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JFlow: Practical Refactorings for Flow-based Parallelism

Nicholas Chen, Ralph E. Johnson Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign nchen, rjohnson { }

Abstract—Emerging applications in the domains of recognition, coupling between different parts of the software, making it mining and synthesis (RMS); image and video processing; data easier to maintain and evolve each part independently. warehousing; and automatic financial trading admit a particular A compelling way to leverage flow-based parallelism is style of parallelism termed flow-based parallelism. To help devel- opers exploit flow-based parallelism, popular parallel libraries to refactor existing sequential code to use the constructs of such as Groovy’s GPars, Intel’s TBB Flow Graph and Microsoft’s a parallel library such as Groovy’s GPars [4], Intel’s TBB TPL Dataflow have begun introducing many new and useful Flow Graph [5] or Microsoft’s TPL Dataflow [6]. Our prior constructs. However, to reap the benefits of such constructs, work examined the constructs in an older version of Intel’s developers must first use them. This involves refactoring their TBB and found them expressive enough to address many existing sequential code to incorporate these constructs – a manual that overwhelms even experts. To alleviate this of the common idioms found in applications [7]. We found burden, we introduce a set of novel analyses and transformations using such constructs to be more advantageous compared to targeting flow-based parallelism. We implemented these ideas direct parallelizing with low-level threads. Firstly, programs in JFlow, an interactive refactoring tool integrated into the written using parallel constructs were more succinct and easier Eclipse IDE. We used JFlow to parallelize seven applications: four to evolve because the library provides useful constructs for from a previously known benchmark and three from a suite of large open source projects. Our evaluation on these applications adding/removing nodes or edges to a computation graph. Sec- demonstrates that JFlow, with some minimal interaction from ondly, in some cases, code parallelized using library constructs the developer, can successfully parallelize applications from the were faster than code parallelized directly with low-level aforementioned domains with good performance (offering up to threads because the library has better support for managing 3.45x on a 4-core machine) and is fast enough to be and coordinating threads through a pool. used interactively as part of a developer’s workflow. To refactor their code to use such constructs, developers face two overwhelming tasks: analysis and transformation of I.INTRODUCTION their sequential code. First, a developer has to partition the The term “flow-based parallelism” is coined after Morri- original sequential code into a computation flow graph with son’s Flow-Based Programming: A New Approach to Appli- nodes and edges. She must scrutinize each node to ensure that cation Development [1]. Flow-based parallelism is a parallel no data races exist. Given a large and unfamiliar code base, that partitions an expensive computa- this is hard even for experts. Second, once she is convinced tion into a directed graph, i.e., a computation flow graph. Each that there are no data races, she still has to meticulously write node in the graph embodies part of the original computation repetitive, boilerplate code to create the nodes and link the and the edges between nodes represent dependencies. Data edges between nodes. Given a large computation graph, there flow between nodes. Nodes perform their computation when all could be many nodes and edges, and manually writing code their data dependencies are available. Parallelism is achieved to describe them is tedious. How can we assist developers in when nodes can operate concurrently. Examples of flow- analyzing and transforming their sequential programs? based parallelism include parallelism, event-based Parallelizing attempt to relieve the burden of coordination and the wavefront pattern [2], [3]. The structure analyzing and transforming the code in an entirely automated of the graph is usually simple, e.g., in the case of pipeline manner, without involving the developer. While appealing, parallelism but could also be more complex, e.g., in the case even the most advanced static analysis in the are of wavefront computations. frequently confounded by common programming idioms that Flow-based parallelism offers many advantages. It is well- abound in typical object-oriented programs, forcing the com- suited for parallelizing emerging applications in the domains piler to be overly pessimistic and precluding many paralleliza- of recognition, mining and synthesis (RMS); image and video tion opportunities. Kim et al. [8] tested two commercial /C++ processing; data warehousing; and automatic financial trading compilers on the OmpSCR benchmarks [9] and found that, (SectionIV). Using flow-based parallelism not only improves at best, the compilers could only automatically parallelize 4 the performance of such applications but also their modular- out of 13 loops although loop parallelism had been studied ity. By partitioning the computation into nodes of a graph since the first parallelizing compilers [10]. They attributed that communicate via explicit parameters, we can reduce the the reasons for failure to pointer based accesses, complex control flow and insufficient cost-benefit analysis. Even state readable source code to describe the computation flow graph. of the art static analysis for object-oriented program [11]– The ideas behind our analyses and transformations are general [13] have trouble reasoning about many best practice idioms. and can be adapted for different languages and frameworks. For instance, in the applications we evaluated, we found that Second, we incorporated our analyses and transformations into the use of static factory methods, logging constructs and, in our interactive tool, JFlow. JFlow works with Java applications general, the use of fairly standard library APIs confuse the and targets the constructs from Groovy’s GPars parallel library. static analysis and force it to be safe but overly conservative. We evaluated JFlow on seven applications from different Common techniques for increasing the precision of static emerging domains. We