• for be �n McKee h11H to Plnln­ ��rllto';\ r fu1 An�u,t, liiii J,l s , lhs H'mul't>d l l'illl tl P • l ut lI rt n fluld Snntl.11 xpt''!'ll'l'o I' .\ '"ll'k!hmh,un. 1 l H � ,, ,,., 1 mm:.:l''""lt lt•ut, t J{mm, E , U J o n fumily are vlsltl11g .,.. C.mdenj ,...... lflllll 1111 . lot lll'e mht•t, , Ht'll 'l'l'llt•J'.T., 11 · t - � ft t'OIIhllf( Hl'l'l'ttreaHm�1litly,·• . ntThotml� L ·ty )(aatl ntul N, J, 8q11t 1s111 '1H d ••t•' l>tlh nt ,lt•n•t1 ( '111:-.ll I.t'U' f� ( ]11\.(1fnl ! H f'WJil, IJl, H 111. Alhi'It 11 d1, , tln.nwml �t·o• �tiiJY, iiltl , N. Y. l1ns �l ll't r !1 1••·11 ll. ll\ (, J"1�I lL llf�hl�"AIlll 1J1 ' o 'l'o111 Patf, havm!( soltl hi� h t l 71 Market Street, Newark, N. Tlw 1' � !"J � 1 II £ ,Tr llllll W J:t'1;1'· o e hll H Ill jll I> Ill 4 1 111 .Jntlll'!l mnw•l l11to iloll!l'<�tt'� Wonderful Relief NEAREST PLANE aTREIET, �� ::-Ii l' Jlln ('It :r,'lJllll l��PJ. !! I 111 �ft· awl rooelvbtg Hilt tr11111� L'c Uhn�I'' H Cl nltllKl\ 11lill lllm·Bhnll, st �i� !J W 1, llrs Juhn ·Uti f1ientl� ove1 Kldner Troublll and Other Af• nil 1.m1,GPO II i'IHtlth r1nm En•t. Wt'LIll El)ll' (l!II'PIIlitl!.[H 'l' t'nl llllliltPI'. tim cougrntllllltlun� Drl�ktla •loing ie tho lorgeat, w r t l �-II),, l' 11 ;, � .... n 1u� H IH of eh Afo :-11 111 Klt•m �IIl li I'IJ; Ill IIH'Ul}Jttl 1 ofIJJc•••llll)( 1111' llll'llll•fl � tetht•l1 fam!Jy HCC�l!SWII fllctlon1 Cured bJ Hood's, tho busin1•ss Our �took price• 1ft wr IU.Ill Altt l P givo it IJII'P!l!.tnnil l�s:s , Xn1n•l jJ 4•Ul ]I' tJwh jlf • J'>\p11'11' 111. tht• I lin:.:nllrr olllll to bH•Jtk 1mninrs1ar)' Will ltne lowoit rmd tul'ms tho 'lll�ie�t in tho eity. ,J,ut tlwll :\£mu1,J) 111 IW · a pnuing •lo1(•1, ,](!liN IIIII , t( Cln!J C l the'i'hlR !t•l'\ t tt r n�taill�£ Wt·�ftlt And then to nguu thut you h UruallCia tit• t,,x i !(" Ml'o'lltl:I[J. the it1 • HalHmuptunl'}' H g t!ll lhewmatlsmthe b le, Hood'• ya1•tl , \1 1lSHlulnte�>1•tlth•t] t"l)!l )t !Jit [ XOII tl11J,;� thl� t tt•nm tltc hi bowltu!o( GROVE. fODtlned ou II h at LOCUST w ll .Cr w Tln• uuuWnetl tll l ln H on and ,..11 to Cor 50, fj{J 111111 70 aunts )�t· llltldll rm•l lnid it p f , Jt'lll of l • of S.mJ!t,rfila, lam rlad Wf'iltll'�tlli)' u -- Lnh ly Hevernl tho iu E!Pl'llllhl• ' �;, hJ;hh•unt" llill< H1thnt h:m (' l't'llllig g l'lmV�the h> g-mt trouble and to ••Y•wonder Ita•fulrt- eutal st�\·ing of 1,1 cents [101'• ynnl. \\'ltcto Ul tl1cro n house r 1,1 -·- -­ bouHe luaclchlltlren tll(•ir tlngcr11tlte me it& tllll city that ('u f1 1t l'it (litWt•rl, tu1u lu Upt of thll eomplainta.ghl'lt 81· E�tltn l1Pilielc1, *l[l;, fll'ltuul�·t·n•ht•tl liy hll\'1'fnulty 1 OIL J0,\11�. tl1e consh• nctlon mr otlter 1 know offet· sttc I I ullrg,t. ius� 1\h�111111 .! Jtt.LS ilt !Ill(' Kholc Htlll>l'Tlu• t iU 111011thh ltlPI'tlng of thr JIIRIII H�t\l�t \Vurk, Hl1 lltl from I lutrtl cntlt t>h•c tho \'Jt�t nmunnt tho set&h. of Anrl H �h r.n Apnl (' ' heltl �u �1lnill•ol �.i, !Jy tlog-s ou Utllon gul ou 'l' hnt'!<nre fu1 counrctlcm with11util OIIIJ h11still' \Je(•ll �ewPl filiiLocn�t lUI Hoodf k llu· iu tlto )Ill tl1e11 111'11 to 11 ot ...... jltlrUr. Ht1Jtll11 11f I(IVIIUtl. Ort c�ntenul.ll lll't•IIIUl01 lit40.0001' ,!.J{),OO. llli'Pt lil t� A Hm er to Rahwny wa1yeMtercl11y IIIOtllillg Orovu Sdwol om• ()llr 011'f "MO!Ilhe liH'lnyt'llll,.l Ot•t t•luek the tuoHl Ill thnt u :\lllll!ll E t lui� IJegun on Ruo�Prdt )o;outh l' lllllfoll1 hl'tl' 111tt1 IIhun�l< I'OilhlHPil � WO!I IItJ llf the 1111cl recelv< d Jlaod't 8aruparllla Somo of m�ht. �I ut !'! 11 �l'JI[)I WillC't a1ul cornpolioltl. tol'$ 1111y mh.it, nro but to() lntiCh cult of t e wurlcI� IM l�t•th�ing cu tl111t \Voll, wlll ulllnlt Ill res Tlw ToWJJ Counnitt1•e holt! l'l'lltlt•tul IIIJC'OitFCill11s tlhe �::·: ----·- -­ 11 ]Ullt )ll ll'flac�U!Uil 1'1111� �te;t::!1; ....,.. tlus all. h wo ru loug rlS i t't•gulm meetmg un tl1elt liHheIR h•eHThll ol th11 11Wt lh11! of hns Well, thct•o no uso uying llllything nbont thorn, 'l'soltlho oatiltglnst nn•1II'< \1�•1! It'll :-i!l!lilt•l lUIS m fm J\fr hll�l !Jt'Pil uutt•ll l"eletl. 'l 'lu· �monthAlt.tlt"" Scotdt l'lnluH Lih11n·y 'I>JI, l t1 t l' nt thu them t,tfi'Ut "lllI(•'lt <'•!Will'l'l !,ill\ !Jt•g'llll ti lt t l liiRtLPill �h l tbo r Public pndtliug is nlwnys thP pt•oof of it. :-lovonty-tlvoof tlell'llh>utl ol lm, t tn tile tilt> w n JuoniH e ,ul!J , (PWt HI ol111111 tlw �t't llt>tl , mu �eltce nf th6 Prt •itlt•nt,way to.MtR huge "! £•to11 tt •J l.llllllll'llt lh•• l11• 111 1 IIIII' y ' f�rth this lt fl'l'tl)j� Hlllout1t tim tht L' 1 'l'lw Clah wtll 11 to llll'h' llfMllltlll llt lttll·chl •11lHh'l'M • STORING FURNITURE! tuhgil lllg t•Mt r k ltbont