Saltford Community Association News Issue No 156 July / August 2021

Friday 23 July 2021 Star�ng at 7.30pm Teams of up to 6 50/50 split of profits between SCA and Sal�ord Tennis Club £8 per head to include ham or cheese ploughman's supper Ticket sales must be purchased in advance via our online �cket facility at www.�cke� Tickets will be available in blocks of 4, 5 or 6 �ckets, depending on your team size.

Saltford Front Garden Sale is back!

Back by popular demand after 2 previous Front Garden Sales each attended by over 80 gardens Saturday and Sunday 14/15th August 2021 between 10am - 3pm

How do I join? : Email [email protected] by Tuesday 10th August for your Garden Sale to appear for free on a village map that will be distributed round via social media.

If you are successful in selling some items then please consider a donation to the SCA for making it possible Please observe social distancing rules at all time COPY DEADLINE FOR SEPTEMBER OCTOBER ISSUE OF SCAN: 10th August 2021 Copy sent by email to [email protected] will be very welcome. 1 2 Saltford Community Association - Contacts SCA is a Registered Charity—Number 1162948 Hon Chair SCA John Davies 01225 344976 Hon Vice Chair SCA Peter Dando 01225 873917 Hon Treasurer SCA Chris Essex 01225 873878 Hon Secretary SCA Lis Evans 01225 873296 SCAN Distribution Jenny Herring 01225 874631 SCAN Editor e-mail: [email protected] 07770 750327 Hall Manager Christopher Pope 01225 874081 e-mail: [email protected] List of Sectional Organisation Contacts Saltford Drama Club Martin Coles 01179 831288 Saltford Short Mat Bowls Sue McCaig 0117 986 7770 Saltford Village Choir Julie Latham 01225 872336 Saltford Panto Club [email protected] SCA Musical Productions [SCAMP] Corrine-Anne Richards 0117 986 0930 The opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the contributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. SCAN takes no responsibility for the content of any images, screenshots or supporting graphics/visual data.

SALTFORD HALL BOOKING OFFICE 01225 874081 E-mail: [email protected]

Double Decade Dance & Desserts Saltford Hall – Friday 30th July – 7:30pm - £5 ticket Subject to Roadmap and Covid considerations the Saltford Community Association plan to hold the DDDD as its first major post lockdown event. If you fancy chasing the lockdown blues away with an evening of tracks guaranteed to get you on the dance floor, enjoying lovely desserts and all complimented by reasonably priced drinks, then put the 30th July in your diary. This initial event will cover two decades, the 50’s & 80’s and if it proves popular, further nights covering other decades will follow. Ticket details will be published in due course but one guaranteed way you can ensure you don’t miss any events at Saltford Hall is to follow our Facebook page. The SCA looks forward to welcoming you to our newly decorated hall and seeing people enjoying themselves once more in a community event.


As part of the roadmap announced by the Government, certain activities can start from Step 2 (12 April 2021), most from Step 3 (earliest 17 May) and some not till after Step 4 (earliest 21 June). Set out below are when we believe hirers will return, following strict Covid-19 secure procedures. We look forward to welcoming them all back. WEEKLY ACTIVITIES RESTARTING Mondays 9.00am Sensory Babies 19 April 9.45am Jazzercise Class Main Hall 17 May 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Main Hall 17 May 2.00pm Whist Club 19 July 2.00pm Saltford Scrabble Club 19 July 6.30pm Senior Shuttlers Badminton Main Hall 17 May 6.30pm Emma Walker Pilates Wansdyke 17 May 7.45pm Saltford Badminton Main Hall 17 May Tuesday 9.30am The Art Group Kelston 18 May 10.00am Tuesday Morning Badminton Main Hall 18 May 2.00pm Cranmore Badminton Group Main Hall 18 May 5.30pm Dance Factory 20 April 6.15pm Tuesday Evening Badminton Main Hall 18 May 6.30pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 18 May 7.30pm Saltford Village Choir Wansdyke 7 September 8.00pm Avon Badminton Main Hall 18 May Wednesday 9.15am Phonics with Robot Reg Avon 21 April 9.30am Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Main Hall 19 May 9.30am The Art Group Kelston 19 May 11.45am Ladies Badminton Main Hall 19 May 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Main Hall 19 May 4.00pm Keyford Dancing School Wansdyke 21 April 4.30pm Keyford Dancing School Somerset 21 April 5.00pm Taekwondo Classes Main Hall 21 April 5.30pm Time2Share Avon 17 March 7.30pm Saltford Seq & Old Time Dance Club Main Hall 21 July 8.00pm Slimming World Wansdyke 19 May Thursdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Main Hall 20 May 9.45am Music With Mummy Avon 22 April 10.00am Avon Valley Artists Avon 20 May

4 12.00am Move it or Lose It Main Hall 24 June 1.00pm Painting for Pleasure Avon 20 May 2.00pm Thursday Afternoon Badminton Main Hall 20 May 4.00pm Dance Factory Avon 22 April 6.30pm Hatha Yoga Class Wansdyke 20 May 6.30pm Pilates Class Main Hall 20 May 7.30pm Keynsham AA Group Kelston 8 April Fridays 9.00am Vitality Pilates Avon 21 May 9.30am Hatha Yoga Wansdyke 21 May 10.15am Saltford Wind Chamber Group Somerset 28 May 1.30pm Saltford Short Mat Bowls Main Hall October 4.00pm Dance Factory Avon 23 April 6.30pm Bible Study Group Kelston Unsure Saturdays 9.45am Jazzercise Class Main Hall 22 May

FORTNIGHTLY ACTIVITIES RESTARTING 10.00am Craft & Natter Club Kelston 28 June


USUALLY RESTARTING Second Friday 9.15am Orchestra Workshop Main Hall 21 May First Tuesday 9.30am Saltford Ladies Gardening Club Wansdyke 7 September First Monday 10.00am Beading Group Wansdyke 24 May 2nd/4th Wednesday 10.00am Contemporary Quilters Wansdyke 14 July One Saturday 10.00am Farondole Dance Club Main Hall 18 September 10.30am Hornet Players Avon 18 May 12.00am Friendship Force Main Hall 5 June Third Monday 2.00pm Saltford Morning WI Main Hall 13 August Second Friday 2.00pm Saltford Afternoon WI Main Hall 9 July Fourth Tuesday 2.15pm Saltford & Keynsham Floral Club Main Hall 25 May Second Friday 7.00pm Bath Old Time Dance Club Main Hall 28 May Second Tuesday 7.00pm Saltford Evening WI Avon 10 August First Tuesday 7.15pm Saltford Parish Council Avon 1 June Second Friday 7.30pm Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Main Hall 2 July Second Monday 7.30pm Lions Club of Keynsham Kelston 9 August Second Thursday 8.00pm Book Club Somerset 10 June

SCA is on Facebook!

