
School CONDITION OF IOWA CUBS DIVIDE DOUBLE IIIrllWHYS Is Shown on RlIllll' ;Hellder WillI Cardinals. Loae l\lnll Appelll'il", lin First, Win Socond. Stor)' s Classes PugS O. on 1'lI&'e 5.

~ ______,______.______. ______~~~ ____ ~==--~--~--~------~~--~--~d~ An [\lIreuIge Prorreu'., I"ullTbLeued, folwne 29 6 PAGES DaII), New.paper Iowa City. Iowa, Thursday. September 5. 1929 ~"-~Ia'~~ ..... ~.-.- or FIVE CENTS Number 82 ------.------~---~------~------~------SeJlt. 3 (AJ:>~ con.oll<1111cd ICh~ today with W. p. ndent wflom IhI lltlemlltlng to ou_, (ncull)', A.hton!all II ~ nll eled IhnllCilIIII It WlIS rC llorted, Char. 1"'cHlden t 0/ the n, hILS OrdcrL'II Ill! wero bl'lngf", town today. ~~------.------••r_------,------. -.- ~------, tho board'. allemlt Approves His Pl'Otocol an "organized COl- Omaha Lad Eliminates Bobby Navy Program "Chicago We Will" Poison Food j Missing Plane -l Hinders U. S., Forced Down Alter Causes Death Wrecked in Jones in National Amateur 290 Hours in Air Britain Parity CHICAGO, Sept. 4 (APr-Tho aIr· of Local Girl New Mexico' plane "Chicago We Will" In which Russell Jl(ossman o.nd C. E , Steele 81'e seekIng an endurance flight Eloise Workman Dies on Five Passengers, Thre~ Golf Tourney by One Strokelprcscnt Plans Call for record was fOrced down at 1 :33 p.m., Carrying Out Cruiser c.t!.'r. today after having been aloft Way to Hospital of Transport's Crew 2~0 hours and 57 mInutes. Magneto • Building Bill trouble forced theIr descent. Yesterday Lose lives BOBBY MEETS HIS WATERLOO The ChIcago plane was 129 nours Match Decided WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 lAP) - 35 minutes SO seconds short of Eloise Workman, C20 9. Capitol Pr('sident Hoovcl' and his naval ad, Pq un 11 Inil' tile record of Fvrrcst street, on l8·year,old Iowa City AT.. BUQUEHQ E, M., visors had another taste today of tho O'Brlne and Dale S. J ackson and high schoo 1,.:11'1, cllf'd suddenly oC 'pt. 4 (AP)-Eight persons, & . at Eighteenth "har'd work" whIch Secretary Stlm· the St. LouIs RobIn. Tho St. Louis l'onvulslon9 at 2:45 o'clock yester· womlln and seven men, rode son said Is a neceSIIII I'Y pr I udo to a flyers were In the nJl' 420;2l;30, tillY 11ft roOOn while being rushed through II storm in the skies to nnval parity n.grecment between the to the unlvf' t'slty hOH]llta!. Causo of Hole of Play Unltf'd States a nd Great Bt·ltaln. theil' drath in one or the most • .IN\th Is uttrlhuted to Rom~ food The I)rcsident was stIlI hopetul poisoning a It.hough do tOt·s who desolate RCCtiOllR or the wild tMt an understanding could be Revised Tariff performed an autopsy have not yet w('st, in the destructiOll of the Victor Then Loses to reached under wh1ch I, would be un· dl'tf'l·ntined just whllt It wus. west bound 1"'anscontinentat necess:\ry for the United States to San Francisco Boy 'rhe young girl WIIS 110rmn.l at Ail' 'rl'onRport "City of an construct the entire 15 cruisers Formally Goes noon when she partook of a light called for In the present outhorized lunch with her mother, Mrs. L, O. Frllncisco. " 2·1 Score progr'am of the nn vy. Workman. f\nd I I y~llr old sl.t I', W ['('('knge or the big sky liner, Approllchl's which have so far hPen l\fllt'gucI'Ite. Arte,' lunch she nJlPpat" one of the most mod l'U passen- PEBBLE BEACH, Cal., Sept. 4 mnd to a determlnatlon of the level Before Senate ELIHU ROOT ' I'd to have n slight hen(lnche and. • IAP~P.bble Reach todo.y proved the of tonnage at which equalIty cnn be • ger monoplon s in the compsny's when QuP~tlOI1 d Iuter by her' moth· • • • • \1'aterloo tor the Napol~on of golf­ obtain d have been based maInly, srrvicC', was discovel'ed in a Bobby Jones. howl'ver, on the assumption that this 65 Senators Answer to el' uhe began to cry. storm swcpt region 26 miles Coming to the fnr w('st to conquer nation would can'y out ILS cruiser EXIl('t ('aUlk\ Unknown Favor Root's SOltt It of Gallup, . M., official for tho tlrst time, thl' WOrJd'H for· progl·am. Chnlrman Hale of the sen· Roll Call After 1t Wit~ hut shortly after thla that most shotmaker nnd four times hold· atc nnval com~llttce , believes the sit e suffered severe IIlJdomlnal \lalns IltlvirC'8 madc public tonight reo er 01 the naUonal amal~ur champIon· UnItM States ultImately wIl! build Vacation nnt! Dt'. F. L. Love, who was sum· New Protocol vruled. This WIIS :10 110111'~ otter .hlp by 0. 20·yeal'-0Id Nebrnskan, the crulset's regardless of the natul'c maned, ordered hel' 1'1I~hptl 08 tllut th~ all' transport had dropped from Johnny Ooodman of Omahn.. of nny agreom<-nt with Great Brl· WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 (AP)-Thc us p08slble to the hOHpltal. 9h~ (JI~d sIght },I'Rterday noon, received nollee !roll In one of thc most s('nsotlonal up· tain. revised republican tarllt bill was tiM sho W8S beIng l'emovpd fl'om Ih" 40 List oC dencl: an attorn y ot ~ .ets the tournampnt has (,v('r known, Altention Is being centered on the placNI Cormally betore the senD te tlmlJulollre I,t the hospItal entmnc ... Countries Approve Passpngers: tho Io.wyer woo wit. Goodman outplayed Jones to wIn by signifIcant pOints Ilt Issue. Few, but today but Initial clnshes between ad· gl(n~t elluse of hf'r dpnlh will not U. S.' Adherence Mrs. Corina Raymon(l, wIfe of his defense. Lock! the narrow nutrgln ot one UI) In 0. Impot'tant, these Include: 1 - The vocates and opponents were deterred he known until later 08 university Oeot'ge B. Raymond of Glendale. by relative. 0/ tit match thut went the fu1\ 18 holeH and number of cruisel's whIch each coun· nfter le8S than a half hour 8esslon. doctors who pet'fot'/nPd the po~t a l., ell'rk In T.A.T. otflcps here. >'as not d clded until the final putt. try must have to cover Its needs, Coming back to start the first gen· mortem hllvc not y~t hlld limp to o r.:NEVA , Sept. 4 (APr-Delegntl's A. 13. McGaffey, 712 Copper ave· Goodman's path of glory was brief. bitt at the sanH.' time to gIve a status prnl tariff If'glslatlon In seven yeors compldely analyze stomnch con· of 4() eountrl(,R belongIng to the nul', Albuquerque, N. M . He WIiS eliminated himself uncere' of parity between the two navies, on Its way to fInal enactment, G~ tents. wodd court for International ju~tlco WilHam Henry Beers, 425 Fifth monlously In the second round by and senators answered to the [lrst roll An Inquest wIll probably be h~ld, gllthered I n a great Internutlonai nvenuf', New York elly. In 18·year·old So.n Franciscnn, 'VIJI· 2-1'he tonnage withIn which these call since tho summer recc". way hut Dr, l'aul npf'~, who 18 Ilctlng conferenee here tollay, unanimous· HarrlA Livermore, 21 Beane" lam LIlIV"on Lltlle, Jr., two and one, ships are 10 be InCluded, wIth an eC· taken In June to permit the f1nanc~ n" Coron(>;' In the UhRetlPe or Dr. Iy approved of the revised protocol plo.ce, Boston. but the Nebrasklln was the maIn tort beIng made to set the tonm'ge committee to flraw up amendmentR (lporgc Mllt'PHh. ~tated lust night prepared by thl' en mous A meriean M. lit. nmpbell, 1183 Herschel ave­ !hock producel' of the day. mal'k at Much a point tl1at substan· to the bill passed May 28 by the that nothing definitely wilt be done JUl·lst. Elihu Root, COl' adherence or nue, CIncinnatI. Gloom Prev"ils tlal savings can be made In the naval house. Ileneling tho outcome ot the floe' the UnIted Stat~8 to the world trl· Crew: So keenly dId the gllllery appal" expenditures oC both countrIes. Offer RC80lutlons tor's InveslfgnLlon, bunni. J. B. Stow!', chI('C pilot. Intly teel lhe unexpected downto.l1 The unnnlmouA npPt'ovnl oC tho Another Important queslion which FIrst II. batch of resolution. an'l SCIllor III l'Jty 1I1I(h E, A. Diptel. copilot. of the champion at the hands of the wlIl remains to be Rettled Is how the nominations, the latter IncludIng Root pt'Otocol be mod the su [). C. F. Cnntleld, co U 1'1111'. htUe known mWdle westpl'ner that Ml's. Workmlln stated Inst night Ject oC ortlclal notification to the "yardstIck" theory can be applIed tnose oC the tarm board, were otfered that ElolHe plnnnNl to rp)lIstel' nl Little Information Given Iher. was os m LOch gloom around the to the navies at the two countrIes, and referred to approprIate commIt· UnIted States government. page news oOOm home green at the finish aR there WIlB the city high school yesterday. She !;torm conditions and the bleak· ThIs theot'y has been sug(fested as a t~es. DurIng the dIscussion oC the proto­ remained at \lis Chairman Smoot then Intro· wOllI(1 be u "cnior and hnll (]('Inyed nl'ss of the volennlc lava b<'da where Inlhuslastlc appreciation tor the as· fOrmtllo. whereby relntIve fIghting duced the tarIff measure, subml tUng col text ilir George ]"oMter, 8f)l'aklng affulrs of stall. Ionlsbing feat Goodman, a, gnme het' r .. glstrll tlon with hel' rloss from thp all' IInpr ("flm(l to the abrupt end ot stl'ength could be determined with along wI th It the exhau atl ve major' tor Canada, said hl8 countt·y waR de· expre~slng no d!