The powerful tugs Mary E. Scully About 9 o'clock last Saturday eve- The pumping station of the New and II. E. Luckenmach, of the Scully ning, Mrs. Julia Cosgrove in attempt- York and Long Branch Railroad was ing to board the barge Amelia, moor- UPSETS III DITCH discovered on lire about one o'clock TO Towing and Transportation Line, left Pensacola, Fla., on Sunday, hav- ed at the stakes, fell overboard and i last Sunday afternoon and an alarm Starts From Seidler's Beach and ing in tow the steel floating dry dock Shanley Bros. Start on Broadwa was .drowned. Engineer Stonaker and Fireman i sent m from iiox 36. known as the Spanish floating dock, Improvement—Expect to Com Mrs. Cosgrove was scaling a ladder Danser, of This City, Have Close j In quick time the fire department ^rip in 29 Minutes—Was which led from another boat to that were on the ground, and it seemed which is to be delivered to James as ipanied by Brookins—Lan- Shewan & Sons, of Brooklyn. pletc Work in Time Allowed— of her own, when the ladder turned, Call From Fatal Injury—Accident though tin whole populace were throwing her into the water. Efforts also. 1ines of hose were run at West 96th Street. The dock, built in England fifteen Progress Watched With Interest then; years ago, was acquired by the were made to rescue her, but as she Happened at Matawan. I from and soon the firemen United States from Spain at the close, fell between two bouts made it a dif- ying water on the fire, .— j were busy pin engine was also used, Through drizzling rain and thick of the Spanish-American War. It J. F. Sbanley H. Bros, commence! ficult matter and proved unsuccess- Tho clouds of mist, a successful (light was work on Monday on their contrae ful. Hy lining grnpplings the body On Monday afternoon Pennsylvania I chemical delayed Rome time ow- is an immense and unwieldy structure, I'ligine No. 221 r,, running light from j Trains were made from Seidler's Beach to New and it, will require fifteen or twenty for paving Itroadway. A large fore wits recovered and word sent to Cor- illK l Ulf! run ning of. hose across the York, City Thursday morning by Rob- men has been employed, and t.h' oner Mil HOD, who took charge of the Long nrunel) to this city, ran off th'j I " moving picture men, days with good weather for the track near the signal tower at Mat- ' triu''is- Some ert Collier, president, of the Aero j 1 to be v/aiting for a. to reach New York. contractors expect to the wori Unity and removed it to hiw morgue. uw.'Ki, and nps< t in a ditcli. Who lUI piM'Hf *] . Ciub of America, and Aviator Walter with all poKKlble Kpeeil. They have On Monday afternoon the body was Tho locomotive wan in charge of train, fu»t bus wilh their apparatus L. Brookins in the former's hydro- heen handicapped at the start, how- 'hipped to Newark, where it. w;t;j re- and took scci.es of the lirf. A lino 1 KiifU'ieir f'-luirlcK Stonaker iind Fire- aeroplane. The trip of approximately Wenner falls from «'V'IM\ by (In constant, rain. •elvrd hy relatives man Arthur Danger, of this city. Ow- j oC llnK(' "n II( ary street hursted just twenty-two miles was made in twen- The work ban been started a ing to the Ktrili<: on the Now York i an a liltle boy was pasting. The pres- ty-nine minutes. Barge and Loses Life Broadway and Muin Htrcet. All th'j and l^ing Brunch Railroad of the men i Hiiro knocked lim down; and he was Tie flight was the result of the curbing will bo placed on lino am Eleycn Prom This who handle the coal Ing stations, the [thoroughly BO iked with water. He several successful trials made by Mr. reset in concrete. The 1op coating got mi and "111a;]e it" for home, leav- Last Saturday afternoon Capt. An I engine was orderi-d to this city to j Collier with his aeroplane recently. of the street will be blftillthlc, placed in lliK bt drew Wenner, 58 years old, of tho City ebtaln a supply. When at Matiiwani e ™I> hind. He piloted the machine the greater upon a six-inch concrete foundation Notwithstanding the building was barge Majestic, which was in tow to flio engine loft the rails, ami after part of the distance and at times at- which will make tho pavement eight lined with tar this city, fell from tho deck of his A number of members of South Am- running for mime distance, toppled paper and soaked with tained a speed of fifty miles an hour. inches thick. preiisc, tho fl boat. He wns rescued and efforts oy Council No. 420, K. at O., together over on Its Hide in a ditch. Neither remen quickly extln- The aeroplane remained about 100 finished the fl were made to revive him, but failed. Tho people aro seemingly taking with eleven candidates from thin city, engineer nor lineman bad time to imes. Tho damage is /feet-. above the ground the greater estimated at i Tho barge was rounding Sea Breozo great Interest in this Innovation In went, to New Brunswick on Sunday Jump, and they went down with tho bout $100. How tha -> part of the distance. building caugh Point when the accident occurred South Amboy and are dally watching :ind attended a meeting of Knights of engine. Kortunatcly they escaped fat- fire is a mystery. Too employees had The course chosen by the aviators Tho body was brought to this city and the progresH of the work. It un at ColumbiiH Hall. It was al Injury. ICnglneer Stonaker had the left for their luncii only a few in was from Seidler's Beach, across Coroner Mason took charge of it, doubtedly will tend for tho advance- one of I ho Inrgest gatherings of palm of ono of his bands burned, and Inutes before the fire started. Raritan Bay to Staten Island through Capt. Wenner was a Scandinavian and ment of tho city, as good streets and Knights held in tho county In sonu' Fireman Danser wan Injured intern- the Narrows to New York Bay, thence resided in Brooklyn. Ho is survive.!, walks aro greatly neodod, When this line, members coining from various ally in the region of the groin and across the North River to West Nine- by a wife and three children, who ars street Is finished, civic prldo Will parts of tho county and State. The has been confined to his home since. 7 ty-sixth street, where the landing left destitute. Monday morning the cause other atreetB to fall in lino and second and third degrees were con- A wrecking train and crew was Catholic Club Ball •was made near the battleship of Ad- remains were interred at Krnston, un- thus we shall soon have a city beau- erred upon (i clnss of about, ono hun- sent from this city to Mntawan to miral Hugo Osterhaus, U. S. N. Sev- ""• the direction of Stillwell & Mason tiful. . dred candidates. The officers of New right the engine. It took several Friday, May 17 ' ieral members of the Aero Club who Recently real estate has been on tho UrunBwlck Council were in charge, hours of hard work to replace the lo- •were guests of the admiral witnessei o move, undoubtedly caused by the assisted by officers from Jersey City, comotive on the track, and it was The young Eociety folk of the city the landing. SHAFT BOLT IJ11OKE— Bigns of progress, and we look for and other cities. then brought to the shops here. U'o looking forward with great pleas- On Friday Admiral Ostenhaus Ad HORSE RAN AWAY. more activity in the near future. The engine was used in running Bre to the flist grand ball of tho the members of the Aero Club were Refreshments were served in the A horse belonging to Brown Bros,, trains between Long Branch an; Catholic Club, which will take place the guests of Mr. Collier at his sum- lower halls, after which the visitors grocers, driven by J. J. McCormack, Mights town. in St. Mary's Hall next Friday «ve- mer home at Wiclcatunk. were entertained afthe local bead- ran away on Wednesday afternoon. SEWING SCHOOL rjuartera on Bayard street, ning, May 17. The committee la Tuesday R. J. Collier, who is pres- Tho bolt dropped from the shaft and o——— charge are inal[ing great preparations ident of the Aero Club of America, let ono side down, when it struck CLOSES TO-DAY DROVE HORSE ON for (he event, The hall will be hand- made three short flights in company the horse causing the animal to talc?, somely decora ed in the, club's col- with W. Brookins. Mr. Collier oper- Orders Issued For fright. Rushing up First street with ors. The outlook is promising for a. ated the machine and put it through great speed, the driver pluckily held, Preparations have been made for TROLLEY BRIDGE tha closing of the Sewing School for very large at tendance. The music i|s pwes," showing remarkable skill on to the reins, and brought the horse G. A. R. Encampment win be -'In "handling the hydro-aeroplane. Ire term to-day (Saturday). Under an Last Sunday John Bircher and An- jwill furnishefurnishedd bbyy ProfProf.. Nelson'3 to a standstill near Kerr's paint shop, drew Satech, of South River, drove j orchestra, of ?erth Amboy. Admis- It Is Mr. Colier's intention to main- %\fb corps of teachers tho season has sion No serious damage was done. Colonel Adrian S. Appleget, of to Perth Amboy, and there found the > including supper, $1.00. An eve- tain the Seldler Beach site through een a most successful ono and the nln Tronton, Department Commander, has cup that inebriates. On their return j S ot pleasurre may be had by at- the Bummer as an experimental sta- attendance has been largo. The in- ssued the general order for the for- T. M. C. A. NOTES. home they drove on the trolley bridge | tending the ball. tion, struction given the young girls will ;y-flfth annual encampment of the De- "Awake and Vital" will be the sub- prove most beneficial as they i?o adjoining the county structure, and Oliver G. Simmons is perfecting a 1 artmont of New Jersey, G. A. R., to ject of Mr. J. P. Fulton, who will ad- through life, as the course is a most tho horse got mixed up in the ties, UTILITY COMMISSIONERS new type of aeroplane motor and e held In Asbury Park, June T3 and ArrnpvE FIIONE GRANTS tests of it will be made in the near dress the Sunday afternoon meeting, thorough one, comprising all the prin- .4 next. delaying traffic over an hour. .Both May 12th. Mr. Fulton was persuaded Resolutions adopted by the Board future. Mr. Simmons claims that with cipal points in sewing. Those who The encampment will convene in the men were arrested for reckless ^riv- to speak and announced tho subject have completed their course will be ing. o{ Freeholders of Somerset and Mid- the new motor a speed of nearly 100 Luditorium %t 10 o'clock a. m., Juno dlesex counties miles an hour can be attained. named above, which is rich in facts given their diplomas. In the Perth Amboy court on Mon- granting certain prlv- 3. The council of administration will ilegos to the New York Telephone To prove his absolute control over that are interesting and instructive. After the routine of work has been, day morning the men admitted thai; meet at the headquarters of the de- Company, have been approved by the the hyrdo-aeroplane he was operating, Mr. Pulton's many friends are inter- lompleted, refreshments will be serv- they had been drinking. artment In the Hotel Plaza, on Wes- Board of Publ c Utility CommiSBion- Aviator Walter S. Brookins made ested and a large audience will, no ed. All teachers and scholars are in- ey Lake, at 7 p. m., on June 12, to Satech, who owns the horse they doubt, greet him. All who can will were driving, said he mistook the ers. The actioi of the Somerset Coun- several short flights over the bay on vited to be present. tudit accounts and transact other \y authorities Saturday last and accomplished the do well to attend this meeting and trestle for the driveway of the bridge glves the telephone mslness incidental to the closing of cWpany tho right to operate its line remarkable feat of skimming over the hear one of the most interesting sub- he fiscal year. when blinded by the lights of an ap- water at a height of from 6 to 8 jects of the season expounded. Di- proaching automobile. Bach was fined through Main treet, Bernards Town- rector Anderson has arranged an at- Church Women to Vote. Commander Appleget has appointed $25 by Recorder Kehoe. shin, from Chi rch street to a point inches above the surface. he following credential committee: tractive musical program appropriate To get the horse from the trestle it aparoxlmately 00 feet west of Clare- The first flight was made at 11:45 Foseph R. Durell, of Trenton, aaslst- f to the speaker's subject. Selections The annual convention of the Prot- was necessary to lift it to planks mon . avenue. The resolution of the a. m. Saturday morning. Mr. Brook- estant Episcopal Diocese of New Jer- nt adjutant general, chairman; E. P. will be rendered by the Methodist placed across the ties. It then walk- Middlesex freeiolders grants to the ins and his assistants ran the machine sey was held in St. Andrew's Church, louthwlck and, George B. Stinson. The company tho right to operate in Am- out of the hangar and down the rails Protestant choir. Miss Beatrice Lo- ed back to the bridge proper. Mount Holly, on Tuesday and Wed- rder directs that post commanders, boy avenue, P srth Amboy, north o£ to the edge of the water. The hydro- gan, of Perth Amboy, will sing, and nesday last. their representatives, report Washington Btieet, for a distance of aeroplane was then , launched and male talent will render a selection. CHRIST CHURCH NEWS. In his annual address Bishop.Scar- romptly on their arrival to this com- about 100 feet. , .BtSit'ted over the water, buoyed up by borough referred to the "encourag- mittee, present their credentials and At the Diocesan Convention, at Mt. the pontoons. After running a few Lawyer Peter A. Peterson, of Perth Holly, Wednesday, the Canons were The application of the North Jer- ng" strides made in church improve- eceive the badges, to which their re- sey Northern Qua Company for the ap- hundred feet from shoro on the sur- Amboy, addressed the Y. M. C. A. ment and the number of new parlsh- ipective posts are entitled. so amended that henceforth women faco, Brookins raised the machine in meeting, Sunday afternoon, May 5th, communicants of full age, who are proval of a resolution of the Hunter- is created. The annual campfire will be held on don County freeholders was also gran- the air and made a large circular and was appreciated by a large aud- On Wednesday a resolution was he evening of Thursday, June 13. The supporters of the Parish, will havo flight during which ho demonstrated ience. The subject—"The Boy of To- the right to vote at the elections of ted by the boar 1. The resolution gavo dopted giving women parlshoners tho lepartment will make a short parade to the gas company permission to his control by flying HO close to the day—The Man of To-morrow," was right to vote at elections for parish m the afternoon of June 13. Tho as- Parish Officers. The Rev. Charles I Burfaca that tliero was but. a few inch- very ably handled by Mr, Peterson, ho open the surface of the Stone road officers. This old question has caused embly will be formed at 3 o'clock, Perkins, the well known advocate of leading from Lumbertville to the Bor- es botwoon the, bottom of the pontoons showing the close relation of the laws oonisiderablo discussion and debate .nd the line will be formed on Ocean this measure, was responsible for tho and tho water. of tlio State, city and home that makes ough of Flemin;ton, within the town- n previous conventions and had been venue, near headquarters. successful passage of the amendment. a foundation for good citizenship. Tho ships of West nnd East Amwell and Returning from this short flight, so thoroughly gone over that not The Women's Relief Corps of tho Tho Rev. IT. M. P. Pearso and Mr. early homo education in morals, moth- Raritan, for the purpose of laying Brookins took C. TO. Miner, Mr. Col- uuch further discussion was necessary, epartment will hold their annual ses- Wm. P. Nichols, wore in attendance ors' and fathers' • personal influence its mains. lior's private secretary, up with him specially after Bishop Scarborough ion in the public hall near the aud- upon the Convention. and tho church training, will creato, Approval was also Riven to the ap- ftS a paBBengor, malting a short High I. lad expressed a hope that the reso- lorium. The headquarters of the [ plication of the Camden and Suburban down tho bay and on returning, Ol- develop and determine the character idles will be established at the St. of tho man in tho boy. Several in- utlon would be adopted, as the worn- BOWLING MATCH FOR CUT. Hallway Company to ispne $250,000 of iver G. SInimnnR entered (.lie machine >n, in many cases, aro in control of ames Hotel, on Cookman avenue, On Tuesday evening a match for bonds. Tho prjeeeds aro to be used This tlmo Simmons operated the, ma- teresting instances met professionally car the beach. Their annual convon- were given by Mr. Peterson, also a ho' educational and much of the the challenge cup took place on me for the purpose, of taking up in whole chine with BrooUiiiB n.s IIIH passenger. iptritual advancement of the diocese. on will be held in the Arcade, on bowling alleys of tho South Amboy or in part, for he bonds of the Cam- Brooldns made- throe more Bhort suggested courso to pursue in the Lesley Lake, Ocean Grove, near tho public schools for moral education. t was also pleasing to tho Bishop Yacht Club between teams of thu den Horse Rail -oad Company. flights taking as passengers .Tamed o see so many ladies present in the oardwalk and fronting the main de- club. The cup holders won out and Davis, an assistant to Simmons, Win. Tho discourse was exceptionally in- artment headquarters at the Hotel :onvention, as clsowhere they do not some good scores were bowled. The (JUTTING REJl)Y FOB THE Mannor, also an assistant, and C. K. teresting and instructive. The mus- laza. The order extends a special com to have as much interest in tho following was the score: SEASON AT MORGAN. Miner, Mr. Collier's secretary, who ical program as arranged by Director vitatlon to tho ladies of tho 0. A. R., Anderson, consisted of special song* iroceedlngs. Cup Holders Many new stacks are going up on wished to bo taken up n[;aln. All The Bishop was empowered to ay- ho Women's Relief Corps, tho Sons R. C. Stephenson 208 212 200 148 1CT these landings and starts wore made by the audience, which was very en- f Veterans, other patriotic orders and the beach. thuslnstlc, solo by Mr. F. I. Stult^ >olnt a committee on church archi • C. W. Crane.. 257 184 115 155 155 Applications tor tent sites have been from the water. .ecture, to consist of two clergymen e public generally to attend the and duet, by Messrs. F. I. Stults nnd pampflro on June 13. W. Chapman. . 138 102 173 170 167 many this season and soon the best This was the first series of flight*) Wm. Anderson. In response to Sec- md two laymen. To this committea J. Parker 150 1C3 147 158 173 sites will be taken up. made since the accident on Wednes- retary Deacon, the members of the s to bo submitted for approval or dls- Commander Appleget has also is- John Kane hi s added five anrt one- day, May 1, when Simmons, with Win. Religious Work Committee, Messrs. pproval all plans for the erection sind the general order for the ob- Totals.. 753 721 G35 C33 CC2 half feet to his motor boat, and when Mannor as a passenger, were plunged R. E. Clayton and Benjamin Green, if churches and chapels and also for servance of Memorial Day by O. A. Challengers she comes out this season will pre- Into tho water as the result of the conducted the devotional exorcises. Iterations to such church property. R. »acn In New Jersey. The order R. Stult-3 172 210 180 117 ITS sent a very pr etty appearance. breaking of tho elevating plane. A The officers elected were: Dr. Al- readt In part: W. Stophensnn.. 147 13'i 141 185 150 Tlic Goodwill Club, of Perth Amboy, new set of pontoons wore iiimicdiatoly 'red Baker, of Princeton, president; "It is especially enjoined upon all '. Steuerwald. .. 130 170 .155 IOC 163 have improved and enlarged their sent for and they arrived Friday night. FUNK It AT, OF ANDREW FORT) Ilev. Charles M. Perkins, of Vinoland, posts of the department to urge the j. it. s...i'.;i 121. lGfl. If,!) 17", 13t! I bungalow on t.l e beach. The new pontoons nre of the P.urgran The funeral of Andrew Ford toolt ecretary nnd Edward IT. Levis, of Sons of Veterans in their vicinity to ——• | A number of i hack owners have en- type and Simmons says they nro fi place from St.. Mary's Church at it .fount Tfolly, trcas. Standing Commit- join w.'th them in the ceremonies of Totals 570 0!)0 G47 063 lnrgcd tills se son. success. "There is an much difference o'clock on Sat unlay morning and was ee, Rev. ,T. F. Olmslead, of Burlington ; Memorial Day, that they may become i Arthur Vnn new cottage on between those pontoons nnd the oth- well attended. High mass of re- nd Ttev. H. M. P. Pearse, of this city. familla'.' with the duties which all ton CARD. the HolRlits in rroRresslnB nicply, and ers wo used, which were of the Wright (liicliu was celebrated by Rev. Father harlcK Townscnt, of Rllznbelh; Boon ^'ill be relinquished by us to Tho undersigned hereby express"!) I will probably b ready for occupancy type, as bet worn niRlit and tiny," K;IW1 X J. Baird, of Beverly; Lane, after which Mnnsignor Brady their flile enro and guidance." l.hf'lr thanks nnd appreciation to all i by Juno 1. Simmons in regards to them, .Villiam A. Dix; of Elizabeth; and delivered an address. Conibiandcr Appli'Rf.t also calls who kindly assisted during the ill-j Wood ApplcK'te in a very busy man . T!. Woodward, of Bordentown. Intnrment. w.'ia mailo In St. Mary's attention in the order to the fact that ness and at the burial of their father, j overhauling sai I and motor bofils. Did you ever try After Dinner cemetery..' Tho bearers were Messrs. The Rev. II. M. P, Pearso and Wll- Juno i'»J is National Flag Day. (\ndrew Ford, and also to those who The drinking water supply will bo Coffee.'? You'll like it. !!'•! cents pottiul ,1,'uneK V)onovaii, John Woods, Sr., ani P. Nichols were present as clel- o presented floral pieces an tokens of a. problem for the camporK this Bum- nt Crown Ten Co. Henry D'.iggan, Thomas Bolinn, Mur- gates from Christ Church, this city. TOMATO PLANTS for sale by respect. mer, an tho digging away of tho bank tIn Carroll. TCdwnrd Ronton. John Ocorgo 'JO. Coward, Prospect street, MICHAEL J. FOTID, ! by the N. Y. L. P.. U. U. hag de- Wend Oltlzet" J. Scully was funeral director. Buy at home and save money. MnxvllW 5-11-2 and Family. I stroyoil some of the springo. THE SOUTH AMBOr CITIZEN. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. NEW JERSEY NEWS CONDENSED. M. P. CHURCH NOTES i FIRST NRTIONRL BRNK T Items of Interest from all Parts of the State as Gleaned from Our SOUTH AMBOY, 3ST. . J. The Loyal Temperance League meeting Thursday afternoon was con- Exchanges Briefly Paragraphed. Capital S50.000 Surplus $75,000 ducted by Mrs. Harry Ware. The top- Undivided Profits Emuied, $30,000 ic was "Kffect of Alcohol on the Heart." The Juniors showed their in- terst and attention by answering u Hankers End Session. their first term, it is expected that or a person of unsound mind, but number of questions. Three resolutions were adopted by tiiey will be re-elected. Santa Maria claims that the authorities have no This Bank Pays Interest the New Jersey State Bankers' Asso- Council of Mount Holly, of which means of judging these facts except Last Thursday was the twenty-sixta ON ACCOUNTS SUBJECT TO CHECK ni versa ry of the pastor's con- ciation at its concluding session at Michael B. Halliman is the grand by the word of the applicant. nection with the Christian church, and Atlantic City, Saturday. They were knight, is preparing a program of * ft ft 4 PER CENT on balances averaging daily •was commemorated at the prayer ser- offered by General Bird W. Spencer entertainment Cor the delegates. Jump From Moving1 Train Serious. vice. and seconded by Uzal H. McCarter. Many of the delegates will arrive Finding that he had boarded a $500 and over for the month. Monday afternoon and at night they Last Sunday proved another helpful One provides an appropriation fro;n Lakewood train at Red Bank in- each bank in the association of one- will bo tendered a reception at tho 2 day in Zion. Rich service found stead of a Long Branch train, Tues- tenth of one per cent, of its surplus council headquarters, 141 Washing- strange faces to worship. with U3. day afternoon, Charles Sylvia, of Long PER CEXT in Special Deposit Depart- for the support of the National Cit- ton street, Mount Holly. State Dep- There was a slight increase In the Branch, jumped from the moving ment on accounts of $200 and over reinariing Sunday School attendance. izen's League in its campaign for the uty McGlennon, Secretary John F. 0'- r education of the public as to the weak Neil, of Jersey City; State Treasurer train between Chestnut and Beach in Bank for at least Three Months prioi ' Mr. Howard Anderson, wife and son, streets, Red Bank, and sustained ser- 3 from the large $GO,000 M. 1'. Church, spots in the present banking system. James T. Tootney, of Mcrchantville; January 1 and July 1. The second approves and recommends State Advocate Patrick J. Dolau, of ious scalp wounds and cuts about the Broad and Erie avenue, Philadelphia, head and body. the retention of the present laws gov- Newark; State Warden Peter j. O'- ISSUKS TJtAViaiMlS' CHUCKS PAVABLE EVMYWHEHE. where Mr. Anderson has charge of th2 ft ft ft ft music, visited this church both after- rning bank taxation. The third calls Brien, of Jersey City, anil the State SELLS FOUEIGJ. DltAVTS TAA'ABLE IX ANY PAET OP noon and evening, taking part in the for the appointment of a committee, chaplain. Rev. Peter JInrt, of Mt. Hol- KrdK'lit M'roefc liuins Six Autos. THE WOULD. services and addressing the Sunday with Colonel \V. C. Fiske a member, ly, will receive the visitors UK they Six automobiles wero demolished in School. Their presence and remarks to confer with the .secretary of State arrive. There are fifty-seven coun- the Pennsylvania yards at New 1IARUY C. .PERR1NE, President It. C. STEPHE.NSON, Cashier were edifying and appreciative. Both in the hope of a revision of the laws cils in the Slate and each will l>« Uriinswlck on Monday. They were T, FRANCIS PEKR1NB, Assistant Cashier covering the deposit by hanks of bonds represented by two delegates, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are live, active consigned to Garsidu & Hudlnot, and DIRECTORS: workers in the Philadelphia church. for the faithful performance of trustn. * 4 « «.' were packed in it freight car, which The resolution recommends that this UAN1KL, C. CHASM CHRISTIAN STRAUB HENRY WOLFF A new Roll Chart is to be provided Town Aflor Trolley Compiiny, jumped the track and toppled into matter be taken ont of the Preroga- for Primary department of the Sunday I'nli'KB It remedies defective con- the street. HARRY C. PERRINE GEORGE V. BOGART tive Court and placed In the hands of School. ditions respecting Its tracks, equip- * * ft 4 J. DA1RD PKRRINE R. C. STEWIENSON the commissioners of banking and in- Next Sunday is the time for the ment and roadbeds within thirty day:,, Despondent, Hiiiifjs Keif to Doorknob. surance. Officers were elected as fol- In Plalnlicld, the 1'iilillc S«M-VI Kail- scholars' offering for parsonage fund. lows: Presldunt, \V. W. Van UUHOII, Despondent because with Ills low As It occuru on Mother's Day, It was way Company will lie liable to a lino wages he could not see how to pay :ashier National Newark Banking Co., of $20 per day for each day in de- suggested that wo make an offering Newark; vice-president, (.'loomfield II. i'or a home ho recently bought, John In honor of the best mother that, ever fault, according to not lee nerved on Kuupivof Perth Ainboy, hanged hini- Minch, Brldgeton; treasurer, I)e Wkt the company Monday by Mayor (i. P. J. MONAGHAH lived, Van Dunkirk, Hayonne; secretary, Helf Tuesday afternoon while his wife MACHINE SHOP Plans are being formulated for the \V. Aloy. Several days ajjo Street wan out working Knapp had com- William J. Field, Jersey City; execu- Commissioner Andrew J. (iavett, mi — PLUMBING, HEATING, celebration of Mother's Pay at the tive committee, lOdward F. Plerson, plained of not feeling well and Tues- ENGINES, BOILERS and MACHIKEBr morning and evening services. Moth- UerinslruoAioiiH lroin the Mayor, mail'! day romaluod In bed when Mrs. Knapp Jersey City; 10. II. Dartlett, Atlantic n complete InveHtlKation of the trolley ROOFING, METAL CEILINGS Ot all kinds repaired. ers specially Invited. Hymns, addres- City; H. W. Howoll, Trenton, and VI. went out for the day. When she re- ses and sermons appropriate. Don't conditions. His report. In embodied turned at night she had difllculty in MODEL MAKING, PLUMBING, S. Carr, of the City Trust Company, In an order nddroHMud to tlie eoiii|iauy SHEET IRON WORK forget to wear the white carnation or Newark. opening tho door of their bedroom. GAS FITTING, STEAM AND some white flower in memory or hon- wherein are alleged a score, of de- It was forced open, and Knapp's body Jobbing Tromptly Attended to or of your mother. * * * * 1'eets. Mayor Moy is acting under was found hanging from the door HOT WATER HEATIHft Furman Hausa led the Senior C. E. the provisions of an ordinance pau- knob. He had used a strap in killing OFFICE: Tri'es I'lnnlcd for ilio Head, sed a month ago Riving him authority V. NEWELL JAMES meeting last Sunday evening. Ocean Grove Arbor Day was cele- hlniHclf, and his head was less than 120 DAVID STREET, SOUTH AMBOV The singing at the song service to name an Inspector and to impose a loot from tho floor. Mrs. Knapp Corner Second and Stockton 8U. brated Monday by planting trees for tho line as stated should the corpora- last Sunday evening was very inspir- the friends of the place who died said that her husband had worried ing, and prepared the congregation tion he delinquent in carrying out hisa great deal about financial matters during the year. A memorial service orders. The company is Instructed for the preaching service, which was was conducted by Rev. Dr. Aaron 10. since ho was discharged as cured "DELIGHTFUL PLACE" also of interest and blessing. to do so much that it will probably from the State Hospital for the In- Bailard, assisted by Rev. Dr. Henry require night and day work to com- The above is a general expression Mrs. P. A. Stults' class will hold a sane at Trenton a few months ago, HIGH-GEADE Wheeler. Those for whom trees were ply with the demands of the city ex- of all who visit our new quarters in sociable in the basement of the church o planted were Itev. J. II. Alday, Alex- ecutive within tho time sot. the "AMERICAN" BLDG. cor. Smith this Friday evening. Ice cream and ander H. DoHaven, Rev. Dr. B. C. Dutch Clocks. and State streets. cake for sale. Instrumental music Lippincott, William G. C.aston, Mrs. * # * ft will be rendered. Practically nil the wooden clocks Our Students are Greatly Pleased Frances Oakfield, Miss M. h. Hobbs Xi'iv Trolley Line for Long Brunch. If all goes well, it Is expected to cnlletl Dutch aru made In the village A course at our school now com- and Miss Mary E. Sewell. Dr. Alday By a unanimous vote, the Jersey of Freyburg. in the Bluck forest. This break ground for the new parsonage and Mr. DeHaven were members of bines pleasure and profit You can soon. Central Traction Company, whicn misnomer is due to simple mispronun- secure a good position by completing the Campmeeting Association and Mr.operates a trolley line between Perth ciation, IDoutij^h'* jneaning, of course. F. W. STELNS, It is expected that reports will b9 a course with us. Gaston was an usher in the Auditor- •Amboy and Red Bank, was Wednesday German. • Stuvens Avenue, near Main Street', made at the Sunday School and C. E.ium and* leader of singing at several Enter Any Day. Indfrldual Instruction SOUTH AMBOV services next Sunday by the returning night granted a fifty-year franchise of the summer services. The trees by the City Council of Long Branch, delegates from the Allenwood con- were plhnted in Auditorium Square. Trainer's Business College, vention. for a line In Broadway, Third and PLEASURES. / * « # * Myrtle avenues. It will run between PERTH AMBOY. N. J. o Laughing, if loud, ends in a deep Save Red Bank and Long Branch, pass- Ladies! Money and Disguissd His Vocation. / Trolley Cur Kills Man. sigli, and all pleasures have a sling Keep in Style by "What Is your occupation?" asked Failing to notice a trolley car ing through Little Silver and Elk- wood Park, entering Long Branch by in the tail, though they carry beauty PHILLIP SUIAIVAN, Reading McCall's Magazine the good womnn as she handed out rounding the corner at Division and on the face.