Th e Genus (: ) in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Southeastern United States

Jonathan R. Hendricks

Bulletins of American Paleontology

Number 375, December 2008 BULLETINS OF AMERICAN PALEONTOLOGY Established 1895

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Th is paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). Th e Genus Conus (Mollusca: Neogastropoda) in the Plio-Pleistocene of the Southeastern United States

Jonathan R. Hendricks

Bulletins of American Paleontology

Number 375, December 2008 ISSN 007-5779 ISBN 978-0-87710-482-7 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 2008937017 © 2008, Paleontological Research Institution, 1259 Trumansburg Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, U. S. A. THE GENUS CONUS (MOLLUSCA: NEOGASTROPODA) IN THE PLIO-PLEISTOCENE OF THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATES

Jonathan R. Hendricks Department of Geology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045, U. S. A. Current address: Department of Geology, San José State University, San José, California 95192-0102, U. S. A., email [email protected].

ABSTRACT Conus (or cone) shells are common in many Pliocene and Pleistocene fossil deposits from the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States, but have never been the subjects of a comprehensive taxonomic review or revision. In total, 84 names (including those of some Recent and fossil taxa from other strata or areas) have been applied to Plio-Pleistocene cone shells from this region, and since Green described Conus marylandicus in 1830, an additional 59 species have been described from these strata. Forty of these taxa were described in the last 17 years and were published outside of the peer-reviewed literature, making their status as distinct species suspect, particularly because most are poorly illustrated, perfunctorily described, and based on few specimens. Th is makes them nearly impossible to evaluate without direct inspection of type material and/or access to large suites of specimens. Evaluating whether these suspect taxon names represent distinctive morphospecies is critical to attaining an understanding of the evolutionary history and diversity of Neogene and Recent Conus in the western Atlantic. Th e present work provides a systematic treatment of 82 of the 84 names that have been applied to Conus shells from the Plio- Pleistocene fossil records of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida. Here, through application of a conservative morphological species concept (one that accepts large amounts of intraspecifi c morphological variation), 19 of these nominal taxa are accepted as representing distinctive species of Plio-Pleistocene Conus from this study area. In addition, this investigation also resulted in the discovery of one new fossil morphospecies, described here as Conus burnetti n. sp. An identifi cation key to these 20 species is provided. Th e status of three additional, previously described species (known only by their type specimens) remains less certain. Two names that are likely familiar to collectors of Plio-Pleistocene Conus from the United States Coastal Plain, C. fl oridanus Gabb, 1869, and C. druidi Olsson, 1967, are synonymized, respectively, with C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845, and C. haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850. All previously described species of sinistral Conus are considered to belong to one highly morphologically variable species, C. adversarius Conrad, 1840.

INTRODUCTION U. S., 59 additional species have been described. Only 11 of these species were described during the period 1830-1979; “It is with decided reluctance that I have taken up the enumeration and the remaining 48 were described during the subsequent 25 separation of the [fossil] Cones of Santo Domingo. I am safe in asserting years. Th is recent dramatic rise in the rate of publication of that I have never undertaken a more diffi cult task, and while I have new fossil Conus species descriptions is illustrated in Text-fi g. almost suff ered under an embarrassment of riches in the great numbers 1. None of the 40 species named since 1990 were described of specimens I have had to study, that same profusion is rather the source in peer-reviewed publications (Petuch 1991, 1994, 2004), of the diffi culty than a means of relief. With a few shells, a fi ctitious and most are poorly illustrated, inadequately described, and division can easily be made; but in series of hundreds, nay thousands, where opportunity exists for the study of all the varieties, this labor is insuffi ciently compared with otherwise similar taxa, making not so easy.” them nearly impossible to evaluate without access to type - W. M. Gabb, 1873 specimens and/or large suites of comparative shell material (see also Allmon, 2005). Of these 40 species, 31 are only represented by their holotype specimens; an additional four As Gabb (1873) discovered in the Neogene strata of the species are described as having paratype representatives, but Dominican Republic, Conus (or cone) shells are often these specimens are not housed in museum collections. common and diverse constituents of many Pliocene and In total, 84 known species names have been applied to Pleistocene marine fossil deposits from the Coastal Plain of the fossil Conus shells from the Plio-Pleistocene of Virginia, North southeastern United States. Despite over 175 years of collection Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida (Table 1); similarly- and description, however, fossil cone shells from the U. S. aged Conus shells are not yet known from Georgia. Besides Coastal Plain have never been subjected to a comprehensive the 60 species described from the Plio-Pleistocene of the taxonomic review or revision and are currently in taxonomic southeastern U. S., an additional 24 species names, belonging disarray. Since Green (1830) described the fi rst species of Plio- to either extant Conus (16 names) or fossil species (8 names) Pleistocene Conus (C. marylandicus) from the southeastern from older strata and/or other regions, have also been applied 2 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Text-fi g. 1. Actual and cumulative number of fossil Conus species described from Plio-Pleistocene strata from the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States between 1830 and present (n = 61; count includes the new species described here). Th e pace of publication increased signifi cantly in the 1990s. to Plio-Pleistocene cone shells from the U. S. Atlantic Coastal valid Conus fossil morphospecies and that three additional Plain. forms appear distinctive, but are only known by their type Th e present work provides a systematic treatment of 82 specimen(s). Th is study resulted in the discovery of one of the 84 names that have been applied to Plio-Pleistocene additional new fossil species, which is described here as C. Conus fossils from the southeastern U. S. Th e fi rst exception is burnetti. Heilprin’s (1886: 83) report of Conus catenatus G. B. Sowerby II, 1850, a fossil species from the Dominican Republic, in RECOGNITION AND CIRCUMSCRIPTION the Pliocene of Florida. Heilprin (1886) did not fi gure C. OF CONUS TAXA catenatus and his description is uninformative; I did not observe specimens resembling the fi gures of C. catenatus TREATMENT OF HIGHER TAXA WITHIN THE provided by Pilsbry (1922: pl. 22, fi gs 3-4) and Woodring Th e neogastropod family Conidae Fleming, 1822, includes (1928: pl. 11, fi gs 4-5) during the course of this study. Th e three genera (Kohn, 1990; Röckel et al., 1995): Conus Linnaeus, second exception is Petuch’s (1994: 226, pl. 92, fi g. e) report 1758, Conorbis Swainson, 1840, and Hemiconus Cossman, of a fossil specimen of the extant species C. amphiurgus Dall, 1889. Whereas Conorbis is represented by a single extant 1889, from the Bermont Formation of Florida; this single species and Hemiconus is extinct (Kohn, 1990; Röckel et al., specimen is not in a museum collection and thus could not 1995), Conus might be the most diverse of marine metazoan be verifi ed. Following examination of more than 20,000 genera, containing more than 500 extant and 1,000 fossil specimens (more than 2,400 museum lots), including study species (Röckel et al., 1995). Recent phylogenetic analyses of of nearly all (exceptions noted below) available type fossil molecular sequence datasets (e. g., Duda & Palumbi, 1999; material, I conclude here that 19 of these 82 names represent Duda et al., 2001; Espiritu et al., 2001; Duda & Kohn, 2005; HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 3

Table 1. Conus species names (n = 84) applied to Plio-Pleistocene fossils from the southeastern United States; list also include the new species, C. burnetti. Species names in bold were originally applied to fossil material (n = 60) from the study area; other names were originally applied to either extant species (n = 16) or to fossil taxa from other regions or older strata (n = 8; these are marked with an “*”). Th e species author and date of publication, fi rst known and subsequent important literature citations to the species in the Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of the southeastern United States, and the taxonomic treatment followed here are also presented.

Conus Species-Group Authority First Application Subsequent Citations Taxonomic Treatment Name Followed Here adversarius Conrad, 1840 Conrad (1840) Conrad (1841), Tuomey & C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 Holmes (1857), Emmons (1858), Dall (1890), LaVille (1921), Mansfi eld (1930), Smith (1929, 1945), Olsson & Harbison (1953), DuBar (1958), Olsson & Petit (1964), Kamp (1967), Petuch (1988), Kohn (1992), Petuch (1991, 1994, 2004), Campbell (1993) amphiurgus Dall, 1889 Petuch (1994) n/a Not treated here anabathrum Crosse, 1865 Petuch (2004) n/a C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 apium* Woodring, 1928 Olsson (1967) n/a C. patricius Hinds, 1843 bassi Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. bassi Petuch, 1991 berryi Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 burnetti n. sp. Present work Present work n/a C. burnetti n. sp. calusa Abbott, 1988b Abbott (1988b) Petuch (1994) C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 capelettii Petuch, 1990 Petuch (1990) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 catenatus* Sowerby II, 1850 Heilprin (1886) Kamp (1967) Not treated here cherokus Olsson & Petit, Olsson & Petit Petuch (1994, 2004) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 1964 (1964) consobrinus* Sowerby II, 1850 Kamp (1967) n/a C. violetae Petuch, 1988 daucus Hwass in Dall (1890) Olsson & Harbison (1953) C. daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 Bruguière, 1792 delessertii Récluz, 1843 Petuch (1988) Petuch (1994) C. delessertii Récluz, 1843 deluvianus / diluvianus [sic]* Green, 1830 Tuomey & Holmes Emmons (1858) C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 (1857) diegelae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 druidi Olsson, 1967 Olsson (1967) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. haytensis Sowerby II, 1850 duerri Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. delessertii Récluz, 1843 evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 4 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

eversoni Petuch, 1987 Petuch (1988) n/a ? C. daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 fl oridanus Gabb, 1868 Dall (1890) Mansfi eld (1930), Smith C. cf. largillierti Kiener, (1930, 1945), Olsson & 1845 Harbison (1953), DuBar (1958), Kamp (1967), Petuch (1994) gravesae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) ? C. daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 griffi ni Petuch, 1990 Petuch (1990) Petuch (1994, 2004) ? C. daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 harbisonae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a ? C. daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 Mansfi eld (1930) Petuch (1994) C. harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 heilprini Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 hertwecki Petuch, 1988 Petuch (1988) Petuch (1994) C. hertwecki Petuch, 1988 hyshugari Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 irisae Petuch, 2004 Petuch (2004) n/a C. paranobilis Petuch, 1991 jaclynae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (2004) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 jaroldi Abbott, 1988a Abbott (1988a) n/a C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 Kamp (1967) Petuch (1988, 1994) C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 jeremyi Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 joelshugari Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 jonesorum Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. yaquensis Gabb, 1873 largillierti Kiener, 1845 Dietl & Hendricks n/a C. cf. largillierti Kiener, (2006) 1845 laurenae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 lemoni Petuch, 1990 Petuch (1990) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 martinshugari Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 marylandicus Green, 1830 Green (1830) Martin (1904), Olsson & C. marylandicus Green, 1830 Harbison (1953), Olsson (1967), Kohn (1992), Campbell (1993), Petuch (1994, 2004) marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 maureenae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 5 mercati* Brocchi, 1814 Heilprin (1886) n/a Not treated here miamiensis Petuch, 1986 Petuch (1986) Petuch (1988, 1994, 2004) C. miamiensis Petuch, 1986 micanopy Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 miccosukee Abbott, 1988b Abbott (1988b) Petuch (1994) C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 mitchellorum Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 oniscus* Woodring, 1928 Kamp (1967) Petuch (1994) C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 osceolai Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 paranobilis Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. paranobilis Petuch, 1991 parkeri Richards & Richards & Petuch (1994) C. parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947 Harbison (1947) Harbison, 1947 patstreamae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. delessertii Récluz, 1843 pealii Green, 1830 Dall (1890) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 petiti Petuch, 2004 Petuch (2004) n/a C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004 Petuch (2004) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 presozoni Olsson & Petit, Olsson & Petit Kamp (1967), Petuch (1994) C. delessertii Récluz, 1843 1964 (1964) proteus Hwass in Dall (1890) n/a C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 Bruguière, 1792 protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 pygmaeus Reeve, 1844 Dall (1890) n/a ? C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 robertsi Olsson & Olsson & Harbison Abbott (1988a), Petuch C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 Harbison, 1953 (1953) (1994) ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 sarasotaensis Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 schmidti Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 scotti Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, Petuch (1988) Petuch (1994) C. sennottorum Rehder & 1951 Abbott, 1951 spengleri Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 spurius Gmelin, 1791 Kamp (1967) Petuch (1988, 1994) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 spuroides Olsson & Olsson & Harbison Kamp (1967), Petuch (1991, C. spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 (1953) 1994, 2004) Harbison, 1953 stearnsii Conrad, 1869 Smith (1930) Smith (1945), Olsson & C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 Harbison (1953), DuBar (1958) streami Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) Petuch (2004) C. spurius Gmelin, 1791 6 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

susanae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 susankhanae Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. delessertii Récluz, 1843 testudinarius Hwass in Mansfi eld (1930) n/a ? C. patricius Hinds, 1843 Bruguière, 1792 tomeui Petuch, 2004 Petuch (2004) n/a C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 trippae Petuch, 1991 Petuch (1991) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 tryoni Heilprin, 1886 Heilprin (1886) Petuch (1988, 1991, 1994, C. adversarius Conrad, 1840 2004) vaughanensis* Mansfi eld, 1935 Petuch (1994) n/a ? C. largillierti Kiener, 1845 verrucosus Hwass in Smith (1936) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 Bruguière, 1792 violetae Petuch, 1988 Petuch (1988) Petuch (1994, 2004) C. violetae Petuch, 1988 waccamawensis Smith, 1930 Smith (1930) Smith (1945), Olsson & C. oniscus Woodring, 1928 Harbison (1953), Petuch (1994, 2004) wilsoni Petuch, 1994 Petuch (1994) n/a C. jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 yaquensis* Gabb, 1873 Kamp (1967) Petuch (1988, 1994, 2004) C. yaquensis Gabb, 1873

Duda & Rolán, 2005; see also Kohn, 2002) have tested and, use of subgeneric classifi cations of Conus both premature and thus far, substantiated the monophyly of Conus as a distinct unsubstantiated in almost all cases. evolutionary lineage and have also begun to shed light on the species membership of some subclades within the genus. CHARACTERISTICS USED BY PREVIOUS WORKERS TO Since Linnaeus (1758) named Conus, numerous attempts DISCRIMINATE CONUS SPECIES (beginning with Linnaeus himself; Röckel et al., 1995) Like most gastropods, species of Conus have long been have been made to subdivide the genus (at the generic and described and diff erentiated almost entirely on the basis of subgeneric levels), although none of the resultant classifi cation shell characteristics. Th e shells of Conus species are renowned schemes have gained long-term traction among naturalists. As for their intraspecifi c variability in shape, sculpture, and color noted by Röckel et al. (1995: 16), “[m]ore than 90 genus- patterns, particularly across wide geographic expanses (e. group names have now been proposed in the family Conidae” g., Röckel et al., 1995). Th is variation is rarely summarized and “[t]he classifi cations employing diff erent subsets of these adequately in original Conus species descriptions, and vary widely. Schemes based on shell shape and sculpture, shell discussions of key shell characters separating otherwise similar colour pattern, and radular tooth characters are inconsistent species are usually insuffi cient (Kohn, 1980a; Filmer, 2001). and incongruent.” For the same reason, I follow Röckel et As a consequence, Conus has long been a genus plagued by al. (1995) in rejecting most previously named higher taxa synonymous names, though several recent eff orts (Kohn, within the Conidae (the single exception here is the subgenus 1992,; Röckel et al., 1995; Filmer, 2001; Kohn & Anderson, Contraconus, for reasons described on p. 27), all of which, 2008) have made great strides in clarifying the of to date, have been based on morphological characters, and extant and some fossil species. Yet, new Conus species (extant particularly shell characteristics, which are few and frequently and fossil) continue to be described at a feverish pace; by the intraspecifi cally variable in Conus species (see below). I expect mid-1990s, an average of 23 species were being described per that meaningful progress in the subdivision of Conus will be year, mostly outside of peer-review (Röckel et al., 1995). made, however, as additional molecular sequence data are Problems associated with the taxonomy of extant Conus collected from extant species and analyzed using cladistic species are magnifi ed when considering fossil representatives. methodologies. Until such work is completed, I consider the Reasons for this include the incomplete nature of fossils (i. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 7 e., no anatomical characters), lack of direct evidence of their Olsson & Harbison (1953: 170) used shell-coiling direction, ecologies, inability to study biological populations, the lack shape of the sutural ramp, depth of the subsutural fl exure, and of spatial continuity of the strata in which they are found, last whorl ornamentation features to segregate species. Wolfson and geological mixing of non-contemporaneous faunas (i. (1962) separated two extant Conus species with similar shell e., time averaging). Nevertheless, because most extant Conus color patterns using several simple shell measurements species are described on the basis of shell characters alone, and a discriminant function analysis. Wolfson then noted fossil species are similarly recognizable and comparable. that besides overall shell shape, the depth and shape of the For extant Conus, Walls (1979: 30-31) noted that color subsutural fl exure is also useful for diff erentiating the two patterns and the “structure of the early whorls” are the most species. Kamp (1967) placed special emphasis on using color useful character types for the identifi cation of species when patterns, revealed using ultraviolet light (see description of only shells are available. Walls described other attributes, such process below), to identify and circumscribe fossil Conus as last whorl sculpture, shape, and height, as being of species. Hoerle (1976) also emphasized the use of color less use for identifi cations due to their high degree of variation patterns for making identifi cations of fossil Conus species within species, which he noted as possibly being a consequence and referenced the utility of the apex characters described by of ecology. Smith (1930) [she cited Smith (1929), apparently in error]. Röckel et al.’s (1995) treatment of the extant Indo-Pacifi c Hoerle specifi cally stated (1976: 2) that misleading “factors Conidae prominently illustrated, described, and quantifi ed in species identifi cation are: the angle and height of the spire; variation in shell form in Conus species that were recognized the angle of the shoulder; the basal sculpture; and pustules on by both shell and soft-part characters, including ecological fi nal whorl.” observations as well. Th is work provides a useful benchmark Kohn (1980b) provided the most thorough description for demonstrating the amount and kinds of variation in shell of a fossil Conus species (C. kahiko Kohn, 1980, from the morphology that one might expect when considering fossil Pleistocene of Oahu, Hawaii). He quantifi ed almost all shell Conus taxa. Röckel et al. (1995) used shell shape and color, characters, including color patterns, shell size, shell shape, characters, colors of soft-parts, radular teeth and sculptural features and provided summary statistics characters, ecological observations, and geographic range for these data. Kohn (1980b: 537) diff erentiated C. kahiko to characterize the species of Conus that they recognized in from similar fossil and Recent Hawaiian species using these their monograph of extant Indo-Pacifi c species. Th ey did same characters, and stated that “Conus kahiko diff ers most not explicitly defi ne one set of characters as being more strikingly from the most similar Hawaiian species with respect useful than another for identifying species. For reasons of to color pattern and sculpture of the last whorl.” practicality, Röckel et al. (1995: 17) adopted a morphological Muñiz Solís (1999) listed the characters that he used to species concept and stressed discontinuities in morphological identify Conus shells from the Pliocene of Spain. He placed characters as being critical for the circumscription of species, special emphasis on using the shapes of growth lines around stating that “if two distinct forms occur sympatrically without the subsutural fl exure and shoulder, as well as intergrades, we conclude that they are diff erent species. In characters, to discriminate species. cases of uncertainty, we have decided to unify rather than To date, Petuch has described 130 species of fossil and separate such taxa.” Recent cone shells and has introduced six (fi ve by Petuch, Th ere is no consensus view on what characters are the 2004) genus-level names within Conidae (Kohn & Anderson, most useful for identifying fossil Conus species when only 2008). It is unclear what shell characters Petuch considers shell material is available for study. In part, this is because to be of greatest value for circumscribing and distinguishing preservational quality is often inconsistent among fossil cone species. In the discussion portions of his sinistral Conus localities. Few authors have presented discussions of the shell species descriptions, Petuch (1991, 1994, 2004) used mostly characters that they consider useful for recognizing fossil shell size and shape characters (e. g., relative last whorl width Conus species. Smith (1930) argued that attributes of the or height, spire height) to discriminate co-occurring species, shell apex and subsutural fl exure (sometimes referred to as but often also made mention of diff erences in sculptural the “anal notch”) used in combination can provide diagnostic characters (such as presence or absence of tubercles on spire, information useful for identifying fossil Conus species from the or prominence of spiral threads on the last whorl). Neogene of the southeastern U. S. He specifi cally discussed In general, it appears that Petuch believed that fossil species the presence or absence of tubercles (or nodes) on the earliest tend to be restricted to single temporal intervals in narrowly postnuclear whorls and the shape and depth of the subsutural defi ned geographical regions: “Paleospecies, by defi nition, fl exure as being important characters. demarcate blocks of time, from their fi rst appearance in In their key to the Pliocene cones of southern Florida, the fossil record to their last appearance and extinction. As 8 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  is usually seen in regional fossil records, paleospecies are a narrow species concept (one that accepts little morphological most often endemic (biogeographically confi ned) to the variation) is employed under these conditions, excessive depositional boundaries of their respective oceans and, when taxonomic splitting is probable. viewed in light of their evolution and extinction, tightly defi ne A second matter further justifi es the use of a conservative the paleosea as a discrete entity moving through both time species concept, although it is a specimen collection problem, and space” (Petuch, 1997: iv). As an apparent consequence rather than a geological one. Specimens of many of the species of this philosophy, Petuch usually placed special emphasis revised here were collected from spoil piles excavated by shell on temporal rather than morphological separations between aggregate mining companies. Mining activity sometimes otherwise similar species, which he frequently described crosses stratigraphic boundaries, particularly in southern (without the support of methods such as cladistic analysis) Florida. Resulting spoil piles can therefore contain Conus shells as ancestors or descendants of one another. For example, from diff erent, though stratigraphically adjacent, formations. in his remarks on Contraconus mitchellorum, Petuch (1994: As a result, it is not always possible to discern whether two 360-361) stated that this species “is most similar to, and is distinctive forms existed within the same stratigraphic unit, the direct descendant of, the older, stratigraphically-lower C. or were ecological morphs separated by a major stratigraphic tryoni” Heilprin, 1886 (he then listed some morphological boundary. diff erences between these taxa). It is conceivable (and perhaps even probable) that an analysis of fossil Conus shell form using advanced morphometric TAXONOMIC APPROACH USED HERE FOR techniques could discriminate morphological subgroupings RECOGNIZING CONUS SPECIES not recognized here (which might or might not be comparable Many Plio-Pleistocene Conus shells from the southeastern to biological species). However, given (1) the uncertainty U. S. are exceptionally well preserved, particularly those resulting from stratigraphic sampling problems in the study from southern Florida. Protoconchs, early postnuclear shell area (due to time averaging and spoil pile collections; see characters, and color patterns are frequently available (along above), (2) the fact that a majority of fossil shells available for with most other shell characters) for study. Th ese character study are in some way damaged, (3) that indeterminate shell groups are given special weight and emphasis in this revision growth in Conus prevents identifi cation of more than a few because they tend not to be as highly variable as others (e. g., justifi able landmark points, and (4) that many extant species shape parameters) within extant Conus species. Secondarily are known to be highly variable in shell shape but less variable important characters for species circumscription and in other aspects of morphology and ecology (e. g., see Röckel identifi cation include the shape and depth of the subsutural et al., 1995), I believe that application of such morphometric fl exure and major sculptural features of the spire and last techniques would greatly overestimate fossil species diversity whorl. Spire height and overall last whorl shape are considered in the study area (i. e., show signifi cantly greater diversity here to be less reliable taxonomic characters for identifying than observed in the most diverse extant Conus faunas). I have or diff erentiating fossil Conus species. Th ese shape characters employed simple ratio metrics (described below) to describe could be due to ecological eff ects, or might be the consequence overall shell form for species recognized (for the most part) of ontogenetic disturbance(s) (e. g., shell breakage). on the basis of discrete shell characters. It is possible that Röckel et al.’s (1995) assertion that similar Conus forms this study has underestimated Conus species diversity during should be lumped into single species when uncertainty exists the Plio-Pleistocene in the southeastern U. S., but it seems is similarly adopted here. Two particular problems associated highly unlikely that diversity has been overestimated. Th us, I with the fossils revised here add high levels of uncertainty not consider the results of the taxonomic revision presented here generally associated with extant populations, further justifying to be a conservative estimate of Conus species diversity during this conservative approach. First, some dense fossil assemblages the Plio-Pleistocene in the southeastern U. S. Finally, I remind from the southeastern U. S., and southern Florida in particular the reader that the Conus taxa that I accept here as species (e. g., the Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami Formation), have are hypotheses based upon the criteria outlined above and probably experienced extensive sediment winnowing, physical the material that I examined during the course of this study. reworking, and hence time averaging (e. g., see Allmon, 1993). I have provided a listing (Appendix) of all fossil specimens Consequently, it is unlikely that two Conus shells found next observed during this study so that future workers might test to one another, in place, were associated with one another in the boundaries of my species circumscriptions, if so desired. life. Th is results in collections containing mixed populations of individuals that experienced potentially variable ecological MATERIALS AND METHODS conditions during their lifetimes, making ecophenotypic and genetic eff ects diffi cult to discriminate in shell material. When MATERIAL EXAMINED HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 9

Th is revision is based upon direct observation of more than for this study are from Florida. For a recent overview of the 2,400 Conus specimen lots (more than 20,000 specimens) from Neogene geology of Florida, see Scott (1997). eight institutions (all specimen lots observed are presented in the Appendix); privately held collections were not considered DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY AND IMAGE PROCESSING in this study. Th e Conus collections that I made as part of With the exception of scanning electron photomicrographs, my dissertation work are reposited at the PRI, where they all photographic images presented here were captured using have been integrated into the “taxonomic” collections. Most several diff erent digital cameras (all with resolutions of 5.0 specimens observed were originally collected from one of 13 megapixels or higher). All photographic images were processed diff erent Plio-Pleistocene stratigraphic units from Virginia, and plates were constructed using Adobe® Photoshop® North and South Carolina, and Florida. Th ese strata and their (versions 5.5 and CS2). Th is software program was often used general relationships to one another, along with citations to to improve the quality of images through adjustments of the relevant literature sources, are presented in Table 2, which was levels, contrast, and brightness settings. modifi ed from fi g. 10.2 by Allmon et al. (1996). Controversy Some specimens of Plio-Pleistocene Conus have retained remains over the absolute ages of these strata and how they pigmented elements that fl uoresce under ultraviolet light, should be correlated across the Atlantic Coastal Plain; readers permitting original color patterns to be observed. (For a recent are referred to discussions by DuBar (1974), Lyons (1991), and much needed account of these polyene pigments in Conus Ward et al. (1991), Ward (1992), Campbell (1993), Allmon and other mollusks, see Hedegaard et al., 2006). Th e process (1993), Campbell & Campbell (1995), and Allmon et al. of inducing and photographing fl uorescence in Neogene fossil (1996). A signifi cant majority of the specimens observed shells has been described by Kamp (1967), Olsson (1967),

Table 2. Stratigraphic context of Plio-Pleistocene Conus fossils considered in this study. Stratigraphic spatiotemporal units lacking time- equivalent strata or Conus fossils are marked as “-”. Broad correlations of units are based on Allmon et al. (1996) and the lithostratigraphic correlation chart for the southeastern U.S. presented by Randazzo & Jones (1997). Absolute ages for most formations and/or their boundaries are controversial.

Age Southern Florida Northern Florida South Carolina North Carolina Virginia Late Pleistocene Anastasia Fm. (e.g., ---- Scott, 1997; Portell et al., 2003) Late Pleistocene Fort Th ompson Fm. ---- (e.g., Lyons, 1991) Early Pleistocene Bermont Fm. (e.g., ---- Lyons, 1991) Plio-Pleistocene Caloosahatchee Fm. Nashua Fm. (e.g., Waccamaw Fm. Waccamaw Fm. - (e.g., Lyons, 1991) Scott, 1997) (e.g., Akers, / James City 1972) Fm. (e.g., Ward & Gilinsky, 1993) Late Pliocene Upper Pinecrest - - Chowan River Chowan River Beds of the Tamiami Fm. (e.g., Ward Fm. (e.g., Ward Fm. (e.g., Petuch, & Gilinsky, & Gilinsky, 1982; Allmon, 1993) 1993; Campbell, 1993) 1993) Late Pliocene Lower Pinecrest Jackson Bluff Fm. Raysor Marl / Duplin Marl Yorktown Fm. Beds of the Tamiami (e.g., Jones, 1997) Duplin Marl (e.g., Campbell (Moore House, Fm. (e.g., Petuch, (e.g., Campbell et al., 1975) Rushmere, & 1982; Allmon, et al., 1975) Morgarts Beach 1993) Members) (e.g., Campbell, 1993) 10 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Vokes & Vokes (1968), Krueger (1974), Hoerle (1976), and Pitt & Pitt (1993). To capture these patterns, fl uorescence was induced using two Raytech Versalume PP-FLS longwave/ shortwave ultraviolet lamps set on either side of the shell, with all other light sources extinguished. Digital photographs were typically taken at F-value settings of 7.1-8.0 and shutter speed settings of 5-30 sec. Because when “color patterns fl uoresce under ultraviolet light, they appear to the human eye as photographic negatives of the color pattern on a modern shell” (Krueger, 1974: 46), Photoshop® was used to create negatives of the ultraviolet images, permitting observation of shell color patterns as they would have appeared in life (dark pigments on a light background). All of the holotypes and lectotypes that were observed were photographed and their images are presented here, along with those of some paratype specimens; additional images of type specimens reposited by Edward Petuch at the Florida Museum of Natural History can also be viewed at the website http://www.fl mnh.ufl .edu/databases/ivp. Most other Text-fi g. 2. Conus subsutural fl exure morphologies; see text and specimens presented on plates were selected to document the Smith (1930) for further explanations. (a) Specimen of Conus full range of observed intraspecifi c morphological variation (e. spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953, showing traces of growth lines g., in shell shape, ornamentation, or color pattern). (dark lines) across the body whorl and sutural ramp region, outlining the shape of the subsutural fl exure (region in box) for reference to illustrations in b-e; (b) symmetrically curved subsutural fl exure; (c) TAXONOMIC DESCRIPTIONS AND TERMINOLOGY asymmetrically curved subsutural fl exure; (d) shallow subsutural Taxa are treated in order of their date of original description fl exure; (e) diagonal subsutural fl exure. (1791-2004); a taxonomic key (p. 13) was developed to aid in the identifi cation of species. Description format and terminology of shell characters and color patterns generally usually moderate. follow Röckel et al. (1995). Morphological references made Species descriptions of taxa that have Recent in addition to the “base” of a shell pertain to the anterior end of the shell. to fossil records circumscribe the variation observed in “Unornamented sutural ramps” are those that lack raised fossil material from the Plio-Pleistocene of the southeastern spiral threads, incised spiral grooves, or prominent radial U. S. and should not be considered full accountings of the growth lines. New terminology was developed to describe the total variation that might be observed in modern forms. overall shape of the subsutural fl exure (see Smith, 1930; this Furthermore, the total variation presented here for some character is sometimes referred to as the “anal notch”), which of these taxa can exceed that which might be observed in can be observed in most well-preserved fossil and modern only modern members of such species if the fossil material cone shells by following the shape of the growth lines across includes extinct phenotypes (due to ecological or evolutionary the sutural ramp of the teleoconch whorls (see Text-fi g. 2a; change). also see Muñiz Solís, 1999). Th ese terms include: (1) Symmetrically curved (Text-fi g. 2b): apex of curve MEASUREMENTS near center of sutural ramp; depth can be moderate (depth Five simple measurements (Text-fi g. 3) were directly captured approximately the same as width across the sutural ramp) or and recorded from a total of nearly 1,900 fossil specimens deep (depth greater than width across the sutural ramp). to quantify variation within (and to a lesser extent between) (2) Asymmetrically curved (Text-fi g. 2c): apex of curve on morphospecies; these measurements were also captured from adaxial half of sutural ramp; depth usually moderate. a smaller number of modern Conus shells for comparative (3) Shallow (Text-fi g. 2d): depth less than width across purposes. Specimens were selected for measurement only sutural ramp; outline can be fl at, gently curved, or V-shaped. if all fi ve measurements could be collected. Most measured (4) Diagonal (Text-fi g. 2e): forms a nearly straight line medium- and large-sized specimens lack preservation of the that is oriented abaxioventrally across the sutural ramp and protoconch and the fi rst several early postnuclear whorls shows little to no bowing; degree of curvature near the suture are often also lost or heavily eroded. Shell length (SL) and is less than in the asymmetrically curved condition; depth maximum diameter (MD) were measured parallel to and HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 11

A fi fth measurement, spire angle (SA), was collected using a General brand square head protractor (no. 17); this metric is equivalent to angle b of Kohn & Riggs (1975). SA and RSH are diff erent measures of spire height; RSH is equivalent (in a practical sense) to SA only when RD (a measure of last-whorl shape) is held constant. Two additional formulas are presented to further characterize and quantify shell shape as a function of shell size.

Th e regressions MD = b1(SL) + a1 and MD = b2(AH) + a2 each demonstrate the relationship between the dependent variable maximum diameter (MD) and the independent variables shell length (SL) and aperture height (AH), respectively. Th e reader should note that SL and AH are not independent of one another, because AH constitutes a major component of SL. In some cases, the relationship between the number of rows of pigmented elements (NRPE) along the length of the last whorl of the shell and shell size are characterized by the

regression equation NRPE = b1(SL) + a1. Protoconchs and the fi rst several early postnuclear whorls were removed (using either a jeweler’s saw or a powered Dremel saw) from the apices of some well-preserved fossil and modern Conus shells for study; some very small specimens were left intact. Th ese were mounted on stubs observed and imaged using one of several scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) at the Cornell Center for Materials Research and the Cornell Integrated Microscopy Center. Th e diameters (in mm) and number of whorls of individual protoconchs were calculated Text-fi g. 3. Measurements collected from Conus shells (example is a from these images following the methodology of Jablonski specimen of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840). AH, apertural height; & Lutz (1980: fi g. 4; see Shuto, 1974, and Kohn & Perron, HMD, height of maximum diameter; MD, maximum diameter; 1994). Th e boundary between the protoconch and the earliest SA, spire angle; SL, shell length. Apertural length (AL) and width (AW) can also be measured from Conus shells, although these were postnuclear whorl was typically identifi ed by a signifi cant not extensively collected in this study. change in sculpturing, such as the onset of tuberculate early postnuclear whorls. Th e specimens measured for this study portray the overall perpendicular to the coiling axis, respectively, using standard morphospace (as defi ned by the measurements collected digital calipers. Following Röckel et al. (1995), qualitative and ratios calculated) occupied by each morphospecies as statements of SL represent the following ranges: very small (< recognized largely using other criteria (e. g., discrete shell 15 mm), small (15-25 mm), moderately small (25-35 mm), characters). Most measured specimens are the best-preserved medium-sized (35-55 mm), moderately large (55-80 mm), shells present in museum collections. As a result, sampling and large (> 80 mm). Apertural height (AH) and height of biases are likely present, resulting from both my choice of maximum diameter (HMD) were measured perpendicular to specimens for measurement and original collection biases the axis of coiling using a calipers modifi ed by rhinoplasty (see (see below). Th erefore, it is possible that some morphological Kohn & Riggs, 1975: fi g. 4). forms could have been originally oversampled relative to From these measurements (SL, MD, AH, and HMD), others and thus, the measurement data presented here should four ratios were computed to characterize shell shape: length- not be assumed to represent random samples. Nevertheless, width ratio (LW = SL/MD), relative diameter (RD = MD/ I made every eff ort to collect measurements from specimens AH), position of maximum diameter (PMD = HMD/AH), representing both extreme and typical morphologies. Tables and relative height of spire (RSH = [SL-AH]/SL). Th e last summarizing measurements from observed type specimens three ratios (RD, PMD, and RSH) were developed and and summary statistics for all specimens measured are utilized by Röckel et al. (1995) to describe Conus shell form. provided for most species. Many non-type specimens with 12 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  extreme morphologies are fi gured. Sarasota-area study samples. An additional example is the “Star Ranch Pit” locality (UF METHODOLOGY FOR SYNONYMIES locality PB014; Palm Beach County, Florida). All specimens Synonymy lists are restricted to nominal taxa (both species studied from this locality come from spoil piles containing names and fi rst usages of genus-group names) that have mixed material from two strata, the Caloosahatchee and been previously published as occurring in Plio-Pleistocene overlying Bermont formations; no in situ exposures are strata from the southeastern U. S., and in several cases the present. Absolute determination of which specimens came Dominican Republic or Jamaica. Nominal extant taxa that from which formation, therefore, is not possible. Th rough have not been reported in the literature as occurring in the biostratigraphic cross-referencing, however, it is sometimes study area as fossils are excluded from the synonymy lists possible to make reasonable assumptions regarding the presented here. Th us, the synonymy lists presented below – stratigraphic assignments of taxa from localities containing and particularly in the cases of extant taxa that possess Plio- mixed strata, such as is the case at the Star Ranch Pit. For Pleistocene fossil records – might lack many nominal taxon instance, because sinistral Conus specimens (C. adversarius names that have been applied exclusively to extant Conus and Conrad, 1840) are not known from localities preserving only have been recognized by other workers as synonymous. Such material from the Bermont Formation, an assumption is names have been excluded from the synonymy lists presented made that sinistral cones from the Star Ranch Pit are from the here because they are considered beyond the scope of this Caloosahatchee Formation, which contains large numbers of study, which focuses extensively on fossil material but little sinistral cone shells at other localities. on Recent specimens. As an example of this methodology for synonymies, the fossil species Conus presozoni Olson & Petit, ABBREVIATIONS OF REPOSITORY INSTITUTIONS 1964, is considered here a junior synonym of the extant taxon AMNH, Division of Paleontology, American Museum of C. delessertii Récluz, 1843. Most workers (e. g., Walls, 1979) Natural History, New York, New York, U. S. A.; ANSP, also recognize C. sozoni Bartsch, 1939, as a junior synonym of Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, C. delessertii. Th e name C. sozoni is not known to have been U. S. A.; BMNH, Th e Natural History Museum, London, applied in the literature to Plio-Pleistocene shell material from England [formerly the British Museum (Natural History)]; the southeastern U. S., however, and so is not presented here CM, Section of Invertebrate Paleontology, Carnegie Museum in the synonymy list for C. delessertii. Th e reader is referred of Natural History, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, U. S. A.; FGS, to the extensive literature on modern Conus taxa for more Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee, Florida, U. S. A.; complete synonymy lists for the extant taxa recognized here. FLMNH, Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida, Gainesville, U. S. A.; MCZ, Department of TREATMENT OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNCERTAINTY Invertebrate Paleontology, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Very few of the specimens examined for this study were Cambridge, Massachusetts, U. S. A.; PRI, Paleontological originally collected in situ or as stratigraphically-located Research Institution, Ithaca, New York, U. S. A.; TU, Tulane bulk samples; most were collected from spoil piles by many University, New Orleans, Louisiana, U. S. A.; UF, Division diff erent collectors over the course of approximately the last of Invertebrate Paleontology, Florida Museum of Natural 90 years. Assignment of age is problematic for specimens History, Gainesville, Florida, U. S. A.; UF(MAL), Division collected as spoil from localities bearing multiple strata, of Malacology and Invertebrate Zoology, Florida Museum of including formations. One example of such a locality was the Natural History, Gainesville, Florida, U. S. A.; USGS, United former APAC quarry (also known as the Newburn, Warren States Geological Survey, Washington, DC, U. S. A.; USNM, Brothers, and Macasphalt pit; see Geary & Allmon, 1990, and Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural Allmon, 1993) near Sarasota, Florida, where many specimens History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, U. S. A.; considered in this study were collected. Although the principal VMNH, Virginia Museum of Natural History, Martinsville, shell material exposed and mined at the APAC quarry was Virginia, U. S. A. from the Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami Formation, a small amount of the overlying Caloosahatchee Formation (Petuch’s RESULTS 1982 “Unit 1”) was also exposed there (Allmon, 1993; see also From an original pool of 84 available nominal taxa, I accept discussion by Lyons, 1991). All measured Conus specimens 19 here as representing morphospecies (hereafter referred to as from this locality are assumed to be from the Pinecrest Beds species) occurring in the Plio-Pleistocene of the southeastern (unless otherwise noted), although I acknowledge that it is U. S. Th ese 19 taxa belong to previously described modern (n possible that a small number of Conus specimens from the = 7) or fossil (n = 12) Conus; one new species was discovered overlying Caloosahatchee Formation are present in the during this study and is described below as C. burnetti. An HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 13 identifi cation key to these 20 species is provided immediately - Maximum SL = 189 mm. below. Th ree additional and previously described fossil taxa of - Occurrence: Y, D, RM, CR, JB, P, JC, W, N, and C. less certain status (C. parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947, C. - Frequency observed: Very common. hertwecki Petuch, 1988, and C. protocardinalis Petuch, 1991) 1’–Shell dextral: are based only on their type specimens; they are described, - Go to 2. discussed, and fi gured below, but are not diagnosed or included in the key. To aid in identifi cation, I show representative 2–Incised spiral grooves extending from base of shell (anterior specimens of all 23 species in Text-fi g. 4. Further, I present end) to at least half-way up last whorl: the apparent stratigraphic ranges of these species in Table 3. - Go to 3. 2’–Incised spiral grooves either absent or restricted to the IDENTIFICATION KEY anterior end of the last whorl: Th is identifi cation key treats all taxa described herein, with - Go to 6. the exceptions of Conus parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947, C. hertwecki Petuch, 1988, and C. protocardinalis Petuch, 3–Subsutural fl exure shallow: 1991, which are based only upon their type specimens. Th is - Go to 4. key should be used in conjunction with Text-fi g. 4 to identify 3’–Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved: species. Morphological terminology generally follows that - Go to 5. used by Röckel et al. (1995). See Text-fi g. 2 for illustration of the new terminology used to describe subsutural fl exure 4–Subsutural fl exure shallow and fl at or gently curved; character states. Maximum shell length (SL) values correspond shoulder of early postnuclear whorls angulate: to fossil shells, not modern specimens. Color patterns are only - Conus marylandicus Green, 1830 (p. 23, Pl. 6, Figs included as characters in this key when they are commonly 1-18). preserved and visible in normal light (as opposed to under - Maximum SL = 39 mm. ultraviolet light). - Occurrence: Y, D, JB, P, and questionably in N and C. Taxon occurrence records in Plio-Pleistocene deposits - Frequency observed: Uncommon. from the southeastern U. S. are summarized as follows (also 4’–Subsutural fl exure shallow and V-shaped, shoulder of early see Tables 2 and 3). Pliocene deposits: CR, Chowan River postnuclear whorls carinate: Formation; D, Duplin Formation; JB, Jackson Bluff Formation; - Conus oniscus Woodring, 1928 (p. 34, Pl. 16, Figs P, Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami Formation; RM, Raysor 1-21). Marl; Y, Yorktown Formation. Plio-Pleistocene deposits: C, - Maximum SL = 42 mm. Caloosahatchee Formation; JC, James City Formation; N, - Occurrence: RM, JB, P, JC, W, C, and questionably in Nashua Formation; W, Waccamaw Formation. Pleistocene N and B. deposits: A, Anastasia Formation; B, Bermont Formation; FT, - Frequency observed: Very common. Fort Th ompson Formation. Modern occurrence: R, Recent. “Frequency observed” provides a qualitative assessment of 5–Sutural ramp unornamented, early postnuclear whorls how rare or common a particular species is among the 20,000+ smooth, shell small: museum specimens observed (see Appendix): very rare, - Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 (p. 17, Pl. 1, Figs 1-22; 1-10 specimens observed; rare, 11-100 specimens observed; Pl. 2, Figs 1-12). uncommon, 101-500 specimens observed; common, - Maximum SL = 31 mm. 500-1,000 specimens observed; very common, more than - Occurrence: P, W, C, B, FT, A, and R. 1,000 specimens observed. Th ese values are not meant to - Frequency observed: Very common. be read as measures of biological abundance, but rather are 5’–Sutural ramp with several raised spiral threads, early meant to provide caution for the reader during the process of postnuclear whorl tuberculate, shell medium-sized: species identifi cation. Further, the reader should be aware that - Conus harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 (p. 35, Pl. 15, Figs intraspecifi c abundance values can vary considerably across 17-19). space and across stratigraphic boundaries. - Maximum SL = 52 mm. - Occurrence: JB. 1–Shell sinistral: - Frequency observed: Very rare. - Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840 (p. 24, Pl. 7, Figs 1-18; Pl. 8, Figs 1-8; Pl. 9, Figs 1-17; Pl. 10, Figs 1-11; 6–Sutural ramp ornamented with raised spiral threads or Pl. 11, Figs 1-4). incised spiral grooves on at least some whorls: 14 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Text-fi g. 4. Identifi cation guide to the 23 Conus species recognized here as occurring in Plio-Pleistocene deposits from the southeastern USA. All specimens fi gured here are also fi gured in plates; see corresponding fi gure captions for specimen details. Arrows connect similar taxa that can be mistaken for one another. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 15

Table 3. Species occurrences within individual stratigraphic units belonging to “time-slices” (sensu Allmon et al., 1996) utilized here. Strata within the YDJP slice include (north to south) the Yorktown (Y), Duplin (D), Jackson Bluff (JB), and Tamiami (P, for Pinecrest Beds of that formation) formations. Strata within the JWC slice include (north to south) the James City (JC), Waccamaw (W), and Caloosahatchee (C) formations. Time-equivalent strata within the YDJP and JWC slices are arranged from left to right in the order that they outcrop in a north-to-south trajectory across the study area. Two additional time slices are represented by individual formations in Florida; these are the Bermont Formation (B) and the Fort Th ompson Formation (FT). Th e fossil species that persist to the Recent (R) are given in the fi nal column; an estimated 21 species of Conus occur off of the coast of Florida today (Camp et al., 1998), but 14 of these do not have Plio-Pleistocene fossil records. Not all fossil Conus-bearing strata considered in this table are included in this chart (e.g., compare Table 2). Defi nite occurrences are marked by an “x”; ambiguous or questionable occurrence records (with the exceptions of Conus hertwecki Petuch, 1988, and C. protocardinalis Petuch, 1991) are marked by a “?” and are not included in diversity counts (see text for discussions of questionable occurrence records for individual species). Th e taxon C. parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947, reportedly from the Caloosahatchee Formation (Richards & Harbison, 1947), is included in the table, but is likely equivalent to C. sennottorum Rehder & Abbot, 1951, so is not included in the diversity count.

