24 - THE HERALD. Thurs., Jan. U , 1982 Consumer Reports A follower George won't McEnroe tops i Wood ladders hove edge recalls King help Prescott JimmyConnors ...page? ...page 9 By the Editors don’t weather as' well as ladders claim to conform stringer (running ladders are relatively in­ ...page 3 expensive: the Whitemetal of Consumer Reports aluminum. And they’re to Underwriters lengthwise under the step heavier: most of the wood Laboratories or American and through the rails), they Heartsavers for $49, and You could spend $90 on ladders tested weighed six National Standards will be safe to stand on and the Sears Cat. No. 42386 for an aluminum stepladder, to eight pounds more than Institute specifications. To the ladder will be fairly $44 plus shipping. The but should you? What the aluminum ones. carry either of those seals, rigid, although .CR’s third-rated Howard 550-6 matters most is safety. Ladders are identified for example, a ladder must engineers think you still was clearly overpriced at You want a ladder that’s according to the loads they be able to carry four times should tighten Ijhese $90. strong, stable and rigid — can handle: Type I has a its duty rating. stringers before us)ng a (For Consumer Reports’ Manchester, Conn. one that can carry a load duty rating of ^50 pounds, However, such labels new wood ladder. evaluation of burglar Fair tonight: and stay put. Type II, ^ pounds; and are not an absolute In tests for strength, alarm systems you can in­ Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 stall yourself, send $1 for cloudy Saturday Consumer Reports ’Type III, 200 pounds. Don’t guarantee that the ladder rigidity and stability, in­ 25 Cents engineers found only one conclude that one maker’s in fact meets the cluding tests to see how each . copy to ■ — See page 2 that was unsafe when they Type III is any less strong prescribed standards. Also much a ladder swayed or CONSUMERS, P.O. Box tested 26 stepladders (15 than another’s Type II, keep in mind that UL and walked, wood ladders 461, Radio City Station, wood and 11 aluminum). however. Sometimes iden­ ANSI specify minimum generally had the edge New York, N Y 10019. Be Wood ladders have a tical' ladders carry standards of performance, over aluminum: they were sure to ask for the reprint number of advantages. different duty ratings. and ladders' that meet more rigid, stronger, more on burglar alarms.) They’re usually more When they tested Type II them can vary a lot in stable — and thUy were rigid. They don’t conduct and III ladders, CR’s quality. cheaper to boot. i electricity. And they’re engineers found both When you’re shopping for Among the best of the generally cheaper: the satisfactory for household a stepladder, examine the woofi ladders in the tests Be informed average retail price for the use. There was con­ step construction. On a were two good buys: the stay on top of the news — Storm wood ladders was $44 ver­ siderable overlap between w o ^ ladder, if the steps Rich 380 Ajax for IBl, and subscribe to The Wholesale sus $49 for the aluminum the two types in perfor­ are inserted in deep enough the Sears Cat. No. 40116 for Manchester Herald. For ones tested. mance and strength. grooves and if they’re held $29 plus shipping. The two. home delivery, call 647- Wood ladders, however, Nearly all the tested tight enough by a metal top-rated aluminum 9946 or 646-9947. budget inflation STOVE CLEARANCE' is gone cROssnmn s \ Rn(Jl)e\/f=tn5 PRODUCTS compRnv * — ' moderate 5 By Lisa Zowada Herald Reporter J It took only one hour of plowing and sanding WASHINGTON (UPI) - Production has been falling since during Thursday night’s snow storm to eat up Wholesale price inflation climbed a July. moderate 0.3 percent last month, The Fed’s industrial production the $1,400 that was left in the town’s snow keeping the overall rise in dealers’ index stood at 143.3, This was 4.7 removal budget for private contractors. prices for 1981 at the lowest level in percent below its level in December So this morning. Highway Superindentent four years, the government reported a year ago. Fred F. Wajes was busy drafting a memo to today. The Labor Department said the Board of Directors asking that some T h e Labor Department’s energy prices ended the year by ad­ In s u la te money, possibly $20,000, be pulled out of the Producer Price Index for December vancing moderately — driven up­ showed only food and energy rose in ward by natural gas prices— but the town’s contingency funds to insure that the 22 price at the wholesale level. Other rise was still in sharp contrast to the trucks operated by the contractors can re­ products generally stayed even or dramatic increases that marked the main in service. became cheaper. beginning of 1981. Last year, only $38,000 was spent on private The December increase held the Consumer food prices at the contractors for the entire season. inflation rate for dealers to 7 per­ wholesale level rose only 1.5 percent cent in 1981, the lowest rate since last year, a significant improve­ Without the funds for the contractors the 1977’s 6.9 percent rise. ment over the 7.5 percent advance snow removal on 32 plow routes would have It was a considerable improve­ the previous year. to performed by the 14 town plows, town of­ ment over 1980’s 11.8 percent jump November’s price index climbed ficials have said. in prices at the wholesale level. 0.5 percent and October’s was up 0.6 In a gloomier report, however, the percent. All figures were seasonally But Wajes. said he doesn’t foresee that Federal Reserve Board said today adjusted. happening because if the town does not come the nation’s industrial production The Producer Price Index for through with the money from contingency, declined 2.1 percent in December, December was set at 275.3, which J A DOLLAR’S WORTI the Highway Department can always dip into the largest monthly drop since a 3 means it cost dealers $275.30 to buy the state Town Aid for Roads fund. percent decline in May 1980. the same goods that cost $100 in The latest figures included sharp 1967. Of Foreign Currencies . Wajes has said he would rather not touch reductions in most industries and that money because the state aid bhd been set reflected the continuing recdltkion. PIcuHr turn to page 8 .53 British pounds aside for road repairs in the sprlnij.” ''’ (1 pound $1,89) While the budget for the private contrac­ tors had been depleted, Wajes said the A 2.27 West German marks money, about $174,0(X), which was set aside Lassow raps plan for snow removal costs such as salt, sand, ^ 5.75 French francs gasoline, repairs, salaries and overtime for 1.80 Swiss francs department crews is “ doing well.” About $40,000 to $50,000 was left in that for town to fight 222 Japanese yen budget before this week’s two storms, which $1.18 Canadian Wajes said made only a “ little dent” in those funds. N 25.87 Mexican pesos Wajes said that while the town would never fires in Buckland .64 Soviet rubles consider doing without the help of private contractors during the month of January, he By Scot French looking for sites on which to build its (1 ruble $1.56) said they may decide to do so later on in the Herald Reporter own Buckland fire station. Adver­ season when snow fall would not be as heavy. tisements have appeared this week NEA/Mark Gabrenya Eighth District President Gordon in local newspapers asking for While the snow removal budget was having B. Lassow today blasted a proposal property owners to consider selling its problems Thursday night, snow removal Herald photo by Pinto by Town Directors Barbara B. land for the station. itself went smoothly with crews out clearing Weinberg and Arnold "Ik e ” The district now provides fire ser­ Kleinschmidt that the town assume The dollar has been gaining strength In International markets. At the streets for about nine hours. vice to the Buckland area out of its Blades and blazes fire protection of the Buckland area headquarters on Main and Hilliard start of the year, this Is what It was worth In major foreign currencies. State and town police reported no major on a contractual basis. Street, but would like a Buckland Exchange rates are subject to dally but usually slight fluctuations. The problems casued by the storm. “ Absolutely not,” Lassow fumed Chris Ducker warms his Ice skates over a fire at the Center Springs Park hockey station to better serve the area, ruble Is not freely convertible and Is overvalued at the offical rate set by Schools were closed today In observance of arena Thursday. The arena will be open for skating today until 9 p.m. and Satur­ when informed of the proposal, area. the Soviet government. the Rev. Martin Luther King’s birthday. day and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. released at a press conference this Kleinschmidt echoed those morning. motives in his proposal. “ It’s impor­ “ The Supreme Court of Connec­ tant that if we can get faster ticut said the Town of Manchester coverage to possibly save property has no business being in the and save lives, that's what I ’m Buckland area,” he said. “ No way looking for." Public records there’s going to be a contractual He said the Board of Directors has Holiday fakes edge off storm basis to do a thing like that.” forbidden the liaison committee Mrs. Weinberg and Kleinschmidt from discussing sale of the decided to publicly announce the Buckland Firehouse, but has given Warranty deeds Lis pendens Swensson Jr. Inc., three residents awakened to find By Suzanne Trimel ’The National Weather Service at sent home alter midnight in the proposal after being unable to its permission to discuss other alter­ Savings Bank of parcels of land near themselves car-less — their vehicles Allan D. Thomas, United Press international Windsor Locks said the snow that northwestern part of the state schedule a Town-District Liaison natives. trustee, to Thomas K. Manchester against Wayne Wellman Road. hauled away overnight — after ig­ began falling Thursday night left because, ‘”rhere’s simply no snow Committee meeting before Monday Lassow called the proposal “ a Clark, Unit 575-5, Crest S. Corbin, Dale Corbin, about a quarter o f: an inch in the noring winter parking bans. Exerulur or ad- For the second morning in a row, up there.” night’s meeting of the Eighth smokescreen to cover all the mis­ Condominium, Hartford Beneficial Finance Co., northwestern pocket of Connecticut miniHlrator'H deed Connecticut residents scraped, ’They were among 1,650 highway In Hartford 150 cars were towed— District Board of Directors. takes they’ve made” in not being Road, $49,000. South Windsor Bank and. — the state’s usual snow belt — but Shirley' T^. Yucker, shoveled, shivered and skidded. workers who had been on the road costing each owner $56. Their proposal, which has been able to schedule a meeting of the Beatrice C. McAuliffe to' Trust Co., Union Trust Co., dumped about 6 inches in the executor of the William D. Another layer of snow and ice. since Tuesday morning — with only rejected informally in the past, calls liaison committee since June. Carol Zigrino, Timothy C. and Zale Corp., d.b.a. extreme southeastern section. New Haven and New Britain also Turkington estate, to But an official state holiday — a three-hour break every 24 hours. for a six-month trial in which the “ Mrs. Weinberg doesn’t know how Conroy and Doreen Z. StowelTs Jewelers, proper­ Central inland areas picked up reported vigorous efforts to keep David E. Atkinson, proper­ Martin Luther King Day — took the Complicating the snow story was town would assume coverage of any to call a meeting," he said, “ let Conroy, property at 101 ty at 85-87 School St. cars out of the way of snowplows. ty at 103 West Center St., edge off the storm for many from IVk to 3 inches and western a forecast for increasing winds with area desired by the District for a fee alone dea'l with a contractual Chestnut St. and to the Probate deed coastal sections had 2 to 4 inches. But East Hartford officials $53,000. residents who had the day off, gusts up to 35 mph. of $250 a call, not to include false arrangement." west, $80,000. Estate of George The snow had tapered off in most appeared to be, in the lead for storm among them bankers, bureaucrats ’The NWS said the snow would alarms. Of the Board of Directors, whom Laurel Manor Inc. to England, a.k.a. (Jqprge J. areas by 4 a.m., giving highway vigilance. Probate deed and schoolchildren. blow and drift in the strong winds, Mrs. Weinberg called the proposal Kleinschmidt said would back the 5 Gerald V. McAuliffe, Louis England, to 8elen crews ample time to clean up the Estate of Helen D. John­ The latest snowfall blanketed the creating “ near blizzard conditions” Police there not only hauled away "a good faith offer” by the town to proposal, Lassow said, “ They lie S. Annino and Kathleen England, any and all in­ mess for the morning commuter son to Erland R. Johnson, 4-to-7 inches laid down Wednesday. in open arehs later today. 40 cars but told residents they would the taxpayers of the Eighth District, and they cheat and they steal — McAuliffe, property at 91 terest in property at 252- rush. any and all interest in This time, the storm took aim for The second day of snow an­ begin enforcing an ordinance whom she said would be over­ that’s the politicians of the town.” Chestnut St., $1 and other 254 Spruce St. A spokeswoman at the state property at 176 Wadsworth . the coast, where snow generally ticipated vigorous enforcement of against pushing snow from burdened if the District were to Mrs. Weinberg said the she hoped good and valuable con­ Partial release of lis ;aids up as a dusting or turns to Transportation Department storm' St. no parking bans statewide. driveways, sidewalks and parking build its own station in the area. the proposal would herald “ a new siderations. pendens -freezing rain or sleet. center said highway crews were (jn We£iesd;.y, hundreds of state lots into- newlv plowed streets. District officials have long sought spirit of good feeling and Gerald V. McAuliffe and Marilyn Ann Rothman Building permits to buy the existing Buckland cooperation” between the town and Kathleen McAuliffe, and against Gerald Paul To Denise O’Donovan for firehouse, which was built in 1976 the district. Geraid V. McAuliffe acting Rothman Sr., Unit 82-A, Marion Kerr, repair of fire during a court battle over whether as attorney for Louis S. An­ Pine Street Condominium. damage at 30 Jarvis Road, the town or the district should Agreement to sell nino, to Carol Zigrino, $11,350. provide fire protection in the area. Alan W. Gates and Bar­ Timothy C. Conroy and To Bill Tunsky for coal- in fatal crash The state Supreme Court even­ bara D. Gates to Peter A Doreen Z. Ck)nroy, proper­ wood stove at 98 Battista tually ruled that a petition extending Index Zizzamia, and Sharon A. ty at 91 (Tiestnut St., $270,- Road, $600. district service into the Buckland Zizzamia, property at 112 000. To Afetthew J. Ckx>ke for IN>Uce ’Thursday arrested a 16- his parents. He is scheduled to from Christmas Eve services at Police said the Caswell’s car was area was valid. Advice ...... Tlmrod Road. Area towns ;.. Herman M. Frechette, coal stove at 50 Morse year-old Manchester boy and appear in court Jan. 25. Community Baptist Church on East travelling north of Woodbridge Because of that decision, the Federal tax lien Albert R. Martin and Road, $1,000. charged him with negligent Negligent homocide with a motor Center Street. Street when it struck the side of Buckland station, owned and main­ Business...... Internal Revenue Ser­ Gerald P. Rothman to To Itobert Davidson for homocide in the On'istmas Eve auto vehicle, a class B misdemeanor, is Police said Mrs. Caswell was Mazzeo’s car which was passing tained by the town, is located in an Classified...... vice against Nutmeg W illiam O. Malan and wood stove at 217 North accident which claimed the life of a punishable by six months in prison riding in the passenger seat of the east through intersection from area that town firefighters are for­ C om ics...... Dorothy A. Malan, Unit 82- Beverage Ck>., Pop Shoppe, Elm St., $290. 72-year-old Manchester woman. or an up to $1,008 fine or both. car driven by her husband when the Jensen Street onto Weaver Road. bidden to serve. Editorial ...... A., Pine Street Con­ 249 Spencer St., $38,445. To Frank S. Valluzzi Jr. Stephen M. Mazzeo, of 155 Benton ’Ihe arrest follows a three-week two-door sedan struck a station The town has repeatedly rejected Entertainment dominium, $59,000. Judgment lien for coal-wood stove at 12 St. turned himself into police investigation Into the Dec. 24 acci­ wagon driven by Mazzeo at the in­ Mrs. Caswell died Chrsitmas Eve the district’s offers to buy the sta­ Lottery...... Suffolk Management Co., Savitt Inc. against Ruth Schaller Road, $M0. MANCHESTER NEWINGTON I SOUTH WINDSOR | ’Thursday after he had been con­ dent which killed Marian A. tersection o f Woodbridge and in the Manchester Memorial Obituaries ___ lASfwevSirgai HARTFORD ENflELO tion, contendling that the firehouse Inc., and Real E-1 Limited Booker, a.k.a. Ruth To F.R. Kueza for Roger MOIX WMi ... tacted that a warrant for his arrest Caswell, 72, of 82 Hilliard St. Jensen streets. Hospital emergency room after suf­ serves 75 percent of the area it was Peopletalk___ Partnership, d.b.a. Condo Boober, property at 42 and June Ricard, first floor Nth!' *i»(n kia i»«m 'W laa ilifa M1IM - had been issued. ’The accident occurred as Mrs. Caswell suffered a slight knee in­ fering head and neck injuries in the originally built to cover. Sports...... Television ___ North, Unit 55A, Building Devon Drive. alteration and second floor Maizeo was released on a $1,0(» Caswell and her husband, Samuel E. jury and Mazzeo was uninjured, ac­ crash, which occured just before 'The Inability to negotiate a deal 2, Northwood Townhouses, Ralph Golato Inc. addition at 302 Adams St., non-surety bond into the custody of CSswell, 70, were driving home cording to police. 8:30'p.m., police Said. led the district last fall to begin {•XW-C- $93,900. against Joseph L. $ 12,000. r

V(. THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15. 1982 - 3 2 - THE HERALD. Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 : / NATIONAL wu-ngnscmneFOMCMT 10z Ml ear i News Briefing .ML2A . Kraatz says medics Schmidt 3 0 0 0 may share services stresses unity LO W ltT TIMKKATURii MIAMI to $309,000 to set up such a program. “ We’re really not making a dis­ BONN, West Germany (UPI) — By Scot French r— tfotNO —------W i, Faced with the prospect of tinction between what I’m doing and Chancellor Helmut Schmidt stressed Herald Reporter |Z Z 3 *^ economic belt-tightening, however, they’re doing at this point,” , he said. West (Serman solidarity with the United ( 2 3 w o » i « ' ' pISo Assigned last month to study the directors asked Kraatz to in­ “ A lot of these issues are the same States but made no move to impose sanc­ Uf>t WEATNCfl r0T09AftT •v economical options. Assistant vestigate programs of less cost than regardless of which alternative tions on the Soviet Union for the repres­ Health Director Ronald Kraatz said the $309,000 model designed by the you’re dealing with.” sion in Poland. Thursday that the proposed advisory Emergency Medical Ser­ Kraatz said the EMS Council Schmidt also triade it clear in a foreign paramedic program could possibly meeting, canceled on Thursday policy declaration to parliament vices Council. Nixon films share existing resources with Members of the EMS Council had night probably will not be Thursday the controversial gas pipeline police, fire, hospital or ambulance expressed fear that Kraatz would be rescheduled this month, since the deal with the Soviet Union, o p p o ^ hy Weather services. studying an emergency medical council subcommittees have just edited for TV Washington, wilt be carried out. That option is being weighed response program of less than full begun their work and would have lit­ Parliament passed a Social Democrat against a totally independent tle to report. resolution supporting the government's paramedic stature. TORRANCE, Calif. (U PI) - Home program or the possiblility of no Kraatz stressed, however, that his Once he has determined all the op­ “ prudent attitude” to events in Poland movies taken during the Nixon ad­ new program at all, said Kraatz, study will concentrate more on tions, Kraatz said he plans to apply but rejected a Christian Democrat mo­ ministration by former White House who is in the midst of an intensive organization, staff and resources for a list of criteria to each plan, in­ tion caliing for “ political, economic and Today’s forecast chief of staff H.R. Haldeman are being two-month study of the paramedic a paramedic program than on cluding such things as cost, flexibili­ financial measures,” against Poland and made into a television special, it was Becoming partly sunny, windy and cold today with varying levels of service. ty and effectiveness. the Soviet Union if martial law is con­ question. reported today. highs 25 to 30. Fair tonight. Lows in the teens. Saturday The pros and cons of the various While Kraatz plans to explore the “ There’s nothing magic about any tinued. The footage, which includes scenes of mostly cloudy with a 40 percent chance of a period of options will be spelled out in a current use of volunteer emergency of these options,” he said, adding In a report on his talks with President former President Richard Nixon at his light show in the afternoon. Highs in the low to mid 30s. medical technicians, he noted that that each will be subject to the same Reagan in Washington early this month report to the Board of Directors western White House in San Clemente UPI photo Northwest winds 15 to 25 mph today and west around 10 which Kraatz hopes to complete by few variations lie between such standards. Schmidt rebuked growing anti-American and aboard Bebe Rebozo’s yacht in Key mph tonight. Southwest winds 10 to 15 mph Saturday mid- to late February. basic level service, and a full sentiment, which is particularly strong Biscayne, Fla., Will be incorporated into shifting to northwest in the afternoon. The directors, who assigned paramedic plan. Today in history in the Young Socialists of his own Social a special by producer Jim Devaney, the Kraatz to the study, plan to use his The choice of program ultimately Democratic Party. Supper canceled Daily Breeze said. findings during the budget hearings lies with the ^ a r d of Directors, On. Jan. 15,1943 the Pentagon, the world’s largest building of Its kind, “ We Germans have much to thank the “ Haldeman’s footage is the only film Extended outlook this spring, at which the fate of the who may accept or reject the results The Grange “ Scoop Supper” was completed on the Virginia side of the Potomac River Just outside Americans for,” he said. “ That they shot in the White House,” Devaney told paramedic proposal will be decided. of the advisory referendum. scheduled for tonight at 6 at (jrange Washington, D.C. This aerial view was made in 1963. helped us get on our feet after the war the newspaper. “ This is a once in a Extended outlook for New England Sunday through Voters approved the concept of a Kraatz said he and the EMS Coun­ Hall, 205 Olcott St., has been politically and economically. That Berlin lifetime deal.” Tuesday: paramedic program in an advisory cil are working together on such canceled. did not have to surrender to communist' Haldeman — currently vice president MaBsacliusells, Rhode Island and Conneclleult referendum last November, issues as job description, protocol, The supper will be rescheduled at threats. That we can live without fear of of Murdock Development in Los Angeles, Fair and cold through the period. Daytime highs will be authorizing the directors to spend up equipment and training. a later date. a national real estate firm — told the President mulls tax hike the sort of attack made on Afghanistan.” mostly in the 20s, overnight lows in the single numbers paper he had no idea his film would have to low teens. commercial value, although he thought Vermont: Clearing Sunday, fair Monday and someday it would have historical Tuesday; highs zero north to 20 south, low 15 below to 10 Reagan was asked on his return to the Herald photo by Pinto significance. WASHINGTON (U PI) - President U.S.-Soviet above. FIGURE SKATESi White House from a New York speaking wa have a Haldeman said he did not ask Nixon’s Reagan, meeting with Senate Maine, New Hampshire: Cold through the period. Boys or Girls trip Thursday whether all decisions had Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The program wandMlui approval for the project, which is Republican leaders today, says he Scattered flurries Sunday and Monday. Fair Tuesday. Betty Tonucci, copresident of the $ 1 9 9 9 Youth been made. “ Not yet,” he said. “ I ’ll let ‘collision’ seen Included performances by the Benriet Junior assartmentof expected to be complete by next month, expects to wrap up his proposed 1983 Lows 10 to 20 below zero north and 5 above to 5 below Manchester Interracial Council, and Elbert Siies 12-4 but he thought the former president budget soon and decide whether to you know in a few days.” zero south. Highs zero to 10 above north and teens south. "Lou” Irvin, director of the schools’ Multi­ High School Stage Band, singing, and a talk [[• boxed groetiiig cards would be pleased. propose the tax increases pushed by He told a luncheon meeting of New PROVIDENCE, R.L (UPI) - Sen. cultural program, go over the program for by the Rev. Dr. Alvan N. Johnson Jr. Mens or Ladyt birthday and get well Sizes 5-13 ‘"The effect will be to bring back some many of his advisers. York Partnership, Inc., a private group Claiborne Pell, the ranking Democrat on Thursday’s celebration of the birthday of the *21.99 of the reality and dismiss some of the Treasury Secretary Donald Regan and of business leaders promoting job incen­ the Senate Foreign Relations Com­ myth,” Haldeman said. ‘"The view will other administration officials have urged tives, that he expects the recession to mittee, says the United States and Soviet National forecast, 8 9 0 2 / 1 .5 9 Many other models to select from be looking at an actual photographic a reluctant Reagan to raise excise taxes Union appear to be on a “ collision end “ faster than expected.” Los Angeles sy 71 40 l«M than 8$ a card on gasoline, tobacco and alcohol to curb International record ... not an interpretation.” But Speakes told reporters in advance course” that he fears could lead to ii'yity i i Pest Hi Lo PCD Louisville pc 20 17 Includaa anvelope HOCKEY SKATES »16.99 ip mounting federal budget deficits. 42 20 Memphis ^ S 23 Devaney said the production, titled ” A of the speech the administration is nuclear war. Albuquerque sy White House spokesman Larry Anchorage cy 14 11 Miami Beach f 76 44 X View of the White House,” will be sticking to its timetable of recovery by In a speech to the Providence Com­ Asheville pc X 13 .19 Milwaukee sn 16 00 .04 ( SKATES SHABPEHED M “ .0 2 King follower prefers Speakes described today’s meeting offered in six hour-long segments. late spring or early summer. Reagan’s mittee on Foreign Relations Thursday Atlanta pc SO 11 .13 Minneapolis sn 00 -6 every He said 20 countries have bought the between Reagan and the Senate GOP Billings sn 46 0 .02 Nashville pc 23 15 comment, he said, might be interpreted night, the Rhode Island Democrat New Orleans fg 38 20 little leadership as a “ listening session,” in Birmingham pc 21 20 ■■ n s 2 Main St. production sight unseen but that no deal to mean swifter recovery “ than some blamed both the Kremlin and the Reagan Boston pc 24 19 .02 New York pc 27 20 .19 thing had yet been completed to have the which the president would seek a sense administration for the increase in East- Brwnsvll Tx.pc 60 X Oklahm Cty cy 58 27 C A IIR ^ Q 643-7111 expected.” Buffalo pc 19 13 .04 Omaha w 13 U ■ r^llII W Open Daily 0-9 production broadcast in the United of how Congress feels. West tensions. i s Wearing a red and black “ I love New Chrlstn S.C. i 41 29 .19 Philadelphia pc 29 10 States. Speakes said the president will meet Pell said there has been “ dramatic Charm N.C, | 32 15 .34 Phoenix sy 61 40 York” scarf during his brief trip to New Chicago sn 00-10 .01 Pittsburgh cy 21 05 '.03 struggle to a holiday early next week with Senate Republican growth in Soviet military might, accom­ York, Reagan met with new U.N. Cleveland cy 21 o e Portiana Me. w 21 19 29 leader Howard Baker and House GOP panied by a renewed fear that Soviet Columbus sh 21 -4 Portland Or. cy 48 43 Secretary-General Javier Perez de leader Bob Michel, apparently to give- leaders are prepared either directly or Dallas isy 62 29 Providence pc 21 20 Cuellar of Peru and U.N. Ambassador Denver pc 52 32 Richmond sy 26 24 reality and it will live.” way of looking at one another, a new them the word on government spending indirectly to use that might in ways that St. Louis cy 14 12 .01 By Nancy Thompson Jeane Kirkpatrick. Des Moines w 13 0 .07 approach, a new methodology,” Dr. THREE CONVENIENT LOCATIONS Wife seeks figures. could threaten the vital interest of the Detroit sn 21 01 .04 Salt Lak Ctypc 40 33 Herald Reporter “ I think he did too much in his San Antonio sy 56 25 i . 3 1 Johnson said. “ It suggest^ that West. Duluth sn 06 -3 .02 lifetime to let us recognize it by 260 NO. MAIN ST. El Paso pc 50 22 San Diego sy 68 48 Although he was a disciple of the sleeping late,” Dr. Johnson said to America was a place where people “ Second, there has developed a deep- 25 14 .07 San Franese fg 40 41 MANCHESTER.CT. ‘normal’ life Hartford pc Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., DOUBLE the crowd at Center Congregational could live in peace and harmony. seated conviction that America’s Honolulu pc 80 70 San Juan mm 88 74 NORTHWAY Indianapolis sn 17-13 .ix i Seattle cy 50 44 the Rev. Dr. Alvan N. Johnson Jr. is Church. “ I ’d much rather see “ Dr. Martin Luther King was not VERONA, Italy (U P I) - The wife of a response is actually increasing the Jacksn Mss pc 13 Spokane pc 3 0 31 PLAZA Reagan on best dressed list S i not among those who want Dr. a black hero. His contribution was to Manufacturer’s Tampa f 6 6 32 LU gatherings like this.” kidnapped U.S. Brigadier general went likelihood of war instead of deterring it,” Jacksonville 27 V Kansas City cy 24 0 3 Washington sy s o 19 .11 King’s birthday to be a national Dr. Johnson spoke Thursday at the all of humanity. Rarely have we "-’- ‘-‘- “ I j « shopping and visited friends in an,; he said. Las Vraas sy 56 34 WichiU pc H 22^ Little Rock sy 40 X holiday. First Annual Dr. Martin Luther seen a human being who was attempt to return to a normal life, nearly ' 1 “ I hope the United States of NEW YORK (UPI) - President • Renatei Linzenmayer, West German King Jr. Commemorative Pot Luck motivated by love. Coupons a month after she helplessly watched Am erica doesn’t recognize his Reagan and Princess Diana both were businesswoman. Supper sponsored by the “ Far too many people in the ; i ^ a n d y s Red Brigades terrorists kidnap her hus­ birthday for another 20 years,” Dr. named for the first time on the annual • Constance Mellon, New York Manchester Interracial Council. United States of America hated MONOAYSUNDAY band. Buildings open Johnson said. “ What do we do with list of the world’s best dressed people. socialite. black people and thought that black • r * * HOME OF THE In Rome, police tried Thursday to holidays? We denigrate them. Dr. Johnson, who is the pastor at DETAILS IN STORE Reagan joins his wife, Nancy, who has • Paloma Picasso, Paris and New people hated whites. Martin Luther - ' PEOPLE PLEASERS piece together possible leads on the Dec. Lottery “ On Lincoln’s birthday, people Bethel A.M.E. Church in Hartford, been elevated to the Hall of Fame, in York jewelry designer. following leak King taught the people that was not 17 kidnapping of Brig. (Sen. James L. don’t study the works and con­ shared his memories of Dr. King that rarefied atmosphere. • Baroness Eldouard de Rothschild, of so. SPECIALS EFFECTIVE: Dozier from a recent rash of arrests of tributions of Abraham Lincoln. They with about 100 residents, black and Britain’s Prince Charles, who married New York. BOSTON (U P I) — Two buildings at “ His genius was that he mobilized THURS., FRI., SAT.-JAN. 14-15-16 store hours: m o n ^s a t . s a m 9 p m leftist terrorists in the capital. hold white sales. white, who attended the dinner. Diana last July, also was on the list so Quincy Market opened today following a the religious community to show Police Tuesday arrested Massimiliano The men: Numbers drawn in New New Hampshire daily: “ I ’d rather have people struggle Dr. King’s greatest gift. Dr. John­ often he went into the Hall of Fame. chemical leak that forced the evacuation that hatred was' not the way of Corsi, 27, an architecture student • The Duke of Bedford of England. England Thursday: 7796. to recognize his birthday because, son said, was his message of love. ’The annual international poll, com­ of about 2,000 people. Tests were under America.” suspected of membership in the same • John De Lorean, U.S. automobile Connecticut daily: 187. Rhode Island daily: 0752. as long a s , we’re struggling the “ The main gift of Dr. Martin USDA CHOICE piled by publicist Eleanor Lambert with way to determine if the third building Dr. Johnson praised the iocalled "m ilitary” wing of the Red manufacturer. Connecticut weekly:' 06, Vermont daily: 355. memory will remain a burning Luther King is that he gave us a new FRESH WHOLE AMERICAN the help of a volunteer committee of Interracial Council for organizing Brigades police believe kidnapped • Alexander Haig, secretary of state. would reopen later in the day. 830, 554389, yellow. Massachusetts daily: fashion experts, ranked its 12 women and The North and South market buildings the event in King’s honor. Dozier. • Vernon Jordan, former head of the Maine daily: 653. 6094. men alphabetically. were opened about 9 a.m. following an “ Let me applaud you for the Legs of Lamb Corsi has declared himself a “ political National Urban League. existence of the Manchester The women: • Sugar Ray Leonard of Miami, inspection by health officials. But the prisoner” and has refused to talk to Interracial Council, for truly this is police since his arrest. —Mrs! Nuha A1 Hegelloun, wife of the welterweight boxing champion. main market building, where toxic Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United fumes leaked from an electrical the essence, not only of Martin The gunmen who shot and wounded the • Jean-Pierre Marcie-Riviere, Paris- transformer Thursday, remained closed. Luther King, but of Jesus Christ, to 69 States. Report stars deputy chief of anti-terrorist police in based businessman. • Jacqueline Bisset, film actress. “ the North and South markets will whom he was indelibly related in OVEN Rome last week belonged to the same • Carlos Ortiz de Rozas, Argentine LB • Gustavo Cisneros of Venezuela. open,” said city Environmental Health terms of their dreams and what they READY Red Brigades faction which seized ambassador to Great Britain. wanted for humanity. Dozier and Corsi could be involved in the • Mrs. J. Gordon Getty wife of the Director Anthony Cataldo after touring Almanac San Francisco millionaire. • David Niven, film star. the area during the morning. “ By noon “ Whenever you find people attack, investigators -said Thursday. • Dan Rather, TV newscaster. talking to one another, relating to Judith Dozier, 47, went out to do some • Lena Horne, singing star. we should have a definite idea of what Joe and Erma USDA CHOICE PRODUCE DEPT • Mrs. Francis Kellogg of New York. • Valerian Stux-Rybar, interior we’re going to do.” one another, the depth of human un­ shopping ’Thursday in the stores near the designer. New York and Paris. derstanding cannot help but in­ BONELESS CHUCK family apartment overlooking Verona’s • Mrs. Barry (Cece) Kielselstein-Cord Four people, including a firefighter, By United Press International VINE RIPENED FLORIDA of New York and Dallas. • Tom Wolfe, author and critic. were treated for exposure to toxic fumes. Today is Friday, Jan. 15, the 15th day of 1982 with 350 crease,” Dr. Johnson said., Adige River. Meet Joe and Erma Citizen. works department, the planning, to follow. “ There are new agendas, there Outraged by a higher-than-expected public safety and social services Stew Beef The moon is approaching its last quarter. are new problems, but there are Tomatoes tax bill, fke couple sets off to find departments, miscellaneous The morning stars are Venus, Mars, Jupiter and those of us who still hold onto his out where their money goes, em­ departments and the Board of dream,” Dr. Johnson continued. Saturn. barking on an odyssey that takes Education, and directories and The evening star is Mercury. “ If we have any feel for beauty, them — and readers of the town’s more statistical information. any sense of aesthetics, any vision, ANY Peopletalk Those born on this date are under the sign of annual report — through the The annual town report is LARGE, any dream about how sweet life can SIZE LB Capricorn. departments of town government. required by Connecticut law. Last SIZE LB Civil rights leader Martin Luther King was bom Jan. be, the only way our sweetest The Citizens are the stars of the year, Manchester was honored with ' 15, 1929. American actors Lloyd Bridges and Margaret dreams will come true is if we con­ town’s 1980-81 annual report. The an award in the annual statewide Harris hopping mad O’Brien also were bora on Jan. 15 — be in 1913 — she in tinue to love one another.” f r e s h l y MADE report was written in an innovative report contest for communities of 1937. PEG'S PANTRY & DELI narrative style that follows typical its size. ANY SIZE Short-fused British actor Richard Harris refuses . On this date in history: residents Joe and Erma Citizen on ‘ ‘This year has been a particularly USDA CHOICE PREMIUM QUALITY to continue taping or touring in. the musical In 1870, a cartoon done by Thomas Nast appeared in MHA looking “ Camelot” as long as Don Gregory is producer. their quest to learn more about town difficult one with new financial Harper’s weekly with a donkey symbolizing the restraints imposed by inflation and Ground Beef “ I ’d stand in a breadline before working for government. Roast B eef Democratic Party f6r the first time. The report was written by Melissa limits on state and federal aid,” Gregory again,” he said on WNBC-TV’s “ Live at In 1922, the Irish Free State was formed. to buy homes Five” program. “ I don’t think people like that Spiel, a recent graduate of Weiss wrote. “ More than ever, an In 1943, the Pentagon, the world’s largest building of should function.” Manchester High School, who informed public is important to oUr 99 its kind, was com plete on pies of the annual report are “ Thank God I didn’t hit him,’’-Harris told colum­ who submitted essays on the annual housing program. k i nist Earl Wilson. report, as an experiment. now available to citizens at the ’The Housing Authority is seeking USDA CHOICE PREMIUM QUALITY Gregory is co-producer with Mike Merrick of this r Hpralli “ You will note that this year’s an­ Municipal Building. Copies will also to purchase duplex houses to FROM OUR DAIRY DEPT. version of “ Camelot,” which played on Broadway nual town report is considerably be piade available soon in libraries, rehabilitate and rent to low income Corned Beef Nov. 15-Jan. 2 and is scheduM to resume touring different in style and content from banks, the Chamber of Commerce families. after the taping. Official Manchester Newspaper previous reports,’’ General and other public places. ’The only specific requirement is NATIVE WHITE '.USPS 327-500 VOL. Cl, No. 89 * Manager Robert B. Weiss writes in that there be at least three 99 STORE the introduction to the report. “ This bedrooms on each side of toe duplex. Large Published daily except Sunday and certain holidays by SLICED LB should provide for more interesting The condition of the house is not par­ Ex-smoker the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, Voter signup set reading and an easier method to ticularly important since the Manchester, Coiln. 06040. Second class postage paid a t . Eggs DOzVii West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt says CAROLYN CLAY SYLVIANE GOLD HELMUT SCHMIDT convey information about town ac­ The Manchester registrars of prograpa includes funds to make 'Manchester, Conn. POSTMASTER: Send address he’s stopped smoking again and this time it’s for ... winning critic ... another winner .. quite smoking again tivities.” voters will hold a voter making ses­ major repairs and rehabilitation. changes to The Manchester Herald, P.O. Box 591, good. The report is divided into five sec­ sion on Monday, Jan. 18 from 7 to 9 Call toe Housing Authority at 643- 'Manchester, Conn. 06040. tions: statistical and organizational p.m. in the community house at WITH THIS COUPON « A MO. PURCHASE WITH THISCOUPONG A MO. PURCHASE “ I ’ll pay anyone who sees me smoking 1(X) receive a tax-free $5,000. The awards will be made piuiisili|>a dk mVidllU, Itdiy, Id&lytMi, nlivtl Itarpov 2163 for more information. EXCLUDING BEER 8 TOBACCO ■ EXCLUDING BEER S TOBACCO ■ marks” ($50), he said at a reception in Bonn. at a Feb. 10 reception in New York. beat him, 6-2. information, the finance and public Squire Village on Spencer Street. LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER 2 LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER ■ To subscribe, or to reM rt a delivery problem, call 647- Schmidt, who received a heart pacemaker last Korchnoi, on vacation in South Germany, said he LAND O’ LAKES ■ SWEET LIFE BIG ■ This year is the 100th anniversary of the birth of ',9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mtmday fall, had taken up cigarettes again while will challenge Karpov again. through Friday and 7 to 10 a.m. Satunlay. Delivery vacationing in Florida over Christmas. the late great theater critic who left a trust fund for the annual award. should be made by 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and bv Du« To A Typographical Butter I ! White Bread I Glimpses 7:30 a.m. Saturday. Peck names deputy Error In tho Plzaa Coupon OTRS Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 weekly, $6.12 for one LB PKQ $J19 Distaff critics month, $15.35 for three montto, $30.70 for six months, Chess charge College student Suzanne DelVames, 18, wearing .and $61.40 for one year. Mall rates are available on Frederick E. Peck, Republican registrar of voters, ANTOMO'S PIZZA ft RESTAURANT Two women critics of the Boston Phoenix have the same dress her mother wore 25 years ago as-a has appointed Karin VonDeck of 25 Ellen Lane as his request. VALID JAN. 14. IS, t iA T ANDYS MANC. VALID JAN. 14. U . 16 AT ANDYS MANC. been named cowinners of the 1980-1 George Jean Exiled Soviet chess grand master Victor beauty contestant in Texas, won the title of Miss , t deputy registrar of voters. will honor thair coupon Nathan Award for Eiramatic Criticism. They are Korchnoi says his defeat by Soviet world champion California 1982 and will compete in the Miss USA ofliw through Sunday theater editor and critic Carolyn Clay and the Anatoly Karpov was caus^ by skulduggery on the pageant in Biloxi, Miss, in May ... , To place a classified or display advertisement, or to Mrs. VonDeck is Republican District 3 chairwoman report a news item, story or picture idea, call 843-2711. paper’s New York theater critic, Sylviane Gold. part of the Soviet delegaUon. He told journalists in Spanish painter Joan Miro, 88, is expected home'^ and was an unsuccessful candidate foor the Board oi Jan. 17th, 1982 The award, the nation’s richest in the theater, Griesbach, West Germany, the Soviets used Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday throu^ Selectmoi and the Republican town chairman’s Job. IF YOU DID’NT RECEIVE YOUR VALUE PACKED FLYER from hospital this weekend after an operation in Friday. normally is $5,000, but this year each cov/inner will “ secret effects” to make him ill during the cham- . Wa Ragrat Any fficonvenfencM Palma de Mallorca for insertion of a pacemaker . . ; / She is a speech and hearing therapist yrtth the IN THE SILKTOWN FLYER, STOP IN & PICK ONE UP. Manchester Board of Education. No t RgSPOMBIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITY

L. -r.as5tnacaF8ae,e-taw<

4 — THE HERALD. Fri.; Jan. 15. 1982 THE HERALD, Fri„ Jan. 15, 1982 - 5 Poland frees people held under martial law Ford offers Haig-Begin talks warm and friendly'

sabotage and propaganda operation The autonomy talks have shown little By Ruth ,E. Gruber and beef up their propaganda cam­ ning to normal conditions that would stance over martial law, 16 Western NATO was “usurping the right to JERUSALEM (UPI) - Secretory of NATO foreign ministers on the Poland same thing from Egyptian officials in his as part of active resistance if 'better idea' progress since they began in May 1979, United Press International paign if reprisais against their permit the lifting of military rule countries owed a total of $26.5 dictate to a sovereign state the State Alexander Haig heard Israel’s crisis. visit to Cairo. ieaders are not ended. soon but no target date was an­ billion by Poland decided in Paris choice of ways of solving its internal reprisals continue.” In a toast at a working dinner “We didn’t come here with any for­ aiming at a self-rule council for the 1.2 DE’TROIT (UPI) — Ford Motor Co. has rejected position on the deadlocked Palestinian million Palestinians in the occupied WARSAW, Poland — Poland’s A ietter said to be smuggled from nounced. ’Thursday to suspend negotiations problems,” it said. autonomy talks and hinted he or a U.S. Thursday with Israeli officials, Haig said mulas,” Haig told reporters after a two- “We cannot afford to organize a plan by the United Auto Workers, already hour session with Begin ’Thursday. “We West Bank and Gaza Strip. military regime, beginning its se­ the more than 250 internees in War­ “As the situation is normalized, with Warsaw on rescheduling its accepted by General Motors, and says it will envoy might return to the Middle East to the troubles between Israel and the cond month in power, announced 1,- saw’s Biaioieka Prison said a restrictions are lessened,” said 1902 $3.5 billion debt. “The present situation in Poland strikes. It would be too dangerous United States have been placed “in the are here to be the catalysts and full Egypt has called for a strong Palesti­ propose a “better idea” for pulling automakers out try for agreement by April. nian self-governing authority with 056 people arrested under martial hunger strike against conditions by government spokesman Jerzy Ur­ The official news agency PAP constitutes no threat to anyone in since the strength of the authorities Haig met Prime Minister Menachem past” and bilateral ties “are as friendly partners.” Europe and the world. Martial law is too great,” they said. of financial disaster. Back in Washington, Haig will put powers analogous to a U.S. state law have been released and declared some 70 inmates was stiil under way ban. "Now, after a month of martial Thursday lashed out the NATO Ford negotiators — said by the union to be scared Begin and other Israeli officials as ever.” the nation is slowly returning to nor­ more than a week after it started will be lifted as soon as the situation together proposals to bridge the gaps legislature. law we see that conditions are being dllies for their support of U.S. trade They claimed 20,000 members of of the .UAW-GM plan by possible antitrust ’Thursday and said the recent strain in An Israeli official said the revival of mal. Jan. 4. The ciaim couid not be made more liberal and martial law restrictions on the Soviet Union and permits it.” the U.S.-Israeli strategic cooperation between the two sides. He said he or a Israel, fearing real autonomy could the banned union were still active in violatiotos — were set to present a full-blown con­ U.S.-Israel relations over the' Golan lead to a Palestinian state that would Three underground Solidarity ac­ checked independently. regulations are eased.” Poland. Heights annexation was hardly noticed. agreement was not discussed. ’The agree­ high-level envoy could return shortly for The three Solidarity activists, who underground activities. ’The union’s tract proposal to the UAW today. discussions on autonomy. threaten its existence, sees something tivists said Thursday at a Authorities announced Thursday He announced new arrests have PAP said the fact NATO met to General Motors bargainers were scheduled to Both sides noted a “warm and friendly” ment was revoked by Begin last month clandestine news conference for the reiease of 1,056 of the more than dropped off sharply — from over 350 consider Poland and its decisions refused to identify themselves, said memtership before martial law was after U.S. objections to the Golan Israeli officials quoted Haig as saying closer to a town council with limited 10 million. Solidarity chief Lech continue informal discussions with their union tone. domestic authority. Western reporters, however, 5,000 peopie arrested for resisting Dec. 13-22 to about 210 for the entire amounted to “unprecedented in­ they were committed to passive Haig was to meet opposition Labor annexation. he wants an Egyptian-Israeli agreement resistance but “will undertake cer­ Walesa is isolated under house counterparts. on Palestinian autonomy “before April, The Palestinians in the occupied members of the suspended union are martial law. period since then. terference in Poland’s internal af­ . It was reported ’Thursday Ford would accept the Party leader Shimon Peres and hold a se­ In talks that dealt almost exclusively prepared to sabotage the economy ’They said Poland is slowly retur­ Reflecting the stiffening NATO tain actions including economic arrest in Warsaw. " with autonomy, Haig asked Israel for if possible.” Israel is to complete the territories have rejected autonomy in fairs.” union’s unprecedented proposal if it could be cond session with Begin today before favor of selfdetermination, a code word leaving for Washington! His trip began specific, written positions on the un­ final stage of its withdrawal from the reshaped to offer permanent contract changes. The Sinai desert on April 26. for a Palestinian state. plan calls for car prices to be cut according to the Sunday in Brussels where he met with resolved issues in the talk'!. He got the It's a miracle amount of Concessions agreed to by the union. Ford Vice President for Labor Relations Peter Pestillo told reporters the company will make its Icy winds, cold own offer to the UAW that will include specific dollar figures for price cuts and concessions. Escapee kept busy bringing in 'suspects' Thatcher meets his dad “Antitrast seems to be a great concern to them but it’s not to us,” chief union negotiator Donald But last Friday, the masquerade was off the charade.” Albergate said Arnold was arraigned battering Europe Ephlin said of Ford’s refusal to accept the union’s LOS ANGELES (UPI) — Escaped Wednesday in Long Beach Municipal prisoner Robert Arnold’s peculiar uncovered shortly after Arnold’s arrest Arnold walked away from a work- ALGIERS, Algeria (UPI) - Mark oasis of Tamanrasset, about 280 miles from The pilot saw “people waving a pullover or plan. He added he is “not at all upset” that the com- furlough program at a halfway house two Court and pleaded innocent to two counts , pany is coming up with its own offer. brushes with the law involved collaring in northern California. LONDON (UPI) — Persistent northern France and weather Thatcher, the race-car driving son of where he was foupd along with his French co­ shirt or something like that,” said the elder “All we did was throw his butt in jail,” months ago while serving a two-year of kidnapping, one count of car theft and blustery winds and icy temperatures forecasters warned the cold would driver Charlotte Vemey, 38, and mechanic Thatcher, who flew into Algeria Wednesday “After we hear their explanation, we’ll decide innocent bystanders and hauling his a charge of escape. Britain’s prime minister missing in the “suspects” to police station booking ’Tulare Police Cmdr. Tom Luttrell said sentence for grand theft auto at Chino froze Amsterdam’s canals, inspiring persist for several more days. Sahara desert for six days, was happily Claude Gamier, earlier in the day. to observe the rescue effort. whether Ford tmly has a better idea,” Ephlin said. State Prison, police said. Pestillo said the company wants to come up with desks. ’Thursday. “We knew he was wanted as Police first became suspicious about commuters to skate to work and The River Seine threatened to reunited with his father in a remote Algerian The IRN report said Miss Vemey was im­ an escaped prisoner and once we started McMurray said at least two of Ar­ destroying 150 trees planted 200 years overflow into the streets of Paris, for­ Terry Sabine, organizer of the race, flew in a “new collective bargaining agreement.” Arnold, who escaped from a state Arnold when they received a call from a oasis only hours after his rescue. mediately taken to a hospital for a checkup, prison two months ago where he was ser­ doing some checks we found out he was nold’s prisoners were held by police, one ago in northern France by Marie An­ cing closure of highways and the “it’s a miracle they found them in this apparently after drinking too much water another plane to pick up the trio, the object of “I don’t rate what we have seen so far as a proper juvenile official Jan. 4 inquiring about a an intensive search by French and Algerian ving time for grand theft auto, always also wanted by Los Angeles police.” of them for three days. ’They were all man who had picked up an innocent toinette. Metro subway stop in front of Notre country,” Denis Thatcher said Thursday. following her rescue. collective bargaining agreement,” he said. Wage- McMurray said Arnold, 35, had posed released, however, and no charges were For the first time in seven days, Dame Cathedral. Areas west of Paris air force planes and Algerian troop columns cut proposals have not been ruled out as part of looked official enough. He wore a police vouth and tried to have him detained. “You’ve got a very relieved mom and dad.” ’Thatcher, however, was reported fit and jacket bearing sergeant’s stripes and a as a California Department of Correc­ filed against any of them. there were no deaths reported already were flooded. In London, Mrs. Thatcher issued a state­ well after the emotional reunion with his since Monday. negotiations, but UAW President Douglas Fraser badge. tions officer during the past few weeks “I have no idea why Arnold was going Officers at the Hollywood station Thursday due to the harsh weather, The Seine was forecast to overflow ment saying she was “very relieved and father. He shmgged off the desert ordeal, has refused to go along with any cuts in pay. and brought in several handcuffed around dressed as a law enforcement of­ suggested Arnbld take his "suspect in the capital Saturday, prompting ’They had been reported lost last Friday in Ford’s critical financial situation was underlined He also carried phony police iden­ which has claimed at least 53 lives thankful” about her son’s rescue. Mrs. saying all he needed was a b ^ r, a sandwich, the desolate Algerian desert while competing “suspects.” ficer,” McMurray said. “You would back to the sheriff's station where he and millions of dollars in damages in Paris Mayor Jacques Chirac to order a bath and a shave, IRN reported. Thursday when it announced it will not pay a tification cards and carried a notebook Thatcher said she was “deeply touched by the in the 10,000 mile Paris-Dakar motor rally. filed with mugshots and criminal He said Arnold detained at least five think an escaped prisoner would tiy to said the “suspect" had first been the last seven days. 500 brick “chimneys” built above many offers of help which poured in.” An Algerian Air Force Hercules plane had quarterly dividend for the first time in 25 years. records. people, always describing them as es­ stay as far away from police as possible. arrested. Record low temperatures sent ther­ sewer outlets to contain the rising Independent Radio News in London spotted Thatcher’s Peugeot 504 four-seater on The senior Thatcher paid tribute to the Meanwhile, the Big ’Three announced indefinite “He told us he was trying to track layoffs for the week of more than 223,000 workers. “Personally,” said Detective James caped prisoners when he brought his mometers plunging Thursday in waters. report^ Thatcher, 28, was flown to meet his a desert track with the three people frantical­ “fantastic job” the Algerian military had “suspects” to the Hollywood station. down someone who killed his lover and But Arnold never showed up at the ly waving a shirt to attract attention. performed. Pestillo said the Ford plan will “address issues MCMurray, “I think he got a charge out father just before midnight ’Thursday in the of bringing suspects in and seeing them “Basically, his approach was authen­ that’s why he was making the arrests. sheriff's station, McMurray said, and that have been identified as critical by the UAW,” But there is quite a good chance that is a when police called the home of the but he said the concession-price cut trade “needn’t remain in custody while he — an escaped tic,” McMurray said. “He had been in­ stitutionalized and knew the lingo of law lot of hogwash.” suspect they found Arnold had released be a part of the labor agreement.” prisoner — walked free. It was an ego thing.” ’ enforcement and that’s how he carried District Attorney spokesman A1 him. DON’T MISS OUR OTHER UNADVEWKED DOLLAR SALE SPECIALS FRIPAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY

ic !S |




f "u’ 10 FOR I RED DEVIL k FOAMSOCKH MAGNETIC piAsnc FLUORESCENT^ FLUIDMASTER POLYURETHANE ORGANIZERS WITH 32 OUNCE e v e r e a d y h - d u t y $1 SEALER KIT CATCH HANGERS 40 WAH BULBS TOILET TANK No. OS12 D-12 SPRAY ENAMEL FREE FASTENERS MISTER PLUMBER NOPP298 D-12 D-14 NOF40CW D-16 Clear or colon 6 VOLT BATTERY IN C A RED VALVE D-11 No 63410344 D-12 ______0-14 Na1209 , . D-16 2'X4'xy4' LAUAN Va " FIT PIPE Va'XlO' M Z BRICK NO200-A D-15 10 PIECE RECTANGULAR S M n ) INT. INSULATION COPPER TUBING 4 SQ tt carton SCREWDRIVER SET WASTEBASKET D-10 D-15 D!15 D-10 No 75 D-13 No 2846 D-14 CLEARANCE sSSivL Util r t 3 L » U n B J BBQ YOUR FOR CHOICE B 0 0 600 W A H RECEPTACLE OR WINDSHIELD CASTROLGTX 9 ' HOUSE OUMOUT “AA” ALKAUNE DELUXE .QUIET SWITCH WASHER SOLVENT M O TO R O IL 10JOWERTOOL V aIN CH EMERGENCY STRAP V D-16 EXTENSION CORO JE T SPRAY BATTHHIS EXTENSION CORD Gallon D-32 1OW8ai0W4O D-32 Brownjgyjj^^ J3otNa;460 0-32 COPPER STOP DIMMER SNOW CHAINS A m m m - 4 i h 6 Nooaiia- . D-16 ♦ D-isy 3M B LO CK SUPER DRIVER SWITCH EVEREADY 6 VOLT store stock only. 32 W An CIRCUNE BAN DIN G W T W/BIRfi SOCKETS NdSONOOUl LANTERN W/BATTERY No roinchecks FLUORESCENT BULB N0475 N0 5122-WB 0-16 0-32 NOFC12T10/CW D-16 ® No 9248 0-11 D-13 OPEN 8UIIDAT 9 i30 A.H. e x u WXUiT MBKITT, t o 8i30 PJL the CIUMiel "Umm* Eartet,"* X » CVEST gft»n« with amf 4e*r*eteeM ENFIELD NiUlCHESTER Mb. WEST HERTFORD SOUTHINGTON WATERRURY ro i TODi coEvnniHct HOMECENTERS pnUMi. luiXtalialMtMi STATBLINE VLAIA WB8T MIDDLE TPKB. W m CHANNEL PLAZA AT NEW QUEEN B. PLAZA NATTATUCK PLAZA, "ArntMem’* Mo. 10oM-Youm M ttaioo- NT. aaO (BLN St.) •ad BBOAD ST. BBITAIN ATE. A SHIELD ST. 388 QUEEN ST. WOLCOTT ST. ^'Copyright, Channel Home Centen, Inc. 1982. o GIMCC company THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. IS, 1982 - 7 ft - THE HERALD. Fri:. Jan. 15, 1982 O P I N I O N / Commentary Prescott Bush Camera says brother in court What happened to Manchester Democrats? won't help test OK hard in some other towns. But we When the dust cleared Tuesday have a pretty good organization here night, the Cheney District referen­ and I think they knew that and, with dum had passed and, as expected by it belonged to him and “ it was in my HARTFORD’ (U P l) — Connec­ some guidance, I think they knew By Jacqueline Huard most people, Barbara Kennelly had Manchester attic.” ticut’s highest court has agreed to we could do very well here.” United Press International a new job in Washington. His announcement speech was allow news cameras and microphones to record some of its But the resuits of that special Spotlight , . HARTFORD— Prescott Bush Jr., aimed at Weicker and Rep. Toby IKONICAIXY, THE UCCELLO proce^ings, despite the strong op­ election raised some interesting •brother of Vice President George Moffett, the leading candidate for campaign district-wide was the Democratic nomination. He Mid position of the state bar association. questions locally. By Paul Hendrie — Herald Reporter Bush and now a candidate for fte criticized for the lack of visible sup­ U.S. Senate, has promised he won’t Weicker was “ best known because Justices of the state Supreme Democratic Town Vice port from the Republican National .'get any help from the White House He thumbs his nose at his party, his Court unanimously approved a one- Chairwoman Dorothy Brindamour Committee. Mrs. Kennelly’s sup­ Jn his campaign. president and often at the best in­ year “ cameras in the courtroom” asked the key question Tuesday port from national Democrats was ^ “ Once I’m nominated, I’ll terests of his state.” experiment that will allow elec­ “ Peopie were willing to put their last minute push in Manchester by night: ‘‘What happened to us?" 'welcome him (George) with open tronic and still coverage of certain the Republican National Com­ more visible, with big-names like "Lowell Weicker has not given Indeed, what did happen to money behind the Cheney arms. Until I ’m nominated he won’t appeal proceedings starting later Ted Kennedy and Bouse Majority Connecticut the representation it Manchester Democrats? restoration,’ ’ said Cummings. mittee. ^tep foot into Connecticut — at least this year. Leader James Wright coming to the deserves in the Senate. Toby Moffett While Mrs. Kennelly rolled up ’’They saw that as their money. But "Manchester happened to be a 'in support of m e,” Bush said The Supreme Court decision, an­ district to stump for her. will not. I can and I will,” Bush said. nounced Thursday by Chief Justice huge victory margins in most other the same people bought the image of test town for the Republican Thursday in announcing his can­ The Republican effort in Moffett is a big spender, he said, John A. Speziale, added Cdhnecticut towns in the district, she took this Mrs. Kennelly as a big spender. U is National Committee,” said Cum­ didacy at the Old State House. Manchester, at least, wa^more low- “ who has to be dragged kicking and to a list of 34 states where news entirely different to spend your own mings. "In Manchester, I saw three The 58-year-oId insurance heavily Democratic town by just 348 screaming into facing the economic cameras and tape recorders are different fliers in the last week. All key — Cummings charged it lacked executive from Greenwich, whose votes. money than it is to let someone else realities of the 1980s.” “ visibility.” But it almost worked. father, Prescott Bush Sr., allowed in courtrooms. That was despite the success of a spend it. were paid for by the Republican Bush rejected a proposal from Camming said the Democrats represented Connecticut in the U.S. Speziale, .a leading proponent of referendum that — although finally "This was an election where you National Committee. That was big Moffett that candidates limit their allowing cameras and microphones didn’t notice the Republican push in Senate from 1952 to 1962, is endorsed by both parties — seemed could be for spending — because out-of-town money.” spending in what has been billed as a into Connecticut's courtrooms, cited town until it was almost too late, so challenging two-term Sen. Lowell more closely identified with the you related to it —> then turn around The Republican National Com­ ^ million-to-$3 million per con­ advances in technology as one factor they were fortunate to weather the ■ Weicker for the Republican nomina­ Democrats, who control town and compensate by voting against mittee also paid for the GOP tender campaign. in the Supreme Court’s approval of storm. tion. government. someone who was portrayed as a big telephone bank, which was housed TED CUMMINGS DONNA MERCIER The question of what role the the experiment. " I f we had not, with our strictly “ The cap I would put on it is The Democrats just got through spender." upstairs in the Watkins Building, ...abortion a factor? ...hard work pays Reagan-Bush administration will He said the justices felt volunteer help, reached out and exactly the amount I need to get my ’’technology in the electronic media whipping the Republicans in the Republican Town Vice while Cummings said the play in the campaign has been an alerted all those Democrats about message across to the people of has progressed to the stage at which November municipal elections, so Chairwoman Donna Mercier agreed Democratic Town Committee had to “There was a big effort in the sonally made, I didn’t get that im­ ' issue for monHis. The vice president Connecticut,” he said. His sup­ the election, we could not have over­ coverage of our proceedings may be they went into the congressional that it made perfect sense to vote foot the bill for Mrs. Kennelly’s Glastonbury, South Windsor and pression that the abortion issue was said he wouldn’t interfere, but porters include wealthy come that Republican effort,” he Weicker said it has already started. possible without having an adverse race confident of another convincing both for a fiscal conservative — iike local headquarters. Manchester area asking people to a major issuee, she said. Republicans disenchanted with said. Weicker complained this week effect on the proceedings or the par­ victory. Miss Uccello — and an ambitious Mrs, Mercier confirmed that the vote for Miss Uccello because of her Cummings claimed the election Weicker’s more rebellious brand of Mrs. Mercier also stressed the im­ that Bush used a Connecticut fun­ ticipants.’’ Instead, Republican candidate plan like the Cheney project. Republican National Committee anti-abortion stand,” said Cum­ was a boost for the Democrats, politics. “ This test period will give both portance of volunteer work by the draising list left over from his Ann Uccello just missed pulling a “ I was not surprised about the sent five workers to Manchester to mings. “ That was true — I was told because they managed to hold on the court and the media the oppor­ Republicans. brother’s 1980 presidential cam­ The only elective office Bush has passage Of the Cheney question," help coordinate the campaign. and win — though just barely — tunity to evaluate broadcast margin upset in Manchester. there was a network there.” paign, and that Bush got it from the held was on the Greenwich “ We had people who worked for coverage after the one-year said Mrs. Mercier. “ I reaily think "They helped us make phone calls Cummings said the anti-abortion despite the Republicans’ best shot. vice president. representative town meeting in the UPl photo TKI) C l MM IN(;S, T H K Colleen Howe and for Peter experiment," the chief justice said peopie in town know what’s going ■and they even sent people out on push was so extensive that some Mrs. Mercier admitted that the Bush said that wasn’t true. He late 1940s. He was chairman of the Democratic town chairman, thinks Fusscas, but they all piit aside their in a statement. on.” election day to help us give rides,” area churches urged their con­ close finish, “ surprised me.” said he put the list of Connecticut Greenwich Republican town com­ Prescott Bush, brother of Vico President Senate nomination Thursday at the Old State he has it all figured out now. differences,” she said. “ We wanted ' contributors together himself when Televised coverage of court she said. gregations to vote against Mrs. She said the strong showing will mittee and served on the Republican George Bush, formally announced his can­ House in Hartford. Cummings said there’s no con­ CUM MINUS SAID two other to elect a Republican to Congress.” he was fundraising for his brother so proceedings has been strongly op­ But’ Mrs. Mercier said bolster morale for Manchester State Central Committee. didacy for the Connecticut Republican U.S. tradiction between a vote in favor of major factors that the Democrats Kennelly. posed by the Connecticut Bar Manchester was not a Republican Republicans, as they gear up for a $750,000 bond issue for street im­ failed to see until the vote was near­ THE SECOND FACTOR that Mrs. Mercier said she saw no Association, which also has spoken round two in the' 1st District race out against a separate plan to con­ provements in the Cheney District ly over swept Miss Uccello to a “ test town.” Cummings said helped Miss Uccello evidence to indicate that the abor­ next November, when Mrs. Kennel­ duct a similar oneyear experiment and a vote against a liberai can­ Manchester victory. “ I didn’t get that impression,” she in Manchester was the abortion tion issue was a key factor. ly will stand for re-election. in the state’s Superior Court system. The first was a behind-the-scenes said. “ They were working just as issue. “ In all the phone calls that I per- didate for Congress. Purolator deliberations enter 3rd day The Superior Court proposal, which is still being considered by the Superior Court Rules Com­ In Manchester Birr, BEV. L IS T E N -I'M NOT GOING TO credibility of Ms. Dolphin’s tional murder conviction requires mittee, also is believed to have ROBOTS ARS TAKING OVER A WATERBURY (U P l) — Jurors murder and intentional murder in that led to the arrests of Couture GET UPTIGKTABOUT IT. X PLAN TO testimony. the jury to find a defendant intended strong opposition from some of that were to resume deliberations today the April 16, 1979, holdup and and Pelletier. OF THE JOBS AT OOK Hull spoke briefly to the jury to kill his victim. court system’s judges. ROLL WITH THE PUNCH— after two days without a verdict in slayings at Purolator Security’s She testified during the trial she Criminal trials are held in the Thursday, amending his instructions “ The fundamental thrust of the in­ NEW ASSEIViBUy PLANT GO ALONG ^GET ALONG the murder trial of two men accused Waterbury depot. overheard Pelletier planning a Superior Court system. An old problem concerning the felony murder dictment remains unchanged," Hull of gunning down three guards during Each could face 75 years to life in robbery before the Purolator Under the Supreme Court action, counts. told the panel. “ 1 will amend the ' a $1.9 million holdup at an armored prison if convicted. slayings and bought one of the rifles applications from news personnel In court Thursday, the jury asked tied to the slayings. He told jurors Tuesday they had to questions to avoid confusion to the car garage. find the defendants guilty of inten­ desiring to cover court proceedings The Superior Court jury went for a reading of testimony from the Ms. Dolphin, who lived with jury and possible inconsistent ver­ is here again tional murder to also return a guilty with tape recorders or still or televi­ home ’Thursday after discussions state’s star witness, Patricia P elletier and the defendant’ s dicts." verdict on the felony murder sion cameras will be accepted that took 6V$ hours over two days. Dolphin. Lawyers began compiling common-law wife, is in line to Hull originally described the charges. He discarded the stipula­ beginning on April 12. ’They were to meet again-at 10 a.m. the information and said it would collect more than $100,000 in reward change as a "clarification.” tion Thursday; The coverage will be limited to a If you thought relations were got through to Mrs. Weinberg, today. not be ready before late Friday mor­ money. Felony murder involves a slaying The two defense attorneys and ’’pool" with one television camera, bad between the United States who was out of town, he did Donald Couture, 29, of Wallingford ning. Superior Court Judge T. Clark one pudio system and one still Ms. Dolphin called police the day committed during the act of another State’s Attorney Francis McDonald and the Soviet Union, how about leave word with her that he and Lawrence Pelletier, 38, of Hull had warned jurors this week photographer serving all news after the robbery with information they must carefully weigh the crime, such as a robbery. An inten­ all objected to the change. those between the Eighth would rather the group met at a Waterbury are charged with felony organizations. The justices will have District and the town Board of later tim e than 5 p.m. the final say on whether any coverage is allowed. Directors? Without ever talking with him Regulations drawn up to imple­ If you can call what it is directly, Mrs, Weinberg TV Station ment the experiment also prohibit between them relations, that is. canceled the meeting. She did Gubernatorial hopefuls Sales tax outright electronic coverage of At least the U.S. and the Soviets attempt to notify all the com­ IN FACT, X'VE INVITEP MV NEW COULP you FIX A NICE Pl6H OF cases involving family relations, talk to each other. The Eighth m ittee m embers by m ail, but a FOREMAN -no PINNER TOMORROW ASSORTEP b o l t s W ITH A ^ sues guard trade secrets, sexual offenses and revenue down cases otherwise closed in accor­ District and the town board secretary in Town Hall erred TOPISCUSS IT...- MOTOR OIL PRESSING ? dance with state law. file financial reports WEST HARTFORD (UPl) - Televi­ don't even do that these days. and the notices never w ere sent The approved proposal was HARTFORD (U P l) — Connecticut’s sales tax, sion station WVIT has filed a damage suit The Town-District Liaison out. changed to require news which makes up more than a third of the state’s against a security guard who allegedly/ Committee, which is supposed to revenue, has come in low for the second straight organizations to give 22 days notice, The end result was that Tripp roughed up one of its cameramen during a HARTFORD, Conn. of money makes money.” since October. month, despite the holiday shopping season. instead of the original five, of their be the forum for settling and Longest and presumably all Rolling Stones concert last November. (U P l) — ’The bulk of the Among the other con­ Labriola listed several The sales tax for December, which actually intent to cover a proceeding. differences between the two the Eighth District officials money came from a bank tributors were Bridgeport doctors among his con­ reflected November sales, totaled $73 million for Channel 30’s suit in Hartford Superior The change drew fire from governmental bodies, hasn’t met were once again furious at what loan but House Speaker criminal lawyer Theodore tributors. He spent $43,- the month or 4.4 percent above the same time last Court charges cameraman Lionel A. Jardine proponents. since June. they saw as a refusal on the Ernest Abate is none­ Koskoff, former president 948.79 on expenses ranging year. Last month it was 4.6 percent. The forecast Jr. was assaulted by security guard Steven "We are clearly not happy with Vacations, elections, and a town’s part to do some serious theless overjoyed about of the Connecticut Bar from $200 “ consultant for the year was 8.5 percent. Rigney, a California resident. the change that extends the period fees” to a half dozen prior speaking engagement by talking. his $112,200 cam paign Association. Koskoff con­ “ We’re just going to have to keep an eye on it,” for written requests," said attorney chest for a possible guber­ tributed $1,250. employees to printing Rigney and a Los Angeles firm, Mahoney & J. Charles Mokriski, who .the com m ittee’s recently chosen The need for improved com­ Edward Baida, chief of economic and revenue natorial campaign. Quarterly finance costs. All but two con­ forecasting for the Office of Policy and Manage­ Wasserman Associates, were named, as represented television station chairman, town Director Bar­ munications is evident. The Of the sum, $102,000 was reports filed with the tributors were from ment, said Thursday. defendants in the suit. WFSB during public hearings on the bara Weinberg, were reasons for Eighth District has taken the a loan from State National Secretary of the State’s Of­ Connecticut. He said the average growth for the first five The suit said Rigney was hired by Mahoney new rules. Bank of Connecticut in fice also showed three of Republican Lewis Rome Attorney Stephen Nevas, who some of the delays. step of advertising for land in HUCME(S)I96 i f w t wo«iH^AR.TEc6en>^ months of the fiscal year was 9.5 percent, or 0.2 per­ but a spokesman for the company, Mason L. Bridgeport to the Abate for the candidates for the of Bloomfield, like Bozzuto . The latest installment in what Buckland where it can establish cent above what was expected. Baida said he Buck, said his firm had nothing to do with represented the Connecticut Broad­ Governor exploratory Republican gubernatorial a former Senate minority casters Association, said the long has become a tragicom edy of expected December sales to come at 9 percent security or managing the Stone’s U;S. tour. a fire headquarters even though campaign committee. leader, reported con­ nomination reporting total growth. Jardine said he was not seriously injured advance notice "has absolutely no misunderstanding and mutual there already exists a town-run “ I now know support for contributions ranging from tributions totaling $93,- “ We still don’t know what the trend is going to when allegedly pushed by Rigney, precedent.” recrimination occurred this firehouse in Buckland. ,.my candidacy is not just $93,000 to $107,000. 589.69. He spent $40,483.49, be,” he said. “ If the recession is deeper and longer week — or, rather, didn’t occur. Maybe there is no answer to cheap talk,” Abate said Republicans Richard including $11,700 paid to than most people are saying, then it probably will Thursday. “ People are Bozzuto of Watertown and consultant Larry Eastland Two Eighth District directors the seemingly age-old problem The Marcoses' purple dignity have an impact on Connecticut and then the sales talking with their wallets.” Sen. Russell Post of Canton for a mailer. on the liaison com m ittee, Joseph of getting the Eighth District tax could suffer.” Abate is expected to had not filed reports by Rome listed among his Revenue from the capital gains and dividends tax Tripp and Samuel Longest, and the town government to challenge Gov. William 4:30 p.m. The statements, contributors Wallace was $30.2 million, which was running 80 percent plowed through the blizzard on WASHINGTON - Not since the O’Neill for the Democratic Barnes of Bristol, chair­ coexist peacefully. But nothing limbed, with a well-proportioned by law, must be post­ above last year. gubernatorial nomination. marked by midnight of the man of the Barnes Group, Wednesday to attend a 5 p.m. good possibly can happen if the late Evita Peron has the world seen body that was rounded, not bony,” In a written statement, and John Filer of West committee meeting. They found two sides don’t even talk with a first lady like Imelda Marcos. The reporting 4ay. the authors rhapsodized. The girl’s he also quoted Gerald Fox, ' Post said his report will Hartford, chairman of the that the meeting had been beauteous onetime song plugger and each other. bearing “ Oven then was noticeably the speaker’s law partner board of Aetna Life & beauty-contest winner has always Jack Anderson show he has ra is ^ $107,- canceled two days earlier by Somebody — Mrs. Weinberg is aristocratic,” they wrote. in Stamford. Fox con­ 353.57 — the highest total to Casualty. ^^^ksiow tifPtlfUTnacyf Is Your Coverage been unabashedly ambitious. Some Mrs. Weinberg. the logical candidate — is going This paragon of all virtue is tributed $2,500 to the cam- date. An aide to Bozzuto regard has as the relentless genius Washington Merry-Go-Round Ironically, Tripp apparently to have to get Manchester’s Hat­ scarcely recognizable to those who p^gn, which is expected to said the former Senate The Original BOEKAMP behind her husband’s dictatorship in 455 HARTFORD RD. had brought about the cancella­ have dared to challenge Imelda’s cost candidates at least $1 Minority Leader had con­ fields and McCoys together at the Philippines. QUARTZ Not What It Should Be? ruthless climb to power and wealth. million a piece. tributions totaling “ right MANCHESTER 643-5230 tion himself. Though he never the same table, and soon, Imelda’s ambition extended to her m HEATER Such a shameless attem pt to “ Once you get $100,000, around $100,000.” N r iMT afiiielas aam MlMM m |wr Htlea, saETCO • CHS daughter, Imee; she wanted the girl then you have the means to Sen. Gerald Labriola, R- m transform a onetime beauty contes­ bMa f e m M w tm ra us N M OfllM tMaiMlBi ROOF LEAKS? WATER DAMAGE? to marry someone suitable. had given the star-crossed lovers his reach out to potential con­ Naugatuck, a pediatrician i ^29^^ subtle change occurs in the text and tant into a goddess would be em­ , aiM pain aao iiamet tributors less familiar with serving his first term in the Imelda’s first choice was England’s blessing. When Imee expressed con­ illustrations: 'The legend of Malakas ' CtOIID MMEioan SPECIAL SAVINGS ON barrassing if it did not reflect the Eriiie,” Fox said in the Legislature, reported con­ Prince Charles, who — to Imelda’s cern over her mother’s reaction, the FOSTER-BREN and Maganda becomes intwined coldblooded ambition that has statement. " I t ’s just a case tributions' of $102,914.90. QUALITY REPAIRS disappointment — did not choose president reassured them, saying, 707 MM sT.-aaa-aaaa with the equally legendary exploits always driven Imelda Marcos. Nearly $77,000 was raised eeeum BOtijunr Imee as his queen. “ I ’ll handle her,” sources told my of Ferdinand and Imelda. ’The il­ on Instead, Imee eloped with Tommy associate Lucette Lagnado. lustrations show the president as PlanQ safe Afrin % Manotoc, a handsome athlete who clearly re-creating the mythic Something Different...... Wish Someone A ------^COUPON' Imelda’s latest project, NEW HAVEN (UPI)t-A did not come up to Imelda’s giddy strength and wisdom of Malakas, iianrl|PBtpr IbraUl meanwhile, suggests nothing less commuter prop-jet WATER DAMAGE social standards. ’The young couple’s while the first lady becomes in­ Happy Birthday “ Romeo and Jullent” story stirred than divine status for Marcos and carryiiig 10 passengers distinguishable from the divine from Washington, D.C. had Our Reg. Low herself. It is a lavishly illustrated Celebrating 100 years with A Hqrald Happy Heart Airin Let Us Give You A Figure;- worldwide interest when Tommy Maganda. a “ minor emergency’’ MAXAL book she, arranged for her husband of community servico SPMV vanished on Dec. 29, after dining Thursday niidit and was Only with Im ee in a cozy M anila on his 64th birthday. At a reported In royal prose, the bii*thday book *2.09 We Do Insurance Work . . . forced to circle ’Tweed-New has this to say of Marcos: “ He was Founded Oct. 1, 1081 15ml. restaurant. cost of several hundred thousand Haven Airport for 40 $6.00 born with the seeds of leadership; Happy Birthday The Monotoc fdmily — longtime dollars, Imelda commissioned Publlihad by the Manohstttr minutes before landing With Coupon Of Course — FREE ESTIM ATES prominent Fijipino writers to do the molded on righteousness since in­ political foes of President Marcos— Publltblng Co., Horald Squira, safely. John suggested he had his daughter’s purple text and an artist to paint the fancy; prepared to be better than M an chaM r. Conn. 00040. Talaphona Airport Manager Duane • the longest acting S 1 R O Interior Painting & Papering the ordinary man; purified so that (203)643-2711. • StincMleld said the pilot of lover kidnapped. But some full-page color plates for the book.. t nasal decongestant I ■ members of the Manotoc family he might travel the path of nobility— Mambar of Unllad Praaa imar- New Air flight 36 radioed Ostensibly, the volume is the that a light in the plane’s • up to 12 hour relief really suspect that Imelda was to greatness.” j nadonal and Audit Buraau ol C k - When Only The BEST Will Do, Call legend of Malakas and Maganda, 'culatlont. cockpit indicated ttot the behind Tommy’s disappearance. “ the strong and the beautifui” Imelda’s hired, hacks werft even landing'gear was inr Imee, who dearly loves her father Call.... mythological figures who were the more adulatory in their treatment of operative. but quarrels with her mother, con­ The plane was told to cir­ 643-2711 parents of the Filipino race, accor­ the provincial girl who clawed her Richard M. Dtamond, PuMWiar MAK Painting Ask for.... SAVE S0« fronted the president with the news cle and then “ executed a OFFER OOOD JAN 11 THRU JAN 22 ding to Tagalog folklore. way up from poverty to the Dan FHta, Editor * f • of her secret marriage. Tommy presidential palace. “ She was taller Alax QlraOl, City EdHor normal approach and made Pam 643-2659 later told , his family that Marcos But as the story unfolds, a not-so- than the ordinary child, long- a nerfectlv safe landing” 8 - THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 THlfc HEk a l u , Hri., Jan. lt>, lad;: — v Ozaki holds O bituaries V ) slim lead SPORTS Page 10 Daniel J. McLoughlin VERNON — Daniel J. McLoughlin, 75, of 1238 Hartford may set new Turnpike died Tuesday at his home. Funeral services will be Saturday at 11 a m. at St. Bernard’s Church. The Ladd Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., has charge of arrangements. There are no calling cold Replay tame hours.