report the parallel speedups and discuss analysis (at the expense of memory and running time) e.g., the user interactions necessary for each application. increasing k for k-object sensitivity [14] or n for call-string- The source code for JFlow and the applications that we sensitivity [15], do not help. evaluated are available at While it is difficult for static analysis to reason about such idioms, it is easier for a human. Thus, we propose a practical II.MOTIVATING EXAMPLE approach that combines static analysis with human interaction. Consider LIRe (16K SLOC), an open source Java content- Our approach actively engages the developer, i.e., the domain based image retrieval (CBIR) library [17]. LIRe takes a query expert in the parallelization process. We adapt ideas from image, extracts features from it and, based on those features, human automation and divide the tasks between developer retrieves similar images from a database of candidate images. and tool such that each performs what each excels at [16]. Typical features that are extracted using computer vision The developer performs the high-level reasoning task that tools techniques include color histograms, shapes and textures. have problems with — identifying which parts of the original In LIRe, the main bottlenecks to performance are the computation to partition — whereas the tool handles the low- indexing and retrieval stages. This example focuses on the level analysis task that developers find tedious — analyzing if indexing stage. In the indexing stage, a set of images is the partitions have data races and generating the parallel code. analyzed to build the database of candidate images. During This combination is effective. It enables us to parallelize many the analysis, features are extracted from the images and stored more applications than would have been possible through static in the database. Because there isn’t a single feature that works analysis alone. across all images, multiple features are usually extracted and We implemented this interactive approach in our tool, JFlow. stored in the database. The bottleneck in the indexing stage JFlow statically analyzes the code and reports back to the comes from the number of features extracted and the number developer. As a tool, JFlow has high utility and is useful of images that need to be analyzed (typically in the hundreds in many scenarios. When the analyses are successful, the of thousands for a decent size database). tool performs the transformation, generating source code that Figure1 shows the indexing loop for LIRe with four feature targets the constructs of a parallel library. Even when the extractors. Consider a developer who decides to parallelize analyses fail, the tool is useful — it pinpoints and reports the this loop using flow-based parallelism. She decides to partition problems. This allows the developer to either fix the problems each feature extractor into its own node. The flow graph for and retry, or proceed with the transformation directly if she such a partition, i.e., a pipeline, is shown on the right hand side deems the reported problems innocuous (e.g., as determined by of the figure. How could she make use of JFlow to parallelize her suite of test cases). JFlow can even be used exploratorily: her code? Three steps: annotate, extract nodes and invert loop. if the developer wishes to inspect for data races, she could First, she would need to annotate her desired partitioning; use the tool to analyze the code, view the results and forego we use simple comments for now. While there have been prior the transformation step. She could even use JFlow as a code work [18], [19] on using the program dependence graph [20] generator, ignoring all analysis results and merely using it to to perform automatic partition, our own experience shows that generate code that she will later tweak by hand. Our tool it does not work as well for the kinds of modern object- operates at the source code level. Thus, all issues reported oriented programs that we are interested in. Complex heap data can be easily inspected and understood by the developer. Ad- dependencies in the program dependence graph lead to very ditionally, the transformations can be inspected and tweaked fine-grained partitions that have high communication costs by the developer, as desired. when parallelized. We found it more effective to rely on the Our contributions are twofold. First, we introduce our analy- developer to provide a suitable partition as a starting point, as ses and transformations that specifically target flow-based par- done by Thies et al. [21] and Jenista et al. [22]. allelism. In this paper, we target the most common flow-based After annotating her code, the developer invokes JFlow. parallelism, i.e., pipeline parallelism, that we have observed in JFlow currently supports two refactorings. The ideas for both our suite of applications. The heart of our analyses is a novel refactorings, EXTRACT NODE and INVERT LOOP, were con- approach for detecting inter and intra node data-races. Our ap- ceived based on our past experiences parallelizing applications proach combines k-object sensitivity with ownership transfer using parallel library constructs [7]. inference — an approach that works particularly well for flow- The first refactoring that JFlow performs is EXTRACT based parallelism with their regular flows of coarse-grained NODES. This refactoring attempts to create nodes from the data (see Section III). Our transformations generate human- developer’s annotations and links each node with other nodes 1 class Bundle { 2 BufferedImage bufferedImage; 3 Document docColor, docJPEG, docTamura; 4 String imagePath; 5 } 6 7 final DataflowQueue channel0= new DataflowQueue(); 8 final DataflowQueue channel1= new DataflowQueue(); 9 ... 10 for (String imagePath : FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { 11 Bundle b= new Bundle(); 12 b.imagePath= imagePath; 13 channel0.bind(b); 14 ... 15 new DataflowMessagingRunnable() { 16 @Override 17 protected void doRun(Object... args) { 18 Bundle b= ((Bundle)args[0]); 19 BufferedImage bufferedImage= b.bufferedImage; 20 String imagePath= b.imagePath; 21 Document docTamura= b.docTamura; 22 Document docColor= autoColorCorrelogramExtractor.createDocument(docTamura, bufferedImage, imagePath); 23 b.docColor= docColor; 24 channel3.bind(b); 25 } 26 }.call(channel2.getVal()); 27 ... 28 }

