Mainsail Knights of Columbus of St. Mark Parish, Plano Texas

Council Calendar for Sept: 2 Business Meeting The Knight’s of Columbus – 9 Parish Service Father McGivney’s Men 12 Corporate Communion "Bishop Kevin Farrell wrote his opinion of the 16 Mid-Month Planning Meeting Knights of Columbus in his Aug. 16th blog. 17-19 Plano Balloon Festival The following is the complete entry, in his own unedited and most eloquent words. 22 40 Days for Life Begins For more on the Bishop's thoughts, you can 25 VA BBQ at Bonham go to his blog at" 25-26 Stewardship Commission Recruiting Drive It was nearly 129 years ago when a young 25-26 Passbook Sales Irish priest gathered a group of men together in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Connecticut to establish an 25 Plano Hike for Life organization of Catholic men to promote the work of the Church and provide security for their wives and children. The priest was the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney and the organization they founded that night became the Knights of Columbus.

Today the Knights number about two million men and have What’s inside: been described as “the strong right arm of the Church” for their Pg promotion and defense of the and their great charitable Bishop Farrell’s Message 1 works. One the nation’s strongest insurance programs protects Grand Knight’s Message 2 members’ families and supports many charitable programs. Church Program Activities 6 Community Program Activities 7 Texas’ first Knights of Columbus Council was established in El Council Program Activities 11 Family Program Activities 15 Paso in 1902. Councils in Dallas, Fort Worth, Galveston and Youth Program Activities 20 Houston quickly followed. Today the Diocese of Dallas has 9500 Membership Program Activities 23 Knights in 52 councils with both members and councils Fundraising Program Activities 24 increasing every year. Message from Will Alt 27 News from Supreme Council 28 Council Calendar 29 Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 September 2010

Knights in the Diocese sponsor numerous parish and diocesan programs. They contribute to the support of 94 seminarians and fund the diocesan Ministry to the Deaf and Disabled. Knights are in the forefront in Pro-Life activities and sponsor the annual Hike for Life. Knights of Columbus Friday night fish fries during Lent have long been traditional in many parishes.

Over the years the Knights have been active in educating the public about Catholicism and confronting the Ku Klux Klan and other organizations opposing Catholics and Catholicism. One way of doing this is by supporting efforts to show the important contribution of the Church to the growth of Texas. Among other projects Knights supported the seven-volume history of Texas Catholics, Our Catholic Heritage, by Dr. Carlos Castañeda and they continue to support the Catholic Archives of Texas in Austin.

Nationally, in 2009 the Knights donated $151,105,867 to charity and over the past decade their contributions to local, national and international Catholic causes have exceeded one- and-one-quarter billion dollars.

I commend and encourage the Knights of Columbus for their magnificent contribution to the Church in Dallas, nationally and internationally. I would like every parish in the Diocese of Dallas to have a Council and I would urge every Catholic man to become an active Knight of Columbus.

Bishop Kevin Farrell

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Grand Knight’s Message


This issue of the Grand Knight’s report is going to be a little longer than in the past as we did not publish the Mainsail in July and I have to catch up on two month’s worth of activities.

Our Council is well underway in the new fraternal year. Your new officers assumed their positions on July 1 and are diligently working to make this an outstanding year. I would like to welcome the new officers - Greg Fisher, Mark Peacock, and Jamie Scarbrough to their positions as Trustee, Advocate, and Warden respectively.

We are instituting a new slogan this fraternal year. This new slogan is “GET INVOLVED”. We should all do our best to become involved in as many of the Council programs and projects as possible.

I would like to congratulate Omar Bonassin and Florentino Aguilar on receiving their Major Degrees on August 22. Both men were at St. Mark later in the day and Omar helped sell Passbooks after the 1:30 Mass and Florentino is helping with the Spanish RCIA classes after the Spanish Masses. Congratulations Omar and Florentino.

I would also like to welcome José Romero to the Knights of Columbus. Jose received his First Degree on August 25. Before even becoming a Knight, José translated the Passbook pulpit sales speech into Spanish. He gave the pulpit announcement at the 1:30 PM Mass before assisting with selling Passbooks after that Mass. He then returned to help sell Passbooks at the 6:00 Mass that evening and was also with us selling Passbooks on August 22. José has lived up to the slogan even before he became a Knight! Welcome, José.