—Jeremy Taylor. the fourth roast beef suudwlch. Ninth streets, Jersey City, Sunday Myrtle avenue. A hearing was given and Using McCall Patterns "I am an ex-pouuder, madam. My n/ght, John Sheeny stepped in front the company's application Monday PLUMBEB, STEAM McC.ll'i MIIU!K vlll help you dress slyl- dsllvery has become Impaired and I lot the vehicle and was killed. The night, by tho Borough Council bf AND GAS FITTER, Ishly at a moderalu find It rery difficult to gpt ii bout," nu victim was on his way home fror.i Red Bank. Consents and rights of A Help to Promptness. expense bf keeping Anxious Voice Over the Phone—Doe- Stevens Avenue, South Ainboy. you posted on the sweretl the weary traveler. work when struck. He was sixty way have been secured for the entire iciest lasliions 1n Thereupon the one time pugilist, tool?' distance. It is proposed to start work tor, please hurry over to our house. clothes and bats. 60 Ills leave niitl th<> good woman mur- years old and resided at 232 Eighth One of the fnniil.v hns suddenly been Now prepared to do all kind* 3t New Fashion Do- street, Jersey City. His son, Joha on the route by August 1. The trac- SIKUS In each Issue. mured. "Poor follow!"—Judge. j stricken with a fainting fit. Is there plumbing. Also valuablo iufor- T. Sheehy, is the Democratic Third tion company, by its franchise, must anything you w.-uit ready when you get motion on nil bome o All work dpne at It should be. and personal mat- Ward leader. furnish books of 100 tickets to school here, so thai (here will be no time ters. Only 60o & POINTEBS FOB THE MOTORIST. children and teachers at $3.30 each, lost? Doctor -Yus— er—you may have Estimates Cheerfully Given. year, Including * * * * a free pattern. Sub- and will take care of the asphalt be- my fee reudy.—IJpplueott's. Prices aa low as Is consistent wlU scribe today or send State Medical Session. tween its tracks and eighteen inches flrst-class work. lor frecsauipiecopy. Facts About the Tare of Itlnis. McCilIPitt'ruwllU'iinliloyoutomnkoin your The one hundred and forty-sixth outside. While the company is giv- Easy Enough. own homo, with your own bonds, clothing Just now at the beginning got the for yourself and cblldrou which will be per- annual meeting of the Now Jersey en the right to construct an overhead "Maw, I've come across a word that KETPOBT'S fect la style and (It. Price—Donehigberthan season, when motorists are agjlin tak- State Medical Society will be held at I can't pronounce." IB coots. Send for freo Pattern Catalogue. trestle in Broadway, Long Branch, "Spell it, dear." NEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT W* Will Gin You Fine Preicnti for celtlnc sub- ing their cars out on the roafl, many the New Monmouth Hotel, Spring across the tracks of the New York and scrlptlonsnmoncj-our friends. S«ndforfree automobiles aro being examfted with "G, e, o, in, o, r, p, h, y." LINE Premium Catalogue and Cash 1'rlzo Offer. Lake, from June 11 to 13. Long Branch Railroad, it is generally THEHcCAllC0MPANY.239li>249 Wql 37th 5l,-gig Y0M critical eye to detect any trouble "Why, that's a proper noun—Geo. LEATES KEYPORT t believed that some other plan will bo that may have been broi/ght on by * * * « Morphy. Pay more attention to what Week Days 8 A. M. taken into consideration. you ure rending mid don't bother me the long winter's rest. } Princeton "Thelogrs". Graduate. Saturdays 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. •ft * ft * apalu."—-Chicago Tribune. Thirty-seven members of the grad- Sundays..8. 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. A. NEW JERSEY CENTRAL. One of the things whiph should be Ileururd Offered for Inhuman Autolst. looked Into is the condition of the uating class of the Princeton Taeo- IEATES NEW YORK Bungled It. TRAINS LEAVE SOUTH AMBOY rims. It may seem IWwjn small thing, oglcal Seminary received their di- At the request of Prosecutor Geo. Old Mn!d—You ent very little, Mr. Gansevoort Street )lomas Monday morning. The Re-/. For New York, Newark and Eliza- yet rust which Is likely to collect on S. Silver, the board of freeholders of Smith. Smith (tlattered and wishing Week Days 4:30 P. M.beth at 6.23, 7.07, «7.32, 7.60, »8J0. rims during the montlis of Idleness is Sthelbert Warfield, president of La- Middlesex County on Monday after- f.o he i-vjtupUmenhiry)—All, to alt next Saturdays 12:30 P. M.10.01, 11.10 a. m.; 12.02, 12.28. 2.41. a real danger fayette, presided and delivered the ad-noon adopted a resoultlon providing you Is U> lose one's appetite.—London Battery 4.35, 6.01, 5.67, 8.09, 9.44 p. m. Sundays, Rust can always be detected by the dress. Others who spoke were* the that a reward of $250 be offered for W.iH-li Itog. Week Days 5:16 P. M.8.26, a. m.; 1.17, 6.02, 6.47, 9.22, p. m. unponrancc of thy bends of the enve- Rov. John Fleming Carson, D. D., of the capture and prosecution of tho Saturdays 1:30 and 7 P. M. For Long Branch, ABbury Park, etc., To be seventy years young is some- 5.22, 9.10, a. m.; 12.07, 2.10, 4.40, 0.08. lope. When the .beads show n strong- Brooklyn, and the Rev. Russell Clecil, driver of the auto who ran down and 1 Sundays..9:45 A. M., 1:30 and 7P.M. 6.39,10.01, p. m.; 12.56 night Sundayi, ly marked yellowish stain it is evi- ). D., of Richmond, Va., moderators killed Isldor Fedol, four years old, hues far more cheerful and hopeful Hum to lie forty years old.—Oliver The trolley cars' of the Jersey Cen- 4.55, 9.42, a. m.; 5.02, 9.32, p. m. dent that tlu\tlf(i has not been prop- >f the General Assembly. at Deans on May 1 The boy was cros- trnl Traction Co. connect with the For Freehold, 5.22, 7.08, 9.10, a. m. Weudell Holmes. 12.07, 2.27, 5.15, 6.08, 6.39, p. m. Sun- erly cared for, This stain ia nothing * * * * sing the street when he wns knocked Iiont at Kcrport for New York. lown and killed. The autoist failed days, 11.10, a. m.; 6.02, 9.32, p. m. elso than i^ist, which forms on the Butchers to l%lit Beef Trust, Might Have Got Moro. • New York only. Tims and is deposited on the heads of to stop. The car is said to have had "I iilw:iys liuvi' bard luck." A meeting of retail butchers and Why Pay More? Buy at home and W. Q. BBBLEE. W. O. HOPE, the tire. /If It t.s allowc-d to remain a, license tag of the State of Pennsly- "NVliMt's i lie ion tier nowV Vlce-1'res. <£ Geu. Mgr. (Sen. JPaes. Agent it will Justroy the tire, for it will eprcHontativps of tho independent vauia. "I borrowed u dollar from my wife save money. nlmltolrs of Hudson County was held 2-25-12 slowljyuut surely out away the fab- « ft * -* vi'sli'i-d.'i.v. ii:id slii> h.-id to urenli n five Monday night in Trinity Brotherhood rlnllnr I.ill tn let lilt: huve it." —Detroit ric. Moreover, the edges of rusted rims Children C«ftt Matches; House (Jnno. wjjp become more uneven every day. lull, Jersey City. Plans were discus- i'Yco 1 'rrss. ^Further, when a rin\ is rusted it ia led for breaking the grip on the local Children playing with matches, it •ct:iil meat trade alleged to be held by In believed, caused tho destruction ot Tl n Rest Was Easy. Impossible to maintain the close and 1 KEEP IT IN MIND regular eonlni't which should oxi'sl lie liwf barons. Support was prom- tin; home of Joseph Donnelly, at -144 Sh' - l nm v.i^ivy o'i lu-insj n hnchclor between rim and berul. Water will seil from butchers of tin; county. An Court, street, ICIiziibotliport, Monday/ tirl !lf- Well- ev—il" V'li knr-w I'm n ii:-.-iu( i.'Uiuu will b«' formed to get night. When Donnelly, who Is a wldf til sir!: of bi'lni; a spinster num. Bos soon find Its way into the tire to work tnti Transcript. THAT its usual harm. neat from sources Independent of the •IT, discovered the blaze it 1'a.l gained such headway that the fntlror After bavin;? bern out in bad weath- rust. ft * * -4 mid lii.s threu children had barely HSCArKS AX AWFUL FATE. er, If the motorist Is careful to sponge time to escape, while the others J'.uide The Citizen Job Department tires and rims clean and then wine Slnte Convention of IC. of ('. A thousand tongues could not ex- The sixteenth annual State con- their way out tmniiled. Little <'f tin is prepared to do any and all kinds of them dry, especially along the bonds, household effects were saved. press tho gratitude of Mrs. J. E. Cox, he will do much to prevent the forma- rention of the Knights of Columbus of .Toliet, Itt., for bar wonderful de- will be hold at Mount Holly Tuesday, 4 * « * tion of rust. it. is possible, however, i liverance from an awful fate. "Ty- that in spite of the exercise of reas- May 14. Convention day services will Would Him; Docfor 0. K. lVf'ddlngrs. phoid pneumonia had left mo with a onable en re the vims may suffer a >i.' held in the Sacred Heart Church The Board of Health of FMalnflcld dreadful cough," she writes." Some- NOTEHEADS little damage, (.-specially during the with an address .by Rev. Peter J. has adopted resolutions, a 'jpopy of times I - had such awful coughing LETTERHEADS winter. In any case it Is advisable to Hart and visiting priests. The delc- w,hlch has been forwarded J to the spoils I thought I would die. I could ENVELOPES examine tlio rims closely from time atos will then march to tho court- State Board of Health, urginf. that a get no help from doctors' treatment i KlU.HEADS to time. house whero the convention will ha law be adopted compelling i§J niili- or other medicines till I used Dr. /' STATEMENTS Many suggestions on the proper called'to order. State "Deputy Cor-i cants for marriage licenses King's New Discovery. But I owe my BUSINESS 4.AKOS 3 caro of tires, tubes and rims aro in-uelins A. McGlennon, of East Newark, obtain a physician's cerl.lflcal, life to this wonderful remedy for I SOCIETY CARDS structively discussed in the two Books will call ,the convention to order an 1 Ing that they are mentally n scarcely cough at all now." Quick \ RULED Hl-ANKS "Dlbeudum" Issued by the Mlchelln name the various committees. While and safe, it's the most reliable of all ictiUy (it from the stnndnoln, V M.ANK' BOOKS I Tire Company, of Milltown, Now Jor-they are at work the ofllcera TV I He health. The rosoiiltlons throat and lung medicines. Every bot- soy. Copies will bo mailed to motor- present their reports. As nil tlj the laws of 1010 prohibit tin tlo guaranteed, 50c nnd $1.00. T»lul j l'AMIMILETS-' ists on request. < )rosont Slate otllcers are servin r>t licenses to an. imbecile,' bottle free at Geo. W. Jaques'. death to Amelia and win an easy vic- 10:30 a. m. Morning Service Begins, tory. I thought it best that be suo.iilst. Friday— favored, but. Miss (Jn-gory was no turned my face homeward. I won! as follows: Folks who equip Summer liomes do not like to take their good sure wlietner she favored me or not Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p. m. Sunday— have written my relatives that if thc.i Doane Memorial Chapel. pianos with tltcni. For these wo have two or three msilies of iiopulnr- 1 had a rival—n rival who bad stum got a report of my death anil Imrial t< Sunday School 2:00 p. ra. prominence, tbnujrli In n different licU Morning Prayer, Litany and Ser- Preaching Service 3:00 p. m. priccd pianos Hint will prove highly satisfactory in lioth tonal qualities coustder it, incorrect, hut I could trave mon 10:u0 a. m. and the service, which may lie bought on easy terms. from mine. HiirdhiK was nn explore aliiiiil us fast as a letter would go. He .'Hid (limber. lie had climbed uni oni, sldiH. I had no very near coiine -I ion1-; Sunday School 2:30 p. in. .NOTICE TO CKKIMTORS. We also arc constantly taking in exchange pianos that have been tile prominent s^wir.M |IC;I'KK. lint cerliii P Chapel of the flood Shepherd. used, nml these we sell very cheaply, also on easy terms. As ID Miss (iregory, I was in no IIII Thomas A. Couover and John Hnin- 1 imiv of tile Himalayas and Amies. II r.v lo forestall tiny report sin? mi;;!l Sunday School 3:00 p. i.i. illon roller Couover, executors of We iilso rent pianos—some folks would rather rent than buy for had Kluod on ilie top of mie mni.'iifai. hciir concerning me. I would like!; Evening Prayer 3:30 p. m. Richard P.. Couover deceased, by di- Summer use. on which mi ni:in had ever sti,;>il I ;:ct home an KOOII IIM Harding, s p. m. "We sell nil sorts of Victor-Victrolas on easy terms. ory kept that picture by her I fell that, The Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to uiy suit, with her wua, to say the lea* This newB was received junt as 1 (Seniors) 8:00 p. m. the creditors of the said James Car- dubious. was Httirtlng to tho Rtatlon to catch •• Saturday— berry to bring their debts, demands The Sewing School, whore child- and claims against the estate of the Since Unrding and I were travc'.lir-' train that would take me to the steam said deceased, under oath or affirm- er on which I had engaged passage t< ren are systematically taught all over the world it Is natural Hint w< plain sewing 7:00 p. m. ation, within nine months from thie HAHNE&CO. - NEWARK America without any time to spare The Basketball Team..7:30 p. m. date, or they will bo forever barred I was therefore prevented from get Tho Rector can be found at tho of any action therefor against the ting any definite Information respect' Rectory (except on Mondays) from said executrix. Ing the accident or making sure Hint 8:30 to 9:30 a. m., and from 1:30 to Dated February 13, 1912. my rival. Harding, had been killed 2:30 p. m., and requests that cases of ELIZABETH CARBERRT, OVER 65 YEARS1 Hut tiinee ho was always climbing I sickness be reported to him promptly Executrix. EXPERIENCE did not doubt (hat. he was the real in order that he may attend to them. Harding, the man whom I know would NOTICE TO CREDITORS. •firry the; IICWH of my death to ^! Jrcgory.. Baptist Church. Frederic M. P. Pearse, executor of All the Best and latest Itooks can be Margaret McKeown deceased, by di- Send at Small Cost. 1 don't like to confess It, but cnnrt Kov. Thomas Neal, Jr. Pastor. rection of the Surrogate of the County Residence 71 Second street. Why Go Without Good Heading! compels mo to admit that I felt just a of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to bit of satisfaction at being able to gc Services for the week beginning the creditors of the said Margaret Mc- DESSGMS THE A. C. PAKISEN LIBBABY .10me and announce the death of tin Sunday, May 12, 1912. Keown to bring in their debts, de- COPYRIGHTS &C. South Amboy 4-1-tf mands and claims against the estate .Anyonoflendlrig a Hfcoieh and drsc-riptlnn may nan who I knew had been anticipat- Sunday Services. Wllckly nscertaln our o|iini. before this court at the Court House Now, my name is Paul Wngstnff. I great happiness. I am engaged to :45 p. m. Song Service by the choir. Newspaper advertising is the very best :00 p. m. Preaching. Mother's Day in tbe City of New Brunswick on the m nn author and lecturer, and 1 es- io married." continued. Subject: "A Christian twenty-eighth day of June, 1912, at medium for bringing to the attention of the ected to deliver a lecture In that very We managed to say something glad- Mother and our duty to her." ten o'clock a. m., to show cause why own that same evening. To see my ome, though neither of us felt glnd. bursday— so much of the said lands, tenements, buying public your business and your wn funeral procession moving1 by was "Some one worthy of you, I am hereditaments and real estate of tho •1:00 p. m. Junior C. R. Topic: said Eugene Dooling, deceased, should wares and gaining their confidence by im- ot only surprising, but appalling. And ure," said Harding. "Japanese Children at School." not be sold ns will be sufficient to ho should I see among tbe mourners "Worthy, but not us you gentlemen Ps. 31:11. pay debts. pressing on them your personality and ut my rival,-Hurtling! I knew Hint vould put It. He has not been beard 7:30p. m. Class, J. F. Fulton, lead- •f outside bin 111 tie circle. He is a er. PETER F. DALY, Judge. reputation for fair dealing. his heart he wns rejoicing, though 8:00 p. m. Weekly Prayer Service. DANIEL W. CLAY'l ON, o had mistimed a funereal expression •lain, unvarnished business man." Let. us enjoy these week night meet- Surrogate. uite worthy of (lie occasion, 1 drew And such i.-i fame. Willie I had been ings. JOHN A. COAN, Proctor. 'lick Into my enrrlage. ulllcloutly prominent in the lecture A cordial invitation to all the ser- 4-27-7 Previous to seeing Hnrdlng follow- old to, warrant a rascal personating Ices. ig my remains t:i the i;rave I bad e1:- no andj Harding wns known nn the F. FERD PETERSON f>yan Advertisement for Three Months •ctcil 1o join my .funeral procession nly niitn who bad climbed n certain Successor to Williams & Peterson ysclf and attend my Inieriiient. Hut loiintnlti, n nobody without any re.|'11- I'rcsbyterlnn Chnrcli Contractor, Street Grading, Concrete in the CITIZEN. s presence In the Ilirong boded no utiou y'liatever and known to ijut u R?v, fJeorgo Kano, Pastor, iod to inc. It would be n line scheme ow hundred ilersons, had iiuiclly \VnIk- orvlcos for tho week beginning or Flng Walks, Curbs, Gutters, Etc. •r him to go home, iiiiuuiinco my (1 away •ivllli the girl we contended for. Sunday, May 12, liua: Tel. 1023OV Toll. Tottonvlllo, Jf. Y. THE SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN. JIZ J PUBLI8IIKD BY HERE YOU AREMI THIS SOUTH AMUUV I'UINTING CO. High School Tidings Now you can get fine home-made Buy at. ii cooking right ia South Amboy. Every TEKMB:—ONE VKAR: $1 IN ADVANCE bit of food touches the right spot We have gained a reputa- MONAf^HAN'S TELEPHONE 146-L HAROLD HOFFA1AN, Reporter. tion for our New England Clam Chow and receive fuil value for your Administrators, Kxeculorn and Guardians der. Our home-made pies are simply money. We are offering for thia will please bear In mind that this journal Is a Hfcli School Items. boy in South Amboy and has many great. Step in and see us. legal newspaper and therefore a proper med On account of the rain only one ses- friends who will be sorry to see him week choice cuts of Beef, Pork, lum for the publication of their notices. Short-order Cooking: a Specialty. sion was held on Tuesday afternoon. g;o. H-e has pitched great baseball for Veal, Lamb, Etc. at lowest pos- Entered in the lJost Office at South Amboy On Wednesday school was held from the team this year and is the heav- HINES' RESTAURANT as second class mull mutter. 8 o'clock to one, so the boys could go iest batter on the team. His brother First Street. sible prices. to Perth Amboy to play baseball. Howard plays center field and has All communications or Items of-news re Miss Georgine Nichols, of the Jun-also a high batting average. Russell NOTICE TO CKEDITOES. A FEW SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY celvefl by us must bo accompanied by theior Class, has not been able to attend is a member of the Junior Class. For William Birmingham, executor of Bign'cturc of tho writer to Ip.yurfe publication John Kane, Sr., deceased, by direc- Prime Rib Roast - - . 16c school the past two weeks on account several years he has played on both tion of the Surrogate of the County SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. of illness. On Monday her class- baseball and football teams and hasof Middlesex, hereby gives notice to Legs Spring Lamb - - - - 18c mates presented her with a basket of been the star player on both teams the creditors of the said John Kane, Sr., to bring in their debts, demands Fresh Dressed Chickens - - 20c In these days of greed and graft fruit. Their loss will be a great handicap and claims against the estate of the it is truly refreshing to learn that No Literary Society meeting has for the local team in the county lea- said deceased, under oath or affirma- These are strictly cash prices. been held for several weeks. The in- gue race, as the team has no men who tion, within nine months from this there is one corporation in the coun- date, or they will be forever barred try that is not of the selfish grasp- terest in the society wanes each year can any way near fill the vacant po- Qu al ity and Weight Guaranteed Telephone Orders when the baseball season opens. sitions. of any action therefor against the ing kind. We refer to Whitehead said executor. WillReoeire, Bros. Co., the largest dealers in sand When "Russ" Boice leaves, Orr ,will Dated May 7, 1912. Hello 26-J Careful Afiention in the United States, who recently The I'oollsh Corner. have to take up the pitching job for WILLIAM BIRMINGHAM, gave to this city without restriction Now second base, is "Dingbat's placa the hasfball team. Orr did well in Executor. or any concession whatsoever, a plot He catches like a leaguer the box for the High School team of ground upon which to erect a steel But when ho caught a foul fly, right last year and is in shape to nil Hoice'a stand pipe. The property is valuable square In the eye position. and in a prominent location in the His average grew no bigger. ICinil Anderson will now piny cen- FEW city whicli makes the gift more re- What "Willie" things about it: ter field in place? of Howard Boice. Ernston Farm Eggs markable. Truly this city has been "If wo win, Boice. gets tho glory, Kmil is :t good fielder hut bus had no I'eilh Auilioy'H Oldest, Ijitrgi-Kl unit favored, and we learn that It was I think It is a shnnip; e.lmnre to play a regular position on are laid by vigorous healthy hens, through the good graces of 13dward the nlno. BARGAINS If we lose, it's another story— Mont Complete Outfit lor to housed In large, well aired homes, Whitehead, of South River, that th.i Tha mascot is to blame." Thi! Ihircl County Leugiio gamo was LEFT cleaned everjr day.. Nothing bnt good company generously donated the land. Tho Sophinorn boy has now abnn- to be played on Wednesday at I'orth Mon mill Hoys. donen his wireless outllt find has Amboy but could not bo played on clean grain and water Is fed and Mil- account of the rain. Manager La row Clocks, Rings, Watches, The Republican party has three sets taken up aviation. Ho now spends hln itary conditions prevail at all times. of delegates to the National Conven- evenings at homo, modeling aeroplanes tried to (irrnngo the gaum for Thurs- tion In the field in this district for out of old newspapers. Ho says the day but Manager Wlino.t.z, of the Brooches They cost a little more bat are Perth Amboy High School team stat- the coming primary. Tho Taft delegates financial sheet la tho best to use for and other articlen on hand ed that) thi! gniiinilH were too wet for are Lewis S. Thompson, of Broolcdale making aeroplanes as stocks aro al- when going out of business ALL GOOD. Farm; and James W. Johnson, of New ways going up, which ho hopes bin a gumc, HO tho giune will be played GET A NT! will bo sold very low, as I at Perth Amboy thin afternoon, weath- Brunswick. Alternates George G. Hying machine to Jo. desire to clear them out. Call A. 0. EBKST, SOUTH AJTBOT, IT. I. er permitting. Perth Amboy Is going Smith, of Lakewood; and Joseph and seo them. Another Sophmorn boy has gnlno .250 Children's wear. May 18. This can bo done before City Anderson 7 1 .143 JOHN STREET SOUTH AMBOY Chiropodist Parlor ers and it is probable that the game .143 Clerk Mack, who hap the necessary will have to be played over. Kabosky 14 2 papers. Standing of the League. Special Electric Treatment for Dand- Next week the High School baseball Won Lost Per. team will lose.two of its players when South Amboy H. S...2 .1000 SAMUEL E. SHIM & SON ruff and Falling Hair. A New Brunswick jury has decided "Russ" and "^lose" Boice leave for Metuchen. H. S...... 2 .1000 Combings and Hair Goods Hade up that even coal is sold "short weight in Perth Amboy H. S...1 .500 JL. BRIEFS, Painters and Decorators Newburg. "Russ" Is a very popular Woodbridge H. S 0 In any style. Perth Amboy. The evidence was so .000 Paper Hanging and Moresco Work convincing that it took the jury but 1)1 Smith St. Estimates Cheerfully GlTen. Dr. J. MORROW, Chiropodist a fow minutes to c'6nvict the de- FOHESTKI18 OF AMERICA. on Monday night. This promises to 28 Tears Experience. fendant. A be a popular success as through the Pertli _A.mfooy. Monday and Tuesday 1-6, 7-9 p. m. Klukorutc Program of Twenty-Third efforts of the committee, arrangements 83 George Street South Amboy Wednesday 1-6. 'Phone 258-J. Hon. John W. Sloaum, of Long Anminl Convention of New Jersey have been made with the Jersey City Branch; and Hon. ThoSias J. Scully, Grand Court.