Daniel Wong

Websites: www.daniel-wong.com, www.TheHappyStudentBook.com

Email: [email protected]

About Daniel

Daniel was a top student at primary school, secondary school, junior college and university. He attended and . He received numerous academic honours and was awarded an overseas scholarship to study at Duke University, where he completed a double major in Mechanical Engineering and Economics in 2011. He graduated summa cum laude (the equivalent of First Class Honours), and was also the top student in the Mechanical Engineering programme. He currently works as a project engineer, and is also a member of the Asia Professional Speakers – (APSS) association.

Despite his achievements, Daniel realized that accolades—no matter how amazing or noble—never truly satisfy, if they are not motivated by the right purpose. He started on a journey of intense, holistic personal development: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

He especially enjoys working with students and young adults to help them avoid the mistakes he made in the blind pursuit of success, while simultaneously empowering them to run their own race, rather than the race their parents or teachers expect them to run.

Daniel was so eager to share his transformation from unhappy overachiever to happy straight-A student that he ran his first seminar, entitled Why Is My Life Going Nowhere? And What I Can Do About It, as a 23-year-old. This three-hour seminar aimed to help participants find purpose and passion in school and work. The 50 participants were guided through the process of identifying their core values and developing their personal mission statement. The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 60.

Daniel has given talks on topics such as goal-setting, time management and developing a personal vision for your life. He has given talks to students at Northland Secondary School, Victoria Junior College, Raffles Institution, Innova Junior College, Anglo-Chinese Junior College, , Tampines Junior College, , Serangoon Junior College, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore University of Technology and Design, and Duke University.

In 2011, Daniel spoke to employees of Singapore Airlines about how to maximize their happiness through changing the culture at work. He also had the opportunity to give a TEDx talk entitled Realistic Idealism: Seeing People as People, which focused on the ethics of civic engagement. Daniel gave a talk at All In! Young Writers Media Festival 2012 about his experience as an author. The talk was entitled My Journey: From Idea to Publication. Daniel has also spoken at Acts Lifestyle. He was also given the opportunity to speak at the Asian Parents Forum 2012.

Daniel wrote a biweekly opinion column for Duke University’s The Chronicle. His writing has also been featured in Yahoo!, Work Life magazine, Deliberations magazine, Encompass magazine, Inspire Me Today, Raffles Alumni portal, Sokanu, The Uncommon Life, Pick The Brain, Life Optimizer, Think Simple Now, Life Your Way, Motivational Memo and Change Your Thoughts. He blogs regularly about topics related to personal development, education and career at www.daniel-wong.com.

Daniel’s first book, The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success, was published in 2012. The book comes in both an Asian and a US edition. This book aims to help students find new meaning and motivation in the pursuit of academic success, and is written for students, educators and parents. Daniel’s vision for The Happy Student is that it will be used as a tool

to transform and beyond—one book at a time, one life at a time.

Daniel has been featured twice on A Slice of Life with Eugene Loh on 938Live Radio. He has been featured on FRESH! with Bharati Jagdish on 938Live Radio. He has also been interviewed on Channel NewsAsia’s AM Live and on Channel 5’s Singapore Talking (twice). The second time he was featured on Singapore Talking, he served as a panelist.

Daniel has also been interviewed on MyFatPocket, mamawearpapashirt, I Am A Reader Not A Writer and Epic Living.


“The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success”


Are you a happy, motivated student? Or do you drag yourself to class every morning? In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong describes the five key steps you need to take in order to become a happy, fulfilled and successful student.

Daniel scored straight A’s all through university and received numerous academic honors and awards, but he didn’t find fulfillment in his achievements until he discovered the five steps. Daniel draws on his personal journey—from unhappy overachiever to happy straight-A student—to guide you through your own transformational process.

If you’re a student who has begun to question what the true purpose of education is, The Happy Student will lead you to the right answer. If you’re a teacher or parent, you’ll find inspirational ideas in The Happy Student to help your students become intrinsically motivated.

“You must become purpose-driven rather than performance-driven,” says Daniel. “You must ask the ‘why’ questions before you ask the ‘how’ questions.

You must learn how to climb the ladder more effectively, but only after you’ve made sure that the ladder is leaning against the right wall.”

