Westminster.FH10 Fri Aug 16 12:31:47 2013 Page 1


A 524 B C 525 D E 526 F G 527 H I 528 J K 529 L M 530 N 0 531 P 184 184


C T E T C E T ’s City Plan: Strategic Policies D t P E h V a D e 1 I r Policies Map S lia 1 s V T u IS A m m Adopted November 2013 T e m 2 n A A it t : 2 H Thames Path of P B l Eill a : P l P Core Central Activities Zone Blue Ribbon Network ac a a a r e la St John's Wood l s Protected Vistas i & am o t c 30 fW o e ft e o Area Name Conservation Areas nt f e h W P s e RO H t Areas of Special Archaeological Priority B1 mi S e il T s Central E l u Royal Parks n t Activities Lundenwic and Thorney Island CTE m m AA 33 s Zone (CAZ) D t mit in Named Streets in V e Marylebone & Fitzrovia AB Marylebone Village St John's Wood PR IS r s T f t A r e AC and Lillestone Villages O 1 o r P Paddington Opportunity Area St John's Wood : m T P f EC r r Tottenham Court Road AD Ebury Village 2 im o TCR 2 Opportunity Area ro m T se AE Tyburn Settlement ED Hi V Victoria Opportunity Area ll Regent's Park V toS North Westminster Economic IST tP World Heritage Site aul' Development Area A s 23 Proposals Sites Squares 4 C :P at he West End Special Retail Policy Area r d Metropolitan Open Land i r mr al Primary Shopping Frontages MOL 1 Regent's Park 183 183 os CAZ Frontages B1 eH MOL 2 Hyde Park SMINC 1 Knightsbridge International Shopping Centre il MOL 3 MOL 1 lto Major Shopping Centre (Core Frontage) MOL 4 St. James's Park t he Major Shopping Centre (Secondary Frontage) MOL 5 L P St John's Wood a District Shopping Centres (Core Frontage) la Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation c District Shopping Centres (Secondary Frontage) 3 e 3 SMINC 1 Metropolitan Importance - Regent's Park o Local Shopping Centres fW Metropolitan Importance - Hyde Park and SMINC 2 Kensington Gardens Queens Park Estate e Stress Areas s t SMINC 3 Metropolitan Importance - River Thames 32 m Strategic Cultural Areas in Metropolitan Importance - St. James's Park, SMINC 4 Green Park and Gardens s t Savile Row e SMINC 5 Metropolitan Importance - Grand Union Canal r Maida Vale Portland Place B1 Borough Importance - Grade I St. James’s Special Policy Areas B2 Borough Importance - Grade II

Harley Street L Local Importance B2 East Marylebone Areas of Wildlife Deficiency Thames Policy Area Regent's Park Areas of Open Space Deficiency Rapid Inundation Flood Zone (1 - 60 minutes)

Flood Zone 3 Areas of Play Space Deficiency 4 Maida Vale 24 Strategic Sports and Education Facility 4 Crossrail Line 1 East / West Fisherton B2 Safeguarding Directions (issued July 2008) B2 Street Crossrail Line 2 Chelsea - Hackney Line Estate 22 Safeguarding Directions (issued June 2008) Street Cleansing Depot Dorset Square Edgware Road Safeguarding Waste Management Micro Recycling Centre (Grid ref. G5) Refer to UDP Map 4.7 Facilities 23 Road Hierarchy (formerly the strategic and In-vessel Composter B2 secondary road network) Cleveland Greater London Authority 182 Street 182 London Distributor

Maida Vale 21 Local Distributor L

Paddington 25 AB This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of 0 metres 500 Green L Harley Street Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office 20 © Crown copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. . Scale 1:6000 AC Licence No. LA100019597. 2013. 5 B2 L East Marylebone 5 Portman Estate 17 19 L AC 18 3 5 Charlotte Aldridge Road Villas & 4 Leamington Road Portman Street, Villas Estate West P Molyneux Street

East Marylebone L 13 Westbourne 2 Portman Estate 12 Harley Street Hanway Street Bayswater 1 B2 9 Portman Estate 9 11 L B2 AE Regent 10 6 Edgware Road Street 6 Stress Area L Stratford Hallfield Estate Place

14 Queensway L Stratford Place Strand

15 Bayswater Soho 16 181 181 STREET INDEX Bayswater

K10/M12 A202 I5/I6 Bryanston Mews East M7 Denman Yard I10/J10 Halkin Arcade J10/J11 Lyall Street E7/F6 Porchester Gardens L10/L9 Stafford Place Bayswater AA J9/O9 A302 I5/I6 Bryanston Mews West F3/G3 Denning Close J10 Halkin Mews C3/D4 Lydford Road E6 Porchester Gardens Mews L7/L8 Stafford Street F9/I9 A315 I5 Bryanston Place N9 Derby Gate J10 Halkin Place K10 Lygon Place E6 Porchester Mews L10 Stag Place Queensway/ Bayswater N11/O11 A3203 I6 Bryanston Square J8/K8 Derby Street J9 Halkin Street G4 Lyons Place H6 Porchester Place H5 Stalbridge Street 31 K13/N8 A3212 I6/J6 Bryanston Street K6 Dering Street F3 Hall Gate J4 Mac Farren Place E5/E6 Porchester Road L8 Standbrook Court Bayswater B2 J10/M12 A3213 N7 Byrdges Place K6 Dering Yard G4/G5 Hall Place H2/12 Macclesfield Bridge E6 Porchester Square M11 Stanford Street Stress Area B2 J12/L9 A3214 N7 Buckingham Arcade E5 Desborough Close F3/G3 Hall Road M7 Macclesfield Street E6 Porchester Square Mews J8 Stanhope Gate K10 A3215 K10/M10 Buckingham Gate E5 Desborough Street K5 Hallam Mews H2 Mackennal Street F6/F7 Porchester Terrace I6/I7 Stanhope Place Chinatown L J11/K10 A3217 L10 Buckingham Mews P6/P7 Devereux Court K4/K5 Hallam Street C3 Macroom Street E6 Porchester Terrace North K8 Stanhope Row Regent I9/P6 A4 K10/K12 Buckingham Place Road K5 Devonshire Close F6 Hallfield Estate K7/L6 Maddox Street E6 Porchester Walk G7 Stanhope Terrace Street E7/M6 A40 L10 Buckingham Place K5 Devonshire Mews North M7 Ham Yard F5/G4 Maida Avenue I5/J5 Porter Street G6/H5 Star Street M6/N8 A400 N7/N8 Buckingham