2008 edition

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Never before 'information' has been produced and made publicly available at a scale comparable to what we experience today. Internet search engines and indexes mine billions of webpages, a substan- tial part of which dealing with health care in one way or another. A multitude of websites offer a hierarchically structured choice of resources, or specialise in particular health topics. Several of the more traditional bibliographic databases such as Medline/PubMed, analysing the peer-reviewed litera- ture with controlled vocabularies, have been freely available on the Internet for over a decade now. Still, it may not be easy to identify published reports of quality studies in international health, especially when information on specific research topics or individual countries is required.

The following literature lists consist of a selection of items from the ITM library niche database Health Care in Developing Countries ( References are arranged in logically ordered chapters featuring subdivisions, often on several levels. Within each section the references are presented in reverse chronological order. Only literature published from 2000 onwards is included. It is a partial upgrade of the 2004 list, which goes back to 1990, and is still freely available from The first (2001) edition is available from Originally these reference lists were meant for the use of our local patrons and only covered literature that was locally available or freely accessible on the Internet. As such we have no ambition whatsoever to analyse the whole field of international health. As this selection is closely linked to our physical collection, ITM library book codes have been added for the benefit of our local users. URL's for items that are freely available on the World Wide Web are also included. We have chosen not to include URL's for the mainstream literature (i.e. journal articles), as actual accessibility generally depends on library subscriptions, and is best resolved in this context. Links to the main journal webpages can be found at:

The ITM Health Care in Developing Countries database and this bibliography series was initiated by former ITM librarian Gilbert Roelants. Without his and present librarian Dirk Schoonbaert’s guidance the present edition could not have been realized.

June 2008,

Veerle Demedts The Library


WORLD HEALTH...... 1 General...... 1 MDGs...... 4 Globalization ...... 9 Role of international organizations...... 11 Global Fund and GAVI...... 13 Development aid versus humanitarian action ...... 15 External non-governmental organizations (NGOs)...... 18

HEALTH POLICY...... 20 Health systems research...... 20 • World Health Report 2000 controversy...... 22 Health policy ...... 24 • General ...... 24 • Horizontal versus vertical health programs ...... 25 • Sector-wide approach (SWAP)...... 27 • Community participation...... 28 Country studies ...... 30 • Africa ...... 30 • Latin America and Caribbean...... 32 • Asia and Pacific ...... 34

EQUITY ...... 37 General...... 37 Socioeconomic factors ...... 44 Geographic factors – rural-urban inequity ...... 48 Gender factors ...... 50 Ethnic factors...... 51 Age factors...... 52

HEALTH CARE FINANCING ...... 53 General...... 53 Decentralization and health care financing...... 56 User fees ...... 58 • General ...... 58 • Eliminating user fees?...... 61 • Catastrophic health expenditures...... 61 • Exempting the poor ...... 64 Health insurance...... 66 • General ...... 66 • Why enroll – willingness to pay for health insurance...... 68 • Insurance selection bias – adverse selection ...... 69

ii • Prepayment ...... 70 • Private health insurance...... 71 • Social health insurance ...... 72 • Community insurance – microinsurance – reinsurance...... 73

HEALTH PERSONNEL ...... 78 General...... 78 Human resource requirements – geographical distribution ...... 79 Performance – competence – training...... 80 Staffing and scheduling ...... 83 Salaries and fringe benefits – informal payments – corruption ...... 84 Motivation – incentives...... 87 Career mobility – brain-drain ...... 89 • Rates – determinants – impact...... 89 • Solutions – alternatives ...... 92 Community health workers ...... 93

DRUGS ...... 96 National drug policies ...... 96 Essential drugs concept...... 97 • Accessibility...... 97 ƒ Group purchasing – revolving drug funds ...... 98 • Prescribing quality – rational drug use...... 99 Pharmaceutical market...... 102 • Intellectual property rights ...... 102 • Drug manufacturing – generics ...... 105 • Orphan drugs ...... 106 • Pricing ...... 108 Quality assurance – counterfeit drugs – sub-standard drugs...... 109 Self-medication...... 112 Role of drug dispensers...... 113 Drug donations ...... 114

REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ...... 115 General...... 115 Reproductive health [care] in specific countries ...... 116 Home births versus health facility births ...... 120 Obstetric fistula ...... 122 Female genital mutilation ...... 123 Sexually transmitted diseases and health services...... 125 Contraception and family planning services ...... 127 • Infertility...... 133 Integrating sexual and reproductive health care ...... 134 Population groups with special needs ...... 135 • Refugees ...... 135 • Adolescents ...... 135 ƒ Health services needs and demand...... 135

iii ƒ Teenage pregnancy and abortion ...... 138

MATERNAL MORTALITY ...... 140 Maternal health ...... 140 Maternal mortality: estimation – incidence ...... 140 Determinants – prevention...... 144 • Specific techniques or drugs for specific causes ...... 152 • Political aspects – commitment...... 153 Emergency obstetric care ...... 154 • Cesarean section – episiotomy: rates and indications ...... 158 ƒ Medicalization – Unneccessary procedures...... 160 Abortion ...... 161 Role of midwives and traditional birth attendants ...... 166

CHILD HEALTH AND CHILD HEALTH CARE ...... 168 Child health determinants and - interventions...... 168 Health care seeking behavior and utilization of child health services...... 172 Infant and child mortality ...... 173 Malnutrition – child growth ...... 177 Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)...... 179 Vaccination programs: coverage and impact ...... 183 Low birth weight: risk factors and care – kangaroo care ...... 188

HEALTH CARE SEEKING BEHAVIOR...... 191 Health services utilization – determinants ...... 191 Health care seeking behavior – provider choice...... 196


HOSPITALS...... 201



GLOSSARIES ...... 208



Andre FE, Booy R, Bock HL, Clemens J, Datta SK, John TJ, Lee BW, Lolekha S, Peltola H, Ruff TA, Santosham M, Schmitt HJ. Vaccination greatly reduces disease, disability, death and inequity worldwide. Bull World Health Organ 2008; 86(2): 140-146.

Ijsselmuiden C, Matlin SA, Maïga AH, Hasler J, Pannenborg O, Evans T, Pang T, Gardner CA. From Mexico to Mali: a new course for global health. Lancet 2008; 371(9607): 91-93.

Reich MR, Takemi K, Roberts MJ, Hsiao WC. Global action on health systems: a proposal for the Toyako G8 summit. Lancet 2008; 371(9615): 865-869.

Skolnik R. Essentials of global health. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2008: 322 pp. (Riegelman R, editor. Essential Public Health). [ITM Library: SO/20613]

Acharya T. Science and technology for wealth and health in developing countries. Global Public Health 2007; 2(1): 53-63.

Barraclough S, Phua KL. Health imperatives in foreign policy; the case of Malaysia. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(3): 225-229.

Dorling D, Mitchell R, Pearce J. The global impact of income inequality on health by age: an observational study. BMJ 2007; 335(7625): 873-875.

Gardner CA, Acharya T, Yach D. Technological and social innovation: a unifying new paradigm for global health. Health Affairs 2007; 26(4): 1052-1061.

Gostin LO. Meeting the survival needs of the world's least healthy people; a proposed model for global health governance. JAMA 2007; 298(2): 225-228.

Gostin LO. Why rich countries should care about the world's least healthy people. JAMA 2007; 298(1): 89-92.

Haller L, Hutton G, Bartram J. Estimating the costs and health benefits of water and sanitation improvements at global level. J Water Health 2007; 5(4): 467-480.

Hutton G, Haller L, Bartram J. Global cost-benefit analysis of water supply and sanitation interventions. J Water Health 2007; 5(4): 481-502.

Johns B, Sigurbjörnsdóttir K, Fogstad H, Zupan J, Mathai M, Tan-Torres Edejer T. Estimated global resources needed to attain universal coverage of maternal and newborn health services. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(4): 256-263.

La Rosa E, Dubois G, Tonnellier F. La responsabilité sociale en santé et la situation sanitaire mondiale; à propos des nouveaux indicateurs sanitaires et sociaux. Santé Publique 2007; 19(3): 217-227.

MacPherson DW, Gushulak BD, Macdonald L. Health and foreign policy; influences of migration and population mobility. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(3): 200-206.

1 Magnusson RS. Non-communicable diseases and global health governance: enhancing global processes to improve health development. Globalization Health 2007; 3(2): 16 pp. [Available from: ]

Mahoney RT, Krattiger A, Clemens JD, Curtis III R. The introduction of new vaccines into developing countries IV: Global Access Strategies. Vaccine 2007; 25(20): 4003-4011.

Oslo Ministerial Declaration; global health: a pressing foreign policy issue of our time. Lancet 2007; 369(9570): 1373-1378.

Reidpath DD, Allotey P. Measuring global health inequity. Int J Equity Health 2007; 6(16): 7 pp. [Available from: ]

Rodier G, Greenspan AL, Hughes JM, Heymann DL. Global public health security. Emerging Infect Dis 2007; 13(10): 1447-1552.

Singh JA, Govender M, Mills EJ. Do human rights matter to health? Lancet 2007; 370(9586): 521-527.

Cohen J. The new world of global health. Science 2006; 311(5758): 162-167.

Dorling D, Shaw M, Smith GD. Global inequality of life expectancy due to AIDS. BMJ 2006; 332(7542): 662-664.

Lister J. Can global health be good business? Trop Med Int Health 2006; 11(3): 255-257.

McMichael AJ, Woodruff RE, Hales S. Climate change and human health: present and future risks. Lancet 2006; 367(9513): 859-869.

Moore S, Teixeira AC, Shiell A. The health of nations in a global context: trade, global stratification, and infant mortality rates. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63(1): 165-178.

Patz JA, Olson SH. Climate change and health: global to local influences on disease risk. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2006; 100(5-6): 535-549.

Ruger JP, Kim HJ. Global health inequalities: an international comparison. J Epidemiol Community Health 2006; 60(11): 928-936.

Gandy M. Deadly alliances: death, disease, and the global politics of public health. PLoS Med 2005; 2: 9-11.

Heath I. Who needs health care, the well or the sick? BMJ 2005; 330: 954-956.

Juma C, Yee-Cheong L. Reinventing global health: the role of science, technology, and innovation. Lancet 2005; 365: 1105-1107.

Koplan JP, Puska P, Jousilahti P, Cahill K, Huttunen J. Improving the world's health through national public health institutes. Bull World Health Organ 2005; 83: 154-157.

Waitzkin H, Jasso-Aguilar R, Landwehr A, Mountain C. Global trade, public health, and health services: stakeholders' constructions of the key issues. Soc Sci Med 2005; 61: 893-906.

Alkire S, Chen L. Global health and moral values. Lancet 2004; 364: 1069-1074.

2 Arnesen T, Kapiriri L. Can the value choices in DALYs influence global priority-setting? Health Pol 2004; 70(2): 137-149.

Beaglehole R, Bonita R. Public health at the crossroads; achievements and prospects; 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004: 303 pp. [ITM Library: SO/18703]

Buekens P, Keusch G, Belizan J, Bhutta ZA. Evidence-based global health [editorial]. JAMA 2004; 291: 2639-2641.

Dixneuf M, Rey JL. La santé: une place croissante dans les politiques internationales. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 561-566.

Gostin LO. International infectious disease law; revision of the World Health Organization's international health regulations. JAMA 2004; 291: 2623-2627.

Lee K, Walt G, Haines A. The challenge to improve global health; financing the millennium development goals. JAMA 2004; 291: 2636-2638.

McCoy D, Sanders D, Baum F, Narayan T, Legge D. Pushing the international health research agenda towards equity and effectiveness. Lancet 2004; 364: 1630-1631.

Molyneux DH, Nantulya VM. Linking disease control programmes in rural Africa: a pro-poor strategy to reach Abuja targets and millennium development goals. BMJ 2004; 328: 1129-1132.

Muraskin W. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization: is it a new model for effective public-private cooperation in international public health? Am J Public Health 2004; 94: 1922-1925.

Murray CJL, Lopez AD, Wibulpolprasert S. Monitoring global health: time for new solutions. BMJ 2004; 329: 1096-1100.

Smith R, Woodward D, Acharya A, Beaglehole R, Drager N. Communicable disease control: a 'Global Public Good' perspective. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 271-278.

Victora CG, Hanson K, Bryce J, Vaughan JP. Achieving universal coverage with health interventions. Lancet 2004; 364: 1541-1548.

Yach D, Hawkes C, Gould CL, Hofman KJ. The global burden of chronic diseases; overcoming impediments to prevention and control. JAMA 2004; 291: 2616-2622.

Fidler DP. Emerging trends in international law concerning global infectious disease control. Emerging Infect Dis 2003; 9: 285-290.

Lamptey P, Ruckstuhl K, Cates W. The evolving impact of HIV/AIDS on global health. In: Valdiserri RO, editor. Dawning answers; how the HIV/AIDS epidemic has helped to strengthen public health. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003: 177-197. [ITM Library: KRC/18327]

Morrow RH. Macroeconomics and health. BMJ 2002; 325: 53-54.