In The Happy Student, Daniel shows you how to:

 Enjoy a new sense of purpose in your academics  Keep your motivation levels high using practical strategies  Conquer your fear of failure  Set meaningful goals and achieve them  Increase your self-confidence  Deal with the expectations of parents and teachers  Fall in love with learning again

Don’t leave your happiness to chance. The Happy Student can make the difference between frustration and fulfillment in your academics.

More information at: http://www.writeeditions.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Book- TheHappyStudent-Info.pdf

Categories: Education, Student Life, Self-Help

Special Discount for Bulk Purchase

If you would like to purchase copies of “The Happy Student” in quantities of 50 or greater, you will enjoy a discount off the regular price of 23.50 SGD (including GST).

Please contact Daniel at [email protected] for more information.

What People Are Saying About “The Happy Student”:

“Daniel Wong has written an essential guide for all students, and he has done it with clarity and conviction. The Happy Student is simultaneously philosophical and practical. Daniel poses philosophical questions such as “Who am I?”, “What do I want to be?” and “Why am I here?” As a reader, your response to these questions forms the foundation of your personal fulfillment

and happiness. At the same time, Daniel offers many practical tips that are simple-to-follow. He describes, in detail, a step-by-step program that will allow you to find success and happiness. In addition, he suggests thirty practical tips to stay continually motivated, and ten ways to enter the state of “flow”. The Happy Student will serve as an invaluable guide for students of all ages, especially teenagers and university students.”

- Helen Choo, principal of Tampines Junior College

"These are tough times for students, and they’re only getting tougher. That's why a book like this—packed with wisdom, encouragement, and sound advice—will go a long way in lightening the load of today’s students. As an educator, I’m impressed with Daniel's insightful perspective on the pursuit of academic success. Through reading this book, I’ve learned how to help my own students become truly happy. I would recommend The Happy Student to all educators. We all need to be reminded about how we can enable our students to find real success."

- Kenneth Tan, secondary school teacher and Head of Department

“I had the privilege of teaching Daniel Wong when he was a student at Victoria Junior College eight years ago, and he is still by far the best student I have ever taught. Not only was Daniel a top student, he was also an excellent athlete and an inspiring student leader. Despite his extremely impressive all- round achievements, Daniel remains a down-to-earth person who genuinely cares about others. He is also very passionate about helping people and inspiring them to lead a values- and purpose-driven life. I have utmost respect for his strong passion for life and for people. In The Happy Student, Daniel shares his personal story candidly—how he felt unfulfilled and worn out during the early stages of his academic career, despite the fact that he was living the “perfect life” as a student. His intense life, filled with meaningless striving, caused him to reflect deeply on the path he was on. Through his reflections, Daniel discovered the keys to academic fulfillment and success. In this book, Daniel shares with readers the five steps that transformed him from an unhappy overachiever to someone who runs his own race confidently—with clear focus, purpose and motivation. The Happy Student is a sincere and heartfelt book written by a great, promising young man who cares enough to

want to help students—and even adults—find true fulfillment and happiness, beyond what achievements have to offer. A great read indeed!”

- Koh Lip Kang, Head of Department at an Integrated Programme school in Singapore

“We often read stories of happy and successful men and women who, in their pursuit of happiness, have had to turn their lives upside down. They have abandoned their Ivy League educations midway, walked away from their stable careers, or coughed up their last penny for the sake of their dreams. So what I appreciate most about The Happy Student is that it works on the premise that happiness can in fact be found within our current life circumstances. In the book, Daniel exhorts us to disentangle ourselves from the hollow pursuit of academic success and material wealth; he urges us to evaluate what race we ought to be running instead, and to use that newfound awareness to re-order the key facets of our lives in a practical and holistic way. Daniel points us not toward empty achievements but to the kind of success that we will find deeply personal and profoundly meaningful. He directs us away from senselessly pleasing the masses to becoming someone that we ourselves can truly be proud of.”

- Clarissa Chng, corporate trainer

“I have mentored scholars for more than a decade, and obviously they are all intelligent. However, Daniel stands out among them as one who is both intelligent and wise. His wisdom can clearly be seen in The Happy Student. Read this book to embark on your own journey of finding deep fulfilment and meaning in life.”

