KehilathjeshurunBulletin ©

Volume L1II, No. September 15, 1985 29 Elul 5745


We are pleased to announce that because of gregation and their families. Our Executive Rabbi Polakoff the extremely heavy demand for seats on the part Director, Robert J. Leifert, worked through the of members of the congregation and their summer in order to assign tickets to all of the will deliver a members. It families - as well as other residents in our com¬ ultimately became apparent that Shiur there were munity - we had to make arrangements, literal¬ simply not enough seats in our two this afternoon ly at the last minute, to conduct three services services to fill the requests of members, not to September 14 for this mention friends from the community. solu¬ coming Rosh Hashana and Yom Kip- The at 5:45 tion which the pur in our Main Synagogue and the Synagogue synagogue administration and of¬ in the House. There will be a service in the Main ficers worked out promises to be a very happy Max Etra one us all. J. Chapel Synagogue, a Parallel Service in the Kamber for It will however require the Auditorium and a second Parallel Service in the cooperation of everyone so that the beauty, in¬ Social Hall. spiration and dignity of our services can be Our ability to solve the problem of over¬ maintained. crowding in this manner was made possible We thank the membership of the congrega¬ for through a variety of extraordinary acts of tion in advance their cooperation and helpfulness on the part of people in the support. community. 1) We are grateful to a group of KJ regulars who, upon the invitation of Rabbi Polakoff, agreed RABBI HASKEL LOOKSTEIN'S BOOK IS NOW AVAILABLE to give up their seats in the Main Synagogue WERE WE OUR BROTHERS' KEEPERS: or in the Parallel Service in the auditorium in order to form the new Parallel Service in the THE PUBLIC RESPONSE OF AMERICAN Social Hall which will be led by Rabbi Polakoff. TO THE HOLOCAUST 1938-1944 We are confident that this group and all those Elie Wiesel Calls It Must Reading for Those Who Love the Jewish People who will be joining them at that new service will find a great deal of spiritual satisfaction from it. We are very proud to announce that Hartmore they accomplished; and what was avoided, House has overlooked or 2) One of the reasons they will find that satisfac¬ just published a book by Rabbi ignored. The author succeeds in Haskel Lookstein entitled Were We Our tion is because of a young Ba' al T'fila, Dr. recreating the mood and temper of American Brothers' Jews during those years of tragedy and terror, Shelley Senders - the son-in-law to be of Rabbi Keepers: The Public Response of and Mrs. Haskel Lookstein (and the chatan of American Jews to the Holocaust 1938-1944. fear and frustration. Other books have Arnold Forster, General Counsel of the Anti- Debbie) - who will be joining us for the High presented the tragic abandon¬ ment of Defamation Holy Day season and who will daven musaf on European Jews by America and the League calls the work: "honest, Rosh Hashana and , Musaf and Ne'ila Allies during World War II. The Rabbi's work, deeply disturbing and most moving." "Must on in the Social Hall Parallel Ser¬ however, is the first systematic analysis of what reading," he urges. vice. Dr. Senders, who is chief resident in American Jews were doing while Six Million Kirkus Reviews — an independent agency died. which reviews books for libraries and book pediatrics at Brookdale Hospital, is a graduate of Yeshiva College and the Albert Einstein Col¬ Is it true, as Bernice Tanenbaum (then presi¬ stores, praises the rabbi for "The most delicate dent and lege of Medicine and has a wonderful reputa¬ of Hadassah) wrote in a 1977 letter to the painful of self-examinations," and for his of the York tion as a ba'al t'fila in some very discriminating editor New Times, that "The chief "perspective of compassion." "This book is congregations. We look forward to his daven- lesson of the Holocaust is that we were silent highly readable and important," the reviewer when we should have shouted?" Is Nahum noted, "indicating a ing with us this year. maturity in the American Goldmann Jewish 3) Of course, none of our plans could have been justified in writing that "We must community, which is now willing, stand as realized without a third Rabbi. We are fortunate a generation not only condemned to unflinchingly, to look at itself in history's mir¬ witness the destruction of a third of our number ror." that we found one in our own family in the per¬ but Former son of Rabbi Moshe Rosenberg who just receiv¬ guilty of having accepted it without any Supreme Court Justice, Arthur J. ed smicha last spring from Yeshiva University. resistance worthy of the name ?" Rabbi Looks¬ Goldberg, and Morris B. Abram, Chairman of tein has answered the National Conference on Soviet He will alternate with our rabbis in leading the these questions in a study Jewry and services. which focuses on the Anglo-Jewish and Yid¬ Vice-Chairman of the United States Civil Rights dish Commission, both praised the book for its If all of this sounds complicated - it is. But, press during the Holocaust. He shows what was known and when; thank God, we had to be very creative in order what Jewish leaders said (continued on page 6) to try to accommodate the members of the con¬ and did; what public rallies were held and what Page Two KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