Parker R. The global HIV/AIDS pandemic, structural inequalities, and the politics of international health. Am J Public Health 2002; 92: 343-346.

Sachs JD, editor. Macroéconomie et santé: investir dans la santé pour le développement économique; rapport de la Commission Macroéconomie et Santé. Genève: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), 2002: 216 pp. [ITM Library: SO/17680] 3

Shiffman J, Beer T, Wu Y. The emergence of global disease control priorities. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 225-234.

Fidler DP. International law and global infectious disease control. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH), 2001: 49 pp. (CMH Working Paper Series. WG2; 18).

Gray A, editor. World health and disease; 3rd ed. Buckingham: Open University Press, 2001: 352 pp. (Health and Disease Series; 3). [ITM Library: EP/17224]

Kaul I, Faust M. Global public goods and health: taking the agenda forward. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 869-874.

Sachs JD. Macroeconomics and health: investing in health for economic development; report of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2001: 200 pp. [ITM Library: SO/17508] [Available from:]

Kickbusch I. The development of international health policies; accountability intact? Soc Sci Med 2000; 51: 979-989.


Hutton G, Bartram J. Global costs of attaining the Millennium Development Goal for water supply and sanitation. Bull World Health Organ 2008; 86(1): 13-19.

Binka FN, Bawah AA, Phillips JF, Hodgson A, Adjuik M, MacLeod B. Rapid achievement of the child survival millennium development goal: evidence from the Navrongo experiment in northern Ghana. Trop Med Int Health 2007; 12(5): 578-583.

Dixon-Mueller R, Germain A. Fertility regulation and reproductive health in the millenium development goals: the search for a perfect indicator. Am J Public Health 2007; 97(1): 45-51.

Downs TJ, Larson HJ. Achieving Millennium Development Goals for health: building understand- ing, trust and capacity to respond. Health Pol 2007; 83(2): 144-161.

Fotso JC, Ezeh AC, Madise NJ, Ciera J. Progress towards the child millennium development goal in urban sub-Saharan Africa: the dynamics of population growth, immunization, and access to clean water. BMC Public Health 2007; 7(218): 10 pp. [Available from: ]

Franco M, Kennelly JF, Cooper RS, Ordúñez-García P. La salud en Cuba y los objetivos de desarollo del milenio. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2007; 21(4): 239-250.

Gakidou E, Oza S, Vidal Fuertes C, Li AY, Lee DK, Sousa A, Hogan MC, Vander Hoorn S, Ezzati M. Improving child survival through environmental and nutritional interventions; the importance of targeting interventions toward the poor. JAMA 2007; 298(16): 1876-1887.

Komatsu R, Low-Beer D, Schwartländer B. Global Fund-supported programmes' contribution to international targets and the Millennium Development Goals: an initial analysis. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(10): 805-811.

4 Kurowski C, Wyss K, Abdulla S, Mills A. Scaling up priority health interventions in Tanzania: the human resources challenge. Health Pol Plann 2007; 22(3): 113-127.

Mbonye AK, Mutabazi MG, Asimwe JB, Sentumbwe O, Kabarangira J, Nanda G, Orinda V. Declining maternal mortality ratio in Uganda: priority interventions to achieve the Millennium Development Goal. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 98(3): 285-290.

McCann MF. The Millennium Development Goals; a challenge to epidemiologists [editorial]. Epidemiology 2007; 18(6): 653-657.

Murray CJL, Laakso T, Shibuya K, Hill K, Lopez AD. Can we achieve Millennium Development Goal 4? New analysis of country trends and forecasts of under-5 mortality to 2015. Lancet 2007; 370(9592): 1040-1054 [+ 1018-1020].

Prince M, Patel V, Saxena S, Maj M, Maselko J, Phillips MR, Rahman A. No health without mental health. Lancet 2007; 370(9590): 859-877.

Thomas S, Mooney G, Mbatsha S. The MESH approach: strengthening public health systems for the MDGs. Health Pol 2007; 83(2-3): 180-185.

Bailey P, Paxton A, Lobis S, Fry D. Measuring progress towards the MDG for maternal health: including a measure of the health system's capacity to treat obstetric complications. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 93(3): 292-299.

Bryce J, Terreri N, Victora CG, Mason E, Daelmans B, Bhutta ZA, Bustreo F, Songane F, Salama P, Wardlaw T. Countdown to 2015: tracking intervention coverage for child survival. Lancet 2006; 368(9541): 1067-1076 [+ 1041-1047].

Child Mortality Coordination Group. Tracking progress towards the Millennium Development Goals: reaching consensus on child mortality levels and trends. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(3): 225-232.

Davey G, Fekade D, Parry E. Must aid hinder attempts to reach the Millenium Development Goals? Lancet 2006; 367(9511): 629-631.

Dodd R, Cassels A. Health, development and the Millennium Development Goals. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2006; 100(5-6): 379-387.

Filippi V, Ronsmans C, Campbell OMR, Graham WJ, Mills A, Borghi J, Koblinsky M, Osrin D. Maternal health in poor countries: the broader context and a call for action. Lancet 2006; 368(9546): 1535-1541.

Lagro MGP, Stekelenburg J. Het Millennium-project van de Verenigde Naties, in het bijzonder goede post-partumzorg om moedersterfte and neonatale sterfte wereldwijd te reduceren. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2006; 150(20): 1143-1147.

Rheingans R, Dreibelbis R, Freeman MC. Beyond the Millennium Development Goals: public health challenges in water and sanitation. Global Public Health 2006; 1(1): 31-48.

San Sebastián M, Hurtig AK, Rasanathan K. Is trade liberalization of services the best strategy to achieve health-related Millennium Development Goals in Latin America? A call for caution. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2006; 20(5): 341-346.

Tomlin S. Harvest of hope. Nature 2006; 442(7098): 22-25. 5 van Dillen J, Stekelenburg J, van Roosmalen J. Het Millennium-project van de Verenigde Naties; in het bijzonder preventie en behandeling van -infectie en aids om kinder- en moedersterfte te reduceren. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2006; 150(25): 1413-1417.

WHO/World Bank. High-level forum on the health millennium development goals; selected papers, 2003-2005. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2006: 192 pp. [ITM Library: SO/19904]

Wirth ME, Balk D, Delamonica E, Storeygard A, Sacks E, Minujin A. Setting the stage for equity-sensitive monitoring of the maternal and child health Millennium Development Goals. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(7): 519-527.

Adam T, Lim SS, Mehta S, Bhutta ZA, Fogstad H, Mathai M, Zupan J, Darmstadt GL. Cost effectiveness analysis of strategies for maternal and neonatal health in developing countries. BMJ 2005; 331: 1107-1110.

Attaran A. An immeasurable crisis? A criticism of the Millenium Development Goals and why they cannot be measured. PLoS Med 2005; 2: 955-961.

Banque mondiale. Miniatlas des objectifs de développement pour le Millénaire; édifier un monde meilleur. Washington: Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement/La Banque mondiale; Paris: Editions ESKA, 2005: 64 pp. [ITM Library: SO/19539]

Barros FC, Victora CG, Barros AJ, Santos IS, Albernaz E, Matijsevich A, Domingues MR, Sclowitz IKT, Hallal PC, Silveira MF, Vaughan JP. The challenge of reducing neonatal mortality in middle-income countries: findings from three Brazilian birth cohorts in 1982, 1993, and 2004. Lancet 2005; 365: 847-854 [+ 821-826].

Bartram J, Lewis K, Lenton R, Wright A. Focusing on improved water and sanitation for health. Lancet 2005; 365: 810-812.

Bryce J, Black RE, Walker N, Bhutta ZA, Lawn JE, Steketee RW. Can the world afford to save the lives of 6 million children each year? Lancet 2005; 365: 2193-2200 [+2153-2156].

Cheru F, Bradford C, editors. The Millennium Development Goals; raising the resources to tackle world poverty. London: Zed Books, 2005: 238 pp. [ITM Library: ZVM/19250]

Crossette B. Reproductive health and the Millennium Development Goals: the missing link. Stud Fam Plann 2005; 36: 71-79.

Dodd R, editor. Health and the Millennium Development Goals. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2005: 81 pp. [ITM Library: SO/19156]

Dreesch N, Dolea C, Dal Poz MR, Goubarev A, Adams O, Aregawi M, Bergstrom K, Fogstad H, Sheratt D, Linkins J, Scherpbier R, Youssef-Fox M. An approach to estimating human resource requirements to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 267-276.

Evans DB, Adam T, Tan-Torres Edejer T, Lim SS, Cassels A, Evans TG. Time to reassess strategies for improving health in developing countries. BMJ 2005; 331: 1133-1136 [+1093-1094].

Evans DB, Lim SS, Adam T, Tan-Torres Edejer T. Evaluation of current strategies and future priorities for improving health in developing countries. BMJ 2005; 331: 1457-1461.

6 Evans DB, Tan-Torres Edejer T, Adam T, Lim SS. Methods to assess the costs and health effects of interventions for improving health in developing countries. BMJ 2005; 331: 1137-1140.

Freedman LP, Waldman RJ, de Pinho H, Wirth ME, Chowdhury AMR, Rosenfield A. Transforming health systems to improve the lives of women and children. Lancet 2005; 365: 997-1000.

Germain A, Kidwell J. The unfinished agenda for reproductive health: priorities for the next 10 years. Int Fam Plann Perspect 2005; 31: 90-93.

Gwatkin DR. How much would poor people gain from faster progress towards the Millennium Development Goals for health? Lancet 2005; 365: 813-817.

Kim JC, Watts CH. Gaining a foothold: tackling poverty, gender inequality, and HIV in Africa. BMJ 2005; 331: 769-772.

Labonte R, Schrecker T, Gupta AS. A global health equity agenda for the G8 summit. BMJ 2005; 330: 533-536.

Lawn JE, Cousens S, Zupan J. 4 million neonatal deaths: when? where? why? Lancet 2005; 365: 891-900.

Mahaini R, Mahmoud H. Maternal health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization. East Mediterr Health J 2005; 11(4): 532-538.

Miranda JJ, Patel V. Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: does mental health play a role? PLoS Med 2005; 2: 962-965.

Moser KA, Leon DA, Gwatkin DR. How does progress towards the child mortality millennium development goal affect inequalities between the poorest and least poor? Analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data. BMJ 2005; 331: 1180-1183.

Munderi P, editor. Prescription for healthy development: increasing access to medicines. London: Earthscan, 2005: 169 pp. [ITM Library: RS/19166]

Rechel B, Shapo L, McKee M. Are the Millennium Development Goals appropriate for eastern Europe and central Asia? Health Pol 2005; 73(3): 339-351.

Reproductive health and the UN millennium development goals. Stud Fam Plann 2005; 36: 127-157.

Sachs JD, McArthur JW. The Millennium Project: a plan for meeting the millenium development goals. Lancet 2005; 365: 347-353.

Sanders DM, Todd C, Chopra M. Confronting Africa's health crisis: more of the same will not be enough. BMJ 2005; 331: 755-758.

Stekelenburg J. Het Millennium-project van de Verenigde Naties, in het bijzonder de reductie van kindersterfte en van moedersterfte wereldwijd. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2005; 149: 2299-2302.

Strategy to accelerate progress towards the attainment of international development goals and targets related to reproductive health. Reprod Health Matters 2005; 13(25): 11-18.

Tan-Torres Edejer T, Aikins M, Black R, Wolfson L, Hutubessy R, Evans DB. Cost effectiveness analysis of strategies for child health in developing countries. BMJ 2005; 331: 1177-1180. 7

World Bank. miniAtlas of Millennium Development Goals; building a better world. Washington: World Bank, 2005: 64 pp. [ITM Library: SO/19467]

Accelerating human development. In: Global monitoring report 2004; policies and actions for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and related outcomes. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 107-123. [ITM Library: ZVM/18777]

Global monitoring report 2004; policies and actions for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and related outcomes. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 228 pp. [ITM Library: ZVM/18777]

Health in the developing world: achieving the Millennium Development Goals [round table]. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82: 947-952.

Kerouedan D. Evolutions des profils de l'expertise française en santé dans le contexte des stratégies internationales de développement en Afrique. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 321-325.

Kickbusch I, Roca A. The Millennium Development Goals in the Americas. Epidemiol Bull PAHO 2004; 25(2): 1-4.

Matlin S, editor. Global Forum update on research for health 2005; health research to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. London: Pro-Brook Publishing, 2004: 184 pp. [ITM Library: SOCA/19061]

Rechel B, Shapo L, McKee M. Millennium development goals for health in Europe and Central Asia; relevance and policy implications. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 56 pp. (World Bank Working Papers; 33). [ITM Library: SO.2/18700]

Task Force on Health Systems Research. Informed choices for attaining the Millennium Development Goals: towards an international cooperative agenda for health-systems research. Lancet 2004; 364: 997-1003.

Torres C, Mújica OJ. Salud, equidad y los Objetivos de Desarollo del Milenio. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2004; 15: 430-439.

