VOLUME 1011, NO. 43 THURSDAY tottp://www.sjam.duidally APRIL 3, 1997 ENTERTAINMENT ENTERTAINMENT Artist's persona comes Pr4,1 SJSU student goes through in exhibit 0.441 star-gazing at Oscars 4140 ;.4, Page 6 Page 7

Serving S se State University Since 1934 SPARTANjo DAILY Library Springing into action concerns discussed Committee unhappy with new library site options By Dennis Knight The site for the library has been Spartan Daily Staff Writer narrowed down to one of three spots on campus, according to Don An advisory committee made tip Kassing, SJSU's vice president for of administrators, librarians and administration. SJSU alumni held its first meeting The least favorite of the three sites Wednesday to discuss the proposed is the administration building. The university/city library venture. city favors a South Fourth Street site The committee was formed to where the Wahlquist Library North ensure that the university's concerns and Wahlquist Library Central are about the project Are heard by the located. city. Another committee recently The third site under consideration formed by San Jose Mayor Susan is Hugh Gillis Hall and Dudley Hammer will decide the details and Moorhead Hall, located just east of logistics of the project. San Jose City the Wahlquist buildings, along San Council Member Charlotte Powers Fernando Street. will chair I lammer's group. Alan Freeman, director of space A statewide educational bond management and facilities planning issue for the California State for SJSU, said preliminary estimates University system needs to be for the size of the library are as high as approved by voters before ground can 450,000 square feet. Freeman said be broken for the proposed library. these are "very preliminary" esti- Hammer said she plans to have the mates. In comparison, Clark library ....icstie on the November 1998 ballot. is about 220,00(1 square feet, Linda Bain, SJSU provost :and aca- Freeman said. demic vice president, led the meeting, Freeman said that tip to 100,000 which focused on the preliminary square feet of the 450,000 Square- plans for the library and the hopes foot "model" could be used for non and fears of committee members library functions, such as administra- about the project. See Library, page 10 Act calls for compliance S. Crime stats to be more accessible PHOTO BY DAVE LUCHANSKY Spartan Daily The football team embarked upon its first spring practice session Wednesday at the practice field at Simpkins Center Head reach Dave Baldwin will By Aaron Williams of 1990)," said Mark (ioodman, guide the team into the 1997 season. See story inside on page 8. Spartan Daily Staff Writer from the Student Press 1.:1W Center in Washington, D.C. "A lot of (univer Crime is a fact of life in America, sines) provide inaccurate stats or but the truth of how widespread it is none at all. This would force more on university campuses could soon compliance." come to light. The provisions of the bill are the Neighbors face slippery slope 'Hie "Accuracy in Campus Crime following: Reporting Act of 1997," which Was Andiew Adelman, chief building It would require all schools The city to find out why homes are slipping into creek official for the city of San lose said introduced to the }louse of receiving federal funds to maintain Representatives in February, will seek that's too all I lir outside part since the houses were built on private and provide public illteSS 10 a crime By Puna Nair to make colleges and it that Spartan Daily Staff Writer of his house, patios, found.' property there WAS nothing the city of log detailing the "nature, time, date "The city cannot use San Jose could do. receive federal hinds report more and general location" l each inc ident mins and part of the street start- AIX What do you do when the house "Abe landslide happened on pri- 'irately and honestly about the reported to the school's se( linty ed to slip toward the creek 111.it public money to repair types and numbers of (rinses that you nisi bought is falling apart and runs below ( ill/t11.111'S house. Vale grounds and is the owner's prob- department. It would als(i require sinking into the nearby reek? Move lem," Adelman said. lite city cannot OCCUr. that names and addresses of those Cowman. who bought th, private property." Introduced by Congressman John out and stay out. 1101Ise lull November, was told use pull It money to repair private charged with a Crime he nu luded, Duncan (11 -Tenn.) and Charles That's what the ( 'iv .1 San lose th, to lute a geologist 1,, property. except when laws ext hide them or has ordered (ails ( Ina to , lo. In die meantime, some of the Schumer (D-N.Y.), the act would when naming them would jeopardize my, ii the damages arid pay for Andrew Adelman, San Jose (;i1/111.01.% 111,111, II liii 111 two neighbors ate .ingry about Guzman's close the loopholes and prevent an ongoing investigation. rtvalr Work 1111111 his OWIl licat k cheif budding official schools from hiding campus crime 114,111C, Ill the Naglee neighliothood of cr. and Jalle's situation. It would require that uniform San lose that has %tatted to slip into One neighbor, who would only information in police logs that are standards he set up using the guide Kit kird Jalle's home Was the nearby :Or/IC ( :reek. give his first rianie, "Phil," said he ohen inaccessible to the general pith- lines used in slate, local and federal .1110 Ali:lied but did not have us much been ordered to move. lit About two weeks ago, the walls on damage as (. ltizman's. falle's rear Lun- lioth (4E/man and Jaffe t mild not lived in Oakland heftily moving to law enforcement to report crimes on Gunnan's house started to split and San Jose 30 years ago. lie explained think this legislation is needed cam pus. dy room sunk six inches, taking a wall be reached. Ac, onling 1t sondra to fill in the loopholes of the 1990 his toilet krked itself a hill two inch- with it. Talk has lived next to Corday the fall( 's neighbor, the that Oakland WAS more concerned It would reqUire that campus legislation ( :11111111% Security Act es up from the no lilt floor. And ( lot 20 years and has 11,11 lallc's %vete mit 41t 11S Ii See Crime, page 10 See Homes, page 10

Editorial Halls to be wired for Internet 'Artist' coming Tomorrow Coffey and basic text based infriona 'leaven's Gate: By Sean Spartan Daily Staff Report Spartan Daily !staff Wraer lion. However, there is no Alt ess alentibing cults may Profile on SJSU to major Internet providers like "The system on le has been "Around the World in a SISL1 is working to revamp Day," and mite man% lives gymnast, senior America Online because tlic campus has stood now he's found his way to San Jose. campus wiring to provide necessary ph Inc lines are not Page 2 Tara Law improved on line .1CLeSii 10 campus Fans of the Artist will not have to Wait until available. still while what you "1999" to scc him perform because he comes to the residents living in the seven resi- "Spartan Village and most (il Event Center on April 12. SJSU showcase dence halls and Spartan Village. the dorms were wired by Pacili, can buy at Fry's "(Hie Artist) is not coming as a part of a tour," The university "Everybody in telecommunica- Bell with the bare minimum said Ted Cady, Event Center director. "lie's drop- tion% and housing understood that electronics has presents itself to number of lines," Shaw said ping in from the moon." residents were not getting servo e is "What reserve phone lines wt- leapt forward." This will be the second marquee performer prove( tile Nfttlit nit good AA they (Milli if they lived have left over is reserved for coming to the San Jose State University's Event Page 3 Jr OM SI RTC said Shaw, repairs." Center within a six-month period. Bruce billing Seri/ices W0111111.1101' or According to Shaw, the few Toby Shaw, Springstcen performed an acoustic concen benefit- SIM Telecomnum it at ions. "Steps phone lines currently installed Police watch are being taken to remedy that." SJSU telecommunications ing SISU's Sicinbeck Resource Center in October. are also not tip to the latest corn - 'Fhe general admission tickets will he on sale lin Na/s, ii man sharks Currently, residents with a put en industry standards. billing services coordinator computer and an e-mail account $50 each Monday at the Event Center Box Office. .VSU fraternity "The system on campus has General admission seating is on a first -come first- with telecommunications tan Rick Spalding, information sys- members stood still while what you call buy serve basis. Cady said there will be 7,000 tickets access the central campus comput- at Ery's electrimits has leapt for- tems specialist for University available for sale. Page4 er, or mainframe, to receive e-mail ward," slmw added. See Online, page 10 11.

Thursday, April 3, 1997 2 OPINION San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Cult identification could prevent more deaths he recent group suicide of 39 nictn- 1 lie rindia idutitity these groups by tlic mer CAN identified groups as Cults as "using Lawmakers back when Charles Manson led Jones bers of the Heaven's Gate cult is only red -flag term "cult" only after these groups Editorial mind control (undue influence) and unethi- his followers to murder and when Jim a variation of a grim theme. have killed or demonstrated A danger to cal means to recruit and retain members." had his followers drink poison, some of }leaven's Gate is just one example of a num- national security, such as terrorist acts and By cooperating with psychologists, social whom were children and others who didn't hoarding illegal firearms. 'Fherc are several above-ground watchdog scientists and counselors, the media can con- know they were drinking a poisoned bever- ber of similar organizations whose belief's led groups who clearly, fairly and objectively their members to suicide or murder. The news media should take the initiative struct a safe list of identifiers by which to call age- and define what a group needs to do if it is to identify specific actions, recruiting and a group a cult and, therefore, warn the pub- Though the deadly actions by cults are In 1978, 911 members of the People's indoctrination practices a group must enact Temple killed themselves by imbibing poi- be called a cult. The definition should not be lic more effectively. rare, they are still too frequent. When the isolated to the group's deadlier actions. to be called a cult. These can be the These organizations stress a group's public is warned about what a group's actions soned fruit mice. International Cult Education Program in In 1993, 87 members of the Branch It appears that it isn't safe to label a group actions as cultic over beliefs. are that make it coltish, they can avoid as a cult until after it has endangered the pub- New York and the Free Thought Alliance in By focusing more on a group's recruiting another Jonestown, Waco or Rancho Santa Davidians set their compound, and conse- San Francisco. quently, themselves, aflame. lic. If the media took a preemptive action to and membership-maintenance practices, the Fe. We can recognize more quickly the Jim label a radical group a cult before it goes too The best working definition of a cult media can safely avoid libel and slander cases Jones'. David Koresh's and Marshal The last few years have seen suicides of came from the late Cult Awareness Network, members of the European organization, the far, many more lives can be saved by this pre- for labeling a group a cult. Applewhite's. ventative maintenance. which lost a civil case and was bought by the The media should have sociologists and Knowledge is power. Order of the Solar :I' emple. Church of Scientology last October. The for-