Street K5 Devonshire Mews South G3/G4 Hamilton Close E2/G4 Maida Vale F5/G5 Porteus Road I5/J4 Station Approach Leicester M6/M7 A401 M11/N11 Bulinga Street J4/K5 Devonshire Mews West F3 Hamilton Gardens N7 Maiden Lane C4 Portgate Close Baker Street A3/H5 A404 N7 Bull Inn Court J4/J5 Devonshire Place J9/K8 Hamilton Mews H4 Mallory Street L6 Portland Mews N7/N8 Station Forecourt Square C5/H5 A40m K11 Bulleid Way J4/J5 Devonshire Place Mews J8/K9 Hamilton Place O7/P7 Maltravers Street K4/K5 Portland Place Charing Cross G1/J6 A41 J5 Bulstrode Place K4/K5 Devonshire Row Mews E2/G4 Hamilton Terrace C2 Malvern Gardens I6/J6 Portman Close K10 Station Yard Bayswater O6 A4200 J5/J6 Bulstrode Street J5/K4 Devonshire Street I6 Hampden Gurney Street C2/C3 Malvern Place H4 Portman Gate H10/H9 Sterling Street K4/M7 A4201 J11/J12 Bunhouse Place F6/F7 Devonshire Terrace H3 Hanover Gate L7 Man in Moon Passage J6 Portman Mews South L11 Stillington Street 7 D6/H5 A4206 M12 Buonaparte Mews M6 Diadem Court N6 Hanover Place J5 Manchester Mews J6 Portman Square M9 Storeys Gate Strand 7 C4/D6 A4207 E6 Burdett Mews L12/M13 Dolphin Square K6 Hanover Square J6 Manchester Square J6 Portman Street I6 Stourcliffe Street mes G7/H5 A4209 N7/O7 Burleigh Street I5 Dorset Close K6/L6 Hanover Street J5/J6 Manchester Street C2/C4 Portnall Road N8/O6 Strand Tha E2/I7 A5 L7/L8 Burlington Arcade K10 Dorset Mews I3 Hanover Terrace J6 Mandeville Place M7 Portobello Passage O7 Strand Lane ver H5/K4 A501 D4 Burlington Close I4 Dorset Square H3/I3 Hanover Terrace Mews M6 Manette Place H6 Portsea Mews Ri K6 Stratford Place Bayswater C 3 I6/L5 A5204 L7 Burlington Gardens I5/J5 Dorset Street K6 Hanover Yard K5 Mansfield Mews H6/I6 Portsea Place G7/H6 Strathearn Place MIN H5 Burne Street M11 Douglas Street L5 Hanson Street K5 Mansfield Street O6 Portsmouth Street K8 Stratton Street Queensway Regent S J10/J9 B310 J11 Burton Mews J12 Dove Walk M6 Hanway Place E2 Maple Mews O6 Portugal Street M10 Strutton Ground K10 B312 H6 Burwood Place K7/L8 Dover Street M6 Hanway Street A4/B4 Maple Walk G6 Praed Mews I9/J9 Studio Place Street L9/N11 B323 L8 Bury Street K8/L8 Dover Yard B4 Hapenny Bridge C3 Marban Road G6/H5 Praed Street M8 Suffolk Place K12/M10 B324 L10/M10 Butler Place B3 Dowland Street G5/H5 Harbet Road I7 Marble Arch I1/I2 Primrose Hill Bridge M7/M8 Suffolk Street Haymarket 's N6 B401 D4 Byron Mews K8 Down Street H5 Harcourt Street L6 Margaret Court H3/J1 Prince Albert Road E6 Sunderland Terrace West End III N6/N7 B402 L5 Bywell Place K8 Down Street Mews H4/I5 Harewood Avenue K6/L6 Margaret Street F10/G10 Prince Consort Road D4/E4 Surrendale Place V l F7/G6 B410 E4 Downfield Close K6 Harewood Place L6 Market Court H9 Prince of Wales Gate O7 Surrey Street (Soho/Covent Garden) Trafalgar ra E6/E7 B411 H5 Cabbell Street N9 Downing Street H5/I5 Harewood Row K8 Market Mews G10 Princes Gardens G7/H5 Sussex Gardens SMINC 2 Adelphi ry d A3/F4 B413 B3/C3 Caird Street C4 Drayford Close K5 Harley Place L6 Market Place G9/H9 Princes Gate L Stress Area Square n e G6/G7 Sussex Mews East e C4/E2 B414 G10 Callendar Road B3/B4 Droop Street K4/K6 Harley Street L6 Marlborough Court H10 Princes Gate Mews G7 Sussex Mews West MOL 2 th A3/A4 B450 M6 Cambridge Circus M12 Drummond Gate C3 Harrington Court G1/G2 Marlborough Hill D7/E7 Princes Mews L H a G6/H7 Sussex Place g K4/L6 B506 H6 Cambridge Square N6/O6 Drury Lane A3/G5 Harrow Road F2/G2 Marlborough Place L8 Princes Place I3/I4 Sussex Place I5/J6 B524 K11/L12 Cambridge Street N6 Dryden Street H5 Harrow Street L8/L9 Marlborough Road D7/E7 Princes Square Savoy in sC G7 Sussex Square K l' L5 Candover Street K5 Duchess Mews H6/I6 Harrowby Street B3 Marne Street K6/L6 Princes Street K12/L12 Sussex Street : u F2 Abbey Gardens N9 Canon Row K5 Duchess Street E6 Hatherley Grove L6/L7 Marshall Street J7 Providence Court D5/F3 Sutherland Avenue Royal Parks 9 F2 Abbey Gardens Mews J9 Capeners Close M6 Duck Lane L11 Hathlerley Street M10/N11 Marsham Street Pa D6 Sutherland Place A t M10 Abbey Orchard Estate G4 Capland Street G5 Dudley Street G4 Hatton Row N7 Mart Street L7 Quadrant Arcade K12 Sutherland Row M10 Abbey Orchard Street D6 Caradoc Close L6 Dufours Place G4 Halton Street N6 Martlett Court I6 Quebec Mews T S K12 Sutherland Street E1/G2 Abbey Road K5/L4 Carburton Street J9 Duke of Wellington Place K6/K7 Haunch Of Venison Yard D4/E4 Marylands Road K5/K6 Queen Anne Mews IS M6 Sutton Row to K11/K12 Abbots Manor Estate M11/M12 Carey Place L8 Duke of York Street B4 Hawthorn Walk G5/H5 Marylebone Flyover K5/K6 Queen Anne Street V K6 Swallow Passage d F2/F3 Abercorn Close O6/P6 Carey Street J6/J7 Duke Street K7 Hay Hill J4/J5 Marylebone High Street M9 Queen Annes Gate D K6/L6 Swallow Place n F2/F3 Abercorn Place L10/L11 Carlisle Place L8 Duke Street St. James's H4 Hayes Place J5/K6 Marylebone Lane K8 Queen Street AA E L7 Swallow Street G4 Aberdeen Place M6 Carlisle Street J6 Dukes Mews M7/M8 Haymarket K5 Marylebone Mews F6/F7 Queens Gardens T B4 Sycamore Walk C mo al N10/N9 Abingdon Street J7/K7 Carlos Place J7 Dukes Yard K8 Hays Mews L6 Marylebone Passage F10/F9 Queens Gate E h r D4 Abinger Mews C5 Carlton Bridge N7 Duncannon Street J9 Headfort Place H5/K4 Marylebone Road G1 Queens Grove ic L11 Tachbrook Mews T d G2 Acacia Gardens M8 Carlton Gardens I7/J7 Dunraven Street D6 