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1-16-1967 Kabul Times (January 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 243) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (January 16, 1967, vol. 5, no. 243)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1400.

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I Press On Women: Food F"r Tlwught ,f II~, t Once me/i start down the tech lJStContimiing TJQfIitlwkWayTo;wardl!P_ \:Perleet,Gilt, P~AWile lIologlcal road they cannot turn Friday's Ams on ItS women s page 'catr-ied a remfniler to I' 0 \ I ' The view thai the defence of advanee'tt bY-ll'illltllrlt meens, Ruak suIts why we will staD\l: tor that husbands who have forgotten to buy p!'E!se1'its for their "wives hack Once Ihey have bilten Ul = Soutbeasl Asia against Communist sold \ \ I also \: There Is/nothing that pleases a woman so much as gettmg a sur = aggression ~ Irlta! to the strategic Now If they can be brouabt to, As,ked about the 'sltuiltlon In prise present from her husband ThIs IS one way of m~kmg up to the /rmt 01 the tree of know loterests of the United States IlIId ward an altitude of peacefUl eo­ Ctuna Rusk anawered that the In for rows the liee world Was stressed QlJ.ew exlstence--,,-I{jthe second /leneratlon ternal turmotl appeara to be a strUg It wilf always work specially 11 3 poliCy of moderat1on tn aJl areBS ledge there can be no return to Thursday by US Secretary of State tn China can show some of the ale tor power ".l ~ 1. the' pr(!sent Js wel....selected analJ;or life Extremes should be avoided Dean Ruilk. gtven at the right time However ot oil COgts tt satd Ihe Eden 0/ tnnocence and tgno prudence that the second /leneta Allhougb cauUou. a!Riut (dIScus THE KABUL TIMES In ao interview On a nationwide lion In the Soviet, Union liaa obown sing events there, RU~/88fd 'there durlng Eldg and glmllar festive oc tel~vlslon proaramlIlc, Rusk. ilOilll. ~glD seem~ '~"lIthf/lltic O"bllShed every day except Frtdays by. tile tKabul Times ranee then !'\llYbe. we 'Can to, build tq I be !'P struggle caslohs a wile expeots a present from There Ore women who for ex ed out there are Importaht /leo/lfa a duralile "Oeace (thete,' be'-.ud of leadenhtp,iimoh/l tlie' top 12 or her husband This cannot be a sur '01mple go to extremes in keeping PliBLISHING AOENCY phlcal features natural.resources Rusk said that If allllre~ye pres 15 people In Pek,ln/l prise. but lh case you have forgot thetr homes clean Cteanllness Js ot -Dr Roger Revelle large numbers 01 people In South sures 'from !'l:0r'tli r;;Vl.lntlm and There seems td be a ~onslder ten to buy the present before Eld (~urse 0 Rood thing and everyone east Asia However he continued Commuhist Chma stiould move mto able d~bote on policy Ilotn/l on b.. It does not really matter Buy It should see that hIS home 10 tldy r think the heart ot tae'matter Is, Soulbeast A~la, not only ace hund feath I lbe surt"ce I ~ lidded during Eld end give It to her as a but this should not be carried to 11I11I II 11I11I111111 1 II 1111111 II Willi I 111II1I1II1IIi'i1l 11I11I11I1111111I 1 1 11I11I111111111111 I 111111I III 111111 again the pbeoomenon ot a,eres reds of m1illon~ of people Involved Some of that debate mlgbt well gurprls", advIsed the paper the pOint where it discomforts other slon If the momentum ot"Ililression and vltlll resoUrce~ Involved, but have preclplta~ed this pre..", s!rug The same Issue of Anlo carrled meMbers ot the famlly There are Issu~ should begtn to roll In that part of the prospe~t~ of a durable peace gle I an artiele ~ebatlng the pros and certuir.1 women who start a fight It Big For The Little Summit the world stimulated or supported dissolve cons ot worktng mothers MUllons some member of the family walks Consultations are underway fQr a summit apparant from the fact that five years ago a or eniaged In by tbose who are The United States, lJe contlnued The U;ljlted Stales .Rusk sold Is of women go to work around the' nn the floor with dusty shoell or Incetlng of filre African states The little sum major nationalist uprisIng in north Angola.....,.in commttted to the spread of the has a tremendous interest in watching developments on lite malb Iworld Some do so out of necessity drops cigarette ashes art the rug mIt whiCh IS to be held in Cairo sometime Zaire, north Kuanza, and Luanda-failed n world revolution of violence then establishing in Southeast ASIa the land very closely but- he warned some for the sheer pleasure 01 A good houscwlfe apove all must next month will provide North African states the uprising had been planned in advance by that seems to put us back on the conceot tllI"t countrlea mu~t be lett 1 agalns~ jumplil, to 'prematuf'! con working Howrever it Is almost cer be considerate of guests and mem With an opportunity to discuss not only Rhode the nationalists and If the means for achieving trail that led us Into world war a100e and he allowed to live In cltlsjons about how It Ie /lolng to tam that a w~rk1ng mother depnves bers of her family two' come out Sl" which I!; still the hottest Issue on the Afrl the independence had been In their hands there ;DeacA her cbildren of the aacellon and Then there are others who com Rusk made clear again America s DlseusSl.llg the prospects for attcnticn they deserve can contlDent as well as in the world, but also IS no doubt that It would have brought the She would hkc 10 tewtlt. Writer Mary Watkliul meets MInl.tet of tnfor matlon and Culture Mohammad Osman Sldky pletely neglect tidiness and manage­ to debate other maJor questlllDS The leaders Salazar reginle to its knees Interest In keepIng open all chen agreement on, disarmament. Rusk Kindergartens provide one ans ment ot the home and go to