Travis P, Bennett S, Haines A, Pang T, Bhutta Z, Hyder AA, Pielemeier NR, Mills A, Evans T. Overcoming health-systems constraints to achieve the Millenium Development Goals. Lancet 2004; 364: 900-906.

Wagstaff A, Claeson M. The millennium development goals for health; rising to the challenges. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 186 pp. [ITM Library: SO/18688]

Wyss K. An approach to classifying human resources constraints to attaining health-related Millennium Development Goals. Hum Resources Health 2004; 2(11): 8. [Available from: ]

Gwatkin DR. Who would gain most from efforts to reach the millennium development goals for health? An inquiry into the possibility of progress that fails to reach the poor. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2002: 24 pp. (Health, Nutrition and Population Discussion Papers).



Semin S, Güldal D. Globalization of the pharmaceutical industry and the growing dependency of developing countries: the case of Turkey. Int J Health Serv 2008; 38(2): 379-398.

Labonté R, Schrecker T. Globalization and social determinants of health. Globalization Health 2007; 3(5+6+7): 10+17+15 pp. [Available from:

Lee K, Yach D. Globalization and health. In: Merson MH, Black RE, J MA, editors. International public health: diseases, programs, systems, and policies; 2nd ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006: 681-708. [ITM Library: SO/19983]

O'Dempsey TJD, Munslow B. Globalisation, complex humanitarian emergencies and health. Ann Trop Med Parasitol 2006; 100(5-6): 501-515.

Cilingiroglu N. Health, globalization and developing countries. Saudi Med J 2005; 26: 191-200.

Cilingiroglu N, Ozcebe H. Reflections of globalisation on public health. In: Davies HTO, Tavakoli M, editors. Health care policy, performance and finance: strategic issues in health care management. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004: 155-172. [ITM Library: SO/18560]

Gilbert T, Gilbert L. Globalisation and local power: influences on health matters in South Africa. Health Pol 2004; 67(3): 245-255.

Wade RH. Is globalization reducing poverty and inequality? Int J Health Serv 2004; 34: 381-414.

Beaglehole R, Yach D. Globalisation and the prevention and control of non-communicable disease: the neglected chronic diseases of adults. Lancet 2003; 362: 903-908.

Collins T. Globalization, global health, and access to healthcare. Int J Health Plann Manag 2003; 18: 97-104.

Promotion de la santé et mondialisation. Santé Publique 2003; 15: 255-342.

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Dollar D. La mondialisation est-elle bonne pour votre santé? Bull Organ Mond Santé Rec Articles 2002; 6: 16-22.

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Global Fund and GAVI

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Development aid versus humanitarian action

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External non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

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Health systems research

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WHO. World report on knowledge for better health; strengthening health systems. Rapport mondial sur les connaissances pour une meilleure santé; renforcement des systèmes de santé; sommaire. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2004: 146 + 38 pp. [ITM Library: SOCA/18891]

Borroto Gutiérrez SM, Mizota T, Rakue Y. Comparison of four health systems: Cuba, China, Japan and the USA; an approach to reality. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2003; 34: 937-946.

Gonzalez Block MA, Mills A. Assessing capacity for health policy and systems research in low and middle income countries. BMC Health Res Pol Systems 2003; 1(1): 20 pp.

Kroeger A, Hernandez JM. Health services analysis as a tool for evidence-based policy decisions: the case of the Ministry of Health and Social Security in Mexico. Trop Med Int Health 2003; 8: 1157-1164.

Murray CJL, Evans DB, editors. Health systems performance assessment; debates, methods and empiricism. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2003: 927 pp. [ITM Library: SOCA/18317]

Pang T, Sadana R, Hanney S, Bhutta ZA, Hyder AA, Simon J. Knowledge for better health; a con- ceptual framework and foundation for health research systems. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 815-820.

Sadana R, Pang T. Health research systems: a framework for the future. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 159.

Sen K, editor. Restructuring health services; changing contexts and comparative perspectives. London: Zed Books, 2003: 260 pp. [ITM Library: SO/17987]

Atkinson S. Political cultures, health systems and health policy. Soc Sci Med 2002; 55: 113-124.

21 Frenk J, Gómez-Dantés O. Globalisation and the challenges to health systems. BMJ 2002; 325: 95-97.

Kroeger A, Falkenberg T, Tomson G, Sen K, Diesfeld HJ, Dujardin B, Tang S, Van der Stuyft P. Does Brussels listen? European health systems research in developing countries at the edge of extinction [editorial]. Trop Med Int Health 2002; 7: 101-103.

Qadeer I, Sen K, Nayar KR, editors. Public health and the poverty of reforms; the South Asian predicament. New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001: 547 pp. [ITM Library: SO/17134]

Criel B. Lokale ziekteverzekeringssystemen in ontwikkelingslanden: een beleidsvoorbereidend onderzoek. Local health insurance systems in developing countries: a policy research paper. Ant- werpen: Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, Departement Volksgezondheid, 2000: 172 pp. [ITM Library: SOE/16793]

Grodos D, Mercenier P. Health systems research: a clearer methodology for more effective action. Antwerpen: ITMPress, 2000: 107 pp. (Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy; 15). [ITM Library: SOCA /16535] [Available from: ]

Grodos D, Mercenier P. La recherche sur les systèmes de santé: mieux comprendre la méthodolo- gie pour mieux agir. Antwerpen: ITMPress, 2000: 114 pp. (Studies in Health Services Organisation & Policy; 14). [ITM Library: SOCA /16541] [Available from: ]

Grodos D. Le district sanitaire urbain en Afrique subsaharienne; enjeux, pratiques et politiques [dissertation]. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Faculté de Médecine, Départe- ment de Santé Publique, 2000: 596 pp. [ITM Library: SO.1/17099]

Simon J. Does strengthening research capacity improve health equity? BMJ 2000; 321: 816-817.

The Working Group on Priority Setting. Priority setting for health research: lessons from developing countries. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 130-136.

Tollman SM, Zwi AB. Health system reform and the role of field sites based upon demographic and health surveillance. Bull World Health Organ 2000; 78: 125-134.

Wall S. Public health research cooperation and capacity building; some experiences from a long- term North-South venture; keynote address at the Public Health Conference in Tartu, Estonia, 18 September 1998. Eur J Public Health 2000; 10: 7-10.

• World Health Report 2000 controversy

Lauer JA, Knox Lovell CA, Murray CJL, Evans DB. World health system performance revisited: the impact of varying the relative importance of health system goals. BMC Health Serv Res 2004; 4(19): 8 pp. [Available from: ]

Musgrove P. The perils of adding up: a cautionary tale about modeling and regression analysis. Int J Health Serv 2004; 34: 11-14.

Navarro V. The world situation and WHO. Lancet 2004; 363: 1321-1323

Brundtland GH, Frenk J, Murray CJL. WHO assessment of health systems performance [letter]. Lancet 2003; 361: 2155.

22 Musgrove P. Judging health systems: reflections on WHO's methods. Lancet 2003; 361: 1817-1820.

Nolte E, McKee M. Measuring the health of nations: analysis of mortality amenable to health care. BMJ 2003; 327: 1129-1132.

Richardson J, Wildman J, Robertson IK. A critique of the World Health Organisation's evaluation of health system performance. Health Econ 2003; 12: 355-366.

Travassos C. Assessing health systems' performance: a critical appraisal of the WHO World Health Report 2000. In: Sen K, editor. Restructuring health services; changing contexts and comparative perspectives. London: Zed Books, 2003: 67-76. [ITM Library: SO/17987]

Coyne JS, Hilsenrath P. The World Health Report 2000: can health care systems be compared using a single measure of performance? Am J Public Health 2002; 92: 30,32-33.

Möller Pedersen K. The World Health report 2000: dialogue of the deaf? Health Econ 2002; 11: 93-101.

Navarro V. The World Health Report 2000: can health care systems be compared using a single measure of performance? Am J Public Health 2002; 92: 31,33-34.

Ollila E, Koivusalo M. The World Health Report 2000: World Health Organization health policy steering off course; changed values, poor evidence, and lack of accountability. Int J Health Serv 2002; 32: 503-514.

Shaw RP. World Health Report 2000 "financial fairness indicator": useful compass or crystal ball? Int J Health Serv 2002; 32: 195-203.

Wagstaff A. Reflections on and alternatives to WHO's fairness of financial contribution index. Health Econ 2002; 11: 103-115.

Yach D. Unleashing the power of prevention to achieve global health-gains. Lancet 2002; 360: 1343-1344.

Yamey G. WHO in 2002: have the latest reforms reversed WHO's decline? BMJ 2002; 325: 1107-1112.

Yamey G. WHO in 2002: interview with Gro Brundtland. BMJ 2002; 325: 1355-1361.

Almeida C, Braveman P, Gold MR, Szwarcwald CL, Mendes Ribeiro J, Miglionico A, Millar JS, Porto S, do Rosário Costa N, Ortun Rubio V, Segall M, Starfield B, Travessos C, Uga A, Valente J, Viacava F. Methodological concerns and recommendations on policy consequences of the World Health Report 2000. Lancet 2001; 357: 1692-1697.

Braveman P, Starfield B, Geiger HJ. World Health Report 2000: how it removes equity from the agenda for public health monitoring and policy. BMJ 2001; 323: 678-680.

Domingues Uga A, de Almeida CM, Landmann Szwarcwald C, Travassos C, Viacava F, Mendes Ribeiro J, do Rosário Costa N, Marchiori Buss P, Porto S. Considerations on methodology used in the World Health Organization 2000 report. Cad Saúde Pública 2001; 17: 705-712.

Houweling TAJ, Kunst AE, Mackenbach JP. World Health Report 2000: inequality index and socioeconomic inequalities in mortality. Lancet 2001; 357: 1671-1672. 23

McKee M. Measuring the efficiency of health systems; the World Health Report sets the agenda, but there's still a long way to go [editorial]. BMJ 2001; 323: 295-296.

Murray C, Frenk J. World Health Report 2000: a step towards evidence-based health policy. Lancet 2001; 357: 1698-1700.

Murray CJL, Frenk J, Evans D, Kawabata K, Lopez A, Adams O. Science or marketing at WHO? A response to Williams. Health Econ 2001; 10: 277-282.

Navarro V. Science of ideology ? A response to Murray and Frenk. Int J Health Serv 2001; 31: 875-880.

Navarro V. The new conventional wisdom: an evaluation of the WHO report: health systems: improving performance. Int J Health Serv 2001; 31: 23-33.

Navarro V. World Health Report 2000: responses to Murray and Frenk [letter]. Lancet 2001; 357: 1701-1702.

Walt G, Mills A. World Health Report 2000: responses to Murray and Frenk [letter]. Lancet 2001; 357: 1702-1703.

Wibulpolprasert S, Tangcharoensathien V. Health systems performance - what's next? [editorial]. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 489.

Williams A. Science or marketing at WHO? a commentary on 'World Health 2000'. Health Econ 2001; 10: 93-100.

Williams A. Science or marketing at WHO? A rejoinder from Alan Williams. Health Econ 2001; 10: 283-285.

OMS. Rapport sur la santé dans le monde 2000; pour un système de santé plus performant. Genève: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (OMS), 2000: 237 pp. [Available from:]

WHO. The world health report 2000; health systems: improving performance. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2000: 215 pp. [Available from:]

Health policy

• General

Almeida C, Báscolo E. Use of research results in policy decision-making, formulation, and implementation: a review of the literature. Cad Saúde Pública 2006; 22(Supl.): S7-S19.

Ashford LS, Smith RR, De Souza RM, Fikree FF, Yinger NV. Creating windows of opportunity for policy change: incorporating evidence into decentralized planning in Kenya. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(8): 669-672.

Frenk J. Bridging the divide: global lessons from evidence-based health policy in Mexico. Lancet 2006; 368(9539): 954-961.

24 Green A, Collins C. Management and planning for public health. In: Merson MH, Black RE, J MA, editors. International public health: diseases, programs, systems, and policies; 2nd ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006: 553-599. [ITM Library: SO/19983]

Harpham T, Tuan T. From research evidence to policy: mental health care in Viet Nam. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(8): 664-668.

Waters E, Doyle J, Jackson N, Howes F, Brunton G, Oakley A. Evaluating the effectiveness of public health interventions: the role and activities of the Cochrane Collaboration. J Epidemiol Community Health 2006; 60(4): 285-289.

Lavis JN, Becerra Posada F, Haines A, Osei E. Use of research to inform public policymaking. Lancet 2004; 364: 1615-1621.

Sanders D, Labonte R, Baum F, Chopra M. Making research matter: a civil society perspective on health research. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82: 757-763.

Volmink J, Siegfried N, Robertson K, Gülmezoglu AM. Research synthesis and dissemination as a bridge to knowledge management: the Cochrane Collaboration. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82: 778-783.

Kapiriri L, Frithjof Norheim O, Heggenhougen K. Using burden of disease information for health planning in developing countries: the experience from Uganda. Soc Sci Med 2003; 56: 2433-2441.