BLESSING THE CHILDREN ON YOM KIPPUR EVE ROSH HASHANAH: There is a beautiful custom that a father — or mother — bless his or her child on the eve of Yom Kippur after the meal before the fast. The blessing is much more detailed than the simple A Time at Home — Biblical priestly blessing which is given to the children on Friday evening before kiddush. We would recommend to A Time you that you bless your children every Friday evening but that, in particular, you bless them on Yom Kippur eve. The text of the blessing and a translation appear below. in the Community (for boys) Although we usually think of the High Holy "May the Lord make you as Days in terms of the Synagogue Service, there Ephraim as Menasheh" and are many beautiful ceremonies that take place (for girls) :nH^?,^n'7)rTpaa)riau>a pfau> ^ outside the House of God. "May the Lord make you as Sarah, Rebecca, At The Table Rachel and Leah" VJ9 Tl -IX1 'n -T X T ■ l-l p-n-PI ushered in May it be the will of our Father in Heaven to I } •" T The festival is by the lighting of candles over which the place within your heart love and reverence for Tpbx v:s 'n xt?1 ^Vx special festival bless¬ Him. May you revere God all the days of your ing is recited. The special benediction life so that you will not sin. May He bless you •cn1^' Dtr1"! "Shehecheyanu" is added. with the desire to study and observe His After the reciting of kiddush and the washing commandments. May your eyes look straight of hands, a "motzi" is made over 2 round challahs ahead, your mouth speak wisdom and may your .D'Z'i'2'y i:r2x in (symbolizing the cycle of the year) and the bread is heart be filled with reverence. May your hands dipped into honey before it is eaten. rvnm ins-11, innrix always be involved in the accomplishment of -2*2'inn The symbolism concerning a sweet year is v V »»»• c; r\ Mitzvot and 1 •» -k ^ use a may your feet run to do God's ; w • - 'n rx* readily apparent. The of round challah •?T '> bidding. and the dipping of the bread into honey is con¬ .i tinued for the entire May the grant sons ... High en¬ Almighty you righteous T _ '.I y ' . TV V Holy Day season, and daughters who will also occupy themselves ding with Hoshanah Rabbah. \l2r I I J . t| ~ W 2- _ li-r J / J y with Torah and Mitzvot all the days of their On the first night of Rosh Hashanah, an ap¬ •* »' *A * O ^ C 1, lives. .) 1 n- j ple is May He grant you moral substance and •i|Tl ..'T 1^1.L Tl-r ' 1 dipped into honey. Before tasting the ap¬ livelihood — morally, graciously and abundant¬ •iv- s" ple, the blessing over fruit is recited. After |U »MW>, ^*11. T j _/ J I .i : I ly — and may you never have to depend on tasting the apple, a special prayer is recited: human help. May your "May it be Thy Will to grant us a profession always allow 2^2 r-'1"i'.V j -s good and time for service to God. sweet year." May you be inscribed and sealed in '.2* - ri:2i On the second wear the Book • \< night, it is customary to Y 1 - T of Good and a new Long Life together with all the ^ ^ "•'ATI garment and to have it in mind when the ri*.i22* ' .' • 1 .. righteous of Israel. L TT : ~x -r > ~ blessing "shehecheyanu" is recited as part of the Amen rs — ^ kiddush. In addition, a new fruit, not "V -J "T, / j —1. 1 : -1-2 previously ITT;- t • ' enjoyed this season, is eaten. Before eating the

, ; nru— i ij ii i — )J ij lJ 1 U' fruit, the blessing over fruit is recited. YOM KIPPUR -- -"•* rni-vj vy py v^l Tashlich CANDLE LIGHTING T ~T The Tashlich ceremony occurs on the first X ~ Provision has been made for the kindling of - day of Yom Tov, Monday. This ceremony takes candles in the ^O «• Synagogue House on Yom Kip¬ L- «r *1 ,N I — M lu. U 11/ L.) llliU m*}> i 1 I place in the afternoon along the banks of a river pur eve, Thesday, September 24, prior to 6:32 or some other body of fresh water. Appropriate

