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7-21-1912 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-21-1912 Journal Publishing Company

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III Mall, M nu ft Mouth; Single Qriplos, ft Cents. NEW SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1912, en THIRTY-FOURT- H YEAR, VOL, CXXXV, No, 21 ALBUQUERQUE, MEXICO, li, Carrier, Cents it Month

duatrial and political progress, he hai headuuarte ntor IMXl seclusion third pal lived i life of pomparatlva ROOSEVELT WANTS ticket In H GLARK LEADS JAPANESE EMPEROR and has rarely appeared in "'a con- ZAPATA'S BANDITS BAND OF MEXICAN 118 duct of fcffaln of state, He has through ministers, and his Mlsslxsll'l'l IMMM1KKHKM I S worked bin t i I I i; - advlaers. The war with Russia and ST ll Ki t. waa one of JackSOn, Miss, July JO Mississip Its successful termination KILL MORE THAN GUN RUNNERS EACH STATE TO pi republican progressives today re- CONGRESSMEN GAINS SOMEWHAT the notable event of hie reign, scinded the call Issued Thursday for a One attempt against t li life of his state convention to ohoose delegates majesty has been reported, Thin waa to the progressive national in mi. it was charged thai the convention "on account of the man) men concerned were socialists, but SIXTY PEOPLE ARRESTED IN SOLVE OWN appeals from many of our faithful 10 GALL ON Ill FIGHT FOR afterwards it was ahown thai they republican friends urging that wc were anarchtata, Twelve of the d stay with the old pain conapiratora were executed and the othera ware aent to a term i VII, SERVICI i i M MISSION fit Imprlaonmenl for years. N WRECK EL PASO PROBLEMS to invi STltt.VTl WILSON HIS LIFE The Imperial palace stands In the Washington, Jul) 80 oitanisThe United center of the city, within a double States Civil service commission will line of niouta on the site once occu- Investigate the alleged pontics actP. pied by the shugun's castle, Itles of federal officeholders In the cauaed to ba republican campaign Emperor Mutsuhlto Mine Under Track Explodes as Original Revolu- - Colonel Declares There is No Chicago, f iist Time in History of Coun- During Night Sufferer Was Able sent to this country recently large , Victor Ochoa, and at cherry trees. In consignment of Japanese Engine Passes Over It Truth Reports of Serious seventy officeholders, most all located try When House of Repre- Little Nourishment were planted in Riverside and tipnist Against Diaz Eighteen to Take a These in the south, v Mated the rules. park. New York City. to Discords in the Progressive sentatives Has Adjourned to and Early This Morning Was 500 Rebels Pour Murderous Years Ago, Caught Trying Eire on Victims, Get Arms to Rebels, Ranks Anywheie. Gieet Candidate! Easier. MILLIONAIRE UNTIL MINORITY REPORT LAW GRABBED HIM FEDERAL OFFICERS ARE NO COMPROMISE IS AUTOGRAPHS GIVEN DEATH EXPECTED AT OROZCO'S FORCES IN Chicago, July 20. Kepri-s- ntihg OBJECT OF ATTACK HEADING FOR WEST TO BE PERMITTED LITTLE BOOK - ON ALMOST ANY TIME himself to be a son of Senator Oug- STEEL TRUST ii. nlicim. of Colorado. Fred II. la-n- - Before Governor Can Begin Re- from Buffalo. N. v.. led the Ufa of a Slaughter of Wounded BegillS, Small Insurrecto Band Burns H. Thompson Any Has Had Long and - Chailes Says likado two days at u lash- Law-mak- millionaire for n ply to Speaker's ers Chicago hotel. j Bllt OatllOllC Pliest TOgS of Words Eventful Reign During Which lonable Biidges South Chihuahua; New England Commonwealth mm. i Join in Hearty Cheer Thursday "registered undea the That Blltchciy Cease a'l(l His Six on Except His Empire Has Become One Hundred Federals Rhode Island May Go name of O. Guggenheim. After being i n i n i I ioi Standard Bearer, in the City a few hours, he bought an ru;(lieSt IS Utailtt'Cl, Guard Against Surpiise, foi feddy in November, Great Powers. - of World's automobile, applying a check in pay- Republicans Will Not Recom- - meiit. He employed a chauffeur and 111. ,1a ) I M..r.K rode about th,. boulevards and parks Bj M.,n,tnr Journal wire.) (llv Morning I (Mined Wlra IlK-I- MNoOlUlMMl , ,r snwiai ttw4 Journal ftpcUl (By Mumlni Journnl rWM1 Wlr.!1 0 DlMu5l '',,.;, v TnU BO Phumn " when representative, 1n4 1 Mexlco cu jo. More than Kl I'aso, Texan, July -- 0. Victor Bav V fulv Bti Hiimi'l xlJL ! (Mini nf the company which ne nao 111 Mlicll irom sixty persons were killed and many Ochoa, policy fornT GoipO.atlOfl Woild; tlVafU e Inly 21. The critical purchased the machine conferred original Mexican revoluthl.t Ll.Tto be the In the ,l,Zltt Toklo, pa- yearaUion e of Mutauhlto, emperor ol with the manager of the hotel andjwere wounded in an attack by Za prealdant Dlaa twenty of the national progressive party. Legislation NeCCSSaiy, dtyroaarofrBeaglrty to'aovernor illness t set-jtut- e Japan, Is caualng the gravost th e ypung man was requested on a passenger train between ago, was arrested here today by the I After a conference with leaders from today. physicians tie his accounts. He failed to do bo and' Wilson's summer home lu re e anxiety. The court Ulls oli ftnd cuerhavacu. Moreloa, charged la House- - came, .1 strong, eaae acute his toll,, wed. American federal authorities number of stales, Colonel They from the e have pronounced the arnst early today. a j veil said tonight stateltOs Mrnin fosrnsl Ssectal tsaa Wire i house of representatives in a special alarming Bymp- - with violation oi the neutrality that cob e nephritis, with The Zapatistas, said to number live laws. Ochoa is alleged to Would work out Its own problems. I Washington, Julj 30. The lepub from WashlnBton, to shake of polaonlng. have been) ,,( e toma uraemlc hundred, placed a mine under the sev-- l "is there any truth in reports ofl'iican members of the Stanley ateei with the nominee and bid him e waa believed yesterday nf- - implicated with the arrival here hands it e railroad track which exploded as the days ago oi a eonsignnient ,,f 'serious discord in several states." betrust Investigation committee workeu Ood speed lor the presidency, It was e the emperor "as HILLES ANNOUNCES trai I ternoon that locomotive passed over it. The over- ammunition and rifles presumably was wked today on a report ol their views on the first tun.. In the history of the e linking and all the ministers ol engine l'"binei laughed. He ,,i the Investigation for re- impi ii turned baldly bad settled intended for the .Mexican rebels' Ho ""' denied! the result United states that democrats or e state assembled at the WM nV toun,8t,on I lo use. Hi when the Zapatistas sprang Up rom filled to furnish a 18 000 bond (vnra '"' u"' M' submission to the publicans congress had dull their but his majeaty rain. e A . palace, un u tusii-lad- oi ib nilU leieiieo 10 ,oe B(JU11 Hi, Salil lll'-l- C 0 0 u a o UaStl JlCIoSS IIIC COUUirS aim e sines ami iireo inuroeroua seryea two years in leih,l ov somewhat. Into iicnoa eon which tl ind Un t be II e hall the party bearer. empreaa, has been In the train. years io IIS SOUld than standard e The who REPUBLICAN beavenwortn prison eighteen common purpose of th,- founders of tile dl icratS and (lie bill Governor Wilson met them halfway since At first the object of their attack - - those of e almosi constant attendance ago mi- ioiaiiiig ine iieini.nuj law. as Unit ... I - - iiue pally evltlenee tllele wasted II,,. use would be con- down the walk stretching away from occurred, re- e was a second class couch in which Smuggling 1. .', th,' acute attack in ammunition and has a no room for any serious differences. I h to es- were riding a federal escort struct u o legl a to amend the bis fronl the roadway, e malned at his majesty's bedside military brother, Kdunrdo Ochoa, who is Im- "Those of you w ho were present at corted Mr. Clark to tin- wide porch night. A consul- - with a captain and two lieutenants. trust laws throughout the prisoned here on tile same charge, the Convention in Chicago," he said, i completed by physlcians waa The federals sot out of the car as The republl win fin, much to and there the welcome e tatlon of court CBAfliTTEE awaiting trial. "know just how mm b truth there is I grasping ever, ligrim by the hand, ' In quickly as possible and answered the ;.praiso In the ev report, but will e arranged for o'clock the Two other Mexicans were arrested In statements of that kind." i,',w Mr. h lomethlng to atul fire of the but ef- w lib ii. The rind- Clark sal e rnornlng, assailants, their witii Ochoa, and the American offi- It was pointed out that the diffi- differ not wait until the hng line of rep- - e following bulletin was Is- - e forts were futile. new lugs of the Stanley faction Ol ine The cials believe I hey have nipped a bold culties which confront the party reaentatlcvea had Filed by ami had it.-- i 10 mornltif," e The command with the exception of oommtttee win not be a, cepted bj sued at o'clock this .scheme to furnish the rebels with a are of another nature, consisting ratti- collective say, so he held up the pro Temperature, KiL'.J; pulse, e ami two who escaped. er in putting a national organisation the republicans, but some of the log Will be Opened large quanttty of arms ami ammuni- - cession for a minute ,,r two and told Drowalnesa Headquarters ' m ,'- io2; respiration. :i2. l7mT tion. Reports from the rebel zone on its feet ill such ii short period, el islatlon proposed ine mume) the governor that they had come to e awake con- - e Thirty passengers in til ei ond is a be continues. When M... Vn.l rU'mnan nnrl peclally in states where there port win endorsed. see hllM and w ish llllll Well In hlB fight e la Nourish- - e Hi INCW I Wl l UIIILU&W CAIIVI , lass coaches were killed and many state that the larger portion of the lic k of j Uassa-- aclouaneaa clearer. an- en capable leaders. Representative Gardner, of land that they bad brought along their given bis majeaty this e wounded. In the first class coach no rebel troops route west I.. Record, came j til, suggestion of in, nt I Ceorge who here eli use! Is, will resist a to - Point on West Coast I j autographs in little book remind e morning. Condition remains un- Some one was killed, but one was danger through the mountains separating to(jav ri New Jersey; Charlea ll. Stanley that the data gath may The con- - lllhlialllla .iioi bKMIortl ami Mlial Chairman hi daj that th, democratic changed." ousljr wounded and die. I'homosoii from einioiit. Herb. by ol corpora-- 1 t Oregon, I ered the commission njttj( lie house closed up robably Portland, doctor, American named Aller, Is Reliable reports stale that less than I had ail Knoa smith, former commlaaioner made mailable to congress. Qf , H . not to i.uiiu rebels are between Juarea tiotls be jt at led down to Seagirt expected live corporatlona from Connecticut; He fearS thai the law Is changed (ll with next presi- - S Wire.) and Madera, rebel jchn atuted the By Morning .loornol After Hie train bad lieen swept by the southernmoal ll. McGlnnis and Colonel Thoi Hi., bureau of corporatlona win I"1 dent llv M,,rnlnr .lour'lftl T.'lul Vlrtv) New York, July 20. The personnel (heir fire Ho- Zapatistas rushed on base. as Daugherty, from Masauchuset o I tillable lo ge o II was confused SS ho 91. t na ( , ''l irnor Toklo, Japan, Sunday, duly of executive committee of lie j,,. iSti ken v ictims and began kill-- A small band of rebels has dashed dented there was anything in the n the - Repregantativs Gardiisr wu stand .n, r th,. crowd or sxpeot-- (7 ,':n I was an- of a lii new a, in. Some republican committee ing the wounded, a priest, unhurt, in behind Chihuahua city and burned ture break the parti I tlonal t- iv Stanley on tl in his lawn to emperor's condttl n this bat,- - o e o un, - - Chairman and slarted noted In the npunced by Chairman Hltlea pleaded with the rebel leader, Deboa, collie oi her. near lit III mi a i.iiini- l words died away before was aide to take n lit- i tO it away. "I want and ex-re- amending the shermi.t .ol .morning. He day. stop the slaughter, and censed. six miles This was confirmed ' ' they ri d his lips repressed by the night and will consist of J. P. me.ssag.-- lioana Colonel Raosevsll said, ting the huraea P" '" ". the tle nourishment during The committee, After sacking the express and today by from ChlhuaHua. alike." n heart) . b a r. Presently i ii t ne ...... v.. his tcmpi i a t ure at midnight was Iowa; Charles lil""l;el' gage the rebels poured oil on tile Wil e serv ice, how ever, has not been lie aoileo woiiui hikisi unit ni.,on n. ISstabrook, New I iirs ui.ooia th.. new iiiirlv enter 1 unreasonable" rcstriiint Ol H ide. the ceased nnd th governor 1 0 ii 'J , Connecticut; Pred V. (jdrs and putting the bodies of the cut uc.i.. )'. Goodrich, in- - Into an agreement with the republloanii other representatives will loin wlthjtoid h that he would treasure the The emperor's condition at Hampshire; .lames dead in them, set fire to the train, are reported , Virginia'. I six hundred federals purty until r which it would bind it- Martin umieion in as he hid welcomed o'clock this morning was so critical diana; Alvali II. Martin. Then the relief train arrived, there to have reacned Mlnaca, t& miles (Representative th were as- T. II. NeldrlnghallS, Missouri: B. nothing but debris and a few sell io utinor I electors who would Vinnnalnc the lull that the ministers of state w. si of Chihuahua on the Mexican in- J iwo kinds f r Tacoma; Alfred T. Rogers, persons, most of whom war,, hurt, to vote for President Taft should 6b- Hardner is at nrork on the report ie sembled at the palace and the Perkins, - vote. The otilv K,, ' y Wisconsin; Newell Sanders, TenneS- tefl the tale. tain the larger popular the reoubllcana. He thinks Bill? was made thai bis , I ' i .,. .. wr,...... ItOV .... . warn on tne nans guaroiug ine r he would lm 'presantath m i It.aroit- I restriction republican memberJ will sign it. al ", was sinking- The COUTt physi- s.e: n.nies ,.,..;., no tram l,.t u .. ti .Mitainoi ind I trance to ot Sinaloa. block- - ., i... ,,. ,h Williams, the slate u,i ll. , llllll he V .III on majesty ll. West, lllcag Ilia lei tl h i cians in attendance his .une i le wiiii its I port diagnosed The la lie: tire. m miowii g.v- at ii o'clock this morning ot . " '"""V V",1 "flndow,, Invade Sonor In Tl III Its dellherali esull t rebels after they " I"'M ' T led Tile seiei uons m . he ca i s w u u, on i so i a r a 'I'l... rellllllll 111 the case as acme nephritis. o, ,,. ii.ii ri Tha two Hays "let oei a nous known no one vas hurt, MThompsonrwho have been had II A bulletin issued at 3 o'clock this mlttee ot the national committee GOMEZ NI I'ltll VHS I. New Bnglandlry ...... - a r for the m-- party, nan he ciiri f teruoon rea ARRJBSTEU BV MARSHAIj mat tl'.aini the memhsra of th.- minority r Buffering treaa- - PUEBliA GOVERNOB HAS , doubt how th,- moveti cnin duty which tliev IWed HlC emperor has been a Tcx-us- - - fo "The San Antonio. July 20. Eml ,1.1 keonfldeni that their program American people. from diabetes since 11104. This de- flXmZulmlwork of picking th- - r NOT HEARD OF DUNNE. won fur in his bailiwick. The In, a tl l ,,r..,enee With Co 11 e S legislation Will he Ulo, II lie governor aged ItltO kidney trouble completed today. Washington, July .(). The gover- - Vasquea Gomes, for short 0 Alter speaking veloped chronic officials was not tin- country. he repunuci "111 lS06." oommtttee, all mem- - nor of Puebla, Mt x., has advised nr.ivisi.mal i, reshieni of Mexico, was Koosevelt ml. "we decided tolable to and Mis, Wilson had lie oil the In The executive the m, for state orri will not recommenu ui porch to take bet- p: b. side him, It was announced later that urae the national coiniiiiiiec. n vmerlcan ambusst al .Mexico Vttj arrested tonight by secret service endorse candidates Ifnemuers hers I cers w ould frOI support the dissolution of the sled trust. Tin he long line filed pal lhaking developed. His majesty s t direct the campaign that he has heard nothing of Patrick officers and taken before the United who hands mia bad be distributed KooscM-l- . I. , tors ll was IllHO llei lil a room ii headquarteri uunne, of Jersey CRy, recently re- About the bed has been moved to sitting work ai the three States commissioner. w to be 111 .ii , ported to have been to Go- ed that all OV6 Rngland candl tided that no move was Speaker Clark stayed halted empreaa remained follows: condemned same Francisco liuzman. i in the palace. The as time for eleel would be run In ti, t he government's tot i. liter of an In day. The iirooker. Rstabroi drlch, Mar. deuth at Beriataln, in that state. He mes' secretary, ami I r. P. dates embarrass at the bedside during the private ," in I H nil be go ei nor. tin ti 00K HI SU- - re- Sanders, at New ofk Adams says no official in Beriataln has au- custody on dependent!) against the steel corporation crown prince, Yoshihito, who is tin and Rueda were taken into Mr. Thompson explained that tin , to the how.... Colt ne! Rogers, Warren and thority to impose a death sentence; Pete-- win adhere to it. of chicketipox, and still Niedrlnghaus, the streets, and Frant'lS and con I covering from Perkins and that such a sentence would have to Koosevelt tones would not have OH at leal teach, tl here received West at Chicago, and Felipe were arrested while Hi,- In Is confined to his bed, the cltj .vol be sustained by the court Mlramon trol of republican organization inevleve Clark, his daughter, is morn- Williams, ai a Pacific cast - at Puebla boarding a train for Id Paso. New (Gnaland ami news of his father's Illness this mki ,,e .sain ne was making n unv .if the stales to visit to he chosen, possibly Portland. Bwcruui ...ii. be necessary ing. He has not been able further iga loii. Manuel I.. Marque, another of that it would lo TIGHTENING Visitor then separated. 'Ihe palace. Gomes' was a treat - el. el ol a ca lid ida I es independent LINES sat III a the KANSAS secretaries, later ir bareheaded rocker The imperial princes have been ed. "Ale you counting on curryln ii lown wiiti RepresentatlYgg resi- vlo- - of He New Kngland states-.'- ll Irlardwlcke, i leorgia, Henry, summoned from their summer Topeka. Kan.. July 20, Aft r an The charges against all six Is oi 0 nnd of liences and With the notables at pres- the Kansas l.ilion ol ilo- iifiitrahtv laws in set- - asK,,l Texas, on either all day healing before MOYEH ACCUSED OF not, replied, Ian t ent In the capital, repaired to the today, decision on the ting under way a revolution against "No. we ate he "We folks dow ti Mr Hard- - Bunre oiirt I we have a good chalice lo ROSENTHAL palace, where they await the latest attorneys repreaen.-lu- g a friendly nation. think Wieke tOld tile ge application of the carry some of them in fact, we have bill We llllll news from the sick chamber. w Kansas , The united stales commissioner feel sort of out the Roosevelt electors i good In all of these compel i chalice slat.s ,.f the reckoning. f us talk- - The present situation Is without for a writ of mandamus to held Gomes In o.iiu" ball; Gusman, except new county to print the electors Marquez. Rueda ami Mlramon in $r,.- - on Hie tl iomlng nit and precedent In the history of the clerks CRAFTING BY In M ii bus, it ided to u k ballots Per,- ; home ami The of his majesty's nanus on republican primary uiid bail each, and in $",ri)0 . leader.'-- Japan. laws Monday. .oentin MURDERERS a million d... Vis for ifou illness came as an absolute surprise was withheld until hail. been hing their heads to your -- The court considered the ease lor of the men were able I,, give foi campalgil uanggoe and Its unlooked for announcement None lo fin aide candidate h. re it s needed." of an hour after the hearing closed but bond all were committed to governor. Colonel settled resulted In the quick collapse and lloosevell ,i Mr, It d a conclusion. In- . Bard ki told on Hie local stock exchange. was unable to reach CAMPBELL Jail. They will have another their difficulties. said, by plop,,-- pries to'ey - POI I'l his friends planned to Kat-Bur- a, An agreement was reached hearing at In O'clock Monday morn- lug whose identity he n I' The return to Toklo of Prince a mini woiil.llr t tone) by going to all edl- - de- bj attorneys representing lo.h sites are allegeo dis.-iose- wi.on, I,.- described as Ucpnty mice the former premier, who hearing ling. Mlramon and Pete not tors of mirj newapapera In Knr-op- e to postpone until Tuesday the (evo the person to bead the ticket. their parted recently on a mission to ho have held commissions in the jusi Dougherty Si getting to was of the Injunction suit before Jttdgl lutionary army, dated at Juarez last Mr. Record said there was no trou thein start a iH expect.. The prince f Harvey count.-- Bet ond through popular Mtili-Tl- o officially noti- Odfl has b, bio in th.- party in New Jersey. Among the first to be forces President Of ll -, tin- thought tins Monday. ln this case the Tift WeStei Fede.a- leaning aui.---i "The bulk of leaders favor run scheme fied by telegraph Of the emperor's one oil Ii al If a million SasIn sectlol nlng an Independent ticket through hi illness. forbidding county clerks to place tin j tion Makes Counter Charges this out," h, said. "1 am in favor of run .ICIIIC b. fund. ll might be his - li became known today that name ot Kooseveu electors on nine our candlitles on liie iufcul... majesty waa unconscious from this publican ballots. and Both Men Are on Trial II.Lel We have Won ollf Vlrtolv II Qregg, of Pennsyl-rupte- d pj M'HENRY AFTER . tative . I ,i avir Illness yesterday. in., i oiihln an oartv and do not sei lv M..rnln J.niriiiil Ser,1 t to ay that Penn-- s .No bulletin has been issued from by Convention. YEARS, ABANDONED we should give that up. N.w York. .Inly 20 going 'or Wilson in No- - DAY IN CONGRESS. 137 i the palace since :i o'clock this after THE Phe question has not been decld Hose win, hired h noon up to 10 p. in., but it was ,.,). It will be lett open until altei tatlve Fltsgerald, of New I lih, We wll learned from the imperial residence SEN VI Ill Meriting Jmirtmi nrlal Leaavtl Wire I Chicago convention and in., ii of ihe house nppro- - Md . duly 20. The bugle s, n , light la that his majesty's condition remains Met at a. in. Cripple Creek, Co. July "'he Baltlrti tn,. ihe of what decided i J. i echoed across ,M,.rc." Is pproprialioii j reveille which has unchanged. He Took tip sundry w. U i stern Federation of Miners In Ills- - The physicians in attendance have in. the Pata i river and through Mr. !:ii,i. said uu.ii o Victor, went Int.. Henry foi th.- last l.'iTi n i given up all hope. Smith, ,.f South ih u. UtRANGEMENTS tett ol tegi lat ion In a gen-M- r. Ih. on s i In- prOP- - to ., II I !SSI V I : Ml-- . threat-Hea- l Panama canal cxeeuth this morning wears unle.l this morning for loll I'lUX. I'l tonight. AH . Fltsgerald said after-- t Toklo Is silent rty gov, was subject n- - 20, Three, possibl) of of the ruin. u take up the charge of Thomas Camp-- J In e, marking the abai Chicago, Inly wards looks lo as If con- - productions and the playing to laws. the day. will be the durat on of the ine Special re- internal bell, of Unite, who alleges that cer- - incut of Ih garrls s a military four L'gfesS t going to adjourn music has been stopped. .. part national Convention to be until .i. third A IIKU" ligious services are being held In the nn officers ..t ine federation are not post. Th. i in he on Auirus :. and the chances are that HOUSE f,.r the or were to Strong, Mass. irnoi Wilson reaches tho BuddhtSt temples. Not in session. workirif interests of the sent Pott ,,, riling to details decided hi Reo Services also lire bring held in the ganization and that the it, legates from The old fort, over which floated th I veil headquartera today. The lick s. n. xt March he will rail Buttle I. No. l, are not n i and We will be ItuSslan cathedral. entitled flag tin ed Scott K.-- will provide lor ronr .lays, nui at COLORADO OFFICIALS to seats in th, convention He . will The Change for the worse came to writ. v ,l...l u .....r xne, ted thai all the work suddenly Friday evening. In th" ,,t,r.r-r- , charges thai th.- recently elected of-- ."'". ''.".".. Z .. .' .. ,,l. mi within three days. Representative Sabath, of , iiirMiritruT I. l has long Deem ngwm u, , , a with the em- UNUtn HNLIL. IVlLli floors the Itutte local are under "' ..,.,:, sirll.i.ted with a who came lore prepared to say that midst of conversation tne of ..wn.-rs- . as useless as a means press, the emperor suffered a smbb u control linn. Idenartmelil ippllcants he was not going lo support c.oyernnr Pr.-sid- s Moyer defense. Hereafter It will be In chat money toward expenses, ll governor en- -. elapse and the curt doctors were Canon City, Colo., Jul) 10. The nt ch.irb is mie of contribute Wilson if he found Ihe those against whom Campbell has of a Civilian caretaker, is fig, ind bv the Roosevelt leaden district all. .in named ra. e prejudice, had a long sum moned. cases started by Attorne) ton. rat $L'r,.inn del made grave eharres m a speech op-- , that almost the entire cost of for. of private and . ai lo st talk with llllll. Harnett in August. It 10, against H. expenses may be paid by tin- aan indeuenden B. (Sibsoti, W. M. Qlbaon. Herman for in "He'a lair and broad enough for He was crowned at Kioto. Octobei IRRIGATION PROMOTER Tin- press seats grobshh no-.- Cleg-hor- 1"Z.'ZZ:':uZZ of tickets. Mi Ha said days he chose Loehr, former Warden John d on Monday. hath afterwarda. It, ISfiX. Eleven later and Ills Specific charg-- s against 'm"Campbell in will be assign, "We talked about what (inventor name Meiji. to doelgnate the of the state penitentiary, UNDER INDICTMENT . Porter, chairman of th, .the of were reinstated return, which, if Mil.staniialed. n v. on rilled in his history as ra reign. His wife was born clerk, a. it. Krishie. doubt Wll oust Campbell or- - on hall, today suld tin- Wll of his today. The from the committee Those men of the tner sort. I wanted In lvr.O. She Is known as her Im- in Ihe district court lute ganlsatlon. foi th, convention in tha who are charged with I'" IIS al lo ktio", wliat he meant by that perial majesty. defendants, President Mover said tonight thai -- CotlSellm Will llle S.II1I, tllose .Haruko. conspiracy to del rami h" statf duly 20. Krank I' convestlog ss the In and b. told me so plainly that The heir apparent, Yoshihito, Is tin- convention had consfituted ,n, president of the the republican w tl rough purchase ol lumber tor whi.-- and special exits from am going to support turn and work the son Mutsnhito and e W a court neither he nor..?Denver-Qreele- seats, platform m third of pieaoeo no, biiui, y Valley Irrigation to telegraph Bvery move was nomi- penitentiary, """i Campbell w. re allowed to att. n to- the press tables ihe t horn August 31, 1S7h. He dlsirb t. was arrested here late The delegates, the dlslrii in 1SS7 proclaimed crown Camiil 'll had rd him. h said. re rooms remain intact ,,. nated snd Tiu court fixed AUffUCl I Oth, as'th1 ifnf day on an indict no nt ,.f perjury ill rcuulri- only half th' full sattsfactl "He Suld IhHt h meant men of no prince in 1S8S. PrlnCe Yoshihito has J of iM'ini; a Kr;iflr arid an mv to M i.ow.v.r. Investlgi !;tt pit ik itil tlf ettln nted bv the county grand Jury. number or s. .t. needed at the repub ling the particular nation, but especially ed nnvv of his . ration, anil lie was going In ,,. 1.4 ! I Served in the arn.v and of The IrtaJ dat-- the le.l. Smith testifod Mr as there will mil' The name and to many both tnase man pro e n s " , ,, iieun ronvention, the lower element of country and in ISnfl he became ine leitte lrriKMli ,,1,1 delegate for every two man who rooe in tnt mu tnr Itiiinl-.- 1 afi-mi- charge., he out ... fed- - ' " ,,e Ftoosevelt niiious from which we draw a lieutenant general and a vice or thrown .,, at delegate This will leave 1, known. every FORI Mt. eration Csmpnell is 'he head f th ,n . republican itlon H. said 'Vim know I. May in. i!n. he married i' ...,lw.r un element, although I. W. W faction in tl..- federation "" j ' nation has evil I'linc-s- Sal.ako. daughter of nri r tin- - I . i.OOO I'W'l' " I nghiiid Ha- - Not Hit. fourth "fl. Net ... . .'which ar, secured by I'r a small one. Sometimes, even our crown Washington. July - -- M Prince Ruin MIchitaka. Tie iiotthLi. 'f..'h,V. I';l"1"".f "L'"'' I.' a.res o, .,,l in the district. A,,' lll- Senator Dixon, Colonel Roosevelt's Washington, Jul; " inms. own a lower element," and st eo south, lo. il showel I on nation has pr'n.'e sons, youne. Fair 11 manager, is expected Qrltioh charge called at the has three the . - .. .. i H. l, .1,, b ill e tlgat luct emmoala n d'affalra, I I then hei portion Monday fair. e n . . . ,1 m. sal, Yes. that's so.' and of whom nan born in ISO?;. Sunday. mi' i.itiKni lor lenrs. n i ., i,, up with Mcdili department again today, but did and Monday. Th- - will ed by Hie Jury, win, is a take ,(,. Said that he had written at a tlmo W nllfl the emperor f Japan has ArisoAs Fair sutnlay ox.iutiTo session continue l k in ehargo of the Chicago nnl .h iiyer the expected formal Iyocal - Sim-da- Monday found thai Ihe land is worth ormb ilie nil were bring- f..rtv-thre- e West Texan shower- I'" hav tin- arraiiKemeiiis f,,r test ot England sgalnst tin pgnsms julieti si interests been ruler of his rountrv tor - Smith lurinsh.d bond u , i heru to m and central portions, Aft.r the session today the dele- only WUB believed u ing that sort of men years, a period during which n'.rih I convention It bill. Monday gates paid a vi-- il to Cripple Of IJ.UV'J-!, til. he empire hag made remarkable in fair in south porlion. fair. Creek. TWO THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1912. progressives quit religious ceaa"S Ice Cream crisis ' V In Every HtPUUNS IN MM NLN IN Pay Envelope Freezers MICHIGAN FOR GERMAN y There Is a little that mlsht be saved. There are hundreds of wagt earnera hare in Albuquerque win,, by a little aalf denial, could save Jio.uo or 1X0,00 eaoh month. ;it A VI i IU,l m i i i WfD NEW PARTY Separation of Church and State Tins, with i hi' 4 per cent Interest which we allow, eom i eikku in, n wu i ist Becoming a Live Political i nded half yearly, would i" lew thin four years, amount lit. has ijcsh PARTI TO Question in the Emperor's I, , iimif than $1,000.' No matter what your Hillary la, wive a ow Develops When Conven- pari nf It, Ton can open a savings account in this bank with WKAit OB GOT hi i i Olt-- Monarchy. t tion Endorses Watkins for II. 00. Tour money will he safe always ami earning Interest. lint, bar woiuuira, Os- it over wtth ynur family, then begin in lava your Ooveirior, ruiiiiiM', Down Illv M. ..,,!,, Jnnnoal S.wwlal liim Wlrn ) Talk Berlin, Jul) 21 Th separation nf WIkj is first thousand next pay day. tium, Candidate. hni' h .1 ml Hliili' Ik In Uestlon In I li'i'iiiuiiy Knr sever art the supporters of ibis Idas hii & Co. , Bank Trust JOSLYIM i First IS CHOICE ' i n The Savings f Raabc & Mauser tvri'Wln niiiri- iiiiini'i mis ii ii FOR U. S. SENATOR lie im. ii. 1,1 classes nf llll pe.lpie rnlverstty professors an- oo. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent 115-11- 7 N. mini First Street in ii in fajvoi Dixon Informs fhem That Col riving mure ami compete mill the Anient ii.- i iti ii in.; tin' political , both ami ruiHi-- In i mi onel Roosevelt Wants Full lemocratlo party u fir I hi' men he I ik i il" wlin m' 'I b) Ticket in F ield No Com -- IDEAL OPPORTUNITY! LAGER REER it and iln f"i iii fin1 man) years. 'I'll.' null ship companies working eals demanded the separation above iliri' linn m the, a l DromiseSi sixty vi a l a ago, after the stirring, enme nv i r hers s ml mi n Ih ., aventa of im and assumed thai AimHmo ii ij. .i i tor they "in again auppori h n the ones Can Be Made at Home for 2 ,, I FOR Kepn m Muii'. i' Mi mil ill MomMf fftttrllal Mi..lnl .iiki-.- WlriM III, Ii Mli, mill come up l"i a VOtS In the II Altl.KS- s. OiHOHN RESIDENT SlO GOA'KHNOR , - ,, Jackson, Mich., July Michigan tin- Miilni-- wlin hii'- bet n Prussian legislature, Bven eon Mii'iiian krogie)aMlveN Turned Down state's diicf Rxeoutlvc for n, Cents a Quart, Narva mi 'in national campaign I'lnn va republicans ,iiv llservntlvc party, which contains moal fomlnatlon, t'onvcntlon Imlorsdng Ilia 'ippumni. lie Ilus Been a ltooa ,,t i, a)., x t ihe miitee. iiini itaiprtuMtiteHvi Thayei tin ii from iih renubllean in, nil, Protestants vi'li hut BcclaHHl for Wllaon, in evidently viewing atrr Cincinnati, Ohio, .inly 21. Through nf Mumin Inim H, Mi' Ilii- ( I (mi ntry, tin. Idfl i w sym INVESTOR brew-mast- tiiKi'thit. rrii- guest were nil fervet a Ne pa a Inn ith KruwItiK a recent liscOVery of an expert n- "Kreua-Zeltung- ," the m-- I ,,,,, a the lawn wnii punch without i 'I'll.' Dial uli nf ibis city, delicious Ice M ilmn ONLY 0NF CAMPAIGN made stimulating iiikh ilii in in ii and iWtl cold Lager Beer can be rlghl at man ' m a i leading editorial mi the 000,000 nf lis population, Germany home tor - nts quart, He hai Hhf. H HAND BOOK THIS YEAR ial. In tin fl WhlCh says "In ihe conael t'v"lmual do Ihe same fur from 21,000,- - concentrated barley mall ami Import- Representative Ruby, of parly Is a lupblly groWil good M III llli' II. there iitii) in 21,000,000 "f herd, lew Ei a Fruit Farms Provide ed hups, the liiKi'edients nf all Mil. I in iiu. gov wnor pi.sition I., prevanl 'he further wecu brewery i er, ao thai only by the ad- - lh( Pntaah Mlnlne ItUk, I 'or CanltallHti "Every Missouri r. larlxatlon ami externallxutloii of New Vnrk. Jnlv -- Ii Inatead "f ill. Splendid Man .. the Wliil.. in, lash i, i, lies uri In.' frnin Chance for ?'iloii 0tUSRi?ni wi:"r- u,d8"0fa U h ii. ii i ami' up. T Ii ml a ml.. church by aeparatlng it from two demiicratlc campaign handbook, Intoxlcdl mil im growing eatrangemenl ol ihr terrible exploelona which make liny (eating n., In Miesuti igelntfi me national Illee Wen- ill stale." The mining dangeroua life and wh,rh " U:,H " cuatomary to issue Who Wishes to Spend Part of is made, It is very easily made rishi yon. Wi- Champ the (lerman people from all churchax uae in in any kltqheir, requiring no appa- wanted ilk I" li.ilay n la property a dlxoater al thi Jeaaenltal 'or nf speakers national I. II II I. ' is another argomeni advanced, w in of any a few dues Will, H. 'I' ilulil Mi min i's nf (he sll mine In Meckienberg Hhow thai pot-- 1 oampalgna, there ill be bul mie tins Time Cultivation of Trees, ratus kimi mlnutaa illal nol mora than one peraon I yuu bei mOft aid thai l , i Ii v v,,ar an, thai will the work, it is said thai the beer attae ha ilnl ami wi want in. ! recommended Bev aah minima an .yn, ii,.iv bus). be iaaued at an ynu mm,, nut iiiul in um in Berlin attenda church. early date. Heretofore the math' b) this method is far snperinr in in mil slat, Watklna, nf .lackaon, , rms-Ia- neaa for the capitailata. This mine, on natlona hereay krlala in the L'i rs i i recent ami iin- - In the in val.nin hreW'eil in milk.' a spi h when tun hiii.' .mil Theodora M Jogl if Villi. Hi alao willed admit $1 b.'