God’s Summit with You: Words to Save Humanity

A Six-Part Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride

Part Four of Six: Exhibit Self-Discipline

based on The Traveler's Summit

The Final Summit

The Final Summit

The Final Summit The Final Summit

2 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on II. A Godof“Do-overs” I. Introduction- A SummitwithGod’s Word Table of Contents V. Conclusion:’ Summitwith You IV. Ananias’Self-Discipline III. Paul’s Self-Discipline D. C. B. TheText. A. .Saul’s MissionandConversiontoPaul C. .TheSelf-DisciplineofSelf-Forgiveness C. TheWorld ImpactofPaul’s Second Act B. BeEffective forChrist—Forgive Yourself C. Churchill’s “secondact.” B. A. A. E. B. A. Paul: “IsawtheLight.” Paul ForgaveHimself Forgiveness -70times7 Jesus’ Summit with Ananias The Traveler'sSummit-KingDavid Two FormsofSelf-Discipline Ananias’ Obeys and “One hitwonders.” ...... Touches Paul ...... 17 12 3 6 9 The Final Summit 3 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit A. I. A Summit withGod’s Word The Text 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 20 the disciplesatDamascus. at once;andhearosewasbaptized. that youmayreceiveyoursightandbefilledwith theHolySpirit.” “Brother Saul, theLordJesuswhoappeared to youon theroadasyoucame, has sentme before Gentiles,kings,andthechildrenofIsrael. harm hehasdoneto Your saintsinJerusalem. him, sothathemightreceivehissight.” said inavision,“Ananias.” And hesaid,“HereIam,Lord.” house ofJudasforonecalledSaul Tarsus, forbehold,heispraying. they ledhimbythehandandbroughtintoDamascus. one. Lord saidtohim,“Ariseandgointothecity, andyouwillbetoldwhatmustdo.” persecuting. Itishardforyoutokickagainstthegoads.” persecuting Me?” heaven. who wereofthe Way, whethermenorwomen,hemightbringthemboundtoJerusalem. the highpriest And hewasthreedayswithoutsight,andneitherate nordrank. Then Saularosefromthe ground, andwhenhiseyeswereopened he sawnoone.But And themenwhojourneyedwithhimstoodspeechless,hearingavoicebutseeingno Sohe,trembling and astonished,said,“Lord,whatdo You wantme to do?” Then the And hesaid,“Whoare You, Lord?” Then theLordsaid,“IamJesus,whomyouare Then he fell to the ground, andheard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you he journeyedcamenearDamascus,andsuddenlyalightshonearoundhimfrom As andaskedletters from him to thesynagoguesofDamascus,sothat if hefoundany Then Saul,stillbreathingthreatsandmurderagainstthedisciplesofLord,wentto SotheLordsaidtohim,“Ariseandgostreet called Straight, and inquire at the Immediatelyhepreached theChristinsynagogues,thatHeisSon ofGod. So when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with Immediately therefellfromhiseyessomethinglike scales,andhereceived his sight And Ananias wenthisway and entered the house; andlaying his handsonhim he said, ForIwillshowhimhowmanythingshemustsuffer forMyname’s sake.” But the Lord said to him, “Go,forhe is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name And herehehasauthorityfromthechiefprieststobindallwhocallon Your name.” Then Ananias answered, “Lord,Ihaveheardfrommanyaboutthisman,howmuch And in a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming in and putting his hand on Nowthere was a certain at named Ananias; and to him the Lord The Final Summit 4 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit the DamascusRoadenteredcommonvernacular. unlikely, and yet so like God’s way of forgiveness, that the conversion of Saul/Paul on story? Itwasso comes fromthisgreatestturnaround mind, “Isawthelight,”actually “saw thelight.” Did youknowthat the phrasethat denotes aturnaroundorchangeof These turnaroundsubjects, however, were not actively workingagainstGod when they of God. and theof 12 originaldisciples Jesusallexhibited the ability to turn around at the call Moses,Jacob, direction. means—toturnandgoanopposite that iswhat“repentance” their lives. around after theyturned God used whom people about to learn After all, Acts ofthe Apostles. of Godinscripture intheoracles There aremanyopportunities in Luke’sin thispassage story inallofscriptureiscontained The greatestturnaround B. mmit withGod’s Word I. ______PERSONAL NOTES: A Su Paul: “IsawtheLight.” The Final Summit 5 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit located inthecityofDamascus. Damascus knewof Saul and hisappointmentauthorityto persecute thebelievers Saul’s identity andvocationwerewellknownintheregion. Therefore, thebelieversin across theprovinceofIsraeltoconductaviciousbrandrighteousness. authority broad had in leadership Pharisaic Roman rule,theJewish Under , Stephen,whosewitnessforChristanddeathistoldaboutinchapter7of Acts. Jesus’ resurrection. He was in charge of the mob of Jews who killed the first Christian espoused and believed any Jewwho persecuting and of pursuing He wasincharge and aroundJerusalem. the mon peopleandespecially followersof “The Way,” the early Christianbelievers in respected inthe Temple courtsofJerusalem,hewasevenmorefearedbythecom- in Jesus’believers of Jewish out themovement and known Ifhewaswell resurrection. to stomp among theJewsinJerusalem, combination Court andJusticeDepartment a Supreme by theSanhedrin, and statutes.Saulwascharged laws ed theHebrew the first century with regard to Jewish Law in the Old Testament. He viciously defend zealous PhariseeintheJerusalem Temple community. Hewasashark-likeattorneyin Saul of Tarsusplaced, andruthlessly well educated,highly intelligent, wasahighly you. old ground,but for the sakeof clarity, allow meto hit thehighspotsfor a momentwith may begoinglikeover The conversionofSaulissowellknownthatthebackground C. mmit withGod’s Word I. ______PERSONAL NOTES: A Su Saul’s MissionandConversiontoPaul - The Final Summit 6 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit ______PERSONAL NOTES: is thegiverof“do-overs.” answer,“That’s saying, runs dry.”that never awell Weby, areloved serve aGodwho and of sins.It is likeaskinghowmuchGodlovesyou. A fellowpastor, Jimmy Aaron, givesthe Father also will do to you…” There is infinite forgiveness from God for sins for true regret Jesus closedtheinthat opportunity question from Peter by saying, “Somy heavenly was saying,“Pete,youmustalwaysforgive.” in the scriptures, Jesus was saying a perfectly infinite number of times. In essence, Jesus 490 times, but actually, in numerology, the system of meaning behindthe use of numbers Jesus’ mindmayhavebeen replywas“seventytimesseven.” The actualcountinPeter’s him. against sinned 18: 21,22)howmanytimeshehadtoforgivesomeonewhorepeatedly seems likeagoodquestion. Peter, the apostle of impetuosity, once askedJesus(Matthew Have youeverdonethemathonhowmanytimesGodwillforgive?Forsomepeople,it A. AGod of “Do-overs” II. Forgiveness -70times7 The Final Summit 7 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit ______PERSONAL actions Godhasalreadyforgivenusfor. we we if which us from loss a suffered mistake, a made could we because life in close a to comes forgiveness. God’s with aligned closely is acts” “second of idea The utilize theopportunitiesthatGodgives. act” “first a is act” “second Churchill’s leaders, wartime greatest world’s the of one as now Known of Europeasprimeministerduringthewaryears. neighbors. chancellor, Germany’s of warning designs the against warning Adolph voices cautionary few the history,be afootnoteinworld He would at all,exceptthathewasoneof ifmentioned exchequer. the of chancellor as Empire British sprawling the for officer finance chief the was he and secretary. colonial as man England in governance Churchill man.” reading, are we book the in role prominent The a plays II, War World in history modern the Winston Churchill, B. AGod of “Do-overs” II. theme throughout theme Churchill’s “Second Act” Churchill’s Ery n h soy Cucil ees o isl a a scn act “second a as himself to refers Churchill story, the in Early Summit. Traveler's not recover, or simply failed in grand fashion. The second act will never come for come never will act second The fashion. grand in failed simply or recover, not Hitler. Out of government during the ‘30s, Churchill was then the lone voice lone the then was Churchill ‘30s, the during government of Out Hitler. do not learn from our mistakes, try something new, or forgive ourselves for the for ourselves forgive or new, something try mistakes, our from learn not do against Hitler’s growing power and Germany’s growing aggression toward its toward aggression growing Germany’s and power growing Hitler’s against person or whether you will push through the intermissions of life, persevere, and persevere, life, of intermissions the through push will you whether or person His “second act” came when his bulldog leadership saved Britain and much and Britain saved leadership bulldog his when came act” “second His NOTES: hn os n o xli ta h ws o kon o hs frt c” at act” “first his for known not was he that explain to on goes then The prime minister of Great Britain during the darkestyearsinEngland’sprime ministerofGreatBritainduring during the 1920s. During that time, Churchill was Britain’s point Britain’s was Churchill time, that During 1920s. the during bcue o cos wehr o ae a are you whether choose you because Summit, Traveler's He held the highest foreign policy role as secretary of state, of secretary as role policy foreign highest the held He

