Preliminaryroceedings ofsurvey the H ofawaiian fliesEntomological of Bangladesh Society (2013) 45:51–58 51

A Preliminary Survey of the Fruit (Diptera: : ) of Bangladesh

Luc Leblanc1, M. Aftab Hossain2, Shakil Ahmed Khan2, Michael San Jose1, and Daniel Rubinoff1 1University of at Manoa, Department of and Environmental Protection Sciences, 3050 Maile Way, Gilmore 310. Honolulu, HI 96822, U.S.A. 2Insect Biotechnology Division, Institute of Food and Radiation Biology, Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Dhaka-1349, Bangladesh. Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Thirteen of and one species of were collected during field surveys in Bangladesh, including eight new country records, for a total of fifteen species confirmed to occur in the country. Color variation in Bangladesh B. dorsalis is similar to that observed in B. invadens in Africa and Sri Lanka.

Field research on dacine fruit flies in drinking water bottles, with two triangular Bangladesh has mainly focused on survey- lateral holes (approximately 25 x 30 x 30 ing damage (Kabir et al. 1991, Akhtaruz- mm) at mid height of the bottles. A lure zaman et al. 1999b) and developing field plug with 2 g of lure (Scentry Biologicals, control (Chowdhury et al. 1993, Akhtaruz- Billings, Montana, USA) and one half zaman et al. 1999a, Khan et al. 2007a,b) of a 25 x 90mm strip containing 10% for cucurbit-infesting pest species, and dichlorvos (2,2–dichlorovynil dimethyl species diversity has thus far not been phosphate) (Vaportape® II, Hercon En- well surveyed. In his taxonomic study vironmental, Emingsville, Pennsylvania, of the Indian subcontinent species, Drew USA) were suspended from the trap’s reported only one species of Dacus to oc- ceiling with a hook made of tie wire. cur specifically in Bangladesh, among 65 Trapping locations, identified by numbers species of Dacus and Bactrocera (Drew on Figure 1, and the range of collecting 1998, Drew and Raghu 2002). We present dates at each location, included: 1: Atomic in this paper an annotated species list, Energy Research Establishment (AERE), based on recent field surveys using male in Savar Upazila, near Dhaka (13 May–28 lure traps. Additionally, we demonstrate September); 2: Institute of Nuclear Sci- that color pattern variation observed in ence and Technology (INST), near Dhaka oriental fruit Bactrocera ( dorsalis) (May); 3: Bhawal National Park (BNP), in in Bangladesh is similar to the variation Gazipur District (23 August); 4: Madhupur observed in B. invadens. National Park (MNP), in Tangail District Traps baited with male lures (cue-lure (20 September); 5: Jamalpur District and methyl eugenol) were maintained at (21–22 September); 6: Rooppur Nuclear eight locations between May and October Power Project site office Campus (RNPP), 2013. At each site, two traps, separately in Ishwardi Upazila, Pabna District (30 baited with the two lures, were hung in September–3 October); 7: Gurudaspur trees about 1.8 meters above the ground. Upazila, in Natore District (21–23 May); Traps were made of 2 liter empty plastic and 8: Regional Horticultural Research 52 Leblanc et al.

Figure 1. Collecting sites in Bangladesh.