rm. SJSU students should JUST SLIT OS THr, The main attraction 42ti. JACKET AND JOIN US be grateful, satisfied AT THE 7AaLt.. of cult organizations attracts people to Cults? Every time with the cost of tuition r, What there's a wacky incident in the news about a / I I hear .1110111Ct college %o lde'n complain 41,0111 rPillig cult, I ask myself this question. But this tuition fees, I think that I'm going to get sick. It's Heaven's Gate cult's mass suicide has left me particular- lime for California state college students to stop com- ly baffled: What was this group's selling point that plaining. RUSE/A attracted these 39 people to join and ultimately die for What a bunch of cry babies. I have been at San Jose I this cult's beliefs? State University for the past three years. During those Nao Perhaps a look at their web site could shed some light three years, I feel as if I have been in heaven as far as on this mystery. "In the early 1970s, two individuals tuition is concerned. (my task partner and myself) from the Evolutionary Students attending SJSU pay about $2,000 dollars A Level Above Human (the Kingdom of Heaven) incar- year for their edit, mum. Before coming to the sunny state nated into (moved into and took over) two human bod- of California, I was studying at Rhode Island college. ies that were in their forties." Huh? My tuition at that college "The final act of metamor- was more than $2,000 in 1992. phosis or separation from the The quality of that school's human kingdom is the 'discon- education wasn't even close to nect' or separation from the the one I have here. SJSU is a human physical container or Division I school and the only body in order to be released public university that compares from the human environment to SJSU is the University of of the Next Level." Heard Rhode Island. are only 'us,' not 'they' enough yet? I recently called A friend Cultists internalized. Your controllers are con- Apparently sonic people who attends that school, and right, read closely and pay atten- liked what WRITER'S FORUM AII sidered to be friends and peers rather they heard. These WRITER'S FORUM he is now paying more than tion! What do we have so far? In unstable, overzealous fly Victor titan an overbearing, torturing tyrant trelcies By Mark $5,000 dollars a year for his Jonestown, we have 911 living- believed this UFO lb Ia. ro like the brainwasher. This way, you're -Science Steidf.1 tuition. paired adults and children who drank some Fiction garbage so much that If you have reached this poisonous, not-so-healthy fruit punch in more cooperative and your defenses are down. Mind control doesn't require they followed their fearless level of education, you can add and subtract. Yes, my WI- Jonestown. We've got 87 crispy-critter (and looney) leader, Marshall "Do" Applewhite, to the low students, it could be more than 83,000 more per year Christians in Waco. physical abuse or torture. What a deal! In mind control, there is no overt "Next Level." to get the same type of education in the Stale of Rhode Now, we've 39 purple-shrouded, sneak- Let's examine this "Do" character and see if he has Island. er-wearing, poisoned, non-charred adults in threat. You're only manipulated :and deceived into committing acts such as the right qualifications to be a leader: He was fired from It 110W lakes at least five years for a student to gradu- Rancho Santa Fe. giving away your life's savings, alienat- his teaching job at a university for having an affair with ate from college.lhis means students attending SJSU are They're dead, and you're nor. Simple a male student, thus sending him in a mental tailspin saving more than $15,000 compared to students attend- deduction, right? We, the living, have an ing family and friends, cheating people out of money and sometimes even and landing "the Do-meister" in a psychiatric hospital. ing a similar university in obvious advantage over the so-called sanity On the surface, this the state of Rhode Island. challenged, don't we? It's because we read killing yourself and others. If you're under mind control, you seems like a questionable ... students That's enough to help the newspaper. We watch television. We go leader. If a guy is as nutty the student pay for a nice to movie theaters. We listen to the radio. We hold steady know you're not brainwashed. Cultists If a guy is know they haven't been tortured or abused, to when crit- as a fruitcake, wouldn't it attending car after his difficult col- jobs. We keep company with the witty, the articulate, the as nutty as stand to reason that his career here. die socially savvy. To dumb it down, we ics ignorantly say that Jehovah's Witnesses, Mutinies, lege educated and of spaceship ideas are as SJSU are The savings don't stop operate in the mainstream. Right, pals and gals? Scientologists or members of the Boston Church a fruitcake, Christ are brainwashed, they think the critics are creating wacked out as he is? saving more here at SJS11. Some of its We, the members of society who've mastered using wouldn't it Maybe it was the spiffy had to go through junior both cerebral hemispheres to form simple thoughts, arc lies. Nike shocware or the than $15,000 college. impervious and immune to the brainwashing affects that Obviously, you're not brainwashed, arc you? Right? Right! No one put a gun to your head and said, "Read stand to attractive Nazi -skinhead It cost around $500 per cults and their charismatic leaders emit. If you're reading coif that drew these kooks compared to year to attend San Jose this newspaper, watching letterman (Sr Leno, and tuning this column by this Masculine Milquetoast guy or I'll reason that turn your head into a fine, red mist." to their zany withdrawal students City College. into I toward Stern or Alex Bennet, then you're a healthy from society. Maybe the It cost more than member of society. We're glad to have you. Thanks for What about that mind control stuff? You're impervi- his spaceship ous to that too, aren't you? Guess what? You're not. bunk-beds reminded attending a $1,S00 for a person going reading. ideas are them of their carefree- to a junior college in Those brain -frazzled cultists just plain didn't have Having been interested enough to read this far is more as than enough to demonstrate that anyone, even you, childhood camp days. I similar Rhode Island. what we have to keep from being brainwashed, ain't that wacked out don't know and probably Students who have so? regardless of your sophistication, education, socioeco- university ... nomic background or degree of social savvy can be just as never will. lived lien, lor most of their Actually, there's a difference between brainwashing as he is? I can almost envision a lives might bring up the and mind control. Know what it is? Brainwashing is vulnerable to alienate your loved ones, throw away your on fire. [leaven's Gate classified cost of living factor. I have to disagree with this. coercive, whereas mind control is more subtle, complex treasured possessions, drink poison or set yourself dispute it. I controlled your ad: Wanted men and Part-time jobs out here Are tIllidt easier to find. I AM Anti underhanded. There is no way you can mind. Just as your favorite authors, musicians and artists women to join me on due mothership. Sanity not neces- MAkillg close 10 75 percent more than I ever did in Brainwashing WAS coined by journalist Edward do when you meet them halfway by dropping your sary. Rhode Island. Hunter in 1951 to describe American servicemen's To dismiss these people as "weird" is a slap in the continue to get the best behavior who had been captured in the Korean War. defenses and immersing yourself in their material. You If California students WAIll tO chose to face to weird people everywhere. They are not function- education in die country, we have to Hunter translated the term from the Chinese phrase, hat could have stopped reading at anytime. but you Public secondary better Just like those in ing members of society. Their elevator, without a doubt, start facing the fa i of rising tuition rates. nao, meaning "wash brain." Betcha didn't know that. stick it out to see if it would get Jonestown, Waco and Rancho Santa fe did. does not go to the top floor. If you believe that a giant take A tremendous increase in tuition lees to But get this. Brainwashing doesn't last. If you're It would "they" community. They're of mothership will swoop down and take you to "the get to the level of toy former state. brainwashed, you're forced into specific actions to keep Cultists are not of the "us," and we all need to look out for each other. Kingdom of the lateral 'leavens," I beg of you to please I would min h rather pay a little but more for a degree yourself alive. After you've committed some act, like get help before it's too late. to a crime I'm looking forward to having you meet me halfway which is well respet ted throughout the United States of denouncing your government or admitting At least these "Heaven's Gate"ers didn't take any America. you didn't commit, your beliefs will change to rational- next week. It'll be okay. Trust me. innocent and productive members of society out with ize your actions. Nifty means of avoiding guilt. them, like the people in the Waco fiasco and the Victor Mbar() is a Spartan nail.y Staff Writer. When you're denied the influence of your "instruc- Manson followers did. Still, it's a shame that these peo- tors," your belicti will most likely revert hack. Isn't that William Jake ii the Spartan Daily Feantres Editor His column appears ewry Thursday ple lost their lives before they could get the help they so convenient? desperately needed. In mind control, the influence is longer and more Mark .Cterdel is a Spartan Daily Staff Writer

SPARTAN DAILY Opinion page Professors effective in guiding, informing students (Mr Wastaiglixi stelae, `sal Jose, GA 551920144(41)5) 44 .9.190 policies I Mg SJStISDIDaol r MI think the best profes- encouraged students tic ask for I sec utive Editor ' ery pcople lee Readers are encouraged tr, Campus Viewpoint Managing Editor Manus Walton sors are kund only at pri- help whenever they need it. last STAFF WRITE:RN express thomwlves on the ()pinion semester, my trigonometry Production Editor i dmiyri Gersiman page with, letter ii. the vate universities, Ivy pro- task) AEaW.I. Melanie tialaraille. (senna Barrow. Editor or Photo Editor Idyl Clendenin Campo" Viewpoint I eagues and CC schools. much better. Whenever a student fessor spent one hour going over ban liergman, Sears (-idly, Andrew W Dasns, Opinion Editor i liin.tme Aentittf as A letter to the [lion I ehely. lames S lamsalus, any Motor in a 200- However, experience has shown asked a question he thought was sine and cosine problems with me Sports Editor ' , 'iheltell word mount... to an mote or want flernandet, Ira sa Herrera. Andy W no, Andrew this notion is not necessarily truc. dumb, he would reply with sar- on a Friday afternoon, and my CAssistant Sports Editor Matt Romig id. view that has appeared in the liusey, Derain Knight. Kimberly anike. Gloria As history teacher came to school Chief Photographer Sean Galvin Spartan Daily. a former student of a CC casm. It got to the point where an Magana. Pad Matarangas. fern I( Milner. Puna features Editor &kart Jeske A Campus Viewpoint no a 450 school, I have tound that SJSU's nobody would even bother to ask hour earlier because it was the Nor, Vic Hawaii I Many Sara het, Jana Seshadri Campus Editor in weria t Millado word allay on current camp', Kars SWIM k Humid Skakir Catherine Spent er educators Are MSI As good, if not questions for fear of ridicule. only time I could meet with her. il Downtown Editor I aura I athions political or Nonfat linnirt. Mark Stedel I arra Vanni, Aaron *moms, better, than professors who are lastly, there was my English My criminal law professor r7i Copy Editor i i I ixio, StibMialatria, become the linicer Ifeanna /erolte considered Cal Client 51 n111,11' even gave out her home ll Sr Staff Writer Oisi Irmi,,,ge, tv of the Spartan Daily and may he professor. I went to his office phone edited fur clarity, animal lila I het AMC of the prestigious institu- because! was having trouble with number. 'Fhe greatest was when I PHOTOGItAPIIKISSI Adverhsing Dire, tor i iiio Harenbrugge anti lerattb Submisaiona mum tions At which they teach. a writing assignment. I was Went to the political science Max Hectierer. Honda tearlford Arse Crabb, An Director . rontin the uthor’a name, Hrandon Gar, n firenna Jennison. I call them educators because shot kcd when he told me he had department to declare it as my Retail Manager rine kiedaisr h David addrem. phone number. signs- Iccc hanky, Duna Nichol,. Andrew Nelsen, they actually teach, not just major. I had a lot of questions, National Manager iennitei Yornogida hire and major. lec- research to do for the new book Charles Slay. I ea %nark kead Entertainment Manager Justine Steck Sulantamarto may be put in the ture. Professors here are commit- he WAS writing and could not and I'm proud to say I was Downtown Manager Shantel Scheeler Editorial Cartoonist ',titers to the Editor hog at thin ted to making certain students help me. Instead, he gave me the informed of everything I needed Marketing Manager Kyle Benner Iliad 40tifiltiJet Spartan flatly office in Dwight understand the to know without being 4rai, Madmen( Assistant Sandy Wong material a con- name of his student aide, then made to Dental Hall Roost 209, sent by fax cept I did not experience feel as if I was a burden. Retail AccouM Executives Auantika Mop (;HAiliICS to 140141924-3237 or m.ttlerf to the when I hurried me out of his office. (Sian. Chris I tsher. Ohs I in Kart, Charlie 1,a, Parke pMary Spartan Daily (Minion Editor. attended the L:C system. There, I My experience is not to tmply A quality university is any Kwan, Chen Ha lee, Sylvia San, Pie! Glen So ADVISERS School of Journ.titsm and Masa found professors but no educa- place in which the teachers are gEntertainment Account Executives Jesas all professors at UC or private Gommunteattons, San Jarre Stater ,arii a Deanna Orsot, Jon iiiil I di. Sarah Advertising tors. institutions are terrible educators. there to inform, guide and help ni Quinton l'naverafty, One Washington Nitteefer It A students. The Square, San Jr... IA 95192,149 I had history professor who I'm sure these institutions have professors here Downtown Account Executives Dank) Editorial Editorial. are 'written would gel this irritable sound in terrific professors; accomplish this task very well. Arguello Larissa Brayman, Over, Clint, Susan Stephen Greene. can Shaer by. and I was simply Medved Photo are the ronaenaue of, the her voice every time a student unlucky. So after my first year. I Yes, we are a state institution, but Arthrts Judy lung, Joseph iiii Mike naspar, in, Mt Nay Spartan !tatty editors, not the asked her to explain something. transferred to SJSU. because of our terrific educators, ty.,,, ,Mirt wheaton She made the class feel as if she Professors here are just as we are by no means inferior. Nave Room 408 924 3280 Fax. 408 974 3282 Advertising 408 974 37/0 Publish. el opinion. and .utver our were doing Spartan Daily (USPS11509-480) is puNished every school day for 01111 aCadernIC esiiarilv naiad us this favor by taking scholarly as the teachers at the the vitia,s ,r1 the Sitrielan Daihr. the Miselle k year) $25 and (semester) $15 Periodic postage paid at San Jose and addittonal the time to review material which UC institution. The only differ- Francisco mailing Mc’s Mail subscophons accepted on a remaindei of semester hass la,ra ..1 Jourth klItErti and Mae" students did not understand. ence is they actually want to help Political Science ontrn SanJosiState POSIMASTIR Send address changes to the Spartan Daily. San fuse Stale ntrmt or My chemistry professor wasn't students. My professors have UNIS1RSITV Unrversity, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA, WO 410149

4 4 Thursday, April 3, 1997 3 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY

Palatable Pleasures director of the center. meeting will he held in SPX 77 at noon. For more Belly dancing, hip hop dancers and Brazilian 'We arc the only Latino Ans Center in the emirs Learn about interdisciplinary inhumation, contact Sonya at 924-7810. music is just some of the free entertainment to be South Bay," Alvarez said. "We feel that I atino schol teaching featured at the International Food Bazaar .11Eursday an At more visible and prominent levels can con Education Department and the Let's talk about the weather tribute tremendously to the general topics of discus- and Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Single Sub!" ! redernial Program will present four 1 he MS1.1 Meteorology Seminar Series Will con- The International Food Bazaar will be held at sion in the Bay Area." teachers from I honesteadlligh School who will talk tinue today with Dr. Douglas K. Miller of the Naval Seventh Street Plaza to celebrate the coming togeth- Maribel said the center hopes to invite such emi- about interdisciplinary teaching and the struggles Post Graduate School in Monterey. He will speak er of foods from different cultures, said Ted Gehrke, nent Latino scholars every year. 'Ile cost of the surrounding school reform. ihe meeting will take about considerations in building a real-time Associated Students programming board adviser. Friday event will be $10 for students with II) and place in Sweeney Hall from 4 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. For Mcsoscale Numerical Forecast System. The seminar This is an opportunity for students to sample some $15 for the general public. 'Fherc will be A reception more information, contact Siobhan Maahan at 924- will be held in Duncan Hall Room 615 at 12 p.m. nachos, lumpia (Filipino spring roll) and a variety of after the event for which a limited number of tickets 3766 For more information, contact the Department of foods being served by 20 campus organizations, are available at $50 each. For more information, call Meteorology at 924-0104. including: the Chicano Commencement (408) 998-2783. By Jana Seshadn Opera San Jose comes to SJSU Committee, the Senior Gift, Nutrition Club, I he 1.1Stelling San Jose In support of women Spartan Daily Staff Writer I lour is presenting ()per.' Hispanic Nursing Association and Black Student front 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in the Music Building I lie Women's Resource Center is offering a Union. Concert Hall. The Opera San Jose will perform women's support group from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. in The Food Bazaar fund-raiser will be an opportu- Business meeting excerpts from Puccini's "lac Boheme" as well as other the Administration Building Room 222 B. For more nity for the organizations on campus to raise money Hispanic operas. Admission is free. For more information call information, contact Leigh at 924-6500. The Hispanic Business Association will hold their so they can participate in off-campus activities. By 924-4(,f I giving each organization exposure, it will promote general meeting from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Associated Students Council Chambers in the Muslim Student meeting the school, said A.S. Controller Adrian Rodriquez. French movie sans Jerry Lewis The Muslim Student Association will hold their The Bazaar is being promoted by the Associated Student Union. For more information call Maribel at 294-3667. cercir Francais is putting on a movie night. general meeting today from ,- p.m. to 2 p.m. in Students, and A.S. programming board. liec will show the French comedy, "La Chevre" in the Guadalupe Room of the Student Union. For Gay Alliance meeting Sweeney Hall Room 100 at 7 p.m. For more infor- more infinmation, contact Imad at 388-1080. Thursday, April 3 mation, contact Professor DeSalvo at 924-4611. 10 a.m. to 11:25 a.m. Synergy (hip hop I he Gay. Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance will hold Spanish Club's cultural dancers) a meeting from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Karrumanta Jamuyku Costanoan Room of the Student Union. For more Free movie night part II encounters 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. 1 lie ',plush Club is 1 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Belly Dancers information contact Leslie at 998-3336 Phi Alpha 1 licia and the I listory Club will he offering a discussion of cul- showing "Braveheart" starring Mel Gibson at 7 p.m. tural encounters as well as free tutoring. This will Friday, April 4 Garage sale and culture night in Dudley Moorehead hall. Admission is free, and take place from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Council p.m. Synergy (hip hop dancers) The Akbayan Club is collecting items all week for they will be serving popcorn and candy. For more Chambers of the Student Union. For more informa- 11 a.m. to 1:15 tion. «intact Professor Matallana at 924-4612. 11:15 a.m. to Noon Belly Dancing its garage sale Saturday. In addition to the garage int'ormation. contact Ethan at 741-8434. Noon to 1 p.m. Dreadboy (reggae group) sale, the Akbayan Club is having folk dance practice 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Daniel Yarritu & Evan for their Culture Night. The practice will take place Attend mandatory Child McCulloch (jazz group) today in the Loma Prieta Room of the Student Learn to act Development commencement By Gloria Magatia Union from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. For more information The Players lheatre guild is offering an actors ceremony meeting Spartan Daily Staff Writer on both events call the Akbayan Club's voice mail workshop in Hugh Gillis Hall today and Friday. For All child development majors who plan to go number at 534-1140 more information, contact Mike Bolton at 297- through the continent:merit ceremony in May must 9099. attend this meeting to get necessary information. Fuentes' first SJ appearance Expose yourself to art The meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. in Sweeney Hall Internationally acclaimed novelist Carlos Fuentes l'he School tit Art and I h-sign is holding a Sill Co-op Orientation Room 434. Contact Dawn Holt at 924-3728. Jose. will make his first public appearance in San dent galleries art exhibit through Friday. Farrin IR' 1 tiCS I tier is offering a Co-op The San Jose Center for Latino Arts, will launch Rahimi, Kyle (lesser, Anjee Helstrup, Cheryl Oriental ion at I.' in p.m. in the Almaden Room of Child Development club holds its "Distinguished Latino Scholar Address" with Battiato and Tuan Huyith are the featured artists in the Student Union I on more infinmation call the meeting Fuentes at the Student Union Ballroom on Friday at Galleries 2,3,5,8 and Herbert Sanders, respectively. Career Resource I, clue( 924-6033. 7 p.m. Hie meeting begins at 4:30 p.m. at CCB 118 For more information, contact Sarah Puckitt at 924- (preschool lab). Contact Dawn Holt at 924-3728. Fuentes, a distinguished novelist and the Robert 4330. American Studies at Sweets for sale F. Kennedy Professor of Latin library and Information Science Students 1987, will discuss the topic The Compiled by Aaron Williams Harvard University since will he holding a bake sale today from 9 a.m. to 1 States and Mexico: Sharing a Border." Go to church .Spartan Daily Staff Writer "The United p.in, in the Student Union. Fuentes' novel "Old Gringo," also a motion pic- *rhe Campus Catholic Ministry is ()tiering daily ture, was the first novel by a Mexican author to Mass from 12:05 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. Mass will be become a bestseller in the United States. Fuentes will held in the John XXIII Center, across I into die SIS Diver Down make this commencement address even more signif- Theater. For more information, call ( ;mile at is I he Scuba ( AIM (Spanian I /ire I. Ault) is having a icant. according to Maribel Alvarez, the executive 1610. meeting today cunt erning their upcoming dive. The