­ I the Jll'f.'vlous dllY because ot the of Its trall WItIl nlI aboard dead, to· fighter as ther eomf.'. consideratIons of age, armor, gun· Ity repot't oC the finance commlttl'e. l1ghted to think that her nclghbor g('lhf.'r wIth reluctance or lhe trans. thc private Jo1 Goodmnn won bf.'causc he played Ian>:''' numbpr rf'gIMtcring'. power and speed In addItIon to sIm· This detaUs the reason for many oC and f"Iend now WIlS likely to joIn POt'l company oWelnls to make pub. family, .. tter golf. Thero was no (loubt She !lal'took oC tlte luncheon with satisfying pIc com pnrlsolls oC tonnngo, the rate and admlnl.tratlve change" the greal Hague court whl("11 Is ded· , II c a ll th Inrormlltlon recelvPd Crom about Il,.. t, just as the I'e wns no her mother nnll slHter nnd all hnd Icated to th oC Inter· Gnllup, brought comparo.tlvely lIttle who has In the bill proposed by the conlmlttee admII1I;~tl"lltiOn I doubt about the Nf'brasknn's stayIng l\IAODONALD OPTI1UISTIC republicans, lhe sume Ilg nil motal, trI·motored atlho fourteenth. Bobby Jones saw his hopes ror another national amutt'll!' chllm. Questions sUII ara unsettled, and lIleanwhlle. the democrats and ,,,,. snuce, bread and butt!'r, nnd cotrel'. Ihese taken place fleCor An1el'Ican monoJ)lanc, took off from Albuquer' Fights Uphill nil tile pionship go glimmering yesterday before the sensational playing among them very Importan t ones, publican Independents will gIve fur· Since no green vpgetableH 01' rnnnpd particIpatIon mIght well ' hnvc been que, N. 1\1., at 10:22 Il.m, yesterda.y. Couple In a bitterly waged uphill fight, goods ot o.ny type WHf' on the mpnu, renllzed several yenTs ago, ho I<(lid. Its path to Los Angeles through New Premier Rnm~y MacDonald honest· ther study to parliamentary pro· aller he had lost the first three ho II'S, of a 20,ycll l':old Omllha youth, Johnny Goodman, who defaetrd ill Suicide Iy hetlpve8 thnt the outstanding dlf· cedura to determine the best way to 0. ptomaine poisoning theory ill dI~· ']'he protocol now wfIJ go before M('xlxco and Arizona was swept by In startlIng BucceR~lon, Jones the Atlantan at the eighteenth hole by the nurrow murgin of onl' cortII'd. the assembly ot the league for ap, eleclrlcal s torms. lQuared the mntch at thc twelfth, ficulUes In tho ntwal conversations proceed wIth a resolution to Ilmlt ficers Believe stroke. between GI'eot Bt'ltain and the Unl· rcvIslon to agricultural tarltrs, HlId Good Health proval. ThIs Is conijidcred 0. mere PasRlng over Grants, N. Moo on It. where Goodmnn was In consIderable ted States are not Insuperable, The Many conferences of the mInority Miss. Workman ho.d not had any Iformality. • regular course, the bIg monoplano en- difficulty. Alt evan and six to go, BrItish labol' pt'emier Is optImlsllc and republIcons were ja evI· serlolls \1Inf'88 for over 10 years, ac' countered heavy sudd n storms, Re· lew Ilgured thet'~ waH any goiCer In cOl'/lIng to her mother. She hns ho.lI ports of its IXUlsage IlC,'088 ~he Zuni the field o.blc to outshoot the king for the results ot hIs talks In Lon· dence on the floor durIng taday's Aviator Found Legion Plans don with Ambt'S8ador Dawes. brief meeting. slight Illness but none oC the leaHt G f R Indian reservation to Old I' t. DeCl- of them nil but Johnny Goodman did similarity to tl e convulsions surtel" ance. In nOrtheastern Arizona reo .11. Such Is the atllLude of BritaIn's Simmons Opposes Bill ra eposes eyest erday • 1 ,'('alml tho.t before noon It was far Instead of the Nebraslmn, It was tenacious Scotch premIer, as Bum· The Clrst notice ot opposition to d hody was lound 01 Dead in Plane for Program marl zed tonight the Associated the blJl on the floor was served by Besides her mother and Sister, Rh~ north of 11 " courso. Ihe Georgian who sit Piled when pvcry tor H P n purtment Il~ 8hot had Its bearing On the outcome. PreR~ correspondent by nn author· il('nlltor Simmons of North aCrolina, leaves her father, L. O. Workman. at orne ort 5horlly o.fter this It appenrcd over daughter, lilt Izpcl spol{esmnn of the British dele· who Is at the democratic helm for nn electrlco.l engineer at the light the IIlUe trading post of HOliCk, At the 655 yard fourtepnth, Jones hi~ wife Jar gallon to the assembly of the lengue the tariff debate. He said the fact hit hIs thll'd Into a tt'IlIl, lost a stroke Major Wood Crashes to Meeting Follows Dinner nnd power pla n t In Coralville; an Aft CrUI.Se Ariz., showIng that Chl~f Pilot Stone wounded IbJI of nations. that the minority would not file tl. nunt, MarIetta Workmnn, N. 011· had swerved sharply to the soutb, under 0. tree, flt'ed hI8 third close er this ortemom Death With Ship at Order's Building The pt'emler Is going back to Eng· oIleparate report dId not me.r.n they bert street; and her gl'Ol1(lparpnts, seekIng to Rwing about thE\ storm 9. hlH side. land to resume vigorously hIs nego· wllt'e not "thoroughly opposed" to Mrs, J. J. Chlhnk of Riverside, anll Latt' todny nn Indian runner ap· ICONTIN'UED ON fi, COL. 5) PACl1~ NEEDLES, Cal., Sept. 4 (A Pr-A Members of the locnl American tIations with Ambassado,· Dawes. He the measure. Mt'. and MrR. S, H. Workman oC peal'ed In Houck Mylng he had GO·hour s~arch tor the veteran pilot, legion post and 0. number at other wIll take the train here tomorrow A republican Independent, Blaine Lone Tree. She has other rplat\vf.'s FRIRDRTCITSIIAFEN, Germo.ny, sighted t\ big planl' on a mountaIn- Mnj. John H . Wooil, 82 yea,'s old, Interested persons attended n dIn· nIght for ParIs and thence wltJ fly to ot WisconsIn. Introduced a joint nt Marengo, Silvis, III., n.nd In ICon. Sept. 4 (A Pr-Th f11rIglble Gral sIde ahout tpn miles Crom Houck. Judge to Deal ,>"o.usau, Wis .• ended today with dis· ner In the newly decorated 1 that the f~MHN I to the act. 'l'he other boy Is Found in Mississippi tlrmation Is expected. by Lois Moore, was pushing the ,VII· mnCAGO, Sept. 4 (AP)-YOl& by Investigators from the distrIct at· official Il nnounCl'ment of tllf.' remov· ClIICAGO, Rept. 4 (AT')-Clothes stlid to be Rohel't Pat'kcr. tOI'ne)"s and federal prohIbition ot· son baby In ,~ gocnrt along the sIde· can't call 11 bootlegger a milkman ~o not mtike the man nor, It do· The I'obb<'rles a ll occurI'M In the nil would be made bf'fore the end ot walk when the crash 11Urled the car and get away wIth It, That's fight­ DAVENPOR1" Sept, 4 (AP)-Po· fIcf.'s . JIe was charged with vlolll' veloped to

Page 2 : ne [)aily Iowan. towa ~ft thurs(Jay. Septemt>er S. J92~

------~--~------" l!b-'HM. "dirty" and arc afraid to bu. t otrers to read them. BELIEVE IT OR NOT (Rog. In U. S . Patent Ortlce) Ripley " ~ Therc is an old adag that says sorpctlling flY ANEWYORKERA.TLARGE Published O\'ory mornln~ except Monday by Student Publications lncorporaUld, at 128-130 Jaw. avenlM, Jowa to the efrect that all thulgs arc purc to those City, Iowa.. who'e mind~ ar' pure. 'We do not mean to • 8ublleJ'Iptlon ratell: by carrier, " .00 for 13 IDOUtU; b)' compliment the reformers by thc implica­ TouJ·ltam~llt Tenn:is Balls May Cost $360 a Week; '-11, $5,00 fOr 12 month.. Slngle ooplell, 6 cent& tiops Qf thc word "mind." It is perfectly .,.9,re 'Phan .for Major League Baseball Harry S. Bunkor. General )lanager possible for a I'eauer of some intelligence to William 'r. Hagoboeck, A ••I.tant Oeneral Manacer read a book containing some of the~o IHy PE~U'l(;- /tEl'Am R money SIlent tor balls at the big r Entered as second cIa ... mall matter at tbe poet office ~t Jowa City, Iowa, undor the act of C.onlT•• ofJlarcb 2, "nmlty" bits without being corrupted. N~IV YoJfl(, s ept. 4-A younl;' tournuOl entH. The mun who buy, • ' ~119. I We feel that the remova l of such pas ages lI'oinan who WI\S borh In Russlo. and lhe Icnnls bllll ~ fo,' tho annual who ' was ' brought to New YO"k In Southampton t our nament tells II, 'J'he Assocla.te\! Pr os I. excluslvely enUtled to uee for from books is entirely ont or keeping with republication ot all nows dlspatcbes credlted to It or not babyhood, by her Imnllgrant IJar nts. that 11 0 gen rally 1111 S- (0 supply "boUt o~hWI"" credited In this E)a)lle Enst fltlles. Those arc talr weu lhel' fl/; urcs. It EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT kept from tlte eyes of children until they I She went to hinc'h he other day It rains, tho sphcrcs go clead quickl y. • VirgIl L. Lewls...... _ ...... _...... Edltor Lol .. Moeller __ ..... ___...... __... __...... Managlng Editor reach an age when they can discern for Wltll an old gIrlhood friend. Even on dry days balls gel gra~ James B.ttle..... _ ...... •.. _.... ____. _ ...... _._..... News Editor themsel ves. "Where arc you JIving?" she asked stained a nd their nll[) Is worn pI(, H . Stanley '!Voodrlng_ ...... _ .... _...... Clty ElIlto" We lift as OUI' battle cry: "Ljterat).ll'e ip tho lalter. who had dono pretty we'll a nd a. worn ball cann ot be maae to Harman W. Nlchol ...... _ ...... _ ...... Sport. Editor , for herself. t.'