—Prominent Speakers | Board of Trade and the Merchants of this city, are candidates as thirJ to Attend nt Banquet. I Association to be reviewed by the district delegates to the ;ltiational Dem- Mayor and Board of Aldermen of Jer- ocratic Convention lo h$shiold at Bal- The Twenty-third Annual Conven- sey City and the Supreme and Grand JACOB O. SHCTJTTS, AUCTIONEER timore. Their altcrjiates aro Joshuu tion of the Grand Court of New Jersey, Court offlcers of the order from a HUllard, of Mann barken; and George Foresters of America, will be held at Grand stand to be erected In Grove C. Low, of Toms J-tiver. These men Elk's Hall. Jursoy City, on May 14thstreet, in front of the City Hall. Past PUBLIC SALE uro not hiding behind a bushel to bi>and will be attended by three hundred Grand Chief Ranger M. F. Cronin, has dictated to at j.T.he convention, but delegates from all parts of the Stat?. been chosen as Grand Marshall of tho OF come out openl/ in favor of Governor Representatives from each of the thir- parade, which will start from Jersey w! ty-seven Courts of the order in Hud- avenue and Montgomery street at 8 w! J son County compose the committee of for President! of thoUnited States, o'clock p. m., and It Is estimated that arrangements and an elaborate pro- at least 7,000 members will be in line Farm Stock, Implements, Household bocause \hv.yj believe him to be an gram has been arranged, which in- Mayor H. Otto Wiltpcnn will open Jionost, fcarUSsUS s nnd capable man, hav-cludes n banquet on Jlay 11th at which ing t.hoso alorling (iiialitlcs so essen- t.hra convention at Elk's Hnll, Jersey prominent speakers will attend an'l City, on Tuesday morning, May Mth, tial for the position of .such high a street parade on tho Monday night Goods, Etc. by nn address of welcome to the at- trust, 'l/ho voters can rest assured lTcci'dliij; the convention. that tlnSHo men can safely be scut tending throe hunilp'il delegates. Thr The subscriber will sell over 1,500 articles to the highest bidder, beginning at to the/convention, ami that the boat The banquet, which will bo the op- Ip ,.(,sl(1|I1K „,„„,,. of (Iu, convent((m wjn interests of .tho Democratic party will rnins social feature of tho celebration, b(, (;i..ln,, chio,. n.mK(,,. T, ,;. LllIinj. 10.30 o'clock A. M., on will be held on Saturday night at tho bo ^vell served. This city gave Con- of Camden, assisted by tho (irnnd Sec- on what is gressman Scully ii splendid vote when Columbian Club, Jersey Cityf nnd will rotary W. L. J. .lobes, of IToboken. ho was running a.s u candidate fur be presided over by the Hon. T. F.The election of Grand Court officers known as /office, and il would be an honor to Donnelly, Supreme Secretary of thewill be hold in the afternoon nnd it tho Democratic voters of tho city, If order. Among the principal speakers is conceded that tho present Grand Situate on the road to Morristown from Miituwan and near the latter place. they gave him nnd his running mates of the occasion will bo the Hon. J. Sub-Chief Ranger, D. J. Flynn, of on the ticket a unanimous vote at the Otto Wittpenn, Mayor of Jersey City, Perth Amboy, who is tho popular The articles to he sold comprise all the Fanning Implements, Tools, Jersey Cows primary thin month. Thero is not an the Hon. John F. Fitzgerald, choice for the office of Grand Chief and other live stock on the place, as well as the contents of a sixteen-room dwelling, nlom of reason why it. should be oth-Mayor of Boston, Mass., both of whom Hanger, will be unanimously oloctoil nr.vku1. 'iV.'nk it over, Democratic are members of the order, Addresses to that ofllco. The officers of the com- including parlor, kitchen and bed-room furniture, carpels, bed-room suites and kit- voter, and make it. unanimous! It Is1 will also be lVijyle by Supreme Chief. mittee in charge of the. arrangements chen utensils. Among the other articles to be sold are lot of corn, hay. straw, pigs, Hunger Harry W. Mace, of Philadel- certain to be almost, so. Then don't for parade nnd convention are Presi- chickens, mowing machines, potato planter, spring market and farm wagons, car- bo In tho cold, cold minority. phia, Pa,, Junior Past Supreme Chief dent F. ,T. Loupor, VIce-PrPRlflpn-t V.'. Hanger J. F. Cosgrove, of Hartford, A. Johnson, Secretary J. JI. Lennoc, riages, plows, harness, tomato plants, hotbed sash, crates, baskets, grape boxes, car- Conn., Judge E. B. O'Brien, Supreme II. Hysman, Treasurer, and John ,1. peutenter's tools, and hundreds of other articles not herein particularly mentioned. On account of moving I offer for Treasurer of tho order, of Lynn, Mass., Mitchell, chairman of comm[iteo cm sale Buff Rock, White Rock, Rhode anil Charles J. Keenan, Supremo Aud- and Means. Conditions of Sale—All sums under1 $15.00, cash; "on sums of $13.00 mid' Island Reds,'Eggs for hatching and itor, Philadelphia, Pa, Brooding fowls. Save* money by buy- It is announced that the entire over, three months' credit will be given by purchasers giving a note with aijf,firmed Ing hero. Baby chicks for sale, Chat. membership of tho Courts of Hudson Tim drink that pleases th-3 palate. security. g ' MRS. W. H. HANK.r^sON. S. Biicltelow, Bordentowu avenue, County nnd visiting members of theYnci/t Club Coffee, only 28 ceiUs pound South Amboy, N. J. 4-c-tr order will participate in the parade at Ilrown Bros. Ten Co. SOUTH AMBOY CITIZEN. SHEBIDAX&—16, OASIS—10. mcE—First Street, near liromlwai. On Sunday, May 5, the Sheridan A. C. met and defeated the fast Oasis P. C, of Atlantic Highlands by the SATURDAY, MAY 11. 1912. Sporting Comment soore of 16 to 10. The game was well played on both sides, being feat- Prices 211 Business Hum OPPOBTCNITIES FOB ALL. Items of Interest Presented In ured by many sensational plays. By HUGHSEY. * * The score follows: Short Paragraphs for Busy Sheridan A. C. FOB BENT. ABR HPOA E Readers. The Morgans will meet the Danish The following articles are especially 1 FOB RENT—House, Stevens avenue, a Social A. S., of Perth Amboy, to- E. O'Connor 5 3 1 improvements. Mrs. P. M. Ijlttell. 5-U-tf M. Delaney 5 0 0 priced for this sale. Look over the morrow (Sundy) afternoon. Here's E. Dooling 5 2 0 TO LET—S room house on Bordentowu George M. Church has taken charge luck, boys. avenue, all Improvements, gas range in of Emiliussen's pool room on Broad- J. Casey 5 10 list carefully, as you cannot aftord to kitchen. Apply to Mrs. J. Emillussen, Bor- * • * E. Hardy 5 dentown avenue. 4-ti-tt way. The people of this vicinity now have D. Sharkey i miss any of them FOK KENT—Flat, G rooms, bath, ove an opportunity to familiarize them- J. Connors 4 David street Theatorium. Apply to I\ J selves with one of the most modem P. Purceil 3 Monaifhau. 3-30-tr William Ward has moved from Mat- branches of sport, aviation. The hy- awan to this city, taking up his resi- J. Quinlan 5 2 2 FOB RENT—Five room house, CatUerln dro-aeroplane, owned by R. J. Collier, Oasis F. C. street; city water. Mrs. J. Emliluusen. 2-3-t dence at Broadway and Catherine st which is now at Seidler's Beach, is of the latest type. Those interested Smith 6 0 Specials from Saturday to Tuesday FOB KENT—Five room cottage on Augus Hunter 5 2 ta street. Mrs. Josephine Clark. 1 27-tf in aviation can go there and get a The annual congregational meeting good idea of the workings and prin- Crawley 4 1 FOB KENT—Hooms In ParlBen Building Camenskee 3 1 Btearo heat, electric light and water. _ lu of the PresbyteriaE Church will be ciples of the machine. 2 quire on premises. 5-7-tf • • * Lavoie 4 Compound Lard, lb. lOc held after the service next Sunday Brennan 5 0 evening. GOOD BOUTS AT THE l'ERSTO A. A. M. Johnson 5 1 FOB SALE. B. Johnson i! 2 Mazle defeats Cosan—Carroll Rests 1 FOB SALE CHEAP—House with 1 Mrs. William Donnelly was taken Foster .5 Granulated Sugar lb. rpoms. One and a half lots. Uood location llonan—Iliiblis and If awes Draw. Score by innings. ' "Inquire CITIZEN oltice. to St. Michael's Hospital, Newark, on. In a six round bout before tho Sherfdans 2 4 420004 —16 Thursday, suffering from a very ser- members of the Perino A. A., onOasis 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 2 FOB SALE—A special bargain In a ulne 1—10 room House and a lota, city water and gas or ious ailment. Monday night, at Perth Amboy, Mike Two base hits, Doolfng 2, Casey 1 New Cheese, lb. electric lights. Also 0 room house, tine yarc Mazie, lightweight of Stat- Quinlan 1. Home run, Lavoie. Bases with flowers and fruits. Has, hot and cole en Island, handed defeat to Young water, large stationary range. Also neveiu, Arthur Applegate lias secured op- on balls, off Casey 4, Johnson 2, off special farm bargains ranging from six acres Cogan, of Elizabeth. Though Cognn Oaney 3. Struck out by Casey 9. by upwards. 22 lots lu iilock 41 bis. atasucrlllce tion on the property of Mrs. Lamb on was plucky, he was no mutch for Johnson 10, Cfaney 3. Double l Mueller's or Spaghetti, package 9c price. All lots are extra size, some as deep the clever Stalen Island boy who as 200 feet. Charles H. iluckolew. 0-25-tf John street, with the intention of Slmrltey unassisted, Sharkey and Har- purchasing it. landed on him at. will. The bout was dy. Umpire J. Purwll. Attendance Mazio's by a wide margin. DoO. Time of name 2 lira. 10 mill. MISCELLANEOUS. Much interest centered on tlio bout OaslS two huso hits, Hunter J, Jiren- N. B. C. Sodas, lb. The southerly line fence of the M.between Jon Ilonnn, the "lighting nnn I, M. Johnson 1, B. Johnson 2. PIGEONS FOlt SALIC—Choice breed 13. Church property is being removed waiter," of Perth Amboy, and Young To-morrow (Sunday) the Shc.rlilana Cold Medal Flour, 24% lbs05c STAMP SPECIALS cheap. F. M. ljittell, Bordentovm two. o-H-t iasterly about five feet, In conformity Johnny Carroll, ot Union Hill, (len-will meet tho fust Varlck F. C. of FOBTHK PHOTOOKAI'lllilt—Films de- eral opinion RIVOH Cnrroll tho hon-Jersey City, last year's champions of Vanilla Extract, hot 15c veloped; six exposures, lUc. Prints, 2}ixti}i, with strict lines. ors. The llrst four roumlH were Car- 3c; ly.xVi, HiixSii, 4c; ii«.\Q>£, 4xD, postals, 0c that section. This touui la one of the Largo Lemons, doz 18c $2.00 in stamps. roll's, who reached the Walter many 1'anlent tli»' Hhe.ridatiH have booked for 'each. Parlsou's Corner Drug Store, solo times with I ell Ins blown to the henil agents for John N. Lohrs, Woodbrldgo, N. J., George \V, Yeandle, a former res- tin* Heawon. Pure Jellv, jar 10c high-grade printing, developing and onlarg- and body, llonan hung back, lilting Marrow Fat I3eans, qt. ing for amateur photographers. 8-0-lyr ident of this city, and late of Jersey Carroll do all the leading. Tho lirih # $1.00 In stamps. City, has moved to Nyack, N. Y., where wiis a draw. lTonnn "cnnie to" for a Lust Saturday the Tiger A. C. put MONET TO LOAN la sums of $100, $2011, »:fOU, one over on Hit; MotdiatdcHvUle Van- 18e, 2 forS3e »,tflO, *5<)0 and up to *2.00l>. Inquire at Law he has gone in business. short time and rushed Carrol) sev- Best Tea (any flavor) MVb 30c Offices of John A. Lovely, 140 Broadway. eral tlini'H to tho ropes. In the Hixlh rei-H to the tuiiiJ of II to 12. it was n e.lotio. game. 11. Let.tK, pitcher for $5.00 in stamps. MONEY TO LOAN on Bond and Mortgage. 1 Monnn landed a terrllllc left to Car- Loose Mince Meat, tb . .Sc Apply to J. A. Conn, V. O. llnlldluE. Sunday being Mother's Day, a wlilt roll's jaw. Carroll went down and tho Tigers did somo fancy twirling arnation will be presented to allhugged the floor to tho count, of nine, und MattiiH, of Urn Wanderers was not Goldon Santos Coffee, lb. iW« who attend the morning service at llo got up and went nt the Walter a dead one either. Thft TlgerH would $1.00 In stamps. WORK WANTED. desperately, but plainly showed that like to receive challengea from any Red Alaska Salmon, can... 17c the Methodist Episcopal Church. tho blow lie received had staggered team composed of players ranging In ago from It to 13 years. Address all Large Prunes, tb 14c DRESSMAKING WANTED—Mrs. Ada him. The iinivl boll round both boys 1 Hamilton, 0» Malnstreot. 3-1(1-8 The Ladles' Aid Society of the Dap- lighting hard. communication. ! to "Mughsey," care Pure Lard, It) 13c $1.00 In stamps. ist Church will glvo an entertainment of tin! Citizen. Toddy Hubbs, of Pittaburg, and o HELP WANTED. in the basement of the church on Maxey Mnwes, of Brooklyn put up a Wednesday evening next. Tickets, 25 clwin ami iulcrettMng inhibition of WANTED. HELP WANTED—A painter, also a paper boxing for six rounds. The bout wus Babies from every city, town, ham- baneer. Sv. T. Hammell, (i8 .Second Btroet. cents. * declared a draw. Hubbs is a protege 5-11-1 let, and county in New Jersey and ROQUEFORT and IMPORTED of Jimmy DeForcst, and his style of many from neighboring States are A dance and entertainment will bo boxing Is clean omt scientific. Hawos 1OST AND FOUND. Is an experienced boy and knows wanted to enter the unique "Baby Pag- held in the Sacred Heart Parlslx Hall how to handle the gloves. From the eant," which will bo one of the big LO8T—Two 84x4 automobile tires mounted next Monday night. A good social start to llnlsli tho bout was full of features of the "Boost Now Brunswick SWISS CHEESE on demountable rims. A reward offered for action, ;botU boys working all th<; return of same to John H. Dunn A-.sons, 'venlng is In store for all who at- Week," celebration, at New Bruns- Firemen's Building, Newark, N. J. end. Admission 25 cents. time. The opening preliminary was short wick, May 26th to June 1st. nnd fast. Al. Mlnkler, of Perth Am- The Pageant will be held on Sat- ON SALE John A. Coan and James H. Gordon boy, gave Young Russell, of Stateu urday, June 1st, and It is estimated will represent South Amboy Council Island, a gentlo sleeping potion in that close to 1,000 babies will be ex- No: 426, at the State Convention of the; first round, ending tho bout. Another prelim short and sweet hibited by their proud parents on that the Knights of Columbus to be held was between Young Nichols, of Stat- day. The whole city of New Bruns- at Mount Holly on Tuesday next. en Island, and Young Keays, of Brook- wick will be turned over to the little yn. In the second round Keays guests that day, and the Committee of Brown Bros. Tea Co. The regular meeting of the- Ladies' went down and took tho count, seem- ing to have lost all interest in thethe Board of Trade, in charge of tho BLUE FRONT Auxiliary of the P. R. R. Y. M. C. A.affair. celebration, is making special arrange- ill be held tornight (Friday), May Monday evening, May 20, is the date ments to care for them. 0, at 8 o'clock. All members are of the next show, for which an A-l 183 Broadway Telephone 153-W card is being arranged. " Every affair of this nature ever equested to attend.—Kate Freeman, given before will be eclipsed in this Every Family Should Have ecretary. • • * Y. Iff. C. A. DEFEAT CYPHESS A. C.display, outsido of the Asburk Park A fast game of ball was played on Baby Parade, and to make it equal in a Telephone. The Epworth League of tho M. R Stevensdale Field last Saturday af- mportance with Asbury Park, the Jhurch will celebrate their annivers- ternoon between the P. R. R. Y. M. C,same Carnival Commission which pre- xy on Tuesday next. The Rev. QeoA.. , and the Cypress A. C, the latter being beaten by the score of 17 to 7.sides at that show will make the A telephone in the home is a Tohnson, of Sayreville, will deliver Hafdy did some tall twirling, strlk- awards at New Brunswick. wonderful convenience In ar- he address, which will be followed by K out 15 men. The score follows: Many queries regarding the events VERT SPECIAL! ranging the many little social social time. P. R. R. Y. M. C. A. nd methods of conducting the pag- affairs which contribute so ABR HPO A Leonard If & 2b 5 4 3 1 eant have been, received by the Board much to happiness and make 1D. E. Mahoney & Co. expeexpetlllj»"ecessary. likely to be iridluni. lridlum is a very concerning 1 he Korean capacity for expose to sale at public vendue on M. Meets at( K. of )\ Hall, first and high Valley Railroad.) bard metal, and il is expensive. It WEDNESDAY. MAY TWENTV- third Momhijys of each month (axcept- food seem to agree. In this rcspve.1 costs about four limes as much as gold. I wish to refer again to the matter James H. Drought, of Milwaukee, XINTH, XI .VIST-KEN HCXDIIEI'J ing July, August, and holidays) at \ there is not the least difference be The purpose of the iridium tip Is. of 7:30 p. in. of drainage and, as I have said tim^ author of the Wisconsin automobile AND TWELVE. tween the rich and the poor, tbe noble course, to give the pen a more durable at two o'clock in the afternoon of and again to you, there is no one and the plebeian. To eat much is ai law, believes the pedestrians are more Joel Parker Council, No. 09, Jr. 0. often to blame than motorists for the point. the said day, at the Sheriff's Office, in thing that will improve your crops honor in Korea, and the merit of ( the City of New Brunswick, New Jer- V. At M., meets every Friday evening, increasing automobile accidents of the The gold pen maker buys his gold :it in Knights of Pythias Hal). Councilor, more than effective under-draining on feast, it would seem, consists not so tbo assay office in bars of pure 2! cnrat sey: day. Ansel I Morris; Recording Secretary, soils. This appeals with greater force niueli In the quality as in the quantity gold, which he melts and alloys will] AH tract or parcel of lands and A. R. Chatten. of the food served. Little conversatioi "If the large number of pedestrians," premises, situate, lying and being in to all clay or bard-pan soils, hut also silver nnd copper to tbe degree of line- the township of Sayreville, in the occurs during the Korean meal, fur says he, "exercised one-half the care m'ss required. Gold of 14 carats is Gonii lodge, So. 86, D. B. 8.— i>o some of the lighter types which, each sentence might lose a mouthful county of Middlesex and State of New Regular meetings second and fourth generally speaking, have not been con- shown every day by the average auto- used in tbe manufacture of tbe best Jersey, lying adjoining on the south A Korean Is always ready to eat. Ho mobile driver, there would be far few- American gold pens, that being the de- side of the Radgeway Clay property and Fridays of each month at 8 p. m., ia sidered to need under-draining. As attacks whatever he meets with ami Bundensen's Hall. President, Nels er accidents. gree of fineness deemed most suitable is a part of the property conveyed to the great bulk of the land lying along rarely cries "Enough!" Even bet.weei Kviest; Secretary, Jens ThompBon; "I base this statement upon my mo- for pen use, but good pens made in Otto Ernst by Stephen M. Disbrow by Financial Secretary, Thomas F. the line of our road it either clay or meals he will help himself to anythin this country for sale in France are deed of July 1st, 1873, recorded in Spangenberg; Treasurer, John S. hard-pan," than in other sections. edible that is offered. toring experience—a long one; 1 have, Middlesex county Clerk's office in book covered over fifty thousand miles at made of 18 carats, the French govern- 11!) of deeds, at page 404. Beginning Lund. '""' 'it is*rfot necessary to reiterate the The ordinary portion of n laborer h ment requiring that ail articles exposed the wheel of a motor car. in the south line of said Ridgeway Clay Star of Jersey Lodge, "So. 484, B. of many advantages of drainage. They about a quart of rice, which when for sale in that country as made nf property at the northeast corner of n JL. l'\, and E., meets in Welsh's; Hall, are well known to every farmer. What cooked makes a good bulk. This, how "Jt is my observation and belief gold shall be of not less than 18 car- tract now owned by August Simoneit; that dozens of people arc injured daily First and Third Sundays of each mcntb I would like to discuss here is the ever, is no serious hindrance to his de- ats. thence by survey of :S73 along the at 2 p.. m.. C.. L.. Cozzens, PrePres^*s i vouring double or treble the quantity by automobiles for two reasons, first Tbo gold from whirl) Hie pens are Io south line of said Ridegway property ldcnt; L. D. AVortlcy Finan. Secretary ways and means of how to get drain- (1) north eighty-eight degrees and five age, and I wish to discuss just one when he can get It. I£nting matches because they do not use most ordinary be made is rolled and rcrolled ur.sil and Treasurer; John Jeinmison, Re- are common. When .'in ox Is .sliiuplil- 1 minutes oast twelve chains and seventy cording Secretary. phase of that. cnri , and secondly because they do what was originally n thick, heavy l,:ir l'mlis; thence (2) south two degrees ored and the beef in served up it heap not get a proper warning of the car's of gold has been rolled into n thin go'il and t"ii minutes east seven chains ing bow! of (be steaming mess (low Washington Camp, Xo. 30, P. 0. S» Last year we carried on several approach. ribbon nbnut three feet in length by and eigbly-i-ight links; thence (,?.) of A. meets second ami fourth Monday not aliiriu any guest. When fruits experiments in connection with the "Occasionally an irresponsible driv- four inches wide. Then (his gold rib- south cighty-cight degrees and five nights of each month, at K. of P. Hall Hue!) as peaches or small melons, are minutes west, twelve chains and sev- DuPont Powder Company. "We have er is altogether to blnine, but, not so bon la put into a machine whi h at 8 o'clock. Charles T. Grace, heard good reports from these, so served it Is saiil (h.-il Ibey are devoured stampH out of it pen shapes, (\H tlill enty links; (hence. (4) north two ilfi- I'resident, John French, Financial, without peeling. Twenty i machine, whi"h cuts tbe Kill In tin- neresi strict, measure. Hounded north One man on whos<< land we dynamite 1 incus on alternate Friday.-) of each not common, and for OIK,' feast I Here nntl-nolse. crusader* who aim Io miii- pi>n. From tho BIIHIHK imirhini; tiie by said liMgewny property, east by month, at 2:.'!0 p. m., in Knights of a long, narrow strip reports that nil HH-- many fastings. The Koreans an pivcK noise nl. any <:oKt. In the cuv.:.1 pens go through another, which g!\es land ol' wild Krnsl. or tbe first part, PytliiiiB Hall, First nnd Stockton neither fusliilloii.s In Mielr eating nui .south by the line of a tract this day during the fall when lie wished to of the automobile signal (.lie eoBt. i.-i Mieni tlielr rounded, familiar pen form, streets, Councilor, Mrs. Julia Tice; drive across his farm, that he nat- painstaking in their rooking. Notiilng and thru tin; pens iin; ground and pol- conveyed by said ICrnst of the first Rdi Secretary, Mrs Ada Ward. human life, lOvery person (Jf exper- part rind wi'st by said Simoneil's land. urally selected that strip over which goes to waste. All Is grist that eon 1 ished niul Ilnlslied ready for use. to the mill In their mouths.—New York ience and every person who will uHi Together with thc> hereditaments I'iiiil Dc'CJr.'iw Hamilton Tiodtre, Ko. to drive, because it was much dry.>r reason, must realize that a warning American gold pens in fountain pens ami apimrti'nances thereunto belong- !i!ii, 11. of If. T., meets every 2d and Press. ing, and the reversion find remainders, than any other part on his farm. Ad- signal must be loud enough to be al- or us dip pen* nn> sold In every coun- fourth Sunday of each month at K. ded experiments will be carried on try In Kurojx; In competition with pens renis, issues and profits thereon, and of P. Hall. President, A. M. Slover; ways lieurd, and harsh enough to meun also all tho estate, right, title ami this year on these dynamited plots to A FUNNY SULTAN. of Ilrllish or of Cei'iniin niaiiiifiichire. Secretary, William Eulman; Treas- dungf.-r. Whether plcituunt or not it and under the same eompelition I hey Intercut of the said defendants of, in urer, Thomas J. Kennedy; Agent of show the increase of yield and in- is vital nnd necessary. Now you may and to the same. Official Publication, Edward McDon- crease of activity nf fertilizer on the Ho Liked io Play Practical Jokes Upon are sold throughout, tne world in South ough. r«Killute tho use of UIIH kind of sig- Americii, Africa, Japan, China, wher- AUJHRT ItOLLSCinVKlLKT?, drained spots, as compared with (ho His Invited Guests. We all like our little joke, and east- nal, but the signal you must have for ever puns sire used.—Nuw Vovk Kun. Sheriff. Protection Engine Company meets undrained. the snfetv of life. L, K. WATSON, Solicitor. on the fourth Thursday of each month ern potentates have from time Imme- If 10.72. We are anxious to carry on more of morial enjoyed the reputation of be- at Kngine House, Bergen Hill, at 7:30 "The (line IIUH come to be fair to p. m. President, William Birmingham; these demonstrations this year, not on ing the merriest of monnrchs. Th SILENT MEN. the automobile. It Is everywhere in COUNTY Treasurer, Michael Welsh; Foreman large areas, but to drain places of Moorish palace of Sultnn Abu Yuktili the world. It is one of the grentoKt Wallerntein, Who Never Smiled, Was James Mauion; Secretary, James Yussjiff at Seville—known today us th about one acre on many farms dis- civilizing forces. It has already left tho Most Dramatic of All. COUUT. Greene. Alcazar—eonlMlus one of tho most, tributed over the entire territory serv- Washington's reserve made him elaborate practical jokes extant. When •m ind'ilibU imprint upon civilization Good Samaritan Lodge,'No, 52, K. of ed by our road. To this end we have stiff, formal and ill nt ease in compa Ip the matter of Estate of Margaret in a gay mood .some important nier aii'l y«>t. UK work has sacroe begun. P., meets every Wednesday evening at made with the DuPont Powder Com- ny, but it also prevented his plans McKeown, deceased. — RULE TO S o'clock, at Knights of Pythias Hall, chant or notable of Seville, would re "Let's hnvo progressive automohlle pany arrangements under which our from being betrayed to the enemy and corner of First and Stockton streets. ceive n pressing invitation KummouiiiK legislation, bused upon liberality and SHOW CAUSE. road is to direct the agricultural end the country from being deceived by Chancellor Commander, George W. him to the presence. In n fever of de- good KCIIBO.. Yon can't slop the auto- Frederic M. P. Pearse, Executor of French, Jr., Keeper of Records and of the experiments, the DuPont Pow- his promises. the last will and testament of Mar- lighted expectancy the flattered guest mobile; but you can regulate it wise- Seals, Charles S. Buckelew. der Company is to furnish a technical William tho Silent was frugal or garet McKeown, deceased, having ex- would don bin whitest raiment and bio ly. You can't do away with Its dan- man for the handling of the dynamite, him to the palace. words, because n reserve that conceal- hibited under oath, a true account of General Morgan Lodge, No. 9G, I. 0. ger signals, but you can regulate ed his designs, even from those netin;: the personal estate and debts of the 0. I'\, meets every Tuesday evening at and the farmer on whose land the ex- There bo would bu ceremoniously them. Progressive legislation should with lilra, was nwcisary to (lie inde- said testatrix whereby it appears that 7:30 o'clock, at Knights of Pythias periment is carried on is to pay for conducted to the gardens and directed include greater freedom of speed, more pendence of tho Nethcrlnnds. the personal estate of the said Mar- Hall, Noblo Grand, B. T. Lambertson; up the. long avenue. Hut, alas, half- garet McKeown is insufficient to pay the dynamite necessary for the worl;, The most ilmmil(Ic of silent men Secretary, Charles P. Thomas. way up it ho would Inevitably trend stringent penalties for reckless driv- her debts and reipiesting the aid of which will be about five dollars for was Wallenslein, the antagonist of upon a moving flagstone! resting upon ing and more perfect methods of the court in the premises. United Brotherhood of Carpenters the acre piece. Under these arrange- Gustnvus Adolphus and tho comman- and Joiners of America, Local 1S02, a spring, and immediately countless identification. And in all this, the It is thereupon on this twelfth day ments, we expect to be able to carry der of the emperor's onuses in the meets second and fourth Wednesdays fine jets of water would gusli out of non-motoring public can and must do of April, 1312, ORDERED that all Thirty Years' war. IX". insisted (lint of each month in People's Hall, Sayre- on a. large nnmber of experiments. the ground and from the surrounding persons interested in the lands, tene- its share." the deepest silence should reign around ville. President, Thomas Dolan; Rec, As perhaps I have previously stated, shrubbery and drench him. Amid UK- ments, hereditaments and real estate Secretary, Walter S. Compton; Flnan. him. Ills officers took care th.-it no of the said Margaret McKeown, de- jeers of the courtiers the luckless and Secretary, George Bowne; Treasurer, dynamite" for sub-soiling is used as loud conversation should disturb their ceased, appear before this court, at bedraggled wight would beat an un- Charles Englehart. follows: holes are driven in the general. They knew a chamberlain tbe Court House in tho City of New dignified retreat. Before be was al- groifiid 15 feet apart and five-ninths ENCOURAGEMENT. had been hauged for waking him with- Brunswick, on Friday the twenty-first Court Uuritan, No. 44, P. of A., meets lowed to leave the palace, however, he oSfa pound of dynamite is placed in Give the young and struggling a out orders, nnd an otUeor who would day of JUNE, 1012, at 10 a. m. to on the second and fourth Wednesdays was sworn (o secrecy on pain of death. word of encouragement when you wear clanking spurs is the command- show cause why so much of the said of each month, at 8 p. m., in Protec- Jfaeh hole, tamped and exploded. The At all costs nothing must make the lands, tenements, hereditaments and tion Hall. Chief Ranger, Marcus can. Utter the kind word when er's presence bad been secretly put to ^.