Liu X. Policy tools for allocative efficiency of health services. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), 2003: 155 pp. [ITM Library: SOD/18293]

McNaught A. Health policy and its implementation in small island developing states in the British West Indies. Int J Health Plann Manag 2003; 18: 313-328.

Msuya JM, Nyaruhucha CNM, Kaswahili J. Does preventive health care have a chance in the changing health sector in Tanzania? East Afr Med J 2003; 80: 135-139.

Peters DH, Rao KS, Fryatt R. Lumping and splitting: the health policy agenda in India. Health Pol Plann 2003; 18: 249-260.

Hornby P, Perera HSR. A development framework for promoting evidence-based policy action: drawing on experiences in Sri Lanka. Int J Health Plann Manag 2002; 17: 165-183.

Green A, Ali B, Naeem A, Vassall A. Using costing as a district planning and management tool in Balochistan, Pakistan. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16: 180-186.

Kirigia JM, Sambo LG, Agu VU, Lambo E. How to develop an operational plan for health. East Afr Med J 2001; 78(3(Suppl)): S14-S19.

Filmer D, Hammer JS, Pritchett LH. Weak links in the chain: a diagnosis of health policy in poor countries. World Bank Res Observer 2000; 15: 199-224.

• Horizontal versus vertical health programs

Shiffman J. Has donor prioritization of HIV/AIDS displaced aid for other health issues? Health Pol Plann 2008; 23(2): 95-100.

25 England R. Are we spending too much on HIV? BMJ 2007; 334(7589): 344.

Haines A. Contribution of health systems to disease control [editorial]. Trop Med Int Health 2007; 12(11): 1275-1278.

Walt G, Buse K. Global cooperation in international public health. In: Merson MH, Black RE, J MA, editors. International public health: diseases, programs, systems, and policies; 2nd ed. Sudbury: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006: 649-680. [ITM Library: SO/19983]

Dare L, Reeler A. Health systems financing: putting together the "back office". BMJ 2005; 331: 759-762.

Mills A. Mass campaigns versus general health services: what have we learnt in 40 years about vertical versus horizontal approaches? Bull World Health Organ 2005; 83: 315-316 [+ 317-319].

Arguing the case for strengthening health systems [interview with Timothy Evans]. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82: 956-958.

Atun RA, Lennox-Chhugani N, Drobniewski F, Samyshkin YA, Coker RJ. A framework and toolkit for capturing the communicable disease programmes within health systems; tuberculosis control as an illustrative example. Eur J Public Health 2004; 14: 267-273.

Coetzee D, Hilderbrand K, Goemaere E, Matthys F, Boelaert M. Integrating tuberculosis and HIV care in the primary care setting in South Africa. Trop Med Int Health 2004; 9: A11-A15.

Coker R, Atun R, McKee M. Untangling Gordian knots: improving tuberculosis control through the development of 'programme theories'. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19: 217-226.

Criel B, Kegels G, Van der Stuyft P. A framework for analysing the relationship between disease control programmes and basic health care [editorial]. Trop Med Int Health 2004; 9: A1-A4.

Litsios S. The Christian Medical Commission and the development of the World Health Organization's primary health care approach. Am J Public Health 2004; 94: 1884-1893.

Van Balen H. Disease control in primary health care: a historical perspective. Trop Med Int Health 2004; 9: A22-A26.

Victora CG, Hanson K, Bryce J, Vaughan JP. Achieving universal coverage with health interventions. Lancet 2004; 364: 1541-1548.

Fidler DP. Emerging trends in international law concerning global infectious disease control. Emerging Infect Dis 2003; 9: 285-290.

Gloyd S, Suarez Torres J, Mercer MA. Immunization campaigns and political agendas: retrospective from Ecuador and El Salvador. Int J Health Serv 2003; 33: 113-128.

Knowledge into action for child survival. Lancet 2003; 362: 323-327.

Mallick SN. Integration of leprosy control with primary health care. Lepr Rev 2003; 74: 148-153.

Mancini DJ, Stecklov G, Stewart JF. The effect of structural characteristics on family planning program performance in Côte d'Ivoire and Nigeria. Soc Sci Med 2003; 56: 2123-2137.

26 Mills A, Hanson K, editors. Expanding access to health interventions in low and middle-income countries: constraints and opportunities for scaling-up. Chichester: Wiley, 2003: 131 pp. (Journal of International Development; 15(1)). [ITM Library: SO/18966]

Msuya J. Horizontal and vertical delivery of health services: what are the trade offs? Washing- ton: World Bank, 2003: 28 pp. [Available from: ]

Msuya JM, Nyaruhucha CNM, Kaswahili J. Does preventive health care have a chance in the changing health sector in Tanzania? East Afr Med J 2003; 80: 135-139.

Obimbo EM. Primary health care, selective or comprehensive, which way to go? East Afr Med J 2003; 80: 7-25.

Unger JP, De Paepe P, Green A. A code of best practice for disease control programmes to avoid damaging health care services in developing countries. Int J Health Plann Manag 2003; 18(Suppl.1): S27-S39.

Bangser M. Policy environments: macroeconomics, programming, and participation. In: Sen G, George A, Östlin P, editors. Engendering international health; the challenge of equity. Cambridge: MIT Press, 2002: 257-280. (Basic Bioethics). [ITM Library: SO/18024]

Blaise P. Le management de la qualité dans les systèmes de santé en Afrique; entre programme vertical et stratégie de changement, des espoirs déçus et des contraintes mal maîtrisées [dissertation]. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Ecole de Santé Publique, 2002: 18 pp. [ITM Library: SO/17744]

Kunasol P, Limpakarnjanarat K, Thongcharoen P. Public health sciences and policy in developing countries; 4th ed. In: Detels R, McEwen J, Beaglehole R, Tanaka H, editors. Oxford textbook of public health; the practice of public health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002: 951-955. [ITM Library: SO/17573]

Petersen I, Swartz L. Primary health care in the era of HIV/AIDS; some implications for health systems reform. Soc Sci Med 2002; 55: 1005-1013.

Hanson S. Health sector reform and STD/AIDS control in resource poor setting; the case of Tanzania. Int J Health Plann Manag 2000; 15: 341-360.

• Sector-wide approach (SWAP)

Sundewall J, Forsberg BC, Tomson G. Theory and practice; a case study of coordination and ownership in the Bangladesh health SWAp. Health Res Pol Systems 2006; 4(5): 8 pp. [Available from: ]

Sundewall J, Sahlin-Andersson K. Translations of health sector SWAps; a comparative study of health sector development cooperation in Uganda, Zambia and Bangladesh. Health Pol 2006; 76(3): 277-287.

Elsey H, Kilonzo N, Tolhurst R, Molyneux C. Bypassing districts? Implications of sector-wide approaches and decentralization for integrating gender equity in Uganda and Kenya. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 150-157.

Mugisha F, Birungi H, Askew I. Are reproductive health NGO's in Uganda able to engage in the health SWAp? Int J Health Plann Manag 2005; 20: 227-238. 27

Orinda V, Kakande H, Kabarangira J, Nanda G, Mbonye AK. A sector-wide approach to emergency obstetric care in Uganda. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2005; 91: 285-291.

Jeppsson A. SWAp dynamics in a decentralized context: experiences from Uganda. Soc Sci Med 2002; 55: 2053-2060.

Hill PS. The rhetoric of sector-wide approaches for health development. Soc Sci Med 2002; 54: 1725-1737.

Rhodes G, Schreuder B, Toonen J, Vassall A. Sector wide approaches in health: moving from theory to practice; KIT conference, November 27-28, 2000. Med Mundi Int Newsl 2001; 66: 27-36.

Goodburn E, Campbell O. Reducing maternal mortality in the developing world: sector-wide approaches may be the key. BMJ 2001; 322: 917-920.

• Community participation

Sapag JC, Kawachi I. Capital social y promoción de la salud en América Latina. Rev Saúde Pública 2007; 41(1): 139-149.

Diedhiou A, Ndiaye P, Sourang AM, Ba AD, Diallo I. Participation communautaire et promotion de la santé: l'expérience des comités d'hygiène et de salubrité du district de Touba (Sénégal). Cah Santé 2006; 16(1): 43-47.

Laverack G. Improving health outcomes through community empowerment: a review of the literature. J Health Popul Nutr 2006; 24(1): 113-120.

Gazi R, Uddin AHN, Nazrul H. Involving community in the process of local level planning: modalities in the Thana functional improvement pilot project of Bangladesh. J Health Manag 2005; 7(1): 141-150.

Golooba-Mutebi F. When popular participation won't improve service provision: primary health care in Uganda. Dev Pol Rev 2005; 23: 165-182.

Mosavel M, Simon C, van Stade D, Buchbinder M. Community-based participatory research (CBPR) in South Africa: engaging multiple constituents to shape the research question. Soc Sci Med 2005; 61: 2577-2587.

Munyanshongore C, Kyamusugulwa PM, Katambwe VW. Participation communautaire à la santé dans la zone de santé urbaine de Bukavu (République démocratique du Congo). Cah Santé 2005; 15(4): 235-240.

Bowyer T. Popular participation and the State: democratizing the health sector in rural Peru. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19: 131-161.

Hossain SMM, Bhuiya A, Khan AR, Uhaa I. Community development and its impact on health: South Asian experience. BMJ 2004; 328: 830-833.

Kerouedan D, Dauby P. Questions autour de la démocratie sanitaire en Afrique. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 609-612.

28 Manandhar DS, Osrin D, Shrestha BP, Mesko N, Morrison J, Tumbahangphe KM, Tamang S, Thapa S, Shrestha D, Thapa B, Shrstha JR, Wade A, Borghi J, Standing H, Manandhar M, De L AM. Effect of a participatory intervention with women's groups on birth outcomes in Nepal: cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2004; 364: 970-979 [+ 914-915].

Murthy RK, Klugman B. Service accountability and community participation in the context of health sector reforms in Asia: implications for sexual and reproductive health services. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19(Suppl.1): i78-i86.

Uzochukwu BSC, Akpala CO, Onwujekwe OE. How do health workers and community members perceive and practice community participation in the Bamako Initiative programme in Nigeria? A case study of Oji River local government area. Soc Sci Med 2004; 59: 157-162.

Greene R. Effective community health participation strategies: a Cuban example. Int J Health Plann Manag 2003; 18: 105-116.

Jacobs B, Price N. Community participation in externally funded health projects: lessons from Cambodia. Health Pol Plann 2003; 18: 399-410.

Kapiriri L, Norheim OF, Heggenhougen K. Public participation in health planning and priority setting at the district level in Uganda. Health Pol Plann 2003; 18: 205-213.

Morone JA, Kilbreth EH. Power to the people? Restoring citizen participation. J Health Polit Pol Law 2003; 28: 271-288.

Osrin D, Mesko N, Shrestha BP, Shrestha D, Tamang S, Thapa S, Tumbahangphe KM, Shrestha JR, Manandhar MK, Manandhar DS, Standing H, De L Costello AM. Implementing a community-based participatory intervention to improve essential newborn care in rural Nepal. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2003; 97: 18-21.

Xu Z, Wang A, Xu Y. Community health nursing in the People's Republic of China: evolution, status, and challenges. Home Health Care Manag Pract 2003; 15(5): 399-406.

Béhague DP, Gonçalves H, Dias da Costa J. Making medicine for the poor: primary health care interpretations in Pelotas, Brazil. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 131-143.

Bishai D, Niessen LW, Shrestha M. Local governance and community financing of primary care: evidence from Nepal. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 202-206.

Emond A, Pollock J, da Costa N, Maranhao T, Macedo A. The effectiveness of community-based interventions to improve maternal and infant health in the Northeast of Brazil. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2002; 12: 101-110.

Mehrotra S, Jarrett SW. Improving basic health service delivery in low-income countries: 'voice' to the poor. Soc Sci Med 2002; 54: 1685-1690.

Ndiaye P, Tal-Dia A, Sambou R, Wone I, Diallo I. Bilan et perspectives de la participation communautaire au centre hospitalier régional de Ziguinchor (Sénégal). Cah Santé 2002; 12: 383-387.

Sheffmann J. The construction of community participation: village family planning groups and the Indonesian state. Soc Sci Med 2002; 54: 1199-1214.

29 Unger JP, El Abassi A, Traore FN. The community development of "public" services. [s.l.]: [s.n.], [2002]: 23 pp.

Van der Vennet J. Community participation in Bolivia: how to transcend populism. INFI Newsl 2002; 7(13): 35-40.

Van der Vennet J. La participation populaire en Bolivie: comment dépasser le populisme? Lett RIAC 2002; 7(13): 35-40.

Balique H, Ouattara O, Ag Iknane A. Dix ans d'expérience des centres de santé communautaire au Mali. Santé Publique 2001; 13: 35-48.

Li VC, Shaoxia W, Kunyi W, Wentao Z, Buchthal O, Wong GC, Burris MA. Capacity building to improve women's health in rural China. Soc Sci Med 2001; 52: 279-292.