· • Roland Wlllte...... _ ...... Campus iidlto~ do lrlck~ ncady ~o readlly as a new Beatrice Slrom ...... _...... A88lsto.nt Campus dlto it · J)ljl'e form and down with Goodie Two "On Wes t End a.venue." was the one. ~h'ooZ und lI'}r moronic trj~c." lUlswer. • BUSINElSS DEPAf'T~NT " +,--...... -----...... 'Vest End a\'cnue Is one of th~ BA[,LS '[HAT .. Kenneth E. Greene ...... _ ..Busln,es. ~~1lIt9 FrlUlcls J . Tobln ...... _...... __.... ClrculaUon... aller brltel' residential sLI'el)ts of lhe lown, Op FARTHER Agn•• W. SOhmldl ...... :_ .Aocounta' One Good Orgallizatw" but the young \Vomah whose 'pa"cnts .Just tor [Ull wo look ed Into the 411 i , hud !jeen pennlless ' Imm Igrants 'Yrom eoSl of bas ball s a nd gol! balis, while TELEI'JlONB ... r~ SUCCESS of tho ncwly formed fed­ we were at It, a nd found thal Ihe Bra.nch exchange eonnecllng all d~ll .. rt"'£.nt8 Warsa.w seemed quito shocked. ,cral farIp board with its $500,000,000 bulls us d In a week of lournament I "Oh, my dear," s h o exclaimed, "I Thursday. September 5. 1929 I 111a11 to l',aisc f~IJ'm JllaJ'keting to the level of don·t see b"W you can endure It. I te nnis cos I mal' than Lhe sphere! .njg· hlJ~)je ss seems to clepend entirely upon can't concleve of your IIviT\g 'Ye"t employed In a wcek or maJol' league of Firth avenue. It's 50 co mmon." baseball. ,c.9~w~ratioll !re of the indi vidual farmer. The olher leaned over lhe lunch· Sometimes fl ve or six dozen ballt AlfI,erican Insularity A~·t~u): R. Rule, general manag;! r of the eon table, and wllh killing politeness a rc useil III ,\ baseball gamo lhese SET'rLEilIEN'l' of the AJnericap ,cqllti- • "c,q.el',atcd j<'ruit and Vegeiable Growers und 'Till ~IGH HAT OF PAPUA . rrtorted: "Da·rll'1g, you musl be days, and lhey CORt the major ntl ~el'Rbly lOnesome since tbe Ro· leng-ues l\ dullar aplec , but $350 Is • a JCffq,er of the coopera tive marketing move­ MUST MURDERA nent, or rathel' of that part k!1o\\'/l ,Wl You mQnorfs dl~d." generally more lhan enough 10 buy Jl elit, voices tbis opinion in the Onrr~Jlt is­ MAN BEfORt 'fOp A\tE a. wee1t s supply of baseball •. English America, began as a m~,aps Qf es­ lip,e qf Thc Farm JOIU'llUl. PRII/llEG.EI) To "'fE AR IT , '~PP~.n.~N,P 1\1 golf most 11layer8, In clUd ing cape from Europe for the lInder-privi~ege 1 lUI'. Rulc explains thc sCl'eYal \,'ays in . f'lj \lJlJ~ • nubby .I ones. lee up u nOlv ball every • middlc classes. Stormy New E1}g!~ , d wfJ-'l . J\ t flie portant tenniS tourml' at>: halos. The old ba ll m~r rll,i.cJ! 9le pew marketing act ~\'ilI aid the rn c nl ~ I\t Foresl Hills an(l ol\le,' ,let nol be percepllbly cul 01' dcnlcd. founded bec al.1 SC of Puritan desire to be f):81! JI/dlv.lc1uul tapner. But, he pomts out, the duhs a"ound 'Nolv york:'boys 'sltllltl but t ho pounding lfl k eH li fe oot of Il from, 'tUlll't inteI'Jcl·cnce. Hal'as~ d p1}g\"e­ A,it! will ~ e pffective only in the degree that a ~ the pOl\ta ls seiling I1' russ·stalnc(J J\ pla)'rl' who goes lo lhc finals will e .6,QOO,OOO farlll operators al'e willing to ~~ "nl s 1):{ 1I 8 ilL a Q ' uaf\~r a ll10 e. URn nbout 30 bull In a week. Thal, DOts began to seck \'E;fuge in Ameri,ca eady, '. tl 'l'q.r;1t wHit thc nation-wide cooperative Illar· They a rc 1)"lIs thlit have j)een used however. is no af(alr of the tourn a· leaving their native France long 1l~0 ,fl.:; I 'in tourna ment plar. 'and flleY rilld m~tlt committee, for golfers, unli ke ,8 ketillg o~gaujz,ation!l rcpres,c;nting their re­ , /,padr .Jnl·l,h Ilmong (ol~ who w:tnt lennls and basebull players. furnish · 1624. Political, religious, military RlJd. eco­ ~p(>ctivc commodities. About 2,000,000 l'l\rm I'" '0. ,fo uven!r ';I. ' I)t.ll M\ljOYhd in a their own balls In 10urnament play. · nomic OIJprcssion drove ot~ers from un· o]lcriltol'S now al members of 12,500 local , Ill a~c h L1r pl~ c ~ : 'Mol~n ' \\\'Ills 0)' - and regional cooperative bodieK, and these Home ofber c:!,!ur~ s a~. dcnerally 81JJ1' ANJ) REALI;o./G WAX · happy home lO in the Gcr l~ ~n Rhineland, the pll r haRer can ' gel OTII) or fhe Sign in a Forty·(mh s tree t win. · coUatld, alld northern lrelapd during thc small cooperatives must also be knit into ~ill­ lournament he.: o\i~ or Ilerolne8 to do\\": glc I$trong commodi~y gronps if th y al'e 'to aulogruph ~h1i ba)1. · ~ighte(,l1th century. t:lmE"~t:lmf ~aill the full bend it of the act, the expert (CleveIMc:t:J' 'SUCh 8al ~s r!lcl~lm a part of the · Aieled ~y a 3,000 m ilc ocean panier, those Hhows. MAllE 7 .sVCCE55I.lIf -- !"flrly !;e tllcrs fOllgltL to make t~l i~' iso~atipn The cllief \yeakllesHof many loclll coopera­ · complete in til e Hcvolutionary war and the EXTRA'SjlSl mrs -· lives to date i~ that th cy have 110t carried co­ 4- ~OMmi] · Will' of 1 '12. Public annOUllcement of thc op ration far enough; while cooperating ~WSBRIEFS sep8t'alioll WIIS made with the 1\10nroo doc­ 3 DoulM~ locHlly th ey !Jave bcen compctin g with hun­ fir TI~e Ass"cill tet! Press trine in 1826. '1'h new nation became less ~T-~I (lreds of other small cooperatives in selling fo-... __ ~. : llnd lrs8 dependent on England fOI' certain ,..,. -- ..... - ~ .. ~ ~ , to regional ard national markets. T.Jl'S QINES. (Al")- D'·. M. D . dlvld<'tl Into s ix groU I)S which will manufactl1rcd goOdH, llnd set up a tariff So 1011g as wc have mere scattered at­ wall. , 88 Subtracted F,.om 20 Leaves 22 Cramer, whp 1,as'Rerved as t rainer cll"cll s~ ench phose of tbe assocla· · tempts at organization among farmet·s jU ll t [01' D"ake university athletic tlon's work. · "l\rfJl1ifc~t destiny" seemed evident in thc :so long can we expect the futile returns . teams"ror the last ~ Ix ~ears, will he · • ------+ WPl'l' .ytpl Qj/crated hy the gOVCrP' sprcad of a growing country over broad con- 1 J. H. Thornton to on 'hty

year, Miss Rumllton IH the daugh· Cotto,,, Queen Prince's Wife Takes New York Minister Women Start Straight 'Prom Pari, tel' Of Mr, und Mrs, C, 'V, Humllton, 420 N, LInn Htrtlet, Up Residence in Reno Delivers Address at Golf Tourney Evelyn Olson of Sac City ",11\ be to Ask for Divorce Methodist Conference The New Fall Season 0. senIor In the school or music hero this fo.lI, .:, at Local Club RENO, Npvada, Sept, 5 (AP)-For O~TUlIt", Sept, 4 (AI')-The Ray Haupert of Louisville, Ky .. the SUPposed purpose of establl~h, .~econd addres" of a series ot foul' Brings Newer Styles who will be 0. senior Io.w IItudent Ing n. residence here prellmlnury to by the Rev, Ralph W. Sockmo.n of In the university thIs fall, arrived III filing action for a divorce, I;ldl Wlrt New York marked the close OC the Pairings Made for First Iowa City yesterday, Srll'eeklcs hakir, wife of Suad Bey flt'st ofCIelal day of the Iown. can· Round of Annual Chaklr, TurkIsh prince, Is In Reno, ference of the :'lethodlst Eplscopo.l Cha rles Beckman, 406 Reno street, It wus learned today and has been church, In session here. I Championship and 80n, Chal'lea Jr" are expectea here since June 29. Today's program conal.ted of the hOlIle today atter a visit In Hull and Pl'lnc ss Chaklr, generally ".up· annuo.l memorIal services for memo Women golfers at the Iown. City Sioux City, lIIr, Beckman ha.. been posed to have been divorced by the bel'S of the conference who hnve gon.e a,. week while his .on spent the Turkish prince somE' time ago, may illed during the lost l,ttlr, with thl! tllel' figures. Il cOuntry club are now turning their attention to the tlna l big attraclion entire Summer with friends In Hull bring the divorce action on ground" l'tev, George W, Blngg of Grinnell go dend q ulckl,. ot de~prtlo n , It Is said, A t I he apart· IlI'""ehlng the mrmorlal sermon. ba\la get graSl­ 01 the season - the championship tournament, Every accumte putt Lois Olson, leachIng speech ana ment where she lives here she wall Bishop Frederick D. I,e te of the nap i s IVOl'n IIIr, Rnd every good drive ts being brought E ll gllah ; Vera BOHS, teaching "nol al home" this lIlomlng, Omnhn. area ndmlnl"tcred holy CO lli' not be made 10 mathematics; a nd Madelene Wagner, Ypsterdny Conslantlnople dis. munlon to the minIsters and dele, I'cadlly as a new to the fore In the quest fo ,· the cham· pion 01 the dub. leaching LaUn and English, are patches staled thn.t she had been gntes \Jefore the opening Of the (fr'Ht The first round Is now bE'lng graduates ot the University of Iowd. a \VIlrd (1 $5,000 damages against the buslne~s sessIon thIs mornIng, played, Pairings which have been who will lellch Ilt Wavel'1y next Pl'lncess Ch vakalr, as the flnul out. The Rev. 