5 SECTIONAL ORGANISATIONS Details will be available at the Open Morning or for more information please email geoff. SALTFORD DRAMA CLUB [email protected] or phone him on Saltford Drama Club are very please to say that 01179867206 or 07711278302. subject to the Government Roadmap opening up theatres once more, we are starting to plan for the SALTFORD VILLAGE CHOIR future. Like many organisations, we have been closed We are trying to promote via social media what we since March 2019. are about, what we can offer and make the club Our plans to re-start have been postponed on attractive to a younger element. We are recruit- several occasions. ing such people into directing plays, acting, stage The committee and some members have met sev- management and back stage and set design and eral times via Zoom, to monitor the situation, and build. we have had one live meeting in the Wansdyke To help us with this we are actively looking for a Room to assess the safety needs before restarting. social media guru to assist us. In the mean time, We have re-configured the available seating and we will be in attendance at the SCA Open Morn- positioning of the piano. ing on the morning of 7th August where you can With guidance from S.C.A. and our own H&S come along and have a chat; we are planning to officer, we have planned a tentative start for four have Club Nights for ‘read, rehearse and perform’ Tuesday evenings in July. The meetings will be lim- sessions and for November, we will be putting ited to 30 members, with all distancing and safety on a 2 night Murder Mystery where we hope we measures in place. We will provide full individual shall encourage some new talent to attend casting face visors for every member, to be worn during readings. the sessions. The meeting dates are July, 20, 27 at If you want to discuss any of this please contact 7.30pm. me on the mobile or email below The first meeting will be a social evening with Martin Coles, Saltford Drama Club, Secretary singalong songs, to try out the new system. Contact: 07754543719 All of our plans are of course subject to official Email: [email protected] guidance on the easing of the lockdown. Website: You can be assured that even though all members Facebook:@saltfordrama have received both Covid vaccinations, we will SALTFORD SHORT MAT BOWLS CLUB take every step with caution to protect the health of our members. We do miss the music making, At last we are playing again, in accordance with and are determined to meet in July if it is permit- Covid guidelines of course, but what a joy to be ted, otherwise a September re-opening is our next back. target. As you will have read, Saltford Community As- Stay safe. sociation are getting things moving by running an Open Morning on 7 August We will be there to John Waldren, Chair of the Choir. tell you about short mat bowls, what makes us so AFFILIATED ORGANISATIONS enthusiastic and encourage you to have a go with us during the following week. Anyone can play. SALTFORD ENVIRONMENT GROUP So if, after exams, you have some downtime in the A new wetland habitat for Saltford? summer, or you are home working but would like a bit of time out of the spare room, or just fancy a fun Many residents will be aware of Wessex Water’s and friendly afternoon activity please come along planning application to build a new access bridge to the Open Morning and find out more. from the A431 into the sewage purification works in Mead Lane. If planning permission is granted, In the week following the Open Morning, on this will greatly reduce the number of HGVs afternoons of Monday 9, Wednesday 11 and Friday accessing the site that need to pass through Salt- 13 August, we are inviting you to come to Saltford ford’s narrow residential roads of Norman Road, Hall and try short mat bowls. 6 the High Street and Mead Lane whilst taking some Morning, so please do come along and say hello. pressure away from the A4. If you would like to join in with this litter pick, or SEG and the Parish Council have both submitted any future picks, please email saltfordwombles@ support responses to the planning application as or message us on Facebook. this avoids alternative new routes across Salt- ford’s Green Belt to join the A4 west of Saltford. SALTFORD AFTERNOON WI Apart from only a minimal loss of Green Belt com- Well another two months have gone by and things pared to alternative routes, an additional bonus are virtually! the same. of the proposed bridge scheme is the creation of We are still keeping in touch via Zoom with our a new wetland habitat. This would be on Wessex members and managing to hold a monthly meeting Water’s land at Saltford Mead and help ensure and a “coffee morning” the overall project has a net gain in biodiversity. SEG greatly welcomes this as it will help our local It is amazing how we have adapted and been able wildlife recover from existing habitat losses whilst to keep the communication. Unfortunately not all its protection from inappropriate disturbance from members are happy using Zoom so it will be good the general public will be an important factor in when we can get back to normal and meet face the design of the scheme. to face. SEG has submitted design comments on the Our speakers of late have been: wetland habitat and we hope that during July A Chair volunteer warden from the Cotswold planning permission will be granted. Construction, Conservation Trust. He told us about this very if approved, is scheduled for summer 2022. More worthwhile organisation which is run by volun- information about the planning application can be teers. They conserve and enhance the countryside found on our website. while keeping it safe for workers and walkers. This section of “Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty” stretches from the counties of Warwickshire and SALTFORD WOMBLES Worcestershire and end just South of Bath. There are 5 districts and our speaker is responsible for Cometh the sunshine, cometh the litter! As the the Avon district. weather has improved and the restrictions eased, so again we have seen a rise in littering. Nowhere This month’s talk was on Wind Turbines and was near as bad as last year, but still significantly more given by a designer of the Turbine. It was a very than normal and certainly more than you would informative presentation. We learnt lots about its hope. structure, reasons for it being there, and the future of fuel consumption. As always, our trusty Wombles have been out keeping the village clean for residents, visitors and We have also had a few walks and held “Zoom” the environment, by tackling badly littered areas book clubs and craft groups. as they arose and providing and maintaining gold On 4 June 2021 we met our members outside, this bags at various points around the village. Over the was the first time since last September. It was May Spring holiday week alone, we cleared over originally going to be an indoor meeting to see 50 bags of litter. how we felt about this but as the weather was so After so many months of solo litter picking, we nice we had it outside. It was a pleasant afternoon have recently been delighted to be able to hold sun shining and nice to have a catch-up. 2 group litter picks as part of Keep Britain Tidy’s It was another step nearer to old times. Great British Spring Clean. It was super to catch up with fellow Wombles again and share picking BRISTOL FRIENDSHIP FORCE tales about strange items found, such as a pair of Bristol Friendship Force is dormant but not dying! men’s underpants, a bra and a traffic cone. Members of Bristol Friendship Force would have Our next group litter pick is on Saturday 10th July: traveled widely during this period, if circumstanc- We will be meeting at Wedmore Road car park es had been different. Travel and hosting plans are next to Saltford Hall at 11am, to litter pick for 1 on hold but the club president is in contact with hour. This pick is to coincide with the SCA Open members of clubs in New Mexico and Aichi, Japan 7 and the Isle of Wight, to start travel arrange- provide a variety of activities ments. Clubs worldwide have been affected by the • The friendly, helpful and supportive members pandemic and the Friendship Force International, • How lucky we are that Zoom has kept us in based in Atlanta,Georgia has the ultimate task of touch reshaping the international picture of this wonder- ful travel organisation. Looking forward: Our President has been in regular contact by • Meeting face to face Zoom! • Supporting Saltford Hall and each other Meanwhile, like many clubs there has been a • Going on trips social plan in place with pic nics and informal • Sharing skills meetings-we have shared stories, experiences and travel anecdotes and a yearning to take off • Interesting speakers once again and to revitalise our local club. • Supporting local charities For more information about the club. Contact • Having fun! Carole Duckett on: Fingers crossed ! [email protected] Merrial Knight [email protected]

