Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Jumpchain - Version 0.1 By XenoAnon

Alrest, 4057AD. It has been about two millenniums since the Architect created this world, a world of Titans and Blades, of humans, Gormotti, Indolinese and Noppons living together in an uneasy peace. Although in the year 3555AD, there was the Aegis War between Malos and Addam, the later wielding Mythra - a war which sunk three Titans, including the Titan of Torna. The after effects of this war, plus the fact that the Titans seem to be dying, have led to tensions rising between the different races, and war seems to be brewing. And this world is where you will be dropped into.

You will start out on one of the Titans of Alrest, about 12 months before the fateful encounter between Rex and Pyra in 4058AD. You will also get 1000 Choice Points to spend, all thanks to ​ ​ your Benefactor. Unless you have more thanks to savings from the Alt-Chain Supplement or Universal Drawbacks, or less due to cutbacks or the Random Starting CP from the Alt-Chain Supplement, or because your Benefactor makes you do all jumps as a Gauntlet.

Also, don’t think about coming here with unlimited CP pre-Spark, especially through the Creative Mode ‘challenge’ - if you do so, Malos and Mythra will nerf you to only be able to take 1000CP worth of stuff here, and no more.

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All races are free, barring Blade.









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Drop-in (Free) You awaken on the Titan which you start off on, with nothing but some identification papers, all the gear you have brought... And, if you have the affinity, a Core Crystal in your pocket. Which you will resonate with to summon your first Blade. If you only have an Artificial Blade and no affinity for awakening new Blades, your new Blade might be the one to wake you. Pros: No memories to hold you back, and no loyalties to worry about. ​ Cons: You are a nobody, so expect people to not pay attention until you make a name of ​ yourself. Plus, you only know one of your starting Arts. Age Roll: 1d8+16 ​

Salvager The Treasure Hunters of the Cloud Sea, and now you are one of them. Your starting Blade, if it’s a normal one, came from a Core Crystal you salvaged and resonated with just recently, while your starting Artificial Blade was a project you were working on while helping Tora with his one. Pros: Extensive knowledge of the Cloud Sea, and the best spots to salvage from. You also ​ have a grappling hook which can be used for certain Arts, and may have a friend in one of the canon companions. Cons: You don’t often get paid work which pays a lot, and salvage can only get you so much. ​ Plus, you might only know one or two Arts to begin with. Age Roll: 1d8+16 ​

Mercenary While this background is for mercs, like Vandham’s merc group in Uraya, it also includes soldiers from Mor Ardain and the like. If you have one, you had resonated with your Blade some time ago, and while they might not be stronger than they would be in the other backgrounds, you two get on well. If you have an Artificial Blade, it is one you have... Liberated. Pros: You have a good grasp of how to fight with your chosen weapon, and know enough to ​ use all of the Arts you can use with it. Cons: You are fiercely loyal to the group which you are part of, and may be biased in your ​ opinions about other races. Age Roll: 2d8+16 ​

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Prince / Princess You are part of a royal bloodline - be it the bloodline of the von Genbus, the Ardanachs, or even of Addam - and you are known as such. If you have one, you resonated with your Blade at a young age, and may even have access to the journals which they wrote in their past lives. Pros: Your bloodline means you have a high status, and thus some degree of power over your ​ people. Also, you get on well with your Blade, and find it easier to level their Affinity up. Also, people may think you should be doing royal work instead of fighting... Cons: ...Which is both good and bad - bad, because while you can fight, people would want to ​ protect you and prevent you from growing as a person. Also, you have to uphold your bloodline and homeland, racial prejudices and all. Age Roll: 2d8+12 ​

Blade (Free, Restricted and Mandatory to Blades)

Pros: You are a Blade, and thus, you can’t exactly die as such. Unless you choose to become a ​ Flesh Eater. You also are considered a Unique Blade, meaning you get 1000BP to spend in the Blade Supplement. Cons: You are a Blade, and thus, if your Driver dies, you will revert to being a Core Crystal, ​ losing all your memories as a Blade in the process. You need to make sure you have a Driver by the end of the 10 years who will be good to you, or else your Chain will fail - and you might be stuck here for the rest of your lifespan. Which may include you finally becoming a Titan yourself. Also, if your Core Crystal is damaged, you may die - and if it’s destroyed, you WILL die. Age Roll: Meaningless, but roll 5d8 to determine your ‘mental age’ when summoned ​

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Starting Location:

Roll a d8, or pay 50CP to pick a starting location which is not free for your race.

