MONDAY, AUGUST 28, 19«| PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Avaiaff# Daily Nat Pm i Ran IRmtrliPBtrr Ewnitts IjeraUt For Ike Weak WaAa Angnet 17. USB The Weather pendages, soconllng to boapitsl Clear, ootri tonight. Lew In up­ About Towu Man Hurt offlelsls, but will undergo a Teacher Contract Issue no iianrIjPBtpr lEupnttm llrralii per 40e to low 60e. Tomorrow series of X-rays today. 14,340 Buimy and pleasan t IS gh tn 70s. Senior atj»«n« are reminded Kohls has not boon disrged. that their buees tor Lake Oom- In Crash Arnold K. Nelson, 6T, of 484 May Be Resolved Tonight Manehettor— A City of Village Charm pounce leave from the Sen­ Sprtng St. was' duurged with VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 279 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) ior CSUsena Center promptly at A 21-year-oM Manchester failure to drive in the eetabUah- Teacher contracts may be tonight Is Project L re- MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 (f kMMlflea Adverttafag oa P »g« 17) PRICE TEN CENTS t a.m. tomorrow, rain or shine. man, who loet conseiouanesa as ed lane, after being Involved in signed before school starts af­ medial rsading and math pro­ ter a MW set cf condltlcnB are gram tn tha primary gra^ . f - a result of a one-car crash a two-oar colUaion at Hartford , #OB A u . m s H B i Manchester WATK8 will meet presented at the Board of Bd- Alan Chesterton, director of Tou'll never have to} buy liim aMki Saturday nifht, is listed in satia- Rd. and Pine Sts. yestorday at an! tomorrow at the Italian Ameri­ 10:80 p.m . uoatten meeting tonight at 8 In state end fedeial pnjeots, win beoauae eacli time factory condition at Mandiester yonr roil of can Chib, 186 E ldridfe St. Nelaan was tiie driver of a the board room at Bennet Jun­ report on the funds available, i-color film ior IQgh School. L.UTBLT fllBB, a fr»di WaigMnc-ln will be from 7 to Memorial Hoqdtal today. pick-up truck that collided with which are lass than ejqMCtad | for your camera. Wa r the film 8 p.m. Members are reminded The victim, Robert P. Tungk a car operated by John O. Ju- TTm pereonnel poUotes oom- and may cause a shift In teach­ you have dcvrii IfiTar ers tn the program . dated and top quality and to brins cakes tor a cakewalk, of 48 Hartland Rd„ aecordlnf sells, 46, o f 819 Charter Oak miWees of both the board and I dak, too. Quksc propantni . the ways and means project for the Manchester Education Assn, 194 nrvica■ • for ^ to hospital officials, bss regain­ St Police eald a town “no park­ [Mack and wtilta (teat the month. mat Wednesday night to Iron Czech Liberal Course to Continue ed consciousness and Is being ing*’ eigh was damaged in the a Uttla Mt longer for acciden t out minor differences not re­ rotor). moved out of the intensive care New R e^trants VBtW Auxiliary wUl meet at A court date of Sept.. 9 has solved In the contract agree­ ward today. the Poet Home tomorrow night been eet for Nelson. ment reached last June. Tlisre To Take Tests at 7:80 tor its regular meeting. Tungk was the driver and sole was only one “fussy" area left Platform Highlights occupant of a car that crashed between the two oonunlttees All new registrants at Bennet m nO ilA A* PABKAPl Debra Goodrow, 14. daughter into a utility pole after careen­ Danidi Cathedral Afire and It coneeraed teach- Junior High School wUl be test­ U R U w 404 BHODUI xnoo. ing though a wooden fence own­ er longevity pay. OnOAOO (AP) — Here are Hvea o f our troops In the flMd. Troops to Withdraw, of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Good- ed at 9 a.m. tomonow in the . row of 67 Olcott Dr., wUl arrive ed by James T. Hogan of 141 COPENHAGEN (AP) -^trs Walter Don Jr^ chairman of the hlghllghte of the proposed This action should taka Into ac­ Franklin BuUdlng. tt win take home tomorrow after spending Barry Worker Bolton St. at 10:46 p.m. The ac­ raged out of control today In the board's oonunittee, will pre­ Idatform to be voted on tonight count the response from Hanoi. shout two and a half houn. a month in Hawaii. She was ac­ cident occiured at BoHon St. Roakilde Cathedral, a 900-year- sent the completed contract for “ Troq;> wlthdravraU: Negotlata Atty. Richaixl C. Woodhouse Ckstfersnees win be sched- * by the D em ocratic NaUmial companied by Miss Patricia and Grant Rd. board approval, which Is ax- Com m ittee: with Hanoi an Immediate end or S'voboda Announces old sepuldve cf the Danish dy­ Utod for the rest of ths week tor Phipps, formerly of Manchester. will be district coordinator for Arriving at the scene, police pected. limitation of hoatUltles and the nasty which bouses royal tombs selection of courses. Local VIETNAM PRAGUE (AP)—President Ludvik Svoboda toW the Sen. David M. Barry's cam­ found Tungk unconscious end Major details of the oontrset wllhtbrawal from Vletnam-of all dating to^the 10th century. parochial school students who "Our most tagent task in foreign forces.... Miss Suzanne Cowles, daugh­ couldn't determine what had call for a 18-step scale for a Czechoslovak people today that the natkMi’s liberal paign, the senator announced Fire engines and pdiM rein­ have returned a course requeet Southeast Asia to to end the war ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton N. happened. bach elor's degres o f $6,186 to "Enoourags all parties and In- course will continue on the path established with the today. His dutlea will be to forcements were nahed the form need not oome in. In Vietnam by an honorable and tereats to agrea that tiia Choice January ouster of former President Antonin Novotny. Cowles of 3,63 Keeney St.; and handle the day-by-dey activities Robert Bemardl, 8, of 188 ancient Deniah capital 16 mOra $9,800, a 14th s t ^ at the top o f last aettlement which reqiects Mias Patricia Peltham, daugh­ Maple St. Is listed in satis­ the scale 'tor advanced degree of the poatwar government of The Warsaw Pact troops now oocupyintf the country of the campaign in the tour west of Copenhagen and aollHera TUESDAY OMLY SPEOIAU the rights of all tiie people of Boutii metnam riiould be deter­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward towns of the Fourth Seuatorlal factory condition at Manchester from the RoaUlde garrison teachers, and $6,060 to $10,060 Vietnam..., will be withdrawn gntaually, he said in a nationwide FeHham of 84 Jarvis Rd., have Menrarial Hospital with multiple for a master’s dsgree. 2 hetm, InqpecteO, BBoed mined by fair and safe-guarded radio address after returning from Moscow. District - Manchester, Glaston­ sealed off the area around the RANGE Recognising that events in election, open to all major poUt- been named to the dean's Utf at bury, Marlborough and East cuts and bruises sustained after cathedral in the town o f 80,000 Last year’s bachdor’s seals Vietnam and negottotiom tat “ Ws wish to continue to d e v ^ ------the University of Connecticut, he was struck by a car driven was $6,780 to $9,800 and the loal factions and parties pre- op a SoclaUst order, strengthen Hampton people. Parto may affect the timing and psured to booapt peaceful pcAtl- whom we have been fatefully Storrs. by Walter B. Kohls, 86, of 304 m aster's aesle w as $8,800 to $9,- I BOIlip RAM $ Its humanistic, democratic A Manchester native. Wood- Early reports said the cathe­ tiM actions we recom m end, we oal procaae.” linked by a common path.” Maple St. at 7:01 p.m. yester­ 860. FU EL O IL character as expressed In th4 house served on the Manches­ dral's Margrethe Tower, named would support our government I.AW AND OBDEB But he added: Miss Linda J. Pendergast of day. The accident occurred In Also on the board's agenda action program of the Commu- ter Board of Directors from after a medieval queen, col­ In the foDowlng steps: "We pledged a vigorous and “ I do not want to hide the fact 81 Benton St., Manchester High front of the Bemardl home. ntof party and in the declaration 1662 to 1964. He is currently lapsed In tile biBse. GASOLINE I CHOPPED JIAM “Bombing: Stop all bombing sustalnted campaign against that hurtful places will remain School representative to the Kohls told police he was of tile government,’’ Svoboda secretary of the Town Pmslon The cathedral stands cn the 2 ■ $ • . $ 2 J » of North Vietnam when this ac- fo r long, caused by the Impeust Centlnel Hill Teen Qub, Hart­ traveling slow ly east on Miaple site of a chundi buQt In 880 Al>. U|>n would not endanger the said. Board. (See Page Tea) , of these days.” ford, recently completed a week St. when the toddler ran into fo r 1,000 years a ll DanUh mon- BANTLY OIL “ We wish to continue— with------the "The place waof WMaoiir country In demonstrating the tise of cos­ He attended local sdiools and his path from behind a parked ardia were burled there, and «itire nattonal front to bufld our the contompor^ury world is m etics at the Bonnie Bell Bou­ is a graduate of Dartmouth Col­ car. Toung^ Robert was struck the cathedral now houses 40 roy­ • HiGHLANO PARK MARKCT W ------a— x.^---- w a ^ g ig H U m country os the home of the cannot be anywhere but within tique, Hartford, linda was al­ lege and Harvard Law School. by the left front portion of the al tombs, including 17 scul^ Floor Battle Bhnipts working people. the SocialUt commuidty.’’ He is a partner in the Manches­ so one of the top teens this automobile. tured marble and alabaster sar­ “ From thsM intentions we PWty m em ber ttrid a ter law firm of LaBelle, RoUi- year. The boy has no broken ap­ cophagi. shall not budge even one step, twweman: “tat us hope that our enberg and Woodhouse, and re­ We shall naturally not adm it Its PeoPl® *t»y calm when fhpy sides at 448 E. Center St with Manchester Rotary Club will abuse by thooe to whom the In- ****** tl>« Rueelane are going to meet tomorrow at 6:80 p.m. at Ida w ife and three childrai. Rival Forces terests of soolaltom are alien.” remain In the country fo r _ the Manchester Country Chib. In making the announcement, He t(dd of basic agreement while.” .The guest speaker will be Wil­ Barry said that Woodhouse's ef- with the Soviet Union and Its al- The free Czechoslovak radio liam E. Tootell, Tice president toits as Manchester campaign Use on “the gradual, complete warned the nation that the heav­ of Connecticut Bank and Trust manager in the 19M state sen­ Dems^ Viet Plank withdrawal” of their troops, and iest burden is yet to oome aim Co. atorial campaign contributed uuacu;added: "Until-'unoi uiaithat umetime theiruieir —may •' —— Include • relmpoeition o t greatly to hla victory and he is CHICAQO (AP)>—A brawling tolerate vlolenoe,’’ the party floor battle over peace in Viet­ statement says. presence Is a political reality.” P*'*** censorriilp Eta Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, pleased that he will be working A m lira omsalsA Oiaait ■ A A ,a^W ^ ------* * WiydlW WkSV A $■ < will have its flnt meeting of with him in all tour towns dur­ nam threatened the alrrady Even before the ^ ttom wae As he spoke, Soviet tanks were Everyone Is wondering what COME TO FOR THE BEST BUYS ON pulling hack from strategic we shall have to pay for titis the season tomorrow at 8 p.m. ing the preemt campaign. rumpled harmony of the Demo­ made public eariy today, Mc­ NORMAN’S points In Prague, but they re­ compromise, for no otM hsUevss at the boime o f M n . Joseph cratic National Convention to­ Carthy signaled a floor fight Gonslaves, 98 Lyness St. day sui Its Platform Committee over the party’s Vietnam policy. m ained necu*by. that the Soviet party leaderriiip endorsed a plank on the war He said, “Now the lines are Hie Soviet Union announced would admit to tha fiasco psuaBellng the views of Vice clearly drawn between thoee today the Moscow conferees hod polntlessnees of the entire ac­ ITe*re at tion,” It said. Take Your President Hubert H. Humphrey. who want more of the same and Young (Czechs, carrying the flag used to cover the agreed on conditions tor troop on their way to attend Prihoda's funeral in Prague Informed sources said posri- ) f » e o r 08 Inetugents under the banner thoee who think It neceaeary to withdrawals "as the sltuaUon in Cool Travolino body of Zdenek Prihoda, 27, after he had been run bly as many as 100,000 Soviet Lktch CO to Wrfslegr’s Lemoo of rival candidates Sens. Eu­ change our course In \^etnam. yesterday. (AP Pbotofax by cable fom Vienna) Czechoslovakia normallzea.” Twist “Travel KR” . , . lo your The convention as a whole wUI troops would remain In Ckecbo- gene J. McCarthy and George 8. down by a Russian truck, march past Soviet tanks Svoboda told his people: Slovakia, at least for a while, Jassy geeco with twisUsg McGovern mounted an Immedi­ decide.” U i e p h a n e “The events In our country ot with orders not to Interfere In lemons. Fackied wfth long ate challenge to substitute a The showdown vote on Viet­ these past days threatened ev­ the country’s internal aftidrs. gone EVklioo LcOon, madly General Electric plank calling for a comidete nam tonight to seen as a bell­ ery hour to have most terrible Even such reforms as press freeh Soap, neait Lo­ halt In the bombing of North wether to Humihrey’s hopee to FREE consequences. As a soldier, I freedom might be left Intact, tion. Talk about cool—M’s Vietnam. win a first-ballot victory for flie evecywheeal Also^ tMce a Resistance Seen CoUapsinff am well aware what Uoodriied they said, but the Free Czedi sotay, lb.:; real oooi vs DELIVERY The committee recommended presidential nOmlnatton a conflict between the popula­ Wednesday. Radio said censorship would ap­ Ikiwd^lBoe WOWI And Monday night that the party tion and a well-equipped army ply once more to all matters The committee’s proposed now—HAMO -PP on pledge to “stop all bombing of can caum. All the more, I, os conceming other Communist Twist—Cor FRSIB! Bee bow Teur order for drag nea North Vietnam when this action plank calls for negotiations with your president, considered It my countries. at and oeaiweiUca w ill be taken Hanoi for a halt to hostUittes duty to prevent It, to prevent would not endanger the lives of Humphrey’s Grasp for Bid Tightens ■niere were Indications more ease o f imnedlately. and withdrawal of both U.S. and senseless bloodshed by our na­ our troops in the field.'' talks would be needed tor final APPLIANCES! It added, “This action riiould North Vietnamese forces from CHICAGO (AP) — Vice Presi­ tary de-escalation by North tions, which have always Uved repreeetvtativeH of the National a presidential nomination tor atgreement. take into luscount the response South Vietnam. It would encour­ dent Hubert H. Humphrey tight­ in friendship, hut, at the same Viebtam . Liberation Front in a coalition Sen. Eldward M. Kennedy of The raising of the presidenUa) from Hanoi.” age riecUons in South Vietnam ened today his enclrcUng em­ time, to try to secure the baslo WhUe House associates said Saigon govenunemt. Mosaadiusetts was quickly de­ flag at Hradcany Castle at 6:26 U ^ jd d oh X , B y a 62-to-80 vote the com m it­ en to all major parties willing brace on tile Democratic presi­ . tha,. pdqipUon o f such a plank interests of our counoy and Its to proceed peacefully. Instead, it said the makeup of flated. Kennedy called former a.m. signaled the retum of U4S TOUAMD TPKE. 707 BIAIN ST.—040-0001 tee rejected a farther-reaching dential nomination with Ike' ap­ could M the signal for a deci­ people.” Theodore Sorensen, former that government ahould be de­ <3ov. M ichael V. DlSaUe o f Ohio President Ludvik Svoboda, who MAWCBESKEB peace plank calling for an un­ parent collapse of ^orts to sion by President Jdmeon to fly Kennedy aide, said the more termined "by fair and safe­ to Instruct him not to place the The Moscow communique and ted the Ckedtoslovak delegatlmi Eitt M, WObor Oraas llnvy. conditional bombing halt, a cut- draft Sen. Edward M. Kennedy to the convention later this week far- readilng peace plank has guarded elections open to all senator’s name in nomination. Czeoroslovak sources indioated to Moscow Friday. bsusk of U.8. war efforts, and en­ and the erosion of southern re­ to receive its plaudits, after the strong support In large states major pollUcai parties and fac­ DiSalle Immediately hedged Alexander Dubcek was remain­ The Free Czech Radio said couragement of negotiations to­ sistance. presidential nomination is vot­ tions.” on his announced intention of ing as cMef of the Communist those who returned €dso includ­ ward a coalition government in and predicted, “I think we'H do A party convention vote to­ ed. very well.’’ This reliminary victory for doing so but sadd someone else party in this country. ed Communist party chief Alex­ South Vietnam. night on a Vietnam plank in the A visit on his 60th birthday to­ Humphrey’s viewpoint was re­ might. Svoboda said Czechoslovakia ander Dubcek, who came to The 20,000-word propoeed ^at- On the Platform Committee platform, shaped to Humphrey’s day, however, was ail but ruled each state had two votes. On the flected by other develoments Frank Mankiewlez, former has "a true interest In restoring power In January and started liking and oposed by Sen. Eu­ out. ' form, finally unveiled lees than In an early morning hour ses­ press secretary to the late Sen. confidence and sincere coopera­ leading his country awray from 34 hours before going to the floor the delegations reflect the gene J. McCarthy of Minnesota, There was a tumultuous floor sion that seemed to propri the Robert P. Kennedy now working tion with the countries with 20 years of Stallnlst-type rule. floor, also calls for a vigorous size of their states. California seemed Iticely to provide a key fight In prospect on t he Plat­ second only to New York in vice president even further for McGovern said the vriiole Fears that his liberalization campaign against crime as well countdown on the nomination form Committee's version of number of delegates, is ctmsld- ahead of his rivals for the top operation of trying to draft the drive would spread prompted as an attack on its causes. outcom e. how to get x>eace in Vietnam. nomination. surviving Kennedy brother had the lightning invasion Tuesday "We must not and will not (See Page Ten) The Platform Oonunittee put The committee struck hard at Insurgent Democrats backed before the heavily-guarded and been "wishful thinging.” night by troops from the Soviet the views ot McCarthy and Sen. by McCarthy failed in their Union, Hungary, East Ger­ restricted convention a plank George S. McGovern of South “A lot of deleg;ates have been FBI Reports challenge to the seating of a casting about for somebody else many, Poland and Bulgaria, rejecting any unconditional halt Dakota, a fledgling candidate Texas delegation headed by because they don’t think Hum­ gjl • Dubcek was arrested by the Roll Call Signal of the bombing of North Viet­ who has failed to draw any sig­ Ck»v. John Oonnally, who is ex­ phrey can win,” he said. He ^ tlO \ Y 1 .iin in P tt Russians but was released for nam. nificant support to his belated pected to take his KM-vote group said he thinks that If McGovern t-' VTTT the Kremlin negotiations. Following the pollciee laid bid for the top nominatitm. into Humphrey’s camp. doesn't make the grade the A few hours after the leaders down by Humphrey—and op­ The committee rejected Mc­ PpBllOOI§ydoy, to catch up. In a medical buUetin at 10 were routed from a North Bide However, they have indicated of 73 per cent. in the Aegean seaport. BusineM Admlntotmtlon The motion to postpone lost a.m. EDT doctors of Walter park with tear gas Afonday in response to questions submit­ Serious crime—there were Leftist students were reported Arts and Betenoee Ifoslo by almost a two to one margin. Reed Army Hospital reported; night and chased, chanting and ted by reporters that he had at more than 3.8 million serious of­ preparing to meet the American o G-E TWO SPEED, 8 WATER o G-E 11 CU. FT. AUTO. T he motion to seat the Con­ "Gen. Eisenhower spent a Bduoation Art gwjiwn^vig • G-E 80” DELUXE RANGE. shouting, through CSUcago least a statisticad chaiKe of sur­ fenses committed—rose 16 per sallora with showers of eggs and TEMP AUTO. WASHER nolly party regulars from Texas restful evening. Although heart DEFROST REFRIG-FREEZER AUTO. CLOCK, STORAGE DRAWER streets. vival despite his long history of cent in 1967 over 1966, the report Seoretarial Solanea •IM won by a better than three to irritability persists to a varying fruit and unfriendly placarM. Twenty-nine demonstrators heart attacks and the obvious said. Nearly 800,000 o f tiiese se­ two margin. In both Instances degree there have been no ma­ Some pro-Amarlosn Turiu ex­ Couraei lead to a deareo or oertifioate and two reporters were hospital­ severity of his latest one. rious crimes were classified as the line-up was pro-Humphrey jor disturbances since Saturday pressed misgivings about tha • G-E MULTI-TEMP • G -fi 16 CU. f t ; n o f r o s t ized, and scores of other per­ And they have also said up to crimes of violence. Claaaet begin Monday, September 16 • G-E 40” TWO OVEN RANGE. verauB anti-Humphrey. evening. visit at a time of continuing oon- CLOTHES DRYER RBFRIG- FREEZER sons were treated tor lesser In­ now at least that his outlook for Firearms were used in 63 per ADVANCE REGISTRATION FULL FEATURE SYSTEM. *266 Connecticut voted 44 to noth­ "Despite his long period of troversy over the 30,00f> U.S. juries. ing not to postpone the Creden­ survival is "guarded"—mean­ cent o f all m urders. In 1966, gun servicemen stattonsd in ’’Auiny. confinement in bed, the gener­ ing unpredictable or uncertain. Now thru September 0, by appointment Sixty-seven persons were ar­ tial Committee report, but only al's spirits remain remarkably murders amounted to less than During ths “ good-wlU’ vtolt of half—47 per cent—of all homi­ rested. Details on charges were 80 to 12, with tw o abstentions, good. The 77-year-old general and another 6th Fleet task force to REGISTRATION WEEK— SEPTEMBER 9 -14 r cides. There were also 11 per not Immediately available. to seat the Texas delegation "Insofar as is possible in the former president endured a con­ Istanbul last mcntti, chib-wMd- Monday-Friday 11 am-8 pm Sabintay 9 sm-12 noon Some 14 newsmen covering headed by Gov, Cotmally. setting of Gen. Elsenhoyver's centrated new series of rapid cent more murders last year ing, rook-throwing shidsnts in­ Univsriity Hstl Room 3t9 the protest were set on by police Between the two votes, tiie still critical condition, his physi­ spasms early Monday, The Irre­ than In the previous 12 months, jured ebout 20 Amerteen eoUora gularity levelled off during the f EosyTerms ^ 3 Yn.TePoy and beaten. Some of the news­ Connecticut McCarthy backers, cians have expressed a note ot the11) reportrepuri said.sola. ■ and there were demonetratlaas day, doctors said. for your copy of the fall evenliti lawdulo men had microphones and tele- particularly the Rev. Joqepti Contention Garb cautious optimism.” The police batting average )n proraetlng the visit in other ett- The irregularity at no Ume oallorwrfto vM on cam eras In their hands, Duffey, were accused by RWi. Thus it appeared that the solving crime fell by 8 per cent, lee. At least one student and others had Democratic Na^ Just about anything in the way of offbeat attire Monday reached the stage of and Hoover expressed some Ulolrafaitjr OdOege SAT. ard Goodwin, and other nation­ five-star general who suffered kUlml and eccres injured. tlonal Oonventlon press creden­ al McCarthy people, ot having his seventh heart attack on Aug. ventricular fibrillation or flut­ concern over the reason the re­ Deqphe expresekme ot misgiv­ Univeretty of Hartford HI’S to 6 goes among political conventioneers. The out-sized tering action that has occurred INC. OPEN DAILY 9 lo 9 tials dangling toom their necks. "sold out.” 16, had rallied, at least tempo­ port gave for the sUppege. ing about another fleet irteit, t o o Bloom fleM Avenue, West Hartford BBB-BdU 10 times since his fourth attack Several mllea across the city Duffey, state chairman of hat is worn by Robert Arnold of Hillsboro, Kan., a rarily, from a series of setbacks He blamed court decIslMie Premier Buteymen Demlrel said tiie oonventloif met for its first the McCarthy for President Aug. 16 and poses his biggest whldi he said restricted police his pRKAmerloan govemnettt delegate to the Democratic National Gonveimon in of varying degree of severity threat. that had beset him beginning Investigative and enforcement "will not be tntlmldat^’* Be (See Page Twelve) (Bee Page Twelve) Chicago. (AP Pbotofax) with last Saturday morning. j (See Page Nineteen) (See Page Nineteen) (See Page NlMteen) TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1988

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 ToDand Counter Politics TotUmd County PAGE Sheinwold dn Bridge contoiuod unto Sept. 9; Lbuls 12th Qrenit J.. SUllvan. 59, of 89 Summer A ndover V ernon Area Democrats in Chicago ADOPT GOOD HABIT NORTH St., pleaded not guilty to too A > Towns Follow Trend TO DOOOISB HAND 4 « Ceiirt Cases chmrge of breach at peace, Bast Hartford Jury trial, In October, RAGWEED ^ B y AUnUCD SHEINWOLD CP 742 ■" 1 ■' ■' Both Parties Divided Between Candidates 0 J 1017632 Elton B. Unrin, 48, of Andover, MANOmB8TBR SESSION Subdivision Rules Review Set ilC A nU L C POLLEN A ^ On Government Type A good pteyer stops to think A 1 4 chaigod with operating a motor for a aacond or two bafors ba A loool man, chargod wlto to- vehlrie wUle under the Influ­ Showing Rise Proposed subdivlaimt regula- a « proposing combining the McNamara, Btest Hartford; y D— A- ed baMndlM< WUT BART tbc m m t la Ik* Th* torni of CbvwirrCbeawtry arfllwfll trt-M. t— ■ -- • - noM Htfd. Drtvwda—w ad la plays toe that card from dum­ 109142 ence of liquor, pleaded not guil­ Uona for the entire town will ^ t of the two documents in m n e la O’Ooln, 91 Prospect S t, T0 Television COb t m Uob COUNT 4 KQJ7 4 toxlaation and evading reqxin- 1of other 1h* Iraete 8.-$S Mary 3mm my even if dummy has a singls- onler to create one aet of reg- Jamas KeMy, 128 High S t.; Su- 5:00 ( 840) Perry Majion Join Dcaipaay, CP KJ95 CP Q106 sibUlty after oourtng an accident ty and will have a Jury trial In In Activity be reviewed at a pubHc hearing (34) Forever Free ISAOi tan in tha suit Isd. This habit ulaUora that would serve toe ean Orindal, Velley Falle Rd.; ( asan ltlk« Doualaa ( 843) Triith o r Can*e<|uencateS>' iZ cS r- t of tha XT taam adoothm 0 9 0 4 East Hartford In October; in toe near future after being (13) Menr Ortffln (C) ’ gtvas dodarer tlma to do soma reoooUy, had toe fln t charge With Just over two month* to consolidated town. Susan Benson, Tolland; Anne (16) Woody Woodbury — . r*»). Moot Wladaor Dflwal n—Pri- A QJ93 A A 1069 James A. Vlclno, 34, of Hart­ o^maldered by tha Planning (10) Branded Vlc« rtODCn — rtermtng without bstraying ths nailed and waa fined $100 for go before toe presidential elec­ (90) Btz Picture (30) Hunt)qr,.SrlnMay ______w f * Maay W U w n O y S:fB SOUTH ford, had a charge of failure to Commlaricn. "Not only should tola new Kellslier, BSUngton; M n . Joan (80) OnnUMU (32-i 6-40) New*. Bporla. notnre of U s hand. the aeoond otfena*. tion on Nov. 6, Andover Demo­ (40) GIHIran's Island Peter Moiteaf. the Rcpobll- lasr^JJkfc U of th* M Maiirtiaater D rtv*-la- Bow A A 5 3 wear head gear nollad. Uoyd The Planning Commissi or, set of aonlng rogjilatioiui In- Reid and daughter, 68 School Weather O m m ttj dilopile Slate R*p. ralaaaad by the Openiiig load—king of spades. BmU M. Haberem, 43, of 14% crats and Republican* are or­ corporate toe pertinent and 6130 (18) Artemoon Report 7:30 (18) Lea Crane caa caadMate ftar Onoffaea I ad^Uag th* eoaaeil- Swoot B la S:M Fbaalop* lOrW CP A $ 3 A. Oarter, 17, of Vernon, charg­ BOconUng to the atate atatutee, S t ; Mrs. Shiriey Shepard and (34) The R eel Revolution; H*aato r k lfh f* of Staflord r*- PMilie E epaiidWuiea niwiin Soufli thought at tos right ganised to make the most of (90) Scope ^ from dte Second OonsiasstlaB* 0 AKQS Hackmatack Bt. was charged ed with breaking and entering haa the roaponstbUtty of adopt­ appropriate aectlons of the daughter, Tolland. > , „ (40) Truth or Conitequeneea Talka to KrtahnatnorU ^ M tea oCSdally Meouuaitted rCPBO. tone and was able to play a after Oauetng a three car oU- too#* few week*. Barbecues, two different seta of previous 5:45 (34) niendly Giant ( 8-10-10303380) Democraria,: al Oiatrlet. 1* the lateot of a A K72 with criminal intent and lar­ ing, amending and admlnfoter- Dteoharged Sunday; Emma National ConvenUon bat haa y A n U t y adadttad be He piii|iiioii1 flw th * report Sate th* anmtier tamtmpmO* at toe first trick wKh- Ualon on Aug. 9 at toe Interaec- ai^lntm ent of local campaign regulatlona, but they rtiould al- ___ 6:00 ( »8.UM3-«) News, Bporfe, ^mwtng amaher of caadidatao ooafd be ffamaced h. Sooth W«rt North ceny under $380, bond aet at Ing the sub-dlvtaion regulatlona. Campbell, ToUand; t i n . Mar- Weather (O 8:00 (34) Summertime fowDta nuiatAie j , haci uae "be of town* la fear r*»ao«*«~n cate- ^ Course Planned oat teHertng- The play coot tlon of Main St. and Hartford managers for General Assembly (94) MMerocem Nelzhbor- 8:80 ( 8-4m It TUkea a TMef to advocate aa tacrease in the aome of th* tooplHd** ta ' I 0 Double 4 0 Pom $600 and caae continued today candidates and other actlvltie* The regulations to be oonsid“ ■ roflert een ;*ir<;;d ‘ ; : : j «m , 101xot«««. South hood „ (18) Subooriptlon TV la a Hbanl and I aai a bbaraL'* gorlea and lb* typo of govera- liaaafad) la the Hiallaat town to Sooth nothing since he could, U Rd. 9:00 (31) The Arfiat and the ^ peraoaal eaamptfaia given ea preaoat tax tawa.'* 5 0 AnPsM in Vernon. by both parties become more ered are those propooed (30) MoHale * Mary Alao alfawdlas the am rmOkm a d y the aeayorcoaBcil fona, In Real Estate be dMoev take toe oc* o f s p a ^ Drivera of the* other oara in­ (30) Trouble Shooter Critio the federal inoome tax . Mailaai ftelher plowed ertdent earti week. Raymond and May Aaaociates.' (18) Merv GrlfDn 9:30 ( 840> DetnucraUc National fraoi Sda ana, at* Oetald A»- •M l Bridgeport the largeot later and dteeaid one of dton- volved were Paulette Richloff, Convention oupport any tax rehof Tha TAdvanlty of OmawuUcot On Saturday over 160 people The firm has Just completed and daughter, 87 Spring St. (39) Backetaxe (C) ilaiaafi of Aadooer, an alteniate Martaai foBowv the load of apecBve dwrter (popidatloB 1S2JN eatimatod). my** hearts. Theradvaatege of of 169 Wrtls St. and RockviUe Hospital Notea 6:30 (30) Social Security „ (34) BbHon Symphony T hia Repabhean ooaotarpart "t h ^ I thfak are feoaOla and toe acs and than won ths laot attended the Republican an­ Phase 2 of a plan of develop­ (^8) New*. FTOnk Reynold* 10:30 (18) for actor Pool frewmea. and The CPBC Mtedrlpal Chaahy (popidatiaei S,1SS oaU- • n < m & t a comae tfate teB to Sooth's play was that hs gavs CUeppen of East Hartfotd. Hospital Notes Visiting hours ate 12:88 to 8 11:00 ( 3^10-UM 040) New*. Ihomaa KeahSl, iacianbent Ra- win work to peeaerve a healthy trick with the flv* of apadee. nual Baa-haa-que and partook ment for toe town. U m Herald's Vemoa Bureau Mra. Naofni Hammer, atate caa- * 1) te the amalleat to adopt Intsrsated In each opponent toe Im prettton Habarorn oUogedly left the p.m. in an area# except mater­ (10-30) Kuntley-Biinktey (C) SpprU, We4Uher (O economy. I am of delicious barbecued lamb The planners point out that la at 88« Parkf a n Bt.,fit, MLtoL 87878-8188 .. ... Swell Show ti«l coom ilteiaaianaii from fte pohUcaa rreigreaamea from the that Ua partner bad the ace of There are more ways toon ons sosiM of the accident and was AH evening vlaittag houra end nity wfiere toey are 2 to 4 and (34) Wtiafa New? (R )' an the Republlcaa r i i S datea real eotete N- of kllUng a cat at 8 p.m., mad otert, in toe done to a turn by apeclallsto in toe subdivision of land for res­ or 848-2711.1711. New* Items mi may be ( 8-12) Waller Cronklle (C) 11:36 ( 3) Tuealay StarHaht 3Hh dMrIct and Calcbeia'a al- Math DIaMct, In advocatlag an *b Hartford, (poptesfioa imjOOO ea- spades. followed In a Ugh speed rhaM.^ 8:80 to 8 p.m. U:30 (13) Late Movie oeektag ofBca wSl be elected la Dally Queattsa varloua unito, a t: Pediatrtoa, 8 that art. Maxwell Hutchlnaon, idential, Industrial and com­ maUed to P.O. Box W , :Rook- S 2?’” - Sparta. WeMher ( 8-40) JoMT Blahop (C) taniate. Aadaracai haa aaerod iaeaeaae from SMO to MAOS. Weet shifted to toe queen of by a young Marine who fInaUy 7:00 ( 3) Bloirraphy (C) November if they do their ttmatod), the tergeat Senior and Junior, and John mercial uses it needed In order Admitted Friday; lisa Mt- vUte. _____ (KV0080) T W g h t B I m r (C) aa l eeond Pnnfrteiienal dla- Thia plan haa alao beea ca* The other two "R oal NBtete Pitaeiplea and dUw, and East took the club ' Fartaer opens wHh ana heart, bomeweek.** Hutrtilnscn. to insure sound community Farland, Hartford; Jams# Nbr- SEE EMTURDAVg TV WEEK FOB COBfFLBnB USTINOS titat eootdiaator for the atal* doraod by th* RapahBeaa Seaa- completed charter I*»h*tfcea" ia a VaterMw AdnWi- ace and returned a low heart. and the next pteyer pooeae. toefal camSdate Edwin May. diairgca are Vemoa You boldi S p a ^ One of the two major guests growth. They further point out wood, SO Lawlsr Rd.; Armand ICcCarltiy for PrealdeBt earn- approved cootoe deel- South stoppad up wtth toe see The appeal for tax tafona la Wiadeor. Veraoa Hearts, Q -IM ; Dtamoada, 4 ; days; private rooms, 18 a-m .; of honor was Mrs. Dorothy Mil­ that aiiMlvision regulatlona are Hruby, 1 Blather Ave.; Gertrude Radio ^ paffB. aad la one of the aiae Truck and Car the low and efldos of of hearts, cashed Us top dia­ Haberem waa arreoted at hit Vandals Hack heard aerooe party Hnaa The mayor-coonea form Otubs, A-16-64. eeml-prlvato rooms, 8 p.m .; ler, (Candidate for Representa­ designed to promote proper Meyers, Rodrvtile Memorial (Tlii* llrtiug IntJndea only thnoe newt broadenato nf !