SALTFORD MORNING WI Have we said “Goodbye” to Zoom? Hopefully by Volunteers at Saltford Brass the time this issue of Scan is delivered to your Mill are working hard to homes we will be able to say that we have at last REOPEN THE MILL for the been able to meet face to face in our gardens and “Heritage Open on Days” in Saltford Hall. festival on 11th and 12th, We have been very fortunate that our Vice 18th and 19th September President Jane, has enabled us to keep in touch after the loss of nearly almost two whole seasons with each other via Zoom and we are very grateful to the pandemic. Up to date details can always be for her expertise and patience in helping us to found on our on our website become more computer literate. Our priority will always be to make the Mill safe for Our speaker coordinator has arranged many inter- our visitors and volunteers esting speakers including Talking drums of Africa, The displays and models which form the Education Queen Victoria’s later life, the Flora and Fauna of and History Interpretation Centre inside the Mill central America, Norland Nannies and How the building will be refreshed and enhanced since visi- internet has affected our relationships tors last saw them, with some sound and lighting Other committee members have also shared their effects added to the movement of the eighteen- skills in a variety of ways including making craft foot waterwheel and full-size replica hammer. In items for Christmas and Easter, pastoral support the lovely garden our models of different types of and shopping for members, starting the garden- waterwheels will be running again and there will ing group and sharing expertise . Other members be plants for sale. are continuing to organize the book group and the Some 200 years after Saltford Mill was acquired discussion group. and set up as a “battery” mill in 1725, brass work- I have been so pleased to be the President of ing ceased and the Mill was bought by an indus- the Saltford Morning WI and to get to know our trialist. Eric Butler lived at “The Craig”, which still members and it is a pleasure to work with such overlooks the mill, and he converted some of the an excellent committee. We are welcoming 6 new workshop space into his private “leisure centre”. members and hope that they will gain as much He built a squash court and a skittle alley and benefit from the group that we have done. he used a waterwheel to drive a dynamo which provided artificial light so that he could entertain Looking back over the lockdown period I would his friends into the evening. The annealing furnace summarise as follows: we see today served as his wine cellar! This “re- • What an amazing committee who work hard to purposing” saved the mill structure we see today 8 from probable demolition, so we remember Mr SALTFORD FOOTBALL CLUB Butler with some affection and he and his family This is being written at the start of June and as yet business are shown on one of our many new dis- the new season hasn’t got going! So, what’s going plays! Find out more about visiting or volunteer- on in the football world. As this is written ing by visiting our website: are about to embark on their Euro 2020(?) journey - Registered Charity Number 1174901. by the time you read this they will either have done well or not so well! AVON VALLEY ARTISTS I could look back at last season but I think we all It was really lovely to see so know what happened there – again! None of our many members return to paint teams actually managed to finish the season and together on our first morning back by and large it has been written off as if it never at Saltford Hall on 20th May,. It really happened – again! However, the doom was a very windy day so we had and gloom from the last two seasons has not plenty of fresh air blowing through dampened the spirit of the club and our teams are the room. preparing for the coming season. Our set programme finished at the We are always on the lookout for new players or end of May so for the Summer months it is a free helpers – if you are interested, please contact us. To field teams across age groups we need choice of subject each week and the programme coaches and helpers, particularly for the younger will resume again in September. age groups. If anyone is interested in coaching We feel that having a set topic is more challenging players please get in touch. We are a friendly and it’s always a lovely surprise at the end of the bunch and will support any new coaches including morning to see everyone’s different interpretation helping them to obtain FA qualifications. of it. As always one of the major problems with running If anyone would like to enquire about the art group any club is cost. Nobody in the football club is please ring Pauline on tel 07887355205, new mem- paid – players, coaches, or officials. Although we bers are always welcome. try and be self-sufficient financially, we always welcome new resources into the club. This can This lovely painting is by Jan Weeks, one of our range from straight donations, through team or members. club sponsorship, to advertising on our barrier. Again, if you are interested please don’t hesitate to STOTHERT & PITT BOWLS CLUB contact us. As always if you are able to offer assistance, ad- vice, sponsorship, are looking for a team to play in, or looking for a coaching opportunity please contact Phil or Nic Saunder on 01225 872541.

KEYNSHAM & SALTFORD PROBUS CLUB So ...... one Jack one Bowl and what have you The Keynsham & Saltford Probus Club is continu- got? You’ve got shot. So easy anyone could do it. ing to meet in a virtual (not necessarily virtuous) Of course there’s the bias to consider. Oh and the fashion; four ‘Zoom’ meetings have been held, in green. And don’t forget the length. And then some which members have shared their latest thoughts unhelpful person has put their bowl right in you and experiences, and have also been treated to line. Perhaps you should have tried the other hand. short talks, most recently from Past Presidents But that side is bowling wide. Mmmmm ..... maybe John McLennan and Bob Porton. not so easy after all. But you won’t know until you’ve tried. COVID secure bowling for all, loads So far, there is no indication of when normal ser- of free parking, lovely people, great fun, all at vice will be resumed, when the Club meets on the Stothert and Pitt Bowls Club. We are playing club fourth Friday of the month at the Keynsham Rugby matches and soon we will be playing against the Club for lunch and a talk by an invited speaker. other local clubs. Oh and the bar is open too. Prospective members are invited to contact the Membership Secretary Owen Cole on 01179 864312. 9 SALTFORD WALKERS free services including counselling and specialist Finally we completed our first long walk of the support groups. year in June a 10 mile circular walk begining in Alongside OTR, the Saltford Santa Dash will also Blagdon and taking in Butcombe and Ubley with be raising money for Project 28, a young person’s magnificent views of the lakes on the way. It was drug and alcohol service offering free and confi- really enjoyed by all and good to all meet up once dential support locally. They provide advice, guid- more. ance and one-to-one sessions for young people The Strollers managed to get out and about in May giving them a flexible and non-judgemental space with a very well attended stroll from Keynsham to to be open about the problems they are facing. Chewton Keynsham and look forward to their next Both charities do fantastic work in our region and outing in June to Chew Stoke. we are proud to be supporting them in 2021, as we We are also happy to report that we have now look forward to a return to running together again! been able to reinstate our Amblers group with More details about the event and how you can their first walk to Kelston Round Hill in June. We register will be announced soon. hope to be able to attract a few more participants for our next walk in July. KEYNSHAM & SALTFORD WINE CIRCLE There is much to look forward to for the rest of this Hello Everyone. I hope that you all continue to year. keep your spirits up and that you have felt confi- dent enough to get out and about again and meet If you are interested in joining us please see our with friends. We had hoped that by this time all the new website for details of all our activities. restrictions that we have been living under would have been lifted, but unfortunately not, due to the Prime Minister’s latest announcement of not eas- SALTFORD SANTA DASH ing restrictions until 19th July 2021. SALTFORD SANTA DASH 2021: The Wine Circle Committee will have met Monday RUN FOR A GOOD CLAUS! 21st June 2021 to plan for the year ahead and also for the 50th Anniversary Celebration being held on 20th August 2021 at Saltford Golf Club. The first Wine Circle meeting since March 2020 will be held on Friday 2 July starting at 8.0 p.m when we can enjoy good company with a glass of wine once again. This will be in the MAIN HALL to allow for social distancing etc..We can then finalise with members the details of the Celebra- tion meal and also outline the programme for the Plans are now picking up pace for this year’s Salt- remainder of the year. ford Santa Dash! The main event will be returning on Sunday 5th December 2021, with the addition of If you have any queries or would like any further a virtual option for those who would prefer to take information please contact Alan Dummott on Tel- part where and when they choose. ephone no. 01249 542856 or mobile 07941 774939 Of course, as well as being a fun start to the fes- AVON WILDLIFE TRUST tive season, the event always raises a great sum Keynsham Group, Avon Wildlife Trust, have now of money for local charities and hopefully this year completed their 2020/21 talks season, and we are will be no different. Once again all proceeds raised currently working on our new program for the Au- will be split between two local charities that sup- tumn. Zoom has proved so popular allowing us to port young people. invite speakers from further afield, and attendees For the second year, the event will support Off The too, that we hope to continue with some online Record(OTR) BANES, a charity that works with talks even though we aim to be meeting in person young people in our area to improve their emo- from October. So watch this space in coming edi- tional health and wellbeing by providing a range of tions! 10 There are various projects that the group are in- Due to the uncertainty caused by the pandemic, volved in, including our swift nesting box program, we were not able to arrange the usual camp for local Hedgehog Streets, and environmental work our Year 6s but, instead, they will be enjoying at Keynsham cemetery. two special activity days to mark the end of their Our program of Summer walks is available to primary school career and provide some special interested parties. We also sell bird food in aid of memories of their time at Saltford School. the Trust, and can deliver locally. Please contact SALTFORD & KEYNSHAM FLOWER CLUB us by e-mail. We would to love to chat to you about local On Tuesday 27th wildlife, our group and Avon Wildlife Trust at July Tracey Griffin, a the Saltford Hall Open Morning on Saturday 7th Chelsea Flower Show August where we will have a table. So make sure Gold medal winner, to stop by on the day! is coming to Saltford Hall to demonstrate For more information about Keynsham group her amazing floral please visit our website where you can also sign up to our newsletters. FFI creations entitled ‘NOT [email protected] or contact Kathy 07850 YOUR USUAL FLOWER FIX’. 508702 Tickets are £10 available from Val Purkis (07931103387) or on the door if there are spaces SALTFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL left. There will be refreshments, a plant stall, a As we move into the final term of this school year raffle and floral merchandise. Doors open 13:30 and the weather warms up, we are aiming to max- start 14:00. imise the opportunities for our children within the Whilst pushing the boundaries Tracey’s demon- current guidelines for staying Covid-secure. strations always have a range of designs, some- Our Forest School sessions for all children thing to suit everyone’s tastes, continue into the summer term, generously funded Tracey uses the highest quality flowers which by the PTA. You may spot some unusual wildlife in includes some luxury and often more unusual plant Manor Woods if you are passing at the right time! materials. Make sure to buy lots of raffle tickets to give you the best chance to win one of these amazing ar- rangements or one of our specially created food or pamper hampers.

