The Showcase


C lumn Comment


E •for Speaks

Complete Short Story

TV Shows This Week


) RCH 3, 1957

VOL. XXIX, No. 9 ß . AT YOUR SERVICE... All the Time ! Whenyouwant ßdependable •uel

frigerntion,and •or clothesdryinS, foryoucooking,want gas! ,orAnd hotPublic water, Service [or re- 1• on the 24 hoursa day to INSTALLATION-- Reiser, captain of PassaicCounty detec. tive Mid Democratic c•ndidato for sheriff, addressesmore titan bringyou the dependableservice 200 membersand friends of the United Veterans at the organiza• d the clean,blue {;asflame! ti,on's annual installation dinner Saturday at the Circle Restam rant, Wayn½%Left to right •re: Re'Lser,Andrew Ingenito, co- •_clmirman.of the event and Jack C•vin, toastmaster. PX/BLI C '"ai SElgI '

WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. A GOOD NA1V•, TO REMEMBER for FURNITURE Living Room Bed Room Dining Room RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY QUALITY •nd LOW PRICE -- 37 Years Serving the Public-- 435 STRAIGHT ST. MU. 4-7889 PATROON, l•I.. J.

. .' ..


LAUDS D,UMO1VT--Herbert Buckenmyer (right) of Belvidere, '. . Northern New Jersey Dumont Campaign Co-ordinator, reviews ... the •wenty-four point "People's Platform" with Senator Wayne Scottish immigrant Jeannie M•cLenn n (Jeannie _Carson.Y...... Dumont, l•epublie•n candidate for the gubermLtorial nomination• tangles with the underworld, c using her American sponsor, cabbie AI Murray (Allen Jenkins), no end of concern wlt•.• She ,' The platform, which embodies the, D.umont approach to press'rag bringshome some "artillery." However the pert miss -settles the state governmen.t•Ll problems, was released from his Trenton situationin her own way, in "Hey, Jeannie!" Saturday,Feb. 23,• hea•lqu• last week by Sen•.•r Dumont. over the CBS Television NetwoFk.


., ::: .. ... Pu ' i d Weekly by ß'-:.. . "• THE CHRONICLE COM•A_NY ..!:!. J. :::..• . "...::.....::!!j:!.." :i!iii.:. !ii'::::::.======•:"' I .. '"!•::"!i!i!i•i!iii!iii• ...... ::i:::.-. ::::::::::::::::::::::'i: ,: . :::::::::•.:::8:: .• .:%:::::..:: ::::::- - ... . .:: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 170-172 Butler Street - . . Paterson, New Jersey - .:-.'.:-:-'.':.'.'.:.'.:i:::::!: ::i:!: :i:!. --.-.-. ':::!: ':' ß .:.:..*4 ..:::!%.--'.',•. ':::.ß '-:.''8 •-•.... . ::':'"..'.:-:-' .:::::;:":.:. '. • ':.:.:.:.:-:-.-:-:-:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.•' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .... !iii!i!iBiiiiiii!:::? iiii!i:' ..:•!Siiii!ii!: ':'..':-:• ..... ii•ii::::::..;i!.,::•? i:iiii•i,• , .....::•' ...... ! robert 5-2741 VllqCENT S. PAI•I•ILLO, ManagingEditor

Entered as Second Clots matter Aufuzt 24, 1928, at the Pos• Office at Paterson, lq. J., under the act of March 3, 1179.

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:!:!:i:!:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i8i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i8i:!•i:!:i:i:!:i:!:i:!:i:!:!:i:j:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:i:i8!:!:i8!:i:i:i:!:!:i: MARCH 3, 1957 -- XXIX, No. 9 !:{:i:•:i:i:•:•:i:j:i:i:i:i:i:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:i:i:i:i:i:i:!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!:i:;:;:i:•:]:!:i:i:i:!:i:i:i:i:i:!:i:•:!:i:i:!:!:!:i:i:i:!:!:E:i:i:!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::•:::...... ':::!!i Single Copy 5 Cents $3.00 a Year By Mail "' .::::5::::::::

i•::"' ':•"...... :.

. ':iiii...... :iiiii!ii.'':iii.: ' "::- .. .iiiiii•::::•:i]i: •. ..:!:: .... "!:!:!:i:i::....:.:::::. ß ß '" ...... ':':':' CONTENTS NEW QUEEN--Miss lVt•rilyn Gerber (end) is surrounded by her ladies-in-waiting after she was crowned "Campus Queen" at Pat- erson S•ate Teachers College. The Ei•st Rutherf, o.rd •_Old•Om•- FEATURES was voted the winner arttong the finalists by college stud ,irl!,, last week. The .others are, left to right: Ellen Sullivan, Barbara Costa, Maureen McGlynn, and Irene Rose.

Complete Short Story 14




"-BO(•ks'n Stuff ...... 5 ..' ...

OpportunitiesUnlimi•e d :' 6

EditOrials 8

The Editor Speaks___ '-- 8

Column of Comment

•lgIBUTE•Mayor Louis Dodero of East PatersOn congratulates !-' The Showcase ...... lO : former •ax Collector Miclmel S. Gemza, wlto v•as paid tribute by Democratic leaders Saturday night. The. Rev. Edward Ho .r • .:.:....!..,, .-Complete Television ProgT•m fo•Jhe .week .11, 12, 13 of St. Lefts ILC. Church, offered: the inv cation. From left to ß ,. . .

...... right: MayorDodero; Father Hoiier 'a•; Fair Lawn M:ayorFrank Sogorka, t .•t .r; Germza, and Fred Dyle. Board of Asses,

::: -,?,'...... >.. ' .._...... '.:.... sors ': -r ry, -..whowas dinner chairman.

,11•O'IRONIC•.E P^•,E THREE ..•.•i(.:..;:.:..•..•.:::...... e...... :<.:.: .... '...... •'.•--- •'•::::•i.'.:::.' ...... :•;:-'.':.'-'.'":::::::::::::-'-':":::::::':':'"''---•'.•'" ..... ======...... :::::::::::::::.'::...... '•.• ß-.'.,..•:.•-•:•`.•;:•`•:::::::::::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•::•:•:•:•:•:•:•:•:::•:•:• •iii•:•.•:•:j:i`c;•!ii:i::•::•:i•i!i•:i:!:•:i:i:i:!•j:i:!•::•i:::•i•:•:•:•:•T::::i:ii•j:i:•:`•!ii:•:•`•...... •'--•.--•.•...... :.•...... ß -.•:..' •x ::::','.-'•,• •:•:..':...... :•.i<:: ...... ::.:.':':'!•ii!•i•?.'i::"-'i•i.-'..'iii!!!!:!:!:i:i:i: :::::::.-:::::.-.-'.-.-':.-':::::::::::::: .-•<' '-. :-•. --- AlexMoskowifz, •ecuHve ice-Pr s;denf .•. .-;".:•.' ' "c•,•:•:vEi•'•`•:•`•:•.•`•i!ii!:i!ii•:•!•i•:•iiii•:•:•:•:!!!•::1!K:•::•::::•.-•::•:'-':'•e.•::::-'.'::-'.'::: :':'-":c':':':'-":.cc:':'-"-"-"::-':'-:co.•'":•:- :::-:-:.:!-'-:-:i;'i•-.'.-ii!!!i:i.•:•.:'-' ' ";:::::::•i! '"--"-:"•.:..'_".•.'?' .... ':-•..<'-..:.L.!!• ,,. .•,'x•,'.c•. •(•:•-•:-..."!!•.-.: • '" '-"-'-:-::•!i::::•ii•.'-. . >.. -. ; .• ß •/. ,•ß :•.:• •. -•.'.... --.•.--.•.:. •.-.-.-.'.'.'.-•:...... i•i:::::::::":':"---':•:'..---:-:-:.:.:-:-:-:-:''-'-•:-..::.'.'•:i•.:. -.'-.'-:-.'-:...... -_•.-':'o:.:. '-.•.-'..:::'-'.:i:.:::x-'.' .'.-. ':-. ßL -' - .....•.....-,,- : -•': '•'•- :•-,- ..... ß -.•' ß -" ',- ..• -:•. :•: • : • • On InsuredS•wn s .•. •.'*.•'•.<-:,..,•..,x'.k.•.- •,.. :::•jii!.:.::..:!!i:ii•ii:...:i:.::...:.:•::•.....;...... :.::1i.:.:i•:i:.:e`•..:...i:i:i:i...:•:....[.•.1..:...... :...... L.:•::.::.L.:::::!..:.::...:•.`;:]• •!:•'..•.i..•.-:•...: • !•-...'::-'::.'::-':!.':•::•:::.:•':!i.:.. ß ßv :.. _':-:':•'!• ,. • "•:i•i:i::...-.•L:.;..:. •:'" (-,..:•:!':...•:i'::•,.•.:-:•-4*".h•<: ...... ß "•: ; a, • :..•-:.:•i.:•.•:•..-.:i•.•!:iii:i!ii•:ii:i:!:i,i•::;!:.-',.'•.-.:•:•:•:!.:.:f::•.:•::-:--:.i::,-'.'.•-'-::'.::.?.:. :::•...... -:.i:::i•.•i.•-:t•..: •½::...-••-•::-•:::•.•-:'.' .. - :..':•:.."_:•i•.-'.:•i•!•.".'-•!•.:.:•':':•.;•:•.....'::':'.•-.-.'•:..::•-•ii•!•!•.-'..'.-'..'•:'.:i•.-'..'•!•:.'-:' '."...-:•":.' •, '..... ;'"•::•:'•:• :•i--"-.'.•:•:'"]•.•:' :: -' ..... " ß • •'. !ii•ii!ii_:.:.:i!i.•:...':::::::..:..:::::::::..::i:.:.:Z:Z:Z..ß:',--,'..... :-•-.•.•".--'>.•-' ;-'...... ii!ii:!:i.-::g::•iiii•i• !:i:i:i.:.;-::•.-...,L:' , . • ..,::...... •... '?•"•- .• ':'•..,.. PATEN'S LARGEST andMOST MODERN • '