• nr IB iti.. Rail Mei^er *«al aatet* hnkerage, load de- monds and oonttnued with the home following Inveotlgatton. defosatea and altemafaa pleds- oafy rarlaaee la the a a e o it to mant, white fai Minor Cinsli What do yau oayf visiting In 818, 814, and 828 Is tive In toe 61*t District, com­ street and lot layout, aonltary Nursing Home; William Davis, mkrato leogtli. Some stations rarrjr ottear short ilium site ed to M aO utky from Oomiecd- v o l ^ c a t and apprUaal toefa- low dtemond and the rest of Other oases disposed of in­ sewage facUltlea, storm water 46 Hale St Putting Green be exempted. Dm dunmiy's dlAinotids. Answer: Bid two haorta. Your any time for Immediate family posed of Andover, Bolton, and . „ . WBBC—1860 8:16 Speak Up Hartford idgaao. TIm oomoo is regulred cluded: Stephen Adams, 36, of drainage, adequate utUltiea, 5:00 Ken Griffin form, wMh on bonoraty Mayor. * * ® "P owwad by the hand la not strong anough for only, with a five-mlmite Ifanlta- Coventry. Peter Marianl of Admitted Saturday: Susan Manchester’s Fox Grove Coun­ 8:46 Lowell Titofnaa Oalchera antred la f3ifa-ajr» ReptdiBcaaa MeaklD. Meriaad. Hearings Set for teoee who whh to obtain a South didn’t bother to ruff 80 Cfrandvlew St., found guilty suitable open spaces and other 6:00 Joey Reynold* 8:66 Phil RUzuto and May opt for MJOO, whOe Vemoa le la the $0,000 to BO,- Aadrew Anoeldi Oorp. end ditv- black eaida in toe dummy be- two bids, so you cannot afford tton. Afternoon vlaifliig houra In Groton, Republican candidate Benson, Tolland; Donald Lahue. try Club became a 17-hole 9:00 Dick RoUnion 7:00 The World Toniatit SoQday with fafa wife Mildred WASHINGTON (AP) — The real eotote heeiMe. ^ of speeding, fined $80; Alfred necessary Improvements. 1:06 Newa, Sign Off teenmbent Demoeratic Banatnr- 000 population ctaSB whtre 10 ea by Alexander Spak Jr M cadke it wouldn’t help Um to to Ud the apmOem and raisa the obetotrtco are 8 to 4 p.m. then for Congress also spokg briefly. Tolland. course last night after vandals 7:30 Prank 04fford foHowtag a Ihtear fraia trip to Ritentete Oommetce Oommia- wUl meet WedneoJay Arvteals, 48, of Rhode Island, "Land subdivision carries . ^ WiCR--81* ial candidate Abraham RfMcoff towns h ^ adopted tha mayar- „ BatUste Rd. collided "with do oa It waa just as profitable hearts later. Your fin t duty begin again at 7 p.m. Vlaltori It warn announced at the gath­ Admitted Sunday: Diane walked off wtth the metal cup 6;M Hartford HIsMIghta efon baa oet Oct 7 aa the date 8or 13 weeks from 7-*:$0 p jn . at had a charge of misuse of reg­ wlto it consequences which can­ 7:00 New* C h ic ^ . when your hand is worth only are asked not to smoke In pn- ering that Mrs. FVancis Haines Barr, 97 Grier Rd.; Marie Jack- from the seventh green. reoommendo a $1,000 exemp- for reopenlag b— on the couDcafonn. wllhacarTeapanl- » car openOed by S r r M . ^ toe Manchaeter High School. to lead trumps from the dum­ istration plates noHed and was not be easily reversed," the 8:00 Oasllxht i5;iS’ier*‘oy/’ Atty. Horry Hammer of Ver- tloa. my and diaoard black cards one response is to abow map- tient’e rooms. No more than two and Mrs. Winston Abbott wUI son, 92 Prospect St.; Oieryl Ann 13:00 Quiet Hours propooed mwgdt of the Penn otoNtog Sept U. Geidner Dog- found guilty of failure to carry plannera.point out. "What orig­ Police said that In addition WTIO—1666 noB. hnahawd of the atate cen­ lo m oc Amy ^ g pum. from Us hand. p o r t t o r partner's major suit vtsitore at one time per patient. be co-campajgn managers for OaldweH, Tolland; John ____ WPOP-1410 6:00 Afternoon EtelHon Marloai’a commente were de- Oentzal Railroad wtih the New registration and fined $8; Oon- inally cmisisted of acreage is to taking the cup, valued at $8, 6:00 Danny aayton Show 8:00 Newa tral commttteawomaa flew into emmaat. Veraoa employe a execaitve vice preefdenf OopyrtgU 196$ Mrs. Miller’s run for toe Rep­ Kravontlca, Glastonbury; 8:00 Stove O'Brien Uvered to a recent moctias of Haven RaOroad. South disoarded Us losing Btance Botti, 3M Buab Hill Rd., Pattemla Today : t81 the night vlslton badly hacked 8:15 Maricet Report fuH-time dfreetor of admlntotra- ''*•>***«• col- of toe Greater Hartfotd Board General Featareo OatfL resentative poet. changed into building lots, Theona and Dorothy Wheelock, 9:00 Dick Heatherton 8:30 Weather Chteago Smiday, with hie wife the Windham RapnbUcaa Ihwn The order waa made Monday, hearts on toe fifth and sixth ADMITTED YESTERDAY: up the green with an instrument 12:00 Gary Girard Show Uon who aaawers to the mayor. Med id Ifighland and Anhnnn of Reiritota, Bae., wffi be tha in- found guilty of q>eeding, fined Mr*. Kowalski Named where there may have been 19 Spring St.; Richard, Allan 8:35 Strictly Sporla aiTlrlos yeaterday. Hannaar la Obmmlttee. He died the need In reaponoe to a regneot from o t s . There werie a o iQjorlM or Rtmetur. dtemonds and hU low club on $26; Gerald Oanny, 28, of Met­ Robert Armstrong, 64 Hemlock one property owner, there are Invertlgatora believe to be a golf . .. wiNr-im 8:36 Afternoon Edition Sooth Wtadeor, in the UM»0 Political action on toe Dem­ and Carol Brough, 23 Orchard 6:00 Newa .7:00 Democratic Ctanvention orteartlns the ooDrenlioa aa aa for the Increaacid exemptfon "to a federal court to reopoii hoar- aa a reoidt of tbe ac- the last diamond. South saved calf Rd. in Tolland, had a S t; Mrs. Mary Burke, 94 Ply­ soon many." club. 6:16 SpeiUt Up obacfTor. to N^OOO eatesory, followed tts ddent Raglatraiton IndnsmoMon to toe king of erU>s and the A-9 ocratic side Includes toe ap­ St.; Laurie Cleveland. 41 Spring 8:00 New* } } ■ $ Weather. Sporta provide tax relief for the aver­ inga In the eaoe. The court aloo caae of evading responsibtoty mouth Lane; Mrs. (Jatfaerlne pointment__ of Mrs. Beatrice Ko- Improperly executed, a de­ St.; Linda WfUtrtield, 86 Love­ 11:30 Other Side o< the Day The ootaSy** loaf time State age taxpayer who la eaoght la popidatian groig> tread, wUdi awafloble from the DoSC Oonito- of apadea. regoaotod recently w»«t the tOC flade three towue with the idng M ucafion Servlcea, Noo- MEADOWS' noUed and was found guilty of BuUer, Crestfleld Convalescent walski"M AndovCT campaign velopment can be a burden to land HUl. Central Ooouaittoaniaa t f . O or- the egoeeTa between the ilalng order the Penn Central to ♦■v* White all this was going on, hMi ,HHi Home; Fred Byram, 68 mayer-eomicB goeeraiuaaf ead failure to drive to toe right, manager for Aloysius J. Ahearn a community and could possi­ Births Friday: A son to Mr. Measles Rate Higher O edlt Kxtenoian. Box U-Si, IM - tbe opponents were having Pine ' St.; VliKent Carm, over the hankmpt New Haven Mae ertth nunigrr HHy Rim Victim —Eads Tsnito— fined $20. Democratic candidate for rep­ bly involve considerable ex­ and Mrs. Rodney Smith, 61 by Jan. 1. venlty of Ckxmeodcat, timible deciding what to save. 47 Hansen Dr., Vernon; Thom­ HARTFORD (AP) —Althoi^ Announcement Sentiment in ToOaad is build­ Dies o{ Injm ies Obna. 0S368. James Oaraer Alao, Harold C. 'Oaae, 21, of resentative from toe 61st Dis­ penditures to rectify unneces­ West S t; a son to Mr. and Mrt. Unleae the K3C otdera the They had only a haxy idea of as Dawkins, 149 High St.; Dora the incidence of measles In toe ing toward the formatioa of a Debbie BeyroUs 618 W. Middle TT>ke., found guil­ trict. sary mistokea, according to Gerald Doyle, 78 Park West Dr. merger by that date, the eoort WINDSOR (AP) _ A as-year- South’s hand, eapectally since Foster, 179 Foster St., Wapplng; Raymond and May. state for the week that ended after hJg kNi«r illness Charter Study Comaiimtan, with ty of failure to drive in the Mrs. Kowalsld is ■ well-known Birth Saturday: A daughter ■TU- eaid, the court would be forced old Wladaor man gf earti credited hia partner with "H O W SWEET Mrs. M m a Hoffman, Brooklyn, Saturday is low, this year’s rate what appears to he bi-pertteea proper lane, fined $60; John in local and Tolland (founty "When properly executed, a to Mr. and Michael Park­ to eoaiider dienilmliig reorgaa- tajurtes reoefved in a hK and Hartford Boy, 14 toe ace of spades. One of them N.Y. Margaret Holcomb, Hart­ development can be a credit to is stlU higher than last year’s. Angelo Camposeo mpport.’ No concrete actfoa has IT IS" V. Gasper, 18, of Hebron Rd. Democratic circles. She is cur­ er, ElUngton. teatlan of the New Haven. run accident. saved two clubs and a spade, ford; Andrew Llebman, Car­ According to toe Stole Health been taken oa the idea yeL Shot to Death In Andover, had a chaige of rently vice (toalrman of toe a community’s HveablUty and Discharged Friday: Rose The IOC aet pre-bearliw Amtfm Bratdio Mrtendea Da Jeoiw, a and toe other saved two hearts James Stewart penter Rd., Coventry David Department, there were three Several leoidcntB, tiw-tmihig I speeding noHed and waa found Democratic Town Committee, a stabilizing Influence In Its and Caslmir Ziechowskl, Oak is now back at la the caoe for Sept 10 and raaident of Chmp Wbateor, HARTFORD (AP)—A 14-year^ and a spade. “FIBEaBEEK" Macaione, 42 Pioneer Circle. economic well-being," toe re­ new cases last week. A total DANCE some town officials, pilvatMy old Hartford boy has been toot At toe end. South crossed to guilty of following too closely registrar of voters, and active St.; John Bennett 84 Burke Rd.; of 49 cases was reported tor Sept 23. t*n»ck by a car Friday drtvea Wed. *HMd Oouple" Also, Anthony MSlinguaggi, port states. admit die otody should ba start­ U s with tha king of dubs, and fined $80; Marciel Gon­ in toe Andover DemocraUC Thomas Chevrtier, 696 Bolton the past eight weeks. There The State Barber Shop In bearins*, thoae preocntiiig by SeaogUo Heraaadex, $8. to death. East Hartford; (JHnton kOUs, 8 In the area of planning and Wednesday, August 28 ed in view of tbe town’s rapid­ cleared toe ^lades by taking O i 11 d f < n u rt f! t r I *' • • zales, 88, of Hartford, arrested Women’s C2ub. She has been a Rd.; Randy H lck ^ , 8 Green were only 41 case* during toe evidence mtiat etate their poel- of Windoor, police reported. Dal# Allen Butler was shot GIANT »R ff PIArCiV-'uroj Scott Dr., Wapplng; Mrs. Ruto aiming, toe planners- are also 10 Bissefl St., Mancliester ly growing population, expect­ in Andover, found guilty of member of toe Board of Educa­ Rd.; Sadie Chauase, Rockville tlona on a Jan. 1. U « takeover Be Jcaos died Sunday mom- in toe head with a ,33-callber Monroe, East Hartford; Paul propoaing a new set of zoning same period in 1967, the de­ 1 P.M.-8 PJML iOally ed to hit the 10,000 mark in operating a motor vrtilcle with­ Memorial Nursing Home; Rose partment said. MTS PAVIUON of the New Haven by the Penn tog in Harttoed Boqittal of in­ xffle Monday night in a North' Ofria, 81 Richard Rd.; CSiarles tion for a number of years and regulations for the town. The about two years. It generally out a Uenae, fined $16; John Us chairman for some time. Hallcher, 89 Mountain St.; Hen­ Oentral. by what metbode and juries be received in the acci­ Sk¥l apartment, poliea aold. A PhlUips, 47 Essex St.; Mrs. zoning regulations now In ef­ ry Knybel, 10 Morrison St.; Mrs. takes about U montha to com­ L. Heck, 17, of Stafford Springs, She will work under Mrs. Mary T M i fU S npno what terma end condltlans, dent Heraaadex, police eaid, wopect was being questioned by arrested In Coventry, found RocheUe Reynolds, Norwich; fect for toe town actually crni- Lorraine Cyr and daughter, 23 the K3C aald. plete the necessary procedures Morgan of BoKon who is toe for a Charter adoption. fled the scene, was arrested and poMee Monday night in connec­ guilty of operating a motor ve- Mrs. Eunice Ruff, 281 Autumn sist of two separate documents, Orchard St. New Haven truatees have alao tion with one shooting. St.; Lynn Russel, 19 Donnel Rd., Qampaign coordinator of Twenty- seven mnnicipali- held to lieu of $1,000 bond for ) Mcle with peasengera on toe one toe zoning regulations d Diacbaiged Saturday: Lucy 2 GREAT BANDS urged the IOC to order a Penn ( BOLTON LAKE HOTEL RockviUe; Mrs. Helen Smith, 39 .Bearn’s effort In toe three tiea in Connecticut have adopt­ operating a motor vehicle with­ Neighbon sold there bad been outside, fined $16. toe Vernon Fire District which Morris, 88 Ghristcipher Dr.; Rob­ Oentral takeover by Jan. 1. The Route 44A—Bolton, Conn. Locust St.; Steven Smith, 280 towns of toe 61st District. **THE 21s» C EM TOtY EXPRESS' ed the mayor-councU fonn of out aa operator's permit and sounds of on argument before Also, Marilyn Irovando of were adopted In 1661 and the ert Bonan, 81 Center St.; Lisa court warned the ICC the New evading reqxmalbility. Scott Dr.; Mrs. LUIion Voulga- government compared to 26 opt­ toe obooting. Hartford, arrested In Tolland, Democrat Barbecue other the zoning ordinances for McFarland, Hartford; Charles Haven’s tralm wotSd atop nm- Tel. 648-9731 THE WMDY CITY" ing for tbe council-nianager found guilty of speeding, fined rle, Prospect St., Coventry; It has just been announced toe city of Rockville, adopted Steele, 31 Oak St.; Lydia Reut- ning in January if the IOC failed Owen Warren, 86 Ifillslde Ave., that toe Democrat.^ of toe three wared by the Ooeeatry Pa to act form. > D ininj' For Pood At $26; Edith Kenniston of 93 Un­ ter, 36 Trtland Ave.; Steyen Under the mayor-council form ion St. In RockviUe, found guilty Vernon; Mrs. Ruto Young, Staf­ towns will hold a chicken bar- Since toe town governments Link, Vernon Garden Apt*.; J^- LASfr DANCB OT TBK Circuit Judge Robert Ander- • Dancinsr Its Finest of government the administra­ ENDS TONIGHT of being found intoxicated, ford Eatings. beque on Sept. 14 from 1 to 4 have been consolidated some na Prucha, West WUIington; Jo- aon of the U.8. Dtetxlct Oxwt THoMAjidcL On The Terrace, tive head of government and the • Banquets fined $10; Raymond Kennereon, Bm iH S YESTERDAY: A son p.m. at toe Plains Recreation three years now, toe planners seito Cameron, TtoUand; Brenda in New Haven earlier thia ''N crcr A Dun Homeiit’’ Overlooking leglalatiTe body are both eleet- 48, of Bunker Hill Rd. in (Cov­ to Mr. and Mrs. Roland Mi­ Field on Rt. 31 in Coventry. Wlto month ordered the caae back DRIVE-IN • W eddings ed. “H reereek” Beautiful Bolton entry, found guilty of failure to chaud, Eteat Hartford; a son to a nominal donation for adults, to the IOC. He baa been in Under the council-manager “Mickey MoowT ^ • Ckmventions Lake. obey a stop sign, fined $80, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kowal- reduced by half for children, charge of the bankruptcy pro­ OOrOMIABLY AnKHWromom a) rm m frm w. form of government the admin­ had a case of failure to obey sky, Pucker St., Coventry. those handling toe affair hope ceeding* of the New Haven A m OONDITTONEX) istrative head is appointed by an officer nolled; Alen J. DISCHARGED YESTEUIDAY: for good weather and a good since July U $l. UM FEATUBINO Denise Fisette, Lowell, Moss.; Arute Bids Low rfc p«wujt-849-549i the legldaUve body which is UNCUT! POPULAR PRICES! ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Lander, 17, of 14 Pro^iect St. turnout. 'nie announced reopening of elected. 4C SCRTR Mrs. Martha Miller, 441 Center the case by tbe ICC eeine tees iJxiUoAndreiws ssmilue THE NICK HMKOLAS TRIO in RockviUe, found guilty of Town Panel Meets The mayor in 36 of the 27 failing to drive to the right, $30, St.; Alan Trotman, East Hart­ than one week after tbe ap­ g R p K HUNTERS Every Friday and Saturday for your Dancing a ford; Mrs. Christine Gaffney, The Andover Democratic the towns is dected to a two-year and failure to carry Ucense, $3. ™ EAST pointment of a hew commlaeion- listening Pleasure Glastonbury;, Mrs. Fitmees Town (Committee will meet to­ On Rt. 6 Section term, although Walltngfbrd*s Also, Timothy. M. Lynch, 19, er in tbe case Wallace R. Burke, Thorouqhiv Mitut Rogers, 182 Oak St.; Mrs. Mary morrow evening at 8 p.m. in mi. ' j. , . •, . mayor la elected for a four- of Windsor, arrested in Man­ STARTS TOMORROW! (MfED.I) who for the past seven year* Wysocki, Elmwood; Paul La- the Town Office Building with „ low bid for construction of the mid- year term, according to CPBC chester, found guilty of lUegal had been a member of the Con­ Brec, 16 Lawton Rd.; John toe main items on toe agenda i™®UCheater section of the neW Rt. 6 is 86,468,027, sub­ report. 1 left turn, fined $80; John R. necticut PubUe Utilities Com­ rum A WAY OPT oo-mr______Zaparesky, Richard Rd., Ver­ being to choose a new choir- Riitted by Arute Bros,, Inc. ck on her cell, T ta»4:u " P t » U m c OF IV Y " Three Ifontlw ...... 7A0 land, found guUty of speeding, One MonOt ...... 3LtO fined $28; Keimeto R. Watson, possibly with outside help, and 20, of Wrights MIU Rd. In Cov­ vanished. entry, found guilty of foiling to Town Dog Warden Lebro drive a reasonable dlatence Fracchia is heading toe search apart, fined $86. for toe fugitive, a tri-color Bea­ Cases continued included: gle, who has been missing from 20th year Melvin H. Bloch, 20, of New Ha­ the Town Dog Pound on Olcott ven, anreated In ToUand for op­ St. since last night. The missing prisoner carries CARRIAGE HOUSE ENDS TONIGHT "Ythoe, Stine n q Oure” 0ii6-9rt>0 erating a motor vehicle with un- oafe tires, pleaded not guilty to number 74676. Please noUfy toe "O n e Stop to Beauty!' ^ * I n ■ 7 JPA M ANCMI STI 0 toe chaige, end will receive a proper authorities If you have > . . ' Y ONTIR any Information as to her ’ AVCO mSAflY HIM - B .l-’.'.ir,! A ,f [ A ' I HAi • , , |i*iYtrirl 7U1J Jury trial in East Hartford in SALON ■---V -*AIW ...... TNII PAUMUIAU THIATItl whereabouts. BOUTIQUE IPfE HAPKItJO ,V8 i ( r< October; Louis Cherone, 18, of rtf' 69 Olenwood St., cfaaiged with for for BIPSTOWOWT — "HOW SWOT IT IS!" In Color At 7:05 - 9:05 IStarts WEDNESDAY' procuring Uquor by a minor, REGISTER AND and I « o Flaherty, 66, of High Taken by Quality Coifhira. since the MAUN b U ItSO—W l l . SiSO—nSATD BB SiOO-OiOO St. in Coventry, ctwiged with CARTER’S millions Quality Couture . . . The hanging was the best show in towa two counts of sale of liquor to a V i T T L E for over minor, both had toelr oaaee con­ ■ PILLS. 75 years MODELS this tinued until Sept. 9. in homes first doy of Also, Anthony DeCarll, 28, of like yours F'or An Old Fashioned Bargain, Visit: Cider MiU Rd. in Tolland, plead­ Friday and Saturday ed not guilty to the charge of ------overcrowding, Eaat~ Hartford for FALL FASHIONS 550 E. Middte Tpko. Jury trial In October; Andrew G. schooi! Hamemlk, 48, of no certain ad- dreas, charged with being found to School AtTho OrooN intoxicated, continued until on a R A LBG H I Sept. 9; Donna Javarauckas, of tleWJS4i£SS¥ DINO'S 28 Cottage St. and Patricia A. Vesper of 16 White St., both GERTRUDE G. TYLER charged with trespaoalng, con­ BALLET . TOE • TAP • MODERN JAZZ - ACROBATIC • BALLROOM ALL YOU CAN EAT tinued until Aug. 29; Also, Arthur R, Klssman, 81, Anne Fogarty Every Tuesday ~ Wedoesdoy — TiHridey-Saled-lioed-Siiffer of Bast Hartford, pleaded not SCHOOL of DANCE guilty to toe charge of embez­ A Hartford National Charge Card gives you back-to-school shopping CORNER OF HAYNES AND MAIN STS. • MANCH ESTER, CONN. wWi Mch mod. Mootfadb or Sousoge Extra. Qm%c Brood 25c extra. zlement by bailee. East Hart­ ford Jury trial In October; David Crystal convenience in 8 ,^ southern New Engianid stores. Shop where you see Leonard K. Krause, 20, of East he C.A.P. sign and )ust say, "charge iti" (Why carry a lot of cash? Or dip Tuesday Hartford, charged with breach Wednesday Thursday of peace and obstructing police m ln tr i/ you can pay in monthly install­ officers, continued until Sept. Jr. Sophisticates ments, if you choose. Use your Charge Card and go to the head of the class! RAVIOLI 6; Garth F. Lawrence, 28, of 3 Modfis STUDIO REGISTRATIONS FOR NEW STUDENTS SPAGHETTI LASAGNA 2 Power Contoln Scranton Cabins on Porker St., Wide frKk TIrM •1.50 charged wlto reckless driving, rH.%R4^K IT WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 4 - 3 to 5 p.m. •1.75 ■ th Meat or Cbmme 41.S Meat ar Cheese re-arrest warrant Issued and Jerry Silverman bond set at $260. THURSDAY, SEPT. 5 -3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. . ---- ^ WT HIH6LE ai Judgofonton Also, Thomas McCrystal, 29, SATURDAY, SEPT. 7 -1 to 3 p.m. of ToUand, pleaded not guilty TYEBS: Pinos — Grinders — Sfieghetti — Shells & Manicotti UOMiS F«(MAN aBd M(l(i(XOeENG.Itr®.ltWttEM*N • to charges of reckless driving Heatherton W w w PhOriG 643*9319 o r fnr lntr\rm^ytr\n A CO WOOUCtlOW Of H 0 NAI.0 tRKMAW MOOUCtlONJ ANO IW MALPASO COMPANV and misuse of a limited license. Priced From •r OPEN Blast Hartford Jury trial in Oc­ HARTrOROJ ‘ NATIOMAI. Tuea. — Thurs. 10 a.m. - IZiOO p.m. Cloaed Monday *®®A^AUGDgI aoili—liM MA33NEB ONLY tober; David Morrlsaette, 26, of Charge with GAP ■ OOP FrI, — Sat 10 a.m. - 1 iOO a.m. Air CofiditioiMd HACK TO SCHOOL PHNOIL BOX SHOW 128 Eldiidge St., charged with DAILY to 9:00 P.M. Jr. Accent Hiinday It noon - 10 p.m. I O O opcraitlng a motor vehlole so M A N C H e S T lR Ample SooHno A t h r e e s t o o g e s and iV os to cause unnecesaory noise, SIWfLUS SALES CO. ®VEBY GUILD 18 Oak StTMt, Monehatfar HARTPORD^^^ NATIONAL FBOM THE MANtWESTEB EVENING mcRar n continued until Aug. 29; WllUom 189 N. MAIN ST. C. Schultz, 30, of East Hartford, AT DEPOT Sq.—8i8-7m (Next to Houee and Hale) Fred Perlberg Hatmkiiihmd t7»S charged wlto reckleos driving. Mtmsktr If ii.I.V. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TDESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 United Fund $$$ Work For- Kay Francis The Richard Star of 30’s Catholic FfMmily Services A young unmarried girl finds for a year, oarryliig through the At the prsMot time A e is Dead at 63 Martin School nerseu pregnant. She la over- action required ft>r legal eapervleli« tUtty babiea In (Oonttnued from Page 4) NBW YORK (AP)— Kay vdielm ed with fe a r and de^MOr. Hartford Ckxnrty, eight at whom FVaaols, the tall bninetto glam- gree and six year certificate in area, library, and kindergarten Her parents are shocked and ^ *■ *be are In Ifaneheter. elementary educaUon and ad- floors. Mre. Shenele said that ahMned. CattoUc FamUy Servtoes' at- For aeveral months now, there — our •“girl * who became one of the minlatimtlon, alao earned at although the carpeUnig Is ex­ In Tour Fntnre A 1...^-^ «xplalae to the have been mon adoption appU- hlgheet paid Hollywood stare of uoonn perimental, reports Indicate It BE SURE hueoand and wife finally gM the procedures reiatHre to cations thsn thsre have been the IMO’s died Mondav follow- cuts down on noise, and is malUe that their continuous » rte is a minor, her babies In nssd ot homss. When m, » long’uinees. She wee 63. easier and leea*"• cosUy to main- arguments are robbing their present at lUa the attuatian is revarsad, the oancer naUsnt ■chool haa ADVAMOED of aU Joy and har­ me^. ^ p,^ to ona of the ^ ““t her u,* noom . PBOFB88IONAL ^ egenoye approved apd licenrod ** Hospital but re- • ^ le ea ea^r aa she for aaasroome for Grades 4-6 are mony eo that there seems no 'ntAlN IN O IS! mothers who placs thalr babies homss. These sro tomUlas who turned home to her apartment connected and share central point in golng.on together. for adoption. It Is eometlmoa a take care of children fOr ftoan- ^th Street Saturday. At “•’OPP^ In all summer to set lavatory facilities. Grades 2 and At TTie New Haven and Hartford Btudnese Parents------become— hopelessly ex­ woman who is dhroroed or sep- oial reimbursement until par- bar requeri there will be no fu- !?*,“ *?“ ■ claaerooms. Mar- j, and Grade 1 end the class Schools emidiasls Is placed on producing an •iterated when their method of •*’**•<* her InsrtNUid or It ents are found. ICn. Baker ■!-« neral service. • teachere are drawn from room for the retarded, are simi­ employable graduate, secure to toe knowledge that he has acquired the training and skOIs to djsd^pllM faila to oorreet their • baby born Into a fam- works closely wUh out-of-etate Her acting career began on »cboi^ to larly arranged. to the classroom for student use at a low ohUd, who to creating trouble ^ *• unaWe to provide ad- aganclee If therw are m> suit- Broadway but quickly shifted to Chaim seem sturdier, but the enjoy an ever-increasing productive life. day after dajr. ^ eqiuitely for R «er dajr. equately for R. aMaable homes, HoUvwoodHollywood where sheahe medemade ^ Mtoneeota. enterprising children "are like­ 'nw only adiool with low tuMon robes R«*stlvoe of an aging person wUWng to adopt as At such Ume whan more more than 60 films Including, Auams, me scnoora *yly «)to find a way to tip them and a 3rd Oenerotlon Oonqniter in the living alone aadiy agree ahe « »W>ho* »t the Hartford of- money la available to provide "Rafflee,’’ "llandalay,’’ *T custodian, haa alao taken over,” over, Mrs. Shensie said rue- ClesTcirim EXCLUSIVELY for the use can no longer care for heraeU . ®**bolto Btenlly Servloes. for addRlanal social workers. Found Stella Pariah’’ and "Give bom hla vacation to ^ully. at EMudents. bufbut they don’t know what can . worker Is assigned to the Beat Hartford offleeoffice hopes Me Tour Heart.’’ belphelp with preparations. Th® need of pro- and long slinky evening gowns diamonds and two baaket- room to break the "cubical” (Legal, Medkal, Executive) ■oclal workor toere wW iwtar **. *® help to solve toe prob- Ae a retMitation m ball courts. The bus entrance ^ ir:: SS* ^ ^ r T f ^ b« entrance jr*wltolook with ittn^r the center a?n at normal Typing (Voioe-O-MeCtk System) f - 4 £t?to briSS’r t K ^ ^ amervlslon. tog » ftS play area will be chatailnff she was considered the eirftome be gained M windows afford adequate happier Hfe for tooee Involved. o t glamour and sexiness to her children arrive for the ught but "should cut down on CLASSES START SEPT. 16 & 23 day. NEW HAVEN A HARTFORD Books to tempt the mind and windows to tempt the eye. From October 1906 to Kerch era. glare,” Mrs. Shensie comment­ The school contains stogie 1068 O atoolk Fam fiy Servtcee C olum bia Miss Francis was afflicted ed, "and reduce the temptation BUSINB88 8CHOOIA had an cttlce to Mancheater r w j ■ I------1------_ with a faint lisp and somettmes classrooms for kindergarten for tho those who love to ’window ★ ★ CHOICE OF TWO LOCATIONS * * ^toth Mra. AtmeUa Baker as toe 791 Mato St. A S3 Lewis St. (Mato Floor) eoclel worker. When the office Lake Association Re-elects £? SSTSS.« SSS ’J Martin Sclxiol Is Manchester’s H artford T el. 526-9158 Fss opened, the agency had 1 ? n • s ^ add to her popular ^ipeal. for toe mentally retarded roost modern and beautiful tee Chapel Square, Upper Mall, New Haven The Richard Martin School hoped tost Mira. Baker oould Roy Ferguson as President ££’£^““1”- school, a “showpiece," In toe 'Tel. eS4-9038 emphasise marMal coum elii« to words of toe Board of EducaUon. Approved By State Board of Education this area, and toe fact that the RoyDy.. Feigusonir.______...... was re-riect^ P'“PO«e room for community use “Learning’’ might be fun for flnri month she had 25 new ap- president o t toe Oolumbia Lake to one comet race. Beck was u t o o T ’ ^ e * Pifltsli?‘ tortro‘^» Ro It Symphony. Cassarlno is orches- telt this would minimize Nearly seven years ago Globe livery to a local hospital. Mrs. boats may be skippered by YORK Maine 0 Mankey’s early plans were ’ ^ manager of toe ConnecUcut through toe buUdtog. Liggeffs Baker counsels wltA the girl up for regatta racing but winning an ^n autopsy on a Windsor ------The library,” she added, “U Natural beauty to help make learning fun. to deUvery and afterward If the someone else. ' loc,^^ ^onn. man who died Sun- Opera Association and studies at In a perfect location, at the The Ffiifcade young mother so desires. Sunday winners .to the light-

One of a series of famous Bannister Babies... AID YOU 897/827 SINGER* zig-zag sewing machine CHOOSE THE • Zig-zags tqsew buttonholes, buttons • Darns, meneJsand monograms without attachments. • Complete with case. $ 0 0 SUPPUBT Only ASKABOUTOUncaaMTPtAN-OeOKiNEOTOFITVOUflBUDQaT. MThrti nrwjbr fomonow (( of SIN G B R (oefay f You Can Bet Your Life On I^I SINGER MANCHESTER OIL 856 MAIN ST. furious youngsters ins|>ect this Grade 4 classroom after a swim at nearby Globe Hollow. Mini-furniture for mini-kids in kindergarten. TEL. 647-1425 FUEL INSTITUTE •ATr«d«mitkolTHESINQERCOMPANy, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. .TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 P A G E S E V E N

P A G E S I X MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 Tolland 'County the nidlmenU of campaign or­ Inside ganisation, and, M in the Csech statement, displayed Ms Insenal- idea It too bad to demonstrate how tough 'v Election Due tivUy and hU "lack of compas­ 8 out of 10 homes it could be. Connecticut R eport sion," to quote one of his top The result Is that the nation now has aldeo. All this surely win cost ifpraUt two tough, militant teacher unions In­ Sept. 16 for (Oon timed from Page 6) Oene McCarthy U s party's nom­ hove 0 cold room stead of one. Yankee Party leaders in Midwestern ination and may w «n ooat hto PUBL18HSD BT TBS We happen to b ^ e v e there la no such party the White House. HSHALD m tm SQ 00., INC. Farm Pane] swing states such m minola, U BtaMll Strct thing as a good strike by teachera, any By A.H.O. IS YOURS ONt or ms srrtt . tUncbwter. Com. nidiana, Ohio, Iowa, and Kan- niOltAS T. TEROUBON more than there can be a good strike «to a a of nomiaaas for mam- WALTER R. FERGUSON by policemen or firemen or doctors or TIm MeOarifay foroM at CM- baitoUp on the Agricultural, •M say privately that statewids Nixon-Parieys PubUWMn W om spllat Founded October 1, 1881 nurses. There should remain, it seems os(D a r» under a* oom pid^a Stablllaallon and OonservaUon oandldstes this year would win At Key Biocayne to us, a few profeasiom where a some­ llieb to CoMotw Ilia atmtacT Oammittea ara now balng ow- wMh McCarthy but lose with rtdillWnil Every Bveninc Except Sunday* MIAMI, Fla. (AP) — Riohard Iranl-taAgat n and Holidays. Entered at the Feet Office at what sacred obligation to the general MKsOaMli(y«tos toUowad In Oon- toWbfoed at the County offloa Humphrey. Yet, Um m same Maaohester. Oom.. as Second Class Mall nMttout, wMoh wMttia stntefy M. ffixon conferred with his ad­ Hatter. good vetoes some of the tacUoa other and toaetioM wUl b* btM by leaders—including soms state­ of the walkout 8opt. 16. visers In his villa hideaway at SUBSCRIPTION R ATm ~ groups use in promotion of their own wide candidates themselves— Miami’s Key Blsoayne today wHhtlwMW AflO Community oomndtteaa Payable In Advance better share o^ the general wrifare. Tbe OonaMltout walkout, also say privately that McCar­ after a weekend of aunntng on On* Tear ...... 880.00 a ^ d alwayw bo the farm en whan U took ptooa taMt Juna, thy is too tar outride the Roose- an latand estate in (he Baha­ Six Hooths ...... 18.10 who oan bast roprM snt their e m iL C H A Three Honths ...... 7.80 was to a prearnnfad pfagurtoal vsk-Kennedy aotirist modri of mas. One Honth ...... 8.(0 neighbors, aooordlng to Josaph fite Prsrideney, a point he undsr- iYIRONHilMAN dekUiMtlon and to a poWaal Beegde, cbelrmen. The Republican presidential MEMRRB riv As Sidewalks Come To Union S t Uned In his reaction to the Csech THE AS80CUTED PRESS psatag placs which w m rtla- nominee returned to K ey Bis- TH U REVOUmONARY NEW "Ttoa oommlttee ayetom la the crisis. By refusing to make the Ihe Associated Press la exclusively entitled ’There is a laying of sidewtdka on Un­ ttvaty oontiortiaUa bManas M backbone of the form pro- oayne by seaptane Monday and VBLOPMENT IN ADD-ON HEAT* to the use o( repubtloatlon ot all news dis­ sHghtest effort to conform to IN O win keep your coM or cUIN rw M patches credited to H or not otherwise credit­ ion St., a private, separate piece of re­ wiM obvtously tetnpoway «nd g ra m s," cheim an Baegda eald. aides said be went directly to that model, MeOarthy hM miss­ warm and coiy, with fiksnd, ocolat- ed in this paper and also the local news p t^ news] wMch has no relation to greater also baoauaa H was oqfgfpoS "Ita reqxMulbilltiee itwWnA. work on staff matters. llshed here. ed his golden opportunity to take V OtwliiM Itastf SMB dr. lag, tbsrmostaticslly coatrollsd hsot. All itjfhts of repUbUoatton of special dU- developments down around Depot w«h a number of ofMona. the coneervatlan of natural Nixon Is etqjected to stay at pasohes herein are also reserved. control of a party desperately Opsntiag cost up to 75% Uss Ihiii Square, but sddeh nevertheless mounts A nearby acliool audMoilum reaoureee on ferme, the stabtl- his retreat until after Wednes­ other add-on hestsn. Hsats ccM bath­ iaation of agricultural oommod- searching for a winner. Hie Herald Printhis Cbnqiany Inc. as­ almost equal impact for some observ­ WM the meeMng’ pteoe, and the day when the Democratic Na­ room, sndosed porch, ottio room, or sumes no financial responsibility for typo- lUee, and price-support eotlvl- That desperate search hM now tional Convention in Chicago Is (raphical errors appearing in advertisements ers. poHtioal stance taken there was V w Mil any space that needs extra hsat. tles which protect and Improve created deqieiaite corridor talk to start balloting to choose Ms aisl other reading matter in The Manchester It is not merely that Union S t has, in one whMi left the M/cOaxIligMee FREE HOME DEMONSTRA-nON. Evening Herald. form income." by driegates. Including some opponent. d 8b ImIbN recent years, acquired new home build­ aUH tocfantoolly wM fn the rnfarmS*. BtAsoriber to Los Angeles Tlmes-Washing- Saegde further etod, "w e need major nanoes in the party, about ton Post New* Service. ing smart enough and prosperous enough Vsaty, tor purpoaeo o< bucnln- the t>eet poeelble oroee-eectlon drafting Sen. Edward M. (Ted) PkoM : «49w«539 Ing end dwallTig, even while qilr- Full service client o< N. E. A. Service. Inc. to make the addition of ridewalks seem o f form en to insure effeotfve Kennedy. Indeed, McCarthy’s Publltheiw Representatives — The Jolius MuaHy K w m perhaps alneiuly X m m Otpy 8«?Im Mathews Special Ageixry — New York, Chi­ a natural embellUhment. The pride in administration of the various poktioal advteon have sought to cago, Detroit and Boston. in exfle. the future which has led to such a proj­ meaauree." invest their candidate with the FOGARTY BROTHERS; INOl MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CIHCULA- ect is matched by memories of a past TUs aenrwettout waltout In Tbllond County, about m Kennedy (uma by attempting, TIONS. farm en took pert laet year in FUEL OIL e BURNER SALES * 8BRVICB in which the institution of such a thing mpetmi to New. York a week lat­ wMh scant proq>ect of success, Dlmlay advertising closing boura: er. We wIB be surprised it the one or more programa admin* to talk Ted Kennedy Into deliv­ For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. as a concrete sidewalk up the gentle 319 Brood Strtot • Monehotfor, Conn. iatered by the A80 oommitteea. ering McCarthy's nominating For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. inclines of Cookie Hill would have met taotio does itot emetye acton, For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday wMh OooneottcUt partMiw leod- Funda dlabursed under the oom- q>eech. For Tbuisday — 1 p.m. Tuesday with rejection for a rich variety of rea­ mittee’s aupervlalan amounted For Friday — ; p.m. Wednesday tng at CMcafo thte week. Barring such a dramatic elev­ For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. sons. The late P. O. O’Connor would to some $77,700. enth-hour victory, McCarthy's Claatifled deadline — 5 p.m. day before have considered a sidewalk a repre­ Once acton, ttiere w tt be a Laet year, Sxegda reporte, iiiiilliiiiilli* q u a l i t y i n s u r a n c e s i n c e 192311111111111® publication. 