S9848 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 4, 2000 SEC. 8. EXPANSION OF ECSTASY AND LIQUID EC- fective prevention programs for abuse of and in fine form the Wild STASY ABUSE PREVENTION EF- addiction to 3,4-methylenedioxy meth- FORTS. Card and the ‘‘Bronx Bombers’’ win- amphetamine or related drugs and the devel- ning the American League East Divi- (a) PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ASSISTANCE.— opment of appropriate strategies for dissemi- Part A of title V of the Public Health Serv- nating information about and implementing sion for the fourth time in the last five ice Act (42 U.S.C. 290aa et seq.) is amended these programs. years, the most exciting time of the by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(2) REPORT.—The Administrator shall sub- year is now upon us. New Yorkers look ‘‘SEC. 506. GRANTS FOR ECSTASY ABUSE PREVEN- mit an annual report containing the results forward to their first ‘‘’’ TION. of the analyses and evaluations conducted ‘‘(a) AUTHORITY.—The Administrator may since 1956, when the Yankees beat the under paragraph (1) to— make grants to, and enter into contracts and then-Brooklyn Dodgers in seven games ‘‘(A) the Committee on Health, Education, cooperative agreements with, public and and Don Larson threw the only perfect Labor, and Pensions, the Committee on the nonprofit private entities to enable such en- Judiciary, and the Committee on Appropria- game in history. We will tities— tions of the Senate; and cheer for our revered teams like no ‘‘(1) to carry out school-based programs ‘‘(B) the Committee on Commerce, the time since. concerning the dangers of abuse of and addic- Committee on the Judiciary, and the Com- tion to 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphet- First, however, the Mets head west to mittee on Appropriations of the House of amine or related drugs, using methods that take on the , a Representatives. are effective and science-based, including ‘‘(e) AUTHORIZATION.— There is authorized team they had some trouble with ear- initiatives that give students the responsi- to be appropriated to carry out this sub- lier in the season and a team to be bility to create their own antidrug abuse section— reckoned with. But the Mets have education programs for their schools; and ‘‘(1) $5,000,000 for fiscal year 2001; and picked up a lot of steam in recent ‘‘(2) to carry out community-based abuse ‘‘(2) such sums as may be necessary for weeks and finished the regular season and addiction prevention programs relating each succeeding fiscal year.’’. to 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphetamine or winning five straight. Indeed, riding (b) NATIONAL YOUTH ANTIDRUG MEDIA CAM- the arms of Al Leiter and Mike Hamp- related drugs that are effective and science- PAIGN.—In conducting the national media based. campaign under section 102 of the Drug-Free ton, and the bats of Benny Agbayani ‘‘(b) USE OF FUNDS.—Amounts made avail- Media Campaign Act of 1998 (21 U.S.C. 1801), and the venerable Mike Piazza, the able under a grant, contract or cooperative the Director of the Office of National Drug Mets are as strong as they have been in agreement under subsection (a) shall be used Control Policy shall ensure that such cam- for planning, establishing, or administering years and couldn’t be more ready for paign addresses the reduction and prevention prevention programs relating to 3,4- the Giants or whomever they may face of abuse of 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphet- methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- next. amine or related drugs among young people lated drugs in accordance with paragraph (3). in the United States. The Yankees, on the other hand, ‘‘(c)(1) DISCRETIONARY FUNCTIONS.— Amounts provided under this section may be f have had a tough time of it lately. Los- used— THE VERY BAD DEBT BOXSCORE ing their last 15 of 18 games, one might say they did not so much race into the ‘‘(A) to carry out school-based programs Mr. HELMS. Mr. President, at the that are focused on those districts with high playoffs as limp. But this team is no- or increasing rates of abuse and addiction to close of business yesterday, Tuesday, where near down, nor anywhere near 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- October 3, 2000, the Federal debt stood out. No franchise in the history of the lated drugs and targeted at populations that at $5,653,358,623,363.58, five trillion, six game has had such achievement. To re- are most at risk to start abuse of 3,4- hundred fifty-three billion, three hun- gain their championship form, they methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- dred fifty-eight million, six hundred will rely on veteran and newcomer lated drugs; twenty-three thousand, three hundred alike. Stalwarts such as Bernie Wil- ‘‘(B) to carry out community-based preven- sixty-three dollars and fifty-eight liams, , and tion programs that are focused on those pop- cents. ulations within the community that are Five years ago, October 3, 1995, the have proven a winning combination most at-risk for abuse of and addiction to Federal debt stood at $4,975,626,000,000, along with a seasoned pitching staff in- 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- cluding , lated drugs; four trillion, nine hundred seventy-five billion, six hundred twenty-six million. and ‘‘The Rocket’’ . Add ‘‘(C) to assist local government entities to to this already formidable lineup conduct appropriate prevention activities re- Ten years ago, October 3, 1990, the lating to 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphet- Federal debt stood at $3,254,159,000,000, Glenallen Hill, , and David amine or related drugs; three trillion, two hundred fifty-four Justice and the Yankees ought not be ‘‘(D) to train and educate State and local billion, one hundred fifty-nine million. counted out as they seek to claim their law enforcement officials, prevention and Fifteen years ago, October 3, 1985, the 26th World Championship education officials, health professionals, Federal debt stood at $1,823,105,000,000, With this in mind, I along with my members of community antidrug coalitions one trillion, eight hundred twenty- fellow New Yorkers, and Mets and and parents on the signs of abuse of and ad- diction to 3,4-methylenedioxy methamphet- three billion, one hundred five million. Yankees fans everywhere, wait not so amine or related drugs, and the options for Twenty-five years ago, October 3, patiently, cheer not so quietly, know- treatment and prevention; 1975, the Federal debt stood at ing that we may again have our subway ‘‘(E) for planning, administration, and edu- $547,355,000,000, five hundred forty- series. Good luck Mets and Yankees!∑ cational activities related to the prevention seven billion, three hundred fifty-five of abuse of and addiction to 3,4- million, which reflects a debt increase f methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- of more than $5 trillion— lated drugs; $5,106,003,623,363.58, five trillion, one HONORING KELO-LAND TV ‘‘(F) for the monitoring and evaluation of hundred six billion, three million, six prevention activities relating to 3,4- hundred twenty-three thousand, three ∑ Mr. JOHNSON. Mr. President, it is methylenedioxy methamphetamine or re- hundred sixty-three dollars and fifty- with great honor that I rise today to lated drugs, and reporting and disseminating congratulate KELO-LAND TV of Sioux resulting information to the public; and eight cents during the past 25 years. ‘‘(G) for targeted pilot programs with eval- f Falls, South Dakota for receiving the uation components to encourage innovation ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS prestigious national Emmy award for and experimentation with new methodolo- it’s Tradition of Caring’’ public service gies. announcement. ‘‘(2) PRIORITY.—The Administrator shall CONGRATULATING THE NEW YORK give priority in making grants under this The Emmy awards nobly serve as a METS AND THE NEW YORK gateway to focusing the public’s atten- subsection to rural and urban areas that are YANKEES ON THEIR SUCCESS- experiencing a high rate or rapid increases in tion on cultural, educational, and tech- abuse and addiction to 3,4-methylenedioxy FUL SEASONS nological advances in the television in- methamphetamine or related drugs. ∑ Mr. MOYNIHAN. Mr. President, I dustry. Specifically, the purpose of the ‘‘(d)(1) PREVENTION PROGRAM ALLOCA- rise to congratulate both New York award for the Public Service An- TION.—Not less than $500,000 of the amount professional baseball clubs, the Mets nouncement—Campaign category is to available in each fiscal year to carry out this section shall be made available to the Ad- and the Yankees, on yet another out- recognize special achievements of the ministrator, acting in consultation with standing season of play. And as any fan television media establishment based other Federal agencies, to support and con- will know, the season has only just on their unmatched ability to achieve duct periodic analyses and evaluations of ef- begun. With the ‘‘Amazin’s’’ capturing excellence and originality. Within this