extre­ sold the United States hi very several chapters of ber book of tbe United Arab Republic, Algeria, Liberia, Howelrer, as press reports indicate, resist- nels of communication to explore wee but it ls not always possible mes in wearing the latest style serious about fincUng some' way to because of such a rapid 'develOp for evtlryone to use this facility es Tanzania and Mali will halre to consider the anee groups still exist in the mountains and ways ot reach1ne a settlement of She ts a ireat lover of Afgloan atts world She suggests that these arts I'{h::lOlston A9ked what part she dresses and using the best per Ihe Vlelnam war Rusk SOld stop the anns ['Bce and turn it ment that I. chall/llnll the very face pe"lally in developing countrIes be abolition of colonialism on the continent of forests, in Dembos and other cities. But It re down vI the country and croft« She has. particular Ilk nnd ctofls should be first of all 1m liked best she said It is hard to say fumes and lfpsticks available There r believe that we must keep In Ing for the po~teench~a (obeepskln proved and promoted within the tor every place has its own aUrae cause [or one thing there aren t Is a happy medIum whIch 1s prac AfrICa where ItS remants are still as firmly .quires proper guidance, good leadership, unity con tact both prIVately and publicly Recalling America s proposalS 'tor enough kmdergartens and secondly FormerJ.y1 she was chairman of the Jackels With noral designs in br'&/.It country nnd then etIorts should be tlon but of course Bandl Amlr IS tfcnble and responsJble rooted as In the grand days of the late 19th and of action from within rather than outside the In oraer to explore every posslbi a freeze on the development of both lhe"e may bp transportation prob Afghnn Couacil As,a Society JD colour.s) and the vllJ'lou8 embroidery mode to tntrbducc them abroad This miraculously beaUtiful No sooner • early 20th centuries oolony which, unfortunately, Is what the two II. nU~leQr )ems The same page also carrIed quota IIty of a move toward peace whe­ offenSIve ana aetenslve done by fAfghan women Sliver would help not only In introducing hnd she spoken ,lieSe words than n organisations have now weapons Rusk said Jaccord mUB~ be New York and It was In that cape twns from famous tblnkerq about ther at a conference tabie or in Jewellry worn with Ate-han dresses Afghan cuHure abroad but also 10 sor owful expression appeared on Some people resort to nurses or a Dr Salazar, thc Pnme Minister of Portugal, reached because we could move city that sIIe wrote her book On Af hfe Some ot thes~ quotations are tact whether with general settle gharlistao Sbe has many Afgh'On too attracts her eorn.lng the country conslderable her face ExplalOing her emotion baby sitters In any case the child who observed hIS 72nd bIrthday two 'Weeks ago As fot SpaIn, Madrid has already welcomed ment because the sltuaUon 18 too Simply to new plateaus ot enormous ,mounts at foreign exchange Per she saId she hoped they WIll not LIfe Is a never ending struggle for frlenas in Was!llnllton and ,n Kabul Asked whether Jihe has ever worn (s bound to suffer A workmg Wife the attainment at unfulfilled desires has firmly Imbedded Portuguese administration the United Nations resoluftons for granting in aangerous to permit to on mde expenditure on both sides Without haps Afghan embaSSies an some of spoil the natura!" beauty of Bandl "0 She hoo had !leVeral lessons on Al an Afghan dress she said of coutse s unlikely to have a happy home LIfe IS a pleasant vuuon Imbued In the country s Afncan colonies The present dllpendence to its African c~onles It Is hoped fimtely in its present condItion ehangtng the strategic position of the grcrtl capitals at the world Am r by bUlldlng up modern hotels ehan eookltlll lind Cllll manllJle a f~w she has one in Washington which the paper said because the pressure wlth bitterness SItuatIOn In Angola, one of the malO colonies that hy the end of next year constitutional Later al the State Department eIther the Sovlet Union or the Umt could seL up emporiums tor thlS etc on the sIte However she felt cd States dishes Ihcludlnll chicReo pillaw-a she wears on special occasions nf work on the husband and the thought of by the Portuguese as areas of the instruments for granting Independence will spokesman Robert J McCloskey dtsb sbe cookeDuel With SYnthetics At Fair the leadcr 01 the GRAE and Agostmo Neto the cuss the plight of the African nations and the tion of VIetnam VIe have never Canny Shopping, Secret Of Economy been wedded to any p~t1cular form Bot we do believe that despIte leader of tbe MPLA halre called on Afro,Asian need to Improve thelt standards of the living t If It IS covered with a floor lenglb of dIplomacy that would lead to Vietnam Rusk said we should It IS more fun to furnish on a profeSSIonal and a pleasure 0 own dotb Over 45 exhlbltors from the nations for finanCIal and military assIStance Means of achlevmg greatcr prosperity must be contmue to gnaw away at Bny pomts Federal Repubhc of Germany and These leaders should be Invited to attend the the key consideration fot any discussion negotiations There could be private bUdget I may be greeted by sc~; Heren~r~h~o~ea~a~:I~~ a~~;ev~oI~d Cane ch I1rs be pamted and talks We could not rule out the where we can Improve our relations h~~lIj I? other countrJes attended the httle summit Should the summIt decIde to call We hope that the meeting will also seek between East and West, and try to fihg nOises from my realldersJor h It gr:UndS Some Interestlhg given new cushIOns for Indoor or 16th InterstotT (Inter mater DOSS blhty of the reconvening ot n8 .lUd this, ibut L iIti sll bY g b k d ootdoor ose a larger one in the future