International Herald Historical Archive 1887–2013

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Over 6 Million Over 500,000 1887 2013 126 THE AMERICAS FIRST POPE FROM ....

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.COM GLOBAL.NYTIMES TIMES OF THE NEW YORK THE GLOBAL EDITION 14,2013 THURSDAY,MARCH Argentine Conclave elects Jorge Mario Bergoglio picks Francis as his name


BY RACHEL DONADIO KILLING from the THE COMPUTER puff of white smoke With a to the of the Sistine Chapel and WHY PUT chimney rain-soaked TING IT OUT EDUC sof thousands of OF ATION CUTS cheer cardin- FLU agathering of Catholic ITS MISER SHOTS faithful, their Y MIGHT SA WHERE ed a new pope from among VE IT EUROPE als pick the car- PAGE 16 | BUSINESS THE Wednesday —electing WITH QUEST FOR midst on Ber- IS SA Argentina, Jorge Mario YING NO dinal from er BET t leader of the ev PAGE TER VACCINE goglio, the firs S 18-19 | SPECIAL REPORT America. PA chosen from South GE 9 | HEALTH+SCIE called Francis, NCE The new pope, 76, to be Roman Catholic the 266th pontiff of the rst non-European Church, is also the fi morethan 1,000 .... leader of the church in years. your like to thank youfor ‘‘I would in the new pope, dressed embrace,’’ said y from the white balcon white, speaking of Peter’s as thousands on St. w. cheered joyously belo the faithful the papam!’’ members of ‘‘Habemus el- WEDNE in Latin, waving umbr SDAY,OCTOBER 31, 2012 crowd shouted ‘‘We have a pope!’’ Others THE GL las and flags. OBAL EDITION cried ‘‘Viva il Papa!’’ OF THE NEW the birth of a YORK TIMES ‘‘It waslike waiting for a Roman man. A baby, only better,’’ said GLOBAL.NYTIM father’s shoulders Google ES.COM child sitting atop his digs d a crucifix. wave born in is the first pope not Francis the Columbus alighted in Europe since in- in its choosing him, the card heels New World. In A sage that the fu- daunting apowerful mes als sent lies in the global recover tureofthe Church k of the world’s as publishers y South, home to the bul begins XVI’s s. One of Pope Benedict Catholic rise of eoccupations wasthe abiding pr the seek in Europe, and he took their secularism of cut the founder name Benedict after e. Disruptions European monastic cultur PARIS a church wres- The new pope inherits challenges that in- tling with an array of edecessor, Bene- 3 countries tensified during his pr in for TY IMAGES-AFP and Europe millions PETER MACDIARMID/GET shortage m apriest dict —fro al explore as Pope Francis. from evangelic laws to require has chosen to be known growing competition his fellow cardinals. He Hemisphere, after he was elected by churches in the Southern payment for in on Wednesday, shortly Catholics live, links U. in world’s to news S. may ter’s Basilica e most of the y of St. Pe wher 76, appeared on the balcon crisis that has under- Bergoglio of Argentina, to a sexual abuse Cardinal Jorge Mario al authority in BY ERIC PFANNER mined the church’s mor governing the last for days the West, to difficulties Google got rich by selling a simple pr cuts tican itself. position: o- S. budget Va his troubled The links it provides the U. abruptly ended to other BY JAMES BA duck ocate Benedict Websites arew RRON try to one education adv ast month, announ- orth alot of money,s AND Groups spread, leading eight-year papacyl much that o J. DAVID GOODMAN passengers are operating under up to the rigorsof millions of advertiser bag for air to say that agencies cing he wasnolonger willing sare Mixed Damocles.’’ The cuts, firstpontiff in to pay the compan Tens of mil SHINGTON a‘‘vague sword of job. He became the ybillions of lions of people from Te WA fter efforts to the cardinals dollars for them. see to nnes- rights by a2011 lawa s to resign. The 115 Maine braved floods, to clarify mandated lapsed on 598 year Now some fires, power E.U. push a bipartisan deal col the age of 80 and eligible European newspaper failures, snarled transport in exist on paper,’’ Siim to spare reach liances who areunder magazine and ation and the rights do not just Lobbyists work l, have created new al new leader after two publishers, frustr daunting task of Union transport Capitol Hil to vote chose their their ated by cleaning up many mil- Kallas, the European bedfellows. inability to make lions of PARIS y in Brus- amid confusion and strange POPE, PAGE 4 more of their own dollars in damage after sioner, said Wednesda programs III, a historian of money from the ric Hur- commis to rely on Hunter R. Rawlings Web, want to re ane Sandy rumbled lneed to be able be slashed of the TE the verse up the eastern CLARK sels. ‘‘We al what will Greece who is president SERVICE, NOT DEBA equation. Google, they coast of the BY NICOLA ters most —when over ancient ities, A RECORD OF say, should United States. them when it mat of American Univers Pope Francis has pay them for link By Tu might have gotten her Association the An austere Jesuit, s, because they esday, Sandy was downgr Denise McDonagh things go wrong.’’ Wesley G. Bush, outreach over provide the material aded Ryanair faster un- pro- BY ROBERT PEAR recently joined emphasized social on which from hurricane st 100 settlement from proposal is not completely op Grumman, PAGE 4 giant the Web atus to astorm as it ¤1, the Euro- But the rules executive of Northr about doctrine. is generating mo -rights rules update of e lobbying DOUG MILLS/NYT chief B- arguments all that revenue. vedinland, but not der new traveler passenger. Theproposed companies ar eillance drones and In sev beforeithad for the airline in- would signifi- Construction proj- the maker of surv eral of the biggest battered NewY pean Union proposed spelled out in 2004 vernment to spare their Obama met with House conference seeking European ork City, generating she probably first to the U.S. go President Barack 2 bombers, in a news MORE COVERAGE countries, they are close rare and a on Wednesday. But back airlines’ obligations d cuts. y. cuts, ONLINE: and to getting their devastating surge of dustry cantly roll - ects from across-the-boar ans on Wednesda or ease the automatic Web site for full coverage way. that sea water ve gotten nearly as much. wind up stranded for ex ersare pleading Republic to undo Visit our inundated parts of wouldn’t ha - passengers who Drug manufactur sequestration. a look at how Pope Abil LowerManhat- rub of the European Un of extraordinary all the fees known as ad- analysis, including l working its way thr tan. The rains And that is the tended periods because the White House to use education groups, church’s ough the and winds cut powe meant to clarify lcano erup- with f new to Health care and Francis will manage the German Parliament the lo r to on’s proposal, which is like the Icelandic vo speed the approvalo Obama’s order and state and of the would enable pub- werhalf of the island i compensa- events they payto President Barack vocates for poor people, with the continents lishersto col and forced elers’ rights to aid and ars ago, which grounded s of Israel have be- by $85 billion is for bigger relationship of its lect afee from Google the closing of the air trav tion three ye medicines. 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Friedman T a way to compensate East Ri BUSINESS Thomas ON THE WRIS Gale Primary Sources news sites by verwere set to re optimistic in Spain President ING MACHINE Wind-dri open, y ant thing AC the end of the year.L ven rain lashed sea masst other . budget Defiantl The most import AR ast week, publish- walls and protective barrier ransit service, including rliament rejects E.U and unemployment is do on his trip to ersinItaly s on Tuesday in places com- Pa e Morale is low, Barack Obama could said they would also like Atlantic City, muter rails, was suspended. gave austerity a pok Spaniards have and lobby New Jersey, wher MARIO TAMA/GET . lawmakers some resilient ek is to publicly for such a law. e the Boardwal TY IMAGES-AFP E.U high, but Israel next we k was damaged as water The disruptions to dnesday by lenge of promoting the raeli official he But forced its way inland. transit systems in the eye We taken up the chal privately ask every Is Google so far is and the electricit the bloc’s as bad as PAGE 