“Never before has proclaiming the Gospel on the Fami- ly … been more urgent and necessary.” These words mark the beginning of the Preparatory Doc- ument for the upcoming Extraordinary Synod of on the Family, to be held in October at the Vatican. The document contains a series of questions for bishops to use when they consult the and laypeople of their dioceses. The first set of questions considers “the diffu- sion of the teachings on the family in Sacred Scripture and the Church’s Magiste- rium.” Topics include the knowledge and acceptance of the Church’s teachings; the difficulties and cultural factors hindering the reception and practice of these teachings; and opportunities for formation and catechesis. The synod is a call from Francis to consider the family and what the Church teaches about its meaning and beauty. By responding to this call, and seek- ing to understand and embrace the Church’s teachings on and family life, we will grow in God’s grace and our families will become closer in holiness and joy. In the coming months, what can we laypersons do while our bishops ponder these questions with the Holy Father? I offer four practical suggestions for Catho- lics to become ever-stronger witnesses to the Gospel in relation to the family. First, let us make the Word of God in Scripture a daily reference in our lives. This could be as simple as praying and reflecting on the Mass readings of the day or taking a few minutes daily to read and meditate upon a particular Scripture pas- sage. Catholic men need to be courageous leaders in this regard, especially with all the temptations to distraction that can enter the home and our lives. When we know and savor Sacred Scripture, we discover how interwoven marriage and the family are within the Lord’s plan of salvation from the account of creation itself, to the words of the prophets, to the mystery of Christ and his Church as the Bride- groom and Bride.

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Second, let us make the Catechism of the a trusted resource. How wonderful it would be if every Catholic man owned a copy of the Catechism and shared it with his family, for it is an essential resource for learning the Church’s teaching. Of particular interest related to marriage and family are the sections “Male and Female He Created Them” (nos. 369-373), “The Sacrament of Matrimony” (1601-1666), “The Fourth Commandment” (2197-2257), and “The of Husband and Wife” (2360-2379). The teaching here is concise and under- standable, with references to Scripture and other Church documents. Let’s chal- lenge ourselves and set aside the time to read and reflect upon the Church’s wis- dom. How are we living and handing on this teaching within our families and be- yond? Third, let us pray and fast for strong and families, for healing of those that are struggling, and for Pope Francis and our bishops as they prepare for the synod. We know the challenges are significant, but we also know the freedom that Christ’s truth and mercy brings. Consider taking up the bishops’ “Call to Pray- er for Life, Marriage, and Religious Liberty” (see Fourth, let us resolve to be champions for marriage and the family, leading with mercy and unafraid to witness to the beauty of the Church’s teachings. What areas of God’s plan for marriage and the family need work in my life? Do I see my marriage as a vocation and mission? As a Catholic man and a Knight, what reso- lution can I make to take the next step when it comes to witnessing to the Gospel on the family in my own marriage and family; in my parish, community and work- place; and in the public square? Remember, “Never before has proclaiming the Gospel on the Family … been more urgent and necessary.” Let us not remain on the sidelines. Ask the Holy Spir- it for guidance as you seek to live out the faith within the context of your family. ANDREW W. LICHTENWALNER is executive director of the Office of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. He is a member of Sacred Heart Council 2577 in Bowie, Md.

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Valentine Day

Saint Valentine was officially known as Valentine of . He lived during the third century and is celebrated worldwide on 14 February. Little is known about the life of Saint Valentine but what is known is that he was martyred and his remains buried in Rome. The Roman Catholic Church removed Saint Valentine from the Roman cal- endar because so little is known about his life and stories surrounding his ministry appear to be fragmented. However, one common story involves Saint Valentine being placed on house arrest by the judge of the town. As Saint Valentine minis- tered to the Judge he was challenged to prove that was real by restoring his daughters site. He also pledged that if his daughter gained her sight he would do anything for him. Saint Valentine laid hands on his daughter and her sight was re- stored. The spirit of God captured Judge Asterius; he destroyed all the idols in his house, went on a three day fast and got baptized as well as the 44 members of his household. The judge then released all Christian inmates. Saint Valentine contin- ued to preach the gospel and convert people to ; however, he was exe- cuted for refusing to denounce Jesus Christ. Regardless of the myths and stories surrounding Saint Valentine, as be- liever’s everyday should be a day to spread love. The Bible says that God loved us so much he gave His only son and if we were made in the image of our Heavenly Father, love should be a natural extension of our personality. Every place that the sole of our foot treads the love of Christ should emanate through us to others. There are many wonderful ways Catholics can express love towards their fellow human beings on Valentines Day. Here are some great ideas: - Take the time to visit someone in hospital that you don't know, bring him or her some flowers or make a gift and let them know that they are loved with an ev- erlasting love.

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Arrange a homeless shelter visit with your church and serve hot meals to the less fortunate. - Spend the day street evangelizing with your husband or wife telling people about the eternal love of Christ. - Give out hearts with Jesus name and face on it to everyone you meet. - Visit prisons on Valentines Day to deliver the message of the Gospel. - As a Knights of Columbus member, show your fellow members some extra attention by offering to pay for one of your brothers to take his wife out on Valentines Day. FINAL THOUGHT: We live in a decaying world full of pain and suffering, we have been called to be the salt of the earth. This means that we have the power to change things. People are hurting all around us, whether its our neighbors, family members or our colleagues at work, if we remain sensitive to the voice of God He will lead us to those who need to hear the truth of His word. Practices showing the love of Christ everyday, but just go the extra mile on Febru- ary 14th. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

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February Events

 Admission Meeting, February 9, at 7pm, portable #4, (PoP)

 Officers Meeting, February 13, at 7pm, room 105, (PoP)

 Council General Meeting, February 16, at 7pm, Hall, (PoP)

 First Degree ceremony, February 20, 730pm, portables 3 & 4 (PoP)

 Pancake Sale, February 26, at 7am, for 830 & 1030 mass only

Council Officers 2016 - 2017 Contact Us Grand Knight Dan Rangel Deputy Grand Knight Russell Williams Knights of Columbus

Financial Secretary Craig Schmidt Council 7983

Chancellor John Enyeart 8459 Timber Loche Recorder Enrique De La Garza San Antonio, Texas 78250 Treasurer Marcus Villegas

Advocate Victor Gomez Grand- Warden Carlos Hernandez [email protected] Inside Guard Charles Wrench Outside Guards James Gonzalez [email protected] Guillermo Torres Visit us on the web at One Year Trustee Alfred Ziska Two Year Trustee Cordero

Three Year Trustee Vincent Aguero