- Tan Hee Guan, Kingmaker Consultancy Pte Ltd

“I’m going to encourage all of my students to read The Happy Student! If you follow Daniel’s advice, your quality of life as a student is sure to improve. Daniel aims to help students find intrinsic motivation in their academic pursuits. It often seems like we don’t care about whether students are intrinsically motivated or not—we just care that they get good grades. But

Daniel understands that intrinsic motivation is vital if you want to be truly successful, not just in your academics, but in life, too. In The Happy Student, Daniel teaches you the principles and strategies that will enable you to find academic success and fulfillment. High school and college students—and their parents and teachers, too—will benefit from reading The Happy Student. In fact, anyone who wants to be both happy and successful will gain a lot by taking Daniel’s advice to heart.”

- Walter N. Simmons, engineering professor and inventor

"In this meticulously reasoned work, Daniel Wong challenges students—and non-students too—to seize control of their lives and their happiness. He provides a solid five-step program that will prevent you from running someone else’s race and striving for someone else’s goals. By sharing with readers his experiences, Daniel advocates effectively for defining and pursuing your own individualized course toward success and personal fulfillment."

- Katie Barzee, environmental advocate and recent college graduate

“The Happy Student is the sort of book you think you’ve seen before but actually haven’t. It is, above all, truly written by a student for other students. Plenty of other books preach concepts that seem (and can actually be) impractical, so it was surprising—even to myself—how easily some of the ideas Daniel Wong presents could be applied to my own life. Just to give an example, I chose to adopt the idea of writing with a nicer pen (this is a tip Daniel talks about in the final chapter), and I found that my work productivity greatly improved. I’m not sure if this was a direct result of having a new pen, or if there were other psychological factors at work. All I know is that this is one of many practical and effective techniques that Daniel suggests in The Happy Student. I truly enjoyed every page of this book.”

- Brandon Yap, junior college student

“In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong explains that his wish to help and empower others is a motivating factor in every action he takes; his debut as an author is clearly aligned with this life philosophy. Daniel’s advice for

frustrated, stressed-out, and overwhelmed students is concrete and easy to apply, but this alone isn’t what makes The Happy Student so helpful to students seeking fulfillment. Rather, it is Daniel’s genuine voice and uninhibited passion for his subject matter that will inspire his readers. Daniel understands that happiness often precedes success, not the other way around. The Happy Student will help readers embrace Daniel’s unique vision.”

- Allison LeCavalier, college student

“While most education-related books focus solely on the outcome, The Happy Student continually re-visits the importance of the journey. If you’re a student, or even if you’re a young person who’s just entering the workforce, Daniel's advice will help you find fulfillment beyond just building a great résumé. In a humble and conversational style, Daniel shows you that setting goals and determining your core values are not simply means to achievement but rather crucial steps toward finding lifelong happiness."

- Nick Valilis, pre-med college student

“The Happy Student provides a wonderful tool-kit for students of all ages who want to find real fulfillment in their personal and academic pursuits. As an education professional who has worked with ambitious high school and college students in the United States and abroad for more than ten years, I believe that Daniel Wong has vividly and accurately analyzed the phenomenon of “collecting” achievements in the blind pursuit of success. Daniel uses playful analogies, reflective questions, and practical tips to help readers unpack their experiences in a meaningful and intentional way. I love that his writing style is so accessible to all readers, regardless of what life stage they are in. Daniel presents the building blocks that will enable readers to become more self-aware and reflective, and to take concrete action. I look forward to sharing The Happy Student with young people everywhere as they develop their plans for their academic, professional, and personal journeys.”

- Cloe Liparini, M.A., Assistant Director for Training and Student Development with DukeEngage, Duke University

“In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong provides a refreshing change of focus for young people. His message: rather than simply jumping through hoops, you can choose to focus on a vision for yourself and your future. Daniel helps students bring together their goals, strengths, and values, crafting a life plan that will be meaningful and personally satisfying. While the questions and issues he raises are directed toward teenagers and young adults, his message resonates with all age groups.”

