A. General Guidelines

Gore Public School recognize the value of student, teacher, and community interaction on social networking sites that are designed for specific educational purposes and directly tied to Gore Public School curriculum and instruction. Collaboration, resource and information sharing, online tutoring, etc. can all be facilitated by judicious use of education internet/Web 2.0 networking tools and web pages, including, but not limited to, , Edmodo, , , wikis, and other Web 2.0 networking tools.

B. Texting and Instant Messaging

Staff members are required to limit communication with students via computers or wireless telecommunication devices to matters concerning the students' education or extracurricular activities for which the staff member has assigned responsibility. Even when communication involves education or district related matters, employees should avoid frequent electronic mailing- particularly when messaging is to a single student. Electronic ommunications to students must, at all times, be professional in words and tone, related to school matters, and limited to essential communications. Individual Text or electronic communications to a student must also be sent to the student’s parent/guardian. Group electronic communicaitons to a school group of students do not require parent inclusion.

C. Establishment of Social Networking Sites for Educational Purposes

An employee may establish one or more social networking sites to be used for education purposes and communication. This must be approved by the school principal or superintendent. Principal and superintendent will have access to all accounts. All accounts will be monitored by an administrator on a regular basis. Any sites shall have a statement of purpose and outcomes for the use of the networking tools, and a code of conduct for all site participants. The employee establishing the site shall:

a. Apply appropriate security settings b. Allow only approved participants access c. Be responsible for the site's content d. Diligently monitor the site for inappropriate content, all student posting shall be approved before the actual posting. e. Post only information related to the site's purpose that is appropriate for viewing by students, parents, and the community at large

Employees are expected to read and understand all terms of service and privacy policies associated with the social networking sites they intend to use.

D. Employee Use of Personal Social Networking Sites

Staff members are prohibited from engaging in "unauthorized exchanges with students" via social networking sites including by not limited to: MySpace, Facebook, Xanga, Twitter, blogging and similar sites. Unauthorized exchanges include but are not limited to: friending and friend requesting, following, messaging, posting or instant messaging. No staff member shall communicate with students via his or her personal social networking site or account. In the event that a staff member has an existing account and wishes to engage in authorized

Adoption Date: July 8, 2013 Revision Date(s): Page 1 of 2



communication with students, the staff member shall establish a separate account (containing solely educational and work-related information) to form an approved site or group for student communication purposes.

In all use of personal social networking sites, employees should:

 Maintain appropriate professional boundaries and your authority as a classroom teacher, administrator, or supervisor;  Practice appropriate privacy setting to limit access to personal information contained on your social networking site;  Practice online reputation management by considering the personal, professional, and social impact of what you post;  Establish social networking relationships with caution and consider "unfriending" those who post inappropriate content that may be viewed on your social networking site;  Practice online reputation management by excluding posts which exhibit or advocate the use of drugs, sex or alcohol;  Avoid the appearance of impropriety; or posting of student pictures without the student’s and parents’ consent:  Refrain from posting negative information about students, fellow employees, or the school division; and  Refrain from uploading inappropriate content; exercise caution when posting links to other Internet or social networking sites.

E. Consequences of Inappropriate Use of Social Networking, Texting, and Emailing of Students

Pursuant to the Gore Public School Policy, all employees are expected to know and are responsible for observing federal and state laws as well as the School Board's policies and regulations pertinent to their work activities. Accordingly, employee use of social networking found to be in violation of one or more of Gore Public School policies, regulations, or procedures may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Warning: The taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing of obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or otherwise (commonly called texting, sexting, emailing, or other modes of electronic communication) may constitute a crime under state and/or federal law. Amy person taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal images or photographs will be reported to law enforcement and/or other appropriate state or federal agencies, which may result in arrest, criminal prosecution, and including on sexual offender registries.

Adoption Date: July 8, 2013 Revision Date(s): Page 2 of 2