meteorologist, said of the continuing Mra. Mabel N. Zimmerman By Dana Walker weather siege. , Funeral services will be held United Press International “There’s an extremely cold air Saturday at 11 a.m. at Emanuel mass ovpr the Arctic and We Lutheran Church for Mrs. Mabel N. An Atlantic Coast snowstorm and breaking off chunks of it," he said. Zimmerman, 81, of 152 Benton St., a huge chunk of Arctic air collided "The atmosphere is locked into a who died Wednesday at her home. today to form an “ incredible” in net match pattern and it looks like It’s m^oving Friends may cali at the Watkins weather system promising to match about the same as last week.” Funeral Home, 142 E. Center St., conditions that set 20th-century Streib said the reason for the today from 7 to 9 p.m. records a week ago. Virtually every record-shattering temperatures is of the round-robin phase at 1 p.m. state was encrusted with Ice and NEW YORK (UPI) - As so often excitement. And it also wasn’t as the lack of warm air oyer the U.S. to EST today against Teltscher,' snow in a relentless siege blamed is the case, the replay didn’t quite meaningful inasmuch as Connors Marion K. Filipowicz for at least 217 deaths. counter the Arctic air moving in. was left with a 1-1 record in the followed by Lendl against Clerc. Marion (Kusy) Filipowicz, 55, of measure up to the original epic. Six inches of new snow froin the round robin format and so is still in Connors meets Tanner at 7 p.m. ‘ "There is a lot of snow cover. This Then again, even such gallant 93 Sandra Drive, died Wednesday at South’s second fierce storm in 72 contention. followed by Gerulaitis and Vilas. Manchester Memorial Hospital. She is unusual,” he said. “ This cold warriors as John McEnroe and Jim­ hours, began melting, only to be McEnroe said that his stormy duel The tournament is known as the snow surface means the Arctic air is my Connors would find it difficult to was the wife of Alex Filipowicz. hardened on the ground early today with Connors four days earlier Volvo Masters. Funeral services will be Saturday not being modified as it comes duplicate both the masterful tennis by sub-freezing temperatures. The didn’t provide him with any par­ at 8:30 a.m. from the Giuliano- down. I can see only two states that and the flamboyant histrionics that Although McEnroe and Connors storm Thursday spawned ticular spur for this meeting. Sagarino Funeral Home, 247 do not have snow cover — Florida marked their previous meeting last didn't resume their personal squab­ thunderstorms, high winds and a “ That didn’t have anything to do Washington St. with a mass of Chris­ and Oklahoma.” Sunday. ble. both carried on running feuds tornado in Florida. with it,” McEnroe said. “ I wanted tian burial at 9 a m. at Sts. Cyril and Hardly bothering to exchange so with officials, and McEnroe also A low-prqssure system over the In New York, two teenagers to win because we’ve had a lot of Methodius Church. Friends may call m much as a word with each other, had some caustic comments for the Atlantic spread snow from North drowned Thursday when they fell great matches in the past and will at the funeral home today from 2 to McEnroe defeated Connors, 6-2, 7-5, large crowd of 18,753 at Madison Carolina to New England, with up to through the Ice-covered surface of a have more in the future. Also, I had 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday night on the strength of Square Garden. a foot accumulating in some areas. pond in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park.' seven consecutive winning games lost a couple in a row to him.” About one official, McEnroe said, Up to another foot, with gale-force A St. Louis police officer midway through the match. Lendl joined McEnroe as the only ■ I've had problems with that lady winds and freezing temperatures Matthew O. Salter examining a parked car covered This assured McEnroe a berth in two men to complete the second since I was 12 years old, " and as to were forecast for today. Matthew O. Salter, 75, of Alliance, with snow and ice opened the door the sem ifinals of the $400,000 round with 2-0 records by belting the hostile crowd, which took to ’The cruel onslaught buried New N.C., died Thursday at a hospital in and found a frozen body behind the Masters Championship, along with Guillermo Vilas, 6-4, 6-1, in an after­ cheering his faults, the New Yorker York under up to 7-inch snows and New Bern. N.C. He was the father of steering wheel. top seed Ivan Lendl. It also left open noon match. Lendl won nine of the said, “ It's frustrating, that's the residents braced for another 3-8 in­ MrS! Joseph (E dith) Senna of Crops and poultry have also the possibility that McEnroe and last 10 games and didn’t drop a point best way to put it. It's been ches. .. Manchester. become victims of the record cold, Connors would meet again in Sun­ on his serve in the second set, taking happening a while, so it didn't sur­ Another blast of Arctic air bore He also leaves his wife, Rosie promising increased prices for con­ day’s final. all four service games at love. prise me. But it could have been down over the Midwest, where (Evans) Sailer; three sons in North sumers buying citrus fruits, As Connors so succinctly stated, As winners of their respective worse." temperatures as low as 20 below Carolina; a brother and sister in vegetables, eggs and chickens. “ I’m not dead yet. I’ve just been divisions, McEnroe and Lendl each zero were predicted again this From 2-2 in the opening set, Florida ; nine grandchildren and two Snow fell Thursday in north shot.” earned $30,000. great-grandchildren. Herald photo by Pinto weekend. Florida, but southern portions of the When the two antagonists met last McEnroe won the next seven games Funeral services will be Sunday at The epic Winter of ’82 has con­ state were deluged by tropical Sunday at Rosemont, 111., they In other matches, Eliot Teltscher at the loss of only eight points, Con­ 2;30 p.m. at the Alliance Methodist tributed to at least 217 deaths since thunderstorms and winds whipping engaged in a heated personal con­ overcame Roscoe Tanner, 4-6,6-1,6- nors then surged back to draw even Church. Memorial contributions Warming trend the lowest temperatures in more up to 60 mph. A tornado cut a path a frontation, almost coming to blows. 4, and Vitas Gerulaitis beat Jose- in the second set, only to see may be made in his memory to the than a century hit the nation last mile long and 100 yards wide in Fort But at the same time they played a Luis Clerc, 7-6 (7-5), 6-1. McEnroe make the decisive break Alliance Volunteer Fire Depart­ weekend. ’The back-to-back winter This left Connors, Teltscher, in the 12th game, Skaters at Center Springs Park hockey and Biiii Tyler. The arena will be open for Myers, causing an estimated $300,- tense, five-set thriller, which Con­ ment, Alliance, N.C. storms claimed at least 60 lives in 000 in damages to homes. No serious Gerulaitis and Vilas all in strong "I don’t think I hit the ball that skating until 9 p.m. today and Saturday and nors won. arena warm their hands around a barrei con­ the South alone. injuries were reported. ’ UPI photo Except for a streak in the second contention for the other two badly, " Connors said. 'Maybe I was taining. a fire. The skaters are (from ieft) Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. “ That’s incredible,” Mike Streib, Up to 6 inches of snow fell in set when Connors rallied from a 4-1 semifinal berths with 1-1 records. a little too lethargic out there John Gorman Sr. Edmonton winger Glenn Anderson was sent game In Philadelphia, Flyers went on to Darren Ducker, Beth Corey (rear) Jordan a National Weather Service Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, deficit to win three games in a row, Tanner and Clerc are 0-2. tonight instead of being more , ANDOVER — John B. Gorman flying when he skated past Philadelphia score 8-2 win. Tennessee and the Carolinas, Thursday’s match lacked the same McEnroe was to open the final day forceful." Sr., 68, of 2 Riverside Drive, former­ goalie Pete Peters during last night’s NHL making already slippery highways ly of Manchester, died Thursday at treacherous. Almost all roads in Windham Community Memorial Potomac jet crash Louisiana have been closed at one Hospital. He was the widower of f time or another during the week. Muriel R. Gorman. ‘Big, big victory' Continuing below-freezing He was born in Manchester and temperatures reglazed highways had lived in Manchester most of his Aaron signed as shortstop life before moving to Andover 18 overnight. months ago. Before his retirement “ You should have seen it here,” Bruins trail early Divers hunt bodies, data said Shirley Graham of Shreveport, in 1975, he was sales representative La. “I got off work at 3 and got No one knew Hank Aaron during his early Park. Ted Williams was with the Red Sox at for Capitol Transit Moving and the time and predicted that some day fans to determine if there are additional home about a quarter ‘til 5. It’s aw­ years with the Milwaukee Braves’ organiza­ Storage of Hartford. He was an WASHINGTON (UPI) - Officials an official said. the divers revealed ... there is a high will pay just to see Aaron hit.” Williams’ ful. We’re just not prepared for it.” tion better than Hal Goodnough. Army World War II veteran, at­ today ruled out raising intact the’ The death toll from the first concentration of debris. ’They do not victims. Herald assessment could never have been more ac­ tained the rank of master sergeant major U.S. commercial aviation ac­ believe the aircraft is intact,” he He said the three diving teams Iowa officials advis^ residents to ’The Wellesley, Mass., after-dinner speaker but roar back, win curate on any player. wreckage of an Air Florida jet and have their battery-powered radios, was in the Braves’ promotional department and had served in the Phillippines. cident in 26 months rose to 78 said. vyould be sent into the icy water Angle ordered three teams of military emergency cooking facilities and as head of the Speakers’ Bureau when he first “ One part of Aaron's makeup was often BOSTON (UPI) — It was the kind playing; we fell asleep, " said He leaves two sons, John B. Gor­ Thursday, as two persons died of in­ As the divers mark and identify from’ different staging areas. The divers into the icy Potomac River to flashlights ready as the state saw Aaron. overlooked, “ Goodnough went on,” as a base of victory that can add years to a Islanders' goalie Billy Smith. "We man Jr. of Manchester and James juries suffered on a bridge clipped objects under the water today, nine-member teams, two of whom Earl Yost, recover scores of bodies and crucial prepared for the bitter Aaron, along with Frank Robinson, are the stealer. He was one of the game’s best base decidedly young team. The Boston gave it to (hem. we had control and E. Gorman of Dayton, Ohio; and by the plane before it crashed “ they will also be removing the were to do the actual diving, were Sports Editor flight instruments. temperatures. Stores were repor­ latest baseball stars of yesterday to be voted runners. The year after he broke his ankle, he Bruins spotted the New York we gave it away. It’s like we lost our three grandchildren. Wednesday into the ice-covered remains of those victims found and from the Nayy, Coast Guard and Ar­ “ The will be not only (to ting a run on staple food items. into the Hall of Fame by members of the stole 24 in 27 attempts.” Islanders a two-goal lead and then enthusiasm after the first period. Funeral services will be Monday river. some aircraft parts as well.” He my. recover) instruments, but also the “ We’ve got every piece of (snow Baseball Writers Association of America, the No other home run hitter of note in the roared back Thursday night to down "But give credit to Boston. They at 8:15 a.m. from the John F. Today authorities raised the grim said officials hoped to recover at Divers said the underwater remains of persons they locate and removal) equipment out that’s run­ announcement of the selections being made majors was also noted for his thievery on the the champions 5-4. played well and took advantage of Tierney Funeral Home, 219 W. possibility the toll on the bridge least 59 bodies. recovery efforts were hampered by hopefully parts of the aircraft as ning,” said Allamakee County, Wednesday. base paths. He is one of only five players in The Bruins did it by dominating our mistakes, ' Smith said. Center St., Manchester with a mass might have been higher. Shugart said a tent was being set a number of problems, including “ I’ll never forget the spring day in Sarasota well,” sai(i Police Inspector James Iowa, engineer William Kerndt. “ He was only 16 years old,” Goodnough history to hit 30 homers and steal 30 bases in the Islanders in the second period, Bossy, who has 34 goals, said the of Christian burial at 9 a.m. in St. Shugart said police have received up on the Virginia side of the ice, low visibility, freezing when Aaron stepped up to the plate and hit the same season. Shugart. “ The snow is so hard, it’s tough on said of his first meeting with Aaron. outshooting them 14-5, and erasing a Islanders "let it go at the start of James Church. Burial will be in St. calls from people who fear friends Potomac to serve as a makeshift temperatures, jagged metal from one of the longest home runs ever at Payne “ Aaron got his chance to play regularly As recovery operations entered a equipment and personnel.” “ He never played baseball in high school 3-1 deficit. They continued the the second period. We got caught James Cemetery. or relatives — missing since morgue. The bodies will be moved to the wreckage and a high concentra­ second full day, the National because they didn’t have a team, only softball when Bobby Thomson fractured his ankle onslaught in the third period, getting flat-flooted. We didn't do it con­ Friends may call at the funeral Wednesday — might have been the Washington medical examiner’s tion of jet fuel that irritates the skin Transportation Safety Board was but he was a natural. He used to hit rocks sliding into second base in Bradenton. Aaron goals from Terry O’Reilly and Rick sciously, but they got the momen­ home Saturday from 7 to 9 p.m. swept into the river when the plane office for the grisly task of formal and makes debris slippery. zeroing in on the theory that a with a broom stick on his Alabama planta­ replaced Thomson and had a regular job for Middleton to notch their fourth tum and we couldn’t get it back. You Memorial contributions may be cut across the bridge roadway. identification, he said. Eleven bodies were recovered buildup of ice might have caused tion. the next 19 years (22 in all) with Milwaukee straight victory and snap a four- can’t turn it on and turn it off, much made to the Heart Association, 310 Shugart, spokesman for the joint “ The wreckage of the aircraft will Wednesday and ’Thursday — two Florida-bound Flight 90 to crash in “ When he was 16, he was good enough to and in Atlanta when the club moved South game winning streak for the as you'd like to," Collins St., Hartford. be removed to a hangar at National from the bridge and nine of them heavy snow Wednesday. local-federal recovery effort, said Rec program for greener pastures. ] Islanders. Airport,” he said. victims from the plane. Two other play with the Mobile Bears. With a capacity crowd of 14,673 The divers hoped to recover two the decision to not attempt to raise Aaron earned a promotion to the big club “ This game proved something Shugart also said, “ We’ve alerted people who were on the bridge died “ Aaron was scouted by.both the New York roaring, O'Reilly broke the 3-3 Lottie L. Gaule on-board recorders who information the wreckage with the bodies intact after hitting .362 with Jacksonville in the Sal­ about our team, it really did,” said the divers to the possibility there ’Thursday from injuries. has openings Giants and Milwaukee. ’Die Braves won out deadlock at 6:04 when he fought off ELLINGTON - Lottie L. Gaule, could help unravel the mystery of was made on the basis of informa­ ly League, leading the loop in total bases with captain Wayne Cashman. “ It was a are cars under the surface.” He said The bodies of the other victims when he was given a $2,500 bonus to sign and a Ken Morrow check behind the net 69, of 18 Florence Ave. died what happened to the Boeing 737. An tion gathered Thursday by military 338 while playing second base. big, big victory for us.” the divers were told to try to iden­ were expected to be found in the another $7,500 if he could play in at least 30 and somehow tucked the puck in Thursday at her home. She was the exploratory dive Thursday found the divers. The victory moved the Bruins to tify any autos found under the water plane — some still strapped in their The Manchester Recreation games with Eau Claire.” He played 87 games While wearing the colors of the Braves in behind Smith Middleton then made widow of Ernest W. Gaule". so-called “ black boxes” to be intact. “ The tentative investigation by seats. The plane was carrying a Department- will begin its winter and batted .336. two cities, and with Milwaukee in the within one point of first-place Buf­ it 5-3 on the power play when be took Funeral services will be Monday falo in the Adams Division and crew of five and 74 passengers on a program Monday, with openings “ We (Milwaukee) signed him as a American League, Aaron’s major league a Pederson pass and snapped a 15- at 11 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran available in a variety of courses.' shortstop and he hit crosshanded when he career included playing first, second and Boston has a game in hand. The footer past Smith to the far corner. Church, Meadow Lark Lane. popular “ sunshine” flight to Tampa and Fort Lauderdale, Fla. • Courses include ceramics, flat reported to Manager Andy Cohen. third base and two outfield positions. Islanders, 10-3 in the their last 13 "We took the momentum away Friends may call at the Ladd reed berry basket, trapunto, “ The day he came into the (Milwaukee) “ In Henry’s first year in the majors,” games, hold a two-point, lead over from them, " said Middleton, who Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave., Town hall sprinklers break Officials of the National Transpor­ pottery,' rag dolls, sock bunny, organization, I met him at the train station. Goodnough continued, “ he hit at least one Philadelphia in the Patrick Divi­ has 31 goals. "Barry made a great Rockville, Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. tation Safety Board, which must Vqlentine mobile, adult roller He had two dollars in his pocket, a suitcase home run in every National League park.” sion. pass and all 1 had to do was let it determine the cause of the crash, about 3 a.m. The system was originally a wet skating and quilting. tied with a piece of rope and a sandwich that The 47-year-old Aaron richly deserved the The Bruins fell behind 3-1 as the g o " By Lisa Zowada acknowledged a major focus of their Joseph Pagano The system was turned oft and one, that is, water was constantly in Manchester residents who wish to his mother made,” Goodnough added. honor bestowed by the scribes. His Islanders got two power play goals The Islanders made it interesting Herald Reporter probe was the theory that a buildup VERNON — Joseph Pagano, 61, of when Passcantel and members of the pipes. participate in the program are “ At Jacksonville we converted him into a achievements on the field of play, headed by from Mike Bossy and a single tally when Anders Kallur deflected a of ice made the plane too heavy to Beverly Road died Thursday at Three or four old sprinkler heads the town fire department went up to ’Two years ago the town converted required to purchase a one-year second baseman but the front office felt his being baseball's all-time home run king, fill from John Tonelli to offset rookie Mike McEwen drive past Rogie Manchester Memorial Hospital. He in the Municipal Building which the attic this morning to find the to an air system, draining the pipes climb after takeoff. recreation membership. ’The cost U' best position was in the outfield and sent him more than a page in the record book. Barry Pederson’s 23rd goal of the Vachon, who won his sixth straight year. was the husband of Elizabeth went unnoticed when the town problem, they discovered the faulty of water and filling them with air One of the survivors of the crash, $10 for adults, $3 for youths. Non­ to Puerto Rico to play winter ball as an out­ Aaron joins some great company at start. But the Islanders power play, But the Bruins turned things (Norris) Pagano and the mother of replaced the heads several years sprinkler heads hidden under a which is released when the system professional pilot Joe Stiley, said he resident membership for six months fielder. Cooperstown, N.Y. which had clicked on both of its around in the second period and the Mrs. George Carr of Manchester. ago, broke early this morning, catwalk. is activated. knew the plane was “ not going to is |20. Class fees are charged in ad­ Chances earlier, couldn't come Islanders never recovered. Steve He also leaves two sons and a raining water down on the lobby “ We missed them,” Passcantell The change was made to prevent make it” as soon as it started down dition to membership cost. through again when Keith Crowder Kasper made it 3-2 and Don Mar- stepson and stepdaughter, a brother floor and the receptionist’s desk. said, “ when the heads were the pipes from freezing and possibly the runway because “ we didn’t have For further information call the was called for hooking with 4:23 to cotte tied the game on a dribbler and four other sisters. Damage caused by the break was replaced six or so years ago. We just breaking, Passcantell said. the speed.” department at 647-3089 or 647-3084. play. Funeral services will be Saturday “ very minor,” according to Herman didn’t know they were here under with 8:29 left. It was one of the “ We came back and then we held Bruins’ best periods all year. at 9:30 a.m. at Rose Hill Funeral Passcantell, building and sidewalk the walk.” Flyers check Gretzky and Oilers Radial them at the end,” said Vachon, who Home, 580 Elm St., Rocky Hill, with supervisor for the Public Works Passcantell said the catwalk will “ We stopped hitting; we stopped made 18 saves. a mass of Christian burial at 10 a.m. Department. be ripped up in the next few days Residents asked , 'TV at St. James Church, Rocky Hill. Passcantell said because the and the heads replaced. He said the 'KATHY aAVS: W««WI/MV*afloodnMcUonoffliw ' By United Press International goalie Ron Low with a 15-foot wrist KimI WingH 3, KockicH I Calling hours are today from 2 to 4 heads had not been replaced with town will do the job itself at a cost of ^VMOteWMjl^rHuafloM shot from the slot for a short-handed At Detroit, Mark Kirton and John and 7 to 9 p.m. the rest “ they just let go through $5 or $6 a sprinkler head. to clear hydrants Pat Quinn was a happy man ... his goal at 10:31. Ogrodnick scored first period goals FRIDAY Storm takes toll age.” Passcantell said the entire FRESH: Sptawoh, Kalo, CoHonto, Romokio, had soundly The Flyers peppered Low with 22 in a one-minute span to spark the 7;,50 Scliulunlie liuskelliull: Passcantell said the town fire sprinkler system is about 60 years Town Fire Chief John Rivosa is asking residents to Lolliico Tomotoot, Cukoo, C oloiy, defeated the EMmonton Gretzkys. Kathryn A, Richardson Efla Plant, A Vanow shots in a four-goal second period. Red Wings. KuhI Culliulio VH. .Soutfi Gulliujir, department responded to the cail old and was installed when the clear snow from around fire hydrants near their homes. It seems that most coaches and SOUTH WINDSOR - Kathryn Canola, Paranlpa, I , BraoooU, I owar, WhHa Brian Propp tipped in a Brad Marsh WINF that the system had gone off at building was constructed. Rivosa noted that firefighters can waste valuable players around the NHL figure the h'luincH 5, Kings 2 (Ashley) Richardson, 70, of 285 Main Saiaala, Yama, Oraan ML I I , Aoom Squaah, Had, slapshot at 1:41 for his 27th goal. At At Calgary, Ken Houston scored a 8 College baskelbull report, on school sports time looking for a hydrant or removing snow from Eldmonton Oilers are a one-man St. died Wednesday at Manchester I A YaMow Onlona, Laaka, Shallota, Qbiflar I ESPN around one in case of a fire. show and if you take care df the pair of goals and added an assist to* Memorial Hospital. 8 MISL Soccer: F'orce vh. BIbhI, “ We’re requesting cooperation from the homeowners Had DaNdoua, Mac’s, OoMan star, the rest of the characters are pace the Flames. The Kings played Two days of snow took its toll with match, postponed from last Funeral services will be Saturday IISA Cuble in clearing hydrants,” he said. ’ "This goes for the whole loao Psars, An|ou Psai easy to tame. So Ken Llnseman took the last two periods without the ser­ the postponement of the scheduled Wednesday, has been rescheduled at 11 a.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal 8:30 College foollmll: Senior Inflation moderate town.” angaloa, Lamons, Umaa, N care of Gretzky and the Flyers took vices of leading scorer Marcel schoolboy sports slate Thursday Thursday at Clarke Arena at 5 Church. lu dl aaa Orapaa, Qrapalnitt, I Bowl preview, ESPN , - I care of the Oilers, 8-2, Thursday Dionne, who left the game as a evening. o'clock. ’The Samsel Funeral Home, 419 9 Nlil. Hockey: Hungers vh. AU MCRB m m 10% I result of a recurring back problem. Headlining tonight’s agenda is the The Manchester-Hall boys' swim­ Buckland Road, has charge of Continued from page one were up sharply by 3.6 percent for night. JelH, Cli. 9 South Catholic at East Catholic ming meet has been reslated today arrangements. There are no calling the month and borne heating oil RED DELICIOUt “ Be’s a tough man to cover,” 9 CellicH VH. Burks, Cli. 22, 2 parks to open r n iU H ■OSTON J basketball clash at Saunders’ Gym­ in West Hartford at 5:30. hours. prices turned up after dropping for mUWSQMSH APPLES Quinn said of Gretzky, who scored a Rec volleyball WPOP The department said the index for LETTUCE meaningless goal with less than nasium at 8 o’clock. The Rebels are Postponed indefinitely are the several months. .Slundings 1 0 :3 0 P ro lenniH: Volvo consumer food edged up 0.1 percent 1 4 9 « .b three minutes remaining. “ We 6-1 overall, 2-1 in the HCC while the Portland at Bolton ^nd Cheney Tech Business equipment became 0.6 for winter sports • 2 . N 79 *h flw i 1 National division —Lloyd’s Auto Musters, USA Cable To pay respects following three months of modest forecbecked him extremely well. Eagles are. 0-1 in conference play at Cromwell basketball games. Also percent more expensive in Parts 24-3, Multi Circuits 18-9, North I I College basketball: San declines. Leading the upward trend Kenny (Linseman) is a good defen­ and 2-5 overall. without a new date is the Fitch at Members of Campbell Council, December and the department said Two area parks will be open for winter sports this CAUFORNIA ^ lU U IO ' P i r n ~ Enders 18-9, Economy Electric to­ F'runrisru vs. Peppertline, ESPN were prices for fresh and dried • pack sive player when he puts his mind to 11:59, Cochrane, a defenseman, took Rescheduled to Saturday night is East Catholic girls’ basketball tilt. Knights of Columbus will meet at 7 that for 1981 as a whole, the increase weekend. M KLaHHiaS POMTOES 1E0l.bMlM ll, Dean Machine 10-17, Tierney’s 11:30 Knicks vs. Warriors, Cb. vegetables, whidh soared nearly 22 it. He set up high and we didn’t a faceoff pass from Paul Holmgren the'Fermi at Manchester High The Rockville-East Catholic ice o ’clock tonight at the K of C Home, in prices for capital equipment Center ^ rln g s Park will have ice skating today until 9 10-17, Moon Unit 9-18, Buckland 9 percent after falling for the previous 3 / 6 9 * 9 9 * sr ». allow him (Gretzky) the number of at the right point and blasted home basketball tilt at Clarke Arena. hockey game, and wrestling Main Street, and from there will go slowed to 9.2 percent from a 11.4 p.m. and ^turday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.,, U n Urg* 1 Manufacturing 3-24. three months. breakout opportunities that he’s had his first career short-handed goal. Jayvee action starts at 5:15 with the matches from last Wednesday to the John F. Tierney Funeral percent jump during 1980. weather permitting, at the annex and hockey rink. American division —Redwood Beef and veal prices were virtual­ in the past.” “ Everybody knows how I play but varsity tilt at 7 o’clock. Fermi com­ between Cheney Tech-Pulaski and Home, 219 W. Center St. to pay last Further back in the supply Wickham Park will be open for sledding Saturday and Farms 19-8, Insurers 18-9, Re'nn’s 15- ly unchanged in Decem ber, the Wo I IA M n d a jrl Bill Barber scored two goals and I still go though some bad es in with a five-game winning East Hartford-East Catholic also respects to Jerome Walsh, a council pipeline the department found that Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The log cabin will be 12, Lathrop Insurance 14-13, ABA department said. They had Tom Gorence and Glen Ckichrane stretches,” said Gretzky. “ I may be streak and stands 5-1 in the CCIL, 5-2 have not been rescheduled, yet. member. goods being prepared for delivery, open, selling hot chocolate, coffee and doughnuts, and ‘‘THE K im to o l & Die 11-16, Watkins 4-23. City rivalry decreased sharply in both October scored short-handed for in a stretch now where I’m not overall, while Manchester is 4-2 in Slated Saturday afternoon is a called intermediate materials by offering a fire where sledders can warm up. O F I Women —Thrifty Package Store and November. Philadelphia. Barber’s first goal, a playing as good as I can. The whole CHICAGO (UPI) - The Chicago the league and 5-3 overall. - make-up cage tilt which has winless the government, went up 0.4 percent K O D U C E ” 23-4, Buffalo Water Tavern 22-5, Now you know Price for pork, eggs, poultry and power-play score at 16:55, capped a club tosn ’t been playing well the White Sox and Cubs waited several The Manchester versus Fermi Bolton at unbeaten East Granby in a in December, about the same as in 078 OJUttiUlD ST.. lUIICM EiTER Farr’s 17-10, Crockett Agency 17-10, rice continued to decline. three-goal first period. Tim Kerr last 2W weeks. We have to dig down years before they agreed to renew girls’ basketball tilt has been 2 o ’clock start. East Catholic girls, The Australian town of Mount Isa the previous month. Personal advice from Abby Great Expectations 12-15, B&J Auto Energy costs went up 0.7 percent 6 4 3 - 0 3 1 4 ^ opened the scoring for Philadelphia and sacrifice the way we did earlier their city rivalry but this season the rescheduled Tuesday, Jan. 26, in En­ 2-5, have a road engagement Satur­ sprawls over 15,822 square miles, At the beginning of the pipeline, Abigail Van Buren offers personal advice daily in one Repair 8-10, Michelob Lite 6-21, despite cheaper gasoline during " r « ih iw i at 7:54 and Gorence later picked off . in the year when we took over first teams will face each other three field at 3:30. day night against unbeaten 8-0 Mer­ giving it the largest land area of any prices for raw materials went down of America’s best-read columns, “ Dear Abby,” in ’lie Nichols Tire 3-24. an errant Edmonton pass and beat times. The RHAM-Manchester wrest)ing cy High in Middletown at 7:30. town in the world. December. Prices for natural gas 1.3 percent. Manchester Herald'S! Focus section. place.” THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 - 10 - THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 Tateo Ozaki Aaron understands voting but... ( ■ Coghlan out for indoor track season