•object is to shatter the sub-soil and joke fall flat when repeated. real estate of the said Margaret Mc- Peterson; Sub-Chief Ranger, Louis allow the water to pass down and out. you see that il is deserved. The death. In the rooms of Wnllensteiu's Keown, deceased, should not be sold Borland: Finan. Secretary, Edward The treacherous flagstone has been Also, where a person wishes to set thought that "no one care3 and no palace the servants glided as if phan- as will be sufficient to pay her debts. Ttewan; Treasurer, Michael Zupko; removed, and today the visitor may one knows" blights many a bud of toms, and a dozen sentinels moved And it is further Ordered, that this Rec. Secretnr3r, Louis Meinzer; Sr. trees, the holes may be dug by dyna- pass with impunity, but a peseta to promise and often breeds discourage- around his tent charged to secure the order be published pursuant to the Woodward, Nelson Banks; Jr. Wood- mite; this shatters the ground for a the head pardoner will usually cause silence tbo general demanded. Chains statute signed, by the surrogate, for ward, Nelson Kviest; Sr. Beadle, considerable distance and makes tho the fountains to play. Not many peo- ment. were stretched across the streets and six works, successively at least once Michael Press; Jr. Beadle, Ludwig conditions favorable for root growth. ple know of their existence, however. roads in order to guard him against in each week in the South Amboy Hartman; Trustees, Aaron Hyer, Sr., Experiments have also been tried on The water is sprayed through 'hun- the disturbance of sounds. Wnllcn- Citizen, a newspaper of the State, Richard McCloud, Sr., Andrew Krott- soil; here the dynamite was placed dreds of tiny pipes, so small us to be Not the Silent Partner. steln's taciturnity and love of silence published in South Amboy, New Jer- meyer. almost invisible, which ure placed in "I want to telegraph $25 to Chica- that caused him to be irritated at the sey. Inily Grace Lodge, No. 27, D. of Kt between the rows of trees and explod- Witness Peter F. Daly, Esq., Judge ed la an effort to brealc up the ground the cracks between the flagstones.— go," said a mnn to the clerk in a Bos- slightest noise wns due to his consti- 1. 0. 0. F. Meets on the First and Strand Magazine. ton telegraph office recently. tutional temperament. He never of said Court, this twelfth day of Third Friday evening of each month, and secure if possible a deeper root April, nineteen hundred and twelve. in Scully's Hall, Stevens avenue. Mrs. growth. At the same time, demonstra- "The name, please," asked the re- smiled, he never asked advice from By and Large. ceiving teller, a good looking young any one, and ho could not endure to PETER F. DALY, Judge. Caroline Anderson, N, G.; Mrs. Mar- garetta Thomas, Rec. Secretary. i tions of blowing large rocks or A correspondent asks, "Where did the woman behind the counter, whose oge bu gazed at, oven when giving an or- DANIEL W CLAYTON, stumps, and thus clearing up land, fool expression 'by und large' come might have been twenty-five. der. The soldiers when he crossed Surrogate. Seneca Tribe, No 28, Imp'd. 0. B. may bo givea. from, and what does it mean?" It is "It's for Mrs. Mary K. Brown, 175 the camp pretended not to see him, JOHN A. LOVELY, M., meets every Thursday evening, at Those o£ you who wish to carry on scarcely foolish, for the meu who in- avenue," answered the man. knowing that a serious look would Proctor of Petitioner. 8 o'clock, in Knights of Pythias Hall. vented the phrase were the gTeat sail- briug them punishment.—Exchange. 4-20-7 Sachem, George McKenna; Chief of experiments of this kind, during the "Tour name, too, please," again ques- Records, George G. Oliver; Collector coming year, should make application ors of tho past, nnd by und large they tioned the young woman. of Wampum, Stephen Miller. opened a new v urld for folk to whom "My name ia Henry Brown; I'm the IJf CHANCERY OF NEW JEKSEY. to me as soon as possible, so that all the speech of adventure Is a closed Concrete Stays Put. lanthc Council, No. 6, B. of P. Imp'd other half of the firm," answered the As concrete gets older it becomes experiments may be planned and car- volume. To sail "by" is to sail fts close man. TO HUGH KING, TRADING AS Order of Red Men, meets every Second ried on in a consecutive way and tho to tbe point from which the wind harder nnd more durable—that Is. of Hugh King and Company and Pat- and Fourth Thursday of the month, "Tho money goes to the silent part- course, if the concrete is properly at 2.30 p. m. in K. of P. Hall. Poca- expenso of the work be reduced to the comes us the ship's lines will allow ner, eh?" good naturedly remarked the rick O'Leary. mnde. The usual means of wrecking By virtue of an order of the Court hontas, Mrs. S. B. Grace; K. of R., minimum. I have now on hand appli- and as skillful steering will permit. young woman. Kate J. Berlew. To sail "large" is to anil with tho wind. n house have not tho slightest effect of Chancery of New Jersey, made on cations for about ono-lialf the number "Not on j'our life she isn't!" answer- on concrete. The sledgehammer, the the day of the date hereof, in a cause of experiments' wo can enrry on this Together they include all possible ed the man. "Nothing silent about her. wherein the Star Building and Loan Independence Engine & Ilose Co., points of sailing. Therefore "by and drill nnd dynamite must be used. No. 1. meets 3d Monday In each month year, and hopo that all applications for She's made more noise for the last two Acids might be used to disintegrate Association of South Amboy, N. J., is largo" is a vivid phraso to express the complainant and you, et als are de- at 8 o'clock p. m. Forman, L. F. Mein- the remainder of tho experiments may weeks for this $25 than you can imag- the concrete, but the expense would zer, Jr.; President, John B. WoodV idea of all Included.—New York Sun. ine. She's the noisy partner of the fendants, you are required to appear, be In this office by Monday, May 13th. be enormous. The only thing to do is plead, answer or demur to the bill ward; Secretary, N. N. Pearce. firm, and she makes good with the title to loosen the material with explosives P. II. STEVENS. of complaint of complainant, on or 1 Tho Proud Duke. too."—Boston Traveler. and then brealc it free from tho steel beforo the fourteenth day of May Sterling Castle, No. 50, K. G. E., • Agriculturist, Lehlgh Valley It. It An English importer In New York meets first and third Saturday evening re-enforcement with sledgehammers, next, or the said bill will bo taken as of each month, at 7:30 o'clock, at told a stoi'y illustrative of tho pride of Thought Concentration. and that Is a long, tedious job.—Boston confessed against you. Knights of Pythias Hall. Noble Chief. Tho Eagle. the late Uuko of Fife. Professor Elmer Gates performs e Advertiser. The said bill is filed to foreclose B. Golden; Master of Records, F. I. '.According (o an .'moioiir.iiiolioii, die "A very rich woman in Grosvenor very interesting experiment by im- two certain mortgages given by Stults, Jr. eafflo renews ils strength wlim very square." lie said, "once asked the duke mersing his hands und arms to tho Durability of Steel. Michael A McCarthy and wife to tho to dinner in terms like these: Star Building and Loan Association Srnr Ilnildingr nnd lonn Association, Old. It mounts nhifl until il <-uke of Fife to By withdrawing his thought absolute- plate of steel that lasts a year in serv- nnd the other dated August third, in eacli month. President, Thomas dinner on the 7t!i inst. lit 8 o'clock.' *" Wbenco it eiiH-i'tu'S full of rt'ii'nv. d ly from one band and concentrating il ice may be regarded as perfectly dura- nineteen hundred and five, and on C. Gelsinon; Secretary, John J. Delan- Vigor. Some commentators huvi- sup "To this Invitation cmiie back the on tbe other bo so expands the blood ble. Continual bonding backward and lands in tho city of South Amboy, ey; Treasurer, John J. Coakley. answer: Middlesex County, Now Jersey. ; posed that the passage In Psalm ^ili, vessels in the hitler by Heading an ox- forward, ns in what is called "panting" " "i'lie Duke of Kife's piper is desired Ira supply of blood to it; that tbo wa- And you Hugh King, trading as Singing Society LlcdcrJsrnnz, South 6, "Tuy youtji 1M renewed like iiu> n boiler's end. Is the most trying for Amboy. Practice of singing takes to inform Mrs. Parvenu's social secre- ••'•r in (lie vessel in which it is over- Hugh King nnd Company, are mrule \ eoglo'S," nUmli)a to tills nlil ruble. Itul Bteel which, according to an expert, is place every Monday of each month at tary that the IHike nf Fife declines her :,im quite perceptibly. To further "tumultuous in youth, trustworthy In a defendant because you hold a judg- thft*moro probable fact is Mint It refers ment against said J.Tichael A. McCar- S p. m. Business meeting held every Invitation.'"— Washington Star. i'i-ovo this power of thought concentra- middle age nnd beyond reproach in first Monday of each month at 9 to tho stvcnptli nml vigor wblrh • •har- tion lie transfers, the thought from thy which is claimed to be a lien on p. m. Fred Thumhart, President; OcterlKoa tho eagle even In old. iipe,— old age." said lands; nnd you Patrick O'Leary, Depending on the Neighbors. one hand to the other wit bout, chang- are made a defendant because you Kutscher, vice-president; Harry Rich- Harper's. She was a rather plump old woman ing their positions until the other ves- ard, secretary; Chns. Steuerwald, Tho Running Gearv held a Judgment against the said treasurer; B. Grohe, librarian. When Eyes Are Blacked. ana had nlways tried to be accommo- sel overflows. •"Tou say you have n new mnslcnl Michael A. McCarthy, which is claim- i Benunm—It is said that only one out dating to her neighbors, but even her l'rofos.sor licit, Inventor of tbo tele- comedy?" aslts (bo manager. "Have ed to be n lien against the said lands. obliging spirit hud to refuse a request phone, said that when driving in the you a scenario of it?" Dated tho thirteenth day of March, Of flfteeu persons has both oyes In youtl 1912. FIItE ALARM SIGNALS. condition. from a neighbor who sent by her little provinces Ik extremely cold weather, "Yes. I brought It nlong," answers 27—Stockton and First streetB. boy the following message: JOHN A. COAN, ,„.». jj _ Bonlinm—I think the avcrnpo is when he was in great danger of having the author, producing a collapsible 132—Bordentown nvenue and Foltui rs his feet frozen, be was able to send Solicitor for complainant. Btill sninller lute Saturday night.—New "Please, inn'nm, mother sent mo over evening bat, a wltzor bottle, a set of Post Office Building, street. to see if 1 couldn't get n couple of an extra supply of blood to them by eccentric whiskers, pink silk lights, an Xorlt Press. 3-1C-5 South Amboy, N. .1. 3G—Broadway and Augusta street. pounds of Inrd off of you."—Llppln- concentrtiting liis mind upon them and artificial nose and a German dialect 45—Main and Aupustn streets. cotl's. thus saved himself from u very pain- joUe.-Ufe. 54—Broadway and Bordentown ave- ful experience.—Nautilus. NOTICE. nuo. 1 G3—P. R. R. Ynrd Master's OfOco. HELPS A JFIHJE IN A BAD FIX. Foot Workers. Deep Sea Life. All persons concerned may take notice, that the Subscriber adminis- 72—John street nnd Stevens avenue. Justice 1311 Cherry, of Ciillis Mills, Bill—I see that each German regi- A Merry Old Solo. Aniiunl life;, existing iinfijir a pres- 81—Fourth and Potter streets. ment has nttaehod to U a chiropodist. Tennyson clung as tenaciously to his sure of five and a half tons to the trator, etc., of Charles t'uvknrd, de- Tenn., was plainly worried. A had Jill—In case, of u retreat I suppose ceased, intends to exhibit h'm final ac- soro on his leg had baffled suveral old boots as to bis old lints. AVlllimn square inch, 1ms been found in the :ount to the Orphans' Court for the Stemil Code. thoso fellows could do eome pretty Alllligbam records In his diary on Tonga biisln. near New Zealand, nt n doctors and long resisted all remn- Jounty of Middlesex, on Friday, the good foof work. — Yonkors Statesman. March 20, 1.V8I: "Crowning (lined nt depth of four and (lime-quarter miles. 1 tap wire trouble or fire out. tlles. "1 thought it was a cancer," he seventeenth day of May, 1912, nt 10 2 taps 12 o'clock or test. Totiuyson'.s lust night. Tennyson in The, greatest ocean depth known Is a. m., in the Term of April, 1912, for 3-3-fi General nlnrm. wrote. "At last I used Bucklen's Ar- Pleasing n Girl. treat forco. lie said, 'This pair of less than n niile deeper. settlement and allowance; the same •1 followed b^'.company number then nica Salve, and. was completely cured." RIIHens-Whnt Is tlio firs! thing n tfiV dress boota is forty year.i old.1 AVe being first audited and stated by the box numberxmciiua that aald com- Cures bui/ns, bolls, ulcers, cuts, bruis- low should do If be wuuts to pleiiKe n nil looked nt them, nnd I said it win It Is n great deal easier to teach an Surrogate. pany is wanted there with appara- Dated April 10, 1012. tus, "i es and plies. 25 cents at Geo, W. fflrl'! CynlctiH—jr.'ike a fool of himself :ood evidence nf (lie immortality of old dog now IrU.-liM tbnn it is to malie r over her—Plillnclclphfn Iternrd. him forgol bis old onw. ROBERT P. MASON, • i-5—Police t^irce wnntcd to report by Jftquos'. rne son!."'—'iOr.:k»y. •'Jin'oidcle. •1-13-3 Administrator. telephone ot_ In uerson to City Hal1 THE SOUTH AMBOT CITIZEN. carefully the lesson which it teaches SCHUYLER'S TOY CANAL.. you. If you are married it will do A HUMAN ENIGMA you good, since it preaches a sermon It Made the Principle of Looks Clear SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. you may well take to heart, especially to the Dutchmen. if your married life has not been It 1s not known who first conceived 3SBW IOBK ASCSEMEKTS. what you had hoped for it to be. If the lsmgnificent idea of connecting by The Count of St. Germain, a Fa- you are not married it will denote one a canal Lake Erie with the Atlantic mous Old World Impostor. of the pitfalls which prevent happi- ocean. Experiments to improve the Grand Opera -"louse. • navigation of the .Mohawk by me.-ias The attraction at Cohan and Harris' ness in married life. Above all it. of small canals and locks had been Jrand Opera House for the week be- will preach a marriage sermon which tried years before De Witt Clinton CLAIMED TO BE IMMORTAL. ginning Manday, May 13, will be Mad- the minister can hardly hope to unfit the Erie canal. The purpose. anASissieretta Jones, known the world preach to you because of the short which wns to connect Lake Ontario He Dazzled the Court of Louis XV. and ovefV as the Black Patti. Probably no time allotted to him in the services through the Mohawk with the HINIKOH. Said He Had Lived 2,000 Years and met with a formidable obstacle at Lit- colored singer of the present day is and because he must depend entirely Had Concocted an Elixir That Would upon the spoken word to convey what tle falls, where the river descender! MICHELIN as well knowu to the American pub- for a mile or two over a series of Keep Him Young and Alive Forever. * lie as it this dusky warbler, who has the stage impresses with all the ac- cessories which it is privileged to rapids. One of the greatest impostors in the made several complete tours of the use." General Philip Schuyler of Revolu- annals of France and that the court of world and has created more or less of tionary fame had planned n series of any nation has baei to deal with was a furore in many climes by reason locks to overcome this descent of the the Count of St. Oentiaiu, whose life of her wonderful vocal accomplish- MOSLEM HOLY WARS. river. Knowing that the success of is written down as one long mystery ments. the project would depend upon the fa- and tastes much mare of iiction than One* Ordered They Are Waged Till The company surrounding Sissler- vor with which the Dutch farmers, of fact in Its relating. Who he was uo Either Side Is Wiped Out. settled near the river, received it. lio one knows nor where he came from etta Jones is known as The Black When a jihad pv holy war is pro- visited them. Calling a meeting at » nor wlmt finally became of him. He LOOK FOR THIS SIGN ON LEADING GARAGES Patti Musical Comedy company and claimed by the Moliumniudans It tavern, he unfolded his plan. The old suddenly appeared at Hie French court they give a mnslcal comedy perform- means that every male Moslem from Dutchmen loved and honored Schuyler. of Louis XV, In 174S lie bad an af- ance entitled "In the Jungles." The eight years old to eighty must take for be wns the bead of an old Dutch fable and convincing way a hunt him The superiority of Michelin Tires company consists of forty singers and up arras anil fight to tlie death, if need family. They were delighted with and succeeded in winning friends. .lust who introduced him or how tills luirn.1- dancers, the principal member, apart beH in defense of his faith. the prospect of the commerce of tho is recognized all over the World from Black Patti, being Happy Jul- When a holy war Is proclaimed the state sailing past. I heir farms, but they somp, brilliant, stranger came to be in- could not comprehend how boats could treielnced Into the court circle is a mys- ius Glenn who plays the leading com- sacred green banner of the prophet, kept furled at all other times, is loos- ascend Little falls. tery. It was at (lie period wliou the You cannot know what a edy role. Mr. Glenn is considered ened to the breeze, mid the Moslem The geiwu-nl by means of drawing most rigorous ellijiietIP was umint.'.ii!- the funniest colored man on the Amer- who does nut follow It is held to be explained the principle of locks. It ed :iiie] anceslry eounte'il for much and good tire is until you try a ican stage to-day. forever accursed. Anybody may kill was In vnln. The stolid Dutchmen every title of nobility bad to be thor- Michelin properly inflated him with Impunity. His wives, Ills shook their heads, saying that they did oughly authenticated before it was fic- Gaiety Tlicntrc. children aud his property ceiiae any not believe; it word of it. Water would cepted. The mist irreslstablo "pooler" that longer to belong to him. lie Is cut off not run uphill, and It wan useless for No one knew St. flernialn nor hud from nil communion with the faithful. the general to endeavor to uiuku thi'iu ever lienrd >>t him when ho iiiiulo his IN STOCK BY ever swung a night-stick, in a better believe that it would. detective play than ever came out ot The luiiii who engages In n holy war, debut at (lie French court, although lie on the other hand, is called "sliehid," Tho general went to bed mortified Hpread tin; report that In: was U.olM) France, is "Officer 66G" now in its which means "martyr" or "glorious nt his failure!. Turning over the thing yeui-H olel and wax able to convince JOHN J. SCULLY, fifth month of record breaking suc- one." lib sole aim and object hence- lu his mind, a happy thought HUKKOMI- many of the more susceptible Into lie- cess at the Gaitoy Theatre. "Officer forth is to kill us many inlldels an pos- od Itself. Hi: nrose, lighted n camllo, Moving It. He had no reconlM to show 666" is a sort of prophylactic, good sible. If he himself Is killed In his took a knife and a few Hliinglus and (hut ho was emlltleel to tho name of in a dramatic way, for that tired feel- turn it does not matter In the leust. went Into the tavern yard. Digging u count; he hud no visible means of HUP- ing that accompanies garden planting His religion teaches him that he goes miniature cininl of two different levels, port mid yet he look up splendid f|iinr- time these Spring days. It drives dull straight to pnriullso, where bright eyed he connected them by n lock of shin- tern In l'urls and lived at, an I'Xlrnvn- hourls are vvulchliig to clasp him lu gles. Then ho summoned the Dutch pint rate. The French court lmd lunl WILLIAM MOORE care away out to deep center field, and their ui'iiis mid acclului him as "bravest men, who came grumbling at helm,' some experience with adventurers und HARRY PARISEN „ is guaranteed to transform the most of the brave." nroii:;rd from their slumbers. Pouring wero uiArc or less suspicious; but. In Dealer In * .confirmed bore into the most com- It was because of a holy Wiir, pro- water from n pail Into tlio little canal, spito of die fnct that they knew nolh- Carpenter and Builder, HIGH-GRADE PIANOS panionable chap that ever grabbed a claimed against England by Gaylmi. he looked n chip through from the low- luc nhout him, St. (ionnnln was receiv- front seat opposito the third sack on a sultan of Kez, that England gave up er to the upper level. ed with open arms and tlio letup made 00 Catharine Bt., Houtli Amboy. Old Pianos taken in Exchange sunshiny championship day at the Tungieis. Kor twenty-one years tills "Veil, general, dot bents eferythliifr!" him his boon companion. Mine, de Telephone 108 particular holy wur was waged, uiifl exclnlmcd the astonished Dutchmen. Pompadour. the> relgnliiK beauty of Hie 201 David Street South Amboy Polo Grounds. court, consulted him freely on nliuirs Cheerfully dur.iug Hint lime no quarter wus asked •'Now ve umlerstiuids und vc ROCS(mll of state) ii ml society. So powerful elld Qco. M. Colinn Theatre. or Riveu l»y either side. To England you unt your canal!"—New 'ifcrk 1'ress. Got Tour Ceaapool or Vault Cleaned It WHS one long series of disasters. he become that dukes and ambassa- By the JAMES T. MONAGHAN, The fifth week of Blanche Ring's dors wore (Huong his closest friends The worst wns that which befell (he ETXDEBTAKEB engagement at the Geo. M. Cohan the- West Surrey regiment. Ambushed nnd HIDDEN HOARDS. nnd bitterest foes. aatre. New York, finds "The Walt surrounded, this corps was practically Finally St. Germain's claim to im- Ordorless Excavator and Fortunes Buried or Tucked Away In Street Girl" enjoying a popularity annlhlluted. only niue men out of more mortality became the general discus- I'rlcos—Single Clo:iets, J3.0O; DoubleClosetii ABTEBIAL EMBALMEB than 500 escaping with their lives. Wasteful Neglect. 80.00; Cesspools, 82.00 per tank load. that is expressed in house-full aud- None can estiinnto the wealth hid- sion among ull who lenew him or bud Office and Residence iences at each succeeding performance In 1842 again i\ holy wur wns pro-den In tlio days of the war between heard of him. lie claimed that lie l)\VII) ftUINLAN. Henry St Bordcntown Are, South Amboy, V. J. of this whizzing musical comedy suc- claimed against England by Altbnr the states. Down mountain slopes, would never die, for bad he not ul- rcudy lived "-',000 years, and natural- cess, Miss Ring's redundancy of good Khan, tue favorite HOII of Dost Mo- across the great plantations and along hammed, ameer of Afghanistan, whom tho streets of titles of the south are ly he was pointed out ns the wonder BAG humor, the spontaneity of her spark- England lmd deposed. The saviige hill of the age. He spoke every language ling wit, and her exhuberant person- trails of lost fortunes. On the Missis- tribes rose to a man nt his bidding, sippi river the shanty boaters tell tales then knowu and one as fluently ns the LET QS ality supplies a resiliency to the and the entire Iiritish army of occupa- of kettles of gold coin und money that other. He had a positive genius for CARPET WEAVING story of the girl who buys a half in- tion—about 16.000 men. Including were burled in the brakes or revealed chemistry and astounded tho world by terest in the Goldenrod Mines and camp followers—was wiped out of ex- in the caving bank of the Mississippi discoveries he made—or pretended to ROBERT VANDEUSEN IMPRESS charters a special train to take her istence. by a cascade of coin rushing- down the have made—along this line. The most The worst of a holy war Is thnt. once crumbling slope iuto the flood. Now monumental of all his, fakes was the53 First St; South Amboy and a half hundred girl friends out story he told of how, having been born THIS to Colorado to look it over that makes begun, it can only be ended by oneand then some sharp darky appears side or the other being exterminated, with a handful of old gold. close to 300 years before Christ, be for nothing but hearty laughter from had found age creeping up and deter- UPON YOU so that it is liable to drag on almost A mathematician might estimate the the first to the final fall of the cur- Indefinitely.—London Answers. mined, through his skill in chemistry, DANIEL DONLIN tain. quantity of nugget gold hidden by the to concoct the liquor that would keep PRACTICAL. PIDMDEB placer miners, the loggers, tinkers, him always alive nnd young. The Incidentally, Blanche Ring sings Blackbuck's Extra Nostril. tramps, soldiers—all the kinds of for- Estimates Furnished on Request some particularly fetching songs man's perfect nnd intimate knowledge Two visitors to tho menagerie wero tunes that are tucked awny in useless of all history led many people to be- during the course of the three acts in discussing the why and wherefore of and wasteful neglect in nil parts of lieve this wild statement. He would Rubber Tiring a Specialty •which "The "Wall Street Girl" is pre- an opening on the face of an Indian the country—in stockings, mattresses, relate personal narratives of Nero, that what ever you want in the way of sented, and several good specialties antelope or blackuuek halfway between old clothes, garrets, cellars, hollow Dante, Francis I. and other notables of Store Repairing Promptly Attended Ti are supplied by the members of her the eye mill nose. One visitor said it trees, hovels, mansions, caches of des- former centuries. ttfctvr Meters »SM. ELECTBICAL CONTBACTDfG supporting company, notably the man- was duo to an injury: the other opined peradoes and hidings'of foreigners. If finth Tubs, Sinks, Closet* Soli U can be found. Electric Lighting, Tel- it led to the tear duct. only one in 10,000 hides $100 that is St. Germain also claimed to possess Reduce-1 Prices. ipulation of the lariat by Mr. Will never found, nnd in every village nnd n secret of turning baser metals into ephone, or Bell-calls. Let us figure Rogers and a unique singing and "You are both wrong," said tho keep- SHOP: with you. We employ none but skill- er. "That Is an extra nostril for the town the proportion Is larger, among gold and of making precious stones. •dancing contribution at the hands, George Street, Between Stevens tad ful workmen. We do all kinds of fastest running member of the ante- farmers and buck country people much His untraced wealth and the fact that Pine Avenues. voice and feet of Will Cross and Louis lope or deer family. He runs so fnst larger, the loss will amount to $9W,- ho fairly blazed with diamonds lent Electrical repairing. Our charges are • 000. The chances are that there is a credence to his stories. He was so the lowest that the best work can bo Josephine. that his ordinary nostrils cannot supply Lawn Mowers Sharpened enough air to his lungs uaiure came to hundred million dollars of hidden for- clever In the workings of his fnkes done for. tho rescue with tho extra air channel. tunes in this country now—gold, sil- as not to be detected, and he was never lyric Tlicatrc. ver, precious stones and paper wealth. proved to be a swindler, a gambler or LOWEST PRICED No other animal that I know of Is so HARDWARE STOKE IN TOWN. Jas. J. Dolan If you talk about a new generation well provided. The black buck Is tho Many a farm, many a city property, a spy, though be was charged with be- of theatre patrons as a part of th; fastest thing on hoofs. On favorable goes Into neglect and decay because ing all three. Telephonol2MV present community you are very apt ground nnd spurred by fear the black- ibe heirs never knew of it.