thh·t)' tt•t•t 'l'lw the 1st li l uwutwu Connh ,\ lolldll�' hoCl'l'wli11glillllf tmm J!:ll lJ Hnn1111 t•ro l Y fm hue tlw ji�DI'h' olIt Wuwnut re1h11g lm in ('munuttel! \VIIS our l'llllt l>: Ill � HHZL'l'lhonltl nltt•tnl to \'{o MIIJll'oso it lH on account of onr low rl\tos llttLI 1\ k t 1hlll<•ult, nol•ently l•eltl lo1 thethe benefit of tlw Building, SO, 1<\H·nitut'O rllll the tht• nhl of 111111 th11 vt•l r Street. '}'!Jn )llOlfl Westtl4•l•l trm·J.illl'ill 1111tl sllit"'' woultl uet of TH:J &PALDIN(J CICYCI.Il, !ltl nntl 11'? Jlauk moved with l'lllll, WU� •IS fulJUI\11liiHlLilc lhnl ll' cntl(lJtJto IIIJel'lll� h11ht !Jt 1 the 111110\llltnar Ul't:JIIl lnllnn . Lot'lliTht• Chudumltd I �tlll!f ElllrPtli'U11'11\'tll of flu• 1 I OW 11 1 th.m y, tl 11ot II'MS �.. '\ lilt \\ \\'li�JIIIC�!�t· whit II J'UIIIllllg1 1 llllll tlw 1 lwlll the P1eshr!Pr1nnUmou l'lllll 't•h1 1 b, A tlotllltion�1'10. of lilt the ll) ,l, l! [(oU[.(dA m ou oftutmel llllt1 nt kwft�h nr� �uuiu�t, limml (',clopedla ol Alllel\'nhnn�>Hl�tUIof lllotrrllN11 Spalding, 1100. • till)' untlwill� tlit;ht, the lmlullt pnmt•�ll l'� l'n�'Htluy of�t :.!Jud ]lh\' Dr. J Al'llellllllll Coles, WitH '1'111' th'U\1 lng til'IMK tlw �ohtt; rletl 111 il them •� tl'j>Othu!tdm opt>lll to gwen br the AIIIP�tl�for Sldbt• 11 h1lrarltm'� �'')l()rt t�IIO\H''1 the fol · 111 tlw Royul cullHill l<' ollowiu� t• line of l'!•ntt'1� lllllillu!f al'<'· 1\ t loll'l'ltll 111� llth•tlt111lll't' Ill bein tbt' Ol•Pi tl Honse to ulghtAt 1tlle ti e tl lint• the wmk lw� TELEPHONE 100111� l A11r, •·!�. , h t11�nt I.uul�nt111111 dM ull 580. The l' mfin11 E•u1ell\'ot' ill'�ll At thl' 1811'; 18t tn .Juue HOth. lUI'Ptmg ht lu Atltontltmce ewnlngs, PH••IJ� It'llllll LhaJiel to mol tU\V I'II'Il 1 lmlf },ju�ftl p m :�2!ilookH, lor uhont 1 11 lllil(l :?it i.• ��� , tot<�!, nmulK•r of theIll!,', t\ lll Ml"iotuJry llll''!llllf th11eun r t•t1 tmt1 OJum. Fwlllfet>t thl'lt' 11 u 740 ; IilliWII, llltt•l'PSilllgbt• !II'O[,:I'Iilll hilS llh!Jl lte!l\1 l uf tlte 211WilYfl'd wlll lllllllin•l� bel'll • Btcycle.s ;um t t !Wlth <'II"\1he l't••t, lt UJI!:'Il\mM J llf'illg i jleH. Altt>nt1111tceM to S Jo•E'[•Il Pntcell, i}f Ri t t l 11\'PUIIP (\nne hPU!' l�!l'i July 11 l evenittgll, !14ti; w � t WhPn the Re\HlH culttpllttetl Crnn IOLD ON IAIY to Somh A111e1 e lot 11 1 , :!