The Catholic Community of Central Nottingham

St Cathedral Derby Road


St Augustine of England Woodborough Road

Welcome to all our visitors at St Barnabas Cathedral and St Augustine of England


Saturday 23rd February 2019 ~ Sunday 3rd March 2019

Psalter Week III~ Sundays - Year C ~ Weekdays - Cycle I

Weekday Masses at The Cathedral: In addition to the 1pm weekday Mass, Mass will be celebrated each weekday in the Lady Chapel at 7.30am. Mass will be celebrated at 6.15pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Children’s Liturgy takes place at the Cathedral during the 10am Sunday Mass. Sunday 1pm Recital Series Our recital series continues this week, Sunday, 24th February with Georgia Grattan, who will sing music by Barber, Herbert, Schumann and Britten. First Friday Lunches will be served in Cathedral Hall from 12.00noon on Friday, 1st March. You are all very welcome, please feel free to bring a friend. Women of St Barnabas The next meeting will take place on Friday 1st March in the Ellis Room at 1.45pm. All new members welcome. Prayers For Vocations Saturday morning in the Cathedral Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 9.15am. Times of Confession Tues - Fri Cathedral 12.15pm - 12.50pm Saturday St Augustine 5.15pm - 5.45pm Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.30pm - 6.15pm Weekly Exposition Times Thursday Cathedral 12noon - 12.45pm Thursday St Augustine After 10am Mass Saturday Cathedral 10.30am - 12 noon 5.00pm - 6.00pm No��gham Roman Catholic Diocese Trustees Company No. 7151646 Charity No. 1134449

CATHEDRAL MASS TIMES FOR THE SEVENTH WEEK OF THE YEAR ~ Psalter Week III Saturday 23rd February Vigil Mass 6.30pm Sunday Seventh Sunday of the Year 8am 24th February 10am 11.15am

6pm Monday Feria 7.30am 25th February 1pm 6.15pm Tuesday Feria 7.30am 26th February 1pm 6.15pm Wednesday Feria or 7.30am 27th February Margaret Clitherow, 1pm Anne Line and Margaret Ward 6.15pm Thursday Feria 7.30am 28th February 1pm Friday Feast of 7.30am 1st March 12noon Exposition followed by Benediction First Friday 1pm 7pm Devotion Of Reparation To The Sacred Heart Of Saturday Feria or 9.15am Prayer for Vocations 2nd March Mass of Our Lady 10am Vigil Mass 6.30pm 8pm Concert ~ Spem in alium Sunday Eighth Sunday of the Year 8am 3rd March 10am 11.15am 1pm Baptism ~


Exposition takes place on the First Friday of the month at 12noon to 12.45pm followed by Benediction in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. ST AUGUSTINE’S MASS TIMES AND EVENTS FOR THE SEVENTH WEEK OF THE YEAR ~ PSALTER WEEK III Saturday 23rd February Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday Seventh Sunday 24th February of the Year 11am African Community 2pm Monday Feria 25th February 10.30am Requiem ~ Tuesday Feria 26th February 10am Wednesday Feria or SS Margaret Clitherow, 27th February Anne Line & Margaret Ward 9am Thursday Feria 28th February 10am Friday Feast of Saint David 1st March 10am Saturday 2nd March Vigil Mass 6pm Sunday Eighth Sunday 3rd March of the Year 11am

