DOCOMO’s Approaches toward Remote SIM Provisioning (eSIM)

16th July, 2015 Naoki Tani Managing Director IoT Business Department NTT DOCOMO Inc.

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. Transformation into a “Value Co-Creation Company” through Collaboration

●IoT ●Solution of social issues Value ●Regional revitalization Smart life

partner co-creation ●2020 Expansion of added valueadded of Expansion company ●Loyalty point/iD linkage

●”+d” Value creation company ●dmarket ●Point distribution Integrated ●dmenu ●Point card services provider ●DCMX/iD ● Home domain Mobile

communications ●docomo Hikari operator ●Smartphone ●LTE ●iPhone ●New billing plan● LTE-Advanced ●5G

Evolution of offerings

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 1 Co-Creation of New Businesses through Expanded Adoption of IoT “+d Contribute to building business framework in a wide array of sectors

Construction machinery Security Retail

Healthcare Deployment in various business domains Transport

Environment/ Construction energy Automobile

Value creation leveraging IoT Partner DOCOMO

Business asset Business asset Co-creation

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 2 Outline of IoT Business

Utility Medical Agriculture Vehicle Security ・・・ (Electricity, Gas) Healthcare New service Security & convenience Data utilization

Marketing/ Monitoring & Promotion maintenance

Storage Cloud Analysis Process Big data sharing Other company data linkage


Devices / Sensors

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 3 What is eSIM?

Mobile operator’s subscription switch via OTA

① Change Request to Operator B Operator B Operator A Subscription Manager Operator B

② Send Operator B’s SIM Info

Operator B ③ Change A’s SIM Info via OTA ④ Connect to Operator B

Operator A Operator B

eSIM embedded Car

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 4 Vision2020 : Connected Living Programme ・Promotion of IoT, collaboration between operators and other industries, started in April 2014.

・As a lead operator, Docomo participates in this programme.

Lead Operators

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 5 GSMA activities for eSIM

2012 2013 2014 2015

Remote SIM Provisioning Vision2020 Fast Track Connected Living Program

★Dec. 2013 Architecture.v1.1 ★Oct. 2014@Dubai Press Release ★Mar. 2015 @MWC Press Release/Demo

Fast Track Member Lead Operator

★June 2014 Commercial Launch

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 6 DOCOMO’s IoT Framework

Cloud layer Cloud Toami ITS Cloud Vending machine

・・・ Data

Application Enabling analysis

Network SM

layer Docomo M2M-PF Subscription The Manager Internet /LTE/LTE-adv.

Devicelayer Docomo eSIM AP GW WiFi/BLE etc.

Router sensor

Wireless module NFC module

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 7 Support for Global Customers

・One-stop connection management

・eSIM profile provisioning via OTA.

North American docomo Profile docomo Profile operator’s Docomo M2M Profile Platform SM Subscription EU operator’s Profile Manager docomo Profile Docomo Asian operators’ Profile eSIM

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 8 Business Advantages of eSIM

・ Benefit of local network (support, price, quality)

・ Connectivity in permanent roaming countries

・ Effective manufacturing and distribution

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 9 Use case of eSIM Before After ・ Individual arrangements ・ One-stop arrangement ・ Separate distribution ・ Efficient distribution

customer customer

Country A B C Lead Operator X Y Z Operator X Different country’s operators Lead operator Docomo X SIM Y SIM Z SIM eSIM

SIM SIM SIM Operator X X→Y X→Z

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 10 Collaboration with Operators for eSIM

• eSIM Business Model • Technical Specification • End-to-End test among operators

• eSIM Working Group started • PoC (Proof Of Concept) started (see next)

Other operators • On a project basis

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 11 (Example) Indosat×DOCOMO eSIM PoC

& Press Release : ‘ eSIM PoC between Indosat and Docomo for M2M devices’ • Strategic Economic ties (JPN/ ) • Verification for two different M2M platforms

SM M2M Platform M2M Platform

Docomo Profile Swapping SIM profile Indosat Profile

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 12 Further Growth of eSIM Market

• Establishment of the ecosystem

Operators Platform Providers SIM Vendors Module Vendors

• Expansion of the ecosystem based on GSMA specification

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 13 The new of today, the norm of tomorrow

ⓒ2015 NTTdocomo, INC. All Rights Reserved. 14