.ii oommlttee campaign commit- n such op- - Kvangellcal church have tee has Iaaued Mm, bul this it It baa there an Cincinnati, the city that la nuted fur The governor replied thai ha bad i or united Mtatea aenai Unpatua in the lentl-m- i Hprhi for development, hue been total- Mar glyen a sin, im ly propoaed in combine the two. portunlty offered the local public as its fine beer, smne people will iiiies-tha- t made mi Diana fnr tin' campaign amij irrlendi nf dovernoi nt rni a pa ration, it is the opln wrecked by an Inflow M water, an I in New Fruit, tion the legalit) of brewing beer at when ha did he wmiiii do thi viaorouai) i In ill underground connection having been praaented tha Bra tented bul p. II l)f Ihe National y.elluni!. a baililli' lu I home, hut il das been carefully in- - by i Ii a two mllee dis- Farm adrllllan which loealml on iiei MiKsnuri ihm in .mil, p.' miniM in. ni i, ihe convention ol liberal organ, thai there established with lab DR, GIBBS, EXPERT ON . I national .'iiiilli Brnailway, m.t far frmn Ihe uthoritles ami The speiiai pulled nf Seagirt governor. They in l In coun tant. While a parly nf iiiiiiinv: officlali , "in a Candidate fur a read) a clear majority the Highland ear line, Is one in be legitimate under all pres W B 45 I iin- toe were at the bottom Of lln- Mi ill. nu t This tract imund fur ashington at with alitiid people anould Bol offered tr) fa) "i mi: ih.' aaparatlon nf church TUBERCULOSIS, DIES ni' ent laws. For further Information a heluw llle ill Ian . repair- fertile land, under irrigation ditch, speaker I'lurk and marly all the any hukimi inns regarding candidate ami state half mile to Producta Co,, I a mighty in sued a location thai it offers at write the American the convention endoraed Hena, (Jcrman-Brltia- h Strained. ing the holtting apparatus, othera aboard, wheh RelatJona once place a resi- Dept. ISS, Cincinnati, Ohio, and ask tor WalklnH, I'll', Illation Of iislmrn attempt to bring rush nf water was he. ml in Hie dis the for pleasant The journaligtic Delrnll, Mi,h., 20. lient',' and the chance for for free booklet, "Secrets "f Making m. p.'ilii.iiiM began ai .im .'. a peaceful aettlemanl nf He' tant tunnels. The men were barely July Word fruil culture dimity wii ii w it about received here tonight on 8 small scale OS a. side Issue. Beer al Ho ." Mull, nf FMamondalc, dlfferencea between Germany ami able in save themselves, iitndliiK ihe of ihe death mi Ill s r in miii UtTKIlf Nathan I. of half mile nf ladders onlj an Inatant Thuraday in MoAleater, Okla., Of The addition, which is now all in New fork, Jul) 10, Natlonn was recommended by i in convention Hnglund by means nf an exchange lr - repreaenta-Uve- a tin- flood awepi up the ahaft, Heneage Glbbs, formerly a sel out in trees, congreeaman-at-larg- e, bul he da- between prominent before member alfalfa, has been fruit Chairman McCoomha, nf the dem im It tn forty ynrda of the University nf Michigan facul- - will be look committee, am Inn il II, make Ihe III' " of both natlona, carried qui by which filled within and these trees carefully erratic national of eurface, At Hm tune lb ami ai one time one nf the world's ad a by the company promoting Secretary im were bua toda) waa Iii the publlahera of 'he well known the fter 15 Per Cent Off inn ti,,. afata commit lee askril let el Of the lake tell IN h iM.iunsi pathologists, nr. Gib Us was the every la at iin- temporary headQuarlera of Ihi cierman monthly "North ami South," addition until lot sold. recommend lo the conventli illleliaif led Ihe shuwitii; thai over 480, iM a pioneer in the campaign against The tree planting, and the cutting Of i;rinii,; mi,, Si'i'lllM merely' In haVr lominiit'i' iiuiiks siiai'i' ,n,im,, i,,r governor, The rei g lb,- milm fl ,, tuberculosis. SO 160 for I , - The viewa nf BalfoUr, nf water had Into the section Into lois, feet by tu iii u ii rn Iti, a iiipa imi lure. Per- ii, ,ii ol commute doea nol mi eiintnvra the fjord I In hla Thon Barclay the lake alone, feet has all been done by the 'John mam nt headqua rtei i probalil; by the convention lie, sir nomlnatton mill a lulu: llsl nf nihil prom h M. Moore Realty Company, sales opened neai Tuaaday ai Thl lir the primary laws any man rhe mananrs RANCHER ATTACKED agents. atfeal ami Broadway, KllKllsh pulllli ami publiClftB are a total diss, conglderlng n utterly 20 Days Only twenty-tnre- a leaaing umber ni iawered in in pump nut the worklnga in BY "10C0ED" STEER The lots in this addition are the in which rmane, repreaenting parliamentary, view uf the eonneetton nol only with neareat approach to a suburban resi- HFF0R1 IS MAM FOR Hilary, banking, Induetrlal, agrar Ihe lake, bill alXO Willi llle Kiln'. dence com- .Inly liver and small frull orchard li ami Journalistic cln lei in the bined that have ever been offered to PARDON OF pui in clrcu under '.liisi publtehed, The llsl ot Itnawell, N, M., ,Ii the local public, latum today. II i ii rman aympoa Phillips, a mil u tor ii in iin rancher, whll The lots Within easy walking Hena to Joaenh m ,,, li IJchnowaky. nf bis la mily tu are Tin, coming of in. im s prince town todu distance nf the Highland line, but hail iih h in id, i., ,,,,. ,,c Inrils. Ailbur um ilwln d d ear On all Sun July 2U II w IMton probably In of I'm i Electrical Fixtures, allilKC". , - i spite the thai this is the ,,, thi- Deutacho hank: mop, Id il In pin a . Bounced toftay by leaderjl it wnii carrying the "full director "i ase ami thai the lots are particular!) as aii thing. Tim factlona augual Tayaaen, one ot the greateal mat's head lo pul movement in aeoura a parole f' Choice, tile prlee is as low as $ .'mi In Shades, Electric Heating and induetrlal leadera; Counl pranks. The steer, I d had d, convicted San I i a iinrinan instances, lahmn Ruafi i mm. i. nf tl i by several with almost ah) i iiitfsky, formal 4Br "locoed" eatlna ls polltinal buss, thai iiii except ., ,i kimi of I. llli h u rw ,...iu,i,,.- ... verely in- team terms offered. lh lory Which Convicted line fii' ,,i prti horned of mules ar Cooking Appliances and Flat Hill In Inldl i in. inn. I'ntint II ,, mile 'dtllit.s MlKIH il I nil Bmeet allaekeil anil the petition slate hla II HAVE p. ami nihil famil) licfori was killed. vol si;ia THEM? ni in lean dlrei mis for ins Id It was nt He relchatag, Irons. Ii era wiiiie lawn ten aprons, twiirih Juror could noi be i fine grade Ihe hhiillt i lister ami M Ahli i nn, ludoa Viimiral for slutlc Fleet. f lawn, mercerised embroidered The petition III Wi- Ihe . nils of Jostle d addresiina ihe VVoahingl lul) 20 Hear Admiral (scollop edges, floral spray cmbrold- - think i u nubeerved per wild popuiaro auytiuseu Reglnahi I'. today or- - centers, iMJekets, be b) urantini ihe i" am peror, and i n im Nicholson was tiomstltclied Abraham rtuef." , bancs novi thai the ear nf ihe lered to strirupj, onlj :io nf , d Ol h' Hei llll ilKi'liimi relieve Hear Admiral Joseph fl h ti ll there Wi.llf. tor II Direct from Hie factory, than probabl) ) ii luential Murdoch as e in unlet in ehlef sliliimtiit ii would in- nom ami f tallies' handbags, a Hno COLORADO ESCAPED Hi in l,ell of the Asiatic fleet. Several vessela 11 nf Pf tile Heel il.l.lellell II. Inrm the ,gonuliic leather imu. genuine leather CONVICT Rl CAPTI P S "China squadi " during the rocenl lined, genuine German silver frame, Nash ll Juioilki ii hie'.' pocket purse Electrical crisis in i 'inn. ami placed lind v I he and on Bh Barclay's orltlcla I tha M Uic Iiisbie, a strictly high grade ar- Thomoa command of Admiral Nicholson, will tha H'ranoo-- t ticle, 91.25. tlemenl of if in- merged Into Asiatic fleet by to- - Han Prencli nave naturally failed lo the Women's washable Supply Company, Pruaalan wi chamoisuede convict pleas.-- and there is in return a oune gloves, extra soft lisle buffed; looks stai.' pi i as radc , - It li in at English policy like real only 30c, , till VI II- III H n general ci smile: annul-- hi.. I.' a to hamper Germany all Dam ComplcUil icross )llHslslppt- - Ijnlies' fusl hose Ihi- - VI i 1'. l I H in desiring MUCH, blink with 506 W. Central Ida PIUXiBKHHI i Nu'l' eai ape a f. coati i me and all, he ' lerman writ Keokuk, lowg, July u. The last isiied balliiggan feet, 2 pairs - .1 in iv- Moines, l.i., ni 20, The first , a strong - you lifted i. i"il. lies i fl, fend ' in existence ol lltir Sister Willie must coma gap in the Construction Of the Missis- THE MAZE, I ol lem iiini cant 'i He formal step loward in furmatlon Herman Bet as a vital issue betue nt once. Mamma wants you. sippi Power company's dam across the Win. Klckc, Proprietor, as arreated ay. a third political pm iv iii towa wai hems, needed to protect its Willie sis. iliin't Interrupt ore at s. ever) riv er ni ii is place was closed today ill liisi Street. fur taken today, when practlcktly it triUoa point in de , a 'e am ti 3 . BALDRfDGE Hie fund ami for the ftrsi time in its history nt at 107 to 107 In itn ninth land i'l I i the Mississippi is at one of For summer In ,t ami supplj lerman) as t Ihi'i.ltdil diarrhoea children LUMBER COMPANY ran puswlbly desert me team Just MOW, j held hare fo ii.. I nut that is widest points The last crtb for Ial way alve Chamberlain's Colic. Choi. ermany raises the foundation Of cement work was era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and cas- - , Paints, Glass, Cement, Roofing Try a Want Ad. ,1 her popula-'li- Try Ad. cotnpletad today, against the low.ijtor oil, and u speedy cure is cartain, Journal u hen In li ami cites a Journal Want Results side of the project, For sale by all druggists, and Builders' Supplies. t t f 1 1 RAYNOLDS ADDITION t ? ? y t West from Eighth Street South from Gold Avenue i y A DOLLAR DOWN! :: :: :: A DOLLAR A I WEEK! XI z No Interest or Taxes for 1912! i1 i x : Lots Sold Yesterday : 1 I 60 60 t1 1 t 1 ? J & McCANNA, 6 5! HOGE Sales Agents GROUND FLOOR, STATE NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Te THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 21. 1912. THREE SSSUWB TRAINING CHARLES EVANS IS SAN ANTONIO GIVES FOR AN INVESTMENT YOAKUM RETURNS VICTORIOUS OVER NEW RAILROAD BUY LOTS ON P)i3IiB1rift ri i 1 Tnniinnnnm WARREN K. WOOD $250,000 BONUS HIGHLANDS i uiviunnuvv STANDING OF r..' - THE CLUBS Lapp. Struck out- HOI d National i cogue, Kansas Cyclone Realizes He Willi Lost Washington, 3: si, Louis, ;t. Edgewatei Club Playei Defeats Metropolis of Texas Live he Crossan-Kenned- y Addition Pot Washington, IM HI .744 July so. Washington Has to Work Hard to Condi l Louis, stir Rival Chicago Golfei in Sen-- to Rn Not Highlands 4!i 88 jjjj si. buttled eleven Innings ! Its Reputation ly on th Offers i 4 7 ifiSO ii tlo when the g Himself Coming Bat 34 was called tion for Finish foi 4 4 4:1 ,pij account of darkness. Hughes sational Western Cash Subscription in Investment .Safe as a Bank ,.riOO lakenod tlo wilh Texan, liu 39 3D after two ware oni hi the Amateui Championship, Ci 4;.,, j'hllltll ilinhij;, Evilly tw p$iUe all fhan Two Weeks, wilh eater Profits, 3 :s a hit, 7 thing the scoro. i ii ii Knlffht. the (Canaan ryolon R. ii. B, I moi down to actual training yesterda ,Wi Murnlng Journal ,1 i aion ;i s a .,,..1, II,,. arrival frnm Manll. Hr Si.. r,l Vflrs CorrftttMAdonea i Eltaralaa l,i,im ,i, No real estate proposition offering ii f louver. Aim rli n Dengue. uuia 3 J Colo, tomorrow night of Buiniey Jul Thai such excellent Investment featureshas Won Pet. Batteries ii lohnaon VoakUm, Texas hoy, who Kvans, Jr.. of the ICdRcwater Do ety been put on ihe market in Albuquer- - list and (Kid) the I club, Chicago, late loduj I'mssan-Kenned- y B2 .0117 Hi; liiumi Iner, Allison and) now in making his iMHtdquartert. defeatc today at a Inn, in quo in many years us the Huston 8t lull .11 K , w celebrated Two-Mila- I OOd "I Ho II, no ou now be-- : M 34 Krichell. Albuquerque, camps id mo mi ; addition, whleli is Washington &U iae hlti Schaefcr, In the Chicago, the i mil her hotel ihi ral "' Philadelphia : 38 ,588 Has,. on bulla- - Baum- - two boxers will be the center of club, for tin amateur cnan ling put forward by the John M.Moore ok l.ptonship of C.olf ass, 12(0,000 cash bdnUS tor ,1 butld- - J eoncern liau- - Cbicu .838a gardner, 8; off M 3. off Allison, traction from now till July 30th, when tlio .rn liealty ('oiiipain. Tills Cleveland 4S 48f Baumgardner. the two lightweights moot 111 a solicit olatlon in tin- associations , 11 : Ins of the san Antonio, Ho port ,v '"i s town mill country properties on .48 New played on til ia seals that enables them U) offer to iviroil 13 40 .88 Allison, i; bj John- - uled contest; before ths annual tournaniotit Mexican railway What ma 0 Mexico Athletic club, to decide ths links of tlio Denver Country club '"" the buying public the best there is compltshed by energ) and ae Ity bus to awd SI. Louis 25 ra .2!)8 light w eight una mptonship Ol ins shortest course "I nun' holes. Jut ail times, fioth the Investor I i homoseeker; is one of louthweat, The final score for the ihlfty-f- l been shown b) mem bqi the! the and this S-- i.-- the best they hav had to for I ..cogue. New Vork, M; Cleveland, 0. This boj Knight a willing worker I or commerce, wl offer Western Ol holes was: Kvans, Up. chamber h -- IF I'XIHIIES, hieago, some time. Won New York, July 80.- - New fork land tin. waj he atarted training UH boat ret. I Kvans' score hal raised this year in subscript! a doubleheader from Cleveland. terday shows ho Intends to pul In Champion of for the last Tomorrow morning surveyors win ..,',1 411 .684) f the $1 New York Mi,. first hu scoring everv dav from now till the 6V0 ol I the citizens, 16,000 cash he on the ground, lots will be plotted r,o 40 .;,r,6 "mi World in. challenges Heim, Chavoa, whlch la record loci Cald-ba- ili, f h, the for the .v. ami atakea driven, so that ..4S 43 .533 jtwo runa in the ninth Inning, tt mini: himself tlio IUH'k) no (ham he Sun Antonio, Uvalde numbered wi ll, con t. Is overweight now llnuiltain Ill's,. Ill prospective buyers may visit thetrstpt .. 40 4 1 ,688 running for Simmons tied the plon. Until road; 11,4)0,000 lor the cha score figures thai ho w ton Before the enct ami locate definitely tile Mock that ..43 14 .494 when he stole home. Chase's li,. ('lull b ' Now Mlil. III l'i I'oinmercc, ami I860, 000 , .44 48 ,488 Infield hit scored Moloney with the '" i""1 in. winning run. lav of the fight, which welghl ho n I profasslonals as remarkable m many t he san Antonio, K" kpori This tract has man, aihalilams ,.88 132 Culdwell pitched his Is ooated a forfeit to muke, beiudOs ways, oniony irmn uie nu t mat that cannot be found elsewhere, it ..31 S86 e" arac 'ho seaaon in the sec- cm railroad. It up a appearance. I1" ll close to town. Is high and dry, tree ond Kamo, holding tln forfcll for BTvans played an up-hi- game all the year 1 01 3 rcni Cleveland to four of tl The win bs inhered from mi possible conditions. Hanley. manaser and trainer twenty-nint- H- malarial h . L until the h m- - MM, ol hu was a flukl I OWEN time hols. In San Antonio as on the - It WHERE THEY PLAY TODAY game ipcal favorite, Kid Voakum, also hi IRAN when he became one lor the tnst affords the finest view to he had First Score: it. H. posted for hla protea lu I""1" from iiiiv point In the city. To the Now York 4 8 similar forfeits time, although he succeeded in eveii 01 avoldlnu an.v possible hitoh at ' nee was tne Hmaigamuuun an me tward can be seen the mountain League, Cleveland 3 11 ilng the score twice earlier in the National the eleventh hour or a d'apute be- - ges, extending to the north ami n at Chicago, i eommerce, making It the largest th us far as the eye , an reach. To Two-baa- o TO C E i ,1 rk al Cincinnati, Cregg and Livingston. hits Knight has fought In altitudes as W Willi loll rs of ii in in Ho- Miuih. ami almost tin- second w eat ward ilea the entire city, phis at st. Louis Birmingham, Ryi lackson, 8tm- - high as Albuquerque several tlmeaJ pn both sides tin contestants played! largest In the country. Hardly had Ii the river beyon III, III the dll-- Tbr base hlu Cregg. Zlnn, he realises that acclimation to par Kiii during the enure ,la. The I hla been accomplished before the Oe Ule Klo I'll, I hills, behind I and American League. liyan. Base on imiis off Oregg, S; this rarlfled atmosphere la of prime hole ol the thirty-si- x hole members were called on to raise tha ise rim the sett sun each dav I feature Off Warhop. --'. out By If contes thirty-thir- d. Ban Antonio, Uvalde irua a pano Nil ii b scheduled today. Struck importance, especially the A FOU L match iih the Woodfbonus for the Warhop, 7: by 'Oregg. t. ahnuld an more than a few rounds. 0 .drove out of bounds on the t if. A Oulf railway, now being construct- - to describe lull ve sir, Western Lca&uo, Second eami Scoro: R. H, K. Hence road work will be ono of the but made a particularly fine drive led between 8n Antonio and s point the for i New Yi irk 4 H 1 most important training stunts on lii. edge of green, on the gulf coast near Aransas bar ace trontm Denver at Omaha, to the further the a lot by a (Cleveland o 4 2 daily schedule and the next week will on badly broken bor, the new deep water port toi this h surmounted Lincoln at st. Joseph. which is situated ungalovv would afford' a imuoiies: .aniweii ami Bweeney; iuub a ,u ,,11 Die u cm. which, oeinsi i"u miles ci Wii lilta at Sioux ( 'ity. " unuiinl would salistv the Ideal of Kahler, s i and O'Neill. Two-bas- e mile oval at Traction park regularly nOUffh A'GreSS0r All WUV. IhaxiiiK already i. in ualveaton, will effect a largi Topeka at Del Moines. e ei ..s 10, no- or. The weid end of tlio Stern lt. I'lise on halls munium. neciai attempt to hole niving ill freight rates. !i,,,... portion directly 't- Knight claim to bi am-iig- hack of off Caldwell, 8; off Kahler. 8; off doesn't is 11 immediately afterward, in a . 11.-- iisnei uisriuaimea ih Sit) buildings ami ground.-- Steen. I. Struck Mill Uv I'al.Kw Il. ' lev. r periouner miiii ms 1 weeks, 180,00U NATIONAL LEAGUE a lasting four offers I, BS level as a floor, '2 f the "wide. open, take chain'.., - where by Kahler, teen 1. Ninth Round for Using Elbow ? U o, vv men w RS for support and inalri- slug variety" of fighter. He believes xne applause raised the K or filling would ever be greeted his effort was Ctrl short, I, nance of the chamber of commerce, Philadelphia, I I: Chicago, 2, in Wading In and risking an exchange n Clinches, when Kvans made Ihe most spectacu- - ri suiting also n a noticeable Increase hkago, July 20,- - Alexander wasi WESTERN LEAGUE to got in his Jabs, hooks and swings ' idle-driv- say, , play of hv putting) Ii civic pride and harmony, business that ,ill cities grow to the line form, Philadelphia defeating He has a left, they Mar the tournament which spells once it is thirlv feet and holing his hall Oh jal n ady has attracted much ft high lands, and With tin certain tu- :ago In the final game of the "curtains'' (By Mornlag Journal soeHnl wire.) tor,, on a vital spot of an atagon ..arrom ofl Wood s ' tinging ili itiei for San Antonio, of Albuquerque, evo years SB, III Des Molne, Topoka, ". planted . , Alexander allowed one hit !: Los Angeles. July 20. Vfter lore- .' tw o weeks ago he hence will find, these lots worth four Pes Moines. July 20.- - Des Moines ist's anatomy. So much for Phil v, J'heer greeted the I About eighth and three in the ninth, Knight. ing what r fighting there was fr lip. h times their cost today. They are hut look the first came of the series with -- ( of which were home runs, only saw v :!,,;v';:n"v; ;;: ' ,;. ; s Rcckport M i w o blot ks north ol Baal 'cut ml Chlcagoan base Topeka. The nam,, was a slugging Now as to Yoakum. Those who v ;;,, .s "... A,..,.i, reached second in h s lirsi encounter with : sri an was in ' avenue, ami three blocks from the contest throughout and was called in Yoakum England, gallery raiiwaj oeitun. , to Cheney Ma- - lighl-Scor- an. ol was disqualified fir EvullS was In the lead. The , Highland the ninth. and inning on account of Louis Newman, Ho Denver in m s,t, as It pro-- ar hue. making them eaujy v the seventh rain. using hla elbow In clinches and the more BOO persons watched Interes and to were liit hard. R, B. j weight, In which contest went of than .greased', completion ol It, cele- - reach rrom the business district. R, 11. ll. the decision award,,! by Referee Charles play breathlessly Woods' the ore: B. H the almost Because of their elevation above the Des Moines ,...510 Hlfl 2 ! (Ii twenty rounds to a draw, according to Evton to Chicago. brated al the luncheon today, caused - 4 1 Jack White, of loss of the preceding hole caused His din ami smoke ol the city, they are Topeka 320 021 0 7 15 lithe referee, but in which Yoakum m m w s rejoicing througl ou, the city. Phe 0 The abrupt cnling of the ,,. , v.amgh. Taking more time to become ihecholPS Phlladelph H 12 s- Roggo, Douglas Me-- 1 had enough to hav e him certain residence Batterie- and shade earned received nilngied cheers and - campaign was ' " yoa-s- Batterl ei Cheney, Maroney, Ver-iara- Hornsbv and Schmidt Two I a decision on points, and in the sec- - h usual, he aimed long and cafe- ",.,.- - section of the cltj before many . "' 'ho bit,,,- tor Mora,, ,.,,.,. hanks tug hoUSS ami ln- - son and Archer, Alexandet meeting won In ;";"IS' ,,, in ,W(, p,.r. As u holding Ihe.v are a, better rotter; base hitn Cochram, Korea, Belden, ond which Yoakum the referee. i" owners, extended to the r money and KUHfer. Two-bas- e hit Paskert. Schmidt, Oardner, Walsh, Home round, when the ref-ru- n ana feet drives and holing on the third, ''v d,- vestment than in the bank at the sixteenth - and amity the popular - - New-"a- -- ,SV': up. On in,- tail trade ar lUltlly safe anil Home Schulte, Zim- Kores, Sacrifice liit eree fight to sav e , 1. """"', "'""i,".'! making the mitch even - interest; they runs Luderus, Belden. stopped the a,l I tUttd le- nearlv j to lo He llo- in Ro'gire. i tei' , Ihe thirty-fift- h. Wood Increase value will earn triors merman. Base on balls Off Alex- on balls Ii Hornsbv. man from needless ounlshment. the off -- a)l o'iu' ,"S ;,','',n 'Hied In subscriptions rom ii the n y Mian any bank an pay ander, 2; off Cheney, I; off Maroney, '8. .Struck out Rogge, I; Douglas, 1. dopesters are firm in the belief that vi v I' drov.. mm rough. BvaM ei ' iff on, ti. Struck i it By Knight is going to have his hnndt be'ttoi of onlyUhe green in three, and though '"' vV.,,".,,.;,.,,,. , ,, !,a i ... in BUer. White had the determined have h .,,, lv hlooka ,' ,.. , ,...... , It is If there, . landi r, 7; by Vernon, 1. ... i, full all the time. certain that round, the seventh, when he lost bis temporarj advantage U,rv ,, J . ,' , 111 fill won '' '.N -- Jack Hanley can Imp landed n swings to Morun's Wood missed his pint and Kvans '"" J' ...... St. Joseph. July 20, The locals. throe '. ' hiK coming boul le dll 1 ' with a shifted line up and batting or- as bS " f metropolli ol Texas, at Join, m. Realty w ut many had the Moore Vork, Pittsburgh, hot ween first and wmai ri,.B( i th 'T 'I', yln Chick the the T Mo in w,s w,r, ed fifth . der, knocked HttKerman from the box I om pa u v .. v - Ittsburgh, July ZU. New York Is I , Coin!, ruction ,s lo l,e oemio a. ...i.e. unices, jii esi loouavc- I , ,,, I S battles, the Dallas boy going ...i, v a i: that ri ii noon opeooo ravor. arA Evans i being now nUe, Visit today, see if the last game of the set IS a l . - mnlerlal and euiilnmeiii ll"' tracl and I! 11 1.: " mimuy oiliiKeioos iioii m hole, w Is. In an i Mtm ,,;",,T"."' f the last 11 nol n overlooking he wen is, , Will ' Sanym, have, S runs in and null 't 7 for the Kansan, Hie cyclone he ii sed his ,,, ., i, ,U!- drive, drove if v yards ',, , J , ...... ill Lincoln the ninth inning. The pitcher; -- I notwll hsla ml in St. Joseph . lilt 310 tOx 8 10 were , v ell, live and were given error- Battortca l ll, Wolv crtoli Yoakum is a oiiKiii ,ii pup: Oe a I op-llo- l II ami Carney; Woldrlng II (MISS, It, wains lo ell lie R, H. E. Three baae hit Powel Two bl In Hanley ami, host of all. lie loir ,,., 'tr--: w;;r.;--.- -: HAMBURG .IMERIfiM Pittsburgh 3 0 hit Zwllllng. struck it Woldi The veteran boxing Instructor, Irs JSS.WW In one-tim- e The hole WM halved ,, , will .New York Hagerman, 6. Bat on bail! or ami leading lightwolg ht, was l st us much difference of 'nd,n v, ihe rallr f o. IsttaWerM. i: .the in. - Qibsoi Woldrlng, 3; Hagerman Is a boxing book In himself, and If he mn a .H the Wolitasl Itlvers he match and lournunu ,.,w,.,. Httn ,n- ,,.,- ,,. J? sV Robinson ami ' i ' " 'v teach Yoakum Is to fight, thai cause ,',1,1,, ,i a i lo- i,. val TUNS ithewson and Myers. Twi ean'l all there of "'V''' , ton,,, nd Rio Orunde Mips M - know about the boxing game. no letchcr. Itase on halls- Inialia, I : U. v'",:' .he triStsAm July 20. Inabll ono can. Hanley is aware nf Knight's :;:V.:::,i,,;!,;,::rr." 01 omaha. Denver's a Falrl) Moi n h o success In the cnampion-- i Ma at opportum reputation aK slugger. He knows ho showed his A m m hv Ity to find Robinson rn ' lias a sh op producing left hook, ' While, whoa, si ship cf We-te- lol, as. limes coupled with a multitude of or and 1ZXU ol lb. ch, r of gam ho kooWS he Is a fighter always on " " ss of has M gave Omahn the second i . effect which m tors, top of his man from the tap of the ,1 vh lh tcd In the sec morcc. the i inii- -. 2; Brooklyn, I. Score" ft H E Is'""-- ' oii loos,- 'I is o, Hoi him. St, won Hanloy Is going to put Y Ills, July 30. Louis Omaha' urn nni 20x I 7 'iri xy Around ooklyn, TWO errors and i the locals their and Johnson. and tile fans should see Die greatest r '3S Batteries Robinson on boul ever staged in this pari of the for m nning. Kinseila and, Base hails I R. H. B. I Rnbinaon. 1: Kinseila, :!. I!il bj country when Knight and Yoakum Cgl - meet. 2 pitched ball Johnso Struck out- "fJi the 1 ; line thing certain, t is ac B 2 Robinson, -- Klnselh oakum 1 .1 climated; moreover is a for ami Hliss; Ying- - he glutton uei Steele City. punishment, living up to hla name Icon r. Two-bas- e hit Fisher. VVcl (iroiinds at sioux 'jo. City of the "Iron Man." 1" IsnT afraid ol nol lo White, ,11111 give s Yingling. 2 ; oft Sioux City, July Sioux PMoran foul and when iia.ouu, off game postponed; wet :li I, for,,ni,(, hi vi u out By Steelo, Wichita ".p-X'- j ruck grounds. wilh two hands and navigates on two Icisi!; . legs, lie has fought weltcrwelghta mid ONE ROUND HOGAM mlddlewelghts in comlngcon- - BRUISES LEAGUE and the ' t iticinnali, 2: Boston, - PACIFIC COAST tesl is going to give away in TO TAKE ON j the n. pcs SIGNED ;"' Vn icjrtnutl, July 20, Cincinnati neighborhood of pounds, for Yoa- 0n ,r , i.n 6 ' Ii il Boston in the final game At Si n Francisco kum is a legitimate lightweight, TOMMY M'FARLAND series. Fromme was effective Srort fighting always at the i '!" pounds ptuiV ;" S. S. CLEVELAND a a ' gliout, although Donnelly kept in I'M limit or pound or two under that. " 'n '' ' ' (If O06 Tomb ms well scattered, Brrors ue-- ' iiklanil 8 With Knight weighing in al I3C at " nil 3 o'clock, H Is w ill 'I mi' all runa. Batteries MeConv. Harkin safe to ass. rl he PRELIMINARY PLAY Uf.'." cii -- ""';- " Lcavin; New York re; It. tt. E. pa, Christian and Rohrer. strip at ho ringside, K 1 In i nu, ill 3 6 with such greai Interest the IN WESTERN TENNIS '""msi'io"." ';" '.'o''' 'h'n' w.'i-- . "ami "Tui:, larg. cni, .... g October 19, 1912 1 2 mam bout, it would seem the n 7 At Portia that ' ' " " ' tterles: McLean, IL. 11 preliminary, Or semi-win- , iop would AT CHICAGO " """ " Fromme and he lost sight of. ThlS Is TOURNEY ST'di.' Leaving San Franchco 'onnelly Kling. TWO-hit- s not the case and 1 7 tip. CampbelL Has,- on fans are every hit as keen about LernaSd bofwecn sundownJ TURKISH MANAOtR February 6, 1913 Titus. - ill: outcome f.g, 3; Latteries- llluKliihotliani the of the Congo Off Donnelly, off Promme, Agnew. go, Congo a KM US WRI STLER By Donnelly, 3; by Braekenridge and The Kid Is ,!",; DAYa 1N JA,.AN truck out known quantity, bui in ap- ,.:,"",'.."" TiAW ,ar. MS u former ,';,;';.':;: Lain, gong pearances naliicm loda at Ui Onwen'tsln elub Brminil until the ,s )AVS )N JNIIA At Lo, Angeles here never has been called , sounded ind Ihe fighters are face genre R. E on lo actually himself. In was mineuiues, . i haa ll. extend conducted under t ,, ,. Oberon, N. I .. Julj 30 Slbull elans tocnrsHNU saul sw Trips AMERICAN LEAGUE Los Angelea ! 14 3 Young Jeffries, though, he is going to 4 11 1 have to show tile host that Is In iilm Batteries Flater and Brooks; to siav the limit, let alone win. This! Boston, 3: Cliicngo. 2. Is no though un- " s'Jimd" "rfniu 'a Abdullah D 1 Arellanos, Baum and Check. Jeffries dub and 'I:'"', ; "thorsiorm ;r,VmoniaKr'Tne1'ndaV,r The lalters D3U "P Boston, July 80, Boston pulled out known locally, looks like the real ar ' ' ' ' "!' . referee, rolleved Bd- - whm In lent nnrlj nidaj ninth-Innin- g Chicago, In Ills ''.i, Hart" r..i. the body found aii ffirrwarr H victory over tide workouts. He rights Willi t I Kji pviisfffM i i H ASSOCIATION i ' hold "I th. in nm hi vvhnr he li teen giving exhlbllirtnii H nmi Aftior with BOB-'"- AMERICAN j ran' . Wm- Walsh pitching. It was both hands and hla cleverness and ""' doubles, bvere played, ,, , m RalHtnye Hotel, flkor - H "One it rnnnotlon with Mtreel earntval 'oaoaooa win Lewis' footwork Is amaslng. He knows Oul nf to .1 pie nol j', f' (' j j gj.1 rnr.iiiKri, GVswOi W th ol tlie series. the Xotliniy McFax I i i htlmaell up I'lalmlng B b Louis Congo's UR". passed ball and a sacrifice At St. Paul reputation, but this Isn't ' '' '"' i Put 1. troubling him. "I ll give a good a, 'mgi'."'".'.,-"- j ':,'i'".'. Lewis on third with one out. ville, ;! ;,;,:"A-h,;;;y:- !,,:'; ianl I'm. ,.!'' ophonal Minneapolis. 1 count ,,f myself," I also tows J "tahl, Minneapolis is the wav ha talk , W,,, (,,) mad,. a home run At ., , . I i , , i ., i i ' i s. m mm ' Mel' alia nil senss lion in imi ia earlier, pre- Indianapolis, Second tame cnlle and to hear hill! say it and to see him of ' "' "" mo" vi'-- il and Wagner, who had '"" .""' j'' second rnle llKhtwelahts In California. Ken Vork Jul. . The i. inking gr V.i rtll H viously doubled, were passed at MM-- ; end eighth, darkness, SOX, one a convinced he means what ml' resting match of ihe uflernoon. ,, , ...... ;. 1 a..,.. l..r.., f M t Milwaukee Mltwaukoe-Tole- di he says and that he win make good. Callahan's orders. Callaghan s ' poneo. in the I ; HAMBlIHG-AMERjiA- ipected easy out, but two games posi nun. approaching card, Director " !::, F. lo he Hn City, is going to stage host I, B "e bil the ball cleanly over second At K iinsns U;l the i. ills I 111 1" leen locally and contests which "''S " ,. .1. n, ,1,. m m core; ""' are expected to draw from all over k r. " R. H. E. the state a ml as away Jtirl:JunSL Association, me reiiora u Boston 0 LEAGUE far as Trinidad ineiais tnai s 7 SOUTHERN and Kl PSJSy. .every tournament player be procured Chicago governing body, Bs believes Hall, .270 for the ries: (Hall and CarriKiin; At New Orleans New Orleans eastern plaj s, unjustly have mon "Slab Two-bas- e ROY C0RHAN GETTING and Sullivan. hits Atlanta. I, opollsed the ranking list each season. "erkea, Wag-tie- r; I a .v a i i Bodte (2), Speaker,, At Montgomery Montgomery, New mi. Kwinimins l.ecor.i.l Under his direction the ranking com . Three-bas- n. BATTING EYE FOCUSED July e hits 'a Haghs Memphis ', Bookani ash 88. T milt..,, is to nationalise the game Home run Stahl. Struck out t Birmingham- - Birmingham, CLOTHIER Amateur Athleti. union under water' . very slayer ol "--By AND GARDNER bringing to thi front Hall, 7; by Walsh, 3. Nashville 5- I'M,' I 'iirlon .1,.. fitMMM ,11...... Water svviinuilig I'lunl was Orokonl prominence, THE WM. FARR COMPANY At Mobile Mobile, 0; Chattsu que ball player. nd who la now play- - EASTERN TENNIS CHAMPS ' today hi Jack T.avilla. ,f S,,o- - I- -. 4 I V.'boletaie PhiladHphim -; Detroit, mg with the San Francisco elub in w in. covered IH arts Inches. and Ketall Dealers In PhlladelphUt, forty-elg- hl ec- -l I AfTD M EATS July 30. For the Ihe Pactflc Cast league, to which Roeloi rhe eastern s on., minute in salt '"Ird Urns this week Philadelphia lid, 111 ( n lies for llle rc. club he was farmed out by the Chi-- CLEAN UP! sausages a specialty. Captain c. M champion' hlu nnis douldesl Jjnd Detroit The York. July IS. cago White Sox , , For and hog biggest mar-k"- split a doubleheader. New crew, this year, is ,,,, , ourla of the Ymir I'r. mi, - and I void a Fine all cattle the i leant won first game in Knondcn. of next vein s Tale ere ana is .1. K mii.iIv Win- - Ml.llllll.ill. B, 1393. prices urn the appoint-e- d waan Cricket .1 b i.v William J. 111 M'AVI .l I' i.hi.i. he ha "" w Kell-ned- nth innine- on Mclnnes' double announced tndaj that ginning b. eloui the ball with regu-- 1 , st. Lsuis, fulj 80. J. ol sradttatea to help Clothier, of Philadelphia, und George Jnd Wrunk's single. Detroit look a committee larity again, after a slump of OVSrj P. .; ,. i. .. ,. );.. de- - llhuiourl Athletk club, won the Ho .... ,. coming year. .n, i,,n, who second ,.nni, i...... r..iiv in rowing tor the year. lea ion . raig anu R. vVilliama, Missouri Athleti. club's modified .. S with this com- Ludnie the chth inning, which netted After conference In i game between San Fran.dscolof Phllade phis race ,.t 11.8 miles here this ' Snow-de- marathon mittee aptain and i.akland I go to In I ', :.'" Thirty-nin- e J,.mes ... Kodgers. of New York, us last week, Corhan, out lothler lad tlardnei will afternoon I SUN PROOF It H. ic of four times at bat. Secured three ("bii igo t., m, i the tn idoiis of the iimners started, 81s were overcome , head chal-playe- Hudson Signs each. d '""'Phla 4 1J 2 hits and a walk, stole two bases nilH"l;l!i and wesl for Ihi honor of b j for I'alnt is eijual to anr paint sold ' t). Q, Touch-st- , an errorless game at ahort-- 1 't'cleg B. Little f. Ik New M. up to this time. Hr'i. i, vie and Lapp; Lake THOMPSON COLTS WILL p. one of Corhan's hits was a the pi, sent ti;. .Iders. long MffSUM K'Br llnce I'l .1 WSJ are closing It out at 81.76 home run Into the bleachers, which! Thi fifth round In the Longwood O.. 20. A p r gsdlon, is 'V; " July resolu Wall Paper I which below cost. ... PLAY BROWNIES TODAY pave the Seala a two-ru- n lead, "',v' almost completed during Z: the ' tlon providing for an ocean lo ' on to make room for a ntiw line. ,r" 1 score up to ,"',v- - ' ' ' ' hits Cobb. Ixiuden. Basel that time having been '"'' V'!"' relay race to be participated in l :'iin .'.f In eastern tied. ..' I'r off Plank. 1. Struck ouli KcLrtUghlln, .f San Francisco, put a cn i ted z uiinQnw cities at from 13.81 to aM per c Lake, j; by Plank, 3. Thompson fobs, until re, ent- - The San Francis, o CttfSJCdCk de- HUUOUI8 Fourth ' The out A. s Datney. id llo ton, 4, he Federation' gallon. ond rameScore: R. H. F. hr ihe TellOW Jackets, will play th votes a column on its sporting page I 'hila,i.-i,hi- I..,.. j ,hiL- ur,t.rii,,i, nt to Corhan and the cartoonist also I for Picture Street and ti.,.n. in. Mi cai- - TIIF St I'l ItlOlt 1 gam- - starting at gives Itov considerable additlOSslI I tentative plans lor loe UMBER ''"ii CII Traction park, the K ii. finnls. wbll,. ,. Ness t, Ave. I - publicity in a tv mg oi eeassje from York Frames Copper I'.nnook and Thomas. 2 o ClOCK. ne lenn.s are ep- series, of rhalk plate lothl i tnner of the MILL X. 'Ul' id n t y. .. Angel. i participation of. . "nd Onslow. Slanagc. Two-hit- s to give the fans a exhibiti, sk, tenes sh how his playing L.s the Mor.arity, Lord. Dubuc. of the gnat nat.uiia featured in the I