�·'· dfiiWII, gout' fo11l gootllite ·�tem �) whl1'11 ttl, IIUilllJI•J' !111� tthtmt len 011 hn�u11·�·l111uih R ;)8[}, of bookM 21o 'AYMINT8. to t•n 1'ln• ..., lllJ• 11 hope•1wil l lutVI' fut· maur tn cumt•It I" _____ tilebl' �lii'IHlill!! t week�YPat' in New WJJI )ItMt )etUM . ... AMOS H. VAN Ptx HORN ' Yo.!. LRiltet•'s 1 11•1 llomo Journ�l 78 MARKET STREET ----·..·- -- 1 STORE ALWAYS OPEN ! City fol' October1\lll&lrnl bKI been is n tl __ Calarrll CIIIIIU>t l1e � e Pia• F. H ,.ttlmtirw llttt>ruletl Cn•••l jnHtlllllliOO I' uf 11ttrnL'tlve, tnnl Near If .. CouvN1tion of tile ChrMhm theEut1envlll Stult with local lljl]llicntlnnM us cannot t'ttlltnittK111Ktrmullntsi t11e II8Utd1Utt1 ructtl Mlectinn�. 'l' lte & "'l"i�hatm." So<.'\�he�. lu•l•l nt A lnntl • Vlly 11 rt>nc the Mettt tU�nlllltht>y U&tllrrlt Nlllllt• Cllll OO IIRI1 IIJIOil lljl)lJictttiOII III Rentlna Repalrlna t Mr• .J••ulien L euaunln�•- l'gllte E t then� 11 1'1 hlomlh ol' cnnstoC thettntlnllltl tl!Mt>lllll', nml ftce A �Pt:CI.UTf. tll ll 1111•ir }liiiiiO WllTt>IOOIIIII, 13 Sola, IIILHS ,luhllHillt. fromcltntch the C tlodtty of P!l'� mottlt•t to cnte )"Oil lllllMt tak" Ol'l(llll 6fl7 ,loH, A h) tel ian and DrUJ11\liRI) OUARANTEED. �II·. 11111 11'11leclle� HallIt s C1ttnrrh h1tt>l' 61'•11 SAnSFA(;TJON )4 8 J{ll, )J�7.ZCI �UitriiiiCI , , ,."elt< l�l] At tlw Menlt•t•s atteet, Ne'Walk of tht• Preijll'l'h•rlnn 111 nett� Cure 1� Ylol!n UhllgoLiu •• lt tlirectly -·· clmrch lttMt Snm1ny N. ru t·u 111 ;o.ll'J't lu,,.. )lll llnlu•HeHtoo�t hloc�l tlllrlftel'lt, nctin�:hm OS.T :tltn tl•r• in, tlh 1 Ro with• Tl1� 1 "FnmiliRI' YCMJR LIFE INSliRAN'E IN �8-210 IARDT STRIIf, 111101 I. I. ,\pothflr 1111111111 IIIII)' !11• gi Tbe IWOllltl pultl tl ly tllll nmcol!H one e1 An!ltorH." Flnm1ny afternoon Vt'll tlons ol bl!l�g Q1tot11 JOI1NM\IL LI Lns! o'clock, almm alnrm, tire 11 pt•rfc•ctml't t'lllllllllln1111 Jiun nf theMnrf1we�. twn hl).(rlllll lnl' uot by ...... mul k1llml4 n \\'IJ11t MV!Irt1etlF1tmllllll'hl l!llllltl Rlll1 l>twer•l.tf!l< Life nt mm " lin• •n tlutt go(lll11 til'l ht•ll.nlarm Get JIUI) �nt·h WOI!tll'rfll] (111 � l\liH� Pl'1111011�· IU1nl Poutm:zi Hlwt Do111 n u s1 � iu werll tltls llllll l\111!8 RnJllrcullnkk !lell tl'� the new ltah•Ul �h11nt1 h1111 a l light "11!11• tl ��t •·m )lftN111lt>IIMIIle&Ilutfl!l T•t GUIZII'I ln. lu nllll� in the Rahwn)' IICill lm c IIWII) , thtu>Hiltl•, freel11g I. tlw\\ on A ull Cnltm"" :,:il· the Not tht.