—Raymond He was about fifty years old at the 176 Henry St. South Amboy, N. L to raise the sneer of skepticism, on S. Spears in Harper's Weekly. time of his appearance at the French C. I. "BERGEN buck could mnke sixty miles an hour." Corner Stevens avenue and First street. the ground that our young persons —New York Sun. court. He carried everything before him while he remained there, but he Hardware, Tinware, Agateware, are much older than they used to be, Falconry. Gns Hxtures. Mantels, Gas and thereforo not at all new. But on was restless and finally drifted from The Lessening Death Rate. in medieval times falconry was ex-court to court and later is credited Plates. Etc. ALPINE'S Monday night at the Lyric Theatre Some of the greatest advances of ceedingly popular. To be seen with a with having become the boon com- SCHOOL SUPPLIES-Big Stock revival of "Patience" most of the aud- civilization are mndo silently. They hawk upon the wrist was the seal of a panion of tlie Landgrave, Charles of ience laughed with real heartiness at escape the flourish of trumpets, whilo gentleman, nnd ills rank was also Hesse, and is reported to have died iu Stationery, Tobacco and Cigars tho humorous turns of Gilbert's lib- other much less Important advances known by the species of hawk he was Schleswig-Holslein in 1780. are uccompanied by Incessant drum uslng-for a king the ger-fnlcon, for a BARGAIN STORE retto, showing that the book was en- CANVAS GLOVES boating and pyroteohnlcs. Tho diminu- But did he die or is he still living? TERMS: CASH OB CBEDIT. tirely strange to them. After the prince the falcon-gentle, for a duke the tion of the death rate is one of the fuleou of the rock, the peregrine fal- Naturally he is not alive, but no one Dry Goods, Shoes, Clothing sad original nine months' run of- this signal triumphs of modern onlignton- con for an earl, for a lady the merlin, over knew what beenmo of him. Gros- Jewelry Sold at 20 Per Cent. ploce 'had progressed Imlf-wuy the Iey. an eminent scientist nnd fellow of mout. It Is also one of the moRt po- the nobby for a young man, tho gos- Cheaper Than Elsewhere. .people stopped laughing. They knew tent checks on economic waste. The the Uoynl society, believed he saw St. huwk for the ycoinnn and for the serv- Call and Convince Yourself. the play by heart, and whenever there average age of each generation is be- ing man tho kestrel. Germain in a French prison during the arose an isolated guffaw everybody ing materially lengthened, nnd thnt re- reign of terror in 1794. Lord Lytton in FINE AVENUE Between J0HK aai sult Is chiefly being reached by stop- 1800 met a man who seemed the em- OIBO stared in tho direction from Had te Swallow Many Things. HENBT STREETS. ping tho excessive loss of rufnnt life. bodiment of the old count. Vnu itand* (or clrcul&rt, cle&f SOUTH AMBOY, X. J. whence It came. In tho moral certain- An amusing anecdote is related of Damme writes of a mysterious "ma- ty that a stranger had coino to (own. Yet few persons realize the extent of C and concite, tlio beneficent progress thus made or tho late Hungarian statesman Tlsza, jor" who was In the court of Louis Nn- It was memory of thin condition who when one day dining nt the Hof- iUndi for .printing them, what It has meant iu the way of In- poleon in 1855, who was of no known P ftlio the price, which mnde it apparent tho other creasing the sum total of human Imp- burg with the Austrian emperor placed nationality, of undiscovered origin nnd Jfor the Job, dones, to cheap evening that "Patience" was entirely pinesH and eulclency.—New York Trlu- a large pear upon his plate at dessert. with plenty of money from a source and 10 well, F, M. DeCiraw, fresh to at least two-thirds of tho The emperor remarked to his minis- none could learn. for the increase in good] throng that loft no unoccupied space ter that cold fruit after a hot dinner you will tell. wns injurious to the digestion. A man must have possessed excep- I In tho Lyric. Of tho effect ot the January. tional ability nsn falter and must Tiszn replied. "The stomach of a have had the trick down to an art to performance by this star cast there January derives Its nnnie from tlio Hungarian premier, your majesty, Is •can bo no two opinions. The aud-Unman god .Tanus, who was represent- have fooled such intelligent rlion as obliged to be; a strong one." Andrew Lang. Lord Lytton, Grosley Real Estate and. ience, which was thoroughly repre- ed with tho two fiicps. One wan Hit! Mail Us your Order Today sentative of Now York life, "ate it, up." fiioo of im old man, typifying the past mill many others, and for Hint reason Changed Plans. lie must bo put elown as one of the Thorn is no getting away from that. year, the oilier (hat n( a youth, in ref- A Chicago banker was dictating n erence to the now year. jiionf. monumental fakes of history.— letter, to his stenographer. Philadelphia PI-OKS. "Tell Mr. So-and-so," ho ordered, Insurance Broker Urndy's I'hiylioiisp. Gossip. -that I will meet him in Sehcneetady." Tho French Monarchy, O U Kid If a report U s,;i:.iro>.s oi' THI: SWAHF Arrhltcr.turally Speaking. of the country,which was destined to thn New York public since early Aut- are mosquitoes. As they sting they •"I -JU ibe imliitect of tuy own for- become France. Olovis wns a progres- umn, ainny nru attracted to Mr. put deadly malaria genus in the blood. ,,mr.. r-r.'.l iir. Dustiu Stas. sive king nnel vnatly extended his do- R Right 2 NOTARY PUBLIC Broad hurst's comedy drama who ord- Then follow the icy chills and the mains during tlie period of his rule, fires of fever. The appetite Hies nnd ••Well," replied Mr. HoleJeu Howes, from 4S1 to nil. He miulo endless inarily do not rut or the theatre, anil the strength fails; also malaria often "by being your own architect you're wnr on surrounding tribes nnd took it has been made tlio subject, of at paves tho wny for deadly typhoid, liable to t:et some curious effects, but territory right and left hy conquest. C Us B least ono church sermon. This was hut Electric Bitters kill and cast out you do save a lot of money on pinna In 493 Olovla look Paris by storm, . preached by » Brooklyn clergyman, the malaria germs from the blood; and speciflcntioiis."-Wnsliiui{ton Star. give you n line appetite iind renew and thereupon Unit city hejpnmc tins Ordering Printlntf who wns so Impressed by tho moral jfioriminent seat of tho French govern- Office, Post Offioa Building. your strength. "After long suffering," The Pity of It. Done Elsewhere, effect of tho story that, in concluding wrote Wm. Fretwell, of Luclmn, N, C.. ment. "three bottles drove all lie malaria "Do you believe necessity is the his address, lie said: "If you havu mother of Invention?" ' not soon the piny I would urge you from my system, and had good There Is only one real fulluro in llfo We Want No Pay health ever since." P nil stom- "Yes, nnel KIIO is also closely related _ , . (OfficeOffice, 107107-- R to do so, mid while you are enjoying 1 legible, and tbnt is not to bo true to , liver and k 50a at )o the prumissory note."—Blrminghnui Unless O. K. Telephone j j{,e8iaeno8| 14 thn • nlondlci rendition of It note Geo, W. Jaciucs'. \»e-Hcralil. I 'ie best one knows. 11

ted to Assistant Freight Claim Agent. P. B. Truesdale, formerly Special Asi'nt at Uniontown, Pa., was promo- WycKoii R Ijtle's Prices! ted to Division Freight Agent at the same place. Brief Etems Concerning People We A. J. County, formerly Assistant to 0NEY Know that Prove Interesting the First Vk-o-President, becomes As- VERY SPECIAL sistant to the Vice-President. Your chance to save many a dollar by giving us Reading. Joseph. Richardson, formerly As- a "look over" before going elsewhere. Everything For Saturday and Monday sistant to the Second Vice-President, Jackson Xeafie is very 111 at his becomes Assistant to the Vice-Presi- in every department at unmatchable prices. Below home on Broadway. dent in charge of Traffic. are just a few of the many bargains for you. Jersey Eggs, per doz. 25c . J. B. Hutchinson, formerly Assist- l Capt. Patrick Grimes has been on ant to the Fifth Vice-President, be- ISO Pair of $3.50 SHOES or OXFORDS, all strictly hand sewed Granulated Sugar, lb. - the sick list the past week. comes Assistaant to the Vice-Presi- in Patent, Tan and Gun Metal, during this week, at $\&A dent in charge of Real Estate, Pur- One lot of YOUTHS' $7.50 SUITS to go at $3.98 chases and Insurance. Butter, per lb., special - 40c Miss Ethel Bright, of Sayreville, One lot of $10.00 and 12.00 MEN'S SUITS, strictly hand made was the guest of Miss Nellie Wilson Stacy B. Lloyd, formerly Assistant to go at $7.25 Swift's Soap - 8 cakes 25c on Monday. General Solicitor, was promoted to BOYS' SUITS, all reduced, at. ...$Ufl, $1.7f>, $1.96, $2.19 and $3.50 Assistant General Counsel. MUN'S WORKING PANTS $1.50 value to go at t 85c Crisco, can - - 23c Michael J. Leonard, of Long Alan H. Strong, formerly Solicitor UNDERWEAR at reduced prices. Branch, spent the fore part of the at New Brunswick, was appointed Columbia Preserves, jar 9c, 3 lor 25cweek in this city. General Attorney, to be located at tho We are lirndfjimrterK for clothing made-to-meastirc. Evcrjljodf General Offices of the Company in is well acquainted with tlic Workmanship, Material, and "Snappy" styles dial tlie "Koyiil Tailors" put forlli, you can save $5.00 to $7.00 White Diamond Tomatoes, 2 cans 25c Mrs. Prank Morton, of Long Philadelphia. o on a Suit,. Conic In iiud look our samples over,' satisfaction guar- Branch, visited friends in this city anteed. 2 lbs. Best Prunes - - 20c on Thursday last. KENDALL ISSUES IIULES 3 lb. box Starch - - 18c FOIt EFFICIENCY TESTS (leorge S, Mills anil daughter, Ber- Instructions regarding the efficiency 1 cake Premium Chocolate - 15c nyce, of Now York, were visitors in teHt examinations for grammar school THE TU! town on Sunday last. pupils, for which arrangements have been made in accordance with the pro- Outfitters to Men and Doys from Head to Foot Mr. and airs. Harry Heed, of Brook- visions of the law ptissed by the last Broadway and David St. South Amboy Groceries during the week lyn, were guests of Peter Applogaiu, Argo Starch G boxes 25c Legislature, have been Issued by Stale Quaker's Whole Wheat Flour, 5Ib of M;iin street, on Sunday 1;IK(. Commissioner Kendall. package 20c 14 oz. Bottle Catsup, 3 for 25c Three schedules have been arrangc.'l 6 boxes Blue Tip Matches 25c Lima Beann !J enns for 20c 1 !\Irs. Ullli; Jeffreys* returned to IIIM in order to accommodate thorn; schools Pet Evaporated Milk, 3 cnns for 25o Maplo Syrup, large bottle iQu home at Freehold on Thursday, af- Hint C:1OKO onrly unil those that clos« Good Coffee per pound 25c Carolina Rice 3 lbs. for 25c ter an extended sojourn in this city. later, and also to meet tho wish of Homo of tho school authorities Unit Mr. uud Mrs. Vrn\ Dlxon, of I'luin- tho Juno examinations bo extended WYCKOFP SOUTH AMBOY, N. J lield, spent Sunday last with Mr. UB'I over a period of one week rather than 234 BROADWAY . Mrs. Symint'H Ingraham, of First sit. be limited to three days. The (liiteti of the, three schedules iiro „__-„-.. A. C. P. Qulinby, editor of. the Bris- as follows: May 111 to May in, June 10 tol, Pa., Courlcir, was In town on to Juno 12, and Juno 10 to Juno 14. Tuesday, and called at the Citizen SPECIALS The examinations will bo given in office. gllBh, spelling, peniiiitUHhlp, United Stalest history, geography and arith- The Citizen Is pleased to announce metic. that Augustus Mills, of David street, Attend This Sale and You It is clearly brought out in Mr. who was fcjoriously ill, 1B agnln able Kendall's circular that the State de- to he out. partment does not prescribe the use Will Derive the Benefit that may be made of these, tests in Mr. and Mrs. John Dahlgreen, Jr., determining promotions to high school of Sayreville, were guests of Mr. and departments. It is not the purpose Mrs. Nels Kviest, of this city, on of the efficiency test examinations to 49c Ladies' Cambric Night Gowns,^ trimmed Sunday last. exclude other examinations in the with lace edging at - - 39c same subjects. If they are used as a Miss Kathryn Kerns, of Lakowood, factor in determining promotions it is 75c Ladies' Skirts, made of cambric, with dust returned homo on Monday, after suggested that only a limited value be spending a few days with Mrs. C. given them. ruffle, trimmed with needlework edging 5*>C DIMicell, of Broadway. Kach examination will consist of 35c Ladies' Cambric Drawers, trimmed with two parts, the first being made of fif- Miss Ogareta Applegate, of Main teen questions of the more convention- needlework and some hemstitched at 25c street, and Mr. Arthur Danser, spent al sort, of which ten are to be select- Sunday last at Jersey City as the ed and given a rating of ten points 10c Tight Fitting Corset Covers at - 12c guests of the former's cousin. each. The second part is to be made up of five "special credit" questions Linen Color Dress Skirts, made in latest styles, Rev. George Kane, of this city, at- involving lines wliich are to be en- tended the centennial anniversary cel- ouraged in the regnlar work of the having high waist effect at - 98c ebration of Princeton Theological school. Great Assortment in House Dresses] at Seminary on Monday and Tuesday. One of these "special credit" ques- tions may be selected at tho option of 98c, $1.25, $1.49 all reduced Eev. and Mrs. Thomas Neal, Jr, the pupil and answered from part one. r are sojourning in Pennsylvania. Mr. This question will be rated on the 49c Boys' Wash Suits, 3 to 9l years, at 39c Neal has not been in good health of basis of ten points, which will be in late, and it was thought a change of addition to the credits received on the Boys' Wash Suits, trimmed with combination air would prove beneficial. questions In part one. colors at - - - 75c o • In making up the final rating of Nothing equal to it—Yacht Club each paper, except English, from one Coffee, 2S cents pound at Brown Bros. to five points may be added for gen- These items are very special values, so Tea Co. ' * eral appearance and mechanical mer- don't delay. it. No deductions for mistakes in spelling and punctuation will be made Alan li. Strong except in the examinations in spelling •ga^REEZY styles tor Spring and Summer wear can be and English. General Attorney Mr. Kendall has called attention to •Jhr seen in full in our great display of fashions—com- the fact that the last proposition is M. KAUFMAN prising every type of stylish model. The above is merely a The Board of Directors of the Penn- not intended to minimize the import- sylvania Railroad Companyl at a ance of correct spelling and punctua- 150 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. suggestion—and always appropriate—a dashy double breast- meeting in Philadelphia on "Wednes- tion in all written exercises, but Is day made the following changes in adopted for the first examination to the organization of the Company: ive greater simplicity In the rating ed blue serge with trousers of the same material or of light of papers. It is not a precedent for The practice of designating tho future examinations. • flannel. Truly a charming combination. Made only to vice-presidents numerically was dis- continued. o measure from your own selection of material—and we have Samuel Eea was elected Vice-Pres- Logic. The man who.acts on impulse Is fre- every grade and shade of blue serge to pick from. Fit cient. quently placed in a position that makes W. W. Atterbury was elected Vice- him wish he had not been so hasty. guaranteed and prices to satisfy you. t President in charge of Operation. One man noticed that the friend with H. Wolff* & Co. George D. Dixon, formerly freight whom he was walking had drawn very raffle manager, was elected vico-pres- close to a horse that wore a muzzle. dent in charge of traffic. 'Look out!" he cried. "That horse GEORGE GREEN Henry Tatnall wns elected vice- bites. Don't you see he's muzzled?" president in charge of Finance. "Yes," replied his friend calmly. "W. Heyward Myers was elected That's why I thought he, couldn't "Tho One-Prico Store" bite."—VoutU's Companion. Pumps and Oxfords vice-prcsidont in charge of Real Es- ate, Purchases and Insurance. 158 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. The Right Periodical. Tho Board confirmed the following Picking up a magazine, Swlshley be- A Witty Pauper. "St. Wapniac." appointments: gan fumbling tile pnges. Our line of Pumps and .Oxfords for While) wnlkhiK through mi old Ktroet A person desiring to keep in mind Robert C. Wright, formerly General "Wlutt are you looking for?" his wife Jn Stuttgart » mini found n purse, ami, which members of tho cabinet would Freight Agent, was promoted Assist- Inquired. Ladies is more extensive this year than succeed to the executive office may thinking that. It might contain some- ant Freight. Traffic Manager. "Oh, nothing in pnrtlcular." remember tho nnnic St. Wnpniac. ^ "Then you have the right book," the thing valuable, ho stuck It hastily in E. (P. Bates, formerly General Each letter snggestB the secretary or •wife observed. "I have Just finished ever. We are showing all the different his pocket and hurried homo. head of department next in succession 'reiglif Agent, was promoted to As- sistant Freight Traffic Manager. reading it, and that's exactly what 1 He examined It then mid vviis dis- for president of the United States—for found."—Exchange. leathers in the various styles. They are gusted to Dml that it contained noth- instance, stnte, treasury, war, attor- George D. Ogdcn, formerly Assist- ing except thoKo four lines in German ney general, postmaster Reneral, navy, nnt Genegal Freight Agent, was pro- Equal Rights. here in Pumps and Oxfords, gun metal, interior, agriculture and commerce nud moted to General Freight Agent. She—I want you to understand be- on n slip of pnper: labor.—I.eslle'8. JWhon you find tills purse refrain from Joy. Walter Thayer, formerly Assistant fore I marry you thnt I believe In I'll tell you why In a nilnulu— "ieneral Freight Agent, was promoted unl privileges and responsibilities. patent leather, tan calf or vici. 2 only threw it away IJCCUUEO Ending His Suspense. o General Freight Agent. He—All right, dear. I was intending I hadn't u cent to put In It. "The widow promised to give me her Charles E. Kingston, formerly to give the minister $10, so you'd bet- answer tomorrow. Gee, I don't see Division Freight Agent at Wilminij- ter hand over $5.—Boston Transcript. Tha Old Press Gang, how I can sleep tonight!" • "Go to sleep and don't worry, old on, was promoted to Assistant Desperate means wore sometimes re- Freight Agent. IilST OF 1ETTEHS. sorted to In order to got men for Brit- chap. She told me when I introduced you to her that she was going to mar- .1. L. Eysmtins, formerly Division Remaining uncalled for in South BEL Wolff & Co. ish warships. ,A chronicler writes that Amboy Post Office for the week ending in the year 17,''.S "a (loot of ships be- ry you."—Houston Post. Freight Afjent at, Plttsburg, was pro- ing inquired immediately In lie man- moted to Assistant General Freight May 11, 1012. ned, tile press gangs placed a live tur- A Fnot. Agont. Joseph Burke, Mrs. John Cannor, key on tlio top of a monument, which, "Our prison doctor the other day John M. Gross, formerly Division Gordon street; Mrs. Catherine Mar- drawing together n great number of evolved n now aphorism." 'reight Agent at Baltimore, will suc- shall, Joseph Mathis, Miss Emrm Idle people, they hud the opportunity "What wns it?" ceed Mr. Eysmans as Division Freig'ht Shape, care A. Allgair (2). WHY &0 OUT OF TOWN ? WM. T. HAMMELL, of selecting us many men as answered "That a Mon In jail Is worth two when you can purchase pianos just as Agent nt Pittsburg, These letters will be 3ent to tho Pnlnlcr niul rnpcrtinngor. the purpose of their Intended scheme." on the hand."—Baltimore American. Dead Letter Office May 30th, 1912, if cheap at home. We Bunrnnl.no to soil The scene so enraged n citizen thnt ho J, B. Largo, formerly Freight SoV icitor at Heading, was promoted tcl not delivered before. In calling for just as In • ns any otlier dealtr. New WALL PAPER FOR SALE flred a shot nt the bird, "which occa- \ Avoid prenlness. Tu a cofltige there pinnos f' 125 up. sioned it to tiy away." But tho mis- ihny bo found more real happiness Di vision Freight Agent at Erie. the above please Bay "Advertised," Estimates Cheerfully Given. chief had been done. man kings or their favorites enjoy in ,f. H. Baer, formerly Chief Clerk to giving date of list. H PARISEN 08 SECOm) ST, F- pilluees.—Horace. he Freight Claim Agon5 was promo- E. E. HAINES, P. M. 201 D SOUTIi AMBOY THK SOUTH ASTBOY CITIZEN. SATURDAY, MAY i, 1912. NEW JERSEY NEWS CONDENSED. VOI K M. P. CHURCH NOTES ate Glcancd from Our to your wife and children does not end with paying their bills and Items of Interest from all Parts of the St * perhaps carrying life Insurance. Services last Sunday were all well aphed You do not want your boys or daughters to give up their attended, showing an increase over Exchanges Briefly Paragr ' education or your wife to take in work if you get sick or lose your the previous Sunday" and a very not- position. A soring fund here is the sure way to provide for these icable advance in the interest ami possibilities. Mon- son, a sister of the bride, was maid of Start a savings account next pay day. keep adding to it each enthusiasm of all tho services. New Murdered Sentenced. River. The will was probated ion, is faces were again visible at the three honor, and John Q. A, Johnson, ot pay day all you can spare and you will be surprised how fast your Sentenced was passed by Justice day. Samuel R. White head, a i d Mrs. meetings. Yonkers, N. Y., best man. bank account will grow. Willard P. Voorhees at Freehold on left property in Ferry street, an [n-law Aftei( a very profitable study of the « * * * Monday on Joseph Chiriano, who shot Isabella Whitehead, daughter-' River lesson the Sunday School elected Miss Cnrpendcr—Ti'ellson. This bank pays and killed his brother, Salvatore Clilr- property in Main street, South s to ba Edna Leonard to represent them at lana, over a game of cards at the lat- The remainder of the estate i; three Miss Helena N«ilson, daughter of the Denominational Convention of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Neilson, of New ter's home in Long Branch, the night divided equally among the Edward Young People's Societies at Allen- Brunswick, was married on Tuesday of March 13, last. Chiriano was sen-children — tho son named, ] Gordon 3 PER CENT wood, May 8th. Those expecting to at her parents' home to Arthur Schuy- tenced to not less than "twenty years Whitehead and Mrs. Lavinia ' on Special Accounts of $200 and over go wil!"have to take the 7:12 a. m. ler Carpender, son of Mrs. J. N. Car- nor more than thirty years in State * * * * train', Pennsylvania Station. pender. Misa Catherine Neilson, the remaining in Bank for at least three Prison. . A committee of the Sunday School ttoy Killed Fulling From fl n~ ul,on bride's Bister, waa maid of honor, * * * * months prior to January 1 met similar committees last Sunday Falling from a sand wago .chilling, and Harry Carpender, a brother of afternoon to confer in relation to Installed After Twenty-five Teurs. which he was riding, John ? y killed the bridegroom, best man. Rev. E. H. and July 1 Joyce, of Christ Church, performed the Sunday School Convention to be Rev. Dr. Jacob Ganss was Installed agod 18 years, was Instant! i|s skull NOTE. Interest on Special Accounts will be paid on held in South Amboy in the near fu- pastor of St. Paul's German Lutheran at South River on Monday. 1 the ceremany. January 1, 1912. DepoalU made on or before January 10,191], ture. Church, Perth Amboy, on Sunday af- was fractured. * * * * will draw interest from the first. A number from the school went to ternoon. Dr. Ganss organized St. « * * * J'Jiinl. No Divorce For Husband. Paul's Church twenty-five years ago the Y. M. C. A. to hear Mr. J. T. 's Proposed Unlit Jon Mon. After hearing further testimony an! and ever since acted as? its pastor Sproull whom the pastor has labored The fclty Council of Cairn nco auth- argument on Wednesday, Vice-Chan FIRST NATIONAL BANK without the formality of being instal- with in C. B. work in other parts day night adopted an ordina 00,000 for ctillor Stevens dismissed a divorce pe- led. Me had boon pastor of St. Peter's South Amboy, N. J. of the State. orlzfiJg a bond issue for $3 the con- tition filed by Joseph Wllbor, of Perth Church, Kreischervillc, S. I., five years, An extra large attendance at the tbe purpose of paying for operation Amboy, against Mrs. Elizabeth Wll- when ho established the local church C. B. meetinf at 7 p. m., and a very structlon, maintenance and mnt. The ber, and reserved decision on a cross- Capital {B>50,000 Surplus $75,000 and he has since served both of the spirited service waH held. Sovcral of a municipal lighting p' tlon which petltlon (lied by Mrs. Wilbur against churches. The installation sermon Undivided Profits, $18,000 said the time was too short. Mr. council, acting on u augges oently ap- her husband. Each charged the other was preached by Hev. J<"lorlfl Pav- William Anderson sang tho touching c.amo up in the board, re H|t On tho with dofiortlon. The vice-chancellor werda, ot Mlddlebuxh. IW, Jullna hymn, after making a short address, poiuted a committee to w punies nnd gave it as his opinion that the huH- Geyer, of Elizabeth, and Kov. .1. II. "There's a Hand Held out to You," officers of the ferry com ii tho law band wanted to get rid of his wife Northrup, pastor of the First Presby- and many of those present were KIIUI Hoe If they compiled wit server for and that ho nover really made any terian Church of Perth Amboy, assist- they accepted the helping band it which rcquircH (i life pr- earnest effort to havo her return to ed in the services, over which Rev. P. J. MONAGHAN Jesus. Mr. Peter Jorgenses was thi» every, passenger. him. On tho other hand, the vice MACHINE SHOP H. K. Green, president of tho leader of this helpful service. The # * * * chancellor said, while two distinct PLUMBING, HEATING, C. B. Society is to be represented at of New Brunswick, presided. carles. ENGINES, BOILEBS and MACHINEEY Mrs. PlilneiiK C. S acts of cruelty had boon proven the Convention. * * * * s died Mon- against tho husband, there had hard- ROOFING, METAL CEILINGS Of all kinds repaired. i Mrs. Russel Havens is responsible Mra. Phlneas C. Searle w|se ovenuo, ly been such cruelty as would war- $1,000 Find on Mm tine Farm. day at her homo, 9 Cod week's III- MODEL MAKING, PLUMBING, for C. E. leaders during the njontu Tho $1,000 in monoy, which was un- rant n finding of constructive deser- SHEET IRON WORE of May. She has planned ahead for Nv.w Brunswick, after nrvous break- GAS FITTING, STEAM AND earthod on tho farm of United States tion. good meetings and leaders. ness, brought on by a nci church and Senator James E. Martlne at Plain- Jobbing Promptly Attended to HOT WATEB HEATDTQ After a delightful service of song down. She was active Ii3 0 leador nnd fleld last weolc, is now thought to be by the choir at 7:45 p. m., the pastor W. C. T. U. work, and al ames's M. 13. QUEER QUITO. OFFICE: the proceeds of a robbery at Cedar 120 DAVID STREET. SOUTH AMBOY V. NEWELL JAMES preached to a listening and appreciat- Koprano soloist in St. J i0 Ladles' Aid Brook Farm, tho Martlne homestead, (FOUHKKLY DB. WKAODAM'B) Corner Second and Stockton SU. ive congregation on "Christ's Answer choir and president of tl us tho daugh- A City With No Chimneys grid Where to John the Baptist's Question." At twenty-five years ago. The money Soclety. Mrs. Searles w ram Mel Roy, Carriages Are Curiosities. close of tho day many lingered at the was contained in a tin can, which tor of Mr. and Mrs. HI band and two Traveler.