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'-'- ' t! : '," COMMERCIAL- NEWS - PORTRAIT ...... •"f.'t•.: IT•I.IAN.AHERICAk ,•_ , - *-' 10-16FAIR LAWN AVENUE FAIRLAWN, N.J. I C E .5':, SE. ' 'D x.,.'•. RUSSELLZITO, Phofographer A SPECIALTY '.,,,'t,.• • - .- .-..-- ß BROILED LOBSTER -, --DAILY FAirl•wn 6-0104 FHOQS' LEGS - S'OF"T SHEL.[, C'R.-.I,• ~ 13LUE .qH - RAIN{3 W TIAO0 - ]4ALlBUT' SAt. YON- SHRIMPS - 9CALLOP• - OYSTERS - CLA - COD FIS•I - •3WORD F•{H - D&ILT DINNERS I& EL O 1' F. C•. l•d•n,J. H L/DON - . LA,,,b. rt

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INSPECT DEFENSE CF•.TER--l•assaie County'sCivil Defense- co•)rdinator; Wlayne W. Hall, MI), Passaic County-•die_.,,• di- DiasterControl Center at 792Belmont Ave., North Haledon,was rector; J•e W. Blizzard, secretary Passaic County CD-DC; inspected by CD workers and offiicals of five other counties at a Nicholas F. Cimmin, o, Passaic Coun .• deputy co•)rdina•r; Edwi• regional meeting Monday afternoon.The picture 'shows(front J. MacEwan, Passaic County co•)rdinator; H. P. Woodwaxd, row, left to •g•ht): F. C. Sta•pole, deputy co•)rdinato.r, Bergen Essex County coo-rdinator ;Stan Tideback, Sussex County deputy County, J. M. Rector, executive officer, Bergen County; Maurice eoo.rdin•tor; Jolm M. Bod'me, co•)rdinator Warren County; Sgt. C. Kreg•er,director, PasSaicCounty Board of Freeholders; Harry Frank Hoppel, Deputy •,egion I c•ordinator; James D. Maurer, J. Don•ue, PassaicCounty freeholder; Mrs. Andrew L. Cobb,III, executive directr, Essex-County; L. IL Pfeiffer, deputy.. co• 1V•o.rrisCounty welfare co•)rdinator; Slayback, I/egion i ordi•tor, Morris County. eo•rdinator. Back row: William S. MolTis, PassaicCounty deputy

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BROTHERHOOD MONTH--Mayor Edward J. O•yrne proclaims Cmsr. May LeVine, the Mayor, •Mrs. Leon Gruntlest, vice clMr. February as Brotherhood Month. Present at ceremony at the man of Brotherhood Month; .Theodore Kyles, chatrman of Broth. Mayor's office were: Human relations commissioner, the Eev. erhood Month, and Cmsr. Mildred Alberts. .Martin Adolph; Conmr. George Stathaids, Cmsr. Fay Stave, ....•:'.'•'-":½-,'•}"•'?'-/4,...:•?•i-•.-...: •.. .

'l•e CHRONICLE , PAGE Fi¾! ] .YOU II ...... -.-..... Wedding Bells A SalemEntrance Planned For Importance HERE is windowshopping in architectureand furniture, tøo.We all like to seelarge houses,whether we can afford one or not. It is pleasantto go througha housefurnished with beautiful antique furniture, even thoughwe may not be able to own a singlepiece. Have you seenthe crowdsat the Metro-' polltan Museumof Art who enjoy lookingat fine pictures,or the room full of antique furniture from Europe and America?

The photograph shows the beautiful doorway in Salem, . Massachusetts,designed by David Lord in 1825.Crowds go I through Salem every year to see this city's beautiful old housesand to enjoy the interiors of many that are owned by ß societies,and open to the public. When you drive to Maine• next year, plan to stop en route at Salem, and enjoy this beau- MRS..•Y.ARREN W. WISSE tiful town. This entrance •peaks for itself. It has a finely designedfan- The marriage of Miss Santa light, and side lights which are flanked by small engagedfluted Alberti, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. columns with carved capitals of the Corinthian order. They Rosario A]berti, 23. Aspen P1., match the four large columns which form the entrance. The Passaic, to Warren William elaborately designed Palladian window adds richness and ira- Wisse, son of' Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liarn Wisse, 72 Dundee Ave., took .J place in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel ... •..-... • '-:• ß .,.::::. ,. ::•.-.•...•::.• .- , _,,, • : !:,•:.-.i¾U.... '•.•;la•, ....".' •.•::.::'.¾... :-,-•'-,• •"Z_'•,..•:•;•; •- R. C.-Church, Passaic. The Rev. • •:•L•,.:a•:•-..:..,•.,,,,•..-••%:,,.., •.•.' . Sylvester Cata]lo O.F.M. Cap, ' '-:• ..... ' "• •'•f' ':..... - '•' •:•' • •S- ß *• ':'•i• performed the ceremony which was followed by a reception in P. MACALLE Co-Operative Hall, Parker Ave., Clifton. In a ceremony performed in St. Joseph R. C. Church, Miss Rose • "' '"=:"'•....:.i'="* iSi.5:-;: '•= ' Marie Castner, daughter of Mr. -••.• '-!..... "- - " ':: t.'• ' and Mrs. Charles Castner, 807 " •.• . '• :':':-:'..-::.--.7'"•. -..-...."' [ il • '•'•.! .. .. Madison Ave., and Joseph P. Ma- .. ß..,:• ...... • ..'•.. ' ... :.... . calle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .. • . • ...... •:: ...... •. - Macalle, 140 Sheridan Ave., .were Gowan officiated at the ceremony. married. The Rev. Francis P. Mc- A reception was held in the Cir- cle Bar and Grill, Rt. 23, Wayne.

.. ß ...... portaneetothe whole ensemble. The •r--eek fretteci window cornicesare unusually fine, and are a forerunner to the Neo- • •. ß Greek style which became so-popular during the succeeding .. years. We think one of the amazingthings about these early ar-

chitects was the fact that they had such a wide range from • .• .... simplicity to importance in their design. A small unpreten- tious house had good detail and fine proportion, but suited MRS. JAMES J. BRUDNY Ml•. JOHN L. DE ZERGA the slender means of the owner. As the importance of th, PATERSON- In a douNe-ring owner's station progressed, the architect increased the im- Imma6ulate" Conception R. C. ceremony performed recently in Church, Astoria, L. I., was the portanceof the designof the househe was planning.He didn't St. Brendan's R. C. •ureh, •f- setting recently for the marriage just make the house larger, but the design itself was rnor, ton, Miss Rosetm Tumini, daugh- o! Miss Faith Millicent Buffing- elaborate. ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ter of Mr. and..Mrs. •o •mini, Charles Buffington, 28-122 24th We,too, discovered that same thing in ourwork many years 258 Ma•0n':"•Ave•, •d Jmes J. Ave., Astoria, to John Leonard ago.-A young couple would have a modest sum for a house. Brudn:y, •n of-- Mr. and -'Mrs. DeZerga, son of air. and Mrs. We would designit, keepingit in goodproportion (that im- Jose•.,.•rudny, 322 Ve•on Ave., Frank DeZerga, 328 Morrissee portant item), and reservingsomething for a nicely conceived "•-re'•:'•'•'•':•ied.•e •v. aam• Ave., Haledon. The Rev. Edward entrance.Their friendsthought they had spentmore than they J. Nolan performed the ceremony Rugel officiated at the ceremony. which was followed by a recep- really had. Did they admit otherwise?-Of course not! Were A r• p ion followed-' in Ko•er 'tion at the AstorJan Manor. they pleased?Certainlyl -Swiss Chalet, R•helle Park. PAGE SIX The CHRONICLE OpportunitiesUnlimited: :':'-'"'-.....-, SightseeingTurned toPrOfit ing, nor taken friends around.'_' '; ...... '"'"""'"'• ARGARETG. livedin a Then, one day, her town was left a large sum of money for ß State,M 'almost,smalltown at thein endNew ofYork no- setting up a museum of' local his- where," as she put it. toric items. The city fathers got together to discussarrangements. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::??:...... :?:::{???::::::::::::::...... :?::::::::::.....::..:::..:..:.<:::•.ß -.,• • ",B,ut it'sreally beautiful coun- ':'"::"::d•ii!?/iii:....%. :iß: try,lage isshequite told oldme,and "and historical. our vil- d/cded Visited Old Houses '/-- ' e- > "- "My bobby has always been