'V. G. Bnrr presided at announced for the first round a r e: year. come or the famOUS Turkish lICandnl Ih(' act rnoon session, devoted to ::r Mrs, George Koser a nel Mrs, Van libel suit In which :'fadamn. Chaklr progrum for homes a nd hospitals. It Horn; 1111'S. ColllnR a nd M:I'~. Bales; !\frs, Peter Streit of Allerlon Is chargod the Princess Chcvakalr with. DI'. J. A. Diekman, Cl nclnno.tI and Mrs, Loveland and Mrs. Moorc; lIil's, trllllont In the university hospltlll mlHuslng her name In connection Dr, J ackson Olddcns Of Des Moines Wnlker, bye, receiving treatment tor Injuries reo with the clivol'ce suIt instit uted by wcra the Rpeakel'9, celved In an automobile accident. Mrs, Scott and Mrs, onst; M\'8, th Egyptian:!. princess ngllln~t Hnnds and M,'S, Prut!; Mrs. Brown Sellm Bey. and Mills Oordon; Miss Shaft and Julia Crull of Grundy Center, n gradua te or the university, Is teach· STI\R.T NON·STOP FJ,TGIIT .IIrs, Racine, BA I.TIMORFJ, Md .. Sept. 4 (AP)­ The rlrst round Is to be played by Ing In the public scbools of Ma· quoketa thla year, brother, '''lIl1am, will enter as a OeOl'ge R. HutchInson a nd two cam· next Monday, fl'('s hman. panlon8 In the elnlge motored Other events on the progrnm at plane, City of Baltimore, left Logan Ihe club this rnll Include n. match Gladys J ohnson Is Visiting with Puul Berry Is visiting during this field at 6:02 p.nl., C,S,T .. stn.rtlng with the Burlington women a week Irlends In Ellsworth tor a few days. week at the home of his parents, lIfr, n non·stop, refurllng flight to Los (rom FrJday, She will return o.nd enter the univer· and JIll'S. Jus. I V. Berry, 60 1 S. Angeles, ca.1., and retul'n. 0. Next Tuesday the local women sity as senior this fo.lI, Johnson street, ]\[1'. BCI'ry, who are going to Burlington to m('et that was graduuted [rom the university group on , theIr OWn course. connect~d l Donald Goodman of Anamosa, who In ) 928, hail heen \\ Ith the A.uLucnn Acce.sso I'L€.oS Goodyear Rubber Co, at let. Dodge, Lnclude Sunbonoe"b Hc!l.t,s· a ttended s ummer school here thla -that Saxophone Former Students of year, will go to Grinnell college next l\Iarga rot Orr is queen of the Lace-r 1 e.l"se.~ Scar>vE.S­ year. Mr, and Mrs, " 'lIl1mn T. Ooodwln Ba~s Rio Grande cotton festival at of Yours- University Will Wed Embwicter>e.d Wool a nd 80n, I~.. wrencc, and daughter, II I Sometime in Future do~ Dono.ld DYSinger, 117 E. !\fnrket Ysleta, 'l'ex, ITer father is cot· Eleanol·, 11 21 Riverside drIve, ho.Vl> Leurn to PIIlY It the Correc-t street, Is visiting friends at Ells· ton king, r turned from 0. week's vacation at WilY worth and Stanhope for a few days. Des 1II0lnes, where they" tlended the Virginia Betty Gay of Washing· He will return a nd enter the unlver· gradua ted from the university In state nflr, KOKE STUDIO ton, D. C., has announced her, 1,' 11 ' slty this fall. 1928, «agement to J oseph 0, 'Vatson, Jr, PERSONAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. '\'l11ls W , MercCt', Also Clarin.. t fnstrucUons or Indianola. The dn te of tho wed· Dr, Claire Post of Estherville, who 075 S, Summit street, returnercer Tho announcement was made at J . Culver Morgan of Los Angeles tr·y last June, will open an omce at tension division, was In Newton yes· hns been visiting friends there duro 21 Easl BloominJ:ton Sireet vlAlted lo.st week·end wIth his nunt, the national convention of Phi ?tu Mitchell, S, D, the tlrst of this terday, While there he s J)ol{e n.t a Ing lust week nnd lIfr, Merc!'r wen~ sorority held at Chn.tham, MaSH ., on Ado. D, Culver, 404 E , Brown street, month, meeting ot the Boclal workers In thcre Saturday, NEW FROCKS Cape Cod, durIng this summer. J asper county, Miss Gay Is the daughler of Mr. R ose Miller, 1027 Wo.lnut strect, Mr, and Mrs, George Rise and Inaugurating our Fall Showing, we offer a and Mrs. Richard H , Gay of Wash· has left for Waterloo where she wJll family have moved to 325 N, Du· MrR, Mnud Gamble and daughter, Ington, D. C., a nd the nI ece of l~ny be an instructor In physical educa· buque street, from West Liberty, Vlrglnln, and son John, will arrIVe most unusual selection of distinctively styled Gny, 228 E. Bloomington street, tion In the Wo.terloo public schools Hester and Margaret Hlse will enter here this week from Oskaloosa to Frocks of first quality soft, rich silks in a host She was graduated from the Unlver' next year, Miss Miller Is the daugh· the unIversity this tall. make their home at 614 Iowa ave· BACK TO of colors to please every wanted taste, Daring slty of IOwa In 1928, majoring In tel' of Mr. a nd Mrs. W, F. Miller, nue. John wll\ enroll In tho unlver· slty during next yeur, lines, flares, tiers, capes and other numerous journalism , and since that time has lola Club to SCHOOL effects are shown in this wide collection. bee n a member Of the ataft of the Mrs. Carrie I\{, Lee, daughter Meet Thifl Aftenl()On Des Moines Register and other news· Lois, and son Warren, have moved Members at the lola club wl\l meet Mr, and Mrs, R S, Klrkpltrlck 621 papers, She was aWllo.ted with Phi to 110 N. Dodge street tronl Corning, at the home of Mrs, Charles Mess· and son, Kenneth, Oakland o.vp· )fu sorority and Oetn.ve Thanet lit· Lois wlli be a freshman In the unl· ner, 830 N, Dubuque street this nue, have returned from n. tour wHh Stewdrt's $14.75 -- $18.50 erary society, and was 0. m ember of verslty thIs fall a nd Warren will be afternoon at 2 o'clock, through the e.~stern states, They visited at Atlantic City, N, J, anel the F'rlvol staff. 0. junIor, + + + Mr. Watson is the son of Mr, and !'lin, Tudor to Washington, D, C, "Good Shoes" to $39.50 Mrs, J oseph 0, Wn.tson, Sr., ol Lole Randall, "ecretary of the Entertain Society Ind ianola, He attended Simpson , chool !f fburn,'LUsm, returned to lIIrs. Milton Tudor, 616 E, College Mrs, RobE'rt Berry of PlcuAAnt Other Dresses-$7,95, $9.95 & 12.75 8 lt eet, will be hastes to the ladles Valley was 0. vIsitor In Iowa City College and Inter the University of Iowo. City yesterdny atter 0. two You may depend on us to Iowa from which he was gtaduo.ted week's vucation at the home of her or the W elSh church missionary so· yesterday, In 1928. While here he was a memo blother, L, E. Randall, at Burling· clety thIs afternoon, The meeting fit your boy or girl cor­ bt'r of Delia Thetn. P hi, professional ton, Wls, will l)e~ln promptly at 2 o'cIDek. Inn. Taylor, social worker In the rectly. low frnternlty. Since his gradua· extension division of the university, ...... ,. - ---... '" .:;J returned last night from It. !Ield vJslt tlon. he has beon practicing law In Prof. George Go.l1up, formerly n, Joon T, 111 liar, manager of the ucs In nOI'thwestern Iowa, , Jr.dlanola. and Is now county attor· on the faculty of the school of jout'­ Moines bureau of the Assoclnted Every Pair Will Give You Good Wear ney Of Warren county, nalism here, but h ead of the school Press, was a vi sitor at The Dally lIfr. and Mrs. Lou Regel' and faml· Of journalism at Drake next year, Iowan office last night and wI th Always the Price is Fair returned yesterday trom n. vacation Iy visIted dUI'lng the lnst several Mrs, Isaac B, Lee Herman J, Smith, managel' of tIle days with frlend~ at Muscatine, trip In the w~st. lIe was nccom· Iowo. City bureau. Gives Bridge Party panled by his wlte and baby, Who ,'e· turned as tnr as Mason City where George E, Williamson of Daven· Exclusive Agents PrOf, and Mrs, 0, l(, Patton reo port, who attended the Bummer ses· See our line of rubber­ they a l'e vIsiting while Professor turned yesterday from a trip through Mrs. I83o.C B, Lee was hostess at Gallup Is moving his office to Des slon, was In lown. City yesterdo.y. I bridge party Tuesdal' evening at the west. They attended the no.· soled, canvas shoes- MoInes. Mrs, Oallup was III while tlonnl convention ot Delta Chi at pROPR-BILT her horn e, 1) 6 S, Governor street, they were vIsiting In Seattle, Wash. John n, Meikle of Bed[ord expects Thr a.fral r was a. farewell courtesy Estes Park, Col. and later motored to return to the university this fall. $1.45 Boys' Sizes but Is now fully recovered, through varIous spots of Interest In tOI' Mr~. Frederick B. Sturm, who He will enroll a8 n. sophomore fftU' Children Shoes Is to leave soon tor Tucson, Ariz., Colorado, Professor Pa tton Is na· dent during next year. RosamOnd Hannah. 