Fig. 2. The closure representing Node2 and the channels connecting it.

1 for (String imagePath : FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { 2 3 // Begin Node1 Node1 4 BufferedImage bufferedImage= FileInputStream(imagePath)); 5 Document docJPEG= JPEGExtractor.createDocument(bufferedImage, imagePath); 6 // End Node1 7 8 // Begin Node2 9 Document docTamura= tamuraExtractor.createDocument(docJPEG, bufferedImage, imagePath); Node2 10 // End Node2 11 12 // Begin Node3 13 Document docColor= autoColorCorrelogramExtractor.createDocument(docTamura, bufferedImage, imagePath); 14 // End Node3 Node3 15 16 // Begin Node4 17 Document docFCTH= FCTHExtractor.createDocument(docColor, bufferedImage, imagePath); 18 indexWriter.addDocument(docFCTH); 19 // End Node4 Node4 20 }

Fig. 3. Inverting the loop so that each node can operate in parallel. Fig. 1. The indexing loop for LIRe with the different nodes annotated.

VII. CONCLUSION [5] Intel Corporation, “Intel Threading Building Blocks,” http://www. through their data dependencies. In its analysis step, it stati- simple as desired. For instance,. perhaps she would like cally checks for inter-nodeACKNOWLEDGMENT data races (i.e., data races between to make[6] use“TPL of otherDataflow,” refactorings such as RENAME VARIABLE . nodes)The and warns authors the would developer like of to any. thank In its Stas transformation Negara, Mohsento rename[7] E. the Reed, generic N. Chen, channels and R. Johnson, names from“Expressingchannel0 Pipeline Parallelismto step, it creates the nodes and the edges between them using somethingUsing more TBB intention-revealing. Constructs: A Case Study on What Works and What Vakilian, Gopal Santhanaraman and Fredrik Kjolstad for their Doesn’t,” in Workshop on Transitioning to Multicore, 2011. the underlyingthoughtful library comments constructs. and feedback on the ideas and the imple-The[8] M. second Kim, H. refactoring Kim, and C.-K. that Luk, “Prospector: JFlow A supports Dynamic Data- Thementation. underlying Nicholas construct Chen to represent was supported a node by is US a closure Department. is INVERTDependenceLOOP Profiler.INVERT To HelpL ParallelOOP Programming,”locates all in 2nd the USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Parallelism (HotPar; 10), 2010. [Online]. Theof body Energy of the Grant closure No. DOE contains DE-FG02-06ER25752 the annotated statements and the RayDataflowMessagingRunnable objects in the loop Available:⇠minjang/hotpar10.pdf for eachOzzie node. Fellowship. Closures as a built-in language construct are and moves[9] A. them J. Dorta, into C. a Rodriguez, computation F. d. flowSande, graph. and A. Intuitively, Gonzalez-Escribano, supported in C++11 and C#. In the current version of Java, it inverts“The the OpenMP nodes in Source the Code loop Repository,” into a new in Proceedings construct, of a the 13th closures are expressed usingR anonymousEFERENCES inner classes. The FlowGraphEuromicroobject, Conference allowing on the Parallel, nodes Distributed to run in and parallel. Network-Based Processing. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2005, underlying[1] J. P. construct Morrison, toFlow-Based represent Programming: an edge isA New a channel Approach.A to Appli-Internally,pp. a 244–250.FlowGraph [Online].object Available: maintains its own thread channel iscation a strongly-typed Development, 2nd queue ed. CreateSpace, data structure. 2010. All three pool and coordinates1042445.1043616 the execution of node. parallel[2] libraries,T. G. Mattson, i.e., B. GPars, A. Sanders, TBB and and B. L. TPL Massingill, Dataflow,Patterns follow for ParallelFigure[10]3 M.shows Wolfe, theHigh codePerformance after the I NVERT CompilersLOOP forrefactoring. . Programming. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2004. Addison-Wesley, 1996. this same[3] E.-G. scheme Kim andof using M. Snir, closures “Resources and on channels. Parallel Patterns,” Thus,http://www. our Line[11] 1 createsM. Sridharan, a new S.FlowGraph Chandra, J. Dolby,object, S.fGraph J. Fink,. and Lines E. Yahav, is very applicable to all, three 2011. and we can easily target 3 – 14 registerAlias Analysis the DataflowMessagingRunnable for Object-Oriented Programs. Springerfor Berlin the constructs[4] “GPars in (Groovy each of Parallel them. Systems),” Node2 withHeidelberg, the FlowGraph 2013, vol.object. 7850, pp. 196–232. [Online]. Available: Figure2 shows the generated code for Node2 after the For each node, JFlow checks if it is possible to run the EXTRACT NODES refactoring. Node2 is expressed as a node in a data parallel manner without any intra-node data DataflowMessagingRunnable anonymous inner class races (i.e., data races within nodes). If so, it informs the (lines 15 – 26). It consumes values from channel2 (line 26) user of this possibility. The user then needs to decide if and produces values into channel3 (line 24). The values this is suitable for her particular application. Operating in in channel2 are provided by Node1. The channels are a data parallel manner improves throughput but does not expressed as a DataflowQueue. Typically, each data depen- preserve the ordering of processed items. For instance, in dency is communicated via one dedicated channel. However, the LIRe example, the images will arrive out-of-order if they this leads to a proliferation of channels — making the code are processed in a data parallel manner.1 Allowing this is a hard to read — and also comes with an associated performance decision that the developer needs to make. It is impossible cost — additional bookkeeping for each channel. We address to statically infer this from the sequential code alone. The both these issues by bundling data dependencies together when sequential code is over-constrained and always imposes an possible (lines 1 – 5). ordering even when one is not necessary [23]. If we strictly Observe that there is a non-trivial amount of boilerplate code enforce the sequential ordering, we miss many parallelization that needs to be written. Imagine how tedious it would be for a opportunities. developer to do this by hand. While some amount of verbosity In the LIRe example, JFlow informs the user that Node1, stems from the lack of a direct syntax for closures in Java, Node2 and Node3 can operate in a data parallel manner. the rest are actually required as part of using the underlying parallel library. Note that the generated code is not parallel yet. 1TBB supports in-order processing by tagging items. Each item is tagged with its arrival order. The receiving node keeps track of the order and buffers EXTRACT NODES is an intermediate refactoring step. We offer items until it receives an item with the right order. This is convenient but the developer the opportunity to explore the code and make incurs some overhead. 1 class Bundle { 2 BufferedImage bufferedImage; 1 class Bundle { 3 Document docColor, docJPEG, docTamura; 2 BufferedImage bufferedImage; 43 DocumentString imagePath; docColor, docJPEG, docTamura; 54 } String imagePath; 65 } Node2 76 final DataflowQueue channel0= new DataflowQueue(); Node2Node2 87 final DataflowQueueDataflowQueue channel0= channel1=newnewDataflowQueue();DataflowQueue(); 98 DataflowQueue channel1= new DataflowQueue(); 109 for... (String imagePath : FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { 1110 for (StringBundle b= imagePathnew Bundle(); : FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { 1211 Bundleb.imagePath= b= new Bundle(); imagePath; 12 b.imagePath= imagePath; 13 channel0.bind(b); Node2Node2Node2 13 channel0.bind(b); 14 ... 14 ... 15 new DataflowMessagingRunnable() { 15 new DataflowMessagingRunnable() { 16 @Override 16 @Override 17 protected void doRun(Object... args) { 17 protected void doRun(Object... args) { 18 Bundle b= ((Bundle)args[0]); 18 Bundle b= ((Bundle)args[0]); Node2 19 Node2Node2 19 BufferedImageBufferedImage bufferedImage= bufferedImage= b.bufferedImage; b.bufferedImage; 2020 StringString imagePath= imagePath= b.imagePath; b.imagePath; 2121 DocumentDocument docTamura= docTamura= b.docTamura; b.docTamura; 2222 DocumentDocument docColor= docColor= autoColorCorrelogramExtractor.createDocument(docTamura, autoColorCorrelogramExtractor.createDocument(docTamura, bufferedImage, bufferedImage, imagePath); imagePath); 2323 b.docColor=b.docColor= docColor; docColor; 2424 channel3.bind(b);channel3.bind(b); 2525 }} 2626 }.call(channel2.getVal()); 2727 ... 2828 }

Fig. 4. 4. Inverting Inverting the the loop loop so so that that each eachFig. node node 2. can The can operate closureoperate in parallel. inrepresenting parallel. Additionally, Additionally,Node2Node1andNode1 the, Node2 channels, Node2and Node3 connectingand Node3can operate it.can operate in a data in parallel a data manner. parallel manner.