the old houses, and make friends ' _.'... drivingwith thefor peoplemiles who around live to inlook them. at Some of the houses date back to MRS. JOHN F. BECHYLE MRS. EDWARD BATTINELLX the sixteen hundreds, and they are fascinating. I've studied Miss Marilyn Kuiken, daughter Miss Doris Gennarelli, daugh- everything I can about the early of Police Lt. and Mrs. Edward H. ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gen- days here, and wheneverfriends Kuiken, of 12-14 HopDer Ave., be- narelli, 211 East SeventeenthSt.. come to visit, I drive them came the bride of John F.Bech- and Mrs. EdwardBattinelli, 489 around,too, and showthem all fie, 607 Newark Ave., Elizabeth, and Edward Battinelli, son of Mr. at. St. Anne's R C. Church. The EastEighteenth St., weremar- thepoivts of interest." Rev. Bernard Sharpe, OFM. offi- tied receutly in a double ring It soundslike a very impracti- ciated. ceremony in Blessed Sacrament cal hobby, doesn't it?

. o R. C. Church. It didn't work out that way, Rev. Francis DDennehy of Mor- ristownofficiated. bowever.Margaret G. kept on with her study of the history of : t. o .. • thesehouses, and with her drives .. to historic points. After Husband's Death She Made a Hobby of " Visiting Old Houses. i_.'-:' ..- ... Several years ago, she lost her I• ,- , ß {:::?:}.?..::' :::::::-::,:' husband, and the tragedy was garet to be the official hostess of ::::---•½:-.:: ...... great. the museum, and to help them ß collect the material they wanted. "If I hadn't ha• that interest, "Can you imagine," she told '. ======::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::======....- ._...... __. .'•f•.. I don't know what I would have me delightedly, "they said there Jt ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:...:_:.:.:.:,-.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:======:'- • .'?:'" . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::done," she told me later. "It was no one else in all the town ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: heaped keep me from becoming a who could handle it as Well as I! hermit. It got me out among peo- The salary is just wonderful, and ß ple, and helped me pick up the •ß • ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: imagine being paid for doing pieces of my life." what I would do anyway, .just for :::::::::::-' ======:1 ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Shortly after that, money pres- fun!" ß, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::

. .-:.::..:.:..:... ======sures began to get severe. Invest- We have mistaken ideas, some- ß :i:::::K:K:!:::..' ======• ments turned sour, and Margaret 'times, about what is "practical" MRS. RONALD SANTEE G. had a hard time keeping her and what is "impractical." When head above water. St. 's R. C. Church was MRS. FRED GUSKIND you do a thing for love, you are the scene of a snowball wedding "But I held on to the car," she planting deep and healthy roots recently when Miss Rose-marie Miss Marilyn Cohan, daughter told me,. "because without it, I --and some of the blossoms may Tramutolo, daughter of Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Cohan, couldn't have done the sightsee- surprise you ! Phyllis Tramutolo, 38 .Cross St., 292 Nineteenth Ave., and Fred became the bride of Ronald San- Guskind, son of Mrs. Estelle Gus- tee, son of Mr. and Mrs. John kind, 12 Britton St., Jersey City, Santee, 185 Slater St. The Rev. were married recently in the Joseph Gallo-performed the dou- Clinton Manor, Newark, with ble ring ceremony. Rabbi A. officiating. The double-ring ceremony was fol- lowed by a reception.


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MRS. WILLIAM J. WALL ß ..:- . MRS. L. J.-KIENTZ, Jr. :

.. In a double ring ceremony per- Miss Janice Wagner and Wil- .. formed Saturday t 11 a.m., Miss liam J. W-all were united in mar- . '"-:-' .::..':::;"':::'}:'-.' :. .::'.!•:."-::'-•:"...::.: :. -<.-.,:..

: ' ø ::...,•... i '::-::::.. Francis Marie Vecchierella, riage Saturday in St.-Mary's R. .':' 'i": :...... daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Church. The bride is the Vecchierella, 95 RocMand St., and daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Howard Leonard Joseph Kientz• Jr., son Wagner .of 25 .Tonia Ter., Haw- 'OLD VIC:' STARS -- ClaireBloom and John Neville portray the of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kientz, thorne. Mr. Wall is the son of et•r. oroeeedlovere In the Old VIo oompan¾'epresentation of "Romeo 94 Bergen Blvd., West Paterson," Mr.-and Mrs. William' Wall of 92 .rid Juliet," to be coloreaeton NB•,-TV'$ ddProdueer• 8howolee# were married. Oxford St. Mnndiv. Mir•-h 4. T•e CHRONICLE PAGE SEVEN and a number of'new schools are now being developed.At the same time, .,,ED'ITORIALS la•ge numbersof sub-standardschools ' The and "diploma mills" have been closed. Medical'Education Week Suchschools were a scandalyears ago. Editor Speaks A "week"of morethan ordinaryim: Myth 6: The AMA attempts to re- portancewill be celebratedduring the strict the number of physicians. Fact' There are many Success Schools in this April 21-27 period. It is Medical Educa- The AMA has neither the authority nor country, but I have never ,before heard of a tion Week,and the sponsorshipincludes desire to control the size of the enroll- Failure School. Yet, according to all staffsties, there are the AmericanMedical Association, the ment or the number of graduates. It many more failures than. successes. Association of American Medical Col- may recommend a ceiling on enrollment According to Dr. Mandel Sherman, noted leges, the National Fund for Medical only when it appears overcrowding of Los Angeles psychiatrist, there should be Education, and other such Organiza- facilities may endanger the quality of courses in "how to fail gracefully" included in all public schools. tions. The "week's"general purpose is instruction. to developpublic understandingof the aims, problemsand progressof medical Myth 7: Medical schools are hard education. pressed for operating funds and only "Everybody cannot be a success,"he said, In this 'connection,a leaflet published the federal government can meet their "and the American ideal of success at ANY needs. Fact' Medical schools do need cost is breeding neuroses in our children." by the AMA, entitled "What's Up With I think the good doctor has'got something Our Medical Schools?"provides a mine more income. The profession welcomes there. ., of information--andalso clears up some one-time federal grants to the schools Everybody wants to be successful now- more or less common m.isconceptions. for worthy purposes. But it opposes aways. Everybody wants lots of money, lots The booklet takes seven myths which continuing federal aid lest the govern- of all the good things o• life, a nice home, a good education for his children, fine clothes, have to. do with the state of medical ed- ment seek to control that which it fi- a shiny automobile. ucation, then counters them with the nances. Medical educators are confident So we have all sorts of panaceas .for sue- ' actual facts. that increased private funds will be tess--books on success, schools for social made available to schools once their success, courses.on how to be successful.,.'m ...... Mythß 1- Medical school graduates buiness and even on how to catch your man. are not keeping pace with the popula- needs become more widely known. But how many of us do really ACHIEVE success? tion growth. Fact: While our general By SUCCESS •e usually think only of populationincreased 80 per cent during material succes' And that perhaps, is one of the math reasons why most of us are the 1910-1955era, the' supplyof doctors People-fo-People entirely unprepared for Failure. increased 120 per cent. The number of .. Hoxv many of us have learned "how to fail gracefully" and can find happin-ss '-even-in doctors .in this country is at. a record Some months ago President Eisen- failure ? ratioof oneto every730 persons, a pro-. hower called a group of leading Ameri- portionexceeded only by Israel,which can citizens to a special White House has an abnormal number of refugee conference. Out of that conference physicians. If Dr. Sherman ever succeeds in establish- came what is known as the "People-to- ing his Failure School, he should include in Myth 2: Medical schoolstry to keep its curriculum several basic points. People program of cornmtmicati,on be- In the first place he should teach how to their enrollments as low as possible. tween Americans and the/citizens of discern the difference between MATERIAL Fact: In less than 50 years medical and SPIRITUAL success. other lands. He should include case histories-.of many school enrollments rose more than 128 extremely "successful" men and women who per cenL New records in' the size of en- There is a place in this program for have been very unhappy,' and 'of-others who, in spite of poverty, have been most useful rollments and graduating classesare everyone. An individual, for .instance, and happy people. constantly being made. Then, too, he should shoxv that almost all may regularly write letters to. friends successes were preceded by a series of fail- Myth 3" Medicalschools refuse ad- and relatives abroad, share American ures, and that only those who were not discouraged by failures eventually became mission to. a vast number of applicants. books and magazines with eagei• read- successful. Fact: In a recent year more than half ers overseas, or invite to his home one of all applicants were accepted. More of the' many foreign visitors 'who come and more, medical schools are compet- to this country. A civic leader may help ing with each other for the better-quali- He 'should • give his pupils the qualifica- his community tradertake a town .aftilia. tions for success and he should teach them fied applicants. to learn to know their limitations. tion with some sister-city abroad, as has He should point out to them that there is Myth 4: Only "A" students are ad- Hagerstown, Maryland, with Wesel, no use in driving yourself beyond your abil- mitted to medical schools. Fact: In a ities and talents in ord r to reach success, Germany. A business firm with foreign that such driving can result only in sick- recent year, only 17 per cent of the stu- branches may devote part of its over- _ness, unhappiness and complete frustration. dents had "•A" .averages in their pre-. He should make his students find substi- seas advertising to build better under- 'tutes for MATERIAL success in those things medicalw. 0•rk, as against69 per cent that are free to. all and that cannot be with "B'/averages and 14 per cent "C". standing of America. The possibilities bought xvith the money that so-called suc- Most•.t•edicalschools give important are almost limitless--and some of them cess can bring. consideration to character, personality, are novel and striking. As an example, leadership,and other non-scholasticfac- the Gazette, of Amble, Pennsylvania, or/ the 900th anniversary of Coburg, Ger- And, to end this column on a facetious tofF'whenselecting applicants._ not•/" he should mention that you don't -Myth 5: Medical schools fail to grow many, issued a "Freedom Edition" in really have to be a success. Just send 35 cents to the Government Printing Office for with the times. Fact- The number. . of two languages and distributed copies in its booklet, "How to Make Both Ends Meet approved schools in this country in- both of its own town and the German on $2,000 a Year." If you can do THAT, you are ready to creased from 66 in 1910 to 8t in 1955, city. graduate'. '. ' PAGE EIGHT The CHRONICLE Brotherhood Award Mr. Smith's report stated that 1%obert A. Smith, president of the Given Jack Stern state's oldest, privately financed, non-sectarian, non-racial, adop- Jack Stern, civic and fraternal tion agency whose headquarters leader, will be this year's recipi- are located at 929 Parkside Ave- ent of the annual Brotherhood nue in this city. Award sponsored by the Kauf- the source of referral of January man-Harris Post 36, Jewish War applica,tions for adoption service Veterans, it was announced this received .by the Society included ::