1 .11 Kllllc Copper . Miami Copper HEAVINESS MARKS Mohu w k N.-- In ( tonsolldal Nlplssinj Mines. North Hutte Ninth lako OPERATIONS ON t iiii i lomtniofl .... r.6 i laccidii I I 4 QutNoy intention superior . 47S Superior And Bosh Mm EXCHANGE 4(1 Ta ma r a i'k I ' s. Sin. Ref. unci Mln tl I'. H. Km Ref, ii ml Mill pfd 4S I oi.Molid.iled U h copper i o 1 1st to Have Some wmw Seems lost 10 nf Its I rifp Firm Undertone nnd Several Standard Stock! Chicago Board ot Trade. M,H m. July 10. m cror of the various Hotels Show kP rreSSUrOi hu... Where summer is ideal at the seashore in the mountains or midway between the two, within easy reach of both. Literature inn I I'M l""k flu- place nr tne uarum uriiiN scare HM ih- chief Influence W Bureau maintained by tnis ol Wheat. Ae- - and Resorts may be had by writing to the advertisers, or upon application at the Information ipaper. nil Murnint gearasri ggselsl I wi" i dm In flxltiK the priii Niw fork, Jniv iO.- - Heaviness oordtngli the market closed to IH nnii dullness; attended today's two-hou- r cents under IMI night i'mh finished aeaaton of t hi stock exchange. unchanged to 't. "',llM down, u The New Hotel Troy rTsf ENCHANTING ISLt to Mhi temod to hnve lost mime of varying from "'Hi on The Up to i 1068 PACIFIC i in recent firm undertone soveral advance, and provisions IM RlXTfl HTUEICT, BAN DIKUO. of we etundtiid Isaue reflecting a degree ol cent. Ntw, mftrn n1 rlKjrrifit , rmntrmUf to- rn led ; mfs-ltfrl- ii ii : nil vtttml4 prcenurc. r r i me m dnu nil ini notice mat cinnm KhIcn: ill mi ier tin hmiI up, with tee) aha iiiifd to hr Dardanelles hud been deferred Iir.vDeK" Of btltltl w ith ptivitt txith. f r.fl iiui no mon h nihil h ad - ,l( tod iin a. bearish lover t the star up. J iU it ny MQflr lined. I'urf rrf iinded, Ml m i Reading. Union Pacific and iii i tit- erneei trae, nut waa i"ik n rMil. DCNOXIIFORD. Prop. Amalgamated Copper. In fact, the inter when attention turned beck to drooping tendency protiabl) resulted the crop outlook in the united Btatei JNA i from mh ii. iii h from in nil or Indifference a leading expert lusl returned (1ATAL ak. - THE ' hi south- WE5T0NIA N bv iirotrHUlomil mi from the northwest and I MI tin. rh lour of VV"" (.1 '.Ms MM ItN 5&NTA BAR6ARAICAU (rirppr""f ) LocatPd In a tropical "park of 30 acrei. e?'i I iftii HI . I ... Antrlea, Osl. ISLANmk facing the Bant a Barbara Channel, t)i ot the Igrgi ..i Hie Hi.. gov on " CSUfernla'lWl fliii'Kt Apartment lleiiafj, very out comblnatlnn of Hivnh and favorable, 'iin MliKI'll hlH in dfliKhtful Kir . i uinidi Itemed noil. nun bUefli oeatralty loeated Roof Qardeoa Hun Pur Mountains t" te found In Cmltfomlo. Aver-hu- p oorporation'i H,M'lal l n . r al abottl ,r. il.. KVKItY MllllFllt.M AC minimum tpmpt'rature fur June, July notices of ii iioiinr per tui ii. alpl. win ei 71, null ihMi. tStuti imui iiiatiiin. wnti'M run n tiTiinH and Auttuxt S. maximum with aummcr .ii ii mo IN FOB M A III IN unihlM every day. All th milk, cream, ill i week ii nil MO-- T poultry, Bqu:ibn. nnd a ill : veKetahh'9, ikrs eret pipe were reported to have withdrawn hllll f IlipllU II' . Illl ellll I. oil.- here, liKsiut'i port 1"n f the meat la produced on the Pot IHI.H OF TeiinlH Tournament nnd onndl-tlo- orderg prelim- pulled the market di hard in the ttund the ter Ranch und.T the most sanitary ijuoiiitionH on pending s DRBP RaCCM, poutbU. Special rates for chlhlren i Dui iio session Hotel Turpin See till! Motor llonl half hour. ITS BKKT inary to geneggi rlae hi prices. fin.. PoWlJ Slrrri ttl Murket and parties spendlriR 30 days or more, o i K to i? OUT-IN- s. pi. mber ranged fr. u it NAN FlIANCIHf'O, ( Al, ...iir lli'k.l I.K.VVB NOW fOR A Pl.BAKI'RB your ticket dlruct to Santa Parhara, Actual hunk loan decreased ovi tin - H.i '4 cents, i uu.i if MOST MM.- European Plan. Hates must reason a Ma cents, with hiki hiiIch n er THK SOtiTIIhAND'S llt.OOO.OOO, lih a rush gain Of itoritt .f lid irafort 19 frit bath $1.00, decline uf rt '' pared with clftsa fitltiit hiiuifat within bloofl :nt hi:. IBNTER Boom with detached from Room and a reaerve Increase of t triti BOCIAL with private baih from 2.00. American yesterday. 11.60 14,90 pr rtuy, roomai not a Irui. lauii, li Mi M.BOO.OOO, the itl nop-- I MiW POR Plan If roil prefer. practically hnnKinu in rit room in th buiji. Rolnforood i iryatal tmceaa cash reserves up to 000,000 u'.ek end covering bj shorts held tfitfj titillillnir wai CARL BTAKLBT Mlf.O M. POTTER. MnnriaTOT. M. im.-i- k'lilf. tonilin compared wiih .. deficit two weeks corn eomparni i i ij steady until W, L. A w. TCRFIN, Propa, nnd Mum. Mot the day when values sagged on ac HOTEL ANTLERS A His Chalmers pfd IM count of ralni In portion ol Nebraska TO LET: 1,000 APARTMENTS AimiiKiimnti'ii Copper s :t a where drought complaints had been 421-42- 3 W. ITII ST., litis AXGELES, American Agricultural flt heard. September fluctuated between 7 In of things. Shop-pin- ir 711 cents, cloalng weak" fe tamllloi COUPI.KTgjLT ruRNIgHBO Right the center American Meet KiiKnr 64HOHH POn ItOlIHRKKKPIMi BKTTKK THAN li.'inks. i at; at ms, cents. CuhIi district, churches ami American !an ceni nel lower, IIOTKI, MFK MORIC ( Olll our i.r.H places within . No. of amusements eaif American Car and Foundry . . . fx gradeg were unl) in fall demand. BXPRNHR nv tlaMly claan, eooleat, moat walking per day, fj2'.. 7 iu "... larsfl all Inoatlonf, Only distance. Room too American Cotton Oil i eiiuw, H cents. Longasssg ,,, mu mini muniiity. n.i oarfare. T. BeachMi W lo 8TAV I.ATR. Up; h.v week, $4.00 up. American Hide and Leather pfd MM Wei w. uihii m harvest sections American Ice Becurltlei If helped the price of oati th greater 4(l VV. HI Ii Hlrwt, Uat Ansaloa, Cat. American Unseed IIW pari or the time, ti arkel wi'nk- - FOR HEAIiTH AMI PLEASURE, Amerioan Locomotive em ii In i he end with other grain. Paradise Valley Sanitarium American smi'itinK and tSVi September ranged between : :i Vd and RIGHT ON THE BEACH Rslg National City (S:n DieKo.) (til Amer Bm and MM close, s.i . repre- S4H9 cantg. The ' pfd io"1, THH I A UK : It APARTMBN will ba Amer. sm. snd tlefg, sented ii iokk of 14 o ,, ceni net. Am. Bteel Pound rlee 34 M .'a and t a h Packers received the credll for American smtnr itrfimnn In provi- model ii MONICA, CALIFORNIA. mi Tel. nnd Tel 148J perslstenl buying witnessed NEW HOTEL WINDERMERE SANTA id nldil American wum to pork ! command-- American 8"otaceo iifil ... (I sions, The outcome raise fli with i ? iti cents; lard, I to m cents, T M. Color, Linda Vlata Park and Ocean. Santa mountains. A : ii ii n to I.ncutad ea Oeeen Avenue, fnrlnr liei.nllful K. f Ann woolen r. Cel. beat rate, and reaervatlona. addreaa, ri'tre ri rti an DlB(0 when 4 and bacon. to cents. Piirk, Ifonlca'a neweat, liiriteat and kotal. lor hp n Anaconda Mining Co tun a. Proprietor. nume ntd run Atchison I (IK U jnypd by ail. Medical attention, cientiflt) t baths, etc., Ati IiIhiiii pfil inasaaR. lectrlcn.l reatrnents. Weekly Bank Statement. -- Angeles-8- 45 S. Hill with board and room from ir.; with hoard Atlantic Coast Una HOLLENBECK HOTEL Perciva! Hotel and Apartments Los and room only frmn $11. For folder writ I l.i i mmv gnd Ohio A. o. Blllcke. Jnu. H. Mitch. 11. II W. LINDSAY, Hgr, Bethlehem Bteel New York. July 'jo. Tim statement Brooklyn itHpiii Transit. . . i.r actual condition of Now Vork LOS AfiiGELES Canadian Pacific banks for the week hIiowh iimt the GASOLINE 12c. eg-ce- J EW MEXICO Central Leather banks imhi 111,116,100 reserve m GOLDEN HILL HOTEL, St., San Diego Piston gas saver euts gasoline, liill pfd !I4 ' .. ih 3364 f Central lather of legal requirements. Thin an llatoe From 11.011 to 11.60 per day. L'( 4ft cent, i the Hz from to tier which Central of New Jersey ro niir. In the propor- Increase ol l,io8,260 With Private Hath, 11.60 te II 40. l lrat rlnaa; auperb view of mounlalna. Taller, oenn, and bay. Three ear llnea Hume as buying gasoline at low cost. Chesapeaks anil Ohio eiiah reserve u compared AO up. Mra. B. L. Kuae, proprietor. N tionate Iloom anil l.oiird II Ten days' free trial,, installed. Chicago unii Alton fit li fol with in hi week. The statement 2343 St., IIALLIWELL CO., Chicago Orcal Western 17 IllWH Bcarff St. .lainen dog ICieltiglve,, 1118 V. PiCO., box Chicago Oreal Western pfd. Ilally Albemarle Apartment I'erk, Aiineli'N. "K-T- .IRRIGATION SYSTEM neles Aenie. liumellke. large, new. Iieautlfii!- - THE " Chicago and Northweatem fsitOfliOtlSiOOO; ?Srwaif ( i.o.iiim. docrease. ly furnlMlieil I, apartments, Elery serv- - modern plant, anil aeo'miniatura Irrigation system in actual operation. Vljltora Chicago, Mil. st. Paul modern equipment; heat -- N and 1111,4111,000, Ve, come at. all ttmea Write for our Brown Book Free THE (',. C. unii HI. I.mlln . I file niilil. Nn OBJECTION To CHILDREN. Hooper Ave. Cars. C, Spe. ie. $3il, 1(0,000; Increase. $7, Mro. CO , 1232 East 38th St., Los Angeles. Central or BROKEN ALUMINUM Colorado fuel and Iron. . . 1 4 117,000, Colorado .i mi Southern . . i.i tenders, M,l(l4,000i Increase, Lake View Inn and Hot Springs, Elsinore, Calif orni Consolidated Cles 14: i.eKiii 1161 Fifth St Diego Parts Repaired Right 14 k 1,000, on ah. .in ..r bi ii hi tui i.nk.. Blalnorc,, aii kinds "I boating ,,n the inks. Rgeellent Hotel Kingston San Corn Products 01, 167,000; de-e- i lable Winn , ii. All inliuuul IuiiIih finu In Wrlia for - ii. a booklet. I n 4'iitel in (he lii':irt nf the litiNlneNH lection, Vf nnd imnlern. Klevntor, tele- - Specialists r r only. n.i deposits, II, rueatl 7S49 lutulnuin Delaware mol Hudson in' i pll nil rniiniiiu tiot niitl rtild WHler. Kurimeitn ntiin. MiiieU, to s.' mi llouhle. D, easv, 1 4,75,00O. a. GOVB1 Manager. K ' Miiinimmi Itciriiir Works, U&rtniM I lettver and Rio Irande (Ml fi .ill Oenvei and Rln (irande phi drculatlon, 146.141,0(0; decreasai rrncrss. I' 8002. 1158 S. Olive St. $1 11,000, Los Angeles, Cul. tnatlflers' s i urltlea The Miraflores Apartments 1420 S. Flower St., Los Angeles. Krli' Ihi pfd iiunkn cash reserve In vaults, IKTi-I- t (,000, JuM op4tnod. Bright, Ktinny iipnrimmiii, irttb porohM, mni arniv Diodern upmi i Krlr lKd pfd H)nf gUfdon On f U tl gm.i I Tl iibI inn I'll ii I'h ruHh rcacrvn In MMi frtun all hent r;irn. AppiaU In piMipl u Iin t 'AND leneral Blectrlc want thm dent t I hp right prle. C "Ml if II c ilUeV Qreai Moi them phi ii nit h. 174,411.000. I 111 I M7. iTf1 1 1 M I 1441,324,- - oponed. I ftir Lit i If N Free . Aggregate reserves, iimUheii atwolut Niimmcr comfort. Kodak iiri ni Northern I ire Ctfs. . cash .in! Jl :n i ii nnii Centra i reserve, 116,661,160; Interlwrougrt Mel HM Uxaesi lawful The Young Apartments VelOS iirhits. No. 1 ntertmrough Met pfd f'K' in, i ease, 1 8,014,600, runt, ii ) He sizes up t" post ca i companies reserve E I,'Hi st Baalljr .. . . ; SJ... ,4fV- - inter iin Trusi wiih clear it IM i.. iUHFiAfc-'T"1- sv complete prloe Wt'SfrTIl rvssier nr, per rami h Send for nter-Mgrl- pfd It inj; house members carrying ili reserve, (17,111,000, ill ill. gpe Knditkery, 41.5 Boutll Hr- Angela International Paper i(,,4 lent cash .1 p. Pump Actual oiutiiioii. I liii.rnmioiiil decrease, fur house keeptnf wiih at JloukletN nnd In for mutton pertaining to tows Central is Loans. I0IIIII000; .leal ant. on, r home. Write thrne m I U and . nil effN fumUhed I I at our K II IIHUH I 'II Houlhcrn I yt ii. ti mi" Fre liiforinatlon Hureiiu, or by urlllnx Kansas Cltj South, i u pfd . H Legal tenders, $11,671,000; de dlteet. Laclede flat urease, 1476,000, AN Mil l.M SAMI'Altll (Inc.) de If y,.u have any Ruing Louisville ii N iMhvtll.-- Nel deposits, 11,100,404,000; deal location. Sua breese without fog. Iitea ef away to Rheumatism school, I. crease, 17,610. ,A.:l"laV4 equipment. WRITB RIOHT NOW to The Minn. Itpoilfl SI. "iiK lN"-?i''- . ig Elaborate Battle creek meth- WRITE RIGHT NOW Isaacs-Woo- d .1 lie. I vh. t'lin bury Buslncme Collogo. 5Hi UTOMAtlTl TBOTTBIiRS Minn., Bl, P Baull HI. ii ods, Every type of imth for heart, ki.imy n.,-.r- Hamburger Bids., Los Anm-i- fur V Ki h ii ml anil putienr. Rurglcal ma- full liif,.rnuiti,in. KIIIM AII.MKMS MlKxoiirl. iVxi 4 rheumatic and All jfp pkadld SUVtKEH COURSB8. Alisnlule lea.ler aliue 1884 Ki Teg, i VVrlte i MlKKoiirl. unii ternity departments. for klel Tweaty-elgh- t yeura ,,f l levemeiU th'iusnnila of gradualea. t Miseourl Pa iin.l rates to Hanltarium', Anaheim, Calif, Conl anil J eloai e.iiioife reoroa in t liulldlliR In 1(1 iserve, 1446,176,- - O, W Thompson, bTttslness manager, Ihe finest olty In the entire Woat. "THt Nutlomil Drs. aUOCBgS Faywood Null. .nul l.i) Johnston. Beebe, Clark and Utter, OF TUB BTUDBNT" la our molt anj this BUCCB8S IOBA permoalea ttia Null. It m i Phi rve. il(,l5,lo0; atlse sohool, WltlTB RIOHt NOW. Ne tork beeutlful I'or.uiii.l.. i.e. ... Vlhaeaerqite on the eaerve, 170,160,- - tl: Maka rnur vacation a profitable one l.v tahina the Miik, .net. ae:i braesea from u.e open lerruee f I FARiV A TP A TIF. only practical mechanical course in Soutnern Hot Springs AiaVeU riilifnriii Aiitjin.nhil rarinlrtnir IriBintr n nrx. and trusi banks to date oars; elnctrloal. civil eiiKinAnrinc;, auTveymn Room and board whil learning 11 euros, you cured, Nnrthi r New York noi PoHitioni MUrad; atirinfartinn Kiiaranteed. Catalog free. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF unrl remain we try It. I'm III. w York clearing INOINEKRINU, 'illO West 7th St , Los Angeles. know, nnil .vim will. If yon penns HOTEL DEL Considered ih greatest Kldnaj Peopli lire C0R0NAD0 HOLLYWOOD SCHOOL FOR caitLS. OCT OF HOOK SCHOOL. water on earth. PtttelU I I CORONADO BEACH aCAL - S nn hoi liiiiilf vartl and 1 1 it v Ave., Hollywood, (al. Why not visit FAYWOOD HOT - Home fcnd Jay s ht . olU'ure preparatory, ponerul gram I'liisi'i I I :(.- court04 will ill. i in I on i si l I HNOON T prima ry Muatc, SPRINGS firm, since you i' ninr. department, Modern languages, Art. Domettto Science, go rL9i ai trfttninff, Plctur. iqlialy eituaii d. 0 minutei from Lot Angelea, 12 eventually 'here, anyway? rtiiiiwi tnil 61 frtim Bend tor taloKiie. R.K. D. 10. H.x fi7. Large, modern liotol. Perfect climate. Booklet, T. ( '. McDERMOTT, "Tlie 1'oyivcHMl." nun4in:i::iii.s:'.vivi" fATWOOD, NEW MKXICO, .i pfd t i . l h Tu dHVM, In 11 .mi ul n. sui' f L'.uih Beuthwestern pf luntWrN oihfi divereH, Ctirn st ts unpxRilt1 u Id Hteel and Ii nttdo in ith county ad Kloss Bheffli vi'P ins WRIT E 11. N' appro' onl Bouthorn Pnclflc gag paid: win m l.ith;; Ma no fa Hurtnt c ih toward vault tru . Bt.O lather hi New 'oulter jailer. It A hoard-buy- . iger poslti St. Louis Wool lug and dtiy cftfl fi Grain-fo- VALE SCHOOL mur ftii'i lutih ich ml ny eol ta Manual tnunli btx'k keeping Lnatruotor. summer Ben r ti.uilrated 4 talogu L KMpHASiaKS Til

New York Cotton.

Cominissioneis' Procecdinn lah i it, i .,.,, 1 !i, Mni.iniu. I.o.uu. . i The Livestock Markets. lontraeteil for H4.874.0M, The result .iK en ,,, nalon ol til.et4.sel In n KeMsga Cltj Mi tstaocal tli, gveegge sefve. eurtttg on the cai .1 -- - -- R( Al l' ' ruUttton ui.' I'll!. llli 2ll. Cat lie lil.l Btandlnn al HS,a,ll0. The HTlCllldlllg SOO Millllu I'll'.. K is (00, SUCtaMBaful ul the New ot tiankl Poli-earpi- o .if, rket steady. Native steers. tO.IOfj chairman; M. it. Bprlnger and or unmlno Real Attesl ti or iiiii.l. in MiretiKlticiiiug their E, he trulllel fund 1''ii i iteers, 4.I54.1S; Armijii. c4ininitseloners; A. or hoarding A. E, WALKER, ii position Is tlttveli laj view of coin aouthern w 'fund Io tli prisoners ih. i n oosrs and io Ifere, alker, i'Ii rk. or bridge building i top t i .jull eloenta, not olil III Ihi I.: - fund f. Itili natlVI heifers, A rnnimunloaUoa is received from in Arnnjo as con- construction ,, t gtatea, bul ereasaHrn rn( ti.tbii or- - - bridge Cndasj Mockers end feeders, 4.2AI W. c Hen ink, Bet., in which he approved, the Kio irande a .11 hull, .ill,, lie at e mono I 14. .Heel the road tax on a ha- hoard iroceeds with the K . lullls. fcrs general Send your solleal olothee to Mining ste of j per cent commission. Th" atloa "f (h. tax reiurns. Kor cits pirli Boston Stocks. ' table, In eetertt coe a, - II mi. coruniunicatiea ie laid on ihe iHiard redut Hons the for cilv pllh The Ouke City Cleaneri Olatrlci Viall riles an npln-I01- 1 of g I acere Montoys, Hogs Receipts ,000; raerkel I ttnrn. ,. Pot const ria l relating t retail liquor llcennes li,,- K. Annuo, i .ihriei ii, chavea 0 WXaR GOLD AVE. m higher, Bulk of jT.atiti ; For Interest The Metal Markets. mii. It is ordered thai the Hi use to re- a lie hrlel Bavnchei The most clagcln ie, i I .i 4... peckers and Kor city chi 'I purposes ti.'.ii building owned hy 11. plant In H l i in-- . tail Iktunr in the ihe Hitnenl Mahboub Por New Mexico. hi i a J I 8 ''" lit jT.ioii , mi. reel and I'.i ii.ii i 'it mil I he tr.mst. .1 io the east. lined. slnktni ph;n, (,I04 ! I. Outside Orders Solicited l puUding ,.m tied teCJamllo BeradlnellL The hoard havlnsi rompleted ita I nuirfcetf erere gi n. dull ana aontt . -- i.ii so. P Rrcetpts None: nmrket . i ,1 nil I I It is ordered that sum .,' r as t.o.ird of tuathmtiott, It I" nut. PI" i. ' ' . I'lei truly ., 7,r. I te. esating, Muttons. J.I I.a.i . ml. ceeding 1X00 appropi i..t. .1 for ihe i . iiiiim i.'.mtTia in'ini: ,.f tuiildtng a 1,. be id lion. No I llS.SegHS.M pnrpoee fern mn I I Con oplH Italic, 2.; gravdea, across the Kto Clrandr .it Unrelaa. i M n .t Nn. IK IgJ aoutiurn Kant Itulie iS. Ulielia ages expense of B4I tiding loud from Foi sheep a.,,,,, I1S . Kranklln Her MlVef, ,. Men. ..n dolUm, th. .1-- 1 hank "f the river; the barge for flood fund. Joe Martin CHroui Cossatilldateal 'a fSllfaagn I k. on s nd ferry noi to ex.- rcnta for For cattli it ,i Broadway Ave. v 1. r. . and Central t'.runi CoeaSOtsstalea Receipts f,.. t lusM-mir- In cents foi ... Kor .ill ('ho.iKo, .lull IS. Cattle each school - 4 I . , a Id:, 1.". cent.-- for sim;!. hors. dfaMrti s.per- ,rene SI 1..I.I. Su'lter .iu market slow, Beevea. H.I00J s.i. louse. Mill! No boots iinil Sh(irs Miulr to Onler Jal i:..v..lle i appal et-11- 2,1 eacS double t July - vrenU. i.. Texas steers, $4. sum and buggy, cent" t"i For School Dii lal llnlcrsi for ( Repair C.rr loiita. le :.:: t. carrylauj frelghl uot to eg ripple. I4.M. Spiltet, atlotlg. iteers, t,sogT.M; steelieaTs ami .: end I KTesVU) Guarantee fcc Coinit-- . . Done. All Work M ,A' .ipay. in Experience Has Taught Me That There Are No Ideal Marriages. I Thought I Ha'd Discovered One When the Grass Widow Married the Vegetarian; But, Alas, Their Children All Died of Hay Fever '" STSWtlriE MORNING " 5tad I ALBUQUERQUE Mi;-- , if to swing it," JOURNAL. o ely No, out, ings have for -- fflTow n Topics. Town Toplci.