Bermont Ft. Th ompson Time Slice YDJP JWC Recent (FL) (FL) Conus Taxon YDJBPJCWCB FTR spurius Gmelin, 1791 - - - x - - x x x x jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 -- -x-xx x x x daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 - - - ? - - x ? - x marylandicus Green, 1830 xxxx--? - - - adversarius Conrad, 1840 xxxxxxx - - - patricius Hinds, 1843 - - - x - - ? - - x delessertii Récluz, 1843 -x-x-x? x - x largillierti (cf.) Kiener, 1845 - xxxxxx x x x haytensis Sowerby II, 1850 - - - x - - ? - - - yaquensis Gabb, 1873 - - - x ------oniscus Woodring, 1928 -- xxxxx ? - - harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 - - x ------parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947 ------x - - - sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951 - - - x - - ? x - x spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 - - - ? - - x ? - - miamiensis Petuch, 1986 - - - x - - ? - - - hertwecki Petuch, 1988 - - - x ------violetae Petuch, 1988 - - - x ------bassi Petuch, 1991 - - ? x - - ? ? - - evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 ------x - - paranobilis Petuch, 1991 - - - x ------protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 ------x - - - burnetti n. sp. - - - x ------Total Taxa 24517358 6 3 7

- Go to 7. 7’–Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved or diagonal: 6’–Sutural ramp lacking spiral ornamentation: - Go to 10. - Go to 14. 8–Incised spiral grooves at base (anterior end) of shell; spire 7–Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved: height moderate to high: - Go to 8. - Conus delessertii Récluz, 1843 (p. 28, Pl. 12, Figs 16 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

1-13). 13–Teleoconch sutural ramps concave; raised spiral threads - Maximum SL = 105 mm. on last whorl usually restricted to base (anterior end) of shell: - Occurrence: D, P, W, B, R, and questionably in C. - Conus daucus Hwass, in Bruguière, 1792 (p. 21, Pl. 5, - Frequency observed: Uncommon. Figs 1-23). 8’–Raised spiral threads at base (anterior end) of shell; spire - Maximum SL = 29 mm. height low to moderate: - Occurrence: C, R, and questionably in P and B. - Go to 9. - Frequency observed: Uncommon. 13’–Teleoconch sutural ramps sigmoidal; raised spiral threads 9–Last whorl outline slightly sigmoidal; maximum shell on last whorl usually extending from base (anterior end) of length very large: shell to shoulder: - Conus haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850 (p. 32, Pl. 14, - Conus miamiensis Petuch, 1986 (p. 39, Pl. 18, Figs Figs 1-7). 1-8). - Maximum SL = 179 mm. - Maximum SL = 36 mm. - Occurrence: P and questionably in C. - Occurrence: P and questionably in C. - Frequency observed: Rare. - Frequency observed: Uncommon. 9’–Last whorl outline straight to slightly convex; maximum shell length medium: 14–Base (anterior end) of shell with incised spiral grooves: - Conus paranobilis Petuch, 1991 (p. 43, Pl. 20, Figs - Go to 15. 10-22). 14’–Raised spiral threads at base (anterior end) of shell, - Maximum SL = 52 mm. sometimes extending to shoulder: - Occurrence: P. - Go to 16. - Frequency observed: Rare. 15–Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved; outline of last 10 –Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved: whorl fl at to slightly convex in profi le: - Go to 11. - Conus cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 (p. 30, Pl. 13, Figs 10’–Subsutural fl exure diagonal: 1-28). - Go to 13. - Maximum SL = 66 mm. - Occurrence: D, CR, JB, P, JC, W, N, C, B, FT, A, and 11–Most teleoconch whorls tuberculate; last whorl with one R. or two rows of fi ne spiral beads below shoulder: - Frequency observed: Very common. - Conus violetae Petuch, 1988 (p. 40, Pl. 18, Figs 11- 15’–Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; outline of last 19). whorl usually sigmoidal: - Maximum SL = 36 mm. - Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951 (p. 36, Pl. - Occurrence: P. 17, Figs 1-8). - Frequency observed: Rare. - Maximum SL = 37 mm. 11’–Most teleoconch whorls smooth (earliest postnuclear - Occurrence: P, B, R, and questionably in C. whorls can be weakly tuberculate): - Frequency observed: Rare. - Go to 12. 16–Last whorl with a reticulate (net-like) color pattern that 12–Shoulder with a ridge-forming carina: can usually be observed in normal light (color of pigment - Conus burnetti n. sp. (p. 45, Pl. 19, Figs 13-24). typically preserved as blue or orange); subsutural fl exure - Maximum SL = 34 mm. diagonal: - Occurrence: P. - Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873 (p. 33, Pl. 15, Figs - Frequency observed: Rare. 1-16). 12’–Shoulder lacking a ridge-forming carina; early postnuclear - Maximum SL = 63 mm. whorls weakly tuberculate: - Occurrence: P. - Conus bassi Petuch, 1991 (p. 41, Pl. 19, Figs 1-12). - Frequency observed: Common. - Maximum SL = 43 mm. 16’–Last whorl lacking reticulate color pattern; subsutural - Occurrence: P and questionably in JB, C, and B. fl exure symmetrically or asymmetrically curved: - Frequency observed: Uncommon. - Go to 17. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 17

17–Shoulder round with a carina at its junction with the fi g. 13; 1994: pl. 94, fi g. n. sutural ramp: Jaspidiconus jaspideus (Gmelin, 1791). Petuch, 2004: 292-293. - Conus patricius Hinds, 1843 (p. 27, Pl. 11, Figs ?Conus () harveyensis (Mansfi eld, 1930). Petuch, 1994: 5-14). pl. 94, fi g. m (non Mansfi eld, 1930). Conus (Conasprella) hyshugari Petuch, 1994: 356-357, pl. 94, fi g. i. - Maximum SL = 66 mm. Conus (Conasprella) jaclynae Petuch, 1994: 357, pl. 94, fi g. h. - Occurrence: P and questionably in C. Conus (Conasprella) laurenae Petuch, 1994: 357, pl. 94, fi g. o. - Frequency observed: Very rare. Conus (Conasprella) marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994: 357-358, pl. 94, 17’–Shoulder angulate or subangulate and lacking a carina: fi g. e. - Go to 18. Conus (Conasprella) maureenae Petuch, 1994: 358, pl. 94, fi g. g. Conus (Conasprella) palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994: 358, pl. 94, fi g. l. 18–Last whorl with color pattern typically visible in normal Conus pealii Green, 1830: 123, pl. 3, fi g. 3; Dall, 1890: 27. light and consisting of 13 or fewer rows of spiral blotches or Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004: 293, pl. 97, fi gs f, i. dots: ?Conus pygmaeus Reeve, 1844. Dall, 1890: 27 (non Reeve, 1844). - Conus spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 (p. 37, Pl. Conus (Conasprella) sarasotaensis Petuch, 1994: 358-359, pl. 91, fi g. l. 17, Figs 11-22). Conus stearnsii Conrad, 1869: 104-105, pl. 10, fi gs 1, 1a; Smith, - Maximum SL = 61 mm. 1930: 281-282, fi gs 3-4; Olsson & Harbison, 1953: 174-175, - Occurrence: C and questionably P and B. pl. 26, fi gs 5, 5a; DuBar, 1958: 185. - Frequency observed: Uncommon. Conus (Conasprella) susanae Petuch, 1994: 359, pl. 94, fi g. j. 18’–Last whorl with color pattern typically visible in normal Conus verrucosus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792: 708; Smith, 1936: 136, light and consisting of ca. 20 or more rows of spiral blotches pl. 9, fi g. 11. or dots: Conus (Conasprella) wilsoni Petuch, 1994: 359, pl. 94, fi g. k. - Go to 19. Diagnosis.–Shell small; protoconch paucispiral; early 19–Spire height typically high; outline of last whorl often postnuclear whorls lacking tubercles; teleoconch sutural sigmoidal; shell moderately small to medium-sized: ramps unornamented; subsutural fl exure symmetrically - Conus evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 (p. 42, Pl. 20, Figs curved; incised spiral grooves extending from base of shell to 1-9). at least halfway up last whorl. - Maximum SL = 44 mm. Description.–Shell dextral, small. Last whorl conical - Occurrence: B. to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; outline straight to - Frequency observed: Uncommon. convex. Shoulder carinate in early whorls, carinate to angulate 19’–Spire height low to high; outline of last whorl convex; in later whorls, sometimes undulate (especially in specimens shell often large: with granules on the last whorl). Spire height moderate to - Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791 (p. 19, Pl. 3, Figs 1-14; high; outline fl at to concave. Larval shell of ca. 1.9 whorls, Pl. 4, Figs 1-14). maximum diameter ca. 0.6 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps - Maximum SL = 100 mm. concave. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved; depth - Occurrence: P, C, B, FT, and R. ca. 1.5 times width. Last whorl with incised spiral grooves - Frequency observed: Very common. extending from anterior end of shell to at least halfway up last whorl, sometimes reaching shoulder. In some specimens, SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY intervening ribs are granulose, with larger granules forming toward the shoulder. Color pattern on last whorl often Order NEOGASTROPODA Wenz, 1938 consisting of ca. 20 rows of spiral dots and/or dashes, which Family CONIDAE Fleming, 1822 sometimes merge to form axial streaks; teleoconch whorls Genus CONUS Linnaeus, 1758 with radial blotches. Type species.–Conus marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758: 712 (by Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– subsequent designation; Children, 1823) Morphometric data collected from 94 fossil and 30 modern specimens of Conus jaspideus, including type specimens listed Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 below, are summarized in Table 4. In the fossil shells, MD = 2 2 Pl. 1, Figs 1-22; Pl. 2, Figs 1-13; Table 4 0.50(SL) – 0.23 (R = 0.89) and MD = 0.65(AH) + 0.49 (R = 0.82). In the modern shells, MD = 0.56(SL) – 1.14 (R2 = Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791: 3387, no. 28; Kamp, 1967: 30-35, 0.93) and MD = 0.74(AH) – 0.52 (R2 = 0.93). pl. 4, fi gs 6-15. Types observed.–Clench (1942) designated Martini’s Conus (Conasprella) jaspideus (Gmelin, 1791). Petuch, 1988: pl. 24, (1773) poor fi gure (reproduced by Kohn, 1992: fi g. 87) as 18 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 4. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of fossil and modern Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791. H, holotype; L, lectotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS Type Specimens UF 66425 (H, C. sarasotaensis Petuch, 1994) 24.7 13.6 19.0 17.2 90 0.72 0.91 0.23 UF 66435 (H, C. marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994) 23.7 11.1 16.4 14.7 63 0.68 0.90 0.31 UF 66436 (H, C. maureenae Petuch, 1994) 28.5 11.9 19.2 17.8 59 0.62 0.93 0.33 UF 66437 (H, C. jaclynae Petuch, 1994) 30.7 13.8 21.9 20.2 67 0.63 0.92 0.29 UF 66438 (H, C. hyshugari Petuch, 1994) 28.2 14.2 19.1 17.5 69 0.74 0.92 0.32 UF 66439 (H, C. susanae Petuch, 1994) 21.0 11.5 16.2 14.7 84 0.71 0.91 0.23 UF 66440 (H, C. palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994) 25.6 13.4 18.6 15.9 77 0.72 0.85 0.27 UF 66441 (H, C. laurenae Petuch, 1994) 25.2 13.4 20.1 17.7 96 0.67 0.88 0.20 UF 66442 (H, C. wilsoni Petuch, 1994) 19.8 9.7 14.2 12.9 74 0.68 0.91 0.28 All Specimens (n = 94) Mean 20.3 9.9 14.5 13.3 72.7 0.68 0.92 0.28 Median 20.0 9.7 14.4 13.2 72.0 0.67 0.92 0.29 Minimum 9.9 4.4 6.5 6.0 54 0.57 0.85 0.20 Maximum 31.1 14.8 23.4 20.3 96 0.84 0.95 0.35

MODERN SPECIMENS Type Specimens AMNH 308069 (H, Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004) 24.4 12.4 17.5 14.2 76 0.71 0.81 0.28 AMNH 308070 (P, Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004) 23.0 12.4 17.1 15.1 86 0.72 0.88 0.26 ANSP 34158 (L, C. stearnsii Conrad, 1869) 17.6 7.9 13.0 11.8 70 0.61 0.91 0.26 All Specimens (n = 30) Mean 18.1 9.0 12.9 11.6 72.2 0.70 0.90 0.29 Median 18.0 8.9 12.6 11.4 71.0 0.70 0.90 0.29 Minimum 12.5 5.6 8.7 7.8 60 0.61 0.81 0.21 Maximum 24.4 12.9 17.6 16.2 87 0.78 0.93 0.34

the holotype for the species. Observed type specimens and than 2,500 specimens) of fossil and 11 lots of modern (80 associated morphometric data are listed in Table 4 and include specimens) Conus jaspideus. Fossil lots examined are listed in the holotypes of Conus jaclynae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66437; Pl. the Appendix. Pl. 2 demonstrates the morphological characters 1, Figs 1-2), C. hyshugari Petuch, 1994 (UF 66438; Pl. 1, of fossil (Figs 1-8, 11-13) and modern (Figs 9-10) specimens Figs 3-4), C. maureenae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66436; Pl. 1, Figs of C. jaspideus, in addition to some of the variations that were 5-6), C. laurenae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66441; Pl. 1, Figs 7-8), observed among the studied specimens. C. palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994 (UF 66440; Pl. 1, Figs 9-10), Occurrence.–Plio-Pleistocene specimens of Conus jaspideus C. sarasotaensis Petuch, 1994 (UF 66425; Pl. 1, Figs 11-12), are common in Florida, but are nearly absent to the north; C. susanae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66439; Pl. 1, Figs 13-14), C. only one lot (two specimens) of C. jaspideus (UF 112491) was marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66435; Pl. 1, Figs 15-16), observed from the Waccamaw Formation of North Carolina. C. wilsoni Petuch, 1994 (UF 66442; Pl. 1, Figs 17-18), C. In Florida, C. jaspideus is known from the Tamiami (Pinecrest stearnsii Conrad, 1869 (ANSP 34158; Pl. 1, Figs 19-20), and Beds), Caloosahatchee, Bermont, Fort Th ompson, and Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004 (AMNH 308069; Pl. 1, Anastasia formations. Today, C. jaspideus is present in Florida, Figs 21-22); a paratype of J. pfl uegeri (AMNH 308070) was the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean, and south to Brazil at also observed, although is not fi gured here. depths of 0.0-51.0 m (Costa, 1994). Other material examined.–More than 260 lots (more Remarks.–I accept Costa’s (1994) treatment of extant HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 19 members of the Conus jaspideus complex, which recognized 3b. only three distinct species, C. jaspideus, C. mindanus Hwass in Conus (Lithoconus) cherokus (Olsson & Petit, 1964). Petuch, 1994: Bruguière, 1792, and C. pusio Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. For pl. 93, fi g. a. the fi rst time, Costa analyzed soft-part (including Spuriconus cherokus (Olsson & Petit, 1964). Petuch, 2004: pl. 56, fi g. c. penis morphology and body coloration) in conjunction with Conus (Lithoconus) jeremyi Petuch, 1994: 354-355, pl. 93, fi g. d. shell characters when circumscribing these species, which have Conus lemoni Petuch, 1990: 103, fi gs. 16, 17. very similar shells. Costa considered C. verrucosus Hwass in Conus (Lithoconus) lemoni (Petuch, 1990). Petuch, 1994: pl. 92, fi g. Bruguière, 1792, C. pealii Green, 1830, and C. stearnsii to be l. junior synonyms of C. jaspideus; all four of these morphologies Spuriconus lemoni (Petuch, 1990). Petuch, 2004: pl. 90, fi g. b. are present in the Plio-Pleistocene fossil record of Florida. Conus (Lithoconus) martinshugari Petuch, 1994: 355, pl. 93, fi g. h. Costa (1994) stated that the presence of a carinated Conus (Lithoconus) micanopy Petuch, 1994: 355-356, pl. 93, fi g. g. shoulder on early postnuclear whorls can be used to distinguish Spuriconus micanopy (Petuch, 1994). Petuch, 2004: pl. 89, fi g. b. Conus jaspideus from C. mindanus and C. pusio (where it is ?Conus mercati? Brocchi, 1814. Heilprin, 1886: 83. angular or rounded, respectively). Th is feature was observed Conus proteus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792: 682, no. 72, pl. 334, fi gs 1-2; Dall, 1890: 26. in several juvenile fossil specimens of C. jaspideus that had Conus (Lithoconus) spengleri Petuch, 1991: 53-54, pl. 10, fi gs 2-3; protoconchs preserved. Because the earliest postnuclear 1994, pl. 93, fi gs j-k. whorls of many fossil specimens tend to be highly eroded, Spuriconus spengleri (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 86, fi g. e. however, it is possible that specimens more closely matching Conus (Lithoconus) streami Petuch, 1994: 356, pl. 93, fi g. e. C. mindanus and/or C. pusio were observed during the course Spuriconus streami (Petuch, 1994). Petuch, 2004: pl. 66, fi g. k. of this study, but were not correctly recognized. Costa further stated that it is not known whether C. mindanus or C. pusio Diagnosis.–Shell often large; outline of last whorl convex; have fossil records, but did recognize C. jaspideus as occurring teleoconch sutural ramps lacking spiral ornamentation; in Plio-Pleistocene strata. subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; last whorl with I consider ten of Petuch’s taxa to be synonyms of Conus raised spiral threads at anterior end, sometimes extending jaspideus. Petuch (1994, 2004) himself noted the similarities to shoulder; last whorl with color pattern typically visible in between C. palmbeachensis, C. wilsoni, Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri, normal light and consisting of ca. 20 or more spiral rows of and C. jaspideus. Some members of the group C. sarasotaensis, dots, dashes, or blotches, which can coalesce to form axial C. marymansfi eldae, and C. susanae were compared by Petuch streaks. (1994) to one another, as were some members of the group Description.–Shell dextral, medium to large. Last whorl C. hyshugari, C. maureenae, C. jaclynae, and C. laurenae, but conical to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; outline convex. no members of either of these two groups were compared Shoulder angulate to subangulate. Spire low to high (generally by Petuch with C. jaspideus, despite their strong similarities higher in smaller individuals); outline concave. Larval shell to the latter taxon as circumscribed above. Petuch’s fi gured of ca. two whorls, maximum diameter 0.9 mm. First several (1994: pl. 94, fi g. m) specimen of C. harveyensis Mansfi eld, postnuclear whorls tuberculate (although these are rarely 1930, is poor, but appears to share more similarities with C. preserved). Teleoconch sutural ramps often sigmoidal in jaspideus than with C. harveyensis as circumscribed here (see profi le, forming an adaxial ridge, although can also be fl at. p. 35). Finally, Dall (1890) did not provide a fi gure for any Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved, of moderate depth. of the fossils he considered to belong to C. pygmaeus Reeve, Last whorl with raised spiral threads usually restricted to 1843, but his description and comparison to C. pealii are anterior third, although sometimes extending to shoulder. suggestive of C. jaspideus, prompting its recognition here as a Color pattern on last whorl highly variable, but generally possible synonym of the latter species. consisting of ca. 6-30 rows of spiral dots, dashes, or blotches, which sometimes coalesce to form axial streaks; teleoconch Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791 whorls with radial streaks. Pl. 3, Figs 1-14; Pl. 4, Figs 1-14; Table 5 Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– Morphometric data collected from 277 fossil and 50 modern Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791: 3396, no. 67; Kamp, 1967: 35, pl. 5, shells of Conus spurius, including the type specimens listed fi gs 1-4. below, are summarized in Table 5. In fossil C. spurius, MD = Conus (Lithoconus) spurius (Gmelin, 1791). Petuch, 1994: pl. 93, 0.56(SL) – 1.00 (R2 = 0.98) and MD = 0.61(AH) + 1.39 (R2 fi g. f. = 0.99). In the modern shells, MD = 0.60(SL) – 2.31 (R2 = Conus (Lithoconus) spurius (Gmelin, 1791) subspecies. Petuch, 1988: 2 pl. 23, fi g. 1. 0.99) and MD = 0.65(AH) + 0.42 (R = 0.99). Conus cherokus Olsson & Petit, 1964: 538-539, pl. 79, fi gs 3, 3a, Number of rows of pigmented elements as a function of shell 20 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 5. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type, fossil, and modern specimens of Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS Type Specimens USNM 644645 (H, C. cherokus Olsson & Petit, 1964) 70.7* 35.6 60.0 52.2 105 0.59 0.87 0.15 CM 35734 (H, C. lemoni Petuch, 1990) 55.9 33.1 48.8 42.5 126 0.68 0.87 0.13 CM 35719 (H, C. spengleri Petuch, 1991) 67.5 36.5 50.2 44.6 97 0.73 0.89 0.26 CM 35720 (P, C. spengleri Petuch, 1991) 45.3 24.4 35.7 31.3 98 0.68 0.88 0.21 UF 66431 (H, C. jeremyi Petuch, 1994) 30.7 16.7 24.9 22.2 99 0.67 0.89 0.19 UF 66434 (H, C. martinshugari Petuch, 1994) 77.7 43.4 68.2 59.2 127 0.64 0.87 0.12 UF 66433 (H, C. micanopy Petuch, 1994) 87.5 50.1 78.5 70.7 135 0.64 0.90 0.10 UF 66432 (H, C. streami Petuch, 1994) 60.1 33.6 51.6 44.7 115 0.65 0.87 0.14 All Specimens (n = 277) Mean 52.0 27.9 43.8 37.3 106.4 0.64 0.85 0.17 Median 49.9 26.5 41.3 35.2 105 0.64 0.85 0.16 Minimum 20.6 10.3 16.0 14.0 82 0.58 0.79 0.06 Maximum 99.8 55.1 93.7 80.1 149 0.73 0.92 0.26

MODERN SPECIMENS All Specimens (n = 50) Mean 45.6 24.8 37.4 32.3 102.8 0.66 0.86 0.19 Median 45.3 24.2 37.3 32.5 104 0.67 0.86 0.18 Minimum 17.4 7.8 12.7 11.8 65 0.61 0.83 0.09 Maximum 87.2 46.9 71.4 63.4 133 0.72 0.93 0.33 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. size.–Th e relationship between number of rows of spiral that could not be diff erentiated from C. spuroides Olsson dots, dashes, or blotches and shell size in fossil Conus spurius & Harbison, 1953, were also observed. Fossil specimens is described by the equation NRPE = 0.17(SL) + 4.87 (R2 = observed are listed in the Appendix. Pl. 4 demonstrates 0.48; n = 75). the morphological characters of modern (Figs 1-2, 13-14) Types observed.–Clench (1942) selected Gualtieri’s (1742: and fossil (Figs 3-12) C. spurius, in addition to some of the pl. 21, fi g. d) fi gure as the representation of the lectotype of variations that were observed among the studied specimens. Conus spurius (see also Kohn & Anderson, 2008). Observed Occurrence.–Fossil shells of Conus spurius are common type specimens and associated morphometric data are listed in exposures of the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds), in Table 5 and include the holotypes of C. cherokus Olsson Caloosahatchee Formation, and Bermont Formation. One & Petit, 1964 (USNM 644645; Pl. 3, Figs 1-2), C. micanopy specimen (UF 81074) was observed from the Jackson Bluff Petuch, 1994 (UF 66433; Pl. 3, Figs 3-4), C. martinshugari Formation and two specimens were observed from the Fort Petuch, 1994 (UF 66434; Pl. 3, Figs 5-6), C. streami Petuch, Th ompson Formation (PRI 53706 and UF 42323). Th is 1994 (UF 66432; Pl. 3, Figs 7-8), C. lemoni Petuch, 1990 taxon is not known from strata north of Florida. Today, C. (CM 35734; Pl. 3, Figs 9-10), C. spengleri Petuch, 1991 spurius is common throughout the Caribbean region, but (CM 35719; Pl. 3, Figs 11-12; paratype CM 35720 was also (following the pattern observed in fossil shells) is not known observed, but is not fi gured here), and C. jeremyi Petuch, 1994 to occur north of Florida (Rosenberg, 2005). (UF 66431; Pl. 3, Figs 13-14). Remarks.–Conus spurius is most similar to the sometimes Other material examined.–More than 290 lots (more than co-occurring species C. spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 2,000 specimens) of fossil Conus spurius from the collections and C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991. Similarities among these of the FLMNH and PRI. An additional 16 lots (99 specimens) three taxa include weakly tuberculate early postnuclear whorls, HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 21 unornamented sutural ramps, asymmetrically curved subsutural lorenzianus Dillwyn, 1817. Petuch (1990: 103) stated that it fl exures (although the subsutural fl exure is occasionally nearly “is possible that C. lemoni is ancestral to both closely-related symmetrically curved in C. spuroides), raised spiral threads on species.” Petuch (1988) fi gured (pl. 23, fi g. 1) a specimen the last whorl, and presence of multiple rows of spiral dots, that he described as a subspecies of C. spurius. Th is fi gured dashes, or blotches on the last whorl, which are typically specimen appears very similar to the fi gure of the holotype visible in normal light. Th ese taxa are best distinguished by of C. spengleri Petuch (1991: pl. 10, fi gs 2-3), although the their overall shell shapes, although continuous variation in reported shell lengths for the two specimens vary considerably shape metrics can sometimes make such separations diffi cult, (77 mm for the Petuch [1988] fi gure and 68 mm for the particularly between some specimens of C. spurius and C. Petuch [1991] fi gure; the caption for Petuch’s 1994 fi gure [pl. spuroides. Compared with C. spuroides, shells of fossil C. 93, fi gs j-k) of the holotype, however, again gives a value of 77 spurius usually have narrower last whorls (mean RD = 0.64, mm). Petuch (1991: 54) described C. spengleri as “an off shoot range 0.58-0.73, n = 277, vs. 0.71, range 0.67-0.77, n = 72) of the main C. (Lithoconus) cherokus-C. (Lithoconus) spurius and shorter spires (mean RSH = 0.17, range 0.06-0.26, n = line that did not survive past Holey Land time” (Petuch’s 277 , vs. 0.22, range 0.16-0.30, n = 72). Th is pattern can also [1990] Holey Land unit is a part of the Bermont Formation). be used to separate shells of C. spurius from C. evergladesensis, Petuch (1994) compared C. micanopy Petuch, 1994, with C. which has mean RD and RSH values of 0.75 (range 0.67- spurius, but two additional species, C. martinshugari Petuch, 0.79, n = 49) and 0.29 (range 0.21-0.38, n = 49), respectively. 1994, and C. streami Petuch, 1994, were only compared with Shells of C. spurius also often have more rows of spiral color one another, despite their strong similarities with C. spurius. I elements (up to ca. 30) than specimens of C. spuroides (which consider C. micanopy, C. martinshugari, and C. streami to all usually have no more than ca. 13); because the maximum be synonyms of C. spurius. number of such rows is intermediate in C. evergladesensis (up to ca. 20 rows), this character is less reliable for distinguishing Conus daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 this taxon from the other two. Pl. 5, Figs 1-23; Table 6 Th e name Conus proteus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792, was applied to fossil material from the study area by Dall (1890), Conus daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792: 651, no. 51, pl. 327, fi gs but this name is a junior synonym of C. spurius (Kohn, 1992). 3-4, 9; Dall, 1890: 28; Kohn, 1992: 77, fi g. 157. Heilprin (1886: 83) doubtfully applied the name “Conus Conus (Lithoconus) daucus (Hwass in Bruguière, 1792). Olsson & Mercati Brocchi?” (Brocchi, 1814), a Pliocene species from Harbison, 1953: 172-173. ?Conus cf. eversoni Petuch 1987. Petuch, 1988: pl. 23, fi g. 2 (non the Mederterranean region (Kohn, 1992), to fossil material Petuch, 1987). from Florida, but did not fi gure a specimen. Heilprin’s (1886) ?Conus griffi ni Petuch, 1990: 103, fi gs 14-15. description of C. mercati suggests that he might have been ?Conus (Magelliconus) griffi ni (Petuch, 1990). Petuch, 1994: pl. 94, referring to material of C. spurius; Dall (1890) also reached fi gs c-d. this conclusion and synonymized Heilprin’s record of C. ?Cariboconus griffi ni (Petuch, 1990). Petuch, 2004: pl. 87, fi g. d. mercati with C. proteus. Olsson & Petit (1964) described ?Conus (Leptoconus) gravesae Petuch, 1994: 352, pl. 91, fi g. m. C. cherokus on the basis of a single fossil (USNM 644645; ? gravesae (Petuch, 1994). Petuch, 2004: pl. 82, fi g. j. Pl. 3, Figs 1-2), which they erroneously reported from the ?Conus (Magelliconus) harbisonae Petuch, 1994: 356, pl. 91, fi g. o. Waccamaw Formation of Horry County, South Carolina; Petit (1995: 127) noted this error and suggested that the shell Diagnosis.–Shell small to moderately small; spire height possibly came from the Pinecrest beds (Tamiami Formation) low to moderate; protoconch paucispiral; fi rst one or two “from Forty Mile Bend west of Coral Gables, Florida.” whorls tuberculate; subsutural fl exure diagonal; teleoconch Olsson & Petit (1964: 539) reported C. cherokus as being “a sutural ramps concave and with one or more incised spiral member of the Conus spurius group,” but separated it from groove(s) and intervening ribs; raised spiral threads on last the latter species by “its shape.” Th is separation does not seem whorl (typically restricted to base). justifi able based upon the fact that the shell characters of C. Description.–Shell dextral, small to moderately small. Last cherokus (particularly the coloration patterning) are consistent whorl conical; outline straight to slightly convex. Shoulder with those of C. spurius as circumscribed here; consequently, I angulate. Spire height low to moderate; outline concave. consider C. cherokus a synonym of C. spurius. Protoconch with ca. 1.75 whorls, maximum diameter ca. 0.7 Six additional species described by Petuch are also mm. First one or two whorls weakly to strongly tuberculate. recognized here as synonyms of Conus spurius. Petuch (1990) Teleoconch sutural ramps concave with one or more incised described the heavily corded C. lemoni as a member of the C. spiral groove(s) and intervening ribs. Subsutural fl exure spurius species complex and also compared the taxon with C. diagonal and of moderate depth. Last whorl with raised spiral threads, typically restricted to basal third of shell. Color 22 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 6. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS Type Specimens CM 35733 (H, C. griffi ni Petuch, 1990) 15.3 7.8 13.9 13.3 134 0.56 0.96 0.09 UF 66426 (H, C. gravesae Petuch, 1994) 29.3 15.8 23.9 20.8 105 0.66 0.87 0.18 UF 66427 (H, C. harbisonae Petuch, 1994) 17.9 9.4 15.4 14.7 116 0.61 0.95 0.14 All Specimens (n = 39) Mean 19.7 10.1 17.3 15.8 119.5 0.58 0.92 0.12 Median 19.4 9.9 16.7 15.7 119 0.58 0.91 0.12 Minimum 12.6 6.1 10.5 10.0 103 0.53 0.85 0.07 Maximum 29.3 15.8 23.9 21.4 139 0.66 0.97 0.18

MODERN SPECIMENS All Specimens (n = 11) Mean 26.2 14.1 22.6 20.5 113.8 0.63 0.91 0.15 Median 29.0 15.1 24.9 22.8 113 0.62 0.90 0.14 Minimum 14.9 7.6 11.5 10.4 85 0.61 0.86 0.10 Maximum 39.1 21.5 34.7 31.2 135 0.68 0.94 0.24 pattern in fossils rarely preserved, but when present consisting addition to some of the variations that were observed among of ca. 20 rows of spiral dots; teleoconch whorls with radial the studied specimens. streaks. Occurrence.–Today, Conus daucus is known from Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– throughout the Caribbean, including the coasts of Florida Morphometric data collected from the shells of 39 fossil and (Rosenberg, 2005). Fossils of C. daucus are known from the 11 modern specimens of Conus daucus are summarized in Caloosahatchee Formation of southern Florida; occurrence Table 6. In the fossils, MD = 0.51(SL) + 0.05 (R2 = 0.95) and records in the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) and MD = 0.56(AH) + 0.40 (R2 = 0.92). In the modern specimens, Bermont Formation are dubious. MD = 0.57(SL) - 0.90 (R2 = 0.995) and MD = 0.61(AH) + Remarks.–I have chosen to apply the name of the extant 0.40 (R2 = 0.998). taxon Conus daucus to this fossil morphospecies from the Types observed.–Clench (1942) designated Chemnitz’s Plio-Pleistocene of Florida because of the overall similarities (1788: pl. 144a, fi g. l) fi gure as lectotype for Conus daucus (see in shell morphology (described above) that the fossil form Kohn, 1992: 77). Observed type specimens and associated shares with this modern species. It is appropriate to mention, morphometric data are listed in Table 6 and include the however, that fossil specimens of C. daucus often have larger, holotypes of C. gravesae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66426; Pl. 5, Figs better preserved tubercles on the early postnuclear whorls than 3-4), C. harbisonae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66427; Pl. 5, Figs 5-6), are observed in modern specimens. Furthermore, modern and C. griffi ni Petuch, 1990 (CM 35733; Pl. 5, Figs 7-8). specimens of C. daucus reach a larger size (56 mm; Walls, Other material examined.–Fifteen lots (131 specimens) of 1979: 391) than in the fossils that were observed during the fossil and eight lots of modern specimens (11 specimens) of course of this study. Conus daucus from the collections of the FLMNH and PRI. As circumscribed here, fossil specimens of Conus daucus An additional 68 lots (more than 450 specimens) that might are most similar to specimens of the fossil species C. bassi be assignable to either C. daucus or C. bassi Petuch, 1991, Petuch, 1991, and it is sometimes not possible to distinguish were also observed. Fossil specimen lots observed are listed in between the two taxa because of their very similar overall shell the Appendix. Along with illustrating the type specimens, Pl. shapes. Two characters, however, can sometimes be used to 5 demonstrates the morphological characters of fossil (Figs distinguish C. bassi from C. daucus. First, specimens of C. bassi 9-19) and modern (Figs 20-23) specimens of C. daucus, in show a color pattern with many more rows of spiral dots and/ HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 23

Table 7. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from specimens of Conus marylandicus Green, 1830.

All Specimens (n = 52) SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Mean 26.3 12.0 20.1 17.0 74.9 0.60 0.85 0.24 Median 26.4 11.8 19.6 16.5 74 0.60 0.85 0.24 Minimum 14.5 6.3 10.2 9.1 60 0.53 0.79 0.17 Maximum 39.0 18.7 29.5 25.2 92 0.68 0.95 0.30 or dashes on the last whorl than C. daucus and can also exhibit whorls lacking tubercles and with angulate shoulders; discontinuous spiral bands that form axial streaks. Second, subsutural fl exure shallow and fl at or gently curved; incised the subsutural-fl exure shape of C. bassi is asymmetrically spiral grooves extending from base of shell to approximately curved and of greater depth than that in C. daucus, in which halfway up last whorl. it is diagonal. As circumscribed here, C. daucus only occurs Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- in Caloosahatchee and younger-aged strata, whereas C. bassi sized. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical; outline convex defi nitely occurs in the older Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami to slightly sigmoidal. Shoulder carinate to sharply angulate. Formation and has only dubious younger records (see notes Aperture usually slightly wider at base than at shoulder. Spire on occurrence records of C. bassi on pp. 41-42). moderate to high; outline fl at to slightly concave. Larval shell Th ree species described by Petuch, Conus griffi ni Petuch, multispiral. Shoulder of early postnuclear whorls angulate. 1990, C. gravesae Petuch, 1994, and C. harbisonae Petuch, Teleoconch sutural ramps generally fl at to convex. Subsutural 1994, are tentatively considered here to be synonyms of fl exure shallow, fl at to gently curved. Last whorl with ca. 10-15 C. daucus because of their overall shell shapes, short spires, incised spiral grooves on anterior half, usually smooth above and diagonal subsutural fl exures. Further exploration of the but occasionally with fi ne, raised spiral threads to shoulder. possibility that these three taxa might instead constitute one Color pattern on last whorl consisting of ca. 20 rows of spiral or more unique species is hampered by the fact that all three dots. are known only by their holotypes (Petuch [1990], however, Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– reported that a paratype of C. griffi ni exists in his personal Morphometric data collected from 52 specimens of Conus collection) and that additional specimens similar to any of marylandicus are summarized in Table 7. For these specimens, these three taxa were not discovered during the course of this MD = 0.51(SL) - 1.26 (R2 = 0.94) and MD = 0.62(AH) - 0.49 investigation. Petuch’s (1988) fi gured specimen of “C. cf. (R2 = 0.96). eversoni” was later described as C. griffi ni by Petuch (1990). Types observed.–Because the location of Green’s types of Petuch (1990) compared C. griffi ni with the extant species C. Conus marylandicus could not be determined, Kohn (1988; magellanicus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792, which Kohn (1992) see also Kohn, 1992) designated Green’s original fi gure (pl. 3, recognized as a valid species (C. griffi ni was also compared fi g. 2; reproduced here as Pl. 6, Fig.1) as the holotype for the by Petuch with C. kalafuti da Motta, 1987). Petuch (1994) species. A specimen very similar to that illustrated by Green compared C. harbisonae to C. griffi ni and C. gravesae to C. was found in the collections of the PRI (PRI 54358; James joelshugari Petuch, 1994, the last considered here to be a River Bluff , Surry County, Virginia, Yorktown Formation) synonym of C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845. and is fi gured here (Pl. 6, Fig. 2). Other material examined.–Forty-six lots of Conus Conus marylandicus Green, 1830 marylandicus at the FLMNH, PRI, and VMNH, consisting of Pl. 6, Figs 1-18; Table 7 more than 360 specimens. An additional 67 lots (more than 390 specimens) that could not be completely distinguished from Conus marylandicus Green, 1830: 124, pl. 3, fi g. 2; Olsson, 1967: C. oniscus Woodring,1928, were also observed. Lots examined 20-21, pl. 7, fi g. 5; Kohn, 1992: 225, fi g. 443; Campbell, 1993: are listed in the Appendix. Pl. 6 (Figs 2-18) demonstrates the 93, fi g. 455. morphological characters of C. marylandicus, in addition to Conus (Ximeniconus) marylandicus (Green, 1830). Petuch, 1994, pl. some of the variations that were observed among the studied 54, fi g. c. specimens. Ximeniconus marylandicus (Green, 1830). Petuch, 2004, pl. 47, fi g. d. Occurrence.–Virginia (Yorktown Formation), North Caro- lina (Duplin Formation), and Florida (Tamiami and Jackson Diagnosis.–Protoconch multispiral; early postnuclear Bluff formations). I also identifi ed specimens of Conus marylandicus (PRI 54669, Pl. 6, Fig. 9; PRI 54677, Pl. 6, 24 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Fig. 10) from samples collected in situ (by W. D. Allmon) 79, fi gs 1, 1a; Kamp, 1967: 22, pl. 1, fi gs 1-8, pl. 2, fi gs 1-3, 5-8; from an exposure of “Pinecrest Bed 1” (Petuch, 1982) that Ward & Blackwelder, 1987: pl. 45, fi gs 2-3; Kohn, 1992: 275, was exposed at the Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6 quarry fi g. 551; Campbell, 1993: 93, 252, 253, pl. 40, fi g. 454; Dietl & in Sarasota County, Florida. Most authors (Stanley, 1986; Hendricks, 2006: fi g. 1c; Hendricks, 2008: fi gs 1-3. Contraconus adversarius (Conrad, 1840). Petuch, 1988: pl. 10, fi g. 9; Lyons, 1991; and Allmon, 1993) contend that, based upon 1991: pl. 9, fi g. 1; 1994: pl. 95, fi g. i; 1997: 164, fi g. 55f; 2004: its fossil makeup, “Bed 1” is Caloosahatchee Formation. 175, pl. 56, fi g. a. Conus marylandicus is not known from other exposures of the Conus adversarius tryoni (Heilprin, 1886). Olsson & Harbison, Caloosahatchee Formation (or time equivalent strata) outside 1953: 171, pl. 27, fi gs 1, 1a; DuBar, 1958: 184, pl. 10, fi g. 11; of Sarasota County. Th us, it appears that C. marylandicus Missimer & Tobias, 2004: 54, fi g. 6f. is a Pliocene species that made it into only the very earliest Contraconus berryi Petuch, 1994: 359, pl. 95, fi g. l. “Caloosahatchee time.” Also see occurrence data presented by Contraconus heilprini Petuch, 1994: 360, pl. 95, fi gs j-k; 1997: 286, Campbell (1993) and Campbell & Campbell (1995). fi g. 106b; 2004: 225, pl. 83, fi g. h. Remarks.–Perhaps no cone from the Plio-Pleistocene of Contraconus lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991: 55, pl. 16, fi gs 5-6; 1994: pl. the southeastern U. S. has been more frequently misidentifi ed 96, fi gs i-j; 1997: 70, fi g. 26m; 2004: 161, pl. 51, fi g. j. Contraconus mitchellorum Petuch, 1994: 360, pl. 96, fi g. d; 2004: in the literature than Conus marylandicus. Th is is undoubtedly 225, pl. 83, fi g. i. due, at least in part, to the poor name of Green’s species (as Contraconus osceolai Petuch, 1991: 55-56, pl. 9, fi gs 4-5; 1994: pl. noted by Olsson, 1967). Green (1830: 124) reported that his 96, fi gs c, e; 2004: 219, pl. 80, fi g. e. specimens were collected by Mr. John Finch, “who found it in Contraconus petiti Petuch, 2004: 291, pl. 72, fi gs i-j. Maryland… .” As noted by Dall (1896), Martin (1904), and Contraconus schmidti Petuch, 1991: 56, pl. 9, fi gs 8-9; 1994: pl. 96, Kohn (1992), among others, however, no available evidence fi gs f-g; 1997: 205, fi g. 75j; 2004: 46, pl. 5, fi g. b. suggests that this species occurs in the state of Maryland. Contraconus scotti Petuch, 1994: 361, pl. 96, fi g. h; 1997: 288, fi g. Some specimens (e. g., PRI 54358; Pl. 6, Fig. 2) collected 107f; 2004: 225, pl. 83, fi g. a. from the Yorktown Formation of Virginia closely resemble Conus tryoni Heilprin, 1886, p. 82, pl. 5, fi g. 10, pl. 16b, fi g. 75. Contraconus tryoni (Heilprin, 1886). Petuch, 1988: pl. 22, fi g. 1; Green’s fi gure (Pl. 6, Fig. 1), suggesting that the specimens 1991: pl. 9, fi g. 6: 1994: pl. 96, fi gs a-b; 1997: 270, fi g. 99a; that Green used to describe and fi gure C. marylandicus could 2004: 219, pl. 80, fi g. e. share this provenance. Conus marylandicus is very similar to C. oniscus (as Diagnosis.–Shell sinistral. circumscribed below) in overall form and color pattern, but Description.–Shell sinistral, small to very large. Last whorl diff ers consistently in several subtle characters. First, whereas usually conical, sometimes broadly to ventricosely conical; the subsutural fl exures of the two species are both very shallow, outline typically straight, rarely sigmoidal. Shoulder angulate that of C. marylandicus is nearly fl at or gently curving, whereas to rounded, occasionally undulate. Spire low to high; outline the subsutural fl exure of C. oniscus is angulate, forming a fl at to concave, rarely sigmoidal. Larval shell with two whorls, shallow “V.” Second, in later whorls, the sutural ramp of C. maximum diameter 1.0-1.4 mm. First postnuclear spire whorl marylandicus is fl at to slightly concave in profi le, whereas that tuberculate, with larger tubercles commonly occurring in of C. oniscus is sigmoidal, forming a single, raised spiral ridge higher-spired specimens. Teleoconch sutural ramps concave that results from the fold in the ramp. Finally, the shoulders to convex, sometimes with one to several raised spiral threads. of the early postnuclear whorls of C. oniscus are carinate, Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved and moderately whereas those of C. marylandicus are angulate. Like C. oniscus, deep. Last whorl with raised spiral threads on anterior third, C. marylandicus is similar in shell morphology to the extant sometimes extending to shoulder. Color pattern on last whorl species C. tornatuso G. B. S werby II, 1833, C. ximenes Gray, generally consisting of three wide, usually discontinuous 1839, and C. mahogani Reeve, 1843, all three of which are spiral bands, each separated by one to several rows of spiral restricted today to the eastern Pacifi c. dots or dashes. Bands themselves sometimes appearing to be composed of coalesced rows of spiral dashes. Internal Conus (Contraconus) adversarius Conrad, 1840 features of spiral band regions are highly variable; axial streaks Pl. 7, Figs 1-18; Pl. 8, Figs 1-8; Pl. 9, Figs 1-17; common; dotted lines or weak chevrons can also be present. Pl. 10, Figs 1-11; Pl. 11, Figs 1-4; Table 8 Teleoconch whorls with radial streaks. Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840: 388; 1841: 345, pl. 2, fi g. 3; Morphometric data collected from 697 specimens of Conus Tuomey & Holmes, 1857: 131, pl. 27, fi g. 14; Emmons, 1858: 263, fi g. 142; Dall, 1890: 26; LaVille, 1921: 369, fi g. on p. 370; adversarius, including most of the type specimens listed Mansfi eld, 1930: 32, pl. 1, fi g. 15; Smith, 1929: 659, fi gs 1-4; below, are summarized in Table 8. For these specimens, MD Smith, 1945: pl. 1, fi gs 14-16; Olsson & Petit, 1964: 539, pl. = 0.44(SL) + 1.98 (R2 = 0.95) and MD = 0.56(AH) + 2.16 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 25

Table 8. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840. H, holotype; L, lectotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) SPECIMENS Type Specimens ANSP 30699 (L, C. adversarius Conrad, 1840) 70.6 35.0 59.1 51.0 99 0.59 0.86 0.16 CM 35660 (H, Contraconus lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991) 79.2 29.1 55.7 50.7 57 0.52 0.91 0.30 CM 35661-1 (P, Contraconus lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991) 63.8 25.4 45.1 40.3 60 0.56 0.89 0.29 CM 35691 (H, Contraconus osceolai Petuch, 1991) 88.8 50.2 68.5 58.1 97 0.73 0.85 0.23 CM 35662 (H, Contraconus schmidti Petuch, 1991) 72.6 39.8 63.6 59.0 127 0.63 0.93 0.12 UF 66444 (H, Contraconus berryi Petuch, 1994) 64.8 35.3 54.9 47.1 111 0.64 0.86 0.15 UF 66443 (H, Contraconus heilprini Petuch, 1994) 32.9 18.3 24.3 21.3 89 0.75 0.88 0.26 UF 66445 (H, Contraconus mitchellorum Petuch, 1994) 62.6* 27.6* 49.7* 45.4* 80* 0.56 0.91 0.21 UF 66446 (H, Contraconus scotti Petuch, 1994) 58.2 28.9 45.7 41.7 90 0.63 0.91 0.21 AMNH 50680 (H, Contraconus petiti Petuch, 2004) 83.0 39.7 66.8 57.1 91 0.59 0.85 0.19 All Specimens (n = 697) Mean 50.4 24.0 39.0 34.7 84.7 0.63 0.89 0.23 Median 45.2 21.8 34.8 31.2 85.0 0.62 0.90 0.23 Minimum 13.1 6.3 8.6 7.8 55.0 0.51 0.77 0.08 Maximum 189.0 90.0 141.8 115.6 131.0 0.86 0.99 0.34 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement.

