2013 Missouri Botanical Garden Annual Report: The Power of Plants annual 2013 report

Celebrating the importance of plants for THE POWER of PLANTS us and the world in which we live Writer and Editor: Liz Fathman Designer: Jamie Vishwanat Photography: Dan Brown, Andrew Dolinky, Christopher Gibbons, Rebecca Hensiek, Tom Incrocci, Molly Krohe, Allison Miller, Brian Mueller, Chris Norton Jill Setlich, and Dilip Vishwanat. Climatron® is a registered servicemark of the Missouri Botanical Garden. The Missouri Botanical Garden is an Equal Opportunity Employer. © 2014 Missouri Botanical Garden

From the President

We had a spectacularly successful year at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Celebrating plants as food was our key theme during 2013. This direct application of plants as food allowed us to highlight the fact that plants sustain all life on Earth; indeed, they are the most fundamental resource we have to maintain the human species. Whether cultivated or from the wild, we eat their seeds, fruits, roots, leaves, stems, and even flowers. Plants are also of fundamental importance to us in all aspects of our lives, including providing fuel, timber, fibers, shelter, medicines, ornament, habitats for animals, binding soils against erosion, cleaning water, and releasing the oxygen we breathe. In recognition of the vital importance of plants to people, this year the Garden hosted an international expert workshop on the need for a global program on conservation of useful plants and associated traditional knowledge. Our Garden’s mission includes documenting and sharing knowledge about plants; discovering and describing both known and new species; and also doing our part to conserve the tens of thousands of plant species that are currently threatened with extinction worldwide. The Missouri Botanical Garden is a member of the World Flora Online (WFO) Consortium and has provided it with key leadership. In 2013 a Memorandum of Understanding was opened to signatories worldwide who wish to participate in this important endeavor to create an online flora of all known plant species. Locally, garden staff have been working on a number of floras, and 2013 marked the completion of Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri, as well as the Flora of China. In addition, the Garden launched BiodiverseCity St. Louis, a community-wide initiative aimed at protecting, promoting, and planning for biodiversity throughout the region. The Garden has long been recognized as a premier cultural attraction and tourist destination. In 2013 we raised the bar with our first-ever holiday festival, Garden Glow, held at the end of the year. Attendance exceeded expectations, and visitor response was overwhelmingly enthusiastic about what we think will become a new holiday tradition in St. Louis. In addition to its botanical mission, Henry Shaw always wanted his Garden—our Garden—to be a welcoming place of enjoyment and learning for all. We believe 2013 provided that in spades.

Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson, President

4 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report From the Chair

The Garden has been an extraordinary destination, resource, and partner across our community and beyond for more than 15 decades. This remarkable history has been made possible through the leadership and stewardship of each person who stepped forward to support the Garden, enjoy it, and share it with the next generation. Thank you for stepping forward. As this report shows, 2013 was a time of both renewal and growth for the Garden. Renovation of the historic Garden wall along Tower Grove Avenue completed its first phase. New sidewalks, lighting, and streetscapes greet visitors along Shaw and Alfred. The Japanese Garden received much-needed maintenance and upgrades. In the midst of this work, attendance remained strong, with nearly one million visitors across our family of attractions. Annual festivals and events were enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of guests from the St. Louis community and beyond. And 566,467 visitors were influenced by formal and informal education programs. We introduced a summer Desert Show to highlight the diversity and importance of desert plants. We hosted Garden Glow, our first winter light exhibit. Over 98,000 visitors experienced this inaugural celebration of the natural world in light, color, and interactive fun. Based on these successes, both the Desert Show and Garden Glow will now be annual events. Due to good management and diligent fundraising, the Garden’s endowment has now surpassed $100M. We are supported by over 40,000 member households, with strong retention in the membership program. Thank you, again, for your ongoing support of our Garden, our community, and our planet. Your generosity truly makes a difference.

W. Stephen Maritz, Chairman, Board of Trustees


Officers Sharon D. Fiehler Eugene M. Toombs Prof. Sir Peter R. Crane FRS Joseph F. Shaughnessy W. Stephen Maritz Robert R. Hermann, Jr. Ex Officio L. B. Eckelkamp, Jr. Robert B. Smith III Chair David M. Hollo The Hon. Charlie A. Dooley M. Peter Fischer Nora R. Stern Lelia J. Farr David W. Kemper Myrtle E.B. Dorsey, PhD Marilyn R. Fox William K.Y. Tao, DSc Vice Chair Charles E. Kopman Thomas F. George, PhD Robert R. Hermann George E. Thoma, MD Cheryl P. Morley Hal A. Kroeger Benjamin H. Hulsey Edward D. Higgins Jack E. Thomas Vice Chair Carolyn W. Losos The Hon. Francis G. Slay Paula M. Keinath Jane S. Tschudy Peter S. Wyse Jackson, Daniel J. Ludeman Bishop George Wayne Rosalyn H. Kling John K. Wallace, Jr. MA, PhD, FLS Cynthia S. Peters Smith Robert E. Kresko O. Sage Wightman III President Nicholas L. Reding Rick Sullivan June M. Kummer Roma B. Wittcoff Peter H. Raven, PhD Steven C. Roberts Mark S. Wrighton, PhD Lucy L. Lopata* President Emeritus Marsha J. Rusnack James S. McDonnell III Honorary Rakesh Sachdev Members Emeriti Helen E. Nash, MD* Surinder (Suri) Sehgal, Members Stephen C. Sachs Clarence C. Barksdale Evelyn Edison Newman PhD Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II Scott C. Schnuck John H. Biggs Roy Pfautch Catherine B. Berges Rex A. Sinquefield Stephen F. Brauer Mabel L. Purkerson, MD Daniel A. Burkhardt Nancy R. Siwak William H.T. Bush Lucianna G. Ross* Arnold W. Donald Andrew C. Taylor Bert Condie III Anthony F. Sansone, Sr. *deceased

www.mobot.org 5 PLANTS ARE OUR PASSION

PLANTS for PEOPLE In a year that celebrated the role of plants as food, members and visitors were encouraged to imagine the many uses that plants have in our daily lives. Plants feed us, house us, clothe us, warm us, heal us, protect and delight us, among other uses. Plants and their direct applications to our lives took center stage in 2013. The study of the many ways people use plants—or ethnobotany—is an important area of research at the Missouri Botanical Garden, and understanding that relationship around the world is vital to developing the best ways to conserve plants. The Garden participated in a number of efforts to highlight that relationship both globally and closer to home.

GRAPES IN THE GARDEN Climate affects the growth habits of plants, and that fact is especially noteworthy when plants have a direct relationship with humans, such as crops. Grapes (Vitis spp.) are the most economically important berry crop in the world. The European grape (Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera) is the most commonly cultivated grapevine species; however, North American species are cultivated for consumption and also as rootstocks. Despite their use in the global grape industry, relatively little is known about natural variation in North American Vitis species used as rootstocks. Researchers from ETHNOBOTANY WORKSHOP AND the Garden, Saint Louis University, the United INTERNATIONAL DECLARATION States Department of Agriculture, and the Danforth Plant Science Center began a study of two Missouri Representatives from around the world grape species used for rootstocks, V. riparia and V. gathered at the Monsanto Center in May rupestris in a small vineyard on Garden grounds. for an ethnobotany workshop to address The data revealed that these two close relatives certain Targets of the Global Strategy respond to temperature and precipitation stress in for Plant Conservation (GSPC) related to unique ways and likely reflect adaptation to unique ethnobotany and economic . The environments in nature. workshop offered leaders in these fields the chance to discuss, evaluate, and share The research vineyard has also been used as an ideas about their role in conserving plants outreach and education tool about the role of basic that are useful to humans, and promoting plant science in agriculture, sustainable agriculture, traditional knowledge with scientists, , and the history of Missouri grapes policy makers, and the public as well as in the global grape industry. Signs describing these within the communities where they work. topics are displayed at the vineyard. The vineyard The outcomes included a public statement has been used in undergraduate and graduate calling on the international community to training. It was also the site of the Missouri address the loss of plant diversity and a Viticulture and Enology Research Alliance annual detailed policy manifesto for a concerted meeting held in May, which included 30 regional worldwide effort to address the loss of grape researchers. essential knowledge about plants and their uses, especially at the community level.

6 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report PLANTS ARE OUR PASSION

ECOLOGICAL RESTORATION WETLANDS MITIGATION The Missouri Botanical Garden has a long Wetlands are considered the most biologically history of conservation and ecological diverse of all ecosystems, serving as home to restoration, the process of assisting a a wide range of plant and animal life. However, damaged ecosystem to recover to a wetlands do more than provide habitat for self-sustaining state. As a leader in plant plants and animals in the watershed. When science and conservation, the Garden has rivers overflow, wetlands help absorb and the scientific understanding of plants; the slow floodwaters, alleviating property damage ability to propagate and then reintroduce and even saving lives. Wetlands absorb excess plants into the wild; and the authority to nutrients, sediment, and pollutants before they advocate for the restoration of endangered reach rivers, lakes, and other water bodies. ecosystems locally, regionally, and They are also great places for recreation globally. The Garden realized a number of and education. Because of their importance, accomplishments in these areas in 2013. governmental agencies and conservation organizations are working to stop the loss of PINETUM RESTORATION wetlands. One such effort, Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, stipulates that there should The St. Louis Audubon Society presented be no-net-loss of wetlands. In other words, its 2013 Outstanding Conservationist Award any construction projects or related activities to the staff at Shaw Nature Reserve and its that impact wetlands must be deemed director, John Behrer, in recognition of the unavoidable. If impacts are considered Reserve’s decades-long effort to restore unavoidable, compensation is required to natural areas. Continuing those efforts, mitigate for lost wetland functions and value. restoration work began in 2013 on the One solution for entities that impact wetlands Pinetum, a 50-acre site that welcomes visitors is to buy wetland credits from an approved as they enter the Reserve and includes the “wetland bank.” Pinetum Lake, the Nature Explore Classroom, Shaw Nature Reserve, under the direction of and the area leading to the Whitmire the Army Corps of Engineers, created an Wildflower Garden and Bascom House. The 85-acre wetland mitigation bank in the flood goal was to remove the existing non-native plain of the Meramec River. The “bank” conifers and create a native landscape of open contains 46 credits available for mitigation woodlands with intermittent swaths of diverse to wetland habitat in the Meramec River prairie. The restored landscape will serve as watershed. The Reserve sold 19 credits in 2013 an example for others in the region trying to for a total of $389,500 in revenue, which will accomplish similar ecological restorations, be used for ecological restoration activities at and it invites visitors of all ages to learn more the Reserve. about the important role native species play in conserving biodiversity.

SEED BANKING PROGRAM Ecosystems around the globe are facing intense pressure from a number of factors threatening the viability of plant populations, and many conservation organizations are seeking ways to supplement on-the-ground plant conservation efforts. One such approach has been the establishment of seed banks, long-term storage facilities where seeds are dried, stored, and preserved for future conservation and restoration uses. The Missouri Botanical Garden expanded and strengthened its regional and international plant conservation efforts with a new Seed Bank program in 2013. The Seed Bank protects the viability of wild-collected seed that has been gathered by Garden staff both locally and globally, and also supports the plant development and restoration objectives of the Shaw Nature Reserve. By 2020 the Garden’s Seed Bank is on target to protect the entire Missouri eco- regional flora by collecting and storing seeds from all of the native Missouri plant species. www.mobot.org 7 PLANTS ARE OUR PASSION

CONSERVATION GENETICS The Missouri Botanical Garden added a conservation geneticist to its staff in 2013. Dr. Christine Edward’s experience in both botany and genetics complements the existing strengths in plant research and conservation at the Garden by analyzing genetic threats—inbreeding, genetic drifts, genetic bottlenecks, and so on—that can affect a species’ survival. As the Garden’s first conservation geneticist, Dr. Edwards will work directly with the Garden’s living collections, which include endangered species maintained on Garden grounds. The Garden is currently building the new DNA lab where Dr. Edwards will collaborate with others through partnerships, educational opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students, and fellow scientists. Her work will mainly focus on rare and endangered species, but it will also help prioritize genetic collection for other projects such as the Garden’s Seed Bank.

FLORA OF MISSOURI After 26 years of ongoing research, the Flora of Missouri Project reached a milestone in July with the publication of the third and By the numbers final volume of Steyermark’s Flora of Missouri, an encyclopedia Number of species included 2,815 and identification guide to the vascular plants growing in the Total number of pages 3,600 state. In total, the three volumes include about 3,600 printed Total number of full-page plates of 582 pages, including treatments of about 2,900 species and hybrids, illustrations as well as 582 full-page plates of botanical illustrations. The Total weight 18 pounds project is supported by a database of more than 3,200 plant Time spent since beginning of 26 years names and 190,000 herbarium specimen records, all of which project are also accessible through the Garden’s Tropicos website. The Number of project assistants 36 and Garden volunteers involved Flora of Missouri Project has been a long-term collaboration (excluding Citizen Scientists) between the Missouri Botanical Garden and the Missouri Number of Citizen Scientists 150 Department of Conservation. Over the years, this public-private involved partnership has also involved the efforts of nearly two dozen botanical specialists, as well as numerous Garden volunteers and about 150 citizen scientists from around the state.

8 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report PLANTS ARE OUR PASSION

OTHER HIGHLIGHTS In May the International Institute for Species Exploration announced its sixth annual Top 10 New Species list, which includes the endangered forest shrub Eugenia petrikensis, collected by Garden Curator Dr. Gordon McPherson and David Rabehevitra, a former student and botanist with the Garden’s Madagascar Program. Neil Snow, a former graduate student at the Garden, described the new species.

In Madagascar, local communities installed or repaired a total of 37.7 km of firebreaks at 6 of the Garden’s 11 permanent protected sites. At both Analalava and Ankafobe, the entire forest is now encircled with firebreaks. At the other sites, the firebreaks were established at the most critical locations. In addition, 10 of the 11 sites produced and planted a total of 45,727 seedlings of 134 different native tree and shrub species. The Garden also identified 2 additional sites in need of protected status and is working with local communities and agencies to develop conservation strategies for them. More information about the Garden’s research and conservation in Madagascar is available in the Garden’s 2013 publication The Missouri Botanical Garden in Madagascar: 25 Years of Exploration, Discovery, and Conservation on the “Eighth Continent.”

The Center for Conservation and Sustainable Development had an active year. Its U.S. conservation program collected and seed-banked 24 populations of 9 species listed in the National Collection of Endangered Plants. In Peru, 50 park rangers and 59 volunteer citizen leaders were trained to measure and monitor biodiversity and conservation in a number of protected areas in the country. The CCSD also completed comprehensive forest and fauna surveys in the Palcazu Valley to assist with developing forestry and hunting regulations with the local population. In Bolivia, 18 permanent vegetation plots in the richly diverse Madidi region of northwestern Bolivia were resurveyed as part of a study of climate change.

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CONSERVATION AND HORTICULTURE LIVING COLLECTIONS 40 Percentage of new 35 plant accessions from 37% AND THEIR wild sources MANAGEMENT 30 28% Our living plant collections have 25 become an important source for our public displays, research and 20 22% conservation projects, and our 15 seed bank. The Garden holds one of the largest living collections 10 12% with just over 16,000 taxa. In 2013 about 37% of the 2264 5 3.5% accessions added were from wild 0 sources, and of those 9% were of 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 conservation concern. In the last five years, we have increased Data collected from our weather station our incoming wild source at the William T. Kemper Center for material by over 957%. This is Home Gardening a significant accomplishment for the Garden, and it helps us demonstrate to the public that plant conservation and display 2013 can, in fact, go hand in hand. We Highest temperature: AUGUST 31 = 103° would not have achieved this increase without our dedicated Lowest temperature: DECEMBER 24 = 7° staff, the new Living Collections Total precipitation: 43.06” Management System (LCMS), a Driest month: AUGUST = 1.05” of precipitation new propagation house, and staff training in the innovative uses of Wettest month: APRIL = 8.93” of precipitation technology for plant recordings. Month with highest average wind speed: MARCH = average of 4.02 mph Highest wind gust recorded: NOVEMBER 17 = 39 mph

10 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report HORTICULTURE ANSWER SERVICE TURNED 50 The Horticultural Answer Service turned 50 this year, and although it has evolved to keep up with new technologies and new gardening questions, it always has the same purpose: to provide gardening help—for beginners and seasoned gardeners, alike—whenever people need it. The Garden’s website had more than 10 million page views in the Gardening Help section from 3.3 million unique visitors, and more than 9,000 phone calls were answered in 2013. At the William T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening, 7,775 people visited the Plant Doctor, and 1,756 questions were asked via email. Kemper had approximately 129,260 visitors, and the St. Louis Master Gardeners had 273 active volunteers clocking in close to 38,000 hours of work and training. DESERTSHOW The Garden held its first annual display of arid-region plants. Desert Show 2013: Plants and People of the Southwestern United States showcased cacti and succulents from our existing desert plant collection. The plants displayed in the show were native to the American Southwest and represented approximately half of our permanent collection. Approximately 27,500 visitors attended, of which roughly 85% were Garden members and their families.

www.mobot.org 11 PRESERVING OUR LEGACY

PROJECTS underWAY PERIMETER WALL The Missouri Botanical Garden is a National foundation using a mix of permeable Historic Landmark and one of the nation’s mortar and original building materials. oldest botanical gardens. Our perimeter The first phase of the project included removing wall, portions of which were completed in eight pin oak trees along the wall in the public 1856, follows Shaw’s original design as well right-of-way. Tree roots have caused damage as the eastern boundary of the Garden and and heaving to the wall as well as the sidewalk, includes the original entrance gate (now creating a safety risk to pedestrians. Following Spink Pavilion). This 157-year-old wall has completion of all phases of construction, deteriorated over time; work to restore it landscaping will be installed which will include began early in 2013, funded in part with a shrubs and small canopy trees, creating a grant from the National Park Service as well clear view of the renovated wall. Some of as contributions from donors. Portions of the the plants used in the re-landscaping will wall were removed by hand, cleaned, labeled, be produced from divisions and cuttings stored, and rebuilt on a newly constructed from the Garden’s plant collections.

JAPANESE GARDEN Since it opened in 1977, Seiwa-en, “garden of pure, clear harmony and peace,” has been regarded as one of the finest Japanese gardens in North America. Its 14 acres have welcomed visitors for more than three decades. As part of the Missouri Botanical Garden’s commitment to celebrate and protect our history, the Japanese Garden underwent its first of several repair-and-maintenance phases this winter. Bridges were rebuilt, waterfalls were repaired, a service road was added, and other critical work was completed. Visitors to the newly restored Japanese Garden should be pleased that nothing about its appearance has changed, despite the extensive repairs done to secure the future of this beloved part of the Garden.

12 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report COMMUNITY IMPACT

AT the GARDEN GARDEN GLOW The Garden wowed the St. Louis region with its first-ever holiday light show. From the spectacular shimmering welcoming to the festive Victorian District, everyone was delighted by the dazzling displays. Whether building a “snowman,” warming up by an outdoor firepit, or winding through the twinkling boxwood maze, Garden Glow is destined to become a holiday tradition.

By the numbers SPONSORS Total attendance 98,802 Signature Locations BMO Harris Bank Visitors to Tower Grove House during exhibit 59,340 Ernst & Young Member visits to exhibit 35,600 Lelia and David Farr Lights on the sweet gum tree (“Big Blue”) 15,800 Monsanto Special Venues Days to install the exhibits 76 Ameren Total installations throughout the show 18 Bunge North America Cut trees in the Frosted Forest 175 Laclede Gas Maritz Holdings Hours worked by more than 300 volunteers 2,580 Peabody Energy Marriage Proposals 40+ Nicholas and Patricia Reding Sigma-Aldrich UMB Bank GARDEN WINS TRAVEL AWARDS WEARIN’ O’ THE GREEN The Missouri Botanical Garden received the Garden Garden President Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson Tourism Award for “Top 10 was the Parade Marshall at the 2013 North American Gardens Metropolitan St. Patrick’s Day Worth Travelling For.” The Parade. The Garden’s float recognition is presented to promoting the importance organizations that excel at the of plant diversity and promotion and development conserving the of the garden experience as world’s “green” an attraction for tour groups. took the award The Garden was also recently for “Best ranked as the #1 St. Louis Commercial attraction on the online Unit” for the travel site TripAdvisor, based second year on travelers’ reviews and in a row! ratings.

www.mobot.org 13 COMMUNITY IMPACT

BUTTERFLY HOUSE 15th ANNIVERSARY The Butterfly House turned 15 in 2013. Shortly after opening to the public in 1998, it had become one of St. Louis’s top attractions and the premiere butterfly houses in the nation. In 2001 the Butterfly House became a division of the Missouri Botanical Garden to serve as complement to the Garden’s programs in botanical research and science education. The anniversary was celebrated with the Butterfly House’s first Wing Ding gala in three years. The Butterfly House also achieved AZA re-accreditation, sold a record number of memberships (more than 500), increased birthday party revenue from $2,000 to more than $20,000, and expanded several of its popular events. 15 Visitor engagement

MyGUIDE With generous support from Maritz Holdings, the Garden introduced MyGuide to the Garden, a new series of visitor-centric guides aimed at encouraging personalized learning and exploration of the Garden. In just the first few months of operation, approximately 2,800 guides—ranging from topics like Family Fun and Must-See Sites to Plants We Love & Why and Global Gardens—were used by visitors to enhance their experience.

