Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, 12 August 2021

I hereby give notice that a Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on:

Date: Thursday, 12 August 2021

Time: 8.00am Location: Claremont Council Chambers 308 , Claremont

Liz Ledger Chief Executive Officer

Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting Agenda 12 August 2021


Persons present at this meeting are cautioned against taking any action as a result of any Committee recommendations until such time as those recommendations have been considered by Council and the minutes of that Council meeting confirmed.

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Order Of Business

1 Declaration of Opening / Announcement of Visitors ...... 5 2 Record of Attendance / Apologies ...... 5 3 Disclosure of Interests ...... 5 4 Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting ...... 5 5 Reports of the CEO ...... 6 5.1 Lake Claremont Operational Plan 2020-21 Progress Report ...... 6 5.2 Committee Terms of Reference ...... 15 5.3 Lake Claremont Bird Census for Winter 2021 ...... 28 6 Other Reports ...... 32 6.1 Friends of Lake Claremont ...... 32 6.2 Projects - Update ...... 35 7 Other Business ...... 36 8 New Business of an Urgent Nature Approved by the Presiding Person or by Decision of Meeting ...... 36 9 Future Meetings of Committee...... 36 10 Declaration of Closure of Meeting ...... 36

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That the minutes of the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6 May 2021 be confirmed.

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5.1 LAKE CLAREMONT OPERATIONAL PLAN 2020-21 PROGRESS REPORT File Number: GOV/00051-04, D-21-25180 Author: Jared Bray, Coordinator Parks and Environment Authoriser: Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Lake Claremont Operational Plan 20-21 ⇩

PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to update the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee (LCAC) on the items, tasks and activities that have been completed in relation to the management of Lake Claremont and the surrounding parklands. BACKGROUND Activities which are identified in the Lake Claremont Operational Plan 2020-21 (Attachment 1) relating to the Lake Claremont Management Plan have been marked as completed to date at the Lake Claremont precinct (where applicable). The activities include completed projects as well as any action items identified in previous Committee meetings and relate to the following key areas:

• Turf Management • Weed Management • Litter Management • Park Infrastructure • Tree Management • Water and Soil Management • Fauna Management • Flora Management • Projects - LCMP Review - Lake Claremont Environmental, Indigenous & Education Centre Proposal

DISCUSSION See below a brief update on each activity:

Turf Management

Turf management has been completed as programmed. Mowing of the parkland area has been completed as per the mowing schedule.

Broadleaf weeds were sprayed in June by the Town’s turf works contractor. If further treatment is required, it will be booked in August.

Weed Management

- Tamarix sites have been regularly monitored and treated accordingly. - Contractors have completed a thorough chemical weed control service of bushland areas in late June resulting in a low weed load throughout the site. - FOLC have engaged Green Skills to assist with hand weeding commencing early July. - The weed control contract is being put to tender in August.

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Litter Management

- Two bush camps were set up and have been taken down in remnant bushland over the July school holidays.

Park Infrastructure

- The Nature play space located at Stirling Road Park has been expanded, utilising timber from the Town’s street trees. In the coming weeks there will also be plants planted to increase the flora in this location. - Concrete footpath has been installed at Stirling Road Park and Cresswell Park replacing the limestone path there previously. This work will continue in stages as budget permits. - During the recent storm event in July, there were several areas of wash outs. Town staff are working to inspect and repair these locations and look to improve the sites where possible to better manage future events. - Fence repairs took place in July to fix damaged/broken fences around the lake. - The Town of Claremont 2021/22 budget includes allocation for the provision of several items around the lake including new drink fountains and new wayfinding signs. The Town’s Parks and Environment team will progress the installation of the fountains and the Communications team are working on the new wayfinding signs, which will include directions to the FOLC shed and details of the mural. - Costs have been obtained to determine if it is better to replace the existing bin enclosures with new enclosures with a better design to prevent dog poo bags falling between the bins and the enclosures, or to retrofit something to the existing bins. The former is quite costly, and the existing bin enclosures still have a long forecast life remaining. The latter has proven complicated, although it is achievable. In the short term the cleaning of the enclosures has been increased in regularity and inspections will be undertaken to determine if this is sufficient to improve their conditions. Should it need increasing even further this is still likely the most cost-effective option until such time as the enclosures are due for renewal.

