September/October 2010

O you who hear prayer, to you all men will come. You answer us with awesome deeds of righteousness, O God our Savior, the hope of all the ends of the earth and of the farthest seas. Psalm 65: 2 & 5

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010


CURE Worldwide

Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not grow faint. Isaiah 40: 28 - 31

Pray for the new Believer in your email who has recently come to Christ through the ministry outreach of CURE. Continue to pray for the impact we have on patients, both physically and spiritually.

This month we are featuring:

The Beit CURE Hospital Hospital of , established in 2006 Peter Kyalo, () Executive Director Giorgio Lastroni, M.D. (Italy) Medical Director Harold Haamumba (Zambia) Spiritual Director Kachinga Sichizya, M.D. (Zambia) Neurosurgeon Cyril Ilho Moyo, M.D. (Congo) Orthopedic Surgeon Sindula Tshoma, M.D. (Congo) Anesthetist Judith Obison (Zambia) Matron/Director of Nursing Stephen Chishimba (Zambia) Finance Officer Hitler Jnobvu (Zambia) HR & Administrative Manager Namangolwa Ngonda (Zambia) Spiritual Center Associate

Statistics for the past 12 months: Number of outpatients: 3,210 Number of inpatient admissions: 925 Number of : 1,310 Number of clubfoot patients: 604

Zambia Praise God for the Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) services now being offered at our Beit CURE Hospital of Zambia which will allow CURE to expand its physical and spiritual ministry.

Pray for staff unity and for our Executive Director, Peter Kyalo to have wisdom and grace in his leadership role in the hospital.

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010

2 Praise God that amid the difficult working conditions, our CURE hospital continues to see over 3,500 patients monthly and provide some of the best medical training available anywhere in the country.

Pray that our finance staff is able to navigate well through the current bank scandal occurring in Afghanistan’s largest bank. Please continue to pray for Seija Terry. Seija recently lost her husband, Dan, who was murdered by robbers in a northern province of Afghanistan. Pray also for success in our special project to develop hospital policy and procedure standards for the Afghanistan military hospitals.

Bethlehem Praise God for “He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.”

Pray that as we continue efforts to establish a CURE hospital in Bethlehem, we will not grow tired or weary.

Dominican Republic Praise God for Dan Ruggles, M.D., the new Medical Director of the CURE International Hospital of the Dominican Republic. Dan is currently planning for the transition to this permanent position which will include language and cultural training in September and October.

Pray for our Executive Director, Steve Bostian and his family as they transition back to the US after serving faithfully for the past two years. Pray that God may lead us in our search for a new Executive Director. Pray also for the hospital leadership during this management transition phase and our ability to maintain an effective medical and spiritual ministry to the children of the Dominican Republic.

Egypt Praise God that “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.”

Pray for renewed strength and resolve as we continue our efforts to establish a CURE program in .

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010


Ethiopia Praise God for the safe return of our CURE Medical Director, Eric Gokcen and his wife, Corinne, also Adey Abate, our Executive Director, after their time in the US with family and friends.

Pray for Muhammad, the young boy who received extensive treatment at our CURE hospital. He is now living with the Gokcen family since his mother can no longer afford to care for him. Pray for Eric and Corinne as they care for Muhammad spiritually, physically and emotionally.

Haiti Praise God .for the counselor training program that CURE has initiated for the people of as they continue to suffer in the aftermath of the January earthquake. To date, 30 trainees have delivered over 2,500 hours of counseling to more than 2,300 people. These counseling sessions deal with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and grief counseling.

Pray for that the trainees would be willing to continue this voluntary counseling into 2011 and that more trainees can be identified.

Honduras Praise God for the funding award from the Honduran government that will cover the cost of supplies at our CURE hospital.

Pray for the children who will be receiving care this upcoming month. Pray for the short term surgeons who will be working with Dr. Gustavo Vasquez in the next four months after which time, a new Medical Director will be in country. Please continue to pray for Bunny Schwentker as she continues her chemotherapy.

Kenya Praise God for the ongoing training of orthopedic surgeons at our AIC CURE International Children’s Hospital of Kenya. May their faith continue to grow despite the heavy workload of the residency program. Praise God for the return of Tim and Jana Mead after a refreshing vacation in the US.

Pray for Tim and Jana as their youngest daughter, Abby remains in the US to begin college and they return to Kenya as “empty nesters”. Pray also for the expanded facility now under construction, that it will result in an even more vibrant ministry in Kijabe.

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010


Malawi Praise God for the impact the Beit CURE International Hospital of has had on the orthopedic training and delivery of care in Malawi. . Pray for the orthopedic surgeon who is giving serious thought to assuming the role of Medical Director next summer. Pray also for the efforts to build a new day wing that will meet the hospital’s objectives while not disrupting normal hospital services.

Niger Praise God that the opening of the CURE hospital is drawing near. Praise God that despite the challenges of extreme heat, water and electricity shortages, the staff remain faithful in their commitment to their call to ministry.

Pray that the countless tasks still remaining go smoothly and will honor God. Pray also for the future patients of our hospital. May they respond to God’s spirit as they come to this facility for healing.

UAE Praise God for the start of construction of the new Oasis Hospital in Al Ain. May He protect the workers and allow construction to proceed as planned.

Pray for the upcoming move of our Vice President of International Operations, Stephen Miller and his wife, Audrey to Al Ain. Pray that Stephen can provide expert oversight in the construction of the new Oasis Hospital. Pray also for Stephen and Audrey’s children and grandchildren who will remain in the US

Uganda Praise God for the opportunity of seeing so many previous patients who return for follow up appointments at the CURE Children’s Hospital of . It is a blessing to see these children and witness firsthand the healing that has occurred.

Pray for the short term team who recently returned to the US. Pray that as they return to the workplace, they will continue to seek the Lord’s direction for future ministry opportunities.

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010


CURE Clubfoot Worldwide (CCW) Praise God that a new CCW program in Bangalore will be launched on September 27 along with a training program for government doctors. Dr. Norgrove Penny and our Executive Director of Worldwide Special Programs, Andy Mayo will be present for the inauguration of this program

Pray that we will be able to find committed Christian coordinators and family counselors for our new CCW programs.

Home Office Pray for our Director of Government & Foundation Relations, Gerry Luongo, and her husband, Donald, as they have recently moved from the Central area. Gerry has served faithfully and well for the past five years. Gerry brought a wealth of experience and a great heart for children to this position. She will be sorely missed!

Jenny Nace will be joining the CURE staff on a part time basis for the next 6 months as she works with our Development department on a special project. Welcome Jenny.

Many of our CURE staff will be traveling extensively over the next two months. Please pray for health and travel safety for each one.

Come let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker; for He is our God and we are the people of His pasture, the flock under His care. Psalm 95: 6 & 7

Please use these lines to add prayers & praises as they come up over the next month.

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010


701 Bosler Avenue • Lemoyne, PA 17043 • 717-730-6706 • • [email protected]

CURE International Prayer Guide September/October 2010