704 E, JeUer· tlonal secretary of Deltn. Chi, where she will be during the winter, son street, will leave Monday eve' Madeline Paul a nd ElSie Boldsten Fo ur tables of brIdge were played. nlng for Ma ndovl, Wls" where she An out of town guest at the party Henry Neuman of Davenport was ot IO'wa City ho ve returned from :!. has n. position as teaoher of home a visitor here yesterdo.y, Mr, Neu· week's vncnt!On spent In Des was Mrs, Emery Smith of Pasadena, economIcs In tbe high school. She Cal., whO Is visiting frlunds here, man will be a senior In the eonege of Moines, STEWART SHOE CO. was a member of the cluss ot '29 , law this fall, Pll8t thler's Courtney Casebeer of Des Moines, Hotel Jefferson Bldg. Helen ~fcLachlan, 1017 DIana Charles Brookins, asslstn.nt track Club to Meet street, i8 spendIng a few days with who was forced to leave the unlver· coach, Is back.' ILt hIs duties at the The Past Chief's club will enter· A lIeen McCreedy n.t Rlver!rlde, She slty last semester because of Illness, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ field house after 0. vacation, taln at a dlnner·brldge party a.t plans to return to Iowa City thIs eve· wl11 reenter this tau as a sophomore = Youde's Inn at G o'clock this eve· nlng, student, nlng, Hostesses at the nffalr will WlIllsm H. Cobb, university o.ulll· tor,. baa returned from hIs vacation, be Mrs. Claro. TIIII, Mrs, HazN Jones, Prof. Wo.lter Leon and his mother, Mac Cor'y of Dcs lIIoines wllJ enter lnd Mrs, Amelio. Hildenbrand. Mrs, Anna. Smith, returned to Iowa. the college of dentistry, Unlver'slty Ruth Manley, daughter of !\fr, and at Iowa this fall. lIe completed his + + + City Monday after spending sIx SU1I, Hart Mrs, Ralph Manley, 229 Grand ave· pre·dental course at Drllke u nlver· weeks at Ravinia In ChIcago, p"o· nue, Is visiting with friends and rela· slly In June, Guild to I\[eet 0. lessor Leon Is faculty member of tlves In Chicago and Auroro.. Friday Members of the Sara. Ro.rt guild the school at music, ot the Christian church were enter· she will gO to MadIson, Wls" where John H, Musser of Wells, 'Mlnn , she will teach In one of the MadIson talned at the home of Mrs. C, T. J eanne Walsh of Do.venpQrt drove will retUl'n to the unlversl ty this grade schoo18. Miss Manley was 0. Kirk, River road south, Tuesday to I owa City yesterdny to arrnnge fall o.s sophomore student. His night, with Mrs, I'fough Carson act· for her regIstration in the universIty Ing as hOstess, as 0. freshman thJs fall, • A picn ic supper wus served ut 6 P,m, to 16 members, A missionary :Mrs. George Moore, 1019 Olano. program and bUsiness session follow· street, Sp nt the day In Davenport Reversible eel lhe supper. yesterday, + + + /10041 Samarita n !\fary Agnes Flannagan, 419 Iowa. Encampment Friday avenue, left Monday tor LaSo.l1e, Soleil NEW COATS Good Snmn.rltan Encampment No, III" 'where She will teach Latin and I, 1.0.0 ,F., will hold a regular busl· French In the high school this year. Dominant for Fall are the side and front flares !less meeting Friday nt 7:30 p,m, Miss Flannagan Is a graduate of the close-fitting mode that gracefully swing with every movement, al­ Impor tant bUSiness wl\1 be dlscUSH' university nnd received her lIf, A, The ell during the meeting, and mcmbers degree hero In June. SCHOOL OUTFIT HEA.DQUA.RTERS has a new ally in Dotskin though the straightline modes also achieve pop­ are urged to attend , ularity, Large becomingly furred collars, cuffs Mr, and Mrs, p, A, Dooley o.nd Vis II Vis-Meadowbrook's and bottoms. The fabrics are of the finest, the family motor'ed to Lawler Monday , . reversible solell Lustrous tailoring unexcelled. 17 Drown in Flood wh ere !\frs, Dooley and children reo ma.lned for 0. week's visit with rela· of crown, the brim reversed One Special Group in Manila District U\'es, MI', Dooley will return for is as softly doll as suede. , : MANILA, Sept, " (AII')-S Ven' them this week·end. teen pel'sons wero drowned at Mon· I-IHL And added, too, to the face­ $49.50 taIban today by a torr nt whIch Mr, and lIfrs, B. )J', Greazel and POured ove,' a dllm ot the Lapslg family, lII,', and Mrs, John Horty framing mode is the very Otlter Coats river Os a result of the ijtorm that had and son Vernon, a nd Mr, and Mrs, new and youthful long line lathed Luzon Islnnd with typhoon ~1, 0, Horly and family of Iowa CIty $29.50, $39.50 to $98.50 and torrential rain Rln co Sunda y, werc !among tnose a ttending .the at the nape of the neck. , , • The 6eath list WilS lengthened and thIrd annual reunion of the Donnel· Sport Mixture Coats-$9.95 to $29.50 damage toto.l Incl'cnsM with repoI'ts Iy family Monday at Riverside park Good Supplies Important new shades are from Isol a. ted dJ8tl'lcts, In Cedar Rnpids. blues and browns. In bead· Studying Dr, F. E, Whinery and Bo n, Frank Glndys Hamilton left last week· Make sizes including 21 inch. The Fur Jr" 1023 Klrkwood av~nu~, nro ex· end tor Colto.lC where she will visIt bhott, d ~B n of pected to return Su nday trom 0. relatives for several dn.ys before go· Delight! week's fiBhlng trip In nOI' U. ern W)e, Ing to Osceola where Rho VlII\ be a Scarf l' Chicago gnul· consln, lnstructol' In the high school next )cill,l Hel'vice ud· = Lead Pencils ...... , ...... ,...... ,.lc, 2 for 5c, 5c each o will conduct a So Popular Pencil Boxes ...... , .. ,...... 9c and 19c Nothing New or Startling- Webster's Hand Dictionary ...... 25c $8.50 $18.50 Not Altogether Different- Fountain Pens ...... , ...... 25c. 49c and $1.00 and to Eversharp Pencils ...... lOc, 25c and 49c $12.50 (A 1') - ,Ixleen Master Pencil Sharpener-fits on any desk .... ,...... 49c Ilf ller hundrt"d $65.00 , th~ lOll coil or BUT Lunch Pails-25c, 49c-with 'Thermos .,., ...... $1.49 hlhll!'d at Ihe Scarfs and Neckpieces fashioned of soft. , n nd b~e l beln~ ------silky pelts that are deep. fluffy and luxurious, Wllllalll Dunn We Invite You to Come In and All Kinds of Erasers, Tablets, Notebooks, at similar ~.., un n IVOn firll In shades most desirable. 10 shol,t hurni, See Our N~wIT Redecorated Dlnln, low priees, In our- _ ,_. ~ _ , I ...J ... ) I Room 1.1 5T~U~5 A STOltE FOIt EVEItYaODY Legion Dining Room Basement Store - -.------: lnie Dally Iowan. Ibwa C"tf; - ViufSday, S~ptembtr 5, 19~ • --~~==~~~~~------~ Slack Demand TiLLIE THE TOJLER- Martyrs To The Cause Bull Moventett ' HELL.O , 'iES, "'H--l~-'-~-:::;-'-M-~-k.-I-t.l-~-'" HEY T1LLlt: I Causes Wheat Af-lD Co - ..oJ-.I Oi2DER. - ALL IH I 'S: I S ~LOTZ. F{)t:c~; R1GI-{IIE - SO "'OD~L.. A .AND CO. '\1-\1:.1' Spends WA~HII\1G t"1ACI-\"~E~ - '30 tv! W,3./IIT TO PLAd Prices to Slip o WA~HI~G' AN O~ Issues R ~ ~c, MAcHINES. ,A,H() 60 MODEL ?ther, Grains Resist H MACHINl:'S. Fitful Waves of Se~ Pressure on Mart ' tMMEDIA'rE Causes Stock Market l>ELI " E~ Y - to Close Steady "'\HANK. to Slip Slightly M~. CHICAGO, Sept. 4 (AP)-Pl'essur ~ NEW YORK, Sept. 4 (A[-}--The on the wheat market round It bull movemenL on the stock marker vulnerable today and despite can· appeal'ed to hav spont Its foree today and fitful wavCs ot seiling 1m· tlnued clear weather In Argentina partcd an emllhllUcully ,'eacllon." prices here went downgrade. There tonc to tbe list. ...'as slack denland for wheat boL:l Wall street was Inclined, Ont~ h I'e and abroad and available world morc, to worry about Ihe creO lloul· aT. rAUl S, IItocks showed a. big Inereaso. 1001, but regardless of other taclon, and St. Louis Thero was pressure on other grains, th bidding liP of Rtoeks tast weeki tteader today, u nd yestel'(]ay had been rapid t oo, but corn and oats stubbornly rc­ so Ihs first game, .liated and at the end, while whoat that conservatlvo lratlers tell that ~ ullearned rU n8, COI'I' ctlve reaction was duo. was ncar the low poln t of tho day, ":-;rot on yom' InvllllUon !" Eddie I stay-ufter all thls?"H:c hud no inhibitions, was lransmuted Into a NEW YORK 8TOC\{S el'll the second flung bllck. means of plumlJlng the d~)Jths of her ijtrange Paillitatln:,; sphel'o of ",,1st· Cull money held at 9 )lO" cent al\ galllO was col'll was at tho best prlLo at th e I'rcss day, lind bankers s tilted that crcdjt 8c8slon. Wheat flnlshad to 210 Tll c girl lool,ed nt them both with· llrrllllllon and ang('r. ]\tuybo she l'IlCO whel'e secret t.houg hts c.\me , lhe elghlh on a requirements tor crop mOvemenl C1HCAOU­ lower and corn Be higher to I' BLUE BLOOD AND RED oUl discel'llible favol'itlsm. " 1 don't wlInlcII him lo follow Freemun's fOI·th trembll ng Into expression, Low Close llt s:1t was delaying the relurn oe funOs If McMillan, ~b lowllr. Oats wero ~o hiliher to to know what tho Idea Is," she said, IcouJ'se. lJu his l\tl, 1'1 Kansas, In Its weekly CI'OP 9UI'I'ey South. Pacific ...... 