I. Meanings

1. Revered- respected 2. Grit- determination 3. Tenure- period 4. Mitigating- making less severe 5. Pertinent- relevant 6. Commended- praised 7. Habitat- the natural home or environment of an animal. 8. Initiative- a plan to achieve something

II. Answer these questions. 1. List Anil Kumble’s key achievements in the field of cricket. Ans: Anil Kumble has made many victories possible for both in the ODI’s and test matches. He has taken 619 in and is the third highest taker of all time. He is also one of only two bowlers to pick up all ten wickets in a single . He has served as and the coach of the Indian cricket team. He is also the Chairman of the International Cricket Council.

2. Name the award he received for his contribution to sports. Ans: In recognition of his contribution to sports Anil Kumble was inducted in the Cricket Hall of Fame of International Cricket Council (ICC) in 2015. He was also awarded the Arjuna Award in 1995 and the Padma Shri in 2005.

3. What are some of the feats that the Kumble Foundation has accomplished? Ans: The Kumble Foundation has initiated an award and felicitation ceremony for forest staff and officials in . They have also initiated a funded two week programme in South Africa where four talented forest officers were selected to visit and study challenges of national parks in South Africa.

4. What challenges did Kumble face while trying to raise funds for wildlife conservation? What is his message to those hoping to start an NGO? Ans: Kumble had to raise money personally. The respect he has garnered as a cricketer has helped him raise funds. Kumble’s advise to those hoping to start an NGO that they should definitely follow their dreams as every small step counts.

5. What are Kumble’s views on wildlife tourism? Ans: During Kumble’s tenure as the vice-chairman of the Karnataka State Board for wildlife more forested areas were brought under protection for wildlife, human wildlife conflict was mitigated, new wildlife sanctuaries were built and the numbers of tourist vehicles in protected areas were reduced.

6. How does Anil Kumble inspire the youth to conserve Wildlife? Ans: Kumble feels that the tourism aspects as the vice chairman of forest department needs a separate wing as well as a specialized skill set. He feels that tourists add to conservation problems at times. Hence greater awareness is needed to reduce the damage. That is why a separate force is needed to enforce and regulate tourism activity more this will help in conservation as well as tourism.

III. Read these lines and answer the questions that follow: 1. ‘I wanted to give back to society at some point’ a. Who is the speaker? Ans: Anil Kumble said these words. b. Why did the speaker want to give back to society? Ans: He wanted to be a part of wildlife conservation in an organized manner. c. How does the speaker given back to society? Ans: He has set up Kumble Foundation and the associated Jumbo fund in 2009-10.

2. ‘I am very grateful to the Karnataka government to have been given the opportunity to serve on the board’ a. What is the board mentioned here? Ans: He is talking about Karnataka Wildlife Board. b. Who has served on this board? Ans: Anil Kumble has served on this board. c. What are some of the significant goals that the ‘board’ has achieved? Ans: They were able to substantially increase the wildlife protected area from 3.8% to over 5.2% making Karnataka the only state to increase its protected area coverage in India.