Refreshments St Augustine's Church Hall will be open every Sunday after the 11.00am Mass for teas and coffees. Please come and join us. St Augustine’s Faith in Families Boxes Please could you bring in your boxes for emptying. Please give them to Diane Flynn or take them into the sacristy. Working Together as Parishes Our first ‘working together’ meeting had representatives from Our Lady and St Edward, Sacred Heart and St Augustine’s parishes. We had a good discussion regarding the challenges and opportunities of working together more closely-integrating activities, both liturgically and pastorally. We introduced the ideas of displaying newsletters from each Parish in our churches and a new prayer to support ‘working together’ to be said across the three churches. We thought of new opportunities, like social activities and sharing resources. The next step is for the PPC’s to discuss further opportunities and then representatives from the PPC’s will come together for further dialogue and discussion in this development. Please remember to keep this initiative in you daily prayers. St Augustine’s Cleaning Rota We still need more volunteers to join the church cleaning rota. This would involve being on the rota about every six weeks, but might be less frequent if a lot of people volunteer. Please give your name and phone number to Carol or Diane. St Augustine’s African Choir next Sunday the African Community at St Augustine’s will lead the singing at the 11am Mass. Today: How would the following exercise appeal to you? You sit in front of a mirror, reflect on all the failures, brokenness, and sin in your life. You can take as much time as you need for this. You are going to ask God’s forgiveness, you are going to try to make amends wherever possible, and you want to move forward from here. Ask yourself one simple question: How willing are you to give yourself absolution, to forgive yourself totally, before you dare to ask God to forgive you? Is there any point in asking God to do something for you that you are now willing to do for yourself? Guilt is not from God. Rather it is our inability to forgive ourselves. A leading psychiatrist said that he could discharge two-thirds of his patients immediately if he could get them to forgive themselves. To forgive is not necessarily to forget. I cannot press a button and erase the memory of some hurt or injustice. I can forgive, though, and, through the work of God’s Spirit, the memory will be healed, and will no longer hurt. Is there anyone who has really hurt you, and against whom you have every reason to have a very great resentment? We have all received our own share of hurts in life, but there is usually one or two in particular who have hurt us more than others. Do you think you could hand over that hurt to God in the Offertory of the Mass? Jesus taught us one simple prayer, which we call the Our Father or the Lord’s Prayer. It is a simple prayer, and it is quite short. One of the petitions is where we ask God to forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We can rattle off this prayer, and fail to realise the bind in which it can place us. We are putting a condition of God’s forgiveness, and that condition is that we are willing to forgive others. Please take some time out today to reflect on the ramifications of saying that prayer. (MB) Proposed Changes to Parking Charges around the Cathedral We have received notification from the City Council that they are proposing to make amendments to Traffic Orders to improve the increasing demands of on-street parking around the Cathedral ~ Zones 1; 2 and 3 as at certain times demand for on-street parking is exceeding supply and so it is important to ensure that short/medium stays are catered for.

The proposed tariffs are as follows: Daily 8am to 10pm ~ Monday to Sunday Zone 1: £1 for first 30 minutes, £2 for one hour, Then £2.00 per hour thereafter. Fixed tariff £2 between 8pm and 10pm. Zone 2: £1 for first hour, then £1 per hour thereafter. Zone 3: £1 for first two hours, then 50p per hour thereafter.

They are also reducing the number of parking meters available meaning that users will need to use the Ringo App on their mobile phones. This will discriminate against more elderly or technologically minded parishioners who may not be able to use the app or comfortable about paying over the telephone. We are intending to lodge an objection to the council and we are also asking all our parishioners to write with their concerns. If you wish to make any Sunday Morning Tea & comments on these proposals please send an email to Coffee Tea and Filter [email protected]. coffees will be served after the 8am, 10am & 11:15am Parish Finances Last Week Masses in the Cathedral St Augustine Cathedral Thank you for your Hall with bacon butties Loose Plate £ 220.70 £ 1,190.55 generosity to the work available after the Masses. Envelopes £ 161.00 £ 594.16 of the Church! The Repository will also be S/Orders £ 160.20 £ 707.68 In your Will, please open after the 10.00am Total £ 541.90 £ 2,492.39 remember your and 11.15am Masses. All Church. welcome. Cathedral First Confession/First Holy Communion and Confirmation Classes 2019 Classes will start for First Confession/First Holy Communion on Wednesday 20th March finishing on 19th June 2018 from 5.00pm to 6.30pm for children in School Year 3 or above, and Confirmation will start on Wednesday 20th March 2018 finishing 5th June from 7pm to 8.30pm for children in School Year 8 and above. All children who would like to receive these Sacraments are welcome regardless of what school you attend. We are looking forward to meeting and helping you take your next important steps in the Catholic faith. Please contact Alison at the Cathedral Office for more details. Cathedral Choir Concert - Saturday 2nd March 2019 at 8pm The Cathedral Choir will give a special concert performance of Tallis' awe-inspiring 40-part motet Spem in alium ('In No Other Is My Hope') in full surround-sound in the Cathedral in March to celebrate the 175th Anniversary. The programme will also include other music by Tallis, Purcell and Hildegard de Bingen, culminating with Handel’s ferocious Dixit Dominus, with the Helix Ensemble, directed by Alex Patterson. Tickets available from or from the Nottingham Tourism Centre. Hospitals If you have a relative or friend go into QMC or City please inform the Chaplaincy Dept., via ward staff or your parish priest and request a visit. QMC: 0115 9249924 ext 63799. City: 0115 9691169 ext 56187. Old Pound Coins If you have any old pound coins or foreign coins, please donate them to the Cathedral Restoration Fund. Thank you. Please visit our Facebook page "St Barnabas Cathedral". Prayer for the Sick