Weekly Letter of Social Doings Deals With Entertainment of cart Visitors In Town-Som- e Talk

(BY CORAL CLY E.) Well i Hi:' any il pretentious at all Mid-Summ- rai'.MM then ate iiiorallzatloii of the town. n er rour letter, touching upon I A that phase of the question, do not Fashions E5af the Joys of seaside lite In south- presume express an opinion, since of Another event in honor to ern California came to me on b wartu rollicking followed "The "Doorknob- - of Miss was an automobile have not -- (i;iy, wafting u breath of ocean Taseher her" as attentively as II perhaps BSBJBSBBBW' picnic, Friday night With several and linker, and wearing their party land with me w bite satin i ds were breete, across, the waste of miles. If machines, overflowing youth and serves. manners besides, not to mentlun, lots I f, forestry set vice) Gossip ol in with crystal button: wishes were trains should have young crowd, chaper- And though personalis together .with Mr. lino Some Gotham. of dignity for the occasion, spirits, the gay no to Alexandria, in Los Angeiesr The pannier Is lead uoile been with you In a jiffy. oned by Mis. W. i. Hope, Went to with many others, have desire at the Kathryn O'Rleily, Adela Carr, An- - the for go one belter and uplift Such a traveler you are. a Veritable latest Issue ol "Town To- Hid For, though we cling tenaciously Locks" as entrance of Archimedes - netto Weinman and Alexandria el icks and "The the leverage. do In- summer gin chasing 'he elusive so- ad with Interest the folloW- to the belief that there la no place canyon is called by local motor- the world without - hey chaperoned the youngsters ii i tr I.. ttlful and if sist, If others have the Inclination and cial butterfly. From one resort to in enl on the Edward t. Btotoa- being better thun home In the summertime, ists, and there enjoyed a picnic a aban- matinee, and not so mam irreotly inad destroy, energy to the town, those of another you flit with joyous I and boast of the cool days spread. After supper they motored reform of older In n seh es, elljc d their .shan endurable us too Indifferent, or too lazv, to as- don that speaks unquestionably following cabled in party ii emphasise Ihoucttc. and the divine nights I must confess about the mesa returning to town at (jui.kiy the the tntinensel sist In thi' good work, can at least, pleasant diversion pledge of support Mr. Taft me s The high It ii- which beastly hot here, with uc-re- nt a ridiculously early hour, ten o'clock lor Afterwards "his h jt's been wish all good luck. t lie time you are seeing peo- Stoteshury OSJTVS at lb., i.m.I I. ., ... o o of on the beastly. Everybody's or thereabouts. But then you see them And all from Kdward T. house mil. pti. hi, the ti o'clock, SO it us are willing to be protect- ple and telling things to the folks he Is to succeed spread as II dead sure that it is the hottest sum- they Went out before Lots of the rumor that was! The big sun a all. morally but object to the personal back home. Ambassador Held at London. Mr. was Impromptu dining i by smart pi, ever known to vicinity, was pretty long evening alter ed an hall mer this hut Those in the crowd were Beatrice worry, which Is selfish, of com sc. Naturally, speculation is life as to Raid's resignation has so often long, low table, laden with "go i. from the iii present Is excep- w 11 then, heat always llfeld, We mind prevention of your Identity, but "mum'S the word." been predicted thai some day It II s edgt d ll past Taseher, Ruth and Beatrice don't the and exquisitely decorated In tionally torrid. Hot weather is Kstellc Mayme Kelly, Helen and Hie "social Ills" as promulgated by now and for all time. will i c forthcoming, but not now, SWeet peas, was as prett.i as 00 nil. Ill e. An- In and never uncomfortable retrospection! Myrl Hope, Kathryn Chaves, Alma "The Doorknobber" ami its support- say the White House officials. Hie master hand ol Mrs. i I'Rie ns in nie given w posi- i . and ws are not to contempla- Baldrldge; Prank Hubbell, Cordon ers, and are perfectly illing hey The Btotesbury wealth and lug rev e led, t hroughout, 111 tin The tion of the heat of Hades. (Jass, Lester Cooper, Morion Sellg-ma- should attract all the attention to Gossip Going the Rounds. tion would insure a continuance hi ul arrangements. with a So we are all complaining, and Harold Sellers, lister llfeld, Ar- themselves possible, anil make as big of the splendor of the Raid re- Merriment reigned supn me it th lu. none of us (tying Of prostration. The thur Yanow and Leslie Bchutt, a grandstand play for morality and An attractive widow, hereabouts, is gime and a hostess better quali- festive board and Hi., kiddles III b He white many back, sup- fied Mrs. Stoteaburj lor the " nights are pleasant and days to lit gel as pats on the seen so much With another woman's than talking lor many a day gf was cH- - ported by the "popular Idea," or other arduous duties ol the embassy pali.v. Il parts , endured, especially if one ran stay re- nlnla of white hnhand, as to attract considerable scarcely be found. The i home all day, clothed in a hit of lace encomiums wholesale We don't mind could delayed a few days on acco,u n oi Mr. of ohlf-- ii comment. (he I anything except having to think in latione between administra- U'Rielly's absence fromi In in stiff insertion and a silk Scarf, Ho- badly Do you know a . B. Robertson, Bum- the summertime. It may be morally safe .i leave he's tion and ti usis ate The youngest member ol H HI lock had I ft "alssling" from New i had letter mer Uirl? Ureal big fellow, wears 'urs Is a sort of denatured moral- husband home with "a very dear strained and Hie campaign chest family has "just turned elgl Ii dged York which made me decide prompt- Willi is yawning for glasses, and used to go round ity, is It not? friend of the family" to keep h.m wide contributions. is lifted ly that our clime is heavenly, it was Holders before she wenl to Mr, Btoteeburys cable Indicated a i Frances company, it very here, Society Still Go.' he wide so brimful id' suffocating eastern heat California. but isn't wise, willingness lo come forward With on the buds on thai thanked my stars that the He's a lawyer, professionally, and Talk.' of Fashion and Frocks. win re everybody take.- themselves and a substantial contribution, a time-- 1 iliied all earthy here, was at least not an oven, a favorite socially. things loo Seriously, perhaps. proceeding indeed. Mrs. Held II b slight!) ami (Hades the firebox. Well, his friends have the laugh on OoodneSS, we're stow! Might as Long drives, think some, with recently presented Mrs. Btotes- Thi nn k was spare twinkling stars playing duenna, are bury ai Buckingham palace. Stephen Andros is to join Ills wife and il di This letter, by the Way, Is from him, these days, and the don't It. you go talking ii in; boots a go It a ven- well admit Here conducive to thoughts sentimental In money bring utile daughter, here, within a tew Of pale bin. an A hiH u eti, u e woman who alter a him bit, but to with Truly, marriage and buttons. hi- - The "panniers," my New York letter says and mil so a lu ten- Mrs, Groin- - days, and the) Will leave the hrsl of A not Hying to Atlantic tflty, where she geance .M iy ti "shows." nature my u changel Oliver her frock trii joke played on the they actually becoming common derness and scope, as to cross, tele- - ll, as is still called b) Albu- - August with Mr. and Mrs. Klourno) Hits one win said but Utile relie f was gained from Btorj of the rich are shu August natron "legal luminary" by Erna and Lena pathicaiiy, the distance between him- q ns. has always enjoyeo to spend ai Coropado, was of pink w Hie the scorching heal, the fa- and never a pan- iieru ma Ith and that Fergusson, appeared in the Journal, self and wife. plenty of the world's goods, and an Mrs. limine leaves Tuesday for How ered mous walk" was just baking, nier has crossed our vision! Not a I.,- "hoard Thins, lay morning, with all the har- social position, as wife Ocean Park, where she will joined W It mid- single one. Some of us have never Making love to someone near, excellent but - applied has written me of the alluring rowing details, but without names. When best loved Isn't lu re. of one of the world s leading financiers In a few days by the Al frosis. Bill- loll. The rl'etolino except one's i summer fashions. It's never loo hot it is, George seen a pannier In pictures, high among abeth and Betty Wllley will leav Funny thing about that since yon compel from me the entirt Is a pastime, now and hen. she is landed and scenic pink and green for exquisite summer costumes at the Brewer was in on the deal, but for Indulged In by the best of men. the "top notchers," The foregoing, as the same train, hut they arc going to band on the skirt Watering places, is It? truth. For the benefit of the dear Santa Barbara to spend a month. I fashionable some unexplained reason, .Mr. Robert- public quote your brief as il is, gives us a very tangible tt iep flounce of Thinking perhaps, you might be in- proceed- will from letter tile Stoics-buryp- . Felix Lester left during the week b e son was made the ''goat" of i Idea of the Importance of Th h was a kimono 1 he paragraph concerning fashions! a Ins terested in the fashions, shall give ings. Sure some prank, Bummer Carrying on flirtation right ui ler To he sure, that Is only gos- for Coronado where he will Join th q the cretonne and you from the New York let- 'The same narrow' tailored ef- hubby's nose Is the latest in o e of a to even he of as a pos- wife and daughter for a several trulghl tidbits Girl, here, very fetching, sip, but talked acted s front and hack ter. Not Just this moment, however; only have been con- fects prevail, but the dinner and certain woman sible successor to the magnificent Mis. week's vacation. in g the sleeve to the One that could modi-lie- i gowns are of the Very fascinating and .ins! lot Inclined Grunsfeld has Joined his fain M i i prefer to chat with you of Albuquer- ceived in the mischievous brains of afternoon Vvhitelaw llied matters a whole heap! Ivan Between he bands over the puffed to look beyond the legitimate in quest Ity at Long Branch, N. J . Mrs. at que people. college girls, and one that none less pannier, or brilliant In passing, 1 wonder If the annual, or where shouldi 'ere set sections of flesh-th- could elte t, but an- also narrow at the of amusement. less frequent, visits of Mis. Qrunsfeld ami her daughters are etc colored toll, so at a d I- I am a trifle amused,: and not a bit clever than the Fergusson giiis somewhat litlle .so perfectly. hem. Cleverly enough, the man in the Stoteshury lo our town will ol .loving the summer months. Alfred l. (he hi ndus lo have a pro-- e, surprised to know of the antics of the have carried out a little lie. Navy blue Is worn a lot with case has cultivated 'he husband as a be discontinued'.' Her business inter- Qrunsfeld has returned from Denver nounced 'i'-i- collelat while in reality man who is sojourning You see, they dressed up young In- Albuquerque touch of brilliant grass green at medium of acquaintance with where left "Mrs. Allied" and Hilda V 111 wife, as all Morton Seiigman, of Santa Fe, as a better ests here, as large us they are, must was quit, n st cut a litlle awhile at Ocean Park. His the neck, lilt hats tor midsum- his wife. Seemingly, his ill uf-- a Mid- Seem a mere bagatelle compared to Qrunsfeld. They took their machine square al II k .jealous presented "her" as "Miss - a her intimate friends know, is gill and mer are the rage. They are in den penchant for the woman s nus- of new A- Willi them and are having gnat I " to the millions her husband. Kill hats Why, could never Marie Fran, of Denver, White or i, time motoring Deliver. of her husband. the soft pastelle shades bund is the real good. ami would pari lbuquerque would be quite over- around worn. The para determine, for he certainly is not a Messrs Robertson and Brewer, who and are lovely In their simplicity If They're Visiting Mi s. Itol hgcrber. blaiera are muster as such his admiration for whelmed with the honor of a isil ls Ll'l tiaped in lay he is charming to were calling that evening at the and coloring. Everybody owns pro- who Is as well and happy as recent Lothario. True a the wife had not been so openly one of the richest and nmsl S. meet, a "good fellow" In com- home. polo coat it." from always arc. dor and the and has need of fessed nel'ore lie lul oil the happy prominent women in America. brides s a t.r. mon acceptanct of the term. ,lo never before has A polo coat'.' Ye gods Bob Diets - to make the trip to prime Thev saV thai and little Scheme of getting chummy with the II types of 111. Ml Ul In car. He expeots sashes 1 always suspected he could go a female impel; ill. 'II .ptiy fishes! h usband, Denver his motor g . I lordii contrast and gome" given the opportunity, but conceived so woiun liny cxeciu-ed- Just to think of a polo coat Is enjoyed your vivid word picture In leave the first of the month and and ti by Bliss, let- appei ranee at the The gravity of the three, the two enough to put one in a limp, (raided, a of tin crocket Whitman nuptials at win he accompanied Mr. what man Wouldn't? A little girl, daughter of prominent t is praotl a nn account as you speak of girls and accomplice, was great, exhausted slate id' mind, isn't It? San Mateo Tuesday. Hut since my So Wellb-- has gone east to n Such "high jinks" their business ma n here, became Interested lat of dust ii id hard weur, tell-tal- e laughter gave plot i. only to the ex- his mother-in-la- Mrs. c. Benjamin, in your letter would drive his wile to and no the Well, we may not be wearing pan- in the Woman's Club fly swatting ii. bis are Interested I'll lo hat n mile with all were she wise to his actions, away. niers, we most certainly are not many tent ot knowing that California's who is expected home from F.urope drink and campaign, which has enlisted so a III ui great to Igt ire. Therefore I Il me Very formally Miss was in- married, and August 1st. After few Weeks which trust she is not. drives Franz Wealing polo coals, but an occasional of the children in our town. Being Wealthiest heiress has v a vet , xcuae ami vming iSellginan was wedding was the most mag- New York they will conic on home. has at other to poetry: troduced felt hut is seen and the mlllenery lender hearted, she could not at flrsl thai her on tv for being. is a woman In our town, p, rfeel a perfect lady. Blonde and shops have window displays which mi!,.- up plot nificent celebration with which can Mr. and Mrs. Marion ale off There lor mind lo enter the pr lo he a delightful HI. ni. iv el in a n: row baud Is Who Isn't wondrous wise, Jbeautlful, faultlessly gowned and us give us a very definite idea of their Of fly, finally fornla society has ever diverted Itself, what Ises for annihilation the but i W Wot be- hubby pulls the wool way and composed as you please, charm. I Will say llllle about the splendid trip. They will go by boat from New around the ok with Her calm decided to do so. York, be pproprlatenes lt of down, sus- it i.s my understanding that a num- speetacle. As you say, the wedding Orleans to New and will hints Acknowledging that the tender Demanding a swatler, she placed awaj five or six Weeks. dleph rdeseee, or da rty brocades, And veils her trustful eyes. .Mr. Robertson Were ber have been purchased by local so- of Malcolm Whitman and Jennie ceptibilities of herself advantageously, and waited the nation-wid- e i and p, Hum and stately it to his ciety folk, so we "ale In the swim" so Crocker is in Interest, and Mrs. George Blmms and Elisabeth! somewhat impressed, be said appeaiaiu f doomed Hies. he gone home, one ol Hi i.kS lO She thinks he couldn't do a wrong a bit far as felt hats ale concerned, If only their town house In New York will have hack to their old credit that he wondered at the Noticing one bussing on the win- Hie igdell Mills, N. Y. (They expect to he ir woman I't lo (And he does such awful things), i "birds on the bank" when It comes lleXl lo between llle Herkimer, Misses Fergusson's chol friend. dow' pane, she stood watching it a gone And wifey's waiting all along Hie next morning, at to pannier frocks. Mills mansion on Fifth aveiiin ni until September let. As he said to me moment in silence. Her mother heard that of Daniel U. Hied. The brides Mrs. George Rosllngton ami mile Iblio is tied around To see a growth of wings! which time he was not fully convinced So many good looking linen frocks us right runny. this conversation: maids gowns, while satin, Slightly son bit dining the week lor Valley iii takes "Things looked 'She' seen these days. ol the pret- a- himself, ale One " 'Fly,' she said, 'does "OO love le Veiled ill shadow lac HI they will spend several feel and hands tiest i.s being worn by O'RIelly, decollete. Ranch, where talked coarse, and her Mis. ven ?' chiffon, with iiie one toueh of color weeks. Miss Bran) and llle voung (Continued on I'agc :i. Column t.) were over-larg- e, Besides. I managed It is blue, neither navy nor turquoise, YojjngJSej "And Impersonating the insect, she green-blu- e must sop Bdgars are there, arm and it didn't have but one of those delightful, intermedi- iii the velvet sashes, of the Russell to touch her answered the question with a whis- have I n gorgeously beau III ul and ilso. Mrs. .1. F, Pearce, who has In .11 nearly dead, lady-lik- e feel." (Mr. Ro- ate blues which cool, Things are pretty un exactly make such pered 'Kss.' Hie scene is probably unrivaled in the ill Valley Ranch tor a few weeks u hereabouts, and society has reached bertson evidently knows the differ- pretty gowns for summer wear. 1 saw " go to say Mis. 'Fly, would 'oo like lo hea social annals of California. turned home, Wednesday. now Its annual state of coma since ence), nut. a fellow couldn't Floumoy downtown shopping ven ? gone Chicago ti llltl'o- - most Interesting aboul Mrs. Hellers has lo Albuquerque society folk are widely "have a clllar" to Solllcbodv the other morning and she looked "A pause, whispered The thl" daughter energy as a guest, In a and another to me, however, Is thu lav several weeks with her scattered and the concentrated duced by two girl friends stunning soft, simple golden 'Kss,' the ceremonies Mrs. Harry Drumm. of social strength separated. Even, hen we wenl down low ii to an brown frock hat, shoes and handbag Bang! poor fly was putting Into lllnis of every move from years spllled to "Then The the of the bride from her home After two more abroad, it Is the time of year when the so- e oream parlor, 'she match crushed on the pane, .in,! the little stall Claude Albright is back, as handsome nail- on said al t.i the church, return, reception, wed monde - her dress and Al Alvarado, Sunday evening. 1 fresit-Iooklh- g ciety editor and the local beau the girl said triumphantly: supper and exit of and Hid as ever. Always game hide-and- - seek most Inaudlbly but not quits many " ding the bride striking-ookln- g indulge the of noticed so white lingerie dresses 'Now, 'oo's there!' bridegroom on wedding trip. How modlshly attired, she is a being when not Ii l," a fellow Couldn't say a thing which are more the arc the said reporter "it" popular than ever be able to see Weddin.: Woman, and her friends A game of when the other girls looked shocked, this season. nice lo one's attain-nent- s actually "left." periodical A man, whom the precious scandal over again any old time, to have n perj proud of her wonderful 1 sooner lo- tb overlook the mistake Mildred Fox, no but inclined who was dining with mongers (like the poor. we have show friends, or bettet and the career which she Is cate social luminaries, of guest." th- - Matsons Roy Mc handv lo ones successfully. Al the various their and the Donalds them always with US) have said till I,, build it iliiun In llle not I'll i. ilu wing so Miss an August shooting star, was prettier i.s say- 111 OCl 11 III than like The joke was carried out until the than usual, which naughty things about. Is now declared, eration. imagine viewing llllll I1.IS SIIIKOIK I'll in they shift their presence, elsewhere. ing a great deal. In pell-me- ny a ml has jusl collipleleil end and the boys went home without while with no by one who rushes ll to his many years it hap- No people "won't touch ding after has a i Use talking, the dear any explanations having been made. of color on hat, gown or shoes. rescue, to be nearly seventy veals old. pened. iur with the Simla Roe quia slay put" In these days of restlessness They turned the juke a bit on the gills Her ha I i.s on,. ,,t the smartest I have to children and grand- my through Bngland, Ireland, seen married, have A great Idea, II not'.' I wonder and motor cars. with an item, which appealed in the this summer, children: Well'.' is mi and Wales. II is - Aline more have not themselves A , th.- past week were Wednesday morning, saying Stern was there with no . why availed ill sing in grand op, r Social actlvltu Journal, 'but preserving, confined almost ntlrely to tin young that Miss Marie I'ranr., a society belle. lair telling and you'll never guess, for of this modern method of A season. set, who Insist on no of Denver, was visiting Mioses Erna it's a different one every night with In Honor of Visitors. memories? Canning one's wedding, so Mrs. Karl Hockenhe III. in ter how high up th ti and Lena Fergusson, which put the Aline, who has grown up within the to apeak, is an entirely net ni in ia Mandell) Is maklnn irief v ci so as 1 know, I Del w hUH ra Society editors on the trail, and as lust year into a reigning belle. Any- Mrs. Weinman d a hand far but re inie her recently lied way on a Will be Iii- With Hie id i ml is on a business Louli Incentive for gayctv wa afforded the chief business of society writers she had while tailored still somely ipp I lunch Friday, for trh si. y .' st 111 past visit Beatrli know Hie story and a broad, blue, straw hat, French-ll- i li.-- - oil I at the week in the of is telling all they Mrs. L i if New Y sister- Always Your Taseher, who was a guest of tin H0 was out eii' it was a day old. trimmed in while lace ami pink at nigl rosebuds, il l. ni d by tsa girls several days, leaving last The table was a dream of beauty, A for Silver Cltr. whence .she will i Seeing Mrs. Cerf dining with the narrow, Montezuma Ball? SureT ,lly, v Dave all in sweet peas with pink on a camping trip with some friends, i SojneDejia Weinmans and a parly, remind- satin ribbon Intertwined among the her You will remember Beatrice! ed me thai in a previous announce- the center It's settled, .Summer Cnl. ami we lie lb Mi : Service : greenery, and connecting - ment I go gowns Hie Monte- r., IS Taseher as a midget of a girl, as she CroSg your heart' Holiest, Injun' So of her visit had said simply piece, a basket of sweet peas, with can planning for Hei re, who was that she was hall. Yoll Wouldn't believe It. fol .1 il yet a youngster when the help you Moses and hope you may the "sister of Jake Wein- small vases, tilled wilh the fragrant .lima Teachers moved back to Chicago. Now man" nor allowed Mr Have Weinman (lowers. and but at the meeting of the fair associa- Si'A Y AT- lluM K for publish- any The sparkle of silver a was She has "shot up" into voung woman- die! If a man is arrested share In the relationship. glitter of glass was reflected In the tion the other night, discussion hood quite a charming specimen ing a you have heurd Mrs. Cerf was smartly gov m il as stalled as lo whether or not to hold The long day - of tin- "goml old sum- and paper, of which polished table, as lace doilies were the ' a t always or not that. Very dark, rather short and only a little, and read less, wouldn't and her clothes just i id late only table covering. th. Montesuma, Whether Eastern Fads and Fancies. just to in- "New York," Think of It! One gentleman was mer time," when everything and every- - plump enough pretty. to anyhow. s you straightway develop a desire Covers wire laid for these: enough to suggest a lair Helen and .Myrl Hope gave a recep- The f, L. Slerns nnd evidently ta W. (3. Weil-ler- , kind that see for yourself Just how bad. or good, C. ii. Hope, Harry without the .Montcraima would be no body slows up a bit, is a good time tion, Thursday, in honor of their guest lying Ken compassion on two lorn and torn- Saul Harris, Bessie Jaffa, (1. L. seventy-fiv- e it really is'.' And if you saw one at all. We will all lie saving when something like up .porary widows. Ivan Grunsfeld and Brooks, Bernard M. L. Sinn, fair around loose, wouldn't you pick it llfeld, tor him at ball, If he lo figure on billing a Waich, ,( Dia- Voung people Were lliviled to tllej i. B Koch ami these four were eating Dave Itnsonwatd, Mike Mandell, Miss dances the I and peek inside? his Identity. Hope home. he younger girls together and having a merry parly. Gladys Mandell and the hostess. makes known and boys w err' there from 4 to 6 Because of this curiosity, which Is The Sterns have purchased the After a wh'de lot of wasted hot an. saw more charmingly mond Iting or a piece of Silver or tilt Kcm-penic- is q ulte a bit of entertaining Elsie h thoughtlessly squandered There to and and Illations than at o'clock in the afternoon. more often Koch automobile for that wonderful on Mrs. it was decided have the ball Arnot presided at conscientiously smothered, our daughter for Mrs. Cerf. heard that it as Supporting pos- - time before III all my (las. Vou will ftiui our has. and Jean than of theirs, and Mr. Koch Is Hurry Welller gave a dinner parly make silt Bs weather the table and Aline Stern, the llfeld good townspeople, who profess loyally seen these days in a splc and span SUmmel season at that for her Thursday, how large or how . , v price- - girls, and others of that set assisted to the "Doorknobber'' and it's editor. new "Cadillac." say. Aiways a big social success ii never Is mi 'lull blast" much lower than vou bought the young hostesses In serving. Rev. I'. Williams, arrested small I cannot Mrs. Welller throng Hie "llroadwa Ik Hermon never falls all Over herself to give has paid tor Itself, vou know. Lul The decorations, throughout the and tried the past week for publishing things always come high, and ternoon and evening. good lor in the spring or than you I i i nie details Ol a party, quite the con- good rooms were sweet peas, a riot of them and passing through the l ulled States New s fro a f o r n a . of (he hall would not It is quite impossib be ob- rnC trary, and 1 have never called her up the elimination in a all the attr will be able bUI Ill fall. Yoll tastefully arranged, and the big mail, reading matter said to of CHll) mean d.aiig aw,,y with the most letter lo I"!' the scene because of all the So you at all, but thai she has said "no parly" handsome Interior was cool and character; called on Mrs. Robert Smart in that left no room for argu- brilliant social affair of tlte season, harming; as you please. Especially publicity and awakened while In Diego? a tone society's arc welcome lo come hi and look at attendant San ment. Sin 's very attractive and I ad but It would lend to lessen pretty were dining room decora- curiosity, I say, those actively Inter- you - fJJ a New Yolk heiress and Was dirk the That found her In luxurious in Ire her greatly even If she won't interest iii the fair, which Is sonic- serge, things tions, as the center table was literally ested in the betterment of municipal surroundings goes quite sav- e by as- blue trimmed Willi dark blue and ask questions lo .Your without let me "write her up." thing not to desired the fair fln- - Powered In the gay colored blossoms, and moral conditions, as put forth in ing. I can well Imagine a at want first fall satin, a deep blue satin border over suite Cerf will be at din- sociation, who the slate Islnd the skirt, which was ICS HI c commend lo a great deal of asparagus fern lending said "Doorknobber." ale jubilant the V. S. (Jrant hotel would be dead Mrs. entertained to be something that will make the short the desired contrast. the outcome of the trial, and feel swell, and the price fairly staggers ner, tonight, at the Dave RossWald up notice. Willi and buttoned down the left side ol a family as I un- natives sit and take panel. voir nolle,- the refj low prices at that their cause has scored tremen- those of us not used to problems In home, soil of affair, Mayor Sellers as president and frank the front dously. high derstand H. A narrow satin sash wound! the That evening Krna Fergusson and Baa nee. siortz as secretary, the fair this year which we are offering iiuuiond'-1- . ThK Mr. was acquit- ., WaiSt allil fell low oil one side Of the Hev. Williams homey magnifi- great go bigger . Mrs. J. S. Kasterday poured and a "Artistic and with promises to be big ba.-k- ted, you know. Whether because of cent paintings be- Mrs. O, I. Brooks entertained al before, Stitched White handkerchief number of young girls served. The and individual and better than ever n lack of evidence, or because the longings" you say. dinner, la'-- i night, for Barbara John- lllo culls lapped over half cutis of fun reached its heighth with a dance and that Mrs. As I It. 1'rhlay of fair prose, uting attorney got too rattled to Is son, guest of Kileen McMlllen. understand the satin on the Hit quartet sleeves, on the wide verandas, and over all Smart charmed with the rest, and the WSStt Is to I'e society's own, called proceed with the case, I couldn't de- release from Prettily appointed and lavishl) deco- - and blue satin finished Ho white hung laughter and song, the Irrepres- or household cares In Albu- "So, P ly Day." and one In which the passed over cide being not at all versed in law , , table, gladolls that the shoulders sible, gayety of vouth So querque. You added that ii oot r rated was the dinner be nun h In- lrresistable ( ad- local elite will no doubt from the tail k many pretty summer frocks were in Its technicalities. Smart was on the road to prosperity, being th. tt..wer used to harming will be big vantage. Mrs. Brooks' guests were terested. The Montezuma ball The round neck of the white hem- evidence. one I. in common with the audience since his surgical work Is In great In-l- None prettier than the Mc-M- that evening, of course. was banded worn by bespeaking at the preliminary hearing, felt glad, command at San Diego is highlv Misses Barbara Johnson. Eileen stitched limn chemisette Beatrice Taseher, and wilh the blue. A particularly effective though only a spectator. by m-- n tea, Rebecca Pearcc. Mrs. Stephen I'rench chic In the combination of disinterested commended the other of his In.ish to was a line white and blue. The Hope girls looked Mr. Williams Is a bright man. a profession. All of which Is highly Andros. Mrs. Nina Warren, Ml. and The o'Rieiiy home was yesterday this chemisette of forceful orator and ac- Interesting us. Mrs. Chadbourne; Messrs. Arthur afternoon the seine of a g'y frolic, Inc. sapphire bUttOnS set on one side charming. Helen In pink chiffon and brilliant and to of the vest. Myr in blue, gowns ex-- tuated by sincere motives and earnest 1 believe you Les- Tllnglaud. Hugh Calkins. Bob Diets, when 'Hilly" O'Rteity entertained RFI lAPlP their simple l said Mrs. Felix voung bunch, Wilh this was worn a hat of Dne ulsitel v becom- endeavors for social purity .Hest of all. ter was at O, S. Di- Mullen arid Johnson, of Sllvr env forty friends. The whole VATCHMAKERS 5 JEWELERS summerv and vastlv the Grant at San say over lOSjen dark blue straw lined in satin of the ing. he Is a big. a broad man and certainly ego for a week, but affair was one of MM ,i cavalcade, thr 107 W that she and This ,., - shade. Its SOie being CENTRAL Since the guest i lengthv. be accused of mincing matters, gone on Miss who - Being strong, wem m i... same adornment list vu cannot I.rna had to I'oronado where honor of Johnson m a huge .sprey. LsrsT'ftff'fTTTfi'rtHWurW will have to ta.'e it In guessing as to Probably does go a "leetle too far" In they are stopping at "l.rcycourt." extensiveli entertained by local so- - it was a pretty sight to see th. white - - - bib White sull are worn. v.: ' the invited. Al. the young folks, of I his enthusiasm and teal for luimedl- And Minnie Iiolzman was dining ciety folk limiting the streets all In best satin greatly l ALBUQUERQUE SUNDAY, JULY TWO THE MORNING JOURNAL, 21, 1912.