(R2 = 0.97). Some specimens of C. adversarius rank among 1994 (UF 66445; Pl. 7, Figs 15-16), and C. petiti Petuch, the largest known specimens of Conus. One specimen (UF 2004 (AMNH 50680; Pl. 7, Figs 17-18), and the paratypes 110404; Pl. 8, Fig. 1) has a shell length of 219 mm. Hutsell of C. lindajoyceae (CM 35661) and C. osceolai (CM 35692). et al. (2001) listed only two extant species that are known to Th e type specimen of Conus tryoni Heilprin, 1886, was not have produced larger individuals: C. leopardus (Röding, 1798) observed, but is apparently part of the permanent displays (221.5 mm) and C. pulcher Lightfoot, 1786 (254.3 mm). At at the Wagner Free Institute of Science in Philadelphia, this time, it is not known how shell size correlates with age in Pennsylvania. C. adversarius. Other material examined.–More than 780 lots (more than Types observed.–Conrad (1840) described, and later fi gured 6,280 specimens) of Conus adversarius from the collections (1841), the fi rst species of sinistral Conus, C. adversarius, from of the ANSP, FLMNH, PRI, and VMNH were observed. a small group of fossil specimens collected by James Hodge at Lots examined are listed in the Appendix. Pls 8 (Figs 1-8), the classic “Natural Well” locality in Duplin County, North 9 (Figs 1-17), 10 (Figs 1-11), and 11 (Figs 1-4) demonstrate Carolina (upper Pliocene Duplin Formation). Four possible the morphological characters of C. adversarius, in addition to syntypes from this series, labeled by Conrad (Moore, 1962), some of the variations that were observed among the studied are in the type collections at the Academy of Natural Sciences, specimens. Philadelphia (ANSP 30699). One of these specimens (Pl. 7, Occurrence.–Conus adversarius is restricted to Pliocene and Figs 1-2) closely matches Conrad’s (1841) fi gure and was possibly lowermost Pleistocene deposits in the southeastern designated by Kohn (1992: 275) as lectotype for the species. U. S. (see discussion below). To the west, this species is known Additional type specimens observed include the holotypes from one specimen (UF 113698) from a single locality (TU of Contraconus lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991 (CM 35660; Pl. 7, locality 244) in Louisiana that is of unknown stratigraphic Figs 3-4), C. schmidti Petuch, 1991 (CM 35662; Pl. 7, Figs position. In Florida, C. adversarius is known from the Pinecrest 5-6), C. osceolai Petuch, 1991 (CM 35691; Pl. 7, Figs 7-8), C. Beds of the Tamiami Formation. It is known from the berryi Petuch, 1994 (UF 66444; Pl. 7, Figs 9-10), C. heilprini Ochopee Limestone (UF 113709) and Campbell (1993: 149) Petuch, 1994 (UF 66443; Pl. 7, Figs 11-12), C. scotti Petuch, listed the taxon as occurring in the Buckingham Limestone; 1994 (UF 66446; Pl. 7, Figs 13-14), C. mitchellorum Petuch, these two units are both thought to be equivalent to the 26 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Tamiami Formation (see Lyons, 1991). Conus adversarius also Olsson & Harbison’s (1953) subspecies C. adversarius tryoni occurs in the Intracoastal Formation (one moldic specimen, with C. adversarius. Petuch (1991, 1994, 2004) has continued UF 113414), the Jackson Bluff Formation, the Nashua to recognize C. tryoni as a distinct species. Formation, and the Caloosahatchee Formation (lower and Following Dall’s (1890) synonymy, only one new species upper; Campbell, 1993: 149). In the Carolinas, C. adversarius of sinistral Conus was described in the subsequent 100 years. is known from the Duplin Formation, the Raysor Marl, the Th is taxon (based on four specimens), which is the form of Goose Creek Limestone (lower and upper; Campbell, 1993: sinistral Conus most dissimilar to C. adversarius, was described 149; Campbell & Campbell, 1995), the Chowan River by Kamp (1967), but was never published and is therefore Formation, the James City Formation, and the Waccamaw nomenclaturally unavailable. It was described from a section Formation (lower and upper; Campbell, 1993: 149). Conus of the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) exposed during adversarius is very rare in Virginia and only a single specimen construction of the Alligator Alley Expressway (TU locality (PRI 50733) was observed from this state during the course 797). Unfortunately, the type specimens of this species are of this study. Th e species is known only from “Zone 2” (see currently lost. (Most of Tulane’s southeastern U. S. collections discussion by Campbell, 1993) of the Yorktown Formation have been transferred to FLMNH, but Kamp’s types have in Virginia. not to date resurfaced there; R. Portell, pers. comm., 2004].) All sinistral Conus specimens observed during this study My inspection of other Pinecrest Conus material from the are regarded here as being from deposits that are upper TU 797 locality at FLMNH did not result in discovery of Pliocene or younger in age. Campbell & Campbell (1995), any specimens matching Kamp’s description or fi gures. Very however, reported C. adversarius (moldic material) from the similar specimens at FLMNH from a nearby locality (UF lower Goose Creek Limestone, a stratum that they regarded CR014; Th omas and Paul McGinty Collection), however, do as lower Pliocene. Th us, this taxon could span much of the agree with Kamp’s description and fi gures. Th is morphology Pliocene. Conus adversarius is known to occur in the upper (Pl. 8, Fig. 3; Pl. 9, Fig. 7) is considered here to be consistent layers of the time-correlative Caloosahatchee and Waccamaw with that of C. adversarius because of the presence of formations (Campbell, 1993: 149, fi g. 1), but is not known tuberculate early postnuclear whorls (Pl. 8, Fig. 3), three from units stratigraphically higher than these. Depending pigmented coloration bands (Pl. 9, Fig. 7), and a similarly on age assignments of these units, C. adversarius might shaped subsutural fl exure. have persisted into the earliest Pleistocene before becoming Examination and description of cone shell fossils from extinct. southern Florida and North Carolina by Petuch led to a Remarks.–Following Conrad’s (1840) description of proliferation of species names during the past 16 years, all Conus adversarius, Heilprin (1886) described a second fossil of which were placed within the genus “Contraconus” (see species of sinistral Conus, C. tryoni, from the banks of the discussion of this genus name below). Th ese species include: Caloosahatchee River, Florida. He diff erentiated this species C. lindajoyceae, C. schmidti, C. osceolai (all Petuch, 1991); from C. adversarius on the basis of “its more ponderous C. berryi, C. heilprini, C. scotti, and C. mitchellorum (all proportions, the greater relative elevation of the spire, and Petuch, 1994); and C. petiti Petuch, 2004. Petuch’s holotype the revolving lines on the shoulders of the whorls” (Heilprin, specimens (Pl. 7, Figs 3-18) appear distinctive in shell shape 1886: 82). Dall (1890: 26) designated C. tryoni as a synonym when compared with the lectotype of Conus adversarius (Pl. of C. adversarius, noting that “C. Tryoni is merely the full- 7, Figs 1-2). Th ese specimens appear less distinctive, however, grown and most perfect form of C. adversarius.” Olsson & when large sample sizes are considered and morphological Harbison (1953: 171) recognized C. tryoni as a subspecies of variation is assessed quantitatively (Table 8), leading me to C. adversarius, and assigned it to that rank on the basis of its conclude these represent members of only one highly variable higher stratigraphic position and “suffi ciently well-marked” sinistral Conus species (also see Campbell, 1993). Several lines characters. In her unpublished master’s thesis, Kamp (1967) of morphological evidence support this conclusion. regarded C. adversarius tryoni as an unnecessary subspecies, First, Petuch’s use of spire height as a key taxonomic and placed it in synonymy with C. adversarius. Dall’s (1890) character for some of his sinistral cone taxa is at odds with placement of Heilprin’s (1886) C. tryoni within C. adversarius the data collected here. For example, Pl. 10 demonstrates a is accepted here for the reasons stated by Dall, and because continuous spire angle (SA) in 11 specimens from deposits the distinguishing features noted by Heilprin (the variable near Sarasota, Florida. Other attributes of shell form also characters of size, height of the spire, and spiral threads on the exhibit continuous variation and I was unable to identify shoulder whorls) are not considered here to be taxonomically (through bivariate analyses of the shell data collected here) signifi cant for sinistral cones, including at the subspecifi c level. non-overlapping morphometric clusters of shell morphologies Consequently, I follow Kamp’s (1967) decision to synonymize congruent with Petuch’s sinistral Conus species. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 27

Second, when preserved, discrete shell characters name Contraconus to include Conus species having sinistral consistent with those in Conus adversarius (besides sinistral coiling (among other characters). Without explanation, Petuch coiling) further justify placement of Petuch’s sinistral cone (1988: 72; also see Petuch, 1991: 54) elevated Contraconus taxa within this single species. Color patterns (expressed to generic status. With the exception of sinistral coiling, the under UV light) fully consistent with C. adversarius were species Petuch assigned to Contraconus are well circumscribed observed in the holotypes of C. heilprini and C. petiti, and by the generic shell characters of Conus as defi ned by Linnaeus in shells similar in form to Petuch’s C. lindajoyceae (Pl. 9, (1758) and are considered here to belong to the latter genus. Figs 15-16) and C. osceolai (Pl. 9, Fig. 10). Color patterns As discussed above, Petuch’s (2004) recognition of multiple are not preserved in Petuch’s other holotypes. Additionally, cone shell genera within the Conidae (besides Hemiconus and well-preserved specimens of C. adversarius bear at least some Conorbis) is at odds with most modern taxonomic treatments of tuberculate early postnuclear whorls (Pl. 11, Figs 3-4). Th ese the group (e. g., Walls, 1979; Kohn, 1992; Röckel et al., 1995; can be observed on the holotypes of C. lindajoyceae, C. berryi, Filmer, 2001). Th e subgenus name Contraconus, however, has C. heilprini, and C. mitchellorum. Tubercles were not observed widespread usage among amateurs and professionals working on the holotype of C. schmidti, which has a poorly preserved in the Cenozoic of the U. S. Coastal Plain, and so is useful apex, but can be observed on other low-spired sinistral cone for communication. Th us, Contraconus is accepted here as a specimens. Th e holotypes of C. scotti and C. osceolai also subgeneric name, but its usage at the genus level is rejected. lack early postnuclear whorls, although both specimens have eroded apices. Th is is also the case for all specimens similar in Conus patricius Hinds, 1843 form to the holotype of C. osceolai observed from the “Star Pl. 11, Figs 5-14; Table 9 Ranch” locality. Some early shoulder whorls of specimens similar to C. osceolai, however, do appear slightly undulate. Conus patricius Hinds, 1843: 256. Th e relationship between the number of tuberculate whorls Conus apium Woodring, 1928: 202, pl. 9, fi g. 3; Olsson, 1967: 22, (NTW) and spire angle (SA) and relative spire height (RSH) pl. 7, fi gs 4, 4a. are described, respectively, by the following equations: SA = Conus testudinarius leonensis Mansfi eld, 1930: 32-33, pl. 1, fi g. 14 (non C. testudinarius Hwass in Bruguière, 1792). -5.12(NTW) + 111.24 (R2 = 0.34, n = 32, SA range 57-116º) and RSH = 0.02(NTW) + 0.14 (R2 = 0.36, n = 32, RSH range Diagnosis.–Outline of last whorl sigmoidal and with raised 0.14-0.30). spiral threads on anterior half; shoulder rounded with a carina Finally, Petuch’s sinistral Conus taxa have symmetrically at its junction with the sutural ramp; early postnuclear whorls curved subsutural fl exure morphologies that are consistent tuberculate; subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved. with those of C. adversarius (Pl. 11, Figs 1-2). Description.–Shell dextral, moderately large. Last whorl Conus adversarius is readily diff erentiated from all fossil and ventricosely conical; outline sigmoidal. Shoulder rounded, extant Conus species by its sinistral coiling, which might have but with subtle carina at junction with sutural ramp. Spire provided it with a survival advantage against crab predators of low to moderate height; outline slightly concave. Early (Dietl & Hendricks, 2006). Beyond coiling direction, C. postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps adversarius is most similar to the occasionally co-occurring, fl at to convex. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved and uncommon dextral species C. delessertii Récluz (1843). of moderate depth. Last whorl with spiral threads on anterior Both species have similar overall shell shapes, color patterns half. Color pattern on last whorl consisting of two faint, wide (particularly three prominent, discontinuous bands on the spiral bands. last whorl), and tuberculate early postnuclear whorls. Several Types observed.–Th e holotypes of Conus apium Woodring, diff erences separate the two taxa, however. In C. delessertii, 1928 (USNM 369351; Pl. 11, Figs 5-7), and C. testudinarius these diff erences include a deeper, more strongly curved leonensis Mansfi eld, 1930 (USNM 370103; Pl. 11, Figs 8-10), subsutural fl exure, incised spiral grooves on the anterior end were observed. Table 9 gives morphometric measurements of the shell, a generally fl atter spire profi le, and a multispiral from these highly damaged specimens. protoconch. Furthermore, at least one raised spiral thread is Other material examined.–One fossil (PRI 54631; Pl. 11, always present on the sutural ramp of C. delessertii, whereas this Figs 11-12) and four modern specimens of Conus patricius character is only occasionally present in C. adversarius. Th ese from the collections of the PRI (including PRI 9794; Pl. 11, diff erences demonstrate that specimens of C. delessertii do not Figs 13-14). simply constitute aberrant dextral specimens of C. adversarius, Occurrence.–Th e type locality of extant Conus patricius despite their similarities. For details on the evolution and is the eastern Pacifi c Gulf of Nicoya, Costa Rica (Kohn & paleobiology of C. adversarius, see Hendricks (2008). Anderson, 2008). Today, C. patricius appears to be restricted to Olsson & Harbison (1953: 170) erected the subgenus the eastern Pacifi c (Walls, 1979), although its range apparently 28 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 9. Summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus patricius Hinds, 1843. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS Type Specimens USNM 369351 (H, C. apium Woodring, 1928) 57.6* 36.6* 53.1* 45.4* 136 0.69 0.85 0.08 USNM 370103 (H, C. testudinarius leonensis Mansfi eld, 1930) 40.6 20.7* 34.8* 29.2* 99.00 0.60 0.84 0.14 Other Specimen PRI 54631 65.8 40.5 59.8 49.7 130 0.68 0.83 0.09

MODERN SPECIMENS PRI 9794 73.2 40.4 63.8 53.0 110 0.63 0.83 0.13 PRI 9795 41.1 22.3 36.0 30.4 110 0.62 0.84 0.12 PRI 9796 54.6 30.8 48.5 40.6 118 0.63 0.84 0.11 PRI 9797 73.5 42.7 65.9 52.0 120 0.65 0.79 0.10 * = Signifi cant specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. extended into the western Atlantic during the Plio-Pleistocene. Conus delessertii Récluz, 1843: 2; Petuch, 1988: pl. 23, fi g. 15. Th e holotype of C. apium is from the Bowden Formation of Conus (Leptoconus) delessertii (Récluz, 1843). Petuch, 1994: pl. 91, Bowden, Jamaica (Woodring, 1928). Olsson fi gured (1967: fi g. n. 56, fi g. 4a) a specimen that was reportedly from the “Pinecrest Conus (Leptoconus) duerri Petuch, 1994: 352, pl. 91, fi g. a. duerri (Petuch, 1994). Petuch, 2004: pl. 69, fi g. f. Beds, Kissimmee. Hoerle Coll.” A single fossil specimen at the Conus (Leptoconus) patstreamae Petuch, 1994: 353-354, pl. 92, fi g. PRI (PRI 54631) has dubious information associated with it, c. but might be from the Caloosahatchee Formation of Hendry Conus presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964: 538, pl. 79, fi gs 2, 2a; Kamp, County, Florida. Fossil specimens of C. patricius are extremely 1967: 57-59, pl. 6, fi gs 3-4. rare; the specimens fi gured here (Pl. 11, Figs 5-14) are the Conus (Leptoconus) presozoni (Olsson & Petit, 1964). Petuch, 1994: only fossil representatives of the species that were observed pl. 92, fi g. a. during this investigation. Conus (Leptoconus) susankhanae Petuch, 1994: 354, pl. 92, fi g. k. Remarks.–Th is distinctive taxon is not readily confused with other co-occurring species. Th e synonymy of Conus apium Diagnosis.–Protoconch multispiral; early postnuclear with C. patricius is supported by the overall shape of the shell, whorls tuberculate; sutural ramps with one or two raised the subsutural fl exure morphology, and the subtle carina at the spiral threads, subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved and top of the otherwise rounded shoulder. Th e teleoconch whorls deep; incised spiral grooves at base of last whorl. of the holotype of C. apium are not well preserved, so it is not Description.–Shell dextral, medium-sized to large. Last possible to confi rm that they are tuberculate like they are in whorl conical to broadly conical; outline straight. Shoulder C. patricius. Mansfi eld’s (1930) placement of his subspecies C. angulate to subangulate. Spire moderate to high; outline testudinarius leonensis within that species (which Kohn [1992] straight to slightly sigmoidal. Larval shell of ca. four whorls. reported as a junior synonym of C. ermineus Born, 1778) is First several postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural odd given that this very poorly preserved specimen shows ramps slightly concave, with one or two raised spiral threads very few shell similarities with extant C. testudinarius Hwass usually near center of ramp. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically in Bruguière, 1792, which is found today in the eastern and curved and deep. Last whorl with incised spiral grooves on western Atlantic (Kohn & Anderson, 2008). Given its greater anterior third. Color pattern on last whorl consisting of three similarity to C. patricius and the lack of better preserved continuous spiral bands overlain by rows of spiral dots and fossil material for study, Mansfi eld’s subspecies is tentatively spots that sometimes coalesce to form axial streaks; between considered here a synonym of C. patricius. bands are spiral rows of dots overlying unpigmented shell. Teleoconch whorls with radial streaks that generally mirror Conus delessertii Récluz, 1843 the shapes of growth lines. Pl. 12, Figs 1-13; Table 10 Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 29

Table 10. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type, fossil, and modern specimens of Conus delessertii Récluz, 1843. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS Type Specimens USNM 644643 (H, C. presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964) 78.8* 41.8 63.2 58.0 91* 0.66 0.92 0.20 USNM 644644 (P, C. presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964) 69.4* 34.9 54.5 51.6 94* 0.64 0.95 0.21 UF 66422 (H, C. duerri Petuch, 1994) 37.9 20.0 29.7 27.2 93 0.67 0.92 0.22 UF 66449 (H, C. pastreamae Petuch, 1994) 77.7 40.6 65.0 61.9 109 0.63 0.95 0.16 UF 66998 (H, C. susankhanae Petuch, 1994) 92.0* 51.2 74.5 69.3 105 0.69 0.93 0.19 All Specimens (n = 26) Mean 62.0 30.7 49.9 46.1 91.8 0.62 0.92 0.20 Median 63.6 31.8 52.7 48.2 90 0.61 0.92 0.20 Minimum 27.6 13.6 20.9 18.9 81.0 0.56 0.90 0.16 Maximum 105.0 51.2 84.4 76.4 109.0 0.69 0.96 0.24

MODERN SPECIMENS All Specimens (n = 17) Mean 38.0 18.9 28.2 26.0 76.1 0.68 0.92 0.27 Median 36.3 19.0 27.4 25.4 74.0 0.68 0.93 0.27 Minimum 18.5 8.9 12.4 11.5 63 0.61 0.90 0.21 Maximum 69.8 34.1 55.5 50.8 88 0.74 0.95 0.33 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement.

Morphometric data collected from 26 fossil and 17 modern 11-12) and modern (Figs 10, 13) specimens of C. delessertii, in specimens of Conus delessertii, including the type specimens addition to some of the variations that were observed among listed below, are summarized inTable 10. In fossil C. delessertii, the studied specimens. MD = 0.51(SL) - 0.83 (R2 = 0.96) and MD = 0.62(AH) - 0.12 Occurrence.–Th e type locality of Conus delessertii is off (R2 = 0.96). In modern C. delessertii, MD = 0.47(SL) + 0.89 of Cape Canaveral, Florida (Kohn & Anderson, 2008). In (R2 = 0.99) and MD = 0.81(AH) - 2.67 (R2 = 0.99). the Recent, C. delessertii is reported from North and South Types observed.–A digital image of the holotype of Conus Carolina, the eastern and western coasts of Florida, Bermuda, delessertii (MHNG 1106/66) was viewed online at Th e Conus and Mexico, and has been collected at depths ranging from Biodiversity Website (Kohn, 2007). Holotypes observed in 15 to 198 m (Rosenberg, 2005). Fossil specimens are known person include those of C. presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964 from Duplin and Robeson counties, North Carolina (Duplin (USNM 644643; Pl. 12, Figs 1-2; several paratypes of this Formation), Horry County, South Carolina (Waccamaw taxon in USNM 644644, PRI 6067, and UF 113758 were Formation), and southern Florida (Tamiami Formation, also observed), C. susankhanae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66998; Pl. Bermont Formation, and possibly the Caloosahatchee 12, Figs 3-4), C. duerri Petuch, 1994 (UF 66422; Pl. 12, Figs Formation [UF 66998]). Additionally, a broken anterior 5-6), and C. patstreamae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66449; Pl. 12, portion of a shell (UF 113699) that resembles C. delessertii Figs 7-8). was collected at a depth of 762 m from a well of unknown Other material examined.–More than 45 additional stratigraphic position in Lafourche, Louisiana. Also see lots (more than 100 specimens) of fossil Conus delessertii occurrence data presented by Campbell & Campbell (1995). were observed from the collections of the FLMNH, PRI, Remarks.–No available shell-character evidence suggests and VMNH. Seventeen modern specimens of C. delessertii that the fossil species synonymized above can be justifi ed as from the malacological collections of the FLMNH were also species separate from Conus delessertii. In particular, their observed. Along with illustrating four type specimens, Pl. 12 holotypes (USNM 644643, UF 66998, UF 66422, and UF demonstrates the morphological characters of fossil (Figs 9, 66449) are consistent with C. delessertii in overall shape, shell 30 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  color pattern (when preserved), the presence of tubercles on and of moderate depth. Last whorl with incised spiral grooves the early postnuclear whorls (when preserved), and sutural on anterior quarter. Color pattern on last whorl consisting of ramp and subsutural fl exure morphologies. Olsson & Petit ca. 10-20 rows of spiral rectangular-shaped dots, dashes, or (1964: 538) noted that C. presozoni “by its shape and color blotches; these overlay one or more discontinuous bands that pattern bears considerable resemblance to C. sozoni Bartsch in turn frequently form cloudy blotches. Teleoconch whorls [1939; a junior synonym of C. delessertii] of the Recent and is with radial streaks. probably its ancestral form.” Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– Morphometric data collected from 232 specimens of fossil Conus cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845 Conus cf. largillierti, including the type specimens listed Pl. 13, Figs 1-28; Table 11 below, are summarized in Table 11. In fossil C. cf. largillierti, MD = 0.48(SL) - 0.47 (R2 = 0.97) and MD = 0.60(AH) + Conus largillierti Kiener, 1845: 212, pl. 98, fi g. 3, pl. 101, fi gs 1, 0.61 (R2 = 0.97). 1a. Types observed.–An image of Kiener’s (1845: pl. 98, fi g. 3) Conus cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845. Dietl & Hendricks, 2006, fi g. original fi gure of Conus largillierti was viewed online (Kohn 1d. & Anderson, 2008). Holotypes observed include those of C. ?Gradiconus anabathrum patglicksteinae (Petuch, 1987). Petuch, fl oridanus Gabb, 1869 (ANSP 80897; Pl. 13, Figs 1-2), C. 2004: pl. 93, fi g. j. Conus capelettii Petuch, 1990: 100, 102-103, fi gs 11-13. trippae Petuch, 1991 (CM 35666; Pl. 13, Figs 6-7; a paratype Conus (Leptoconus) capelettii (Petuch, 1990). Petuch: 1994, pl. 91, of this taxon, CM 35667, was also observed; Pl. 13, Fig. 8), C. fi g. e. loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994 (UF 66428; Pl. 13, Figs 9-10), Gradiconus capelettii (Petuch, 1990). Petuch, 2004: pl. 86, fi g. d. C. capelettii Petuch, 1990 (CM 35731; Pl. 13, Figs 11-13), Conus (Leptoconus) diegelae Petuch, 1994: 351-352, pl. 91, fi g. j. C. diegelae (UF 66423; Pl. 13, Figs 14-15), C. ronaldsmithi Conus fl oridanus Gabb, 1869. Dall, 1890: 27; Mansfi eld, 1930: 32, Petuch, 1994 (UF 66429, Pl. 13, Figs 16-17), and C. pl. 1, fi g. 13; Smith, 1930: 280-281, fi gs 1-2, 7; 1945: fi g. 10; joelshugari Petuch, 1994 (UF 66424; Pl. 13, Figs 18-19). Kamp, 1967: 47-50, pl. 7, fi gs 1-15 (see remarks concerning Other material examined.–More than 315 lots of fossil status of C. fl oridanus Gabb, 1869). Conus cf. largillierti (more than 5,150 specimens) from the Conus (Leptoconus) fl oridanus (Gabb, 1869). Olsson & Harbison, 1953: 173-174; DuBar, 1958: 185; Petuch, 1994: pl. 92, fi g. j. collections of the PRI, FLMNH, and VMNH. An additional Conus (Leptoconus) joelshugari Petuch, 1994: 353, pl. 91, fi g. k. 42 lots (more than 240 specimens) that could not be Conus (Leptoconus) loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994: 353, pl. 92, fi g. b. diff erentiated from C. sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951, Gradiconus loxahatcheensis (Petuch, 1994). Petuch, 2004: pl. 86, fi g. were also examined. Fossil specimens examined are listed in h. the Appendix. Along with illustrating the type specimens, Pl. Conus (Leptoconus) marylandicus (Green, 1830). Olsson & Harbison, 13 demonstrates the morphological characters of modern (Figs 1953: pl. 27, fi gs 3, 3a (non Green, 1830). 3-5) and fossil (Figs 20-28) C. cf. largillierti, in addition to Conus (Leptoconus) ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994: 354, pl. 92, fi g. d. some of the variations that were observed among the studied Conus (Leptoconus) trippae Petuch, 1991: 52, pl. 10, fi gs 4-5; 1994: specimens. pl. 91, fi gs c-d. Occurrence.–Th e type locality for extant Conus largillierti Seminoleconus trippae (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 70, fi g. c. ?Conus (Leptoconus) vaughanensis (Mansfi eld, 1935). Petuch, 1994: is the Gulf of Mexico (Vink, 1985). Fossil C. cf. largillierti pl. 91, fi g. f (non Mansfi eld, 1935). are present in Plio-Pleistocene strata from throughout the southeastern U. S., including the Tamiami (Pinecrest Diagnosis.–Outline of last whorl straight to slightly Beds), Jackson Bluff , Duplin, Canepatch, Chowan River, convex; protoconch paucispiral; early postnuclear whorls Caloosahatchee, Nashua, Waccamaw, James City, Bermont, tuberculate; sutural ramps unornamented; subsutural fl exure Fort Th ompson, and Anastasia formations. symmetrically curved; incised spiral grooves on anterior Remarks.–Th is is the fossil taxon (or species complex; see quarter of last whorl. below) that has frequently been referred to as Conus fl oridanus Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to moderately Gabb (1869) in the literature (see synonym list); most museum large. Last whorl conical to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; lots are also labeled as such. Conus fl oridanus (holotype ANSP outline straight to slightly convex. Shoulder sharply angulate 80897; Pl. 13, Figs 1-2) is a junior synonym of C. anabathrum to angulate. Spire height moderate to high; outline slightly Crosse (1865); the International Commission on Zoological concave to straight. Protoconch of ca. two whorls, maximum Nomenclature (1989, Opinion 1539; see also Filmer, 2001) diameter ca. 0.8 mm. Early postnuclear whorls tuberculate. declined an appeal to suppress the virtually unused senior Teleoconch sutural ramps fl at to convex, rarely with a synonym in favor of the widely used junior synonym. It now midsutural ridge. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved appears, however, that several even older names might be more HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 31

Table 11. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other fossil specimens of Conus cf. largillierti Keiner, 1845. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens CM 35731 (H, C. capelettii Petuch, 1990) 38.2 16.7* 25.8 24.4 62 0.65 0.95 0.32 CM 35666 (H, C. trippae Petuch, 1991) 35.3 16.7 26.1 22.5 75 0.64 0.86 0.26 CM 35667 (P, C. trippae Petuch, 1991) 60.2 27.2 47.5 44.9 84 0.57 0.95 0.21 UF 66423 (H, C. diegelae Petuch, 1994) 36.3 16.8 27.8 25.5 82 0.60 0.92 0.23 UF 66424 (H, C. joelshugari Petuch, 1994) 23.8 12.0 18.6 17.4 90 0.64 0.94 0.22 UF 66428 (H, C. loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994) 49.7 24.6 33.5 30.9 70 0.73 0.92 0.33 UF 66429 (H, C. ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994) 33.7 16.7 25.9 23.8 85 0.64 0.92 0.23 All Specimens (n = 232) Mean 31.5 14.7 23.7 21.8 77.2 0.62 0.92 0.25 Median 30.7 14.2 22.9 21.0 77 0.62 0.93 0.26 Minimum 11.3 4.6 7.6 6.8 56 0.54 0.82 0.17 Maximum 65.6 31.8 51.8 49.1 100 0.73 0.97 0.37 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. appropriate for this form. I have chosen to confer the name of Six of Petuch’s species are placed in synonymy here with the extant species C. cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845, to fossils of Conus cf. largillierti. Conus capelettii was compared by Petuch this morphology (as described above) because the coloration (1990) with the extant eastern Pacifi c (Kohn & Anderson, patterns shown in Kiener’s fi gures most closely match those 2008) species C. scalaris Valenciennes, 1832, and with “some that have been observed in fossil specimens from the study slender morphs of the Recent Carolinian Province” (Petuch, area. I acknowledge the possibility, however, that the fossil 1990: 103) species C. fl oridanus Gabb, 1869; he diff erentiated specimens that I have circumscribed here as C. cf. largillierti C. capelettii from the latter species based upon its “sharper, more could additionally include one or more of the following carinated shoulder and in having a much higher, scalariform similar extant nominal taxa: C. philippii Kiener, 1845, C. spire” (Petuch, 1990: 103), but inspection of his type material anabathrum Crosse, 1865, and C. burryae Clench, 1942. does not justify separating this high-spired morph from C. cf. Resolution of this problem will require a detailed systematic largillierti as circumscribed here. Petuch (1991) compared C. study of the biology these four extant forms, especially their trippae with C. presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964 (= C. delessertii soft-part morphologies, shell forms, and ecologies. For this Récluz, 1843), but these two species diff er considerably in reason, I do not formally synonymize C. fl oridanus Gabb, several characters, particularly in the morphologies of their 1869 (originally described as an extant taxon), here with C. sutural ramps, subsutural fl exures, and color patterns. Petuch cf. largillierti, although I assign all fossils previously referred to (1994: 352) stated that “Conus diegelae is most similar to, and C. fl oridanus (beginning with Dall, 1890) to C. cf. largillierti. is probably descended from, the older, stratigraphically-lower Once the taxonomic status of each of the nominal taxa listed C. trippae…” Both C. loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994, and C. above has been resolved, it might be possible to reconsider the ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994, were compared with C. fl oridanus taxonomic assignments of the specimens that I have assigned by Petuch (1994). Finally, C. joelshugari Petuch, 1994, was here to C. cf. largillierti. compared by Petuch (1994) with C. gravesae Petuch, 1994 Among co-occurring fossil taxa, Conus cf. largillierti is (which is considered here a likely synonym of C. daucus Hwass most similar in shell morphology to C. sennottorum Rehder & in Bruguière, 1792), but it shares many more similarities Abbott, 1951, and it is sometimes diffi cult to distinguish the with C. cf. largillierti as circumscribed here (an exception is two from one another. Conus cf. largillierti is best diff erentiated its carinated shoulder, which was reported by Petuch in the from C. sennottorum by its symmetrically curved subsutural description of the species). fl exure (which is asymmetrically curved in C. sennottorum) and Petuch’s (1994: pl. 91, fi g. f) fi gure of Conus vaughanensis straight to slightly convex last whorl shape (which is typically Mansfi eld, 1935, appears to more consistent with C. cf. pyriform in C. sennottorum). Furthermore, the tubercles on largillierti than with C. vaughanensis, which is a Miocene the early postnuclear whorls of C. cf. largillierti are smaller species from Florida. Given that the taxonomic status of C. than those in C. sennottorum. anabathrum remains unresolved, I tentatively consider Petuch’s 32 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

(2004: pl. 93, fi g. j) fi gured fossil specimen of Gradiconus haytensis, including the holotype of C. druidi Olsson, 1967, anabathrum patglicksteinae (Petuch, 1987) to be a specimen are summarized in Table 12. For these specimens, MD = of C. cf. largillierti. 0.60(SL) - 3.22 (R2 = 0.99) and MD = 0.65(AH) - 1.09 (R2 = 0.99). Conus haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850 Types observed.–Sowerby (1850) did not fi gure or Pl. 14, Figs 1-8; Table 12 designate a type for Conus haytensis. Pfl ug (1961) designated a specimen (BMNH 83961) from the Heneken Collection Conus haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850: 44; Pilsbry, 1922: 326, pl. as the lectotype for the species. I did not view this specimen 19, fi g. 1. in person, but Pfl ug’s fi gures (1961: pl. 16, fi gs 2-3, 5) of Conus (Dendroconus) haytensis (G. B. Sowerby II, 1850). Pfl ug, the lectotype appear consistent with the fossils from Florida 1961: 60, pl. 16, fi gs 1-5. that I have assigned to C. haytensis, including the holotype Conus druidi Olsson, 1967: 21, pl. 7, fi gs 2, 2b. of C. druidi (USNM 645160; Pl. 14, Figs 1-2), which I did Conus (Lithoconus) druidi (Olsson, 1967). Petuch, 1994: pl. 93, fi gs b-c. observe. Lithoconus druidi (Olsson, 1967). Petuch: 2004, pl. 56, fi g. d. Other material examined.–Twenty-fi ve additional lots (36 specimens) of Conus haytensis from the PRI and FLMNH Diagnosis.–Shell can be very large; outline of last whorl were observed and are listed in the Appendix. Two additional slightly sigmoidal; spire height low to moderate; shoulder lots (PRI 54685 [Pl. 14, Fig. 4] and PRI 54412 [Pl. 14, Fig. forming an adaxial ridge; sutural ramps with raised spiral 5]) from the Gurabo Formation of the Dominican Republic threads on early whorls; subsutural fl exure symmetrically were also observed. An addition to fi guring the holotype of curved; raised spiral threads at base of shell. C. druidi, Pl. 14 (Figs 3-8) demonstrates the morphological Description.–Shell dextral, large. Last whorl conical characters of C. haytensis, plus some of the variations that were to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; outline slightly observed among the studied specimens. sigmoidal. Shoulder carinate to angulate, usually forming an Occurrence.–Conus haytensis was described from the adaxial ridge. Spire low to moderate; outline usually sigmoidal Tertiary of Santo Domingo (= Dominican Republic; Sowerby (concave in smaller individuals). Teleoconch sutural ramps [1850] did not provide more exact locality information). Th e fl at to concave, with 3-8 spiral threads that become obsolete PRI has specimens (e. g., PRI 54412) of C. haytensis from the in later whorls. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved, of Gurabo Formation collected at TU locality 1219, a locality moderate depth. Last whorl with prominent spiral threads described by Saunders et al. (1986: 64) as “Río Amina, bluff s on basal third to half, becoming obsolete toward shoulder. on east side of river immediately upstream from ford that Color pattern usually consisting of three continuous bands. is 2 km west of Potrero and about 3 km downstream from In at least one specimen (PRI 54697; Pl. 14, Figs 6-8), color “La Represa” (= USGS 8517).” In the southeastern U. S., C. pattern consists of three pigmented bands that overlie axial haytensis is only known from Collier, Hendry, and Sarasota streaks near the shoulder; these are in turn overlain by ca. 30 counties in southern Florida. As fi rst reported by Olsson rows of spiral dots and dashes. Teleoconch whorls with radial (1967), the holotype of C. druidi was discovered in an old streaks. collection at the USNM supposedly from La Belle, Hendry Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– County, Florida (USNM station 22445). Exposures at La Morphometric data collected from 15 specimens of Conus Belle are primarily of the Caloosahatchee Formation, not the

Table 12. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type, fossil, and modern specimens of Conus haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimen USNM 645160 (H, C. druidi Olsson, 1967) 97.5* 54.3 85.7 71.6 113* 0.63 0.84 0.12 All Specimens (n = 15) Mean 95.6 53.7 83.7 70.9 116.1 0.64 0.85 0.13 Median 89.0 46.5 77.5 65.0 113 0.64 0.85 0.13 Minimum 27.8 13.8 21.6 18.1 83 0.59 0.82 0.09 Maximum 179.0 106.0 163.0 133.5 143 0.71 0.88 0.22 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 33

Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami Formation, as suggested by Diagnosis.–Aperture slightly wider at base than near Olsson (1967). Because no other unambiguous information shoulder; sutural ramps sigmoidal in profi le and lacking spiral suggests that this species occurs in the Caloosahatchee ornamentation; subsutural fl exure diagonal; raised spiral Formation, it is likely that Olsson’s locality information for threads at base of shell, sometimes extending to shoulder; last the holotype of C. druidi is incorrect. Th erefore, it is possible whorl with reticulate (net-like) color pattern that is frequently that in the U. S., C. haytensis is restricted to the Pinecrest Beds visible in normal light. of the Tamiami Formation. Description.–Shell dextral, medium-sized. Last whorl Remarks.–It is somewhat regretful that the name Conus conical to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; outline convex. druidi, well-known among amateur collectors (and frequently Aperture slightly wider at base than near shoulder. Shoulder misapplied to large specimens of C. spurius Gmelin, 1791), subangulate to rounded. Spire of low to moderate height; must be subsumed in favor of the name C. haytensis. Th e outline fl at to slightly concave. Teleoconch sutural ramps holotype and other observed specimens of C. druidi appear sigmoidal in profi le. Subsutural fl exure diagonal, approximately to agree fully in shell characters (including color pattern) twice as deep as wide. Last whorl with adapically elevated with Dominican Republic specimens, including the lectotype spiral ribbons on anterior third, in some smaller individuals (BMNH 83961) and other specimens of C. haytensis in the persisting almost to shoulder as faint spiral threads. Color collections of the PRI. Th is association was also made by pattern on last whorl reticulate, forming ca. 15-20 spiral rows Olsson (1967: 21) when he described the species, stating that of unpigmented, rectangular to oval-shaped regions. the “shape of the cone and its fl uorescent pattern places it Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– amongst a group of fossil species such as Conus haytensis G. B. Morphometric data collected from 100 shells of Conus Sowerby II, from the Miocene [Pliocene] of Santo Domingo yaquensis, including the type specimens listed below, are and Conus molis Brown & Pilsbry (1911) from the Gatun summarized in Table 13. For these specimens, MD = 0.59(SL) Miocene [Pliocene] of the Canal Zone, Panama, Costa Rica, - 0.42 (R2 = 0.98) and MD = 0.71(AH) - 1.04 (R2 = 0.99). and Columbia.” Conus molis could also be a junior synonym Types observed.–Th e lot ANSP 2547 includes two syntypic of C. haytensis, but I have not seen any of these specimens specimens of Conus yaquensis from the Dominican Republic, from the locations listed by Olsson. the larger of which (Pl. 15, Figs 1-2) Pilsbry (1922) fi gured and designated as the type (lectotype) for the species. Th is Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873 specimen was observed, as was the paralectotype (Pl. 15, Fig. Pl. 15, Figs 1-16; Table 13 3). Th e holotype of C. jonesorum (UF 66430; Pl. 15, Figs 4-5) was also observed. Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873: 233; Pilsbry, 1922: 331, pl. 11, fi g. 6; Other material examined.–Seventy additional lots (more Kamp, 1967: 51, pl. 3, fi gs 3a-d. than 500 specimens) of Conus yaquensis were observed and Conus (Lithoconus) yaquensis (Gabb, 1873). Petuch, 1988: pl. 19, fi g. are listed in the Appendix. Along with illustrating the type 8; 1994: pl. 92, fi gs f-g. specimens, Pl. 15 (Figs 6-16) demonstrates the morphological Spuriconus yaquensis (Gabb, 1873). Petuch, 2004: pl. 67, fi g. h. characters of C. yaquensis, in addition to some of the variations Conus (Lithoconus) jonesorum Petuch, 1994: pl. 92, fi g. o. that were observed among the studied specimens.

Table 13. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873. H, holotype; L, lectotype; PL, paralectotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens ANSP 2547 (L, C. yaquensis Gabb, 1873) 49.3* 29.7 44.3 38.5 127 0.67 0.87 0.10 ANSP 2547 (PL, C. yaquensis Gabb, 1873) 40.3 23.3 35.1 30.2 112 0.66 0.86 0.13 UF 66430 (H, C. jonesorum Petuch, 1994) 37.9 21.6 33.5 28.3 126 0.65 0.84 0.11 All Specimens (n = 100) Mean 38.9 22.7 33.6 27.5 118.8 0.67 0.82 0.14 Median 39.3 22.8 34.0 28.0 119.0 0.67 0.82 0.14 Minimum 19.6 10.9 16.7 13.5 102 0.63 0.76 0.08 Maximum 63.2 39.0 55.4 44.1 140 0.74 0.87 0.20 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. 34 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Occurrence.–Type locality/stratigraphic horizon unknown Diagnosis.–Protoconch multispiral; early postnuclear (Gabb [1873] gave only “Santo Domingo”). In the southeastern whorls smooth with carinate shoulders; teleoconch sutural U. S., Conus yaquensis is known from the Tamiami Formation ramps with midsutural spiral fold; axial growth lines (Pinecrest Beds) of Charlotte, Collier, Hendry, Manatee, and prominent on sutural ramps; subsutural fl exure shallow and Sarasota counties, Florida. Kamp (1967: 52) also reported this V-shaped; incised spiral grooves on anterior half, sometimes species from the Gatun Formation of Panama and “unnamed extending to shoulder. beds near Cartegena, Columbia.” Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- Remarks.–Th e distinctive reticulate (or, netted) color sized. Last whorl conical to broadly and/or ventricosely pattern of Conus yaquensis, which is almost always observable conical; outline slightly convex to sigmoidal to nearly fl at. under natural light, readily distinguishes it from all other co- Shoulder carinate to sharply angulate. Spire moderate to occurring fossil species. Because this Conus species is easy to high; outline fl at to slightly concave. Protoconch multispiral. identify and relatively common in deposits of the Pinecrest Shoulders of early postnuclear whorls carinate. Teleoconch Beds (Tamiami Formation), it could serve as a good guide sutural ramps slightly concave to sigmoidal due to presence of fossil for recognizing these strata in the fi eld. Despite viewing midsutural spiral fold; axial growth lines usually prominent, more than 500 specimens of C. yaquensis, I did not observe any outlining very shallow, angular (V-shaped) subsutural fl exure. specimens bearing early postnuclear whorls (they were eroded Last whorl with incised spiral grooves (forming ribs) on away in all cases), preventing inspection of relevant characters. anterior half, sometimes extending to shoulder. Color pattern Th e holotype of C. jonesorum Petuch, 1994 (UF 66430, Pl. on last whorl consisting of ca. 20 rows of spiral dots along 15, Figs 4-5), bears the characteristic netted coloration pattern with two faint, discontinuous spiral bands that form axial of C. yaquensis and is consistent in all other aspects of shell streaks; teleoconch whorls with radial streaks. form as well. Petuch (1994: 355), however, stated that “Conus Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– jonesorum is most similar to the older, stratigraphically-lower Morphometric data collected from 88 shells of Conus oniscus, C. cherokus” (here considered a junior synonym of C. spurius), including the type specimens listed below, are summarized in but made no reference to C. yaquensis. Table 14. For these specimens, MD = 0.48(SL) - 0.87 (R2 = 0.90) and MD = 0.61(AH) + 0.03 (R2 = 0.91). Conus oniscus Woodring, 1928 Types observed.–Type specimens observed include the Pl. 16, Figs 1-21; Table 14 holotypes of Conus oniscus (USNM 369354; Pl. 16, Figs 1-3) and C. waccamawensis Smith, 1930 (ANSP 79603; Pl. 16, Figs Conus oniscus Woodring, 1928: 207-208, pl. 10, fi g. 3; Kamp, 1967: 4-6; three additional possible paratype lots of C. waccamawensis 53-55, pl. 8, fi gs 1-12. were also observed and these include PRI 54702 [Pl. 16, Fig. Conus (Ximeniconus) oniscus (Woodring, 1928). Petuch, 1994: pl. 7], PRI 54684 [Pl. 16, Fig. 18], and PRI 54364), in addition 95, fi g. d. to the holotypes of C. jaroldi Abbott, 1988a (UF 20000; Pl. Conus (Ximeniconus) calusa Abbott, 1988b: 39, 41, pl. 1, fi gs a-b; 16, Figs 8-9), C. robertsi Olsson & Harbison, 1953 (ANSP Petuch, 1994: pl. 95, fi g. f. ?Conus diluvianus [sic] Green, 1830. Tuomey & Holmes, 1857: 132, 18644; Pl. 16, Figs 10-11), C. calusa Abbott, 1988b (UF pl. 27, fi g. 15 (non Green, 1830). 20516; Pl. 16, Figs 12-13), and C. miccosukee Abbott, 1988b ?Conus diluivianus [sic] Green, 1830. Emmons, 1858: 263-264, fi g. (UF 20517; Pl. 16, Figs 14-15). 143 (non Green, 1830). Other material examined.–More than 100 additional Conus (Ximeniconus) jaroldi Abbott, 1988a: 32, pl. 1, fi gs 3-4. lots (more than 1,200 specimens) of Conus oniscus from the Conus (Ximeniconus) miccosukee Abbott, 1988b: 41, pl. 1, fi gs c-d; collections of the FLMNH, PRI, and VMNH were examined. Petuch, 1994: pl. 95, fi g. h. An additional 67 lots (more than 390 specimens) that could Conus (Leptoconus) robertsi Olsson & Harbison, 1953: 175, pl. 26, not be conclusively distinguished from C. marylandicus were fi g. 3. also examined. All of these lots are listed in the Appendix. Conus (Ximeniconus) robertsi (Olsson & Harbison, 1953). Abbott, 1988a: pl. 1, fi gs 1-2; Petuch, 1994: pl. 95, fi g. g. Along with illustrating the type specimens, Pl. 16 (Figs 16-21) Conus waccamawensis Smith, 1930: 286-288, fi gs 9, 9a, 10-12; demonstrates the morphological characters of C. oniscus, in Smith, 1945: pl. 1, fi g. 9. addition to some of the variations that were observed among Conus (Leptoconus) waccamawensis (Smith, 1930). Olsson & the studied specimens. Harbison, 1953: 175-176, pl. 26, fi gs 4, 4a-d. Occurrence.–Th e holotype of Conus oniscus (USNM Conus (Ximeniconus) waccamawensis (Smith, 1930). Petuch, 1994: 369354; Pl. 16, Figs 1-3) is from the Bowden Formation pl. 95, fi gs e, m. of Bowden, Jamaica. Th is species is also known from the Ximeniconus waccamawensis (Smith, 1930). Petuch, 2004: pl. 74, Caloosahatchee, Jackson Bluff , Tamiami (Pinecrest Beds), and fi g. k, pl. 76, fi g. i. Waccamaw formations of the southeastern U. S. One lot (UF HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 35

Table 14. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus oniscus Woodring, 1928. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens USNM 369354 (H, C. oniscus Woodring, 1928) 37.1 16.1 26.7 22.4 64 0.60 0.84 0.28 ANSP 79603 (H, C. waccamawensis Smith, 1930) 32.2 13.7* 24 21.9 70 0.57 0.91 0.26 PRI 54702 (P?, C. waccamawensis Smith, 1930) 22.2 9.3 16.3 15.3 68 0.57 0.94 0.27 PRI 54684 (P?, C. waccamawensis Smith, 1930) 27.7 11.9 20.4 18 69 0.59 0.88 0.26 PRI 54364-1 (P?, C. waccamawensis Smith, 1930) 29.8 12.4 22.5 20.7 69 0.55 0.92 0.24 ANSP 18644 (H, C. robertsi Olsson & Harbison, 1953) 27.3 14.3 21.2 17.4 83 0.67 0.82 0.22 UF 20000 (H, C. jaroldi Abbott, 1988a) 41.2 20.3 32.5 28.5 86 0.62 0.88 0.21 UF 20516 (H, C. calusa Abbott, 1988b) 26.0 15.3 19.4 16 85 0.79 0.82 0.25 UF 20517 (H, C. miccosukee Abbott, 1988b) 27.8 11.9 19.6 18.2 62 0.61 0.93 0.30 All Specimens (n = 88) Mean 27.5 12.3 20.3 18.0 70.0 0.61 0.89 0.26 Median 27.3 11.9 19.8 17.9 69 0.60 0.91 0.27 Minimum 12.7 5.3 8.5 7.7 55 0.54 0.79 0.21 Maximum 42.2 20.3 32.8 30.3 86 0.79 0.94 0.33 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement.