� wereIMMt of t'Pfre8hiiM1h, uwl, .• . Co. u \I !IR neum� tlw Wornknll'H'l.' he hnlll't Pntetl'tl tt•mple 111111 Pli 1 1tnll> th1• n •Jir h Y<'•!t•J tln� F J ChDilP)' & Ct) . Prnp� ten cl4Wk IDIIICI Of J, 1 'l'olctlu, were o l1e :;p]Ul�· ,\thh•ta Clnh honSt• which'f be lolluwHll"l!({lug nt nbn11tpJe�t·nt -lh�� dietl l'lol'k D1 Ut•l� \l lli m�l't tlw (Sty Jl(lnhle un•l Ornhite"'"' .1• JthU\ 1' Pll•ll' Fwln) 1 Tl!lMi""lol , Ethvllltl Yo•1 tiJC hom� ol l\h of hnr(l ill t!lnt:k Wmk�.lm t 11ilb EVERYTHING L�'lie Welch. l:!tmtley HOUSEKE stntetl 11Wte•l Pt>ach, liollr. WJIIIIIIU l\lme Sel'et ttl si,.zt•(lP III II Jlllltilll! l'lltllll \el) at th• 1 J tevo!vt•l ha111l ft MIMHl'IHIJitlll: .Mbx .MJ1\lisM t1ie 8r•btxmonMe•r,r­ •m ti11• on tht• 4)1LIUIII(f' \I'll� hllutlll"l' d�OilW'Jli�y JIIOilllliJelliR lu 11)1 c�m '"'' w \1111 �r . MIAAGmcH };J illEdwnl'll�. l\ll�s LnumWhml11 11t& ll, mlunt�R('omtaiJle nrt�J l'ltl1el'k< •lHhnotm"l 1lt�le11•ln \1 liS . Fnln M WESTFIELD GALLERY, '1' 111< ont. the'IJW thh •tl tu withltt lew * .T. uml "'''� L'I * * Wittkl', Dnll1\lr, lllltl lllrH T A llll'eMtmg tht• mnl!lel!ll' tlilf'd�tl ln' �h�tht tlw housu n Cor l!rOildand I'Mpe�lSts, Westllllld,N, ,J ll tlny ·- H.finn A y Bull, .TQIIP)lll lf rtl W�Dull,ll lJJ th11 ho thtlM al --�-·.. -- M ofattentll to thnt \1'1\A on fill! u o , otb�r ltlthnnRIJH• tlu ongh the trgnln1 tm'l'tlng lugtoo Wittke, of and lowmg 111 PKt'I t woods, withoutFouto�zi l1at r�lmTlw ntu lwltl llf'xtof th11 'l'n!'Rtl Rnyulll''· llcttlz alllslclll. or nelghlJm·uiJ(co11t, vc¥t�ltl t'll AThe WillOtllretM J,e 11t tbll St11te will ----·- -- All \\'t're e I iuuul he butnetlilltely tl>ill)lh'Jile�ltm\ u� ant1 111111 l•l Kent urul tlte Dt•Witt Chntun uiKn wntd 111 the 1111 Conmll Drtlllkl) n. llntll 1 ol Severn! C !ll!lred to y�t !01 nngthP �Htapmg 1lutt•s "ill lllltlulctl Jllltl �t·v�rat1 lltl Lhe HRrd Sett 8!1ellt>tl Ike bnt 11s uotl aud h1t�I etllo\' h1 •en he lllt:tnbeJ Hhli• \\Ill Crall•,LoWer, Sea Foodami ll ben111Itn!hm, of him. rto a 1-M.n H'Plninfle1fl hod� wn� 11tlll eeher1plir'tltlon� fur bo OYSTERScl1olee of !kinds. to Cu�l'} ' �iw s et1 morgt ue,'l .T !::t' Coll1n• nnl(lllHY hPh1 � n tltl .l 11lm :\11�� Morn·e alld.,..... Fowl"•,.. Etc, on T t " ) ...... UitiiJOt!