Father, your Son accepted our sufferings to teach us the virtue of patience in human illness. Hear the prayers we offer for our sick brethren. May all who suffer pain, illness or disease realize that they have been chosen to be saints and know that they are joined to Christ in his suffering for the salvation of the world. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Events This Week At The Cathedral Vespers Lady Chapel Sunday 6.45pm following Mass Art and Craft Group Ellis Room Monday 1.30pm RCIC Ellis Room Monday 5pm Compline Cathedral (Mon/Weds/Fri) 6.45pm (After 6.15pm Mass) Journey of Faith McMahon Room Monday 7pm Robin Hood Youth Choir McMahon Room Wednesday 4.30pm Legion of Mary Ellis Room Wednesday 7.30pm Bible Reflection Ellis Room Thursday 6pm Friday Lunches McMahon Room Friday 12noon Women of St Barnabas Ellis Room Friday 1.45pm Girls’ Singing Group McMahon Room Friday 5pm (Vivace) Boys’ Singing Group Cathedral House Friday 5pm (Cambiata) Youth Choir McMahon Room Friday 6pm Rosary Circle Cathedral Lady Chapel Friday following Evening Prayer Cathedral Choir McMahon Room Friday 7.30pm A Cake Stall will be held today (Sunday) after the 10am and 11.15am Masses. All proceeds will be donated to the St Barnabas Youth Choir - the choir of the future - to help fund them on the Diocesan Pilgrimage to sing at Lourdes, then onto Paris to perform at Notre Dame Cathedral, what an honour!! Our cake sale donations on the 24th and for the next few months will help with their expenses. All welcome. 175th Anniversary As part of the celebrations, we want to arrange a small group of people who would be willing to give a few hours to help repaint the McGuinness and Ellis rooms in the Cathedral Hall. This would be over the next couple of months - all paint, brushes etc would be provided and Fr Malachy has promised to provide some food and drink for those taking part. If you are able to help please give your details to Deacon David or one of the priests and we can sort out times to fit around people. Volunteer Guides Meeting There will be meeting for all who gave their names to become Cathedral Guides on Thursday 7th March at 10.30am in the Chapter Room of Cathedral House. We look forward to seeing you all there. Cathedral Banners The Cathedral Art and Craft Group is planning to have a series of banners to be hung on the pillars for the 175th Anniversary celebration on the Feast of St Barnabas in June. If anyone is interested in more information or would like to sponsor a banner please leave your details in the Cathedral Office. Ephphatha Healing Service takes place on Tuesday 26th February at Our Lady's Bulwell from 6.15pm to 8.45pm. Service includes Praise & Worship, Healing Ministry, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Healing Mass & Laying on of Hands. Fr. Victor Dakwan and Fr. John Martin will lead the service. CAFOD Lent Gathering on Sunday 10th March at the CAFOD Volunteer Centre in Bulwell, Nottingham from 5.30pm – 7pm. Come and hear about our new Lent resources, our work in Bangladesh and meet other volunteers and supporters. All welcome. Our Lady’s Dowry: Retreat at Walsingham St Mary’s with St Paul’s Parish (Nottingham) have booked “Dowry House” in Walsingham (the new retreat house run by the Sisters of