University showcases self for the public 4 p.m. arid an Alumni Receprion host Medical miracles American Heart Prospective students can preview SJSU expterence ed by the Alumni Association, from Association. research Heart fasease Student Health Center, the p.m. to 4 p.m. start with By Laura Venni "The day allows for families to fair. 'Ile "The day will also give student and Stroke Writer come to the university before the Career Center, Counseling Services Spartan Daily Staff I ions their opport tom V ill what and Spartans Shops will be some of national May I reply day to see exhibit what 'hey have to ollet. Prospective San Jose State the school will give to their child," the organizations at the event. Nelson said " I his is not a real formal University students will get their Nelson said. In conjunction with the shows Atie function. It is lot us no show oll vii chance to experience Spartan life at This is the second year that IS the Student Organivation Ilesolot e (.11111,11S, A Stliall t III right how, the Spartan Showcase '97 on Friday. Student Outreach and Recruitment Fair, from II a.m. 10 2 p in . "The day is meant to be fun, infor- has held the showcase. Last year, International Food Baraar and 'AO mative and casual," said Des Nelson, 2,000 visitors attended and this year Entertainment, from I I a rit it interim director of Student Outreach are estimated, Nelson tilw-ota" 3,000 people and Recruitment. said. Nelson said the showcase, spon- 'Ile day will begin with a welcome sored by Student Outreach and on Tower Lawn at 10 a.m. 'the visi Recruitment, focuses on admitting tors will break into groups to tour the Aul'a Open To Helping An tt,:41 students for the fall semesters and any campus. Tours will run all day. 0; Couple Bring A t prospective transfers interested in departing every hour. Into This World? attending SJSU. From 9 a.m. to II a.m., attendees Faculty, student services and cam- may visit different booths from the Families of all backgrounds and pus organizations will be participating various academic departments to sits nationalities need your help SAI1S1 Ban, at the showcase, and academic depart- its curriculum, followed by as ad cuss Qtro Medi-Cal Welcome ments will be opening its doors to emit activities throughout the day. fa J Ire Ardly OpInmetmt students and their families to famil- According to Nelson, the division Family Fertility Center 251 0 con., Or Nest Ye* Psi, Mall iarize themselves with SJS11. of student Ann will have a re5011ril' Donate Eggs, private and confidential, CALL 408-289-VISION 84? $3,000 stipeiid NEW plus paid egg donation related expenses. SPECIAL EDUCATION SPECIAL NEED: Call Christina today al ASIAN DONORS 1800939OVUM (6886) CREDENTIALS (510) 21099745 4../10inina, soothes an upset tummy 4., ADVISEMENT SESSION Saturday, April 19, 1997 application 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon MAKE A DIFFERENCE AS A like a law school Sweeney Hall 100 San Jose St ate PEACE CORPS VOLUNTEER UNIVERSITY 141!, i1191, due in """"giasor ( 4): April., - seer


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.,(11) liw Fleas aria pitons care suoact a avaladhly Conon runic-tons may apply ( 4 1 5) 4 4 2 6 6 3 0 www.ggn 4 Thursday, April 3, 1.997 San Jose State Universi t y SPARTAN DAILY Week filled with crime Breast By Andrew W. Davis Fraternity burglarized positive connection between the visi- Against the wind Spartan Daily Staff Writer 'I'he Delta Upsilon Fraternity tor and the burglary and police have cancer House was burglarized Thursday no witnesses or suspects as of yet in UPI) officers responding to a tres- night and several items were stolen their ongoing investigation. passing call at the Sigma Chi from a downstairs common room, Fraternity house at 4 a.m. on Friday culprit police said. CD player stolen from staff office found a man wearing nothing but a The room, which cannot be A compact disc player was report- T-shirt burglarizing a pick-up truck locked from the outside, contained ed stolen from a closet in Spartan , parked in front. found items left by several people who Were Complex West Room 75 last week The man, identified by police as staying overnight in the fraternity. police say. NEW YORK (AP) - Scientists say 27-year-old Thomas According to Mike The player, valued at $135, was they have identified a chemical More Newman, was Johnson, one of the stored in a locked and barricaded switch that signals breast cancer cells arrested by police for victims, a well-dressed closet by SJSU employee Susan to reproduce wildly, a finding that trespassing, being African American man Wilkinson at noon on March 19. suggests a promising line of attack under the influence of entered the fraternity When Wilkinson returned at 8 a.m. against the disease. narcotics and suspicion claiming that he need- Wednesday she found the player was .., _ The switch, called MAP kinase, of burglary. ed help fixing a flat missing and called police. normally acts only briefly to tell a According to frater- tire. Fraternity mem- Police are questioning the custodi- , cell to divide, but a new study found nity members, the MB, bers gave him a few al staff and attempting to ascertain cells taken from breast cancer cco-ri that inal trespassing dollars, and the man which custodians were on duty dur- tissue contain five to 20 times the plaint to police left, returning a short ing the alleged burglary. normal amount of the substance. stemmed from the fact _ time later claiming to With such an overabundance, the that a fraternity mem- need to use the phone. Two arrested in stolen car substance appears to be giving a con- ber was awakened to Because a calling A UPI) officer arrested two men at stant order to divide, causing the find the suspect sleep- _ card is needed to use 10 p.m. Sunday night after it was wildly reproducing cells seen in can- a , ing on couch in his room. the building' phone, fraternity mem- found that they car they were in had researcher Craig Malbon of After asking the Newman what he cer, said bers told the man there was a phone been reported stolen. the State University of New York at was doing in the fraternity room and down the street at a local convenience Police say that after pulling the Brook. ascertaining that the nearly naked Stony store that he could use. vehicle over at the intersection of South Malbon, whose study appears in man was not a fraternity brother, fra- Fraternity members later left the 10th and Margaret streets for inopera- issue of the Journal of told the suspect to the April ternity members house for a short time and returned to tive taillights, an unknown man Clinical Investigation, said the leave the building. find the downstairs room where the jumped out of the right rear passenger in test-tube The suspect left, and shortly after- switch can be shut off victims stayed had been ransacked. door of the vehicle and fled the scene. but it's not yet known ward, fraternity members could hear experiments, Several items were stolen during After running a routine check on whether that strategy would work in smashing sounds coming from out- the burglary including the victim's the vehicle's license plates, UPD dis- side their building. patients. backpack which contained a wallet, patch informed the officer that the Researchers had suspected MAP They went outside to find the sus- $90 in cash, sunglasses and several car was stolen. cancer, pect had used a decorative railroad tie kinase was a key player in articles of clothing including Nike Air The officer then arrested the 18- based on studies in cells grown in lab- from outside the fraternity to smash Jordan shoes. year-old driver, Gregorio Martinez and out the side window in a pick-up oratories. The new study goes beyond "The room was just torn apart," his passenger, Martin Martinez, also , those experiments to gather evidence truck parked nearby. . . , ...... Johnson said. "(The burglar) went 18, and took them into county jail. directly from human breast cancers. The suspect was removing items through several bags and suitcases and The mysterious passenger is still from the truck's glovebox when ihilr "It's a very important observation stole several items, but must have being sought by police for questioning. police arrived. Police removed the PHOTO By BRANDON Gams Spartan Daily that tells us a lot of our thinking is in been in a hurry because he just took the right direction," said Dr. Larry suspect from the truck to take him to my entire bag." High winds Wednesday made getting to class and keeping a local jail. Norton of the Memorial Sloan- It is not known whether there is a one's hair-do nice very challenging to do. Kettering Cancer Center in New York. UC system to beef up Cal Grants By Brooke Olson in the Cal Grant program =96 regard- the numbers don't show that they Lassiter. compact was initiated, UC officials benefit from the increase." The batty Bruin Staff Writer less of whether they attend a public or will. But analysts said their recommen- indicated that they would continue to State Senate President Pro Tern abide by the agreement. Bill Lockyer, 1)-Hayward, -WIRE) LOS ANGELES private school. "([he) amount of money UC dation is based on numbers given to said the (U the year we financial aid issue will be explored When the UC Regents fall short of According to the annual review of spent on financial aid actually went them by university officials. "At the beginning of their legislative promise to increase Gov. Pete Wilson's budget proposal, down" over the last two years, he "The officials gave me these num- put in an estimate of the amount of fully in budget hearings this spring funds for financial aid, it's the stu- the nonpartisan analyst's office added. bers ... and now they're saying that financial aid we will need to spend," but doubts that the analysts' numbers dents who may have to foot the bill. believes that the UCs have fallen short UC officials contend that the rec- (the budget) is incorrect?" Breedlove Lassiter said. "But that number are incorrect. Disputes over the 1997-98 of providing adequate financial aid, ommendation is a result of a "techni- questioned. changes as the year goes on ... and we "I have found as a general matter University of California budget have even as thc university has continued cal misunderstanding." as analysts did According to the governor's bud- always tend to spend more (on finan- that the legislative analysts do excel- led legislative analysts to recommend raising student fees. not fully acrount for .ill student aid get, UC revenue from resident stu- cial aid)." lent work and it s rare that there are that state lawmakers divert $19.8 mil- "What we're interested in is how doled run by i he nine-LA:111MS tySICM. dent fees totaled $583 million in Analysts acknowledge that the errors of that sort," Lockyer said. lion in UC funds to the Cal Grant much the UCs themselves spend," "WC are crimmitted to providing 1995-96. Current- regents have lived up to "I don't think (the analysts) can program. said legislative analyst Buzz enough financial aid ... and the (U( ) year revenue esti- their agreement with predict to the penny what the 11 analysts get their way, funds Breedlove. "If they're going to contin- budget for the state is a different book mates stand at $618 the Legislature in the demands or need will be =96 that intended specifically for UC schools ue to raise fees, they're going to need than actual university expenditures," million, and 1997-98 "(The) amount past, but questioned obviously changes with student will become available to any strident to provide more financial aid ... and said university spokesman Mike estimates are $630 whether the UCs would demographics. of money UC continue to provide "But the university should estab- 'Ile increase in spent on adequate financial aid. lish a higher goal to help more stu- revenue is due to "Judging from the dents =2E.. they should be more sen- 7th Annual International larger enrollments financial aid UC's budget ... it has sitive to the students' need and not and higher kcs for not directed increased think of them as an afterthought," selected professional actually went student fees to financial Lockyer added. sc does II I hoots. aid," the analysts' UC officials note the analysis But even as rev- down." review noted. "Based not account for campus-based finan- enues and fees went on past practices, we cial aid and other sources of scholar- C NTROVERSY AND FIL rip, the amount set expect financial aid to ships that are not built into the bud- aside for financial aid Buzz Breedlove, students would increase get proposal but show up in the final is declining, accord- legislative analyst as the level of student accounting of UC's spending. ing to figures from fee revenues increases. The university's total spending on to lip.-- Friday April 11th the governor's bud- "Instead, the budget financial aid is more than $850 mil- get. figures show a $4.3 million decline. lion a year, said UC Budget Director & While the UC spent $220.8 mil- Out review indicates that, based on Larry Hershman. lion for student financial aid in 1995- past practices. UC spending on finan- However, over half of that money . to 10 p.- Saturday April 12th 96, the university plans to spend cial aid should be $19.8 million high- is provided by the federal govern- $213.2 million in the current year, er than proposed in the 1997-98 bud- ment, with the university chipping in and $216.5 million in 1997-98. The get. about 27 percent of the total financial