Morgan LM. Community participation in health: perpetual allure, persistent challenge. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16: 221-230.

Mosquera M, Zapata Y, Lee K, Arango C, Varela A. Strengthening user participation through health sector reform in Colombia: a study of institutional change and social representation. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16(Suppl.2): 52-60.

Nissinen A, Berrios X, Puska P. Community-based noncommunicable disease interventions: lessons from developed countries for developing ones. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 963-970.

Ramiro LS, Castillo FA, Tan-Torres T, Torres CE, Tayag JG, Talampas RG, Hawken L. Community participation in local health boards in decentralized setting: cases from the Philippines. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16(Suppl.2): 61-69.

République Togolaise, Ministère de la Santé, Direction Générale de la Santé. Gestion communautaire en matière de santé au . Lomé: Echos d'Afrique, 2000: 124 pp. [ITM Library: SO.1/17873]

Country studies

Several websites offer country data and information mostly oriented towards the fields they specialize in:

- WHO (health systems, disease burden) [Available from: ] - DHS (reproductive health) [Available from: ] - World Bank (mostly economic and development indicators) [Available from: ] - UNDP (MDGs, development) [Available from: ]

• Africa

Bradshaw D, Norman R, Lewin S, Joubert J, Schneider M, Nannan N, Groenewald P, Laubscher R, Matzopoulos R, Nojilana B, Pieterse D, Steyn K, Vos T. Strengthening public : building a stronger evidence base for improving the health of the nation. S Afr Med J 2007; 97(8(2)): 643-649.

30 Glenngard AH, Maina TM. Reversing the trend of weak policy implementation in the Kenyan health sector? A study of budget allocation and spending of health resources versus set priorities. Health Res Pol Systems 2007; 5(3): 9 pp. [Available from:]

Masiye F. Investigating health system performance: an application of data envelopment analysis to Zambian hospitals. BMC Health Serv Res 2007; 7(58): 11 pp. [Available from: ]

Ridde V. Equité et mise en oeuvre des politiques de santé au Burkina Faso. Paris: L'Harmattan, 2007: 536 pp. [ITM Library: SO.1/19930]

Ashford LS, Smith RR, De Souza RM, Fikree FF, Yinger NV. Creating windows of opportunity for policy change: incorporating evidence into decentralized planning in Kenya. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(8): 669-672.

Haddad S, Nougtara A, Fournier P. Learning from health system reforms: lessons from Burkina Faso. Trop Med Int Health 2006; 11(12): 1889-1897.

Sanders D, Chopra M. Key challenges to achieving health for all in an equitable society: the case of South Africa. Am J Public Health 2006; 96(1): 73-78.

Schneider H, Gilson L, Ogden J, Lush L, Walt G. Health systems and the implementation of disease programmes: case studies from South Africa. Global Public Health 2006; 1(1): 49-64.

Ben Hamida A, Fakhfakh R, Miladi W, Zouari B, Nacef T. La transition sanitaire en Tunisie au cours des 50 dernières années. East Mediterr Health J 2005; 11: 181-191.

Golooba-Mutebi F. When popular participation won't improve service provision: primary health care in Uganda. Dev Pol Rev 2005; 23: 165-182.

Jeppsson A, Birungi H, Östergren PO, Hagström B. The global-local dilemma of a Ministry of Health; experiences from Uganda. Health Pol 2005; 72(3): 311-320.

Leather A, Ismail EA, Ali R, Abdi YA, Abby MH, Gulaid SA, Walhad SA, Guleid S, Ervine IM, Lowe-Lauri M, Parker M, Adams S, Datema M, Parry E. Working together to rebuild health care in post-conflict Somaliland. Lancet 2005; 368(9541): 1119-1125.

Benatar SR. Health care reform and the crisis of HIV and AIDS in South Africa. N Engl J Med 2004; 351: 81-92.

Duponchel JL. Bilan des soins de santé primaires. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 533-538 [Mali].

Gilbert T, Gilbert L. Globalisation and local power: influences on health matters in South Africa. Health Pol 2004; 67(3): 245-255.

Jarawan E, Pena C. The health sector in Eritrea. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 96 pp. (World Bank Country Studies). [ITM Library: SO.1/18699]

Kapiriri L, Norheim OF. Criteria for priority-setting in health care in Uganda: exploration of stakeholders' values. Bull World Health Organ 2004; 82: 172-179.

Kapp C. Health and hunger in Zimbabwe. Lancet 2004; 364: 1569-1572. 31

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Socioeconomic factors

Gikandi PW, Noor AM, Gitonga CW, Ajanga AA, Snow RW. Access and barriers to measures targeted to prevent malaria in pregnancy in rural Kenya. Trop Med Int Health 2008; 13(2): 208-217.

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Lalloo R, Smith MJ, Myburgh NG, Solanki GC. Access to health care in South Africa; the influence of race and class. S Afr Med J 2004; 94: 639-642.

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Ensor T, Dave-Sen P, Ali L, Hossain A, Begum SA, Moral H. Do essential service packages benefit the poor? Preliminary evidence from Bangladesh. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 247-256.

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Geographic factors – rural-urban inequity

Makowiecka K, Achadi E, Izati Y, Ronsmans C. Midwifery provision in two districts in Indonesia: how well are rural areas served? Health Pol Plann 2008; 23(1): 67-75.

Aghajanian A, Mehryar AH, Ahmadnia S, Kazemipour S. Impact of rural health development programme in the Islamic Republic of Iran on rural-urban disparities in health indicators. East Mediterr Health J 2007; 13(6): 1466-1475.

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Pearce J, Dorling D. Increasing geographical inequalities in health in New Zealand, 1980-2001. Int J Epidemiol 2006; 35(3): 597-603 [+ 604-606].

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Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Availability, distribution and use of emergency obstetric care in Northern Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 167-175.

Onwujekwe O, Uzochukwu B. Socio-economic and geographic differentials in costs and payment strategies for primary healthcare services in southeast Nigeria. Health Pol 2005; 71(3): 383-397.

Nishiura H, Barua S, Lawpoolsri S, Kittitrakul C, Leman MM, Maha MS, Muangnoicharoen S. Health inequalities in Thailand: geographic distribution of medical supplies in the provinces. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2004; 35: 735-740. 49

McIntyre D, Muirhead D, Gilson L. Geographic patterns of deprivation in South Africa: informing health equity analyses and public resource allocation strategies. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17(Suppl.1): 30-39.

Gender factors

Mohindra KS, Haddad S, Narayana D. Can microcredit help improve the health of poor women? Some findings from a cross-sectional study in Kerala, India. Int J Equity Health 2008; 7(2): 14 pp. [Available from: ]

Accorsi S, Fabiani M, Nattabi B, Ferrarese N, Corrado B, Iriso R, Ayella EO, Pido B, Yoti Z, Corti D, Ogwang M, Declich S. Differences in hospital admissions for males and females in northern Uganda in the period 1992-2004: a consideration of gender and sex differences in health care use. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 2007; 101(9): 929-938.

Barata RB, de Almeida MF, Montero CV, da Silva ZP. Gender and health inequalities among adolescents and adults in Brazil, 1998. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2007; 21(5): 320-327.

Iyer A, Sen G, George A. The dynamics of gender and class in access to health care: evidence from rural Karnataka, India. Int J Health Serv 2007; 37(3): 537-554

Choi JY, Lee SH. Does prenatal care increase access to child immunization? Gender bias among children in India. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63(1): 107-117.

Freedman LP, Waldman RJ, de Pinho H, Wirth ME, Chowdhury AMR, Rosenfield A. Transforming health systems to improve the lives of women and children. Lancet 2005; 365: 997-1000.

Elsey H, Kilonzo N, Tolhurst R, Molyneux C. Bypassing districts? Implications of sector-wide approaches and decentralization for integrating gender equity in Uganda and Kenya. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 150-157.

Kim JC, Watts CH. Gaining a foothold: tackling poverty, gender inequality, and HIV in Africa. BMJ 2005; 331: 769-772.

Li J. Gender inequality, family planning, and maternal and child care in a rural Chinese county. Soc Sci Med 2004; 59: 695-908.

Mishra V, Roy TK, Retherford RD. Sex differentials in childhood feeding, health care, and nutritional status in India. Popul Dev Rev 2004; 30: 269-295.

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Sen G, George A, Östlin P. The case for gender equity in health research. J Health Manag 2002; 4(2): 99-117.

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Ethnic factors

Baron-Epel O, Garty N, Green MS. Inequalities in use of health services among Jews and Arabs in Israel. Health Serv Res 2007; 42(3): 1008-1019.

Anderson I, Crengle S, Kamaka ML, Chen TH, Palafox N, Jackson-Pulver L. Indigenous health in Australia, New Zealand, and the Pacific. Lancet 2006; 367(9524): 1775-1785 [+ 1705-1707].

Asante AD, Zwi AB, Ho MT. Equity in resource allocation for health; a comparative study of the Ashanti and northern regions of Ghana. Health Pol 2006; 78(2-3): 135-148.

Camacho AV, Castro MD, Kaufman R. Cultural aspects related to the health of Andean women in Latin America: a key issue for progress toward the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 94(3): 357-363.

Davis P, Lay-Yee R, Dyall L, Briant R, Sporle A, Brunt D, Scott A. Quality of hospital care for Maori patients in New Zealand: retrospective cross-sectional assessment. Lancet 2006; 367(9526): 1920-1925.

Ellison-Loschmann L, Pearce N. Improving access to health care among New Zealand's Maori population. Am J Public Health 2006; 96(4): 612-617.

Freemantle CJ, Read AW, de Klerk NH, McAullay D, Anderson IP, Stanley FJ. Patterns, trends, and increasing disparities in mortality for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal infants born in Western Australia, 1980-2001: population database study. Lancet 2006; 367(9524): 1758-1766.

Harris R, Tobias M, Jeffreys M, Waldegrave K, Karlsen S, Nazroo J. Effects of self-reported racial discrimination and deprivation on Maori health and inequalities in New Zealand: cross-sectional study. Lancet 2006; 367(9527): 2005-2009 [+ 1958-1959].

Macassa G, Ghilagaber G, Bernhardt E, Burström B. Inequalities in under-five mortality in Mozambique; differentials by region of residence and ethnic affiliation of the mother. East Afr Med J 2006; 83(5): 259-266.

Montenegro RA, Stephens C. Indigenous health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Lancet 2006; 367(9525): 1859-1869.

Ohenjo N, Willis R, Jackson D, Nettleton C, Good K, Mugarura B. Health of indigenous people in Africa. Lancet 2006; 367(9526): 1937-1946.

Stephens C, Porter J, Nettleton C, Willis R. Disappearing, displaced, and undervalued: a call to action for indigenous health worldwide. Lancet 2006; 367(9527): 2019-2028. 51

Zinsstag J, Ould Taleb M, Craig PS. Health of nomadic pastoralists: new approaches towards equity effectiveness [editorial]. Trop Med Int Health 2006; 11(5): 565-568.

Stephens C, Nettleton C, Porter J, Willis R, Clark S. Indigenous peoples' health; why are they behind everyone, everywhere? Lancet 2005; 366: 10-13.

Anderson I, Loff B. Voices lost: indigenous health and human rights in Australia. Lancet 2004; 364: 1281-1282.

Lalloo R, Smith MJ, Myburgh NG, Solanki GC. Access to health care in South Africa; the influence of race and class. S Afr Med J 2004; 94: 639-642.

Mooney G, Jan S, Wiseman V. Staking a claim for claims: a case study of resource allocation in Australian Aboriginal health care. Soc Sci Med 2002; 54: 1657-1667.

Gilson L, McIntyre D. South Africa: addressing the legacy of apartheid. In: Evans T, Whitehead M, Diderichsen F, Bhuiya A, Wirth M, editors. Challenging inequities in health; from ethics to action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001: 191-209. [ITM Library: SO/17425]

Singh LP, Srinivasan K. Family planning and the scheduled tribes of Rajasthan: taking stock and moving forward. J Health Manag 2000; 2(1): 55-80.

Age factors

Braeken D, Otoo-Oyortey N, Serour G. Access to sexual and reproductive health care: adolescents and young people. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 98(2): 172-174.

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Decentralization and health care financing

Okorafor OA, Thomas S. Protecting resources for primary health care under fiscal federalism: options for resource allocation. Health Pol Plann 2007; 22(6): 415-426.

Arredondo A, Orozco E. Effects of health decentralization, financing and governance in Mexico. Rev Saúde Pública 2006; 40(1): 152-160.

Danishevski K, Balabanova D, McKee M, Atkinson S. The fragmentary federation: experiences with the decentralized health system in Russia. Health Pol Plann 2006; 21(3): 183-194.

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Homedes N, Ugalde A, Forns JR. The World Bank, pharmaceutical policies, and health reforms in Latin America. Int J Health Serv 2005; 35: 691-717.

56 Jeppsson A, Birungi H, Östergren PO, Hagström B. The global-local dilemma of a Ministry of Health; experiences from Uganda. Health Pol 2005; 72(3): 311-320.