1 - Argentum Trade Guild (Free for Nopons)

2 - Gormott Province (Free for Gormotti)

3 - Kingdom of Uraya (Free for Urayan)

4 - Empire of Mor Ardain (Free for Ardainian)

5 - Indoline Praetorium (Free for Indolline)

6 - Kingdom of Tantal (Free for Tantalese)

7 - Leftherian Archipelago (Free for Leftherian)

8 - Free Pick Lucky you! You can choose any of the seven areas above, or even start off in either Temperantia, the Cliffs of Morytha, or one of the many smaller Titans drifting around Alrest. Maybe you might have a ‘Gramps’ of your own, just like Rex does? Of course, the World Tree is off-limits to you.

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Blade Affinity: (non-Blades only)

Blade Affinity (Free/50CP/100CP) The standard Affinity which you are most likely here for. Comes with one free Common Blade of a guaranteed 3-star Rarity, if not better, using a Rare Core Crystal, but for 50CP it would be 4-star Rarity, and for 100CP it would be a Rare Blade of 5-star Rarity. Regardless of what you pick, this allows you to resonate with Core Crystals without any after-effects.

No Affinity (Special) Or maybe you want to be like Tora, and be unable to wield a normal Blade? In this case, you can get “The More Things Change” drawback, and get a bonus 200CP for Perks and Items which doesn’t count towards your drawback cap. Or, you can buy a discounted Artificial Blade - but note that if you do buy an Artificial Blade, you can’t get the bonus CP for “The More Things Change”. Either way, you can’t resonate with Core Crystals - if you try, you will suffer a severe after-effect, either a massive nosebleed for a few days, or the temporary loss of use of an arm.

Aegis Affinity (???CP, free with “Fate of the Hero” drawback) But then again, you might be wanting to be like Rex, and have an Aegis of your own. Or maybe one of your Companions wants to wield an Aegis? Well, now you or they can. Note that only one person can have the Aegis Affinity in the entire party - but they would be able to wield any Blade, including the Blades which the others can wield, with the sole exception of Artificial Blades. Also, you can resonate with Core Crystals without any after-effects. Also, note that if one of you or your Companions have the Unknown Aegis drawback, and another one has this, they are considered to be the Aegis in question. Note that you can’t get Pyra/Mythra unless you take the “Fate of the Hero” drawback.

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Additional Blades:

You want more Blades? You can buy more Blades here. Note that you can buy up to 7 extra Blades with CP, of which at most one can be an Artificial Blade who takes 3 of the extra Blade slots, and only three Blades can be active at any one time. You can get extra Blades during this Jump, but they won’t follow you outside of this Jump. And these Blades do not count as Companions when used as a Blade. Not that all Blades, other than Artificial Blades, come with a Core Crystal which allows them to be bonded to. And note that if you have the “Core Crystal Shortage” drawback, you will only start with your first Blade, and would have to gain the other Blades over time. However, I can guarantee that you will get all of them before the end of the Jump.

Common Blades (??CP) Get a random Blade which could be between one-star Rarity and five-star Rarity, from a Common Core Crystal.

Rare Blades (??CP) Get a guaranteed five-star Rarity Blade from a Legendary Core Crystal.

Unique Blades (???CP) Get a guaranteed five-star Rarity Blade which is stronger than a random Blade from a Unique Core Crystal.

Artificial Blades (???CP, unavailable to Prince/Princess) So, either you don’t have a Blade Affinity, or you want a Blade which can be customised more? Well, you can buy one Artificial Blade, which could end up with up to three forms. It starts with 250BP, but you can buy extra BP at the cost of 100CP for every extra 250BP you get, up to a max of 1250BP in total after four extra BP purchases.