14 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report Visitor engagement

SAVOR YOUR SUMMER Featuring a different activity each day of the week, Savor Your Summer invited thousands of Garden visitors to learn from celebrity chefs, transform their back yards into kitchen gardens, explore global food, experience herbs and heirlooms, and even help fight local hunger. Among the best outcomes of this food-inspired summer: approximately 684 pounds of food (equaling 558 meals) were brought to the Garden by visitors to be donated to local food pantries. 15 BROOKINGS INTERPRETIVE CENTER The center was transformed into the Foodology: Digging into the Roots of Your Food exhibit, a hands-on learning experience for families. Featuring interactive stations focused on plants as food, local food, global food, and nutrition and hunger, this popular venue hosted more than 93,800 visitors, exceeding numbers from prior years.

CLASS ACT The Garden’s series of classes for adult learners was extremely popular in 2013, resulting in more than 24,000 adults—or a 65% increase over 2012—participating in in-depth classes ranging from gardening and landscaping to nature study and botanical arts.

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STUDENTS, TEACHERS, AND SCHOOLS As part of its Foodology: Dig In! year of programming, the Garden convened a summit, Foodology for Schools: Let’s Grow!, designed to bring together local educators, district leaders, and community partners who share an interest in healthier, more sustainable food in area schools. Over the course of two days, 140 people from more than 30 different schools, districts, and community organizations from across the bi-state region came together to rethink how we nourish our students and ourselves. Six different presenters shared case studies, and three local schools and community gardens were toured during field trips. Post-summit evaluations indicated that “connecting with educators, community leaders, community farms, and all those invested in sustainability and the environment” was the most valuable benefit of the summit. The Garden’s new MBG Teen Network—a diverse group of approximately 100 teens—completed more than 2,360 hours of service, ranging from conducting field studies to leading environmental education programs for elementary students and Garden visitors. In addition, the MBG Teen Network broadened its reach with area teens by hosting two exciting outdoor social events—Stand-Up Paddleboarding and the 2nd Annual Teen Night at the Garden, a fun-filled evening featuring a night-time scavenger hunt and team challenges.

16 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report Visitor engagement

COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Recognizing the increasing need for city residents to have everyday access to and interaction with healthy, biodiverse green spaces and local nature, the Garden launched a community-wide initiative aimed at promoting, protecting, and planning such spaces throughout the greater St. Louis region. BiodiverseCity St. Louis is a Garden-led alliance of more than 100 community organizations who share a stake in transforming our urban/suburban region into a network of healthy, productive landscapes that protect the air, water, and soil upon which we depend. biodiverse st. louis Three of the four winners of this year’s Sustainable Land Lab Project by Washington University in St. Louis were supported by the Garden’s EarthWays Center. The project, which received 48 entries total, sought uses for some of the vacant lots in St. Louis City. The winners received a two-year lease on the lot and funding to implement and maintain their ideas. Among these three was the Sunflower+ Project, which alternates the planting of sunflowers and winter wheat in an experiment designed to clean and enrich urban soils on vacant lots.

Another plant-based solution the Garden provides to the community is the RainScaping Guide and rebate program (for residents of participating municipalities). RainScaping consists of sustainable landscaping practices that help capture rainwater instead of allowing it to run off-site. The program was initiated by the Garden’s Deer Creek Watershed Alliance to improve water quality in Deer Creek and its tributaries. Of the rebate proposals received, 46 percent of the qualified ones received funding and included both residential and nonresidential projects.

www.mobot.org 17 Financial Information (year ended December 31, 2013)

2013 Operating Support and Revenue

Education 1%

Bequests Property rentals 3% 1% Other 3% Botanical Garden Subdistrict* 25% Retail shops 6%

Admissions 7%

Investment income, net 9%

Grants and contracts 24%

Contributions and memberships 21%

2013 Operating Support and Revenue 2013 Operating Expenses

Public Support Operating Services Botanical Garden Subdistrict* $10,300,000 Science and conservation $9,549,033 Contributions and memberships 8,467,273 Horticulture 3,222,753 Bequests 1,184,881 Education 2,800,256 Total Public Support 19,952,154 Retail shops 2,608,555 Public events 1,669,208 Revenue Contract services 1,569,203 Grants and contracts 9,638,858 EarthWays/Sustainability 1,446,085 Investment income, net 3,585,318 Shaw Nature Reserve 1,020,063 Admissions 3,017,994 Retail shops 2,647,625 Butterfly House 970,850 Other 1,302,101 Bioinformatics 820,320 Education 411,087 Visitor Services 403,515 Property rentals 384,419 Total Operating Services 26,079,841 Total Revenue 20,987,402 Supporting Services Management and general 6,314,755 Total Operating Support and Revenue $40,939,556 Maintenance and improvements 3,019,666 Institutional Advancement 1,246,043 Utilities 1,047,835 Membership Department 978,809 Security 625,890 Total Supporting Services 13,232,998

Total Operating Expenses $39,312,839

18 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report Financial Information

2013 Operating Expenses

Bioinformatics 2%

Security Membership Department 2% 2% Visitor Services 1% Utilities 3% Science and conservation Institutional Advancement 24% 3% Contract services 4%

Public events 4%

Retail shops 7%

Management and general 16% Maintenance and improvements 8%

Horticulture Education/Sustainability 8% 16%

2013 Operating Transfers 2013 Fund Balances

Transfers Operating Fund Operating funds for capital use (863,248) Total Operating Support and Revenue $40,939,556 Bequest transfers to endowment (484,881) Total Operating Expenses (39,312,839) Other transfers (34,401) Total Operating Transfers (1,382,530) Total Operating Transfers (1,382,530) 2013 Operating Fund excess/(deficit) 244,187 2013 Pension liability adjustment 474,093 *Botanical Garden Subdistrict 1/1/13 Operating Fund balance 4,182,756 Since 1972, residents of St. Louis City and County have generously 12/31/13 Operating Fund 4,901,036 supported the Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District (ZMD). The ZMD is a property tax supported district which Endowment Funds 122,002,615 distributes funds through five cultural subdistricts which includes Land, Building, and Equipment Fund 82,247,286 the Botanical Garden Subdistrict. The Botanical Garden Subdistrict Capital Campaign Fund 5,634,179 has provided support for the Missouri Botanical Garden since 1983. Gift Annuity Fund 12,465 The Garden is grateful for the continued support of the Botanical Garden Subdistrict. Total All Funds $214,797,581

(Commissioners for the ZMD and the Botanical Garden Subdistrict are listed on page 18.)

Financial information used in this report was obtained from the 2013 Missouri Botanical Garden audited financial statements. These financial statements can be obtained by visiting www.mobot.org/reports.

www.mobot.org 19 THANK YOU

MEMBERS BOARD Parker B. McMillan, Jeanie C. Davis Ellen E. Jones Susan N. Rowe Susan Squires Goldschmidt President Mary Kay Denning Lynn Koeneman Marsha J. Rusnack Patricia Steiner Mary Ella Alfring Ellen Dubinsky Janet B. Lange Sammy Ann Ruwitch Nora R. Stern Ann M. Bowen Audrey Feuerbacher Mary V. Longrais Mary Lee Salzer-Lutz Elizabeth Teasdale Eileen M. Carr Michael C. Heim Virginia McCook Nancy L. Sauerhoff Jane S. Tschudy Sue Cohen Janet Hennessey Isabelle C. Morris Ron Schlapprizzi Douglas R. Wolter Kristen Cornett Knapp Janice A. Hermann Jacquelin S. Naunheim Susie Littmann Schulte Jeanne P. Crawford Leslie P. Hood Anita D. O’Connell David Schulz Janelle Criscione Laure B. Hullverson Sue B. Oertli Celeste D. Sprung Angela Dalton Maureen R. Jennings Sue M. Rapp Carol A. Squires

BOTANICAL GARDEN YOUNG FRIENDS ZMD SUBDISTRICT COUNCIL The Metropolitan Zoological Park and Museum District (ZMD) is a tax- The ZMD levies an annual tax on property on behalf Christopher L. DeFabio, Samir Mehta supported cultural district governed by of 5 subdistricts, including the Botanical Garden Emeritus and Council Rebecca Miller, Ph.D. an 8-member board of directors, each Subdistrict. The subdistrict contracts with the Garden to Chair Joseph A. Nonnenkamp appointed for a 4-year term by the provide botanical services. Brad Landsbaum, Rebecca Patel Mayor of the City of St. Louis and by Co-Chair Julia L. Peters Theresa E. Loveless Ms. Janice M. Nelson the St. Louis County Executive. Jennifer Bergsieker Janice Phelps John C. McPheeters Mr. James H. Yemm Scott L. Bernstein Jennifer L. Picker Marcia B. Mellitz Assistant Treasurer Ms. Thelma V. Cook, Chair Patrick Bousquet Laura Polucha Brian A. Murphy John J. Bley (not Mr. Robert A. Powell, Treasurer Ashley Brewer Kimberly Rayford Martin Schweig a Subdistrict Mr. Charles E. Valier, Board Member Carolyn M. Caesar Daniel Richter Pamela Shephard Commissioner) Mrs. Gloria Wessels, Board member Emily E. Conley Abby L. Risner Walter G. Stern Counsel Mr. Ben Uchitelle, Immediate Past Chair Pamela J. Dlugosz Lora M. Ruppert Marjorie M. Weir Kathryn J. Giddings Mr. Thomas J. Campbell, Vice Chair Ryan M. Furniss Adam Sommer Voting Commissioners Auditors Mr. Robert G. Lowery, Sr., Secretary Jonathan Giokas Cary Stalnecker Francis Yueh Mayer Hoffman McCann Ms. Pat Whitaker, Assistant Secretary Amanda C. Glenn Sara Steindorf Hillary B. Zimmerman Missouri Botanical Autumn L. Harris Katherine J. Stocke Non-Voting Advisory Garden Staff David and Cindy Hults Andrew L. F. Struckhoff Members Nancy P. Lissant J. Patrick Dougherty, Executive Director Michelle K. Johnson Lauren P. Van Dyke Sharon L. Wilcutt Stephanie M. Kessler Preston S. Walker LaQuana S. Dilworth Letitia M. Lee Kelly Whitman Michael A. Chivell, Counsel Megan S. Maher CORPORATE COUNCIL The dedicated representatives of the Corporate Council collaborate with the Garden to further relationships with the corporate community through education, sustainable business programs, volunteer opportunities, and special events.

Mr. Brian D. Rothery, Corporate Council Chair, Ms. Jenny L. Hoelzer, Commerce Bank Ms. Gayla Nunn, ABNA Engineering, Inc. Enterprise Holdings Company Ms. Debra Hollingsworth, AT&T Ms. Émer M. ÓBroin, Monsanto Ms. Ashley Baker, Bryan Cave Ms. Kelly Hoskins, Wehrenberg Theatres Inc. Ms. Mary L. Parker, Northern Trust Bank Mr. Matt Balcer, F&B Financial Group Mr. Rick Hunter, Microgrid Solar Ms. Kathleen M. Petrillo, Senniger Powers Mr. Brian D. Bauer, PNC Bank Mr. Daniel G. Jay, Christner Inc. Mr. Jon N. Reed, Graybar Electical Company, Inc. Mr. Donald J. Brown, Ms. Ann E. Joos, Brown Shoe Company Ms. Megan Ridgeway, Arcturis Guarantee Electrical Company Mr. Jeffrey Kaiser, CBRE Ms. Rebecca Saunders, Ms. Chyrlan E. Cooper, Wells Fargo Advisors Mr. Michael Kinnikin, Eureka Forge Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Mr. Kenneth H. Crawford, Mr. Jerry Kluge, J.W. Terrill Mr. Christoph H. Schmidt, CSI Leasing, Inc. Argent Capital Management Mr. Thompson Knox, SteadyRain, Inc. Mr. Shawn Schukar, Ameren Ms. Lisa Disbrow, Waste Management Mr. Michael Konzen, PGAV Destinations Ms. Deborah A. Seidel, Bunge North America, Inc. Ms. Christi Dixon, Standing Partnership Ms. Carleen S. Kramer, Catering St. Louis, Inc. Ms. Deborah Slagle, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Ms. Sherry L. Fagin, Hager Companies Ms. Jennifer Larsen, Maritz Holdings, Inc. Mr. Tim Slazinik, HOK Ms. Wendy Flanagan, FleishmanHillard Mr. David B. Lemkemeier, Ms. Julie Steininger, Standing Partnership Mr. Jason Florek, KPMG LLP Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. Ms. Suzy Stone, Macy’s Ms. Pamala L. Funk, The City of O’Fallon, Illinois Mr. Richard Lindquist, Mr. Jeffrey A. Stuerman, Edward Jones Mr. Timothy W. Gamma, Gamma Tree Experts Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Mr. Jason P. Thein, Thompson Coburn LLP Mr. Daniel P. Genovese, UMB Bank, N.A. Mr. C. Eric Lobser, Laclede Gas Company Mr. Will Tunis, BMO Harris Bank Mr. Matthew D. Guymon, Husch Blackwell LLP Ms. Linda L. Lockwood, Regions Bank Mr. Tom Walsh, Drury Hotels Company LLC Mr. Shawn D. Hagan, Fifth Third Bank Mr. Rick Lodewyck, CDG Engineers Mr. Steve H. Wang, Protiviti Inc. Mr. Richard Halpern, Mr. Joseph Marcallini, SteadyRain Ms. J. Nicci Warr, Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. The Daniel and Henry Company Mr. Wally McClellan, Office Essentials, Inc. Ms. Kelley Wilken, Ronnoco Coffee, LLC Ms. Gretchen Haughey, Mr. Matthew McGrath, Central Presbyterian Church CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman McCann P.C. Ms. Patricia Hernandez, Emerson Mr. Douglas D. Mueller, Anders CPA + Advisors

20 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Estate of Robert Walter Schaefer Sehgal Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Johnson Spink Spoehrer Family Charitable Trust St. Louis Board of Education Partnership The Starr Foundation Mr. Frank Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tschudy U.S. Agency for International Development U.S. Bank, N.A. U.S. Department of Energy U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development U.S. Environmental Protection Agency University of Missouri–Columbia Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wallace, Jr. Wells Fargo Advisors Whitaker Foundation

Benefactor ($500,000 to $999,999) Anonymous CUMULATIVE GIVING Estate of Grace B. Abrams Honoring total giving to the Missouri Botanical Garden. A.G. Edwards Bascom Charitable Trust Most Distinguished Benefactor St. Louis—Jefferson Solid Fox Family Foundation Estate of Elizabeth Evans Bascom ($10,000,000 or more) Waste Management District Golder Associates Ltd. Estate of Sylvia Bendy Botanical Garden Subdistrict Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Taylor Gateway Greening Estate of Clara S. Boldt Enterprise Holdings Company U.S. Department of Agriculture Mrs. Margaret B. Grigg Trust of Susie T. Bovard Mr. and Mrs. John S. Lehmann Estate of Nancy Hamel Wahab Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hermann Brown Shoe Company, James S. McDonnell Misses Ethel C. and Marian L. Herr Inc. Charitable Trust Family Foundation Major Benefactor W. Alton Jones Foundation Estate of Margaret Carr The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ($1,000,000 to $2,999,999) Mary Ranken Jordan and Ettie A. The Christensen Fund Monsanto Company and Anonymous Jordan Charitable Foundation The Coleman Foundation, Inc. Monsanto Fund Ameren Corporation JSM Charitable Trust Bert and Karen Condie National Science Foundation Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Mary Jane and Frank Groom Kirtz Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Cronheim Mr. Jack C. Taylor The Arts and Education Council Estate of Robert W. M. Kohlsdorf Dr. and Mrs. William H. Danforth The Bellwether Foundation, Inc. of Greater St. Louis The Kresge Foundation Dr. Christopher Davidson Estate of Rosemary Bakersmith Estate of F. B. and B. A. Krukoff and Sharon Christoph Distinguished Benefactor Mr. Edward L. Bakewell III David B. Lichtenstein Foundation Estate of Janet Hatch Dunlap ($3,000,000 to $9,999,999) Trust of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Edward K. Love Conservation Edison Brothers Stores Anonymous L. Bakewell, Jr. Foundation Harry Edison Foundation Botanical Society of America, Inc. Bank of America Estate of Ella Mae Magness Ford Foundation Center for Plant Conservation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bascom Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Maritz Mrs. Myron Glassberg* Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Berges The May Department Stores Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund The Danforth Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Blanke, Jr. Company and its Foundation Whitney and Anna Harris Emerson The McDonnell-Douglas Mr. and Mrs. James S. The Hermann Family Foundation Institute of Museum and Corporation and its Foundation McDonnell III Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Library Services The Boeing Company McRee Town Redevelopment Hermann, Jr. The William T. Kemper Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer Missouri Department William and Flora Hewlett —Commerce Bank, Trustee The Dana Brown Charitable of Conservation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Elmer G. Kiefer Trust, U.S. Bank, Trustee Missouri Department of Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Holton Mr. and Mrs. E. Desmond Lee, Jr. Estate of Adolph Burmeister Natural Resources W. M. Keck Foundation The John D. and Catherine Trust of Emily Burmeister Estate of Charles Wickham Moore Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kresko T. MacArthur Foundation Chanticleer Foundation Gordon and Betty Moore Lucy* and Stanley Lopata Mr. and Mrs. William E. Maritz Liz Claiborne and Art Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. National Cancer Institute Ortenberg Foundation Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Maritz Holdings, Inc. National Geographic Society Conservation International Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell National Institutes of Health Foundation Estate of Mr. Quintin Papineau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson L. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William The Caleb C. and Julia W. Mr. Roy Pfautch National Endowment for R. Orthwein, Jr. Dula Educational and Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Reding the Humanities Shoenberg Foundation, Inc. Charitable Foundation Mabel Dorn Reeder Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation Mr. Sydney M. Shoenberg, Jr. Edward Jones Foundation, Mabel L. Mr. Barrett Toan and Ms. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Estate of Robert Elkington Purkerson, M.D., Trustee Polly O’Brien Brookings Smith Mr. and Mrs. David N. Farr The Saigh Foundation Mr. Spencer T. Olin Mr. and Mrs. Herman F. Spoehrer Dr. Patricia R. Forni SBC Foundation *deceased www.mobot.org 21 thank you