Heads Mews J5 Marylebone Street G1 Queens Grove Mews R e L11/M12 Tachbrook Street SMINC 2 O G2 Acacia Place E2/F1 Carlton Hill J5 Dunstable Mews N7 Heathcock Court K6/L7 Masons Arms Mews G1 Queens Grove Studios , C6/D6 Talbot Road R d th G2/H1 Acacia Road M8 Carlton House Terrace I9/J9 Duplex Ride B4 Heather Walk L8 Masons Yard E7 Queens Mews MOL 2 P n a J8 Achilles Way E2 Carlton Mews N7 Durham House Street L7 Heddon Street M9 Matthew Parker Street A3 Queens Park Court G8 Talbot Square L u I5 Tarrant Place A8: C F3/F4 Ada Court M7 Carlton Street D6/E6 Durham Terrace G4 Henderson Drive M11 Maunsel Street G1/G2 Queens Terrace o T L6 Adam and Eve Court D2/E2 Carlton Vale I5 Durweston Mews K6 Henrietta Place K8 Mayfair Place L8/L9 Queens Walk I4 Taunton Mews M 's N7 Adam Street L6/L7 Carnaby Street I5 Durweston Street N7 Henrietta Street N7 Mays Court F7 Queensborough Mews I4 Taunton Place IS l 8 J7/K7 Adams Row E7 Caroline Close H1/H2 Henstridge Place M6 Meard Street F7 Queensborough Passage C5 Tavistock Crescent u 8 N7 Adelaide Street E7 Caroline Place L7/M7 Eagle Place D6 Hereford Mews M10 Medway Street F7 Queensborough Studios C5 Tavistock Road St James's a N7 Adelphi Terrace E7 Caroline Place Mews H2 Eamont Street D6/E7 Hereford Road C2 Melbourne Gardens E6/F7 Queensborough Terrace N7/O6 Tavistock Street DV .P J12 Adery Mews J11 Caroline Terrace J6/K6 Easleys Mews D4 Hermes Close O6/O7 Melbourne Place E6/F7 Queensway L12/L13 Telford Terrace E t D5 Admiral Walk K7 Carpenter Street F6 Eastbourne Mews G5 Hermitage Street H4/I4 Melbury Terrace O7/P7 Temple Place T G4/G5 Adpar Street K8 Carrington Street F6/G6 Eastbourne Terrace M11 Herrick Street I5 Melcombe Place G6/H6 Radnor Mews L7 Tenison Court C oS N7 Agar Street M9 Carteret Street L6 Eastcastle Street B2/B3 Herries Street I4 Melcombe Street G6/H6 Radnor Place E6/E7 Tenniel Close t L7 Air Street N7/O7 Carting Lane J11 Eaton Close J8/K8 Hertford Street G3 Melina Place H6 Rainsford Street L7 Tent Place L TE L7 Albany E3/F4 Castellain Road J11 Eaton Gate M11 Hide Place N6/N7 Mercer Street L6 Ramillies Place K6 Tenterden Street O ier L7/L8 Albany Courtyard L10 Castle Lane K10 Eaton Lane H5 Highworth Street K10 Mews North L6 Ramillies Street K10 Terminus Place P K4 Albany Street I6 Castlereagh Street J10/J11 Eaton Mews North F2/F3 Hill Road L12 Mews South M12 Rampayne Street J5/J6 Thayer Street R N8 The Arches Royal Parks P K7/L8 Albermarle Street L10 Catherine Place J11/K10 Eaton Mews South J8/K7 Hill Street L5 Middleton Buildings F2/F4 Randolph Avenue er I9 Albert Gate N7/O7 Catherine Street J11 Eaton Mews West L6 Hills Place G5 Miles Place E1/F1 Randolph Court E7/F9 The Broad Walk t H7 Albion Close L8 Catherine Wheel Yard J10/J11 Eaton Place E2 Hillside Close O6/P7 Milford Lane F4 Randolph Crescent E7/F9 The Broad Walk s H6/H7 Albion Mews G1 Catley Mews K10 Eaton Row J6 Hinde Mews K7/L7 Mill Street E2 Randolph Gardens Kensington Gdns BI.2 n H6/H7 Albion Street H5/H6 Cato Street J11 Eaton Square J6 Hinde Street N10/N12 F4 Randolph Mews F2 The Lane J6 Aldburgh Mews M11/M12 Causton Street J11 Eaton Terrace K10 Hobart Place J11 Minera Mews F4 Randolph Road L9/N8 The Mall tmi K11/L12 Alderney Street G2/G3 Cavendish Avenue J11 Eaton Terrace Mews M7 Hobhouse Court H5/I6 Molyneux Street E5 Ranelagh Bridge M8/N8 The Mall Access Road s J7/J8 Aldford Street G3 Cavendish Close K12 Ebury Bridge G5 Hogan Mews M10/M11 Morick Street J12/K12 Ranelagh Cottages M8/N8 The Mall Approach P e C5/D6 Aldridge Road Villas K5 Cavendish Mews North K12 Ebury Bridge Estate J11/J12 Holbein Place H10/H9 Moncorvo Close J12/K11 Ranelagh Grove N7 The Market ROT E4 Aldsworth Close K5 Cavendish Mews South J12/K11 Ebury Bridge Road L6/M6 Hollen Street D6/E6 Monmouth Place L12 Ranelagh Road G1 The Marlowes EC W 180 O6/O7 K6 Cavendish Place J11/K11 Ebury Mews K6 Holles Street D6/E6 Monmouth Road H5 Ranston Street N7 The Piazza TED 180 E6 Alexander Mews K6 Cavendish Square K10/K11 Ebury Mews East H5 Homer Row I5 Montagu Mansions I9 Raphael Street K10 The VIST D6/E6 Alexander Street L10/M10 Caxton Street K11 Ebury Square H5 Homer Street I5 Montagu Mews North M5/M6 Rathbone Place M10/M9 The Sanctuary A G9 Alexandra Gate M7/N7 Cecil Court J12/K10 Ebury Street N7 Hop Gardens I6 Montagu Mews South L5/M5 Rathbone Street B3/B4 Third Avenue 23 L10 Thirleby Road : P SMINC 4 D5 Alfred Road E6 Celbridge Mews K11 Eccleston Bridge L6/M7 Hopkins Street I6 Montagu Mews West J8/K8 Red Lion Yard ala Whitehall K5 All Souls Place G7 Cerney Mews J10 Eccleston Mews C4 Hormead Road I5 Montagu Place J7 Red Place M11 Thorndike Street ce MOL 5 K10/L10 Allington Street E6 Cervantes Court K10/K11 Eccleston Place M7 Horse and Dolphin Yard I5 Montagu Row E6/E7 Redan Place N11 Thorney Street of W H2 Allitsen Road M10 Chadwick Street K11/L11 Eccleston Square N8 Avenue I6 Montagu Square D6/D7 Rede Place D4/E4 Thorngate Road estm I4/J4 Allsop Place I4 Chagford Street K11/L11 Eccleston Square Mews M8/M9 Horse Guards Road I6 Montagu Street J7 Reeves Mews I5 Thornton Place ins F2/F3 Alma Square P6 Chancery Lane J10/K11 Eccleston Street M10/N11 Horseferry Road H10 Montpelier Mews M11 Regency Place K7 Three Kings Yard terf B4/C4 Alperton Street N7 Chandos Place D4 Edbrooke Road K7 Horseshoe Yard H10 Montpelier Place M11/M12 Regency Street J8 Tilney Street romt Royal Parks H3/H4 