- k\ PM. 1W )X /mm *| U '*■» prayers are recited as part of this mystical Candles will be set up in the lower lobby near custom, indicating our desire to cast off all sins the checkroom. from our persons and correct our ways. In our community, we customarily gather for Tashlich before Mincha, at 5:30, near the 85th YOM KIPPUR: Street entrance to the reservoir path in Central Park, or at 86th Street in Carl Shurz Park. A Day of Self-Denial Rosh Hashanah Greetings The lie in Day of Atonemen among~ Othe^ any shoe store. We think you will On Rosh Hashanah, upon leaving the things, a day of self-denial. In addition to find that conforming with this practice will help Synagogue, all extend the High Holy Day avoiding food, drink, washing, and the use of you to derive more from the most meaningful greeting: lotions and oils, Jewish tradition calls for day on the Jewish calendar. ruff1? refraining from the wearing of leather shoes. nnsn nmo And For the Men ... The reason for this provision is that wearing "May You Be Inscribed for a Good Year". a proper pair of shoes makes one feel complete Increasingly each year more men worship¬ and well-groomed. It is precisely the absence pers in the congregation don the traditional kittel of that feeling of completeness which is called for Yom Kippur. This garment, reflecting puri¬ for on the Day of Atonement. Through this ty and simple piety, very much enhances the mood of moderate self-denial, we are moved to experience of repentance on Yom Kippur. Why not reinstitute this AUGUST prayer, penitence, and wholesome introspection. practice in your family for 1, 1975 this Yom Kippur? Our May we request of our worshippers to take Mr. Rosenberg will be hap¬ thoughts this Rosh Hashanah are with py to arrange for a for you the Baumblit a step in the direction of Jewish tradition by ar¬ kittel you if will Family of Odessa who have simply call the been ranging for a pair of non-leather footwear for synagogue office. Or, you might waiting to emigrate from the Soviet want to and Union since the Helsinki Accords were Yom Kippur this year. An ample selection is go down to the Lower East Side sign¬ select a kittel personally. ed on August 1, 1975. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Three

RABBI LOOKSTEIN TO DELIVER SCHEDULE OF SERVICES SHABBAT SHUVA DISCOURSE ROSH HASHANAH ON KAVOD HA-BRIYOT (RESPECT FOR PEOPLE) Sunday, September 15, Rosh Hashanah Eve S'lichot Service The Shabbat Shuva discourse will be (Z'chor Brit) 8:00 AM Regular morning services will follow delivered by Rabbi Haskel Lookstein on Shab¬ bat afternoon September 21 following Mincha Evening 6:45 PM Candle services in the Main Synagogue. Mincha will Lighting 6:46 PM begin at 6:00. Monday, September 16, Rosh Hashanah I The rabbi will discuss the general require¬ Morning 8:00 AM ment ofKavod Ha-briyot — respect for people Evening 6:50 PM - which constitutes a fundamental mitzvah for Candle Lighting after 7:40 all Jews. The mitzvah touches upon just about Tuesday, September 17, Rosh Hashanah II every aspect of our rabbi will explore lives. The Morning 8:00 AM the in aggada and relate precept and Evening 6:50 PM it to specific life situations of a personal nature Conclusion of Yom Tov 7:38 PM as well as of national and political significance for the Jewish community here and in Israel. DAILY SERVICES (between the Festivals) The discourse will deal with such questions Mornings 7:00 AM as: Do other Torah precepts override kavod ha- Sunday 8:00 AM briyot or is it the other way around? Under what Evenings 6:45 PM circumstances may one suspend kavod ha- SHABBAT SHUVAH briyot? How does this subject affect our rela¬ tionship with Jews who believe and practice dif¬ Friday, September 20 ferently from us? What is the relevance of this Evening 6:45 PM question to issues of religion and state in Israel? Candle Lighting 6:38 PM An invitation is extended to the entire con¬ Saturday, September 21 gregational family and the general community Morning 9:00 AM to hear what promises to be a very important Evening 6:00 PM analysis of a vital subject. Shabbat Shuvah Discourse by Rabbi Lookstein Conclusion of Sabbath 7:31 PM YOM KIPPUR THE FAST OF GEDALIAH Tuesday, September 24, Yom Kippur Eve On the day after Rosh Hashana, Wednesday, Morning 7:15 AM September 18, we observe the fast of Gedaliah, Mincha 2:30 PM in memory of the assassination of Gedaliah ben Candle Lighting 6:32 PM Achikam, the governor of Jerusalem following Kol Nidre 6:40 PM the destruction of the First Temple in 586 BCE. The death of Gedaliah marked the final ham¬ Wednesday, September 25, Yom Kippur mer blow, as it were, to the first Jewish Morning 8:30 AM Commonwealth. Yizkor is recited as part of this service. The fast day is observed from before dawn until nightfall which is at 7:36 PM. CHILDREN'S SERVICES SCHEDULE One of the greatest delights in our High Holy Day experience is the continuing in¬ crease in the number of children who worship with us on these important days. In keeping with the KJ tradition of maintaining a beautiful and meaningful religious experience for both children and adults, the following arrangements have been made: TIME All children over the age of twelve (seventh grade and up) should have tickets for 10 O'CLOCK them in either the Main Synagogue or one of the Parallel Services. Children in the sixth We call to the attention of our worshippers grade and younger should participate in one of the several children's services listed below. In this way, all children and parents, are to that the sounding of the Shofar on Monday and their able participate uesday mornings of Rosh Hashanah will take in the synagogue aspects of the High Holy Days. place at approximately 10:00 AM. ROSH HASHANAH 1 & II Please plan to be in attendance at services by Junior hat hour so that you will be present for this Congregation (2nd to 6th Grade) .3rd Floor Dining Hall All Services important religious observance. Primary Congregation (Nursery - First Grade) 402 meet Toddler Congregation (one to three years old) 406 11 am - 1 PM