5 p.m. Friday for Saturday cause is hopeless. He is the vic­ and Monday publication. hensible interference with the plowing pliytooal Mnd of detolnatton about 4,800 aoree of farmland tim of a lonely non-oonformlty he did to plant the vegetables he ped­ awaMne any ouch wtohout. It were improved under the agri­ Tuesday, Augtist 27 cultural oonaervation program that has had devMtaUng appeal 164 EAST CENTER ST. dled to Manchester. It is a blessing to wtB be that proapeottve plaoe on coet-shering arrangement. The to ntm-poUttclans, but hM devas- him, come to think ot it, that he him­ the Comeottcut ballot wUoh or- ennisers of the "New Party'’ total Investment In conservation tatlngly’ repelled delegates and Not By Tanks Alone self is safely burled eleeydiere, and the MANCHESTER—649-5261 begun praparinc to obtain by W M about $88,250 with about Purring Off to Ctdifomia politicians. It now seems to be Russia’s turn to most fertile land in the North End now petUton before the ChloBCO Oon- half coming from the participat­ In his non-oontormlty, McCar­ Ample Parking Front and discover something oUier modem great sits safe from plowing under modem ventton even o|>ened. ing farm en and tiie balance An dectric car silmtly out of 'Boston at better tiian 60 miles per hour thy refused to ask politicians, Rear from ACP. from Senators on down, for help; powers have had to learn through ex­ new houses and lawns. as Massachusetts Institute of Technology students stm*t a “race” to the west Thfo thne, however, there wfU Titete of eligible voten in each he ignored, to his misfortune. perience. am llarly, wdiile it Is pleasant to know coast yesjtorday. A our left from C^ifornia InsM'tute of Technology in I^ ^ e n a that North End residents of today con­ be no oomfortaUe hadf-way community are available in the Britain In India, France in Algeria, county office on Rt. 80 in Ver­ at same time and winner will be first to reach other’s starting point. lottery sider that they can afford sldewaUos, it pousinc pkMto for the exerctae and tile United States in Vietnam have ot various poUUeal optfom. non. Any county resident who rechatgioff stations have been set up en route. I^udents hope to demoostrate "Before Loaaea Happen, Insure WRh Leppenl" all had to come to the sad but sane may be still inHtnictlvo to recall the la eligible to take part in the potential of exhaust-free cars. (A P Photofax) CAMERAS realisation of the limitations of their choice made by a gentleman of many The rebtoa wtH have to decide, farm program may vote in the HLM—-BULBS power. years ago who ultimately became one of quickty, what want to do community committee elections (CTA) obtained a circuit court there are large Negro nelghbor- Here Com es The and what they can do. Court Orders DISCOUNT PRICES Having more guns and tanks and the community’s most prosperous citi­ and he may hold office as a com­ order directing the diuldent bus hoodb and Negro bus drivers mitteeman. drivers, calling themselves tiie man the buses. planes and uniformed sev e rs than zens. In the days when he was SMicumu- The optiona on what they can ARTHUR DRU6 Judge! The Tolland County elections B u s D r iv e r s Concerned Transit Workers, to The same union mans the ele­ somebody else no longer carries with lating his own first small piece of Capi­ do seem to have been dlmltoah- will be hrid by mall with bal­ return to work. vated and subway trains but ta], he walked to and from work down a ed by (^perutlona beyond ifaelr W hy Take The Rap? it any guarantee that a big nation can lots to be returned on or be­ To End Walkout The dlssidenta are Negro service on those lines operated street wdiich hsul a stdewsilk on one side, owrt oontrol. The movements of A gavel 'tap and court’s in sessiw. auccessfuUy control every situation it fore Sept. 16 to the office on membera of the Amalgamated normally Monday. none on the other. He always walked on R^KbUoon Nominee Nixon to OHICACK) (A P ) -nBus driv­ If you have an above-average in­ can reach with such force. Rt. 80. Transit Workers, Local 241, vriio Taxicab service as well as bus deal wMh the potonUto rebtos lOktarUy, the Russian r t ^ of the plain dirt side of the sfreet, calculat­ Each community election will ers disputing with their union contend they have been denied service was sharply curtailed. A READINR CUSSES come, you might be sued for 'thou- among the RepUbUoam, and the Ckedioslovakia was swift and effteient ing shoe leather would wear longer if choose three community com­ are under court order to end representation in the higher strike of drivers against Yellow sanclB of d o llw over your present apparent decteion of Ctovemor Tlie tanks and troops got where they he used tiie soft Instead the hard sur­ mitteemen and two alternates. their walkout but a spokesman councils of the kxtal. More than Cab and Checker taxi compa­ for ADULTS 7 ^ ,^ insurance limits. But if you have Rockefeller to stay weB Inolde half of the city’s bus drivers are nies left the city with only a were supposed to be in no time at all, face. The regular members elected to r the dlsaldent drivers predict­ teeW atedtes TecMauee AEtna’s SCOPE, you get million the flap of the Repuhitoan party Negro but there are no Negroes fourth of its normal complement ft ConsvWwMian Skim adth superior firepower everywhere. Nowadays, of course, any cunbltious will serve as delegfates to the ed no more buses would roll to­ W veeebuterv Devetewneiit dollar, peace-of-mind protection. tent rather than exfaihit hbnoelf on the unkm’e executive com­ of cabs—^those driven by inde­ w Enedlve (ludy Techniques young man anxious to become a big suc­ county convention, where farm- day than cn Mhday. Nooettieless, there was no conquest. out in front of ft lookiiic as If mittee. ftCrttIcal R**(nns''lknit era will be elected to fill va­ Adding to the transportation pendents. ft Sklmmifis ntf Seennins When the spirit o l the Czechoslovaikan cess in the business world would begin he wanted a chance to run on cancies on the county commit­ curtailment at a time when the This results, the dissidents The drivers are members of a W Smell CtoM * (r'A Ir- OondttloneS t F F B R E N C E people stood firm and tmafrald, the tarVe by buying an extra pair of shoes on some other ticket, seetn to have i t certified Reeding SpeelelliH THE tee. city is host to the Democratic say, from a provision entitling committee of the Seafarers In­ credit in order to gain early experience cloaed down the wUdeet dreanw lost part of their presumed authority. Notices of community bound­ National Convention is a contin­ retired bus drivers, moat of ternational Union. They are ask­ AOADIMIO RIADINB May tee quote rates and assist you When world opinion rose in one al­ In the art of progressing toward com­ of the McCarthy people, which aries and of the right to nom­ uing strike against Chicago’s them white, to vote in elections. in g a commission of 60 per cent OERTER, IM. most unbroken tide of crltidam, the fort and success in life by using other would be to have a ooaHtfon inate by petition appear on com­ two major taxicab companies, a Bus service on-the North Side of their fare collections. The 48 a. CBNTRR ITy, SMUKHa^TBa as toe have so many others? ticket heed the fourtti p&ity ef­ wielders of this unlimited mUUary pow­ peo{de’s money. mittee-election posters dis­ walkout that has idled 80 per was reported as normal Monday companies have offered 48 per NM •* Ctnvr% am* aerlM fort. Tri. HUfO er were forced to recoil and consider Such ghosts from yesterday, if they played at various locatUons cent o f thb city’s cabs. but sharply reduced on the cent, but only to drivers with 10 years’ seniority. bedore they pressed on to its full iwe. were capable of comment, would prob­ Photo From Abroad By Wllliain Bouni If they oould get somethlnc throughout the country. The Chicago Tranalt Authority South and West sides where What has resulted has been ocHiaider- ably accuse the Union S t of today of PARADE WATCHER IN MUNICH like a Rockefeller-McOartby or ahte contrast between the efficient act "putting on airs’’ and "putting Hb mc»- Rockefeller - MicCovem tfoket, of military invasion and the establish­ ey where no return is.’ ’ But the white then they wotod have wild ideas ment of military power on the scene new concrete strip adds appearance and of actually wlnnlnc the electfon and the subsequently almost desperate value to the properties it fronts, and H e r a ld with a latewtartinc fourth party. eagemesi of the pidicy-makers in the enhances tiie safety of the children on I n s i d e By Rowland Evans Jr. Kremlin to get themselves some kind of their way to and from school, even Y e s te rd a ys If that ia dented them, they polite, dTiUsed version of a solution to though, perhaps, they scuff their shoes have to decide to take the First Again in Coimecticut! Robert D. Novak the problem which made them invade away a little faster. It is rather nice, 25 Years Ago fourth party lever open to them the satellite. in balaiKe, to see a street so anchored primarily m a apoUer operation, Report The Manchester Development in its yesterdays prove aUe to strike a deelgned to punlah the regtdar Russia wants agreement, rather than Commission applies for an ad­ bold and progressive bargain with its Democrats for not taUnc tbelr dictation, compromise rather than direct CHICAGO — The reason so opened headquarters in the bal­ didates would be In j>ersonal ditional 54 permits for one-fam- future. man and their poUries, derign- nde. many delegates to this doleful cony of the International Am­ minute-by-minute control of lly houses in the Lenox St. de­ Democratic convention prefer ed to reject "polltioa as usual" And one reason Russia wants such phitheater here. Pro-McCarthy their campaigns. velopment area in addition to losing with Vice President Hu­ with a fine disdain for whatever softer solutians is that Russia has, like delegates from across the coun­ Even before McCarthy's reac­ the 32 permits they already hold. bert Humphrey to winning with try, deeply disturbed, begged particular candidate among the other great powers in our time, come Czechoslovakia And America tion to the Soviet coup, his Sen. Eugene J. McCapJhy was for explanation or enlargement chances to overtake Humphrey "poUllciana as usual" may be up against the one hopeful trend which We do not say that Russia’s brutaliz­ dramatically shown last week of McCarthy’s incredible state­ were barely visible. But that 10 Years Ago helped into the WhMe House by is developing in the affatzis of the worid ing of Czechoslovakia could determine by McCarthy himself. ment. Most alarming to Mc­ blunder and his failure to re­ their own separatist voting. — the trend toward the limitation of the the outcome of America’s presidential Carthy's delegate counters were Mrs. Audrey Brett, a member When Soviet armies invaded pair it are symptomatic of the As we have read the McCar­ power of the great powers. election. We do not think that it will. several such calls from Cali­ of the GOP Town Committee, Is Czechoslovakia, McCarthy char­ continued bad blood between thyite mood all along, M will ac­ But we do foresee the possibility that acteristically consulted nobody. fornia, whose 178-vote delega­ the party regulars and McCar­ named vice chairman of the They son have their formldeUe mfil- cept that prospective destination this naked display of Soviet aggression Instead, he wrote and immedi­ tion is Indispensable to McCar­ thy. Zeller for Governor Committee INSURED CONVENTIONAL tary strength. But if they try to depend almost as wflUngly as K accept­ and intolerance could have a direct and ately released his bizarre and thy’s dim hopes. of Hartford County. on it, and cm it alone, they find that it These regulars do not reject ed Its indeteorminate haU-way noticeable effect on American politics insensitive statement denying Is steadily proving less efficient in pro­ One delegate counter dis­ McCarthy solely because they during the next weeks and months. that this was a ".serious” world station immediately following ducing the results they seek and more As needs no pointing out, America's patched a frantic SOS to Blair feel more comfortable with On This Date the state convention in June. crisis and chiding President Clark, McCarthy's national Humphrey, the usual explanation coMly to themselves. For the peat week, relationship to conununism in Southeast Johnson for calling a midnight These people didn’t get into po- campaign manager. He badly of the McCarthyltes. Nor, out­ In the year 65 B.C. forces un­ even the great Russian armed fist plung­ Asia is at the very center of this year's National Security Council meet­ UUoal action just to go tamely needed immediate further ex­ side the South, are McCarthy’s der Julius Caaar Invaded Bri­ ed deep into the heart of Csecboslovakla grave national crisis of conscience. Al­ ing. While putting the beat "face along, in the end, wMh the planation by McCarthy, includ­ views on Vietnam all that un­ tain. has developed its own hesltanctea, its though othes issues (law and order, on it in public, his political forces they were out to chal­ crime, poverty, etc.) play their part in ing a tardy word of sympathy palatable to the convention. lenge. nervous uncertainties, Its hint of para- .managers were shocked beyond for the Czech people. At the In 1776| the British were vic­ this year’s political turmoil, first and description. Moreover, the false euphoria tors In the Battle of Long Is­ l)wis, and has been acting as if it hoped least, he needed an authorized that cloaked the Democratic par­ foremost is the question of how best to The unfortunate statement land In the Revolutionary War. tor rescue by some kind of factor and explanation by a well-known ty much of this year has abrupt­ confront the long and grim travail in ■ could not have come at a worse influence different from itself. McCarthy advisor — such as In 1869, the first oil well in Quotations Vietnam. time. Even the most hidebound ly vanished in Chicago. Hum­ MORTGAGE LOANS Prof. J. K. Galbraith—to pacify ‘Ihere is atiU the sharp, terrlWe dang­ While the invasion of Czechoslovakia phrey is not a popular choice the United States was drilled party regulars were at last the dlf.turbed delegates. near Titusville, Pa. Here, to be sure, you are only er that the unintelligent fist on one hand, may not make the American people like coming to believe the polls that tor the nomination. Delegates In New York and not on the the exHirageous resistance of intangibili­ the war in Vietnam any better. It may have (xinsisbently foretold a win He got nothing. The fact is read and believe the polls show­ In 1908, Lydon B. Johnson moon, but the distance traveled ties on the other, may between them well strengthen the justification for re­ by Richard M. Nixon over Hum­ that Clark and the rest of his ing Humphrey a loser but Mc­ was bom near Stonewall, Texas. Is perhaps a greater one. sistance to Communist expansion. political high command had Carthy able to beat Nixon by twist the si^uatlcm into the tragic spill­ phrey, possibly of landslide pro­ In 1928, the Kellogg-Brland — Eugene Rostow, United Although political predictions are temporarily lost contact with retaining the Democratic par­ ing of unlimited blood. portions. But at this critical pact to outlaw war was signed States undersecretary of state notoriously chancy, it is not unlikely that moment, McCarthy again ex­ the candidate. As he has done ty's anti-war wing and cutting for political affairs, greeting But if that can be avoided, then the intermittently through the year, in Paris. this latest turn of events in Central Eu­ hibited the remoteness and cool into the conservative white the first Soviet commetoial potential lesson will remain — the les­ rope will redound to the advantage of McCarthy Inexjrficably went in­ In 1939, Nazi Germany de­ Up to 90% of Value passivity that Democratic poli­ suburbs with his quiet charisma. airliner to land in America son that the biggest powers, in the worid to 48 hours of seclu-sion—at the those political figures who are linked in ticians do not relish in their manded Danzig and the Polish under an agreement that took of today, must calculate for and learn to the public mind with a strong antl-Com- Presidential nominees. very moment when most can­ (See Pago Seven) Corridor, a decade to work out. munist stand. And, conversely, hurt live with strange limitations on tbelr own Indeed, protesting telephone thosb figures who, rightly or wriangly, power. calls last Thursday morning are deemed to underestimate a continu­ poured into McCarthy’s newly- ing threat from the Marxist' worid. Within the former group is clearly the Now It’s Two Tough Unions Republican presidential nominee, Rlph- F i s c h e t t i ^•->1968 ChiruKo Unity News ^ Borne official of the National EJduca- ard Nixon. Within the latter group A Thought for Today —at least in some persons’ minds —is I'ublUlierf-JUIl Syiidirtte ^ tion Association forecast, the other day, Sponsored by the Mancheater yf / almost certainly the Democratic nom­ that there would be from 300 to 400 Council of Churches ination seeker. Sen. Eugene McCarthy. teacher strikes during the coming school Thus Czechoslovakia would seem to 649-5203 year. heighten Mr. Nixon’s chances for the Advice to a Servant ol Jesus n ia t is, for erne thing, the same kind presidency, while lessening Senator Mc­ In a wealthy home there are of good news we get from these highway Carthy’s chances for the Democratic dishes mode of gold and silver safety pn^agandlsts who prophesy fa­ nomination. as well as some made from talities every holiday weekend. The effect upon Vice-President Hubert wood and clay. The expensive I _ ones are used for guests, and But it is, for another thing, a forecast Humphrey’s overall position is less easy the cheap ones are used in the from the N£1A, which used to keep it­ to judge. While his support for President Johnson’s Vietnamese policy may now kitchen or to put garbage in. self distinct from the younger and rough­ become less of a handicap (perhaps If you stay away from sin you er and lustier AFL-CIO American Fed­ even something of an advantage), this will be like one of these dishes eration of Teachers by its pronounced may be offset by the Vice-President’s made of purest gold—the very distaste for the strike as a weapon. frequent references to the present ad­ best In the house—so that Christ ^Rie NEA used to lurfd to the quaint ministration’s success in building Himself can use you for His avings ank of anchester highest puiposes. S B P M idea that it was somehow unprofession­ bridges to Moscow. Although we be­ al ta r teachers to strike. The AFT, on lieve that such bridges are both useful Run from anything that gives the other hand, proclaimed boldly that and necessary and must be built, they you the evil tliouglits ttiat young Member F.D.I.C. may under present circumstances turn men often have, but slay close the only way to r teachers to protect out to be political liabilities. to anything that makes you want and improve their status as a profes- As for former Gov. George Wallace, to do right. Have faith and love, MAIN OFFICE - 923 Main Street EAST BRANCH - 285 East Center Street WEST BRANCH - Manchester Parkade skm was to use the weapon of the strike. he will almost qertalnly find that what and enjoy the companionship of The unfortunate thing, in this one-time strength he has will be solidified. those who love the L

Edmondson Gets Appointed But My Grass H ebron School Uniforms In St Bridget School uniforms President Jbhnson Always Green ■Br (XAY R. POLLAN' As Bennet Vice Principal Three New Teachers Hired and ties have arrived at the M AS. 23 school and may be picked up Your IMfy AdMfy GuUk By SOL B. COHEN . A n l 30 According fo the Stars, H ie Board of BklucaUon laat either TTitirsday or Friday at The other day I was working metioge for W e * » ^ night unonirmnisly approved the To Complete SchooVs Staff 10 a.m. at the school cafe­ Turns 60 Today Q-54-»4a, A nderson-Little on my lawn (actually, I was only rww w o ^ corresponding to rxsnbers ^ipointment of Ronald B. Ed- teria. picking up twigs), and my neigh­ of your Zodioc birth zlgrC mondaon as the new vice prln- The Board of Education has the last Inatallment to Um build­ WA8HINOTON (AP) — Prezl- own party has been eroded by bor yelled over to me, "Don’t APR. 21 1 Y ou r ctpal of Bennet Junior High ^iproved the a{q>olntment of er, J. 8. Naaln Oo. dent Johnson turned 60 today, war in Vietnam and civil dis­ 31 Y ou r 61 A work too hard." ' MA^ 31 2 P« x 4 , 32 To Players Set Tryouts sMmmer, grayer and more se­ cord at hotne. 3 Love 62 Spe do llit School. three new teachers, completing >)41-47-4M$ 33 In 63 <____ And, therein lies my story. The Podium Players will hold Police Arrests cretive about hlz birthday At 60, and after nearly five 4 You J C o m t Edmondson was among many the Maff for the elementary '47-71-76 34 A re 64Tolke l$-19-4$-4l(Q My neighbors Imply that I'm doingz. y e a n as president, Johnaon is 5 D on 't 35 You local and out-of-4awn applicants open tryouts for their fall pro­ 6 You 65 Soldier lazy and that I don’t keep my schools for new school year. duction "HKS Pinafore" Wed­ Unlike past years In which the much grayer and his face le 3 6 Plane 66 Situation tor the poaition, according to Nettle D. Hazzard of 59 Han­ 1 MAY 33 7 M o y 3 7 M o y 67 Or ZAeiTTAaiUf lawn up to their standards. I A contract to teach the sec­ nesday at 780 p.m. at the home presidential birthday was tuual- more deeply lined than when he 8 Su80« flo n 38 B« Dr. Donald J. Hennigan, super­ del Rd., East Hartford was (jU N f 33 68Medltotlon N0Y.33 SCHOOL & CAMPUS probably have the greatest col­ ond grade at the Hebron Ele­ of Mr. and Mrs. John Bell at ly observed by a Ug family took over the nation’s highest 9 B « 3 9 A id 69 li intendent of schools. He will served a 12th Circuit Court war­ lOAAoy 4 0 A oec. 33 lection of weeds in the neighbor­ mentary School was given to the com er of Burrows Hill Rd. gathering with plenty of notice office. But, on the plus side, I I F a n 70Depretied till the vacancy left by the ap­ rant yesterday at 1:80 p.m. 41 Welcome 71 Ser^ce J537-3$-70(© hood, but, they’re green weeds, Mias Jean Kubit, a graduate of and Rt, 66. Anyone Interested In beforehand, there waa no ad­ some find him slimmer—testi­ mi*. ]2 Y o u ^ « 4 2 D ittnitt 72 And l7 5 7 W $ ilg pointment of Allan L. Gone as the University of Connecticut in charging her with obtaining 1 3 A 43 Clever 73 Buy and that’s the color of my lawn. taking part Is Invited to try vance word on what. Johnson mony to the rigors of a series of ) JUNI33 14 Y ou principal. 1968. Mias Kubit also attended money under false pretenses. 44 Social 74 Advliecfly I can’t aay the same for those out at this time. planned. strenuous diets. kJUtlss ISA 4 5 Or 751 Dr. Hennigan also said the the program for college gradu­ Police said the charge involv­ 16Moy lawns which my neighbors man­ Bed Bam Open While Johnson celebrates—or Victim of a major heart at­ ^ &XI09«ti4nt 76 choice of Edmondson was ar­ ates at Central Qmnecticut ed a wortiiless $16 check cashed ^ 2 -3 -4 -2 4 1 ItC h d n e e 4 7 Home- 7 7 A icure whenever a blade of grass The Red Bam at Hebron Cen­ at least observes—the start of tack In 1966, he never has suf­ IS S m o ll 48 N ice »'33-to-53^ rived at separately by himself, State College in New Britain at a Manchester deportment S y ; ------78 Dligruntled is over an inch high. Their lawns ter will be open today and his slrth decade, the party he y t a a i . 49Com lr)g 7 9 Good 3$d1-62 Btoro. fered any recurrence of that ali­ uo 2 0 3 * Gone, and George E. Bradlau, this summer. Thursday from 6:30 to 9 p.m. heads Is httidlng its nominating 50 Doubt 80 Are are trim but brown. Mine is She was released on no cash ment, so far as is publicly ) 3ULY34 21 Forgolting 51 Solee assistant superintendent in Miss Jean Jensen, also a 2 2 B o ” 81 Troubled haphazard but green. From a tor the convenience of those bail for court ^;>pearance Sept. convention in Chicago. known. And It has been a mark 52 Deep 82 Friend JAN. 31 charge of personnel, before they graduate of the University of k>Au433 2 3 N m < M 53 B e t ^ distance, my lawn looks like a who want to bring articles for 9. When and whether Johnson of his presidency that he has 24 For 83 Tonic ‘ FEB.' 19 compared notes to present their Connecticut, will teach third the Sept. 7 auction to the bam. 14-16-20-21 54 Study 84 Altered fresh plot, surrounded by tm- would pay a visit to the conven­ driven himself, physical, at a 2544-46 25 Important 55 Regarding 85 Com plaining 5- 9-27-294 Joint selection to the board. grade at the Hebron school. She Anyone who wants someone to 2 6 W h o t SPORTSWEAR FOR MISSES & JUNIORS kempt grounds. tion was the subject of much pace matching the most vigo­ VZMO 56 Peculiar 86 Your 31-36to$4l The choice of a teacher from too was enrolled at New Britain pick up articles may call Em­ 27T ro u b l*d 57 Sk IoI 8 7 A But, my neighbors’ grounds ■peculation, but traditionally rous of any of Ms predecessors. 28 You men within the system was praised this summer. AU& 34 58 Consult SSPereone BonaM E. Edmondsoa ery Taylor or Albert Coolidge. Miss McFarland outgoing presidents have waited Earlier this month Johnson’s 29 It 59 A nd FEB. 3 0 ^ are anything but unkempt. They Mrs. Jean Cafazzo of Hope Stpf.33 30 If 89 Change last night by Mrs. Bernice Men the Hebron Congrega­ until after the nominations be­ 60 Compllmenle 90 Wov “ MaA .3 1 ^ seem to spend all > their spare VaUey Rd. will teach the fourth personal physician. Vice Adm. I12-15-17-: Maher, past president of the gree and advanced graduate tional Church are requested to Feted at Shower fore putting In sui appearance. George G. Burkley, announced 6- 7-11-134 time with their power mowers. grade at Hebron in the coming '3940$l-l ^Advene ^Neutral This Week Only! Manchester Education Associa­ study certificate both in admin­ come to the bam during the That would make It Thursday $6-57-66 I I have one neighbor who rides school year. Mrs. Cadazzo Miss Marianne McFarland of that all usual health readings tion and the state association istration from the University open hours to assist with clean­ if a presidentUl visit is planned were well within normal limits. around in style, on a sit-down graduated from Marymount Col­ up and preparations for the an-, Vernon was feted Friday eve­ as well as fellow history of Hartford. at aU. Burkley, however, ordered a mower. I don’t imagine he needs lege in 1948 and has studied at nunl event which will be held ning at a miscellaneous bridal teacher with Edmondson at Since 1960 he has been the Just four years ago, Johnson closer look at the condition of much energy to navigate it—Just Eastern Connecticut State Cbl- Sept. 7. A group of women of ToH and Bennet. She is also present building administrator at the shower at the home of Mrs. Wil­ was the toast of the boardwalk the President’s lower liitestine, fuel. Perhaps he rides it for fun, lege. She has also done consid­ the churdh will be making pep­ chairman of the MKA person­ Barnard building of the four- liam Eagleeon of 59 Spruce St. at Atlantic City, N.J., when afflicted for the past eight years like one would ride a motor­ erable substitute teaching in the per relish at the church rooms nel policies committee. building Bennet complex. There Mrs. Edward MontovanI of East Democrats slathered for their with dlverUculosts, a nondisa­ cycle. area. this evening at 6. Anyone who "The school system has made Hartford waa co-hoetese. quadrennial convention. Show­ bling and usually nonpainful are about 400 students in the He’s the neighbor who puts up School Panel Meeting wants to help is invited to come a U-tum in appointment pol­ seventh, eighth and ninth Mias McFarland, daughter of ing up for A gala birthday sa­ condition marked by the ap­ $50f000 Approved a wire fence each fall, to keep The School Building Commit­ at that time. The women make icy," she said noting several grades at the building. Mr. and Mn. J. Frank McFar­ lute, the I President accepted pearance of sacs on the Inside of my fallen leaves from blowing tee will meet Wednesday at 8 relish each year for their food recent and major appointments. His duties there involved dis­ land of Mansfield, La., and Wil­ nomination and went on to win a the Intestinal lining. Jumpers and Shifts onto his lawn. p.m. in the Gilead Hill School sale which is held in conjunc­ ‘“Ihis provides more movement cipline and organization be­ liam J. Hhigleson, son of Mr. record landslide over Republi­ After additional tests, the He’s also the one who called to complete the final acceptance tion with the auction. For School Plans within the system.” sides his reduced teaching load. and Mrs. William Eagleeon of can Barry S. Goldwater. White House Indicated all was Choose from a tremendous selection of anonymously last fall when I o f the building. The committee Ekimondson was bom in Man­ He has beep active in the Manchester, will be n^iarried Sat­ Today was different. Jctiinson well although there never has The Board of Finance lest Approval of the requests will hired a bdy from the neighbor­ hopes to be able to approve the Manchester Evening Herald plaids, checks, tweeds, flannels and chester and attended local MEA and was its treasurer re­ urday, Sept 14, at the First Is not a candidate for another been any definite announcement night approved eui appttq;>riatton not be Issued until members hood to mulch my fallen leaves. kitchen facilities at this time substitute correspondent, Mrs. schools before moving to Goven- cently. Baptist Church of Mansfield,. La. term. His popularity within his to that effect. ’ have visited the aitee. leathers, in belted, pleated or classic styles. When the phone rang and I and authorize the payment of Everett Porter, tel. 228-9142. of $50,000 for the pnepeuation of try. He graduated from Man­ He said this morning, "I'm Bloodmoblle Workers All in marvelous autum colors to coordinate answered, he didn’t even give chester H i^ School in 1M7 and looking forward to this chal­ final worMng drawinge of the Mrs. Howard Horsman la fRK$10tt$13VaiM his name. He Just wanted to with any blouse or top. the Uidversity of Connecticut lenge. We hope the kids can new middle school. serving as general chairman for know who I thougM I was, to with a BA degree in 1951. get the most development be­ South Windsor The appn^riation represents today’s Bloodmoblle at the permit the powder from the He served in the Army as an tween coming here from the a cut of $10,000 In the amount United Congregational Church leaves to blow over on his lawn, officer in the Korean conflict primary grades and leaving requeeked by architect Richard from 1 to 6:80 p.m. She is aa- after all the time he spent Parade^ Fireworks Display QtSnn and ^tpraved by the Mid­ before returning to Manchester here to enter high school." sirted by Mrs. ’HiomEU) Moore eis v sweeping it. Oh, yes, he has a as a teacher in 1954 at what He and his wife, Shirley, live dle School BulkHng Committee. co-cbEUrmon. sweeper, too. He himg up on me, was then called the Barnard on Brewster St. in North Cov­ Any cost arlalng over the $00,. Nmwea In attendance Eure Mrs. without waiting for an answer. Slated Sunday Night by GOP Junior High School. entry with their two children, 000 oan be delayed until the fol­ Donald MiUer, Mrs. Stella Oor- Incidentally, those words he Leisuretime Tailored Slacks He received his master's de- Deborah and Greg. Sunday night will see a parade goods to any of these locations lowing town meeting when blda Bky, Mrs. Malcolm BeutIow and spoke over the phone were and gala