Often, our first act first our Often, The Final Summit 8 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit a Godwhoisinthebusinessofoffering “do-overs.” accepted Jesus’from mistakes, forgiveness,andforgivenourselves.But,wehave Frankly, and cannottakethestageagainfortheirsecondact. many Christianswithgreat gifts togiveGodandhumanitystumbleintheintermission love and sacrifice Jesus’ through forgiveness,and prepare for“secondact.” new beginnings—our I grieve that appreciate deeply more sin, our from learn to us for time a is Frequently inourworld,peopleneverget through the “intermission” after sin. Intermission though theyarespotlessineternitybecauseofthebloodJesus. loathing that they believehaveto punish themselvesfor the rest of their lives,even also holdthemselvesinsuchstatesof to forgivethemselvesforsin.Manypeople enough of God’sthe wealth not incorporated have who over people time grieving spend grace as pastor,1:9) Inmyrole (1st John unrighteousness.” to many opportunities had Ihave “If we confess our sins,Heisjust(trustworthy)to forgive usandto cleanse usfromall C. AGod of “Do-overs” II. ______PERSONAL NOTES: Be Effective forChrist—Forgive Yourself God cannot use useffectivelyin His purposeswhen we have not learned The Final Summit 9 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit Savior. Then, persecuting peoplewhohadfoundthewayto true salvationthroughfaithinaresurrected Paul’sof Jesusfor the forgiveness he fullyaccepted act” camebecause “second radical changeofrepentancethathedecidedmustrepenthisname. was sucha withtheresurrectedJesusandhisconversion I believethattheencounter the 13thchapterofLuke’sas “Paul.” appears name his of theministryapostles, account to Saul: Back in There isnoexplanation of hisnametoPaul,butin Acts forthechange A. Paul’s Self-Discipline III. ______PERSONAL NOTES: Paul ForgaveHimself Paul forgavehimself. The Final Summit 10 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit humanity andshapescivilization. rule of law, and politicalsystems, I realize that muchthat God accomplishedstillmoves the arts,the medicine, impacted education, to savecivilization and purpose message how,Roman Empire.WhenIconsider through thebroader throughEurope,Jesus’ Paul is responsible for the timelyexpansionof the message of Jesus ChristintoEurope the world. the shapeofmuch mission, whichhaschanged the practiceofevangelical established shaped thestanceof theological salvation by grace throughfaith. Paul wasthe one who Testament.that Jesusgavehimwhich the revelation with Jesusand Itwashisexperience 2/3 oftheNew of nearly for theestablishment that thismanisresponsible Remember for thesavingofcivilization. for PaultobeonewhowoulddomuchcarryoutGod’suse. Godplanned would plan his secondactandbecomethepersonwhomJesus to begin self-discipline Paul exhibited B. Paul’s Self-Discipline III. ______PERSONAL NOTES: The World ImpactofPaul’s Second Act The Final Summit 11 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit forgiveness inordertobefullyusedbyGod.Godhimgreatly! of self- the self-discipline Paulexhibited again. give ittoJesusforsafe-keeping would , wasforgivinghimself.Everytimeamemoryofhisformerlifewouldcreepin,he of .” the obedience all elsehedidfor the The greatestthinghedid,andfromwhich to captivity into thought “every that hebrought 10:5 