58070) is also known from the Bermont Formation. robertsi and C. miccosukee was considered by Abbott (1988b) Remarks.–Conus oniscus is most similar to C. marylandicus to be most similar to C. jaroldi. As noted for C. marylandicus, Green, 1830, with which it sometimes co-occurs. For C. oniscus shares strong resemblances with the Recent eastern diff erences separating the two species, see remarks associated Pacifi c species C. tornatus G. B. Sowerby II, 1833, C. ximenes with C. marylandicus (p. 23). Smith (1930) compared Gray, 1839, and C. mahogani Reeve, 1843. the species that he described, C. waccamawensis, with C. marylandicus. In terms of shell characters, C. waccamawensis is Conus harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 almost entirely consistent with C. oniscus (it could constitute Pl. 15, Figs 17-19 a narrower, regional [northern] form) and is considered here a synonym of C. oniscus (Smith [1930: 288] himself stated Conus harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930: 33, pl. 1, fi g. 12 (non Conus that “Conus waccamawensis is apparently related rather closely (Conasprella) harveyensis (Mansfi eld) of Petuch, 1994: pl. 94, fi g. to Conus (Chelyconus) oniscus Woodring”). Several lots (PRI m). 54684, 54364, and 54702) contain handwritten notes by Smith and probably should be recognized as paratypic lots of Diagnosis.–Outline of last whorl convex; shoulder sharply C. waccamawensis. angulate; larval shell paucispiral; fi rst several early postnuclear Olsson & Harbison (1953) described Conus robertsi on whorls tuberculate; sutural ramps with several raised spiral the basis of one specimen (ANSP 18644; Pl. 16, Figs 10-11). threads; subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved and deep; Although belonging to an especially wide individual, this deep and wide spiral grooves extending from base of shell to shell otherwise has characteristics that are fully consistent shoulder, with intervening ribs sometimes bearing spirally with C. oniscus and it is considered here to be a member of arranged beads. that species. Th ree fossil taxa described by Abbott, C. jaroldi Description.–Shell dextral, medium-sided. Last whorl (1988a; Pl. 16, Figs 8-9), C. calusa (1988b; Pl. 16, Figs 12- ventricosely conical; outline convex. Shoulder sharply 13), and C. miccosukee (1988b; Pl. 16, Figs 14-15), also angulate. Spire height medium; outline slightly concave appear consistent in shell morphology with C. oniscus and to sigmoidal. Larval shell with approximately two whorls; are considered synonyms of that species. None of these three maximum diameter ca. 0.8 mm. First three to four postnuclear taxa were compared by Abbott (1988a, b) with C. oniscus, whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps slightly concave C. waccamawensis, or C. marylandicus, despite their obvious to fl at with several raised spiral threads. Subsutural fl exure similarities to these earlier-described fossil taxa. Conus jaroldi symmetrically curved and deep; depth can be nearly three and C. miccosukee, however, were both compared with C. and a half times width. Last whorl with deep and wide spiral grooves from base to shoulder; intervening spiral ribs 36 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  sometimes covered with spirally arranged beads. reported by several authors (see Kohn & Anderson, 2008) as Morphometrics.–All but one of the observed shells were occurring in Mexico, Costa Rica, Trinidad, and Venezuela, highly damaged, preventing accurate measurements from were observed during this project. being collected. Measurement data from the single well- preserved shell (UF 7519) are as follows: SL 52.0 mm, MD Conus parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947 25.9 mm, AH 42.5 mm, HMD 36.2 mm, and SA 90º. Th e Pl. 17, Figs 9-10 associated morphometric ratios are RD 0.61, PMD 0.85, and RSH 0.18. Conus parkeri Richards & Harbison in Richards, 1947: 32-33, pl. Material examined.–According to USNM staff (pers. 11, fi gs 1-4. comm., 2005), the holotype (USNM 370102) of Conus ?Conus (Leptoconus) parkeri (Richards & Harbison in Richards, harveyensis is apparently lost and could not be procured for 1947). Petuch, 1994: pl. 91, fi g. i. observation. My application of the name C. harveyensis to observed specimens is based upon (1) Mansfi eld’s description Diagnosis and description.–As given by Richards (1947: and fi gure, and (2) observed specimen lots at the FLMNH 32-33). that were identifi ed as C. harveyensis by personnel of the Types observed.–Holotype (USNM 559928; Pl. 17, Florida Geological Survey. In total, 5 lots (7 specimens) from Figs 9-10): SL 30.0 mm; MD 18.2 mm. Paratype (USNM the FLMNH were examined and are listed in the Appendix. 559929): SL 27.4 mm; MD 15.8 mm. Both of these type Pl 15 (Figs 17-19) demonstrates the morphological characters specimens are in very poor condition. An additional paratype of C. harveyensis. (ANSP 16826) was not observed. Occurrence.–Personnel of the Florida Geological Survey Occurrence.–Th e type specimens were described as being collected the holotype of Conus harveyensis from “Harveys from “Well G.S. #11, 17 miles [27.36 km] west of Boca Creek, half a mile [ca. 0.8 km] above abandoned mill, Leon Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida; depth 47-50 feet [14.3- County, Fla., type and only locality” (Mansfi eld, 1930: 15.2 m]” and were said to have come from the Caloosahatchee 33). All specimens observed came from the Jackson Bluff Formation (Richards, 1947: 33). Formation at Jackson Bluff , Leon County, Florida. Petuch Remarks.–Conus parkeri is only known from the holotype (1994: pl. 94, fi g. m) reported C. harveyensis from “Petuch and two paratypes. Th e holotype (USNM 559928, Pl. Unit 10” of the Pinecrest Beds (Tamiami Formation) exposed 17, Figs 9-10) and paratype closely resemble the extant at the APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida, but his fi gured (and fossil) taxon C. sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951. specimen is likely C. jaspideus, not C. harveyensis (see p. 17). Similarities with C. sennottorum include a moderately small Consequently, I consider C. harveyensis to be restricted to the shell size, a last whorl that is sigmoidal in outline, an angulate Jackson Bluff Formation of Leon County, Florida. shoulder, an asymmetrically curved subsutural fl exure, and Remarks.–Th e fi gure of the holotype of Conus harveyensis the presence of incised spiral grooves on the anterior third (see Mansfi eld, 1930: pl. 1, fi g. 12) shows a shell that is much of the last whorl. Th e type specimens of C. parkeri, however, smaller (21 mm) and more biconic in appearance than the are too poorly preserved (for instance, they lack preservation specimens fi gured here (Pl. 15, Figs 17-18), which have of the protoconch and earliest postnuclear whorls) to justify convex last whorls. Because of the small number of specimens recognition of the fossil taxon C. parkeri as the senior synonym available for study, it is unclear whether this diff erence in shape of the extant taxon C. sennottorum, which was described four is related to an ontogenetic eff ect. In his description of C. years later. harveyensis, Mansfi eld (1930: 33) did not mention the presence of tuberculate early postnuclear whorls, but did describe the Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951 nuclear whorls as “smooth, porcellaneous, and rounded in Pl. 17, Figs 1-8; Table 15 outline.” He compared the species to the extant taxon C. stimpsoni Dall, 1902, and the fossil species C. burckhardti Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951: 63-64, fi gs 1-2. Böse, 1906, both of which he reported as having tuberculate Conus (Leptoconus) sennottorum (Rehder & Abbott, 1951). early whorls. Th e biconically-shaped holotype of C. stimpsoni Petuch, 1988: pl. 23, fi g. 11, pl. 32, fi g. 7; 1994: pl. 91, (USNM 107371; viewed at Th e Conus Biodiversity Website; fi g. g. Kohn & Anderson, 2008) appears more similar in overall shell form to C. delessertii than to the specimens attributed here to Diagnosis.–Outline of last whorl typically sigmoidal; C. harveyensis. I did not observe fossil shells closely resembling protoconch paucispiral; early postnuclear whorls with the holotype of C. stimpsoni during the course of this study. large tubercles; sutural ramp lacking spiral ornamentation; Further, no specimens of C. burckhardti, a taxon that has been subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; anterior third of last whorl with incised spiral grooves. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 37

Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- 64). Fossil specimens are known from the Plio-Pleistocene of sized. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical; outline Florida, including the Tamiami (Pinecrest Beds) and Bermont sigmoidal to nearly straight. Shoulder angulate to subangulate. formations; the taxon might also occur in the Caloosahatchee Spire moderate to high; outline slightly concave. Protoconch Formation, although unambiguous locality data are lacking. of approximately two whorls, maximum diameter ca. 0.8 mm. Remarks.–As noted above, the taxon Conus parkeri (Pl. 17, Early postnuclear whorls with large tubercles. Teleoconch Figs 9-10) appears to be very similar to C. sennottorum and sutural ramps fl at to slightly concave. Subsutural fl exure could be a senior synonym. However, the poor preservation asymmetrically curved and of moderate depth. Last whorl of the type and only specimens of that taxon prevent this with incised spiral grooves on anterior third. Color pattern designation from being further explored. Among other co- in modern specimens consisting of approximately six rows of occurring fossil taxa, C. sennottorum is most similar in form spiral dots or small blotches on posterior half of last whorl to C. cf. largillierti; diff erences separating these two taxa were (color pattern not observed in fossil specimens). discussed above (p. 31). Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– Morphometric data collected from the shells of seven fossil and Conus spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 four modern specimens of Conus sennottorum are summarized Pl. 17, Figs 11-22; Table 16 in Table 15. For the fossil specimens, MD = 0.49(SL) + 0.64 (R2 = 0.90) and MD = 0.71(AH) - 0.27 (R2 = 0.97). Conus (Lithoconus) spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953: 172, pl. 26, Material examined.–Eight lots (28 specimens) of fossil fi gs 1, 1a-d; Kamp, 1967: 55-57, pl. 6, fi gs 1-2; Petuch, 1991: and three lots (four specimens) of modern Conus sennottorum pl. 9, fi g. 15; 1994: pl. 93, fi g. i. from the collections of the FLMNH and PRI. As noted above Calusaconus spuroides (Olsson & Harbison, 1953). Petuch, 2004: pl. 80, fi g. d. (p. 30), an additional 42 fossil lots (249 specimens) that could not be diff erentiated from the similar taxon C. cf. largillierti Diagnosis.–Sutural ramps lacking spiral ornamentation; Kiener, 1845 were also examined. Observed fossil specimen subsutural fl exure symmetrically or asymmetrically curved and lots are listed in the Appendix. Pl. 17 demonstrates the of moderate depth; last whorl with weak, raised spiral threads morphological characters of modern (Figs 1-2) and fossil (Figs on basal quarter. Last-whorl color pattern typically visible in 3-8) C. sennottorum, in addition to some of the variations that normal light and consisting of 6-13 pigmented rows of spiral were observed among the studied specimens. blotches or dots; teleoconch whorls with radial streaks. Occurrence.–Th e type locality of modern Conus sennottorum Description.–Shell dextral, medium-sized to moderately is “50 miles [80.47 km] S.W. of Campeche, Yucatan, Mexico. large. Last whorl conical to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; 15 to 16 fathoms [27.4-29.3 m]” (Rehder & Abbott, 1951:

Table 15. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from fossil and modern specimens of Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) FOSSIL SPECIMENS All Specimens (n = 7) Mean 30.5 15.6 22.5 19.3 79.6 0.7 0.85 0.26 Median 33.3 16.6 24.6 20.8 79 0.7 0.85 0.27 Minimum 19.6 9.7 14.5 11.1 68 0.6 0.77 0.22 Maximum 36.9 19.0 26.9 23.6 91 0.7 0.92 0.30

MODERN SPECIMENS All Specimens (n = 4) Mean 29.9 15.5 21.0 18.7 79.8 0.74 0.90 0.30 Median 29.2 15.1 19.8 17.2 81.5 0.74 0.89 0.29 Minimum 23.3 12.2 16.1 15.3 73 0.69 0.85 0.26 Maximum 37.9 19.5 28.2 25.1 83 0.80 0.95 0.37 38 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  outline slightly convex to nearly fl at. Shoulder angulate to Type observed.–Holotype (ANSP 18642; Pl. 17, Figs subangulate. Spire moderate to high; outline slightly concave. 11-13). Early postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps Other material examined.–More than 80 lots (more than fl at to slightly sigmoidal. Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically to 450 specimens) of Conus spuroides from the collections of symmetrically curved and of moderate depth. Last whorl with the FLMNH and PRI. As noted above (p. 20), an additional weak, raised spiral threads on basal quarter, smooth above. 16 lots (99 specimens) that could not be diff erentiated from Color pattern on last whorl consisting of 6-13 rows of spiral C. spurius Gmelin, 1791, were also observed. All specimens blotches or dots; teleoconch whorls with radial streaks. examined are listed in the Appendix. Along with illustrating the Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– holotype, Pl. 17 (Figs 14-22) demonstrates the morphological Morphometric data collected from 72 specimens, including characters of C. spuroides, in addition to some of the variations the holotype (ANSP 18642) of Conus spuroides and 28 that were observed among the studied specimens. additional shells that are intermediate between C. spuroides Occurrence.–Olsson & Harbison’s (1953) holotype (ANSP and C. spurius Gmelin, 1791, are presented in Table 16. For 18642) is from an exposure of the Caloosahatchee Formation at the 72 specimens assigned to C. spuroides, MD = 0.60(SL) - La Belle, Hendry County, Florida. Most observed specimens of 1.53 (R2 = 0.98) and MD = 0.72(AH) - 0.12 (R2 = 0.99). Conus spuroides are from localities with exposures or spoil piles Number of rows of pigmented elements as a function of shell of only Caloosahatchee Formation. Two specimen lots (UF size.–Th e relationship between number of rows of spiral 56050 and 93070), however, are from localities with exposures blotches or dots and shell size in C. spuroides is described by of only Tamiami Formation and one lot (UF 117305) was the equation NRPE = 0.14(SL) + 3.07 (R2 = 0.53; n = 34). apparently collected from the Bermont Formation. Further,

Table 16. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953, as well as specimens intermediate in form between Conus spuroides and Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) CONUS SPUROIDES Type Specimen ANSP 18642 (H, C. spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953) 42.4 23.7 33.3 28.0 92 0.71 0.84 0.21 All Specimens (n = 72) Mean 37.7 21.1 29.6 25.3 93.54 0.71 0.85 0.22 Median 35.2 19.7 27.1 23.3 94.50 0.71 0.85 0.21 Minimum 23.4 11.9 17.1 14.4 73 0.67 0.82 0.16 Maximum 61.2 35.5 49.5 41.2 112 0.77 0.89 0.30


All Specimens (n = 28) Mean 29.5 15.8 23.0 19.8 91.7 0.69 0.86 0.22 Median 27.6 14.5 21.7 18.7 93.5 0.69 0.86 0.22 Minimum 21.1 11.1 16.0 13.8 75 0.64 0.81 0.16 Maximum 44.0 24.6 34.3 29.3 113 0.76 0.94 0.28

CONUS SPUROIDES & INTERMEDIATES All Specimens (n = 100) Mean 35.4 19.6 27.8 23.8 93 0.70 0.86 0.22 Median 34.3 18.9 26.4 22.4 94 0.70 0.85 0.22 Minimum 21.1 11.1 16.0 13.8 73 0.64 0.81 0.16 Maximum 61.2 35.5 49.5 41.2 113 0.77 0.94 0.30 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 39 a small number of additional specimen lots (see Appendix) threads. were observed that come from localities that are known to Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– have contained mixed stratigraphic assemblages, including Morphometric data collected from 32 specimens, including the APAC Quarry (Tamiami and Caloosahatchee formations) MCZ 113027 and 113028, are summarized in Table 17. For and the Star Ranch Pit (Caloosahatchee and Bermont these specimens, MD = 0.59(SL) - 0.77 (R2 = 0.95) and MD formations). Th ese occurrence records aside, and given no = 0.61(AH) - 0.15 (R2 = 0.95). other substantiated indications to the contrary, I conclude Types observed.–Holotype (MCZ 113027, previously that C. spuroides might be restricted to the Caloosahatchee MCZ 29229; Pl. 18, Figs 1-2) and paratype (MCZ 113028, Formation of Florida; substantiation of the occurrence of C. previously MCZ 29237). spuroides in the underlying Tamiami Formation and overlying Other material examined.–Th irty-four additional specimen Bermont Formation will require new in situ specimens of lots (more than 200 specimens) of Conus miamiensis from the known stratigraphic position to be discovered in the fi eld. collections of the FLMNH and PRI. Lots examined are listed Remarks.–Conus spuroides is very similar in form to C. in the Appendix. Along with illustrating the holotype, Pl. 18 spurius Gmelin, 1791, and it can sometimes be diffi cult to (Figs 3-8) demonstrates the morphological characters of C. distinguish the two species. Many shells labeled as C. spuroides miamiensis, in addition to some of the variations that were in museum collections are C. spurius. See the remarks observed among the studied specimens. associated with C. spurius (pp. 20-21) for morphological Occurrence.–Petuch’s types are from the Tamiami diff erences that are useful for separating these two taxa. Conus Formation (Pinecrest Beds) exposed at the Bird Road locality, spuroides is also very similar to C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991, Miami-Dade County, Florida (UF locality DA001). Observed although fossils of the two taxa are not thought to co-occur specimen lots also come from Pinecrest Beds exposed in (C. spuroides is apparently restricted to the Caloosahatchee Collier, Charlotte, Manatee, and Sarasota counties, Florida. Formation; C. evergladesensis is confi ned to the overlying A single specimen (UF 114799), however, was observed that Bermont Formation). is apparently from a locality (UF Locality HN004) in Hendry County, Florida, that predominantly contains material from Conus miamiensis Petuch, 1986 the Caloosahatchee Formation. Aside from this single record, Pl. 18, Figs 1-8; Table 17 C. miamiensis is restricted to the Tamiami Formation of southern Florida. Conus (Virgiconus) miamiensis Petuch, 1986: 407, pl. 3, fi gs 11-12; Remarks.–A species very closely resembling Conus Petuch, 1988: pl. 16, fi gs 5-6; Petuch, 1994: pl. 95, fi gs a-b. miamiensis was described and fi gured by Kamp (1967: 59-61, Virgiconus miamiensis (Petuch, 1986). Petuch, 2004: pl. 60, fi g. l. pl. 5, fi gs 5-7) in her thesis, but was never published; this name is consequently unavailable. Kamp’s “types” are present in the Diagnosis.–Shell with very low spire; protoconch FLMNH as UF 112310, 115828 (Pl. 18, Fig. 3), 115829 (Pl. mammillate; sutural ramps sigmoidal in profi le, with spiral 18, Fig. 4), and 115830 (Pl. 18, Figs 7-8). I consider these to grooves on fi rst several early postnuclear whorls and fi ne, raised be specimens of C. miamiensis, because they fully agree with spiral threads on later whorls; subsutural fl exure diagonal; last Petuch’s types. whorl with raised spiral threads extending from base of shell Petuch (1986) correctly noted the general similarity to shoulder. of Conus miamiensis to some members of the extant Indo- Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- Pacifi c clade (Duda & Kohn, 2005) containing the species C. sized. Last whorl conical to ventricosely conical; outline virgo Linnaeus, 1758, C. emaciatus Reeve, 1849, C. fl avidus straight to slightly convex; maximum diameter reached Lamarck, 1810, C. frigidus Reeve, 1848, and C. terebra Born, beneath shoulder. Shoulder angulate to subangulate. Spire 1778. Among co-occurring species, C. miamiensis can be height low; outline fl at to concave. When preserved, larval confused with the low-spired taxon C. paranobilis Petuch, shell protruding above later teleoconch whorls, maximum 1991, but lacks the distinctive color pattern (a pigmented diameter ca. 0.7 mm. Teleoconch sutural ramps sigmoidal in netting surrounding white blotches or tents), stepped spire profi le; spiral grooves present on fi rst several early postnuclear whorls, and tubercles on the early postnuclear whorls that whorls and fi ne, raised spiral treads on later whorls. Subsutural characterize C. paranobilis. fl exure diagonal; depth approximately one and one-half times width. Last whorl with raised spiral threads often extending Conus hertwecki Petuch, 1988 from anterior end to shoulder (although becoming nearly Pl. 18, Figs 9-10 obsolete toward the shoulder in some specimens). Color pattern on last whorl consisting of ca. 30 rows of spiral dots Conus hertwecki Petuch, 1988: 56-57, pl. 18, fi gs 3-4. or dashes, with pigmentation occurring on top of the spiral Conus (Conasprella) hertwecki (Petuch, 1988). Petuch, 1994: pl. 94, 40 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 17. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus miamiensis Petuch, 1986. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens MCZ 113027 (H, C. miamiensis Petuch, 1986) 31.5 18.7 30.7 26.8 164 0.61 0.87 0.02 MCZ 113028 (P, C. miamiensis Petuch, 1986) 22.9 13.7 21.1 17.7 142 0.65 0.84 0.08 All Specimens (n = 32) Mean 24.9 14.0 23.3 20.2 144.7 0.60 0.87 0.07 Median 23.4 13.6 22.3 19.4 143.5 0.60 0.87 0.07 Minimum 17.2 9.6 15.9 13.9 125 0.54 0.84 0.02 Maximum 36.2 20.8 35.6 30.4 164 0.65 0.90 0.11

fi g. f. tubercles (absent in mature specimens); sutural ramps with two incised spiral grooves; subsutural fl exure asymmetrically Description.–Shell dextral, small. Last whorl conical; curved; last whorl with raised spiral threads on anterior third outline slightly convex. Aperture slightly wider at base than and one or two rows of fi ne spiral beads below shoulder; near shoulder. Shoulder angulate; undulations on fi nal color pattern on last whorl usually visible in normal light quarter of last shoulder whorl might be tubercles. Spire height and consisting of 7-13 rows of spiral, square dots or blotches; moderate; outline slightly concave. Teleoconch sutural ramps teleoconch whorls with radial blotches. sigmoidal. Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; depth Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- approximately equal to width. Last whorl with strong spiral sized. Last whorl conical; outline nearly straight to slightly chords on anterior half, becoming weaker toward shoulder. sigmoidal. Shoulder angulate with radially elongate tubercles Type observed.–Holotype (USNM 427968; Pl. 18, Figs in smaller individuals; shoulder smooth in mature individuals. 9-10). Shell length 14.9 mm; maximum diameter 7.5 mm; Spire moderate to high; outline fl at to slightly concave. Early apertural height 12.9 mm; height of maximum diameter 12.3 postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps mm; spire angle 111º. Shell is in very good condition. No slightly convex to sigmoidal with two weak incised spiral other specimens known. grooves. Subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; width Occurrence.–Holotype was “collected with reef corals, approximately one and a half to two times depth. Last whorl dredged in Mule Pen Quarry, East of Naples, Collier County, with raised spiral threads on anterior third; one or two rows of Florida, from approximately 20 m depth” (Petuch, 1988: 56) fi ne spiral beads present just below shoulder. Color pattern on and is from the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds). last whorl consisting of ca. 7-13 rows of spiral, square dots or Remarks.–Th is is a distinctive looking specimen that blotches; teleoconch whorls with radial blotches. cannot be readily placed with any other co-occurring species. Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– Because it is represented by a single specimen, however, this Morphometric data collected from six specimens of Conus taxon cannot be further evaluated at this time. Petuch (1988) violetae, including the holotype (USNM 427969), are compared Conus hertwecki to the extant western Pacifi c taxon summarized in Table 18. For these specimens, MD = 0.56(SL) C. proximus G. B. Sowerby II, 1859, which does have a very - 1.55 (R2 = 0.99) and MD = 0.65(AH) + 0.36 (R2 = 0.99). similar overall shell form (e.g., see Röckel et al., 1995). Type observed.–Holotype (USNM 427969; Pl. 18, Figs 11-13). Conus violetae Petuch, 1988 Other material examined.–Total of 9 lots (12 specimens) Pl. 18, Figs 11-19; Table 18 of Conus violetae from the collections of FLMNH and PRI. Specimens examined are listed in the Appendix. Along with Conus violetae Petuch, 1988: 57, pl. 18, fi gs 5-6, 15-16. illustrating the holotype, Pl. 18 (Figs 14-19) demonstrates Conus (Leptoconus) violetae (Petuch, 1988). Petuch, 1994: pl. 92, the morphological characters of C. violetae, in addition to fi gs m-n. some of the variations that were observed among the studied Seminoleconus violetae (Petuch, 1988). Petuch, 2004: pl. 53, fi g. f. specimens. Conus consobrinus G. B. Sowerby II, 1850. Kamp, 1967: 43-47, pl. 6, fi gs 5-6 (non G. B. Sowerby II, 1850). Occurrence.–Th e holotype is from Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida, Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Diagnosis.–Most teleoconch whorls with radially elongate Beds (Petuch, 1988). Conus violetae is only known from HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 41

Table 18.—Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus violetae Petuch, 1988. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimen USNM 427969 (H, C. violetae Petuch, 1988) 22.1* 11.0* 16.0* 14.6* 72 0.69 0.91 0.28 All Specimens (n = 6) Mean 26.6 13.4 20.1 18.2 79.2 0.67 0.91 0.25 Median 25.6 12.6 19.4 17.8 77.5 0.67 0.91 0.25 Minimum 16.0 7.6 11.0 10.0 66 0.64 0.88 0.21 Maximum 35.5 19.0 28.2 25.5 94 0.69 0.94 0.31 * = Slight specimen breakage prevented accurate measurement. the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) exposed in Collier Diagnosis.–Shoulder sharply angulate to angulate; early County, Florida. postnuclear whorls weakly tuberculate; sutural ramps with Remarks.–As noted by Petuch (1988), Conus violetae shares spiral grooves and prominent growth lines; subsutural fl exure some similarity with C. spuroides in overall shape and color asymmetrically curved; last whorl with raised spiral threads on pattern, but is readily distinguished from that species by its anterior third, sometimes extending weakly to shoulder. radially elongate tubercles, which are present on the shoulders Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- of many of the teleoconch whorls, and its fi ne spiral beads sized. Last whorl conical; outline straight to slightly convex beneath the shoulder. near shoulder. Shoulder sharply angulate to angulate. Spire of In her unpublished Masters thesis, Kamp (1968) low to moderate height; outline slightly concave. First several described Conus consobrinus G. B. Sowerby II, 1850, as postnuclear whorls weakly tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural occurring in the Pinecrest Beds of the Tamiami Formation. I ramps slightly concave to slightly convex or sigmoidal, with found and examined two of her specimens, UF 115832 (Pl. several spiral grooves; radial growth lines prominent. Subsutural 18, Figs 14-15) and UF 115833 (Pl. 18, Figs 18-19), and I fl exure asymmetrically curved; depth approximately one and conclude that these are not consistent with C. consobrinus, a half times width. Last whorl with raised spiral threads on a fossil taxon from the Dominican Republic. Pfl ug (1961) basal third, sometimes extending weakly toward shoulder. designated a lectotype for C. consobrinus (BMNH 83962, Last whorl color pattern consisting of ca. 25-30 rows of spiral Heneken Collection), which he also fi gured (Pfl ug, 1961: dots or dashes. In some specimens (e.g., Pl. 19, Figs 8, 11), pl. 17, fi gs 1-2). His fi gures of the lectotype, in addition to there also appear to be two discontinuous spiral bands (on those of several other specimens, show few similarities with either side of the midline of the shell) that form axial streaks. C. violetae beyond the presence of similar elongate tubercles Teleoconch whorls with radial streaks. on the teleoconch whorls, grooves on the teleoconch sutural Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– ramps, and spiral beads on the last whorl (in C. violetae, two Morphometric data collected from 29 specimens of Conus bassi, rows of spiral beads occur beneath the shoulder, but in some including the type specimens listed below, are summarized in specimens of C. consobrinus, rows of spiral beads appear to Table 19. For these specimens, MD = 0.49(SL) + 0.03 (R2 = cover much of the last whorl). In particular, some specimens 0.93) and MD = 0.57(AH) + 0.26 (R2 = 0.96). of C. consobrinus are much larger than C. violetae (e.g., the Types observed.–Observed holotype (CM 35663; Pl. 19, lectotype of C. consobrinus has SL = 65 mm [Pfl ug, 1961]; the Figs 1-2) and one paratype (CM 35664). largest observed specimen of C. violetae has SL = 35.5 mm) Other material examined.–Th irty-eight lots (135 specimens) and most specimens have last whorls that are more elongate of Conus bassi from the collections of FLMNH and PRI. As in shape (Pfl ug’s fi gure [pl. 17, fi g. 1] of the lectotype appears noted above (p. 22), an additional 68 lots (more than 450 to have RD = 0.60) than those of C. violetae (which have RD specimens) were observed that might be assignable to either ranging 0.64-0.69). C. bassi or C. daucus. Fossil specimen lots observed are listed in the Appendix. Along with illustrating the holotype, Plate Conus bassi Petuch, 1991 19 (Figs 3-12) demonstrates the morphological characters Pl. 19, Figs 1-12; Table 19 of C. bassi, in addition to some of the variations that were observed among the studied specimens. Conus (Leptoconus) bassi Petuch, 1991: 51, pl. 9, fi gs 7, 13; 1994: Occurrence.–Th e holotype (CM 35663) and paratype pl. 91, fi g. b. (CM 35664) are from the APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Dauciconus bassi (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 61, fi g. b. 42 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 19. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus bassi Petuch, 1991. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens CM 35663 (H, C. bassi Petuch, 1991) 34.8 18.8 30.0 27.0 115 0.63 0.90 0.14 CM 35664 (P, C. bassi Petuch, 1991) 30.2 13.9 24.8 23.5 96 0.56 0.95 0.18 All Specimens (n = 29) Mean 30.6 15.0 25.7 24.2 103.1 0.59 0.94 0.16 Median 30.2 14.6 24.8 23.5 103 0.58 0.94 0.17 Minimum 21.7 10.4 17.8 16.5 83 0.53 0.90 0.10 Maximum 43.1 20.5 35.7 33.5 125 0.63 0.96 0.22

Florida, and were collected from “Unit 7” (Petuch, 1982) Calusaconus tomeui Petuch, 2004: 290-291, pl. 85, fi g. h. of the Pinecrest Beds (Petuch, 1991). Th irty-six of the 40 observed lots of Conus bassi are from exposures of the Tamiami Diagnosis.–Last whorl often sigmoidal in outline; spire Formation (Pinecrest Beds) in southern Florida, including height usually high; sutural ramps lacking spiral ornamenta- those in Collier, Glades, Manatee, and Sarasota counties. Lot tion; subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; last whorl with PRI 40213 (7 specimens) is from the DeSoto Pits (DeSoto raised spiral threads on anterior third (sometimes extending County, Florida), which might contain specimens from the to shoulder); color pattern typically visible in normal light Caloosahatchee and/or Bermont formations. Additional and consisting of up to 20 rows of spiral dashes or blotches on occurrence records are recognized by single specimen lots, last whorl and radial blotches on teleoconch whorls. including the Jackson Bluff Formation (UF 79448; Leon Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- County, Florida), the Caloosahatchee Formation (PRI 44074; sized. Last whorl conical to broadly and/or ventricosely conical; Hendry County, Florida), and the Bermont Formation (UF outline convex to sigmoidal. Shoulder angulate to subangulate. 58069). I have not, however, been able to verify these non- Spire height usually high, sometimes moderate; outline fl at Tamiami Formation occurrence records in original fi eld to concave. Larval shell paucispiral. Early postnuclear whorls collections. tuberculate. Teleoconch sutural ramps concave to convex, Remarks.–Conus bassi shares some similarities with the often sigmoidal in profi le in later whorls. Subsutural fl exure extant species C. daucus (including fossils) and C. amphiurgus asymmetrically curved, of moderate depth. Last whorl with (the latter was also mentioned in Petuch’s original description). spiral threads on basal third, sometimes extending faintly Th ese similarities include overall last whorl shape, often low to shoulder. Last whorl color pattern consisting of 6-20 spire height, grooves and tubercles on the early postnuclear rows (number increasing with shell size) of spiral dashes and whorls (see description of C. daucus on p. 21; furthermore, blotches that sometimes coalesce to form larger blotches; Walls [1979: 91] reported that the “earliest 2 or 3 whorls” teleoconch whorls with radial blotches. of C. amphiurgus are “weakly nodulose”), and prominent Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– radial growth lines on the sutural ramps. Two characters Morphometric data collected from 49 specimens of Conus (color pattern and subsutural fl exure morphology) that can evergladesensis, including ANSP 52842, one specimen from sometimes be used to distinguish between C. daucus and C. CM 35718, and three from AMNH 50678, are summarized bassi were discussed above (pp. 22-23) in the remarks about in Table 20. For these specimens, MD = 0.59(SL) - 1.34 (R2 = fossil specimens of C. daucus. Conus bassi is also similar to C. 0.97) and MD = 0.69(AH) + 1.24 (R2 = 0.98). burnetti n. sp.; see p. 45. Number of rows of pigmented elements as a function of shell size.–Th e relationship between the number of rows of spiral Conus evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 dashes or blotches and shell shape in Conus evergladesensis Pl. 20, Figs 1-9; Table 20 is described by the equation NRPE = 0.48(SL) - 1.17 (R2 = 0.77; n = 45). Conus (Lithoconus) evergladesensis Petuch, 1991: 53, pl. 9, fi gs 10-12; Types observed.–Th e identity of the holotype of Conus 1994: pl. 92, fi gs h-i. evergladesensis requires clarifi cation. Petuch (1991: 53) Calusaconus evergladesensis (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 89, fi g. designated ANSP 52843 as the holotype for C. evergladesensis e. (which he described as 27 mm long) and he designated ANSP HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 43

Table 20. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus evergladesensis Petuch, 1991. H, holotype; P, paratype. ANSP 52843 is the true holotype of C. evergladesensis, not ANSP 52842; see text for details (pp. 42-43).

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens ANSP 52843 (H, C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991) 26.5 13.5 17.3 15.3 65 0.78 0.88 0.35 ANSP 52843-a (P, C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991) 32.0 16.7 21.7 18.8 72 0.77 0.87 0.32 ANSP 52843-b (P, C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991) 23.5 12.6 16.6 13.7 74 0.76 0.83 0.29 ANSP 52842 (P, C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991) 32.4 17.1 23.0 20.5 78 0.74 0.89 0.29 CM 35718 (P, C. evergladesensis Petuch, 1991) 28.9 14.6 19.0 16.0 69 0.77 0.84 0.34 AMNH 50678 (H, Calusaconus tomeui Petuch, 2004) 32.7 18.0 25.2 21.8 92 0.72 0.87 0.23 All Specimens (n = 49) Mean 28.8 15.5 20.7 17.7 79.9 0.75 0.85 0.29 Median 27.3 14.6 19.2 16.4 79 0.75 0.85 0.29 Minimum 17.3 9.1 12.1 10.4 58 0.67 0.80 0.21 Maximum 43.9 25.2 33.2 29.1 99 0.79 0.91 0.38

52842 and CM 35716 as paratypic lots. Th e specimen that the similarities in “size, shape, and color pattern” between he fi gured as the holotype (Petuch, 1991: pl. 9, fi gs 10-11) these two taxa and stated that C. evergladesensis was the is described in its fi gure caption as having a length of 27 mm descendant of C. tomeui and that C. tomeui “forms the perfect and a specimen fi gured as a paratype is described as having morphological intermediate between the older, completely a length of 34 mm. Th e specimen cataloged at the ANSP as smooth C. spuroides from the Caloosahatchee Formation and the holotype of C. evergladesensis (ANSP 52842; Pl. 20, Fig. the completely sculptured C. evergladesensis from the upper 3) contains a handwritten note identifying it as such, but I Bermont Formation.” Specimens of C. spuroides (see Pl. 17, conclude that it should instead be considered as a paratype. Figs 11-22), however, do have raised spiral threads on the Petuch’s fi gures (1991: pl. 9, fi gs 10-11) of the holotype anterior quarter of the last whorl and some specimens of C. match one of the three specimens in the “paratypic” lot ANSP evergladesensis have spiral threads that do not generally extend 52843. I conclude that this specimen (Pl. 20, Figs 1-2), which much further than approximately one-third or one-half the I measured as SL = 26.5 mm, is in fact the specimen that way up the last whorl from the anterior end of the shell. Th e Petuch (1991: pl. 9, fi gs 10-11) fi gured as the holotype of morphological diff erences supposedly separating these two C. evergladesensis and that ANSP 52842 (Pl. 20, Fig. 3) is a taxa (primarily the extent of spiral-thread sculpturing on the paratype, and could be the specimen fi gured as such by Petuch last whorl) do not justify the establishment of C. tomeui as a (1991: pl. 9, fi g. 12). An additional paratypic lot (CM 35718) fossil species distinct from C. evergladesensis. of C. evergladesensis and the holotype of Calusaconus tomeui (AMNH 50678; Pl. 20, Figs 4-5) were also observed. Conus paranobilis Petuch, 1991 Other material examined.–More than 25 additional Pl. 20, Figs 10-22; Table 21 lots (more than 100 specimens) of Conus evergladesensis at FLMNH and PRI were observed. Lots examined are listed in Conus (Leptoconus) paranobilis Petuch, 1991: 51-52, pl. 10, fi g. 1; the Appendix. Along with illustrating the type specimens, Pl. 1994: pl. 91, fi g. h. 20 (Figs 6-9) demonstrates the morphological characters of C. Eugeniconus paranobilis (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 61, fi g. c. evergladesensis, in addition to some of the variations that were Eugeniconus irisae Petuch, 2004: 293-294, pl. 61, fi g. l. observed among the studied specimens. Occurrence.–Only known from Palm Beach County, Diagnosis.–Spire low to moderate; shoulder carinate; early Florida. Restricted to the Bermont Formation. postnuclear whorls tuberculate; sutural ramps with several Remarks.–Conus evergladesensis is most similar in raised spiral threads on earliest whorls and pronounced axial morphology to C. spurius and C. spuroides; see the remarks for growth lines; subsutural fl exure symmetrically curved; raised those two species (pp. 20-21, 39) for diff erences separating spiral threads at base of last whorl. them from C. evergladesensis. Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small to medium- I consider Petuch’s (2004) species Calusaconus tomeui to be sized. Last whorl conical; outline straight to slightly convex. a synonym of Conus evergladesensis. Petuch (2004: 291) noted Shoulder carinate. Spire low to moderate; whorls often 44 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 21. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus paranobilis Petuch, 1991. H, holotype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens CM 35665 (H, C. paranobilis Petuch, 1991) 23.7 12.3 22.3 21.3 149 0.55 0.96 0.06 AMNH 50681 (H, Eugeniconus irisae Petuch, 2004) 29.8 14.7 26.8 24.3 144 0.55 0.91 0.10 All Specimens (n = 10) Mean 32.3 16.3 29.4 26.1 133.8 0.56 0.89 0.09 Median 30.0 15.4 27.4 24.2 133.0 0.55 0.88 0.09 Minimum 23.6 11.7 21.0 18.0 123 0.54 0.85 0.06 Maximum 52.1 25.5 47.5 43.0 149 0.59 0.96 0.13 stepped; outline fl at to concave; apex mammillate in very pattern of E. irisae as “fi nely triangle-patterned,” thereby low-spired individuals. Poorly preserved protoconchs on diff erentiating it from the “coarsely triangle-patterned” C. two specimens (UF 114766, PRI 54488) appear paucispiral. paranobilis. In my examination of the holotype of E. irisae, First two or three postnuclear whorls tuberculate. Teleoconch however, I could see no color pattern on the last whorl sutural ramps nearly fl at in early whorls, concave to sigmoidal (including under ultraviolet light), making it impossible to in later whorls, with several raised spiral threads on earliest verify this claim. Petuch (2004: 294) also diff erentiated E. whorls; axial growth lines often pronounced. Subsutural irisae from C. paranobilis by noting its “more slender shell with fl exure symmetrically curved; depth approximately one and a narrower shoulder,” its “distinctly canaliculate spire whorls,” one-half to two times width. Last whorl with raised spiral and its “smoother shell”; I have, however, observed variation threads on anterior third, sometimes extending to shoulder in more than 30 shells of C. paranobilis, and these attributes in larger specimens. Color pattern on last whorl consisting do not seem substantial enough to justify the recognition of of pigmented axial fl ames that sometimes merge to form this additional, co-occurring species, which was described reticulations surrounding unpigmented regions that are based on two specimens (the holotype, AMNH 50681, and blotch- or tent-shaped. a paratype reportedly [Petuch, 2004: 293] located in Petuch’s Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– personal research collection). Morphometric data collected from 10 specimens, including Conus paranobilis could be confused with the co-occurring, the type specimens listed below, are summarized in Table 21. low-spired species C. miamiensis. See the discussion of C. For these specimens, MD = 0.48(SL) + 0.86 (R2 = 0.99) and miamiensis (p. 39) for attributes separating these two species. MD = 0.52(AH) + 1.04 (R2 = 0.99). Types observed.–Holotype (CM 35665; Pl. 20, Figs 10- Conus protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 11) of Conus paranobilis and holotype of Eugeniconus irisae Pl. 18, Figs 20-21 (AMNH 50681; Pl. 20, Figs 12-13). Other material examined.–Sixteen additional specimen lots Conus (Stephanoconus) protocardinalis Petuch, 1991: 54, pl. 9, fi g. (32 specimens) of Conus paranobilis from the collections of 14. FLMNH and PRI were observed. Lots examined are listed in Conus (Purpuriconus) protocardinalis (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 1994: the Appendix. Along with illustrating the type specimens, Pl. pl. 94, fi gs a-b. Purpuriconus protocardinalis (Petuch, 1991). Petuch, 2004: pl. 81, 20 (Figs 14-22) demonstrates the morphological characters of fi g. f. C. paranobilis, in addition to some of the variations that were observed among the studied specimens. Description.–Shell dextral, small. Last whorl broadly Occurrence.–Th e holotype of Conus paranobilis was collected conical; outline slightly convex. Shoulder angulate, with weak from the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) exposed at the undulations. Spire high and stepped; outline fl at. Teleoconch APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Specimens are also sutural ramps concave. Subsutural fl exure symmetrically known from Pinecrest Beds exposed in Manatee, Collier, and curved. Last whorl with raised spiral threads on anterior Okeechobee counties, Florida. Conus paranobilis is restricted third. to the Tamiami Formation of southern Florida. Type observed.–Holotype (CM 35693; Pl. 18, Figs 20-21). Remarks.–Petuch’s holotype of Eugeniconus irisae appears Shell length 22.0 mm; maximum diameter 11.5 mm; indistinguishable in shell characteristics from the holotype of apertural height 15.3 mm, height of maximum diameter 14.1 Conus paranobilis. Petuch (2004: 294) characterized the color HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 45 mm, spire angle 73º. Early teleoconch whorls are missing and Table 22. For these specimens, MD = 0.51(SL) + 0.37 (R2 = preserved whorls are eroded; lip is broken. 0.79) and MD = 0.61(AH) + 1.18 (R2 = 0.86). Occurrence.–Holotype is “from canal dredging (20 m Type specimens here designated.–Holotype, UF 115840 depth) along Miami Canal, 1 km north of Broward-Palm (Pl. 19, Figs 13-18); fi gured paratypes include PRI 54720 Beach County levee in Palm Beach County, Florida” (Petuch, (Pl. 19, Fig. 19), UF 115841 (Pl. 19, Fig. 20), PRI 54721 1991: 54) and is reportedly from the Caloosahatchee (Pl. 19, Fig. 21), UF 115842 (Pl. 19, Fig. 22), UF 115843 Formation. Petuch (1994: pl. 94, fi g. a) fi gured a second (Pl. 19, Fig. 23), and PRI 54722 (Pl. 19, Fig. 24); additional specimen of Conus protocardinalis, which is apparently from paratypic lots are UF 115673 (1 specimen), UF 58638 his personal collection. He provided the following locality (1 specimen), UF 114758 (9 specimens), UF 114760 (7 information for this specimen: “Griffi n Bros. pit, Holey Land specimens), UF 114768 (4 specimens), and PRI 46036 (1 area, Palm Beach Co.” (Petuch, 1994: 230), Florida. No other specimen). Th is species was fi rst recognized in fossil material specimens are known. from the McGinty Collection, FLMNH; presumably, the UF Remarks.–Signifi cant shell damage makes this specimen type specimens were originally collected by one or both of the diffi cult to evaluate. Several characteristics, however, suggest McGinty brothers (Paul and Th omas). Additional specimens that it represents a distinctive species. Th ese include the overall of Conus burnetti are present in the McGinty Collections at shape of the shell, the presence of shoulder undulations, and the FLMNH (currently uncatalogued). the presence of a symmetrically curved subsutural fl exure. Th e Type locality and occurrence.–Th e holotype (UF 115840) color pattern described by Petuch (1991: 54; “single band of and paratypic lots UF 115841, 115842, 114758, and 114760 pale-brown fl ammules around midbody”) was not observed were collected from Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) in the holotype under ultraviolet light and no obvious color spoil material at UF locality CR014 (Alligator Alley 03, patterns are visible in normal light (Pl. 18, Fig. 20). Further Collier County, Florida), which is herein designated as the exploration of the status of this species will be possible only type locality. Th is material was located along Alligator Alley with the discovery of more fossil material. Petuch compared (FL Rte. 84), 21.5 mi (34.6 km) east of the intersection with this species with the extant taxon Conus cardinalis. Th is shell FL Rte. 29. UF 115673 and 115843 were collected from UF also resembles the extant taxon C. ammiralis regius Gmelin, locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01; UF 114768 was collected 1791. from UF locality CR021: Alligator Alley 04; all three of these previous UF localities are in Collier County, Florida. Four Conus burnetti n. sp. PRI paratypic lots (PRI 46036, 54720, 54721, and 54722) Pl. 19, Figs 13-24; Table 22 were also collected from spoil piles of Tamiami Formation along Alligator Alley (FL Rte. 84/U. S. Rte. I-75) and are Diagnosis.–Shoulder with a ridge-forming carina; late presumably from Collier County, Florida. An additional sutural ramps convex with raised spiral threads and grooves; specimen (UF 58638) is from UF locality HN022: Hendry subsutural fl exure asymmetrically curved; anterior third of last County Rockpit, Caloosahatchee Formation, Hendry whorl with raised spiral threads, sometimes extending weakly County, Florida. With the exception of this single specimen, toward shoulder. C. burnetti is not known outside of Collier County and is Description.–Shell dextral, moderately small. Last whorl likely restricted to the Tamiami Formation (Pinecrest Beds) of conical to broadly conical; outline slightly convex to sigmoidal. southern Florida. Shoulder carinate, forming a prominent ridge. Spire height Etymology.–Th is species is named for Burnett Smith (1877- moderate to high; outline slightly concave to fl at. Early 1958) in honor of his contributions to our understanding of sutural ramps fl at to convex; later ramps convex, with several Plio-Pleistocene Conus from the southeastern U. S. (Smith, raised spiral threads and intervening grooves. Subsutural 1929, 1930, 1945) and his service and signifi cant donations fl exure asymmetrically curved; depth slightly greater than of fossil material to the Paleontological Research Institution. width. Last whorl with raised spiral threads on basal third, Remarks.–Conus burnetti is most similar to the co- sometimes extending weakly toward shoulder. Color pattern occurring fossil species C. bassi, particularly in regard to its on last whorl consisting of elongate axial streaks on posterior color pattern and the shape of its subsutural fl exure (see Pl. half that are overlain by ca. 20-25 rows of spiral dots and 4-8 19). Conus burnetti, however, can be distinguished from C. narrow bands, both of which cover the last whorl; teleoconch bassi in (1) its greater mean relative diameter (RD = 0.66, whorls with radial streaks that appear to follow growth lines. range 0.62-0.72, n = 17, in C. burnetti; RD = 0.59, range Morphometrics and shell shape as a function of shell size.– 0.53-0.63, n = 29, in C. bassi), (2) its usually convex sutural Morphometric data collected from 17 specimens of Conus ramps on late teleoconch whorls, and (3) its carinate, ridge- burnetti, all of which are type specimens, are summarized in forming shoulder. Th e new species is otherwise distinct in 46 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Table 22. Statistical summary of morphometric data collected from type and other specimens of Conus burnetti n. sp. H, holotype; P, paratype.