I'.N'Of i.ND'B IjANH TKM.KK. AM INDIPBNDBNT WBWiPAPML a mosrntni s rti ti ook. Mr, I.loyil Haorne, the nggreRalve Magnificent Scenery Ok Jlltawrqie The yriir 1HI I hhi.ulil be Hi h Chancellor of Hie F:nt'lt-l- i exeheiiner. pTOMK K'UB III III history of A Am" r has nruvae epeech in which be an. iii ara to than the x-n- Feature of Mediterranean credit lean - Establish your hi puriHim- to the morning Journal IKK'. Which n fur, luia IMMtt fOCfd nouncM reform land lawn of Qrsal Britain which he (Official i.C Naw yuluil R1 i before 'l llllllt'il. Wl.nteVci DO" Says Abbott find rixhtiy u by feud- - Tour Judge IF YOU starting in business you will soon that Publlih b lb lltlcal changes my t.ikv place, it in deserlbsa shackled are a limn. ,i.t Ilk)) i tin i i ho finance of thin you cannot carry that business far unless you establish PUBLISHING CO. Fur many the KnKiiii 'in- - Editor Morning forward and bai i, and repeating In JOURNAL nation win i molested Mtiouily, decadee Journal: him hail tin' worrit of it. One "f ih.- strongest ami clearest a loud hIiik-xoii- tone what they were bank; you cannot establish credit unless i ir prseltfetit, " rlculturisi credit at the P. A. MAl'IMIKItmiN. . tionKii di irtoomtlo of my recent ol Medlter-ranea- n oommitting, Many Mill es "iun . . m ...... f Mi- htm believed bis grief cams from lour W. T. BtaC'HMUIIT ruth' Ht'lnitM tint! it rat is of beautiful raiseil at once Iii that way, an Aitterl- - bank, IXlN W M'SK ciiv In may countries you deposit at the mi t Ini, a r 'irt-- ii In via ' lob free trade, and nurt he boenery, which I ba.i not antlctpaUMl ean or European boy would have nlu tint by the great it to Impoeaible to HolrrT, Kr.rr. tlv. d i. Into power m a ri Miilt of have been rifht. far rimiiiig there, in thai partlcubur, found next mem I J MH KHUN, a it institu- - eel burdt n he has had to bear ih that I'.'gypl was not mueh from in guch tumultj hut there IT pay you to get a good, strong financial Saniaatt Bulliliaa. I lilrasa. UL her i laetfoMn the know different "ii. WILL and tho What I had expo., hut was llll- - ia taken as a matter of eoiirse, ulitl ii w of th" nun reaidsnl landlord, ih lo inrlff hill will be - NATIONAL BANK back of you, Kaatarrj Rapraaratall. bag to pay. prepared for tin- lofty mountains no one seems to he incommoded. At tion like THE STATE may hgyg tlepl I'HHlnjf effaCl I'll rants be h'"' on., place in a tho-- court, 41 I II K. Ml I.I.KIAN. lliatlt' Close to the sea along the north corridor, off hav- Naw n Th evils of the imhIi system havs and profit of M Park Vi.rk. trade rr n time, Thar are many rea-eo- coaat "f Africa, l had thought of I saw a man who appeared to be Then there is the safety, convenience , been more conspicuous iiian thoss of as being too to be an instructor, or lecturer. He wsj Kntarail a ain. rid rnnltfr al tie for i' Having in the wiedom nr a them far Inland here, poaWrva al Albunurfla, N M umlar a. England, because the Irish srs not effectively beautiful to thosi travers- SQUatted "ii the floor, ami In front ing a checking account li a, ' tariff board and the gradual changing a a of Cnnari-a- "' Mi' manufacturing people, except in ui-t.- i, ing the sea. 1 had heat. mid read of him in semlclrclo were from . "f tariff rata, eohodul iy schedule. iloeti to twenty younfr men, Seated J run mill-- mi jm hvai. in Till while the whole of England much of the charm of the llelleponl S'KW 'Ih. method of innkliiK u new hill In the Boephorous, in reality on the floor ami Uatenpjg intently to f.BAIINl KKPIini.H'AN I'AI'KR uf and, inml nnd inn MEXICO Sl'I'l'nll IINU TDK PRINi'l sn enormous nmounl of trad dotted with factories, the It seemsd tO BIS they wore rather What he Wan nnying. There wore THW III M AN PAHTT solves P1.B nr KKI'l hue been lout hIkIi) of. Bel-r- no separate rooms TIMrS AM) M IC ITH.M ir) Ing, mill a iii' there imno compared with the baj at apparently for AI.I. TUB TUB business has fashion of - rbphblican partt whbn Th"' wrongs of n medieval land tenure with the snow-cappe- d mountains but tin- students from each or th haltliiK from tint line i rialnty. I UI1CT ARB KI'IHT have existed there, notwithstanding looking down on Us vlvldl) hlue province or dint riot hail n spacious I National Bank r Bill from nil Indications, thlH ia to or with many the islands apartmont, where, as well as eonlil State alr win ttofl llian any .tlii-- papar waters, of iMTfr their ohKiiirnllon. stuih-nt- were! IB NaW Mattcii na JiHr-i- in eiaw be ii bumper crop year. The oulloog , or the Levant rising from 'be sea make out from the whn Uoyd-Oeor- gt can sccotn-pllsh- ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. Majlcc. laauait avary Hv In lha yaar. ir Mr. OH lofty them showing me COUld speak! OF i thai we win have much more to eii mountains Home "f about and through legislation, in Bngland, with visibly raging about very little English, they slept on t tit; T Kit MM ,,K HIIHSiRlPTION. at boms and abroad than ever before, snowstorms Dally, by rarriar, oa munib what in Frtinee r,et)ulred a hiondy rev- their already whitened summits, or Htone floor sole by side, with such Mally. by mall, n. month o iiiHiirinu a diminution f our Imports bedding they i olution, If lo- oali abolish the feMilal with the liulf of Corinth, where, aa i..uvhi witii them. of tav. mat'Tlnl mttl mi InnrnnHe SBOf There were piacea along wails, Tlia Mining .1 urnal hai a hlghar c system and pises the lami in the hour titter hour, one sees from the at the than la acc.rdad to atiy mouely on side of the Htrip tiers of lookers, each aboul two feel ratine of our exportSi thersby InsuP' owners, win have Steamer either accomplish titis is frequently to use otbar jiapar In Nw Halloo." Tk Atnarl or hands "f email hs of water only a few mllea wide, Square, In w ho it the boys kept their i more gross, stupid face than that an Na .arar DHraotory lux large bautness gold to our cred- is cotil- a pressure tester. accompllRhed a fsal thai will rank mountain ranges rising rugged and few private belonging!, There were no if the present sultan, and it .;. it in iim European banks, it Iihh i n druiik-ird- . AI.Bt'UI KItul B NKW MBX1C0 him with tbo foremost stateemsn or from Hi" ti.-o- blue sea, with recitation rooms, desks, tables, be. is, lion lalk that he Is withal a calculated thai the of this baii.n weekly trip to the mosque, round section for comb honey. hnrvasts history. here and there a vale of vivid green chaira or other articles of furniture The super- -, price will n cimh yiilue of n t l see any w hei bout Ihejwliich is not more than half a mile Comb foundation iraar have nearly ami now mid then u mountain lifting lha could supers Complete, seilions, section it above snow Itoan-tiru- l place. There has been i lairo furl from ins oalace, is, it is said, almost hiiiion dollars in excess of thai of int to lop the line. holders, price 10c, Secretary MscVeegh has decided iih lite May of Naples Is, it would, a fw years past, 11 university for his i, lily public, appearance. If he E. . PEE. um tin buffalo Instead of the goddess' I think, bo surpassed by some of the those of the Moslem fulth, ut whieh Is addicted to excessive drinking, he Thi ii n iiif Panama canal, whn hat 1 a. can he Is course against the of liberty on Ihs mw flvecenl piece. places have mentioned, if it linked whieh modern education of all offender a in i t st A eon has Just found man's n a heavy drain for a number of Iho smoking summit of V'siutus--eve- obtained, but its standing with the prohibition iho Koran, antl an This Ik Ihs mod sueoeseful attempt, Mos- - ySBfSi Ih Renrfnit t'omplotloli ami In ex- 1 not sure (but faithful cannot yet compare with thatlceptlon to u universal collar button in his lung. All the time n with that, am madOi to buffalo the geddes of i pected to be open far should award It the primacy. And of tin. ancient institution i practice. In Iho several weeks it was theie, the man's wife had been for business next f I liberty. Spoken i Another HnStitution Of I Spoilt aim ug Mohammedans, year. In any event, the tout of Iim by all thai It exceeded the ordinary, t. vainly searching lor it under the the scenery, with the exception of learning we saw in the Turkish Uomi- - witnessed no lolatlon t'f their sacred - psr rear In now growing i hh ami I eofn An AikmiHiiM man died recently Hie Bay of Naples, which is, of course, nlon excited my interest in quite rule against tin- use of Intoxicants, t iim Kirain in from our re. a way, was I although I w is told Unit such vlola-- taken xohi ho drank earbollo acid, mletak .imed the world over for iih beauty different li the Syrian si rve and n new imto'tuH win ho given was so much clour gain for me 1 I'rotostanl C illege at Beirut, Syria, Uoiis are not holly unknown al the Neither Tall. Ilof HoosoVelt, nor in tt ror whiskey. The mistake 'MM In hllHilll'KH. not on it. its existence ami work there are, n present day. Wilson Is a poor man nor the son of a had counted recol-conclu- a very natural one, for the flsvof of In new to im of lite Utmost Mflilll Hut so great is the throng or Is- - AIno, It tw Phil-long- And one who has lived a esentS poor man. Is the log cabin a lost i I I I certain lhal the 1 n ix. i MiiiKi i: Arkansas whiskey ih wonderfully likt country like ours cannot fall to Won- canoe for ih iniuro oi that region. lections licit the only way Ipplnes ar ' dangerous es ;hmi , stop, lost I wear thai or carbolte aold. der tit iim evidence he flnda in old it has abo it students; seven to finish is ti and pense to ..nri revenues, ami pB rt ti of out patten ce of yourself and your JlMgl Ira a. Ahhoii, i w of Haver funds "ait countries of ihe Immense amount of mollis, school the (to past gone to medtt Ine, t chool of pharmacy. School readers. will with this make tin Dove-tAlle- d supers for hives, Com r for dneen ysars have human labor which has gone the hill. M.i a., hill uiilll roc illy tilth.. Some of iho names of the ahhhiihi schob) commerce, of my only Ilk' each. those Islands or to the construe-o- f making of those countries as we see of dentlsti f, of etui narration. nlete, iii Mob I In i A Inl ludl Mnir contribute conteetnntH at Ihe y rti l I' looketl them. Egypt probably sin passes all nurses' t r; mine si houl, in addition ft A. ABBOTT. E. W . PEE. the Panama csnal, are now 1 I it I UIIoIImI lliifuhh' rtlcle descriptive of prini like pied HnSSa regions of the far east in tlto mor usual literal,', ami Sriefl- - Haverhill, Mass., July 1, If. io took other this ride . MeidltM tor Inveatmenl elsewhere. so tlflc ami it is proposed nh ri ii' trio ii nigh the re In the force of the Impression departmenta, Wo 'urnltiire, Bicycles, Motor-n- g if: a noluble facl durlna iho io law, engineer- A $ or veterinary surgical In- I'.',,: In III. arllclc lull. that The hobo convohtfon called for m made. Iter dry, rainless climate htt establish schools of eel Machines, Guns, or pant year, a proportion of ing and agriculture as soon as funds in perfect condition, will or- i. ..i.. journal; i American bankets have thin preserved greater struments anything thai Is broken or out of there eago recently, failed because in times can ho Obtained lor Ihe purpose. 11 - turned more than one hundred million the products oi human labor Sell for $25.00. der. Just call up 609 and we will call m il nf "mil Interest, partio- th.- hobo btiey h.iihoii dodging worlt else- is managed by an American hoard of dollars Into Qermany for Invettmont, past than has boon iho case K, W, PRE. fur your work and deliver It at the .trly i.elatlrii to the rulni of Rgypl where, and there prevail. 'I for III"" trustees; has an American president, ft, prices. Second hand machln- - ami a mi l I' ti n capital Ih now financing ., lowesl I I.. tlx' Moharnmadaii eohool in CAUj nut PROOBK8MVK lllil'l sands of years a system of forced graduate of Amherst college, al b .id. building In Spain In oth- OON-WO- mis- PROPER INFLATION OF mi the American schools al railroad ami IiWAUIIIS labor by which those in authority, though ho was horn at Beirut of NADEAU NOVELTY WOIIKS, er oountrlee. Hhould the Chbiese kings ami priests mainly, diverted sionary parents, ami, indeed, it is es- West Hold Avenue. Phone 868. Syria, and near Conelanllno sentially an in AUTO TIRES IMPORTANT Jill aocepi a loan or BiQOaOOo,SOO, from ordinary Obannela ast amounts American Institution All Work Guaranteed . employed it with, its spirits and methods, as well as as now oontemplgted, fffty millions in accordance with the call of iim ir human labor ami ittree hla stories of the scenic un out pay iii hhe Immense temples and in its support and management. Yet if n win Ku front United national progressive committee - i ep-tin- . the States. In more utilita- al tin- same time it to have if till questions relative to the pres of iiif African moantalne der a al n mane meeting tombs and sometimes PILLS Wo have lust oompleted a loan of reeolution works, which oven in their rulna gained Iho confidence Of the people ervation of pneumatic tins thai of CHICHESTER'S imagination, but nethlai t in Chicago on tho 2l!tiil ilny of rian X fifteen millions to iho wonder and admira- iii tin- count rv to a remurkatui Inflation ih the most important, Lkillfii! Auk lour I'ruarll fo I, IIM the republic of sir progregslvs have aroused It intereel tinm tin. account of June last, a stats cohvan" Indicated hy tin- - tested by the Mlchelln iriamuna Mrum al a tion of succeeding times, it was said glee, as the racial if tins in Krd ina metallic i 'i it Hon Is called by the Progre- 'ills uoltf hi tall in h temple r Km hereby religious make-u- p Tito Company on cms which stop ui le&lnl with Ulna RILImib. hi i by Greek historian, who of the student 0 placed in Mexico very noon, sses Republican league or UiIh etats mi ancient Tit) TuL no ui In r Hutr of roar i i i j 'in main- factory a full per cent arts link, lit. in f it In th visited ."id studied Kgypt, when body. While the HludcntH ale this UrusfflNt. a . r f ir AlbunuerQUe on the had under-Inflate- d, in All of wlihti iirunoM thai our fl in meet at Ifth ly sixty found to ho while of UIAMOIp UKANIp FILI.H, for 1.1, moM 1 -- knowledge which has Syrians there tire upwards of i.i ami the mafnlfl day of 918, at th hour of much remained till y cat k nuwn fts Hest, Safest, Alwiyi Kclilbls) 1 placed envi-a- . July. a seventy the tiros sent In lor repairs nearly have been on an t Slllco heell lost, tllllt "It the Ml eat Ameiii its, more than liroeks saV At rent Mlllifti r conoelved hy ih o'cloi k p. m., to elet four delegates per cent have suffered from this SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYVrltERE l lit.- a., ami wo may eipsci an the pyramid of Cheopa, 140,000 men were ami 200 Egyptians, The division on ami four alternates to the national every more Striking. cause. rtione of a htK in In tin to he held tit employed for throe months religions lines is even 91. i' i. ft "I" progresaive convention It mo of the There are many ways aside from i r year. When It Is Considered that Three hundred students States during ihs nasi twe phloago on the tth day Auguit, punctures, ami blow-OUt- S in which the Jo ih. purpoee of nominating was only one of numerous pyramids, Creek chinch, 14U are Moslems, and i.ii for his upwards of eighty tire connected with air pressure In a tire can sink below cnmpart'd with It, candidates to be supported for the that each king went nlarglng may not he viog was to is his tomb, the Homan Catholic church, in ad- normal. The valve air pare Ih Ii. grain 148 nd " of president and presi- pyramid, which tight, or if ihe lite is new ii may ex- f- - reigned dition to the Students there are even . OAS m. eH, so long as he lived ami that r . t e Ida, i Ml. ONTIlOVIilHNY. dent of Iho United Hint ami lo pand Slightly when first used, Willi a iiiiiaiti pro-- . only on. Ol various more in number each year who re- tecl u i" iii. i it organisation of the pyramids are consequent in pressure. opium ns, nine in m Ihri'i a galler- to It healing in .some way reduction i Hints, classes "I workSi a temples, sort for 111' RM IiimI Ki'eHHlveH in in. l hIx In Itiiw WI'omIIIiik Willi it. .1 in rock, ih,- saying of colonel Sellers, Moreover, rubber while practically feat hlath. mill Following i he prei eaem loia no ies nf tombs inn. solid famous . tight is mil entirely so and the i of the moel beings and In thu "Cllded Ago," think that was air air aach row iiini ni high hy th" national progreseivs oomm colossal statues of human i he i play, will gradually filter through into pro omo befort it to n art th" It t tl III ait an) Is. iih well uh artificial lakes, lite name of the lhal there feel loo, Ihe hilHIrl of loploNo loll as atmosphere. Air is composed chiefly t to on Hi" shipping Ol that alto, were "millions in his eyewater." ilatlon "f ii It watt Htato convention ut down canals for it of oxygon and nitrogen. The III See, a canal ho was aboul to introduce to the t l.lHt eiiliventloll llelil from Cairo lo the Red M niHoil Iii all. coastwise hall of the every one of diffuston of oxygen through ih.. in. time f heron Btnta by the progreurive republi- even about where the Suez canal now 100,000,000 of Asia, "ami i i this rut. ber Is higher than tha' uf nitrogen, ii trough tho ma free, - at of them has sore eyes," Is not With, bain their Bondi hi:. cans, ami. therefore, Ihe Several eoun- Is one can but marvel Ihe ami in consequence the pressure in tt wot-- ' fact. fill in deetcn an tollg to he tiei of the stgte ntmii be entitled to of what was accomplished, out considerable foundation in recently inflated lire decreases In . very Iho r. of delegates on pity even now the myriads of Diseased eyes are prevalent oxy- Hon. dcfylne u thlrti other the following number of and as proportion to the diffusion of the the bast mentioned; wretches who were forced to work there, among the children as well gen. When the tiro is reinflatod the aatartea thai in ih. in Ii Haiti, special Is given I pay, ami omii, is adults, and attention .in I. mil h I'Jim toil, anil I k of Bernalillo without proportion of nitrogen within the tiro Judge Abbot) " without food, except such uh they I,, treatment oi children so afflicted, of course becomes larger. So lo. it; aa tho ail Chaves a col- arena temple, m her ohiiiiioi sentiment of I',. Mux could provide for themselves, it at the College hospital. Such the original air remains in the tire i ii man Key. BllS Tiu i" i, .I In ..f in. other "lumen ini nations of the appears to have been tin- practice lo lege, with a like Dr. Ibis proportion continues to Increase w t at load, an American whom tiny every bl.M nr. iii h i.l hi it her nations had no real, Dollll Ami allow them to devote a few month its with inflation and thus th' crops one would he glad to claim as a fel- by small- i Ighif ground upon m they Eddy ... of each year lo growing the diffusion becomes gradually rlej on hb subsistence, and low countryman even on his appear- er. Nine mo Uag-n- (irant . . ssary for their tnmlil their ohjei tnniM. Qui never-endin- g ewy bi Uuadalupi then summoning them to their ance, without walling for other tes- The temperature of the out air l i ly h iii recognised i to power- t h.a.l, i ikihh Lincoln labor on what their rulers timony cannot lull be a responsible only for the ver.v slight Out of Ten i ful In all region lor t till II till Ih Ihmlan anal proposition im ijtiiia , chose to consider public works. Influence that est changes in ihe Interior air pies tf It temple of Kariutk, lis good. sure of a tire. These change are BO Husbands i 1 m till It Ih hi IWel McKlnley At Ihe great task inn .Shewing per- slight to I,,- negligible) Mora . . we (were goin about the Afterwards was at what is as puniehmenl tit. magnificent much of which col- Over-Inflati- likewise is injurious Be incefoti remains, haps Ihe more famous. Unbelts Would Secretly Pleased Buenplalm ri !) I'l was until recent lime burled from lege, near Constantinople, its not In tin- tire so much its to the oil. compelled tit i of Ih. follow Ill" Xlllha view by sI'HiinK sands ami the ao- - location impresses every he- - An over-Inflat- tire has little or io To See Their Wives lla'ted debris of ages, heard holder although it seems to me, to resiliency ami thus transmits shock " Boosevell n ti, chassis, Samli.v ill I to ho tin shouts of hoys say bast, im more titan iho which under Incessant US III.' what took the beautiful is bound to Shift the .1 some a port in a portion of college 1 Jarring suffer. ll nan niiiged in that uf the at Beirut have if Sit. i is obviously necessary therefore, Mtaut tin- - vast .. tuple me. i hidden been speaking of and through the it Laborious Family Baking keep i i t up i" ji ,.nr view. We presently came in students, whn havn resorted In It in the tires t.iiiii engag d .,,,., the right pressure. The only way von- - sierra sls-h-i of manv bns, hut not (mm uihal llalkmi OrO- - to the Baker's Shoulders. ' groups v as 1 had supposed. TheV Were ill inces. li Is credited With having been llth i'l'aos each with ., hi itober, of twenty five r thirty, Brea( regenerating force to th Ours Are Broad! Tort a master holding a long BUCK I Jeopardy or of Turkish if III" at task destruction lie and with a file- - leader of their own ,u,. n portions ol the empire. It IN FRENCH FERULE Let the Baker Bake the PnValeni . . . tl number, and they were carrying out Muw lt condition Of great financial i In ruins, bori fi the h Hon (loin the excavation tin strength through gifts from this PILLS. ! A ...... for Si Bread r the ve unities which wtis In progress, the dirt which country, that is being partly S..a Km,, and to a- -. aua-- fro-taile- d spades aivta laowa rut. aai ani I.l. nut einlons of was taken up b imn with manifested through the erection of nctlaa (...r.nir--d r Hoaay Baal prapaM local which the boys buildings, fur li.oo -r Niv. Will wad law trial, lo ha fato ft shall iv the and put Into baskets additional which would be . I: llhM r.lf.d SMBPU I'trf. If i. ..j,' due u.'l t li b county 10 meet on their heads to the dump-- 1 a credit to any college, hut its en-tn- g carried I i "iinty seat of the respeetlvn place, w here the) emptied theon rollment of students is not so large USJT4 aiDICai CO., ac 74, Lawcaaa, . Pioneer Bakery es of the htato, or al BUCh other Hid thou with ihe baskets 111 lllell u, thai "I the Syrian I'roteslant col 207 South lirst Street. as tho i .... ci ilttee may dl hands returned to have them rermeti. lege, nor are their many, If any, Said ia Auaiiarau . M O'Ktillt AC. - ii ihe day of July, 1911, at The baskets were shallow, holding noeit iii students. Kadi in Its differ- .. I, p, m. fur tile purpose of a peck each, I think. The ent to hi, and I think, in somewhat I '. only about i ng tin. number of delegates boys appeared lo be flolll ten l different ways, those two colleges "titiiioH are entitled to In eald elKhtceli years old. They Wore loins are Institutions in which patriotic '(invention, mm. this call and, to ihe custom of ih" coun- - Americans may well lake pride. At . tranaactlon of auch other husi-- s trv, moved with great alacrity, a- - if Constantinople, one of Ihe sights Is may come count) in mind. passage .r Hameses H had before sold with Ihe task master's xtlek the the Sultan from his ,11ml continually kept up th shrill palace prison to the mosque, which - SCREEN ih.- ratuo of poetl regardteas past party had at- DOORS Mi pemoti of "Chantey," or walling, which may usually ho seen on pridny of In- - waa I. nay it i efftllatione, who believe that the time tracted my atlolitlon. suggestive ot each week. Ills Carriage has u bril- tniitdlo mnnemei has come for a stale aim national pro the habll ..r the negroes ol the outh, liant mounted escort ami passes Albuquerque Co. al Lumber . greealve on a i a its anri ' m u movement lightening their labors In similar through two lines uf troop, cavalry people may tie rcp- - de- 423 North Finft Street done h iti lines, lo that the way. They were doubtless the and Infantry, and drawn up on eacl worke reeented bi an organisation unfettered who built the It bo Modern hlatorj scendants of those side of tile street. would dlf by obllgallona lo the special interests temple, and remembering how verse ficult to find III any station in life . . fWSeetttrllris thnl ol hi m at III. Ul.ll to privileged classes; who believe ...... - -- -i anallv iiMir or too eubj ii i. ins .... " ..)...... i Quautou in ui.", at.s his conatructed that the people rlhotlhl rule them- hi lo ve that when we saw them at and are capable of controlling saw Von. n. i.i. and a nor than fnltr bun eelvea work that day, we uuir Be iho iiKeinles .it their got eminent doing It. almost touch for Deafness Cannot Cured Montezuma Trust Company as Moll tl hi r a money, ancestors tl.S."t " ami the Selfish . I i II of Mli- - But t.r Iih hI Hpi'll' itluiiH, n lin y i:inmt rem h tho flee from touch, thousands of yeara bdorc. Of (tie In on ALBUQUERQUE, tlat. ill. I ma. h in h. p. .a h,.r o, m ur a nrtln Mf. Then- It huh NEW MEXICO. Ucal hoss.s: who believe that least tills difference, th .t W!i)- t ii tit HiHt tfJ by TMMtltVtsuO there is at 04f , litufnr. Improvement, eve tin ndly na t loan, or b) a fee Individuals tends to m.w boys have pay for their tt niui'tlli-- Ht'si rntHst ,m ettilifil by nil htllii in ii the f the llnlnic at, ihe Capita! and Surplus, $1 H d i u t become, and has in facl become s Is very small, rmiltftua nvrowi 00,006 labials laad lb an oimi niotin dieael work, although it Tube. When lhb ItttM hi litrtiiitnil fM hnve a of a selected class; who be. on,- per it MMUrd t wh-- I'Uilt b UusniMn 1 sting with foreigners twelve and half cuts day. raMMIU 0C tin per fee hfirtag, nnt INTEREST ALLOWED OBI) It M It.rifin-- tn ON SAVINGS Hat IhSI through the movement In said, without rations. The crew eiitlrelt th u DEPOSIT! SSSJ Aimiim past. lililesx tt ti II til 1 l f tiki it DDI Villi hal must proposed ran we obtain In the nation, ill get only '1 cents the enn be . tho Nile boats itiin tab rrot.tfeti n Ronul rcadltatan, twt Jutla- - Abbott sn iL ii i going trie legislation I t. ami the eevrral states per dav. so was inloriiied. an no litK In- tletrt.Veil little Se tHIt f . . him-- a n ihe people, Which will pie-pare- d re i'riik.'.i rHtmrrh. wrhh h i moi ie inahlp, sad s kd f demanded l" ,1 accept whai is h li of thai tii MtnlM promote Interest of the farmer, lullHUie, tafMwtllksl Of Ihe asWOOWl ftir fgeett. Venus and Palmer's Violet bp NkeaS men who at Ihe east alol I aal from heiwsj n the lot in,, passengers, which iney We will OlM Mui ilr..) 1i.'llr for nny nit Talcum Powder ill,, i htii. nt. the menhant, the wage (.m-e- ho rlli their view a. hia urlielo are American commerce. in. make ultoucther into a stew or soup. of DMraOM tv nWfl) tluil normk iwtk' r. the and ail business etire.l tv Hall h i aturrh t'urv. Sen.l eireit . miner And vet is so much better ihan Ur-- fr 1 Iheref.'l. t all) Which Will at the that frw. 5 nun alike. strike ,,t them can do In any oilnr F. J t 1IFNKV CO., Tolwio, O. cents a box; worth 25 cents geavtel nt. M I dlecrimiBBt-- most to i.i' it 1ht roots of ntonopoltsa and wa that the t ook offices ale in tU by ItrugjUt, TV. I. i . 3 r. 11 privileges Of B few men, r ren ee .000 n for Inn lB( la favor siege,! with men begging for work. Talk Hull I I'ttiuilv rill Nf otntliilKD. BI.CE ntONT, . Uha many, who believe Williams Ohnmp '"lark mm h.n hi . p. uses We k now reral gave mil afltnrt A few il.ivn alter 1 saw the boys Drug Co., 117 Won Central. that wholeaome government can come I ceiMlldalr f"t 111. i i. pi. I. ii. hi ti t women w ho mantiKe ti on a much working at Karnak, saw another only thi nigh Soneat pirty niaiiag. Ikiv , at Cairo, occupied go about th. country rnaklAg nieech mailer ettoa aesoe and lie bills of In progresaive collection of meiit. and who believe a Way, when 1 vis- . I in quite different ea, but ata.-- in Waahlngti uttel the koaaehold as well polities and that the apeeial interest " ited tho Universlt) uainlaal aahar Albuquerque Foundry and Machine Works-Engin- eers, to hla rtnii He inmhi have tacepl should he oea trotled hy tha peepls claimed SaalS,S0 stu- Founders, Machinists and not th people by the interests, which. It is ed a eeriain ti.ititt tide lo Baltimore In Reaator Dixon la at II acaln. tell-- dent-, and is esteem. al Ihe chief Mil an- cord laity Invited to attend the learning. an automobile ami it w..u'..l h.ivt how the QSlOB! l K"ilie to aweep haniinedan institution of Electric Operated tic ooant) ooaventlofis above nasaad ami .uiaiiged around a Pumping Plants; Vertical Motors, better htnl thai been taken. the gtgtiBg. The . nator went several t.iko pan therain in the behalf of The buildings are n..r large stems staved rourt, open to the direct connected to lap any one - elenn plbllSteS and good governini'til pump shafts; the ideal ahead of of the rttlil- IRttatted shout the ot rt installa- uffi-ria- - under gall. and William Jennhag rve aalsre director durina Um period pre- this .ii. hoys ditf. tent ages, som in tion; no belts or Hin By of progtes e rrpnh-li.u- n were of gearing to cause trouble: ' ' order the Irrigation the motor ti ' " ' more, and expia "f coroeBlttae of iho state. croups f thr r four or above ground convention when he aaid. "I ' IB some without rmmediate companions, and under observation all Iteltimore maki C DC it ICA, MS), at times. Nv were food. did what I did because I kv I .i"r in OeimaBy receive only Pi esAdeBta some preparing their . The only vertical motor on the with it 1. . harcoul ftr.s a - ri market equipped with satisfactory any g 3 r. BSUJ Q BO, v PRICHARD, ing ,hriiM country more than I lo e man .bout a month Tho look cvm-m- il tICCICI l.rartne. n.'. retary. in IhsHn; some w.i, appafesatt) -. l..le --Usfmlon anaranleed, nrass Caatlrgr, iron JO.sw.-l- l Iteenrd. amall, t'lit BOM "f them rfVO lone ting t. memory portions of th ..t fr R,nR oil fgXn Mnohlnerr. ea-- y t.. bMBJ at a thouaand d..l-U- - eno.i.'h to njey money, ao why th.-- beds ill It la cle from Ads Koran, us sat on their Uet Uur Works u liaj. It to theni? Results Journal Want the oriental wav, a thelt bodies rrices. and Offices, Albuquerque. New Mexi THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNWGJOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 21, 1912. THREE

Silk Petticoat Sun Bonnet Special Special

We have selected every odd silk petticoat of which we have only one or Made like illustration, nlso ulul colors of ginghami. " two of a lot regardless of original cost and placed same on bargain table at one percalei and chsmbray. Selling nrnl.ul at 2 and )S cents. price of $2.46. Original values to $0.30. S.ilc price 19, QUALITY STORE Where Reputation for Value Holds the Post of Honor Wash Goods Radically A Summer Wear Opportunity Come On In, the Water's Reduced Tomorrow begins our Half Price Summer Sale of Wo- Fine ! 35c MADRAS CLOTH FOR 19c. men's, Misses' and Girls' White and Colored Wash d0 to 7'j cent Mohan fot bathing suits ,at J9c i yard. This ii M inches wide and navy blue, red, black and black and white check, 'l ou About 1,000 yards of a soft, fine quality. h Madras in shirting Dresses, Lingerie Waists, Linen Tailored Suits cornet in grey, sliipes, 25c and 35c values for 19c White ought to have your own bathing mil and they .ne fine fot children school one-ha- lf regular fair prices our entire stock in the above lines at our dresses. Special, per yard C 15c PERCALES FOR 1 c. Choose from our entire line of Manchester Cambric and Sea Island Per- cale, 36 inches wide, for lie Baldwin 4 in 1 Dress FRENCH UNA, 25c. m Pongee Silk Clearance French Lina, an Imitation of French Linen, that will not crush or muss, 45 Made of high grade washable percale, in light colors and white' inches wide, fast colors in the new shades of blue, pink, old rose, raisin and also in grey and white nurse's stripe, black and ihep Our stm l( is complete in ill ))iiiie.s dfiii till widths. check, blue polka-do- t light l.nk chambrayi. All 35c value for 25c herd's and ana 1 V)e white. 3 -- inch Linen and Silk Pongee, 65t grade edges piped slips on or oft in a second like a coal looks like 2 1 -- inch Domestic Pongee Silk. 75c grade 4 a Princess or a Shirt Waist Suit. Double breasted. Feature .i 79c gives double service. Special $I.'1W and $1. M 28 in h ( loth ol (Jolt J Silk. $1.00 giade

V..JA i A 26-inc- h Pongee Silk, giade 98c vil i J Oriental $.Zr Domestic Department 36-inc- Ruff Weave Silk. $1.00 grade 89c Ok SimplKii EL 45-inc- t I Id 98c $1.00 all linen, h pillow tubeing, special 78c loth ol jo Silk, $1.25 giade 25c cotton pillow tubeing, 36-inc- special 20c 28c cotton pillow tubeing, 42-inc- special 22 2c 30c cotton pillow tubeing, 45-inc- special 2jc Simplicity 35c cotton pillow tubeing, 50-inc- special 27 I 2c i Black Taffeta Silks H 31c Kxtra heavy bleached sheeting, 2 'a yards wide, 37 e grade, sale price . . The most wanted and scarcest Silks in the Last, and as you "ill eventual-

h sheeting, special, $1.1 J Dress all linen $1.75 grade, per yard frm ly buy taffetaj for Fall, why not buy al ( learance Prices and save 20 per cent. c h Brainard and Armstrong laffetas, 75c grade Percale, Gingham and 26 inch Money's Worth Black Taffeta Silk. $1,25 grade 89c Remnant Bargain Chambray of fast colors is JO inch Money's Worth Taffeta Silk, $1.50 grade 98c 1 36-in- Black Taffeta S.Ik. $1.73 grade $119 an apron, wrapper or diess Money's Worth Brainard and Armstrong faffeta Silk. $2.00 grade $1.59 Tables all in one. All colors. Spe- MAIN FLOOR. cial 98c Every remnant of wash and white goods, also domestics and table linens in mm Silk Gloves the house placed on remnant tables in center isle on main floor, at BIO RE- mm DUCTIONS from regular selling prices. Black, white and color; all styles: all lengths, as follows: sp Silk Lot I consists of Kayser and Elsmere two-cla- double tipped finger Cloves, black, white, navy, pongee, brown, grey; also 6 button white and Long Kimonas black, selling regularly at 75c and $1.00; Sale price 50c Lot 2 consists of $1.25 and $1.50 grade of two-clas- p Kayser Silk Gloves Women's Turkish Slippers and Made like cut, of assorted colors, crepe and cnallie. in the embroidered and tucked mils; colors are black, white, pongee, grey slippers in red, blue, black and Sale price 75c A new importation of real Turkish tan, Every imaginable shade and made in various models. A whole evening shades; regular values were to $1.50; I Gloves, black, lavender, prettily trimmed with gold and silver tinsel and pon pon ornaments; all counter full to choose fromm. All sizes. Regular values to Lot 3 consists of Kayser () button double finger lip Silk ... . , is r i n .i r r .1 - ICi.. trom. Heguiar values sues trom i to O, worm ouc, special, me pair jc $2.00. Sale price 89c counter u to choose All sizes.