Center Campus (RHRC), in Chapai Naw- methods described by San Jose et al. (2013). abganj District (30 June–2 July). All loca- Sequences were compared with existing tions were in agricultural environments, sequences, whenever available, to help except 3 and 4, located in forested national confirm species identity. Pinned voucher parks, but in proximity to . specimens of all species were deposited in A total of 1510 specimens was collected the University of Hawaii Museum in traps (566 specimens in cue-lure, and 895 (Honolulu) and the Institute of Food and in methyl eugenol) or by hand with a net or Radiation Biology of the Bangladesh vial (53 specimens). These belonged to 14 Atomic Energy Commission (Dhaka). species, listed below. Genomic DNA was Bactrocera (Bactrocera) dorsalis extracted from a leg and genetic sequenc- (Hendel) (oriental fruit fly) [AERE: 165 ing of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome specimens, INST: 78, BNP: 27, MNP: 2, c oxidase I (COI, 780 bp) was performed Jamalpur: 1, RNPP: 208, Gurudaspur: 52, on 62 specimens, covering every species RHRC: 333. Methyl eugenol]. Oriental collected during the survey, following the fruit fly was by far the most numerous Preliminary survey of fruit flies of Bangladesh 53 species among all samples, with 57% of 566 specimens from Burkina Faso, was all collected flies. Recorded hosts in Ban- 6.2% in category A, 7.8% in B, 13.1% in C, gladesh include mango (Mangifera indica 2.6% in D, 16.8% in E, 21.7% in F, 16.8% L.), carambola (Averrhoa carambola L.), in G, and 15.0% in H (Fig. 3). The eight and guava (Psidium guajava L.) (Kabir et sequences were deposited in GenBank al. 1991). ( (see appendix), This species exhibits in Bangladesh a and analyzed with GARLI (Zwikl 2006) broad range of scutum color pattern varia- using the same model and with the same tion. The large series collected in RHRC sequences included in the COI phylogeny was carefully examined and scutum and from San Jose et al. (2013). abdomen color of each specimen was In the phylogenetic tree resulting from assigned to one variant category, ranging the analysis, all the individuals of B. dor- from predominantly pale to predominantly salis from Bangladesh and B. invadens dark, as illustrated on Figure 2. The pro- from Burkina Faso were placed within the portion of specimens with each scutum B. dorsalis sensu lato clade, which also color category, among the 326 specimens included B. papayae Drew and Hancock, examined, was 7.4% in category A, 15.0% B. carambolae Drew and Hancock, and in B, 17.2% in C, 4.0% in D, 17.5% in E, B. philippinensis Drew and Hancock. Our 4.3% in F, 19.3% in G, and 15.3% in H. analysis and other recent studies (Ekesi The proportion in each abdomen color and Mohammed 2010, Khamis et al. 2012, category was 3.7% in category A, 32.2% San Jose et al. 2013, Schutze 2013) suggest in B, 50.3% in C, 12.6% in D, and 1.2% in that the two species are genetically identi- E. The scutum color gradient, from lightest cal, produce viable offspring in the lab, and to darkest, was also correlated to a large that B. invadens may just be a geographic extent with the lightest to darkest abdomen color variant of B. dorsalis. In his original color gradient (graph insert on Fig. 2). revision of the species complex (Drew and The scutum pattern variation is similar Hancock 1994), R.A.I. Drew listed B. dor- to that documented in B. invadens Drew, salis as widespread in Asia, from India to Tsuruta and White (Fig. 4 in Drew et al. Taiwan. More recently (Drew and Romig 2005 and Fig. 3 herein), suggesting that the 2013), he could not confirm the Bhutan variation observed in B. invadens is not re- record of B. invadens or the occurrence of stricted to native Sri Lankan and invasive B. dorsalis in India and Sri Lanka. In any African populations, but more widespread case, whether regarded as a color variant of on the Indian subcontinent, explaining B. dorsalis or a separate species, the light the presence of B. invadens in Bhutan colored form consistent with B. invadens reported by Drew et al. (2007). To explore is shown here to be relatively widespread the relationship of Bangladesh B. dorsalis over the Indian subcontinent rather than with related species in the complex, we confined to Sri Lanka. sequenced the COI gene of 8 specimens Bactrocera (Bactrocera) latifrons of B. dorsalis (with scutum and abdomen (Hendel) (solanum fruit fly) [AERE: 11 color combinations B-B, B-C, B-D, C-C, specimens, all collected by hand]. New G-D, H-D, E-C, and H-E) and 8 specimens record for Bangladesh. A pest of Solana- of B. invadens, one of each scutum variant ceae, widespread in tropical Asia, from on Fig. 3, collected in 2010 in Burkina India to Taiwan, and south to peninsular Faso, and compared them to the sequences Malaysia. published in San Jose et al. (2013). The Bactrocera (Bactrocera) nigrofemora- proportion of each color category, among lis White and Tsuruta [AERE: 2 speci- 54 Leblanc et al.