July passed fairly quickly but I cannot forget to thank all who participated in our scheduled events. The first was the Plano Independence Day Parade. Thank you to all who were there. The weather wasn’t too bad, but it did start out very foggy with a few drizzles. The Color Corps does not march in the rain, so that part of our contingent was cancelled at the last minute. Wet weather is not conducive to regalia. The rest of our entry participated as anticipated. A big thank you has to go to PGK Phil Reinkemeyer and his crew who salvaged the Santa Maria out of ruins once again. However, with as much work as they did, it is doubtful that the ship will ever see another parade. We need to build a new one for the next parade.

I would also like to thank all who enjoyed themselves at our annual picnic. This year’s event was again chaired by Dale Hearst and was held at Country Place in Plano. That location is much closer than Bill Fox’s lake house on Cedar Creek Lake. A good time was had by all and we all look forward to next year’s picnic which will be an all day event at the same location.

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We also had several men and their families attend a Rough Riders game. Greg Fisher arranged for tickets, which included all you can eat hot dogs, etc. as well as a cap. You can bet that even though the team won, they lost at the food court as WE certainly got our money's worth! We will be doing that again next year, since it has become a very popular event.

The semi-annual budget meeting was also held at the end of July and a new budget was established for this fiscal year. The proposed budget was approved on a first vote at the August meeting. Now all items in the budget will need a second vote as the particular project occurs. Due to anticipated reductions in income, we had to reduce or eliminate our donations to several charities.

In addition, we had a highly successful blood drive during which we collected 60 units of blood – the highest volume collected in the Council’s known history. Our next blood drive is scheduled for October 24.

The month of August brought about new challenges. Our new Handbook was published and distributed to all who attended the August 5 business meeting. There were the usual complaints about “my listing” being incorrect. Well, Brothers, all I can say about that is that we all had several months to review and correct the old information at our meetings and we did the best we could with the information we had. Granted there are a few errors that inadvertently slipped through even our critical reviewers, such as the date on the front cover, which states that the directory is good through 20101 instead of 2011. Of course, maybe that means that our Council is going to be around for another 17,000 plus years. I like that idea.

August also was the beginning of our largest fund raiser of the year – Entertainment Passbook sales. The proceeds from the sale of these coupon books will result in nearly half of our budgeted income. So it is important that all members of the Council become involved in their sales; even if it means only assisting with the sales after one Mass on September 25/26, October 30/31, and/or December 04/05 – our three remaining sales weekends. By the time this report is received by the members, our August sales, during which we sold 303 Passbooks, will be over leaving us only until the end of the year to reach our goal. Let’s all do our share. It is not acceptable for half of the Council’s income to be left to the work of less than 25% of the Council’s active members. According to “Passbook Rudy”, approximately 35 Knights participated in Passbook sales. Some Knights worked after one Mass and others spent many hours at St. Mark selling Passbooks the weekends of August 14/15 and 21/22. Regardless of how many hours you spent selling Passbooks, I would like to thank you for participating in this huge fund raiser. If we all get together behind this project, and our other fund raisers, we can exceed our projected income and thus allow us to reinstate some of the charitable donations that had to be cut this year.

In September, we begin a new prayer service requested by Fr. Cliff. He asked that the Knights sponsor this event for the entire parish for those who are in need of prayer. The service will begin with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, followed by the Rosary, for those in need, and ending with Benediction. The first occurrence of this monthly event will take place on the 9th in the Chapel at 7:00 PM. The following month events will always be on the 2nd Thursday. This prayer service replaces our scheduled attendance at the monthly First Friday Holy Hours. Ben Preboy and his wife, Bea, have graciously agreed to head this new event. We have a Corporate Communion scheduled for the 12th with breakfast following the 9:00 AM Mass at a local restaurant. We also have the Plano Balloon Festival coming up, during which we sell glow sticks on both Friday and Saturday nights and man one of the entrances on Sunday, the weekend of the 17th – 19th. "Forty Days for Life"

Page 4 Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 September 2010 begins on the 22nd and the Plano "Hike for Life" takes place at JP II high school on the 25th. These Pro-Life activities are both opportunities for you to earn your ACE wings. You only need to participate in a total of five Pro-Life events, which can include one Special Olympics event, in a 12 month period to earn this award.