YOM KIPPUR SOUNDING THE SHOFAR Kol Nidre Night FOR THOSE AT HOME Junior Congregation (2nd to 6th Grade) Dining Hall 7:00 PM First Grade Service 402 7:00 PM Anyone in the community who will be con¬ fined to home or hospital and would like to per¬ Yom Kippur Day form the mitzvah of hearing the shofar sound¬ Junior Congregation (2nd to 6th Grade) Dining Hall All Services ed on Rosh Hashanah can arrange to do so by Primary Congregation (Nursery - First Grade) 402 Meet contacting our Ritual Director, Mr. Israel Toddler Congregation (one to three years old) 406 11:30 - 1:30 PM Rosenberg, at the Synagogue Office. Page Four KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN


Six catered meals will be served in the SCHEDULE Synagogue Sukkah this year. The meals offered OF SERVICES will be: SUKKOT Sunday, September 29 SUKKOT EVE: DINNER Sunday, September 29, Sukkot Eve Evening 6:40 PM Monday, September 30 Candle PM SUKKOT I: LUNCH Lighting 6:24 DINNER Monday, September 30, Sukkot I Morning 9:00 AM Tuesday, October 1 Evening 6:30 PM SUKKOT II: LUNCH Candle Lighting after 7:15 PM Friday, October 4 Tuesday, October 1, Sukkot II SHABBAT DINNER Morning 9:00 AM Saturday, October 5 Evening 6:30 PM SHABBAT: LUNCH Conclusion of Yom Tov 7:13 PM Due to the overwhelming demand for Suk¬ DAILY SERVICES kah meals, we must restrict initial reservations Morning 7:15 AM to KJ members and their immediate families. The fee Evening 6:30 PM for adults is $15 per meal and for children through high school age $10 each. SHABBAT CHOL HAMOED A reservation form will be sent to you under Friday, October 4 separate cover. We recommend immediate Evening 6:30 PM response because requests will be honored on Candle Lighting 6:17 PM a first come, first served basis. The deadline is Sunday, September 22 when Saturday, October 5 the Synagogue Office will be open. Morning 8:45 AM Reading of Kohelet Evening 6:20 PM Conclusion of Sabbath 7:06 PM CONCLUDING FESTIVAL DAYS RESERVING A October AND ETROG Sunday, 6, Hoshanah Rabbah Morning 8:00 AM We remind our worshippers to arrange for Evening 6:30 PM the a Candle purchase of Lulav and Etrog early. These Lighting 6:15 PM fruits are used during the Hallel service and Monday, October 7, Sh'mini Atzeret highlight our procession around the synagogue. Morning 9:00 AM Our Ritual Director, Israel D. Rosenberg, Yizkor is will be pleased to arrange for you to meet the recited as part of this service Mincha requirement of purchasing a Lulav and Etrog. 6:20 PM In doing so, you will also be supporting the Ma'ariv and Hakafoth will follow Israeli Candle economy. Lighting after 7:00 PM Reservation forms for the Lulav and Etrog Tuesday, October 8, Simchat Torah will be sent to your home. Please make your Morning reservation without delay. 9:00 AM Evening 6:20 PM Conclusion of Yom Tov 7:01 PM



Sukka Supper Sukka Supper Sukka Dessert Party 6:30 P.M. 6:30 P.M. 8:30 P.M. (No charge) ($10.00 per person) (No charge)

For Reservations: Call the Synagogue Office at 427-1000. KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Five

