Carpet Stocks in the Area
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1968 PAGE TWENTY AYcrage Dally Net Press Rui HlanriiPiatpr lEttrnlng HrraUi For The Week Ended The Weather Juuary 6, 1968 Clear tonight. Low near lero. Washington LOL will meet to The\7th Grade Fellowship of morrow at 8 p.m. at Orange Sout^Methodlst Church will Tomorrow fair. High in taana About Town School Menus Jianrl|PHtpr lEuptttnn IlpraUi or low s. Hall. meet tomcrrow at 7 p.m. at Directors Act Today 15,534 20 K m ScnkM* Touth Study Otxxip yfe church for a skating party of North ICettiodtat Church will Manchester— A City of Village Charm Polish Women’s Alliance 518 at Charter Oak Park. The chil The Manchester public school meet tonight at 7 at the church. t ^ l meet Sunday at 3 p.m. at dren may be picked up at the menu for the week beglruling On Charter Proposals VOL. LXXXV n, NO. 86 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1968 (OlaMifled Advertiaing on Page IS) 77 North St. church at 9 p.m. Jan. 16 is as follows: P R K ^ SEVEN CENTS Th<? executive committee of Monday: Breaded veal cutlet, The Board of Directors, in a special meeting tonight, the Manchester Scholarship The Manchester Power tomato sauce, mashed potato, Foundation will meet tonight The Newcomer's Club of the will, take action on a host of recommended charter Manchester YWCA wJU sponsor Squadron will meet Friday at wax beans, bread, butter, milk, changes, as required by the state’s Home Rule Law, at 8:30 at the Manchester mixed fruit.
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