Tree Management

The Town has planted approximately twenty trees including flooded gum, tuarts, sheoak, marri and Melaleuca rhaphiophylla. Earlier this year, contractors sprayed out patches of grass along Alfred Road which were then mulched by volunteers and have been recently planted with trees. Ten trees were also planted along the path near the Lakeway Street entrance to help shade the new dog agility site. Established trees in the parkland were pruned/uplifted in June.

Water and Soil Management

- The Town will be undertaking several soil samples around Lake Claremont to test for a number of soil quality parameters. - Soil sampling will begin sometime in early-mid August and will complement our upcoming management plan. - Stirling Road drain has been cleared and the base has been made lower than the outlet so the water runoff can be captured. This was a recommendation of the most recent water quality report to improve water entering the Lake. Native sedges and seedlings will be planted surrounding the drain to prevent erosion and promote a natural water drainage filtration system.

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- Street sweeping and drain clearing of the London plane leaves from Elliot Road has been completed to ensure leaf litter doesn’t block the Henshaw drain, completing another recommendation of the water quality report. - The Town’s Environmental monitoring team have plans to monitor and trap for mosquitos at the Alfred Road drain inlet once the water starts to subside. This was a recommendation from the water quality report which is to be actioned at the appropriate time. - Quotes are currently being obtained for the next round of water quality testing. This will be scheduled to capture the lake’s full water body hydrology at the end of winter. We will also schedule testing of the sediment once the lake is dry, and after the first flush event next winter.

Fauna Management


Rodenticides may be contributing to the poisoning of possums, owls and other birds of prey that live in or frequent Lake Claremont. In the interest of protecting native wildlife, it has been requested that both the Town of Claremont and the City of Nedlands should return to the use of First-Generation Rodenticides in combination with conventional traps rather than Second-Generation Rodenticides. First Gen Rodenticides work more slowly than Second Gen Rodenticides and break down more quickly. Wildlife are less likely to be harmed or die from secondary exposure of First Gen Rodenticides. Currently, the Town of Claremont only uses rodenticides if there has been an issue raised by the Environmental Health team and baits are only placed within bin enclosures. The last baiting completed by the Parks and Environment team was over twelve months ago.

Community Safety – Dog Patrols

For the period May – July, one hundred and forty-eight patrols of the Lake were completed, twenty- one infringements and seventy-seven written warnings and cautions were issued, mostly to non- residents. There were also one hundred reward bags distributed to responsible dog walkers seen to be doing the right thing.

WESROC feral animal control - 2-week monitoring plan was conducted in May - No feral animals caught in Claremont - One domestic cat caught in Nedlands Possum deaths

Two possums, one along Ashton Avenue and one along Davies Road, in last three months. Both found less than one kilometre away from the Lake. A good indication of a native possum population, however, a bad sign finding them as roadkill. Proposal for wildlife crossing signs in Claremont working in conjunction with WESROC.

Beehive relocation

Lake Claremont volunteers found a beehive in the trunk of a fallen banksia whilst hand-weeding. Without the use of chemical, the beehive has since been removed and relocated by Wild honey WA.

Bird Watering Stations

The has designed and built watering stations for native birds and installed them in various parks and bush locations around . Victoria Park sells these stations to volunteer groups and residents. The Town of Claremont is seeking quotes and may procure some stations once further information has been received.

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Flora Management

- Saltbush management strategy. Restrict, Remove, Reduce, Replace. - Approximately 3000 native seedlings are to be planted with the assistance of the volunteers surrounding the Stirling Road nature play site.


Turtle Population Survey Council has adopted the 2021-22 Budget which includes the provision of a budget for environmental consultancy, part of which will allocated to the undertaking of a Turtle Population Survey. Quotes will now be sought, and the survey will be scheduled. Once received the survey results will be provided to the Committee. Budget permitting the survey scope will be enlarged to include all vertebrate reptiles.

Lake Claremont Management Plan (LCMP) Review Town officers have collated the requirements from the LCAC and have developed a request for quote which has been sent to a number suitable contractors, as per the Town’s procurement policies and procedures. Once submissions have been received and evaluated, we intend to make rapid progress on the new LCMP. The Town’s Bushcare Officer will be working additional hours while this project is being undertaken.

Dual Naming of Lake Claremont Dual naming of Lake Claremont has been proposed by volunteer groups. Town officers will investigate what would be required and the processes which would need to be followed and provide this information back to the Committee at a future meeting. The Committee may elect to then recommend this proposal for Council consideration.