Finally, we will conduct our annual recruitment drive with pulpit announcements after all Masses on the weekend of Sept. 25/26. This drive was scheduled by the parish Stewardship Commission. I encourage all my Brother Knights to wear your KC shirt at the Mass you attend that weekend and show the parish men what being a Knight of Columbus is all about.

Vivat , Paul Krusac


Grand Knight Paul Krusac of Council 6065 was rushed to Baylor Heart Hospital on Sunday night, complaining of “chest pains”. His wife, Carolyn, took him and as of Monday night (8-30), the outlook is “cautionary”, with open-heart surgery scheduled for Tuesday, 8-31.

The Council asks for your prayers for GK Paul’s successful surgery and complete recovery. Please look for broadcast email messages for further updates.

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First Friday Holy Hour Cancelled, Monthly Prayer Service to Start

Since the Knights and the Women’s Auxiliary were asked to lead the new Parish monthly Prayer Service, it was decided not to continue with our First Friday Holy Hour.

Our monthly Prayer Service will begin on Sept. 9th, so we will not meet on Sept. 3rd for our hour of adoration.

Knights and Auxiliary Communion For The Sick

If a Knight or a family member is hospitalized, homebound or in a rehab center, etc., and would like to have Communion brought to them, a member of the family may call Dorothy Dietz, (972) 596-0321 or Ben/Bea Preboy (972) 422-6255 and we will make the necessary arrangements. We ask that you give us the patient's name, the name and location of the facility he/she is in, their phone number and their room number. Also provide a convenient time for the CM to visit them. We will want your name and phone number in the event we need to get back to you.

If you have any question please give one of us a call.

Monthly Parish Prayer Service

Fr. Cliff has requested the Knights of Columbus and the Ladies Auxiliary to sponsor a monthly Parish Prayer Service the second Thursday of each month beginning September 9 at 7:00 PM. All parishioners are invited to join us. The Service will begin with Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament, followed by the Holy Rosary, a Litany, song, prayers, and closing with Benediction. The purpose of the Service is to pray for members of our parish who are ill, or have other personal intentions. The names will be read and you may submit names at the next business meeting, or call Ben/Bea Preboy at (972) 422-6255. The evening of the Service, we will have someone in the Bethany Narthex accepting names prior to the Service.

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Council Blood Drive Collects 60 Units Sunday, July 25, 2010

Council 6065 held its quarterly blood drive at St. Mark's on July 25th and the results were "better than ever before", according to project chairman John Spencer.

The drive collected 60 units of blood from a total of 65 donors. Spencer attributes the remarkable turnout to Father Cliff, who made a pulpit announcement, commenting that "donating blood is a heroic virtue". By comparison, the previous drive had only 15 donors and 13 units.

Thanks also to John Patterson, Lloyd Hasley, Bill Ptacek, and Bill Butcher; and to Juan Carlos Martinez, who spoke about the drive to the Hispanic community at their 9 a.m. Mass, which resulted in a lot of support. The next blood drive will be on Oct. 24th.

Mike Murray, center, is "all dressed up and ready to donate" while Bill Butcher looks "about a pint low" at the Council's Blood Drive in July. Collin Hill, on the right, is all smiles.... but he always is.

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Will Alt (left) and Gerald Sommers (right) are "laying down on the job"..... but in this case, it is necessary when donating blood.

The Johnson family is all smiles after Matt donated blood at the Council's Blood Drive. L-R are Abby (8), Jake (11), Matt, and Kate (5). Standing is Charlene Johnson, daughter of late PGK Ronald Fossier.

The blue arm bands of "heroic courage" are worn by Bill Butcher (left) and John Patterson, who each donated blood at the Council's Blood Drive on July 25th.

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Assembly 2266 and Councils Visit to DFW Airport Saturday, August 28, 2010

On Aug. 28th, Sir Knights and many other Knights and family members from North Texas Councils made a trip to DFW airport to greet about the troops leaving the US. Most of them were leaving the US after two-weeks R&R, going back to Iraq and Afghanistan, but some were going on their initial deployments to the Middle East.