Alpha Close K5/K6 Chandos Street G4/I7 Edgware Road O6 Houghton Street H10/H9 Montpelier Square L7 Regent Place M7 Tisbury Court he L9 Ambassadors Court C4/D4 Chantry Close I9 Edinburgh Gate L10/M10 Howick Place H10/H9 Montpelier Street K6/M8 Regent Street H6 Tichborne Row Br D5/E4 Amberley Road K6 Chapel Place J6 Edwards Mews F5 Howley Place H9 Montpelier Terrace F2 Regents Mews H1/I2 Titchfield Road idge L10/L11 Ambrosden Avenue E7 Chapel Side C4/F3 Elgin Avenue L11 Hudsons Place H10/H9 Montpelier Walk H10 Relton Mews E5 Torquay Street ove SMINC 4 E2 Andover Place J10/K9 Chapel Street E3 Elgin Mews North K11 Hugh Mews O7 Montreal Place J11 Rembrandt Close M10/M9 Tothill Street rth L8 Angel Court H5 Chapel Street E3/F3 Elgin Mews South M11 Hugh Place G9 Montrose Court J7/J8 Rex Place M6 Tottenham Court Road e Se MOL 4 J9 Anns Close M6 Chapone Place F2 Elliot Mews K11 Hugh Street J10/J9 Montrose Place M6 Richmond Buildings H1/H2 Townsend Road rpe L8 Apple Tree Yard M11 Chapter Street K11 Elizabeth Bridge N8/O8 Hungerford Bridge M6 Moor Street M6 Richmond Mews N7 Trafalgar Square ntin J9/K9 Apsley Way M8/N8 Charing Cross F4 Elizabeth Close N8 Hungerford Lane D6 Moorhouse Road N9 Richmond Terrace H5 Transept Street Albert e in H G2 Aquila Street M6/N7 Charing Cross Road M10 Elizabeth Court M7 Hunts Court L12 Moreton Place N9 Richmond Terrace Mews N9 Treasury Passage Gate yd 9 M7 Archer Street H2 Charlbert Street J11/K11 Elizabeth Street I4 Huntsworth Mews L12/M11 Moreton Street K5/L5 Riding House Street K8 Trebeck Street e Pa H6 Archery Close M8 Charles II Street C5 Elkstone Road B3/B4 Huxley Street L12 Moreton Terrace C3 Riverton Close H3/H4 Tresham Crescent rk 9 K7 Archibald Mews G2/H2 Charles Lane G3 Elm Tree Close J9/K9 L12 Moreton Terrace J6 Robert Adam Street H10/H9 Trevor Place L6 Argyll Street K7/K8 Charles Street G2/G3 Elm Tree Road H6 Hyde Park Crescent Mews North F4 Robert Close H10/19 Trevor Square L8 Arlington Street L11/L5 Charlotte Place D4/D5 Elmfield Way G7/H7 Hyde Park Gardens L12 Moreton Terrace N7 Robert Street H9 Trevor Street 34 Royal Parks J4 York Terrace West L5/M5 Charlotte Street G7 Elms Mews G7/H7 Hyde Park Gardens Mews Mews South J10 Roberts Mews N10/N11 Tufton Street N6 Arne Street L11 Charlwood Place E4 Elnathan Mews F9 Hyde Park Gate L10/L11 Morpeth Terrace L11/M10 Rochester Row K12/K13 Turpentine Lake M10/M11 Arneway Street L11/L12 Charlwood Street M10/M11 Elverton Street H7/I7 Hyde Park Place D3/E3 Morshead Road M10/M11 Rochester Street P7 Tweezers Alley D6 Artesian Road J12/K13 Road N8 Embankment Place H6 Hyde Park Square K6/L5 Mortimer Street I5/I6 Rodmarton Street I7 Tyburn Way Knightsbridge M10 Artillery Row D6/D7 Chepstow Place L10/L11 Emery Hill Street H6 Hyde Park Square Mews E7 Moscow Place M6/M7 Romilly Street M6 Tylers Court O6/O7 Arundel Street D5/D6 Chepstow Road B3/B4 Enbrook Street H6/H7 Hyde Park Street D7/E7 Moscow Road J5 Romney Mews B2 Green H4 Ashbridge Street J10 Chesham Close N6 Endell Street I10/J10 Motcomb Street M10/N10 Romney Street L11 Udall Street J5 Ashland Place J10 Chesham Mews I5 Enford Street A3/B3 Ilbert Street K7 Mount Row L8 Rose and Crown Yard K4 Ulster Place SMINC 4 L10 Ashley Place J10 Chesham Place L8 Engine Court E7 Ilchester Gardens J7/K7 Mount Street N7 Rose Street J4/K4 Ulster Terrace Knightsbridge H4/H5 Ashmill Street J10/J11 Chesham Street H10/H9 Ennismore Gardens F10/G10 Imperial College Road K7 Mount Street Gardens G1 Rosetti Mews K6 Union Yard Birdcage Walk C2/C4 Ashmore Road K10/K9 Chester Close G10/H10 Ennismore Gardens Mews O7 India Place K7 Mount Street Mews H4/I4 Rossmore Road G10 Unwin Road E3/F3 Ashworth Road K10 Chester Mews H10/H9 Ennismore Mews L6/M7 Ingestre Place J5 Moxon Street G9/J9 Rotten Row F6/F7 Upbrook Mews B2 D4 Athens Gardens J3/K3 Chester Road H10 Ennismore Street N7 Inigo Place C3 Mozart Street B4 Rowan Walk J10/K10 Upper Belgrave Street M11/N12 Atterbury Street J11 Chester Row M11 Erasmus Street J3 Inner Circle H4 Mulready Street E5 Rowington Close I6 Upper Berkeley Street B2 F2 Aubrey Place J11/K10 Chester Square C4 Errington Road E6 Inver Court L7 Royal Arcade I7/J7 Upper Brook Street Birdcage Walk J8 Audley Square K10 Chester Square Mews D3/D4 Essendine Road E7 Inverness Mews L5 Nassau Street M8 Royal Opera Arcade J7 Upper Grosvenor Street H1/I2 Avenue Road J10/K9 Chester Street P6/P7 Essex Street E7 Inverness Place N6 Neal Street M6 Royalty Mews J4/K4 Upper Harley Street Broadway & es K11 Avery Farm Row K8 Chesterfield Gardens M11 Esterbrooke Street E6/E7 Inverness Terrace L11 Neathouse Place D2 Rudolph Road L7 Upper James Street &Parliament Square K7 Avery Row K7/K8 Chesterfield Hill K4 Euston Road M7/N7 Irving Street D6 Needham Road M7 Rupert Court L7 Upper John Street Christchurch m J5 Aybrook Street K8 Chesterfield Street M6 Evelyn Yard I4 Ivor Place K6/L7 New Bond Street M7 Rupert Street I5 Upper Montagu Street AA a M12/M13 Aylesford Street H4 Chetwode House M7 Excel Court N7 Ivybridge Lane L7 New Burlington Mews L8 Russell Court N7 Upper St Martins Lane Gardens B1 h G10 Ayrton Road H10 Cheval Place N7 Exchange Court L7 New Burlington Place N7/O6 Russell Street L11 Upper Tachbrook Street T E5 Chichester Road N7/O7 Exeter Street J5/J6 Jacobs Well Mews L7 New Burlington Street M11 Rutherford Street J5/K5 Upper Wimpole Street r M7/M8 Babmaes