KEYNSHAM & DISTRICT TALKING NEWSPAPER Did you enjoy reading but now experience dif- ficulty due to poor eyesight or blindness? The KTN service is free to people who are unable to read We are very pleased that all children are now newsprint. able to resume lessons in our on-site pool for their Enjoy our local news and magazine section with swimming lessons. It is such a valuable life skill topics from historic places, local personalities to and so convenient not to have to travel for lessons. recipes and information on changes in national We thank Mr Lye from Barracuda Swimming and benefits and entitlements. all the volunteer helpers who make swimming and Local news and listeners come from Keynsham, all visits possible. Bristol & Bath and surrounding villages and the We were also keen that the children should not service is open to anyone based anywhere in the miss out on the excitement of the summer fair so UK. this will go ahead on a school day for children KTN Chairman, Mike Crane, says, “We are pleased only. The PTA will be raffling summer hampers as to say we have been able to continue our weekly a means to keep raising funds for school. service throughout Covid, albeit with many tweaks 11 and changes behind the scenes. for many months. “We would like to thank our listeners for their Our group decided that we would donate some lovely messages of support, we are so glad that money to each of the care homes to enable them our mix of local news and magazine items contin- to purchase equipment to brighten up the lives in ues to be of interest. the absence of any singing. I’m glad to say that “The story most commented on recently is the this initiative has been very successful. piece from one of our volunteers, Peter Cleave, The good news is that as long as there are no who wrote a short history of Bristol Zoo, with major changes in the government’s timetable to highlights such as Rosie the elephant, a star of lift the lockdown, we will be restarting our Music the 1950s; Alfred the gorilla; and Johnny Morris, a for the Mind sessions on Thursday 22nd July from keeper at Bristol Zoo and star of the TV pro- 10.30 until 12.15 in St Dunstan’s Church Hall in gramme ‘Animal Magic’. Keynsham. Anyone with dementia can come along “Our volunteers have adapted to many changes to with a carer and join in the fun. After that we’ll accommodate lockdown and social distancing and be meeting on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each we are very grateful to their ongoing enthusiasm month. There is no charge and each meeting starts and commitment.” with a hot drink and biscuits and cake. KTN service is a free weekly audio magazine on If you want any further information you can look memory stick, sent through the post weekly via on our website or yellow wallets using the Royal Mail’s Articles for email [email protected] or the Blind scheme which gives free 1st class deliv- telephone 01179837923 ery to items for blind or visually impaired people. SALTFORD LADIES GARDENING CLUB New listeners are welcomed. If they do not have The Saltford Ladies Gardening Club will be restart- the means to play memory sticks, we can supply ing their meetings on September 7th 2021 (subject an easy-to-use box to play them on. Contact: 0117 to government guidelines). In the Wansdike room 299 3021. Website: (new at 10am. website coming soon!) The speaker for this first meeting will be Francis KEYNSHAM & SALTFORD Stewart, this is a new speaker so come along and DEMENTIA ACTION ALLIANCE support her. Due to Covid we have not had any Music for the Sadly one of the long time speakers, Mr Everett, Mind sessions with our dementia friends since the has passed away he will be greatly missed. 12th March 2020. This has been very sad as we If you need any more information please phone know how much pleasure people with dementia Hilary, Linda or Jenni, our telephone numbers are get from music. on the back of the programme. It has been a challenging time generally for people in our local care homes, for the residents and GOLDIES SESSIONS the staff and of course for relatives and friends. As “Goldies,” as it is more fondly known, could not Our group has kept in touch with six care homes go into Church and Community halls and Librar- in the area including the Kingfisher care home ies, they introduced sessions online featuring two in Saltford who have supported our group since popular leaders, Rachel Parry and Cheryl Davies. it was founded in late 2016. All the homes have Over recent months the sessions have grown been affected in varying degrees and we have lost and now reach out to hundreds of older isolated several of our good friends during this period who people in their own homes. GoldiesLive has led the had been regulars at our music sessions. It was way on sofa singing! sad to think that the homes couldn’t allow visitors 12 The Tuesday sessions taken by Rachel follow her work with Bridgend Carers featuring their popular ‘themes’ and in the weeks ahead will song requests and an inserted video of them focus upon carers across Wales, Father’s Day, singing. World Music Day and National Writing Day. The During Men’s Health Week on June 15 there will sessions will include inserted videos featuring a be an Essex special featuring two of our Essex number of Goldies Cymru session leaders includ- session leaders, Rob Cadman and Ray Mound, ing Ray Mound and Rob Cadman from Essex and singing songs by lesser known male artists from Carol Pegler and Sue Thomas in Wales. the 60s. A recent online addition has been the introduction Sarita Sood will be back in July with her amazing of a monthly GoldiesLive session in Welsh led by Bollywood dance moves and another session that Sian Francis. It features popular Welsh folk songs everyone will be looking out for will take place on and is already attracting a large enthusiastic July 6 when Rachel will feature songs that require audience. a feather boa to sing! A brilliant new addition to GoldiesLive has also “Everyone is welcome to join the weekly sessions been the introduction of gentle chair exercises on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with Sian on the led by Steph Bosanko. Steph is a qualified Yoga first Monday of the month. They are broadcast on teacher and says that her ‘main qualification’ is both YouTube and Facebook and can of course be re-viewed at any time from the website,” says that she grew up in a residential care home, run Goldies charity founder Grenville Jones. by her Father, and that she started working there as a care worker at 14 and then went on to work in nursing homes for many years. Ahead - on June 10 Cheryl Davies will celebrate

Saltford Community Association

Sundays can be the worst day of the week if you are on your own. So if you would like some company and a good old chat, why not come along to the Avon Room at Saltford Hall and share a ‘cuppa and cake’ on: 1ST SUNDAY IN EACH MONTH 2PM TO 4PM For more information ring Julia Chandler on 0117 9837825

13 Refurbishment of Main Hall at Saltford Hall

The long-awaited refurbishment of the main hall at Saltford Community Association is now complete, with a new ceiling, new LED overhead lighting panels, a new stage lighting bar, new curtains and overall redecoration. The cost of the installation of the new ceiling was covered by a £11,399 grant from the Ibstock Enovert Trust (IET), an Environmental Body funded through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF), together with a £3,000 grant from Saltford Parish Council, and we are very grateful for this support. The work was carried out to a high standard by the local companies Mobius Works Ltd and NDH installations Ltd and has resulted in hugely improved appearance, much better levels of illumination, better thermal insulation and improved acoustics. We continue to receive many favourable comments on the refurbishment and are very pleased by the modernisation, which will be of long-lasting benefit to all our users.