heroes in all sports competition.” ... NEW YORK (UPI) — Hank Aaron un­ EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. who was playing in the Sugar ' McTear’s present coach, John is ready to resume his career. deny his affiliation is Carl Lewis, rushing for nearly 1,900 yards Rod Carew, whose contract with the talk of event and finishing second to Marcus derstands. Smith, said that was unfortunate. “Every year an athlete has to who attends the University of California Angeles still has two more years to (UPI) — A stress fracture In the Bowl two weeks ago. What he understands is that there's nothing right shin of Eamonn Coghlan Followers of the Five Mile “Harold was his legal guardian start all over again,” Smith said. Houston but will be competine Allen in the Heisman Trophy in the Hall of Fame election rules that says S p o rts go, nearly bowled over Calvin Griffith when when he first came to LA,” “For what I think he’s capable of unattached this week. Lewis, a voting claims, “I love track even he said he wouldn’t mind finishing up his has dashed his scheduled show­ Road Race in Manchester may writers MUST vote for an obvious candidate PALM SPRINGS, CaUf. (UPI) - he didn’t score b^ter. down with Sidney Maree in Satur­ rbcall Eamonn Coghlan as Smith said. “The relationship doing, where we are now is get­ New Jersey native, ran a 10.00 more than football. I’d like to no matter how deserving he is for enshrine­ P a ra d e career with the Minnesota Twins, the club he Ozaki, who makes his home now in they had was he became sort of ting ready for 1984. He’s a great 100 meters last year and also long compete in the Olympics. I’d started with and left. Tateo “Jet” Ozaki is an amazing day night’s U.S. Olympic In­ winner of the 1981 run last ment in Cooperstown. young man. Orlando, Fla., missed one putt of vitational track meet and will Thanksgiving morning. his mentor. starter, and if he can get into his jumped over 28 feet, making him rather win a gold medal than the Of course, writers SHOULD do that, but Milt RIchmah “I thank Rod for saying that,” says the “After the demise of Harold the most feared double-threat Heisman.” Twins’ owner. “It’s the greatest compliment He was content to be a baseball eight feet, another of 12 and a third force the world record-holder in The sprinter who jws® rhythm, he can get back to where what if they don't — as nine of them did not from 12 feet when the ball lipped the Smith, Houston was left high and he once was.” since Jesse Owens. we’ve ever had.” player In his native Japan and then the mile to miss the entire indoor barrassed Into changlilg his af­ From his performances last when they didn't vote for Aaron in this latest the golf bug hit him at age 18. That cup and stayed out. season. filiation is Houston McTear, who dry. When I found that out, I went McTear said his training was But because of what his coach, year, Walker seems to have a election. They are within their rights the way Carew would be a great stimulant for atten­ immediately to him. He became Mike Takaha, calls “a red tape- dance in the new domed stadium in was 10 years ago. “If I got those three, it might have “I hate missing the indoor burst onto the track scene as a right on schedule. shot at both honors. He made his the voting conditions are set down on the Hall With guidance from his older been a great round,” Ozaki said season but there’s really nothing high school star in 1975 and ran a very bewildered and needed “I think right now I’m possibly type thing,” Lewis will not be outdoor track debut and was good of Fame ballots. Those who won't vote for a A tew years back, during the Steelers' Minnesota which the Twins are moving into someone to talk to.” donning the Cougars’ uniform this April. Griffith would love having Carew brother Jumbo, known on the through an interpreter. “BUt I am I can do about it,” said Coghlan, 9.0 100-yard dash. He made the halfway there,” he said. “I’m enough to run under 10.30 in the ballplayer like Hank Aaron after all the salad days, some of them told their coach. playing well. I think I can win this 1976 Olympic team before mis­ “The only regret I have is that fairly decent close to it. I’ve got this week. In fact, Takaha said Chuck Noll, they wanted their dressing room back but can’t say so. That would be American Tour in recent years for who will'be in a cast for about a 100, making him one of the things he did are rnerely guilty of poor judg­ his ability to hit the ball a long way. tournament.” , month. “I just got back from a sing out with an injury. But since it had to turn out like it did,” my weight down from 165 to 153, Lewis may just be jumping and world’s top sprinters. ment. not first degree murder. closed to the media for a Saturday practice tampering and the commissioner could come McTear says. “It ended and not sprinting, depending on how down on him. He does say he rates Carew Jet pouiided about 1,000 balls a day, Ozaki has a long way to go, training run and the pain In my that time of great 'promise, and I’m stronger.” Monte Irvin, another Hall of Famer, was before a Sunday home game, and Noll though. On his heels at 133, only a McTear has suffered’ through that’s it. ’There is another side to Smith said that McTear’s he feels, » Besides all those, Stanley relayed that information to club president among the greatest hitters the club has ever played with anyone looking for a leg was so bad it took 40 minutes among those present at the election of Aaron partner, and slowly developed into a shot back, is veteran Rex Caldwell some miserable times. the man; he brought me a long exceptional starting ability could “There were some screwups in Floyd is to be reckoned with. He Dan Rooney, who conveyed it to PR man Joe had going all the way back to when the Twins to run four miles and I had to stop came up with a 10.07 100 last and Frank Robinson, and talked about the pretty good golfer. with 1981 money winning champ four times. That’s when I made His first mistake wUs getting ways.” be the key to Saturday’s race, eligibility-type things,” Takaha difference of opinion people can have ■ Gordon. “You can't do that," Gordon argued were still the Washington Senators. John Smith, who made the 1972 said. “It’s academic, but we hope year. Those he ranks with Carew are Hali of He became good enough last year Tom Kite, Calvin Peete, Lanny the decision (to withdraw).” involved with Harold Smith, the since he can get a jump on the sometimes. with Noll. “The press has been very suppor­ Wadkins and Skeeter Heath another former head of Muhammad Ali Olympic team before he too was field and not look back in such a he will become eligible again in a Other meet favorites include tive of us and exceptionally positive.” Noll in­ Famers Sam Rice and Goose Goslin, and to make his way through ^ e TPA Despite the absence of Coghlan Renaldo Nehemiah in the “Hank and 1 had different philosophies Qualifying School on his first try, shot back at 134. and a competitive mile, the 55- Professional Sports who was felled by an injury in the final, short sprint. couple of days. Hopefully, it’s about the way certain things should be done structed Gordon to tell that to the players, Cecil Travis and Tony Oliva, two others who became McTear’s coach last “I have the best start of any going to be taken care of rather hurdles, Alberto Salazar in the 5,- also are Cooperstown candidates in my book. but soon found out playing on the Eld Fiori is at 135, three shots meter dash has assembled quite recently convicted of embezzle­ in baseball," said Irvin, who is one of Bowie which he did. He and they went back and back, and Wasme Levi, J.C. Snead, ment from the Wells Fargo bank May, but McTear wasn’t able to sprinter around,” McTear simp­ quickly. Carl is aware of what's 000, Evelyn Ashford in the , forth for some time before Davis, the team’s Remember Jay Hook, who pitched the New American circuit was a lot tougher a cast of characters for its women’s 55-meter dash, and j: Kuhn's liaison men. “ We resolved our than the Japanese PGA Tour. Lee Elder, Keither Fergus, Forrest lineup: one runner who has in Los Angeles. Smith took resume training until three ly says. “I have to be confident if going on.” differences some .time ago and we're good offensive captain, finally stood up. York Mets to their very first victory in 1962? months ago. Now, Smith says, I’m going to get anywhere.” Then there is the football star, Mary Decker in the women’s Time flies. He has a lovely daughter now con­ In the two rounds played thus far Fezler and Rod Curl are at 136. changed his affiliation, one who McTear under his carq when he friends now, but I remember how I'd offer “We got a practice today and a game U.S. Open champ David Graham came to Los Angeles, and after an 18-month layoff, McTear The runner who is forced to Morcf-hoi Wnllfpr, who despite mile. tomorrow," he said. “How about if we talk sidered one of the better ballet dancers in the in the $3(»,000 Bob Hope Desert denies his affiliation, and one my opinion and he'd disagree with me and Classic this week, Ozaki has been is in a group at 138, 6-under-par and say, ‘I know where you're coming from.' about this next week?" Midwest. Hook was held up not too long ago in the talk of the tournament, driving six behind Ozaki, while defending “He'd say to me, 'why can't there be more The practice remained open to the media Hope champion Bruce Lietzke, Tom and the following Tuesday Gordon went to see Detroit. Among his possessions taken was a the ball seemingly out of sight much, black managers? Why can't Frank Robinson to the delight of the few fans who Watson and Craig Stadler, who get another chance? And what about guys like Davis again. wrist watch given to him at one of the Mets’ College b a sk e tb a ll. Old Timers’ Day affairs. The watch turned up watched him. helped open the 1982 TPA tour last Maury Wills, Larry Doby and Bill White?' I'd “You wanna have that meeting now?” he week by winning the Tucson Open, asked him. sometime afterward — on the body of a gun- You can bet he will draw a crowd Names in the News tell Hank he had to have a little patience. Not today when he tees off in the third are in a big group at 141. much, just a little. I told him I thought Robin­ “We don’t need any meeting,” Davis told downed victim laid out in the morgue. ... The Cincinnati Bengals will be the home round, the leader by a stroke after Arnold Palmer, who plans to son would get another chance to manage and him. “We don't have any problem.” divide his year between the TPA That was Sam Davis all over. As Dan team in Super Bowl XVI in Pontiac, Mich., shooting 64 at Indian Wells and 68 at the others might get one, too. In time. Well, Tour and the Senior circuit, which Big Ten showdown you can see for yourself what happened, Rooney said at his retirement announcement, Jan. 24 and the San Francisco 49ers the Bermuda Dunes. “He solved problems and stopped issues from visiting team, and that means the Bengals Ozaki, who says he averages 280 numbers more than 20 events in Lynn Swann “There's nothing wrong with an honest 1982, shot a 72 in the second round ever becoming problems.” will have the “advantage” of wearing either yards with his driver and 220 yards CANTON, Ohio (UPI) — The Pro Football Hall of Fame named difference of opinion, " Irvin went on. “I'll with his 1-iron, plays ■ Eldorado while playing with a celebrity say this, though: I sure can't understand The world needs some more Sam Davis’ their colored jerseys or their white ones. ... Pittsburgh Steelers receiver Lynn Swann Thursday as its 1981 NFL Man of won by Minnesota and I’m not talking about just the football Baseball scouts always take care of their today and La Quinta on Saturday. threesome of Gerald Ford, Tip those nine writers who didn't vote for Henry O’Neill and Hope stand-in John Cur- the Year, an award made on the basis of contributions to the community and in the Hall of Fame. What was their reason? 1 world. ... own, and that’s an especially nice thing two The two courses are regarded as the on-the-field performance. toughest of the four used in the ci. mean, he hit, he ran, he fielded, he threw, and One of the newer sports catching on now is of them. Dee Fondy of the Milwaukee Swann was one of five finalists determined by a vote of the fans. His selec­ The Cavaliers, controlling the sled dog racing. More than 100 teams from Brewers and Mel Nelson of the Oakland A’s, Hope, a OOrhole marathon that has ’The Ford group was scheduled to By Fred Lief he hit with power, doing all five things you play with Lee Trevino today but tion as the winner was made by a media committee. UPI Sports Writer boards, led 42-25 at halftime and can possibly expect of a great player. And the United States, Canada and other coun­ are doing for the late Merrill Combs, who taken its toll of some of the best The other finalists were quarterback Archie Manning of the N®w Orleans players on the Tour. ’Trevino was forced to withdraw extended the margin to 35. kept his nose clean, too. I'm not talking about tries are expected for the three-day Alpo scouted for Cleveland. Saints, wide receiver Jerry Butler of the Buffalo Bills, running back With the swift crack of a “Virginia is a great team, better International sled dog championships at Fondy and Nelson, with help from Tom TTiere’s no magic to Ozaki’s play. because of a recurring back race, color, creed or anything like that now. 1 problem. George Bayer will fill in William Andrews of the Atlanta Falcons and quarterback Ron Jaworski of schoolmaster’s stick, Minnesota than last year in some ways,” said just wanna know the reason they didn't vote Saranac Lake, N.Y., beginning Jan. 29, Ferguson of the Brewers and Harry Minor of He hits the ball long and straight, hits it on the green and two-putts. for Trevino. More than 18,000 turned the Philadelphia Eagles. won its Big Ten showdown with Wagner coach P.J. Carlesimo. for him?" Sled dogs can run 20 miles an hour for an the Mets, have founded a Merrill Combs Iowa Thursday night. “They’re deeper and they can do hour, something neither a horse nor a human Memorial Fund in Redlands, Calif., and the Thursday, that sort of play enabled out for Thursday’s play with about Good question. Monte. ... 15,000 at Eldorado to watch Palmer- Tim Blackwell The No. 9 Gophers, with 7-foot-3 more things.” I never ran into anybody in professional can do. “No other sport asks as much of an American Legion Post there is holding a hhlm to birdy all four par 5s at the Bermuda Dunes and the wonder is Ford and company. MONTREAL (UPI) — Free agent catcher Tim Blackwell, a member of Randy Breuer burning Iowa At Wichita, Kan., Cliff Levingston football with more friends than Sam Davis, athlete as we ask of these dogs," says gold special dinner on Jan. 21 to augment the fund. freshman Michael Payne for 22 scored 17 points and Aubrey Sherrod medal driver Harris Dunlap of Bakers Mills', Proceeds from the dinner will be used to help the Montreal Expos in 1977, rejoined the National League club Thursday, the Pittsburgh Steelers' superlative guard, signing a three-year contract to back up starter Gary Carter. points, posted a 61-56 victory at added 15 as the Shockers beat who called it quits the other day after 15 N.Y. “Sled dogs outperform race horses, buy baseball equipment for young players in Minneapolis in a lesson that was not Creighton in their first game since marathon runners and anything else with the Legion program and Merrill Combs Blackwell, who hit .234 with one home run and 11 RBI with Chicago last years with them. Everybody loved Davis -- year, was signed as a free agent after spending four seasons in the Cubs’ lost on Lute Olson. being placed on probation for three his fellow players, the fans and the press. lees. Thev mav be among the most unsung would’ve cheered over that. SMU coach gets organization. “Our freshman got a real educa­ years. The Shockers, 12-3, came out Blackwell batted .272 as the Cubs’ full-time catcher in 1980. In 58 games tion from Breuer tonight,” said slowly in the first half but reeled off for Chicago last year, Blackwell committed only two errors in 298 chances Olson, coach of No. 5 Iowa. 11 straight points in the second half for a .993 fielding average — third best in the league. “Michael played like a freshman to seal it. offer from Pats tonight and that’s going to happen, “The players were really pleased especially against a player like with the fan support so they wanted New England ski picture Soutnwest uonterence cham­ Ken Duckett Breuer, but I think the next time so much to have a great, great game DALLAS (UPI) - Southern BOSTON (UPI) — Wide receiver Kenney Duckett of Wake Forest, a Ben-Gals miffed Methodist University football coach pionship and the No. 5 ranking he’ll do better.” tonight,” said Shocker coach Gene nationally, did confirm he was con­ diabetic who set an Atlantic Coast Conference record for touchdown Minnesota, switching from its Smithson. “Sometimes they can Ron Meyer has been offered the catches, has been named the 36th winner of the annual Swede Nelson head coaching job with the New sidering the offer. customary zone to a relatively un­ overdo things when they try too 'Wind chill factor' England Patriots, and was expected “Yes, the job has been offered,” national sportsmanship award. familiar man-to-man defense, broke hard.” CINCINNATI (UPI) — The Ben-Gals, the high-stepping, hip- Duckett, who was stricken by diabetes in the 10th grade, set the ACC to announce today that he had he said Thursday. “My decision will it open in the second half, with At Tulsa, Okla., the Hurricane swaying cheerleaders of the Super Bowl-lx)und Cincinnati Bengals, be resolved within 24 hours. I can’t record as a junior when he caught 12 scoring passes. This past season, Breuer scoring 8 points in the burst. won its 25th straight at home with are a bit miffed. accepted the job. Meyer, who has made no secret of say anything else.” Duckett caught 37 passes for 457 yards and seven TDs. i The Gophers trailed 29-27 at half­ freshman Steve Harris scoring 10 of They’ve been told there’s not room enough on the jet for them to ac­ Duckett must give himself two insulin injections each day to controi the his 14 points during the final seven Is misunderstood company the team, coaches, sports writers and players’ wives to Pon­ his aspirations to coach a pro team, SMU athletic director Bob Hitch time but moved in front 53-40 before conferred with school officials late disease. Other athletes who are diabetics include Bobby Clarke of the the Hawkeyes narrowed it at the minutes of the first half. Donnie tiac, Mich., for the Bengals’ Jan. 24 Super Bowl game against the San met with Patriots officials Philadelphia Flyers and baseball picther Jim “Catfish” Hunter. Europe, then the trees help shield Wednesday in New York, then-flew Thursday, although the school would finish. Earl led Drake with 14 points. WOODSTOCK, Vt. (UPI) - Francisco 49ers, not comment on the substance of The victory was particularly Elsewhere, Indiana ripped Nothing can put a chill into the heart the wind. If you’re in a wooded area, So they’ve been invited to travel to the game via bus — a five-hour- back to Dallas Thursday where his Nick Beverley whether it’s an alpine trail or out on announcement was expected after a that meeting. satisfying for Minnesota, which had Michigan 81-51 behind Ted Kitchel’s of a ski area operator faster than a plus trip — and return the same way that night. 18 points to break a four-game losing a cross-country trail, those trees cut Charlotte Barrett, head cheerleader and a seven-year Ben-Gal team meeting at 2 p.m. today. NEW HAVEN (UPI) — Nick Beverley, a defenseman who played 11 years lost its previous three games at weatherman using the words “wind home to Iowa. And to accomplish streak ... Keith Edmonson’s 21 chill factor.” down or eliminate the wind too, so veteran who’s suffered through a string of Cincinnati seasons when it Although Meyer refused to dis­ in the , ’Thursday was named coach of the New the wind shill factor is almost close ’Thursday whether he would Haven Nighthawks of the . the task, the Gopher's relied on points carried Purdue over Not even “warm front coming in” was difficult to find things to cheer about, said she believes most of Iowa’s specialty — defense. Michigan State 53-47 ... Rick Lamb has the same effect. Weather fronts meaningless. the Bengals are “a little hurt” about the situation. take the job, the Dallas Morning Beverley, ?4, replaced Don Perry, who was elevated earlier this week to “On the ther hand," Otten says, News reported today that sources coach the , the NHL team which the Nighthawks are af- “I thought we played great and Hank Cornley combined for 40 are a fact of life and people unders­ She said the 30 Ben-gals — all volunteers — will decide what to do at Basketball UPI photo points to lead Illinois State past In­ “If you’re standing on a tower on a with the Patriots, NFL and SMU defense in the second half,” said tand what they can mean. Wind chill their final practice session today. filisted with Minnesota coach Jim Dutcher. “I diana State 81-63 ... Ron Stokes hit factors, however, are as mis­ day the wind is blowing — and you’re “I’m anxious to see them and discuss it with everybody,” she said. confirmed he had accepted the job. Beverley, who was an assistant coach of the Kings, played for 11 years in not wearing any clothes — then the It has been reported Meyer has the NHL with the , , Colorado Rockies Marquette’s Terrell Schlundt wore face mask during game thought we were moite aggressive in two free throws with three seconds understood as Reaganomics and Still. Ms. Barrett is loath to miss the game. “It’s been a long time our man-toman and we pretty well remaining in overtime to lift Ohio trickle-down whatsits. And they wind chill factor has some meaning coming and we’re as ecstatic as the rest of the city,” she said. accepted the Patriots’ offer of a arid the Kings. Last year, he coached the Kings’ minor league affiliate in against Maine. He broke nose during practice session. for you. The factor is based on four-year, $700,000 contract. Houston. shut them down offensively in the State over Illinois 51-50 ... freshman drive ski area qperators to the edge A former Ben-Gal, Sheila Mason, who cheered eight years before second half.” Andre Goode keyed a second-half of apoplexy. exposed skin.” hanging up her high-heeled boots, is sympathetic with the Ben-gals’ Meyer, who coached the Mustangs ■The factor which so often is to a 10-1-0 record this year, the Iowa — like Minnesota, 10-2 spree in Northwestern’s 61-55 deci­ “It’s a sham. It’s that simple — plight. BUSINESSMEN sion over Wisconsin ... Georgia took overlooked, says Tim Gannett, Standings Ron Settles overall and 2-1 in the league — was the wind chill factor is a sham," “For what the Ben-Gals get out of it, it’s just not worth it. I just f^ l led by Kenny Arnold with 14 points Mississippi State 26-20 in a slow­ says Foster Chandler, vice presi­ president of Crotched Mountain ski sorry tor them.” Mason said. “It bothers me that they’re treating American Division—Manchester LOS ANGELES (UPI) — While admitting the real story of how Ron Chicago humiliated area in New Hampshire, is the im­ and Kevin Boyle with 10. Darryll down. dent and director of marketing for them so poorly." 49ers' Hofer Cycle 6-0, DiRosa Cleaners 5-1, Settles died in a jail cell might never be known, the district attorney has Mitchell Anderson’s 22 points provement made in ski clothing in Sportsman Cafe 4-2, Fogarty Oilers Mitchell and Gary Holmes added 10 Sherburne Corp., which operates the But the 49ers can’t be accused of poor treatment of cheerleaders. decided not to file criminal charges against police in the hanging of the each for the Gophers. lifted Bradley over , New Mexico Killington and Mount Snow resorts recent years. They don’t have any. 3-3, Filloramo Construction 3-3, Buf­ college football star. State 68-62 ... Tim Daniels had 20 “Take just about anything you falo Water Tavern 2-4. “They’re a solid team," Dutcher in Vermont. on sidelines “I cannot in good conscience file homicide charges in this case,” District in battle with Nets said of the Hawkeyes. “They are not points as Fairfield stopped Holy want — boots, gloves, jackets, ski National Division —Manchester “People hear ‘wind chill factor’ Attorney John Van de Kamp told reporters Thursday. “I doubt we will ever ranked fifth in the country by acci­ Cross 74-67 ... Bruce Atkins had 18 and it stops them. They don’t really pants — they’re all lighter but Police 4-2, Allied Printing 3-3, know for certain the proximate cause of Ron Settles’ death.’f warmer,” Gannett says. “They’re REDWOOD CITY, Calif. (U P I)- dent. But we’ve got to feel that it points and 18 rebounds as Duquesne know what it means; they just hear Moriarty Fuel 3-3, Westown Phar­ The decision not to prosecute followed a six-month investigation that was dropped Pitt 72-62 ... Mitchell going to give you better protection San Francisco 49er halfback Paul macy 2-4, B.A. Club 1-5, Purdy Corp. By Jeff Hasen lead, led by Cook’s 19 points. Cook will take a pretty good team to come 'wind chill' and they think the worst. Hofer will head to Michigan for the called “as thorough a job as could have possibly been done,” Van de Kamp in here and beat us.” Wiggins hit a 20-footer with six than years ago when you really had 0- 6. UPI Sports Writer scored 13 points in the second period “And as an area operator, it’s in­ Bill Walsh predicts Jan. 24 date with Cincinnati in the said. . u . In other Top 20 games. No. 2 seconds left and Florida State furiating because it keeps people to have a survival instinct to get by Settles, a senior at Long Beach State and the team s star running back, and had four field goals in a four- some days. Today, it’s not the Super Bowl, but only as a spectator. Chicago coach Jerry Sloan knows minute stretch, hitting long Virginia pounded Wagner 99-67; No. clipped St. Louis 75-74 ... Temple away from skiing when it SENIOR was found hanging from a twisted mattress cover in his cell just three hours 17 Wichita State defeated Creighton routed Delaware 73-49 behind Alton ■ same.” In fact, he may never play for the Explorers 4-2, Sportsman Cafe 3-3, after he was stopped for a minor traffic violation in suburban Signal Hill. better than to take another National jumpers. shouldn’t,” he says. 49ers again. Basketball Association team lightly. 69-56; and No. 19 Tulsa beat Drake McCullough’s 19 points ... Fresno Adds Les Otten, owner of Sunday Or as Otten concludes, “If you use Fogarty Bros. 2-4, Irish Agency 2-4. “I got it going early in the game,” your head and put on some clothes, Super Bowl show Hofer, who hurt his knee in an 1980 It seems his club takes a different explained the 6-foot-2 Cook. “They 71-54. State, the nation’s leading defensive River in Maine, “Wind chill factor At Charlottesville, Va., Craig team, thrashed Pacific 74-40 ... and if you realize the wind chill fac­ game at Dallas and reinjured it this MIDGET Willie Williams view, however. seemed to leave me open in the may be the most overrated non­ ’ season, is on crutches. On Jan. 27, “I don’t look at them (the Nets) as Robinson scored a career-high 24 Steve Burks and Kenny Lyles tossed entity imaginable. It’s based on a tor really is designed simply to tell Danny Callahan popped in 18 TUCSON, Ariz. (UPI) — Willie Williams, track coach at the University of beginning.” you it could be cold, then it shouldn’t he will undergo his third operation Arizona for 13 years and slated to coach the sprinters on the 1984 U.S. Olym­ a weak team — who are we to look at points as Virginia rolled over in 14 points each in Washington’s 75- large area of exposed flesh facing CINCINNATI (UPI) - Some peo­ win, but not to lose, playing points and Jeff Kennard 10 as the Wagner and raised its record to 14-1. 70 victory over Stanford, be a problem and you still can enjoy in 16 months. Knicks nipped the Lakers, 30-29, last pic team, died ’Thursday in an apparent suicide. anyone like that?” Sloan said after into the wind. How often does that ple contend this year’s Super ^ w l cautiously and waiting for the oppo­ Hofer, one of the most popular the Bulls were humiliated by the happen? skiing. has lost some glitter because old nent to make a critical mistake. night at the Community Y. Jon Roe Williams, 41, was found dead by an associate, Michael Bassom, in an “But if you’re dumb enough to 49ers of all time, was sitting in the netted 14 points and Sal Vemall 6 for equipment room at a new university track facility near the campus, accor­ Nets 130-104 at the Meadowlands “If you’re skiing down a trail NFL standbys like Dallas, “Often, the teams that have ended stands last Sunday when San Fran­ Arena. “You’ve got to come out and which has some trees, and that’s take off your clothes and then go Pittsburgh or Oakland aren’t in it. up in the Super Bowl have been the Lakers. No score was given but ding to Sgt. Sam Ragland of the campus police department. ' Billie Jean King content stand in the comer on a tower on a cisco edged Dallas 28-27 in an epic it appears the 76ers topped the Nets. “All indications are that this is a suicide,” Ragland said. perform every night. You get paid to just about anywhere in the east To that. Bill Walsh says: Quit teams that got there mainly through battle which landed the 49ers in perform every night. since we don’t have that immense windy day, then the wind chill factor living in the past. And, he adds, not iron defenses,” recalled Walsh. Chris Vuisine (11) and Jay Mistretta Williams, 41, apparently took his own life with a .38-caliber revolver and is just what you’re looking for.” their first-even Super Bowl. (10) paced the 76ers while Ricky only one shot was fired, Ragland said. ’The weapon was recovered at the ’The Bulls dropped to 15-21, a full' open-mountain skiing you find in only are his San Francisco 49ers and “When you get two such teams, both “I sat up there with all those die­ 10 games behind the Central after upsetting Hanika the Cincinnati Bengals the best expect their defenses to win it for Savidakis (17) and Sean O’Donnell scene, he said. hard 49er fans who have been there (4) paced the Nets. Division-leading Milwaukee Bucks. teams for the Super Bowl, they also them. for 30 years,” Hofer said. “I jumped Bo Schembechler After winning three of four, the will put on quite a show for fans. “In this 'particular game, both ttp when we scored the last Bulls seemed to have trouble con­ CINCINNATI (UPI) - Billie Jean out of competition until she could be “People are goirfg to have to clubs do have good defenses, but PEE WEE ANN ARBOR, Mich. (UPI) — University of Michigan football coach Bo King, playing in her first singles checked by her own doctor. Last touchdown, and my knee slipped, Action at the Community Y saw centrating against New Jersey. accept the fact that these two teams both go to the air and have im­ Schembechler met to discuss his future late ’Thursday with Athletic Direc­ “We play better against some of tournament in 10 months, said her year, she injured her back during and I almost fell down the steps. the Wildcats best the Bruins, 26-22, are the teams of prominence and aginative styles of offense. I can’t That would have been em- tor Don Canham amid reports of an offer to direct Texas A&M’s athletic those ‘better’ teams but there are up8et of second-seeded Sylvia the first week of the year and was and the Blue Devils nip the Huskies, liullelH 121, PistuiiH 114 sidelined about four months with an some of the others are going on see us pulling in our horns. I just barrasing.” program. five of us who are in the same Hanika in the Women’s Tennis Tour­ reputation,” said the 49ers head don’t believe we can as long as 18-17. Eric Morris hooped 13 points At Pontiac, Mich., Jeff Ruland nament of Cincinnati proved she injury diagnosed as a form of ’The reports said Texas A&M offered Schembecher, whose team finished position,” Sloan said, mentioning and Greg Ballard each scored 24 >IDV1SER coach. (Bengal quarterback) Ken Andersoq and Mike Talaga 5 for the Wildcats third in the Big Ten last season with a 6-3 mark and defeated UCLA in the was in better mental and physical sciatica. while Danny Langer had 10 points his team is on-par with the 15-21 points and Kevin Grevey added 22 to “We beat Dallas twice this year is out there on that field because I Bluebonnet Bowl Dec. 31, a 10-year contract worth an estimated $2.25 million Nets. shape than she expected. “I can’t tell you how disappointed PUSH-BUTTON SNOWPLOW and Cincinnati beat Pittsburgh know what he can do. and Gordon Hamilton 6 for the pace Washington. Ruland scored 15 Her 7-6, 6-4 win Thursday ad­ I am not to be able to play tonight,” to $3 million. New Jersey was led by reserve points in the final quarter and the twice. What more can you ask? The Sports Slate Bruins. Erik Wolfgang (6) and . Schembechler, whose team has compiled a 122-24-3 mark during his 13 vanced the eighth-seeded King into Austin said in a statement. “Nobody Many skiers have problems making a plow) and bend ankles fonward. Imag­ Kevin O’Donnell (4) led the Devils guard Darwin Cook’s season-high 29 Bullets posted their fourth win in good snowplow turn. The key to this ine there are buttons underneath your two best teams with the two best “As far as our offensive style years with the Wolverines, could not be reached and university spokesmen points and Mike O’Keren added 23. the sem ifinals of the Avon- feels worse than I do and I only hope records (San Fran is 15-3, Cincy 14- goes, you’ll see from us what we’ve while Brian Sampson and Steve their last five road games and their sponsored event and was among the that this injury will get better as maneuver Is flexible ankles. Pressing heels (A). You will use these buttons had no comment on the report, but an announcement was exj>ected to be ’The Nets led 101-73 after three third victory in four meetings this your ankles forward automatically to steer. 4) are in the Super Bowl. ’There’s no done week after week, and I ratjier Friday Joyner tossed in 4 apiece for the matches that eliminated the tour­ quickly'as possible.” BASKETBALL made later today. quarters, committing only two tur­ season with Detroit. drives your knees forward and main­ to initiate a turn, push the "turn­ fluke to this. doubt the Bengals will change. Huskies. nament’s top three seeds. In other singles matches, No. 7- South Catholic at East Catholic, 8 novers during the second and third tains your weight over your feet. ing button" with your heel on the ski ’‘I think this is one year where “I suppose they could go with Tony Conigllaro j quarters. Chicago was blown out by Trull Biuzers ill, Rockets 100 "I feel I’m in better shape seeded Ann Smith defeated Sandy Facing straight downhill on a sur­ that’s pointed In the direction you everyone will have to concede that (fullback) Pete Johnson and just run WRESTLING WOMEN’S ak c At Houston, Mychal Thompson, physically than I expected and win­ Collins 6-2, 51 and fifthseeded Bar­ face with a fairly shallow pitch, put want to turn (I.e., the right ski in East Catholic at Somers, 5 Claudia Sweetland and Michelle BOSTON (UPI) — Doctors have removed the balloon pump inserted in^ a 2512 surge in the third quarter with the two best teams in the NFL are the ball down our throats, but more O’Koren scoring 12 points. Kelvin Ransey and Jim Paxson ning a match against somebody like bara Potter downed Joanne Russell playing each other in Super Bowl. SWIMMING Sheridan each had 7 points and Mary Tony Ctonigliaro’s heart after the former Boston Red Sox rookie standout Sylvia tells me I am in better shape 52, 53. likely they’ll operate in a wide-open Manchester at Hall, 5 “I’m not happy with our record scored 22 points apiece to spark No one has backed into the game.” fashion. The only difference you Cochran added 6 as Mr. Steak suffered a massive heart attack last weekend, hospital spokesmen said Portland, mentally than I would have Saturday overwhelmed (3ierrone’s, 34-24, last (15-21) but we’re making progress,” Walsh, in a conference call might see as the game progresses is said New Jersey coach Larry thought,” King said. In the other quarterfinal Thursday with Cincinnati reporters, if someone has a lead of 10 points. BASKETBALL night at Mahoney Rec Center. Beth ‘ ^ A ^ ^ c h u s e tte (Seneral Hospital spokesman said Conigliaro’s heart had Muns 90, Knicks 89 “When I came here, I really didn’t Thursday, Bettina Bunge edged Fermi at Manchester, 7 McLoughlin netted 6 markers and improved but doctors remained concerned about the stricken athlete’s level Brown. “We haven’t had one prac­ said fans should be in for a treat Then you might see them get rather tice with the whole team and we At Phoenix, Ariz., Walter Davis expect to make it this far,” she Leslie Allen 53, 7-6, and 7-5 in a when Super Bowl XVI is played Jan. conservative for awhile. But that’s Bolton at East Granby, 2 Gail \^ ite and Debbie Gurski 5 ' of consciousness. . ^ ^ . sank two free throws with' four added. “Now I know tennis is still tiebreaker. East Catholic at Mercy (girls), * Conigllaro, 37, responded to pain but bad not awakened enough to engage won’t until the end of January.” 24 in the Pontiac, Mich., Silver- good strategy.” . apiece for' Cherrone’s. The Cook, subbing for guard Otis Bird­ seconds remaining to give the Suns fun.” Two more quarterfinal matches dome. Oddsmakers have made the 49ers 7i30 Lupacchinos, Rita aiwl Joan, led 1 In conversation, said spokesman Martin Bander. the victory. The foul shots came were scheduled for today with MCC at Middlesex, 8 song — sidelined indefinitely with Also ’Thursday, top-seeded Tracy “Just by the nature of the two a slight favorite to win. Walsh dis­ ’Travelers with 20 and 10 points after Davis was fouled by Campy Austin forfeited her match with Reynolds going against Smith and tendinitis in his right knee — was teams, I think this Super Bowl will agreed a little. respectively in a 36-22 triumph over Jim Finks i Russell. Davis, still rounding into Candy Reynolds when she began suf­ Potter facing Rinaldi, Manchester vs. East Catholic at Heritage Auto Body. Bonnie Kilgore glad to get the extra playing time. be one of the more exciting ones that “I don’t think we should be under­ nilCAGO (UPI) — Jhn Finks, conceding he still doesn’t know what t o “I can go a |ot of minutes if called shape after fracturing an etow in fering from lower back pains and 14- In doubles, Ann Hobbs and Jo have been played,” he predicted. dogs, but I just think this is an even Bolton Ice Palace, 7 >50 zipped in 8 markers to lead job will be, says he’ll stay on as general manager of the Chlcagp Bears with the preseason, scored half of his yearold Kathy Rinaldi upset Durie upset the team of Potter and WRESTLING Heritage. upon to do it,” he said. “I’m im­ Several previous Super Bowls game,” he said. “It’s a complete proving with every game — I never eight points in the last 1:35, keying a third-seeded Pam Shriver 7-6, 64. Sharon Walsh 5-6, 7-5, 53; Peanut have turned out to be rather dull af­ tossup, the best two teams playing Penney at Manchester, noon Standings. ’Travelers 3-0, Mr. ‘‘ p h S m e tt e ? a ^ ^ time with Bears’ onmer ^ e Halad ’T h i ^ y to Phoenix comeback from a four- After being examined by a Cincin­ Louie and Collins defeated Rosalyn Cheney Tech /Canton/Morgan at Steak 3-0, Heritage Aikto Body 0-.$, settle for one big game.” fairs, as teams have played conser­ each other in a very evenly matched Iron out differences between them. While F iiis will stay on t o the final two The Nets opened a 62-44 halftime point deficit with two minutes left. nati doctor, Austin decided to drop Fairbank and Kate Latham 7-6, 54. vatively — playing not "so much to contest.” Tcrryvilic, 11 a.m. Cherrone’s Package Store 0-3. and Vt years of his contract, his sUtus stll^ remains clouded, *»T