Street L12/M12 Chichester Street G10/G8 Exhibition Road C4 James Collins Close J5/L5 New Cavendish Street H9 Rutland Gardens I4/I6 Baker Street I5/J5 Chiltern Street N6/N7 James Street M7 New Coventry Street H9 Rutland Gardens Mews F3 Vale Close ve J6 Bakers Mews F6/G6 Chilworth Mews H10 Fairholt Street J6 James Street O6 New Inn Passage H10/H9 Rutland Gate L10 Vandon Passage Knightsbridge i I4/I5 Balcombe Street F6/G6 Chilworth Street G3/H3 Fairlop Place J6 Jason Court N9 New Palace Yard H9 Rutland Gate Mews L10 Vandon Street B2 R J6/J7 Balderton Street D4 Chippenham Mews M6 Falconberg Court F10/F9 Jay Mews I6 New Quebec Street H10 Rutland Mews East L11 Vane Street J8 Balfour Mews D3/D4 Chippenham Road M6 Falconberg Mews L8/M7 Jermyn Street N7 New Row H10 Rutland Mews South M12/N12 J7/J8 Balfour Place M10 Christchurch Passage M6 Fareham Street H4 Jerome Crescent C5/D5 New Yard H10 Rutland Mews West L10/M12 Vauxhall Bridge Road C3 M12 Baniel Gate K6 Jervis Court N7 Church Path K7 Farm Street L6 Newburgh Street H10 Rutland Street G4/G5 Venables Street B1 N

M12 Balvaird Place L7/L8 Church Place C4 Fermoy Road N7/N8 John Adam Street G5 Newcastle Place L8 Ryder Court I K6 Vere Street N7 Banbury Court O7 Church Row C2/C4 Fernhead Road F5 John Aird Court H2 Newcourt Street L8 Ryder Street

K10 Victoria Arcade M G2 Barbara Brosnan Court G5/H4 Church Street B3/B4 Fifth Avenue M12/N11 John Islip Street L5/M6 Newman Passage L8 Ryder Yard N9/P7 Victoria Embankment C3/C4 Barfett Street G4/G5 Church Street Estate G2 Finchley Place K6 John Princes Street L5/M6 Newman Street F2 Ryders Terrace PROPOSALS SITES S G4 Victoria Passage E7 Bark Place G5 Church Yard Walk G1/G2 Finchley Road L12 Johnsons Place M7 Newport Court K10 Victoria Square K7 Barlow Place K12/L13 Churchill Gardens Estate C3/C4 First Avenue K7 Jones Street M7 Newport Place L7 Sackville Street K10/M9 Victoria Street C4 Bansdale Road K12/L12 Churchill Gardens Road G4 Fisherton Street H5/H6 Junction Mews D6/E6 Newton Road K8 Saddle Yard L7 Vigo Street E4/E5 Barnwood Close L11 Churton Place J6 Fitzhardinge Street G6/H6 Junction Place L6 Noel Street G6/H5 Saint Michaels Street N7/N8 Villiers Street 10 J6 Barrett Street L11 Churton Street K7/K8 Fitzmaurice Place H6 Norfolk Crescent H5/H6 Sale Place 10 L11/M11 Vincent Square G7 Barrie Estate I5 Circus Mews M6 Flaxman Court O6 Kean Street G6 Norfolk Place E7 Salem Road 7 H2 Barrow Hill Road G2/G3 Circus Road P6 Fleet Street O6 Kemble Street G1/H1 Norfolk Road I5 Salisbury Place M11 Vincent Street N10 Barton Street E5 Cirencester Street N6/N7 Floral Street L6/M6 Kemps Court G6 Norfolk Square G4/H5 Salisbury Street L7 Vine Street Grosvenor Gardens M6 Bateman Street O6 Clare Market L5 Foley Street H6 Kendal Street G6 Norfolk Square Mews C3/D3 Saltram Crescent F2 Violet Hill M6 Bateman Buildings I4 Clarence Terrace C3/D3 Fordingley Road J5/J6 Kendall Place M7 Norris Street G4/H4 Samford Street I5 Virgil Place G6/G7 Bathurst Mews H7 Clarendon Close E5/E4 Formosa Street C4 Kennet Road J6/J7 North Audley Street O6 Sardinia Street G7 Bathurst Street F4 Clarendon Gardens H6/I6 Forset Street J5 Kenrick Place H3 North Bank L7 Savile Row L11 Walcott Street E7/I7 Bayswater Road H7 Clarendon Mews E7 Fosbury Mews E6/E7 Kensington Gardens G7/I7 North Carriage Drive O7 Savoy Buildings M7 Walkers Court L7 Beak Street H6/H7 Clarendon Place D4/D5 Foscote Mews Square H2/H3 North Gate N7/O7 Savoy Court I5 Walmer Place H5/I5 Walmer Street Westminster M7 Bear Street K12/L11 Clarendon Street L6 Fouberts Place F10/G9 Kensington Gore I7/J6 North Row O7 Savoy Hill 8 Westminster J5 Beaumont Mews F4/G4 Clarendon Terrace K11 Fountain Square F9/H9 Kensington Road G5 North Wharf Road N7/O7 Savoy Place G1 Walpole Mews Abbey J5 Beaumont Street K8 Clarges Mews B3/B4 Fourth Avenue I3/I4 Kent Passage N8 Northumberland Avenue O7 Savoy Row C4/D3 Walterton Road Cathedral Smith Square N7 Bedford Court K8 Clarges Street G4 Frampton Street H3/I4 Kent Terrace D6 Northumberland Place O7 Savoy Steps L6/M6 Wardour Mews &Parliament N7 Bedford Street J5 Clarkes Mews L10/L11 Francis Street H9 Kent Yard N8 Northumberland Street O7 Savoy Street L6/M7 Warlock Street N7 Bedfordbury L12/L13 Claverton Street I9/J9 Frederic Mews E2 Kilburn High Road G4 Northwick Close O7 Savoy Way C4/D4 Warlock Road Square K10 Beeston Place I5 Clay Street H7/I6 Frederick Close A3/C2 Kilburn Lane G4 Northwick Terrace N8 Scotland Place F4 Warrington Crescent B2/B3 Beethoven Street E4 Clearwell Drive L8 Friary Court D2/E2 Kilburn Park Road J4/J5 Nottingham Place G3 Scott Ellis Gardens F4 Warrington Gardens E1/F1 Belgrave Gardens O6 Clements Inn M6/M7 Frith Street D6 Kildare Gardens J5 Nottingham Street L10 Seaforth Place F4/F5 Warwick Avenue J10/J9 Belgrave Mews North O6 Clements Inn Passage F7 Fulton Mews D6 Kildare Terrace J4 Nottingham Terrace B3/B4 Second Avenue F5 Warwick Crescent Medway 179 J10 Belgrave Mews South I6 Clenston Mews M11 Fynes Street B3 Kilravock Street F2/F3 Nugent Terrace K6 Sedley Place M8 Warwick House Street 179 J10 Belgrave Mews West F6 Cleveland Gardens D4 Kincardine Gardens B3 Nutbourne Street J11/K11 Semley Place F5 Warwick Place Street J10 Belgrave Place L8 Cleveland Place B3/B4 Gallon Street M9/N9 King Charles Street H6/I6 Nutford Place E5 Senior Street L11 Warwick Place North K11/M12 Belgrave Road L8 Cleveland