-" in South AmerU'ii .see;iiun) was thrown up by two laborers work- of Bolvidere. Her hus. strange places, but tho i|iieerest of ali "DELIGHTFUL PLACE" church and were loathe to leave, feel- U probably Quito, (lie cupitiil of the ing that it was so good to be at the Ing for Mobus & Burke, who have the children survive her. * The above Is a general expression HIGH-GRADE contract for cutting a street through "t'pubJir of Kfiiador. The tirst thins church the entire day. * * « ilsston It ill e. whk'b strikes a visitor to Unit city is of all who Visit our new quarters In tho farm. The can was wrapped in a the "AMEBICAN" B1DG. cor. Smith lAorts are being put forth already Will Vote On Coinn ibeth to decide Hull there ;ire no chimneys to the for the school's offering to the par- Now York newspaper of May 8, 1885 houses. and State streets. and the money was of various denom- The election in Elizt |ty will have a Bonage fund, May 12th. whether the municipal overnment will C'luircoal i.s nil lliut Is hurnpil (hero. Our Students are Greatly Pleased "Casket of Pearls" Class will hold inations. William Meyers, colored, ;iml oonsei|iioiill.r no smoke arises. An and PasquaJe Delate got the bulk of commission form of g. petition bear- A course at our school now com- a social on May 10th in the basement be held May 14. Thc r of signatures other peculiarity in that while I lie the fund. e streets are well paved you may pass bines pleasure and profit You can for the benefit of the parsonage fund. ing the required numbjrjth City Clerk * * * * days In the city uml nover see u wheel- secure a good position by completing Others are giving and subscribing was filed Monday contains 2,500 ed vehicle. a course with us. to the parsonage fund. Expect to Mnny Jerseymcn Will Visit Baltimore. Stevens Avenu Kenah. The petltion(han required by There sire some c:\rriayes in Quito, Enter Any Day. Indlrldnnl Instruction BOTTT break ground as soon as plans are Robert S. Hudspeth, the New Jersey names, or 300 more t1 nut they neo rarely used, mid when decided upon. member of the National Democratic the Walsh act. , £ one of Ihetu comes rattling siloug ev Trainer's Business College, Mr. Jacob Sprague and Mr, i\ Committee, predicts that there will be iirybud.v turns out i<> look ut it us »t Hause hare been appointed ushers by 3,000 Jersey-men at the Democratic * * * Embezzlement. some eurUisily. PEETH AMBOY, Ii J. : Money and 1 the union for the coming month. National Convention in Baltimore June Pleads Son Vult to _ former ju8tiC(J A third peculiarity is tbut while the in Style by The Class and Prayer meeting last 25. He has issued a statement in James K. Murphy .ai estate dealer, bulk of the population dress tu ponchos 1 'i Magazine of the peace and rt leaded non vult d kind of clonk or loose garment) smcl PHILLIP SULLIVAN, Thursday evening was a very spiritu- which he declares: "There is no ques- -all, Patterns al and helpful service. tion as to the result of the Democrat- of Jersey City, pge Blair, in the •fhort llnon trousers n cousldiTiible number of poople—white uien—lire to McCiU'a Miiinix will Plans are being thought of for the ic primaries in New Jersey May 28. Monday before Jud t, Hudson County, PLUMBER, STEAM help you dress styl- Common Pleas Cour nts of embezzle- i)R seen wa Iking about and wearing ishly at n moclmio V . observance of Mothers' Day, May 12. State pride will cut a big figure in the frock coals ;tnd tall huts. These men, oipenso by kooplnn voting, with the Governor of this to twelve Indlctmev of the complain- AND GAS FITTER, you posted on tliu \ Definite notice next issue. the visitor Is generally told, sire en- latest fashions In \ The Dollar Roll was held last Tues- state in the role of the most prom- ment. The majoritjjrls who gave mon- lightened :md cultivated men, natives Stevens Avenue, South Amboy. clothes and lints. 60 ants are working sld t hi Now Fash Ion De- \ day evening. The meeting was prs- inent Democratic Presidential candi- ants are working to their par- of Spanish origin, who claim that they signs In oncli Issue. date before the people. The majority ey to Murphy to i 'n was remanded form the nation of Ecundorluus. In Now prepared to do all kindi Also valuable Infur- \ sided over by Mrs. Marion Dill. After ( e znatfon ou all home \devotlonal exercises the Roll was read of the voters of the state consider ents in Ireland. diaus, ot course, do uot count. plumbing. and porsonal mat tors. Only B"c, a which amounted to a neat sum to be this aa a personal compliment to New for sentence. * * Every white man tu Quito wuo cuu All work done at It should be. McCrilPiitiww your,Including Jersey. It will affect the result at the * * possibly mnuugc It wears this sort of own homo, with a free tatlern. 8ub- ^dded to the balance in treasury. Mrs. ty Arrestsd. Estimates Cheerfully Given. for yourself aud scrlbo today or neuil w primaries in favor of Governor Wil- eoat nnd hat to emphasize tils impor- focMiistrloand •• \ilHo Potty and Mrs. Sophia Sprague Hniiker Pet)'/y, night on an in- Prices as low as Is consistent 15 cents. Send I forfioesauii'locopy. so son very materially. Futhermoro, tance and highly civilized condition. flrst-class work. W. Will Gin Yoi loyoutomakoln your \ro elected the new collectors. A Arrested MondaJ; him with embez- scriptlonsnmon urown tiatids. clothlnc 8 in view of Governor Wilson's This dress justifies him in culling Udrcn whlcli will be por- (al time was had and refreshments dictment chnrginf-the funds of the lilmsel/ doctor am) others hi so styling Premium Cntal Prlce—nonelilshenhan accomplishments and his exe- T rottern Calalosuo. W zling $30,295 of jnal Bank, of which him, and be silso thinks that It gives KETPOBT'S cDli for cottlnc sub- cution of the promises of the New Jer- him i\ claim to come into your uparl- NEW FASSENGEB AND FB! lurfrlends. S'Mitlforfree \ o sey Democratic platform and his Washington Natio} prior to its failure 10 and Cash Prize Offer. tnentH without being Invited nnd try LINE 239 It 249 Wo! 374 Si, NEW V08I From prominent part in the placing of the he was presldent)>rmer Mayor Robert last November, f'jshlngton, N. J., was to borrow 5 cents from you. „,, . \ Mount Gonovieve. party in the advantageous position It LEAVES KEYPOBT OltK unpin ^ Mount OuiiovlevB, » penk In M. Petty, of WaQ Tuesday morning, Week Days flT now occupies, there is no reason why How Malta Became European. Street into %,untVi Colo., a person cun soo taken to Trentoined before United Saturdays^ .....8 A. M. a;r V Govornor Wilson should not be sup- Jlnlta underwent a geographical as . 4:30 P. M. CENTRAL. f!fn "n$*Btn(os. On n clear - ported." He was arraifbnor George T. Cran- Sundays..*8,Vxl:30 A. M. beth at 6.23, well as a political change through Its 12:30 P. M. 10.01, 11.10 TE« „» \» discerorn nUtah Hie, tfintuhthe Medicin niomie- States Commissiiljipased under $10,000 acquisition by Englaud In 181-1, It hail VE SOUTH AMBOY Rockies ,„ a of tlu> * * * * mer, and was r/.y William L. Doyle, LEAVES NEW ' 4.35, 5.01, 5.57 M llu d th0 lir u i always been regarded as part of Afrl 8.26, a. m.; rk, Newark and Elir»- Favors Manual Training. ball furnished U Sylvester C. Smith, ca, to which it seemed to belong IIOHI Ganseroort / #" 6:15 p. 7.07, «7.32, 7.60, »8J0, BtrotcbiUB «W ,«"',,°. The "plnli' m For Long , Co ornd Speaking at tho dinner of the Tren- of Trenton, and his counsel. The In- from topography und laugiiage. After Week Days '/...lrSO and 7 P. M. 6.22, 9.10. a. m.; 12.02. 12.28, 141, »»e clear lnto plainly VIHI- |IoenH| li of Phillipsburg, found by the United ts annexation, however, It wus discov Saturdays •/ M.( 1:30 and 7 P. M. 9! io 01 D • ton Board of Education Saturday eve- 5 02 6 (lictment was hry. The arrest was ered tluit tbi> garrison was entitled to Bo •s of the Jersey Can* 45™5. M,.«2. ». ' ' ' "«. 9.22 Tho B Ncliraskn. ning at Trenton, Dr. Calvin N. Ken- )ran( h sb u the higher pay granted to troopH em Week Days For Freeh ; '^ o i7 Park, eta. Tho staid, dlK States grand jj'clock by Deputy Mar- Co. connect frith the 111 12 07 21 dall, State Commissioner of Educa- ployed out of Europe anil wns there Saturdays . 12.07, 2.27, E -' - ' °. *M> 6-08. made at 9:45 port for New York. 2 e ht headed eagle. %Iflod and ^meiy bald tion, declared that more manual train- D. Snowden, of the days, 11.10, **•'• J -S j?JS - Sundayi. fore more privileged tlinn the soldiers Sundays..9:45 m E02 9>32 thelABCri™ rojk ewb]em of ing should be provided in the public shall Woodburljjstrict Court. He found • New Yo -' ' - P- ">• in the Ionian islands. To remedy this Tho trolley Dl13 E 22 7 08 9>10 SW schools of the state. He pleaded for United States ijlice over the bank. The W Q BBSI ' - ' ' ' ' "• "»• Ih i[° I , SVubllc. mutes but once larliameut passed mi uct decreeing trnl Trnctlo More? Buy at home and ' ' .'.15, 6.08, 6.39, p. m. Sun- Bhe dloB If loft-- ' , ,,uutllheor more vocational instruction to enable Petty in his ofj,resident begged not to hat so fur as pay wont Malta HIIOIIII] 0Ile m lt bont at Kenmey. a. m.; 5.02, 9.32, p. m. young wMower-tW. ,vld()W(,r._0Vul) „ boys and girls to go out into the former bank' \L local jail, and he was lie regarded us pnrt of Europe. It never matea n nin , , „,„, rk only. K )lll(lllell(1 d world and the more easily earn their be taken to thL office of William B. used to be ii joke ttint: Multu bull be- >BH, W. C. HOPJB, nnd disconsolate In •„„„.„,„,„„„,„„, removed to ti the same building, come Euroiienu by net of parliament, (Son. PttBB. Agon* rocky cr or In the 1 living. Dr. Kendall claimed that at lU? Ul0 nest on tho Vanderbllt iL guarded all night by and the j"M. soon IM-CIIIIIO n reullty.— mmmmffmmmmmfmmm p ne that fi>rm«l lilt. .,riluc.,ieB of „ tnl, least one-third the time in school where he wa Town Marshall Charles London Stamlartl. ; his mate was a lv(. > (lomk,1|o whll0 should bo devoted to work with tho KEEP IT IN eagle tun tempt him l ;o MlM femnUj hands, and that this should bo In Snowden and 'uesday morning at r>:4;> dlscoiisolnte life. o foresuke bis harmony with the usual cour.se of M. Shorpe. '. ro hardly anybody was o'clock, befo town, Petty anil Snow- FOR THE STOMACH. hook knowledge. Waetod. THAT astir in the a trolley car for Pliil- "I nlwnys WHS nnlii.'k) * -* * * Hero's an Offer You Should Not Over- den bonnleilj ,r0 they met Smith, who look. with a wenry «]«],. „ Willinm W. Oram. lipsburff. T| thorn to Ilio State capl- 1 Whiit's I ho niallor now, hu M|d William W. Oram died lust. weeit Jfexnll Ityspepski Tablets remedy accompnnir!j(i|ctnient on which Petty stomudi troublo:-! hy aiding nulure to The Citizen Job Dep Ilia friend nsUe.l. after a short illness at bin homo lu 1Ui 1 ol(1 mnn?> tnl. The iitod includes twenty-live "I've n|imil over $500 on supply tlio clcniuuts the nbsont'c or' is prepared to do any and ; Perth Amboy. lie had been employed was nrroHtj olinrges embezzlement of wliicli lu the gnslric juices ctwsps lu/w n"' boy tmiKlil. (D piny I ln> fid]isiii. Tiioy Mid 111* hair's all roniln' out."- '.md now artment er nt tho Perth Amboy ship yanls. l"l. It is alleged tb.'it Potly Htoniiicli to digest focul imd lo qy Becord-Uentl.l ouic,l(,n r I;(>( PRINTD Tlie deceased is survived by a widow, nk something like $100,000 fdiivi-i-t it into rich ret! blood mi/' " '1' ill kinds of U-i-i:il ucci-ssiiry fm- ovcrroiuh/ 01"' llftur Fired. Mary Jane Oram, two sons, Harry money and as an in- NOTEHEAUS 1 Shaw and T. Edward Oram and a uml Imdv \vn.*|c. Goob—.Tones wiis Or. 1 out ni.'ide an iisAiKiunent last 1 not blllll< LETTERHEADS house yesterday I'.ooli-Wus his brother and sister, Mrs, Hrewster aii'l at that tliui! his lialiili- C'an'.v ii imckii-i.. of lu-siill f^ "' ENVELOPES hind in Ms rciil? floofo-Nnw Albert Oram. The funeral 'took place Tnlilols ill your vest pocke .fod at $l^i;,iM)0. A Kclii il- llii'ia in your ronm. Tiil;/V;lH im.i.ii place ImruL'cl dowu. -Ciiiciumitl Tin; at Elmwood cemetery, New Brunswick, vns Hied iit. th'; f;aine lln wil1 Wo qntrer. 11 i-ii'-h lii'nv.v mivil nnd pro/ 5' ''"• BUSINESS CARDS ami was conducted by Rev. (!. \V. value of them was not lion Hint Imilscostion wi'.fHevo indices!Ion Yard, oi Si. •Ir«-TJio Rnsall Store, KS Among tho benur'* f fii •'iughli.T i " i-oi'und your iiioni jg! Broadway. Don't do anything till you ''« 'f Vliltehetul * Ik-" -Hi '•-vi L'ontsj 50 (.'i.'iits, wfcen you've done It st- bur, j|ou can ol William Gillette. VOLUME XXXII. 5. SOUTH AMBOY. N. J.. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1912. Price Three Cents. SCULLY TUGS START WOMAN PALLS PUMPING STATION COLLIER LI WITH BIG DRY DOCK AND IS DROWNED DAMAGED BY FIRE

The powerful tugs Mary R Scully About 9 o'clock last Saturday eve- The pumping station of the New find SI. E. Luckenmach, of the Scully ning, Mrs'. Julia Cosgrove in attempt- York and Long Branch Railroad was i ing to board the barge Amelia, moor- j discovered on tire about one o'clock Towing and Transportation Lino, UPSETS III DITCH left Pensacoln, Fla., on Sunday, hav- ed at the stakes, fell overboard and last Sunday afternoon and an alarm Starts From Seidler's Beach am ing in tow the sled floating dry dooli Slianley Bros. Start on Broadwa was drowned. Engineer Stonaker and Fireman sent m from BOX 36. known as the Spanish floating dock, Mrs. Cosgrove was scaling a ladder Made Trip in 29 Minutes—Wa Improvement—Expect to Com which led from another boat to that Danser, of This Cily, Have Close|X which is to be delivered to. James as Accompanied by Brookins—Lan She wan & Sons, of Brooklyn. plete Work in Time Allowed— of her own, when the ladder turned, Call From Fatal Injury—Accident 'hough the whole populace were The dock, built in England fifteen throwing her into the water. Efforts „ , ,, ! there also. LAes of hose were run ded at West 96th Street. Progress Watched With Interest. Happened at Matawan. ; Broadway, and soon the firemen years ago, was acquired by the wore made to rescue her, but as she fro m fell between two boats made it a dif- | were busy playing water on the fire. United States from Spain at the* close Thfi Through drizzling rain and thie of the Spanish-American War. It J. F. Shanley & Bros, commence, ficult matter and proved unsuccess- On Monday afternoon Pennsylvania ! chemical engine was also used. clouds of mist, a successful flight wa is an immense and unwieldy structure, work on Monday on their contrac ful. By using grapplings the body engine No. 221 fi, running light from Trains were delayed some time ow- made from Seidler's Beach to Nev and it will require fifteen or twenty jfor paving Broadway. A largo fore was recovered and word sent to Cor- Long Branch to this eity, rnn off the ing to the running oil hose across tho York City Thursday morning by Rob days with good weather for the tugs of men has boon employed, and th' oner Mason, who took charge of the track near Uie signal tower at Mat- tracks. Some moving picture men, ert Collier, president of the Aer to reach New York. contractors expect to rush the worl body and removed it to bis morgue. awan, and upset in a ditch. who happened to be waiting for a Club of America, and Aviator Waltei I with all possible speed. They havi On Monday afternoon iho body waa The locomotive was in charge of train, got busy with their apparatus L. Brookins in the former's hydro- I been handicapped at (.lie start, how shipped to Nmvurk, where it was re- Kngineer Charles Stonakcr and Fire- and took scenes of the fir-e. A line aeroplane. The trip of approximately Wenner Falls from ! itvor, by the constnnt ruin. ceived by relatives. man Arthur Danser, of this city. Ow- |(lf ll0Se on Henry street bursted just twenty-two miles was made in twen- Tho work has boon started a Ing to tiro strike on the Now York as a little boy was passing. The pres- ty-nine minutes. Barge and Loses Life Broadway nnd Main Htroot. All th! and Long Branch Ilailroad of the men sure knocked him down, and he was The flight was the result of th curbing will bo placed on lino und Eleven From This who handle the coaling stations, tho thoroughly soaked with water. He several successful trials mad© by Mr, reset in concrete*. The top coating engine was ordered to this city to £ot up and "made it" for home, leav- Collier with, his aeroplane recently, Last Saturday afternoon Capt. An- of tho street will be bitiilltblc, placei ing his cap behind. drew Wenner, 58 years old, of thu City Made Knights obtain a supply. When at Matawan He piloted the machine the greate upon u Blx-incli concrete foundation the engine left the rails, and after Notwithstanding the building was barge Majestic, which wns in tow to which will mako tho pavement elgln lined with tar paper and soaked with part of the distance and at times at- A number of members of South Am- running for sonic distance toppled this city, fell from tho dock of his inches thick. ferease, Itho firemen quickly extin- tained a speed of fifty miles an hour. >oy Council No. 42(i, K. of 0., together over on Its Bide in a ditch. Neither boat. Ho was rescued and efforts guished the flames. The damage is The aeroplane remained about 100 Tho peoplo nre soomlnKly taking with eleven candidates from this city, engineer nor flnemun had time to wero made to revive him, lint, failed estimated at about $100. How the feet above the ground the greater groat interest in this innovation in went to Now Brunswick on Sunday jump, and they went down with the The barge was rounding Sea Bree/.o building caught fire is a mystery. Tiw part of the distance. South Amboy and aro dally wntchln« mid attended a met'tlng of Knights of engine. Fortunately they escaped fat- Point when the accident oceurrei tho progress of the work. H un- employees had left for their luncu The course chosen by th-e aviators The body was brought to this city ami ColumlniK at Columbus Hall. It was al injury. Engineer Stonaker had the doubtedly will tend for tho advance- only a few was from Seidler'a Beach, across Coroner Mason took charge of it ono of the largost gatherings of palm of ono of his hands burned, and minutes before the fire Raritan Bay to Staten Island tbrougl ment of Iho city, as good streets nnd y the audience, which was very en- the beach. point a committee on church archi- if Veterans, other patriotic orders and G. W. Crane.... 257 184 115 155 155 from the water. husiastlc, solo by "Mr. F. I. Stults Applications for tent sites have beea ind duet by Messrs. P. I. Stults and tecture, to consist of two clorgymen he public generally to attend the W. Chapman.... 138 162 173 170 1C7many this season and soon the best This was the first series of flights Vm, Anderson. In response to Sec- and two laymen. To this committee lampflre on June 13. J. Parker 150 163 147 168 173sites will be taken up. inade since the accident on Wednes- etary Deacon, the members of the is to be submitted for approval or dl8- Commander Apploget has also Is- John Kane has added five and one- day, May 1, when Simmons, with Win. leligious Work Committee, Messrs. pproval all plans for the erection uod the general order for the ob- Totals.... 763 721 635 633 602hnlf feet to his motor boat, and when, Mannor as a passenger, were plunged 3. E. Clayton and Benjamin Green, f churches and chapels and also for ervance of Memorial Day by G. A, Challengers she comes out this season will pre- Into the water as the result of tho onducted the devotional exercises. alterations to such church property. . men in New Jersey. The order R. Stults.... 172 210 189 117 178sent a very pretty appearance. breaking of the elevating plane. A The officers elected wore: Dr. Al- iads in part: W. Stephenson. 147 135 144 185 159 The fioodwill Club, of Perth Amboy, new set of pontoons were immediately . o fred Baker, of Princeton, president; "It is especially enjoined upon all Steuerwald... 130 17G 155 196 163have improved and enlarged their sent for and they arrived Friday night. FUNERAL OF ANDREW FORD Rev. Charles M. Perkins, of Vineland, osts' of tho department to urge the J. R. ?,..;-;U.... 121 169 159 175 136bungalow on the beach. Tha new pontoons aro of the nurgoss Tho funeral of Andrew Ford took secretary; and Edward H. Levia, of ons of Veterans in their vicinity to type and Simmons says they nre a A number of shack owners have en- ace from St. Mary's Church at (I .lount Holly, trcas, Standing Commlt- in with them in the ceremonies of Totals..., D70 090 C-J7 663 G36 success. "There is as much difference larged this season. clock on Saturday morning and was ee, Rev. J.F. Olmstentl, of Burlington; omorlal Dfiy, that they may becomo _O between those pontoons nnd tho oth- Arthur Van Ness' now cottage on ell attended. High mass of re- md Rev. H. M. P. Pearse, of this city, fimillar with the duties which all too' CARD. ers we used, which were of the Wright the Heights is progressing nicely, and uelm was celebrated by Rev. Father' 'harles Townsent, of Elizabeth; oon will bo relinquished by us to The undersigned hereby expresses type, as between night and tiny," said will probably be ready for occupancy ,ane, after which Monslsnor Brady 0. J. Bnird, of Beverly; heir sole care and guidance." ;helr thanks and appreciation to nil Simmons in regards to them. by Juno 1. elivered nn address. William A. Dix; of Elizabeth; and Commander Appleget also calls who kindly assisted during the i 11— Wood Applegate is a very busy man Interment wns made In St. Mary'is B. Woodward, of Bordentown. ttention In the order to the fact that ness and at the burlnl of their father, (overhauling snil nnd motor boats. Did you ever try After Dinner •metory. Tho bearers wero MeBsrs. The Rev. H. M. P. Penrse and Wil- une 14 is National Flag Day. Andrew Ford, and also to those who The drinking water Rupply will be Coffee7 You'll like it. 32 cents pound nines Donovan, John Woods, P-, liam P. Nichols were present (is del- 0 presented floral pieces ns tokens of a problem for tho campors this mim- •vn Bros. Tea Co. * ienry Duggnn, Thomas Bohar gates from Christ Church, this city. TOMATO PLANTS for sale by respect. imer. as tho digging awny of the bank n Cnrroll, Edward Kentoti oorge E. Coward, Prospect street, MICHAEL J. FORD, | by thn N. Y. & h. K R, Tl. hat! ue- Advertisements. Scullv was funernl direct' 'y at homo and nave money. [axviile. 5-11-2 and Family, jstroyeel Rome of tho springs. May Honor Roll. WycRoii I BUBS ppices! Names of pupils of the public schools who have received high aver- CELEBRATING Rev. N. E. Webb, of Union Valley ages in their studies during the month spent Wednesday in this city. of May: VERY SPECIAL School >o. 1. Miss Ruth Campbell spent Sunda First Grade—Edward Agan, Charles DECORATION DAY last with friends at South River. Dieker, Harold Hamilton, George Nel- For Saturday and Monday ius, Joseph Schwartzbaeh, Sophus Munck, Arthur Frischknecht, William Mrs. O. F. Boutell, of Highland Cottrell, Loretta Miller, Helen Prim- Just five more shopping days which will be Park, spent Wednesday in this city. ka, Dorothy Spice, Catherine Ward Potatoes, per bu. - - $1.35 Ruth Samuelson, Nellie Dalrymple of great interest to you if you come to our Mr. and Mrs. Collin Stratton were Helen Yanas, Mary Korka. Sub-Second Grade—Ethel Alpine store and get some oi the best values right Granulated Sugar, lb. - 5>£ Philadelphia visitors on Monday last Horrill Blum, Julius Geant, Harold Hartmann, Frank Hyer, Laura Kviest, in the heart of the season Pears 3 lb. can 12c Mrs. George Disbrow, of Perth Am- Hattie Larson, Violet Larson, Freder- boy, spent Thursday with friends in ick Mundy, Jerome Newmark, Rita Nyman, Ruth Olsen, Jerrie Ublir, Wil- Jersey Eggs, per doz. - 27c this city. liam Freed, Marvin Ferguson, Mar- guerite Korka, Myrtle Thorpe, Helen Swift Premium Hams, per lb. 18c Miss Kate Bogart visited friends at Slover, Lottie Steinhauz, Grace Ware Now town from Friday until Sunday Second (irade—Alfred Howard, Har- old Simoneit. Marion Campbell, Mar- Hires' Evaporated Milk, 4 eans for 25cevening last. garet. Dalryjuple, Grace Dieker, Ruth Edwards, Sadie Fafi'er, Klona Howard Best Prunes, 40-50, per lb. 10c Dr. and Mrs. M. L. Meinzer, of Alice Samuelson, Dorothy Stults, Flor- Perth Ainfooy, called on friends in ence Weber, Martha Wallls. town on Thursday. Third Grade—Gladys Emiliussen Atlas Flour, 25 lb. sack - 85c Minnie Newmark, Sarah Hendrirkson Clara Bloodgood, Esther IIIooclgood 3 lbs. Best Rice - - 25c Freeholder .A. T. Kerr has been Marion Gladstone, Katie Nyman, Rose quite ill at his home the past week Cohen, Emily Strasser, Frances Gal- given to every shopper lagher, Mildred Rte.plienson, Edward Pepper Hash, per bottle - 9c but is now on the amend, Henry, Edna Rennet*- on purchases of One Fourth Grade—Stai Mooley, Paul- Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Neal, Jr. ine Hooley, .loKephin' rewlcz, Her- Dollar or over. arrived home from their sojourn in bert LownilctH, Gladys tsen, Josopi fiorczyca, Oella Al|)lne, i^ ther Rosen- Groceries during the week Pennsylvania on Thursday. tlinl, Le.roy Stratton, Alve,inu Itemley, 6 boxes Blue Tip Matches 25c 3 lbs. N. B. C. Sodas _. .25e Virginia NIcliolB, Ilobort Waterman Good Coffee per pound 25c Gallon can Apples .26c Mrs, Rose Evorltt loft this city on Margaret Cleary, James ClirlstlaiiHen !)8c Ladies' White Shirtwaists, in high and Harmon Dill, Morrlfi Cohen, KrnoHl Pet Evaporated Milk, 3 cans for 25c .'! cans Corn .25c Thursday for St. John's, Canada, to low neck, at ... 85c visit her sister, who Is very 111. Slmonnlt, Argo Starch 6 boxes 25c Iloekwood's Cocoa, 1 lb box, .35o Fifth Grade—Catherine White, Sndlr 75c Middy Blouses, trimmed with fast color 14 oz. Bottle Catsup, 3 for 25c lterinuda Onionn, per qt ,10c Nowmark, John Solinwky, Curl Hkow Ciipt. and Mrs. Edward (Joed, of Andrew lloKiicr, Hlancho Drlnoinen sailor collar, at - - - David street, tire spending two week3 George Munck, Ruth Nelson, Rnyinom $1.50 Pongee Hemstitched Parasols, in all Porkine, Addle Wober, H<>nrletla Dle- WYOKOFF & RUE with Mrs. J. Good, of New Hope, Pa kor, Margaret ErlcBon, Olanmco Dav- colors, at - - . - 98c 234 BROADWAY SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. is, John J'aczuowHky. Mrs. James Scully, Miss Lorotta Sixth Clrnclft—Olga Himzukk, Jucol Children's Parasols, combination trimmed, at Scully nml Mr. George Scully, spent Nowmark, ISdward Kirk, Maurice Kr- Icson, Jennie .Jensen, Sadlo Van I'elt Silk Parasols in green, red, white and blue $1.75 Saturday and Sunday last with Mr. Grace Henry, Beatrlco Gorczyca, Ar- All Silk Taffeta Parasols, in stripes, some THE International nml Mrs. Edwnrd Dalton, of Perth thur Semonelt, Frank Disbrow, TUIICH A in boy. Johnson, Clarence Whltworth, iC>arl with Persian borders, at - 2.49 set the styles in Nyman. Seventh Grade—Emily Nlelson, llol- White Washable Hand Bags at 25c, 41)C, 9SC the leading cities of Mrs. E. J. Ocrrlty and daughter, tin Pitcalrn, Alice Wllhelm. Sylvia Hammocks, with resting pillows, from i)8c to 3.00 iieraldlne, of Brooklyn, have returned Brlnumen, Willis Slover, Sophie Roh- America and the to their home after spending a fe»v fiiB, Carrie Munck, Yutes Uomoo Men's Columbia Shirts, the largest line in Jays with her mother, Mrs. Catner Ageneta Jacobs, Milton Fox, Joseph fabrics they show are Alpine, Willoughby Brlggs, George town to select from, soft bosoms, also ne Gunkel, or Pino avenue. Samuelson. silk pongee with turn-over cuffs, at - 98c the kind others im- o Seventh Grade—Evelyn Cnssldy, ciiirncji NEWS. Theodore Wllhelm, Helen Hobbs, Mel- itate. Be first hand- ford Roll, John Fitch, Henjamin To-morrow is Whltsun-Day, the day Schuyler, Jennie Smith, Florence No equal in our line of Men's Underwear, ed and come to head- on which we commemorate the corn- Peterson, Charles Straub, Marlon such as balbriggans, B. V. D., Combination ng of the Holy Ghost upon the in- Thorn, Hazel Hyer, Elsie Applegate. quarters for your 'ant Christian Church. Eighth Grade—Sophie Hillmann, Suits at any price you want to spend. Ella Hausser, Bertha Reiner, Milton custom clothes, The Convocation of New Brunswick Nelson, Albert Tomaszewski, Mildred will meet in Christ Church on Tues- Learned, Frances Perrine, Frances Models and fabrics day, Juno 18. Gordon, Mildred Magee, Mary Jensen, Arrangements are being made for Ruth Newton. now ready for Sum- he Annual Excursion which will M. KAUFMAN mer and awaiting probably take place at the end of. School No. 2. June. Sixth Grade—Edmund Hartman, your inspection. To John Tomaszewski, Jennie FJeming, 150 Broadway South Amboy, N. J. Evelyn Freeman, Anna Goreyzca, measure only at pop- BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW. Freda Martin, Dernice Edwards, An- A meeting of the Central New Jer- drew Dill, Mildred Applegate. ular charges. sey Local Assembly, Brotherhood of Fifth Grade—Elva Donnell, Margar- St. Andrew, will be held In St. Luke's et Brown, Alva Buckelew, Allen Church, Metuchen, Saturday, May 25. Uompton, Lucile Massey, Rachel Cal- ahan, Etta Sullivan, Fernando Pitch, In addition to our Fine Line of Clothing we Four p. m. Junior and Senior con- Florence Newman, William Helies, ference with four addresses. Oscar Anderson, William Briskie, SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK now call attention to our Six p. m. Supper and social hour. Frances Emmons. One lot of $7.00 YOUTHS' SUITS, special at $8.85 Seven p. in. evensong with address Fourth Grade—Raymond Dowdell, Valerya Witkowska, Carrie Strusholm, $10.00 and $12.50 MEN'S SUITS, strictly hand made at $7S9 by the Rev. John Mockridge, Vicar AVIllIam Kurtz, Bertha Holcombe, BOYS' SUITS all reduced, at $1.43,$1,7!), $1.08, $2.25, .$3.50 and $4.50 of Trinity Chapel,' New York, Helen Kwilinski, Alexander Prigge, 200 Pair of $3.50 SHOES or OXFORDS, all strictly hand PINE STOCK OF SHOES o Edward Helies, Alfred Hartman, An- sowed, Patent, Tan and Gun Metal, special at $1.85 INDORSES GOVERNOR lVILSOJf. na Tice. WALK-OVER SHOES, $3.50 and $4.00 Shoes and Oxfords at. .$2.95 For Men, Youths and Boys Third Grade—Frank Gominger, Nor- • A resolution indorsing Governor ma Wortley, Roxanna Tice, Madeline These Shoes are made by the best manufacturers and Wilson for president and pledging Briskie, Harry Reiner, Russell- Blood- support to John W. Slocum and Thos. good. • are sold very low. J. Scully as Wilson delegates to the Second Grade—Frank Pohl, Walter Peterson, Lena Lukle. John Lukie, THE TURNER STORE national convention was adopted _iloyd Neiltopp, Phineas Magee, Har- Wednesday night by the Democratic ry Olsen, Helen Roberts, Ella Scheetz, Outfitters to Men and Boys from Head to Foot executive committee of Red Bank. harles Massey, Ambrose Manhattan, Broadway and David St. South Amboy larl Stratton, Edward Mills, Blanche All the Latest Shapes in Straw Hats The committee also passed a reso- Sexton, Olga Olsen, Evelyn Brown, lution to co-operate with Congress- Jacob Hochheiser, Addah Hamilton, In our Furnishing Department we have a man Scully In Ills efforts to secure an da Newman, Morris Reiner, Abe splendid line of appropriation for the improvement of Powell. PROPOSALS. the Shrewsbury River. The committee First Grade—Hermon Hochheiser, JTOTICJE Harold King, Frederick Kurtz, Flora Sealed bids and proposals -will be gave a vote of thanks to Mr. Scully 'etty, William Render, Edward Ren- received on OF — Summer Underwear, Shirts, Etc. for the result accomplished In se- der. TUESDAY, MAY 28th, 1912, curing an appropriation for a survey at 8:30 p. m., by the Council.'in the Onyx Hose, for ladies, in all the latest s Council Chamber, at the City Hall, of the river and in f