Lake Claremont Environmental Centre

The below is a summary of a number of the discussion points relating to the proposed Centre. To progress the proposal the Town intends to undertake the following to report back to the LCAC in November, and then present findings to Council at an OCM following that.

• Additional consultation • Review of findings within the Public Open Spaces and Community Facilities study currently being completed • Desktop review

Should Council resolve to proceed the project would be scheduled for the 2022/23 financial year.

Feasibility Report – Environmental Centre The Town’s previous Bushcare Officer worked on a brief report which looked at the operation of other Centres within the Perth metropolitan area, their development, operation, and functionality. This overview provided insights inclusive of the following:

Location There have been several sites suggested during stakeholder discussions. The three locations preferred by the majority are,

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• Near to the Golf Tee Box, • In the proximity of the school, • Or adjacent to the FOLC shed. Each site has benefits and drawbacks, particularly related to facilities, utilities, and access and parking. When assessing options for the location, proximity to a funding partner may need to be considered as one of the elements that forms the final decision. Research of existing centres has shown that there has been a considerable drop in patronage and interest in similar facilities, beyond the initial development and opening phase. A location and model which is able to both vary programs and to operate in differing capacities will be critical for the long- term success of a facility. A program based solely on the delivery of an education curriculum may provide an initial source of funding or fee structure to offset facility costs, however such arrangements are rarely long term, therefore, a centre will need to be able to continue to operate without such funding being available. The inability to provide such flexibility has resulted in a number of similar centres having to reduce programs, reduce staffing, and considerably change their delivery models from the original intent. Considering the above, at this time the most viable site would likely be in proximity to the Golf Tee Box, allowing for a much greater degree of flexibility for a variety of uses. Function and Role Feedback received from stakeholders indicate that there is a wide array of ideas and opinions on the function, operation, and primary role of the centre. Whilst there were some consistencies in respect to these roles and functions (such as education) other uses such as historical displays or indigenous education require more clarification as to how these might be incorporated, to what degree, who the target audience is, and in the case of indigenous education, if the development of such a centre is something which the Town is best placed to provide. Funding There have been few suggestions for alternate sources of funding for the proposed facility. This is likely due to the lack of clarity as to what is being proposed to be built and how it will be operated. Research in respect to similar existing centres has revealed that while funding was often obtained for the initial capital contribution, and in some cases towards start-up operational costs, operational funds have then largely dried up. Many centres have duly failed having been developed based on having such funding maintained somehow and are subsequently having to completely review their operational model and materially change the role that the centres play in the community, in order to generate the income required to offset operational costs. Many of these centres were designed and resourced based on providing educational programs, often as part of school curriculum, however this has not remained as a fixed source of income. There are alternative funding options, including private or commercial investment, or arrangements with private educational institutions, etc. Such funding can be sought once the details of the project are fully understood, and the development proposal is fully articulated, however again the sustainability of such funding would have to be considered for the long term.

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PAST RESOLUTIONS Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting held on 06 May 2021, Resolution 034/21:

That 1. The Committee notes the progress of the Lake Claremont Operational Plan 2020-21; and 2. The Town adopt a cat local law to identify Lake Claremont as a cat prohibited area.

Cat Control Following Resolution 034/21 the Town presented the Committee recommendation to Council for their consideration at the OCM on 1 June 2021 wherein the following Officer Recommendation was put to Council, which was then amended by Council accordingly:

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION Moved: Cr Bruce Haynes Seconded: Cr Peter Telford That the Minutes of the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6 May 2021 be received and the recommendations therein be adopted.

AMENDMENT Moved: Cr Bruce Haynes Seconded: Cr Peter Telford That the words ‘and the recommendation therein be adopted’ be removed from the officer recommendation. Reason: With reference to Committee Recommendation 034/21 this wording is unnecessary as the Lake Claremont Management Plan already refers to the Cat Local Law. For: Mayor Jock Barker, Cr Jill Goetze, Cr Peter Browne OAM, JP, Cr Sara Franklyn, Cr Peter Edwards, Cr Bruce Haynes, Cr Paul Kelly, Cr Kate Main, Cr Annette Suann, Cr Peter Telford Against: Nil CARRIED 10/0


RESOLUTION 063/21 That the Minutes of the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting held on 6 May 2021 be received.