Twenty Knights and family members, as well as 30 Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and family members took part. It was one of our largest groups ever to greet the troops. The Boy Scouts were from Troop 777 and the Cub Scouts from Pack 777, both at St. Joseph’s Church in Richardson. SK Kevin Quinn coordinated the Scouts' visit.

We gave out bottled water, juice, crackers, cookies, gum, beef jerky, and candy donated by Assembly 2266 and Lumen Christi Council. Many of the supplies were given out – the remainders were left with the USO to provide for other troops. Due to the large number of troops passing through the USO each day, our surplus supplies are gone quickly.

This was our quarterly visit to DFW airport to greet the troops. Our next visit will be on Dec. 4, 2010.

Scouts and Knights joined together to say "Good Bye" to troops returning the Iraq and Afghanistan on Aug. 28th. Shown in front, kneeling, are Chuck Neubecker (left) and Pete Maurer... and the rest of the group behind them!

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Brother Knights from Assembly 2266 and Council 6065 spent part of Saturday morning (8-28) seeing the troops off to Iraq and Afghanistan. A special "good bye and speed" were wished to the husband and wife team of Sgt. Brian and WO Molly Kupsov. Shown with them are (l-r) Jim Bowling, Don Lauterbach, Mike Green, Chuck Neubecker, and Michael Kabaj.

John Krumholtz is having a good conversation with CWO McAdams during the recent troop visit at DFW on Aug. 28th.

Several members of Council 6065 were among the Knights who visited the troops at DFW on Aug. 28. At the front of the line, second from right, are Larry Sloan, Chuck Neubecker, and John Krumholtz.

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John Krumholtz Named Knight of the Month for July Dick Park Named Knight of the Month for August

John Krumholtz (right) received the Knight of the Month award (for July) from GK Paul Krusac. John was cited for his leadership as Council director and for his involvement in countless projects during the fraternal year.

Dick Park (left) received the Knight of the Month award (for August) from GK Paul Krusac. Dick serves the Council as Financial Secretary and can be seen at many Council projects, from selling Passbooks to working on the serving line at some of our "food service fund raisers"


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Todd Bartz (left) received the Knight of the Month award (for May) from GK Paul Krusac. Todd is active in many Council activities and also serves as project chairman for the Pancake Breakfasts.

John Spencer (right) received congratulations and a pin from GK Paul Krusac for his service to the Council as an officer (Advocate) for the 2009/2010 fraternal year. Looking on in the center is Mark Peacock, who is the current Advocate of Council 6065.

Juan Carlos Martinez (right) received a plaque honoring him as the recipient of the 2009/2010 Father McGivney Award for Devotion. Juan Carlos was unable to attend the awards' banquet in June. Among the many things that Brother Juan Carlos does for the Council, his involvement with the Hispanic Community and the Knights was noted. GK Paul Krusac made the presentation at a recent business meeting.

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Gilberto Ibarra (left) received a plaque honoring him as the 2009/2010 recipient of the Bishop Farrell Award for Passion. Gilberto was cited for his dedication to the Council as the editor/publisher of the Mainsail, foremost among his many contributions to the Knights. He was unable to attend the awards' banquet in June, so GK Paul Krusac made the presentation at a recent business meeting.

Don Balvin (right) received his plaque honoring him as the most recent recipient of the prestigious Cardinal Medeiros Fellows Award at our August business meeting. Only three Brother Knights have received this award in the history of the Council; the other two being Rudy Profaizer in 2003 and the late PGK Ronald Fossier in 2005. Brother Don Balvin's contributions and dedication to Council 6065 are too numerous to list; but one stands out, his devotion to the Sick and Vigil Committee, which he has headed "forever". The Council thanks Brother Don and again congratulates him for this most- deserving honor. GK Paul Krusac made the presentation.

The Council is proud to welcome Danny Kendal as our new District Deputy. Danny takes over for Bob Seegmiller and is a recent graduate of Texas A&M, where he served as GK of his Council there.