ß week by Commander Arthur 7 cases received from .other so- ß . . - . Manager. cial service agencies, 9 direct Presentation ceremonies will from parents, 6 from hospitals, be held Monday evening, Feb. 25 11 from maternity homes, and at 8:30 p.m. in the Post meeting one from an attorney. Classified by religion: 20 applications œor adoption assistance were made in behalf of Protestant children with .adoption aid being sought for 10 Catholic y•oungsters; the religious status of 7 other tots being unrecorded in time for the January report.

GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY--Mr. •nd Mrs. William Frac•ose, Berliner Chairman 339 Southside Aveaue, l•aledon, celebrated their 50th Wedding Anni'vers•ry recently with a family dinner held at the Cedar Easter Seal Campaign Cliff Hotel. The couple were nmrried in St. 's R. C. Church, Paters(m, on Jan. 9, 1907 by the late Rev. Leo Heinrichs, Abe S. Berliner, Paterson insur- O.F.M. Mr• Fracalose is the œormer Elizabeth Doyle, she Ls • ance man and civic leader ,will .be active member of the Rosary Society of St. Paul's R. C. Church, Passaic County Chairman for the Prospect Park, of which both are members. Mr. and Mrs. Frac•. øe ' 1957 Easter Seal Appeal of New lose have two daughters: Mrs. Lee Cooke-of- Haledon and Mrs. Jersey Society for Crippled Chil- George E. Sprague of Paterson. They also !rove five grandc•- q''l dren and Adults, it was an- dren: P•trici•, Carole .and Jo•n Sprague and Lee •nd Paul Cooke nounced today. The Appeal, for all of v•hom, together with Mr. George Sprague and Lee Oooke, a statewide goal of $300,000.00, were present at the celebration. JACK STERN will open March 15 and continue until Easter Sunday, April 21. rooms at the YM-YWHA. Dr. Eugene G. Wilkins, presi- It is part of the Post's tradi- dent of New Jersey Society for tion to present the award each Crippled Children and Adults-- year to a citizen who has been the statewide Easter Seal Society THnT' ' n[ outstanding in terms of service --announced today' that Berliner to the community. again will head the Passaic WHALE OF Stern, spark-plug of numerous County Easter Seal Appeal. Ber- A STORY UJA appeals, has served as chair- liner has been active in. New Jer- man of the Red Cross fund drive, sey Society since 1949, shortly GPGMTFILMING •0• DI•K• president of the Forward Pater- after its organization, Dr. Wil- GRE• P•K W•E T• son movement. Bonds for Israel, kins said, and is a former presi- YM-YWHA activities and many dent of the state organization. others. Berliner now is a trustee and He was a former member of member of the Executive Com- the Paterson Fire and Police mittee of the Society. Commission and is active as a Berliner also, Wilkins pointed board member of the Barnerr out, is a member of the Board of Memorial Hospital. Trustees of Opportunities Unlim- In previous years, other award ited, Easter Seal-sponsoredwork SUGA ' winners included Eric Graupe, training and employment project David L. Cole and Alex Gow. for handicapped people at 75 • FO•'You - - The committee in charge of the Hoover Avenue, Passaic. Oppor- award ceremonies includes Miss tunities Unlimited was estab- i),E.HE. Ftl ø Norma Siegel, Meyer Fand and lished as a non-profit Easter Seal- Murray Beides. sponsored project a year ago O.,Ti½^LILLUSION this month. In addition to the Passaic project, Easter Seals sup- THE •T• •H • • •EEN PassaicCounty Tot port a program. of statewide re- habilitation services for physic- • •E HE•L• SoughtAid in January ally handicapped people. • CE•DTO EXIST/ TRENTON, N.J. -- A single case concerning a Passaic Court. ty tot whose mother sought WHI Troast ]Be Reappoi•.ted? sistance in placing her child for An editor asked GovernorMey- - adoption is included in a list of net if he will reappoint Paul 37 such requestsreceived durin4 Troast to the. New Jersey Turn- January from 14 counties of the pike Commission. Mr. Troast ran A WORD... state by the Children's, Home So- against Mr. Meyner for Governor ciety of New Jersey. in 1953. This information was disclosed Governor Meyner's answer: today in a repo,rtreleased by "No comment." TheCHRONICLE PAGENINE- "All WrapPed Up"

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ß . """'-?•i...... ,• i !: : ".-. ... . :!:.>:. -•:•:..'...... I•ECOI•D CORNER: Edward Polcer, young talented musician :•::•:::. .. !:-- . who ha•ls f•om Prospect Park, can be heard in a couple of excellent -.- . -. Jubilee LP records with Start Rubin and his Tigertown Five.. ß:?.¾i::.•.?'::: ' ...::- • :.• Eddie is the. trumpeter in Rubin's nationally-known Tigertown i ...-•..ß . • .....-..: •..• • -. Five. The .band was organized by Rubin, of New Rochelle, N.Y., I ß .:'::. •. . :.• .':-::: .•...:':•'. •,. :::::•.::::...... ':':" .... "" '"'"!:;:'i':i::'"":.!.: •. while he was a student at Princeton in 1951. {:;::•:: !!.': Rubin, who now attends Ford- ß •. ..½:..•:..(,-...... :: ,.:•. ::•'::. . . ß ' "::":*?:'.•....-• .. •:.... ':''". ..: . !i .: ham University, once met the ß ....>:::• •. . former Grace Kelly when the ':, .::i : .":.:'ß •.. '.".: band played at a party in Cherry ß iß ...... Hill. ,: ß .. ß.:..'•;•i•i '.:!i"-:::øir•;i "?:... ':"' ':':•!- ,, . The Tigertown aggregation has already toured Europe, and is as ':! ß."..:! :.;?•..' ...... ' '".: i!:' .::•..'::{ ...... •?.. m":•""•, :. ..' : well known to jazz buffs there ß "'-•,.•,. ":'..... '.:..::?s'::-':.•':" :.if"--i' .{" "' '" ..:' as they are in the. states. :- ...... • ½. ...-?•.. •.-.:: ß ß • ..... • ...f:.- :. •'. '.-:"' : .:i: ..•-...... -' ;•.i:::i:i.:.-:•iil .- -.. One Rubin disc is appropriate- ...... +. ly enough labeled Stan Rubin ....!::i'::?i..... ß:::,. ':.-::i;: ::;:' .....'-:' ' :..:•:."" ::' :i'-'-.'...: ' :i ::-: '" ...'" and his Tigertown Five, while ... the other click LP .offering is the ..::'?'....-' "::': :'.. "':'-. .-.. " ? .i:":'"' 4 '": "' -. :' :' same Mr. Rubin and the same '.... -...' .i.:.' .." .'?-:' Tigertown Five in Monaco. That's ...½. : •- .:'... right, Stan and the boys, along ,. ß .... ': % .... -:.:i i: '. :.- .-: . with young Polcer, were engaged .. .:.. :.-. -.:.:• -- . i: - to play for the prince Ranlet- . .. • •: ...... : :..-...... ,,ß ..!.- ,• .. :.: .. Grace Kelly nuptials last season. .. ß .. ...