WELCOME TO RABBI AND MRS. ASHER BERKOWITZ BEST WISHES TO THE AND BEST WISHES TO THE NEW LEADER OF BIELERS IN JERUSALEM OUR BEGINNERS SERVICE We are pleased to announce that Rabbi and Mrs. Jack Bieler and their children left late in We are pleased to welcome to our community the summer for Jerusalem where they will spend Rabbi and Mrs. Asher Berkowitz (Mrs. a year on Bieler has been Berkowitz is the former Shoshana Bulow) and Sabbatical. Rabbi ISAAC POLLAK elected to the Jerusalem Fellows Program. This their daughter Rivka. Rabbi Berkowitz will be NEW PRESIDENT OF will give him an opportunity to study, to learn teaching in the Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein Up¬ and to participate in interchanges with other per School of Ramaz. COUPLES CLUB young educators and scholars from around the As an added service to our community Rab¬ We are very happy to announce that the world. bi Berkowitz will conduct the Beginners' Ser¬ Couples Club has selected new officers for We wish the Bieler family well during their vice every Shabbat morning at 10:30. As in the 1985-86. Isaac Pollak succeeds Alice Usdan as year in Jerusalem and we look forward to their past the beginner's service will be held in the President of the Club. Martine Fox will be Vice return for the 1986/87 congregational and school 6th Floor Library. President while Dr. Robert Lipner will serve year. Rabbi Berkowitz is a close younger associate as Treasurer. of David Bernstein who created the Beginners' The Board members will include Dr. George LOVE AND JEWISH TRADITION: Service in our community. We are confident Blumenthal, Claire Deutsch, Evelyn Katz, THEIR IMPACT that he will add immeasurably to the quality and Howard Katz, Joshua Kestenbaum, Phyllis ON INTERMARRIAGE mood of the Beginners' Service in order to con¬ Kukin, Robert Kurzweil, Dr. Deborah Lipner Dr. Egon Mayer To Address tinue it as a great boon to those who have and Meira Tugedhaft. Men's Club Sukkah Supper limited background in davening and who would We wish the new slate much success in its Women Invited like to feel comfortable in a service of prayer. efforts in behalf of the Couples Club and the Wednesday, October 2, 6:30 P.M. congregation. We look forward to a vibrant The entire season of activities for the young couples of the membership of the congregation, men and women, are invited be the congregation. to guests of the KJ Men's Club at its Annual Sukkah Sup¬ per on Wednesday evening, October 2, at 6:30 PM. in the congregation's sukkah. A TIME FOR FREEDOM Dr. Egon Mayer, Professor of Sociology at the City University of New York's Brooklyn On Rosh Hashanah, while each of us prays in have been refused and over 400,000 who have College and President of the Association for the synagogue, Anatoly Shcharansky will pray in begun the difficult and uncertain emigration Sociological Study of Jewry will be the guest his prison cell, where he has been for the last process. speaker on the topic: LOVE AND JEWISH seven years. On Rosh Hashanah, when the gates On Rosh Hashanah, when our voices are rais¬ TRADITION: THEIR IMPACT ON of prayer are open, the gates of Anatoly's cell ed, let us not forget about Soviet Jews. Join the INTERMARRIAGE. remain shut. coalition to free Soviet Jews in saying the Dr. Mayer's thesis is that American Jewry has Anatoly is not alone. There are over 20,000 following as you dip your apple into honey and not been able to cope with intermarriage because Soviet Jewish refuseniks and Prisoners of Con¬ pray for a sweet year: it has not understood the relationship between science who are barred from joining their family May it be your will to grant us love and tradition. His presentation will try to and friends in freedom. There are over two and a good and sweet year. explain who intermarries, why, and with what a half million Soviet Jews who are trapped in May it be your will consequences. the USSR. to bless Soviet Jews Dr. Mayer will further discuss how it seems On Rosh Hashanah, our voices will be heard. with the sweetness offreedom. that almost everyone knows of some person in The voices of Soviet Jews will be muffled, their their family who has intermarried and how many presence denied. people ponder the question: "Will your grand¬ The Soviet Anti-Zionist Committee claims children be Jewish?" He will further explore that Jewish emigration from the USSR has come dimensions in the relationship between husbands to an end, that all those wishing to leave have and wives. aLeady left. But we know that there are at least Dr. Mayer's particular area of interest is the 20,000 Soviet Jews whose emigration requests study of religious and ethnic values in social behavior. He is the author of numerous articles