- Susan Sykes, educational consultant

“In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong shows you how to maximize your potential as a student using practical strategies. Daniel encourages readers to have an intentional approach toward learning, and to take full responsibility for their own education. If you participate actively in the five-step program Daniel has developed, you’ll find that—by the end of the program—your attitude toward education has changed completely. You’ll discover that education is about much more than trying to get good grades. It’s about cultivating a love for learning and for life, and about becoming a person of character. After reading The Happy Student, both students and parents will understand how to set goals that are in line with their core values. The Happy Student is a book I wish I’d read before going to college! I’ll definitely encourage my friends and family to read it. This might sound strange, but reading The Happy Student has been a truly enlightening experience for me. I’m deeply thankful to Daniel for having the courage to write this book. He has the extraordinary ability to inspire, encourage, and motivate through his writing.”

- Moon Limb, recent college graduate

“In this book, Daniel Wong has captured not only the essence of how to be a happy student, but also how to be a happy person in general. We’ve all been students at some point in our lives and—in a sense—we’ll always remain students, because we’re constantly learning new skills and acquiring new knowledge. Everyone will be able to relate to The Happy Student, and I’d definitely recommend it to anyone, especially high school and college students.”

- Hwi Jong Quek, entrepreneur and recent college graduate

“In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong talks about the many students who are running the race that others want them to run, instead of their own race. I was one of those students. As I frantically pursued one academic accolade after another, I seemed to drift further away from contentment, satisfaction, and a deeper sense of purpose. If you’re a student who has faced this dilemma before, this book is for you. Daniel helps readers to see that education is meant to be deeply meaningful. He shows readers that, with the right strategies and mindset, they can achieve great things while also attaining great personal fulfillment. Daniel tackles head-on many of the hardest challenges today’s students face. He offers concrete tools to tackle these challenges with clarity, poise, and commitment. From my experiences in many different academic settings, the students who confront these challenges bravely and effectively are the ones who best position themselves for future success. They’re also the students who have the most fun. The Happy Student is both incisive and highly readable. It incorporates a wide breath of scholarship and is written in an easily accessible style. This is one book you simply must read if you’re a student—especially if you’re an ambitious go- getter. I can offer no stronger endorsement for The Happy Student than my pledge to give it to every student in my life whom I care deeply about.”

- Avishek Panth, nuclear engineer and recent college graduate

“One of the best things about being a professor is learning from your students. While reading The Happy Student, I learned from Daniel Wong, a young man who took my accounting class during his senior year at Duke. Everyone yearns for happiness, success, and fulfillment, but these things often seem elusive. In The Happy Student, Daniel shows you the steps you need to take in order to simultaneously achieve them. The Happy Student will inspire, challenge, and encourage you to embrace the deeper meaning of education. Daniel has taken an honest and introspective look at education from a student’s perspective. He has developed a meaningful road map for high school and college students who want to find real fulfillment in their academics and beyond. The Happy Student is insightful reading for students AND their parents!”

- C.J. Skender, accounting professor and co-author of Financial Accounting

“The Happy Student is the perfect book for anyone who has felt trapped in their journey to success. Wong uses great analogies, heart-felt anecdotes, and vivid descriptions to communicate important principles and practical advice to any student who wishes to find fulfillment in life.”

- Catalina Hidalgo, Teach For America corps member

"Daniel’s enthusiasm for life is inspiring, and his dedication to helping students find meaning in the pursuit of academic success is admirable. A culmination of his varied life experiences and thoughtful reflections, this is an important book for high school and college students, as well as recent college graduates, to read—especially those who wonder if there’s more to life than chasing after achievements."

- Eugene Luah, recent law school graduate

“The Happy Student is a must-read for teachers who, like me, are just starting out. Having just stepped into the arena of education, these teachers are idealistic: they want nothing more than to impact, challenge, and motivate their students. In The Happy Student, Daniel Wong shows teachers that they can be both idealistic and pragmatic. Daniel describes practical strategies that will help teachers to help their students achieve academic success. He also extends a steadfast reminder about the joy of learning. After reading The Happy Student, I’ve decided that I’ll never rob my students of that joy! Most importantly, Daniel addresses the obsession that many students have with grades. He explains how students can find intrinsic value in learning, rather than merely focusing on achievements. The Happy Student offers a golden perspective on the true worth of education.”