Mugisha F, Birungi H, Askew I. Are reproductive health NGO's in Uganda able to engage in the health SWAp? Int J Health Plann Manag 2005; 20: 227-238.

Phommasack B, Oula L, Khounthalivong O, Keobounphanh I, Misavadh T, Loun, Oudomphone P, Vongsamphanh C, Blas E. Decentralization and recentralization: effects on the health systems in Lao PDR. Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health 2005; 36: 523-528.

Semali IA, Tanner M, de Savigny D. Decentralizing EPI services and prospects for increasing coverage: the case of Tanzania. Int J Health Plann Manag 2005; 20: 21-39.

Vander Plaetse B, Hlatiwayo G, Van Eygen L, Meessen B, Criel B. Costs and revenue of health care in a rural Zimbabwean district. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 243-251.

Blas E, editor. Health sector reform and tropical diseases: opportunities and threats. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): 185 pp.

Health sector reform in Bolivia; a decentralization case study. Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/World Bank, 2004: 94 pp. (World Bank Country Studies). [ITM Library: SO.7/18685]

Kajula PW, Kintu F, Barugahare J, Neema S. Political analysis of rapid change in Uganda's health financing policy and consequences on service delivery for malaria control. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): S133-S153.

Kivumbi GW, Nangendo F, Ndyabahika BR. Financial management systems under decentralization and their effect on malaria control in Uganda. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): S117-S131.

Murthy RK, Klugman B. Service accountability and community participation in the context of health sector reforms in Asia: implications for sexual and reproductive health services. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19(Suppl.1): i78-i86.

Bossert TJ, Larrañaga O, Giedion U, Arbelaez JJ, Bowser DM. Decentralization and equity of resource allocation: evidence from Colombia and Chile. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 95-100.

Fiedler JL, Suazo J. Ministry of Health user fees, equity and decentralization: lessons from Honduras. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 362-377.

Arredondo A, Parada I. Financing indicators for health care decentralization in Latin America: information and suggestions for health planning. Int J Health Plann Manag 2001; 16: 259-276.

Jeppsson A. Financial priorities under decentralization in Uganda. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16: 187-192.

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Almeida C, Travassos C, Porto S, Labra ME. Health sector reform in Brazil: a case study of inequity. Int J Health Serv 2000; 30: 129-162.

57 Green A, Ali B, Naeem A, Ross D. Resource allocation and budgetary mechanisms for decentralized health systems: experiences form Balochistan, Pakistan. Bull World Health Organ 2000; 78: 1024-1035.

Monteiro de Andrade LO, Soares Pontes RJ, Martins T. A descentralização no marco da reforma sanitária no Brasil. Rev Panam Salud Pública 2000; 8: 85-91.

User fees

• General

Holloway KA, Karkee S, Tamang A, Gurung YB, Pradhan R, Reeves BC. The effect of user fees on prescribing quality in rural Nepal: two controlled pre-post studies to compare a fee per drug unit vs. a fee per drug item. Trop Med Int Health 2008; 13(4): 541-547.

Kondo M, McPake B. Making choices between prepayment and user charges in Zambia; what are the results for equity? Health Econ 2007; 16(12): 1371-1387.

Roy K, Howard DH. Equity in out-of-pocket payments for hospital care: evidence from India. Health Pol 2007; 80(2): 297-307.

Meessen B, Van Damme W, Kirunga Tashobya C, Tibouti A. Poverty and user fees for public health care in low-income countries; lessons from Uganda and Cambodia. Lancet 2006; 368(9554): 2253-2257.

Yu CP, Whynes DK, Sach TH. Assessing progressivity of out-of-pocket payment: with illustration to Malaysia. Int J Health Plann Manag 2006; 21(3): 193-210.

Hotchkiss DR, Krasovec K, El-Idrissi MDZE, Eckert E, Karim AM. The role of user charges and structural attributes of quality on the use of maternal health services in Morocco. Int J Health Plann Manag 2005; 20: 113-135.

Leonard KL, Graff Zivin J. Outcome versus service based payments in health care: lessons from African traditional healers. Health Econ 2005; 14: 575-593.

Sepehri A, Chernomas R, Akram-Lodhi H. Penalizing patients and rewarding providers: user charges and health care utilization in Vietnam. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 90-99.

Uzochukwu B, Onwujekwe O. Healthcare reform involving the introduction of user fees and drug revolving funds: influence on health workers' behavior in southeast Nigeria. Health Pol 2005; 75(1): 1-8.

Wiseman V. Reflections on the impact of the Bamako Initiative and the role of user fees [editorial]. Trop Doct 2005; 35: 193-194.

Abdu Z, Mohammed Z, Bashier I, Eriksson B. The impact of user fee exemption on service utilization and treatment seeking behaviour: the case of malaria in Sudan. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): S95-S106.

Akashi H, Yamada T, Huot E, Kanal K, Sugimoto T. User fees at a public hospital in Cambodia: effects on hospital performance and provider attitudes. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 553-564.

58 Audibert M, Mathonnat J, de Roodenbeke E. Financement de la santé dans les pays à faible revenu: questions récurrentes, nouveaux défis. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 552-560.

Barber S, Bonnet F, Bekedam H. Formalizing under-the-table payments to control out-of-pocket hospital expenditures in Cambodia. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 199-208.

Falkingham J. Poverty, out-of-pocket payments and access to health care: evidence from Tajikistan. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 247-258.

Jacobs B, Price N. The impact of the introduction of user fees at a district hospital in Cambodia. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 310-321.

Richard V. Le financement de la santé en Afrique sub-saharienne; le recouvrement des coûts. Méd Trop 2004; 64: 337-340.

Uzochukwu B, Onwujekwe O, Eriksson B. Inequity in the Bamako Initiative programme; implications for the treatment of malaria in south-east Nigeria. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): S107-S116.

Yip W, Eggleston K. Addressing government and market failures with payment incentives: hospital reimbursement reform in Hainan, China. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 267-277.

Dong W. Healthcare-financing reforms in transitional society: a Shanghai experience. J Health Popul Nutr 2003; 21: 223-234.

Levin A, Dmytraczenko T, McEuen M, Ssengooba F, Mangani R, Van Dyck G. Costs of maternal health care services in three anglophone African countries. Int J Health Plann Manag 2003; 18: 3-22.

Ridde V. Fees-for-services, cost recovery, and equity in a district of Burkina Faso operating the Bamako Initiative. Bull World Health Organ 2003; 81: 532-538.

Sohani SB, Salim SM, Nyamu H, Annett H. Health care financing; a model from rural Kenya. In: Audibert M, Mathonnat J, de Roodenbeke E, editors. Le financement de la santé dans les pays d'Afrique et d'Asie à faible revenu. Paris: Karthala, 2003: 131-138. (Collection Economie et Développement). [ITM Library: SOE/18269]

Achanfua Yeboah D. Strategies adopted by Caribbean family planning associations to address declining international funding. Int Fam Plann Perspect 2002; 28: 122-125.

Castano RA, Arbelaez JJ, Giedion UB, Morales LG. Equitable financing, out-of-pocket payments and the role of health care reform in Colombia. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17(Suppl.1): 5-11.

Fiedler JL, Suazo J. Ministry of Health user fees, equity and decentralization: lessons from Honduras. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 362-377.

Kipp W, Kamugisha J, Jacobs P, Burnham G, Rubaale T. Redevances, primes au personnel de santé et utilisation des services dans le district de Karabole (Ouganda). Bull Organ Mond Santé Rec Articles 2002; 6: 113-118.

Malama C, Chen Q, De Vogli R, Birbeck GL. User fees impact access to healthcare for female children in rural Zambia. J Trop Pediatr 2002; 48: 371-372.

59 Skarbinski J, Walker HK, Baker LC, Kobaladze A, Kirtava Z, Raffin TA. The burden of out-of-pocket payments for health care in Tbilisi, Republic of Georgia. JAMA 2002; 287: 1043-1049.

Biritwum RB. Impact of health care financing reforms on the management of malaria in Ghana. East Afr Med J 2001; 78: 636-640.

Blas E, Limbambala ME. User-payment, decentralization and health service utilization in Zambia. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16(Suppl.2): 19-28.

Cattaneo A. User fees in private non-for-profit hospitals in Uganda. Med Mundi Int Newsl 2001; 67: 20-25.

Holloway KA, Gautam BR, Reeves BC. The effects of different kinds of user fees on prescribing costs in rural Nepal. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16: 421-427.

Holloway KA, Gautam BR, Reeves BC. The effects of different kinds of user fees on prescribing quality in rural Nepal. J Clin Epidemiol 2001; 54: 1065-1071.

Kipp W, Kamugisha J, Jacobs P, Burnham G, Rubaale T. User fees, health staff incentives, and service utilization in Kabarole district, Uganda. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 1032-1037.

Mills A, Bennett S, Russell S. Increasing government finance: charging the users. In: Mills A, Bennett S, Russell S, editors. The challenge of health sector reform; what must governments do? Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2001: 94-117. (Batley R, editor. The Role of Government in Adjusting Economies). [ITM Library: SO/16865]

Pham Manh Hung, Truong Viet Dzung, Dahlgren G, Tran Tuan. Vietnam: efficient, equity-oriented financial strategies for health. In: Evans T, Whitehead M, Diderichsen F, Bhuiya A, Wirth M, editors. Challenging inequities in health; from ethics to action. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001: 297-306. [ITM Library: SO/17425]

Suwandono A, Gani A, Purwani S, Blas E, Brugha R. Cost recovery beds in public hospitals in Indonesia. Health Pol Plann 2001; 16(Suppl.2): 10-18.

Wagstaff A. Poverty and health. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH), 2001: 52 pp. (CMH Working Paper Series. WG1; 5)

Wilkinson D, Gouws E, Sach M, Abdool Karim SS. Effect of removing user fees on attendance for curative and preventive primary health care services in rural South Africa. Bull World Health Organ 2001; 79: 665-671.

Arhin-Tenkorang D. Mobilizing resources for health; the case of user fees revisited. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH), 2000: 21 pp. (CMH Working Paper Series. WG3; 6).

Audibert M, Mathonnat J. Cost recovery in Mauritania: initial lessons. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 66-75.

Fiedler JL, Suazo J, Sandoval M, Vallejo F. An assessment of the ambulatory care user fee systems in Ministry of Health facilities of Honduras. Bethesda: Abt Associates; Bethesda: Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), 2000: 268 pp. (PHR Technical Reports; 58).

60 Hausmann Muela S, Mushi AK, Muela Ribera J. The paradox of the cost and affordability of traditional and government health services in Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 296-302.

Hensher M, Jefferys E. Financing blood transfusion services in sub-Saharan Africa: a role for user fees? Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 287-295.

McPake B. Reforms to financing systems in poor countries. In: Mills A, editor. Reforming health sectors. London: Kegan Paul International, 2000: 132-150. (Dickens A, editor. London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine Annual Public Health Forum; 8). [ITM Library: SO/17344]

Routh S, Thwin AA, Kane TT, Baqui AH. User-fees for family-planning methods: an analysis of payment behaviour among urban contraceptors in Bangladesh. J Health Popul Nutr 2000; 18: 69-78.

• Eliminating user fees?

Habbani K, Groot W, Jelovac I. Do free-of-charge public health services impede cost recovery policies in Khartoum state, Sudan? East Mediterr Health J 2007; 13(4): 939-952.

James CD, Hanson K, McPake B, Balabanova D, Gwatkin D, Hopwood I, Kirunga C, Knippenberg R, Meessen B, Morris SS, Preker AS, Souteyrand Y, Tibouti A, Villeneuve P, Xu K. To retain or remove user fees? Reflections on the current debate in low- and middle-income. Appl Health Econ Health Pol 2006; 5(3): 137-153.

Xu K, Evans DB, Kadama P, Nabyonga J, Ogwal PO, Nabukhonzo P, Aguilar AM. Understanding the impact of eliminating user fees: utilization and catastrophic health expenditures in Uganda. Soc Sci Med 2006; 62(4): 866-876.

Gilson L, McIntyre D. Removing user fees for primary care in Africa: the need for careful action. BMJ 2005; 331: 762-765.

James C, Morris SS, Keith R, Taylor A. Impact on child mortality of removing user fees: simulation model. BMJ 2005; 331: 747-749.

Nabyonga J, Desmet M, Karamagi H, Kadama PY, Omaswa FG, Walker O. Abolition of cost-sharing is pro-poor: evidence from Uganda. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 100-108.

• Catastrophic health expenditures

Castillo-Riquelme M, McIntyre D, Barnes K. Household burden of malaria in South Africa and Mozambique: is there a catastrophic impact? Trop Med Int Health 2008; 13(1): 108-122.

Carrin G, James C, Adelhardt M, Doetinchem O, Eriki P, Hassan M, van den Hombergh H, Kirigia J, Koemm B, Korte R, Krech R, Lankers C, van Lente J, Maina T, Malonza K, Mathauer I, Okeyo TM, Muchiri S, Mumani Z, Nganda B, Nyikal J, Onsongo J, Rakuom C, Schramm B, Scheil-Adlung X, Stierle F, Whitaker D, Zipperer M. Health financing reform in Kenya; assessing the social health insurance proposal. S Afr Med J 2007; 97(2): 130-135.