Row L6/L7 Ganton Street M10 King George Street O6 Serle Street K10/L10 Warwick Row J9 F6/F7 Cleveland Square J5 Garbutt Place L8/N7 King Street G3/H3 Oak Tree Road G8/J9 Serpentine Road L11 Warwick Square K10 Belgrave Yard K4/L5 Cleveland Street F3/G2 Garden Road L7 Kingly Court D4 Oakington Road D4/E4 Sevington Street L11 Warwick Square Mews J11 Belgravia Garage F6 Cleveland Terrace M12 Garden Terrace L6/L7 Kingly Street N6 Odhams Walk J6 Seymour Mews L7 Warwick Street L H5 Bell Street K7/L7 Clifford Street N7 Garrick Street J11/K10 Kings Road L5 Ogle Street H5/I6 Seymour Place K12/L11 Warwick Way 6 P6 Bell Yard F4 Clifton Gardens N7 Garrick Yard L10/L11 Kings Scholars Passage J9 Old Barrack Yard I6/J6 Seymour Street O7/P7 Water Street Smith H5 Bendall Mews E2/F1 Clifton Hill E6 Garway Road G2 Kingsmill Terrace L7/L8 Old Bond Street M6/M7 Shaftesbury Avenue N7/N8 Watergate Walk L8 Bennett Street E8/F2 Clifton Hill Studios H9 Gate Mews O6 Kingsway L7 Old Burlington Street H2 Shannon Place O7/O8 Square M10/N10 Bennetts Yard G6/G7 Clifton Place H4 Gateforth Street O6/O7 Kingsway Tunnel K6 Old Cavendish Street M7 Shavers Place M8 Waterloo Place Page H2 Bentinck Court F4 Clifton Road J12/K12 Gatliff Road I9/J9 Kinnerton Place North M6/M7 Old Compton Street O6 Sheffield Street H5 Watsons Mews J6 Bentinck Mews E5/F4 Clifton Villas N10 Gayfere Street I9/J9 Kinnerton Place South H5 Old Marylebone Road N6/N7 Shelton Street G2 Waverley Place Street J6/K6 Bentinck Street L4/L5 Clipstone Mews J6 Gees Court J10/J9 Kinnerton Street N10 Old Palace Yard J7 Shepherd Close J8/K8 Waverton Street Vincent Square I6 Berkeley Mews K5/L5 Clipstone Street N7 George Court J9 Kinnerton Yard J8/K9 Old Park Lane K8 Shepherd Market M6 Wedgewood Mews K7 Berkeley Square J11 Cliveden Place E5 George Lowe Court I9 Knights Arcade M10 Old Pye Street K8 Shepherd Street J7/K6 Weighhouse Street K7/L8 Berkeley Street K7/L7 Coach and Horses Yard H6/J5 George Street H9/J9 Knightsbridge I6 Old Quebec Street J7 Shepherds Place J5/K6 Welbeck Street PR L5/L6 Berners Mews L11 Coburg Close J7 George Yard I9 Knightsbridge Green M9 Old Queen Street M6 Sheraton Street K6 Welbeck Way L6 Berners Place G2 Cochrane Mews J11 Gerald Mews I5 Knox Street J4/J5 Oldbury Place J5 Sherlock Mews F3 Wellesley Court L5/L6 Berners Street G2/H2 Cochrane Street J11 Gerald Road A3/B3 Oliphant Street I5/I6 Sherwood Court D6 Wellington Close O 11 L6/M7 Berwick Street M9 Cockpit Steps M7 Gerrard Place A3/A4 Ladbroke Grove E7 Olympia Yard L7/M7 Sherwood Street G3/H2 Wellington Place Millbank T 11 M12 Bessborough Gardens M8 Cockspur Court M7 Gerrard Street N11/O11 M7 Orange Street H5/I5 Shillibeer Place G3/H3 Wellington Road M12 Bessborough Place M8 Cockspur Street J6/K7 Gilbert Street F4 Lanark Place M6 Orange Yard C3/D3 Shirland Mews N7/O7 Wellington Street Belgravia E M12 Bessborough Street K11 Colonnade Walk K5 Gildea Street E2/F4 Lanark Road J6 Orchard Street C3/E4 Shirland Road L5/L6 Wells Mews C I5 Beverston Mews L8 Colour Court L11 Gillingham Mews K7 Lancashire Court G4 Orchardson Street H5/I6 Shouldham Street I1 Wells Rise I5 Bickenhall Street N7 Conduit Court L11 Gillingham Row F7/G7 Lancaster Gate G1/H2 Ordnance Hill D5/D6 Shrewsbury Mews L5/L6 Wells Street TE E3 Biddulph Road G6 Conduit Mews K11/L11 Gillingham Street F7/G7 Lancaster Mews G2 Ordnance Mews D5/D6 Shrewsbury Road G10 Wells Way 27 J4/J5 Bingham Place G6 Conduit Passage F5/G5 Gilpin Close O7 Lancaster Place E7 Orme Court H4/H5 Shroton Street J5 Wesley Street J6/J7 Binney Street G6 Conduit Place L12/L13 Glasgow Terrace G7 Lancaster Terrace E7 Orme Court Mews I4 Siddons Lane G7/H8 West Carriage Drive D J6 Bird Street K7/L6 Conduit Street L7/M7 Glasshouse Street C3 Lancefield Street E7 Orme Lane L6/L7 Silver Place J11 West Eaton Place Regency L9/M9 Birdcage Walk H6 Coniston Court I4/I5 Glentworth Street I10/I9 Lancelot Place E7 Orme Square B3/B4 Sixth Avenue J11 West Eaton Place Mews V E6/G5 Bishiops Bridge Road H6/H7 Connaught Close K6 Globe Yard J9 Lanesborough Place L8 Ormond Yard N7 Slingsby Place H6 West Garden Place Street IST E7 Black Lion Passage I6/I7 Connaught Place F6 Gloucester Gardens F2 Langford Close J11/J12 Ormonde Place G6/G7 Smallbrook Mews J10 West Halkin Street B1 P J7 Blackburnes Mews H6/I6 Connaught Square F6/G6 Gloucester Mews F2/G2 Langford Place I1 Ormonde Terrace N10 Smith Square L11 West Mews Millbank H4 Blandford Square H6/I6 Connaught Street F6 Gloucester Mews West K5/K6 Langham Place F6 Orsett Mews M7 Smiths Court M6/N7 West Street R I6/J5 Blandford Street K9/L9 Constitution Hill I4/I6 Gloucester Place K5/L5 Langham Street E6/F6 Orsett Terrace M6 Soho Square K11/L11 West Warwick Place O A F2 Blenheim Passage C4 Coomassie Road I5/I6 Gloucester Place Mews N7 Langley Court M11 Orbert Street M6 Soho Street F5/F6 Westbourne Bridge AD F1/F2 Blenheim Road L7 Cork Street G6/G7 Gloucester Square N6/N7 Langley Street K4 Osnaburgh Street H6 Somers Crescent G7 Westbourne Crescent T 4 K6 Blenheim Street L7 Cork Street Mews L11/L12 Gloucester Street D4 Lanhill Road J5 Ossington Buildings J7/J8 South Audley Street G7 Westbourne l Pimlico F2 Blenheim Terrace H5 Corlett Street E6/G7 Gloucester Terrace K7/K8 Lansdowne Row D7/E7 Ossington Close F9/J9 South Carriage Drive Crescent Mews ra B1 E b F5 Blomfield Mews N8 Corner House Street L7 Golden