flreiworks display may bring them to the Auxiliary. are aoted upon and a bond is­ Mrs. MEiry Olugos. probably more than he hr.d ad­ Choose from a wide range of fine tailored sponsored by the Republican Booth on Saturday morning be­ sue approved, according to on ‘Hie canteen committee- in­ dressed to me in the many Town Committee at the Little fore 11 a.m. agreement between the finance cludes Mrs. Dorothy Sllhavy, slacks. Slim, trim and so right for fall. years we are neighbors. League Baseball field on Nevers board and Quinn. Mrs. Furlonge Flynn, Mra. Ray­ Bonded wool and nylon flannel, Orion* That leaf dust he was so con­ Manchester Evening Hendd, U.S. Guns Repulse and Ayers Rds. H ie board, in reducing the ap­ mond Robinson, Mrs.' Edward cerned about was hidden for Sooth Windsor correspondent, acrylic double knit or 100% nylon 2 way Town GOP chairman Royal propriation request, took into Phelps and Mrs. Barbima Stew­ months under the winter’s snow. Rif $7ViIm E. Cowles has announced t^ t Catherine B. May, td. 844-22W. art. stretch pull-ons. Proportioned for the I have other neighbors who account a balance of $4,000 it there will be six events in all Mrs. ElEilne Smith, Mrs. MEury short, medium and tall. Newest colors to Viet Cong Assault give me dirty k>oks when they had canted over in the new at the annual fireworks display. budget tor the building commit­ Tweet, Mrs. ChEUlotte Lugln- coordinate with any top. bases at Dong Ha, Cua Viet and pass my lawn, including the Coventry SAIGON (AP) — An Ameri­ Cowles said, “This yesu-’s pro­ tee. Members of the building buhl, EUid Mrs. Phyllis Chorches below Con Thlen caught almost one who once Urid my wife, can artillery base on the Jungled gram promises to be even bet­ committee present last night will serve as aides. Mrs. Eleanor ' 250 rotmds, many of them from "You have the worst lawn in Infiltration corridor northwest ter than last year. Lost year Ex-Town Pupils olatmed no knowledge of the Weston will serve em reception­ 180mm guns firing from North the neighborhood." we promised a fireworks dis­ ist and Mrs. Marlene Elderkin of Saigon came under blistering, Vietnam. He’s the same one who was holdover of the funds. play every Labor Day weekend To Meet Tonight A town meeting, originEdly Euid Mrs. BEU-bara 2iabllEinsky, 200-round rocket and mortar Braced for an expected third so impressed over the inside of typists. our house. and we intend to keep our scheduled tor tomiorrow night, barrage today and then beat enemy offensive, the allied com ­ An informal meeting of form­ Bulletin Bwud It’s gotten so bad the last few promise. has been delayed until next back a weak infantry assault. mand send BS2 bombers to drop er Coventry students is being The RepubUcEui Women’s By the light of flares from years, that I now draw the Cowles emphasized that there w«ek, pending approvtd of the Luxurious Sweaters some 750 tons of bombs Monday sponsored by the pupil person­ Club will meet tomorrow nlgjit circling support planes, the Venetian blinds when I’m watch­ will be no political q>eeches at appropriation by the finance night and today, mostly <» the nel services department of the at 8 in the Town Hall. Americans cut down at least 27 northwest approaches to Saigon ing a baseball or football game the program, which will begin Coventry schools tonight at 7:80. board. Choose from soft luxurious classic enemy soldiers. on TV. Their enterprise em­ at 6 p.m. Last year 6,500 people H ie Ieg)al notice of the meet­ and on the inland flank of the Ideas gathered from this meet­ Manchester Evening Herald cardigans, newest turtlenecks, all popular U.S. headquarters estimates demilitarized zone. barrasses me. attended the fireworks and this ing caimot be advertised until ing are to he used in the cur­ Tolland correspondent Bette 7,500 enemy slain in the intensi­ Somehow, I can’t get too ex­ the finance board approves the crew necks, and much talked about vee- 'Hie pattern of enemy assaults year even more are expected. riculum project being carried Qoatrale, tel. 875-2815. fied Viet Cong assaults of the cited about a blade of growing over the past nine days has al­ The program will open with a out by the (^ventry school sys­ ajrproprtotion request, accord­ neck pullovers. In a beautiful assortment last nine days, and the Oommu- lied offiers puzzled however. grass. * ing to town counsel Robert rock band concert to be follow­ tem. BUGHT FUTURE SEEN FOB of new fashion colors. Sizes 34-40. nist command appeared to be There was speculation that in­ ed at 6:30 by local magician Members of the lay curricu­ King. A five-day period must SOUTH AFBICA shifting to less costly rocket and stead of launching massive Walter Umberfleld. At 7 p.m. lum committee and the student elapae after posting of the legal UPINGTON, South ~ Africa mortar attacks. The allied com­ third wave assaults that were Police Report the Melrose 4-H Band will per­ council are invited to attend. iMtice and the holding of the (AP) —South Africa’s future is mand reported heavy barrages generally expected, the Commu­ form. The Hartford PAL Fife Arnold G. Pressman, director meeting. bright because it bas aedved the at camps and towns from the nist command might gradually Breaks, Thefts and Drum Corps will be next, $$5,tM0 Appropriated race relations problem through demilitarized zone south to the accelerate the pace, as it ap­ of pupil personnel services, will featuring a twirling show and The special meeting of the separate development, Prime Mekcog Delta. pears to be doing. But allied of­ Police are searching for a be chairman of the meeting at flaming batons. ' Board of Finance had been de­ Minister BEdthazEir J. Vorster In addition to the 200-sheU ficers emphasized K was still thief with sticky fingers today the request of Laurence O. Soon after darkness begins to layed pending approval of the sEtid in a speech here. Bonded Skirts barrage at Fire Base Rawlins, too eariy to tell. after it was reported yesterday O’Cfonnor, superintendent of fall, a torchligjit parade will preliminary plan drawings by Separate development, the about 50 miles northwest of Sai­ U.S. twees emtUnued mopping that someone broke into the schools. The meeting will be form which will begin the main the State Department of Educa­ New FEtahionable term for apeu*- gon, enemy gunners raked four up operattone at Due Lap and Nathan Hale School on Spruce held in the high school cafeter­ Choose from a great assortment of colorful event, the fireworks display. tion, according to Bert Palum­ theld, is not bEised on the as­ other posts along the infiltration near Tam Ky, alone the high- St. ia. Auxiliary Cake Sale bo, co-chalrmtm of the Middle sumption that 'Whites were su­ plaids, checks, tweeds, flannels & leathers route nmtbwest of the d y . Two was between Da Nang and Chu The burglar kicked out a Prices Slashed To The Bone The Woman’s Auxiliary of the School Building Committee. perior to nmv-whltes. Its basic — bonded for better tailoring Snd shape of the camps were hit by light Lai, where another big battle wood panel in the Northwest South Windsor Little League is We must make room lor new fall inventory. Every roll and rem­ In addition to covering the phllosphy, Vorster SEtid, is that infantry assaults. was fought over the weekend. door to gain entrance. retention. A-line and slim styles in colors nant must go at sacrificed prices. coets of preparing working races E ir e different, but that Shellings were reported at a Along the highway, U.S. infan­ Once inside he searched a going to have a cake sale booth Ref $7to $8 Valuf drawings the appropriation will equal opportunities should be that coordinate with any sweater or top. dosen South Vietnamese and trymen of the American Divi­ dental cabinet and a refrig- at the Wapplng Fair. All moth­ COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTIONS provide funds for test borings created for E t il. American camps in the Mekong emtor. Officials said the only ers of boys who have partici­ Snppijr. sion reported killing 611 North Bring Your Room Moosurtments WWi You on the site of the school build­ He said people would eventu­ DeKa and in the Due Lap area Vietnamese regulars over the item taken was a chocolate can­ pated in the Little League are M BvtfofdM ,,! ing Itself, copies of blueprints ally com e to South Africa not eis where more than 800 enemy past three days. dy bar. asked to contribute to thla A thief broke into five lockers booth. and a working fimd for the tourists but to see how peoide of died attempting to overrun a Elsewhere in the northern ARMSTROND LINOLEUM AND Building Committee. different languages Eind colors U.S. Special Forces camp over at the Stiver Lane Bus Co. on Booth chairman Mrs. Robert sector, troops of the 82nd Air­ A total of $65,000 has already live together in peace and har- the weekend. Brainard PI. yesterday between Kelley asks that donations be borne Brigade killed 92 enemy SHEET VINYL REMNANT SALE been appropriated by the town money. Enemy gunners in the Due 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. dropped off at a central point Monday near Hue and U.S. Ka­ for the school plans. This mon­ Nylon-stretch Pant Tops Lsq> area also shot down a twin- PoUce said four lockers be­ in the area Sept. 6, or before 11 FOR RENT 5 x 6 Embossed Inlaid Brown. rines reported half a dozen ey is Etiready committed to engine Caribou transport plane longed to drivers and the fifth a.m. the following morning. 8 Hid 16 mm. Movie Pro- Reg. $15.00. fights with relatively small n o w ^ # 8 8 the architect and other neces- LIQUORS— W1NGS Wonderful, wash 'n wear, full fashioned Monday, and a ground patrol North Vietnamese units along was used to store the day’s These pick-up points are locat­ Jeetow sold or Mlmt, also 88 mm. slide projeetom. SEury expenditures relating to that reached the wreckage the demilitarized zone. receipts. It was not announced ed at the following homes: For 6 x 6 Embossed Inlaid Woodtone. C O R D tA tS nylon pant tops. Popular mock-turtleneck ivhat items, if any, were miss­ the school. found the three American crew­ In the air war over North the Birch Hill area, Mrs. Robert WELDON DRUG CO. Reg. $18.00. n o w ^ # 8 8 Minhnum PricM with long sleeves, in autumn’s latest ing except for a padlock that Hauck, 162 Palmer Dr.; for the 787 B U i St^-Tel. 848-58X1 The plans drawn tor the Q 95 men dead. Air reinforcement of Vietnam, U.S. headquarters re­ d’ O” X 6 Shedb Vinyl, Green Chip school plEuse its location on fashion shades. Ideal for sports and casual Due appeared to be risky ported Air Force and Navy had been on one of the lockers. Famham Estates area, Mrs. the right side of an entrance ARTHUR DRUa ^ ^ R e i G V a l M still. Six rolls of fiberglas insula­ William Wert, 74 Alison Dr.; for Reg. $80.00. n o w ^ # 8 8 wear. Sizes 34-40. idanes Monday destroyed at drive to Meadowbrook School. Along the demilitarized zone. least 60 trucks and assorted tion were taken from the site Avery Heights, Mrs. Edward 6 x 6 Vinyl Cotton, Beige and Whi'te. This location weus chosen be­ North Vietnamese gunners barges and supply craft. Heavy of a new home being built by Reardon, 185 I^ e Tree Lane; Reg. $20.00. cause It provides enough room opened up Monday and today antiaircraft fire met the planes Percy White at 29 Buckland Rd. for the Pleasant Valley area, n o w ^ # 8 8 Volkswagen for flexibility in the size o f the with the heaviest shellfire there In some areas but allied com­ yesterday. Mrs. Leon Gravelle, 61 Honda 6 x 6 Vinyl Cotton, Chip Pattern. White did not estimate the val­ Dr.; for Spencer Heights, Mrs. addition to the school, present­ R E N T ' in several weeks. U.S. Marine muniques mentioned no losses. Reg. $20.00. N 0 W ^ # 8 8 ue of the missing msiterials. Charles Crockett, 27 Oak St.; Specials! ly referred to os PhEuse 2. Police received a report of for Clover Hills, Mrs. Gerald 6 x 9 EmboBBed Inlaid Woodtone. Quirm, a member of the arch­ vandalism to the Center Con­ Boop, 37 Sunset Ter.; for South Beg. $30.00. NOW ^,13 a 8 8 itectural firm of Rurwell, Gib­ A C A R ? Outside Teachers Apply gregational Church last night. Wlndmr Heights, Mrs. Howard son and VonDohlen, briefly de­ Five of the church’s windows Lappen, 53 Meadow St., and for SAVE 6 X 8 ’6 ” Montina Vinyl Oorlon, Beige. A A scribed the plans for the first As is. Reg. $55.00. NOW^TaOO of school to fi­ were smashed from bb's with Woodland Park, Mrs. Paul Blan- ’65 Volkswagen $1095 phEtae the the For MHS Coaching Jobs total damages estimated at cucci of 28 Maple St. nance board last night. 118 5’8” X 5’ 9” Montina Green Chip. A A A 40 Olaszrooms 350. Those unable to deliver baked Two to cbooso from Reg. $83.00. NOW ^ 14aOO The two-atory school will con- Teachers in other towns are this area hires their coaches $995 ’64 Volkswagen tEdn 40 classrooms. In a rim Interested in coaching in Man- from outside. Sunroof 6 x9TeB6era Blue and White Chip. A A me%A EUfound the outside of a core although technical....I—I .1 ' . He , said he „ is still ., worried , Chester about filling all coaching spots ’62 Volkswagen $595 R^. $55.00. NOW ^24a08 EureEu The core area on the first problems may prevent it and y,(g year. ’61 Volkswagen $495 6 X 12 Montina Green Chip. floor will contain administrative Why Not! several members of the Board ------’60 Volkswagen $895 Reg. $80.00. NOW offices and a library, plus two of Eklucation last night said SOUTH Slot '59 Volkswagen $295 ^ 3 9 a 8 8 addltionEll clEissrooms, On the ENTIANCE 6 X 18 'Tessera Pink-Blue-White. ■d We have fuhjr equipped they would rather not hire out­ ’59 Volkswagen $295 second floor, the core area will new ca rs fa r rent by the side. Deaths in a u Reg. $80.00. NOW ^ 3 9 a 8 8 contain a combination kitchen, A. Raymond Rogers, high cafeteria and all-purpoee room. day, week or m ou^ at ’58 Volkswagen $295 X school principal, told the Board 6 18 Montina Beige Chip. very reasonable rates!... The Nation Convertible Reg. $90.00. The second phEwe will pro­ last night he has had several ’65 Volkswagen $145 NOW vide additional claosrooms and When your car is tied up tnqulrlea from outside teachers ^ 4 8 .8 8 Kay Francis 6 X 15’6” Ooronelle Blue Slate Pattern. G A A A A InduotriEti Arta and Home Eco­ for service or repaits, or interested in the vacancy of ’61 Volkswagen $195 NEW YORK (AP) — Kay Bua R^. $110.00. NOW nomic tEfoUltlee when complet­ when you need an aM - wrestling coach which would OOaOP ed. pay about $400. Francis, S3, actrese who was a tioual car. . . leading Hollywood glamour girl 6 X 20’6* Coronelle Red Slate Pattern. The approprtotlons surd pUins The technical problems in­ In the 1930s and shortly thereaft­ DUNE BUQOIE Reg. $140.00. NOW * 8 4 .8 8 aiqiroved to date include only clude fitting the coach into the er, died Monday after a long ill­ the first phiue of construction. retirement system and getting CALL ness. She also played many ma­ 14" mag. wheels, wide oval MANY MORE FROM WHICH TO CHOOSE Attending last night’s Board his own school system to re­ jor roles on Broadway but bad new tires, 67 h.p. engine, of Finance Meeting relating to lease him in time for the after­ Funeral flowers may be ordered WEOIAL — EMBOSSED INLAID by ASMSIBONO the middle school were building been Inactive in the theater dyno tune exhaust. % noon meets of the team, Rogers 5 roUs only — rag. $ »q. yd. — NOW $8.49 s ^ d . since 1962, committee members David Cook 6 4 3 - 5 1 3 5 explained. from your florist as soon as you Icnow $1395 SOLID VINYLTILE — $11,88 ctn. Govars 45 sq. ft. (ohalrmEUi of the school bOEud), The wrestling coach vacancy Dr, John M. Whitney that bereavement has occurred, since Save $8.00 — Beg. $10.88 If perfect ^ secretary Mrs. Walter James, was created by the resignation SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)— ’68 Chevy 2 Wagon $695 and middle school principal of Jack Early after last year's Dr. John M. Whitney, 58, direc­ ’62 Chevy Impi^ $595 CUSmON VINYL UNOLBUM Vene HEUdtng, In addition to considerable time is recjuired for their reg. $8.20 sq. yd. — NOW $2.40 sq. yd, — «-0-l^foot roUs season. Early said he could not tor of a seven-state region of the 4-D ^ Hardtop Palumbo. adequately coach the 50 or more U.S. Public Health Service, died arrangement by the florist. The florist '62 Comet $895 BBDTO YOUB ROOM MEASOBBMENIB School Board Meets bojrs who try out for wrestling Sunday, apparently of a heart Auto, traaa. •4 The Board of Education will without an assistant and the attack. Whitney , who lived in should be furnished with the name of ’59 Rambler $95 meet tomorrow night at 8 In Its present mats used by the team Overland Park, Kan,, was the deceased and the funeral home in office at the Hicks Memorial are dangerous. named to the Kansas CUy re­ COMPLRTE SERVICE Floor Covering Outlet School to hOEur reports on school ' At the board’s Aug. 12 meet­ gional post In 1961. charge of arrangements. ON VOLKSWAGENS KELLY RO AD busing plEUis and the staffing of Anderson-Little ing, members urged Rogers to VERNON CIRCLE the local schooli. Vice Adm. Earle W. IMlUk AND ALL OTHER VERNON, CONN. study the costs of coaches and 647-1427 FREE ESTIMATES The board Is also expected to IN BIANCHBSTBR rBiesqiv JT CARMEIL, Caiif. (A P)—Vice FOREIGN IMPORTS equipment and to consider get­ M C M Iit TMi 0 8 & I8 O f iMi ttOUMM NMU 872-0573 Eiot on the appointment of a prin­ BHDTHEliS Adm. Earle Watkins Mills, 72, (Mancliefita’ Fariude) W ert Middle 'DinipIke-BroMl Stnet ting outside coaches if neces­ — 8BB < cipal lor the Hicks Memorial sary. chief of the Navy's Bureau of Directions: Route 84, east to exit “Oonaeottout’s Oldest Phong 647-9778 to m e School to replace HEUding, who Uaooln-Mercury Dealer” Welcome Here News articles sparked the in­ Ships from 1946 to 1949, died HOLMES moved up to the mUldle school. i ' l MOmARTY 95. Proceed around circle to Good­ $01 CENTER OTREBT quiries from outside teachers. Sunday of a heart attack. Since 400 M AIN STREET • MANCHESTER, CONN nil ZBA Hearing 270 Hartford Bd., Maoebeeter Rogers sold. He added that no 1966 he has been chairman of year Bldg. Next to F a n a Shop. Welcome Here HOWARD H<31MES ARTHUR HOLMES NORMAN HOLMES OS8-0217 No die turned up to oppoae OPEN BVBNINOS other public schocti system in Nuclear Engineering Co. EUiy of the three applloatlona (Except Ilittis.) for VEulEUices heard 1 ^ night by the Zoning Board of Appeals. : ,1'. ■» ';<.!! .’rU ;i^

PA - Lutheran Church and a mem­ Soviet troope ^ so stayed pUed by a low voH therapeutic around the building of the Com lead for the nomlnatlan, Hum­ the patient s capahulUaB. generator. Such sUmulatlon is iM ber of its Ladies Aid. She was candidate in this cmventlon,” phrey told members of tte Ohio munlst party central commit- McCarthy aaid Monday night, A total ot 7,600 restdents from necessary to avuk^ atrophy also a member of the Valpo delegation Oiat whether he wina tee. Manetoaster and Its suRUundlng (wasting away) of the muscle Guild and the Lutheran Leidlea The facade of southern resla- on the first ballot may be in Discussing the troop m ove­ areas utUlsed Physical Therapy or nerve tissue. A form of teekfi Missionary League. tance to Humphrey’s nomina­ their hands. i ments, one young Cke to 90 votes from ment Physical theraplato refer to of Stratford; and two grand­ « y state delegaUon, waa crum-^ ^ the critical roH call. any equipment which provldee "The Ruealans are your A large preoentsge of these sons, Charles R. Lasher of “ ‘S * ’ . * ® te latest Assonlated Frees heat light 'water and electrlc- friends,” Qiey said. patients wws elderly stroke vic- Stratford and Walter N. Lash­ « * « « « « ■ o* vaVIMy committed M *■ ’ ’modaMtles.’ ’ These are Large numbers of occiqiatlon ttirew out the century-

efore entering This seemed to be the satisfy­ sclerosis, muscular dyatroohv ***** spine injuries); a Harvey L. Finley, 75, of Port­ Cared Lcnlhan of the MEA has already signed it. Witnessing the signing this morning is Dr. in Wald, West Germany, was running for reeleoUon In 1948 the service. He had been in ing solvent that unglued the or c e r e b ^ p a ls T ^ Shoulder wheel to Improve Donald Hennlgan, superintendent of schools. (Herald idioto by Buceivlclus.) operating without restriction. and he waa running for the sen­ Vietnam for six months. He land, Conn., brother Mrs. southern holdout against a first 'PI,- I , shoulder motion (utiUsed tor Even with an occupation force ate Uie polls said nelfiier could was engaged to Miss Joan R o b ^ Neil of Manchester, died ballot nomination of the vice in Ckedioelovakia that by latest win. t h ^ P ^ “torltoi and fracture Mendelin of Ttrfland. 3resterday morning after a diort Manchester Area president. estimate had grown to 360,000 He was the only son of Ifr. Uneae. School Board, MEA Sen. George Smathera of Flor- and M n. Fletcher. Besides Ids He was born in South Man­ troopa, the Kremlin apparently «diat could become a pa- uuuuiniB, ^ jjj Improve arm and l>rivm* Charged had difficulties in the Moscow ^f southern favorite sons Griffin, Stniff ^trains, strains, post operative parents, other survivors include chester and lived in Portland shoulder strength. a sister, Sharon Fletcher. for many years. He was a vet­ talks because no Ccechbriovak bowing out In favor of Hum- orthopedic conditions (tractures, In Bolton Ck*a8h AgTCC OH E o H tract Plan to Retire Most frequently used equip­ The Ladd Ftmeral Home of eran of World War I. leader of stature was willing to phrey. He predicted the vice UgameoU, etc.), peripheral ment are the adjustable parallel Eaiington Ave., Rockvilie is Survivors also include a broth­ side wiUi It president would get 67 the Tlie Town Pension Board has nerve Injuriee (related to nerves Two area residents were in­ While the Board of Education agreed to the final con­ Demonstrations o f popular bars, which therapists consider in duuge of the funeral ar­ er, Irving G. Finley of Danlel- states’ 03 votes. announced the retirement of of the extremltlee but not the volved in an accident on Rt. 6 in tract with Manchester teachers last night, members o f support for Dubcett continued in Police Lrt. Raymond F. Griffin central nerve system), bursitis a major aid In providing assis- rangements, which are tocom- son, and several nieces and The vice president's forces Jayson Lslbowtta of Wopping is In traction for a whip lash Injury. Operating the mscWni. aswavw f MUaIMUIS • * Batlon of 164 Avery St., effective Sept. plete. nepbewB. the Manchester Education Association continued plans had counted on a domino reoc- that controla tha traction Is Mrs. Arilne Lewis, physical toeraphst and whip lash injuries. Physical fonce for ambulation activities troope. A W A ViA ______ik - m A XA l a A M ASs a a m AW m A - * - - - * The flags on town buildings Funeral services will be held the drivers was charged with to meet in two weeks to start negotiations for the 1969- Uon earlier among these lociU 1. therapy Is also prescribed tor It Is on these bars that stroke (Herald photos by Buceivlclus.) Griffin, who joined the de­ were ordered flown at half-staff tomorrow at 2 p.m., at the Port­ making an unsafe turn. 70 teacher c o n t r a c t . ------Scone reports said the Soviet leaders but it had been slow to women who have undergone a •victims begin to practice as partment in 1928 as a super­ cation Program. It tsould be fi­ The patient using the whirl-pool bath is M n . Beatrice G. Maher of Manchester. Operating the today by Mayor John Grant. land Memorial FUneral Home, The contract amounts to a to- step scale for bachc^r’s degree leaders asked in the negotta- materlakae. masiactomy (removal of the soon as they are medically Arrested was Joseph Fisher, numerary, has completed 40 nanced by an equal state grant. whirl-pool la Mias (^ t h la Delhale, a UConii student. The overseer Is M n . Arilne Lewis, reg­ 231 Main St. The Rev. Jist worked there and refrain from watching their Mias Anne Patrick, both of died Friday in New Mexico. She accident. Teachers not now at maxi­ He has been a member of the more -to come, head the agenda for the Board o f Direc­ of financing still must be deteiv At UConn Training at MMH ers. part-time. The equipment now in f©*f Mancheeter. vraa the wile of Ray Brown. FTsher is scheduled to ai^>ear mum will get additional Increaa- town pension plan for 24 years, tors wiien it meets Sept. 8. Topping the list is a pro­ mined. Survtvors also include a son, Walter Doli Jr., chairman of es averaging $300 by advancing the department totals over $10,- There's a special set ot port- AU treatments for physical The School of Physical Ther­ 'vlsing the student activities is in Manchester Circuit Court 12, since 1944, and has been award­ posed 11,966,000 bond issue for a new Lincoln Scnool A hearing will be held on a a brother, and a MMer. the board’s personnel poUctee one step on the schedule, thus 000. able stairs In the therapy de- therapy are prescribed by phy­ apy at University of Connecti­ Mrs. Pairicia Packer ot West Fonerals Sept. 19. ’ ed a penslcHi of $172.63 per in Center Baric. proposed onHnanee for the committee dealing with the the average pay per teacher will Dems Viet Plank On«' new' piece of equipment partment, too, as many patients sicians, who frequently appear cut has contraoted with Man­ WllUngton. Mrs. Packer, a reg­ Funeral services wfU be held Other area poilce activity: month. That proposal, plus three pro­ chase of capital equipment, purchase of 8.7 acres of land in MEA, said, "W e have not been increase by $600-$700. (Oonttimed fram Page One) . purchased recently for $1,600 is must learn to go up and down in the department to observe chester Memorial Hospital to is te r^ physical therapist, Thursday at 10 am ., at the VEBNON The pension board last night posed bond issues for school mainly for recreation use. the Porter St. Reservoir area. John H. McOartney giving the store away. But TTie new schedule adds a 14th the Eggln table, equipped with stairs In a new manner. their i>atients in action. provide a clinical training pro­ heads the hoepital’s Physical Fiaette Fimeral Home, 20 Siason Albert Miffitt, 26, of Hartford -ment and creation of jobs by also announced the retirement capital Improvements and equip­ Other proposed appropriatkxi The parcel is In Bolton, near Fimeral services for John H. we’ve tried to bolster the mas- step at the top tor advanced ered to house strong antiwar a system of pulleys and weights gram for junior and senior uni­ Therapy Department. Ave., Hartford. Burial will be tai Tpke. was arrested last night l baths are al­ versity of Oonnectlcnit, where cluding 300 from Oonneoticut. hospital. The others are a He is scheduled to appear in areas, "w ill be steadily extend­ pension plan. $568,000 for improving the heat­ financed by equal revenue re­ And, a hearing will be con­ thia Delhale of Putnam, a jun­ Church, officiated. James W. cation. $ 12, 000 . bombing halt. Humjrfjrey, point­ most constantly In use. A pa­ they majored in physical thera­ There Is also a World Con­ schMl to train pathology labor­ ior at the university. John J. B o d y Wlllimantlc Circuit Court 11 ed to more cities and more For his 13 years of service, ing and ventilating systems at ceived from the oontractoTB of ducted on a proposed antl-lltter- McKay was organist. Burial was "W e urge Its swift adoption,’ ’ tient can sit In the larger one. py. In addition, there are stu­ federation of Physical Thera­ atory technician, and another ROCKVILLE — John J. Bun­ Sept. 10. The agreement on longevity ing out Johnson stopped bomb­ neighborhoods.” Stniff has been awarded a Bennet Junior High School and the construction. ing ordinance, to include a Three who recently complet­ in Cedar IBll Cemetery, Hart­ she said. calls for $160 additions to the monthly pensiim of $69.99. The smaller one is used for dents from the University of pists which meets every four tor the training of X-ray tech- ed the MMH training are; Mrs. dy, 58, of CromweU. brother of Clinton Carter, 45, of Brandy ing raids over most of North It calls for doubling the rate Nathan Hale School, and for $446 to the Recreation Depart­ strong clause on prcMbittons ford. Bargaining between the Board yearly pay-check after five of home-building, to on annual llmibs only. Whirlpool baths are Connecticut assigned to the hos- years. Their next meeting Is nlclanii. Em ily Zoltowskl, Memsfield Richard Bundy of Rockville, Hill Rd., was arrested last Vietnam in March, has asked installing electronic boUer con­ ment, to be financed from Rec against abandoned, junked cars. Bearers were John A. Mc­ used to improve circulation and pltal- for on-the-Jc* training and scheduled to be held in Rotter­ The newest schooling pro­ Center; Patricia DesRochers, died yesterday afternoon at his night and charged with operat­ and the MEA reached its cU- years of teaching and again af- the some kind of response from rate of 2.6 mlllon unite, with trols at Bowers, Highland Park, activities receipts. No further Cartney, Jack R. Hombeck, max May 2 when both parties ter 10 years. After 16 years'the special emphasis on low-in­ reduce swelling. Just recently clinical instniction. dam, Holland In 1970. gram will operate over a ten- Torrington; and Mrs. Elizabeth home. ing under the Influence of liquor. Hanoi that the proposed plank Public Records Robertson, Verplanck and Wad­ explanation has been released T h u r e Blomberg, Wallace month period on a rotation sys­ Survivors also include his He was released under the no agreed to general terms, includ- last increase is $200. mentions. , come housing and freedom of Warrantee Deeds dell Bcfaooto; $207,000 for 18 tor this Item. Chomiak, Storra. Thomas, BTIliam Welder, and tem, two university stu­ wife, three other brottierEv four cash bail program for appear­ Ing salary schedules. But six The teaching experience ap- TTie controversies over 'Viet­ choice without racial restric­ L A M Developers Inc. to L A separate capital improvement $16,871 to the Board of Edu- Burton Tuttle. dents at a time assigned for sisters, and several nieces and ance in Rockville Circuit Court Items were left fuzzy unUl the plies to work in other school nam and crime pushed the plat­ tions. M Homes, Ino., property on items throughout the school sys­ catkm, tor Vocational Education - II M ^ neidiewB. 12 Sept. 10. budget allocations by the Board systems. This is hoped to be an form writing task two days post There is a double appeal to Redwood Rd., conveyance tax clinical Instruction and on-the- Joseph 8. Olender tem; and $112,000 for tbe pur- Prograuns. It would be flnsinced job training. Funeral services win be held of Directors. extra draw for the town in hlr- the original deadline. the young: 18-year-old voting $6.60. by periodic relmburaments by ROC3CVILLB—The ftmeral of A curriculum for the hospital Bring Your Curtains, Friday at 9:45 a.m., from the The items included longevity, ing experienced teachers, While decrying violence, the and a new draft system of ran­ L A M Homes, Inc. to Jeanette the state. Coughlin Fhneral ^ m e , 491 Joseph S. -CHender Sr. of 713 teacher aides, department head Also, every two years of mill- proposed platform urges an "a t­ dom selection intended to short­ E. Singleton, property on Red­ phase of training Is established Diapus, Budspraods Talcottville Rd. was held this $28,886 to the Board at Edu- High St, Middletown, with a Swimmer Hurt pay, and the size of high school tary service count as one year tack on file root causes of crime en the years of overhanging mil­ wood Rd., conveyance tax by the university. Students are and Sllpeovnrs morning from the Holmes Fu­ cattm, for remedial program solemn high Maas of requiem at classes. of the longevity periods. and disorder." itary obllcation. $28.96. graded on their cUnlcal train­ neral Home, 400 Main Bt., Man­ Project m . It would be financ­ to Ihn St. John's Church, Cromwell, In Globe Mishap Last Wednesday, another ses- The teacher aides Item was It pledges to promote effec­ Harry E. Milletto Sr. and Bea­ ing and earn credits for th^r chester, with a Mass of re­ ed by an equal grant from the at 10:80. Burial will he in Pine sion with M EA and Board lead- cut from the budget this year tive gim control legislation at all trice P. MiUette to Jean E. Tar- bachelor of science degree. A 14-year-old East Hartford atate. Parfcadt ClMaeri quiem at St. John’s Polish Na­ era cleared it up and most of and will be a priority Item in levels of government but does Duchess of Kent The School of Physical Ther­ Grove Cemetery, Middletown. dlf and Rejeanne Tardlf, prop­ $961 to the Board of Ekhica- AUL WORK tional C^athoUc Church, Man­ youth was taken to Manchester the items were agreed upon the next contract negotiations. not spell out registration of fire­ apy at tile University of Oonnse- Friends may call at the fu­ erty on Durant St., conveyance tlon, for a remedlid program DONE ON PBEBaSES neral home tomorrow and chester. Memorial Hospital yesterday within budget and mechanical Extension of the elementary arms or licensing of owners. Dies in LondkHi tax $17.06. tlcut Is headed by acting direc­ The Rev. Walter A. Hyzko (vii'tfcn Manor Bivd tor disadvantaged at East Tbursday from 7 to 9 p.m. limits. principal’s work year was also The massive proposed plat­ LONDON (AP) — Princess C:!Iyde C. Richard Sr. and tor Dr. John AUan, a staff waa celebrant. Mrs. Beveriy by police cruiser after he suf­ GatboUc High sSiool. It would The teaching staff will total cut and will be another priority form, half again as long as the Marina, the Dowager Duchess FYances M. Richard to Gerald member at the Hartford Hos­ Burger was organist, and the fered a head injury while swim­ Manchester be financed by an equal grant Boy MscOranor about 467, dei>endlng on several item. statement the Republicans of Kent and the glamor girl of C. Besterfleld and Claudia F. pital; and Dr. Frances Tappan soloist was Henry Grzyb. Burial from the atate. Grants for paio- ANDOVER — Roy Ibc- ming at Globe Hollow. vacancies in non-classroom po- TTie 13 junior high school area adoteed for their campaign, cit­ European royalty before World Besterfield, i>roperty at 108 Is technical director at the uni­ was In St. John's Cemetery, ofalal schoeds are adminirtered Granor, 71, of East Hartford, The youth, Barry Kelly of 26 sitions. Their total) salary will teachers will be called depart- ies the Soviet move Into CzeUV. Low Pf!