- Charmaine Tay, high school English and history teacher

“I met Daniel Wong in college. Even after having known him for four years, Daniel’s excellence and motivation remained somewhat of a mystery to me. In The Happy Student, Daniel lets all of his secrets out. Not only does he include many of his own experiences to enrich the material, but he’s also able to integrate the works of today’s most renowned authors with the age-old

wisdom of people like Mark Twain and Maya Angelou to formulate an effective five-step program that will lead you to find fulfillment both inside and outside the classroom. The Happy Student is a wonderful resource for any student who wants to make the most out of his or her education.”

- Brian Solomon, mechanical engineering graduate student and entrepreneur

“The Happy Student is great for students, but it’s also suitable for people who have already completed their formal education. Daniel introduces effective strategies to help you find meaning in the pursuit of scholastic achievement. These strategies are even applicable outside the realm of academics! They will help you discover the joy of learning and develop a strong sense of purpose. The Happy Student will ultimately lead you to greater personal achievement and satisfaction.”

- Norman Gottron, process development engineer and recent college graduate

"Many students learn to study effectively, but ironically they lose their love for learning in the process. Daniel Wong addresses this problem in The Happy Student. It took me many years to discover a fraction of the insights revealed in this book. It is amazing that Daniel has managed to condense so much wisdom and practical advice in one book! The Happy Student is both incisive and engaging. It is a must-read for every less-than-happy student who is used to running somebody else’s race instead of his or her own. This book will teach students how to perform well academically and be happy at the same time.”

- Poh Yeang Cherng, cyber-wellness expert



Title: “Your Happiness, Your Choice” Audience: Teens and young adults Price: 2997 SGD

Are you happy and motivated? Or do you drag yourself out of bed every morning? In this one-hour talk, which includes a Q & A session, Daniel describes his transformation from unhappy overachiever to happy straight-A student.

He candidly shares his teenage struggles with depression and low self- esteem. He explains how he overcame those struggles and found real happiness—happiness that is based on a deep understanding of what true success is all about.

Daniel encourages you to see your life through a different lens, and to take full responsibility for your education, your future and your life. He shows you that with the right approach, you can become both happy and successful. In addition, he shares with you practical resources and strategies for doing well in school.

Topics covered in “Your Happiness, Your Choice” include:

 How to increase your self-confidence  Dealing with the expectations of teachers and parents  Making excellent life decisions  The power of choice  How to find freedom by changing your attitude  Taking full responsibility for your life  Conquering your fears and limiting beliefs  Top five resources to turbocharge your learning  Top five tips to help you excel academically


Title: “Making a Winner Out of Every Student” Audience: Parents and educators Price: 2997 SGD

In this one-hour talk, which includes a Q & A session, Daniel shares his insights into motivating the unmotivated student. He describes his own transformational journey and explains the keys to enabling your students to become intrinsically—instead of extrinsically—motivated.

Daniel emphasizes the importance of encouraging students to run their own race, rather than the race that other people want them to run. Using concrete examples and research, he shows you that happiness often precedes success, and gives you practical tips to propel your students down the path of happiness and success. He suggests an entirely new way of getting through to your students and of helping them to take ownership of their education.

Daniel illustrates that it is indeed possible to make a winner out of every student.

Topics covered in “Making a Winner Out of Every Student” include:

 Common mistakes people make with students  Easy and effective ways to show students that you care  Strategies for getting through to unmotivated students  Cultivating a love for learning in students  The role that parents and educators have in helping students to be successful  Embracing the adventure of education


Title: “Dream Big, Start Small, Act Now” Audience: Teens, young adults and anyone in the workforce Price: 2997 SGD

Most of the time, you do what is expected of you. You make decisions that seem practical and sensible. You try to make your parents proud. People look at you and think that you are doing pretty well.

But something isn’t quite right. You feel confused, lost even. You aren’t excited about what you’re doing. You wonder if there’s more to life than just pursuing achievement after achievement and striving to make it to the top of the ladder faster than everyone else.

If that describes you, this one-hour talk, which includes a Q & A session, is for you. In this talk, Daniel describes the struggles he went through in finding purpose and meaning in life, and how he overcame those struggles. He openly shares about how he embarked on his rewarding but challenging journey as an author, speaker and entrepreneur—all while working full-time as a project engineer.