Figure 2. Color variation patterns on scutum and abdomen of in Bangladesh. Insert graph shows the proportion of specimens of each abdomen color pattern (A to E), included in each scutum pattern series (A to H) on the X axis. mens, Gurudaspur: 1, RHRC: 1. Cue-lure]. Bactrocera (Bactrocera) rubigina New record for Bangladesh. A common (Wang and Zhao) [AERE: 79 specimens, species in Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, and BNP: 56. All but two females from Bhutan, bred from five species of edible cue-lure]. New record for Bangladesh. (Tsuruta and White 2001, Drew and Originally described from (Wang Romig 2013). and Zhao 1989) and later recorded from Preliminary survey of fruit flies of Bangladesh 55

Figure 3. Color variation patterns on scutum and abdomen of in Burkina Faso.

Bhutan, Thailand and (Drew as B. yercaudiae Drew in 2002, declared et al. 2007, Drew and Romig 2013). A a junior synonym by David and Ramani non-economic species bred from Litsea (2011). Host plant in India is Alangium verticillata Hance in China (Liang et al. salviifolium (L.f.) Wangerin (David and 1993). Ramani 2011). Bactrocera (Bactrocera) zonata (Saun- Bactrocera (Hemigymnodacus) diversa ders) (peach fruit fly) [INST: 13, Guru- (Coquillett) [INST: 39 specimens, all col- daspur: 10, RHRC: 6. Methyl eugenol]. A lected by hand]. Widespread from Paki- common species on the Indian subconti- stan to Vietnam. A pest of nent, that also occurs, though less com- at the flowering stage, bred from monly observed, in Thailand and Vietnam. ( siceraria (Molina) Standl.) A major pest of cultivated fruits bred from and ( maxima Duch- mango in Bangladesh (Kabir et al. 1991). esne) in Bangladesh (Kabir et al. 1991; Bactrocera (Bactrocera) species 45. Molla et al. 2000). The weak attraction [AERE: 1, in cue-lure]. New record for to methyl eugenol reported by Drew and Bangladesh. Morphologically and ge- Romig (2013) was not observed in Ban- netically identical to species 45 of San gladesh. Jose et al. (2013), also recorded in Laos, Bactrocera (Parasinodacus) cilifera Cambodia, Thailand and China. It is likely (Hendel) [AERE: 1 specimen, in cue-lure]. to be B. propinqua (Hardy and Adachi), a New record for Bangladesh. This species species bred from Garcinia spp, but posi- is recorded from China, Taiwan, Laos, tive identification requires confirmation. Vietnam, Peninsular Malaysia, and Thai- Bactrocera () digressa Rad- land, where it was bred from male flow- hakrishnan [AERE: 1 specimen, RNPP: ers of Thladiantha hookeri C.B. Clarke 2, RHRC: 2. Cue-lure]. New record for (Cucurbitaceae) (Allwood et al. 1999). Bangladesh. This species was originally Bactrocera (Sinodacus) hochii (Zia). described in 1999 from Bangalore Prov- [MNP: 1 specimen, from cue-lure]. New ince, Southern India, and subsequently record for Bangladesh. This cucurbit- 56 Leblanc et al. infesting species, bred among others from Cue-lure]. A moderately severe pest of Cu- smooth (Luffa aegyptiaca Mill.) curbitaceae widespread in Asia. Hosts in (Allwood et al. 1999), is present in China, Bangladesh include: winter , melon, Vietnam, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, , pumpkin, calabash, angled and and Indonesia. smooth luffa, bittergourd, spiny , Bactrocera () caudata (Fa- fruit, and snakegourd (Kabir et al. bricius) [AERE: 1 specimen, RNPP: 17, 1991; Akhtaruzzaman et al. 1999b; Huque Gurudaspur: 1, RHRC: 5. Cue-lure]. New 2006). Detailed life history was published record for Bangladesh. Widespread from by Kabir et al. (1997). India to China, and south to Indonesia. Dacus (Callantra) longicornis (Wiede- Larvae have been bred from male mann) [AERE: 11 specimens, RNPP: 15. of squash (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) Cue-lure]. A minor pest bred from fruit (Allwood et al. 1999). of 4 species of cucurbits (Allwood et al. Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) cucurbi- 1999), widespread in , west tae (Fabricius) () [AERE: 25 to Bhutan and Bangladesh, where it was specimens, INST: 19, BNP: 4, MNP: 5, first collected in 2008 (Khan 2009). Jamalpur: 66, RNPP: 60, Gurudaspur: Dacus (Mellesis) polistiformis (Senior- 39, RHRC: 31. Cue-lure]. A major pest White), a non-pest species present in India, widespread in Asia, infesting primarily Nepal, and China (Drew 1998, Drew and Cucurbitaceae at the flowering and fruit- Romig 2013), was erroneously recorded ing stages. Hosts in Bangladesh as present in Bangladesh (Norrbom et al. are: winter melon (Benincasa hispida 1998), collected in the Khasia Hills, which (Thunb.) Cogn.), (Citrullus are actually part of India but bordering lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai), Bangladesh. ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis (L.) Voigt), Dacus (Didacus) ciliatus Loew (Ethio- melon (Cucumis melo L.), cucumber (C. pian fruit fly). An African pest of cucurbits sativus L.), pumpkin, calabash, not attracted to male lures, extending (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), angled through the Middle East to the Indian sub- luffa (Luffa acutangua (L.) Roxb.), smooth continent, including Bangladesh, where it luffa, balsam-apple ( bal- infests fruits of cucumber (Akhtaruzza- samina L.), bittergourd (M. charantia L.), man et al. 1999b). It was not collected in gac fruit (M. cochinchinensis Spreng.), the present survey. spiny gourd (M. dioica Roxb. Ex Willd.), (Solanum melongena L.), and Acknowledgments snakegourd ( We thank Sylvain Ouedraogo for L.) (Kabir et al. 1991; Akhtaruzzaman et providing specimens of B. invadens al. 1999b, Amin et al. 2011, Alim et al. from Burkina Faso. Support for genetic 2012), with losses estimated at 10-30% of sequencing and publication was provided annual agricultural produce (Naqvi 2005). by a Cooperative Agreement from USDA, Populations are abundant throughout the through Farm Bill funding (project year, but highest from April to June and 3.0251), administered by the University of lowest in October-November (Alim et al. Hawaii’s College of Tropical Agriculture 2012). and Human Resources. The blank map Bactrocera (Zeugodacus) tau (Walker) template used for Figure 1 was taken (pumpkin fruit fly) [AERE: 23 specimens, from INST: 10, BNP: 2, MNP: 1, Jamalpur: car=26130&lang=en. 36, RNPP: 26, Gurudaspur: 5, RHRC: 6. Preliminary survey of fruit flies of Bangladesh 57 Literature cited Drew, R.A.I., K. Tsuruta, and I.M. White. Akhtaruzzaman, M., M.Z. Alam, and M.M. 2005. A new species of pest fruit fly (Dip- Ali-Sardar. 1999a. 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(ms3749, H, D), KF871269 (ms3751, Rubinoff. 2013. An evaluation of the spe- H, E). AERE: KF871270 (ms3794, E, cies status of Bactrocera invadens (Drew, C), KF871271 (ms3820, B, D). RHRC: Tsuruta and White) and the Bactrocera KF871272 (ms3822, B, C). Bactrocera dorsalis complex (Diptera: Tephritidae). Ann Entomol. Soc. Amer. 106: 684–694. invadens from Burkina Faso (Yegue- Schutze, M.K. 2013. Mounting evidence for resso): KF871274 (ms0935, scutum a taxonomic revision of pest members of A), KF871280 (ms0941, B), KF871275 the Bactrocera dorsalis species complex. (ms0936, C), KF871278 (ms0939, D), Tephritid workers of Europe, Africa and the KF871279 (ms0940, E), KF871277 Middle East (TEAM) Newsletter 12: 3–8. (ms0938, F), KF871276 (ms0937, G), KF871273 (ms0933, H).