> os have completed clinical train­ wife, a sister, and five grand­ der, and Mitchell Lech. She had suffered for some known as Thomas L. Miller, $1,- ed under an equal state grant children. of the raft. of the tealching staff. teaching day but the arrange- splitting into two societies. It weeks from an inoperable tu­ 600, property at 44 Marshall $7,000 to the Board of IDdu ing at the Manchester hospital Emergency room personnel The teacher’s schedule — the ments will have to be made calls for civil, rights enforce- mor of the brain. Rd. since June when the program Funeral aervlces will be held Pfc. William N. Tlrsin cation, for an Adult Baslo Edu tomorrow at 2 p.m. at the Rose treated Kelly for a head lacer­ largest single dollar item In the by the principals. It will give James J. Kelly against Leo­ went Into operation. Miss Anne Hill Funeral Home, 580 nUm BOLTON—The funeral of Pfc. ation and discharged him. budget — provides a basic 13- the teachers one hour each nard E. Kearns Sr., $160,000, Patrick of Manchester, a regis­ St., Rocky Hill. Burial will be WUUam N. Unin of South Rd., week for planning or confer­ Vemon property on High St. tered physical therapist at the in Rose HQl Memorial Paxh. who was killed in Vietnam, will ences. BnlldliiK Penults hospital. Is the clinical Instruc­ There will be no caking hours. be held tomorrow at 8:16 a.m. The MEA suggestions for To Henry Zatkowokl, for a wo hovu on oxeullMit tor for the program, and super- from the Hobnes Funeral Home, class size in high school were Panel to Review Awarding dormer at 126 Bolton Bt., $1,000. Mrs. HUdlng Boos 400 Main St., Manchester, with accepted, but a etudy of class­ To William Baker, for a fence j Tar Mrs. Harriet Peterson Rooe, a solemn high Mass of requiem Platform Highlights rooms and staff will be made at 78 Mather St., $80. f nIteHon of at Bt. Maurice’s Church at 9. to determine how close to the FAIRWAY 74, of New Britain sister of On Revaluation Contract To Trade Sign Htuigcra for R. Oun 1 rl ioi J Sprciiil ' .r M n. Edith Goodhardt of Man­ Burial wMh fuH military honors (Contitmed from Page One) sons of high income based on an suggestions the school can get. BanviUe, for a sign at 217 Cen­ first Mayor John Grant will appoint a revaluation firm would only lMKki4o>tehool suppliMl^ chester, died suddenly yester­ wW be in the Veterans sectlmi Indivldual’e total income re­ There is now about one teach­ ter S t, $200. a three-man committee this place four to five men, plus day at her home of natural of Bast Cemetery, Manchester. lawlessness in all its forms—or­ gardless of source." er for every 18 students but B A R R iC iN l week to study and re-conslder clerical personnel, In a town of To Charles M. Warren, for ad­ I lunch boxM • fiNtr popon causes. Friends may at the fu­ ganized crime, white collar DEFENSE with librarians and other non­ the awarding of the contract for this size. Therefore we should dition to a dwelling at 118 Home­ i ■ Survlvora also Include her neral twme tonight from 7 to 9. crime, rioting and other viega- "We must and wlU maintain a classroom staff, the average briuf iMigs • boHpohit puns WINDOW the town’s revaluation. not be alarmed at the smaller stead St., $600. CHOCOLATES husband, another sister, and a tions of the rights and Uberttes artrong and balanced defense es­ classroom size is often much TTiree bids were received and elze of Appraisal Consultants of To Howard Andrews for Rich­ I not* 1)0^ • Murt for pons brother. of others. We will further this tablishment adequate to the higher. the town’s assessor Benjamin Conn." ard Cartwlrght, for additions to Private funeral services will campaign by attack on the root task of security and peace. The contracts are now being — "you nomu hot ftl" SHADES Joy recommended that the con­ No matter what firm the con­ a dwelling at 418 Spring S t, $6,- be held tomorrow at the con- causes of crime and disorder.. There muat be no doubt about prepared for the printer and . Mod* to Oidor About Town "In fighting crime we must teachers will be able to sign tract be awarded to the low tract is awarded to, there will 000 both atores opoi thura. and fri. nlgjthi ttU 61 ventenoe of the family. Burial our strategic nuclear capaMllty, e 2 looatloasi downtown main s&eot and Leon Bradley of 73 Phelps Rd. not foster injustice. Lawlessness them before school starts. bidder, Appraisal Qonsultants of be a penalty clause, M the To L A M Homes, Iho., for a oor old 1 IBIUUI will be in Fairvlew Cemetery, will be a Judge at the various our capacity to meet Umlted Oonneoticut with a bid of $6,700. dwelling at 283 Ralph Rd., $20,* oast middle turnpike, next to popular market ^ Visit ^ 6 per el New Britain. cannot be ended by curtailing challenges, and our wilUgness to Mrs. Bernice Maher, chair­ work is not completed on sched­ E competitions to be held at the the hard-won liberties of all man of the M EA personnel pol­ The second lowest Udder was ule, there will be $60 a day de­ 000. Tbe Carlson Funeral Home, 37th annual convention of the act when our vital interests are United Appraisal Co. with a bid To L A M Homes, Inc., for a 40 Franklin 'Sq., New Britain, Americana. The right of privacy icies committee, said she will ducted. The work is to be com­ AU-Ameiican Drum and Bugle threatened. of $74,860. Joy said his assistant, dwelling at 282 Ralph Rd., $20,- LiggtH Drug E. A JOHNSON is in charge of arrangements. must be safeguarded.. beg;ln work with her committee pleted as of the grand list of Corps and Band Association Inv. "Even in the present tense at­ Montague White, is concerned 000. "A respect for civil peace re­ mosphere, we strongly support in two weeks. Oct. 1, 1970, and so should be Tile convention will take place about awarding the contract to To Robert M .Dawson i n for MINT 00. Mrs. Joseph Lacy quires also a proper respect for President Johnson's effort to se­ Her committee hopes to pre­ started in January or Febru­ at tha Paritaii this year in Hartford, Nov. 7 the low bidder. White Is not Meadows Nursing Home, for a BOUTH WINDSOR — Mrs. the legitimate means of ex­ cure an agreement with the So­ sent the teachers’ bargaining ary, Borden said. 723 MAIN ST. through 10. questioning the qualifications of foundation at 888 Bldwell St., Anne Coughlin Lacy, 88, of Hart- pressing dissent. A democratic picture to the Board early in Mini-bike Regulation viet Union under vritlch both the bidder, but questioning the $30,000. society welcomes criticism states would refrain from de­ October. Mini-blk^s must be registered There will be a midweek serv­ firm’s ablUty to handle a job To Ckusey’s Swimming Pool tor within the limits of the law." ploying antlmissle systems..” and the drivers of them must bo ice of iHayer, praise and a the size of Vernon’s. U AR Construction. Co., tor a TAX REFORM OTHERS licensed, according to the Ver­ Bible message tomorrow at 7:30 Escapee Captured Joy said it Is the low bidder’s pool at 74 Bette Dr., $8,600. Peraonal Notices "A thorough revamping of our in other areas the Platform non police. p.m. at Calvary Church. federal taxes has long been ov­ contention that he can effectlve- To MlarUn J. Regen, tor a ga- BITUMINOUS Committee proposed the imple­ Bridgeport (AP)—An es­ „ ____ „ . Police said they have received ------— - — >------■ - erdue to make them more equi- ly handle Vernon. The firm has many inquires concerning the CJoiemon mentation of the recommeiuja- capee from the Bridgeport State Card Of Thanks A Holy Communion service taUe as between rich and poor ^ e n In business ^ c e 1968 and mini-bikes and pointed out that *M., $1,000. tiona of Civil Disorders Commis­ Oorrectlonal has been captured DRIVEWAYS will be conducted tomorrow at and as among people with the has fom men with clerical help they must meet all the require- Tto Orescent Dedantls, tor a sion; deplored violence in televi­ while sitting In his mother’s liv­ Parking Areas a Oas Stations o Baakothall OOvrhi We wish to tbsnk all our neUm- 10 a.m. at fit. Mary’s Episcopal bora, friends and relaUves lor the same income and family re- sion programming; proposed a ing room. 1 brakes, horn, mirror Porch at 801 Woodbrldge fit., Now Booking For 1'rnennel Work many acts of klodneea and sym- Churoh. sponslbUtties. AU corporation The «x!ond low bidder start- and llghU. Besides being llcons- » 800. , DSlby ebown us In our recent be- doubling in the volume of home- Police said they captured Rob­ AU WMk PenonaUy Snpervlsod—Wo A n 160% tnenrod and Individual preferences that iwvemenl. We eeper^shy thank ak bulldlng to a yearly rate of 2.6 ert Smith, 17, Monday night. ^*^''**' tho To Globe H.I.C. tor B M A. tboae wbo aent the beautiful floral The commission on ateward- do not serve the national interest million unite; the expansion of Smith was one of three who V e i ^ ’i proper protective head gear. Bolomanson, tor a garage at 89 tributes. The Manriweter PuUlc shlp and finance of South Metho- Haakh Nurstne Asaodatlon and The should be removed... public job and Job training pro­ escajied from the institution DoM A IO b r o t h e r s American Dancer Society. dlrt Church will meet tomorrow "W e support a proposal for a Permitted On the To James Golden tor John BV>- Mrs. HUdInc Oustafeon and grams; and proposed reform of Aug. 11. The other two 'have Outpatient Raymond Roblnmm of Mancheeter has his feet 106 PABK SlOEKr at 7:80 p.m. at the church. minimum income tax for per- 'y.® **‘Khway and can be operated on ley, for an addition to dweU- Packer, head idiysloal therapist, shows Mrs. Shirley Bologna, •tl-8$S6 The Guatafeon Family welfare programa. not been recaptured. a buckled down on the Elgin table In preparation for realstlvo 81NCB U N have been told that generally private property only. ing ait 26 Undman flt., W,000. a student from the Unlyeralty of Connecticut, how It’s done. exercises prescribed for a leg muscle l^uty. Mn. Patricia / ^ /> / PAGE TWELVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEStER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING yHERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 PAGE THIRTEENJ Throughout State > Humphrey, McCarthy Gird for Roles in Democratic Convention Drama Wogman-Johnsan BarbatoTorres Operating Unmuffled Cars Mias Bomadtos P. Torres of AwOn, Tax., and Chailea A. Batboto Jr. of MSnohestor ex- And Racers Ruled lUegai ^ ohangsd vows Monday after­ noon, Aug. IS, at St. Mary’s HARTFORD (AP)—A Su- Lime Rock, under an agree- OaUdMmd, AusUii. perior Court Judge has nded it ment with the Sports Oar dubjj TiM bride to tile daughter of to Illegal to operate a motor ve- of America, has posted $10,000 - Mr. and Mrs. Pflar E. Torree hide without a muffler any- in prise money for the sano- Of Aistiln. The bridegroom is whero in Connecticut—on race tloned unmuffled event Labor the son of Mr. and MTs. Charles tracks as wen os on the high- Day. .y- A. Barboto Sr. of M Scarbor­ ways. Smith said he will also appeal ou gh R d . Judge Robert A. Wall said Judge WoU’e decMon to the So- ' The Rev. H. G. Zink of St. Monday an amendment paoeed preme Cbnrt Mary's Oathodral psitorated at the last session of the Gen- State PoBce Major CarroB B. .. tho doubis-ring esremony. e ra ! A ssem bly m akes the o|per- Shaw, com m a n d er o f th e Pu(b- Tha farldo, glvon In marriage ation of unmuffled vehicles any- He Safety Division, whtoh rsgu- by her father, wor» a full- where in the state Illegal. lates racing in the state, sold length gown of white satin, fash- The decision is likely to have Monday he will ask a ndlng ! ionad with s lace overridrt. Her the effect of enjoining Ume from the attorney general be- Liorlnr photo ahouldcr-length vefi of sHk il­ Rock Park and possibly right fore taking any action on the lusion was arranged from a other Connecticut race tracks decision. ^ Engaged matching floral crown accent­ having unmuffled races from Many peimlts for flie Labor ed with pearls, and she carried having such races, under pen- Day races st various stats ^ The engagement of lOso a prayer book with white sweet­ ally of *10,00 OfLne. tracks have already been Issued, Laura K. Robb to Uoyd O. Bou- heart rooes. The decision scored a victory he said. tlHer, both Of Manchester, Iws Mrs. Fred Lambaok of Austin tar the Ume Rock Protective Spellacy based his motion on been announced ))y her parents, was matron of honcx'. Sie wore Association, vdilch has fought ^ claim that Public Act 846, con- iy Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Robb a turquoise suit and a white or­ for some time to have the roar cerning mufflers, had been ch id . of 44 Morse Rd. of unmigfled race engines at amended by the General Assam- ‘ Her fiance is the son of Mr. Thomas CUametta of Austin Ume Rock Perk (]uleted. bly to provide enforcement and Mrs. Doyd T. BoutUler of served os bast man. The oounset tor the group, o^ n st motor vehldes operated 710 Keeney St. Mrs. Torres wore a brown and Bourke O. Spellacy, lost month on private property as w«(I as white flowered oMtfon drees on state roads. M iss R o b b le a 1967 gradu ­ presented a motion to Judge with white acoeosories. The Judge Wall said the 1967 ate of Manchester High School. Well to modify a previous to brldegroonfa mother wore a She io attending Framingham Junction allowing 10 days of un- amendment makes It Illegal to State College, Bkamlngliam, beige lace dress with matching muffled racing at the track. operate on unmuffled motor ve- aocoasories. Both wore oorsages Mass., where she Is majoring The group wanted to have oil hide "everywhere wUhln the of white roses. in home economics. Mr. Bou- unmuffled races stopped. state.” U lier Is a 1966 graduate o f E ast A reception was held at tho Attorney Paul Smith, counsel CathbUc High School and he home of tho brldefs parents. for Ume Rock, eold Monday MINE EXPLODES owns end t^rates Al’s For a motor trip to Manches­ he will file a motion tor stay TTHANY, Hungary (AiP) —A Grinders, Vernon. ter, Mrs. Borbabo wore a red MRS. CHARLE38 A. BARBATO JR. of execution of the dectolon un­ World War n mine exploded un­ No date has been set for the dress trimmed with lace and til after the Labor Day week- der a bus at the Lake Balothqn w edding. matching accessories. The employed at the Lamar Elorista Mrs. Francis J. Dowds Jr. of Mid, on grounds the track would tourist resort, tearing off both caujda are living at 28 Scarbor­ and Decorators, Austin. Itr. 40 E. Middle Tpke., on Satur­ suffer "terrihle finandsl losses” legs of the woman conductor.' ough ^ d . Barbato, a graduate o( Ntarian- day morning at St. James’ if a Labor Day slate of races There were no paasengers in the '5 r Mhi. Torres to a graduate of apotU Preparatory School, C hurch. is canceled. bus. 4 Austin High fkdwol and was Thompson, attended St. An­ selm’s CoQege, Manchester, Herbert F. Lang photo MRS. LAWRENOE NILS WOGMAN N.H. He was discharged Aug. 9 from the U.8. Air Vwree a s a The yearly tale so many piano buyen wait fori staff sergeant at Besgstrom Miss Nancy Ellen Johnson of honor. The bridesmaid was AFB, Austin. Swampscott, Mass., and Law­ Miss Karen Johnson of Swamp­ rence Nils Wogman of Manches­ scott, cousin of the bride. The attendants were dressed ter exchanged vows Saturday Nancy Leonard (AP PbotoCu) alike in fuU-Iength. sleeveless Vke President Hobett H. Hnmpbrey emp^izee additionai delegate support to assure a first ballot afternoon at First Lutheran BERKSHIRE victory in the contest for the party’s presidential After spending much of the day yesterday in con­ delegations trying to line up additional support for gowns of mimosa maize, de­ Given Showers a point during a busy round of speeches in Chi­ (Jhurch, Lynn, Mass. signed with vdiUe lace h i^ col­ his bid for the D ^ocrstic presidential nomination. Mias Nancy Leonard of '150 cago where &e Democratic National Conveation nomination. (AP Photofax) ference at his hotel headquarters. Sen. Eugene Mc­ lars, and matching lace extend­ The bride is the daughter of Bissell St. was recently hon­ opened last night. His purpose, to pick up enough Carthy emerges to begin a round of calls on state ing to the hemlines, with a bow Mr. and Mrs. Karl V. Johnson ored at three bridal showers. and streamers at the backs. of Swampscott. The bridegroom Miss Susan Dowds of 40 E. necticut delegation with IS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. They wore dalsey headpieces Music Festival Middle Tpke., sister of Miss Roll Call Signal more guest passes, bringing the (Florence Wogman of 28 Fair- with face veils, and carried co­ Police Rout Democrats Sweep Away Leonard’s fiance, was hostess at number to 37 for each of the 8lats M to All Shapes a ii lonial bouquets of yellow tea- view St. a misceUoneouB shower. An­ four nightly convention ses­ The Rev. Eugene Brodeen of roses smd white daisies. other miscellaneoua shower was sions. They will be parceled out Chicago Mob Tradition of Unit-rule SIxat for Table Tape First Lutheran Church perform­ Robert Foust of New Holland, to different people each night. given by Miss Leonard’s sisters, CHICAGO (AP) — DemocraU dialrman, said of aboUtloB: ed the double-ring ceremony. Pa., was beet man. Ushers HHH Seen Nearing (Conttmied from Page One) Yo« can do many were the Rev. Ronald BagnaH Mrs. Kenneth Oliver, Mrs. CoUn PIANO & ORGAN liave swept away the century- ’’This is a moment of historic Mrs. Kenneth Johnson of Lynn TV Comedian Pat Paulsen, of LorinK photo Fox, and Miss Kathy Leonard, old tradition of unit-rule voting, rignificance in the life of the Hiings wM gkm lo- was organist and Miss Virginia of Bronx, N.Y., brother-in-law Smothers Brothers fame, hfld a seasion, aunounded by a tight all of Manchester. A personal desidte a claim that front-run­ Democratic party.” Carroll of New Britain waS so­ of Uie bridegroom; and J<^ press conference yesterday af­ ring of aecurlty and undisturbed blo and dtik tops Engaged shower was given by Miss Terri ning presidential hopeful Hubert Mboday night’s action came loist. Carlson of Braintree, Mass. First-BaUot Win ternoon in the Sheraton-Black- and Hmy am nosy Klncton photo Shaplelgh of East Hartford, who by outside demonstrators. H. Humihrey supported a move as the convention adopted its Given In marriage by her fa­ Following a reception tor 100 The engagement of Miss Mar­ stone Hotel. He is a candidate wlU be maid of honor at the (OMSlBaea fraai Fm^e Ome) a gala entertainment scheduled Shortly before the park con­ to delay the action until 1972. temporary rules. to knap elnoo. Lot ther, the bride wore a full- at the church hall, the couple for President under the banner left on a motor trip to Maine. jorie B. Robb to Michael S Engaged w edding. tor the vast auditorium theatre frontation, more than 1,(XX) of Vice President Humphrey has Two more floor fights could length gown of satin, fashioned UAi.nw IX of a STAG party (Straight Talk­ us bnip you with M rs. W ogm an, a 1964 g ra d ­ Mlodzinskl, both of Manchester, Her oo-workers at Pratt and mANon • omsANu orKaoiaaUoa. denied Oie charge ,rtth Uje City ot Chicago as been under fire in Texas and come tonight when Shapiro pre­ with yoke and bracelet-length The engagement of Miss Su­ in' American Government). the protesters, youths in the suggnstions. uate of Swampscott High 8 c ) k >o 1, has been announced by her par­ Whitney Division of United Air­ and the switch occurred on the host. It may be rescheduled, other southern delegations for sents the permanent rulea; cne . sleeves of re-embroiderod Alen- san E. Magdetrau to David A. He said he wanted to present peace movement and Tipples— Burrora cut To All Slses is a 1968 graduate of Upsala ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. craft Corp., Ehist Hertford, pre­ second test'vote. In tact. Us the role played by Us stipport- over a move to implement pro­ I con lace, and chapel-length Werkhoven, both of Ellington, his views on the campaign and, UF£H 8 AM. to 8 P JL College, East Orange, N.J. She R ob b o f 44 M orse R d. sented her with many wedding gioop pidced tQ> three votes. The “Star Spangled Banner" members of the Youth Interna­ ers in joining with backers of posals of a group beaded by • train accented with matching has been announced by her par­ BALDWIN SPINETS, CONSOLES, at the same time, “to make a SAT. 8 A Jf. to NOON will teach elementary school in Her fiance is the son of Mrs. gifts and gave a dinner in her One of those three votes was sung iast night in the cur- tional Party—b«A e through sev­ his dSef rival. Sen. Eugene J. Iowa Gov. Harold E. Hughes to I lace. Her throe-tiered veil of ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund A. couple of bucks on the side.” ' silk illusion was attached to a the fall. M r. W ogm an, a 1963 Matthew Mlodzinskl of 35 Dov­ honor at Willie’s Steak House. could be Dr. Harry Hliahman renUy popular soul music style eral pockets of police security McCarthy, to vote unit rule abo­ make the convention more dem­ Mogdefrau of 64 N. Park St., El­ “I’m here in a patriotic ges­ . matching satin headpiece trim­ graduate of Manchester High er Rd. and the late Matthew Miss Leonard, daughter of Mr. BALDWIN GRANDS and STUDIO UPRIGHTS of Bristol, who came out open­ by Number One Singer Aretha and marched to the downtown lition in the Rules Committee ocratic, the other on a pnqMsal lin gton . ture, to entertain the troops,” he UROCHELLE A WHITE 8USSG0 he. med with seed pearls, and she S ch ool, g ra dua ted in 1967 from Mlodzinskl. and Mrs. Harold F. Leonard of ly and actively in mid-afteinoon Ftaaklin. She brought down the Democratic headquarters. la st w eek. to add state Democratic chair- Her fiance is the smi of Mia. said, obviously referring tq the men and Young Democratic carried a Colonial bouqdet of Upsala College, and is attend­ M iss R ob b , a 1966 graduate 160 B issell S t., w ill m a rry F ra n ­ tor U.8. Senator Edward Ken­ bouse. The cktjti in Lincoln Park, But he may have made up for 31 KSSEIL STREET PHONE 649-7822 Dorothy Werkhoven of Snlpotc fust arrived from the famous Festival at reports that Chicago was an presidents to the National Com­ roses and carnations. ing the Lutheran School of Manchester High School, is cis J. Dowds .in , son of Mr. and nedy tor Uie Presidential nom­ which runs several mllea ak»g that with a statement Monday, Lake Rd., Ellington, and Hylke armed camp. m ittee. Miss Judith Hammerllnd of of Theology, Chicago, Hi. The attending Manchester (Commu­ ination. Newsmen were transported to the North Side lakefront, was Werkhoven of Hartford. "Do you consider that you quoted amid boos to the Demo­ West Hartford was maid of couple will live in Chicago. nity college. She is employed TANGLEWOOD, LENOX, MASS. A report during the day, and from the convention hall in sparked by the protesters’ re­ Mias Magdetrau ta a graduate have charisma?” he was asked. cratic National Convention by as a secretary at the Resean^ wtalUi was squelched at night, yellow 8(dx>ol buses supplied by Texas delegate Tom Gordon, ”I haven’t had it lately,” he fusal to obey a police order to Laboratories Division of Unit­ of Ellington High School and is SumitfMr S p u cld that Sen. Kennedy would ac­ the General Tire Co. c le a r the park fo r an 11 p .m . that “ If you want to abollrii the a senior at Colby College, Wa- cept a draft, spread through The state delegations traveled rep lied . Bolton ed Aircraft Corp., East Hart- cu rfew . unit rule, wen and good. But tervllle, Maine, where she is PoitcM * TypuwrtlEr This Is A Store-wide Sale! in chartered buses, with the frd. Mr. Mlodzinskl is a gradu­ every Chicago hotel, every res­ He declined to say who had The group qxilckly erected a let’s pass a resUution that will majoring in mathematics. Mr. taurant, every office building, cost split among delegates and ate of Howell Cheney Technical pcUd fo r rental o f the H otel barricade of picnic tablos and be effective in 1972. Werkhoven is also a graduate of We have included all designs and finishes of Baldwin Pianos and and every home. alternates. Connecticut's char­ Bristol ballroom, except to state School. Ife Is employed at the Adjusted trash cans in one corner of the “ I don’t think that we ought to Ellington Higti School, and Moat otiserveni were certain tered btw cost *1,200 for the Morland Tool Co., Manchester. Ckaned Organs in this sale. Everything in stock is reduced in price. that he hadn’t. park against som e 600 p olice­ abolish what I think is an unde­ Ronald Farris to Fill Union College, Schenectady, that an Edward Kennedy nom­ fou r days. No dote has been announced New Ribbon 1 .9 9 Paulsen gives autographs men ntaased in a parking lot op­ mocratic rule an undemo­ DAIRY MART N. Y., where he received his If you're going to buy a piano this year ination, but only with his ap­ Each of Connecticut’s dele­ for the wedding. with a stamp. It reads, posite them, and chanted; cratic procedure,” Gordon quot­ B.B. degree. He has enrolled in Oiled proval, could stampede the con­ gatee and alternates is assessed ’’Stamped By Pat Paulsen.” ed Humphrey as saying. School Panel Vacancy *100 and each guest (60 for the "Hen no, we won’t go. The a two-year graduate program at DON'T MISS THIS SALEl I vention. parks belong to the paople.’ ’ But Gordon’s move to suhatl- Case Western Reserve Univer­ delegation’s convention expens­ 361 Ronald Farris of Vernon Rd. school. A graduate of American Two State Servicemen Movie star Paul Newman, a "This is the final warning,” a tute a minority recommendation sity, Cleveland, Ohio, where he Tolu TypuwritHf es, including rental of a hospi­ was named by the Board of Ed­ International College In Spring- While the delegates and al­ Cfonnectlctit delegate, appeared poUce loudspeaker IxxMned. to retain the unit rule for this Killed in Vietnam win study physical therapy. ternates were attending a con­ tality room in the Ptck-Congross at a 4 p.m. reception by the convention and abolish it In 1972 ucation lost night to fill the va­ field, where she spent her Jun­ ”We have informatloD that WASHINGTON (AP) — Two A June wedding is planned. Smifie* 649-4986 vention gaveled into order by Hotel. Connecticut McCarthy comimit- was shouted down by an over­ cancy created by the reglsna- ior year in Scandinavia, she has some persons in the crowd in­ Center (tonnecUcut servicemen have Bailey at exactly 7:30 p.m., ^ “ ~ ____ tee. whelming vUce vote. tlon of Mrs. Virginia Butterfield been teaching for five years. tend to injure poHce officers. been reported killed in action thrUl-seeklng hippies or Yippies The He said, “Sen. McCarthy car­ The rules committee recom­ earlier this summer. We will take whatever meas­ The moveable equipment list in the Vietnam war. «^ edS «oT L oopan d^ - hall in the mendation for a ’’freedom of Farris was recommended by r^ ra^ eagosu jopan ai^ (Mayor Richard Daley’s hpme ries the banner of hope, where­ ures are necessary to tee that was reviewed at the request of Reported dead Monday by the conscience” requirement to per­ Street the Democratic Town Commit­ as Nixon’s is a banner oi fe a r .” no one gets hurt, including po­ the Public BulkUng Commis­ Defense Department were; fh. neighborhood) was lined with mit individual delegates to vote tee, of which he is a member. 'Tbats wtwre the head-break of people waving After explaining the many lice officers.^’ sion, with an eye to reducing as they wfsh was then approved, There were no other applica­ Army Cpl. William J. De Orio Ing occurred. Chicago police, out reasons be is beu:klng Sen. Mc­ Then police lobbed in tear-gas the amount of equipment to be - . exhibiting signs, and also by voice vote. tions for the seat Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ to uphold their naftoowide repu- gr«S». None Carthy, be said, “I don’t , know „ ------cannlsters, and— the thrtmg------purcdiased under the bond issue. liam J De Orio of Hartford and Nine delegations, Texas, Alas­ Bom in New Brunswick, Can­ tatton for toughness, were out when the caval- ®xcept to ask •treomed through the park and In other buslnesa, William Army Spec. 4 Anthony J. San­ ka, Arkansas, Canal Zone, Geor­ ada, Farris went through Man­ everywhere and the demonitra- returned at 8 o'clock in the out Into a major intersection. Grunske was chosen to attend tana, husband of Mrs. Louise gia, Kansas, Missouri, Louisia­ chester schools, graduating fn>m tors never got out of band, al' SapMa Loren,” and then he add­ Many held handkerchiefs over a fact-finding meeting on Proj­ H. Santana of Greenwich. m orning. na and South Carolina, came to Manchester High School. He re­ though some newsmen and pho­ Incidentally, the hotels bous­ ed “I will not tell you any­ tearing eyes when they reached ect ASK Sept. 6 at Coventry ( ^ 5 j the convention with unit rules ceived his bachelor’s degree tographers reportedly felt the ing the delegates were unnatu­ thing about Joanne Woodward STOMS Of IASHIOH-^ the street. requiring all votes to be cast the from the University of New High School. ASK la the Ancll- Influence of authority. rally quiet as late as noon to­ (his wife); that is a personal A police squad car that had way the majority voted. Brunswick and was a pilot in liary Services Center in Storrs Aitd atm, no National Guard day. Some delegates didn’t get m a tter.” GET ACQUAINTCD attempted to approach the The action could have the ef­ the Canadian air force during which the Bolton schools have ALL WAYS BEST troops in eiddence, despite their to sleep until near daybreak. crowd from behind was stoned W orld W ar been making extensive use of. The Connecticut delegation fect of freeing some delegates in n. ■ presence on standby duty. ------and its windows and flashing He and his family moved to Olrls Beat Columbia has dioice seats in the cmiven- the Oregon and Massachusetts Many teen-agers and young The Connecticut del^ation light broken. B olton in 1961 and w ere absent In its last game of the season tlon hall, aH the way up front, groups, where McCarthy now aduMa, brought to Chtcago by voted at a caucus yesterday PoUce ordered newsmen to has the entire delegation be­ two years while he worked for Friday the Bolton girls’ softball ^C A N D IK S the advance caU tor youth mo- morning to Invite aU of the prln- “and >1 wto « the « nghtright or of othe podium. SALE! aJTU. leave the park before the tear cause of his victories in the two an Insurance company in West­ team beat Columbia 28-18, mak­ Ullzatfon, left tor home last ctpal Presidential gas was used. They warned that states’ winner-take-all primar- ern Germany. He Is currently ing the final taUy 6 wins and 6 night and early tWs morning, before It. probably tomM-- ^nols d e ^ ^ no __sw______et^ o^qua^r__ would be gut conventions have an insurance agent tor the row, to explain their position on r*cUy in front of the podium. ~jy»- w fiiev staved Manchester viaibly diatressed at the turn of ..« .. niade no effort to enforce state TUBS. Him SAT. John Hancock Ck>. This was the first year of play issues. A vote of the delegation The Hawaiian delegaUon is seat- j street outsif events toward direct and vio­ outside the pork, In Bolton he Is chairman of for the girls. They were man­ SAVE wlU follow, and reveal for the *<1 behind Connecticut’s, and “ primary laws. the demonstrators regrouped the board of deacons of Bolton aged by Robert Gagnon, assist­ lent oonfrootation with authori­ finri Ume, officially, how the then comes West Virginia. The On the whole, the disappear­ (Aoff. 27fli tinu Aug. 31st) and taunted police with shoots Congregational Church and ac­ ty- Connecticut delegation stands Connecticut alternates also have ance of the unit rule after 108 ed by Mrs. Gagnon, Mrs. Rich­ Parkade of "pig and gestopo.” Some tive in Boy Scouts. ard Guerra and Walter Bavler. There even was talk of a with regard to the candidates. dxolce seats. years is expected to have Utile UP TO $365 Uu%w bottles and other debris. effect on the presidenUal ballot­ Your Chokse The Farrises have three chil­ On the team were Driible Min­ Nude-In in Lincoln Park. Wheth­ Re-elected to the Democratic SNOW VifHfTE — QUALITY er the report was only that, As the police formed phalanx­ ing. Bubeequent roU caU votea O f F la v ors dren; David, 14, a freshman at and Corbins Comor, Wost Hartford National Omimittee yesterday There were no incidents, no er, Sally Miner, Cheryl Bavler, a report, or whether the unsea- es and charged them, the crowd showed most of the members In Bolton High School; Ronald, 22. were National Committeeman demonstrations, no pickets, SS' Beth Mussey, Holly Hemingway On BALDWIN Vertical Pianos . . . and aonal tompetwUires (it was 81 surged backwards and ran Into the unit rule states sticUiig to- attending Gollaudet College for John G olden and N ational Cfo- within 10 miles of the convention Chris Maxwell, Diane Morgan the Old Town area, a dlstzlct o( ICE CREAM lug. $1.19 GiO. the deaf In Washington, D.C., this morning) cooled out the mitteewoman Beatrice Rosen­ hall. Only those with elec- gettier. Karen McCooe, Lori Hanoen, clubs and Donna, 28, working at Com­ plan, nobody knows or is say­ thal. Golden is attending his Ironically deviced credentials *?**’*. ttotauronU, Gordon said he ObJscted to* Cindy Ponticella and SueUen Up To On BALDWIN GRANDS bustion En^eerlng in Windsor $500 ing. could get within even one half they brought traffic to a "any change In the playing Banks. 