':..•...• .. :. :: .:......

...... -...... On the subject of jazz and the ß...... -. -' ......

ß...... -. ....:... solid .best music, Jubilee has several other interesting titles. Among '":::.i. .. : them are "College Jazz Co.mes to Carnegie Hall", Conrad Janis and . Model Lisa Gaye gets so wrapped up in her work on His Tailgate Five, "Eight For Kicks, Four For Laughs" with Lou Television's "he Bob Cummings Show" that Bob Cummings has Stein and his quintet, and "The Spring Street Stompers at Carnegie to give her a hand during a coffee breakß 8he is made up as Hall." mummy for a'dream sequence in "Bob •angles_ with Ruthie" "•he Bob _Cummings 8how,"


Jubilee has other LP's which seem to: be selling rather well. UnderworM "Drama" These would include "September Song" with the Dorothy Done, gan Trio, "A Hayes Named Mar- tha" and "The Salt City Five". Jazz addicts would do well to latch on to some of these Jubilee classics. Jubilee merchandise can be ordered from Charlie Gold- berg, of the Cosnat Distribution district, 415 Halsey St., Newark.

"The Music of George Gersh- win", is a new MGM LP release, featuring.. Sonrda Bianca with the Pro-Musica Symphony Orchestra of Hamburg, Germany, conducted by I-Ians-Jurgen Walther.

..• Richard Dyer - Bennet, j u s t about one of the top .balladeers RICHARD BENNET in the ..business,clicks again with his second output under his own label, "Richard Dyer-Bennet No. 2". Thin splendid album is again handled in typical Dyer-Bennet concert style, and features such popu- lar folk melodies as "Eggs and Marrowbone", "Blow the Candles Out", "Corn Rigs Are Bonnie", "Two Maids Went Walking" and "The Scottish immigrant Jeannie MacLennan (Jeannie Carson) Beggar Man". tangles with the underworld, causin her American sponsor, cabbie AI Murray (Allen Jenkins), no end of concern when she If you're a folk song admirer, Dyer-Bennett's latest belongs with brings home some "artillery." lion_ever the pert miss settles the situation in 'her own 'way, In "Hey, J nnle r' Saturday, Feb. your collection. over the CBS Television Network.

PAGE TEN The CHRONICLE 8:00 7--The ChristopherProg: 5•!vlr. & Mrs.•North 7--Ted Mack i 2--JackieGleason • 9--CartoonTime 4---PerryComo I I--PictureParade 9--MillionD.o|l•r-Moxle 5•GeneAutry 13•DoveSon Nero7 ß I I--Victory at'Sea ß I I--Susie 12:30 8:00 8:30 2--WildBill Hickok 2--Ed Sullivan Show' 4--The Open Mind 4--Steve Allen - 5---Liberace 5•LooneyTunes •---Dr. Christian I I--PublicDefender 7•Faith ForToday IlkLife With Father WCBS-TV--2 WIgCA-TV--4 WABD--5 9:00 I I•peration Success 8:30 WABC•V--7 WOlg-TV--9 WPIX--11 2--GaleStorm 13--Prof.Prezzolinl 7•Open Hearing 4--Sid CaesarsComedy I:00 I I--Susie WATV--13 5•N. O. P.D. 2•Heckle & Jeckle 13•Ho!lywoodHalf Hr. 7•Lawrence We•ik' Show 4•News and Views 9:00 TheseTV Morningand AfternoonPrograms Are Repeated 9--Sat. Night Show 5•Youth Forum 2--General ElectricThee. I I--Basketball 7mYouth .On The March 4--•ob Hope, ChevyShow - MondayThrough Friday from 7:00a.m. to 5:30p.m. 13•Har'.em -S.•owcase 9•Jill Corey •---Warner Bros.Premiere 9:30 I I--Baskefba'lAwards 7---Omnlbus 13•Mauro Zambuto 2--Hey Jeanniel 1:30 -9--Thee. of MovieClasslc• 7:00 4--Truth or Consequences 2:30 I I--Mr. Disfr;ct AHorne¾ 2--WillRogers, Jr. 9--CartoonTime 2mArtLinkletter 5•Wresfling 2•P;cf.for a Sun.P.M. 13--Rev. Thee Jones 10:00 4--Frontiers of Faith 4--Today 12:00 4---ErnieFord 9:30 8:00 2reVallentLady 3:00 2--Gunsmoke 5•Sunday Playhouse 4--Tic Tac Douqh 2•The Big Payoff •--George Gobel 7--FromHollywood 2--Hitchcock Presenfs' 2--CaptainKangaroo 5--HerbSheldon 4--MarlneeTheatre 7•Ozark Jubilee 9•Thea. of Movie Classics I I•Sci. FictionThee: 7--Tinker'sWorkshop 7--TimeFor Fun 5--LiberaceShow 13--All Star Movie I I•Movie 1.0:00 9:00 9•DoubleExposure 7--AfternoonFilm Festival 10:30 13•Rept. from Rutgers 2--T-he$64.000 Challenge 2--Stu Erwin 13--Coffee Club 9--Ted Steele 2•You'reOn Your Own 2:00 4--Loretta Young 4--Today 12:I$ 13•W. esternRoundup 5•Mr. & Mrs.North 4--Cifizen'sUnion I !--Studio 57 5---SandyI•ecker Show 2--Love of Live 3:30 7--Falcon 7---FeatureMatinee 13--All Star Movie 7--The Romper Room 12:30 2--Bob CrosbyShow 10:30 9:30 2•Search for Tomorrow 5--Beulah 9•Bowling 13mUnlversify 2--Arnos & Andy 4---ItCould Be You I I--FirstShow I 1:00 2:30 2--What's My Line7 9--Screen;nqthe World 7--MemoryLane 4:00 2--TheLate News 2--TheLast Word 4--Feat. Film ß 4--Sat.Night News. 4--YouthWants To Know 7--Passportto Danger 10:00, 13--Western 2--BrighterDay 5•M,ovie I I--EthelThorsen 9--Milli.onDollar Movle 2--GarryMoore 12:45 4---QueenForADay 7--TheNight Show 13--AllStar Movie I I--The Whistler 4--Home. 2•TheGuid;ncj L;cjhf 5mWend;e13--Fun TimeBerrie I I--Jill Corey 3:00 10:45 5•Anyf;meTheatre 1:00 4:15 I 1:15 2•Face the Nation •--Washlngfon 7--Dramaof Life 2--News-Walter Cronklte 2--The Secret Storm 4--Outlook Merry-go-round 9•4•artoon Time 4--Tax & Jinx 4:30 2•TheLate Show 5•SundavMovie 10:30 5•AnyfimeThea. 2--TheEdc•e of Night 4--NewsReview 7--FilmDrama I !:00 2--ArthurGodfrey 1:30 S---Mr.& Mrs.North II :30 9•Thea. of Movie Classics 2--Sun.NeWs Special . 7•Claire MannShow 2--As The World Turns 13--JuniorFrolics 4--Hy Gardner I I--Sherl,ockHolmes 4--JohnK. M. M½Caffre¾ 9--RoyRogers 4•Club 60 5:00 9--I Am The Law 3:30 5mMovie ' I I:00 7--TheAfternoon Show 2--MyLiHle Margie 13--HollywoodHalf Hr. 2--WorldNews 7--Movie 13--Featur6 Film 4--Comedy Time 1:15 4--Zoo Parade I I--MysteryThee. 11:15 4---ThePrice Is Right 2:00 5--HerbSheldon 2--The Late, Late Show 7--John Hopkins 7--HopalongCassidy 2---OurMiss Brooks 7--MickeyHouse Club 4:00 2--The Late Show I !:30 2--! ate Matinee 9--Ted Steele 2--Odyssey 4•Feat. Film 2•StrikeIf Rich I I•HollywoodMovletlme I I•Ramarof the Jungle 4--Ray Bol.aer 1:00 •. U N !' '• '/ 7--ColleoePress Conf. 2--The Late,Late, Show I I--Pet Center 13•Jr. Carnlval 12:00 7--Carto,on Club MARCH3 4:30 SATURDAY 2--T,he Biq Top 9--Movie 8:00 7--Medical Horizons 5--New Horizons 13•unio,r Frollcs. 7--The Bontempis 5:00 2•AgrlculfureUSA 9--Thee.ofMovie Classics MARCH 2 4--TheFourth "R" I I•Popevethe Sailor Man MARCH 4 9--Cartoon Time 2--•venincl Thee. 7--CartoonFestival 13•Jr.Carnival 7:00 I I--Six Gun Playhouse 4--Feat. Film 5:30 13--Itel. Feat. Thee. 2--The Breakfast Show 5--Adv. of Eastslde Kids 13--BigPicture 2--Mama5:00 12:30 2--The Early Show 4---Modern Farmer 7--Moyle 8:30 4•Topper--Comedy 4--EveninqThea.- 4•Watch Mr. Wizard 2•Big Picture 5--Ganqbusfers 8:00 I I--Spotlicjhf 5•Ca pt. Video •--Feaf. Thee. 5:30 13•Oral Roberts 7--Dean James A. Pike I I--Clubhouse Gang 2--Hickory Dickcry Dock 9:00 I I--Capt. Midnight 4--Herb Sheldon !:00 I I--Popeyethe SailorMan 13--Feature Film 7--Cartoon Festival 2•Lone Ranger 13--Joe Michael's Kids 2--SundayNews 13•CYOWorkshop 6:00 4---LibraryLions 5:30 8:30 4---Home Gardener 6:00 5--Gene Autr¾ 2--To Build A Nation 7--Studio 7 9--This Is The Life 2•Bolncj, Bolng Show 7--Jungle Jim 9:00 9•Gene Autry 2--Six o'clockReport 9:30 4----Capt. Gallant 9--Mv Hero I I--Double Feat. •Range Rider •Three Musketeers 13--Big Picture 7•Adv. of Rin Tin Tin 2raTheWay To Go 7•PressConference I I--Popeyethe Sailor Main 2--C)n The Carousel 1:30 9--Comedy Thee. 9--ChrlstianSci. Prog. IlkBraveEagle 6:30 4--•hildren's Thee. 2--Riqhf Nowl 9:30 I I--Buffalo Bill, Jr. I 0:00 13--Evanqel.Hour S---LooneyTunes 4--Documentary-Films 13•Polka Party 2--Lamp Unto My Feet 6:00 7--Corliss Archer- 2--Captain Ka,ngaroo 7--The Afternoon Show 13--Fiesta Musicale 6:15 •--Wonderama 2--TelephoneTime 9--Lone Wolf