Angela Haymonds, Trust Secretary of Ibstock Enovert Trust says: “Saltford Community Association’s hall is at the centre of its community and it used for a wide range of purposes – some of which must generate plenty of noise! The improved acoustics of the hall will really benefit these groups in particular, as will the improved lighting and heat retention. The project will add real value to a much loved facility and the Trustees are delighted to have been able to contribute to the improvements.

Angela continued: “This is just one of the many community projects Ibstock Enovert Trust has funded through the Landfill Communities Fund (LCF). The scheme has provided funding to projects that benefit communities living within 10 miles of a landfill site for the past 20 years, however it has now closed, with Saltford Hall being one of the Trust’s last projects. Fortunately Enovert Community Trust is taking over the reins and groups interested in submitting projects should visit to find out more.


Firstly our thanks to everyone last year for their generous donations which allowed us to raise the £3000 (including Gift Aid) needed to keep 4.5km of permissive paths open to the end of October 2021. In fact, you were so generous that we already have nearly £1000 towards this year’s target. Thank you.

We know very many of you during lockdown especially enjoyed your daily walk and taking advantage of the lovely countryside around us. We hope that many of you enjoyed using these wonderful permissive paths to the south and west of Saltford/east of Keynsham.

We are therefore sure that many more of you will this year be happy to make a donation to keep these paths open for casual walkers, dog walkers, runners and horse riders. If we can’t raise the remaining £2000 by the end of October 2021 all the paths marked in green will close forever.

So, if you walk, run or ride a horse on any part of the 4.5km of permissive paths, then we strongly encourage you to support this appeal.

An average of £25, plus Gift Aid, is a small price to pay for continuing to enjoy over 4.5km of footpaths.

If you wish to donate, then please either use the enclosed donation envelope inside SCAN or go to our website where a specific section can be found at You can donate via paypal at [email protected] or via BACS to 405240 and a/c no 00007636 with reference “PATH Surname”. If you do make a donation then I would strongly urge you to complete and return a gift aid form which can be obtained on our website at . This form allows you also to specify if you would like your donation used to support the community PO/Library and/or the SCA. Forms can be emailed to [email protected]

Once again many thanks to all those who generously donated last year to keep these paths open at this crucial time. 15 Saltford Parish Council News

SPC Community Award winners 2021

Saltford Parish Council (SPC) is pleased to announce the winners of its Community Awards 2021. For 2021 only, SPC agreed to add additional categories to recognise the amazing efforts of the community during the COVID19 pandemic.

• Outstanding Contribution (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Support Hub • Chair’s Award – The staff team at Tesco in Saltford, and the staff team at Day Lewis pharmacy in Saltford • Volunteer Team of the Year – Saltford District Girl Guides and Brownies • Volunteer Team of the Year (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Scrubs • Achievement Award – Maurice Short • Achievement Award – Mark Smee • Achievement Award (COVID19 Response) – Ann Britton • Achievement Award (COVID19 Response) – Trish Hubbard • Business of the Year (COVID19 Response) – Saltford Golf Club • Young Person of the Year – Theo Young Due to the current roadmap out of lockdown the Community Awards ceremony is due to take place in September. Winners of the SPC Community Awards 2020 will also be recognised at the event, following the cancellation of the ceremony last year. More details about the winners can be found on SPC’s website under ‘Community Awards’. Congratulations to all the winners!

New Residents Parking Zone in Saltford

Following collaborative work between Saltford Parish Council, Saltford’s B&NES Ward Councillors and B&NES Council officers over the past year, The Shallows and Mead Lane in Saltford now have new parking restriction measures in place. The Traffic Regulation Orders follow a B&NES Council consultation earlier this year, which saw an overwhelming positive response for the changes from residents. Double yellow lines have now been installed along the majority of both these residential roads, and The Shallows has a Residents Parking Zone.

Search for person(s) re. two Lawson Cypress trees in St Mary’s Churchyard

Saltford Parish Council is responsible for the management of safety at St Mary’s Churchyard. Two Lawson Cypress trees were planted against the north wall, and these trees are now causing issues regarding the structural integrity of the wall. As such, they will be removed after the nesting season. We are keen to contact the person who planted the trees to discuss this further. If you (or you know who) planted or tends these trees, we would be grateful if you could get in touch by 31 July. Images of the trees are on our ‘News’ page and social media channels.

If you want to hear about our updates and SPC news as it happens please follow SPC on Facebook and Twitter: Saltford Parish Council (Facebook) and @Saltford_PC (Twitter) Lottie Smith-Collins, Parish Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. Email: [email protected] Tel: 01225 873300. SPC Office, Saltford Library, 478a Bath Road, Saltford BS31 3DJ 16 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION FORTHCOMING EVENTS IN 2021

July 4 Sunday Afternoon Tea 2 - 4.00pm

16 Community Cinema – Green Book 7.30pm

23 SCA/Saltford Tennis Club Quiz Night 7.30pm

30 Double Decade Dance & Dessert Evening 7.30pm

August 1 Sunday Afternoon Tea 2 - 4.00pm

7 Open Morning and Community Cafe 10-1.00pm

9-14 Taster Week – see Facebook for more details Various

14/15 Front Garden Sale 10 – 3pm

20 Community Cinema – Misbehaviour 7.30pm

27 Double Decade Dance & Dessert Evening 7.30pm

September 5 Sunday Afternoon Tea 2 - 4.00pm

14 Computer Café 10 – 12am

19 Flea Market 10 – 1pm

24 Double Decade Dance & Dessert Evening 7.30pm

25 SCA/Lions – Swing Band 7.30pm

26 Antiques Fair with Community Café 9 – 2pm

October 2 World Textile Day West 2 - 4.00pm

16 Caribbean Evening 7.30pm

17 Antiques Fair with Community Café 9 – 2pm

22 SCA/Lions - Quiz 7.30pm

November 7 Sunday Afternoon Tea 2 - 4.00pm

18 – 20 Saltford Drama Production 7.30pm

December 4 Christmas Market 10 – 1pm

11 Saltford Choir Christmas Concert 7.30pm

For more information on fundraising events please e-mail [email protected] or ring the Booking Office on 01225 874081