10 standing its y were expected to overwhelmingly rejecting sage that things are not tough questions. ground. Already facing for days last billion in its mes meets some possible sanc- in some areas, raising proposed budget of ¤960 seem. PAGE 3 Start at the Source. tions from European pect the pros- changes they fracking antitrust and that the aftermath form. They demanded the facts on vacy re pri- could affect current ary Seeking gulators, Google says turnout for the the money should be spent on rape in milit is widespread, that hav- presidential election to the way Testifying Opposition to fracking ing to pay for links could next week. to raise the overall sum of the U.S. consider threaten its President Barack Obama and the option BriGette McCoy, formerly environmentalists should ‘‘very existence. clar de- s. PAGE 14 testifying but with ’’ ed a federal disaster in the coming year y, was among those and cons in comparison And it wa area on Tues- Arm shington on its pros rned that the demand day in New York Cit e a Senate panel in Wa Susan L. Brantley money for y, Long Island and giant near failure befor and the other technologies, could backfire. If Google eight counties in Chinese solar y about sex assaults yendorffwrite. PAGE 10 had to New Jersey TY IMAGES-AFP Wednesda and Anna Me pay up, . SHAH MARAI/GET er of solar PAGE 5 it ‘‘would consequently More than 13,000 Suntech Power, a manufactur S. military’s justice system. forced be airline flights were out of cash and is U. to stop indexing the canceled at airports PAGE TWO panels, has nearly run sites,’ French across the East r partially or ONLINE ’ Google wrote in a‘‘position Coast, including poised to be taken ove per pa- the three major air- tion as a strategy government’s Romney ’’ it sent to the French ports in Vilifica entirely by the municipal man who taped government. the NewYork Cityare to be his final year wn of The Because 30 percent the a. Even In what is expected company in its hometo the enduring mysteries to 40 percent of the Erie Canal wasshut do Karzai is holding ves It was one of traffic on Fr wn. Subways office, President Hamid ina, solar industry executi campaign last ench news sites comes were shut down from in his Wuxi, Ch of the U.S. presidential Google from Boston to Wash- his criticism of official said. PAGE 14 video that ’s links, the company’ ington, as were intensifying and alocal year: who made the not s threat is Amtrak and the com- an allies at a critical moment , at a private an idle one. muter rail lines. Americ gue editor captured Mitt Romney Go their Afghan endgame. omotion for Vo that 47 percent of ogle said such laws ‘‘We had in Pr be fund-raiser, saying would under- a storm of unprecedented , recently rumored to on mine its commitment proportions,’ Anna Wintour Americans were too dependent to an open Internet ’ Mayor Michael S. ambassadorship in haunted and the free flow Bloomber R. SPORTS lobbying for a U. vernment, a remark that of information. It would g of New York told ation, has been go of the race? also invert the a news con- s the Obama administr through the remainder company’s main busines ference. silences skeptic director of Condé him did it. model. s Barcelona omoted to artistic out, the bartender LAT A majority of the At least A.C. Milan in the pr she As it turned CALIBER EXTRAF company’s $38 38 deaths in sev by two goals to speculation that 017 billion Tuesday’s storm DAMON WINTER/THE en states Losing Nast, ending TOURBILLON RM in annual re damage NEW YORK TIMES were responded 25 -AFP thecaucus.blogs.ny venue comes in New York tied to the Barça gue after nearly MCNAMEE/GETTY IMAGES from the area. Lo included this parking ga storm, at least 10 in Ne Champions League, planned to leave Vo WIN sale of ‘‘sponsored link wer Manhattan was hit rage in the Wall Street York Cit w ed 4-0 comeback to s,’’ which appear by a nearly 14-foot In the TO yalone, accor Messi-inspir . PAGE 15 surge of Cleveland area, NY DEJAK/THE ASSOCIA ding to gove with a yearsaseditor alongside free sear seawater, a record. the storm flooded roads TED PRESS ment rn- ling ethos. PAGE 12 ch results. Go winds on Tuesday along officials and the ate its footbal sdaY also ogle also uprooted trees, cut Lake Erie, above. emergencyau- vindic TOCK INDEXES wedNe sells advertisements power to hundr High thorities. sdaY 2:30pm on behalf eds of thousands of That toll ma SSNewYork,wedNe outside of people and shut schools. y rise. Several THIS ISSUE CURRENCIE PREVIOUS +0.12% partners, including people we PRICES IN dow 2:30pm 14,466.95 news sites, re the victims of falling NEWSSTAND $1.3030 s The and shar limbs. 