13--Jr. Town Meetlncl ß 10:00 7--Movie •Meef the Press I I•Comb•at Sergeant 2:00 2---Pat+i Page 6:45 •Howdy Doody 9--Oral Roberts •Frontler 4--Bethlehem Sports 13--German Varlety 7•Co. rllss Archer 4--Esso Reporter 5•P!avhouseofthe Week 2--Prof.Hockey 6:30' 10:30 9--Movle '7:00 9--Misslonat Mid-Century 4--City5--Feat. Decides Thea. 2•Vincenf Lopez 2--LookUp and Live I I--Soldlersof'Fortune 2--7 o'cl'ockRapt. 10:30 9--Movie Museum 4--Counterpoint 4•Children'sHour 13•N. J. Legls.Rapt. 2mMighfy Mouse 13mRequesffullyYours 5•Looney Tunes 4--HighwayPatrol 4--I Married Joan 2:30 9--Cartoon Time 6:30 5•-N'e•S 7--Frankle Lane 13--Span|shShow 2--Air Power 7--Kukle,.Fran & Ollie •---Movle 4---Prof.Basketball I !--Sheone I ! :00 4---RoyRogers 9--Terryicons 7--Movle 9--World We Want 13--Ireland's Heritage 5•M;ckey Rooney 9--SermonFrom Sci. I I--Movle 7:00 2--UN In Action 7•Sfar Time I lmS|ghtseelng 13•AII Star Movie 13•AII Star Movie. .. 4---Rosem.aryClooney 7--Focus I I•ombaf Sergeant 7:!5 13--Laß Pregunta Musicale 3:00 5•Long John SHver 9---R•dersof the West 13--•ov.Mevner ß ! 1:00 5•Movle--Drama 7--Galen Drake I ! :30 7:00 . 2--News 2--WinkyDink and You 7•FeatureMatinee I !--Abbot+ & Costello: 2--Camera Three 2•Lassle " •--Top Secret 7--John Duly-.,News 4--Fury 9•Mi!llon Dollar Movie 13--All Star Movie 4--Ask The Camera 4--77th BengalLancers I I--New York News 9---Ridersof the West 4:00 7:30 7--This Is The Answer 5•N.O.P. Dept. I I---Dione Lucas I I--The Chrlsfophers 7--You AskedFor It . 7:30 -_ . 2•The Bucaneers .... 13•ThePerucho Show S--JoePalcoke 13•pporfunlfyKnocb I I--Kingdomof the •ea' 2•Rob;n Hood :;': II :30 I ImAdv. Playhouse 4--People Are Funny 12:00 13--All Star Moyle 4--Nat KincjCole 2•Talesof TexasRangers 13--FunTime 5•Crusade in the Pacific ' 7'-Movie 2•Lef's Take A Tri• 7:30 •Shedff Cochlse 4•Cowboy Thee. 4:30 7•Wire Service I I-',--TeenacteCook. Club 2mAn Eye On New York 9--Milllon Dollar Moyle 4--HopalongCassidy 2--JackBenny--Comedy 5•Befween the Unes 4•Circus Boy 9--Mililon Dollar 'Moyle 13---Echoof Poland 4--Hieleah I•c;ng...... I!--I Search.. For. Adv.. PA•E ELEVEN The CHRONICLE I I--Stories of the Century 7:30 5--Top Secret 7:45 2--Name-That Tune 7--John _Daily--News GARDEN 4---N BC News 4•donafhan Winters I I---John Tillman--News 5•Waferfronf 7:30 8:00 NOW SHOWING 2--Burns & Allen 7--Cheyenne--Western4•Xavier Cugaf 4•Adv. of Sir Lancelot 1I•Cih/ Defective 5•MickeyRooney 7:45 7--Disneyland S--Frontier 4--NBC News 9--Million Dollar Movie I I--Stage 7 8:00 I I--Rosemary Clooney 8:30 2--Phil Silvers 7:45 2--Arthur Godfrey 4•$ 100,000Big Surprize4--NBC News 4•Sfanley 5•Uncomm.on Valor S•Judge Roy Bean I1--1 LedThree Lives 8:00 7--Volce of Firestone 8:30 2•Jo Sfe2ord I I--San Francisco Beat 5--Cava'lcade of Stars 2--TheBrothers I I--ldanBehind the Badtie f E 13--Hollywood Half Hr. 'l•Panic 9:00 5--PressConference 8:30 ALSO 2--1 Love Lucy 7--Life of Wyatt Earp 4•Father KnowsBest 4•Twenty-one I I--The Tracer 5•Count of Monte Christo •Racket Squad 13--HollywoodHalf Hr. 7--Navy Log HU M.- QW 7--Bishop Sheen 9:00 I I--Badge714 9--Who Dunit Thee. 13--Hollywood Half Hr. COL GRAY . 2--To Tell The Truth -,• 9:00 - . I I--FabianofScotland Yd.4•Jane Wyman ;i:.•:- . '•x -'•:' • ß 13--FrontPage Detective 7--Broken Arrow 2--T. he Millionaire 9:30 ß 9--State Trooper 4•Kraff Thea. ß' ;:.. :: 2--December Bride I I--Doub!e Feature 5•Wanfed ":'"':' •• c•sta-4 4--Robt. Montgomery 13--FrontPage Detective 7--Ozzle & Harriet 25-year-old stage newcomer Jori Cypher, • B•ooklyn. born S•Prof. Boxing 9:30 9--O'HenryPlayhouse RegalFilms, Inc. Product ß blessedb• 20lbCentury-FOx 7--TopTunes - Walk 2--Red Skelton I I--Dr. C.hrisfian baritone, • I I--Inner Sanctum '&KaiserA!umi.num Hour 13--Front Page Detective 13--HollywoodHalf Hr. 5•Cavalcedeof Stars 9:30 10:00 7--Du Pont Thee. 2--I've •ot A Secret 2--Studio One 9--Star Attraction S--Movie 5--Tomorrow'sChamps 13--HollywoodHalf Hr. 7--Ford Thee. 9--Milllon Dollar Movie 10:00 9--Star Attraction I I--Public Defender 2--$6•,000 Ouestion I I--Highway Patrol 13--All Star Movie S--The Hunter 13--Hollywood Half Hr. 10:30 7--Polka Time 10:00 4•RheingoldThee. 9--MillionDollar Movie 2--U. S. Steel Hour S--Prof.Boxing I I--DoubleFeature 'l•This Is Your Life 7--D•. Christian 13--AllStar Movie 7--Wed. Night Fights I I--The Hells of Ivy 10:30 9--1dillion Dollar Movie I I:00 2--EdgarBergen I I--Star and Story 2--TheLate News •-•Hold ThatNote 13--All Star Movie 4•News- Weather 5--SherlockHolmes 10:30 7--News 7--Dam,onRunyon Thee. 'l•Paragon Playhouse I I•verseas Adv. II :00 I I--Mystery is my Business 2--The Late News I!:1• 10:45 4--J. M. McCaffrey 2--TheLate Show 5--Wallace'sNightbeat 7--Sports Page 4---Tonrghf 7--News I I:00 •Af Ringside I I--Paris Preci'ncf 2--The Late News 11:30 11:15 4--John McCaffrey S--Bowling Time 2--The Late Show 5--Wallace's Nightbeat 9--Movie 'l•Tonight 7--Star Showcase I I--News 1!:30 I I--Sfryker of Scotland 13--HollywoodHalf Hr. 9--Movie 11:!5 I:00 I I--News 2--The Late 'Show 2--The Late, Late Show 13--Hollywood Half Hr. 4•Tonighf I:00 11:30 ß . 2--Late; Late Show :..-:.....•....•:.: .:•: -;,:..-:.? •.•'-:::•,,:-- ..%. 4---Tonight ß :.:.::.:...•:::...-.:.:,..-..:.:...::.:.:::?.:•.:.. -::.'::.:.:.::.:. :.. :::::...... :. •..'-'•:.,•. •.::< ..•..'".: :,-... 9--Movie '-.-:•.•' ..'-•!¾.-i! • ....:!.:? "•;•'"'•::'-'.•i..:•-.•'.;•.'!.-.•.':.•-.::L-... :.x:•.•!.;:'-:- TUESDAY I I--News ....ß-•..L•-:-:.'-•..:-.::.>..:•.:,;•....¾...::.•.:,: r•.•,:•:•¾-.:..>.' i:..•'•.:.•:- .:.::.::.:.-. 13--Hollywood Half Hr: •.-"'¾•,'..•,'• .'.:.x:::•:.-:-'•'.>•:. ' "L' - '. •,J" <::...-'.:.-.(-x.::.. •' "":-•'- I:00 MARCH5 WEDNESDAY MUSIC IN THE PARIS AIR -- The Chevalier-eyeview of his 2--The Late, Late Show beloved city offered in "Maurice Chevalier'8 Paris"-- NBC Spectac- 5:30 ular to be colorcast Wednesday, March 6 -- is one of a great and 2--TheEarlyßShow MARCH6 beautiful Paris backing reluctantly into the 20th Century, He will introduce viewer8 to the people engaged in this strange and some- 5--Capt. Video 5:30 THURSDAY !l--ClubhouseGang 2--TheEarly Show time8 amusing transition, Here he i8 shown with 25-year•ld Michel 13--FeatureFilm 4•Movie 4 Legrand, meteoric Paris-born composerand conductor, who composed 6:00 5•Capt. Video MARCH 7 randeonduete the film't original orchestral score. •---GeneAufry I I--ClubhouseGang 7--Superman 13--Feat. Film 5:30 9--Willy 6:0'0 2--The Early Show I I--Popeye the SailorMan 5•Gene Aufry 4•Movie 4 6:30 7--Sky King S--Capt. Video -•LooneyTunes 9--HisHonor Homer Bell I I--ClubhouseGang 7--DangerousAsslgnmenf I I--Popeye the Sailor Man 13--Feature Film 9--Headllne 6:30 6:00 I I--Abbott& Costello 5--L•oneyTunes 5--GeneAufry 7--PassoortTo Danger 7--Wild Bill H;ckock 6:45 9--CrossCurrent 4--News I I--Kingdomofthe Sea I I--PopeyetheSailor Men 7:0'0 6:45 6:30- 2---7o'clock Rept. 4•News S•'LoonevTunes 4•CelebrityPlayhouse 7:00 7--FilesofJeffry Jones r>--MikeWallace 2--7o'clock Rep'f 9--DatelineEurope 9•Terryfoons7--I(ukla,Fran & Ollie S--News4--Death Valley Days I I--RangeRider RUSSELLZITO, Photographer I I--KevinKennedy 7--Kukla,Fren & Ollie 6:45 I]•AII StarMovie 9--Terryloons 4•News 7:15 I I--Kevin Kennedy 7:00 FAirlawn 6-0104 I--News 13--All Star Movle 2--7 o'clockRapt. !•Top Secret 7:15 4•Guy Lombardo 7--John Daly--News 2--News r>--News ß ///////////////////////////// •, . PAGE TWELVE The CHRONICLE 7--Kukla, Fran & Ollie 7--Star Showcase 7--Adv..of Rin Tin Tin ... " 9--Terrytoons i I•Police Call 9--Million Dollar M•vie I I--News at Seven 11:!5 • I.•Su• ...... 13--^11 Star Movie 2--The Late Show 7:45 7:15 4•Tonight 4•NBC News 2--News 11:30 8:00 5•Top Secret 7•News Show 9•He-Man Then. 2•Wesf Point Story I I--News I I•News 4•Blondie 13•Ho!lywood Half Hr. 5--E. BarrymoreThen. 7:30 7•Jim Bowie 2•Sgt. Preston 12:30 I I•Federal Men 4•Dinah Shore 2--The Late, Late Show 8:30 5•The Goldbergs 7--The Lone Ranger 2--Dick Powell Then. 9--Movle 4•The Life of Riley I I•Whirlybirds S--Racket Squad 7•Crossroads 7:45