SL MD AH HMD SA RD PMD RSH (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (deg.) Type Specimens UF 115840 (H, C. burnetti n. sp.) 26.9 13.6 20.8 19.0 85 0.65 0.91 0.23 PRI 54720 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 29.2 16.0 24.2 22.7 105 0.66 0.94 0.17 PRI 54721 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 27.2 15.4 21.4 19.8 95 0.72 0.93 0.21 PRI 54722 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 27.1 14.8 22.9 21.6 109 0.65 0.94 0.15 UF 115673 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 22.7 11.3 17.5 16.1 83 0.65 0.92 0.23 UF 115843 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 24.8 12.4 19.6 18.2 90 0.63 0.93 0.21 UF 115841 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 29.9 14.5 22.4 21.0 80 0.65 0.94 0.25 UF 115842 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 34.4 18.3 27.6 25.6 93 0.66 0.93 0.20 UF 114758-4 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 27.8 14.7 22.6 21.4 98 0.65 0.95 0.19 UF 114758-5 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 28.9 15.1 23.6 22.0 98 0.64 0.93 0.18 UF 114758-6 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 26.3 13.3 19.8 18.3 82 0.67 0.92 0.25 UF 114758-7 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 28.5 14.6 22.2 20.5 88 0.66 0.92 0.22 UF 114760-1 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 27.0 15.0 21.6 20.4 97 0.70 0.94 0.20 UF 114760-2 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 23.5 13.6 18.8 17.3 97 0.72 0.92 0.20 UF 114760-3 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 29.1 15.2 23.2 21.3 92 0.65 0.92 0.20 UF 114768-1 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 27.9 14.2 23 20.4 100 0.62 0.89 0.18 UF 114768-2 (P, C. burnetti n. sp.) 26.8 14.5 21.7 20.5 100 0.67 0.94 0.19 All Specimens (n = 17) Mean 27.5 14.5 21.9 20.4 93.6 0.66 0.93 0.20 Median 27.2 14.6 22.2 20.5 95 0.65 0.93 0.20 Minimum 22.7 11.3 17.5 16.1 80 0.62 0.89 0.15 Maximum 34.4 18.3 27.6 25.6 109 0.72 0.95 0.25

shell form from other co-occurring fossil Conus taxa. specimens to observe, copies of obscure references, and several unpublished observations. Jennifer Hodgson, Patrick ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Brennan, Francesca Allaby, and other volunteers assisted me Completion of this project would not have been possible with specimen curation projects at PRI. Alan Kohn kindly without access to thousands of shells of fossil and modern provided me with numerous e-mail answers to my many Conus specimens, including many types. I wish to thank questions about Conus biology and systematics and also the following individuals and institutions for making these provided helpful discussions of terminology for states of the materials available to me for study: Warren Allmon, Paul subsutural fl exure character. Further, his integrative “Conus Krohn, Amy Moe, Bill Klose, Greg Dietl, Judith Nagel- Biodiversity Website” (Kohn & Anderson, 2008) proved to Myers, and Verity Whalen (PRI), Warren Blow (USNM), be a valuable resource during this project and it should be Paul Callomon (ANSP), Fred Collier (MCZ), Bushra considered a model database for systematic research. I also Hussaini (AMNH), Albert Kollar (CM), Roger Portell and acknowledge my dissertation committee members, Warren John Slapcinsky (FLMNH), and Lauck Ward (VMNH). Allmon, John Cisne, Drew Harvell, and Kevin Nixon, who all Numerous other individuals assisted me in many diff erent provided me with valuable support and direction throughout ways throughout the course of this project and some of these the course of my dissertation work at Cornell University people deserve special mention. Barbara and Reed Toomey (much of the present work is taken from Chapters 1 and 2 provided me with generous hospitality during two of my trips to of my dissertation; Hendricks, 2005). In particular, I wish to Gainesville. Sean Roberts provided expert digital photography acknowledge Warren Allmon’s unwavering encouragement assistance at FLMNH. Carole Daugherty assisted me with use and enthusiasm for this project, which began as a senior of the scanning electron microscopes at the Cornell Integrated research project (with advisor Dana Geary) while I was an Microscopy Center. Harry Lee generously supplied me with undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin. I am grateful for Elizabeth Hermsen’s constant support and helpful advice HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 47 throughout the nine-year span of this project. Warren Vindobonensis. Pars Prima, Testacea. Vienna. Allmon, Alan Kohn, Paula Mikkelsen, and Roger Portell are Böse, E. 1906. Sobre algunas faunas terciarias de México. Boletin all thanked for providing thoughtful and critical reviews of, Instituto Geológico de México, 22: 1-92. comments on, and/or editorial assistance with earlier drafts of Brocchi, G. B. 1814. Conchiologia Fossile Subapennina, con Osservazioni Geologiche sugli Apennini e sul suolo adiacente. this manuscript. Nevertheless, any errors in the present work Stamperia Reale, Milan. 712 pp. are solely my fault. Brown, A. P., & H. A. Pilsbry. 1911. Fauna of the Gatun Formation, Generous fi nancial support for this research was provided Isthumus of Panama. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural by the following sources: Conchologists of America Student Sciences of Philadelphia, 63: 336-373, pls 22-29, text-fi gs 1-3. Research Grant, the American Museum of Natural History Bruguière, J. G. 1792. Cone. Encylopédie Méthodique: Histoire Lerner-Gray Fund, the Paleontological Society Student Naturelle des Vers, 1: 586-757. Research Grant, two Geological Society of America Graduate Camp, D. K., W. G. Lyons, & T. H. Perkins. 1998. Checklist of Student Research Grants, the Paleontological Research selected shallow-water marine invertebrates of Florida. Florida Institution, the Vokes Award of the Florida Museum of Department of Environmental Protection, FMRI Technical Report Natural History, and the Brayfi eld Award of the Florida TR-3, 239 pp. Campbell, L. D. 1993. Pliocene Molluscs from the Yorktown and Museum of Natural History (funded by the Southwest Florida Chowan River Formations in Virginia. Virginia Division of Fossil Club). Final completion of this work at the University Mineral Resources Publication 127, 259 pp. of Kansas was supported by NSF EAR 0518976. Campbell, L. D., S. Campbell, D. Colquhoun, & J. Ernissee. 1975. Finally, Roger Portell deserves a special thank you. He went Plio-Pleistocene faunas of the central Carolina Coastal Plain. far out of his way countless times to support the thoroughness Geological Notes (South Carolina Geological Survey), 19: 51-124. of this study. In particular, he allowed me generous access Campbell, M. R., & L. D. Campbell. 1995. Preliminary biostrati- to UF fossil specimens (both onsite and through several graphy and molluscan fauna of the Goose Creek Limestone of very large specimen loans), took me into the fi eld, supplied eastern South Carolina. Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleon- enjoyable hospitality during my several stays in Gainesville, tology, 27: 53-100. Chemnitz, J. H. 1788. Neues Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet, 10. and always provided me with kind and helpful advice in all Nürnberg. matters. Completion of the present work would not have Children, J. G. 1823. Lamarck’s genera of shells. Quaternary Journal been possible without his help. of Science, Literature and the Arts, 16: 49-79. Clench, W. J. 1942. Th e genus Conus in the western Atlantic. LITERATURE CITED Johnsonia, 1: 1-40. Abbott, M. J. 1988a. A new species of Ximeniconus Emerson and Conrad, T. A. 1840. New fossil shells from North Carolina. American Old, 1962, from the Caloosahatchee Formation of southern Journal of Science, ser. 1, 39: 387-388. Florida, U.S.A. Bulletin of Paleomalacology, 1(2): 31-33. Conrad, T. A. 1841. Appendix to: Observations on the Secondary Abbott, M. J. 1988b. Additions to the cone shell fauna of the and Tertiary formations of the southern Atlantic States, by James Caloosahatchee Formation of southern Florida. Bulletin of T. Hodge. American Journal of Science, ser. 1, 41: 332-348. Paleomalacology, 1(3): 39-41. Conrad, T. A. 1869. Notes on Recent Mollusca. American Journal of Akers, W. H. 1972. Planktonic Foraminifera and biostratigraphy of Conchology, 5: 104-108. some Neogene formations, northern Florida and the Atlantic Cossman, M. 1889. 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Bulletins of American Pleistocene stratigraphy, depositional history, and molluscan Paleontology, 89: 1-79. paleobiogeography of the Coastal Plain. Pp 274-289, in: Th e Scott, T. M. 1997. Miocene to Holocene history of Florida. Pp Geology of the Carolinas, J. W. Horton, Jr., & V. A. Zullo, eds., 57-68, in: Th e Geology of Florida, A. F. Randazzo & D. S. University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. Jones, eds., University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Ward, L. W., & B. W. Blackwelder. 1987. Late Pliocene and early Smith, B. 1929. Young stages of Conus adversarius Conrad. Pro- Pleistocene Mollusca from the James City and Chowan River ceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 81: formations at the Lee Creek Mine. Pp 113-283, in: Geology and 659-663. Paleontology of the Lee Creek Mine, North Carolina, II, C. E. Ray, Smith, B. 1930. Some specifi c criteria in Conus. Proceedings of the ed., Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 61. Smithsonian Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 82: 279-288. Institution Press, Washington, DC. Smith, B. 1945. Observations on gastropod protoconchs. Palaeon- Ward, L. W., & N. L. Gilinsky. 1993. Molluscan assemblages of the tographica Americana, 3(19): 5-48. Chowan River Formation. Part A, Biostratigraphic analysis of the Smith, M. 1936. New Tertiary shells from Florida. Th e Nautilus, 49: Chowan River Formation (Upper Pliocene) and adjoining units, 135-139. the Moore House Member of the Yorktown Formation (Upper Shuto, T. 1974. Larval ecology of prosobranch gastropods and Pliocene) and the James City Formation (Lower Pliocene). its bearing on biogeography and paleontology. Lethaia, 7: Virginia Museum of Natural History Memoir 3, 32 pp, 1 pl. 239-256. Wenz, W. 1938. Gastropoda. Teil 1. Allgemeiner Teil und Sowerby II, G. B. 1833. Th e Conchological Illustrations, Part 29. G. Prosobranchia. Pp 1-240, in: Handbuch der Palaozoologie, O. H. B. Sowerby, London, 116 pp. Schindewolf, ed., Gebruder Borntraeger, Berlin. Sowerby II, G. B. 1850. Description of new species of fossil shells Wolfson, F. H. 1962. Comparison of two similar species of Conus found by J. S. Heniken, Esq. Th e Quarterly Journal of the (Gastropoda) from the Gulf of California. Th e Veliger, 5: 23-28. Geological Society of London, 6: 44-53. Woodring, W. P. 1928. Miocene Mollusca of Bowden, Jamaica. Part Sowerby II, G. B. 1859. Descriptions of new shells in the collection II. Gastropods and discussion of results. Carnegie Institute of of H. Cuming. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, Washington Publication 385, 564 pp. 27: 428-429. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 51 ed erent erent ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Formation the Tamiami Formation; WACC, WACC, Formation; the Tamiami Locality Name “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 2 mi (3.22 km) N of Bermont Brighton of Ortona Locks] of Ortona Locks] Ortona Locks] of LaBelle] PRI 1275 ? PRI 1275 ? PRI 1990PRI 1990 Caloosahatchee Canal [2.5 mi (4.02 km) E PRI 1991 Caloosahatchee Canal [2.5 mi (4.02 km) E PRI 1987 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) E of Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW UF GL024UF GL024 01 Beach Bear Big 01 Beach Bear Big Locality Code 5 FL ? 6 NC Duplin 3 NC Duplin 33NC? SC ? 13NC? SC ? 1? ? 1NC? 2? ? 2 FL Charlotte 2 FL Glades 5 FL1 Glades FL1 Glades FL3 Glades FL Hendry 1422 FL FL Glades Highlands adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius material observed in the present study. Sorted fi rst by species name, second by stratigraphic formation, third by locality name. Specimens locality name. Specimens by stratigraphic formation, third species name, second by rst by fi Sorted of fossil Conus material observed study. Database in the present Appendix. specimens identifi Type to samples collected and arranged stratigraphically. ers refer History (VMNH) not cataloged; lot identifi are of Natural Museum Virginia observed at the Virginia. VA, Carolina; SC, South Carolina; LA,North Louisiana; NC, FL, Florida; as holotypes (H), paratypes (P), lectotypes (L), paralectotypes (PL), or syntypes (S). States: (bed number sometimes in CAL, Caloosahatchee Formation Formation; Bowden BOW, Formation; BERM, Bermont ANA, Anastasia Formation; abbreviations: Stratigraphic Formation; River Chowan Formation; CHOW, CANE, Canepatch Formation (bed number or stratigraphic position sometimes in parentheses); ompson Th Fort FT, parentheses); (PB), TAM Raysor Marl; RAY, Formation; NASH, Nashua City Formation; JC, James Formation; Bluff JB, Jackson Formation; INTRA, Intracoastal Formation; Duplin DUP, Limestone of (OCH), Ochopee TAM in parentheses); number sometimes given Bed (Pinecrest Formation Tamiami of the Beds Pinecrest 2 for age assignments of Table of uncertainty See or missing information. ?, expression in parentheses); sometimes given (zone Formation Yorktown YORK, Formation; Waccamaw is Pleistocene and the Canepatch Formation 1997, respectively) in age (see Scott, 1997, and Jones, both Pliocene formations are and Bowden most of these strata; the Intracoastal housed at diff locality names, especially when they are erent localities could bear diff equivalent that specimen lots from reader should be aware e et al. , 1974). Th in age (DuBar JRH. (PRI) specimen lots could bear UF locality information if collected by Institution Research museums. Paleontological LotMuseum Species No. State County PRI 46044 ANSP 1189 ANSP 779 PRI 4156E PRI 50725 PRI 50729 PRI 50731 PRI 53511 PRI 53538 VMNH uncat. ANSP 58860 UF 112560 UF 42081 ANSP 52518 PRI 53498 PRI 54647 PRI 53502 PRI 53503 52 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ompson? LaBelle) of LaBelle] of LaBelle] Caloosahatchee Pit Caloosahatchee Pit Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River Caloosahatchee River (N side, S of FL Rte. Caloosahatchee River 78) Canal 65D Carnestown Carnestown Curry ? DL’s Pit, Arcadia Pit, DL’s DL’s Pit, Arcadia Pit, DL’s Fort Barnwell Fort Fort Denard Fort Fort Denard Fort Fort Denard Fort N of Fort Myers Myers N of Fort PRI 1988 Caloosahatchee Canal (S of FL Rt. 78, PRI 1393 at Ft. Th Caloosahatchee River UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF PU002 Lake Canal Crescent UF HN031UF HN031UF HN031 Lee Fort Lee Fort Lee Fort Hendry Hendry Hendry 1 FL1 Hendry FL Glades 1 FL Hendry? 2 FL Hendry? 1 FL Hendry? 2 FL Hendry? 3 FL Hendry? 3 FL Hendry? 1 FL Hendry? 9 FL Hendry? 1 FL Hendry 12 FL FL Hendry? Okeechobee? 8 FL Collier 2 FL Collier 42 FL NC Putnam ? 1 FL DeSoto 1 FL DeSoto 1 NC ? 2 FL Lee or 2 FL Lee or 7 FL Lee or 1 FL Hendry 10 FL Hendry PRI 1987 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW 1010 FL14 FL Hendry FL Hendry Lee adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius PRI 53516 PRI 53500 UF 47278 VMNH 80BB10 VMNH 80BB10 ANSP 14921 ANSP 14922 ANSP 15030 ANSP 15031 ANSP 537 ANSP 537 ANSP 61338 PRI 53521 PRI 46047 ANSP 57463 ANSP 58474 UF 20405 PRI 50723 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. ANSP 14710 ANSP 70350 ANSP 70351 ANSP 70352 UF 110404 UF 56673 UF 56783 ANSP 69375 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 53 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney Harney Pond Canal Pond Harney S65D slash, S of lock S65D Cypress Hendrickson’s Quarry, SE of Punta Gorda SE of Punta Quarry, Hendrickson’s 1 mi E of Clewiston Pit, Swindel’s John Kissimmee River Canal C38, lock 65D Kissimmee River E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, near Kissimmee River 14 mi (22.53 km) S of mouth Lake canal) (on banks of a dredged Harbor Lake Okeechobee Lake Okeechobee Lake Okeechobee NW shore of Lake Okeechobee NW shore TU 932 PRI 1954 Store Pond Harney PRI 1999PRI 1982PRI 1985 Kissimmee Canal PRI 1984 at lock Basinger Kissimmee Canal, Fort Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Kissimmee Canal, upper end of Long PRI 1981PRI 1981 lock S65D Kissimmee River lock S65D Kissimmee River UF OB003UF OB003 (general) Kissimmee River (general) Kissimmee River UF DA005 01 Homestead Highlands Highlands 3 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 5 FL Glades 9 FL Glades 6 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 27 FL1 FL Glades 3 FL Charlotte? 1 FL1 Dade FL Hendry Okeechobee? FL4 Okeechobee 7 FL FL Highlands 6 Highlands FL Okeechobee/ 1 FL Okeechobee 74 FL1 Okeechobee FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee 1 FL ? 2 FL ? 1 FL ? 1 FL ? 1 FL Glades? 11 FL Glades Lake Canal Harney ? 12 FL Glades 17 FL15 Okeechobee/ FL Okeechobee UF OB005 02 Kissimmee River 24 FL Beach Palm adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius PRI 50747 ANSP 55267 ANSP 70561 ANSP 70651 ANSP 70751 ANSP 70753 ANSP 70754 ANSP 70925 PRI 50746 PRI 50743 ANSP 79133 UF 33427 ANSP 75526 PRI 53501 PRI 53497 PRI 53495 PRI 53499 UF 62113 UF 62122 UF 22064 PRI 2239H PRI 50291 PRI 50292 PRI 49058 PRI 2166H ANSP 53956 PRI 1504C PRI 2900F PRI 50741 PRI 4538F 54 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL Loxahatchee 30 km W of Miami 30 km Naples Newburn Pit Mine Pit Newburn Newburn Pit Mine Pit Newburn Newburn Pit Mine Pit Newburn Newburn Pit Mine Pit Newburn Newburn Pit Mine Pit Newburn North St. Petersburg St. North Ortona Locks Richards Waterfall Richards St. Petersburg St. St. Petersburg St. St. Petersburg St. St. Petersburg Petersburg St. Tar Heel Tar 16 mi (25.75 km) NW of Terrytown 16 mi (25.75 km) NW of 25 mi (40.23 km) W of Terrytown W of 25 mi (40.23 km) None None ? ? UF 3244 UF 2929 UF GL012 Ortona Lock 03 UF DE011UF DE011 01 Arcadia 01 Arcadia UF HN008 Caloosahatchee Canal 02 UF HN045 Caloosahatchee River UF 4104 / TU 244UF 4104 / None Parish 1 NC ColumbusWaccamaw of Lake N shore ? 3 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Dade 1 FL Collier 6 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Pinellas 1 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 2 FL Hillsborough 3 FL Hillsborough 1 FL Pinellas 1 NC Bladen 3 FL Broward 3 FL Broward 1 LA Lafourche 1 FL Highlands 1 FL Glades 1 FL Okeechobee 1 FL Beach Palm 5 FL Okeechobee UF OB012 02A 101 Ranch Pit 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB012 02A 101 Ranch Pit 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB012 02A 101 Ranch Pit 41 FL1 FL DeSoto FL DeSoto Hendry 9 FL Hendry 30 FL Sarasota 27 FL Sarasota 20 FL Pinellas adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius ANSP 79134 ANSP 54589 ANSP 58643 PRI 50739 ANSP 54068 ANSP 54070 ANSP 54072 ANSP 57620 ANSP 59739 PRI 881F UF 15695 PRI 50740 ANSP 55999 ANSP 18051 PRI 1079F PRI 1413E ANSP 18565 ANSP 56218 ANSP 61524 ANSP 52051 UF 113698 UF 22329 UF 5549 PRI 50742 PRI 53508 UF 102373 UF 102378 UF 107791 UF 36903 UF 36987 UF 60567 UF 113840 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 55 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL Caloosahatchee River near Ortona Caloosahatchee River Clewiston Clewiston Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN034 11 Caloosahatchee River UF HN036 13 Caloosahatchee River UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN001 Clewiston 01 UF HN001 Clewiston 01 UF HN021 Clewiston 04 UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell 5 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 13 FL2 FL Glades FL Hendry Hendry 2 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 5 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL1 Hendry FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 4 FL Hendry 6 FL Hendry 4 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 22 FL Hendry UF HN045 Caloosahatchee River CAL 94 FL Hendry 31 FL Hendry 10 FL Hendry 19 FL Hendry 21 FL Hendry 32 FL Hendry 18 FL Hendry 240 FL Hendry adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius UF 113841 UF 26713 UF 2817 UF 35196 UF 9330 UF 98865 UF 99444 PRI 53517 PRI 46052 UF 22735 UF 46496 UF 46541 UF 46610 UF 52649 UF 57681 ANSP 58970 UF 8406 UF 8409 UF 1720 PRI 50737 PRI 53537 UF 112293 UF 113763 UF 113773 UF 113784 UF 14194 UF 14995 UF 15778 UF 23479 UF 24035 UF 24036 UF 24079 UF 24283 UF 24969 56 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL LaBelle Hendry County Rockpit Hendry County Rockpit Hendry County Rockpit LaBelle UF GL015 2 Farm Frierson UF DE001UF DE001UF DE001 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF DE001 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF DE001 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF DE004 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF DE004 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF DE010 02 Pit Shell DeSoto 02 Pit Shell DeSoto 05 Pit Shell DeSoto UF CH036UF CH036UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg 01 Pit Shell Forsberg 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN022 Hendry County Rockpit UF HN022 Hendry County Rockpit 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell CAL 1 FL Hendry 4 FL Hendry 8 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 28 FL1 FL DeSoto 2 FL DeSoto 1 FL DeSoto 1 FL DeSoto 3 FL DeSoto 3 FL DeSoto 2 FL DeSoto 5 FL DeSoto 2 FL3 Glades FL Charlotte 3 FL Charlotte 2 FLTU 524 UF GL029 / Charlotte 4 FL Charlotte 1 01 Creek Fisheating FL Glades 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry 2 FL Hendry 7 FL Hendry 12 FL Hendry 19 FL Hendry 13 FL Hendry 12 FL Hendry ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 25031 UF 36071 UF 52769 UF 54437 UF 54445 UF 54695 UF 54763 UF 55095 UF 55110 UF 55133 UF 57335 UF 57947 UF 58040 UF 58185 UF 36160 UF 36724 UF 36769 UF 36845 UF 37096 UF 36227 UF 36674 UF 41000 UF 113847 UF 85460 UF 85558 UF 85597 UF 86469 UF 15533 PRI 46053 PRI 54673 PRI 54941 UF 113833 UF 58473 PRI 40227 PRI 41078 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 57 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL LaBelle (opposite Silva’s) LaBelle Caloosahatchee Formation) LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle UF SO016 A Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL005 Pit Marl Haven Moore CM SL989CM SL989 Lake Harbor Lake Harbor UF HN018 East 04 LaBelle UF HN018 East 04 LaBelle UF HN029 East 05 (type locality of LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle 1 FL Hendry LaBelle CAL 11 FL1 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry 1 FL Hendry 5 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 4 FL Hendry 7 FL Hendry 11 FL FL Hendry Hendry 18 FL1 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry FL Hendry HendryTU 792 UF HN044 / 02 West LaBelle 1 FL Hendry 1 FL1 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm 9 FL FL Sarasota Beach Palm TU 583 UF PB027 / Canal 06 Miami 1 FL Beach Palm TU 745 UF PB032 / Canal 09 Miami 2 FL Glades 84 FL Pinellas UF PI010 Petersburg St. North CAL 30 FL Hendry 64 FL Hendry 27 FL Hendry 64 FL Hendry 10 FL Hendry 17 FL Hendry 21 FL Hendry 22 FL Hendry 36 FL Hendry ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv PRI 50738 PRI 50735 UF 12323 PRI 54658 UF 99550 UF 98561 PRI 50060 PRI 50055 PRI 50061 PRI 50062 PRI 50759 PRI 50760 PRI 50761 PRI 50762 PRI 50763 PRI 50764 PRI 50765 PRI 50766 PRI 53522 PRI 53527 PRI 40222 PRI 41093 PRI 41094 UF 112314 PRI 54656 CM 35691 (H, C. osceolai ) C. CM 35692 (P, osceolai ) UF 18068 UF 113846 UF 113848 UF 15566 UF 92448 58 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) f FL Rte. 80 None None None Shell Creek Shell Creek Shell None Miami Canal, S o Miami UF 3550 UF LV033 03 Waccasassa UF PB012 01 Pit n Brothers Griffi UF PB012UF PB012 01 Pit n Brothers Griffi UF PB012 01 Pit n Brothers UF PB012 Griffi 01 Pit n Brothers Griffi 01 Pit n Brothers Griffi UF GL001 Ortona Lock 01 UF GL023 Ortona Lock 05 UF CH007UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell 12 FL1 FL Hendry2 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hillsborough UF 1680 TU 68 / UF PI010 UF 3788 UF 3548 Petersburg St. North CAL 5 FL Glades UF GL006 Ortona Lock 02 CAL 7 FL Sarasota 06, SE corner Phase Aggregates Quality CAL (B 1) 11 FL FL Charlotte Levy 5 FL2 Glades 1 FL FL Charlotte Charlotte 1 FL Glades UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 CAL / BERM (MIX) 5 FL Glades UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 CAL / BERM (MIX) 1 FL Glades UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 CAL / BERM (MIX) 1 FL Glades UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 CAL / BERM (MIX) 6 FL Glades UF GL010 Caloosahatchee Canal 05 CAL / BERM (MIX) 3 FL Glades UF GL010 Caloosahatchee Canal 05 CAL / BERM (MIX) 2 FL DeSoto UF DE017 04 Pit Shell Davis CAL / BERM (MIX) 8 FL DeSoto (general) Pits Shell DeSoto CAL / BERM (MIX) 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL1 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 3 FL Beach Palm 15 FL Glades 49 FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee 25 FL Charlotte 24 FL Charlotte 11 FL Glades UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 CAL / BERM (MIX) 26 FL Hendry 25 FL DeSoto UF DE018 (general) Pits Shell DeSoto CAL / BERM (MIX) 12 FL15 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm ersarius ersarius ersarius ersarius ersarius adversarius adversarius adv adv adv adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 12384 UF 112313 UF 58540 UF 97997 UF 113859 PRI 53505 UF 91139 UF 92190 UF 114455 ANSP 57734 ANSP 58877 UF 90958 UF 35592 UF 112486 UF 100203 UF 272 UF 112493 UF 113836 UF 50021 UF 50366 UF 112484 UF 112561 UF 42218 PRI 40229 UF 113726 UF 66443 (H, C. heilprini ) UF 66445 (H, C. mitchellorum ) C. UF 66628 (P, heilprini ) UF 90708 UF 95927 PRI 53494 UF 57040 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 59 DUP DUP CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CHOW CAL / FT (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX)? ompson Formation) ompson Star Ranch Pit Star Star Ranch Pit Star Miami Canal #2 Miami Th 5-7 mi (8.05-11.27 km) W of Clewiston 5-7 mi (8.05-11.27 km) W of Clewiston 5-7 mi (8.05-11.27 km) LaBelle LaBelle LaBelle LaBelle LaBelle LaBelle? LaBelle? LaBelle? Elizabethtown (town dump) (town Elizabethtown PRI 2000 Pit Holmes PRI 2000 Pit Holmes UF PB014UF PB014UF PB014UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star UF LE019 Pit and Sand Rock Bonita Grande UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF HN024Fort ompson 01 (type locality of Th Fort NC Duplin 1 FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee 11 FL5 Beach FL Palm Beach FL Palm Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 1 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 4 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 6 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 1 FL5 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Hendry 8 FL Lee 73 FL3 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 9 FL Hendry FL Hendry? 1 Hendry? NC Bladen 2 NC Duplin 21 FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee CAL / BERM (MIX) 1910 FL15 Beach FL Palm Beach FL Palm Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 11 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 11 FL Hendry 30 FL Hendry? 13 adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius UF 112557 UF 115821 PRI 50333 PRI 50334 PRI 50335 PRI 50336 PRI 50337 UF 112306 UF 62574 UF 63735 UF 64511 UF 64658 UF 64860 UF 66446 (H, C. scotti ) PRI 41382 PRI 41385 PRI 53496 UF 15078 PRI 53510 ANSP 54573 ANSP 54579 ANSP 18050 ANSP 54588 ANSP 69431 ANSP 69432 ANSP 70752 PRI 53514 PRI 53523 PRI 53524 VMNH 92LW58 PRI 50728 PRI 50754 60 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP NC Rte. of Duplin of Duplin of Duplin of Duplin om Magnolia ormation) ormation) ormation) ormation) ormation) ormation) F F F F of Duplin (type locality of Duplin Well Natural F Natural Well Natural Lumber River Lumber Natural Well Natural Lumberton Natural Well Natural Lumberton Natural Well Natural Lumberton Natural Well Natural Lumberton Natural Well Natural Lumberton, back from river Lumberton, back from Natural Well Natural Lumberton, Lumberton River Natural Well Well Natural dug pond NE of Magnolia, on dug pond NE of Magnolia, 1003 ca. 3 mi (4.83 km) fr Natural Well Well Natural F UF ZN003UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural (type locality Well Natural PRI 67/1294 Well Natural 3 NC2 Duplin NC2 Duplin NC Duplin 2 NC Duplin 8 NC Duplin PRI 2000 Pit Holmes DUP 1 NC Duplin 5 NC Robeson 3 NC Duplin 2 NC Robeson 3 NC Duplin 5 NC Robeson 1 NC Duplin 3 NC Robeson 3 NC Duplin 3 NC Robeson 1 NC Duplin 1 NC Robeson 1 NC Duplin 3 NC Robeson 82 NC NC Duplin Duplin 2 NC Duplin 1 NC Duplin 7 NC DuplinTU 376 UF ZN003 / (type locality Well Natural 30 NC Duplin ersarius ersarius ersarius ersarius ersarius adversarius adversarius adv adv adv adv adv adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius PRI 53506 ANSP 4662 UF 12570 UF 82597 UF 82742 UF 82983 VMNH uncat. VMNH 83LW1 PRI 50719 VMNH 90LW1 PRI 50720 VMNH 95LW PRI 50721 VMNH 95LW + VMNH 95LW 2 ft PRI 53512 VMNH uncat. PRI 53518 VMNH 90LW1-A PRI 8742 VMNH uncat. PRI 50726 ANSP 14697 VMNH 74LW74 PRI 50730 UF 113861 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 61 DUP JB JB JB JB JB JB JB 01A JB 01A JB ormation) F Jackson Bluff Jackson Jackson Bluff Jackson Jackson Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson 1 SC ? Farm Moore Ned DUP 5 NC Duplin (type locality of Duplin Well Natural 4 NC Craven Marietta Martin Bern, New DUP 2 NC Bladen HeelTar Farm, Robeson DUP 4 NC Bladen HeelTar Farm, Robeson DUP 6 NC Bladen Heel Tar Farm, Robeson DUP 3 NC Pit Marl Strickland’s DUP 9 NC Duplin PRI 1450 Pit Marl Strickland’s DUP 1 NC Duplin PRI 1450 Pit Marl Strickland’s DUP 1 NC Craven Limestone Company Superior DUP 3 NC Craven Limestone Company Superior DUP 4 NC Craven Quarry Stone Superior DUP 4 NC Duplin Well Natural DUP 5 NC Duplin ? DUP? 2 NC Craven Bern New DUP? 1 FL Liberty UF LI005 Langston Quarry 01 INTRA 2 FL Liberty Alum Bluff 1 FL Liberty Alum Bluff 3 FL Liberty UF LI002 Alum Bluff 1 FL Leon UF LN003 Creek Harvey’s JB 5 FL Leon UF LN003 Creek Harvey’s JB 1 FL Leon Bluff Jackson 1 FL Leon 78 NC Robeson Farm Lumber Farm, Rozier DUP 14 SC Florence Pond Farm Kirby DUP? 59 SC Florence Pond Farm Kirby DUP? 10 FL LibertyTU 72 UF LI002 / Alum Bluff 1+? FL Leon 2+? FL Leon 3+? FL Leon adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius ield #21-1 VMNH uncat. VMNH F VMNH 76LW43 VMNH 77BB193 VMNH 77BB193 VMNH 95LW VMNH 95LW PRI 50724 PRI 53504 PRI 53519 VMNH 73LW3 VMNH 73LW4(A) VMNH 73LW5 ANSP 30699 (L, S, ) C. adversarius ANSP 15034 PRI 50767 PRI 50768 PRI 49057 UF 113414 PRI 50745 VMNH 90LW9 UF 113842 UF 80957 UF 3070 UF 7001 ANSP 53155 VMNH 74LW51 VMNH 74LW52 VMNH 74LW52 VMNH 90LW16 62 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JC JC JC JC JC JC JC RAY NASH NASH NASH NASH NASH NASH (general) (general) (general) 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 02