-IO budget proposal represents a decrease Analysts recommended shifting aid amount, according to the 1997- Students: $4.00 of $4.3 million, or 1.9 percent, in $19.8 million in UC funds to the 98 budget. financial aid since 1995-96. state Cal Grant program to increase Analysts suggested that university Generals: $6.00 'File state legislature requires that the number of students eligible for officials "anticipate" spending more the university set aside at least one- financial aid at the higher-education money on financial aid but fail to third of additional student fee rev- institution of their choice. identify an exact dollar amount in the San:jo_u:State Engineering Building enues for financial aid, in accordance "If that money is in the UC bud- budget, which gives the university 1 I e with a UC compact signed by the get, 100 percent of it goes to UC stu- more leeway over how those funds are (near 7111 & San Fernando), Room 189 governor in the early 1990s. dents," Lassiter said. "But dies in the used. /Sr Tills E VE NT IS WIT I I I:HAIIE t ',ABLE INDIVIDUALS Nt I DING SPECIAI ALCOMMODA t IONS S1101/11) orxMod While the university has consis- Cal Grant program, all of the stu- But university administrators CONTACT USA I 62.4, , TIN AS POSSIBLE 1011 MORE EVENT INFORMATION CALL 405 924 his tently met this requirement since the dents in California will be able to defended their commitment to pro- viding affordable higher education. "We haven't shifted any funds away (from the financial aid pro- gram)," Lassiter said. "It's really a Surf Into technical misunderstanding." This misunderstanding should be cleared by the time the legislature votes on the analysts' recommenda- tion. UC officials said, adding that Our Future! they believe the matter will be resolved in the university's favor. ' lily, a leader in inline I. I \ I, IllWare through the World k's i,l. and ph, ow-, inest i aii the svavc lion out team 01 THE ENTERPRISE TEAM has opportu- ni I titigitie I mat ket lr.iLIhTig crly,,c thal nities for NW! We are looking for graduating 'I Liii- liii I-.1111 liii il\,-iill, i_'SS I lLIi]s1i.htt' seniors who are sales oriented and self motivated have Mill -ciii- and want a career in Management. Ideal candidates laten from h4 will have work experience in sales, customer service, "Shaming of the Sun" EtliIv ssnil lw (intim ling ( ampus interviews fast-paced retail, participated in team sports, or held Available April 29th Call 1-800-742-7269 leadership roles in student clubs. If your interested in So, Thursday, April 17 a career with an industry leader that will provide ,,,tgogirls \\ c ill Ise re( ruitint,, lot ific ((diming positions tremendous opportunities. Software, Quality Assurance, and Application SIGN UP AT THE I ngineers; System Consultants/Project CAREER CENTER TODAY! Managers ( ( Awe) enier for details A Representative from the Bay Area will be conducting on-campus interviews on: Ai I dils. s. ,.0 tan put yout tilt', anon and trt hnical expettisc to work ,It,s eloping anil managing strategies for our awn,' \s liming APRIL 16, 1997 -liii iii 551 littli iiicsielltitt t iimpensation and bench'', pa, kai,,i -III Vt.is/s-iii,vl L OUT ICstIllIC 10 Edify Corporation, 284h) Sills Enterprise lomas Expressway. Santa Clara, CA 95051. Fax: ( 408 ')82- 4 122 EC EDIFY or email: hr@edifyrom. sec us on the Wink! WO, rent-a-car Eq. i palmy Employer www.edify.eom, 111 Thursday, AprII 3, 1997

San Jose State University SPARTANAIUM

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Thursday, April 3, 1997 6 ENTERTAINMENT San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Photographer When Ali projects his was King

By Devin Falsely 'mind's eye' Spartan Daily Staff Writer Its S. by the beautiful, black I could t.untcalut, Bold, brash, brilliant, /hilly Staff Writ, , world around us and the daily inter- exhaust adjectives and only begin to describe the action with others, the enlisting of splendor and swagger of Muhammad All in his Clarity without sterility. others fur his work seemed the best prime. Fortunately, determined filmmaker Leon Gast and Depth beyond the limita- way to represent his own image. his documentary, "" movingly tells tions 01 two dimensional With that in mind, it seems fit- the story of one of the greatest athletes and individuals black and white. Both bring into ting that each of the project's indi- America ever produced. focus Ihe Minds' Eye of photogra- vidual works are titled after the "Kings" focuses on a brief but bedazzling moment in pher Kyle Glit -, person captured with- All's boxing career, his 1974 "Rumble in the Jungle" fight Showing "I think this in them. against then heavyweight champion . in Gallery III at The photograph of Though modest in scope, this episode captures everything San Jose State series ... has 1)oug, (lesser's that made Ali unique: his intelligence, his ability to over- University's Art childhood friend, cap- come the odds, and perhaps most important, his ability to Ghescet become tured As EIVIS cloaked transform athletics into an arena of ideas. Baader of ant- in the American flag, The film finds Ali in the middle of his career. We Arts project, somewhat of represents what is catch only glimpses of the young former Olympian who "Minds. Eye," is an my signature." American. Or Kaye, won the heavyweight title 10 years earlier. Instead, the exploratory self- AS tile clown, embod- film shows an older Ali, returning to the ring after a three- portrait expressed s the lighter side of year lay-off and his refusal to enter the Vietnam War in 25 black And Kyle Chesser, being alive. And the (most people forget Ali was as once reviled as he is revered white images sym- blurred, out -of-focus today). The film captures Ali on the edge of the autumn boliiing the many photographer image of Nancy, testa- of his years as a boxer, in the full and final splendor of his aspects of his per- lies ar he tact that as summer. It is a time when what he has lost in speed and sona. human beings, life is not always so skill is balanced by what he has gained in smarts. Beautifully using the simplicity clear. In the pre-fight interviews, Ali bragged and boasted as he of black and white still images on This c-xhibition, unlike so many had always done before. For critks who considered Ali the tri- stark white backgniunds, (lesser others, is comprehensive in its umph of style over substance, these antics hid his uncertainty not only expresses who he is but essence beyond the images them- about his ability to beat his younger opponent. In fact, Ali does so in a manner by which those selves. It is clear upon entering the entered the fight an underdog. Foreman, an overpowering viewing his work may see elements gallery that this work Is MA just physical presence, possessed the same aura of invincibility Mike of their own character and of what Ab011t a met but people and what Tyson had before his ill-fated bout with Evander Holyficid. a is to be it is to be a person. 'I his is typified The fight was hosted by the African nation of Zaire 1WeIlly-011e 01 the photographs by Chesser's use of women as mod- whose president Mobutu Sese Seko offered an unheard of are based tin lour 111.1111 images rep- els showing that the aspects of one $5 million to each fighter. An injury to Foreman's eye resenting fire blood earth and man's personality transcends gender only days before the fight, forced its postponement for water. It is Mese tom lac -giving and can be finnid in all of us. nearly six weeks. All took this setback in stride. In his elements that ( lii sscr helieves act As an idea that has been three extra time, he became an ambassador to the African peo- not only as pillars lor this project years in the making, (lesser says ple. In this role, he outshone Foreman as he would later but as pillars for being alive as well. the 25 images of "Minds' Eye" outsmart him in the ring. 'After doing 'Blood,' I SAW that grew out one photograph titled A concert featuring several well-known black performers, theme as the core of what I am and "Blood" done as a class project. including James Brown and B.B. King, was scheduled to project it gave me the idea to tit, a "I think this series, not just the coincide with the fight. In fact, the concert was to be the that would symbrili/e who I am composition of the photographs, focus of the film. When interest in the concert waned dur- using images of people I know and has become somewhat of my signa- PHOTO BY DAVE LUCHANSKY SPARTAN DAILY ing the film, the emphasis shifted to Ali. Ali's reputation has capturing the :Brits at them that ture," ( lesser said. "Seeing others Photo student Kyle Chesser's 25-photograph exhibition "My Mind's Eye" is on display at Art grown in size and stature in the years since the fight, and it saw in myself," he said. in myself has helped me capture is only fitting he should become the film's primary focus. (lesser adds that because wc are Department Gallery ID until April 4. In Zaire, Ali proved in dramatic fashion that the reports of his demise as a fighter had been greatly exaggerated. After enduring round after round of brutal beatings, Ali made a comeback that was as extraordinary as it was unexpected, e No stunt doubles here knocking out an exhausted Foreman in the eighth round. (AP) --- In the spotlight: lackte Ilan - bone States, although the future holds promise. His My only quibble with this otherwise flawless piece of hat..tker big breakthrough came with "Rumble in the filmmaking is that the primary analysis and interpretation c. Fresh 7.4 is done by two white authors, George Plimpton and 03 lost' I lie words "stunt double- are not in Jackie Bronx.- which grossed $30 million in U.S. Bagels t (hans vocabulary. theaters. Norman Mailer. Perhaps, it will not bother most moviego- And that's what sets the I long Kong mar- ( hi the "Rumble" set, he broke an ankle ers to watch two white men wax poetic about Africa and so" skev GO- Espresso tial arts star apart Mini other film stars. 111mping onto a speeding amphibious craft. an African American athlete. However, for Ali, whose r35 e TJ This inuscular loot bundle of energy I -lie remaining scenes were filmed with Chan autobiography is titled, "The Greatest: My Own Story," Sandwiches OA with a Italic far anti mop, top haircut is leg- wearing a cast painted to look like a sneaker. this fact is, at best, ironic and, at worst, unfortunate. ClItlan' lair act limning all his iiwn stunts_ tievet (I lc includes outtakes AI the end of his films However, on the whole, their observations are accurate 0 505 East San Carlos Mailer's offensive (artier llth arid San Carloc. Open daily rdYing all .1 slI1111 ,14,111)1C 01 111.11 1111- showing failed sa ott us - SOITle Of Which have and insightful. The obvious exception is 111S Si1l, tar111.11 1,11,1, And falls trim him in the hospital.) reference to Foreman as a shining specimen of 1 Ins is not to say he's never suffered all 'Fwo rit lir r lac kit. Chan films, "Supercop" "Negritude," which I understood to be a poor euphemism itljUry. Jar Iroin and "First for the now-unprintable N-word. THE HIGH - TECH WORLD OF HAIR CARE COMES OF AGE AT it. Strike.- have also been released to When a fan asks him how many hones he's mainstream audiences in the United States. Getting "Kings" made was an uphill battle for Gast. MILAN'S HAIR CARE broken in his movies, he says, "Not mans. Nan ( 11.111 Kling-sang on April 7, 1954, Revenue from the failed concert was supposed to finance Then be starts counting: two, thicc. lian was Veal's 1)1(1 when he entered a post-production; its failure forced Gast to wait decades to four ... aahu.about II.'' I long Kong theater school that drilled him in finish his beloved project. Twenty-three years after the event lie also sports a thimble -sin: hide in his "everything - acrobatics, kung fea, karate, judo itself, after years of legal entanglements and negotiations with head front the time he jumped WW1 a tree but ... I liked fighting." As a teen, (Ian went to investors, the documentary debuted to wide acclaim at the missed A branch arid fell. Its- one ar rraunt, the wiark As .1 stuntman and fight choreographer Sundance Film Festival. Gast's endurance as much as his fall occurred because he mined his head to in I Iting Kong. artistry was honored at the where "Kings" make sure the camera caat his tar e. In 1976, when he was 21, Chan was cho- took home a hard-earned Oscar for best documentary. AY' f fltaaaa a attaavir Is .1 sill (C.,. 1111 11111IC \ eft to star in a Bruce 1.4:e "New Fist of I sat in a half-empty theater Saturday, watching "Kings." the audience likes it, the more it makes ine fury." Mote sitaight kung tu films followed, I was surprised the theater was not overflowing with people eager to see this film. And though it is as common as it is ( says ( :hart, explaining why lie has spent but none could 1..1,micete with the legend of more than 20 years fighting, plunging all tile late, great little e I Ce. 1111( :hart developed cliched, if you sec only one movie this year, make it "When We Were Kings." You will be well-rewarded. Every haircut is what you expect, in every detail, we never forget using buildings. lumping onto trams or speeding his own style. For some, Ali's past achievements are overshadowed by DIGITAL PICTURES 8, GRAPHIC BLUEPRINTS. buses "Brine I at kicked high, I kicked low," In Asia. entire families go to the theater to ham who usually directs and chore- his present fight with Parkinson's disease, a condition many Catering to male or female LONG or SHORT & EXTREME Styles see 111% II11/VICS. tigtaplis his films as well as starring in them. feel was precipitated by the abuse he endured in the ring. lie's not a big 13x -office star in the United 'Brim I Cc punched with an 'AAHIE' After I Feeble though far from feeble-minded, Ali is waging per- CALL 288-6969 868 S. 2nd SI. Son lose, (A 95112 1/2 Block South of Virginia punched, I IllAdC A hinny tale haps his greatest battle. Sadly, this final fight holds no hope kill lives And works in Ilong Kong. In of comeback, no return to former glory and greatness. addition to his films, he makes pop records In his prime, was an embarrassment of and charity events. The Jackie ( hail riches intelligent, outspoken, audacious. A man of great dialitaldr foundation provides scholarships to candor and conviction, he is unlike any other athlete who ProfessimAl sonny. people for education and training in came befine or since. This gem of a film does a sparkling Ilis .111, ph of telling the story of not only an AM27ing athlete but FwlI Dobvi Pierciris an American icon. This year, millions will 13rroibiriss United Artists Pavilion 8 Theaters file their tax returns by 201 S. 2nd St Downtown SJ (near SJMJ) 277-0114 phone using TeleFile, New Student Discount! a free service from the $5 00 with valid student ID IRS. The call is easy Discount good for all movies! and refunds are fast. also VA Pavilion Presents Check your mail for a n & Sat Mid-Nite Movies April 4 & $3.50 TeleFile booklet. HOHOCOP (12:15) THX THE EXORCIST (12:15) THX 111TeleFile it, ft.. it, Int if rerh