Square C4 Lapford Close D7/E7 Ossington Street J11 South Eaton Place E6 Westbourne Gardens d C E5/G4 Blomfield Road I4/J4 Cornwall Terrace D4 Goldney Road E3/F3 Lauderdale Road K4 Outer Circle K6/K7 South Molton Lane D6/E6 Westbourne Grove e a E5/F5 Blomfield Villas I4/J4 Cornwall Terrace Mews D4 Goldney Road Access Rd32 N7 Lazenby Court M7 Oxendon Street K6/K7 South Molton Street E6 Westbourne th Lillington Gardens T ck L11/M11 Bloomburg Street C4 Coryton Path L5 Goodge Street C5/C6 Leamington Road Villas L6 Oxford Circus J8/K7 South Street Grove Terrace K7 Bloomfield Place H5 Cosway Street N7 Goodwins Court C6/D6 Ledbury Road L6 Oxford Circus Avenue G6/H5 South Wharf Road E D5/D6 Westbourne Park Passage sCa d J12 Bloomfield Terrace D6 Courtnell Street L5 Gosfield Street J7 Lees Place D2/E2 Oxford Road N7 Southampton Street C6/E6 Westbourne Park Road l' D M7 Blore Court N7 Covent Garden M6 Goslett Yard M7 Leicester Court H6 Oxford Square G6/H6 Southwick Mews D5/E5 Westbourne Park Villas u r a o L8 Blue Ball Yard M7 Coventry Street F2/G2 Graces Mews M7 Leicester Place I7/M6 Oxford Street H6 Southwick Place G7 Westbourne Street P V H4 Boldero Place N10 Cowley Street K7/L7 Grafton Street M7 Leicester Square H6 Southwick Street F5/G7 Westbourne Terrace p K4/L5 Bolsover Street N8 Craigs Court J11 Graham Terrace M7 Leicester Street G5 Paddington Green H6 Southwick Yard t I F6 Westbourne Terrace Mews Belgravia S K8 Bolton Street J5 Cramer Street N8 Grand Buildings F6/F7 Leinster Gardens I5/J5 Paddington Street J5/J6 Spanish Place F5 Westbourne Terrace Road L5 Booths Place M7 Cranbourn Alley C5 Grand Union Close F7 Leinster Mews M11/N11 Page Street J11 Sparkes Cottages C4 Western Mews T J11 Boscobel Place M7/N7 Cranbourn Street O6 Grange Court F6 Leinster Place E7 Palace Court L10/M10 Spencer Place Pimlico N9/O9 Road dtoS A G4/G5 Boscobel Street F7 Craven Hill K8 Grantham Place D7/E6 Leinster Square J11 Palace Mews L10 Spenser Street K12 Westmoreland Place n 28 I4/I5 Boston Place F7 Craven Hill Gardens E3 Grantully Road F7 Leinster Terrace L10 Palace Place G6 Sporburg Place J5 Westmoreland Street mo S D6 Botts Mews F6/F7 Craven Hill Mews J6 Granville Place E3 Leith Mansions Access K10/L10 Palace Street M8/N8 Spring Gardens K12 Westmoreland Terrace h D6 Botts Passage N8 Craven Passage J6 Grays Yard Road L8/M8 Pall Mall I5 Spring Mews F5/G5 Westway ic 2A E2/G2 Boundary Road F7/G6 Craven Road K6/L6 Great Castle Street M9 Lewisham Street M8 Pall Mall East G6 Spring Street K5 Weymouth Mews R F1/G1 Boundary Road Estate N8 Craven Street I5 Great Central Street L6/M7 Lexington Street M10 Palmer Street F1 Springfield Road J5/K5 Weymouth Street , M6/M7 Bourchier Street F7/G7 Craven Terrace M6 Great Chapel Street H4 Lilestone Street M7 Panton Street L9 Spur Road d J5 Wheatley Street n Pimlico K7 Bourdon Place I5 Crawford Mews N10 Great Cloisters 6 Lincolns Inn Fields I9 Park Close G3 Squire Gardens M7 Whitcomb Court u 26 a K7 Bourdon Street H5/H6 Crawford Place N10 Great College Street M12 Lindsay Square K4 Park Crescent G5 St Albans Mews M7/M8 Whitcomb Street o n L5 Bourlet Close H5/I5 Crawford Street I6 Great Cumberland Mews I4 Linhope Street K4 Park Crescent Mews East M7 St Albans Street K8 White Horse Street 12 J11/J12 Bourne Street G4 Crompton Street I6/I7 Great Cumberland Place M7 Lisle Street K4/K5 Park Crescent Mews West M6 St Annes Court P d 12 K7 White Lion Yard sM E5 Bourne Terrace F3 Cropthorne Court M9/N9 Great George Street H5 Lisson Cottages I7/J9 Park Lane M10 St Anns Lane e N8/N9 Whitehall I' G6 Bouverie Place J5 Cross Keys Close L6 Great Marlborough Street G3/H5 Lisson Grove L8 Park Place M10 St Anns Street I a B N8 Whitehall Court b N6/N7 Bow Street N6/O6 Crown Court M7/N7 Great Newport Street H5 Lisson Street F4/F5 Park Place Villas G2 St Anns Terrace VI N8/N9 Whitehall Gardens o I9/J9 Bowland Yard L8 Crown Passage M10/N10 Great Peter Street M7/N7 Litchfield Street I4 Park Road J7/K6 St Anselms Place N8 Whitehall Place y d b L7 Boyle Street C3/D3 Croxley Road K4/L6 Great Portland Street L6 Little Argyll Street K4 Park Square East J12/K12 St Barnabas Street r Pimlico H4 Whitehaven Street n y E4 Braden Street N7 Cubitts Yard L7 Great Pulteney Street K10 Little Chester Street J4/K4 Park Square Mews J6 St Christophers Place a J11 Whittaker Street e A 29 C3 Bradiston Road J7 Culross Street N6 Great Queen Street N10 Little Cloisters K4 Park Square West O6 St Clements Lane L ck D3/D4 Widley Road v Pimlico C4 Bravington Place H2 Culworth Street N8 Great Scotland Yard N10 Little College Street J6/J8 Park Street I1 St Edmunds Close K6 Wigmore Place gH e C2/C4 Bravington Road I7 Cumberland Gate M10 Great Smith Street N10 Little Deans Yard H6 Park West Place H2/I1 St Edmunds Terrace n J6/K6 Wigmore Street in d F10 Bremner Road K12/L12 Cumberland Street K4/L6 Great Titchfield Street P7 Little Essex Street N9 Parliament Square M10 St Ermins Hill u H5/H6 Brendon Street J11 Cundy Street C4/D5 Great Western Road N9 Little George Street N9 Parliament Street K6/K7 St George Street L10 Wilcox Place :K e r K10/L10 Bressendon Place G4 Cunningham Place M7 Great Windmill Street L6 Little Marlborough Street B3 Parry Road K11/L12 St Georges Drive N6/O6 Wild Street 9 o L10 Wilfred Street L7/M7 Brewer Street M11/M12 Cureton Street M6 Greek Court M7 Little Newport Street J11/J12 