12th national convention as a L ocks. OPEN committeeman. Mrs. Rosenthal mtie of the haU. ata-ndstlll and disrupted busi- rules in the middle of the bail "Homecoming Sunday” Bet Financing up to 36 months at bank rates. Free delivery. Free piano bench. ______ness until the early morning Farris was elected unanimous­ As for the convention seasion has held h er p ost since 1969. game.” But Gov. Samuel Shi^- VAtlfY FAIMS Aasortod Bolton Oingpregtlonal Church ly by the school hoard at a tonight, more roll calls and The re-election process was fea­ Because of reports of expect- Hours, ro of Dlinois, Rules Oonunltiee F la v o r s will begin Ito toll ootivlUee with special meeting during which more spectaculars must be tured by momentary explosion ed violence in Chicago, many of * "Homecomlhg Sunday,” a fam­ RENT A BALDWIN AT SALE PRICE! k xA ed for. 39 the board approved about 20 till 9 P.M. of resentment in the C>;^ecti- the nationwide delegates aadi R og. 79e Vt G*l. ily picnic on the church grounds Still to come is a roll call cut delegation over Sen. Abe alternates decided to stay home ICE CREAM bus drivers, filled Oie last va­ after the morning service on YOU MAY RENT ONE OF THESE BALDWIN PIANOS AT THE BERKSHIM on seating a compromise slate Rlblcoff’s role in coming out for and sent substitutes. cancy on the school staffs, and Sunday, Sept. 16. Everyone will of delegatee from Georgia, an Sen. McCiOvem. Ribicoff’s ac­ reviewed a list of moveable be asked to bring his own food. TONIGHT SALE PRICE. RENTALS TO FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN expected fight over the recom­ tion in seconding the re-election A window display in a Michi­ PLAZA COIN LAUNDRY equipment for the new elemen­ Dessert and coffee will be pro­ mended plank on Vietnam, and, of Golden was challenged by gan Ave. furniture store shows DAIRY MART tary school. vided. possibly, another attempt to State Consumer Protection a living room with twin couches James Huflnl, owner of the There will be gamea and a fVatit a beautiful brochure? MAIL this ad with your name and Iwdd on the 106-year-old unit Commissioner James Casey on and twin signs. One reads new bus company which won Boi« feat, and a vesper service address and ive will send you an illustrated catalogue shou/ing all the rule. It was abemdoned by a the ground that Rlbicoff was "Cfoodnlght Chet,” the other and DRY CLEANING B R E A D Reg- 2 for 39c 1 Lb. Loavee d1 F.r29e the bid for transportation, was at dusk. Friends and former and ovary night voice vote iast night. not legally a Connecticut dele­ “ Goodnight Davis.” (Next to Popular Market, E. Middle Tpke.) present to distribute Intormaitlcm members will bo Invited to at­ models. No obligation. No .salesman will call at your home. Today being President Lyn­ gate. At the Hartford Conven­ on the qualifications of his reg­ tend. don Johnson’s 60th birthday, tion last June, Riblcoff surren­ When Hartford State Sen. HOYT 11IPLE LOAD MACHINfS DAIRY MART—FARM FRESH ular bus drivers and spares. The event is sponsored by the until ^ hool starts OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY, 9 to 5i30 — OPEN THURSDAY 9 to 9 it even is possible that the dered his place on the delega­ Boce Barlow entered the Ooo- The board also discussed bus board of deacons and Is being FVesldent will appear at the Uon to make it available for the necticut bus for convention boU ALSO ALL BBAND NEW, LARGE E^P^^B Large Grade A D m .- tum-arounds and the length of held In place of the usual fall 8lbR.93.eo convention —a decorated box is McCarthy group. he got a roar of laughter when 59c time kindergarten children are p icn ic. MANY ASSORTMENTS (except Saturday till 6 P.M.) waiting for him, if he does ap­ he shouted, “Nobody is going MAYTAG WASHfiS (Top Loodm) expected to be on the bus. Kin­ Bulletin Board TO GIVE AND ENJOY % pear. U.8. Congressman Emilio to make me sit in the back of AMERICAN DRY—ASSORTED FLAVORS dergarten children will be Tho Board of Finance will Security being as tight as it Daddario, at the caucus, read the bus.” Barlow is a N egro. CQm DRY CLEANING MACHWEI transported both ways for the meet tonight at 7 In the town is, no one is predicting vdiat without comment an anti-Viet­ first Ume this year. Last year, office conference room. LENOX the President will decide. Ball­ JUBT ONE MOKE DAY WITH SHOBT O t O M POM , PEBMA-PWBSS for your bock>to«school nam “statement of concern” S C M D A Large Non-Return Bottle 5 CV.r’1.00 they rode the bus in one direc­ Holy Buchartat will be cele­ sy would neither deny nor con- signed by a group of West Hart­ COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. m EAST MIDOUE TVBNPUCE, MS N o DepoM t tion and were driven by parents brated tomorrow night at 8 at PHARMACY flitn that President -Johnson ford Democrats and Republi­ (AP) —Wirt Peterson crisbrat- in the other dlTMtlon. St. George’o Epteoopal Church. shopping convonionco! w ill b e In convention ba ll to ­ cans. ed his 84th birthday by showing Ftarif s< Pkos PiwUag i o m m GOOD AT OE N m i m nw B T h t o b b o n l y ) m B. CENTER ST. Teacher Hired night. up as usual for his Job as a fu r­ Miss Carolyn Kuaniokl of Manoheater Evening Herald A casualty of last night was Hailey has furnished the Con- niture refinlsher. Manoheoter was hired to teach Bolton oorreepondent, Oleme- Grade 2 at the elementary well Young, tel. *48-8881. PAGE FIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 u

Moriarty’s Capture Twi League Crown ’V Nance Has to Have Ball [ l ‘ Herald Angle t ■ By EARI. YO ST Climax Late Lonborg Satisfied f If Pats Will Be Winner Spart* E ^tor ANDOVER, Mass. (AP) —Al­ But we lost some toughies and Kansas aty. , the ners, while Oiarles moves to Surge with though the Boston Patriots have then we went downhill.” man who was supposed to take safety. The other safety Is Den Webb, a comparatively old man Good-bye AHie Banner* After Shutout Win been saying for two years they It promises to be a long strug­ some pressure off Nance last year, was switched to flanker, at 28. You wouldn’t believe it after two straight yictorira, need a running back to take gle back. 5-3 Victory some pressure oft , To eUrt the eUmb, Holovak but both he and veteran Glno including one over the GreOT Bay but ■BOSTON (A P )—Jim hadborz, th« Boston Rod 8o«’ 1967 Cy Young Award winner, quietly ageepted^eon- Ooach Is not oper­ has made two moves—he traded Cappellettl are playing behind Krmnrht ou t larcrc Good-Bye Allie banners at Y a le Trophy______^ case at Moriarty Marsh. gmtuUrtions on a job well done, Oatlcher Rtwi G n w n ating under any Illusions. quarterbacks and he has insert­ last Sunday when the New York Giants fa c ^ St. Louis. Brothers’ showroom will "Nance has to have the ball,” ed tome more rookies into the The defense has a youthful 95 Answered Stramrelv the banners appeared when the GiMts were need a little extra room to- auimned up the feeling of the Booton pJayera In a naif Holovak said. "W hat the heck. line-up. look, too. th«» Gard-s. 10-9. only to lose 18-0 in 97-degree jn y following the latest dozen winds. Who’s idddlng who? You have a The trade sent S8-year-old Dennis Byrd, rookie from FootbaU Call “ It’s CTMt to lutTO him baek,” good ballplayer, use him. Why Babe PariUl, a player of whom North (Carolina State, has re­ tempeiatnre. The tanners w ere ------' string of successes on the ------^ ^ Lortbofg eoakad «S in fun . . . At least at this judging by a number seen sports front. The baseball save him ?” Holovak Is very fond, to the placed at end. Dee re­ ■ti^e of ttie season. at Tale last Sunday. <3ean-cut, entry, qxmaored by the local his arm In los after a brllllMt Save him the Patriots haven’t. New York Jets tor 27-year-old tired after playing In every one From Wiggin « * a well dreMed young men appear Linootn-Mercury-Oomet dealer Yankees Use Uma-hitter in a SO viotory ant Nance ran the ball an American Mike Taliaferro, a player who of the league’s 112 games, but Uie aeveland Indians Monday was not very fond of the Jets. hls three Ilnemates, who also There are two pretty good o r / U> be on* tbe way out and the j,, Hartford Twilight League, and loat the ball in this action but was more fortu­ Football League record 299 QUABTERBACXS spend munh of their time cm the times In 1966 and 269 times last Taliaferro, pronounced Toliv­ have played in quite a few sized groups around town that Short Stuff same goea for tbe fairer set... jggg championahip last nate than the Eagles’ Norm Snead, left, who suf­ Go-kart racing has been intro- with a come-from-behlnd Gene Michael been a long, long tteie,” srround, particularly in preseason games. *^6 Rams’ year. And in those seasons he er, Is In hU fifth year In the gmes, are back. They are end arc thinking about a lot more For tfaeir sweat, and it was Lonborg said in the wake o< Me fered a fractured ankle on first play. Larry Elsenhauer and tackles at Golf Land and has win over Herb’s, 5-3. Roman Gabriel (right) was knocked to the turf became the iirst player to lead AFL, but tor the past three he than the World Series and the hot in the steaming concrete duced first complete game alnoe tbe Houston Antwine and Jim Hunt. saucer, home of Yale footbaU’ prov en to be most popular with The success at Oolt Park, wit- In Relief Job the league in mailing in consec­ sot on the bench and watched pennant races. Y esterday World Series with the it. loute play. Now it’s hls Of the starting linebackers, marked the first full day of teams, the Giants received $12.- the young set. ^ nessed by a banner crowd of utive years. Cardinals last fall. But the Patriots can’t depend turn to play while another quar­ Nick Buonlconti is the only one workouts for Manchester High SCO as their share of the gate. * over 1 ,000, climaxed a great NEW YORK (AP) — Gen® "M y arm feela good, the beat solely on Nance. For running, terback, In this case, Don 'Trull, who’s been around very long. and East Catholic High footbaU Who would have figured 73.776 season for the Gas House Gang Michael, a cboitatop, was out on Off the Cuff it has felt all year,’ ’ the 36- yes. But tor their whole offense, sits and watches. Doug Satcher Is In hls third squads. paying fans—plus several hun and enabled them to put togeth­ the mound for the New ToA Pro Clubs Shave Rosters, pltcher said. "Tm Although Taliaferro is no year and Ed Phllpott his sec­ Up on the hill behind MH8 dred deadheads—would show up Death of Doily Stark, former er back to back tides in the tast- Yankees, buMly getting bombed no. down to 198 pounds, 17 under They learned dial last year baby, he fits in with Holovak’s ond. the "cail of the wild” is under­ in hot-humid weather to watch National League baseball um­ est independent baseball league for five rune in tbe eighth inning what I’d like to weigh, tad I when they finished last in the youth movement. Also In the The defensive backfleld is the way as Coach Dave Wiggin tbe Giants? It's hard to figure pire, brought back memories to in this area. by the California Angela. didn’t Ure. I finally was hitting Eastern Division with a 8-10-1 backfleld will be rookie flanker youngest in the league. The Pa- mnes hls vocal cords. Approxl- Joe Fan these days . . . In New Dr. Gene Davis of Manchester. Several weeks ago the MB’s It waa at that point that Yan­ the co m e n .” record, worst in their history. Aaron Marsh from Elastem trlots used two rookies, John 95 candidates are try- T otIc last weekeend. at Yankee Stark coached the Dartmouth were mired in last place in the kee Managw Ra^ Houk injury suffered in a skiing aoei- More Than 75 Ciit Loose Kentucky and rookie halfback Charles and Leroy Mitchell, at j„g pneltlons. Many boys Of course, the defense had a lot Stadhun, it looked like old times freshman nine when Davis five-team standings. Then the tamed to lO ckey ManUe and Lonborfc plagued by a knee teran clahned by the Falcons on third year, and second-year R.C. Gamble from South Caro­ comerback last year, and now are green as the grass but with the fans out rooting for played third base . . . Entered in surge started and the du b NEW YORK (AP) — Lusteg, “ but I’ve studied kick­ to do with Boston’s demise, too. dent last winter and toen both­ ing a long time, I had a good waivers after hls release b ythe men Trenton Jackson, a flank­ “It was Just a year that ev­ lina State. they’ve added another. there’s no telling wliat a lot of Yankees against Detroit It the GHO at Wethersfield Sept wound up in Oiird place. First “Do you soppoae it might When the Saints go march- ered by shoulder trouble, looked Chicago Bean. Defensive end er, and Bruce Alford, a kicker. Gamble probably will share WlUle Porter, a teammate of hard work will do. must have helped fo r the 4-8 are Johnny Pott, Homero the charge of Gene Johnson pd- record last season and I think erything went topsy turvy,” ahake them iq> a little if I told __ __ ingr in, Obert Logan and Bo Wood, who saw action in all running duties with 28-year-old Mitchell’s . at Texas Southern, Funny how easy you can teU Tsnks swept die four-game set. Blancas, Rex Baxter, Tommy ished off Vernon, 2-1, then like the pitcher who won 22 Ooach (George) Wilson made a Jim Harris, the New York Holovak explained. ' “Early In Ray Rissmiller won’t. 14 game last season, also was Gene Thomas, acquired from wlU team with Leroy at the cor- the veterans from the newcom­ Hore than 90.000 paid turned out Aaron, Mike HiU. Bob McAllist­ Hamilton, 9-2, and finally mistake.” veteran, was released along the yeiur we were a good club. .TbK.?”’ to « ITie two New Orleans veter­ ers. Just watch a few of the for the five-games played in er, Deane Beman, Rives Mc- regular season winner Herb’s in pennant a year ago. In addltim to releasing Lo­ put on walven. wMh seven other Jet*. Mantle looked startled, but an* were among more than 76 blocks that are thrown at the three days at Yankee Stadium, Bee and Bob Lunn . . . Lincoln a full best of three-game set, “He threw hard and had good gan, free safety acquired from Green Bay gave up on No. 7 The Boeton Patriots trimmed Hook grlmsd It away. players turned loose by the p r o ' dummys and It Isn’t too diffi­ die same number that watched Downs opens an 83-day meet­ with a 1-1 tie thrown in. stuff," Gibson said. "Ho was Dallas in tbe NFL expansion draft choice Andy Beath, defen­ five, including third year backs It was the Mcond time in as football clubs Monday—the final cult. die Red Sox lose a series to ing Sept. 6 . . . The New York A year ago the MB’s raced hitting the spots he wanted. And draft,and RissmlUer, Philadel­ sive back from Duke, and kick­ Bob Ck^ipadDsta and BUI John­ many days that Houk, burled in day for meeting the latest er Wade Traynham, Just recent­ As far as size goes, there are these same staggering Tigers in Yankees lead die American through both regular season and hU fast ball was moving.” phia’s No. 2 draft choice in 1965, son and second year defensive a rash of douUeheaden, had Lonborg threw 121 pitches, league roster limits. ly acquired In a trade with At­ some pretty big candidates who Boston the previous weekend League in road attendance with post-season play to all tbe sent a non-piteber to tbe mound National FootbaU League New Orleans also cut six others, lineman EM Toner. 17,838 per date. The reason is marbles . . . but it was far more struck out nine and didn’t walk including No. draft choice lanta. could moke a tough line. How­ . .. They say Eddie Feigner in relief. It worked Sunday, with teams were required to cut their 8 Denver’s Broncos got down to Mickey Mantle, who may pack satisfying this time around. a tatter in boosting hU season Romrie South of West Texas The Minnesota Vikings ever, that's a long ways away. »mi Us four-man softball team Rocky Oolavlto getting the v ic­ rosters to 49, American League the player limit by getting rid of it in after the current campaign. It took some dutch hitting record to 4-6. HU control waa so cut five players, including The Indians don’t open until outdrew the Hartford Knights tory in a Yankee rally against teams to 43. And several clubs State. guard Richard Tyson, defensive New York comes to Boston for and the combined pitching tal­ fine that he ran the count to 8 former Canadian Football Sept. 28 at Maloney High in at DOlon Stadium last week Detroit. slashed away with gusto. Kansas a ty wwit a etep far­ back Bobby Moton, flanker Her­ a final t'lree-game series, Fri­ ents of Jim Bidwell and Pete and 2 against Just two betters. League star WilUe Fleming, but Meriden. . . . Neither Dick Cobb out of It didn’t work Monday, Ml- Kansas a ty released seven ther in releasing once-promlelng man Lewis and kicker Bob day Ugh:. Sept. 27, Saturday Sala to retain the crown. “He threw a great ball used a little trickery to sneak Coach Cliff Demers has a fine Manchester High nor Bill Lacy chart, coming on in reHef of A1 playem, including four o t its top talent. It let go No. 2 draft pick Humphreys. afternoon. Sept. 28 and the home Bin GUda, mainstay of Herb’s game,” Boston Manager Dick rookie quarterback Bob Lee turnout at East with nearly 70 from East Catholic IQgh ap­ DowrJng, worked three full in­ 10 draft picks, while Chicago, Mike Livingston, a star quarter­ Bed Sox finale on SiBiday. Sept. hurlers put down a fine effort WUUams said in praising Lon­ onto their taxi squad. The Chicago Bears released boys expected before the eni. back In the NFL after staying Defensive end Tom Day was Herr ’n There third hde. It aq^peared to over- Paul DiSanto pushed a double Jumped on the rookie right-han­ Also among seven players re­ ot the doubleheader 8-1 behind was Booth Lusteg, 29-year-old out of football last season. But signed a contract and fullback Doby Named Scout Ltttle Gary Wood, farmer shoot the green but aflCT look- down the der for two runs in providing leased were veterans Eddie lefty Fritz Prterson, who soat^ placekicker releasi^ by Miami he had trouble regaining hls old Charley Bivins and five others ObtneU quartirback. ouUhone ing for the ball ^ Lonborg all the cushion he need­ Biodrowskl, a guard, and center MONTREAL (AP) — Larry tered four hits and drove in of the AFL. bounce and he missed a week of placed on waivers by the Bufffc- with the New eral minUes she g iM ^ in ^ Moriarty, ^ ed in the first inning. Doby, former American League three rune with a double and a " I think they made a mis­ Ray Kubala. trainlng camp because of a vl- lo BiUe. York Giants last Sunday at cup and was surprised to see Mauro singled to ri^t scoiti^ Mike Andrews led off with a Two o t the six released by San outfielder, today was named a Libby, advancing DiSanto to sacrifice fly. take,” charged Lusteg, who said Bills’ Ooach Joe Collier said Yale. Wood, who started his pro the ball. double and took third on a sin­ Francisco were draft choices— ms. scout tor the new Montreal third. Stan Slomcinskl ground­ “ I have no intention of using he had been expecting it since The Pittsburgh SteeVers cut the other names were being career with the Giants, was lost • • * gle by Dalton Jdnes. Carl Yaa- No. 7 Jerry Richardson, line­ baseball expansion team In the ed to first with DiSanto holding those two again," Houk said, re­ missing a 80-yard field goal last seven players, including veter­ withheld until he talked to each in tbe draft to New Orleans a trzemskl scored both nmners backer from Jflsslsslppi, and National League. End of the Line at third, DeMaiiro going to sec­ ferring to Oolavito and MlcbaeL Friday that cost the Dolphins a ans Jerry Mazzanti, a defensive man in hopes he would stay on year ago but was obtained two with a double to center. No. 8 Tommie Gray, a receiver ond. John Porteus lined to right “ Not unleas we get in the eame chance to beat Boeton in the last end, center Bob Whitlow and the taxi squad. General Manager Jim Pan­ weeks ago when he became a Hats off to Gene Johnson and from Morehead State. scoring DiSanto and DeMauro JUST MISSED—Gajiord Perry of the Giants just imssed pitohing a perfect kind of a bind. I Just did it to get seconds of an exhibition. flanker Jerry Marion, vdille Day, 83, rejoined the dub aft­ ning of the still unnamed team tree agent. With Earl Morrall his Moriarty Brothers’ base­ Atlanta dropped tight end making the count 3-2. Porteus game yesterday against the (5ubs. Glenn Beckert lined a ball back to ttie through a had spell, to get us ‘T don't want to make it seem nine-year defensive tackle Jim er a season with San Delgo. He said that Doby would cover the traded off to Baltimore for a ball team which climaxed a moved to second on ah. error mound that went past Perry into centerfield. He was the only baserunner. like I’m poor-mouthing,” ' said Duane Alien, a six-year NFL ve­ Prestel was among nine turned was cut by the Chargers two (Herald Ftwto by Buoelvlclua) National League and high mi­ draft choice. Wood has moved great season last night by re­ straightened out” and scored on Gene J<*nson’s Tile Yankees’ pitching staff loose by Washington. weeks ago and then by the At­ EAGER BEAVERS—Members of the Midget Football Eagles last night re­ nors In preparation for the Oc­ intn the No. 2 slot behind Fran taining the Hartford Twilight was depleted after playing a The Redskins also dropped de­ lanta Falcons. ceived their equipment from Coach Si«c Fiavell at a practice session at Char­ tober baseball draft meeting Tarkenton. The latter had a bor- League title with a 5;3 win over single. Pro Grid Roundup: Oakland Porteus’ third hit, a walk to Wilson Pitches, Bats Tigers to Victory doubleheader Friday, including fensive back Jim Shorter, start­ Bivins Joned the BUls last Oc­ here. rendoUB afternoon against St. Herb’s . .. Vem Cox, former ter Oak Park. Four teams will comprise the small fry circuit. John Uptak and a Herb mlscue a lO-hmlng tie, a single game ing his seventh season as a pro; tober and was used as a reserve LoUs but he’s a proven signal- pro basketball star with Hart­ fuUback. He suffered a pulled ford teams and long-time cross made it 5-2 in the top of the Saturday, and doubleheaders defensive ends WUUe Adams caller and passer and Coach Al- Winning Big Last Season groin muscle this summer. country coach at Springfield seventh. Sunday and Monday. So Houk and Bill Briggs, both in their Ue Sherman iai't too worried. Bidwell went four innings be­ Tom Kennedy, former Continen­ College, is also a top-notch Orioles Run Out of G & s^ threrw CkHavlto and Michael into square dance caller. . . Bob fore being relieved by Sala. He the breech. Mistake Raider &>ach Says tal Leaguer with New York, is fanned three, walked two and Rolling Park Golf expected to be sent back to Hamilton of Manchester is slat­ “I don’t blame him,” Califor­ issued three bits in notching the nia Manager Bill Rigney said. "It seems like every time WestUiester unleas EBiemtan de­ ed to report to Coach Walt Ab­ Miss Opportunity to Gain American League OAKLAND (AP) —Last year, win. Sala kept the pressure on, “ He’s going for the first division die Oakland Raiders won the someone was moved into a Tourney Sept. 22 cides to go with three quarter­ bott at the University of Maine W. L. Pet. OB ’Ihursday. Hamilton was a striking out three, walking none and in two days he’s saved two American FootbaU League starting role, he had a great backs- Kennedy, incidentaliy, is left them loaded as Elrod Hen­ Detroit 82 49 .626 — The lOth annual Rolling Park standout ball carrier at Man­ and giving up three hits. Guida NEW YORK (AP) — nings, and California bombed arms. Why not?’’ championship with a 18-1 league day,” said Rauch. “Dave Gray­ a model in the big city and is the New York Yankees 10-2 aft­ dricks struck out and Dave Baltimore 76 54 .666 6% Golf Tournament has been chester High . . . Gene Bergin went the distance striking out Jim McGlothin breezed to the record and a 40-7 crushing of son started eevecal games at one of tbe best looking men in With the bases loaded in Johnson grounded out. aeveland 71 68 .530 % 10 batters, walking four, issuing er droiq)ing a 6-1 verdict. victory in the nightcap, which 12 Houston in the title game. comcrback and safety and War­ scheduled Sunday, Sept. 22 at pro sports . . . Football fans can won the feature stock car race • • « Boston 70 eight hits. the ninth inning, the Balti­ • • • snapped the Yanks’ flve%ame 62 .530 12%- ren Powers started at safety a the Mlnneohaiig (Soil a u b . eocpect to see the “ modem look” at ’Thompson Speedway last Oakland 64 16 Raider Coach Herb’s third baseman Fran more Orioles ran out of ORIOLES-A’S — ITGERS-WHITE SOX — winning string. He was backed 67 .611 couple of times. Both had out­ Thq tournament Is conducted sC college football games this Sunday, his first of the season. 64 64 think* it may have been a mis­ Spanclola, first up in the bottom McNally was Just too much Wilson, performing before a by a 13-hM attack. New York .600 16% standing games.” ALUMNI BASEBALL on a handicap basis and play is Dave McNallys, missing Minneeota 62 69 .478 20 take. of the second, started things off for Oakland in the opener as he standing room crowd of 42,808 TTie Angels got to Ckywidng, The only starter from 1967 Getting off to an early start, reserved tor residents and form­ another chance to gain Oallfomia 59 78 .447 23% "We might have been prema­ with the longest hmnerun of the won his ninth consecutive game in the White Sox’ last of nine the loser, tor four runs ^In the who is not Ukely to bo ready Manor Omstruction talUed three er residents of the Rolling Park Clay. Denies Ring License Chicago 54 77 .412 28 ture in winning the champion­ season. The blast saUed far over ground on the Detroit Ti­ since the All-Star break for a games In Milwaukee—they won fourt, Chuch Cottier opening it when the season starts is AU- runs In the first and four In area of town. It is expected that Washington 49 79 .363 31% ship last year,” said Rauch, the centerfielder Bob Carlson’s head gers, who had more than 17-8 record and became the first only one—was hit by a pitch with a triple and Roger Repoz League defensive tackle Tom the second frames last nlghtj^ 32 players will participate in the Oriole to drive in five runs In Monday’s Results AFL Ooach of the Year. “ We Due to Refusal to Serve and roiled across the road for a enough Earl Wilson. with the bases loaded in the sec­ capping it with a two-run ho­ am stiuTyoung team thai must Keating, who is recupemttog defeat Ponticelll’s, 8-4. tournament. Baltimore had cut another one game this season. ^ Boston 3, Cleveland 0 PITTSBURGH (AP) — For­ He says he figured he could 1-0 count, ond inning. He singled in anoth­ mer. and we could 7«>»n a second operation on the PonticelU’s tallied in the third half game off Detroit’s lead Detroit 3, CSiicago 0 gain experience Bert McConkey, chairman, mer heavyweight boxing cham- set up a training headquarters Georg® Cappalla singled in the The first slam of his career, er tally In the seventh. Bobby Kno<9 singled in anoth­ achllles tendon of hls right knee. on Fred GUha’s three-run triple. when McNally belted a grand New York 6-2, California 1-10 use some more reserve has requested that entries be pica Cassius Clay says he want­ in Philadelphia and after a fourth, stole second and scor- and second homer this season, Wilson evened hls record"' at er run in the sixth, Downing Replacing him is Carletim STANDINGS slam homer and a run-scoring Baltimore 8-0, Oakland 2-2 strength.” submitted not later than Sept. ed to -aid youth in the Negro month or so fight a one-shot ex- ing on Spandola’s second hit for capped a seven-run explosion in 11-11 as he ended Detroit’ tour- came out and Michael went in. Oats, who Joins , Fire & PoUce 7-2, Nassllfs 6r3, single and hurled a six-hit 8-2 Minnesota 4-0, Washington 2-1 Why were the Raiders so 8 to any of the following com ­ ghettos of Philadelphia. hibition bout. the 20- count. the first inning after Brooks game losing streak that had cut He survived the seventh with­ Isaac Lassiter and Dan Birdwell PontlceUl’a 4-4, Bantly Oil 4-4, victory over Oakland hi the Today’s Qaniea dominant last year? One rea­ mittee m em bers: John AndreoU, Robinson cracked his 15th hom­ the Tigers’ lead from 7V4 to five out damage, buf a error by on the front line. BUI Lasky, Manor 8-6, Elks 2-7, opener of their twl-night double- Cleveland (Williams 11-7) at son, aays Raudi: Daryle Lamo- Dave Douton, Bob Dleterle, Sal er with a man on. McNally games from Friday to Monday. shortstop Ruben Amaro opened and are Manor 341 0— 8 6 1 header Monday. Boston (Culp 0-6) idca. EvangeUsta, Tom Regan, Jim singled home the last BalUmore Lonborg, 4-5 plagued first by the gatea for five runs in the the linebackers while Kent Mc- PonticeUTs 004 0—4 3 2 But with three men on and CaUfonila (Wright 8-8 and Dodson, Ron Wlnther and Mc- run in the third as the Orioles knee trouble and then shoulder eighth. Tom Egan and Mc- The Balder quarterback, 1 acM7 Cloughan and WUUe Brown are Rowley and Landry; Dubaldo, BRUNSWICK PARKADE LANES one out in the ninth of th^ night­ Harrelson 0-4) at New York Conkey. won their fourth game in five problems this season, hurled a Glothlin each drove in two runs qulred at the start of the defensive backs wltti Howie i^erch and OUha. cap, the Orioles had used up (Bahnsen 12-0 and Verbanlc 4- starts. three-hitter and struck out nine with a double. season from Buffalo, “had a WUUams and at ------^------Starting times will be drawn their McNally and Diego Segui 4). 2 better season than anyone But any facsimile of the Mc­ tor his first complete game. “I’ll have a sore arm tomor­ safety. Sept. 16. pitched out of the Jam to give Detroit (Sporma 0-10) at Chi­ 'Legion Champions Nally bat was missing against row,” Michael said, “ but I’d dreamed he would,” aays The Raiders have been FREE JUNIOR BOWLING CLINIC the A ’s a 2-0 triumph. cago (Horlen 9-11), night Rauch. “He had a fantastic Jim Hunter and then Segui In TW1N8-8ENATOB8 — do it again if he (Houk) wanted cheered by the apparent return MIDDLETOWN (AP) — East sun the Orioles had a chance Minnesota (Chance 12-12 and the second game. Tim Cullen’s one-out, run­ me to. I don’t expect it will hap­ year.” to shape of running back aem Springfield, Mass, is the cham- to cut into Detroit’s lead, unUl Roland 8-1 ) at Washington (Pas- Thursday, August 29th— 10 A,M, Hunter, 11-11, working on a scoring single off Ron Perran- pen. I understand his problem.’ ’ Lamonlca, the AFL Player of Daniels, the AFL’s top career pjoj, of the fjew England Region B ow lin g Wilson swung his bat and arm, three-hitter, entered the ninth cual 11-8 and Bosman 1-7), 2, oskl gave Washington its spilt the Year, throw 30 touchdown ground gainer, who was injured j American Legion baseball driving in two runs behind his with a 2-0 lead built when Dan­ twl-night CUnk Inehides: Free Bowling, Shoes, Instmctioas, Ptaa Book Cover after teammate Frank Bertaina passes, tops In the league, and late last season. tournament. own six-hitter for the Tigers’ 3-0 ny Cater singled home an un­ Last Night's Fights Oakland (Krausse 0-10 and Se­ BOWUNO OPENINOS allowed only two hits tor the clicked on more than hall the Hewrltt Dixon is the other They defeated Manchester, Caink Wm Ron Approximately 2 Honrs decision over the Chicaigo White earned run In the seventh after NEW ORLEANS, La. — Pete gui 4-2) at Baltimore (Leonhard 48 passes he threw. running back. Last year he was j j n Monday night in the Scheduled to get underway Sox. first 11 innlngB and the Twins’ Robinson’s error and reliever Toro, 147H, New York, stopped 6-6 and Bunker 1-0) 2, twi-night But______statistics don’t____ begin _ to among the top 10 in the league match of the double elim- Sept. 9 at 8:46 the Inter- TTie outcome left Baltimore Jim Perry gave two In nine in­ Junior Bowling League WiO Start Satnrday, Sept. 7th Pete Rlchert balked home a run Jerry Pellegrini, 147%, New Or­ Wednesday’s Qamee teU the story, eays Rauch. La- m both rushing and pass recelv- inatlon tournament. They will Oiurch Ten Pin bowling tacking up, reversing a week­ nings. in the eighth. leans, 10. New York at (3ilcago, N monica also Aowed- tremendous jng. did a fine ^ow play in the American Le- league has openings for two Opening Available For Men’s - 'Wtpiien’s • Mixed and Junior Leagues end trend, and Detroit Increased When the first two Orioles sin­ Minnesota won the opener ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.—Bob­ California at Detroit, N leaderdilp ability, the coach job flUlng In tor Daniels and gjon world Series which opens teams at the Parkade Lanes. llocWrall Tyb«lM,. iai American League lead over gled in the ninth, Segui came in with four runs In the seventh in­ by Foster, 178, Waatilngton, D.C, Minnesota at aeveland, N says, although ho was new with Larry Todd Is another top rush- Thursday In Manchester, N.H. Any church Interested In join­ 4M-U - r / the Orioles to 5% games. flu, Fud. El. Tom •! and his one-out walk loaded the ning, the last two on Rich stopped Eddie Vic, 190, New Washington at Baltimore, N the team. Ing reserve. ------ing please contact Harry Bas- In other games, Boston and and 2mouth Sru, bases. But this time the Orioles Reese’ Infield dribbler. York, 9, nontiUe. Oakland at Boston, N Rauch speaks cautiously The offensive Une is made up Leftfleldor Russ Adams hit klnd or Cy Perkins. off your cor. Brunswick Parkade Lanes Jim Lonborg blanked Cleveland about the Raiders’ chances of of at center, Wayne o(^fgIy jn is of 14 Dartmouth Col 3- 0, Minnesota beat W asl^gton National League PHONE 643.1507 reDeotiiw but does admit they Hawkins and at j fixMh games played last UCLA’s Zenon Andrusyehyn 4- 2 before losing 1-0 In 13 in­ W. L. Pet. OB ^ .. ____ D/vK OwfViiiB nnd __ ...... __ m ____ .. __ the guards and Bob Svlhus and jje batted .464 with 26 averaged 44.2 yards per punt