CUMULATIVE GIVING continued The David and Lucile Estates of William S. and The Guth Foundation Mrs. Albert F. Kaeser Packard Foundation Anita Cassilly Charitable Trust Ms. Mary Anna Kaufer The Pew Charitable Trust CBS, Inc. Estate of Anna Hahn Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Vernon W. Piper Central States Coca-Cola Estate of Jane Freund Harris Dr.* and Mrs. David M. Kipnis The Pott Foundation Bottling Company Mr.* and Mrs. Harvard K. Hecker Estate of Elizabeth C. Kirn Ralston Purina Company Estate of Minette W. Chapman Mr. and Mrs. William Mr. Norman H. Klayman* Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rusnack Sidney S. and Sadie M. Guy Heckman Estate of Jeannette C. Kleber Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Schlafly Cohen Foundation Colonel Ervin E. Heins Mrs. Ada S. Kling Estate of George H. and Mr. Lawrence L. Cohn The Leona M. and Harry B. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lee Kling Aurelia Schlapp Conservation Services Group Helmsley Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Knight Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Schnuck Estate of Thomas K. Cooper Estate of Eleanor Hinkson Dr. and Mrs. William S. Knowles Estate of Paul A. Schulze Cooperating School Districts The Eleanor and Henry Hitchcock Estate of Fern S. Koehler Dr. Jeanne C. Sinquefield and Development Alternatives, Inc. Charitable Foundation Estate of Clotilde S. Koetter Mr. Rex A. Sinquefield Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Diemer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hitchcock Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Konneker Estate of Sidney and Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Holekamp Estate of John W. and Sylvia Souers Estate of Gloria Ann Donahue Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hollo Elizabeth K. Kouri St. Louis Board of Education Estate of Veronica S. Dougherty Honeywell International, Inc. Estate of Adelaide Krueger Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Ellen and Henry Dubinsky Estate of Eyvonne Huch June M. and Fred S. Kummer, Jr. Dr. Julian Steyermark Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Eckelkamp, Jr. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Laclede Gas Company Estate of Elizabeth Stockhus Educational Foundation Hunter Engineering Company Estate of Edna Landzettel Norman J. Stupp Foundation of America Mrs. Jane Hunter* Clinton and Patricia Lane —Commerce Bank, Trustee Ms. Polly Ellerman Illinois Department of Commerce Family Foundation Trust The Sunnen Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ellerman and Economic Opportunity Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Lane, Jr. Estate of Charlotte Employees Community Fund Interco Charitable Trust Estate of Harry W. Lang Gerhard Tietjens of Boeing St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Jacobs Mrs. Paul C. Langenbach Union Pacific Corporation Environmental Systems Estate of Ross Allen Jelkyl Mr. and Mrs. Oliver University of Mississippi Research Institute Downing and Helen Jenks M. Langenberg Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon B. Wallace III Estate of Mary V. Ernest Estate of Caroline G. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Express Scripts, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ivis Johnston E. Langsam Patron Mr. and Mrs. David C. Farrell Estate of Louise Woodruff Estate of Fred Lau ($100,000 to $499,999) Fauna & Flora International Johnston Mrs. Charles W. Lorenz Anonymous Estate of Mary Plant Faust The Joyce Foundation Carolyn and Joseph Losos Ambatovy Minerals Dr. and Mrs. Carl Fichtel JRS Biodiversity Foundation Richard Lounsbery Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Adam Aronson Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Fiehler Aronson Charitable Trust Franklinia Foundation Arthur Andersen Company Mr.* and Mrs.* Henry Freund Mr. and Mrs. Howard F. Baer Mr. S. E. Freund Mr. and Mrs. Melvin C. Bahle Estate of Charles Fullgraf Mr. Anderson D. Bakewell Furniture Brands Dr. and Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II International, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gallagher C. Barksdale Trust of Jeanette K. Gamble Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bascom Gamma Tree Experts— The Bay and Paul Tim and Tom Gamma Foundations, Inc. Edward Chase Garvey Estate of Jane L. Bedell Memorial Foundation Beneficia Foundation Estate of Eleanor Garvin John and Penelope Biggs Clifford Willard Gaylord Marion and Van-Lear Black Foundation Trust of Martha Wilber Bowlin GenAmerica Financial Estate of Joseph W. Boyle Corporation Estate of Louis G. Brenner, Jr. General Dynamics Corporation Mr.* and Mrs. Laurance General Service Foundation L. Browning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gilbert BSI Constructors Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Gleason Estate of Leo Buder Estate of Dorothy E. Goebelt Estate of Susan R. and Estate of Samuel R. Goldstein Henrietta Buder Estate of Sam J. Golman Bunge North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Goodman Ms. Adrienne Burke Estate of Barbara Grace Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Burkhardt Drs. Alan and Shirley Graham Mr. and Mrs. William H. T. Bush E. Reuben and Gladys Flora Margaret A. Cargill Foundation Grant Charitable Trust Estate of Arthur E. and The Graybar Foundation Lorraine J. Carlson Allen P. and Josephine B. Estate of Louise Carr Green Foundation Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Case, Jr. Margaret Blanke Grigg Foundation *deceased

22 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle A. Luer Estate of Janice Plowman Ms. Sandra H. Stemmler Mrs. Edward L. Bakewell, Jr. Macy’s PNC Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Stern Ball Horticultural Company Mallinckrodt Inc. Estate of Dorothy J. Poetting Stix, Baer, and Fuller Company Mrs. Diane C. Barnes Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Mr. and Mrs. A. Timon Primm III Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard H. Strauss Ms. B. J. Beck The Marisla Foundation Pulitzer Foundation Estate of Hilda Stroh Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. A. Beckers Estate of Constant F. Mathey Pulley Foundation Surdna Foundation, Inc. Estate of Emma Louise Behrens Estate of June E. McCarthy Estate of Lois B. Punshon John S. Swift Family Estate of Deloris M. Bermes Mr. and Mrs. James S. McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Putzel Charitable Trust Gertrude and William A. James S. McDonnell Foundation QIT-Fer et Titane, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. William K. Y. Tao Bernoudy Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Miss Alma K. Reitz Estate of Yolanda Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Bick N. McDonnell Research Library Consortium Estate of Otto Tietjens Estate of Jeannine M. Bieger Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. McMillan The Rockefeller Foundation Times Mirror Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bieller Mr. and Mrs. John C. McPheeters Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew The Tinker Foundation Estate of James A. Bilhorn Mellon Oak Spring Farms Library Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ruwitch Mrs. Marjorie Tooker BMO Harris Bank Merck & Company, Inc. Estate of Arnold Safron Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Toombs Lee Bohm Estate of Charlotte A. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tower Grove House Auxiliary Estate of Wanda Bowers Estate of Ann K. Miller F. Sansone, Sr. The Partners of Trammell Mr. William R. Boyle* Estate of Maurine Milligan Estate of Virginia Crow Company Trust of Arthur M. Branch Minera Panama Sassmanshausen Estate of Elizabeth A. Tratnik Mr. and Mrs. A. John C. Brauer III Estate of Jack W. and Estate of Samuel E. Schechter The Trio Foundation of St. Louis Estate of Dorothy M. Brehm Ruth D. Minton Tom and Ulrike Schlafly Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trulaske, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pharr Brightman Missouri Arts Council Estate of Robert J. Schlueter Robert J. Trulaske, Jr. Estate of Emma Eves Briley Missouri Botanical Garden Schnuck Markets, Inc. Family Foundation Estate of Erma Brinkop Daylily Association Ms. Constance Schnuck Estate of Mary S. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Lyle W. Brizendine Monrovia Growers Mr. Craig D. Schnuck Estate of William L. Tybura Estate of Marie Louise Brooker Dr. and Mrs. Walter L. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Schnuck U.S. Department of Transportation Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Cheryl and David Morley Mr. and Mrs. Terry E. Schnuck U.S. Food and Drug Ellis L. Brown Estate of Barbara H. Muckerman Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Schnuck Administration G.J. Brown Charitable Trust Estate of Frances C. Murdoch Mrs. William C. Schock Mr. and Mrs. Alan P. Vierheller William C. Brown Mysun Charitable Foundation Rebecca L. Scott Wallace Genetic Foundation, Inc. Communications National Garden Clubs, Inc. Estate of Celia Scudder Mrs. Mahlon B. Wallace, Jr. Charitable Foundation National Endowment for the Arts Senomyx, Inc. Estate of Martha M. Wallin Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brueckman National Fish and Wildlife Sensient Colors LLC Mr. and Mrs. Emile S. J. Wang Jean G. Brumback Foundation Sequoia Sciences Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Watkins Mrs. Grace Brumbaugh National Historic Publications Seven-Up Company Mrs. Janet McAfee Weakley Bryan Cave LLP and Records Commission Mrs. A. Wessel Shapleigh Weda Bay Nickel Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus National Museum Act, Warren and Jane Shapleigh Mr. and Mrs. Peter Werner A. Buder, Jr. administered by the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mr. and Mrs. O. Sage Estate of Susan R. Buder Smithsonian Institution F. Shaughnessy Wightman III Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Cabot National Park Service Mr. and Mrs. John W. Shepley Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. California Academy of Sciences The Nature Conservancy Estate of Thomas W. and Williams, Jr. Caltex Petroleum Corporation Mrs. John C. Naylor Mary G. Shields The Winslow Foundation Mrs. Minerva C. Canavan Dr. and Mrs. Philip Needleman Estate of James W. Shutt World Wildlife Fund CARE Estate of Edward J. and Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Mr. and Mrs. C. John Wright Dr. and Mrs. Will D. Carpenter Thekla F. Neuner Nancy and Alvin Siwak Catholic Education Office New Chapter, Inc. Estate of Geraldine Epp Smith Sponsor CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman Mr. Andrew E. Newman Mr. and Mrs. Tom K. Smith, Jr. ($25,000 to $99,999) McCann P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Eric P. Newman Smithsonian Institution Libraries American Direct Marketing Ceres, Inc. Novus International, Inc. Smurfit-Stone Container Resources LLC Chevron Corporation John and Anita O’Connell Corporation Anonymous Christner, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Oertli Estate of Anna A. Snyder Estate of Howard C. Adele CIC Group, Inc. Estate of Evelyn B. Olin Societe Le Nickel AEP River Operations Citigroup Mr. David T. Orthwein Mr. Donald Soffer Agri-Missouri The Coca-Cola Company Estate of Edward Otto and Dr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Soule Albers/Kuhn Family Foundation Tom and Sally Cohn Eileen Meyer Roehr Southwest Bank of St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Albrecht Coin Acceptors, Inc. Mrs. Raoul R. Pantaleoni St. Louis Board of Education Mr. and Mrs. James G. Alfring Compton Foundation, Inc. Parkway School District Magnet Program American Orchid Society, Inc. Estate of Eleanor B. Condie Peabody Energy St. Louis City CDA Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Ansehl Herbert D. Condie, III Family Estate of Elizabeth B. Pelton St. Louis Convention and Mr. Jack Ansehl Charitable Foundation Estate of Jane K. Pelton Visitors Commission ARCO Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Parker B. Condie, Sr. Pershing Charitable Trust St. Louis County Mr. Paul M. Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. Oscar J. Conrad, Jr. Pet Incorporated St. Louis Herb Society Mr. and Mrs. William Conservation, Food, and Peters Family Charitable Fund St. Louis Regional Chamber A. Armstrong Health Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond & Growth Association Aronson Foundation Contico International W. Peters II St. Louis Regional Planning and AT&T Charitable Trust Pioneer Hi-Bred International Construction Foundation Kay and John Bachmann Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Estate of Edward H. Pipe St. Louis Strassenfest Corporation Baker Petrolite Corporation M. Cornwell Pitzman Fund State Farm Companies Estate of Gladys E. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cook Estate of Olga Plaisance John and Audrey Steinfeld Estate of Sarah E. Baker Mrs. James A. Corrigan, Sr.

*deceased www.mobot.org 23 thank you


Estate of Eldon and Florine Cox Dr. LeRoy L. Fink Estate of Thomas F. Hitchell Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Craig III Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. D. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James L. Hoagland Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Krombach Crawford Taylor Foundation Estate of Charles Fitzgerald Mrs. Katharine W. Hoblitzelle Estate of Louise B. Krueger Dr. and Mrs. James R. Criscione Florida International University Mr. and Mrs. James F. Milton & Henrietta Kushkin Critical Ecosystem Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Forbes Hoffmeister, Sr. Fund of the Hawai’i Partnership Fund Ford Motor Company HOK Community Foundation Dr. Thomas B. Croat Mrs. Gretta Forrester The Home Depot Larry and Nancy LaBrier Mr. and Mrs. Trammell Crow Mr. and Mrs. Lucien R. Fouke, Jr. Estate of August Homeyer Ladue Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. William B. Crowder Mr. Harris J. Frank Dr. and Mrs. August Homeyer Mr. and Mrs. Warren Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Jack P. Freund, Jr. Mrs. Shirley Horlacher B. Lammert, Jr. W. Cummins The Charles and Sharon Estate of Beatrice T. Hoskins Mr. F. Holmes Lamoreux Mr. and Mrs. John E. Curby, Jr. Fruit Foundation, Inc. Estate of Arthur K. Howell, Jr. Estate of Julia W. Lamy Mr. and Mrs. Donald Danforth, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Gabriel, Jr. and Marianne M. Howell Forrest C. Lattner Foundation, Inc. Ms. Elizabeth Danforth Estate of Stella Gaebler Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Latzer The Daniel and Henry Company Dr.* and Mrs. Ira C. Gall Hullverson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet J. Layton Dolly Darigo Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Galt III Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Hulsey Lillian and Vivian Lee Mrs. Sara W. Davidson The Garden Club of America Hussmann Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Melvyn Lefkowitz Estate of Mary Ann Davis Garden Club of St. Louis IBM Corporation H. F. Lenfest Mr. Samuel C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gast Illinois Clean Energy Commission Mrs. Jean G. Leonhardt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Davis, Jr. General Bancshares Corporation Imagine Academy of Lewis and Clark Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Day Estate of Hazel C. and Environmental Sciences Community College Mr. and Mrs. Henri de Compiegne Virgil G. Gerak Mr. and Mrs. Edward Imo Estate of Marion Marx Lieberman Estate of Urma S. Debus Dr. and Mrs. William S. Gilmore Estate of Louise C. Ittner Estate of Catherine M. Lieneman Mrs. Roberta S. Dearing Global Biodiversity Ms. Marjorie M. Ivey Mr. and Mrs. L. Max Lippman, Jr. Desert Botanical Garden Information Systems The Jackes Foundation Miss Carol L. Littmann Estate of Marcel Desloge Global Colors Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome T. Loeb Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Deutsch Estate of Kenneth G. Gohlke Marie D. Jacobs Estate of Helen M. Longmire Estate of Linda D. Dickerson Dr. Anne Carol Goldberg Japan World Exposition Mr. and Mrs. Antonio I. Longrais Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dill Mr. and Mrs. Louis N. Goldring Community Fund Mrs. Charlotte J. Lopata Dillards, Inc. Estate of John R. Goodall Japanese American Mr. and Mrs. Herman Louer Dollar, Burns & Becker, L.C. Government of Gabon Citizens League Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Loughlin III Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Donald Mr. George K. Graff Jatun Sacha Biological Station John Allan Love Charitable Mrs. John L. Donnell Estate of Marjory Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Drey Kassabaum Graff Estate of Georgene H. Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Derick Driemeyer Grandpa’s Dr. Ann J. Johanson A. Lowenhaupt Drury Hotels Company LLC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Grasso, Jr. Mrs. Bettie S. Johnson Drs. Dan and Susan Luedke Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Dudley The Greater St. Louis Iris Society Estate of Mabel Johnson Estate of Lloyd L. Lueschaw Virginia and Harry Duffy Ms. Elizabeth L. Green Mr.* and Mrs. Henry O. Johnston Mrs. Ann S. Lux Mrs. Carol McCarthy Duhme Greenberg Van Doren Gallery Estate of Gretchen P. Jones Macy’s Foundation Mrs. W. L. Hadley Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Landon Young Jones Estate of Martha Y. Mahaney Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W. Dunlap Guarantee Electrical Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney Mr.* and Mrs. Lee P. Durham Estate of Jane Katherine Guess Wesley Jones and Edward Mallinckrodt, Ernst & Young Irene and Bob Gulovsen Nancy Ylvisaker Jr. Foundation East-West Gateway Peggy and Frank Gundlach Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ms. Kathy M. Manganaro Coordinating Council H.R. Electronics J. Kalkbrenner Herman and Ethel Mangold Ecosystem Restoration Estate of Hilda Haacke The Kellwood Foundation The Family of Elizabeth S. Martin Association, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Willis D. Hadley Estate of Katherine E. Kelly Estate of Maxine and Marjorie C. Eddy Hager Companies Mrs. James Shapleigh Kercheval Murray Mason Edison Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halpern The Korte Foundation The Mathews Foundation Mrs. Leo E. Eickhoff Estate of Marvin C. Hamilton William A. Kerr Foundation Matter Family Office Sondra E. Ellis and Mr. Robert E. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. Frederick R. Keydel Morton J. May Foundation Dorsey D. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Hardy, Jr. Ms. Margaret A. Kiefer McBride & Son Companies Essence Healthcare Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Harper Estate of Kenneth Kirchner McCarthy Building Mr. and Mrs. Alyn V. Essman HBE Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Klauke Companies, Inc. Estate of Martha B. Eswin Mr. and Mrs. John B. Heald Dr. Robert E. Kleiger Estate of Mary L. McClelland Fairweather Foundation The Hearst Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John E. Klein Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKelvey Dr. Donald J. Falk Estate of Hazel Heath Joan and Jonathan Kleinbard Mercy Famous-Barr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heim Estate of Olga Klickermann Merisant US, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Fathman Kurt and Christl Hensler Kling Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Messing, Jr. Federal Emergency Estate of Joseph Q. Heplar Mr. James D. Knox Walter and Cynthia Metcalfe Management Agency Lilly Christy Busch Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kopman Midwest Energy Estate of Leon A. Feinstein Hermann Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Kornfeld Efficiency Alliance Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Estate of Louise K. Hersby Ralph and Donna Korte Estate of Jerry and Mary Mihm Trustees’ Philanthropy Fund Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Higgins The Korte Company Estate of Arnold C. Miller Fifth Third Bank Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Hill Mr. John W. Kourik Dr. and Mrs. James S. Miller Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Filippello Mrs. Harry J. Hippenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kranzberg Mr. and Mrs. William L. Miller, Sr.


24 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Mills Estate of Eileen A. Pfeifer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III U.S. Department of the Interior Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Millstone Pfizer, Inc.—St. Louis Laboratories Estate of Carol Irene Seligman Fish & Wildlife Service Missouri Foundation for Health PGAV, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shaikewitz U.S. Department of State Missouri Pacific Railroad Mr. and Mrs. William R. Piper Shaman Pharmaceuticals U.S. Geological Survey Company Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Potthoff Mr. and Mrs. John C. Shapleigh Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Missouri State Library Estate of Gloria Powers Henry Shaw Cactus Society Van de Riet, Jr. Rick and Joy Moll Estate of William Prack Ms. Mary Ann Shaw Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Weil, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert C. Moog Pulaski Bank Estate of Colleen Nai Dr. and Mrs. Henk van der Werff Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Puleo Huan Yu Shen Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wiese JP Morgan Chase Foundation Dr. Ronald A. Pursell Joan and Chuck Sheppard Vashon School Mrs. Irene R. Morrill Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Putzel Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shutt Mr. and Mrs. Hendrik Verfaillie Mr. and Mrs. Shadrach F. Morris Quarryhill Botanical Garden Sierra Club Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vickroy Mr. and Mrs. Reuben The Quatre Vents Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Simons Estate of Margaret Walker M. Morriss III Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Quenon Estate of Raleigh Sisson Charles H. Wallace Family Mr. and Mrs. Lucius B. Morse III Drs. Peter and Patricia Raven Estate of Margaret W. Skinner Mrs. John K. Wallace Estate of Edna F. Morton W. Thomas Reeves Mrs. Alberta W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stratford Regions Bank Estate of Lucille M. Smith Estate of Candace Warden Lee Morton R. J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. Mrs. Wallace H. Smith Hilda Patsy A. Weintraub Mosby Year Book, Inc. Estate of Viola Reynolds Dr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Soule Dr. Virginia V. Weldon Mountain View Fabricating, Inc. Mr. Jack R. Rhein St. Louis Catholic Schools Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Wells MTR Landscaping Architects, LLC Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Rich St. Louis City Department Mrs. Joanna H. Werner Mr. Ross Mullen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Richardson of Human Resources Estate of Matty V. Wharry Mrs. Clifford W. Murphy* Mr. Steven C. Roberts and St. Louis County Department Mr. and Mrs. William M. Whitmire The R. W. Murray Company Dr. Eva L. Frazer-Roberts of Human Resources Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Wilcke Nabisco Brands, Inc. Estate of Marjorie Robins St. Louis County Health Wildlife Conservation Dr. and Mrs. Jai P. Nagarkatti Joseph H. and Florence A. Department International National Land Use Planning Roblee Foundation St. Louis Library Consortium Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilds Commission Dr. Stanley T. Rolfson St. Louis Mercantile Library Mr. Howard J. Wilkinson, Jr. National Science Teachers Estate of George S. Rosborough Mr. and Mrs. Ned Stanley Estate of Vera B. Will Association Rose Society of Greater Steinberg Charitable Trust Estate of Terua P. Williams National Steel Corporation, Saint Louis Estate of Josephine Stephens Mrs. Dorothy K. Wilson Granite City Division Mrs. Eddie U. Rosenheim Estate of Angela Sterbenz Estate of Georgia Wittich National Tropical Botanical Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ross Estate of Bernice Stevens Estate of Alice Wittkopf Garden Library Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ross Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wnuk NatureServe Mr. Charles M. Ruprecht Miss Ethel Stockman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Woldum Estate of John T. Neaf Sachs Properties Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Stolz Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Neidorff Sansone Group Mrs. Mary B. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wolff, Jr. Estate of Ula R. Neuhoff Mrs. Marjorie S. Sato Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius F. P. Stueck Estate of Frederick Woodruff Judge Ann Quill Niederlander Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Sauer Ms. Julia Jane Stupp Herbert and Adrian Mercedes E. Nitzschmann Trust Mrs. William H. Schield Mr. and Mrs. R. Philip Stupp, Jr. Woods Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Gyo Obata Mr. and Mrs. James Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stupp Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Woods Mr. David S. Obedin and M. Schloeman Sycamore Tree Trust World Conservation Union Ms. Clare M. Davis Estate of George Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Symington World Wide Fund for Nature Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Mrs. Howard A. Schneiderman Dr. Jessie L. Ternberg Dr. and Mrs. Mark Wrighton Dr. Ralph Olliges, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Dr. and Mrs. George E. Thoma Estate of Hildagarde Wunderlich Estate of Stella C. Olshausen E. Schneithorst Dr. Lewis J. Thomas, Jr. Estate of Evelyn S. Wurdack Dr. F. Thomas Ott Mrs. Donald Schnuck* Estate of Beulah E. Thorpe Estate of Bertha M. Yackel Dr. Lisa K. Ovens Mr. and Mrs. William Schoening TOYOTA Bodine Estate of Rita M. Zabel Estate of James J. Park Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Schott, Jr. Trust for Mutual Understanding Mrs. Isabelle L. Zimmerman Ms. Judith E. Parker Catherine Schuchat Trust Estate of Alice B. Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Louis I. Zorensky Mr. and Mrs. Ward S. Parker Estate of Hugo F. Schueren Mrs. Glenna S. Udre Mrs. Jean M. Pennington and Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schuler UMB Bank, N.A. Ms. Anne Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Schulte Dr. and Mrs. Henry A. Uhlemeyer Estate of Arthur Peters Estate of Dorothy Schumann Estate of John Ulrich Mrs. Charles P. Pettus, Jr. Estate of Dorothy J. Scott U.S. Department of Education

ENDOWED POSITIONS P.A. Schulze Curator of Botany Aurelia Schlapp Curator of B.A. Krukoff Curator of Central Thomas B. Croat, Ph.D. Perennial Plants American Botany June C. Hutson W.D. Stevens, Ph.D. John S. Lehmann Curator of Grasses William L. Brown Curator of Whitmire Family Curator of Gerrit Davidse, Ph.D. Economic Botany Native Plant Horticulture Rainer Bussmann, Ph.D. Scott Woodbury B.A. Krukoff Curator of African Botany Alice H. Brown Curator of Anne L. Lehmann Curator of Peter Goldblatt, Ph.D. Ethnobotany North American Botany Jan Salick, Ph.D. James L. Zarucchi, Ph.D.