I I•Uncovered ....•..... ß 4-.NBC News 13•Hollywood Half Hr. 8:00 8 HOaVVq 9:00 2•Bob Cummin 2--Mr. and Eve -- 4•Groucho "" 5:30 4•On Trial 5--TheGreat /'•'dersleeve 2•The Early Show 5•Stage Seven 7--Clrcus Time'-":-' 4•Movie 4 7•Treasure Hunt I I--Chas. Boyer 5•Capt. Video 9•Crusader 8:30 I I•Clubhouse Gang I I--Bowllng ':'-"' 2•Shower ,o.• Stars 13•Feature Film 13•Fronf PageDetective . :' .:::.' ß

4•Draqnef 6:00 9:30 -. .. 5--Ray Milland

2--Schlitz Playhouse " . I I--Davld Niven 5•Gene Au'try 5•Movle ..... -....ß 13•Hollywood Half Hr. 7•Annle Oak'ey ß-: .... .:::.- .... 9•My Hero 7•The Vise 9:00 I I•Popeyethe Sailor Man 9--WarIn TheAir 4•Peoples.:•-'•e 6:30 13•HollywoodHalfHr. 5•Prof. Wre•ina 10:00 7•Danny Th s 5--Looney Tunes 9--Who Du h a. 7•Byline 2--The 'Line-Up I I•Dick ell 9--Adv. of China Smith 4•Cavalcade ,of Sports l I--Dr. Fu Manchu 7•Rav Anthony 13--Fron ge Defective 9•Movle

.. 9:30 6:45 I I--Movle 2-- la house '90 4•News 13•AII Star Movie :4•Big Story 7:00 10:30 7•B,old Journey 2--Seven o'clock Rep't 2•Person To Person I I--Ida Luplna 4•Sci. Fiction Then. 13•Hollywood Half Hr. ! ! :00 5--news 2•The Late News 'ROMEO AND JULIET'-- The famous Old Vic companyof Lon- 10:00 7--Kukla, Fran & Ollie ' 4•John M. McCaffre¾ don, currently on an American tour, will present Shakespeare's " 4•Lux Video Then. 9--Terrytoons 5--Wallace's Nightbeat 7--A:r' Time "Romeo and Juliet," starring John Neville and Claire Bloom, in a I I--Kevln Kennedy 7•Star Showcase colorcast on N BC.TV's "Producers' Showcase" Monday, March 4. 9--Movie 13--All Star Movie 11:!5 I I--Captured 7:15 13--All Star Movie 2•The Late Show ß.' '" --':::.'A.:.-. "•.'::'--; '. ;.,. ' ...... 2•News 4•Tonight S--Top Secret 1 !:30 ..::. '"',;.. :. "-..'-..,.,, .}7--Byline 10:30 7•John Dalv- News * I I--The Man Called X I I•News - John Tillman 9•Movie I I•News ! I:00 7:30 13•Ho!lywood Half Hr. < .:-. :. ß .,.•.y... . 2--The Late News 2•Beat The Clock '' " " 4---Xavier Cugat 1:!5 .. -- •,• '•-.' :: ,.'• ¾- 2•The Late, Late Show 5--Wallace's Nightbeat 5•Bugs BunnyThen. ß.. . ..•. - -..-. ,:, . ::