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SH. 200 Moroc r 4.00 U.S. Military (Europe) applications. this crucial , power out stirred blizzar 20.00 Great Britain £ 1.50 Ke public of Ireland ¤3.00 Switzerland SF Reunion ¤ 3.50 whether continuing state, and ages and chaos. d or near Bolivia US$ 2.75 Croatia KN Mexico N$ 26.00 Re Gabon CFA 2.200 While adv to could affect Many -bliz- ¤2.50 Kosovo ¤ 2.50 ertising re BY MICHAEL campaign wo voting zard conditions KM 5.00 Cyprus ¤ 2.90 Greece venue continues to BARBARO help uld in other bat responded with pioneer over parts Bosnia & Herzegovina rise at Google, it earn needed votes tleground states hit har spirit. PAGE 6 of Tennessee, it has flattened out AND MICHAEL D. SHEAR at the most the storm. d by West Virginia, Ma even or is crucial of times or be ryland, Virginia and falling at manyEur viewed instead as TRAVEL North Carolina, opean online In crass and President Bar ADVICE: JUST STAY HOME dumping as publications. its final week, the U. unpresidential with ack Obama, who had two much as S. presidential of millions already planned Air travelers are facing feet, or about 60 centimeter ‘‘We effecti campaign has been Americans visibly to withdraw tempor days of s, of vely feed the sear jolted into adelicate suffering the ly from ari- frustration as heavy wet snow in gine ch en- new phase by storm’s effects. the campaign trail to airlines struggle to put Appalachian states, and the algorithm, const a devastating storm better over- pieces back the officials said. antly giv- has seized that Those effects see rescue and recove together after the virtual ing them fresh content, Americans’ attention were felt on Tuesdayi ry efforts from the shutdo ‘‘Our av content that you quir and re- n White House, decided wn of the U.S. Northeast. erage snowfall for the can rely on, because ed atricky, improvised on Tuesday to PAGE 6 of October month it’s checked and it calculus by PRESIDENTIAL cancel al is two inches, accurate,’ ’s both sides as they POLL SHOWS l campaign events and now here ’ said Nathalie Col seek to navigate A VIRTUAL TIE through WALL STREET we areatove lin, the head politic the A new survey Wednesday, the White GETS BACK TO WO r 22 inches,’’ or about GOOGLE, PAGE 17 s of a natural disaster. claims that 48 percent of House said. As RK centimeter 56 With likely voter That move might New York cleans up from s, and we still have a razor-close election s now support Mr. Obama put pressure on Mr. the day another nearing, and 47 Romney to remnants of Hurricane to go,’’ said Dana Soehn, percent favorMr. Romney tone down his own ca Sandy, the stock a spokes- . PAGE 7 CAMPA m- markets are woman for the Great WO IGN, PAGE 7Sset to reopen after being Smoky Mountains RLD NEWS closed National Park. for two days. PAGE 16 TO BUSINESS RM, PAGE 6 VIEWS Leaders urged to seek growth Chancellor David Brooks Angela Merkel of German and the y The bottom line leaders of the World of the U.S. election is other Bank and this: If Bar international economic ack Obama wins, we’ll organizations probably get smal called on governments l-bore stasis; if Mitt Tuesda Romney wins, y to take ‘‘decisive action we’re more likely to get help ’’ to bipartisan re spur growth in the 17 eur form. PAGE 11 countries o zone and elsewhere in the global Frank Bruni economy. PAGE 16 This we ek will be remembered UBS when as one will cut up to 10,000 jobs meteorology and punditry With pr became strange ofit eroding, the Swiss bedfellows and a sc bank is measure aling back on riskier