1 FlowGraph fGraph= new FlowGraph(); 1 2 FlowGraph... fGraph= new FlowGraph(); 23 ...fGraph.operator(Arrays.asList(channel1), Arrays.asList(channel2), 4, new DataflowMessagingRunnable() { 3 fGraph.operator(Arrays.asList(channel1), Arrays.asList(channel2), 4, new DataflowMessagingRunnable() { 4 @Override Node2 45 protected@Override void doRun(Object... args) { Node1Node2Node2 56 protectedBundle voidb= ((Bundle)args[0]);doRun(Object... args) { 67 BufferedImageBundle b= ((Bundle)args[0]); bufferedImage= b.bufferedImage; 78 DocumentBufferedImage docJPEG= bufferedImage= b.docJPEG; b.bufferedImage; 89 StringDocument imagePath= docJPEG= b.imagePath; b.docJPEG; 109 DocumentString imagePath= docTamura= b.imagePath; tamuraExtractor.createDocument(docJPEG, bufferedImage, imagePath); 11 b.docTamura= docTamura; 10 Document docTamura= tamuraExtractor.createDocument(docJPEG, bufferedImage, imagePath); Node2Node2Node2Node2 1112 bindOutput(b);b.docTamura= docTamura; 13 } 12 bindOutput(b); 14 }); 13 } 15 ... 14 }); 16 for (String imagePath : FileUtils.getAllImages(new File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { 15 ... 17 Bundle b= new Bundle(); Node2 16 (String imagePath : FileUtils.getAllImages( File(IMAGES_DIRECTORY))) { Node3Node2Node2 18 for b.imagePath= imagePath; new 1719 channel0.bind(b);Bundle b= new Bundle(); 1820 } b.imagePath= imagePath; 1921 fGraph.waitForAll();channel0.bind(b);// Wait for all computation in the FlowGraph to complete and then continue execution 20 } 21 fGraph.waitForAll(); // Wait for all computation in the FlowGraph to complete and then continue execution Fig. 5. Inverting the loop so that each node can operate in parallel. Additionally, Node1, Node2 and Node3 can operate in a data parallel manner. Node4

Fig. 5. Inverting the loop so that each node can operate in parallel. Additionally, Node1, Node2 and Node3 can operate in a data parallel manner.

Images Annotate Report Fig. 3. Inverting the loop so that each node can operate in parallel. Additionally,nodes Node1, Node2 and Node3 can operate in a datawarnings parallel manner. ImagesIMG Annotate Compute Report nodesCheck control Compute Check node warnings Color data JPEG Tamura FCTH Database dependencies heap mod/ref interference IMGIMG Correlogram dependencies Compute She decides that it is permissible for items to be processed analyzingCheck Java control source code. BothComputerefactorings Check node are integrated Color Perform JPEG Tamura FCTHColor Database data IMG JPEG CorrelogramTamura FCTH Database dependencies heap mod/ref interference out-of-order.IMG The third parameterCorrelogram to operator on line 3, into the Eclipse IDE.dependencies Transformation Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 Color Perform represents theJPEG degreeTamura of parallelism toFCTH use.Database By default, JFlow IMG Correlogram Fig. 7. Overview of the analysis workflow for the EXTRACT NODESTransformation refactoring. uses the numberFig. 6. of The cores LIRe onpipeline the executing machine. through The time. user can tuneTime t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 A. Extract Nodes this by hand using an external profiler, or an auto-tuning Fig. 7. Overview of the analysis workflow for the EXTRACT NODES refactoring. technique [24Fig.]. 6. The LIRe pipeline executing through time. expensiveThe stages analysis or to for abort the theEXTRACT analysis.NODES refactoring checks if Theusing original a different loop color serves to represent as a generator which imagethat each will node provide is Thethe developer annotated annotates nodes can the original be safely program partitioned and partitions into a pipeline, theoperating initial data on at to eachNode1 time. instance. In the figure, the for loop willthei.e., statements no abnormal into nodes, controlN. Each flow, node, no loop-carriedn N contains dependencies a expensive stages or to abort the analysis.2 generateusingFigure athe different7imagePathpresents color an to overviewvariable represent of that which the analysis. is image used We eachin the detail node first isnon-emptyandThe no setdeveloper inter-node of statements, annotates dataS races.. the original Figure4 program presents and an partitions overview andoperatingeach subsequent stage on below. nodes. at each Earlier After time stages instance. the areFlowGraph less expensiveobject to run; finishes we 1)ofthe Check the statements analysis. Control into Dependencies:We nodes, detail eachN.Nodes Each stage node, in below. a pipelinen EarlierN cancontains stages a are 2 its execution,useFigure their results7 itpresents resumes to determine an serial overview if execution we need of theto with run analysis. the the later, rest We more of detail thehavelessnon-empty both expensive control set andof tostatements,data run; dependencies. we useS. their We results handle to controldetermine if we codeeach (Line stage 21). below. Earlier stages are less expensive to run; we need1) to Check run Controlthe later, Dependencies: more expensiveNodes stages in a or pipeline to abort can the use their results to determine if we need to run the later, more analysis.have both control and data dependencies. We handle control III.ANALYSES AND TRANSFORMATIONS The developer annotates the original program and partitions This section details the analyses we perform to determine if the statements in the original loop into N nodes. The origi- the EXTRACT NODES and INVERT LOOP refactorings can be nal loop iterates over all the elements to be processed and performed safely. The analyses use the WALA [25] library for generates the data for the first node in the pipeline. Annotate Report Stmt Node1 1 D = Stmt1,var1, Stmt2 , Stmt2,var2, Stmt3 , Stmt3,var3, Stmt4 nodes warnings h i h i h i var1 IN(Node )= Stmt ,var , Stmt 2 h 1 1 2i OUT(Node )= Stmt ,var , Stmt Compute Check inter- Stmt 2 h 3 3 4i Check control Compute side 2 data node data ContainingNode(Stmt1)=Node1 dependencies effects Node var2 dependencies races 2 ContainingNode(Stmt2)=Node2 Stmt3 ContainingNode(Stmt3)=Node2 Perform ContainingNode(Stmt4)=Node3 var Transformation 3 Node3 Stmt4 Fig. 4. Overview of the analysis workflow for the EXTRACT NODES refactoring. Fig. 5. Keeping track of dependencies between nodes.

