Weekend Four Sequencing: Effort. Less.

Maximize energy through minimal effort. Transitions should empower and awaken. Cultivate Grace through the use of eloquent, but simple, movements to transition from A to B. Life is already full of “hard and unpredictable” situations. Let your class be a space where things may be challenging, but they make sense. Create a path that offers the opportunity to invite in simplicity.

Your job as an instructor is to:

1) Create a foundation for healing a) Create a space that reminds your students that although they may not know what’s going to happen next, in life or on the mat; they can practice how they chose to respond.

2) Provide tools that are healthful a) “how can I best keep my students well”

Tools to Design by

Start by opening through the Five Movements for the Spine

Stretch/Lengthen and Strengthen

Follow the Elements/Chakras: work from the ground up

Select a Theme (a peak pose; an energetic opening ­ chakra or element; a physical area ­ hips, heart, low back; a story, poem, life experience)

Vinyasa classes are ritual sadhanas (discipline/practice/’accomplishing’)...breath inspired journeys that offer a complete spectrum of rhythms from meditative and rejuvenating to the challenging and empowering. The wave/flow of a class is created through cycles of effective and creative sequences linked together through breath. Every class is well rounded, whole, a complete cycle which provides the foundation for transformation. It is a mandala of strength, fluidity, surrender and centering. Hip Openers and Other Seated Poses Our standing series helps to prime the body for deep hip openers. are the counter position for ‘compressive hip’ poses.


Sukhasana (easy seated pose) Padamasana (lotus) (cobbler’s pose) (child’s pose) (staff pose) (seated forward bend) Janu Sirsasana (head to knee pose) ­> parvritta janusirasana Mahamudra (janu sirsasana with heart open and all three bandhas) Eka Pada Rajakpotasana (pigeon pose) Gomukasana (cow faced pose)

Prasarita Padottanasana (straddle forward fold) Upavistha Konasana (seated straddle forward fold) () (tortoise pose) /Bhekasana (frog pose) * (eagle pose) ­> Figure Four


Butterfly ­> Baddha Konasana Shoelace ­> Gomukasana Caterpillar ­> Paschimottanasana Deer ­> variation (wider stance) Frog ­> Mandukasana

Wall Stabilizers and Other Seated

Chair Pigeon (standing balance) / (hero and knee up variation) Supta Virasana (reclined hero)