�· nlltlt> t · 1:1,)1 STUEET, WKSTFJELil ��� ui•nt· t nHt•\l\ Gawl F mllmntn fl'i!•HtOnh·� W11t l' to jurY o! l'lamfi•l tl m u lu•• p� tllutors, tl�h11te cornrwr\ e litl }'Otlllj.( IIIIU t• 1 RntlttJre, }ll le und 111! A mni \1:111 Mowlm n t I hee11 l'allr•tl ll'!''�Pft 11 11 11 'l'tll'ltl � pe�mn:�,hll01\jl\i t i l lower htowel (excettt cntl· 1 t� t 'tt,J .,hu 1\•·l'•lll mu W h tonr to l lllll i4l�rtltlleally C\IJ'ftl. 1 nt IWIIK)lluglllaml Ottnm:Uii.,' tltP) llll l!tllwps�.:er), fur Wllk Atldre�s. I 111 Jlmsh Wo ll's ' dtw1' !inllII IIHtl nn••\t) Dndtt�:tn lVf•lllt!lden Jlonrlltll'ft!d, 1111 1.12'• level Plate Mirror,luM worth l!!t>l�ut uo, at .lrrll! tlInsw til>' lol hll' fll1'11[tft•tl • ,\ 1'1""' H. f\ ll lllmltcnl HUhject,of W OtiC lhmtll�ll UIIH!r!It) tn froiD ..li1 111]> tst 11111lw-.•J, t'OI Illlllilll'llld, · lmt ftll nua­ A hirll�<11! llllllllll'h' edt !IIL hl'lh�'I lillll'l>t>JJ wn� tlt.;IttJot1 \\ Ill l'lllIns ltlllll iJII J.-:1' Hl'l'jltillll 11 l , l'llllll Aillll II Newtuml�al Ymk, lunrvel, llot ll "Jrenk,1 11 I'Xhibltio11 uf lll"lllly t•l'l'lllll..( 11'11!'11niHl :llttlll•i lt•1111� tl11• l'itlllllll 11 1 'J'h P r -- J�llIPt lltll(l/ltnlntioll' t) F11 l.H·n!ol 'l'lll' tlJ 1h l ll't• tu men 11 ll l e � l )OUlll( jll< '''llh••l lug t111' twn ltol'HII th� !olumltll'l loclll}: 1Ji b1rl•n•ta J'o1 1111 IIJHl I' wlr nww�tht•ti<' by \1'118 lmWOOI' w gnw 1It'll1 lid"gift� iLJll1 "lllilllll-( ht•t ' 111111 1•lt 11ly 111 to ttl'lll ll01ht< }llt hllllli'Rtt•t\11wu�un 111 Wt•sttl t•hl 'l'ht•) uKkt••l snme 011 \\lUI 1\ \ uow 110 tt•ethI� t!u• l'llll 11Xh1wh•1l Jln•l\iwly whichitl1 the invitaA Drof Coo[K Westllel'I , 1\'ltl�IH, 1 11 I' lwnt•htl" 111IIH' loll t!H• illlll\1•1 I r. l�?.le Scntltlei, wlin Willi Ill thl• trnt he �ut iu of Hill \1 tlu• hi nt 1�1in ot' tl:mgl•r lTHt•tl w tbu Doetor'R offit•e tmtl wlhW':!Retl, t)Jp jll i11 111111111111 ••ullil" ''"li!IH•Iill}f I!IIH 111 1 r•1Pt'tlli'Jiy t111' ghtP>I 111• �li"H the 11 M11lil•1 11 ut th•• 11t 1 Pm lm.,.,onlr lll>t cmly t'OillortlouH. 11 llerall).(t>llleltt it� !li'Mttiu• jllltl\ httP, I JI (hi' lohll' t)ii)IL' Ilt1 lllglJt 11° ll't ll ll< 1]1\l'llllt1), UIIIY :'!thnn••••n•1•l t ulonttr wn� hnu11• �ll"Hlhw•, in "itJ1 II I �tlEmt�•t, >1h 1�1111Nt•wm'k.1 D�llllll P11lnle�� •·�!!illtruclilln IJroml n tll\l hllltum mgnul�UIhnt timt frit.:btttnl•l1 "fhtttn�. llttt l\1!!.