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408.293.7660 Fax 408.293.7685 Dos Locos Cantina 1 55 W. Sim Fernandes 150 S. 1st St. Suite F2 , "met itf San ernAndo & San l'etirty) Catalog Available $1000 Phone 2/13-9400 (408)993-9616 Vain Altts Santa C.:lara EXP 4/r/9" Thursday, April 3, 1997 ENTERTAINMENT 7 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY Tejano legend, Selena, unveiled to the unitiated By Tricia Herrera A vety uplifting movie, it celebrates her years, Nava wrote and developed the movie Selena was a kind person to her fans as Spartan Daily Stuff Writer life as a rising music star rather than focus on Review to bring it to eager fans. Most of the same well as to her own family. There are scenes her tragic ending. The film captures her actors in "Mi Familia" also starred in Selena, in the movie where young kids come up to of Fans Grammy Award winning singer many successes throughout her life. including Lopez, Olmos and Jacob Vargas dance with her on stage. and security comes Selena arc now able to pay their last Moviegoers follow Selena's childhood on to be typecasting himself as a fatherly figure who played Sclena's brother in the film. to take them away. Selena pushes the security respects to the slain music star since the the road touring different night clubs. in the film roles he has been choosing in his Nava did her story justice. guards away and lets the kids dance with her release of the movie about her life. Instead of attending high school like the Career. Thc movie begins with Selena's last con- on stage. Young Mexican-American girls looked up other teenagers in her community, she was Selena's feistiness is brought alive by look' cert performance at the Houston Astrodome. Months before her death, she was work- to her as a role model AS well as a music subjected to learning on the tour bus. alike actress Jennifer Lopez. Tragically, the Astrodome show, her bimest, ing on her first English album, fulfilling her superstar. Even after her stardom, Selena She also gained a social education on the In one of the largest casting calls in movie was just one month before her death. For this dream of singing English songs. Previously, continued to be accessible to the people tour bus. The film chronicles Selena's secret history, thousands of women vied for the scene, 35,000 Selena fans were brought in to her career was based on Spanish songs. At a because she remained living in the same love affair with the rebellious guitarist from role of Selena before the role was awarded to participate in the recreation of her final per- young age, she wanted to sing Donna Texas community for much of her adult life. her band, Chris Perri. Selena's father discov- Lopez. Lopez's stage presence is overwhelm- formance. It was a moving moment for both Summer songs, but her father insisted she To most of America, Selena was unknown ered this affair and threatened to break up ingly similar to that of Selena. Lopez was for- movie audiences and the thousands of extras, sing Spanish songs for the benefit of the until her death in March of 1995. When she the group. Selena prevailed over her father merly a dancer on the Fox comedy series 'In and the film adequately portrayed this. Mexican community. died, thousands of her fans held candlelight a,nd. eloped with Perez when she was 21 years Living Color,' where she performed as a 'Fly Selena accomplished so much in her life Selena's Tejano dance hits are played vigils and publicly mourned her death. old. Girl.' In Selena she was able to show off her that it seems unfair that she died at such a throughout the movie, such as "Bidi Bidi The movie gives those who were unaware Edward James Olmos stars as Abraham dance talents. young age. Selena broke the barrier of the Born Born" and "Baila ESI2 Cumbia." Her of her talent a chance to hear her music and Quintanilla, the strict but loving father of Writer and director Gregory Nava, who male-dominated Tejano music scene. She unique sound and style portrayed in the view her life. This film gives those people Selena. Olmos performance was believable, also directed Academy Award nominated went on to become the Queen of Tejano movie is a reminder of why so many loved who knew and loved her a chance to share but it gave a huge sense of dija vu. He seems "Mi Familia (My Family)," worked fast to music and drew a mass following. and adored her. their experience with the world. bring Selena's story to life. In less than two

Joaquin Top five of the week By The Associated Press Masc (Bad Boy) Phoenix 2. "Wannabe," Spice Girls FILMS (Virgin) 1. 'Liar Liar." Universal 3. "You Were Meant For Me," hits the 2. "The Devil's Own," Sony jewel (Atlantic) 3. "Selena," Warner Bros. 4."All By Myself," Celine Dion 4. 'Return of the Jed's,- Fax (Sony 550) big time 5. lunge 2 Jungle," Disney 5.1n My Bed," Dru Hill NEW YORK (AP) If there's itor Relations (Island) (Gold) a minor league in Hollywood, Co. From Billboard magazine Joaquin Phoenix has surely earned his ticket up in the Big Time TV ALBUMS Blessed with brooding good 1. "Academy Awards." ABC I. "Nine Lives," Aerosmith looks, River Phoenix's younger 2. "Seinfeld," NBC (Columbia) brother has toiled mostly in the 3. "Friends," NBC 2. "'Space Jam' Soundtrack." minor roles of angst -ridden adoles- 4. "Suddenly Susan,' NBC various artists (Warner Sunset) cents. The 22-year-old actor recalls 5, 'Barbara Walters Special,* (Platinum) of one awful TV special - a sort PHOTO BY DONA NICHOLS SPARTAN DAII Y ABC 3, "The Untouchable," Scarface "Leave It To Beaver" in the future. From Nielsen Media (Rapalot-Noo Trybe) "I'm, like, Beaver's grandchild or A bird's eye view of last week's 69th annual Academy Awards show Research 4. "Unchained Melody/The something and I'm wearing this Early Years" LeAnn Rime: (Curb) neon green spandex thing with my SINGLES 5," Spice," Spice Girls (Virgin) hair just all over," he shudders. "It Oscar is cool, Puck sucks, I. "Can't Nobody Hold Me From Billboard magazine was so kooky." Down," Puff Daddy featuring Phoenix finally made his movie debut in 1989 as - no surprise - the Academy lacks color Dianne Wiest's alienated teen-age

son with a strong aura( !ion to last week, my star-gaz- About that time, another waiter until something a porno in "Parenthood." ing experience was limited approached us with

later, he added hair extensions, a to the heavenly bodies I'd bit more substantial. to his "Tuna tartar on a potato cro- tattoo and tons of attitude SCC11 through telescope in an a fake American Heart role as Jimmy, the bumbling, long- astronomy class. After attending quet," he shouted in Isis moron who is ensnared by French accent, as he stood in front CPR Association.. haired the 69th annual Academy Awards luscious Nicole Kidman in Gus of us presenting his tray for our FIghrug 11554 Roelof. the cereniony, I call include Cil I I kill) S OM And Slunko Van Sam's 1995 "To Die For," lollywood's heavenly bodies in perusal. prompting some to call them the It turned out to be tuna salad my repertoire. better at unlikeliest screen couple of the year. My husband, Ralph, and I had and potato chips. I've had But this month, Phoenix finally been watching the pre-awards hype Comic. Seats, I slugs one out of the park. Ile leads a before the ceremony, As we took our was Flashbacks of the 50's 60's & 70's for weeks even multitalented cast of young actors in anticipating an experience pretty amazed that we weren't Vintage Clothing, Furniture & Toys halfway back. I interpreted this to director Pat O'Connor's charming to euphoric bliss. We were 1CP-O close was DISCOUNT Eisenhower-era dratna, "Inventing particularly looking forward to the mean that everyone behind us with coupon even less important than us. the Abbotts." hors d'oeuvres prepared by hundreds of waiters Billy Crucitip are where and As 1 looked around the room, I MOON Phoenix and Wolfgang Puck. with fake French accents carrying two working-class brothers lured felt as if' something was missing New When we arrived at the Shrine Around trays of carrot sticks. relationship with little but couldn't figure out what. ZOOOM Santa Cruz into a complex Auditorium, engraved invitations I couldn't believe it, carrot Midwest sisters, Ralph felt it, too. Then WC realized location three wealthy in hand, valets swept us Out of our sticks and ranch dressing on a sil- Jennifer Connelly, loanna this tiiiist be a white man's club. played by tar and onto the red carpet. We is not exactly what I inlay,- 1630 W.San Carlos 287-5876 ver tray I (0111d count on one hand the Going and Liv Tyler. entered the auditorium just ahead Puck would put Phoenix and Tyler ined Wolfgang isumlser of people of color in this MF 11-6 Sat.11-7 Sun.12-6 Since filming, of singersongwritet, Randy together for ass event of this mag- their intimate rela- huge auditorium. have continued Newman. nitude. tionship: "I was in Awe," he gushes As the ceremony got under way, hadn'i worn a formal since my Wolfy slum to a carrot Phoenix is hoping "What sail we fOrgot about the had limit and about his co-star. semor prom (luting the Nixon stick that hasn't already been pleased with the sin iAl innistke As we even Located in the critics are equally administration and I've got to say, done?" I asked Ralph. "And how his performance. If not, he's back to site ed lily As A "glans couple" for a the heart of it Wit so C001. do we know that he Atli:illy hal those angry, teen-age roles. few hours. We both agreed that it Downtown! ()MC 111SidC, it was easy to get ally real willi this particular As good As Sex. Oscar is 1. Does this film represent your caught up in the spectacle of the was almost carrot stick? I )id he prepare it or just that cool. breakout? event, the champagne, the free just bless it?" Present Phoenix: Naw. To me, they all are. booze, the beautiful people every Student ID l'hey're all important to me. I always for 10% want to be good and fit in a film. Is it difCQUnt I don't with going to further my career? period in your life, depending on that 1 coupon :Tr know. I hope 111.11 it's good so dim day, they slim up your life But this movie wAS really can get work. you Arc itt two hours of that's who touching.... And I know that if I get now you're stuck with don't talking. And involved with something that I these comments.... You know, awful. It all C1FIEBAR care about, I'm going to he they'll ask 'What ticks you off?' cco- I 325S. ht St. has to touch me in some way. the Nze4444214 Well, you could say, 'Oh, A drinking person's bar! I Downtown San Jose 2. What's 11 like seeing yourself' neglect of the world and how We're Where Fraternities (408) 977-1130 1044 11., up on screenf the Earth!' Or you could And destroying Phoenix: It's really weird. say: 'This toilet paper feels like sand & Sororities meet! films often change a lot from the Sometimes you're goofy. And scenes paper!' No drugs and Fighting! script to what you expected then that becomes you for that whole chunks. And are cut out, even month or that year. CINEBAR wait A then you go, 'Whoa, minute. S. What kind of roles attract you? And usually for me tch happened?' a Buzz What Phoenix: I'm definitely a sticker 69 E. San Fernando it's my favorite scene that gets movies I love those kind that for family (corner of 2nd) chopped. And so the first time of films I mean, I have no problem you go SCC it, vi slur nerves Are nut with explosions. I'm a huge fan of at the shot. You know, an important Si vise 'Star Wars' movies. That's all fine "The Hottest Bar North of Havana" go, 1 lutist, if is coming and then yoli and dandy. But, generally, I like to going to Ix. in I'd known that was see real people. That doesn't mean &hive! that. there, I wouldn't have done I'd turn down any specific role. Hey! Why in (Sods name am I smil Wed.-Sat. ing there?' 8-10 pm t. Are you worried about king Free Pizza the next hunk on the block? Dollar Drink Phoenix: I don't care. What can AM11 A "Jr.c1 ’.. Spoclals you do? If they want to say I'm the D. C KAMA SUTRA A 411.0, you do? A OA sexiest man alive, what can DAS kow haw Wm.. WHEN WE Great. Fine, Whatever I don't want BOOT KOLYA WERE KINGS 11.111i 1 MIL AMI HA ,,41 ,agii to turn down a film I'd like to do 1100 ’S lim ht.ith wiklniiikla aide ni4 um Drafts for fear that they're going to say lii, I 11111111.1 4,11141 NEVER A COVER CHARGE Aokter64,) that. If you do good work and peo- THE GODFATHER 111111 It.111,1.1 S.21M) Cool alendeofeeeballrJulerbox a pretty face, ple just think you're Pool Tableedlectronlc Dees 'fir Por 3 that's their problem. 11111 I i11111,1.1 N11111 Sly Screen TV, Funi Bone you appear in Nu111 I 4. Sometimes 'A GlA6 oi111,1i Fn Anr 4 30idesandakte almost AS a self -loather SLING WARING print PON No we all go through BLADE Cover Sunday-Thursday Phoenix: Don't Free Margaritas Thursdays 9 lOpm r VA, CINEMA HONG KONG I %CI I IIIII''s(I.l% 1211i! Sat AIT 5 Rooster periods where you just hare yourself' Bikini Show Wednesday 7 9pm LOUNGE THE EAST IS RED Pius WING CHUNG You know: 'I have no talent!' 'What Drink Specials with student 1.1) just 372 south first street Wednesdays Powder the hell am I doing?' 'This is A In.A0A.A. SECRETS I LIES Mission Ale House ridiculous!' That's what's so funny SLING Copia Cabouna (formerly alax lounge) VP Gbiamig NSW BLADE 97 E. Santa Clara St. gee In and as sus about interviews. Depending on the 2618 Alum Rock Ave. PL(NTy or FREE PARSING AT Au. Pass" 0 THEATRES. 14081272 3481 (408)292.-4658 408.298.2529 "IR wiEBsiTE HTTP WWW CAPAERANET Cohl Own 'Am efeell. Throw Y011f er adu.Murib,ish .it 114 B taw.. call ulho lin, 298 6499 Thursday, April 3, 1997 8 SPORTS San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY TUESDAY'S Missing: RESULTS Water polo Windrell lost to Pacific 10.3 Hayes UPCOMING EVENTS FRIDAY Spartans'junior Softball v. Fresno State Twin Creeks, 2 p.m. receiver a no-show doubleheader Baseball v. TCU for first practice Municipal Stadium, 7 p.m. Spartan Daily Staff Report SATURDAY his absense, Conspicuous by Baseball v. TCU wide receiver Windrell Spartan Municipal Stadium, 1 p m was a no-show for the football Hayes Women's water polo team's first spring practice v. Santa Clara Wednesday. "lie was not at practice today and Aquatic Center, 10 a.m. lie is still a member of the team, but Women's gymnastics he is having some difficulties right NCAA West Regionals now," said Idaho Men's gymnastics coach Dave Baldwin. NCAA West Regionals II ayes, Albuquerque, N.M. who would be Men's tennis v. Nevada playing as a Spartan Courts, 12 p.m. junior this Men's golf season, led Western Intercollegiate the Spartans Santa Cruz with 52 receptions, SUNDAY 842 receiving yards and Baseball v. TCU Municipal Stadium, 1 p.m. averaged 14.6 yards per reception 1,1 season. Men's golf Ile was voted by last year's coach Western Intercollegiate i rig staff as the "Outstanding Santa Cruz Offensive Player of the Year" for 1996 and unnamed sources close to MONDAY Ilayes said he may be trying to trans - ter away froM SJSU. Men's golf "We'll be in discussions and come Western Intercollegiate to a conclusion by the end of this Santa Cruz week," Baldwin said. Compiled by Mike Traphagro