they would do well ways to Improve relations between North Afrl an faIr 10 Frankfort am MalO the Geneva conference But if prl boIld 11 Ifltie peace In the world For one thins If you make a mls pIeces of fung~:~ ~aen n:efl~n~y There are nny number of perll1u to discuss thc manner and type of Ilelp needed can nations There are bdatcral and multila tak~ This dothm~ textiles faIr consl vate dJplomacy IS to bring any re (US SOURCES) II Is 'not a mailer of hfe aM up cheaply f k yd t lallons and comblnntlons de ktlctlen dered the mOst important of Its by Angola teral diJIerences which might be solved by such death you can afford to undo Jt ~ feWnkbO:~: ~~~e t~~le lDg':~~r~ Unit finnents and If the budget ae The weakness of these two otganisatlons direct contacts ~ type 10 the entite world offered afler a lime But If you are spen 0 e h k f Pd arm whIch comes overstrslncd you can com an extenSIve survey of the mter strugghng for Angolan mdependence IS also 109 a Inl of moaey mIBtakes are too bny ng c ec °krl woo w f plete your kitchen scbeme pIece by ran~e cootl aod the expet'ICIICCl of IiVUlg cnn spread qUlc y to 0 ther urnl II naltonal of materials for y dl h hit If you see tbe lell lale holes ple-c 01 wnll by wa ns money per the season after next the 196?/68 With rthem 18 too doa y-w Ie sure t mlts SPEAKING FOR BOTSWANA AT THE UN h h cople tulually rush to em don t coD91der bUYlo/l It IS no wmter fashIon season • w y roc p rth tlie trouble and the fISk It Shop nnd officc furmlure can be Ploy In'enor decoralors wo s f 11th h es B t tb se • The Import..nCe of Interstoff HOME PRESS AT A GLANCE fessorshlp at the Umvet8lty Col h d sale n th n to re-cover a piece WIth u e u n e eus u e tire The only Afncan ambassador most of my efforts have been SCouring junk nftolt ops timan d flS °bema'tegr,al bot reupholstenng lS usually overtooked by people who as a fashlOlV-settmg preVIew of In South Afnca tege of Fort Hare m proteSt bf rooms ta1.year-old dIplomat heads of his new posItion IS the contact great number of experts from 43 authontles and the Tounst Bureau he has almost dally WIth the d.. west Afnca anses not only from beaut tlon fever It IS all too easy to be c eap 0 uy ey s an a goo Ihe editonal Yesterday s Heywad carned ao the fust UN miSSion to represent y th I I rrled a",ay by the excllemenl and flghhng chance of SUrvival In cblld countnes who attended the faIr should seek. remedies Botswana formerly Bechuana legallPn from South Afnca head the aspirations of Its AIrican po­ Canay shoppmg I. e rea secre ca ~o Th b ~d Nearly half of the 10 000 VISItOrs One of I.he malO causes of the ed,torlal that lalalabad IS fast be The editOrial also called attention of eaJnomy and if your budget IS be sorry later for your too-enthu ren s rv ms ey can e pamu; wheat shortage It saId. IS the dee­ land whIch was admItted to ed by Mattys t Botha pulation to escape the dommatlOn who were counted dunng the comIng the Winter resort of the peo­ to the fact that prices of various of Pretona's apartheId admlD1s a h t one Junk shops and sales slastic blddmg What to look out In bright colours or pohshed to rease In rawfall which has -affected membershIp ID the world orgam I am personally acquamted four-day faIr were foreIgners ple In the capItal A larg. nulnber food Items rose conSiderably there WIth almost every membe~ of trallon ,but because of the unfor mustghfQnn the baSIS 0 fyour furntsh tor? II depends of course bn bring out lbe" naturnl colours not only Afghamstan but other of people from Kabul speOI lbe Eld satlOn on October 17 Botswana a Inte""toff was caught In the dUrlog the Eld days This musl not fonner BntIsh colony became the South Afncan delegatIOn tunate lleographica1 Clrcum~t;In 109 projects However don t be what you want and how much do- Carpets can be costliest Items In ouel between natural matenals countnes 10 the regIOn suclrias Pak vacation m Jalalabad and the city be allowed to happen m tbe fulure ~med away aod buy somethIDg It yourself refurmsbIDg you are the wbole fornlSblng bodget Cbeap Istan India the People s Republic mde):lendent September 30 he saId and tliey know 01 my ces of Botswana and syntheltc fibres The synth.. IS usually crowded throughout the It sald lli/Dlily because 11 IS cheap even wllhog to do Cbalrs and tables cnrpels of Infenor quahty nre a Mntthews who earned a mas VIolent opposttlon ~ the poliCIes A landlocked enclave surround tics advance contInued In full of China and the Soviet UnIOn though It JS reaDy beyond repair or are always useful and bigger pIeces sheer waste of money and I believe fhese countnes like Afghanistan ters degree from Yale Unlversl of the government they repre­ ed by RhodeSIa and South Africa force and yet pnmanly 10 formal ty m 1934 and was a professor of sent Here on neuttal ground we on the east and south Its only a hopelessly ugly or unfuDchonal like Vlclonan SIde-boards have m It IS much more seoslble to buy everung apparel a back to na have resorted 10 ImportlD& wheal object Many furDishiogs the house finIte breakIng down POSslblhtIes good quality, linoleum to make a from abroad to offset the shortage World Olmstlamty at tlnlon The­ all meet as eouthwest Atnca on thEl, west If still to take place The patents WORLD PRESS t~y Ib.1r QIlgin too plainly They Old dmlDg room tables partleu Ihe floors 10 the Umted States What IS your attitude toward the UN takes over cotltrol of Cor most chemically produced all the devel0PlDg countnes This 1ttIi hia~lf~;and tbey proclaim It larty round ones cao be cut doWn Don t waste the odd left overs IS 10 An educator and lawyer of m them here? he was asked Southwest Afnca from South Af svnthel1c fibres WIll soon explfe due the Improved health prac But with a..