i . v. Rev . W. B. i ttierholtKer Rev. Mrs. Pive-mln- ut name home of he parents, Bev. and Miss Helena Egypt lades has gone to wa spending a month with h addles Rev. Until Bright Wil-an- '( look, .1. .1. II Ri Rarmon JP d J. II. Heald. on Edith street and Coal Oklahoma. Much to the regret of the mother, ami he was mure than ever I'. Williams, 'hill ell Cooper Tb, evening worship nt inyan, V. llUt: A. Cl iper avenue and was i. Simple, but none University student body, housekeeping wan "no Reading fr mi ihiir ii I'M l.l with union services held n ib First llaml It' Society. and man) convinced that : i s, . ll being the less impressiv service, other friends. .Miss lOgypiiades Will trick at all." Her comments reach- IIiikIi A. Coo per. Pi esl ri n church, Rev, Alliso the ter i pas ll hun h, Key All: (Continued from Page t.) Mr. Purington irrived here last not resume her position as director ing home were along this line: La J ing he orner nti ne Rev. the the Wednesday, The c lUple left last night of music the coming term, but will Why. Harry Clatterby, didn't you Allison, sua bin will IV the C stone, SUCCESS. 11 f( In lor Santa Ke, wh 're they will spend accept a like position in Oklahoma, know any better than to frj eggs in Sulle; by CI ngregation mo No, an orlfl h ing .11 il. is a . back to grandmother's days and a few days. They will then return to the pan of my silver scallop dish'.' You 1. 1. the e vlty ' placed history fashion good enougn to be adopted Albuquerque and spend the time un-o- f Mrs. White expects thing! un- Benediction. of thi ehuri h and it if 111 Tent Joe to leave on have ruined the And what are a dozen tl generally. til the first August, visiting the tho east bound limited, Wednesday, der the sun. moon, and stars did you There failures publli Color. ery ucceM) tnd as most met, hap Yellow a Favorite I lea Ids. Early next month Mr. and for Dayton, (;., where she will spend mean by putting the eggs in a BAPTIST CIH ICCir. The new Ifil If the hand ; FIRST I early in life, tin i.i hi The different shade of yellow have Mrs. Purington will start for San several months with relatives and hone dish after they were fried Broadway, their destlnlei soroesi in tl city. It Is of red brick, become May. which will be their home my Corner Lead Avenue and lug which wi II best qualify 111 in to immensely popular since Francisco, friends. II even in lif And what ,1. With Willie one trimmings ami is a Up m Jt'sso Itunyun. Pastor. IS mull vivid Bhade in the future. They will break their you wiping the dishes on? SUcccSS of intense interest 11 t that time that have been mull 111 Hi., indefatigable labors Known was preferred journey at the Urand Canyon and else- Miss My tray cloth! And Bible school W:4r. a in . pr ifessor young is hunter's pink Nannie creel has returned from best embroidered at men. of 11m pastoi Md Ho' members of tl'" to many others and was seen in whole where. a six weeks' visit in Colorado points you have been using one of my choic- Cecil Drake, stiperini, mien . 'lasses In this age of competltl n. many Handsomely stained gowns, Mr. Purington Is prominently con- and a ages. Welcome. congregatloi as trimming for hats, and at Santa Fe. est embroidered Initial napkins for lor all Visitors professions ha . a become ;rea( wlndo to the beauty of Union Works of Ida as o I", k. The of the glass I add In short coats. In accessories nected with the Iron dish nil Look at Itl As ek Morning worship at ly overcrowded, is an ovt bile such as pipings, tiny bows for the San Francisco. my shoe! And what have you been pastor will preach. Si bject; "Lessons There its architect Events in of la' vyers, doctors, el 11 ll IT tl 11 ds a 11 nt place heck, leather and slik belts, jewelry Church Circles. trving to ( ook in my chafing dish ; From the Book of Jon in," abundance The lull .t Ho hiildl ami paraaol, its only rival was Irish Concerning New Mexican. Isteak '.' The idea of frying beef-Wi- Sunday school at 'III p, in North everywhere. trades offer green, Then yellow tame into a The various Christian Endeavor so- steak in a silver chafing dish! Seventh street nils. don. Rev. H. limited fni'i nh littlo chilli. v The follow Ing progn will fashion. cieties of the local churches nave a didn't you use the solid-silv- tray ? si rung, superintendent ever becoming a nythlng nmro th mien aftei no"i the Ohio State masque I Wr niiw have maize, mandarin, can- -' The following trom the social at the Presbyterian Looks as you had put beet'steak Vi ling mi ling at 7:00 man, In so many Columbus, O., will be in- the the hired and erstoi ary, ripe Journal, of church, Friday evening. A large 11 topaz, chartreuse, amber and Albuquerqueans: that afti r ymi had tried it! And Subji t: 'In si lan .omrnon patloiiH the young man must d ing by ngregatn n VIII (so, teresting to many crowd attended and as the young peo- cut-gla- ss selerj 4 : lorn. Musi of these shades are alike. War- is my handsome, i." Prov, five or ti n of 111,' best if 111 ll Rev. w. il.. 1I1 iltaer. They e Just now Mrs. Lorairie Motley ple came costumed, that Is, a majority greasy ,1 po- - w differ. In name, but not in Chicago, dish lull of cold and frle ening irs eloi k. The life "getting established." Miss Howell, ren, of Halo Alto, Cal.i and of them, the scene was a pretty one, w l Of of color, and any one of them! And what thix r ill pr Sin ess Itev. .1. .1. is to participants Ing-roo- l'l ninute address can be worn by the woman who dares who here rehearse and brilliantly gay throughout the en- m rug? a gi Sp. lei. Not so In business. So great has or ; 11 11 mi Wear yellOW. Whole suits are made and stage the "Festival .Nations, tire evening. The church parlors ware as a meat platter! You let a pi been the Industrial growth of 11111' which will be one gajiy M Of It, silk and satin coats are fashion- children's pageant decorated for the event and the hot steak tall On it ? My soul' And country thai the volume of business of of the were in keeping FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ed "1 II, excessively fash- the features "eats" With the gen- don t you any tl ti I I Flve-mlnu- ti itev. parasols are Is busying know better Corner Silver. has lie, illy dollliled evcc.V iddtess Hermon ionable In centennial exposition. her eral appointments. Misses twenty-dolla- r Fifth and it, suede colonial slippers Helen a luce in' Pa-to- ) bur. h ',, operation." In attempt to classify the Chil Hope, curtain Hugh . Cooper, r. ten ' ears for tin- past half ecu in I'. Williams, and luc ked silk stockings are quite self an Alma Swayne and Ollle Hinds knot like they sometimes tie tin-o- f by Services .i 11 and a p. m. : tl t tl ' riilcs say that wo have only Reading chun ritual, itev. the dren of the public schools nationali- headed the committee on arrange, way .( and touch for all kinds of summer a horse? Nice to use Morning U Trading .Hugh A. Coo frocks, and empire slips of it go un- ties. menta, and to their efforts more than lain! And COUldn'1 you do bull with bega n Thi marVsloUS development der lingerie gowns, as girdles Mrs. Warren, who has had wide anything else, the splendid success ol simple cooking without aahei What We Ha has it led in unparalled demand for Laying the e. IteV. and for ne- - gettln E&vehtiig --Union the in it, to exnerience in iirodueinu leslivals. the masquerade was due. six. service with young 111 who aro traltu-- in the Allison, paste ih urch. them there is no end. songs, strewn feet around the rangi congregation oi the Meth dlst Many lleves that folk dances ant Well, If is wliai you gettll First technlqt business and are quall-ap- l Bong by cm hymn Ml. devices in topaz and amber games, be sung, stepped and play this call church. can Yesterday along I ho I., positions Benediction, crystal and yellow acquamarlne have by nationality afternoon, th Woman's 'tine and dandy,' wonder Sunday school at n. Chris fied responsible been ed belter persons of the Christian Temperance gave things have Linked if you he t:45 organism quickly brought out by the jew- I'ni on a would tlan Kndcavnr at 7 p. Topic with th gr al commercial represented. reception - not gotten very Judg elers to meet the demand for yellow ban- - at the Central avi line Meth- along well?" "Christian Common Sense. Leader lions of uir country. This demand is scum- In. Art' Svaree. odist church for OUOg and ,,f these are exceptionally She an lad can the ' people of Mrs. H. (i. Khiors. glowing h more rapidly than the Had to- doesn't believe Irish the city. The affair largely at- - She Consumption artistic. There are large facetted enter with enthusiasm into a Russian Alls Sprains require careful treatment. Musical Selections. supply. Kxi . Hem salaries e offered pi, inns Bet in of Hold tended and a success in every way. Keep plaited ribbons dance or a lassie Into that of quiet and apply Chamberlain's MultNINO. u begin 11. adv. im Was Dying; Now Well u ed tor the no French rne organisation of the Loyal Tem- right Itlild cascades of lace that Liniment freely. It will remove the Capocci A 111 i n Ii down the Germans. perance Union was a Prelude merit is UUUII ed the efficient, tile Krklllllll'H w U imt(l wit the front of all our blouses, or as Mrs. Warren will stage effected with bin soreness and quickly restore the parts Offertory "Duo" Blast access in tii, Iraatuiliit (if l"r catching lacfc Inasmuch charter membership and Miss Olga In 1. assistant of yc;T irdai' is the pre persons Tulri'ululi a huge rosette of the dances and names of all nations, to a by Anthem, "Hail t" tlie Lord's Anointed" who im vc tnkt'ii it Improved, Into Selke was chosen bead of SOClety. healthy condition. For salo id manager. secretary. jCidii.'il vsi'ljtlit t'X till UHtihK II Ik h( tri the middle of the girdle. with the aid of two thousand school the Evening Anthem- - ' The Sun Is lit. the the HWetl There are lor.enges topaz A musical program, by ininils of Miss all druggists. (ashler if today. tofjiied, fever mill iniiuv ic of on Sinking the T IntiTt-Ntn- onyx children, she has a bin work her Selke, a well known violin Past" Andrews urn .nr t to knw ami artificially colored hands in attempting to pick out, the teucher, Choir director, Charles Andrews. Andrew s tsya that the U0- - Dion Rnottt It, wt will nt you In toucli Sl In gold was greatly enjoyed. - Which is also carved with The par tlet Organist, Miss Beryl orf wllli HKiiii1 who urn now wt'll. Ymi CAB mythological different nationalities. pants in the program were Kenworthy. cewsfttl bus nen th future figures or crests of promise to give her the Lora WberetoWorsMpCoday a In wNttyiitf nutl Jti'lt ft.r yoiirsi lf of monograms; Indians Learning, Adi I Har-Lon- must bo th o have echnlcal there are bracelets of most trouble. Young are few la Elder, Qludys Urn Uorprt'i rcoTrj: (.'rittith. na. yellow Indians ris, im III Donl wa do time timt pswhsipfl h cameos linked with gold, and and between In Columbus, Mrs. Jemima Ralph Hill ami co;ii:;.vno.Aij k ii. business MUtatlmiii TblDklof medieval girdles great yellow far ol tiers. Corner Broadway ami Coal, and money igperlment, Secure gborl hlntory of tin renin rk hU' cum f iy of Warren, consequently, probably in CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. inothi'i In In W (Mrt, A n nit QoTtrt) put Sunday school at 9:41 a, m. II. s Sl l W e Uthl together with medallions of 9 held that tralnln ollg. eslab iHnt-it-t hoiih- - 1 btsivDy "eaten have to break her rule in this one Christian Science services nr Llthgow, superintendent. oilier raffvrvn ?s gold. phase of the pageant, which will bo The Ladles Aid Society, of the in liahed, sin Institution tflvc tin following tHtlmooml: About the Woman's club building, itner Morning worship at Ser- 10. llot ilk taffeta and satin coats given on Ohio University and Broadway Church of Christ ll a. m. graduates s cessful, C H(ptpmler imw, tm trii taken sick ;" With the state Seventh street and Oold avenui mon In Rev. W. C. v llh CattrrtuU uinl rontliiiiHlly that new lung back, which field, make-believ- e joyed a piaaaaal Merrill. Interna athletic and employ social afternoc flee. WW vv 01 se. ltiic h t i n IiihiI uur-t- JJ at the waist ami Is not the home of Mrs. day morning service al ll o tlonal Sunday school worker for New nuli ' youthful braves and squawets, Frret Van CI ' air ill slsi Nlgbt HWrlll were n Inn thnt It wmh fd'ed iili niching or plaiting, lire mursday. A delightful Life." Mexico. ' musical pro ,'l U'.'l i: HI ilNICHf Cl ll. tn't Miury to ebangti hr elotblM one or wrri ovi entirely plain white mull or gram was Wednesday evening Chris Mndenvor at I' m. I wl c Dtgbl; her l&tfnNMMNl The Thirty Club danced again rendered. Mrs. Th service LKi I'viry rotih now its with yellow Slippers Hughes, Jr., played wild O'clock, folio is the musi program IK. ml mi mo bad thnt tvarj body aspactad Wednesday night oidd hall, excellent es t Slid at Fellows' c I ti for the All itqui rque, N. M. hut on hi nitt live in iii h lootfvr. ttoekirtirs and huge white hats i pression and "Taren-telle- The public Is filially lnvitl lia enjoying a " lots of it. line execution " aoroa i (rimmed with yellow, time" and pbeld's i l pes rial rtchi ol by S,c Ta lists. tin tiuineii mim Anna THoaa) dances nr events, tMillM ami tetacDowell'S "Shad itteiid these servic s. Sunday a formed ine Unit hIio hfi l TubafCllloala Htnl Their ow Mrs. Harris though club is somewhat de- Dance." Edward Sacketl sani 't 10 o'clock a. m. uothlntf roald he ttone for her. In J it mi and the If lb IU. Elizabeth Heald Married. pleted by the absence of members, Sweetly "A Lllllllby" 6) C.irrie Jacobs il.v. when Itev Win ik t.f Ht. Mhll con- - Bonn, and Mrs. John Rtryinqulsl Haydon tari Chureb, hi Bbaravlllai lad . prepnred away vacationing, the soirees ami CKNTRAJj i Adele Carr read, prov- AVF.xti: mi rriloinsi a hei ion METHODISTCHURCH for her daath, ba rawnnMOdad Hint a il tinue uninterruptedly. their selections (111 SOI Ca Home BcktnaO! Allenitlve, mill Klllaboth H,.:b! tall lit. ing very KCH TH. Ihepherd of 1. Moir. . se if Ine; entertaining. It wotihl not gWa her BOMM mrl who a and Arno. M Iss ) r I relief tto'ti has been student and mm Central 'a itte Pratt raqutatad the iipndlog plVBiclaa to awa instructor In Cattfarvta colleges Kanitit'l I'.. Allison, Pastor. d I for Items of Interest. Next Thursday Postlude in hit 1lituno-4- mil he llifm nietl ine I hill three years past, and who returned to Little afternoon at 2::io SerelOea oondttcted by the pastor at hint i ' ion itml wus bajrond o'clock, the indies' Aid society ill her home in Albuquersisssfoii July 1st, peel of thi 11a. m., and 8 p. in. organist Hhi. wmu i labad if ba QMMjrbt Mrs. Marie and her .laughter. Plrsi Methodist Will a re- CORNERSTONE TO It yesterday afternoon became the bride Chi- church hold Subject of morning sermon, Th. ihtit wnK useii to trv the Altenitlvi. Miss Huby Peel, have gone to gular business tie replied No iiin balp of Cleve a. Purlnsfton, of (ten Frun-Ciec- laeetlag at the pastor s Christian and His that ihyi. maid cago, where they intend to make their I'm" (.1: M V i II I 111 II her liny Hnd I eoold milt tnvself aboail home, 411 South Third In M7THERAN ' Tht. ceremony was held at d street. the Topic for the evening hour. "T Err the future home. Miss Peel has been absence of Hcekmans, iermai services will be held this it So i lasmadUtttly bad Rev. Wm. item the who are Is Human, to Forgive, Divine." to tteml for n tMittlf. without with the be al forestry service at a I 1:10 111 Praotlcallf IfoUntalnalr, Mrs. c. i:. Jones, sis- Sunday school a. 4a a. m. afternoon the Central hone for recovery, 1 toalated aba try and the Feels have numerous friends Mrs. al Methodist Church, corner Arno and LAID TODAY tbat A m ter of Ueeknian, will ti the Kpworth League at T on p. m, BE he Altarattva, whfeh ibn did. At the thin of Beauty la Joy who greatly regret their departure. a Rev. if ft ferwr. hostess. At this meeting the presi- A cordial welcome to all. Central Tine. I. Krelschinar, ml the flrnt week" (rent inent. he got dent desires to complete the "calen- pastor. A MHll.ll Well. illle to Mil. M hfi'l tttnt she rpfusesl to dike ,inv mre T. Film Ooureud'e Oriental and his We are now worshiping In the if it. hut tin- doctor advlaed her to kep Rev. Ilcrmnn P. Williams dar" and the "weeks" and "months" Ii D. Craam or Mafloal Bejsutlfler. Will old Sunday school room of the new chur on tiikfm: It. tin It wmn the only ttilnc family have today for their are asked to make a full report. 1 i 1 1 T Ti FimpMi, in the rear of tin nee church enli nisi t lis I Int t in it; hi bajp her. ttni glad to may :! u. home in Ues Moines. Iowa, where ! ri'isiiii'ti t ti t t reck rev loth PrtebM, on Arno. The church furniture was Corner Lead avenue and South Third now it hi' kejit on nrnl noon ti)'in to m.4 DlnrUM, spend or six weeks, Impressive Exercises to Maik Now, n fttu, Skll they will a month Th Woman's Home and Foreign hipped nt this ml I st reet. iuiUove nhe worki hunt ena .very Dlemier, Mr. will occupy a pulpit in the l.lth month aver, weig4M t wenty poundt hen vie r Mid Williams Missionary society of Presbyterian I .. 1, 01.111, thin .! brtUtT, de v the will be here in ten days or two weeks. Charles Oscar Pastor. Dedication of Mag- ever look Des during bis isit lie re. h.-i- Formal she tlhl hefore she nlr. nntl Set detection, tt Moines church 4t regular nieeUntr. We Ml- - DeJMMSMM, tg 1 hope to get int" the main audi- EdHh .orh, In ('"Ml baattb, She frankly MM "h" kUUwd till Thursday afternoon, in K Lilian' at 65 ". the church torium by the tirsi of August. Preaching at a. m., by the Rev. nificent New House of Wor owai her life and health to If to ovmltM t Miss Marlon Moriarlty, the talented parlors. Mrs. Cooper and Miss Little stone Program. Neil Ferguson. Allerntlve Wo keep it OH h;iml nt all U Coiner It U,t. tobelurelt musician and piano instructor, has Were the hostesses. Program lay- Sunday S:4S n. D. A. tle&ea uinl reconnieod ! prop" BQkd. for the corner stone school at m. ship This Afternoon, iSIlmumI Afflslarlti JOS UKft." -, will 1 tlRllf Accept Do counter gone to Detroit. Mich- where she ing of Central Avenue Methodist 'oil erfbid. superintendent. la In Lmllftr ekaaan'a Altrtlvi rffei tlve Itron felt of spend visiting relatives and Tho Wutnan's Home Foreign letsagSle p. t I I Dr. ITa. six weeks and Church, South, at "Clock, Sundai Epwofth meets at 7:00 hit m. Aft h inn. lav 'ever Throat and Havrew Mid to e friends. Missi iniirv society of the Lead Ave ; m. will be Inter- taag TrouMrg. nml Iii uihuihtlug tht afternoon This all unusually t o'clock, th potsona, Isdf of the fatal. s nue .Methodist church met Tbursd Sonn by OOSSgregation Hymn No. esting Son f Kood This afternoon i yatai, Doea not eontaia aggataa service. the oi Uig k too afternoon, at the h, 6 CO. De- fortnoJ o tin- conwratow ur hit hit form rtrtitia. for " 'J N. daughter. rhuri for the things being Krom all Ai T' lKdlen Mrs. I.ykke and her "Kchoes - - olf curetl fjggg-- a h ml wrtte to K ktnnn w.-- . transaction of regular Imsim ss. tht- ti;iMitsi.rn- nrw Vtilial Avi.u' staying a few ks Prayer by Rev, W. S. It., r. part men ts of an District PbUadaipbhl. . Miss I.vkke. are Ohcrha Okiahoms dt ilM titioit Lahornttiry. P for niisre m I.ykkes are Sob, Miss II. .well. by Miss "'hapin. rhnrrh. itn.l ih Male hy nil leatllnc r st and mm um irmmt m vaw ,h. ilvurado. The Convention." Bthel I'or : naiui i ' Five-minut- Bp will i ai-c- e Of wiirhip, rnn .1 of si '.Wi,ull. for tmlw t J ll nd FmMCf friends' of Tom F.gan. who is tUs "Kine unit llateli ll pine address! Itev. J. Two Selections by the Choral Soci- the nw AIIumjih XbM dru!rti PtMIMhC In riut. 0min IB U alt ed HUXsM, m4 M4 BMM. secretary of the Ccmmercial club He had written hin wife that he is It an van. ety: Sob. John raulkenburg, and tmhm ptacois Thi- ctcvmofttai will h sj WlwIUlffH tttT.MrliS, hm V M km mm M the absence of Tom Nuylon. i getting along line ami dandy" while Solo Mr. Andrews. OoagTegaittonSel singing, led by Miss parih ini in bf live f F0U1M THE ACBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL', SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1912. PREMOETTE, JR. Crescent Hardware Company RAILROAD REFUSES CONCEF IT PROGRAM ! ji Morea, Range, lion rnrnlehlng liooda. Cutlery, Toola, Iron Pipe, Our Green Tag Sale Valval and rutin. I'luniblng. Heating. Jlu an, pier Work. MAKE TRANSFER FOR la W. (IN I II tl. Al I riluNK lit 10 CHAUTUOUA

OF FREIGHT 5 jj i Remember to ask for MHO Big Values for You MATTHEW'S VFLVrT ICC CREAM You know that we sell the very highest TKl.Kl'i ionic oiui:ii8, M. Fruit Shippers of San Juan Mesdames Henderson and Win- in every depart- County Up in Arms Against chester, Mr. Seder and Dr. class of merchandise your Rio Grande foi Alleged Ar- Heddlng to Appeal In Splen- ment. You get big value for ...Dney leads aluminum, n 'f covered with k Action, did here. Just now we've added to the value ulna grained leather. Tba moat com-pa- d bitrary Selections. A mill lightest machine rnada; fitted by reducing the prices for clearance Rogers' Silverware Coupon in Every Sack of wnii bell-tatarl- shutter, ,si.., of 2 x:i , ItprHal rrmpnnOrnrr li Momloe Journal The program for i in concert which Altec, N. M,, July 20 Ban Juan to be rendered at the Mountainalr PRICES, county fruit Krowi are up In arms luutauqua on th, evening or c. l. over tbe action ol the Rio urandeji C, Day, July L't.ih, waa announced EMPRESS FLOUR Promoette .ir. with Achromatic railroad In refusing to transfer thejj Lena and Kodak B, f 1. Khut-ta- r irucai unaer ours hi iniranKo, uoto.ny rme numiicrs. The quartet of ar-Th- e Hart Schaf & Marx Clothes ! i ts ner l 15.00 broad gauge from Ban Juan coun-tls- who are to participate Includes f Premoatte Jr. with I'lnnutngruph iv connecta al Dnrango with the nar-jthr- ea local people, Mrs. h. v. win row gauge, preaeni sr-- Chester, M. Lens and Kodak B. B. Shutter 7.."n ami under l Mrs. itaiiih Henderson and V, Carfyihf Qsae rangementa all freight shipmentf &. Stanley Seder. I ir. B, K. Heddlng, Young Men's Suits worth $25.00, now . . , $17.50 must be by each if is Promo Wlm Pack (IS AO transferred hand Mountainalr, the fourth. 11 exposure) .Hi ..tton. There was an effort madi The program Is as follows: Fine Business Suits worth $25.00, now . . . 19.75 !! Charles eld Co. Premo Portrait Attachmanl 50 to have the narrow gauge freight can PART I gauge 13 1 f C Iced and placed on board trucki Jonato in Minor Qrieg Finest Suits worth $32.50, now 22.50 ra Pramo imi from $1,50 to Itfl.ftO so peaches, which win be We do developing and that tho Wholesalers of Everything printing, the rirSt fruit shipped, would have (I, I .Minn, Iti to In ears from Mail orders attended to mi day of be run hot ordinary Big Bargains in Hats, Furnishings, Neckwear, Etc. LAI VEGAS ALIUQUERQUE SANTA MIA receipt this county ami then transferred to Here from "Joes . . .aodard the Iced earn at DurangO. Superinten- Mrs, Wim h dent McAtea reports that his road . . . . .T'rlml considered tie transfer of trucka but Mrs Hendersi i t laundry (Strong's Book Store deeided it in he Impractical, Bow-eve- r, A Perfect Day, .Carrie Jacobs-Bor- d men who have been In other Dr. lliihliiiK. "Vour Money Rack If Yon Hunt It." placeg win-r- similar connections are (a) shadow Dance McDowell made, say that Is a . heap, quick (hj Llehestrattm in a flat. . ..Liszt Watermelons! WHITE .Mr. ami feasible idea in run the cars over Scler. SIMON STERN W A N 8 PitH, and change irucks in a lew Romance d'Ambroslo FIRE LOSS ON GILA minutes. Mrs. Henderson. THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHIER f The mo Qrande complains bitterly Sweet and Low Bomb)' down Mesdames Wlm lu ster and Hen- CANTALOUPES that their railroad property this derson, Mr, Seder, , Hi way doeM not pay, yet When the coun- lr. Heddlng, try raises a momiter trull nop the n. APRICOTS railroad apparent! makes no effort Part , ! FOREST IS SMALL .The Nile Leroux jj to handle it an n must he handled, lees, costs or suit, and interest Wert Strong Brothers Mesdames Winchester, Hender- Included In sum which JudK PEACHES Mas meetings have been called and son: Mr Seder. the Ei a protest will Ko up from n RESUMES T i (Jndertalu Kinhelmera. storm of My . , , ri and Incompetencj ol L"e. lie follies on the Skee. Iii, il. rrer was one filed by the 1'mmpt Hatttua ' our people over tho Clough-t.elght- er lay or Night. in tin- PLUMS Telephone 7ft. Resilience iHS. THIS YEAR the railroad managt ment, Mrs. Winchester, defendant ease of Nicholas r M,t against W. H. Class, in Which J , Ktmng HIU.. i,-- and Hccond. , , a southern railroad connection Drink to M, Only With Thine Eyes.. t an tin- - appar- the Dlaintlff demurred to an amended BANANAS Tt would obviate loss that (lid KiiKllsh given growers, and in addi- Wimh,-t,r- . complaint The plaintiff was AFTER LAPSE OF ently faces the Mesdames, Hender- a acreage i twenty days in which to file second f tion develop the .,st here son m r, Sc,i, r, ir Heddlng. complaint, ORANGES that will support thousands "I fami- Ho.irc Katl Hubay amended Excellent Protective Woiks Nip lies and make New Mexico's popula- .Mrs. Henderson, Five marriage licenses were Issued tion .lump Into th,. millions, This is ta Isle Irkpromptu Chopin yesterday by County Clerk A. E. Wal- TOMATOES In the event that you Should fwenty-Thre- in fan ' not your e Blazes tin no "pipe" dream, but is an actual Mr. Sed, ker. Those who nut them were Sol'ia FIVE YEARS recalva morning paper, Baca Toledo, telapbona BRYANT'S fact. Albuquerque should arouse to it Wilson ami Ramon of AlbU QUAKER Bud and But 320 Acres Au route. querque; Henry M, Qallegos and CORN FLAKES, Kt your the value Of it of this south, 'in Mrs. Winch vltiff name Na.arla limner r Old Al- 3 pkgs. for 25c tad addreag and the paper win Buined Over, buquerque; Elisabeth Hoald, of I... una-ange- r, dalirared iy a ipeclal Berkeley, Cal., and Cleve M. Purine-ton- , 1 Dr, W. M. Macbeth has resinned Phone r.u or 602, CONTRACTS of San Francisco; N'inn Anient, All AWARD PRECAUTIONS FOR practice of the dental profession at 10c packages of That tin' fli'o lolg on the (ilia n or Dalies, and Homer M. Vaughan, ot tft.oo Raward WinsloW, Ariz. rooms 25 and J" Grant building, aRer tiotuii forest iiiiiiiiK the eeaaon .lu-- Crackers, 3 for 25c Tba above reward win t paid a laps,, of abotil five years. l)r. t onii'li ti ,1 was a ory Hinall one, ami for tie arrest and oonvlotlon of Macbeth is the dean of the dental anyone caught ooplaa that (he coal of protective FOR COMPLETION GREAT CORPORATION FIGHT. efficient PROTECTION OF profession in Mexico, of Morning journal from very Is being waged all over country. New having for moaaurea bad bean low. were the the many years a of- the doorways of subscribers. now a occupied suite of statements made here yesterday by New Mexico has Commission fices in th, building, JulJRNAL PUBLISHING CO. empowered to regulate corporations. Barnett where STORE i 'on i', Johnson, gupervlsor or that he enjoyed a large praottce and a WARD'S Corporation Officers, attorneys, ir- forest, who ih visiting tiii city for OF PROJECT popularity that extended far beyond rigation engineers should know cor- Albuquerque, On the ad- way a doctor's HOMER H. WARD, Mgr. few days on hin home from poration laws and procedure, For this vice, he gave up his practice en- t iiiii, hi at 2.:u o'clock. 'I'lir hlnr.c and trip east. Mr, that purpose get K ANION' S NEW MEXICO gaged in d X 111 Mar Ma Ate. I'liono log. roa extinguished with chemicals, n Johnson declared bUslneSBi Which be has J CORPORATION LAWS. RULES and until recently. He now re- .an in the rear of a row of own-i- t although there had bean ttrehty nuts on Corpor- turns to dentistry With aaaattaaaat by A. W. Anxon. tin,',' ttrei mi tin' forest during the Dollai Red River I'nltMS. All laws Ceneral renewed lillion Bullet Proof Gate and Wall ations, Irrigation. Mining, Railroads, health and strength, and desires to of season Mra, a nt m i,i Martlnea, an aged six w.'i'ki dangerous fire Banking, Insurance, etc.. with cita- i t all Ins old friends and new ones iil. ,,f jusl protective meaa Ditch and Reservoir Irriga- Erected Across Western End lit Mat tin. low n, waa pain overt tin' cira tions; rules and forms for drawing .as well. His offices ill the Orant LOCAL ally Ii ni t veaterdav In mi. nnlnu from ures had bean so well arranged that (building In ITEMS OF INTERES1 ih, was tion System to he Completed of Legation Street at Pekin; and tiling corporation, Irrigation pa- ate furnished excellent a (treet car at in,' or tot.ti goreaga burned over , , I corner Central pers, etc. Also V, S. laws and forms; ,"'-- .' ...M.W .11, ,' J ,l '., I I, avenue and Pourth etreet. Bhe only no acres, it,- said that the jt lie modern office, Neai Maxwell. Tunnel Also Bored, only law i dental apratnod bar ankle lit alighting ami coat .,r protecting the forest from the compilation of these u it t;t t'DitT. IS',17 to 11112. i:tim had in la' removed tu her home In a tin- ravages or Ihe flames had been from If you need a carpenter, telephone buggy. less than hair s cent an acre, The 1912 legislature made but few llcsx-hlcn- . phone ;!77. For tin iwrrity-foii- r In.urN ending l,il l , .n,i, i in .luiirniill T Bprrlnl t (! Wlr 1 "The main reasons thai we wars Hri lrnln Mnrnlnc Jonrnul changes In corporation many at o'clock yesterday evening: a Cleveland banking firm wai the Maxwell, N. M.i July 80, Contracts Peking, July l'u. -- a heavy gateand laws: able to control the fire so easily wars of New Mexico laws are out of print; no Right in your busiest season when DUccaaafui bidder yeaterday for that were able to arrange for have been let for the completion (wall, proof against bullets and small Miminiuni temperature, it degraea; 13,000, hi' the million dollar Red River I been constructed across revision made since 18H7, none adopt- you have tho least time to spare you minimum temperature, range, bond laaua of lagued for the telephone connections straight from hair shells, has Mi it erection uf a new echool in ditch and reservoir ,,r the Maxwell the western end ot Lcualion street. ed this year and none will be adopted are most likely to have diarrhoea and Temperature at t, p, tn yesterday, KQ dtatrict the supervisor's office In Sliver City company, ami ' '1,1 All, u, ill, i I, Blda I'm' a 12,600 Irrigated Land the! corresponding with similar nates at until 1915, Such conditions make this lose several days' time, unless you Weal win, Ik, partly cloudy. to fOUl! Capital lookout stations on he rusneo to Iimsii n wuu n,,. to Legation laaua in tin Burelaa dtatrict anil a highest commanding work will other entrances the hook tndisponslble. have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and tho four peaks in lime, the terms ol qua I $2,000 laaue in Loa precinct contract under nr. 1 Remedy , Padlttaa Walt vol., 9SB pages, htickrnni binding, Diarrhoea at hand and take m,-.- Ihe forest. These peaks are pontracl the tdn ditch must be Dr. Krtiw. iilUi'r, pat l, Tel. 717 i penad on Auguat 1 t the A tunnel has also been bored from win 8th. wo m angles delivered a dose on the first appearance of the separated, ami ran get finished by the end of H'Ih year. the American Guard Compound under Price f4 (formerly $ii. Kill at .Savoy you V. l disease. For sale by all druggists. til. hotel. Itl'KUlur lumw Mm win. HiillBlli'd with from them. (,r course under w. it. Winburo, the successful the roadway up on to the main wall C. !'. K.AXI' Santa o. N. M. 3f, t n. a system, meals ii that Donlta cigar. Everybody la, stand ws use trlsngulatlon will have two hundred teams and or tin- city, a section ,,r which, domi- much Mko tin, range finder uses In an iher men at WOH The best saddle horses I,, he had ri Walton n equal ol nating tin- quarter, the Americans Rest cottage for the sick. Ml-- s ko.iah work. to out- fires, a i iR, w the Pity arc at W. L. Trimble's, 113 An alarm of fire turned in from the artillery, locate within and Hotmail Hoops hold. These m s. High, 1278, - 'J'J Phone North Second street. .'!. Tin u, iv II IK North fourth atreel about 2:10 "Will, on this,' peaks wo lutllt The pla for the ditch and reser- protective measures are the work of Phone o'clock ycatrtiluy afternoon, .ii, a towers, Wo kept a lookout on each voir are vi complete. A dam almost Hie American legation,, which hither- 1 a ppa ratui, The tower ail tho time, instead ot hav mile I, Ol will be built across the to st,,,,d exposed m possible attack wl il at til,' rt Iiik a man up there lor all hour or 'III,',, III, a good-slse- d stream, on two soles. LIFE INCOME BOND eoun so m the morning only, as has boon UbjeCt to frequent floods. The dam tun- (hie reason for the Kates and you payment a sets i uetomary heretofore. Than as the will be til feel IhkIi in tne inlduie, nel having do know that for the of nominal sum annually you not been constructed can purchase a bond, w hich at maturity (10. 15 20 years pre- hI tow, rs uro not connected by tele- ml SSI feet wide at the bottom, At earlier is that the American legation or hence, us yon a end ol tile dam will he a spillway fer) will provide a MONTHLY INCOME payable to yourself for life, and phone, ii on on each one hud lie has always considered the .sensitive- upon your a cigar, Everybody great as to win, should be (iii feet wide ami 7 feet deep, in take Chinese, win, are which death with paid to your beneficiary lis long as she P. rival rj ness of enttghtened lives. or call for sample BOND baa tii first to report a tiro. Consequently ate of flood waters all, tile reser cp,,se,i to th,- presence of foreign Write and full particulars. 'ht tor voir is I ii il ne nam win lorm a troops, il icnt sur- : in The trque ronoart band tiny were scanning the horlson and the l'ort ions Till EQUITABLE UPE VSSDRANCE SOCIETY OP THE TJ. S. tho time, these tour lake almost three miles long, which rounding ihe legation quarter. The i park moka ail from W. S. PATTERSON, Agency Manager. n at Roblnaon will hold 82,000 acte feet of water. outbreak ifebruarj 88th, last, sent i, iu ,','n 4 :10 a ml 6:20 ditch In fi el wide on tin l,t,,m many of the leading members of tbe 10 Barnett Rldg. Phone W2. Albuquerque, N. M. mi , t t will ba 1' Hrat will had from Red River to the res new government, Including tin aged under contract to show von how accurate crvoir. premier, and also many Man, dm prin- win ces, le- I,, ,. maps and the readings "f Krom tbe reservoir the water into ihe sate confines! of the eee in." tirtnK for aome wei ki In tor which the quartejr vhi'ii a in,- .ti.t take place, he carried the ditch gation for protection. The and the latti ,i to render good contract has just I n let, to the American guard bad then to rely mi Ol , , I as ,i naw mill on tho forest two On sandbags closing Legation Urned recently, it was seen numerous smaller reservoirs tbe for street, elgarf ., , on Maxwell tract. The ditch will cross and had to mount the wall by open i,i that Donlta tow,!.-- ami located RtVer b means of twin siphons, ramps. present a quae Red The measures are. s iii th,. office within each seven and a halt ret wide and however, only precautionary, as an i it mile ot where actually six feet high, These siphons will be anti-forei- outbreak in Peking is epeaka well tor tho care . the I 'i i ,l Hut rhat built of heavily concrete. not anticipated. tin- tho Igib mapping and Klftj s, en t housand ot the ,i making feel by tin lookouts in ditch Is ah, sidy Completed, and The sweiiest turnouts and cabs in .17. una le t remain to he dug- - H has tlie city are at Trimble's, IIS North entire coal o the fire protec more two years to ad- S,.( d Phone 3. Including taken than street. HAIRDRESSING odu pop ik tins .ai, the vance Hie big ditch to its present ttemptina tton ami pbiclng ot a num Miiisr. It is the purpose of the com- Happiest boxes, purchase of Girl in Lincoln, fcfaaJcurtng, gwttobea tii,t m,,t ir broken tool tho pany to use water Horn this ditch for A Lincoln, Neb., o,lrl writes, t,r,i ais wi' ever had before, "I had M I l , i ( t than be, MUM t; g UfD of nineteen extra fireguards, n ailing Tor some time with chroMc r i in u-- v construction or a treat constipation and stomach trouble, I began taking Paa .r teleph Chamberlain's stomach MRS. bait ot ne cent for each NEW JERSEY ELKS and Liver Tablets and in throe days I CLAY. was able to be up and K"t bettor riht PoeiotBca, ' We have almost completed the nliing. I am the proudest girl in Lin- iain' coln to find such a good medicine." tit,. Umbered ar,., of the forest, Cor saio by sii druggists), th '. figures win he available bj WILL ARRIVE AT Sv the close ,.f the present season. Ihe inking Electric B Chicago Mill A Lumber Ci. "Conditions on the forest are reeze k t, exceptionally good In ,n't. The FOUR JUDGMENTS General Planing Mill. SPRINGER TODAY Why sigh for TRANSFER CO. ni fees ware paid tins year with A.M. the breeze 3d greater promptness than aver before and Marquette. Phone 8. In mj knowledge, That tells l That wavering blows tho cattlemen are en- ARE RENOERED Thro' joying prosperity, Many transfers of Official Schedule of Special the trees and leafy glades? Haul Trunks rattle nave been recorded, and nu- WALLACE HESSELDEN merous tt.Unloads have been Train of Antler od Membeis We'll give you the breeze Goawf ai Oesmiitoeia, r.irukc nr.t c nnitir Will Give Them Two Houis' BY T That steadily flows l - ' CI II SILVER CITY TAKES in VK gOMtllltlee ,1. Of oir llml,,,) Klro Insurance, Stay Albuquerque. From the thrust of whirling blades. than any otln i oitno ting firm In At'r. !. UP WIDE ADVERTISING i Iffli ,. at CMI EnglnssrlnK. Surety Honda M M KJOII I'iamm. Ural Ktte and Loans. ciai tram. ,.',rrtng a large Dumberijudge Herbert F, Raynolds unb Pay if I'll' a' ;. I'hnna Roome 1 I Htern Bldg. or New Jersey Kike and their tamtt-- j i. T dear yoa will lt. UOWIl I 10 Ot DeCISIOHS Dlgeel Contains an advertisement In- les. sho vs that the train Will arr;v. HaiUlS j And serted bj the Btlver 'it Chamber ot in Athlrsuerque from the West at II Q,,!c Kl A Q seek where you can Commerce, stating some ef the o'clock tin-- - morning and remain tin- - 'U OUIIS On (NO ICS illlfl oUS- - ,.f city s a r ttl 1 o'clock, giving them two hours, For breeze worth e thai health tain, UeillUliei. a prince's dower; tssrJsr allu hlof. sorta particularly in cases ot tuhatcu-lu- r In he city, dnrlns Which time they I - hahncoalco; aft,'ctton. The publication eO- will be the gu. sts of the local K.Iks. lS . We'll give you your fill nioM it. pecktlls well ehoeari, as it kt said to it was r r announced the fain ajmnBAORS, MJ H, ITTCAM reach ls,aae sdiQratrlaiia each w,,k wean it l p. in. atid remain Jt ', tAI inive From a 'lectric fan Ooka. Mill W'd l.1.,r W.Ht. r.l tte Kindling. Fire The advcrttaemenl t well written. until r. However, the chance in Herbert P. Reynolds yesterday in the HHck. lire Santa I c llrt. k, I . Ill no n Brick, I imf and makes a utrnnK apieal to the schedule will not result In the pi district court In a trio of actions . ,, - brought At less than a an-hou- l. paople t.,r whom it is Intend- for the . nt. rt.iinment of the isit,,rs for the collection of notes, ccnt being all. d They will be gUesU and the court sustained on demurrer i. In a civil case. of the All- inerque- lodge at their a Journey - The suits on notes were all brought Never lonv h. me on hull.l- . luh rooms in the Klks, theater .am ii .... . Kelly Co. without a bottle of fhamberlaln'e . . ... uisu oi o iia Iliaoe O WE RENT Gross, & (Inc.) me par,, m , ina. .mi tne tallies in ,.,,. ,,,, - THESE ELECTRIC Wlioleea! rjrOOaffg In ("olir. Cholera llmedy. acquire! by him torn eon- FANS and Dralrra and Diarrhoea mm Lien lur an u.o....-...i- ' i aidera lion It la aim. b nrede.l ami . nst ot certain to ahout the mmt ALBUQUERQUE n Jay Turley for GAS, ELECTRIC CO. Wool, Hides, Pelts and Goat Skins cm not be llblSlwad when hoard 'ih.- Jersey! tea are on th, ir way $r,oj.T; against C Armtjo foil LIGHT & POWER B. Ism Vagma. If. ht , Allaaene.. MM. TueeuDnart, M. M.. IVUUdaaV IVmVu. the ore or atmhlps. Tor aale by home from the grand lodge COVtn-- l 1211 IS; against w H. Davii for a. au. OMvasv, at. all druggiata. Hon, h.1,1 ..t F inland last week. I3M.;., In each cuso ihe attorney al Phone 98 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1912. rlVE i REMARKABLE CROP PRODUCTION ON THE 6ILLENWATER fARMS The Photographs Shown Are on the Tract Recently Purchased by the Suburban Realty Company



