JTF GTMO-CG 17 June 2005

MEMORANDUM FOR Commander , United States Southern Command, 3511 NW Avenue , Miami, FL 33172

SUBJECT: Update Recommendation to Transfer to the Control ofAnother Country for Continued Detention (TRCD) for Guantanamo Detainee, ISN: -000528DP ( S)


1. (FOUO) Personal Information:

JDIMS Reference Name: Abdullah Makrubov Aliases and Current/ True Name: Shukrat Tokhtasunovich Arupov, Sasha, and Abdullah Tohtasinovich Place of Birth : Kazakhstan KZ) Date of Birth: 14 May 1983 Citizenship : Kazakhstan InternmentSerialNumber(ISN) : 000528DP

2. (FOUO) Health: Detainee is in good health.

3. (SI JTF GTMO Assessment :

a . ( S ) Recommendation : JTF GTMO recommends this detainee be Transferred to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD ).

b . ( ) Summary: JTF GTMO previously assessed detainee as Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD) on 09 August 2003. For this update recommendation , detainee is assessed as a member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), which is associated to Al-Qaida Associated Movements (AQAM) Detainee was captured with Yakub Abahanov , 000526DP , and Abdulrahim Kerimbakiev , US9KZ 000521DP . A top IMU operative in Uzbekistan (UZ) , Furkat Yusupov , recruited both ISN 526 and ISN 521. Yusupov was recently arrested while in possession of 10 homemade


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JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT Update Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD) for Guantanamo Detainee, ISN: -000528DP (S)

bombs and sentenced to 18 years inprison for conducting terrorist operations inTashkent, UZ. In 2002 , the Kazakhstan Committee for National Security (KNB) named the detainee as a part of a terrorist cell based in Kazakhstan. Detainee was one of the members of the cell who fled Kazakhstan to avoid arrest and receive terrorist training while in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Detainee, ISN 521 and ISN 526 were captured with five members of Al-Qaida inan event where three anti-aircraft were also seized. It is assessed this detainee is a MEDIUM risk, as he may pose a threat to the US, its interests and allies.

4. ( SI/NF) DetaineeBackgroundSummary: Unlessotherwisenoted the following paragraphsare based solely on the detainee'sstatements.

a . (S ) Prior History: Detainee attended 9 years oflower level and middle school in Semey, Kazakhstan. Detainee worked as a farmer in an orchard.

b . (S ) Recruitmentand Travel: On August 2001, detainee departed Semey, KZ for Islamabad, PK with intentions ofenrolling in the Faisal Mesjitt Islamic school. While in Islamabad, detainee stayed at a madrassa with about 200-250 individuals for thirty days. Detainee then traveled to Karachi, PK where he stayed with another 200-300 individuals. 2 weeks at this location, detainee returned to Islamabad, PK staying for 10 days, then went to Lahore, PK for a 7-day stay at another madrassa. Eventually, detainee, ISN 526 , and ISN 526's 2 brothers, traveled to Kabul, AF to visit a state that practiced Islamic law. They remained inKabul, AF until the US bombing campaign started. (Analyst Note: It is not stated why detainee traveled through the cities staying at different madrassas.)

(S ) Capture Information: Detainee, ISN , and ISN 521 all stayed at a house together in Kabul. Within a week of their arrival, the US bombing began. Several unidentified people came to the house and offered to help them. They packed all oftheir belongings into a truck and fled. Detainee and his friends were taken in a separate vehicle . They were taken to an unknown location and kept in a basement for approximately 10 days. On 10 December 2001, Afghani Military Forces commander Tufal captured them in Kabul. From this location, they were taken to a container with 2 other Arabs ( one ofthem named Abdullah ). They were kept there for 8 days before Tufal turned them over to US forces on 2 February 2002. Detainee had 200 Afghani Rupees on him but no documents, weapons, or equipment . Pakistanis took detainee’s passport in the guesthouse.