VerDate 02-OCT-2000 03:24 Oct 05, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A04OC6.040 pfrm02 PsN: S04PT1 October 4, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9849 category, the outstanding achieve- toot his own horn, Dr. Templeton’s unassum- Birmingham, Ala., Templeton earned his ments KELO-TV made in it’s ‘‘Tradi- ing manner, excellent intermediary talents medical degree from the University of Ala- tion of Caring’’ public service an- and astute guidance have earned him the bama in 1973 and completed his internship nouncement led them to be chosen as widespread respect of his peers. He has and residency at the University of Alabama’s played a significant role in the advancement hospitals and clinics. Even after achieving first among four national finalists at and success of the ACR and has been an in- the highest positions in the ACR, he con- the presentation of the Emmy awards spiration to many of his colleagues in the tinues to serve the college and radiology ‘‘in in New York City. southeast. the trenches.’’ The ‘‘Tradition of Caring’’ public An ACR Fellow, Dr. Templeton became ac- Michael A. Sullivan, M.D., associate chair- service announcement culminates tively involved with the ACR fewer than 15 man of the department of diagnostic radi- three outstanding years of active com- years ago, yet has served on more than 20 ology at Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans, commissions and committees and partici- sums up Templeton’s character nicely: ‘‘Neal munity involvement by all of KELO- pated for several years on many of them. The LAND TV’s employees on behalf of is a wonderful individual who is forthright, wide range of committees he has assisted is honest and hard-working. He exemplifies the over twenty charitable organizations. a reflection of his avid interest in all aspects term ‘involved radiologist.’ ’’∑ The purpose of their public service of radiology, including accurate coding, campaign was to facilitate employee practice matters and relationships with clin- f ics and hospitals. and community involvement in local HONORING HARCUM COLLEGE’S causes. To effectively implement their ‘‘Neal is an unusually bright and char- ismatic individual, which is immediately 85th ANNIVERSARY campaign, employees were divided into evident to those he meets. It is the reason he ∑ teams based on similar interests with Mr. SANTORUM. Mr. President, I has so frequently been chosen for leader- rise today to recognize the 85th anni- each team focusing on a particular or- ship,’’ says Milton Gallant, M.D., director of versary of Harcum College. The ganization within the community. radiology at The General Hospital Center at Their personal approach to public serv- Passaic in New Jersey. ‘‘Leadership opportu- Harcum Post Graduate School was ice has not only won them an Emmy, nities, coupled with unusual statesmanship opened by Edith Hatcher, a talented but it has significantly helped organi- and hard work, have resulted in his endeav- concert pianist, and her husband ors being uniformly successful.’’ Octavius Marvin Harcum. Together zations throughout South Dakota gain Dr. Templeton has selflessly shared his positive exposure and financial assist- they chose a venture that would com- time and counsel in ACR leadership roles, be- bine her ‘‘talents as an educator and ance. ginning as vice chair for the Commission on KELO-LAND TV richly deserves this Radiologic Practice, The Commission on Ec- artist and his business vision and abil- distinguished award. It is an honor for onomics, the Committee on State and Eco- ity.’’ Harcum College opened its doors me to share with my colleagues KELO- nomic Legislation of the Commission on Ec- on October 1, 1915 in Melville Hall, with onomics, the Committee on Coding and No- TV’s exemplary leadership and strong three students and five pianos. menclature and the Commission on Govern- In its early years, Harcum was a pre- commitment to both the development ment Relations have all benefitted from his and enhancement of South Dakota’s paratory school, giving students the direction as chair. From 1992 to 1994, he skills needed to attend college. Mr. local communities through public serv- served as vice chair of the Board of ice. I strongly commend their advance- Chancellors. The following two years he Harcum was the first President, but ments in the television industry, and I served as chairman of the board while also when he died tragically in a car acci- am very pleased that their substantial serving as chairman of the Commission on dent in 1920, Edith assumed the Presi- Government Relations. In 1996 he was elected dency. She remained in that position efforts have found such extraordinary ACR president. success.