For: Mayor Jock Barker, Cr Jill Goetze, Cr Peter Browne OAM, JP, Cr Sara Franklyn, Cr Peter Edwards, Cr Bruce Haynes, Cr Paul Kelly, Cr Kate Main, Cr Annette Suann, Cr Peter Telford Against: Nil CARRIED 10/0

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The above amended motion reflects the fact that the Lake Claremont Management Plan has already been approved by Council in 2016, and within which objectives and actions to implement and endorse a Cat Local Law or Policy within the Town of Claremont are included as a high propriety. This being the case the Town will prepare a Council Report to provide an overview of the objectives, the options available for achieving the objectives, and what resources would be required to implement the different options.

FINANCIAL AND STAFF IMPLICATIONS Resource requirements are in accordance with existing budgetary allocation.

POLICY AND STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS There are no policy and statutory implications. The following documents are relevant to the Lake Claremont area. • Lake Claremont Management Plan 2016-21 • Lake Claremont Operational Plan 2019-20

COMMUNICATION / CONSULTATION Consultation with members of the community in respect to Lake Claremont has been undertaken via the Town of Claremont website, and notification through the distribution of Friends of Lake Claremont newsletters and Town noticeboards located at Lake Claremont.


Environmental Sustainability We are a leader in responsibly managing the built and natural environment for the enjoyment of the community and continue to demonstrate diligent environmental practices. • Take a leadership in the community in environmental sustainability. • Protect and conserve the natural flora and fauna of Lake Claremont and the Foreshore.


VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority decision of Council (More than half the elected members present are required to vote in favour).

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That the Committee 1. Notes the progress of the Lake Claremont Operational Plan 2020-21; and 2. Supports further investigation into the development of Lake Claremont Environmental Centre Proposal, as proposed by the Town’s Officers.

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5.2 COMMITTEE TERMS OF REFERENCE File Number: GOV/00051-04, D-21-26487 Author: Jessica Guy, Governance Officer Authoriser: Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Current Terms of Reference ⇩ 2. Revised Terms of Reference (Markup) ⇩ 3. Revised Terms of Reference (Final) ⇩

PURPOSE To present proposed amendments to the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee (Committee) Terms of Reference. BACKGROUND The Committee was established under section 5.8 of the Local Government Act 1995 to consider matters relating to Lake Claremont and make recommendations to Council to allow for an informed decision making process. The Terms of Reference document governs the Committee’s purpose, function and procedures. Section 2.1 of the Town of Claremont Meeting Procedures Local Law 2018 requires Council endorse the Terms of Reference of a Committee upon establishing a Committee. The Terms of Reference can be amended by Council as required. It is encouraged that each Committee’s Terms of Reference are reviewed on a regular basis. The Committee’s current Terms of Reference (Attachment 1) were adopted by Council on 17 October 2017 and were last reviewed by Council at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 15 October 2019. The Terms of Reference have remained largely unchanged from the 2017 version. Section 5.11 of the Local Government Act 1995 states that a Committee Member’s membership continues until the next ordinary election day. The Town of Claremont Ordinary Election will be held on Saturday 16 October 2021, following which Council will appoint Council Members and Community Representatives to Committees. The Committee is currently comprised of seven members being: 1. Two Town of Claremont Council Members; 2. One City of Nedlands Council Member; 3. One representative from Friends of Lake Claremont; 4. One staff representative from Scotch College; and 5. Two community representatives. Advertisements will shortly be made calling for nominations for community representatives for the next term of membership.

DISCUSSION Review of the Committee’s Terms of Reference has identified amendments to the Terms of Reference for the purposes of formatting and to ensure the document reflects the Committee’s current practice. A draft amended Terms of Reference is attached in mark-up (Attachment 2) and final (Attachment 3) versions for the Committee’s review. The following changes are proposed to the Terms of Reference: 1. Amendments to formatting –