1) Check Control Dependencies: Nodes in a pipeline can e.g., loop variables and instance fields. Using the functions have both control and data dependencies. We handle control IN(n), OUT (n) and ContainingNode(s), we determine dependencies implicitly by constraining each node to have a how to route variables between nodes. Figure5 illustrates these single exit. The first stage of our analysis builds a control flow functions for a simple example. graph for the program and checks that each node obeys this In the LIRe example, one of the elements of IN(Node2) is single exit constraint. One consequence of this is that a node S#5, docJPEG,S#9 , where S#X represents the statement h i should not throw an exception that it does not catch. If a node at line X in Figure1. ContainingNode(S#5) = Node1 so violates this constraint, we inform the developer and abort the we know that docJPEG comes from Node1. rest of the analysis. If we discover a loop-carried dependency during the pro- 2) Compute Data Dependencies: The second stage of the cess of building the data dependence graph, we inform the analysis computes the data dependencies between nodes and developer and abort the rest of the analysis. A loop-carried determines how to route the values of variables between nodes. dependency essentially serializes the execution since it needs For instance, in Figure1, Node2 consumes the values of vari- to wait for the previous iteration to complete before continu- ables docJPEG, bufferedImage and imagePath from ing. Node1; in turn, it produces the value of variable docTamura 3) Compute side effects: This stage of the analysis com- for Node3. putes the possible side effects to the heap for each statement. To compute the data dependencies between nodes, we first The results of this stage are used in the final stage of our build a data dependence graph for the method that contains analysis to determine if two nodes might have a data race. We 2 the annotated nodes. Let V be the set of variables and S be distinguish read and write effects to objects on the heap.There the set of statements in the program. A data dependence graph is a data race between two nodes if their contained statements contains vertices that represent program statements and edges may access the same object and at least one of those accesses that represent data dependencies between statements. A data is a write. dependence exists between statements s1, s2 S if s1 defines ∈ Computing the side effects requires both call-graph and a variable v V and s2 uses v, and there is no intervening ∈ pointer analysis. Call-graph analysis attempts to approximate definition of v along the execution path from s1 to s2. Let all the calling relations between methods in a program. Pointer data dependencies in the program be represented as tuples of analysis is a compile-time analysis that attempts to determine the form s1, v, s2 D S V S, where s1 defines the h i ∈ ⊆ × × the set of objects pointed to by a reference variable of a variable v that s2 uses. reference object field. The results of both analyses allow us to Each node, n N has a set of input and output data ∈ track read and write accesses to the heap across method calls. dependencies. Denote the statements in node n by the set Call-graph and pointer analysis are highly interdependent; we Sn. Define the set of input dependencies for a node as rely on WALA’s on-the-fly call-graph construction that builds IN(n) = s1, v, s2 D s1 / Sn s2 Sn . Intuitively, {h i ∈ | ∈ ∧ ∈ } the call-graph and performs pointer analysis simultaneously, IN(n) denote the data dependencies coming into the current yielding better precision [26]. node from outside, which is why we ignore statements internal Our call-graph analysis employs k-object sensitivity, a no- to a node (the s1 / Sn clause). Similarly, define the set ∈ tion of context sensitivity proposed by Milanova et al. [14] and of output dependencies as OUT (n) = s1, v, s2 D {h i ∈ | recently shown by Naik et al. [12] to be effective for detecting s1 Sn s2 / Sn . Intuitively, OUT (n) denote the data ∈ ∧ ∈ } data races in object-oriented programs. Object-sensitivity uses dependencies going out of the current node, again ignoring the receiver object at an instance method invocation (the statements internal to a node. implicit this parameter for object-oriented programs), to Finally, define the function ContainingNode : S N → ∪ distinguish different calling contexts. Static methods that lack generator that maps statements to nodes. Recall that the { } a receiver object have an empty context . K-object sensitivity original loop serves as a generator that provides the necessary keeps track of a sequence of, at most, k, object allocation sites initialization data that are not produced by any of the nodes, representing the receiver object, i.e., objects are named by the sequence o1, o2, . . . , ok. In general, the larger the value of k, 2We leverage WALA’s use of static single assignment (SSA) form as its intermediate representation. SSA offers the same information as a data the more precise the results, albeit at the expense of . dependence graph but in a more compact representation. We use k = 2 in our analysis. Our pointer analysis is a context sensitive, flow insensitive, Input: callgraph, currentContext, statementsInNode field sensitive and subset-based analysis [11]. Abstract objects Output: nodeRef, nodeMod are distinguished based on their allocation sites in a particular 1: nodeRef ← ∅ context, i.e., k-object sensitivity, in our case. This allows us 2: nodeMod ← ∅ to treat context and objects uniformly, as done in Naik et 3: for all Statement s : statementsInNode do al. [12]. This uniformity plays a key role in the final stage 4: if isHeapAccessingStmt(s) then of our analysis. 5: nodeRef = StatementRef(s, currentContext) ∪ Our side effects analysis is based on an existing interpro- 6: nodeMod = StatementMod(s, currentContext) ∪ cedural mod-ref analysis [27]. We compute the effects on 7: else if isMethodInvocationStmt(s) then instance fields, static fields and array elements. We use the 8: methods possibleInvocations(callgraph, s, current- ← result from our pointer analysis to determine what objects Context) they can point to. For arrays, our analysis is index-insensitive, 9: for all c, m : methods do h i i.e., it does not distinguish between individual elements of 10: nodeRef = MethodRef(c,m) ∪ the array. More precisely, we keep track of the effects of the 11: nodeMod = MethodMod(c,m) ∪ following heap-accessing statements, where x, y and i are 12: end for local variables: 13: else 14: Statement has no effect on heap • Instance Fields y = x.f (resp. x.f = y) that read (resp. { } write) instance field f of the set of objects that x can 15: end if point to. 16: end for • Static Field y = C.s (resp. C.s = y) that read (resp. Fig. 6. Algorithm to compute the side effects for each node. write) to the static field s of class C. • Arrays y = x[i] (resp. x[i] = y) that read (resp. write) Input: nodeRefn , nodeModn , nodeModn an element of the set of arrays that x can point to. i i j 1: conflictingHeapObjects (nodeRefni nodeModni ) Define StatementRef(s, c) (resp. StatementMod(s, c)) ← ∪ ∩ nodeModnj as the set of heap objects that statement s in context 2: for all Object o : conflictingHeapObjects do c of the enclosing method can read (resp. write). Define 3: if isStaticField(o) then MethodRef(c, m) (resp. MethodMod(c, m)) as the set of 4: warningMessageForStaticField(o, ni, nj) heap objects that can be read (resp. written) in context c 5: else if isInstanceField(o) then of method m. Intuitively, MethodRef and MethodMod 6: warningMessageForInstanceField(o, ni, nj) summarize all the heap accesses for a particular method, 7: else including its callees (as determined by the call-graph analysis) 8: warningMessageForArray(o, ni, nj) transitively. Figure6 shows the algorithm for computing the 9: end if side effects for each node in our pipeline. On line 8, we consult 10: end for the call-graph to determine the possible target methods for the invocation statement in the current context. We apply the Fig. 7. Basic algorithm to compute the possible data races between pairs of algorithm to each node in our pipeline and collect its read nodes. effects in nodeRef and write effects in nodeMod. For brevity, Images we write Set1 Set1 Set2 as Set1 = Set2. ← ∪ ∪ IMG B. Check Inter-node Data Races Color JPEG Tamura FCTH Database The final stage of the analysis makes use of information IMG Correlogram

Color JPEG Tamura FCTH Database from the previous stages to check for data race between nodes. IMG Correlogram