THE HERALD. Fri„ Jan, 15, 1982 - 13 12 — THE HERALD. Fri„ Jan. 15, 1982 Where to go/What to do OCUS/ Weekend TV'Novies / Comics 0 Scoreboard

Jerry Heard 68- 74-143 McNeese Slate 83, UW-Parkside 73 72-71-143 Minnesota 61. Iowa 56 Terry Diehl Jeff Sanders 71- 72-143 Northwestern 61. Wisconsin 66 70-73-143 Ohio Stale 61. Illinois 56 (ot) Vance'Hefner Basketball Allen Miller 70- 73-143 Hockey Purdue 63, Michigan State 47 69- 74-143 IJW-Stevens Point 64. Northland 54. Mike Sullivan Bruce Fleisher 70- 73-143 Walsh 86. Dyke 70 72- 71-143 Wichita State 69, Creighton 66 Gary Trlvisonno Just Ask John Schroeder 771-72-143 Wright St 86. Central St 72 72- 71-143 Southwest Mike McCullough Tommy Armour III 69- 74-143 ■ St. Mary's 93. Texas Lutheran 88 71- 7i-144 Murray Olderman St. Edwards 73. Mary Hardin-Baylor 65 Jay Haas f . v ' Don Bies 73- 71-144 NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOC. Tulsa 71. Drake 64 75/-60-144 NATIONAL hOCKKY LEAGUll West Dave Barr By L'nited I’ress International By United Press International l^ rry Nelson 76.-60-144 ' Eastern Conference Cen. Washington 72. Lewis-Clark iSt. 49 71- 73-144 Wales Conference Fresno St. 74. Univ. Of Pacific 40 Gene Littler Patrick Division Atlantic Division Steve Melnyk 71-73-144 W L Pci. GB Gonzaga 70. U. San Diego 61 70- 74-144 W L T Pts, OF GA Mesa College 116. N.M. Highlands 98 Mike Holland Ibislon 27 0 .771 — Bill Kratzerl 71- 73-144 \V Islanders 2f- 12 f. ' ff. 181 14f. Philadelphia 26 10 722 Nevada Las Vegas 68. Colorado St. 54 / Philadelphia 26 ir I r<3 173 lf6 Jeff Mitchell 73-71-144 New York 18 19 .486 10 San Jose St. 46. Utah St. 49 73-71-144 NY Bangers 20 18 f: 4T. irjU66 Washington 16 19 .467 ll San Diego St. 78. New Mexico 62 Scott Watkins The tipoH: Pittsburgh 19 18 6 44 170 169 Victor Regalado 71- 73-144 New Jersey 16 21 ,417 12V^ St. Marv s 62. Portland 60 . 72- 73-146/ Washington 12 26 T 29 161184 . St. Marlins 66, Sea Pacific 64 Ed Sneed Adams Division Central Division 70-76r-145 The phenomenal wave of rookie defcMive backs in Milwaukee 26/ 11 .694 — UC Irvine 66. Cal St. Fullerton 49 Dan Pohl Huttalo 2T. 11 8 176 136 UC Santa Barbara 71, Long Beach St. Mark Lye 72-73-145 professional football this season is attnbuUble to the Boston 26 12 f. 67 Iffi 148 Atlanta 16 17 486. 7Vz Andy Bean 70- 7!V-14f. Iniliana 17 19 .472 8 9 71- 74-146/ intense specialization in defenses that has t^k^n Montreal 22 10 11 2U) 128 W, New Mexico 74, So. Utah 64 Doug TewcU (Juehec . • . 2 4 16 6 61 2(17 176 Chicago . 16.21.417 10 Al Geiberger 72- 73-146. the last couple of years. It has precisely defined the Detroit 16 22 .406. Washington 75.. Stanford 70 71- 74-145 Hartlord 10 23 9 29 143 188 Wash. State 67. California 6ii (oil Hubert Green ^ responslbillues and shortened the learning process. Campbell Conference Cleveland 6 29 .171 IB*-* John Mahaffeyr 70-7T.-145 for instance, the most successful NFL team in 1981, Norris Division Western Conference Wally Armslrortg 73- 72-145 W 1. T Pl-s GF GA Midwest Division Frank Conner 74- 72-146 the San Francisco 49ers. could inject three and four 163 174 W L Pel. GB Bobby Nichols 74- 72-146 rookies into their pass coverage. It made instant stars St. [.oiiis 20 20 4 44 23 U ,676 Minnesota 16 14 14 44 173 161 San Anlomo Roger Maltbie 76-70-146 Denver 18 19 .486 76- 70-146 ' of such as Ronnie Lott. Chicago 17 17 9 43 187 187 16 20 .444 Peter Jacobsen 16 20 9 41 169 196 Houston Dave Eichelberger 73-73-146 Winnipeg Ctah 12 22 36J 13 19 11 37 180 194 Chi Chi Rodriguez 73- 73-146 32 146 182 Kansas City 13 23 .361 72- 75-147 l)etn»it 13 26/ 6 10 25 .286 Hal Sutton Smythe Division Dallas Jim Thorpe 75- 72-147 Kdmonton 27 11 8 62 264 179 Pacific Division Soccer Dave Edwards 75-72-147 Calgarv 16 20 10 40 177 2M Los Angeles 26 10 .722 - Dana (Juigley 73- 74-147 Vancouver If, 22 8 38 164 Itf/ Seattle 23 11 676 Gary HaliDerg 74- 73-147 Los .\ngeles 13 26 6 31 176 216 Phoenix 21 14 .600 Arnold Palm er ■ 76,-’»-147 Colorado 10 29 6 26 126/2(ft Golden Stale 20 16 .671 Mark Pfeil * 72-75-148 (Top tour in each, division qualify for Portland 20 16 .571 Tommy Aaron 72-75-148 San Diego 10 26. 3Sft Howar't Twilly 72-76-148 Stanley Cup playoffs.» iNOKI'H AMERICAN SIX/CER LEAGUE I'hursdav s Kesults Thursday's Results Gay Brewer 75- 74-149 B4)ston 6. N.Y Islanders 4 (All Times EST) (Ind(K)r l^>aguc) Ron Commans 74- 76.-149 New Jersey 130. Chicago 104 By United Press International Dave Stockton 75- 74-149 j u o ______Herald photos by Pinto I^hiladelphia 8. Edmonton 2 Washington 121. Detroit 114 Atlantic Conference •Detroit 3. Colorado I Mark Hayes 77- 73-16)0 Portland 111. Houston tOO Eastern Division 75-75-160 Calgarv 6. U)S Angeles 2 Phoenix 90. New York 79 W L Pci. GB Doug Sanders Friday s Games Bob Eastwood 78- 72-160 Friday's Games Montreal 6. 4 656 - 7T.-70-160 Q. How did the Cincinnati Bengals happen to draft Ken Richard Anton of Brent Road, assistant director for the Silk City Chorus, puts the group through its paces during rehearsal for the "Annual Parade of Barbershop 'All times KSTi 6 .660 Rik Massengale 'roronto at Bullalo. 8.06 p m lx)S Angeles at fndiana, 1 :X. p m Jacksonville 6- i„ou Graham 78-73-161 Anderson, their veteran quarterbach, out of little A ugust^ Atlanta at Philadelphia. 8.06 p.m, Toronto 4 6- .444 78-73-161 Harmony" scheduled at 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday at East Hartford High School. N Y. Bangers at Winnipeg. 10:06 [i.m. 6 .333 Bob Rusburg College, and who was responsible for his development. Los Angek'S at Vancouver. 11;2 nual show in East Hartford. prices as low as possible, but they HOUSTON (100) Kansas City 2 14 .126 12 ent surveyors. They are Paul Coffman, a big-play tirtt end Bob Morrissey, spokesman for the singing was more or less left to the have to pay airfares for the quartets lx)S Angeles 0 0 2—2 (iarrett 0 06 0, Hayes 6 34 13. Malone Wednesday's Results for the Green Bay Packers who was' signed out of Kansas 13 3-6 29. U avell 3 1-2 7. Reid 6 2-2 14. ’^Bowling group, said uncertainty over older people but the members of the as well as modest fees for their per­ Calgary 2 12-5 ' New York at N ew'Jersey ppd., State as a free agent in 1978, and Craig Wolfley, a young First [>eriod—1. Calgary. Houston 9 Murphy 7 3-3 17. W'illoughby 7 1-2 16. Denver 8. Buffalo 2 scheduling of renovations at barbershop quartets are getting formances. Henderson I 2-2 4. Paullz 0 06 0. Jones 0 Wii hita 6. Phoenix 4 guard on the Pittoburgh Steelers who has done a terrific younger all the time,” he said. The Manchester group has used I Reinhart. Bridgman). 8:38 2. Calgary. 06 0. Totals 42 16-20 100. Manchester High School caused the Bridgman 22 1 Houston. Reinhart), 10:36. Thursday s Results blocking job for a team that has been disappointing. There Portland 27 24 32 28-111 St l.«iuis r. Kansas (’ity 2 • ______group to move to East Hartford Speaking of the quartets, profits to support local charities f’enally-Houston. Cal. 10:40. Houston 23 28 29 20-100 are others, and I’d be interested in getting readers’ opinions. Second period—3. Calgary, Cyr 9 Wichita 8. Memphis 7 High. ’There will be two perfor­ Morrissey said, ”It’s just like in life, such as the Sheltered Workshop and Three-point goal-Willoughby, Fouled Friday’s Games iChouinard). 18:11. Penalties—Houston. out—Nunc'. Totals fouls—Portland 23. mances, one at 2 p.m. and one at 8 if you sing in a quartet you have to New Hope Manor. (,'al. 4:33. Mulvcv. LA. fi;6.2; Plett. Cal. (.'leveland at Baltimore Q. Do yon think Georgia Frontiere should be blamed for Houston 16. Technical—Portland coach Denver at Memphis p.m. because East Hartford High’s carry your own part and work close­ This year’s organization hasn’t major, 10:13: Wells. LA. major-minor. Ramsay. A-9.326, By United Press International the collapse of the Los Amgeles Rams this season, like I read 1013, Pittsburgh, at St. liOuis $16/0.000 Showboat Invitational in a lot of the Southern California newspapers? — R.O., auditorium has fewer seats than ly and well with the other three been chosen yet. Third period—4. Calgary. Houston 10 Bullalo at Phoenix At l^ s Vegas. Nev. Manchester’s. people.” I Bridgman Poplinski), 3:39. 6. Iajs NEW YORK 189) After P'our Rounds Ventura, Calif. THE GROUP also helps support Angeles. Terrion 10 (Mulvey. Fox). 4:00. The Silk City Chorus was formed Vin Zito has been director of the Lucas 2 0-2 4. Williams 7 0-0 14. 1 James Miller, Mesa. Ariz.. 7.219. Well, she didn’t mind taking toe credit when toe Rams the Institute of Logopedics in 6. Los Angeles. Johansen 3 I Taylor. Cartwright 6 6-6 16. Richardson 6 2-2 12. 2. Charlie Tapp. St. Paul. Minn.. 7.166, blossomed into a Super Bowl contestant in 1979, when she and chartered 18 years ago as a local chapter for about 12 years and Bozck). 8:30, 7. Calgary, McDonald 16 Smith 8 1-1 17, Russell 3 24 10, Webster 3. San Zurich. Huntington. N.Y.. 7.135. took over after toe accidental death of her late husband, a member for about 30 years. Wichita, Kan., a treatment center IChouinard. Kautakallioi. 18 21 - 4 06 8. Knight 0 06 0. Newlin 2 06 4. 4 Marshal! Holman. Medford. Ore.. member of that group with toe long for children with voice diseases. Hardy. LA. 6:30 Carter 2 1-2 6. Totals 38 11-16 89. 7,078. Carroll Rosenbloom. An owner can’t block and tackle, but name, the Society for toe Preserva­ Morrissey termed him the Shots on goal- I.OS Angeles l2-l4-ld-36. PHOENIX (90) 6.. i’ete McCordic. Houston. 7.013. it’s fair to say that some of her idiosyncratic policies have tion and Encouragement of ■ "sparkplug” of the chapter. Support of this institution is a Calgary 13-6-11-30. Robinson 12 3-6/ 27. Scott 2 1-2 5. 6. Pete Weber. St. Uniis. 6.990. ied to unrest in toe organization and affected toe players. national service project of members (loalies—Ix)S Angeles, I>essard. Cal­ Adams 7 44 18, John.son 6 44 14. Macy 4 Golf 7. Tom Baker. Buffalo. N.Y.. 6.982. . Barbershop Quartet Singing in Groups in this year’s show will be gary. Biggtn A—7234 2-2 10. Nance 2 06 4, Davis 3 2-2 8. 8. Kenny Hall. Lathen. N.Y.. 6.967. Through tight fiscal measures, she also let such talents as America Inc., more commonly the “Boston Common,” 1980 inter­ of the society. Kelley 2 06 4. Bradley 0 06 0. Kramer 0 9. Gary Dickinson. Burleson. Texas. Vince Ferragamo and Bob Brudzinski get away. Mainly, toe national champions of the nation’s Barbershop singing is definitely 06 0. Totals 37 16-19 90. 6.966. old family spirit fostered by Rosenbloom has evaporate. known as SPEMQSA. NY Islanders 3 0 1—4 New York 18 29 2121-69 to. Steve Marlin. Kingsport. Tenn,. The Manchester chapter is one of barbershop harmony society; “The not on the decline. The fact that Boston 1 2 2—5 Phoenix 20Z72617-90 6 946. more and more young people are First period-1. Boston, Pederson 23 about 700 chapters around the coun­ Side Street Ramblers” of Dallas, Three-j)oint goals- Russell 2. Total fouls ’ll Jav Robinson. Los Angeles. 6.913. Q. Have we definitely seen the last of Muhammad All as a Joseph Halloran of 42 Bolton St. har­ becoming involved, according to 1 Middleton. Bourque). 3:66. 2. New York, -N ew York 24. Phoenix 20. Tcthnical 12. Jeif Bellinger. Columbia. S.C.. 6.937. fighter? Where does he rate now among the greats of all try. There are some 37,000 members Tex., currently ranked third among Tom Franz of Converse Road, Bolton, Tonelli 19 (Sutler, l^angevini, 4:69. 3. foul—Adams, A—12.188. 13. Art Trask. Fresno. Calif.. 6.SB4. monizes with fellow members of the Silk — all men. Morrissey, asked about quartets in the United States; and Morrissey, assures a bright future Now York. Bos.sv (Gillies. McEweni. 14. Mike Steinbeck. Alsip. 111., 6.915. time? — M.C., Olean, N.Y. for the continuance of this pleasing rehearses for the annual performance of 9 01 4. New YoVk. Bossy 'M (Troltier. Golf Results If . Mai Acosta. Hayward. Calif.. 6.904. City Chorus while rehearsing for the the "all men” membership of the the “ Four Under Par,’’ of By United Press International After that "Trauma in the Bahamas,” I can’t imagine any type of harmony. the Manchester Silk City Chorus. Tonelli). 14 4.3. Penalties—Kallur. NYl. 16. Teata Semiz. Fairfield. N.J.. 6.902. promoter putting up money to get All into toe ring. That’s group, said there is a women’s Westchester, N.Y., a popular four­ 2 00 McEwen. NYl, 6:66; K. Crowder. WASHINGTON (121) $300,000 Bob llope Desert Classic 17. Ernie Schlegel, Vancouver. Wash., Saturday program. Bos. 8:34. Leveille. Bos. 13:19. Ballard 7 10-10 24. Haywood 7 34 17, At Palms Springs. Calif., Jan. 14 6.898. toe key. BMause AU so desperately needs the spotlight that Second period—6. Boston. Kasper 8 Mahorn 3 06 6. Grevey 10 2-2 22. (4 courses, all par 72) 18. Steve Wunderlich. SI. l..ouis, 6.893. toe ring gives him be can delude himself again and again iM arcollc. liourquei. 3,66. 6. Boston. Johnson 2 34 7. Ruland 10 46 24. Lucas .let Ozaki 64-68-132 19 David Husted. Mllwaukle. Ore.. : (while picking up handy cash to support his extensive Marcottc 8 (unassisted 1, H:3t. Penalties 4 1-2 9. Collins 6, 24 12. Totals 48 25-32 Rex Caldwell 64-69-133 6.8n. Potvin. NYL 4.42. Merrick. NYl. 8:21. 121. Tom Kite 68«-l34 20. Kyle Sliedd. Downey. Calif.. 6.871, retinue). He itoght try some exhibitions. But feeling is Third period-7. Ikislon. O'Heilly 12 DETROIT (114) (Calvin Peele 69-6T.-134 21. Martin Letscher. Aberdeen. Md . you’ve seen toe last of him in a serious fight, llie last lew (Fergus, Levcillsi. 6:04. 8, Boston. Jones 1 2-2- 4. Tripucka 13 76 33. Skcelcr Heath 67-67-134 pathetic appearances, such as against Holmes and Berblck, Dream takes shape Middleton 31 (Pederson. Park). 9:17. 9. Benson 6. 34 13. Thomas 8 26 18. Long Lanny Wadkins 66,-69-134 22. Kevin Gillette, Florance. Ky.. 6.tf3, New York. Kallur 13 (McEwen. Nys- 16 2-2 :E, Hubbard 1 06 2. Tyler 1 06 2. Kd Fiori 7tT66,-l35 23 Neil Burton, St. I>ouis, 6.849. tarnished the image, but toe AU of 10 and 15 years ago still trom ). 12:12 I’enallies-C arroll. NYL Lee 1 06 2. Mokeski 2 06 4. Johnson I 2- Itod Curl 66-75-136 24 Mike Monyak. Tacoma. Wash.. commands respect as one of toe finest fighters ever, certain­ 8.30. K. Crowder. Bos. 16:.77. 2 4. Totals 48 18-21 114. I^*e KIder 67-69-136 Washington 25/39 24 33-121 J.C, Snead 69-67-136 6,049. ly in toe top three. Shots on goal—New York 10-6.-6-21. Detroit 34 21 23 36-114 Boston 10-14-8-32. Wayne Levi 68-68-136 Goalics-Ncw York. Smith. Boston. Technicals—Mahorn. Lucas. Total fouls Keith Fergus 69-CT-136 - Wa.shinglon 27. Detroit M. A—4.106. Forrest Fezler \'achon. A—14.673. 66-75-136 Shipbuilders turn back clock Scott Hoch 68-69-137 Curtis Strange 67-75-137 Bob Byman 71L68-138 Want Jackson Vice President Buzzy Bavasi said Edmonton 0 1 1—2 College Basketball Results Jim Booros 72-66-138 oak was selected because it contains a natural fiber that Cowan says more than 30,000 hours of volunteer work By United Press International By Ron Gustafson Philadelphia 3 4 1—8 Hon Slreck 71-67-138 ANAHEIM, Calif. (UPI) - The Wednesday. seals wood pores and prevents leaking. It also has have been put into the construction of the Sea Lion thus First period—1. Philadelphia. Kerr 9 East David Graham 67-71-138 ‘Injured stars “We’ll either be in it or out of it by Fred Couples California Angels still hope to land excellent bending properties and a natural resistance to far. In addition, volunteers have raised thousands of (Adams.. Clarke). 7:64. 2. Philadelphia. Am Inti 109. Westfield Stale 78 71-57-138 MAYVILLE, N.Y. (NEA) — It’s one man’s dream, Gorenco 2 (unassisted), 10:31 3. (ieorge Archer 75«-138 ST. LOUIS (UPI) — Right winger free-agent slugger Reggie Jackson Friday,” said Bavasi, who added he dollars to help complete the project. Barrington. 66 Anna Maria 61 Barry Harwell right out of toe 16th century, and coming true. rot. Philadelphia. Barber 26 (Hoffmeyer, Bryant 91. Lowell 76. 68-75-138 Wayne Babych, who has an injured and expect to learn of their chances has been in regular contact with From the six trees, personally picked by Lyon and cut He. expects the ship to be valued at more than $1 Allison), 16:6/. Penalties—Ragman. Edm. Castleton 72. Skidmore 49 Miller Barber 69-69-138 For toe past seven years, an authentic replica of a Scott Simpson em -1 3 8 shoulder, and d. 'enseman Gerry by the weekend, team Executive Jackson’s agent, Gary Walker. million when completed. 3:20: Flockhart. Phi, 9:16. Linseman. Clark 79. Coast Guard 6/3 three-masted, square-rigged English merchant ship of at his mill, more than 10,000 board feet of virtually knot- Phi. 11:10. Brackenbury, Edm. 16:37. Bobby Clampett 7(^68-138 Hart, who must li..ve a knee opera­ (^wan, Drake and Foster and a number of other Drcxel 76. Lehigh 61 John Cook 67-72-139 toe 16to century has been taking shape in a marina here free lumber were produced for the ship’s hull. Second period—4. Philadelphia. Propp Duquesne 72. Pittsburgh 62 27 iMarsh. Allison). 1:41 6. Philadelphia. Andy North 71-68-139 tion, will be out of the St. Louis on (3iautauqua Lake. But actual construction of toe Sea Lion was still some volunteer helpers have used only two instruments, a Cochrane 4 (Holmgren). ll:f/9. 6. Elmira 77. Roberts Wesleyan 47 Jim Colbert, 69-70-139 Blues lineup for about a month. compass and straight edge, in designing the ship. And a Philadelphia. Botell 4 (Holmgren. Kerr), Fairfield 74. Holy Cross 67 Ben Crenshaw 71-68-139 When finished, toe Sea Lion will be as authentic as the time off as tools of the ship’s era had to be gathered. 12:66. 7. Philadelphia, Adams 3 (Kerr, Fordham 48. St. Peter's 39 Barry Jaeckel 60-75-139 Efforts to rehabilitate torn car­ Some, a century old and similar to those needed, were 16th century shipwright’s plumb level, also handmade, George Washington 76. URI 71 vessel ttet she was modeled after. . Marsh). 16:33. 8, Edmonton. Messier 30 Date' Douglass 68-71-139 tilage in Hart's left knee were un­ For 35-year-old Ernest Cowan, it will be his lifelong contributed, while Cowan made others himself. ’The is used to set patterns true. (Anderson, Coffey). I6;ll. Penalties— I..aSalle 79. Rider 70 .llm Simons 72-68-140 successful, team officials said. An Barber, Phi. 4:03. Hunter, Edm. 6:14; Nazareth 92. Houghton 86 Bob Gilder dream come true. Cowan, an accomplished artist and lumber also had to be dried and seasoned. Nearly 200 other handmade and borrowed tools, Niagara 87, Brockport State 71 69-71-140 arthroscopy is to be performed Attention Property •Owners Linseman. Phi. 6:14; Lowe, Edm Nichols 86. Suffolk 82 IXm Pooley 71-69-140 carpenter who resides in the lakeside community, has Following .three and a half years of planning, similar to those used by 16th century shipbuilders, are (misconduct). 7:29; Botell. Phi. 10:01; Northeastern 68. Assumption 88 Jack Renner 75-70-140 today to removel the damaged worked on toe planning and building of his “dream ship” researching and fashioning tools, construction of toe being used in toe Sea Lion’s assembly. Hunter. Edm. 13:31: Flockhart, Phi Shippensburg 76. Pitt-Jonnstown 64 Brad Brvant 67-75-140 tissue. Babych has been bothered all of I M a n d Every step in toe construction — including carving, (misconduct). 14.21. Temple 73. Delaware 49 Terry Mauney 70-70-140 , since 1971. ship started in October 1974 in the garage of Cowan’s Third period—9. Philadelphia. Barber York 66. Drew 44 D A. Weibring 70-70-140 season with a muscle problem in his father. ’The project was soon moved to the marina to fastening and sealing the hull — has been done by hand. 27 (Linseman). 10:36. 10, Edmonton, Dan Halldorson 72-68-140 “My real interest in building a ship like this started as South Peter Uosterhuis left shoulder. No surgery is needed More than 1,000 square feet of sail, made from im- Gretzky 66 (Weir). 17:12. Penalties— Austin Pcay 66. E^astern Kentucky 60 69-71-140 a child when 1 visited toe Mayflower in Plymouth, allow more space for work and storage. Arthur, Phi. l;4f,; Coffey. Edm. 2:27; Joe Inman 68-73-141 but he wilt continue to receive The Eighth Utilities District of 'ported Scotish flax (a material used in 16th century Belmont 66. trevecra 66 Mass.,” he said. Assisting (Jowan were Stan Drake and Pat Foster, Hunter. Edm. riiajor. 10;6i9; Marsh. Phi. Mike Reid 70-71-141 treatments to strengthen the England), will be used on the ship as well as more than 4 major. 10:69. Clarke. Phi. 14:36; Birmingham Sou. 79. Stillman 76 Gil Morgan 70-71-141 Msnchsstor Is In s sinesrs Msrch tor s His interest continued through the years. In 1971, his also master wood and metal workers. AH three men Hoffmeyer. Phi. 19:26: Hughes. EkJm. Campbellsvilic 80, Indiana-Southeast 78 Tom Watson 69-72-141 shoulder. , psresi of land sultabis to construct a research into the historic vessels led him to a rare 1588 have continued to work on the ship for toe past seven tons of specially-made rigging line. 19:26. Cumberland 78. 1'homas More 71 (ot) Tim Simpson 72-60-141 Shots on goal—Edmonton 66-8—21. Davis & Elkins 64. Fairmont 66 Pat McGowan treatise by Mathew Baker, an English shipwright. years. „ One of toe most painstaking procedures was making Georgetown (Ky.)‘ 88. Alice Lloyd 66 70-71-141 briek building. Must bo locatod near a Philadelphia 14-22-7-43. James Madison 76. Towson Stale 48 Mike Morley 74-67-141 . Baker’s papera detailed toe method of shipbuilding THe Sea Lion’s keel was laid in May 1977. Ctowan, toe first plank of the keel. Almost 2 inches thick, it had (ioalies- Edmonton, Low Philadelphia. James Madison 76. Towston Slate 48 Bill Britton 72-69-141 major roadway. through what was known as toe “three-arc principle,” sticking to tradition, had toe keel blessed by the to be bent to a 90 degree angle without toe use of water Peelers. A--17.147. Lou Tech 60. S. Miss 66 Mark O'Meara 71-70-141 Episcopal dean of Chautauqua County. Murray St. 76.. Morehead St. 68 George Cadle 68-75-141 which explained how to shape toe hull by using only a or stream. Bruce Lietzke 73-65-141 ’The framing and exterior planking of toe lower hull Colorado 0 01—1 N.C,-Wilmington 66. East Carolina 49 compass and straight-edge. Recently Cowan finished a wood carving for toe ship s Tcnn. Tec^ 84. Clinch Valley 61 Charles Coody 68-73-141 Pfoaaa «and mil fnfbrmatfon to; Detroit 2 01—3 C'raig Stadler 69-72-141 . With toe finding'of the Baker treatise and toe help of a were completed in 1978. As toe ship stands now in toe cannons. A sand mold will be made from toe carving, First period—1. Detroit Kirtun II Virginia 99. Wagner 67 CALDWELL (ML, I N ^ Fuzzy Zoeller 71-70-141 W. Kentucky 65-. Mid. Tennessee 49 f r i ^ , Carl E. Lyon, Cowan was on bis way to realizing marina, the lowler bull has been lowered into a pit below and four brass cannons will be cast from toe mold. lOgrodnirk. Blatsdell). 6:18. 2. Detroit. Bobby Wadkins 70-71-141 Eighth UtllitiM DIatrIct OgrrKfnick 18 ^Kirton. Blaisdell). 6.18. Wash And I.^e 63. Emory And Henry Bruce Douglass 72-69-141 his fantasy. The Sea Lion Project, as it is knovm today, toe floor as toe rest of the 20-foot-high structure nearly “Merchant ships of that period had cannons for Penallie.s—Huber. Del.. 0:6/3; Ramage. .'•6 Morris Hatalsky 70-71-141 32 Main Straat touches the top of toe building. More than 30,000 hours of volunteer work Wheeling 64. Ohio Dominican 44 was soon to be launched. protection against sea raiders,” notes Cowan. The Sea Col. 13:47. Nicolson. Col. double-minor. Bud Allin 68-74-142 Lyon is toe owner and operator of a lumber inill not Cowan plans on launching the hull sometime in 1983 have so far gone Into the construction of the 16:33. Gare. Dot. minor-major. 16:33. Winston-Salem St. 6-7. Livingstone 65 Alan Tapie 71-71-142 Manchastar, C T 00040 Lion will be no exception. Midwest 115.9 C.O.D. and then drydocking it to finish work on its masts and Second period-None. Penalties—None. Tom Jenkins 70-72-142 far from Chautauqua Lake. He knew of a nearby stand Sea Lion. In addition, volunteers have raised Third period—3. Colorado. I>orimer 2 Bradley 68. New Mexico State 62 Danny Eldwards 72-70-142 Cowan says that all other replicas of 16th century Carthage 88. Concordia (Wis.) 66 ofvirglnwhiteoak, a quality wood that would have to be rigging. The Sea Lion is expected to be completed and thousands of dollars to help complete the (Malinow.ski. Rroten). 4:40 4. Detroit. Lyn Lott 72-71-143 vessels in the United States today are "motionless McKechnie II (0. Smith. Sc'hoenfeld). DePauw 61. Franklin 66 ATT: Dlnelor Clancy Allnln used in such a venture, on the fann property of John and operating on Chautauqua Lake in 1984. Florida St 76-. St. Louis Univ 74 Joe H ^ e r 70-73-143 construction of this authentic replica of a 19:29. Penalties-None. .lerrv Tate 70-73-143 Asa Cheney. The completed vessel will be 68 feet long with the museums.’.’ The Sea Lion, already a popular tourist at- Shots on goal—Colorado 6-8-7—21. Grove Citv (Pa) 66. Malone 57 (ot) three-masted, square-rigged English III SUte dl. Ind State 63 H H. Sikes 72-71-143 tallest of its three masts standing 58 feet. The ship will tractiCHi, will carry passengers on toe waters of I)etrolt 176-8-33 . Tfun Purtzer 71-72-143 649-8841 The Cheneys contributed six of the trees, each 350 to merchant ship of the 16th century. ffoalies — Colorado. Resch Detroit. Indiana'81. Michigan 51 Greg Powers 73-70-143 400 ^ r s old, to Cowan’s project early in 1974. White weigh about 90 tons. < Chautauqua Lake when completed. Sauve. A—8,643 Kenyon 76. Ml Vernon Nazarene 64 Mike l>onaid 70-73-143 Mairvmount 73 Tabor 70 THE HERALD. Fri.. Jan. 15, 1982 - 15 14 - THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 Getaway Oldtimer weather stunning Where DINING Is A PLEASURE « f a gamble Sutyday BruQcb 'Ht audiences Tlye Brou'iTstoiTC A WEEKLY GUIDE TO FINE DINING • Our antique buffet abounds with fresh fruits, straw* (Editor’s note. Bruce Schwoegler is , berries Chantilly, and our pastry chefs creations — muf* weekday evening radio and television flns.-danlsh. and nut breads - still warm from the oven. meteorologist, science ''reporter, By Vernon Scott • On the dessert side you'll find cheesecake, chocolate mousse, napoleons, fresh cakes, and more It's all In­ producer and host of energy specials for UPl Hollywood Reporter cluded In the price of your brunch! WBZ Radio and Television in Boston.) • Treat yourself to our Brownstone Special — a tender featuring this week... HOLLYWOOD — Pow! That’s the impact Wilford filet topped with a poached egg. artichoke hearts, and COUNTRY ITALIAN By Bruce Schwoegler Brimley has on audiences who see "Absense of Malice, smothered In a rich Bearnalse sauce — or try our thick Written For DPI a good movie which Brimley lifts to near greatness. cuts of French toast served with New Hampshire maple «T His part is only 13 minutes in length and it comes at syrup — or select another one of our enticing entrees. BRUNCH BOSTON — By now, we’ve put away • Your first Bloody Mary. Screwdriver, or glass of Cham* Christmas memories to the fading tune the end of the film. agne Is on the house and all other brunch libations are 7.95 But the grizzled, bespectacled character actor Rlappy Hour priced! 11 am— 3 pm , of Auld Lang Syne. We do so when the Sundays from 11:00 a.m. Dinner at 2:00 p.m. explodes like a stick of dynamite'as a Justice Depart­ RetenvATioNt ricommended weather in the northern hemisphere is ment trouble shooter cleaning up a messy case. ASYLUM a TSUMIUU STS. 828-1171 46 EAST CENTER STREET • M AN CH EST ER • 643-2751 coldest and often stormiest. To many, It was as if director Sydney Pollack had decided to ______DOWIITOWN HATTOBD January weather means starting in the find a genuine tough guy in the maze of Washington cellar and working toward the higher sun bureacrats to come in and do the job in his picture in­ and warmer days of summer. stead of handlng.the part of James J. Wells to an actor. DAVIS FAMILY NOW SERVING BEER & WINE The Romans recognized the time as Reviewers have said Brimley steals the picture, Kiclor BenacquUla being one of transition, so they named which is not the case. He actually makes the film work Gino DiGennaro January after their god of the doorway, and is almost assured of winning an Academy Award Proprietor* DINNER SPECIALS Janus. He is a two-faced deity looking nomination for best supporting actor. a -w «iw . •.J *.» I fc.ptr> f c / v r - c n I backward and forward simultaneously. Brimley’s refreshing, dynamic performance is UPl photo each only Reminiscing about the past summer and matched by the man himself. A blacksmith by trade, Rt. 83 Talcottvlll*/V«mon 6.49 he’s a cantankerous, profane, independent and 643-0256 fall, but peering intently ahead to spring Fresh Baby Bay Scallops Baked or Fried and summer, Janus probably dwells Captain Kidd’s RV Resort near Walt Disney World part of a growing trend of campgrounds for RVs thoroughly delightful cuss from the wilds of Utah and within many of us at this time of year. In Florida looks like any other mobile home park. going condo. Idaho. He fits into Hollywood as comfortably as a burr CHICKEN MARSALA...... *7.95 USDA Choice Sirloin Steak But people living the so-called "RV life" here are under the saddle of a bronco. DIHHER Seafood Combination (Baked or Fried) But winter shouldn’t get all the bad LOBSTER HIADIABOLO...... *10.50 At 47, he looks 15 or 20 years older. He’s built like a wtred Of whHo muco This includes scallops, clams, scrod press it does. There are good times in the barrel organ. His round face, receding hairline, scragg- torvod on a bad ol lingulnl north, especially if one puts forth the ef­ The above served with potato and salad. ly mustache and wire-rimhied spectacles do little to FILET MI6N0N w/8tuffsd Shrimp m • ...... *12.50 fort to develop the sea or “ snow” legs softpn his pugnacious mien. CALDOR PLAZA EXIT 93 OFF IrSe 649-5487 and roll with — instead of against — the TOP SIRLOIN w/lrl*dmu*brooin*aonlant. . . . *8.95 BRIMLEY IS QUICK to take issue with anyone or FORTWO elements. There’s skiing, snowmobiling, The condo campground: anything that sounds plastic or Hollywood phony. He Mr. Steak has come up with a ice fishing, skating and better yet, a complete with salad or soup, warm fire and pleasant company after was bom in East Mill Creek, Utah, a suburb of Salt Lake great idea just for the two choice of potato, seasoned outdoor excursions. City, and that’s where he continues to make his home. of you. You get two tender V rice or hot buttered He loves the wilderness country of the Pacific Nevertheless, the period between the juicy traditional - vegetable and fresh Northwest and despises social tinkerers, do-gooders and holidays and spring is a time of struggle cut filet bread all other types who would interfere with his freedom. for many northerners. January and FIANO’S of sirloin a new way of RV living Brimley’s convincing portrayal of troubleshooter at one February are directly in the middle of Rt 8 & 44A BOLTON 643-2342 dinners affordable ‘T A V e m the deep freeze. This is when the coldest Wells springs from his devotion to the truth. He hopes there are men like Wells in government — tough, honest price. Reader’s Choice of Connecticut Magazine’s temperatures are commonplace because “ In a condom inium campground Brewster says he’s received 50 deposits men who let the chips fall where they may. FRIDAY SATURDAY & SUNDAY SPECIALS 1981 Favorite Overall Restaurant in the earth has cooled to its lowest By Craig Allsopp you’re more likely to find a microwave on 250 sites. "If people want to think I’m a red neck right-winger. BAKED STUFFED tW altroM a Lunchoon , Hartford County. readings. United Press International Sorvlc* Spaclala oven than mosquito netting.” I’m not ashamed of it,” Brimley said, his eyes glinting LOBSTER...... 1 0 .75 Of course, you can take matters into KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Six years ago Ed Buying a campsite is like buying a con­ behind the round spectacles. • Sunday Champagne^ Brunch WIlll.E MANY OF the campsite OPENING NOW AT 11:00 A.M. TO 2:30 P.M. your own hands, heed the enticing ads and Jackie Newton put their house on the dominium apartment. The investor buys buyers are retirees, Brewster and. “ I try to be honest myself. I had no trouble identifying SHRIMP A SCALLOPS Au Gratki .... 9.75 and abscond to palm trees and balmy market, bought a motor home and took a a lot and then pays his property taxes Looney of Outdoor Resorts say more with Wells. I happen to look for somebody in govern­ SCROO ...... 7.95 • Lunch • Dinner breezes. If so, you might be playing chance on a new way of American life — and maintenance fees through a condo or families with children are choosing ment like Wells who floats to the top. VEAL SALTINBOCCA...... 9.75 vacation weather roulette. At this time the condominium campground. co-op association. campgrounds over vacation or second “ I’m glad I could play a guy for whom doing the right 2300 Main St., Glastonbury • 659-0366 of year, frigid northern air forces wather Banquet facilities for all your party needs • Cocktails The Newtons haven’t regretted it as When they aren’t Using their sites, homUs. Both recommend, however, peo­ thing is the only course to take simply because it was a Chlldron'f systems to traverse the United States on their investment grew and the trend of many owners rent them out complete ple purchase sites only if they have plen­ right and n eed^ no other qualification. You don’t find their most southerly tracks. ’The weather Monus camper-owned campgrounds started with motor home or large pull trailer. ty of spare time. many people in government like that. It takes courage.” tTRLIAN FOOD PIZZA systems follow the boundary between hot sweeping the south from Tennessee to David Brewster, president of Bryn “ If people are only going to use it a Grimley’s acting career has been a story in frustra­ Luigi's and cold. From central and southern Texas. Mawr Camp Resorts Inc. which* has tion and failure. couple of weeks a year, they are better MON.-b a k e d LASA3NA California, through the desert Southwest “ I think it's great,” says Mrs. Newton, developed three Florida campgrounds aS' off renting,” says Looney. HE CAME TO HOLLYWOOD some 16 years ago TUES.-\/EAL PARMESAN TWO to the lower Mississippi Valley to the 54. ‘ T v e thoroughly enjoyed it from the cooperatives, sees the ownership con­ One of the biggest te s te r s of the Two beautiful meals. seeking an acting career. He drifted in and out of town WED. - SPAOHETT! a MEATBALLS Only sunshine state of Florida, midwinter start.’’ cept dominating the camping scene in camper-owned sites is the recreational DINNERS One beautiful deal. working at odd jobs but principally as a blacksmith up in storm systems can ruin your holiday. The Newtons, who call square dances the 1980s. vehicle industry. THUR.-CHICKEN PARMESAN Utah when he couldn’t find movie jobs. for a living, now own two campsites. “ The only parks that are going to be Newton Kindlund, owner of Holiday of FRID.-SHELLS S SAUSA6E Florida is especially susceptible to Most of the time he worked as an extra, a face in the They spend the winter at Captain Kidd rental parks are going to be purely one- Orlando Inc., one of the country’s largest ^A T.- EOOPLANT PARMESAN cold blasts that slice through the crowd, picking up $29.15 a day or $37.22 a day working on Expires Jan. 22, 1982 RV Resort near Walt Disney World and night stands,” Brewster says, predicting RV stores, is so encouraged by the sales Midwest and slide to the Gulf of Mexico. horseback In episodes of “ Bonanza,” “ Gunsmoke” Md \ \ SUN. -- BAKED MANtCO TT! summer on Lake Tansi in the that, '‘85 percent of all resort prospects he’s set up demonstration At times, the momentum of the cold air other TV westerns. Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee. campgrounds will be camper-owned trailers and motor homes at the Captain 244 Center Sta, Manchester carries it down the peninsula and into the “ I was a nondescript extra in the background picking pnmc s “ We find it cheaper and easier than within ten years.” Kidd park. S M Caribbean before, it grinds to a halt like up riding checks instead of walking checks ‘causq they THE PUMPERNICKEE PUB maintaining a home,” said Newton, 60. “ It’s changing the complexion of cam­ OF MANUHKSTKK some runaway freight train. When this A BOLD PROCLAMATION perhaps, paid more,” Brimley recalled. “ After I’d put together a “ We have a 32-foot motor home we ping,” says Kindlund, who estimates t.25 happens, you at least have salvagable but Brewster points out the customer de­ few bucks I’d head back to Utah. OAKLAND COMMONS PHONE travel in and use in Tennessee, and keep there probably are 150 to 200 camper 706 HARTFORD RD., MANCHESTER CALL 649-8326 sun accompanied by cold temperatures. mand is heavy and that facilities with “ My roles were identified as the third fat guy from NEXT TO ECONOMY ELECTRIC 643PUBB our 35-footer trailer here.” owned parks nationwide. “ It’s a positive ’The bulldozing leading edge of the cold water or oceanfront property are selling the left or townsman No. 2 .1 played a lot of townsman Outdoor Resorts is the company that trend for our industry and has brought air is where all the clouds and rain oc­ rapidly. No. 3s, really memorable roles. Sometimes I had lines pioneered the condominium campground many people into the RV lifestyle.” STEAK SALE o w n e r f b r t w b cur. He says high gasoline prices and the and sometimes I didn’t. concept back in 1968 when most camp­ Most camper-owned facilities have evolution of the “ RV lifestyle” into more “ I don’t have a long track record in television, and I’m On the other hand, there are times sites had little more than spigots and pic­ “ zoning” and restrict occupancy to than a twoweek vacation trek were ' just as glad because I’m not identified with any of that Sunday Brupcb ®ountrgSqinrr when instead of bullying far to the south," nic tables in the middle of a field. larger trailers and motor homes to deter « a . * 8 . 9 5 responsible for the trend. And there is stuff. the cold air loses its punch and stalls “ We just figured there was certainly a weekenders who travel in vans, pickups, Two tandar Juicy traditional cut fliat of alrtoln LUNCHEONS*DINNERS*BANQUETS also the high cost of Florida real estate. “ I’ve quit the business a hundred times to go home. I along a weather DMZ which extends east market for better accommodations for or pop-top campers. dlnna^ immplata with aalad or aoup, choica of Bt. 83, Ellington, CT^ 872-7327 to west across central Florida. ’This these expensive motor homes,” says “A lot of people want ocean front didn’t sit around waiting for the telephone to ring. Peo­ potato, aaaaonad rica or hot f lt Tbc boundary between dreary and delightful Grady Looney, Outdoor Resorts vice property, but who can afford $150,000 for ple spoil doing that. I’m just lazy. I’ve worked for a buttarad vagatabla and Iraah can last for days before another weather president for marketing. a condominium apartment?” asks KINDI.UND SAYS THE average living and acting is way ahead of that. brand. Brewster. “ For a little more than $50,000 travel trailer in these parks is a 32-footer EARLYlilffi SPECIALS system kicks it back to the north or sends ‘Tve seen good times, bad times and horrible times. TUES.-SAT. 4:30-6:30; SUN. 12:00-7:00 it. packing to Cuba. THF, COMPANY’ S first project was a one of our customers can have a place on that costs anywhere from $12,000 to $20,- But I’ve been lucky.” EXPIRES JAN. 22, 1U 2 B r o w D s to p e 400-space campground near Gatlinburg, the ocean.” 000. Motor homes cost more; a 30-footer The much ballyhooed vacation Tenn. The company has since developed Prices at Bryn Mawr’s camper-owned is roughly $40,000 to $50,000. BRIMLEY’ S LUCK HIT bottom 16 years ago when • Our antique buffet abounds with fresh fruits, straw­ « 2 . 5 8 - 5 . 9 5 weather in the “ Sunshine State” is more seven other camper-owned facilities parks in Key Largo, Fort Pierce and St. “ There’s an amazing crosssection of he played his first featured role in the movie “ Law probable as spring approaches. Late around the “ RV lifestyle” in Florida, Augustine start at about $17,000 for an buyers,” notes Brewster. “ You get some Man.” He woundup as the face on the cutting room floor berries Chantilly, and our pastry chef’s creations — 9 ENTREES • S8UPS March and April see an elevated sun and South Carolina and Texas. Altogether 1,800-square foot lot with ocean access blue collar people and you get some peo­ except for a brief scene in which he was seen as a cor­ muffins, danish, and nut breads — still warm from the SALADS • SANDWICHES Outdoor Resorts has sold about 6,000 ple who are really loaded who just pse. 244 Center St.. Manchester 649-1995 warmer temperatures eroding the and $32,000 for a spot overlooking the oven. Children S Senior Citizen Menus southern flanks of persistent northern lots. beach. Waterfront spaces with boat slips happen to like RVs.” His luck swiftly changed when he was cast in “ The cold. Storm tracks recede. The boundary “ The concept is first-class accom­ and ocean access are $40,000. If all this sounds like a good deal, a China Syndrome,” playing an atomic energy plant • On the dessert side you’ll find cheesecake, chocolate usually lingers over Georgia with modations,” says Looney, ticking off So far 350 of the 400 sites at Bryn word of caution from James Kearny, manager with Jane Fonda and Jack Lemmon. His per­ Rie NORSEESS CMRUGE prolonged summerlike weather amenities like paved roads, water and Mawr’s Fort Pierce campground have director of the Florida Division of Land formance, the opposite of the flamboyant Wells, won mousse, napoleons, fresh cakes, and more — it’s all in­ throughout Florida. This is the time your sewer service, swimming pools, tennis sold since Jan. 1980. Only 11 of 284 sites Sales and Condominiums. Get a lawyer critical acclaim. STUFFED M ___ cluded in the price of your brunch! Weekly Speciels Brimley’s work came to the attention of director vacation weather gamble usually pays courts, club houses, boat slips and cable remain at Key Largo. The St. Augustine to review the purchase agreement before ■SOILED LOBSTES S Q Q R SUNDAY—WEDNESDAY off. television and telephone hookups. park just went camperrowned and signing. Pollack who signed him to play the desert rat who From our own tank...... « F a 0 V • Treat yourself to our Brownstone Special — a tender befriends Fonda and Robert Redford in “ The Electric Bay Scallops VEALSOMtENTINO 7 QS filet topped with a poached egg, artichoke hearts, and Horseman,” another memorable rolp. ■SjSffRSlBITlNO 7 OK (stuffed or b roiled )...... “ I got a new agent after ‘China Syndrome,” ’ Brimley smothered in a rich Bearnaise sauce — or try our thick Ravioli _ said. “ Hell, a lotta people in this town assumed I was GHIGKMOSVEALIIOUUITTINE 7 m cuts of French toast served with New Hampshire maple (meat or cheese)_...... w really an employee of the power company and not an ac­ syrup — or select another one of our enticing entrees. tor. I didn’t get any great offers after that picture.” ailipiiidUi,intlid w<4a*i« ...... 7r * s g g La Strada West Two singers chart pop revivals 643-6165 And .therein lies the irony of Brimley’s career, even • Your first Bloody Mary, Screwdriver, or glass of 471 HARTFORD RD. after “ Absence of Malice.” The guy is so good audiences lOASTFUMESie...... 7 .8 5 M on-Thur 5:30 AM - 10 PM Fri & Sat til 11 are unaware they are watching a performance. When Champagne is on the house and all other brunch Sun til 9 P.M. JOaHUM OEU A THE GOUIITSV CASTAWAYS By Dick Kleiner tle different. “ The kind of singing I do,” he’s on screen, reality takes over. m (Sounda of SO'* A (Country Music) libations are Happy Hour priced! So . . . HOLLYWOOD (NEA) — Brenda Lee Woods says, “ is poppish for black ar­ Brimley has no theatricality about him off-screen 41lt0IIILKWD-LMiTI66e«Z6»6787 and Stevie Woods are two very different tists. I call myself a hip Johnny Mathis. either. He’s not a mannered actor, nor is he predictable. • Brjng a friend, a family, your packages, a newspaper singers — one is female, one male; one is I'm not a rock singer.” His salty, down-to-earth personality is reRected in his andjoinusfor the l»st brunch in town! Every Sunday He thinks he’s in the right place at the roles. white, one black; one is very country, 11:00-3 p.m. at the Brownstone in the heart of one very city. Yet they have certain right time, however. He says that today, “ I’m going back to Utah until I get another picture,” HOUSE OF CHUN6 basic things in common. "after the disco farce,” the record com­ he said. “ I’m not getting rich because maybe I’m tw Downtown Hartford. They both believe in good music, as op­ panies and radio stations all want “ more fussy about the parts I take. But hell, a man’s gotta do ycnturitig nutht’n tir I’ olym'.nidit IBtrirh i® t. Itttt posed to much of the junk that is popular legitimate music.” what a man’s gotta do.” iitid ('anlone.if Sfjccinlln'.s “ Rock isn’t selling the way it used to,” Reservations recommended. today. I \ U I l( />K/NK s nAUAN-AMCRICAN CUISINE And they both left the business, Woods says. “Even the young people although for different reasons. today are more mature about their wejUd*k c tflM. to- joiK UJ musical taste now than they used to be.” Brenda Lee has been around just a few Critics favor Asylum and Trumbull Sts. (203) 525-1171 days short of forever. Or so it seems. Ac­ He says that, for a while, people really ^ ^ u g OH t ^ m O U H tc U H weren’t listening to music, just hearing a ^ Free Parking at One Financial Plaza tually, she’s only 36, but she’s been ‘Atiantic City’ W e ha ve a complete menu singing since she was 6 and recording cacophony and an incessant, repetitive 363 BROAD ST. since she was 10, so it’s been a while. beat. But now he feels that more melodic Plus Weekly Specials She’s been working steadily all those music is returning and people are Manchester HOLLYWOOD (UPl) - “ Atlantic City” edged Future Banquet FecHItle* Avelleble Soon years — except that she quit for four listening to the music and the words Warren Beatty’s “ Reds” for top honors in this 6 4 9 - 4 9 5 8 years in 1976. more. year’s awards presentations hy the Los Angeles Villa Louisa Rd., Bolton, C T 646-3161 “ I didn’t feel at that time that there Woods, like Miss Lee, also took a break Film Critics Association. was a place for what I was doing,” she from show business. He stopped perfor­ says. “ I came back in ’80 and I’ve had ming for a year and a half because he In ceremonies Wednesday night, “ Atlantic City” PIZZA WAGON four Top 10 records in the past year and a decided that he had to go to business was named best picture of 1981 and also picked up a DINNER SPECIAL FDR TWO wnarket Polynesian half. I didn’t change; a person can’t school. best actor award for Burt Lancaster who played an Giv6 Ybut “House Specialty” RESTAURANT change her style. “ I realized,” he says, "that I had to do aging gangster, and best screenplay award for John Hearty portions of Salad, Manicot­ Chinese' more than perform, I had to understand Guare. “ In ’76, when I quit, they wanted me to Brenda Lee came back Into the music scene in 1980, after a four-year A Showcase! ti, and Eggplant Parmigiana. LUNCHaDINNER American experiment with a new way of singing. contracts and tax. law. You’re lost if you break, and has had four Top 10 records since. “Ih '76, when I quit, they “ Reds” won three awards — for Beatty as best SPEICALIZINO IN: But it wouldn’t have been me, it wouldn’t don’t have that backgroudn today. God IslawMla director, Maureen Stapleton as best supporting ac­ Become part of our weekly dining have been honest. Rather than change, I wanted me to experiment with a new way of singing," she says. “But it help any performer without it. We’re in a PRIME RIB RACK OF LAMB M n T A U R A N T tress and for best cinematography. lor both Cocktail Lounge wouidn't have been me, it wouidn't have been honest. Rather than multi-billion-dollar business, and ]| )u SEAFOOD STEAKS k ou M n a quit.” guide so we can feature your n w a lt Now that she’s back, however, she change, i quit.” have to understand business to function Other awards went to Meryl Streep as best ac­ Restaurant’s distinctive at­ 10.95 SUNDAY BRUNCH isn’t doing as much road touring as she 'll in it.” tress in “ The French Lieutenant’s Woman,” to Sir wraad wUh bnid, bulM 4 eo«M once did. She says the road took a toll on feelings about the new music that get out of the business. The music was He studied business and business law John Gielgud as best supporting actor for bis por­ mosphere and cuisine. The PIZZA WAGON (Mklrtn't A Repihr Nmu AvaSaUe her health — “ For a couple of years, I evolved. all so negative. I think music should be and today, he says, he can read a letter trayal of a butler in “ Arthur,” to Randy Newinan 179 TOLLAND TPKE. had one illness after another” — so now "F or a while, I thought that we were soothing, or at least amusing.” of agreement and understand it. He also for the score of “ Ragtime” and to the BraziUan At Spencer Sl./Sllver Lane In K-M arl Place GLI N LOCHEN MANCHESTER He admits that he’s not part of the can accept the fact that he is merely a CALL 643^2711 NEW LONDON TPKE • GLASTONBURY she only works eight days a month, on all lost, musically,” he says. “ When “ Pixote” as the year’s best foreign film. Maneheater Te l. 643-9209 6 4 3 -9 5 2 9 average. punk rock came in, and people wore mainstream of today’s music, and you commodity to the show biz businessmen DAILY tnaS’fSa 633-3832^ Stevie Woods also had negative razor blades in their nose, I was ready to get the feeling that he’s proud to be a lit­ and not get hurt by that realization. 16 — THE HERALD, FYi., Jan, 15. 1982 THE HERALD. Fri.. Jan. 15. 1982 - 17