*deceased www.mobot.org 25 thank you

PETER H. RAVEN SOCIETY Benefactor Mr. and Mrs. James S. Dr.* and Mrs. Ira C. Gall Ms. Judith E. Parker ($25,000 or more) McDonnell III Anna Harris Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Neidorff Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hermann W. Peters II Mr. and Mrs. James G. Berges Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Schnuck Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Drs. Peter and Patricia Raven Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Brauer Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Toombs Hermann, Jr. Mr. Roy Pfautch Drs. Alan and Shirley Graham Dr. and Mrs. Henk van der Werff Mr. and Mrs. David M. Hollo Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Ross Mrs. Clinton W. Lane, Jr. Rick and Lotsie Holton Mr. and Mrs. William C. Rusnack Dr. and Mrs. Philip Needleman Patron Intoximeters, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mrs. Laura R. Orthwein ($10,000 to $14,999) Mr. and Mrs. David W. Kemper F. Sansone, Sr. Mabel Dorn Reeder Anonymous Ms. JoAnn Taylor Kindle Mrs. William C. Schock Foundation, Mabel L. Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger II Mrs. Rosalyn Kling Joan L. Sheppard Purkerson, MD, Trustee John and Penelope Biggs Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kresko Mr. and Mrs. Thad W. Simons Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L. Reding Mr. and Mrs. Van-Lear Black III June M. and Fred S. Kummer, Jr. Alvin and Nancy Siwak Dr. Jeanne C. Sinquefield and Lee Bohm Mrs. Mary Ann Lee Mr. Jack C. Taylor Mr. Rex A. Sinquefield Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Burkhardt Lucy L. Lopata* Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William H. T. Bush Carolyn and Joseph Losos Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tschudy Bert and Karen Condie Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Love Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Weil, Jr. Sponsor Dr. William H. Danforth Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Maritz Mr. and Mrs. Peter Werner ($15,000 to $24,999) Dr. Christopher Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. McMillan Mr. Blanton Whitmire Anonymous and Sharon Christoph Mr. and Mrs. John C. McPheeters Mr. and Mrs. O. Sage Mr. and Mrs. David N. Farr Mr. and Mrs. Zander Duffield Walter and Cynthia Metcalfe Wightman III Fox Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Eckelkamp, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Morley Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Woods Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. David C. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Oertli Dr. and Mrs. Peter Wyse Jackson Mr. and Mrs. William Holekamp Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Fiehler Mr. David T. Orthwein UPPER-LEVEL MEMBERS Garden Ambassador Garden Fellow Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Arnoldy ($5,000 to $9,999) ($2,500 to $$4,999) E. Langsam Mr. Frederick H. Atwood III Anonymous Anonymous Drs. Dan and Susan Luedke Dr. Jacques U. Baenziger and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mr.* and Mrs. Arthur E. Ansehl Ms. Kathy M. Manganaro Dr. Nancy L. Baenziger C. Barksdale Mrs. Melvin C. Bahle Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGinnis Mr. Edward L. Bakewell III Mr.* and Mrs. Laurance Mrs. Diane C. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. William L. Miller, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Bauwens L. Browning Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Bascom Mrs. Dorothy M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Behan Barbara M. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Ted W. Beaty Harry C. and Genie Mueller Mr. and Mrs. F. Gilbert Bickel III The Honorable John C. Danforth Mr. and Mrs. H. Pharr Brightman Mrs. Clifford W. Murphy* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bieller and Mrs. Sally D. Danforth Ms. Pamela Buell Mrs. Don C. Musick, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Biggs Ellen and Henry Dubinsky Dr. and Mrs. Will D. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O’Brien Mrs. Marilyn J. Boettcher Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gast Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Case, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kei Pang Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bowers Dr. and Mrs. William S. Gilmore Mr. and Mrs. Derek Chase Mr. and Mrs. Doug Prosch Mr. William R. Boyle* Mr. Frederick J. Goglia The Chod Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Putzel Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brannon Mr.* and Mrs. Harvard K. Hecker Ms. Elizabeth Danforth Tamra Engelhorn Raven Mr. C. Alan Brown Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Heim Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Drey Mr. and Mrs. Todd R. Schnuck Mr. and Mrs. David M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Hill Sondra E. Ellis and Mr. and Mrs. James Shekelton Mr. and Mrs. Roger Brueckman Mr. and Mrs. Edward Imo Dorsey D. Ellis, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Sly Mrs. Jane D. Bryan Mr. John R. Bush and Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Evans Mr. and Mrs. Keith J. Smith Drs. Jacob and Katherine Ms. Pamela B. Jackson Dr. and Mrs. A. N. Filippello Mr. Michael Staenberg Buchowski Dr. Ann J. Johanson Steve and Linda Finerty Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Stern Mrs. Gertrude B. Busch Mrs. Frank Key Thomas and Kathleen Fingleton Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stuerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Bytnar Mr. F. Holmes Lamoreux Dr. Patricia R. Forni Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Carnahan Mrs. Mary B. Langenberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gephardt Van de Riet, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Carter Mrs. Priscilla McDonnell Dr. Anne Carol Goldberg Mr. Scott J. Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Case Rick and Joy Moll Ms. Jane Goldberg Ms. Robin A. Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. William G. Cocos, Jr. Mrs. Jai P. Nagarkatti Mrs. Alice R. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Whitmire Tom and Sally Cohn Mr. David S. Obedin and Mr. Frank J. Guyol III Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Wiese Dr. and Mrs. John Colwell Ms. Clare M. Davis Mr. Milton H. Hieken and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Max Cooperman John and Anita O’Connell Ms. Barbara Barenholtz Mr. Paul D. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mrs. Audrey W. Otto Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hindman Ms. Kathleen Wood M. Cornwell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Quenon Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Hulsey Mr. J. Michael Cozad Tom and Ulrike Schlafly Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Jones Henry Shaw Associate Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Craig III Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ms. Margaret A. Kiefer ($1,500 to $2,499) Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Crawford F. Shaughnessy Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. King Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. James R. Criscione Mr. and Mrs. Ned Stanley Mrs. Nancy Knowles Mr. and Mrs. J. Joe Adorjan Mrs. Carol Darnall Dr. Jessie L. Ternberg Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Konneker Mr. Paul M. Arenberg Mr. and Mrs. John W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wallace, Jr. Dr. Stuart A. Kornfeld Mrs. Eugenie L. Armstrong Mrs. Nancy W. Day Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Kroeger Mr. and Mrs. William Ms. Frances E. Dependahl Williams, Jr. A. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Deutsch *deceased

26 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Mrs. Rose Mary Dieckhaus Mrs. Katherine G. Klingler Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott III Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Klein Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Diemer Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Koller, Jr. Mrs. Tom K. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Koors Ms. Nettie Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kopman Mr. and Mrs. David J. Soldavini Ralph and Donna Korte Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Donald Keith and Cheryl Kowalczyk Mr. Joseph A. Galli, Sr. and Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Stanton B. Dotson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kranzberg Ms. Donna B. Steininger D. Leidenfrost Ms. Christine Dougher and Ms. Martha R. Kratzer Ms. Sandra H. Stemmler Mrs. Ann S. Lux Ms. Rita Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Krombach Mrs. Mary B. Strauss Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Marder Mr. and Mrs. Derick Driemeyer Mr. and Mrs. James Lammers Maurita Estes Stueck Ms. Leslie McKinney Dr. and Mrs. Harry T. Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Steven F. Leer Mr. and Mrs. Grenville G. Sutcliffe Mr. and Mrs. Sewell A. McMillan Mrs. Carol McCarthy Duhme Don and Peggy Lents Ms. Patricia Taillon-Miller Mr. Thomas Mroczkowski Ms. Nina Durham Mrs. Ann Liberman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Talcoff Dr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Alyn V. Essman Mrs. Jerome T. Loeb Dr. and Mrs. William K.Y. Tao A. Murphy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Everson Ms. Janet L. Love Mrs. Henry A. Uhlemeyer Dr. and Mrs. G. Charles Oliver Dr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Fathman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vickroy Dr. Ralph Olliges, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fiala A. Lowenhaupt Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Volk Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Petersen Dr. and Mrs. Carl E. Fichtel Ms. Rita Luddon Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ms. Georgia C. Pettus Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Fields Mr. Terry R. Lueckenhoff S. von Kaenel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rechter Dr. and Mrs. William C. Finnie Mr. Stephen MacDonough Mr. and Mrs. George H. Walker III Dr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Ruwitch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Fischer Mr. and Mrs. John Marcus Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon B. Wallace III Mr. and Mrs. John Schlafer Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. D. Fisher Mr. Ray B. Marglous Mrs. Phoebe Dent Weil Mrs. Donald Schnuck* Dr. Susan M. Fitzpatrick and Sawyer and Jean Marglous Mr. and Mrs. David Q. Wells, Jr. Mr. David P. Schulz Mr. Thomas P. Wyman Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McDonnell Mrs. Joanna H. Werner Mr. Mark F. Schumm Ms. Peggy L. Foege Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKelvey Ms. Cathy S. Whitmire Ms. Deborah A. Seidel Mr. John H. Fogarty Wanda and Tim Michels Mr. and Mrs. Richard Whitmire Ms. Jan Simons Mrs. Gretta Forrester Mrs. Dorothy D. Miller* Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wilke Dr. Richard Katz and Dr. Mr. and Mrs. Lucien R. Fouke, Jr. Mr. J. Benjamin Miller Mr. Howard J. Wilkinson, Jr. Stacey L. Smith Mr. James Franklin Mr. Lewis R. Mills Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sommer Mr. and Mrs. Alan Frohman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Mitchell Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Stokes III Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fromm Mr. Charles S. Moros Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wolff, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. R. Richard Straub Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Galt III Isabelle C. Morris Wesley Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Voellinger Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Gamma Mrs. Lucius B. Morse III Nancy Ylvisaker Mr. R. Randall Wang and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Gazzoli Ann Murphy Mr. and Mrs. David Zeitler Ms. Elisa N. Wang Mr. and Mrs. David O. Gifford Mrs. William J. Oetting Mr. and Mrs. Brian Zielinski Mr. and Mrs. John D. Weil Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gilbert Mrs. Mary Lou Olson Ms. Michelle L. Zielinski and Mr. Mark S. Weil Mrs. Joseph F. Gleason Mr. and Mrs. Jules L. Pass Mr. Frank Goudsmit Mrs. Ruth Helen Wright Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Goltzman Mr. Michael J. Perry Dr. and Mrs. Mark Wrighton Ms. Barbara B. Goodman Mrs. Shirley Pfister President’s Circle Mr. Timothy C. Greenwald Gordon and Suzie Philpott ($1,000 to $1,499) President’s Associate Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grote Mr. and Mrs. William R. Piper Mr. and Mrs. Bill K. Anderson ($600 to $999) Mr. Robert E. Hansen Mr. and Mrs. William Pohlman Kay and John Bachmann Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heinz Dr. and Mrs. William Popovic Bellefontaine Cemetery Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Amann Mr. and Mrs. John C. Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Potthoff Association Dr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Auer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Reay Mr. and Mrs. John A. Blumenfeld Mr. and Mrs. James K. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Michael Herring Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Reed Ms. Velma R. Boyer Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Barthold Ms. Janice E. Hetland Mrs. Martha M. Reichman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brecks Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Beatty Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Higgins Rex and Deborah Rice Arlue and Michael Briggs Mr. Karl Beckmann Mrs. Harry J. Hippenmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Jerry E. Ritter Jean G. Brumback Ms. Marjorie A. Burns Ms. Mary F. Hoffman and Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Robbins Drs. Donald and Claudia Busiek Mr. and Mrs. Coleman H. Burton Mr. Russ Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. John R. Roberts Mrs. Margaret P. Collins Mr. and Mrs. David Camarota Miss Carol Hohenberger Dr. Eva L. Frazer-Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Parker B. Condie, Sr. Mr. Jeet C. Chadha and Ms. Mark and Leslie Hood Mr. Steven C. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Cook Mary Kathryn Peterson Mr.* and Mrs. W. Rawlins Mrs. Eddie U. Rosenheim Mr. and Mrs. William H. Crabbin Ms. Kathi D. Clement Horlacher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ross Dr. and Mrs. James P. Crane Mr. and Mrs. William E. Cornelius Robert and Cynthia Hormell Mr. Clarence E. Roth* Mr. and Mrs. John E. Curby, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald B. Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Venable M. Houts Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Russell Mrs. Roberta S. Dearing Mr. and Mrs. William E. Denning Miss Ann Hubel Mrs. Elizabeth Ruwitch Dorothy and Dan Diehl Mr. William A. Donius Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mr.* and Mrs. Harvey Saligman Mr. and Mrs. Quintus Dr. and Mrs. William H. Doub Hullverson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom W. Santel L. Drennan, Jr. Ms. Christina Dougherty Ms. Marjorie M. Ivey Ms. Constance Schnuck Mr. Robert H. Duesenberg Mr. Dennis D. Dvorachek Dr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Jaworski Mr. and Mrs. David N. Schopp Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Mr. Robert Emnett Mrs. Helen S. Jenks Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Schrader Claiborne Dunagan Mr. James Espy Mrs. Bettie S. Johnson Dr. Marlys E. Schuh Ms. Suzanne E. Eaton Ms. Jane B. Evans Mrs. Sally Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Schulte Mrs. Judith Garfinkel Mr. and Mrs. William B. Firestone Mrs. Landon Young Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Schutte Mr. and Mrs. J. Philip Hellwege Dr. and Mrs. William Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin Mr. and Mrs. Vernon E. Henley M. Fogarty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kautzman D. Schwartz Mr. Brad LaVallee and Mrs. Bettie Gershman Mrs. Mary Jane Kirtz Dr. and Mrs. Henry G. Ms. Arlene Howe Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Glasser Dr. Robert E. Kleiger Schwartz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Burt W. Kaufman Mr. Michael Gleason Mr. Lee C. Kling Dr. and Mrs. Martin W. Schwarze Mr. Norman H. Klayman* Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Goering

*deceased www.mobot.org 27 thank you


Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldschmidt Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle D. Kinyon Mr. David M. Murphy Rev. Mark Sluss Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Graebe Dr. David M. Kipnis* Dr. and Mrs. Lorin I. Nevling, Jr. Ms. Debra Smith Ms. Elizabeth L. Green Dr. David L. Kirk Mr. Daniel L. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. John Solodar Drs. Steven L. Brody and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Koch Mr. W. Arthur Parrish Dr. John Sopuch Brenda Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Koch Mr. Russell M. Patton Mr. and Mrs. James H. Squires Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Hager II Mr. and Mrs. Roger Koch Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. G. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halpern Mr. and Mrs. Todd J. Korte Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Piening Stribling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hansen Mrs. Sallie W. Kratz Dr. and Mrs. Lee S. Portnoff Ms. Julia Jane Stupp Mr. Charles J. Hasenjaeger Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Krekeler Mr. and Mrs. B. Franklin Mr. and Mrs. R. Philip Stupp, Jr. Gary L. Heaviland and Mrs. Warren B. Lammert, Jr. Rassieur, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Stupp Christina R. Neff Mr. Gregory R. Heck and Mr. and Mrs. Jon N. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Sunshine Mr. and Mrs. Chris D. Hehner Mr. Robby J. Lappe Dr. and Mrs. Leslie Rich Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Tarrasch Dr. Jay M. S. Henis and Ms. Karen Larsen Mr. Eric S. Rickmann Mr. Richard D. Taylor Ms. Gloria Grodsky Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Lasater Mrs. Lisa M. Rieman The Hyde Foundation Mrs. Jean M. Hobler Dr. and Mrs. R.M. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Rigazzi Mr. Jim Tobin and Mr. and Mrs. James F. Hoffmeister Mr. and Mrs.* James D. Leyerle Dr. and Mrs. Leon R. Robison III Ms. Gina Heagney Ms. Debra Hollingsworth Dr. and Mrs. Antonio I. Longrais Mr. Jeffrey A. Robson Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tosovsky Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Frank Jacobs and Marylen Mann Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rowley Ms. Jane Hedgecorth Tracy Lewis Holmes Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Martin Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Rummel Dr. and Mrs. Emil R. Unanue Dr. and Mrs Curtis A. Holt Mr. and Mrs. Mark McAmish Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sagan Mr. and Mrs. George K. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hopkins Dr. Marsha McBride Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sakai Dr. and Mrs. Dana C. Walker Mr. and Mrs. David K. Hopson Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey McDonnell Mr. and Mrs. David C. Sauerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. West Ms. Merle Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. John F. McDonnell Mr. Stanley Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Whitten Dr. Heather and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. David McNutt Mrs. Katherine A. Schaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wiegand Richard D. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Daryl McQuinn Mr. Michael Waeckerle Mr. and Mrs. Rob Williams Mr. and Mrs. David L. Hurst Dr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schamburg Mr. Bradley Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Andros Ioakimides E. Mendelsohn Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schulz Miss Brenda C. Witt Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Jastrem Mr. and Mrs. Dan Miklovic Ms. Angela Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wohl Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Jokerst Mr. Kenneth Miller Mr. Eric Schwarz and Mr. and Mrs. David E. Wayne and Cheri Jones Dr. Maudie M. Miller Ms. Linda Becher Wolfersberger Mr. John D. Kapeller Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sedlak Mr. Mark Zuke and Dr. Jan Zuke Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kent Mrs. Irene Morrill Mrs. Marian D. Senger Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Zundel Mr. and Mrs. William J. Keyes Mr. and Mrs. Tim Murnin Mr. and Mrs. David Silver

HERITAGE SOCIETY We are grateful to those who have included the Garden in their wills or who have created a planned gift as of December 31, 2013.

Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. John Bieller Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Copeland Mrs. Vicki Elsen Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Abel Ms. Linda Loelkes Blackburn Mr. Joseph E. Corrigan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Erman Mr. and Mrs. Michael Adams and Ms. Charlotte Mason Mrs. Janelle Criscione Mickey Croyle and Ms. Donna Agah Miss Elizabeth Bohlman Dr. Theresa A. Cwierzyk Christopher Erwin Ms. Susan Ahl Mr.* and Mrs. Ward Booth Mr. and Mrs. David E. Dapron Mr. and Mrs. Alyn V. Essman Ms. Sally E. Ahsmuhs Mr. and Mrs. William R. Bosse Dolly Darigo Ms. Mildred F. Fabick Ms. Lisa Anderson Ida Mae Boswell Mrs. Sara W. Davidson Donald James Falk Mr. and Mrs. Ron Andracsek Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Botz Neil P. Davis Mr. David R. Favreau Paul M. Arenberg Mr. William R. Boyle* Miss Diane E. DeBaets Mrs. Valeria Ferdinandy Ms. Margaret A. Aston Mr. and Mrs. Lyle W. Brizendine Skippy Dennis Dr. and Mrs. Carl Fichtel Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Joanne Sunny Broadwell Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Dr. LeRoy Fink Augustine, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. David P. Brown P. Desloge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry N.D. Fisher Drs. Jacques and Nancy Jean G. Brumback Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Dick Mr. Theodore W. Fivian and Baenziger Mrs. Sarah Bryan Mrs. Kathleen Dickman (In Mr. Steve Unland Mr. Thomas P. Bakersmith Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Bunce memory of Michael F. Dickman) Dr. Patricia R. Forni Ms. Mary E. Bakoylis Ms. Adrienne Burke Mrs. Bill Dickson Harris J. Frank Ms. Ann Baltzer Dr. J. J. Burke Nancy Ann Donahue Ms. Mary Jane Fredrickson Mrs. Diane C. Barnes Ms. Marguerite Burns Ms. Christine Dougher and Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Freeland Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Barthold Ms. Mary Burrows Ms. Rita Navarro Dr. and Mrs. Charles Furfine Mr. Joseph T. Bear, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Burrus Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Drews Mrs. Helen C. Gabriel Ms. B. J. Beck Ms. Phyllis Calhoun Dr. and Mrs. Harry T. Duffy David R. Ganz Mrs. Carolyn A. Becker Ms. Constance Cantrell Mrs. Shirley Gage Durfee Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Garrison David N. and JoAnn E. Becker Mr. Douglas R. Hunt and Drs. Jerry D. and Kathleen Mr. and Mrs. David P. Gast Mr. and Mrs. James E. Berger Ms. Susan A. Carrow M. Durham Mrs. Pauline T. Gers Mr. and Mrs. James G. Berges Mr. and Mrs. Paulus Channer Ms. Catherine C. Ebbesmeyer Mrs. Franklin C. Gilbert Michael and Barbara Bergmire William and Julie Chmelir Marjorie C. Eddy Mrs. Francine M. Glass Mrs. Frank C. Bick Mrs. Marilyn Chryst Ann T. Eggebrecht Mrs. Catheryn Glassbrenner Ms. Elizabeth A. Biddick Dr. Richard N. Cirino Ms. Polly Ellerman Mr. David S. Godair


28 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Goerke Mrs. Landon Young Jones Mrs. Rita J. Moll Mr. Ralph W. Smith Ms. Jane Goldberg Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Kagan Mrs. H. B. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Ralph K. Soebbing Mrs. Jean S. Goodson Mr. and Mrs. Everett Mrs. Opal M. Morris Mrs. Eve M. Spencer Mrs. E. E. Gorman J. Kalkbrenner Mr. John R. Mulach Keith W. and A. Marie Spoeneman Mr. and Mrs. William H. Grubbs Lawrence P. Katzenstein Mr. Ross Mullen John C. Steger Ms. Carol A. Gruen Miss Peggy J. Keilholz Mr. Paul E. Nagel, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Mr. Bob Grueninger Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kimler Mr. Charles W. Nagelvoort Ms. Maria E. Stocker Irene and Bob Gulovsen Mrs. Rosemarie Kirchhoefer Dr. Anna Naumovich and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Stoliar Mr. Eugene and Mrs. David L. Kirk and the Marilyn Mr. Richard Naumovich Mr. Robert G. Stolz Jacqueline Haberl M. Kirk Family Trust Mr. and Mrs. C. Hugh Neilson Maxine Stone Ms. Charmaine M. Hall Mary Jane Kirtz Dr. Eliane Meyer Norman Reverend Linda R. Strominger Ms. Louise Tesson Hall Ms. Paulette Klimaszewski Mr. Gyo Obata Maurita Estes Stueck Mrs. Corrine T. Hammer Mr. Frank F. Kling Mrs. Albert J. O’Brien Mrs. Ingrid A. Sturm Ms. Mary Hammer Mrs. William S. Knowles Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Oertli Doris J. Sudhoff Dr. and Mrs. Homer H. Hanson Ms. Belinda Kokoro Mr. and Mrs. William J. Ogle Dr. and Mrs. William K. Y. Tao Ms. Pamela Hardy Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Konneker Mr. and Mrs. John T. O’Halloran Mr. and Mrs. Donald S. Taticek Mr. Patrick D. Harrington Mr. Sheldon B. Korklan Dr. Ralph Olliges, Jr. Ms. Margaret M. Taylor Anna Harris Mr. William B. Kountz, Jr. Mrs. Joseph Olson Dr. John Throop and Dr. Elizabeth A. Harvath Mr. John W. Kourik Mrs. Jules B. Orabka Ms. Cindy Ford Mr. Charles Hasenjaeger Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Michael C. Orlando Dr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Tivener Eleanor B. Hecht H. Kresser Mrs. William R. Orthwein, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Martin Towey Miss Mary Ann Hecker Dr. William W. Kridelbaugh Dr. Lisa K. Ovens Carl and Sharon Tracer Mrs. Ruth C. Hellstern Mark H. Lampe and Ms. Dorothy J. Palisch Mr. Stephen Trampe and Nancy Varner Helmer Laura S. Renken Mr. W. Arthur Parrish Mrs. Jenny Gupta Ms. Helen Hennessy Ms. Mary W. Lamy Mrs. Mary Ellen Pearson Mr. Thomas A. Tyler Mrs. Irene R. Hercules Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mr. Roy Pfautch Mrs. Glenna S. Udre* Ms. Doris S. Herlitska E. Langsam Mrs. Shirley Pfister Mrs. Margaret C. Uhlemeyer Ms. Lise Herren Mrs. Mary Ann Lee Ms. Kathleen Phillips Mr. Gary F. Vajda Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hessee Miss Virginia M. Lehr Dr. and Mrs. Steven S. Pope Mrs. Jeanne Van Allen Mr. Milton H. Hieken and Harry J. and Patricia A. Lenzen, Jr. Mr. Peter A. Postol Mrs. Karen J. Van Buren Mrs. Barbara Barenholtz Jean G. Leonhardt Ms. Sandie Proske Mr. Edward A. Van Kast Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Higgins Mr. Norman B. Leppo Dr. Ronald A. Pursell Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vickroy Dr. Nancy C. Higgins Mr. and Mrs. Randall D. Lewis Mr. Walter Rajewski Mrs. Phyllis R. Vierheller* Drs. J. Thomas Hjelle Reverend Joseph C. Lindell, Jr. Ms. Emily Ransom Ms. Carole Vohsen and Marcia Miller Mrs. Theresa H. Lisitano Drs. Peter and Patricia Raven Mr. and Mrs. Roger H. Volk Jean Hobler Mr. Jerry Copeland and Dr. and Mrs. John V. Reilly Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Von Tress Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey H. Hogg Mr. Vince Llacer Miss Alma K. Reitz Mrs. Robert S. Vosburgh Miss Carol Hohenberger Lucy L. Lopata* Ms. Kathryn J. Reuther Mr. William F. Walbridge Mr. and Mrs. Fielding Mr. and Mrs. Herman Louer Mr. Jack R. Rhein Mr. and Mrs. George H. Walker III Lewis Holmes Ms. Janet L. Love Drs. Richard and Susan Riegel Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wallace, Jr. Mr. Marvin W. Hook Mr. and Mrs. Matthew H. Luca Mrs. JoAnn W. Rivinus-Vorih Mrs. Emile S. J. Wang Mr. Ron Hornberger Ms. Rita Luddon Dr. Kenneth Robertson Ms. Joan Washington Mr. James Wolk and Ms. Mr. Eugene J. Mackey III Mr. and Mrs. Richard Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Watkins Jacqueline L. Horton Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Roehm Mr. and Mrs. Bill Weber Mr. William J. Horwitz Ms. Jerilyn Malone Mrs. Elizabeth Ruwitch Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Weber Diane Huck Herman and Ethel Mangold Miss Virginia D. Schaefer Mrs. William H. Webster, Jr. Mr. John Hudson Mr. John R. Mareing Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schlapprizzi Mr. and Mrs. F. Dale Whitten Mr. Douglas R. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. George Marty Ms. Charlotte E. Schmidt Ms. Kim M. Widmer Ms. Susan A. Carrow Mr. Frank Matta Mr. Robert P. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilds Ms. Diane M. Hurwitz Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Mayberry Mrs. Ellen J. Schneiderman Mr. Howard J. Wilkinson, Jr. Ms. Marjorie M. Ivey Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Maytas Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Schrader Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Williams Thomas Jackson and Helen H. McCallie Mr. David A. Schumaier Mrs. Nancy L. Williams Catherine Cravens Ms. Melinda J. McDaniel Ms. Colette J. Scott Mr. James R. Williamson Mrs. Catalina Jamieson Mrs. Ottille C. Means Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Shelburne Mr. and Mrs. John Winkler Mr. Larry L. Janson Mr. Frederick Medler Mr. George J. Shmagranoff Ms. Ellen L. Witte Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Jastrem Mrs. Karen Meldrum Evie and Jim Shucart Mr. James Wolk and Ms. Ann J. Johanson Mr. and Mrs. Tom Meyer Mr. Laurence Skull Jacqueline L. Horton Mr. David W. Johnson Marcella H. Milcic Ms. Suzanna L. Slivka Mr. and Mrs. Thaddeus Wozniak Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Johnson Mrs. Dorothy D. Miller* Frances and Michael Slusher Lynn and Darrell Yearwood Mrs. Lois B. Johnson Dr. Maudie M. Miller Ms. Brenda K. Smith Mrs. Miriam E. Zukoski Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Johnson Mr. Thomas G. Moeller Mrs. Tom K. Smith, Jr. Ms. Bonnie L. Jones Rick and Joy Moll Ms. Mary L. Smith

*deceased www.mobot.org 29 thank you

ESTATES AND TRUSTS We are grateful for distributions received from these estates and trusts in 2013.

Anonymous Emily Burmeister Arthur K. Howell, Jr. and Robert Walter Schaefer Edward L. Bakewell, Jr. Eleanor B. Condie Marianne M. Howell Robert J. Schlueter Susie T. Bovard Michael W. Cramer Anne L. Lehmann Colleen Nai Huan Yu Shen Mr. Joseph W. Boyle and Mrs. Janet Hatch Dunlap Stanley and Lucy L. Lopata Souers Charitable Trust Irene Edwards Boyle Robert Elkington Gladys L. Maeser Spoehrer Family Charitable Trust Arthur M. Branch Norma A. Fletcher Charlotte Ann Metzger Natalie Warford Leo Buder Eileen J. Gallagher Evelyn B. Olin John E. Williams Susan R. and Henrietta Buder Barbara Grace Viola J. Reynolds Adolph Burmeister Margaret C. Heckman

HENRY SHAW FUND AND OTHER GIFTS We are grateful to the following donors for their gifts of $500 or more to provide general operating support in 2013.

Anonymous Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Drews Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Hoemann Mrs. Mary Lee Morris A. Friends’ Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Drey Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mr. and Mrs. David B. Mulcahy American Endowment Caleb C. and Julia W. Hoffmeister, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nagel Foundation Dula Educational and Palmer Hotz Friends & Family of Darrel C. Neal Mr. Michael Andreas & Family Charitable Foundation HP Interests Dr. and Mrs. Philip Needleman AT&T Mr. and Mrs. Lee P. Durham Huntleigh McGehee Mr. Robert O. Nellums Mr. A.J. Bardol, Jr. EarthShare of Missouri Mr. Robert R. Ireland Ms. Elizabeth A. Nieters Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Becker Edwardsville Garden Club J. Frank Schmidt Family Jack and Karen O’Quin Mr. William A. Benson Rita Wolff Eiseman Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Obernier Mr. and Mrs. Myron A. Berezin Mr. and Mrs. John E. Evans III Jewish Federation of St. Louis Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Oertli Mrs. Ruth S. Berg Mr. and Mrs. David Everson Mrs. Lois B. Johnson Mrs. Laura R. Orthwein Mr. and Mrs. Van-Lear Black III Express Scripts Mary Ranken Jordan and Ettie A. William R. Orthwein, Jr. Mrs. Carolyn F. Blatt Mr. and Mrs. David C. Farrell Jordan Charitable Foundation and Laura Rand The Boeing Company Ms. Vivian Farrell and JST Charitable Fund Orthwein Foundation Ms. Lisa Brasher Ms. Mary Ann Hodits Dr. Michael Kamitsuka Mr. and Mrs. John A. Palumbo Ms. Rose A. Brasher Federated Garden Clubs Mr. and Mrs. Corey Kilkelly Mrs. Sue Pennycook Mrs. Elizabeth A. Brencick of Missouri, Inc. Ms. Katherine Kimelman Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. John Brencick Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. King W. Peters II Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Brinkmann Dr. LeRoy L. Fink Mr. Norman H. Klayman Cynthia S. Peters 2005 Ms. Susanna Brock Ms. Peggy L. Foege Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Klepper Charitable Trust Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Browne Prof. Mike Foland Mr. Thomas W. Kopp Pickaway County Community Mrs. Alice W. Bruce Dr. Patricia R. Forni Dr. Stuart A. Kornfeld Foundation Barbara M. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Franklin E. Foster Dr. Pamella Gronemeyer Ed & H Pillsbury Foundation BSI Constructors, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Franc III and Mr. Stephen Kriegh Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Pine Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. Burke Mr. Robert A. Francis Mrs. Christine M. Kube Pinnell Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Coleman H. Burton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Fromm Kuhn Foundation Dr. Juanita Polito-Colvin and Ms. Beatrice Busch-von Gontard The Charles and Sharon Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas S. Kurten Mr. Grant M. Colvin Ms. Lisa Caimi Fruit Foundation, Inc. The Laclede Group PolyOne Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Campbell Mrs. Helen C. Gabriel Mrs. Julie L. Lambert The Pott Foundation Cardinals Care Mrs. Martha P. Gardner Mrs. Mary E. Layton Mrs. Marguerite K. Potter Ms. Camilla Carlson Drs. James and Annie Gavin Zeta B. Chi and Betty L. Lee Mrs. Filomena J. Preuss Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Case, Jr. Clifford Willard Gaylord Lillian and Vivian Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jon N. Reed CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman Foundation Mrs. Jean G. Leonhardt Mrs. Lisa M. Rieman and Mrs. McCann P.C. Mrs. Patricia J. Gee Dr. Walter H. Lewis Jacqueline Nischwitz Christmas Valley Foundation and Mr. Tim Gee Lewis Brothers Bakeries, Inc. Mr. G. Stephen Robins and Mrs. T.A. Ciccolella Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Gravens Mrs. Shirley Londe Ms. Deborah M. Robins Civic Progress Greater Kansas City Mr. Barton MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. John S. Ross Mr. James F. Clingman, Jr. Community Foundation John N. & Kathleen S. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S. Saks Sidney and Sadie M. Greater Saint Louis MacDonough Foundation, Inc. Ms. Jennifer J. Salci Cohen Foundation Community Foundation Ms. Miriam Margulies Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders Commerce Bank Mrs. Julie Gremaud Mr. Ryan Massey Friends, Colleagues, and Dr. Alan Covich Margaret Blanke Grigg Mr. and Mrs. Larry McIntyre Family of Dr. George Sato Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foundation Janet and Michael McKeon Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Schilling A. Cracchiolo Funda M. Gulmen Ms. Leslie McKinney Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Schlafly Ms. Donna Cranmer Mr. and Mrs. Frank N. Gundlach Merck Mrs. Mary Lynn Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Halpern MidAmerica Regional Council Mrs. Sonia D. Schmierbach W. Cummins Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Hannah Mr. and Mrs. James L. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Darrell E. Schrader The Daniel and Henry Company Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Harper Mr. Kenneth J. Moire Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Schulte Ms. Frances E. Dependahl Dr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Harris Ms. C. Elizabeth Monks Schwab Fund for Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. John C. Heisler Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Monks Charitable Giving Dollar, Burns & Becker, L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morgan Stanley Wealth Mrs. Susan E. Scott Mrs. Carol L. Donelan M. Hewlett III Management Ms. Kathy E. Shaffstall

30 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stanley and Lucy Lopata Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Umlauf Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Wernert, Jr. F. Shaughnessy Charitable Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Emil R. Unanue White Flower Farm Mr. and Mrs. James Shekelton Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Stern Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mr. and Mrs. O. Sage Dr. Jeanne C. Sinquefield and Mrs. Mary B. Strauss Van de Riet, Jr. Wightman III Mr. Rex A. Sinquefield The Stroud Family Mr. and Mrs. John A. Villa Rev. and Mrs. Warren R. Woerth Mr. and Mrs. James W. Slater Sycamore Tree Trust Mr. and Mrs. John A. Virant, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Wolf Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Smalley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Taylor Ms. Clara H. von Gontard Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Wolfe Doris and Dan Smith Mr. and Mrs. David E. Thomas, Jr. Steinlage Mr. and Mrs. A. Ken Yasuda Mr. and Mrs. Harley M. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter Tidswell Mr. and Mrs. John K. Wallace, Jr. Mrs. Estelle M. Yeager Dr. Joseph Walline and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Treeger Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon B. Wallace III Mr. Christopher Hebeler and Dr. Priscilla Song Mrs. Ralph Truemper Mr. John E. Walton Ms. Hillary B. Zimmerman St. Louis Pediatric Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tschudy The Thomas Hill Ward Foundation St. Louis Post-Dispatch Dr. and Mrs. Larry J. Shapiro Watermark Foundation

CORPORATE PARTNERS PROGRAM MEMBERS We are grateful to the following businesses for their corporate membership support in 2013.

Principals The Daniel and Henry Company Macy’s Guarantee Electrical Company ($25,000 and up) Enterprise Holdings Company Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Hager Companies Commerce Bank JP Morgan Chase Orion Genomics, LLC Holland Construction Services Emerson Laclede Gas Company Senniger Powers LLP Hunter Engineering Company HBE Corporation Novus International, Inc. UMB Bank, N.A. Husch Blackwell LLP Monsanto PGAV, Inc. Lewis and Clark New Chapter, Inc. PNC Bank Supporters Community College Schnuck Markets, Inc. U.S. Bank, N.A. ($1,500 to $2,499) Lewis, Rice & Fingersh, L.C. ABNA Engineering, Inc. Mercy Shareholders Investors Anders CPA + Advisors Microgrid Solar ($10,000 to $24,999) ($2,500 to $4,999) Arcturis MiTek Industries Inc. Anheuser-Busch Companies, Inc. Ameren Corporation Belden Inc. Moonrise Hotel The Boeing Company Argent Capital Management Cassidy Turley Morgan Stanley Wealth Bunge North America, Inc. AT&T Catering St. Louis, Inc. Management Edward Jones BMO Harris Bank CBIZ and Mayer Hoffman Nidec Motor Corporation Maritz Holdings, Inc. BryanMark Financial Group Inc. McCann P.C. The Northern Trust Company Peabody Energy CBRE CDG Engineers The City of O’Fallon, Illinois Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Centric Group, LLC Central Presbyterian Church Office Essentials, Inc. SteadyRain, Inc. Chemia Corporation Chase Park Plaza Protiviti Inc. Wells Fargo Advisors CSI Leasing, Inc. Christner Inc. Regions Bank Ernst & Young LLP CIC Group, Inc. Ronnoco Coffee, LLC Underwriters Essence Healthcare Coventry Health Care SCI Engineering ($5,000 to $9,999) Fifth Third Bank of Missouri, Inc. SSE, Inc. American Direct Marketing Gamma Tree Experts Drury Hotels Company LLC Standing Partnership Resources Inc. The Graybar Foundation F&B Financial Group/Realty SWT Design, Inc. Brown Shoe Company, Inc. HOK Mortgage Group Thompson Coburn LLP Bryan Cave LLP J.W. Terrill Fleishman-Hillard Inc. Waste Management BSI Constructors Inc. KPMG LLP The Gilroy Law Firm Wehrenberg Theatres Inc.

www.mobot.org 31 thank you

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES ADP Payroll Services Cooper Industries JPMorgan Chase Prudential Financial Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. Eli Lilly & Company K-C Foundation Reuters America, Inc. American International Elsevier Koch Development Company Regions Financial Corporation Group, Inc. Emerson The Laclede Group SAP Amgen Inc. Energizer Holdings, Inc. Lincoln Financial Group Sara Lee Foundation Aon Corporation Equitable Foundation The Henry Luce Foundation, Inc. Scottrade, Inc. AT&T First Data Corporation Macy’s Shell Oil AAA Auto Insurance FM Global Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals Shopko Foundation Bank of America FMC Corporation MasterCard Worldwide Stauder Technologies Belden Inc. Forest Pharmaceuticals, Inc. McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. The Sosland Foundation Bituminous Insurance Companies Gallus Merck & Co., Inc. The Children’s Place BlackRock Genetech, Inc. Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc. The UBS Foundation The Boeing Company The Gilroy Law Firm Microsoft USA Giving Station Brown Shoe Company, Inc. Glasshouse Technologies Monsanto Company Travelers Foundation Bunge North America, Inc. GlaxoSmithKline National Instruments U.S. Bancorp The Capital Group The Home Depot Norfolk Southern Corporation Union Pacific Corporation Caterpillar Inc. IBM Corporation Novus International Verizon Cee Kay Supply, Inc. Illinois Tool Works, Inc. Olin Corporation W.W. Grainger, Inc. Chubb & Son, Inc. Johnson & Johnson Peabody Energy Cigna Foundation Johnson Controls Pfizer Inc. CNA JK Group Phillips 66

EVENT SPONSORS We are grateful to the following donors for their support of festivals and events in 2013.