and serves as consultant to several national and local Jewish organizations including our own Federation of Jewish Philanthropies here in New York. He has directed several major studies on Jewish intermarriage on behalf of the American SPONSOR A KIDDUSH Jewish Committee which were published under the titles: A Beautiful and traditional way of observing Intermarriage and the Jewish Future, and Children a /ahrzeit, anniversary, birthday or special sim- of Intermarriage. The Annual Sukkah cha is to celebrate with the community by spon¬ Supper is a delightful social soring a Shabbat morning kiddush. Since evening for the entire community. The Men's Club of the August, there has been a sponsor each week, congregation is pleased to welcome members of the a id others wishing to be sponsors have been congregation. While there no u lable to do so. is charge for the evening, people There are a number of dates available in the wishing to attend are asked to please make reser¬ vations with the J ill and Winter months. We urge you to reserve synagogue office no later than 11:00 A.M. on one of these Saturdays now. Sunday, September 29, so that Call our Executive Director, Robert Leifert, we may order the proper amount of food for the at 427-1000 to make arrangements. evening. Page Six KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN


(continued from page 1) Lookstein, Haskel MARRIED WERE WE OUR We are happy to congratulate Mr. and Mrs. BROTHERS' understanding of the past and also for its im¬ Israel D. Rosenberg upon the marriage of their KEEPERS? The Public plications for current policy. Prof. Henry F. daughter Chana Laya to Rabbi Shneur Zalman Response of American Graff of Columbia University, under whom Kalman Zirkind. The wedding took place in Jews to the Holocaust, Rabbi Lookstein studied American history in front of the Lubavitch at 770 1938-1944 headquarters 1951, speaks of the book as having been writ¬ Eastern Parkway. It was followed by a recep¬ Hartmore House $18.95 ten with "diligence and unique sensitivity." "His tion in the KJ Synagogue House. conclusions," Prof. Graff adds, "are compell¬ This emerges as a reaction to a series of revi¬ Chana Leah has grown up in our communi¬ ing and commanding." sionist views of the Holocaust, views that focus ty. We are happy for her and for the entire But, perhaps the most beautiful tribute to the on those who, by their silence or indifference, Rosenberg family on this blessed milestone in book is be found in the was were to foreword which morally guilty of complicity. Such charges her life and theirs. We pray that the young cou¬ written by Elie Wiesel. After speaking about have been made about, among others, the Pope, ple will have happiness, joy and blessing the way in which the rabbi treats the enitre sub¬ the Roosevelt Administration, and, increasing¬ throughout a long wedded life. ject with compassion and with a broken heart, ly, even American Jews. Prof. Wiesel adds: "It is for the sake of ahavat To conduct this most delicate and painful self- Yisrael that Rabbi Haskel Lookstein has writ¬ examination, Rabbi Lookstein has produced a ten this volume. It is for the sake of ahavat careful and ultimately profoundly sad study. He ELIE WIESEL TO RECEIVE Yisrael that you must read it." examines six crucial events between the years COVENANT OF PEACE AWARD We are very proud of this moment in the 1938 and 1944; however, rather than consider FROM SYNAGOGUE COUNCIL history of the congregation and the KJ-Ramaz individual initiatives, he is after communal reac¬ community in general. We congratulate the rab¬ tions. He examines the American Jewish press OF AMERICA bi and his to determine how much family on the wonderful way in which knowledge the Jews had We are proud to announce that our esteemed the book has been received. We hope that the and what their public reactions were to the rise member Elie Wiesel will be honored by the and community will respond to the book with in¬ expansion of Nazism. The bulk of the book Synagogue Council of America with its Cove¬ terest and enthusiasm. is a chapter-by-chapter consideration of such nant of Peace Award at a dinner sponsored by The list events as Kristallnacht and the denial of price of the book is $18.95. It is entry the SCA on Monday evening, November 11, available to the now, however, to members of the KJ- doomed ship St. Louis. at the Hilton. Ramaz community at the pre-publication price Lookstein's conclusions drawn from his The Synagogue Council of America is the of $14.95, plus $1.23 tax and a charge of $1.50 analysis of these events are not pleasant. Time symbol of Jewish religious unity in the United and per order for postage and handling if you want again, he suggests, American Jewry seemed States. We at Kehilath Jeshurun are particular¬ the book mailed. It may be ordered directly paralyzed, unwilling to confront or even ly anxious to demonstrate our support for that at criticize Roosevelt, divided into through the Rabbi's office the congregation, uncooperative unity. We are delighted that the SCA has chosen or it may be picked up for the pre-publication factions, and concerned about possible anti- Elie Wiesel for this award because he price at use Semitic reactions in America. The book the KJR Judaica Shop. Please the pro¬ respresents in his own person the unity of all order form in this Bulletin if you to vides additional confirmation of the would like argument Jews and the love of every Jew for every other. order that American Jews were unable or reluctant by mail. We urge our membership to reserve the date to act at a time of their greatest need to do so. and to plan to be at that dinner on November What is unique in this book is its perspective 11. Reservations can be made through the of compassion. Instead of blaming American Synagogue Council of America at 327 Lex¬ Jews for their failures, Lookstein considers in ington Avenue, New York 10016. detail the causes of their silence. Finally, we are left with the feeling that American Jews, too, were victims. The same anti-Semitism that BAR MITZVAHS WEDDINGS led to death for their European cousins bred their fear, incomprehension and ultimate Creative Centerpieces silence. for all occasions ORDER FORM This book is highly readable and important, Floral & Thematic KJR Publishing Co., Inc. indicating a maturity in the American Jewish arrangements 125 East 85 Street community, which is now willing, unflinchingly, Rose Edinger New 10028 York, N.Y. to look at itself in history's mirror. SMALL PARTIES (212) 595-7699 Please send me copies of Were We Our Brothers' Keepers by Rabbi Haskel AUGUST 1, 1975 Lookstein at the pre-publication price of Our thoughts this Rosh Hashanah are with Se- $14.95, plus $1.23 New York sales tax. KEHILATH JESHURUN mion and Tsilia Basman of Bendery who have BULLETIN Postage are at and handling additional $1.50 been waiting to emigrate from the Soviet Union Published per order. Monthly except since the Helsinki Accords were signed on July and August. $15.00 of membership dues of Enclosed is my check, payable to KJR August 1, 1975. Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun covers subscription cost. Publishing, for 125 East 85th Street AUGUST New York, New York 10028 to cover my order. 1, 1975 Phone - 427-1000 EXT. 264, 265 Our thoughts this Rosh Hashanah are with USPS #292-0600 Name Iosif Begun of the Perm Labor Camp who Second Class Postage paid at New has been waiting to emigrate from the Soviet York, New York POSTMASTER. Send address to: Address Union since the Helsinki Accords were changes sign¬ Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun ed on August 1, 1975. 125 East 85th Street City State Zip New York, New York 10028 KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN Page Seven