Our Lady of Walsingham), from Sunday 24th to Wednesday 27th March 2019, for a retreat. We have about 5 or 6 places left. If anyone would be interested in joining us please contact Fr David Palmer for an information pack or email: [email protected] or phone 0115 9786236. Pilgrimage to Knock A fully escorted Pilgrimage to Knock , Ireland takes place on the 20th May 2019 – led by Fr. John Martin. The cost is £649.00 per person sharing. Price includes flight with 10kg hand luggage, all taxes, luxury transfers, 4 nights in Knock House Hotel with full Irish Breakfast each morning and 4 Course Dinner each evening. All entertainment, excursions and guided tours included. Wheelchair accessible rooms in the hotel. Limited single rooms at supplement of £100. Groups and Individual bookings welcome. Contact Patricia on 01268 762 278 or 07740 175557 or email [email protected]. Knock Pilgrimages is a member of the Travel Trust Association and is fully protected by ATOL T7613. Nottingham Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes Under the leadership of Patrick, the Lourdes theme for 2019 is “Blessed are the poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.” The Pilgrimage will travel by air or train to Lourdes on the 14th to 19th July. More information can be found at or contact Fr Simon Gillespie on 07760 372105. Application forms are also available from Cathedral Office. Double Knitting Wool Required If anyone has any spare or unwanted double knitting wool, please could they donate it to Cathedral House so items can be made and sent to the Missions. Thank you. Prayer Volunteers Urgently Needed! Are you looking for a challenge during Lent, involving prayer and self-sacrifice? Are you saddened to see the harm done to babies, women and families through abortion? “40 Days for Life” is a Christian campaign group whose purpose is to save the lives of unborn children through prayer, fasting and community outreach. With the support of Francis and also Bishop Patrick, we are running our 4th campaign here in Nottingham during Lent 2019. The aim of our prayers is simple: we are praying for an end to abortion. But we also offer support – moral and practical - to women who may be under pressure to have an abortion which they do not want, and which they may come to regret. Our vigil is prayerful, peaceful, and non- judgmental. If you care about abortion, and the terrible harm it is doing to our families and friends, please sign up now to pray with us, between Ash Wednesday (6th March) and Palm Sunday (14th April) on our webpage or contact us at [email protected]. If you want to know more before committing, we are holding an information event on Wednesday 27th February at 7.30pm, in the McGuiness Room in the social centre at St Barnabas’ Cathedral, where you can watch a short video about what is involved and talk to people who have done the vigil before. Come along and find out more! What a fantastic way to prepare for the of Easter! Enrolment In The Brown Scapular Of Our Lady Of Mount Carmel will take place on the evening of Ash Wednesday (i.e. 6th March 2019 ) after the Sacrifice of Holy Mass. Everyone interested in being enrolled please contact Jerzy Kulik by text on 07376 232256 or email [email protected] to reserve a Scapular.