The Advertisers Printing Maritz Holdings, Inc. Company Metro Lighting AgriMissouri Metropolitan St. Louis Always Green Recycling Sewer District Ameren Corporation Microgrid Solar Mr. and Mrs. James G. Berges Monsanto BioKyowa Inc. Moonrise Hotel Blue Owl Restaurant & Bakery Novus International, Inc. BMO Harris Bank John and Anita O’Connell Bunge North America, Inc. Peabody Energy CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman Nicholas and Patricia Reding McCann P.C. RideFinders Chipotle Mexican Grill Ronnoco Coffee, LLC Commerce Bank Schnuck Markets, Inc. Consulate General of Japan Scottrade, Inc. Drury Hotels Company LLC SMACNA–St. Louis Edward Jones Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 36 Electrical Connection Sigma-Aldrich Corporation Ernst & Young LLP St. Louis Composting Lelia and David Farr St. Louis Regional Chamber FDH Engineering St. Louis Regional Clean Graybar Air Partnership Greensfelder, Hemker & Gale, P.C. StraightUp Solar Henry Shaw Cactus and TOYOTA Bodine Succulent Society UMB Bank The Home Depot Waterway Gas & Wash Company Hussmann Corporation Wehrenberg Theatres Inc. Japan America Society Wells Fargo Advisors Women’s Association Japanese American Citizens League, St. Louis Chapter Laclede Gas Company Macy’s

32 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report thank you

GIFTS IN KIND 2nd Shift Brewing Company David Austin Roses Mr. Ivy Magruder Mr. Dean Riebeling 3Degrees, Inc. Dierbergs Markets, Inc. Major Brands Premium Riverfront Times 4 Hands Brewing Company Excel Bottling Company Beverage Distributors Rock Bridge Brewing Company A. Bommarito Wines Express Scripts Mr. and Mrs. Steve W. McMillan Ronnoco Coffee, LLC ALIVE Magazine FEAST Magazine Metro Transit Russo’s Catering Alpha Brewing Company Ferguson Brewing Company Missouri Beverage Company, Inc. The Saint Louis Brewery, LLC Artistic Affairs Catering Fick Supply Service Inc. Missouri Botanical Garden Schnuck Markets, Inc. Augusta Brewing Company Francis Roses Daylily Association Shaughnessy Kniep Hawe Bailey Nurseries Frostbite Gourmet Ice Cream Dr. Robert H. Mohlenbrock Paper Company Blue Owl Restaurant Gamma Tree Experts Moonrise Hotel Square One Brewery & Distillery and Bakery, Inc. Garco Wine Company Morgan Street Brewery St. Louis Green, Inc. Mr. Harald Boerstler The Gateway Gardener Mosby Building Arts, Ltd. St. Louis Java Journal Botanicals Design Studio Glazer’s Distributors Mount Pleasant Estates St. Louis Magazine, Inc. Boulevard Brewing Company Griesedieck Brothers Brewery Midwest Recycling Center St. Louis Public Radio Bride & Bloom HandleBar Noboleis Vineyards SteadyRain, Inc. CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman The Healthy Planet Noodles & Company Trademark Wines McCann P.C. Hendri’s Events O’Fallon Brewery Trees, Forests and Chandler Hill Winery Mr. David Hoffmann Office Essentials, Inc. Landscapes, Inc. Charleville Vineyard Winery Hotel Palomar Chicago Party Booths twigs & MOSS & Microbrewery J. Lohr Vineyards & Wines Patty Long Catering, Inc. United Fruit & Produce Company Chill Frozen Yogurt KDHX 88.1 FM Perennial Artisan Ales Urban Chestnut Brewing Chipotle Mexican Grill KHITS 96.3 FM Performance Foodservice Company The Civil Life Brewing Company Ms. Pat Kiesel Middendorf Walter Knoll Florist Companion Bakery Kirkwood Station Piney River Brewing Company Wehrenberg Theatres Inc. Mr. Arlin Cortelyou Brewing Company R3 Saint Louis Crown Valley Brewing & Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Krekeler Radio Disney Distilling Company Lucky You Productions, LLC Rich Gullet and Sons, Inc.

GRANTS, PROJECTS, AND PUBLIC SUPPORT Anonymous Center for Plant Conservation Edward Chase Garvey Memorial Stanley and Lucy Lopata Albers/Kuhn Family Foundation (conservation) Foundation (education) Charitable Foundation (conservation) Chanticleer Foundation (science) Golder Associates Ltd. (science) (special project) Ambatovy Minerals Liz Claiborne Art Ortenberg Drs. Alan and Shirley Graham Carolyn and Joseph (conservation) Foundation (science and conservation) Losos (endowment) Ameren Corporation Conservation International Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Edward K. Love Conservation (special project) Foundation (science Gravens (horticulture) Foundation (special project) American Forests (conservation) and conservation) The Guth Foundation Charitable The John D. and Catherine AT&T Foundation (education) Conservation Services Trust (special project) T. MacArthur Foundation Mr. Edward L. Bakewell Group (sustainability) The Hearst Foundation (bioinformatics and III (special project) Dr. Thomas B. Croat (science) (education) conservation) Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger Dr. William H. Danforth Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Macy’s Foundation (education) II (special project) Dr. Christopher Davidson and Foundation (conservation) Magnificent Missouri Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sharon Christoph (science The Henry Shaw Cactus (special project) C. Barksdale and conservation) Society (special project) The Marisla Foundation Bascom Charitable Trust Mrs. Nancy W. Day (horticulture) The Hermann Family (conservation) (conservation and Desert Botanical Garden Foundation (special project) Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Maritz special project) (horticulture) Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Higgins Maritz Holdings, Inc. The Bellwether Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold W. Mr. and Mrs. David Hollo (special project) Inc. (conservation) Donald (special project) Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hulsey James S. McDonnell Family Mr. and Mrs. James G. Ellen and Henry Dubinsky Institute of Museum and Library Foundation (endowment) Berges (endowment) Harry Edison Foundation Services (conservation) James S. McDonnell John and Penelope Biggs (special project) The William T. Kemper Foundation Foundation (science) (special project) Edward Jones (special project) - Commerce Bank, Trustee Mr. and Mrs. James S. The Boeing Company (education) Emerson (special project) (horticulture and endowment) McDonnell III (endowment) Botanical Society of America, Inc. Employees Community Fund of Dr. and Mrs.* David M. Mr.* and Mrs. Sanford N. Joanne Sunny Broadwell Boeing St. Louis (sustainability) Kipnis (special project) McDonnell (special project) (special project) Mr. and Mrs. David N. Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Konneker The Andrew W. Mellon The Dana Brown Charitable Trust, Farr (special project) (endowment) Foundation (bioinformatics) U.S. Bank, Trustee (endowment) Mr. and Mrs. David C. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Kopman Metropolitan Energy Center G.A., Jr. and Kathryn Farrell (endowment) Mr. William B. Kountz, Jr. (sustainability) M. Buder Charitable Fondation Franklinia (science) (special project) Metropolitan St. Louis Foundation (education) The Fullgraf Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Kresko Sewer District (horticulture Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. (special project) Mr. and Mrs. Hal A. Kroeger and special project) Burkhardt (endowment) Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Krombach Midwest Energy Efficiency The Casa Audlon Charitable Lead Gallagher (special project) Alliance (sustainability) Annuity Trust (special project) The Garden Club of America *deceased

www.mobot.org 33 thank you

GRANTS, PROJECTS, AND PUBLIC SUPPORT continued Mrs. Dorothy D. Miller Mr. David T. Orthwein St. Louis—Jefferson Solid U.S. Department of the (endowment) (special project) Waste Management District Interior Fish & Wildlife Minera Panama (science) William R. Orthwein, Jr. (sustainability and education) Service (conservation) Missouri Botanical Garden Daylily and Laura Rand Orthwein St. Louis Public School U.S. Environmental Protection Association (horticulture) Foundation (special project) District (education) Agency (conservation Missouri Department of Mr. and Mrs. David F. St. Louis Regional Chamber and sustainability) Conservation (conservation Ott (endowment and & Growth Association U.S. Food and Drug and education) special project) (sustainability) Administration (science) Rick and Joy Moll (special project) Mr. and Mrs. Raymond W. Ms. Sandra H. Stemmler University of Mississippi (science) Monsanto Company (science Peters II (conservation) (special project) Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon B. and education) Pioneer Hi-Bred Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Wallace III (special project) David and Cheryl Morley International (science) Stern (special project) Mr. and Mrs. George H. (endowment) Pitzman Fund (education) Dr. Peter S. Stevens Walker III (special project) National Endowment for the PNC Foundation (education) (special project) Weda Bay Nickel (science) Humanities (bioinformatics) Dr. Ronald A. Pursell Dr. and Mrs. William K.Y. Wells Fargo Advisors National Geographic Society (endowment) Tao (special project) (special project) (science and conservation) Mrs. Martha M. Reichman Crawford Taylor Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Henk van National Institutes of (special project) (education) der Werff (science) Health (science) Miss Alma K. Reitz (endowment) Tennessee Department West County Daylily National Park Service Mr. and Mrs. William C. of Environment and Society (horticulture) (conservation and horticulture) Rusnack (endowment) Conservation (conservation) Mr. Blanton J. Whitmire National Science Foundation Dick and Susan Russell Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Thomas (special project) (science and education) (endowment) (special project) Wild Ones St. Louis Dr. and Mrs. Philip The Saigh Foundation Dr. Lewis J. Thomas, Jr. Chapter (horticulture) Needleman (science) (endowment) (special project) Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Wolff, Mr. Robert O. Nellums Nancy and Alvin Siwak Mr. and Mrs. Lewis J. Thomas Jr. (endowment) (horticulture) Mrs. Tom K. Smith, Jr. III (special project) Dr. Mark S. Wrighton and Mr. Robert O. Nellums, (special project) Mrs. Carole A. Token Mrs. Risa Zwerling Jr. (horticulture) Smithsonian Institution (special project) Wrighton (endowment) New Chapter, Inc. (conservation) Libraries (special project) The Trio Foundation of St. Dr. and Mrs. Peter S. Novus International, Inc. Societe Le Nickel (conservation) Louis (education) Wyse Jackson John and Anita O’Connell Dr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Robert J. Trulaske, Jr. Family (special project) Soule (education) Foundation (conservation) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. St. Louis County (sustainability Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Tschudy Oertli (special project) and education) U.S. Department of Agriculture Orchid Society of Greater St. St. Louis Herb Society (science and conservation) Louis, Inc. (horticulture) (special projects) OUR STAFF

President’s Office Drenda Underwood Liz Fathman Carol Baumann Trent Smith Judy McClure Peter Wyse Jackson, Lisa Williams Ellen Flesch Stephen Bean Pansy Smith Travane McNeil President Tad Yankoski Andrea Molina Lynn Braun Jennifer Smith Excell Potts Peter Raven, Jamie Vishwanat LaTonya Brown Eric Swanson Tara Rai President Emeritus Butterfly House Karen Bryan Lydia Toth Patricia Scott-Jones Robert Herleth, Gift Shop Controller’s Office Jeanne Carbone Mary Voges Sean Stayton Executive Katherine Allen Richard Angevine, Robert Coulter Kelsey Vollmer Keith Warfield Vice President Lauren Miller Vice President, Deanna English Anne Wamser Linda Williams Kathleen Farris Angela Reitzell Finance and Donald Frisch Kelly Wehrheim Bryan Wilson Sandra Michael Patti Salley Controller Suzanne Gregory Rachel Weller April Wilson Donna Rodgers Elizabeth Barker Danelle Haake Jennifer Wolff JoAnn Rivinus Vorih Communications Sharon Harnes Jennifer Hartley Maintenance Teresa West Peggy Lents, Viktoria Krahling Emma Herrick General Services John Biggs Beverly Wilcox Senior Vice President Nancy Lissant Margaret Hoester Paul Brockmann, Michael Callier Holly Berthold Cheryl Mill Allison Hoffman Senior Vice President Susan Ciluffo Butterfly House Kathleen O’Sullivan Julia Patten Lewis Jones Jr. Michael Cotton Vickie Campbell, Gene Peimann Dianne Schmitt Lesley Joplin Facility Support Douglas Deem Director Linda Settles Leesi Kogbara Devin Andrews Guy Dopmeyer Laura Chisholm Public Events Jennifer Krause Edith Ball Mark Hoag Eileen Gillespie Lindsay Brooks Education Jennifer Laquet Patrick Cannady David Hof Christopher Hartley Chelsea Harris Sheila Voss, John Lawler Rodney Evans Nathan Holtz Alexander Kerr Adam Jaschek Vice President Kerri Liming William Guy John Hunter Matthew Lane Lynn Kerkemeyer Aileen Abbott Leslie Memula John Harris Jacklyn Maciekowicz Jennifer Mullix Deborah Springer Janette Adams Tyler Nowell Draylen Jett Kevin Mattingly Jason Perry Lauren Ashman Tamara Palmier Carla Johnson Roger McFarland Megan Powell Publications Betty Barnes-Mays Michelle Scherer Shyam Khapangi Michael Messner James Powers John Dedeke Susan Baron Martha Schermann Bradford Lewis Brian Micklewright

34 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report our staff

Patrick Nolan Mariel Tribby Sally DeForest Gordon McPherson Douglas Holland Judith Hunt Cedric Paine Gerald Tynan Lisa Dematti Cecil Peter Phillipson Stephanie Keil Jennifer Lee Ralph Stamm Nathan Urben Gwendolen Goolsby Zachary Rogers Fred Keusenkothen Kim Luechtefeld Gregory Tolle James Wagner Anna Hancock George Schatz Vicki McMichael Helen McCallie Blanche Wagner Andrea Nickrent Tariq Stevart Linda Oestry David Middleton Security Sophia Warsh Molly Renken Richardson Jerry Pemberton Clarence Bradford Darman Williams Center for Randy Smith Paul Reed Cameron Cleveland Betty Withrow Retail Operations Conservation Mary Stiffler Besa Schweitzer Andrew Dodson Stephen Wolff Jan Simons, and Sustainable Zoltan Tomory Jeffrey Smith Steven Frank Vice President Development Wendy Dennis Thurman Mark Kreutzer Human Resources Olga Martha Montiel, Westmoreland James Trager Kristy Metz Rebecca Ingram, Garden Gate Shop Vice President Scott Woodbury George Overby Vice President Benjamin Hertling Matthew Albrecht MBG Press Robert Quirin Jr Carla Bailey Alzana Jakupovic Burgund Bassuner Allison Brock Sustainability Steven Smith Tracy Breckenridge David Jones Christine Edwards Deborah Carter Deborah Frank, Marcianne Touchette Yovandra Clark Christine Kennedy Ivan Jimenez Victoria Hollowell Vice President Richard Weaver Kimberly Fargusson Mary Krupnik Quinn Long Cirri Moran Glenda Abney Norma Fraser Jennifer Kuykendall Gail Milder Lisa Pepper Emily Andrews Horticulture Jacqueline Juras Anitra Lewis Adam Smith Lisa Pepper Katherine Golden Andrew Wyatt, Henry Lewis Gwendolyn Luhm Juan Tello Laura Slown Joyce Gorrell Vice President Lennie Robinson Susan Martini Dawn Trog Sharon Strickland Hope Gribble Ginger Allington Judy Servais Ashley Nolen Brad Wellman Gary Mackey Walter Behrendt Jr. Sheena Petty Herbarium Jean Ponzi Caroline Bernard Information Rhonda Preston John Richard Abbott Monographic Studies Johanna Schweiss Gregory Cadice Technology Theresa Renison Alba Arbelaez Ihsan Al-Shehbaz Richard Reilly Benjamin Chu Charles Miller, Jr., Arthurene Stanford John Atwood Thomas Croat James Cocos Vice President Thomas Bernickus Peter Hoch Affiliated Emily Colletti Michael Algarda Little Shop Around Teri Bilsborrow Amy Pool Organizations Janet Croswell William Behrns the Corner Sally Bommarito W. D. Stevens Botanical Society of Jason Delaney Zubin Chandran Amy Hoover Angela Brinker Charlotte Taylor America Senad Duracak William Dale Erin Sleeper Rita Chiodini Henk van der Werff William Dahl, Phillip Egart Myriam Fica Mitzi Streeter Jeany Davidse Executive Director Lawrence Enkoji Brian Jaskiewicz Olga Fomina Research Catrina Adams Sheila Flinchpaugh Roberta Jones Visitor Services Donna Herrera Bruce Allen Robert Brandt Lisa Francis Michael Latzel Linda Atwater Jo Ann Jordan- John Brinda Heather Cacanindin Katherine Freeman Paul Mast Jr Cecilia Bahn Bartels Si He Richard Hund David Gunn Cassandra Nelson Samuel Bender Carla Kostelac Sandy Lopez Nathaniel Lounsbury Richard Hancock Lucinda Thompson Michele Blanke Jennifer Kuhl Robert Magill Wanda Lovan Linda Harman Michael Meagan Bond Ronald Liesner James Miller Amy McPherson Richard Harrison Westmoreland Donald Bowolak Mary McDonald Richelle Weihe Beth Parada Christopher Hereford Linda Fiehler Mary McNamara- George Yatskievych Birgit Spears Julie Hess Center for Elizabeth Gerard Malin James Zarucchi Johanne Stogran Peter Hitch Biodiversity Evelyn Hunt Mary Merello Libing Zhang June Hutson Informatics Diane Kainz Lauren Peters Center for Plant Debra Kirkpatrick Rafael Barron Diane Kenley Jon Ricketson William L. Brown Conservation Jennifer Kleeschulte Stephen Kappel Leslie Mitchell Heidi Schmidt Center Kathryn Kennedy, Amanda Klenke Tricia Rose-Sandler Jackson Tatyana Shulkina Rainer Bussmann, Director Glenn Kopp Heather Stimmel Ralph Moritz James Solomon Director Kristine Canavan Deborah William Ulate James Nicholson Anna Spencer Wendy Applequist Olivia Kwong Lalumondier Rodriguez Sidney Powell Andrea Voyer Eric Feltz David Montgomery Peter Lampros Alice Ransom Renata Walker Ashley Glenn Travis Mowers Derek Lyle Institutional Wiwik Sudiar Laurel Zimmer Jessica Griffard Elaine Marshall Advancement Neal Thompson Robert Hart St. Louis–Jefferson Sara Murphy Donna McGinnis, Michael Wilkerson Latin America Alyse Kuhlman Solid Waste Brittany North Vice President Ayanna Woods Fred Barrie Armand Management Teresa Pafford Samantha Zale Steven Churchill Randrianasolo District Dawn Petersen Development Gerrit Davidse Margaret Salick David Berger, Susan Ratcliff Kate Brueggemann Science & Michael Grayum Andrew Townesmith Director Dana Rizzo Heidi Dowgwillo Conservation Barry Hammel Linda Adams Juanita Roth Kristine Gruver Robert Magill, Peter Jorgensen Shaw Nature Marian Deinbo Patricia Scace Kelly Hall Senior Vice President Rosa Ortiz-Gentry Reserve Kathleen Schweitzer Samuel Schenck Jessica Pionke John Pruski John Behrer, Rebecca Shelby David Schmidt Joyce Pluhar Africa & Maria del Carmen Director Todd Simms Michael Ryan Madagascar Ulloa Glenn Beffa William Snyder Brenda Zanola Chris Birkinshaw Terri Brandt Elizabeth Spiegel Martin Callmander Library Matthew Broderick John Spitler Membership Roy Gereau Jason Bernth Robert Bryan Linda Stalling Jessica Caldwell Peter Goldblatt Michael Blomberg Susanna Bullock Rebecca Sucher Linda Cherry Porter Lowry II Andrew Colligan Gregory Caldwell