JB s 01 s Jackson Bluff Jackson Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek PRI 172 UF PU004UF PU003 Ranch 01 Swamp Cracker Bluff Nashua UF PU004 Ranch 01 Swamp Cracker UF PU005UF PU005 Landing Nashua Old Landing Nashua Old UF PU004 Ranch 01 Swamp Cracker UF LN004UF LN004UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson 2 FL Putnam 2 FL Leon Bluff Jackson 26 FL4 FL Putnam SC Putnam Sumter 31 FL1 FL7 Leon FL Leon FL1 Leon 1 Leon FL3 FL1 Leon FL2 Leon FL Leon FL3 Leon 5 Leon FL FL3 Leon 4 Leon FL5 FL1 Leon FL Leon NC Leon Beaufort 1 FL Leon 2 NC Beaufort 1 NC Beaufort 1 NC Beaufort 5 NC Beaufort 1 NC Beaufort 1 NC Beaufort 23 FL Putnam 16 FL Putnam 81 FL Leon 14 FL91 Leon FL Leon 22 FL Putnam ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 105398 UF 48775 ANSP 17339 UF 92726 UF 92727 VMNH 74LW14 UF 77699 UF 77912 UF 79811 UF 111629 UF 112494 UF 79263 UF 79455 UF 79514 UF 80042 UF 80255 UF 80599 UF 81040 UF 83771 UF 7527 UF 7647 UF 7692 UF 78918 AMNH 50680 (H, C. petiti ) PRI 5119C ANSP 63026 VMNH 72LW1(B) VMNH 72LW2 VMNH 72LW2 VMNH 79BB6 VMNH uncat. UF 104990 UF 105103 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 63 RAY RAY RAY TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 4) TAM TAM (OCH) TAM TAM (OCH) TAM Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat Sunniland None UF 4105 UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO021 01C Pit Shell Road Richardson UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF CH010UF CH010UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline Pit Shell Acline Pit Shell Acline 1 FL3 Charlotte 3 FL FL Charlotte CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 4 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 3 SC Sumter 6 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 7 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 8 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Collier 4 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL Collier 3 FL Collier 4 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 2 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 3 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 8 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 8 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 72 FL Charlotte 68 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 15 SC Sumter Branch Tearcoat RAY 13 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 10 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 17 SC Sumter 13 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 10 SC Sumter 63 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 21 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 10 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 27 FL Collier adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius yi ) UF 93071 UF 93111 UF 93204 UF 112211 UF 112212 UF 112213 UF 112309 VMNH 74LW14 UF 113703 VMNH 74LW32 UF 113704 UF 113713 UF 113714 UF 113715 VMNH 74LW32 UF 113716 VMNH 90LW2 UF 115825 UF 49030 UF 40947 ANSP 69698 UF 49050 UF 49054 UF 113709 UF 66444 (H, C. berr UF 60253 UF 65051 UF 112312 UF 113711 UF 114210 UF 114211 UF 114212 UF 114824 UF 115811 64 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM APAC Quarry - South Center Pit (NS face) QuarryCenter Pit - South APAC (PB) TAM Big Cypress (Across canal from TU 1044) canal from (Across Cypress Big (PB) TAM TU 1044TU 1044TU 1044TU 1044 Cypress Big Cypress Big Cypress Big Cypress Big CM SL986CM SL986 Quarry APAC Quarry APAC UF BD003 01 Cyress Big UF DA001 Road Bird UF DA001 Road Bird UF CH045 01 Waterway Elkcam UF HG002 Canal 01 Brighton UF HG009 Canal 02 Brighton 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 728 UF OB002 / 02 Basinger Fort 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL3 Sarasota FL4 Sarasota FL Sarasota 6 FL DadeTU 1493 UF DA015 / Arvida Pits 3 FL1 Hendry 1 FL6 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry 1 FL Broward 3 FL Dade 15 FL FL Charlotte OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 8 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 8 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 2 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 18 FL Hendry 11 FL Dade 43 FL Highlands 41 FL Highlands 15 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 26 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort 23 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 23 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 115819 UF 115820 UF 115824 CM 35661 (P, C. CM 35661 (P, ) lindajoyceae PRI 50119 CM 35660 (H, C. ) lindajoyceae UF 113851 PRI 46046 PRI 49046 PRI 54664 PRI 54666 PRI 46048 UF 22250 UF 13471 UF 60375 UF 112481 UF 113839 UF 113707 UF 112307 UF 115812 UF 115815 UF 115816 UF 115818 UF 50608 UF 50620 UF 60334 UF 60478 UF 61160 UF 61173 UF 112495 UF 112496 UF 113712 UF 114848 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 65 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM Fort Basinger, Kissimmee River Kissimmee River Basinger, Fort TU 730 UF GL018 Dyke 02 Hoover Herbert UF DA004 01 Bend Fortymile UF DA004 01 Bend Fortymile UF DA004 01 Bend Fortymile UF CH028 A Lomax-King Pit UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG006 03 Kissimmee River UF HG006 03 Kissimmee River UF HG006 03 Kissimmee River UF HN027 Canal 01 Interceptor UF HN027 Canal 01 Interceptor 7 FL Charlotte 4 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort (PB) TAM 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 2 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 2 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 3 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 2 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 9 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB008 04 Basinger Fort 9 FL Okeechobee UF OB008 04 Basinger Fort 1 FL Highlands 1 FL Highlands 6 FL Highlands 1 FL Highlands 3 FL Highlands 8 FL Highlands 3 FL Highlands 6 FL Dade 7 FL DadeTU 525 UF DA014 / 02 Bend Fortymile 2 FL GladesTU 522 UF GL028 / Canal 03 Pond Harney 1 FL Glades 6 FL Hendry 2 FL Highlands 37 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 10 FL Highlands 28 FL Dade 14 FL Dade 16 FL DadeTU 737 UF DA016 / 03 Bend Fortymile 24 FL Hendry 31 FL Highlands 96 FL Highlands ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 3857 UF 59128 UF 59132 UF 59348 UF 59867 UF 59905 UF 60342 UF 62772 UF 62887 UF 62951 UF 65461 UF 65638 UF 62283 UF 62348 UF 112559 UF 115817 UF 115822 UF 61552 UF 61689 UF 61703 UF 61930 PRI 46050 UF 22023 UF 35642 UF 35648 UF 113855 UF 113849 UF 113853 UF 26638 UF 35835 UF 35865 UF 112478 UF 112479 UF 113736 UF 35407 66 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO009UF SO009UF SO017 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota UF SO009 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 72 FL1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 Sarasota 1 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 62 FL3 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 4 Sarasota 1 FL1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 7 Sarasota 6 FL FL Sarasota 9 Sarasota FL2 Sarasota FL3 Sarasota 1 FL3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 22 FL Sarasota 1944 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 13 FL Sarasota 34 FL Sarasota 32 FL14 Sarasota FL14 Sarasota FL Sarasota ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 113775 UF 44441 UF 111166 UF 111403 UF 111404 UF 111405 UF 111409 UF 111410 UF 111548 UF 111549 UF 111551 UF 111552 UF 111553 UF 111554 UF 111555 UF 111556 UF 111582 UF 111583 UF 111584 UF 111585 UF 111630 UF 112553 UF 112591 UF 113033 UF 113034 UF 113035 UF 113038 UF 113781 UF 113837 UF 113838 UF 115827 UF 32754 UF 32762 UF 32859 UF 43320 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 67 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TU 1177TU 1177TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule UF SO017UF SO017UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt CM SL990 Quarry Pen Mule 5 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 4 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 2 FL1 Sarasota 3 FL2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL1 Sarasota 2 Collier FL4 FL Collier FL Collier Collier 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 1 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 2 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 13 FL Sarasota 25 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 37 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 32866 UF 33310 UF 33357 UF 33375 UF 38787 UF 38794 UF 38884 UF 38983 UF 39030 UF 39147 UF 39238 UF 40525 UF 46317 UF 46339 UF 46363 UF 50912 UF 98199 CM 35662 (H, C. schmidti ) PRI 40228 PRI 46051 PRI 49653 UF 112308 UF 33194 UF 112552 UF 113764 UF 113774 UF 113792 UF 113829 UF 115813 UF 115814 UF 14640 UF 42461 UF 42496 UF 42692 68 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM Quality Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 02 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 02, E end Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 02, E end Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO022UF SO022UF SO022 07 Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07 Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07 Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality 07A Phase Aggregates Quality 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 5 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 9 FL CollierTU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule 3 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 11 FL2 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 19 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 11 FL Sarasota 15 FL Sarasota 1553 FL36 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 34 FL Manatee 61 FL Manatee 24 FL Manatee 133 FL Manatee adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius UF 43004 UF 55422 ANSP 76139 ANSP 76340 PRI 40223 PRI 40226 PRI 41085 PRI 52916 PRI 52917 PRI 41574 PRI 53513 PRI 53525 PRI 53526 PRI 53581 PRI 54680 UF 88834 UF 88919 UF 89009 PRI 50297 PRI 50298 PRI 50299 PRI 50300 PRI 53179 PRI 53180 PRI 54701 UF 112163 PRI 53164 PRI 53165 PRI 53166 PRI 54688 PRI 54708 PRI 49991 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 69 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM None UF 2664 TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000TU 1000TU 1000 Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000TU 1000 Quarry APAC Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC UF SO013UF SO013UF SO013 01B Pit Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 4 FL Sarasota TU 1000 Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 4 FL Manatee 14 FL1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 6 FL Manatee 14 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 6 FL Manatee 4 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 3 FL2 Sarasota 2 FL3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Okeechobee 34 FL Manatee UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 13 FL Sarasota 14 FL Manatee 15 FL Sarasota 15 FL Sarasota 16 FL Manatee 52 FL Sarasota 32 FL Sarasota ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv PRI 50516 PRI 50517 PRI 40225 PRI 50518 PRI 41837 PRI 46043 PRI 46049 PRI 46054 PRI 53189 PRI 50120 PRI 50736 PRI 50748 PRI 53197 PRI 53520 PRI 53532 PRI 54655 PRI 54693 UF 100280 UF 100609 UF 113850 UF 113860 UF 113719 UF 113725 UF 27835 UF 41383 UF 53062 UF 53169 UF 53611 UF 53640 UF 53932 UF 88708 UF 89039 UF 92154 UF 38687 PRI 40224 70 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry - North Pit Quarry - North APAC APAC Quarry - North Pit Quarry - North APAC APAC Quarry - North Pit Quarry - North APAC APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000TU 1000TU 1000 Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL017 Canal 02 Pond Harney UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River UF HG001 01 Kissimmee River 1 FL Sarasota TU 1000 Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota 11 FL1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 6 FL BrowardTU 741 UF BD008 / 02 Coral Springs 6 FL CollierTU 1175 UF CR020 / 02 Island Corkskrew 3 FL Glades 1 FL Highlands 3 FL Highlands 9 FL Highlands 2 FL Highlands 1 FL OkeechobeeTU 736 UF OB020 / 04 Kissimmee River 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL1 Sarasota 1 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 59 FL Sarasota 45 FL Sarasota 33 FL Sarasota 11 FL Sarasota 13 FL Sarasota 11 FL BrowardTU 742 UF BD009 / 03 Coral Springs 15 FL Highlands 14 FL Highlands 2222 FL FL Sarasota 26 Sarasota FL Sarasota adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius PRI 54657 PRI 54665 PRI 54672 PRI 54681 PRI 54682 PRI 55203 PRI 53077 PRI 53078 PRI 54694 PRI 53529 PRI 53530 PRI 53531 PRI 53533 PRI 53534 PRI 53535 PRI 53536 UF 113856 UF 113844 UF 113845 UF 3843 UF 112475 UF 112476 UF 115823 UF 49176 UF 49585 UF 50003 UF 113854 UF 101016 UF 110412 UF 110415 UF 112562 UF 112563 UF 113730 UF 113732 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 71 TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt 7 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota 11 FL3 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 3 Sarasota 8 FL3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 11 FL5 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 9 Sarasota FL6 Sarasota FL7 Sarasota 8 FL3 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 10 FL Sarasota 23 FL Sarasota 2017 FL24 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 18 FL12 Sarasota FL15 Sarasota FL Sarasota ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 113761 UF 113762 UF 113767 UF 113776 UF 113778 UF 113780 UF 113782 UF 113783 UF 113790 UF 113791 UF 115826 UF 117243 UF 13677 UF 16216 UF 16225 UF 16226 UF 16298 UF 16304 UF 18042 UF 18045 UF 18061 UF 18121 UF 23201 UF 25996 UF 28802 UF 28803 UF 29036 UF 29131 UF 29239 UF 29616 UF 29782 UF 29910 UF 30362 UF 30469 UF 30540 72 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 11 FL1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 28 FL8 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 3 Sarasota 7 FL5 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 4 Sarasota 1 FL1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 17 FL Sarasota 1115 FL40 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 18 FL Sarasota 18 FL Sarasota ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 30566 UF 30693 UF 31046 UF 31921 UF 32538 UF 32542 UF 32692 UF 32891 UF 33004 UF 33013 UF 33020 UF 33138 UF 33235 UF 33539 UF 33609 UF 33815 UF 33860 UF 33897 UF 33958 UF 34006 UF 34024 UF 34076 UF 34100 UF 34169 UF 34253 UF 34357 UF 34454 UF 34551 UF 34565 UF 34578 UF 34604 UF 34670 UF 34695 UF 34787 UF 34793 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 73 TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Sarasota Sarasota PRI 2047 Pit Brothers Warren PRI 2047PRI 2047PRI 2047PRI 2047 Pit Brothers Warren Pit Brothers Warren Pit Brothers Warren Pit Brothers Warren UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019UF SO019UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 1 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 1 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 2 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 7 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota 15 FL1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 2 Sarasota FL GladesTU 802 UF GL031 / Ortona Lock 06 2 FL Sarasota 21 FL3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 Sarasota 1 FL1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 33 FL7 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 13 FL Sarasota 13 FL Sarasota ersarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv UF 34831 UF 34882 UF 34981 UF 3669 UF 39903 UF 40506 UF 44087 UF 46208 UF 47737 UF 47771 UF 47828 UF 96133 UF 9757 UF 9758 UF 9939 UF 113857 UF 113777 UF 113785 UF 31138 UF 31210 UF 31216 UF 33710 UF 35938 UF 37977 UF 37458 UF 46857 UF 49789 UF 64022 PRI 41819 PRI 50744 PRI 50056 PRI 50057 PRI 50058 PRI 50059 PRI 50296 74 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC TAM (PB) ? TAM TAM (PB) ? TAM TAM (PB) ? TAM TAM (PB) ? TAM TAM (PB) / FT (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Warren Brothers Pit Brothers Warren Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Alligator Alley 133 Acme Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Pit Calabash, W wall Myrtle Beach Myrtle PRI 2047 Pit Brothers Warren UF ZS015UF ZS015UF ZS015UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent 01 Beach Crescent 01 Beach Crescent 01 Beach Crescent USGS 26245 Pit Inc. Village Cedar Creek Pit; Little River WACC 8 FL Sarasota Pit Brothers Warren (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 3 FL Sarasota 41 FL FL Sarasota CharlotteTU 283A UF CH014 / 01 Waterway Flamingo 1 FL Collier? 5 FL Collier? 2 FL Collier? 1 NC Columbus 7 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 8 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 2 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 1 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 1 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 1 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 2 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 1 SC9 Horry 7 SC5 SC1 Horry SC Horry SC Horry Horry 1 SC Horry 19 FL CollierTU 796 UF CR021 / Alligator Alley 04 17 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 26 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 16 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 41 NC Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 49 SC Horry 184 SC Horry adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius PRI 53507 PRI 53509 PRI 53515 UF 116722 PRI 46125 PRI 50293 UF 113852 PRI 46045 ANSP 56258 PRI 50715 PRI 50716 PRI 50717 PRI 50718 PRI 50722 PRI 50732 PRI 50749 PRI 50752 PRI 50753 VMNH 74LW27 VMNH 74LW27 VMNH 74LW27D VMNH 74LW27E VMNH 78BB12 VMNH uncat. VMNH 79BB10? VMNH 74LW27-D UF 113738 UF 113739 UF 113740 UF 113746 UF 113751 UF 113834 VMNH 78BB180 PRI 50734 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 75 ? ? ? ? ? JB CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BERM WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC CAL / BERM (MIX) 01 Rice’s PitRice’s YORK “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson Harney Lake Canal Harney Lake Hicpochee Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils 5.5 mi (8.85 km) W of Ortona Locks, N 5.5 mi (8.85 km) side of river Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils Clewiston Borrow Pit Clewiston Borrow Pit Cochran Shell Old Dock Old near Fort Myers near Fort Old Dock Old Old Dock Old DeSoto Shell Pits Shell DeSoto Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Parkers Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Parkers River Waccamaw Landing, Parkers Old Dock Old None PRI 113 PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF ZN022UF ZN022 01 Dock Old 01 Dock Old PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle City 1 VA Hampton 7 NC Columbus PRI 113 Landing Eddy Neils WACC 5 FL ? 7 FL ? 1 NC Columbus 12 FL8 FL Glades FL Glades Glades? 2 NC Columbus 1 FL Beach Palm UF PB005 02 Bay South 21 SC NC Horry Columbus 19 FL1 FL Hendry FL Hendry ? 1 NC Columbus 1 FL Hendry 3 NC Columbus 7 FL DeSoto 1 NC Columbus 1 FL Leon 3 NC Columbus 1 NC Columbus 1 NC Columbus 11 SC2 SC Horry NC Horry ColumbusTU 559 UF 2846 / 14 NC Columbus 40 FL Hendry 2525 NC NC Columbus Columbus ersarius bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adversarius adv PRI 50750 PRI 46121 PRI 50751 PRI 54383 VMNH 77BB181 PRI 54349 PRI 49029 PRI 46041 VMNH 77BB181 UF 58069 PRI 50727 ANSP 63229 PRI 44074 PRI 46088 PRI 3869F PRI 53528 PRI 54394 VMNH 77BB174 PRI 54628 PRI 40213 VMNH 77BB176 UF 79448 VMNH NC73 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. UF 112488 UF 112489 VMNH 77BB21 VMNH 78BB143 UF 113843 PRI 50733 76 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL TAM (PB) TAM Alligator Alley UF HN022 Hendry County Rockpit 1 FL Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB 7) TAM 1 FL Collier? 1 FL Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB 7) TAM 1 FL Sarasota 02, E end Phase Aggregates Quality (PB 7) TAM 1 FL Manatee UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB 7) TAM 1 FL Collier? Alligator Alley (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 9 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Glades UF GL018 Dyke 02 Hoover Herbert (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 4 FL Sarasota UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 2 FL Manatee 08 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 5 FL Manatee 08 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 1 FL Manatee 08 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 1 FL Manatee 08 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 1 FL Manatee UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota TU 1000 Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 4 FL Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 5 FL Sarasota TU 1000 Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 2 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Hendry bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi burnetti burnetti , C. CM 35663 (H, C. bassi ) burnetti ) CM 35664 (P, C. CM 35664 (P, bassi ) PRI 52921 PRI 53194 PRI 54636 UF 115836 UF 115839 UF 71321 UF 26601 UF 111631 UF 115835 UF 115837 UF 115838 UF 42390 UF 56054 PRI 53185 PRI 53176 PRI 53177 PRI 54725 PRI 54726 PRI 53192 UF 113717 PRI 9808 PRI 40204 PRI 46034 PRI 54724 UF 114785 UF 16174 UF 64020 UF 58638 (P, C. UF 58638 (P, burnetti ) PRI 46036 (P HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 77 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BERM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Canal, along River New m depth in North 27, 30 km south of South US Highway 1990: 103) (Petuch, Bay” Caloosahatchee Formation) Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle TU 1175 Island Corkskrew UF CR007UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 Alligator Alley 03 UF CR014UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF CR021 Alligator Alley 03 Alligator Alley 04 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 CM SL994 15 from Canal, “dredged River New North UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN029 East 05 (type locality of LaBelle FL Beach Palm 1 FL Collier? 1 FL1 Collier? FL1 Collier? FL1 Collier FL9 Collier FL7 Collier FL Collier 1 FL1 Collier FL4 Collier FL Collier 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Collier 1 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 14 FL FL Collier Hendry 11 FL FL Hendry Hendry 98 FL Hendry 16 FL Hendry daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus daucus burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti burnetti , C. , C. , C. , C. , C. , C. , C. , C. , C. ) ni PRI 54720 (P, C. PRI 54720 (P, burnetti ) PRI 54721 (P burnetti ) burnetti ) PRI 54722 (P UF 115673 (P burnetti ) burnetti ) burnetti ) burnetti ) burnetti ) burnetti ) burnetti ) UF 115805 UF 115843 (P UF 114758 (P UF 114760 (P UF 115840 (H, C. burnetti ) UF 115842 (P UF 114768 (P CM 35733 (H, C. griffi UF 115806 UF 115807 UF 115841 (P UF 25013 UF 49195 UF 54681 PRI 54637 UF 98551 PRI 41088 PRI 54670 PRI 54678 78 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL ? CAL ? CAL ? “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 356) “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 352) UF 4131 UF 4131 UF LE019 Pit and Sand Rock Bonita Grande UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell 11 FL FL Lee Glades 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Glades 1 FL Hendry 7 FL Hendry 1 FL HendryTU 529 UF HN047 / 16B Caloosahatchee River 5 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 42 FL Hendry 16 FL Hendry 10 FL Hendry 101 FL Hendry bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi daucus daucus daucus daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or PRI 54630 UF 53708 UF 66427 (H, C. harbisonae ) UF 66426 (H, C. ) gravesae UF 53715 UF 2818 UF 59307 UF 9483 UF 116735 UF 25934 UF 57181 UF 117359 UF 14249 UF 23492 UF 24356 UF 25699 UF 54451 UF 57546 UF 58275 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 79 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) None None UF 3548 UF 3548 UF PI010 Petersburg St. North UF PI010 Petersburg St. North UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF DE017UF DE017 04 Pit Shell Davis UF DE018 04 Pit Shell Davis (general) Pits Shell DeSoto UF CH036UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH007UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell (general) Creek Shell UF HN023 Pit Rock Denaud Fort UF HN022 Hendry County Rockpit FL Hendry FL GladesTU 768 UF GL009 / Caloosahatchee Canal 04 1 2 FL4 Charlotte FL2 Charlotte FL2 Charlotte FL Hendry 1 FL1 DeSoto FL1 DeSoto FL DeSoto 1 FL HendryTU 726 UF HN022 / Hendry County Rockpit 1 FL Hendry 3 FL Pinellas 1 1 FL Charlotte 2 FL1 Charlotte FL1 Charlotte FL Hendry 11 FL Glades 33 FL Pinellas 16 FL Charlotte bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or UF 116736 UF 85481 UF 86491 UF 86583 UF 15671 UF 50374 UF 42203 UF 42204 UF 113729 UF 114857 UF 58439 UF 117363 UF 92528 UF 98153 UF 117295 UF 90805 UF 90962 UF 92192 UF 98055 80 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX) UF SO004 Airport Quarry Sarasota-Bradenton UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF CH010UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline Pit Shell Acline 1 FL DeSotoTU 1512 UF DE018 / (general) Pits Shell DeSoto 1 FL Sarasota 5 FL1 Charlotte FL1 Charlotte FL1 Charlotte FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 8 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 2 FL1 Sarasota FL1 Sarasota FL2 Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL3 Sarasota FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 4 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 12 FL Collier 10 FL Sarasota 10 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or UF 116672 UF 6928 UF 116658 UF 117266 UF 93256 UF 116715 UF 114826 UF 114896 UF 61610 UF 10954 UF 10955 UF 117261 UF 111132 UF 111638 UF 112559 UF 112601 UF 114753 UF 116661 UF 117240 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 81 ? ? ? ? ? BERM BERM BERM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB)? TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Capeletti Brothers Pit 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers None Kissimmee River Canal, near structure 65D Canal, near structure Kissimmee River of LaBelle] of LaBelle] ? PRI 1985 Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress PRI 1987 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF 4104 / TU 244 UF 4104 / Parish 1 FL Dade 2 FL Dade 1 FL Glades 1 LA Lafourche 1 FL3 Sarasota FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL ? 2 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL Highlands 3 FL2 Sarasota FL Collier 11 FL FL Sarasota Hendry 1 FL1 Sarasota FL4 Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 FL1 Sarasota FL3 Sarasota FL3 Sarasota FL CollierTU 796 UF CR021 / Alligator Alley 04 43 FL Sarasota 39 FL Sarasota tii bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi bassi delessertii delessertii delessertii delesser delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or daucus and/or UF 52965 PRI 54304 UF 117256 UF 117286 UF 113699 UF 117293 UF 117367 PRI 2092H UF 117372 UF 117276 PRI 54392 UF 110414 UF 114790 UF 16173 UF 16176 UF 18051 UF 29376 UF 58986 UF 9748 UF 114773 PRI 53579 PRI 54356 82 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 7) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX) “Kissimmee River dredging at Fort Basinger, Basinger, at Fort dredging “Kissimmee River 1994: 352) (Petuch, County” Highlands Rozier Farm; Lumber Farm Lumber Farm; Rozier 02, E end Phase Aggregates Quality Miami Canal #2 Miami UF 4132 PRI 2000 Pit Holmes PRI 2000 Pit Holmes PRI 2000 Pit Holmes PRI 2000 Pit Holmes UF PB011 Canal 03 Miami UF PB007 04 Bay South UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF DA006UF DA006UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers Quarry Miami Rock Florida Quarry Miami Rock Florida UF HG003UF HG003 UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort 05 Basinger Fort 05 Basinger Fort 12 FL1 Okeechobee FL4 Okeechobee FL1TU 729 UF OB001 / Okeechobee FL Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort Okeechobee UF OB0011 UF OB0014 FL UF OB0018 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0011 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort 1 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort 2 FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB002 Highlands 1 FL UF OB007 Highlands FL UF OB007 Highlands 02 Basinger Fort Sarasota 03 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort 11 NC1 FL Robeson FL Sarasota Highlands 1 NC Duplin 1 NC Duplin 1 NC Duplin 13 FL NC Beach Palm Duplin 1 FL Beach Palm 31 FL5 FL3 Dade FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL1 Dade UF DA006 FL Dade FL Dade Beach Palm 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers BERM 11 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1222 FL Okeechobee FL OkeechobeeTU 728 UF OB002 / TU 728 UF OB002 / 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort tii delesser delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii UF 111407 UF 113835 UF 117269 UF 117294 UF 60320 UF 60425 UF 113700 UF 113800 UF 117285 UF 116662 UF 65438 UF 117259 UF 117371 UF 61558 UF 111406 VMNH 95LW PRI 52918 UF 66422 (H, C. duerri ) PRI 54692 PRI 54484 PRI 53628 PRI 54353 PRI 53580 UF 66998 (H, C. susankhanae ) UF 52970 UF 53276 UF 55331 UF 55358 UF 56990 PRI 54485 PRI 54698 UF 114797 UF 111408 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 83 ? BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM WACC WACC WACC TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM None New South Bay Canal Bay South New Belle Glade Belle Belle Glade Belle Crescent Beach Crescent Crescent Beach Crescent Belle Glade Belle Belle Glade Belle Belle Glade Belle Belle Glade Belle North New River Canal; “canal dredging dredging Canal; “canal River New North River New (15 m depth) along North 27, 22 km Canal, along U.S. Highway 1991: 53) (Petuch, Bay” south of South TU 201 TU 732 TU 201 TU 732 TU 201 TU 201 UF 2664 UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF PB001UF PB001UF PB001UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt 3 FL Beach Palm 5 SC Horry 1 FL Okeechobee 4 FL Beach Palm 3 FL Beach Palm 1 SC Horry 11 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 11 FL1 FL Sarasota1 FL Sarasota1 FL Sarasota2 FL Highlands1 FL TU 1000 Sarasota SCTU 770 UF HG001 / TU 10001 Sarasota Horry SC 01 Kissimmee River Quarry APAC UF SO001 Horry Quarry APAC UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Quarry - North APAC Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Beach Crescent (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM WACC 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 12 FL Beach FL Palm 3 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 11 FL Beach Palm 10 FL22 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm tii delesser delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii delessertii evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis PRI 41141 PRI 44072 PRI 44069 UF 113758 (P, C. UF 113758 (P, ) presozoni PRI 46065 PRI 46071 UF 116666 USNM 644644 (P, USNM 644644 (P, ) C. presozoni PRI 46656 PRI 54728 PRI 54729 UF 115844 UF 14112 UF 42024 UF 50498 UF 50561 ANSP 52842 (H, ) C. evergladesensis UF 117302 UF 66449 (H, C. ) patstreamae PRI 45035 PRI 53074 UF 113702 UF 29380 UF 9756 C. PRI 6067 (P, ) presozoni USNM 644643 ) (H, C. presozoni 84 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? JB JB JB JB JB JB CAL? BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX) 02 01 01 (general) (general) (general) LaBelle (15 m depth) along North New River River New (15 m depth) along North 27, 22 km Canal, along U.S. Highway 1991: 53) (Petuch, Bay” south of South Palm Beach Aggregates, Inc. Aggregates, Beach Palm South Bay South South Bay South South Bay South South Bay South TU 978 TU 978 TU 978 TU 1044 Cypress Big UF PB005UF PB005UF PB005UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB014 02 Bay South 04 Bay South 04 Bay South Ranch 01 Star UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 CM SL994 Bay South UF HN031UF HN031 Lee Fort Lee Fort FL Collier 12 FL1 FL Hendry FL1 Hendry Hendry FL Collier 1 FL Leon 1 1 FL Leon 1 FL Leon 3 FL Beach Palm dredging Canal; “canal River New North 2 FL Leon 42 FL FL Hendry Hendry TU 1044 (opposite of)TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big (PB) TAM 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Leon 3 FL1 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 1 FL Leon 6 FL Beach Palm 3 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 11 FL Beach FL Palm 2 Beach Palm 4 FL1 Beach FL Palm 4 Beach FL Palm 1 Beach FL Palm 1 Beach FL Palm 2 Beach FL Palm Beach FL Palm Beach Palm 16 FL Beach Palm haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis harveyensis harveyensis harveyensis harveyensis harveyensis harveyensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis evergladesensis UF 110405 UF 56785 USNM 645160 (H, C. druidi ) UF 47515 UF 47679 UF 7519 UF 80218 ANSP 52843 (P, C. ANSP 52843 (P, ) evergladesensis UF 79807 PRI 46090 PRI 43111 AMNH 50678 (H, C. tomeui ) UF 77698 CM 35718 (P, C. CM 35718 (P, ) evergladesensis PRI 44076 UF 68869 PRI 44077 PRI 46115 PRI 54507 UF 115845 UF 117290 UF 57979 UF 58162 UF 58163 UF 58164 UF 58165 UF 52071 UF 52079 PRI 54319 UF 118664 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 85 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? , FL Rte. 78) Ortona Locks Okeechobee Lake Okeechobee Harney Lake Canal (at bridge Harney Cochran Shell Pit? Cochran Shell Cochran Shell Pit? Cochran Shell of LaBelle] of LaBelle] PRI 1947 canal connecting Kissimmee Lake to PRI 1981 Locks S65D Kissimmee River PRI 1343 W of Jupiter UF PI009 Isle Snell UF GL025UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 FL ? 2 FL Pinellas 4 FL Glades 32 FL FL ? ? 1 FL Okeechobee 1 FL Hendry TU 1044 (opposite of)TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big (PB) TAM 2 FL Hendry TU 1044 (opposite of)TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big (PB) TAM 1 FL Hendry TU 1044 (opposite of)TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big (PB) TAM 3 FL Hendry UF HN027 Canal 01 Interceptor (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 2 FL Sarasota Pit Quarry - North APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 2 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 2 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 4 FL Glades 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Hendry? 11 FL FL Sarasota Collier UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) Quarry TAM Pen Mule (PB) TAM 3 FL34 Hendry FL1 FL Glades FL Glades Hendry? PRI 1987 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW 11 haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis haytensis jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus hertwecki UF 3784 PRI 49061 PRI 54419 PRI 54408 PRI 43114 PRI 54446 PRI 46111 PRI 54697 UF 35880 UF 110372 UF 110373 UF 111425 UF 113865 PRI 41078 PRI 53075 UF 110413 UF 13859 UF 18056 UF 29382 UF 30677 UF 31554 UF 32537 PRI 54444 UF 32543 PRI 54348 UF 31125 PRI 54706 USNM 427968 ) (H, C. hertwecki PRI 54347 UF 53714 UF 53717 PRI 46124 86 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ANA ? BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM Belle Glade Belle S of Belle Glade S of Belle Glade S of Belle Belle Glade Belle Belle Glade Belle “North New River Canal dredging, 20 miles Canal dredging, River New “North (Petuch, Bay” [32.19 km] south of South 1994: 358) “North New River Canal dredging, 20 miles Canal dredging, River New “North (Petuch, Bay” [32.19 km] south of South 1994: 356) ? None ? None TU 201 TU 201 UF 4134 UF 4134 UF 2693 UF 2693 PRI 1133 Pit Hypoluxo Pamlico, UF SL003 01 Pit Dickerson UF SL003 01 Pit Dickerson UF SL003 Pit Dickerson UF SL003 Pit Dickerson UF SL003 Pit Dickerson UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River FL Beach Palm FL Lucie St. 3 FL Glades 6 FL Glades 3 FL Glades 3 FL Beach Palm TU 201 UF PB001 / 01 Glade Belle 1 FL Beach Palm 5 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 8 FL Beach Palm 5 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 67 FL2 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 41 FL Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 5 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Lucie St. 3 FL Lucie St. 2 7 FL Lucie St. 3 3 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Lucie St. 10 FL Beach Palm 13 FL Beach Palm 65 FL ? 21 FL Beach Palm TU 777 UF PB029 / 01 Beach Palm North jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus UF 54262 UF 117307 UF 117264 UF 6630 UF 8544 UF 50973 UF 50568 UF 50562 UF 50500 UF 50431 UF 50127 UF 49828 UF 49101 UF 42025 PRI 4281H PRI 4283H UF 14094 PRI 46099 PRI 54707 PRI 46095 UF 66440 (H, C. palmbeachensis ) UF 66438 (H, C. hyshugari ) PRI 54445 UF 116738 UF 111963 UF 111517 UF 22687 PRI 54429 PRI 54420 UF 22686 PRI 54425 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 87 BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF DA006UF DA006UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 Quarry Miami Rock Florida UF DA013UF DA013UF DA013 Quarry Miami Rock Florida Quarry Miami Rock Florida Quarry Miami Rock Florida FL Hillsborough UF HI001 01 Pit Leisey Shell 11 FL3 FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL2 Dade FL2 Dade FL4 Dade FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL2 Dade FL2 Dade FL1 Dade FL Dade FL1 Dade FL Dade HendryTU 808 UF HN048 / 01 Felda 1 FL Dade 3 FL11 Dade FL FL Dade Hillsborough UF HI001 01 Pit Leisey Shell 3 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 7 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 6 FL Glades 6 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 19 FL Dade 26 14 FL Glades 126 FL GladesTU 803 UF GL011 / 05 Caloosahatchee River jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus UF 52745 UF 52747 UF 52748 UF 52841 UF 52954 UF 52963 UF 53284 UF 53313 UF 55357 UF 56963 UF 56964 UF 56970 UF 56979 UF 66436 (H, C. ) maureenae UF 116739 PRI 54427 PRI 54441 PRI 54442 PRI 54679 UF 13552 UF 57654 UF 56089 UF 55937 UF 55915 UF 55911 UF 55903 UF 55769 UF 55766 UF 117309 UF 117308 UF 113867 UF 57666 UF 54540 UF 54520 88 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM LaBelle] LaBelle] South Bay South South Bay South South Bay South TU 978 TU 978 PRI 1411W of [2 mi (3.22 km) Caloosahatchee River PRI 1411W of [2 mi (3.22 km) Caloosahatchee River UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit UF CH042 03 Alligator Creek UF CH039 01 Prong) (South Alligator Creek UF CH039 01 Prong) (South Alligator Creek UF HN002UF HN002UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River 01 Caloosahatchee River 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN017 Clewiston FL Hendry 23 FL FL Hendry 1 Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Charlotte 4 FL Charlotte 1 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 6 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Hillsborough UF HI014 03 Pit Leisey Shell 47 FL Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 10 FL Beach Palm 25 FL Beach Palm 6311 FL FL Collier Beach Palm TU 580 UF PB016 / Canal 01 River New North 108 FL Hendry 100 FL Hendry jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus UF 117278 UF 117335 UF 2821 UF 117263 PRI 54440 PRI 54439 UF 99859 UF 98774 UF 98750 UF 52297 UF 51850 UF 51846 UF 51743 UF 51640 UF 51619 UF 51387 UF 51378 UF 117314 UF 117300 UF 117299 UF 117251 UF 114796 UF 58078 UF 58077 UF 57996 UF 117315 UF 117272 PRI 54671 UF 37268 PRI 54431 UF 114843 PRI 46094 PRI 54354 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 89 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL Shell Creek Shell LaBelle Pit LaBelle Caloosahatchee Formation) Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell TU 1175 Island Corkskrew UF PI010UF PI010 Petersburg St. North Petersburg St. North UF DE001 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF HN022UF HN029 Hendry County Rockpit East 05 (type locality of LaBelle UF HN004UF HN004UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN017UF HN017 Clewiston Clewiston PRI 1260/1263PRI 1260/1263PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle Grounds Picnic LaBelle Grounds Picnic LaBelle FL Charlotte 1 FL2 Hendry FL Pinellas TU 792 UF HN044 / 02 West LaBelle 22 FL1 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry TU 726 UF HN022 / 31 Hendry County Rockpit FL3 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry 1 FL Soto De 11 FL2 FL Hendry 9 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 6 FL Hendry FL Hendry Collier 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 61 FL2 FL Hendry FL Hendry Hendry 12 FL Charlotte 13 FL64 Beach Palm 35 FL FLTU 583 UF PB027 / Pinellas Charlotte Canal 06 Miami 40 FL Hendry 18 FL Charlotte 205 118 FL Hendry jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus UF 90901 UF 90847 UF 116707 UF 116733 UF 117365 UF 92622 PRI 54432 UF 114855 UF 58456 UF 98571 PRI 54396 PRI 54434 PRI 54435 PRI 54663 PRI 54422 UF 86564 UF 47895 UF 117235 UF 117263 UF 117273 UF 117360 UF 24120 UF 24357 UF 25700 UF 54443 UF 54612 UF 60003 PRI 54428 UF 117232 PRI 49059 PRI 46126 UF 57168 UF 57170 PRI 46096 90 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  FT CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL? CAL? CAL? FT (B 3) CAL (B 2) TAM (PB 3) TAM FT (UPPER) FT (UPPER) FT (IN SITU) CAL (IN SITU) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) FL Rte. 80 at “X Canal” CAL / BERM (MIX) Miami Canal, S of Miami LaBelle, canal bank near Silva’s LaBelle, “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 359) UF 4131 UF 3548 UF LE019 Pit and Sand Rock Bonita Grande UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF CR027 Pit Phil Handy UF DE018 (general) Pits Shell DeSoto UF DE017 04 Pit Shell Davis UF CH027 Pit Phil Handy UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH038 01A Alligator Creek UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF HN042 01 Branch Banana FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee 11 FL Beach Palm 4 FL DeSoto 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL DeSoto 1 FL Hillsborough UF HI014 03A Pit Leisey Shell 1 FL GladesTU 767 UF GL010 / Caloosahatchee Canal 05 82 FL FL Charlotte Hillsborough UF HI014 03A Pit Leisey Shell 2 FL Glades 2 FL Hendry 2 FL Glades 7 FL Lee 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Hendry 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee 11 FL DeSotoTU 1512 UF DE018 / (general) Pits Shell DeSoto 26 FL DeSotoTU 1512 UF DE018 / (general) Pits Shell DeSoto 17 FL Charlotte 16 FL GladesTU 768 UF GL009 / Caloosahatchee Canal 04 39 FL Hendry 10 FL GladesTU 768 UF GL009 / Caloosahatchee Canal 04 34 FL Charlotte 18 FL Charlotte 22 FL Beach Palm jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus PRI 54382 UF 112316 UF 114871 UF 116673 UF 117271 UF 66425 (H, C. ) sarasotaensis UF 117341 UF 50273 UF 112485 PRI 54423 UF 43868 UF 57678 UF 100197 UF 117316 PRI 54430 UF 116727 PRI 54449 UF 116726 PRI 54422 UF 86655 UF 66442 (H, C. wilsoni ) UF 94887 UF 67247 UF 98011 UF 62579 UF 92224 UF 117331 UF 92191 PRI 54410 UF 90996 UF 112555 PRI 54384 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 91 AM (PB) AM (PB) T TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM T TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM Canal Interceptor Canal Interceptor Alligator Alley, 6.4 mi [10.30 km] W of 6.4 mi [10.30 km] Alligator Alley, L-28 Alligator Alley Alligator Alley, 6.4 mi [10.30 km] W of 6.4 mi [10.30 km] Alligator Alley, L-28 “Kissimmee River dredging at Fort at Fort dredging “Kissimmee River 1994: 357) (Petuch, Basinger” Basinger” (Petuch, 1994: 357) (Petuch, Basinger” UF 4132 UF CR007UF CR007UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 03 UF DA001 Road Bird UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline 2 FL Collier? 1 FL1 Collier ? FL9 Collier FL6 Collier FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 9 FL Charlotte 3 FL Charlotte 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB 3) TAM 9 FL Charlotte 2 FL21 Collier? FL4 FL2 Dade FL1 Dade Okeechobee FL1 Okeechobee FLTU 1493 UF DA015 / 2TU 729 UF OB001 / Okeechobee FL1 Arvida Pits Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort Okeechobee FL UF OB001 Okeechobee UF OB0012 UF OB0013 FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB001 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB001 Okeechobee 01 Basinger Fort 01 Basinger Fort 01 Basinger Fort UF OB002 UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort 1 FL1 Sarasota FL1 Highlands FL Highlands UF SO017 UF 4132 B Pit Shell Macasphalt at Fort dredging “Kissimmee River (PB 7) TAM 32 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 22 FL26 Collier FL84 Collier FL Collier 6513 FL Okeechobee FL OkeechobeeTU 728 UF OB002 / TU 728 UF OB002 / 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus ) eldae UF 114894 PRI 46098 PRI 54426 UF 47678 UF 60305 UF 71309 UF 71484 UF 114828 UF 114893 UF 93251 UF 93217 UF 93112 UF 66439 (H, C. susanae ) UF 66435 (H, C. marymansfi UF 116657 PRI 54453 UF 116706 UF 13427 UF 114866 UF 116665 UF 117229 UF 117246 UF 117270 UF 61002 UF 114844 UF 114852 UF 117233 UF 117323 UF 66441 (H, C. ) laurenae UF 66437 (H, C. jaclynae ) 92 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality APAC Quarry APAC Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL018 Dyke 02 Hoover Herbert UF GL018 Dyke 02 Hoover Herbert UF CR004UF CR004UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule UF MA008UF MA008UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort 3 FL CollierTU 1175 UF CR020 / 02 Island Corkskrew 71 FL6 FL Manatee FL Manatee 5 Sarasota FL Sarasota TU 1524 UF SO013 / 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 5 FL Manatee 11 FL2 FL Collier FL1 Collier 6 Collier FLTU 1177 UF CR004 / 4 FL Quarry Pen Mule Collier 1 FL Collier FL Sarasota Sarasota 76 FL FL Sarasota Collier TU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 5 FL Sarasota 2 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 11 FL2 Okeechobee FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee2 UF OB0021 FL UF OB0022 Okeechobee FL UF OB0022 Okeechobee FL 02 Basinger Fort 3 Okeechobee FL 02 Basinger Fort Okeechobee FL 02 Basinger Fort UF OB002 UF OB002 Highlands UF OB007 02 Basinger Fort UF OB007 02 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort 1 FL DadeTU 525 UF DA014 / 02 Bend Fortymile 21 FL Manatee 13 FL Sarasota 11 FL Manatee 13 FL Collier 16 FL Sarasota 2265 FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee UF OB002 UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus UF 115000 PRI 53188 UF 114960 UF 114967 UF 113760 PRI 54424 PRI 54447 PRI 53174 PRI 53173 UF 114879 UF 114959 UF 42379 UF 42936 UF 55419 UF 55428 PRI 40219 PRI 54634 PRI 53184 UF 117368 PRI 46097 UF 112597 UF 26626 UF 117241 UF 117330 UF 117332 UF 59929 UF 60272 UF 60341 UF 60371 UF 60505 UF 117244 UF 62864 UF 117231 UF 114958 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 93 ? ? BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM WACC TAM (PB)? TAM TAM (PB) / FT (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Lake Okeechobee PRI 1981 Locks S65D Kissimmee River UF PB001UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF PB001 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF GL017 Canal 02 Pond Harney 2 NC ColumbusTU 870 UF ZN022 / 01 Dock Old 5 FL ? 2 FL CharlotteTU 283A UF CH014 / 01 Waterway Flamingo 4 FL1 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL7 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 6 FL Glades 23 FL Okeechobee 27 FL CollierTU 796 UF CR021 / Alligator Alley 04 20 FL Beach Palm 92 FL Sarasota 16 FL Sarasota 145 FL Sarasota jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus jaspideus sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or UF 112491 PRI 54315 PRI 54346 UF 114776 UF 114798 UF 117319 UF 117320 UF 50560 UF 50563 UF 116721 UF 43502 UF 117336 UF 9749 UF 9746 UF 96134 UF 7799 UF 57299 UF 47991 UF 34177 UF 31519 UF 30676 UF 29912 UF 18055 UF 18049 UF 16175 UF 16172 UF 112570 UF 112568 UF 26531 94 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM South Bay South South Bay South South Bay South TU 978 TU 978 UF PB001UF PB001 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle UF PB005UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South 04 Bay South UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 Quarry Miami Rock Florida UF HN017 Clewiston 1 FL1 Beach Palm FL2 Beach Palm FL Dade 6 FL Dade 3 FL Beach Palm 3 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Beach Palm 3 FL4 Beach Palm FL7 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 4 FL2 Beach Palm FL2 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL3 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 21 FL Collier 10 FL Beach Palm 11 FL Hendry sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or UF 54083 UF 54088 UF 53299 PRI 54312 PRI 54318 PRI 44075 PRI 46657 PRI 49050 UF 57958 UF 57985 UF 57988 UF 57990 UF 58071 UF 58081 UF 58083 UF 117298 UF 117301 UF 52076 UF 117369 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 95 ? ? ? CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson of Ortona Locks] TU 1175 Island Corkskrew PRI 1990 Caloosahatchee Canal [2.5 mi (4.02 km) E UF PB014UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star UF GL006 Ortona Lock 02 UF GL024 01 Beach Bear Big UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF DA001 Road Bird UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL1 Collier FL Glades 1 FL7 Beach Palm FL7 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL1 Charlotte FL Dade 2 FL Highlands 1 FL Collier 5 FL Collier 2 FL Collier 11 FL Hendry 54 FL Beach Palm sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum largillierti (cf.) 6 FL ? largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1 2 FL FL Glades Glades largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or largillierti and/or UF 57169 UF 25703 UF 54440 PRI 49051 UF 12374 PRI 54310 UF 64536 UF 64537 UF 64733 UF 64734 UF 114789 UF 13495 UF 117370 UF 117267 UF 117277 UF 117325 PRI 54328 UF 42034 PRI 54381 96 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ANA BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM FL Rte. 78) lock S65D E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, Lake Hicpochee, N side of river Lake Hicpochee, Lake Okeechobee Okeechobee S of Belle Glade S of Belle Cypress slash, S of Cypress of LaBelle] Kissimmee River Canal, near structure 65D Canal, near structure Kissimmee River Caloosahatchee Pit Kissimmee Canal DL’s Pit, Arcadia Pit, DL’s Harney Lake Canal (at bridge, Harney TU 932 PRI 1947 canal connecting Kissimmee Lake to PRI 1985PRI 1985PRI 1985PRI 1984 Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Kissimmee Canal, upper end of Long PRI 1987 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW PRI 1983W side of N of Lock S65E, Slash, Cypress UF SL003 Pit Dickerson UFGL025UFGL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF PB001UF PB001UF PB001UF PB001 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle 01 Glade Belle UF GL008UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River 04 Caloosahatchee River UF PU002 Lake Canal Crescent UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 ti (cf.) 9 FL Highlands ti (cf.) 1 FL ? largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Okeechobee largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Okeechobee largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 2 FL ? largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) FLlargillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 2 FL 8 ? Hillsborough FL FL Lucie St. Beach Palm UF HI015 03B Pit Leisey Shell largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 4 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 9 Beach FL Palm 215 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 1 Glades 1 FL FL Glades TU 759 UF GL008 / Glades 04 Caloosahatchee River largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 1 FL 9 FLlargillier Highlands FL Highlands Highlands largillierti (cf.) 5largillierti (cf.) FLlargillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 3 Hendry FL 2 FL Glades FL Glades Glades largillierti (cf.) 4 FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry? largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) FL 1 Putnam Highlands FL DeSoto largillierti (cf.)largillier 5 FL Glades PRI 46040 PRI 46067 PRI 54329 PRI 1507C PRI 54409 UF 46257 PRI 54314 PRI 4329H UF 14090 UF 42027 UF 49102 UF 50499 UF 113779 UF 54260 UF 54261 PRI 54668 PRI 54676 PRI 54388 PRI 2097H PRI 54355 UF 117252 UF 117262 UF 53374 UF 53706 VMNH 80BB10 UF 20502 PRI 54390 VMNH uncat. PRI 54350 PRI 54393 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 97 BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM UF PB013UF PB013 Land 01 Holey Land 01 Holey UF GL008UF GL008UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River 04 Caloosahatchee River 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011UF GL011UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River 05 Caloosahatchee River 05 Caloosahatchee River UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit CM SL587CM SL587 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 Quarry Miami Rock Florida (cf.) 2 FL Collier ti (cf.) 1 FL Collier largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 10 FLlargillierti (cf.) 6 FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 Glades FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 18 Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 41 FL 242largillierti (cf.) Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) FL 1 Glades Gladeslargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 6 Glades TU 803 UF GL011 / FLlargillierti (cf.) 12TU 803 UF GL011 / Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 05 Caloosahatchee River Glades FL 05 Caloosahatchee River largillierti (cf.) 3 Glades FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 5 FLlargillierti (cf.) 2 Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FL 1 Glades FLlargillierti (cf.) Glades FL 1 Glades largillierti (cf.) FL Dade 1 FL Dade Dade largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 3largillierti (cf.) 6 FL 95 Beach FL Palm FL Beach Palm Collier largillierti largillier UF 54265 UF 54528 UF 54545 UF 54551 UF 54940 UF 57644 UF 57664 UF 57665 UF 113868 UF 113869 UF 117304 UF 117333 UF 117340 UF 55734 UF 55758 UF 55767 UF 55914 UF 55942 UF 55950 UF 56074 CM 35731 (H, C. capelettii ) C. CM 35732 (P, capelettii ) UF 117321 UF 52810 UF 52851 UF 52962 UF 55344 PRI 54311 UF 59183 UF 59189 PRI 54308 PRI 54317 PRI 54646 98 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM? South Bay South 441 construction dig at “US Highway (Petuch, area” Loxahatchee Bend, 20-Mile 1994: 353) Bermont; Shell Creek Shell Bermont; Clewiston Clewiston Borrow Pit Clewiston Borrow TU 978 UF 4133 UF PB005UF PB005UF PB005UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB007 02 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South 04 Bay South 04 Bay South 04 Bay South UF GL026UF GL026 08 Caloosahatchee River 08 Caloosahatchee River UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN001 Clewiston 01 UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell ti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 23largillierti (cf.) 23 FL 5 Beach FL Palm Beach Palm FLTU 580 UF PB016 / Beach Palm TU 747 UF PB028 / Canal 01 River New North Canal 03 River New North largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 2 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 12 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 4 FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 10 Beach Palm FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 5 Beach Palm FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 1 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) 9 Beach FL Palm 1 Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) Beach FL Palm largillierti (cf.) Beach Palm 1largillierti (cf.) 1 FL 1 FL Charlotte FL Hendry Hendry TU 202 UF HN045 / Caloosahatchee River largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 4 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 94 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 5 FLlargillierti (cf.) 6 FL Glades 4 FL Glades FL Hendry Hendry largillierti (cf.) 9 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2 2 FL FL Hendry Hendry largillierti (cf.) 8 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry largillier UF 114842 UF 116737 PRI 46068 UF 114749 UF 117291 UF 117338 UF 57981 UF 58072 UF 117226 UF 51387 UF 51845 UF 52130 UF 52296 UF 52302 UF 52306 UF 66428 (H, C. ) loxahatcheensis VMNH 80BB5 UF 114807 UF 114751 UF 117347 UF 2820 UF 2822 UF 9461 UF 58323 UF 58330 PRI 46064 UF 52674 UF 8462 PRI 44068 UF 117346 UF 117361 UF 14148 UF 15792 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 99 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL (B 1) CAL (IN SITU) CAL (IN SITU) CAL (IN SITU) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) near Fort Myers near Fort LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle LaBelle, canal bank near Silva’s LaBelle, ? Shell Creek Shell 06, SE corner Phase Aggregates Quality PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle UF PI010 Petersburg St. North UF PI010 Petersburg St. North UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL023 Ortona Lock 05 UF DE001 01 Pit Shell Soto De UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH036UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF CH007UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH036 (general) Creek Shell 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN018 East 04 LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle (cf.) 1 FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 17 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Soto De 67 FL Charlotte largillierti (cf.) 3 FL 1 FL ? Glades FL Hendry Hendry TU 519 UF GL030 / TU 726 UF HN022 / Canal 04 Pond Harney Hendry County Rockpit largillierti (cf.) 101largillierti (cf.) FL 50 FL Hendry Hendry largillierti (cf.) 108 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 2 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Hendry largillierti (cf.) 9 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry FL Hendry HendryTU 792 UF HN044 / 02 West LaBelle largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 4 28 FL FL Hendry Pinellas largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Pinellas largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 3largillierti (cf.) 1 FL 2 FL Charlotte FL Charlotte Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 12largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 25 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Charlotte largillierti (cf.) 7 Charlotte FL 1 FL Charlotte FL Sarasota Charlotte largillierti (cf.)largillierti 30 FL GladesTU 768 UF GL009 / Caloosahatchee Canal 04 largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Glades UF 24768 UF 24769 UF 54452 UF 117322 UF 85484 PRI 3873F UF 116731 UF 114856 UF 117343 PRI 53629 PRI 53630 PRI 53631 PRI 54397 PRI 54438 PRI 40201 PRI 40202 PRI 40203 PRI 40557 PRI 54343 UF 116716 PRI 54450 UF 117362 UF 117373 UF 86547 UF 86550 PRI 54344 PRI 54433 UF 117296 UF 92225 PRI 54323 UF 86498 UF 116725 UF 117334 UF 35582 100 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CAL? CANE CHOW CAL / FT (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) f FL Rte. 80 at “X Canal” CAL / BERM (MIX) DeSoto Shell Pits (general) Pits Shell DeSoto DeSoto Shell Pits (general) Pits Shell DeSoto Miami Canal, S o Miami Elizabethtown (town dump) (town Elizabethtown Lumber River Lumber “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 354) “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 353) “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 352) Lumberton Canepatch Pit (type locality of Canepatch Canepatch Pit Formation) Lumberton Lumberton Lumberton Lumberton DUP Lumberton, back from river Lumberton, back from UF 4131 UF 4131 UF 4131 PRI 2000 Pit Holmes UF LE019 Pit and Sand Rock Bonita Grande UF PB014UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL001 Ortona Lock 01 UF DE017UF DE017 04 Pit Shell Davis 04 Pit Shell Davis UF DE018 (general) Pits Shell DeSoto UF HN028 ompson 02 Th Fort UF HN021 Clewiston 04 Horry ti (cf.) 2 FL Glades largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Glades largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 4 FL 1 FL Soto De FL DeSoto DeSoto largillierti (cf.) 1 FL DeSoto largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 11 21 FL FL DeSoto DeSotoTU 1512 UF DE018 / (general) Pits Shell DeSoto largillierti (cf.) 1 NC Bladen largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Beach Palm TU 1023 UF PB021 / 01 Pahokee largillierti (cf.) 3 FL Beach Palm largillier largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2 14 NC NC Duplin Robeson largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) 1 FL 1 Beach FL Palm Beach FL Palm Hendry largillierti (cf.) 1 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 1 SC largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 3 2 FL FL Lee Hendry largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Beach Palm largillierti (cf.) 3 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 13 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 4 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 2 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 1 NC Robeson W58 UF 57677 UF 42131 UF 42205 PRI 40218 PRI 40220 UF 113727 UF 116676 UF 112556 PRI 54322 UF 15659 PRI 54316 VMNH 83LW1 UF 62600 UF 64538 UF 15630 VMNH 90LW1 VMNH uncat. PRI 54313 UF 1702 UF 66429 (H, C. ) ronaldsmithi UF 66424 (H, C. joelshugari ) UF 66423 (H, C. diegelae ) VMNH 90LW1 VMNH 92L VMNH 95LW VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. VMNH 90LW1-A HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 101 JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JB JC FT DUP DUP DUP NASH NASH NASH NASH TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 7) TAM FT (IN SITU) (general) (general) (general) (general) 01 01 01 01 01 01 01 02 02 02 s 01 s Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Lumberton, Lumberton River Rozier Farm, Lumber Farm Lumber Farm, Rozier Rozier Farm, Lumber Farm Lumber Farm, Rozier Mine Lee Creek APAC Quarry - South Center Pit (NS Face) QuarryCenter Pit - South APAC 02, E end Phase Aggregates Quality (PB 7) TAM UF PU003 Bluff Nashua UF PU005UF PU005 Landing Nashua Old Landing Nashua Old UF LN003UF LN004UF LN004 Creek Harvey’s UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson UF LN003 Creek Harvey’s UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH027UF CH027 Pit Phil Handy Pit Phil Handy largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 17 4 FL Charlotte FL Collier? .) 38 FL Charlotte largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Collier? largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Collier? largillierti (cf.) 5 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 15 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.) 5 NC Robeson largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 4largillierti (cf.) 4 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 2 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 5 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 28 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) 20 FL Leon largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Leon largillierti (cf.) 21 Leon FLlargillierti (cf.) Leon 1 FL 2 Leon NC Leon FL Beaufort Putnam largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 65largillierti (cf.) 29 FL 2 FL Charlotte Charlotte FL Leon largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 3largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Putnam 1 FL Putnam Okeechobee FL Sarasota UF OB006 Pit Rucks largillierti (cf.) 3 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf UF 93188 PRI 54325 PRI 54342 PRI 54661 VMNH uncat. VMNH 95LW VMNH 95LW + VMNH 95LW 2 ft. UF 6984 UF 1980 UF 69000 UF 70035 UF 78608 UF 79236 UF 79474 UF 80192 UF 80266 UF 80267 UF 80556 UF 79810 UF 7193 UF 7465 UF 7469 VMNH uncat. UF 116664 PRI 54307 PRI 54309 UF 3069 UF 92728 UF 92865 UF 52453 PRI 50128 PRI 52920 UF 116659 102 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF DA001 Road Bird UF DA001 Road Bird (cf.) 5 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort ti (cf.) 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 64largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 FL Collierlargillierti (cf.) 2 FL 12 Collier FL Collier FLTU 797 UF CR007 / CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Collier Alligator Alley 01 TU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 TU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 01 largillierti (cf.) 46 FL Collier largillierti (cf.) 18 FL Collier largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) 3 FLlargillierti (cf.) 12 FLlargillierti (cf.) 3 Collier FL 3 Collier FL Dade FLTU 933 UF CR014 / HendryTU 933 UF CR014 / Dade Alligator Alley 03 TU 1493 DA015 / TU 1044 (opposite of) Alligator Alley 03 TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big Arvida Pits (PB) TAM largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Dade largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Highlandslargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Highlandslargillierti (cf.) 2 FL HighlandsTU 520 282 UF HG002 / largillierti (cf.) FLTU 520 235 UF HG002 / Charlottelargillierti (cf.) FL Canal 01 Brighton TU 752 UF HG009 / Charlotte Okeechobeelargillierti (cf.) FL 3 Canal 01 Brighton Okeechobeelargillierti (cf.) 42TU 756 UF CH045 / Canal 02 Brighton FLTU 729 UF OB001 / largillierti (cf.)TU 756 UF CH045 / 1 FL Okeechobee 01 Waterway Elkcam TU 729 UF OB001 / largillierti (cf.) 1 Okeechobee 01 Basinger Fort FL 01 Waterway Elkcam largillierti (cf.) 1 01 Basinger Fort Okeechobee FLlargillierti (cf.) 24 Okeechobee FL UF OB001 138largillierti (cf.) FL UF OB001 Okeechobeelargillierti (cf.) FL 72 Okeechobee UF OB001 Okeechobeelargillierti (cf.) 3 FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB001largillierti (cf.) 3 Okeechobee 01 Basinger Fort FL UF OB001TU 728 UF OB002 / largillierti (cf.) 1 UF OB001 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort largillierti (cf.)TU 728 UF OB002 / 1 02 Basinger Fort Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort largillierti 5 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort largillier 01 Basinger Fort Okeechobee FL UF OB002 Okeechobee UF OB002 UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort UF 116708 UF 116713 UF 116714 UF 116717 UF 71432 UF 71446 UF 114823 UF 114892 UF 114898 UF 116718 PRI 54324 UF 13419 UF 13494 UF 112482 UF 112551 UF 116963 UF 113705 UF 113706 UF 113696 UF 113697 UF 50655 UF 60317 UF 60422 UF 60479 UF 60497 UF 61009 UF 113701 UF 114851 UF 117284 UF 117297 UF 117303 UF 117339 UF 59129 UF 59136 UF 59924 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 103 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule UF SO001UF SO001UF SO017 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017UF SO017UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF GL018 Dyke 02 Hoover Herbert UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort (cf.) 32 FL Manatee ti (cf.) 34 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Okeechobee FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Okeechobee FLlargillierti (cf.) 48 Okeechobee FL 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 Okeechobee FL UF OB002 UF OB007 Highlands 02 Basinger Fort UF OB007 UF OB007 02 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Highlands largillierti (cf.) 5 FL Highlands largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Highlands largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 6largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 20 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FL Highlandslargillierti (cf.) 4 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 17 FLTU 730 UF HG006 / largillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 8 03 Kissimmee River FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 3 FLlargillierti (cf.) 32 Sarasota FLlargillierti (cf.) 43 Sarasota FLlargillierti (cf.) 11 Sarasota FL Sarasotalargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasotalargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasotalargillierti (cf.)TU 1000 UF SO017 / 4 FLlargillierti (cf.)TU 1000 UF SO017 / Sarasota 5 B Pit Shell Macasphalt FLlargillierti (cf.)TU 1000 UF SO017 / Sarasota 1 B Pit Shell Macasphalt FL Sarasota 3 B Pit Shell Macasphalt FL Collier FL Collier Collier TU 1177 UF CR004 / Quarry Pen Mule largillierti (cf.) 3 FL Collier largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Collier largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Collier largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Collier largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.)largillierti 53largillier FL Sarasota UF 59934 UF 60344 UF 62865 UF 65439 UF 65463 UF 117310 UF 61553 UF 61933 UF 61935 UF 26636 UF 112480 UF 16180 UF 18123 UF 111428 UF 111429 UF 111437 UF 111636 UF 111637 UF 112593 UF 112594 UF 112596 UF 117249 UF 84239 UF 98197 PRI 49049 UF 114878 UF 117225 UF 42385 UF 42664 UF 42683 UF 42694 PRI 54443 PRI 53182 PRI 53171 PRI 53172 104 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry, North Pit North Quarry, APAC APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM None UF 2664 TU 1000 Quarry APAC UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality ti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 3 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 4 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 5 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 4 78 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 5 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 2 FL CollierTU 1175 UF CR020 / 02 Island Corkskrew largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FL Highlandslargillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 2 FLTU 770 UF HG001 / largillierti (cf.) 60 Sarasota FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 2 FL 01 Kissimmee River largillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota largillierti (cf.) 59 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.) 7 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.) 1 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.) 3 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.) 2 FL Manatee largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 14 FLlargillier 3 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Okeechobee TU 1524 UF SO013 / TU 1524 UF SO013 / 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson CM 35667 (P, C. CM 35667 (P, trippae ) PRI 40211 PRI 40230 PRI 40525 PRI 41744 PRI 54327 PRI 54341 PRI 54345 PRI 46066 PRI 53076 PRI 53071 UF 115001 UF 112477 UF 117247 UF 117250 UF 40467 UF 9752 UF 110416 UF 117254 UF 117311 UF 117327 UF 29377 UF 35003 PRI 53187 PRI 53195 PRI 54635 UF 114961 UF 114970 UF 113718 UF 113721 UF 38717 CM 35666 (H, C. trippae ) HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 105 WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC TAM (PB)? TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM of NC Rte. Bridge ) River allsboro Road intersect on NC Road allsboro , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream from from , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream Bridge Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils Dock Old Dock Old Dock Old Acme Acme Calabash Calabash near Cavers? stream Acme Acme Acme Acme Rte. 130, N side of road Parkers Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Parkers Parkers Landing, bank of Waccamaw River, River, Waccamaw Landing, bank of Parkers Bluff 1.1 mi (1.77 km) E of Red SC9 on Little (ICW Old Dock; 0.6 mi (0.97 km) N Dock; Old 130 and H PRI 113 PRI 1446 Acme UF ZS015UF ZS015UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent 01 Beach Crescent 01 Beach Crescent UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO019 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO019 2 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF GL031 Ortona Lock 06 largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 5largillierti (cf.) 1 NC 1+largillierti (cf.) Columbus NC Columbus NC Columbus 1 NC ColumbusTU 870 UF ZN022 / 01 Dock Old largillierti (cf.) 40largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) NC 1 Columbus largillierti (cf.) 1 NClargillierti (cf.) 1 Brunswick NC 545largillierti (cf.) Brunswick NC 354largillierti SC (cf.) Columbus 499largillierti SC (cf.) Horry SC 15 Horry NC Horry Columbus largillierti (cf.)largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) 2 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) Sarasota 1 FLlargillierti (cf.) 1 Glades FL 12largillierti (cf.) Sarasota FL Sarasota largillierti (cf.) NC 2 Columbus Collierlargillierti (cf.) 1 NC 66largillierti (cf.) Columbus NC 46 NC Columbus TU 796 UF CR021 / Columbus NC Alligator Alley 04 Columbus largillierti (cf.) 2 SC Horry largillierti (cf.) 1largillierti (cf.) SC 1 Horry SC Horry largillierti (cf.) 7 NC Columbus W(E)?) PRI 54376 VMNH NC73 VMNH uncat. UF 112490 PRI 54374 VMNH 74LW27 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. UF 113744 UF 113747 UF 113757 PRI 54370 UF 35042 UF 46238 UF 58807 UF 58894 UF 116732 UF 41414 UF 43504 UF 114772 PRI 54360 PRI 54379 PRI 54645 PRI 53632 PRI 54306 VMNH 77BB21 (77L VMNH WA17 VMNH WA56, from upstream VMNH 77BB174 106 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? JB DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP YORK YORK WACC WACC WACC WACC CAL (B 1) CAL (B 1) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM

YORK ) River (general) Chuckatuck APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Alligator Alley Formation) Formation) , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream from from , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream SC9 Bridge on Little (ICW Natural Well Natural WA56, ICW, bank, NE end of Windy Hill Hill Windy bank, NE end of ICW, WA56, Airstrip Rushmere contamination from Quality Aggregates Phase 06, SE corner Phase Aggregates Quality “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson 06, SE corner Phase Aggregates Quality TU 1000 Quarry APAC PRI 2000 Pit Holmes PRI 2000 Pit Holmes UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural UF MA008UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 09 Phase Aggregates Quality olk Suff 1VA 11 FL2 FL Manatee 8 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 7 FL Manatee 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Collier? 1 FL Collier? 4 FL Collier? 13 NC NC Duplin Duplin 3 FL Leon 15 VA VA Surry City James marine, possible , below Kingsmill Cliff Bluff River James 41 VA MiddlesexVA Southampton Martiau Bend Sycamore River, Nottoway YORK YORK 1 NC Duplin 1 NC Duplin 1 FL Sarasota 41 FL FL ? Sarasota 16 FL Manatee 10 NC Duplin ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus largillierti (cf.) 1 SC Horry largillierti (cf.) 2largillierti (cf.) SC 2 Horry NC ColumbusTU 559 UF 2846 / largillierti (cf.) 3 NC ColumbusTU 559 UF 2846 / VMNH uncat. PRI 54358 PRI 53190 PRI 54662 PRI 40216 PRI 54399 PRI 54400 PRI 54448 PRI 53175 PRI 53183 PRI 54705 PRI 54653 UF 82912 PRI 54398 UF 78488 VMNH WA56, VMNH WA56, from upstream PRI 54363 UF 82703 VMNH 78BB-6 (WA56A) UF 115014 VMNH 93LW16 VMNH uncat. VMNH 92LW55 PRI 54699 UF 115015 PRI 54403 PRI 54677 PRI 46120 PRI 54669 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 107 ? CAL CAL YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK YORK? YORK? TAM (PB) TAM YORK (Z 2) YORK (Z 2) YORK (Z 2) YORK (Z 2) YORK YORK (Z 2) YORK YORK (Z 2) YORK YORK (Z 2) YORK Alligator Alley U.S. Mine Filling Station near Stony Point, Point, near Stony Station Filling U.S. Mine River York ? None None None None None Zook’s Pit Zook’s Rice’s PitRice’s PitRice’s PitRice’s PitRice’s Pit Rice’s Pit Rice’s Pit Rice’s YORK Pit Rice’s YORK Pit Rice’s YORK Pit Rice’s YORK Pit Rice’s UF 2976 UF 2976 UF 2976 UF 2976 UF 2976 TU 1175 Island Corkskrew PRI 1291 Landing Grove River, James UF ZV002 Hampton UF ZV005 Chuckatuck UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell olk City City City City City City City City City City City Suff Hampton 9 FL Collier ? 1 VA ? 7FL? 11 FL FL Hendry Collier 3 VA1 Hampton VA1 Hampton VA Hampton 1 VA Hampton 2 VA6 Hampton VA3 Hampton VA2 Hampton VA2 Hampton VA Hampton 11 VA1 VA VA ? 1 ? VA ? ? 11 VA Hampton 11 VA Hampton 1214 VA VA York 61 VA ? 13 VA 131 VA ? ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis mar mar mar mar marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar mar PRI 50295 UF 115809 UF 115810 UF 6038 PRI 4159E PRI 54359 PRI 46038 UF 114799 PRI 54487 UF 115808 PRI 52915 PRI 54365 PRI 54366 PRI 54368 PRI 54686 VMNH 70LW1 VMNH 70LW266 VMNH 70LW266 VMNH Loc. #75 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. PRI 54367 UF 5995 UF 11141 UF 5967 108 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? PRI 1981 Locks S65D Kissimmee River FL Okeechobee 7 13 FL1 FL Collier ?1 FL1 Collier FL Collier FL5 CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Collier FLTU 797 UF CR007 / 2 Alligator Alley 01TU 797 UF CR007 / 1 Collier Alligator Alley 01 FLTU 797 UF CR007 / 2 Alligator Alley 01 FL2 Dade Alligator Alley 01 FLTU 933 UF CR014 / 1 Alligator Alley Dade FL Charlotte2 Alligator Alley 03 FLTU 1493 UF DA015 / Sarasota1 FL Sarasota6 Arvida Pits FL Sarasota1 UF CH028 UF DA001 FL Sarasota3 (PB) TAM FL UF SO0173 (PB) Collier TAM TU 1000 UF SO017 / FL UF SO0176 (PB) Collier TAM A Lomax-King Pit Road Bird FL B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 (PB) Collier TAM FL B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 Collier FL B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 (PB) TAM Collier TU 1177 UF CR004 FL Dade1 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR0043 UF CR004 FL Dade Quarry Pen Mule 7 (PB) TAM Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 FL Sarasota1 Quarry Pen Mule FL (PB) TAM MCZ 1736 Sarasota (PB) TAM Quarry Pen Mule FL (PB) TAM Sarasota3 Quarry Pen Mule MCZ 1736 (PB) TAM Sarasota8 (PB) TAM FL Road and Bird SW 146th Avenue TU 10002 FL (PB) TAM UF SO001 Sarasota4 Road and Bird SW 146th Avenue FL UF SO001 Sarasota FL UF SO001 Sarasota Quarry APAC (PB) TAM Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) Collier TAM (PB) TAM Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 (PB) TAM Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 (PB) TAM (PB) TAM UF SO001TU 796 UF CR021 / (PB) TAM Pit Shell Macasphalt Alligator Alley 04 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB)? TAM 1FL? 20 FL84 Collier FL Collier UF CR007 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM (PB) TAM 13 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM oniscus oniscus miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis miamiensis PRI 54727 UF 112310 UF 115828 UF 115829 UF 115830 UF 71440 UF 112311 UF 114827 UF 117184 UF 13432 UF 49058 UF 111422 UF 111634 UF 113733 UF 114754 PRI 50280 UF 115831 UF 42386 UF 42387 UF 56119 MCZ 113027 (H, C. miamiensis ) MCZ 113028 (P, C. miamiensis ) PRI 44070 UF 10952 UF 10953 UF 16171 UF 18060 UF 57274 UF 97056 UF 9751 UF 114777 PRI 2120H PRI 54404 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 109 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BOW BERM WACC CAL (B 1) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Bermont; Shell Creek Shell Bermont; Cape Fear River, below Donoho Creek Donoho below River, Cape Fear Curry Petersburg St. North Structure 65D Structure Kissimmee River Kissimmee River Acme Structure 65D Structure Alligator Alley, 6.4 mi (10.30 km) W of 6.4 mi (10.30 km) Alligator Alley, Canal L-28 Interceptor Alligator Alley Quality Aggregates Phase 06, SE corner Phase Aggregates Quality LaBelle Pit LaBelle Clewiston Okeechobee Jamaica Bowden, E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, E side f Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side f Kissimmee River, E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, TU 729 TU 729 TU 932 TU 932 TU 932 TU 1044 Cypess Big PRI 1947 canal connecting Kissimmee Lake to UF PB010 Canal 01 Miami UF PB010 Canal 01 Miami UF PB010 Canal 01 Miami UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF HN017UF HN004 Clewiston Pit Cochran Shell FL Beach Palm 1 1 FL Beach Palm TU 1536 UF PB014 / Ranch 01 Star 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL1 Hendry FL Beach Palm 2 FL Charlotte 41 NC 1 NC4 FL ? FL Beach Palm ? 11 FL1 FL NC ? Columbus ? 1 FL Okeechobee 2 FL Okeechobee 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Collier? 2 FL Collier? 3 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Sarasota 3 FL Hendry 1 5 FL ? 1 FL Okeechobee 1 FL Okeechobee 5 FL Okeechobee 12 FL Hendry 11 FL Hendry oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus UF 112315 UF 62607 UF 20517 (H, C. miccosukee ) UF 20516 (H, C. calusa ) UF 57690 UF 25701 UF 20000 (H, C. ) jaroldi VMNH 80BB5 VMNH uncat. PRI 53539 PRI 3748H UF 58070 PRI 54406 PRI 2207H PRI 55202 PRI 54675 PRI 46085 PRI 46084 PRI 46119 PRI 46037 PRI 54405 PRI 54401 PRI 41097 PRI 46081 USNM 369354 (H, C. oniscus ) PRI 54407 PRI 54704 PRI 54703 PRI 46083 110 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  JB JB JC JC RAY RAY DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP DUP CAL ? TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM CAL / BERM (MIX)

(general) (general) ormation ) Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat Tearcoat Branch Tearcoat F Lumber River Lumber Lumberton Lumberton Lumberton (type locality of Duplin Well Natural 5-7 miles W of Clewiston 5-7 miles Lee Creek Mine Lee Creek New Bern, Martin Marietta Martin Bern, New Farm Lumber Farm, Rozier near Robeson Farm, Tar Heel, Cape Fear Cape Fear Heel, Tar Farm, near Robeson River UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR007UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 01 UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF LN004 Bluff Jackson UF DA001 Road Bird UF ZN005 (general) Mine Lee Creek UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 43 FL Okeechobee FL8 Okeechobee1 FL Okeechobee FL UF OB002 UF OB002 Highlands 02 Basinger Fort UF OB002TU 730 UF HG006 / 02 Basinger Fort 03 Kissimmee River 02 Basinger Fort 21 FL1 FL Collier FL Collier Dade 1 FL Charlotte 2 SC Sumter 2 SC Sumter 41 NC4 NC Robeson 2 NC Robeson 1 NC Robeson NC Robeson Duplin 1 NC Beaufort 4 NC Beaufort 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Leon 1 FL Beach Palm 3 NC Craven 1 NC1 Robeson FL Leon 1025 FL10 Okeechobee FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee15 UF OB001 FL UF OB001 Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 01 Basinger Fort 01 Basinger Fort UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus ca. 4oniscus NConiscus Bladen W43 UF 111421 UF 111420 UF 111134 UF 60980 UF 60981 UF 61006 UF 59898 UF 60207 UF 60209 UF 60238 UF 112483 UF 71343 UF 71421 UF 13435 UF 116656 VMNH 90LW2 VMNH 74LW32 VMNH 83LW1 VMNH 90LW1 VMNH 95LW VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. UF 53783 VMNH uncat. ANSP 18644 (H, C. robertsi ) UF 78084 UF 64550 VMNH 95LW + VMNH 95LW 2 ft. UF 68816 VMNH 76L HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 111 WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM stream near Cavers? stream Calabash, W wall Calabash Pit Calabash excavation at ICW Calabash excavation Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Calabash Acme Acme Acme Acme APAC Quarry APAC PRI 1446 Acme UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt 8 SC Horry 3 NC Columbus 4 NC Brunswick 5 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 3 NC Brunswick 1 NC Brunswick 2 NC Brunswick 2 NC Columbus 1 NC Columbus 2 NC Columbus 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 9 FL1 Sarasota1 FL FL Sarasota TU 1000 UF SO017 / Sarasota B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 14 NC Columbus 3140 NC NC Columbus Columbus PRI 112/1446 Acme 12 FL Sarasota 13 FL SarasotaTU 1524 UF SO013 / 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 163 SC Horry oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus UF 113753 UF 113752 VMNH uncat. VMNH 74LW27D VMNH 79BB10? VMNH 77BB26 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. VMNH 74LW27E VMNH 74LW27D VMNH 74LW27 VMNH 74LW27 VMNH 74LW27 PRI 43129 VMNH #95 PRI 54378 PRI 54373 PRI 54369 PRI 54372 PRI 54362 UF 38299 UF 54074 UF 29374 UF 112567 UF 112566 UF 112565 UF 112564 UF 117366 UF 113722 PRI 40524 UF 117328 UF 112602 UF 111633 112 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC WACC n NC Rte. oad ) River ) River , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream from from , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream Bridge NC Rte. 130 and R te. 192 to allsbord, E side of Rt. 130 allsbord, H Old Dock, 0.45 mi (0.72 km) S of intersect Dock, Old of Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Old Dock Old Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Nixon’s Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils Neils Eddy Landing Eddy Neils SC9 Little (ICW Parkers Landing, Waccamaw River Waccamaw Landing, Parkers Little (ICW Airstrip 130, N side of r Old Dock; 0.6 mi (0.97 km) N of Rt. 130 Dock; Old intersect o Road, and Hallsboro PRI 113 UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent UF ZS015 01 Beach Crescent 2 NC Columbus 1 NC Columbus 4 NC Columbus 1 SC Horry 1 SC Horry 2 SC Horry 7 SC Horry 1 SC Horry 2 NC Columbus 1 SC Horry 8 NC Bladen River ; Cape Fear Bluff Walkers 1 SC5 Horry SC Horry from , 4 mi (6.44 km) upstream SC9 Bridge Hill Windy bank, NE end of ICW, WA56, 2 SC Horry 11 NC Columbus 11 NC Columbus 36 NC Columbus 72 NC Columbus 76 SC Horry 23 NC Columbus 50+ NC Columbus 223 SC Horry 160 SC Horry oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus oniscus VMNH 78BB109 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. PRI 54375 PRI 54702 (P?, C. ) waccamawensis PRI 54684 (P?, C. ) waccamawensis PRI 54364 (P?, C. ) waccmawensis PRI 54361 (P?, C. ) waccamawensis ANSP 79603 (H, ) C. waccamawensis VMNH 77BB181 PRI 54371 UF 113756 UF 113755 VMNH WA56, VMNH WA56, from upstream UF 113754 VMNH 78BB110 VMNH WA56, VMNH WA56, from upstream VMNH 78BB-6 (WA56A) VMNH 77BB174 VMNH 77BB21 (77LW(E)?) HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 113 ? ? ? CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL YORK YORK CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) WACC WACC Walkers Bluff Walkers #30 sieve Floor, Pit Creek Deep Rice’s Pit Rice’s UF PI010 Petersburg St. North UF PB012UF PB014 01 Pit n Brothers Griffi UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star UF PU002 Lake Canal Crescent UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN017 Clewiston UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell City 51 NC ? Bladen ? 2 FL2 Putnam FL Okeechobee UF OB005 02 Kissimmee River 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 5 FL Hendry 7 FL Hendry 3 FL Hendry 6 FL Hendry 8 FL Hendry 3 FL1 Beach Palm FL3 Beach Palm FL9 Beach Palm FL1 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 26 VA Hampton 13 FL Hendry 18 FL Pinellas oniscus oniscus oniscus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or PRI 54411 VMNH uncat. VMNH uncat. UF 20496 UF 22083 UF 2823 UF 9344 UF 52546 UF 56630 UF 57439 UF 25702 UF 54441 UF 54693 UF 55112 UF 92437 UF 95937 UF 63805 UF 64344 UF 64651 UF 64732 114 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  JB JB JB JB DUP NASH TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 3) TAM (general) 01 02 s 01 s Formation) UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF PU003 Bluff Nashua UF LN004UF LN001 Bluff Jackson UF LN002 Bluff Jackson Bluff Jackson UF LN003 Creek Harvey’s UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF ZN003 (type locality of Duplin Well Natural UF CH010UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline Pit Shell Acline DA015 / TU 1493UF DA015 / Arvida Pits DA015 / TU 1493UF DA015 / Arvida Pits 1 FL1 FL Leon 1 FL Leon 2 FL Leon Putnam 1 FL Leon 1 FL9 Dade FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort (PB) TAM 1 NC Duplin 1 FL2 Sarasota FL1 Charlotte FL6 Charlotte FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 6 FL1 Collier FL1 Collier FLTU 797 UF CR007 / Collier Alligator Alley 01 TU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 7 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 2 FL Dade 13 FL Collier 18 FL Collier ylandicus ylandicus ylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or UF 117275 UF 79809 UF 117274 UF 48770 UF 82930 UF 117260 UF 98148 UF 117227 UF 117228 UF 116710 UF 116711 UF 116957 UF 117234 UF 50646 UF 50647 UF 71291 UF 114825 UF 116720 UF 116719 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 115 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM UF SO001UF SO009 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort UF HN027 Canal 01 Interceptor 4 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 4 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 3 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 7 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 7 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 8 FL Okeechobee UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 6 FL Highlands 3 FL Highlands 2 FL Highlands 9 FL Highlands 2 FL Hendry 1 FL2 Sarasota FL2 Sarasota FL Sarasota 19 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort 38 FL OkeechobeeTU 728 UF OB002 / 02 Basinger Fort 14 FL OkeechobeeTU 728 UF OB002 / 02 Basinger Fort 16 FL Okeechobee UF OB002 02 Basinger Fort 17 FL Highlands marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or UF 60962 UF 60982 UF 60983 UF 60985 UF 114846 UF 114853 UF 57150 UF 59126 UF 62863 UF 62952 UF 61483 UF 61525 UF 61756 UF 61952 UF 61953 UF 35863 UF 96200 UF 43309 UF 117288 116 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  WACC TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM None None None UF 3057 UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule 6 FL1 Okeechobee FL Sarasota UF 2664 UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL ? Pit” Rock Brothers “Johnson ? 1 FL3 Sarasota FL Collier 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Collier TU 1175 Island Corkskrew CAL 1 FL Highlands 1 FL Sarasota UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Collier? Alligator Alley (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL1 Sarasota NC ColumbusTU 559 UF 2846 / 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 6 FL Collier UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 4 FL Collier UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL Sarasota CM SL986 Quarry APAC (PB) TAM 1 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort (PB) TAM 51 FL Sarasota anobilis ylandicus ylandicus paranobilis paranobilis par paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus mar marylandicus mar marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus marylandicus oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or oniscus and/or UF 98198 UF 42383 UF 96049 UF 29375 PRI 54486 UF 14757 UF 38696 UF 96297 PRI 54626 UF 96780 UF 9750 UF 110191 UF 114791 UF 115016 PRI 54488 UF 114766 UF 114767 UF 115846 UF 118539 UF 71333 UF 114756 UF 114761 UF 118540 CM 35665 (H, C. ) paranobilis UF 115847 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 117 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JB CAL CAL? CAL? CAL? BOW BERM BERM BERM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM FL Rte. 80 at “X Canal” South Bay South Ortona Locks] South Bay South of Ortona Locks] South Bay South Alligator Alley Miami Canal; “canal dredging (20 m dredging Canal; “canal Miami Canal, 1 km north of depth) along Miami (Petuch, County Line” Beach Broward-Palm 1991: 54) abandoned mill) LaBelle? Well G.S. #11, 17 mi (27.36 km) W of G.S. #11, 17 mi (27.36 km) Well Boca Raton ? Bowden, Jamaica Bowden, Well G.S. #11, 17 mi (27.36 km) W of G.S. #11, 17 mi (27.36 km) Well Boca Raton Miami Canal #2 Miami Miami Canal, S of Miami TU 978 TU 978 PRI 1991 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) E of PRI 1990 Caloosahatchee Canal [2.5 mi (4.02 km) E UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 FGS 8647? [0.5 mi (0.8 km) above Creek Harvey’s UF DA001 Road Bird 1 FL Glades 9 FL Glades 6 FL Glades 9 FL Glades 6 FL Okeechobee UF OB001 01 Basinger Fort (PB) TAM 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Glades 1 FL Sarasota UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) TAM 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Glades 12 FL FL Collier? Dade 4 FL Collier TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 1 FL Manatee 08 Phase Aggregates Quality (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Leon 1 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Hendry? 1 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 19 FL Beach Palm um spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius parkeri parkeri patricius patricius patricius paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis paranobilis sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottorum sennottor protocardinalis UF 63900 UF 53372 UF 53341 UF 47050 PRI 54667 UF 47046 UF 111423 PRI 54674 PRI 54334 PRI 54326 UF 117283 PRI 54627 PRI 54330 PRI 53178 AMNH 50681 (H, C. irisae ) USNM 559928 ) (H, C. parkeri PRI 54339 CM 35693 (H, C. ) protocardinalis USNM 370103 (H, C. testudinarius leonensis ) USNM 559929 (P, USNM 559929 (P, ) C. parkeri PRI 54351 PRI 54631 USNM 369351 (H, C. apium ) PRI 54321 PRI 54660 118 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM Capeletti Brothers Pit 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers Belle Glade Belle Okeechobee LaBelle? (dubious record) LaBelle? E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, E side of Kissimmee River, B-108-East E side of Kissimmee River, near Fort Myers near Fort (dredged) Kissimmee River Caloosahatchee River (near Ft. Myers) Caloosahatchee River TU 732 TU 932 TU 932 PRI 1947 canal connecting Kissimmee Lake to UF PB001 01 Glade Belle UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL011 05 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL008 04 Caloosahatchee River UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 UF DA006UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers FL Dade 1 21 FL FL Dade Dade 2 FL Dade 6 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 3 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL GladesTU 803 UF GL011 / 05 Caloosahatchee River 3 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 2 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 4 FL GladesTU 759 UF GL008 / 04 Caloosahatchee River 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL ? 1 FL Hendry? 1 FL Okeechobee 2 FL Okeechobee 11 FL FL ? ? 1 FL 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 14 FL Glades 23 FL GladesTU 803 UF GL011 / 05 Caloosahatchee River 11 FL Hendry 20 FL Glades 22 FL GladesTU 759 UF GL008 / 04 Caloosahatchee River 154 FL GladesTU 803 UF GL011 / 05 Caloosahatchee River spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 52755 UF 117248 UF 52746 PRI 54305 UF 55950 UF 55949 UF 55902 UF 55770 UF 55765 UF 27655 UF 115804 UF 113870 UF 113866 UF 57645 UF 54922 UF 54550 UF 54532 UF 54523 UF 54230 UF 54228 UF 117306 UF 116980 UF 116723 UF 14089 PRI 46055 PRI 54293 PRI 54331 PRI 49053 PRI 46113 PRI 3899F PRI 2148H PRI 53705 UF 53716 UF 53373 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 119 BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM BERM n Brothers Pit Brothers n n Brothers Pit Brothers n n Brothers Pit Brothers n South Bay South South Bay South South Bay South TU 978 TU 978 UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB005 02 Bay South UF PB013 Land 01 Holey UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB007 04 Bay South UF CR017UF CR017 Longan Lakes 01B Pit Longan Lakes 01B Pit CM SL988 Griffi CM SL988 Griffi CM SL988 Griffi UF DA006UF DA006UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA006 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers UF DA013 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers 11 Pit Capeletti Brothers Quarry Miami Rock Florida Palm Beach Palm Palm Beach Palm Palm Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 1 1 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 2 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 4 FL Beach Palm 11 FL Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 7 FL Beach Palm 8 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Broward- 1 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Broward- 1 FL Beach Palm 11 FL1 FL1 Dade FL1 Dade FL4 Dade FL3 Dade FL1 Dade FL3 Dade FL1 Dade FL3 Dade FL8 Dade FL1 Dade FL Dade FL Dade Broward/ 11 FL Beach Palm 1724 FL FL Collier Collier spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 117317 UF 114787 UF 58082 UF 57994 UF 57983 UF 3883 UF 117337 UF 117292 PRI 54506 PRI 53700 PRI 53701 PRI 44026 PRI 54380 UF 59186 UF 52075 CM 35735 (P, C. CM 35735 (P, lemoni ) UF 51892 CM 35734 (H, C. lemoni ) UF 51843 UF 52820 UF 52961 UF 52964 UF 52980 UF 53239 UF 53279 UF 53312 UF 53319 UF 55367 UF 56954 UF 56972 PRI 53702 C. CM 35720 (P, spengleri ) 120 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL BERM BERM BERM CAL (B 1) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) n Brothers Pit Brothers n De Soto Shell Pits (general) Pits Shell Soto De (general) Pits Shell Soto De Pit n Brothers Griffi Pit n Brothers Griffi Quality Aggregates Phase 06 Phase Aggregates Quality Caloosahatchee Formation) TU 1175 Island Corkskrew UF PI010UF PI010 Petersburg St. North Petersburg St. North UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB007 04 Bay South UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL009 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 UF GL023 Ortona Lock 05 CM SL988 Griffi UF HN029 East 05 (type locality of La Belle UF HN018 East 04 La Belle UF HN017UF HN004UF HN004 Clewiston UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell UF HN034 11 Caloosahatchee River Palm Beach Palm FL Beach Palm 1 1 FL Beach Palm 11 FL2 FL DeSoto 1 FL DeSoto 1 FL DeSoto5 Beach Palm FL Beach Palm FLTU 1512 UF DE018 / Beach Palm (general) Pits Shell Soto De 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 4 FL GladesTU 768 UF GL009 / Caloosahatchee Canal 04 3 FL23 Hendry FL1 FL Pinellas FL Pinellas Glades 2 FL Hendry 16 FL1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry FL Hendry Collier 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Broward/ 2 FL Beach Palm 9 FL Beach Palm 1 FL Beach Palm 7 FL Beach Palm 24 FL Sarasota spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 63803 UF 62585 PRI 40207 PRI 40527 UF 116674 PRI 41148 PRI 54700 PRI 53703 UF 57670 UF 54104 UF 50539 UF 116728 PRI 53711 UF 99734 UF 117364 UF 92403 UF 35581 UF 117344 UF 22736 UF 117345 UF 14172 UF 14205 UF 25697 UF 25698 UF 54454 UF 58087 PRI 54386 UF 98858 CM 35719 (H, C. spengleri ) UF 64931 UF 52125 UF 64539 UF 52122 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 121 JB FT FT CAL ? AM (PB) T TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 7) TAM TAM (PB 4) TAM TAM (PB 3) TAM TAM (PB 3) TAM TAM (PB 3) TAM CAL / FT (MIX) 01A Canal Interceptor ompson Formation) ompson Alligator Alley, 6.4 mi (10.30 km) W of 6.4 mi (10.30 km) Alligator Alley, L-28 Alligator Alley Alligator Alley APAC Quarry - South Center Pit (NS Face) QuarryCenter Pit - South APAC (PB 7) TAM Big Cypress Big “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 Canal dredging, “Miami 1994: (Petuch, km] south of Lake Harbor” 355) Th UF 4131 TU 1044 (“5th Place”) Cypress Big TU 1044 Cypress Big UF LI002 Alum Bluff UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR007UF CR007UF CR014 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 01 Alligator Alley 03 UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline UF CH024 02 Pit Schwabach Shell UF CH027 Pit Phil Handy UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF HN024Fort ompson 01 (type locality of Th Fort 8 FL1 Collier FL Collier? 1 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 11 FL FL Collier CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 1 FL Collier? 1 FL Collier? 7 FL Charlotte 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 52 FL FL Hendry Okeechobee TU 1044 (opposite of)TU 729 UF OB001 / TU 1044) canal from (across Cypress Big 01 Basinger Fort (PB) TAM 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Liberty 3 FL Hendry 1 FL Charlotte 3 FL Hendry 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Hendry 1 FL Beach Palm 30 FL69 Collier18 FL FL Collier TU 797 UF CR007 / Collier Alligator Alley 01 11 FL CollierTU 797 UF CR007 / Alligator Alley 01 10 FL Manatee 13 FL OkeechobeeTU 729 UF OB001 / 01 Basinger Fort spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 116961 UF 117245 UF 71448 UF 114818 PRI 46057 UF 116956 UF 116709 UF 116712 UF 114762 UF 114762 PRI 46056 PRI 54288 UF 93113 UF 117265 PRI 53196 PRI 50129 UF 40516 UF 66432 (H, C. ) streami UF 98188 PRI 46030 UF 112487 UF 112492 UF 96956 UF 81074 PRI 46031 UF 42323 PRI 46076 PRI 53706 UF 15085 PRI 43802 UF 66433 (H, C. ) micanopy 122 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM Forty Mile Bend Mile Forty UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO009 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF HG003UF HG003 UF HG003 05 Basinger Fort 05 Basinger Fort 05 Basinger Fort UF HN027UF HN027 Canal 01 Interceptor Canal 01 Interceptor FL Sarasota 1 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 12 FL2 Okeechobee FL2 Okeechobee FL1TU 729 UF OB001 / Okeechobee FL5 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort 1 Okeechobee FL UF OB0012 Okeechobee FL UF OB0011 Okeechobee FL UF OB0011 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0011 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0011 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0014TU 728 UF OB002 / Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort UF OB001 Okeechobee FL 01 Basinger Fort 02 Basinger Fort Okeechobee 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0021 01 Basinger Fort UF OB0021 FL UF OB0023 FL 02 Basinger Fort UF OB007 Highlands 1 FL 02 Basinger Fort Highlands FL 02 Basinger Fort Highlands 2 03 Basinger Fort 9 FL1 ? FL Hendry FL Hendry Sarasota 10 FL Sarasota 48 FL Sarasota 37 FL Sarasota 1231 FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee UF OB007 UF OB007 03 Basinger Fort 03 Basinger Fort spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 111431 UF 111430 UF 111427 UF 111426 UF 111424 UF 111419 UF 111126 UF 44449 UF 16215 UF 10957 UF 10956 UF 3670 UF 114863 UF 50645 UF 50657 UF 60321 UF 60423 UF 60477 UF 60481 UF 60482 UF 114850 UF 117230 UF 59140 UF 59931 UF 62877 UF 65453 UF 65643 UF 112558 UF 61484 UF 61925 USNM 644645 ) (H, C. cherokus UF 35836 UF 36008 UF 18124 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 123 TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule TU 1177 Quarry Pen Mule UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004UF CR004UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule FL Collier 11 FL Collier 21 FL FL Collier Collier 1 FL Collier 4 FL Collier 1 FL Collier 1 FL Collier 7 FL2 Sarasota FL Sarasota TU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL1 Sarasota2 FL FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / Sarasota B Pit Shell Macasphalt TU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota 7 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 19 FL Collier 15 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 4736 FL15 FL Sarasota10 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota15TU 1000 UF SO017 / SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / FL B Pit Shell Macasphalt TU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt TU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 31 FL Sarasota 11 FL Sarasota spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 48900 UF 42377 UF 42384 UF 42680 UF 42695 PRI 54654 PRI 54287 PRI 46072 PRI 44078 UF 117268 UF 117287 UF 117289 UF 112590 UF 112592 UF 112595 UF 112598 UF 112600 UF 112604 UF 114886 UF 117242 UF 111647 UF 111646 UF 111645 UF 111644 UF 111643 UF 111642 UF 111641 UF 111640 UF 111632 UF 111438 UF 111436 UF 111435 UF 111434 UF 111433 UF 111432 124 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM None Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Quality Aggregates Quality 02 Phase Aggregates Quality 02 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality 06 Phase Aggregates Quality None None APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC UF 2664 UF 2664 UF 2664 TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC UF SO013 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF GL022 Ortona Lock 04 (general) UF CR004UF CR004UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule Quarry Pen Mule UF MA008UF MA008UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 09 Phase Aggregates Quality FL Okeechobee FL Okeechobee FL Sarasota 1 1 FL Okeechobee 12 FL9 FL Manatee FL Manatee SarasotaTU 1524 UF SO013 / 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 1 FL Sarasota 5 FL Sarasota 11 FL4 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 5 Sarasota FL7 Sarasota 2 FL2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 2 3 FL Sarasota 13 FL1 FL Collier FL1 Collier Collier FL Glades 2 FL Sarasota 79 FL Manatee 20 FL Sarasota 44 FL Manatee 63 FL Manatee 14 FL11 Sarasota FL Sarasota 89 FL Sarasota 15 11 FL Sarasota spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 48894 UF 38690 PRI 53186 PRI 54687 UF 114965 UF 113720 UF 113724 PRI 53168 PRI 46070 PRI 53167 PRI 46059 PRI 53707 PRI 41576 PRI 41577 PRI 41561 PRI 41563 PRI 41578 PRI 53710 PRI 54291 PRI 54292 PRI 54296 PRI 54691 PRI 53181 UF 50959 PRI 40199 PRI 9798 UF 56047 UF 56141 UF 66434 (H, C. martinshugari ) UF 66431 (H, C. ) jeremyi PRI 40208 PRI 44071 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 125 TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Quarry APAC Pit Quarry - North APAC Pit Quarry - North APAC Pit” Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Quarry Aggregates or Quality APAC (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 99 FL3 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota CollierTU 1175 UF CR020 / 02 Island Corkskrew 31 FL FL Sarasota Sarasota 8 FL Sarasota Pit TU 1000 + Johnson Rock Brothers Quarry and “Johnson APAC 2 FL Sarasota 35 FL Sarasota 18 FL Sarasota 30 FL Sarasota 5262 FL36 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 44 FL Sarasota 11 FL Sarasota spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius UF 18058 UF 18050 UF 18044 UF 18043 UF 13814 UF 117253 UF 114792 UF 110411 UF 110249 UF 97057 UF 58895 UF 58883 UF 46219 UF 29379 UF 29378 UF 18122 UF 18052 UF 18047 UF 18046 UF 14535 PRI 53708 PRI 53708 PRI 54293 UF 115002 PRI 54290 PRI 54387 PRI 53709 PRI 53072 PRI 53073 PRI 46058 PRI 53070 PRI 46075 PRI 46112 126 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? ? ? CAL CAL CAL TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM of LaBelle] of LaBelle] North St. Petersburg St. North Caloosahatchee River (opposite Silva’s) Caloosahatchee River Clewiston Clewiston PRI 2047PRI 1987PRI 1987 Pit Brothers Warren Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) SW UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 6 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 1 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 1 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO019 01 Pit Shell Road Richardson UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt 33 FL FL2 Sarasota Hendry FL1 Hendry FL ? 7 FL Sarasota 4 FL2 Hendry FL Hendry 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 9 FL Sarasota 6 FL Sarasota 4 FL Hendry oides spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spurius spur spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or PRI 46073 PRI 54298 PRI 54338 PRI 3749H PRI 54303 PRI 54302 PRI 46069 UF 52354 UF 43505 UF 38303 UF 35914 UF 38286 UF 37960 UF 31240 UF 31118 UF 64021 UF 38440 UF 38285 UF 37437 UF 37428 UF 9755 UF 96773 UF 96385 UF 96135 UF 46220 UF 41986 UF 34839 UF 34043 UF 31574 UF 29373 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 127 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? JB CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM lock S65D 01 Lake Hicpochee, N side of river Lake Hicpochee, Lake Hicpochee, N side of river Lake Hicpochee, LaBelle? (dubious record) LaBelle? Cypress slash, S of Cypress DL’s Pit, Arcadia Pit, DL’s Canal Pond Harney Ortona Locks] LaBelle Pit LaBelle Pit LaBelle DeSoto Shell Pits (general) Pits Shell DeSoto Ortona Locks] DeSoto Shell Pits (general) Pits Shell DeSoto Ortona Locks] of Ortona Locks] APAC Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC PRI 1991 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) E of PRI 1991 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) E of PRI 1991 Caloosahatchee Canal [3 mi (4.83 km) E of PRI 1990 Caloosahatchee Canal [2.5 mi (4.02 km) E UF GL025 Caloosahatchee Canal 06 PRI 1260/1263 Grounds La elle Picnic PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle Glades 1 FL Glades 1 FL Glades 4 FL Highlands PRI 1985 Slash Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress ? 2 FL Highlands PRI 1984 Kissimmee Canal, upper end of Long 3 FL Hendry Clewiston CAL 13FL FL DeSoto 2 FL Glades 7 FL3 Hendry FL DeSoto 1 FL Glades 4 FL DeSoto 4 FL Glades 1 FL LeonTU 60 UF LN001 / 2 Bluff Jackson FL Glades 6 FL Sarasota 7 FL Glades 8 FL Sarasota 40 FL Hendry? 24 FL Hendry 12 FL Hendry 15 FL Hendry oides oides spuroides spuroides spuroides spur spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spur spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or spurius and/or PRI 54652 PRI 54289 PRI 49054 PRI 54337 PRI 54332 PRI 53698 PRI 54395 VMNH uncat. PRI 54357 PRI 54335 PRI 40210 PRI 41089 PRI 40206 UF 53701 PRI 40212 PRI 54734 UF 114765 PRI 54333 PRI 40209 PRI 54295 PRI 49047 PRI 54336 128 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  CAL 11 FL1 FL Glades1 FL1 FL ? Glades?5 FL Glades1 FL Glades Beach FL Palm 5 Hendry1 FL UF GL0122 FL UF PB005 Hendry1 FL Hendry1 N side of river Lake Hicpochee, FL UF HN008 Ortona Lock 03 Glades9 FL 02 Bay South Hendry2 of Lake Okeechobee NW shore FL UF HN002 Lake Okeechobee Hendry3 Caloosahatchee Canal 02 FL UF HN026 Hendry1TU 529 UF HN047 / FL Ortona Locks UF GL026 Hendry 01 Caloosahatchee River FL 16B Caloosahatchee River Hendry1 06 Caloosahatchee River ? Hendry1 FL UF HN017 08 Caloosahatchee River 7 UF HN017 FL ? Hendry2 UF HN017 FL Hendry Clewiston UF HN017 FL ? CAL Hendry2 Clewiston BERM Hendry Clewiston ? Clewiston FL CAL CAL 1 Clewiston CAL Hendry1 FL UF HN0042 ? CAL FL UF HN004 Hendry1 FL DeSoto1 FL Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 DeSoto3 Pit Cochran Shell FL Pit Cochran Shell DeSoto1 Pit Cochran Shell FL UF HN004 Charlotte1 FL Pit Cochran Shell UF DE001 Charlotte FL CAL UF DE001 Hendry Pit Cochran Shell CAL UF DE001 Hendry UF CH036 CAL CAL 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF CH036 CAL 01 Pit Shell DeSoto UF HN023 01 Pit Shell DeSoto 01 Pit Shell Forsberg UF HN022 CAL 01 Pit Shell Forsberg CAL CAL Pit Rock Denaud Fort CAL Hendry County Rockpit CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL 13 FL HendryTU 726 UF HN022 / Hendry County Rockpit 98 FL Hendry UF HN002 01 Caloosahatchee River 12 FL Hendry33 FL CAL 12 Hendry FL Hendry UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell UF HN004 Pit Cochran Shell Pit Cochran Shell CAL CAL CAL spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides PRI 54730 PRI 53704 PRI 4539F UF 15701 PRI 54300 UF 117305 UF 60650 UF 2819 UF 9355 UF 15188 UF 58328 UF 116734 PRI 54391 UF 56640 UF 56843 UF 57182 UF 57427 PRI 53699 PRI 54732 PRI 54735 UF 114783 UF 15795 UF 23522 UF 24767 UF 25709 UF 58177 UF 36776 UF 36797 UF 47894 UF 117318 UF 86612 UF 15009 UF 114786 UF 114854 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 129 CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL CAL FL Rte. 80 at “X Canal” CAL / BERM (MIX) None UF 3788 PRI 1411 Grounds Picnic LaBelle UF PI010UF PI010 Petersburg St. North Petersburg St. North UF GL006 Ortona Lock 02 UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF CH007 (general) Creek Shell UF HN018 East 04 LaBelle PRI 1260/1263PRI 1260/1263 Grounds Picnic LaBelle Grounds Picnic LaBelle 2 FL Hendry 1 FL Charlotte 1 FL Charlotte 41 FL1 FL Hendry 5 FL Hendry 1 FL Pinellas FL Pinellas Glades 1 FL2 Hendry FL Hendry LaBelle CAL 5 FL Glades UF GL001 Ortona Lock 01 CAL / BERM (MIX) 11 FL1 Beach FL Palm 5 Beach FL Palm 2 Beach FL Palm 2 Beach FL Palm UF PB0141 Beach FL Palm UF PB0143 Beach FL Palm UF PB0141 Beach FL Palm UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star 2 Beach FL Palm UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Beach FL Palm UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Beach Palm UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star Ranch 01 Star CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) Ranch Pit Star CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) 1 FL Charlotte UF CH036 01 Pit Shell Forsberg CAL (IN SITU) 15 FL1 FL Glades3 FL Glades FL DeSoto1 DeSoto8 FL UF GL009 Beach Palm FL UF GL009 Beach Palm UF DE018 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 Caloosahatchee Canal 04 (general) Pits Shell DeSoto (general) Pits Shell DeSoto CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) Canal #2 Miami Canal, S of Miami CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) 40 FL Hendry 13 FL Beach Palm UF PB014 Ranch 01 Star 10 FL Charlotte CAL / BERM (MIX) UF CH010 Pit Shell Acline (PB) TAM 11 FL Glades10TU 768 UF GL009 / FL Caloosahatchee Canal 04 DeSotoTU 1512 UF DE018 / (general) Pits Shell DeSoto CAL / BERM (MIX) CAL / BERM (MIX) oides oides spur spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spur spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides UF 86544 UF 58532 UF 92223 UF 92222 PRI 54301 PRI 54659 UF 92519 UF 92621 UF 12373 UF 15661 ANSP 18642 (H, ) C. spuroides UF 12352 PRI 53697 PRI 53696 PRI 54320 PRI 54731 PRI 54733 UF 117239 UF 62599 UF 63276 UF 63807 UF 64735 UF 64748 PRI 41389 UF 93070 UF 116724 UF 54103 UF 57674 PRI 40526 UF 113728 UF 116675 PRI 54297 PRI 54385 130 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  ? TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB 3) TAM Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Dominican Domingo, Santo Alligator Alley Alligator Alley TU 1044TU 1044 Cypress Big Cypress Big UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001UF SO001UF SO009 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO009 Pit Shell Macasphalt 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt 01 (original pit) Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 UF CH028 A Lomax-King Pit FL Sarasota 31 FL2 FL Collier2 FL Sarasota1 FL1 Collier FL Glade FL UF CR004 SarasotaTU 1175 UF CR020 / Sarasota 02 Island Corkskrew Quarry Pen Mule UF GL017 UF SO001 UF SO001 Canal 02 Pond Harney Quarry APAC Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 1 FL Collier? Alligator Alley (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 2 FL Collier UF CR007 Alligator Alley 01 (PB) TAM 3 FL Collier UF CR014 Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 (PB) TAM 1 FL Collier Quarry Pen Mule (PB) TAM 2 1 FL11 Sarasota FL1 FL Collier? FL Collier? Collier 2 31 FL1 FL Hendry FL Hendry 1 Charlotte 1 FL1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 10 FL Collier 40 FL Collier 13 FL CollierTU 933 UF CR014 / Alligator Alley 03 30 FL Sarasota violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae violetae spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides spuroides yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis UF 56050 PRI 40523 UF 114999 UF 3833 UF 14536 UF 34032 PRI 54508 UF 114763 UF 114764 UF 115832 UF 115833 UF 115834 UF 71443 UF 114755 UF 114897 USNM 427969 (H, C. violetae ) ANSP 2547 (L, PL, C. yaquensis ) UF 66430 (H, C. jonesorum ) PRI 46100 PRI 50294 UF 117257 UF 71447 UF 114819 UF 114895 UF 111155 PRI 49619 PRI 54689 UF 35344 UF 10934 UF 96199 UF 44431 UF 44442 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 131 TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM Quality Aggregates Phase 08 Phase Aggregates Quality 08 Phase Aggregates Quality 08 Phase Aggregates Quality Warren Brothers Pit Brothers Warren APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC APAC Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC TU 1000 Quarry APAC UF SO017UF SO017 UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO017 B Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO023UF SO023UF SO023 07A Phase Aggregates Quality 07A Phase Aggregates Quality 07A Phase Aggregates Quality UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF CR004 Quarry Pen Mule UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality UF MA008 09 Phase Aggregates Quality 11 FL1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 3 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 51 FL FL Sarasota Collier 1 FL Collier 1 FL Collier 64 FL1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 1 FL Manatee 3 FL Manatee 2 FL SarasotaTU 1524 UF SO013 / 01B Pit Shell Road Richardson 4 FL Sarasota 3 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 16 FL FL Sarasota 4 Sarasota FL Sarasota 11 FL Sarasota 35 FL SarasotaTU 1000 UF SO017 / B Pit Shell Macasphalt 2815 FL FL Manatee 17 Manatee FL Manatee 10 FL Sarasota 25 FL Sarasota 18 FL Sarasota 88 FL14 Sarasota FL Sarasota yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis UF 111418 UF 111635 UF 111639 UF 112603 UF 113731 UF 114884 UF 116660 UF 96942 UF 42381 UF 42495 UF 42986 PRI 50403 PRI 50404 PRI 54683 PRI 53169 PRI 53170 PRI 54644 PRI 49990 PRI 54643 PRI 54690 PRI 54696 UF 114972 UF 113723 UF 3671 PRI 40214 PRI 41567 PRI 46101 PRI 54389 PRI 54642 PRI 54695 UF 101013 UF 110418 UF 13887 UF 18048 132 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM UF SO001UF SO001UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO001 Pit Shell Macasphalt UF SO019 Pit Shell Macasphalt Pit Shell Macasphalt 1 01 - Phase Pit Shell Road Richardson (PB) / CAL (MIX) TAM 31 FL9 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 Sarasota 4 FL2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 4 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota 1 Sarasota 2 FL1 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 2 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota 1 FL Sarasota FL Sarasota Sarasota 40 FL Sarasota 16 FL Sarasota yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis yaquensis UF 18053 UF 18057 UF 29381 UF 30690 UF 31553 UF 32884 UF 33139 UF 34029 UF 35002 UF 35160 UF 44156 UF 57273 UF 58962 UF 96152 UF 96377 UF 96599 UF 96779 UF 9754 UF 9912 UF 117312 UF 117342 UF 35513 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 133

PLATES 134 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Plate  Figure Page

1-22. Type specimens of Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 17 1-2. Holotype of Conus jaclynae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66437). UF locality 4132. “Kissimmee River dredging at Fort Basinger, Highlands County” (Petuch, 1994: 357), Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 30.7 mm; MD 13.8 mm. 3-4. Holotype of Conus hyshugari Petuch, 1994 (UF 66438). UF locality 4134. “North New River Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of South Bay, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 356), Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 28.2 mm; MD 14.2 mm. 5-6. Holotype of Conus maureenae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66436). UF locality DA006. Capeletti Brothers Pit 11, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 28.5 mm; MD 11.9 mm. 7-8. Holotype of Conus laurenae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66441). UF locality 4232. “Kissimmee River dredging at Fort Basinger, Highlands County” (Petuch, 1994: 357), Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 25.2 mm; MD 13.4 mm. 9-10. Holotype of Conus palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994 (UF 66440). UF locality 4134. “North New River Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of South Bay, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 358), Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 25.6 mm; MD 13.4 mm. 11-12. Holotype of Conus sarasotaensis Petuch (UF 66425). UF locality SO017. Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 24.7 mm; MD 13.6 mm. 13-14. Holotype of Conus susanae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66439). UF locality SO017. Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 21.0 mm; MD 11.5 mm. 15-16. Holotype of Conus marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66435). UF locality SO017. Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 23.7 mm; MD 11.1 mm. 17-18. Holotype of Conus wilsoni Petuch, 1994 (UF 66442). UF locality 4131. “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 359), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 19.8 mm; MD 9.7 mm. 19-20. Holotype of Conus stearnsii Conrad, 1869 (ANSP 34158). “Oyster Bar, Pine Key” (Conrad, 1869: 105), Pinellas County, Florida. Recent. SL 17.6 mm; MD 7.9 mm. 21-22. Holotype of Jaspidiconus pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004 (AMNH 308069). “Lake Worth Lagoon, Riviera Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida” (Petuch, 2004: 266). Recent. SL 24.4 mm; MD 12.4 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 135 136 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 137

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1-13. Conus jaspideus Gmelin, 1791. Scale bars = 1 cm (Figs 5 [pertains to Figs 1-11] and 12); 500 μm (Fig. 13)...... 17 1-2. PRI 54426. Alligator Alley, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 27.3 mm. Fig. 2 is an inverse image of the specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 3. PRI 54707. Belle Glade, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 26.5 mm. 4-5. PRI 46126. Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 31.1 mm; MD 13.9 mm. 6. PRI 54706. Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida? Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 23.5 mm. 7. PRI 54663. PRI locality 1263, La Belle, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 18.5 mm. 8. PRI 54671. Tulane University locality 978, South Bay, Palm Beach County. Bermont Formation. SL 24.8 mm. 9. PRI 9793. Sanibel Island (4 fathoms), Lee County, Florida. Recent. SL 23.6 mm. 10. PRI 54714. Sunshine Skyway, Tampa Bay, Florida. Recent. SL 20.0 mm. 11. PRI 54679. UF locality DA013, Florida Rock Miami Quarry, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Bermont Formation. MD 12.7 mm. Black line outlines growth line showing shape of subsutural fl exure. 12-13. PRI 54634. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. Scanning electron photomicrographs of protoconch (larval shell). 138 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-14. Type specimens of Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 19 1-2. Holotype of Conus cherokus Olsson & Petit, 1964 (USNM 644645). Southern Florida, perhaps “Forty Mile Bend west of Coral Gables”, not Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (Petit, 1995: 127). Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 70.7 mm; MD 35.6 mm. 3-4. Holotype of Conus micanopy Petuch, 1994 (UF 66433). UF locality 4131. “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 355), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 87.5 mm; MD 50.1 mm. 5-6. Holotype of Conus martinshugari Petuch, 1994 (UF 66434). UF locality CR004: Mu l e Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 77.7 mm; MD 43.4 mm. 7-8. Holotype of Conus streami Petuch, 1994 (UF 66432). UF locality SO013: Richardson Road Shell Pit 01B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 60.1 mm; MD 33.6 mm. 9-10. Holotype of Conus lemoni Petuch, 1990 (CM 35734). Griffi n Brothers Pit, Broward-Palm Beach County line, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 55.9 mm; MD 33.1 mm. 11-12. Holotype of Conus spengleri Petuch, 1991 (CM 35719). Griffi n Brothers Pit, Broward- Palm Beach County line, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 67.5 mm; MD 36.5 mm. 13-14. Holotype of Conus jeremyi Petuch, 1994 (UF 66431). UF locality GL022: Ortona Lock 04 (General), Glades County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 30.7 mm; MD 16.7 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 139 140 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 141

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1-14. Conus spurius Gmelin, 1791. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 5, pertains to Figs 1-13); 1 mm (Fig. 14)...... 19 1-2. PRI 24827. San Carlos Bay, Sanibel, Lee County, Florida. Recent. SL 60.6 mm; MD 33.8 mm. 3. UF 114762. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 64.2 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 4-5. PRI 54687. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 70.4 mm; MD 34.7 mm. 6-7. PRI 44026. South Bay, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation? SL 89.2 mm; MD 54.4 mm. 8. PRI 54691. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 69.3 mm. 9. UF 115804. UF locality GL011: Caloosahatchee River 05, Glades County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 32.3 mm. 10. PRI 54700. Griffi n Brothers Pit, Broward-Palm Beach County line, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 58.9 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 11. PRI 44078. Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 62.4 mm. 12. PRI 54654. Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 62.5 mm. 13-14. UF(MAL) 142344-1. Off of Panama City (22 fathoms), Bay County, Florida. Recent. SL 22.1 mm. Fig. 14 is a scanning electron micrograph of the protoconch and early postnuclear whorls of the specimen shown in Fig. 13; arrow indicates position of initiation of postlarval shell growth. 142 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-23. Type and other specimens of Conus daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 2, pertains to Fig 1-17, 19-21); 1 mm (Figs 18, 22-23)...... 21 1-2. UF(MAL) 128029. Off Palm Beach County, Florida. Recent. SL 33.0 mm; MD 18.6 mm. 3-4. Holotype of Conus gravesae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66426). UF locality 4131. “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 352), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 29.3 mm; MD 15.8 mm. 5-6. Holotype of Conus harbisonae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66427). UF locality 4131. “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 356), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 17.9 mm; MD 9.4 mm. 7-8. Holotype of Conus griffi ni Petuch, 1990 (CM 35733). Dredged “from 15 m depth in North New River Canal, along US Highway 27, 30 km south of South Bay, Palm Beach County, Florida” (Petuch, 1990: 103). Bermont Formation. SL 15.3 mm; MD 7.8 mm. 9. UF 115805. UF locality HN004: Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 17.9 mm; MD 8.5 mm. 10-11. PRI 54630. UF locality LE019: Bonita Grande Rock and Sand Pit, Lee County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 17.3 mm; MD 9.1 mm. Inverse images of specimen under ultraviolet light. 12-13. PRI 54670. La Belle Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 27.2 mm; MD 14.2 mm. 14-15. UF 23492. UF locality HN004: Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 24.1 mm; MD 11.8 mm. 16. UF 115806. UF locality HN004: Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 26.0 mm. 17. UF 115807. UF locality HN004: Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 21.7 mm. 18. PRI 54637. Tulane University location 1175: Collier County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. Scanning electron photomicrograph. 19. PRI 54678. La Belle Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 12.6 mm. 20-22. UF(MAL) 123151-1. Off Palm Beach County, Florida (50 fathoms). Recent. SL 14.9 mm; MD 7.6 mm. Figs 21-22 are scanning electron photomicrographs (Fig. 21 is scaled to Fig. 20). [Note added in proof: A. Kohn (pers. comm., 25 September 2008) suggested that this specimen could be C. amphiurgus.] 23. UF(MAL) 128712. Palm Beach County, Florida. Recent. Scanning electron photomicro- graph. [Note added in proof: A. Kohn (pers. comm., 25 September 2008) suggested that this specimen could be C. amphiurgus.] HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 143 144 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 145