157~ 15ii 155\ flworites or last year, General nl'ouml you." Level eyed. she re' and s ilent while he marveled :It thl' Frisch, 2b . d sc,'lhed 50 to 76 jlel' cent of oorn ,,'ur'!" South. Railway .... __ .. 162. 1561 161 Motol's and Rudlo, in an effort 10 him al·ollnd. U '" lin Ins ult (or a 1I'0nr\('\' uf It-In the glorious U'uth ]ltn, hall. He reappear'cd, hi s eyes hurn· Ilnce until, with a sudden SU I'l'Clld. BIG DIPPER contracts today ~57,OOO bushel. Can· I IA U\I'own (1'011\ hr l' hm'He, thing- it sort of makes me aft'llid. "~ want to hea,' it," slle urged CITY PARK cellatlons 5,000 busllel sea bOil I'd reo \\'hol'll s he Is fOllnd by Tom but a rl:;ht hook rallWly th"own ling. Without 0. word he marched odng movcment of her own, bel' !l's something gigantic." hhn." Take P31'k·l\111I1viUe Car ported xport bUSiness In all posl· trrrcman, to whullI she is engag· I'NiChe(l the jaw. 'fwQ such blows ael'OSS the vel'unda down the stalr~ head restNI on his shoulder. "Yes, It Is that way. !l's all nell' (TO BE CONTINUED) tlons smllii. ed, who talum her' hOllie, Whell threw the nemy bacl, ugalnst the l und climbed into his automobile. , Just fOl' a moment 01' two she I'e. Corn offerings were smaller. De· :&lcli ('a lis at Madlin's home, Ilou"p. For a momenl I"recmun was Thcre was,1t whl.... of lhe starllnr,- mained thUll, and then, with II swift mand moderale and pr ices about un· Jo' reernan Is f ther'c, and tells groggy, but then, wllh a muffled mechanIsm. HI~ headlights threw spasmodic I'cpudiatlon of yielding, changed. Basi" steady to ~c I1lgMI·. cry, be "egalned his senscs. lon~ beams down the trceb"rdered she tOl'e hers~lf aWIlY trom him and EMie to stllY a"'[I.V frOll1 !IIur· lane to the main road, lIe was gone. Local saies 70 ,000 bushel. Vessel fnn. 1'ob(', the Negro st!r\'uut, As Freeman rUMh d fOl'\\'Urd to 1'0' oat Ull stl'aight. flul even In thiS room charlered ycsterday for 237. who is Ilart of Edllic's "inherit· new his a ttaCk, 1 ~[I'lje tI'l d to slep "'Veil, that cncls lhut," Marian aloo(ncss thel'c was an achlng tend. 000 bushel No. 1 yellow corn and IInre," tells E dlJie that Miss InSide a swlngln.; blow, ),'reeman 0 said, unhappily. rne".. Her voiCe WIl warm and A~tobot--:, Many Furpose 134,000 bushel oats to Geol'glan Bny. The Mal'jan i. IIclIlIl( Ul eun to terce· /lst struck heavily but \\'!th glilllO' But Eddie R c'!'un knew that It tl'cmulolls. r· • CountrY offerings to Ilprh'e fa\l'!Y IlIHII /l nd hnd I'ef1l31.'11 to gO til InS' force (lbOl'e the enr lind lIlcrc was not ended. Sooner 01' late,' there ""Vh y-wh~< do YOU make me feci good, but malnly above the mal'kct " <1am'" with 111111. was a l'cverl>el'atlng shock Insl~e would be Ie final decision belween thts way'I" while bookings totaled 431,000 bukh· ' Now go on II'llh the stOI'Y; hIs heat! , If he W;.tS to JJl al llluln him· him l1nll Tom Freeman-the dec I, l'hey wel'o a lon e--t"xClui~itely el. Cancellations 4. ,n OO busl\cl an'd '<,If, Eddi(' rt',llizet!, he ('ouldn't take sian arl'lved at without Intel'venUon alone-and th stark reality of the ~opvenience deliverIes 89,000 bushel. CllAPTEH XX[ many such bludgeoning wallops. or a woman. work·a·day wodd, Its ha.rshness and . Oats continue In active demand. ACter all, .ho had not forbid(len I!','eeman had too much weight, toO "I'm aweully sorry a thing like \ PJ'lces steady to Ie better and bash; him to come. 1'101' hod hel' falher­ mUCh strength, (Ol' u sll'llighl'Qul that bapl,ened hero at YOUl' housc," unchanged to !e higher. Loe,al directly. The kn9wledgc tlmt he WilS s lu gging match. 'Wlth the shortest he t rlcd to apologize, sales 60,000 bushel. D eliveries none, not wanted by Mr. 'l'hol'ndlke stun!! possible dela)" Bddie knew, he "I don't think elthcl' of you wel'e Paymeab E.eli booked to ardve 0,000 ~ u s hel. him, but the UI'J;'C to 1001, on hel would have to get in a haymulccl'­ concerned vcry decply wilh any reo Only ' race again IVllS stronge" than pl'llIe. It smllshing lI1lld. steady; li ght hogs and pigs closed aga inst the mac1, primitive business "l'tn son'y," snld Eddie, n1celdy, and Friday "Won't ,OU come III While 1 cal! 01 battling with Ihe Intent fury of ",ou ought lo be. I ean't Imul;'lne %5c lower; top 11.50 paid for load at b el"!1! 191 Ibs.; shippers look 2,500; csti· Stolle Age II'llr\·lors. Each man, ijud· how on earth such a thing could But tho broud verllntltc with Its m ated holdover 6,000. Butchers, 250· denly; dropped his hands. Th ~l r ha" e stnrled." WILL OPEN wicker cha!('ij and moonlight eVNY' 300 Ibs. 9.60 @ IO,75; 200·250 Ibs. 10.3;; whin'lng, hammering slrlfe was a She Bat down and he n'oticed thal whel'e was 80 allul'IJlg- lhat Eddlc @JO.40; 130·160 Ibs. 21;0·300 Ills. 9.60 malI's buslneas-thcy had no ment· his slraw hnt had ft,lIen heedlessly @10.75; 200,250 Ills. 10,3HII1.40; 160· wantell to stay outside. al pl'eparatlon 10 deal with the reo to the fl oOl·. He picked It up and put 200 Ib s. [email protected] ; 130·160 Ihs. 9,7:; 1'1'11 wnit hCl'C /' he saW. s tl'alning Innuen~ tlf a woman pro· it on lhe table, Saturd~y @11.25; packing sows [email protected]; 9.00 'fhe scrvunt reUrcd lInd he drol" jected suddenly on to their baltie· "Y/)u might :\s well &It down," ped Illto a cha\l', lIg-hUng tI. cigar· @1Q.50. ground. Marian, ealr lind sta ,· t!~d, she told h im. -and- elle. Insilic the house he thOUl.;hl Cattle-10,OOO; calves 2,000; s tCCI' slcPl)c.d bel wecn them. ·Eddlefell • "Are 'YOU sur e you ",a nt m e 10 and yearling marke\ 25 to 50 lowe\'; he bCIll'd a mall'~ I'oice (l nel u mo· back a step 0" two and Tom F,' e· Illent lutcr he was SUI 'e o( It. YOU ever stopped can· ~ I 'e l ghty sieers mo lly 50c off; \host Ill itn willed his fM(' with a hnnril,¢r. HAVE to INthe Autobot Homo a turn of the , III between gJ;adc steel'S with weight '!'Olll 1"I'e"I\H\n came out nnd con· chid. It had ended- as suddcnly liS " URn\, Sunday sider the va rlety ot uses to faucet brings [orlh nu abundant 50 10 SI. OO I' st week; tuday'H f" olltell him. Immedlalely Eddie gOl und ~\' , Il hod ~tort tl. UOWN y which hOt water Is put each day? sUJ))) ly or hol water-hot wlltB'; top 16.50; slAughter classes, 1300. to hl ~ feel. "You gel youl'sclC Ihe hell out pI For bathing , washing dishes, w&an, which never varies til temperature. HOO Ibs. 1~.00 @ 16.50; 1100.1300 Ibs. "Wcll, 1 s~e you al'e hel'e ugain,' here." Freem an spokl' pa'HIO\\!'ttell' with the last silent picture Ing windows. for tho early morn­ In tho homo without thIs service [email protected]; 950.1100 Ibs. 13.00@ Freemtln Euld, com In):: cloBe lo him, r"om hi. tlliek th,'oat 10 1'l6(He. • you will see in the Pastime iG.75; common and medium 850 Ibs. 'l'hry were so nelll' that Bddle could Ing shave, In CIlse of sickness dur­ each call tor bot water m eans II ul' 8.26 @13.00; fed yearlings 13.251(j) !Ielrct the fulnt aruma of liquor on Theatre, as we are in!?taU­ Ing lhe n l~ht ahll counties. other trip to tbo cellar-a tlresomo walt 16.50; heifers, 13 .25fl lo.50: common 10'1' eman's "realh. SlIlI the 011111 ing the greatest talking lIurp<\nes too numerous to menUon. nnd a trl p back to lUfn ott the lind medium [email protected]; low cutter ~c~ll)('tl )Jerf~ctly soh(,I'. "I thought outfit on the market. In tact \t wlls 'lcarn d In a. reoont h at r-and the lemp raluro of tbe and cullel' 5.00@ 6.50; bulls 9.75 @ I told yoU to ke('p away from this The Western Electric Invesllgal10n that hot water 18 usod water Is never same. In 10.75 ; cutler to medium 6.76" 8.75: pltwe." Last 'fimes Saturday lIlo the \lcolers, [email protected] medium 12, OO @ BlltHe's voice [ t·oy-e. "Yes?" equipment, tl\e same as all 150 times a dllr I. the 81'Or&fl'0 win lor 111))08 ))Qund and rusty water ! S.O O; cull lind common [email protected] ; "You are not Wall I d here alld "The ~i6htie't the big theatres all over the lacime, J llours forth (rom tho fauc&t8. stooker a nd feeder steers 10.25@ You OUght to h'LVe Ow I;ood "en H. last Thnes ' country have installed, giv­ 12.25; common and medium 8.00@ to l

..- Cubs reak Even in Twin EncQJJPter With Ca:rdinaI8~ ' l4:8,8-S d • t II :Leaders Drop SPORTS CLOSE.UP$-JACK BERG , JJ~egs :Nqse pd" .Ric.~ {::,Qf!ob.es (lER.O ONE MONTH, "8008" NEXT Harris Makes ~t a'oIetlp, 0;" .gJt ()pe~er; Then Qut COE~aiN ' ~n~rin~ , Co~~g Ye~r P.an;n.gs for , I t I