BIRTHS WEDDINGS Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Zew Braun upon Mazel tov to our Treasurer and Trustee, Nor¬ the birth of their son, Aryeh Dov. Similar good man and Tova Bulow, upon the marriage of wishes to the proud great grandmother, Mrs. their son, Ephraim to Alisa Beach of Portland, Rita Kaufman. Oregon. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Colvin Mazel tov to Dr. Warren Hammerschlag upon upon the birth of their son, Jeremiah Paul. his marriage to Deborah Shapiro. Similar good Similar good wishes to the proud grandparents, wishes to the bride's parents, our Trustee, Ir¬ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Colvin and Mr. and Mrs. win and Ruth Shapiro and to the proud grand¬ Heinz Eppler. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Feder. DAVID EDWARD GITTLEMAN Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Merkin Mazel tov to Rabbi Bernard Mandelbaum Mazel tov to our new member Mrs. Corinne upon the birth of their grandson, Aryeh Lev, upon his marriage to the former Marcelle Rett- Gittleman and to the entire Gittelman family on born to their children Ezra and Lauren Merkin. ner of Mt. Vernon. the Bar Mitzvah of her son, David Edward Git¬ tov and Mazel to Mr. Mrs. George Rohr tleman, which took place on Saturday, upon the birth of their daughter, Rebecca COMMUNAL RECOGNITION September 7. David read from the weekly por¬ Malka. Similar good wishes to the proud grand¬ tion of Ki Tavo as well as the Prophetic portion. We are pleased to note that Mrs. Rachel Op- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nash and to the David is a student in the eighth grade of the penheim was elected to serve on the Presidium nachas schepping great grandmother, Mrs. Rabbi of the Executive Board of the Stern College Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School of Joseph Nash. Ramaz. Alumnae Association for the year 1985-86. Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Schulman upon the birth of their son. Maxwell Richard. Mazel tov to Alan Singer and Diana Bletter CONDOLENCES upon the birth of their son, Solomon Bletter Our condolences to Mrs. Alexander Gross 3tt iHemoriam Singer. upon the passing of her brother, Steven Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Mandell. jonas adler Waldman Our condolences to Mrs. Martin Klein upon upon the birth of their fourth son, We lost a veteran member of the con¬ Joseph Jeremiah. Similar good wishes to Mr. the passing of her sister, Muriel Litke. gregation during the summer. Suddenly, and Mrs. Israel Waldman upon the birth of their Our condolences to Dr. Norman Orentreich without any warning, Jonas Adler was taken grandson, who is named for Israel Waldman's upon the passing of his brother, Seymour from his family and from us. father who Orentreich. only recently passed away. He loved Kehilath Jeshurun. Occupying Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. John Wolff upon Our condolences to Dr. Yaakov Shechter a seat in the front of the synagogue, the smile the birth of their daughter, Sarah Eppler Wolff. upon the passing of his mother, Sonia Shechter. on his face reflected a happiness at being Similar good wishes to the proud grandparents, Our condolences to our devoted bookkeeper, part of our prayer community and a joy in Mr and Mrs. Heinz Eppler. Hattie Murphy, upon the passing of her mother, association with many of our religious May these children grow up in the finest Blanche Murphy. tradi¬ fellowship whom he had known for decades. tion ofTorah, Chupah and Ma'asim Tovim. We hope that all of the families will be spared He was a man of generosity, refinement and further sorrow for many years to come. deep concern for the Jewish people and for humanity in general. Together with his son PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT and family we mourn his