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Congratulations to Knights Celebrating Birthdays in August and September


6 Ron Danielak 7 Randy Herriges 8 Greg Fisher 10 Jeffrey Leiker 12 Bill Butcher 13 Jim Gannon 16 Steve Liese; Thomas Voz 19 Eric Ray; Shane Keith 21 Pete Maurer 25 Larry Roach; Paul Halton 30 Doug Renard; Jamie Scarbrough


1 John O’Neill; Rick Marentes; Shawn Talreja 2 Robert Ellis 3 George Mount 4 Chuck Neubecker 6 Dave Bruggeman 8 John Wheeler 9 Daniel Covarrubias; Gary Nedzinski 13 Mike Herrera 20 Mike Koskan 23 Tom Walton 25 Jim Przelicki; Lloyd Hasley 28 Doug Gilmore; Rene Valle 29 Steve Cosgrove

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Schoof Family Named Family of the Month for July Leo Family Named Family of the Month for August

Ron Schoof (left) received the Family of the Month award (for July) from GK Paul Krusac. Ron, in addition to serving as DGK, is active in the Parish with his wife, Barbara, and they both serve as Eucharist Ministers.

Ken Leo (second from . right) received a certificate from GK Paul Krusac (right) as Family of the Month (for August). Brother Ken, who has been suffering with cancer, along with his wife, Cheryl, are proof that a family that prays together can overcome almost any obstacles. Shown (l-r) are Jimmy Leo (Ken's brother from South Texas), Ryan (their son), and Cheryl. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Ken and his family for his recovery.

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Bill Butcher (left) received the Family of the Month award (for June) from GK Paul Krusac. Bill, and his wife, Candy, were honored for their commitment to parish and Council activities.

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Family Picnic was a Great Success!

Knights and their families got together on July 10th for an afternoon of good food, friends and fun! Here you can see Alec Ibarra showing off his best serving skills.

Activities during the picnic included Horseshoes, Swimming, and Volleyball, where Volleyball proved to be the most popular game. Here you can see Frank McElligott ready to take a ‘dive’ for the ball as Gilberto Ibarra looks on telling his kids to get out of Frank’s way!


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Play Ball! Knights spend an evening at the Ball Park!

Mark Hromalik takes a brief glance at the camera before returning his attention to the Rough Riders baseball game, which members of Council 6065 attended on July 24th.

"You want ME to chase after that foul ball.... what if I lose my new cap?".... Bill Evans says as Alex Hernandez and Justin Hearst turn to see what the commotion is all about. Mark and Ellie Peacock are seated in front of Bill and Chip Lindell is seated in front of them. Needless to say.... NONE of them caught a foul ball!


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Randy LeGrand brought a "bevy of boy scouts" to the annual Rough Riders game.... but he can't seem to find any of them. He should be looking in the "feeding frenzy" area, since this was "All-You- Can-Eat" night at the ball park.

"OK, boy, now you know 'We are Number One!' and always keep your eyes on the field.", says Todd Bartz (right) to his two sons as they all enjoyed a night at the Rough Riders game. Jace (9) is staying focused, while Justus (7) and his mom, Jocelyn, are just wondering when Todd will get up and lead the family to the food court... after all, THEY came for the hot dogs, burgers, and chips! .

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GK Paul Krusac presents Certificates to New Eagle Scouts

Paul Krusac (center) holds the Eagle Scout certificate that he presented to James Olivier at the Court of Honor ceremony held on Aug. 16th. Krusac, who is the Grand Knight of Council 6065, was himself an Eagle Scout, attaining that honor in 1957. Shown at left is Steve Liese, with Randy LeGrand at the right.

James Olivier (center) receives congratulations from GK Paul Krusac after receiving his certificate signifying that he attained the rank of Eagle Scout. At left is Steve Liese and Bob McKee is in the center.

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St. Mark’s Youth Group Assists the Needy

The following story is a personal account by Pat Haney, former Youth Committee director for Council 6065, who accompanied the group.

Twenty teens from the St. Mark Youth Ministry (and four adults) climbed aboard a bus on July 24th for a 12-hour journey to Catholic Heart Work Camp (CHWC) in Mobile, AL.

CHWC is a combination of community service work mixed with prayer, praise, and worship programming. This year's camp had more than a hundred high schoolers from all over the country. They started Sunday with an orientation, followed by Mass; then, first thing Monday, the teens were broken into teams to WORK.

The projects ranged from construction and painting to spending time visiting residents at the Sisters of the Poor Home. St. Mark had a pretty large group, so they were spread among all the projects, according to Pat Haney, who accompanied the St. Mark's youth.

Pat Haney receives "pointed" instructions from an "inquiring/assisting" painter as he preps one of the novitiate's room for painting.