II Corinthians in at Corinth believers to of self-discipline Hewroteoutofhisownwell that heaccomplished. to passall bring in terms Paul exhibitedself-disciplineof the efforts of mind, body, and spiritovertime to C. Paul’s Self-Discipline III. ______PERSONAL NOTES: The Self-DisciplineofSelf-Forgiveness The Final Summit 12 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit one hitwonder. in God’shave abriefparttoplay and to savehumanity. plan is a of Damascus Ananias show uponceinscripture who in scripture.Faithfulpeople hit wonders” There arealso“one status of“onehitwonders.” of companies, products,andservices.KatrinaherWaves probablydon’tmindtheir stations, butespecially,of radio for dozens appeal a boonforitsadvertising ithasbeen $1 milliona year sinceit was written. The song hasconsistentlyremainedonlists else. Yet, due to their shrewddecisionto keep the rights to their song,it has earnedthem have notbeenknownforanything huge, thoughtheband,Katrina,andsongwriter a songentitled“Walkingreleased on Sunshine.” The song,writtenbyKimberlyRew, was a musicalgrouporsoloistthathititbig.In1983,theUKbandKatrinaandWaves Usually,hit wonders.” with “one I knowyouarefamiliar by refers toasong thisphrase A. Ananias’ Self-Discipline IV. ______PERSONAL NOTES: One HitWonders The Final Summit 13 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit of God’s reality. is callingyoutobeonewhotouchesthelivesofothersbringthemanewsense Christ to bring him to his new realityas a child of God throughChrist! Jesuscalled voice tosnapyoubackreality? to represent to bethehuman Ananias of concentration ordaydreaming,andit took someone gettingyourattentionbytouchor The instructions weresimpleandthe meaning profound. Have youeverbeenina fog that Paulwouldreceivehissightagain. named Judas,onStraightStreet,Jesustold Ananias togotouchPaulwithhishand,so for astreetinthisaccount ofPauland Ananias!). Whenhearrivedatthehomeofaman Damascus. JesustoldhimtogoacertainhouseonStraightStreet (what agreatname to wait tobetoldwhatdo,theHolySpiritofJesuswasspeaking Ananias, wholivedin Jesus’About thetimethatSaul/Paulwasfollowing instructiontogoDamascusand B. Ananias’ Self-Discipline IV. ______PERSONAL NOTES: Ananias’ Obeysand Touches Paul I believe that God The Final Summit 14 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit Paul andforyouisspiritual—exhibitself-disciplinebyforgivingyourself. humanity. for save step and first civilization The reform Jesus’to and purposes Kingdom in hismind, self-discipline body, and spirittothingsfor accomplish incredibleGod’s you that there aretwowayshe is calling you to exhibit self-discipline . Paulexhibited In thepassagefoundin thatdealswithPaul’s dramaticconversion,Godisshowing C. Ananias’ Self-Discipline IV. ______PERSONAL NOTES: Two FormsofSelf-Discipline The Final Summit 15 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit ______PERSONAL involves discipline Self-Discipline. to answer word question the in summit In D. Ananias’ Self-Discipline IV. really want. really what you isaprocessofidentifying Andrews goesontowritethatexertingself-discipline want todoinordergetaresultyou he wanted. he didnot something want to doing do inorderto self-discipline, get exhibited something Luke’sin Ananias, ofPaul’s account he status because wonder one-hit reaches conversion

