NOTICEE HISTORTH ARCHITECTURA D F SO YAN L FEATUREE TH F O S ANCIENT CHURC S F HO COLDINGHAMT TA . After referrin e evidenceth o t g f Coldinghao s m having bee a site f nth eo Christian establishment from a very remote period, and to the curious accounts mutilatione oth f e Nunth f Coldinghamf o so e destructio s th f o e th d f an no , Kunnery by the Northmen, circa 870, Dr Wilson noticed the evidences of the new foundation by Edgar, the son of St Margaret, in 1098, and then entered into some minute notices of the peculiar characteristics of the fine example of First Pointed architecture which replaced the Romanesque Church of King Edgar, in the reign of William the Lion, Notwithstanding the barbarous condition in which the beautiful church of Priory has long lain, buried both externall internallyd yan , with accumulated soildepta o ,t frof ho m fou eigho rt t feetnearlfins d it ean l , internaal y l decorations conceale unsightly db y galleries an a plastered d ceiling e remarkeh , mose th f dt o beautifu s stilthai e t lon i t l examples of the First Pointed style of Gothic—almost precisely similar to the Early English of the south—which is to be met with in . It has at its east end, externally, a series of double panels or unpierced windows with cir- cular head mouldingd san s pertaining somn i , e degree previoue th o t , s Roman- esque style, which serv indicato t e earle eth yworke datth f .eo e Manth f yo details, however, bea vera r y close resemblanc wore th Bishof ko o et p Jocelin, in the crypt of Glasgow Cathedral, 1188-1197. The beautiful triforium of Coldingham was pointed out as specially worthy of notice, and in some respects unique, from the way it is combined with the windows, and introduced along with what may properly enough be styled the clerestory, though the church is complete without side aisles. Dr Wilson contrasted this building with contem- ANTIQUARIE5 8 SCOTLANDF SO .

porary Scottish ecclesiastical building e samth f eo s reign, wher e peculiaeth r national style—for s suggestewhicha e h nam e d th f Scottiso e h Geometric— prevails, shewing that the close connection of Coldingharn Priory with , as a cell of Durham, fully accounted for the English mode "being followed in thi sconfirmed casan e; prevalence differen o idee th tw df th a o e th t f eo thoug h contemporary styles, under the influence of diverse national tastes. This communicatio illustrates nwa seriea y dlargb f so e drawing sectiond san s of Coldingham Church, recently executed by P. Hamilton, Esq., architect, who was present, and communicated to the meeting plans for restorations and ad- ditions proposed to be made on the building, including the erection of a new transept, in order to provide the additional accommodation rendered necessary by the removal of the galleries, which at present entirely conceal the beautiful architecture of the interior.

June U, 1852. The Rev. WILLIAM STEVENSON, D.D., in the Chair. followine Th g Gentlemen were electe Fellows da s :— ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, of Monzie, Esq. BAKKON GRAHAME f Morphieo , , Esq. Donatione Th Table s th lai n deo included :— FlinA t Arrow-head, foun t Jacksonda Mississippie th n o , , U.S.: by JAMES JOHNSTONE, Esq. Its peculiar form attracted special attention, being bevelle reverse dth ofn fo e sides, apparentl givo yt e it a revolving motion, with the same purpose as the grooves of a modern rifle. Five embossed Floor-Tiles Hale on f d Tilean , , from North Ber- wick Abbey, East Lothian thred ;an e circular emblematic Paintings e seventeentoth f h century carven i t se ,d wood, fro e Churcmth f ho t MonanceS , FifEGBERy b e: T MERCER, Esq., Ramsay Lodge, Por- tobello. The paintings represent TEMPTATION, LEARNING, and INNOCENCE, wit appropriatn ha e couplet surrounding each. 6 8 PROCEEDING SOCIETE TH F P SO YO The first Seal of the Friendly Insurance—the earliest Insurance Office establishe n Scotlani d WMy b d: . SWANSON f Leithheado , , Esq. curiouA s antique Silver Watch, with separate hourindee th f xso and minute sROBERy :b T GAUNTER, Esq. A Cinerary Urn, in unusually fine preservation, found in No- vember 1849 a ston n i ,e e farcoffin th Greenfordf m o n o ,e th n o , Panmure Estate, Forfarshire: presented, through D. D. BLACK, Esq., of Brechin, F.S.A. Scot., by Mr HUOH MITCHELL, gardener t Guynda .