www.mobot.org 35 our volunteers


Gail Abbott Elaine Baden Sarah Berglund Patrick Bousquet Kathy Bumberry James Christ Karla Abel Gary Baehr Emily Bergmann Ann Bowen Bobbi Burg Marilyn Chryst Diane Abernathy Judy Baehr Nancy Bergmann Kaitlyn Bowen Kent Burgess Alberta Chulick Mikayla Abernathy Edward Bahr Jennifer Bergsieker Cynthia Nancy Burgess Brigit Ciskowski Pam Ackerman Bonnie Bailes Mike Berni Bowermaster Barbara Burke Ed Ciskowski Lee Adams Dan Bainter Patti Berni Kate Bowermaster Linda Burke Jeff Ciskowski Marilyn Adams Jacqueline Bainter Carol Berry Marc Bowers Tracie Burke Pam Ciskowski Mary Adams Michell Baker Mara Berry Jacquie Boyle Ogie Burrow Marilyn Claggett Barbara Addelson Sharon Baldassare Karen Bettlach Rebecca Boyle Elaine Burrus Joshua Clark Temitope Adeyeni Myra Ball Fuerman Pat Bradford John Busken Leslie Clark Carol Agatstein Ed Banashek Luanne Beumer Rebbeca Bradley Patricia Buskuehl Nancy Clark Marilyn Ainsworth Ginny Bangert Theresa Biggs Rebecca Bradley Leigh Butler Nancy Clark Ruri Akita Kay Banks Shirley Bild Donna Bradley- Sue Butler Ruth Clark Madeline Albert Elaine Bante Eric Bippen Jaeger Gerald Byrd Wayne Clark Helen Albrecht Mary Barchet Claire Birge Patrick Brandon Blanche Byrne Theresa Clary Betsy Alexander Gail Barclay Pat Bishop Dianna Brannan Carolyn Caesar Jeanne Clauson Dottie Alexander Scott Barnes Joyce Black Bettie Branson Natalie Calandro Sandra Claverie JoAnn Alexander Kent Barnett Bill Blackard Debby Braun Lori Calcaterra Calder Cleavelin Lee Ann Alexander Vicky Barnett Ellie Blanke Ross Braun Don Caldwell Ken Clemens Bonnie Kay Alinder Robert Barnicle Gerald Blanke Sally Breck Catherine Cameron Sharon Clemens Bill Allen Peter Barnidge Suzanne Blanke Paul Breckner Gail Cammarata Jeanne Clerc Claudine Allen Irma Barragan Anne Blankenship Veronica Breen Wally Cammarata Sylvia Clobes Jill Allen Barbara Barrett Ivona Blazevic Jack Breier MaryAnn Campbell Dennis Cloud Tom Allen III Bridget Barry Amber Bledsoe Bill Brennan Penelope Cannon Cari Cluck Gary Allison Jo Ann Barton Don Bley Susie Brent Cindy Capatosta Debbie Cochran Barbara Altenbernd Premsri Barton Paulette Bliss Janey Brewen Ruth Carapella Judy Cody Gloria Altepeter Victoria Barton Donna Block Ashley Brewer Kristy Carey Christine Coester Moulika Aluri Anthony Bassett Jordan Block Nancy Bridges Donna Carli Sara Cogburn Barb Anderson Dave Bassler Trevia Blount Marion Briesacher Edward Carlson Claire Cohen Barbara Anderson Woody Bassman Richard Blowers Lois Brinkmeyer Joan Carlson Sue Cohen Carol Anderson JoAnn Batzer Marcel Blume Ashley Britts Marcia Carpenter Diana Cohn David Anderson Barbara Baue Nichole Blume Rebecca Brockett Sally Carpenter Sheryl Cole Linda Anderson Judy Bauer Keith Bobo Jr Buzz Brooks Eileen Carr Janette Coleman Mary Jo Anderson Margaret Bauer Carol Boeckmann Pam Brooks D’Aun Carrell Mary Ann Coleman Rachel Anderson Beatrice Bazoian Henry Boeckmann Sandra Brooks-Scott Ivana Carroll Lillian Collins Bob Andrews Louise Bazzetta Dhruv Bohra Mary Brophy Dianne Carty Susan Collins Lynda Andrews Margaret Beard Francine Boillat Cara Browdy Claire Casagrande Kim Comer-Ross Silvio Angeli Jane Beatty Patricia Bolar Katherine Brown Andrea Casamento Dick Cone Marylee Ansell Jean Beck Linda Bolhofner Maddy Brown Anita Casamento Emily Conley Ronda Anson Bob Becker Judy Bolian Sharon Brown Ann Case Sophie Connor Carole Anthony Jenna Becker Terese Bolla Jean Bruce Mario Ceron Martha Conzelman Tom Anzalone Kathy Becker Jan Bolte Barbara Linda Cerutti Nancy Cook Susan Arb Mary Lou Becker Anne Bond Brueggemann Susan Chaires Ricky Cook-Peterson Chyrle Arens Helena Bedalli JoAnn Bonfiglio Chuck Brust Bruce Chalker Linda Coonrod Max Arens Melissa Bednar Fran Bonham Lynn Buchanan Dennis Chambers Rebecca Cooper Rosemary Donna Bedwell Allan Bonomi Robert Buchanan Lolita Chambers Rosemary Coover Armbruster Barbara Beene Jodie Borgerding Sharon Buchanan Lisa Champion Anne Cori Cathy Arnold Emil Beier Joyce Borgmeyer Sean Buchholz Charlotte Chance Cynthia Corley Monyelle Asher Kathy Beine Marge Bornhauser Dave Buck Mary Chapman Crapsey Julia Astafiev Jo Ann Beiser Susan Borosh Christine Buckley James Cheif Jackie Corn Ted Atwood Katie Belisle-Iffrig Jane Bosché Rita Buckley Tina Cheung Thomas Cornell Hannah Aufdembrink Nancy Bell Diana Bose Lauren Budd Megan Chisholm Kristen Cornett Kathleen Avila Farahat Bello Lucyann Boston Chick Buehrig Katie Chitwood Jean Corse Shirley Axelrod Diane Belt Durell Bosworth Thomas Buescher Claire Chosid Savannah Cortez Jennifer Aykent Patty Benner Ima Bote Anne Buhr Samiha Chowdhury Jane Costello Stephen Aylward Gina Berg Joycelyn Botelho Lisa Buhr Shafi Chowdhury Carrie Coughlin Tali Azar Lawrence Berglund Karen Bouma Sarah Bulte Brenda Christ Hasua Coulibaly

36 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report our volunteers


Marjorie Courtney Edna Dependahl Ann Earley Johnnie Fisher Lizzie Geerling Anne Grant Christine Coveney Liz DeSimone Debra Ebel Jenine Fitzpatrick- Carly Geis Bill Grant Sharon Cox Robin DeTurk Dineen Ebert Fagerlin Karen Geisert Rachel Grant Tom Cradock Rakshya Devkota Patricia Eckel Teresa Flanagan Angela Geisz Carol Gravens Bruce Cramer Judy DeWitt Jackie Eckhoff Marc Flanders Nancy Gelb Daniel Gravens Joan Crane Matt DeWitt Ann Eggebrecht Julian Fleischman Dan Genovese Dennis Green Colleen Crank Evie Dickerman Anna Eggemeyer Jason Flesch Keith Gentry Jessica Greenberg Jeanne Crawford Dorothy Diehl Marypat Ehlmann Joey Flesch Scott George Sharon Greenberg Janelle Criscione Anthony Dietz Curran Eigelberger Lawrence Fletcher Michael Georgen Rebekah Greenspan Lily Ann Crocker Nancy Dietz Barbara Eiler Elaine Flieg Hera Gerber Ruth Grega Lois Cromwell Ann Dill Barbara Eldridge Susan Fluegel Mark Geringer Marlena Gregory Donna Crook Paige Dillaha Sven Eliasson Joanne Fogarty Sue Gers Marian Greiner Cindy Cross Ryan Dillon May Eliezer Jim Ford Myra Gerst Joan Griffard Sheila Crowell Molly Dimler Sondra Ellis JoAnn Ford Martha Gersten Monique Griffith Anglea Culbreath Lisa Disbrow Marlene Engler Tony Ford Christine Gibbons Julie Grimm Jill Cumming Joan Disse Emily Epstein Pamela Fournier Jane Gibbons Candy Grisham Rosemary Currie Pamela Dlugosz Lee Erickson Beth Fowler Ramon Gibbs Andrew Groneck Holly Currier Irene Dodson Gerard Erker Dean Fowler Josephine Gideon Amy Grosse Marie Cuttler Mary Dohogne Patty Erker Cheryl Fox Gary Giessow Mary Grossman Dennis Cuypers Rachel Doliner Melissa Ettlinger Harrison Fox Luisa Gil Diane Grubbs Marjorie Dahmer Carly Dominick- Brian Evans Julie Francois Eric Gilbert Kim Grundy Marcelline Dairaghi Sobol Don Evans Connie Frankovich Carolyn Gildehaus Lee Ann Grush Katie Dallman Valerie Donahue Judy Evans Frank Frawley Gerrit Gillespie Cherie Gschaar Charlene Dalrymple Becky Donovan Ann Eveker Leah Frazier Jon Giokas Betty Guarraia Angela Dalton Jennifer Donovan Philip Ewing Mary Frederick Barbara Gist Crystal Guildoo Jo Dalton Mary Lynn Donovan Melanie Fagerlin Nathan Frederickson Elena Gittleman Ann Gulick Michelle Dalton Suzanne Dorris Roland Fanega Paula French Margaret Givens Sarah Gutbrod Monica Daly Kate Dorsey Dale Farris Patti Frick Karen Gladden Gayle Guthrie Cydnye Daniels Janelle Doss Melanie Fathman Cindy Fricke Melissa Gladden Mary Hacking Denise Daugherty Michael Dotzel Eugene Fauerbach Alda Fridley Janet Glarner Susan Hackney Bonnie David Marge Dougherty Jean Favara Andrea Fridley Amanda Glenn Amy Haefner Jack David Sharon Dougherty Jasmine Fazzari Jacqueline Frieda Judith Goedeker Lisa DeLorenzo Joseph Davidson Kat Douglas Sara Feagans Jessica Friedlander Sarah Goldberg Hager Susan Davidson Thom Downey Donald Feher Ira Friedman Irene Goldman Eileen Hahn Beatrice Davis Joyce Driemeyer Kathleen Feher Trudy Friswold Joanne Golebiowski Karen Haiducek Debra Davis Ellen Dubinsky Carole Fehr Linda Frohning Olivia Gonzalez Steve Haile Donald Davis N Diane DuBois Steve Feiner Audrey Frost Lynn Goode Bill Halcomb Douetta Davis Judy Duda Ann Feld Mary Frost Anna Gordon Joyce Halcomb James Davis Sue Dudek Karlene Feldker Joyce Fry Dolores Gordon Judith Haldeman Jeanie Davis Joan Dudley Paul Feldker Daniel Fuller Anna Gorman Jenna Halker Juhmel Davis Loyd Duering Anita Feldman Savannah Furman Diane Gorman Mary Hall Bruce Dawson Warren Duff Marjorie Feldman Ryan Furniss Dot Gormley Karen Haller Michelle Dawson Berta Dulle Alexsys Felix Gina Fusco Gordon Gosh Rick Halpern Gilbert Day Heather Duncan James Fellhauer Anna Gacich Constance Goss Kathy Halpin Jere Deal Henry Dunger Melissa Felsenthal Florence Gaffney Samantha Gottlieb Esther Hamburger Carole Dean Mary Dunger Susan Fenwick Matthew Gal Stephanie Dianne Hammel Matthew DeAngelo Andrew Dunn Christie Ferguson Mary Pat Gallagher Gottschlich Mary Hammer Debby Decker Andrew Dunn Suzanne Ferracane Kim Gamel Jasmine Goudeau JoAnn Hanneke Deanna Dedeke Diane Dunn Kathleen Ferrell Shawnee Gao Asuka Gourde John Hanneke Chris DeFabio Joseph Dunne Linda Ferro Amanda Garcia Gregg Gourde Christine Hanson Jenna Dejong Aubrey Dunteman Natalie Feste Jessica Garland Shari Gourde Erin Harbstreet Rebecca Delgado Shirley Durfee Audrey Feuerbacher Katie Garner Jan Gowen Gwen Hardin Joan Dellbringge Douglas Durham Barbara Finbloom Lucie Garnett Debbie Grace Pamela Hardy Bill Denning Judith Durham Glenda Finnie Barbara Garney Alan Graham Emery Harmon Mary Denning Suzanne Dutcher Marie Fischer Russ Garney Shirley Graham Judith Harmon Evelyn Dennis Don Dylewski Liz Fishbone Julie Geary Alex Granda Autumn Harris Dave Dennon Madison Eacret Arden Fisher Betsy Gee Andrew Grant Dorothy Harris www.mobot.org 37 our volunteers

Jack Harris Nels Holmberg Meg Johnson Mary King Kavitha Lakshmanan Linda Lieb Mary Pat Hart Marilyn Holmes Michelle Johnson Ruth King Bill Lamberton Jack Lieberman Gerald Hartding Sandra Holmes Veronica Johnson Don Kinsey Sharon Lamkin Melinda Ligon Paulette Hartding Leslie Hood Doris Johnston Chase Kinslow Lindsay Lamp Jonathan Lin Gary Hartman Marvin Hook Randy Johnston Polly Kinslowe Bill Lampe Judy Lincoln Ruth Hartsell Sandy Hopkins Rick Johnston Nancy Kirchhoff Paula Lampen Steven Linford Ashley Hartsoe Judy Horan Ruth Jonas Candace Kirkman Catherine Lancaster Ruth Linneman Pamela Hass Robert Hormell Brittani Jones Ray Kirkman Sue Lancaster Claire Linzee Bill Hayes Jim Horn Christy Jones Anne Kirkpatrick Joyce Landauer Connie Lippert Susan Hayes Norma Horn Mary Jones Christine Kirmaier Michelle Landers- Jamie Livaudais Toni Hayes Jan Horner Patricia Jones Lynn Kiske Ochsner John Lizzo Diana Haynes Katie Hornsby Nicole Jordan Jeanne Klebusch Charlotte Landrum Cheryl Lockos Donald Hays Stephanie Hornsby Leonor Jost Karl Kleekamp Brad Landsbaum Karen Lohkamp Judy Headley Virginia Horrell Angeline Jovanovic Mary Beth Kleekamp Ellen Lane Luke Lohmann Carol Hebblethwaite Barbara Horton Christine Joyce Hayden Klepper Jamesley Lane Freda Lohr Katie Hediger David Horton Janet Jump Joan Kletzker John Lane Jennifer Loman Anne Heffernan Emily Horton Paul Kachulis Mary Kloeckner Marilyn Lane Olivia Long Mary Etta Heggie Kendra Horton Peggy Kachulis Rennie Kloeppel David Lange Sha’Tina Longmeyer Jessica Heim Linda Howell Bernadine Kahn Pat Kloster Janet Lange Mary Longrais Michael Heim Nicole Huddleston Jane Kahn Jerry Kluge Bonnie Langston Bonnie Lorenz Mary Heinsz Christine Hudson Lawrence Kahn Rosalie Knight Alicia Lanham John Lorenz Charles Heinzman John Huelsing Jeff Kaiser Peggy Knippel Carol Lanning Adam Lorenzen Brittany Heitkamp Grey Huffines Linda Kalicak Janet Knobbe Kathy Lapp Shiori LoRusso Walter Heitmann Christine Huffman Mark Kalk Karen Koehneman Barbara LaRico Christina J Lott Jane Helbig Katherine Hufker Pamela Kalkbrenner Lynn Koeneman Jennifer Larsen Viktoria Lovendahl Michele Helfrich Judith Hughes Jackie Kam-Blackard Linda Koenig Ann Larson Robert L Lowes Norma Helfrich Stephanie Hulett Donald Kaminski Nancy Koenig Arnold Larson Saundra Lowes Joshua Hellstrom Kathleen Hull Betty Kamman Diane Kohl Eleanor Larson Dave Lowry Renée Hennekes Laure Hullverson Carolyn Kammeyer Pat Kohler Kelly Lattanzi Sara Loyet Janis Henricks Linda Hultgren Jack Karagiannis James Kolaz Mary Ann Laut Mary Ann Lucas Rebecca Hensiek Cindy Hults Ray Karasek Jr Julie Kolberg Timothy Lauth Frank Luechtefeld John Hensley David Hults Jack Karty Raenee Koogler Barbara Lawton Jessie Lueck Linda Hensley Claudia Humphrey Yeshoda Karuturi Dub Koon Virginia Lay Cindy Luecke David Heppermann Jacob Humphrey Yusuke Kato Margi Koors Leslie League Gail Luecke Lue Herbert Kara Hunersen Marlene Katz Alice Koritta Anna Leavey Linda Luecken Amanda Herman Barbara Huning Phil Kauffman Nadine Kouba Emily LeBaube Cindy Lueder Angelia Herman Dolores Hunkler Posie Kaufmann Bob Kozielek Sam LeBaube Jim Lunan Lynn Herman Gracie Hunkler Janice Kazda Jessica Krafcik Judie Lee Jeff Lund Carl Hermann Rachele Hunter Victoria Kearns Martha Kratzer Letitia Lee Jason Lundheim Jan Hermann Charmaine Hutchings Richard Keating Stefanie Kraus Mikaela Lee James Lutkewitte Mary Beth Herold John Hyland Pat Keevin Bob Krause Barbara Lehman Donna MacDonald Charles Bradley Ivan Imsland Tom Keevin Fran Kravitz Jerry Lehman Vinithra Madapoosi Hershey Thomas Incrocci Pamela Kell Alex Krawieeki Charlotte Lehmann Janice Madden Phyllis Hershey Diane Intfeld Gary Keller Stefanie Kreisman Barbara Lehmier Odessa Magafas Candy Herzog Gary Irvin Deanne Kelley JoAnn Kresko Matt Leigh Nadine Mahe Carol Hess Robert Irwin Diane Kelley Alan Kretchmar Pat Leigh Megan Maher Frank Hester Anita Isenberg Terry Kelley Karen Kretchmar Frances Leimkuehler Clif Mahin Cathy Hey Ann Iverson Eileen Kelly Kristi Krey Jackie Leise Gloria Mahoney Alice Hezel Brandi Ivester Karen Kelly Jay Kridel Marcia Leise Paul Mahoney George Hibbard Jim Jackson Peggy Kelly Linda Kridel Betty LeMatty Dinara Manafova Carol Higgins Maggie Jackson Fran Kempin Jack Krings Payton Lemoine Charlotte Manges Phyllis Higgins Maureen Jacob Marvel Kendall Klaira Kronov Don Lemp Kenneth Manion Gunhild Hill Leonard Jacobs Sonya Kendrick Doris Kroupa Janet Lemp Mary Mankus Rex Hill Marie Jaeger Ben Kennedy Kevin Kruep Carol Lentz Mary Ellen Mann Joyce Hillebrand Rebecca Janski David Kennedy Lorraine Krusa William Lenz Jr Virgil Mann Barbara Hilton Dan Jay Alan Kerkemeyer Pam Kruse Jean Leonhardt Vijay Manne Irene Hindman Kacie Jaycox Roland Kerner Megan Kuban Maya Lerch Kathryn Manning Karen Hindman Maud Jeanty Alex Kerr Kathy Kuehn Mike Lerch Pam Manning John Hock Armella Jenkins Kevin Kersting Pamela Kuehn Richard LeSage Steve Manning Patsy Hodge Taylor Jenkins Stephanie Kessler Charles Kuhn Brendon Leslie Debra Mansir Lydia Hoef Maureen Jennings Madelynn Kester Evelyn Kuhn Tina Lesmeister Jeanne Margulis Rosalyn Hoehn Donna Jensen Daniel Keun Hu Kao Yvette Kurtz Marilyn Leutwiler Kathy Marks-Petetit Sheila Hoffmeister Kathryn Jepsen Mindy Keyser Catherine Kustelski Audrey Levit Sandra Marler Karen Hogan James Jeske Imad Khan Carol Kusterer Steve Levit Alberta Marshall Mary Ann Hogan Timothy Jiang Deanna Kiel Corinna Kwan John Lewis Ivan Martin Tom Hohn Anita Joggerst Pat Killian Larry Lacy Renate Lewis Rebecca Martin Marilyn Hohner Charles Johnson Kamarrah Killion Rebecca Lacy Scott Lewis William Martin Barbara Holland Elizabeth Johnson Judy Kim Deborah Ladd Tracie Lewis Sara Martinez Norma Holler Ginny Johnson Mina Kim Mary Ann Laflin Julia Li Katina Massad Michael Hollis Kelly Johnson Mike Kimzey Margaret Lahrmann Julia Li Jim Massey