Chuma J, Gilson L, Molyneux C. Treatment-seeking behaviour, cost burdens and coping strategies among rural and urban households in coastal Kenya: an equity analysis. Trop Med Int Health 2007; 12(5): 673-686.

61 Devadasan N, Van Damme W, Criel B, Ranson K, Van der Stuyft P. Indian community health insurance schemes provide partial protection against catastrophic health expenditure. BMC Health Serv Res 2007; 7(43): 22 pp. [Available from: ]

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Limwattananon S, Tangcharoensathien V, Prakongsai P. Catastrophic and poverty impacts of health payments: results from national household surveys in Thailand. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(8): 600-606.

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• Exempting the poor

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Hardeman W, Van Damme W, Van Pelt M, Ir Por, Kimvan H, Meessen B. Access to health care for all? User fees plus a Health Equity Fund in Sotnikum, Cambodia. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 22-32.

Uzochukwu BSC, Onwujekwe OE. Socio-economic differences and health seeking behaviour for the diagnosis and treatment of malaria: a case study of four local government areas operating the Bamako initiative programme in south-east Nigeria. Int J Equity Health 2004; 3(6): 10 pp. [Available from:]

Uzochukwu B, Onwujekwe O, Eriksson B. Inequity in the Bamako Initiative programme; implications for the treatment of malaria in south-east Nigeria. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19(Suppl.1): S107-S116.

65 Bonu S, Rani M, Bishai D. Using willingness to pay to investigate regressiveness of user fees in health facilities in Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2003; 18: 370-382.

Garenne M, Hohmann-Garenne S. A wealth index to screen high-risk families: application to Morocco. J Health Popul Nutr 2003; 21: 235-242.

Masiye F. Analysis of health care exemption policy in Zambia: key issues and lessons. In: Audibert M, Mathonnat J, de Roodenbeke E, editors. Le financement de la santé dans les pays d'Afrique et d'Asie à faible revenu. Paris: Karthala, 2003: 139-159. (Collection Economie et Développement). [ITM Library: SOE/18269]

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Meng O, Sun Q, Hearst N. Hospital charge exemptions for the poor in Shandong, China. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17(Suppl.1): 56-63.

Paphassarang C, Philavong K, Boupha B, Blas E. Equity, privatization and cost recovery in urban health care: the case of Lao PDR. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17(Suppl.1): 72-84.

Atim C, Grey S, Apoya P, Anie SJ, Aikins M. A survey of health financing schemes in Ghana. Bethesda: Abt Associates, 2001: 82 pp. (PHRplus Technical Reports; 013).

Health insurance

• General

Dror DM, Koren R, Ost A, Binnendijk E, Vellakkal S, Danis M. Health insurance benefit packages prioritized by low-income clients in India; three criteria to estimate effectiveness of choice. Soc Sci Med 2007; 64(4): 884-896.

Waelkens MP, Criel B, editors. La mise en réseau de mutuelles de santé en Afrique de l'Ouest, l'union fait-elle la force? Les enseignements d'un colloque international organisé à Nouakchott, Mauritanie, 19 et 20 décembre 2004. Antwerpen: ITGPress, 2007: 128 pp. [ITM Library: SOE/19932] 66

Dussault G, Fournier P, Letourmy A, editors. L'assurance maladie en Afrique francophone; améliorer l'accès aux soins et lutter contre la pauvreté. Washington: Banque Internationale pour la Reconstruction et le Développement/La Banque mondiale, 2006: 557 pp. (Série Santé, Nutrition et Population). [ITM Library: SOE/19674]

Akin JS, Dow WH, Lance PM. Did the distribution of health insurance in China continue to grow less equitable in the nineties? Results from a longitudinal survey. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 293-304.

Liu Y. Development of the rural health insurance system in China. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 159-165.

Russel M. Health insurance in Iran: opportunities and complexities. In: Davies HTO, Tavakoli M, editors. Health care policy, performance and finance: strategic issues in health care management. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004: 223-235.

Dow WH, Schmeer KK. Health insurance and child mortality in Costa Rica. Soc Sci Med 2003; 57: 975-986.

Bärnighausen T, Sauerborn R. One hundred and eighteen years of the German health insurance system: are there any lessons for middle- and low-income countries? Soc Sci Med 2002; 54: 1559-1587.

Liu GG, Zhao Z, Cai R, Yamada T, Yamada T. Equity in health care access: assessing the urban health insurance reform in China. Soc Sci Med 2002; 55: 1779-1794.

Liu TC, Chen CS, Chen LM. The impact of national health insurance on neonatal care use and childhood vaccination in Taiwan. Health Pol Plann 2002; 17: 384-392.

Xiao-ming S, Hong L, Yuan C, Wen-hua T. Survey of the medical financial assistance schemes of the urban poor in Shanghai. Int J Health Plann Manag 2002; 17: 91-112.

Arhin-Tenkorang D. Health insurance for the informal sector in Africa; design features, risk protection and resource mobilization. Geneva: World Health Organization (WHO), Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH), 2001: 58 pp. (CMH Working Paper Series. WG3; 1).

Criel B. Types of mutual aid arrangements in sub-Saharan Africa: what place for health insurance? Med Mundi Int Newsl 2001; 67: 7-19.

Yip W, Berman P. Targeted health insurance in a low income country and its impact on access and equity in access: Egypt's school health insurance. Health Econ 2001; 10: 207-220.

Barrientos A, Lloyd-Sherlock P. Reforming health insurance in Argentina and Chile. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 417-423.

Criel B. Lokale ziekteverzekeringssystemen in ontwikkelingslanden: een beleidsvoorbereidend onderzoek. Local health insurance systems in developing countries: a policy research paper. Antwerpen: Instituut voor Tropische Geneeskunde, Departement Volksgezondheid, 2000: 172 pp. [ITM Library: SOE/16793]

Letourmy A. Les mutuelles de santé en Afrique: conditions d'un développement. In: Gruénais ME, Pourtier R, editors. La santé en Afrique; anciens et nouveaux défis. Paris: La Documentation Française, 2000: 230-240. (Afrique Contemporaine; 195). [ITM Library: SO.1/16831]

67 Mariam DH. Traditional insurance mechanisms and the choice of health care providers in Ethiopia. In: Leonard DK, editor. Africa's changing markets for health and veterinary services; the new institutional issues. Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000: 40-66. [ITM Library: SOD/16612]

Söderlund N, Hansl B. Health insurance in South Africa: an empirical analysis of trends in risk-pooling and efficiency following deregulation. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 378-385.

Supakankunti S. Future prospects of voluntary health insurance in Thailand. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 85-94.

• Why enroll – willingness to pay for health insurance

Basaza R, Criel B, Van der Stuyft P. Community health insurance in Uganda: why does enrolment remain low? A view from beneath. Health Pol 2008; 87(2): 172-184.

Bärnighausen T, Liu Y, Zhang X, Sauerborn R. Willingness to pay for social health insurance among informal sector workers in Wuhan, China: a contingent valuation study. BMC Health Serv Res 2007; 7(114): 16 pp. [Available from:]

Basaza R, Criel B, Van der Stuyft P. Low enrolment in Ugandan community health insurance schemes: underlying causes and policy implications. BMC Health Serv Res 2007; 7(105): 12 pp. [Available from:]

Dror DM, Radermacher R, Koren R. Willingness to pay for health insurance among rural and poor persons: field evidence from seven micro health insurance units in India. Health Pol 2007; 82(1): 12-27.

Ranson MK, Sinha T, Chatterjee M, Gandhi F, Jayswal R, Patel F, Morris SS, Mills AJ. Equitable utilisation of Indian community based health insurance scheme among its rural membership: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ 2007; 334(7607): 1309-1312 [+1282-1283].

Ying XH, Hu TW, Ren J, Chen W, Xu K, Huang JH. Demand for private health insurance in Chinese urban areas. Health Econ 2007; 16(10): 1041-1050.

De Allegri M, Kouyaté B, Becher H, Gbangou A, Pokhrel S, Sanon M, Sauerborn R. Understanding enrolment in community health insurance in sub-Saharan Africa: a population-based case-control study in rural Burkina Faso. Bull World Health Organ 2006; 84(11): 852-858.

De Allegri M, Sanon M, Bridges J, Sauerborn R. Understanding consumers' preferences and decision to enrol in community-based health insurance in rural West Africa. Health Pol 2006; 76(1): 58-71.

De Allegri M, Sanon M, Sauerborn R. "To enrol or not to enrol?"; a qualitative investigation of demand for health insurance in rural West Africa. Soc Sci Med 2006; 62(6): 1520-1527.

Zhang L, Wang H, Wang L, Hsiao W. Social capital and farmer's willingness-to-join a newly established community-based health insurance in rural China. Health Pol 2006; 76(2): 233-242.

Dong H, Kouyate B, Cairns J, Sauerborn R. Inequality in willingness-to-pay for community-based health insurance. Health Pol 2005; 72(2): 149-156.

68 Kirigia JM, Sambo LG, Nganda B, Mwabu GM, Chatora R, Mwase T. Determinants of health insurance ownership among South African women. BMC Health Serv Res 2005; 5(17): 10 pp. [Available from:]

Schneider P. Trust in micro-health insurance: an exploratory study in Rwanda. Soc Sci Med 2005; 61: 1430-1438.

Criel B, Atim C, Basaza R, Blaise P, Waelkens MP. Community health insurance (CHI) in sub-Saharan Africa: researching the context [editorial]. Trop Med Int Health 2004; 9: 1041-1043.

Dong H, Mugisha F, Gbangou A, Kouyate B, Sauerborn R. The feasibility of community-based health insurance in Burkina Faso. Health Pol 2004; 69(1): 45-53.

Schneider P. Why should the poor insure? Theories of decision-making in the context of health insurance. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 349-355.

Bonu S, Rani M, Bishai D. Using willingness to pay to investigate regressiveness of user fees in health facilities in Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2003; 18: 370-382.

Dong H, Kouyaté B, Snow R, Mugisha F, Sauerborn R. Gender's effect on willingness-to-pay for community-based insurance in Burkina faso. Health Pol 2003; 64(2): 153-162.

Sodani PR. Potential of the health insurance market for the informal sector: a pilot study. J Health Manag 2001; 3(2): 283-308.

• Insurance selection bias – adverse selection

Gomez-Suarez RE. Cream-skimming and risk adjustment in Colombian health insurance system: the public insurer case. Arch Econ 2007; 336: 68 pp. [Available from:]

Baltussen R, Bruce E, Rhodos G, Narh-Bana SA, Agyepong I. Management of mutual health organizations in Ghana. Trop Med Int Health 2006; 11(5): 654-659.

Castano R, Zambrano A. Biased selection within the social health insurance market in Colombia. Health Pol 2006; 79(2-3): 313-324.

Wang H, Zhang L, Yip W, Hsiao W. Adverse selection in a voluntary Rural Mutual Health Care health insurance scheme in China. Soc Sci Med 2006; 63(5): 1236-1245.

Kirigia JM, Sambo LG, Nganda B, Mwabu GM, Chatora R, Mwase T. Determinants of health insurance ownership among South African women. BMC Health Serv Res 2005; 5(17): 10 pp. [Available from:]

Holst J, Laaser U, Hohmann J. Chilean health insurance system: a source of inequity and selective social insecurity. J Public Health 2004; 12: 271-282.

Jowett M, Deolalikar A, Martinsson P. Health insurance and treatment-seeking behaviour: evidence from a low-income country. Health Econ 2004; 13: 845-857.

Liu Y. Development of the rural health insurance system in China. Health Pol Plann 2004; 19: 159-165.

69 Sapelli C. Risk segmentation and equity in the Chilean mandatory health insurance system. Soc Sci Med 2004; 58: 259-265.

Atim C. Participation and adverse selection in a voluntary community health insurance scheme: en evaluation of the Nkoranza community health insurance scheme in Ghana. In: Audibert M, Mathonnat J, de Roodenbeke E, editors. Le financement de la santé dans les pays d'Afrique et d'Asie à faible revenu. Paris: Karthala, 2003: 269-282. (Collection Economie et Développement). [ITM Library: SOE/18269]

Trujillo AJ. Medical care use and selection in a social health insurance with an equalization fund: evidence from Colombia. Health Econ 2003; 12: 231-246.

• Prepayment

Wang H, Gu D, Dupre ME. Factors associated with enrollment, satisfaction, and sustainability of the New Cooperative Medical Scheme program in six study areas in rural Beijing. Health Pol 2008; 85(1): 32-44.

Kamuzora P, Gilson L. Factors influencing implementation of the Community Health Fund in Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2007; 22(2): 95-102.

Kondo M, McPake B. Making choices between prepayment and user charges in Zambia; what are the results for equity? Health Econ 2007; 16(12): 1371-1387.