The refrain above from a childrens’ TV programme is an important message. Thank you to the Saltford Wombles and others for the volunteer litter picking round the village. The refrain highlights the importance of litter bins. We have been able to replace a number of B&NES Council litter bins in Saltford that had become rusty and unsightly since be- coming ward councillors: outside Saltford House, outside Saltford Hall, on the footpath from Iford Close to Bath Road, at the Norman Road bus-stop. Another litter bin at the top of Grange Road was replaced following a fire. We are currently seeking replacement bins at the two play areas in Saltford. A new litter bin costs over £400 each and there are the ongoing costs of collecting from them. That is why it is exceptional to introduce a litter bin in a new location. B&NES Council installed a litter bin in a new location at “The Shallows” bus-stop following a request by the Parish Council. Litter bins have a number shown on the bin e.g LB0001. If you see that a litter bin is full, please report it straight away to B&NES Council. Cllr Duncan Hounsell Cllr Alastair Singleton


You shall go to the ball Cinderella and your journey begins in September 2021 at the auditions. After a year’s break, Saltford Panto Club are keen to get back to what we do best! We have a brand-new script teaming with new and hilarious characters which we cannot wait to share with you all. The panto family welcomes anyone and everyone to join in with the group’s activities. We welcome all levels of experience (from the age 9 and up) and we have onstage and offstage roles ready for keen members to stick their teeth into.

Auditions will be held at Saltford Hall on Sunday 5th September 2021 and we hope to see as many people there as possible. Keep an eye out for our posters and an eye on our Facebook page ( for updates. The show is being planned to run in January 2022. Let’s get this show on the road and Cinderella to the ball!

Sunday 19 September 2021 Saltford Hall 10.00 am - 1.00 pm Sell your collectables, household goods, books, crafts, vintage and more! Café with Newton Farm Bacon Butties and homemade cakes Contact Angela on 01179 831 314 for a table

19 Saltford Community Post Office and Library

Can’t find the right birthday card or want to keep the kids amused in the Summer? Find it all at Saltford Post Office! The shop is open Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9am- 1pm and 2pm -5pm.

We are constantly being told we have the best selection of Greetings Cards in one place in the Saltford area. Come and see for yourself.

While you’re there have a look at the range of items, chalks, crayons and activity packs we have for entertaining the kids .…… and if you’re sending parcels, we have a range of packaging and boxes to suit most items.

Volunteering opportunity -meet new people and support the Community Post Office and Library

As we look forward to opening up more in the future, Saltford Community Library and Post Office Management Committee are looking for more volunteers to join our friendly team of volunteers. Full training is given and you can choose the sessions you volunteer in the shop or library to suit your commitments. We welcome all members of the Community to come and join us. If you would like to find out more about volunteering in the HUB visit the library between 09.00 and 12.00 on 17th July to speak to volunteers or email [email protected]

Saltford Community Library An exciting reminder that the Library is now also open every Saturday from 09.00 – 12.00. In the library you can browse and choose books from our shelves, library books can be returned and reserved books collected. At the moment 3 customers only in the library at any one time and please wear face covering.

The library will still be open all day every Thursday - 09.00-13.00 and 14.00 - 16.30. For the time being the Post Office and Shop are always closed when the library is open. 478a Bath Road, Saltford, Bristol BS31 3DJ 01275 541327

20 Saltford Community Post Office and Library Calling all businesses, sole traders and eBay sellers! Your local Post Office offers a large range of quality services and by using them, your community benefits!

So………………, why not use our Drop and Go service?

Its simple. You bring your parcels to the Post Office; we weigh, measure and sort out the postage and then collect payment from your pre-paid account. You can top up your account at any time. Saves you the hassle of standing in a queue and we guarantee to get your parcels posted the day you drop them off.

If you need to tax a car or motor bike or truck you can do this easily at the Post Office. Perhaps you have a fleet of cars or vehicles to tax – just bring the documents over to us and we’ll do them as fast as we can with payment options to suit every driver and business.

Now that cash is circulating more widely, why not use our Banking Services? You can pay in cash and cheques, withdraw money, and check your balance. We offer all the banking services High Street banks do, but we’re on your doorstep and we won’t be closing like most of the Banks have done on Keynsham High Street!

Finally, why not give something back to your staff who have been working for you throughout the pandemic? Our One4All Gift Card is accepted by 55000 outlets nationally and by over 160 high street brands. In one Gift Card there are thousands of choices. And if you don’t have any staff, but need to say thankyou to those who helped you through the pandemic, this Card is the answer to your prayers!

Saltford Post Office is ready to meet with you to discuss your business needs. Just try us!

Saltford Community Association OPEN MORNING Saturday 7 August 2021

Saltford Hall 10.00 a.m.-1.00 p.m.

Come and find out about the range of organisations that are affiliated to SCA and enjoy home made cakes and rolls in our Community Café.

21 TRUESPEED BRINGS GIGABIT BROADBAND TO SALTFORD As a Bath-based broadband provider, Truespeed is thrilled to announce it’s rolling out its ultrafast, gigabit-capable full fibre broadband to Saltford and its surrounding areas of Bath and Keynsham.

On a mission to bring digitally left-behind towns, cities and rural communities the benefits of affordable, full fibre broadband direct to their doors, Truespeed are bringing under-served households and businesses the future-proofed gigabit capable connectivity they deserve.

The multi-award winning and community focused company is striving to help everyone access full fibre broadband. Their range of packages start from affordable entry level 80Mbps and goes all the way to the top of the range 900Mbps package. All benefitting from guaranteed symmetrical speeds that deliver reliable connectivity 24-7.

An ideal broadband solution for every household, place your order at or call the local team on 01225 300370.


Place your order today 01223 233 060

22 Saltford Community Association Hardship Fund has launched a Financial Advice & Support Service PLUS Employment Assistance Programme Thanks to the generosity of Saltford residents during 2020, the SCA has been administering a Hardship Fund. This has been used to fund the hot meal service during Lockdown 1, afternoon teas for villagers aged over 75 and to help and support those individuals and families needing specific assistance during this Covid pandemic. We are now going to provide the following :

Financial Advice Assistance and Support

We have built a relationship with Citizens Advice BANES whereby they will provide this much needed support free to residents. This will be enhanced by the Hardship Fund providing direct financial assistance in a number of areas, when recommended by their advisor and unavailable from other sources.

While Covid restrictions apply all services will be available over the phone.

Employment Assistance

We are working with Somerset Skills & Learning (SSL), who are funded by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) to provide and promote access for Saltford residents to free information and training sessions online in the areas of: • CV writing • Interview help • IT Skills, including use of Zoom • Career transition • Job searching in the digital age • Sector knowledge • Benefit Help (Via Citizens Advice) • Volunteering talk

When not in lockdown we would also look to provide an Employment Skills Brunch Club at Saltford Hall, offering face to face access to the same skills, additionally using local volunteers from within the village who were happy to share those skills. We are delighted that a number of well qualified residents have come forward to offer their help.

As well as targeting those who have lost their job we would also be keen to support recent school leavers seeking employment at age 18+. This might also include a mentoring scheme.


24 Want to improve your knowledge of your PC, laptop, tablet or phone? Want help with emails, WORD documents, internet browsing and perhaps Zoom? Then come on down with your device to our resuming café sessions on Monday 12 July and Monday 13 September at Saltford Hall from 10 – 12. There will be no cafe in August. Volunteers on hand to help for up to 30 minutes with your computer needs. Each session will be £4 and includes unlimited tea/coffee and biscuits!









SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE CALL JANINE ON 01761 479026 Email [email protected]


Visit us on facebook



During lockdown we have been making plans for the return of our beloved stage and our desire to put on more amazing shows and performances at the hall. We completed a major refurbishment of the main hall, including a new stage lighting bar. This follows the building of our new mezzanine floor space dedicated to sound and lighting control. Have you ever wondered how the stage crew put on shows and what actually goes on behind the scenes? Whether you have previous stage crew experience or would like to start from scratch with a new post lockdown hobby, please contact Jo Ball our Stage Manager via 01225 874081. We must ask that you are enthusiastic, physically fit and prepared to embrace modern technology and work in dark places!! However if the dark side of the stage is not quite what you are looking for in a new hobby then our groups that put on performances are always looking for actors who are prepared to be in the limelight.

26 Saltford Community Cinema

We are delighted that our reopened community cinema has proved popular with residents and we will continue to operate in a Covid-19 secure way for the time being,

which will involve a number of changes.

As usual the doors will open at 6.45pm with the film screening from 7.30pm. A fully licensed bar will be available together with ice cream but these will only be available via table service using contactless payment.

The ticket price for each viewing will remain at just £5, but ticket sales will be limited for each film and must be purchased in advance via our online ticket facility at Tickets will not be available on the door.

Coming up we have :-

Friday 16 July – Green Book

Friday 20 August – Misbehaviour

Friday 17 September – Summerland

We look forward to welcoming you back.

27 Advertise your business in colour here from

£36.75 Contact Tina Easterford

Join my team for a flexible rewarding business 01225 872274 you will be proud to share. Lesa Cross Your Local Neal's Yard Remedies Independent Consultant 07751 084473 [email protected] [email protected]

TRULY SCRUMPTIOUS CATERING ************************* Christenings, Funerals, Parties, Conferences. Small Weddings, Business Lunches

Delicious food with the personal touch. Whatever the occasion, Let us take the strain

Call Carole now on: Mobile 0775 984 3231 Home 01225 400 130 Email: [email protected]

28 Shop. Café. Butchery ‘Family – Friendly – Farming’

• Traditional butchery, specialising in our home produced, high welfare, regeneratively farmed beef, lamb and pork. • Highest standards of livestock production here on our Duchy of Cornwall tenant farm, free- range, grass fed, hormone free, no farrowing crates, soya free diet. • Ethically farmed, locally sourced, free range chicken and eggs. • Farm shop well stocked with cakes and ready-meals home made here in our kitchen. Local honey, and many award-winning locally produced cheeses. • Stockists of English independent wines, local craft beers and ciders. • Our café has plentiful indoor and outdoor seating, with stunning views over the Newton Park Estate. The menu includes a range of mouth-watering dishes using our own and other local produce, all freshly cooked here in our kitchen. • Fully licensed, serving breakfast, lunch, Sunday Roasts, coffee, tea and home-made cakes. • Locally grown flowers, plants, compost, charcoal, logs, kindling. Opening times: Mon – Sat Café 9 – 4.30pm (last food orders 4pm); Shop 9 – 5pm

Sunday Café 9 – 4pm (last food orders 3.30pm); Shop 9 – 4pm

Newton Farm Shop, Newton St Loe, Bath BA2 9BT Phone: 01225 873707 Email: [email protected]

29 the difference is . . . Bristol’s Largest CRYSTAL CLEAR BRISTOL Serving Bristol Indoor Windows and over 3 Decades Doors Showroom

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Whatever your experience... We have the job for you! No matter what your skill set, current situation, or experience - there is a career in care for you at My Willows. To nd out more, please call us on 0800 817 4920, email us on [email protected], or visit

Somerset Care much more opportunity.

31 32 33 SALTFORD BUSINESS NETWORK The Saltford Business Network promotes and supports businesses in and near Saltford. We provide access to local and regional information and organisations and the chance to share ideas and issues with local col- leagues. We seek to ensure that the views of our businesses are represent- ed when plans are made and decisions taken. Saltford Business Network has continued its support to local businesses during the coronavirus pandemic through on-line video seminars and a steady stream of information on our social media feeds and by email. Our membership has continued to grow (three more already this year!) and more new members will always be welcome. Membership is free at present! All you need is to be a busi- ness person resident, or actively engaged in business, in the Saltford wider region. We’ll include your business in our on-line directory. The Network maintains links with local government, business organisations and academic institu- tions in the region so that we can keep our members informed of local and regional news and issues. Our series of on line discussions and briefings has continued - recent topics have included our latest: on aspects of the tourism business from Nick Gane of Sulis Guides and on maintaining fitness and wellbeing from Miranda Redfern of Redfern Osteopaths. We will arrange more informative and relevant seminars in the autumn and, on the social networking front, we hope to arrange an informal summer evening event provided regulations allow, and perhaps another business breakfast at New- ton Farm. More to come! Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and find blogs, useful links, new posts, contact details and our Business Directory. at:


WE’LL RECOMMEND A SOLUTION in Saltford THAT SUITS YOU, NOT US That means we listen to your needs, take on OVEN CLEANING board your wants and, very importantly, take into account your budget. We can then advise you on Extractors & Hobs the best way to go; whether that be a complete bespoke garage, top of the range automated Free quotation & Fully door, a basic up and over or simply a repair. So with direct access to the top manufacturers, Insured a huge stock of spare parts for all makes and our own teams of experienced engineers, you can be Other Cleaning Services assured of the result you want. TRADING STANDARDS APPROVED TRADER Available Call Debbie or Tracey: 01225 729009 Visit our showroom: Radstock Road, Tel: 01225 769191 Midsomer Norton, BA3 2AD Mob: 07793 213232

For details of our pre-fab buildings The professional domestic oven and visit: carpet cleaning service 34 1 3


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35 36 Jodenan Book-Keeping Services Is your business paperwork starting to get on top of you?

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Hatha Yoga

With Corinne

TUESDAY 6.30-8pm at Wansdyke Room THURSDAY 6.30-8pm at Wansdyke Room FRIDAY 9.30-11am at Wansdyke Room

All classes are simultaneously on zoom so you can join from the comfort of your home!

Many benefits of a regular Yoga practice include: All domestic plumbing and heating work carried out *Increased flexibility Landlord certificates *Build strength Gas safety checks *relieve stress Boiler servicing *relieve daily aches and pains Over 20 years’ experience Friendly no obligation quote

Contact Corinne for more details or to book a place 07958 934903 [email protected] or 07796174217 Classes in hall £9 when booked in block £12 drop in (numbers limited) [email protected] Zoom classes £8 38

The Most Thorough Cleaning You’ve Ever Seen Or It’s Free! Carpets Advanced Low Moisture System. What We Give Others Can’t Superb results and dry in as little as 30mins! Your neighbours will think you’ve got new. * Telephone Answered Live (8 to 5pm)

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Doors open 13:30 for 14:00 start. Saltford Hall, BS31 3BY Public Tickets £10 /Members £6 Ticket Information: or ring Val 07931103387 Gift & Plant stalls Raffle Floral Supplies Refreshments Parking at Saltford Hall

39 Norman Road, Saltford

In line with current Uk Gov guidance, we are able to use the church premise for both our Sunday services. Our other regular meetings are postponed at present except for those outlined below. As restrictions and guidelines are eased, we hope to reopen some meetings, these will be updated on our website. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 am & 6pm - Both meetings are a shorter, modified service. With social distancing and other mitigations in place. Our services are streamed live on our YouTube channel and a recorded message is available via our website.. (Unfortunately we have no Sunday school or creche facilities available at this time).