Our analysis checks for data races between pairs of nodes. Time t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 Considering pairs of nodes at a time simplifies the analysis and also makes it easier to pinpoint and report the possible Fig. 8. The LIRe pipeline executing through time. data races to the developer in an understandable way. Let (ni, nj) ni, nj N i = j represent pairs of nodes { | ∈ ∧ 6 } in the pipeline. From the previous stage of the analysis, we While the basic algorithm shown in Figure7 works (it is computed both nodeRef and nodeMod for each node. Figure7 sound), it is too conservative. For instance, in Figure1, it will presents our algorithm for computing possible data races. warn that the object pointed to by the variable docJPEG could Because ni and nj can operate in parallel, there is a possible be involved in a data race since it is being accessed (and at data race if ni reads from or writes to a memory location least one access is a write) in both Node1 and Node2. The that n2 also writes to. Line 1 of Figure7 computes the set basic algorithm fails to take advantage of a useful property of of objects that could have a data race. The algorithm then flow-based parallelism: ownership transfer. examines each object and prints specialize warning messages Figure8 shows the pipeline execution of LIRe. At each time based on the type of the object and the pairs of nodes involved. slice, t, at most n nodes can execute in parallel, where n is the number of annotated nodes in the pipeline. Each node operates Input: dataDependenceAnalysis, pointerAnalysis, o, ni, nj on a different image. We illustrate this by using a different Output: true if the object o is transferred, false otherwise color to represent which image each node is operating on at 1: var s1, v, s2 ContainingNode(s1) = ni ← {h i | ∧ each time slice. A common pattern we have observed is that ContainingNode(s2) = nj } each stage receives an object, operates on it, generates new 2: objects pointsT o(v) , v, var ← { | h i ∈ } objects and passes them on to the next stage. This is a form 3: root r r objects isOwner(r, ni) ← { | ∈ ∧ } of ownership transfer [28]. A node transfers ownership of the 4: o1, o2, . . . , ok = label(o) object it was operating on to the next node in the pipeline. 5: return true if r root that is part of the label(o) ∃ ∈

Fig. 10. Procedure isTransferred(o, ni, nj ) Input: nodeRefni , nodeModni , nodeModnj

1: conflictingHeapObjects (nodeRefni nodeModni ) nodeMod ← ∪ ∩ Report nj warnings 2: for all Object o : conflictingHeapObjects do Compute Check intra- 3: if isStaticField(o) then Compute side data node data 4: n n effects warningMessageForStaticField(o, i, j) dependencies races 5: else if isTransferred(o, ni, nj) then 6: No data race since object ownership is transferred Perform { } Transformation 7: else if isInstanceField(o) then 8: warningMessageForInstanceField(o, ni, nj) Fig. 11. Overview of the analysis workflow for the INVERT LOOP refactoring. 9: else 10: warningMessageForArray(o, ni, nj) 11: end if cation that she wishes to parallelize. If her application already 12: end for incorporates some form of parallelism (through threads), then we would need to also perform a thread escape analysis to Fig. 9. Algorithm that incorporates ownership transfer to compute the possible ensure that the objects in one node are not leaked to other data races between pairs of nodes. threads. Figure9 shows the new algorithm that incorporates own- If these four analyses succeed, then then EXTRACT NODES ership transfer. The main changes are on lines 5 – 6. Notice goes ahead and performs the transformations shown in Sec- that ownership transfer only affects non-static objects. Static tionII. If not, it presents the warnings to the developer. The objects are essentially global variables and we cannot transfer developer can then review the warnings and act accordingly. their ownership since all nodes operate on the same static object. On the other hand, it is possible to transfer ownership C. Invert Loop of instance objects and arrays. The analysis for the INVERT LOOP refactoring checks if any To determine if an object can be transferred between nodes, of the extracted nodes from the EXTRACT NODE refactoring we use the results of the data dependence and pointer analysis can be run in a data parallel manner. While the analysis from previous stages. To be able to transfer an object, a node for EXTRACT NODES checks for inter-node parallelism, this must first own it. There are two ways that a node becomes the analysis checks for intra-node parallelism. Figure 11 presents owner. First, a previous node could have transferred ownership an overview of the analysis. The first and second stages follow to it. Second, and the most common case, is that the node the same principles as the previous analysis; we discuss only created the object. For instance, from Section III-A2, we the third stage — computing possible data races. computed that the variable docJPEG is passed from Node1 to Node2. The object pointed to by docJPEG was indeed Input: nodeModn created in Node2. Thus, it can transfer the ownership to 1: for all Object o : nodeModn do Node3. Using this object as the root, we then calculate all 2: if isStaticField(o) then other objects that could also be transferred. Figure 10 shows 3: warningMessageForStaticField(o, n) the procedure isT ransferred, which determines if object o 4: else if isOwner(o, n) isTransferred(o, n, predeces- ∨ is transferred from node ni to node nj. sor(n)) then The key idea of isT ransferred is to take advantage of 5: No data race on this object { } the way that objects are labeled using a k-object sensitive 6: else if isInstanceField(o) then pointer analysis. Objects are labeled through a sequence of 7: warningMessageForInstanceField(o, n) their allocation sites, i.e., o1, o2, . . . , ok. We can use this label 8: else to determine if an object is rooted at one of the objects that 9: warningMessageForArray(o, n) was transferred. If so, then by transitivity, it is also transferred. 10: end if We make use of this fact on line 5 of Figure 10. 