TO THE ACRE ... u ;jII - r ,. a.1- . sJi .4 Oats Now Maturing Stand Six Feet High and Will Produce One Hundred and Fifteen Bushels to the Acre. a

Albuquori people have bad of pa " of roams demonstration the I -- productivity of 111., (irande valle soil under proper t "rmlng methods, but it is only recentl that praetieal show 1 tkim. iiiR has been inlade of what the soil v. 1 in this vieinlt will do when SCten- - . :, - L itftf F", lit'ieally CUttlval The most re-O- f markable exami profits from thorough farinii and soil tending, and one which K ws conclusively the value land tributary It power In form lo land produi ng i ions of alfalfa to The alfalfa shown In those photographs, taken this Week on thai portion of the Glllen water enormous the requires motive its most effective handle i.. Albuauerque in the production QillenwHter sea- 113 head ol huge Missouri mules purchased by the suburban Realty company, will averagt " tons to thi acre per season, Fig- on the farms this the acre and bushels of oats. On the Glllen watei farms fourteen f.inns son The Second cutting of alfalfa is wa ami the year This is typical of the kind or ve stock thai win be used when the ured cotWcrvatlvely at $8 per ion net profit, this means h net profit from alfalfa alone of $:.r, per now under oatS are at work the round. rea,i io harvest on that re- small, hlghls cultivated, highly acre every season a pretty fair Indication of what Rio Grande valley land tributary to Albuquerque portion of the Giilenwater farms arming district has reached lis logical development the cently purchased by tho Suburban farming. Realty company, for development t n productive suburban farm and home will fio under modern small suburbsn farms and homes. The alfalfa production on this traet as shown by the second cutting, will run from six to seven ions to the acre for the season. It Is a production is not equalled in any seetion of .rw Mexico, or for that mailer, in THAT PART OP THE I i I i.i.KNW ATI: l; FARMS, JUST PURCHASED HV THE BUBURBAN Adjoining the alfalfa lelds on the ffillcnwator farms Is a field of oats now maturing These oats any alfalfa producing in district the ALIlUQUKRUUE ON M-:- RIO world. The cutting and harvesting REALTY COMPANY, IS LESS THAN MILE PROM OLD Till: stand six feet hij-'- by actual measurement, and will produce this season better than one hundred and of this crop is Jusi now proceeding, GRANDE BOULEVARD, NOW BUILDINO, THE VLKALFA CROP IS NOW BEING HARVESTED. with fotirtuen head of huge Missouri Till-- BTILL IT 18 WORTH TIME OF EVERY PERiSON INTER-ESTK- fifteen (lit) bushels to the acre. Crops like this mean real money for Albuquerque and for the mules furnishing the power for mow- oats ARE GROWING. thi: TOi ers, rakes and stacking, it is a demon- l Till: DEVELOPMENT OF Tills VALLEY AND THE FUTURE OF ALBUQUERQUE who owns the land. This crop has been made possible simply by efficient fertilising, stration of high grade farming and fanner of enormously productive soil that 00 AND SEE W H AT ITS POSSIBILITIES REALLY ARE: AND THE PROFITS TO Hi: MADE FROMl everyone iii iiio develop- application of business principles to the land. - interested GOOD FARMING UNDER FAVORABLE CONDITIONS, drainage and the ment of Albuquerquje's tributary farminK land should see and become familiar with. OATS sTXNIt sl FEET III. II: . II.-- BUSIIEI.K TO THIS ( UK Close by the alfalfa fields id alsi di the traet purchased bj burban Realty ompanj is and o oats which, according to tai ports, i ats an; oats crop duced In the southwest, T ft ri d

- prove to his own ar L& - Fiji caii satisfaction. t: MtSt year the 6'ats on this same land ;u,.r,iL,.il hntter than lull bushels to the acre. This year the crop win beat I ,'. bushOIS lo the nei e. It is the final domohstratlon of whttl may be .lone on. our tributary farming lands, wilh fertilization, drainage ami modern farming methods; ail of Jiff If which have boon supplied in their -- highest form on this beautiful tract. 4$ As fasl as Hie crops are removed tho Suburban Realty company under tic direction of John T. Kelly, is set- ting Stakes for the small farm and home tracts The fences are being painted white! roads are being laid out ami the development of New .Mexico's first modern suburb is pro-- c linn as rapidly as possible.

loss the T throughout. Already the sentiment A WESTGARO REACHES js Kslnfng headway to build hfgh-- THE LAND OF JOY. ALBUQUERQUE AS ly bridge aeros:. the Powder river, (doing 'awi with Ihe nocc'tsliv ,,f bumpillll over ihe railroad bridge on " ih.. ties. The yellowstohe vallej m 'H CITY OP WASHINGTON ON also he made a through tvtghw.i,- of great Intcn t and Importaflioe by the ptatu of Montana and a sentiment to hat nd was niut h enCOfjragedj by jliic good roads convention at Ana- HOMES WESTERN TOUR conda, Mr. W, sterna l d Saj'S II will he comparatively easy to construe! a good load either across or around ihe pathfl Dead Man's Oulch. When Ihls explditlon leh New Vork Demand of Local Shop Men for toted Pathfinder Gives Intel it was expected that Mr. Westgard mm l.i hi e hi Anaconda In tune for Homes of Their Own Boin estinfi Account of His flip Mr. Westgard win A. .V. A. tli,. good roads coin Dttrtng Inforniatioti au thul opened Jul sth. I ' In the Vel- - Met by a Local Finn on Prac- Across Montana, Which tical Basis. Proved Difficult Undei taklnig should h ittuke in 'orrenpondffncfl t Moimlvt! lunrnntl Albuquerque as a City of Hoi Jsi.r, New 20. The. ofti lal for Workingmen sounds I, dt Vork. .Inn It? And it is u dream that is soon he realized. It will lie pOSSiblS TOO LATE. NOW. NOT A NOVELTY. NO GIJAT FUH lliat. possible lor worktn n to buy a ' on the tern ,1 propose! Mr. Dua I wish you wouldn't be a "I we they have a ateplm tret car "J got his joist. easiest I like a vacation to use a tool la Now York.' "I nee wlvat good do this citv, and perb in few Ott Just don't tlmt Ptis I wish von twirl mntlonr ttiat ,k ,i,o cv,- - hurt ,, ..... namely BO cents down and 50 cents a rh.r, 1 leading you to t iral the altar. mllegl cars here for year's." week, until paid lor. This opportu- of toe long stretches of sparsi j. I along nity is oeing offered be ths John M. settled ntrv the follow river, where road improvemeni M Moore Realty Company, ami is an- itoie other of tin- really good thinKB this "anmsiHrt"d. II was net essan tL eompati is bringing out foi the ut - building of our citv. The Ira' Which is to he sold on these exceptional terms Is known as the John m. Moore Second Addition. rtiaaiwP It la local, d at the end of Ho est line to Barelss, It extends from South Third street to the railroad, and mmf noun desirable lots on Second street and Hi' extension of Third street. This tract is hut five minutes from the Santa Fe railroad shopsand win prove an attraetixe proposition to the employes or that companj who are desirous of owning their own homes and living within reasonable (m work. are m distance truu their There lew house, at j, resent on the traet the. are without exception of a and -- rfc- - good character. Those lots, on the i .., t Just try it iiy installing one in your nceoiintmrj Oeptlonal Lam nt which they gTS 3f size bus-- I ottered, should appeal strongly to iii' I parfWWlt Sics and styles made to suit every working people, particularly to those nv i J ',U1SS- - Call representative for informafion. I lUf-- 111 'l! Mil " - employed in the south end of town. our further tttW-M- " ' SI.I'iltTFVL SPITEFUL particulars and Information AN Now. full Exntn PEEP AT ROTA1.TT. -- Mrs. regarding the opfrnlng ol this tract They say he a the hlghtft pail ofrlro fun w i" at offices "DM you on royaltv B tree ill be 'oily given ih. bor In town." ver pa2e of the John M Moore Realty Com the "Yen. o.o k air. he knows eo murh baseball imii, and ev.-r- assistance will he DtNOCKir ue boasce are bidding fur hlau CilUi Will given by the company to ambitious Manufacturing I 1 itslPQW in t Saa i ph ho arc anxious to o n Mstnma fi Umi h up nt fOQ "i tho halnyT Mal Tti-?- nmnt kin---- . niHirirn: ,4. y su. 14 Jut pra;tU:iiiK m w tjrr Stallone Results from Journal Want Ads Results from Journal Want Ads Results from lournal Want Ads Results from Journal Want Ads . SIX THI ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1912.

--I LOTS OF CROWDS ' - , - SYSTEMIC Ai LOTS SHOPPING i. T mm CATARRH LOTS ARE SOLD ARE OVERTAKEN E i RELIEVED I m it YESTERDAY BY SHOWER bvPERUNA. TO I in Brief Rain l ast Night Give My Husband Alto Uses ilcs Raynolds Addition on Heat of Pa Perunau Dpenirig Day Most Gratifying Respite from Few Days; Precipitation Mm. I -- A n Heav iei Outside of Town. afleJ ,gk 10 JuniRJiiikku - j plctun The crowds which always garnet ui I living in.' heal ..r n,, ..11 Saturday night to Shop with iwntown """ 'll'- n ihtck coat in M in', inuny Aiiiuiiii 10) ad eti rday in r. inn, ctielco ClOIC! 11 1.1 Albuquerque, ,1 i Comfort ..11 in. inn I'kci I !l 111 luck. There were mans ge McCanna, mi. in Muhi Bummer With the..... dreni hed by tho Irope, mill .mis. win. on in.- n Ii thrl Ing business th illi in selling mill ahow 111 hour, ai purchasers over the Km II rtcrwa rd Westinghouse ;ih heavier out Iiuii Hi.- win be whs hero, th HT HAHRIR NI) IWlHO WASH tpoctlon 'ill 'lay today, fi paaaing t" Hi until tiic anudea ot night .mil shower yea r. in 1:11101.1 'i ii. in., who wlah to look pded last night' me moat fordlnlly Mi r .r I ii -- iimt Uie iiin Minis n. u utter 8rvk't who tllrectrd the vtalt a Iron io iii.. addition at Electric Sinn. .' iiuii was Mii.'ii .I in tin- in'oplc i.r k..iiai, iiiiri't' I'll. 'hi Ing Ihc .Inv. 10 lanonAryl nniirpTiPHIVI I I U O U. H UU IKjn o I 1 iii .1 Co ' i t it iii .iiuii. in iii. The l! n if any husband feela .1 or dotlar down and i plan of paying lot or its rllhcr (if lu Witch Old w. at for the SUFFICIENTLY SWATTED I or "ic exclusive benefit readers ' motl happ) thought, I.i h . I'.tnina common h n, is 1.. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Hi. The KtllfllMi 1 rouble Tlv fact 'I no Intel or taxea to find Albuquei ill In- .Ihc e.l Mm aviinom llnblnsnn, SPLEMDIO PICTURES for alio llit.' Hpot. it would hi 81.. t.i i. l. . i.i.i" write; gellona or di ad ns of his Han Pedro, I 'h- - people who boug! s In the eleH III. peal tile Woilllin'l "I froi ilk.. .1 new pan tin. the city for HumioI'Im addition y. ai k new eliiij yeaterday tor moaaureinenl ami The Journal no nmre heavy r. .1 Morning linn lual .ii, whai tiny when to tlVe up credit their real swatters. pain. do(i't belt h I r AT CRYSTAL AND hey arrived on tin: nr. 'lev. nix gnllona awatted chiii, 11 Dual- - The entire tvere without 11 hurl an(j bugltui far nniihinir I lucceafful 11 hiving arrived wiuii in I..' w..i kinnj 11 ghted, and ith paal lonoe in drtn win. appeared to have entered of have gained twenty four s ill the thi' contest, will distribute a limited number "Propaa thai gee me h' III.'.'!' l pari ot the addltl unfldent rfoWever. there is plenty of time PAST E the lai their Judgment 111 lltle yel boys giria to get nic two itiiinfliH ,'if.. mini M - for tim ami into Muni mo .i o .' 11 ili I.I. ml in leter- the campaign for on.- of prbtea 1 tell thorn I'i iiiiiii ill 11. the lined women, aoxloua offered Uv tin- club. it in Hi., nub rem ad y f..r bpi n.i. nt from the "1. n Electric Irons " There la 126 of priae monej t.. tie Standard $5.00 nil other aiimi nt icket, mill With their ial('ie I dlatributed, which will bo aworded, in I. - niti mi. mi in p In take (In- fli'Ht Hi, I according t.. the achedule published H r ..r we I Mr. in .1 mi- lii.iiil. for ii', Dili nfl ii jlrlllon home) nent recently In the Morning Journal, 11. iii. PeVuna, 'I'., mi. ii would Klllll I'n h. Ol U'l. Ii.l. I .in: th.. purohaaera j contest' will close August .1.1, and the II HI! aru buyer formula ir noa put qui und he clevereal a;mls will lie made August 6th, 01 tin- moat pari the w .1,. 111111111I club's committee will be at Five Cou- Se of .1 m r lota with eaet ti. Company, '" Hill, building, lis West Oold, every R?i I Saturday from 11 to rj o'clock, to .11.1 , Ohio Win.' in. in tlll'V w mi. I 11 measure and record the number "i a a it i... Is, In ey pfcaaaed 10 end ou rn ii wanted, flies KW'.llled. One A thoae wh pons and cure '. F'errln, of ins H .' I,.. Holds addition y ir. following": W. I'. K FIFTEEN THOUSAND w, si fjoid avenue, two '.HtlK DOLLAR SHEEP DEAL Kiel' al Win Vaughey, Tim West Cop . n t Mo two lots; Mrs. A. .la IN LINCOLN COUNTY Fourth t. si ( COUPON .I ly J John II in Houth ii.. in' iberl D, Htt.i no, Cut five of these coupons from consecutive afMrl.l rrrMli"n-n- ii l .l.nrnll , four lota; W. Cgrrlaogo, Si M .ini' The Sec atrei t, issues of The Morning Journal, and bring - W brother, who have it i. las Kasl I'a- f4' i)aiiHh..r or send to this office, with $3.5, and se- rnntil riK iii.-i- hi 11 hi the head of the tnal imi", tin v m.i.i iii. Ir en cure the iron. J tire flock to Charlee Hponre, ,.1 White mke Tbi- ,;: a n olved i t en .. I'. Ilea. ock Veai Fruit, nau Mini 6.'Hin in mi. Including Ihti !'. M, Hruc i: ii. i'h. it ts; Mrs. Man. 11. Craft, ll'.Ja Wesi tzSmm The Morning .1. Journal mi,. in., lots; W, Prestel, iaki- - Ihc II.ikh .nli null. lu.. .m.. Hurry Leon- - .1, two lots. Many of ii h ii 0 Results fiom Journal Want Ads' declared thel Itaynolds ad it. Mr Keirn ani ,, w an... UK Hi" Nor i '! always thought unit Jlnka was Now is the tholr diMilalm liudlng n worthless life.'' Time to Buy a Inary ar "Wasn't In ?" ranKcmcnta . "No; lila life was Insured for a thou, o nit list .sun. I." puri haaery is may have in Kaj rn. i. is With one - the t w i .,. lai,., r an, i capital lie also de- a, pivotal states politically and thai ,1m Imimhi Ii if rnor i'h. yesterday an AT THE ORPHEUM st ruintii H. Marshall, democratic candidate for Allill.Ui'riUe, LU Willi perforn ii,- ,.f both tl vice presidency, is expected to familiar with . tin- emplo) i' 111! llll rove all doubt from the minds of real egtatai ! presidential campaign managers of local Mill Tirol ti t natty at a: 30; congre Z wpoclal - The can- ii. inttaj p th orchestra mu- uestinns involM'il n us to the advisability of the two the will attending the congress, Hie new addition orchestra inaerving n didates pro il i This is just tribute to the onl acholari .Hi he tlnltei The official call for the meeting theieatonof i tnclu let f ho extreme!) gratlfs comprlalng popular and el will ho issued soon by .Mr. Shipp, I. liu- motoring cum en j. iy .1 toi placed the leal e lions. pictures are w inch will he the signal in begin ac- lr d factories in t creating at- - ami ii is expected that more notablei Mul It may be a, ami well worth nil in Ami tlic tli it will f il. r. bj will attend than ever before. tive work arranging the details for Mf of automatic names; ar n Orpheum the congress locally. I dl Its advantages motor uoyment unhnunl Stude-na- a Hal of piiri lias, r eslel Because of natural rtn of prove ai migfivinf or tin i. gi ol mil i cepilon. :lil lots Indianapolis is expected to tt is i " exactnost mimed In value ideal meeting place, expectei i the " KOSWKIJ.-- V BtudebtJtet i I i. l managers wll Al filIN ACTO IJNK. i lo.inrri s thai a of local You $ 106, GOMSERVATIOM STS few V. g, Mall.) ran buy a Sludc rork of lo.ooi) t tun to ho Appointed within the nexi (1arrlna blindfold. name h ta docs and that the work of beglnnlnf j Leaves Hoswell a. The n 10:10 in. i Arrives Vaughn S:i;5 p. nyni for quality fur over e.l a, in. IS ii i.iaveg Vaughn a. m, liming teg uny element of i of o tsly increased CITY PROPERTY daily.,, flflE TO Arrives p. m. The MEETflT 2:00 (juality of the Shu (Auto waits until 10:00 a, m., for is ig for equal to that of any car demand expected t.. I, arrival of K. P, ft W. train No. S.) w PCtlV of price. in position t h.' pi f louq i Kare one way, Jin. Hound trip, $18. GOOD INVESTMENT 100 Wr know, t e prompt eld iv Th,. eVecutlt lbs. baifKane carried free; pcosa becaute cv of IIANAPL baggage, is list) permanet j.r.o per 100 lbs. HaKiri)j Stuilrtnikcr cms liuinufm hi Studabaki i in use with up own the next few to l.r.oo lhs. carried. planti guaranteein e convincing re. eived from Connections made at with re Vauhn guumnlcc to you. AT PRESENT lext National Congre Will 'ell E. P. 8. W. and Santa Ke trains. f'fi" Roswel Auto Co., RonweU, Owners. Gau-llngt- This is tho Car You Wont Lonyene i nere on uctooer i BrtML, Vaughn. Acenta, and Continue in Session foi Advantage of Op- lany Taking Peiiod of Four Davs. Mogollon portunities Offered by Sev- lf i to Morning .lourmil eral Additions Now Beiin tadUkttApoilM, ttid,, July I ;t. An Stage and Auto Line Heat Often Tends to Make Handled by Moore Company VVc-ne- Pale and Weak 41 4; Leve Sliver g. m. - r;ity7 iii, VcgkM liieir r.ow.l- and Arrive Moifolion 4 p. m. III. I'm lllatl the 1 Leave Kogollon 7 a. ro. i' . ontendera n mood. Il Arrive Silver City 4 p. m. entertaining i he Special i ars on Reajaoat, t all or Address: ('. W. Marriott, Prop. Sllvor fitt. N, M. now open, cilltles. The $800 Stud?b era) choice I The r.. .'! iiieo inii, section to give ..pportu-lillle- s other dig st t FACTORY TO RETAILER to visitors io hear the discus-slO- n psjssgaad. . . j of SUbJeV'ta in which they are their nan latton. DKMSOM BIUHS.' KADDLERY CO., tn. ii carries with ii i certain confi- interest,,!. With this plan dally. Dallas, Texa- -. I-- . no It is hoped iH'.'ii Bverjthing in Iweather Uooda By us gi-- r you n .!'! dence which other rap bestow. Io culminate soma of the all it the sold The Moore rum is handling at efforts ha .1 l Sttng effe. luxury f, that h.u dlrecti in mi Albuquerque but lieulthlul rn present a largr number "f choice j various ligestlotl and r. Purchasing Co. l.tenci and ranch properties in thelmoveiu Will. It IUV.' ,ui 1 una-M- i i, kli r tUrig. p. O. i;x IM lilej in addition I" the additional failed to niateiialu,, fully hemuse ofltivc properties. Out It iej ire uncertain hi. h II Is :cnt. i'h. s, the i. ami are not genera THE ml addll ST'C'i.BAK.r.R CORrnn L n, mild boyel stimulant at atcd h as r. i 'aid Shops, and II nne.iv I'clhap weir n NEW MEXICO dilmn in the Highland, Both offer I quegtlona that la scheduled to be dis- - National Foundry j AIBUQUR'IUE-Albuquor- quc Cycle & Arms Co. Pepsin & Machine Company I li.ililn: tlli M w tin lillon. out ..n j how I FE-Ch- Foundry SANTA arle Qoason ropoaiUoa hu h and 11 General Work. ta the Investor, suit. Iron and Brass Castings, Be, c !ns Inv t1 ii" nt m t h, i MAGDALENA ka Mactavish o. Th, M i i ndlea a regular i altei that t. naen lor f un j BABBITT METAL. .iinl loeag affen, ana uie a par iii ynn ha as sand S rup I v well ke any hnttse rent -- 1 sons I That Studcbdkcr Corporation Detroit Michi" Albuquerque, New Mexico THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 21. 1912. SEVEN fThe Journal Want Columns! IF YOU HAVE A WANT TELL IT THROUGH THE JOURNAL