Hnr,.y H. "Hod" 1~lce. (01" three Win 'Nightcap to, 'Y88rs an end on the 'Unlve"8Ity OC Golf Tournev Scpre ' Fi~e ~ .. ~ird , low" football sll\,a(l. wpl b e hrAd tI , D6fe~t -Pirates 5·4- bailkeOitlll llJ1d track ooach a nd ae· Second CQntest Called' I .. It • ... t , aletant footbAll· coach. at Tplello. 0 .. nll1ft yeat'. nIce graduated ftom 'the F.int ,RoQod Must b~ CINCINNATI, Sept. 4 (J\P>-'I'hG . , I h . ln' Eigbth; Root HelaYIlIl by J\londay. The winner at ' djltl'k, 8S ...... 3 0 2 3 1 this tournnm ent will be declared tho Mc~lIl1an . ~b ...... 5 1 3 0 2 1 # 18 h English. 88 ...... 4 1 0 1 4 1 • Grantham, ' ...... 1 0 0 0 0 'ones at ~ t ciub cflamplon or 19~9 . i\f o\ ll1e, p ...... 2 '0 0 1 2 1 ;.1 '. I ' Followlnl\" arc the pnlrlngs for the Hornsby. 2b ...... 3 2 2 ~ 3 0 'Brame, ...... 1 0 II 0 0 0' 1. Wilson, c! ...... 4 2 2 4 0 0 ehamplOnRhlp flight: , --- "':" - -i K enneth Dunlop and Bebe Hands; Cuyler. rf ...... 4 1 1 0 0 Totals ...... 33 4 9 24 13 3 stellhcnso n. If ...... 4 0 1 4 0 F . n. Ol~cn and C. H . Meyer; George 'Battell for Clark In nlnlh. enough to 010 green to get Ills par Kohler and George Kose,'; /ll.' nry Tolson. Ib ...... 3 0 0 0 0 1 "BRtted for Melne ' ln' nlntb. five ant1 took ~he leud that ho Caught I{udglhn and " ' . J . Harte,'; V~"nf' TRylor. c ...... 4 0 0 2 0 0 INCIN NAT1- A,13. R. If. PO. A.El. P ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 ~l.Jcde8.fully to ho~ over tile rcst of [llllc" a lid G lel1 l1 Griffith ; James Bu sh. Snanson. Jt' ...... '4 0 12 J U U ~ll0 route. Burnij anti Leo Ka dglhn; B~n \V Ill· /lehr. p ...... 2 1 I 0 0 0 • Pu"dy. rt ...... 3 1 ,I 1 0 0 Jones Ge,s JlrCa l'1 I lace uud Ocorge Rpenccr; Ralph I'lli" Penner. p ...... 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kelly, 1 b ...... 4 1 0 9 1 0, tr U, e"e wore . ~ I1 Y ~ 1 1 r ~h k 8." Jon ~8 SaM and Burt Ingwe,·sol1 . Heathcote, • ...... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Allen. 4 I 4 1 0 at ...... i 1 sot th m. 'Oil ~ h c ninth tJohhy'H ,ec· 1>11.\1'1111(8 fur elal!S B arc: IOON1. 9s ...... 4 0 1 4 7 0 ond ¥hot hit a ba1.k IHid wIled n ea l" Geo"go }(e ll ~r amI W . n. Olpp'l): 'Totals ...... 31 R IO 2,1 3 -1 'rltv.. 21> •..••.•.••.•••••.. 3 0 1 3 4 2 'tho )lIn. 'On tho thlrtccn t h hu was' Il al"l'Y Bu.lIo amI F. 'V. K ~ nt ; Dr. 'Jlutted COl' Penner In 3th. StrIPI1. 3b ...... 3 0 0 1 3 0: .'tymicd but hopped aVe!' Goo(lmnn''': Alcf)ck and lJarold ' Iea" m a n; Pro· lSul{t\rorth. c ...... all 2 0 0 ST. r.OUlS- A B. n. It. PO.A.}:;. bjlll altd Into fh o cup with hl ~ m d~ h ! c : festior Seot.t and John \'IUl 11 0 1"11 ; Rlxey. I) ...... 2 I 0 0 0 '0 Do uth it. c( •...... • G 3 1 tOO nllJliek. On the' e ighteenth the Jule KIl"pr r and Holnnd Smith: on the kolP. IJ ...... 1 0 0 0 0 11 two Orsa\tI, rf ...... 3 1 1 a 0 champlon's Hccon!! s hol !! lIccd so IIII' Ilell"y Wa lker nnd C. M. pd g, aff; year. General Frisch. 2b . ,...... (; 2 1 5 0 (bni lt hit [t tree. bOu,ulli1g out to Dr. Mool"O ond hlrley Laudon ; 1(11"1( ' In an effort Totals ...... 81 5 7 27 16 to Bottom I y, Ib ...... 3 2 2 Hj 0 0 a lhe rliil'way, but he hit his chip sho Yorl,cs a nti Prot HSOI" nobbln ~. ~eIUng . RadIo lI"at Rbe llger. It ...... 4 2 1 0 {J 0 Score by Innings: too fe bly arid had a '35 Coot putt lett 'Pairings tor class C Incl udc: than 11 IlOlnt, t. lIIgh. 3b ...... 3 0 0 0 1 J I'lttsburgh ...... _Ql0 120 000- 1' that he fa iled by II foot to get down I"nwk Messe'·. hye: Lelr;h ' Vul'ac~ 1ll"lce In months. IQ Butler. 3b ...... •... 1 1 1 0 0 0 The money makers a nd m ost poP' , Flowers. unable to Calle with tile Cl nclnnll ll ...... 005 000 00"-; a8 the last d peratc stroke of a lilt! Lponnrd Pmtt; C. Mahel·. byo; 400 .000 shar~ ulo. r mcn oC the prize l"in~ havc a l· Englishman, fOUI;I11 back as best he mlth. c··········· .. · 2 1 3 0 0 Summitry- Runs b:\tted Iii. P. oha ml>lon ",oeting his downfall. S. J ,. pdegrar( a nll Prof es~ ()J' I ~ · d · sont up IMr, was J. Wilson. c...... 1 l 2 0 (J ways be ' n the so·called "cluh fight. coultl. But 111. hest not gOoa ' ''oncr. Ad.nls. H emsley. ' Clurk, AI· ~he "emoval of SO outstanding a ddge; n. M. Stew"rt and II. n. DUll' 75 In a turn- ers"- lhose bU8l' Indlvltluals who enough. Herg Ire· Chicago ...... 000 205 100- 8 There wasn't even a I1 ghUn!l" chllncl Plaver Advance in 126.2 1&! .0 him a l'eul tavorite. Berg then re' l severely tl"Ounced ]\fushy Callaha n, Time Of gam 0-1:29. comlJany as he le(t tho lournament. l11:tture c~ lehratlo n ~ . DUllie w a~ . . st. Louis ...... 100 060 16'-14 leet. 107.8 310.\ turned to England and reccn tly jl1 nlor welterweight chn mp\on at It wit~ another "black WednesdlLY" quoted as saying: Girls' Tennis Meet Injurle" hat! Ilrok~n the very baell' 193.1 ummary-Runs batted In, I"riBeh came Imck to U. S. A. to continuo Obbet. Field. Be"g th"ew punches for tht! double ban'elod dny of mateh "'We a l'O a lonl;" way" (rom tho 4. L. Wilson 2. HOettger 3. Hornsby I;one Qf the t CI\ I11 'S offcnMlv(' on(\ do· 1,I s Quest of gold and lightweIght eHtirely too Cast for Callahan and .------play 'as George Ion Elm of DotrOlt, penMllt. .. . It Is going to be a P llILAOELPlI IA , Sept. 4 (AP) - I, Stephenson. Tolson. English. Hut· ren~ivo stren!';th and bull breaks hall tille honers. gave the Champion an arU'slle trim· ~ajor League the 1926 champion. llaHijcd out quick· ha"d flght." Two P llclrlc ooa.st players Ilnd two r 3, J. ·Wllson. Uald 2: two base hmotherotl Its Sill I'll. 1I1s first mlltch In New Yorl< was mlng. Iy for the third straight Y('a,', a long The once grcnt DNrolt shortstop ot thl.' Po. Irr('y sisters of Boston ad. It.. ~'rlsch. ;\fcMIII,\n, Stephen~on , I ~t~n(li~gs aGainst Bruce Flowers. New Hochelle No, lhe "Whltcchapel Limited" with Oone Homans. of Englewood. knew ho.", quickly trlumllh III buse· So Doni 'lull. vllIlc<'d to the 8emHInai round of the 'ehf. Bottomley, J. Wilson : three Negro lightweight, who was bclng won't have to go begging fO r work .- N. J., co·medalist with Jones. GIbson ba ll tUI'ns to di~nAteJ ·. " Huch arc the fortunes oC war." girls' national tennis chrlmllionships se hits, Butier; home runs, L. \V II· primed for a title bout. At the open· in this country. Ills problem will he NATIONAL LEAGUE Dunlap at Los Angeles. whose 69 In ThO' weel< In 1327 that h I) hcnllrd hc ~alt1. today al the r1\111id Iphla CrIcker II. Hoetlger. HOI' nsby, Frisch; Ing bell. Berg leaped f"om his COl"' filllng the dates requested by pro· ,t.. "V. L. Pc.t the opening round made him a 8l'nsa· the Pirates to P nnnl1tvlJl~ he was It nllPC01'R to III' m erely a tel11' club. tolen bases. Gelb~rt ; sacrifi ces. '1'01· ner and unlea8hed the wllde ·t tlUITY motel's. Madison Square Ourde n Chicago ...... 87 4~ .675 lion. nnd Phillips Finlay, another holAled l11gl1 as thc "miracle mnn"' jlo"nt'y gctback fur tll~ plucky little 'rhe survivors were H elen Ma,·· n. Orsatt1 ~ douhle plal'H, English of two·Clsted punching that ever wllJ hell> to keep him busy, havIng Pittsburgh ...... 13 54 .676 Callro"nla favOl·lle. of Piltsburilh. lIl a n wlto WIIH Dl'lrolt's shorlstop lowe. Holly wood. Ca!.; Evelyn Par· o Hornsby to Tolso n. Frisch to excited the Cans of Madison Square tentatively ma tched him with Tony ' N()w l'prk ...... 68 60 .631 AltogeUlcr. the first "ound was It One wcel< Illtcr. when hi" nll'n I1C~ In the hall'yon days when Ty Ro ns. Pilla Alto, c.·U.• ond Sarah and ,elbert to Bottomley. Haines to Oel· Ga,·den. lJls fl~htln!;" was sensn· C'll1 zonel'l for one of the \lpenlng · B"ook Iyn ...... 60 68 .469 succession of hectic moments and ~toOd dls,:;rnrell. crushel! hen ... th Cobb nnu Sl1m Cruwforel anti othe,'9 Mlanne Pulrrey. or Boston. Miss rt to Frisch to J::ottomley; left on tional. The Garden wus scethlng. Garden shows this fall. st. LOllis ...... 62 64 . 492 upsetH, with five of the 16 ma tches lhat ruthleM Ynnk c~ muchlne . 111a(l o the 'I'lgcrs con!llsten t "In ne'·s. Mo.rlowe will m('et 1I11111\ne Pa lfrer In ses. Chicago 3. llt. l,ouls R; hases Phlla'dclphla ...... -57 72 .442 goll1g to extra holes and a ll lho stars, Oonln was the a ntllhesls of gr('at. Bnsl'bnll men are certllin Donll' one o.f th ~e ml ·fl nai H a nd 1I1lss Par· n ball •. 01T Bush 3. l'~n n er 4. HIli Ci ncinnati ...... 64 74 .422 aave Tolley, George Voigt tlnd l·'ran· ness as fAr !ts Pltlsburgh was can· will be back In a nH'l1{lgN'lal r~lo sons will clash wltlt S:\rah I'aICt'ey' : struck out. by Neh! 1. 1II1l 1. Home Runs Fail to Brooklyn Wins Both BOston .;...... 60 77 .394 cis Ouimet. having plertr of trouble. cernc(1. with somo major lengue ('Iuh If he In tho other. . laid I: hits otT. Hush 5 In 4 2·3 In. [ W· ' f G' . Anyway, five weeks a (ler the out· a res to s tay In the hl g I ar;UCH. ngH. Neht 4 In 1 2·3 Innlnr;s. P e n· In or Ianls In Ends of Double Bill Yesterday's ~e811Jts 13rooldyn 4:9 ; Pl1l1adelPhla 5·7. ------er 4 In 1 2·3 Innings. HIli G In 5 1-3 Game With Braves With Phils, 4.3, 9·7 1308ton 8; New York 7. Caddies Play ,-CI - I d W' . WASllINGTON-A tolal or 101 Red ~ox Get E.vcn Rolngs. Haines 4 In 1 2·3 Innings. eve an Ins In fhmt! manufacturing almllllles em· l1ald 0 In 2 Innln!;""; wlnninr; pitch· Pittsburgh 4; Ci ncinna ti 5. Chicago 8·8; St. LouIs 14·3. ploy 16 .10 5 worl,ers. li nd 23 addition· Break in Series by lII', Hald. losing Illtcher. Penner. NEW YOHK, Sept. 4 (AP)-Ilomt' PH1LADT"LPllfA. Sept. 4 (AeOrla 1. ' Finder return to Iowan office . by a sorority only three years. Cali . Terre Haute 7; Decatur G. R e ward. I 1859. I Big Six +---.