Many of them spent the week as part of a large team painting a Carmelite monastery, a cloister. The Carmelite nuns had grown old and had to move to assisted care, so they were expecting half a dozen new Sisters from Vietnam, who would be moving into their old quarters. It is an amazing facility and the staff was very grateful and impressed at the amount of work all the kids accomplished. They were so productive that the maintenance man had to go back for more paint twice.

Other kids on the St. Mark crew rebuilt decks, walls, and window trimmings, and, of course, painted houses for the needy. Some of the teens went to the Sisters of the Poor Home to help with the residents. It was amazing to watch teens helping to feed the older residents that were unable to feed themselves; a task where a few adults in the group demurred. At the end of the camp, the people we helped were invited to an evening

Page 21 Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 September 2010 celebration. It was heart warming to hear these folks, one at a time, thank the kids for their hard work. It was a life- changing event for many.

At the end of the camp, the CHWC staff made it a point to thank the St. Mark's crew; not only for their hard work all week but for their infectious enthusiasm, but for going the extra mile in helping the staff break down the camp and load their trucks. St. Mark really has an outstanding group of kids.

It's through not only the parishioners buying donuts from the youth, but from The Knights of Columbus donating to the Youth Ministry that made this trip possible and brought the cost down to a point where any St. Mark teen that wanted to go on the trip was able to do so. I'd also like to thank KC Council 8959 for giving up their meeting room as a bunk- house for a week.

The entire group, with Pat Haney standing in the back, pause for a group photo before getting back to work.

Nick Holden, Nate Litz, and Colin Haney (l-r) received thanks and prayers from a Sister of the Poor, who stopped by the see how things were coming along.

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The Santa Maria Council Welcomes Its New Member

José Romero (second from left, standing) made his First Degree at an exemplification ceremony held Aug. 25th at Prince of Peace . Accompanying Jose were (standing, l-r) Dave Bruggeman, membership chairman, Larry Sloan, mentor, and GK Paul Krusac. Kneeling (l-r) are Carlos Medina, who sponsored Jose, and Pete Maurer, chancellor. Brother Knights, please welcome Jose into our Council and please know that he was "working for our benefit" even before making his First Degree, having put in many hours assisting with Passbook sales. Now that, Brother Knights, is GETTING INVOLVED right off the bat!

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Bulk Distributions Kick Off Passbook Sales Campaign

The sales campaign for the 2011 Passbook got underway on Aug. 11th as several members of Council 6065 joined with project director "Passbook Rudy" Profaizer to distribute the books to other Councils who buy in bulk from us. A total of 1306 Passbooks were picked up by Councils from the north Dallas area to sell at their own parishes.

Assisting Rudy at the distribution were Ben Preboy, Larry Sloan, Ron Schoof, Paul Krusac, Mike Reisinger, Doug Heckman, and Pete Maurer. Parish sales at St. Mark's started on 8-14/15 and 8-21/22 and will continue for the next several months.

Passbook sales starts with the distribution of "bulk" sales to the various Councils who buy through "Passbook Rudy" (front/center). Assisted by Brother Knights Ben Preboy, Larry Sloan, Ron Schoof, Paul Krusac, and Pete Maurer (not pictured as he is taking the photo), the books are sorted out and ready to be picked up. Also seen in this picture are Pat and Cindy from Entertainment Passbooks.... "our" source for the books.

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Passbooks Sales Off to a Good Start

Council 6065's annual Passbook sales campaign is off to a good start, according to project chairman Rudy Profaizer, who reported that to date 340 Passbooks have been sold after the Masses at St. Mark's and from various other sources.

The sales drive kicked off on the weekend of Aug. 14/15 following pulpit announcements at each Mass, and the response was very encouraging. A total of 197 books were sold during the first weekend and an additional $128 in donations were made. The second weekend's after-Mass sales added another 106 books to the total, bringing the tally to 303. Combine that with early "individual" sales results and the resulting 340 Passbooks sold bodes well for a successful campaign.