oper of perspective was gone ations and the wind. with focusing on its wealth management PAGE 11 group. The plan was announced as firm re the ONLINE ported a $2.36 billion quarterly loss related to restructuring costs and Mi charges tied ning coal and melting to its owndebt. PA ice DADO RUVIC/REUTERS GE 16 Coal + Ice, a Clinton in Sarajevo Hil sprawling documentary lary Rodham Clinton ur Fiat to ke photograph to put aside political dif ged Bosnian leaders on ep factories open y exhibition that presents ferences if they hoped to Tuesday differ join NATO and the E.U Despite the worst auto ent views of coal use and . PAGE 4 sales in Europe consequences its Doubts revi in two decades, the ca across the globe, ve on Polish crash rmaker distanced inst was A newspaper U.S. blamed in itself from its riva alled 17,000 feet high at said traces of islands dispute ls by announcing that the base of explosives A former it would not close Mount Everest this Spring were found in the wreck Chinese official blames any of its underused . Starting age of the plane Un the factories Friday, it will be displa in which Poland’s ited States for creating in Europe. Instead, the yed in a rural president died. PAGE the dispute compan setting at the 4 between Japan and y will keep them open Yixian International China. PAGE 8 to build Photo Fe morehigh-margin models. stival in Anhui Province. PAGE 17 lens.blogs.ny FOR SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION, CALL: NEWSSTAND PRICE 0800 895 S IN THIS 965 Great ISSUE CURRENCIE or Britain £ 1.70 SSNewY e-mail us at [email protected] No. 40,323 ork,TuesdaY 2:30pm Ireland ¤3.00 TOCK INDEXE U.S. Military PREVIOUS S TuesdaY Kenya K. SH. Business 16 s euro 200 (Europe) US$ 1.75 €1= $1.2960 Nigeria NGN $1.2900 —T 390 Crossword 15 s pound he dow 2:30pm 13,107.21 £1= $1.6070 $1.6030 unch. Culture 12 s s FTse 100 -:HRKCTE=]UZYX]:?e@e Yen$1= ¥79.590 close 5,849.90 Science 9 ¥79.770 +0.95% s s. Franc t Nikkei 225 close Sports 14 $1= sF0.9320 sF0.9370 8,841.98 –0.98% Views 10 Full currenc OIL New York,Tue y rates Page 21 sdaY 2:30pm s Light sweetc rude $85.67 +$0.30 FIRST POPE FROM THE AMERICAS


THURSDAY,MARCH 14,2013 THE GLOBAL EDITION OF THE NEW YORK TIMES GLOBAL.NYTIMES.COM International Herald Tribune Historical Archive 1887–2013 Conclave elects Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio picks Francis as his name


BY RACHEL DONADIO With a puff of white smoke from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel and to the cheersof thousands of rain-soaked The International Herald Tribune was revered for A Multidisciplinary Resource Rich content, richer functionality faithful, agathering of Catholic cardin- als picked a new pope from among their midst on Wednesday —electing the car- dinal from Argentina, Jorge Mario Ber- goglio, the first leader of the church ever chosen from South America. its strong focus on the objective reporting of The new pope, 76, to be called Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic • Business and Finance Church, is also the first non-European The International Herald Tribune Historical Archive leader of the church in morethan 1,000 years. ‘‘I would like to thank youfor your embrace,’’ said the new pope, dressed in international news, making it a reliable, trustworthy white, speaking from the white on St. Peter’s Basilica as thousands of • English Language and Literature Studies the faithful cheered joyously below. 1887–2013 is one of many resources available on the ‘‘Habemus papam!’’ members of the crowd shouted in Latin, waving umbrel- las and flags. ‘‘We have a pope!’’ Others cried ‘‘Viva il Papa!’’ and valuable resource for readers. The archive ‘‘It waslike waiting for the birth of a baby, only better,’’ said a Roman man. A • European Studies child sitting atop his father’s shoulders Gale Primary Sources platform, which offers a ground- waved a crucifix. Francis is the first pope not born in Europe since Columbus alighted in the New World. In choosing him, the cardin- starts with the first issue in1887 and continues up als sent apowerful message that the fu- tureofthe Church lies in the global breaking research environment. The combination South, home to the bulk of the world’s • Gender and Women’s Studies Catholics. One of Pope Benedict XVI’s abiding preoccupations wasthe rise of secularism in Europe, and he took the name Benedict after the founder of to its final issue in September2013 . Throughout European monastic culture. The new pope inherits a church wres- of uniquely rich, full-text primary source content, tling with an array of challenges that in- • Science and Technology PETER MACDIARMID/GETTY IMAGES-AFP tensified during his predecessor, Bene- Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, 76, appeared on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome on Wednesday, shortly after he was elected by his fellow cardinals. He has chosen to be known as Pope Francis. dict —from apriest shortage and growing competition from evangelical the collection, the internationally focused content churches in the Southern Hemisphere, where most of the world’s Catholics live, to a sexual abuse crisis that has under- dependable metadata, and intuitive subject indexing, mined the church’s moral authority in • Social Studies Mixed bag for air passengers Groups try to duck the U.S. budget cuts the West, to difficulties governing the Vatican itself. in E.U. push to clarify rights WASHINGTON spread, leading one education advocate Benedict abruptly ended his troubled provides a rich cross-disciplinary primary source, to say that agencies are operating under eight-year papacylast month, announ- PARIS rights do not just exist on paper,’’ Siim a‘‘vague sword of Damocles.’’ The cuts, cing he wasnolonger up to the rigorsof Kallas, the European Union transport Lobbyists work to spare mandated by a2011 lawafter efforts to the job. He became the firstpontiff in is further enriched by innovative workflow andcommissioner , said Wednesday in Brus- reach a bipartisan deal collapsed on 598 years to resign. The 115 cardinals BY NICOLA CLARK programs amid confusion • U.S. History sels. ‘‘We allneed to be able to rely on Capitol Hill, have created new alliances who areunder the age of 80 and eligible Denise McDonagh might have gotten her them when it matters most —when over what will be slashed and strange bedfellows. to vote chose their new leader after two ¤1,100 settlement from Ryanair faster un- things go wrong.’’ Hunter R. Rawlings III, a historian of POPE, PAGE 4 der new traveler-rights rules the Euro- But the proposal is not completely pro- ancient Greece who is president of the offering content that looks beyond the British and BY ROBERT PEAR pean Union proposed for the airline in- passenger. Theproposed update of rules Association of American Universities, A RECORD OF SERVICE, NOT DEBATE dustry on Wednesday. But she probably first spelled out in 2004 would signifi- Construction companies are lobbying recently joined Wesley G. Bush, the An austere Jesuit, Pope Francis has analytical tools. wouldn’t have gotten nearly as much. cantly roll back airlines’ obligations to the U.S. government to spare their proj- DOUG MILLS/NYT chief executive of Northrop Grumman, emphasized social outreach over • Politics And that is the rub of the European Un- passengers who wind up stranded for ex- ects from across-the-board cuts. President Barack Obama met with House the maker of surveillance drones and B- arguments about doctrine. PAGE 4 ion’s proposal, which is meant to clarify tended periods because of extraordinary Drug manufacturersare pleading Republicans on Wednesday. 