11: end for An important assumption of our algorithm is that the developer starts with a purely sequential version of the appli- Fig. 12. Algorithm to determine if a node can run in a data-parallel manner. Figure 12 shows the algorithm for computing possible data array accesses because our analysis is index-insensitive for races when a node is run in a data-parallel manner. It checks all array accesses. For Monte Carlo, it reported spurious data possible write effects to the heap from the selected node. Any races on two statements that access the file system. Java’s File write access to a static field will cause a data race when the API is very complex and uses a lot of programming idioms (in node operates in parallel. However, write accesses to instance particular, the Decorator design pattern for wrapping different fields and arrays are safe as long as the node only writes to input streams) that confuses static analysis. OoOJava does not heap locations that it owns or has been transferred to it from use Java’s File API; it translates Java into C and, thus, is spared a predecessor node. Intuitively, a node can run in parallel if it from the complexity of analyzing Java’s API. Finally, for operates only on fresh objects. RayTracer, we reported spurious data races stemming from one If the analyses for INVERT LOOP succeeds, JFlow informs statement. This single statement made use of multiple objects the developer of the possibility of running a node in a data- allocated using static factory methods. Recall that for our k- parallel manner. Recall that running a node in this manner object sensitive analysis, static methods are all lumped under causes its processed objects to arrive out-of-order to the next one context, , which reduces the precision of the analysis. node. Thus, the developer needs to use her domain knowledge However, because all the spurious data races only involved a to decide if this is permissible for her application. single statement and were of a particular type of problem, it was easy for a developer to inspect these by hand and proceed IV. EVALUATION with the transformation. We have implemented JFlow and evaluated it on a 2.33 GHz The next three applications are what we term real ap- 4-core Core 2 Quad processor with 4 GB of memory. When plications; they are about an order of magnitude larger in invoked interactively as an Eclipse plug-in, JFlow takes less terms of lines of code. We chose these applications because than 30 seconds to perform the analysis and transformations. they are similar to the applications parallelized using pipeline We think this is reasonable for an interactive tool. The bulk of parallelism from the PARSEC benchmark (written in C++ this time was spent in initializing the call graph and pointer instead of Java) [29]. PARSEC comprises a representative set analysis. of emerging applications and we are interested to see how well After performing the transformations, we used Oracle’s Java JFlow can handle them. We used the parallel versions of the HotSpot 64-Bit Server JVM to measure the execution times. PARSEC benchmarks to guide our partitioning annotations. We set the min and heap space for the JVM to 512M. Duke is a data-deduplication engine. Our benchmark pro- We average the running times over 6 runs. The source code cessed a 700MB file looking for pairs of duplicates and links for both the serial and parallel versions of the benchmarks are them together. Duke has a parallel version with threads. We available at followed the same parallelization scheme and achieve similar TableI shows the results. The ∆ SLOC Parallel column speedups as its threaded version, i.e., 1.49x. This shows that gives an estimate of the transformation effort required to use JFlow is able to handle how a developer might parallelize it by GPars parallel library constructs. The actual parallelization hand. In fact, it detected two data races that was present in the effort, if done manually, is much higher since the developer original parallelization by the author (writes to two separate has to also spend time analyzing and scrutinizing the code for counters without proper synchronization). The speedup is low data races. The performance numbers show that applications because Duke is primarily I/O bound rather than CPU bound. parallelize using flow-based parallelism through the constructs Jbzip2 is a bzip2 compression/decompression library. Our of a parallel library can perform reasonably well. We now benchmark decompressed and compressed 1000 files; this discuss the necessary inspections and changes (if any) involved represents a typical workflow where one would decompress with parallelizing these applications using JFlow. a file to manipulate it and then compress it again. As with The first four benchmarks are taken directly from OoO- MolDyn, the main challenge here was the spurious data races Java [22], which is most similar to our work. OoOJava reported from statements that used Java’s File API. However, solves the complexity of parallelizing modern object-oriented we could isolate these data races to particular statements that applications through a combined static and dynamic approach used the File API and it was easy for a developer to manually with a custom runtime (see SectionV). JFlow, on the other inspect by hand and proceed. Below are two lines (out of six) hand, solves the problem by involving developer in the that were involved in compressing the contents of a file. The parallelization process. The partitioning annotations for each main source of confusion in static analysis was the wrapping program follow the task annotations from OoOJava. We use of each (a key characteristic of the Decorator design these benchmarks to validate the effectiveness of our approach pattern). While it is hard for static analysis, any developer can in analyzing and transforming sequential code to parallel code. quickly inspect these lines and conclude that the streams all Note that we do not directly compare execution times as the operate on different files and, thus, cannot have a data race. runtime of OoOJava is sufficiently different from the approach 1 OutputStream compressedStream= new BufferedOutputStream( that we are taking. 2 new FileOutputStream(tempFile)); After the initial annotation for the nodes, JFlow was able to 3 BZip2OutputStream bzip2OStream= new BZip2OutputStream( 4 compressedStream); parallelize KMeans successfully without any user intervention. For MolDyn, it reported one spurious data race that involved SectionII described LIRe in detail. Here we focus on TABLE I SPEEDUPSONBENCHMARKS