passing. Congratulations to Mrs. Leila Zuckerman ENGAGEMENTS upon her appointment as Principal of P.S. 124 in Queens. Mrs. Zuckerman is a wonderful Mazel tov to Mrs. Harry Etra upon the benjamin mandelker educator. engagement of Her son, Donald, to Paula May she contribute to the enhance¬ ment of the academic We mourn the passing of the former Vice Weiner of Los Angeles. opportunities of all of the children in her school. President of our congregation who had mov¬ Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koppel ed into our community nineteen years ago unon the engagement of their son, Steven to together with his family and who, since that Lynette Perlman, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT time, was a source of encourage¬ Martin Perlman of Mobile, Alabama. strength, Congratulations to Rachel Chesner, daughter ment and counsel to our congregational Mazel tov to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Scharf- of Nechi and Noam Shudofsky, upon her family. stein upon the engagement of their son, David, graduation from the Frances Payne Bolton Ben Mandelker was a unique personality to Sara Feldman. daughter of Naomi Goldstein School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve who combined Feldman and Franklin Feldman. The bride-to- knowledge, wisdom and University with a Doctorate of Nursing degree. menschlichkeit with a love of be the people which is granddaughter of the late Dr. Eli Rachel was elected to Sigma Theta Tau, the na¬ in turn inspired love from A Goldstein who was a member of our others. brilliant congrega¬ tional honor society for nurses. lawyer, he was also a committed servant of tion for many years. Congratulations to Mrs. Roberta Shechter the Jewish community. He served as Vice Mazel tov to Mrs. Esther Wachtel upon the upon her graduation as a certified psychoanalyst President of the UOJCA, a founder of the engagement of her daughter. Vicki Schanker, from the Postgraduate Center for Mental Health Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, an in¬ to Howard Robbins of Long Beach. in New York City. Mrs. Shechter received the novator in in Long Island Jewish Mazel tov to Dr. and Mrs. David Center Postgraduate Achievement Award for Hospital and in a variety of other important Woldenberg upon the engagement of their the best case presentation submitted to the capacities. daughter, Rona to Dr. Bert Greenberg of Center in 1985. We extend our heartfelt condolences to his Woodbury, L.I. We are happy to announce that Dr. Yaakov beloved wife Evelyn who was a great source May each of these weddings take place in Shechter's book BIOLOGY, a high school tex¬ of strength to him, to his loving and devoted 1 ippiness and in blessing. tbook, (co-authored with H.D. Goodman), was children Ronne and Phil and to all the recently published by Harcourt Brace members of the bereaved family. Jovanovich. Page Eight KEHILATH JESHURUN BULLETIN

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Avrum Davis...... Cantor Israel D Rosenberg Ritual Director (914) 682-4766 Phillip Goldenberg Robert J Leifert Executive Director 212-631-4217 Jamie A. Lassner Youth Director V.I.P. Health Care Officers of the Congregation Services. Harry W Baumgarten Hon. President Max J Etra. Hon. President Nathan Salzman...... Hon. President RIVERSIDE Telephone (212) 744-9360 Benjamin Brown President MEMORIAL CHAPEL Stanley Gurewitsch. . . Vice-President Norman Bulow Treasurer CARL GROSSBERG ROBERT Dr Mortimer Blumcnthal Secretary LANDA, D.M.D. Rae Gurewitsch Pres. Ststd. ANDREW FIER General Dentistry Dr Theodore Goldstein Pres. Men's Club Directors Isaac Pollak Pres. Couples' Club Office Staff 180 West 76th St. Florence Cohen Eileen Shore Chana Wolk Office Hours 944 Park Ave. Iris Hillner (at AMSTERDAM AVE.) By Appointment New York, N.Y. Hattie Murphy Bookkeeper ENdicott 2-6600 Closed Saturday 10028