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Elemental Combo (100CP)

Chain Attack 2.0 (200CP, free if you picked up Chain Attack from ) Chain Attack Start! When tensions are high, and the group are synchronized, you can start to ​ unleash a Chain Attack, allowing you to unleash powerful attacks. In this Jump, said powerful attacks are based on the Specials of the currently equipped Blades, and are based on the Elements of them - in future Jumps, they will be based on whatever is closest to that, for example, the Elemental Affinities of the Naruto Jump. If you also have Elemental Combo, then when a target is hit with a completed combo, they will gain an Orb of the Element which finished the combo. And when you and your allies attack using the powerful attacks, they will damage the Orbs. Normally, one orb will be damaged at random, but if the element of the attack is of an element which an Orb’s element would be weak to, then it would deal twice the damage to the orb. And if an Orb takes three ‘hits’, it will break, and will extend the Chain Attack, allowing everyone to do a second attack with a more powerful attack. This can be chained - but note that if you break more than one Orb during a single pass, you only get one extra pass. You need to break at least one Orb per pass to chain passes together, but the attacks won’t get any more powerful than the third pass attacks. If you had the Chain Attack from the original Xenoblade Chronicles jump, you can upgrade to this for free, and switch between the two variants at will.

Overkill (???CP, requires Chain Attack 2.0) Should you manage to deal more damage when your target would normally be able to take during a Chain Attack, you will initiate an Overkill - which will increase the rewards (EXP, Gold and drops for example) which you will get dependant on how much extra damage you deal.

Full Burst (???CP, requires Elemental Combo and Chain Attack 2.0) Whenever you break an Orb during a Chain Attack 2.0, not only would the chain extend, but you will start to fill up a Full Burst Gauge with this Perk. Once it fills completely - often after breaking 4 or 5 Orbs in total - whomever filled the Gauge will be able to unleash a super-powerful attack (in combination with their Blade if they have one active) which will deal massive damage in an area of effect, often more than enough to overkill even a boss.

Flesh Eater (???CP, Blades only) Like most of the members of Torna, your Blade form has been fused with human cells of your human form, turning you into a Flesh Eater. Thankfully, your Benefactor has made it so that the fusion was successful, and so unlike some Flesh Eaters, who lose their immortality and grow old, you keep your looks... But you’re not completely immortal, as if your Core Crystal is damaged or destroyed, you can still end up kicking the bucket. But at least you can act without a Driver, and can get a Blade of your own as if you had normal Affinity. Page 8 / 12 Xenoblade 2 Jumpchain Version 0.1

Blade Eater (???CP, Needs Blade Affinity or Aegis Affinity)



Blade Import (???CP) Import a Companion as an Unique Blade. They also get ???CP in Perks.

Salvaging Team (50CP/???CP) Import up to six Companions into this Jump, for 50CP for each, or 200CP for all six. They each get a free Race (barring Blade) and 600CP worth of Backgrounds - if they match your Background, it’s free for them - Blades and Perks.

Canon Companions:

Rex and Pyra (???CP, can’t be taken with “Fate of the Hero” Drawback or if ‘No, Jumper, You Are the Protagonist’ restriction is taken in the Alt-Chain Supplement)

Nia and Dromach (???CP)

Tora and Poppi (???CP, discounted if Salvager who has No Affinity and an Artificial Blade)

Mòrag and Brighid (???CP)

Zeke and Pandoria (???CP)

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You (and your Companions) can take a maximum of 600 CPs worth of Drawbacks (each), plus either Unknown Aegis or Fate of the Hero. Note that if one companion takes Unknown Aegis, you can’t take Fate of the Hero.

Parallel Worlds (0CP) If you have done the original Xenoblade Jump, then the events which happened there will have an effect on this world. Not much, but it will be there...

The More Things Change... (+100CP, can be taken by the Jumper and non-Blade Companions) It seems like you've ended up with the old battle system from the original Xenoblade. The good news is that you get access to some more Arts than the others do. The bad news? You can only use one weapon type for the entirety of the Jump, so no being able to switch to another Blade to recharge your Arts, plus it takes longer for you to prepare said Arts.

Meh-meh-meh! (+100CP, can be taken by the Jumper and all companions) You know how those Nopon tend to speak in third person, tend to speak with some strange grammar rules, and often go ‘Meh’? Well, for the entirety of this Jump, you too - even if you’re not a Nopon - will have these verbal tics.

Don’t forget me! (+100CP, applies to all party members if chosen) You know how annoying it is when some of the enemies keep on repeating the same few lines over and over every time you face them? Well, you’ll have to bear them as well as you can, as the opponents you face will be almost constantly spilling out the same stuff over and over and over...