We continue to have our mid week bible study via Skype, where we study the bible and relate it to our own lives, this includes vibrant discussion and practical application. We also firmly believe that prayer works and unashamedly pray for our community, family, friends and the needs of others. If you would like to join our study and discussion, please use the contact form on our website.

A message from our pastor

In June NASA, the American space agency announced that it was planning two missions to the planet Venus. It is going to cost millions of pounds to do so. But why do it? The answer from the NASA spokesman was that they wanted to find out why the planet has become what it is today? Venus has been described as Earth’s evil twin. It is about the same size as our planet, it has a sulphurous atmosphere, the pressure on the surface of Venus is about 50 times that on Earth and it is hot, very hot there on Venus the metal lead would be liquid. The obvious answer to NASA’s question [and you do not need millions of pounds to know it] is that it is too near the Sun. Venus is in the wrong place; whereas our planet is in the right place. Scientists say that planet Earth is in the ‘Goldilocks Zone’ , that is it is the correct distance away from the Sun to sustain life. More than that of course it has the best atmosphere for life to thrive and it is also just the right size to hold on to its atmosphere [unlike Mars]. Everything about our planet is just right. Have you ever asked the question Why?

The Bible gives us the answer because life on Earth has been planned and created. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth.” Genesis Chapter 1 verse 1 from the Bible.

Mike Leaves.

Please contact us on 01225 874520, via our Facebook page or use the contact form on our website. We do not charge for any of our meetings or activities. The message of the gospel is free to all. 40 The Church in Saltford, Corston and Newton St Loe Living the story. Telling the story. Contact us: [email protected] Tel:01225-872275

Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage Grant As you read this, the work funded by this grant of £23,300 should have been completed. The work included important repair work on the church building and churchyard, the installation of LED lights and in cooperation with the Saltford Heritage Centre and Visit Somerset the provision of a new history guide to the Church and a children’s activity sheet. The church building has been at the heart of the village for a millennium with a fascinating story to tell from Saxon times to the present day. Our thanks go to the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Department for Culture, Media and Sport for accepting our application and supporting us during the project. With the easing of restrictions, we will be opening the church building more frequently for both the community and visitors.

Pattern of Church Services The pattern of services for July and August is waiting on updated Government guidance. Full details will be available on our website or you can phone the Parish Office.

Telephone Services During lockdown we stayed connected as a church community in a number of ways. Regular worship via Zoom and also telephone services of Evening Prayer at 4pm on a Sunday and Morning Prayer at 9.30am, Wednesday. Led by Ken Plant, these have become popular with a growing congregation. If you would like details of how to dial in to these services, please contact the Parish Office or speak to Ken.

A Summer Celebration! In July we are holding the next in our series of Connect services, a service for all ages held outdoors in our beautiful churchyard. This summer so far, we have had Superheroes for Pentecost and a Pet service in June. We would love to see you on Sunday 25th July at 10am to take part in a Summer Celebration!

41 SALTFORD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Affiliated Organisations 1st Saltford Scout Group Graham Bush 0117 977 1498 Avon Valley Artists Pauline Vowles [email protected] Avon Badminton Club Tony Dicker 0117 330 8510 Avon County Rowing Club Penny Senior 0117 986 7934 Bath Guild of Embroiderers Jeanne Aldous 0117 932 4889 Bristol Empire Dragons Tine Curtis 01225 874037 Bristol Friendship Force Jill Williams 01225 872489 Clover House Therapy Centre Jill Gill 01225 344047 Craft & Natter Club Daphne Rahn 01225 873349 Farandole Dance Club June Simpson 01225 872586 Goldies Sessions John Crick 07966 519650 Historical Model Railway Society Mr Gerry Nichols 0117 973 1862 Keynsham & Chew Valley Rotary Club Rob Hales 01225 872456 Keynsham Dementia Action Alliance Alan Hale 0117 9837923 Keynsham & District Dial a Ride Terry Hopkins 01225 395321 Keynsham & District Lions Club Peter Dando 01225 873917 Keynsham & District Tangent Club Mrs Lis Evans 01225 873296 Keynsham & District Twinning Association Carole Duckett 0117 986 5350 Keynsham & District Mencap Society Amanda Leonard 0117 986 5659 Keynsham Foodbank Mike Knight 01225 872801 Keynsham Group Avon Wildlife Trust Kathy Farrell 07850 508702 Keynsham Light Opera Group Neil Quilter 07979382353 Keynsham Rotary Club Adrian Dodd 01761 472357 K&S RUH Fundraising Group Karen Unsworth White 01225 874399 Keynsham & Saltford AA Group Tony Williams 07973 336940 Keynsham & Saltford Local History Society Richard Dyson 0117 986 4453 Keynsham & Saltford Probus Club Owen Cole 0117 986 4312 Keynsham & Saltford Wine Circle Alan Dummott 01249 542856 Keynsham Talking Newspaper Mary Burnard 0117 299 3021 Ladies Gardening Club Mrs Jenni Vickery 0117 986 8331 Ladies Together Doris Davenport 01225 873696 N.E. Somerset Conservative Assoc Mrs Margaret Brewer 0117 987 2313 National Auricula & Primula Society Roger Woods 01455 272 377 Painting for Pleasure Eileen Ramuz 01225 873224 Parkinson’s UK Bath & District Branch Hazel Mitchell 0117 336 0476 Saltford Afternoon WI Tina Easterford 01225 872274 Saltford Badminton Club Stella Hurley 01225 874672 Saltford Brass Mill Project Patrick Beazley 01225 872568 Saltford Business Network David Hewitt 0117 944 4949 Saltford C.of E, Primary School PTA Dawn Elliott 01225 872185 Saltford Community Church Steve Greedy 07901 601232 Saltford Day Centre Steve Seeley 01225 400155 Saltford District Guiding [email protected] Saltford Evening WI Vicki Cox 01225354535 Saltford Environment Group Phil Harding [email protected] Saltford Fairtrade Group Gill Self 01225 872341 Saltford Footbal Club Phil Saunder 01225 872541 Saltford Golf Club Michaela Chivers 01225 873513 Saltford House Skittles League TBC TBC Saltford & Keysham Flower Club Saltford & Keynsham Liberal Democrats Duncan Hounsell 01225 872870 Saltford Saltford Lawn Tennis Club Kate Lamb [email protected] Saltford Morning WI Merrial Knight 01225 872801 Saltford Orchestra Carol Mills 01225 837972 Saltford Parish Council Lottie Smith-Collins, Parish Clerk 01225 873300 Saltford Santa Dash Lis Evans 01225 873296 Saltford Scrabble Club Mrs Cynthia Wilson 01225 874259 Saltford Sports Club David Davies 07768 507009 Saltford Tuesday Morning Badminton Club Hilary Russell 01225 872222 Saltford Walkers Isobel Osborne 01225 874962 Saltford Whist Club Malcolm Pearce 01225 872555 Saltford Wind Chamber Group Liz Harvey 01761 462208 Saltford Wombles Barbara Turner [email protected] Stothert & Pitt Bowls Club Vicky Cox 01225 354535 St. Mary’s Church Parish Office 01225 872275 The Filling Station Saltford Katherine Hockley 01225 873178 Wednesday Morning Badminton Group Jackie Camp 01225 874408 42 Quality from concept to completion, with us it’s built in. 01225 874676 [email protected] We are specialists in providing high-end residential design and build @sbsdesignandbuild projects, serving Bath and the surrounding areas.

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