∑ for more than 30 years. The college Bibb Allen Jr., M.D., one of Templeton’s continued to grow, yet it was a propri- f partners at Birmingham Radiological Group, saw firsthand the sacrifices Templeton will- etary institution and faced financial TRIBUTE TO DR. EMMETT O. ingly made during his tenure on the Board of difficulties. In 1952 it could no longer TEMPLETON Chancellors. ‘‘Neal spent the vast majority be run as a profitable enterprise; Edith ∑ Mr. SHELBY. Mr. President, I rise of his personal time away from the hospital declared bankruptcy. today to honor Dr. Emmett O. conducting the business of the college,’’ The Junto Adult School was a non- Allen says. ‘‘All radiologists have benefitted Templeton of Birmingham, Alabama profit educational corporation founded from Neal’s leadership and skill.’’ by Benjamin Franklin. It purchased who recently received the American Dr. Templeton is also a member of the Ra- College of Radiology’s (ACR) Gold diology Residency Review Committee, the the assets of Harcum and decided to Medal. Dr. Templeton currently chairs AMA Practice Expense Advisory Committee, use it as a two-year college for women. the department of radiology at AMA–CPT Editorial Panel, the Government Philip Klein assumed leadership, and in Montclair Baptist Medical Center in Relations Oversight Committee and the 1955, Pennsylvania granted Harcum Practice Expense Advisory Committee panel. permission to be the first junior col- Birmingham and continues to faith- His effective management style has made fully serve the community. lege in the Commonwealth’s history to him an accomplished mediator. He is well confer the Associate of Arts and Dr. Templeton is an extraordinary known for his concern and support for tech- individual who, as Chairman of the nologists, office managers and office staff, Science degrees. board of Chancellors of the American recognizing the importance of their role in Throughout the years, tremendous College of Radiology, made a lasting the practice of radiology. According to Bar- expansion of facilities has occurred yet impression on Members of Congress by bara E. Chick, M.D., past councilor, chan- Harcum remains committed to its cellor and vice president of the ACR, ‘‘His original philosophies. Harcum College his straight-talking style. He served availability to meet with anyone, at any his specialty, radiology, and the na- embraces a value system based on four time, to help problem-solve was a great asset principles: a respect for and apprecia- tion’s public policy in health by deal- to the field of radiology when the ‘‘turf’’ bat- ing with problems head-on and working tles were so common.’’ Chick adds, ‘‘I believe tion of diversity; the ability to make to find solutions. Dr. Templeton has his keen insight has been beneficial to many sound ethical and moral choices; the been an asset to all of us in Congress practices in their marketing and reimburse- need to take responsibility for self and and is deserving of the ACR Gold Medal ment activities.’’ others; and a commitment to lifelong Templeton has a unique knowledge of which recognizes his marvelous learning. All members of the Harcum radiologic practice and economic matters. community are committed to the suc- achievements. He has been appointed to the boards of HMO In addition, I have included the re- and PPO organizations as a result of the cess of one another. marks made in the ACR Bulletin about model hospital and imaging center practices Harcum College has always placed Dr. Templeton and why he has been he has demonstrated in his own practice. One learning first and is committed to pro- awarded the Gold Medal. of the highlights of his career was his stew- viding individualized educational expe- ardship of diagnostic imaging centers as an riences for a diverse community of EMMETT O. TEMPLETON, M.D. alternative to private office or hospital prac- learners. Harcum educated students in At 53, Emmett ‘‘Neal’’ Templeton, M.D., is tice. He was an early expert in this concept the arts and occupational skills, and in one of the youngest recipients of the ACR during a time when the recognition of radi- Mrs. Harcum’s words, the college re- Gold Medal. A unique and talented radiolo- ologists as ‘‘physicians’’ was not unequivo- gist, Dr. Templeton is perhaps best known cal. spected each student as an ‘‘individual for his outstanding contributions and dedi- Currently chair of the department of radi- with personal needs, interests, apti- cated service to the college. Never one to ology at Montclair Baptist Medical Center, tudes, and aspirations.’’

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