-.:.rtsln amount of taste to colfee table helgbt and ellber alter you hnve covered your floor t1ces both In prevenl.lve and curative The Sovlet Unton tested Its first ternatlonal renown Ambassador He smIled DiplomatIC and CI nco It Is asswned tliat Botswana ThIS WIll certamly lead to a fur ot Hanol and everyone of lts three and originality lind a great deal of st"pped or pamled Give Ihe scarred desk and tsble tops medlclne The questIOn arises why long range gUIded missiles 20 years Matthews has fought smce 1925 vII he rephed Perhaps that s all would have at least one friendly ther drop In pnce of the already suburbs have been hit by AJiIerl care It is possJble to furniSh Be Inventive about your finds a qUick face hft by gluemg on a the de ...eloplOg countrIes have not ago the cOmmuOIst party newspape.r can bombs and rockets A whole for th~ full partlclpallon of the It could be under the cIrcumstan neIghbour and an outlets to the InexpenSIve syrlthetlcs Ladles were a rarity at the 16th Frankfurt "lnterstoll" lair the Atlantic Ocean cheaply IX) hove exactly Whal you An old round table can lend 00 plcce of linoleum managed to raise the level of food Pravda dIsclosed Saturday block of reSIdentIal houses has bean large Afncan majorJty ID the go ces Ambassador Matthews was a The weavers of natural mater leading fair for clothing textiles The business with fashion mate co founder along WI\h Chief Lu "'ant and to have II look thorouahly elegant or dramatIc elfort to n room (eontd on page 4) (Contmued on page 4) product on simultaneously w tb the It said the first missiles we(e destroyed 10 Phonguyen ThlB)J vernment of South Atnca and has rials is run by men·but In the long run for the ladles ~he thuh of the now banned Afncan ASIde from hIS career as an edu H)-crease In their populatton ready by November 1947 and the Street 100m from the central mar looked forward to day when The edltonal said thiS IS because first multI stage mtercontinental hIS native land mIght be repre NatIOnal Congress whICh sought cator OIjd lawyer, Ambllssador ket 300 houses In Phuk Tan street to persuade the country s 3 mil developing countnes requIre funds rocket was tested 10 years later have been razed to the ground sented In the Umted Nallons by Matthews IS WIdely known as hon whItes to recogruse the CIVil the author of several books to nvest m vanous sectors of the The paper made the disclosure m The town of Phuh WIth a popu an Afncan eDR~NiRSTOHESOF economy They have to promote a trJbute to ttte deSIgner of the mls It IS a strange tWISt of fnte nghts of ItS 11 mllhon Afncans among them 'The Afri~lln Res­ HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN COMPLEX SOCIETIES latIon of 10 000 was reduced to modern educatIon bUIld roads and sJles Professor SergeI Korolyev an he told Contmental Press durmg For hIS efforts he was Jailed ponse to RaCIal Laws •South I rums by 11 a.t.r raids made on tWIce onCe whIle standmg tnAI encourage Industries ThiS means the first anniversary pf hIS deaUt a recess m the General Assembly Afnca A Land DIVIded J\.gamst There lS perhaps no aspect of for the healthy devlopment of the ents and to find ways to help October I 2 and 9 he reported for treason and on another o~ would be unable to understand school os hIS parents and the space for privacy and a place that that all avaIlable funds can not and last January a&"ed 59 debate on Southwest Afnca Itself and 'The Cn/ns m Uruver human hfe where halfway cle young what has been dIscovered the programme Not a smgle buUdmi: remalDed In casIon for 135 days In 1959 as a other adults around him are hIS one can call hiS own It IS easier must not be allocated to one sector It saJd he was responSIble for the that I should Come here as the slty Education 10 South Mtlca verness can wreak more havoc We fmd that peoples WIth Perhaps many more minds As skIllful teachers capltahsed tact n the town Lea!l<:ts dropped fmal gesture he reSIgned h,s pro- CContd on pIlKe 4) first teachers to have consideratIOn for others uf the economy If there IS to be ba Soviet UOion s first earth satelhte representative of Botswana when than 10 the education IIInd up- thousands of years of recorded would be too undlsclpllned to on theIr Interests and vaned obl trom American planes warned the The mfant begms to learn at and at the same lime develop IItles good workmg relationshIps lanced growth n 1951 for later manned space clhzens that they should keep away brmgmg of children 'parents hIstory have carefully proVIded thmk Ihrough problems as they bl rth perhaps even before He mdependence and Initiative The government of Afgharustan craft for the first SOYlet walk on have blamed teachers for slow the young mfant WIth the best arose However as unpron)lsmg rleveloped Parents learned from from rruHtary targets, he said The learns contmuously Whatever For Instance when closets are obselvlng theIr own cbildreq s De while trying 10 get foreign aId to space In 1965 and for the first learnmg and behaVIour problems pOSSIble phYSIcal and emotIOnal as t.hlS situation may seem the Single track raIlway aJong Ute nor th( nature of the learmng be It bUill With shelves low enough haVIour and that of others at meet the wheal shortage has also soft landlOg ot a Soviet moonshJp while schools have held the home c~re Our present advances 10 parents of young chlidren who thern border ot the town and a poslllve or negative the ch,ld IS and when hooks are wlthlD the school Teachers helped them to endeavoured wJthm the limIts of Its three weeks after he died respo,rlSlble for a host of eVils knowledge 11\ the natural and hve 10 great need of food cloth road across Its ceotre were the m1l1 leal nlOg learnmg learnmg reach of preschool ch,ldren they understand