Economic Research

Disposable Income in Swiss Municipalities MAY 2011 SCHWARZENBERG (LU) Map of Municipality Regional Overview

Municipality Facts

Canton LU Mandatory charges

District Luzern low high Population (2009) 1'634 Fixed costs Swiss average Population growth (1999-2009) 0.8% low high Employed persons (2008) 359

The fixed costs comprise: living costs, ancillary expenses, charges for water, sewers and waste collection, cost of commuting to nearest center. The mandatory charges comprise: Income and wealth taxes, social security contributions, mandatory health insurance. Both are standardized figures taking the Swiss average as their zero point.

Information about Commuting

Commute to Transportation Commuter Time Integrated fare network / Cost per year in CHF mode no. (2000) each way travel pass Single person Married couple Family in minutes 1 commuter 2 commuters 1 commuter

Luzern (LU) Private vehicle 104 21 - 4'403 11'515 4'565 Luzern (LU) Public transp. 104 31 TVLU 3 Zones 882 1'764 882

Zürich (ZH) Private vehicle 4 55 - 11'280 26'097 11'787 (ZH) Public transp. 4 99 Point-to-point ticket 2'754 5'508 2'754

Information on commuting relates to routes to the nearest relevant center. The starting point in each case is the center of the corresponding municipality. Travel costs associated with vehicles vary according to household type and are based on the following vehicle types: Single person = compact car, married couple = higher-price-bracket station wagon + compact car, family: medium-price-bracket station wagon.

Disposable Income for Reference Households

Single person Married couple (no children) Family (2 children) Retired couple In employment 1 person 2 persons 1 person Retired Income 75'000 250'000 150'000 80'000 Assets 50'000 600'000 300'000 300'000 Living situation Rented apartment 60m2 High-quality SFH Medium-quality SFH Rented apartment 100m2 Commute to Transp. mode CHF% CHF % CHF% CHF %

Luzern (LU) Private vehicle 33'20044% 82'500 33% 64'000 43% - - Luzern (LU) Public transp. 36'70049% 92'300 37% 67'700 45% - - - Zürich (ZH) Private vehicle 26'60035% 69'000 28% 57'100 38% - - Zürich (ZH) Public transp. 35'10047% 89'600 36% 66'100 44% - -

No commuting 37'40050% 92'900 37% 68'400 46% 47'900 60%

"Disposable income" relates to the amount that remains at a household's disposal based on income from employment, assets, occupational pensions and any transfer payments and after deduction of all mandatory charges (income and wealth taxes, social security contributions, pension contributions, health insurance premiums) and fixed costs (living costs, ancillary expenses, electricity costs). The inclusion of commuting results in transportation costs, part of which are tax-deductible. SFH = single-family house. % = relative share of gross income.

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SCHWARZENBERG (LU) Comparison of Disposable Income

30 selected reference Cost of commuting to nearest center Commuting costs excluded municipalities in the region RDI IndicatorSingle* Couple* Family* Single* Couple* Family* Rtd Couple* Schwarzenberg (LU) 0.6634'900 87'400 65'800 37'400 92'900 68'400 47'900 (LU) 0.6435'000 86'700 64'800 37'300 92'400 67'200 47'300 (LU) -0.0534'400 70'000 53'200 35'600 73'10054'400 43'700 (LU) 0.8034'400 91'300 68'600 37'500 98'000 70'900 48'100 (LU) 0.3935'500 80'600 59'900 36'500 83'200 60'900 45'500 (LU) 0.6034'300 86'700 65'200 37'600 94'000 68'700 48'100 Luzern (LU) 0.0334'900 71'500 53'600 35'600 73'100 54'300 43'700 (LU) 0.5434'400 85'700 63'700 36'700 90'700 65'200 46'100 (LU) 0.6034'200 87'100 65'300 37'200 93'700 68'400 47'300 Rothenburg (LU) 0.6635'600 85'700 63'400 37'300 90'100 65'200 46'500 Menznau (LU) 0.6634'200 86'800 66'000 37'900 95'500 68'900 48'600 (LU) 0.7834'600 89'200 67'300 38'300 97'800 70'300 49'300 (LU) 0.7634'400 89'600 67'700 38'300 98'500 70'900 49'200 Hasle (LU) 0.9034'300 95'700 71'500 38'100 103'900 74'700 49'100 Emmen (LU) 0.5335'100 83'400 62'000 36'900 88'000 63'800 46'300 (LU) 0.3035'800 77'600 57'500 37'000 80'000 58'000 45'700 Buttisholz (LU) 0.6134'300 86'100 64'900 37'800 93'700 68'500 48'200 Sempach (LU) 0.7135'000 91'900 67'300 37'800 97'900 69'400 47'300 (NW) -0.2136'600 51'600 41'000 38'200 55'700 42'600 47'200 Rain (LU) 0.6934'900 89'900 66'300 37'300 95'200 68'800 46'900 (LU) 0.6435'300 89'300 65'700 36'400 92'100 66'100 45'400 (LU) 0.6235'500 83'400 62'300 38'100 89'700 64'900 48'100 (NW) -0.0434'500 64'300 48'700 36'500 69'300 50'800 44'400 (LU) 0.9934'800 95'900 71'200 38'900 104'700 74'700 50'100 Eschenbach (LU) 0.9536'500 94'100 68'200 38'600 98'800 69'800 48'400 (LU) 0.6034'600 89'400 65'900 36'600 93'800 68'000 45'800 (LU) -0.2735'800 61'100 46'800 37'100 64'500 48'100 45'000 Root (LU) 0.6534'700 91'300 67'000 36'600 95'500 68'900 45'800 Nottwil (LU) 0.2933'500 78'400 59'800 36'600 85'100 62'100 45'900 Schüpfheim (LU) 0.7733'400 94'900 71'300 37'600 104'600 74'900 48'100 Zürich (ZH) -2.2632'600 19'300 21'200 33'500 21'500 22'100 39'800

The RDI (Regional Disposable Income) indicator expresses the disposable income for a wide range of households. For it is set at 0. Cost of commuting: average cost of public transport and private vehicle. * The definition of reference households corresponds to that on the first page. Bold = nearest relevant center of employment. Only municipalities with more than 500 inhabitants are taken into account. The number of municipalities corresponds to the number in 2008 (2'706). Information

Contact Further Information Credit Suisse Economic Research "Living and Commuting: Where's the Least Expensive Place to Live? Disposable Income in Switzerland" Regional Analysis Swiss Economy Regions Publications Email: [email protected] Sources Tel.: +41 44 334 74 19 Details of sources are contained in the above-mentioned study.

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