PHOTO BY DREW NIELSON Spartan Daily Dave Baldwin, new Spartan head coach, works on offensive drills with wide receiver Rommel Canon during the first practice of the 1997 season A's drop opener

OAKLAND ,.\ P) It didn't first time since 1992, went 1 -for -4 take David )(vatic long to adjust to witlt A walk. Baldwin's era begins American League pitching. Steven Kline (1-0) pitched two- Just ice, making his Al, debut just thirds of an inning of relief for the under former L1SC. Trojan coach "People called me before I took leadership I. In said the defen- eight days after being traded from win in his major-league debut. Paul fly Mike Traphagen spornin Daily Senior Staff Writer Larry Smith last season at Missouri. the lob and said (1011'1 think you sive ha, ks fit tl a spark to bury the Atlanta, hit a tie-breaking two-run Shuey, the sixth Indians' pitcher; "(Siewart) will help us out not go in there and solve .111 ol die prof) 111A1111intS 1,1 I.1%1 Se.1,011 lousier in the seventh inning to give pitched the ninth for the save. I lr.1d t11,1, h I live l5,ildwin liegan only in the secondary, but also in lents," Stewart said. -I pist look at it \X’t Vtlit 11 I VtAV t'1111111s1,1,11, list develand a season -opening 9-7 win Don Wengert (0-1) was the loser implementing the Spartan football ret. rutting," Baldwin said. "Ife's very :is a challenge " 1.11,- '11111111 S.11,1 1 Ilt. plANAIS S.I1 Wednesday night over the Oakland despite not allowing a hit in 2 1-3 t, .1111.5 new offense Wednesday (hit familiar with the lam As the oflense .11111 LICA ItiCtl %VC 1.111 I ilkl s. innings of relief, mg its II Si spring prat II( e of the SrA Angeles area and that Si IllIlmaged against entliusi.isin We WAIll ,,Iir rut t1ftl lost u, c, who also tripled and sin- Justice, part of the blockbuster WIllt II worked the defensive will help us recruiting "There were the lltItAISt iiiA froin last season to (hang,. ancl iis Ord, had an RBI groundout in trade that also brought Marquis ks lust AS much AS II KM kcil the 1,11 , I , those kids " some first-day SCVVIi not gomg, to I flange unless Vst It Isw eland's four run first and Grissom to the Indians last week, Ii it ttISAlt Baldwin added that M.11,11 111,, 111, It'll 1:1111111S1.1,1 1t Iltitii 11i, 111,1 &IV tripled as the Indians, despite a rad- drove in the game's first run as 1 lit' SIMIii torner1).4(ks and Stewart has also jitters out 5151. lt,tt its displayed a 'We ITAII/t. I11.11 .1 Itol of pEivets 'sally changed lineup, showed they Cleveland sent 10 men to the plate ilti,,'stet riVt11 1 14,1 111 111,111.1 St 111I1 brought new mental loi iii t'St 111:111t111 don't get .11 ham e to play at this lesel. still have plenty il power. and scored four unearned runs in 11 llif I.11,1 A 1,1 sc.Isi,11 1,,I fly to the team. there but with t’vtT \ 111151)11 We're lucky enough tit has t A t liAlitl, Jim .1 home and newcomer the first. IT I 42 said% itti II Nevada 1 as 1111: It't ti Vets Sfi we have to lake full advantage (11 Mitt hell added a solo homer in the "Ile's come up everything we Kevin Cleveland added two , WA 1.111 it .11, 1111.1 Ileit11 with the 200 percent CM/1111111 All for the Indians, who have only II fourth on A leadoff homer by ,11.1. hat ks Roan ‘,1,-4,11 1 111.111S s, remaining from the team MIII hell -- was added to the ( on( ept," Baldwin did today was 1 ssere Init Smith added that he hoped the players who . 4,111,11r, IIIS 1It t,vtn Itt pi it lit mr sod. "We've told the first day inters out team will hinld upon the positice tilt that won the 199S Al. pennant. The rosier on Monday and an RBI It iii 11.11l1 ArrlItts1 li.tltlts,tis 111/1111it. players that we .1%k for new to these then' 1,111 s 1.111, sIts.,Il WA, lttu,'ut1i has 1111tIln0111: A huge double by Jun Thome. .1,111111111.11.11, /11,11 .1,11 It 15AA. .1 Inn per, eni effort I',, 11111 Ittlll, 55.1, 1,1 s.1 it inakeoser sin., Cleveland won its Trailing 6 3, the A's tied the litf lion, 1 In ni. and 111 kids." new io On se 1 Ls lin lira di% ',Midi ),(ind qraiglit Al. Central title ganie in the filth. Stott Spiezio, who rt 1111 11lltt ttiAtIltS .111 ,t1 1Itt Ill1111.11 while winning 99 games last season had doubled, ce wed while Tony 1 11101.111,i 11111 -.111111.11 give the players A 100 ,ut,t11111r now Ill II till Ilit I .1' 111,1 11,,S .1 MArk Mit (wire drove in three Batista reached first on a wild put hi 111'111, 1, (IRA. 11/%1 10 spread \',/11 per( ern effort. It's Dave Baldwin, 11111 slit it 1111Ir It, "III 111( 111 ,1111111,1 islii 111,1 's,\ II,'tlleiui rims for the Athletics, including a after striking out with two ()tits, 11tW.111 SA11.1. -.AI 1111, WIII good tor the players to SJSU football coach (121111111,ology It, itlir r111,1r 11111,1111, 51A5,111 two run double with the bases Starter Charles Nagy then walked Ittt 11.41, Ils I,, itLiy thefts without know that we will give Ilnit lit r 1,1.111 55,1% Ilii. sp mans knoss the% 1.1, e the loaded dim tied the game 6-6 in the two batters to load the bases and any lug SIIljtVISt'S 11111 ''r the same effort that 1104 di task ti I,tttsiig. 11,,111 \ 1 lit th. But lie grounded out with the Mc( wire doubled down the leff- soesvari w.is hired as the tearn's they're giving " SIONAtI SAIll II,' 11.11t11 III 1 ht. 1 1,1 lSi'I 111,i111 11111 1,i ill11,1111,111 tying runs on base and two outs in field line 11(55’ .issisiani 11,11 I, tepl.i( So wait Said he was ciiinpleirly t,tt 'lenient of Ins h 115111.1,11k, lilt III .1 st sti ill Ili.11 is 111511 11115 tilt the seventh Nagy Allowed six runs on seven I limm.io ,ho left the aware of .51511's problems last year in Yoiive r..01 it It, 11111.115c 1/111 tArliitt Iii, 11, 1,111 51A551,111 stitl 11111115 'Die A's pulled within 8-7 in the hits in 5 1 -3 innings. A's starter 1,.01.11,. how. opportunity the secondary when he at t spied the there," Stewart said int tot I lit- .111 slittli tile liii \Mlle 011111,lit t ill eighth on G111111111) liernia's dou- A rid Prieto gave Up Six runs on .11 t st, wail coached position down II I'm upbeat and Italdw in is li.1111.ill s 55'slt.111 llAs He, a munition' and a wild pitch eight hits in four innings. III) beat, then w, liii mak, t lit players In, t Illt. 11,1111 IS 11,t11111CtC1V bin I home led till the ninth with a 11,1111C. went 2-for-2 with three up heat Ii s Important for lis 11. 11111111 1.1/11,1,111 51,1111 phy. this homer Ill restore leveland's two walks, driving in two runs and scor - j 111.11nhlrr,lr 1:11et 1 lilt III, [II Ill Is 1,'.1111 151111 1 11.1%1 II1C kith!, i,1 roil margin. ing lister times. )1A1Aff '11111111, .1 starter III 111t. sit ItIlls 111,11 11.11,111 11,11 1,1 I'll!. st1155.111 Ernie Young and Berroa had solo (Srissom went 0-for-5 in his Al. ondary who Baldwin named C1I SARI 1 Ills 11 1111 s 1,, 111..111 11, homers for the A's. Jose I AMMO, NEEDS PEOPLE LIKE YOU! ['ChMISA& RPS 111% ht,A 11.1t ks Allt1 AtIdell I like his 1111,' 1.11,1 k iii An ()Aland uttiloniu, fOr the Motivated. Energetic. Reliable. Sound like you?

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A Thursday, April 3, 1997 9 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY

MIZE= MIXED Mum BY JACK OHMAN Amorists'. PSYCHOLOGY Bs, I B Mimi, GOOD FOR WHAT AYLES You BY DAME! S phi Boo:taus B An y .8 9Ese Ave Invest ^arta ALfAuse, GEN X ^Ilium GasfreGSrx re.P ears, s , toy( `100. I-1,1s11 BoomS-Vet - I LOiit ,OURNTUril i PHYSICS iva) Tiff '4a.. BOUND AND GAGGED BY DANA Si TAIMFRC