the reasons for cer means 10 raIse productiVity wllhm The New York Time.. said 10 an TRUST BETWEEN TWO NEIGHBOURS 'But nOw educators and psycho soetal sCIences and tbe arts were 109 shelter and health faclhlles HIs habIts and patterns of be encourage self help and orderl! tary tareets In thiS case loglsts family hfe experts and unknown to them but tender af have been found to be extremely tam types of behavlOur and how the country Some of the steps edltOTjal Whlle the world watches havlOur become well established ness to deal WIth It constructIvely tlken In thIS dlrectlon are the dlstrl Ih f Idl Chln A N Kosygln s VIOlt 10 Turkey absolutely unfounded PremIer the war 1n V letoam European se­ sociologists are pooling their know ecbon and a great abundance of wllhng to attempt to hsten , frecly and HlstbrtcallY speaking the faml sociologists who gather faets DIse that thelt ~hlidren are "'am vanous ~vels nnd aSPirations for their chIldren , A N Kosygtn mdependently I)' came Into bemg prlmanly be about dIvorce desertIOn and nmg from their total enVIron ed Improvement In -the phYSIcal II III 111I11111I III 111I111 II II II ....-.:. to ; munleat,oQs agrcemept of 1962 ex Houses should be bUIlt to tIt They were when ploperly appr development of their children ~ cause of the long perIOd of depen cnme ment at all tlines The liome IS the needs of the famIly rather onched eagel to learn how to be ADVERTISING RATES 1==== II II I 11111111111111 II 111111I111111111111111111 1111111111 111/ 11I111111111111111111 I ·'1:== change visits of SovIet and TurkIsh The large Involvement of pa .Ialesmen nnd lasUy thIS V'Slt of

I Press On Women: Food F"r Tlwught ,f II~, t Once me/i start down the tech lJStContimiing TJQfIitlwkWayTo;wardl!P_ \:Perleet,Gilt, P~AWile lIologlcal road they cannot turn Friday's Ams on ItS women s page 'catr-ied a remfniler to I' 0 \ I ' The view thai the defence of advanee'tt bY-ll'illltllrlt meens, Ruak suIts why we will staD\l: tor that husbands who have forgotten to buy p!'E!se1'its for their "wives hack Once Ihey have bilten Ul = Soutbeasl Asia against Communist sold \ \ I also \: There Is/nothing that pleases a woman so much as gettmg a sur = aggression ~ Irlta! to the strategic Now If they can be brouabt to, As,ked about the 'sltuiltlon In prise present from her husband ThIs IS one way of m~kmg up to the /rmt 01 the tree of know loterests of the United States IlIId ward an altitude of peacefUl eo­ Ctuna Rusk anawered that the In for rows the liee world Was stressed QlJ.ew exlstence--,,-I{jthe second /leneratlon ternal turmotl appeara to be a strUg It wilf always work specially 11 3 poliCy of moderat1on tn aJl areBS ledge there can be no return to Thursday by US Secretary of State tn China can show some of the ale tor power ".l ~ 1. the' pr(!sent Js wel....selected analJ;or life Extremes should be avoided Dean Ruilk. gtven at the right time However ot oil COgts tt satd Ihe Eden 0/ tnnocence and tgno prudence that the second /leneta Allhougb cauUou. a!Riut (dIScus THE KABUL TIMES In ao interview On a nationwide lion In the Soviet, Union liaa obown sing events there, RU~/88fd 'there durlng Eldg and glmllar festive oc tel~vlslon proaramlIlc, Rusk. ilOilll. ~glD seem~ '~"lIthf/lltic O"bllShed every day except Frtdays by. tile tKabul Times ranee then !'\llYbe. we 'Can to, build tq I be !'P struggle caslohs a wile expeots a present from There Ore women who for ex ed out there are Importaht /leo/lfa a duralile "Oeace (thete,' be'-.ud of leadenhtp,iimoh/l tlie' top 12 or her husband This cannot be a sur '01mple go to extremes in keeping PliBLISHING AOENCY phlcal features natural.resources Rusk said that If allllre~ye pres 15 people In Pek,ln/l prise. but lh case you have forgot thetr homes clean Cteanllness Js ot -Dr Roger Revelle large numbers 01 people In South sures 'from !'l:0r'tli r;;Vl.lntlm and There seems td be a ~onslder ten to buy the present before Eld (~urse 0 Rood thing and everyone east Asia However he continued Commuhist Chma stiould move mto able d~bote on policy Ilotn/l on b.. It does not really matter Buy It should see that hIS home 10 tldy r think the heart ot tae'matter Is, Soulbeast A~la, not only ace hund feath I lbe surt"ce I ~ lidded during Eld end give It to her as a but this should not be carried to 11I11I II 11I11I111111 1 II 1111111 II Willi I 111II1I1II1IIi'i1l 11I11I11I1111111I 1 1 11I11I111111111111 I 111111I III 111111 again the pbeoomenon ot a,eres reds of m1illon~ of people Involved Some of that debate mlgbt well gurprls", advIsed the paper the pOint where it discomforts other slon If the momentum ot"Ililression and vltlll resoUrce~ Involved, but have preclplta~ed this pre..", s!rug The same Issue of Anlo carrled meMbers ot the famlly There are Issu~ should begtn to roll In that part of the prospe~t~ of a durable peace gle I an artiele ~ebatlng the pros and certuir.1 women who start a fight It Big For The Little Summit the world stimulated or supported dissolve cons ot worktng mothers MUllons some member of the family walks Consultations are underway fQr a summit apparant from the fact that five years ago a or eniaged In by tbose who are The United States, lJe contlnued The U;ljlted Stales .Rusk sold Is of women go to work around the' nn the floor with dusty shoell or Incetlng of filre African states The little sum major nationalist uprisIng in north Angola.....,.in commttted to the spread of the has a tremendous interest in watching developments on lite malb Iworld Some do so out of necessity drops cigarette ashes art the rug mIt whiCh IS to be held in Cairo sometime Zaire, north Kuanza, and Luanda-failed n world revolution of violence then establishing in Southeast ASIa the land very closely but- he