Ann Wagner’s career is both deep for a St. Louis area financial and broad in service to her home- management company; and town, state and nation with over 25 Mary Ruth, a freshmen at Miami years of work in the private sector, University in Ohio. community and public service, and Ann Wagner’s public service the political arena. began at the grassroots level. She The 2nd District means family served for nine years as a local for Ann. It is where she and her committeewoman in Lafayette husband of twenty-five years, Ray, Township and went on to Chair grew up, went to school, raised their the Missouri Republican Party children, work, volunteer and go to delivering historic Republican gains. church. This community has given She also served as Co-Chairman of and St. Louis region. St. Louis and her extraordinary opportunities to the Republican National Committee its suburbs are national and re- make a difference. during the first term of President gional centers for financial services George W. Bush. At an early age, Ann started working activity. Over 84,000 people in St. in the family business, a retail In 2005, following nomination by Louis and its suburbs are employed carpet store called Carpetime in President Bush and confirmation in the financial services industry Manchester. Working beside her by the U.S. Senate, Ann was sworn with a total payroll of around $4.57 parents she learned the value of a in as the 19th U.S. Ambassador to billion. dollar, a strong work ethic, hones- Luxembourg by Secretary of State Ann was also selected by the Fresh- ty, integrity, and that government . She served as man Class of the 113th Congress to ought not be in the way and on the U.S. Ambassador for four years be their representative on the Elected backs of hard-working Americans before returning to her home in Leadership Committee. Additionally, trying to make a living. Ballwin, Missouri. Ann was recently chosen by Con- Ann then took her firsthand In 2010, Ann was asked to serve gressman to serve as experience to the University of as the Chairman of ’s Senior Deputy Whip. Missouri-Columbia and received successful U.S. Senate campaign in During her time in Congress, her BSBA from the Business School Missouri. Bringing her high energy Wagner has authored the Retail with an emphasis in Logistics. and political skills to the campaign, Investor Protection Act, legislation After college, Ann went to work in Ann helped unite existing and new to protect access to affordable the private sector and held conservative grassroots activists to investments for middle class fam- management positions at Hallmark produce a landslide victory. ilies, which passed the House with Cards in Kansas City and Ralston Ann won her 2012 Congressional bipartisan support. Purina in St. Louis. race with over 60% of the vote and Ann’s most important job, however, received more votes than any other has always been as a wife and Republican candidate for Congress mother. Ann and Ray have three in the State of Missouri this cycle. children: Raymond, a recent West Ann currently serves on the House Point graduate stationed at Fort Financial Services Committee – a Campbell with the 101st Airborne; key committee for the 2nd District Stephen, a Client Services Manager