CLASSIFIED PHONE: 924-3277 Fnx: 924-3282 The SPARTAN DAILY SANDWICH MAKERS 57.00 HR. YOU NEED A JOB WITH A FUTURE BARTENDER TRAINEES NEEDED FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES makes no cam for products or ANNOUNCEMENTS TUTORING EMPLOYMENT Man. nu Fn. lOarn2ein. Sourdough We will train you for a full-time Earn to 525.00/hr salary + tips. Seeking teachers and subs for seMces advertised below nor is Eatery. 848 N. First. St. SarUose. position with our nationwide firm. Students needed riffle immediate our school age day care program. there any paarantee implied. The MULTICULTURALISM is a form ENGLISH TUTOR WSI'S NEEDED We offer: area. RAI-time/part-time openings. We can work around your school cissallied columns of the Spartan of BRAINWASHING! Affirmative Speaking, Reading and Wang Summer Employment PART-TIME TELEMARKETING *Weekly Pay Incentives Call today 1-415-968-9933. schedule. Early morning or after- Daly consist of mid advertising Action is racism. Credentialed H.S. Teacher. Please call 354-8700 x 224 position available, for investment Monthly Bonuses International Bartenders School, noon positions available. F/T and offerings are not approved or Call (408)978.8034. Los Gatos Rec Department. firm. Mon.. Fri. flexible hours. Competitive Wages employment available during verified by the newspaper. MOW DENTAL PLAN I (Morning & Afternoon) $10.00 per Grouprate Health Care PART TIME TECHNICAL Sales summer break. This is a great job Only $57.00 per year. BIUNGUAL TUTORIAL CENTER MINATO JAPANESE Restaurant hr. plus bonus'. Call 405287-6670 Complete Management Training Engineer for a highly innovative to gain experience. Units in ECE, Save 30% - 60% Math: Algebra Geometry Now hiring for P/T foodservers & for an interview. You must be career minded. internet software. Duties include Rec. Psych. Soc. or Ed required. FOR RENT on your dental needs. Statistics Trig Calculus dishwashers. Fun Job! Please (That's At) Call 408345-3936. sales presentation, understand CALL: 408.3753200 x21. For info call 1-800-655-3225. Physics: Mechanics . Electric apply at 617 N. 6th St. 9983711. YMCA RIMIER DAY CAMP101161 customer's requirements 6, work COMPANY WE ARE LOOKING FOR ROOMS Chemistry: Organic- Inorganic If you like the outdoors, like YMCA NOW HIRING DIRECTORS with our programmers to develop LEADING WIRELESS students interning in English: Speak Read Write WAREHOUSE POSITION working with children & teens, & and TEACHERS for school-age custom applications. This position seeking customer service repre- to sublet to Salary Silicon Valley for this Summer. COMPUTERS ETC. Spanish: Hablar Leer Escribir Golden State T's, a leading have special skills In camping, and preschool child care. Full requires basic knowledge of sentatives. PT/FT. Flex hrs. David H. Call Darrel Stem (408)748.5117. Call: Mike 408.298-7576 sportswear distributor, seeks a games, crafts, sports or drama, Time & Part Time. 6- 15 ECE or Internet and WWW environment. + bonus. Will train. Call REFURBISHED MACS Email: mvera182884Aaol.com . Warehouse Team Player. Position weirder a Summer Job at the 1114CAI related units. For more info: familiar with PC/workstation at 408-441-8600. LOW RENT! Five rooms available BEST PRICESII available immediately. Positions Available: cal Mary 298-3888. operating systems, Window NT, now. Across the street from Classroom Computer Co. Pull orders DIRECTORS Window 95 and Unix. Knowledge HELP WANTED Men/Women campus. Pease call 298.8658. 3549 Haven Ave. OtH WORD PROCESSING Stock inventory ASSISTANT DIRECTORS MAKE MONEY SIM TEACHING of Java and database packages is earn $480 weekly assembling Menlo Park, CA 94025 Unload trucks LEADERS driver training & education, pt/ft, a plus. Excellent verbal & written circut boards/electrtnic components unnecessary. DORM /PARTNER-8900/M. Ph: (800) 800.5115 PROFESSIONAL Word Processing Assist will-call customers Please call your local Y for more no exp. nec, hs grads. 971-7557. communication skills a must. $15 at home. Experience 2 Immediate openings Security type building FM: (415) 306-1120 Theses, term papers, group Work 20 or more hrs/wk detailed information an application. to $18 per hour plus commission. will train. insurance. your local area. Call 1-520.680. Secure Parking STUDENT SPECIALS projects. resumes. All formats Monday-Friday *Cereal YMCA -298.1717 $10001 WeNdy stufferg envelopes. Must own vehicle and Close In Mac SE & Classic including APA. Fax available. $7.00 per hour (San Oise & Saes Oars) $1 per envelope stuffed. SASE: Please Fax resume to Marketing 7891 ext 0198. Building MAC Ilsi, ci, cx Experienced, dependable, quick Work for a company that truly Southwest YMCA- 3701E77 Enterprise Marketing P.O. Box Dept. Webman Technologies Inc. Modern NEEDED Laundry Room POWER MACS return. Almaden/Branham appreciates its staff. Apply in (LosGetos, Saratoga) 592061 Orlando. FL 32859. at 408.2433186. ASIAN WOMEN Village Apts. 576 S. 5th St. 5200. 6214, 6100 area. Call Linda 408-264-4504. person between 8am & 5:30pm. *Northwest YMCA -257-7160 for egg donation. Desperate Men conceive. (408) 295-6893. MAC LC580 Golden State Ts (Ctpertino, Santa Cera, Sunnyvale) SECURITY ACUFACTS, INC. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS" couples need your help to Inlet & Laser Printers WORD PROCESSING 2110 Zanker Road South Valley YMCA - 226-9622 NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Receptionist, Office Clerk Can you help? Ages 21-29. Dot Matrix Printers Thesis, Resumes. Reports. etc. San Jose, CA 95131 (South San Jose) Great for Students. Sales, Customer Support non-smoker, healthy & responsible. SHARED HOUSING 20+ Years Experience At the corner of Charcot and tanfBerhessa YMCA - 9450919 F/T or P/T. All shifts. Technician, Testing Optr. 53,000 stipend End manses paid. Medical/Legal Transcription Zanker in the back row of buildngs (Milpitas) Top Pay with Many Benefits! Warehouse Clerk Oda ethridles also needed. Reese ROOMMATE WANTED TO SHARE SERVICES Services Available. *Mt. Madam YMCA -7790208 Color applyii pera3n, MaY.Sun 77. ON 408/942-8888 or call WWFC 1-510.8209495. 2 bdrm/2 be. apt. in WG area. Reasonable Rates PRESIDENTIAL STUDENT INTERNS (Morgan Hill) 408286.5880.5550 Maiden he. Fax to 408/94E8260 DW. Nite sec., pool, laundry. Near LAUREL OFFICE SERVICES CALL (408) 272-1552. Responsibilities Between San Calm and Panay:or, Electronix Staffing Services,E0E SJSU, It. rail. 87 & shops. Pang incl. *Writing Editing Typing* Presidential liaison to 26,000 SJSU TEACHERS/AIDES/Camp leaders behind Sc Cad and Party Store, Si 1778 Clear Lake Ave. Milpitas $430/mo +1/2 util. & $200 dep. Spreadsheet8,Database Design* AFFORDABLE&EXPERIENCED* students & an ambassador to the Elern sch. age recreation program. Hwy 680 exit Landess Ave. turn Kendra 445-9814. Desktop Publishing* Graduate Studies, Thesis, Tenn university community. Coordinate P/T torn 26 pm Mf durng the sch. SECURITY left at Clear Lake Ave. Bookkeeping PC Support* Papers, Nursing, Group Projects, campus discussions between the F/I" during summer camp program. F/T &P/T Will Train Certain advertisements In ROOM 6450+ WI Unlan, 150 sq Reasonable Rates. Restmes. Al Formats, Specializing President and fellow students. Excellent salary. no ECE req. Los Day, Swing &Grave Shifts ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT these cake-nix may refer the ft bdrm in quiet safe apt. complex. 448-8119. in APA. Spelling/Grammar/ Develop student communication Gatos-Sara. Recreation. Call Janet Permanent & Short Term jobs Fishing Industry. Learn how reader to specific telephone Share kit & bath. Near Leigh, 5 min Punctuation/ Editing. 24+ ys Eap tools to enhance the dialogue at 354-8700x23. (Not avail. ABCOM Private Security students can make up to 52550/ numbers or eddr for torn SJSU. Pod al:house & cowered PROFESSIONAL GUITARIST now WP 5.1/HP Laser. PAM'S among students. Serve as a Wind year? Cat for simmer empldm 408.247-4827. mo. + benefits (room & board). additional information. prkng INCWDED. No pets. Na smote, accepting students who wish to PROFESSICelal WORD PROCESSING, member of key campus oommfttees. life guards & camp leaders). Call Alaska Information Services: Classified readers shouki be chgy. Peer SJSU student 9954489. excel in playing guitar or bass. All 247-2681. 8am-Rpm. Commitment a Coorwensalion TEACHER, PT/FT at high quality, 1800207-5365 ext. 860418. nsrnlnded thie, when meld,* levels welcome: Beginning. 8- 10 hours per week. $7.50 per SUMMER DAY CAMP JOBS lic. drop-in play center for 212 yr these further contacts, they Intermediate or Advanced. Learn SUZANNE'S Word Processing hour. Employment period is If you have experience working olds. Min. 6 ECE units req. Flex $ EARN EKTRA CASH $ should require complete CAMPUS CLUBS any style: Jazz, Blues, Rock, 53.0-4899794(Bus/Res/hisg) August 1, 1997 May 31, 1998. with kids ages 3-13 and want a days/eves/wkends. Team teach up to $120/week! information before sending Fusion, Funk. Reggae, or Folk. Word Processing 8, Editing *All applicants must be matricu- fun summer fob working outside environment. Benefts avail. Apply in Become a Sperm Donor. money kw goods a services. SJSU Mack Masque Honor Society Call Bill at 408-298-6124. Both Acadernic/Eus Wcrk Accepted lated SJSU students in good CALL CITY OF CAMPBELL person at KidsPark: Healthy males, 1934 years old. In addition, readers should taking applications. 3.0 GPA & SR Reports Theses MA/TURAS standing. Interns must Maintain RECREATION .866.2740 NOW! Near Oakridge Mall, 281-8880 Univ. Students/Grads/Faculty carefully kwestigate all finns by Fall Semester. Contact Janet EUPHOTIC FOUNDATION Expert In APA Format full time academic status while 5440 Thomwood Or., SJ Contact California Cryobank offering employment listings Redding, Advisor 924-1120. Confident al Spiritual Counseling WP 5.1/6.0 - Laser Printer serving. Previous experience work- WILLOW GLEN BICYCLES is looking Near Valley Fair, 985-2599 415-324.1900, M-F, 8-5pm, orcoupons for discount Metaphysical, Astrological, 7 Days a Week 7:00am 9:00pm ing with campus organizations for qualified bicycle mechanic/ 2858 Stevens Creek Blvd. Si. vacations or merchandise. Meditation Classes. REUABLE FAST ACCURATE. and an understanding of recent salesperson for parteme/fulRime At the HUB, 510.792.9997 FOR SALE Gnostic Western Tradition. climate issues is preferred. Candi- work. Experience is a must. 39102 Argonaut Way, Fremont Call (4081978-8034. EXPERT WORD PROCESSORS. date must have ability to commu- Please call 293.2606 or fax a NEW Westgate Mall DATONS WIRE WHEELS gold Science & English papers/theses nicate in a professional manner. resume to 2939019. Call Heidi at 281-8880. plated. Ott cond. 15x7. Call Steve PHOTOGRAPHER FOR HIRE our specialty. Laser printing. Applications now available a lino 23139071, bet. 6:30.1130. Have your affair shot candidly APA, Turabian and other formats. in the President's Office, Tower TEACIIERS Exceptional opportunity MANAGER TRAINEES by a trained photojournalist! Resumes, editing, graphics Hall 206. Applications accepted to join one of the fastest growing No experience necessary. Will Daily rol Specializing In candid and and other services available on until 5pm on April 17, 1997. quality childcare mites in Mountain Train! Managers earn $4000/mo AUTOS FOR SALE sports action photos. You either WordPerfect or Word. Please call 9242981 or 9246968 View. Must have at least 12 ECE base+ corn. Corp-seeks energetic 41140 keep the negatives! B&W or Masterson's Word Processing. for more information. units. Preferably 3 infant units people for management. Start CRosswoRD ,, HONDA CIVIC SI NB 91 Loaded! color avail. Affordable hourly Cal Paul a Virginia 405251-0449. and 6 months experience. Call now. 578-5197. A Premium stereo w/CD changer & and day rates. Contact Steve AMTRAK- PERSON NEMO to poet (408(7464954. amp. Hi freeway milts. 621.5066. at: (408) 279.4121. DO YOU HATE TO TYPE77 bulletins & schedules. Also need TELEMARKETING PT/FT. We ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED or NOT HAVE TIME TO TYPE? Term Sketch Mist. Call 271-4989. EARLY CHILD EDUCATION MAJORS sell discount subcriptions to Bay 1 Mama's guy WRITING ASSISTANCE most papers, thesis, resumes, group City of Campbell Recreation Area newspapers. Auto dialers. 5 Snow boots TRAVEL subject. Why suffer and get poor projects, etc. Have a typewriter CHILI'S BAR 8 GRILL in search is seeking Summer Day Camp Flexible hrs, 9am-9pm. Downtown 9 Ungentlemanly einorm Glom @um grades when help is available? to complete your applications for of Foodservers and Hosts with Counselors who have experience near lightrail - 4 blocks from SJSU. one EUROPE $269. Harvard MA/UCB Ph.D. (former red/law school, etc. Will transcribe restaurant experience. Friendly, working with 35 year olds. Hourly $5 plus bonus. Media 12 Dilly 0001116] MOM CIIIIIIID Within USA 579.-5129. college teacher) can help you your taped interviews or research team oriented people apply in CALL 8662108 FOR INFO. Promotions 494-0200. 13 Tar Mahal site MMOMVI 00UU 0000 Caribbean $249. r/t with research & writing. Fast, notes, Fax machine. Notary Public. person Monday through Thursday, 14 Full steam --I iiiiNifilf4i1 Off11011211211E13 $9/HR. Mexico $209. r/t friendly, caring, confidential. Call Anna at 972-4992 between 2pm-4pm. 2980 Stevens PART TIME POSITIONS BICYCLE MESSENGER 17 "Garfield" pooch 1:101101D 01:3111 Worldwidell!!! Convenient Peninsula location. Creek Blvd. San Jose. No Calls. 2.3 week project. EASY WORK. Part-time, Flexible Hours. Cheap Fares 18 Act like a fan M000 0300 00000 http://yvvrw.airhitch.org Dissertation/ thesis specialist. (408)848-1023. Ask for Mike. Great for Students! 19 Enjoy n0n @HMO 01/0M00 AIRHRCH® 1-415-8349192 Samples & references available. FUNDRAISING CUSTOMER SEM= dove to SJSU Serving Downtown Sanlose. 20 Interests

Chinese & other languages in busy off ce. Assist in warehouse. GREATER Opportunities Program Inner City Express, 22 Turkey feature II111015101;1111gIMIIZEIBIEIM spoken. Foreigners welcome! For FAST FUNDRAISER- Raise $500 Exp. needed. Call Lisa 2751784. positions: Management, Direct 22W. Saint John St San Jose. 24 Lawn cover DINIIIMIZIO 131M1401 MAR

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MEN WOMEN MOM MIMI MIN PERMANENT HAIR REMOVAL a 111uu II 11111 Stop shaving, waxing, tweezing i Name or using chemicals. Let us {Jenne Ad Rates. 3 -line minimum Please check a 11 nently remove your unwanted hair. One Two Three Four Five AfkIfORS one classification: Back Chest Lip Bikini Chin Day Days Days Days Days 11 1111 Tummy etc. Students & faculty ii111 iii .4ty 4 Stow Zip cods Campus Clubs* Rental Housing receive 15% discount. First appt 3 lines $5 $7 $11 $13 11 11 1/2 price / made before 6/1/97. 4 lines $8 $8 $10 $12 $14 Greet Menages' Shsred Housing' a Moe Hair Today Gone Tomorrow, 621 E. 5 lines $7 $9 $11 $13 $15 Everts Real Estate III 11 II Campbell mum Campbell Ave. 017, 6 lines $A $10 $12 $14 516 Amouncements Services' OM 379-31100. Send check or money order ID: II 1111111111 $1 for each additional line Lost and Found** Noah/Beauty' Spartan Daily Classifieds IIuuuu SAMPU A WILD FOOD FREE Volunteers' Sports/Thrills' a.... u SenJoae State University a iii- in Super Blue Green Algae After tie fifth day, rate increases by $1 per day For Sale* _Insurance 95192-0149 Reported Benefrts include' First line (25 spar-es) set in bold for no extra charge San Jcee, CA Autos For Sale* Enlertainmerd aaa Concentration Up to 5 addrhonal words evadable in bold for $3 each *Improved Classified desk is located in Dwight Eientel Hall, Room 209 Computers Etc. Travel Increased Energy Deadline 1000 am two weekdays before publication ii iti gam Weight Control SEMESTER RATES Wanted' Tutoring' 2702 All ads are prepaid No refunds on canceled ads Employment Word Processing (408)737 3-9 lines: $70 10-14 lines $90 MI Rates for consecutive publications datee only Opportunthes Scholarthips UUURUI dUUUUil 15-191ines: $110 QUESTIONS? CALL (408)924-3277 SCHOLARSHIPS iiUUUUUdU dUUU Special student rates available for these classifications. $5.00 for a 3 lino ad for 3 days. Ads must be placed in person COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS NOW. in DBH209, between 10am and 2pm. Student ID required. dUUUU dUUU II EMI Surf: www.scholarship4u.com Call: 800MIBASE2. 4066258941 -Lost I& Found ads are offered free, 3 lines for 3 days, as a service to the campus community. 11 IUUU 1 si5ueschoier5hip4u.com Thursday, April 3, 1997 10 San Jose State University SPARTAN DAILY