warned some for the sheer pleasure 01 A good houscwlfe apove all must next month will provide North African states the uprising had been planned in advance by that seems to put us back on the conceot tllI"t countrlea mu~t be lett 1 agalns~ jumplil, to 'prematuf'! con working Howrever it Is almost cer be considerate of guests and mem With an opportunity to discuss not only Rhode the nationalists and If the means for achieving trail that led us Into world war a100e and he allowed to live In cltlsjons about how It Ie /lolng to tam that a w~rk1ng mother depnves bers of her family two' come out Sl" which I!; still the hottest Issue on the Afrl the independence had been In their hands there ;DeacA her cbildren of the aacellon and Then there are others who com Rusk made clear again America s DlseusSl.llg the prospects for attcnticn they deserve can contlDent as well as in the world, but also IS no doubt that It would have brought the She would hkc 10 tewtlt. Writer Mary Watkliul meets MInl.tet of tnfor matlon and Culture Mohammad Osman Sldky pletely neglect tidiness and manage­ to debate other maJor questlllDS The leaders Salazar reginle to its knees Interest In keepIng open all chen agreement on, disarmament. Rusk Kindergartens provide one ans ment ot the home and go to extre­ sold the United States hi very several chapters of ber book of tbe United Arab Republic, Algeria, Liberia, Howelrer, as press reports indicate, resist- nels of communication to explore wee but it ls not always possible mes in wearing the latest style serious about fincUng some' way to because of such a rapid 'develOp for evtlryone to use this facility es Tanzania and Mali will halre to consider the anee groups still exist in the mountains and ways ot reach1ne a settlement of She ts a ireat lover of Afgloan atts world She suggests that these arts I'{h::lOlston A9ked what part she dresses and using the best per Ihe Vlelnam war Rusk SOld stop the anns ['Bce and turn it ment that I. chall/llnll the very face pe"lally in developing countrIes be abolition of colonialism on the continent of forests, in Dembos and other cities. But It re down vI the country and croft« She has. particular Ilk nnd ctofls should be first of all 1m liked best she said It is hard to say fumes and lfpsticks available There r believe that we must keep In Ing for the po~teench~a (obeepskln proved and promoted within the tor every place has its own aUrae cause [or one thing there aren t Is a happy medIum whIch 1s prac AfrICa where ItS remants are still as firmly .quires proper guidance, good leadership, unity con tact both prIVately and publicly Recalling America s proposalS 'tor enough kmdergartens and secondly FormerJ.y1 she was chairman of the Jackels With noral designs in br'&/.It country nnd then etIorts should be tlon but of course Bandl Amlr IS tfcnble and responsJble rooted as In the grand days of the late 19th and of action from within rather than outside the In oraer to explore every posslbi a freeze on the development of both lhe"e may bp transportation prob Afghnn Couacil As,a Society JD colour.s) and the vllJ'lou8 embroidery mode to tntrbducc them abroad This miraculously beaUtiful No sooner • early 20th centuries oolony which, unfortunately, Is what the two II. nU~leQr )ems The same page also carrIed quota IIty of a move toward peace whe­ offenSIve ana aetenslve done by fAfghan women Sliver would help not only In introducing hnd she spoken ,lieSe words than n organisations have now weapons Rusk said Jaccord mUB~ be New York and It was In that cape twns from famous tblnkerq about ther at a conference tabie or in Jewellry worn with Ate-han dresses Afghan cuHure abroad but also 10 sor owful expression appeared on Some people resort to nurses or a Dr Salazar, thc Pnme Minister of Portugal, reached because we could move city that sIIe wrote her book On Af hfe Some ot thes~ quotations are tact whether with general settle gharlistao Sbe has many Afgh'On too attracts her eorn.lng the country conslderable her face ExplalOing her emotion baby sitters In any case the child who observed hIS 72nd bIrthday two 'Weeks ago As fot SpaIn, Madrid has already welcomed ment because the sltuaUon 18 too Simply to new plateaus ot enormous ,mounts at foreign exchange Per she saId she hoped they WIll not LIfe Is a never ending struggle for frlenas in Was!llnllton and ,n Kabul Asked whether Jihe has ever worn (s bound to suffer A workmg Wife the attainment at unfulfilled desires has firmly Imbedded Portuguese administration the United Nations resoluftons for granting in aangerous to permit to on mde expenditure on both sides Without haps Afghan embaSSies an some of spoil the natura!" beauty of Bandl "0 She hoo had !leVeral lessons on Al an Afghan dress she said of coutse s unlikely to have a happy home LIfe IS a pleasant vuuon Imbued In the country s Afncan colonies The present dllpendence to its African c~onles It Is hoped fimtely in its present condItion ehangtng the strategic position of the grcrtl capitals at the world Am r by bUlldlng up modern hotels ehan eookltlll lind Cllll manllJle a f~w she has one in Washington which the paper said because the pressure wlth bitterness SItuatIOn In Angola, one of the malO colonies that hy the end of next year constitutional Later al the State Department eIther the Sovlet Union or the Umt could seL up emporiums tor thlS etc on the sIte However she felt cd States dishes Ihcludlnll chicReo pillaw-a she wears on special occasions nf work on the husband and the thought of by the Portuguese as areas of the instruments for granting Independence will spokesman Robert J McCloskey dtsb sbe cooke.year-old dIplomat heads of his new posItion IS the contact great number of experts