BY SHORTEN Bud WHIPPLE 3 4 MotoFcyclM^~ THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW 3 5 DRIVERS tor sdiool bosaa Maa- BIc ^ I m 11 JUMOR! tURH OFF IHAT MfAlTMOM.'l iOOT.aeMMWO-T-TMAT ] ______ehaatar achoola, 7:30-8:46 a.ra., HOHSEHSE AMD COME tXJRT WANNA T H iN v ■ ttk OOMMG CUKCR.' ^ oOMPANION-bouaekeeper tor I t SEEMS 2:16-3:46 p.m. Exeallant part- CLASSIFIED JIMK3R MtSSAHVOFlUlS elderly woman, Manchester, 1868 TRIUMPH Daytona 600, al­ JOMMCR! ISN'T THAT rVE HEARD OFOUYS 9NEUS10Ry: time for third aUfla, houaa- ^fiMEBOPV] WHO COULONT WAIT Piwrlew PfiBl*. most new. Call 648-0675. SEVER OE1S r r m u M O R K A W part-time, 6 or 6 daya a WMk, wivea, retired parsona. Wa hours by arrangemant Can 644- BURBLE STARTS A\0«r BAILIN'OUT t TO 60 OOLFlN*, BUT Mis FILL train you. 643-2414. 1886 TAMAHA, 280 co Scrambl- 0388 after 6 p.m. RUMORS THAN A RKRTY; BUT WHY^TME, THW IS Rid ic u l o u s / OF THOSE a d v e S t i s i n g er, 5-speod tranaminrion, ex- LINS, BUT IMIS TlMfe PLANS SEEMS, OONDUSOPPOSEHIS SPME-1MGLMG AOKOSg •octal event! cellant condition, $880. Call PART-TIME bookkeeper tor HE REALLY PRODUCED? TO B E DOIN' 3USTR>R6aTTO CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS HORROR An Excellent Opportunity J a Sloping way 648-0817 after 6 p.m. oontraoUng firm. General of­ WHA+S THAT PLANS OK/j ll4iit»pl«nbi SIDRIES- FASTEN HIS SEAT_ 6 reathered SDUcem 8 A .N . to 4:80 P.M. fice work, beneflta. Call Wilson An excellent opportunity for ■DOINf? b e l tT creatuTM 4 Summer Elaotrical Oo., 6484M7. a meui who haa completed 11 Church (Fr.) W cm f«d. B Twilled COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. high school. PreferaWy feaUval 4i38 P.M. DAT BBTOBl! FDBUOATnm WANTED —aalf-aufflclent Girl with previoua bustnasa ex­ IS Trying fabric Moforcyclss 12 , Friday, handle all office de- experienca 6 French DeadUne far Setnrday and Monday la 4iS8 p.m. Friday. perience to learn the twai- aeaport WANTED —Top bracket* for ' tails in one-girl office. Pleasant neaa end of a commerdal 14 Unit of interesting poaltlon for alert electricity 7 Hypothetical 1824 Mddel T Ford Roadster. bakery. The Job wUl oonatat atructural 21 Puffaup 40 Cubic meter PLEASE READ YOUR AD OaU 6484281. and personable young lady 15 Live 22 EnthusiasUc 41 Natural fat of aome clertoal functiona IB Foreign unita over 21 yean of age. Contact «-27 8 Check ardor 42 Reduce Olaaallled iM "Want Ads’’ are taken over the phone as a AlMOR.WtLLVOUlARE with an opportunity for fol­ agent 43 Adam’s son oonvenlenoe. The advertiser should read Us ad the FIRST S. M. DiCario, Alco De­ low up In related area* of 17 Fence 8 Pedestal part 23 Foodstuff B ut •''JUST lUlSStSOHOVERTO 10 Winter 24 Drunkard! (Bib.) DAT IT APPKAS8 and REPORT ERRORS In ttme for ttw lusiMfs SsrvicM DON'T A6R MRS. FLITTER velopment Oorp., Trailer on business. Company offers opening! 44 Roman next Inaertion. The Herald la reaponatUe fOr only ONE faioor- Brooklyn St., Rockville, 875- ALLEY OOP BY V. T. HAMLIN IS Slight bow vehicle 27 Ireland Offtrad 13 FORME? excellent benefR program, 12 Erects 28 The dill patriot reot or omitted inaertion tor eny adverltaement and then only HlM1DRU»< 0789 for personal Interview. 20 Notched 46 Arachnid subsidised cafeteria and KaENNI8,A VERY AND OOOLA, -.WHO KNOWS/ WMATSTHE 22 Gaelic 13 Moimtaln 28 Medicinal to the extant of a "make good” Inaertion. Enera which do TOU ARE A-1, (ruck Ul A-1. AMV errands ONE OF OUR HER WFY P U R P O S E O F _PREf=ERASlV 47 Angered free parking. Apply, A B L E s p e c i a l t y 25 Sorrowful nymph quantity not lenmn the valne of Ow adverttooment will not be oorrotod Oellara, attles, yarda, drive­ ; F0R.V0U PHOIOSRAPHER BEST f i e l d AROUNO tw»s t r ip . SOME PRETTY 18 Musical 35 Fixed look 48 Indian by "make good” Insortlon. RESEARCHERS^ IN THIS . M R .0 4 N I S ? ANaENTi 26 Conduct weighta ways sealed and amall truck­ after DARR-' ATTENTION 80 African syllable 86 Boat paddle FIRST NATIONAL BUSINES6j\ 20LegUlaUva 87 Invisible 50 Gratuity ing done A-1 right. CrJl Tre- HOUSEWIVES animal mago .Trucking Service tbU- STORES, INC. 31 Italian body . vapor 82 Golf mound 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 8 7 5 -3 1 3 6 free, 742-8487. B/LLflOK*! ■tream r~ r~ r r r r IT frrr$BUKoH,PA. McDonaM's is now employ­ PARK A OAKLAND AVE8. 32 Thing! dona 1 T (Rockville, Ton Free) B H ARPEim a Service — Saws, ing women, work part-time 33 Bind! IT 12 11 BUST HARTFORD, CONN. 34 Arboreal kntvaa, axas, shears, akatea, while your children are at home 14 II rotary bladas. Quick service. school, hours 11-2 or 11-8, 38 DUtren Oipltol Equipment Oo., 68 Monday through Friday. nr IT II CARPENTER helpara, ax- ilgnal Treubis Reaehiig Our AdYurtisar? Main St, Manchester. Hours Apply in person. perlenced only, good pay. Call OUT OUR WAY BY 3 . B. WILLIAMS S3 Grafted dally 7:80-6, Thuraday, 7:80-8, (her.) 289-0449. Saturday 7:804. 643-7868. Movino—Tracking—i n ^ T f i i e i H dp WonliMl— Hdp W em fd' 38 Landed i4 W i r a JT 21-Hour Answuriug SutvIm MCDONALD’S DRIVE-IN GOODYEAR Service Store baa >I«U KBBPUPTHKTBLASnNa-CUT-OP-) ’C A U S E I T S propertie! CARPENTER — exporlonced. Sforoig* 20 FmimI* 35 35 THE-TRAP PRACTICE AND YOU'LL WIND c h e a p e r T O 42 Moccasin H i t ■A'- 48 W.Center St., Mancheater an opening for a fuU-tlnae tire UP HAVING TO BUY ANOTHER BkAA OP BUYABAOOF 45 Biblical Frau to Harald Raadan changer and general aarvlee AMID R9R-THE BABY'3 3ANP BOX/I SA W P THAW weeds man. Experience preferred but IVHV DOMT YOU PRACTICE CHIP AYCAROFUL Want Intormatlon on m m of oar claMlflod advertlaementaT trucking and package delivery. FILE CLERK, able to type, 46 Wrong not neceasary. Company bane- DAVY JONES BY LEFF and MeWILLIASfS 3H0T3 ON THE ORASS7 OF BOO/ i4 No answer at the tetophone UatedT Simply caR the SERVICE when you need it. Refrigerators, waabers a n d high school graduate, Mandies- BABTSITTER wanted, older (prefix) fits and exoeUant oppwtunMy 48 Legal plea Complete sharpening service, stove moving, specialty. Fold­ ter office, 87H hours, Mrs. woman preferred, references. WELL, IF t h e y LATEH for advancement CaU or come 51 Dress band and power mowers. ing chairs for rent 649-0762. KeUy, 648-5861. CLERK Starting Sept. Srd. In my home, VOO'VE SOT TO WERE, THEY'RE \ EDWARDS In and aee, J. Mariano, Good­ SBLievE M E... GONE NOW... 53 Withdraw 42 3 " w r w 47 W Home, garden and shop. We al­ Manchester Green area, own SALESWOMAN, mature to wmrk year Service Store, KeUy R o ^ , P A W JONES MHS 54 Encounterer so r^air and service power transportation, 7 :80 - 2:80. OaU HERE WITH THE 55 Bun away to 49 li ANSWERIND SERVICE evenings, Logan Mills Fabrics, TYPIST Vernon, 646^)101 and 875-6292. and hand mowers. AU work ______Pointing— Poporing 21 649-7025 after 6 p.m. KIDNAPERS wed si U Manchester (next to Caldors). An equal opportunity employ­ 65 Organ parta 6494 00 875-2519 guaranteed. For dependable PELLETIER — Painting — Call 8 to 9 p.m., 648-9766. Excellent job opportunity 7 Mf er. DOWN U u service call Sharp-All, 586 interior and exterior, papenng for a qualified typist either If part-time or full-time. Must 1 Afternoon and leave yoor meaaage. ToaH hoar from oar advertlaer In Adams St., Manchester, 648- and paper removal, fully In- Pg time wlthoat spendliig aO evening at the tUeimoae. 6806. sured. 648-9048, and 6484826. be high school graduate and (Nswipapw fsIcrpriM AiiaJ HOUSEWIVES have good figure aptitude. SALESWOMEN PART-TIME LIGHT trucking, odd jobs, also PAINTING — interior and ex- Good wages, pleasant work­ COLLEGE and HIGH S(JH .FINN TO HAVE A LL HIS NAME OF THE STEVE CANYON Part-time Evenins? Hours «XI? NOW LET ME TRY BY MILTON CANIFF Toasty, vicinity Porter St., 19M 2-DOOR HARDTOP, white 9487. training financing. Insurance, CASHIER for cash and carry STAFF accountant. ExceUent apply SEVEN THIS MORNING, AND THE FURNITURE MOVED OUT? AND MOU/H6 CCMPAHyP, TO R EM EM BER THE N A A ^ Starfire OldemobUe, power retirement and hospitalization lumberyard, experienced pre­ DRIVER SHOWED AAE THE ORDER THERE IT W A S -IN BLACK AND WHITE* child’s pet. Reward. 649-1428. Keypunch Operators opportunity for individual de­ SLIP? I EXAAfUNEO IT VERY. BONBON CHATTEli PROBABLY TRAIUNB A POW CVUL steering, windows and brakes. VENETIAN blinds — repaired, plans. Many dealers earning ferred but not necessary. For siring to become a certified SINGER CO. OOLDEN SLAVE BNEMV! WE MUST ALLOW HIM TO retaped and recorded. 646-0273, $12,000, $18,000 $20,000 and appointment caU Mr. McIntyre REFULLY? — Tilting steering Wheel, console If you have experience In public accountant. Please send LOOKS EXACTLY WORK IT OUT... ALONE Jl ' 3 tadiometer, excellent condl- 649-2971. more a year. Get the facts. 649-0186. 866 Main St., Manchester LIKE STEVE CAN­ Porsonob our field, why not use It. We resume to Box DD, Manches­ YON IN THE BOLE ------——------r—- tlon. $996. 876-8848. Write Box 306, Eart Hartford COUNTER WOMAN for mom offer you, convenient loca­ ter Herald. RIDE NEEDED to downtown ______i . REWEAVING of bums, moth- or call collect 289-1521. Eve- WE SAVE HIM dngs, fuU-tlme, 5-day week, uni­ tion, exceUent salary and THE n e o - n a : Hartford from Edgerton St. igea VOLKSWAGEN, con- holes, zippers repaired. Win­ nlngs Mr. Belles 033-9289. and Hemlock St., about 8 a.m. vertlble, clean, good tires and dow iihades made to measure. forms furnished, benefits. interesting work. We are In­ 6492938. engine. 6497102, after 6. all size VeneUon bliqds. Keys (X)NCESSIONAIRE — Mature Please apply in person to Mis­ terested in girls with Alpha­ made whUe you wait. Tape re­ male, female, or couple to ful­ ter Donat, 266 W. Middle 'Tpke. numeric background. Why RIDE WANTED from Bush HIU jgeo CHEVROLET, 9cyllnder, corders lor rent. Marlow’s 867 ly operate equipped restaurant, not give us a call to ar­ HELP WANTED Rd., Manchester to vicinity of automatic, good condition, new WOMAN to live in. Refined range an Interview. Main St., 6495!221. Mme experience and some fi­ woman as companion for re­ Aetna Insurance on Farming- tires, registered. 047-1008. nancial security necessary. Loom fixers, Weavers, Material Handlers, IHumberB. ton Avenue for 8 a.m. arrival. tired gentleman, light house­ Paid Vacations, 7 Paid Holidays, Blue Cross, CMS, 1960 CHEVROLET, Impala, Ready to open for business keeping, good home. CJaU 1-884- OaU 649-8480. ______automatic, power steering, Buiiding— within a few days. Seafood spe­ Data Keypunch Service Sickness and Accident Insurance, Pension Plan and MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY RIDERS WANTED from Man­ good tires, gooB running con­ cialties on premises and take­ OF EAST HARTFORD Profit Sharing. Contracting 14 out. Personal contact only with WAITRESS wanted i>art-Ume, 6 chester to University of Hart­ dition. CaU 6491898 after 4 p.m. 1247 MAIN STREET HOLD THE FLAG NO, NO, CUDC3LES* ford, night classes beginning ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ Mr. Keith, 627 Main St., Man- p.m. to 1 a.m. shift. Apply Bess FO R AAE, W ILL > O U? ON THE OTHER | ' I \ Eaton Donuts, 160 (Jenter 528-6518 Apply CHENEY BROTHERS, INGl THIS IS S e ^ m l^ r 16 Please caU 649 1966 AMX-890, 8-speed automa- rage, rec rooms, bathrooms <*ester. SICc 3E !> O U R 81 COOPER HILL ST., MANCHESTER, CONN. AVERY 6-80 nm tic- original mUee, fully tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ Street, Manchester. SHADOWS IS 6028 after 6.80 p.m.______equipped. Best offer over $8,- AAMCX) TRANSMISSION WAPORWNT WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALU ment work, cellar floors, pa­ EARN $50 and more In fam­ TEL.I 648-4141 PUTT* RI6 H TIN M Y ------200. 872-8681, tios, roofing. CaU Leon Cles- SHOP FOR SALE MATURE Bolton woman want­ U N E f ous brand items. No Invest­ ed to care for 4-year-old boy V i Automobilot For Sole 4 MUSTANG, 1906 convertible. V ______synski, BuUder. 649-4291. _ ment. Help friends shop from u . CAN I HAVE'A THAT 10-HOLE Now operating in large In her own home for teacher. WHEN I GET 8, 4-spwd, NEWTON H. SMITH * SON — nearby city. Good potential home. Send for free 624 page CaU 742-6681 TWD-WHEELER QOLFOOLX3&E o n e e d c a r ? Credit very ^ ' mUeage. CWl 647-1680. RtCHAHOfAMOOGy E>\RE. F O p -? Remodeling, repairing, addi­ return on invertment. Must catalog. Popular Club Plan, JONES 4- I'M GOING TO JUBTIUBNEO Bankrupt, repossession? Hon------Dept. U601, Lynbrook, N.Y. BOOKKEEPER—^Typist for one RK«»4R/ I t C A N J-P H O H / INTO A est Douglas accepts lowest 1968 VOLKSWAGEN — good tions, rec rooms, garages, sell for personal reasons. BU/TGUyOUeOAN POP? porches and roofing. No job Terms available. girl office, experienced only. PARKING LOT. down, smallest payments, any­ condition. Four good tires, re- WOMAN wanted to babysit in Dlsplaycraft, 643-9557. HELP WANTED le-NOLBGOLF btalt motor. Can be seen after too smaU. CaU 640-8144. a xy(f£B j F D R where. Not small loan finance Box Z, Manchester Herald my home for two chUdren, ages I company plan. Douglas Mo­ B:S0 et 83 Olcott Street. $76. CARPENTRY— concrete steps, four and two, apnroxlmately Clerk-Typist. Paid Vacations, 7 Paid Holidays, Blue tors, 840 Main. floors, hatchways, remodeling, M ^CH ESTER — Photography 8:30 to 6:16 dally. 647-1121. rpQy DEMONSTRATORS Cross, C ^ , Sickness and Accident Insurance, Pensum porches, garages, closets, ceil­ studio for sale. Owner retiring Plan and Profit Sharing. 1062 VALIANT, standard 6 Trucks— ^Tixietort 5 after 80 years in business. Ex­ Sell Toys & Gifts Party PRISCILLA'S POP cylinder. (Jar In good ruimlng ings, attics finished, rec BY AL VERMEER 1066 FORD Econllne van, com­ rooms, formica, ceramic. Oth­ ceUent business reputation has Plan,, Part-time. No Expe­ condition, $850. 742-8288. been established. Owner wiU ACX30UNTS PAYABLE rience needed. High 7/' 8,1968. Wire wheels, overdrive, Storaga 10 bathrooms, kltdhens. 640-8440. SALESLADIES, full - time or tono cover. CaU 649-6874 after HOUSEWIVES — Work part- 59 Leggett Street part-time (one to 6:30, Includ­ WASHINOTON and Main Street, Full-time days. YouV enjoy wotidng at Man- 5. ______time lunch hours whUe chil­ ing Thursday nights until 0 garage for rent $10. CaU 647- dren are in srtiool. Apply in East Hartford ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS plus aU day Saturday). Top chester^s finest service statkm. Pleasant woili- 1089 FORD deluxe, 4-door sedan, 1461. Spoclol Sarvicas 15 person. Friendly Ice (Jream, 289-1541 hourly rate to those with good $600. 1048 Lincoln Continental next to Caldors. t r WONT IF w e SCRATCH KM M M 208 from OARAGE for rent. $7 monthly, WIGS, WIGLETS and FaUs - sales ablUty, good appearance, convertible, $780. 649-8208 from Vlclnltv kig ooiiditiona ki town, with no tm ffk to con< rHeMATme&Mef good for rtorage. Vicinity Cleaned and set, reasonable. SALESWOMAN, woman's ap- and enjoy the pleasure of serv­ 6 to 8 p.m. ing wonderfiU customers. CaU Maide St., 648-yiOe. Call 640-3235. parel,^p^.tlme^ exceltant^sala- HAIRDRESSERS — Experlenc- tend with. Paid hoUdaya. Also available: Bhw 1659 CADILLAC convertible in ry and store benefits. Call Mr. Mr. Shapiro, 643-2128. (Jasual I HOPE T M t n U1 >.i OH -i— Lovely new beauty and good running condition. Best Village Shops, Manchester. CrosB, CMS end retirement phau If you enjogr THI6 ISNT e t j MatoKyclos— Altshuler, 618-8112. figure salon in Bolton on Route offer over $200. CaU 648-0746. Roofing and A PHOID- LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Bicyelof 11 WOMAN — experienced to clean 8. Generous salary, paid vaca- COUNTER WOMAN lor full or meeting the public, thia may be Juat tha Job FIH I6H , 1666 PONTIAC Catalina ma------Z— ------Chimnoys 16-A smaU house one day a week. tlons, excellent commissions. part-time work. Apply in per­ Cap*. 'M Oaa'I fM*»M Ca>p KBAWeP/f M (UflW M . roon. Completely automatic. HONDA Super Hawk, 806 oo. Free use of figure salon equip­ son, Comer Soda Shc^, 786 for you. Apply in penon to Mr. Danny Oaiay. 1/^ CaU 6497186. Excellent condition. $1,600. Call exceUent condiUont many ROOFINO — Specializing re- ment by operators. CaU Mrs. Main Street, Manchester. 646-4017. $860. CaU 648-0874. pairing roofs of aU kinds, new RELIABLE WOMAN needed to Clark, 049-1702, 648-2483, or 646- • i <■ roofs, gutter work, chimneys babysit for two email children, PART AND FULL-tlme fabric 1 1 0 1 . Moriorty Brothers 1066 MUSTANG, 2-door hard- 1966 HONDA 806 co, very nice cleaned and repaired, 80 years' five days a week. Prefer t o ------— ------salesgirls wanted. Apply Miss top, 6 cylinder, automatic. Ex- condition, completely custoi)$- experience. Free estimates. bring children to babysitter’s INTELLIGENT high school girl Oohum, Pilgrim M l^ , Hart­ 316 CENTER ST., MANCHESilB-.d48f61S6 ceUent condition. CaU after 6,^ Ized. Beat offer accepted. (JkU CaU Howley 848-6861, 844- home. Write Box "KK," Man- wanted for dental office after- ford Rd., Manchester, between 648-6982. * 648-8810. 8838. chester Herald. noons only. Call 649-8676. three and six p.m. only. c IM k, HU, Uc.‘ 0-2r

IP EIORTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1968 UANCHB3TBR EVElliINO HERATJ), MANCHESTER, CONN.. TU ^D AY, AUGUST 27, 1968 PAGE NINETEEN D o 9 s — lircb-^PM * 41 AportmtiW Haf»— Bufinou Loeotiom Houtot For Solo 72 Tononwnts 63 For Rent 64 MANCHESTER — New on POODLB, black, two-year old, 72 Ho w m fo r Sate 72 Ho w m For Sate 72 Oot off Towh Oat of Towm Wontod Kod Estalo 77 lovaUe male miniature. Good market, 6 wm Cape, IH COZY 4-room apartment, heat- TWO ROOM office, 100 percent MAMCHBSTBR — Near five 75 CLASSIFIED with children. All ahota, freah- BERRY’S WORLD baths, garage," Bowers School, RAI8BD RANCH — buUt-lns, For Solo For Solo 75 Ike’s Doctors Voice ed, electric stove, centrally Main St. location. Inquire Mar- fenced yard. Bel Air Real room Ranch, 616 Bush lOU Rd. MANCHESTER—17 >t Bt 8- ly cut. KS or best offer. 643- 1V4 batbs, flreplaee, rec room, EAST WINDSOR — 4 room located, $120. monthly. 649- low’s, 867 Main St. E state, 648-9882. niroe bedrooms. Nice bedroom, Oolonlsl, aluminum 0791. 1919 between 6-7 p.m. 14x16’ sundeck, garage. Two VERNON ^ ik s new, rix room Ranch, Urge lot, very clean. How Is Property Selling? STORE o r o ffic e s fo r ren t 460 on laige lot. T. Shannon, Buill^ riding. ExceUent otmditlon, on­ er. 668-6602. a o r e i o f la n d . $34,MO. CaU M it­ UftR bum Ramto. FlrepUce, Only $16,900. H. M. Frechette, ’Cautious Optimism’ ADVERTISING ONE TEAR OLD German Shep­ S>4 ROOM deluxe apartment, Main St. Adross from Friendly ly ne.MO. H.M. Frechette ten Realty Realtore, 64S-6M0. gfuage, porch.' Only $80,300. R ea ltors, 647-9991. That’s a question that we herd, spayed female, all ahota. stove, refrigerator, dtappsal, Ice C ream . 648-2425. 941. “ y* .‘ "• R ea ltore, 647-OOtt. (Conttnaad from Page One) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS eluding 4 bedrooms, living SBVIIN ROOM older lunne, ex- Hayes Agency, 6464>i$l. are asked most every day. G ood w ith children, ITS. d og wall to wall carpeting, free gas oeOent condition, on bus Un*. MANdHEFTER — Circa 1878, BOI/TON — four room expand- house included. Call 649-0362. room — dining room combina­ Frankly, the way a property T*.* fihHii.H™ BUien an etaotronlo paeamak- 8 AAI. to 4:30 P.M. for cooking and hot water. Call Property inOludee 3 extra build- eight room Ootonlal. Beautiful CXIVENTRY — 8 room Cape. aide Cape. Two unflnlabed up, “ movee” when it la r>ffered Out of Town tion with beamed ceilings and % acre lot. ResldenUal area. 647-1177. Ing lote. Marion B. Roberteon, on beautiful 180x800 treed lot. Oomresdent loeatkm near Park­ for sale depends a lot on POODLES — AKC, miniature a fireplace. A family room and EAST CENTER STREET Possible extra lot. H. M. « d ^ u a e daath tf not rieppad S i a e T S S ^ S ^ For Root 66 Realtor, 64l4n68. Middle 30’a. Seen by appoint­ way and Lake. CaU now, $16,- 1 ^ ’ it is handled. )FV>r this 0 » Y OXISING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. or small standards, brown or a game room, family aised Frechette Realtors, 847-M08. black, with shots. Call 649-3627. m ent 742-7307. 400. Hayes Agency, 94840$1. reason, we suggest that 406 P.M. DAT BEFXIRE PUBLICATION SO LOCUST ST.—Secwid floor, ROCKVILLE — six rooms, sec- Idtchen and two fuU bathroom*. MANCHBBTBR — Tree ehaded Two famUy, 6-6 flat atyle. The first hoqpital buUatln . ^ to * i^ you consult our firm. Mov­ Deadline lor Saturday and Monday Is 4:86 p.m. Friday. 4-room8, heated, $188. 648-2426. ond floor, stove, and refrlgera- ^ c m attached gai^e. ^ e-room Oarrieon Colonial, large Good condition. Mid 20’a. BEST BUY IN town.. .six room SOUTH Windsor ~ Large 8 Monday said "Gwi. EtoMihawsr « to » - dltton.. .a tidy 4 room apart­ cape with one oar gsrage. ing property is our business. tor $120. Three rooms, > stove livmc room with fireplace, for­ Poeelble to have combina­ room I^Btt Larvri. Three or four WHiiM d 2Eall8miw77 has further Increase In puls~ • « » an In­ Lhf* S t o c k 4 2 NEW one-bedroom. Includes ment or in-law suite. Wolver- House cantraUy located, in If you reaUy want to seU, and refrigerator, $100. Three mal dining room, and a famUy tion of apartments, and of­ bedrooms. Ideal In-law ar- heart irrttaldUty rinoe yester- appliances and utilities, from ton Agency Realtors, 649-2818. pretty good condition. OU hot LUTINGS WANTED — Buyers place full confidence in us. DIAL 643-2711 rooms furnished, heat and util­ slsed Mtohen, 8 generous bed­ fices. Norman Hohenthal nufigemant. Modem Utohen, day. Extra beats have been oc- Doctore also used drugs to $148. J. D. Real Estate Asso­ ities, $180. Can 872-4752. wsUer heat. No basement. Tre­ avaUalde. Courteous, efficient Wo won’t let you down. Our WILL BOARD two horses, box MANCHESTER — Clean 8-fam- rooms, (doeete galore, m R ea ltor, 646-1166. formal dtadng room, family cuRing with Increaolng frequtn- quiet too heart. cia te s, In c., 643-5129. mendous vuhie at only $16,600. eegvfce. Your satUfaction Is professional real estsute staff cy.» Although toa tacM meeee$em stalls, reasonable. Call 742-8860. baths, breeseway and attached room, firepUce, 3H baths, gsr­ ily 6-4-8, large lot, centrally Inunediate occupancy. T.J. our'concern. Call lu now. C.J. Is awalUng your caU. located, St. James Parish. gangs. Aluminum siding. $27,- age. $38,900. PhUbrick Agency In toe afternoon toe buUetln from toe hospital wore llsaltod Cbntinuod From Procoding Pago Rosort Propoity Oockett, Realtor. 848-1677. Morrison Agency, 948-1016. aald; "The Incidence of extm moeUy to the funeral's heart ae- SIX ROOM duplex, adults oidy. Leonard Agency, Realtors, 846- 900. Wolverton Agency. Real­ ReaMom, 6498M7. Articlos For Solo 45 RAISED RANCH — modem beato, whUo high, baa not for- tlon, doctors did say BUnbIiow- $140. 22 Locust St. 646-2426, 9-6. For Root 67 tors, 649-2S1S. NEW LISTING — She room ALL CASH for your property JARVIS REALTY 00. 0469. kitehen vflth aU buUt-lns, toer Increased.” «r is takliig meals and "ooBthi- Help W uotod M ok 36 Hdp W onted M oio 36 DARK rich stone-free loam, NIANnC —Quiet comfortable overrised Cape wMh fiUI riied NORTH COVENTRY within 34 hours. Avoid red UPPER THREE rooms and MANCHESTER — 7 room alr- PLEASE your family. This formal dining room, fomUy REALTORS — MLB The evening bulletin said: use to rari comfortably.” 4-room cottage. Swimming, dormer. Stones throw from IN TIME FOR SCHOOL tape. Instant service. Hayes •4'AMITORS - ^^tlm e eve- MAN for various outside Jobe, bath, heat, stove, refrigerator. conditloned Split Level, 8 • bedroom Ranch Is locat­ room, 4 bedrooms, 3H baths, "There has been no aigidficant Bioenhewer has been bo^Ual- stone, fill, gravel, sand and boating, tennis, golf. Available Main Street Two fuU baths, This new home la -being Agency, 6484)131. 283 E a st C en ter S treet 648-1121 alBgB, Itanchester area. Call part-time mornings or after- Central location. Shown after baths, sliding glass doors off ed within walking distance to 3 flr^laoee, 3-car garage, $84,- change In Gen. Eioenhower’ e lied since suffeitag a haart at- manure. 643-9504. immediately, $100. weekly, Cov­ Uvlng room with firsplaoa, completed iww and the wise 649 4468, three to six p.m. only, noons. Call 649-6644. S p.m. 648-1064. family room, modem Idtchen ■Cboola and ptaygrounds. Situ­ 900. PhUbrick Agency Realtore, AND THEN there was the man ------oondltlon since this afternoon’s tack whUe vaeatioiilng In Palm entry, 742-6019. large Utohen, three car buyer can enjoy "Total with buUt-ins, garage. $28,900. ated In a youthful neighbor­ 6494)847. who when told that he and hU „ * ® „ “ l? Man-eater ixiUetln.’' Springs, Oslif., April 39. SCHOOL BUS DRIVER, short CUSTODIAN, earn |2 plus per garage. Immaoulata oondl- Electric Living” In thU PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, hood, immaculate and com wife were overweight, bought The 10 recent epiaodes of critt- Tha Utest attack wna tala sar- hours, good wages. Also hour at Friendly Ice Cream, SAVE tlerience helpTuI, but hereby given that a Publlo by crimlnale In 1987. Thto under of the annual OOP *«a-BarQ.” YOU SAVED and slaved for jectlon screen, gun cabinet, most reoUstlcaUy. $28,000 PhUbrick Agency Realtors, 649 Raised Ranch, two yesue old, LICENSED Real Estate sale- wall to wall carpet. Keep it Aparfmonts— Flat*— Mo-om.______shopping center. Potential not neceeaory; we’U $16,900 WILL PURCHASE this buys it. Please call 6494)806. ------... ------Hearing wUl be held In the He«K local contrri parUcularty In the Over 180 peraona attended and dress form, white ruffled cur­ tra in you. 6847. men with previous experience. gross, $6,136 per year, $9,000 4H room Ranch, within walk­ three bedrooms, two lavator- utg Room of toe Municipal area of aobool policy and pro- heard aftesMhnner speaches by For local and long haul de­ new with Blue Lustre. Rent tains, electronic equipment, TonomontS 63 m a i n ST. office for rent. liveries. Guaranteed mini­ Gall Mr. PhUbrick, PhUbrick electric shampooer, |1. The ------Center of town, plenty of park- down to right buyer. Ample • F u ll o r pttrt-« *«rden ) w f ^ d a te for atate leprsasotattve as printing plates, .000 thick, tate Associates, Inc., 643-6129. Street. BuUding and lot next C o. 649-6246. ing area. Must be seen. Wol­ Hayes Agency, 846-0181. mately 8.7 acres of land located almost wholly on the homi the Blri DtoMot, thanked Holp W o n t o d — to make button holes, sew sire to do a g.Bolton, v;«mecncui, Connecticut, aiat a pur- ^ toe danger toaf Increased aid toe support given herte a ro­ real estate rentals — apsirt- 9 to 6 p.m. Cdcnlal. The address Is charm gage, live as low as $80. month­ price only $34. or you can Good Salary ly rec room and bar, garage, Mn™ result In increased Involve- cent prhnary. She defeated oon- Mr. Gordon or Mr. Hill SCHOOL bus drivers, men or TOBACCO BARN boards and ments, homes, multiple dweU- INVITATION A LITTLE imagination, a little and the custom extras are cer­ ly. Only $28,700. After 4, 628- pay $5. per month. For free ptaH ModNn Beneflto . . . large lot, weU landscaped. The preyed ordinance may men* by sUte and federal gwv- tender Engene GagHordone, women. Apply now for work 150 y ea r old hand hew ed b a m Ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real TWO OFFICES for rent. work, and $18,800 will get you 0686. delivery call Capitol Credit tain to provide toe pcullcular Wo^t last $21,600, Paul W. be seen to the Town Oerk’s of- by handgunT 9 per cent by systems also of BoMon. in September. L«sUe CoUins, tim bers. CaU 876-1016 a fte r 6. E sta te A ssocia tes, In c., 643- Approximately 600 square feet TO BID a fine little older home. Five person with many pleasant 1224 Sullivan Avenue, W applng, Manager ’till 9 p.m. If toU, TO BE SOLO — 4-4, two fam­ Dougan, Realtor, 649-4686. “ ce during tnudness hours. shotguns__ and 8 per cent by ri have been tradltlonaly a local Mks. MBler warned ttMt ways 5129. each. F’ront and side windows Notice Is hereby given that rooms on a tree shaded lot hours. Two llreplacce, large BRAKE and alignment man SCREENED loam, processed caU c o lle c t 246-2140. ------1------— ------Dated at Manchester, Coimeo- « concern; they must remain so." must be found to preaerve (he 644-1457. factog Main Stfeet. Good for gjighth UWUtlea District will NOTICE right in Manchester. Wolverton rooms, oversised 2-car garage, ily, A-1 condition, A-1 location. Goodyear Service Store has gravel, also bank run gravel. NEW ’TWO bedroom townhouse Call Paul J. Correntl Agency, BOLTON LAKE —0% room Ucut, this 28rd day of August, During the period 1963 Houley spoke before a gato- independence of the omaB towns profeMlonal. Pajhlng- Call accept bids to supply fuel oil for Agency, Realtors, 6492818. full ceramic baths, master Ranch, one car garage, ^ ipeg. permanent position for exper- SCHOOL BUS drivers, exper­ George H. Griffing, 742-7886. apartment with exceptional PUBLIC HEARING •a 648-6868. throu^ 1967, toe report showed. resldenU at toe and said that the Democrato M usical Instnim oiits 53 Max Grossman, 649-5334. firehouse at 32 Main Street bedroom suite, attached ______a cre w ooded lot. F irm $18,600. ienced brake and alignment lence not necessary. Apply In — custom tenant features. J. D. ADDITIONAL MANCHESTER — Immediate John I. Garslde Jr. there were 69,016 murden of Ronald Farria, Bolton have ottered only greater ted- breeseway and an inimitable grmr WlU hold with deposit only. man. Ability to seU service person. SUver Lane Bus Co., KEEP CARPET cleaning prob- f e n d ER Dual Showman Real Estate Associates Inc., FOR RENT - Broad Street, and the sanitary sewer plant N(X>RD Road area.. .Price mud room, new bathroom, cent; New York 84.9; iSanAohn. Ing Andover, Bolton and Coven- Merfairi, oamSdote for Con- interview appetotment caU J. Office and Store ------beautv salon etc. call 742-6169. president Clinton E. O’Brien. ^ tte NOTICE equipment operator. Mon­ dtvan, good for famUy room, NEW ONE and two-bedroom de­ Reliance Associates Real Es­ call Frank FUloramo to Inspect is SLASHED on this beautiful b a seb oard h eat, new 1,0(X) g a l­ setts 89.9; and New Jemey 41.2. try), Introduced Houley to toe greas mertJcul,' _ Tii'esday,~______■ _ Proposed additional appropri- condition. Sensibly_ priced In Notice Is hereby gi'ven of the cent. 46-day jaU sentence. teachers" reception for the new CHRIS Craft speed boat, 8 GIRL’S size 1 2 ^ d 14 skirts. MANCHESTER and vtcinity. CaU 6497867. Street, Manchester. 18’ tor. Adults only, no pets. Avail- candidates of the Republican ^ p t^ b er 3 1968 at 8’00 P.M. the mid 20’s and well*worth it. «#*^l««ation «>f party-endorsed The other man Involved la al- pubUo and parcKhlol teachers In WANTE2> school bus drivers like new . 649-3064. atlon to General F\md Budget Over 76 homes from $7,600 up. cylinder engine, full canvas able September 1st. Call 649- Party for nomination to the mu- ^ consider and act on the fol candidatiee of the Democratic WASHINGTON (AP) — Crime so charged with other offenses Manchester In the faU, which men or women, mornings and 1968/69, Board of Education CaU Mitten Realty Company, BOLTON LAKE — I^ts 600’ T . J. C rock ett, R ea ltor, 643- WITH OR without experience tra iler, g ood condition, $860. 4116. nlcipel office specified below to Party for nominaition to the in Connecticut Increased In aU in the area. 1.. wiU include a guided bus tour afternoons or both, good hours ...... 