Library Homes continued from page 1 project. They agreed upon a few Academic Senate Chair Kenneth the Peter voiced his concern that "San offices. hopes, including the desire for continued from page 1 not want to be identified, lives prior problems around the creek tine that meets the Jose State will provide a dispropor- California State University offi- library to "be a facility across the street from Guzman's and said anything could have the university and the tionate amount of money for the pro- with its citizens, then the city of ciah have built libraries in the past at needs of both home, and said she saw a City of caused the slide. Di Marco said a community." ject." San Jose has been. After moving San Jose van make only one city geologist will be out to a cost of $90 to $150 per square Phil said the city has the Some other "hopes" listed include: Additional fears raised included to San Jose, appearance after the damage inspect the area next week. foot, Freeman said. Using done nothing to improve his model as a a facility with more study space, the impact the project could have on occurred and the van has not "No other homes were affect- 450,000 square-foot neighborhood. cost of the improved electronic access for capital funding for other projects been seen again. ed so it will depend on what we barometer, the actual wars" "The city knew about the from $40.5 mil- library users and flexible space capac- on campus, potential "turf The only person "hopeful" find around the two homes," Di library could range new between city and university librarians cracks on the streets affected by million. ity with the ability to adjust to that the cause of the damage will Marco said. lion to $67.5 and concerns about the library's the creek way before Guzman's Initial plans for the project's cost technology. be identified is Mike Di Marco of Di Marco said Guzman's "I hope the library will continue to atmosphere being an inappropriate home started to slide and yet they called for $30 million from SJSU and the Santa Clara Valley Water home is red tagged and he has be a central academic resource for environment for student research. didn't do anything." Phil said. District. been living in a motel paid by the $10 million from the city. "They're chickens (city of San of the ideas pre- SJSU students," said Sylvia The group plans to convene again Di Marco said although there Red Cross. He said the city is A quick inventory in May to discuss any actions taken Jose), they don't want to fix any- the meeting showed Hutchinson, interim SJSU spokes- is no "real evidence the creek looking to find an answer that sented during by Hammer's committee, which will thing. Mayor Hammer only that the number of fears concerning woman. caused the damage," the will help solve the situation in the Among the fears presented by include one student and two faculty cares about downtown San Jose SCVWD is hoping to investigate Naglee neighborhood. the project greatly outnumbered the money comes in." committee members were apprehen- representatives from SJSU who and the that the area. He said they were no hopes listed by members of the group. Another neighbor who did Committee members were asked sions about "putting beauty or form haven't been named yet. the functionalism of the to list their hopes and fears about the in front of library." King's son agrees Ray Crime didn't assassinate father ATLANTA (AP) Mattin reveal specific information unless Ray ble death sentence and getting 99 for their story, or par- new regulations," said Sylvia King 111 has joined his is denied another trial. years in prison. He recanted a few continued from page 1 information Luther ents can't find out statistics (about Hutchinson, interim director of younger brother in claiming that The King family has called for a days later. disciplinary proceedings and the school their children are going public affairs. James Earl Ray was a "patsy" who did trial for Ray, who has liver disease, Ray has a request for a new trial records that involve criminal alle- to)." A major problem with the cur- not assassinate their famous father, saying it is the only way they can before the Tennessee appeals court, gations be open to the public. Bailor(' said the resolution, rent law, proponents of the new have always felt it was a conspir- know the truth about the assassina- contending the rifle found at the It would expand the types of which is still in committee, has legislation point out, is that acy," the 39-year-old King said tion. murder scene with his fingerprints on crime that must be reported under several co-sponsors and a strong schools use a federal privacy law Tuesday. "Mr. Ray has just been used "Once we have exhausted that, it was put there by conspirators trying the existing Campus Security Act bipartisan backing. known as FERPA (Family as a patsy." there may be more we will do in to frame him. He claims a compari- of 1990. The CSA of SJSU publishes Education Rights and Privacy Act) In a prison hospital meeting with which we ass family give our position son of the bullet that killed King and 1990 requires schools its crime report in or the "Buckley Amendment" to Ray last Thursday, Dexter King, 36, on what in fact occurred," King said. the gun would show it is not the mur- to compile an annual "This bill the class schedule hide these records from public backed Ray's claims that he did not "This information was available, der weapon. statistical report of listings every view. Under the new proposal, kill Martin Luther King Jr. - and stat- we just hadn't focused on it," he said. Ray said he brought the rifle to criminal activity that would set up semester but not in schools would be forced to comply ed his family's support of Ray's inno- "We as a family never went out and Memphis on instructions from a occurs on campus. the universities cat- with the regulations. cence. tried to do an investigation. We shadowy gun runner he knew only as It would clarify a uniform set alog. "Right now the Department of The older King brother, a motiva- hoped the system would do that, but Raoul. that almost all school In 1996, there Education can choose to take tional speaker in Atlanta, said his it has not." But investigators say he admitted officials and employ- of rules (that were no murders or funding, but they never do that. family reached its conclusion after Co:vita Scott King, the widow of buying the rifle to kill King. Ray also ees not just cam- universities forcible rapes, one They are essentially in the back sorting through accounts from people Martin Luther King Jr. declined to be rented a room across the street the pus security person- sexual assault, two pocket of the college and universi- present when his father was slain and interviewed by The Associated Press. day of the killing, and fled Memphis nel report infor- must follow)." robberies, five ty administrations," Goodman those who say they have unreported Martin Luther King Jr. was slain moments after King was shot. He was mation about crime assaults, 23 bur- said. "'This would obligate the evidence. Aaril 4, 1968 in Memphis, Tenn. captured two months later in reported to them. glaries, five motor DOE to impose a penalty." However he said he wouldn't 1(ay pleaded guilty, avoiding a possi- London. It would impose David Balloff, vehicle thefts, 169 Goodman said the reason uni- monetary penalties spokesman for larcenies (thefts), versities attempt to sidestep cam- on schools that vio- Duncan 10 liquor law viola- pus crime laws are purely for image Arkansas bans partial-birth abortions late the new report- tions, 69 drug purposes. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. "partial-birth abortion" by oppo- reasons. ing requirements. abuse violations, "(Universities) think that (Al') "This bill would weapons maybe potential student will look Doctors who perform a controversial nents. The Arkansas law allows the pro- and 13 abortion procedure would be pun- The procedure involves partially set up a uniform set of rules (that There were a total of elsewhere if crimes occur on cam- cedure only when a woman's life is violations. ished criminally under a law signed extracting a fetus, legs first, through endangered. Doctors who perform it universities must follow)," said 395 arrests. pus, " Coodman. said. "T his is a David Balloff, a spokesman for complies cruel and dangerous response. In by Gov. Mike Huckabee that bans the birth canal, cutting an incision in otherwise can face up to six years in "(SJSU) currently the practicc.Huckabee, a Baptist min- the barely visible skull base Duncan. "So many times reporters with all federal crime regulations essence, the schools arc more con- and then prison and suspension or revocation ister, enacted the restrictions Tuesday draining its contents. have a difficult time getting the and we would comply with any scious about image than students." of their medical license. on the state Capitol steps alongside Abonion rights advocates oppose A Medical Board must determine some 100 opponents to the proce- restrictions to the procedure. They whether the procedure had been per- dure. say it is used rarely, in late-term preg- formed before a doctor can be "Arkansas did not want to be nancies where the child is deformed charged. embarrassed by being a state that or the mother's health is in danger. Arkansas legislators who passed would tolerate the abortion of a child President Clinton vetoed a ban passed the measure said during debate that who was just literally inches and sec- last year by Congress. they hoped to "send a message" to Online onds front birth," tiuckabec said. But opponents say the procedure Clinton from his home state. Arkansas becomes the fifth state to is not rare, used as continued from page 1 University and California State some of the larger local and long dis- early as the fifth University, Northridge, are going to. tance companies and asking what ban the procedure, which is called month of pregnancy and for elective Services Dousing Department, said According to Spalding, SJSU is not they can provide." GRAND SPECIA1) the outdated wiring will be addressed particularly ahead or behind most of Spalding said an exact figure for 01q,NING in the improvement plans. the CSUs. the dated changes has not 't.1 bCCII "Wiring of a higher standard will Royce Hall received an improved reached, hut costs to students should be installed, and it should be adapt- wiring SyStelli last summer and be acceptable. HA. CHIC able to a higher technology, in the A ii sir' styling Salon already has the enhanced campus sys- "It will be comparable or lower 10 Yeai s Lxperience future," Spalding said. "It won't be tem. "It's the Cadillac of on-line ser- than what it would cost to have the rapidly outdated." vice on campus," Shaw said, "the same service off campus, considering ,,pot 1.11 liii n,iii 1(),(.',(,1(t, According to Spalding, campus highest quality." all the options, like von email, call stuiloit(s fat tilly and will be rewired completely, housing Shaw said about 90 percent of the fisiidrw.ardinga and others." Spalding others [tot; starting with Spartan Village in Salo students requested to get in there shampoo )4 sl) Sl() January. Spalding said SJSU is because of the Internet service. Shaw "We're looking at better se tv,C It Out of This World! attempting to cater to the needs of said Royce Hall is fully occupied and with lower costs," Shaw said. Cosmic Light Show Ilan( la 8, St SA) $16 residents. "We are working very ckne- has a waiting list. Lasers and Far out Foy !lain tit SI2 $10 ly with residents, making sure that Royce Hall resident Artem Great Rock Music l'etm Ss) $/104 what we perceive they need is what Iskandaryan is aware that he is driving SURVEY RESULTS- to. la nil they actually need," he said. 1 10 residents the "Cadillac of on-line service on PLUS, Sow' l'el111 S(() Child development major Brian campus," but the computer science Nip lode, iii WestlaII has a campus on-line 73% have computers Bowling Lanes That major is unimpressed. "I don't think ',;(1 S/104 account, but he sees room for is happy. It needs improve- 24% of those who have anyone 1.11.r.J1.8 rL'A/LULS.1..: olotm}t ".1=1 .528 improvement. "I'd like to find toy ment," Iskandatyan said. "I was told computers have on-line service own Internet service provider. I'd like I di it was going to be mudi more than it with school .S)=> to he able to choose," Westfall said. is. Brunswick Homestead Lanes planned improvements 29% of those who do have an 124 Blossom Hill Road Suite J Alier the Iskandaryan said he feels the 20990 Homesteod R Cupertmo Nest To, Wells Fargo Bank are made, residents will be able to use Ethernet system needs to be faster, account are actually happy with it 255-5700 San Jose, Cahfornin 95123 their own modems to access and oiler more options, and be more reli- COME TO THE MEETING! (408) 225-2440 hoose between on-line service 45% of those who have Starts Saturday, May 17th able. "l'he system is always down." 9pm-11pm 3 games May 1711, 11:15pm providers. An enhanced version of the Al101her resident daritied this by say- computers would he interested in Or yo friendsl also be avail- RmEnmenn $10/person (free shoe rental) campus mainfratne will ing the system had only been down AOL or other providers Trophies! FOR MORI IWO CONTACT able. With improved wiring, Spalding Bill OR CHRIS (408)255-5700 WANTED once, but it was for A two month peri- said the campus system will be able to od. provide residents with "direct According to Spalding. SJSU is Internet access," which will be very dealing with private companies to ASTHMA AND ALLERGY last and capable of graphics. Spalding help with the planned improvennents. SUFFERERS said this is similar to what other CSU "We need to look to the outside," SAN JOS[ SIAii UNIVERSIfY ii, If you are healthy, schools, like San Era to State Spalding said. "We are looking at (ONIINUING [DUCAIION non-smoking and between the ages 4-65, you may qualify to

in sturtooh.itnet «tot participate in a research study T-SHIRTS! SUMER using an investigational CUSTOMIZED A asthma or allergy medication. If. You will receive financial sa mastercard 0 SCHMUlf Of a/ISA) compensation for your time 0 74-v, and effort. Qualified 1.5 - 4.99 Get your free doss schedule at... EACH participants can earn up to 47, Continuing Education, ADM107 Student Union Information Center EAC% $800. S..l Student Resource (enter, Wohlguist Central EACH Campus Parking Garages on ihncl._ Allergy & Asthma ...4or one color prYlt I. ou7g.1 Spartan Bookstore Associates of Santa Clara prlCOcotwn Han4613..63- ert,vori, whitis inciaaa or on the World Wide Web at... Valley, Inc. Research Tax nc't http://conted.sjsu.edu Center CENTURY GRAPHICS 4)55 Isloosprok *Aran Sul* 3, fan Joie fax14081988 0758 Register through Touchtone. 14081988-3351 1 -800-74 -ASTHMA LL I , AN A LA A, A 5054 Call 408-283-3250, Mondays Fridays, 7:00 am - 7:00 pm