The Value and Meaning of the Scapular - The Scapular finds its roots in the tradition of the Carmelite Order, which has seen in it a sign of Mary's motherly protection. It has therefore, a centuries' old spiritual meaning approved by the Church: It stands for a commitment to follow Jesus, like Mary, the perfect model of all the disciples of Christ. This commitment finds its origin in baptism by which we become children of God. Our Blessed Mother has promised special Graces and protection to those who are enrolled and wear her Brown Scapular night and day, showing our devotion to Mary by professing our devotion through prayer each day, to live as authentic Christians in line with the teaching of the Gospel, and to receive the Sacraments. 'On 13th October 1917, at the ''Great Apparition'' of Fatima, the children saw Our Lady as Queen of Carmel, with the scapular. We can more than reasonably assume she encourages this devotion'. It is a great way to follow the invitation of Bishop Patrick, announced at the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham 2018, to prepare ourselves for the re consecration of England as Our Lady's Dowry on the Feast of The Assumption later this year. Everyone is invited. Make the Enrolment a Family event. What a perfect way to Start Our Journey following Our Lord through Lent guided by Mary.

First Saturday Of The Month Devotion Of Reparation To The Immaculate Heart Of Mary according to Our Lady's request at Fatima takes place in the Lady Chapel at 12.00 noon after 10.00am Sacrifice of Mass and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. The Sacrament of Confession is available after Holy Mass. First Friday Of The Month Devotion Of Reparation To The Sacred Heart Of Jesus takes place after the 6.45pm Friday evening Prayer and Rosary in The Lady Chapel. Saint Barnabas Rosary Circle You are invited to join us in praying the Rosary in a meditative way every Friday after Evening Prayer in the Lady Chapel at 6:45pm. Beginners, strugglers and those wishing to discover a different approach to praying the Rosary! Our Blessed Lady invites us all! Prayer Intercessions - If you have a prayer intercession that you would like to be prayed for by the Saint Barnabas Rosary Circle please send it by text to Jerzy on 07376232256 or email to [email protected]. It will be written out and placed on the Prayer wall in the Ecumenical Chapel in the Cathedral as well as prayed for during the 6.45 pm Friday Evening Prayer and Rosary. THE CATHOLIC COMMUNITY OF CENTRAL NOTTINGHAM St Barnabas Cathedral, Derby Road and St Augustine’s, Woodborough Road Barnabas Cathedral RCP) If you are a Taxpayer, please use Gift Aid. Gift use a please Taxpayer, Ifyouare RCP) Cathedral Barnabas Donations Fridays 9.00am to Mondays ~ Hours Office 2 ~ Ext. Times DayMass Holy ~ Ext.1 Times & Confession For Mass Saturdays. on 8.00am and from Information Co Flower 990993 07979 ~ ARMCM Vernon Mr Graeme Emeritus Organist 401032 ~ 07908 ARCM (CHM)LRAM FRCO MA Gower Mr Robert Organist 618634 07792 ~ MMus (Hons) BA Patterson Mr Alex Music of Director 7 ~Ext. 2.00pm) to 10.00am & Thursday Weds (Tuesday, Lokes Mrs Alison 7 Ext. ~ 3.00pm) to 10.00am Fridays & (Monday Harley Mrs Debra Secretaries Parish Deacons Secretary Private Bishop’s Bishop ~ Ext.3 Priest) and Parish (Cathedral Dean Brett Malachy Rev Fr 4 ~Ext. Alex John Rev Fr 5 ~Ext. Wakely Marcus Rev Fr 8 Ext. ~ Biju Rev Fr Note: To leave a message, wait for ‘ten’ ringsandfollow for theinstructionsgiven. Note: wait To amessage, leave

Jeremy Lea and Ann Reddington (The Cathedral and St Augustine’s) and St Cathedral Reddington (The Ann and Lea Jeremy Representatives Safeguarding LCM Service Margaret & Sr MacDonald LCM AnitaSr Centre Heritage Potter Mary Ridge PBVM & Treasa Sr Healy PBVM PBVM, Bernadette Sr Rooney Sr Road Woodborough Augustine’s, St LCM Kelleher Monica & Sr LCM Murphy Margaret Sr Cathedral The Sisters Parish Rt. Rev Patrick McKinney ~ Bishop’s House, 27 Cavendish Road East, Road 27 Cavendish House, ~ Bishop’s McKinney Rt. RevPatrick Contact us... Contact - Rev Anthony Sullivan ~ 0115 9240671 (St Augustine’s) Augustine’s) (St 9240671 ~ 0115 Sullivan Rev Anthony Rev David Kerry ~ Kerry Rev David


0115 953 9839 Parish Clergy Cathedral House, North Circus Street, NOTTINGHAM, NG1 5AE NG1 NOTTINGHAM, Circus Street, North House, Cathedral to: addressed be should correspondence All Twitter: Facebook: Site: Web address: Email May be made to the Cathedral by cash, cheque, (payable to Saint toSaint (payable cheque, by cash, Cathedral the to be made May Holydays, toFriday and Sunday from7.00am is open Cathedral The

Mrs Mary Mulvenney ~ 01332 872 147 872 ~ 01332 Mulvenney MaryMrs

Rev Fr Jonathan Rose ~ 0115 9474786 0115 JonathanRev Fr ~ Rose

07952 103981 (The Cathedral) (The 103981 07952 @Cathedral_Nottm or Cathedral Nottingham or Cathedral @Cathedral_Nottm Cathedral st Barnabas [email protected]


Regent Street, Nottingham Nottingham Street, Regent

The Park, Nottingham. NG7 1BB NG7 Nottingham. Park, The then dial extensions extensions then dial