:i•4•J...• M.McCaffrey



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ß .!: :: Julie P.ndrews stars in Rodgers and !lammerstein's "C•nder- !:i:" :.::' ella," a ne•, hour-and-one-half musical in color, Sunday, .• arch ß.-:;: .::.- 31, on CBS •elcvision. •he special program marks the 'r•t •tar- ri0g role on television for Miss Andrews, who is Broad• ay's Vincent Lopez, his piano and his" orchestra present a new Fair Lady." It wil also be the first television original by the famed 30-minute series on the CBS Television Network, every Satur- musical team, Richard Rodgers and Oscar I!ammer•tein 11. day. Here he is with Judy Lynn, featurei• ßgirl singer on fie Iloward Lindsay, Dorothy Stickney, Illca Chase, Kaye Ballard, ] .'ram, w.hich has been a smash hit on W(•BS-•q• (New York) Alice GhostIcy and newcomer Jori Cypher will also play major --• last October. " rolcs in "C derell3."

T•e CHRONICLE PAGE THIRTEEN Bates & Bates Advertising Agency and threw sidelong ANCYglamourSNOW glances stood at thein theattractive reception reflectionroom ofin thethe mirrorBAtes, opposite. Sex, Mr. Witherell, her instructor at the art school, had told her, shouldn't play a prominent part when one is trying • sell sketches. After you have'some old fogy giving you the •eeover, it's pretty hard to swing him back to drawingsß "Still," Nancy reflected, pursing her lips at her image, "a little friendliness won't hurt." Standing up, she smoothed the flannel dressshe had bought earlier in the day. This morning at the school placement office they had told her Mr. Bates had called for a layout man, someone to do rough •elimin'ary drawings. "But I've never done this work professionally," she alibied. #Anyway, I'm thinking of changing to -fashion designß" Mr. Witherell had chuckled. "Nonsense, the work these peo. pie are looking for is along the general lines of the US. work •ou did last Fall. Now, now, no more excuses.I've already told the agency you'd be there sometime today." So here she was,-waiting for whoever of the Messrs. Bates, small medium, or king-sized, appeared firstß It was lunchtime when she arrived to pass the departing receptionist. "I don't mind waiting," she had called to the retreating girl. "I'll be arranging my sketches." After 20 anxious minutes, Nancy had rearranged her draw. ings dozens of ways. and her nervousness had worn off. Peering h• the mirror, she t'•0k an appraisinglook at her dress. "It's a trifle long on the left side," said a jesting male voice. Nancy gasped and spun around, to confront a tweedy, stall- I•g young man in the hall doorway. Under one arm he clut•ched I topcoat and a battered black portfolio similar to her own. There was a hall-mocking look on his face. Smiling, Nancy crossed the room and sat down. Then in- spiration struck her and she decided to put him in his place. "We are not in the market for free lance material," she in- formed the intruder with her best down-the-nose glance. "All •ur work is staff-handled." The tweedy one stiffened. ø'I beg your pardon, but-- "Perhaps, if you'd just take a look at my drawings, you would see that your boss can't afford to pass me up," he said. Nancy took a deep breath. "Bates, Bates, Bates and Bates can afford to miss any fresh fredlancer," she expelled. Apparently he was impressed. "Four Bates?" he ques. rioned. "There are only three on the door." "I," declared Nancy, standing to 'her lull height and ma- jestically turning on her heel, "I am the fourth Bates•a s/lent -partner." Then he left. For a full hour or more, Nancy sat and gazed at the silent door to the agency's inner sanctum. The more she I g&zed,the more foreboding it became until finally the gilded word "private" dwarfed the room. "I am sure," said Nancy,

[ will start lessons in fashion design tomorrow." :• Assnatching the elevatorupher reachedthings andthe streetrushing floor, out ofthethe tweedy room, young "that man was lodged beside the entrance reading a newspaper. "Going over the want ads," he said smilingly as 6he proached. The smile was so lnfectic•usthat Nancy smiled back. "Miss Bates," he said, quickly offering his arm, "please have a coke with me and look over my sketches." Hesitating for Just a moment, Nancy nodded. It had been a jolly quarter hour of light banter about why Nancy wouldn't be interested in 'his stuf/., when-she reached ior his batteredportfolio and had it openbefore he couldintervene. A bolt o! recognition struck her as she glanced at the first Jew drawings. They were battle scenesby a marine artist which she had seen at the museum just a Iew days previously. Remorse-stricken at the method She used. to circumvent the .••,•ß I:m mai-ine reallyearlier, not a sheBatesblurted 'o• .Bates,outBatesher eonIession.& Bates. I "Youwas JJt up there. looking •ox• work, too." A /rown crossed the •ormer marlne'e tan.n.ed' ./a.ee as he from/bedfor his drawings. "In that case you won't be interested lB the layouts I have in th.e bottom of the pack." *'X--I would like to see them and perhapsI eqUldset my , - , to reeornmend you to the agency in place of me eS•eI'm trgnsferring tofashion'design tomorrow," sheplead•l. Silently,. he handed the layouts over nd Nane• rasped as- dm reeosnizedthem as her ow• ; m•ous•e," the tweed),.yO•._ g man todd,*'Pro•essor Witherell Ill &/rlead o/m "Inc..a!/b0so .he.'..•tted me to borrow..these. rm ' • tl• retUmeahte• • h•, • tes.a• aate•, a•. x:


PAG, E FOU RTE EN The CHRONICLE __ Looking IVhohas replaced the vamp? Ahead

She'sas extinctas the dodo--this sultr/ vampof the '20's.She went out with ...'•ii•- ' • Tumminello blacksilk stockingsand "Yes, We Have No Bananas!",And she's been replaced Confid is a great quality. by a muchmore exciting young lady. Never befor has it been so necessary to ave confidence in The heroineof 1957 is quite a gal. ourselves, our country, in Withoutsacrificing a singlefeminine our friends, our Jobs, in our charm,she has tossed away fuss and future. Lo c nfidence and life feathersand takenon new jobsand becomes c Ilcated and hope- les• ¾ " en it comes to plan- newresponsibilities. She's versatile, too, ning on's future, confidence In shortsand halter,she can paint a alone is not enough. We must kitchen and be fresh and frail an horn also hirve foresight. Foresight laterin nylontulle. Shecan manage a to provide against the emergen- homeand raise a familywithout cies of , against old age anti the ti when we •ail no confiningher intereststo four wallsand l&nn•r le to earn our keep. diapers.She knows as much about local, dance I• ß future come• national and world affairs as her much : when we know husband.Usually doesmore about them. that future M vided for. And of cour• ,e way to pro- Often shehelps earn the family aide for I• mean• of life income--alwayshas a big sayin •uran . aaeur•ce tod•y offers to•d future pro- spendingit. And whetheror not a t security to mor• familyhas a regularsavings program ehtty-five rnllH• citiz•ne dependsa lot on her.She's the mainstayof our community. ,• YOURl•orth futureAmerica. too, Takeby becom- car• That'swhy so many women arehelping e& policyholder ofthe Bun theirhusbands get startedon a regular For aSvlce on all mattere U.S. SavingsBond investment program. eea•eel• w•th M•e ueuraa•e Theyappreciate the feelingof security that sucha programguarantees. They know that U.S. SeriesE SavingsBonds August E. Tumminello are one of the best investmentsa family canmake. The principalinvested in SUN LIFE OF CANADA Bondsis safe--notsubject to market fluctuations. And the returns are sure. ROOM 600, 5 COI,• S•. I{ you'reone o{ today'sefficient, LA. 3-2100 Res.: LA. 3-6810 modernyoung heroines, undoubtedly you takean activeinterest in your family'sfuture financial security. Remember--oneof the bestways to do somethingabout it is to encourage yourhusband to startinvesting 5-3108 regularlyin SavingsBonds todayl

Safeas America.... Ru•s, Carl•el•, I,inoleum, U.S. SavingsBonds '•'lh'•l,, & Bodding

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