d . ( S ) Transferred to JTF GTMO : 19 June 2002

e . ( SI/NF) Reasons for Transfer to JTF GTMO: To provide information on the following



JTF GTMO -CG SUBJECT : Update Recommendation to Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD ) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN: -000528DP ( S

Recruitment practices in Semey, Kazakhstan Madrassas he visited in Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore Pakistan . Traveling companions ( current detainees at JTF GTMO)

5. (SI/NF) Detainee Threat:

a . (S ) Assessment It is assessedthe detainee poses a MEDIUMrisk, as he may posea threatto the US, its interestsand allies.

b . ( /NF) Reasons for Detention:

Detainee is assessed to be a member of the Islamic Movement ofUzbekistan (IMU) who traveled from Kazakhstan to Pakistan and Afghanistan. It is highly likely that the detainee received some type ofIslamic extremist training while in Pakistan prior to entering Afghanistan. Afghan National Army commander Zalmai Topan captured detainee, ISN 521, ISN 526 and five other suspected Al-Qaida members. During the capture, three anti-aircraft missiles were also seized. Detainee, Abdulrahim Kerimbakiev (ISN 521) and Yakub Abahanov (ISN 526 ) were named as part of an Islamic Jihadist Group terrorist cell originating from Kazakhstan. (Analyst Note: The Islamic Jihadist Group referred to above has been assessed to be one and the same as the IMU. The IMU is a Tier 1 Terrorist Target, which is defined as terrorist groups, especially those with state support, that have demonstrated the intention and the capability to attack US persons or interests) As of mid -January 2004, the Kazakhstan Committee for National Security (KNB) was investigating Mokhitzhan Ilimakhunov, aka Muhiddin, and his brother Murad Ilimakhunov. According to the KNB, up until 2002 , the Ilimakhunov brothers had been members of a organization based in Kazakhstan. By 2002 , the group split, one half stayed in Kazakhstan to continue their terrorist activities; the other half traveled to Afghanistan, joined the IMU and trained to be terrorists. faction that went south to Afghanistan included three Kazakhstan citizens currently indetention inJTF -GTMO: the detainee, ISN 521 and ISN 526. Kazakhstan authorities eventually arrested several members of the criminal group that remained in Kazakhstan, sentencing one to death . This individual was Furkat Yusupov. ( S //NF) ISN 526, captured with detainee, claimed that both he and ISN 521 were recruited by Islamic extremist Furkat (Parkat) Yusupov , a member of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU), in Shelek village in the Almaty Oblast .


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JTF GTMO-CG SUBJECT Update Recommendationto Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD) for Guantanamo Detainee, ISN: 000528DP (S)

(U ) Furkat Yusupov was arrested for trying to bring ten self -made explosive devices in Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan . ( S //NF) According to sensitive information, a Parkat ( Furkat) Yusupov is listed as an Uigher extremist . ( S //NF) ISN 526 also claimed that the detainee was the nephew of Yusupov and was also known as Dolkun. In late December 2001, Afghan National Army (ANA) commander Zalmai Tofan captured the detainee, ISN 521, 526 and five other suspected Al-Qaida members in Kabul. Reporting indicates that three anti -aircraft missiles were also seized probably during the same event. The missiles were not reported inthe initial capture data for any ofthe detainees. A source with direct access reported that eight individuals, all allegedly members ofAl-Qaida, were being held inthe custody ofan Anti- Taliban field commander named Zalmai Tofan in Kabul. The nationalities ofthe captured Al-Qaida members included one Saudi ( SA), one Kuwaiti (KU), three Pakistanis and three Kazakhs. One of the Arab prisoners was a 28 -year old Saudi named Mohammad Abdullah . He offered his captors USD $ 1,000,000 for his freedom and transport to Pakistan . He told his captors he could arrange for the money via a contact in Riyadh, SA . The second Arab prisoner was a 27-year old Kuwaiti named Abdullah Ali Abu- Salem The three Pakistaniprisonerswere PatshahDouaiKhan, a 30years old, MohammadAnwar and IsrarAl-Haq. The three Kazakh prisoners were (as spelled in the document ) Yaqub Bekh Bergan (ISN 526), Abdul Rahim (LNU) (ISN 521) and detainee (ISN 528 ). source stated he would provide a videotape of the captured prisoners and missiles . This has not surfaced during research . ( Analyst Note : Detainee has stated , on 10 December 2001 Afghani Military Forces commander Tofan captured them in Kabul . From this location, they were taken to a container with 2 other Arabs, one of them named Abdullah , where they were kept for 8 days before Tufal turned them over to US forces on 2 February 2002.” This helps to validate above report.)