Core Crystal Shortage (+200CP, can only be taken by the Jumper) Looks like there's a shortage of Core Crystals, which is not helped by the fact that two thieving Blades have set their eyes on the Blade-wielding members of your party. This is a party-wide Drawback which means all Blade-using members only start with only one blade, and gaining Core Crystals is much more rarer. Plus, you'd be hounded by Praxis and Theory whenever you have a decent quantity of Core Crystals, and their Drivers can't be killed until your ninth year in this Jump has passed. Still,

Luck of the Zekenator (+200CP, can be taken by the Jumper and all non-Blade companions) It seems that you've been cursed with bad luck, with bad things always seemingly happening to you at a drop of a hat. The odd crit here, lowered item drop rates there... The only real good news is that you can obtain Kasandra’s 'One Lucky Guy/Gal' field skill without needing her, which will be active all the time.

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Ether Corruption (+300CP, can be taken by the Jumper and all companions) The superpowers you got from other Jumps? Somehow, the Ether in Alrest interferes with said powers - meaning you can use them. Be it magic, psychic powers, Aura... You can't use perks like that. Of course, any Perks you got from the other Xenoverse jumps work just fine. The only exception to this is the Monado - the best you can do with it is the Foresight due to the Aegis' presence. For an extra 50CP each, if you have been to any of the other Xenoverse Jumps (Xenoblade, , ect.) you can lock those Perks as well. Note that if you lock the Xenoblade 1 Jump, and have Chain Attack from it, you won’t get Chain Attack 2.0 for free if you do so.

Unknown Aegis (Blade Only) (+200-300CP, can only be taken by one member of the party) You are not a normal blade, but the fourth Aegis, alongside Pneuma, Logos and Ontos, as your Core Crystal is one of the Trinity Processor cores. However, you do not know this, and yet everyone you meet would 'mistake' you for the Aegis due to your Core Crystal if they see it. This means that you would be hunted by members of all the Kingdoms as well as Torna, be it with good intentions or ill.

Fate of the Hero (Leftherian only) (400-600CP [Before taking the price of Aegis Affinity into account], can only be taken by the Jumper) [Required if if ‘No, Jumper, You Are the Protagonist’ restriction is taken in the Alt-Chain Supplement] When Torna made plans in 4058AD to recover the Aegis, they realised they needed a Leftherian in order to open up the way. And, instead of Rex, they chose you instead to join them. The good news is that by choosing this downside, you get access to Pyra (and later, Mythra) after a little while, and will eventually unlock the power of being a Master Driver, giving you Aegis Affinity for free. Plus, you start on your very own ‘Gramps’, who will follow you along the journey. The bad news? Well, barring the fact that you won’t have a Blade until that fateful day... You will be killed once you resonate with the Aegis Sword, and Pyra would share her lifeforce with you in exchange for bringing her to Elysium, meaning that if you die again, not only would she would, which would doom Alrest indirectly, but you'd be booted out of the Chain with nothing to show for it, not even the powers you had before - this in a way counts as being a Blade Eater, but without the bonuses of that perk. Note that the inverse is true as well - if she dies, then you would die as well, and be booted out with nothing to show for it. Also, you have to bring Pyra to Elysium and do the stuff which is needed to be done there before the 10 years is up, otherwise you'll fail the Jump. But if you succeed, you will be able to access their true form, and the bonus effects she provides.

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V0.01 (06/02/2018) - First beta WIP, with most of the Drawbacks and the bare bones included. V0.10 (10/02/2018) - Second beta WIP, with Backgrounds, Blade Affinities, some Perks, the basic stuff for Companions and Blades included.


Only the following Drawbacks can be kept using the Universal Drawback Supplement’s Drawback Keeper: “Meh-meh-meh!” and/or “Don’t forget me!” can be kept, giving +50CP each when kept with Drawback Keeper, while the bad luck of “Luck of the Zekenator” can be kept for +100CP through Drawback Keeper - this can be combined with Luckless from the Universal Drawback Supplement.

If you are doing this Jump as a Gauntlet for some reason, the CP cap for Drawbacks are lifted.

Note for those of you who took “The Death of the Dreamer...” from the NiGHTS Jump - this does NOT extend to your Core Crystal if you are a Blade, nor to the Blade Eater perk, and the same to the Fate of the Hero drawback.

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