()!I 111'\ t•l' I I (rlltllt S !h !luul1 h•Ji1111 La:ht [111111 t if 11te1 hltt!��� IIIUtil' llll lllll(�'lllt'lllH •r uuJ,ht•• 1 1111'111\h� II�Bt •tmdf11Jlll\Il H 1\' llH idlt•lt ii ittlltl wnlkeclun nuklt1 ·� . tltM1nlllll'tl hi8 •It uf I llt !tnt Ke111l•h Thnuut�, of .Tunctlnu ltll Hrltlll' tl ll l!IJ IIII lllljll ll\ !-.·<\ Ll!!l1111111 J,m • i h Mr. tur till' IIJ'J•lt·� tilt•) kueu11 BRUSSELS, ' •11!11 llt nl\ 11 r l\lt� Pho• ll'hll 111111 turnet1his Ills tu 11 l • t 1 1 1 Ill tuld l11' bi� St.OO •"Altlt'llHII't t•t 1'111till' 11llnit \I' l �'•'1 1! In !J{ r\11K1 mlgl1t thl' 1t·lu ·l nm ln1w tht m hhiiMelf filetnt• Per 51.00 1\il lll'l Hll)ll lll hilt\ ll�>het llll lll lfnl thut they wHitgPt 11 over"cret•Jl}' lor . . N. A iu�ll'lll'll\1• it l'l i t Flllllf'iHw HIDfrolll JI l cold, wlll uot 11 lnug ... 1 11)"'" Hu•h W tlh lillY Hill�' 1'1 11CI'I llilll( (IJt• II)'Jili'H ...... ('ollln�Bntlwlt lll(llhlHt lu uu�ltt HultD. ,l ollll t\l't• th11 �tthJt•r•t ' Wnr•1H 111'[11'1 1/ll hill!(�Ulft>l'l'tl COIIHIIIII)ltion, It l�tl wftltont t• nrions tnct In 1Tlll1ge 'l'lit• nllulr Wll� hultl �t•ht•nw �h·ul lhuo, ltu\' W IIHr 1111 attiul(, ."tnt )lt'llltt\' itl'l 11 I'I'Hillt A Fltzl/entl!l'H nnntomcmmeeUutJy RUII 111111 lJur1 l 11 to I!Y�r)thhlj.p •]sfl, theu nllM \" .. I 1 • A l ntl nf lll'JIIP� Ht' l111tlel' 11 J 'fftl\Hne�I1UyCIRhul'll Fllu 1'1 tht•�l lrt'llltPPowt•t n tt•t·�J• tltm t 11) th�> IJOttlt• Dt· Kill!('& lll�t·overhonghty with 1\ r. Wltbotttis tl11tt Ito II • kuowl MI�M tlltl 11l l1111t ltfltrfnl emcRCfcvlcb. of trlnl J l OH Ol!ht•tll Dr l:l rdllo will tl1� 1'1111�11 nf I11Llll!tl who Wtltlt nicely l!tRrclte<\ N of Unnl thn�·�' \lhiiJ eH IUttl othtot• l•J tljltlonM cun!(h� 1111- MULLI ntuonutWIIH UllJ OUillllll twu l boll�. lhll nllytmullrtl Store, boUies , "77" {\JI " for C 1!111 Sltettrer reJ•rel!tmlfur et1 byWt •t•hH 11 lmf. t '•hnll!!Y l:lllr�lllllltilllt lml'ifius tl1u nutlcHom1'1nre� IttJlr� l'· l>rug J. F. Donll\1, llever n m Hurrv w11� Chua "hrr11k n1•' IIcolt! lrottblel. blumt . Xi11g1fcrtl & Lunndro to liM, h 1.� IJ!I.o ... 1lrlllrRtOfl!l tlwee HlliJQiar lisewe. and tt, lt fellt1lrv•uo bolliUI(. ** •