Application Domain SLOC Sequential ∆ SLOC Parallel Sequential (ms) Parallel (ms) Speedup KMeans Mining & Synthesis 504 +73 12980 4356 2.98x Monte Carlo Financial Trading 991 +45 14906 5294 2.82x MolDyn Molecular Dynamics 653 +56 23694 7029 3.37x RayTracer Image processing 828 +55 17704 5127 3.45x Duke Data warehousing 11464 +55 9502 6384 1.49x Jbzip2 Data warehousing 3238 +38 17785 7011 2.54x LIRe Image processing 15476 +76 49226 15446 3.19x the challenges to parallelization. The original version of TableII summarizes the inspections and changes necessary LIRe used reflection to instantiate its classes based on class from the developer. We believe that the effort required from the names. For instance, to instantiate some of its feature extrac- developer is minimal. If a developer were to do this entirely tors, it used the Class.forName(x).newInstance() manually, it would have required more effort to analyze and construct. This form of dynamic class creation, which is transform. The feedback from JFlow pinpoints the potential common in dependency-injection frameworks, poses great problems and guides her parallelization efforts. We sampled difficulties for static analysis [11], [30]. We manually trans- seven applications from different domains and we believe that formed the code so that it instantiates the class directly the inspections and changes required are typical of modern via a new statement to the specific class. Like most mod- applications. A common pattern we observed is that most ern applications, LIRe makes use of the highly reflective of the applications manipulate data through File APIs; future java.util.logging API for error reporting. Specifically work could focus on providing more precise analysis for such it used the log4j API; we treated such calls as being thread operations. safe and ignored data races through those calls. Both Duke and LIRe use the Lucene search engine library V. RELATED WORK for its indexing and querying. By default, JFlow does not The ideas behind flow-based parallelism are not new. The analyze the source code for external libraries such as Lucene. earliest influences come from the dataflow programming com- We justify this decision in favor of scalability and under- munity. Johnston et al. provide a detailed history of the standability. First, external libraries are huge; moreover, many evolution of the hardware and software for dataflow pro- projects make use of more than one external library. Analyzing gramming in [31]. Similar to flow-based programming, a these libraries will increase the analysis time significantly. program in the dataflow execution model is represented by Second, even if we do analyze external libraries, data races a directed graph; the nodes of the graph represent operations reported that involve the internal structure will be hard to and the edges between nodes represent data dependencies [32]. understand by a developer who is merely using it as a black- Dataflow programming typically relies on dedicated dataflow box library. Her efforts would be better rewarded from reading languages. Lucid [33] and Id [34] are examples of early the APIs and documentation for those external libraries with dataflow languages while LabView [35] and [36] are regards to their thread safety. When we ignore calls to external examples of current dataflow languages that are in use. Most libraries, we issue a warning to the developer so that she knows dataflow languages tend to be restrictive, favoring functional that some of the information might be missing. If she chooses, styles without side effects [37]. These restrictions allow for she can instruct JFlow to analyze these libraries, albeit at the easier reasoning of the system but also require that existing expense of time and memory. programs be rewritten to conform to those restrictions. Our approach with JFlow does not mandate a functional style of programming. Our approach is more practical and allows TABLE II existing programs with side-effects to take advantage of flow- INSPECTIONSANDCHANGESNEEDEDFROMTHEDEVELOPER based parallelism as long as the side-effects are well isolated. Application Inspections & changes Morrison’s original work on flow-based applications fo- Kmeans None cused mostly on the architecture and design of systems using Monte Carlo Inspect two statements using File API flow-based programming, i.e., decomposing a system into MolDyn Inspect one statement accessing arrays black boxes that communicate via message passing [1]. While RayTracer Inspect one statement using objects created through static factory methods he did acknowledge that flow-based programming lends itself well to parallelism, his implementation [38] focused mostly on Duke Inspect two statements accessing Lucene API Jbzip2 Inspect six statements using File API modularity and not on parallel performance. This differs from Convert reflective construction to use new streaming languages such as Brook [39], StreamIt [40] and Lire Ignore data races from logging constructs StreamC/KernelC [41], where performance was the primary Inspect four statements accessing Lucene API focus. By building upon well-designed parallel libraries, our work attempts to bring both performance and modularity to a refine the outcomes of the analyses. parallelized application. More recently, Dig et al. demonstrated that a transformation- To infer the side effects of statements, we relied on a mod- based approach for introducing concurrency and parallelism ref analysis. An alternative approach is to rely on types and into sequential code via library constructs is practical. Their effects systems [42]–[44]. While types and effects systems initial work focused on providing support for three kinds can be more precise, an inherent difficulty is that they require of transformations: (i) convert int to AtomicInteger, extensive annotations from the developer. Work has been done (ii) convert HashMap to ConcurrentHashMap and (iii) to alleviate this by inferring some of these annotations [45]– convert recursion to ForkJoinTask [54]. Dig et al. then [47]. Another limitation of such type systems is that they created RELOOPER, a tool for for converting array operations usually require custom language syntax. This makes them to use through the new ParallelArray challenging to adopt into existing programs written in legacy construct in Java [55]. Kjolstad et al. continued work in this programming languages. In this regard, approaches based on area by introducing transformations to convert mutable classes pluggable type systems are attractive because they allow a type into immutable classes, i.e., value objects [56]. system to be seamlessly added to an existing [48]. VI.CONCLUSIONSAND FUTURE WORK We rely on static analysis to determine if an application can Modern applications are complex. They tend to use many be parallelized safely. As demonstrated in SectionIV, static different programming idioms and many library APIs. Relying analysis tends to be conservative. Realizing the limitations of solely on fully automated parallelizing compilers is likely to static analysis, some researchers have proposed a dynamic ap- fail and unsatisfactory results. On the other hand, the proach to program analysis through profiling at runtime. These interactive approach taken by JFlow is both effective and approaches rely on the developer to provide a representative practical. By leveraging a fast analysis, it tightens the feedback test program for the data dependence analyses to work. A loop, allowing developers to invoke the tool, act on the faulty test program could easily jeopardize the entire analysis feedback and repeat the process until they have successfully and transformation process. parallelized their application. While static analysis is con- Though unsound, dynamic approaches can be quite ef- stantly improving to account for more programming idioms, fective. Thies et al. [21] first proposed an annotation-based it can never handle all of them — nor should it. Incorporating method for automatically detecting and parallelizing pipeline the developer as part of a tool’s workflow complements static parallelism in C programs. Rul et al. [49] and Tournavitis analysis and is a practical approach that yields great benefits. et al. [50] improved on their work and automatically detect This paper adopts the interactive approach for refactoring and parallelize pipeline parallelism in applications without any sequential programs to use pipeline parallelism, the most annotations. Unfortunately, this approach is not always ideal common form of flow-based parallelism that we have ob- for every workflow. Running, collecting and analyzing the data served. However, this only scratches the surface of flow-based is slow and consumes a lot of memory and storage. Work by parallelism. Many more styles of flow-based parallelism exist Kim et al. attempt to alleviate this overhead by parallelizing and it would be helpful to equip developers with tools to and compressing the data collection process [51]. handle them. Future work in this area falls into two key Static and dynamic analysis need not be mutually exclusive. themes: decomposition and re-composition. The OoOJava project combines both [22]. It uses disjoint Decomposition focuses on helping the developer partition- reachability analysis to statically analyze the code. When the ing the original sequential program into nodes of a computa- analysis cannot safely prove that threads operate on disjoint tion flow graph. Currently we rely on the developer to annotate objects, it inserts a run-time check. During run time, it the nodes in a pipeline. This works well for a pipeline with compares the addresses of both objects to determine if they its linear structure. However, many more complex structures are indeed disjoint. Such an approach requires the use of a exist and work remains to determine how to handle them. specialized runtime and might not be feasible for all scenarios. Re-composition, on the other hand, focuses on helping the In its current implementation, OoOJava sidesteps some of the developer transform the partitioned program to run in parallel. complexities of analyzing the internal Java libraries (e.g. Java This involves composing the most appropriate parallel library File API) by translating programs into C and using simpler constructs to use and tuning them not only for performance library calls. but also for extensibility. The idea of interactive tools for parallelization has been explored in various forms. Two notable tools are SUIF Ex- ACKNOWLEDGMENT plorer [52] and Parascope Editor [53], which focus on transfor- mations for loop parallelism for scientific applications written The authors would like to thank Stas Negara, Mohsen in Fortran. Both tools allow the developer to examine the Vakilian, Gopal Santhanaraman and Fredrik Kjolstad for their outcomes of the analysis of the compiler in a rich environment thoughtful comments and feedback on the ideas and the imple- that includes various visualizations for program dependencies. mentation. Nicholas Chen was supported by US Department Both tools utilized deep interprocedural analyses, which are of Energy Grant No. DOE DE-FG02-06ER25752 and the Ray inherently conservative, and sought developer input to help Ozzie Fellowship. REFERENCES [30] E. Bodden, A. Sewe, J. Sinschek, H. Oueslati, and M. Mezini, “Taming Reflection: Aiding Static Analysis in the Presence of Reflection and [1] J. P. 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