• T lw Sounding Board, Hartford: Qlon Jonka will present a mosaic of traditional, contemporary and orgininal tunes, along with blues, country and ragtime accompanied by piano, guitar and 5-strlng banjo, at Advice About Town United Methodist Church, 571 Farmington Ave., Hart­ ford. (563-3263) Cinema • Emanuol Luthoran Church, Manchaatar: Tenor Theater Roger Loucks will present a concert tonight at 8 at Emanuel Lutheran Church, comer Church and Chest­ Gun safety course set nut streets, Manchester. (643-1193) Hartford Pennies From Heaven The Manchester Jaycees will sponsor a free gun safe­ Atheneum Cinema — (R ) Fri.-Sun. 1, 5:30, with AAom always paying ty course for boys and girls 8 to 14 years old at 1 p.m. on • Hol«-ln-Th6-Wall Thaator, Naw Britain: “You're a The Magic Flute, with Rollover (R) Fri. and Sat. Saturday, at the Manchester Recreation Center Good Man, Charlie Brown” performances tonight and Dick Tracy vs. Crime In­ 3:15, 7:40, 12:10; Sun 3:15, shooting range on Garden Grove Road. Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at the Hole-In-The-Wall Theater, corporated 2. Marriage 7:40. For additional information, call 646-8477, 121 Smalley St., New Britlan. (223-9500) Italian Style Fri. 7:30,9:30. Manchester • Trinity Square Repertory Co., Providence, R. I.: The Seduction of Mimi UA Theaters East tor son's perfection "A Flea In her Ear,” opens Jan. 22 and “A Lesson from Sat. 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. Meeting is canceied Sharky’s Machine (R) Aloes,” opened Jan. 2 and runs until Feb. 7. In the Dance Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow Sun. 5:30, 7:35, Fri. 7:10, 9:30; Sat. and The meeting of the World War 1 Veterans and downstairs theater at 201 Washington St. (401-351- r DEAR ABBY i I ’m a widow with a 9:40. Sun. 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. young men who have a good Auxiliary, scheduled for Jan. 24 has been canceled. 4242) 36-year-old son, and he’s my • Hartford Stage Co., Hartford: “The Wake of Cinema City Cinderella Monty Python and the relationship with their father. Much TTie next meeting will be Jan, 3i at 2 p.m. at the VFW problem. All his life he’s been a (G ) Fri. 7, 9; Sat. and Sun. Holy Grail (R ) FYi. and bitterness and many problems could Hall. Jamey Foster,” opened Jan. 1 and continues through • Wednesday Noon Roportory, Hartford: A program perfectionist. Picky, picky, picky! 1,3,4:55,7,9. Atlantic City Sat. midnight: Dear have been avoided if I had been Feb. 7 at the Stage Co., 50 Church St., Hartford. For of traditional southern Appalachian Mountain dancing He buys a house he thinks is (PG) Fri. 7:30, 9:30; Sat. Modem FYoblems (FH3) honest with my husband from the Information on showtimes and tickets (527-5151) to be performed by the Mountain Laurel Cloggera, perfect, then he tears it up and Abby and Sunday 1:30,3:45,7:30, Fri. 7:30, 9:20; Sat. and beginning, instead of trying to do it Nursery has vacancy • Coachlight Dinner Theater, Eaet Wlndeon "Kiss Jan. 20 at noon as part of the church and the arts remodels it. He remodeled the same 9:30. Sun. 2, 3:45, 5:30, 7:15, all myself. Please print this for Me Kate," opened Dec. 1 and continues through.Feb. program of Center Church. The program will be at 60 house twice. Nothing ever suits him. Abigail The YWCA Nursery School at 78 N. Main St. has one Pixote Fri. 7:20, 9:45; 8:45, 10:15. other parents to see. 7 at the theater on Route 5 East Windsor. Perfor­ Gold St., Hartford. (249-5631) His jeans have to fit perfect. He . Van Buren vacancy for this semester in its two-day Thursday and Sat. and Sun. 1:45, 4:15, The Rocky Horror Pic­ NAMELESS IN ALABAMA mances nightly, except Mondays. Doors open at 6:30 • Veterans of Foreign Wars, Hebron: Hebron Went to the tailor’s twice because he Friday program for 3- and 4-year olds. p.m., 5:30 p.m. on Sundays and 11:30 a.m. for 7:20, 9:45. ture Show, Fri. and Sat. Memorial Post 8776, VFW will sponsor a dance midnight. wasn’t satisfied the first time. The program is directed by a professional staff, and it matinees for cocktails and dinner before the show. Man of Iron Fri. 7:19, DEAR ABBY: Last weekend I featuring “Main Street," at the Elks Club, Roberts The Boogens (R ) FYi. His nose went twice, too. He had stresses preparation for kindergarten. (522-1266) 9:50; Sat. and Sun. 1:15, 4, visited a nephew who lives in Street, East Hartford, Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. 7:20, 9:10, 11:30; Sat. 2:15, bis father’s nose. (I fell madly in and was a good man, but knowing For information, call the YWCA at 647-1437. • Yale Repertory Theater, New Haven: "WInterfest 7:10, 9:50. another city. While there, I attended (228-3426) 4, 5:45, 7:30, 9:15, 11:30; love with that man. All the girls went how hard he worked to support us, I II," four new American plays, Jan. 19 through Feb. 27 C in e a tu d io — L ili church with him. When the collec­ • Contra Dance, Hartford: Contra Dance with Sun. 2:15, 4, 5:45, 7:30, crazy for him, even if he did have a counted my blessings and kept at the theater, 222 York St., New Haven. For more In­ Marleen Fri. and Sat. 7:30, tion plate was passed, my nephew Ralph Sweet as caller. Beginners welcome — learn by 9:15. big nose.) My son thought he would quiet. formation and for tickets call (436-1600) with Satyricon (R ) Fri. took a $10 bill from his wallet, Krupp edits newspaper doing. Come with or without partners. Instruction S l o r r s never get a girl because of his nose, Your advice to “ Nameless” was • Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford: “Annie", the and Sat. 9:45. placed it in thee collection plate, Canadian Ice dance champions Lorna starts at 8 p.m'., Friday at Immanuel Congregational Trans-lux College M he had it done over by a plastic terrific. I hope she tells her hus­ award-winning musical opened Jan. 12 and runs Last of the Blue Devils and then took three $1 bills from the WIghton and John Dowding are featured In Church, 10 Woodland St. Sponsored by Country Cinema surgeon. It didn’t suit him, so he band that she needs his help in Peter Krupp, 20, son of Dr. and Mrs. Alan Krupp of 40 through the 17th at Bushnell Memorial Hall. Perfor­ Sun. 7:30. plate and placed them in his wallet. the Ice Capades’ “Hottest Show on Ice,” Dance In Connecticut featuring live fiddle music by Absence of MarliCe (PG ) went back and had it done again. raising their children, and they both McDivitt Drive, has been named editor and president of mance schedule Is Jan. 12-16, 7:30 p.m. and Jan. 17 C o lo n ia l — S atan ’ s I was shocked! Whiskey Before Breakfast. Fri. 7, 9:15; Sat. and Sun. He finally got a girl, but she didn’t should get counseling from the Brown Daily Herald at 7 p.m. with matinees Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. playing through Jan. 17 at the Hartford Civic Cheerleader (R ) with The’ Abby, I had never seen anyone marry him for his nose — she professionals. at Brown University in For ticket information call (246-6807) Center. Muthers (R) with The 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15. “ make change” from a collection married him for his money, and now When our oldest was 15, he Rhode Island. • Clockwork Repertory Theater, Oakville: “The S t r e e t f i g h t e r ’ s L a t Modem Problems (PG) plate before. Is this proper? they’re divorced. (I had to pay for rebelled and defied all authority, ■Krupp, is a member of Sunshine Boys,” by Nell Simon, opened Jan. 6 at the Revenge FYi. from 6:30; Fri. 7,9; Sat. and Sun. 2:30, ASTONISHED will present a concert Jan. 19 and 20 at 8:15 p.m. at the divorce, too.) JOHANNES AUTO SALES the class of 1983. While a theater at 133 Main St., Oakville, and will continue for Sat. and Sun. from 1. 4:30, 7, 9. and because he and his father had no Bushnell Memorial Hall. It will feature Pianist Peter Do you think he will ever support student at Manchester three weeks. For show times and ticket Information Vernon relationship, ail the responsibility ... a neat junkyard Orth as guest soloist and Hartford Symphony per­ Kaat Hartford Cine 1 & 2 himself? fell on me. I sought help from school " d e a r ASTONISHED: Why not? High School, Krupp was call (274-7247) cussionist Eugene Bozzl. (246-6807) Far better to put in a $10 bill and co-editor of the • Tolland Middle School, Tolland: The one-woman Cinema One Raiders of Raggedy Ann & Andy I love my son, Abby, but I ’m sick counselors and the Family Service • Emanuol Lutheran Church, Manchoatar: The take out three dollars than to put in performance of “The King and 1“ starring Arlyne Qarrl- the Lost Ark (PG ) Fri. and (G ) Sat. and Sun. 2. of hearing, “ What’s wrong with me, Counseling people, who all said the Manchester Herald’s fourth program In a concert series at Emanuel Sat. 7, 9:10; Sun. 2, 7,9:10. Arthur (PG) Fri. and Ma?” Please tell me, who’s nuts? same thing: "Get your husband in­ nothing because all he had was a $10 High School World sec­ ty,.a former Manchester resident, Saturday at 8 p.m. Lutheran Church, Church Street, will be tonight at 8 at Et Cetera Poor Ricliard'a Carbon Sat.'7:10, 9:30; Sun. 3:45, Him or me? volved!” So I finally revealed my bill, which may have been beyond tion during his senior at Tolland Middle School, Tolland Center. Advance the church featuring Eric Halfvarson, bass-baritone Junkyard wins Copy (P G ) Fri. and Sat. 5:30, 7:15, 9:30. HAD IT IN FLORIDA true feelings to my husband and told his budget. year. tickets at library. accompanied by Cheryll Hadley, The public is Invited. 7:30, 9:30, 12; Sun. 4:30, Raiders of the Lost Ark DEAR HAD IT : Neither one of him that deep down I was bitter and His job as editor at the • Mark Twain Maequera, Weet Hartford; The Call 643-1193 for ticket Information. • Central Connecticut Slats CoHago, Now Britain: 7:30, 9:30. (P G ) Fri. 7,9:10: Sat. 1:30, you is nuts, lady. You’re a soft touch resentful because he was always Do you hate to write letters university newspaper theater group will be auditioning for “A View from the • Yale School of Mualc, New Haven: Sunday A Planetarium program, “The Orion Star Factory," Showcase Cinemas — 7, 9:10; Sun. 1:30, 4:15, 7, 'for a son who’s hard to please and “ too busy’’ to spend time with our because you don’t know what to say? requires working 45 to 50 Bridge," Jan. 19, 20 and 21 from 7 to 10 p.m. at the evening music series, Sunday at 8 featuring Thomas neatness award opened Jan. 1 and running through January; Fridays Taps (PG) Fri. and Sat. 9:10. knows how to get what he wants. He sons. Abby, it was the smartest Thank-you notes, sympathy card, hours a week. As editor, Studio, 170 KIngswood Road, West Hartford. (232- Entrlken, organist at Sprague Memorial Hall, 470 he will coordinate the en­ 7808) and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and also Saturdays at 11 a.m. 1:45,4:30,7:20,9:55,12:20; may never support himself. And thing I ever did. congratulations, how to decline and College St., New Haven. Admission is free. (436-1971) My husband said his mother had tire operation of the • Yale Repertory Theater, New Haven: “The Man for children, at Copernican Observatory on the college Sun. 1:45, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55. why should he as long as he has you? accept invitations and how to write JACKSON, Mo. (U P I) — Although each vehicle is • Yale School of Music, New Haven; The Chamber always handled the children, and he paper and supervise a Who Could See Through Time,” opens Jan. 19 and campus, Wells Street, New Britain. (827-7385) . Neighbors (R ) Fri. and an interesting letter are included in carefully dismantled and its parts neatly stacked inside Music Society at Yale will present the New York • Old Slurbrldge VHIago, Biuiftridgo, Maaa.i Sat. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30,, DEAR ABBY: This letter signed was brought up to believe raising staff of 160. He’ll direct continues through Feb. 27 at the theater, 222 York St., Abby’s booklet, “ How to Write a warehouse, people still refer to John Johannes’ place Woodwind Quintet Jan. 19 at Sprague Memorial Hall, Winter workshops at the vlll^e feature "Home and 9:30,11:30; Sun. 1:30,3:30, • ;’’Nameless in Maine’’ could have children was the mother’s job. He the paper’s news New Haven. Performance times are Monday-Friday, 8 470 College St;, New Haven. (436-1971) Letters for All Occasions.” Send $2 of business as a junkyard. Hearth," "Spinning Wheels and Looms," and “Broom 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. t been written by me a few years ago. said he thought I wanted it that way and a long, stamped (37 cents) self- coverage and have Peter Krupp p.m. Saturdays, 8:30 p.m. and Wednesday and Sun­ • University of Hartford, West Hartford: Charles ” I have no problems about that,” said Johannes, who Making," from. 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., Saturday and Jan. 23 Ragtime (PG) Fri. 1:15, ; My husband never took an interest because I never complained or addressed envelope to: Abby, Letter primary responsibility day matinees at 2 p.m. (436-1600) Nelson Reilly will direct Hartt Opera-Theater’s 40th has operated Johannes Auto Sales since 1963. ” A lot of and 30 at the Museum Education Building. (617-347- 4:15, 10:10; Sat. and Sun. MTBII8TATE 64 EXIT • • MLVIA LAN! in our sons when they were little. asked for his help. Booklet, 12969 Hawthorne Blvd., for its editorial policy. He is an economics major. anniversary production of Gioachhino Rossini's ■AST HARTEOIIO people call it that.” 3362) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:10. BAROAm MATINIB DAILY Like "Nameless, I knew he loved us Today our sons are fine Christian' Suite 5099, Hawthorne, Calif. 90250. PNI8T SHOW ONLY •t.fO But Johannes said the face of the junk car business is classic opera "The Barber of Seville." Opens Jan. 21 • Astrologloal Inslltula of Rosoareh, Hartford: Sneak Preview: Whose changing. Most dealers in wrecked or worn-out cars no at Millard Auditorium at the university. Moshe Life is it Anyway? (R ) Fri. "Aquarian Age Readings," Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 longer leave their vehicles to rust in overgrown Parhnov. will be music director. There will also be a 8. > p.m. at the Institute, 373 Wethersfield Ave., Hartford. pastures, only disturbing the hulks to wrench away performance on Jan. 23. For show times and ticket In­ Admission Is free and readings will be $4. (522-4836) Births Absence of Malice (PG ) some needed part. formation (243-4442) • The Hartford Civic Contor, Hartford: Ice Fri. and Sat. 1, 3:10, 5:20, • Chamber Orchestra of Now England, Now Even the junkyard owners’ international trade Capades opened Tuesday and will continue for nine 7:35, 9:50, 11:50; Sun. 1, Cataract operation: Haven; Igor Kipnis and Linda Skernick, harpsichor­ organization has a high-sounding name — Automotive performances through Jan. 17 at the Hartford Civic 3:10, 5:20, 7:35, 9:50. Fisher, Ellu Jo Broilerirk, daughter of Roger Alan dists, will perform as soloists with the Chamber Dismantlers and Recyclers Association. Center starring Tai Babilonia and Randy Gardner. R ^ s (P G ) Fri.-Sun. 1, Fisher and Pamela Jo Broderick of 68 Bigelow St., was Orchestra, Saturday In Lyman Auditorium of Southern Johannes’ neatness was recognized in November with Muisic (727-TO10) 4:45, 8:30. born Dec. 25 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her Connecticut State College in New Haven at 8:30 p.m. a first-place beautification award in annual competition • Wallingford Antiquos Show, WalHiHtford: 34 Ghost Story (R ) Fri. and maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Russell F. (777-0790) sponsored by the automotive dismantlers. dealers will be participating In the show, Friday Sat. 1, 3:15, 5:25, 7:40, 10, Broderick of Vernon. Her paternal grandparents are the • Plano Concert, Manchester: Paul BIsaccIa of through Sunday. The hours will be 11 a.m. to 9 p.m., is it really needed? Motorists on U.S. 61 who drive past Johannes’ 5 Vz-acre 12:05; Sun. 1, 3:15, 5:25, late Violet and Frank S. Fisher who were residents of salvage yard are spared unsightly views of discarded Hartford will give a one-hour concert of classical and Friday and Saturday and noon to 6 p.m. on Sunday at 7:40, 10. Manchester. Connecticut Traditional Jazz Club Inc., Meriden: l - ' ' vehicles. • jazz music Sunday at 6 p.m. at South Ujilted the State Armory In Wallingford. Nightmare Fri. and Sat. Anihony, Brendan Bluke, son of Kristina and The Connecticut Traditional Jazz Club will present Its ’’You can’t see any cars from the highway,” Johannes Methodist Church, 1226 Main St., Manchester. An In- • American Indian Archaological Institute,i 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40, 9:40, William Anthony of Delmar, N.Y. was born Jan. 10 in years, the advantages,if any of im­ said. “ We have a concrete parking lot. We have nice third concert of this season, Saturday from 8:30 p.m. terfalth service and social hour will follow, sponsored Washington, Conn.: Wlntqr woodland survival walk 11:40; Sun. 1:40,3:40, 5:40, ' DEAR DR. LAMB: f had my Albany, N.Y. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and by Serving our Singles Group. The programs are open plants compared to contact lens fences — a Cyclone fence with slats, you know. In the to midnight at the Yale Inn, E. Main Street, Meriden. end talk at the Institute, Route 199 at 1 p.m. (868-0518) 7:40, 9:40. • eyes examined recently as I knew I Mrs. Robert W. Blake of 209 E. Center St. His paternal Music will be by the Galvanized Jazz Band featuring to married persons as well as singles. heeded my glasses changed. The may not be very important. back we have solid white fences, sheet metal painted grandparents are Mr.,and Mrs. Vincent Anthony of Hol­ Joe Lentino on trombone and several other • Wood Memorial Library, South Windsor: A duo- doctor told me I have cataracts. I ’m Your white. It’s not just a bunch of old slabs thrown up.” DEAR I)K. LAMB: I read in your ly Hill, Fla. musicians. (932-5260) recital will be presented Sunday at 3 p.m. featuring now concerned about having the The most conspicuous thing about Johannes’ business column about the little girl who • Hartford Symphony, Hartford: The Hartford Jane Carlberg on violin and Christine Clegg on piano. cataracts removed. I ’ve heard that Health is the Rolls Royce sitting on top a 14foot pole at the edge Lookmg for a second car? developed arthritis. My grandson, Symphony Orchestra, directed by Arthur WInograd Wood Memorial Library, 783 Main St, South Windsor. a new method permits them to be of the highway. The luxury car serves as a signpost. Focus/Food on Wednesday The Gassified section is a Lawrence also 12 years old was diagnosed as removed at an early stage rather A “ People may not know our name but they sure know complete car-buyer’s having rheumatoid arthritis. Menus, recipes and shopping tips are featured in The ' than waiting until they are ripe. Lamb, M.D. our sign,” Johannes laughed. “ It’s a landmark along guide. However, when the treatmeent did Manchester Herald's Focus/Food section, every . Also there is one way called pn im- here now. When they see our sign, they know where they not help he was referred to another Wednesday. ' plant which is fairly new. are. doctor. He actually had rheumatic <; Would you please tell me if it is “ We tell people we’re the Rolls-Royce of the salvage eyes. fever. His treatment was changed F r i d a y T V ‘‘ possible to have them removed at an You are asking mee about the business.” and he is doing fine after about a early stage and what the operation phacoemulsification technique. It is Transmissions, wheels, front ends, engines — all the Guide to weekend events year. I wondered if the little girl is called? described briefly in the Health innards Of vehicles that formerly filled the highways — AL GENTILTS could also have the wrong diagnosis. The Herald provides a comprehensive calendar of are neatly placed on racks inside the Johannes EVENING Letter number 13-6, Your Cataracts ’’where to go and what to do,” every Friday in the recipe for moonshine. (60 mins.) C D 8 strike Force A hired gunman 12:00 DEAR READER: Before you D PM Magazine are Coming, which I am sending DEAR READER: Rheumatic warehouse for customers’ browsing. Focus/Weekend section. 6:00 has arrived to aasasainate the judge CD Behind Tha Screan Joyce dies VARIETY Csvty^B Early Suppsr start worrying about which opera­ CDC£)GrS9(SH39 Nbwb D 8 Beneon Kraus falls for a inacourtcaseofnatlonalimportance from poison at the Hoimby party and you. Others who want this issuee fever is sometimes hard to ® Charlia't AngBiB government official and la set to and Cept. Murphy's team has little Lynelte is a prime suspect. Karl iella REVUE 5 PM to 8PM Monday-Thursday tion to have you need to know if you can send 75 cents with a long, differentiate from rheumatoid ^ Tie Tac Dough spend a romantic weekend with him. time to slop him. (60 mins.) an incredulous Dory that the poison until his wife enters the picture. For Seniors ... because you asked for It. even need an operation. The decl- Cu) Pro Colobrity Golf SeriBB Lee (S)Movle'-a-A-CMCen<0«n, AiSqMtXttWied Yes, the cataract lens can be SOAP BOX DERBY (£) CBS News Garrick Utley. Jack Perkins, Douglas participate. 8 People Now (Downstairs Is Cavey’s Restaurant Francals, 8 Enlartainmant Tonight ■ need to be removed. You will need removed and a new lens implanted that measure the immune reaction ( £ Butlseye Kiker and Betsy Aaron. (60 mins.) 8Movle- Region Area towns -J eee, ms rehel - I G U E 6 5 I O H , D E A R 'I DIDN’T REALIZE smaaruPSET, 6 H O O L O N T TH EODO R W OULD 0/M $ TO Crossword ^ Astro-graph 5A N D Y ...1 H O PE I HAVE 60N E ON twaoTHESf unm eiBi HighUghts D I D N ’ T OFFetiD L I K E T H A T HOnCE IT AN YM ORE / ~ 1 H O PE Bolton /C o v e n try m A B O U T T H A T ■ 5N A PPIN Q AT A N N I E L I K E 36 Fireplug Answer to Previous PuQla January 16,1N 2 easy. A sour or neguiivu aiii- 1 TH AT D ID N 'T 38 Suit material Violators beware This coming year you might get tw s Is your worst snemy. H A K E H E R H U O aU U H U12IQDQ oft to a rather stow start, but OCMI^ (May 2 1-Ju^ 20) 1 Saws 39 Ones (Fr.) □□□□□oliiaDDnB don’t let this discourage you. Complications could result . SUSPICIOUS 5 M in’s 40 Crash against □C3QOC1D HARTFORD — ’The Hartford Police Department Once you get on track, your today It you make unreason­ nickname 41 Oscillated is launching a special enforcement effort progress will be consistent and able demands. Try not to dlc- 8 Shaped with 44 Crest motorists who run red lights and ignore speed 'begin to speed up before your lale whal others must do. Also, an sx 48 Group of next birthday. avoid being too possessiva. 12 Egg^hap^ animals limits in the city. ^ 13 Macao coin PS AT Because of a $176,000 federal grant which wUl CAPIUCORN (Dae. 2}-Jan. 19) CAN Cen (June 21-July 22) 49 Stagnate Steer dear of situations today This Is not a good day to try to 14 Being in a 50 Buckeye State finance the program, traffic control will be getti^ where you know, going In, the resolve an Issue which could (aliY tale 51 RIvsr in □□D □□□□□ □□□ odds tend to favor your oppo­ much more attention. Police Chief George W. trigger an argument between 15 Dutch Tuscany sition. Your time wilt come you and your mate. Neither Is smbankmsnt QKZDQDuO Sicaras said later. Predictions of what’s In likely to appreciate the other’s Motley’s Crew — Templeton ^ Forman 52 Hail 16 Japanaie 53 Breton □ □ □ D B C I He said it's been almost eight years since Hart- store for you In each season views. currency |M 54 Muddle is u Ujop scores ford has given concerted attention to traffic following your birth date and U !0 (July 23-Aug. 22) You rs 17 Ditch around 55 Aye where your luck and opportuni­ very analytical and ob s^ an t a ciitle 10 Enclose in 34 Suspend problems. He and J. William Bums, transportation 56 Islands near ties lie are hi your new Astro- today. It will be easy to spot the 18 Slid down hill paper 35 Poison Graph. Mall for each to faults In co-worksrs. However, Florida commissioner, said Hartford has the highest in­ $1 20 Grinds 11 Fishing aids 37 Musical cidence of traffic accidents in the state. Astro-Graph, Box 489, Radio it’s beet you don't bring these 19 Morning movements City Station, N.Y. 10019. Be 21 Deutschland The grant, from the National Highway Traffic (abbr.) DOW N moisture 38 Sodium sure to spadfy birth data. vSioo (Aug.29-8apt22)Your 20 Beseball Safety Administration, will be used partiaUy to pay AQUAMUS (Jan, 2tM:ab. W) normal caution and prudence 22 Eighth month chloride decline (abbr.) 1 Cement points salaries and for training for four police officers and Sometimes your hunches are could desert you today. You (abbr.) budget 23 Scatter containers 22 First-rate dead on the mark, but today may be tempted to take unwise 40 Ceremonies a sergeant. ’The five officers will form a special unit ^ 2 Immoral (comp, wd.) your Intuition could play tricks risks u a ln s l your better iudg- 26 Truth 41 Trick 3 Ship’s track 23 Former head BOLTON — Members of the class of , that will devote all of its time to traffic enforce­ on you, so be careful. Rely on ment. Think twice. 30 Tares 42 Past of to be ment. your logic, not your Inner voice. L« H A (Sept. 23-Oet. 23) For 3 1 ______4 Heavy sleighs of Iran „ 1982 who took the Preliminary Scholastic n s C E S (Fab. 2(H U reh 20) one who Is a master of diplo­ Christian 5 Less common 24 Singer Martin ™ , BOLTON — School administration has Aptitude Test, a warm-up for the SAT, Though a Mend may not do macy, you could do things Anderson 6 Latin poet 25 Cleave „ J;'*’™ . , come in with a proposed 1982-83 budget scored below the state and national things to your liking today, today that are completely out 32 Both 7 Negative 26 Deer You (archaic) increase of 10.8 percent, more than $200,- averages and the class before them. Architect chosen don*i try to make that person of character and needlessly 33 New England prefix 27 Celebrity 46 Oleaginous 000 over this year's. It is the first time over In your own Image. Accept alienate allies. cape 8 Reverential re- 28 Sprig " 47 Cooking However, they scored above state and GLASTONBURY — John Kaestle of Kaestle Boos his or her faults, along with the TCORPIO (Oct. 24-Hov. 22) 34 This way gard 29 Past time utensils that a proposed budget exceeds $2 virtues. national levels on the Admissions Associates of New Britain has been selected to Challenges tend to bring out 35 Mans 9 Selves 31 Poultry 49 Light beam million. Testing Program. AMES (March 21-April 19) your better qualities, but today design the renovations of the Town Office Building Teaming up with the wrong the opposite might be true. You 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 t o 11 Most of the proposed increase comes Less than half the class took the PSAT type of associates today could could bend under pressure in teacher salaries and capital outlay, and Academy School. in October of 1980, and their scores ’The renovation projects will provide additional p io u s ly Impede your progress because of a defeatist attitude. the latter which increased by more than toward an Important goal. 8AOITTARIU8 (Nov. 23.«ee. 12 13 14 reflected the national trend towards a office space for town employees, including the $35,000. The bottom line is $2,098,646. continued decline in scores. Cohorts' aims musi harmonize 31) Try to avoid activities today ■police department. with yours. where you have to spend a lot 16 17 Superintendent Raymond A. Allen The PSAT serves as an indicator for 15 Kaestle was the unianimous selection of the five- TAURUS (April 204lay 20) of money in order to have a declined comment today. He said he was the juniors as to how they might fare on Beware of tendencies today to good time. Chances are you member review committee which reviewed 18 19 2 0 holding off until board members were the SAT’s when they take them in their make hard work out of some­ won’t receive value for your proposals from 22 architects. Contract negotiations thing which should be rather dollars. formally presented with the budget. The senior year. The class of ’82 took them J INEWSPXPSB ENTeiWnSE ASSN.) 21 m2 2 with the firm have been completed and the fee for board’s regular meeting was canceled last fall, and results are still Thursday because of inclement the work has been set at $105,(K)0. ’The work is ■ forthcoming. 2 6 2 7 2 8 2 9 weather, and another date has yet to be scheduled to start immediately and the entire 2 3 2 4 2 5 Scores on the PSAT range from 20 to project is expected to be completed within 12 to 15 ■ set. 80; on the SAT they go from 200 to 800. 3 2 months. 3 0 But in opening comments in the Like the SAT, the PSAT is broken up budget, Allen calls the increase ’The $1.5 million project will include the renova­ Bridge into two parts — mathematics and ver­ 3 3 3 4 “reasonable” in light of inflation which bal. tion of the wing of Academy School to provide of­ fices and the Town Office Building will be turned ■ “most economists are predicting will re­ The 26 students who took the exam 3 6 3 7 3 8 main in the double digit figures.” scored an average of 39.42 on into a police department. ■ Allen draws attention to the fact that mathematics, and 42.73 on the verbal British play a winner 3 9 the proposed budget has cut in half the ^ i . - i- portion. Lovy’s Law — James Schumeister ■ “raw” budget presented to the board at Neighbors share prize 41 4 2 4 3 4 5 4 8 4 7 Mathematics scores ranged from 27 to When France held the their last regular meeting in December. 62; verbal scores from 22 to 58. i EAST HARTFORD - Two East Hartford East-West cards they played ■ This budget, consisting of requests 4 8 4 9 5 0 , ’The statewide mean scores were 41.9 neighbors, Irene Kennedy and Agnes S. Pope, won in five clubs doubled, down TM not suee 1 WANT from all factions in the school system, verbal, and 45.2 mathematics. NORTH two. North led ace and king MY PAD TO FALL-R» $50,000 ’Thursday in the state lottery’s weekly of hearts and queen oi 51 5 2 5 3 showed an increase of 22.2 percent. The New England scores were 41.4 verbal, 4J964 N A M ^ BDKI&. Money Tree drawing. They said they will split the TAK diamonds. South took the capital outlay in the raw budget showed and 45.1 in mathematics. Nationals were winnings but have no immediate plans for the 9KQ106 diamond ace and gave North 5 4 5 5 5 6 by itself a more than $200,000 increase. Herald photo by Cody a heart ruff for down two. 40.6 and 45.2. money. ♦ 742 IS This was cut to $42,950. The Bolton High School class of 1981' The bidding in the box This year was the first in many that WEST EAST took place with Great Brit­ (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN) A quick nibble scored 41.4 on the verbal, and 45 on ♦ AQIO ain East and West. the administration has released the un­ mathematics. ’This was above the class City releases plan ♦ Q9« ♦ 1087S2 Rose of Great Britain led cut budget. Admittedly, it was released A horse on Hebron Road In Bolton takes a bite off a pine tree while before, which scored 40.48 and 44.38 ♦ 9 ♦J88S2 his singleton diamond to increase communication with the ♦ AIQJII ♦ 1098 against the four spade seeking shelter from the first flakes that fell Wednesday. respectively. The class of 1979 scored HARTFORD — ’The Hartford Housing Depart­ contract. South won in dum­ community on the budget process, and to 41.2 and 43.8. ment has released a proposed plan for attacking the SOUTH my and led the four of CELEBRITY CIPHER allay fears and suspicions that the school Last year was only the second time in city’s housing crises. ’The report doesn’t set any ♦ E ifsn spades. Sheehan of Great Catabrity Ciptiar cryptograms are craaiad from quotatlona by famous poopit. past ♦ J43 and praaant. Each lanar in lha dphar stands for anothar. foday's cfua. 5 aguaft H . budget was padded. 18 years that SAT scores did not decline priorities or timetables. Britain discarded the 10 of 6A74 clubs. Allen also points to an increase in tui­ nationally. They were 431 verbal and 466 Among some of the major points of the proposal ♦ 3 tion from Willington to offset some of the This signal clearly showed mathematics. are calls for; Selective, sensitive enforcement of Vulnerable; North-South the nine. It could not be , Captain Easy — Crooks & Lawrence increase. However, what the exact in­ 5th District race The Admissions Testing P ro ^am test from a short suit since “LBBJRTOO AW WJAOO T KABOCMJ the city housing code allowing violators to make Dealer; West crease in revenues from Willington will was taken by the same students, and repairs gradually; a lending program for landlords Sheehan bad raised clubs so be is up in the air now that both boards Weft North East Seitk it clearly marked him with ICAW THBARl I'LL HAVE TO ,,,.03+a IT BE-T they scored 450 on the verbal portion and under taking rehab of apartments scheduled to !♦ Pan Pan 14 the nine spot are considering a rate cut for that town. ^511 on the mathematics part. The receive federal rent subsidies; giving priority to TAKE YOUR NUMBER ANP CALL Administration costs are the largest 3NT ’■Dbl. 44 pan Therefore, after Rose took you BACK FROM ANOTHER ’ Connecticut averages were 430 and 473, housing developers in the sale of city-owned land; PaM 44 Pan Pan South’s king of trumne with PHONE. QTVC BL E8FWAUTO UBMJTUJ increase, 13.6. Regular, support and and nationally they were 424 and 466. increasing funding of the city’s urban homesteading Pan the ace he was anle to - \ underload the A-K-(^J of special learning programs went up mpre may be rematch New England scores were 425 and 463. program;-supporting adoption of a state rehabilita­ clubs to put East in with the than 10 percent. These students also did well on the test tion code; and establishing a better housing bureau. Opening lead; 49 nine. East led a second dia­ The total increase is $204,279. of standard written English. ’They scored mond and West was able to HARTFORD (DPI) - Edward press his claims of irregularities in the score the setting trick with EOTFCQ RF T UBMQ0 BVCHTJABM an average of 45 (range of 20 to 60) as his 10 of spades. “Mickey" Donahue says he decided to 5th District voting. compared with a state and national Cattanach wants action run for Congress some time ago — the “We decided to put off a final vote By Oswald Jacoby We are not sure if we Be informed average of 42. and Alan Sontag would have let South play in day he officially conceded the 1980 elec­ count until 1982,” he said of the possible HEBRON — School Superintendent David Cat­ four spades, but Rose cer­ stay on top of the news — subscribe to The class of 1981 outscored their BL VAWLAJW.” ~ QBM VCHCGAJ8 tion to Rep. William Ratchford, D-Conn. rematch with Ratchford, who is virtually statewide peers last year on the SAT, tanach has asked the District 8 Board of Education Here is the hand that tainly made the winning The Manchester Herald. For home certain to seek re-election. to consider enforcing its policy of expelling decided the match between decision and then set the delivery, call 647-9946 or 646-9947. scoring a ' 450 on verbal and 511 on hand with the help of Rob Donahue will set the stage this State Sen. Neal Hanlon, R-Naugatuck, mathematics. students who pose disciplinary problems at RHAM Great Britain and France in Sheehan who was able to put weekend for the start of a campaign that also is expected to seek the GOP nomina­ the European champion­ PREVIOUS SOLUTION:"There was a code in the West that junior and senior high schools. his 10-9 of clubs to work. people don't even understand anymore. A code of rigtit and could end up as a rematch of the 1980 ships. (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN.) Alley Oop — Dave, Graue tion. Donahue said he was ready for a ’The board already has a policy concerning expul­ wrong." ~ James Qarner The inside story race that he lost to Ratchford by 1,702 primary and said he would invite any Clinic Tuesday sion but Cattanach said that doesn’t mean bcurd votes out of nearly 233,000 cast in the 5th other candidate who could qualify for a members are willing to deal with it. He said expul­ Jack Anderson tells the inside story in GOOD GOSH, HE'S, CUSS \IF WE DON'T FINISH \OU District. primary to seek one. COVENTRY — A Blood Pressure sion is seldom used at all. Priscilla’s Pop - Ed Sullivan “Washington Merry-Go-Round” — every BACK! THAT GUY HIS •IM THIS TIM E,W EltE SAID Donahue, a former Shelton alderman Donahue said his experience in having Clinic sponsored by Community Health ’Three students have been warned of possible MUST HAVE A h id e ! FINISHED/ tT! day on the opinion page of The Herald., HEAD MADE OUT^ and an admitted virtual political un­ come so near to defeating Ratchford Care Services Inc. will be held at Hill’s expulsion but the superintendent said the cases of o h . s t u a r t ; p ip 'tO J ^ VES, HOW Kit VV Carlyle — Larry W ight known in the 1980 race, will formally an­ “really as an unknown” had helped build Pharmacy, from 1 to 2 p.m. on ’Tuesday. SEE 'T H E AAAGIC I P IP .'; PIC? VOU CEMENT/ the three have nothing to do with hU requests for LIKE IT?y nounce his candidacy for the Republican support for his candidacy this year and ’There *ill be another Blood Pressure enforcing the policy. TAILOR SHOP" ON TV LAST NIGHT? To report news congressional nomination Saturday in also had helped with fundraising. Clinic Feb. 2, at Bane’s Pharmacy, from Waterbury. Over the past several weeks, he said 1 to 2 p.m. 7 ^ To report news items in Bolton, “I think that I created my identity the his campaign received “some sizeable Andover and Coventry, call or last time and the visibility that resulted checks, which we didn’t have the last write Richard Cody at The is going to carry over this time,” he said time, as well as the beginning of some About collecting KEROSENE NITE • TITE S Manchester Herald, Herald Thursday in a telephone interview from smaller checks, which we need more Russ MacKendrick writes about available at W kndow Q uilt Square, P.O. Box 591, his home. of.” stamps, coins and almost anything UHKnPURMM Manchester, CT 06040; telephone Donahue said he decided to challenge The 5th District includes the lower coliectible — in “Coilectors’ Corner,” SUPPLY fosnuniciNPiiiY MS' 643-2711. Ratchford a second time on Nov. 11,1980 Naugatuck Valley and the cities of every Tuesday in The Heraid’s 331 Broad St., 707 MAIN ST. M A N C H ir m • 040-4100 Frank and Ernest — Bob Thaves — the day he decided against a lawsuit to Waterbury, Danbury and Meriden. Focus/Leisure section. Manchester^ CioMd WcdnMdflys