Passmore Street H6 St Georges Fields p L10 Brewers Green J8 Curzon Gate M6/M7 Greek Street K6/L6 Little Portland Street H3/H4 Paveley Street M12/M13 St Georges Square N7 William IV Street TA B4 Briar Walk J8 Curzon Place I7/J7 Green Street N9 Little Sanctuary K12 Paxon Terrace M12 St Georges Square Mews I9 William Mews IS K8 Brick Street J8/K8 Curzon Street H2/H3 Greenberry Street M10 Little Smith Street K12 Peabody Avenue L10 St James Court I9 William Street V K5 Bridford Mews G4/G5 Cuthbert Street L11/M10 Greencoat Place L8 Little St James Street A3 Peach Road M7 St Jamess Market L11 Willow Place D Dolphin K11/L11 Bridge Place L10 Greencoat Row L5 Little Titchfield Street D7 Pembridge Square K8 St Jamess Place J10/J9 E N9 Bridge Street M10 Dacre Street M7 Greens Court L6 Livonia Street J9 Pembroke Close M6 St Jamess Square J10/K10 Wilton Mews T Square Pimlico H2 Bridgeman Street M7 Dansey Place K4/L4 Greenwell Street G4/H3 Lodge Road G1 Pembroke Terrace L8 St Jamess Street J9 Wilton Place Churchill Gardens 178 L10/L11 Wilton Road EC 178 L7 Bridle Lane L6 Darblay Street H4 Gredon Street E7 Lombardy Place G5/H5 Penfold Place I2 St Jamess Terrace T Pimlico D6 Bridstow Place B3/C3 Dart Street M6 Greese Street G6 London Mews G4/H5 Penfold Street I1 St James Terrace Mews J9 Wilton Row O E4/F5 Bristol Gardens C6/D6 Dartmouth Close E1/E2 Greville Place G6 London Street C4 Pennymore Walk D6 St Johns Mews K10 Wilton Street R E4 Bristol Mews M9 Dartmouth Street E2 Greville Road N6/N7 Long Acre L5/M5 Percy Passage A4 St Johns Terrace J10 Wilton Terrace P N6 Broad Court H5 Daventry Street M11 Greycoat Lane L11 Longmoore Street M10 Perkins Rents G2/H3 St Johns Wood K5 Wimpole Mews N9 Broad Sanctuary I5/J5 David Mews M10 Greycoat Place M7 Longs Court M6 Perrys Place High Street K5/K6 Wimpole Street 29 I9/J9 Broad Walk Hyde Park K7 Davies Mews M10/M11 Greycoat Street E5 Lord Hills Bridge M7 Peter Street G1 St Johns Wood Park K12/L12 Winchester Street J1/K4 Broad Walk Regents Park K6/K7 Davies Street O7/P7 Greyhound Court E5 Lord Hills Road L10/M9 Petty France F4/H3 St Johns Wood Road D4 Windsor Gardens K7 Broadbent Street D7 Dawson Place D4 Grittleton Road N10 Lord North Street K10 Phipps Mews G2/H1 St Johns Wood Terrace L10/L11 Windsor Place Churchill Gardens G5/H4 Broadley Street J5 De Walden Street J10 Groom Place G3/H3 Lords View K8/M7 Piccadilly C5/C6 St Lukes Road M7 Winnell Street Pimlico G5 Broadley Street Estate N10/N11 Dean Bradley Street J9 Grosvenor Crescent H3 Lorne Close L6 Piccadilly Arcade C2/C3 St Lukes Yard G6 Winsland Mews H4 Broadley Terrace M10/M9 Dean Farrar Street J9 Grosvenor Crescent Mews B3 Lothrop Street L7/M7 Piccadilly Circus N9 St Margaret Street G6 Winsland Street SMINC J5 Broadstone Place N11 Dean Ryle Street K10 Grosvenor Gardens F1/G2 Loudoun Road L7 Piccadilly Place M7/N7 St Martins Court L6 Winsley Street 3River M10/M9 Broadway N10 Dean Stanley Street K10 Grosvenor Gardens N7 Lower Adam Street J9/K9 Piccadilly Underpass N7 St Martins Lane E5 Woodchester Square Thame L7/M6 Broadwick Street M6/M7 Dean Street Mews E. K10 Lower Belgrave Street E6 Pickering Mews N7 St Martins Mews C4/C5 Woodfield Place s I9 Brompton Road N10 Dean Trench Street K10 Grosvenor Gardens K10 Lower Grosvenor Place L8 Pickering Place N7/N8 St Martins Place C5/D4 Woodfield Road I7 Brook Gate J8 Deanery Mews Mews N. L7 Lower James Street J6 Picton Place M7 St Martins Street I7/J7 Woods Mews F7/G7 Brook Mews North J8 Deanery Street K10 Grosvenor Gardens L7 Lower John Street J12/K12 Pimlico Road G5 St Marys Mansions J5 Woodstock Mews J7/K6 Brook Street K6 Deans Mews Mews S. N7 Lower Robert Street E4 Pindock Mews G5 St Marys Square K6 Woodstock Street G7 Brook Street M10/N10 Deans Yard K7 Grosvenor Hill J10 Lowndes Close L10 Pine Apple Court F5/G5 St Marys Terrace G1/H2 Woronzow Road K7 Brooks Mews F5 Delamere Street J9/K10 Grosvenor Place L6 Lowndes Court J8/K8 Pitts Head Mews M10 St Matthew Street H4 Wycombe House 13 J7 Brown Hart Gardens E5/F5 Delamere Terrace K13/M12 Grosvenor Road J10 Lowndes Place H4 Plympton Place M11 St Oswulf Street D3/E4 Wymering Road 13 I6 Brown Street D4/E4 Delaware Road J7 Grosvenor Square I10/19 Lowndes Square H4 Plympton Street E4 St Peters Place I5 Wyndham Mews F4 Browning Close L11 Dells Mews J7/K7 Grosvenor Street I10/J10 Lowndes Street N10 Poets Corner E7 St Petersburg Mews I5 Wyndham Place J5/K5 Browning Mews L11 Denbigh Mews J5 Grotto Passage N7 Lumley Court L6 Poland Street E7 St Petersburg Place I5 Wyndham Street B3/C3 Bruckner Street L12 Denbigh Place G2 Grove End Gardens J6/J7 Lumley Street K6/L6 Pollen Street D6 St Stephens Crescent I5 Wyndham Yard D5 Brunel Estate L12 Denbigh Street G2/G3 Grove End Road K13/M12 Lupus Street G4 Pollitt Drive D5/D6 St Stephens Gardens I6 Wythburn Place I6 Brunswick Mews L12 Denbigh Yard H3 Grove Gardens G4 Luton Street M12/N12 Ponsonby Place D5 St Stephens Mews K7 Bruton Lane C3 Denholme Road L11 Guildhouse Street J4/J5 Luxborough Street M12 Ponsonby Terrace J5 St Vincent Street K8 Yarmouth Place K7 Bruton Place M7 Denman Place J10 Lyall Mews E7 Poplar Place L8/L9 Stable Yard J4 York Bridge K7 Bruton Street L7/M7 Denman Street K8 Half Moon Street J10 Lyall Mews West E7 Poplar Place Spur L8/L9 Stable Yard Road N7 York Buildings

A 524 B C 525 D E 526 F G 527 H I 528 J K 529 L M 530 N 0 531 P