Daniel encourages you to define success for yourself and to live life on your own terms. He explains the practical steps you need to take in order to find your dream, pursue it, and achieve it. He shows you that life is meant to be an adventure of discovery, and that you can begin your own journey—right away—of doing what you’re called to do.

Topics covered in “Dream Big, Start Small, Act Now” include:

 Understanding yourself and what is most important to you  Planning for the long term instead of the short term  Defining success for yourself  The importance of having a dream  5 practical ways to discover your dream and realize it  3 questions to ask yourself in order to overcome procrastination  How to overcome disappointments and setbacks


Title: “From Idea to Publication: What Writing a Book Will Teach You About Life” Audience: People who enjoy reading or writing Price: 2997 SGD

Surveys indicate that 80% of people have a life goal of writing a book. If you are one of those people, this one-hour talk, which includes a Q & A session, is for you. In this talk, Daniel candidly describes the challenges, struggles and disappointments he experienced while writing his first book, The Happy Student: 5 Steps to Academic Fulfillment and Success, at the age of 25.

Daniel also shares with the audience the joy of writing and of seeing your book get published. He reflects on the journey—from idea to publication—and relates the five biggest life lessons he learned through the book-writing process.

Topics covered in “From Idea to Publication: What Writing a Book Will Teach You About Life” include:

 An overview of the book-writing process  What it took to get The Happy Student published in both an American and Asian edition  Why Daniel considers himself an accidental author  The benefits of becoming a published author (it has nothing to do with money!)  The importance of beginning with the end in mind  What effective networking is all about  How to surround yourself with people who will help you achieve your dreams

“The Happy Student” workshop

Duration: 7 hours

Price: Varies depending on the number of participants, venue, whether lunch is to be provided, etc.

Who Should Attend Adults who want to help youths discover new purpose and meaning in their journey of education:

(a) Parents (b) Teachers (c) Principals (d) School Counselors (e) Pastoral Care Professionals

Youths who want to discover new purpose and meaning in their journey of education:

(a) Upper Secondary School to University

Why You Should Attend This values-based workshop will help youths break free from the rat-race mindset in their education. “The Happy Student” workshop will guide youths through the process of developing a compelling vision for their education and life. The workshop will help them identify their strengths and core values. The youths will be inspired and empowered to live beyond themselves, to contribute to their community and nation in meaningful ways. “The Happy Student” workshop will propel youths down the path of true success.

Who Is Conducting the Workshop “The Happy Student” workshop is conducted jointly by Daniel Wong and Kingmaker Consultancy. The content of the workshop was jointly developed, too.

Poh Yeang Cherng and Tan Hee Guan founded Kingmaker Consultancy after establishing cutting-edge services in Cyber Wellness and International Youth Leadership Development. Collectively, they possess more than 30 years of experience training youths and leaders in nonprofit organizations, schools and in community settings.

A group of associate consultants make up the rest of the Kingmaker Consultancy team, each one passionate and dedicated to the cause of instilling the right values in the next generation. The team includes specialists in the fields of media and communications, research, counseling, parenting, and developmental psychology.

Concept “The Happy Student” is an education-centric self-help book that aims to help youths find happiness, fulfillment and success. “The Happy Student” workshop complements the book by bringing the content of the book to life. In this workshop, the participants will:

(a) Spend one day of focused effort to clarify their direction in their education and life (b) Go through facilitated experiential learning activities, which will allow them to understand the importance of developing and identifying their (i) Personal Definition of Success (ii) Ideal Life Legacy (iii) Core Values and (iv) Personal Mission Statement (c) Set meaningful, inspiring and realistic goals (d) Learn to overcome their fear of failure and uncertainty (e) Find renewed purpose and motivation in their education and life