Lee K, Lee S. Effects of the DRG-based prospective payment system operated by the voluntarily participating providers on the cesarean section rates in Korea. Health Pol 2007; 81(2-3): 300-308.

Ensor T, Ronoh J. Effective financing of maternal health services; a review of the literature. Health Pol 2005; 75(1): 49-58.

Musango L. Organisation et mise en place des mutuelles de santé; défi au développement de l'assurance au Rwanda [dissertation]. Bruxelles: Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculté de Médecine, Ecole de Santé Publique, 2005: 181 pp. [ITM Library: SOE/18984]

Musango L, Martiny P, Porignon D, Dujardin B. Le système de prépaiement au Rwanda (I): analyse d'une expérience pilote. Cah Santé 2004; 14: 93-99.

Musango L, Martiny P, Porignon D, Dujardin B. Le système de prépaiement au Rwanda (II): adhésion et utilisation des services par les bénéficiaires. Cah Santé 2004; 14: 101-107.

Konfe S, Drabo KM, Tarnagda Z, Milogo A, Macq J. Prépaiement de la vaccination des nourrissons, mythe ou réalité? Une expérience du centre de santé de Samou au Burkina Faso. Méd Afrique Noire 2003; 50: 361-366.

Bogg L, Wang K, Diwan V. Chinese maternal health in adjustment: claim for life. Reprod Health Matters 2002; 10(20): 95-107.

Schneider P, Diop F, Leighton C. Pilot testing prepayment for health services Rwanda: results and recommendations for policy directions and implementation. Bethesda: Abt Associates; Bethesda: Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), 2001: 77 pp. (PHR Technical Reports; 66).

Schneider P, Diop F, Maceira D, Butera D. Utilization, cost, and financing of district health services in Rwanda. Bethesda: Abt Associates; Bethesda: Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), 2001: 58 pp. (PHR Technical Reports; 61). 70

Yip W, Eggleston K. Provider payment reform in China: the case of hospital reimbursement in Hainan province. Health Econ 2001; 10: 325-339.

Diop F, Schneider P, Butera D. Summary of results: prepayment schemes in the Rwandan districts of Byumba, Kabgayi, and Kabutare. Bethesda: Abt Associates; Bethesda: Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), 2000: 99 pp. (PHR Technical Reports; 59).

Shehata I, Diop FP, Bucyana S. Development and implementation of prepayment schemes in Rwanda. Bethesda: Partnerships for Health Reform (PHR), 2000: 61 pp. (PHR Technical Reports; 45).

• Private health insurance

Drechsler D, J tting J. Different countries, different needs: the role private health insurance in developing countries. J Health Polit Pol Law 2007; 32(3): 497-534.

Preker AS, Scheffler RM, Bassett MC, editors. Private voluntary health insurance in develop- ment: friend or foe? Washington: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2007: 460 pp. [Available from: ]

Waitzkin H, Jasso-Aguilar R, Iriart C. Privatization of health services in less developed countries: an empirical response to the proposals of the World Bank and Wharton School. Int J Health Serv 2007; 37(2): 205-227.

Ying XH, Hu TW, Ren J, Chen W, Xu K, Huang JH. Demand for private health insurance in Chinese urban areas. Health Econ 2007; 16(10): 1041-1050.

Sekhri N, Savedoff W. Regulating private health insurance to serve the public interest; policy issues for developing countries. Int J Health Plann Manag 2006; 21(4): 357-392.

Devadasan N. Health insurance in India: the flavour of the month. INFI Newsl 2005; 10(20): 6-8.

Sekhri N, Savedoff WD. Private health insurance: implications for developing countries. Bull World Health Organ 2005; 83: 127-134.

Wu M, Xin Y, Wang H, Yu W. Private and public cross-subsidization: financing Beijing's health insurance reform. Health Pol 2005; 72(1): 41-52.

Ensor T. Consumer-led demand side financing in health and education and its relevance for low and middle income countries. Int J Health Plann Manag 2004; 19: 267-285.

Holst J, Laaser U, Hohmann J. Chilean health insurance system: a source of inequity and selective social insecurity. J Public Health 2004; 12: 271-282.

Banoob SN. Global directions for reforming health systems and expanding insurance; what is suitable for the Arab Gulf countries? Saudi Med J 2001; 22: 743-748.

Iriart C, Merhy EE, Waitzkin H. Managed care in Latin America: the new common sense in health policy reform. Soc Sci Med 2001; 52: 1243-1253.

Barrientos A, Lloyd-Sherlock P. Reforming health insurance in Argentina and Chile. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 417-423. 71

Murray SF. Relation between private health insurance and high rates of caesarean section in Chile: qualitative and quantitative study. BMJ 2000; 321: 1501-1505.

Söderlund N, Hansl B. Health insurance in South Africa: an empirical analysis of trends in risk- pooling and efficiency following deregulation. Health Pol Plann 2000; 15: 378-385.

• Social health insurance

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Performance – competence – training

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Salaries and fringe benefits – informal payments – corruption

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86 Motivation – incentives

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Career mobility – brain-drain

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• Solutions – alternatives

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Community health workers

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National drug policies

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Essential drugs concept

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• Accessibility

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ƒ Group purchasing – revolving drug funds

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• Prescribing quality – rational drug use

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Pharmaceutical market

• Intellectual property rights

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• Orphan drugs

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• Pricing

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Quality assurance – counterfeit drugs – sub-standard drugs

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Role of drug dispensers

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Drug donations

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Home births versus health facility births

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Obstetric fistula

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Female genital mutilation

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Sexually transmitted diseases and health services

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Contraception and family planning services

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Population groups with special needs

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ƒ Health services needs and demand

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Maternal health

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Maternal mortality: estimation – incidence

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• Specific techniques or drugs for specific causes

Bradley SEK, Prata N, Young-Lin N, Bishai DM. Cost-effectiveness of misoprostol to control postpartum hemorrhage in low-resource settings. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 97(1): 52-56.

Collin SM, Baggaley RF, Pittrof R, Filippi V. Could a simple antenatal package combining micronutritional supplementation with presumptive treatment of infection prevent maternal deaths in sub-Saharan Africa? BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2007; 7(6): 9 pp. [Available from:]

Harper CC, Blanchard K, Grossman D, Henderson JT, Darney PD. Reducing maternal mortality due to elective abortion: potential impact of misoprostol in low-resource settings. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 98(1): 66-69.

ICM/FIGO. Prevention and treatment of post-partum haemorrhage new advances for low-resource settings. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 97(2): 160-163.

Lumbiganon P, Gülmezoglu AM, Piaggio G, Langer A, Grimshaw J. Magnesium sulfate is not used for pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in Mexico and Thailand as much as it should be. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(10): 763-767.

Mathai M, Gülmezoglu AM, Hill S. Saving women's lives: evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of postpartum haemorrhage. Bull World Health Organ 2007; 85(4): 322-323.

Mathews JE, Rajaratnam A, George A, Mathai M. Comparison of two World Health Organization partographs. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 96(2): 147-150. 152

McClure EM, Goldenberg RL, Brandes N, Darmstadt GL, Wright LL. The use of chlorhexidine to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity in low-resource settings. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 97(2): 89-94.

Derman RJ, Keith L, editors. Postpartum hemorrhage - the leading global cause of maternal mortality; proceedings of the international congress on evidence based interventions to prevent postpartum hemorrhage: translating research into practice, July 12-15, 2006, Goa, India. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 94(Suppl.2): S113-S161.

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Fauveau V. Is vacuum extraction still known, taught and practiced? A worldwide KAP survey. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 94(2): 185-189.

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Sherris J, Bingham A, Burns MA, Girvin S, Westley E, Gomez PI. Misoprostol use in developing countries: results from a multicountry study. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2005; 88: 76-81.

Prata N, Mbaruku G, Campbell M, Potts M, Vahidnia F. Controlling postpartum hemorrhage after home births in Tanzania. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2005; 90: 51-55.

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Bosse G, Massawe S, Jahn A. The partograph in daily practice: it's quality that matters. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2002; 77: 243-244.

Ndiaye P, Diallo I, Wone I, Fall C. Un nouvel outil d'aide à la décision médicale dans la lutte contre la mortalité maternelle: le score de risque dystocique (SRD). Cah Santé 2001; 11: 133-138.

• Political aspects – commitment

Okiwelu T, Hussein J, Adjei S, Arhinful D, Armar-Klemesu M. Safe motherhood in Ghana: still on the agenda? Health Pol 2007; 84(2-3): 359-367.

Shiffman J. Generating political priority for maternal mortality reduction in 5 developing countries. Am J Public Health 2007; 97(5): 796-803.

Shiffman J, Okonofua FE. The state of political priority for safe motherhood in Nigeria. BJOG 2007; 114(2): 127-133.

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Shiffman J, Ved RR. The state of political priority for safe motherhood in India. BJOG 2007; 114(7): 785-790.

Filippi V, Ronsmans C, Campbell OMR, Graham WJ, Mills A, Borghi J, Koblinsky M, Osrin D. Maternal health in poor countries: the broader context and a call for action. Lancet 2006; 368(9546): 1535-1541.

Shiffman J, Garcés del Valle AL. Political history and disparities in safe motherhood between Guatemala and Honduras. Popul Dev Rev 2006; 32(1): 53-80.

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Mahaini R, Mahmoud H. Maternal health in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of the World Health Organization. East Mediterr Health J 2005; 11(4): 532-538.

Mavalankar DV. Maternal mortality in resource-poor settings: policy barriers to care. Am J Public Health 2005; 95: 200-203.

El Feki S. The birth of reproductive health: a difficult delivery. PLoS Med 2004; 1(1): 10-13.

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Shiffman J. Generating political will for safe motherhood in Indonesia. Soc Sci Med 2003; 56: 1197-1207.

Emergency obstetric care

Fauveau V. Using UN process indicators to assess needs in emergency obstetric services: Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, and the Gambia. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 96(3): 233-240.

Mooney SE, Ogrinc G, Steadman W. Improving emergency caesarean delivery response times at a rural community hospital. Qual Safety Health Care 2007; 16(1): 60-66.

Oladapo OT, Ariba AJ, Odusoga OL. Changing patterns of emergency obstetric care at a Nigerian University hospital. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2007; 98(3): 278-284.

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Cham M, Sundby J, Vangen S. Maternal mortality in the rural Gambia, a qualitative study on access to emergency obstetric care. Reprod Health 2006; 2(3): 8 pp. [Available from:]

154 Fauveau V, Donnay F. Can the process indicators for emergency obstetric care assess the progress of maternal mortality reduction programs? An examination of UNFPA projects 2000-2004. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 93(3): 308-316.

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Paxton A, Bailey P, Lobis S. The United Nations Process Indicators for emergency obstetric care: reflections based on a decade of experience. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2006; 95(2): 192-208.

Saizonou J, Godin I, Ouendo EM, Zerbo R, Dujardin B. La qualité de prise en charge des urgences obstétricales dans les maternités de référence au Bénin: le point de vue des "échappées belles" et leurs attentes. Trop Med Int Health 2006; 11(5): 672-680.

Ali M, Hotta M, Kuroiwa C, Ushijima H. Emergency obstetric care in Pakistan: potential for reduced maternal mortality through improved basic EmOC facilities, services, and access. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2005; 91: 105-112.

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Biswas AB, Das DK, Misra R, Roy RN, Ghosh D, Mitra K. Availability and use of emergency obstetric care services in four districts of West Bengal, India. J Health Popul Nutr 2005; 23(3): 266-274.

Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Availability, distribution and use of emergency obstetric care in Northern Tanzania. Health Pol Plann 2005; 20: 167-175.

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Olsen OE, Ndeki S, Norheim OF. Complicated deliveries, critical care and quality in emergency obstetric care in northern Tanzania. Int J Gynecol Obstet 2004; 87: 98-108.

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• Cesarean section – episiotomy: rates and indications

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159 ƒ Medicalization – Unneccessary procedures

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Health care seeking behavior and utilization of child health services

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Infant and child mortality

For country data on infant and child mortality check the Measure DHS website or their Demographic and Health Surveys. [Available from: ]

Similar data can be found in the annual UNICEF “State of the World’s Children” reports or on the UNICEF website at:

Ronsmans C, Chowdhury ME, Alam N, Koblinsky M, Arifeen SE. Trends in stillbirths, early and late neonatal mortality in rural Bangladesh: the role of public health interventions. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol 2008; 22(3): 269-279.

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Malnutrition – child growth

Bhutta ZA, Ahmed T, Black RE, Cousens S, Dewey K, Giugliani E, Haider BA, Kirkwood B, Morris SS, Sachdev HPS, Shekar M. What works? Interventions for maternal and child undernutrition and survival. Lancet 2008; 371(9610): 417-440.

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Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI)

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Vaccination programs: coverage and impact

For country data on vaccination coverage check the Measure DHS website or their Demographic and Health Surveys. [Available from: ]

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187 Low birth weight: risk factors and care – kangaroo care

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Health services utilization – determinants

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