In follow -up reporting, a source with direct access reported that as of late December 2001, Anti-Taliban Commander Zalmai Tofan ( Topan ) maintained custody of eight Al-Qaida members and three anti aircraft missiles . Tofan had videotaped one of the three missiles, and all eight ofthe Al- Qaida members The video of the showed the packing crate and the aiming unit. The following markings were clearly visible : UN SER NO 0181, MK 2 Type A, S9 45 337, and shorts . K102A1 Type A SER NO 1965250. The anti-aircraft missile appears to be the ( Starbust), Javelin or system .


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JTF GTMO -CG SUBJECT Update Recommendation to Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention (TRCD) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN: 000528DP (S)

Furtherreporting in March of 2005 established that three British-made Blow Pipe Missile systems are currently being stored inthe home of CommanderZalmai, an Anti- Taliban Afghan National Army officer. He was seen on 27 February 2005, in Mir Bachen Kowt, Parwan Province, AF, wearing an Afghan National Army uniform . All three Blowpipes are serviceable, but only one includesthe launch mechanism . (Analyst Note: Although all reporting concerning the missilesand captured detainee is combined, it is impossibleto discernwhether the missileswere seized at the same location that the eight Al-Qaida members were captured .)

Detainee probably attended Islamic extremist militant training in Pakistan prior to entering Afghanistan . Beginningin late August 2001, the detainee spent 30 days at an unidentified guesthouse in Islamabad, PK with more than 200 other individuals. Hethen spent two weeks in Karachi, PK with between 200 to 300 others, none of whom he could identify. ( Analyst Note: Itis highly doubtfulthat there were guesthouses capable of holdinganywhere from 200 to 300 hundred people. It is more likely that prior to entering Afghanistanhe attended Islamic extremist training camps that supported IMUand Al-Qaida and / or Talibanoperations.)

. Detainee's Conduct: Detainee's overall behavior patternhas been compliant and non hostile in nature. Detaineehas a relatively low amount ofreports with the majority being leading prayer or physical training and martial arts. Detainee currently has only one Report ofDisciplinary Infraction, which was reported on 09/04/03. .

6. ( SI/NF) Detainee Intelligence Value Assessment :

a . Assessment: JTF GTMOdetermineddetaineeis ofMediumintelligencevalue.

Detainee should be able to provide informationon how IMUrecruits are trained in Pakistanand Afghanistan. He should be able to provide informationon extremist military training camps in Pakistan. He may also be able to provide information on how Al- Qaida / Taliban and IMU conduct coordinated operations.

b. Areas of Potential Exploitation:

Information on IMU recruiting Information on IMU training in Kazakhstan and Pakistan Information on IMU / Taliban Al Qaida coordinated operations Information on the use of anti -aircraft missiles for ACM activities


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JTF GTMO -CG SUBJECT : Update Recommendation to Transfer to the Control of Another Country for Continued Detention ( TRCD ) for Guantanamo Detainee , ISN: -000528DP ( S )

Ingress/Egress ofIMUpersonnel into/ out of Pakistanand Afghanistan

7. (S) EC Status: Detainee's enemy combatant status was reassessed on 04 January 2005, and he remains an enemy combatant.

JAY W. HOOD Brigadier General, USA Commanding


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