The Passbook Sales Team took a break from the heat between Masses on Sunday, Aug. 22nd, to discuss strategy and to cool off. Seated (l-r) are Frank McElligott, "Passbook Rudy" Profaizer, Dick Park, Ben Preboy, and John Vasquez. Standing (l-r) are Clinton Gantt, Lloyd Hasley, Dave Watson, Adrian Denvir, and Jim Rizzo. And for those of you wondering.....Jim did not have his forehead painted white, that is a "glint of sunlight" shining down upon him, inspiring him to get out and sell more Passbooks!

This year's edition is $25, compared to last year's at $20, but because the 2011 Passbook has "so much more", there was little to no objection to the price increase. Passbook sales is the Council's largest fundraiser, contributing to more than half of our charity budget. There will be more "after-Mass" sales events in the coming months and the sales drive will culminate with our "Christmas gift-wrapped" edition in December. The next Passbook Sales weekend is scheduled for September 25/26.

In the meantime, individual sales efforts continue, with "Three-peat" winner Don Lauterbach out to prove that his sales success was not a fluke.... and that he will "Soar with Four"! Brother Knights who sell 16 books will earn a free one for their efforts. Richard Chambers is selling books at his four "Natural Health Stores" and Melvin Jones has them on sale at his "Play It Again Sports" store on Parker Road. Coincidentally, there is a discount coupon in the book for Brother Melvin's PIAS store.

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This is a major Council event and all Brother Knights are urged to help. Individual sales comprise nearly 40% of our total sales, so if YOU have a friend or neighbor or business colleague or "sports buddy", contact "Passbook Rudy" and get some books to sell... every single sale helps! Even if you know you won't give Don a run for the individual honors and even if you know you won't sell 16 to earn a free book, YOUR sales will make a difference. You can reach Rudy at 972-424-7326. You can also order out-of-town books for Ft. Worth, Houston, Austin, and/or San Antonio from Rudy; they make a nice gift to a college student close to one of those cities... because you know... "College kids always are running short of money, so a Passbook coupon will certainly help."

Details on the next "organized" sale will be announced at future business meetings and in the Mainsail... so when the time comes, please be the one more Brother Knight who says... "I can help!"

Here's a happy crew.....(l-r) Israel DeLaRosa, Bill Evans, "Passbook Rudy" Profaizer, and John Wheeler, all getting pumped up to sell Passbooks after the Masses on Sunday, 8-22, at St. Mark's.

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Message from Will Alt

Hill Country property and camper For Sale: Must Sell

5.7 acres on cul-de-sac in Lakeview Estates, Approx 25 miles from downtown San Antonio, 13 miles north of Hwy 1604 on FM 1283 in Medina County, Mico, TX Located just one mile from Medina Lake.

Rolling hills, scenic views and sunsets, ideal for hiking, camping or home-site. oaks, mountain laurel, cedar trees, cactus and wild flowers abound with riverbed and picturesque rock formations.

Undeveloped property except for 200 amp power from Bandera Elect Coop at frontage with security light and 30amp panel and 275' road base.

Asking $60k. More photos available upon request.

1987 Terry Taurus Travel Trailer (Camper)

26 ft long, sleeps 4; 2 single beds and pull out sofa, interior remodeled, TV and satellite antenna, roll out awning, fridge not working; other than that good condition.

Asking $4,750 OBO Located 1 mile from Medina Lake, Mico, TX

Contact Brother Will Alt for more information

Page 27 Mainsail, the Official Newsletter of the Santa Maria Council #6065 September 2010 News from Supreme Council

Telling of Our Story of Service – A Quick Look at the Fraternal Survey (Article excerpted from the KnightLine Newsletter)

The numbers are dramatic and provide a global portrait of the Knights of Columbus that is far beyond the view from your local council. All those individual council activities really add up! The Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity tells the tale of what the Knights of Columbus, from the international to local levels, accomplished this year. Here’s a quick look at 2009.

 State councils, local councils, assemblies, circles, and the Supreme Council total contributions: $151,105,867  Total volunteer/fraternal activity hours: 69,251,926  Total meetings held during the fraternal year: 305,578  Number of blood donors: 413,893  Visits to sick and bereaved: 5,744,260  Estimated hours of fraternal service: 10,105,207  Volunteer hours for Habitat for Humanity: 227,900  Donations to Church activities: $45,332,841  Donations to community activities: $54,510,473  Donations to youth activities: $16,634,657  10-year cumulative charitable disbursements: $1,367,764,509  10-year estimated hours of volunteer service: 639,854,407

These numbers are impressive, but tell only, part of our story. Approximately 77 percent of all K of C units responded to the 2009 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity. Imagine what our numbers would look like if we had a 100 percent response. It’s never too early to start gathering your figures for the 2010 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activity (which will be due on Jan. 31, 2011).