2 bombers, in a news conference seeking air travelers’ rights to aid and compensa- events like the Icelandic volcano erup- with the White House to use all the fees to undo or ease the automatic cuts, ONLINE: MORE COVERAGE American press. tion when flights are delayed or canceled tion three years ago, which grounded they payto speed the approvalof new known as sequestration. Visit our Web site for full coverage and —as happens tens of thousands of time a more than 100,000 flights across Europe. medicines. Supporters of Israel have be- President Barack Obama’s order to Health care and education groups, ad- analysis, including a look at how Pope year. The proposed changes would also In Ms. McDonagh’s case, she was gun acampaign to makesure that it re- slice spending this year by $85 billion is vocates for poor people, and state and Francis will manage the church’s seek tougher oversight and enforcement stranded for a week in April 2010 in Faro, ceives the full amount of military assist- divided equally between military and ci- local officials who once fought for bigger relationship with the continents of the • Social and Cultural History of airlines’ compliance with the law. Portugal, trying to get back to Dublin as ance promised by the United States. vilian programs. But confusion over budgets —including money earmarked Southern Hemisphere, where most of its Features ‘‘It is very important that passenger TRAVEL, PAGE 17 The surge in lobbying touched off by how the cuts willbe applied is wide- BUDGET, PAGE 5 adherents now live. BUSINESS WORLD NEWS VIEWS Parliament rejects E.U. budget Defiantly optimistic in Spain Thomas L. Friedman E.U. lawmakers gave austerity a poke Morale is low, and unemployment is The most important thing President Researchers can take advantage of these qualities • Media Studies in the eye Wednesday by high, but some resilient Spaniards have Barack Obama could do on his trip to ARACING MACHINE ON THE WRIST overwhelmingly rejecting the bloc’s taken up the challenge of promoting the Israel next week is to publicly and proposed budget of ¤960 billion in its message that things are not as bad as privately ask every Israeli official he • Intuitive interface current form. They demanded changes they seem. PAGE 3 meets some tough questions. PAGE 10 to the way the money should be spent and the option to raise the overall sum Testifying on rape in military Seeking the facts on fracking with online access to the full run of the newspaper in the coming years. PAGE 14 BriGette McCoy, formerly of the U.S. Opposition to fracking is widespread, • Military History and war studies Army, was among those testifying but environmentalists should consider SHAH MARAI/GETTY IMAGES-AFP Chinese solar giant near failure before a Senate panel in Washington on its pros and cons in comparison with PAGE TWO Suntech Power, a manufacturer of solar Wednesday about sex assaults and the other technologies, Susan L. Brantley • Fully text searchable with hit-term highlightingpanels, has nearly run out of cash and is U.S. military’s justice system. PAGE 5 and Anna Meyendorffwrite. PAGE 10 Vilification as a strategy poised to be taken over partially or In what is expected to be his final year entirely by the municipal government’s ONLINE and its broad range of perspectives on world in office, President Hamid Karzai is holding company in its hometown of • Imperial history and colonial studies intensifying his criticism of his Wuxi, China, solar industry executives The man who taped Romney American allies at a critical moment and alocal official said. PAGE 14 It was one of the enduring mysteries in their Afghan endgame. of the U.S. presidential campaign last • Limits by Publication Title, Publication SectionPromotion for Vo gue editor year: who made the video that SPORTS Anna Wintour, recently rumored to be captured Mitt Romney, at a private lobbying for a U.S. ambassadorship in fund-raiser, saying that 47 percent of events. The archive is fully cross-searchable, and Barcelona silences skeptics the Obama administration, has been Americans were too dependent on • Transnational studies and international relations Losing by two goals to A.C. Milan in the promoted to artistic director of Condé government, a remark that haunted Champions League, Barça responded Nast, ending speculation that she him through the remainder of the race? and Date with a Messi-inspired 4-0 comeback to planned to leave Vogue after nearly 25 As it turned out, the bartender did it. vindicate its footballing ethos. PAGE 12 yearsaseditor. 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