38 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report our volunteers

Margaret Matheny Sandy Meyer Gale Murphy Barbara Ottolini Tamara Pisoni Joanne Richardson Audrey Mathews Linda Meyers Gerard Murphy Elisabeth Ottolini Gail Planer Andy Richter Zachary Matson Claire Meyners Joan Murphy Jerry Overman Adam Pleimann Dan Richter Elizabeth Mattingly Gerald Miller Rosemary Murphy Karen Overschmidt Jenna Pleimann Thom Richter Ashley Matula James Miller Laura Murray Grace Padberg Donna Polivick Daniel Ridings Judith Maune John Miller Barbara Mutz Jan Pagoulatos Laura Polucha Lisa Rieman Susan Maurer Joseph Miller Lisa Nansteel Karen Pahuski Kim Pope Gail Riesenmy Asha Maxwell Rebecca Miller Collin Nash Sue Palmer Rhonda Porche- Richard Riester Maryellen May Karen Mills Deanna Nash Susan Pang Sorbet David Riley Taylor Mayhall Michelle Mills Jacquelin Naunheim Rory Paolicchi Carol Portman Kyle Riley Erynn Maynard Terry Milne Arlene Nazzoli Barry Papke Judith Portnoy Roneisha Riley Kelly Mazzacavallo Larry Minth Hessie Needle Mari Parato Sharon Posley Cynthia Rill Gloria McBride Alice Mitchell Mary Neher Shirley Parisi Tanya Poston Abby Risner Jane McCarthy Amanda Mitchell Luke Neise Nancy Parker Denise Pott Fredric Rissover Demitri McClain Janice Mitchell Deanna Nelson Sarah Parker Horatio Potter Margaret Roarty Lavonne McClain Kyle Mitchell Paul Nelson Holly Parks Nicole Potter Molly Roarty Xavier McClain Liza Mitchell Liz Neuf Cliff Parmer John Pound Bryan Robb Catherine McClellan Ricky Mitchell Susan Neuhaus Farnell Parsons Stephanie Prade Leslie Robb Wally McClellan Russell Mitchell Greg Newell John Parsons Kari Pratt Andrew Roberson Jan McClenahan Sharol Mitchell Jon Newell Jo-Ann Partin Janet Preston Carson Roberts Amanda McClenning Tae Mitchell Scott Newell Bindusri Paruchiri Lisa Prinster Michele Roberts Sharon McClinton Gloria Mitchem Betsy Newman Lynda Pate Vicki Procarione Katie Robinson Jeanette McConnell Steven Mitori Caoimhe Ni Dhonaill Rebecca Patel Andrew Puettmann Ann Robison Ginny McCook Cindy Mittanck Barbara Nichols Amelia Patrick Sarah Puleo Jose Robles Sue McCool Catherine Mizerany Elaine Niederbremer Lauren Patrick Suraj Puvvada Linda Robson Jean McCormack Suzanne Moak Joyce Niewoehner Lauren Pattan Shifen Qiang Chris Rodriguez John McCormack William Modrosic Anjali Nigam Sidney Patterson Wei Qiu Monica Rodriguez Lauren McCutcheon Jeannie Moe Bob Noe Sally Patton Catherine Quinn Priscilla Rodriguez Annette McGarrahan Phyllis Moehsmer Virginia Noe Peggy Pautler Marjorie Quinn Susan Rogers Aisa McGee Jacob Mohrmann Nancy Noel Derek Payne Sue Quirk Zelda Rogul Alberta McGilligan Joseph Molner Richard Nolte James Payne Joan Radcliffe Greg Rohde Lynn McGoogan Bob Monaghan Joseph Nonnenkamp Ve’Niecy Pearman- Diane Rademacher Christine Rohloff Beth McGovern Karen Mondale Marge Normile Green Cheryl Rafert Karen Rohne Glenda McGrath Linda Monday Nancy Novack William Pearson Bernice Raineri Julia Romero Laurian McGrath Rachel Monsey Barbara Novak Judy Peckham Lois Raley Judith Rosen Veronica McGrath Cherie Moody Jeanne Nowicke Sharon Pedersen Suzanne Ramsey- Jean Rosenfeld Dolores McGuire Nancy Moor Mary Jo Nowobilski Amada Pedroni- Haubein David Rosenkoetter Mary McHugh Betty Moore Marsha Nunley Gonzalez Stacy Randle Vickie Rosenkoetter Brian McKenna Jason Moore Gayla Nunn Caroline Peetz Sandra Raney Brett Ross Carlton McKinney Martha Moore Jan Oberle Catherine Peetz Libby Rank Kaitlyn Ross Michael McLaughlin Mary Moore Alison O’Brien Kay Pelikan Anne Rankin Horton Allan Rossel Parker McMillan Lucy Moorman Barbara O’Brien Barbara Pellegrini Sue Rapp Carol Rossel LaRasha McMiller Janet Moran Pat O’Brien Mary Pelot Daniel Rasmussen Mieke Rossi Danny McMurphy Anne Morgan Tammy O’Brien Jason Perosa Gary Rathbun Frank Roth Sue McNamara Anne Morgan Anita O’Connell Lisa Pestronk Fred Rauch Brian Rothery Linda McNeely David Morgan Edward O’Connor Julia Peters Barbara Rauth Ellen Roundey Alexandra McNett Denise Morgan Meredith O’Connor Marsha Peters JoAnn Rawson Gayla Rowan-Miller Elizabeth McNulty Ellen Morgan Edward O’Donnell Frank Peterson Kimberly Rayford Susan Rowe Don McQueen Jean Morris Ruby O’Driscoll Rita Peterson Alan Raymond Alan Rowlson Susan McQueen Jim Morris Diana Oleskevich Kathleen Petrillo Diana Raymond Asa Royal Susan McRae Joan Morris James Oleskevich Mary Pfaff Marvin Raymond Andrew Roykhman Marvin Medcalf Larry Morrison Ken Olsen Diana Pfeiffer Kathryn Rechenberg Linda Rudisill Samir Mehta Judy Morrow Sandy Olsen Katrina Pfeiffer Holly Records Susan Ruecker Vaughn Meister Myra Moscowitz Donna Olson Bruce Pflanz Amy Redfield Austin Rueschhoff Karen Melton Emeric Mosely Mary Lou Olson Chris Pfyl Jon Reed Tyler Rueschhoff Larry Melton Abigail Moss Kathy O’Neill Ninh Pham Mary Reed Jan Rugge Angela Menard Eva Moutrie Mary O’Neill Janice Phelps Courtlyn Reekstin Donald Rumer Patty Mendicino Keith Muehler Berni Oppelt Caroline Philippone Megan Reilly Lora Ruppert Peggy Menke Brian Mueller Sharon O’Rourke Lee Phillion David Reindl Marsha Rusnack Lauren Merchant J. J. Mueller Susan Orr Bruce Phillips Elizabeth Reinsch Abigail Russell David Merritt June Mueller Jeanne Ortega Debbie Phillips Sue Reisel Ann Russell Mary Mertz Loretta Muessig Fred Ortlip Dorothy Phillips Adam Reiter James Russell Susan Metheny John Muller Leroy Ortmeyer Margaret Phillips Bridget Rennard Richard Russell Jeanne Meurer Durinda Mullins Paul Oryem Joyce Piasecki Susan Rentfrow Susan Russell Barbara Meyer Lucy Mullis Cathy Osborn Jennifer Picker Douglas Reyner Judy Rustige Betty Meyer Elonda Munro Luanne O’Shea Phyllis Pieper Lynn Reyner Marilyn Rutledge Beverly Meyer Linda Munsell Beth Osiek Susan Pinker-Dodd Cyndy Reynolds Sammy Ruwitch Jana Meyer Mary Murney Chris Ostendorf Zona Pinski Matthew Rho Don Ryan Linda Meyer Anna Murphy Gene Ostendorf Amanda Pipes Bernadine Richard Lucy Ryan Ralph Meyer Barbara Murphy Mark Ostendorf Madeline Pisani Margie Richards Brian Sadlo www.mobot.org 39 our volunteers

Becky Salamon William Schwab Chris Sottoriva Suzanne Switzer Jenna Wade Allen Williams Betty Salih Barbara Schwartz Maureen Spaete Patricia Taillon-Miller Bob Waeltermann Chris Williams Jeff Salvaje Jan Schweiss Danny Speck SinE Tan Ryan Wahidi Connie Williams Mary Lee Salzer-Lutz Tom Schweiss Carol Spehr Ann Tansey Sarah Wahlstrom Eartha Williams Laura Sample Janis Schweitzer Meg Spencer Elaine Taylor Helgren Margaret Williams MacKenzie Sample Richard Schweitzer Claudia Spener Liz Teasdale Leigh Walker Mary Williams Sarah Samuels Susan Scott Julie Spirk Harold Tennyson Liz Walker Norma Williams Bob Sanders Fredna Scroggins Rosemary Spitler Caitlin Terry Preston Walker Robert Williams Brandon Sanders Laverne Sebben William Spradley Paivi Tetri Nancy Wallace Vickie Williams Kimberly Sanders William Sedlock Kate Sprague Elaine Thebus Lisa Wallis Nancy Williams- Nancy Sanders Debbie Seeck Elizabeth Sprehe Chancelor Thomas Mary Lee Walter Waldschmidt Robert Sanders Ken Seher Celeste Sprung Linda Thomas Pamela Walter Carolyn Willmore Vicki Sanders Deborah Seidel Sandra Spurgeon Nancy Thompson Ellen Wang Diana Willson Caroline Sant Ginny Senkosky Stephen Spurgeon Steve Thompson Victoria Wang Carol Wilson Rachel Santel Winston Senor II Carol Squires Robert Thornberry Ziyi Wang Charles Wilson Barbara Santoro Al Senske Susan Squires Anna Thornhill Sam Ward Charles Wilson Dale Sapp Ruth Senske Allegra Squitieri Laverne Thurmond Rachel Warden Cherie Wilson Aby Sarangee Pamela Senti Lindsay St John Allison Tielking Marti Warhurst Earl Wilson Vicki Satterthwaite Jill Setlich Jeanette St Vrain Hector Tirado Jazz Warner Kathy Wilson Logan Sauer Susan Sevem Cary Stalnecker Ann Tobben Janet Wasylczak Michelle Wilson Rebecca Saunders Molly Sewester Glee Stanley Aaron Toben Gabriel Waterhouse Meagan Winer Michael Schade Geries Shaheen Louis Stark Gail Tognarelli Karen Watkins Margaret Winter Denise Schaedler Lynda Sharpe Martha Stark David Tognoni Pat Watson Carolyn Wirth Karen Schafroth Carol Sheehan Paula Starkey Mary Tognoni Judy Watters Loretta Wishne Kenneth Schaper Barbara Sheeran Vanessa Starks Addie Tomber Audrey Wattler Jacinta Witherspoon Leatha Schaper Kathy Shelton Penny Steffen Phil Tomber Linda Waugh Carol Woehr Jacquie Scharlott Madelyn Sheprow Lucinda Stein Jane Tomich Margaret Wayne Diane Woepke Kay Schechter Adrienne Sher Sara Steindorf Anne-Cecile Stephen Weaber Carol Wofsey Norma Schechter Sandra Sher Donna Steinhoff Tompkins Robert Weaver Cathy Wolff Karen Scheeter Ed Shimamoto Julie Steininger Linda Tossing Mary Weber Doug Wolter Karen Scheible Kim Shinyoung Alan Stentz Annette Townsend Phyllis Weber Sai Chai Wong Bonnie Schell Tina Short JoAnna Stephens Jane Tracy Donna Webster Sarah Woods Ben Schenberg Diane Shoulberg John Stephens Linda Traina Barbara Wedler Mary Wooldridge Caleb Schenck Earl Shreckengast Larry Stephey Maureen Tramelli Randolph Wedler Mary Woolford Kim Scherrer Hsiao Sickel Kim Sterling Paul Travers Barbara Wehling Gail Workman Jan Scherzer Diane Siegel Nora Stern Jacqueline Trupiano James Weidman Alexandeye Wright Maria Schiavello Ned Siegel Barbara Sterneck Joseph Trupiano Phyllis Weidman Christiana Wright Jeanne Schibig Robert Siemer Michael Stevens Jane Tschudy Janice Weil Leana Wu Jerome Schiller Stephanie Sigala Ron Stevens Ann Tucker Paul Weiland Marian Wuest Joe Schilling Anne Silverstein Jean Steward David Tucker Robert Weinman Yan Xie Joseph Schiwinger Barbara Simon Danielle Stewart Jack Tucker Sarah Welch Louis Yang Virginia Schiwinger Jan Simons Peter Stewart Marjorie Turner Carol Wellman Rachel Yang Ronald Schlapprizzi Kathy Simons Holly Stiles Jane Tussey Linn Wells Sylvia Yang Susan Schlueter Paul Simpkins Joy Stinger Ann Tuxbury Patricia Wemhoener Phoebe Yao Charles Schmidt Michelle Simpson Katie Stocke James Tuxbury Mary Clair Wenger Beth Yarrington Chris Schmidt Catherine Sinclair Maxine Stone Katie Tyndall Marion Werner Thom Yates Judy Schmidt Chaney Skilling Sarah Strandemo Calle Uerling Alex West Anita Yeager Sarah Schmidt Lynn Slackman Nico Stranquist Halsey Uerling Jason West Hal Yeager Beverly Schmitt Frances Slusher Cynthia Straughn Marianne Vahlkamp Kathleen West Judi Yemm Martha Schmitt Jodi Smedley Lee Streett Susanne Valdez Cori Westcott Celine Yn Sandy Schneider Mary Smidt Ken Stricker Shirley Valentino Cheryl Whatley Libby Yoder Ana Schnizer Barbara Smith Amy Striker Dorothy Vallat-Ernst Kenneth Wheat Kathy Young Laura Schnure Betty Smith Monica Striker Dreanna Vallina Zach Wheeler Marianne Young Richard Schnure Harley Smith Betty Struckhoff Lauren Van Dyke Elizabeth White Nancy Zander Lois Schoech Kimberly Smith Andrew Struckoff Steve Varga Laura White Richard Zander Carol Schoedinger Laura Smith Marcus Strutz Maddy Vaughn Harley Whitehouse Jr Nate Zelinske Ellie Schoedinger Leslie Smith Connor Stuart Richard Ventura Cheryl Whiting Jake Zenk Sophia Schoedinger Robert Smith Peggy Stuckmeyer Janet Vetter Erin Whitley Patricia Zerillo Joyce Schoeneberg Russell Smith Don Stuewe Richard Viola Kelly Whitman Alex Zhang Paul Schorr Shirley Smith Teresa Stutes Bernie Violand Suzanne Whitman Kevin Zheng Ben Schroeder Suzanne Smith Shalini Subbarao Dilip Vishwanat Valerie Whitney Leon Zickrick Margie Schroeder Teresa Smith Gayathri Mary Carol Voelker Linda Whitten William Ziegenbein Todd Schroeder Kaitlin Smithey Subramanian Robert Voelker Edward Widmer Mark Zigrang Jim Schuck Armetta Smitley Jodi Sudin N Jean Vogel Wilma Wienold Michelle Zumwalt Ann Schuette Linda Snider Clara Sun Karen Vogelsang Nicholas Wiersch Nancy Zvolanek Christopher Schulte Shirley Snitzer Ela Sutcu Carole Vohsen Marla Wild Judy Schulte John Snodgrass Mary Ann Swaine Clifton Vollmer LaTaunia Wilder Susie Schulte Amelia Snyder Barbara Swanson Yvonne Von Der Ahe Dale Wilke David Schulz Richard Sokol Norma Swanson Alyssa Vonder Haar Kelley Wilken Helena Schutte Diane Sol Judy Sweeney Cheryl Voss Nancy Willard Pat Schutte Adam Sommer Carol Swink Perry Voss Sandra Willems

40 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report BY THE NUMBERS

Visitors Education Venue Attendance

Attendance at all locations 976,725 Visitors to the Doris I. Schnuck Children’s Garden 99,469 Visitors to Brookings Interpretive Center 89,854 Highest daily attendance: Monday, September 2 8,100 (Japanese Festival) Visitors to Tower Grove House 94,058 Highest non-event attendance: Wednesday, July 24 5,624 Visitors to the Dana Brown Overnight 5,496 (Henry Shaw’s Birthday) Center at Shaw Nature Reserve

Lowest non-event attendance: Thursday, February 21 7 Visitors to the Nature Explore Classroom 594 at Shaw Nature Reserve Members Visitors to the U.S. Green Building Council Missouri 1,804 Gateway Chapter offices Members 40,314 Second-party educational program venue attendees 2,229 Upper-level members 1,136 Total number of member visits 230,383 Home Gardening

Total number of member visits for 56,112 Visitors to the William 129,260 all major events T. Kemper Center for Home Gardening Personnel Master Gardeners 273 active volunteers; 35,212 hours of community service Number of staff 435 Plant Doctor Service 7,775 clients; 13,199 questions Number of volunteers 1,924 Calls to Horticulture 9,007 calls; 12,666 questions Answer Service Number of volunteer hours worked 145,277 Gardening Help web visitors 11,740,874 Number of equivalent full-time staff with volunteers 75 Online email gardening 1,756 questions answered Communications

Unique online visitors: 3.9 million Horticulture Displays 35% increase over 2012 Total accessions 28,763 E-newsletter distribution: 56,000 5% increase over 2012 New accessions in 2013 3,913 Social network followers: 94,000 Total rare or endangered species 222 30% increase over 2012 Total taxa/unique types of plants 16,155 Total trees on grounds 4,890 New trees in 2013 96 Education Science & Conservation Education Program Participation Students and teachers participating 76,460 Countries where 36 in Garden programs fieldwork is done Teachers supported through Garden education 1,420 Graduate students 17 from 11 different countries programs, workshops, and instructional material Specimens received 76,635 Adults participating in Garden education programs 24,029 New plant species 250 Seniors, special-needs, and others supported 3,151 named by Garden staff through Horticulture Therapy programs Ph.D. botanists 50 Youth and families participating in education programs 4,982 Mounted specimens 109,866 Youth and families participating in 408 added to Herbarium Garden Community Outreach Herbarium total specimens 6,480,125 mounted specimens Visitors experiencing drop-in education opportunities 158,161 TROPICOS 4,228,732 specimens, 1,274,662 plant names

www.mobot.org 41 management team

Dr. Peter Wyse Jackson Dr. Peter H. Raven Robert J. Herleth President President Emeritus Executive Vice President (314) 577-5110 (314) 577-9577 (314) 577-9575 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Paul W. Brockmann Peggy Lents Olga Martha Montiel Senior Vice President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Conservation General Services Communications and Sustainable Development (314) 577-5129 (314) 577-0245 (314) 577-9412 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Dr. Robert E. Magill Rick Angevine Andrew Wyatt Senior Vice President, Vice President, Vice President, Horticulture Science and Conservation Finance and Controller (314) 577-9426 (314) 577-5161 (314) 577-5160 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Donna McGinnis Jan Simons Deborah Frank Vice President, Vice President, Vice President, Sustainability Institutional Advancement Retail Operations (314) 577-0279 (314) 577-9495 (314) 577-9581 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Chuck Miller Rebecca Ingram Vice President, Vice President, Information Technology and Sheila Voss Human Resources Chief Information Officer Vice President, Education (314) 577-5122 (314) 577-9419 (314) 577-0284 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Victoria Campbell John W. Behrer Glenda Abney Director, Sophia M. Sachs Director, Shaw Nature Reserve Director, EarthWays Center Butterfly House (636) 451-3512 (314) 577-0288 (636) 530-0076 x11 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

42 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report www.mobot.org 43 4344 Shaw Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63110 • (314) 577-5100 • www.mobot.org

44 Missouri Botanical Garden 2013 Annual Report