For a more detailed look at our Order’s accomplishments in the past year, view the Supreme Knight’s Annual Report to the 128th Supreme Council Annual Meeting at

For a historic look at the involvement of Knights in their communities, see the August issue of Columbia (available online at

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Santa Maria Council 6065 March 2010 – July 2010 Calendar of Events As of July 26, 2010

August 2010 October 2010 (continued) 01-14 Pro-Life Boot Camp 03 InfoNight7:30PM–Library 14 Mid-monthMeeting7:30PM–CommCenter 05 Business Meeting7:30PM–CommunityCenter 16-17 Blood Drive Sign-up – After All Masses 05 LadiesAuxiliary7:30PM–ConferenceRoom202 22 MainsailDeadline 06 Holy Hour – 10:00 PM - Chapel 14-15 Passbook Sales @ St. Mark 24 BloodDrive–9:00AM–1:00PM-OldGym 19 Mid-month Meeting7:30PM – CommunityCenter 30 WhiteRoseGolfTournament–1PM 20-21 Special Olympics–Aquatics - Frisco ISD Natatorium 30-31 Passbook Sales @ St. Mark 21-22 Passbook Sales @ St. Mark 23 Mainsail Deadline 28 GreettheTroopsatDFW November 2010

04 Business Meeting7:30PM–CommCenter September 2010 04 LadiesAuxiliary7:30PM–ConfRoom202 02 BusinessMeeting7:30PM– CommunityCenter 05 HolyHour10:00PM 02 LadiesAuxiliary7:30PM–ConferenceRoom202 06 Corporate Communion– Memorial 5:30PM 03 Holy Hour 10:00 PM Mass (Offsite Dinner) 06 Labor Day 11 Veteran’sDay 12 CorporateCommunion9:00Mass 13 HUGSTruck–9:00AM–1:00PMSmyth (Offsite Breakfast) Pastoral Center Parking Lot 16 Mid-month Meeting7:30PM– CommunityCenter 13 RonaldMcDonaldHouse 17-19 Plano Balloon Festival 18 Mid-monthMeeting7:30PM–CommCenter 22 40DaysforLifebegins–endsOct31 20 ChristChildLadiesLunch 25 VABBQwith4th Degree @ Bonham 25-26 Stewardship Commission Recruiting Drive – Color 22 MainsailDeadline Corps at 1:00 Hispanic Mass 22 Thanksgiving Project (Sisters of Mercy) 25-26 Passbook Sales @ St. Mark 22 AltarServersDinner– Cafetorium & Kitchen 25 PlanoHikeforLife–JP11

December 2010 October 2010 Appreciation Month 02 BusinessMeeting7:30PM-CommCenter 02 WrapPassbooks–LadiesAuxiliary 01 Holy Hour – 10:00 PM 02 LadiesAuxiliary7:30PM–ConfRoom202 01-03 4th Degree Exemplification -Irving 02-04 DDC Basketball Tournament 02 Hike for Life 03 HolyHour10:00PM 03 Pancake/Taco Breakfast after9 & 10:30 Masses 04 GreettheTroopsatDFW 03 Life Chain & Rosary–Knights Recruiting 04 PlanoChristmasParade 05 Info Night 7:30 PM – Library 04-05 Passbook Wrapped Sales @ St. Mark 05 Seminarian’s Welcome Dinner – Fairmont 07 InfoNight7:30PMLibrary Hotel 11 ChristmasProject 07 Business Meeting7:30PM–CommCenter 16 Mid-monthMeeting7:30PM–CommCenter 07 Ladies Auxiliary7:30PMConfRoom202 18 Family Christmas Party 07-10 Montserrat Retreat 20 MainsailDeadline 09 Parish Fall Festival 11 ColumbusDay 13 RedRibbonDay YELLOW HIGHLIGHTED ITEMS NEW ENTRIES

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KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 6065 MAINSAIL NEWSLETTER 3614 Tanner Lane Richardson, Texas 75082


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