PUBLISHED BY Reed's Caustic Comment on His Por- TUB SOUTH AMBOY i'HIN'TINlj (A). trait In the House Gallery. High School Tidings Among the most interesting features TERMK:—ONE YKAK:$1 IN of the capitol nt Washington are tue numerous pointings of departed states- SPECIAL FDD THIS SATURDAY HAROLD HOFFMAN, Reporter. men and events of importance in our TELEPHONE 146-L national history. In the wide gallery AT back of the house ot representatives Entered In the 1'ost Oilice at South Am boy On Wednesday afternoon Rev. Orr was a little unsteady at times, are portraits of the various speakers as second class mail matter. Xorthrun, of Perth Aniboy, delivered allowing seven men to walk, nearly of the house. The. likeness of each Monaglian's Meal Market Administrators, Kxecutors and Guardian an interesting address on a Mem- all of which featured in the scoring. speaker is hung in Ibis hull of fame 113 David Street. wiU pleaBe boar In mind that this Journal in a orial Day topic to the pupils of theThe score was as follows: upon his retirement from oilice. legal newspaper and therefor^* a propel" med- High School. A short session was S. A. H. S. Tbe portrait of every speaker can bo ium for the publication of their notices. held in the afternoon from two until AB R H PO A found there, with but one exception. Prime Rib Roast - 16c three o'clock, as no other program ! Grace 3b "> 1 The missing f:u:e is (lint of Xatliauie) AH communications or Items of news re- had been prepared for the High 'Oliver ss 4 1 Macon of .Norlli Oimlinn. who was ceived by us imitit be accompanied by the On- p 2 1 speaker from 1S01 to 1S0T. Macou signature of the writer to insure publication School. , ' Kwilinski 2b 3 0 Pot Roast & 14c 0 wns a modest, unassuming misn of Next week is the time for the final Atkinson c 4 sjmple manners, nttirerl always In the SATURDAY, JUNK 1, 1912. examinations. School closes earlier ' Larew cf 4 0 Legs of Spring Lamb 18c JBloodgood lb 3 0 coarse homespun of the day. nlttioni'li this year than usual. 'Anderson rf 4 0 si ii exceptionally able ollicial. A lover Fresh Dressed Chickens 20c It's getting to be a habit—Congrat Miss Georgine Nichols, of the Jun-Kabosky If .4 0 of horses and cattle, lie entered the illations to Hon. Thomas J. Scully. ior Class, Is seriously ill at her home V. A.H. s. pedigree of bis own blooded stock in o and may not be able to attend school Browning c . . . .4 1. 0 11 bis family Bible. Macon never posed Quality and Weight Guaranteed Telephone Orders The primary vote shows that Sher- during the remainder of the term. Daniotsch 3b .. ..3 0 for his picture. Although every effort Will Receive Last Friday Perth Aniboy H. S. de-Therkelson cf 4 0 has been maile to discover a pofi'rnlt Hello 26-J Careful Attention iff Bollschweiler has Lost none of hit I Spencer Ib 4 popularity in this city. feated Metuchen H. S. at Perth Am- 1 of him, the search has been without Koch rf 2 3 avail. o boy by the score of 20 to 0. It is the Levy If 3 1 intention of the Metuchen boys to pro-Ooldberger 2b 3 A Rervioe of barely live minutes In Notwithstanding greut sums of 1 the speaker's chair won for one man ii JlrJL test the game for several well ground- ! Calvin ss 3 0 DEC money were placed in the Held and |Schilke p 4 space on the wall of this gnllory. every influence brought to bear by ed reasons. The Metuchen team cer- 1 Schnyler Col fax, speaker of the bouse. I Score by Innings. Tooth Powder. the Smith-Nugent faction to elect tainly made a miserable showing, not was elected vice president nnd took FOR YOUR a A. n. s 00020001 0—3 Here I* n good tooth powder recom- anti-Wilson delegates in the Third playing with the same spirit in which the ontli (if oilice on I he 4th of Mnrcli. they started off. I'. A. II. S 0 2 0 0 2 2 2 0 —8 mended by n professor in a dcntiil col- Eyesight Troubles Congressional District, they wer, m. Ills eyelids pnrtly closed nnd hia Restless Nature, a strong hold on thfi people. Next batting averages of the earn are not It looks as If thi! league pennant Nothing in nature is absolutely per- Homo Appointments Ulnde. fall Mr. Scully will again make a published. Fred Uloodgood la In the countenance grew cold. Slowly mid Glasses from $2.00 up. rests between South and Perth Aniboy. with Ills Inimitable drawl bo com-manent, fliiinges are going on slowly, clean sweep of the District. lead with an average of .555 and Kwll- Both teams are ovon now and It Is but Htendlly,' every moment, pnrts of Inskl second with .409. mented: Illtoly they will ho at the end of tho "I hope thnt my dearest enemy Is tho enrth being elevated above the sea, Metuchen cancelled the game ar- schedule. flattened now." parts sinking below It, the oeenn wear- Peterson & Morrow MEMORIAL DAY ranged for Decoration Day, tho evo- Tho league standing is as follows: Then with an expression of Irony on Ing away the coast In one place nnd 91 Smith .St., cor. King ning before the game. Won Lost Per, his countenance be turned nnd left the building it out In another, and so on to This week certainly was "hard luck"' South Amboy 3 1 .7C0 room. Infinity. EXERCISES week. The High School lost to Perth Perth Amboy 3 1 . .7D0 Of the mnny portraits from life In Aniboy, Metuchen cancelled tho Deco- Metuchen 1 3 .250 the capitol the most valuable is one of A Use For It. On Wednesday afternoon exercises ration Day game, the tonnls games Woodbrldge 1 3 .2150 the Gilbert fllunrt plrturi's of Wash- YoungIlnrdfnx—But, dud, there can't Hair Dressing, Manicure and appropriate to Memorial Day were were called off on account of tho rain, ington. There nre two portraits of be nny real barm in sowing a few wild One defeat by Perth Amboy don't onts. Old Hardfax—Slebbe not. 'Ounse rendered by the pupils of the public and everything olso seemed to go make our pennant prospects gloomy. Wnsblnglon by Sfntirr. One of iliiws Chiropodist Parlor Stuart portraits of Washington cost Hip if you're ns much of a donkey as I schools. The programmes were ns backwards. We may have a chance to get back thlnlc you nre you enn ent the crop.— government $5,000. This Is tho most r follows: On Wednesday the High School at the P. A. boys and If we do, "good expensive portrait in I he eupitol. How- Chicago N ews. Special Electric Treatment for Dand- School No. 1. baseball team lost to Perth Amboy night Perth Amboy." ever, other pictures lu the building ruff nnd Falling Hnlr. "We Are Tenting To-night,". .School High School on the Copper Works "Willie" got In bad at Perth Amboy. have been Infinitely more expensive— Or Seem To. Combingrs nnd Hair Goods Made up "I suppose even n rich man has his "Decoration Day,"...Clarence Heyers diamond by the score of 8 to 3. The His haircut was bad luck for thefor Instance, the great "Buttle of Luke In any stjic. "Memorial Day," Charlotte Dey local team collected more hits, but High School. Erie.'' at the turn of the senate stnir- troubles." "Memory Day," Frederick Mundy, and ense, showing Commodore Perry leav- "Yes, but ho can always find some- ing Ills flagship at the height of the body to take nn Interest In them."— Dr. J. MORROW, Chiropodist Jerome Newmark. Louisville Courier-Journal. "Memorial Day," Ethel Alpine, and WRECK OF AN ACTOR. A WORK OF ART. bnttle. cost $."(0,000. Monday and Tuesday 1-fl, 7-9 p. m. These pictures In the capitol nre fre- Wednesday 1-fi. Thone 258-J. Teresa Kilcomlns. A vigorous plant cannot be raised "In Memory,"...... Thomas Roberta Macklin's Last Attempt to Play Shy- "It Must Be Indescribable, and It Must quently cleaned, restored and re- framed. For this purpose the pictures without sunshlue, nor can any nature "Decoration Day," Ruth Edwards lock as His Mind Failed. Be Inimitable." be truly strong and helpful without 1 Macklln. the famous English Hetor, Pierre Auguste Keuolr's views on are removed from their frames. Grent cheerfulness. Ernston Farm Eggs "Marching Thro Georgia," School pnds of blotting paper are spread out made his lu*t iippcitrauce on the stage ert are sbowu by Walter Pnch in are laid by vigorous healthy hens, "My Country," Arnold Lundellus Scribnpr's Magazine In this question on the surface prepared for the opera- "For Grandpa's Sake," Gladys Bmil- as Shylock. He came ready dressed for the charafter info the greenroom, to and answer by the great painter: tion. These blotting pods are tbpn Loosed In large, well nlred hoaiei, iussen. thoroughly soaked with oil. The pic- where all the performers were assem- "There are things about your work cleaned every day.. Nothing but good "Remembrance,".. .Marion Gladstone bled and prepared. Looking round, ho that we should like to know. When ture Is laid with its back on the pads "A Little Boy Called Taps," .. School said: we find the colors In sucb perfect re- while weights are placed on its face. clean grain nnd water Is fed and san- The oil Is slowly nbsorbed by the pic- L. BRIEGS "Blue and Grey," Gladys Parisen and "What—is there a play tonight?" lation to one another we wonder how itary conditions preind at all time*. Celia Alpine. All were fistonisued. and no one an- you arrive at such a result. Wheii ture, and the colors gradually brighten up.—Chicago Tribune. Perth Aniboy's Oldest, Largest and "We Visit The Graves,".. .Gertrude swered. you have laid In the first tones do you They cost a little more bnt are Fouratt. "Is (here a piny tonight?" he re-know, for example, which others must Most Complete Outfltterto follow? Do you know to what extent ALL GOOD. "The Memorial Day Story," Margaret pented. Fully Assimilated. Men and Hoys. a red or a green must be introduced to Ray S. Buker, the author. In nn ar- A. 0. EKNST, SOUTH AMBOY, N. J. Bricson. "Why. sir, what ia the matter? 'The Merchant of Venice,' you know," said secure your effect?" gument on Immigration died flip mnr- "North and South," Sadie Newmark "No, I don't. That is the procedure velous speed wherewith the Immigrant PHILIP GUTIIOFF the actress who was to play Portia. (Successor to I'hnrluK Khrlk-h) "My Dream of the U. S. A.," School "And who Is the Sh.vlock?" asked of an apothecary, not of an nrtlst. I family, be it Germnn or French w "In Remembrance," Ruth NUson Macklin. arrange my subject as I want it; then what not, becomes assimilated into the HARNESSMAKER "Our Flag," Arthur Semlnlte "Why, you, sir—you are the SuyloeU!" I go ahead to paint it like a child. 1 national life. "We Deck Your Graves," Edward Kirk "Ah!" said ho. "Am I?" mid satwant a red to be sonorous—to sound "An instance of this assimilation GET A PIT! a.ml denier hi all kinds 01 "Red, White, and Blue," School down In silence. like a bell. If it doesn't turn out that occurs to me." he said. "I know a "Gettysburg,-*' Evelyn Oassidy Every one wns very much concerned way 1 put more red's or other colors worthy Xenpolitnn, one Pnoli Cenci. SUPPLIES for HORSES and STABLES Arthur Ingraham. and alarmed. The curtain went up. till I get It. 1 am no cleverer than who came to this country three years Our 12 Dollar Hand-Made Harness, Whips, Collar*, however, nnd the play begun. Mncklin that. 1 have no rules and no methods. ago. Pnoli's little son, Francesco, an Blankets, Etc. "Decoration Day," R. Newton Any one can look over my materials or American citizen of seven, looked up School No. 2. got through tho part with every now and then goiisf.' to the side of the stage, watch how 1 paint. He will see that 1, from his schoolbooks the other even- REPAIRING NEATLY DONE "Memorial Day," Dora Forgotson lifting up his hair with one hmid mid have no secrets. 1 look ut a mule. ing to ask: Blue Serge Suit and Satisfaction Guaranteed. "The Soldier's Flower and the Sol- There are myrlnds of liny tints. 1 " 'Say, pn, what year wns It you Ital- putting bis ear down to the prompter, 124 Broadway, South Amboy, N. J. dler'a Flag," Alida Vedder, Flora who gnvu lilin the word. He then must Iiud the ones thnt will make the ians discovered us iu?' "—Exchange. Is a trade winner. Fast blue Petty, Helen Priggo, Alfred Mitch- walked to the center of the stupe iiud flesh on oiy canvna live >ind quiver. ell, Arthur James, Vernon Albright. repented the words tolerably .well. This "Nowadays they want to explain ev- A Blow to Carlyle. and in every detail equal to WHY GO OUT OF TOWN ? "Decoration Day,"... .Emma Wortley occurred often through the play. Somo- erything. Hut If they could explain a When the lirst volume of Cnrlylp'a most 15 dollar suits now offer- "The Unknown Dead," Margaret times ho siiid to the prompter: picture it wouldn't be art. Shall 1 tell masterpiece, "The l-'reneh Kevoln- whea you can purchase pianos Just as "What Is it? What do you say?" you what I think nre the two quali- tlon." was nulshfcd. it was sent to bis ed by other shops. A great cheap at home. We guarantee to sell Brown. ties of u worR of art? It must be In-great friend, John. Stuart Mill, for blm "Memorial Day," Frank Gominger Prom thnt time Mnckliu's great tal- suit lor summer wear. just as low as any other dealer. New ents were lost to the public, His mem- describable, and It must be Inimitable. to read, but by some extraordinary ac- pianos from $125 up. "Children's Decoration," Raymond Take n thiuK like tne Eiffel tower. It cident Mill's servant used the manu- Some nifty things in gray, ory gone, he spent most of his time in HARRY PARISEN Dowdcll an elbow chair In bis home in Coveut is not art. because It can be duplicat- script to light the fire. blue gray, browns and a 11 "Decoration Day," Mildred Applegato, Garden, where he died.—Kuusas City ed by nny one who bus It described to Carlyle had kept no notes and could 201 DAVID STREET SOUTH AMBOY Mildred Letts. " Stur. him and -who knows how to make scarcely recall a sentence of what lie novelties of the season. COMPETITIVE EXAMINATIONS "What Would the Sunshine Tell?"... such things. But you cannot make had written. Nevertheless he set to FOR FREE SCHOLARSHIP. Arthur Lanibortson. Ha Dined Out. nny more Titlnns, nnd yoti ennnot copy work again, although thoroughly dis- "Each Year,"...Mildred Hager, Irene Ail Incident took place in a restau- Notre Dninc. There is I he Pantheon heartened, nnd after two more years at Rome. They thought they could of hard aud laborious work the manu- Tli« Twenty-Third Competitive Er- Gamble, Graca Game, Catherine rant in New York city oue evening not amlnation for free scholarships, in long ago that, besides being amusing, make n copy of it In that votive church script was for the second time com- Kurtz, Bornlco Kirk, Maud Ras- at Naples opposite the roynl palace, pleted. Rutgers College, will be held at the muBsen. was the cause of considerable thinking on the part of three men who wore but the Pnntueon Is a great thing, and Court House, City of New Brunswick, "One Country, One Flag,".... .Evelyn regular patrons of the place. They that churcb Is a dead thing. So when Tarn o' Shanter's Inn. on Friday and Saturday, June 7tb and Freoman, Freda Martin, Beatrice were seated together at a table when they try to build like the-Pantheon Every visitor to Ayr, Scotlnnd, Manchester Shirt 8th, 1912, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Slovor. they noticed that tho waiter who had they find tlint those lines which seem should see the little Tarn o" Suauter Any correspondence relative to tho •"Our Country," Edward Helios, Theo- cotno to take their orders was not theso straight nnd regular and simple are inn, with Its simple front nnd great Soft bosom and unstarched examination should be addressed to dore Stratton, Alexander Prlgge. ouo who usually served them. very subtle nnd hard to follow. The lamp hanging over the sidewalk. Here opened the scene which Robert Burns the Registrar of Rutgers College, Mr. "In Memory of Our Fallen Her"oes," "Where is John this evening?" oue inoro they measure the more they re- cuffs and the right sort for alize how much the Greeks departed has Immortalized lu his poem "Tom o' Irving S. Upson. Norma Wortley, Madeline BrlsWr, of the group naked. Shnuter." Turn hud spent a very con- Dated May 20, 1912. "Ho has liiid Ids hours changed." from rogtilnr and liniml lines In order comfort. -Sadie Dowdoll, Clarence Larson, to produce ihelr effort. vivial evening nt the Inn. and wlien he H. BREWSTER WILLIS, Cyrus Deats. the waiter replied, "lie'is out for din- finally started home on his gray mare, ner now."—New York Tribune. "So In our Gothic architecture—each $1.00 and $1.50 Supt. of Schools, Middlesex. "Our Honored Dead," Elizabeth Ren- column Is n work of art. because the Meg. he wns In a rather foggy frame S. B. SHULL, dor, Florence Newman, Allen Conip- old French monk who set It up nndof mind. A terrific storm wns raging, Supt. of Schools Perth Amboy. ton, Amy Atkinson", Milton Hammell Paid For His Flirting. carved Us ciipllnl did what he lilcwl. nnd on I lie way ho was caught by "I was behind you eomiiiir up the ghosts, who ended bis earthly career. GEORGE H. ECKELS, "Memorial Dny," Andrew Dill street Just now." nsw-rled Mrs. .lellus. not doing everything nlil;e. ns Results Supt. of Schools, New Brunswick. Q "nuil you rubbered ut every pretty when thing* are witde by machinery Outing Pants of Plain White or 5-25-2 or by ruli-s. Imt e:ieh thing different. Too Sensible to Give Up. ENDS HUNT VOU RICH GIRL. woman you prisscd." Pencil Stripe "At evory stylish woman," corrected like the trees In tho forest." 'Will you promise." she anxiously Often the hunt for a rich wife PIKIH asked, "not 1u do tinyllilng desperate If NEW JERSEY CENTRAL •when, the man moets ii woman Hint Mr. .Ictlii.s. "t wns just taking notes How He Learns. of the fnslilniinblp cowns, with a view I say it fail never lie';" CUSTOM TAILORING URea Electric Hitters. Her strong Mnny n flniinrlur >lnt>s ii-Jt dl.swivrr "Yes," he replied. "I think n man's TRAINS LEAVE SOUTH AMBOY to buying you the two men went Into conference by Wednesday mornng. Story of How a Thin Atmosphere ;: themselves. CHEESKQUAKE, We Give and Redeem Surety Coupons Was Turned to Advantage "Tom,*' said Xetl. "you nnd youi; Christ Church Parish. wife and sister are here as my guests Rector, Rev. H. M. P. Pearse. Methodist Episcopal Church. —not only my guests, but any stran- Residence, Christ Church Rectory. Rev. W. A. Cobb, Pastor. By RALPH POINDEXTER gers who come here are considered the' Rev. W. E. Grimshaw, Assistant. Services Sunday next will be held •I-I-H-l-H-I-I-H-I-H-H-W-H-H-H-I- guests of the town. You have no idea as follows: &OOD 1SOO&& of the chivalry of our men. Now, I 30 Ward Avenue. Sunday— For Vacation Days and Right Now - 25c The thiD atmosphere of high alti- feel responsible for your proper pro- Christ Church. Sunday School 2:00 p. m. tudes is very deceptive to those who tection while here, not only to you and Services Sunday, June 2, 1912. Preaching Service 3:00 p. m. Flower of the Fort The Forewarners Warner Classics—4 are not used to it. I remember go- those with you, but to my follow citi- Blotting Book vols. to a set • (Trinity Sunday) The Villa Claudia ing to Denver some yi'iirs ago, arriv- zens. If I should let anything happen Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. Royal Prerogatives. The Master of the Count Falcon of the Tho Blue Lawn to yon they would hold me account- Stair Eyrie Flower of the ing there in the evening. The next Litany, Sermon and Holy Com- Some of llje privileges appertaining Love Among the Orange morning 1 looked through my window able. I can handle this affair much bet- munion 10:30 a. m. to the royal prerogative extend to tlu Vergilius ter without foil than with you, and I Sunday School 2:30 p. m. Tales of the Argo- Chickens Beyond Chance of and saw the Kocky mountains looming king's household. IJis majesty cannot Blaze Derringer Change up, iiH it seemed a few hundred ynrifs want you to leave it entirely in my Evening Prayer and Sermon 7:30 p. m. be arrested or sued iu the law courts, nauts The Sisters Robert Tournay hands." Services during the week ending Rose Mather awny. I remarked thi'ir.jenuty and Jnnue 8th, 1912. for "the king can do no wrong," nud Aunt Maud—brown The Cobbler no servant employed in waiting or at- Dora Deane Fanny Lambert thought I would like to \7ulk out to Atwood demurred for awhile, but Friday— Maggie Miller trtp tending on-the roynl presence can be To Him that Hath The Windfall them nnd back before hrcalil'ast. finally consented, provided that if (h;-re Choir Rehearsal 7:30 p. m. Wagner-illus. Cameo Captain Jaekman When 1 spoke (if (bis to a resident of WSIH any serious risk to be taken he Doane Memorial Chapel. arrested or taken in execution of a Maxim Gorlti-illus. Lion's Brood TTpbullders Allin Wlnfield tho place lie Kiiid: was to be permitted to take it hiai- Morning Prayer, Litany and Ser- civil action unless the permission of Cameo The Smiling the board of green cloth, which regu- Troll Garden Flying Death "You Ihiuk those mountains nre near self. This cloned the conference, and mon 10:30 a. m. Navigating the Air Road the two parted. Sunday School .2:30 p. m. lates the duties of roynl officials, bo Monsigny The Good Mrs. by, do you? They're fifteen miles first obtained. Tin's privilege was not Sons of Men Poems—school edi- awny." Chandler went to the hotel, where he Chapel of the Good Shepherd. Life of a Star tion—vols 1, 2, 3 Hypocrite asked for Mr. Mnrkhaui, and when instituted for the personal benefit of I.ong before the niilroad was built Sunday School .3:00 p. ra. the servants, but in order that the sov- westward from Denver through thy that gentleman was pointed out to him Evening Prayer 3:30 p. m. 25c EACH fislic'd for a few moments' private con- ereign mij;lit not be put to inconven- miniiiiiilns ii slii oiio day him- Baptism Is Administered as Follows: ience by being deprived of an attend- versation. Markhuui led him apart biTi'd up the incline, reached compani- At Christ Church, at the 10:30 a. m. ant and also as u mark of respect to from tIK- others, and Chandler said: lively level grminil anil linnlly pulled service, second Sunday of the month. tho throne—London Chronicle. "My friend Atwood li:is received At Doane Memorial Chapel, at 10:30 For Little Folks and Grown Ups. up ;i( ii hotel In (ieorgetmvu. A lirUlv iiml groom, Turn ami Jliiry Alwond. what lie considers n challenge from a. m., last Sunday of the month. 2-rassi'iigcr Swings, strongly built, nicely painted and varnished, you nnd Inis tasked mo to say to you At Chapel of the Good Shepherd, at wciv on the couch, limiting a WIMIIIIUJ: 3:30 p. in., last Sunday of the month. Not His Own. for Sftf.iW trip. Ciinifiiry lo custom, they Iiml for (but bo will meet you; lint, being I lie . The Parish House. ^ "Is he a man of pronounced views?" 4-1'asscii^i- Swings, solidly built and safe; well braced; -nicely u traveling companion Anna Tliurslijii. challenged party, ho IHKISIS upon miik- Meetings of tho various Societies. "Yes, but they are pronounced by his painted $>»•-•'» it sinter of the bride, several yours her IUK the terms. lie propones (lint, to- Sunday—The Sunday School 2:30 p.m. wife."—JJinuiiiKliiim AEe-Herald. morrow morning at (1 o'clock, you leave Hardwood Swings, extra large, carrying i heavy persons; junior. During the evening lCthvin Monday— C'lijimJler, )i cb.ssmtili.' in college wllli this hotel and ride down the Ktugo The Girls' Friendly Society 7:30 p.m. finish, red $"•'»** rond eastward. Ho will meet you Wednesday— LOGAN'S GRAVE DECORATED. Gliding Setfees, most comfortable 'swing ever built, because of A (wood, \v)ii> hud gnnc Id ('uliinnlii In seek liis fortune, culled nnd Invited Uic within n mile or two of this place, Tho Doy Scouts 7:30 p. m. Thursday— Annual Services at Tomb of Founder the ease and level motion; can ba used by those who cannot |i.irly In i)i:ik<' him a visit In bis liunuii prohahly near the yellow house, Just stand the ordinary swing-, tho motion being entirely different; three miles from here. Von are 1o car- The Brotherhood of St. Andrew of Memorial Day. low on (lie outskirts of tlu> town. (Juniors) 7:45 p. m. can be made into a bed if desired; equipped with large awn- A conspiracy hud liecn entered Into ry one Ili cnliher shooter; lie the The Brotherhood of St. Andrew One of the graves most elaborately ing, complete , $17.50 bet wwu Tom nnd Mary AI wood to siime. When you meet on (he rond (Seniors) 8:00 p. m. decked with llowers ench Memorial day is that of General John A. Logan, ui;il;i' II match between Neil Cliiiinlli'i' cither or both are nt liberty to open The Rector can be found at the CKOQUET SETS founder of tile day. General Logan mill Aniiii Tliiirslon. Ned Inul llvi'd lire nt will." Rectory (except on Mondays) from A most complete line of Croquet Sets of the best, quality maple, in had the unparalleled liouor of being alone In a region when1 women were Mnrkhaiii pronounced these terms 8:30 to 9:30 a. m., and from 1:30 to strong1 wood, boxes, with hinged lid; tho set including eight balls and very different from the code to which 2:30 p. m., and requests that cases of thrice elected commander In chief of scarce. And now he was beside him- sickness be reported to him promptly the Grand Army of the Republic, and. mallets; prices *1, *1.T5, $2.60, $2.75, $8, $4.50, and $0 self nt being thrown in lutlinutely with he had been used to In the south, but they appeared to be fair and he con- in order that he may attend to them. It was while serving in this capnclty 1VE SELL FUHMTUHE ON THE CLUB PLAN nil attractive young lady. Hut Anna In 18C8 thnt he designated May 30 as h;id been used to plenty of men In tlie sented to them. That evening Chandler, Atwood and a day to be observed by all Grand Ar- east, to nay nothing of HUltors, nnd, Daptlst Church. my posts throughout the nation, on the Indies spent at die bungalow to- which they were to scatter flowers gether. All Chandler Raid about the Rev. Thomas Nea.1, Jr. Pastor. over the graves of tho soldiers. affair with Mnrkham wnH thnt It was Residence 71 Second Btreet HAHNE & 00. - NEWARK General Logan's tomb Is found near iu a fair way of settlement. He pro- Services for the week beginning posed curds nnd appeared to tuke KO Sunday, June 2, 1912. one of the sates of tho cemetery of great nn interest In the game that nei- the Soldiers' home, Washington. Many ther the bride nor her sister suspected Sunday Services. of the Inmates of the home fought un- MONSTER ICEBERGS. thnt anything of Importance was at10:30 a. m. Preaching and Holy Com- 0. H. EDWARDS munion. CARPENTER and BUILDER hand. All went to bed at 11 o'clock. 2:30 p. rn. Bible School Session. Ona Five Miles tn Length Grounded at Long before dawn Chandler went out Window and Door Xels a Specialty Cape Race In 1884. 6:45 p. m. Senior C. E. Society in his stockings, carrying his boots in meeting. Estimates Furnished ami Tho first glimpse ot icebergs Is his hands, and, going to a stable near 7:30 p. m. Preaching. Jobbing Promptly Done likely to bring disappointment to one by, got out a horse, mounted him nnd Week Day Services. who has feasted Ms Imagination upon took the rond to Idaho Springs. He ' Monday. P. 0. Box 35 80 Catherine St. descriptions ot their ponderous bulk went, however, only as far as the yel- 7:30 p. m. The Young Men's meeting, and imperturbable demeanor. The glis- low house he had mentioned to Mark- and Brigade drill. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. tening white, marble-like blocks dot ham, where he left his horse nnd at Thursday. ting the blue expanse to the horizon 7:45 p. m. Church Prayer Meeting. Frederic M. P. Pearse, executor of 6 o'clock started to walk back to seem too small to be guilty of the dis- Georgetown. Friday. Margaret McKeown deceased, by di-asters charged against them. They do 3.30 p. m. Junior C. E. Society. rection of the Surrogate of the County The mountains inclosing this valley 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearBal. ol Middlesex, hereby gives notice to not seem capable of causing the ship, are very high. The moon standing wrecks nnd suffering that lie at the Come, hear the Gospel and enjoy a the creditors of the said Margaret Mc- on the meridian hnd that ghastly hue Christian Fellowship. All seats free. Keown to bring in their debts, de- bottom of the universal homage paid it takes on when daylight has robbed mands and claims against the estate them by the mariner. her of her normal golden color. The of the said deceased, under oath or As one approaches them they gain in air was crisp. "Just the morning for Metliodlst Episcopal Church. affirmation, within nine months from grandeur and impressiveness. They this date, or they will be forever bar- a duel like this," remarked Chandler Rev. C. S. Miller, Pastor. range from 50 to 30O feet In height, to himself. TOM II OP OENKUAL LOGAN. red of any action therefor against the Residence: 120 John street. said executor. and one that rose above the water to When Markham saw Chandler ho an elevation of 836 feet bus been re- der him and consider It one of theis Dated March 29, 1912. was tiir.ee miles distant. Chandler was Services for the week beginning religious duties to remember the last corded. They vary in length and of a different build from Atwood and Sunday, June 2, 1912. FREDERIC M. P. PEARSE, breadth, bergs a mile long and n quar- resting place of their old commander. Executor. the nre eater thought him some one Sunday Services. Every Memorial day tho orator se- ter to a half mile wide being not un- else, Class 9:30 a. m. common. It is reported that one which Junior Class 10:00 a. m. lected for the occasion speaks of Gen- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. When a third of the interval be- eral Logan's service to tho old soldiers William Birmingham, executor of was five miles in length ran aground tween them had been eliminated. Public Service 10:30 a. m. Tho Sac- in 1S84 on Cape Race, and persons from rament of the Lord's Supper will be and to the nation in founding tho cer- Joan Kane, Sr., deceased, by direc- Chandler fired a shot to let his enemy administered. emony. These meetings are held from tion of the Surrogate of the County the headlands of St. John's saw one know that he was the man to be killed. of Middlesex, hereby gives notice to three miles in length pass that point Sunday School 2:30 p. m. a roofed platform surrounded by pil- the creditors of the said John Kane, Markham was surprised. He consid- Epworth League 6:45 p. m., led by lars, after the style of a Greek tem- in 1803. One nearly five miles long ered that he had run a great risk in Miss Nellie Mason. ple. This platform is on a slope just Sr., to bring In their debts, demands was seen off the coast of Labrador In and claims against the estate of the not recognizing the coming man as his Song service and sermon 7:30 p. m. above the tomb. A visit Is then mado said deceased, under oath or affirma- 1005, and In April, 1802, observers fn SHOT HIS MAN THROUGH THE HEART. enemy, judging Chandler to be about Subject: "What is Man? His Greatness to tho tomb Itself, which Is in tho tion, within nine months from this the neighborhood of Notre Dame bay, 500 yards from him. He waited till and Littleness." form of a vault surrounded by a low date, or they will bo forever barred on the northeast coast of Newfound- since Ned had fnllen Into the uncouth Services During the Week. appearance of a prospector, she wassufficient time had elapsed to draw his hox hedge and guarded by a cannon. of any action therefor against the land, saw one which is said to have enemy within range, then, taking a Epworth League Business Meeting Frequently these services are under said executor. been nine miles long and more than not Inclined to favor him. "Wednesday 8 p. m. Atwood had had some trouble with a sure aim, sent a shot. The enemy did Prayer Service—Thursday 7.45 p.m. the auspices of the Grand Aimy, but Dated May 7, 1312. half a mile in width and 200 feet high. not fall. Nor did he open fire. He the soldiers from the home always WILLIAM BIRMINGHAM, fire eating southerner. I never learned Choir Rehearsal—Saturday 8 p. m. A similar one is reported to hnve beeu continued to advance. Markham sent Sunday, June 9th, will be observed have their part. Exocutor. passed by the steamer Portia off Cape what was ut the bottom of it except that immediately after the wtir At- another shot. It produced no effect, as Children's Day. The entire day will The home itself is unique, in that It Fopo, Newfoundland, live years later. having fnllen short, though Markham be given to the children. In the morn- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. wood weut Bouth to become a planter. ing service the pastor will baptlzej •was In existence before the civil war. Curious characteristics are seen There he met his wife. Being forced did not know this. He was astonish- It is designed for members of the reg- Thomas A. Conovcr and John Ham- sometimes when approaching an ice- children. In the evening the children, ilton Pottor Conover, executors of by the prejudice existing against north- ed that though his opponent continued will render a fine Children's Day pro- ular army and is maintained by dona- berg in the neighborhood of the gulf to advance he got no nearer. What Richard S. Conovor deceased, by di- erners at that time to leave the coun- 1 gram. All are cordially invited. Seats tions from them. rection of the Surrogate) of tho County stream. It will be bearded with Icicles try, he had married the girl he loved could be the matter ? Was his enemy free to all. of Middlesex, hereby give notice to formed from tho drippiug of the mon- and brought her way with him. Some- a real man or a ? the crodltors of tho said Richard S. ster itself, and occasionally a cataract Lincoln's Pass Valueless. thing that had occurred during this Presently Chandler raised his weap- At One time during the civil war, Conovor to bring in their debts, de- will be scon pouring from its crest troublous period had excited the ani-on nnd fired. Mnrkhain was not yet mands nnd claims against the eBtate into the sea, tho source of which is a Presbyterian Church when the Union army was making of tho said deceased, under oath or mosity of the fire eater, whose name within range, and Chandler knew it. He great efforts to break through the cor- small hike formed on the top by the was Mnrkhnm, nnd he vowed that the sent the shot to start up his enemy. Rev. George Kane, Pastor. nfllrmatton, within nine months from sun's rays nnd fog,—Now York Trib- Services for the week don of Confederate troops which de- this date, or they will bo forever world was not big enough for liim and He succeeded. Markham, thinking his beginning fended Richmond, a gentleman called une. Atwood botli to live in. antagonist to be within a few hundred Sunday, June 2, 1912. harrod of any action therefor against 10:30 a. m. Morning Service Begins. on President Lincoln in Washington tho sitid executors. One morning Mrs. Atwood and herfeet of him, sent two shots in rapid Sermon by the pastor. Theme: and asked for a pass for Richmond. Dated April 17, 1912. Only Made It Worse, succession. Harry was taken out to dinner for sister, walking together through the "Equipped for Service." "Well," said Lincoln, "I would he very THOMAS A. CONOVI3R, and JOHN town, met Mnrkham. Mrs. Atwood Chandler had expended one shot to 2:30 p. m. General Sunday School, happy to obligo you If my passes were, HAMILTON TOTTER CONOVER. the tlrst time iu Ills life. His mother Markham's four. They were not yet Classes for kept him at her side becnuse his moth- was terror stricken and Miss Thurston all. Come, you arerespected, but the fact is, sir, I have Executors. nuturally much troubled for her sister within range, but Chandler raised his welcome. within the last two years given pass- er is a wise woinau, Btit ue acted like revolver nnd. appeared to be taking1 a 7:00 p. m. Senior C. B. Meeting. a perfect little gentleman until the and her Bister's husband. The next es to 250,000 men to go to Richmond, deliberate aim. This drew another 7:45 p. m. Evening Service begins. and not one has got there yet," dessert course. Then his mother found day Atwood received a note from Mark Sermon by the pastor, Theme: occasion to reprove him. ham stating that he bnd come to Colo shot from his enemy. "The Shining of the Light." "Harry," she exclaimed In such a rado to kill him nnd would prefer to do They -were now barely within killing 7:45 p. m. Thursday—Prayer and LIBRARY! loud whisper that everybody at tho so like a gentleman, If he could, not distance. Chandler fired n shot, but It Praise meeting—your opportunity table could hear It, "what do you mean shoot him like a gentleman he would fell a trifle short. Mnrkham emptied of meeting with God. AN OLD BATTLEFIELD. AH the Rest and Latest Rooks can be shoot him like a dog. hlB last chnmber. Tho ball struck 4:00 p. m. Friday—Junior C. E. Meet- Rend nt Small Cost. by wiping your spoon on your nap- Atwood naturally took the note to Chandler's ehln, but only bruised It. ing. O The softest whisperings of the o Why Go Without Good KcndJng! kin? You never do that at home." 8:00 p. m. Friday—Chorus Rehearsal. •(( scented south, •{! "No, mamma," answered Harry in his friend Chandler and sought his ad- He was about to fire again when ho TilE A. C. PARISEN LIBRARY Raw Markham draw another revolver. We will practice Children's Duy O And rust and roses In the cannon's o an even louder whisper, "but at homo vice.. Both were desirous of keeping music at this service. •g mouth, g Sontb Amboy 4-1-tf tho matter from the two women, but Running forward zigzag, Chandler we always get clean spoons."—Cleve- We give you an invitation to attend Q And where the thunders of thought Q land Plain Dealer. It was Impossible. Mrs. Atwood knew suddenly stood face to face with his these different services. ^I wero born " « that a note had arrived for her hus- enemy, took deliberate aim and shot O The wind's sweot tenor In the O The Alexandrite. band, was suspicious and would not be hla man through tho heart. •S standing corn, « satisfied till she had been told the When the story of tho fight was told Methodist Protestant Church, O O Don't think that your knowledge of "§ "With songs of larks, low lingering g wonder gems is complete till you hnve whole story. Then a conference took in Georgetown Chandler was upheld Rev. F. F. Craig, Pastor. >j In the loam, # soeu In all Its benuty an alexandrite, place between the four friends. as having done his duty as a citizen Services for the week beginning O And low skies bending over love o green by clay nnd red by night. And "You needn't worry, Mrs. Atwood," toward visitors. Atwood complulned Sunday, June 2, 1912. *{t and home, *& that Chandler had taken a risk thnt ha o O such a green—oiive bronze, with a po- said Chandler. "There's more renl 10:30 a. m. Preaching. Subject: •ft But still tho thought: Somowhore, & TRAD;: MARKS tent suggestion that red is there; justice In a region like UIIB thnu can hnd promised he (Atwood) should take "Service to Christ by Service to 2 upon tho hilla 2 RESIGNS bo had in the most civilized city in the If it were to be taken at all. But Others." o Or where the vnlos ring with tho o COPYHIGHTS &C. green when held In the sunlight; in a Anyowt- 2cr."!t!3 n •>!"**'•'• •:•'! -ii^..*'.; W^u tunr darkened room with artificial light a world. Chandler nverrcd thnt with nn enemy 2:30 p. m. Sunday School. Subject: •ty whlppoorwllls, it Quickly iisrcjrtnlii nnr oplninti fr'j< Y.-!'"i lir.r nil "Hypocrisy and Sincerity." Matt 6: Invention Is prubiiljly iwiU'iiliihlit. ruiuiiHinii'n- ruby where the emerald was a mo- "Every man is expected to fight unused to the Colorado atmosphere O 6 tlnnsittrlclljrcnnHilriilliil. IMfID!"?Q» or l'm»Mii ment before—n tnwuy wine rod of ex- hla own battles, but where a lady 1R there was no risk in the premises. 1-18. 5 Sad, wistful oycs and broken hearts M seiltfrao. Oltlast iiLH'ni-y lor Mjci.nn,.' (MLUIIIH. 7:00 p. rn. Senior C. E. Society, topic: O that bent ° I'atonts tul:cti (hrmit'h Miii.n A- L'u. reiulre quisite tone. Involved the ense Is different. Our Miss Thurston snw Mr. Chandler In "Fldolity, The Christian Virtues No. S1 Por tho loved sound of unretumlng r iptclal notice, wlHiotit clmrue, In tlio men have an unlimited reverence for an entirely different light from before C." Rev. 2:1-10. "Willie, didn't I tell you to shut thnt woman. If 1 were to let It be known the saving of her brother-in-law's life. 7:45 p. m. Song Service by tho choir. 1} And when tho oa"KB their loafy ban- Scientific American. Ihutter?" said Mra. Boggs. that n nun hnd come out here to roll She not only consented to be hia wife, 8:00 p. m. Preaching. Subject: o ners wave, A handsomely tlluplrntccl wocitly. rj-iinrcst. cir- ij Dream of tho battlo and an un- culation of imy Bcicuf(Uc JnuniuJ. Vvmmt f'J a M bride of her hunbaml 1 could gather but to remain with him in a region "Perfect Peaco nnd How it. is Ob- year: four nioiithfli $1. tiuulbyttll TinrvnieiilurF, "Tho shutter's shut," replied Willie, o mnrked gravo! 3eiBr admi •nnd I can't shut It nny shutter."— posse at once to run the fellow out which she had found to contain reiil tained." V — Prank L. Stanton. Cincinnati Enquirer. bf town. Just you and your winter Thursday— MUNN&Co. ° »'New York chivalry. 3:30 p. m. Junior C. E. Subject: •itOiroito-tioiio-hoitiio-tto-ttoiiO-do-tTOir, Driincli onicio, irili F Bt.. WiniblnKiiiii :J. C. THE SOUTH AMBOr CITIZEN. SATURDAY, JUNK 1, 1912. NEW JERSEY NEWS CONDENSED. M. P. CHURCH NOTES Items of Interest From all Parts of the State as Gleaned From Our IN Being disappointed in the expuctei TIRE PRICES leader, Mrs. Russel Havens led the C Exchanges Briefly Paragraphed. E., Sunday evening. The closing meeting of the daj; found a nice attendance, and a profit- able service was held. Ocean (>rovc I'ircnipii's Election. traffic. Colonel Stevens says in the York; five sons, Justice Russell, Dr. The Ushers' Union, had a meeting C. C. Clayton and Frank Tantun report that the completion of tin's roai William H. Russell, of the Southern last Sunday evening and anotUe were the successful candidates at th. unused a marked increase of travel College, Sutherland, Fla.; Charles K special meeting of tfie Union will b' annual election Tor district fire com up and down the beach, and has and David Russell, both associated held next Sunday evening. missloners, held at Ocean Grove or brought about one of (lie most marked with the Title Guarantee and Trust Effective Today! Envelopes for the Children's Da> Saturday. Tantmn was opposed b; changes to lie noted anywhere in the Company of Jamaica; Theodore, of May 30th offering for our work in Japan wer Kdward J. Davis. The latter re slate. ("Ireat Neck, Long Island, and a daugh- distributed. It is expected to organize ceived eighty votes to Tantum's 115 One of the most important new high- ter, Mrs. Alvin B. Turner, of Ocean Substantial Reductions on all sizes. an auxiliary of the Women's Foreign ways is the new gravel Lakewood and Grove. Dr. Russell's first! wife, who Adelpliia road, third and fourth sec- was Susan Hiller, of Michigan, was Missionary Society in the near future. Firm Says It Is Insolvent. At the close of the school qsiite a tions, three and a half miles long. the mother of all his children. Size NEW PRICES Old Prices Samuel and Abraham Meltz, trad- The report says the completion of number went to the closing service of * * * * 34x4 $33.25 $35.75 the Y. M. C. A., which was a very im- ing as Meltz Bros., of Millville, file this improvement brings Lakewood at a voluntary petition in bankruptcy in least five miles nearer Freehold and Two Wheelmen in .Smash. pressive service. All of the churches Lying unconscious and badly injur- 30x4% 43.75 47.25 were represented and three of the four the United States District Court a all points north and west, it also Trenton on Monday, The liabilitie; cuts out four railroad grade crossings ed, Louis Clark, nineteen years old, of 37x5 54.00 58.75 pastors of the city were present. The M.etuchen, and N. C. Madsen, of Perth singing, under the direction of th of the company are placed at $3,244 and numerous sharp turns. The old and assets at $),000. road was formerly a stage route but Amboy, were picked up Monday near choir, and all of the speaking was the Mull in farm, between Perth Am- inspiring and edifying. Secretary * * * * owing to the deep sand it had been THE SUPERIORITY OF MICHELIN TIRES abandoned by everyone except those boy nnd Metuchen. It is feared that Deacon voiced the thanks of the Y. Odd Atlnck ment to pay doctors' bills was the seen of the man was in Maryeland, O., ning to further the plans for the new He says that while sitting on a local onslderation given by the Jersey In March 1911. Information is to be PER CE\T on balances averaging daily parsonage. dock ho was siezed by a boatswain Jentral Traction Company for a gen- sent to the prosecutor's office, New and forced on a three months cruise. o eral release when Miss Bridget Mc- Brunswick, or to the David Detective- $500 and over for the month. After the cruise, he states, he was RAILROAD ISSUES B(fOK rail was injured by the alleged, sud- Agency, Newark. 2 den starting of a trolley car which taken to Mt. Vernon and made to work 1 ON CORN CULTURE. she was in the act of boarding in witih a number of other boys. The lad * ' * * * PER CENT in Special Deposit Depart- That the Pennsylvania Railroad is New Monmouth Township. On Mon"-says he was closely guarded and Officer's Cheek Pierced by Hatpin. ment on accounts of $200 and over remaining determined to use its influence to in- day, before Vice-Chancellor Emery, could not escape until a few days ago. While trying to keep back the peo- in Bank for at least Three Months prior to crease the quantity an'd the quality of at Newark, the release then given ?>4b5 flE4k ^tk5 ^JA! ple who crowded about President Taft 3 the corn grown on its lines is in- was contested on the grounds of coer- Only One Cnniltdntc Passes. when Ihe spoke at Perth Amboy on January 1 and July 1. dicated in a booklet just issued by its cion, Inadequacy of consideration and Only one candidate passed the ex-Monday, Policeman T. J. Quinlan was freight department on the subject of ISSUES TRAVELERS' CHECKS PAYABLE EVERYWHERE. Inability to understand. Miss Me- amination conducted Dy the Civil Ser- speared through the right cheek by a "Corn Culture." SELLS FOREIGN DRAFTS PAYABLE IK ANY PART OF rail, In a bill filed in her behalf by vice Commission at Trenton on April woman's hatpin. The wound called THE WOULD. The Railroad calls to the attention Michael J. Tansey, claims to be still 29 last for the position of greenhouse for surgical aid, and in the opinion of farmers that the profit from an suffering from the effects of the ae-assistant at the New Jersey Agricul- of the physician, will leave a bad HARRY C. PERRINE, President R. C. STEPHENSON, Cashier acre of corn in the immediate terri- ident, and that her doctors' bills havo scar an inch in length as a life-long tural Experiment Station at New T. FRANCIS PERRINE, Assistant Cashier tory traversed by its lines exceeds exceeded $700. In a suit brought by Brunswick. The successful candidate souvenir of the president's visit for that of any of the great corn growing Miss McGrail in, the Monmouth Coun- was Louis A. Ruzicka, of New Bruns- the policeman. DIRECTORS: sections; it states that in pursuance ty Circuit Court to recover $5,000 wick. * * * * DANIEL C. CHASE CHRISTIAN STRAUB HENRY WOLFF of its poflcy to place with the farmers damages, counsel for the trolley lino Poultry Dealer is Bankrupt. HARRY C. PERRINE GEORGE V. BOGART the benefits |of the most scientific * * 4 * set up the release as a defense and v J. BAIRD PERRINE R. C. STEPHENSON research and experience in agricul- Mr. Tansey had the suit stayed, pend- Pennington Gymnasium Opened. A voluntary petition in bankruptcv tural development, it arranged with ing a test of the value of that release With interesting exercises the hand- was filed in the United States District the Pennsylvania State College for as a bar to the damage suit. The some new alumni gymnasium of the Court at Trenton' on Tuesday by Ed- the treatise on corn culture. The bill of complaint charges that the Pennington School at Pennington was win R. Willis, a poultry and egg deal- Company says it hopes and believes release was obtained by Henry D. opened on Wednesday afternoon. er, of Atlantic City. He> places his liabilities at $9,235 and assets at ?S,- that this effort toward education will Brinley, then a claim agent for the 'ormer Governor John Franklin Port KEIPORT'S 838. " prove of mutual benefit to the farmer defendant company, four days after delivered the principal address. Other P. J. MONAGHAN SEW PASSENGER AND FREIGHT and the Company. the accident, practically through coer- speakers were Dr. Thomas O'Han- LINE lon, who was president of Pennington PLUMBING, HEATING, Other pamphlets issued by the ion. TIMING TELEPHONE CALLS. LEAVES KETP0BT Freight Department of the Company « * * * for thirty-seven years; Dr. A. R. A new method of timing telephone Street, president of the board of trus- ROOFING, METAL CEILINGS Week Days 8 A. M. devoted to argicultural development Factory Destroyed By Fire. toll collections is described in the Saturdays 8 A. M. and 5 P. SI tees; Mayor Howe, of Pennington, and New York Telephone Review. It J* and farm operation are as follows: The plant of the Didier-March Com- Sundays. .8, 11:30 A. M. and 5 P. it The Essentials of Soil Fertility, 'ormer Mayor Appleby, of Asbury a very sinmpe affair and is In appear- SHEET IRON WORK any at Keasbey was destroyed by fire 'ark. the gymnasium cost $25,000. LEAVES NEW YOBK Alfalfa, 'rlday night of last week causing a ance somewhat like a cyclometer used on a bicycle. One of these devices Jobbing Promptly Attended to GansoTOort Street. Orchard Development, oss of about $1,000,000. * * * *, Potato Culture, is installed on the keyboard between OFFICE: Week Days 4;3<> p. «. # * * * Requisition for Gallagher. Seed Grain Suggestions, each two operators. It is actuated by 120 DAVID STREET, SOUTH AMBOY Saturdays 12:30 P. M. Broke Ground For New Plant. Requisition papers were signed by an electrically driven master clock (FOBUEBLT DB. MEA<1HAM'8I Batter/ Boof Production in Pennsylvania, Governor Wilson on Tuesday for the Use of Dynamite on tuo Farm, The Ringwalt Linoleum Company and Is moved ahead one count every Week Days 5:15 P. M. iroke ground at New Brunswick on xtraditlon of Theodore Gallagher, of three seconds, or 100 times in five Saturdays ....1:30 and 7 P. M. Farming Possibilities of the Dele- Dunellen, who was indicted by the ware-Maryland-Virginia Peninsu- tonday for their new plant. The main minutes. Five minutes is the length "DELIGHTFUL PLACE" Sundays..9:45 A. M., 1:30 and 7P.M. ullding will be three stories. There Middlesex Grand Jury for rape. Galla- of time which down state subscribers The above is a general expression Tho trolley cars of the Jersey Cei. la. gher is now confined in the Tombs vill also be one two story building may talk on toll calls for the payment of all who visit our new quarters In trnl Traction Co. connect with the Good Uoads at Low Cost. rison, New York. ind a one story building. The con- of one charge. The company Is en- the "AMERICAN" BLDG. cor. Smith boat nt Keyport for NOTT York. truction work will cost $30,000. * * * # titled to an additional charge for and State streets. DANGERS OF TRESPASSING * * * * Heirs to New York Estate. each five minutes or fraction which Our Students are Greatly Pleased James McCrea, President of the subscribers talk In excess of the first F. FERD PETERSON On file for probate in the Surro- A course at our school now com- Pennsylvania Railroad, hns written a Thirty .Miles of New Roads Laid. five minutes, In handling toll calls gate's office, New York, on Monday, bines pleasure and profit. You can Successor to Williams & Peterson letter to a magazine calling attention Showing that a fraction over thirty the operator notes on a ticket, the was the will of Mary C. Blew, late secure a good position by completing to tho dangers of trespassing. He niles of roads in Now Jersey were reading of the device when the calloil Contractor, Street Grading, Concrete unt of John B. Blew, of Perth Amboy. a course -with us. said: ompleted during tho fiscal year end- The executors are directed to take subscriber answers and again when Enter Any Day. Individual Instruction or Flag Walks, Curbs, Gutters, Etc. "It Is horrible to me to think of the ng October 31, 1911, the total cost of 5500 and to Invest this sum, applying they are through talking and hang numbor of trespassers that are killed vhloh was $313,271, the annual re- ;he Income arising from this, or as up. If there is a difference of less Tel. 1028-W Tott Tottontllle, N. T. or Injured on the lines of the rail- iort of State Road Commissioner Ed- mich as may be necessary, in keep- ;hnn 100 between the reading taken at Trainer's Business College, roads, simply becnuse they pay no in A. Stevens has just been issued, Ing the family burial plots in South he start of the connection and tho PERTH AMBOY, N. J, nttention to the laws on the subject. 'he state, under the state aid law,River and in Fresh Pond In good con- reading taken at the finish one charge On the Pennsylvania System alone, in iniU one-third of this cost, or $104,- Itlon and repair. Among the be- only is involved; if this difference is Ladies! Save Money and WM. T. HAMMELL, ((he last ten years thoro were 8,523 23. The state also paid tho wages uests are these: John B. Blow, Perth more than 100 and less than 200 two Keep in Style by Pnlutcr nnd Pnpcrliflnger. trespassers killed, and 8,285 injured. if the supervisors on the work, which Linboy, a nephew, $250. Cornelius B. charges are Involved, although in The danger to the public due to the mounted to an additional sum of Sylvester, Perth Amboy, $500; Cor- reality If tho difference is loss than Reading McCall's Magazine WALL PAPER FOR SALE custom of carrying concealed explos- 25,TOG. Some of the roads improved elius J. Blew, Jamosburg, a brother, 110 the subscriber is billed for only and Using- McCall Patterns Estimates Cheerfully Given. one message, as the company nllows McCnll'i lthtuiue will ives on passenger trains and trolley uring the year provided important 500. MACAU'S MAGAZINE i>«i,i. you y 08 SECOJTD ST. Box 118. cars is also great. To what extent onncctlng links between roads al- * * * A a leeway of thirty seconds on all toll Islily nt n IIKKIITIII cxptMifio liy k*M'pi" this practice is indulged in, of course, enrly Improved, while others opened Itev. I)r. William II. Russell. calls. you posted on tin we ennnot ktl, but v«x know that It ip sHHtJons of the state which before jnti'.st I itsli Ious 11 Rev. Dr. William H. Russell, for It Is n matter of very simple sub- dollies anil lulls. 5u is done much inoro than is realised hose were built had no improved noro thnn twenty-five years a citizen ractlon for the auditor to determine Ntw Pn s h I (Hi 1 iglrways. siKllS In l-licll Is.SUl'. MACHINE SHOP by olio public. This is particularly if Ocean Grove, died Monday in his ivhether a subscriber should be billed JUMI vulunulo infur- true as to foreigners disused in min- million on nil Inline One of the new roads built where lome, 141. Cookman avenue, ffe was or'ninre than one message on any toil t) mi iti'rMinul tmu ing operations of various kinds." , one existed before is the Seaside Park IjUity-elght years old. Dr. Russell, all. Icrs. Only G»c a ENGINES, BOILERS nnd MACEINEBI Mr. McCrea Bald nttention should he nd Bay Head highway n little over year, 111 c 1 tt tl I ti ir ho was a member of tho New York mnnim i»nam»n» n Irifu iiiitturn. Suli- Of all kinds repaired. called to the danger of allowing child- vc miles long. This was built of iast Conference of (he Methodist siTlbo tudiiy or send Secret Admiration. furrrunsauiiilocopy. MODEL MAKING, PLUMBING, ren to walk on railroad rights of ravel on the strip of sand between 3plsnopnl Church, was the father of McCillPalUraiwIllcunhlcyHilomnki'lnyoiir Mrs,, llulliiigton refuses to spenk own homo, with your own hands, clotlilui! way. Ho alsu pointed out tho no«d he two towns named extending bi?- 1 GAS FITTING, STEAM AND lilef Justice. Isano Franklin Russell, to that cloak model," .said ono young for yourself nml cullfirtm wlik-h will by urn - for explaining tho law and regulations wrtm the Ocean and Barnegnt Bay. fi'et In stylnniHlnt, Price—nonehlullcrt him f the Court of Special Sessions, New woinau. 15COUL3. Sond fur friso Pattern CuUiluHU'j. HOT WATEB HEATHfe in reference to carrying explosives on k'fore the rnad was constructed the ork. Or. Russell Is survived by u Yes," replied the other, "but she Wi Will Give You Fine Frotnli for Ili'ttlni: suli- pnaBtingcr (rains and trolley cars, or serlptlonsuiHonuyintr friends. K>.MHI forfrui; iipldly growing town of Seaside Park vldow, who before her marriage wai tries her best to look like her."— I'rtMiilinn (.'iiltiluKtio and Cash I'rlzo Ofler. V. NEWELL JAMES placing thorn in trunl;.-» or hnnd-bngs. as practically cut off from vehicular THE McCAU COMPANY. 239lo 249 Wtsl 37ili Si., NEW YOM Catherine Armoiis Dickinson, of New Washington Star. Corner Second and Stocklon SU.