NEEtTLES TD K , NO ONE SAy I THOUGHT APPRECIATES I YOo'AU h a v e t o IT WAS JUST CLEVER CRITICISM Von Bulow is staring ANVAAORE \ FEEp MOVING AROUND / I I f You Po n t w a n t AN UNBv EN t a n . at prospective jurors educate 1^1

By H.D. Quigg He can’t crack a smile, although he free or goes to prison for up to 40 T«A.VCS )-« DPI Senior Editor does manage to look pleasant — years. well, not unpleasant — as he returns Judge Thomas H. Needham yDurself....T^ The Born Loser — Art Sansom NEWPORT, R.I. — Claus von the potentially alien gaze. scheduled a half day of jury-picking at the STOFIRS CAMPUS Bulow, a Danish aristocrat with a His stone-face routine is usually for today because he must leave Our Boarding House ~ Carroll & VlcCormick 'I ri’.flr bunny — Vv'ai.ie' Bros. classic profile, went into his fourth accompanied by twisting his long town at noon to preside at a meeting of the UNIVERSITY of CONNECTICUT m O l OERI^iMglJr DO we e o TD TD I DDH’T KNOW, BUT straight day of staring like a great fingers around a ballpoint pen held of Superior Court judges. gltCHAWegTHlseiFTZ m x i6HT.., OH BO/. F i n v WAYS stone face today — imposing and in his lap. He has a prominent l’eR5dN^LLY, I FEEL U (kNYdNE V/HO W/kNTB To ). -TO c: a t c m a deadly earnest. straight nose, a chiseled face, a When he adjourned court DO IT THIS SPRING .... at the University of Connecticut. Credit courses open to the goom . TrtEKE'5 Nd CITY LIKE ^ WHd TACKLE TrtEIA VVABBIT. The stare was at prospective toweringly high forehead, and his Thursday evening, 18 prospects had community - Convenient late afternoon and evening meeting times - Courses are available NEW YdRK IN TtE F^LL!) DON'T rtlLL6 AFTER THE W i C M i been examined one by one, 13 of jurors who were directed first to courtly composure never breaks. in over ninety different academic Helds. ON TrtE OTHER HRNP, < VOTE BARS close? AN’ TELL US. stare at him. Jury-picking in von Discipline is his must. them qualified as tentative jurors. iERVICEMEN5RYTkfkT/ FOR „ TiiElR streetcars Bulow’s attempted-murder trial Von Bulow, 55, the calm man, is Three more need to be qualified to OHRMTAdAe W FRISCO 1. AIN'T EVEN entered its fourth day despite over­ charged with twice assaulting bis fill the box with 16. When that Several courses will be offered at Storrs by closed circuit television. Labor Economics CHlCAtSrO IS tY OLOSEP IN! night snow that left roads slippery enormously wealthy wife with intent happens, the state and defense will Econ 274, Roots of Traditional Asia -Hist 106, Contemporary Irish History:Ireland: vEiRP begin throwing out jurors until their •C: but passable. to murder. ’The state will try to from. Independence to Terrorism -Hist 298, also Fundamentals of Circuit Analysis -EE eight challenges apiece are ’The defendant already had en­ prove he did it by injecting her with 201 and Introduction to Chemical lEngineering - CHEG 203. dured personal eye-to-eye en­ what it calls “an overdose of in­ exhausted. counters with 18 Newport County sulin.” A final panel of 12 with four alter­ residents being examined. During the eyeball encounter, he nates will be sworn probably late The Bachelor of Genera) Studies Program, a part-time adult degree program, is offered at the WInthrop — OIck Cavalli ’The staring matches are ordered doesn’t turn his face in the slightest; next week and be taken on a tour of Storrs Campus. Individuals who are willing to commit thdnjselves to a long-term program and &CUSB m WHAT BOOK A HUNDRED WAVSTO frt***p" TT up by the questioning defense at­ it’s a .stiff straightahead. But oc­ the scene of the alleged crimes, the who have previously earned an associate’s degree or a minimum of sUty credits from an YOU'RE NEW ABOUND DID THAT WABBIT JUST FOOL A HUNTER. torneys, Herald Price Fahringer casionally there is just a flick of bis von Bulow mansion. HERE. ARBVT YOU? OH, THE FCOR, POORTHINe. and John F. Sheehan, with a ques­ eyes away from the prospect, stan­ accredited institution are eligible for admission. Contact Ms. Anita Bacon (486-4670) for 'AdHATS'ttXJR SJAME ? cMEc k o u t ? tion that usually goes like this; ding in the witness box, to his at­ Mrs. Martha von Bulow lies in a more information. ^ “I’m going to ask you to look at torney and back. vegetative stage — a coma that has - r the defendant as he sits here and tell One woman prospect gave him a lasted a year and is expected to be A complete list of Spring 1982 undergraduate courses at Storrs and registration information me whether deep down in the bot­ studied once-over and replied; “He permanent — in a New York tom of your heart and soul you can looks as innocent as anyone else in hospital. will be available by January 4, 1982. Call the Office of Credit Programs at 486-3832. think of him as innocent.” the room.” The 13th juror qualified, Mrs. ’That leaves von Bulow with a There was general laughter. But THE- jSfOT. MAJiDRi Aldina Paiva of Newport,.told the ' An Affirmative AclionlEqual Opportunity InsUtuUott C««S>>l(tA,».TMa»6USFM>tM0a chore that would stump many a not von Bulow. He had to sit like a judge that she was bom here, moved January 25 • May 18, 1982 stage veteran. How do you sit there statue and stare at the person who to New York for 30 years, and came VKl- l-tE and look the essense of innocdnce? may help decide whether he goes back four years ago. -20 - rHE HERALD. Fri.. Jan. 15. 1982 THE HERALD, Fri., Jan. 15, 1982 — 21

BUSINESS______-g a — High costs hove dental field in turmoil

HitiiT plunged to 9,000 in 1980, compared with 15,000 in 1975 for in view of the anticipated return, Tillis emphasizes. ITEM : Almost one of every four Americans over age 2 B % a the same 6,000 places in the nation's 60 dental schools. In The whole field appears in turmoil. Despite a massive 50 is already toothless. By age 65, the number doubles. 1981, some major dental schools couldn't fill available dental education program spearheaded by the American Altogether, more than 40 million people wear dentures. Dental Association, about one-half of the U.S. popula­ ITEM : In the face of these startling figures, there are Your places for the first time in the 20th century. All Small Appilaneos Meanwhile, though, enrollment in dental schools by tion still fails to receive dental checkups. encouraging signs that dental care will become more Meanwhile, the emergence of the retail dental office available to the 50 percent of the U.S. population that Money's women has risen from less than 1 percent until 1970 to 19.8 percent in 1980. Projected figures for the number of is a “ new phenomenon", that, argues Tillis, "disturbs and Vacuum Clalnars never receives this type of service. The dental profes­ Worth the basic dentist-patient relationship." The retail dental sion is moving toward a non-medical environment with women in the dental work force in 1990 has been es­ cpooag FaOM i*4>iot« \ Sylvia Porter timated at 7.9 percent of total dentists as against the office does not inspire trust by patients, does not give retail store dental facilities. At the same time, the the dentist the dignity he. (she) feels tlie profession number of women entering dentistry is climbing current proportion of 3.2 percent. •Qanarat Elactrio •Oaiar *Proeld^ SHax ' To Ginsberg, a possible side effect will be the warrants, does not encourage any long-term dramatically. downgrading of dentistry from a profession to a job with relationships. ITEM : Among the 135,000 dentists in practice today, •Hamilton Baach and many, many moral ] concentration on mechanics instead of science. 'The high Dentists have created their own "Catch 22" by en­ 50,000 have opted to avoid the expense of establishing cost of practicing dentistry is making the profession less couraging fluoridation of drinking water, which has •All Hoow, Euraka and Raglna Vacuums private practices. Instead, these men and women have tab poses an insurmountable problem for the middle attractive to bright young people. The average net in­ slashed tooth decay by 50 percent, and cut work for the .tost 2 £xs4tv»lk$ h m Our Stock: entered group practice or hospital-based practices as dentist. It’s a mess of conflicting factors. We must save they graduate from dental school. Today, 63 retail den­ class, the traditional wellspring of new dentists. come in dentistry stands at $45,000 annually compared “ Who can afford to become a dentist?” Ginsberg with about $60,000 in the early 1970s, despite enormous our teeth. Who will do it and how? • B o a io im p f •Q-E. Cup CofiNinakar tal operations in 15 states are housed in 21 different (Job hunting? Sylvia Porter s comprehensive new 32- ^ fViiMi Lij ■. i '-jj ■. I. ■ chain, drug and discount stores — with unforeseeable asks. “ The very rich can, but they normally do not; the inflationary pressures. Quart! HIHeater very poor, subsidized student can, but few enter the den­ “ This is not a great deal of money in terms of attrac­ page booklet “ How to Get a Better Job" gives up-to- iitoMtvtMaRilMi . . . - , , .I f 43! effects on dentist-patient relationships. date information on today's job market and how to take m * Behind many of dentistry’s new trends is the es­ tal profession. That leaves the middle class as the major ting highly trained people to the profession,” com­ 3 t . 9 9 ^ 6 6 M mented Dr. Bernard 'Tillis, editor of the New York State advantage of it. Send $1.95 plus 50 cents for postage and calating cost of dental education. Today's dental student pool of new dental talent. Apparently neither these Preoise-heat-level controller dial rtus: Dental Journal. Tillis estimates the average cost of es­ handling to “ How to Gel a Better Job" in care oi this hlgh4ifflolency Collzak reflector, 44101 may incur costs of up to $200,000 for education and es­ students nor their parents can afford the astronomical tablishing a dental practice has crossed the $100,000 newspaper, 4400 Johnson Dr., Fairway. Kan. 66205. instant warmth for any room. tablishment of a dental practice, Dr. Stuart Ginsberg cost.” mark for the first time. The financial burden is too great Make checks payable to Universal Press Syndicate. I told a Greater New York Dental Meeting recently. That This helps explain why dental school applications (STORE STOCK ONLY, SORRY nV ^ M C R E C K ^ ; BELt & HOW ELL 35mm Flash ^ ' 3 Cam era with 38mm f/4 Lens Features focus>free settings and automatic CDS low-light senior, includes zipper case, * 4 4 Kodak Co. 5 wrist strap & deluxe gift t>ox. OurRag.S8.94 Will avocados I I . All w ic k e r Model »EZ35 Juvenile P urnlturel Lyases •lUrrora, mora ^ V •Ml Crflw *Mt Inftnt Cwrdem, /f 2.24to 191.24 unveils new go fo the dogs ? 2 0 % Off! aKieeneX 200*8, Rag. 63c487e ...... 2 »Of$1 •All StfoHera •All High '-I Oi*rihi«.ta9fdfM 4» A I I H O L S O N •Sigtwl Mouthwash, 320a., Rag. zrr... 1 .9 S •All TaW ii and' CiMir S i^Tto«lam ,_ Ow n SnUra 4 $ ^ „,:, By Terrance W. McGarry dessert for Old Spot will tarnish an Magnetic Page • Dial Solid Deodorant, 2 at.. Rag. 2x 6 .. 9 9 c Dcdi Fufffltura A Doll Qnikigiii a m S i m v S ^ ^ United Press International expensively won image. cameras “ I don’t like what that would do to the Photo Album s aSllkience Shampoo or Conditioner _ •JOY Pteatl«Mi^DttitN»PB»:A9aM» (7 02. All types.) Rag. 2.16 ...... 1 .am LOS ANGELES (U P I) - The avocado image of people who eat avocados," said 3.19 to 10.35 industry has fallen on hard times, but Corona grower Paul Ibbet.son. Our Rag. 6.89 to 12J4 NEW YORK (U P I) — Eastman Kodak Co. has in­ should it deliberately go to the dogs? " I ’m not so sure it's a bad idea," said troduced four new instant cameras, three of them with t^hoose from a large selection After years of increasing prosperity grower Tony Paino of Fallbrook, an ' colors and styles. Models 2 5 % Off! built-in flash that competes directly with Polaroid’s Sun for growers, a large crop this year has avocado capital. #TM-9, FVM, MM5, PB-80 . 4 Camera, and a new instant film with more than twice driven down the price of U.S. avocados, “ If it was profitable. I'd certainly be the sp e^ of its existing instant film. 85 percent of which are grown in for it. I ’d consider it from the business Ail Silvarplatadt The Rochester-based company introduced the new Southern California. standpoint, the economic return" Qlftwara cameras and film at a news conference in New York If there are too many avocados, why " I t ’s a fantastic idea to sell them to Wednesday. Kodak stock rose 50 cents on the New York not advertise their benefits to dog pets," said Vic Varvel. a grower and Stock Exchange to $71.63 a share after the announce­ DYNAM ARK Seif-Piopeiled 5-HP O ttO d e .* owners? packer. The price is now so disastrou.sly 3 . 7 4 to ' ment. 22” Oirectionai Snow Blower Image. low for growers, he said, any avenue Kodak also said it will announce “ important new It’s hard enough to get many should be followed if it will increase 4 1 .2 4 J developments in conventional' film photography” on Easterners or Midwesterners to eat sales. * 4 9 9 Rag. 449 to 6499-^ v { Feb. 3, and that it will back its new line of instant avocados, an exotic and ugly — to those The growers say they know dogs like J Our Rag. 9868 Choose from vwled .^ o e and oallbera i^l cameras with an "allout advertising campaign” begin­ Easy recoil start with CHOOSBI^mm M unfamilar with itfruit that produces a avocados, and eating them gives dogs ' key Ignition, heavy- •ReliMi Serviws from fammnMmdta manufactOrara. ^ | ning in May. horrible looking green mush: Seventy shiny coats, because the dogs on their duty gear box. 2-slage •Optn B4d(«r6.., All four cameras will be available in mid-April and percent of the production, is consumed in ranches have done .so for years. Even blower with directlorial •Coltot8*l6-.’-='fc''' Kodak said it will “ go all the way” in helping dealers to Southwestern and Western states, par­ their cousins the coyotes raid his chute delleotor. andmuotiiRont ,|| stock the four new cameras by offering Incentives to ticularly California, where avocados are avocado trees, Paino said "and they just Engine Is lully winter­ carry the entire line. ized. #5360-62 a staple of both health food and Mexican know naturally what's good for th em " H te in 9 AcCQSBoriQB Kodak’s three new folding model cameras, which SatsHmHad cuisines. “ There’s no doubt avocados are good range in price from $77.95 to $114.95, feature a built-in ! ' -^aooy.iwralBirtapfts:*: ‘ But it’s been an uphill fight to train -for dogs, especially the fruit harvested iawaawra*^^j;< flash that fires every time a plctOre is taken and that is 'Includes consumers elsewhere to try them, if only late in the sea.son. ” said Dr Bryon A dallvary designed recharge rapidly and to work without new jj^KVnyiiawi because many Easterners don’t know Denholm, a Hemet veterinarian and and set-up batteries for up to two years. how to prepare them. (Fresh avocados former avocado grower. within The new'Kodamatic instant color film has a speed of 25-ml. radius are tooth-breakingly hard and taste aw­ “ The fat and oil content of most dog 320, more than twlce the speed of Kodak’s existing ins­ of store. ful; they have to be put away to "ro t" for foods is limited. The oil in avocados — tant color film. ’The film will be sold in a $10.95 pack or f , - awhile until they become buttery ^ ft given as a supplement to the regular diet in a “ two-pak,” for $20.95. and the flavor develops.) — makes up the difference and gives the As in Polaroid's competing Sun Camera, the flash con­ After spending $1 million on an adver­ dog a shiny, healthy coat tains sensor to control the amount of light fired to ’ •AM,. tising campaign featuring svelte actress “ Some dogs even learn to bury the SONY Botamax . ^ “ brighten colors, lower contrast and fill in facial UPI reporter / Angie Dickinson promoting avocados as fruits and come back for them later, N shadows," John R. Robertson, vice president and assis­ Fronl-LoaititaB Vlttiid a status food for the figure-conscious when they’ve softened. Some dogs get •DYNAMARK Lightweight tant general manager of the domestic marketing divi­ Banzai, mongrel owned by Susan Ragan of Los Angeles, munches on a ( “ Would this body lie to you?’’ ), some too fond of them and have to be put on ‘Snow Job’ Snow Thrower Casaatta BacorHaf sion, said. ripe avocado and thanks the green fruit for his glossy coat. growers are afraid pushing avocados as diets when they get fat. " Powerful 1.6 HP equivalent rating “ Many picture errors are caused by failure to turn on motor uses regular household witli B a ^cip ^ the flash — not to mention the common problem of current. Weighs 13 lbs; throws dbf aiMto iaHib dM a;' battery drainage when they forget to turn the flash off,” left or right. Model ffo3S£-03. Robertson said. Our Rag. $114 Robertson said control of the flash system is through a . T 9 A 7 0 . . ^ “ thyristor” circuit which is unique to popularly priced YOUR CHOICE cameras. Jab hunting is camputerized The 980L model, the most expensive of the three ® 8 7 folding cameras has a 100 mm, lens. The lens on this M io has soft-to model also automatically focuses to one of three companies can use the system simultaneously. Learn •TORO Lightweight advertising campaign to attract companies as potential tunifto. M tiid^l positions in a range of three feet to infinity and has three By Mary Tobin said. "" Power Shovel aperture openings M l, fl6 and f-27 that vary with the UPI Business Writer employers and individual job seekers who can file their applications in a nationwide software system to be The firm currently has about two dozen ol the coun­ Clears a 12“ path along 'available light. try's largest firms in banking, retailing and manufac­ NEW YORK — Job hunters now can submit their accessed by companies seeking specific abilities and drives, walkways, patios. The 970L, which will be listed at $92.95, has a fixed- turing signed up to inaugurate the system and several MtMtel 405310. asonv 4% Hour SMt Video focus 100 mm, fl2.8 lens with a built-in close-up lens. resumes to prospective employers anywhere in the talents. Our Rag. 106.85 CMHNIttatAfN^4AlBA0to|M^l^ ' hundred charter subscribers that it obtained by selec­ The 960, the $77.95 model, is similar but without the country via a new national data bank, brainchild of The market is large. Learn said approximately $2.5 three former IBM executives. tive advertising. •80li#S'Ho«raeie% &)t close-up lens. billion is spent in personnel recruitment every year by It costs a company $100 a month plus $1.50 per minute Caaaatta Tapa,6usoo,owRiw.H49.. 12.78 Kodak also introduced the Champ Kodamatic instant, “ We saw a need for such a system as an answer not companies, executive recruiters, and private and only to the inefficient recruitment policies of to use the system, which features a computer display a rigid-body camera that is powered by an alkaline government employment agencies. The current 9.8 terminal, and about a cent and a half per hit' or appli­ employers, which haven’t changed much in 50 years, but million unemployment figure emphasizes the need for battery and accepts either the Kodak flipflash or an cant it selects, Learn said. "This is a significant saving electronic flash unit. It will list at $29.95. as a way to help alleviate our national unemployment such a national system, he said. problem,” said Dale H. Learn, president of over what most firms now spend on recruitment The new Kodak film was designed specifically for use CareerSystem has the capability of listing 937.000 job CareerSystem, Inc., a firm he founded with William E. A search takes seconds. It can be broad — all :.t-. in the new cameras. The cameras will also accept seekers and can be expanded to hold “ roughly the entire Berry and Philip L. Morgan. mechanical engineers for example: or can be narrowed regular Kodak instant film, but with less predictable population of the United States.” As many as 400,000 CareerSystem has launched a $2 million national down to a specific locality, salary level, or even a results, the company said. degree from a specific college. The job seeker fills out a standard form, with room for personal comment, which is programmed into the computer. The prospective employer does not have access to a job seeker’s name unless the individual JACOBSEN ‘Sno Buret’ Runaway natural gas prices seen wishes. Specific companies can be excluded. 3 HP Snow Thrower If a company recruiter decides he likes a candidate's Otir specifications he pushes a button which automatically tells CareerSystems to notify the job seeker. Rag.2S9.99 * 2 4 7 control. However, the proportion of this old gas would big gas price boosts as decontrol advances are justified. LeRoy Pope The job seeker, who will be solicited in adver­ LIghhwaight and maneuverable decline gradually and more of the available gas would But the gas people are worried about the nightmarish 5 49 Ibal Yet It clears a 50-ft. S A V E O V E E U 1 UPI Business Writer tisements in major newspapers throughout the country, be decontrolled new gas. Its price could keep on rising. possibility of runaway prices as decontrol- advances path in luat 5 minutiist is being charged $49,50 for one year's listing. The charge Also has easy-care 2-oycls NEW YORK — Decontrol of natural gas prices at the One of the indefinite escalator clauses that Luntey. because, even though almost one million homeowners SAVE o v e n m ! , T;': S O N T 19” W will be $89.50 once the system is expanded. engine. 4451611 Trinlapfl® Cofcr $ A v e o y E » ; wellhead can plant in every local community a costly wants Congress to dels the price of gas to the price of oil have shifted from oil to gas heat in the past two years, SONY 19” Dfiagonai •time bomb that ought to be defused now, says the new and another clause resembles the most favored nation total gas consumption dropped 5 percent in the past with Expraaa Tunliid ' a O N Y chairman of the American Gas Association. provision in foreign trade, i.e., that all producers in a year. Trinitron® Color TV F M R a d i c a l ' Eugene Luntey, who also beads Brooklyn Union Gas given market automatically get the highest price paid to Luntey says the gas companies should be kept with Expraaa Tuning :Co., said indefinite escalator clauses in 67 percent of all any producer in the area. prosperous so they will have money for exploration • 3 7 6 1^42740 ' I N d i o Waight 'natural gas wholesale contracts present the danger. Luntey said the Federal Energy Regulatory Commis­ because, unlike the situation in domestic oil, he believes WEEKEND COLLEGE PROGRAM One,gufl/ane kKte lecture t^stAh* • If Congress doesn’t defuse these clauses, he said,'the sion has very little authority to deal with this question so the U.S. has enough untapped and underexploited gas You can work towards a college degree Ijy just • 4 9 4 ^999.70 with auto'tHM & color control,; , ^ A-> , , average gas home heating bill likely will jump from $390 it’s up to the president and Congress. reserves to last indefinitely. attending classes on-campus, weekends (Friday Has Trinitron one gun/one lenses Modil#KV1207 ■ in 1981 to somewhere between $600 and $825 by 1985. If What Luntey fears is the White House and Congress eves, Saturdays, Sunday) at Manchester Com­ picture eyetemwltn automatic •aoiW t r otoMtMi oetor TV ...... ^ t ^ to e n a n d --i! a> votomet^ a s it li^ i 3 the Indefinite escalator clauses are modified by will be tem pt^ to let the price of gas rise inordinately munity College. cOlor & hue control. In woorHook IK V in U , O u rlw . 479.70, VWP/NUtottonna. ioe4dtoietiinoasw)h9h.'iaii^^ Congress, Luntey said, the price probably can be held to so they can put a windfall tax on natural gas profits and Over 25 courses for: Career Development, Per­ oeblnet. Model IKV1923 on houeiHfotd eurrent or $476 for an average home in 1985. raise from $30 billion to $60 billion in additional sonal Interest, and Degree Programs. fSairflfcida;ai