from 43 authontles and the Tounst Bureau he has almost dally WIth the d.. west Afnca anses not only from beaut tlon fever It IS all too easy to be c eap 0 uy ey s an a goo Ihe editonal Yesterday s Heywad carned ao the fust UN miSSion to represent y th I I rrled a",ay by the excllemenl and flghhng chance of SUrvival In cblld countnes who attended the faIr should seek. remedies Botswana formerly Bechuana legallPn from South Afnca head the aspirations of Its AIrican po­ Canay shoppmg I. e rea secre ca ~o Th b ~d Nearly half of the 10 000 VISItOrs One of I.he malO causes of the ed,torlal that lalalabad IS fast be The editOrial also called attention of eaJnomy and if your budget IS be sorry later for your too-enthu ren s rv ms ey can e pamu; wheat shortage It saId. IS the dee­ land whIch was admItted to ed by Mattys t Botha pulation to escape the dommatlOn who were counted dunng the comIng the Winter resort of the peo­ to the fact that prices of various of Pretona's apartheId admlD1s a h t one Junk shops and sales slastic blddmg What to look out In bright colours or pohshed to rease In rawfall which has -affected membershIp ID the world orgam I am personally acquamted four-day faIr were foreIgners ple In the capItal A larg. nulnber food Items rose conSiderably there WIth almost every membe~ of trallon ,but because of the unfor mustghfQnn the baSIS 0 fyour furntsh tor? II depends of course bn bring out lbe" naturnl colours not only Afghamstan but other of people from Kabul speOI lbe Eld satlOn on October 17 Botswana a Inte""toff was caught In the dUrlog the Eld days This musl not fonner BntIsh colony became the South Afncan delegatIOn tunate lleographica1 Clrcum~t;In 109 projects However don t be what you want and how much do- Carpets can be costliest Items In ouel between natural matenals countnes 10 the regIOn suclrias Pak vacation m Jalalabad and the city be allowed to happen m tbe fulure ~med away aod buy somethIDg It yourself refurmsbIDg you are the wbole fornlSblng bodget Cbeap Istan India the People s Republic mde):lendent September 30 he saId and tliey know 01 my ces of Botswana and syntheltc fibres The synth.. IS usually crowded throughout the It sald lli/Dlily because 11 IS cheap even wllhog to do Cbalrs and tables cnrpels of Infenor quahty nre a Mntthews who earned a mas VIolent opposttlon ~ the poliCIes A landlocked enclave surround tics advance contInued In full of China and the Soviet UnIOn though It JS reaDy beyond repair or are always useful and bigger pIeces sheer waste of money and I believe fhese countnes like Afghanistan ters degree from Yale Unlversl of the government they repre­ ed by RhodeSIa and South Africa force and yet pnmanly 10 formal ty m 1934 and was a professor of sent Here on neuttal ground we on the east and south Its only a hopelessly ugly or unfuDchonal like Vlclonan SIde-boards have m It IS much more seoslble to buy everung apparel a back to na have resorted 10 ImportlD& wheal object Many furDishiogs the house finIte breakIng down POSslblhtIes good quality, linoleum to make a from abroad to offset the shortage World Olmstlamty at tlnlon The­ all meet as eouthwest Atnca on thEl, west If still to take place The patents WORLD PRESS t~y Ib.1r QIlgin too plainly They Old dmlDg room tables partleu Ihe floors 10 the Umted States What IS your attitude toward the UN takes over cotltrol of Cor most chemically produced all the devel0PlDg countnes This 1ttIi hia~lf~;and tbey proclaim It larty round ones cao be cut doWn Don t waste the odd left overs IS 10 An educator and lawyer of m them here? he was asked Southwest Afnca from South Af svnthel1c fibres WIll soon explfe due the Improved health prac But with a..-.:.rtsln amount of taste to colfee table helgbt and ellber alter you hnve covered your floor t1ces both In prevenl.lve and curative The Sovlet Unton tested Its first ternatlonal renown Ambassador He smIled DiplomatIC and CI nco It Is asswned tliat Botswana ThIS WIll certamly lead to a fur ot Hanol and everyone of lts three and originality lind a great deal of st"pped or pamled Give Ihe scarred desk and tsble tops medlclne The questIOn arises why long range gUIded missiles 20 years Matthews has fought smce 1925 vII he rephed Perhaps that s all would have at least one friendly ther drop In pnce of the already suburbs have been hit by AJiIerl care It is possJble to furniSh Be Inventive about your finds a qUick face hft by gluemg on a the de ...eloplOg countrIes have not ago the cOmmuOIst party newspape.r can bombs and rockets A whole for th~ full partlclpallon of the It could be under the cIrcumstan neIghbour and an outlets to the InexpenSIve syrlthetlcs Ladles were a rarity at the 16th Frankfurt "lnterstoll" lair the Atlantic Ocean cheaply IX) hove exactly Whal you An old round table can lend 00 plcce of linoleum managed to raise the level of food Pravda dIsclosed Saturday block of reSIdentIal houses has bean large Afncan majorJty ID the go ces Ambassador Matthews was a The weavers of natural mater leading fair for clothing textiles The business with fashion mate co founder along WI\h Chief Lu "'ant and to have II look thorouahly elegant or dramatIc elfort to n room (eontd on page 4) (Contmued on page 4) product on simultaneously w tb the It said the first missiles we(e destroyed 10 Phonguyen ThlB)J vernment of South Atnca and has rials is run by men·but In the long run for the ladles ~he thuh of the now banned Afncan ASIde from hIS career as an edu H)-crease In their populatton ready by November 1947 and the Street 100m from the central mar looked forward to day when The edltonal said thiS IS because first multI stage mtercontinental hIS native land mIght be repre NatIOnal Congress whICh sought cator OIjd