Iianrijpbtpr Leupnttm Llrralii Czech Liberal Course to Continue

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Iianrijpbtpr Leupnttm Llrralii Czech Liberal Course to Continue MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 19«| PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Avaiaff# Daily Nat Pm i Ran IRmtrliPBtrr Ewnitts IjeraUt For Ike Weak WaAa Angnet 17. USB The Weather pendages, soconllng to boapitsl Clear, ootri tonight. Lew In up­ About Towu Man Hurt offlelsls, but will undergo a Teacher Contract Issue no iianrIjPBtpr lEupnttm llrralii per 40e to low 60e. Tomorrow series of X-rays today. 14,340 Buimy and pleasan t IS gh tn 70s. Senior atj»«n« are reminded Kohls has not boon disrged. that their buees tor Lake Oom- In Crash Arnold K. Nelson, 6T, of 484 May Be Resolved Tonight Manehettor— A City of Village Charm pounce leave from the Sen­ Sprtng St. was' duurged with VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 279 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ior CSUsena Center promptly at A 21-year-oM Manchester failure to drive in the eetabUah- Teacher contracts may be tonight Is Project L re- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 (f kMMlflea Adverttafag oa P »g« 17) PRICE TEN CENTS t a.m. tomorrow, rain or shine. man, who loet conseiouanesa as ed lane, after being Involved in signed before school starts af­ medial rsading and math pro­ ter a MW set cf condltlcnB are gram tn tha primary gra^ . f - a result of a one-car crash a two-oar colUaion at Hartford , #OB A u. m s H B i Manchester WATK8 will meet presented at the Board of Bd- Alan Chesterton, director of Tou'll never have to} buy liim aMki Saturday nifht, is listed in satia- Rd. and Pine Sts. yestorday at an! tomorrow at the Italian Ameri­ 10:80 p.m . uoatten meeting tonight at 8 In state end fedeial pnjeots, win beoauae eacli time factory condition at Mandiester yonr roil of can Chib, 186 E ldridfe St. Nelaan was tiie driver of a the board room at Bennet Jun­ report on the funds available, i-color film ior IQgh School. L.UTBLT fllBB, a fr»di WaigMnc-ln will be from 7 to Memorial Hoqdtal today. pick-up truck that collided with which are lass than ejqMCtad | for your camera. Wa r the film 8 p.m. Members are reminded The victim, Robert P. Tungk a car operated by John O. Ju- TTm pereonnel poUotes oom- and may cause a shift In teach­ you have dcvrii IfiTar ers tn the program . dated and top quality and to brins cakes tor a cakewalk, of 48 Hartland Rd„ aecordlnf sells, 46, o f 819 Charter Oak miWees of both the board and I dak, too. Quksc propantni . the ways and means project for the Manchester Education Assn, 194 nrvica■ • for ^ to hospital officials, bss regain­ St Police eald a town “no park­ [Mack and wtilta (teat the month. mat Wednesday night to Iron Czech Liberal Course to Continue ed consciousness and Is being ing*’ eigh was damaged in the a Uttla Mt longer for acciden t out minor differences not re­ rotor). moved out of the intensive care New R e^trants VBtW Auxiliary wUl meet at A court date of Sept.. 9 has solved In the contract agree­ ward today. the Poet Home tomorrow night been eet for Nelson. ment reached last June. Tlisre To Take Tests at 7:80 tor its regular meeting. Tungk was the driver and sole was only one “fussy" area left Platform Highlights occupant of a car that crashed between the two oonunlttees All new registrants at Bennet m nO ilA A* PABKAPl Debra Goodrow, 14. daughter into a utility pole after careen­ Danidi Cathedral Afire and It coneeraed teach- Junior High School wUl be test­ U R U w 404 BHODUI xnoo. ing though a wooden fence own­ er longevity pay. OnOAOO (AP) — Here are Hvea o f our troops In the flMd. Troops to Withdraw, of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Good- ed at 9 a.m. tomonow in the . row of 67 Olcott Dr., wUl arrive ed by James T. Hogan of 141 COPENHAGEN (AP) -^trs Walter Don Jr^ chairman of the hlghllghte of the proposed This action should taka Into ac­ Franklin BuUdlng. tt win take home tomorrow after spending Barry Worker Bolton St. at 10:46 p.m. The ac­ raged out of control today In the board's oonunittee, will pre­ Idatform to be voted on tonight count the response from Hanoi. shout two and a half houn. a month in Hawaii. She was ac­ cident occiured at BoHon St. Roakilde Cathedral, a 900-year- sent the completed contract for “ Troq;> wlthdravraU: Negotlata Atty. Richaixl C. Woodhouse Ckstfersnees win be sched- * by the D em ocratic NaUmial companied by Miss Patricia and Grant Rd. board approval, which Is ax- Com m ittee: with Hanoi an Immediate end or S'voboda Announces old sepuldve cf the Danish dy­ Utod for the rest of ths week tor Phipps, formerly of Manchester. will