The The Traveler'sSummit-KingDavid te uhr rns sals raet itrcl edr no the into leader historical greatest Israel’s brings author the Summit, Traveler's heaven. King David regally approaches the other Travelers there to answer to there Travelers other the approaches regally David King heaven. King David says wisel David King NOTES: about restoring humanity. As he is seated at the table, he offers a two- a offers he table, the at seated is he As humanity. restoring about ” ” save civilization, which is the central theme of this message—“ this of theme central the is which civilization, save The Jewish king elaborates from his experience by pointing out that self- that out pointing by experience his from elaborates king Jewish The “control overone’sself.Heart,muscle,andmind.” y , “Make yourself do something you don’t particularly don’t you do something yourself , “Make would liketohave.” Exhibit The Final Summit 16 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit the worldtoday. follower of Jesus didgotoPaul. Consequently, we arepartof the largestfaithgroupin this toministerPaul,butwe don’thavetospeculatebecause have sentanotherperson God’s of out overall planto save humanity and restorecivilization. It is impossible to say if Jesus would playing the for ways many so in crucial was act first His act.” “second his Because been what mayhave no idea verses, wehave seven up in shows only Ananias something hewishednottodo,becausereallywanted that goal oftheself-discipline was. Heovercamefearanddoubtdid Ananias exhibited We can identify what Ananias did not want to do. Now we need to briefly consider what the Sanhedrin hadalreadyreachedthebelieversinDamascus. he isscaredtogoPaul.Paul’sin Damascusfromthe and mission reputation Temple says that to tellGodwhatalreadyknowsaboutus—Heeverything…Ananias He explainsclearlytoJesuswhatalreadyknows.Isn’titfunnythatwealwayswant has with in Damascusthatday,Ananias to goandministerPaul. a command regarding that Spend amomentwithmeconsideringthereiscrucialpersonalsummitthatJesus E. Ananias’ Self-Discipline IV. ______PERSONAL NOTES: Jesus’ Summitwith Ananias please Godbyobedience . The Final Summit 17 Sermon Series by Dr. Alan W. McBride based on The Traveler's Summit Most importantly, Jesusasksyou; Jesus asksyou; asked Saul,“Whyareyoupersecutingme?” In summitwithyou,Jesusisaskingyouquestionsthesamefervorhe this personal as aplayerinHisplantosavehumanity. control overmind,body,for you not accomplishallthatGodhasplanned andspirit,youwill these twoexamplesinonepassageofscriptureillustrate thatiftoexert you arenotwilling that understand Please self-discipline. to askifyouexhibit now and He meetsyouhere Jesus hadasummitwithSaul/Paul. after,Almost immediately Godmetwith Ananias. Jesus’ Summit withYou V. Pray withmeplease: • • Amen.” Your holyname. I knowthatamaforgivenchildof Yours, butIneedtoforgivemyselfmove areas ofmylifewhereIdonotexhibitself-discipline. Pleaseworkinmyheartandmind,by civilization. Your HolySpirit,toidentifythe that others. Ibelieve saving Youme tobepartof havecalled Yourto restore plan “Areyouwillingtocontrolyourdesiresinorderobeyme?” • “Haveyoubeenactiveinafirstacttowardmypurposes?” • forward with “Jesus, myLord.I the “secondact”Ihavecalledyouforwardtoembrace?” “Have  which Ihavealreadyforgivenanderasedfrommymind?” “Have  you been stuck in the intermission and not able to move forward to begin to forward move to able not and intermission the in stuck been you you exhibited self-discipline to forgive yourself for actions and attitudes and actions for yourself forgive to self-discipline exhibited you You. Utilize me to obey Your commandsto impact Your world. In deeply desiretofollow Youwith andbeactivelyengaged You in