Typical Programme for “The Happy Student” Workshop

Time Activity 9.00am-9.30am Registration 9.30am-9.45am Experiential Activity 1 9.45am-10.00am STEP 1: Decide to Run Your Own Race 3 Benefits of Running Your Own Race 10.00am-10.20pm Experiential Activity 2 10.20am-11.00am STEP 2a: Decide What Kind of Race to Run (Personal Definition of Success) Examples Guidelines Crafting Sharing Refining 11.00am-11.40pm STEP 2b: Decide What Kind of Race to Run (Ideal Life Legacy) Examples Guidelines Crafting Sharing Refining 11.40pm-12.10pm STEP 2c: Decide What Kind of Race to Run (Core Values) Examples Guidelines Crafting Sharing Refining 12.10pm-1.10pm Lunch 1.10pm-2.30pm STEP 2d: Decide What Kind of Race to Run (Personal Mission Statement) Examples Guidelines Crafting Sharing Refining 2.30pm-3.30pm STEP 3: Start Running and Stay on Track  What are iSMART Goals?  6 Key Areas for Goal-Setting 3.30pm-4.00pm STEP 4: Keeping Running Despite Your Fears  Advancing  Acknowledging  Assessing  Assigning  Acting 4.00pm-4.30pm STEP 5: Stay Motivated, Stay Strong  Practical Ways to Stay Motivated

"The Happy Student" Scholarship Advising

Number of participants: 1 - 3

Duration: 1 - 2 hours, depending on the participant(s)'s needs

Different options: (a) In person (b) Skype/phone call

Price: 297 SGD per hour for Option (a); 147 SGD per hour for Option (b)

Venue: A public location agreed upon by both Daniel and the participant(s)

Are you a student who wants the experience of studying abroad? Or maybe you don't want your parents to bear the financial burden of paying for your university education?

Perhaps you are a parent who wants your child to attend university overseas?

If so, you've probably considered applying for a scholarship.

After attending Raffles Institution and Victoria Junior College, Daniel was awarded an overseas scholarship to study Mechanical Engineering and Economics at Duke University. He graduated in 2011 and is currently serving his bond.

When Daniel applied for scholarships, he did not properly consider the serious implications of that decision. Many students today are in a similar situation. "The Happy Student" Scholarship Advising is a way that Daniel helps students to think through that important decision—literally worth a few hundred thousand dollars—more carefully.

"The Happy Student" Scholarship Advising is not about teaching students how to "game" the system and get a scholarship; there is plenty of such information out there.

Instead, this programme is about getting to students to ask themselves, "Should I be applying for a scholarship in the first place?" If the answer to that question is "Yes," Daniel then enables students to determine what type of scholarship they should apply for.

Students will benefit from Daniel's experiences and from the many years he has spent reflecting on the correct mindset you should have when applying for a scholarship.

Topics covered during "The Happy Student" Scholarship Advising include:

 Questions you should ask yourself before applying for a scholarship  Factors to consider if you have already decided to apply for a scholarship  How to ensure that you don't regret your decision  Alternatives to getting the "overseas experience" other than taking a scholarship  The right approach you should have toward university education

"Daniel gives excellent advice on scholarships based on his personal experiences, as well as insights from his peers and seniors. He has a holistic view of education—he makes it clear that it's not just about the paper chase—and hearing his views would be especially useful for any student who's embarking on a tertiary education." - Justin, scholarship awardee

“The Happy Student” Mentoring Programme

Number of participants: 1

Duration: 1 hour per session

Different options: (a) In person (b) Skype/phone call

Price: 297 SGD per hour for Option (a); 147 SGD per hour for Option (b)

Venue: A public location agreed upon by both Daniel and the participant

This is a one-on-one mentoring programme in which students spend intensive sessions with Daniel, where they learn to cultivate a spirit of excellence in their academics and beyond.

Daniel has spent many years reflecting on the purpose of education, and has read 200 books over the past four years. He is honoured to walk alongside students on their journey of education, and “The Happy Student” Mentoring Programme is one avenue that allows him to do so.

It is recommended that students sign up for at least five sessions; the minimum number of sessions they must sign up for is three. This is to ensure that there is sufficient time to cover the foundational steps of the programme, and also to ensure that a trusting relationship can be formed between Daniel and the student.

It is also recommended that the sessions occur once every two to three weeks, but this is flexible.