lawyer, Ambllssador ket 300 houses In Phuk Tan street to persuade the country s 3 mil developing countnes requIre funds rocket was tested 10 years later have been razed to the ground sented In the Umted Nallons by Matthews IS WIdely known as hon whItes to recogruse the CIVil the author of several books to nvest m vanous sectors of the The paper made the disclosure m The town of Phuh WIth a popu an Afncan eDR~NiRSTOHESOF economy They have to promote a trJbute to ttte deSIgner of the mls It IS a strange tWISt of fnte nghts of ItS 11 mllhon Afncans among them 'The Afri~lln Res­ HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN COMPLEX SOCIETIES latIon of 10 000 was reduced to modern educatIon bUIld roads and sJles Professor SergeI Korolyev an he told Contmental Press durmg For hIS efforts he was Jailed ponse to RaCIal Laws •South I rums by 11 a.t.r raids made on tWIce onCe whIle standmg tnAI encourage Industries ThiS means the first anniversary pf hIS deaUt a recess m the General Assembly Afnca A Land DIVIded J\.gamst There lS perhaps no aspect of for the healthy devlopment of the ents and to find ways to help October I 2 and 9 he reported for treason and on another o~ would be unable to understand school os hIS parents and the space for privacy and a place that that all avaIlable funds can not and last January a&"ed 59 debate on Southwest Afnca Itself and 'The Cn/ns m Uruver human hfe where halfway cle young what has been dIscovered the programme Not a smgle buUdmi: remalDed In casIon for 135 days In 1959 as a other adults around him are hIS one can call hiS own It IS easier must not be allocated to one sector It saJd he was responSIble for the that I should Come here as the slty Education 10 South Mtlca verness can wreak more havoc We fmd that peoples WIth Perhaps many more minds As skIllful teachers capltahsed tact n the town Lea!l<:ts dropped fmal gesture he reSIgned h,s pro- CContd on pIlKe 4) first teachers to have consideratIOn for others uf the economy If there IS to be ba Soviet UOion s first earth satelhte representative of Botswana when than 10 the education IIInd up- thousands of years of recorded would be too undlsclpllned to on theIr Interests and vaned obl trom American planes warned the The mfant begms to learn at and at the same lime develop IItles good workmg relationshIps lanced growth n 1951 for later manned space clhzens that they should keep away brmgmg of children 'parents hIstory have carefully proVIded thmk Ihrough problems as they bl rth perhaps even before He mdependence and Initiative The government of Afgharustan craft for the first SOYlet walk on have blamed teachers for slow the young mfant WIth the best arose However as unpron)lsmg rleveloped Parents learned from from rruHtary targets, he said The learns contmuously Whatever For Instance when closets are obselvlng theIr own cbildreq s De while trying 10 get foreign aId to space In 1965 and for the first learnmg and behaVIour problems pOSSIble phYSIcal and emotIOnal as t.hlS situation may seem the Single track raIlway aJong Ute nor th( nature of the learmng be It bUill With shelves low enough haVIour and that of others at meet the wheal shortage has also soft landlOg ot a Soviet moonshJp while schools have held the home c~re Our present advances 10 parents of young chlidren who thern border ot the town and a poslllve or negative the ch,ld IS and when hooks are wlthlD the school Teachers helped them to endeavoured wJthm the limIts of Its three weeks after he died respo,rlSlble for a host of eVils knowledge 11\ the natural and hve 10 great need of food cloth road across Its ceotre were the m1l1 leal nlOg learnmg learnmg reach of preschool ch,ldren they understand the reasons for cer means 10 raIse productiVity wllhm The New York Time.. said 10 an TRUST BETWEEN TWO NEIGHBOURS 'But nOw educators and psycho soetal sCIences and tbe arts were 109 shelter and health faclhlles HIs habIts and patterns of be encourage self help and orderl! tary tareets In thiS case loglsts family hfe experts and unknown to them but tender af have been found to be extremely tam types of behavlOur and how the country Some of the steps edltOTjal Whlle the world watches havlOur become well established ness to deal WIth It constructIvely tlken In thIS dlrectlon are the dlstrl Ih f Idl Chln A N Kosygln s VIOlt 10 Turkey absolutely unfounded PremIer the war 1n V letoam European se­ sociologists are pooling their know ecbon and a great abundance of wllhng to attempt to hsten , frecly and HlstbrtcallY speaking the faml sociologists who gather faets DIse that thelt ~hlidren are "'am vanous ~vels nnd aSPirations for their chIldren , A N Kosygtn mdependently I)' came Into bemg prlmanly be about dIvorce desertIOn and nmg from their total enVIron ed Improvement In -the phYSIcal II III 111I11111I III 111I111 II II II ....-.:. to ; munleat,oQs agrcemept of 1962 ex Houses should be bUIlt to tIt They were when ploperly appr development of their children ~ cause of the long perIOd of depen cnme ment at all tlines The liome IS the needs of the famIly rather onched eagel to learn how to be ADVERTISING RATES 1==== II II I 11111111111111 II 111111I111111111111111111 1111111111 111/ 11I111111111111111111 I ·'1:== change visits of SovIet and TurkIsh The large Involvement of pa .Ialesmen nnd lasUy thIS V'Slt of

All-Star Te8Jll • Plays Exhibition fine Sw"s Basketball Game wa, By A Stall Writer (9"....-----~·CB r I Ahlhanlstat1 s naUonal basketball not mllcb team made up at university and Th< Umted Stiltes bIrth rate Dr Vol V No 243 h1i~h school students made a good CarneIro pomts out was 21 per TUESDAY JANUARY 17 1967 (JADI 27 1345 SH) Pnce Af 3 Showlna: 10 Saturday afternoon s thOllsand m 1964 a h'liher rat~ 'th