FOR SALE. FOR RENT Rooms. STORAGE. PROFESSIONAL CARDS IS A GOOD ONE 2 atorj THIS FOR RENT Furnished romt. i; mod- - WANTED Pianos, household goods, iut, .tut hi rt. rn- no sick. Atudv 60S VV etc., St. 'red aafely at rcaeinable SETS' rm; r. inlrl. rales. AiUiiih'pi made. Phone 640,.! ATTORNEYS. ' r v " - tei Auo" "' The Security Warehouse Improve- - "' iSfflig.'' i 1a 'rande Hole). Ms. W. Central. bfflOeSI sbI $ HO bouse, mi .",ii it. lulu.; ,,.IU ,. Rooms 1 and 4. H now, modi m ,.AV. room, i i p 1 chicken houses, gtisolitie engiuesnd Four iM ' ui Hiaiwq i until a, ii i ril pi or n, i mni mil i kuu flina Attnri'OV-nt-I,- near In on low 2 1H n j t , pump, near ear line, nth front, trn. S. Walter St. Office In NatlntiHl bn-i- ftallg porches, large First ftftnnh 'i.r,..n rrum mnriArn collar. reened Po RKNT Two from lng, Albuquerque. N. M. ward, i.n our Una, porch. Prlea $2.:u,o. J 1: FOR 4th light housekeeping; ale SALE Real Estate. I KVk bungalow, I month, WIUBON IS 3Bti modern 73 4 i. A mo. sleeping portih, large lot, lawn. AttorniM I'TN'r i F"it'' it Tw no e, A HOME FOR 1 -- 1 r ! Cru-iw- trees. SALE. Rooms 6 9 dl nuliliaa, keeping or sleeping roc IIS. lnqllll. RSS, VI Iiooo house, iut iooiH2 In the Highlands, i lose to the shiqi Phone IMS of flee r hone fi p. m., S. Edltl 1172. Outbuilding!, i iv water, near Unl after 0s m street car line. Knur loom frnin ' varsity; terms. Co. I 'llR H KXTT ill ee VoTiTi modem, nearly new large Screened jSmU $4000 brick, modern Porterfield for housekeeping. 1'13 porches, shade tie. s, chicken yards, DENTISTS. J West Can trail ti.onu uMh. balance quette. etc. Part cash, balance easy pay 8 per oant, Foil HKNT Two large Intents. Call at an South Edith street, lR. J. B, KRAFT $$20o brick, modern, hard- - pletel) furnished for h lekeepini For AUsWtntproved ranch, ioo3 Dsntal Surgeon. FIRE INSURANCE AND LOANS. rooms single or en suite. dern. til house and bun ill ditch Rooms i s, Barnatt Btdg, Phone 144 Cheap or will give SHS) Appointments Made by Mali. per eel' l tB5. W. Colli. for cash KiRMOM V TO MIAN. FOR REN'J d r, I I : 1NKI R VNCE. mi. w. v i VCIiETlI lit light houi 21S 217 West Gold. Street. li'iiiir. A. FLEISCHER, FOR SALE Houses. Rooms 25-2- 7 (iranl iiuig. Tviit RBNl ,inl Fiiiirtli Street, ; Appolnunents made bj mail. in'74. Next in New light Inn BALK 4 W. Roma, on hone GO Mil li Wesl ( hi:sti:s runn it , FOR RENT PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. r Cleofes Benches. The primaries will IT private fai siM k'r the Cuban Rouse of Representatives, He Is Generally SEE pole , a the Brains r the Present Cuban Administration. be held ai ih, house of Cleofea Ban sbeUllg N. Fotirtl partj ion A. (;. SUORTLE, M. D ches. The preclncl is entitled to loin TODAY F7R RENT extra nlc h i Practice Limited to Tuberculosis, delegates. with porch, unfurnished, ilt SA I.I Lan house, 9 to II. 224 VV. 'o, i.i. oi.i Albuquerque 12 South l.dllll Sire, No sick. 208 s. wiib limns, ti Central Ave. Preclncl Arno. i Judge, Komej-o- move. M. i.. Phone 1177. Jesus The prlinali." New iiu modern cotlai I'M it RENT-furnishe- Albuquerque lb lil Sanitarium, Phone 841. will be al the couiily court line, a be biggest bargaii ,f which I ir light h FOR BALE ittag is . provementi App use. The preclncl entitled to thir we ha in knowledge Ii the city private bath, ii teen delegates. today. x Eighth stl W. M. SHERIDAN, M. D. No, FOR RENT aleep Preclncl 14, Ban lgnacp rooms. No FOR SAI.K Judge, T loro Oarda, The pri on Practice Limited to THAXT0N & CO., Se.t Silver A vi maries will be held at the house of toon 30. Genito Urinary Diseases feodoro Qurcla. The preclncl is en 211 W, tiidd Av. Phone fl.7. AMERICAN HOTEL II McMlllion. Ill m delegates, r,n rent dwelling! titled lo two 502 VV. Central Diseases of the Skin. Precinct No. 22, La Tl.iera Judge, SEE Rooms single, double or ensntte. By Sple ippor t The VVassermann N'oguchl Tests 'arlos Qriego. The primaries will be day or week, unity to get 0 ,1 hi llll II and held at Ihe house of Carlos Qriego. REASONABLE small cash payment rt Saivarsau "000" Administered, & PltK'Mi Hank Building. The precinct is entitled to three Sawtelle Hicks modern, rented on a CHIens' resents a high ciasi nt 011 Albuquerque, New Mexico. General Contractors FOR RENT Apartments. one of Ihe best Stle. iiigh Precinct No. 23, snn Antonlto- - Plume flUO. Office 211 Wist (.old Ave. lands Will Sell for ovldeii UKO. E. wrooiw. M. 1. lodge, TersiO Lucero, The primaries FOR RENT Modern furnished and 111 L ast 800 Is paid John If iron want a house built. r. Physician and Surgeaa. will be held at the house of Terslo housekeeping rooms, week or Fleming, stern bio 0 1131 (Irani tiulldlng. LuOero, The precinct is to month. Westminster. Phon,. 1H72, entitled 'bones, Office 1121; Residence 1IHW three delegates. ELP ale l'i Hi It ENT Two turnishod rooms FOR SALE Miscellaneous. Precinct No. 2S, AtrlSCO Judge, jTElM for light house! aping with bath. DK. O. II. CONNER, Mariano Saavedra, The primaries KM PIA)YUENT A(il NCV. 4 12 JCast tlrnnd. TYPEWRITERS tor sale or rent Osteopath. VV. 354. will be held at the house of Manuel 210 Silver. Phone RENT Two nicely furnished Underwood Typewriter Co., S21 W Room 6. Stern for - Block. light luaekeeplng'. Mod- 056-32- ntonlo Jaramillo. The precinct is WANTED Mexican teamsters am rooms for Oold avenue. Phone 144. Phone 0, ALL CRAZY. em, gas. Phone 486J s. Fifth St. LIKE ALL Off 'EM. ntitled to three delegates. laborers, 11.75, $2 and 12.26 a day FOR SALE One collapsible "My wife g crazy to go to basebaL bridge housekeeping He Ami Precinct No. 34, Chllllll Judge. carpenters, two machinists. For "rent" Four Price II. 00. 42u s. Bdlth. S. 4'II'KS, M. 1). tie you like baseball? games, although the don't know t rooms, modern. Also three house- ICPB I I Francisco Maldonado. The primaries - Three-hors- e She Well. must admit dcm game." OOJbBCBN'S liMPLOV MENT. keeping rooms, S St. FOR BALK motor Suite Whiting Btdg. thing about the modern. S2u 3rd 7- know 1 u- will be held al tile house of Francisco a. in., 4 p. m., p. as. much about It, but Ilka to - "I think any woman la crazy to go u Ill W. Sliver. Tel. 498. P. o. Hex 174 bland new. 406 West Capper incline lours. Maldonado. The precinct is FOR RENT Six rooms, modern Phones Office 1119; Bee. eueations. n ball ho don't anythlni entitled Wante- d- While barber; experiel FOR HALE Singer Oil. mi know to two delegates. apartment, gas range, sleeping Fine d ophead iu tin." preeser; carpenter fur B. B, sewing machine. 4, Grant blag, .ubuui l ie taken No. SB, porch; alao modern cottage, DRS. TI LL .V II.VKI S. Precinct Los Duranes WANTi-fi- First man I'. SA class machine ahade trees, cellar, etc. Apply A. W. 'I! LE I'V' in ai diamond in. Speclallais BBye, Bar, Nose, Judge, Antonio Jose Oarcia, The pri- City & Co. .N. Throat Sash Door white stone, veiv brilliant, Jour- i be hOt)M Anson, 816 N. 6th St. State Natl o no Ba nk Hidg. Call for Progressive Republican maries will hehl al the of WANTE1 ivo experlein nal off Antonio Jose Garcia, The precinct Phofle :ttm. County is for dairy Address Ho.x Fi ill sale Rubber tired buggy, Primaries and entitled to four delegates. Fc, N. M, FOR RENT Dwellings. new; also refrigerator and a Dlt. fc., VV, Rlt llVRDSON Precinct No. 12, dresser, very reasonable. 614 N. EleV- - Albuquerque - in ..ii ' Physlolan and Surgeon. Convention. Judge, Heyn, WANTEI Vo'iin"ma"ii7" Fi)R KENT Knur rooms with bath, i ntli, or plume 1481W Fred The primaries ferred, as handy man ahoul private Suits Armijo tciming. 410 VV. Lead Ave. FOR BALE Cheau. tvoe- - t, will be held at the office of V. M . resilience. Hoard and room included. Ilnderwocd Reel dance phone 33'.. office phone 114. Mi two I 1, 111 au- Rer-entr- McClelland, Justice of the peace. Th., Apply Boettger, be FOR RENT turiilslic.l .."in ei,ii,.ni .oiuiiiiim. i v a old Town. Call ruder and direction of the r, 7 1Q1 dress U u. C, Journal office, precinct is entitled to twenty-- ll tween and p. 111 room tent huu wlth porch. int. SALMON pre. s. Walter St. FOR SALE A Mosler safe, desk and naltllo county committee delegates. BARN $30 weekly. to take Lit: E Salesmen -- Practice i'.l to e, Ear, N,,a clncl primnrie are hereby called to Preclncl No. 2B, Albuquerque-Jud- ge, orders for cut rate groceries. Ex- I'till KENT Three-room furnlshd revolving desk chair. 616 Wesl Cop- - unnecessary, coitage, sleeping porch. 1210 South I per avenue tnd Throat. 1,.. in precincts on Qeorge P. Learnurd. The pri- perience outfit free. The held the various 2452-246- Edith, 211 West Ave. 1',,., 6 IS, ' ntra maries he held the Standard. .Mercantile I' IR Sew i Monday, 22, 1018, nt the hour "ill at office of ... SALE. ing machine; Julv Alamisi,. Unnlnv, 1,10 u..,,,v, MM. i '" " land, I'liK KENT Mod, rn head. All i. 4, ti 7 I 1(1- - late attachments; HXUOMOU L. M, O., her Inafter named, for the iiii'-Ki-- . VnK-im- a Hats, 5. and ri IS. UlimiN, street. Phe pr is t s money m selling our your r, :i purpose to inct entitled ril i"ii. W. II. M. MIIII01 W. Hold, own price, s. Third si. Phyalclau and Surgeon. if electing delegates the thlrty-- t delegates. grown, hardy, guaranteed county invention to be held ai the FOR R E NT Four roo: "and baih, Fi HI Aid': a runabout Jit I Barnatt BUg. All d gates will he elected by bal-telle- rs stock; outfit free; cash weekly; comlitl Apply All Qounty mrt house In Old Albu-i- t Steady work. Valley Nursery gas range, modern, cli in, furnish lot. Ti will be LlDDOlnted ill Yakima 3u u- - querque ycle at An 611,1 WOMAN'S IIOHPITAI qUerque in o'clock a. m., on Satur-27t- h id or unfurnished. The leader, I'n, each precinct who, together with I Company, Toppenlsh, w 1 w. West Phone day, th day of July, 1912, for the '. ntraL Central. Medical, bllrgica and Ohslctrltnl. Judges herein appointed, re- - -- - t - shall RENT 4 rooma, mod- FOR BALK 'hoa p. iriit Uikh 7r, N. 1 1 tt h purpose "f electing twenty-fou- r j FoR cellar, null Second St Tel, ceiveand canvas, the votes cast. JHEl-PJfVAN- (It gates to the progressive repubti- - T ern. 3n7 N. h. cottage, descriptlvi ticket, Albuqutrqus to HUH N. I T. Delaney, 816 W. ESI mventlon, to lie hem in First Paso, $; 50, Phon 157, or in- can stat various precim ts shall he WANTED- - A gin for general houi Roma. PROFESSIONAL NURSES. city Monday, July 39, 191J, at filed With quire 902 S, Edith this A. E. Walker, secretary or Atanaslo B"rk' A'',l ""3 N 'l'l"r''""i h S Foil RENT one, two, and four ttrtt . 2 p. m. three NolJLK.MAN. PKCLABLx-- .Monti 1, assistant secretary, room houses, or un- Every republican who believes in before furnished FOR SALE Furniture. "1 tee that the heiress has put her 12 o'c k noon, on Saturday, July 27, WANTED Salesmen. furnished, vv. v. Futrelle, 614 s. Oraduate Nurse and Masseuse anoney progressive principles, and who is a Into the lumber business.' 1912. Broadway. Phone 1579W. FOR SALE Complete furnishings Treatment At Your Home. "Tliut qualified voter of Bernalillo county WANTED City and road salesmen 109 U. sor JESUS ROMERO, - N.-- Central Ave. Phone 694 Will be a qualified voter in these pri- at once. Pay each day; also collec- iiiK KENT- iowhinds, house. Everything in go "Yea. She has married a wooden 'ha nun 116.00; Highlands, $22.50; 1. a," maries. tor. 215 w. Gold avenue, Condition. No sick. Leaving elly. 21 A. E. WALKER, Secretary. room brick, close in. $2.",. 00; N. Seventh, ENGINEERING The precinct representation con-ener- basis of ATA NASI O MONTI YA, SALESMEN n all on grocers, furnished "home,1' one month, $20.00; in COUnty is one dele- FOR SALE ii ii r, 11 N. j, Qorham, cashier Bank ol the convention Assistant Secretary. feotloners, stores. $150 also others. ThaXtOh Co. HAS. VI. BOREN, twenty or monthly penses; - S. Hroadw Woodvllle, Woodvllle, tin., had a very gate for each 20 votes, and yearly cm- FOR RENT Bungalow, completely tract. Manager 17 S. Main street, St. 9- civil Engineer, ev,r,. attack nf kidney trouble and major fraction thereof, cast for the and well furnished, modern, bath, I'O it SALE ure of republican for delegate to Louis, Mo. bouse. All n good condition. A hat i.ami Surveyor. the pains In his kidneys and back candidate LEGAL NOTICES. gas range, electric lights, telephone, VV. (odd congress at No- CAPABLE SALESMAN to gain lor i as Inquire 41s W. Oohl 'II Ac. Albuquerque. N. M. were terrible. "I got a bottle of Foley the general election, covei screened sleeping poroh. Close in, 320 2, 100S. Mexico with staple line. High FOR SALE Plicate, of houHehnl' Kidney Pills our druggist and vember 4 ALL RIDS. missions. $100.0(1 w. Lead avenue, corner Fourth street, from Fl monthly ad goods, entire furnishings of fiv PARJLjrj they entirely relieved tne. I have The primaries In PreClnctS Xos. 1, Sealed bids win he received at the ami permanent position to right Inquire S02H W. Central Ave,, room 5. mure 2, 4, 0, 7. S, 9, 10, 1, 1 4, 22. 23, Jess Ii. Smith Co., room house, sold by the piece, al.s benefit from them than any fflce of the county c lerk ,.f Bernalil Detroit. Mich Albuquerque Parcel Delivery. Parcels 2S. 34 3.", will be open 2 to " lutely sanitary, Ideal opportunity other medicine." J. H. O'Rieiiy Co. and from lo county, Albiuiueroue. M. no salesman For general mercantile FOR SALE Livestock, Poultry. delivered to all palls Of the ltv; in pre lo In start housekeeping at a feasonab o'clock the afternoon, and in III 0'clOCk In RVIriau trade New Mexico to sell a new trunks delivered and checked. Day the forenoon of 1, 71-- 47; cincts Xos. 6, 12, 13 and 21 will lie proposition of merit. Vacancy August Twenty-flV- e cost. W ard Anderson, Wi s Phone nights ami Sundays i;ss. August 16, 1912, for tile building of FOR .AliR ta yitig htm Open from 7 to a o'clock in the even- 1st. Attractive commission contract, 811 s. Wftlur, Sliver ave CARD SIGNS FOR SALE. 300 feet of wooden bridge connecting with liberal weekly advances, Miles F. ing. I' i c TRUNKS AND RAGS. Cleve-lan- FOR BALK Saddle horses and Jersey ill SALE in ml ure of assort-me- with the present west end of the steel Rlxler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, The Journal now haa a full The precinct judge, the place nt cows. 511 Mountain road. house. All practically new. Also VI JfOU bridge over th,. Kio Qrande at Harelas o. FOR RELIABLE of Card Signs on hand. which the primaries of the different FOR SALE Having hens! Rocks trots unci records. No sick. Must s. THINKS, SUIT can certainly in and extending westerly therefrom, in CASES iincl bags, go to find what you want preelncts shall be held and the num- Reds, Leghorns, lum s. Bdlth, quick. Bargains for some one. 11.', nnnd the the following list: "Furnished Rooms ber of delegates each Is en accordance with plans and specifica Ubuquerque Trunk factory. Repair- precinct BALE Qentte family horse, Arno. for Kent," "Unfurnished Rooms for tilled lo are as follows- tions on me in said clerk s office, and FOR ing. Phone 423. 101 South Second. NEW WAY to cook and heal. 1Mb cheap, Qeorge N. Bent," "For Rent," "For Sale." Precinct No. i, Judge. also with the county surveyor. Neher. 4oa Second San Jose tons (Hi Burner. Agents wanted. street. VAkNTJ "Booms for Rent," "Furnished Felipe Armljo. The primary will be Conditional bids will also be re- County rights lor sale. 121 S. Third Rooms for Right Housekeeping," held at the hall of Felipe Armijo. ceived at the same time and place St., city, J. P.orradaile. FOR RALE A bunch ol rang.' cat- - House building and gen "Room and Board," "Table Hoard." The precinct Is entitled to four dele- for the repair of the pier at WANTED Women agents to handle tic II c Preator, 024 .Mountain eral Job work. Barton Keller Money to loan on good real es "Rooms road. Phone tate, $5011. $1.0110. 11,800. for Light Housekeeping," gates. the present west end of gaid patented article that every woman 121. Phone 1 292W. w. II. "House for Sale," Rent." HlO on KoK BALE Horse, buggy, harness McMillan,. w. Oold. "House for Precinct No. 2, Del Rio Judge, steel bridge, in accordance with needs. per cent profit. Sells Carpel cleaning. W. A Ill "l'liiln s. Hlng," "Dressmaking." The sight. today. Agency, and saddle. The horse Is one of lb WANTED Antonio Garcia, The primaries will plans and specifications on file with Write Indicator (lofl' i'h "lie f.os 205 E Central cards will he sold at the low price of be held at Douglas. Arizona. best family horses III town. Inqulr the bouse pf Antonio Ihe county surveyor. p, I WANTED Young cow, i 10 "till each. Call at the business WANTED Live agents, town, of ii Boatrlght, is W. Gold Avi must Cnrcia. The precinct Is entitled io Bids will also be each 1 7 A FOR SALE. office. received at the .hil-dren- fresh. II S. rno. two delegates. Same time place either sex. to sell ladies' and s Til EY lay, they win, they pay, Won and for the purchase male-rial- s WAN I ED ' No. 3, r.ady In wear apparel, four firsts, one second at state fair. orriigated iron or papel inn Cktrrugatesl Precinct Alameda Judge, .'uiil removal 2 4 pices Iron Roof- from said river, also for by ihe yard; gentlemen's shins; I muling phone 2, 4ni; N. Mb St Hexlmo A. I'erea. The primaries will 1911. K. C. K. Keda, Mottled Ale ing, em Ii H ft. In 20 In., only USOd the removal from the river for the attractive samples; exclusive terri- WANTED holding about I. null be held al sclnxil The conns and K. P. Rocks, I. eg atid Tank aiioiit months, vdiiri'-- s P. O, the house. county of lb,, three spans of said steel tory; large profits. National Cloth gallon Musi I,,. In ... ,1 conill precinct Is entitled to Apparel Co., chicks for sale. L. E. Thomas. P. O. Hoc Hill. FREE two delegates. bridge that Went down during the re- St. Louis. Mo. C.,v Co. Preclncl No. 4. Ranchoa de Aihu- - Bos 111, 717 East Hazehllne 's V cent iiood. I III AMI si:l,L querqui Judge, Salvador M. Oarcia. Bach bid Positioun FOR SALE Acclimated Mlaaouri must he accompanied with J55(IED N,W ami second-han- d cloth The primaries will be held at the 2 years m a c.rtilied cheek, on some local bank Mamrnoih Jacks. old and d Siloes furniture; also rem lull SANTA FE TIME lower school house. The precinct is WANTED Postton as stenographer. upwrrds, $3 00 to Jl.'.OO each. It TABLE. in Albuquerque, in the amount of 10 takes s is. inr, s. To You entitled to three delegate. Oood references. Phone 144KW. from one to two years to acclimate dn Phone 02, First g, per ''lit of the bid, payable to the Preclncl No. Baretaa Judge. WANTED Hy reliable man with wife jacks brought fn in Ho- - of the slates. James WANTED-Sewi- ng. Jesus .M. Sain ln z. Tin-- order treasurer of Bernalillo and baby, The Morning primaries will county, a guarantee stead) work in ..i near D. Hand, Los Alamos. N. M. be held at the house of T. A. ciurule. as that bidder city. Address W. J., Ibis office. will Into a SALE-O- ur S laity laying i I es.-ni- I, The precinct is entitled lo four dele- enter contract for Ihe work WANTEI) By colored man position FOR WANTEI 'i lng and Sew Inr Journal hid on his bid Breeds lay are the ones 131 gates. should be accepted. ns look in a small Country hotel. strains that at rea "liable prices. Phone G, The build- that pay Those only we keep. They are 908 S. . Precinct No. l.os Padlllas Judge, successful bidder for Ihe - Third street v a AddTeSs Y. o. D. car.- Journal. s. ja is jiving rtway tcarael I naves, I he primaries will be ing of the bridge will be required to c. w. Leghorns, Black Mlnoroas, h. l.l at Hie bom,- of Rafael ('haver. give a bond, satisfactory to the board R. C. and S. c p.. I. Reds, White and WANTED To Buy. 1 IVLiL, lilt. The precinct i;, entitled to three dele- - of county commissioners, In the sum Barred Rooks, Huff Orpingtons and BsTeotlvc January 20, 1012. La ngsha ns. No young chic ks WAN TED --To saddle ponj at ..f 12.560.00, conditional for the faith- MME. CHEV s Black II li lt per oiu c. Bsmbrc Livery. Wesl iioiind. Sure-Cu- Precfnct No, 7. San Antonio Judge. ful performance of the contract. Pills. Positively for sale, but eggS, $1.10' 13. Crystal Ill John French Menstrual Slreet. Arrives Departs t Venceslaa Qtiego. The primaries will All of said work must be done un- guaranteed or mum $2 White Orpingtons, Kellsrstrags $2.00 refunded. 1 I. . i op be I 'a Ex press 2Hp 1:1 held at the bouse of Veneeslao der the supervision and to the sat-isf- box. advice. P. O. per i. Hood time to hatch for spring Jer Write for .1 Cal. Limited iS Gan tlriego. The precinct is to tlon of M layers. Ideal poultry Ranch, Old litis Opener entitled the county surveyor. Bog 4. Albuquerque, N. ,' Mi x. ii I up 1 :05p two delegate- -, ill. BXP The board reserves the right to re- Albuquerque, Phone 1398R. 9 Cal. .11 Mlp 12. I . F. VETERINAR1 East Mall. la with a Precisrci No. s, Los fltVgoe Tmlgi. ject any or, all bids. "HOW CURED MYSELF OE COM COIOJE be SUMPTION" A l of price gins Sept, io. No profession JuatlnhuM QuUerrea. r klet often Eaxtbound, The primaries By ord.-- of the board of county Ab- PERSONAL. less value to tubercular sufferers. tual opportunity, catalog free. C. 2 . . 3 4 2 up Prepaid will be held at the house. Dis- commissioners. F. 703 Tourist Exp. 50c solutely free. Chas Avcoclt. Keane, Pres., 1SI8 Market St., San 4 5 trict No. 2. Loa C imlel.irias. The pre- l A lee ANVo.NE desiring marriage Is invited Limited l:lp d A. E. WALKER, International rtnnv Rid.. n 5 6 7:25p Want-A- cinct i? entitled t" three delegates. I,, write Mrs. Hyde. 2677-F- . Mission F'rancisco. East Exp Clerk. l o Overla mi Exp. . 8 8;35S No 9. Atris-0- 0 St.. Sun Francisco, Cal. This Can Opener is Preclncl Ranchos de July 18. August 15. CHANCES JJUSINESS I pa-- Jude, J.icobo Arinij,,. The pri- LEARN TO KKAD fortunes In cards. I , i alns made of heavy ter!. ! 0 THE STAGE FOR TUB MOT e mal lea will be hel.i at the house of $1.25 PISH WORD Inserting classified Send dime for Inslt I. Hons. Mis" SPRINGS ol .ii mi a. v. M a . SH9 Mcx. Exp 12:20P inches long, nickel plat- Poiicarplo Armijo. In limner, box I, Station "R," New York The precinct la Bds In 16 leading paper. Ihe e Loaves Albuquerque postoffice e i. SIT, El Paso Pass. It ed, t,, FOR RENT Miscellaneous. triiy. lil rhonird handle, entitle four delegates. P. S. Send for list 'Ihe Dake Adver- e daily SSCepI Sundays st 5 a. m. e ,. I n FroMI BM Pas. i 6:00s No. in, Ma n St., Los 8 lti Bl 6:20p jerves as both bottle Preclacl Kscobosa Judge. Store to let. Central Ave., between 1st tising Agency, 433 e Can carry three passengers at a From Paso Frank C Mora. The primaries will be 12 St.. Sun Francisco. FOR RENT Ranches. and can opener. 2nd. Sts. Inquire T.. Journal. or (learv e time. First comes, firs, served, e ICosui ll. ( locls and Amlarlllo. held at the house of Mora. - Frank C REN r Slot,- rooan. Wesl with to w e For th ki ts apply to i. 81 Val. Bap 7:6ig - HOOD HoRSES and mulea. Ride or for in FOR RENT tlood ranch Pecos The precinct is entitled to two dele- (.VIH I drive. Wagons and light rigs for CeaX and corner contOetluOSly In house and barn, seven miles from .Vlo IV. Prop. . 812 Alluiq. 'HP- . 9 Up The Morning rent and sale, nt Simon Oarcia. No. the orpheom bnttdlng. W, V Fu-- to n has.- to right party, loan I lltl s llcailcMic I'h. 7".S S Journal -- P. J. JOHN bOlf, Age., I. P Judge, 1202 ... Amo street. 1 --til. M Moole P.eally Co, ' EIGHT THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1912.

i... taken apart ii nini eturod c w .1 v for t ut nr. llii rmr offlcl ulecl i l iikI SIMON EBY, PIONEER MANY BENEFIT BY MURDER SUSPECTS : i fi- mm?.. ordi td muy lii tei of lit f vi .lis, ,,r 'i. i nd rutins This will rilatrlhuted and i hi OF COUNTY PACIFIC MUTIM SPEND NIGHT IN A II exl 11 LUi : lii In' lined I THIS BANK : li huh decided thai it for th rt ii i i a in ad vert I. DIES AT OEMfMG ti- - i I i mi-- i i; for t iut different prh li ge POLICIES CITY JAIL vi vi i:i,i,i PACIMTIEK kisom;. ground and on tin- Mreet l EH U; THE WANTS OP ITS PATRONS, COM-ul(li:- president and secretary i nut arad to do UiIh. WITH IXJNNTANT W'lLLINONENS TO DO SO, a thousand premium rl i, fur m Earned Drat, aaeond and Hunt mi ii tin' Title of "Judge" wi Long List of Claims Paid by J stock - L ri i . x ii He Served or i m. win ordori for g Per ins roouar uomnanv to His Brothe The officer uIm.. lered tin- in ki'ih wh as Justice of Peace; Was Poficvhol Alhiinuftrnufi! Wav Back t f) I Seventy-Tw- o Yeais Old, and Elsev to Stand Ti iiih were mud luxt nighi r between thi Deposit With roilei belonging I Ugaslal Carraagoaataig ... Jearaat Mnr, . In th- .In. ). .m i .1 i i m i I 'exa BJtullthlc Company m,, ..,i( null. holder l':ii'lfii in ncti. hi. unin I'. iiiIhk, n. July 8 Another Mutual hla, In i likaurance company have of wanted Plamtaft, hi wined ilmi- ih. HVn will Of i onC Brant no.veo ctiiTkH Hi.- paal r.n- m. cold-b- ti i.l .1 rn- , """ county ii iIuiiiik fewlArw,, iniiiilt'i' i.rr in. ii - ..ii ' I t "."kH In Indi imnlt v native, warn QJudor fn i"v.n etreet Pioneer iihh panged, to in- greal be- - oavnienl of l..i another The

I and H th( H t dlad accident has furnlahed usual ited i'"r Thuraday, July llth, at hi hom frlat nf and have it..-- ti. on upper claim, all been taff, whefi tha Mimbrei rlvar. Mr, Kb) ih.- cnnipiiii .i ..nipt l;,- ,,n prnol' of Tin", Were U M known aa Bby I PORCH SHADES CONVICTS TO "Judge" to the claim, wltlmut uulbhle and to the full K, Pulllam, i IRK nrh settler of uthwaaturn Now extent company' liability, J Mexico, "f the The nun us ha Justice of tin- peace Aninna the large! claim paid ra- -. day at B!l Pi , lilther Sheriff I'i Citizens fur years. i lir.-lil- , - Bank nmriy IK Iihh real dad In .'nilV m.'it i.l Lout Ih.- s,,.l Ham liml In., Hi. 'in. mill Lun countle lnoe tha known Aithiq.uerq.ue ariy wholeaaler. who in catching hi men the iheiifl ON NORTH FOURTH eo'a. For many yean ho waa wiim Injured about four week hkh In wa forced m an rust employed ii ue Incen'ou AND vot l, PINO l t u meaaenger by a stage runaway accident. Mr. Ilfeld ex-- to gel them to croaa from Mexican tu wil roi'HSELF l.osi: TOUCH MAKE YOUR PORCH AIRY, compan. that operated iih be- preaaea - stage hia appreciation of the com- United State territory the couple WITH tween Santa li.-w- mi- - 1 STRONG FINANCIAL ORGANIZATION OPERAT- fa and Silver City. I'iuh'm m.'ih. in the follow log Id-- having hidden themaelvea In Cludad a native of tha nf Ohio, He tar to Agent K. P, I state General Bchwent Juare. it happened they had a ED I'PON PRINCIPAL- - THAT COOL. SHADY AND leave a widow and Several ihlldren '' thai THE STREET ROAO to mourn hli demlkis, on. friend In El Paso, a gfoceryman, of hif Albuquerque, M., June 21. whom they trusted, The ahorlff khi dauthteri married Demetrlo Chavea, .r. r. ii. M'lin.lHM'r, Agi'lll I'lli'irii' ,,. prn I ,. PRIVATE a proaperoua ,.,.,iv,. ,i, l.rl.l.. end merchant of Morilla. .Mutual i, if, Insurance Company. them that the grocer to e One (randdauchter, .Mm. Bdward C Albuquerque, S, M. wanted vVrlght, them. They rosaed to Ki Paso, bu realdei at Demlnn, He bad Dear sir: l take pleaaure In ac- they been encased in farming on Mm receipt when touched United Btatea ter "One Good Turn ,. Expected They Will be Able to the knowledging ol your check of rltory. the waa wiiIHiik v.. H ,,. s brea rlvar for paal twenty-fiv- e 18211.00. In ac- sheriff will the settlement nf claim for the KI Paao police, and they were mcmM year. IIIh body waa broturhl ml cident OOCUrred to me mill 9f Um hi f four porch. To Ptlt UltilO HillW.'iy Noitll tO last month, quli klj placi d under arrest, iimiIwi- ii ii I tliiuik you l"i imp! mni fair aettl Deserves vpoi wiit can rcNM i Mr. Pulllam had been In Another ton or buried this ii Hi.- M iiy El Paso Sandoval County Iri Shape .ii at ni inent. Wr yours, a Z ...... i week trying to net t.i cross the ... catheter) hi under the auaplces o Signed ) 1. n is ILFELD. them fr.-.- . I T OPEN t s )' K M. ! from ih,' nun, glare Witllill 11 Days, Denting Lodf No. 12. A K. & A. M. S.'llle i; t i tiiioi.- - Paid, PA1 III, UH P. and 0 , Jlmenei m nf U hleb be ik H I, '.in-- $ 2 2 ri its brother are in n Vudnr I 1. 1. urv very member, ilfeld r Hluxlr Robert J, n. five, the other th . I. .w.i. ii. ipeclal office) P f'ushmH 14. 'haVing . nil lit.' mill win iui mmi, anaaoni. (or ih.. Bant Fa. returned to Albu H, p, Wann. 'Hteii before thej a.ei: 'I In-- i.rr uMl "ii OVPI 100,0011 I.iii.m-i- An nueruue. Tin. fht. K. Brandi In ii. jimei , I ., Hf.r b .1 ind after the id. I nil. M il,-- he'll . mi . in, SI John i.e.. i'i.. SK; w In. Byron M. Ho brut hera reted th. i Ives l in. hi. mi. .i i. . make them popu- - e yards, DEATHS AND FUNERALS M of Barney w. i railroad .., ,1.1.1 Ml.,, , (1 111 irren. got two .WJ ,,ll mi,,,,! 'i.,' III..., I'll II" Mill,' PI wa her.- to n Lloyd Connow the other in hup,- of benefiting li ih hn It h. to ., i Wedneada) meet her IM I Ii I -- ih,. iii'iii '. to point, wh being a n "i ;ii nil. ..r ale .ml i ii ..nii nii.. Eugene Warren, Mo, Andrew W. that a sufferer from compllca't vi of si. Louis, sb nl the gun Mm. Addle ten day, it h expected thai returned to 'it.v, Thuraday, ac Vincents Bll n turned Itohlnson. of diseases. The body iii be tal ii iIiivh work pin silver H.Wever, .1. by mil tii,. road uompanled by eon George Bet ki in. Yesterday afternoon al G o'clonl A.o Omaha for burial the yoi in excellent shape a far her fnother, north atha Rugene Neff, Dl ESI Pi Prank Lane ioccurred the death of Mrs, Add.) man's who was with Handoval county hen Hie . line. late red at Hie local I In .. Jack T. Johnn Jtobtnson, bi tter end cum The ii known a "Mother Albert Faber ai li.ui taken bj in county Wednesdaj of HiIh week. Th. Robinson, an aged ad death and funerals eg commlialoners in reaponae to a tie- C. M, nr. colored womai Thomas Parker, of Tyrone, pnsse also, The iiinii summons came .it the hum toa-SI- O mand fr the Oeniral. user oi Hie road through Demlng, Thursday, en roul John ii. si Of .In that it be I' will leave on N'u. h,T lighter. Mrs. Marie Coch Funeral of German Gallndro, north placed In proper tu southern California W. a. Tern nf Iran, al shape, .1. this nun" Flagstaff, hi :iit West Copper avenue. Th The road hi' needed atten M ra. i i k l Thurs-tln- g K Bmitl with The funeral of German Gallnd Complete House Furnisher. Hon Tli.niM" n kdeceased had resided here about litre, for time peat, and the re iv. from al M. P. Loon who died suddenly Friday mornl can I it ye.iis, coming to Albuquerque tron flooding auatalned when the I Thomas T. will be held at 2::m o'clock this Mlmbi a I Texas, u. water came arroyo I j 'alias. The will down along iin ri hi i. til .ii i Ived ni n Thom. is II' DOMINGA CHIGUIGUI funeral ternoon from the chapel of KredCr Waller .held this 4 rut Hue.. iniliK north nl ih.. Mm Ing Thursday, froi I. M II rn i afternoon at o'clock a lott. Burial will be In Santa Barhi .the .Mount Olive Baptist church cemetery- - Qailndro leave a wife, i .lack Head rotUrt RETAINS CUSTODY OF L OFFICERS OF FAIR I. erj i.iui for traffic. Tin- wuri Whitewater, Wi dm burial being in a local cemetery children, hla mother and tuo broi of Hi Rev. Mr. era. He 27 li onvlrta under Hoad Buperln W i It in in Colemai Harry TRUJILLO CHILDREN Richie will conduct He wiis years old and W i lendeni in place it in bett 11 llHiti l ill ill. KM I., i. Ii bete all ul bis life. shape than ever, though, and the uu lay. IlllHlN Will Hoi, I..- ;,., ,, nillke gOOl i Olfego Ha A. L. ii Thursd .imlge Herbi rl P, .Joseph l)iis.sfai'k Paul Do run mid ARRANGE DETAILS tims along Its entire length in thii tt'lp tu I'' M Joseph Frank 6a refuaeil to mini Dussfack. aaed intu l'.', a rrlved In t iu- j MlK. J. lam Churi ' nl w ill today When the ten days re oer. if to Tin antes B, lid si here. road ha been put in propei '! N. M . . b Hi. H um,'. hi,. ,, 'o OF EXPOSITION Mil bail. r H for n few 111 .1 U Orei IIERPICIDE IS lahotun, Inn for THE ORIGINAL ORTIZ AND DESCHLER tiiriied IN PARTNERSHIP Gfusy Meeting ol Presiden DANDRUFF GERM OE! 5TR0YER Secretary and Superintend oil i.. Known Mtvhaiitca i mm I "i. , ., ents I Nighl I,, fake i Mini. ast Settles Num t)U.rquc ... iii rtage iiiaci.. d 'i h erous Importanl Points, umltlilng lluslncaa, e. or I ami prev ents falling hair. h that J itching of the scalp almost insti Ton) Ortl and Mtmon Deachler, It may I laim. d iluit othi r Iwo ..I the beat I known men In the ' remedies will wngon making and blai ksmithlng do the same thingt lerpii id,- lis do. a II trades in thi i Ity, have formed t irsell in be awl I official h partnership foi the purpoMt Of taklngi appeal Btante) C, Tho MARKt iWITZ. eaterday and swi in iiusli u the mi. I II ' Well and Wall inse. sample and i M. to The EMcape d the paper :' .lull. in. n., Enicti 211. vt ui H I'eirun, Trlnldud, Colo.. Jul) '. " """ aa mure Newbro'B Hernleldi . Ic today Hill BftllOW, out tnan mi oiher similar 8gCS Mar-iu- I is s,,id by all dealers s ItctUMI i. uu Cuba. pi An attempt t.. ,.. .., h ' n ,i., .n n nl. nil Caimenera, Cuba. Julv 2n. II you Something .'Ise la an- - ...... m I mereij you no t iut i fill a I 'lilted stn i.s fleet collier, !ycli your n her effort to pruilt from the good i... ! ' " i.i ' ...... l"'tln'. 'j ,"' 'Vn.'"' !!.'."'?'." "'iH COUnt) Si li II elulel, Is , '' ',' , bSloflSO, bliahed by th. genuine i '!'oop!r''ih,,!r''l.,nu''' i, !'u ."' vvll y ron U Willi iwo in :i l tll.s aooaru. ' i . ,i tin.- on a m sta- - ' rooua will be so bum Him I,,.. . u.i foiimre "ilruinii uolltrucieu residence Int.. hour lonlglit be had hli been They will return their original barber si leipi.'l.l,' kills the datidl'llIT lytlll. J. II. llHtU'llv I'o So REE DAYS MORE 1 Advantage of Our REMOVAL SALE BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTME


I .thlt- - 98c Bleached Damask, 72 wide, --- -'- $2.90 doz. inches guaranteed .til "V" Kfulisize, linen, worth $1.25. I AKU '24-in- ., Phone same quality, $3.35 dOZ. 283 West J I Na 307 Central H