Topics covered during “The Happy Student” Mentoring Programme include:

 Developing an exciting personal vision for your life as a student and beyond  Overcoming procrastination  Managing your time well so that you can be a successful student who has a life, too!  Step-by-step guidance as you pursue your goals  Building mental toughness so you can overcome challenges and setbacks

 Special memory and exam techniques that are not covered in “The Happy Student” book  Building strong relationships with your parents and teachers  Turning the pursuit of excellence into a lifestyle

"During this mentoring programme, Daniel has been able to give good answers to all of my questions. He has helped me to see that education is more than just about the grades. I've also learned to manage my time better and I've become more disciplined, too! This programme is really a course on life, and about having the right values." - Frank, student

Testimonials from Daniel’s previous talks

"This talk showed Daniel's heart for people. He really shared from his heart. Good job and keep at it!" - Fion Lim, primary school teacher

"The message was delivered in an interesting and personable fashion, and with deep conviction." - Priscilla Lua, lawyer

“Thank you for bringing back beautiful memories of my student life. I could certainly have been a happy student if only I’d had your wisdom and enlightenment.” - Leo Vincent, director at Advance Library Services

"The talk was inspirational. It provided the concrete plans for me to write down my purpose in life and make good decisions—and it gave me the motivation to do it." - Lynette Wee, NUS medical student

"Daniel, I think you're a wonderful speaker who really speaks from the bottom of your heart. Keep it up!" - Ng Wen Han, NTU student

"Great job, Daniel. Do more of these talks and I believe you will help many others live life like you." - Thomas Khoo, pharmacist

"Very inspiring delivery of the message." - Samantha Seet, NUS architecture student

"This seminar really gives the extra push for people to follow their personal mission and think about the distractions in their lives. It's a good seminar for people to reflect." - Gregory Wu, DBS employee

"I think that the message of this seminar is something that not many people think about and it's good that you speak about it and relate it to your personal experience." - Aaron Chua, SIA engineer

"Many types of useful knowledge were consolidated together. Daniel is a very sincere speaker and he really cares for people." - Brenda Tung

"The seminar was encouraging and inspiring." - Lynn Lee, RSAF Pilot

"I liked how Daniel used personal anecdotes to show how he was leading a purposeful life. This gave the talk a firm basis." - Shaun Lim, A*Star scholar

"The best thing about the seminar was Daniel's enthusiasm and solid sense of the content. He really seemed to know what he was talking about, and he was able to communicate effectively." - Anita Petit-Homme, pre-medical student

“Not ‘I have to’ or ‘I should’, but ‘I choose to’ is the main thrust of Daniel's message, which I think aptly applies to Singaporean students today who are so preoccupied with grades and instant success that the fundamental purpose of education is sometimes lost on them. Education really is a desire and a privilege, not an obligation or a chore. Daniel personifies the ideal student who does it out of passion rather than out of obsession or obligation. Life as a student would be more meaningful if we are happy doing what we are doing. This applies later on in our future career, too.” - Ng Soo Kok, teacher at Innova Junior College

"Daniel is truly an inspirational speaker. My students are all so keen to learn from him about how to be a happy student and, at the same time, do well for their 'A' levels. Thank you so much for motivating my students." - Claire Wong, Junior College mathematics teacher

“A natural skeptic, I only attended Daniel's talk to support a friend. I was quickly won over by his humble, entertaining and most importantly, non-

smarmy approach. His story and presentation appeals to his targeted demographic of 15-25 year-olds; these are young people who need the reminder that a sense of self should not be defined by external markers of success. Daniel gave the young people present practical advice and encouragement to work toward worthy goals that are aligned with one's values.” - Chris, editor

"A very endearing and insightful talk. It is not everyday that one gets to listen to such pearls of wisdom." - Aruj Shukla, Financial Controller, The Page Turners’ Society, Nanyang Technological University

“It was indeed a fun experience listening to a young, enthusiastic person like Daniel Wong. I was pleased to know that in spite of working a full-time job, he values his interest in writing so much that he has been able to publish his own book. His book seems to be quite appealing to youth and I am sure it will be a delight to read!" - Ashima Khanna, Nanyang Technological University student

“An extremely inspirational talk! Daniel Wong offers great perspective and insights to students looking for guidance and motivation in finding their true passion in life." - Mehak Nagpal, President, The Page Turners’ Society, Nanyang Technological University

“The talk was extremely inspiring. I believe it was beneficial not just for me, but for many others, too. On behalf of all Serangoon Junior College students, thank you for the helpful tips, advice and positive sharings you provided us today. You are an extremely good speaker who is both clear and interesting to listen to. I wish you greater success in the future writing more books that cater to the needs of students or perhaps even more people!” - Shinhow, Serangoon Junior College student