be district coordinator for Arriving at the scene, police pected. limitation of hoatUltles and the nasty which bouses royal tombs selection of courses. Local VIETNAM PRAGUE (AP)—President Ludvik Svoboda toW the Sen. David M. Barry's cam­ found Tungk unconscious end Major details of the oontrset wllhtbrawal from Vletnam-of all dating to^the 10th century. parochial school students who "Our most tagent task in foreign forces.... Miss Suzanne Cowles, daugh­ couldn't determine what had call for a 18-step scale for a Czechoslovak people today that the natkMi’s liberal paign, the senator announced Fire engines and pdiM rein­ have returned a course requeet Southeast Asia to to end the war ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. happened. bach elor's degres o f $6,186 to "Enoourags all parties and In- course will continue on the path established with the today. His dutlea will be to forcements were nahed the form need not oome in. In Vietnam by an honorable and tereats to agrea that tiia Choice January ouster of former President Antonin Novotny. Cowles of 3,63 Keeney St.; and handle the day-by-dey activities Robert Bemardl, 8, of 188 ancient Deniah capital 16 mOra $9,800, a 14th s t ^ at the top o f last aettlement which reqiects Mias Patricia Peltham, daugh­ Maple St. Is listed in satis­ the scale 'tor advanced degree of the poatwar government of The Warsaw Pact troops now oocupyintf the country of the campaign in the tour west of Copenhagen and aollHera TUESDAY OMLY SPEOIAU the rights of all tiie people of Boutii metnam riiould be deter­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward towns of the Fourth Seuatorlal factory condition at Manchester from the RoaUlde garrison teachers, and $6,060 to $10,060 Vietnam..., will be withdrawn gntaually, he said in a nationwide FeHham of 84 Jarvis Rd., have Menrarial Hospital with multiple for a master’s dsgree. 2 hetm, InqpecteO, BBoed mined by fair and safe-guarded radio address after returning from Moscow. District - Manchester, Glaston­ sealed off the area around the RANGE Recognising that events in election, open to all major poUt- been named to the dean's Utf at bury, Marlborough and East cuts and bruises sustained after cathedral in the town o f 80,000 Last year’s bachdor’s seals Vietnam and negottotiom tat “ Ws wish to continue to d e v ^ ------------------------------------- ---------- the University of Connecticut, he was struck by a car driven was $6,780 to $9,800 and the loal factions and parties pre- op a SoclaUst order, strengthen Hampton people. Parto may affect the timing and psured to booapt peaceful pcAtl- whom we have been fatefully Storrs. by Walter B. Kohls, 86, of 304 m aster's aesle w as $8,800 to $9,- I BOIlip RAM $ Its humanistic, democratic A Manchester native. Wood- Early reports said the cathe­ tiM actions we recom m end, we oal procaae.” linked by a common path.” Maple St. at 7:01 p.m. yester­ 860. FU EL O IL character as expressed In th4 house served on the Manches­ dral's Margrethe Tower, named would support our government I.AW AND OBDEB But he added: Miss Linda J. Pendergast of day. The accident occurred In Also on the board's agenda action program of the Commu- ter Board of Directors from after a medieval queen, col­ In the foDowlng steps: "We pledged a vigorous and “ I do not want to hide the fact 81 Benton St., Manchester High front of the Bemardl home. ntof party and in the declaration 1662 to 1964. He is currently lapsed In tile biBse. GASOLINE I CHOPPED JIAM “Bombing: Stop all bombing sustalnted campaign against that hurtful places will remain School representative to the Kohls told police he was of tile government,’’ Svoboda secretary of the Town Pmslon The cathedral stands cn the 2 ■ $ • . $ 2 J » of North Vietnam when this ac- fo r long, caused by the Impeust Centlnel Hill Teen Qub, Hart­ traveling slow ly east on Miaple site of a chundi buQt In 880 Al>. U|>n would not endanger the said. Board. (See Page Tea) , of these days.” ford, recently completed a week St. when the toddler ran into fo r 1,000 years a ll DanUh mon- BANTLY OIL “ We wish to continue— with----------- the "The place waof WMaoiir country In demonstrating the tise of cos­ He attended local sdiools and his path from behind a parked ardia were burled there, and «itire nattonal front to bufld our the contompor^ury world is m etics at the Bonnie Bell Bou­ is a graduate of Dartmouth Col­ car. Toung^ Robert was struck the cathedral now houses 40 roy­ • HiGHLANO PARK MARKCT W ----------- - ------- a— x.^---- w a ^ g ig H U m country os the home of the cannot be anywhere but within tique, Hartford, linda was al­ lege and Harvard Law School.
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