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a. Colour scheme and fonts updated to reflect the Town’s current branding; b. Numbering removed from headings and numbering of terms simplified; c. Town logo updated to Council’s crest; and d. Document control box inserted for improved version control. 2. The document has been simplified to ensure items that are dealt with in the legislation are not duplicated within the Terms of Reference such as voting requirements. 3. The function of the Committee has been updated to clarify the Committee’s advisory role in relation to Lake Claremont as follows: ‘The Committee’s function is to make recommendations and provide assistance in relation to the management of Lake Claremont and its immediate environment.’ 4. The requirement for a Council resolution to convene additional Committee meetings has been removed as this is not required by the relevant legislation. A provision has been inserted to the effect that the Committee will meet quarterly and meetings are to be convened by the Chairperson in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer. 5. The criteria for Community Representatives of the Committee has been updated to specify the Committee will consist of ‘a maximum of two Community Representatives’ to allow flexibility in the event less than two nominations are received for this position. 6. A provision has been inserted to detail the types of updates and reports that are generally presented to the Committee at each meeting being: a. A progress report from Town staff providing an update to the Committee on the items, tasks and activities that have been completed from the Lake Claremont Operational Plan for the preceding period; b. An update from the City of Nedlands Council Member regarding City of Nedlands projects which are of interest to the Committee; and c. An update from the Friends of Lake Claremont Committee Representative regarding the organisation’s activities and projects. The Committee is asked to review and endorse the proposed amendments to be presented to Council ahead of the 2021 Local Government Election.

PAST RESOLUTIONS Ordinary Council Meeting 17 October 2017, Resolution 150/17 Officer Recommendation Moved Cr Haynes, seconded Cr Mews That Council 1. Adopt the Terms of Reference for the following Committees: a) Audit & Risk Management Committee (included as Attachment 1) b) Foreshore Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 2) c) Lake Claremont Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 3) d) Freshwater Bay Museum Committee (included as Attachment 4) e) Claremont Town Centre Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 5)…… CARRIED BY AN ABSOLUTE MAJORITY Ordinary Council Meeting 15 October 2019, Resolution 142/19 Moved: Cr Jill Goetze Seconded: Cr Kate Main

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1. Endorse the Terms of Reference for the following Committees: a) Audit & Risk Management Committee (included as Attachment 1) b) Foreshore Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 2) c) Lake Claremont Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 3) d) Freshwater Bay Museum Committee (included as Attachment 4) e) Claremont Town Centre Advisory Committee (included as Attachment 5)……. CARRIED BY ABSOLUTE MAJORITY

FINANCIAL AND STAFF IMPLICATIONS There are no financial or staff implications.

POLICY AND STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1995 Town of Claremont Meeting Procedures Local Law 2018

COMMUNICATION / CONSULTATION The Terms of Reference have been reviewed by the Governance team in consultation with the Infrastructure team and have been approved by the Chief Executive Officer.


Leadership and Governance We are an open and accountable local government; a leader in community service standards. • Demonstrate a high standard of governance, accountability, management and strategic planning. • Continually assess our performance and implement initiatives that drive continuous improvement.

URGENCY The last review of the Terms of Reference occurred in October 2019. It is appropriate to undertake a review of the Terms of Reference every 2 years.

VOTING REQUIREMENTS Simple Majority decision of Council (More than half the elected members present are required to vote in favour).

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee notes the amended Terms of Reference and recommends adoption by Council.

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5.3 LAKE CLAREMONT BIRD CENSUS FOR WINTER 2021 File Number: GOV/00051-04, D-21-25932 Author: Isabelle Cadman, Administration Officer Infrastructure Authoriser: Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Lake Claremont Bird Census - Winter 2021 ⇩

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That the Committee receives the Lake Claremont Bird Census for Winter 2021.

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6.1 FRIENDS OF LAKE CLAREMONT File Number: GOV/00051-04, D-21-25296 Author: Isabelle Cadman, Administration Officer Infrastructure Authoriser: Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: 1. Friends of Lake Claremont Update for July 2021 ⇩

PURPOSE For the Friends of Lake Claremont (FOLC) Delegate to give an update on the group’s activities and projects.

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That the Committee receives the Friends of Lake Claremont Update for July 2021.

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6.2 CITY OF NEDLANDS PROJECTS - UPDATE File Number: GOV/00051-04, D-21-25299 Author: Isabelle Cadman, Administration Officer Infrastructure Authoriser: Liz Ledger, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil

PURPOSE For the City of Nedlands Councillor Delegate to give an update on the City of Nedlands’ projects which are of interest to the Lake Claremont Advisory Committee.

OFFICER RECOMMENDATION That the Committee notes the updates on the City of Nedlands projects.

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Lake Claremont Advisory Committee Meeting, Thursday 18 November 2021 at 8.00am.


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