815,371.20 Realtors, 648-6930. from water, treed and In very 1677. printers, cutters, bindery men 646-4356. be fUled at the State election to i^ppr<^rlatlons to be added ... ______muntolpal offices specified be- but one of seven major cate- WUUam J. Rice, 17, of Hart- of toe community in ofdw to and good pay, H. A. F’link, W ontod— To Buy 58 SEVEN ROOM Duplex apart­ for Vocational Education Pro- nice area. Priced to seU. and apprenticea. Company paid be held on November 5, 1968 in capital accounts of the 1968/ grama approved by the Oon- Simply Superb NORTH COVENTRY — near low to bo filled at the State gories in 1967, the Federal Bu- ford, charged with breaking orient and introduce the new W applng, 644-1902 a fter 5 p.m . m ent, 649-4663 days, o r 643- Hayes Agency, 6464)181. instirance, excellent benefits. WE BUY and sell antiques, and the Town of Coventry. A list of budgets for the purpose of necticut State Department of Parkway. Older three bedroom election to be held on Novem- reau of Investigation’s Unlfomi and entering with criminal in- teachers to Manchester; 7267 nights. Apply In person. An equal ^ CONCESSIONAIRE M ature Gordon— Farm— used furniture, china, glass sil­ the persons so endorsed as can- paying the costs of the foUow- EJducaUon, July 1968, to be fl- COVENTRY — BuUding lot Cape. Three car garage, five ber 6, 1968 in the Town of Oov- Crime Reports riiowed Monday, tent and larceny under $280 In Study and make recxxnmenda- portunity emidoyer. Burroughs male, female, or couple to ful­ Dairy Products 50 ver, picture frames, old coins, dldates ts on file in my office, propoeed public Improve- nanced by periodic relmburae- close to lake. No reasonable acres, privacy. Only $16,600. entry. A list of the persons so A decline was riiown only in incident that occurred In tiona regardiiig the capttal Im- OMiwratlon. Business Forms ly operate equipped restaurant, ------guns, pewter, scrap gold, MECHANIC being the office of the Town g^d capital projects- or ment by the State Depart- offer refused, 6484)724. Hayes Agency, 6464)181. endorsed as candidates is on th® number of forcible rape Maiuheitter, pleaded not provement needs of the school and Supidies Goup, Route 30, some experience and some fi­ WHOLESALERS and retailers— watches old jewelry, hob- Clerk, Town Office Building, gj them as may hereafter ment of Education, Division of Side Bow ------;------r------file In my office, being Ihe of- cases in Connecticut, guUty to the charge and wlU system; T ollan d. nancial security necessary. butter and sugar com, yellow ^y coUecUons, paintings, atUc Coventry, and copies thereof approved by the voters pur- VERNON mmoet new, 8-bed- of ihe Town Clerk, Town Increases were recorded to ^ heartog on Sept. 6. Aid and assist the Board of com,------tomatoes, for sale. T_In­ estates. Fur- LUBE - MAN Vocational Education. Rttsoit Property Ready to open for business availaUe tor pubUc distribution: guant to the provisions of Sec- Proposed additional appropri­ w m Rwch, oo^^ent to Qfdce BuUding, OoventiY, and cases of murder and noMegU- chargespend- Education to the vocational gtod- EXPERIENCED painter want­ quire at Buckland Farms Vege- Repair Service, 643-7449. within a few days. Seafood Two Positions Open in Our Reglatrara of Votens, Janu- 28, Chapter V of the Town For M 74 Vernon Circle, IH baths, nro- toereof are available for $®®^ manslaughter, robbery, Hartford Superiod Court ance of Manchester students; ed, full-time, steady work. Call table Stand, comer Tolland " ------Service Dept, for Qualified ation to General Fund Budget place, storms, buUt-to electric specialties on premises and ary 6, 1969 to January 4, Charter at a regular or special public dititri'butlon: aggravated assault, bu^lary, offenses there. Is Offer the assistance of the 649-4848. Tpke. and Adams St. HOUSEHOLD lote — Antiques Men. Pay Scale in Accord­ 1968/69, Board of Educa- BOLTON LAKE, Bolton — 6 kitchen. Immaculate, Immed­ take-out. Personal contact only 1971. election, namely: Registrars of Voters, Jenu- l^ m y $60 and more, and auto jjj connection with toe Chamber to the Community Oot- bric-a-brac, clocks, frames. ance with Ability & Experi­ tU m ...... $28,888 room summer home secluded iate occupancy, $21,500. Meyer theft, CARPENTER layout man, work JusUcee of the Peace, Janu­ (a) An appropriation not to a r y 6, 1969 to January 4, break Into the Manchester lege to Insure the future growth with Mr. Keith, 527 Main St., 'TOMATOES, beans, carrots, glassware. We buy estates. Vll ence. Multiple Fringe l^ne- for Project HI (Project #77- hldaway, near water, 8 bed­ Agency, Realtors, 6484)609. The figures for Connecticut, Vemon, RockvUle, Manchester fits A Paid Vacation. Apply a ry 8, 1969 to January 6, exceed $1,966,000 for the con­ 1971. Bowling AUey when and ccxiatructicm of a new cam- beets, squash, cucumbers and f peddler. Auctioneer, 420 3) under Public Law #35 rooms, only 89,800. Hayes with the 1966 total to parentoe area. One week paid vacation. in Person Only. 1971. struction and equipment of the COVENTRY — Very clean 6% JusUioee of the Peace, Janu­ some machines were pried pus facility; fruit, 21 Angel St. gj Roiton. 649-3247. (Connecticut) for the period Agency, 6464)181. s e s : Grow with growing concern. Notice is also hereby gtven q « n t e r Springs elementary open and ten cartons of cigar- Ckmalder sponsortog various of July 1,1968 to June 30,1969, room Cape, oversized garage, a r y 8, 1969 to January 6, Murfer and n^-n^ligmt 7404064. YOini^^OWN tomatoes, ANTED — Restaurant equip­ DILLON SALES that a primary wlU be held on gchool to be located on Town to be financed from funds to modem kitchen, new furnace, 1971. stolen educxitional and buriness pro­ f t Situations W anted— $1.60 per half bushel. Carrots ment, store, tavern and bank- September 26, 1968, 11 a candid- owned land In Center Springs be received from Public Law Out off Town aluminum siding, treed lot. On- Nottoe is hereby given that a robS («S. ’ grams for the benefit of the WOULD LIKE wiUlng boy, age F M n o io 3 8 for feed and canning, $1 per & SERVICE. INC. ruptcy equipment. Call 317 M ain S t., M anchester ocy or candidacies are filed in park, including related off site ly 117,600. H. M. Frechette, primary wiU be heW on Septem- j Chamber membership. 12 or 18 willing to do odd jobs, bushel. P etersen F arm s, 440 #86, $28,886. Fo r Scrio 75 Fontaine Restaurant Equip­ accordance with Sections 9-382 improvements, Realtors, 647-9998. ber 20. 1968, If a candidacy or i S The program of work repre- arou nd m y hom e. C all 649- EXPERIENCED ^kkeeper Demlng Street, Wapplng. Proi>08ed additional appropri- m ent, 473 W indsor Street, through 9-480, Inclusive, of the (p) An appropriation not to atlon'to General Fund” Budg PRIVACY — 8 room Ranch, 2 Turks Bolster jienU the goals and the objec- 9094 for interview. double entry, typing and pay­ candidacies are filled to accord- ^ 12,079 (10,477) roll desires part or full-time Comer Canton Street, Hart­ General Statutes, Rev. of 1968 exceed $668,000 for replacing et 1968/69, Board of Educa baths, beamed cel^. ’TOIJAN ^ N ^ Pwkway, with Sections 9-382 through X t Hw 17 m ) Ives of the various committees ford . 627-6771. revised to 1964, as amended, by and Improving the heating and eltog, garages, pond, water- older 6-roorn Coital, new mcivBlve of toe Getveral 8,892 Police Guarding of the Chamber. It Is {donned MAN to work on insulation, no w ork. C all 875-6192. TRELLIS tomatoes, pick your U o n ...... $961 A w o I m a nsMAvrra onji Vioofingr avofAm * experience necessary. We will own, 21 Angel St. Manchester. PRODUCTION persons other than party-«n- ventilating facUlUes at the to be used entirely to finance falls, 9 acres, ptae grove, kitchen and heating system, itiM r^vtoed ¥T O 1VT toat, this winter, the executive Hutchtoa Agency, Realtors, 649- garage, large wooded lot, $14.- amended by persons committee wiU revtow with each train. Good starting rate. Apply dorsed candidates. Nathan Hale School and Bennet proposals for East Catholl^ U.S. Navy Mcil 6324.K99A anti900. HnvMH ayes AvAnev. A g en cy , 6 646-0181. 4 8-Aiai. — — f j r ures. • _ . ______(Hass Wool InsulaUon Co., 390 MOTHER will babysit days tor Room s W ithout Boord 59 Forms for petitions for filing Junior High School and for In- School under Public Act #86, PANEL other than party-endorsed can- Murder and non-negUgent (Conttoned from Page One) oommlttee chairman the items Household G oods 51 ASSEMBLERS P ro sp e ct St., E a st H artford. w orking parents. CaU 649-4833. such candidacies by or on be- stalling a reinforced concrete for the fiscal year of 1968/60, COLUMBIA —Two new Gold PRIVACY — Route 6. See this dtdates. THE THOMPSON House — Cot­ with Progressive 15 x 2 0 i^lau^ter - Bri^port 7. ^^e controversy a "tern- prc^J^'totttebel^ SINGER ZIG-ZAG. cabinet half of any enrolled Republican floor at the heating plant of the to be financed from State Act Medallion Ranches nearly fin­ five rocm Ranch. Newly re- Forms for petitions tor filing Hartford 26, Now Haven 11, ^ teanof and ordered DISHWASHER wanted eve- tage St. centrally located, large Electrical Appliance INCHES Party member (or. In the case Bennet Junior High School, and for Disadvantaged Children ished. Three bedroonut, fire­ nlfags. Apply in person. Willie’s Dogs— Birds— Pots 41 model, used 5-6 months. This pleasantly furnished rooms, constructed, decorated, car- such candddaclM ^ Stamford 4, Waterbu^ 4. undersecretary of the toterl- ™iJ!hA Company. — Apply of justices of the peace, by or on installing electronic boUer con- P . A . #86, $961. places, full basements. Large peted, aU electric, cathedral, half of any enrolled DMnocratte Forcible rape —Bridgeport 6, or’ to cciordtoate securltv meal- The ?*X**^f^program **of woric ^was de- Steak House, 444 Center St. machine will monogram, over­ parking. CaU 649-2368 fo r o v e r­ DACHSHUND —AKC puppies, cast, blind hem dresses, makes behalf of the bare majority to trols at the Bowers, Highland Pro[K>sed additional appropri­ lots, drilled wells. Price In­ M lltois. wooded lot. 100 X Party member (or, to toe case Hartford 29. New HcTven 10. A.. Moped ^to the exectttlveexecutive oom- night and permanent guest ruM diutogthe visit. mlttee meeting todlvlduaUy with reds, blacks and chocolate, $75 button holes. Need responsible I IONA MFG. CO. which said party Is entitled to Park, Robertson, Verplanck and ation to General Fund Burg- cludes flnlttied lawns and eune- 200’ with brook. Only $3,000 of justtcea of the peace, by or Stamford 10, Waterbury 8. TOP NOTCH carpenters and rates. Anti-Amerlcantem has been committee chairman and up. Also Pekingese and Wel- party to pay 10 payments of Regent Street nominate) may be obtained Waddell Schools, et 1968/60, Board of Educa­ slte drives. Also three year old, down. BuUder wUl assume on behalf of the bare majority Robbery — Bridgeport 183, earpentePs helpers. Good building to Turkey tor some reviewing toe activtUas of the wages and benefits. Call days, m aranera, 1-628-6573. $.1.25 per month or $52."W cash. ATTRACTIVE sleeping room. Manchester, Conn. from Margaret E, Jacobeon, (c) An appropriation not to tion ...... $2,276 three bedroom Ranch in lake second mortgage to qualified to which aald party is entitled Hartford 288, New Haven 68, .VT,'------tne acMviti Call Credit Manager ’till 9 p.m. Gentleman, shower bath, free Republican Registrar of Voters, exceed $207,000 for various capl- section. Price $17,600 to $18,- buyers. 649-2862, 849-4342 after to nomtoate) may be obtained Stamford 77. Waterbury 67. ^ csor^deraWv hCatiAi- atand- P“ tlcular committee. 278-1680 o r nights, 742-9144. GROOMING ALL breads. to be used entirely to finance If toll, call collect 246-2140. parking. Private entrance. Ap­ Oooper Lane, Coventry, Oon- tal Improvements throughout proposals for St, James School 000. SmaU down payments. Call tram Ruth E. Benoit, Desno- m ony HIU. H.C Chaaa, Habron 6 p.m. from Ruth B. Benoit, Demo- Ag^vated asaaiUt -Brl^e- ^ ^ ^rix^erican OFFICE MANAGER —capable ply 195 Spruce Street. necticut. Instructions tor filing the school system, under______PubUc Act____ #86___ for the H. S. CoUtos, 228-0288. R d ., B olton, 64S-6427. SEWING MACHINES — singer of trial balance, responsiblli-______such a candidacy are contained (d) An appropriation not to fijKal year 1068/69 to be *H- VERN ON Immediate occu- Woodland Rd., Coventry, Firemen Answer automatic zig-zag, excellent TWO ROOM apartment for rent MANSFIELD Center — Roman- ties, general administration puRE BRED black male VERNON In Part 1, Instruction Page, of exceed $112,000 for the purchase muiced from State Act for . pa n cy. 8-bedroom Raised neottcu t Xndtmcitioina fo r filin g BB. condition. Makes buttonholes, also one light housekeeping end one clerk typist. Apply Cocker Spaniel, one year old, the petition form, copies of of capital equipment to be used Disadvantaged Children P.A. 2110 tic stone )^ h on w o^ Ranch, fireplace. 2 baths, pan- ^ ^ candidacy are oontotoed Burglary - Bridgeport 1,870, „ To Three Alarms In person. Rolo Machine Co., hems, embroiders, etc. Orig­ room fo r rent. 801 M ain St., ed acres. Pond, brook. Beauti­ all shots, trained. Call 649- which are available from the In the school system. #86, $2,276. ------to Frt I. to.^ K,., 2 H.ntonl w 1>«»Tow n -Itoto- «« OMU inally over $300., 6 monthly 643-4074. CAPTURE all the regal beauty of the pe» fully decorated, three bed­ ______Inc., ______56 Btm ______St., Manchester. 6358. NOW RENTING Regtotrar. Prior to obtaining the 2. The determination of the proposed additional approprl- payments of $8.60 each or pay- petltlon form, the consent of manner In which said appropriar General Fund Budg- coch In this superbly designed panell It s rooms, bath, stone fireplace. SXSl to. teto, >■"'■ to™ to Tto»„ to«. to™. totototod to. DISHWASHER wanted Friday ' ' NICELY furnished room, fe­ worked In rich colors anef simple stltch- whtofa are available from aald ^ _ wlto Groeco onw Oypraa oaUs yettetday, both of whtoh $51 cash . 622-0931 dealer. each candidate to be proposed tlons and addltloiu to said gt 1968/69, Board ■ of Educa- $28,000. Barbara Litton Real male, use of den, kitchen priv­ eryl $20,900 —1?4 acres. Old Colon- Riegiatrar.Registrar. Priorraor to o obtaining d u u i^ Bridv^rt m ^ rtfc^ i 202 RdaUana between Turkey and raaulted toi no damage to pre^ and Saturday nlghU. Apply SAMOYED puppies, AKC, pet COMMERCIAL therein plus a depoMt of $26.00 budgets are to be financed and $7,000 Estate, 4294)148. Cnvey’s Restaurant, 46 E. ^how quality, call 649-0679. KITCHEN SET, 4 chairs, table ileges, parking, references. Pattern No. 2110 has hot iron trans­ ------tal, completely modernized, the petitiem fewm, the cceieenit of „ Stamford *488* Soviet Union have Improved erty. They w «« at 2:09 pan., with extension; two bed rails; Call a fter 6:30 p .m . 649-7646. tor each such candidate must be raised whether by taxation, by to finance part of Adult Basic fer) color chart. COVENTRY -High scenic lo- bright and clean, three ga- each candidate to U propa^ Nw 796, Stamford 488, ^ an oven fir e at 60 Coite and Center Street. ______INDUSTRIAL or g ood condition. 649-6295. filed with said Registrar. A petl- borrowing, by transfer of avail- Education Program approved tlND see In etini plus le i (or (Irit-cliK ADAMS ST —House to share cation. Older 10 room brick Go- rages, nice view, treesj subur- theraln plus a dep^ of -iBridaenort 1 4OT *>"’t *®®1 American protection at 10:30 pjn. wtrliw In a wall MANAGER for automotive j -r e e pupPIE S need a good tton containing the reqt^ed able funds or otherwise, or by a py Connecticut State Depart- D IN E TTE ^ET, $26. T w o living with 3 other young men, WAREHOUSE lonlal. New heating system and ban. Hutchins Agency, Real- tor each such canduye Hartford 1448 Newttrven i ’ tSo’ ** needed so much any more. aooket at 16 Etdridge 8t. M ora. A pply In person, 270 ^om e, ca ll 649-7098. number of signatures of enroll- combination of such methods; ment of Education from funds Bvenlnz U6rud. lU# AVID* OF well, acre lot. Bring check Broad Street, Manchester. ------room ch a irs, $6. each . 649- private room, share facilities, cd Republican Party members and allocated to it under ntle III, A M n iO A S , M iw YOBK, N.Y. g pgETTY day dress with a side bow book, only $19,900. Hayes Agen­ 0141. all u tilities, parking. 649-0016. Muttiples of 2,000,4,000,6,000 in the Town must be filed with 8. Such matters relating to Elementary and Secondary *•••• ...... ^ accent performs well tor the half-sizer. nOQlDIATE occupancy, newer of S u The FBI figures also showed Navy ships operating In tta f t o the re« of Wkddail cy, 6464)181. - numoer oi rngnaouroB m w.™*. ^ ^ murders committed Mediterranean wUl cxmtlnue to School to put out a BAKER'S HELPER, fuU-tlme t o y FOX TERRIER, black and and 8,000 square feet clear said Registrar of Voters not lat- the foregoing as may be proper- Education Act as amended in five room Ranch. Garage, fire CLEAN, USED refrigerators, FRONT ROOM, centrally lo- kbit* Hu'meir * No. 8235 with PHOTO-GUIDE is In sizes i. Garage, fire- ^ Democratic Party memibera “ or part-Ume. Apply Bess Eaton ^^Ite puppies. Call 649-7767. •pan building. er than 4:00 P.M. on September ly considered at said Hearing. October 1966 as P.L. 89-750 You'll find the new '68 F ill t Winter 12W to 26V4, tost 33 to 47. Size 14V4, O J ^ ^ Y - Im m a c u la te , a ll place, acre lot, O nlv 818 600 , rnAJT chiah uriM, Connecticut during the 1962- vWt TurkWi ports beoaun (1) fire at 6:10 p.m. then. No 4am- D onu u , 160 C en ter Street, M a n - ______.... ranges, automatic washers cuted, parking, 59 Birch Street, S P^k P®rtod. Of these! *0.0 per Ihere aren’t too many friendly age rraultod and cxaisa o< ttia 8, 1968, being the 21st day pre- Dated at Manchester, Connec- and allocated to the Town of ALBUM tilled with dozens of lovely de- 35 bust, 3 yards of 45-Inch. e le o trto 6 H ro o m R a n c h , m o d - Gall Green, 742-riw i, rasex Regtotrar of Voters not lat- norts wheiv Ai™ aai. at™ c cheater. COCKER SPANIEL, AKC reg- with guarantees. See them at 649-7129. Loading docks, three phase 1 Regtotoar ^ ’ cent were committed with flre- {x>rta where the ships can give fire to unknosm. electrical and anieatte park­ ceding the day of the primary. Ucut, this 22nd day of August, Manchester by letter of Au­ signs from.which to patterns In ®™ er than 4:00 P.M. on September istered black, 8 mos old, B. D. P ea rl’s A pp lian ces, 649 ------—• airtvpes of nesdlework. Free dlfectlons mjn, ... - rooms,room*, living and dining area. N*altors, 280-7476------beinx the 2tot day pro- their crew* shore leave, (I) It Is —------PAINTBR8 —YEAR 'round in g . Dated at Coventry, Conneoti- 1668. g u st 1968, $7,000, sonable p rice , 646-4626. M ain St. C all 643-2171. John I. Gorslde Jr., for 3 Items I PrIce-MO s copy.' B ve^nTH S!!W ^ Pri®®d for quick sale, $14,600. SOUTH WINDSOR - Large tour »- ^ important to remind the Turtdah INDiVIDVAL FBAYDfa Mtoric, plenty o f overtim e.M an- ______kitchen and living room facili­ cut, this 23rd day of August John I. Garslde Jr., BuUding nearing oompIeUon. THE ABC OUILTER. For the beginner- AJJMOAS, H kw ^O I^ v x . Char-Bon Agency, 648-0088. bedroom Ranch. Two car ga- TALLEST TREE people of the United States to an CJOVUNGirMf, Ky. (Ai>) — Chaster, South Windsor area. COLUE PUP, nine months old, BLACK walnut dining room set ties included. Private entrance 1968. S ecreta ry S ecreta ry a teacher) the expert - a reference rage, breeseway. Big well OWENSBORO, Ky. (AP) — «Uy against $ie Sovlrt Uhton. Thto 1a the home of one of and parking. Inquire 118 P earl Mlnutea from uterstate 84. Elizabeth R. Rychling, Board of Directors Board of Directors < .jj, ------fito Experienced. Call after 6 p.m., spayed. Good with children, glass top table with 6 chairs, OoU owner 872-0028, ^ sourcel Irish Chain, Nine-Patch end Star a*j iiie. NORTH COVENTk Y — ten leuutodaped yard. Reo room. U*** August Local residents claim their sas- and (8)^ Exclusion of the fleet smaUeet otaurohas to the world, Street after 4 p.m. Tow n C lerk Manchester, OonneoUcut Manchester, (Connecticut •88-7449. M ust sell, $60. C all 643-6964. clo se d hutch. 643-6829. are three of the twelve designs. Pat- pjn j -gg |j,ug room custom buUt Ranch. Poaslble In-law suite. Priced to 1968. safrae tree probably is one of from TurUah ports would be a BuUt In 1879 by BaisedtothM tern pieces) directions^ Send 50$ todiy p/^gHION is here with many bright Luxury details. Wooded acre. sell. Paid W. Dougan Realtor, BUzaibetii R. RychUng, largest of Its WnA U reach- prapaganda vtotory for the Maetks, tt acoosnsnodatea eiia j y for your copy of Q107. wardrobe Ideas. Send S(K for your copy. $82,000. 428-0148. 6494686. Town Ol'eah es over 100 feet In height. Communtoto. penoei at a time.

i t .-f

TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1068 M l TWBNTT IHmtclrpatrr Eoraing If^rttUt Ammgt Daily Net Pimmb Ron The W eather

Amgate n , 1888 Toni|ht again claar, oool. I U Low 46 to 80. Tomorrow moat- Referrals New England*! Leading iianrtjFHtrr lEuFntttg llpralii ly sunny, a Utils warmer. High State Complete* Designs Land Swap 75 to 80. Two-Year Profeiilonal 14,340 For W. Center-Olcott Work Board Topic By Towns to lUaneheater— A City o f Village Charm School of A deaijjh for a richt-«ng1e tn- and Olcott St. has an east and A land swap which will per­ CRPA Rise VOL. LXXXVH, NO. 280 (FORTY PAOBS—TWO SBCnONS) MANCHESTER, C»NN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 1968 am r a g a SV) PRICE TEN CENTS tor—cUon where Hartford Rd- a west leg, both two-way. mit the town to go forward Discussions of that Junction, with plans for a new ski slofw Zoning and subdivision refer­ and Oloott St. meet the Hlver corvaldared hazardous, have will be the subject of a public ACCOUNTING Luie haa been completed by the been going on between the town heeiring before the Board of rals to the Oopttol Region Flan- Slate R](hway Department and and the state for more than ten Directors at 8 p.m. today in niter Agency (ORPA) InoreaMd HARTFORD INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTING loraarded to the town for study. years. the hearing room' of the Munici­ substantially during the post The plan caUs for widening Early in 1M6 the Chamber of pal Building. year, aoeonUng to a report re- 66 Forest S t, Hartford—TeL *47-1111 W. Oanter St. and its western Commerce made a coiKentrat- The town administration Is leaMd by CRPA. oQBttmiaUon (Spencer St.), and ed effort to get state to start ready to proceed with prelim­ Mandatory referrals Involvlqg for shifting both Hartford Rd {danning the woili. Property inary work on the slope site as aoning changes with 600 feet of HHH Closes on Nomination and (Hcott St so that they allgri owners Involved felt reluctant soon as the town gains title to a town line totaled 06 compared with each other. to do anything on their proper­ the land it needs. The slope, to widi 29 In the previous year. Now, Hartford Rd. meets W. ties which might interfere with be ibullt south o f the form er A total o f 18 subdivision re­ Osnter St. somewhat east of the intersection Improvement. Nike control site off Keeney St. ferrals either abutting or cross­ point where Olcott St. does. Both State planners did go forward will r^ ace the one now at Mt. ing another town fine were re- FOR EXPERT approach at confusing angles. in mld-196« and the project be­ Nebo. That slope is in the path fened to ORPA undiw atatutory WHEEL ALIONBIBNT—WHEEL BALANCING came one of a number for which of relocated Rt. 6. provisions, compared to three COMPLETE BRAKE SERVICE the 1987 General Assembly ap­ Garden Grove Inc. owns the the prevlouB year. RADIATOR REPAIRING AND SERVICE As Kennedy Spikes Draft propriated $9 million. Tliat land the town needs and the ^ Thirteen open space acqulal- BUILD package of proposals is called proposal before the directors to­ developm ent plana SBE "Safety Improvement Projects” night is to exchange 6^ acres were submitted, compared to CHICAGO (AP)—^Hubert H. Humphrey closed in on FUTURE and includes corrections to the of town Isold for 4$1 acres of tour the previous year, and nine Intersection of Broad and Cen­ Garden Grove land. The town GLiUKE MOTOII SALES the Democratic presidential nomination today, his path water and sewer conatrucUon cleared by a plea by Sen. Edward M. Kennedy that ter Sts. Isold is ed up the nomi­ Brook. That one, however, is wrecker service has this slogsui R og lstar 529-0336 The Investors Included the senator today, Jennings Ran­ Jean Couture. They are ctnn- can Legion, and the Zebra Cfiub. San Jose State College, founded nation. Later, a McCarthy An a fh litit of the Iteted with a $400,000 price tag psiinted on Its trucks: "Our Madismi Fund and Dreyfus dolph of West Virginia. Univtrtrly of Hartford munlcanta of St. Bridget Church. (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus.) in 1847. spokesman denied that the and a target date of 1BT8-70. Business Is Picking Up.' On Withdrawl Oorp., top mutual funds. Meanwhile, Mayor Rtobard J. Minnesota senator had ctmeeded "We are convinced that none the CzedKMtovak regime to rein Daley of Chicago, who virtually and said he intended to continue PRAGUE (AP) — The of our people acted 'wrongfully up on Its liberalising program. controls the llS-vote Ulinoia Gzechoiriovak Nationel As­ and you can be sure we will de­ fighting. delegation, called on the' -vice While talk persisted on an ef­ sembly toN^y adopted a But sources indicated that op- fend our position 'vigorously,” president. A seasoned poUtiolan, fort to draft Sen. Bklward M. resolution demanding a posttlon to the terms of the set­ Merrill Lynch said in a state­ Daley knows he could be the tlement was hardening rapidly ment issued in New York. Kennedy, the 86-year-old Massa­ firm deadline for the with­ man to put Humphrey near the chusetts senator moved to end it drawal of Soviet-led occu­ despite appeals by Alexander John Haire, chairman of An- top—or over it. Dubcek, the party leader, and riior Oorp., into 'which Investor* by issuing a statement through pation troops and condemn­ At the same time, Jesse Un- President Ludvlk Bvoboda Tues­ Management Go., one of the cit­ ruh, speaker of the Callfomla (See Page Twdve) ing the occupation atf ille­ day for Csecboslovak under­ ed firms, was consolidated re­ state assemMy, appealed to his gal. standing while they work to end cently, said: l74--vote California delegation to Informants said the National the occupation. "To the best of our knowl­ Aasembly also declared it could -remain uncommitted for now. Dubcek was eeq>ected to ad­ edge, we did not receive any not ratify the Moscow agree­ "I would like to ask this dele­ A dress -the Oentral Onnmlttee nonpUblic*thformatlon regarding ment because it was reached gation to stay in a meeting at the clandestine Com­ Douglas Aircraft from Merrill Bulletin under pressure. where we can have a full and munist headquarters. Lynch Nrhlch 'was not a'vallaMe free discussion,” he told the There was no immediate re­ Reformist sources said that to us from other sources.” (AP FhMOtaz) delegates at a caucus. “Any port from a secret meeting of Dubcek has been asked to deny According to ths SBC, Merrill First-Ballot ’Win Floor FightH great rush to stampede now la NO HININUM DEPOSIT the Oomimmlst party Ontral rumors he yielded to Soviet de­ Lynch was helping pougdas Air­ Expressive Moment far too late to do you any politi­ Seen for Hnmphrey Oommlttee o f Its posttSon on the mands to declare the special craft Oo. prepare a bond issue Memoow (Utoord that oontimies when it learned the big plane- Over Seating This was a candid moment during meeting of Sen. cal good.” CHICAGO (AP)—Vice Pree- the occupation and has torced (Bee Page Blxtoen) buUder’e earnings, contrary to Unruh has been a dove on ident Hubert H. Hamphrey’s earlier optimistic reports wore Eugene J. McCarthy and Vice President Hubert Vietnam and was solidly be­ solid first > bsllot strength in bad shape. H. Humphrey at a California caucus during Demo­ hind Robert Kennedy. burst past the l,SU mark to­ 0 Tlw s io c veralon o f wdiat fol­ W rapped Up A longshot opponent of Hum­ day, Indicating he would cte>- Soviet Presg Indicateg lowed is that this word paeeed cratic Convention proceedings yesterday. phrey, Gov. Lester Maddox of tore the Oemoeratic presldeil- CHICACX) (A P ) — The Demo­ Oeorg^, gave up hts own race tial nomination on the first through the Xerrill Lynch per­ cratic National Convention has sonnel to a chosen few investors for the nomination. -He did so by ballot when voting on a nomi­ wrapi>ed up two dajrs of hectic saying he would campaign nee takes place tonight and that immediately thereafter and often bitter floor fights over Krem lin ‘W orried’^ these began to sell off their against the party’s nominee. credentials by ratifying a (3eor- HHH Waves Unity Flag holdings in Douglas in the ex­ Maddox could wind up trying gla seating compromise which to help former Alabama Gov. pectation that its value was triggered a walkout by about a about to drop. George Wallace In a third-party Over Czech Events third of that state’s delegations. Meeting with Connecticut Meanvdtile, the regulatory race that threatens Democrats, Harris Poll G NO HDniminn BALANCE The convention also dealt Sen. and RepubUcans os well, in the agency said, other Douglas CHICAGO (AP)—Vice Presi­ spend most of the day in his ho­ By WILLIAM L. BTAN vakia and to have warned the Eugene J. McCarthy’s forces South. AP Special Oorrespondent leaders In Prague not to stray shareowners were left in the dent Hubert H. Humphrey, ap­ tel suite working on an accept­ dark—Indeed, Merrill Lynch twin setbacks by rejecting Mc­ ance speech, discussing udio Maddox said his conscience Moscow may be satisfied that from it. They must reimpose Carthy-backed attempts to un­ parently near a first-ballot would not allow him to support H as Nixon it has stalled Czechoalovakla’s censorship on a briefly liberated continued to sell Douglas to any­ will put his name In nomination one wdio wanted to buy, the SEC seat regular delegations from Democratic presidential nomi­ at the convention, and consider­ “ any liberal candidate, any lib­ reform UMvement, but the So­ press and must pull the brakes Alabama and North Carolina. eral party, partloulariy the viet press Indicates that the on some other aspects of a re­ said. nation, called on di-vlded Demo­ ing whom to pick for his run­ And before a sudden adjourn­ Democratic Socialist party. Beating HHH Kremlin's chiefs are worried form movement which has dis­ The dumping lasted half a crats today to reunite to beat ning mate. ment early today, the conven­ and enraged by all that has latp- pleased Moecow. week—until June 24, when The field of potential trice- WASHINGrrON (AP) — Rs. tion approved creation of a spe­ Republicah nominee Richard M. "In obedience to God and loy­ Douglas publicly announced it presidential nominees was said publican presidential .^omtiiee pened. Alexander Dubcek, the 48- cial subcommittee to propose Nix<»i. alty to my country I denounce Much of the rage is directed might be faced 'with a no-proflt to have been reduced to two or Richard M. Nixon, In a sharp year-old chief of the Czechoslo­ year. reforms In delegate selection them,” he told newsmen as he at some of thoae (Jzechoelovak Humphrey waved the party three. Including Sen. Edmund reversal from last nxmth, hOldB vak (Jommunlst party, has re­ During the unlosidlng, the SEIC procedures—and thus find ways stood beneath a crystal chande­ leadens who have been permit­ unity flag at a meeting of the Muskle of Maine and Sargent Identical six-point leads over turned to Prague after being said, the large Investors it has to avert credentials disputes lier and seven American flags ted to return to office, at least Shrlver, a Kennedy brother-in- Democrats ttice President Hu­ taken, virtually a captive, to cited cleared their portfolios of like the ones that troubled this OonnecUcut delegation,' which In a hotal ballroom. temporarily. Some of It Is di­ law, now ambassador to bert H. Humphrey, Sen. Eugene Moscow. But he remains in seri­ 190,0(X) shares of the imwant^ year’s convention. has a strong center of opposition Kennedy telephoned his rected against Yugoslavia and France. J. McCarthy and President ous danger. stock. An Informed aource said The Georgia compromise, to the Vietnam war and heavy don't-draft-me statement per­ por Romania and some at Red CMr sentiment In favor of Sen. Eu­ Johnson in the latest Harris Sur­ This ts made clear by a lead­ these shares sold for some $4.6 supported by Vice President Hu­ Shortly before noon, Hum- sonally to Sen. George 8. Mc- vey. na. gene J. McCarthy’s bid for the ing editorial in Pnivda publ­ million more than they would bert H. Humphrey, was adopted piirey -was 'within 26 votM o f the Gtovern of South Dakota, who The national survey showed The Kremlin appears to have ished Sunday, 'while the oonfron- have brought if traded at the nomination. 1,312 he neeiis for a first-ballot has tried to rally supporters of Paid and Compounded QUARTERLY drawn the ouUlnes of a straight on a voice vote. It seated all Nixon leading Humphrey 40 per TTie divisive issue o f a Viet­ nomination. assassinated Sen. Robert F. cent to 34; M cCarthy 41 to 85 and namow path for Czechoslo­ (See Page Twenty) (See Page Twelve) (See Page Twenty) nam war plank Is scheduled at Humphrey’s drive was aided Kennedy of New York to fits and Johnson 43 to 86, Louis Har­ today’s session of the Democrat­ by New Jersey delegates wdio own banner. ris said in a copyright Waslilng- ic National Convention before it -voted to give him 61 of their 82 The immediate effect was ton Post report Tuesday. from DAY M DEPOSIT! mirrored in a statement by Rep. moves on to nominate a presl- -votes and endorsements by Sen. He said the resuHs represent denUal candidate. Jennings Randolph of West Vir­ James Howard of New Jersey a turnabout of more than 10 McCarthy has leaned hea-vily ginia and Gov. Richard J. who said: "If that’s the cold points for Nixon since the Re­ against ■ the government’s war Hughes of New Jersey. hard fact that’s the way it’s publican NatKmal Omventkm policies in fats campaign against Govs. John McKeithen of going to have to be.” and the Soviet invasion of Humphrey. Kennedy’s brother-in-law, Ste- 649-5203 Humphrey is expected to (See Page Twenty) I^en Smith, quickly went to (See Page Twrafy) Nothing Is Sure at Convention Several Chicago Battles Rage

By SOL B. COHEN earlier, more Chicago police, us­ to bear for sheer unexpected­ Herald Staff Correspondent ing tear gas, dispersed about ness, protests continued to CONVENTION HALX., Chica­ 1,6ut less decisive by a punch In the stomach by ably will. S B ^ M an unidentified assailant, pre­ battlefields along (Jhicago’s Lake Shore, about 8(X) National sumed to be port of the group Laat night’s session of the con­ walking out. vention started promptly on Manicheflter'6 member of the Oonneotiout Delega- Guard troops were called out Member F.D.I.C. den are on the rig-ht side of the front row. CSearly early this morning to relieve The convention had voted to schedule at 8 p.m. Chicago time. tton to the Democratic National Convention at Chi­ seen in the second row, left to rig'ht, are Congress­ weary and sleepy police. The seat a compromise Georgia Songstress Anita Bryant, fac­ police, and now the National ing a huge synthetic btithday cago, John J. Sullivan, is at the left of the front delegation made up in half of MAIN OFFICE - 923 Main Street EAST BRANCH - 285 East Center Street WEST BRANCH - Manchester Parkade man John Monagan of Waterbury; John Driscoll, Guardsmen, contained several Julian Bond supporton and in cake, decorated by SdMectric row in this picture forwarded from the Convention labor leader; First S41Mman Arthur Powers of thousand hippies and Yipples half of party regulars. All had candles, Isd ths delsgaUon sing­ camped out in Grant Park, to sign pledgee not to support ing “Happy Birthday” to Prssl- by Herald Staff Correspondent Sol R. Cohen. Sen. BURNSIDE OFFICE - 700 Burnside Avenue SOUTH WINDSOR OFFICE - Sullivan Avenue Shopping Center Berlin, and Congressman William St. Onge of the across from the Hilton Hotel a candidate other than the