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1-18. Type and other specimens of Conus marylandicus Green, 1830. Scale bars = 1 cm (Figs 4 [pertains to Figs 1-14], 15); 1 mm (Figs 16-18)...... 23 1. Holotype of Conus marylandicus. Kohn (1988) designated Green’s (1830: pl. 3, fi g. 2) original fi gure, reproduced here, as representing the holotype for this species. 2. PRI 54358. James River Bluff , Surry County, Virginia. Yorktown Formation. SL 35.2 mm. 3. PRI 54359. U.S. Mine Filling Station near Stony Point, York River, Virginia. Yorktown Formation? SL 29.3 mm. 4. UF 115808. Chesapeake, Virginia. Yorktown Formation, Zone 2. SL 22.2 mm. 5. PRI 54699. PRI locality 2000: Holmes Pit, Duplin County, North Carolina. Duplin Formation. SL 31.2 mm. 6. PRI 54705. Alligator Alley, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 25.7 mm. 7. PRI 54653. Alligator Alley, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 33.3 mm. 8. PRI 54662. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 26.4 mm. 9. PRI 54669. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6, SE Corner, Sarasota County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation (Pinecrest Bed 1 of Petuch, 1982). SL 26.7 mm. 10. PRI 54677. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6, SE Corner, Sarasota County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation (Pinecrest Bed 1 of Petuch, 1982). SL 28.8 mm. 11-15. PRI 54686. Rice Memorial Fossil Pit, Hampton County, Virginia. Yorktown Formation. SL 36.2 mm; MD 17.2 mm. Figs 12-13 are inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 16-17. UF 115809. Chesapeake, Virginia. Yorktown Formation, Zone 2. Scanning electron photomicrographs. 16. Protoconch and early postnuclear whorls. 17. Sutural ramp of early postnuclear whorl. 18. UF 115810. Chesapeake, Virginia. Yorktown Formation, Zone 2. Scanning electron photomicrograph of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls. 146 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-18. Type specimens of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 24 1-2. Lectotype (ANSP 30699). Natural Well, Duplin County, North Carolina. Duplin Formation. SL 70.6 mm; MD 35.0 mm. 3-4. Holotype of Contraconus lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991 (CM 35660). APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 79.2 mm; MD 29.1 mm. 5-6. Holotype of Contraconus schmidti Petuch, 1991 (CM 35662). Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 72.6 mm; MD 39.8 mm. 7-8. Holotype of Contraconus osceolai Petuch, 1991 (CM 35691). From “canal dredging (20 m depth) along Miami Canal, 16 km south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County, Florida, Caloosahatchee Formation” (Petuch, 1991: 55). SL 88.8 mm; MD 50.2 mm. 9-10. Holotype of Contraconus berryi Petuch, 1994 (UF 66444). UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 64.8 mm; MD 35.3 mm. 11-12. Holotype of Contraconus heilprini Petuch, 1994 (UF 66443). UF locality PB012: Griffi n Brothers Pit 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 32.9 mm; MD 18.3 mm. 13-14. Holotype of Contraconus scotti Petuch, 1994 (UF 66446). UF locality PB014: Star Ranch 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 58.2 mm; MD 28.9 mm. 15-16. Holotype of Contraconus mitchellorum Petuch, 1994 (UF 66445). UF locality PB012: Griffi n Brothers Pit 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 62.6 mm; MD 27.6 mm. 17-18. Holotype of Contraconus petiti Petuch, 2004 (AMNH 50680). Collected “in the Edenhouse Member of the Chowan River Formation, in the Lee Creek Texasgulf Mine, Aurora, Beaufort County, North Carolina” (Petuch, 2004: 291). SL 83.0 mm; MD 39.7 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 147 148 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 149

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1-8. Extreme morphologies of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 24 1. UF 110404. UF locality HN031: Fort Lee, Hendry County, Florida. Formation unknown. SL 219 mm. Th is is the largest known specimen of C. adversarius. 2. PRI 54941. Hendry County Rock Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 80.3 mm. 3. UF 115811. UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Forma- tion, Pinecrest Beds. SL 68.0 mm. 4. UF 115812. UF locality OB001: Fort Basinger 01, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 88.0 mm. 5. UF 115813. UF locality CR004: Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Forma- tion, Pinecrest Beds. SL 62.0 mm. 6. PRI 54658. La Belle (Hendry County Rock Pit?), Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 92.5 mm. 7. PRI 54666. Tulane University locality 1044: Big Cypress, Hendry County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 44.3 mm. 8. UF 115814. UF locality CR004: Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Forma- tion, Pinecrest Beds. SL 40.5 mm. 150 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-17. Specimens of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840 photographed under ultraviolet light (inverse images), showing original color patterns. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 24 1-2. UF 115815. UF locality OB001: Fort Basinger 01, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 38.6 mm; MD 18.4 mm. 3. UF 115816. UF locality OB001: Fort Basinger 01, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 51.3 mm. 4. UF 115817. UF locality HG003: Fort Basinger 05, Highlands County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 82.2 mm. 5. UF 115818. UF locality OB001: Fort Basinger 01, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 65.3 mm. 6. PRI 41078. La Belle (Hendry County Rock Pit?), Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 136.1 mm. 7. UF 115819. UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 40.7 mm. 8. PRI 54673. Hendry County Rock Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 44.5 mm. 9. UF 115820. UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 42.9 mm. 10. UF 115821. UF locality PB021: Pahokee 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 75.3 mm. 11. UF 115822. UF locality HG003: Fort Basinger 05, Highlands County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 64.2 mm. 12. UF 115823. UF locality HG001: Kissimmee River 01, Highlands County, Florida. Formation unknown. SL 56.7 mm. 13. UF 115824. UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 90.7 mm. 14. UF 115825. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 81.2 mm. White spot is a hole in the last whorl of the shell. 15. PRI 54665. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 83.8 mm. 16. PRI 54657. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 77.8 mm. 17. PRI 54941. Hendry County Rock Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 80.3 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 151 152 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 153

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1-11. Continuous variation in spire angle (SA) in specimens of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840 from the Pinecrest Beds (Tamiami Formation) of Sarasota and Manatee counties Florida. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 24 1. UF 115826. UF locality SO001: Macasphalt Shell Pit, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 92.5 mm; SA 55º. 2. PRI 54681. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 98.2 mm; SA 60º. 3. PRI 54672. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 91.5 mm; SA 65º. 4. PRI 54694. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 87.0 mm; SA 71º. 5. PRI 54701. UF locality SO023: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 7A, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 63.8 mm; SA 75º. 6. PRI 54708. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 65.0 mm; SA 80º. 7. PRI 54688. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 63.0 mm; SA 85º. 8. PRI 54655. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 62.7 mm; SA 90º. 9. PRI 54680. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 6, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 89.9 mm; SA 95º. 10. PRI 54693. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 79.8 mm; SA 101º. 11. UF 115827. UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 88.6 mm; SA 105º. 154 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-14. Specimens of Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840 and Conus patricius Hinds, 1843. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 6, pertains to Figs 5-14); 1 mm (Figs 3-4).

1-4. Conus adversarius Conrad, 1840 ...... 24 1. PRI 54647. PRI locality 1990: Caloosahatchee Canal, 2.5 miles [4.02 km] east of Ortona Locks. Formation unknown. Black line traces growth lines, detailing subsutural fl exure shape. 2. PRI 54682. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. Black line traces growth lines, detailing subsutural fl exure shape. 3-4. PRI 55203. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. Scanning electron photomicrographs of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls.

5-14. Conus patricius Hinds, 1843 ...... 27 5-7. Holotype of Conus apium Woodring, 1928 (USNM 369351). Bowden, Jamaica. Bowden Formation. SL 57.6 mm; MD 36.6 mm. 8-10. Holotype of Conus testudinarius leonensis Mansfi eld, 1930 (USNM 370103). Harvey’s Creek, Leon County, Florida. Jackson Bluff Formation? SL 40.6 mm; MD 20.7 mm. 11-12. PRI 54631. Locality information uncertain. Possibly from Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 65.8 mm; maximum MD 40.5 mm. 13-14. PRI 9794. Panama. Recent. SL 73.2 mm; MD 40.4 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 155 156 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 157

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1-13. Type and other specimens of Conus delessertii Récluz, 1843. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 6, pertains to Figs 1-10); 500 μm (Fig. 13)...... 28 1-2. Holotype of Conus presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964 (USNM 644643). Crescent Beach, Horry County, South Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. SL 78.8 mm; MD 41.8 mm. 3-4. Holotype of Conus susankhanae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66998). UF locality PB011: Miami Canal 03, Palm Beach County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 92.0 mm; MD 51.2 mm. 5-6. Holotype of Conus duerri Petuch, 1994 (UF 66422). UF locality 4132. “Kissimmee River dredging at Fort Basinger, Highlands County” (Petuch, 1994: 352), Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 37.9 mm; MD 20.0 mm. 7-8. Holotype of Conus patstreamae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66449). UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 77.7 mm; MD 40.6 mm. 9. PRI 54698. UF locality DA013: Florida Rock Miami Quarry, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 73.1 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 10. UF(MAL) 146702. Northeast of Alvaro Obregon, Gulf of Campeche, Mexico. Recent specimen. Collected at a depth of 25 fathoms (45.7 m). SL 69.8 mm. 11. PRI 53579. Sarasota County, Florida. Formation unknown. SL 73.2 mm. 12. PRI 54692. PRI locality 2000: Duplin County, North Carolina. Duplin Formation. Detail of subsutural fl exure. 13. UF(MAL) 168985. Off Destin, Okaloosa County, Florida (18-20 fathoms [32.9-36.6 m]). Recent specimen. Scanning electron photomicrograph. 158 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-28. Holotype of Conus fl oridanus Gabb, 1869 and type and other specimens of Conus cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 7, pertains to Figs 1-26); 1 mm (Figs 27-28).

1-2. “Conus fl oridanus” Gabb, 1869. Holotype of Conus fl oridanus Gabb, 1869 (ANSP 80897). Tampa Bay, Florida. Recent. SL 48.4 mm...... 30

3-28. Conus cf. largillierti Kiener, 1845...... 30 3-4. UF(MAL) 25628. Off Charleston County, South Carolina (45.7 m). Recent. SL 43.6 mm; MD 23.2 mm. 5. PRI 9792. Locality unknown. Recent. SL 45.4 mm. 6-7. Holotype of Conus trippae Petuch, 1991 (CM 35666). APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 35.3 mm; MD 16.7 mm. 8. Paratype of Conus trippae Petuch, 1991 (CM 35667). APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 60.2 mm. 9-10. Holotype of Conus loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994 (UF 66428). UF locality 4133. From “US Highway 441 construction dig at 20-Mile Bend, Loxahatchee area, west of West Palm beach [sic], Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 353), Florida. Bermont Formation? SL 49.7 mm; MD 24.6 mm. 11-13. Holotype of Conus capelettii Petuch, 1990 (CM 35731). Capeletti Brothers Pit 11, Miami-Dade County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 38.2 mm; MD 16.7 mm. Fig. 13 is inverse image of specimen under ultraviolet light. 14-15. Holotype of Conus diegelae Petuch, 1994 (UF 66423). UF locality 4131. From “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 352), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 36.3 mm; MD 16.8 mm. 16-17. Holotype of Conus ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994 (UF 66429). UF locality 4131. From “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 354), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 33.7 mm; MD 16.7 mm. 18-19. Holotype of Conus joelshugari Petuch, 1994 (UF 66424). UF locality 4131. From “Miami Canal dredging, 20 miles [32.19 km] south of Lake Harbor, Palm Beach County” (Petuch, 1994: 353), Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 23.8 mm; MD 12.0 mm. 20. PRI 54329. Label indicates “Lake Hicpochee, north side of river.” Formation unknown. SL 33.2 mm. 21. PRI 54646. UF locality CR017: Longan Lakes 01B Pit, Collier County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 50.2 mm. 22. PRI 54645. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. SL 33.8 mm. 23. PRI 50128. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Bed 7 (collected in situ). SL 38.1 mm. 24. PRI 54661. Alligator Alley (U. S. Rte. I-75), probably Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 41.5 mm. 25. PRI 54676. PRI locality 1985: Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Slash, Highlands County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds? SL 43.8 mm. Inverse image of specimen under ultraviolet light. 26. PRI 54668. PRI locality 1985: Kissimmee Canal, Long Cypress Slash, Highlands County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds? SL 39.5 mm. Inverse image of specimen under ultraviolet light. 27-28. PRI 54635. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. Scanning electron photomicrographs of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 159 160 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 161

Plate  Figure Page

1-8. Conus haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850. Scale bar = 1 cm...... 32 1-2. Holotype of Conus druidi Olsson, 1967 (USNM 645160). USNM locality 22445: La Belle, Florida (Olsson, 1967). (Th is locality information is considered suspect; see pp. 32-33 for details). Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds? SL 97.5 mm; MD 54.3 mm. 3. UF 113865. UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 179 mm. 4. PRI 54685. Tulane University locality 1219: “Río Amina, bluff s on east side of river immediately upstream from ford that is 2 km west of Potrero and about 3 km downstream from “La Represa” (= USGS 8517)” (Saunders et al., 1986: 64), Dominican Republic. Gurabo Formation. MD 42.8 mm. 5. PRI 54412. Tulane University locality 1219: “Río Amina, bluff s on east side of river immediately upstream from ford that is 2 km west of Potrero and about 3 km downstream from “La Represa” (= USGS 8517)” (Saunders et al., 1986: 64), Dominican Republic. Gurabo Formation. SL 78.1 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 6-8. PRI 54697. Near Tulane University location 1044: Big Cypress, Hendry County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 45.1 mm; MD 23.3 mm. Inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 162 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Plate  Figure Page

1-19. Type and other specimens of Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873, and non-type specimens of Conus har- veyensis Mansfi eld, 1930. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 6, pertains to Figs 1-16 ; Figs 17-18); 1 mm (Fig. 19).

1-16. Conus yaquensis Gabb, 1873...... 33 1-2. Lectotype (ANSP 2547). Dominican Republic. Formation unknown. SL 49.3 mm; MD 29.7 mm. 3. Paralectotype (ANSP 2547). Dominican Republic. Formation unknown. SL 40.3 mm. 4-5. Holotype of Conus jonesorum Petuch, 1994 (UF 66430). UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 37.9 mm; MD 21.6 mm. 6. PRI 54644. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 58.8 mm. 7. PRI 54643. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 46.0 mm. 8. PRI 54642. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 30.1 mm. 9. PRI 54683. UF locality UF SO023: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 7A, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Florida. SL 37.9 mm. 10-11. PRI 54689. Tulane University locality 1044: Big Cypress, Hendry County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 44.8 mm; MD 24.5 mm. Inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 12. PRI 54690. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 42.4 mm. Inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 13-14. PRI 54695. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Probably Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 32.8 mm. 15-16. PRI 54696. UF locality MA008: Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 9, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. MD 31.1 mm. Black line traces growth line showing shape of subsutural fl exure.

17-19. Conus harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930...... 35 17. UF 7519. UF locality LN002: Jackson Bluff 02, Leon County, Florida. Jackson Bluff Formation. SL 52.0 mm. 18. UF 80218. UF locality LN001: Jackson Bluff 01, Leon County, Florida. Jackson Bluff Formation. SL 47.8 mm (broken). 19. UF 118664. UF locality LN004: Jackson Bluff (general), Leon County, Florida. Jackson Bluff Formation. Scanning electron photomicrograph of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 163 164 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 165

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1-21. Type and other specimens of Conus oniscus Woodring, 1928. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 7, pertains to Figs 1-17 and 19; Fig. 18); 1 mm (Fig. 20); 500 μm (Fig. 21)...... 34 1-3. Holotype (USNM 369354). Bowden, Jamaica. Bowden Formation. SL 37.1 mm; MD 16.1 mm. 4-6. Holotype of Conus waccamawensis Smith, 1930 (ANSP 79603). Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River, Horry County, South Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. SL 32.2 mm; MD 13.7 mm. 7. Possible paratype of Conus waccamawensis Smith, 1930 (PRI 54702). Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River, Horry County, South Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. SL 22.2 mm. 8-9. Holotype of Conus jaroldi Abbott, 1988a (UF 20000). UF locality PB010: Miami Canal 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 41.2 mm; MD 20.3 mm. 10-11. Holotype of Conus robertsi Olsson & Harbison, 1953 (ANSP 18644). Collected “at a locality 5 to 7 miles [8.05-11.27 km] west of Clewiston” (Olsson & Harbison, 1953: 175), Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 27.3 mm; MD 14.3 mm. 12-13. Holotype of Conus calusa Abbott, 1988b (UF 20516). UF locality PB010: Miami Canal 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 26.0 mm; MD 15.3 mm. 14-15. Holotype of Conus miccosukee Abbott, 1988b (UF 20517). UF locality PB010: Miami Canal 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 27.8 mm; MD 11.9 mm. 16. PRI 54704. Tulane University locality 932: eastern side of Kissimmee River, Okeechobee County, Florida. Formation unknown. SL 36.3 mm. 17. PRI 54703. Tulane University locality 932: eastern side of Kissimmee River, Okeechobee County, Florida. Formation unknown. SL 28.3 mm. 18. Possible paratype of Conus waccamawensis Smith, 1930 (PRI 54684). Nixon’s Landing, Waccamaw River, Horry County, South Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. MD 12.7 mm. 19. PRI 54675. Tulane University locality 729: Fort Basinger, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 35.9 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 20-21. PRI 55202. Acme, Columbus County, North Carolina. Waccamaw Formation. Scanning electron photomicrographs of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls. 166 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

Plate  Figure Page

1-22. Specimens of Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951, holotype of Conus parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947, and type and other specimens of Conus spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 5, pertains to Figs 1-7 and 9-10; Fig. 17, pertains to Figs 11-22); 1 mm (Fig. 8).

1-8. Conus sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951...... 36 1-2. UF(MAL) 62570-1. Matanzas Province, Cuba. Recent. SL 30.5 mm; MD 15.4 mm. 3. PRI 54674. Tulane University locality 978: South Bay, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 36.9 mm. 4. PRI 54667. South Bay, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 36.4 mm. 5. PRI 54351. “Miami Canal #2.” Formation unknown. SL 33.3 mm. 6-7. PRI 54660. Tulane University locality 978: South Bay, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 28.2 mm; MD 14.8 mm. 8. UF 50431. UF locality PB001: Belle Glade 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. Scanning electron photomicrograph of protoconch and early postnuclear whorls.

9-10. Conus parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947...... 36 9-10. Holotype (USNM 559928). “Well G.S. #11, 17 miles [27.36 km] west of Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida; depth 47-50 feet [14.3-15.2 m]” (Richards, 1947: 33). Reported as being from the Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 30.0 mm; MD 18.2 mm.

11-22. Conus spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953...... 37 11-13. Holotype (ANSP 18642). La Belle, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 42.4 mm; MD 23.7 mm. 14. PRI 54659. PRI locality 1263: La Belle, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Forma- tion. SL 28.0 mm. 15. PRI 54652. Lake Hicpochee, Glades County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 34.3 mm. 16. PRI 54391. Clewiston, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 35.3 mm. 17. PRI 54735. Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 37.0 mm. 18. PRI 54734. PRI locality 1991: Caloosahatchee Canal, 3 miles [4.83 km] east of Ortona Locks, Glades County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 64.8 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 19. PRI 54733. UF locality PB014: Star Ranch 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 53.0 mm. 20. PRI 54732. Cochran Shell Pit, Hendry County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 44.1 mm. 21. PRI 54731. UF locality PB014: Star Ranch 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. Probably Caloosahatchee Formation. SL 47.4 mm. Black lines trace growth lines, detailing variation in subsutural fl exure shape. 22. PRI 54730. Lake Hicpochee, Glades County, Florida. Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 62.0 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 167 168 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 169

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1-21. Type and other specimens of Conus miamiensis Petuch, 1986, holotype of C. hertwecki Petuch, 1988, type and other specimens of C. violetae Petuch, 1988, and holotype of C. protocardinalis, 1991. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 2, pertains to Figs 1-5, 7; Fig. 8; Figs 9-10; Fig. 12, pertains to Figs 11-19; Figs 20-21); 1 mm (Fig. 6).

1-8. Conus miamiensis Petuch, 1986...... 39 1-2. Holotype (MCZ 113027). MCZ locality 1736: SW 146th Avenue and Bird Road, Miami, Dade County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 31.5 mm; MD, 18.7 mm. 3. UF 115828. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 29.5 mm. 4. UF 115829. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 27.0 mm. 5. PRI 54727. Alligator Alley (U. S. Rte. I-75), probably Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 30.7 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 6. UF 115831. UF locality CR004: Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. Scanning electron photomicrograph. 7-8. UF 115830. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 35.3 mm. 7. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 8. Diameter = 19.2 mm.

9-10. Holotype of Conus hertwecki Petuch, 1988 (USNM 427968). Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 14.9 mm; MD 7.5 mm...... 39

11-19. Conus violetae Petuch, 1988...... 40 11-13. Holotype (USNM 427969). Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 22.1 mm; MD 11.0 mm. 14-15. UF 115832. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 35.5 mm; MD 19.0 mm. 16. UF 115834. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 16.0 mm. 17. UF 114763. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 25.7 mm. 18-19. UF 115833. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 25.5 mm; MD 12.3 mm.

20-21. Holotype of Conus protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 (CM 35693). From “canal dredging (20 m depth along Miami Canal, 1 km north of Broward-Palm Beach County levee in Palm Beach County, Florida” (Petuch, 1991: 54). Caloosahatchee Formation? SL 22.0 mm; MD 11.5 mm...... 44 170 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 

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1-24. Type and other specimens of Conus bassi Petuch, 1991 and C. burnetti n. sp. Scale bar = 1 cm (Figs 1-11, 13-17, 19-24); 5 mm (Figs 12, 18).

1-12. Conus bassi Petuch, 1991...... 41 1-2. Holotype (CM 35663). APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 34.8 mm; MD 18.8 mm. 3. UF 115835. UF locality SO017: Macasphalt Shell Pit B, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 37.4 mm. 4. PRI 9808. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 43.1 mm. 5. UF 115836. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 23.0 mm. 6. UF 115837. UF locality CR004: Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 36.9 mm. 7. UF 115838. UF locality CR004: Mule Pen Quarry, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 26.0 mm. 8. UF 115839. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 31.2 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 9. PRI 54726. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 29.7 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 10. PRI 54725. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 22.8 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 11. PRI 54636. Alligator Alley (U.S. Rte. I-75), probably Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 25.3 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 12. PRI 54724. APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds.

13-24. Conus burnetti n. sp...... 45 13-18. Holotype (UF 115840). UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 26.9 mm; MD 13.6 mm. Figs 16-17 are inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 19. Paratype (PRI 54720). Alligator Alley, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 29.2 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 20. Paratype (UF 115841). UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 29.9 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 21. Paratype (PRI 54721). Alligator Alley (U.S. Rte. I-75), probably Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 27.2 mm. 22. Paratype (UF 115842). UF locality CR014: Alligator Alley 03, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 34.4 mm. 23. Paratype (UF 115843). UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 24.8 mm. 24. Paratype (PRI 54722). Alligator Alley, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 27.1 mm. HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 171 172 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 173

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1-22. Type and other specimens of Conus evergladesensis Petuch, 1991, and C. paranobilis Petuch, 1991. Scale bars = 1 cm (Fig. 5, pertains to Figs 1-17, 19-22); 5 mm (Fig. 18).

1-9. Conus evergladesensis Petuch, 1991...... 42 1-2. Holotype (ANSP 52843-1; one of three specimens in lot; see pp. 42-43 for details). From “canal dredging (15 m depth) along North New River Canal, 22 km south of South Bay” (Petuch, 1991: 53), Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 26.5 mm; MD 13.5 mm. 3. Paratype (ANSP 52842). From “canal dredging (15 m depth) along North New River Canal, 22 km south of South Bay” (Petuch, 1991: 53), Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 32.4 mm. 4-5. Holotype of Calusaconus tomeui Petuch, 2004 (AMNH 50678). “Palm Beach Aggregates, Inc. quarry, Loxahatchee, Palm Beach County, Florida” (Petuch, 2004: 290). Bermont Formation. SL 32.7 mm; MD 18.0 mm. 6. UF 115845. UF locality PB005: South Bay 02, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 39.5 mm. 7. UF 115844. UF locality PB001: Belle Glade 01, Palm Beach County, Florida. SL 42.6 mm. 8. PRI 54729. Belle Glade, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 29.4 mm. 9. PRI 54728. Belle Glade, Palm Beach County, Florida. Bermont Formation. SL 30.1 mm.

10-22. Conus paranobilis Petuch, 1991...... 43 10-11. Holotype (CM 35665). APAC Quarry, Sarasota County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 23.7 mm; MD 12.3 mm. 12-13. Holotype of Eugeniconus irisae Petuch, 2004 (AMNH 50681). “Florida Rock Industries, Inc., Naples quarry (old Mule Pen Quarry), East Naples, Collier County, Florida” (Petuch, 2004: 293). Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 29.8 mm; MD 14.7 mm. 14. UF 115846. UF locality CR007: Alligator Alley 01, Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 35.5 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 15. PRI 53178. Quality Aggregates, Inc., Phase 8, Manatee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 34.1 mm. Inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 16. UF 115847. UF locality OB001: Fort Basinger 01, Okeechobee County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 26.5 mm. Photographed under ultraviolet light, but image not inversed. 17-20. PRI 54488. “Johnson Brothers Rock Pit.” Locality details and formation unknown. SL 28.7 mm; MD 14.7 mm. Fig. 20 is an inverse image of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 21-22. PRI 54626. Alligator Alley (U.S. Rte. I-75), probably Collier County, Florida. Tamiami Formation, Pinecrest Beds. SL 24.0 mm. Inverse images of specimen photographed under ultraviolet light. 174 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No. 


Note: Only taxa (and associated publications) formally treated in the systematics section of this work are included in this index; taxa mentioned elsewhere (e. g., in remarks) are not. Individual species can be found in the index by searching for their original names as published [e. g., Conus (Lithoconus) evergladesensis Petuch, 1991], their names as subsequently used [e. g., Calusaconus evergladesensis (Petuch, 1991)], or their species epithets (e. g., evergladesensis). Appendix pagination is provided for taxon species epithets, but not other information (e. g., locality name, formation).

Abbott (1988a) ...... 4, 5, 34-35, 165 scotti Petuch, 1994 ...... 24-25, 146 Abbott (1988b) ...... 3, 5, 34-35, 165 tryoni (Heilprin, 1886) ...... 24 adversarius ...... Conus . . . 1, 3-6, 11-13, 15, 24-27, 51-75, 146, 149-150, 153-154 adversarius Conrad, 1840 ...... 1, amphiurgus ...... 2-3, 42, 142 3-6, 11-13, 15, 24-27, 146, 149-150, 153-154 anabathrum ...... 3, 30-31 adversarius tryoni (Heilprin, 1886) ...... 24, 26 anal notch ...... 7, 10 amphiurgus Dall, 1889 ...... 2-3 Anastasia Formation ...... 9, 13, 18, 30 apium Woodring, 1928 ...... 3, 27-28, 154 apium ...... 3, 27-28, 117, 154 burnetti n. sp...... 1-3, 12, 15-16, 42, 45-46, 170 bassi ...... 3, 15-16, 22-23, 41-42, 45, 75-76, 78-81, 170 capelettii Petuch, 1990 ...... 3, 30-31, 158 Bermont Formation ...... 2, 9, 12-13, 15, 18, 20-22, 29-30, cherokus Olsson & Petit, 1964 ...... 3, 19-20, 138 34, 37-39, 42-43, 134, 137-138, 141-142, 157-158, 166, 173 consobrinus G. B. Sowerby II, 1850 ...... 3, 41 berryi ...... 3, 24-27, 63, 146 consobrinus G. B. Sowerby II, 1850, of Kamp (1967) . . . . . Brocchi (1814) ...... 5, 19, 21 ...... 40-41 burnetti ...... 1-3, 12, 15-16, 42, 45-46, 76-77, 170 daucus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 ...... Caloosahatchee Formation ...... 9, 12-13, 15, ...... 3-4, 15-16, 21-23, 31, 142 18, 20, 22-24, 26, 28-30, 32, 34, 36-39, 42-43, 45, 134, 137- delessertii Récluz, 1843 . . . . 3, 5-6, 12, 15, 27, 28-31, 157 138, 141-142, 145-146, 149-150, 154, 157-158, 165-166, 169 diluvianus [sic] Green, 1830 ...... 34 calusa ...... 3, 34-35, 109, 165 diluvianus [sic] Green, 1830 of Tuomey & Holmes Calusaconus ...... 37, 42-43, 173 (1857) ...... 34 evergladesensis (Petuch, 1991) ...... 42 diluivianus [sic] Green, 1830 of Emmons (1858) . . . . 34 spuroides (Olsson & Harbison, 1953) ...... 37 druidi Olsson, 1967 ...... 1, 3, 32, 161 tomeui Petuch, 2004 ...... 42-43, 173 eversoni Petuch, 1987, cf...... 4, 21 Campbell (1993) ...... 3-4, 9, 23-26 fl oridanus Gabb, 1869 ...... 1, 4, 30-31, 158 capelettii ...... 3, 30-31, 97, 158 griffi ni Petuch, 1990 ...... 4, 21-23, 142 Cariboconus ...... 21 harveyensis Mansfi eld, 1930 . . . 4, 13, 15, 19, 35-36, 162 griffi ni (Petuch, 1990) ...... 21 haytensis G. B. Sowerby II, 1850 . . . 3, 15-16, 32-33, 161 characteristics previously used to discriminate Conus species . . 6-8 hertwecki Petuch, 1988 ...... 4, 13, 15, 39-40, 169 cherokus ...... 3, 19-21, 34, 122, 138 jaspideus Gmelin, 1791 . . . 4-6, 13, 15, 17-19, 134, 137 Chowan River Formation ...... 9, 13, 26, 30, 146 largillierti Kiener, 1845 ...... 30 Clench (1942) ...... 17, 20, 22, 31 largillierti Kiener, 1845, cf. . . 1, 3-6, 16, 23, 30-31, 37, 158 color patterns, viewed using ultraviolet light ...... 9-10 lemoni Petuch, 1990 ...... 4, 19-20, 138 Conasprella ...... 17, 35, 39 marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758 ...... 17 Conidae ...... 2, 6, 7, 17, 27 marylandicus Green, 1830 . . . 4, 13, 15, 23-24, 34, 145 Conorbis ...... 2, 27 mercati Brocchi, 1814 ...... 5, 19, 21 Conrad (1840) ...... oniscus Woodring, 1928 . . . 3-6, 13, 15, 23, 34-35, 165 ...... 1, 3-6, 11-13, 15, 24-26, 146, 149-150, 153-154 parkeri Richards & Harbison, 1947 . . . 5, 13, 15, 36, 166 Conrad (1841) ...... 3, 24-25 patricius Hinds, 1843 ...... 3, 6, 15-16, 27-28, 154 Conrad (1869) ...... 5, 17-18, 134 pealii Green, 1830 ...... 5, 17, 19 consobrinus ...... 3, 40-41 presozoni Olsson & Petit, 1964 ...... 5, 28-29, 31, 157 Contraconus ...... 6, 8, 24-27, 146 proteus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 ...... 5, 19, 21 adversarius (Conrad, 1840) ...... 24 pygmaeus Reeve, 1844 of Dall (1890) ...... 5, 17, 19 berryi Petuch, 1994 ...... 24-25, 146 sennottorum Rehder & Abbott, 1951 ...... heilprini Petuch, 1994 ...... 24-25, 146 ...... 5, 15-16, 30-31, 36-37, 166 lindajoyceae Petuch, 1991 ...... 24-25, 146 spurius Gmelin, 1791 ...... mitchellorum Petuch, 1994 ...... 8, 24-25, 146 ...... 3-5, 15, 17, 19-21, 33, 38-39, 138, 141 osceolai Petuch, 1991 ...... 24-25, 146 stearnsii Conrad, 1869 ...... 5, 17-18, 134 petiti Petuch, 2004 ...... 24-25, 146 testudinarius Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 ...... 6, 27-28 schmidti Petuch, 1991 ...... 24-25, 146 testudinarius leonensis Mansfi eld, 1930 ...... 27-28, 154 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 175

tryoni Heilprin, 1886 ...... 6, 8, 24-25 spuroides Olsson & Harbison, 1953 ...... 37 vaughanensis Mansfi eld, 1935 ...... 6, 31 streami Petuch, 1994 ...... 19 verrucosus Hwass in Bruguière, 1792 ...... 6, 17, 19 yaquensis Gabb, 1873 ...... 33 violetae Petuch, 1988 ...... 3, 6, 15-16, 40-41, 169 Conus (Magelliconus) waccamawensis Smith, 1930 ...... 6, 34-35, 165 griffi ni (Petuch, 1990) ...... 21 yaquensis Gabb, 1873 ...... 4, 6, 15-16, 33-34, 162 harbisonae Petuch, 1994 ...... 21 Conus (Conasprella) Conus (Purpuriconus) protocardinalis (Petuch, 1991) . . . . . 44 harveyensis (Mansfi eld, 1930) of Petuch (1994) . . . 17, 35 Conus (Stephanoconus) protocardinalis Petuch, 1991 . . . . . 44 hertwecki (Petuch, 1988) ...... 39 Conus (Virgiconus) miamiensis Petuch, 1986 ...... 39 hyshugari Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 Conus (Ximeniconus) jaclynae Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 calusa Abbott, 1988b ...... 34 jaspideus (Gmelin, 1791) ...... 17 jaroldi Abbott, 1988a ...... 34 laurenae Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 marylandicus (Green, 1830) ...... 23 marymansfi eldae Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 miccosukee Abbott, 1988b ...... 34 maureenae Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 oniscus (Woodring, 1928) ...... 34 palmbeachensis Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 robertsi (Olsson & Harbison, 1953) ...... 34 sarasotaensis Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 waccamawensis (Smith, 1930) ...... 34 susanae Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 Cossman (1889) ...... 2 wilsoni Petuch, 1994 ...... 17 Dall (1889) ...... 2-3, 142 Conus (Dendroconus) haytensis (G. B. Sowerby II, 1850) Dall (1890) ...... 3-5, 17, 19, 21, 24, 26, 30-31 ...... 32 Dauciconus ...... 21, 41 Conus (Leptoconus) bassi (Petuch, 1991) ...... 41 bassi Petuch, 1991 ...... 41 gravesae (Petuch, 1994) ...... 21 capelettii (Petuch, 1990) ...... 30 daucus ...... 3-4, 15-16, 21-23, 31, 41-42, 77-81, 142 delessertii (Récluz, 1843) ...... 28 delessertii ...... 3, 5-6, 12, 15, 27-31, 36, 81-83, 157 diegelae Petuch, 1994 ...... 30 deluvianus ...... 3 duerri Petuch, 1994 ...... 28 Dendroconus ...... 32 fl oridanus (Gabb, 1869) ...... 30 diegelae ...... 3, 30-31, 100, 158 gravesae Petuch, 1994 ...... 21 Dietl & Hendricks (2006) ...... 4, 24, 27, 30 joelshugari Petuch, 1994 ...... 30 diluivianus [sic] ...... 34 loxahatcheensis Petuch, 1994 ...... 30 diluvianus [sic] ...... 3, 34 marylandicus (Green, 1830) of Olsson & Harbison (1953) druidi ...... 1, 3, 32-33, 84, 161 ...... 30 DuBar (1958) ...... 3-5, 17, 24, 30 paranobilis Petuch, 1991 ...... 43 duerri ...... 3, 28-29, 82, 157 parkeri (Richards & Harbison, 1947) ...... 36 Duplin Formation ...... patstreamae Petuch, 1994 ...... 28 ...... 9, 13, 15, 23, 25-26, 29-30, 145-146, 157 presozoni (Olsson & Petit, 1964) ...... 28 Emmons (1858) ...... 3, 24, 34 robertsi Olsson & Harbison, 1953 ...... 34 Eugeniconus ...... 43-44, 173, ronaldsmithi Petuch, 1994 ...... 30 irisae (Petuch, 1991) ...... 43-44, 173 sennottorum (Rehder & Abbott, 1951) ...... 36 paranobilis (Petuch, 1991) ...... 43 susankhanae Petuch, 1994 ...... 28 evergladesensis . . . . 3, 6, 15, 17, 20-21, 39, 42-43, 83-84, 173 trippae Petuch, 1991 ...... 30 eversoni ...... 4, 21, 23 vaughanensis (Mansfi eld, 1935) of Petuch (1994) . . . . 30 Fleming (1822) ...... 2, 17 violetae (Petuch, 1988) ...... 40 fl oridanus ...... 1, 4, 30-31, 158 waccamawensis (Smith, 1930) ...... 34 Fort Th ompson Formation ...... 9, 13, 15, 18, 20, 30 Conus (Lithoconus) fossil Conus species, recognizing ...... 8 cherokus (Olsson & Petit, 1964) ...... 19, 21 Gabb (1869) ...... 1, 30-31, 158 daucus (Hwass in Bruguière, 1792) ...... 21 Gabb (1873) ...... 1, 4, 6, 15-16, 33, 162 druidi (Olsson, 1967) ...... 32 Gmelin (1791) ...... evergladesensis Petuch, 1991 ...... 42 3-6, 13, 15, 17-20, 33, 38-39, 45, 134, 137-138, 141 jeremyi Petuch, 1994 ...... 19 Gradiconus ...... 28, 30-31 jonesorum Petuch, 1994 ...... 33 anabathrum patglicksteinae (Petuch, 1987) ...... 30-31 lemoni (Petuch, 1990) ...... 19 capelettii (Petuch, 1990) ...... 30 martinshugari Petuch, 1994 ...... 19 duerri (Petuch, 1994) ...... 28 micanopy Petuch, 1994 ...... 19 loxahatcheensis (Petuch, 1991) ...... 30 spengleri Petuch, 1991 ...... 19 gravesae ...... 4, 21-23, 31, 78, 142 spurius (Gmelin, 1791) ...... 19, 21 Green (1830) . . . 1, 3-5, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23-24, 30, 34, 145 176 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  griffi ni ...... 4, 21-23, 77, 142 micanopy ...... 5, 19-21, 121, 138 harbisonae ...... 4, 21-23, 78, 142 miccosukee ...... 5, 34-35, 109, 165 harveyensis ...... 4, 13, 15, 17, 19, 35-36, 84, 162 Missimer & Tobias (2004) ...... 24 haytensis ...... 1, 3, 15-16, 32-33, 84-85, 161 mitchellorum ...... 5, 8, 24-27, 58, 146 Heilprin (1886) ...... 2-3, 5-6, 8, 19, 21, 24-26 morphometric ratios ...... 11 heilprini ...... 4, 24-27, 58, 146 Nashua Formation ...... 9, 13, 25, 30 Hemiconus ...... 2, 27 Neogastropoda ...... 1, 17 Hendricks (2008) ...... 24, 27 Olsson (1967) ...... 1, 3-4, 9, 23-24, 27-28, 32-33, 161 hertwecki ...... 4, 13, 15, 39-40, 85, 169 Olsson & Harbison (1953) ...... 3-7, Hinds (1843) ...... 3, 6, 15-16, 27-28, 154 10, 15, 17, 20-21, 24, 26-27, 30, 34-35, 37-38, 165-166 Hwass in Bruguière (1792) ...... Olsson & Petit (1964) . . 3, 5, 19-21, 24, 28-29, 31, 138, 157 ...... 3-6, 15-17, 19, 21-23, 27-28, 31, 142 oniscus ...... 3-6, 13, 15, 23-24, 34-35, 108-116, 165 hyshugari ...... 4, 17-19, 86, 134 osceolai ...... 5, 24-27, 57, 146 identifi cation key ...... 13-17 palmbeachensis ...... 5, 17-19, 86, 134 irisae ...... 4, 43-44, 117, 173 paranobilis ...... 4-5, 15-16, 39, 43-44, 116-117, 173 Jackson Bluff Formation ...... parkeri ...... 5, 13, 15, 36-37, 117, 166 ...... 9, 13, 15, 20, 23, 25, 30, 34, 36, 42, 154, 162 patglicksteinae ...... 30-31 jaclynae ...... 4, 17-19, 91, 134 patricius ...... 3, 6, 15-16, 27-28, 117, 154 James City Formation ...... 9, 13, 15, 26, 30 patstreamae ...... 5, 28-29, 83, 157 jaroldi ...... 4, 34, 35, 109, 165 pealii ...... 5, 17, 19 jaspideus . . . . . 4-6, 13, 15, 17-19, 36, 85-93, 134, 137 petiti ...... 5, 24-27, 62, 146 Jaspidiconus ...... 17-19, 134 Petuch (1986) ...... 5, 15-16, 39-40, 169 jaspideus (Gmelin, 1791) ...... 17 Petuch (1988) ...... pfl uegeri Petuch, 2004 ...... 17, 18, 19, 134 . . 3-6, 13, 15-17, 19, 21, 23-24, 27-28, 33, 36, 39-41, 169 jeremyi ...... 4, 19-20, 124, 138 Petuch (1990) ...... 3-4, 19-23, 30-31, 138, 142, 158 joelshugari ...... 4, 23, 30-31, 100, 158 Petuch (1991) ...... 1, 3-7, 13, 15-17, 19- jonesorum ...... 4, 33-34, 130, 162 22, 24-27, 30-31, 37, 39, 41-45, 138, 146, 158, 169-170, 173 Kamp (1967) ...... Petuch (1994) ...... 3-7, 9, 17, 19, 24, 26, 28, 30, 33-34, 37, 39-41 1-8, 17-26, 28-37, 39-45, 134, 138, 142, 146, 157-158, 162 key to species ...... 13-17 Petuch (2004) ...... Kiener (1845) ...... 1, 3-6, 15-16, 23, 30-31, 37, 158 . 1, 3-7, 17-19, 21, 23-28, 30-34, 37, 39-44, 134, 146, 173 Kohn (1992) ...... 3-4, 6, 17, 21-25, 27-28 pfl uegeri ...... 5, 17-19, 134 largillierti . . . . 1, 3-6, 15-16, 23, 30-31, 37, 93-106, 158 Pfl ug (1961) ...... 32, 41 laurenae ...... 4, 17-19, 91, 134 photography ...... 9-10 LaVille (1921) ...... 3, 24 Pilsbry (1922) ...... 2, 32-33 lemoni ...... 4, 19-21, 119, 138 Pinecrest Beds ...... 8-9, 12-13, 15, 18, 20-23, 25-26, leonensis ...... 27-28, 117, 154 28, 30, 32-34, 36-37, 39-41, 44-45, 134, 137-138, 141, 145- Leptoconus ...... 21, 28, 30, 34, 36, 40-41, 43 146, 149-150, 153-154, 157-158, 161-162, 165, 169-170, 173 lindajoyceae ...... 4, 24-27, 64, 146 presozoni ...... 5, 12, 28-29, 31, 83, 157 Linnaeus (1758) ...... 2, 6, 17, 27, 39 proteus ...... 5, 19, 21 Lithoconus ...... 19, 21, 32-33, 37, 42 protocardinalis ...... 5, 13, 15, 44-45, 117, 169 druidi (Olsson, 1967) ...... 32 Purpuriconus ...... 44 loxahatcheensis ...... 4, 30-31, 98, 158 protocardinalis (Petuch, 1991) ...... 44 Magelliconus ...... 21 pygmaeus ...... 5, 17, 19 Mansfi eld (1930) ...... rate of publication ...... 1-2 . . . 3-4, 6, 13, 15, 17, 19, 24, 27-28, 30, 35-36, 154, 162 Raysor Marl ...... 9, 13, 26 Mansfi eld (1935) ...... 6, 30-31 Recent ...... 1, 7, 10, marmoreus ...... 17 12-13, 15, 29-31, 35, 134, 137, 141-142, 154, 157-158, 166 Martini (1773) ...... 17 Récluz (1843) ...... 3, 5-6, 12, 15, 27-29, 31, 157 martinshugari ...... 4, 19-21, 124, 138 Reeve (1843-1849) ...... 5, 17, 19, 24, 35, 39 marylandicus ...... Rehder & Abbott (1951) . . . . . 5, 15-16, 30-31, 36-37, 166 . . . 1, 4, 13, 15, 23-24, 30, 34-35, 106-107, 113-116, 145 Richards & Harbison (1947) ...... 5, 13, 15, 36, 166 marymansfi eldae ...... 4, 17-19, 91, 134 robertsi ...... 5, 34-35, 110, 165 maureenae ...... 4, 17-19, 87, 134 ronaldsmithi ...... 5, 30-31, 100, 158 measurements collected ...... 10-11 sarasotaensis ...... 5, 17-19, 91, 134 mercati ...... 5, 19, 21 schmidti ...... 5, 24-27, 67, 146 miamiensis ...... 5, 15-16, 39-40, 44, 107-108, 169 scotti ...... 5, 24-27, 59, 146 HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 177

Seminoleconus ...... 30, 40 synonymies, approach followed herein ...... 12 trippae (Petuch, 1991) ...... 30 Tamiami Formation ...... 8-9, 12-13, 15, 18, 20-23, violetae (Petuch, 1988) ...... 40 25-26, 29-30, 32-34, 36-42, 44-45, 134, 137-138, 141, 145- sennottorum ...... 5, 15-16, 30-31, 36-37, 93-95, 117, 166 146, 149-150, 153-154, 157-158, 161-162, 165, 169-170, 173 Smith (1929) ...... 3, 7, 24, 45 taxonomic approach employed herein ...... 8 Smith (1930) ...... 4-7, 10, 17, 30, 34-35, 45, 165 testudinarius ...... 6, 27-28, 117, 154 Smith (1945) ...... 3-6, 24, 30, 34, 45 tomeui ...... 6, 42-43, 84, 173 Sowerby II (1850)...... 1-3, 15-16, 32, 40-41, 161 trippae ...... 6, 30-31, 104, 158 species ...... 2, 6-8 tryoni ...... 6, 8, 24-26 spengleri ...... 5, 19-21, 119-120, 138 Tuomey & Holmes (1857) ...... 3, 24, 34 Spuriconus ...... 19, 33 ultraviolet light ...... 7, 9-10 cherokus (Olsson & Petit, 1964) ...... 19 vaughanensis ...... 6, 30-31 lemoni (Petuch, 1990) ...... 19 verrucosus ...... 6, 17, 19 micanopy (Petuch, 1994) ...... 19 violetae ...... 3, 6, 15-16, 40-41, 130, 169 spengleri (Petuch, 1991) ...... 19 Virgiconus ...... 39 streami (Petuch, 1994) ...... 19 miamiensis (Petuch, 1986) ...... 39 yaquensis (Gabb, 1873) ...... 33 Waccamaw Formation ...... spurius ...... 9, 13, 15, 18, 21, 26, 29-30, 34, 157-158, 165 . . 3-5, 15, 17, 19-21, 33-34, 38-39, 43, 117-127, 138, 141 waccamawensis ...... 6, 34-35, 112, 165 spuroides . . . . . 5, 10, 15, 17, 20-21, 37-40, 43, 126-130, 166 Ward & Blackwelder (1987) ...... 24 stearnsii ...... 5, 17-19, 134 Wenz (1938) ...... 17 Stephanoconus ...... 44 wilsoni ...... 6, 17-19, 90, 134 stratigraphic uncertainty ...... 12 Woodring (1928) . . 2-6, 13, 15, 23, 27-28, 34-35, 154, 165 streami ...... 5, 19-21, 121, 138 Ximeniconus ...... 23, 34 subsutural fl exure ...... 7-8, 10 marylandicus (Green, 1830) ...... 23 susanae ...... 6, 17-19, 91, 134 waccamawensis (Smith, 1930) ...... 34 susankhanae ...... 6, 28-29, 82, 157 yaquensis ...... 4, 6, 15-16, 33-34, 130-132, 162 Swainson (1840) ...... 2 Yorktown Formation ...... 9, 13, 15, 23-24, 26, 145 178 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  HENDRICKS: CONUS IN THE SOUTHEASTERN U. S. 179 180 Bulletins of American Paleontology, No.  PREPARATION OF MANUSCRIPTS

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