----'" WESTERN I,EAOUE Q\'cnuc. - . ------uHaIo Boys Defeat Wlehna 2; Tulsa 8. I LET lIH) REPAIn YOUR HEA'r' FOR RENT II)" the Ass/kla 'e,1 ...· eR. Omaha at Denver. postponed. Ing II.l1d plumbing. Hurry Eck! New Orlean Junior 'rlH' AIll C' l'lcun ' leul.:, u (\ H(IoCtiO l1 n( 'fopcka a; Oklahoma City 2. hoff, 3380·J. FOR RENT- 6 ROOM HOUSE. til" HI II' Six enjoyed (In allen du Ie in De~ 1I10lnl.'6 Ii; Pueblo 6. 10 rodm housc. apa.rtment. 3417·J. t\i\l.E,RJl:I\N M"lOC~TION Want Ad in First Game, 6-4 the sc hpllul~ yrHtl" 'd"y, ","d the fea· LOST-A DARK BnO~\IN surf· .. ColJrtibUII 5; Indla~apol\s FOR RENT-SIX ROOM MODERN llll'e of the ,, (te"noon wus the dtlel 6: case, eOlltall1ll1g ladles clothing. Ko.nsas CIty at St·. raul, house with heat close In. Phone LOUlSVIr.LE. l{y .• Sppl. 4 (AP)­ hNw~cn ' uah~ 11 1'1'11" "1 anti Fl"Ilnl< Rates Lost between 200 block S. Linn and pened (tlVO games). 1625·J. laying heads·ull bnseball O'\d tall'rl·y Point WhORO ~eol .p p.m. will be PUbllllbed the 101· '. broken in II gll me ,vith' til(' Roan. to G ,.JL j n a.m., 1·5 p.m. ~rhonl. DNl,ch, (l1111 Vleoge8, PM· Work will COl11lljcnc RhOI·tly on J.h o waR 94 i ond £0' . W . HeRs!'1 at Gnnf· )Jronght JIoIRt. ei~ _ into t h(' Ylln· ,JOWlng mOfallll'. i ltll, _._ ~Ol·t. Qiants. ' ..... I\"III~ WII.L t/llj:"ll ltJlb ':l..1r.- Are ,f9kl • •.:. .. .; , . .',L. ------::· I!..------~­ • hl~' Page 6 nle Daily Iowan. Iowa City Thursday. September 5. 192t

--.---..... ~-- .. - Old Settlers Former Resident -- - July Building 1 oj City Own, and IOWA Have Picnic Drives Car ~ al 88 in City More I

WUlCLY at City Park DAVENPOR·r. Sept. 4 (AP) - SERVICE MAP Than in June Eight years ago. George W . All ot ,.---- o _ North Liberty. a Clvll war vetel'DJI. ....1 ....• '0." \. JoJJIe 29 Kenderdine Addresses Hought to l)urchaHo a n a utomobile. IOWA HIGHWA,. COMMISSION Permits Eclipse Tho~ 'rhe deuler was hesitant. thinking . S/IOWING Gathering of 75 his customer. who was then almost TYPE OF ROADWAY of Previous Month 80 yeal's at uge. too old to d,·lve. o ••• CONSTRUCTION --- Yesterday But the aged veteran Insisted. He by Five J>lIl'c haHed the ellr lind haa been drlv· CONOITION Visions of Johnson county beforE' Ing ever since without ll. single accl· (Spechll to Tho nlllly lownn) the days of the speeding trains. be· dent. DES JI'IOTNNS. S~Pt. 4 (AI'f.., fore Illrplanes droned overhead. and Last weele he drove trom North 10ll'a. City showed on Increase or II,. before rIbbon smooth highways criss· LII>eI·ty to Davenport and back the morc building permits ISSUed durl", crossed the country. wel'e pictured Harne day_ the month of July ovpr the montb to moro than 76 old settlers yester· A It IH a native of Iowa. having of June. Rccordlng to the report o( day by Attorney G A. K e nderdlne. been ool'n In l a wn City In 1843. throe lhe statu Inbor commissioner. H. V. 'rhe occMlon was the annual old set· years b~Col'e Iowa became a state. 1.IoYl'r. t1pr's pIcnic at the City park. Val uatlon of th p~rmlt6 ISSUed - Rain f II just before the program fOI' buildIng In Iowa City tor JU/II Coalitio: opened yestcrday afternoon and the totnled $38.180 and for July. $16.180. groups adjourned to the park po vII· There were) 3 permits Issued In June lion for the speaking. Besides Mr. Consignment n nd 18 In .Iuly. Partie ~ Ke nderdlne',s resume of the carly l'hl8 dol'S not nec~ ssa rlly Indicate life In the county the Rev. E. E. of Limestone the extont of building and construc. Dierks of the loca l BaptiSt church. tlon work In Iowa Clly because 1m. T addrcssed the pioneers. proving done by the Atate on the unl. Mrs. Mary Sunler of West Branch. verRlty grounds Is noL covered by fOI'mel' 8chool teacher of ,Pros. lieI" Leaves City pel'mlts Isstlet! by the city. bert Hoovcr. pl'esented a pa per tell· Ing of her trip to Washington. D . C .. Dl"S MONETR. Srllt. 4 (Al')-Em. last lIfarch to the Inaugurallon. The Company Ships 15 Cars ployml'nt In ~()ven at Iown's larger \Vest Liberty band entertained with cities showed an average Increase Of musIcal numbers. of Soil Building 1.1 pel' cent In AUl\ust over JUI,. Albert Ba umgal'tner and Is ~ae 1.l . V. Hoyer, Rtate labor c~mml. Stone Today SYIoI80LS sian .... disclosed today In his montb. Myers WCI'O the oldest of the pia e,t,4'l.tTlP "MO' neCI'S. Tho former has reached tour PAVI!O ...... __ _ Iy report. score and nlnc years. and M,'. Mye ..' The rtrAt trainload of agricultural N Burllngton's InCl'eaRe ot 13.8 per CIIAVELLEo. .. .>UIlD Is but one yoal' younger. John 'Wag limestone to be distributed out of c('nt was the Ilu·gest. followed by 8.1 ner o 82 years old. was another past Towa CIty by 9peclal lll'rangement GII AD EO._ .... .mIllII p<'r cl'nl at Sioux City. a.nd 4.G per the tour score ma rie \1'. E . I'oster. wltlt the I'all"oad company WIlS sche· MAINTAINED cent at Des Molnrs. Cedar Rapid! and Mrs. r. B. Reed a re 78 real's Old . duled to leave at 7 o'clock this mOrn· ONLY..= Allowed 4.2 per cent Increase. alll\ tng. 'fhe train. bearing 16 cars of Dubuque .3 per el'nt. DnvenllOrl lhe 9011 buildin g limestone. will leave n nd WutN'loo rt'porlpd d~creo8es. the Members of Lions on the branch line of the Rock Is· fOI mer a. drOll oC 2.1 per cent and lan'd tor R iverside. Ka lona. and Well· the Intter a d~clln e of G.7 per cen, Club Tell Vacation mHn. More thlln 600 tons will be • In all. 174 Clrms rl'llOrt~d. dIstrIbuted from the t.-nln. Building conditions in 16 clUe! Stories at Meeting Thl'Ough speCial u.I'I'angements were shown as Call 011 S; with Harry D. Breene. local Rock Is· July " 'Vhere were you on your vaca· land agent. )0 cars will be unloaded 00 PfI ..I'Y ....~ tlon. brothel' L ion?" ShI,ld. k\dloltl road Coo~ .1..,...... e~tIY "\t",, (£.;~~I !!!!: Permits Valuation at various pot nts along the tracle. i, pert Df thl Fe_ .." -. ... ,.... "" ...... ItI. con~ .. _~ Rurllngton 30 $ 159.111 "I was In Europe." said Dr. R . H . most convenient to the f'lrme,'s who I"tlr.t.t, Iyet.".. Cedar Ral)lil s Volland, and. "I was a t a camp at aro purchasin g the limestone. 115 339 .71t Trout Lake. Wis .... declared Rollle Council Dlu(Cs 35 91.1110 Ulliond at SlaliollH • Davenporl Williams. llnd "I splashed around the The oihel' tlve cars will be un· 145 296.771 guilty In police court and received Des Main ... pool llt 'Wakonda club. Des Moines." loaded at the stations. fOI' Carmol's /1)l tal doctors e"pre~sed little hope 134 W.7Oi the fine. · d G· I .an measure. chimed Dave Armbruster. whose Carms are close to the towns. Service Desk NEWS ABOUT TOWN InJure IT for 1",1' because or the 10CIlllo II of Dubuque 102 41.151 11hus thc Lions c lub p"ovldcd their The limestone Is conSigned by the 'the wound. Th(' child made only 0. Fl. Dodg-e 35 41.37; Robinson Holll Thanllsgiving Servlco own entertainme nt at the regular RlvC\' Products company of IOlVa · S (runt rnlly T uesday nrtel'l1oon when Iowa Citr 18 76.381 Robinson conte noon meeting yesterday at the Jef· Coal neulers Meet A lIarvpst thanksglvtng service Hhe (lid spellle to/· U Hhort time. Keokuk 4 14.01\) tbe bill should bc CIty. ond the train was arranged by Work Planned Iown. City COltl dealers mot (01' a Remams arne ferson hotel. The members who had will be held al thl" .1ethodlst church Rlnre thNI hoI' conuilion hM I)('en Marshnlltown 34 70.101 ! J,' .. V. As 10/' tlte J ack Hughes was declared the best St.-nneley nnt! Son. \Ve llman. one car; Margaret Echlln. A4 of ]owa City. to marry , V. S. Dl'ltLol1. 32 y~ars 0111. <. stllte athlutlc commission tornoI" :t 9 year Olll couslll WPI'C rldlnl( a theatrleal CIlreat' IJI)3nned half a con· el'nlg. fOl'lI1c'rly cllll-r DC NelJrtl­ Tbomas. de:mclCl',ntl outdoor cnmpfire builder. and Royal C. 1'. J ohnson. ·Wellman. one car; n.nd Merrllt E. McDaniel. P2 of of Kalona. aml HesH will marry th~ row. whirllllg' (('NPI',"oanl aL the pad. tury and led from circus a('robat to ka bureau uC el'cul'itfeR. has bcrn a~ !lrike out Crain wall the hest Msistant to the Carl 'I'. Anderson. \ Vellman. two Washington. la .• as assistants. 'fhe lo'I'ank Stockman oC Oxford. l'he lat­ lllaYl'l'ound. A Nprlng ul'olw on the o\\,nel' oc one of Amerlca's most polllt~pea I' ~ L. Zaier,