22 — THE HERALD. Fri.. Jan. 15. 1982

ADVERTISlilG l l MMiamsiNG RATES LOOK STARS Classified 643-2711 Minimum Charge 22— Condominiums 46— Sporting Goods 58— Mtsc for Rent 15 Words 23— Hom es tor Sale 35— Heatmg>Plumbmg . EMPLOYMENT 47— Garden Products 59<-Homes/A|)t9. to Share NOTICES 24— Lots-Land for Sale 36— Flooring 12:00 noon the day 37— Moving>Trucking-Storage48— Antiques PER WORD PER DAY Look for the Glossified Ads with stars; stars help get you better results. IS — Invesimeni Property 1— Lost and Found 13— Help Wanted 40— Wanted to Buy AUTOMOTIVE before publication. 26— Business Property 38— Services Wanted 2^PofSonals 14— Business Opportunities 50— Produce 27— Resort Property 3--Announc«menl5 15— Situation Wanted i 1 DAY .. .V...... 14

Papering 43— Pets-Birds-Dogs 66— AutorriOtive Service Phone 643-2711 ' 9— Mortgage Loans 20— Instructions Wanted 56— Resort Property for Rent HAPP'/ ADS $3.00 PER INCH 33— Building>Contraciing 44— Musical Instruments 67— Autos for Rent-Lease Telephone 643-2711, AAonday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 9— Personal Loans * 34— Roofmg-Siding 45— Boats & Accessonas 57— Wanted to Rent 10— Insurance REAL ESTATE

•••••••••••••••••••••••• Wanted to Buy 49 •••••••••••••••••••••••• •eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Articles for Sale 41 Ottices-Stores Autos For Sale 61 Hom es For Sale 23 Homes For Sale 23 •••••••••••••••••••••••• Apartmantt for Ront 53 Help Wanted 13 •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• lor Rent 55 •••••••••••••••••••••••* CASH FOR YOUR Proper- •••••••••••••••••••••••• 149 OAKLAND ST., second GOVERNMENT RN - Public Health Nurse ty. We buy quickly and con- floor five room apartment. NEWLY RENOVATED SURPLUS CARS and for voluntary Public ^ fidentially. The Hayes Cor- $330 plus utilities and 310 square feet office trucks now available Health Nursing Agency. A L U M IN U M S H E E TS poration. 6464)131. used as printing plates. .?K)7 «••••••••••••••••••••••• security. No appliances. available. Main Street through local sales, under Full time position. I y/u CeS&ty'Jl . W. FISH REALTY location with ample $300. Call 1-714-569-0241 for Challenging home visit ^ m / homes/ ^ m h thick, 23x28‘/i’'’ . 50c each, Tenant insurance. 9-5 243 MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER ,.or 5 for $2.00. Phone 643- * RENTALS weekdays: 646-2426. parking. Call 649^2891. your directory on how to program and clinic ser­ purchase. Open 24 hours. vices. Liberal personnel ^711. They MUST be picked policies with Health In­ up before 11:00 a.m. only. URBAN RENT - 4V4 Wanted to Rent 57 'Your Community Newspaper" Rooms lor Rent 52 rooms, second floor. Heat, •••••••••••••••••••••••• Trucks^ lor Sale 62 surance Plan. Call 872-9163 •••••••••••••••••••••••• or write: Director, STEREO, LIGHT walnut, carpeted, applianced, gar­ GARAGE TYPE SHARE IVa baths, kitchen 1972 DODGE VAN - very Rockville PHNA, 26 Park needs itlinor repair. age, parking, basement,. BUILDING for automotive privileges with owner and good conditioq, 6 cyl., Street, Vernon, Conn. Beautiful piece of fur­ laundry hookups. Married repairs for leading national one other tenant. Both automatic. Asking $1500. 06066. EOE. niture. Need the room. couple only. No children or company in the Help Wanted 13 Asking $25. Telephone 643- men. 100 yards bus stop. pets. $395. Security and Manchester area. We need Telephone 646-2491. PLEASE READ References, security. Call 1 J EMPLOYMENT MUNSON’S CANDY 8112. references. Call in person 3,000-3,500 plus sq. ft. 649-7630, at Apartment No. 1, 156 Please call collect, 1-401- YOUR AD k i t c h e n is accepting FOUR CORD - 4 ft. green Union Street, Manchester. 724-8198. Manflarin Chinese is ClatflllMl adt ara takan Help Wanted 13 applications for full time delivered, $270 or trailer ROOMS FOR RENT - Call •••••••••••••••••••••••• spoken as a principal in •••eeeeeeeaeeeeeee Part time p o iv e r o«ar tlM pt.one aa a con- employment in packing 643-1699. Near bus line. Off PART TIME - Work at chocolates. Hours are: load average 10 cord, 14 hom es-Apts. to share 59 language by an estimated vanlanca. The Harald la TELEPHONE SALES Main Street. Close to APARTMENT - second home on the phone ser­ Monday thru Friday 9 to and 20 footers delivered, 660 million people, more raaponalbla tor only one hi- everything. • floor. $325 monthly, in­ vicing our customers in 4:30, Call for appointment, $650. Order for next winter MANCHESTER - apart­ than {speak any other corroct Inaortlon and than b e fo re p rices go up. cludes appliances. Ideal ment to share, male your area. Telephone 456- Pleasant East Hart­ 649-4332. language , only to tho aizo of tl|p Telephone 871-0186. Apartments for Rent S3 for couples. No pets. professional. Non-smoker. 0876 or 528-6631. . ford sales office is •••••••••••••••••••••f** G re a te r original Inaartlon. Errora SPECIAL EDUCATION Utilities not included. $222.50 per month plus half which do not leaaan the looking for a few WHEELS - Ford, 15” , $12 MANCHESTER- One and Security required. utilities. 649-0291 after 6 P A R T T IM E TEACHER - The two bedroom apartments Tennessee and Missouri vdItM of tho odvartlaaaiant talented phone per­ Manchester Board of pair. Figure skates, black, Available February 1st. p.m.weekdays. SALESPERSON to sell available. Centrally tie with each other in being will not bo corractod by on subscriptions door-to-door sonalities to work 9- Education is seeking a size 3. Excellent condition. Telephone 647-1805. iM anch^te • M ANCHESTER $49,900 located on busline near the only states bordered by additional Inaartlon. with newscarrier two Special Education Teacher $8. Telephone'643-8873. 1 or 5-9. Excellent ASSUMABLE 12'A% MORTGAGE shopping center and MANCHESTER - Three eight other states. evenings a week or Satur­ - Intermediate grades. schools. For further details □ AUTOMOTIVE wage, plus weekly Effective immediately. FOR SALE - 22” Magna vox bedroom apartment with days. Salary plus com­ Small cash investment needed. Two bedroom call 649-7157. ______iKaurbrstrr missions. Call Circulation bonus adds up to Interested person should deluxe condo, professionally decorated, large color TV, beautiful 4 foot heat and hot water. long wooden cabinet, sound Telephone 742-8549. Auto Parts For Sale 60 INVITATION Manager, Manchester exceptional part contact Mr. Wilson E, rooms, plush wall to wall carpet, all 118 MAIN STREET - 3 and Herald. 643-2711. time paycheck. Deakin Jr., Assistant only. $45. Telephone 643- T O B ID fir r a lb appliances included in gourmet kitchen. This 5478. 4 room heated apartments, T H R E E R O O M IN TE N S E 1970-1973 SS Superintendent, hot water, no appliances. The Eighth UUlities District of PART TIME WORKER Manchester Public luxurious home can be your. Just call! APARTM ENT - walking Camaro - excellent body, Manchester seeks bids for the sale GOLD SOFA AND Security - tenant in­ distance to Main Street. 350 motor and transmis­ wanted 2 to 3 days per Schools, 45 North School surance. 646-2426, 9-5 of an oil burner. Calvin, Model Contact Mr. Gordon, Street, Manchester, CT, Matching chair, recliner. Heat, hot water, electrici­ sion. Corvette hood, mags, 301CRD, 3-Vj" air cone, 3.06 gpm week. Inside/outside work. weekdays. "®*'®i?.mitY voice Personals 2 Call Mr. Orfitelli, 27 569-4990. 06040. Telephone 647-3451. $150 for three pieces. ty, refrigerator and stove, etc. Call Walt after 6 p.m., oil flow. Used one heating season. Warren Street, Manchester EOE. 643-1991 672-9153 Stereo console with carpeting. $350 per month 646-6799. Sealed proposals will be received MANCHESTER Pawn cabinet. Asking $150. Call MANCHESTER MAIN plus security. After 5 p.m. until 7:30 p.m., Monday, January at 649-5358, 9-5 weekdays, 8 STREET - Two room broker will buy or give ■ to noon Saturdays. AMERICAN FROZEN FOOD, FULL OR PART TIME 742-8537 between 6 and 9 telephone ,646-7224. Autos For Sale 61 18. 1982. Since 1881. apartment. Heated, hot Sealed bids marked "Oil Burner loans on gold, silver or IMA Help wanted. Man to work p.m. Inv. water, appliances. No pets. Bids" should be addressed to diamonds. Licensed and in Grit Blasting Room. MANCHESTER - Main SURPLUS JEEPS, CARS, FLORAL DESIGNER - Security. Parking. Clerk. Eighth Utilities District. 32 bonded. 649-7373: 9-5 Experienced desired but Other diversified duties. HEAVY DUTY BLACK & Street. Four bedroom TRUCKS. Car Inventory ^ i n Street. Manchester. Conn. DECKER Cement Telephone 523-7047. o a fH o * of our readers Monday-Saturday. 210 Pine not a requirement. Part or Will train. -Steady work. CVUBLISHER’S NOTICE apartment. Second floor valued $2143 sold for $100. 06040. . Street. full time available depen- SALESPERSON - full time Telephone 643-1 133 Hammer Drill. Electric. two family. Centrally Similar bargains available. Bids will be publicly opened, read EAST HARTFORD - 2 in quality men’s shop. weekdays 8:30 to 4 p.m. Good, c o n d itio n . $95. located near schools, and Call for information, 602- and recorded at the January 18. ®5advertisin9« ...... * ding on situation. bedroom, brand new Announcements 3 Telephone 643-8455, 8:30 to Excellent working con­ EQUAL HOUSINQ OPPORTUNITY Telephone anytime, 643- on bus line. $375 monthly, 941-8014, Ext. 7816. Phone 1981 Board of Directors Meeting of ...... g 1680. • linoleum & wall to wall plus utilities. Security the Eighth Utilities District. !Si.ortanttothe ditions plus paid benefits. Condominiums 22 call refundable. FLEA MARKET: Every Apply in person to: Mr. carpeting, heat, hot water, deposit. Available The right is reserved to reject any parking. Near busline. Call or all bids. Sunday tO-5. Coventry an­ DENTAL ASSISTANT - Apter or Mr. Snyder, Regal IDEAL FOR ICE February 1st. Call 646-7726. CADILLAC - 1976 - Coupe All real estate advertised in this newspaper Is subject! to the 528-2914. 9;30-5;30, or 528- merchant- tique center, 1140 Main experienced necessary. Men's Shop, 903 Main Buy or ront this lovoly 3 FISHING - 3 H P. Power DeVille - 72,000 miles. Helen J. Warrington. Street, Coventry. Dealer Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to advertise Ice Drill. Reasonable. See 1719 after 6 p.m. THREE ROOMS - Porter Multi girl office. Excellent Street, Manchester. Rm. Condominium locatod any preference, limitation, or discrimination b a i ^ on race, color, Good condition. $2700 or Clerk space available. Telephone it at 22 Kenwood Drive, Street area, including heat Eighth Utilties benefits. Salary in Manchostor. Pricod at religion, sex or national origin, or an Intention to make any such VERNON-ROCKVILLE - Best offer. Telephone 742- 742-9698. negotiable. Immediate S A L E S M A N Manchester, anytime. and electricity. No pets. $43,000. Rant at $375.00 preference, limitation or discrimination. This newspaper will not On busline. Brand new 6800 - Keep trying. District i ^l^ertisinflis ...... opening. Manchester area. F ireplace/stove shop. knowingly accept any advertisement for real estate which Is In Security deposit. Ideal for par month. Call for datalla. three room apartments - Auctions 5 Send resume to Box EE, Challenging opportunity violation of the law. 45 newlyweds. Call 649-9092. Group 1 - ZInaaar Agoney - Extra large rooms with AUCTION im portant to c/o The Herald. for ambitious person. REPUBLICAN 646-1511 ____ large closets. $300 per 1970 M«rcury Montego AUCTION Some experience helpful. • ••••••••••••••••••••••• l**.t*r******V**ti** -it OUTBOARD motor stand, MANCHESTER - Six room I.D. No. 0H07F881999 CAUCUS Many benefits, commis­ Services Ottered 31 Building $20. B aseb o ard w a ll month. Security and apartment. $400 per month 19B8BUICK PERSON FOR PAINT references required. January 16. 1962 3:00 p.m. The Republican Electors of stockroom and light sion. Call Chet, 646-6925, . . . registers for hot air heat plus utilities. Available im­ 454e9SH264497. FARRAND Available January 1st. the Thwn of Andover are aS^ofourreaders delivery with van in , REAL ESTATE BRICK, BLOCK, STONE (4) 6x10 (7) 5x12, $2 each. mediately. After 5 p.m., MENDENHALL AMOCO To be auctioned oil REMODELING - Cabinets, Telephone 875-1128 9-5 telephone 649-3554. floute 6 Andover, CT hereby notified that there JA N U A R Y IB at 8 A.M. greater Hartford area. CLERICAL - General Of- ______C o n c r e te . C h im n e y ^ „ _ Telephone 649-2071. j o » j Roofing, Gutters, Room Monday-Saturdayoay-S 742,6027 will be a caucus at the BOB’S AUTO BODY Five day, 40 hour week. lice. Duties include billing .. ^ r, , ...... oo Repairs. “No Job Too Additions, Decks, All types ••••••••••••••••' $4.00 an hour. No benefits. typing, filing, phone and MANCHESTER - two Town Office Building, 390 New Slate Road ...... Small.” Call 644-8356 for of- -Remodeling ■ ■ ■ and ■ Antiques 48 MANCHESTER - Newly Reply in own handwriting receptionist. Applicants bedroom apartment., Near Lower Level, on School have t>^^JJJ‘chester Mane hatter estimates. Repairs. Free estimates. decorated one bedroom AUTO LEASING RENTAL to P.O. Box 443, Hartford, must have skills on adding MANCHESTER busline. $400 heat Included. WANTED: ANTIQUE Fur­ apartment. Access to shop­ - Oldies But Goodies Road on Wednesday, CT 06141. Assumable 8%7o fixed. Fully insured. Phone 643- Telephone 649-4500. ® ® " f o r over 5 y e a r s . machines and good figure niture, Glass, Pewter, Oil ping centers, buslines and Limited. Rent-A-Car. January 20, 1982 at 8:00 AUCTION our Two bedroom ranch, 6017. aptitude. Hours 9-3. Fi Paintings, or Antique schools. For further details $12.95 day, 100 free miles. p.m. for the following pur­ 1964 CHEVROLET area. fenced yard, nice HEBRON-AMSTON LINE day week. Bolton items. R. Harrison, please call 528-4196 Automobiles bought, sold, poses: 41869 T215707. Phone 646-5686. neighborhood, walk to M&M P&H, Manchester ROBERT E. JARVIS - - 2 bedroom apartment. To be auctioned oH Remodeling Specialist. Telephone 643-8709. between 9 and 5 pm or rented. 323 Center Street, shopping. $56,900. 649-2871. Small repairs, Appliances optional. No 1. To select party-endorsed JA N U A R Y 18 at 8 A.M. Telephone 649-8623. remodeling, heating, For room additions, after 5 pm and weekends, pets. $285 plus security. Manchester. Telephone FULL TIME PART TIME WAITRESS - candidates | for BOB’S AUTO BODY baths, kitchens and water kitchens, bathrooms, A N T IQ U E S & 649-7157. Call for an appointment, 647-0908, Ask for Bill. 390 New state Road wanted a few hours per day COLLECTIBLES - Will membership on the EMPLOYMENT Monday through Friday. heaters. Free estimates! roofing and siding or anv 643-4976. your business. Manchaetar purchase outright or sell on CREDIT PROBLEMS? Republican Town Com­ 1 Perfect for mother. Apply i I BUSINESS home improvement need. C & M Tree Service, Free ITelephone 643-6712. commissipn. House lot or THREE ROOMS Partially Need a car? Can you afford mittee for the ensuing two AVAILABLE in person. The Main Pub, and SE R V IC ES single piece. 644-8962. estimates. Discount senior furnished on second floor. $20-$25 per week? Call 646- years: Mortgage Loans 8 with local progressive 306 M ain S tr e e t, 4539 and you could be service firm. Person Manchester, •••••••••••••••••••••••• citizens. Company L E O N Near busline. No pets. 2. To transact such other R.ciEszYNSKi New homes, Knit for Baby driving as soon as the next must be neat appearing Services Ottered 31 Manchester owned and BUILDER Telephone 646-7647. business as may properly MORTGAGE LOANS - 1st; additions, remodeling, rec day. Ask for Mr. Easy, 646- able to meet public PART TIME OFFICE operated. Call 646-1327. come before such caucus. 2nd; 3rd. A LL KINDS, REWEAVING BURN rooms, garages, kitchens THREE ROOM apartment 45%. willing to do general HELP NEEDED - For ren- Y. Anson Homeowners and Commer­ HOLES, Zippers, um­ LIGHT TRUCKING - Fen­ rem odels, ceilings, bath In Larger Sites with heat, stove, cial. Realty state-wide. cleaning, maintenance ‘ tal office in Manchester. 4 Town Chairman to 7 p.m., four days a brellas repaired. Window cing. Attics, cellars, gar­ tile, dormers, roofing. refrigerator. References Credit rating unnecessary. of premises, as well as shades. Venetian blinds. ages cleaned. All types Residential or commer­ and security. 649-9021. 0234)1 Reasonable. Confidential. week; 10 to 6 Saturday; 11 automotive equipment. Keys. TV FOR RENT. trash, brush removed. cial. 649-4291. Quick arrangement. to 6 Sunday, three Drivers license Marlow's, 867 Main Street. Picket, Split Rail, BOLTON - one bedroom ALVIN LUNDY AGENCY, weekends a month. Call for advertising:- 649-5221. Stockade Fences installed. DESIGN KITCHENS, apartment, quiet TOWN OF MANCHESTER 100 Constitution Plaza, required. Salary com­ appointment between 9 and mensurate with ability 12, Monday thru Friday, 528-0670. cabinets, vanities, counter neighborhood. No pets. LEGAL NOTICE Hartford. Days: 527-7971; tops, kitchen cabinet fronts or experience 528-1300. References required. $285 « e i9 d a a > " Evenings; 23.3-6885. custom woodworking, monthly. Telephone 643- Tile Zohing Board of Appeals will Excellent benefits. colonial reproductions. hold public hearings on Monday, MACHINIST with all 5983. January 23.1982 at 7:00 P.M. in the Reply Box F, J.P. Lewis 649-9658. ffie Heralo* Help Wanted 13 around experience, setting WILL DO IRONING in my Hearing Room, Municipal c/o The Herald up and operating Milling, home. Call anytime, 649- Buildihg, 41 Center Street, ELECTRICAL SERVICES Manchester, Connecticut, to hear 'Turning, and Grinding 3219. Homes tor Rent 54 equipment, with trade - We do all types of Elec­ and consider the following QUALITY CUSTOM trical Work! Licensed. Call- petition: school background 456tk MAIN STREET - six Interior design and after 5:00 p.m., 646-1516. ITEM 7 NO. 842 - Robert desirable. Very pleasant rooms, $400. plus utilities. Weinberg — Request Special decorating. Reasonable working conditions. Income Tax No appliances. Tenant in­ Exception In accordance with Arti­ LICENSED NURSE POSITION rates. Call 875-6009 or 647- TIMOTHY J. CONNELLY Located in Marlborough cle 11, Section 14.02.03 for gaaoline surance. SMurity. 646-2426 1980 TRANS AM - Limited Park for Research. Just 1949, Service Residential & Commercial service station — 330V Tolland weekdays. edition, turbo. Automatic, over the Glastonbury line. IN C O M E T A X Construction. Remodeling, Turnpike — Business Zone V. with all these unusual features... N E E D AN home improvements, ad­ power steering, power At this hearing interested persons SPM Instrument, call PREPARATION VERNON - Three ELECTRICIAN? All types ditions,. bathroom & brakes, air-conditionins, T- may be heard and written com- collect, 295-9504. Experienced - at your bedroom, 2V4 baths, of work done including kitchen remodeling, top. 23,000 miles. Many (imunications received. Copies of C a llP a " T \ l J h or stop bV ^ i f without preseuro fireplace, two car garage, appliances. Call Steve 647- home - Call Dan Mosler roofing, siding, repairs, extras. 643-4334. these petitions have been filed in increased located olUc ^ without heavy lifting FULL OR PART TIME fully applianced and the Planning Office and may be In­ Aide-Housekeeper for 8805. 649-3329. door & window replace­ i r without walking mllaa ment and alterations. 646- carpeted. $600 monthly 1965 FORD VAN-Camper. spected during office hours. small home for the aged. with option available. PERSONAL INCOME 1379. Good condition. $700 or Zoning Board of ■fr pleaeant aurroundinga Call for interview between l i c e n s e d d a y c a r e Utilities not included. 872- HOME - Will watch your TAX SERVICE - Returns best offer. 646-4831. Apijeals i t congenial people . 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. only - 8737. child or infant days. Call prepared, tax advice given DENNIS AND RUSSELL Eklward Coltman, 649-4519. Learn how to best manage i t salary open 646-0262. MILLER - Remodeling, Secretary your personal finances. •••••••••••••••••••***** BANKIEP0SSES8I0NS i r work with still time to play additions, roofing, rec Dated this 15th day of COLLECTOR WANTED - Reasonable rates. Call 646- OlHces-Stores Experienced preferred for BABYSITTER rooms, paneling, Mtters, FOR SALE January, 1982. AVAILABLE, Martin 7306. aluminum and vinyl siding tor Rent 55 Credit Collection agency. The following automobiles 015-01 School area. Call after 3 installed year round. Call 6 4 9 -2 3 S 8 Call 289-5236. WORKSPACE OR have been reduced for quick p.m. 649-2094. Telephone 649-2954 or 649- sale. I W IL L DO H O U S E 1421. STORAGE SPACE FOR 1970 - Pontiac Trans-Am, 6 and learn more about hours open! DISTRIBUTORSHIPS cleaning. Experienced. RENT in Manchester. No ' LEGAL NOTICE AVAILABLE - reliable DICK’S SNOWPLOWING - »1 ., 2 dr. coupe. $2700. OWn transportation. lease or security deposit. Ilils Is almost $1200 un­ Republican Caucus people to represent Parking lots, driveways, der NADA average Telephone 643-0825. Heating-Plumbing 35 Reasonable rates. Suitable The Republican electors of respected company local- apartments, stores, •••••••••••••••••••••••• 2675 retail. sidewalks, sanding. 646- •••••••••••••••••••••••• for small business. Retail 1975.- Bulck Skylark, 6 cyl., 2 the fow n of Bolton are part time from home, and commercially zoned. 'or appointment, 455-0039. 2204. Painting-Papering^___32 gCHALLER PLUMBING- A soft set for baby , . , dr. coupe, $1800. hereby notified that there Call 872-1801, 10 to 5...... h e a t i n g - Water pump B-167. easily knitted from 8-ply 1974 - Kawasaki Motorcycle, will be a caucus at Bolton INTERIOR PAINTING, baby wool. SOOcc. 9800f The best reason for advertising with us is to get results! Almost since HELP WANTED specialists. Also, 38-SO ' Community Hall on over ten years experience, remodeling service or No. 2675 has knit di­ All automobiles are sold (as LKGAL NOTICE Mix and match these sim- Is). They can be seen at the Wednjesday, January 20, our first day of publication, our Classified columns have been the CIBCULATION DEPT. low rates and senior citizen repairs. FREE rections for cap, bootees, Town of Andover PART TIME discounts. 643-9980. ple-to-aew separates for SSVIIWS M IW OF 1982 at seven o’clock p.m. ESTIMATES. 849-4266. a dozen different and com­ and long or short sacqoe. The 3rd quarterly installment of accepted marketplace in the community for individuals with something b a s e m e n t s t o r a g e for the following purposes; fortable outOts. Designed TO OMEl, in $ t i M fsr sack MMCHESTBI property taxes'on the 1 October Nowspapor Dealer needed Newspaper CirculaUon Solicitor jutum, flu $0$ nr intats aao AREA with dirt floors. INTERIOR AND 36 923 Main SIreel, Mench. L980 Grand List are due and to sell. And readers, many having successfully sold items themselves, Flooring to flatter the larger size 1. To consider and act upon In Vomon>Roclivlllo Area EXTERIOR painting, figure. First room 18Vii ft.xlS ft.; payable on 1 January 1982. Also, WWCMOT second room 23 ft.xl5Vk ft. revised By-laws for the turn to our Classified section when they're In the market to buy! This Three Evenings Per Week paper hanging, Carpentn FLOORSANDING - Floors B-167 with Photo-Guide ■bi Itaitaikf hiHt* the suf^lemental motor vehicle CALL 647-9946 Work. Fully insured. J.P. like new! Specializing in is in Sizes 88 to 60. Size $30 monthly. 649-0717. JEEPS, CARS, Pick-ups Town Party. taxes will be due at this time. combination works to the advantage of both buyer and seller. . . from $35. Available at local Payments made after I February Ask lor Jeanne Approximately 5 p.m. - 8 p.m. Lewis Si Son, 649-9658. older floors. Natural and 40,44 bust. . . jacket, 2H 2. To select party-endorsed yards 46-inch; blouse, 2% AVAILABLE Gov’t, auctions. For direc­ cantjidates for 1963 are subject to a late charge of stained floors. No waxing per month on the late install­ to work with Carrier SAVE 207o\ Contractors anymore! John Verfaille, yards; skirt, 2% yards; IM M E D IATELY - Doc- tory call 415-330-7800. membership on the That’s discounts pass on to pants, 2% yards. 1982 ALBUM with 16-paae tors/Dentist office. 750 Sq. ment. fro'.ii WiK due d: !e. or a Part-nma Inserters 646-5750. Republican Town Com­ minimum of $2.00. Payments may Sales Force. customers! Painting, TP OFOIR, iMMi $2.7$ fsr sack GIFT SECTION with f& Ft. Haynes Street. $550. DODGE - 1955 Qassic - 4 directions. Price ... $2.26. mittee for the ensuing two be made by mail or at the Town Of­ Must be 18 years old papering, general repairs! CSUL** ' ” ***' Includes heat and air- dr. Coronet sedan. 72,000 fice Building which is open 9; 00 because one thing 648-1949.3-1949. 1N)da Home Ser- ...... UOttATKJSEACN conditioning. Frechette, original miles, excellent years. ivi ittMm ■ oil MB NW. a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday thru CALL 647-9947 Salary plus Commlaslon vice. Household Qoods 40 ■aw ts trail tatan aaw te uks Martin St Rothman, 646- condition, must sell. 3. To transact such other Friday. The Tax Collector is also maoooaoeeeeeeoamaeemeee* MinsmsUr I'tanM' Ask tor John $n:st<$Mrlcai “ „'“ *'S*** ouiin. 14 4 1 4 4 . ______Asking $2,495. Call 647- business as may properly In the office Monday evenings. 7:00 about classified INTERIOR/EXTBRIOR USED NntYtii.Kr.tMK slant aat uMIutt tnlia. 1471. ^ comcj before such caucug, p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Apply In pgnon at the REFRIGERATORS, MSI Ns m , Mints wIM Zir a-iii-M tifi.op>i MANfiweiui-K ______J!_____ PAINTING - Wallpapering COSE, itn* NniMr sM tin. IZfu Cf stMUnmi skint. WORK ROOM 26 X12. Heat William J. Fehling Charlotte Neal Manchaatar Harald OtHca WASHERS. RANGES - available. Adjoining 12 x 12 PONTIAC TEMPEST - and Drywall Installation. Chairman, Tax'Collector never changes. . . Clean, Guaranteed. Parts FASHION with iManrliffilrr or call Jaanna at 647-9946 Quality professional work. SneceiB in Sewing, is room. No heat. No plum­ 1967. Two door, excellent Bolton Republican Reasonable prices. Free & Service. Low prices! bing in either room. Plenty body. All original chrome. Town of Andover for appolntmant. filled With appealing Town Committee Connecticut estimates. Fully insured. B.D. Pearl St Son, 649 Main designs. Also 2 BONUS parking available. Needs motor. $350.646-8492 covnitn 024-01 it vsrorks! Heralh G.L. McHugh. 643-9321. Street. 643-2171. Conpons! Price . .. S2.2IS. -24 crik Mt tmll ktt Mib. Telephone 649-5^. ’ or 741-6084. 015-12 t 1 I